Weapon Changes The Ball & Chain is a rough but effective weapon in the Base Weapon Changes right hands. When a chain is wielded in two hands its You can rename your weapon to any similar weapon that reach increases by 5ft and you can take the shove action to damage type. For example, you can call your Warhammer a attempt to prone a target within the chain's reach. Mace or Morning Star, or your Longsword a Bastard or Creatures wielding or carrying Chains have Disadvantage Leaf Sword, or your Trident a Boar Spear, etc. on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks unless the chain is made of Mithril. Creatures proficient with martial weapons, Basic Poison deals 1d4 poison damage when a weapon or Monks, and Rogues are proficient with Chains. arrow coated in it hits a target. If Basic Poison is imbibed Bola are weights attached to a short rope which, when the creature must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw thrown correctly and they hit a creature, can wrap around or take 4d4 poison damage, or half as much on a the limbs of a creature and ensnare them. When you hit a successful save. Large or smaller creature with a bola, it must make a Heavy weapon drawbacks that would affect a Small Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your creature do not affect them if the creature has Strength 15 proficiency bonus + your Dexterity or Strength modifier or or higher. be restrained by it. Standard Bolas have Leather Straps. If Heavy Crossbows have a 1d12 damage die. restrained so while the creature is moving its speed Nets have a range of 10/20. immediately becomes 0 and it falls prone. A creature can Tridents are 1d8 Versatile 1d10 weapons. end this condition by a Strength (Athletics) check with a Versatile weapons wielded in two hands can Parry. DC equal to the chain or strap DC strength as an action or Whips are now a starting weapon proficiency for Bards, by dealing 5 slashing damage to the bolas' chain or strap. Monks, and Rogues. Formless creatures are immune to the effect of a Parry When a creature is hit by a melee attack they can nonmagical bolas. Creatures proficient with martial attempt to parry the blow with a weapon or shield that has weapons, Monks, and Rogues are proficient with bolas. the Parry feature, adding +2 to their AC against the attack. Caestus are reinforced gloves which both protect and improve the punches. All creatures are proficient with Caestus. Composite Bows are complex and powerful shortbows New Weapons made in a recurve design. This means the weapon has Name Cost Damage Weight Properties greater power, but also requires greater strength from its Ball & 1d8 versatile (1d10), user as a result. A creature must have at least 13 Strength 15gp 5 lbs. Chain bludgeoning special to wield a Composite bow. Creatures proficient with martial weapons, Bards, and Rogues are proficient with 1d6 finesse, special, Bola 2gp 2 lbs. Composite bows. bludgeoning range 20/60 Composite Warbows are massive and complex longbows 1d4 made in a recurve design. This means the weapon has Caestus 2gp 1 lbs. light bludgeoning greater power, but also requires greater strength from its user as a result. A creature must have at least 15 Strength Ammunition Composite 1d8 to wield a Composite Warbow. Creatures proficient with 75gp 3 lbs. (range 120/400), Bow piercing two-handed martial weapons are proficient with Composite Warbows. A Parrying is a short designed to catch Ammunition and other weapons to block or misdirect an attack. Composite 1d10 (range 180/700), 200gp 5 lbs. A creature can Parry as a reaction while wielding one, as Warbow piercing heavy, two- well as use it to attack. Unlike more balanced a handed parrying dagger is ill suited for being thrown. Creatures Parrying 1d4 light, finesse, proficient with martial weapons, Rogues, Bards, Warlocks 5gp 1 lbs. Dagger piercing parry and Monks are proficient with Parrying Daggers.

1 Armor Chains and Restraints

Name Cost Weight Properties Name Cost AC DC HP Weight Buckler 8gp 2lbs. +1 AC, light, parry Leather Straps 20sp 11 10 5 1(-) lbs. Pavise 30gp 15lbs. +2 AC, heavy Rope 1gp 11 15 5 5(n/a) lbs. Spiked Shield 15gp 5 lbs. +1 AC, light Iron Chain 5gp 18 19 10 10(2) lbs. Tower Shield 50gp 45 lbs. +2 AC, heavy Steel Chain 15gp 19 20 10 9(2) lbs. Mithril Chain 1200gp 21 22 15 4(0.5) lbs. Adamantium Chain 5000gp 23 25 20 15(3) lbs.

Buckler While wielding a Buckler your Armor Class weight is halved for chains used as a weapon increases by 1. When you are wearing a buckler and are weight in ( ) is weight added to a Bola if the leather straps targeted by a melee weapon attack you can use your are replaced reaction to attempt to Parry the blow. You can don or doff a cost for chains is halved when added to a Bola buckler as a bonus action on your turn. Creatures proficient with light armor are proficient with Bucklers. Pavise While wielding a Pavise your Armor Class increases by 2 but your movement speed decreases by 5. As a Bonus Action you can plant your Pavise on the The DC of chains and restraints refers to the DC required to ground. It counts as half cover while planted. You can pick break them with a Strength (Athletics) check. it back up as an Action on your turn, or it can be knocked Creatures bound by them can also attempt a Dexterity over by any creature as an Action or Bonus Action by (Acrobatics) check to escape with Disadvantage against the succeeding on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. same DC. Creatures that are proficient with normal shields are Subsequent checks to break or escape the restraints after proficient with a Pavise. the first attempt incur one level of Exhaustion after, even if the Spiked Shield While wielding a Spiked Shield your Armor result is successful. Successful Strength (Athletics) checks Class increases by 1. A Spiked Shield doubles as a melee destroy the restraints, which can be repaired for 1/10th their weapon which deals 1d4 piercing damage. When you take cost. Successful Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks do not destroy the Attack Action while holding a Spiked Shield you can them. make an attack with a Spiked Shield as a Bonus Action. Creatures that are proficient with regular shields are proficient with Spiked Shields both as shields and a weapon. Tower Shield While wielding a Tower Shield your Armor Class increases by 2 but your movement speed decreases by 5 and you have Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. While holding a Tower Shield you are considered under the effect of half cover against ranged attacks, and count as 3/4ths cover for other creatures you block for purposes of ranged weapon and spell attacks as well. You can use your action to brace against the shield, setting your speed to 0 until the start of your next turn, but gaining full cover against ranged attacks and causing melee weapon attacks to have Disadvantage against you until the start of your next turn.

2 Special Equipment

Name Cost Modifier Weight Modifier Adamantine Weapons x3 x2 Adamantine Equipment x2 x2 Mithril Weapons x2 x0.5 Mithril Equipment x2 x0.5 Orichalum Weapons x3 x1 Orichalum Equipment x2 x1

Adamantine Equipment Adamantine is considered effectively indestructible. It is a heavy pitch black material that still shines in the faintest light when polished. Armor and weapons made of it weigh twice as much, and only heavy armor and non Hide medium armor may be made of the material. Adamantine Weapons Melee weapons and ammunition made of or coated with adamantine are unusually effective when used to break objects. Whenever an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. Adamantine Armor While you're wearing armor made of Adamantium any critical hit against you does not deal extra damage. Mithril Equipment Mithril is a silvery and light metal, but still stronger than steel. Armor and weapons made of it weigh half as much. Mithral Weapons and Ammunition A weapon made of mithral weighs half as much as a normal weapon of it's kind. Mithral weapons gain the light property if they do not have the heavy property. Arrows or bolts crafted out of mithral increase the short range of bows and crossbows by 60 and 30 respectively. Mithril Armor Armor creafted out of Mithril is lightweight and quiet. It does not impose Disadvantage on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while wearing or carrying it. Orichalcum Equipment Orichalcum, sometimes referred to as phantom metal, is translucent and mint-green in appearance. Because of it's inherent properties, only certain weapons and armor can be made using the metal. Orichalcum Weapon A weapon made of orichalcum must be a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage. Such a weapon is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming the damage resistance and immunities of creatures with an Etherealness feature, and can strike creatures that are hidden on the Ethereal Plane as if they were on the Material Plane. Orichalcum Armor While wearing armor composed of Orichalcum, creatures with the Etherealness feature have disadvantage when attacking you. Armor made from the substance must be heavy or non Hide medium armor.