
Sharyn Blaustein Volume 23 Principal Issue 31  May 19, 2017 32 , 5777 Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA Rabbi THE VOICE OF OUR CHILDREN


 Please visit our website www.lihagn.org for the FULL newsletter in color!

Message from Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA, Rabbi

Shalom My Dear Friends, Parents and Students,

I hope everyone is enjoying the Could this be true? Rashi does not welcome wave of good weather. The soften the words of Chazal but adds children certainly are. that living outside the land of Israel is This coming week we celebrate like worshiping idols. These are harsh Jerusalem, Yom Yerushalyim, 50 years words especially from someone who since the reunification of the old city. also lived outside the land of Israel. Who, prior to June 1967, dared believe What could the Talmud and Rashi be that Israel would not only win a war on teaching? three fronts but make available the I suggest that these verses and their Kotel HaMa’aravi, the western wall for interpretation are especially relevant prayer to . today. It is hard not to see the hand of The pasuk in this weeks Perasha says Hashem over the last 70 years as follows: “I am Hashem your G-d especially as it relates the who brought you out of the land of establishment of the state of Israel, its Egypt to give you the land of Canaan, wars and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. to be your G-d”. The Chachamim ask Hashem’s most evident miracles have why add the words “to be your G-d” at taken place in Israel. the end of the pasuk? It sounds Maybe that is what the verse intends redundant? They answer as follows: on teaching us. Only one who lives in the land of Israel has a G-d, one who lives outside the Shabbath Shalom land of Israel is comparable to one without a G-d (TB Ketubot 110b).

Parashat Behar-Bechukosai Candle Lighting time is at 7:55 p.m. Havdalah time is at 9:01 p.m.

Mayor Celender Visits LIHA’s Kindergarten Class

nd May 23 - 2 Grade Writing Celebration May 30 thru June 2

Shavuot Recess

Lag B’Omer

Mr. & Mrs. Take A Look At LIHA The following Marc Dorwitt parents have for Noach’s donated a book birthday to the LIHA Mr. & Mrs. Toddler Library in honor Ashir Pirouzian for Yael’s of their This week we learned about Chag . G-d birthday children’s gave us a present of the . We read the birthday… Mr. David Soleimani & Ms. book, “When the world was quiet”. We started to Shula Ograd for practice for our graduation. Jordana’s Shabbat Shalom birthday


Our class is continuing to learn about the holiday of Shavuot and how special the Torah is. In addition the children are working on a special “Mitzvoth Book”. Story time is a special time of day in our classroom. Each day we read some of our favorite books and the children’s joy and happiness is felt throughout the room. Our Shabbat Ima & Abba were Esther & Liam. Shabbat Shalom

Pre K

We had a great week celebrating Lag BaOmer. The children danced to music, picked ice-cream from the ice cream truck and got their faces ראש for ”ר“ painted! We learned the Hebrew letter ”We also learned the English letter "X .רכבת and for x-ray and xylophone. The children were very excited to see our caterpillars finally become cocoons! We had lots of fun celebrating Jake & Abigail’s 5th birthday! Our Shabbat Ima & Abba were Liel & Ariel

Kindergarten English

"Building with Dad" was the main story this past week. The amazing words were groundbreaking, trenches, gleaming, foundation, waterproof and welding as we answered the question, “how is a school built?” We compared and contrasted, worked on homes for people and animals, verbs and drew conclusions. Mayor Celender (she presides over Great Neck Village) came to read to us. That was quite a treat. For science we discussed what weather is. What fun we had for Lag BaOmer! Shabbat Shalom and enjoy the weekend.

Kindergarten Hebrew

In this week's first Parasha "Behar" we learned about some very important Mitzvot that apply in the land of Israel. First is" Shemittah". The same the seventh day of the week is Shabbat, every seventh year is Shabbat for the land, when the land gets to rest. This means that for 6 years, farmers may work on the land, sowing seeds, pruning and harvesting the fruit and vegetables so that they can sell it and make money. But on the 7th year, the year of Shemittah, the land must be allowed to rest. Anything that grows becomes free for anybody who wants to just pick and enjoy. We are still counting the Omer everyday and we went over the story of "Megilat Ruth ". Last but not least, we celebrated "Lag Ba Omer" on Monday by having the ice cream van in the playground and choosing our favorites ice cream as well as dancing and listening to Israel music. Of course we letters, as well as getting ready for א-ב continue practicing our our graduation!!!! were Ahava K. & Oriel שבת אמא ואבא This week's 1st Grade English  This week the first grade has been working very hard completing the NYSESLAT test. I know they all did their best. We have also had a lot of excitement in the room because of our caterpillars. Everyday the kids are running over to see if there has been any changes from the day before. In math we began chapter 10. We are learning all about bar graphs. We had a very busy week! Hope you all have a relaxing weekend! 1st Grade Hebrew This week we learned many parts of the body in Hebrew, the kids enjoyed practicing that "יום ירושלים" the words and watching videos related to the subject. In honor of and learned about ירושלים will celebrate next week, we learned about the history of .בחוקותי and בהר special places in the city. We end the week learning parasha Shabbat Shalom!

2nd Grade English

Second grade had a fantastic week. The students loved to learn about picture graphs and tally charts in math. We will be finishing Chapter 10 next week and will have the test before vacation. The children are looking forward to the writing celebration next Tuesday and we would love to see all the parents. Shabbat Shalom!

2nd Grade Hebrew We finished learning last two Paroshiot of Sefer Vayikra, Behar and Bechukoschi. We are moving along in Choumash. I am very proud to say the children are working very nicely.

3rd Grade English

This week the third grade is wrapping up chapter 8 in math. We will be having a math test soon. We also began our research project this week. This year’s topic is Presidents. The kids are very excited to start their research. Please encourage your child to do their best work on this project. It can be a lot of fun if the whole family gets involved. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

3rd Grade Hebrew

We celebrated Lag B'omer this week and it was lots of fun. We worked all week on Shem hagoof (body name) in order to change our sentence from present tense to past tense. The children will have a test on Monday. Please remind them to study. We are learning and getting ready for the up coming holiday of Shavuot. Shabbat shalom

4th Grade English

The 4th grade has had a fun week learning through drawings how to convert fractions. They are also learning that schools in the southwest, during earlier years (1800's-early 1900's) combined their classrooms with children of all ages. They had a great week.

4th Grade Hebrew This week we had a great presentation in class. The subject was “Israel”. Each child prepared a poster about different cities in Israel. They all exchanged information about the city. They learned all the presentations.

th 5 Grade English

The 5th grade has begun unit 9 in math. They have begun their investigation into all the different types of graphs there are. They are also continuing their reading of, “No Talking”.

5th Grade Hebrew

5th grade has been learning to recite haftara with Taamim. We are learning the famous haftara of Parashat Noach and Ki Tetze, "Roni Akara." We have also started learning about Shavuot, and Mikraa Sheli and we leaned Parashat Behar Bechukotai