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MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) .P5 B323 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DIRECTOR'S 1993 SUMMARY B. OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS AND OVERVIEW I OVERVIEW II PUBLIC RELATIONS (REGIONS 1 AND 2) III SAFETY IV NEW CONSTRUCTION (REGIONS 1 AND 2) V MAINTENANCE VI TRAINING VII SEARCH AND RESCUE VIII LAW ENFORCEMENT IX SPECIAL ACTIVITIES X PROJECTION OF MAJOR PROJECTS FOR 1994-95 XI 1993 BAXTER STATE PARK VOLUNTEER PROGRAM XII APPENDIX C. SCIENTIFIC FOREST MANAGEMENT AREA I ISSUES AND ADMINISTRATION II FOREST EDUCATION III PUBLIC RELATIONS IV FOREST OPERATIONS V OTHER ACTIVITIES D. INFORMATION/EDUCATION I PUBLIC PROGRAMS II NATURAL AREAS ASSOCIATION 1993 ANNUAL CONFERENCE III PARK USE COMMITTEE IV RESULTS FROM 1993 MOUNTAIN PATROL FORMS V LOON COUNT VI OPENING DAY 1993 VII RESEARCH - 1993 VIII NOTES AND HIGHLIGHTS FROM 1993 IX APPENDIX E. ADMINISTRATIVE SER~CES I PERSONNEL CHANGES II TRAINING III CONTRACT SERVICES IV SUPPLY V DONATION ACCOUNT VI STATISTICAL REPORT VII PERSONNEL LISTING a. ORGANIZATION CHART b. YEAR ROUND c. SEASONAL F. FINANCIAL REPORT G. DIRECTOR'S CONCLUDING REMARKS H. APPENDIX I AUTHORITY/ADVISORY LISTING/SUB-COMMITTEES II DIRECTOR'S COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE III HARPSWELL COMMITTEE IV SCIENTIFIC FOREST MANAGEMENT AREA V SCIENTIFIC STUDY REVIEW COMMITTEE B. DIRECTOR'S 1993 SUMMARY DIRECTOR'S 1993 SUMMARY As I reflect on our accomplishments during 1993, I take a great deal of satisfaction in what we were able to do for Maine people as we serve this Park. The detailed accomplishments outlined in this report speak for themselves. We often wonder if there are enough hours in a day or within a week to do all of the things that we have proposed with the human resources that we have to accomplish those tasks. As your Administrator, I have spent much of 1993 attending meetings, coordinating opera.tional efforts, supporting and assisting the Authority, working closely with the Baxter State Park Advisory Committee members individually, as well as at Advisory and Authority meetings. It has also been my pleasure during this year to work with organizations, other agencies and Maine people who have a particular interest in Baxter State Park, explaining, reporting, coordinating and assisting them as well as benefiting from them, their perspectives and what our Park represents, and how it should be managed. To illustrate those communication efforts, we have on file here at Park Headquarters our inventory of correspondence which consists of over 12 pages of titled topics which I have worked on with people this season. Although this inventory is too lengthy to put into the report, I trust it will be helpful to have in the files for future reference. If one may have a curiosity as to the volume and types of topics that we address and discuss in the course of a year, one may contact the office. Of course this inventory is supplemented by a long-standing and up-to-date indexing of Authority meetings and Advisory meetings minutes. The Authority minutes are further broken down into an inventory of topics by discussion and also topics by vote. Due to the lateness of this report, I think it appropriate that I comment on opening day 1994. Within the contents of this report, you will note that first day of operations was a relatively busy and challenging day here in Millinocket. By using the Heritage Motel as a facility to register our guests, we were able to provide a comfortable and more relaxed setting for the users as well as a much improved atmosphere at Park Headquarters. The Clerks were dealing with a half dozen people at a time vs. trying to deal with up to 100 people in one building. The results of our efforts in trying to provide a more manageable atmosphere were very good and the first day of operations is classified as being successful, from feedback I have received. OVer 350 people came to Millinocket to get their confirmation for facilities for 1994. All were greeted with professionalism and most received their first choices; all received some type of facility. Public relations were good. We appreciate the patience of those who come to visit us on that day and I am extremely appreciative of staff's efforts in making this a smooth operation. We did receive a couple of complaints which are to be expected considering the volume of people and reservation requests. We think we've made some good steps in the reservation process and 1 will continue to try to improve on it. During the year we have worked on a number of different contro versial issues. The first we were confronted with was the issue of predator control in Baxter Park and the appropriateness and need for it. We had received some requests from Park staff as well as Maine Warden Service and public sector to initiate some predator control techniques on the north end of the Park in the hunting zone, mainly the Matagamon/Little East Stream area. My position, initially, was similar to the one that I had understood that Governor Baxter to take in earlier years on this issue; that being that if a predator was threatening the existence of a game species, in this instance deer, then the Bax.ter Park Authority may, in cooperation with Inland Fisheries & Wildl.ife, initiate predator control techniques. However if it was not a threat to the species, it would not necessarily be in the best interest for the Park and its resources to initiate such a program and that the resources should be able to interact in a natural environment without interference. I had long discussions with Commissioner Vail on this issue. Advisory member Ray "Bucky" OWen was asked to meet with a sub-committee to discuss this and report back to me with information. It was accomplished., and after evaluating the information submitted and talking to Commissioner Vail, we concurred that predator control should not be initiated by Inland Fisheries & Wildlife unl.ess Baxter Park requested such action. I believe that decision is consistent with the position that Governor Baxter took when he was establishing guidelines for the Authority on this subject many years ago. It's interesting to note that, nearly a year later, other than some disappointment by various individuals represented in those discussions, we have not noted a negative impact to the natural resources of our Park. I firmly believe that much of the need identified for predator control, between the coyote and the deer, was based on a special interest and a concern of competition by hunters vs. the coyote. Economics were certainly a part of the discussion and, in any other circumstances, may be considered appropriate. However, here at Baxter, we must consider the impact on the natural resources and not make our decisions based on special interest or economical benefits, but rather let nature prevail where the resources "may live, grow, flourish and die in nature's endless cycle." (P.P. Baxter Deeds of Trust). A maj or undertaking this year was the revision of the Baxter State park Management Plan. Our policy calls for this plan to be revised and updated at 5-year intervals. In order to have the final works ready to be printed, we started early on in 1993 and, at the drafting of this Annual Report, I am pleased to report that the Unit Management Pl.an and the Togue Pond Plan have gone through the process, the Togue Pond Plan, reviewed by the general public at 2 public meetings, reported upon to the Baxter Park Authority, and approved by the Baxter Park Authority at their May meeting in Millinocket. The entire work is on its way to the printer and we should have it back in final form within a couple weeks. The Scientific Forest Management Area portion of the Plan is yet to be revised, but it is listed as a relatively high 2 priority and I anticipate that it will be forthcoming as soon as Jensen and the SFMA Advisory Committee have the opportunity to devote some time to a work session on that. The Plan as a whole has been a helpful tool in managing Baxter State Park. Its basic principles developed from the Deeds of Trust, numbering 28 between 1931 and 1962. These have been the basics for our working tool referred to today as the Management Plan. We have had some excellent assistance and support in the initial development of the Plan as well as the revisions at the various 5-year intervals. This year was no exception. Bob Ohler, who had worked on the original Plan, served as the Chair of the Management Plan Sub-Committee and coordinated the various stages of the work sessions. Due to some health problems within his family, he needed to pass that coordination on to another Committee member. consequently Roy Farnsworth, Chair of the Baxter Park Advisory Committee, appointed Shirley Burke as the new Chair. Our thanks to Shirley and Bob both for their efforts in helping us accomplish this proj ect. Also our thanks to Shirley for providing a meeting facility centrally located in Brewer at the Abnaki Scout Council Headquarters for most of our work sessions. The facility provided an excellent opportunity from the standpoint of being complete, but also from geographical location and all of us working appreciate very much Shirley and the Girl Scouts' efforts in making this work place available.