The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______


Mihaela Sencovici*

Key words: plain, surface, hydrographic arteries, railroad network, roads

Abstract: The human intervention is strongly felt in Târgovişte Plain. Here, man has transformed most of the forest in agricultural terrains, building areas, ways of communication etc. The agricultural terrains include: arable terrain (53 762 ha), grazing fields (8 451 ha), hay fields (1 080 ha) and in small proportions, only nearby the Sub-Carpathians, orchards (1 689 ha) and vineyards (223 ha). Of the total surface of 102 078 ha of this plain situated at the foot of the mountain, 36 873 ha belong to the non-agricultural fund (36.12% of the total surface), while the waters occupy 3 495 ha of it, and the ways of communication cover 2 049 ha.

SHORT HISTORY The way the geographic area is used greatly depends on how favorable the natural factors are, on the productive potential and on the works of improvement. At present the agricultural surface has dwindled because of the settlements that have become larger and because of the ways of communication that have multiplied, because of the industry and the pollution it causes. The agricultural area, defined as land exploited by cultivating plants, represents a component of the rural area, having certain limits imposed by the relief, the soil and the climatic conditions. The human intervention is strongly felt in Târgovişte Plain. Here, man has transformed most of the forest in agricultural terrains, building areas, ways of communication etc. Today, the forests of Târgovişte Plain are just the remains of the old forest, where the forest vegetation finds however very good conditions of recovery, occupying any un- worked territory (by comparison with the Satmari map 1857, the forest has shrunk a lot). In the areas that are favorable to the development of the forests, the agricultural lands remain good for agriculture only if man takes care of them. If they are deserted for several years, the forest, as a natural element characteristic for the respective area, returns, occupying little by little the uncultivated land. In order to maintain their good productivity, the terrains from the forest area require special care. Naturally, the fertility of such terrains is relatively low, especially from the viewpoint of the soil’s characteristics, but the climatic conditions are, on the whole, favorable to the development of the specific local cultures, and especially of fodder plants. For this it is necessary for the soils to be improved from the viewpoint of their fertility (with fertilizers), of their acidity and of their aero-hydro regime. Besides, in Târgovişte Plain there are as well some communes that have large areas covered by forests: Nucet (721 ha), Cornăţelu (1 219 ha), Mătăsaru (1 372 ha). In Târgovişte Plain, the following agricultural braches have developed: the cultivation of cereals and of vegetables, and, only to some extent, fruit growing and the cultivation of the vine.

* Valahia University of Târgovişte

137 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______Most of the agricultural land is represented by arable land (53 762 ha); then follow the grazing fields (8451 ha), hay fields (1080 ha) and, in small proportions, only at the limit with the Sub-Carpathians, we can find orchards (1689 ha) and vineyards (223 ha).

Table no.1. The structure of territorial fund Denomination [ha] Agricultural terrain 65 205 -arable 53 762 -grazing fields 8 451 -hay fields 1 080 -vineyards 223 -orchards 1 689 Non-agricultural terrain 36 873 -forests 25 683 -waters 3 495 -roads and railroads 2 049 -yards and buildings 5 263 -unproductive terrains 383

For some of the arable terrains, irrigation works have been previewed, and on large areas irrigation systems have been created, in the villages and communes from the low plain area: Ulmi, Comişani, Băleni, Nucet, Cornăţelu, Sălcioara, Dobra and Conţeşti. The largest irrigated areas from Târgovişte Plain used to be in the localities: Târgovişte (760 ha), Băleni (740 ha), (250 ha), Comişani (990 ha) and Dobra (226 ha). Today they function only partially. In Târgovişte Plain, in time, the structure and the geographic distribution of the types of terrains have changed, being noted especially the continuous growth of the agricultural areas following the turning to good account of some unproductive and weakly productive terrains, the deforestation of some areas, which were then cultivated with orchards and vineyards, and, on the other hand, modifications resulted based on the shrinking of some surfaces, because of the economic changes generated by the extension of the built areas. Beginning with the 19th century, we witness a restructuring of the terrains – determined by the increase of the population and of the interest for exploiting the land – and a creation of new settlements better fitted for the inhabitants’ interests. The process of the demographic increase in Târgovişte Plain was characterized in time by a progressive evolution, which was reflected in the continuous enlargement of the built area, helped by a favorable geographic position and by significant ground and underground resources. For instance, in 1838, the population doubled in comparison to the beginning of the 19th century, reaching a value of over 25 000 inhabitants. In support of this affirmation comes a Russian map achieved in 1838, which confirms the existence of more than 60 localities of the present total number of localities of Dâmboviţa County, which is of 295. The number of households mentioned by this document demonstrates the large number of inhabitants that these localities included. The geological substratum also constituted a favorable factor for the demographic growth, through the existence of some underground resources, even if they are not really part of Târgovişte Plain. The coal, oil and natural gas exploitations are among the first that have been made in . The oldest oil exploitation area dates from the beginning of the 20th century at Gura Ocniţei (1901) and (1903). In time they extended south, towards Ialomiţa Valley and south-east, at Bucşani, Bilciureşti, Cojasca.

138 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______After 1960, new explorations were made and important oil fields were found, which were then exploited using modern methods (Titu, , Broşteni, Cobia, Lunguleţu and Costeşti din Vale), to which we can add the natural gas exploitations from Gura Şuţii and Brăteştii de Jos. In agriculture, important modifications occurred after 1989. By the application the Law of the land fund, important changes intervened in the structure of the agricultural cultures. Before 1989, culture rotation was a main element, but after the application of the Law of the land fund, the cultivation took place depending on each owner’s interests. Thus, we can notice the diminishing of the areas cultivated with cereals in favor of the cultivation of fodder plants (lucerne, clover). Another change is the fact that some terrains were not turned to good use, their owners preferring this thing because of the high cost of the agricultural works.

2. THE SURFACE OCCUPIED BY WATERS In Târgovişte Plain, the lithology and the relief, the precipitation regime and the vegetation are the main factors that determine the characteristics of the surface and underground waters. The hydrographic arteries, belonging to two major basins of the Romanian territory, namely Dâmboviţa, a tributary of Argeş, and Ialomiţa, are almost parallel in the north and diverge to the south of the plain. The two rivers, with their respective tributaries, from the plain area, are presented in the table below: Table no. 2. The main rivers and their main tributaries No. River, rivulet and basin Length in km Total Plain 1 2 3 4 A.SABARUL 1 Cobia 24 21 2 8.5 7.5 3 Cuparul 14 13 A Manastirea - - B Silistea 9.5 9.5 4 Matasaru 20 9 5 Fiasin 8 3.5 6 Hoarului 10.5 8.5 7 Suta 36 26.5 A Ursoaia 10 10 B Valea Seaca - - C Suta Seaca 36 26.5 D Persinari 22 11 B.DAMBOVITA 8 Dâmbovita 237 50 9 Valea Satului 14 14 10 Ilfov 12 12 A Mierea-Radacina 17 16 11 Colentina 80 2 A Baranga 20 14 B 30 1 C.IALOMITA 12 Ialomita 400 42 13 Izvoarele 8 8 14 Racovita 11 11 15 Brazilor 20 6 16 Slanicul de Sus 16 4 17 Slanicul de Jos 22 9

139 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______The lakes from Târgovişte Plain are divided into natural and man-made lakes. The natural lakes are represented by the lakes formed in the river meadows of the main rivers, Ialomiţa and Dâmboviţa, and of their tributaries; some of them appear in the summer when the local rivers (Dragodana and Siliştea) have a very low flow and turn into lakes.

Table no. 3. Man-made lakes

The underground waters from Târgovişte Plain are found at different depths, depending on the degree of permeability and on the depth and extension of the rocks that contain them, namely in the river meadows (in deposits of gravels, sands, clays) at just a few meters underground, while on the interfluves they appear at depths of 15-25m. By their flows and hydro-chemical characteristics, they represent an important water reserve. Moreover, given the little lithologic differentiation and the climatic conditions, they present continuity and flow throughout the year, being permanent. The springs are closely connected to the position of the underground water reported to the main forms of relief. Thus, the springs with a considerable flow appear in the area of contact between the plain situated at the foot of the mountain and the Sub-Carpathian hills, as well as at the contact between the subsidence plain and the basis of the last weakly outlined relief tiers. In the river meadows and terraces, the springs appear as successive lines at the basis of the dejection cones, superposed and juxtaposed. At the same time, the appearing of the springs is influenced as well by the drainage of underground waters (NW, SE), which results in a large number of rivers on the right side of Dâmboviţa Valley. At the same time, the underground waters from the interfluve Dâmboviţa-Ialomiţa contribute to the formation of some springs with a rich flow, like those situated on the right side of Ialomiţa, between the localities Lazuri and Racoviţa. Out of the total surface of Târgovişte Plain, which is of 102 078 ha, 3 494 ha (9.48% of the agricultural surface) are covered by waters. Of the 22 administrative units, 3 have under 50 ha, 5 between 51 and 100 ha, 5 between 101 and 150 ha, 2 between 151 and 200 ha, 4 between 201 and 250 ha, and 3 more than 250. The largest surface occupied by waters is in Văcăreşti commune (670 ha, that is 56.59% of the total non-agricultural surface), due to the presence of the accumulation lakes.

3. THE SURFACE OCCUPIED BY THE WAYS OF COMMUNICATION The geographic position of Târgovişte Plain is extremely favorable. From times out of mind, Târgovişte town occupied in the area a key-location, guarding the natural corridor represented by the interfluve Ialomiţa-Dâmboviţa. Moreover, this region was crossed by the most important commercial road of those ancient times, which connected Transylvania to the Danube.

140 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______The national, county and communal roads, which make up together the road network of Târgovişte Plain, ensure a good connection between it and the rest of the county, and between it and the neighboring counties, and a satisfactory circulation on its own territory. The Medieval Târgovişte was a settlement on the side of the road, placed along Ialomiţa river and protected since Matei Basarab’s reign by an earthen ditch reinforced with bastions. Four gates, defended by pickets and guards, opened in the direction of the main commercial and post roads: Poarta Buzăului (Buzău Gate), Poarta Bucureştiului ( Gate), Poarta Dealului/Vânătorilor, which ensures the connection with Ialomiţa Valley, and Poarta Dolgopului (Câmpulung and Argeş Gate). The national roads are the main skeleton of the road network from Târgovişte Plain and generally follow the configuration of the relief and of the main hydrographic network, their main directions being NW-SE and NNW-SSE. Târgovişte municipality is situated at the intersection of four national roads: -DN 71 (Bucharest-Răcari-Ulmi-Târgovişte--Sinaia), which follows the course of Dâmboviţa River up to Cuza Vodă, then crosses the interfluve between Ialomiţa and Dâmboviţa and reaches Târgovişte, and continues along Ialomiţa up to Fieni, from where it continues along this river up to Moroieni and beyond, and then along Ialomicioara Rivulet up to Sinaia. DN 71 is 70 km long on the territory of the plain. -DN 72 (Ploieşti-Târgovişte-Găeşti), which crosses the interfluves between Ialomiţa and Dâmboviţa and between Dâmboviţa and Argeş; DN 72 measures 85km on the territory of the plain. -DN 72A (Târgovişte-Câmpulung), which starts from Târgovişte and goes along Dâmboviţa River, through Priseaca to Voineşti, , from where it enters Argeş County and reaches Câmpulung; DN 72 A is 33km long. -DN 1A (Târgovişte-Ulmi-Comişani-Dobra-Bilciureşti-Bucharest) follows the course of Ialomiţa River on its right side. DN 1A measures 72 km on the territory of the plain. The following category, the county roads, ensures the connection between the more significant settlements or groups of settlements and the urban centers, and between the main trajectories of the national roads. -the county road Târgovişte-Văcăreşti-Gura Sutii-Produleşti-Titu, which crosses Dâmboviţa River at Pierşinari. -the county road Târgovişte-Răzvad-Gura Ocniţei-Bucşani-Finta, on the left side of Ialomiţa River -the county road Târgovişte-Răzvad, with two branches, one towards Moroieni and another towards Dărmăneşti. The communal roads complete the elements of this network, having the role of ensuring the connection between the communes, between the villages that make up a commune and between villages from neighboring communes. The railroad network, which crosses the territory of the plain and connects its different localities, is sometimes represented by three railroads: -Titu-Târgovişte-Pietroşiţa -Ploieşti-Răzvad-Târgovişte -Bucureşti-Mătăsaru-Găeşti-Piteşti Bridges. For a simpler communication between the town and the region situated on the other side of Ialomiţa River, where the inhabitants possessed vineyards, orchards and cultivated terrains, it became necessary to build a solid wooden bridge to allow the passage of the carts filled with food or merchandise meant for the urban commerce.

141 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______In September 1840, the bridge was finished, yet it resisted for a few years, being ruined by over-use and by the fury of the waters. In 1853, it is rebuilt, but the construction was finished in 1903, when its name turned from Mihai Vodă into Mihai Bravu. Another bridge is the one of Bănică Pavel, named after the initiator of this construction. This bridge was achieved on Iazul Morilor and was finished in 1903. Conceived as a combined bridge meant both for the railroad and for the road, Teiş Bridge represented an artful work of a great significance for the trajectory of the railroad. The infrastructure was made of stone, while the superstructure was made of metal. It was inaugurated on the 1st of January 1890, during the second stage of the railroad Târgovişte- Lăculeţe. The total surface of the ways of communication is of 2 049 ha, namely 5.56% of the total unproductive surface. Of the 22 administrative units, 2 have under 50 ha, 3 between 51 and 75 ha, 8 between 76 and 100 ha, 7 between 101 and 125 ha and 1 more than 125 ha, like Târgovişte town, with 153 ha. (Table 4, Fig. 1, 2)

Tabel no.4 The weight of the waters and of the ways of communication

Ways of Non –agricultural terrain Waters No. Locality communicational (ha) ha % ha % 1 ANINOASA 1.150 38 3,30 88 7,65 2 BALENI 1.663 304 18,28 86 5,17 3 BUCSANI 2.584 202 7,82 100 3,87 4 COBIA 3.921 34 0,87 115 2,93 5 COMIŞANI 548 200 36,50 44 8,03 6 CORNATELU 1.513 56 3,70 102 6,74 7 DOBRA 1.076 170 15,80 77 7,16 8 DRAGODANA 1.655 55 3,32 139 8,40 9 DRAGOMIRESTI 1.079 200 18,54 84 7,78 10 GURA OCNITEI 2.254 111 4,92 96 4,26 11 GURA SUTII 480 60 12,50 40 8,33 12 3.812 206 5,40 106 2,78 13 MANESTI 2.528 120 4,75 88 3,48 14 MATASARU 1.876 112 5,97 124 6,61 15 NUCET 1.321 359 27,18 77 5,83 16 PRODULESTI 316 49 15,51 72 22,78 17 RAZVAD 1.447 80 5,53 121 8,36 18 SALCIOARA 1.007 157 15,59 87 8,64 19 SOTANGA 2.239 80 3,57 63 2,81 20 TARGOVISTE 2.540 102 4,02 153 6,02 21 ULMI 680 130 19,12 69 10,15 22 VACARESTI 1.184 670 56,59 118 9,97 TOTAL 36.873 3.495 9,48 2.049 5,56

142 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______

Fig. 1 Târgovişte Plain. Transport infrastructure

Fig. 2. Târgovişte Plain. Water bodies

CONCLUSIONS The influence of man’s activity on the geographic landscape is ample, complex and with different effects, depending on the local concrete conditions, opening a large field of observation for the geographic research. By using the terrains according to their diverse interests, men have led on the one hand to the shrinking of the surfaces occupied by natural vegetal formations (replaced by agricultural cultures, secondary vegetal formations or even unproductive terrains, formed as a consequence of the degradation), and on the other hand to more or less obvious modifications of the make up and structure of the vegetation in the areas where the natural vegetation has been preserved. They, in their turn, influenced the hydrological regime, the actual modeling processes, the quality of the soil, etc., triggering overall modifications of the structure of the geographic landscape.

143 The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Geographical Series, Tome 6 -7, 2006 - 2007 ______REFERENCES

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