PUBUSHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH 19';1 4 1971 ".SUS PUBLICATIONS, MADHYA PRADESH ".~I' tl~DSUS Publications of tbis State wiD bear series No. 10)

PART I Census General Report including Subsidiary (in Sub-Parts) Tables.

PART II-A Census Tables on population.

PART II-B Economic Tables. (in Sub-Parts)

PART II-C Social and Cultural Tables. (in Sub-Parts)

PART III-A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables.

PART I[[·B Establishment Tables.

PART IV HousIng Report and Tables.

PART V Special Tables & Ethnographic Notes on (in Sub-Parts) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes.

PART VI-A Town Directory.

PART IV-B Special Survey Reports on selected towns.

PART VI·C Survey Reports on selected villages.

PART VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel.

PART VIlI-A Administration Report-Enumeration.

PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation.

PART IX Census Atlas.

PART IX-A Administrative Atlas


PART X-A Village and Town Directory.

PART X-B Village and Town Primary Census Abstracts.

PART x-c Analytical Report and Administrative statements & District Census Tables.

(District Census Handbook are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A, B & C for each of the 43 disiricts in tht> State. Parts A and B are published in one volume). CONTENTS


1. Preface i·ii

2. List of Abbreviations 1

3. Alpbabetical List of Villagel 3·18

( i) Bhainsdehi Tahsil 3-7 (ii) Betul Tahsil 7-14 (iii) Tahsil 14-18


1. Explanatory Note 21-30

2. Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use) 32·91

( i) Bhainsdehi Tahsil 32-49 (ii) Betul Tahsil 50-73 (iii) Multai Tahsil 74-91

3. Appendix to Village Directory 92-93

4. Town Directory 94-97

( i) Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 94 ( ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 94 (iii) Civic Finance 95 (iv) Civic and other Amenities 96 ( v) Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 96 (vi) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 97 (vii) Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Schzduled Tribes in Towns 97


1. Explanatory Note 101·102

2. Figures at a Glance J03

3. Primary Census Abstract 104-221 District Abstract 104-107 Bhainsdehi Tahsil 108-143 (Rural) 108-143 Betul Tahsil 144-187 (Rural) 144-183 (Urban) 182-187

M ultai Tahsil 188-221 (Rural) 188-217 (Urban) .. 2]8-221


.' Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at the district level re~ing the data collected, although the seeds of the District Census Handboo~ can be traced to the 'yill~ Lists' brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistic.s' of every district published in 1911 and 1941. No definite answer is fo~hcoming as to why such publica>t~ons, giving village-wise inf~rmation of occupied houses, break-up of population into .males/females and. literates, were not br:~)Ught out in 1921 and 1931. The reason could be transfer from 1921 of celltrun ~arges on Census p_:r:evl0usly met from the provincial revenues to the Central revenues ~~d the Government of India may not have considered it necessary to' pUblish statistics upto the village le~l. 'Village Statistics' in 1941 were brought out by the Cellitral Provinces and Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govcrnment has since been continuing.

2. The scope of the diSitrict-wise publications, HOW called the District Census Handb~oks, has been undergoing change with each successive Census from 195~. In 1951, the. District Census Handbooks only contained' the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separate publication' for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by inc:luding non-Census data like climate, agriculture, c(}-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introduc­ tory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfontunately.!. the ~esire to make district-wise Census publications very comprehensive resuhed in late availabi~ity of the book.s Ito the users. Therefore, this time the Di~tri~t Census Handbooks have been divided in~~ three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of aboUlt seven to eight years of inter-Censal decenni~m. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Abstract and Part C various administrative statistics with a -Chapter titled "Introducing the (listrict". It may be mentioned here that subs~quently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of economy.

3. Mru:h of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961. Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note ~n the head office, Separation of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory and the kind Co-operation of the State Government permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade to write th~ chapter on "Introducing the Distriot", likely to go a long way in early pub_l_ication of all the parts of the District Census Handbooks. Anotherfavourable factor this time is the early decision of the State Government to pennit printing in private presses as and when ,the work-load on the State Government Presses is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing out of the District Census Handbook of any district. It would not be out of place to point out here that the work-load in connection with 'the District Census Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the decision to bring out the District Census Handbook.s in Hindi ~s well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in Hindi and 2 in English. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non­ ~ensus data and it is hoped that the combined volume of Pants A and B of aU the 43 districts would be out by ~e end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would be a definite improvement on ,the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

4. In his Preface to 'the 1961 District CensusHandbooks, my predecessor, Shri G. Jagathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not poSSible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and i,t is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational pur­ poses.". It ~as .not ~een possible to adopt tlle development block as the basic unit for operation and presentatIon m ;thlS Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Develop­ ment Officer was abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of ,the Block Development Assistant from 2-10-69 had not taken firm roots up to Ithe time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were. finalised. Secondly, the tahsil as a unit of field arrangements has many more advan­ tages, the most significant being the ready availability of that legendary functionary-the patwari-w~thout whose active co-operation it would be a fonnidable task to determine whether a habited structure in a cultivated. field is part of village X or Y. Even, otherwise, since village-wise figures are available, it s~ould not be difficult for those in need of data for intermediate units between the village and the tahsil, lIke the development block or patwari halka, to compile it by adding figures of concerned villages. !he tahsil has for long bcen a fixed unit of administration and, to my mind, should be retained m preference to the development block whose jurisdiction may undergo a change in JI(;l:()rdance with the pace of future development. 2

5. In conclusion, I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having ~ kindly agreed to undertake the publication C?f the Handbooks in liindi as well as english to the various governmelllt and semi-government offices for un-hesita!tingly making available the non-Census sta,tistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for arranging early printing in the Government and private Presses. -

BHOPAL: A. K. P~NDYA 1'5th AugtUt# 197'" 1


I Chic AdmIDII ....tIoD 32 Hospital H 33 T.B. Clinic TBC 1 Corporation C 34 Maternity & Child Welfare Centre MCW 2 Municipality M 3S Ayurvedic Dispensary AD 3 Notified Area Committee NAC 36 NH 4 Cantonment Board CB Nursing Home 37 Family Planning Centre FC 5 Non-Munioipal; Non-Town Committee; 38 Veterinary Hospital VH Non·Panchayat NM P 6 Gram Panchayat V EIectrldtJ 39 Elec tricity E D Olller Amealties (SewerIp " Drafaage) 40 ElectricIty for Irrigation EI 7 Open Surface Drains OSD 41 Electricity for Industry EIN 8 Box Surface Drains BSD 9 Sewerage S VI DrfakIDg Water Supply 10 Head Loads HL 11 WheelBarrow WB 42 Tap Water T 12 Bullock Cart BC 43 River Water R 13 Tractor /Truck TR/T 44 NalaWater NW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 4S Tubewell Water TW 46 Well Water W 47 Tank Water TK EdDcationaJ m 48 Fountain Water F IS Primary School PR 49 Canal C 16 Middle School Mid. S SO Over Head Tank: OHT 17 Secondary High School 1 Sec. S 51 Service Reservoir SR 18 Higher Secondary School J 52 Pressure Tank PT 19 Arts CoUeao A 20 Science Coil. S VB Commank:atlODS 21 Commerce College C 53 Pucoa Road PR 22 Arts, S.;:ience & Commerce College ASC 54 KutchaRoad KR 23 Basm Primary School BPR 55 Railway R 24 Basio Women Sewing Centre BWSC 25 Shorthand & Typing Training Institute Sh. Type 26 Vocational Training Institute V vm Post aDd Telegrapb 27 University U 56 Post Office PO 28 Home Science College HM 57 Telegraph Office TO 58 Telephone Phone IV Medical IX Otben 29 Primary Health Centre PHC 30 Health Centre HC 59 Information not available NA 31 Dispensary D 60 Othm 0


S. No. Name of Village L.C.No. S.No. Name of Village L.C.No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Bhainsdebi Tahsil 29/1 BbalDsdebi TahsU-Contd.

A 37 Batla Kburd 27 38 Bebda (F.V.) 2S 97 1 Adlrsh Obanora 39 Hebda 363 2 Adaumar 258 40 Bela 100 Akhalwadi 180 3 41 Belkund 352 4 Amap.lthar 369 121 231 42 Belthana 5 Ambada Bbadugaon 135 154 43 6 Ambhori Bbainsaghat 176 317 ,44 7 Amdbana (F.V.) 45 Bhainsdehi 209 Amjhana Chima (F.V.) 401 8 46 Bhandwa 87 166 9 Amla 47 Bhimpur 101 . 10 Andher baodi 281 48 BhivKund 212 Anki(Ryt) 45 11 49 Bhiwapur 339 342 12 Asti 50 Bhondjya Kund (Jhapandari) (F.V.) 385 333 13 Athner 51 Bhurbhur 9 Bhuskum (F.V.) 394 B 52 53 Bichhu tekadi 19 324 Babjai 295 S4 Bijasni 14 51 15 Babrya 177 55 Bijori 21 Badgaon 211 56 Birpura 16 193 17 Bagadra 208 57 Bokarikhapa 152 18 Bagda 43 58 Borgaon 19 Bagwani (F.V.) 399 59 Borgaon 165 ,SO 20 Bairamthana (F.V.) 400 60 Bori 11 Bakka 104 61 Borkhedi Nai 146 245 22 !lakud 300 62 Borkhodi purani Borkund 15 13 Balharpura 22 63 24 BaIner 174 64 Borpam 321 25 Balu S9 6S Bothi 230 26 Ban·lor 256 66 Bothiya 161 27 Baramacba 253 67 Bothiya 244 28 Barhapur 195 68 Bothiya Mal. 286 29 aarkbed 335 69 Bothiya Ryt 285 30 Blfrasayg9hall 201 70 Bucba Kheda (F.V.) 373 31 Bas,nda 57 71 Bureth 130 72 Burhanpur (F.V.) 32 Basner Kalan 169 388 33 Basner Khurd 170 C 34 Batki 18 35 Batkl 71 73 Cbakdhana Ryt. 78 36 B"tla I


S.No. Name of Village L.C.NJ. S. No. Name of ViUage LC.No.

1 2 .3 1 2 3

:BIlaiDMIebi Tabsil-Contd. Bbal .....i TIhIII-Contd. 7S Chaodu 118 121 DhlluJ 3fl 76 Charghati 297 122 Dhawada (Ryt) 29 77 Chaugarb . 183 123 Dhaywani

D 141 Fangara CRYt) 257 96 Dabhona 289 97 Dabicla Ryt. 46 G 98 Dadapu Kharni 124 99 Dadhari (F.V.) 372 142 Gada Gohllll 134 100 nadhari Ryt 83 143 Gadara Jhiri RYt. 235 101 Dahegud 181 144 GadhaKhar 102 102 Damdehl 20 14' Garadehi


S.No. Name of Viila&e L.C.No. S.No. Name of Village L.C.No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 BhalDsdebi Tabsil-Colltd. Bballlldeill TahsiI-Colltd. (64 Goregaon 163 165 Gorpad Mal. 74 K 1.66 Gudgaon 192 205 Kabra 72 167' Gl.\iarmal 3~ 206 Kabara Mal. 239 168 Gullardhana 81 207 Kabara Ryt. 240 169 Gunkhed 314 208 Kakadpani 242 170 Guradiya lOS 209 Kaldongri 1.88 171 Gurwa 73 210 Kalyanpur 1 21.1 Kamod 61 H 212 Kanari (F.V.) 315 21.3 Karanjidol (F.V.) 172 Hardadadu 10 314 214 Karida 173 Barra (F.V.) 362 S4 21S Kasmarkhandi 174 Harra Mal. 7S 69 216 Kassi 175 Hidli 9S 243 21.7 Kasya 176 Hidli 344 131 218 Katol 177 Hidli (First) 12 199 219 Kaudi 178 Hiraclchi 354 21.8 119 Hivra 3Cr1 22D Kaudiya 217 2Z1 Kavla Ryt 351 I 222 Kekadya 4 223 Kekadya Khurd 31 180 Imlidoh (F.V.) 376 224 Kelbehra 351 22S Kerpani 150 J 2Z6 Khadgarh Mal. 278 2'l1 Khadgarh Ryt. 181 Jadiya 277 67 ~ Khaira 182 Jamapati 47 336 229 Khairi 183 lamapati 345 3S5 230 Khairwada 184 Jamgaon 296 308 :iJl Khamapur 185 Jam lbiri 85 197 232 Khamla Kalan J,86 Jamnya 248 299 233 Khapa 187 Jamnya 1.28 138 234 Khapa 188 Jamthi 158 309 235 Khapa 189 lamu 331 lU 236 KhapaRyt. ].90 lamukheda 236 249 237 Khatapani 191 91. Jamukheda (F.V.) 387 238 Khetgadamod 192 283 Jamulni 259 239 Khomai 193 Jamuthana 281 148 240 Khurda 34 194 Januna (F.V.) 390 .241 Kidiog Ryt. 195 Jaora 64 316 .242 K.olgaon 196 Jhaksa 1.67 6 243 Koludhana (F.V .) 197 Ihallar 318 160 244 Kopra 198 Jhapal 182 82 245 Kordi 199 Jhiri .241, 360 246 Kordi 200 Jhirnadadu 274 33 247 KothalKund 201 Jogli 265 40 248 Kotmi 202 144 Junapani (F.V.) 381 249 Koylari 203 Junawani 186 203 2SO Koylari Ryt. 204 Junawam 338 322 251 Kukaru 250 6


S.No. Name of Village L.C. No. S. No. Name of Village L.C.No.

1 2 3 r 2 3

BllallISdebi TahsiI-Co"td. Bhaiasdebl Tabsll=Co"td. 252 Kukdi 127 N 253 Kumbhi ~37 2S4 Kundbakajan 9& 294 Nada 359 2S5 Kunkhedi 52 295 Naharpur 60 256 Kutang8 84 296 Nanda 103 297 Nandata 162 132 L 298 Nathudhana Ryt. 299 Nawapur 284 257 Labada 136 300 Nayegaon 204- 258 Labada Ryt. 6S 30r Newaralond Ryt. 142 259 Lahas 216 302 Nimbhora 271 260 LakhaJhiri 1,17 303 Nipanya 181 261 LakkadJam 94 304 Nirungi(F.V.) 389 262 Lalkhedi 184 305 Nishana (F.V.) 319 263 Lamghati 269 P 264 Lapa 366 265 Layawani 156 306 Pachbad 301 266 Lokasdari 254 307 Padar 68 208 Pagadori 251. 309 Palanga 41 M 31.0 Palanga (F.V.) 371. 311 Palas Khedi %70 267 Machhi 153 312 Palaspani 93 268 Maharpani 149 31.3 Palaspani 175 269 Mahatpur Jawra 32 314 Palaspani (F.V.) 398 270 M;qareghogra 331 3(5 Palaspani Ryt. 238 271 Mlijari 2S5 316 Pali 11 272 Majarwani 1.23 317 Palsya 112 273 Makda 106 3(8 Panbehra 346 274 Malegaon 1,68 319 Pandhurna 119 275 MaIegaon (p. V.) 393 320 Pandol 304 276 Malegaon Jhiri 273 321 Pardi 202 277 MaIni (F.V.) 391 322 Partapura S 2i8 Malor 1.7 323 Pat Bhui Kundi (F.V.) 402 279 Manakdand 88 324 Pat Ryt. 99 280 Mandvi 31S 325 Patan 3S 281 Mani 358 326 Patha Kheda 276 :1.82 Masod 1.64 327 Patha Kheda (F.V.) 382 ~3 Mathani 210 328 Patoli 260 284 Malhani Ryt. 226 329 Patra 311 285 Matka (F,V.) 384 330 Patri 76 2116 Mendba Chhindwad 340 331 PipaIna Kalan 279 281 Mendha Kasyamendha 133 332 Pipalna Khurd 280 288 Mendha Khapa 151 333 Pipariya 96 289 Mohda 56 334 Pipariya 190 290 Mohta 38 335 Pipariya (Mahatu) 10 291 Moosa Khedi 320 336 Pohar 220 292 Morudhana 341 331 Potla 42 293 Munpjhiri Ryt. 86 338 Pusli 327 7


S. No. Name of Villase LoC. No. S. No. Name of Village L.C. No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Bb_clebi TabsU-Contd. Bbaillldehi TabsU-Concld. R 382 Thani 328 383 Tbapoda 272 339 Rabdya 30S 384 Therngaon 228 340 Rahtiya Dadu 7 385 Theska 151 341 Rajni 0 • 229 386 Theska (F.V.) 396 178 342 Rajoh 387 Tingacya 53 126 343 Raksi 388 Tipanapur 323 11S 344 Rarnbba 389 Tipring 63 224 345 Ramghati 390 Titvi 37 346 Ratamati 110 347 Rlt!lmati 143 U 348 Ratanpur 90 391 Udama 129 264 349 Rayta 392 Urnadla 125 Renka Khapa 302 350 393 Urnarghat 13 Rohni 3 351 394 Urnari 185 S 395 Utari 48 396 Uti 114 352 Sankali (F.V.) 392 353 Saongi 313 V Sarai 215 354 397 Vijaygram 173 355 Sarandai 205 356 Satkund Ryt. 349 W 357 Satner 306 358 Sawalmendha Ryt. 237 398 Wadali 298 359 Saygoban 171 399 Walkheda 291 360 Sendiya 247 361 Seoni 219 Y 362 Sbivgarh 207 363 Sibar 22l 400 Yedhapur 2705 364 Sirnori 145 401 Yenkheda 330 365 Singar Chaodi 89 402 Yen Khedi 288 366 Sirajgaon 191 367 Sitapur Aoriya (F.Vo) 380 Betua T.... iI 29/% 368 Siwanpat 1059 A 369 Siwanpat 319 370 Sonajhar 146 1 Ajai 314 311 Sonora 353 2 Akhatwad .. 360 312 Suki Ryt. 343 3 Alamgarb 307 373 Sukwa 348 4 Alarnpur 320 3'14 Supala 282 05 Amasohan 228 6 Amapura T 306 7 Amdar 444 375 Takjhiri (F.V.) 370 8 Amdhana Ryt. 142 316 TaBar 172 9 Amdoh (R. Camp.) SSO 377 Tanld 294 10 Arnla 353 378 Taodi (F.V.) 365 11 Ankawadi 197 379 Tembhumi 1055 12 Ankawadi 410 380 Tembbumi 332 13 Anwariya 40 381 Temni 293 14 Aprapan Behara 3.52 8


S. No. Name of ViUage L. C. No. S. No. Name: of Village L.c. No.

2 3 2 3 BetuI TahsU-Contd. Betal Tlhlil-Contd. 15 Arjungondi (F.V.) S3J 61 Bela 316 16 Arjunwadi 482 62 Belland 173 17 Arul 45S 63 Betul Bazar 452 18 Asadi 329 64- Bhadus 3@ 19 Atari 345 65 BhagtaDdhana 117 66 Bllaiosdebi 420 B 67 Bllarkawadi 4SO 68 Dbatna 89 Babai 20 428 69 Bhatodi (P.V.) 514 BadaJpur (R. Camp.) 21 561 70 Bbawani Teda 429 B!dgi Bujurg 22 246 11 Dhayawadi 131 23 Badgi Gondi Khurd 243 72 Bhaya Wadi 273 24 Badnoordhaoa 375 13 Bllilawadi 393 25 Badora 422 74 Bbogai Khapa 140 26 Ba~ori 480 75 Bhositeda 423 27 Bagda 400 16 Bhopali (F.V.) SIB 18 Bagdari 471 17 Bhudki 219 BagdoDa 29 148 78 Bllurbhur 313 30 Bagholi 447 79 Dighwa 339 31 Baghwad 387 80 Bijadehi 16 Bahrapura 32 66 81 Bijadebi (P.V .) !20 33 Bajjarwada 239 82 Birpur 34 Bajpur J40 418 83 Bisaldehi ISO 35 Bakud 168 84 Bisbnupur CR. camp.) 551 36 Bakud (F.V.) S22 85 Bod (F.V.) 493 37 Baladongad (F.V.) SOl 86 Bod R)t. 309 38 Balahai Mal. 304 87 Dodi 384 39 Balahai Ryt. 305 88 Bodijunawani 355 40 Ba)]or 16 89 BodD. 388 41 Bana Behda 72 90 Bondri 43 42 Bancha 234 91 Borgaon 3S1 43 Bandi Khapa 334 92 Bori Khas 343 44 Banjaridllal Ryt. 96 93 Bori Khls 4S Banka Bharda 475 51 94 .Bothisihar 46 Banka Khodri 438 109 95 Brahaman Wadi .R.yr. 47 Banskhedi (F.V.) 144 534 96 Buddi 48 Banspani 128 249 97 Bundala .49 BlInspur 214 41' 50 Barangwadi 330 C 51 Barbatpur 125 52 Barelipar Ill» 98 Chak Cbuna 301 53 Baretha (F.V.) 531 99 ChakdhapaeJa 92 54 Barjorpur 23 100 ChUora 41S SS Barkheda (F.V.) 504 101 Chak S1DgwaDi 11 56 Bamali 391 102 Chand Bebda 279 57 Barwbi 487 103 Chapda Mat. 116 58 Datama 424 1M Cbapda RYt. 115 59 Batkidoh (R. CamP.) S42 105 Olarban l46S 60 Bayawadi 449 106 CharsaoD 192 9


s. N.~. Name of Village L.C. No. S. No. Name of Village L.C.No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

Betal TaIIIll-Contd. Beta) T ....U-Contd. 107 Cbauki 3S9 IS4 Deothan (F.V.) 108 Chbata 497 466 ISS Desbawadi 109 Cbbatarput 146 218 156 Dhamanya 21 110 Cbbimdi llyt. 90 1S7 DhaDiya Jam 111 Chhudiya 321 293 158 Dhaawar 112 Cbhuri 69 176 159 Dhap:lda Mal. 113 Chhuri 87 231 160 Dhapada Ryt. U4 Cbichdbna 91 366 161 Dhappa 115 Chichdol llyt. 48 98 162 Dbarakhoh (F.V.) 116 ChichoU 332 53S 163 Dhar (F.V.) 491 111 Chikhalar 377 164 Dhargaon 118 Chikbalda Bujurg 14 213 165 Dharmpur (R. Camp) 119 Chikbalda Khurd 118 543 166 Dhasai Mal. 120 Chikhali 241 86 167 Dhasai Ryt. 121 Chikhali Amdhana .201 93 168 Dhased Ryt. 122 Chikbali llyt. 35 156 169 Dhodramohar Bhawra 123 Cbikhalpali (R. Camp.) 545 79 170 Dhondwada 124 Chikhli Mal 30 369 171 Dhow 12S Chindi Khapa 12 254 172 Diwan CharsJ 126 Chirapatla 315 472 173 Dodramahu 127 Chirma Tokri &)'t. 83 7 174 DOOra mohar 128 Chirotiya 31 478 129 Chopna 175 Dokali Ryt. 164 ~ 176 Dokiya 130 Chopna (F.V.) 510 Z12 131 Chopna No. 1 (R. Camp.) 177 Dolidnana 223 S52 178 132 Chopna No.2 (R. Camp.) 553 Don 232 179 Doudi 133 Chopna No.3 CR, Camp.) 554 102 134 Chordongri 149 180 Dudar


S. No. Name of Village L.C. No. S. No. Name of Village -LC. No~

2 3 1 2 3

Betul Tahsil-Contd. Betul Tahsil-Contd. 201 Ghodawadi 196 J 202 Ghogai 477 203 Ghogari 157 245 Jagdhar 4~6 204 Ghogri (F.V,) 512 246 Jaitapur 4Q8 205 Ghuggi 2Q6 247 Jaitpur 396 206 Ghutighar 474 248 Jajbodl 182 236 207 Godbana 325 249 Jakbali 208 Gohachi 248 250 Jalpur 165 172 209 Golhai Bujurg 132 2.51 Jamkhodar 323 210 Golhai Khurd 133 252 JamJi 211 Gonapur 129 ~53 J_~mnagari .3 212 Gondra 284 254 Jamnagari 5.6 1~'9 213 Gondu mandai 326 255 Jampani 214 Gopalpur CR. Camp.) 567 ~56 Jamthi 264 215 Gopinatbpur (R. Camp.) 562 257 Jamthi 2~ 216 Gora Khar 469 258 Jangda 178 217 Goula 464 259 Jasondi 481 218 Gudhi 488 ~60 Jatampur 416 347 219 Gudimai (F.V.) 5Q7 261 Jeen 220 Gurgunda 110 262 Jawra 462 221 Guwadi 84 ~63 Jhadegaon 267 222 Guwadi 117 ~()4 lhadkund 240 223 Guwadi 390 265 Jhagdia 266 63 224 Gyaraspur 414 266 Jhapadi 261 Ihilpa (F.V.) 548 H 268 Jhiriyadoh ,4 269 JhoJi No.1 (R. Camp',) 548 225 Hamlapur 3&0 270 Jholi No.2 (R. Camp.) 549 226 Handipani (F.V.) 4~ 271 Jodkya 445 227 Hanotya 4~5 272 Jogali 342 228 Hardu 140 ,27) Junawani 4Q4 229 Hardu 294 274 Junawani 483 230 Harniya 2~9 275 Juwadi 185 231 Harrai 317 276 Juwajhar (F.V.) 521 ' 232 Harrawadi 327 233 Hatbidingar .479 K 234 Hathi Kund 47 235 Hathna Jbiri 440 277 Kachhar 73 236 Hathnora 454 278 Kachlora 141 237 Hirapur No. 1 (R. Camp.) 556 279 Kadhai 26p 238 Hirapur No. 2 (R. Camp.) 557 280 Kajali 2~ 239 Hirapur (F.V.) 516 281 Kaji Jamthi 392 240 Hirawadi 60 282 Kalapani 64 241 Hirawadi 190 283 Kalapani (F.V.) 529 242 Hiwar Khedi 351 284 Kalyanpur 58 285 Kalyanpur 251 I 286 Kamtha Mal. 3.0,8 24l Imlikheda (F.V.) 511 287 Karntha Royt .311 244 Itiya Bitiya 346 288 Kamthi 10$ 12


S. No. Name of Village L.C.No. S. No. Name or Village L.C. No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Beta) TIlhsU-Contd. Betal TahIJI-Colltd. 380 Mardanpur 103 425· Padalda 3-12 38lJ Mardwani Mal 226 426 Padhar Bujarg 235 382 Mardwani Ryt. 227 427 Padhar Khurd 270 383 Markadhana 154 428 Pahadpur (R. Camp) 56C) 384 Matheni 256 429 Pahawadi 111 38S Mathni 181 430 Pahawadi (F.V.) 519 386 Matigarh 33 431 Pajhar 293 387 Mayawani 175 432 Palaspani 123 388 Mehkar 186 433 Palaspani 221 389 Mendapani 225 434 Panchi 8 390 Mendha Kbeda (F.V.) 524 Panda jhiri 32 391 Milanpur 435 458 436 Pandra 212 393 Mokha .R,yt. ]21 Pangra 274 393 Mobapon 437 385 Parsada (Kbapariya) 10 394 Mobanpura (F.V.) 438 498 Parsoda 371 395 Mokha .Mal 439 122 Parsodi Bujurg 417 396 MordoDJri 440 160 Parsodi Khurd 457 397 Mordongri 441 389 406 398 442 Partapur Motidhana 124 222 399 Motipur 443 Paru 322 112 400 Mowad 444 Pathai 401 318 401 Muchagohan 445 Patha Kheda 441 N.C. D.C. Piltha K.heda 539 402 Mudha (P.V.) 446 527 U8 403 MundhaTeda 447 PathaKheda 430 448 Path (F.V.) 494 114 N 449 Patouwa pura 127 404 NalJarpur 450 Pdusera 285 Pawar Jhanda 55 405 Nahiya 451 Pepri 216 406 Nagjhiri 40S 452 463 Phan ka 170 407 Nandra 453 319 Phogariya 291 408 Nandu 454 200 4SS Phoul B~riya (R. Camp) 565 409 Narayanpur (R. Camp) 541 Phoolgohan 208 410 Nasirabad 456 333 Phopas 1S3 411 Nayak Charsi 457 470 Phophaliya (F.V.) 500 412 Nayegaon 458 247 Phophlya Mal. 19 413 Nayegaon 459 434 460 Pipalbarra (F.V.) 499 414 Neemgarb 20 Pip)a 437 415 Neemiya 461 IS Pisajhodi 237 416 Nimjhiri 462 399 463 Punji (R. Camp) 555 417 Nimpani 233 464 Punji (Dhana) 515 418 Nischintpur (R. CamP) 547 419 Nisbana (F.V.) 537 R 410 Nishana R.yt 113 421 Niwari :ZSg 465 Rlipur 81 433 Nutanaanaa CR. Camp) S4Ci 466 R'ljigaon Khapa Ryt. 143 467 Rampur 45 p 468 Rampur (F.V.) 513 423 Pachama 220 469 Rampur Ryt. 54 424 ~ama~.V.> 538 470 R1QlpUra 68 II


S.No. Name of Village L.C.No. S. No. Name or Village L.C.No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

BetaI T ....-Contd. BetaI TabsiI...... ;Co~td. , 471 Ranipur 193 517 Sibari (F.V) 536 412 Ratamati 215 518 SUlat 244 473 Ratamati Bujurg 282 519 Silpati 130 474 Ratamati Khurd 281 520 Singanwadi 453 475 Rltan Dhana Ryt. 22 521 Siogarai Kltapa 335 476 R::ltanpur 189 522 Siplai 341 477 Ratanpur 407 523 Sirghat Ryt. 71 4711 Rathipur 386 524 Sitadongri 27 479 Raundha 459 525 Sit3dongri 298 480 Rawanwadi 245 526 Sitakamat 179 481 Raya wadi 167 527 Sitaljhiri 46 482 Redwa 485 528 Siwanpat 137 413 Rojbada 174 529 409 484 Rojhada 290 530 Sohagpurdhara 104 48S Rondba 431 531 Somaripath 379 532 Sonagbati 269 S 533 Sonadeh 76 534 Sonpur 336 486 Sadakwada 183 535 Soorgaon 4S1 487 Sai Khandara 460 536 Sounga 435 488 Sajpur (F.V.) 531 537 Sukadhana 15( 489 Sakadebi 260 538 Sunar Khapa 461 490 Saktigarh (R. Camp) 566 491 Salaiya 152 T 492 Salarjun 473 539 TahaU 493 Sdbardi 486 349 540 494 Saliment 80 Tanda (F.V.) 505 495 Saliwada 541 Tangna Mal. 24 135 542 496 Sangwani Tangoa Rit. 25 17 543 Tara 497 Santipur (R. C:lmp) 37 564 544 Taram Kheda Mal. 498 Sarad 67 367 545 Taram Kheda R t. 499 Sarndai 68 467 546 Tawakathi (R. Camp) 558 500 Sami (F.V.) S09 547 Ternni 268 501 Sami Tharmal Station 540 548 T~mra Mal. 49 S02 Sarpani 59 549 Temra Kyt. 5] 503 Sataldehi 95 SSO Temru Mal. 105 504 Sawarida (F.V.) 492 551 Temru Kyt. 106 505 Scbra 44 552 Temrupura 65 506 Sebra 443 553 Tendu Kheda Kyt. 36 5en Selda (F.V.) 523 S54 Teter Mal. 57 S08 Sclgaon 365 555 T.:ter Kyt. 61 509 Selgaon 476 S56 Thani 510 261 Semarpura (Jamundhana) 62 S57 Thani Mal. 397 511 ~artal 166 S58 Tbani Kyt. 398 512 Sendur Jhan 288 559 Thawdi 484 513 Shahpur 126 560 Tig.riya 263 514 Shiv Sagar (R. Camp) 563 561 Tikari 373 SIS Shobharur 147 562 5 516 Shobhapur 188 S63 Tokara 6 ALPIWIITICAV US'I" 0' VILLAGES


' , S. No. , Name of Village L.C. No. S. No) Namo of Villago L.c..No.

..... - __ . ,.' 1; 2:' 3' Ii, 2 31

BetaI Talidl-ColIClcl. MtIltat TiillliBLCtinid. u 32 Barangwadi ~S· 3l Barchbi I. S64 Udadan 262 34 Barkbcd 398 S6S Umardob 432 3S Basaniya 112 566 Umarwani 2SO 36 Behadi 5(i 567 Uaui (Jagir) 411 37 Be1maDdai 153 568 Unchagohan 2~5 38 Bhaisadand 393 39 Bhaldehi (F.V.) 418 V 40 Shayawadi 14 198 569 Vikrampur 159 4! Bbilai 42 Bbilai 335 Maltai TwO 29/3 43 Bhuyari 97 44 Bicbawa (Bundala) 4 A 45 Bicbhu Khan (F.V.) 416 46 Bicbhwa (Hardoli) 210 I Amadob 18.3 47 Bicbhwa (Khambara). 411 2 Ambabagboli 136 48 Bicbwa Brahamanwada 121 3 Ambada 156 49, Bihcrgaon 231 4 Ambbori 333 50 Bijarta Ryt ~9' 5 Amnath 318 51 Bijori 18' 6 Amni 8 ;2 Binakhi 2SS , Amrai 264 53 BiroIi Jhilpa 330 8 Amrawati 300 ~ Birool 178 9 Andhariya 150 55 Bisigbat 52' 10 Asbta 298 56 Biskhan 363 11 Asola 47 57 Bisnoor 250 12 Awariya 'I 58 Bodtbi 13 ~ BondOO Ryt 62 60 Bopalwadi 98: • 61 Bordehi 70 13 Babar Bob 129 62 Borgaon 102 14, Bada Kbarl 51 291 IS' , ~, Borgaon Badegaon 201 64 . Bori Khurd 41 16 Badegaon 22& 6$', Borpend 261 17 Badgaon lOS 66 Botbiya 142 18 Badya Khapa 345 6i Bothiya Brahmanwada 157 19 Baghoda 3i4 6B Brahmanwada 126 20 Bagholi ' ~O 69 BrahJll8nwada 294 21 Bagholi Bujurg ': 344 70' Buchanwadi '6 22 Balhegaon 229 ' 71 ' Bub Khedi 3'48 23 Rathora 279 7Z Bundala S ~4 BaIni ' 199 73' Buyal Khapa 403 as Bambai w 26 Bamla 110 C i: 27 BandU 306 74 Chainpur 209 28 Bang. 3J7 is' Chatora 281' 29 Banoor 149 76 ': Chandora Bujurg 22i 30 BansJchapa (Kha~4~v) 1(9 ,,! Chandora Khurct 202 ~. :a.m.i 3$0 1&' Cbarud 322 U


.S. No. Name of Villaae L.c. No. S. No. Name of Village L,C. No.

3 2- ~ 2 1 9

Maltai Tab~C~td. Malta! Tallail-CoJltd, (J& Chba~\ 43 B 80 Chhipaniya Pipriya '79 81 c"nichanda (Junapani) 406 127 Eklahra 295 82 Chichara 19 128 Etawa 116 83 Chich Kheda 302 129 Etawa 274 84 Chikhalar 58 8S cbikhalKhapa 182 G 86 Chikhli Kllan 387 87 Cbikhli Kllurd 204 130 Gadra 412 88 Chikhli Mal 269 131 Gangai 314 69 Cbikhli Ryt 270 132 Ganppur lOS 90 Chilhati 329 133 Garwha 248 ,91 Cldndi 3SS 134 Gaula 246 92 C}lopna 120 13S Gauna 249 (,,3 Cllouthiya 213 136 Genhubarsa 268 D 137 Ghana 327 138 Ghatawadi Kalao 118 .cabka 94 277 139 Ghatawadi Kllurd 111 95 Dahargaon 342 1~ Ghat Biroli 404 96 Dllhuwa 349 141 Ghat Pipriya 373 97 DlPlIariya 106 141 Ghisi 38 98 n.tora l76 143 Ghorpend 266 .catora 99 »' 144 Godhni 310 100 D~wada 8~ 14'; Gooapur 321. 101 DC5bari .23 146 Gondi Dhanori 259 102 DC5hgud 175. 141 Gopal Talai 21S 103 D"odongri Z92 148 Oubrel 369 104 ~gaoo 31 lOS D"ogaoo 316 H 106 neoJi ZJ.7 107 DC50ri 203 16 Hardoli H 108 DeOthao 25 ISO Hardoli Bujurg 211 109 nepamandi 73 151 Hardoli (Klthi) 371 110 DbIlbla 22S 152 HarnaKbedi 134 111 Dbamandhas (F.V.) 424 153 HarniYa 113 112 Dbaroi 1&6 154 Hasalpur 16 113 Dbonsara 11 ISS Hathnapur 341 114 Dbutmur 42 156 Hatoora 11~ liS Divtiya 137 157 Heti 138 i16 Dujamahu 82 lSI Heti Khapa 184 117 Dob 400 159 Hita Kbapa 212 118 Dodawani 89 160 Hirdi 2.96 119 DobIan 290 161· Hiwara 383 ~20 DODlIarpur 159 tQ. . R.tQl8.t Khe.c1 'l'&') 121 Dongarpur 28S 163 Human Bebra 164 12Z Dudar Ryt 2fiO. 1~ Hwnanpetb 166 123 nudriya 3f4 Dunai 124: 3.76, I 115 Dunawa 371: 1%6 Duta&wada 87'- 165 IBap\ll 319 1,


S. No. Name of Village L.C. No. S. No. Name of Village L.C. No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Maltai Tabsil-Contd. Mukai Tahsil-Contd. J 210 Kehalpur 107 211 Khadakwar '356 166 Jaitpur 65 212 Kbad AmIa 217 167 Jam 402 213 Kbadki 415 168 Jambada 181 214 Khadpada Khedi 100 169 Jambada Bujurg 88 215 Khairwani 384 170 Jambadi 185 216 Kbajary 122 171 Jambadi Khurd 90 217 Khatla 389- 172 lamdebi Kalan 48 218 Kbambara 410 173 lamdebi Khurd 49- 219- Khamra 67 174 Jamgaon 172 220 Khanapur 33 17S Jamgaon 303 221 Kbande pipriya Ryt. 63 176 Jamgaon (Sunodi) 214 222 Kbapa (Banar) 147 177 Jamthi 152 223 Kbapa (Khadki) 414 178 lamthi 171 224 Khapa Khateda 3S 179- Jamthi Sawasan 253 225 Khapa (Sirda) 365 ISO lamun Bichawa Mal. 68 226 Khapa (Sirkund) 251 181 Jamun Bichawa Ryt. 64 227 KhaPl Umriya 131 182 Ibiri 326 .228 Kbari 362 183 Jhiri Kbapa 141 229 Kharigayawani Mal 45 184 Jhitapati 155 230 Kbarigayawani Ryt 44 185 Ihunkari (F.V.) 413 231 Kharsali 208 186 l.)gi Kheda (F.V.) 415 232 Kbateda 3 187 loul Kheda 195 233 Khateda Kalan 132 188 Junapani 165 234 Khatgarh 1 189- lUnapani (Aser.) 190 235 Khedi Badshahi 196 236 Khedi Bujurg 163 K 237 Khedi Court 241 238 Khedi Deonala 40S 190 Kachar 60 239 Khedi Jagaji 224 i91 Kacherbob 114 240 Khedi Khurd 234 192 Kajli 36 241 Khedi Kondba 197 193 Kajli 286 242 Khedi Ramosi 307 194 Kakadiya 361 243 Kbedli Bazar 109 195 Kalapakhan (F.V.) 421 244 Khidki Kalan 14 10 196 Kalmesbara 61 245 Khidki Khurd 358 197 Kamli 23 246 Kohpani 198 Kamtb 206 247 Kolhiya 339 199 Kanha Bagholi 139 248 Kondher 262 200 Kanh;l Kbapa 162 249- Kondher 33'7 201 Kanojiya 34 250 Kondhar Khapa 96 202 Kapasiya 386 251 Kothiya Ryt 57 203 Karajgaon 180 252 Kujba 124 204 KaraspaDi 308 253 Kumbhi Kheda 320 lOS Kamapur 315 254 Kwnudara 278 206 Karopani (K.umindoh) 72 255 Kund(F.V.) 422 207 Karpa 3S1 256 Kunda Mal 273 208 Kathi 372 251 Kunda Ryt 272 2t» Kedar Kbeda (Nandi Kbeda) 23 258 Kundai 113 'II


S. No. Name of Village L.C. No. S. No. Name of Village L.C. No.

I 2 3 I 2 3

Malta1 TallsiJ-Contd. Multai TallsU-Contd. 259 Kundai 360 300 Nandbohi 392 260 Kundai 409 301 Nand Kudi 293 261 Kundara (F.V.) 419 302 Nandpur 20 262 Kut Khedi 80 303 Narera 75 263 Kut Khedi 238 304 Narkhed 336 305 Nayegaon 27 L 306 Nayegaon 158 307 Nimanwada 242 264 Ladi(F.V.) 411 308 'N'imboti 407 265 Lakhapur 385 309 Nirgud 192 266 LaJawadi 28 261 Landagondi 391 p 268 Lihada 236 269 Likhdi 71 310 Pabal 325 270 Lilajh'lf 370 311 pachdhar 247 312 Pachmal.. u 263 M 313 Pachumri 265 314 Pandharai 367 211 Mabatpur 352 315 Panjhiri 323 212 Mahila wadi 347 318 ParadSinga 343 213 Maholi 50 316 Par Biroli 382 214 MajalY 27S 317 Paregaon 218 275 MJlegaon 111 319 Parsoda 29 276 Malegaon 324 320 Parsodi 9 277 Malegaon 346 321 Parsodi 297 218 MaJhara 408 322 Parsthani 353 279 Malkota 18 323 Pastlai Mal 85 280 Malol Khapa 394 324 Pastlai Ryt 84 281 Mandai 121 325 Patha Kheda 188 54 282 Manpra 326 Permandal 200 283 Mangona Kalan 332 321 Pipalpani 280 284 Mangona Khurd 309 328 Pipariya 395 285 Masod 2.84 329 Pipriya (F.V.) 426 286 Mathni 354 330 Pipriya Dev 40 287 Mayawadi 315 331 Pisata 181 288 Mirapur 228 332 Poher 168 289 Mohar Kheda 174 Pober 290 Mohi 194 333 288 334 Pohi 30 291 Morakha 359 335 Pouni 235 292 Morand 256 336 Prabhat·Pattan 317 293 Multai Babarikshetra 205 294 Musa Khapa 378 295 Muwari;ya 76 R

N 337 Ragadgaon 254 338 RaiAmla 313 296 Nagar Kot 189 339 RaiSed. 145 'J.97 Nagthana 173 340 RajapurRyt 271 298 Nainadohi 140 341 Rajegaon 103 299 N.tarpur 69 342 Rajni 299 18


S. No. Name of Village I.e. NJ. S. No. N.une of Village L.e.No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Multai Tahsil-Contd. Multal TahsU-Concld. 343 Rajala 32 389 Sirsawadi 223 344 Rambba Kbedi 31 390 Siwanpani (F.V.) 428 345 Ramli 21 391 Somgarh 331 346 R.1mpur 334 392 Somlapur 81 347 Ranidongri 86 393 Somlapur 146 348 Ranrnocban 219 394 Sonari 161 349 Rateda Kalan 39 395 Sonalalai 93 350 Rateda Khurd 46 396 Sondiya 381 351 Rawa 245 397 Soneaaon 128 352 Ridhora 380 398 Soncgaon 388 353 Rodgaon 12 399 Sonkhedi 240 354 Rohana 276 .. 4()0 Sonoli 220 401 Sonora 216 S 402 Sonora 244 403 Sopai 243 355 Sabdi 160 404 Sub Khedi 193 356 Sahanpon 287 405 Surnadchi S3 357 Sai Khcda Khurd 282 358 Sain Kheda 167 T 359 Salbardi 267 406 Tai Kbeda 221 360 Sandiya 119 401 T,diya(F.V.) 427 361 Sanoli BUlldala 95 408 Tapcrwani 71 362 Sanwariya 26 409 Taran wada IS 363 Sarandai 151 410 Taroda 104 364 Sarra 133 411 Taroda Bujuq 368 365 Sami 390 412 Tawla 237 366 Sarsi 258 413 TcmJhira 13S 17 361 Sasabad 414 Temjhira 169 Sasundra 154 368 415 TikaBarri 66 133 369 Sawalmclldba 416 Tirmahu 92 Sawllga 340 370 411 TiwarKhcd 312 371 Sawngi 301 418 Thani 2 372 Sawri 396 419 Thawriy. 207 373 Sawri (Gadra) 413 420 Tbuthama (P. V.) 420 374 Semariya 24 421 Turaborgao:: 130 37S SeJJijhira 191 376 Semla 170 U 317 Semriya losbi 99 422 Ubhariya 148 Serndya Khurd 91 318 423 Umari 328 319 Semriya Pandbri 399 424 Umariya 101 380 Sendrya 379 381 Sendurjana 171 V 382 Shergarb (Horpon) 338 425 Vaygaon 283 383 Siladehi 401 W 384 Sind Kbeda 232 426 Walni 257 385 Sipawa 391 y 386 Sirdi 252 387 SirKhcd 311 427 Yenas 144 388 Sirkuncl 366 418 Yen Kheda 239


III*T IlAOOII ..lIll ...... """" ... """ .• 'IIIIIL IIADQU ..TOI ...... "" ..... " ...... 0 ITin IlDUllDAAY" ...... "" ...... """._...... _ lIIIIa~_" .. _ .. 1I DltTIICT ICIUMDAlY...... _._._ "'1ICfIII"_,,, TMlIIL 101IMDJIaY.. " .. " ...... "."._._._ -'.. 111I11III .... 1 ITAn HIIIHIIoY...... " ...... -1L..- 1M-"_Ill'll II 10' _au. .. "ALLID ~o ...... - UM"'~D lOAD ...... , ...... -",.,_._IIC _ ....II Rlnll 1".1111...... " .... _-< __a ... ?aI...... " .. " ...... : .. . ..II., ....., ..... o-.! VILLAIII-SOOO PCN.ATIOIII IIIIM. " ., IIAIlIT" ..... " ... ;." "'" ...... I'OIT/nlDAPH GfPICI" ...... ""'/TO AMI ..... lUI MIT MOUII"IIIEUIiI IUNllLOI", ..., '.1 MIIII IILUIII IIITII "11oNI IITN STATIOII NOd. 111141"'--... __ MOIPI'ALj DIIPIMIAIY.. , .... "". " ...... 01 PlIMAIY IlAl.TN C&IIT." .... " ...... 'ltic

MUII.YMAn ... "'_ " •CIIU CIMT 111.,...... CIN'III.' " ... "...... 'OUIT AlIA"" ...... " ...... lieu .I~A ...... " ...... "" .. . , R A s CULTIVATED AREA





I 51

l1li11. .1"¥lWII1 1'III!IL ....,us ~ IUII1II l -, 2109-4 379 II 0 +' C) ~ ifill -<. ~ ",'1 ~ ~ lilT&.: FOI!ITAIIA II ~01 IM"'~!D. SI ~ t l- t ~'t ~ (J Q V ( ~ \ l ~'1

r *' '" 41 ,0" A. q. ,I.J Q r-;' V~'" \ R A 5 H r A H A 40 M r / ty



N ~ STlTlIOrJNDlI'I ...... _ .. _ .. _ TAHSIL BOUIlAAY.... . T!HSIL HUDQUIRTEBS... .. "_"@'_ '~IOUtIlAWfI!l!1l LIICITION CODE NUMBER ...... !!! ...... 11111 HJGIIWIi...... ---I!!-- 1.lTIIiEDROIIl5.. ... ___ UIIIoJITILLEDROIDS ...... ,,",,",,'" mltRSI STRUMS . .. ,.~...... c::- , ~Ili 210 lID 1000 tCDO VlLIG!! 'WTOTO.... 10 I .!O 41t '" "" AtM


PRIMIR'I"IIDLE SCIJOOL.. PR;t.li' MOlLl 'OIIU! v",~1D ~.t NOS, m. UJ , ••~, H~IIR 51COI6IR' SCHOOL ...... 51"· I"GlN !lillIElUI' Rm HOusE/T1IIIIELLERlIlmGAJ.OW RN FOL~E STITION. PS H FIllESTIAEI ... A R A S T A A ... ~

~I 77)'00' II 15 ~o MADHYA PRADESH o 1ST R C T , H o S H A N G A B TAHSIL BETUL '. . H 0.5\11 A ~ 0 DISTRICT 8ETUL S E ~I4SIL \. N olf . 6 H S , l- I ~ ~ , . , • '''''' T A ill "• . I• • .-: .... ,..



TAHIILIOUNDAAV, ...... _._._,_ OISTRU HEAOOUAJlTEAa...... @ TAIIIL HEADQUAATEL...... @ Yl~~~o:rN~~T~R .. " •••.• ~.t ...... aTATE H~H'Ar." •••••• " ...... _..J'il.." __ METILLID AOI05 .. •···• ... ··•··· .... - ___

UNMETALLED AOAtlS. .... _...... " ",. •••11::11111 •••• ::~ ...... 5:: ..:.:::::: .. :~.~~, ~ • YILLIGII .. "._...... " ...... ~,::w w,;, '" 110,", ttl UtI 11M < IoIIINH!8ITED YILLIGE...... 0 POITITE_ OI'ACI...... PiTO MDTI;I,TItI ~DIIIII.I&JIjIl~.'.IIO',III\'INOTIIIII VIOIN I. ,. II": AI::: ~~'~~T.'~~ ...... " • 'II 101 lOT 5" III IIJ I" UI I~' UI ..3 HOSPITAL ...... "...... • sa IN 18 .U "T ••• ISO 511 In sn 1i14 DISP!NSARY...... D PllIoIAIY HIILTH mTRr...... PH( In 111m lUlU ua u,ln In .um f MATiANITV I CH~ WllIIAA£ Cl:NTIIE M( W 'II En aUIM. _VIUIIIIIIIOCl:MTIIl ...... , a,1IQJII1 VlLI.Mlt L.c.IID.1111ll1e1l AU 'HATID MU PlllWV/MIDDU ICHOOL...... Pl!/t.Id.1 A' lilt. OUTOIOI1'II 011 .TUL UUII TOIII. 1111. 1M! 1111111111l1li ... HIGIIII IICOIIDARY SCHOOl...... SIc.1 IlIIn _ITII _IITII ClIT!Il COLLAIZ...... C REST ItOUII/TAAI'ILLEI'I "NGALQW II POLICE 51ATION ...... 1417:11'''' 531 It 1 FORI!! AIlEA." ...... MADHYA PRADESH l'AHSIL MULTAI DISTRICT BETUL ill _ _ . .• MILES Oil I 0 Oil • , • KILOWET.~S

l: III o 1II Z


VILLAGE B()UrrfQARV WITri _r_ .... _).~~ ___ ... _._ LOCATION CODE NUMBER STATE HIG""A'VS _.... . METALLED RO.

V'L1.AGE5 ..•..... LESS• 110• 500• 1000• . •.. THUt TO TO TO 3SO 49. U. .". l"I\I ..ttA8,rED VILL,r:fS o POST/TELEGRAPH OFfiCE PITO RAIL"'VS WITH srATION as BROAD GAUGES ..... DISPENSARV ...•••...... • D PR'_ HEALTH CENT~t ..•... PHC MATERNITY I CHILD flELFAIIE CENTRE .. Mew FAhlLY PLANNING CENTRE. ...•.•... ., PR.lAAA,v /MIDDLE 'iCMOOL ..... PRJ"'"s IIOT: 1.I1ICl._. VILLAGE L.Co .0. 'OS Hal AU .,.alED COLLEGE. .•.•...... •.. . C ..., ...... au_a_", ,. IIIUL'AI , .... HIGHER UCO__ Y SCHOOL ..... SIC.S LVILMI L"C. lID..... • IIOT INOft. • 1H1 "'IoP. REST H('USE ITR.VELLE'" BUNGALO •... RH POLICE STATION ...... ~~~!c-~s~~~ POREST AREA ...... 0 ) URIAN AREA. •. ___ ...... ~



tions used in the Directory have been explained se­ parately. 'Prior to 1951 there were no separate Census publi­ ca#QBS for every ,district. But at the time of pre­ (b) Part B contains for each village and town, paratory arrangements for the first Census of the pr~ary census data incorporating area, occupi­ Independent India, it was felt that Census ed residential houses, number of households. total statistics should be made available for smaller population and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste territorial units basic .to the needs of aD admini­ and Scheduled Tribe population, literate population stration wedded to welfare of the masses. Accord­ and working population by nine broad categories. ingly, the scheme of Di&triet Census Handbooks was conceived· and implemented. In view of the useful­ (c) Part C will mainly incorporate the admini­ ness of separate publications for each district, fur­ strative statistics pertaining to the district in all the ther iDlptoveDient was made at the time of 1961 fields of development. The other Census tables Celisus by inCluding non-Census data like climate, pertaining to the district regarding language, reli­ agricblture, co-operation, industry, banking, educa­ gion, migration etc., will also be reproduced. There tion, health, etc. An introductory note was also will be a write-up indicating the changes in the socio­ added to highlight the more striking features. Un­ economic and demographic characteristics of the fortUDiltely the desire to make districtwise Census district in the last decade. publication very comprehensive resulted in late avai­ lability of the books to the users. Therefore, the ViIIllIe Directory: organisers of the 1971 Centenary Census decided in This is in the form of one statement. Impor. favour of splitting the District Census Handbooks i.n­ tant statistics for each village have been given under to three' parts and thereby release maximum data. the mainhead-Amenities and Land Use Data. Other as and when available, so that the pUblication may information regarding nearest town with distance, have a useful life of seven to eight years of inter­ market, staple food and places of religious, historical censal decennium. or archaeological interest have also been given in separate columns. The information regarding Scope: "Amenities" cover items like educational and medi­ Part A of the book is the Village and Town cal institutions, power supply, drinking water, com­ Directory. The Village Directory contains for each munications and post and telegraph, Under "Land village particulars of amenities available in the field Use", the b.reak-up of the total area of the village' of education, meoicine, power supply, drinking water has been indicated under sub-heads forest. irrigated,' supply; Post and Telegraph facilities and communica­ unirrigated 'cultivabJe waste and area not avail&ble tions. In addition, data relating to particulars of for cultivation. land use, weekly market, places of religious, histori­ calor archaeological interest in the village has also (a) There are 1,399 vilJages in the 3 tahsils of been included. The Town Directory gives for each town the district and the number of villages, tahsil-wise, in in the district in the form of suitable statements the ori­ 1961 and 1971 is as under:- gin and status of the town administration, growth of SI. No. Tahsil 1961 1971 Difference population, functional category of the town, physi­ 1 2 3 4 S cal aspects and location, latest municipal financial 402 402 Nil statements, civic and other amenities, medical, edu­ 1. ll11ainsd~hi 2, B~tul 5'37 569 (T) 32 cational, cultural facilities, trade, industry, commerce 3. Muttai 42, 428 {+J 1 and banking facilities, population by religion and T,wll l,36r. 1,399 (+> 33 . Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The abbfevi~- It may be Reen that in aU there is an increase of (1) Villages Nishana (L.C. No. 29/2/537) and 33 villages in 1971 (32 in Betul tabsD and 1 in Panchama (L.C. No. 29/2/538) are forest Multai tabsD). The reasons for the increase are;- viUages which aro uninhabited and the area has not been furnished by the Forest de­ 1. Maltai TahsU.-The revenue of Multai area partment. town has been treated as a separate village (loca­ tion Code No. 29/3/205). (2) Villages Patbakheda (L.C. No. 29/2/539)an4 Sarni Thermal Station (L.C. No. 29/2/S«» 2. Betul Tahsil.-(i) Pathakheda (LC. No. 539) are new habitations in tho reserve forest aDd . and Sami Thermal statiOD (L.C. No. 540) are new the area is Dot avaiJable. habitations in the reserve forest. (3) Twenty-eight habitations (L.C. Nos. 541 to (ii) A new habitation came into existence in the 568) are in the rehabilitation area of Betul reserve' forest before enumeration and it was given tahsil but they are not formally surveyed Location Code No. 29/2/569. Other particulars of and, therefore, tho total area of these this village required for the village directory are not villages with breakup is not available. available and, therefore, for other tables and state. ments discussed in this note, this village has not been In this note wherever the area is referred to, it considered. In other words, discussion in this Dote does not include the data of tho above villages. has been limited to 568 villages and not 569. Village Sami (L.C. No. 29/2/5(9) in Betul tahsil hu (iii) Twenty-eight habitations, where displaced the smallest area of 102 acres and is located at a persons from erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangia distance of 76.8 kmll. from the nearest town, Betul, Deah) have been settled, have been given Location while village Ratagati (L.C. No. 29/1/143) in B)tains. Code Nos. 541 to 568 in 1971. Survey by Land dehi tahsil hu tho largest area of 7,863.24 acres in Records Department has not been done and con. the district and is located at a distance of 16 kms. sequently these habitations have- not been formally from the nearest town, Betul. In all 936 out of recognised as villages under the revenu~ law in force. 1,366 villages for which area figures are available (iv) The revenue area of Betul Bazar town has are in the range of SOI-2,OOO acres. Maximum been given Location Code No. 452. villages in all the 3 tahsiIs come within the area range of 1,001 to 2,000 acres as will be seen fraUl The distribution of the villages with reference the following table containing tahsil-wise data of to their area in acres is as shown in the inSet villages for which area figures are avaUable;- table below:-

Area (in acres) No .. of villages Area in acres Betul Multai Bhainsdehi Total 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 50 acre .. or less 50 acres or less 51-100 51-100 101-200 . -'21 101-200 13 3 5 21 201-500 182 201-SOO 88 42 52 182 501-1,000 413 501-1,000 173 140 100 413 1,001-2,000 523 1,001-2.000 202 164 157 523 2,001-5,000 221 2,001-5,000 59 79 83 221 5,001 acres and above 6 5,001 and above 1 5 I) Total 1,366 Total 536 428 402 1,365

Tho above table does not· show the data regard­ ing 32 villages of Betul tahsil as the total area of (b) Eductllio,,1lI amenitles.-The total number the villages is not available for the foUowinS rea­ ofvUlages having various educational facilities with­ WPSj- in different eJistanq raDpe from tho near. town arc as indicated in the inset table below:- Distance from nearest Total No. of Number of Villages baving town villages Primary Middle High or Higher College Others School School Secondary School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 kms. or les~ 77 27 4 2 6-10 kIDS. 100 60 12 1 ll-t5 kms. 111 49 5 2 16-25 kms. 270 146 23 3 26-50 kms. 505 248 35 10 51-1OQ kms. 273 113 6 2 101-100 kms. 46 11 1 2.01 Ians. and above 13 2 Uaspecilied 3

Total 1,398 656 86 20 Distances of three habitations, from -the nearest the villages of different tahsils is given bclow:- town located in the rehabilitation area. are not T cLbsH No. of High Scllooll M.iddle SChOOl Pdmary avaiJable. It is interestin, to note that maximum Higher Secon- Scbool dary School Dumber of villages (50S) lie within the distance jJuainsdehi 5 18 170 Betul 8 28 252 ranse of 26-SO km,. and muiDium educational faci­ Mulla! 7 40 244 lities are available in the villages fallina in this Total 20 86 666 Two villages have three and six villages have two ranae. The number of educational institutions in p1imary schools eacb and their area with distances from the nearest town are indicated below:- No. of Name of village Location Code Area of the Name oftabsil Distance from tbe nearest town Primary No. village in with name School acres I 2 3 4 5 6 i Bhaillsdehi 29/1/209 3.692.68 Bhainsdebi Belul 59.2 krol. 2. Sawal Mendha Ryt. 29/1/237 677.19 BJainsdehi Achalpur 38.4 ms. 3. Ohoda Dongri 29/2/210 2.950.60 Betul Betul 36.8 kms. 2. Jamthi 29/2/264 1,7SO.75 Betul Betul 6.4 kms. 2. Mahiya 29/2/405 2,434.96 B;tul Betul 19.2 kms, 2. Rodha 29121431 1,557.80 Betul Betul 9.6 kms. 2. Bctul Bazar 29/2/452 1.929.07 Betul Betnl 0.0 kin•• i Barwhi 29/2/487 4.179.51 Betul Betul 16.0 kms.

(c) Medical /acllitle •. -The availability ofmedi­ Betul tahsil have comparatively greater medical faci­ cal facilities, per 100 sq. lems. and tahsil-wise, is as lities per 100 sq. lans. The number of medical in­ given in the following inset tables:- stitutions, tahsil-wise, is as indicated be1ow:- Tahsil Total area No. of medical institutions of, (in sq. kms.) any kind per 100 sq. kms. '1'ahsU No. of medical institutions 1 2 3 I 2 1 Bhainsdehi 2,416 0.8 I. Bhainsdebi 20 2 Bctul 2,554 1.1 3 Multai 2.349 0.8 2. Betul 29 Multai 18 'rho above------~ table will show that the vUlases of 3. (d) Power Supply.-The number of villages with having electric power supply, tahsil-wise, is as be­ electric power supply within various ranges of dis­ low:- tance from the··nearest ·town i~ .. as indicated in the Tahsil Total No. of Villages having % of villages inset table below:- villages electric power covered by supply electricity Distance from the TotalNo. of No. of villages with 1 2 3 4 villages electric power supply nearest town 1. Bhainsdehi 402 19 4.7 l. .3 2. Bctul 568 68 12.14 . 3. Multai 5 kms. orless 77 22 428 48 11.2 6 - 10 kms. 100 23 Total 1,398 135 9.7 11 - 15 kms. 111 22 _- The percentage of villages having electric power 16 - 25 kms. 270 23 26 - 50 kms. 505 36 supply in the district compare favourably with the 51 -.100 kms. 273 8 State percentage of 7. There is a. thermal 101 - 200 kms. 46 power station in the district. Within the district 201 kms. and abovo 13 villages of Bhainsdehi tahsil have little or this U ,lspecified 3 1 facility. Total 1,398 135 (e) Communicat;o1U.-The total number of It would be seen from the above that less than villages and the number of villages connected by 10 percent of the total number of villages have elec­ different types of communications, falling in diffe­ tricity and over 95 percent of them are in the dis· rent distance ranges from the nearest town are in­ tance-range up to 50 ms. The number of villages dicated in the inset table below:-

Distance from the nearest Total No. of Number of villages connected by town villages P"'"u-cca-r-o-ad.....-...... K..... u-tc.,...ha-=-roaa.:.;;;;;:=Pacca road Ii Kutcha road & Others rail Jail ------~----~~--~~----~1 2 3 4 S 6 7

5 kms. or less 77 29 44 3 ., 6 - 10 kms. 100 36 60 2 2 11 - 15 kms. 111 35 69 1 5 16 - 25 kms. 270 47 214 1 26 - 50 kms. 505 107 329 7 4 51 - 100 kms. 273 30 179 1 101 - 200 kIDS. 46 15 201 tml. and abovo 13 Unspecified 3

Total 1,398 284 910 14 12

Few villages are served by "pUc::ca" road and are as under:- there is no "pucca" road in the villages coming in tahsil Total No. of No. at Villages Percentap the distance range 101-200 kms. and above. Out of villages having "pucc:a" road 1,398 villages in the district, 1220 villages are served 1 2 3 4 by either "pucca" or "kutcha" roads. The number 1 Bhainsdehi 402 82 20.39 of villages served by "Pucca" roads, tahsil-wise, and 2 Betul 568 114 20.07 the total number of villages with percentage covered 3 Multai 428 102 23.83 1,398 298 25

Comparatively, Multai tahsil has better communi­ villages of ""~ ta1Wl. Wbeat 1l_9d., r~-' also the cation facilities. staple food . i>J;iEet:·-Nrases;·' icularly of (f) Post and T,legraph.-The total number of Multai tahsil. In - of the rehabili- villages in the tahsils of the district having post tation area in Betul tahsil, where displaced persons offices and telegraph offices are given below:- from erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangia Desh) have been settled, rice is the only foodgrain con­ Name of Total No. of villa- No. or villa- No. or villa- stituting staple food. tahsil No. ges having ges having ges having of post office telegraph telephone (h) Land Use Pattem.-(i) According to the villages office village papers about 18% of the area in the district 2 3 4 5 is under forest. The percentages of the forest area, 1 Bhainsdehi 402 30 2 1 tahsil-wise, is indicated below:- 2 BctuJ .568 32 4 2 3 Multai 428 50 4 1 (a) Bhainsdehi 28.9 Percent 1,398. 112 10 4 (b) Betul 19.1 Percent The number of post offices per 100 sq. km. area (c) Multai 5.3 Percent in each tahsil is as indicated in the following inset It may be noticed that major portion of the table:- .... '.-- _-, disllict forest area lies in Bhainsdehi tahsil. Name or tahsil Total area in No. of pOlt offices per sq. km. 100 sq. km. (ii) The net cropped area in the year 1969 in~ 1 2 creased by 22.5 %as compared to the area in 1960- 1 Bhaiusdehi 2,416 1.2 61. The percentage of area under irrigation to area 2 Hetul 2,554 1.2 under crops during the years 1960-61 and 1968·69 3 Multai 2,349 2.1 comes to 4.8 and 5.7, respectively. The area under Comparatively, Multai tahsil has better postal irrigation during this period increased by 43.4 percent. facilities. (iii) The following inset table shows the average (g) Staple Food.-Maize, 'Jowar', 'Kodo' and percentage of cultivable waste per village in differeDt 'Kutki' constitute staple food in the majority of the distance ranges from the nearest towns:-

Distance Number of Total cultivated Average c:ultivated Total cultivable Average cultivable Percentage of average culti­ villages land land per village waste waste per village vable waste per villaae to average cultivated land per village 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 kms or less 77 54,533.06 708.22 9,920.44 128.84 18.19 6-10 kms 100 85,535.53 855,36 15,751.99 157.52 18.42 11-15 kOls 111 98,582.66 888.13 16,683.83 150.30 16.92 16-25 kms 270 241,240.67 893.48 40,286.05 149.21 16.70 26-50 kOls 505 448,985.81 889.08 62,314.84 123.39 13.84 51-100 kOls 273 169,491.85 620.84 28,040.46 102.71 16.54 101-200 kOls 46 20,018.48 435.84 2,847.44 61.90 14.22 201 kOls & above 13 5,243.57 403.35 1,469.99 113.08 28.04 Un~pecified 3

Total 1,398 1,123,631.63 177,315.04

Ordinarily, the nearer a village to an urban area, In the whole district 177,315 acres (in round the lesser is the proportion of cultivable waste but figure) of land bas been classified as cultivable waste the above inset table will show that there is some which constitutes about LO percent of the total area deviation in the distance range ]1·15 lems. to of the villages in the district. The percentase of 101-200 kms. 26 cultivable waste in each tahsil is indicated below: directions which are obviously urban in character Name of Tahsil Percentage of cultivable waste and form a continuous urban spread. This has been 2 considered necessary so that future comparisons or studies of the particular urban agglomeration is 1. Bhainsdehi 6.85 factual and not vitiated by the time differential which 2. Betul 9.16 3. Multai 13.52 exists between the delineation of municipal bounda­ ries and the actual growth of the urb~ area. ' This table would show that comparatively more cultivable waste is located in M ultai tahsil and it (iii) Standard Urban Area.-This new concept comes to about 1/8th of the total area of the villages has been developed for the 1971 Census and the in this tahsil. . essentials of a Standard Urban Area are:- Town Directory: (1) It should have a core town of a minimum This is in the form of seven Statements. But population size of 50,000. before discussing the information collected in the (2) The contiguous areas made up of other seven Statements, it would be better to first under­ urban as well as rural administrative units stand certain concepts which determines urban areas. should have close socio-economic links with (i) Definition of town .-A 'town' in the 1961 the core town; and Census was either (i) a Municipality, Cantonment or (3) The probabilities are that this entire area Corporation; or (ii) a habitation with a population will get fully urbanised in a period of two of at least 5,000, with atleast three-fourths of the to three decades. This concept has been adult male population engaged in non-agricultural developed to provide comparable data for a pursuits. Accordingly there were 219 towns in the definite area of urbanisation continuously State. However, seven towns did not satisfy either for three decades which would give a mean­ the minimum popUlation criterion or the one relating ingful picture. to ratio of non-agricultural adult males being 75 % or more. But the list already finalised was not Tbe Seven Statements.-Very useful data changed subsequently; the reason for not disturbing regarding the towns have been given in the original list of towns was that as many as 14 the statements and they have been collected and habitations which did not satisfy one or the other compiled from various agencies and official publica­ of the criteria laid down earlier managed to get in­ tions. The source and period of the information has cluded in: the list of towns as Municipalities and in­ been indicated below each Statement. It would not clusion of seven more such towns was not supposed­ be out of place to mention here that analysis of to introduce greater demographic distortion than what data collected from diverse sources has its own limi­ was already present. In the 1971 Census there was tations, mostly due to sketchy and incomplete in­ no material change in the concept of town and a formation. All the same, the data compiled and list of 247 towns was prepared originally. Three presented throws sufficient light on the present stage more towns were added in the list due to the fact of progress in each town. that two places were declared as municipal and the (i) Statement No. I.-This statement presents the third fulfilled the necessary criterion to qualify a basic data relating to popUlation of the towns place as urban and ultimately 250 towns were recog­ for each decennium from 1901 to 1971 and nised in the State. All areas VI hich are not towns the civic administration status in 1970. The have been included in the list of villages. civic administration status of the town in­ (ii) Urban Agglomeration.-The concept of dicates the authority incharge of its admini­ Urban Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971 stration. Thus a town could have a Muni­ Census with the intention to present the popUlation cipal Corporation, a Municipality, a Canton­ data in the District Census Handbook in respect of ment Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified urban areas iii such a manner that "de facto urban Area Committee, etc. agglomeration" is a recognisable entity, data pertain­ ing to which will be the sum of the data of not only (Ii) Statement No. lI.-This statement contains the de-jure (within Municipal/other statutory limits) information regarding location (latitude/ urban area but "llso of its outgrowths in different longitude), annual rainfall, temperature,· 27

distance from the nearest city with popula­ Betul Bazar continue to be recognised as a town tion of 1 lac or more and State, District since 1901. No town has ever been derecognised. and Tahsil he ~dquarters. Distances from Urban outgrowths and Standard urban Areas.­ Railway Station .and Bus route have also Betul and Amla towns do nothave urban outgrowths. been indicated. The. following are the urban agglomerations in the (iii) Statement No. IlI.-The statement contains district and their components are also mentioned:- . information regarding receipt and expendi­ Town Outgrowth Particulars Location ture of local bodies under different main (Name of Village) (wholly/Partly) Code No. heads indicating the indebtedness and gene­ 1 2 3 4 ral financial position and expendiiure on 1 Betul- Betul-Bazar wholly 29/2/452 public utility works. The information has Bazar kasba been furnished for the years 1968-69, 1969-70 2 Multai Multaigaon wholly 29/3/205 and 1970~71 in order to have an idea whether the cOncerned urban body is improving There is no Standard Urban Area in the district. financially or not. Statement I.-(a) Amla town has Gram pan­ (iv) Statement No.IV.-This statement contains chayat while the rest of the towns have municipal~ties. information regarding amenities, e.g., road The population of Betul, Betul Bazar and Multai feU length, sewerage system, types of latrines, during the decades as mentioned below:- water supply, fire-fighting service, etc. in the Reduction in different towns. Name of town Deeade population Year population population (v) Statement No. V.--This statement contains 1 2 3 4 information regarding various important 1. Betul 1911 7,454 facilities available in the town viz., medical, 1921 6,954 SOO educational, recreational and cultural. 2. Betul Bazar 1921 5,773 1931 5,378 39S (vi) Statement No. VI.-This statement throws 3. Multai 1951 11,767 light on the business and credit facilities 1961 8,232 3,S35 commanded by the towns and contains in­ The popUlation of the towns has, by and large, formation regarding trade, commerce, in­ shown constant increase in every decade after their dustry and banking. recognition as town except during the periods men­ (vii) Statemant No. VII.-This statement contains tioned above. data regarding population by religion and The decrease in population of Betul during the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/ decade 1911-1921 is largely due to outbreak offata] female break-up for the year 1971. This is infiuenza epidemic in 1918. During the decade the only statement based on 1971 Census 1921-31 the district experienced increase but the figures. population of Betul Baza,r decreased by 395 and this There are three tahsits and four towns in Betul slight reduction in the population may be largeiy district as indicated below:- due to migration to other areas of the district.· S.No. Name of tahsil Name of town L.C.No-- Class The population ofMultai shows unusual increase 1 2 3 4 5 of 6,571 in 1951 and decrease of 3,535 in 1961. The reason is that in 1951 the population of staff camp Bhainsdehi 1. Amla (2,331) and Amla Railway colony (2,910) were 2. Betul Betul 29/1 III Betul Bazar 29/11 V included in the popUlation of Multai town. tlfthis 3. Multai Multai 29/IlI IV population of Amla (2,910+2,331=5,241) is excluded Amla 29/IV IV from the reported figures of 11,767 of Multai town, then the population of Multai town in 1951 should All the tahsil headquarters, except Bhainsdehi, • District Census Hand Book-Census of Iadia, 1961- [re towns. Betul is also the headquarter of the B;tul District-page XLVllI. district. Multai was recognised as a town in 1941 t District Census Hand Book-Census of India, 19S1- while AmJa· was recognised in 1961. Betul and -page lS8. 28 be 6.526 which synchronises with the general trend which is at a distance of only 35 kms. from Amla of reasonable ircrease in population. It may be by road. The temperature data of Amla and Mul­ indicated that Amla was recognised as a town only tai are not available but there is not much variance in 1961. Column 14 of the Statement shows the func­ as compared to the climate and temperature of tional classification of the towns in 1961 as indi 'ated Betul except that Amla is silghtly cooler. On the in the following inset table:- whole, the climate of all these four towns is gene­ Functional category Total No. of towns rally moderate, the temperature remaining pleasant . 1 2 throughout the greater part of the year. All the Services'cum-Tran5port 1 towns are on bus route. Railway facility is avai­ Services 1 JabJe in all the towns except BetuJ Bazar which is Primary Activities 1 only at a distance of 8 km. from the Betul railway Primary Activities-cum-Industrial------1 station. The district headquarter, Betul, is at a The method adopted for the functiona I classifi­ distance of 176 kms. from the State Headquarters, cation is elucidated below:- Bhopal. Nagpur, which is now in Maharashtra State, is the nearest city from Multai, Amla and (b) The nine industrial categl)ries were grouped into the followidg five functional characteristics:- Betul Bazar while Bhopal is the nearest city from Betul. It may be Interesting to note that Betul (i) Primary Activities (CompriSing Category-I. practically lies half way between Bhopal and Nag­ Cultivation, II-Agricultural Labourer and pur by road, the distances being Betul to Nagpur III-Mining and Quarrying, Fis':irg, Live 179 kms. and Betul to Bhopal 176 kms. Stock, Hunting, etc.) (ii) Industrial (Comprising Category IV­ Statement III.-On the basis of population of Household Industry, V-Manufacturing 1971. the four towns of the district· have been cate­ other than Household Industry and VI­ gorised as under:- Construction). Population in 1971 Class (iii) Commercial (Comprising Category VU­ N.!me of town Trade and Commerce). 2 3 (iv) Transport (Comprising Category VII1-Trans­ 1 Amla 16.902 Iv port, Storage and Communicatio:1~). 2 Betul 30.862 111 (v) Services (Comprising Category IX-Other 3 Betul Bazar 7;959 V services). 4 Multai 11,114 IV The percentage of total workers under the above five functional characteristics were calculated for The Statement would show that the total expen­ each town and the predominant function(s) of each diture is within the total receipts of the local bodie~ town was/were determined. If one functional cha­ except in the following cases:- racteristic of a town absorbed more than 40 percent 1. Betul Bazar Municipality spent Rs. 3,500 and of the total workers the town was designated by that Rs. 3,400 more during the years 1968-69 and function. In case no single characteristic claimed 1970-71, respectively. 40 percent of the workers, two predominant charac­ 2. Multai Municipality spent Rs. 7.300 more teristics together claiming a percentage of 60 or during the year 1970-71. above were taken to represent the town. If these Amla Gram Panchayat and Betul Bazar Munici­ two failed to account for 60 percent of the total pality have shown an upward trend in the total workers, the first three characteristics were taken to receipts during the years 1968-69 to 1970-71. The represent the town. total receipts of Betul and Multai Municipalities, Statement 11:-The physical and loeational as­ however, reveal a fall during the years 1969-70.and pects as in 1969 have been covered. All the towns 1970-71, respectively, mainly due to reduction of of the district lie in the Satpura plateau (Central Government grant and loan. Receipts through Plateau). The rainfall data of Amla is not availa­ taxes have also shown, by and large. an upward ble but it sets rainfall siro.ilar to that of Multai trend during these three years except in. tho following cases:- Government grant and joan have substantially N.1me oflocal body Year Extent of short fall contributed to the receipts of these local bodies and of Betul Municipality in particular. The per capita 1. Amla Gram Panchayat 1970-71 Rs. 1,500 2. Betul Municipality 1969-70 Rs.22,800 receipt and expenditure under broad heads is indi­ Rs.15,700 3. BetuJ Bazar Municipality 1969-70------cated in the inset table below:- Cla'5s of town Year No. of Per capita (in Rupees) towns Receipt Expenditure To-t"'al-re---;:;R:':-ece~i::p~t-nR~ece=ip-:-t Toiafex:-Ex-pe-n"""di~tur-e-on ExpeiiditUr---e-o..... n~Bx .....pe"'"""'nd ..... i"...tu-re-o::-n- ceipt through from all penditure public health public institu- all other as- taxes other conveniences tions peets etc. sources

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Class [ 100,000 & over Class n 50,000-99,999 Class III 1968-69 1 34.80 13.22 21.58 34.61 23.49 1.14 9.98 20,(01).49,999 1969-70 1 26.34· 12.48 13.86 26.03 6.55 0.92 18.56 1970-71 1 29.83 13.22 16.61 28.62 5.87 0.82 21.93 Class IV 1968-69 2 9.53 1.04 2.49 9.24 3.12 0.29 5.83 10,000-19,999 1969-70 2 14.46 10.27 4.18 12.82 2.93 0.18 9.71 1970-71 2 12.48 10.52 1.96 12.39 3.73 0.18 848 Class V 1968-69 10.82 6.78 4.04 11.26 2.62 2.10 6.54 5,000-9,999 1969-70 1 12.67 4.79 7.88 11.52 2.24 1.71 7.57 1970-71 1 17.36 5.02 12.34 17.79 3.00 1.82 12.97 Class VI Below 5,000 The above inset table would sbow that the lity is. however, not available at Betul Bazar. The total per capita receipt matches fairly well with the number of beds per 1,000 popUlation has been in­ total per capita expenditure. The per capita ex­ dicated in the inset table below;- penditure on public health and conveniences is, Total No. of beds in medical No. of beds per 1,000 however, substantially less than even per capita institutions population. receipt through· taxes, etc. except in the case of Betul 120 Municipality during the year 1968·69 when the ex­ 1.8 penditure was Rs. 23.49 against the receipt of Rs. (ii) Educational faci/ities.-There is one com­ 13.22. The expenditure of the local bodies other bined college at Betul and one arts college at Mul­ than Betul Municipality, shown in col. 15 of State­ tai while every town has Higher Secondary/High ment No. III under head 'Others', constitutes quite School facility. The number of Higher Secondary! a high percentage of the total expenditure. These High Schools, Middle Schools and Primary Schools local bodies, however, failed to give clarification per thousand population is shown in the following regarding high expenditure under head "Others". inset table. For a more realistic appreciation the Statement IV.-All the towns have electricity population in the age-group 0-14 has been consi­ and electric connections have also been given for. dered for Primary and Middle Schools while po­ industrial purpose. Street lights have also been pro­ pulation in the age-group 15-19 has been consider­ vided in all the towns. Water tap facility is avai­ ed for Higher Secondary/High School~. lable in Multai town only. Fire brigade is not avai­ Name of the Number p"J 1,000 population lable in any town. town Higher Secondary Middle Junior Secondary/ or Higb School Primary. Statement V:-(i) Medical facilities.-There l 2 3 4 is one Primary Health Centre in each of the two 1 Amla 2.5 0.3 0.5 lowns Amla and Multai while two Hospitals and 2 Betul 0.9 0.8 one Family Planning Clinic are available at the dis­ 3 Betul Bazar 2.8 0.3 0.5 1.7 0.4 04 trict bead quarter town, Betul. Such medical faci- 4 Multai 30

(iii) Recreational and cllltural !acilities.-Amla, percent are found in Multai and Betul Bazar though it is not even a tahsil headquarter, has got towns. About 84 and 10 percent of the town po­ 3 Cinema houses while the district headquarter pulation follow hindu and islam religions, respecti­ town, Betul and Multai have one Cinema house vely, while the percentage of people following other each. Public libraries are available in Betul and religions is not very significant. By and large, this Multai towns only. ratio is found in all the towns except that in Betu} Statement VI.-There are 3 banks at Betul and Bazar. The percentage of people following hindu 2 banks at Multai while the rest of the two towns and islam religions comes to about 97 and 3, res­ have one bank each. Two non-agricultural credit pectively. About 4 percent people of Multai follow societies are available at Betul while all the towns jain religion. There is no christian and sikh po­ have got the facility of Agricultural Credit Society. pulation in Betul Bazar. The percentage of Sche­ . Ground nut oil, sugar, rice and cloth are the main duled Caste population in Amla town is about 16 items of import while potato, "gud" and "harra" while in other towns it is less than 10. There is no are the· important items of export from the towns Scheduled Tribe population in Amla and MuItai of the district. while in Betul and Betul Bazar the percentage of Statement Vn.-About 46 and 25 percent of this population comes to only 5.24 aud 0.73, res­ the town population of the district are in Betul pectively. and Amla towns, respectiVely, and only 16 and 11


VlLLAG£ Amenities and BHAINSD.EHI

Total area Amenities available within the villages Location oftbe r--- --"-- Code village Educational Medical Power DrinKing Comma- Post" and No. Name ofVi1lago (ill acrcs) Supply Water Dication Telegraph

, 1 2 3 4 S 6 " 8 9

1 Kalyallpur 1,060.21 W 2 Chiwal 126.24 R 3 Robni 735.07 R 4 Kekdya Kalan 810.22 W S Partapura 453.33 W

6 1habe 476.30 PR (1) W 7 R,abtiyadadu 657.08 W 8 Batla Kalan 1,553.77 PRO) W 9 Bhurbhut 534.80 R 10 Hardedadu 473.84 W

11 Pali 608.20 W 12 Hidli (p.) 913.89 w 13 Umarghat 5'81.59 R 14 DuJariya 1,618.82 PR (1, NW 15 Borkund 965.65 W

16 Daulatpura 467.43 R 17 Malate 736.66 .. W 18 Batki 928.10 W 19 Bicbhu Tekadi 351.39 W 20 Damdebi 724.22 R

21 Birpura 304.46 NW 22 Balbarpura 221.60 W 23 Damjipura 921.18 PR(l),Mid: 8(1) D (1) W PO 24- Gonagbat 232.32 25 Behda 1,350.81 W

26 Cbeera 1,389.98 W 27 Batla Kburd 1,924.66 PR,(ij W 28 Desli 2,900,63 PR,:(l) W KR. 2.9 Dhawada Rst. 1,331.52 W 30 Goberbel 1,373.25 W

31 Kekadya Kb\l1'd 1,72l.72 W 32 Maba&pur lawra 3,027.76 PR(1} W KR 33 lhirotdadu 786.16 W' KR. 34 Khurda 977.33 W 35 Patin 627.36 R

36 Duliya 1,220.66 R. 37 Titvi 1,353.71 PRUI- W 38 Mohta 785.83 PR(l D (1) W,R KR PO 39 Chamaipur 617.40 W 40 l"ogli 3,171.75 W

41 Palanga 1,144.10 PRo (1) W 42 Polta 1,056.23 W,R 43 Bagda 973.00 - 44 Ghodida 1,225.07 R. 45 Anki Ryt. 829.88 W,R

46 DabidaRyt. 1,224.60 W,R 47 Khaira 6,259.22 PR(l) W,R 48 Utari 3,620.22 W 49 Dodajam 3,213.61 PR(I) W SO Bori 431.00 R 33


Land use (i.I. area under different typesw ______of land use) in acrea --, Day of Remarks inelu- . - weekly ding any pJac:e L. eulturaole waste Area not Nearest market, if of religious. C. Staple Un- (I.e. pasture and available town & any, held historical or No. Food. Poreat Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for cuIti- distance in village archaeological vation in kms. interest 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

lCodo, It'.ltki 428.81 1.26 433.51 143.42 53.21 Betul208.0 1 K.odo, K.utki 310.04 0.01 328.69 60.22 27.28 Betul209.6 :1 K.odo, Ku,ki 415.21 0.51 285.68 18.16 15.51 Betu1203.2 3 K.odo, lC.utld 0.07 626.32 153.83 30.00 Betul208.0 4 Kodo, lCutki 248.93 145.79 39.66 18.95 Betu1208.0 5

K.odo, lCutki ··2.02 0.09 418.86 32.25 23.08 Betul208.0 6 K.odo, Kutki 98.05 450.60 78.95 29.48 Betul224.0 7 Kodo, lCutki 360.20 776.11 292.03 125.43 Betul 217.6 8 lCodo, ltutki 26.19 0.19 341.82 87.23 79.37 Betul 208.0 9 K.odo, lCutki 49.72 178.98 184.72 60.42 Betul 209.6 10

lCodo, Kutki 58.47 0.10 415.48 97.60 36.55 . Betu} 209.6 11 lCollo, ltutki 200.62 559.03 116.26 37.98 Betul206.0 12 lCodo, ltutki 29.06 280.47 165.66 106.40 BetuI211.2 13 Wheat, Jowar 635.06 792.99 93.46 97.31 Betul136.0 14 Whoat, Jowar 38.80 699.61 39.41 187.83 Betu1132.8 15

Wheat. Jowar 52.44 347.99 31.81 35.19 Betul 137.6 16 Wheat. Jowar 272.56 410.12 7.84 46.14 Botul 131.2 17 Wheat, Jowar 645.66 259.83 23.21 Betull24.8 18 Wheat. Jowar 83.27 245.37 7.78 14.97 BetuI129.6 19 Wheat, Jowar 341.23 320.52 3.24 59.23 Betu1137.6 20

Wheat. Jowar 126.64 157.16 4.60 16.06 Betu1131.2 21 Wheat. Jowar 215.23 1.42 4.95 Beto1l29.6 22 Wheat, Jowar 210.67 648.07 12.27 50.77 Betu1128.0 Saturda, 23 Wheat. Jowar 190 54 1.75 40.03 Betul 152.0 24 Wheat. J'owar 522.98 680.58 12.06 135.19 Betul 131.9 25

Wheat. Jowar 793.09 426.57 6.58 163.74 Beto1134.4 26 Wheat, R.ice 1013.44 0.30 629.53 166.58 114.81 Botull20.0 27 Wheat, Rice 1,486.74 0.92 983.50 \ 247.60 181.87 Betu) 118.4 WednesdaJ' 28 Wheat. R.ice 720.26 0.04 411.82 137.56 61.84 Beto1121.6 29 Wheat. R.ice 649.59 0.89 616.58 66.50 39.69 Betull28.0 30

Wheat, R.ice 1,157.00 0.06 421.86 69.14 74.66 Betull24.0 31 Wheat. Rice 1,593.41 0.22 1,173.95 154.95 105.23 Betul1l6.8 32 Wheat, R.ice 353.26 0.07 337.05 60.94 34.84 Betu112O.0 33 Wheat. R.ice 380.00 366.78 145.84 84.71 Betul 120.0 34 lowar. Maizo 185.84 0.49 262.89 21.40 156.74 Beto1l00.8 3S

Jowar, Maize 724.34 395.94 16.75 83.63 Betul 94.4 36 Jowar. Maize 476.49 661.67 54.34 161.21 Betul 99.2 37 Jowar, Maize 313.08 373.55 16.08 83.12 Betull00.8 Wednesday 38 Jowar. Maize 74.97 0.09 423.44 30.01 88.83 Betull02.4 39 Jowar. Maize 1,857.86 937.59 182.61 199.69 Betull05.6 40

Jowar, Maize 484.39 1.06 539.91 79.82 38.92 Betull04.0 41 Jowar. Maize 485.48 400.31 75.68 94.76 Betull00.8 42 574,38 205.40 89.38 103.84 Betu1136.0 43 Jowar.··Maizo 391.32 503.85 215.30 114.60 Betul 96.0 44 Jom. Maize 379.92 188.71 39.27 221.98 Betul 96.0 45

Jowar, Maize 653.02 464.06 9.16 98.36 Betul 99.2 ... 46 Jowar, Maize 5,239.91 768.94 126.49 123.88 Betu) 108.8 47 JoW'oU', Maize 2,847.05 550.82 56.81 165.54 Betul110.4 48 Jowar, Maize 2,562.61 419.83 203.86 27.31 Betull04.0 49 lowar, Maize 83.40 245.30 11.79 .90.51 BetuJ 100.8 SO 34


Total area Amenities available within the viDages of the r- L.C. No. village Educational Medical Power . Drinking Commu· Post and Name or Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

51 Bijori 393.86 R 52 Kunkhedi 1,745.97 PR (1) W PO 53 Tingarya 1,676.48 R 54 Karida 730.26 W 55 Chillorc 4,250.45 PR (1) R KR

56 Mohda 4,491.26 PR (1) W KR 57 Basinda 4,648,76 W,F KR 58 Dhodra 903.37 R 59 Balu 801.03 R '0' 60 Naherpur 402.45 R KR

61 Kamod 998.33 W KR 62 Dharagohan l,lOS.08 F KR 63 Tipring 1,712.18 R 64 KidingRyt. 503.51 R 65 Labada Ryt. 699.30 .. R

66 Dhengna 1,904.51 R 67 Jadiya 3,317.17 PR (1)- W,R KR 68 Padar 1,471.87 W KR 69 KaslIl8.Ikhandl 4,283.57 W KR 10 Piparya (Mabatu) 5,052.38 PR (1) W,R KR

71 Batki 602.13 .,. W KR 72 Kabara 1,687.75 PR (1/ W KR 13 OUl'Wa 5,302.85 PRU W KR 14 Gorpad Mal. 942.86 W KR 75 Harra Mal. 625.58 F KR

76 Patti 1,506.32 PR (1) W KR 77 Dharagohan 768.84 W KR 78 Ch~dhana Ryt. 480.73 W KR 79 Ohorpad Ryt. 301.42 W KR 80 Dhakna 809.11 PR (I) W KR

81 Gullardhana 674.92 W KR 82 Jhapal 2,932.40 PR (1) W KR 83 Dadhari Ryt. 472.57 W KR 84 Kutanga 1,030.19 PR (1) W KR 85 Khamapur 1,777.24 .PR (1) W KR

86 Mungajbiri Rn. 375.07 .. Vi KR 87 Bhandwa 2,058.89 PR (1) W,F KR 88 Manakdand 1,316.91 W KR 89 Singar Chaodi 1,442.73 W KR .. 90 Ratanpur 3,232.58 PR (1),Mid. S. (1) W KR PO

91 Khatapani 1,107.86 PR (1) W,R 92 Dod 1,226.87 W PR 93 Palaspani 1,278.25 W PR 94 Lakkad Jam 2,433.97 PR (1) W 95 Bidli 1,224.64 W PR

96 Pipariya 2,058.35 PR (1) _ W PR 97 Adarsh Dhanora 1,503.33 PR O),Mid. S. (1) W PR PO 98 Kundbakajan 3.562.84 PR (11 W 99 Pat Ryt. 1,718.32 PR (1 W KR- 100 Bela 2,964.00 PR (1) W KR 35


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks inclu- r- weekly ding any place L. Culturable waste Area not Nearest market, if of religious, C. Staple Un- (I.e. pasture and available town & any held historical or No. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) forculti- distance in village archaeological vation inkms. interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Jowar, Maize 2.45 254.22 26.88 110.31 Betull04.0 51 Jowar, Maize 484.48 680.98 141.55 438.96 Betul 97.6 Tuesday 52 Jowar, Maize 1,086.89 418.30 84.80 86.49 Betul 99.2 53 Jowar, Maize 338.42 340.74 40.23 10.87 Betul 96.0 54 Rice, .Kado 1,944.14 830,48 312.44 1,163.39 Betul 88.0 Thumlay 55

Kodo, Kutki 3,078.28 4.36 695.15 235.36 478.11 Betul 81.6 56 Kodo, l' utki 4,017.76 0.67 312.80 230.14 87.39 Betul 84.8 57 Kodo, Kutki 695.23 170.08 7.91 30.15 Betul 94.4 58 Kodo, Kutki 48.22 407.96 45.42 299.43 Betul 91.2 59 Rice, Jowar 4.04 248.16 56.89 93.36 Betul 92.8 60

Kodo 32.54 2.02 357.20 27.60 578.97 Betul 94.4 61 Rice, Kodo' 1,023.00 104.01 37.04 41.03 Betul 97.6 62 Kodo, Kutki 1,428.86 118.12 67.82 97.38 Betull02.4 63 Rice, Jowar 212.69 213.87 0.96 76.05 Betull04.0 64 Kodo 0.26 294.70 107.43 296.91 Betul 78.4 65

Kodo, Kutki 1,482.27 205.17 45.38 171.69 Betul 84.8 66 Jowar. Maize 976.16 929.21 205.22 1,206.58 Betul 96.0 67 Maize, Jowar 868.16 0.52 353.11 86.97 163.11 Betul 104.0 68 Maize. Jowar 3,069.87 746.68 191.18 275.84 Betul 96.0 69 Maize. Jowar 1,575.94 6,30 1.758.52 384.70 1,326.92 Betul 88.0 Friday 70

Maize, Jowar 197.33 1.43 27090 19.81 11266 Betul 80.0 71 Kodo, Kutki 767.67 662.94 ZI8.85 38.29 Betul 72.0 72 Kodo. Kutki 2,504,65 3.60 1,608.82 586.20 599.58 Betul 78.4 73 Kodo. Kutki 107.70 386.38 112.76 336.02 Betul 68.8 74 Kodo, Kutki 69.34 182.75 32.19 341.30 Betul 68.8 75

Kodo, Kutki 74.87 26.26 636.94 89.11 679.14 Betul 64.0 76 Kodo, Kutki 415.29 2.17 267.23 44.88 39.27 Betul 65.6 77 Kodo. Kutki 2.75 328.55 46.48 102.95 Betul 65.6 78 Kodo. Kutki 35.46 0.75 144.98 59.91 60.32 Betul 70.4 79 Kodo, Kutkf 120.55 221.47 101.96 365.19 Betul 65.6 80

Kodo. Kutkf 130.28 0.13 444.52 54.84 45.15 Betul 72.0 81 Kodo, Maize 893.43 8.48 1,812.39 63.58 154.52 Betnl 56.0 82 Kodo. Maize 72.'n 318.03 48.26 33.41 Betul 51.2 83 Kodo, Kutkl 229.02 1.06 591.22 58.13 150.76 Betul 44.8 84 Kodo, Kutki 179.90 22.63 969.81 71.39 533.51 Betul 48.0 85

Kodo. Kutki 69.24 2.50 248.29 23.65 31.39 Betul 48.0 86 Wheat, Maize 693.31 8.26 1,184.07 3.91 169.34 Betul 54.4 87 Wheat. Maize 558.17 2.01 662.65 15.42 78.66 Betul 54.4 88 Wheat, Maize 237.30 18.21 1,089.99 7.96 89.27 Betul 49.6 89 Wheat. Maize 998.65 39.00 2,045.04 17.86 132.03 Betul 49.6 90

Kodo. Kutki 378.48 1.27 620.24 26.84 81.03 Betul 46.4 91 Kodo, Kutki 296.73 2.66 703.61 23.60 200.27 Betul 48.0 92 Kodo. Kutki 210.79 10.59 926.53 34.56 95.78 Betul 48.0 93 Kodo. Kutki 691.59 15.99 1,235.57 86.84 403.98 Betul 44.8 94 Kodo. Kntki 429.27 8.20 733.05 4.48 49.64 Betul 48.0 95

Kodo, Kutki 605.71 17.66 1,193.67 70.73 170.58 Betul 49.6 96 Kodo, Kutki 522.53 15.46 852.89 66.26 46.19 'Setul 49.6 97 Kodo, Kutki 744.81 47.42 2,226.38 133.98 410.25 Betul 49.6 98 Wheat, Rice 4.17 1,357.22 103.67 253.26 Betul 67.2 99 Wheat, Rice 2.077.6i 5,67 761.55 85.27 33.90 Betul 57.6 100 36


Total area Amenities available within the villages of the r--- L.C. No. village Educational Medical Power Drinkinl Commu- Post and Name of Village (in ac~s) Supply Water cication Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

101 Bhimpur 3,351.30 PR (I), PH: (1), W PR PO Mid. S. ell, FC (1) Sec. S. (1) 102 Gadha Khar 2,780.86 PR 0) W KR 103 Nanda 547.52 PR (1) W PR 104 Bakka 1,983.48 W KR 105 Guradiya 1,706.37 W KR

106 Makda 1,106.08 W KR 107 Chikhali .3,959.19 PR (1) W KR 108 Ghogara Ryt. 694.83 W KR 109 Chohtapopti 2.775.29 PR (1) W KR 110 Ratamati 2,326.53 W,R PR

111 Jamu 2.348.56 PR (1) W PR 112 Palsya 3.138.69 PR (1) W KR PO 113 Genhubarra 484.79 114 Uti 1,618.03 PR (1) W,R 115 Rambha 3,269.31 PR (1) W PR

116 Dhodra 1,254.37 W PR 117 Lakhajhiri 1,859.42 W KR 118 Chandu 2,480.23 . PR (1),Mid·. ·S. (1) D (1) W PR PO 119 DhoknaMal. 210.58 W 120 Dhokna Ryt. 431.99 W

121 Bel thana 1,180.55 W PR 122 Cltopni Khurd 1,046.99 W PR 123 Majarwani 1,514.59 PR (1) W PR PO 124 Dadepukharnl 1,033.85 PR (1) W 125 Umadla 1,000.70 W

126 Raksi 1,635.07 W 127 Kukdi 1,294.38 128 Kltapa 757.96 129 Rayta 1,015.31 130 Buretha 616.86 W

131 Kasya 894.92 W,R KR 132 Dokya 463.39 PR (1) W KR 133 Mendba (Kasyamendba) 1,585.27 W KR 134 G2.da Gohan 2,088.14 W 135 Bhadugaon 1,150.26 W

136 Labada 533.14 137 Kumbhi 1,616.34 W 138 Jamnya 2,568.05 PR 0) W 139 Chuna Lohma 6,873.41 PR 0) D (1) W,lt KR PO 140 Ghana Raipur 323.00 R KR

141 Dhamnya 1,503.46 PR (1) W KR 142 Newaralond Ryt. 676.35 W KR 143 Ratamati 7,863.74 PRO) W KR 144 Kotmi 832.35 W KR 145 Simori 1,910.02 W PR

146 Sonajhar 437.11 W KR 147 Dooni 228.78 W 148 . Jamuthana 1,518.98 W,R KR 149 . Maharpani 1,716.12 W PR 150 Kerpani 3,126.66 PR (1'1 W PR '" 37


Land use (t••• area under different types of land use in) acres Day of Remarks inclu· L. r-.------~~------~ weekly ding any place C. Culturable waste Area not Nea;est market, if of religious, No. Staple Un- (i.e. pasture and available town & any, held historical or Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for culti- distance in village archaeological vation in kms. interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Rice 808.97 26.64 1,679.85 525.68 310.16 Bctul 54.4 1hursday 101

Wheat, Rice 2,095.53 0.88 611.26 29.11 44.08 Betal 64.0 102 Wheat, Rice 24.60 435.58 67.31 20.03 Betul 60.8 103 Kado, Kutki 1,165.97 536.95 193.37 87.19 Betul 43.2 104 Kodo, Kutki 1,203.34 359.34 121.72 21.97 Betul 49.6 105

Kodo, Kutki 440.29 454.69 86.10 125.00 Betul 35.2 106 Kodo, Kutki 1,210.62 27.53 2,174.90 282.82 263.32 Betul 38.4 Friday 107 Wheat, Maize 267.75 2.40 277.67 36.36 110.65 Betal 56.0 108 Wheat, Maize 1,377.73 5.24 1,100.91 62.05 229.36 Betul 57.6 109 Wheat, Maize 1,214.79 804.87 175.73 131.14 Betul 57.6 110

Wheat, Maize 1,024.23 0.28 1,091.25 91.55 141.25 Betul 54.4 111 Wheat, Maize 1,181.34 1,406.10. 472.20 79.05 Eetul 51.2 112 207.43 184.37 92.99 Betul 32.0 113 10war, Maize 583.37 0.52 811.56 67.60 154.98 Betul 48.0 114 10war, Maize 1,123,06 1.04 1,914.53 185.85 44.83 Betul 49.6 115

Maize, Kodo 305.36 860.88 5.23 82.90 Betal 48.0 116 Maize. Kodo' 983.83 635.05 171.73 68.81 Betul 51.2 117 Maize, Kodo 121.48 0.15 1,216.92 92.25 449.43 Betu! 48.0 Monday 118 Maize. Kado 50.42 149.14 9.41 1.61 Betul 48.0 119 Maize, Kodo 281.97 63.48 86.54 Betul 56.0 120

10war. Wheat 448.71 622.46 17.93 91.45 Betul 608 121 Maize, 10war 640.35 323.41 1257 70.66 Betul 57.6 122 Wheat, lowar 780.62 598.78 56.22 78.97 Betul 56.0 123 ]owar, Maize 608.88 400.73 1.08 23.16 Betu! 51.2 124 luwar. Maize 707.28 240.60 7.39 45.43 Betul 57.6 125

Jowar. Maize 979.21 623.59 1.99 30.28 Betul 48.0 126 822.62 430.39 5.11 36.26 Betul 68.8 127 136.52 595.80 9.12 15.92 Betul 68.8 128 250.59 504.84 87.09 172.79 Betul 67.2 129 wheii.Gram 72.63 0.78 404.18 6.84 132.43 Betul 40.0 .;,. 130

Rice, Maize 172.04 477.12 51.27 194.49 B~tul 35.2 131 Wheat, Gram 61.03 2.95 303.95 26.03 69.43 Betul 35.2 132 Gram,lowar 1,077.66 0.01 437.27 40.33 29.94 Betul 38.4 133 Wheat, Rice 858.06 576.86 79.80 573.42 Betul 49.6 134 Gram, 10war 127.83 350.59 40.53 631.31 B~tul 48.0 135

279.68 209.27 41.04 3.15 Betul 38.4 136 Maize, 10\\ ae 973.02 591.59 9.14 42.59 Betul 35.2 137 Wheat, Rice 963.63 27.i9 1,497.24 33.21 46.78 Betul 43.2 [38 Jowar, Kado 2,541.41 24.62 3,238.59 146.33 922.46 Betul 27.2 Thur$day 139 Wheat, lowar 91.83 0.12 169.83 8.78 52.44 Betul 33.6 140

Wheat, Jowar 334.52 0.50 1,002.72 11.92 153.80 Betul 35.2 141 Wheat, Jowar •• 578.58 26.76 71.01 Betu! 32.0 142 Wheat, Gram 4,272.75 37.50' 3,078.05 302.42 173.02 B~tlll 16.0 143 Maize,lowar 479.71 275.99 9.34 67.31 Betul 22.4 144 Maize,lowar 980.63 754.90 39.92 134.57 Betul 24.0 145

Maize, ]owar 207.50 183.43 46.18 Betul 22.4 146 . Maize, Jowar 83.74 116.12 4.55 24.37 Betul 22.4 147 Maize, Jowar 481.49 23.91 486.15 70.50 456.93 Betu! 27.2 148 10war, M':za 429.31 4.26 1,089.79 85.27 107.49 Betu 128.8 149 1owar, Maira 9S8.61 16.02· 1,743.18 207.02 201.83 Betul 24.0 150 38


Total area Amenities____ available.-.A- within the villages of the ------""'I L.C.No. v.llage Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

151 Theskl;l 1,183.13 PR (1) W KR 152 Borgaon 2,212.67 PR (1) W PR 153 Machhi 2,883.86 PR(1) W PR PO 154 Ambhori 1,142.61 W PR 155 Tembhurni 1,347.87 PR(I) W

156 Layawani 2,061.04 PR (1) W 157 Mendha Khapa 846.41 R 158 Khapa 523.40 R 159 Siwanrat 1,880.26 W .. 160 Iballar 4,820.01 PR (1), PHC(l) E, EI, EIN W PR PO Mid. S. (1)

161 Bothiya 1,515A9 PR (1) W KR 162 Nandara 887.26 W KR 163 Goregaon 930.49 PR (1) W 164 Masod 942.42 PR (n W 165 Borgaon 1,365.39 PR (1) W

166 Amla 3,136.44 PR (1) W PR 167 Kolgaon 1,143.22 W 168 Malegaon 2,028.23 PR (i) W 169 Basner Kalan 1,814.81 PR (1~ E[ W PR 170 B.lSner Khurd 1,060.46 PR (1 E[ W PR

171 Saygohan 1,452.49 W .PR 172 Tamsar 1,230.49 PR

176 Bhainsaghat 2,563.41 W KR 177 Babrya 1,566.11 W 178 RljoJa 2,484.48 W,R 179 Pandhuma 1,525.85 PR ~1) W 180 Akkalwadi 2,365.45 PR 1) W

, 181 Dahegud 1,766.91 PR (1) W PO 182 Korpa 1,154.38 W 183 Chaugarh 2.09080 W 184 Lal Khedi 1~819.14 W 185- Umari 1,617.44 PR (1) W

186 Koylari 1,625.25 W PR 187 Nipanya 1,883.33 PR (1) W 188 Kaldongri 1,513.13 W 189 GayKham 1,439.09 W 190 Pipariya 1,860.49 W PR

191 Sirajgaon 1,671.33 PR (1) W PR 192 Gudgaon 1,349.35 •• E, EJ,EIN W PR 193 Bokari Khapa 1,005.65 w PR 194 Chilkapur 1,336.51 PR (1) FC 6) E, ii W FR PO 195 Barhapur 1,390.12 PR (1) •• E, EI,EIN W PR PO

196 Dhangaon 739.62 197 lam jhiri 2,151.39 PR (1) W 198 Ghogaena 465.47 PR (1) W .. 199 Katol 1,044.93 W PR 200 Dewalwada 623.72 W PIt ... 39


Land use (i.e. area under different.A. types ______of land use in) acres Day of Remarks inclu- r- weekly ding any place L • CulturabIe waste Area not N~arest market. if of religous, C. Staple Un- (i.e. pasture and available town & ani, held historical or No. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for culti- distance in village arch:leological vation in kms. interest 10 11 12 11 14 15 16 17 18 1

Jowar, Maize 411.21 1.88 627.92 23.24 118.88 B~tul 22.4 151 lowar, Maize 263.08 41.92 1,480.68 95.39 331.60 BetuI 27.2 152 iowar, Maize 1,104.96 23.00 1,412.90 227.26 115.74 Betul 30.4 153 lowar, Mlize 195.80 15;41 832.01 77.18 22.21 Betu} 36.8 154 lowae, . Maize 369.68 4.68 876.96 54.15 42.40 Betul 33.6 155 lowar, Maize 30.00 1.16 1,008.15 49.15 972.58 Betul 30.4 156 lowar, Maize 404.86 331.78 4.73 105.04 Betul 40.0 157 lowar, Maize 195.42 239.63 28.22 60.13 Betul 40.0 158 Wlleat, lowar 60.86 21.05 1,637.47 106.01 54.87 Betul 38.4 159 Wheat, Iowa" 1,500.82 30.65 2,792.64 334.10 161.80 Betul 33.6 Tuesday 160

Wheat, lowar 294.48 23.23 1,040.40 126.93 30.45 Betul 36.8 161 Wheat, Jowar 225.98 589.54 42.96 28.78 Betul 41.6 162 Wh;:at, lowar 3.76 13.90 815.00 63.61 34.22 Betul 41.6 163 Wheat. Jowar 19.10 28.52 786.55 83.34 24.91 Betul 38.0 164 Wheat, Jowar 29.09 13.84 1,234.52 53.69 34.25 Betnl 44.8 165

Wheat, Jowar 387.08 20.56 2,508.34 148.58 71.88 Betul 44.8 166 Wheat, lowar 11.03 81.52 948.49 63.98 38.20 Betul 46.4 167 Wheat, Jowar 49.82 180.20 1,571.18 134.34 92.69 Betul 40.0 168 Wheat, Jowar 278.24 1,343.68 123.68 69.21 BetuI 43.2 169 Wheat, lowar 16.9i 117.48 811.73 63.02 51.32 Bctul 40.0 170

Wheat, Rice 102.12 25.94 . t,236.10 12.49 75.84 Betul 35.2 171 Wheat, Rice 111.44 15.58 1,003.18 43.83 50.46 Betul 40.0 172 Wheat, Rice 132.94 1,177.96 35.41 57.49 Betnl· 40.0 173 Wheat, Rice 285.39 68.10 1,492.17 418.42 112.05 Belul 43.2 174 Jowar, Kada 907.38 354.31 78.83 123.98 Betul 40.0 175

lowar, Maize 937.74 592.33 112.82 920.52 Betul 44.8 176 Rice, Maize 424.28 0.16 862.16 32.11 247-40 Betul 46.4 177 Rice, Maize 615.97 1,491.52 134.72 242.27 Betul 41.6 178 Rice, Maize 10.81 49.51 1,161.46 254.61 49.46 Betul 41.6 179 Wheat, Rico 92.28 56.43 1,703.79 377.16 135.79 Betul 48.0 180

Wheat, Rice 5.88 34.59 1,440.36 234.63 51.45 Betul 49.6 181 Wheat, Rice 20.39 13,97 848.01 227.56 44.45 Betu} 51.2 182 Jowar, Maize 439.28 0.56 1,401.57 112.55 136.84 Bet~l 46.4 183 Gram, Jowar 3.37 6.24 1,688.13 32.39 89.01 Betul 49.6 184 Rice, Wheat 118.07 41.39 1,311.20 77.93 68.85 Betul 62.4 185

Wheat, Rice 4.95 101.77 .1,352.04 106.59 59,90 Betul 41.6 186 Wheat, Rice 85.31 1,368.02 324.71 105.29 Betul 43.2 187 Wheat, Rice 1.03 997.55 288.88 225.67 :Betul 48.0 188 Wheat, Rice 4.00 1,177.06 204.06 53.97 Betul 46.4 189 lawar, Maize 106.59 59.04 1,455.69 143.51 95.66 Betul 48.0 190

lowar, Maize 13.08 75.16 1,349.61 161.64 71.84 Betul 44.1 191 Jow .. r, M·liz~ 23.75 117.87 1,021.50 114.58 71.65 Betul 49.6 192 lowar, Maiz~ 65.11 893.10 17.52 29,92 :Betul 52.8 193 Jowar, Maize 112.80 1,074.94 90.13 58.64 Bettll 50.2 sw,day 194 Wheat, lowar 435.07 785.45 105.40 64.20 Betul 60.8 195

31.56 25.64 646.49 6.35 29.58 Betu1 64.0 196 Wheat,- J'owar 34.87 170.38 1,582.72 232.09 131.33 :Betul 00.8 197 Wheat, lowar 114.87 304.98 24.65 20.97 :Betul 54.4 198 Wheat, lowar 59.65 241.37 609.76 74.89 59.26 Betul 59.2 199 Wheat, lowar 100.50 352.04 40.68 130.50 :BetuI 52.8 200 40 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Total area Amenities available within the villages of the r- L.C. No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nicatioD Telegraph

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9

201 Barrasaygohan 883.85 W 202 Pardi 1,083.50 W PR 203 JLlnawani 643.22 204 N.lyegaon I,OS6.41 205 Slrandai 1,316.47 W

206 DJreghat 322.44 207 Shivgarh 218.01 .. 208 Bagadra 1,961.02 PR (1), Sec: S. (1) E, El W PR .. 209 Bhainsdehi 3,692.68 PR (3), Mid. S. (1) D Cl) E,El,HN W,T PR PO,TO, Phone 210 Mathani 1636.03

211 Badgaon 1,289.66 PR (1) W 212 Bhiv Kund 1,719.72 PR (1) W 213 D!1udiya PLlrani 289.11 W 214 Dhudiya Nai 1,265.01 W 21S Sarai' 1,827.41 R

216 Lahas 1,356.05 W KR, 217 Kaudiya 2,217.65 PR (1) W 218 Kalidi 3,235.10 PR (1) W 219 Seol1i 1,396.56 W PR 220 Pohai' 1,663.45 PR (1) E, II W PR

221 Chopin Bujurg 840.27 W 222 Sihar 2,000.09 PR W 223 Garpathar Ryt. 1,295.41 PR (1(i~ W 224- Ramghati 2,573.73 PR (1 W,R PR 225 Dhon

  • 226 Mathani Ryt. 1,832.90 PR (1) W PR 227 DhamangaoD 2,308.95 PR (1),Mid. S. (1) •• E, El, EIN W PR 228 Themgaon 1983.19 PR (1) W 229' Rajni 2.273.97 W 230 Bothi 2;463.11 PR (1) W

    231 Ambada 2,424.42 PR (1) w 232 Nathudhana Ryt. 1,436.52 W 233 Ghugri 3,008.94 PR (1) W 234 Chikhali ayt. 732.91 PR. (1) W PR 23S Gadarajhiri Ryt. 2,397.25 PR (1) ,. W PR

    236 Khapa Ryt. 654.97 W PR 237 l:Iawalmendha Ryt. 677.19 PR(2),Mid. s. (I), FC 6) W PR Sec. S. (1) 238 Palaspani Ryt. 2,874.08 PR (f) •• W 239 Kabara Mal. 786.20 •• R 240 Kabara Ryt. 1,222.28 pa (1) W

    241 Koreli 4,210.25 PR (1) W,R KR 242 Kakadpani 1,314.10 W KR 243 Kasai 1,445.31 W KR 244 Bothiya 811.58 W KR 24S Borkhedi Purani 403.88 a 'KR

    246 Borkhedi Nai 513.66 ...... 247 Sendiya 491.44 248 Khamla 2,947.30 PR(I). Mid:S.(l) D (1) W KR PO 249 Jamukheda 371.20 NW KR 250 Kukaru 2,326.81 W KR 41


    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in) acres Day of Remarks ~ weekly including Culturable waste Area not Nearest market, if any place L. Staple Un- (i.e. pasture and available town & any, held of religious~ C. Food Foreat Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for culti- distance in village historical or No. vation in kms. archaeologi- cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Jowar. Kutki 288:76 0.05 405.48 172.42 17.14 Betul 62.~ 201 Jowar. Wheat 39.72 36.70 885.27 62.91 58.90 Betul 60.8 202 Jowar, Wheat 24.12 13.69 572.70 18.28 14.43 Betul 64.0 203 234.86 35.68 719.87 43.00 23.00 Betul 62.4 204 lowar, Kutki 468.92 14.60 775.53 22.94 34.48 Betul 62.4 20S

    66.05 68.97 20.53 166.89 Betul 62.4 206 91,10 26.80 100.11 Betul 64.0 207 Iowa";, !Codo 524.04 42.62 1,253.72 88.97 51.67 Betul 60.8 208 Rice,lowar 342.79 1,022.97 1,995.85 121.72 209.35 Betul 59.2 Saturday .-. 209 425.41 2.83 1,083.60 94.54 29.65 Betul 64.0 210

    Jowar, Kutlo _269.60 673.21 229.93 116.92 Betul 60.8 211 lowar, Kutki 3.34 2.02- 1,557.42 108.74 48.20 Betul 62.4 212 Jowar, Kutki 5.54 255.01 15.29 13.27 Betul 68.8 213 Jowar, Kutki 148.61 1.08 904.73 154.76 55.83 Betul 68.8 214 Jowar, Maize 163.00 11.37 1,423.82 172.25 56.97 Betul 62.4 21S

    Wheat, Rice 308.49 10.99 906.68 27.83 102.06 Betul 67.2 216 Rice, Maize 330,47 20.95 1,309.87 85.21 471.15 Betul 67.2 217 lowar, Maize 497.71 2.76 2,004.78 140.94 588.91 Betul 67.2 218 lowar, Maize 7.18 193.85 960.88 169.61 65.04 Betul 54.4 ; .. 219 lawar, Kutki 189.16 1,150.64 258.77 64.88 Betul 54.4 22.0

    lowar, Kutki 34.11 716.88 71.25 18.03 Betul 54.4 221 Jowar, Kuill 7.90 127.86 1,375.12 394.80 94.41 Betul 56.0 222 Maize.lowar 12.31 1,171.14 100.45 11.51 Betul 56.0 223 Jowar, Kutki 446.60 85.34 1,732.77 185.11 123.91 Betul 52.8 224 Jowar, Kutki 105.07 1,012.61 233.09 77.64 Betul 52.8 225

    Jowar, Bajra 263.40 31.86 1,276.57 261.07 Betul 59.2 2.16 Wheat, Jowar 61.40 218.87 1.748.77 125.39 154.52 Betul 54.4 2.17 Jowar, Kodo 74.48 1,225.09 201.09 482.53 Betul 51.2 228 Jowar. Kodo 201.83 21.15 1,424.99 166.41 459.59 Betul 57.6 229 lawar, Rice 14.59 74.67 2,148.93 113.50 111.42 Betul 59.2 230

    Jowar, Rice 289.19 146.95 1.779.43 120.04 88.81 Betu16O.8 231 lawar. Kodo 125.75 5.84 1,083.29 210.97 10.67 ))etul 62.4 232 Maize, Jowar 1,308.62 27.32 1,437.79 19.42 215.79 Achalpur (M.R.) 40.0 ., 233 Maize, Jowar 28.40 12.12 642.81 1.75 47.83 Achalpur (M.R.) 32.0 234 ~aize, lowar .. 12.09 1,858.28 8.07 518.81 Achalpur (M.R.j40.0 • , 235

    Maize. lawaI;' 83.49 6.72 536.67 0.87 27.22 Achalpur (M.R.)38.4 236 Maize. lowar 120.61 13.78 480.39 12.37 50.04 Achalpur (M.R.)38.4 Monday .-. 237 JQwar, Ma~ 21.13 1,679.78 919.99 253.18 Betul 72.0 238 .{owar. Maize 119.16 486.68 170.55 9.81 Betul 81.6 239 lowar. Maize 223.48 410.38 568.21 20.21 Betul 84.8 240

    Jowar, Maize 2,050.98 19.46 1,567.18 112.26 460.37 Betul 76.8 241 Jowar. Maize 864.40 9.67 268.02 127.28 44.73 Betul 99.2 242 Jowar. Kutki 916.92 217.50 297.88 13.01 Paratwada(M.R.) 41.6 :: 243 IQwar, Maize 225.56 341.15 225.97 18.90 paratwada(M.R.~ 44.8 •. 244 ]owar, Maiu 238.60 84.98 73.47 6.83 Paratwada(M.R. 41.6~. 245

    2.42.74 140.28 109.02 21.62 Paratwada(M.R.) 43.2 •• 246 37.89 170.98 249.36 33.21 Betul 81.6 •. 2.47 jow;;, Maize 1,065.92 10.06 1,386.94 400.63 83.75 Paratwada(M.R.) 40.0 Monday .-. 248 lowar, Kutki 151.60 83.27 130.94 5.39 Paratwada~.R.) 40.0 •• 249 Jowar, Kutki 1,931.18 137.18 . 251.54 6.91 Paratwada .R.} 32.0 ._. 250 42


    Total area Amenities available within the v:iIIages of the L.C. No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post a;l Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    251 Pagadori 500.02 252 D.::dpani 1,247.82 PR (1) W KR 253 Baramacba 926.28 W KR 254 ' Lokasdari 969.27 R K.R 255 Majari 1,145.78 R

    256 Banoor 2,054.39 PR (1) W 257 Fangara Ryt. 378.21 R 258 'Adaumar' 524.75 R KR 259 lamulni 985.98 W KR 260 Patoli 1,541.57 PR (1) W

    261 Chikhala Jhodi 1,429.77 PR (1) W KR 262 Dhar 3,822.41 PR (1) W 263 Dhotradbana 671.93 R 264 Udama 1.087.59 PR (1) W,R KR 265 Kothal Kund 1,842.24 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) D (1) W \PR PO \ 266 Chichthana 1,528.37 W,R ,PR 267 ' Dhaba .. 982.76 PR (1) W,R PR 268 DedbaKund 575.26 PR (1) W,R KR 269 'Lamghati 1,607.27 W,R 270 Palas Khedj 770.41 W PR

    271 Nimbhora 1.426.72 PR (1) W PR 272 Thapoda 991.51 PR (1) W,R PR 273 Malegaon Jhlri 600.36 W pa 274 Kordi 425.25 R PR 275 Yedhapur 1,713.87 PR (1) R PR

    276 Patha Kbeda 1,496.03 PR (1) W 277 Khadgarb Ryt. 176.23 W 278 Khadgash Mal. 196.78 W KR 279 Pipalna Kalan 1,098.93 PR (1) W KR 280 Pipalna Khurd 419.91 R KR

    281 Khomai 1,576.37 PR (1) FC (1) W PR PO 282 Supala 1,309.19 W .. 283 Khetgadamod 141.07 284 Nawapur 489.48 PR cij E, El,BIN W PR 285 Bothiya Ryt. 342.12 W

    286 Bothiya Mal. 288.53 ... W 287 Andherbaodi 1,998.88 PR (1) W KR 288 Yen Khedi 1,931.42 PR (1) W KR 289 Dabhona 1,449.07 W KR 290 GhokaIpur 584.55 W KR

    291 Walkheda 1,129.26 W KR 292 Dhaodi 1,366.27 PR (1) W 293 Temni 2,790.29 PR (1) W 294 Tanki 1,327.10 W KR .,.' 295 Babjai 2,018.20 PR (1) W KR

    296 Kbairwada 1,940.37 PR (1) W 297 Charghati 2,235.74 W 298 Wadali 2,466.98 PR (1) W PO 299 Jamnya 702.55 .-j, , 300 Bakud 1,825.49 PR (1) E, El,BIN W Pa. 43


    Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in) acres Day of Remarks L. ,..------, weekly including C. Culturable waste Area Dot Nearest market, if any place No. Staple Un- (I.e. pasture and availablo town " any, held of religious, Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) forculti- distance in village historical or vation in koos. archaeologi- cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    265.30 222.02 11.90 0.80 Betul81.6 251 Jow&;, Kutki 638.09 15.68 467.56 104.25 22.24 Paratwada (M.R.) 43.2 252 Jowar. Kutki 339.39 3.00 474.20 98.07 11.62 Paratwada (M.R.) 38.4 253 Jowar, Maize 772.54 100.45 93.34 2.94 Paratwada (M.R.) 30.4 254 Jowar, Maize 584.48 301.71 248.50 11.09 Paratwada (M.R.) 19.2 255

    Jowar, Maize 1,360.15 351.27 320.08 22.89 Paratwada (M.R.) 17.6 256 Jowar, Maize 88.28 199.16 79.08 11.69 Paratwada (M.R.) 22.4 257 JOwa1. M~ile 191.03 254.78 39.25 39.69 Paratwada (M.R.~ 24.0 258 J Jwar, Maize . 607.35 0.11 318.07 14.05 46.40 Paratwada (M.R. 22.4 259 JOwar, Maize 963.25 479.35 68.33 30.64 Paratwada (M.R.) 22.4 260

    lowac, Mltize 646.29 634.13 128.79 20.56 Paratwada (M.R.) 25.6 261 JowaI, MaIZe 2,644.97 980.84 164.79 31.87 Paratwada (M.R.) 25.6 262 Jowar, Maize 408.25 134.88 111.39 17.41 Paratwada ~.R.~ 17.6 263 lowac, Maize 4.01 667.09 52.55 363.94 Paratwada .R. 33.6 264 Jowar, Maize 573.34 9.18 1,103.40 47.63 108.69 Paratwada .R. 28.8 Friday 265

    Jowar, Maize 1.48 526.20 24.69 976.00 Paratwada (M.R.) 25.6 rz66 lowar, Maize 94.34 4.13 803.29 27.50 53.50 Paratwada ~.R.) 22.4 Sunday N' 267 Jowar, Maize 23.18 440.57 49.16 62.35 Paratwada. .R.~ 25.6 268 Jowar, Maize 958.57 524.84 36.48 87.38 Paratwada lM.R. 24.0 269 Jowar, Maizo 439.66 12.35 318.40 Paratwada (M.R.) 11.2 270

    JO'IVar, Maizo 905.84 471.97 25.35 ·23.56 Paratwada (M.R.) 8.0 271 Jowar, Maize 94.01 349.69 21.85 525.96 Paratwada (M.R.) 8.0 272 Jo~. Maize 75.60 437.13 39.81 47.82 Paratwada (M.R.~ 28.8 273 lowar, Maize 109.26 0.i6 209.63 11.94 94.26 Paratwada (M.R. 27.2 274 Jowar, Maize 1,146.18 2.02 463.19. 31.39 71.09 Paratwada (M.R.) 27.2 275

    Jowar, Maize 387.00 620.98 31.09 456.96 Paratwada (M.R.~ 30.4 276 Jowar, Maize 3.96 158.58 8.08 5.61 Paratwada (M.R. 28.8 277 Jowar, Maize 17.26 148.81 11.88 18.83 Paratwada (M.R.) 28.8 278 Jowar, Maize 384.93 513.39 3652 164.09 Paratwada (M.R.) 27.2 279 Jowar, Maize 266.22 7.92 145.77 Paratwada (M.R.) 25.6 280

    JOWar, Maize 251.18 13.65 721.01 20.03 570.50 Paratwada ~.R.) 24.0 Tuesday ... 281 Jow'ar,. Maize 638.33 502.58 89.68 78.60 paratwada .R.) 25.6 282 57.15 76.26 4.58 3.08 Betul 59.2 283 Wheat, Rice 48.84 349.48 26.01 65.15 Betul 59.2 284 JOWar .. . ~ 211.20 46.46 84.46 Achalpur (M.R.) 27.2 285 lowar 239.11 19.00 30,42 Achalpur (M.R.) 27.2 286 Jowar 44';0 1,259.82 171.73 522.83 Achalpur (M.R.~ 25.6 287 Jowar 95.20 0.67 1,040.92 518.44 276.19 Achalpur (M.R. 22.4 288 JoWar 106.66 592.21 258.78 491.42 Achalpur (M.R.) 28.8 289 lowar 463.42 64.30 . 56.83 Achalpur (M.R.) 24.0 290

    Jowar 590.04 61.69 477.53 Achalpur (M.Re) 27.2 291 Jowar, Kodo 214.06 1.45 .. 960.19 138.30 52.27 Betul 60.8 292 JONar, Kodo 1,006. S5 13.51 . 1,572.82 106.43 90.98 Betul 64.0 T~~sday 293 Jowar, Kodo 460.32 502.44 77.21 287.13 Betul 72.0 294 Jow.ar, Kodo 896.87 0.06. 716.51 279.50 125.26 Betul 72.0 295

    JfJwar, Wheat 164.73 47.69 •. 1,143.10. 276.18 308.67 Betul 54.4 296 W)l11at, Jowar 238.37 14.38 . 1,330.01. . 231.S2 421.46 Betul 54.4 297 Jowar, Kodo 411.21 13.99 1,190.90 262.31 588.57 Betul 57.6 298 q 112.63 --...j 3.01 . 545.13 . 24.95 16.83 Betul 59.2 299 Wbeai, Jowar .120.84 160.83 .. 1,390.65. 42.86 110.31 Betul 49.6 .. ... 300 44


    Total area A.menities available within the villages of the Educational M~dical Power Drinking Commu- Post and L.C. No. village Waler . nicatioD . Telegraph Name of Village (in acres) Supply

    6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 S

    .'" 301 Pachbad 864.48 W PR 302 Renka Kbapa 1,206.49 PRl(l) W ,.. 303 Cbichpati 520.s1 W PR 304 Pandol 1,113.48 PR (1) W PR 305 R,abdya 1;224.44 P, ET, EIN W PR PO 306 Satner 2,524.06 PR (1),Mid. s. (1) D (1) . PR (1) W 307 Hivra 1,256.63 W PR 308 Jamgaon 1,458.69 PR (1) PR PR (1) W 309 Jamthi 1,228.44 W PR 310 P.hamori 616.36 PR (1) W 311 Dhond Kheda 692.35 312 G!lul Kbeda 766.72 W 313 Saongi 1,701.44 PR (1) .. PR 1,940.38 PR (1) .. El W 314 Gunkhed E,EI, W PR PO 3·15 l,fandvi 3,204.89 PR (1),Mid. S, (1), D (1) Sec. S (1) W PR 316 ~aora 2,299.73 PR (1) R 317 I,»a.tra 1,513.55 R 318 Gphanda 906.40 R PR 319 Siwanpat . 1,560.16 W PR 320 Moosa Kbedi 1,072.23 PR PR (1) W 321 Borpani 1,214.08 W 322 JUnawani 1,278.08 W KR 323 Tipanapur 3,030.39 W PR 324 Bijasni 1,496.36 W 325 Dhanori 2,140.04 PR 6) W KR PO 326 Dhanora 3,893.39 PR (1),Mid. S. (1) PC (I) PR PR (1) .. W 327 Pusli 1,340.28 W KR 328 Thani 1,559.76 PR (1) KR PR (1) W 329 Gujarmal' 1,291.98 W FR :J30 Yenkheda' 2,052.05 PR (1) W PR 331 Kbapa 2,899.39 PR (1) PR PR (1) .. E,EI, EIN W 332 Tembhumi 2,536.86 a,EI,EIN W,T PR PO,ro 333 Atboer 4,757.84 PR (1),Mid. S. (1). D (1) Se.: . ..;. (1) Fe (1) W KR :!34 C~hindwad Sawasan 1,557.32 W KR 335 Bilrkhed . 3,506.46 PR (1) W 336 Jllmapati 2,525.63 .. PR (1) W 337 ,Majaregbogra 2.587.71 EI W KR 338 J

    PR (1) W,P KR 346 :t»anbebra 4,126.64 F KR 347 Morudhana 1,265.17 F KR 348 S!lkwa 714.14 W KR 2,791.99 PR (1) 349 Satkund Ryt. PR,. (1) .W KR .~SO Qarp Ryt. 3,636.72 4S


    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in) acres Day of Remarks inclu­ weekly ding any place Culturablc waste Area not Nearest market, if of religious, L.C.No. Staplo Un· (i.e. pastUre and available town & any, held historical or Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for culti· distance in village arc:haeological vatioD in kIDS. interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    56.82 713.60 16.95 77.11 Betul 59.2 301 Jom. Kutki 148.86 32.99 949.53 12.25 62,86 Betul 52,8 302 lowar, Kodo 17.31 484.81 6.53 11.86 Betul 51.2 303 Wheat, Jowar 28.S4 874,07 28.49 182.08 Betul 44.8 304 Wheat, lowar 18.84 6.35 1,054.72 91.88 52.65 Betul 43.2 305

    Wheat, Jowar 27.68 2,185.14 190.30 120.94 Betul 48,0 Wildnesday 306 Wheat, lowar 5.34 121.80 S57.43 152.30 119.76 Betul 41.6 307 Wheat, lowar 53.32 31.29 1,095.68 177.53 100.87 Betul 40.0 308 Wheat, Jowar 135.72 961.77 53.20 77.75 Betul 38.4 309 Wheat, Jowar 78.73 491.58 2.70 43.35 Betul 38,4 310

    Wheat,lowar 86.78 531.38 41.77 32.42 Betul 36,8 311 59.31 605.48 72.58 29.35 Betul 43.2 312 Whe;i, Jowar 202.30 1,256.94 176.75 65.45 Betul 33.6 313" Wheat, Jowai 196.27 1,395.94 212.26 135.91 Betul 32,0 314 Wheat, lowar 33.98 ~1.02 2,261.30 161.52 147.07 Betul 33,6 Tuesday 315

    Wheat, lowar 314.32 1,501.86 294.63 188.92 Betul 35.2 316 Jowar, Kutki 626.02 748,24 31.45 107.84 Betul 32.0 317 Jowar, Kutki 390.84 406.00 5.91 103.65 Betul 27.2 318 lowar, Kutki 775.95 602.24 9.29 172.68 Betul 22.4 319 Jowar, Kutki 258.34 7.39 654.87 7S.05 73.58 Betul 27,2 320

    Jowar. Kutki 298.35 9.S8 813.15 15.09 77.61 Betul 25.6 321 Jowar, Kutki 419.67 8.65 784.35 21.67 43.74 Betul 28.8 322 Jowar, Kutki 865.35 6.81 1,874.67 16.43 267.13 Betul 32.0 323 Jowar, Wheat 33.01 1.97 1,250.01 70.25 141.12 Betu! 25.6 324 . Jowar, Wheat 73.95 1,572.60 226.77 266.72 Betu! 32,0 325

    Wheat, Rice 11.04 259.86 2,892.78 374.64 355.07 Betul 35.2 Sunday 326 Wheat, Rice 208.19 1,003.45 41.50 87.14 Bctul 38.4 327 Wheat, Jowar 7.13 1,439.81 13.63 99.19 B~tul 28.8 328 Wheat,lowar 0.92 1,202.57 36.94 51.55 Betul 35,2 329 Wheat, lowar 11.98 1,878.02 26.26 135.79 Betul 35.2 330

    Wheat, Rice 1.70 136.15 2,373.70 76.42 311.42 Betul 38,4 331 Wheat, Rice 16996 2,155.04 48.12 163.74 Betul 38.4 332 Wheat, Rice 383.94 3,060.17 269.32 1,044.41 Betul 35.2 Thursday 333 Jowar, Maize 71.50 9.20 1,245.36 157.74 73.52 Betul 43.2 334 Jowar, Kodo 250.95 77.34 1,808.78 110.34 1,259.05 Betul 44.8 335

    Maize, Jowar 952.45 8.56 1,419.35 35.66 109.61 Betul 48.0 336 Jowar, Kodo 184.32 90.21 1,687.94 222.79 402.45 . Betul 44.8 337 Maize, Jowar .. 31.12 1,269.04 79.23 362.54 Betul 44.8 338 Maize, Jowar 587.06 31.11 1,356.76 217.39 111.35 Betul 51.2 339 Maize, Jowar 1,295.36 110.05 2,231.37 346.77 903.06 Betul 54,4 340

    Jowar. Kutki 131.22 6,63 1,532.34 401.15 162.52 Betul 48.0 341 Jowar, Kutki 172,71 17,55 1,671.62 333.64 380.51 Detu! 49,6 342 Jowar, ICutki 4.32 944.56 203.14 414.34 Betul 46.4 343 Jowar. ICodo 10.91 1,757.66 90.56 621.84 Betul 51.2 Monday 344 Jowar.!.. Kodo 3,57 1,267.54 93.56 248.49 Betul 51.2 345 lowar. Kodo 251,32 1.00 2.079.40 476.80 1,318.12 Betul 51.2 •. 346 Jowar, Kodo 504.17 326.39 206.66 227.95 Morsbj(MR)22.4 " 347 Jowar, ICodo • 286.83 64.48 362.83 MnTshi(MR)22.4 ., 348 lowar, ICodo 2.94 1,424.52 650.39 714.14 Betul 57.6 •• 349 Jowar, Kodo 1.63 2,229.10 387.04 1,018.95 Detul 57.6 350 46


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. C. No. of the --, village 'Educatinal MedicaJ. Power. Drinking Commu Post and Name of Village (in acrea) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9

    351 'Kavla Ryt. 1,775.51 PR (1) W KR 352 Bel~Kund 2,880.45 PR (I), Mid. S. (1) W,R KR PO 353 Sonora 848.47 W KR 354 Hira·dehi 396.64 W KR 355 Jamapati 175.87

    356 Chich-Kumbh ·346.17 W KR 357 Kelbehra 2,326.40 PR (1) W KR 358· Mani 1,495.11 PR (1) W KR 359 Nadha 1,688.17 NW KR 360 Jhid 587.98

    361 Dharul 492.16 NW KR 362 Harra (F.V.) 735.00 W KR 363 Behda (F.V.) 642.00 W KR 364 Cbikhalda (F.V.) 382.00 W KR 365 TavJi(F.V.) 372.00 W KR

    366 Lapa (F.V.) . 350.00 W KR 367 Chunabhur (F. V.) 673.00 W KR 368 Ghutiya (F.V.) 603.00 W KR 369 Amapathar (F.V.) 572.00 W KR. 370 Takhiri (F.V.) 1,334.00 PR (1) W KR

    371 Palanga (F.V.) 382.00 W KR 372 Dodhari (F.V.) 864.00 PR (1) W KR 373 Bucha Kheda (F.V.) 534.00 W KR 374 Karanjidol (F.V.) 462.00 W KR 375 Ka::ari (P.V.) 365.00

    376 Imlidoh (F.V.) 846.00 W KR 377 Amdhana (F.V.) 782.00 W KR 378 Koludhana IF.V.) 827.00 W KR 379 NshaDa(F.V.) 847.00 W KR 380 Sitapur alios Aoriya (p. V.) 712.00 W KR

    381 Junapal1i (F.V.) 948.00 PR (1) W KR 382 Patha Kheda (F.V.) 406.00 W PR 383 Dhaywani (F.V.) 814.00 W KR 384 Matka (F.V.) 938.00 PR (1) W KR 385 Bhondiya KUDd (Jbap-"ndari) 1,130.00 W ·KR (F.V.) 386 Ghogal (F.V.) ·660.00 W KR 387 Jamu-Kheda (F. V.) 188.00 W ·KR 388 Burhanpur (F.V.) 420.00 PR (1) W PR 389 Nirungi (F.V.) 594.00 W KR 390 Januna (F.V.) 1,110.00 W KR

    391 Malnia (F.V.) 486.00 W KR 392 Sankli (F.V.) 540.00 W KR 393 Malegaon (F.V.) 915.00 W KR 394 Bhuskum (F.V.) 1,280.00 W KR 395 Garadehi (F.V.) 528.00 .:. W KR

    396 Theska (F.V.) ·311.00 W ··KR 397 Chhindwad (F.V.) 378.00 W KR 398 Palaspani (F.V.) 240.00 W KR 399 Bagwani(P.V.) 984.00 W KR 10() Bairam Thana (F.V.) :652.00 W KR 41


    Land u~ (i.•• area under different types of land use in) acres Day of Remarks L. r---~~ weekly including C. Culturablc waste Area not Near~t market if any place No. Staple Un- (I••• pasture and available town & any held of religious Food Forest Irrigated Irripted grazing land etc.) for culti- distance in village historical or vation in kms. archaeologi- cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 J6 J7 18

    Jowar, Kodo 993.00 305.66 476.85 Betul 60.8 Friday 351 Jowar, Kutki 851.25 1.00 1,194.48 595.25 238.47 Achalpur (MR) 46.6 .. 352 Jowar, Kutki 0.20 256.04 506.87 85.36 AchaJpur (MR) 32.0 353 Jowar, Kutki 54.25 198.36 50.81 93.22 Achalpur (MR) 52.8 .. 354 ... 143.38 18.20 14.29 Achalpar (MR) 54.4 355

    Jowar, Kutki 104.39 173.70 44.18 23.90 Achalpur ~R) 42.6 .. 356 . lowar, Kutki 1,204.24 0.25. 639.73 318.38 163.80 Achalpur MR) 54.1 357 Jowar,. Kutki 511.11 167.77 816.23 Achalpur (MR) 49.6 358 Jowar, Kutki 1.66 337.70 296.03 1,052.78 Achalpur (MR) 57.6 359 - 105.71 83.36 398.91 Achalpur (MR) 64.0 .. 360

    Jowar, Kutkj 205.53 170.14 116.49 Achalpur (MR) 62.4 'Q .- 361 Kodo, Kutld 310.00 425.00 Betull44.0 362 Kodo, Kutki 42.00 600.00 Khidkiya 96.0 363 Kodo, Kutki 182.00 200.00 Betu1132.8 364 Kodo, Klltki 200.00 172.00 BetuI 128.0 365

    Kodo, Kutkj 150.00 200.00 Betu1128.0 366 Kodo, Kutki 533.00 140.00 Betu1137.6 367 Kodo, Kutki 343.00 260.00 Betul 64.0 368 Kodo, Kutki 392.00 180.00 Betul 76.0 369 Kodo. Kutki 334.00 1.000.00 BetuI 132.8 370

    Kodo. Kutki 150.00 232.00 Betu1137.6 371 Kodo, Kutki 404.00 460.00 Detul 49.6 372 Kodo; Kutki 54.00 480.00 Betul 60.8 373 Kodo, Kutki 42.00 420.00 Betul 48.0 374 365.00 Betul 64.0 375

    Kodo, Kutki 46.00 . 800.00 Betul 40.0 376 Kodo, Kutki 362.00 420.00 Betul 48.0 377 567.00 260.00 Betul 40.0 378 Kodo Kutki 647.00 200.00 Betul 56.0 379 Kodo. Maize 432.00 280.00 Betul 64.0 380

    Kodo, Kutki 601.00 347.00 Betul 67.2 381 Kodo, Kutki 196.00 210.00 Betul 64.0 382 Kodo, Kutki 428.00 386.00 Betul 80.0 383 Kodo. Kutki 418.00 520.00 BetuJ 76.8 384 Kodo, Kutki 980.00 150.00 Betul 80.0 385

    Kodo. Kutki 440.00 220.00 Botul 96.0 386 Kodo. Kutki 188.00 Betul 88.0 387 Kodo. Kutki 180.00 240.00 .. Achalpur (MR) 8.0 388 Kodo, Kutki '.374.00 220.00 BetuI 8.0 389 Kodo, Kutki 720.00 390.00 Betul 80.0 390

    Kodo. Kutki 300.00 186.00 Betul 88.0 391 Kodo, Kutki 205.00 335.00 Morshi (MR) 32.0 392 Kodo, Kutki 614.00 301.00 Betul (M.a.) 64.0 393 Kado, Kutki 863.00 417.00 Morshi 64.0 394 Kado, Kutki 349.00 179.00 . Betul 80.0 395

    Kode. Kutki 154.00 157.00 Morshi (MR) 27.2 Kado. Kutki .:. 396 156.00 222.00 Morshi (MR) 25.6 397 Kodo, Kutki 120.00 120.00 Kodo, Kutki ... Morshi ~) 25.6 398 649.00 335.00 Morshi ) 32.6 399 Kado. Kutki 459.00 193.00 Morshi ) 36.8 400 VILLAGE DnurtoRY

    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. C.No. of the ,..- . ----- ..... village Educatlonal Medical Power Drinki'lg Commu· Post- and Name of VillI.." (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    401 Amdh;lna Chima (F.V.) 322.00 W KR 402 Pat Bhuikuld (F.V.) 353.00 W KR

    Total: PR (167, D (13) 19 T (Z) PR (82) PO (301 Mid.S. (18) o (7) W (331) "R(154) TO (2) Sec. S. (5) o (45) Phoae (1)

    j StIIUW:- Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (U) TabsiJdar. Bhainsdehi. Column 6: Madhva Pradesh. Electricitv Board. labalpur Note:- M.R.=Maharashtra State 49


    .Land use (Le. area under difl'erenttypes of land use in) acres Day of Remarks inclu­ ,... .A. __..., weekly didg any place Culturablo waste Area not Nearest market if of rl!iigiolls, L.C.No. Staple Un- (I... pasture and available town &. any held historical or FoOd Forest Irrigated Irrigated grazing land etc.) for culd- distance in village arcbaeological vation in kms. interest 10

    Kodo, KUlki 50


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of the r-- village EducatioDal Medical Power Drmking Commu- Post aDd Name of VilJage (in aaes) Supply Water DicatioD T.:Iegrapb

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    1 Kanari 2,206.94 PR (1) R,W KR 2 Kbarwar 869.95 R KR 3 Jam Nagari 1,128.07 R KR 4 JhiriyaDob 1.749.86 R KR 5 Timarni 1,797.69 PR ii) W,R KR

    6 Takara 689.79 W KR 7 Dodra Mahu 3,217.33 PR (1), Mid. s. (1) .. W,R KR PO 8 Panchi 1,278.15 W KR 9 Kasmar 272.99 WR KR 10 Parseda (Kbapariya) 1,599.46 PR (1) 'w KR

    11 Cbak S3.Dgwani 702.19 R KR 12 Chindi Khapa 418.68 W,R KR 13 Dadhari Mal. 437.84 R KR 14 Dadbui Ryt. 147.26 W KR 15 Necmiya 904.82 W KR

    16 Ballor 1,762.00 PR (1) W.R KR 17 Sangwani 132.23 R KR 18 Dulhargarh 224.51 KR 19 Phopblya Mal. 216.36 W KR 20 Neemgarh 243.39 KR

    21 Dbamanya 418.11 W KR 22 Ratan Dhana Ryt. 352.94 W KR 23 Batjorpur 468.34 PR(l) W KR 24 TangnaMll. 1,284.14 PR (1) W KR 25 Tangna Ryt. 250.36 W KR

    26 jlijadehi 1,091.49 PR (1) D (1) W KR PO 27 Sitadongri 930.00 PR (1) W KR 28 Kanji Talab 662.62 W KR 29 Kajali 651.57 W KR 30 Chikbli Mal. 615.95 W KR

    31 Chirotiya 1,231,26 W KR 32 Panda Jhiri 764.74 W KR 33 Mitigarh 280.53 W KR 34 Khaprawadi 537.54 R KR 35 Chikhali R.yt. 1,453.68 PR (1) W KR

    36 Tendu Kbeda Byt. 880.77 W KR 37 Tara 2,436.70 PR d) W KR 38 Ghisi Bagla 4.001.78 PR (1) .. W KR 39 Mandai Bujurg 1,444.03 PR (1) W KR 40 Anwariya 1,947.13 W KR

    41 KanhegaoD 1,950.69 W KR 42 Kesiya 1,971.54 PR (l),Mid:NS. (1) D (i) W KR PO 43 Bondri 1,815.52 PR 0) W KR 44 Sehra 2,375.53 PR (1) W KR 45 Rampur 1,484.69 PR (1) W KR

    46 Sital Jhiri 1,591.39 PR(l) 'IN KR 47 HathiJrund 1,052.89 PR (1) W KR 48 Dhappa 1,354.02 PR (1) W KR 49 Temra Mal. 196.11 R KI{ SO Kantawadi 575.06 W KR 51


    Land use (I.e. area under different types ofland use) in acres Day of Remarks inc1u- weelcly ding any place eulturable waste (i.e, Area--- not Nearest market, if of religious, Staple Un- pasture and grazing available town & any held. historical or L.C.No. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated land etc.) for culti- distance in village archaeological vation inkms. interest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Kodo, Kutki 1,553.15 1.14 427.97 84.89 139.79 Seoni 43.2 1 Kodo, :({lJtki 222.13 0.20 487.60 70.51 89.51 .Betul SO.O 2 Kodo, Kutki 792.53 226.57 84.93 24.04 Se{;ni 22.4 3 Kada, Kutki 1,248.33 316.86 89.43 95.24 Seoni 24.0 4 K'Jdo, Kutki 921.41 637.57 167.51 71.20 Belul 83.2 5

    Kodo, Kutki 393.49 118.79 56;83 120,68 Seoni 30.4 6 Kodo, Kutki 1,170.87 2.31 1,230.65 163.71 649.79 Seoni 30.4 S~nday 7 Kada, Kutki . 1,048.33 163.39 46.25 20.18 Seoni 36.8 8 Koda, Kutki 106.78 149.96 2.12 14.13 Betul 64.0 9 Kodo, Kutki 187.96 3.00 1,039.10 11.64 351.16 Betul 64.0 10

    Kodo, Kutki 6.4!> 606.16 9.55 79.99 Belul 59.9 11 Wheat 11.31 266.03 3.76 137.58 Betul 59.2 12 Wheat 70.83 1.15 260.71 15.23 89.92 Betul 59.2 13 Wheat 139.76 5.52 1.98 Betul 59.2 14 Wheat 183.51 668.82 3.06 49.37 Dotul 59.2 15

    Wheat . 670.33 3.00 722.08 4.51 362.08 Betul 64.0 16 Wheat 93.56 5.15 33.52 Belul 59.2 17 .. 109.34 100.30 3.34 11.53 Betul 57.6 18 Mai~, Kada 29.04 182.87 4.45 Betul 57.6 19 2.91 216.88 ;.. 23.54 Betul 57.6 20

    Maize, Kado 116.16 0.24 253.05 2.88 45.78 Betul 57.6 21 Maize, Kada 18.17 0.04 301.68 0.25 32.80 Dotul 56.0 22 Maize, Kada 92.17 1.60 351.27 8.39 14.91 Betul 57.6 23 Maiz!, Kada 0.4~ 1,064.59 6.26 212.87 Betul 56.0 24 Maiz!, Koda 220.08 30.28 BOIUI 54.4 2S

    Maize, Rice 104.95 0.44 754.64 67.95 163.51 BOlul 54.4 Sllurday 26 Kado, Kutki 263.95 604.48 1.79 59.78 Betul 52.8 27 Maize, Kada 173.75 3.49· 350.32 51.72 83.34 B!tul 62.4 28 Kado, Kutki 45.63 4.41 494.41 45.57 61.55 Betul 48.0 29 Kodo, Kutkt 97.22 418.25 31.68 62.80 Botul 48.0 30

    Koda, Kutki 575.12 558.60 81.78 15.76 Betul 48.0 31 ~dO, Kutki 128.63 459.53 70.35 106.23 Betul 48.0 32 do, Kutki 180.25 73.56 23.94 2.78 Botul 48.0 33 Odo, KUiki 254.30 148.49 134.75 Botul 48.0 34 KOdo, Kutki 2.56 991.57. 219.69 239.86 Betul 48.0 35

    Kado, Kutki 133.33 525.92 79.90 141.62 Betul 48.0 36 Kodo, Klltki 156.13 9.70 1,863.52 107.98 299.37 Dotal 48.0 37 Kodo, Klltki 1,2~2.29 4.31 2,177.68 301.51 305.99 Betal 48.0 38 Jawar, Wheat 22.71 1,313.20 29.34 78.78 Betul 38,4 39 Jowar, Maize 3.90 6.04 . 1,761.36 39.37 136.46 Betul 38.4 40 lowar, Maiza 44.96 9.09 1,472.11 37.52 387.01 Betal 41.6 41 Maize, lawar 9.43 42.08 1,700.98 30.29 188.76 Detal 44.8 42 Maize. Jowar 92.06 9.58 1,357.05 129.17 227.06 Betu) 44.8 43 Maize, lowar 66.17 9.61 1,975.96 36.82 286.97 Dotal 44.8 44 Maize, lower 19.03 21.03 1,044.72 232.83 167.08 Betal 28.8 45

    Maize, lowar 5.94 12.55 1,126.50 257.31 189.09 Betu} 28.8 46 Maize, Jowar 13.80 12.47 68962 222.02 114.98 Bctul 28.8 47 Maize. Kodo 32.35 16.95 1,035.60 74.76 194.36 Betul 30.4 48 ldaizc, Kodo 0.75 159.64 16.89 18.83 Betul 32.0 49 Maiz:, Kada 217.96 284.41 8.30 64,39 Botul 46,4 ...... ~O 52


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of the I- - village Educational Medical Power Drinkinl Commu· Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nicalion Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 (; 7 8

    51 Banka Bharda 612.24 .. W KR. 52 Khokra Ryt. 1,368.70 PR (I) W KR 53 Temra Ryt. 753.85 R KR 54 Rampur Ryt. 589.42 W KR S5 Pawas Jhanda 1,699.04 PR (1) W KR

    56 Jam Nagari 700.55 W KR 57 Teter Mal. 365.14 W KR. 58 Kalyanpur 819.48 S9 Sarpani 291.66 W KR 60 Hirawadi 549.66 W KR.

    61 Teter Ryt. 175.46 W KR 62 ~emarpur (Jamundhana) 1,334.76 W KR 63 Jhapadi 1,897.18 PR (1) W KR 64 Kalapani 629.24 W KR. 65 Temrupura 290.13 .- W KR 66 Blhrapura 439.35 W KR 67 Taram Khepa Mat. 676.16 PI. (I) R KR 68 Taram Kheda Ryt. 219.69 ... R KR 69 Ohannr 1,042.44- .. w KR 70 Oabri 6,268.25 PR (1) D (1) ... w KR

    71 Sirghat Ryt. 766.56 W KR 72 8ana Behda 1,)15.76 PR (i) W KR 73 Kachhar 3,220.47 PR (1) W KR 74 Chikhalda Bujurg 973.92 W KR 75 Koyal Buddi 1,133.59 W KR

    76 Sonadeh 1,028.42 PI. (1) W KR 77 Koyalari Ryt. 959.42 W KR 78 Khapa (Chikbalda) 1,478.02 PR (1) W KR 79 Ohodra Mohar (Bbawta) 1,961.08 PR (1),Mld. S.(I), D (1) E, EI, ElN, W PR PO Sec.S. (1) PR TO 80 Saliment 1,309.59 PR (1) W PR 81 Raipur 1,904.84 PR (1) W PR .. 82 Mansingpura R.Jt. 805.43 W KR 83 W . KR .. Chirma Tckri R,yt. 756.48 84 G:uwadi 1,723.28 PR (1) W KR ..... 85 Dendupura 1,063.98 W KR

    86 Dhasai Mal. 602.45 W KR 87 Dhapada Mal 582.47 PR (1)- W KR -- 88 Ranapura 534.20 W KR 89 Bhatna 1,738.03 W KR 90 Cbhimdi Ryt. 542.84 W KR

    91 Dhapada Ryt. 236.80 W KR 92 Chakdhapada 870.58 W KR - 93 Dhasai Ryt. 466.78 KR .~ 94 Khapa (Sataldehi) 1,086.22 PR (1) W KR 9S Sataldehi 1,201.32 PR (1) W KR

    96 Banjaridhal Ryt. 1,937.24 PR (1) W KR 97 Malwar 1,867.64 PR (1) W KR 98 Chichdol Ryt. 1,161.19 W KR 99 Kelipunji Ryt. 778.22 W KR 100 Kusamri 1,175.Z0 W KR 53 BETUL TAHSIL

    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- -~ weekly eluding any r------Culturable Area nat Nearest market, place of reli- Staple Un- waste

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Maize, Kodo 275.55 0.74 231.30 42.47 62.18 Betul 49.6 51 Maize, Kudo 2.94 1,240.62 36.60 88.54 Betul 30.4 52 Maize, Kodo 2.68 0.25 558.14 129.39 63.39 B.:tul 33.6 53 Maize, Kodo 0.71 483.00 35.78 69.93 Betul 28.8 54 Maize, Kodo 305.99 15.56 913.57 170.78 293.14 Betul 48.0 55

    Maize, Kodo 208.46 304.34 147.79 39.96 Betul 49.6 56 Maize, Jowar 136.24 142.40 83.32 3.18 Hetul 57.6 57 318.98 255.52 186.48 58.50 Betul 49.6 58 Maize, Jowar 16.99 173.13 51.32 50.22 Betul 48.0 59 Maize, Jowar 23.84 411.42 35.65 78.75 Betul 43.2 60

    Maize, Jowar 21.86 103.36 39.27 10.97 Betul 57.6 61 Maize, Jowar 168.14 4.87 905.07 116.37 140.31 Betul 46.4 62 Maize, Kodo 1,041.30 720.22 80.78 54.88 ltarsi 67.2 63 MaiZe, Kodo 412.77 195.00 0.74 20.73 67.2 64 Maize, Kodo 85.69 159.04 14.96 30.44 ltarsi ~.8 65

    M1 ize, Kodo 239.36 99.48 91.39 9.12 Itarsi 64.0 66 Maize, Kodo 464.87 181.82 18.27 11.20 Itarsi 72.0 67 MaiZe, Kodo 86.39 127.27 1.81 4.22 Itarsi 72.0 68 MaiZe, Kodo 413.11 584.66 12.28 32.39 Itarsi 80.0 69 Mllize, Wbeat 3,755.73 1,773.32 276.90 462.30 Itarsi 83.2 70

    Maize, Kodo 180.15 533.41 20.10 32.90 Itarsi 64.0 71 Kodo, Kutki 253.27 4.17 705.90 226.82 125.60 .Itarsi 56.0 72 Kodo, Kutki 2,178.27 2.19 787.46 170.92 81.63 Itarsi 59.2 73 Kodo, Kutki 231.50 0.50 510.28 200.26 31.38 Itarsi 54.4 74 Kodo, K'Jlki 591.19 3.22 360.78 154.55 23.85 !tarsi 57.6 75

    Kodo, Kutki 209.46 1.00 654.95 145.81 17.20 Itarsi 54.4 76 Kodo, Kutki 657.10 256.70 45.62 Itarsi 48.0 71 Kado, Kutki 704.88 493.39 227.75 52.00 I'ar~i 57.6 78 K~do, Kutki 850.06 1.97 472.70 381.35 255.00 Itarsi 41.6 Friday 79 Kodo, Kutki 299.62 671.06 306.26 32.65 Itarsi 36.8 80

    Jowar, Wheat 368.09 7.96 1,026.00 32Q.48 182.31 Eetul 43.2 81 Kodo, K'ltki 265.41 500.77 39.25 rtarsi 36.8 82 Kodo, Kutki 0.81 371.10 381.01 3.56 Itarsi 40.0 83 Kodo, Kutki 363.14 1.30 973.60 214.54 170.70 Itarsi 40.0 84 Kodo, Maize 394.09 1.22 458.84 138.93 70.90 Itarsi 41.6 85

    Kodo, Malze 191.55 252.23 111.43 47.24 Itarsi 40.0 86 Kodo, Maize 80.21 2.20 408.94 73.69 17.43 Itarsi 44.8 87 K~do, Maize ';'02.65 261.02 63.33 7.20 Itarsi 44.8 88 Kodo, Maize 17.41 395.33 112.98 12.31 Itarsi 46.4 89 KJdo, Maize 0.10 292.54 227.60 22.60 Itarsi 41.6 90

    Kodo, Maize 0.01 160.07 76.24 0.48 Italsl 44.8 91 222.53 0.33 579.39 52.15 16.18 Italsi 44.8 92 201.49 245.02 20.27 Itarsi 44.8 93 Maizt. ]'Jwar 374.18 1.09 541.99 101.09 67.87 Betul 48.0 94 Maize, J.Jwar 290.14 3.38 628.01 193.96 85.83 Betul 52.8 95

    MaiZe, Jowar 202.06 4.S3 860.12 777.04 93.49 Betul 49.6 96 Maize, Jowar 517.45 1.30 1,000.76 253.95 94.18 Betul 51.2 97 Maize, Jowar 368.31 0.31 369.05 358.48 65.04 Betul 51.2 98 Maize, Jowar 64.29 1.38 486.02 170.20 56.33 Betul 56.0 99 M:ize, Kolo 474.09 460.35 149.83 90.93 Petu1 46.4 100 54


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of the village 1:ducation-al-M-ed-jc-alPo~--C~~::--Post a;J Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nieation Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    101 Kotml 1,921.65 PR (I) W KR 102 Doudi 1,039.61 PR (1) W KR 103 Mardanpur 926.45 W KR 104 Sohagpurdhana 999.27 W KR 105 Temr~ Mal. 916.49 P.R. (I) W KR

    106 Temru Ryt. 627.30 W KR 107 Kundi 2,193.54 PR (1) E. Er, ElN W PR ,08 Ka,nthi 967.82 PR U) W PR 109 Ha lka Khodri 1,526.82 W PR 110 Gurgulida 1.688.15 PR (i') W PR

    111 Pahawadi 3.012.67 PR (I),Mid S. (1) W PR PO 112 Pathai 1,478.41 PR (1) W PR 113 Nishana Ryt. 896.51 PR 114 Patouwapura 1,796.19 D (1) W PR,R 115 Chapda Ryt. 894.04 EI W PR

    116 Chapda Mal. 426.57 W PR 117 Bhagtandhana 298.03 W,R PR 118 Chikhalda Khurd 384.26 T,W PR,R 119 Jampani 853.97 El 120 Bardu 364.46

    121 MokhaRyt. 428.19 W KR 122 Mokha Mal. 518.70 W KR 123 Palaspani 1,386.78 E[ W KR 124 Motidhana 539.23 PR (1), Mid.~·. (1) D (1) E, EI, EIN .W PR 125 Barbatpur 303.64 EI W PR,R

    126 Shahpur 261.57 PRO), Mid.s.(l), PHC(l) E, EI,EIN W.R PR,R PO, TO, Phone sec. S. (1) FC (1) 127 Pausera 756.86 W KR 128 Buddi 792.56 W Kit 129 Gonapur 1,250.53 W KR 130 Silpati 1,962.52 PR (l) W KR

    131 Bhayawadi 1,034.75 PR (1) W KR 132 Golhai Bujurg 658;64 W KR 133 Golhai Khurd 2,114.88 W KR 134 Katasur 532.84 PR (1) W KR 135 Saliwada 900.31 W KR

    136 Dulhara 2,681.48 PR (1) W.R KR 137 Siwanpat 1,755.86 PR (1) W KR 138 Katangi 2,068.89 PR (1) W,R 139 Barelipar 848.69 W,R & 140 Bhogai Khapa 2,058.87 PR (1) W,R K'l -

    141 Kaehlora Ryt. 773.50 W,R KR 142 Amdhana Ryt. 2,964.42 PR (1) W,R KR 143 Rajegaon Kbapa 1302.10 PR (1) W,R KR 144 Brahamanwada Ryt. 1,566.99 W,R KR 145 Keriya Umri Ryt. 1,529.09 PR (1) W,R KR

    146 Ch.hatarpur 2,968.98 PR (1) W,R KR 147 Shobhapur 1,266.09 PR (1) W,R KR 148 Bagdona 1,729.19 PR (1) W PR W PR 149 Chordongri . 1,037.63 KR ., 'SO Bisaldehi 1,520.22 W s~

    BETUL 1'AltSIt

    .,--______L:md use (i.e. alea under different Atypes of land use) in acres DayoC Remarks in- L.C. weekly eluding any No . Culturable Area not Nearest market, place of reli- Staple Un- waste (I.e. available town & if any, gious, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in cal or archa- grazing land vation in kms. village eological in etc.) terest 10 11 12 ]3 14 15 16 11 ]8 1

    Maize, Kodo 578.76 967.64 244.19 131.06 Betul 40.0 101 Maize, Kodo 206.62 487.20 190.81 154.98 Belul 43.2 102 Maize, Kodo 203,40 421.65 274.53 26.87 Betul '43.2 103 Wheat, M1ize 63.55 30.96 411.74 377.13 115.89 Betul 38.4 104 Wheat, lowar 232.26 420.54 183.13 80.56 Betul 46.4 105

    Kodo, Maize .. 238.36 369.92 19.02 Betul 46.4 106 Kodo. K..Ltki 113.00 41.58 1,553.68 263.14 222.14 Betul 41.6 107 Kodo, ·Kutki 69.04 0.09 604.92 222.85 70.92 Betul 43.2 108 Kodo, Kudo 115.25 0.55 803.63 393.52 213.87 Betul 43.2 109 Kodo, Kutki 408.77 3.08 847.80 259.81 168.69 Betul 44.8 110

    Maize, Kodo 1,539.68 '17.09 1,175.23 200.39 80.28 Betul 38.4 111 Maize, Kodo 343.71 1.00 957.65 111.12 64.93 Betul 35.2 112 Maize, Kodo 575.54 248.13 72.84 Betul 35.9 113 Maize, Kodo 640.94 276.03 210.64 668.58 B.:tul 36.8 114 Maize, Kodo 1.25 383.13 469.07 40.59 Betul 36.8 115

    Maize. Kodo 9.39 3.74 152.41 210.96 50.07 Betul 36.8 116 Maize, Kodo 20.78 148.20 62.22 66.83 Betul 35.2 117 Maize, Kodo 1474 0.50 128.78 134.60 105.64 Betul 35.2 118 Maize, Kodo 3.53 655.50 154.08 40.86 Betul 40.0 119 478 313.36 16.10 30.22 Betul 40.0 120

    Maize, Kodo .. 366.94 36.59 24.66 BetuJ 41.6 121 Maize, Kodo 3.15 2.28 454.04 19.10 40.13 Betul 41.6 122 Maize, Kodo 32.10 939.21 370.15 45.26 Betul 40.0 123 Maize. Kodo 25.07 13.87 258.43 205.75 36.11 Betul 35.2 124 Wheat, Rice 17.44 4.30 167.32 46.06 68.52 Betul 38.4 125

    Wheat, Rice 9.36 4.37 36.94 112.38 98.52 Betul 36.8 Wednes~ay 126 Wheat, Rice 42.34 4.70 561.62 69.60 78.60 Betul 40.0 127 Maiz~, Kodo 95.10 0.14 505.49 142.75 49.08 Betul 41.6 128 Maize, Kodo 165.23 20.80 866.]5 99.33 99.02 Betul 44.8 129 Maize, Kodo 156.11 40.98 1,057.95 588.80 118.68 Betul 40.0 130

    Rice, MaiJ;e 38.98 25.25 693.01 148.42 129.09 Betul 43.2 131 Maize, Kado 227.08 0.31 241.95 59.55 129.75 Betul 49.6 132 Maiz~, Kodo 1,579.17 288.29 120.16 127.26 Betul 51.2 133 Wheat, Maize 215.73 1.13 254.04 40.01 21.93 Betul 44.8 134 Maize, Kodo 453.06 0.03 240.19 174.89 32.14 Betul 48.0 135

    Maize, Kodo 1,872.09 3.45 532.8] 184.42 88.71 Betul 44.8 136 Wheat, Kodo 1,037.42 1.08 502.87 149.72 64.17 Betul 46.4 137 Wheat, Kodo 1,189.07 1.90 590.32 248.16 39.44 Betu! 49.6 138 Kodo, Jowar '\221.17 1.98 325.39 227.28 72.87 Betul 54.4 139 Kodo, Kutki 2.20 794.14 851.23 410.70 Betul 56.0 140

    Kodo, Kutki 0.58 595.22 28.40 149.30 Betul 59.2 141 Kodo, Kutki 1.36 2,369.14 95.80 498.12 Betul 62.4 142 Kodo, Kutki 1.28 661.68 355.10 284.04 Betul 65.6 143 933.92 103.68 529.39 Betul 62.4 144 MaiZe, •Kodo 0.25 457.54 657.84 413.46 Betul 51.9 145

    Maize, Kodo 1,368.37 0.12 1,016.70 444.45 139.34 Betul 54.4 146 Maize, Kodo 716.12 0.06 356.62 111.66 81.63 Betul 59.2 147 Kado, Kutki 546.28 130 789.42 329.49 62.70 Betul 49.6 148 MaiZe, Kodo 0.38 683.61 93.22 260.42 Betul 43.2 149 Maize, Kodo 216.72 5.25 829.82 151.50 310.93 BetuJ 48.0 150 S6


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of the -"'I village Educational Medical-- Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nic:ation Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Sukadhana 975.42 w KR 151 W PR PO 151 Salaiya 1,538.18 PR (1), Mid.s (1) 153 Phopas 198.08 Markadhana 843.08 PR (1) W KR 154 W KR 155 Kolpon 449.50 1,168.33 W KR 156 DhasedRyt. Ghogari 899.49 W KR 157 1,130.43 W KR 158 Patha IQleda Vikrampur 463.35 PR ('i) W KR 159 558.54 W KR 160 Mordongri 432.96 W KR 161 Gata Kheda Ryt. Loniya Ryt. 1,233.12 PR (1) W KR. 162 979.69 PR(1) W KR 163 Khairwani Ryt. Doali Ryt. 1,112.11 W KR 164 306.13 W KR 165 Jaja)pur Seow Tal 366.70 W KR 166 Rayawadi 435.02 W KR 167 1,326.89 FR (1) W KR 168 Bakud KR Dulhara 795.67 W 169 1,076.13 W KR 170 Pbandka 364.83 R KR 171 Dangwa KR Jamkhodar 305.83 PR (1) W 172 3,203.21 W KR 173 Bellond KR Rojhada 560.48 W 174 417.91 W KR 175 Mayawani KR Chhuri 880.69 PR (1) W 176 492.01 W KR 177 Guwadi W KR JaDlJda 458.54 178 925.93 PR (1) W KR 179 Sita Kamat W KR 180 Keriya 732.30 W KR 181 Mathni 56922 FR(ll 536.78 W KR 182 Jajbodi W KR 183 Sadakwada 1,269.73 Mahendrawad i 564.73 PR (1) W KR 184 W KR 185 Juwadi 1,595.93 PR (1)

    Mebkar 630.77 PR (1) W KR 186 W KR 187 Keotari 914.42 188 Shobhapur 676.25 W Ratanpur 548.70 I·R (1) W 189 W 190 Hirawadi 549.66 ft

    Kesiyadhana 114.78 KR 191 KR 192 Chargaon 703.07 W 193 Ranipur 1.918.06 FR m,MidS·. (1) D U) w KR Kuhi 1;103.53 PR (1, . W KR 194 KR 195 Khakra Keolari 1,216.00 PR (1) W

    196 Ghodawadi 927.85 W KR 197 Ankawadi 453.63 PR (1) W,R KR 198 Kbarigondi 1.120.89 W KR 199 Khakra 527.73 PR (1) W KR 200 Nandu 701.06 W 1m 51


    Ladd usc (I... area udder differedt tyPes of ladd usc) in acres Day or Remarks in· I.. C. weekly eluding any No. Culturablc Area not Nearest market, place of reli- Staple Un. waste (I.e. availablo town & if I1IIY, sious, histori· Food Forest Irrigatcld (rriptcd pasture and for culti· distance held in calor archa· grazing land vation in kIDS. village eolosical in- etc.) terest JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Maize,Kodo 286.07 0.71 520.30 123.48 44.86 Betul 44.8 151 Maize, IC.odo 622.68 11.10 645.25 J09.oo 150.15 Betul 46.4 ThursdBY 152 1.00 167.76 JO.71 18.61 Betul 48.0 153 Maize, IC.odo 44.63 5.00 610.21 75.01 108.23 Batul 49.6 154 Maize, Kodo 135.18 220.18 44.19 49.95 Hetul 80.0 155

    Maize, Kodo 0.82 544.87 351.78 270.86 Betul 80.0 156 Maize, Kodo 656.59 13.91 148.93 41.66 38.40 Hetul 84.8 157 Maize, Kodo· 885.45 0.25 148.06 34.81 61.86 Betul 89.6 158 Maize, Kodo 181.23 2.10 202.82 43.39 33.81 Hetul 84.8 159 Maiz~, Kodo 336.88 158.84 43.39 19.43 Hetul 88.0 160

    Maize, Kodo 238.59 73.68 120.69 Betul 82.6 161 . Maize,Kodo 2.45 555.87 266.88 408.52 Betul 96.0 162 Kodo. Maire 0.92 533.62 216.00 229.15 Betul 102.4 163 Maize, Kodo 2.46 1.59 455.74 233.49 418.83 Betul 102.4 164 Maize, Jowar 1.06 256.04 10.65 38.38 Amla 18.8 165

    Maize, Jowar 38.87 3.05 151.98 35.17 37.63 Amla 28.8 166 Maize, Jowar 197.93 0.33 102.43 112.67 21.66 Amla 25.6 167 Maize, Jowar 412.12 3.54 776.57 66.78 67.88 Amla 24.0 168 Maize, Jowar 103.51 469.76 11.05 211.35 Amla 32.0 169 Maize, Jowar 178.21 370.31 163.57 364.04 Amla 18.8 170

    Maize, JQWar 48.01 220.55 61.15 35.12 Amla 19.2 J71 Maize, Jowar 4.90 0.06 111.33 25.09 163.45 Amla 16.0 172 Maize. Jowar 91.82 2.06 383.74 91.04 2,634.55 Amla 12.8 173 Maize, Jowar 335.04 141.02 70.82 13.60 AmIa 14.4 174 Kado. Kutki 4.45 357.18 5.14 51.14 Betul 28.8 175

    Kodo, Kutki 5.80 766.10 32.02 76.67 Betul 32.0 176 Kodo. Kutki 59.68 1.00 287.23 2.29 141.87 Betul 28.8 177 Kodo, Kutki 8.74 2.00 399.73 18.50 29.51 Bctul 28.8 178 :Kodo, :Kutki 21.06 4.20 740.70 33.23 126.74 Betul 30.4 179 Kodo, Kutki 122.67 1.00 445.76 24.51 138.36 Betul 28.8 180

    Kodo, Kutki 30.50 464.28 4.92 69.52 Betul 32.0 181 Kodo, Kutki 2.84 469.42 4.59 59.93 Betul 35.2 182 IC.odo, Jowar 252.67 2.57 878.97 0.19 135.33 Betul 40.0 183 Kado, Jowar 10.58 488.19 0.18 65.78 Betul 41.6 184 Kodo, Jowar 9.04 S4.36 1,302.12 3.18 227.23 Betul 40.0 185

    Kodo. Jowar 12.71 556.01 0.37 61.68 Betul 22.4 186 Wheat, Kodo 2.19 91l.28 2.0S S8.S7 Betul 24.0 181 Maize, Jowar 504.26 69.35 102.64 Betul 27.9 188 Maize, Zowar I.S8 389.19 30.19' 104.36 Betul 25.6 189 Mvize, Jowar 2'~~ 36.74 465.91 3.81 43.20 Betul 25.6 190

    86.36 8.70 19.72 Betul 25.6 191 Maize,lowar 2.30 530.79 37.16 132.82 Bctul 25.6 192 Maize, Zowar 110.64 26.20 1.522.80 38.64 219.78 Betul 22.4 Friday 193 Maize. Jowar 24.94 34.89 921.84 9.60 112.26 Betul 25.6 194 Kodo, Kutki 1.46 807.58 166.02 240.94 Betul 30.4 195

    Kodo, Kutki 9.31 0.91 765.72 31.24 114.61 Betut 25.6 196 Kado, Kutki 0.28 369.73 1.85 81.77 Betul 25.6 197 IC.odo, Kutti 883.02 0.35 204.27 13.17 20.08 Betul 25.6 198 Kodo, Kutki 33.40 2.64 335.60 19.54 136.55 Betul 24.0 199 &Odo, IC.atki 237.21 380.44 5.93 77.48 Betul 25.6 100 S8


    Total area Amenities available within the villages r-- __.A.--______~ L. C.No. of the villaae Educational Medical Powl!r Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nicatioD Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    201 Chikhali Amdhana 1.579.79 PR (1) W KR 202 Dehari 409.44 KR 203 Pajhar 901.38 W KR 204 Khamalpur 1262.11 PR W KR 205 ltanhawadi Ryt. 1,627.81 PR P)1) W,R KR

    206 Ghuggi 708.04 PR (1) W,R K( 207 Chopoa 784.07 W,R KR. 208 Phooigohan Ryt. 1,622.26 I R (1) W KR 209 Dudhawani Ryt. 1,390.46 PR (1) W KR 210 Ghoda Dongri Ryt. 2.950.60 PR (1), Mid.S.(1). D (ij E,E ,EIN W,R R,PR PO. TO S~C. (1)

    211 Chorpandra 1,685.21 PR (1) W PR 212 Pandra 1.198.74 PR (1) W,R PR 213 Dhargaon 828.12 W PR 214 Banspur 1,527.03 PR (1) W KR 215 Ratamati 904.61 PR (1) W PR

    216 P~pri 1,332.70 R PR 217 Malisilpati 274.02 W PR 218 Deshawadi 3,958.71 PR (1) W PR 219 Bhudki 799.95 W 'KR 220 Pachama 1,721.91 W KR

    221 Palaspani 862.75 W KR 222 Paru 168.11 R PR 223 DolidhaDl 2.681.89 PR (1) W,R KR 224 Malseoni 1,520.79 PR ~1) W KR 225 Mendapani 1,423.60 PR 1) W KR

    226 Mardwani Mal. 1,068.21 PR (1) W KR 221 Mardwani Ryt. 593.47 W KR 228 Amagohan 1,098.66 W KR 229 Kbadara 1,798.80 W KR 230 Khari 820.25 PR (1) W KR

    231 Chhuri 777.63 PR (1) W KR 232 Dod 675.12 PR (1) W KR 233 Nimpani 913.71 PR (1) J::I W PR 234 Baneha 453.11 W KR 235 Padhar Bujurg 1,475.96 PR (1),Mid. S.(I) D (1),FC (1) J!, EI, EIN W PR PO

    236 Jakhali 1.113.09 W KR 237 Pisajhodi 1,198.38 W KR 238 Kuppa 709.66 W KR 239 BajJarwada 831.94 PR (1) W KR 240 Jhadkund 1,938.19 PR (1) W KR

    241 Chikbali 2,298.62 PR (1) Fe (I) W KR 242 Ghana 691.04 W KR. 243 Badgi Gondi Kburd 1,473.41 PR (1) W KR 244 Sillot 2,013.64 PR (1) W KR .; 245 Rawanwadi 676.39 W,NW KR

    246 Badgi Bujurg 568 58 W KR 247 Naye gaon 636.76 W KR 248 Gohachi 879.27 W KR 249 Banspani 724.95 W KR. ZSO Umarwani 1,615.18 PR (1) W KR 59


    Laqd use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Rem,rks in- r----- ~------""I .... eekly c1udirll any Culturable Area not Nearest market, place of reli- L.C.No. Staple Un- waste (i.e. available Food town & if any, gious, histori- Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in . calor archa- grazing land vation in kms. village eological in- etc.) tOlest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Kod", Kutki 125.06 11.12 993.37 24.92 42S.32 Betul 22.4 201 57.28 US 302.61 4.30 Kodo, KUlki 43.70 Belul 25.0 202 619.33 0.99 187.26 50.61 43.19 Betul 24.0 203 Kado, Kutki 814.17 309.44 56.10 Maize, lowal 82.40 Betul 19.2 204 43.47 6.42 1,093.51 140.10 344.31 Betul 30.4 205 Kodo, Kutki 128.83 0.54 485.83 16.58 76.26 Betul 30.4 206 Kado, Kutki 148.16 2.15 450.04 78.44 Kodo, Kutki 105.28 Betul 28.8 201 6.88 4.61 1,135.55 87.59 387.63 Betul 27.2 208 Kodo, Kutki 1.34 1,047.11 218.83 Maize, Jowar 123.18 Belul 24.0 209 283.59 18.02 2,082.97 195.20 370.82 Betul 36.8 Satulday 210

    Maize, lowar 6.28 4.97 1,200.56 198.91 274.49 &.tul 40.0 211 Kodo, KIltki 107.79 9.26 881.14 85.52 Kodo, Kutki 115.03 BelLi 40.0 ... 212 4.10 3.98 705.55 59.39 55.10 Betul 41.6 213 Kodo, Kutki 115.56 2.62 1,154.90 36.32 Kodo, Kutki 217.63 Betul 41.6 214 4.13 0.23 800.35 23.03 76.87 Betul 38.4 215

    Kodo, Kutki 8.05 761.08 79.25 K'Jdo, Kutki 484.32 Betul 38.4 216 14.16 1.00 229.43 12.87 16.56 Betul 38.4 217 Kodo, Kutki 1,764.66 3.94 1,857.86 223.82 108.43 Betul 36.8 218 Maize, lowar 3.33 612.64 56.16 Kodo, Kutki 127.82 Betul 27.2 219 0.01 499.95 81.66 1,140.29 Betul 27.2 220 Maize, Kodo 2.10 566.63 9.56 284.46 Betul 25.6 221 9.51 1.00 121.45 14.63 21.52 Betul 38.4 222 lowar:Maize 877.08 24.65 1,357.35 3.91 418.90 Betul 19.2 223 lowar, Maize 392.14 1.01 987.64 32.32 lowar, Maize 107.68 Betul 17.6 224 30.07 6.75 1,235.00 17.78 134.00 Betul 17.6 225

    Maize, lawar 42.97 1.13 848.38 15.17 160.56 Betul 19.2 226 Jowar, Kodo 361.10 99.98 132.39 Kodo, Kutki Betul 19.2 227 5.93 5.75 920.69 31.69 134.60 B~t"l 22.4 228 KOOo, Kutki 699.01 0.81 866.88 89.27 Kodo, Kutki 142.83 Betul 28.8 229 0.50 0.79 689.97 34.67 94.32 Betul 25.6 230 Kodo, Kutki 3.98 696.16 8.29 69.20 Betul 22.4 231 Kodo, K'ltki 2.92 548.68 50.72 72.80 Betul 25.6 232 KodC', Ku!ki 6.19 676.89 35.25 195.38 Betul 22.4 233 Kodo, Kutki 144.07 251.0] 11.26 lowar, Maize 46.77 Betul 32.0 234 17.31 1,220.67 65.97 172.01 Betul 17.6 Saturday 235 lowar, Maize 3.56 1,011.05 38.84 59.64 Bettil 20.8 236 lowar, Maize 10.38 1,071.04 35.43 81.53 Betul lowar, Maiz~ 14.4 237 1'93 26.77 590.23 16.29 74.44 Betul 14.4 238 lowar, Maiz, .35 6.72 703.04 lowar 47.33 73.50 Betul 16.0 239 6.80 1,500.74 136.01 294.64 Betul 27.2 240 lowar 69.72 18.07 1,708.98 126.10 375.75 Betul 25.6 241 10war 0.51 5.83 621.78 Iow!lr, Kodo 8.20 54.72 Betul 24.0 242 196.28 7.06 1069.80 63.21 137.06 Betul 19.2 243 lowar, Kodo 33.86 .1,800.86 . 47.55 Iowar, Kodo 131.37 Betul 19.2 244 0.16 593.89 . 3l.30 51.04 Betul 19.2 245

    Jowar, Maiz: 2.00 480.44 13.64 72.50 B~tul 20.8 lowar, M ize 2.16 246 1.12 533.11 72.27 28.10 B~tul 22.4 247 lowar, Maim 6.35 2.25 712.58 Wbeat, Jowar 62.68 95.41 Betul 16.0 248 21.32 1.05 608.49 52.55 41.54 Betul 14.4 Gram, Kodo 38.39 249 0.03 1,304.77 188.12 83.87 Belul 17.6 ~$O 60


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C No. ofthc r------village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nicatioll Tclesraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    251 Kalyanpur 952.17 PR (1) W KR 252 Gajpur 1,432.80 PR (1) W,R KR 253 Laoniya 696.00 W KR 254 Dhoul 1,942.02 PR (1) W,R KR 255 GebuDras 1,165.79 PR (1) WR KR

    256 Mathai 1,497.81 PR (1) W KR PO 257 Mandai Khurd 1,628.28 PR (1) W KR 258 Khapar Kheda 578.11 W KR 259 Lapa jhiri 1,746.71 PR (1) .. W KR 260 Sakadehi 1,743.17 PR (I) D (1) EI W PR

    261 Thani 750.47 W PR 262 Udadan 2,096.79 EI. fiN W PR. 263 Tigariya 730.23 W PR 264 lamthi 1,750.75 PR (1),Mid. S. (1), Er, LIN W PR,R PO s~c. S. (1) 265 Kadhai 1,008.75 W KR

    266 Jhagdia 1,834.59 PR (1) W KR 267 Jbade gaon 1,863.35 W KR. 268 Temani 1,411.96 PR (1) W KR 269 Sonaghati 2,384.23 W KR 270 Padhar IChurd 621.42 PRo el) B, EI W KR

    271 Dunda BOrg&On 2,272.96 PR (1) W KR 272 Dokiya 1,105.73 W KR 273 BhayaWadi 1,536.69 FR (1) E1 W KR. 'PO 274 pangra 540.15 W KR 275 ICumhariya 1,307.20 PR (1) W KR

    276 Mandai Bujurg 1,248.83 PR(t) .. W KR 277 Kodaroti 1 513.53 PRel} D (1) EI W KR 278 Malapur 634.63 279 ChaDd Behda 1,039.76 PR (I), Mid':' So! 1) W KR. PO 280 Deothan 1,589.13 PR (1) W XR.

    281 Ratamati Khurd 889.09 W ltR. 282 R,tamati Bujurg 1,174.03 W KR 283 Kat Kuhl 2,087.33 PR 0) W KR. 284 Gondra 1,471.98 PR (1) W KR 285 Naharpur 1,457.37 W PR.

    286 Malachpur 3,279.43 PR 0), Mid,S. (1) W KR. 287 Khokra 743.47 W KR 288 Sendurjhana 1,088.26 W 289 Niwari 1,781.93 PR (1) W {: 290 Rojbaba 1065.17 PR (1) W KR.

    291 Pbogariya 841.33 W KR. 292 lamthi 1,388.55 W KR 293 Chhudiya 3,880.90 PR (1) W KR 294 Harju 1,393.79 PR (1) W KR 295 UDchaaohan 1,866,84 PR (1) W KR

    296 Kodiya 794.49 R KR 297 Dumb Ryt. 1,154.74 W KR. 298 Sitadongri 930.00 W PRo 299 Harniya I,On.35 PR~ .. W KR 300 Chupahajuri 1,286.94 PR () PHe (1) W KR. 61


    Land usc (i.s. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- r- .. weekly eluding finr Culturable Area Dot Near~ market, place of rel1- Staple Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, lious, histori- L.C.No. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for eulti- distance held in calor archa- arazinlland vation in kms. village eological in- etc.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    lowar, Kodo 8.55 0.89 825.51 72.01 45.21 Betul 17.6 251 Kodo, KutJd 2.32 1,156,81 14599 127.68 Betul 19.2 252 lowar, Wheat 19.75 2.79 588.36 32,93 52.17 Betul 17.6 253 Kodo, Kutki 307.23 2.77 1,160.52 316.48 155.02 Betul 16.0 254 Wheat, Iowar 30.09 17.20 753.36 287.40 77.74 Betul 17.6 255

    Iowar, Kodo 17.30 7.12 880.00 437.69 155.70 Betul 16.0 256 Iowar, Kodo 74.19 12.02 949.74 292.88 299.45 Betul 14.4 257 Iowar, Kodo 0.75 399.36 99.61 78.39 Betul 14.4 258 lowar, Kodo 5.93 6.62 1,082.25 391.19 260.72 Betul 11.2 259 Iowar, Kodo 2.68 39.83 1,011.43 430.33 258.90 Betul 12.8 260

    Iowar, Kodo 212.42 0.46 482.29 4.92 50.38 Betul 12.8 261 Iowar, Kodo 784.92 15.15 750.92 293.57 252.23 Betul 9.6 262 Iowar, Kodo 14.12 466.66 135.29 114.16 B~tul 8.0 263 lowar, Kodo 216.83 2.10 643.36 388.33 500.13 Betul 6.4 264 Maize, Kodo 1.15 495.83 405.83 105.94 Betul 9.6 265

    Maize, Kodo 351.21 1,084.36 300.16 98.86 Betul 9.6 266 Maize, Kodo 419.87 2.35 1,151.65 205.10 84.38 Betul 9.6 267 Maize, Kodo 82.24 11.65 805.19 82.14 430.74 Betul 9.6 268 Maize, Kodo 361.27 21.09 686.43 361.27 954.17 Betul 9.6 269 Wheat, lowar 1.16 7.47 531.61 21.48 59.70 Betul 11.2 270

    Wheat, 10war 457.24 12.99 I,HUO 597.63 93.80 Betul 11.2 271 Wheat, Jowar 54.06 18.93 197.20 178.15 57.39 BetuJ 11.2 272 Wheat, Iewar 148.83 19.72 1,043.58 240.64 83.92 Betul 9.6 273 Wheat, 10war 1.00 338.86 61.64 138.65 Betul 9.6 274 Wheat, Iowar 30.22 14.20 1,109.57 64.21 89.00 Betal 19.2 275

    Wheat, lowar 10.02 48.05 1,104.10 37.54 49.12 Betal 19.2 276 Wheat, Iowar 29.75 1,213.17 181.25 89.36 B~tul 16.0 277 17.35 40.47 531.67 '19.34 25.80 Betal 11.2 278 Wheat: JOWlr 11.68 45.49 213.09 154.79 614.71 Betal 22.4 279 Kado, Kutki 36.40 718.23 273.28 561.22 Betul 19.2 280

    Kode, Kutki .. 8.54 527.53 99.22 253.80 Betul 24.0 281 Kode, Kutki 1.21 10.06 752.34 87.38 323.04 Betul 24.0 282 Maize, Jowar 3.74 7.07 1,834.50 5.51 236.51 Betul 41.6 283 Maize, Wheat 4643 3.64 1,29615 10.77 114.99 Betul 44.8 284 Maize, Jowar 3.30 1,287.05 6.18 160.84 Betul 43.2 28S

    Rice, Iowar 70.03 2,928.02 18.66 262.72 Betul 40.0 Friday 286 Iowar, Rice 2.50 666.34 2.80 71.83 Betul 35.2 287 Iowar, Wheat lil 8.76 976.17 28.42 63.10 Betul 30.4 288 Kodo, Kutki - .29 134.43 1,540.32 7.02 98.87 Belul 38.4 289 Kodo, Kutki 3.37 64.05 918.40 6.66 72.69 Betul 38.4 290

    Kodo, Kutki 15.00 750.84 20.75 54.74 Betul 41;6 291 Kodo, Kutki 2.45 10.63 1,174.70 6.30 194.47 ~tul 36.8 292 lowar. Maize 343.13 94.00 3,162.09 23.16 258.52 Betul 43.2 293 Iowar. Maize 4.63 1,233.48 5.99 149.69 Betul 44.8 294 Wbear, Jowal 89.21 16.74 1,363.32 15.82 381.75 Betul 44.8 29$

    Wheat, lowar 700.15 0.59 93.75 Betul 33.6 296 Wlleat, Iowar 1.04 1,006.71 82.87 64.12 B~tul 49.6 297 Wheat, Maize 1.30 8.13 839.61 80.96 B;tul 41.6 298 Wheat, Iowar 23.70 888.46 4.21 155.98 Betul 48.0 299 Wlleat. Jowar 48.83 22.16 1,116.57 3.00 96.38 B.;tul 48.0 Saturday.'. 300 62


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. C. No. of the village ~---.------.----~~------Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post ~and Name of Village (in acres) Suppply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    301 Chak Chuna 365.44 W KR 302 Chunag'lsai 848.00 W KR 303 Gawajbadap 1,583.93 W KR 304 Bllahai Mal. 446.26 W KR 305 Balahai Ryt. 528.16 W KR

    306 Amapur 614.51 W KR 307 Alamgarh 1,691.49 W KR 308 K~mtha Mal. 779.61 W KR 30~ Bod Ryt. 966.41 310 '. W KR Churni 2577.37 W KR

    311 Kall'ltha Ryt. 53013 .. 312· Padalda 470.53 W KR 313 Bhurbbur 215.84 W KR 314 Ajai 1,183.40 W,R PR 315 Chirapatla 4,601.23 PR (1), Mid:·S. (I) W,R PR PC

    316 Bela 1,469.44 PR (1) W,R PR 317 Harrai 1,775.66 W.R KR ... 318 Patha Kheda 4,925.98 PR (1) W,R PR PO 319 Nandra 2,310.49 PR (1) W,R KR 320 Alampur 2,125.69 PR (1) W PR

    321 Obaniya lam 2,280.04 PR (I) W PR 322 MotipDr 1.5 15.33 W KR 323 hmli 635.27 W KR 324 K'lhdhar 838.86 W KR 325 Godhana 2,48].01 PR (1) W KR

    326 Gondumandai 1,141.03 PR (1) W KR 327 Harrawadi 854.10 PR (1) W KR 328 Dudhiya 2,446.42 PR (1) W KR 329 Asadi 2,533.44 W KR 330 Barangwadi 602.86 W KR

    331 Dulhara 914.89 W KR 332 Chicholi 664.44 PR (1), Mi/.S. (1), PHC(!) W PR PO. TO, Sec. S. (1) Pbone 333 Nasirabad 1,011.36 PR (I) W PR 334 Bandi Khapa 655.32 W PR 335 Singarai Khapa 905.76 W P.{

    336 Sonpur 376.54 W PR 337 Khairi 2,207.17 PR (n W PR 338 Deopur Kotmi 3,446.43 PR (I) W 339 Bighwa 68S.24 PR (1) W & 340 Birpur 70S.83 W KR

    341 Siplai 1,880.94 W KR 342 logali 2,940.03 PR (1) W PR 343 Bori 1.19S.44 PR (1) W KR 344 Mangarodi 544.52 W PR 345 Atari 2.377,24 iPR (1) W PR

    346 Itiya Bitiya 3,179.26 W PR 347 Jeen 1,721.35 PR (1), Mid.- s. (1) PHC (1) W PR PO 3411 Kumhali 969.52 PR (1) W PR 349 Tahali 1,508.94 PR (I) W PR 350 Dan ora 1.357.81 PR (I) W PR ~~


    Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use) in acres Day or Remarks in- L.C. r--- ~ weekly eluding any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market, place of reli- Staple Un- waste (I.e. available town & if any, gious, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pa.tureand for culti- distance held in calor areha- grazing land vation inkms. village eological in- etc.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Wheat, Maize 15.50 301.41 0.40 48.13 B~tul 48.0 301 Wheat, Maize 30.74 14.87 708.09 43.45 50.85 B.:tul 48.0 302 Wheat, Maize 575.95 4.64 813.23 6.20 183.91 Betul 54.4 303 Wheat. Maiz;;, SO.05 280.13 3.41 112.67 Betul 52.8 304 Wheat. Maize 53.13 367.82 48.29 58.92 Betul 51.2 305

    Wheat, Maiz" 124.02 226.97 16.35 247.17 Betul 46.4 306 Wheat, Maize 739.17 878.08 31.89 42.35 Betul. 43.2 307 Wheat, Maize 210.91 1.25 527.60 0.39 39.46 Betul 32.0 308 Kodo, Maize 12.73 1.71 627.31 5.00 319.60 B~tul 38.4 '.109 Kodo, Maize 1,2.15.14 J,216.42 23.98 51.83 Betul 35.2 310

    171.89 0.12 325.19 1.55 31.38 Betul· 64.9 311 Kodo,lowar bO.01 198.80 1.22 190.50' Betul 40.0 312 Kodo,lowar 69.49 124.85 21.50 Betul 32.0 313 Kodo, Kutki 872.00 296.45 2.07 1288 Betul 64.0 314 Kado, Kutki '1,979.59 4.00 2,021.76 114.17 481.71 Botul 57.6 Sunday 315

    Kado, Kutki 323.10 4.92 1,070.56 25.99 44.87 Betul 52.8 316 Kado, Kutki 1,150.15 566.26 6.55 52.70 Timarni 28.8 317 Wheat, Maize 852.02 47.20 3,242.40 63.25 72111. Betul 48.0 3i8 Wheat, Ma;ze 97639 0.06 1,174.54 2674 132.76 Betul 67.2 319 Maize, Kodo 302.39 22.61 1,262.00 81.60 457.09 Betul 44.8 320

    Ma~t Kodo 450.28 3.65 1,41:0.42 53.33 312.36 Betul 46.4 321 Maize, Kodo 5~2.72 4.86 763.62 10964 64.4Q Betul 48.0 322 Maize, Kado 10.01 5.26 545.29 17.71 57.00 Betul 44.8 323 Jowar, Kodo 30.65 740.19 1.12 66.89 Betul 38.4 324 lowar, Kodo 1620 2,209.59 60.33 194.89 Betul 48.0 325

    Wheat, Jowar 30.76 1,021 83 1.65 86.79 Betul 38.4 326 lowar, Kodo 0.49 4.21 7/9.09 70.31 Betul 40.0 327 Jowar, Micze 36.70 2,169.60 2J.43 216.69 Betul 41.6 328 Jowar, Maize 1,15033 1352 1,133.05 109.82 126.72 Betul 44.8 . 329 lowar, Maize 16.5U 549.38 0.35 36.63 Betul 36.8 330

    .'. 256.57 17.18 569.30 24.57 47.27 Betul 40.0 331 Wheat, Rice 126.67 405.99 4.30 127.48 Betul 33.6 TUesday 332 Wheat, Jowar 9.44 156.13 727.42 46.26 72.11 Betul 38.4 333 Wheat, Maize 7.56 24.07 561.84 11.12 50.73 Betul 36.8 334 Wheat. Jowar 0.42 28.10 717.81 103.46 55.97 Berill 35.2 335

    Jowar, Maize 25.67 297.84 22.24 30.79 Betul 35.2 336 Maize, Kodo )703.27 19.75 550.25 319.60 614.30 Betul 44.8 337 Maize, Kodo 512.16 47.75 1,028.75 455.30 402.47 Betul 44.8 338 Maize, Kodo 98.50 47.75 357.25 1:0.65 64.09 Betul 40.0 339 Maize,Kodo 112.23 27.25 480.00 53.94 35.41 Betul 38.4 340

    Maize, Kodo 752.68 40.25 639.75 263.50 184,76 Betul 40.0 341 Maize, .Jowar 156.85 49.25 2,454.49 1,82 277.62 Betul 28.8 342 Maize, Jowar 43.21 91.87 9:J4.94 3.56 64.86 Betul 32.0 343 Maize, Kodo 196.37 14.92 311.72 21.51 Betul 35.2 344 Wheat. Rice 774.05 91.48 1,442.07 14.45 55.19 Betul 32.0 345

    Kodo, lowar 1,824.74 87.99 1,166.86 1S.37 84.30 Betul 32.0 346 Wheat, Riee 29.11 201.85 1,356.72 30.09 103.58 Betul 30.4 WedJJClday 347 Kodo, Kutki 88.01 47.08 762.61 20'60 51.22 Betul 22.4 348 Kodo, Kutki 61.50 42.06 1,304.52 18.51 82.35 Betul 22.4 349 Wheat, Rice 11.24 130.88 1,073.71 65.97 76.01 Betul 25.6 350 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of tbe ,-- village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu. Post----- and Name of ViDaae (in aerea) Supply Water nieation Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    351 Borgaon 1,372A3 PR (1) W KR 352 Aprapan Behara 2.167.57 W KR 353 Amla 1,753.70 W KR 354 Karpa 743.34 ... W KR 355 Bodijunawani 2,841.55 PR (1) W PR

    356 Deogaon 778.87 PR (1) .. E,EI W PR 357 Hiwar Khedi 3,971.74 PR (1) D (1) E. EI W PR 358 Oadha 1,352.47 PR (1) W PR PO 359 Chauki 2,427.71 PR (1) W PR 360 Akhatwada 1,276.26 El W PR

    361 Kanara 2,268.fO W PR 362 Khedisawli pth 1,790.08 PRO), Mid.S:(I), D (i): E,EI, EIN W PR PO Sec. S. (I) MCW (I) 363 MahedgaoD 932.96 PR (1) E. EI W PR 364 Dahargaon 775.71 E, EI W PR 365 SelgaoD 2,653,98 PR ('i> E, Bl W KR

    366 Chicbdhana 772.65 PR (1) W.R KR 367 Salad 729.97 R KR 368 Ubadus 1,422.85 PR (I). Mid:S. (i) E, ii W PR 369 Dbondwada 57.2.33 .. E, EI W KR 370 Dabberi 287.36 PR (I) E, EI W KR

    371 Parsoda 374.36 E1 W KR 372 Danora 95.2.32 PR (1) E, E[ W KR 373 Tikari 2,454.00 W,R PR 3"4 Khedla 1,693.91 W KR 375 Badnoordhanai 393.66

    376 Oaudhana 1,681.44 W KR 377 Chlkhalar 1,614.90 R KR 37s Khanjanpur SOM3 W KR 379 Sllmari Patb 946.67 W KR 380 Hamlapur 960.47 PR (I) BI. EIN W PR

    381 !CumharT&k S54.36 W. KR 382 Kbedli 335.36 PR (I) EI W,R, KR 383 Khandara 6611.54 PR (1),Mid. S. (1) FC(I) W KR PO 384 Bodi 4,707.96 PR (I) W KR 385 Mohgaon 434.15 W KR

    386 R,atbipur 1,351.04 W g 387 B.1Ibwad 1,756.37 PR(I) W 388 BOdna 1,790,86 El R 389 Mordongri 1,875.84 PR(I) W :1 390 Guwadi 853.86 R

    391 Barsali 1,437.25 PR (I) W,R R 392 Kajijamthi 693.27 W KR 393 Bhilawadi 470.90 W KR 394 Kanhadgaon 498.54 PR (1) W PR 395 Kobawani 255.15 W KR

    396 hitpur 377.98 W KR 397 Tliani lBaL 269.73 W KR 398 Thani Ryt- 197.31 W KR 399 Nimjhiri 1,007.00 W KR 400 Bagda 1,44:t91 KR lJETtJL TAtfsIt

    Land usc (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in. t:C. ---, weekly cluding any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market, place of reli. Staple Un- waste (i.e. town & if any, gious, histori- 100d Forest Irrigaled Irrigated pasture and ~ableculti- distance held in calor archa- grazing land tion in kms. village eological in· etc.) ~. terest

    ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 J

    Wheat, Rice 53.16 284.51 952.88 23.15 58.73 B~tul 27.2 351 MaiZJ, Jowar 979.37 2.13 925.63 105.14 155.30 Betul 28.8 352 Wheat, MaiZ3 5~O.29 52.43 1043.43 14.25 '3.3l! Betul 24.0 353 Wheat, Maize 61.40 68.\10 570.56 16.58 25.90 Betul 22.4 354 Kodo, Kutki 509.17 13.32 2,089.88 56.36 17282 Betul 25.6 355

    Maizo, J .)war 4.18 699.23 9.71 65.45 Bctul 14.4 356 Maize. Jowar l,Ol6.69 17.37 2,401.26 186.23 270.19 Betul 17.6 357 Mliz;. J Jwar U48 20.66 1,129.95 43.68 73.iO Betul 20.8 358 Maiz=. J lwar 1,370.75 4.0~ 1,024.99 12.48 1547 Bctul 16.0 359 Wheat, Rice 80.37 1,080.54 4.26 111.09 B~tul 12.8 360

    Wheat, Rice 751.98 10.20 1,261.81 61.49 183.12 Betul 14.4 361 Wheat, Rice 59.26 119.67 1,336.30 165.49 10)36 Betul 11.2 Friday 362 Wheat, Rice 61.46 811.90 21.03 38.57 Betul 8.0 363 Wheat, Rice 72.25 625.93 14.9~ 62.54 Betul 9.6 364 lowar, Maize 419.75 45.30 1,343.76 398.74 446.43 Betul 14.4 365

    lowar, Kodo 0.77 5.2!! 383.22 7.37 376.01 Betul 20.8 366 Jowar' Maize 109.21 298.71 4.99 317.06 B::tul 16.0 367 Wheat, Rice 129.80 1,048.54 131.17 113.34 Betul 6.4 .368 Wheat, Rice 129.00 398.55 24.32 20.46 B~lul 8.0 369 Wheat, Rice 123.05 117.03 28.10 19.18 Betul 9.6 370

    Wheat, Rice 155.35 D7.31 55.06 26.64 Betul 4.8 371 Wheat, Maize 129.81 671.41 70.50 80.60 SeM 3.2 372 Wheat, Jowar 326.76 16026 975.24 45631 5'5.43 Betul 3.2 373 Wheat, Jowar 571.54 29.74 503.69 409.50 179.44 Betul 8.0 374 1.21 131.68 120.38 140.39 Betul 0.0 375

    Wheat, lowar 633,85 30.81 477.78 313.36 225.64 Belul 3.2 376 1,068.30 266.29 215.41 64.90 lIetul 4.8 377 Wheat:iowar 258.08 0.30 176.16 145.54 229.35 Belu) 1.6 378 Wheat, lowar 339.86 4.80 387.66 163.1 4 51.21 B~tul 4.8 379 Kod", Kutki 14.95 17.45 527.95 188.47 211.65 Betul 1.6 380 Kodo, Kutki :.19.90 491.66 2.56 40.24 Setul 2.6 3S1 Kodo, Mutki 1.88 299.31 1.00 33.17 Betu] 6.4 382 Kodo, Kutki 5.40 24.03 558.44 28.62 52.05 Betul 9.6 383 Kodo, Kutki 6U.42 .'- 1,753.45 153.64 2,189.45 Betul 12.8 384 9.03 404.44 0.79 ]9.89 Betul 6.4 385

    Kodo, Kutki 600.09 28.17 636.50 62.76 23.52 Betul 8.0 386 lowar, Kodo 653.43 1.70 717.90 J24.01 259.33 Betul 12.8 387 lowar, Kodo 1~i44 4.92 492.56 127.61 73.33 Betul 19.2 388 lowar, Kodo • 9.92 4.95 774.66 456.28 190.03 Betul 16.0 389 411,31 285.27 105.80 51.48 Betul 19.2 390

    lowar. Kodo 547.50 4.75 447.62 261.25 176.13 Betul 11.2 391 lowar. Kodo 214.26 .53 411.52 33.0() 33.96 Betul 12.8 392 l:Jwar, Kodo 239,86 181.32 49.72 Betul 11.2 393 Wheat, lowar .~ 28,03 338.04 77.34 55.13 Betul 20.8 394 44.30 1.50 82.12 96.17 31.06 Betul 20.8 395

    Wheat, Jowar 39.04 2.52 147.72 166.50 22.20 Betul 22.4 396 Wheat, Jowar 2.65 170.85 48.28 47.95 Betul 22.4 397 Wheat, J"war 5.4 93.35 75,81 27.61 Betul 22.4 398 Wheat, Jowar 182.t5 6.15 392.04 360.59 65.59 Betul 24.0 399 24.73 630.42 237.48 550.28 Betul 17.6 400 VItLAG:£ DIlEC'rORY

    Total area Amenitie~ available within the villages L.C.No. of the r- ~ village Educational Medical power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

    401 Mowad 2,212.65 PR (1) W KR 401 Lakhapur 1,623.65 PR (1) W R PO 403 Kbapa (Nahia)'a) 1,105.72 TK PR 404 Junawani 1,736.72 PR (1) W KR 405 Nabiya 2,434.96 PR (I), Mid. S. (1) E,EI,BIN W PR

    406 Partapur 757.06 E,EI,EIN TtC PR 407 Ratanpur 955.65 - W KR 40& Jaitapur 665.59 EI W KR 409 Sohagpur 2,703.19 PR (2), Mid.S.(I} D (1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 410 Ankawadi 655.70 E, Et W PR

    411 Umri Jagir 344.05 W,R KR 412 Killod 294.71 W KR. 413 Kelapur 371.35 W,R KR 414 Gyaraspur 799.76 W KR 415 Chakora 428.14 W KR

    416 Jatampur 360.26 W KR 417 Parsodi BuJurg 3';2.37 EI W _ KR 418 Bajpur 295.86 PR (1) E,EI W - KR 419 Bundala 529.50 EI W KR 420 Bhainsdehi 362.47 W,R KR

    421 Malkapur 470.04 PR (1) EI W,R KR 422 Badora 1,549.47 PR (1) .n E,EI.EIN W PR 423 Bhogi Teda 947.65 PR (1) _. E,EI.EIN W PR 424 Batama 485.26 EI W PR 425 Hanotya 659.81 BI W,R PR

    426 Karajgaon 272.4~ PR (1) n. E,El W PR 427 Khadla 915.91 W PR . 428 Sabai 411.49 E,EI W KR 429 Bhawani Teda 311.54 . EI W KR 430 Mundha Teda 384.57 EI W KR

    431 Rondha 1,557.80 PR (2), Mid. S. (1) n. E,EI,EIN W PR PO 432 Umardoh 1,903.17 EI KR 433 Kiradi 331.25 EI KR 434 Nayegaon 444.51 E,El,EIN W KR 435 .~ounga 1,964.98 , PR (1) EI W KR

    436 Kirada 842.44 KR 437 Pipla 1,829.10 PR (lJ W,R KR 438 Bothisihar 2.363.21 Mid. S. (1 KR 439 'Mandhawa 1,751.13 W~ KR 440 ~tbna Jhiri 862.59 ... W KR

    441 Muchgohaa 733.54 W KR 442 Chumi 917.94 w KR 443 Sehra 3,525.06 PR (1), Mid~S.(l) PHC ci) E,EI,BiN W PR PO Sec. S. (1) 444 - ,- Amdar- -- 1,892.53 PR (1) n,EI W PR 445 Jodkya 657.40 PR (1) EI,EIN W KR

    446 Lohariya 903.23 EI W KR 447 Bagholi 1,281.47 PR (1). Mici:' S. (1) E,EI,EIN W KR 448 Kbanapur 811.36 W KR 449 Bayawadi 1,141.15 W PR 4S0 Bbarkawadi 2,172.41 PR (I) B,BI,mN W PR 67


    Land use (i.e. area under dIfferent types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in L. C. ,------.., weekly eluding any No •.. Culturable Area not Nearest market. place of reli- Staple Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any. gious, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in cal or areba- grazing land vation inkms. village eological m- ete.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Wh~at, Jowar 353.08 19.75 517.98 1,215.88 105.96 Betal 19.2 401 Wheat, Jowar 2~.78 12.99 734.81 299.03 552.04 Betul 17.6 402 JJwar, Rice 244.40 2.22 3)5.3:1 64.64 399.07 Betul Bazar 9.6 0403 Jowar, Rice 456.75 5.36 829.90 360.42 84.29 Betul Bazar 8.0 404 Wheat, Rice 146.57 190.85 1,645.82 259.67 192.05 Betul 19.2 405

    Wheat, Rice 8.70 84.20 172.57 150.10 341.49 Betul 14.4 406 JJwar, Maize 35.76 483.33 365.43 3.69 67.44 Belul 9.6 - 407 lowar; Maize . 189.84 298.98 42.21 134.56 Betul 11.2 408 Wheat Jowar 217.85 1,056.50 1,027.32 64.19 337.33 B.::tulBazar 6.4 409 Wheat, Jowar 287.62 227.52 77.63 62.93 B.!tulBaza.r 3.2 410

    Wheat, Rice 1.04 297.71 21.71 23.59 BetuJ 3.2 411 Wheat, Jowar 2.59 182.85 67.31 41.96 Betul 11.2 412 Wheat, Rice 316.58 25.44 29.33 Betul 4.8 413 Jowar. W.)eat 14.8Z U.Sl 46t.02 214.18 98.23 Berul 12.8 414 Wheat, Rice 15.25 325.33 57.11 30.45 Betul 4.8 415

    111.37 174.39 53.96 20.54 BetuJ 4.8 416 Wbeat, Rice 54.86 228.52 83.70 25.29 Betul 1.6 417 Wheat, Rice 26.16 209.46 32.06 28.18 Betul 4.8 418 Wileat, Rice 134.93 296'29 68.76 29.52 Betul 6.4 419 Wheat, Rice 255.11 6US 43.21 Betul 8.0 420

    Wheat, Rice 50.26 306.34 69.84 43.60 Betu] 9.6 421. Wheat, Gram 439.48 844.65 133.47 131.87 Betal 1.6 422 Wheat, Gram 284.66 541.S2 63.32 58.15 Betul 6.4 423 Wbeat, Gram 100.68 228.52 118.08 3'7.98 Betu] 3.2 424 Whea~, Gram 187.S8 321.86 111.20 39.17 Betul Bazar 1.6 425

    Wheat, Rice 106.24 147.40 10.37 8.45 Betul 11.2 426 Wheat, Rice 221.56 586.15 73.69 34.51 Betul 11.2 427 Wheat, Rice 185.82 192.22 12.53 20.92 Betul 11.2 4Z8 W;leat, Rice 58.49 219.93 20.74 12.38 Betul 11.2 429 W110lt, Rice 45.54 297.84 22.82 18.37 Betul 11.2 430

    Wheat, Rice 390.30 1,068.95 24.62 73.93 Betul 9.6 Saturday 431 Jowar, Kutki 464.76 85.72 1,164.32 90.45 97.92 Betul 16.0 432 Wheat, Jowar 118.7S 201.26 .. 1124 Betul 12.8 433 Wbeat, Rice 95.26 328.30 2.89 18.06 Betul 14.4 434 Wheat, Rice 197.23 120.96 1,212.47 110.78 263.54 Betul 14.4 435·

    573.77 193.72 31.00 43.95 Betul 16.0 436 Jowar- 706.62 0.14 885.83 50.08 186.43 Betul 24.0 437 Jowar 961.07 O.IS 1,078.90 174.86 148.23 Betul 24.0 438 Jowar 368.87 16.19 942.48 352.60 70.99 Betul 20.8 439 Jowar 104.46 1.27 702.36 14.11 40.39 Betul 22.4 440

    Jowar, Kodo 16.25 S.9S 661.59 16.98 32.77 Betul 14.4 441 Jciwar. Kodo 24.53 1.01 865.21 2.74 24.45 Betal ·14.4 442 Wheat. Rice 229.15 50.58 2.826.00 216.03 203.30 Betul 12.8 Monday 443 Wheat, Rice 95.00 159.77 I,S30.36 32.45 74.95 Betul Bazar 6.4 444 Wheat, Rice 69.38 527.33 30.34 30.35 Bctul Bazll 4.8 445

    Wheat, Rice- 39.06 806.70 3.25 54.22 Betul Bazu 4.8 446 Wheat, Rice 113.58 1,]27.57 7.65 32.67 Betu! Bazar 6.4 447 Wheat, Rice 36.30 89.69 564.70 80,01 40.66 Betul Bazar 4.8 448 Wheat, Rice 108.63 925.46 62.85 44.21 Betul Bazar 3.2 449 Wheat. Rice 646.14 1,296.S6 107.44 122.27 Betul Ba~r 3.2 ...... 450 68


    Total area ,-_~ Amenitiesw ______availableA-- within______the villages ~~ L.C. No. of the village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- p,)st and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    451 Soorgaon 739.58 PR (1) Er W PR 452 Betul Bazar 1.929.07 PR (2), Mid. S.(J), D (I) PR Sec. S. (1) 453 Singanwadi 761.00 .. E,Ef,EIN W PR 454 Hathnora 704.79 EI W,R PR 455 Arul 2,130.49 n (1) E,EJ,EIN W KR

    456 Jlgdhar 2,3S9.54 W KR 457 Parsodi Khurd 983.39 W PR 458 Milanpur 290.39 PR (I) .. E,EI,EIN W PR 459 Raundha 1,635.9S PR (1) W KR 460 Sai I{handara 1,9S1.30 PR (1) W PR

    461 SunarKbapa 1,6SS.23 PR (l) W I{R 462 Jawra 3.403.21 PR (1) MCW

    466 Chhata 1.357.76 W KR 467 Sarndai 1,308.87 PR (i) W KR 468 Kolg~on 1,672.00 PR (I), Mid. S. (I) .. E. EI, EIN W PR PO 469 Oorakhar 1.963.40 PR (1) W PR 470 Nayak Chani I,072.~O W PR

    471 Basdad 937.06 W KR 472 Diwan Charsi 1,695.07 PR (1) W KR 473 Salarjun 1,056.81 R KR 474 Ghutillhar 1,4S5.36 R KR 475 Bod !thas 2,430.23 PR (1) R KR

    476 Sel pon 1,207.90 FR (1) W KR 477 Ghogari 1,141.42 W.R KR 478 DodraMohar 967.51 R KR 479 Hathidingar 1,164.74 W KR 480 Badori 1,651.72 W KR

    481 Jasondi 1.8tO.7S PR (1) W PR 482 Arjllnwadi 1.114.40 W KR 483 JunawaDi 794.17 W KR 484 Thawdi 1,024.49 PR (1) W KR 485 Redwa 1,446.19 W KR

    486 Salbardi 67S.03 W KR 487 Barwhi 4,179.51 PR (2) W KR PO- 488 Gudhi 1.820.91 PR (I) W KR 489 Kosmi 1,046.47 PR (1) EI W K.R 490 Khakra Jamtbi 319.85 W PR,R

    491 Dhar ·(F,V.) 1,534.00 PR (I) .. W.TK PR,R 491 Sawarida (F.V.) 3S6.00 W KR 493 Bod (F.V.) 566.00 w KR 494 Path (F.V,> 1.1Sl.00 W KR 49S Handjpani 1,615.00 W KR

    496 Kuppa (F.V.> 948.00 PR (1) W KR 497 Deothan (F.V.) 542.00 W K:l 498 Mohanpura (F.V.) 475.00 W KR 499 Pipalbana CF,V'J 1,525.00 w. TK KR SOO Phophaliya (f.V • 1,60J.OO PR 6) W KR BETVL.TARSJL

    Land use (i.e. area 1,Inder different__,._ types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. ~ weekly cludingany No. Cllltll1'able Area not Nearest market, place of rell· Staple Un· waste (i.e. available town & if any. gioos. rustori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigared pasture and for culti· distance held in calor arcba. grazing land vation in km~. village eological in· etc.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Wheat, Rice 139.38 510.75 39.36 ~O.O~ Betul Bazar 6.4 451 Wheat, Rice 1,063.99 607.35 32.40 225.33 Betu! Bazl.l 0.0 Tuesday 452

    Wheat, Rice 280.05 389.94 . 54.43 36.57 Betul Bazar 3.2 453 Wheat, Rice 226.22 441.87 2.94 33.76 Batul Bazar 1.6 454 Wheat 1.351.14 414.53 257.75 106.47 Betul Bazu 3.2 455

    Wheat, Iowar 1,011.90 l8.0!> 784.70 443.09 81.85 Betul Bazar 3.2 456 Wheat 282.67 21.09 384.43 '253.45 41.75 Bewl Bazar 3.2 457 Jow:u, Kodo 191.83 33.84 ·31.98 32.74 Betul Bazar 3.2 ... 451 J"war, Kodo 27.81 J ,239.46 31):-.72 61.96 Betul Bazar 11.2 459 Jowar, Kodo 405.33 18.00 1,215.32 2·U.88 '10.77 Betul Bazu 8.0 460

    Iowar, Kodo 10.60 23.10 );191.25 3~5.94 64.34 B:tul Baz.r 9.6 461 Wheat, J owar 230.39 2,767.18 279.81 125.83 B!tul B'zar 12.8 'Thunday 462 Jowar, Kltki 26.l0 199.88 123.29 51.41 B:tul B zar 12.8 463 Jowar. Kodo 19.30 1;539.12 . '20.29 58.29 B~tdl Blzar 9.6 464 Jowar, Kodo 136.83 775.76 24.39 24.42 B~tul BJzar 16.0 -. 465

    Jawar, Kodo 8.85 0:29 1.199.09 7311 76.42 B:tul Bazl.l 12.8 466 Jowar, Kodo 108.47 5.85 1,108.82 . '52.07 33.66 B:tul Bazll 12.8 467 Wheat. Rice 124.63 142.26 1209.14 131.11 64.86 B!tul 1.6 Frida, 468 Wheat, Rice 74.75 44.06 1,704.44 .105,59 34.56 Betul 14.4 469 Wheai, Rice 132.70 21.oJ . "794.10 93.18 31.89 Betut 17.6 470

    Iowar . 33.24 471 207.62 504.55 .. 191.65 Betul 19.2 Iowar 293.22 2,71 1',136.27 '115.(10 W.87 Betul 20.8 472 Jowar 411.28 536.81 16.80 91.92 BelDt 22.4 .. 473 Iowar 626.61 . 594.73 58.9J 175.11 B:tul 24.0 474 Iowar 451.79 0.25 1',010.33 . 42.10 925.76 Botul 25.6 475

    Iowar, Rice 76.63 1·5.12 ·8.<4.00 195.02 67.13 Belu) B3Zlr 12.9 476 . I:>war, Rice 263.16 .609.30 161.94 107.02 Betrl B zar 144 477 1 Jwar, K'Jdo 46.61 50690 .257.80 156.20 Betul BaZlr 160 478 Iowar, KJdo 479.82 1.04 535.29 100.38 48.21 Betol B.zlt 12.8 479 IJwar, Kodo 545.65 1.10 . ·753.87 272.00 79.10 Beto] Bazlt 14.4 4.

    Jowar. Kado 810.10 833.02 76.44 140.59 Bet'lll Bazlr 160 481 Rice, In.var 73.14 18.64 80432 '165.40 12.30 Betu) B·zar 14.4 482 K)do, Kutki 22.52 546.92 189.81 3;.12 B!tul Bazlt 14.4 483 Rice .. JJwar 42.97 1.02 808.98 '13:).21 32.31 Bctul Bazar 144 484 Rice, Jowar 18.28 ·223.94 485 100,03 1,056.48 47.46 &tul Bazar 16.0 ~

    17.95 11.30 456.{0 142.90 46.28 Hetol B'zat 16.0 486 Wheat,"Rice 295.10 '3,121.09 513.72 249.60 Bctu! B zar 16.0 Weda.. , 487 Jowar, Maiz: 7.93 1,311.38 321.31 18029 Betol Bazar 22.4 488 KJdo, Kutki 27.28 880.76 . ·3l.36 107.07 Betul 4.8 ... 489 5.87 '248.19 '14.50 51.29 Betul 16 - 490 Kutki. Kodo 60\).00 934.00 Betul 51.2 491 Kutki. Kodo 188.CO 19800 Betul 54.4 492 Kutki Kodo 246.00 320.00 Bctul 54.4 493 Kltki, K)do 551.flO 600.00 Betul 13.6 494 Kutki, Kodo 60J.00 1,015.00 Betul 4.80 495

    Kutki. K1do 10000 848.00 netul 54.4 496 Kliki. Klcio 252.00 29000 Timarni 38.4 497 K·ltki. K1do 390.00 8500 Timami 25.6 498 Kodo, Kutki 375.00 1,150.00 Betul 54.4 499 Kodo, Kutki 570.00 1,033.00 Beto) 60.8 500 70


    Total area Amenities available within the "i1lages L.C.No. of the vi1laac r------Educational Medical -"""-Power Drinking Commu. Post and NllUC of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,

    SOL Gawasen (P.V.) 655.00 PR (1) W KR. 502 Khokra Kheda (P.V.) 343.0J W KR. 503 Blladongari (P.V.) 637.0J w KR SOl Birkheda IF.V.) 961.00 W KR. 50S TaDda' (F.V.) 1,132.00 W KR

    50S Kursan. (F .VJ. 43000 PR (1) W KR. 507 Gudimai (P.• ) 140.00 W KR. S08 Daryaw~anj (F.V.) 44S.OO W KR. SO~ S!lrni (F.v.~ 10200 E,BI W pR PO 510 Chopna (F ••) 340.00 w KR.

    511 Imlikheda (F.V.) 740.00 W KR. 512 Ghogri (F.V.J. 138.00 R,W KR. 513 Rlmpur (F. .) 1,587.00 R,W KR 514 Bllatodi (F.V.) . 1,651.00 W,R KR SIS PUDji (Dhana} (F.V.) 619.00 W,R KR.

    516 Hirapur (F.V.~ 796.00 W,R KR. 517 Kolhaya (F.V. 891.00 W,R KR 518 BhopaH (F.V.~ 252.00 W K.R. 519 P.lhawadi " •.) 106.00 W KR 520 Bijadehi ( .V.l 268.00 W K.R.

    521 Jawajhar (F.V.) 298.00 W K.R. 522 B.lkud fF.V.) 187.00 W KR. 523 Selda (P.V.) 1,204·00 PR. (1)- W KR. 514 Mendha Khoda (F.V.) 1,375.00 W KR 525 Dudar (F.V.) 478.00 W KR

    526 Kotha. (F.V.) 656.00 w KR. m Mudba (F.V.) 1,552.00 PR (i; W KR 528 Jhilpa(F.~ 480.00 W KR 529 Kalapani .V.) 1,332.()0 PR6) W KR. 530 Keola .Jhiri 1,49S.00 PR (1) W KR

    531 Slijpur- (F. VJ 2'8.00 W XR. 532 Buetha (F. .) 1,486.00 PR (1) W PRo 533 Arjunl!ondi CF.V.) 237.00 W KR. 534 Bans Khedi (F.V.) 71800 W XR. 535 Dbarakhoh (JI.V.) 208.00 W KR.

    536 Sibari (F.V.) 150.00 W KR. 537 Nishana (F.V.l 538 Pachama (F.V.) ... 53!) N.C.D.C. Patha Khoda PR (1) TW PR PO 540 Sarni Tharmal Station PR (I) TW PR PO

    541 Narayanpur PR (1) TW KR 542 Batkidoh PR(1) R KR 543 Dharmpur PR (1) •.. W.R KR 544 Kolbya PR (1) 'D (1) W,R KR 545 Chikhalpali PR (1) W.R KR

    546 Nutanganga W,R KR 547 Nishc:hintpur PR(i) W,R. KR 548 Iholi No.1 PR (1) W,R K~ 549 Iholi No.2 PR (1) W,R K;{ 550 Amdob - l'R (1) ... W,R U ,.. '1 BETUt TAiIsIL

    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres DayoC Remarks in- L.C. r------weekly cludiLg any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market, place of reli- Staple Un- waste (Ie. available town & if any. Kious, histori. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in cal or areba. grazing land vation in kIDS. village eological in- etc.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 U 16 17 18 1

    Kodo, Kutki 3:0.00 325.00 _ Betul 64.0 501 Kodo, Kutki 93.00 250.00 _ Timami 32.0 502 Kodo, Kutki 155.00 482.00 Betul 72.0 503 K'Jdo, Kutki 481.00 480.00 Betul 76.0 504 Kodo, KUlki 365.00 767.00 Betul 70.4 50S

    Kodo, Kutki 130.00 300.00 Betul 70.4 S06 Kodo, Kutki 140.00 Betul 65.6 507 Kodo, Kuiki 45.00 400.00 Betul 41.6 S08 K'Jdo, Rice 90.00 12.00 Betul 76.8 Saturday- 509 Kodo, Rice 240.00 100.00 Betul 80,0 Monday 510

    Maize, Kodo 40000 250.00 50.00 40.00 Betull02.4 511 Maize, Kodo 10.00 124.00 4.00 Betul W.O 512 Ma·ze, Kodo 1,000.00 577.00 10.00 Betul 72.0 513 Maize, Kodo . 1,046.00 565.00 40.00 Bctul 76.8 514 Maiz:, Kodo 16.00 593.60 10.00 Betul 80.0 515

    Maize, Kodo 491.00 285.00 20.00 Betul 70.4 516 Maize. Kodo 391.00 485.00 15.00 Betul 72.0 517 Maiz:, Kodo 120.00 132.00 Betul 24.0 518 Maiz:, K'Jdo 30.0J 76.00 Betul 24.0 S19 Maiz:, Kodo 225.00 43.00 Bctul 25.6 520

    Maiz:, Kodo 165.00 133.00 Betul 28.8 521 Maiz.=, Kodo 90.00 97.00 Betul 48.0 522 Kodo, Kutki 204.00 1,000.00 Bctul 83.2 523 Kodo, Kutki 173.CO 1,201.00 B::tul 83.2 S24 Kado, KUlki 478.00 . Betul 84.8 52S.

    Kodo, Kutki 146.00 510.00 Betul 80.0 526 Kado, Kutki 102.00 1.450.00 Betul 76.8 527 K'Jdo, Kutki 195.00 285.00 B~tul 48.0 528 Kodo, Kutki 582.00 750.00 Betul 32.0 529 Kodo, Kutki 500.00 995.00 Betul 25.6 530

    Wheat, Kodo 138.00 100.00 10.00 Betul 32.0 531 Wheat, Kodo 625.00 61000 201.00 50.00 Betul 32.0 532 Wheat, Kodo 117.00 110.00 10.00 Betul 19.2 533 Wheat, Kodo 500.00 200.00 18.00 Betul 19.2 534 Wheat, Kodo 40.00 160.00 8.00 Betul 17.6 535

    Wheat, Kodo 40.00 ]00.00 10.00 BetuJ 16.0 536 Betul 64.0 537 Betul 24.0 538 Wheat.- Rico AmJa 22.4 Saturday 539 Wheat, Rico Amla 24.0 Sunday S40

    Rice Betul 70.4 541 Rice Betul 67.2 542 Rice Betul 68.8 543 Rice Betul 68.8 544 Rice Betul 73.6 S4S

    Rice Betul 7D.4 S46 Rice Bctul 67,), 547 Rice Bctul 70.4 548 Rice Betul 67.2 549 Rice Betul 64.0 5SO VJi,UGE DIRECTORY

    Total area Amenities available within the villages L C.No. of the r----.------"-.-______village Name of Village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and (in acret) Supply W

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    551 . Bishnupur " PR (1), ,Chopna NO.• ,l W KR 552 TK KR 553 Chopna N~.,2 .. PR (ij D (J). TK KR PO 5S4 ' Chopna No.3 ... Mid. S. (1) ' Punji TK KR. 555 PR (1) W KR

    556 · Hirapur NO.,1 D (1) · Hirapur NQ., 2 W KR PO 557 PR ti) W KR 558 · Tawakathi . PR (1) Durgapur W KR 559 W KR 560 Itahadpur ~ W KR 561 Badalpur Gopinathpur W KR 562 TK KR 563 Shiv Sagar . PR (1)' W.R KR 564 Santipur " PR (1) Phoo) Beriya W.R KR 565 PR (1) W.R KR 566 ' ,sakti.arh .. .. 567 .Gopalpur . " 568 Gandhigram .. 569 Keoli Kheda (F.V.> ._

    Total~ 631,355.58 PR (245) D (23) 68 W (SO) PR (114) PO (32) Mid. S. (18.) 0(6) 0(38) KR (440) TO (4) See. S. (8) Phone (.I.)

    SOIlTCe:- Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18): Tal:!sildar, Betul. Column 6: Madhya Pradesh, Electricity Board. Jabalpur, Note:- Villages w.ith L.e. Nos. 541 to 568 pertain to refugee camps. '3 BE'l'VL TAHStt

    Land USe (I.', area UDder ditlerent types of land use) In acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. weekly cl~ng any No. CUlturable Area not Nearest market, p of reU- Staple Un· waste (i.lI. available town & if any. gious, histori- Food Fore.t Irrigated Irligated pasture and for culti- distance held in cal or archa- srazing land vatioD inkms. ...;,·!illage eological in· ete.) terest 10 11 12 13 14 IS lCi 17 18 1

    Rice Betul 68.8 SSt Rice Betul 59.2 S52 Rice Betul 60.8 Monday- 553 Rice Datul 60.8 5S4 Rice Betul 57.6 555 Rice Betul 52.8 ... 556 Rice Betul 52.8 551 Rice B"tul 48.0 S58 Rice Betul 64.0 559 Wheat Betul 12.0 560

    Rice Betul 67.2 561 Rice B~tul 57.6 562 Rice Betul 54.4 563 Rice Betul 70.4 564 Rico Betul '12.0 56S

    Rice 566 561 568 Rice - 569

    110,434.41 16.4Z3.S2 368,79%.47 57,861.33 67.84385 14


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.C. No, of the r------·__ --A. ------, village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9

    1 Khat garh 1,597.04 R KR 2 Thani 1,310.28 PR ii) W KR 3 Khateda 1,783.52 W KR 4 l3ichawa (Bundala) 201.70 W KR 5 Bundala 383.73 W KR

    6. Buchanwadi 434.39 W K~ 7 Awariya 746.98 W KR 8 Amni 924.61 W KR 9 Parsodi 869.42 PRd> W KR 10 Kl-tidki Khurd 391.07 W KR

    11 Dhonsara 597.71 E, EI W KR 12 Kodgaon 251.69 w KR 13 Bodkhi 593.87 PRo (1). Mid'. ·S. (1). ... E.EI.iiN W PR PO, TO Sec. S (1) P.lOne 14 Khidki Kalan 914.67 W KR IS Taranwada 1.112.85 PRd") W KR

    16 Hasalpur 836.21 PR (1) W KR 17 Sasabad 2,656.22 PR (1) E,Er,EIN W PR PO 18 :t.hlkota 1,717.76 W KR 19 Cnichara 586.57 W KR 20 Nandpur 921.47 PR (I) R KR

    21 Rlmli 698.03 PR (l~ W KR 22 Kedar Kheda (Nandi Kbeda) 788.02 PR (I W KR 23 Kamli 777.54 W KR 24 Semariya 504.72 w KR 25 Deothan 1,301.23 PR ci> W KR 26 Sanwariya 921.37 W KR 27 Naye gaon 245.27 W KR 28 L'\lawadi 1,886.51 PR (i~ W KR. PO 29 P,lCsoda 858.64 PR (1 W KR PO 30 Pohi 726.82 W KR

    31 Raml:ba Khedi 1,640.25 W KR 32 R1jola I,O.H.51 W KR. 33 Khanapur 493.71 W KR 34 Kanojiya 876.48 PR(l~ W KR 3S Khapa Khateda 1,617, ~2 PR (1 W KR 36 K'ljli 773.43 W KR 37 Deogaon 1/)54.65 PR (i") W KR 38 Ghisi 410.42 W KR 39 Rateda Kalan 1,384.09 PR (1), Mid:i (I) FC il) W KR PO 40 Pirriya D~v 732.04 PR (1) •• W KR

    41 Bori Khurd 1,767.66 PR (1) W KR 42 Dhutmur 639.98 W KR 43 _Chhawal 1,0)9.40 PR (i) W KR 44 Kharigayawani Ryt. 455.62 W KR 4S Kh3.Cigayawani Mll. 967.75 W KR

    46 Rateda Khurd 739.49 W KR 47 A~ola 781.04 W KR 48 l.lmdehi Kalan 935.02 PR (I) W KR 49 l..tmdehi Khurd 769.68 W KR SO Maholi 721.72 W KR 75


    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. t"'"------_..A.. weekly eluding any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market place of reli. Staple Un- waste (I.e. available town & if any, gious, his tori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in calor archa- grazing land vation in kms. village eological in- etc.) terest

    10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Kodo, "'aize 833.74 57.94 19.74 685.62 Amla 6.4 1 Kodo,Wheat, 578.78 6.03 428.55 161.52 135.40 Amla 6.4 2 K )jo,Maize, 943.84 18.33 607.80 178.61 34.94 Amla 6.4 3 201.70 Amla 4.8 4 19.72 4.99 359,O~ Amla 4.8 5

    Kodo, Maize 12.11 236.'1 32.43 153.14 Amla 4.8 6 Maiu, Kodo 54.85 612.05 55.86 24.22 Amla 4.8 7 Kodo, Maize 19.24 724.23 134.66 ~6.48 Amla 4.8 8 KJdo, Maize 122.03 674.98 45.94 26.47 Amla 4.8 9 K)do, Maiz~ 21.39 238.74 54.11 76.83 Amla 4.8 10

    Wheat, Rice 29.17 295.46 12.54 260.54 Amla 3.2 11 Wheat, Rice 14.16 ).f0 235.93 Amla 1.6 12 Wheat, Rice 49.71 291.15 43.4~ 209,52 Amla 1.6 Tuesday, Friday 13 Wheat, Rice 68.80 735.02 57.99 52.86 Amla 3.2 14 W;lcat, Rice 103.64 785.98 156.22 67.01 Amla 3.2 15 Wheat, lowar 52.66 349.63 206.45 227.47 Amla 3.2 16 Whe'a', Jowar 131.25 147.09 1,851.64 280.73 245.51 AmJa 3.2 11 119.99 98.50 1,097.19 225.~4 176.74 Amla 4.8 18 Wne'at. Rice 53.68 421.47 67.10 44.32 Amla 4.8 19 Wh~at, Rice 29.25 110.12 82.80 99.30 Amla 3.2 20

    Wheat, Rice- 64.10 530.17 37.12 66.64 Amla 3.2 21 Wh~t, Rice 22.65 __ 479.30 - 204.51 81.56 Amla 3.2 22 43.01 . 498.40 205.45 30.68 Amla 6.4 23 10.80 13.54 367.05 85.73 27.60 Amla 4.8 24 Wheat, Rice 47.92 67.84 1,008.21 159.48 17.78 Amla 6.4 2S

    110.36 28.72 666.51 78.44 37.34 Amla 4.8 26 16.50 202.79 6.97 19.01 Amla 6.4 27 Wheat;-Rice 585.95 765.83 434.08 100.65 Arr.la 8.0 28 Wheat, Rice 184.49 446.57 -159.11 68.47 Amla 6.4 29 Wheat, Rice . '::6.24 53.79 489.07 100.68 37.04 Amla 8.0 30

    Wheat, Rice 40.15 204.99 973.68 251.91 169.52 Amla 9·6 31 Wheat. Rice 15.15 8i9.26 124.18 22.92 Amla 11.2 32 Wheat, Rice 21.43 336.29 34.65 101.34 Amla 3.2 33 Wheat, Rice 22.45 726.51 56.22 71.30 Am!a 4.8 34 Kodo, Wheat 126.47 1,246.21 173.04 71.80 Amla 8.0 35

    Wheat, Rice 11.17 619.45 34.51 108_30 Amla 4.8 36 Wheat, Rice 59.04 807.83 110.14 77.64 Amla 8.0 37 Maize, Jowar 6.11 317.04 62.56 24.71 Amla 9.6 38 Maize, Kodo 64.31 1,039.39 115.72 164.67 Amla 12.8 Sunday 39 Kodo, Kutki 49.62 563.83 17.82 40.77 Amla 11.2 40

    Wheat, Rice 149.98 964.60 96.02 57.06 Amla 8.6 41 Wheat, Rice 41.67 530.72 22.95 44.64 Am!a 11.2 42 Wheat, Rice 117.77 735.99 164.95 80.69 Amla 9.6 43 Maize, Kodo 341.72 7-t59 39.31 Amla 22.4 44 Jowar, Maize 7.59 568.86 256.08 135.22 Amla 22.4 45

    Jowar, M:lize 50.17 543.55 91.19 54.58 Amla lQ.2 46 Maize, Kodo 8.70 6.46 422.47 164.77 P8.64 Amla 22.4 047 Jowar, Maize 3187 72846 122.27 52.42 Amh 24.0 48 Jowar, Maiz~ 1.46 20.13 474.63 7.16.78 56.68 Amla 24.0 49 Jowar, Maiz! 3J.49 509.16 136.30 36.77 Amla 16.0 50 76


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. e. No. oftbe r----.------villal!e EducatIonal Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and-- Name of Villago (in acres) Supply Water picatioQ Telesrapb

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    51 Bada Khari 978.00 W KR 52 Bisigbat 667.59 W KR 53 Surnadehi 340.41 W K.R 54 Mangara 1,070.66 W KR 55 Barangwadi 3,529.22 PR (1) W KR

    56 Behadi 1,009.48 W KR. 57 Kotbiya Ryt. 935.80 PR (1) W K.R sa Cbikbalar 462.45 W K.R 59 Bijarta Ryt. 280.00 W KR 60 Kacbar 791.43 W K.R

    61 Kalmeshara 2,326.06 PR (1) W KR 62 Bondud Ryt. 155.75 W KR 63 Khandeoipriya Ryt. 304.22 W K.R M Jamun Bichawa Ryt. 401.01 W KR 65 Jaitpur 505.48 W KR 66 Tika Barri 605.32 PR (I) W KR. 67 Kbamra 721.58 W KR. 68 JamunBichawa Mal. 787.69 PR (1)- W KR. 69 Najarpur 709.10 B,BJ,HN w KR. 70 Bordehi 951.04 PR(I),Mid.- MCW

    81 Somlapur 1,019.44 PR (I) W KR 82 Oiyamahu 810.51 W KR B3 Dehalwada 960.20 PR (1) W D 84 Pastiai Ryt. 1,035.74 PR (I) W KR - B5 Pastlai Mal. 1.103.31 - W KR - B6 Ranidongri 528,36 W KR 87 Durugwada 648.81 W n,R. 88 lambada Bujurg 1,996.16 PR (1),Mid~S (1) W KR PO- 89 Dodawani 1,277.13 PRO W KR 90 lambadi Khurd 580.45 PR (1) W KR.,R. - 91 Semriya Khurd 1,205.81 W KR 92 Tirmahu 2,538.65 PR (1) W KR 93 Sonatalai 1,037.40 PR (1) W KR 94 Hardoli 913.65 W KR 95 Sanoll Bundala 2,007.09 00 .. W KR - 96 Kondhar Khapa 1,018.17 PR (1) W KR 97 Buyari 662.77 PR~(l) W KR 98 Bhopalwadi S07.11 W KR 99 Seroriya Joshi 351.80 W KR 100 I(.hadpada ltbedi 390.67 PR(t) ...... W KIl 77


    Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L. C. r--- ~--- weekly eluding any No. CultUTable Area not Nearest market place of reli- Staple Un. waste (I.e. available town & if any giaus. histari. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti. distance held in eal or archa· grazing land vation inkms. village ealagica1 in· ete.) terest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 1

    M1ize. Kada 21.90 650.39 244.73 60.98 Amla 19.2 51 Maiz~, Kada 402.30 0.53 164.92 89.40 10.44 Amla 22.4 52 Maize, Kodo 248.92 67.10 18 58 5.81 AmIa 20.8 53 Maize, Kodo 15.10 195.20 14.42 185.94 Amla 16.0 54 Maize, Kodo 80.36 14.24 2,834.17 262.75 337.70 Amla 19.2 55

    Maize, Kada 24.63 792.87 136.45 55.53 Amla 16-0 56 Maize, Kodo 1.67 520.20 339.66 74.27 Amla 22.4 57 Maiz!, Kajo 3.09 2.65 266.34 15854 31.83 Amla 22.4 58 Maize. Kodo 186.08 71.73 22.19 Amla 12.4 59 Maize. Kodo 345.25 259.20 163.88 23.10 Amla 38.4 .. 60

    Maize, Kodo 362.17 57.48 1,484.16 259.69 162.56 Amla 35.2 61 Kodo, Maize 90.53 57.74 7.48 Amla 36.8 62 Koda, Maize 170.74 111.97 21.51 Amla 35.2 63 K:Jdo, Maize 237.72 85.01 78.29 Amla 32.0 64 Kodo, Maize 78.72 3.11 333.37 42.38 47.30 Amla 33.6 65

    Kodo, Kutki 2698 488.18 40.65 49.51 Amla 30.4 66 Kado. Xutki 39.20 480.03 144.93 57.42 Amla 30.4 67 Kodo, Kutki 41.91 626.34 62.24 57.20 Amla 30.4 68 Kado, Kutki 65.54 553.97 51.47 38.12 Amla 30,4 69 Kodo, Kutki 62.40 656.34 92.07 140.23 Amla 28.8 Monday 70

    Kodo. Kutld 25.93 289.87 22.4~ 27.78 Amla 30.4 71 Kodo, Kutlci .. 308.85 74.03 31.68 Amla 30.4 72 Kada, Kutki 17.71 45.25 449.74 70.56 96.88 Amla 32.0 73 Kodo. Kutki 48.63 539.96 103.83 138.81 Amla ~2.0 74 Kodo. Kutki 87.14 '1,132.41 94'.35 88.67 Amla 22.4 75 Maiz" Jowar 8.82 400.65 105.14 10540 Amla 22.4 76 Maize, Jowar 463.74 49.55 1.428.21 84.70 133.65 Amla 25.6 77 Mlize, Jowar 27.71 330.81 39.47 34.1~ Amla 25.6 78 Maize, Jowar 54.53 1,619.78 216.85 146.67 Amia 24.0 Wednesday .. 79 Maiz~, Jowar 46.96 886.95 323.23 77.57 Amia 16.0 80 Maize. Jowar 22.86 741.14 146.26 109.18 Amla 16.0 81 Maize, Kodo 2320 617.61 127.99 41.71 Amla 17.6 82 Maize. J owar 49.54 638.46 181.90 90.30 Amla 22.4 83 Maize, Kodo 2.94 5Q7.41 289.85 145.54 Amia 20.8 84 Maize. Kodo 2S.i1 14.87 656.88 331.00 75.39 Amta 22.4 85 Maize, Kado 9656 10.68 239.92 150.05 25.15 Amia 12.8 86 1043 491.32 62.30 84.76 AmI. 11.2 87 Maize. Wheat 77.62 '1.615.68 151.41 15t.4S Amla 12.8 T~esday 88 M'Iize. Kutki 21.81 895.52 286.07 73.73 Amla 14.4 89 Maiz:. Jowar 30.88 396.00 68.79 84.78 Amla 1.44 90 Maize, Kodo 21.04 839.45 333.76 11.56 Amla 16.0 91 Wheat. Jowar 102.00 293.83 1.831.28 126.70 184.84 Amia 9.6 92 Wheat, Jowar 66.25 893.54 9.41 68.20 Amia 8.0 93 Kodo, Wheat 77.75 53.83 733.64 21.09 . 27.34 Amla 11.2 94 Maize. Jowar 322.41 34.76 1,317-05 249.07 83.80 Amla 11.2 95

    Iowar, Maize 68.11 71049 147.94 91.63 Amla 16.0 96 Wheat. Jowar 51.39 500.70 40.46 70.22 Amla 19.2 97 Wheat. Iowar 11.75 361.66 103.35 28.35 Amla 16.0 98 Maize, ]owar 50.28 256.40 24.48 20.64 Amla 16.0 99 Wheat. Jowar ~ 44.46 271.78 36.08 38.35 Amla 16.0 100 78


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L.t. No. of the r--- ~ village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    101 UmariY:l 1,415.06 PR (1) W KR PO 102 BorgaOll 80852 W KR 103 Rlje gaon 990.75 .. .. W KR 104 Taroda I,O~3.75 PR (1) " E, EI,EIN W KR LOS Badgaon 685.'15 PR(1),Mid.S(I),Sec.S(1} •.• E, EI, EIN W KR

    106 T>angariya 351.71 PR (1) FC(I) E,El W KR 107 K~halpur 974.82 PR (I) E, EI, EIN W KR 108 Harchhi 2,084.79 PR (1) W KR 109 Kltedli Hazlf 1,083.47 PR (1),Mid.S.(l) D (1) E, EI, EIN W PR PO 110 Blmla 1,046.96 PR (I) W KR

    111 Malegaon 848.S2 PR (I) W KR. 112 Basaniya 56551 W KR 113 Harniya 1,179.41l PR (1) E,EI,EIN W R 114 K'lcherboh 1,094.54 PR (1) W KR 115 Hatnora 1.179.86 PR (1) E, EI W KR,R

    116 Etawa 627.12 PR (I) E,EI, EIN W KR,R 117 Ohatawadi K.hurd 5·~5.68 E, EI, EIN W KR 118 Ghatawadi Kalan 845.09 PR (1) W KR 119 Banskhap:.l (Khapadeu) 492.94 PR (1) W KR 126 Clopna 772.39 PR (1) W KR

    121 Mandai 884 9:~ W KR 122 Kltajary 91888 W KR 123 D~hari 1,341.05 PR (1~ W KR 124 KCljba 1,259.06 PR(1 W KR 125 Hamhni 894.30 W PR 126 Brahmanwada 1,599.39 PR (I) W PR ... 127 Hichwa (Brahamanwada) 993.12 PR (1) W KR 128 Sonega:m 1.565.75 PR (1) W KR 129 Blbar BJh 2,364.30 PR (1) W KR 130 Turabon;aon 1,471.10 PR (1) W PR 131 Khapa Umriya 1.136.62 W KR 132 Khate:la Kalan 1.610.63 PR (1) W KR 133 Sura 1,254.0.5 PR tl) W KR 134 Harna Khedi 669.44 W KR 135 Temjhira 1.466.20 PR (1) W PR

    136 Ambabagholi 1,288.43 W R TO 137 T>ivtiya 936.02 PR (1) W KR 138 Heti 1,725.87 PR(l) W KR 139 Kanha Bagholi 471.93 PR (1) W R TO 140 Nainadehi 702.96 KR

    141 Jhiri Khapa 824.80 W KR 142 Blthiya 884.39 PR (1) W KR 143 Kundai 1,434.45 W KR 144 Yenas 2)08.98 PR (I), Mid. S (I) W KR PO 145 Raiseda 1,242.60 W KR

    146 ~omlapllr l,163.1.i8 W KR 147 Kltapa (Banar) t,053.62 W KR 148 Ubhariya 778.43 W PR 149 B'Inoor 1,875.23 PR (1) W KR ISO Andhariya 854.44 PR (1},Mid. S (2) W PR PO MULTAI TAlISlt

    Land use (i e. area under differcpt types of Ipnd use) in acres Day of Remarks in· L.C, r- --"----,------~ weekly cluding any No. Culturable Area not N~arest market plaee of rdi- Staple Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any gious, histori· Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti· distance held in calor arehs- gra~ing land vation in kms. village eological in· etc.) terest

    LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Wheat, Maize 188.98 197.62 865.58 103.10 59.78 Multai 17.6 101 Wheat, Jowar 157.24 478.27 37.52 1~5.49 Multai 19.2 102 Wheat, Jowar 115.02 610.62 212.33 52.78 Multai 19.2 103 Maiz!, J owar 126.78 732.76 77.17 97.04 Amla 24.0 104 Maize, Kodo 87.14 496.00 64.26 38.55 Amla 24.0 105

    Kodo. Maize 66.60 197.40 45.05 42.66 Amh 20.8 106 lowar, Kodo 43.62 69.19 561.63 199.'8 100.60 Amla 19.2 107 lowar, Kodo 151.75 1,312.47 385.95 234.62 Amla 19.2 108 Wheat, Jowar 128.3' 828.34 37.63 89.11 Multai 92,4 Friday 109 Kodo, Kutki 10.61 829.41 74.72 132.22 Amla 25.8 110

    Kodo, Kutki 40.64 668.13 97.22 42.53 Amla 24.0 111 Kodo, Kutki 9.59 408.7! 87.73 59.48 Amla 24.0 112 Kodo, Kutki 40.38 847.03 88.50 203.57 Amla 28.8 113 K..,do, Kutki 30.98 651.78 257.56 154.22 Amla 24.0 114 Kodo, Kutki 70.50 988.07 54.24 67.05 Amla 25.6 115

    Wheat, Jowu 103.29 468.88 22.08 32.87 Multai 28.8 116 Maiz~, Kodo 63.30 425.11 45.17 52.10 Multai 28.8 117 Mliz~, Jowar 112.45 584.90 51.04 96.70 Multai 30.4 118 Maize. J lwar 33.76 413.88 22.33 22.97 Muitai 28.8 119 Wheat, Maize 115.61 575.91 54.90 25.97 Multai 28.8 120

    Wheat, Maizo 66.90 764.70 20.81 32.52 Multai 27.8 121 Maiz~, Kodo 35.25 743.56 61.32 78.75 Multai 27.2 122 Maize, Jowar 33.01 1,033.76 151.34 122.94 Multai 27.2 123 Jowar, Wheat 196.67 877.04 89.54 95.81 Multal 22.4 124 lQwar, Wheat 121.94 106.32 547.63 64.22 54.19 Multai 20.8 125

    Jowar, Kodo 206.06 131.93 1,075.81 116.89 68.70 Multai 19.2 126 Maize, hwar 87.63 71.32 705.48 91.26 37.43 Multai 17.6 127 lowar, Wheat 30J.54 796.23 407.46 61.52 Multai 17.6 128 Jowar, Wheat 152.21 134.52 1,322.37 671.55 83.65 Multai 19.2 129 Jowar, Wheat 62.5:) 94.78 94994 298.71 65.08 Multai 17.6 130 Wheat, Jowar 147.41 153.68 712,7{1 74.11 48.72 Multai 16.0 131 Wheat, Jowar 31.81 1,193.32 318.31 67.19 Multai 12.8 In Wheat, Jowar 237.69 723.62 187.09 105.6.5 Multai 9.6 133 Wheat, Jowar 23.12 542.17 73.87 30.28 Multai 11.2 134 Wheat, Jowar 208.08 936.10 251.47 69.55 MuUai 9.6 135 Wheat, Rice 140.85 800.56 222.61 124.41 Amla 11.2 136 Wheat, Rice 84.85 581.27 219.19 50.71 Amla 12.8 137 Wheat, Rice 73.83 1,143.56 401.46 107.02 Amla 11.2 138 Wheat, Rice 45.70 322.13 51.78 58.32 Amla 32.8 139 20.2.0 447,28 189.60 4.5.88 Multai 12.8 140

    Jowar, Wheat 82.79 20.61 590.39 98.24 32.77 Multai 6.4 141 lowar, Wheat 1.28 57.04 579.06 222.56 24.45 Amla 8.0 142 lowar, Wheat 48.36 52.95 934.58 352.36 46.20 Amla 8.0 143 Jowar, Wheat 114.99 1,532.54 530.35 131.10 Amla 9.6 144 lowar. X.odo 98.82 48.42 844.92 197.57 52.87 Amla 11.2 145

    Jo'var. Wheat 53 •.56 8.08 798.10 253.57 50.37 Amla 11.2 146 lawar, Wheat 40.72 55.24 6.57.24 271.52 28.9tl Amla 14.4 147 Jowar, Wheat 37.29 21.03 530.46 128.06 61.59 Amla 12.8 ~48 Jowar, Wheat 103.48 148.35 1,313.98 228.96 80.46 Amla 16.0 149 J.)war. Wheat 128.94 523.56 103.24 98.70 Amla 4,8 150 sb


    Total area • Amenities available within the villages L.C. No. of the r------village Educational M~ical Power Drinking Commu- P.Jst -;;r Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    151 Sarandai 921.41 KR 152 Jamthi 610.46 KR 153 B~lmandai 827.53 EI W PR Sasundra 1,735.68 PR (I),Mid: S. (I) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 154 PR 155 Jhitapati 1)02.70 W 156 Ambada 1,835.64 PR (1) W PR 157 Bothiya BrahinaDwada lZ,248.72 PR (1~ W PR 158 NayegaoD 1,082.03 PR (1 W PR 159 Dongarpur 1,180.77 W KR 160 Sabdi 2,228.87 PR (1)- W KR

    161 Sonari 972.66 PR (I) W KR 162 Kanha Khapa 875.77 PR (1) W KR 163 Khedi Bujllrg . 1,132.18 W PR 164 Human Bebra. 1,002.92 W KR 165 JllJlapani 840.15 PR (ij W PR 1(6 Hllmanpeth 2,395.31 w PR SJlinkheda 3,194.95 PR.(I),Mid:S.(I) PHC(1) W PR PO 167 W PR 168 Pohet 1,941.79 PR (1) .. Temjhita 1,895.81 PR (1) W KR. 169 W KR. 170 Semla 1,343.01 KR 171 Janlthi lZSO.67 W 172 Jamgaon 1,069.65 PRo (1) W KR. Nagthana 571.31 W KR. 173 W 174 Mohar Khoda 810.30 PR.(1) KR. 175 Dehgud 1,655.42 PRo (I) W KR.

    176 Datora 2,059.70 PRo (1) W KR. Sendurjana 2,235.59 PRo (1) .. W KR. 177 E,EI,BIN PO 178 Birool 2,525.41 PRo (1),Mld. S (1) PHC(I) w KR. Sec. S. (1) Sandiya 1.064.04 PR.(1),Mid. S. (1) W PRo 179 W 180 Karajg10n 1,413.08 PR. (I) KR 181 Pisata 1,239.64 PRo (1) W KR. 182 Chikhal Khapa 1,349.08 W PRo 183 Amadoh 1,064.56 W KR. 184 Heti Khapa 1,214.09 PRo (1) W KR 185 hmbadi 1,450.21 PRo (1) W KR 186 Dbami 912.98 W KR 187 lambada 775.48 B.EI,EIN .-. n 188 Patha Kheda 1,185.56 PR (1)- W PR 189 Nagar Kat 1,618.89 W PR 190 J~napani (~) 1,198.20 W PRo

    191 Semjhira 1,728.46 PR(~,Mid. S. (1) W KR PO 192 Nirglld 868.38 a. (L) W R 193 Suka Khedi 686.99 W R. 194 Mohi 1,32S.39 PRo (~ E,EI w PRo PO- 195 lou! Kheda 2,269.23 PR(l), Mi • PHC'(I) E,EI,EIN W R,PR. PO S. (1) 196 Kltedi Badshahi 394.75 W KR. 197 Khedi Kandba 411.32 W KR EI W PR 198 Bhilai 935.66 PR


    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. r-- weekly eluding any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market place of reli- Staple Un- ",aste(i••• available town & if any !!iaus, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in calor archa- grazing land vation in kms. village eologieal in- etc.) terest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    8.16 38.18 702.59 141.60 30.88 AmIa 6'4 ... 151 88.55 434.65 75.08 12.18 ArnIa 6.4 152 Jowar:Wheat 21.66 110.96 499.45 141.19 54.27 Amla 11.2 153 Wheat, Rice 11.37 280.41 1,063.74 241.57 138.59 Amla 9.6 Sunday 154 Wheat, Rice 318.23 0.46 606.70 .1.54.37 122.94 AmIa 19.2 1S5 Rice, Jowar 112.42 49.95 1,286.65 263.14 123.48 Amla 16.0 ... 1'6 Rice, Jowar 349.45 2.02 1,544.05 243.26 10J.94 Amla 19.2 157 Rice, Jowar 5.. 38 44.97 794.00 166.68 71.00 AmIa 17.6 158 Jowar, Rice 207.05 9.95 700.31 229.03 34.43 AmIa 19.2 159 Jowar, Rice 53.76 58.73 1,562.95 468.02 85.41 Amla 19.2 160 - I Jowar. Rice 51.39 70U2 170,63 46.42 Amla 17.6 161 Rice, Jowar 12.47 758.55 52.68 52.07 Amla 20.8 162 JowaI, Rice 25.26 71.24 961.70 30.28 43.70 Amla 11.2 163 JJwar. Rice 31.55 5.31- 904.11 33.12 28.77 Amla 14.4 164 Jowar. Rice 33.58 12.47 733.28 14.36 46.46 AmIa 14.4 165 Jowar, Rice 214.76 0.04 2,077.33 46.60 56.58 Amla 14.4 166 Wheat, Rice 56.72 192.50 2,071.12 614.96 lS9.G5 Multai 32.0 Monday 167 Wheat, Rice 103.36 1,402.30 345.53 90.(0 Multai 14.4 168 Wheat, Jowar 4.06 55.46 1,357.58 404.43 74.28 Multai 19.2 169 Jowar, Kodo 37.22 1,045.81 221.19 38.79' Multai 17.5 170 43.49 145.17 45.28 16.73 Multai 16.0 171 Wheat, Jowar 110.52 684.05 188.30 86.78 Multai 16.0 172 15.68 421.86 121.34 12.43 Multai 16.0 173 Jowar, Kodo 130.86 402.43 207.88 69.13 Multai 14.4 174 Jowar, Wheat 135.99 1,044.44 362.22 112.77 MuJtai 14.4 17$ Jowar, Wheat 197.06 1,279.39 471.17 122.08 Multai 12.8 176 Wheat, Jowar 682.94 U37.0} 234.42 81.14 Multai 19.1 177 Wheat, Jowar 682,94 1,533.77 113.50 195.20 Multai 16.0 Wednesday 178 Wheat, Jowar 191.65 614.80 180.45 77.14 Multai 9.6 179 Jowa:r, Rice 234.26 903.42 203.17 72.23 Multai 11.2 180 Jowar, Rice 115.03 961.27 94.03 59.31 Multai 14.4 181 327.31 889.95 82.79 49.03 Multai 11.2 182 Jowar, Kodo 7~.94 853.12 63.50 74.00 Multai 11.2 183 Jowar, Rice 82.85 967.87 100.10 63.27 Multai 6.4 184 Jowar, Rice 103.74 1,162.73 106.21 77.53 Multai 8.0 185 Jowar, Rice 153.88 659.28 62.03 37.79 Multai 11.2 186 .. 94.08 599.117 61.30 20.23 Multai 9.6 187 Jowar, Wbeat 73.76 577.89 441.71 92.20 Multai 12.8 188 Jowar, Wheat 16,27 1,043)5 456.28 10279 Multai 9.6 189 JowaI, Wl:leat 7.05 1,130.98 6.88 53.29 Multai 14.4 190 Jowar, Wheat 66,04- 1,41K.26 121.19 122.97 Multai 16.0 Tuesday 191 Jowar, Wheat 74,41 677.22 72.82 43.93 Multai 9.6 192 Jowar, Wheat 35.10 5~2.02 55.00 44.87 Multai 9.6 193 Jowar, Wheat 137.64 887.10 223.75 76,90 Multai 8.0 194 Jowar, Wheat 23S.05 1,556.71 211.81 255.66 MuItai 8.0 Monday 195

    178.90 142.98 58.36 14.51 Multai 6.4 196 llU5 251.92 32,69 9.56 MuItai 6.4 197 Jow~~, Wheat 36.74 729.76 78.82 90.34 Multai 6.4 198 Jowar, Wheat 229.49 799.33 232.37 65-80 Multai 3.2 199 Jowar, Wheat 51Mi.79 1,256.63 293.35 162.52 Multai 3.2 200 82


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. r.. No. of the r village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9

    201 Badegaon 1,864.01 W KR 202 Chandora Khurd 1,429.60 PR (1/- W R,PR 203 Deori 981.84 PR (1 - W PR 204 Chikbli Khurd IiOl.81 PR (1) BI,EIN W PR 205 Multai Baharikshetra 3,409.43 W PR 206 Kamth 792.31 •• W R,PR 207 Thawriya 1,047.78 W PR 208 Kharsali 1,438.28 EI- W PR 209 Chainpur 1,005.17 W PR 210 Bichhwa (HardoU) 854.99 W KR 211 Hardoll Bujurg 1,737.13 PR (1) W,R K.R 212 HiraKhapa 532.60 - w PR 213 Chouthiya 1,631.99 PR (n W PR PO- 214 Jamgaon (Sunodi) 1,402.54 PR (1) W PR 215 Gopal Talai 974.66 W PR - 216 Sonora 987.48 PR (1) W KR 217 KhadAmla 1,184.26 W KR 218 PMegaon 1,230.62 W KR 219 Ranmochan 773.57 W PR 220 Sonoli 939.20 - W KR 221 Chandora BujuJ"I 2,072.69 PR (I) EI, BIN W PR 222 Tai Kheda 87S.43 PR (1) 13, EI, BIN W PR PO- 223 Sirsawadi 1,115.12 PR (1) W KR 224 Khedi Jagaji 977.63 W KR - 22S Dhabla 1,119.63 PR (ii W KR

    226 Badegaon 496.89 PR (1) W KR 227 Deoli 339.47 .. W KR 228 Mirapur 747.93 E, EI,EIN W KR 229 Balhegaon 959.54 PRd> W KR 230 Bagholi 466.16 - .. W KR 231 Biher gaon 11,79S.26 PR (1) W KR 232 Sind Kheda 1,719.22 PR (1) W K.R 233 SawaImendha 862.30 W K.R 234 Khedi Khurd 876.85 W KR 235 Plluni 1,952.21 PR (I), Mid.- S. (1) w K.R PO

    236 Lihada 1,691.22 PR (1) W KR '237 Tawla 818.16 W ..Ka. 238 Kut Khedi 1,042.20 W KR 239 Yen Kheda 2,248.94 PR (1),Mid.- S (1) W KR PO 240 Sonkhedi 1,276.21 PR (1) W KR

    241 Khedi Court 1,180.77 PR (1), :Mid. s. (1) W KR PO 242 Nimanwada 1,119.92 PR (I) W KR 243 Sopai 1,240.22 PRt) W KR 244 Sonora 2.306.12 PR I) W KR 24S Rawa 2,657.65 PR (1) W KR

    246 Gaula 1,944.58 PR (l),Mid. S (1) W KR PO 247 Pachdhar 1,889.66 PR (1) W KR 248 Garwha 2,852.40 PR (1) .- W KR 249 Gauna 1,089.61 PR (l~ E, EI, BIN W PR 250 Bisnoor 3,184.80 PR (1),Mid. (1) pe(i") E,EI. EIN W PR PO- 83


    Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. _--"--_ ~ weekly cludin. any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market place of reli- Stople Un- waste (I.e. available town & if any giOllS, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in calor archa- grazing land vation in Iron. village eological in. etc.) torest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 lowar, Rice 350.21 1,035.12 324.11 154.57 Multai 4.8 201 Jowar, Rice 133.81 987.72 239.57 68.50 Multai 1.6 202 lowar, Rice 66.03 689.10 194.59 32.12 Multai 4.8 203 Jowar, Rice 136.29 493.58 104.24 6S.70 Multai 3.2 204 Wheat, Rice 372.85 1,688.41 877.21 470.96 Multai 1.6 205 Wheat, Rice 98.87 458.11 133.43 101.90 Multai 0.8 206 Jawar, Wheat 134.35 691.26 144.58 77.59 Multai 3.2 207 Jowar, Wheat 107.0S 1,006.98 241.39 82.83 Multai 3.2 208 Jawar, Wheat 84.19 724.06 139.72 57.20 Multai 4.8 209 lowar. Wheat 7.55 674.41 129.21 43.82 Multai 4.8 210 Jowar, Wheat 20.96 1,126.42 48S.86 100.89 Multai 6.4 211 25.70 409.34 15.36 22.20 Multai 3.2 212 Rice, Jowar 111.18 1.161.95 297.46 91.40 Multai 6.4 213 Rice, JJwar 218.65 913.10 ~23.19 47.60 Multai 6.4 214 Rice, lowar 49.26 725.76 153.32 46.32 Multai 8.0 215

    Jowar, Wheat· 136.10 661.35 13~.14 54.89 Multai 6.4 216 lowar, Wheat 122.12 954.25 63.67 44.22 Multai 4.8 217 lowar, Wheat 67.05 941.01 180.44 42.12 Multai 3.2 218 98.95 497.71 l1S.18 58.73 Multai 4.8 219 lbwar. "Wheat l1S.6O 666.24 126.26 28.10 Multai 4.8 220 lowar, Wheat 350.26 1.368.12 233.67 120.64 Multai 9.6 221 lowar, Wheat 170.96 513.03 100.98 90.46 Multai 12.8 222 lowar, Wheat 33.28 862.12 168.84 50,S8 Multai 8.0 - 223 92.69 717.19 135.24 31.91 MuItai 6'4 224 Wheat: Rice 169.34 782.45 84.92 82.92 Multai 19.2 22S

    Wheat, Rice 137.65 308.28 9.82 41.14 Multai 16.0 226 33.97 278.02 12.09 15.39 Multai 14,4 227 Wheat Rice 144.24 493.30 41.54 68.85 Multai 14.4 228 Wheat, Rice 135.70 710,79 63.73 49.32 Multai 16.0 229 48.03 335.88 59,29 23.56 Multai 20.8 230

    Wheat, Rice 152.67 1.407.36 100.00 135.23 Multai 22.4 231 Wheat, Rice 206.17 1.303.39 114.71 94.95 Multai 19.2 232 Wheat, Rice 17.10 646.33 81.13 57.74 Multai 17.4 233 75.13 677.35 84.66 39.71 Multai 19.2 234 l.:>war. Wileat 110.94 1,517.61 181.59 136.07 Multai 25.6 Thursday 23S lowar, Wheat 107.25 1,361.35 131.10 91.52 Multai 22.4 236 lowar, Wheat 42.17 587.62 130.66 57.71 Multai 19,2 237 l()war, Wileat 56.43 756.36 145.09 84.32 Multai 20.8 238 Wheat, Rice 322.27 1,473.62 353.70 99.35 Multai 28.8 239 Wheat, Rice 0.62 89.62 993.05 125.52 67.40 Multai 27.2 240

    Wheat. Rice 71.27 894.65 128.75 86.10 Multai 25.6 Friday 241 Rice, Wheat 67.26 827,28 173.52 51.86 Multai 24.0 242 Rice, Wheat 32.69 860.04 283.02 64.41 Multai 28.8 243 Rice. Wheat 117.13 1.746.57 331.67 110.75 Multai 28.8 244 Wheat, JJwar 49.93 1,583.68 797.23 226.81 Multai 28.8 .. 245 Wheat, Jowar 65.55 1,235.87 443.79 199.37 Multai 27.2 246 Wheat, Jowar 17.57 1,506.83 236.17 129.09 Multai 38.4 247 Wheat, Jowar 65.05 2,229.40 364.27 193.68 Multai 38.4 24!1 Wheat, Jowa, 48.46 911.04 84.41 45.70 Multai 35.6 249 W;l~at - 297.71 2.091.33 647.87 147.89 Multai 35.2 Tuesday 250 84


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L,C. No. of the r--- village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Name of Village (in acres) Supply Wa,t~r nir.:atiQD Telesrapb

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    251 Khapa Sirkund 541.46 W PR 252 Sirdi 1,524.00 PR el) .. E,EI,EIN W PR 253 J

    256 Morand 2,068.48 W KR KR 257 Walni 2,129.1S PR (I~ W 258 Sarsi 2,375.68 PR (1 W KR 259 Gondi Dhanori 1,541.51 pa (1) W KR 260 DudarRyt. 1,173.65 W KR

    261 Borpend 3,434.56 pa (I) w KR 262 Kondher 840.02 a KR 263 P.lchmahu 67R.11 pa (1) R KR 264 Amrai 570.51 W KR 265 Pacbumri 590.87 R KR

    266 Ghorpend 207.32 a KR. W Kit 267 Salbardi 782.15 PO 268 Genhubarsa 3.204.02 PR (I),Mid. S. (1) PC- (1) W KR 269 Cbikhli Mal." 1,36t22 ..• R KR 270 Chikbli Ryt. 443.90 W KR 271 Rajapur Ryt. 1.326.87 PR (1) W KR 272 Kunda Ryt. 1,361.80 W KR 273 Kunda Mal. ~S6.44 W KR KR PO- 274 Etawa 3,92820 PR (i) W 275 Majary 2,426.03 Pa, (1) W KR

    276 Rohana 375.37 R. KI\. 277 nabka 3;341.65 PR (1) W KR 278 Kumudara 736.52 PR (I) W KR. 279 Balhora 1,801 65 W KR 280 PJpalpani 1.486.35 W KR KR 281 Chakor. 4.45031 PR ~I) W 282 Saikheda Itburd 3,430.77 PR 1) W PR Vaygaon E1 W PR 283 2,975.44 pa (I) PO 284 Masod 4,713.23 PR (1),Mid. S (1). FC (1) E,EI,EIN W PR Sec. (1) 285 Dongarpur 705.13 W KR KR 286 K~jli 887.01 pa (I) W 287 Sahancaon 1,121.73 PR (1) W KR W KR 288 PJher 931.77 PO 289 Hiwar Khed 1,84747 PR (n,Mid.S. (I) W PR 290 Dohlao 2,43UJ7 pa (1) w KR.

    291 Borgaoo 980.91 PR (1) W KR Deodongri W KR 292 824.43 KR 293 Nand Kudi 6S40~ PR (I) W 294 Brahmanwada 402.55 W KR 295 Eklahra 752.91 W KR pj 296 Hirdi 1.655.92 PR (1) W KR W KR 297 Parsodi 2.185.32 PR (I) pa Ashta 2,973.10 PR (1) BI W 298 W n 299 Rajni 769.57 PO 300 Amrawati 1,550.86 PR(1).Micfs. (1) E,EI,EIN W KR 85


    Land use (I .•. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of R.emarks in- L.C. r --_,.,.__ ------"'" weekly cludins any No. Culturable Area not N~arest market place of r~li· Staple Un- waste (I.e, available Food town & ir any gious. histori. Forest lrrisated Irrigated pasture and for culti- distance held in calor al'cha- grazing land vatioll in kms. village eological in- etc.) terest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'S 1

    135.64 335.39 36.70 Wheat, Jowar 33.73 Multai 32.0 251 237.49 1,059.09 141.39 76.03 Multai 30.4 ...- 252 KUlki, Kodo 480.41 21.03 2.428.88 279.15 283.56 Kutki. Kodo Multai 38.4 .. 253 ... 2'i7.S8 0;50 1,983.17 233.30 111.02 M.tltai 41.6 .. .. 254 3.61 80S.55 123.32 37.91 Mllltai 43.2 .. 255 Jowar, Maize 122.25 34.S0 1677.34 203.71 30.38 ]owar, Majz~ M~ltai 49.6 ... 256 20.73 10.68 1,751.54 172.38 173.82 Mllltai 52.8 ... 257 Jowar, Maize 36.32 18.25 1.821.84 ];)war, Kodo 352.75 14652 M,lltai 40.0 258 108.16 15.22 1.16~,96 14014 .. Jowar, KJdo 113.03 Morshi (MR) 32.0 ... 259 068 786~21 285.32 101.44 M,mhi (MR.) 22.4 260 lowar, KJdo 359.75 35.92 1,820,'!5 92.07 1,125.97 Morshi (MR) 28.8 ]owar 598.36 Saturday 761 186.23 6.55 4888 Morshi (MR) 24.0 •. 262 lowar, Kodo 321.13 263.14 18.64 75.20 Jowar, Kodo Morshi 22.4 " 263 176.80 42.51 351.20 MJrshi (MR) 208 Jowar 61.25 .. 264 140.02 30.79 35S.80 Morshi (MR.l 19.2 .. 265 lowar 9696 2.15 63.77 8.51 35.93 Morshi (MR) 16,0 266 Jowar 139.07 7.30 635.78 Jowar, Maize Morshi (MR.) 9.6 Saturday 267 61.18 2,407.17 526.32 209.35 Multai 38.4 Friday 268 . Jowar, Maize 247.03 2.54 929:14 94.42 . Jowar, Maize 89 OJ Multai 33.2 .. 269 5.00 344.31 41.39 53.20 Multai 38.4 270 , J'owar, Maize 2.90 998.22 228.33 Jowar, Maiz;, 97.42 Multai 38.4 .. 271 1,075.08 276.78 15.94 Multai 38.4 2;2 J'owar, M lize 156.29 8.72 .. Rice, J.lwar 251.83 39.60 M!.Iltai 38.4 273 754.14 40.97 2,644.31 163.0; 325.71 hwar, Maice 628.35 Multai 35.2 Thursday 274 5.08 J,130.73 275.93 385.99 M"ltai 41.6 275 . J'owar, Maize 123.20 129.96 1O.~0 1ll.91 J Jwar, Maize 1,815.39 Barud (MR) 32.0 ... 276 622.13 117.96 786.17 Barud (MR) 27.2 .. 277 Jowar, Mliz~ 7.31 3.91 363.93 37.62 JJwar, M.ize 323.75 Barud (MR) 22.4 .. 278 61.09 1,14'S~89 488.05 10662 Multai 35.2 .. 279 2.25 660.78 80303 20.29 Multai 32.0 280 ]owar. Mlize 807.70 30.S4 1.440.16 2,048.94 12267 Multai 35.2 281 Wheat. Jawar 314.44 372.98 2,028.49 .. Wheat, Jawar 423.32 29154 Multai 32.0 282 30UO 1.617.49 216.!!1 835.54 MJ]tai 28.8 . Wheat, Jawar 41.85 478.56 283 2,036.07 875.57 1,231.18 Multai 25.0 Monday 284 Wheat, J'owu 5.00 50.00 545.92 59.82 44.39 Multai 25.6 285 Wheat, Jowar 223.88 505.60 96.29 61.24 Multai 25.4 Wlleat. J;)war 188.92 .. 286 812.71 53.26 66.84 M.lltai 24.0 287 Waeat, JONar 149.44 647.69 Wheal. Jowar 74.90 59.74 Multai 22.4 288 444.26 tOn5() 155.18 17653 Mullai 20.8 WiJ.~at. Jowar 40.64 Saturday 289 1,768.14 370.09 259.20 Multai 24.0 290 Whelt, J'owar 73.26 643.75 165.12 98.78 Multai W leat. Jowar 8.71 28.6 ... 291 26.64 421.36 295.18 72.54 Multai 27.2 Wheat, J.)war 85.86 .. 292 405.59 114.23 48.41 Multai 27.2 293 25.59 259.05 85.43 32.48 Multai 24.0 Whe~t, Jowar 73.29 .. 294 501.90 134.02 43.70 Multai 25.6 295 Wheat. Jowar 160.10 1,119,07 W;leat, Jowar 302.36 74.3' M:.dtai 25.6 .. 296 128.86 1,536.60 433.09 S6.77 Multai 25.6 Wh.:at. Jowar 22.46 297 2,259.77 517.09 113.78 Mu1tai 17.6 - 298 6,85 566.71 160.05 .. Whe~t, Jowar 35.96 Multai 19.2 299 251.02 1,144.69 55.16 99.99 Multai 20.8 Sunday 300 86


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. C. No. oftbe r------village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu· Post and Name of Villase (in acres) Supply Water nieation Telepph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 301 Sawngi 1,989.30 PR. (1) EI W KR 302 Chich Kheda 81891 HI W KR. 303 JlIDgaon 77197 HI W KR 304 Datora 1,914.78 PR ~l) W KR 305 Gangapur 961.79 PR 1) BI W KR 306 Bandli 1,142.87 PR (1) HI W KR. PO 307 Kbedi Ramosi 2,010.22 BI W KR. 308 Karaspani 1,872.15 w KR 309 Mangona Khurd 1,299.90 pa (1) W KR. PO- 310 Godhni 841.44 PR (1) W KR 311 Sir Khed 1,288.25 pa (1) B,BI W KR 312 Tiwar Khed 1.948.15 PR P),Mid.S. (1) .. W KR P':> 313 Rai Amla 1,27) 94 pa l),Mid.S. (1) .. E,BI,BIN W pa PO 314 B18hoda 3,425.08 PR (J),Mid.S. (I) FC (1) BI BIN W KR. PO 315 Kunapur 578,93 W KR 316 Deosaon 980.42 PR (1) • • E,ar,EIN W KR 317 Prabhat Pattan 3,37S 49 PR(I),Mld. S.(I) PHC (l)B,BI,EIN W,TK PR. PO sec. s. (1) 318 Amnath 1,744.59 W KR. 319 Isapur ),836.4~ W PR 320 Kumbhi Kheda 1,109.99 W KR .. 321 Gonapur 1,06S.81 W PB. .. 322 Charud 1,072.37 W KR 323 PdDjhiri 2,760.74 W KR - 324 MalegaoD 699.13 PR (1) W KR 32S Paba! 3,089.52 W PRo 326 Jhiri 1,326.36 W PRo 327 Ghana 1,21U2 W K.R .. 328 Umari 759.54 PR (1)- W KR. 329 Chiihati 2,OfO.17 PR(l),Mid. S. (1) FC(I) W PR PO 330 BiroH Jhi1pa 2,OllA3 pa (1) W PB. .. 331 Somsarh 3,716.40 PR (1) W PR 332 Man~ona Kalan 961.54 PR (1) E,EI,BIN W PR 333 Amb ori 4,104.46 - W PB. 334 Rampur 559.42 w PB. 335 Bhilai 2,165.54 PR (1) B,m W PB. 336 Narkhed 2,374.79 PR (I), Mid. S. (1) B,B[,EIN W PR PO 337 KC)Ddher 1,235.94 PR (I) - W KR 338 Shergarh (Borpon) 4.785.87 PB. (1) W KR 339 Koihiya 1,269.25 ..• W PR 340 Sawnga 882.52 PR (1) W PR 341 Hathnapur 899.03 PR (I) W PR 342 Dahargaon 2,058.65 W PR 343 P

    Land usc (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in· L.C. weekly eluding any No. eulturable Area not Nearest market place of reli- Staple Un- waste (Ie. available town & if any gious, histori. Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for colti- distance held in calor archa- grazin land vation inkms. village eological in- etc., terest

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Wheat, Rice 336.07 1,389.15 147.06 117.02 Multai 19.9 301 Wheat, Rice 170.00 551.42 31.30 66.19 Multai 20.8 302 Wheat, Maiz3 144.77 550.27 43.12 33.81 Multai 20.8 303 Wheat, Majz~ 113.20 1,229.15 254.50 317.93 Multai 20.8 304 Wheat, Jowar 156.68 703.08 29.32 72.71 Multai 25.6 305 Wheat, Jowar 78.97 29.60 947.98 28.54 57.78 Multai 25.6 306 Wheat, Rice 91.84 1,839.32 64.42 74.64 Multai 25.6 307 ... 313.13 33.76 1,525.26 Multai 27.2 308 Whe;i, Iowar 153.93 905.92 125.68 114.37 Multai 19.2 309 Wheat, Iowar 79.38 705,74 27.61 28.71 Multai 16.0 310 Wheat, Jowar 258.45 941.76 8.47 79.57 Multai 19.2 311 W.J.eat, Iowar 303.28 1.521.68 43.44 79.75 Multai 19.2 Thursday 312 Wheat, Iowar 235.79 841.85 120.64 81.66 Multa! 16.0 313 Jowar. Wheat 432.24 2,473.13 265.81 25390 Multai 160 314 52.14 473.35 25.85 27.59 Multai 16.0 315 Jowar, Wheat 158.46 70l.42 32.05 88.49 Multai 12.8 316 Jowar. Wheat 121.58 184.80 2,634.86 237.58 196.67 Multai 16.0 ... 317 824.46 4.79 704.90 113.39 77.05 Multai 20.8 318 Jowai; Wheat 331.48 15.01 940.12 56.56 493.25 Multai 17.6 319 Jowar, Wheat 376.15 3.85 653.47 34.33 42.19 Multai 25.6 320 Jowar 6.23 284.35 36.81 738.42 SendurjanB Ghat 321 (MR) 8.0 Jowar, Wheat 156.97 14.42 670.60 190.53 39.85 Multai 19.2 322 Jowar 6.s0 356.19 143.80 2,254.25 Sendurjana Ghat - 323 (MR) 8.0 Jowar 28.66 279.03 31.36 360.08 Sendurjana Ghat 324 (MR) 6.4 Jowar 160.45 5.80 1,535.76 242.41 1.145.10 Multai 19.2 325 228.87 17.52 803.70 80.11 196.16 Multai 19.2 326 50.80 474.10 Multai 20.8 327 Jowa"; 257.84 35.54 392.94 328 Jowar 293.08 11.47 275.99 127.22 51.78 Sendurjana Ghat (MR) 8.00 227.01 193.03 Multai 17.6 Sunday 329 Jowar, Maiza 19.87 83.75 1.536.51 330 Jowar, Maize 3.16 70.84 1,031.42 155.90 750.11 Multai 19.2 331 Jowar, Maize 9.96 20.45 3,262.26 20U5 219.48 Multai 20.8 28.57 66.59 Multai 12.8 332 Wheat, RiCe 200.62 665.76 333 Wheat, RiCe 390.12 77.17 2,545.50 252.63 839.04 Multai 11.2 8.66 29.47 Multai 14.4 334 6.65 514.64 335 Whe~t, 10war 324.96 1,520.73 222.49 97.36 Multai 11.2 336 Wheat, 10war 456.37 1,599.35 201.30 117.77 Multai 9.6 116.11 Multai 17.6 337 Jowar, Milize 26.74 973.01 120.08 338 Jowar, Maize 34.62 3.406.54 733.66 611.05 Multai 16.0 112.55 Multai 8.0 339 Wheat, Jowar 1.65 926.94 228.11 340 Wheat, Jowar 110.15 517.63 173.73 81.01 Multai 12.8 Wheat, Jowar 101.99 574.79 98.37 123.88 Multai 11.2 341 Maize, Jowar 11.35 1,574.13 386.53 86.64 Multai 12.8 342 Wheat, J owar 180.05 601.34 107.00 47.84 Multai 4.8 343 Wheat, Jowar 229.10 1,203.71 289.67 99.87 Multai 8.0 344 Wheat, Jowar 157.00 469.83 107.02 29.01 Multai 9.6 345 346 Wheat,lowar 91.79 731.68 156.46 80.68 Multai 6.4 Iowar, Maize 180.26 754.20 231.69 56.61 Multai 6.4 347 474.86 97.78 41.03 Multai 6.4 348 Jowar, Maize 97.04 349 Iowar. Maize 381.26 2,101.20 564.10 153.41 Multai 8.0 Tuesday Wheat, Rice 0.32 169.58 1,913.20 786.56 160.99 Multai 9.6 350 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

    Total area ~-______Amenities availableA- within______the villages ~ L.C.No. of the village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commu- Post and Nama of Village (in acres) Supply Water nication Telegraph

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    351 Karpa 1,873.27 PR (1) W PR 352 Mahatpur 3.442.73 PR (1),Mid. S. (1) W PR 353 Parsthani 1,779.15 PR (1) W KR 354 Mathni 2,761.63 PR (1) W KR 3S5 Chindi 1.420.80 PR (1) W KR 356 Khaliakwar 957.30 PR (1) W KR 357 Banga 1,165.68 PRo (1) W KR 358 Kohpani 85933 w KR 359 Morakha 3,223.98 PR (I),Mid.·"8, (1) W KR PO- 360 Kundai 912.72 W KR 361 Kakadiya 1,222.54 W KR 362 Khari 1,108.26 W KR 363 Biskhan 2.782.55 PR (I) W KR 364 Dudriya 1,623.89 PR (1) W KR 365 Khapa (Sirda) 978.38 .-. E,BI,B1N W KR W KR 366 - Sirkund 1,626.52 P,mdharai 1,291.58 W KR 367 W KR 368 Taroda Buj1lrl 2,201.15 PR (I) Oubrel 2,727.64 PR (1) W KR 3~ W KR 370 Lilajhar 1,898.16 PR (1) W KR 371 Hardoli Khathi 1.225.23 Kathi 1,139.10 PR (1) W KR 372 PR (1) W PR PO 373 Ohatpipriya 4,402.10 Oangai 1,612.24 W KR 374 PR (I) W KR 375 - May_awadi 1,555.97 807.65 PR (1) w KR 376 Dunai Dunawa 1,753.76 PR (I),Mid. S. 0). FC (I) W PR PO 377 sec. S. (1) W PR 378 Musa Khapa 732.68 Sendrya 916.67 W KR 379 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) FC (1) W KR 310 Ridhora 2,905.41 W KR 381 Sondiya 1,182.41 .- Pur Biroli 1,287.48 PR (I~ W KR 382 PR (I W KR 383 Hiwara 1,884.98 Khairwani 1,539.28 PR (1) W PR 384 PR (1) W PRo 385 Lakhapur 782.87 1,121.26 _ W PR 386 Kapasiya Cbikhli Kalan 2,866.98 PRo (I). Mid. S. (1) PHC- (1) W PR PO- 387 1,641.75 pa w PR 388 SonegaoD (ll Khalla 1,436.36 PR (1 W PR 389 1,986.16 PR (1) W KR 390 Sarrai PR (1) W PR 391 Sipawa 1,590.59 Nandbohi 1,391.72 W KR 392 PR (1) W KR 393 Bhaisadand 2,110.49 - Malol Khapa 1,250.77 PR (1) W KR 394 1,454.11 PR (1) W PR 395 Pipariya w PR 396 Sawri 1,882.03 PR (1/ ... Landa Gondi 1,413.40 PR ~l .ft W PR 397 2,471.48 PRo (1), Mi . (1) FC (1) W KR PO 398 Barldled s. Semriya Pandhri. , 2,591.44 PR (1) W KR 399 W KR. 400 Dob 929.41 - 89


    Land use (I••. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L.C. _-" weekly eluding any No. Culturable Area not Nearest market place of rcli- Staple Un- waste (I •. available town &: if any gious, histori- Food For':''lt Irrigated Irrigated pasture and for eulti- distance held in calor archa- grazing land vation in kms. village cologial in- etc.) terest

    10 11 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 1

    Wheat, R.ice 214.QO 1,305.95 25077 101.65 Multai 4.8 ~S1 Wheat, Rice J91.58 2.010. 1<; 1,072.37 168.43 Multac 16.0 Tuesday 352 Wheat, Rice 53.04 1,107.35 528.33 90.43 Multai 1l.2 JJ3 Wheat, Jowar 50,72 188.77 1.611.69 773.81 136,64 Multai 17.6 354 Wheat, Jowar 235.71 835.54 263.22 86.33 Multai 22.4 355 Wheat, Jowar 1I6.(i9 636.63 153.17 SO.81 Multai 16.0 356 Jowar, Maize 100.11 794.31 183.78 87.48 Multai 27.2 35'1 Jowar, Maize 216.35 UJ.46 401.20 93,37 2S.95 Multai 2,'.6 351 Jowar. Maize 521.20 347.69 1,620.56 445.76 288.77 Multai 30.4 Sunday 3S.Sl Wednesday Jowar. Rice 115.93 19.41 6186'3 1(0.91 57.79 Multai 24.0 J60 Wheat, Rice 304.00 10.75 589.89 238.81 79.0) Multai 16.0 361 Kodo, Jowar 46.35 9.07 500'99 472.98 78.87 Multai 32.0 362 Kodo, Kutki 851.44 12.'22 1,310.41 481.19 126.69 Multai 32.0 363 Kodo, Kutki 340.32 24.55 !:I46.28 241.00 71.74 Multai 32.11 364 Jowar, Maize 117.97 34.68 745.93 46.12 33.68 Multai 27.2 365 Jowar. Maize 79.16 1,088.19 305.08 153.0) Multai 22.4 366 Jowar, Maize 225.;0 80.40 704.02 2~0.49 30.97 Multai 211.8 367 Jowar, Maize ~.17 9~.95 1,856.1(4 154.59 86.60 Multai )(.0 368 Jowar, Wileat 254.05 51.98 1,641.03 367.68 412.89 Multai 33.6 369 Jowar. Wheat 167.04 111.54 1,312.00 :"87.88 112.70 Multai 370 Jowar, Wileat 28.11 21.97 891.78 204.34 78.03 Mul1ai 33.6 371 Jowar, Wheat 107.69 720.12 252.87 58.42 Multai 44.8 372 Jowar, Maiz<: 596.17 68.30 3,169.70 379.78 187.95 Multai 36.4 373 Jowar, Maize 241.56 8.42 772.12 217.0') 373.08 Mullai 32.0 37.4 Jowar, Maize 150.52 1,155.02 190.94 59.49 Multai 30.4 375 Wheat, Jowar 43.66 657.65 73.33 33.01 Multai 30.4 376 Wheat, Jowar 150.53 1,192.86 299.31 111.06 Multai 27.2 Thursday 377 Wheat, Jvwar 26.39 486.65 14.1.95 74.69 Multai 28.8 371 Jowar, Rice 86.72 646.53 130 13 53.29 Mullai 22.4 379 Jowar, Rice 93.40 2,393.67 277.66 140.68 Multai 22.4 380 Jowar, Rice .... 75.64 8li9.78 197.26 39.73 Mullai 24.0 381 Wheat. Ri(lC 4.58 994.35 249.86 38.69 Multai 12.8 382 Wheat, Rice 14.50 1,249.93 569.94 50.61 Multai 17.6 383 Wheat. Rice 75.15 1,245.13 154.63 64.37 Multai 12.8 384 Rice. Maize 64.99 535.5] 149.37 32.98 Multai 16.0 385 Wheat, Rice 104.40 725.16 195.99 95.71 Multai 11.6 386 Wheat. Rice 271.07 1.756.17 669.89 169.85 Multai 19.2 387 Wheat Rice 27.7S 1,21029 33U6 72.15 Mullai 22.4 381 Maiz;:, Jo)wn 5.46 17.89 1,0)7.25 231.35 84.41 Multai 25.6 389 Maize, Jowar 34.88 O.SO 1,500.95 260.31 189.52 Multai 28.8 390 Wheat, Jowar 0.77 40.71 1,116.64 165.<:5 266.52 Multai 25.6 391 Wheat, Jowar 211.66 88.24 87217 177,0~ 42.61 Multai 19.2 392 Jowar. Maize 366.97 41.33 1,285.tO 311.45 105.14 Multai 32.0 393 Jowar, Maiz~ 141.57 7.81 866.73 152.61 82.05 Multai 35.2 394 Jowar, Wheat 291.47 871.76 196.95 93.93 Multai 14.4 395 Jowar, Wheat 264.94 1,224.64 296.48 95.97 Multai 17.6 396 Kodo. Kutki 119.51 960.48 159.30 174.U Multai 19.2 3" Jowar, Wheat 255.15 1,720.23 293.67 202,43 Mullsi 16.0 S~turday 398 hwar, Wheat 48d5 53.90 1,593.04 328.33 134.92 Multai 16.0 399 Wheat, Jowar 133.54 667.25 97.82 30.80 Multai 19.2 400 90


    Total area Amenities available within the villages L. C. No. of the village Oducational Medical------~ Power Drinking ------Commu. P

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    401 Siladehi 1,107.15 PR (1) W KR 402 Jam 1,785.67 PR (1) W KR 403 Buyal Kbapa 2,129.67 PR (1) W Ghat Biroli KR 404 3,957.52 PR (1). Mid. S. (1) Fe (1) W KR P':> 405 Khedi DeonaIa 4,732.38 PR (1) W KR

    406 Chichanda (Junapani) 2,SO;UO PR (1),Mid. S. (1) W R,PR PO, TO 407 Nimboti 871.07 - PR (1) W KR 408 Malhara 2,603.78 PR (1) W 409 PR Kundai 1,980.10 PR (I) W PR 410 Kharnbara 2,458.24 PR (I) W PR

    411 Bichhwa (Khambara) 1,843.23 W KR 412 Gadra 3.923.85 PR (1) W KR 413 Sawri (Gadra) 2,461.10 W KR 414 Kbapa (Khadki) I,Q02.97 W KR 415 Khadki 2,089.33 PR (1) W KR. 416 Bichhu Khan \F.V.) 332.00 W KR 417 Ladi (F.V~ 917.00 PR (1) W KR 418 Bhaldehi ( .V.) 354.00 W KR 419 Kundara (F.V.) 398.00 W KR 420 Thuthama (F.V.) 2S7.0() W KR.

    411 Kala Pakhan (F.V.) 386.00 PR (1) W KR 422 Kund~(F.VJ..1 ':'qo 148.00 R KR 423 Jhunkari ( ,Vi? ~ 562.00 W KR 424 Dhamandhas ( •V .) 166.00 w KR 4ZS Jogi Kheda (F.V.) 250.00 W KR

    426 Pipriya (F.V.l 364.00 PR (1) W KR 427 Taliya (F.V.) 366.00 W KR 428 Siwanpani (F.V.) 202.00 W KK

    Tobll:- 580,667.S6 PR (244) D (6) 48 W(4IS) PR (102) PO (SO) Mid. S. (40) o (ll) 0(9) KR (321) TO (4) Sec. S. (7) Pbone (1)

    Source:- Columns (1) to (S) &. (7) to (18): Tahsildal, Multai. Column (6): Madhya Pradesh Electrticiy Board. Jabalpul. Note:- MK==Maharashtra State. 91


    Land use (I e. aeea under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks in- L. C. r- __,Jo._ -----. weekly eluding any No. Cuhurable Area not Nearest market place of reli- Staple Un- waste (I e. available town & if any gious, histori- Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture ar.d for enlti- distance held in calor areba- grazing land vation inkms. village eological in- etc.) terest

    10 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

    Wheat, lowar .. 190.66 701.64 168.46 46.39 Mullai 20.8 401 W neat. I Jwar 31.5.52 198.00 1,077.15 107.59 87.41 Multai 24.0 Friday 402 I:>war 440.71 34.61 1,438.00 119.85 96.50 Multai 27.2 403 Jowar. Maiz~ 32.60 363.47 3,029.51 344.43 187.51 Multai 19.2 Sunday 404 Iowar, MJ.iz~ 948.79 48.44 2,953.50 .514.73 266.92 Multai 22.4 405

    Wheat, Rice 74 •.57 2,025.17 446.51 362.85 Multai 14.4 Sunday 406 Wheat, Rice 123.66 633.72 66.69 47.00 Multai 16.0 407 JowaT, Maize 243.58 168.84 1,811.76 245.65 133.~5 Multai 17.6 408 Iowar, Maize 239.90 31.24 1,343.61 233.45 131.90 Multai 17.6 409 Iowar. Maize 570.78 12.39 1,596.87 170.05 108.14 Multai 14.2 410

    Jowar, Maiz; 589.03 10.47 1,112.68 52.54 78.51 Multai 25.6 411 IowaT, KJdo 118.44 13.02 1,738.89 360 16 1.693.34 MlIltai 30.4 412 1,852.48 378.16 164.52 65.94 Muitai 35.3 413 709.17 2.75 212.00 .55.05 24.00 Multai 36.8 414 Iowar, Wheat 42.60 143.48 1,505.59 278.82 118.84 Sendurjana (MR) 14.4 .. 415

    Maize,Kodo 10.00 322.00 Amla 16.0 ..' 416 Maize, Kodo 122.00 855.00 Amla 16.0 417 Maizo, K::>do 294.00 60.00 Amla 40.0 418 Kodo, Maize 143.00 255.00 Amla 40.0 419 Kodo, Maize 92.00 165.CO Amla 40.0 420

    Iowar 283.00 73.00 30.00 Morshi (MR? 20.8 .. 421 Iowar 63.00 50.00 35.00 Morshi (MR 14.4 422 Jowar 240.00 262.00 6000 Morshi (MR) 12.2 .. 423 75.00 61.00 30.00 Barud (MR) 12.8 424 Jowar, Maize 61.00 169.00 20.00 Barud (MR) 16.0 425

    Iowar, Kodo 140.00 174.00 50.00 Multai 35.2 426 Jowar, Kodo 150.00 176.00 40.00 Multai 32.0 427 Iowar, Kodo 73.00 94.00 35.00 Multai 35.2 428

    31,169.50 37,4&9.75 379,514.63 78,534,48 53,959.20 APPEN Tahsll·wtse Abstract of BETUL


    Sl. Name of Tahsil Educational Medical _",-- No. Primary Middle Higher Secon- College Others Dispensary Hospital Others School School c'ary Sehcol A r ,~~ ,-J-"""\~ r-.A--"""\ t '_-"'\r~ l1li ..!l C 0 ~..!I -s l1li 110 l1li ';: ,~ 0 ... 0 0 fig ,5 ., >0 ..c: .s:= os: .::: .s:= > .e .! j oI.e 2 ., ...... rII -;r)J ~ .! .!.S 0 .! .e c; ') e- rII 'oW '" ,~ .c Po4 >0 ~ >'8 ~ ~ >g_ ... :> :> ::t: > ...rl 'O~ ...0 ...... = _13 ...... 'O~ 0 ...= 0 0 0-'; 0 "'eo- O'C 0", 0 0 0 ", 0 .. ..00 .. ~J .. .. g .. ~lZ .. m .. c; .. .. "t- ,8- D- .8 ,8" .. be, ,8a 88 .8 .8 .86 .8.!:! .8 .8 .8 ~~ :s.e §~ 8 ei ~.!! e ~i2 ~ e8- eCl. 8~ e " ... :s :::1,- 8 :::1- :s :s .. 1:1 e.!! =0 :s ~ ~ zit z~ z~ z z::c " z8 z Z.8 Z ze it! z:z:: z z z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18

    1 Bhainsdehi J67 ]70 18 18 S S 13 13 7 1

    2 Betul 245 252 28 28 8 8 23 23 6 6

    3 Multai 244 244 40 40 7 1 6 6 12 12

    Total {56 666 86 86 20 20 .. 42 41 15 15 93 DIX Edae.tlo.l, MedIcal an' other IIIleDldel. DISTRICT


    POwer Supply Drinkins Water Communications Postal & Telegraph Others ---_...... ,,.. .,...... _~, ,... ~ , Number of Villages where Number of Villages Number of ViDages Post Office Telegraph Office power supply is havins having ,----A..--~ ,... ---, ,--__.. , r ~~ r---"-----, t----A---..

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    I. General: of population per sq. km. of the district is 73 against In Part A, the picture of the district as revealed the State density of 94 and the district ranks 35th by non-Census data has been discussed. In this note, in density in the State. The sex-ratio, number of the progress made by the district in the 1961-71 females per 1,000 males, of the district and the State decade would be dealt with on the basis of informa­ is 982 and 941, respectively. Tahsils Multai and tion collected in the individual slip that was canvas­ Bhainsdehi, have got sex-ratio higher than the dis­ sed in the 1971 Census. Broadly speaking, the trict sex-ratio while the other tahsil, Betul, has lower changes that have come about in the matter of total sex-ratio. population, its growth-rate and density, sex-ratio, m. Literacy: literacy, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, working population, occupied residential houses and 1. The percentage of literacy in the district number of households have beeD discussed. comes to 22.44 as against the State literacy percen­ tage of 22.14. In 1961, the literacy percentage of II. Population: the district (16.55) was lower than the State percen­ The population of Betul district is 736,196, while tage of 17.13. The district has made some progress the popUlation of Madhya Pradesh is 41,654,119. The to increase the rate of literacy during the decade population of Betul district thus comes to 1.77 per­ 1961-71. cent of the State popUlation. The rural population 2. The literacy percentage among the males in il 90.81 percent of the district popUlation whereas the district (33.47) is slightly higher than the State the urban popUlation is only 9.19 percent as against percentage of 32.70. Among females also, the the State percentage of 16.29. In other words, the literacy percentage in the district (11.20) is slightly district is rural in character. Highest percentage of higher than the State percentage of 10.92. the district population is found in Multai tahsil (about 39 percent) followed by Betul tahsil (about 3. Among the tahsils, MuItai tahsil has the 37 percent) and Bhainsdehi tahsil (about 24 percent). highest literacy percentage of about 25, while Bhain­ One of the reasons for this is that the population of sdehi tahsil has the lowest percentage of about 16. the towns are parts of Multai and Betul tahsils as under while there is no town in Bhainsdehi tahsil:- 4. The same pattern is seen in male literacy in the tahsils, Among males, Multai tahsil is at the top ------_.. _- Tahsil Towns Population of towns (about 39 percent), while Bhainsdehi Tabsilwith about 1 2 3 25 percent comes last. Among females Betul tahsil leads in literacy (about 13 percent), while Bhainsdehi (I) Multai (a) Multai 11,114 (b) Amla 16,902 tahsil with 6.95 percent comes last. (2) B~tul (a) B~tul 30,862 (h) Betul BazlT 7,959 IV. Workers: Betul district ranks 28th among the 43 districts In the district about 42 percent of the population of the State in population. During the decade comes under the category of workers (main activity) 1961-71, the district population growth-rate has been against the State percentage of about 37. The per­ 31.37 against the State growth· rate of 28.67. The centage offemale workers (about 29) is appreciably area of the district is 10,061 sq. km. In other words higher than the State percentage (about 19). In the it has 2.27 percent of the State area and ranks 18th district, comparatively more percentage of workers in arca among the districts of the State. The density have been returned from Mu)tai tahsil. Betu) tahsil 102

    has returned the lowest percentage of workers VI. Oeeapieel Residential Census Houses: (about 31). Among female workers also, Multai The district has 120,677 occupied residential tahsil (with about 35 percent) leads other tabsils of Census houses against the State figure of 6,822,767 the district, while Betul tahsil (with about 20 percent) which comes to 1.77 percent. It is a coincidence comes last, Among the workers in the district, that the share of the district, both in population and about 53 and 31 percent are cultivators and agrieul­ occupied residential Census houses, are indentical. turallabourers, respectively, against the State per­ DUring 1961, there were 108,326 \)ccupied residential centage of about 53 and 27. Under the category Census houses in the district against the State figure "Other workers" the district percentage (about 16) of 6,230,854 which came to 1.73 percent. There has is lower than the State percentage of 20.58. Among not been any material change in percentage during females, the district percentage of cultivators (about the decade. The number of house holds and persons 40) and other workers (about 5) is lower than the per occupied residential Census house in 1961 and State percentage of about 41 and 10, respectively, 1971 are indicated below:- while for agricultural labourers the district percentage Year No. of resi- No. of No. of house- No. of dential Cen- house- holds per occu- persons (55.01) is higher than the State percentage (48.70). sus houses holds pied residential per aceu- census bouses pied resi­ dential Comparatively, Multai tahsil has the highest census percentage of cultivators (about 56) and lowest per­ house centage of agricultural labourers (about 28). 1 2 3 4 5 State J961 6,230.854 6,615,580 1.06 52 V. Scheduled Caste anel Scheduled Tribe: Distt. 1961 108,326 111,924 1.03 5.17 State 1971 6,822,767 7.740,289 1.13 6.1 The percentage of Scheduled Castes to total po­ Distt. 1971 120.677 134,046 1.11 5.49 pulation of the district (10.47) is lower than the It would thus be seen that the pressure on· occupied State percentage (13.09), while the percentage of residential Census houses bas increased during the Scheduled Tribes in the district (30.97) is significantly decade in the district as well as in tbe State. Com­ higher than the State percentage (20.14). In the paratively, Multai tahsil with about 40 percent claims tahsils of the district, highest percentage (14.34) of the highest percentage of the occupied residential scheduled caste population is found in Multai tahsil, Census houses of the district. while the percentage (7.14) in Bbainsdehi tahsil is Vn. Villages and TowDS: the lowest. In contrast to this, Bhainsdehi tahsil There are in all 1,399 villages in Betul district has returned highest percentage (59.04) of scheduled which comes to 1.86 percent of total villages in the tribe population while Multai tahsil is not covered State. The percentage of inhabited villages to the by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes total viIlages in the district is 93.50 against the State Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, and consequently percentage of about 92. There are in all 250 towns scheduled tribe population has not been returned in the State out of which the district claims only 4 from this tahsil. towns:-Amla, Betul, Betul-Bazar and Multai. FrGURES AT A GLANCE

    Particu}1rs MJdhya Pradesh Belul District

    POJ'lulation Total Persons 41,654,119 736,196 Males 21 .. 455,334 371,489 Females 20,198.785 364,707 Rural Persons 14,869,352 668,527 Males 17,823.411 335649 Females 17,045,941 332.878 Urban Persons 6,784,767 67,669 Males 3,631,923 35,840 Females 3,152,844 31,829 Percentage of Urban population to 10lal population 16.29 9.19 Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 28.67 31.37 Area in Sq. Km. 442,841 10.061 Density of popuJation per Sq. Km. 94 73 Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1,000 males) 941 982, Total literate and educated persons with literacy percentage Persons 9,223,081 (22.14) 165,157 (22.44) Males 7,016,649 (32.70) 124,326 (33.47) Females 2,206.432 (10,92) 40,849 (11.20) Total No. of workers (Main activity) with percentage of workers Persons 15,295,663 (36.72) 308,560 (41.91) to total popuJati0n shown within brackets. Males 1l,529,On (53.74) 204,233 (54.98) Females 3,766,571 (18.65) 104,327 (28.61) Break-up of workers with percentage Persons 8,084,743 (52.86) 164,716 (53.38) (i) CUltiVators Males 6.537,112 (56.70) 122,787 (60.12) Females 1,547,631 (41.09) 41,929 (40.19) (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 4,062,338 (26.56) 95,167 (30.84) Males 2,228,064 (19.33) 37,772 (18.50) Females 1,834,274 (48.70) 57,395 (55.01) (iii) Other workers Persons 3,148,582 (20.58) 48,677 (15.78) Males 2,763,916 (23.97) 43,674 (21.38) Females 3,64,668 (10.21) 5,00] (4.80) Scheduled Castes with percentage to total populat:on Persons 5,453,690 (11.09) 77,090 (10.47) Males 2,810,175 (13.10) 38,970 (10.49) Females 2,643,515 (13.09) 38,120 (10.45) Seheduled Tribes with percentage to total population Persons 8,387,4(J3 (20.14) 224,538 (30.50) Male~ 4,198,50~ (19.57) 111,572 (30,03) Females 4,188,894 (20.74) 112,966 (30.97) No. of occupied residential Census house 6,822,767 120,677 No. of villages Total 77,090 1,399 Inhabited 71,059· 1,310 Uninhabited 6,031·· 89t No. of Towns 250 4

    • Includes 176 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban out-growth of nearby city/town. •• Includes 67 villages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. t Includea 2 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban out-growth of nearby city/town. plUMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    L.C. DistrictJTahsii/ToWDJ Area in Occupied Total Total Population No. Town Agglo. Km.' Residential No. of ([neluding Institutitmal Houses House­ and,..-__ house less.A. ___population)---., Scheduled Castes holds P M F M ---p

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    29 Betul District Total 100,61.0 120,677 134,046 736,196 371,489 364,707 38,970 38,1~0 Rural 100,30.6 108,348 120,763 668,527 335.649 332,878 35,416 34,828 Urban 30.4 12,329 13,283 67,669 35,840 31,829 3,554 3,292

    1 Bhainsdehi Tahsil Total 2,309.4 27,354 30,182 176,834 88,849 87,985 6,377 6,248 Rural 2,309.4 27.354 30,182 176,834 88,849 87,985 6,371 6,248 Urban

    2 Betul Tahsil Total 2,417.1 45,651 51,608 272,137 138.181 133,756 11,921 11,361 Rural 2,405.4 38,827 44,075 233,110 117,899 115,211 10,324 9,878 Urban 11.7 6,824 7,533 39,027 20,482 18,545 1,597 1.483

    Betu) (M) Urban 10.36 5,526 6,179 30,862 16,397 14,465 1.343 1,205 Betul·Bazar (U.A ) Urban 1.29 1,298 1,354 8,165 4,085 4,OSO 254 277 (i) Betul-Bazar (M) Urban 1.19 1,258 1.314 7,959 3,984 3,975 253 274 (ii) Betul-Bazar Kasba1 Urban 0.10 40 40 206 101 105 3 (00)

    3 Multai Tahsil Total 2,336.4 47,672 52,256 287,:m 144,259 142,966 20,672 20,511 Rural 2,317.7 42,167 46,505 258,583 128,901 129.682 18,715 18,702 Urban 18.7 5,505 5,750 28,642 15,358 13,284 1,957 1,809

    Multai (U.A.) Urban 3.22 2,258 2,410 11,740 6,164 5,576 487 496 (i) Multai (1\1.) Urdan 2.59 7.130 2,263 11,114 5,785 5,329 423 443 (ii) Mu1taigaon8 (OG) Urban 0.63 128 147 626 3i9 247 64 53 ·Amla (Air Stalfand Urban IS,45 3,247 ; 3.340 16,902 9,194 7,70S 1,490 1,313 Railway Colony) (N.M.) 105


    Workers Scheduled Tribes Literate and educated r------A------(I-IX) I persons ,_--ATotal Workers __--, Cultivators District/Tahsill L.C. r---..A..----, r- r-- -' .., lown/Town Anglo. No. M F M p M F M F

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 1

    111,572 112.966 124,326 40,849 204.233 10~,327 122,787 41,929 Total Betul District 29 110,627 112,116 lCO,895 27,893 188,479 101,708 121,249 41.740 Rural 945 850 23,431 12,956 lS,754 2,619 1,538 189 Urban

    51,9SO 52,446 22,124 6.118 50,574 27,576 33,554 9,573 Total Bhainsdehi Tahsil 1 51,950 52.446 22,124 6,118 50,574 27,576 33,554 9,573 Rural Urban

    59,622 60.520 46,51' 17,756 74,866 26,390 43,127 5,957 Total Betul Tahsil 2 58,677 59,670 32,836 9,860 66,436 24,738 42,134 5,860 Rural 945 850 13,683 7,896 8,430 1,652 993 97 Urban

    863 753 11,248 6,457 6,710 1,092 368 35 Urban Betul (M) 82 97 2,435 1,439 1'720 S60 625 62 Urban Betul-Bazar (U.A.). 23 35 2,408 1,429 1,657 520 606 62 Urban (i) Betul-Bazar lM) S9 62 27 10 63 40 19 Urban (ii) Betu).Bazar Kuba1 (OG)

    55,683 16,975 78,793 50,361 46,106 26,399 Total Multai Tahsil 3 45,935 11,915 71,469 49,394 45,561 26,307 Rural 9,748 5060 7,324 967 545 91 Urban

    3,502 2,034 2,874 580 341 19 Urban Multai (U.A.) 3,674 1,952 2,692 543 305 79 Urban (i) Multai (M.) 228 82 182 37 36 Urban (ii) Multaigaonl (00) 5,846 3026 4,450 387 204 13 Urban • Amla (Air Staff and Railway Colooy) (NM) 106


    Workers '--- II III IV V Livestock, Forestry Manuf.1cturings, Processing, Fishing, HUnting & Servicing & Repairs Plantation, Orchards Mining r-- r L.C. Districl/Tahsil/Town/ Agricultural and allied activities and quar- (a) (b) No. Town Agglo Labourers ryiDI Household Other than House- Industry hold Industry. ,I, r----"----. , 1 ...... -'--.-. ~.A._---. M F M F M F M F M F 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    29 Betul District Total 37,7'12 57,395 6,104 460 1,459 42 7,020 1,950 2,144 175 Rural 36,824 56,390 5,806 427 1,454 42 6,367 1,678 1,046 111 Urban 948 1,005 298 33 5 65J 272 1,098 64

    1 Bhainsdehi Tahsil Total 10,430 17,157 2,299 150 11 9 1,285 349 231 II! Rural 10.430 17,157 2,299 150 11 9 1,285 349 231 18 Urban

    2 Betul Tahsil Total 12,964 18,433 1,886 117 1,403 27 2,161 481 1,063 82 Rural 12,350 17,809 1,696 87 1,398 27 1,794 310 364 33 Urban 614 624 190 30 5 367 171 699 49

    Betul (M) Urban 2S5 230 144 30 5 236 118 636 4S Detul-Bazar (U.A.) Urban 359 394 46 131 53 63 4 (i) Betul-Bazar (M) Urban 319 354 42 131 53 63 4 (ii) BetuJ-Bazar Urban 40 40 4 Kasba1 (OJ)

    3 Multai Tahsil Total 14,378 21,805 1,919 193 45 6 3,574 1,120 850 7S Rural 14,044 21,424 1,811 190 45 6 3,288 1,019 451 60 Urban 334 381 108 3 286 101 399 IS

    Multai (U.A.) Urban 220 246 64 110 49 282 13 (i) Multai (M) Urban 210 211 62 110 49 282 13 (ii) Multaigaonll (O.G.) Urban 10 3S 2 ·Amla (Air Staff and Urban 114 135 44 3 176 52 117 2 Railway Colony) (NM) (1) Note- M ... Municipality (4) Tahsilwisc area figures are based on village papers as U.A.r::Urban Agglomeration supplied by the Director of Land Records, Madhya O.G.s:::Urban Out growth Pradesh. TalUlilwise area figures do not include 301S,2sq. N .M.o=: Non-Municipal km. of forest area as tabsilwise break-up is not available. (2) Urban Outgorwth- (5) Town treated as such for the first time in 1961 Census 1. Village Betul-BaZll Kasba. L.C. 452 or Tahsil Betul is which continues as town in 1971 Census is shown with wholly included asterisk (.) on its left. I!. Village Multaigaon, L.C. 20S of Tahsil Multai is wholly included (3) Total area figure for the district represent provisonal 'Geographical Area' as supplied by the Surveyor General of India. Figures of Urban Areas are those supplied by the Local Bodies. ~ BE11JL DISTBlcr

    Workers ------"- VI VII VIII IX X

    Transport, Trade and Storage and District/Tahsil/Townl L.C. Construction Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers Town Aggio. No. r-- .._~ r---.A..~ ,.---.A._--.. __-.A.-----. M F M F M F M F M F 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

    934 137 5,742 489 5,381 73 14,884 1,751 167,256 260,380 Total Betul District 29 611 90 3.000 248 2,561 25 9,561 957 147,170 231,170 Rural 323 47 2,742 161 2.826 48 5.323 800 20.086 29,210 Urban

    140 30 822 92 139 4 1,663 194 38,275 60,409 Total Bhainsdehi Tahsil 1 140 30 822 92 139 4 1,663 194 38,275 60,409 Rural .. Urban

    467 11 2,616 188 1,632 23 7,547 1,011 63.5lS 107,366 Total Betul Tahsil 2 240 33 1,072 87 797 9 4,591 483 51,463 90,473 Rural 227 38 1,544 101 835 14 2,956 528 12,052 16,893 Urban

    212 38 1,332 81 824 14 2,698 SOl 9.687 13,373 Urban Betul (M) IS 212 20 11 2S8 27 2,36S 3,520 Urban Betul-Bazar (U.A.) 15 212 20 11 ,. 2S8 27 2,327 3,455 Urban (i) Betul-Bazar (M) 38 65 Urban (ii) Betul-Bazar Kasba1 (OG)

    327 36 2.30J 119 3.616 46 5,614 S52 65,466 92,605 Total Multai Tahsil 231 27 1,106 69 1,625 12 3,307 280 57,432 80,288 Rural 96 9 1,198 fa 1,991 34 2,367 272 8,034 12,317 Urban

    69 6 739 3S 290 2 759 150 3,290 4,996 Urban Multai (U.A.) 68 6 729 3S 177 1 749 149 3.093 4,786 Urban (i) Multai (M) 1 10 113 1 10 1 197 210 Urban (ii) Multaigaonl (0.0.) 27 3 459 25 1,701 32 1.608 122 4.744 7.321 Urban ·Amla (Air Staft'and Railway Colony) (NM) 108 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf

    Total population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ aores and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ~ ~ ~ r--"---, No. Blook in KID.s houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7911 Bhalnsdthl TabsD (Rft) 2,30!).4 . 30,182 88,849 6,377 51,950 22,124 50,574 17,354 1,76,834 87,985 6,248 52,446 6,118 21,5'16 1 Kalyanpur 1,060.21 41 44 388 193 195 183 181 6 1 91 81 2 Chiwal 726.24 22 23 131 69 62 68 62 3 35 9 3 Rohni 735.07 19 19 151 75 76 75 76 8 43 8 4 Kekdya Kalan 810.22 68 76 451 226 231 188 188 32 6 124 69 5 Patapura 453.33 22 2S 149 76 73 76 73 12 37 12 6 Jhakas 476.30 45 53 333 169 164 21 28 138 129 45 4 90 54 7 Rahtiyadadu 651.08 88 88 638 318 320 276 283 9 1 183 61 Rahtiyadadu 42 42 325 165 160 165 160 2 98 43 RalttiJla 46 46 313 153 160 111 123 7 1 85 18 8 Batla Kalan 1,553.11 88 91 573 290 283 51 75 216 1~1 28 135 56 Batla KrJlan 39 42 292 142 150 57 75 69 60 17 71 32 Patel Dhana 49 49 281 148 133 147 HI 11· 1 64 24 9 Bhurbhur 534.80 27 28 204 101 103 101 103 14 48 26 10 Hardedadu 473.84 22 22 145 67 78 63 15 16 42 20 11 Pali 608.20 50 50 284 134 150 11 12 122 138 11 72 46 12 Hidli (First) 913.89 73 74 481 235 246 4 6 216 221 69 10 138 109 13 Umarghat 581.59 2S 25 138 78 60 65 53 8 41 6 14 Dulariya 1,618.82 9S 95 633 323 310 4 6 308 294 . 51 7 185 111 Dulariya 57 57 371 201 170 195 164 17 111 71 Dulariya 38 38 262 122 14(J 4 6 113 130 34 7 74 4() 15 Borkuncf 965.65 12 57 421 202 219 8 6 183 219 29 2 110 21 16 Daulatpura. 467.43 7 12 7S 34 41 34 41 19 12 11 Malore 136.66 26 27 168 86 82 83 80 11 1 56 14 18 Batki 928.70 38 38 230 113 117 9 5 104 112 7. . 73 28 19 Bichhu Tekadi 351.39 9 9 63 29 34 29 34 8 16 3 20 Dasndehi 724.22 28 38 240 118 122 118 122 1 74 30 21 Birpura 304.46 24 24 184 93 91 93 91 8 1 53 20 22 Balbarpura 221.60 '}, 2 1284 215 .. 41 23 Dmajipura 921.18 1.06 132 170 407 363 24 24 224 208 156 55 lOS 2S Damjipura 98 122 704 375 329 24 24 196 176 150 29 185 23 Jimdhana 8 10 66 32 34 28 32 6 26 20 2 24 Gonaghat 232.32 1 1 1 1 1 2S Behda 1,350.81 72 15 385 189 196 4 3 163 167 26 13 III S6 Behda 40 41 226 111 115 4 3 85 87 14 12 65 37 Behda 32 34 159 78 81 78 80 12 1 46 19 1.6 Cheera 1.,389.98 'rI 27 153 82 11 82 11 6 SI 16 'rI Ba"a Kburd 1,924.66 75 7S 603 314 289 8 S 303 280 33 . • ISS 111 BatlaKhurd 18 18 143 75 68 73 67 6 ". 39 30 Jhirnadadu 35 35 295 157 138 8 8 148 130 24 69 39 Sagondhana 22 22 165 82 83 82 83 3 47 42 28 Deali %.900.63 III III 625 307 318 12 21 239 247 82 22 170 175 Desli 66 66 357 178 179 123 129 65 20 101 101 Sarnludhona 33 33 183 82 101 12 21 70 80 14 1 46 48 Tmolidhana - 6 6 41 19 22 19 22 1 10 12 MaraJdhana 6 6 43 27 16 27 16 2 1 13 14 29 Dhawada Ryt. 1',33l.S2 56 56 352 181 111 181 111 5 1 98 11 30 Goberbel 1,313.25 29 29 148 69 79 66 78 5 1 44 32 31 l(.eka4ya Klturd 1.722.72 53 53 333 167 166 6 4 154 156 12 94 83 109 BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers ------.------.~~------~ I IT III IV Veal V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~ ~ r-"---. r-"---. ~ ,...... J---, r-"--t ..--J'--, ...... -"--. ~ ,...--J"__' L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. ----~------17 ' 18 19 20 21 2Z 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 33,554 10,430 2,299 11 1,285 231 140 30 92 4 194 60,409 29/1 9,573 17,157 150 9 349 18 811 139 1,663 38,275 ,70 19 1,2 59 5 2 1 .' 1 1 .... 2.. 102 V4 1 27 2 6 6 '}. 34 53 2 14 27 82 .. 32 68 3 88 20 24 -19 8 2 .. t ...... 1.. 1,02 163 4 28 5 6 7 3 39 61 5 53 ,1 21 41 2 10 11 2 I, '}. .. 79 110 6 135 259 7 139 2 37 59 4 '}. .. 77 2 18 41 3 67 117 62 19 18 1 2.. 1 68 142 96 1 31 51 2 " 3 ' 3 1 1 .. .. 2.. 155 221 8 50 1 17 28 1 .. 2 2 1 1 .. .. 71 118 46 .. 14 23 1 1 1 2.. 84 109 34 16 11' .0 3 53 77 9 3011 992 1 25 58 10 49 33 14 11 3 2 2 1 3.. 62 104 11 65 61 108 6 .. 3 1 1 .. 2 .. r97 137 12 26 2 15 4 .. 37 54 13 f3S 78 34 29 8 1 S 3 1 2 .,. 138 199 1,4 79 50 24 20 5 .. 2 1 1 90 99 56 28 10 931 3 2 2.. 48 100 92 7 9 1,0 3 .. 3 2 2 '}. .... t .. 92 1,98 15 938 9 2 .. 1'5 19 16 40 1 14 13 2 .. 30 68 17 55 12 28 3 3 .. 40 89 18 15 2 1 1 13 31 19 58 4 15 26 1 44 92 20 42 to 11 10 .. 40 71 21 2 2 1 4322 107 14 29 10 10 .. 11 2 .. .. 24 .. 2 .. 20 1 202 338 23 91 13 26 9 9 11 2 .. .. 24 .. 2 .. 20 1 190 306 16 1 3 1 1 12 32 1 24 88 33 10 18 6 .. 2 1 2 .' •... , 3 3 78 140 25 54 20 2 13 3 .. 1 2 1 2 ...... 2 2 46 78 34 13 8 S 3 1 1 32 62 47.. 2 16 2 •• 31, 55 26 122 96 12 10 13 1 3 4 4 .. I, ... 159 178 21 29 25 6 5 4 36 38 53 32 4 241 3 4 4 .. 1 ." 88 99 40 39 2 3 5 35 41 103 124 43 44 10 3 S 3 7 ...... 2 1 137 143 28 59 75 20 20 9 3 4 2 7 ...... 2 1 18 78 25 29 19 18 .. 1 1 36 53 6 7 4 5 9 10 12 13 1 1 .. 14 2 87 66 5 5 5 .. 1 .. 83 100 29 31 24 11 8 2 .. 25 47 30 72 64 13 18 7 ,. 1 1 1 .. 73 83 31 110


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) ]'Ij'arne of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,--""'___----. ~ ~ ~ ~ No. Block in Km.:I houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 1.4 IS 1.6 Kekdya Khurd 26 26 143 71 72 71 72 6 43 40 49 38 Patel Thana 24 24 177 89 88 6 4 80 82 6 Kakodiya Khurd 3 3 13 7 6 3 2 2 5 32 Mabatpur Jawra 3,0'1:1.76 142 142 843 423 420 1 1 378 389 127 3 244 210 Mahatpur 51 51 330 159 171 147 164 48 93 88 Golldhano 9 9 44 22 22 15 14 6 14 " Gondi dhana 21 21 124 67 57 63 55 21 38 28 Chamududkana 3 3 19 8 11 8 11 3 " 7 labra 58 58 326 167 159 1 1 145 145 51 3 95 81 33 Jhirnadadu 786.16 12 12 69 37 32 3 3 34 29 1 21 4 34 Khurda Cf17.33 38 38 214 106 108 9S 100 4 65 44 30 22 Khurda 16 16 100 50 '50 44 47 1 .. \ 35 22 Patel dhana 22 22 114 56 58 51 53 3 26 16 3S Patan 621.36 1l 11 6S 36 29 36 29 1 82 34- 36 Duliya 1,220.66 39 41 284 138 146 12 13 121. 131 S 3 119 88 37 Titvi 1,353.71 58 60 4S4 226 228 13 14 211 211 33 3 136 5S 38 Mohta 78S.83 72 82 4S3 231 222 18 13 111 126 93 12 85 10 Mohta 48 58 262 144 118 18 13 24 22 80 12 51 45 Harwaturi 24 24 191 87 104 87 104 13 84 7S 39 Chamipur 617.40 43 44 320 IS3 1.67 9 14 134 137 35 40 JoSli 3,I71.7S 69 70 48S 243 242 lS 11, 217 Z12 1,7 IS2 129 10,((li 37 37 231 119 112 14 11 96 88 5 76 65 Nadidhana 10 10 119 55 64 1 52 58 1 31 28 Patel dhana 22 23 13'5 69 66 69 66 11 45 36 41, Pa1anga 1,144.10 70 72 522 259 263 n fO 244 248 48 1 132 70 42 PotIa 1,056.23 28 31 206 1.04 1.02 6 4 93 95 1 SS IS 43 BaSda Cf13.00 Uninhabited 44 Ghodida 1,22S.07 29 29 1.94 109 8S 109 85 3 51 26 4S Anki Ryt. 829.88 21 22 129 70 S9 67 57 r 39 38 46 Dadida Ryt. 1,224.60 39 39 268 140 128 1 2 130 121 13 83 84 66 66 Dadbida 29 29 216 110 106 1 2 100 99 10 17 18 Eamli dhana 10 10 52 30 22 30 22 3 47 Khaira 6,259.22 76 76 S67 287 280 10 9 21.9 ZJ:1 6 1 170 1:5S lamun dhana 19 19 120 60 60 57 57 36 37 Kllaira 28 28 246 122 124 10 9 111 115 3 79 63 Adhava 29 29 201 105 96 51 55 3 1 55 55 48 Utari 3,620.22 53 60 413 203 210 203 210 1 109 100 Barra dhana 14 16 104 48 56 48 56 26 21 Patel dhana 23 27 176 91 85 91 85 1 48 42 Bhuru dhana 16 17 133 64 69 64 69 35 37 120 79 49 Dodajam 3,213.61 52 64 363 196 167 3 4 153 134 12 23 1 Kaletha dhana 11 16 74 42 32 7 5 2 15 10 Barra dhana 4 5 36 20 16 19 16 36 27 Lomya dllana 15 18 105 57 48 1 53 46 4 ,46 41 Patel dkana 22 25 148 77 71 2 4 74 67 6 1 46 4S SO Bori 431.00 18 57 140 83 S7 82 57 57 48 SI Bijori 39386 17 18 211 109 108 3 2 105 106 1 201 175 46 6 133 1.14 52 Kunkhedi 1,745.97 66 70 458 24S 213 17 IS 61 S3 Tingarya 1,676.48 33 33 210 101 109 101 109 4 89 1 54 Kanda 730.26 48 48 304 151 IS3 11 7 132 134 111

    BHAINSDEm TAHSn. Workers

    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~ ,-...A-..... ,--A--., ~ ,---J'---., ,..._...J<--., ~ ~ ~,..---'~ ~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. P 18 19 ZD 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 ------34 3S 36 37 38 36 31 5 9 2 .. ------28 32 35 30 8 8 5 .. 1.. 40 50 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 111 170 38 35 21 3 2 2 2 4.. 179 2~0 32 76 78 9 8 5 1 1 1 1 1 .. 6683 9 5 1 5 2 8 16 27 21 9 6 1 .. 1 1 29 29 2 5 2 2 1/ 1/ 57 61 18 18 16 2 1 3 .. 72 78 19 3 2 1 16 28 33 55 40 8 4 1 1. 41 64 34 j() 21 1 20 28 25 19 8 3 1 1 21 36 25 t6 1. .. 10 U 35 69 31 5 3 4 .. . 3 .'. 1,.. 56 U2 36 92 78 15 10 " .. . 1, 2.. 107 140 37 58 13 22 41 8 1 24 .. 2 ...... 21 1 95 167 38 19 1 12 2 .... _ 8 7 .. 1 24 .. 20 1 59 108 39 12 10 33 1 1 .. 36 59 64 50 9 21 8 .. 2 4 1 .. 69 92 39 95 81 31 41 6 6 4 1 3 1,2 1 .. 91 1"13 40 57 47 11 14 2 5 4 1 .. 43 47 988 17 .. 1 1 3 12 24 36 29 26 12 10 4 24 30 100 51: 16 16 5 4 3 6 ...... 1 .. 127 193 41 49 2 3 13 1 1 1 .. 49 81 42 Uninhabited .• .. 43 45 5 26 1 58 S9 44 36 33 ~ S 1 ]; 31 21 45 7S 76 1 8 5 .. 1 1 .. 57 44 46 59 59 1 7 4 1 1 .. 44 40 16 17 1 1 13 4 163 151 2 3 1. 2 1 2 .. 117 125 47 35 36 1 1 24 2J 76 62 1 1 1 1 .. 43 61 1 _ 52 53 1 2 •.. 1 .'. 50 41 lOS 100 4 .. 94 ~10 48 25 21 1 22 35 46 42 2 43 43 34 37 1 29 32 89 75 4 3 24 1 2 1.. " 76 88 49 2 .,. 1 .. 20 1 19 31 14 10 1 5 6 30 2S 3 2 2 1 21 21 43 40 1 2 .~ 1 ... 31 30 40 40 4 S 2 ." 37 12 50 54 46 1 2 2 ... 52 60 51 103 101 15 7 7 1 1" •.• 2 4 '" 112 99 52 47 _ 12 2 ._ 60 _ 18 1 7 _ 2 _ 40 1,09 S3 2 ._ Q 152 54 112 PRIMARY CENsus ABSTRACT

    Total Population Litemte Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,..--A---, ~ ,...-.-A--., ~ No. Block in Km.2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 Patel dhana 31 31 199 109 97 5 1 92 93 4 64 1 Kotwar dhana 17 17 105 49 56 6 6 40 41 25 55 Chillore 4,250.45 80 81 562 292 270 -30 30 236 220 92 9 1'69 1,00 Sadak dhana 34 39 225 123 102 3 3 107 91 59 9 69 25 Megnath dhana 28 30 203 10/ 102 27 27 62 65 23 S9 40 Bhavai Pur 18 18 134 68 66 67 64 10 41 35 56 Mohda 4,491.• 26 92 103 631 344 287 2 2 303 264 16 13 192 1.72 1mali dIIana 24 25 159 88 71 80 67 8 49 44 Naka dllana 36 46 249 138 111 2 2 105 92 48 12 78 62 Barra dhana 32 32 223 118 105 118 lOS 20 1 (is 66 57 Basinda 4,648.76 59 61 439 217 m 17 l3 (39 1,46 1.2 2 1.28 65 Sukadhana 13 13 116 55 61 8 6 41 50 33 18 Chatupadi 19 20 117 58 59 3 1 10 2 34 15 Samsoo dhana 9 9 70 33 37 1 33 36 1 22 10 Makadhana 8 8 46 25 21 9 6 16 15 1 15 5 Mukadam dhana 10 11 90 46 44 46 44 24 17 58 Dhodm 903.37 19 19 112 55 51 1 5 54 52 2 32 33 59 Balu 801.03 27 36 21.1: 113 98 112 98 11. 72 57 60 Naharpur 402.45 1.3 13 86 41 39 45 36 I 1 26 4 61 Kamod 998.33 41 43 272 1,37 135 2 2 1-21 126 ~O 3 94 6 62 Dharagohan 1,205.08 16 16 111. 53 58 53 58 l' 29 5 63 Tipring 1,712.18 11 t2 S4 29 25 3 3 2S 22 1 16 2 64 Kiding Ryt. 503.57 19 20 11.7 67 50 67 50 35 3 65 Labada Ryt. 699.30 2S 26 1.35 68 61 67 64 2 .. 42 17 Sikar; dhana 9 10 60 33 27 33 27 21 9 Mukadam dhana 10 10 45 22 23 22 23 1 15 5 Naka dhana 6 6 30 13 17 12 14 1 6 3 66 Dhengna 1,904.51 28 31 189 III 18 1.11 18 48 22 Bhomka dhana 8 9 47 30 17 30 17 15 7 Mukkad dhana 6 7 51 29 22 29 22 10 5 Mandla Kheda 14 15 91 52 39 52 39 23 10 61 Jadiya 3,311.11 7l 75 509 263 246 2 1: 156 1.68 ~ 2 1.28 63 Ro jhadi Khl.'da 24 25 186 99 87 9 18 12 1 42 Jadiya 47 50 323 164 159 2 1 147 150 Jj 1 86 63 68 Padar 1,471.. 87 30 3~ 223 115 ~08 114 108 1 61 22 ~ Kasmarkhandi 4,283.57 5S 66 392 191 195 3 1 Hi1 1.63 7 1 1.00 26 70 Piparyiamahatu 5,052.38 146 1.83 1,155 594 56( ~( 8 41.4 424 105 5 366 247 Patel dhana 17 18 113 66 47 9 12 j 43 22 Bazar dhana 24 34 181 91 86 5 5 69 68 21 5 55 36 SlIItg'Wllni 25 30 187 105 82 53 39 8 ._ 71 30 Jiroo dhana 54 74 515 251 264 5 3 207 226 13 148 116 Korku dhana 17 18 106 53 53 52 51 56 34 28 Bori dhana 9 9 53 24 29 24 28 2 15 15 11. Batki 602,13 32 34 230 115 115 1.03 101 6 ( 59 53 Gauti dhana 3 3 26 12 14 2 1 Batki 20 21 116 59 57 59 57 1 1 32 32 Patel dhana 9 10 88 44 44 44 44 5 2S 20 721 Kabara 1,687.75 63 72 373 19( 1.82 ~o 1.2 178 . 1.67 20 ... 10~ SO Patel dhana 31 31 166 81 8S 3 5 75 77 3 38 16 Kabara dhana . 2IJ 2S 143 73 10 3 4 10 66 16 - 44 24 113 BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL

    Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX

    ~ M F 17 18 47 7 1 7 .. 2 .. 1 .. 13 11 1 129 85 15 13 9 2 1. 2 2. 11 .. 53 23 2 4 2 10 .. 44 33 8 6 ., 1 1 2 32 29 7 511 1 .. 135 38 171 15 .. 2 1 2 38 10 43 .. 1 1 43 17 62 15 1 2 54 11 66 .. 95 55 11 5 21 5 28 17 2 1 3 14 8 5 2 15 5 19 9 3 1 1 _ 10 ., 1 1 J •• 24 17 1 _ 2S 1.4 6 9 60 49 4 8 6 2 .. 22 4 3 1 14 4 12 2 6 1 1 24 2 3 3 2 •• 12 1 1 1 2 .~ 1 .. 30 l 3 3 .. 33 14 3 3 5 1 .. 16' 8 1 1 4 .. 13 4 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 .. 28 10 18 12 2 .. 11 4 4 J 8 3 1 2 1 9 3 13 7 1 82 16 63 25 s .. 4 _ 16 4 18 66 12 63 7 .. 1 " 45 14 10 8 6 70 23 17 3 13 ... 219 184 57 59 67 .. 1 2 6 2. 1.0 _ 15 15 6 7 21 1 30 26 ., 9 7 .. 2 1 3 9 .. 32 18 16 10 20 " .3 2 .. 106 91 25 24 13 4 1 25 22 6 6 2 1 .. 11 12 3 4 32 2 20 50 7 1 1 1 1 16 15 32 1 16 2 4 18 5 74 33 20 17 3 2. .. 2. .. 32 13 4 3 1 1 31 13 10 11 1 .. 2 .. , 114


    Total Population Literate r--- Area of ( Including and (1-1'9 Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total . Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes .persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ ward residential house- r---""--~ ...----'---. ...----'---. ~ ~ No. Block in Km.B houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 )4 IS 16

    Palamkoi 12 16 64 ·37 27 4 3 33 24 1 19 10 73 Gurwa 5,302.85 194 21.1 1,322 657 665 5 9 602 596 33 377 304 Mah" dhana IS 16 96 43 S3 10 16 1 '1J 13 Kork" dhana 43 46 .314 153 161 .5 9 142 134 16 84 66 Menda dhana 46 S3 271 140 131 136 UI 6 88 69 Gurba dJuma 2 .3 14 8 6 8 6 1 3 2 Gondi dIIana 19 20 121 59 62 59 62 33 28 Patel dhana 21 24 159 8S 74 80 71 6 46 37 Bohar dhana . 13 14 84 41 43 39 41 21 22 Terllp dhana 3S 3S 263 128 13S 128 135 3 75 67 74 Gorpad Mal. 942.86 42 4~ 255 128 127 7 11 120 114 16 1 70 40 Gorpad 29 29 167 18 86 7 11 73 73 10 1 46 23 Gorpad (Mal.) 13 IS 88 47 41 47 41 6 24 17 75 Harra Mal 625.58 10 10 37 18 19 18 19 14 14 76 Patri i,S06.32 63 63 348 176 172 12 10 157 1.58 9 f14 95 Patel dhana 34 34 183 96 87 9 6 85 79 2 6(i 54 School dhana· 29 29 16S 80 85 3 4 72 79 1 54 41 77 Dharagohan 768.84 19 19 135 72 63 72 63 44 28 78 Chak dhana Ryt. 480.73 4 30 228 118 no 4 3 114 107 1 1 71 54 Chale dhana 1 27 206 106 101 4 3 101 98 1 1 61 51 Doma dJuma 3 3 22 13 9 13 9 10 3 79 Gorpad Ryt. 301.42 9 9 47 20 27 20 27 14 l3 80 Dhakna 809.17 25 2S 137 78 59 75 59 21 41" 38 Patel dhana 22 22 119 68 SI 65 SI 18 34 32 Gondi dlu:ma 3 .3 18 10 8 10 8 3 7 6 81 Gullardhana 674.92 40 40 243 121 122 22 22 86 90 3 •.• 70 59 Dhabadluma 17 17 121 9S 62 SI 57 33 25 Gullardhana 13 13 63 28 35 7 11 16 19 1 20 19 Jamlln dhana 10 10 59 34 2S IS 11 19 14 2 17 IS 82 Jhapal 2,932.40 162 162 1,061 532 529 17 10 491 498 47 7 305 150 Plpal dhana 38 38 277 136 141 130 139 13 5 77 61 ShYam dhana 2S 2S ISS 80 7S 80 75 1 SI 44 Nalea dhana 21 21 123 61 62 S2 51 16 2 36 11 Jhumka dhana 17 17 93 42 51 42 51 21 26 Semol dluma 10 10 69 32 37 32 37 1 22 .. Tekkdi dhana 10 10 74 44 30 39 28 4 .. 21 Holdu dhana 12 12 62 30 32 6 4 24 28 21 6 BaJarl dhana 22 22 144 78 66 11 6 63 54 9 .. 39 1 Ghogra dhana 7 7 64 29 3S 29 35 3 17 1 83 Dadhari Ryt. 472.S7 13 13 89 43 46 43 46 6 23 13 84 Kutanga 1,030.19 73 78 413 214 199 4 6 209 193 26 112 66 Raiyatwari dhana 4 4 i6 13 13 13 13 1 8 5 Dhudha Dhana 9 9 52 28 24 28 24 3 15 7 Kotwar dhana 10 11 66 30 36 4 6 26 30 4 17 16 Pateldhana 19 21 98 51 47 50 47 13 27 21 Ihoomkadhana 13 15 62 34 28 34 28 3 17 8 Sadakdhana 6 6· 33 18 15 18 15 2 9 .9 Lohar dhana 12 12 76 40 36 40 36 19 85 Khamapur 1.777.24 68 87 491 238 253 8 . 2 214 237 23 5 135 97 US BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL

    Workers VI VII vm IX X I n m IV V(a) V(b) Non- Workers L.C. ,,_,..___, ,...--A---, ,---"---. r-"---, ..---"---> ,.....-J'--. ~ ~ ~ ,....-A--. ~ F M F M F No. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 37 38 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 :!S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 18 11 11 1 6 3 1 1 " .. .. 73 282 1 35 301 48, 4 2 ...... 8 .. 280 361 16 .f(} , 1~ .. 2 13 9 ...... 64 14 66 .5 ., .. ., ...... 1 69 95 65 5 69 14 ...... 4 52 62 1 1 2 ...... 1 5 4 26 .. 4 28 3 ., ...... 26 34 33 3 36 5 .. 3 1 ...... 2 39 31 13 I 5 ZO 2 .. 1 I ...... 20 21 64 1 67 10 ., ...... 53 68 74 53 27 7 13 S ...... 5 58 87 32 11 5 12 4 ...... 5 .. 35 63 24 21 16 2 1 1 ...... 23 4 S 7S 7 7 6 7 1 ...... 77 76 69 16 36 79 S ...... 4 .~ 62 ., 36 33 40 10 18 44 1 .. .. 1 ... 26 44 29 6 18 35 4 ...... 3 .. 28 35 77 31 13 28 ...... 47 S6 78 47 1, 21 53 3 .. .. .' . ., 44 50 41 1 11 50 3 .. .. 4, ...... 3 6 6 .. 3 .. 6 14 79 4 4 10, 9 ...... 2 37 2l 80 29 29 5 9 S ...... 2 34 19 23 24 4 8 .5 ...... 3 2 1 ...... 6 5 I 51 63 81, 47 26 14 31 4 .. 2 2 .. ., .. 3 .. 2 26 37 24 14 5 11 2 ...... B 16 13 1 4 10 1 2 2 ...... 10 10 S 5 10 1 ...... 1 .. 11 379 82 235 9 43 140 19 .. 3 1 1 .. ., .. .. 4 .. 'D..7 2 59 80 59 1 8 59 6 .. 2 1 ...... 31 39 8 44 4 ...... 29 25 51 ' 21 2 .5 9 3 ...... 1 .. 18 2 3 24 ...... 21 25 10 37 .16 .. 4 2 ...... 11 .. 2 1 1 ...... 23 30 14 3 7 3 ...... 9 26 39 65 29 1 .5 3 1 ...... 1 .. 16 1 1 ...... 12 34 21 4 1 9 1 ...... 20 33 83 92 26 11 39 6 .. 1 1 ...... 2 ... 102 133 84 .5 2 3 3 ...... 5 B 13 4 2 3 .. .. ., . 13 17 12 4 2 12 2 ...... 1 .d 13 20 23 6 1 14 1 1 1 ...... 1 .. 24 26 16 4 1 4 ._...... 11 20 5 6 2 3 2 ...... 9 6 18 .. 1 ...... ;. 21 36 32 9 2 ., ~ .. ... ~ .. lQ3 1~~ ~ 108 6S 11 .. - ." . ... ,- " 116 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total PopUlation Literate A.Iea of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village /Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribos persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house .---"----, ,..---A---, ,---A--, ,--A---.. No. Block in Km.' houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Shyamapur 13 16 112 56 56 46 48 9 2 31 21 Lain dhana 6 7 41 22 20 22 20 1 12 8 Patel dhana 11 13 53 29 24 8 2 15 16 4 1 17 6 Rounpur 10 11 69 31 38 31 38 2 1 18 18 Thana dhana 17 27 131 61 70 61 70 3 34 29 Sadakdhana 11 13 84 39 45 39 45 4 1 23 15 86 Mungajhiri Ryt. 375.07 19 20 124 59 65 59 6S 1 1 35 25 87 Bhandwa 2,058.89 112 117 736 369 367 20 20 343 345 61 8 218 49 Tekdidhana 14 14 271 134 137 132 137 19 2 85 12 Bandi Bhandra 39 39 59 31 28 3 4 28 24 1 18 5 Jamundhana 12 13 100 51 49 51 49 10 27 9 Schooldhana 12 14 85 41 44 16 15 22 27 12 4 24 6 Dara; dhana 21 23 147 76 71 1 1 74 70 9 42 8 Bhagat dhana 14 14 74 36 38 36 38 10 2 22 9 88 Manakdand 1,316.91 54 61 362 179 183 15 13 160 163 13 114 29 Bhawal dllalla 11 11 66 29 -37 29 37 1 20 5 Grundi dhalla 4 5 J4 15 19 15 19 1 11 6 Patel dhana 23 26 146 75 71 15 13 56 52 10 49 11 Fera dhalla 16 19 116 6() 56 60 55 1 34 7 89 Singar Chaodi 1,442.73 79 82 511 258 253 12 13 177 174 30 144 lOS Dhammoo dha"a 23 13 143 67 76 2 3 54 63 11 38 26 Naya dhana 20 20 133 78 55 4 2 58 46 2 44 30 Singar Chaod; 27 30 174 84 90 6 8 37 34 16 1 45 32 Padha dllana 9 9 61 29 32 28 31 1 17 17 90 Ratanpur 3,232.58 145 152 934 463 471 12 12 370 400 52 13 264 241 Kotu (/hana 62 67 405 219 /86 170 151 25 2 127 100 School dhana 14 15 79 40 39 9 8 17 21 16 8 21 16 Amdhana 32 33 225 /09 116 98 108 6 3 62 62 Neem dhana 11 11 57 28 29 3 4 21 21 11 15 Semal dhana 26 16 168 67 101 64 99 5 43 48 91 Khatapani 1,107.86 53 55 360 177 183 4 1 170 179 19 5 90 18 Kokadhana 14 15 1/0 54 56 54 56 1 1 29 4 Phatta dirana 17 17 102 55 47 1 54 47 6 2 28 1 Khatapani 22 23 148 68 80 3 1 62 76 12 2 33 13 92 Dori 1,226.87 67 68 387 180 207 168 198 11 114 SO Baka; kheda 31 3/ 180 88 92 85 90 5 55 33 Rani kheda /8 19 102 41 61 41 61 1 27 16 Dori /8 18 105 51 54 42 47 5 32 1 93 Palaspani 1,278.25 86 88 511 253 258 2 6 251 252 6 159 131 G hu ti dhana 21 22 64 35 29 35 29 4 21 15 Mahu dhana 7 8 64 34 30 34 30 19 11 Bairagarh /2 11 97 47 50 47 50 1 31 11 Palaspani 45 46 286 /37 149 2 6 135 143 1 88 94 94 Lakkad Jam 2,433.97 83 90 507 259 248 11 15 165 153 69 20 15S 119 Bada dhana 45 50 280 145 135 9 }O 84 70 49 18 85 54 Kuda dhana 13 14 71 39 32 14 14 10 1 21· 15 Sadak dhana 9 10 67 30 37 28 35 6 22 22 Khadka dhana /6 16 89 45 44 2 5 39 34 4 1 17, 18 95 Hidli 1,2.24.64 36 41 254 135 119 7 13 102 82 37 22 71 65 Nidli 18 20 107 58 119 7 1.1 25 12 22 21 :31 24 117


    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VllI IX X Non­ ,_..___, Workers r---"-...., L.C. M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 25 17 2 4 1 2 1 .. 25 35 10 4 1 4 1 10 12 7 3 4 3 2 4 " 12 18 16 16 2 2 13 20 32 20 9 2 27 41 18 5 4 10 1 16 30 32 12 2 13 1 24 40 86 157 26 50 23 6 2 3 .. 151 318 87 67 6 14 6 4 49 125 11 2 6 3 1 " 13 23 24 8 3 1 24 40 12 2 8 4 2 2 " 17 38 28 5 12 3 2 34 63 15 3 7 6 .. 14 29 74 S 26 24 10 2 2 .. 65 154 88 11 6 5 3 9 32 4 6 6 1 4 13 27 4 13 7 5 2 2 " 16 60 32 1 1 6 1 26 49 105 79 2S 19 8 3 6 2 114 148 89 27 16 7 10 4 29 50 37 26 5 4 1 1 " 34 25 29 22 10 3 1 1 3 6 1 1 " 39 58 12 15 322 12 15 210 123 32 114 13 3 2 1 " 5 2 199 230 90 102 43 19 56 4 2 1 92 86 13 9 2 5 1 1 4 2 19 23 50 35 5 27 6 1 47 54 8 6 2 8 1 1 17 14 37 30 4 18 2 24 53 67 17 16 4 1 1 1 .. 87 165 91 23 4 3 2 1 25 52 24 211 1 .. 27 46 20 1 11 12 1 35 67 76 9 32 41 4 1 .. 66 157 92 36 8 16 25 3 33 59 22 1 4 15 1 14 45 18 12 1 1 1 " 19 53 109 90 40 40 .. 2 1 1 7 " 94 127 93 14 13 . 2 1 2 1 3 14 14 12 6 7 5 15 19 15 3 16 8 16 39 68 68 15 26 .. 1 4 49 55 111 37 118 2 4 104 129 94 62 1 17 53 2 4 60 81 16 .. 5 15 18 17 16 5 2J 1 8 15 17 to 28 18 16 61 51 8 13 2 1 64 54 95 28 17 2 6 ... 1 1 27 25 118


    Total Population Literate Area. of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,------'--~ ~ ,..-"---, ,..-"---, No. Block in Km.· houses holds P M F M F M F M F Mi: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 Semal dhana 13 16 111 59 52 59 52 13 1 30 31 Patel dhana 5 5 36 18 18 18 18 2 10 10 96 Pipariya 2,058.35 'Y1 tI2 683 348 335 7 S 293 284 69 23 1.94 203 Gawadi dhana 8 9 6() 29 31 29 31 5 4 14 22 Patel dhafla 38 39 250 134 116 7 5 108 98 41 12 76 70 Kumhar dhana 20 25 ISO 82 68 74 60 5 43 44 Hamid dhana 31 39 223 103 120 82 95 18 7 61 67 97 Adarsh Dhanora I,S03.33 83 93 S23 262 261. 10 2 161 163 93 39 130 68 Sadak dhana 24 26 /30 60 70 39 51 12 8 35 17 Godi dhana 13 16 88 44 44 38 37 7 2 24 8 Patel dhana 41 46 265 127 138 5 63 75 45 23 67 43 School dhana 5 5 40 31 9 5 2 21 29 6 4 98 Kunclbalaijan 3,562.84 128 140 824 384 440 3 6 264 29f 72 30 219 30 Palel dhana 34 37 219 105 114 2 4 83 90 25 5 58 8 Kajari dhana 40 44 258 120 138 1 2 42 44 26 20 71 5 Bakajan 37 39 211 94 117. 90 109 2 53 IS Gondl dhana 17 20 136 65 71 49 48 19 5 37 2 99 Pat Ryt. 1,718.32 99 99 677 342 33S 6 S 211 2:13 84 10 202 73 Semal dol 14 14 103 56 47 13 14 15 28 11 lamunpani 19 19 164 85 79 10 13 9 1 55 6 Tekdi dhana 12 12 74 35 39. 35 39 11 2 19 13 Pal Ryt. 31 31 193 90 103 4 86 98 29 4 53 28 Sodak dhana 2.~ 23 143 76 67 2 67 64 20 3 47 15 100 Bela 2,964.00 88 9S S06 244. 262. 1 S 210 214 30 8 12S 3· Bela 40 47 266 134 132 1 5 .127 122 24 6 68 2 ~ 20 20 ill Q n 62 73 1 28 1 Dol 20 20 70 29 41 2 3 4 2 19 Khadak dhana 8 8 35 19 16. 19 16 1 10 101 Bhimpur 3,351.30 183 128 1,222 621 601 S9 54 446 428 154 76 303 43 Khar; dhana 25 26 145 74 71 65 64 1 35 lamun dhana 12 12 64 32 32 32 32 18 .. Palol 4 4 36 19 17 19 17 1 1 9 1 Emali dhana 21 21 113 63 50 63 SO 7 1 31 1 Bare d/rana 29 31 185 92 93 92 93 1 52 Sindiplawa 18 18 115 57 58 3 2 54 56 27 Behdadhana 33 38 219 101 , 118 89 97 12 9 55 32 Bazardhana 41 78 345 183 162 56 52 32 19 132 65 76 9 102 GacIba Khar 2,780 86 94 96 S8S 298 387 8 4 280 277 28 1 181 120 Emalidhana 13 13 81 45 36 2 37 36 10 26 17 SlhardhaRQ IS 15 74 36 38 35 38 1 26 16 Gadha Khar 66 68 430 217 213 6 4 208 203 17 1 129 87 103 Nanda S47.52 39 47 238 tIS 113 38 36 42 S 72 8 Nanda 31 38 192 106 86 27 17 37 5 61 7 Stlllakdhana 8 9 46 19 27 11 19 5 11 1 104 Bakka 1,983.48 67 72 399 202 197 13 12 171 168 6 111 SI Goli dhana 13 14 84 43 41 36 35 1 28 10 Sodak dhana 31 33 180 86 94 4 3 71 80 1 46 20 KalWar dhana 23 25 135 73 62 9 9 64 53 4 37 21 lOS Guradiya 1,706.37 69 70 419 220 199 220 199 3 128 48 ParsaPQnl 41 41 245 128 117. 128 .117 75 23 119 BiiA1NSDEiiI TAhsiL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r--"---, ~, L.C. M F M F No. 17 ~8 ~9 20 21 2Z 23 114 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 27 29 2 2 .• 1 .. 29 21 6 5 4 , •• 8 8 163 172 16 24 5 7 7 3 .. 154 132 96 14 22 15 9 6B 63 4 5 1 2 3 .. 58 46 32 35 3 , J 5 4 39 24 49 52 9 14 2 1 1 42 53 87 32 13 36 8 1 2 .. 1 .. 8 .. 132 193 97

    18 4 11 13 4 "' .i> 2 25 53 , 1 18 3 4 II .;. 1 20 36 51 25 8 18 2 2 1 .. 3 •• 60 95 1 3 .. 27 9 141 2 64 28 7 4 .. 3 .. 165 410 98 28 29 8 1 47 106 58 8 5 1 2 2 .. 49 133 26 2 22 13 3 2 .. 41 102 29 5 2 2 1 .. 28 69 165 62 17 10 14 1 .I: I." .. • ••• 4 .. 140 262 99 25 10 1 1 2 28 36 45 4 7 1 2 1 1 30 13 11 8 7 5 1 16 26 49 27 1 1 1 2 .. 37 75 35 13 ' 2 2 8 ...... 2 .. 29 52 108 2 3 1 10 1 3 .. 119 259 100 56 2 3 5 1 3 .. 66 130 27 1 1 34 72 18 1 10 41 7 3 ...... 9 16 201 2 32 30 4 9 .• 1 .. 1 9 46 11 31,8 558 101 26 7 1 1 39 71 14 4 14 32 8 1 1 10 16 31 1 32 49 46 6 40 93 25 2 30 58 38 1 12 30 1 1 3 1 46 86 13 2 1 .... 8 1 •• 8 43 9 107 153 141 106 19 14 IF. ,I' ',1. 1 4 .. 11.7 (67 102 16 13 2 4 8 •• '!" 19 19 22 14 2 2 2 .1 ','. 10 22 103 19 15 8 6 1 4 •• 88 126 48 3 9 5 8 2 .• 2 1 2 .• 53 1.05 103 42 3 6 4 8 J 2 1 45 79 6 .. 3 1 .. 2 •• 8 26 95 1 13 49 •• 2 1 1 .. 91 146 ~04 24 4 10 ...... 15 31 41 1 3 18 2 1 40 14 30 6 2l I .. 36 41 124 39 3 9 1 92 151 105 13 22 2 1 53 94 lio


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Tatar Location Village/Towni acres and OCCUpied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban oftown/ward residential house- ,- ~ ~----, ~---, ~'----. No. Block in Km.· houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,5 16 Seet Kheia ]7 17 118 61 57 61 57 2 34 21 Gondi dhana ]] ]2 56 31 25 31 25 1 19 4 106 Makda 1,106.08 2S 2S 133 68 65 ;Z 2 63 62 9 37 17 101 ChikhaH 3,959.19 219 230 ~,364 699 665 38 37 595 558 67 78 366 83 Patwari dhana 12 16 79 44 35 1 1 43 34 5 1 19 8 Khadaka dhana 12 12 62 30 32 30 32 2 20 Bhaide dhana 23 23 172 84 88 82 85 1 47 Gorkhi dhana 38 42 246 122 124 5 4 113 111 4 4 52 19 Bhadri dhana 45 45 262 145 117 143 117 5 76 4 Umeendhana 20 21 128 66 62 59 57 2 60 38 30 Kotwar dhana 22 24 134 66 6B 31 32 29 31 19 10 31 10 Goli dhana 47 47 281 142 139 1 96 91 29 3 83 12 108 Ghogara Ryt. 694.83 35 35 221 105 1.16 101 114 2 62 57 109 Chohtapopti 2,775.29 116 123 787 395 392 21 27 348 335 39 7 221 238 Chohtapopti 50 52 343 171 172 155 151 35 7 98 110 Popti 66 71 444 224 220 21 17 193 184 4 123 128 1,10 Ratamati 2,326.53 88 88 520 2S5 265 23 23 229 240 30 1 139 39 Ratamati 57 57 334 168 166 9 11 156 153 17 1 90 39 Gonddhana 28 28 160 73 87 73 87 7 41 Neebu dhana 3 3 26 14 12 14 12 6 8 111 Jamu 2,348.56 100 103 664 338 326 8 7 315 299 26 2 191 19 Jamu 44 45 296 ]51 145 8 7 132 124 14 1 86 13 Gullar dhana 56 58 368 167 181 183 175 12 1 105 6 112 Palsya 3,138.69 123 131 823 419 404 18 14 289 217 48 12 228 58 Palsya 59 64 391 202 189 14 9 76 67 48 12 112 13 Lebar dhana 24 25 147 71 76 4 71 72 42 24 Sona}i dhana 37 39 267 136 131 4 1 132 130 67 14 Muklidhana 3 3 18 10 8 10 8 7 7 H3 Genhu-barra 484,79 Uninhabited' _ 114 Uti 1,618.03 93 93 582 278 304 48 44 230 260 49 167 150 Uti 53 53 321 153 168 48 44 105 124 41 92 77 Gorkhi dhana 40 40 261 125 136 125 136 8 75 73 ll5 Rambha 3.269.31 197 210 1,217 601 616 15 13 534 553 48 10 349 317 Rambha 31 34 228 110 118 106 111 20 8 60 57 Behra dhana 12 17 125 67 58 23 17 11 1 33 18 Godada dhana 29 32 181 86 95 86 95 3 51 52 Emalipani 16 16 78 37 41 37 41 23 25 Jhagripani 21 21 103 58 45 58 45 39 29 Meghnath dhana 24 26 127 59 6B 59 68 9 1 39 36 Ring dhana 47 47 272 135 137 135 137 75 67 Hanuman dhana 17 17 103 49 54 15 13 30 39 5 29 33 116 Dhodra 1,254.37 71 , 71 408 206 202 17 16 1,82 178 8 102 4 Mouve dhana 18 18 107 55 52 17 16 38 36 7 25 Mouve dhana 53 53 301 151 150 144 142 1 77 4 i:17 Lakhajhiri 1,859.42 S4 54 320 162 158 148 146 8 79 Kolwar dhana 21 21 122 67 55 57 45 3 32 Barra dhana 10 [0 56 29 27 29 27 11 Lakhalhiri 23 23 142 66 76 62 74 5 36 118 Chandu 2,480.23 US 125 661 320 341 61 67 ~63 175 103 23 179 89 Malu dhana 6 5 46 20 26 .• , 15 20 1 13 10 '121 BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r-A-, ~ ~,....-_. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.....-'~ ~ r-"---I Le. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. fJ 18 19 7J) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33------34 35 36 37 38 1 32 13 1 8 1 27 36 19 4 12 21 31 4 17 1 31 48 106 267 .i 37 77 47 4 2 3 8 3 333 582 107 17 8 2 25 27 12 2 6 .. 10 32 32 1 13 1 37 88 35 14 18 2 1 1 70 105 62 4 12 _ 2 .~ 69 113 27 8 28 1 2 1 1 28 32 16 .. 8 10 3 4 .. 35 58 66 1 4 9 11 2 2 59 127 53 50 5 7 3 •• 1 43 59 108 192 22S 6 9 18 2 2 1 2 •... 2 .. 174 154 1.09 84 106 3 4 9 .• 1 1 .• 7." 62 108 119 3 5 9 1 1 2 1 .. 101 92 78 21 49 17 10 r 1 .. 116 226 110 45 21 37 17 6 1 1 1.. 78 127 27 10 4 32 87 6 2 6 12 144 1 35 18 8 4 147 307 111 53 1 25 12 4 4 6.5 132 91 10 6 4 82 175 130 33 52 24 33 1 7 4 .. 191 346 11.2 54 5 16 8 31 7 4 90 176 27 13 11 10 2 1 29 52 46 11 2J 3 69 117 3 4 4 3 3 1 Uninhabited .. 113 126 109 34 41 5 2.. 1.11 154 1.14 69 54 18 23 3 2 .. 61 91 57 55 16 18 2 50 63 256 186 51 115 26 5 3 1 4 2 2 1 1.... 9 4 252 299 115 45 44 4 10 4 1 1 .. 1 1.. .. 5 1 50 61 12 7 7 5 11 4 1 2 2 34 40 44 45 344 1 2 3.5 43 18 5 25 14 16 28 11 29 19 16 28 23 2 9 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 20 32 69 67 .5 1 60 70 12 14 33 2 " 1 ... 20 21 90 1 524 1 1 2 .. 104 198 116 20 2 3 30 .52 70 1 321 1 1 2 .. 74 146 65 4 5 2 1 .. 2 .. 83 158 117 23 3 3 2 1 .. 3.5 5.5 10 1 .... 18 27 32 1 2 1 .. 30 76 99 2 38 85 6 21 2 1 2 .u 12 .. 141 252 118 13 10 7 16 122 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate ,---- Area of \Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Townl acresand Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons Worker Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r-"---. r-"---. ~ ~ No. Block in Km. B houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 3 9 1.0 11 \7. 13 14 15 16 Korkudhana 25 36 139 13 66 62 55 9 48 27 Chandu 31 23 137 58 79 4 5 23 34 26 8 29 10 Gawahadi tihana 6 6 45 21 24 Zl .24 7 3 10 11 CMmar dhana 28 28 179 88 91 44 52 7 5 47 7 40 12 Ged; dhana 22 27 115 60 55 13 10 .J5 37 13 5 39 19 119 Dhow Mal. 210.58 5 5 35 17 18 3 5 1.4 13 3 9 3 120 Dhokna Ryt. 431.99 36 37 205 100 lOS 100 105 1 53 15 121 Belthana 1,1:80.55 84 84 486 253 233 252 2]0 2 140 45 Belthana 21 21 125 57 68 56 6S 1 32 10 Patel dhana 63 63 361 196 165 196 165 1 108 35 ~22 Chopni Khurd 1,046.99 32 32 190 97 93 1 2 94. 39 59 15 123 Majarwani 1,51.4.59 97 91 584 303 281 30 30 lSS 1.5S 54 13 168 3 Gol; dhana 42 42 262 138 124 25 27 2 3 32 12 71 1 Korku dhana 17 17 81 42 39 40 39 1 28 Majarwani 13 13 94 50 44 45 42 7 1 29 Godidhana 25 25 147 73 74 5 3 68 11 8 40 2 124 Dada pakhami 1,033.85 51 55 286 138 148 10 6 126 {40 f8 17 75 6 125 Umadla 1,000.70 29 29 ISO 78 72 2 2 13 68 2 5S 11 126 Raksi 1,635.07 66 66 438 214 2)J 11 8 1.65 170 2 120 17 Raksi 54 54 351 174 183 II 8 161 169 1 98 .10 Goli dhana 12 12· 81 tfO 41 4 1 1 22 7 127 Kukdi 1,294.38 Uninhabited .. 128 Khapa 757.96 Uninhabited " 1.:%9 Rayta 1,015.31 Uninhabited •• }30 Buretha 616.86 38 42 295 143 152 10 9 130 1.39 2 79 18 Buretha 32 35 256 124 132 6 5 118 127 1 70 18 Lohar dllana 6 7 39 19 20 4 4 12 12 1 9 131 Kasya 894.92 33 36 207 1.06 101 106 1.01 4 1 56 59 Patel dhana 9 11 56 27 29 27 29 2 1 13 11 Dakhajhir; dhana 5 5 ~3 17 16 17 16 9 9 Kasya 19 20 118 62 56 62 56 2 34 33 132 Dokya 463.39 42 48 234 118 1l.6 12 11 95 97 38 {j 68 19 Patel dhana 5 6 33 15 18 15 18 1 8 4 Dokya 21 24 103 52 51 4 7 40 40 20 4 31 7 Jogi dhana 16 18 98 51 41 8 4 40 J9 11 2 29 8 133 Mendha (Kasyamendha) 1,585.27 45 48 274 135 139 J2 16 115 1.18 9 1 81 76 134 Gada Goban 2,088.14 46 51 299 160 139 32 11 100 87 1 1 94 11 Gadagohan 7 9 71 37 34 1 20 9 Ganga}; dhana 39 42 228 123 105 12 11 99 87 1 1 74 2 135 Bhadugaon 1,150.26 28 33 183 99 84 8 3 91 81 2 S9 6 136 Labada 533.1.4 Uninhabited 137 Kumbhi 1,616.34 48 SS 323 ISS 168 U5 1.68 114 67 138 Jamnya 2,568.05 134 154 795 408 387 39 37 214 204 1S 9 236 103 Korko dhana 20 24 1.16 65 71 65 71 8 1 42 11 Bajar; dhana 28 30 178 94 84 4 1 21 2 50 16 Goli dhana 28 31 124 61 61 1 17 1 36 - 5 Jamnya 30 37 187 97 90 39 37 55 51 27 5 54 23 Gangali .dhona 28 32 170 89 . 81 89 81 2 54 38 139 Chona Lohma 6,87341 323 343 1,985 •• 001 984 23 21 -920 910 94 15 S12 97 DhflVda Khor 27 27 170 92 78 .12 10 80 68 3 51 17 123 BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers r IT m IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,..-0-...... --A--I L.C. M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 29 .. 13 27 2 3 1 .. 25 39 20 1 '2 9 1 6 .. 29 69 7 1 2 10 .. 1 .. 11 13 9 12 .10 " 16 2 1 1 .. 1 .. 48 79 21 9 19 4 .. 1 4 .. 21 36 8 3 1 .. 8 15 119 41 ! 9 14 3 47 90 120 86 :( SO 44 3 .. 1 U3 188 12 ... 21 1 ·7 9 3 1 25 58 65 .. 43 35 88 130 38 IS 19 1 1 38 78 122 104 " 48 3 7 1 2 1 .. 5 .. OS 278 123 39 26· 1 Ii .. 1 .. 1 .. 67 123 14 12 2 .. 14 39 24 1 2 2 21 44 27 10 2 2 1 33 72 62 3 4, 3 7 2 .. 63 1'42 124 37 .. 15 11 1 2 .. 23 61' 125 1.06 8 9 9 3 1 .. 1 .. 94 2JY1 126 88 3 771 1 .. 1 .. 76 173 18 5 222 18 34 Uninhabited .. 1.27 • • Uninhabited .. 128 • • Uninhabited .'. 129 68 1 17 9 1 1 .. 64 1.34 ~30 60 1 17 9 .. 1 .. 54 114 8 1 10 20 46 4 4 55 6 50 42 131 '11 2 15 2 14 12 6 1 3 8 8 7 29 1 1 32 4 28 23 58 I 19 5 1 3 ... SO 97 132 '7 4 1 7 14 25 1 3 1 2 ... 21 44 26 .. 1 8 1 1 .. 22 39 62 3 5 72 12 2 1 54 63 1.33 54 •. 7 2 30 2 1 1 7 .... 1 .• 66 128 1.34 1 1 17 2 1 7 17 25 53 6 2 13 .. 1 1 ... 49 103 49 1 5 4 5 ~ 40 78 135 Uninhabited " 136 104 . 1 67 9 41' tal 137 146 71 31 24 42 3 3 1 7 5 6 .. 172 284 138 28 7 5 4 5 .. 1 1 2 .. 23 60 35 16 7 7 2 3 6 44 58 10 1 23 1 5 1 .. 27 56 33 15 13 8 4 1 3 .. 43 67 40 33 5 5 8 .. 1 35 43 454 5 85 90 16 6 12 .. 3 6 1 419 887 139 4Q 9 17 ., If J ...... - ., .' ., ., 1 ., 41 61 124


    Total Population Literate Area of . (Including and (I-lX) Name nf village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated. Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ~ . ~ ,...... -A--, ~ No Block in Km. II houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 t6 Patel dhana 19 20 115 60 55 60 55 37 5 Plpariya 44 45 257 126 131 126 131 1 84 It Mallya dhalla 24 24 162 79 83 79 83 48 6 Ral)'otwarl 16 20 106 50 56 SO 56 30 20 Behda dhaJla 13 J4 83 40 43 2 1 33 39 1 22 9 Pipal dhoJlo 13 18 113 59 ·54 57 53 4 3 32 8 Togadhano 18 19 119 58 61 58 61 1 2 34 7 MitWQ dhana 13 14 82 44 38 44 38 4 28 Chordhana 12 12 81 40 41 8 6 32 35 6 21 Poha dhana 15 17 94 53 41 .. 53 41 7 32 Chuna/ohyo 36 38 192 99 93 1 4 54 47 f 34 9 45 7 Kham dhona 10 11 46 20 26 17 23 1 11 Maudhana 15 16 92 44 48 44 48 6 26 .. Jhuru dhana 34 34 176 84 92 80 88 20 47 7 Moraddhano 14 14 97 53 44 53 44 5 1 24 140 Ghana Raipur 3Z3.00 26 26 157 79 78 76 74 46 4 141 Dhamnya 1,503.46 115 121 696 358 338 23 21 285 275 94 14 185 16 Deol; dhano 46 46 255 132 123 8 9 105 106 39 6 69 8 Dhamnyo 53 55 316 160 156 15 12 114 110 53 8 87 8 Korkudhono 16 20 125 66 .$9 66 59 2 29 142 Newaralond Ryt. 676.35 Yo 37 ZI~ 115 96 3 2 111 94 3 6S Newarolond 19 19 115 66 49 3 2 62 47 1 37 Bala}1 dhana 17 18 96 49 47 49 47 2 28 1:43 Ratamati 7,863.74 260 290 1,724 839 885 (00 111 535 576 190 S9 5ts 203 Ratamati 89 107 540 265 275 65 6B 77 76 103 35 154 30 Parabhu dhana 62 65 431 204 227 25 23 101 137 72 22 120 73 Sel;" 38 39 216 103 113 102 113 2 62 13 Padharl 33 39 244 117 127 10 20 105 107 10 2 80 44 BhadavKolu 22 25 169 88 81 88 81 51 21 Bholuguthi 16 20 124 62 62 62 62 3 42 22 144 Kotmi 832.35 33 37 186 94 92 1 91 9t 2 59 26 145 Simon 1,910.02 5S 58 323 159 164 35 40 111. 11.6 10 94 47 146 Sonajba.r 437.11 24 25 167 90 77 5 2 85 75 1 50 24 147 Dooni 228.78 6 6 . 29 14 . 15 14 15 8 6 148 Jamu thana 1,518.98 45 45 300 148 .152 23 25 115 11.3 6 76 49 Jamudhana 23 23 .181. 91 90 15 13 70 71 .5 46 29 Kotwor dhuna 16 16 87 42 45 8 12 34 33 1 23 16 Nay .. dhana 6 6 32 15 17 11 9 7 4 149 MahaJpani 1,716.12 33 33 180 86 94· 15 i6 66 75 16 55 16 150 Kerpani 3,126.66 113 128 .633. 302 331 12 13 228 264 72 26 181 175 Kerpani 29 35 J59 66 93 6 12 59 80 [8 4 47 55 Dodu dhana 32 33 190 83 107 5 1 72 104 5 49 54 Tasi dhana 1 1 3 3 1 Ba/rang dhana 7 1- 26 16 10 1 11 4 8 5 Dha}od dluma 16 19 105 SO 55 1 15 15 22 17 7.7 11 Moldhodi 7 8 32 21 ..11 21 11 2 1 12 8 Korkudhana 21 25 118 63 .)5 60 54 /4 37 32 151 Theska 1.183.13 58 58 335 165 170 1l W 136 141 51 9 107 3f1 Theska 14 14 77 39 38 36 34 6 28 12 Rostewola dhano 44 44 .:58·· U6 .132 11 10 100 107 45 9 79 18 125 BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,.-.J---., ~ r---A--. ~ ,---"--, ,---"--, r--A--, ,--A---, ,...... -J---. ,---"--, ,...---J'--.. L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. ------17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 'J:l 28 29 33 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 1

    30 7 5 ., •• .• 23 50 71 13 11 ...... 42 120 41 7 6 ...... 31 77 29 1 20 . . • . .. 20 36 16 . . 3 9 3 •• • . . • 18 34 16 14 8 1 1 ...... 27 46 22 11 7 1 ...... 24 54 22 3 3 .. " " 16 38 15 4 1 ...... 1. . 19 41 18 12 2 ...... 21 41 29 1.1 4 6 1 1 1.. 3 ...... 41 54 86 11 ...... 9 26 24 2 .. ., .. .. 18 48 46 4 3 1 ...... 37 85 24 ...... 29 44 3S 5 4 S 1 .• •. •• 33 74 1M) J29 2 39 14 3 10 1 ...... 3.. 173 322 t41 48 1 14 7 2 3 ...... 2.. 63 115 58 1 19 7 1 7 1 ...... 1.. 73 148 23 6 .• ., .. 37 59 57 5 2 ...... 1. . 50 96 142 32 2 2 ...... 1 .. 2949 25 3 ...... 21 47 'J:l8 3 193 181 11 21 18 6 6 1 324 682 143 84 1 43 13 5 17 16 5 .. 111 245 55 1 53 70 2 3 1 6 1 1 84 154 48 12 13 2 41 100 52 26 44 2 37 83 7 49 21 1 31 60 32 1 10 20 1 20 40 41 16 26 1 .. 35 66 144 63 29 47 1 65 117 145 41 9 24 40 53 146 8 1 5 6 9 1'47 53 2 21 47 1 1... 72 103 148 31 13 29 1 45 61 16 1 6 15 1 .. 19 29 5 1 2 3 8 13 47 1 5 15 1 2 31 78 149 111 129 43 41 13 2 5 2 2 1 6 .. 121 156 150 34 45 7 10 4 1 1 .. 19, 38 34 43 9 7 2 1 2 1 2 2 34 53 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 .. 8 5 12 16 8 5 3 4 .. 23 34 9 6 3 1 ] 9 3 19 17 13 /5 3 2 26 23 73 2 29 28 2 3 .. 58 tM) 151 10 16 12 2 11 26 63 2 13 16 3 •. 47 114 126


    Total Population Literate Area of (Inoluding and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled edcuated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No. af houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban oftown/ward residential house ,.-___ A.___ ...... ~ ,..---1'-"-1 No. Block in Km.2 houses holds P M F M F M F ~~----- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 152 Borgaon 2,212.67------1,33 133 727 377 350------59 48 281 268 84 11 233 162 Chhinil dhQlla 31 31 169 88 81 21 18 46 41 23 3 50 19 Mahavir dhana 8 8 26 12 14 11 13 1 10 2 Gullar dhana 13 13 62 36 26 14 11 22 14 7 2 12 17 Bishakh 77 77 449 226 223 19 17 192 195 49 5 143 120 Guhl dhuna 4 4 21 15 6 5 1 10 5 4 1 8 4 153 Macbbi 2,883.86 122 139 729 383 346 12 6 295 264 67 13 216 24 Golldhona 16 18 /03 50 53 J 4 15 1 29 1 Kool dhana 12 13 80 42 38 11 6 25 24 16 5 22 3 Chicholi tihana 42 49 147 126 121 1 104 105 34 7 69 6 Khodri dhlln!l 36 40 202 115 87 115 87 2 64 11 Machhi f6 19 97 SO 47 48 44 32 3 154 Ambhori 1,142.61 40 40 22S 110 115 20 22 85 89 8 69 16 IS5 Tembhumi 1,347.87 50 53 317 159 I58 15 18 140 135 39 13 91 50 Machhi 36 37 211 102 109 JJ 16 85 88 28 9 61 32 Kornu dhQlla 7 8 57 29 28 29 28 3 2 16 9 Patel dhana 7 8 49 28 21 2 2 26 19 8 2 14 9 156 Layawani 2.061.. 04 99 106 616 303 313 45 45 254 261 57 17 188 4S Naya dhana 32 33 191 101 91 101 91 4 61 15 Agantoda dhano 2 2 14 5 9 5 9 2 3 LayawQIII 65 71 410 197 213 45 45 148 161 53 17 115 ·27 151 MencJha Khapan 846.41 30 30 167 78 89 12 15 66 74 5 1 52 22 158 Khapa .523.40 31 31 201 106 954799862 7029 159 Siwanpat 1,880.26 35 45 236 118 118 5 6 112 111 4 71 72 160 Jballar 4,820.01 375 459 2,484 1,231 1,253 79 102 4'r1 421 482 183 671 465 RIlmJ; dhona 34 45 217 110 107 108 101 9 73 58 Komoda dhana 42 50 275 136 139 136 139 1 88 77 School dhana 7 15 73 47 26 23 4 37 11 15 4 Jhallar 253 307 1,722 845 877 79 102 140 148 398 155 438 284 Pool dhana 39 42 197 93 104 20 29 37 17 57 42 161 Batbiya 1,515.49 79 73 514 250 264 1,9 17 '11)7 22S 71 '11) 156 157 Manol dhana 4 6 29 16 . 13 6 6 1 1 6 1 9 9 Gaykldhana 25 13 182 86 96 13 11 73 85 25 9 52 57 Bothiya 23 25 135 71 64 67 63 18 5 46 36 Naya dhana 8 8 43 22 21 12 21 4 12 15 Lohar dhana 19 21 125 55 70 44 55 18 5 37 40 162 Nandara 887.26 24 26 140 72 68 72 68 9 35 42 Nondara 16 17 84 41 43 41 43 9 19 29 Korku dhana 8 9 56 31 25 31 25 16 13 163 Goregaon 930.49 150 174 930 478 452 66 47 117 110 106 12 296 243 Karku dhana 35 37 181 94 87 8 10 74 63 10 67 49 Goregaon 55 76 420 230 190 57 36 1 76 9 135 116 GoU dhllna 60 61 329 154 175 1 1 42 47 20 3 94 78 164 Masod 942.42 41 47 254 118 136 10 12 39 50 32 11 69 59 165 Borgaon 1.365.39 46 56 371 196 175 80 74 Z1 28 58 10 108 91 166 Amla 3,136.44 152 195 1,304 655 649 11 12 . 93 79 167 50 359 185 161 Ko1gaon 1,143.22 36 40 231 112 119 45 43 63 68 13 3 67 24 168 Malt;gaon 2,028.23 148 148 913 457 456 42 38 81 87 212 41 250 68 Malegaon 130 ' 130 805 405 400 33 32 38 37 198 41 221 43 , Korku dhano 18 18 108 52 56 9 6 4J 50 /4 29 25 1~1 BHAINSDEliI TAHSit Workers I n III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r--"--, r---"--. ~ ,.-...... '--, ,.----"--, r--"--, r--"-__ ,...... -, ~ ,.--"--. ,.--'--, L.C, M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 213 2 13 160 • 2 4 .. 144 188 .52 47 2 19 1 38 62 8 2 2 2 12 17 1 5 16 14 9 133 1 4 119 1 1 4 .. 83 103 8 4 7 2 131 SO 22 24 1. •• 3 1 1 1 .. 4 1 167 322 153 13 1 12 1 1 2 .. 21 52 11 523 1 2 1 20 35 43 18 6 3 1 .. 2 1 1 .. 57 115 43 17 11 4 51 76 21 9 3 2 18 44 35 26 16 6 1 1 .. 41 99 [54 65 U 48 11 2 1. 3 .. 68 108 155 46 5 30 7 2 1 2 " 41 77 9 592 13 19 10 1 9 2 1 ,. 14 12 124 4 58 41 2 1 3 115 268 156 35 2 25 13 1 40 76 1 1 3 3 6 88 2 32 25 1 1 3 .. 72 186 38 1 13 21. 1 .. 26 67 157 50 9 28 9 - 1" 1 1. •• 36 66 158 37 43 32 28 1 1 1 .. 4'i 46 159 339 123 153 260 13 5 54 SO 1.5 5 5 4 29 9 1 .. 62 9 560 788 160 37 11 36 47 37 49 64 24 77 4B 62 1 1 1 3 2 11 .. 32 22 220 112 72 98 10 2 S4 SO 14 5 3 3 24 9 1 " 40 5 407 593 17 21 37 2 1 .. 2 1 3 11 4 36 62 111 125 36 27 5 2 4 2 .. 94 1.07 1.61 8 8 1 1 7 4 36 48 10 8 4 1 2 .. 34 39 29 28 17 8 2S 28 8 10 3 S 1 10 6 30 31 5 5 2 4 18 30 2l 37 12 5 1 37 26 162 15 29 3 1 22 14 7 8 9 S 15 12 183 nO 59 66 36 5 3 1... 4 4 8 .. 182 209 163 32 26 29 21 1 4 2 1 .. 27 38 117 104 4 11 2 1 4 8 .. 95 74 34 40 26 34 33 1 4 .. .• 60 97 ·48 6 15 53 1. 2 3 49 77 164 53 49 53 42 2 •. 88 84 165 260 145 83 38 5 1 10 2 296 464 166 39 1 26 23 1 1 .. 45 95 167 185 59 67 1 1 5 ,., 207 388 168 175 40 42 1 1 5 '" 184 357 10 19 25 23 31 128

    PRlMAlY CENSUS ABSTRACT ------Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX} Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Soheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Oocupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ,-- r--A---.. ,.--A----, ,...---A---.. r-""---. No. Block in KIlI.2 houses holds P M F M F M ------F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 169 -Basner Kalan 1,814.81 156 156 1,310 660 650 50 47 102 113 ZAl 62 336 151 170 Basner Khurd r,060~46 159 159 989 483 506 34 42 87 90 150 42 272 18 171 Saygohan 1,452.49 62 74 460 219 241 10 6 201 223 38 3 13S 26 God; dhana 13 13 77 33 44 33 44 5, 20 10 Bokri dhana 33 39 2J8 118 120 10 6 104 110 21 2 71 13 Saygohan 16 22 145 68 77 64 69 12 1 44 3 172 Tamsar 1,230.49 57 58 343 162 181 12 7 128 144 36 14 lOS 26 School dhana 9 10 45 24 21 4 4 16 13 8 2 14, 5 Tamsar 48 48 298 138 160 8 3 112 131 28 12 91 21 173 Vijaygram 1,403.80 140 151 924 468 456 9 13 267 258 147 57 261 lU Jima dhana 43 45 262 134 128 133 128 5 1 84 41 Yijaygram 97 106 662 334 328 9 13 134 130 142 56 177 70 174 BaIner 2,376.13 60 87 484 236 248 8 10 101 100 10 f3 147 114 Patel dhana 39 61 327 158 169 47 46 46 12 101 66 Bhim dhana 21 26 157 79 79 8 10 54 54 24 1 46 48 115 Palaspani 1,464.50 22 25 152 71) 73 77 69 48 4S Tapti dbana 3 4 39 19 20 19 20 9 14 Bhainsa ghat 19 21 113 60 53 58 49 39 31 176 Bbainsaghat 2,563.41 46 42 21.5 U.4 101 9 6 102 91 6 80 62 BhQinsaghat 39 34 177 90 87 9 6 78 77 3 66 53 SuIQ; dhnna 7 8 38 '24 14 24 14 3 14 9 177 Babrya 1,566.11 18 18 91 41 44 2 4 32309 30ll 118 Rajola 2,484.48 19 79 425 '}J)7 218 1 7 1,60 175 24 9 r:u 94 ~~ • M m m w 7 7 98 106 24 8 84 61 Khodr; dhQna 23 23 131 62 69 62 69 1 37 33 179 Pandhurna 1,525.85 98 98 512 250 262 21 26 42 41 71 8 141, 140 180 Akkalwadi 2,365.45 127 128 774 391 383 29 34 92 90 149 '20 218 187 Akkalwadi 95 95 587 294 293 29 34 35 35 132 19 165 144 Kalar dhanQ 32 33 187 97 90 57 55 17 1 63 41 lSI Dahegud 1,766.91 147 IS8 1,0% 535 511 39 29 100 90 231 53 287 l66 Dahegud 82 91 618 314 304 35 23 71 62 129 31 162 151 Naye gaon 65 67 428 221 207 4 6 29 28 102 22 125 115 182 Korpa 1_,154.38 54 57 31:7 156 171 24 32 48 52 29 S 91 8 183 Chaugarh 2,090.80 50 60 345 175 170 1,5 10 135 136 21, 2 104 36 ChQugGrh 36 44 234 113 121 15 10 74 87 20 2 67 28 La/ai Pathr; 14 16 111 62 49 61 49 1 37 8 1_84 Lal Khedi I,S19.14 31 3S 254 125 129 23 22 49 48 43 S ~9 30 185 Umari 1,617.44 96 96 540 258 282 196 217 42 13 162 127 _186 Koylari 1,625.25 67 73 452 219 233 14 11 119 136 SIlO 131 69 Bhogya dh:ma 8 9 69 37 32 37 32 2 22 18 Iroylor; 59 64 383 182 201 14 11 82 '104 49 10 115 51 187 Nipanya 1,883.33 74 86 537 270 267 34 18 209 227 81 21 169 78 1,88 Koldongri 1,513.13 56 65 440 236 lO4 III 86 U4 110 39 1 132 77 189 Gay Kham 1,439.09 40 51 290 142 148 58 64 71 67 26 2 89 54 190 Pipaiya 1,860.49 69 80 446 233 213 52 49 150 1.32 67 6 151 123 Nim dhana 18 19 126 65 61 25, 28 40 33 52 4 40 34 Irotwar dhana 11 12 70 39 31 27 21 7 7 6 1 23 21 Em .. l; dhunC4 21 26 136 70 66 48 41 3 1 46 35 Patel dhana 19 23 114 59 55 55 51 6 42 33 191 Siraijgaon 1,611.33 59 66 378 190 188 11 149 IS2 41 3 111 112 129


    ______- ____Workers A-'______' ______~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ~":'"\ -A-. I-A-~"'::V"':....J\-~-J.. -~ ..... 'L,-:.-A ... ~--r.~-"-~ '-,...... JL.~ L.C. M F 'M F' M F M F M F ·M F M F M F M F M F M F ~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 184 U6 148 8 5 ...... 23 324 499 1.69 191 58 18 12 3 8 •. 2U 488 1,70 99 34 2S 1 1 1 .. 84 215 1.71 14 6 10 13 34 53 16 12 1 1 1 .. 47 107 32 12 3 24 74 74 3 27 21 1 2 3 ." 57 IS5 172 2 9 5 3 •• 10 16 72 3 18 16 1 2 47 139 151 20 88 85 4 2 2 2 .• 2 3 13 .. 201 345 173 60 8 24 33 50 87 91 12 64 52 4 2 2 2 •• 2 3 13 .. 157 258 106 1 37 113 1 2 •. 89 134 174 70 29 66 .. 1 1 .. 57 103 36 1 8 47 1 1 .. 32 31 28 2 19 42 1 31 28 1,75 3 2 6 12 10 6 25 13 30 1 1 21 22 59 48 18 14 1 1 1 .. 34 39 176 48 41 15 12 1 1 1 .. 24 34 11 7 3 2 .. 10 5 :al 8 22 1 .. 11 22 111 64 13 51 81 2 1 3 86 124 1,78 39 7 39 54 2 1 3 .. 61 88 25 6 12 27 25 36 87 10 43 128 1 6 2 1 3 .. 109 l.22 179 148 53 64 128 1. 10 6 5 .. 163 196 180 120 52 30 86 1 9 6 J .. 129 149 28 1 34 42 1 I .. 34 47 195 80 77 181 6 3 2 .. 1 6 2 248 245 181 100 5 52 145 2 2 .. 1 5 J 152 153 95 75 25 36 4 3 1 1 96 92 48 37 8 1 2 1 .. 2 65 163 182 67 35 36 2 .. 71 134 183 43 23 28 1 46 93 24 12 8 1 25 41 45 11, 30 1 2 •. 66 99 184 67 87 126 5 3 96 155 185 67 7 51 61 1 .. 14 4 1 82 164 1,86 13 18 .. 1 .. 8 15 14 67 7 38 43 6 4 1 67 150 108 8 55 70 3 3 •• 101. 189 187 100 23 28 54 3 1 .. I,M 1,21 188 65 24 22 30 .. 1 1 53 94 189 90 1 59 1.22 1 .. 1 .. 82 9() 190 27 12 34 1 .. 25 27 16 .. 6 21 1 .. 16 10 26 20 35 24 31 21 1 21 32 17 22 94 85 11 24 1 3 3 2 ._ 79 76 191 ]30


    Total Population Literate ~ Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and SCheduled Scheduled educated Total Looation Village/Town/ a.cresand Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house ,.....---"------, ~ ,.....~ ~ ....--"--. No. Block in Km.1I houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ----~------~------192 Gudliaon 1,349.35 56 58 US 58 57 4 8 24 6 35 19 193 Bokari Khapa 1,005.65 45 46 302 147 155 3 2 141 150 10 2 86 82 194 ~hi1kapur 1,336.51 153 225 1",364 680 684 12 18 106 102 328 104 388 174 f95 Barhapur 1,390.12 149 200 1,274 659 615 22 19 36 38 245 82 360 121 196 Dhanga.on 739.62 Uninhabited .. 197 Jham jhiri 2,151.39 83 110 602 301 301 83 92 ~60 150 59 2 175 117 School dhana 49 71 398 202 196 59 65 89 79 50 117 88 Jham jhiri 34 39 204 99 105 24 27 71 71 9 2 58 29 198 Ghogama 465.47 40 49 313 ~50 163 27 33 117 128 62 22 84 81 Ghogam'l 30 39 249 122 127 27 33 90 92 60 22 65 62 Bhogya dhana 10 10 64 28 36 27 36 2 19 19 199 Katol 1,044.93 48 59 317 1,62 155 II 11 15 15 18 1S 89 68 200 Dewalwada 623.72 18 20 88 49 39 14 6 13 29 13 201 Barrasaygohan 883.85 8 11 74 35 39 35 39 21 5 202 Pardi 1,083.50 40 40 241 122 119 16 20 28 10 58 4 Pardi 20 20 146 72 74 16 20 20 9 31 1 Sarhad dhana 20 20 95 50 45 8 1 27 3 203 Junawani 643.22 1 2 16 9 7 9 7 5 1 204 Nayegaon 1,056.41 Uninhabited .. 205 Sarandai 1,316.47 38 39 228 120 1.08 f20 108 62 3 206 Doreghat 322.44 Uninhabited .. 201 Shivgarh 218.01 Uninhabited .• 208 Bagadra 1,961.02 208 219 1,174 584 590 112 152 113 113 1.80 39 307 187 Pokharni dhana 174 180 980 492 488 172 152 32 25 165 38 250 156 Bagadradhana 34 39 194 92 102 81 88 15 1 57 31 209 Bbainsdehi 3,692.68 1,~60 1,337 7,551 3,874 3,677 327 333 116 120 2,127 1,057 1,873 922 Koudidhana 92 117 749 382 367 9 4 1 253 97 170 _7J Chicholi dhana 116 149 794 397 397 9 9 1 278 186 166 30 Bhuinsdehi 952 1,071 6,008 3,095 2,913 309 320 114 120 1,596 774 1,5J7 819 210 Mathani 1,636.03 Uninhabited .. 211 Badgaon 1,289.66 92 93 580 289 291 168 191 95 Zl 180 64 Lohar dhalla 36 36 235 105 130 101 126 31 7 69 34 Patel dhana 23 23 H3 68 65 67 65 13 3 43 29 Goli dhana 33 34 212 116 96 51 17 68 1 212 Bhivkund 1,719.72 61 66 384 17J 211 167 204 61) 18 105 34 213 Dhudiya Purani 289.11 10 10 69 38 31 36 30 7 23 4 214 Dhudiya Nai 1,265.01 28 28 186 99 87 19 fJ 54 50 15 56 20 215 Sarai 1,827.41 31 44 1.98 95 103 20 21 74 82 12 1. S6 7 Poloj; dhana 2 4 17 6 11 6 11 2 5 Naya dhulla 13 13 81 32 49 32 49 2 1 22 6 Patel dhana 16 27 100 57 43 20 21 j6 22 8 29 1 216 Lahas 1,356.05 49 54 276 145 131 18 20 95 82 15 88 53 Gond dhanfl 29 30 165 88 77 4 6 61 48 4 54 33 Korku dhalla 20 24 111 57 54 14 14 34 34 11 1 34 20 21.7 Kaudiya 2,217.65 83 84 497 250 247 54 45 169 176 26 7 157 67 Gond dhema 27 27 159 72 87 71 85 50 36 Korku dhana 56 57 338 178 160 54 45 98 91 26 7 107 31 218 Kaudi 3,235.10 102 106 680 326 354 7 5 311 345 57 4 217 225 Nahaldhana 49 51 321 154 167 7 5 139 158 24 3 106 101 Patel dhana 5J 55 359 172 187 172 187 33 1 111 124 131

    BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,.-A-..... ,...---iL---, L. C. M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 13 4 17 5 1------.------5 2 5 2 " 23 38 192 65 58 19 23 1. 1. 1 " 61 73 193 238 103 61 65 36 ~6 3 8 8 3 " 18 3 292 510 194 218 2 97 1.18 8 12 3 1 3 2 16 .. 299 494 195 Uninhabited 196 122 46 116 4 I 2 1 126 ].84 197 84 28 88 3 1 1 85 108 38 18 28 1 1 1 41 76 42 35 38 46 4 " 66 82 198 38 33 23 29 4 ... 57 65 4 2 15 17 9 17 58 33 24 35 1 " 2 " 2 2 " 73 87 199 15 6 12 7 1 " 1 20 26 200 7 11 5 3 14 34 201 38 9 4 3 2 5 64 H5 202 22 4 1 2 1 2 41 73 16 " 5 3 1 2 3 23 42 4 1 4 6 203 Uninhabited " :w4 44 15 3 3 58 105 205 Uninhabited " 206 Uninhabited " 207 136 10 120 175 23 1 6 14" 1 4 13 " 271 403 208 111 8 94 146 18 1 6 1 4" 1 3 13 " 242 332 25 2 26 29 5 .. 1 """ 35 71 685 470 200 301 108 26 3 1 224 47 42 2 21 1 220 r2 60'" 310 62 2,001 2,755 209 38 7 8 29 17 12 65 14 2 21 3 3 .. 16 8 212' 294 27 1 1 7 9 12766" 35 1 9 ., 52 14 231 367 620 462 191 265 82 14 3 . . 132 27 36 2 19 1 164 8 48 .. 242 40 1,558 2,094 Uninhabited .. 210 1.18 23 63 35 2 2 •. 109 'l27 211 53 12 34 2 .. 2 36 96 28 9 29 5 " 1 " 25 36 37 2 28 1 1 " 48 95 41 55 34 4 2 3 " 68 177 212 IS 3 4 3 1 1 •. 15 'J:1 21.3 37 7 20 12 43 67 214 39 " 11 7 4 2 " 39 96 215 5 1 11 14 6 6 2 10 43 20 5 1 2 2 " 28 42 74 22 12 31 2 " 57 78 216 49 16 5 17 34 44 25 6 7 14 2 " 23 34 142 38 8 29 2 4 " 93· 180 217 43 16 6 10 1 22 51 99 22 2 9 1 1 4 ... 71 129 183 185 31 40 " 1 2 " 109 1.29 218 79 71 25 30 1 1 ,N 48 66 104 114 6 If) ., .. J •• 61 63 132 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI'------Total Population Literate ,--- Area of (Including and '(I IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acresand Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r .. , ~...J'.-, r..J~ No. Block in Km. a houses holds P M F M F M F ~r~7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    219 Seoni 1,396.56 69 71 460 229 231 8 12 28 23 73 17 133 126 220 POhar 1,663.45 105 l36 818 444 434 53 56 11 14 174 26 248 62 221 Chopan Bujurg 840.27 39 42 263 130 133 28 33 90 97 'J:l 4 75 74 222 Sihar 2,000.09 108 108 704 327 377 57 48 266 324 ]f2 12 196 206 223 Garpathar Ryt. 1.,295.41 94 108 S64 277 287 268 280 SS 3 17S 161 G:Jrpathar 69 81 421 206 215 202 213 43 3 112 110 School dhana 25 27 143 71 72 66 67 12 43 31 224 Ramghati 2,573.73 44 46 259 138 121 8 7 123 110 62 7 90 67 Ramghati 32 32 178 95 83 91 80 45 4 65 49 Lohar dhana 12 14 81 43 38 8 7 32 30 17 3 25 18 225 Dhondi 1,428.41 49 60 305 160 145 10 13 75 69 52 19 89 64 Dhondi 41 50 256 130 . 126 9 13 71 66 43 18 67· 57 Hanumun dh:Jna 8 10 49 30 19 1 4 3 9 1· 22 7 226 Mathani Ryt. 1,83.2.90 80 82 537 265 272 1 5 261 264 65 2 129 45 Mathani 39 40 271 128 143 1 5 127 138 42 2 65 22 School dhana 18 18 100 55 45 53 42 13 25 8 Patel dhana 23 24 166 82 81 81 84 10 39 15 'J:J.7 Dhamangaon 2,308.95 'J:J.8 299 I,iOB 881 827 42 43 135 136 420 108 499 180 Dhamungaon 195 255 1,478 770 708 42 43 24 17 416 108 421 96 Sila dhana 33 44 230 111 119 111 119 4 78 84 228 Thempon 1,983.19 47 SO 347 179 168 14 14 69 73 77 21 95 100 229 Rajni 2,273.97 56 64 374 193 181 146 141 52 2 121 iJ.04 230 Botbi 2,463.11 176 191 1,064 518 546 43 49 314 330 86 18 319 74 Koh/ca dhana 36 39 262 127 135 46 43 16 1 76 26 Bothi 140 152 1JI)2 391 411 43 49 268 287 70 17 243 48 231 Ambacfa 2,424.42 140 151 867 451 416 85 78 215 208 142 2S 210 ISS Ambada 40 46 268 142 126 19 21 61 13 83 40 Bho/a dhancJ 52 55 313 156 157 45 48 110 106 28 1 93 68 MaJgujari dhana 43 44 261 142 119 36 28 79 69 51 11 86 38 Serf dhana 3 4 16 6 10 6 10 1 6 5 Dhawdi dhana 2 2 9 5 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 4 232 Nathudhana Ryt. 1,436.52 48 49 278 135 143 9 11 123 128 22 2 92 85 233 Ghugri 3,008.94 104 117 686 322 364 17 18 296 339 39 4 212 185 Ghugri 62 70 443 211 232 4 3 200 223 23 1 136 121 Dhanigora 32 36 184 80 104 4 10 74 93 15 3 54 51 Khaira dhana 10 11 59 31 28 9 5 22 23 1 22 13 234 Chikhali Ryt. 732.91 50 58 327 146 181 4 3 120 146 22 11 92 92 235 Gadarajhiri Ryt. 2,397.25 118 126 694 335 359 307 329 70 ~O 218 163 Gadarajhin 53 57 324 1«1 164 139 142 24 5 95 52 Gunghati 65 69 370 175 195 168 187 46 5 123 111 83 82 236 Khapa Ryt. 654.97 48 49 267 138 129 134 124 21 1 231 Sawalmendba Ryt. 677.19 134 17S 886 443 443 2S 19 200 210 233 119 214 106 238 Palaspani Ryt. 2,874.08 1ll 113 679 334 345 10 9 306 319 44 9 199 14 Gobarghundidhana 14 16 96 47 49 47 49 31 4 Pateldhana 63 63 361 180 181 2 1 163 167 36 7 103 8 Lalsing dhana 34 34 222 107 115 8 8 96 101 8 2 65 1 239 Kabara Mal. 786.20 23 2S 135 65 70 42 39 4 5 3 33 5 240 Kabara Ryt 1,222.28 64 68 420 204 21.6 2S 21 1.76 186 24 114 Sl 3011 Kordi 4,210.25 115 120 666 340 326 34 31 200 194 84 21 216 85 Kaillram 4IIanil 2 2 10 S $ 5 5 3 j J 133

    BHAINSDEm TAHSn. Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers 'M~ r-~ r-~~7M.J._F'M-A...;vM~~J._~....JL.Fl ~~l 'M--"-~ ?io~' 17 18 19 20 21· 22 23 24 25 26 '1:1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 82 29 122 12 3 3 1.. 1. I...... 4 1 96 105 219 151 55 58 15 8 2 9 4...... 6 1 196 372 220 60 5 74 8 ...... 2. . 55 59 221 141 135 52 69 1 2 ...... 2.. 131 171 222 133 25 19 136 18 2 ...... 3.. 102 1"26 223 102 22 16 J08 12 2 .. 74 85 31 3 3 28 6 2 1 .. 28 41 55 33 23 34 5 6 1 .. 48 54 224 40 i3 19 26 3 3 30 34 15 10 4 8 1 3 1 .. 18 20 63 30 17 34 '} 5 2 .. 71 81 22S 48 24 15 33 2 1 1 63 69 15 6 2 1 4 1 .. 8 12 11.3 37 12 8 2 2 136 2'1:1 226 61 17 4 5 63 121 19 7 4 1 2 30 37 33 13 4 2 2 43 69 317 16 106 160 8 32 1 4 .. 4 8 2 1 .. 19 382 647 227 283 11 66 81 4 32 1 4 .. 4 8 2 1 .. 19 1 349 612 34 5 40 79 4 33 35 62 63 17 34 9 2 1 5 84 68 228 86 79 22 24 11 2 72 77 229 229 30 58 44 2J) 6 1 .. 1 .. 4 .. 199 472 230 54 11 16 15 5 1 51 109 175 19 42 29 15 5 1 .. 1 .. 4 •. 148 363 1"66 1 88 154 7 1 8 .. 181 261 231 52 21 40 4 1 5 .. 59 86 60 32 68 1 63 89 52 1 29 37 2 3 .. 56 81 6 5 5 2 4 3 42 15 42 70 7 r .. 43 58 232 1.60 127 17 55 31 2 1 1 .. 2 1 1.10 179 233 109 82 6 37 20 2 1 .. 75 111 39 36 7 14 6 1 1 1 26 53 12 9 4 4 .5 1 .. 9 15 54 10 32 82 1 4 .. 54 89 234 142 2 S8 161 9 3 1 5 .. 117 1.96 235 57 1 31 51 6 1 65 112 85 1 27 110 3 2 1 5 .• 52 84 42 1 38 81 2 1 55 47 236 62 2S 41 60 23 15 2 3 .• 7 26 6 3 31 16 229 337 237 162 3 26 11 5 2 1 .. 3 135 331 238 23 2 8 2 16 45 84 1 10 7 5 1 1 .. 2 .. 77 173 55 8 2 1 1 .. 42 113 31 3 2 2 32 65 239 97 23 12 28 5 o. 90 165 240 181 5 22 80 9 1 1 2 .. 124 241 241

    5 J ••• 1 ...... 2 134


    Total Population Literate r:_-- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acresand Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ..---"---, ~...A-.'l ..-"-'1 ~F'l'M~ ------No. Block in Km. B houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.6 Gahan dhano 27 27 159 82 77 21 2 52 21 Churna dhana 7 7 .'i9 30 29 2 1 27 28 3 22 3 Pipri dhana 37 37 202 102 100 83 78 37 11 68 37 Kord; 42 47 236 121 115 32 30 85 83 20 8 69 21 24.2 Kakadpani 1,314.10 40 41 235 120 115 120 115 7 70 13 64 •. 243 Kasai 1,445.31 21 31 205 104 101 102 99 5 49 244 Bothiya 811.58 24 26 170 86 84 52 46 21 23 12 2 245 Borkhedi Purani 403.88 13 17 97 52 45 52 4S 30 246 Borkhedi Nai 513.66 Uninhabited 247 Sendiya 491.44 Uninhabited .. 248 Khamla 2,947.30 213 227 1,289 651 638 310 295 68 69 1.77 44 328 45 Khamla 107 117 636 329 307 29 21 66 68 115 38 156 36 Bat/gaon 36 37 188 86 102 45 44 2 1 13 1 44 3 Meghnath dhana 70 73 465 236 219 236 229 49 5 128 6 249 Jhamu Kheda 371.20 14 14 76 39 37 39 37 1 17 250 Kukaru 2,326.81 24 2S 176 94 82 77 68 1 52 2 251 Pagadori 500.02 Uninhabited 252 Dedpani 1,247.82 77 80 515 257 258 19 12 121 ~2S 54 17 133 10 41 I Gala dhuRa 25 26 163 80 83 1 18 10 Korku dhaRa 52 54 352 177 175 18 12 121 128 36 7 92 9 253 Baramacha 926.28 35 36 221 112 109 It2 109 20 68 1 67 1 254 Lokasdari 969.27 42 46 234 112 122 91 94 3 255 Majari 1,145.78 30 30 159 78 81 65 72 9 50 29 256 Banoor 2,054.39 37 37 'JJJ7 100 107 3 5 79 75 30 4 60 29 257 Fangara Ryt. 378.21 11 II 62 36 26 3 3 24 258 Adaurnar 524.75 30 30 'JJJI 99 102 99 102 9 1 58 259 Jamulni 985.98 53 53 345 182 163 4 2 165 156 33 2 no 260 Patoti 1,541.57 42 42 296 151 145 I, 88 88 31 98 261 Chikhali lhodi 1,429.77 69 70 471 218 253 28 30 i86 218 35 7 126 10 C hikhalijhodi 18 18 153 71 82 11 8 60 74 11 2 41 6 Patel dhana 51 52 318 147 171 .17 22 126 144 24 5 85 4 202 42 262 Dhar 3,822.47 117 141 817 402 415 7 8 353 352 32 1 12 1 Goul; dhana 11 11 84 34 50 3 102 34 Har; mahu 35 59 367 185 182 1 185 181 14 1 88 7 Dhar 71 71 366 183 183 7 7 168 171 15 263 Dhotra dhana 671.93 15 15 86 47 39 47 39 28 14 264 Udama 1,087.59 60 69 429 209 210 9 13 195 204 39 1 126 Uo 265 Kothal Kund 1,842.24 185 202 l,144 572 572 8 5 339 373 166 Sf 320 124 16 7 Sadak dhana 15 16 76 39 37 5 8 4 22 5 73 22 Btl/ari dhana 47 48 237 117 120 83 94 19 7 57 5 Patel dhana 36 38 235 132 103 5 5 72 28 40 10 61 34 Gand dhana 36 38 224 106 118 3 5 65 76 13 . 1 113 56 Korkudhana 51 62 372 178 194 178 194 140 144 33 8 113 96 266 Cbichthana 1,528.37 56 66 340 168 172 6 6 280 310 188 72 219 65 267 Dhaba 982.76 116 132 7Z1 345 382 4 11 74 80 13 48 14 Raiyalwadl 25 27 ISS 75 80 206 230 175 72 171 51 Dhaba 91 105 572 270 302 4 11 2£3 189 75 19 139 71 268 Dedbakund 575.26 74 76 452 241 211 13 10 144 131 9 lot 69 269 Lamghati 1,(:J)7.27 51 57 302 158 144 11 11 186 186 19 1 129 98 270 Palas Khedi 770.41 69 75 400 201 199 4 3 BIlAINSDEHI TAHsil. Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r--"-~ r---"'-~ r-:-A---y-_:...... A-~.J~-v--"'--v.--"--v--"-~~ ~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3,1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 44 6 21 1 1 ., .. .. 30 56 19 3 3 .. " .. 8 26 j7 18362 1 ...... 3463 56 1 8 20 3 2 .. 52 94 59 2 7 11 4 50 102 242 54 6 4 40 101 243 38 3 1 37 84 244 2S 2 3 22 45 245 Uninhabited 246 Uninhabited 247 215 21 40 20 42 5 1 3 .. 2 4 17 2 323 593 248 91 17 14 15 27 1 5 1 2 4 13 2 173 271 31 3 5 4 3 .. 1 .. 42 99 93 1 21 5 11 3 .. 108 223 15 2 2~ 37 249 45 2 2 5 42 80 2S0 Uninhabited 251 102 7 11. 3 15 2 3 .. 124 248 252 29 2 1 9 1 .. 39 82 73 7 9 2 6 2 2 .. 85 166 60 1. 8 .w 108 253 51 4 7 5 1 45 121 254 37 23 13 6 28 52 255 48 25 5 4 5 2 40 78 256 24 12 26 257 52 6 41 102 258 86 19 4 72 163 259 85 6 5 1 1 .. 53 145 260 104 2 15 8 4 2 1 92 243 261 11 961 30 76 73 2 6 2 3 2 1 .. 62 167 159 8 36 34 4 1 2 .. 200 313 262 II 1 1 22 49 72 7 29 27 1 83 148 76 1 6 6 3 1 2 .. 95 176 14 9 14 5 19 25 263 78 i 39 1.09 5 1. 3 .. 83 110 264 199 5 9t 115 11 2 ·5 2 1 1 11 1 252 448 265 4 2 4 1 3 1 .. 1 6 1 23 30 50 2 19 20 4 ••• ' '1 44 98 38 3 11 2 2 2 1 .. 3 •• 75· 98 32 23 33 2 2 1 2 .• 45 84 75 36 56 2 65 138 64 58 41 38 6 1 I' .... 1 .. 55 76 266 112 6 78 54 10 5 8 3 ...... 8 .. 126 317 267 24 22 14 2 27 66 88 6 56 40 8 5 8 3 8 .. 99 251 106 51 21 111 8 1 1 3 1 102 140 268 82 1 16 68 2 1 57 75 269 84 16 .qO 82 1 1 1 2 •• 72 101 270 136


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ aoresand Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons Work.:rs Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house ~ ~ ~ ,..--Jo--, No. Block in Kro.2 houses holds P M F' M F M F M F M F

    ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 271 Nimbhora 1.426.72 68 72 353 177 176 164 168 46 13 118 91 272 Thapoda 991.51 98 114 596 288 308 16 16 234 lS8 70 12 164 119 Muktagiri 6 9 43 21 22 9 7 11 Bllupot!.a 91 105 .5.53 267 286 16 16 234 258 61 5 153 119 - 273 Malegaon Jhiri 600.36 48 55 312 149 163 2 4 137 148 7 105 36 274 Kordi 425.25 39 41 225 122 103 18 15 100 83 7 1 74 ~9 275 Yedhapur 1,713.87 4S 45 248 125 123 119 123 25 2 80 85 276 Patha kheda 1,496.03 51 64 316 147 169 147 169 11 3 101 76 Patha kheda 16 22 105 51 54 51 54 32 15 Nahal dhana 3.5 42 2lJ 96 11.5 96 11.5 11 .J 69 61 277 Khadgarh Ryt. 176.23 11 If 71 33 38 32 37 1 1 22 14 278 Kbadgarh Mal. 196.78 2S 32 164 85 79 70 67 21, 3 55 30 279 Pipalna Kalan 1,098.93 39 50 241 118 123 21 13 84 105 57 12 72 39 280 PipaIna Khurd 419.91 23 24 134 71 63 3 3 66 54 25 2 43 13 281 Khomai 1,576.37 113 131 594 314 280 6 6 160 134 96 13 193 63 Baja,j dkana 29 35 149 71 78 I 2 18 49 18 Khomai 84 96 445 243 202 6 6 159 132 78 13 144 45 282 Supala 1,309.19 50 58 316 1.66 150 1,57 144 55 17 91 46 283 Khetgadamod 141.07 . . Uninhabited 284 Nawapur 489.48 158 199 1.227 608 619 10 12 12 9 288 97 290 72 285 Bothiya Ryt. 342.12 19 2[ 126 62 64 5 2 56 62 10 2 40 36 286 Bothiya Mal. 288.53 47 48 286 143 143 143 143 10 1 71 38 287 Andherbaodi 1,998.88 79 83 416 197 219 13 19 167 195 34 3 128 81 288 Yen khedi 1,931.42 5S 55 304 152 152 147 149 16 1, 98 55 Yen khedi 12 12 69 33 36 33 36 20 14 Pipalchar; 43 43 235 119 JJ6' .. 114 113 16 1 78 41 289 Dabhona 1,449.07 46 29 258 129 129 129 129 3 66 79 290 GhokaIapur 584.55 47 54 283 140 143 18 21. 117 119 29 5 106 98 291 Walkheda 1,129.26 28 30 174 9! 83 67 54 13 1 53 25 292 Dhaodi 1,366.27 53 54 3~5 161 154 4 5 132 130 17 8 90 9 293 Temni 2,790.29 151 158 893 438 455 5 9 339 369 107 12 284 53 Pathado dhana 82 86 4.57 236 221 203 200 49 161 1 Tem,,; 59 62 378 181 197 5 9 117 135 57 11 108 52 Dassu dhana 10 10 58 21 37 19 34 1 I 15 294 Tanki 1,327.10 47 47 265 144 1,21 137 117 5 1 84 7 295 Babjai 2,018.20 68 71 366 180 186 26 26 151 155 35 9 108 15 296 Khairwada 1,940.37 98 116 744 360 384 19 17 264 303 72 16 235 125 297 Charghati 2,235.74 33 37 226 110 116 6 7 101 106 5 76 50 Charghut; dhana 26 30 197 96 101 6 7 87 91 5 65 40 Charghat; 7 7 29 14 15 14 15 11 10 ,298 Wadali 2,466.98 117 l.25 724 368 356 243 251 90 23 223 193 Bada dhann .54 59 J52 179 173 82 95 63 18 101 34 Lamsa,," dhana 27 28 151 80 71 55 47 20 5 47 59 Wada/i 36 38 221 109 112 106 109 7 7j 60 299 Jamnya 702.55 .. Uninhabited 300 Bakud 1,825.49 211 245 1,499 745 754 22 22 239 221 295 90 439 314 Gondidhana 59 64 377 196 181 196 181 17 1 133 66 Balcud 152 181 1,122 549 573' 22 22 43 40 278 89 306 248 301 Pachbad 864.48 •. Uninhabited 302 Renuka Khapa 1,206.49 51 58 354 174 180 11 18 16] 162 56 26 111 96 137

    BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~r-h~~FVM--'p"vM''-?M~~F' LN~: 17 18 ,9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 81 11 34 80 1 1 . . 1.. . 59 8S 271 ~CY1 46 34 73 10 1 1 1...... 10.. 124 189 m 4 1 " .... 6.. 10 22 103 46 34 73 9 1 1 1...... 4.. 114 167 65 2 39 34 1 ...... 44 lZ7 Z73 5r 2 18 17 J. t . . 1 ...... 2. . 48 84 274 54 57 2Z 28 3' .. .. ,...... ~.. 45 38 Z75 66 33373...... 2.-.46 93Z76 17 14 15 ...... 1 ... 19 39 19 3 . 19 58 ...... 1 27 54 18 3 14 ...... 11 24 277 26 72123 5 2...... 1 .. 30 49Z78 36 12 29 27 1 1 . . • . • • 5. • 46 84 279 29 2 10 11 3 ...... 1... 28 SO 280 73 2 89 60 13 5 4 1... 8 1 1Z1 217 281 16 32 18 1 . . . . • • 22 60 57 2 57 42 13 5 3 1. . 8 1 99 157 62 23 l6 23 2 1 ...... 75 104 282 Uninhabited ...... •• 283 1.65 21 68 51 1 ~5 6.. 1 4 1. 29.. 3t8 547 284

    20 16 36 2 1...... too 22 28285

    63 6 38 2 .. .. oo 72 lOS 286 90 1 26 80 7 2 '1 •• .... oo 3 •• 69138281

    40 'Z 55 53 3 .. .. oo 54 97 288 11 2 9 12 13 22 29 46 41 3 41 75 14 2 52 77 63 50 289 77 24 98 2 3 34 45 290 42 10 25 1 .. 38 58 291 56 3 29 6 2 1 2 .. 71 1.45 292

    225 13 39 40 It 2 2 •••• '1 5 154 402 293

    125 1 24 8 2 1 I ••• II 1 oo 75 220 87 12 13 40 3 1 4 oo 73 145

    13 2 II •• •• 6 37 57 3 2S 4 2 60 114 294 70 3 30 12 4 2 •• .1 •• •• '1 '}. .. 72 171 29S 180 69 47 56 2 125 259 296 62 42 11 8 2 .. .. 1. •• 34 66 '1.97 54 35 8 5 2 - ...... - 1 31 61 8 7 3 3 - .. 3 5 138 2 76 191 4 ;( .. 4 oo 14S 163 298 68 1 27 93 3 .'f .. 78 79 18 39 1 - 26 .. - .. 1 .. 1 .. 33 32 44 1 31 59 34 52 .. Uninhabited oo 299 251 172 133 130 11 21 2.. 5 5 1 1 .. 14 7 306 440 3CJO 53 2 80 64 - .. 63 115 198 170 53 66 11 21 2.. 5 5 1 1 ._ 14 7 243 325 Uninhabited .. 301 19 12 89 84 - .. 3 63 84 302 138


    Total Population Literate Area of (Inchidmg and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total location Village / Town I acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes, Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban oftown/ward residential houSe ,---A--~ r--"--. r--A--. ~ r--A---. No. Block in Km.II houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 303 Chichpati 520.51 26 26 170 87 83 16 14 68 64 6 :2: 57 45 304 Pandol 1,11,3.48 51 61 380 195 185 6 1 50 134 55 17 11.0 52 305 Rabdya 1,224.44 39 39 222 108 114 5 6 90 101 9 65 38 306 Satner 2,524.06 436 459 2,440 1,231 1,209 101 117 185 178 542 199 680 263 301 Hivra 1,256.63 128 128 773 394 379 22 29 71 69 135 52 216 t4 308 Jamgaon 1,458.69 60 66 421 219 202 78 75 91 91 62 7 118 82 309 Jamthi 1,228.44 76 97 638 325 313 49 58 19 25 131 45 167 37 310 Dhamori 616.36 125 146 875 430 445 28 24 3 4 149 24 241 177 311 Dhond Kheda 692.35 30 36 2m 98 106 3 4 18 19 39 10 49 8 312 Gaul Kheda 766.72 .. U ninbabited 313 Saongi 1,701.44 123 168 968 492 476 59 63 32 30 197 33 294 226 314 Gun Khed 1,940.38 95 120 766 388 318 61 21 10 3 146 52 210 199 315 Mandvi 3,~.89 51'8 520 2,986 1,512 1,414 81 80 46 36 648 191 786 655 Mandvi 453 454 2,668 1,349 1,319 78 78 21 17 610 179 682 611 Rampura 65 66 318 163 155 3 2 25 19 38 12 lQ4 44 316 Jaora 2,~9.73 271 271 1,686 855 831 4S 41 20 ~9 390 61 455 192 317 Patra 1,513.55 41 47 269 128 141 7 8 117 128 3 17 69 Patra 20 26 140 61 79 7 8 54 71 3 40 38 , ' Patel dhana 21 21 129 67 62 63 57 37 31 318 Gohanda 906.40 31 38 238 120 11.8 117 117 2 68 56 319 Siwanpat 1,560.16 43 48 283 148 135 20 22 128 113 9 88 30 Siwanpal 26 31 182 92 90 20 22 72 68 7 53 6 Nirgud dhanQ 17 17 101 56 45 56 45 2 35 24 320 Moosa Khedi 1,072.23 ' 54 S4 33S l70 165 57 50 15 79 32 8 86' 80 Moosa Khedi 36 36 225 116 109 29 23 57 57 27, 8 59 57 M"hera dhQna 18 18 110 54 56 28 27 18 22 5 27 23 321, Borpani 1,214.08 54 65 312' 1,46 166 16 ~9 94 103 31 14 89 98 322 Junawani 1,278.08 48 61 341 160 181 1 3 159 176 1 94 19 323 Tipanapur 3,030,39 44 44 7:17 137 140 47 41 81 84 14 10 26 Ti'panapur 26 26 151 72 79 32 35 33 36 9 38 12 Khadgarh 18 18 126' 65 61 15 12 48 48 5 ~2 14 324 Bijasni 1,496.36 31 34 159 78 81 11, 19 2 47 6 325 Dhanori 2,140.04 139 141 868 413 455 10 12 18 16 117 1,2 223 87 326 Dhanora 3,893.39 175 246 1;199 604 595 39 42 31 20 314 103 323 92 327 Pusli 1,340.28 233, 259 1,605 841 764 40 43 2 4 rl9 34 5()() 192 328 Thani 1,559.:]'6 99 If)4 "554 217 271 10 16 40 35 116 20 154 157 329 Gujarmal 1,291'.98 113 113 630 324 . 306 59 49 121 46 181 1,89 330 Yenkheda 2,052.05 99 107 648"" 327 321 36 31 1,4 8 133 37 163 11.6 331 Khapa ~899.39 71 87 565 ' 'NT 268 10i 88 21 28 117 27 113 1,64 332 Tembhurni 2,536.86 1,63 166 1,026 527 499 61 56 72 67 218 72 285 i8 Tembhurni 144 144 913 470 443 55 49 49 47 213 70 250 7 NQya dhallQ 19 22 113" '!7 ., 56 6 7 23 20 5 2 35 11 333 Athner 4,757.84 976 994 5;433 .. 2,761 2,672 218 214 52 52 1,515 754 1,411, 575 334 Chhinwad Sawasan 1,557.32 51 51 254 127 127 17 16 21 1 19 59 335 Barked 3,506.46 66 69 4«i 198 208 5 5 148 163 47 15 103 21 Barked 49 52 324 161 163 5 5 116 121 43 10 80 16 School dhana 17 17 82 '37 45 32 42 4 5 23 5 336 Jamapati 2,525.63 60 60 382 193 189 59 49 81 104 17 85 1.2 Jamapali, 50 50 315 156 159 59 49 77 98 7 69 6 RaJjat dhllna 10 10 67 -37 SO 4 6 10 16 6 139

    BHAINSDEHI TAHSIL Workers ------______-A ______~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VITI IX X Non- Workers c-:-A--.. (_....A_~ r__"_~_"_- ___J\_ __-A-- ___J\.__ ___,._ __J-~....A-~ r-"-_" L.C. M P M P M F M ~- -P "M F~ -p Y M F Y M F M F M P No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 34 3S 36 37 38 I 25 16 31 29 " .•.• 1 30 38 303 83. 2: 21 SO 2 1 1 " ••.• 2.. 85 133 304 34 2: Z1 36 3...... 1 •• 43 76305 361 14Z 221 47 13 S7 3 2.. 30 2:1 2.. 39 S S51 946 306 127 5 S7 6 18 •.•• 6 2 1 3 ...... S.. 178 36S 307 58 46 82 6 1 1.. 1 2...... 3.. 101: 12D 308 100 2: 46 31 2 2 4 1.. 1 5...... 10.. 158 'r16 309 107 61 118 114 1.. 2: .. 2.. 2 S 1 4 1 189 268 310 38 8 8 2 ...... 1.. 49 98 311 Uninhabited •• 312 178 13 86 207 6 11 3 1 .. 7 2 .. .. 5 1 198 250 313 121 2 62 197 1 9 8 8 .. 178 179 314 483 197 176 439 2:2 10 29 31.1 .. 8 57 S 726 819 315 451 194 128 404 5 4 29 3 10 .. 6 1 .... 53 5 667 708 32 3 48 35 17 6 1 .. 2 4 .. 59 111 349 106 S6 77 6 .. 26 8 3 1.5 .. 400 639 316 61 S4 13 15 2 1 .. 51 n 31;7 33 31 5 7 1 1 .. 21 41 28 23 8 8 1 30 31 47 19 56 I 1 52 62 318 78 28 8 2 1 1 .. 60 105 319 50 5 1 1 1 1 39 84 28 23 7 1 21 21 60 2 2S 78 1 84 8S 320 44 2 14 55 1 .. 57 52 16 .. 11 23 27 33 84 11 86 1 4 •• 57 68 321 80 1 lJ 78 1 1 .. 66 102 322 S6 4 12 :11 1 1 .. 67 114 323 31 4 5 7 1 1 .. 1 .. 34 67 25 7 14 - 33 47 26 3 21 3 31 75 3:M 180 . r 28 86 10 5 .. 190 , 368 325 206 6 45 76 13 1 r4 3 8 2 15 1 .. 2D 4 281 S03 326 361 10 64 174 33 2 16 4.. 9 3 4 9 2: 341 57Z 3Z1 115 116 34 41 3 2 .. 123 120 328 168 175 12 14 .. 1 6 .. 137 117 329 109 7 43 107 1 7 1 2: 1 164 20S 330 117 4 34 154 12 531 3 2 1 .. 125 1,04 331 163 2: 87 13 2 13 4.. 4 2 4 8 1 242 481 332 156 66 4 1 11 4 2 4 8 1 220 436 7 2 21 9 1 24 .. 22 45 434 76 305 3&5 82 3.1 141 46 43 1 17 :3 194 6 43 .. 152 28 1,350 2,097 333 S3 1 2:3 57 2 1 .. 48 68 334 46 54 21 3 .. 95 1.87 335 34 44 16 2 .. 81 1,47 12 10 5 1 .. 14 40 72 12 12 .. 1. .. 108 177 336 59 9 6 .. 1 .. 87 153 13 3 6 .. ., " It I, "I ,. ,I ., ., I, .. ,t t" " " 11 14 140


    Total Population Literate r"'-'-- Area of (lnoludiilg and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward rsidential house- _ -JI...--. _....1\-_ :-..._A__.._ ~~ No. Block in Km.' ehouses holds P M F' '"M p...... 'M F' '"M F'" M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8--9··--10--1-1--12--1-3--14--1-5--:1~6

    337 Me,jl.1eghogra 2,587.71 61 63 309 139 170 7 1"2 126 149 35 13 100 68 338 Koylari Ryt. 1,741.93 no 110 644 324 32D 43 47 :ln5 212 40 2 1.94 172 Koy/ar; 54 54 339 175 164 111 Il3 19 2 97 77 Godga 56 56 305 149 156 43 47 94 99 21 97 95 339 Bhiwapur 2,303.67 70 70 458 219 239 6 6 1"62 169 57 25 128 130 340 Mendha Chhindwad 4,786.61 1.43 143 814 406 408 32 29 360 362 96 9 253 233 Mendha Chhindwad 45 45 253 123 lJO 22 19 100 111 30 77 79 Chhindwad 51 51 301 150 15/ 10 10 136 137 45 6 88 86 Chhindwad dhanu '" 47 260 JJ3 127 124 114 21 3 88 68 341 Gondi Ghogra 2,233.86 70 86 514 248 266 39 34 163 187 107 10 156 146 342 Asti 2,576.03 138 172 972 442 530 ]2 17 394 466 90 16 26~ 319 Asli 73 98 531 238 293 12 17 197 234 52 11 144 173 Ghalo dhona 65 74 441 204 237 197 232 38 5 117 146 343 Suki Ryt. 1,566.36 66 8] 455 21.9 236 87 98 130 138 34 4 124 145 344 Hidei 2,480.97 191 316 f,350 665 685 19 22 394 406 372 122 388 327 Hide; 165 196 1,170 580 590 15 17 313 316 371 122 327 263 Gadar Khetltl 26 180 180 85 95 4 5 81 90 1 61 64 345 Khairl ],613.]6 51 62 358 169 189 169 189 1:9 2 104 108 346 Panbehra 4,126.64 112 119 643 306 337 20 22 269 309 101 7 189 200 Panhehra 75 82 441 214 227 20 22 177 199 78 7 136 141 Serf dhano 37 37 202 92 110. 92 110 23 53 59 347 Morudhana 1,265.17 33 35 227 97 130 97 130 1 62 81 348 Sukwa 714.14 13 17 SO 24 26 3 3 21. 23 1 23 23 349 Satkund Ryt. 2, 791.99 78 85 455 230 215 17 18 205 206 100 4 1.43 2 Satkund 54 . 59 335 171 164 2 1 163 162 67 2 .105 2 Mehra dhQIIQ 24 26 120 59 61 15 17 42 44 33 2 38 350 Garsud Ryt. 3,636.72 144 150 801 404 397 20 18 310 366 101 12 243 1,78 Dagrr. Patha 31 31 179 89 90 1 2 87 87 11 61 56 Gargud 113 119 612 315 307 19 16 283 279 90 12 182 122 351 Kavla Ryt. 1,775.51 91 97 576 J08 WJ 37 36 236 213 102 14 171 36 Palel dhana 36 41 220 116 104 4 4 103 94 38 68 19 Karla Ryl. 55 56 356 192 164 33 32 133 119 64 14 103 17 182 153 352 Belkund 2,880.45 94 101 541 283 258 4 2 252 230 79 11 129 110 Be/kund 65 72 392 203 189 4 2 178 166 70 11 35 25 Bodo Bel kund 20 20 93 49 44 43 39 6 .. 18 18 School dllana 9 9 56 31 25 31 25 3 . 3 90 65 353 Sonora 848.47 35 36 235 1.33 102 6 4 112 96 57 47 354 Hiradehi 396.64 38 41 222 101 121 7 7 81 109 8 1 355 lamapati 175.87 Uninhabited 49 49 8 38 24 356 Chich Kumbh 346.17 22 23 122 63 59 114 129 62. 12 89 91 351 Kelbcbra 2,326.40 55 5& 31S 153 165 1,3 13 208 201 88 14 127 85 358 )fani 1,495.11 75 77 440 225 215 5 7 17 15 5 3 9 6 1mali dhana 7 7 32 17 15 19/ 186 83 11 118 79 ~i M m ~ ~ ~ 5 7 70 60 15 2 46 33 359 Nadha 1,688.17 29 29 140 76 64 1 360 Jbiri 587.98 Uninhabited 73 75 13 2 57 53 361 Dharul 491.16 2S 25 155 78 77 2 1 121 109 S 1. 73 S3 362 Harra (F.V.) 735.00 31 3S 243 123 115 4 5 108 115 10 1 70 50 863 Behda(F.V.) 642.00 30 33 237 119 118 1 45 4S 4 .. S5 39 ~ CbikhllldaW.V.) 372.00 23 2) 158 Sl 7(i 141

    BHAINSDEm TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) ------V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r-_-A-~ ,--.A-...... -...A-.-.r'.JI-~.-~- -.J...-_ -.J..._--v-..A-~ ~ L.C. M F M F r M F M F M F M fYM- F---VM- -F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 S9 4 38 63 1 1 1 .. 39 102 337 144 36 170 3 6 2 2 3 .. 130 l48 338 66 25 77 2 2 2 .. 78 87 78 11 93 1 6 2 1 .. 52 61 98 26 130 4 .. 91. 1.09 339 192 49 231 6 1 1 4 .. 153 175 340 62 1 12 78 2 1 .. 46 51 62 1 19 85 3 1 3 .. 62 65 68 18 68 1 1 45 59 130 130 22 16 1 3 .. 92 120 341 184 3 61 312 5 1 4 3 1 .. 2 4 .. 181 21.1 342 98 35 169 3 1 3 3 1 .. 4 .. 94 120 86 3 26 143 2 1 2 87 91 107 85 J5 60 2 .. 95 91 343 189 52 100 253 16 25 11 5 1 3 1 23 7 1 .. 26 2 277 358 344 1'18 5 90 236 16 25 11 5 1 3 J 23 7 1 .. 26 2 253 327 5.1 47 10 17 24 31 96 100 6 8 1 1 .. 6S 81 345 132 11 48 189 3 4 2 .. 117 137 346 87 4 42 137 1 4 2 .. 78 86 45 7 6 52 2 39 51 61 1 81 35 49 347 33 23 1 3 348 131 4 3 3 87 223 349 96 4 1 1 3 1 1 66 162 35 3 21 61 1.74 2 68 176 1 161 219 350 42 19 56 .. 28 34 H2 2 49 120 '1 •• 1 133 185 133 13 30 20 4 1 1 3 137 .232 351 55 8 12 10 1 1 48 85 78 5 18 10 4 1 3 1 89 147 105 58 151 S 5 1 7 .. 101 105 3S2 75 40 109 4 1 1 1 1 7 .. 74 79 18 13 24 4 1 '14 19 12 5 18 1 13 7 70 18 6S 1 1 .. 43 37 353 39 14 11 33 4 2 .. 44 74 354 Uninhabited .. 355

    25 G 9 17 1 3 1 II I. I. as 35 356 56 60 22 28 5 2 3 1 3 .. 64 74 357 74 33 46 51 3 2 1 2 .. 98 130 358 6 3 3 3 8 9 68 30 43 48 3 2 1 .. I' I. 2 .. 90 121 36 27 8 6 2 30 31 359 •• Uninhabited •• 360 51 45 4 6 1 1 1 21 24 361 26 23 42 30 2 1 '1. •• 55 62 362 61 49 1 1 8 49 68 363 32 36 12 3 11 .Il .1 '1 •• 27 37 364 142


    Total Population Literate ~a at: . Ol?cluding and 'a-IX) Name of vIllage In Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location VilJage/Town acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workets Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house ( " ~ ~ ~ No. Block in Km I houses holds P M F' M F M F M F ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 365 Tavdi(F.V.) 372.00 11 11 91 61 30 60 30 6 35 27 366 Lapa (F.V.) 350.00 20 20 ]31 59 72 24 21 4 1 47 36 367 Chunabhura(F.V.) 673.00 14 14 85 49 36 48 36 4 38 24 368 Ghutiya (F.V.) li03.00 13 13 90 54 36 7 4 47 32 4 32 15 369 Amapathar 572.00 16 16 134 72 62 10 8 62 S4 35 32 370 Takjhiri 1,334.00 21 24 286 137 149 129 142 Z1 2 91 80 371 Palanga 382.00 10 14 99 50 49 49 49 1 24 26 372 Dodhari (F.V.) 864.00 2S Z1 160 79 81 9 10 58 57 '1:1 4 43 29 372 Bucha Kheda 534.00 19 23 150 78 72 17 12 10 1 45 47 374 Karanjidol (F.V.) 462.00 20 27 195 99 96 99 96 1 54 39 375 Kanari(F.V.) 365.00 Uninhabited .. 376 Imlidoh 846.00 61 68 392 210 182 3 6 192 173 24 1 132 32 377 Amdhana 782.00 25 25 186 102 84 5 4 84 77 14 1 64 4 318 Koludhana 827.00 Uninhabited .. 319 Nisbana 847.00 19 22 U8 70 48 67 48 4 39 •• 380 Sitapur (Aoriya) (F.V.) 71200 25 28 f22 61 61 61 61 28 1 381 Iunapani 948.00 48 57 323 165 1.58 159 1.51 3[ 18 92 9S 382 Patha Kheda 400.00 16 19 102 51 51. 44 45 8 2 40 29 383 Dhaywani 814.00 31 43 236 116 120 2 3 no 113 13 1 73 68 384 Matka 938.00 50 55 318 155 163 2 2 148 156 41 5 93 74 385 Bhondiya Kund (Jhapan- 1,130.00 14 16 131 62 69 58 65 34 dari) (F.V.) 386 Ghogal (F.V.) 660.00 16 16 138 69 69 69 69 42 •• 387 Jamu Kheda (F.V.) 188.00 1 3 10 4 6 3 6 r 4 388 Burhanpur 420.00 16 16 153 79 74 1 2 11 71 5 52 27 389 Nirungi 594.00 19 20 1,30 75 55 13 53 4 1: 48 17 390 Januna (F.V.) 1,110.00 31 36 264 ]33 131. 1,21 122 3 83 49 391 Malni 486.00 19 29 1,75 93 82 71 72 3 1 55 26 392 Sankli (F.V.) 540.00 22 22 147 73 74 68 69 4 2 58 22 193 Malegaon 915.00 24 Z1 197 102 95 S 5 97 90 10 24 394 Bhuskum 1,280.00 32 32 182 90 92 2 2 88 90 1 61 SS 395 Garadehi 528.00 19 20 119 55 64 2 I, 49 58 23 3 31 30 396 Theska (F.V.) 311 .• 00 23 38 1.57 85 72 5 5 79 61 2 58 52 397 Chhindwada (F.V.) 378.0J 19 2S 150 16 74 4 2 71 71 3 40 42 398 Palaspani (F.V.) 24000 17 25 112 54 58 6 6 41 48 1 39 32 399 Bagwani 984.(0 37 40 252 122 130 3 3 US 125 2S 79 8 400 BairamThana 652.0) 27 32 170 89 81 1 1 84 78 4 1 58 14 401 Amdhana Chima 322.00 Uninhabited ., 402 Pat (Bhuikundi) (F. V.) 35300 13 1'3 78 36 42 31 31 3 2S 21 i43


    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ' X Non. Workers ....A- r_....A-":,"",\ r..J\-~=v:"....A-':""V':'-"-~-"'__~...A-~"')~...J - ,..--.J'- L C 'M p' M P M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F' M F' No. 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 32 ?:1 1 1 .,\ ...... 1 .. 26 3 365 2:4 29 16 7 7 " .. .. 12 36 366 33 23 4 1 1...... 11 12 367 'l1 1, 15 3 ...... 1 .. 22 21 368 29 20 3 12 1" ...... :! .. 37 30 369 80 75 5 5 4 1 ...... 1 .. 46 69 370 21 25 1. 1 1 ...... 1 .. 26 23 371 32 9 1 20 9 ...... 1 .. 36 S:! 372 37 7 47 1 ...... 33 2S 373 23 9 29 3J 2 .. .. " 45 57 374 Uninhabited .. .. 375 108 14 2 18 19 .. .. -.. 3 .. 78 ISO 376 42 4 4 12 1 2 .. .. o. 3 .. 38 80 377 Uninhabited ...... 398 31 2 6 ...... 31 48 379 26 1 ( 1 ...... 33 60 380 37 4 52 91 2 ...... 1 .. 73 63 381. 34 7 29 8 ...... 1. U' 22 382 35 33 68 3 1 ...... 1 .. 43 52 383 4S 41 74 4 1 ...... 2 .. 62 89 384 29 1 4 .. .'0 ...... 18 69 385

    35 1 6 .~ .. .. 'J:1 69 386 1 2 .. 1 ...... 6 387 38 18 1.2 8 1 1 1. 0, .. .. " 27 41 388 37 9 1 8 3 ...... 1 .. 27 38 389 64 2 15 47 3 ...... 1. .. SO 82 390 3S 1 lS 2S 4 ...... 1 .. 38 56 391 40 15 22 2 1 ...... 15 S~ 392 S4 16 24 ...... 32 7. 393 49 11 55 ...... 1 .. 29 37 394 28 7 30 ...... t .. 18 34 395 50 7 52 1 ...... 27 20 396 31 8 42 1 - oo .. 36 32 3f71 33 5 32 1. oo .. .. 1.5 26 398 68 3 9 4 1 1 ...... 1 .. 43 122 399 41: 2 12 9 1 1 3 1 1 1 31 67 400 .. .. Uninhabited •...... 401 23 21 2 ...... n -21 402 144 PRIMARY,CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate r--- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r • .._---::-\ ~....)._~ No. Block in Km. B houses holds P M F M F ~F\ 'M'-F'~ 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 --~----~------~------29/1 Betul Tahsil (Rural) 2,405.4 44,075 117,899 10,32.4 58,671 32,836 66,436 38,827 233,110 115,211 9,878 59,670 9,860 2.4,738 2,206.94 58 68 300 154 146 6 6 140 133 23 2 92 74 JumNag,i 10 15 59 31 28 5 4 21 19 4 1 22 10 Kana,i (Tek,apuru) 26 30 137 70 67 1 2 69 65 17 1 41 36 Kana,i (Banspura) 6 6 18 8 10 6 8 4 Ksmari (Godlya) 16 17 86 45 41 44 41 2 25 28 2 Kharwar 869.95 67 70 362 ~81 181 13 14 165 160 23 108 120 3 Jam Nagari 1,128.07 19 22 81 42 39 36 35 4 1 27 .16 4 Jbiriya Doh 1,749.86 54 64 250 154 96 12 6 141 89 5 1 95 31 5 Timami 1,791.69 61 77 411 212 199 9 11 187 180 76 137 130 6 Tokara 689.79 15 18 73 42 31 35 30 11 1 30 2 7 Dedra Mahu 3,217.33 145 163 884 458 426 14 12 325 323 136 9 252 238 8 Fanchi 1,278.15 11 20 96 53 43 47 48 3 2 32 1 9 Kasmar 272.99 24 24 123 -65 58 .. 65 58 1 39 22 10 Parsada (Khapariya) 1,599.46 88 96 566 284 282 14 7 195 192 48 29 170 79 11 Chak Sangwani 702.19 34 35 182 99 83 90 77 1 55 16 12 Chindi Khapa 418.68 30 32 211 103 108 103 108 22 62 29 13 Dadhari Mal. 437.84 23 ~4 118 52 66 33 45 13 2 37 18 14 Dadhari Ryt. 141.26 23 23 121 62 59 42 38 14 4 34 13 15 Neemiya 904.82 61 63 338 176 162 11 16 71 74 32 97 9 16 Ballor 1,762.00 103 106 540 215 265 1 249 244 73 160 23 17 Sangwani 132.23 40 42 226 119 107 27 31 86 69 16 1 6S 18 18 Dulhargarh 224.51 Uninhabited 19 Phophlya Mal. 216.36 19 19 121 64 51 63 50 16 4 31 22 20 Neemgarh 243.39 Uninhabited 21 Dhamanya 418.11 43 43 234 123 HI 1 21 24 6 72 5S 22 Ratan Dhana Ryt. 352.94 23 23 141 80 61 80 61 13 47 IS 23 Barjorpur 468.34 36 36 l81 81 94 2 5 42 52 20 3 63 43 24 Tangna Mal. 1,284.14 156 169 752 363 389 4 6 305 290 94 9 243 233 25 Tangna Ryt. 250.36 10 10 68 34 34 2 1 22 23 26 22 26 Bijadehi 1,091.49 105 lOS 495 284 211 8 6 108 88 99 12 164 95 27 Sitadongri 930.00 53 53 247 125 122 64 70 26 2 71 36 28 Kanji Talab 662.62 40 40 181 95 86 90 78 59 48 29 Kajali 65l.S7 101 101 536 285 251 6 182 158 17 159 74 Dhamanya 43 43 234 123 111 1 27 24 6 .. 72 55 58 KDjali 58 302 162 140 5 1 155 134 11 87 19 30 Chikhli Mal. 615.95 42 43 225 124 101 110 89 34 66 2 31 Chirotiya 1,231.26 50 50 252 128 124 7 9 120 115 14 83 58 32 Panda lhiri 764.74 47 50 298 152 146 18 13 134 133 19 91 7Z 33 Matigarh 280.53 7 7 30 14 16 14 16 2 13 1 34 Khaprawadi 537.54 23 23 130 65 65 5 60 6S 1 46 25 35 Chikahli Ryt. 1,453.68 96 96 547 277 270 11 7 168 116 81 1 117 8 36 Tendu Kheda Ryt. 880.77 58 58 310 145 165 10 12 132 lSI 3 79 30 37 Tara 2,436.70 111 181 934 462 472 50 48 275 268 133 15 297 262 38 Ghisi Bagla 4,001.78 199 204 1,084 532 552 17 17 446 473 48 6 315 238 39 Mandai Bujurg 1,444.03 88 108 547 286 261 32 29 70 63 52 5 178 148 40 Anwariya 1,947.13 156 171 808 406 402 11 15 376 368 64 4 246 219 41 Kanhegaon 1,950.69 135 149 108 344 364 19 24 312 334 IS 22S 170 42 Kesiya 1,911.54 166 172 799 399 400 53 S4 259 260 133 29 254 216 145 BETUL TAHSIL Workers

    III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X I II Non­ Workers 'M-"-p' ¢F' ¢~F'¢~P~~~F~--"-F' ~F' ~~. 34 35 36 37 38 17 18 19 20 21 Z1 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 42,134 12,350 1,696 1,398 1,794 364 240 1,071 4,591 51,463 29/2 5,860 17,809 fr7 17 310 33 33 9 483 90,473 72 55 8 19 4 5 3 .. 62 72

    12 7 3 3 1 5 1 00 9 18 34 32 4 4 1 2 .. 29 31 3 1 4 10 23 16 1 12 1 20 13 83 94 22 26 .. 1 1 1 .. 73 61 2 10 10 16 5 2 .. 15 23 3 46 34 31 10 1 2 .. 2 .. 59 6S 4 105 107 :12 23 3 7 .. 75 69 5 IS 4 2 6 5 12 29 6 156 169 43 58 35 2 3 3 1 2. , 2 .... 7 2 2)6 188 7 22 4 1 3 3 21 42 8 27 11 22 1 26 36 9 118 3 26 74 5 9 12 2 114 203 10 42 2 8 14 5 44 67 11 48 7295 2 .. 41 79 12 29 1 7 17 1 15 48 13 24 3 3 10 J .. 5 28 46 14 59 30 9 3 1 .. :3 2 .. 79 153 15 141 3 23 9 3 4 .. 115 242 16 51 17 6 5 2 .. 54 89 17 Uninhabited •• 18 26 2 8201 1 .. 1 .. 35 19 Uninhabited .. 2) 62 'r1 2 28 6 2 5J 56 21 28 4 19 4 33 53 22 52 16 6 27 1 4 .. 24 51 23 :!15 213 17 20 4 4 3 .. 120 156 24 24 20 1 2 1 8 12 25 98 1 16 90 16 1 10 3 4 1 .. 19 .. 120 116 26 51 29 1 5 2Z 2 2 1 .. 48 86 27 SO 32 2 16 7 36 38 28 131 28 15 45 9 1 3 1 .. 126 177 29 62 27 Z 28 6 2 51 56 69 1 13 17 J 1 1 1 .. 75 121 58 2 5 3 58 99 30 56 23 21 36 3 2 45 66 32 76 2S 11 46 3 61 74 32 9 1 3 1 1 15 33 35 1 9241 1 .. 19 4() 34 138 5 9 1 21 5 4 100 262 35 61 1 5295 1 1 .. 66 135 36 222 171 39 86 22 4 4 3 7 .. 165 210 37 2S5 62 41 176 3 7 2 7 217 314 38 136 36 148 2 1 3 .. 108 113 39 196 3 46 216 1 3 .. 160 183 40 189 'E1 170 3 4 2 •• 119 194 41 166 156 61 51 11 2 1 1 •• 1 .. 1 •• 11 ~ 145 184 42 146


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houselesspopuIatioD) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house r_---A----, r...A-, r--A-, c_-'-, r:.-A._-., No. Block in Km.2 hous~s holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 43 Bondri 1,815.52 108 III 5i5 281 294 6 10 269 278 40 1 187 109 44 Sehra 2,375.53 123 130 737 362 375 150 171 198 193 51 1 219 89 45 Rampur ],484.~9 129 139 723 344 379 34 27 249 292 39 8 214 103 46 Sita! Jhiri 1,.~91.~.9 112 116, 720 348 372 9 9 330 352 36 3 224 238 41 Hathikund ],~S2.~9 64 67 371 179 192 20 18 114 130 32 4 100 54 48 Dhappa .. q54.02 78 85 411 206 205 8 9 156 149 41 ,5 121 95 49 Temra Mal. 196.11 32 32 155 82 73 77 69 2 46 39 50 Kantawadi ~!5.Q~ 30, 37 214 ]2'1 116 .. 3 . .. 117 114 48 76 64 51 Banka Bharda 612,24 29, 33 147 85 62 83 62 5 48 39 52 Khokra Ryt. 1,368.70 80 85 488 227 261 20 19 199 235 51 13 149 151 53 Temra Ryt. 753.85 14 14 9.1 47 44 47 41 31 33 54 Rarnpur Ryt. 5i19.42 . 53 53 280 138 142 137 142 7 4 79 87 55 Pawas Jhanda 1,699.04 138 138 700 356 344 6 5 264 247 71 231 199 56 Jam Nagari 700.55 19 19 136 68 68 68 68 4 32 21 51 Teter Mal. 365.14 25 25 164 19 85 78 84 7 43 12 58 KalyanpuI 8t9.48 .. Uninhablted S9 Sarpani 291.66 2 2 13 5 8 2 5 60 Hirawadi 549.66 20 20 105 57 48 3 3 10 33 2 61 Teter Ryt. 175.46 12 12 56 32 24 32 24 2 14 2 61 Semarpur (Jamun­ 1,334.76 117 117 589 302 287 8 8 283 264 65 3 192 72 dhana Semarpur 58 58 273 135 138 7 6 117 118 16 2 91 43 Jamun dhana 59 59 316 167 149 1 2 166 146 .W 1 101 29 63 Jhapadi 1,897.l8 89 89 500 234 266 29 31 144 184 49 3 129 14 64 Kalapani 629.24 36 36 182 95 87 45 42 3 50 4 65 Tcrnrupura 290.13 4 4 11 6 5 553 ". 5 1 66 Bahrapura 439.35 27 27 125 70 55 4 2 2 3 5 33 67 Tararn Kbeda Mal. 676.16 34 35 168 87 81 3 1 73 75 10 52 16 68 Tararn Kheda Ryt. 2.9.69 13 13 34 20 14 20 14 11 9 69 Dhanwar 1,042.44 47 47 256 133 123 1 121 114 5 80 68 70 Dabri 6,268.25 176 180 989 500 489 8 7 414 395 12) 8 335 101 72 21 Dabr; dhana Kirkiri 38 38 229 111 118 100 99 10 1 Dab,; dhana Ampu,a 43 43 256 134 122 8 7 100 86 40 4 85 34 ·41 . 1 Dab,; dhana Bhalariyu 30 33 195 101. 94 85 77 69 19 Dab,l dhana Dab,i 44 45 205 ],)3 102 98 99 37 2 72 21 Ramo Kole 14 14 65 31 34 31 34 23 6 Dodya Koa 7 7 39 20 19 1 14 71 Sirghat Ryt. 766.56 . . Uninhabited 163 49 72 Bana Behda 1,315.76 tOO 106 505 259 246 35 26 196 198 61 2 47 ~ 198 10 73 Kachhar 3,220.47 131 161 754 379 375 36 28 1,99 209 115 72 74 Chikhalda Bujurg 973.92 64 69 347 178 169 43 44 46 47 18 43 27 75 Koyal Buddi 1,133.59 30 30 141 73 68 73 68 7 76 Sonadeb 1,028.42 66 76 358 183 115 158 144 22 2 105 70 77 Koyalari Ryt. 959.42 30 30 180 . 76 104 b3 81 6 1 62 58 78 Khapa (Chikhadda) 1,478.02 80 100 530 280 250 174 159 44 156 84 Kadhiya Bharu 19 25 149 74 75 66 67 13 38 17 Dharanmal Khapa 30 40 196 lOS 91 104 91 16 ,'. 61 38 Khapa 31 3.5 185 101, 84 4 ·1 15 57 29 79 DhodJa MQhar 1.961,Q8 304 Sl1 2.218 1,152 1.066 138 . 122, 329 291 40S 328 596 116 (DUMa) i41 BETUL TAHSIL Workers -----, J II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r::-.-"-:-\ r-"-"""\ r_A,_, -:v--"-,,-"-::-y--"--:--.,--"-~-"--"'\r-"--c:-"-:-\ r:--"-" L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 1,8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '%1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ] 129 4 54 105 1 ...... 3.. 94 185 43 186 3 26 86 2 3 ...... 2.. 143 286 44 140 62 102 1.. 7 ...... 3.. 130 '176 45 191 22 235 6 2 3 .. .. .' 2.. 124 134 46, 80 14 53 2 1 ...... 3.. 79 138 47 55 60 93 1 3 ...... 2.. 85 110 48 26 16 38 2 ...... 1.. 36 34 49 47 11 63 4 3 11 .. 52 52 50 , 33 ,8 38 3 4 .. 37 23 51 13 127 147 3 3 1 .. 4 .. 78 110 52 13 18 33 16 11 53 6 71 87 59 55 54 162 65 199 4 125 145 55 , 28 4 21 38 47 56 27 15 12 1 .. 36 ;3 5t ...... Uninhabited 58 5 8 59 32 ' 2 24 46 60 13 1 2 18 n 61 173 ' 12 72 5.. 110 215 62

    82 4 4.~ 2 3 .. 44 95 91 8 29 2 66 120 118 12 ,3 2 7 .. lOS 252 '63 47 3 3 45 83 64 4 1 .. I' 4 65 , 30 3 37 55 66 35 1 10 13 4 2 3 .. 35 65 67 7 2 4 1 9 5 68 32 1 43 67 2 3 .. 53 SS 69 220 4 86 97 14 5 9 .. 165 388 70 48 1 21 20 1 2 .. 39 97 40 3 35 31 3 4 1 2 .. 49 88 56 11 19 2 32 75 50 13 21 3 1 ...... 5 .. 31 81 16 6 6 1 B 28 10 4 6 19 71 129 6 44 15 3 2 Uninhabited 2 .. 9 2 96 197 72 14 179 10 2 .. 2.. 181 365 73 87 .25 '71 2 1.. 63 97 14 34 .9 '27 30 41 75 80 22 70 2 1.. 78 105 76 29 2S 58 3 1.. 14 46 77 77 '74 84 3 2.. 124- 166 78 J1. '21 17 3 36 58 29 30 38 2 .. 4453 34 23 29 44 5.5 97 5 30


    Total Population Literate r:-- Area of (Including and (I-D9 Name of village in Total institutional and SCheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward I Urban of town !ward residential house- ( .. """' ,.---''- ''"''"""\ ,..---"'-, No. Block in Km.3 houses holds P M F M F M F ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 80 Saliment 1',309.59 122 122 663 318 34S 21 23 174 194 90 13 21,4 123 81 Raipur 1,904.84 1.35 ISS 844 428 416 46 31 3()9 297 119 23 255 223 Raipur 121 139 775 391 384 46 37 304 293 118 23 23.1 218 Tekripura 14 16 69 37 32 5 4 1 22 5 82 Mansingpura Ryt. 805.43 30 37 236 115 121 100 112 19 1 65 42 83 Chirma Tekri Ryt. 756.48 45 53 rT9 ISO 129 10 7 1.25 114 17 83 14 84 Guwadi 1,723.28 93 99 598 295 303 30 26 246 '}.SO 51 5 174 17 85 Dendupura 1,063.98 38 38 239 117 122 117 122 14 69 15 86 Dhasai Mal. 602.45 41 42 '!27 U9 lOS 1 114 103 5 65 1.0 87 Dhapada Mal. 582.47 97 118 670 336 334 103 94 1.59 170 82 2 201 9 88 Ranapura 534.20 25 'r1 144 72 72 72 72 10 45 7 89 Bhatna 1,738.03 27 28 165 14 91 74 91 3 54 7 9CJ Chhimdi Ryt. 542.84 32 34 215 111 104 4 2 107 102 5 57 8 91 Dhapada Ryt. 'B6.80 17 17 97 48 49 22 26 4 30 1 92 Cbakdhapada 87o.s8 . • Uninhabited 93 Dhasai Ryt. 466.78 •• Uninhabited 94 Khapa (Sataldehi) 1,086.22 67 98 432 234 208 11 11 204 190 60 9 115 34 95 Satalcfehi 1,201.32 93 101 517 296 281 14 14 229 219 80 7 163 44 Sataldehi 46 51 298 158 140 8 7 143 125 65 6 80 18 Golidhana 15 16 88 45 43 5 5 5 26 7 Bangram Punji 32 34 191 93 98 6 7 81 89 10 1 57 19 96 Banjaridhal Ryt. 1,937.24 91 lOS 588 294 294 6 7 270 269 79 11 1,74 91 Banjoridh!ll Ryt. 66 80 439 219 220 6 7 195 195 64 11 134 70 Batkadhuna 25 25 149 75 74 75 74 15 40 21 97 Mal~ 1,,867.64 69 78 477 22S 252 4 2 221 250 26 1 142 73 98 Chichdol Ryt. 1,161.19 19 20 132 69 63 69 63 7 38 35 99 Kelipunji Ryt. 778.22 39 42 237 123 1.14 1 122 04 31 68 20 100 Kusamri 1,175.20 33 33 200 106 94 19 25 83 66 11 57 2 101 Kotmi 1,921.65 129 129 668 345 323 13 \2 218 223 37 180 34 102 Doudi 1,039.61 101 106 553 rT6 Z77 20 33 256 244 61 8 149 Doudi 42 47 234 101 133 20 3,1 RI 100 32 8 58 Bhumka dlrana 59 59 319 175 144 175 144 29 91 J03 Mardanpur 926.45 48 49 275 127 148 28 44 93 99 11 82 43 104 Sohagpurdh&na 999,27 82 81 465 250 215 35 29 39 40 94 23 128 3S 105 Temru Mal. 916.49 68 69 345 181 164 33 27 148 137 19 2 98 48 Temrumal dhana 22 23 132 57 75 57 75 2 .'14 27 Temrumal 46 46 213 124 89 33 27 91 62 17 2 64 21 106 Temru Ryt. 627.30 20 27 132 68 64 66 60 8 1 43 17 107 Kundi 2, 193.S4 160 163 829 428 401 2S 27 328 305 122 2S 237 19 108 Kamthi 967.82 40 43 214 120 94 19 19 5 I, 61 7 73 15 109 BanIca Khodri 1,526-82 67 68 344 169 175 5 5 46 46 39 96 11 Khodri 17 17 92 46 46 46 46 1 24 4 Banka 50 51 252 123 129 5 5 38 72 7 110 Gurgunda 1,688.15 90 101 558 284 274 13 10 252 238 40 2 163 10 11.1 Pabawadi 3,012.67 121 1.36 769 397 372 48 .32 254 237 163 53 2SO 238 112 Pathai 1,478.41 98 98 533 275 258 14 14 255 238 34 4 167 170 113 Nishana Ryt. 896,51 'i1 72 365 186 179 179 173 12 115 108 114 Patouwapura 1,796.19 386 390 1,733 908 825 7 8 106 94 183 58 132 60 U5 Chapda Ryt. 894.('4 59 59 269 12~ 110 123 135 3 1 91 91 U6 Cbapda M~l. 4~,S7 ~ 2 11 7 4 7 4 2 4 149 BETUL TAHSIL Workers I II III IV Vta) v(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r:-..J'-~ r..J\...,"",,\ ,.J'--.r:_....A---.,-...J"--:-v:-:: J,-~....A-~.....J'--:-v-:-"---.".J'-,"",,\ r:-_-A-:l L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 ZJ 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I

    124 61 118 1 3 1 5 1 5 3 4 .. 11 o. 104 222 80 199 . 38 13 175 20 4 ]4 3 1 •• 3 3 S •• 173 193 81 183 37 12 171 15 4 14 3 1 .. 3 3 5 .. 158 166 16 1 1 4 5 15 27 50 10 42 s .. 50 79 82 44 37 14 2 67 115 83 142 18 16 5 1 5 4 •• 121 286 84 59 3 10 12 48 107 85 51 3 12 7 2 54 98 86 184 7 9 2 1 .• 7 .. 135 325 87 35 3 9 4 27 65 88 50 252 2 20 84 89 48 7 8 2 54 96 90 30 18 48 91 Uninhabited 92 Uninhabited 93 93 15 34 4 3.. 109 174 94 80 71 44 1 11 133 237 95 50 25 18 1 4.. 78 122 17 9 7 19 36 IJ 37 19 7.. 36 79 144 26 9f 4.. 120 203 96 106 24 70 4.. 85 150 38 2 21 35 53 103 39 73 .... 83 179 97 35 3 35 31 28 98 27 40 20 1 SS 94 99 51 4 2 1 1 49 92 10l 133 3 40 31 2 1 .. 4 ,. 165 289 101 139 2 3 1 •• 3.. 127 277 11'2 53 1 1 J •• 2.. 43 133 86 1 2 1 1 .. 84 144 50 29 42 3 45 1'15 103 61 38 32 2 7 2 I .. 4 .. 10 .. 4 •. 122 180 H14 82 10 48 4 2 83 116 105 30 3 27 1 2J 48 52 7 21 3 2 60 68 32 8 17 2 1 25 47 106 176 39 18 1 3 1 •. .. 13 .• 4 191 382 107 52 1 12 14 6 3 .. 47 79 108 64 2 22 9 3 3 ., 2 .. 73 164 109 17 7 4 22 42 47 2 15 5 3 1 3 .. 2 .. 51 122 111 3 42 7 3 4 .,J •• 1 .. 121 264 119 170 59 237 11) 2 ..... 6 147 134 111 143 20 167 1 3 3 .. 108 88 112 98 14 104 3 3 71 71 113 24 57 46 13 10 2 5 1 •• 3J 3 776 765 114 73 3 14 8' 38 49 115

    2 ,. ~. ., ,. , 5 ,,116 .. " 4 " . 150


    Total Population Literate ,-- Area of (Including and d (ITo-OOta Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Sohe d u Ie d e d cuate ,tal Lo :ation Villagt:/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes perc;ons WorketS Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house { ""--...... ,--"-~ No. Block in Km.1 houses holds P M F M F 'if....l\,_F' 'M"-F' .'M_-A-;, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 117 Bhagtandhana 298.03 23 23 149 70 79 70 79 8 42 43 11 S Chikhalda Khurd 384.26 80 87 304 163 141 36 36 19 21 9S 3S 92 18 119 Jampani 853.97 4 11 5 6 4 6 4 3 120 Hardu 364.46 Uninhabited ., 121 Mokha Ryt. 428.19 18 26 164 81 83 77 82 8 49 40 122 Mokha Mal. 518.70 66 77 395 192 203 8 7 131 140 19 122 47 123 Palaspani 1,386.78 74 81 405 201 :1J)4 7 7 171 174 58 1 135 79 124 Motidhana 539.23 111 111 556 '%79 '1:17 9 7 4 3 213 211 103 31 125 Barbatpur 303.64 100 111 447 248 199 29 38 73 33 1:!1 56 137 27 126 Shahpur 261.57 650 673 3,184 1,731 1,453 158 154 130 36 1,178 648 737 .51 127 Pausera 756.86 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 128 Buddi 792.56 10 10 58 28 30 4 5 18 24 3 19 7 129 Gonapur 1,250.53 15 15 93 47 46 47 46 1 30 2 130 Silpati 1,962.52 205 220 931 465 466 94 94 100 106 150 12 273 110 361 38 131 Bhyawadi 1,034.75 159 229 1,094 586 508 136 128 43 38 241 8 "61 21 132 Golhai Bujurg 658.64 34 38 223 111 112 9 10 84 ?2 12 74 "26 133 Golhai Khurd 2,114.88 52 5S 257 117 140 108 121 7 Golhai Khurd 44 47 217 98 119 89 108 7 63 21 11 5 Rad! dhana 8 8 40 19 21 19 19 134 Katasur 532.84 36 37 244 111 133 4 3 107 pO 17 64 39 55 17 135 Saliwada 900.31 38 38 :!II 103 98 3 94 92 4 136 Dulhara 2,681.48 82 89 477 235 242 1 233 241 35 2 130 21 Dulhar

    Total Population Literate ,--- Area of (Including and (I IX) Name of village in Total institutional an~ Scheduled Scheduled eduoated Total Location Villag(Town( acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-, A , ~ No. Block in Km.:I houses holds P M F M F 'M'7 ~'td'7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 147 Shobhapur 1,266.09 108 116 686 349 337 54 51 284 Z13 31 2 179 8 Shob.l!apur 50 53 .~20 161 159 53 51 98 95 11 1 75 5 Brnmhanwada 31 36 189 104 85 1 102 85 14 1 58 3 Dhiwawa dhuna 27 27 177 84 93 84 9J 6 46 148 Bagdona 1,729.19 77 84 448 224 224 211 218 38 1 117 6 149 Chordongri 1,037.63 56 56 290 146 144 138 1"37 5 1 93 19 150 Bisaldehi 1,520.22 40 40 216 119 97 3 5 116 92 7 73 4 151 Sukadhana 975.42 27 27 166 81 85 10 10 57 64 10 42 152 Salaiya 1,538.18 119 120 653 331 316 81 78 3 2 139 28 178 3 1S3 Phopas 198.08 Uninhabited 154 Markadhana 843.08 72 72 335 172 163 7 7 142 136 23 1 109 15 155 Kolgaon 449.50 33 33 156 76 80 70 73 3 4 44 2 156 Dhased Ryt. 1,168.33 75 15 360 180 180 3 2 172 169 9 2 95 4 157 Ghogari 899.49 18 18 94 46 48 42 44 8 1 23 1 158 Patha Kheda 1,130.43 51 51 175 107 68 35 23 30 2Z 35 5 S5 4 159 Vikrampur 463.35 34 34 211 99 112 11 12 87 100 13 3 53 2 160 Mordongri 558.54 31 31 165 84 81 3 4 65 59 3 1 43 1 161 Gata Kheda Ryt. 432.96 37 40 225 113 112 15 6 98 106 63 38 162 Loniya Ryt. 1,233.72 61 61 391 211 180 137 126 32 5 lIS 9 Loniya 45 45 306 162 144 IJ6 125 24 4 92 9 Bilkai Lon/yo 16 16 85 49 36 1 1 8 1 1J 163 Khairwani Ryt. 979.6!} 61 61 368 182 186 57 53 119 1.28 19 .2 99 164 Dokali Ryt. 1,112.11 67 67 414 213 201 20 19 191 181 12 2 125 3 165 Jajalpur 306.13 31 31 164 86 78 11 10 75 68 1 52 2 166 Sernar Tal 366.70 29 29 157 75 82 74 80 4 1 46 10 167 Rayawadi 435.02 22 22 134 65 69 6S 69 7 39 8 168 Bakud 1,326.89 94 94 5.13 278 235 11 8 210 182 2D 3 17.2 93 16!} Dulhara 41 795.67 41 217 106 111 .06 111 9 68 12 170 Phandka 1,016.13 14 14 59 31 28 30 2S 5 3) 1 171 Dangwa 364.83 33 33 154 75 79 3 3 49 59 2 1 40 4 172 Jamkhodar 305.83 32 32 129 67 62 56 49 2 42 31 173 Bel10nd 3,203.21 56 56 295 153 142 I 1 152 141 80 72 174 Rojhada 560 48 43 43 261 lZ1 134 4 2 123 132 75 68 175 Mayawani 417.91 24- 27 166 70 96 12 19 8 4S 40 176 Chhuri 880.69 82 99 465 245 D> 44 46 8 11 55 135 20 171 Guwadi 492.07 11 11 59 31 28 10 7 21 21 7 12 11 178 Jangda 458.54 44 58 336 177 159 11 11 121 115 14 9J 29 Jogra Pada 10 22 125 71 54 11 11 15 10 10 31 2 J,..ngdn 34 36 211 106 10" 106 105 4 58 27 179 Sita Kamal 925.93 66 75 404 193 211 56 51 70 18 69 3 117 67 Situ Kamat Gondi dlu.na 22 26 147 67 80 20 16 6.3 73 15 Pat!l dhana 22 25 40 33 126 61 65 2 30 Karwar d/tana 3 39 16 22 24 131 65 66 36 35 5 5 24 180 Keriya 732.30 38 18 30 32 112 85 87 6 5 55 61 13 181 Mathni 569.22 53 31 46 47 234 110 124 109 122 13 Math", Patel dhanQ 80 64 39 40 195 91 104 90 10.3 69 Purdhan dhana 65 5S 7 7 39 19 20 19 19 4 15 9 182 Jajbodi 536.78 73 80 388 194 194 14 16 58 56 26 1 130 83 183 Sadakwacfa 1,269.73 53 58 304 148 1.56 29 37 1.11. 119 21 89 30 Sadakwada 23 21 12' Q 6J , S SO S8 9 .. Sf 8 153


    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 'J:1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I ,_------_.- ._- . 112 3 7 4 53 3 1 4 170 329 147 46 2 4 .3 20.. 3 1 .. .. 1.. 86 154 .33 1 3 1 21 .• 2.. 46 82 .33 12 " 1.. 38 93 85 16 6 1 11.. 1 3.. 107 218 148 74 1 16 18 2 53 125 149 64 2 4 3 3 1.. 46 93 ISO 26 6 10 " 39 85 15] 122. 10 '1. 20 6 2 16 159 313 152 Uninhabited •• .• IS3 88 18 15 3 63 148 154 31 S 2 1 1 .• 32 78 ISS 83 1 5 3 3 3 1 •• 85 176 156 20 2 1 1 23 47 157 32 2 1 2 2 .. 6 2 ]0 •. 52 64 158 37 1 3 1 S S •• 3 .. 46 110 159 33 1 4 3 2 4J 80 160 41 21 38 1 50 74 161 86 14 '1. IS 1 9 6 86 171 162 61 9 2 14 J 1 7 6 70 135 25 5 1 2 16 36 76 21 1 83 186 163 94 1 31 2 8R 198 164 42 1 9 1 34 76 165 33 11 10 2~ 72 166 30 1 7 7 1 1 .. 26 61 167 145 19 93 2 S 106 142 168 SS 10 12 3 .38 99 169 13 4 1 2 11 27 170 20 14 4 1 4 35 75 171 34 24 fi 7 -.. .. 25 31 172 64 4S 16 27 73 70 173 1 73 68 '1 •• 52 66 174 3S 30 2; 7 6 2 2 1 25 56 175 93 30 18 1 .. S 2 S 110 200 116 10 2 11 19 17 177 76 9 29 4 86 130 178 25 5 2 3 •• 38 52 51 4 27 2 •. I .. 48 78 73 24 15 34 7 3 •• 13 6 3 1 1 ., 4 •• 76 144 179 31 18 3 14 .3 1 .• 2 1 27 47 23 5 4 2 9 4 3 1 1 .. .3 •• 22 49 19 1 12 16 2 2 2 1 1 27 48 37 1 15 30 I .. 32 56 180 S7 41 11 23 8 4 .• 30 60 181 4' 34 10 21 6 4 •• 26 49 12 7 1 2 2 4 11 87 58 11 18 12 4 .. 4 3 1 3 3 8 .• 64 111 182 69 10 30 8 .• 2 .. S9 126 183 26 .. 8 ...... 8·' ,. 28 SS 154


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and '(I-IX) NameoC village in Total institution.'\\ and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town I acres and Occupied No, of houseless population) Castes Tribes p.:rsons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential hou~e r---A--:l r....A-, r...A_:\ r-A-, r.-J\-, No. Blook in KID.s house holds P M F M F M F M F M F l' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gaba,di dhona 30 31 179 86 --~------93 24 32 61 61 12 55 22 1.84 Mahendrawadi (Kishan- 564.13 70 70 407 189 21ft 21 15 165 196 38 2 ·105 61 dhana) Muhendrawadi 61 61 355 165 190 15 13 147 170 32 2 91 61 Bade.pura 9 9 52 24 28 6 2 18 26 6 12 185 Juwadi 1,595.93 87 93 525 272 253 17 18 148 132 73 17 152 23 Juwadi Sumi dhana 19 20 105 57 48 54 47 6 1 27 Kha8pura 28 29 167 87 80 4 4 70 64 17 1 44 2 Patel dhana 40 44 25J 128 125 13 14 24 21 50 15 81 21 186 Mehkar 630.77 66 66 370 179 191 18 18 161 173 48 5 95 24 Mehkar patel dhanu 46 46 266 128 138 17 17 111 121 39 5 68 17 Beesram dhana 20 20 104 51 53 1 1 50 52 9 27 7 187 Keolari 974.42 61 68 384 191 193 58 53 118 129 45 115 37 Katillkevlari dl,ana 16 1~ 93 49 44 46 40 3 4 13 - 25 Patel dhana 45 50 291 142 149 12 13 115 125 32 90 37 188 Shobhr.pur 676.25 36 41 132 66 66 44 40 n 26 11 34 3 189 Ratanpur 548.70 41 41 271 141 130 9 9 120 III I 91 190 Hirawadi 549.66 57 68 405 197 208 47 46 2 1 33 2 118 2 191 Kesiyadhana 114.78 Uninhabited 192 Chargaon 703.07 62 62 335 163 172 7 10 8a 97 29 ·95 4 Chargaon pardhan dhana 31 31 172 78 94 7 10 71 84 11 43 4 Goli dhona 31 31 161 85 78 9 13 16 1 52 1.93 Ranipur 1,918.116 183 198 1,101 562 539 76 66 121 137 245 92 310 82 Ranipur 36 37 200 102 98 40 64 .3 69 22 Nim dhona 17 19 108 56 52 1 55 52 9 ·32 17 Pada 130 142 793 404 189 75 66 26 21 233 92 209 43 194 Kuhi 1,103.53 148 166 859 416 443 39 51 237 256 92 4 236 8 Kuhldesla dhana 51 62 287 147 140 5 2 6 4 51 72 4 Gondl dlulnu 61 66 349 167 182 3 2 161 180 12 i09 4 Kolur dhuna 36 38 223 102 121 31 47 70 72 ·29 4 ·55 195 Khakra Keolari 1,216.00 84 88 442 215 227 IS 15· 194 208 26 J 144 85 196 Ghodawadi 927.85 51 53 262 . 128 134 (; 7 113 120 it 2 83 12 197 Ankawadi 453.63 108 108 548 . 275 273 10 6 122 137 48 3 1.64 23 198 Kharigondi 1,120.89 30 32 156 78 78 78 78 44 21 199 Khokra· 527.73 47 62 418 2)5 213 5 2 200 211 26 1'15 2 200 Nandu 701.06 44 44 259 134 125 62 63 67 53 23 4 ·'79 11 201 CbikhaIi Amdbana 1.579.79 156 158 !lSI 420 431 14 23 232 244 53 8 278 2S Chilehillf 21 .21 109 47 62 45 '60 "16 2 Chilehilll Amdhana 135 137 742 373 369 14 23 187 184 53 8 '242 23 202 Dehari 409.44 ,lJninhabited 203 Pajhar 901.38 21 21 109 52 57 3 4 49 53 33 10 204 Khamalpur 1,262.11 47 50 219 112 107 112 107 62 7 20S Kanhawadi Ryt. 1,627.81 90 95 520 260 260 9 9 203 200 12 1 165 . ·8 Konhawadi 82 87 484 241 241 9 9 184 183 12 1 157 8 Silakheda 8 8 36 19 17 19 17 8 206 Ghuggi 708.04 61 61 313 140 173 140 173 11 5 80 44 GhUZgi 52 52 253 116 137 116 137 5 67 37 BudhanwadJ 9 9. .

    BE'J;'UL TAHSIL Worke;s ------'"""" I It III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers C"-A....:\ r:_....A--=:'\ r-"-"':::'r'_;'-~r:.....A-~...A- ...JI.-. ...A- _J\,____ -~ ~"'""' L-C. M . F M F M F M F M F M F~ F"M F""M~ ~ F M F No. 17 18 19 :zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 43 10 22 2 31 71 b9 27 61 5 4 84 157 184

    61 27 61 4 1 72 129 8 1 3 12 28 115 33 22 4 •• 111) 230 18S 2S 2 30 48 36 7 2 1 43 78 54 ,1 24 20 3 .. 47 104 84 14 5 10 3 t •• 2 .. 84 167 186 60 11 2 6 3 J •• 2 .. 60 121 24 3 3 4 24 46 82 11 12 24 15 2 4 1 .. 1 .. 76 156 187 22 1 1 .. 1 .. 24 44 fj() 11 12 24 14 2 4 52 112 25 2 2 1 1 •• 4 .. 32 63 1:88 72 12 3 4 •• 50 130 189 92 18 1 2 .• 4 1 79 206 190 Uninhabited •• 191 67 4 13 2 3 ., 6 .• 3 .. 6S 168 192 33 1 4 3 .. 5 .• 1 .. 35 90 34 13 2 J •• 2 •• 33 78 160 21 42 S9 27 1 14 8 •. 11 1 .. 47 1 252 457 193 S5 5 6 16 7 1 1 .. 33 76 7 1 21 16 4 24 35 98 15 15 27 16 14 8 .. 11 1 .• 46 1 195 346 170 34 7 11 13 1 1 .• 7 .. 180 43S 194 S5 3 4 1 ...... 8 1 .• 4 .. 75 136 75 22 3 8 ...... ~ J 1 .. 58 178 40 9 2 2 2 .. 47 121 123 1 7 84 2 2 .. 9 .• 1 .• 71 142 195 59 1 14 11 2 S •• 4S 122 196 , 16 44 23 1 .. 2 •• 111 250 197 35 9 21 34 57 198 102 7 2 3 .. 1 .• 90 211 199 42 23 11 4 8 •• 1 .. 5S 114 7ro !D9 18 32 7 12 7 2 .. 8 .. S •• 142 406 201 17 17 2 1 1 .. 11 60 192 18 15 5 11 7 2 .. 7 •• 8 .• 131 346 Uninhabited •• 202 ,23 .2 10 ,8 19 47 203 50 11 7 1 .. 50 100 204 153 7 8 1 1 •• 3 •• 95 252 11)5 r45 7 8 1 ,1 •• 3 •• 84 235 8 11 17 67 12 44 1 60 129 206 54 12 37 J 49 100 13 7 ..... 11 29 54 18 2 2 3 .. 44 127 '1J)7 17 47 43 1 ., ~~?P8 U6


    Total Population Literate ,..-- Area of (Including and r (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and SCheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and _ Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r-.::----'--:"""'\ r-"-,"",,\ -"­ No. Block in Km. 2 house holds P M F M F 'M F' 'M~r~F' 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Phoolgohon 80 84 435 221 2J4 19 19 202 195 18 3 141 37 Baroling 10 JO 70 34 36 34 36 24 6 209 Dudhawani Ryt. 1.390.46 81 89 473 234 239 S 3 :m 224 40 4 148 9 210 . Ghoda Dongri Ryt. 2,950.60 499 771 3,606 I,R96 1,710 135 114 720 711 882 414 999 347 Ghoda Dongriganj 86 143 713 373 340 6 3 34 6 243 154 156 13 Behdi dhano 178 274 1,151 614 537 75 66 331 315 186 50 381 242 Bailar dhoml 75 142 695 385 310 26 20 7 9 276 162 174 10 Bosonya dhana 113 125 670 323 347 8 3 278 311 88 1 178 53 -Kakadf(anj 47 87 377 201 176 20 22 70 70 89 47 110 19 211 ChOJpaDdra 1,685.21 98 103 575 29S 280 4 3 271 266 43 9 182 81 Chorpandro Harras d':ana 61 66 358 183 173 4 3 172 163 16 112 24 Re,a dh,ma 37 37 219 112 107 99 103 17 9 70 57 Zl2 Pandra 1,198.74 91 104 699 338 36l 54 54 125 145 7S 8 221 178 Pandra 41 49 274 121 153 13 22 106 128 15 1 81 73 Pantira GoU dhana 50 55 425 217 208 41 32 19 17 60 7 140 lOS 213 Dhargaon 828.12 42 49 297 148 149 7 1 141 142 8 88 47 214 Banspur 1,527.03 115 126 762 384 378 73 77 290 280 77 S 218 64 Bunspur 79 89 535 266 269 58 67 188 181 66 4 142 30 Jhumka dhano 21 22 140 67 73 7 8 59 65 5 1 42 22 Tugge dhona 15 15 87 51 36 8 2 43 34 6 34 12 215 Ratamati 904.61 13S 152 819 408 411 10 9 386 394 72 6 253 33 Botamat; 24 24 138 74 64 74 64 1 46 15 Sathi dhona 19 90 489 234 255 9 9 213 238 52 6 149 9 Bumur dhana 21 24 133 66 67 66 67 5 38 9 Kohor dhana 11 14 59 31 25 1 33 25 8 20 216 Pepri t.332.70 69 77 378 173 205 110 143 6 t07 47 Pepri 20 23 110 61 59 55 54 5 '31 16 Goli dh(ina 25 28 113 57 56 36 8 Pahud dhana 24 26 145 .'Sf 90 55 89 1 J7 23 217 Malisilpati 274.02 40 40 257 135 122 132 ,121 3 '1 19 '80 44 218 Deshawadi ,3,958.71 181 187 960 500 460 126 95 391 317 -51 3 '338 IS4 Deshowudi 34 J7 2)1 115 86 69 45 91 77 16 1 68 34 Saduk dhana 11 II 64 35 29 19 11 14 15 6 25 14 Amda dh,ma 27 27 141 73 68 70 66 1 48 42 Rohni dha'lfl 62 63 330 164 166 164 166 6 12/ 24 Kotni dhana 14 16 65 36 29 5 3 11 9 6 2 23 Godidhana 33 33 159 77 82 3J 36 41 44 16 53 40 219 Bhudki 799.95 51 56 326 161 165 2 1 129 138 22 6 94 91 220 Pachama 1,721.91 46 46 296 144 152 62 68 1'1 82 28 1 91 100 221 Palaspani 862.75 50 50 274 134 140 5 6 121 131 15 1 93 8S '~ Paro 168.11 Uninhabited .. 180 101 223 Dolidhana 2,681.89 109 121 621 307 320 12 12 245 266 84 14 154 78 Doli dhana 91 10/ 531 267 26# 10 9 207 213 80 14 26 23 Palha nad; I~ 20 96 40 56 2 .'J 38 53 4 224 Malseoni 1 S20.79 84 91 493 244 249 39 43 147 152 32 4 139 85 Molseoni , 66 72 386 189 197 39 43 127 132 30 4 109 68 Kub"di dhann 18 19 107 55 52 20 20 2 30 17 225 Mendapani 1,423.60 88 94 521 249 272 18 18 21S 242 6S 10 159 57 226 Mardwani Mal. IJ68.21 89 99 534 263 271 11 12 224 238 42 6 181 129 Z¥T ,Manlwani ~yt. 593,47 2 2 17 10 7 10 7 5 1 BETUL TAHSIL Workers

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 99 41 ,37 ...... 1.. BO 177 18 6 6 10 30 138 5 :9 3 .. 86 230 209 352 40 ,86 241 21 4 •• '54 15 42 3 12 .. 136 3 104 1 188 44 897 1,363 210 .3 2 7 3 .. 13 5 6 'I 2 44 1 17 1 61 13 217 317 118 14 50 196 5 1 .• 21 7 12 .• 22 1 35 .. 57 24 233 295 9 3 5 11 3 15 7 57 1 20 47 6 211 300 137 24 18 27 3 7 6 2 4 .. 3 .. 145 294 25 15 18 1 2 3 .. 3 13 .. 28 .. 10 1 91 157 124 48 43 '33 3 I 1 .. ]0 .. 113 199:'11 75 19 25 5 2 1 9 .. 71 149 49 29 18 2B I 1 .. 1 .. 42 50 148 7 34 161 17 I .. 17 10 3 .. 117 183 212 50 27 73 3 1 40 80 9B 7 7 88 14 1 16 10 1 3 77 103 56 25 41 5 1 .• 1 .. 60 102 213 179 7 14 55 17 2 2 1 .. 5 .. 166 314 214 ,119 7 11 23 5 2 5 .. 124 239 33 1207 2 1 .. 25 51 27 2 12 5 17 24 m 10 33 7 1 .. 4 1 3 .. 5 .. 155 378 215 44 1 15 1 28 49 11B 4 '9 4 1 4 1 4 85 246 32 5 9 1 28 58 IB 1 J .. 14 25 90 9 47 4 4 .. 66 158 216 28 1 16 1 4 .. 27 43 30 3 8 3 21 48 31 5 13 . 18 67 75 2 4 42 1 55 7J 217 297 138 2S 16 9 6 162 305 2 ~ 56 30 8 4 1 1 2 .. 47 52 23 14 2 10 15 41 38 6 4 1 25 26 110 18 11 6 43 14? 19 4 .. 13 29 4B 38 2 5 24 42 74 70 15 18 5 3 67 74 219 78 88 11 12 2 .. 53 S2 '2Z0 82 80 7 5 3 3 1 .. 41 52 221 Uninhabited .• 222 144 2.1 101 6 2 .. 127 219 223 124 22 78 5 1 2 .. 113 186 10 5 13 1 14 33 115 44 21 41 I 2 .. l05 164' 224- 89 .10 17 38 J 2 .. 80 129 26 14 ., 3 25 35 126 2S 24 31 2 3 1 1 .. 3 .. 90 215 22S 135 5 39 J:!4 3 4 •• 82 142 226 3 Z ,. ,. ..., .. " .. ~, .~ " 5 6 227 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI'

    Total population Literate r"'-'-- Area of (Including and a-DO Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total location Village/townl acres and Occupied No of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban oftown/ward residential house- t .&. ~ ~...J,_,:::,\ ....A­ No. Block in Km.. houses holds P M F M P 'if P"""' ~F'~F' 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 228 Amagohan 1,098.66 109 117 474 248 22-=-6=--_'1~3---:'1 6 -1=-=7":""1 --:"15--0 25 f 136 36 Amagohan 59 59 344 181 163 13 16 134 118 18 1 102 29 1latho 42 50 92 42 50 18 24 4 19 6 Nicha dhana 8 8 38 25 13 19 8 3 15 1 2:!9 Khadara 1,798.80 41 43 222 113 109 5 5 97 94 12 66 so 230 Khari 820.%5 80 94 481 240 241 24 20 141 148 83 9 151 46 Khari' 39 48 273 136 137 8 9 95 97 68 9 85 29 Jamu" dhana 27 27 123 61 62 16 11 45 51 13 36 10 Paithi dha,," 14 19 85 43 42 1 2 30 7 231 Chhuri 777.63 67 69 375 190 185 57 48 81 89 28 102. 3 232 Dori 675.12 35 38 208 96 112 1 92 110 28 3 59 17 233 Nimpani 913.71 80 80 416 215 201 25 17 91 95 70 31 109 25 Nimp"ni 50 50 225 120 105 25 17 42 42 53 29 152 17 Osri dhanq 15 15 98 47 51 47 51 9 24 5 Koth Kheda 15 15 93 48 45 2 2 8 2 23 3 234 Baucha 453.11 23 24 142 73 69 6 3 67 66 8 46 39 235 Padhar Bujurg 1,475.96 164 237 1,300 652 648 75 75 145 149 333 175 370 103 Padhar. Bujurg 67 127 692 362 330 41 36 25 15 205 130 204 73 Chobara dhana 97 no 608 290 318 34 39 120 134 128 45 166 36 236 Iakhali U13.09 66 83 408 197 211 2 1 161 184 29 2 116 64 237 Pisajhodi 1.198.38 67 74 389 203 186 170 154 21 10 119 27 238 Kuppa 709.66 95 96 580 260 320 Z1. 24 222 279 54 ·2 159 39 239 Bajjarwada 831.94 52 55 285 141 138 2 2 130 120 15 9Z 7 240 Ihadkund 1,938.19 165 169 781 368 413 20 19 270 312 44 205 15 Jhadkund 60 64 366 166 200 20 19 116 153 27 91 5 Pasudhana 51 51 103 52 51 " . 52 51 4 2 28 1 Bareli dhuntl 19 19. .90 45 45 45 45 3 2 18 2 Roda 16 16. 111 54 57 6 .J 10 31 7 Maru dhana 19 19. 111 51 60 51 60 27 241 Chikhali 2,298.62 107 113 667 334 333 13 11 149 161 82 11 187 7 Chikhafi 90 96 593 293 300 ·13 11 121 136 79 10 164 6 Rega dhana 12 12 54 31 23 18 15 2 1 18 1 Bhura dhuna .s 5 20 10 10 10 10 1 5 242 Ghana 691.04 42 44 270 132 138 18 18 54 52 21 1 75 3 243 Badgi Gondi Khurd 1.473.41 80 99 446 232 214 7 5 220 201 9 145 17 Badg; Khurd 51 69 279 145 134 7 5 136 123 4 98 10 Ghota dhana 29 30 167 87 80 84 78 5 47 7 244 Sillot " 2,013.64 158 170 1.038. 488 550 .102 116 261 302 75 6 312 Sillot 51 5.1 333 159 174 4. 5 149 165 10 106 Gndi kheda 39 45 280 /41 139 26 27 16 10 47 5 84 . Sirnc. 35 . 35 207 8.B 119 84 J13 .. 8 60 Korawana 28 32 192 88 104 72 84 10 56 Badil dhana 5 5 26 12 14 12 14 6 245 Rawanwadi . 676.39 35 37. 230 113 117 65 70 5 65 19 246 Badgi Bl\i1l1:8 ~(8.58 37. 41 Z48 130 118 9 6 8 26 1 71 18 247 Nayegaon. .636.76 36 43 247· 132 115 11 9 .5 26 80 62 248 Goha<:hi 879.27 42 47 250 131 119 3 98 93 22 82 69 249 Banspani 724.95 46 S9 291 150 141 30 35 99 91 23 98 64 250 Umarwani 1.615.18 !l4 90 .488 lAO 248 20 23 163 168 21 ·152 80 251 Kalyanpur 952.17 56 (,2 317 164 153 8 10 .67 64 57 7 98 48 159 BETUL TAHSIL Workers _'------"~-- I ------II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX

    17 18 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 117 5 16 31 1 1 .. 1 .. 112 190 228 89 , 5 10 24 1 1 .. 1 .. 79 . 134 18 1 6 23 44 _ 10 5 1 10 12 55 14 8 36 2 1 47 59 229 121 42 3 11 6 1 10 2 89 195 230 70 27 J J 1 8 2 51 lOB 27 9 2 5 1 2 .. 25 52 24 6 J 6 13 35 70 28 3 3 .. 88 182 231 50 15 2 2 4 1 2 .. 37 95 232 71 3 12 3) 9 S 2 .. S 1.. .. 5 .. 106 176 233 37 2 8 14 1 4 2 .. 5 1.. .. 5 .. 58 88 17 1 3 4 4 23 46 17 1 2 4 1 1 25 42 41 11 4 27 1 1 27 30 234 132 21 41 16 11 2 2.. 39 19 14.. 3 30 7 .. 9\ 44 282 545 235 57 16 13 431 2 .. 28 10 8 .. 1 14 6 .. 72 42 158 257 75 5 28 12 8 1 11 9 6 .. 2 16 1 1 .. 19 2 124 288 90 10 22 54 1 1 " .. 2 .. 81 147 236 69 3 40 24 4 1 1 .. 3 .. 84 159 237 147 4 7 35 3 2. 101 281 238' 80 5 5 2 4 1 2. .. 55 131 239 176 2 19 12 6 1 1 .. 2 .. 163 398 240 - 81 1 6 4 J 1 2 .. 75 195 25 J 1 1 1 24 .50 23 1 5 1 17 43 25 6 6 1 23 50 22 J 4 24 (i) 132 30 6 10' .. 62 .. 2. .. S 1 147 326 241 117 25 5 8 6 .. 1 .. 2 .. 5 1 129 294 10 5 J 2 1 .. 13 22 S 5 10 53 1 13 2 8 1 .. 57 135 242 121 l 19 12 2 3 3 87 197 243 82 1 13 6 1 2 3 47 124 39 1 6 6 1 ! 40 73 236 52 1 18 5 .. 176 5S0 244 ,81 21 4 53 174 65 14 1 4 .. 57 139 50 9 .. .:\ 1 28 119 35 7 1 12 i .. 32 104 . 5 _ J 6 14 .47 - 1 14 18 3 1 48 98 245 69 J4 .. 1 3 1 59 100 246 56 . 50 ,IS 12 1 2 ...... 6 .• 52 53 247 65·64 13 5 1 3 ... 49 50 248 81 47 12 16 2 2 1 1 ou 52 77 249 l08 48 36 32 5 1 1 ._. 41 _'0 88 168 250 ,75 ..31 ,18 17 \ .. 1 66 lOS 251 160 PRIMAR¥' CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated' Total Location Village ITown! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward tUrban of town !ward residential house ,....--"---, ,...... ___.,. No. Blook in Km.1II houses holds P M F M F M F ~~'"""M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 252 Gajpur 1,432.80 68 69 351 167 184 14 11 137 1.56 18 3 110 88 253 Laoniya 696.00 48 SO 281 147 134 24. 23 41 39 30 73 Laoniya 15 15 85 46 39 5 4 18 24. Kotwarpuro 25 27 156 79 77 22 20 26 28 10 39 Mehru Khap:m 8 8 40 22 18 2 3 10 7 2 10 254 Dhoul 1,942.02 17 17 420 213 207 20. 21 134 137 36 4 I1S 2 Dhoul 30 30 143 76 67 20. 20. 3 3 22 3 39 Godiwana 47 47 277 137 14() 1. 131 134 14 1 76 2 2S5 Gehunras 1,165.79 77 17 392 204 188 41. 33. 65 63 60 24 109 42 Gehunras 63 63 320 165 155 11 7 60 58 49 21 90 36 Schoo; pura 14 14 72 39 33 30 26.. ' 5 5113 19 6 256 Mathni 1,497.81 68 69 417 2D4 213 22 18 7 6 90 14 128 84 257 Mandai Khurd 1,628.28 100 100 591 307 284 40 42 53 54 67 8 169 41 Mandai KJlurd 74 74 451 235 216 40 42. 23 17 65 8 126 13 Godai Ghana 26 26 140 72 68 30 37 2 43 28 258 Kbapar Kbeda 578.11 1 7 43 22 21 22 20 1 IS 3 259 Lapajhiri ~,746.71 74 86 500 239 261 5 4 147 188 25' 3 147 145 47 S6 326 160 166 4. 2 103 111 21 2 101 92 Godidhana 13 15 99 45 54 1 2 14 21 1 26 27 Goll dhad.J 14 15 75 34 41 30 56 2 1 20 26 260 Sakadehi 1,743.17 96 96 498 253 24S 30 28. 142 129 32 7 146 43 Sakadehi 43 43 215 106 109 24 24 77 75 17 3 67 25 Baz"r dJuma 5 5 22 13 9 2 2 8 4 9 1 Koylar dhana 33 33 178 93 85 3 2 57 50 7 4 48 17 Padal dhana 6 6 35 17 18 3 10 Goli dhana 9 9 48 24 24 1 5 12 261 ThaW 750.47 34 34 195· 104 91 78 72 23 57 13 Thani 26 26 137 69 68 61 59 j 42 12 Goti dh{.na 4 4 35 21 14 .4 4 .17 8 1 Khujari dhana 4 4 23 14 9 13 9 1 7 262 Udadan 2,096.79 66 73 359· 181 178 10· 13 89 91 41 Il 11.0 56 Udadan 24 24 123 62 61 3 2. 5 3 23 10 36 1 Gondi dhana 34 40 188 89 99 3 7 78 84 12 2 60 50 Satti dhana 8 9 48 30 18 4 4 6 4 6 14 5 263 Tigariya 730.23 45 4S 233 113 120 . 13 14 30 38 19 3 66 11 264 Jamthi 1,750.75 104 123 941 603 344 lOS 108 115 119 330 72 208 47 Jamthi 39 41 220 109 III 65 63 44 47 45 II 50 19 Po teli dhana 19 19 130 64 66 22 21 29 26 21 7 37 7 Bhlmt Bharti 17 34 428 344 84 7 6 8 11 232 41 70 15 Sadak dhana 29 29 169 86 83 11 12 34 j5 32 13 51 6 265 Kadhai 1,008.75 41 41 220 11.3 107 26 22 75 17 15 5 6S 3 Kadhai Putel dlrana 29 29 161 82 79 15 15 (f() 60 13 4 46 2 Goli dhana 12 12 59 31 28 11 7 15 17 2 1 19 1 266 Jhagdia 1,834.59 63 63 327 152 175 5 14 98 107 27 3 93 31 Bromha" 59 59 307 146 161 5 13 98 107 23 89 30 Bramhan dhana 4 4 20 6 14 1 4 3 4 1 261' .Thadegaon 1,863.35 50 50 '/:19 140 139 1 1 131 135 4 86 63 268 Temani 1,41.1.96 19 79 472 21.8 254 27 26 128 147 61 21 130 39 Temani Patel t/hana 6.S 6.S 383 177 206 19 19 100 110 53 21 lOB 25 Goll t/hana . 14· 14 89 41 48 8 7 28 31 8 22 14 161 BETUL TAHsIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ' X Non­ Workers ~ -A- -A.. _J\._ -A.. -A...... )\.._ -"- -A- -"- r-_ ...JI._ L.C. 'M F1'M F"M F"M 7M F'M F"M F"M PSi F"'M F' M F' No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I

    6S 44 40 44 2 2 ., 1 .. 57 96 252 62 7 1 2 1 .. 74 134 253 22 2 22 39 32 6 1 .. 40 77 8 1 1 12 18 73 22 2 17 3 .. 98 205 2S4 15 10 12 2 .. 37 67 58 12 2 5 1 61 138 59 1 36 41 4 2 1... 7 .. 95 146 255 54 1 28 .U 1 1 1 .. 5 •• 75 119 5 8 6 3 1 2 •• 20 27 97 11 S2 9 3 1 1 2 4 2 76 129 256 113 5 32 35 12 6 1 ...... 5 1 J38 243 257 93 3 10 9 11 6 1 .. 5 1 L09 203 20 2 22 26 1 29 40 4 8 3 2 1 7 18 258 84 43 144 11. 1 6 1 .. 2 .. 92 116 259 53 34 91 6 1 5 r 2 59 74 17 5 27 3 1 19 27 14 4 26 2 14 15 97 42 41 3 4 2 107 202 260 37 28 25 2 39 84 5 4 1 4 8 35 B 15 1 4 2 45 68 10 7 18 10 2 12 24 41 15 13 4; 78 261 29 13 12 27 56 8 1 13 13 4 2 1 7 9 54 6 34 50 4 4 3 3 .. 8 .. 71 12Z 262 23 1 7 3 .. 3 " 26 60 25 " 22 46 2 3 4 •• 29 49 6 1 542 " 1 .. 16 13 41 lS 11 47 109 263 19 1 30 2S 12 1 8 3 2 .. 6 84 .. 59 16 395 297 264 20 14 13 .3 1 1 .. 1 1 3 8 4 59 92 22 4 3 " 1 1 3 1 2 3 27 59 5 5 4 1 6 2 .1 .. 6 1 45 9 274 69 32 1 754 1 2 } 4 .. 35 77 59 4 3 1 1 .. 48 104 265 42 3 2 .• J •. 36 77 17 1 1 1 12 27 47 2 40 29 2 4 .. 59 144 266 44 1 40 29 2 3 ,., 57 131 3 1 1 .. 2 13 29 •• S6 63 1 ,. 54 76 267 64 1 61 37 1 1 1 3 .. 88 215 268 54 1 49 23 1 1 1 3 •.• 69 181 10 •• 12 14 19 34 162


    Total Population Literate ,.---- Aera of (Including and (I-IX) Name of' village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential 50use ,----"---, r:-"-...... , ,-_A_, l-_J-, r:...A...., No. Block in Km. a houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 !4 15 16 269 Sonaghati 2,384.23 46 46 ]82 102 80 33 21 52 49 22 4 54 4 Sonaghat i Patel dlrana 39 39 154 85 69 27 19 46 43 16 2 48 4 Ojha dhana 7 7 28 17 1J 6 2 6 6 6 2 6 270 Padhar Khurd 621.42 54 59 333 . 175 158 41 45 26 25 58 8 107 89 271 Dunda Borgaon 2,272.96 67 70 368 177 191 3 9 163 111- 38 10 117 6 Dunda BorgC'on 43 44 239 110, 129 "3 ·9 96 109 30 10 75 6 Gondidhona 24 26 129 67 62 67 62 8 42 272 Dokiya 1,105.73 36 38 214 98 116 "4 8 82 94 13 4- 55 64 273 Bhaya Wadi 1,53669 56 64·· 354 175 179 33 32 105 110 49 6 98 3 Bhay" Wadi 18 19 112 .57 5.5 7 6 41 45 11 32 2 Patel dhana 38 45 242 118 124 26 26 62 65 38 6" 66 1 274 Pangra 540.15 19 19 109 58 51 8 5 41 37 3 34 32 '1:15 Kumhariya 1,307.21 74 89 492 239 253 '18 20 4 2 59 13 148 7 276 Mandai Bujurg 1,248.83 92 . 114 568 276 292 70 ,77 23 3() 92 ZAl 162 57 277 Kodaroti 1,513.53 65 80 454 232 222 ··6 4 53 69 100 24 137 62 '1:18 Malapur . 634.63 Uninhabited .. 279 Chand Behda 1,039.76 39 48 2S5 128 127 4 44 48 61 26 68 13 Chand Behda 14 21 117 60 57 46 20 30 4 Gondi dhana 25 27 138 68 70 , 1 4 44 48 i5 6- 38 9 280 Deothan 1,589.13 62 73 441 2.:>9 232 8 8 79 84 39 l' 103 S Deothan 47 54 342 159 183 40 46 32 1 76 3 Gondi dhant1 15 19 99 50 49 -8 8 39 38 7 27 2 281 Ratamati Khurd 889.09 53 5' 318 173 145 7 6 36 28 56 6 97 2 282 Ratamati Bujurg 1,174.03 77 79 454 .. 227 227 6 9 13S 136 27 2 153 7 Ratamati Bujurg 43 45 251 /2ti 123 125 12i 7 85 6 Gondidhana 34 34 203 99 104 6 9 10 /1 20 2 68 1 283 Kat Kuhi 2,087.33 145 145 829 . 418 411 15 17 184 171 128 7 235 144 Dhodya Kat Kuhl 37 37 243 119 124 /1 7 42 66 21 Kurkundi 41 41 245 119 126 4 3" 75 90 23 .r 69 53 Kat kundi 67 67 341 180 /61 11 14 98 74 61 4 /00 70 284 Gondra 1,471.98 105 105 494 240· 254 '12 . 16 - 170 187 37 6 143 11 Gondra PtJtei dhuna 68 68 338 . 160 178 12 16 126 137 19' 4 94 5 Gondidhana 37 37 156 '81J' 76 44 50 /8 2 49 6 285 Naharpur 1,457.37 95 95 477 231 2~6 - 9" 12" 205 22J 5 I 156 36 Nahar pur Amdhalla 56 56 19/ 141 150 "9 .. n llS 124 3 t 93 34 [mali dhant1 39 39 186 90 96 90 96 i 6i 2 286 Malachpur 3,279.43 188 214 1,181 S% ' S8S 8'5 65 289 288 254 53 355 65 Maluchpur 15 20 143 72 71 65 64 22 1 39 5 Has dluJna 18 18 109 52 57 52 57 /5 2 35 12 Diwan dhana 41 52 2.51 132'· /19 8 7 21 is 71 1.9 79 6 Langda dhanu 41 42 . 218 1J(}" 188 22 12 74 74 45 8 72 13 Sahar dhana 43 46 235 123 1/2 52 43 4 'J 63 18' 69 7 Jam Nagri 12 14 89 41 48 14 13 21 4 22 15 Thumka dhano 18 22 136 66' 70 3 - 3 59 61 17 1 39 7 287 Khokra 743.47 37 41 243 122· 121 10 6 82 83 43 26 6S 11 KJlOkra 23 26 154 77 77 '10 6' 31' 39 36 i'l 39 7 Gondi dhana 14 15 89 45" 44 .. 45 44 7 3 26 4 288 Sendurjhana 1,088.26 60 69 399 206' 193 8 S 111 117 38 2 116 32 Sendur jlu".a 16 19 106 59' 47 .18 '2 30 1 Go"dl r/harIa "44 50 ' 293 147· 146 '8"5' 117 'zO 86 31 161

    BETUL TAHSIL Workers ~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r--'-..... r--A-, ,--"--. ,..--A---, ,-~ .- _',-"",\ ~ ,.....-~ ,....-"-""'\ ,....~ ,...... '-...... L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 '. I 20 11 1 4 4 2 1 8 .. 5 1 48 76 269 20 . 11 1 4 4 2 1 3 .. 4 1 37 65 ',. 5 1 11 11 62 58 36 30 2 1- 1 .. 4 .. 68 69 270 61 39 6 8 ~ 3 .. 60 185 271· 44 24 6 4 3 .. 35 123 17 15 8 1 J 25 62 21 10 31 54 3 43 52 272 59 23 3 10 2 3 77 176 273 16 11 2 5 25 53 43 12 1 5 1 2 3 52 123

    18 9 14 23 .. .. " 1 1 .. 24 19 274 lOS 24 4 2 8 3 9 91 246 275 101 8 29 47 3 13 2 .. 2 12 1 ]14 23S 276 62 62 43 2 22 2 .. 6 95 . 160 7:17 Uninhabited 278 40 3 6 10 2 8 3 1 .. 8 .. 60 114 279 15 3·' 1 1 5 1 1 .. 7 .. 30 53 . 25 5 9 2 •• • 11' .~ 2 1 .. 30 61 82 1 938 3 .. 106 227 280 66 1 4' 2 4 2 .. 83 180 16 5 1 4 1 1 1 .. 23 47 69 8 2 8 7 2 1 .. 2 .. 76 143 281 117 3 9 2 19' 2 7 1 74 220 282' 68 3 5 1 10 2 2 43 117 49 4 1 9 5 1 .. 31 103 1~ 64 144 3 4 .. 183 '1.67 283 59 5 2J 2 53 103 33 3S" 53 1 50 73 72 24 70 1 .'1 .. 80 91 119 19 11 1 4 .. 91 243 284 84 9 5 1 .. 66 173 35 10 6 3 .. 31 70 1.41 1 8 35 6 1 .. 7S 210 285 82 .1 7 33 4 48 116 59 1 2 2 1 .. 27 94 234 8 98 57 2' 4 1 S 10 241 S20 286 24 /5 . 5 33 66 2() 14 12 1 17 45 53' 5 14 1 3 3 6 53 113 4?, 1: 26 12 1 1 1 1 .. 38 95 4Y·.. 19' 7 1 1 .. 3 .. 54 105 19' r 15 19 33 31 2 7 5 1 27 63 48 It 11 3 I 2 .. 57 110 287 26 7 7 3 I 2 38 70 22 4 4 19 40 83 25" 31 5 1 90 161 288 28 t 1 1 29 46 55 24 30 5 1 t, ,!,e J ., J .. 61 /J5 " 164


    Total Population Literate r-.-- Area of (Including and (I-IX"! . N'ame or village in Total institutional and Scheduled SCheduled educated Totar Location VIllage/Town I acresand Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential houSe- • __.A.. ___"",\ r:.~ ..JI- ' C'-"--" r--A-.- No. Block in Km.1 houses holds P M F M F 'M F"' M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 289 Niwari 1,781.93 160 184 1,008 SOl 507 18 9 ?36 251 190 114 289 229 Niwari 34 37 214 108 106 S 7 53 55 70 31 Patel d/w.na 50 60 314 155 159 3 2 8 9 60 28 69 54 Gondidhona 76 87 480 238 242 15 7 223 235. 77 31 150 144 290 Rojbaba 1,065.17 97 112 714 352 362 139 125 166 180 80 14 208 78 Rollraba 27 31 170 80 90 17 20 2f) 20 26 10 49 14 Gondi dh.1M 17 18 129 59 70 59 70 6 )0 31 Halil d/'una 53 63 415 213 202 122 105 87 90 48 4 129 33 291 Phogariya 841.33 32 35 194 96 98 3 1 12 11 1'6 56 8 292 lamthi 1,388.55 47 49 297 139 158 4 5 135 153 9 2 81 11 3?6 167 293 Cbhudiya 3,880.90 207 ~40 1,262 634 628 17 19 293 'rT9 206 45 Chhudiya 104 126 675 335 340 8 13 41 .'f2 133 .'f6 215 50 Saba dhana 64 71 354 184 170 4 1 146 139 52 9 109 76 Tok,adhana 10 12 59 33 26 33 26 8 24 9 Chama, dhana 2 2 20 9 11 5 S 4 6 2 4 4 Klrawanyadhtma 2 2 8 4 4 2 Jamun dhr.na 25 27 146 69 77 69 76 11 42 28 294 Hardu 1,393.79 86 87 534 ']f)7 ~7 7 3 177 19a 47 4 110 138 29S Uuchagohan 1,866.84 152 158 874 444 430 32 36 295 299 71 3 256 142 UUc/ragohlln 31 32 177 93 84 43 44 11 51 7 Gohan 47 51 277 139 138 21- 26 61 70 52 3 84 29 Kadwa dhana 20 20 112 55 Sf 7 7 48 50 5 35 36 Solkhedo 54 55 308 157 151 4 J 143 135 3 86 70 296 Kodiya . 794.49 29 32 113 87 86 10 9 32 3a 15 54 34 KadiY3 14 14 82 42 40 7 4 1 26 18 Jhunla, 15 18 91 45 46 10 9 25 28 14 28 16 106 41 297 Dumka Ryt. 1.154.74 63 6'1 349 173 176 5 10 110 112 19 1 Dumku Ryt. 16 18 90 51 39 1 2 4 1J 25 4 Gond; dhana 47 49 259 122 137 4 10 108 118 6 1 81 37 298 Sitadongri 930.00 57 58 312 151 161 25 34 118 116 ~9 1 76 6 Sitadongri 19 20 116 63 53 2 61 53 6 29 47 6 [mali dhana 38 .~8 196 88 lOB 23 34 57 63 23 1 299 Harniya 1,072.35 76 82 472 239 233 13 11 165 167 48 12 135 51 300 Chunahajuri 1,:::86.94 161 167 819 422 397 11 16 203 192 100 19 234 123 Chunahajurl 47 49 2)4 124 110 1 82 67 15 I) 73 35 Harijun dl:ana 30 31 143 71 72 20 16 13 17 26 6 36 18 Goli dluma 28 29 142 74 68 34 3 42 12 Kalli dhana 13 13 49 26 23 26 23 20 14 Korku dhfllla 18 20 104 55 49 10 10 22 4 25 10 Kha pa dharia 25 25 147 72 75 72 75 J 38 34 301 Chak Chuna 365.44 3 3 16 8 8 8 8 4 3 302 Chunagosai 848.00 47 52 289 132 157 4 90 99 19 4 72 'Z1 Chuagoaoi 20 20 lOB 47 61 2J 30 S 32 12 Gondidhana 27 32 181 85 96 1 4 65 69 14 4 40 15 303 Gawa,ihadap 1,583.93 51 54 301 145 156 3 3 106 125 5 76 23 Gawajhadap 22 23 128 64 64 42 47 3 33 10 Gondi dhuna 29 31 173 81 92 3 3 64 78 2 43 13 304 Balahai Mal. 446.26 29 29 143 68 75 48 53 33 2Z 30S :Balahai Ryt. 528.16 19 24 122 53 69 1 45 57 1 33 2 ~Q6 ~qr 6)4,51 19 19 118 61 57 5 S 48 46 1 40 19 165


    ,-__Workers.A._. _- __ X I III , IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VlIl IX~ II Non- . Workers r._-"-, r:-A-~ ,-_..A--=v-:_"'-~-"-...... -_..A--c-"-~..JL __ r:..JL~_.A-\ r-"-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F· No. 17 18 19 20 21 2Z 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 198 12 44 194 18 3.. 1 10 1 3 .. n 20 212 ' 278 289 61 8 31 1 38 75 19 8 14 24 15 1 _~.. 1 9 1 2 .. 6 2fJ 86 105 118 4 22 139 2 1 1 1 1 •• 5 ., 88 98 163 33 29 44 1 R 1 3 4 ., 144 284 290 34 1 11 12 1 1 3 •• 31· 76 26 31 4 29 39 103 1 14 31 1 7 3 1 ., 84 169 40 6 3 11 2 2 •. 40 90 291 79 i1 1 1 ., 58 141 192 299 104 68 54 6 6 5 ·5 4 11 ., 238 461 293 157 25 39 21 4 3 4 1 11 ., 120 290 96 53 7 19 1 ... 5 4 75 ' 94 11 5 12 4 1 9 17 5 7 1 2 1 1 2 1 1:' .e •• 2 2 4 32 19 9 9 1 27 49 ]32 73 35 65 2 1 •. 97 129 294 188 288 295 214 68 22 73 7 1 1 •• 4 7 •• ." 7 2 2 •• 42 77 68 8 29 1 1 ., 1 1 4 .. 55 109 30 1 J5 3 1 1 20 .21 69 68 13 2 1 2 1 .. 71 81 49 16 S 18 33 52 296 2.' J 18 16 22 26 16 2 17 30 76 28 41 1 1 .. 67 135 297 21 4 4 26 35 55 24 J7 1 1 41 100 68 6 6 .. .. I 1 •• 75 155 :::9: 26 3 34 53 42 3 6 .• 1 1 .. 41 102 100 30 51 1 3 .. 104 Il(! 2» 137 56 120 5 16 2 3 17 .. 188 .·274 300 42 15 34 2 9 1 5 .. .51 7; 13 13 17 3 1 2 J 3~ 54 29 8 12 2 J Z 31 '.... ~6 14 6 14 6 9 14 3 9 1 1 2 5 30, 39 25 11 34 2 34 . 41 3 I 3 4 5 301 54 12 27 1 2 3 •• 60 130 302 25 6 12 1 .15 49 29 6 }i 1 1 3 .. 45 81 58 13 2 69 133 303 23 7 10 2 1 .. 31 54 35 6 H I 1. •• 38 79 28 4 21 1 .. .", .. 35 S3 . ,304 :M 7 • I 1 ., 20 67 305 14 41 1 . 4 ,. ,. ,. ., " " ,. J •• . 21 38 306 166


    Total Population Literate Area of . !Including . and ra-1X) Name of vJllage in Total· institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Loclation Village/Townl acres and Oocupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code. Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house r--~-, r--I...... o ,--''--., r-.- '-"""I No. Block . in Kml. house·· holds P M F M F M F ~ M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A",a pura . 15 15 97 50 47 5 5 39 38 ·1 33 16 Patel dhana 4 4 21 11 10 9 8 7 J 307 Alan1glll'h 1,69].49 77 79 354 168 186 9 7 144 166 21 6 103 26 Ala",gurh 46 47 251 119 132 2 2 105 122 . 14 5 75 21 Kot14'or dhana 31 32 103 49 54 7 5 39 44 1 1 28 5 308 Kiuntha Mal. 779.61 78 80 469 242 '1J7 12 12 203 187 15 131 76 KtlItItha 35 36 203 103 100 1 1 95 90 6 57 33 Halea dhlln3 29 29 181 95 86 11 11 64 56 IS' 49 31 1",,,,li dhana 14 15 85 44 41 44 41 3 25 12 309 Bod Ryt. 966.41 48 48 371 185 186 2 168 169 3 108 51 Bod Ryt. 25 25 . 218 107 111 2 98 101 3 64 32 Gol; tlhana 23 23 153 78 75 70 68 44 19 310 Churni 2,577.37 91 102 548 263 285 2 3 194 233 21 3 153 22 Churn; 13 13 62' 21 41 17 38 J. 1 13 Jawarsingh dhana 5 11 42 16 26 15 26 13. 2 Imrat dluma 11 13 100 51 43. 25 21 10 2 33 3 Gondi dhana 19 20 103 49 54 2 3 47 51 3 28 7 Mudl dhana 15 15 68 36 32 19 23. 18 1

    Jhapku dhana 11 .12 66. .35 31 35 31 . ~ . 22 2 GoulidhallO 17 .18 107 49 58 .36 43 26 7 311 Xamtha Ryt. 530.13 Uninhabited 31.2 Padalda 470.53 24 26 139 76 63 4 2 70 60 3 1. 48 2S Padalda 12 14 82 44 38 4 2 38 35 3 28 12 Patel dhana 12 12 57 .32 25 32 25 1 10. 13 313 Bhurbhur 215.84 12 12 71. 36 35 36 35 19 14 314 Ajai 1,183.40 29 29 131 64 67 43 41 3 1 41 2 31S .. Cbirapatla 4.601.23 208 208 1,227 606 621 12 19 391 391 164 36 334 96 Chirapatla 17 17 .. 101 . 50 51 47 47 8 33 19 Bazar dhana 56 56 284. 149 135 8 8 13 9 72 33 81 8 Lahar dhana 36 36 207 •.81 120 4 11 75 84 2316246 Bad dhana 31 31 189 91 98 74 79 26 1. 48· 9 Ja",,,,u dhana 18 18 126 61 65 61 65 11 1 27 7 Jhirna dhana 50 50 320 168 152 121 107 24 83 7 3(6 Bela 1,469.44 78 82 533 257 276 9 10 206 229 21 8 150 38 Bela 25 25 169 82 87 1 82 86 4 53 14 Gondi d/rand 53 57 364 175 189 9 9 124 143 17 8 97 24 317 Harral 1,175.66 53 53 155 70 85 3 65 83 1 1 51 33 Barral 34 34 74 35 39 -3 ·30· .17 1 1 25 19 Gontli tlhana 19 19 81 35 46 .. .". 35 46 26 14 318 . Patha Kbeda 4,925.98 279 289 1,602 775 827 3~ 23 663 722 89, 15" 421 87 Pathll Kheda 30 '34 148 -76 72 76 . 72 t 46 16 Imali dhana 36 36 224 12fJ 104 25 21 36 28· 39 11· 64 16 Raja Ballthak 62 6.2 377 177 200 176 199 3 1 88 ' JtlItIUII dhana 40 40 234 109 125 109 125 16 56 B6da dhana 29 29 IS8 79 79 .. 79 79 4 50 2.~ Lhupani 45 50 261 128 133' 6 2 .. 118 125 16 80 32 Patel dh(lna 37 38 200 86 114· 69 94 10 / 37 319 Nandra 2.310.49 . 112 114 753 375 . 378 11 12 333 338 27 3 212 Handra 29 . ·29 174 94 80 73 56 5 if9 MaJawd 40 40 Z49 ·114 1$5 11 11 100 119 ~ 1 fi6 161 UTVL TAIlStL Workers

    I II III IV V(a) V(b) ,VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,-_...I'-_, r-'-'~ --''-~ r-...I'-~"-'-'-,r-_'-.., ,---'-~ r-'-~ ,---'-"""1 ..--''-- r-'--.. L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M ,.. M F M F M F M F M F' No.

    1,7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 ')7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 10 20 16 2 1 .. 17 31 4 2 1 1 2 4 7 84 2 14 24 2 3 .. 65 160 307 (J() 2. - 11 19 I 3 .. 44 111 24 3 5 1 21 49 ~3 53 17 19 13 4 2 4 1 J11 151 308 39 22 9 9 7 1 1 1 1 o. 46 67 3,1 21 7 8 5 3 1 3 1 46 55 23 10 1 2 1 19 29 88 49 3 14 1 J 1 .. 77 135 309 51 31 3 7 1 I 1 1 .. 43 79· . 37 18 .1 7 34 56 114 31 21 6 1 1 .. 110 263 310 12 1 8 41 11 I 2 1 3 24 29 2 2 1 1 1 24 40 17 9, 7 1 1 .. . 21 47 13 4 I 1. 18 31 16 6 2 13 29 16 8 7 2 23 51

    • 0 Uninhabited o. 311 IS 12 30 13 2 .. 1 28 38 "312 9 12 16 2 1 .. 16 26 6 •. 14 zj 12 12 17 1.3' 1 2 17 21 313 37 2 1 3 23 65 314 1,9S 3 98 92 ~ 13 12 12 1 272 52S 315 16 16 19 1 17 32', 29 1'13 6 3 12 12 12 1 68 127 44 17 46 1 25 74 J5 1 13 8 43 89 ·16 1 11 6 34 58 55 28 7 85 145 132 38 4 7 3 2.. 107 238 316 52 14 1 29 73 80 24 3 7 2 3 2 o. 78 165 43 ' 5 33 2 1 .. 19 52 317 22 2 19 1 .. 10 20 ' 21 3 14 2 9 32

    304 2l 73 63 7 18 1 00 17 2 354 740 318 .33 16. II 2 30 S6

    20 2 13 12 15 1 1 00 14 2 56 88 87 1. 89 200 54 1 1 .. 53 125 28 3' 21 20 1 29 56 45 1 27 31 4 2 2 .. 48 101 ,37 ., 49 114 171 ." 34 1# 2 •. 163 378 319 .38 9 .~. Z 4S 80 4B 14 Z - ... 1 48 13J 168


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and ( (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled edcuated' Totar Location Village/Town[ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r-- . _.....___, c:..J\._",,\ r-"--, r....A-_· No. Block in Km a houses holds P M F M F M~""\ M F M F l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Nandra Thana 43 45 330 167 163 160 163 14 2 97 320 AIampur 2,125.69 78 89 516 262 254 ]4 10 2D4 202 35 9 145 2 Alampur 26 30 196 104 92 10 8 65 62 4 8 56 Afahu d!ulna 20 22 121 58 63 3 2 55 61 9 32 2 lhapu dhana 8 9 36 16 20 1 4 1 11 Goli dhan;l 24 28 163 84 79 84 79 7 46 321 Dhaniya Jam 2,280.04 133 147 855 413 442 6 9 394 424 39 2 228 9 Dhaniya lllm .u 49 283 141 142 130 134 19 2 86 Patel dhnna 60 66 386 176 210 174 209 4 95 8 Tekri dhana 29 32 186 96 90 6 9 90 81 16 47 1 323 Motipur 1,535.33 35 35 219 114 105 7 1 80 72 18 5 57 Motipur '8 18 92 48 44 2 1 32 31 7 1 26 lumman dhana 10 10 79 42 !7 2 1 30 25 10· 4 20 Gol; dhun" 7 7 48 24 24 3 5 18 16 1 11 323 Jamli 635.27 26 28 171 83 94 6 6 77 88 5 46 lamll 14 14 78 34 44 34 44 18 Patel dhana 12 14 99 49 50 6 6 43 44 5 28 324 Kondhar 838.86 52 S5 306 152 154 3 3 121 114 22 2 96 67 325 Godhana 2,481.01 128 149 813 434 439 25 22 342 345 93 20 '1:12 21.0 326 Gondumandai 1,141.03 123 133 116 365 351 114 91 120 112 123 '1:1 :m3 183 327 Harrawadi 854.10 71 73 429 2D4 2Z5 14 11 189 214 33 4 125 89 328. Dudhiya 2,446.42 179 3)8 1,199 515 624 14 18 519 560 35 1 350 185 Dudhiya 33 47 272 128 144 5 7 117 135 6 80 50 Harra dhana 49 55 291 139 152 5 6 130 133 6 94 58 Aleghnath dhana 21 21 122 61 61 61 61 1 38 11 Tendu dlumll 16 18 93 42 51 42 51 1 25 21 Akli Kheda 60 61 421 205 216 4 5 169 180 21 1 ll.t 45 329·· Asadi 2,533.44 14 16 474 247 71.7 21 22 2D2 189 13 21 1,50 119 ASt.ldl 6 6 31 16 15 16 15 1 10 8 Gondidhana 39 41 272 144 128 11 14 120 109 I1 92 78 Patel dhana 2 2 22 11 11 1 6 3 SadrJc dhana 8 . 8 40 19 21 1 1 18 20 21 11 12 Mad Deo 19 19 109 57 52 9 7 48 45 34 21 . 330 Barangwadi 602.86 22 23 121 66 61 8 1 2 15 30 17 Bar""gw'.ldi 2 2 12 6 6 2 3 Goli dhana 20 21 115 60 55 8 7 2 13 27 17 331 Dulhara 914.89 Uninhabited •• 332 Chicholi 664.44 512 186 4,578 2,324 2,254 88 115 44 21 1,578 859 1,025 148 333 Nasirabad 1,011.36 85 103 592 298' 294 11 14 1.81 174· 68 30 158 17 Nasirabad 12 16 98 44 54 6 9 23 33 5 2 25 1 Kahtlr dhana 42 52 273 U() 133 5 5 135 128 6 1 79 10 Gondi dhana 31 35 221 114 107 23 13 57 21 54 6 334 Bandi Khapa 655.32 5 5 28 11 17 11 11 3 9 1. 335 Singarai Khapa 905.76 71 74 460 22S 23S 34 31 181 194 i7 2 125 30 Singarai Khapa 22 22 121 60 61 60 61 4 32 13 Patel dhana 49 52 339 165 174 34 31 121 133 13 2 93 11 336 Sonpur 376.54 3 3 14 7 7 7 6 3 2 337 Khairi 2,207.17 98 1.06 499 254 245' 10 1,2 184 176 33 9 111 SO KIullri 15 77 322 164 158 10 12 94 89 21 9 10 36 'fekowa" 23 29 177 90 87 •• .. 90 87 6 .. til 14 169

    BETUL TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers r.J-, r-....A-, (_-"-~....A-~....JI-~....A--::-v-..J.-~ .J,.__ _J\._ -"- L C M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M FVM F V-M -F" 'M F' No • 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 'Z1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ~ 85 11 1 .. 70 163 118 1 17 6 4 .. 11"1 252 320 45 6 2 3 .. 48 92 31 1 1 1 26 61 9 1 1 .. 5 20 33 9 4 .. 38 79 215 3 5 6 3 3 2 .. 185 433 321 79 3 1 2 1 .. 55 142 90 3 2 5 2 ., 1 81 202 46 I .. 1 .. 49 89 4S 8 I \1 1 ., r ., 57 105 322 18 6 1 1 .. 22 44 16 2 1 1 .. 22 37 11 13 24 41 3 J •• 37 94 323 1 16 44 23 1 3 1 " 21 50 SO U 44 55 1 1 i 56 87 324 ']I)7 120 47 88 9 1 4 1 4 1 162 229 325 12% 1'00 59 81 3 1 .. 2 11 2 5 " 162 168 326 88 4 35 85 1 1 .. 79 136 3'1:1 283 4 60 181 4 3 •• 225 439 328 59 1 18 49 1 2 48 94 45 94 64 27 58 3 23 50 38 11 17 30 24 1 21 1 .. 92 171 98 3 14 42 2 .. 97 108 319 116 13 29 106 3 6 7 9 1 8 1 ., 51 50 70 1 19 77 2 1 .. 8 11 2 8 9 7 }2 3 1 23 31 28 6 21 1 .. 36 ,44 330 22 7 17 3 6 3 I .. 33 38 19 7 17 Uninhabited .. 331 6 37 ., 2Z6 44 1,299 2,106 332 247 47 80 16 37 1 145 33 53 2 S .. 194 6 2 140 277 333 71 5 69 10 5 5 1 .. 1.. 19 53 7 15 1 2 1 2 61 123 28 46 8 2 2 4.. 60 101 36 5 8 1 3 1 1 1 2 16 334 8 1 1 1.. 100 205 335 68 11 52 13 3 1 .. 28 48 24 11 8 2 1 .. 1 .. 72 157 44 6 44 11 3 4 5 336 1 1 1 1 II " 2.. 137 195 337 62 53 50 2.. 94 122 25 43 36 43 73 37 10 14 •• 110 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate r---- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of viHaee in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Oocupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house r:----'---, ~ ..-~ r:-"-., ,.....A-..., No. Blook in Km.1 houses holus P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS . 16 338 Deopur Kotmi 3,446.43 132 134 831 416 415 15 15 378 385 79 3 au 6 Deopur Kotmi 82 84 513 253 260 15 15 219 234 67 3 133 3 Deopur 50 50 318 163 155 159 151 12 78 3 339 Bighwa 688.24 83 88 494 252 242 9 6 152 143 83 4 139 340 Birpur 708.83 33 37 174 93 81 3 4 46 42 l2 1 53 341 Siplai 1,880.94 30 33 160 79 81 5 6 58 61 i1 4 42 20 342 Jogali 2,940.03 170 200 1,120 562 558 19 21 297 284 159 52 340 152 Jogali 92 113 616 314 302 19 21 78 52 118 46 190 99 Jodi dhan!l 46 51 307 148 159 141 154 21 87 20 Mir/apur 32 36 197 100 97 78 78 20 6 63 33 343 Bori 1,198.44 93 81 517 264 253 26 25 flO 66 60 12 140 34 344 Mangarodi 544.52 26 31. 142 69 73 49 49 16 7 44 12 345 Atan 2,377.24 85 101 569 269 300 6 10 78 91 7.9 29 149 139 A tar; 52 68 376 181 195 4 6 9 14 61 25 94 85 Gondi dhUlla 33 33 193 88 105 2 4 69 77, 18 4 55 54 346 Itiya Bitiya 3,1.79.26 33 34 205 104 101 3 3 96 95 5 3 68 51 Itiya Bitiya 19 20 111 55 56 3 3 47 50 2 2 38 28 Kotwar dhuna 14 14 94 49 45 49 45 3 1 30 23 347 Jeen 1,721.35 135 172 1,106 591 515 52 32 13 7 253 55 282 18 Jeen 88 116 720 385 335 26 14 5 2 153 25 185 9 Jeen dhana 47 56 386 206 180 26 18 8 5 100 30 97 9 348 Kumhali 969.52 4S 60 407 189 218 4 4 22 22 74 31 94 60 349 Tahali 1,508.94 74 74 413 220 193 19 13 80 5 122 21 350 Danora 1.357.81 112 139 787 400 387 78 70 19 10 126 40 209 60 Danora 67 88 504 262 242 78 70 16 9 70 22 133 37 Patel dhana 45 51 283 138 145 3 1 56 18 76 23 351 Borgaon 1,372.43 196 233 1,382 641 735 39 36 281 62 347 31 352 Aprapan Behara 2,167.57 77 84 405 195 210 9 8 151 170 13 11,7 107 Aprapan Behara 43 45 223 105 118 6 5 78 89 5 59 56 Goli dhana 34 39 182 90 92 3 3 73 81 8 58 51 353 Amla 1,753.70 41 47 243 106 137 5 8 101 129 10 67 70 354 Karpa 743.34 29 34 189 86 103 3 4 83 99 2 51 27 355 Bodijunawani 2,841.55 120 133 71.8 357 361 26 17 253 275 53 3 210 169 Bodiiunawani 16 17 95 43 52 38 46 4 25 29 Muhupani dhana 32 32 168 87 81 36 37 4 52 48 Patel {ihana 23 29 186 98 88 21 14 62 58 35 2 55 16 Tekra dhana 30 35 186 85 101 85 101 2 ,';2 59 Junawani 10 11 50 24 26 24 26 2 14 9 Noka dhana 9 9 33 20 13 5 3 8 761 12 8 356 Deogaon 778.87 71 94 553 278 275 33 27 29 28 135 40 135 67 357 Hiwar Khedi 3,971. 74 147 179 948 457 491 51 65 168 191 127 19 284 76 Hiwar Khedi 59 70 364 178 186 2 2 107 125 34 6 115 25 Mirjapur 26 37 193 90 103 18 28 5 6 46 9 54 16 Patel dhano 18 22 149 68 81 1 25 2 36 7 Teli dhana 44 50 242 121 121 31 35 55 60 22 2 79 28 358 Gadha 1,352.41 57 73 438 225 213 15 12 58 52 88 38 133 45 Gadha 11 13 70 36 34 11 9 15 7 18 2 Patel dhana 46 60 364 189 179 4 3 58 52 73 31 lI5 43 359 Chauki 2,427.71 75 94 436 218 218 7 9 191 2Xl2 29 13 132 46 Chauki 11 11 62 27 35 27 35 1 2 11 9 "171 BETUL TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX'

    L.C. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I

    118 6 87 2 4 .. 205 409 338 73 3 55 1 4 .. 120 257 45 3 32 1 85 152' 12n 13 3 3 .. 113 242 339 47 5 1 .. 40 81 340 j9 21 20 1. .. 37 61 341 204 6 105 142 5 12 2 3 3 8 2 222 406 342 111 6 51 89 4 10 2 3 3 8 2 124 203 60 24 20 1 2 61 139 33 30 33 37 64 101 9 31 25 1. 3 1 124 219 343 20 17 12 1 2 3 1 2S 61 344 92 4 47 135 2 3 5 .. 120 161 345 65 3 22 82 3 4 .. 87 110 27 1 25 53 2 1 .. 33 51 41 22 51 3 2 .. 36 50 346 23 13 28 2 .• 17 28 18 9 23 3 19 22 200 5 45 10 4 2 12 .. 1 .. 2 5 2 .. 11 1 309 497 347 142 5 18 2 1 1 9 1 .. 2 1 2 .. 9 1 200 326 58 27 8 3 1 3 4 2 .. 109 171 73 34 5 26 4 7 5 .. 95 1.58 348 82 1 13 2n 9 8 2. •• 8 .. 98 172 349 121 34 42 26 1 30 1 .. 4 10 •• 191 327 350 62 19 36 18 1 26 .. 1 .. 4 3 .. 129 205 59 15 6 8 4 7 .. 62 122 281 8 32 23 4 22 1 7 .. 300 104 351 70 66 40 41 4 3 .. 78 103 352 25 21 31 35 2 1 .. 46 62 45 45 9 6 2 2 .. 32 41 36 20 29 50 1 1 .. 39 67 353 26 4 23 23 1 I, .. 35 76 354 132 73 56 95 15 1 6 .. 147 192 355 16 11 6 18 3 18 23 33 30 14 18 5 35 33 33 9 15 7 3 1 3, 43 72 37 16 12 43 3 33 42 9 4 4 4 1 1 10 17 4 3 5 5 3 8 5 73 7 36 58 7 1 1 2 3 12 1 144 208 356 177 13 79 57 8 5 1 1 .. 4 2 2 8 3 173 415 357 66 5 37 17 5 1 .. 3 2 3 1 63 161 40 4 3 10 1 5 1 5 1 36 87 27 3 9 3 1 32 74 44 1 30 27 2 1 42 93 75 3 32 39 6 4 3 1 3 2 9 92 168 358 15 1 1 1 1 1 18 32 60 2 31 6 38 4 3 1 3 1 1 8 74 136 71 1 51 45 4 2 1 3 1,12 13 86 359 4 9 0" • ~ ., .1' ~. II ...... , , ~O 26 172


    Total Population Literate r--- Area of (Including and (I-IX, . Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Location Soheduled educated Total VIllage/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban townJ~a residential house r 'l ,....-'\""', No. at: _.I\..... -"'- r-"'-l Bloc, In Km.2 houses holds P M P M P M p1'M p' M p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tekri dhana 20 24 109 58 51 2 3 48 45 4 2 33 17 Kunbi dhana .34 49 199 105 94 5 6 94 84 21 7 63 12 Bada dhonlJ 10 10 66 18 38 28 38 3 2 19 8 360 Akha.twada 1,276.26 4 6 29 17 12 16 12 3 13 5 361 Kanara 2,268.60 43 55 267 129 138 128 U6 7 86 58 KonQJ'a 20 29 99 45 54 45 54 2 31 24 Pipra dhunu 4 4 25 14 11 14 11 6 6 Kalajhiri 19 22 143 70 73 69 71 5 49 28 362 Kbedisawligarh 1,790.08 394 511 2,524 1,339 1,185 88 86 55 48 753 264 655 78 363 Mahedgaon 932.96 97 1,35 795 399 396 17 20 7 6 201 51 202 122 364 Dahargaon 715.71 64 70 475 232 243 15 21 as 25 106 38 110 36 365 Selgaon 2,653.98 85 87 414 203 211 15 11 38 38 17 34 104 6 366 Chichdhana 772.65 45 50 278 135 143 4 7 128 136 20 1 94 93 367 Sarad 72997 35 36 ?62 134 128 82 77 52 51 23 3 73 77 368 Bhadus 1,422.85 181 210 1,288 655 633 53 55 3 5 313 78 308 81 369 Dhondwada 572.33 42 51 305 152 153 3 I, 7 6 65 23 74 8 370 Dabheri 287.36 52 65 398 198 20D 18 25 34 35 82 38 106 34 371 Parsoda 374.36 10 15 91 58 33 42 21 29 3 23 14 372 Danora 952.32 1,20 124 703 360 343 31 30 16 10 162 48 192 42 373 Tikari 2,454.00 44 76 342 ~80 162 29 23 94 87 61 25 104 11 Maramjhiri 27 28 160 79 81 79 81 6 53 II Rly. Station Area 17 48 182 101 81 29 23 15 6 55 25 51 374 Khedla 1,693.91 39 41 239 1.17 122 23 . as 44 53 20 1 83 8 375 Badnoordhana 393.66 Uninhabited .• 376 Gaudhana 1,681.44 16 18 90 50 40 36 33 13 2 27 5 377 Chikhalar 1,614.90 32 33 178 84 94 4 5 79 85 4 1 47 21 378 Khanjanpur 809.43 18 21 119 73 46 48 38 19 1 57 12 379 Somari Path 946.67 14 19 89 44 45 2 1 39 41 2 22 9 380 Hamlapur 960.47 100 139 660 339 321 88 73 87 105 141 48 192 60 38~ Kumhar Tak 554.36 57 65 415 202 2[3 9 7 87 78 32 2 129 31 382 Khedli 335.36 83 105 549 273 276 91 98 31 34 102 10 ~51 19 383 Khandata 668.54 128 153 861 449 412 29 24 127 126 149 34 246 113 384 Bodi 4,107.96 71 79 399 201 198 13 8 9 182 21 121 55 385 Mohgaon 434.15 Uninhabited .. 386 Rathipur 1,351.04 53 61 303 151 152 24 28 43 42 35 3 90 17 387 Baghwad 1,756.37 82 84 442 215 227 11 8 193 211 66 4 139 128 388 Bodna 1,790.86 58 60 334 178 156 12 7 138 129 38 1 98 84 389 Mordongri 1,875.84 52 54 285 1.47 138 7 8 108 96 37 1 92 18 390 Guwadi 853.86 Uninhabited 391 BarsaIi 1,437.25 48 69 314 161 153 16 27 58 59 73 15 92 11 Barsali 38 47 261 126 135 10 22 53 53 50 10 71 9 Station dhana 10 22 53 35 18 6 5 5 6 23 5 21 2 392 Klijijamthi 693.27 38 40 231 117 114 7 5 61 54 18 67 8 393 Bhilawadi 470.90 24 24 155 79 76 51 51 28 as 23 5 49 394 . Kanhadgaon 498.54 65 77 451 231 220 8 3 188 187 41, 10 151 80 395 Kohawani 255.15 Uninhabited .. 396 Jaitpur 377.98 3 3 25 13 12 13 12 9 5 397 Thani Mal. 269.73 25 29 168 68 100 4 7 64 93 4 45 40 398 Thani Ryt. 197.31 3 3 14 6 R 6 8 5 1 399 Nimjhiti "007,00 61 63 361 173 188 34 26 134 156 5 109 83 173 BETUL .TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V{a) V(b) VI VII vm IX X Non- . Workers r -A--:l ,..-)\_.-:::-, ,,.....JI._""Jr"...... J\-~ ...... Jo..._"::\CJ-. -A- ....A- ...A- -A- . ....A... . L C M F M F M F M F M F M FVM F"""YM F"M F~ F"M F' .No: 17 18 '9 20 21 22 23 Z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 16 15 17 1 1 25 34 .. 13· 1 22 11 3 2 1 2 .. 42 -82 9 10 8 9 30 13 5 4 7 360 43 35 56 2 5 •. ,43 80 361 16 14 23 1 1 14 ,_30 5 1 6 8 5 22 20 27 1 5 .. 1 1 21 45 34S 27 109 33 37 58 4 8 4 2S 3 5 .. 64 10 684 1,107 ~62 121 59 SO 60 4 8 1 3 .. 2 14 2 197 274 363 54 11 38 25 2 2 7 7 .. '122 207 364 75 1 20 5 2 6 .. 99 20S 365 85 89 5 4 4 .. ,41 .. 50 366 58 66 14 11 1 .. 61 51 367 158 11 69 59 Z9 7 2 8 4 .. 32 6 347 552 .-368 48 19 7 1 .. 5 .. 78 145, 369 63 38 32 2 2 3 .. 92 166 370 4 16 14 3 .. 35 19 371 102 18 53 20 6 2 .. 2 3 .. 15 .. 12 .. 168 301, 372 28 I 13 9 6 52 .. 4 .. 16 151 313 28 1 13 9 5 1 1 2 .. 4 .. 26 70 1 SO 50 .. 81 46 19 4 13 2 5 34, 114 374 Uninhabited .. - 37S 10 11 5 5 1 .• 23 35 376 17 22 2 1 4 19 1 ., 2 .. 37 73 377 5 12 5 2 .. 3 10 I .. 28 2 16 34 378 5 13 9 3 I .. ", - 22 ,36 -379 41 1 30 25 19 26 28 3 .. 5 8 .. 59 4 147 ~61 380 182 381 78 2 47 29 4 .. 13. 77 1 51 18 8 S 2 .. 7 .. 122 257 .. 382 203 .. _.~99 383 139 79 110 16 1 .. 9 3 go 143 ,384 79 40 54 Uninhabited 2 .. .. 385 61 135 '. 386 62 3 23 14 3 2 .. 76 99 - 387 102 23 30 105 4 2 .• 3 .. 80 " 72 .388 80 26 12 58 3 55 - -j20 ,'389 S2 38 17 1 .. 1 .. .. )90 Uninhabited 4 •• 69 '- 142 391 44 9 .. 22 1 4.. 55 126 44 J 22 8 1 .. 1 " 21 1 14 16, 48 4 17 4 1 1 50 106 392 31 16 1 1 .. 1.. 30 7S 393 62 65 80 23.. 80 140 394 Uninhabited .. 395 4 2 S 3 .. 4 1 396 3S 8 40 2 .. 23 60397 1 7 398 2 2 1 8.. _ 64 105 399 58 41 83 2 ftlMARY 'O:NSUS ABSTRACl

    Total Population Literate r--­ AJeaof ~~udmg and (I-IX) . l-'ame of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village /Town I acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- ~ ,--'--, ~-. ,.-"---, No. Block in Km. B houses holds P M F M F M F M P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 400Bqda 1,442.91 Uninhabited 40l "Mowad 2,212.65 78 88 453 236 217 18 13 114 169 52 7 140 71 402 Lakbappr 1,623.65 77 85 445 229 216 6 12 97 89 86 1 151 51 l.o/c/wpur 20 20 63 32 31 .10 31 4 22 10 TlvJp ptI dhaR(; 57 65 382 197 18S 6 12 67 58 82 7 129 41 403 Khapa (Nahlaya) 1,19S.72 31 32 198 89 109 8 5 81 104 (1 58 18 lO!apa 21 21 124 S6 68 8 5 48 63 10 37 IS DhtmQ 10 11 74 33 41 33 41 1 21 3 1104 Junawani 1,136.72 67 78 432 215 211 5 8 195 193 34 2 125 26 JlI1I/Jwtllli 45 S6 309 154 155 S 8 140 134 29 1 90 22 BhfRIgl dhaIra 22 12 113 61 62 55 S9 5 1 35 4 40S I"ahfya 2,434.96 257 349 1,850 91.5 935 93 110 85 89 454 156 497 111 406 Partapur 151.06 12 14 80 42 38 9 11 10 5 16 9 23 71 39 407 Ratanpur 9S5.65 42 43 268 128 140 3 3 8998407 408 Jaitapur 665.59 51 52 289 141 148 17 12 82 95 33 6 86 44 321. 236 409 Sohagpur 2,703.19 210 213 1.216 582 634 91 102 88 65 265 148 61 44 116 70 151 119 Sohagpur 96 99 568 260 308 64 73 170 117 Sapna 'Camp 114 114 648 322 326 27 29 27 21 149 78 61 3 57 25 410 Ankawadi 655.70 29 38 171 84 87 13 13 62 5 48 18 Ankawaii 25 34 143 71 72 13 13 49 46 3 5 9 7 LokhDnde dhanG 4 4 28 13 15 13 IS 46 6 41.1 Umri Jagir 344.05 27 31 185 94 91 5 5 7 9 38 4 29 21 412 Kill04 294.71 17 18 99 47 52 11 16 32 33 S 45 10 413 KeJapur 371.35 21 29 162 82 80 20 32 1 32' 85 63 414 Gyaraspur 799.16 45 46 r73 136 137 2 1 125 11' 1 4 4 2 '15 ChalGcIra 428.14 2 2 8 4 4 416 Jatampur 360.26 Uninhabited .. 26 29 1 21 14 417 Parsodi Bujurg 392.37 13 15 65 31 34 21 21 43 39 82 23 119 30 418 .Rajpur 295.86 70 78 437 213 224 2S 38 28 37 32 4 53 16 419 Bunclala 529.50 35 41 229 104 125 155 148 2Z 2S 6 6 63 11 67 :In 4~ IlhaiDsdehi 362.41 49 56 303 244 301 15 23 6 4 120 76 132 55 421 Malkapur 470.04 87 95 545 147 126 38 33 359 116 346 1.56 422 Badora 1,549.41 169 228 1,364 705 659 19 2S 55 53 l54 55 163 28 423 Bhoai Teda 941.65 15 107 644 320 324 20 10 12 8 6 1 13 1 424 Batama 485.26 5 13 30 13 7 62 63 ~ 46 8 425 Hanotya 659.81 23 26 145 75 70 19 11 7 l 60 21 70 2 426 Karljgaon 272.46 31 40 256 133 123 23 21 116 35 139 64 427 Khadla 91S.9! 65 83 S01 263 2144 191 188 15 81 1 87 22 95 27 421t Babai 411,1,9 51 64 379 126 132 18 I) 8 S3 7 72 5 429 Bhawani Teda 311.54 28 38 258 109 114 9 11 1 46 5 62 8 430 Mundha Teda 384.57 26 41 :w 820 840. 71 68 40 56 384 227 318 281 431 Rondha 1,557.80 287 3~ 1,660 1,903.11 Uninhabited ., 432 Umartfoh 6 4 4 4 10 5 . 433 Kiradi 331.25 3 3 32 15 17 251 261 29 28 1.4 11 121 35 142 51 434 Nayegaon 444.51. 69 83 512 300 268 19 21 21 16 129 23 1.45 56 435 Sounga 1,964.98 1/3 106 568 Uninhabited •• 436 Kirada 842.44 260 271 5 3 243 248 14 3 144 148 437 Pipl. 1.,829.10 71 19 531 51 51 5 2 32 40 Pipla dhana 19 21 119 56 63 4 3 37 40 7 I 25 27 School dIIona 14 16 100 49 51 I 175

    Workers X I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX NOll- Workers r_-A-:-,,\ r_-A-=,\ r__,II._~....A_~r:-Io-~t:'"....J'-::-v:--A-...... --"-~,-_jL~...A....~ r-.J.-~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M P M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 1 Uninhabited •• 40It 87 1 46 70 1 •• 6 •• 96 146 401 '90 42 51 4 6 3 .. 6 .. 78 165 402 11 9 10 2 •. 10 21 79 33 41 4 6 1 .. 6 •• 68 144 46 3 8 14 3 1 1... 31 91 403 27 2 7 12 2 1 1 19 53 19 1 1 2 1 12 j8 77 6 44 20 1 2 1 .. 90 191 404 58 5 28 17 1 2 1 ,. 64 133 19 1 16 3 26 58 263 14 105 76 10 24 15 37 2 3 •. 18 .• 37 4 4~8 824 40S 13 6 1 1 2 19 38 406 34 32 39 1 2 57 lOr 407 45 7 37 36 1 3 ., 55 104 408 136 34 129 198 3 11 3 1 3 3 .• 26 3 261 398 409 58 27 74 91 2 3 .. 1 1 1 2' •• 10 .. 109 189 78 7 55 107 1 14 2.. 2 1 1 .. 16 3 152 .209 12 1 42 24 1 2. .. 21 6-2' 41'6 12 1 33 17 1 2 .. 23 54 9 7 4· 8 29 11 5 2 2 2 .. 48 85 4n 6 23 20 18 31 412 31 6 10 5 2 .. 1 .. 37 70 413 47 27 b3 6 3 .. 2. .. 51 74 414 2 2 4 415 Uninhabited .. .. 416 21 14 10 20 4['1 56 42 26 7 2 3 2 2 ..• 9 .. !M 194 418- 22 30 16 1 51 109 419 49 3 10 17 7 1 .. 88 1lP.8.' 80 8 27 47 6 2 3 .. 2 .. 12 .. 112: 246 411 110 72 105 17 4 11.1 4 3.. 10 5 8 23 2 359 S03 422 86 5 59 22 5 3 .. 10 1 IS1 296 423 4<.. 8 1 1 .. 7 9_ 13 " 29 8 1 21 ., 1 .. 29 6l 415, 51 1 13 1 1 5 • 63 12t 426, 87 12 40 52 6 6 .. 124 JAO 417· 57 14 8 13 1 24 1 •• 4 .. 96 161 428 53, 1 18 4 1 .. 54 12.7 429 51 6 8 2 2 1 .. 47 106 430 215 82 119 190 16 4 2 26 S 443. 559 431 Uninhabited .. •• 432' 4 6 5 5 13 433: lUi 10 18 41 2. 5 1.. 109 210 434'. 1{)8 13 25 43 1 5 6.. 155 212 435 Uninhabited .. 436 117 2 20 146 4 1 2.. 116 123 431 23 6 4(J 1 2.. 24 23 Ij 2 9 25 1 24 24 176


    Total Population Literate ,--- Area of (Inoluding and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled eduI.ated Total -Location Village/Townl acres and Occupied No. of bouseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code' Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house r- \ r--''''_~ r:-.....J\-"-l r--"--~ ....J\.... No. Block in Kill. 2 houses holds P M F M F M F M F 'it i' 2 3 4 5 (; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 Him dhana 4 4 24 11 13 II 13 6 6 Gadwa 34 38 288 144 144 144 144 2 81 75 438 Bothisihar 2,363.21 75 87 460 225 235 4 4 137 221 26 4 154 61 Bo-thisihar 35 44 227 107 120 4 4 94 110 22 3 73 28 Padya dhana 3 3 24 13 11 13 11 8 7 Sihar 28 30 154 79 75 4 71 4 1 56 19 Paragad 9 10 55 26 29 26 29 17 7 439, Mandhawa 1,751.13 41 44 234 110 124 10 4 97 116 13 1 79 40 Mandhawa dhana 14 15 80 37 43 36 42 2 26 15 Mandh4wa 27 29 154 73 81 10 4 61 74 11 1 53 25 440 Hathna Jhiri 862.59 41 55 293 147 146 23 22 124 124 5 83 74 441 Muchgohan 733.54 52 52 295 142 153 15 23 121 130 6 2 75 55 442, Churni 917.94 48 48 248 122 126 7 7 115 119 8 1 76 56 443' Sebra 3,525.06 362 364 2.020 1,031 989 83 93 53 56 517 J1K)8 S35 247 444 Amdar 1,892.53 94 107 625 310 315 46 51 43 45 107 37 169 In 445 Jodkya, 657.40 57 62 366 193 173 22 17 20 24 98 46 97 33 446 Lobariya. 903.23 57 59 317 167 150 37 33 18 21 6S 17 86 36 447 Bagholi 1,281.47 152 158 917 453 464 55 52 28 36 203 66 215 81 448 Khanapur 811.36 7 8 33 20 13 7 .2 5 4 11 449 Bayawadi 1,141.15 34 41 236 117 119 29 31 26 24 31 3 69 60 450 Bharkawadi 2,172.41 128 163 961 478 483 71 73 33 21 106 58 264 16 451 Soorgaon 739.58 108 146 801 385 416 35 37 2 192 41 213 166 452' Betul Bazar "1,729.07 .. Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Betul (M) .. 453 Singanwadi 761.00 15 28 126 62 64 1 2 59 60 4 1 44 39 454 Hatbnora 704.79 26 43 2Z9 111 118 2S 29 35 41 28 67 12 4,55 Arul a,130.49 54' 78 412 210 202 55 53 72 72 59 24 112 63 456 Jagdhar 2,359.54 16 22 137 78 59 .2 3 16 56 2 47 40 457 Parsodi Khurd 983.39 8 13 64 33 31 5 4 .20 21 1 18 n 458 ' MUanpur 290.39 48 61 365 175 190 19 19 14 17 93 50 84 62. 459 Raundha 1,635.95 84 91 571 272 299 58 58 199 217 49 3 155 60 460 -Sai Kbandata 1.951.30 103 115 668 335 333 6 .2 301 301 36 4 213 2nO Sal Khondara 64 71 379 191 188 5 2 166 161 19 4 123 121 Jel dItana 39 44 289 144 145 1 135 140 17 90 79 461 Sunar Khapa 1,655.23 76 82 503 242 261 21 26 213 232 12 152 62 46l lawra 3,403.21 223 213 1,113 625 MS 23 13 "8 52 '262 38 31S '1l 463 Nagjhiri ' 1,000.68 26 26 162 74 88 11 9 58 69 12 1 35 18 464: GOllla 1,637.00 116 119 197 389 408 15 22 236 230 80 16 2u Gondi GtJlIla 43 43 280 131 149 15 22 7 5 40 15 61 School dhana 14 14 77 37 40 11 10 JI 1 20 Barosi dhana 17 18 1J1 62 69 62 69 5 37 Goulidhana 42 44 309 159 150 156 146 24 9.3 465 Charban 961.40 41 40 248 132 I16 12 12 115 98 11 82 24 466 Chbata 1,357.;6 45 45 265 136 129 12 10 82 76 7 84 13 467 Sarndai 1,308.87 63 68 368 182 186 11 18 153 149 42 5 100 23 468 Kolgaon 1,672.00 ~78 '):]7 1,288 659 629 96 43 182 189 282 83 374 127 Kolgao" 87 114 652 328 324 88 .'15 32,38 172 -58 170 11.3 Gondi dhana 91 113 636 331 305 8 8 150 151 110 25 204 14 469 Gora kbar 1.963.40 109 113 600 294 306 37 35 1.83 202 94 31 180 113 G01a khar 77 79 396 190 206 37 35 122 147 69 25 116 86 Goltdi dhana 20 21 121 65 56 6IJ 55 10 •• .39 15 Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers C". -"-:'""\ r....)\...., r-....)\....""'"'Jr -'\....~,- -"-~ ....)\""::-\{,,,,".J\,..... -v:-'.... J\- ~-"- ~ -JL.":",,\ r:....A-, L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 3 3 6 5 7 76 2 75 3 63 69 168 2 42 59· 1 1 2 .. 71 174 438 59 2 11 26 1 2 34 92 4 4 7 5 4 34 21 19 1 23 56 11 6 7 9 22 60 17 17 23 2 .. 31 84 439 19 6 7 9 11 28 41 11 10 14 2 •• 20 56 66 14 74 2 1 .. 64 72 440 48 1 26 54 1 .. 67 98 441 41 3 23 53 1 11 .. 46 70 442 320 54 113 173 18 35 10 3 5 1 41 9 496 742 443 107 76 36 41 9 5 3 3 9 2 141 193 444 40 4 23 24 15 10 1 1 1 .. 7 2 96 140 445· 43 3 25 32 5 1 1 12 .. 81 114 446 171 56 73 29 4 3 2 1 1 12 4 178 383 447 7 4 9 13 448 30 36 59 1 1 2 .. 48 59 449 184 55 16 10 2 .. 1 4 8 .. 214 467 450 178 3 19 159 3 2 •• 7 1 •• 5 1 172 250 451 •• Included in urbon area as urban outgrowth of Betu' (M) .. .. 452 2 3 41 36 1 •. 18 25 453 11 6 55 66 1 .. 44 46 454 43 63 63 2 4 .. 98 139 455 8 38 40 1 .. 31 19 456 8 9 22 1 .. 15 9 457 50 1 24 61 5 5 .. 91 128 458 125 1 25 59 1 1 3 .. 117 239 459 171 114 38 26 1 1 2 .. 122 133 460 93 103 29 18 1, .. 68 67 78 71 9 8 1 1 1 .. 54 66 118 1 30 61 1 1 2 .. 90 199 461 262 16 67 2 17 2 2.. 4 15 3 307 576 462 32 1 18 2 .. 39 70 463 170 32 3 2 4 .. 118 408 464 52 ., 2 4 .. 70 149 13 4 1 2 17 40 28 9 25 69 77 16 66 150 48 21 23 10 1 1 2 .. 50 92 465 59 10 11 14 2 1 .. 52 116 466 54 34 21 9 2 1 2 .. 82 163 467 103 3 109 121 S 17 1 4 •• 1 8 2 .. 2S 2 2SS S02 468 102 3 33 107 4 1 2 •• 5 2 •• 22 2 158 211 101 76 14 5 13 2 •• 1 3 3 .. 127 291 99 5 64 105 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 S ... 114 193 469 74 120 58 4 43 81 4 ...... 1 .. 1 1 3 1 ...... 5 .•• 20 .•. 17 13 •...... Z 1 .... 1 .. it ... 26 41 178


    Total Population Literate Area of (In luding and <1 IX) Name of village in . Total institutional and Schedule Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Waid/Urban of townlward residential house- ""--..... ~~ ___...... ,.... - .....____ ---"----. No. Bloch in Km.2 houses hold9 P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Kundi dh.ma 12 13 83 39 44 1 15 6 25 12 470 Nayak Charsi 1,072.90 42 66 322 146 116 18 20 116 141 30 8 89 56 471 Bagdari 937.06 33 37 212 93 119 9 10 82 ,107 3 67 17 472 Diwan Charsi 1,695.07 87 98 521 267 254 34 35 216 205 54 4 145 66 Diwan Charsl 14 15 82 39 43 8 12 31 31 8 1 24 11 KunJidhana 19 20 94 52 42 8 4 36 35 10 1 26 H Bm/agaon 54 6_~ 345 176 169 18 19 149 139 36 2 95 42 473 SaJarjun 1,056.81 33 35 206 89 117 7 10 82 107 10 64 18 474 Ghutighar 1,455.36 42 47 289 139 150 21 26 117 123 11 1 81 28 4'15 Bori Kbas 2,430.23 77 84 504 252 252 38 41 160 156 70 16 145 35 Dhaltlll Mau 4 4 28 14 14 14 14 1 8 Z BorjKhas 73 80 476 238 238 38 41 146 142 69 16 137 33 476 Selgaon 1,207.90 70 97 533 244 289 6 13 42 54 6S 9 139 30 477 Ghogari 1,141.42 3S 41 2i3 127 116 6 7 112 102 13 2 79 40 478 Dodra Mohar 9,67.51 35 46 221 113 114 2 9 95 95 4 63 13 479 Hathidingar 1,164.74 36 42 256 125 131 6 6 117 122 2 72 24 480 Badori 1,651.72 31 33 191 99 92 6 7 93 85 3 57 27 481 Jasondi 1,860.75 67 76 367 182 185 15 17 152 1,54 32. 1 102 29 482 Arjunwadi 1,114.40 42 61 327 159 168 34 31 69 85 32 1 89 63 483 Junawadi 794;37 18 19 98 54 44 4 6 40 3() 7 27 1 484 Thawdi 1,024.49 75 88 498 230 268 48 51 17S 206 39 6 107 30 485 Redwa 1,446J9 50 54 314 166 148 40 40 51 3 94 68 486 Salbardi 675.03 .. Uninhabited •• 487 Barwhi 4;179.51 372 375 2,111 1.026 1,085 83 80 45 38 435 152 559 393 488 Gudhi 1;820.91 86 96 470 240 230 20 18 212 208 32 1 l44 138 489 Kosmi 1,046.47 64 71 393 191 202 24 43 77 66 71 31 100 16 490 Khakrajamthi 319.85 •• Uninhabited •• 87 22 491 Dhar (F.V.) ~1,534.oo 45 54 293 150 143 Z2 14 112 116 27 5 492 Sawarida (F.V.) 386.00 17 17 89 42 47 41 47 1 26 23 493 BOd (F.V.) 566.00 17 17 83 45 38 42 34 1 32 19 78 35 494 Path (F.V.) 1,151.00 36 46 258 125 133 3 4 120 129 34 25 106 65 495 Handipani 1.615.00 58 63 353 182 171 . 3 4 173 164 14 112 39 496 Kuppa (F.V.) 948.00 SS 67 393 204 f89 5 2 154 1,40 3 17 1 497 l)e()than (F .V .) 542.00 12 13 63 36 27 36 'J:1 7 1 16 498 Mohanpura (F.V.) 475.00 6 6 41 240 17 2 2 1.9 12 5 1 135 93 499 Pipalbarra 1.525.00 52 65 430 216 214 5 1 201 207 171 192 67 5 114 83 500 Pbophaliya (F.V.) 1,603.00 65 65 381 182 199 4 3 4 78 28 501 Gawasen (F.V.) 655.00 37 37 215 120. 95 3 103 90 26 57 48 11 35 18 502 Khokm Kheda (F.V.) 343.00 1.S 15 113 63 SO 1 48 37 2 1 43 47 503 Bala Dongari (F.V.) 637.00 19 20 HI 64 47 3 1 42 45 4 40 34 504 Barkheda (F.V.) 961.00 13 21 110 55 S5 1 60· 59 19 41 19 505 Tanda (F.V.) 1,131.00 16 17 126 67 S9 126 124 34 2 83 30 S06 Kursana (F. V.) 430.00 37 41 271 138 133 4 3 42 43 2 38 14 507 Gudimai

    29 33 27 2 1 ..... , ., ..... to g 42 67 SOl 27 1 1 17 2 2 3 28 32 502 27 22 6 6 7 3 19 21 .. S03 20' 17 16 17' 2 2 o. 15 21 S04 12 24 19" 1 5 ... I. •• S .. 20 40 505 32 41 30 2 8 .. 55 103 506 14 21' 14 2 1 .. 9 32 501 13 36·' 17 3 5 22 47 S08 25 1 1 .. ... 3 .. 33 6S S09 15 12 19 3 1 .. 22 25 510 21 2 2 •• 23 37 511 32 19 2 .. 15 41 512 31 28 16 18 .. 3 1 Itl .... ., ,. " '0 ••• •• " I, , .. 5~ ~3 513 130


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-~ Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Tot . Location Village/Town! acres and Occupied No. of bouseless population) Castes Tribes pemons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r----"--~ ~"'"' No. Dlock in KIn. II houses holds P M F M F ~ ~~F~ 16 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 514 Bhatodi (F. V.) 1,651.00 35 36 22S UO 115 109 114 3 1 64- 60 16 515 Punji (Dhana) IF.V.) 619.00 16 16 87 41 46 '.' 35 44 9 1 29 516 Hirapur IF.V.> 796.00 ~ 24 109 56 53 2 1 52 52 4 1 33 13 517 Kolhaya (F.V.) 891.00 33 33 'Z37 121 110 .. 127 110 5 .. 68 'rt 518 Bhopali (F.V.) 252.00 8 8 62 32 30 32 28 3 1 18 10 519 Pahawadi tF.V.) 106.00 7 8 21 13 8 5 S 3 .. 10 4 520 Bijadehi (F.V.) 268.00 16. 16 102 54 48 2 41 45 'J!J 26 521 Jawajbar (F.V.) 298.00 n 10 57 30 27 1 -1 28 26 2 .. 16 11 522 Bukud (F.V.) 187.00 3 3 16 9 7 ... 5 523 Selda (F.V.) 1,204.00 10 70 375 203 172 ~ 10 190 161 38 128 105 52A Mendha Kheda(F.V.) 1.375.00 33 33 206 106 100 9-' 3 1 91 88 .. 67 33 525 Dudar 478.00 44 45 222 103 119 98 112 13 .. 64 20 526 Kotha (F.V.) 6S6.00 2S 2S 160 78 82 S5 66 5 48 6 5Z7 Mudha (F.V.) 1,552.00 64- 71 413 216 197 fi 7 201 186 21 115 12 '}. 59 32 528 Jbilpa (F.V. j 480.00 18 23 154 82 72 72 68 26 529 Kalapui (F. V.) 1..,332.00 43 53 312 167 145 -13 10 148 132 51 1 107 60 530 Keola Jhir l...495.00 53. 58 282 150 132 10 6 132 124 27 4 90 68 531 Sa,jpur (F.V.) 248.00 13 13 10 32 38 1 30 38 6 ,.. 23 23 6 It9 102 53~ Baretha (F. V.) 1.~6.00 60 70 436 2lS 2Z1 24 ').7 189 192 66 533 Arjungondi (F. V.) 237.00 14 14 66 35 31 3 3 29 27 3 20 1 7t} 6 534 Bans Kbedi (F. V.) 718.00 42 43 243 119 1.2A i '1 114 11.1 1 3 535 Dharakhoh (F.V.) 208.00 30. 45 1'41 83 58 '1 2 35 29 13 6l -2I 104 13 536 Sihari (F.V.> 15Q.00 4.(j 96 288 161 121 36 3.2 38 28 72 537 Nislaan$. (F.V.) .• Uninhabited- 538 Pachama (F.V.) •. Uninhabited l.619 707 1,721 51 539 N. C. D. C. Patha Kheda. 549 1.478 S,Ill 2,921 2.199 49.3 196 274 299 499 133 543 37 540 Sarni TharmaI Station 294 461 1,518 845 673 107 15.1 16 72 82 35 98 S4l Narayanpur 7f, 76 374 185 189 .. 2 3 102 54 13S 1 542 Batkidoh 114 114 603 293 310. I ... 1 119 32 101 1 543 DhlU'lJlPUl' 100 100 490 254 236. 1 1 141 63 119 2 544 Xolhya 99 99 500 7,70 230 2 1 72 28 8Ei 3 545 Chikhalpali 77 77 392 195 197 4 33 24 301 9S 4Q'Z; S 288 ~89 1,168 ~88 480 111 66 S46 Nutanganga 127 83 2 71. 71 350 rn ]73 92 547 Nishchintpur 119 , lOS 105 487 241 246 2 2 1 116 75 S48 Jholi NQ. 1 75 43 91 3 So$!) 90 9() 491 236 2SS Jholi No.2 " 6S 128 2 97 97 521 '],77 2A4 98 S50 Amdoh U ., 71 71 380 185 195 89 S9 551 Bishnupur .. "'" 76 39 66' l' Chopna No.1 69 70 319 1.64 ISS .. '52 6 3 1 106 57 94 3 553 Chopna No.2 81 85 360 194 166 12 91 37 68, 2 554 Chopna No.3 60 60 320 163 157 3 g'/ 64 91 3 555 Punji 76 16 387 187 200 1 114 78 123 2 556 Hirapur No. 1 108 108 560 275 285 1 8 8 2 169 51 175 9 557 Hirapur No. 2 166 170 5M- 317 '1J7 11 1 74 52 74 558 Tawaka\hi S9 59 314 148 166 4S 11 34 .. 559 Durgapur 24 24 128 75 53 83 21 53 '). 560 Pahadpur 48 48 223 122 101 49 216 111 105' - 1 76 36 53 S 561 BadalpUI 49 31 94- 1 562 Gopinathpur 75 76 403 205 198 1 98 p~ ,. 109 44 81 ~ ~NvSa~r ,! 7~ 7, 3~1 .~9 - 1&1 BETUL TAHSIL Workers I n In IV V(a V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ,..-~ ,..-''-~ L.C. M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 .21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 62 59 1 1 1 46 55 514 12 1 16 15 1 .. 12 30 515 20 5 12 2 1 5 ., 23 40 516 2!J 34- 27 1 1 3 .. 59 83 511 12 2 10 1, ...... 3 ., 14 2& 51,8 5 3 4 .. •• .... ,I' 2 .. 3 4 Jl'

    1 28 26 •• 'f. 't,." 2S 22 520 13 1 11 2 .. 14 16 521 S 4 1 522

    fIT 1 16 103 5 1 • '. II 10 .. 15 67 523 46 2 13 30 S 1 1 2 .. 39 67 524 S7 12 2 8 2 .. 3 •• 39 99 525 33 11 6 4 .... 30 16 526 S6 50 12 3 1 5 .. 101 ISS 527 37 8 4 2 32 8 .. 23 40 528 78 13 60 4 •• 12 .. 60 85 529 72 3 12 6S 3 3 .. 60 64 530 11 1 9221 2 .. 9 15 531 1" 2 I" 100 1 2 1 •. 4 .. 96 119 532 IS 1 1 1 "fa ,. 3 .. 15 30 433 66 11 6 2 .. 40 118 534 21 55 515 29' •• ,. 2 ~ .. l' .. .. 24 .. 3 .. 20 2 2 11 .. .' 1 •• 80 .. 1 •• 51 114 536 •• 537 II .. •• Uninhabited ......

    ,. •• II .•• 538 • t., I. I. • • "Ullinhabilled ... ,'. 3 7 1 .. 911 820 17 .. 63 1 46 8 6 1 654 33 1,1932,142 539 l 1 1 15 29 .. 14 6 •• 20 11 35 1 .. 7 2 414 21 302 636 540 72 12 .. .. 1 .. 5.. 95 189 541 119 1 1 14 .. 158 309 542 98 1 7 1 1 1 .. 146 235 543 82 19 3 .2 13 2 151 228 544- 73 2 7 1 1 .. 4 1 109 194 545 61 2 2 .. 268 1 4 4.. 3 18 .. "3 •• 39 2 186 475 5'46 80 .. 2 2 -1 •• '94 171 547 102 3 1 .. 4 1~ 4 122 239 548 7& 3 16 1 . 3 ., }38 252 S49 114 1 1 2 •. 3 8 .. 149 242 SSO 84 .. 'I ... 1 .; lee 195 561 44 •• 11 .. 1 1 3 1. 98 154 552 30 __ JOO 1:63 553 10 .. .,,:~ If., 4 1 .. 4 S 5 .. 3, 3 56 1 4 ...... 3 1 1 3 1 .. . 9S 155 554 , 9 1 96 197 SSS· 77 2 At' •• 3 ...... , 98 1 IS 1 . ] 1 .. 3 5 .. 152 283 556 6S :2 8 1 2 98 7 14l 218 557 71 1 .2 74 166 558 34 4~ 53 5S9

    45 6 2 II' •• " .... II 2. •• ' ", 99 5(,0 44 3 5 2 ... r. 4 .. 58 100 561 1 6 .. 111 ~97 562 81 2 " .. ~ 2. ..

    ,. .~ ,. $ .. 102 l7~ 563 ~~ 0' " " '" . " .. " .. " 182


    Total Population Literate Area of (Inoluding and f (I-~ Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled eduoated Tota Location Village /Town/ acres and Ocoupied No. of houseless populatioD) Castes Tribes Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house r .. .,,..--A-,,, ,.--II._ ~ .-....JI.-.-, No. Block in Km.ll house holds P M P M P M P'" M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 564 Santipur 87 87 440 232 208 3 1 1 132 61 115 1 565 Phool Beriya 82 83 466 228 238 118 52 110 1 566 Saktigarh 58 58 228 119 109 1 1 53 18 67 1 567 Gopalpur Uninhabited 568 Gandhigram Uninhabited 569 ICeoli Kheda (F.V.) 12 12 60 31 29 31 29 21 11


    '19/1 Betul (M) 10.36 6,179 16,m 1,343 863 11,241 6,710 5,526 30,862 14,_. 1,206 753 6,457 1,092

    :19///1 Ward No. 1 398 502 2,484 1,391 1,093 72 20 89 76 1,014 471 514 67 Block-No.1 167 175 792 4Z7 365 8 5 7 4 315 141 164 :as Block· No.-2 118 127 80S 424- 381 12 ·6 48 51 289 172 175 'lJ Block ,No.3 113 2m 887 S40 347 52 9 34 21 410 152 175 15

    29/112 Ward No.2 4IJ3 410 2.121 1,203 918 66 (IJ 58 48 895 S48 550 62 Block No.4 - 1.25 121 752 458 2M 44 35 4S 29 345 2~4 149 4 Block No, 5 147 149 686 371 315 2 1 1 293 208 142 23 Block No.6 131 134 683 374 309 20 18 13 18 251 126 259 35 29/1/3 Ward No.3 - 361 367 1.735 939 796 78 71 36 32 666 319 389 90 Block No.7 128 132 615 325 290 25 27 21 17 238 1.48 138 31 Block No.8 108 1.08 556 298 258 2 2 3 8 216 130 111 7 Block No.9 125 127 564 316 148 51 48 12 7 212 101 140 52

    29/1/4 WQI'd No." 233 252 1,476 793 683 2 5 3 622 483 325 22 Block No. 10 120 129 741 406 335 2 .. 325 254 ., 178 ' 19 mock No. 11 113 123 735 381 348 ,- 5 .. 3 ., 297 229 141' 3

    29/I/S Ward No.5 179 276 1,633 84IJ 793 3 -ti 590 355 318 24 . Block No. 12 - 63 145 831 413 424 2 '3 272 168 146 17 BlOCk No. 13 116 131 796 4Z1 369 1 1 318 187 172 7 ... 29/1/6 Word No.6 389 401 1,999 1,012 91f1 10:2 10.0 31 17 747 515 449 71 Block No. 14 - 122 127 653 332 321 19 12 7 3 257 198 125 2S Block No. 15 118 124 680 321 359 27· 33 3 S 236 177 169 14 Block No. 16 149 1~0 666 359 307 56 55 21 9 254 140 IS5 32 183

    BlTULTAHSIt BETUL (M) Workers

    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ""'" X Non­ Workers 'M~, ¢F' rM"'-F'M--A...F'M-A..F~1d"'F~~~-v;.{-'p~ ~F' ~o~· 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 I 104 1 10 1 117 'U)7 564 168 1 2. 118 237 565 61 6 52 108 566 .. Uninhabited .. 567 .. Uninhabited •• 568 17 4 10 10 18 569


    368 255 144 5 236 636 212 1,332 824 2,698 fJ,6fr1 lfJ /1 3S 130 30 118 45 38 81 14 SOl 13,373

    33 10 24 9 4 12 2 49 2 20 6 83 7 19 .. 270 31 877 1,02629/1// 8 4 2 3 1 7 23 1 15 3 29 3 5.. 74 11 263 340 1 14 6 4 1 2 3 2 10 1 4 23 2" 5.. 110 15 249 354 2 11 18 5 1 2 16 .. 3 31 2 9.. 86 5 365 332 3

    25 2 6 1 5 3 2 2374 2 1 100 2 37 .. 336 47 653 856 29/1/2 16 6 1 11 •• 1 27 6 .. 81 .. 309 290 4 3 1 1 2 2 10 2 34 1 "10 .. 83 16 229 292 5 6 1 2 1 2 2 16 2 1 1 39 1 21 •• 172 27 115 274 6

    14 1 13 9 9 5 7 27 2 4 2 70 2 32 .. 213 69 JSO 70629/1/3 1 1 10 6 1 1 7 2 33 8020 187 259 7 7 2 1 1 13 .. 3 9 .•• 16 •• 60 6 187 251 8 1 2 1 4 14 2 1 28 1 16 •• 73 43 176 196 9

    35 1 ... .. 2 •• 4 1 14 •• oS •• 138 1 j •• 122 19 468 661 29/1/4 23 1 ..... 4 1 7 5 79 1 4 •• 56 16 228 316 10

    12 2 •• 7 '0 59 •• 1 •• 66 3 240 345 11

    11 1 1 2 3 153_ 21 .. 108 9 22 •• 97 13 522 769 22/I/S 7 1 1 ... ._ 3 1 23 .. 14 44 6 12 _ 42 9 267 407 12 4 ' .0 2 30.. 7 .. 64 3 10 .. 5S 4 25S 362 13 14 1 9 9 5 .. .. 19 8 30 .. 12 •• 62 447 225147 563 91429///6 7 2 1 1 19.. 6 27 110_ 5422 207 296 14 1 27 1 17 106 12 152 345 15 2 .. .11" •• 16 1 S; 1 6 8 .. - .. 3 6 11 _ 6 8 2 20 2 91 13 204 275 16 184


    Total Population Area of (Including Lite:: '(I-IX) Name of village in . institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village ITown! acres and of Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban town Iward residential h:>u~e- (_ .. ~ r....J..._~ r...J'-~ r...A-":,,"\ ,-_JI.._l No, Block in Km. t houses holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    2911/7 Ward No. 7 334 416 2,115' 1.120 995 116 81 12 5 713 392 46B 52 Block No. 11 83 149 746 390 356 53 55 4 3 268 161 159 14 Block No. 18 144 IS6 7S1 396 355 57 23 4 2 255 138 169 29 Block No. 19 107 111 618 334 284 (; 3 4 190 91 140 9

    29/1/8 Ward No.8 284 371 1,567 814 75] 195 246 20 18 540 270 334 124 Block No. 20 161 112 150 315 315 164 215 2 4 234 120 ISS 109 Block No. 21 117 199 817 439 378 31 31 18 14 306 150 179 IS

    291119 Ward No.9 237 248 1,292 666 626 IS 16 49 44 445 232 248 57 BloCk No. 23 119 128 625 320 lOS 14 16 36 34 208 100 121 41 Block No. 24 118 120 667 346 321 i 13 10 231 132 ii1 16

    29/1/10 Ward No. 10 501 509 2.574 1,313 1.261 46 30 133 135 883 550 518 126 Block No. 24 103 104 5S3 288 265 33 21 Z09 130 111 34 Block No. 25 103 108 575 287 288 61 59 18g 13S 1~ 45 Block No. 26 162 163 722 311 34S 8 7 19 19 2S9 151 131 6 Block ";0. '1:1 133 134 724 361 363 S .2 53 57 'D.7 134 148 41

    29/1111 Ward No. 11 .. 339 347 1,797 903 894 118 116 36 42 549 262 405 66 Block No. 28 101 104 S80 28S 29S 18 19 6 4 IS8 81 13S 18 Block No. 29 99 101 533 '1:16 2S7 S4 58 168 52 119 23 Block No. 30 139 142 6804 342 342 46 39 30 38 223 129 lSI 2.S

    29/1112 Ward No. 12 .. 485 489 2,33ii 1,278 1052 113 102 77 38 888 490 427 78 Block No. 31 137 138 7S0 393 357 2.9 28 7 6 2S1 146 24 31 Block No. 32 104 106 476 2S4 222 21 24 13 10 178 78 133 23 Block No. 33 132 132 612 351 261 41 26 56 22 259 123 160 20 Block No. 34 112 113 492 280 212 32 24 1 200 143 110 4

    2911113 Ward No. 13 .. 569 619 2,907' 1,627 .1.280 212 159 72 48 1,033 487 719 82 Block No. 35 91 128 583 32S 2S8 74 60 20 11 187 S5 142 26 Block No. 36 ISS 155 612. 354 258 53 24 .13 . 13 234 78 148 4 Block No. 37 110 110 566 308 258 28 27 12 5 190 108 122 16 Block No. 38 103 1'14 60S" 322 283 S~' 4'1 22 17 193 128 160 20 Block No. 39 110 112 S4i 318" 223 '5 1 5 2 229 118 147 16

    2911/14 Ward No. 14 258 '}6J 1,292' 682 610 116 121 72 7F 440 226 304 11 Block No. 40 123 125 628.. 336 292 34' 30 61 S8 200 90 154 32 Block No. 41 135 138 664 346 318 82 91 11 13 240 136 150 39 .. 29/1/15 Ward No. 15 373 390 1.937 999 938 17 16 135 144 640 1(()7 41$ 60 Block No. 42 112 i'13 603 297 306 •• ,. 237 206 115 12 'Block No. 43 133 i~1 .. 738' 388 3S0 1~' ii 11 11 267 ISO 168 17 Block No. 44 128 '130 596 314 282 4 . S '124 133 136 51 138 31 185

    BETUL (M) Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX '\ X Non. Workers ,--A-,\ r:-A_~ r-...... A--::v:--A-~·V... ::""'"""-'::"\c:-A_"""'r:-....J'- ..r-.JL~...... A-'\r:-....J'-~ ('::""-'L""", L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

    14 8 2 32 2 •• .. 33 943343 3 81 S 59 •• ISS 28 652 94329/1/7 10 1 8 1 .. - 29 6 1 16 2 19 4 9 .. 61 6 231 342 17 3 7 2 16 1 ...... 4 9 20 1 12 1 27 1 24 •• 56 14 227 326 ]8 1 8 ... - ..... 17 1 15 .. 35 •• 26 .. 38 8 194 275 19 15 1 36 41 •• .. S9 50 31 9 5 1 22 4 17 1 149 17 480 62929/1/8 6 8 34 •• .. 4648209 2 1 '8 3 4 1 61 13 220 266 20 9 1 . 28 7 13 2 11 .. 3 _ 14 1 13.. 88 4 260 363 2]

    33 • 3 S6 46 6 2 19 •• 3 2 38 27_ 86 2 418 5692911/9 25 2 19 32 2 11 .. 3 2 27 2 2 •• 32 2 199 264 22 8 1 37 14 •• ., ... 4 8 .. ." 11 5 •• 54 •• 2]9 305 23

    516 S96711 3 3., 38 23 43 1 5 3 81 7 28 .. 199 16 795 1135 29/1/10 9 3 1 6 1 12 13 11.. 2 2 19 1]3 •• 49 9 171 231 24 34 2 31 35 5 3 lIS 1 1 16 3 29.. 165 243 25 7 13 2 10 1 21.. 2 15 2 .. 61 3 246 339 26 1 1 14 ·24 S 3 ". 15 S 6 1 31 3 13 •• 60 4 213 322 27

    26 16 14 31 2 13 10 30 1 38 7 72 6 45 .. 134 26 498 828 29 II 111

    9 2 4 ...... 4 2 8 3 1 46 2 J.1 ., 44 11 150 277 28 6 5 1 17 1 ...... 9 8 9.. 8 1 10 3 12 ., 43 9 157 234 29 11 11 11 10 1 13 1 21 5 16 1 16 •• 47 6 191 317 30

    34 1 7 4 9 10 14 6 8 2 14 4 17 4121 1 203 46 851 97429/1112 13 " 1 1 10 ...... 8 5 .... 1 I •• 1 .. 14 369 326 31 14 1 6 2 4 ...... 2 ..... 6 2 6 2 7 .. 84 16 121 ]99 32 7 2 2 ... .. 4 121 7 1 8 1 34 ., 96 14 191 241 33 2 2 1 1 1 2 •• 80 •• 23 2 170 208 34

    16 3 10 6 19 2 ,. •• 18 3 9S 8 16 1 184 9214 4 147 46 908 1198 2911113 6 1 2 3 3 6 S.. 3 17 3 67 2 33 17 183 232 35 2 S 1 23.. 6 37 .•• 49 .. 27 2 206 254 36 2 2 10 1 3 1223 2 1 23 1 18 .. 42 7 186 242 37 4 1 1 1 2 1 33 1 4 36 2 58 2 22 12 162 263 38 6 5 7 1 12 4 1 71 3 22 .. 23 8 171 207 39

    4 1 11 20 4 1 37 3 S 7 75 4 89 4 72 38 378 53929/1/14 15 2 2 3 18 1 5 3 28 4 51 3 34 17 182 260 40 S 2 1 9 1 1 19 2 4 47 •• 38 1 38 21 196 'J:19 41

    14 9 11 6 3 60 10 5 .. 134 8 43 1 142 27 586 878 29/1/15 6 3 11 .. 3 61 3 28 12 182.294 42 6 ., 7 933 10 .. ... 46 •• 15 1 73 4 228 333 43 2 •• 2 :.t...... •• 39 10 2 n 27 8 25 41 11 116 251 44 186


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and ' (I-IX) Name of village in institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village {Town / acres and of Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code WarCl/Urban town/ward residential house r--"'---"", r....J"-, r....JI...... 1 No. Block in KID. 2 houses holds P M F M F M F M~l'M"-F' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    29(1116 Ward No. 16 183 319 1,603 817 786 61" 58 38 32 ' 583 390 329 40 Block No. 4S 83 16S 837 439 398 11 's 26 15 327 226 175 12 Block No. 46 100 154 766 378 388" 5f SO 12 17 256 164 '154 28


    Betul-Bazar U.A., 1.29 1,298 1,354 8,165 4,085 4,080 2S4 277 81 97 2,435 1,439 1.720 560 29/11 Betal-Baw (M) 1.19 1,258 1,314 7,959 3,984 3,975 253 274 Z3 35 2,408 1,429 1,657 520

    " 29/11/1 Ward No.1 191 206 1,294 654 640 78' 74 3 1 442 273 278 66 Block No.· 1 85 95 637 327 310 23. 16 224 145 135 23 Block No.2 106 111 657 327 330 5S 58 3 1 218 128 143 43

    291Il/2 Ward No. 2 179 181 1,211 597 614 " ... 6 10 410 279 222 48 Block No.3 110 110 653 327 326 5 10 221 149 115 16 Block No.4 69 11 558 270 288 1 189 130 107 32

    29/1113 Ward No.3 .. 165 165 1,041 517 524 .., 1 4 322 240 226 57 Block No.5 81 81 497" 246 251 ... 1 4 161 125 ,105 23 Block No.6 84 84 544 271 273 ...... 161 115 ,121 34

    29/11/4 Ward No.4 192 211 1,121 569 552 ", ..... 8 12 292 195 253 fiJ Block No.7 91 101 549 282 267 ... 1 4 146 83 122 41 Block No.8 101 110 572 287 ,285 ., , 7 8 146 112 131 22

    4 J44 '210 210 4B 29/11{5 Ward No.5 164 167 1,056 521 5.'15 1 i 3 .. Block No.9 78 80 503 244 259 3 4 161 101 97 31 Block No. 10 86 87 553 277 270 1 1 183 109 113 17

    29/11/6 Ward No.6 ]56 167 1.018 526 492 2 267 122 220 104 Block No. 11 82 82 518 268 '250 .. '113 54 111' 58 Block No. 12 74 85 500 258 242 2 154 68 "109 46

    29/11/7 Ward No.7 211 217 i1,21B 600 618 174 '197 2 4 '331 110 ,,248 134 Block No. 13 89 90 546 268 278 27 2S 170 73 105 40 Block No. 14 102 107 597 293 304 147 172' 129 21 125 88 Block No. 15 20 20 75 39 36 2 4 32 16 18 6

    29/11/. Urban Outgrowth 0.10 40 40 206 101 lOS 1 3 59 6Z 27 10 63 40

    Betul-Bazar Kasba 0.10 40 40 206 101 105 1 3 59 62 27 10 63 40 181

    BETUL (M) BETUL BAZAR (U.A.) Workers

    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ., X Non­ Workers 'M...J~1 (~F' r-~7M-"-FVM-A-F'M~'M~~F~~" "M--"'F'""' li~~' 17 .18 19 20 21· 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 I

    13 1 7 .. .. 7 1 60 _ 14 1 67 7 39 1 122 29 488 746 29/1/16 6 1 2., .. 3 "" 32 _ 7 .. - 1 36 4 10 o. 79 6 264 386 45 7 5 .. ... 4 1 28_ 7 31 3 29 1 43 23 224 360 46


    625 62 359 394 4(j .. •. 131 53 63 4 15 •• 212 20 11.. 258 27 2,365 3,520 606 6Z 319 354 42 131 53 63 4 15 •• 212 20 11.. 258 '1.7 2,327 3,455 29/I1

    ,. _ 34 _ 44 5 2 _ 76 21 27 19 2 2 12 1 1 80 17 376 574 29/0/1 33 5 2 __ 5 2 10 I 4 •• 37 46 13 192 287 1 43 17 22 17. 2 .. 3 2 _ .. -"" 24 181 -1 ..- 7 34 4 184 287 2 111 11 32 33 4 1 5 _ 13 2 7 .... 2 15 33 1 375 56629/11/2 54 4 13 8 - 4 2 2 5 •• 1 10 25 212 310 3 51 7 19 41 _"" 25 .. ... 11 2 •• 5 8 .• .. - 163 256 4 92 9 78 46 12 4 •• 1 12 2 ,...... 27 .. 291 467 29/11/3 39 2 36 20 4 •• 12 1 _ ., 14 •• 141 228 5 53 7 42 26 8 4 •. 1 - .. 13 .. 150 239 6 106 6 73 52 2 16 1 2 •• 2 12 .... :... 40 4 316 489 29Jn/4 64 3 28 38 2 2 I o. 2 ..• 8 15 .. 160 226 7 42 3 45 14 14 1 .... - I ... - 4 2S 4 156 263 8 77 6 5 23 3 8 2 _ 22 9 12 1 1 .. 60 28 1 311 487 29/11/5 55 4 2 22 2 5 2 I 15 3 1 _ 15 I 147 228 9 22 2 3 I .. ,... 17 9 10 .. 1 •• 45 5 1 .... 13 .. 164 259 10 JOB 7 61 95 2 7 2 3 ..• 17 1 •• 21 .. 306 38829/11/6 66 4 30 52 1 2 2 3 .. _. .. 9 .. 157 192 11 42 3 31 43 1 5 3 14 1 ... 12 .. 149 196 12 3~' 1 .. 43 86 29 27 37 26 2 5 •• 52 4 1 •• 29 4 352 484 29 /11/7 26 12 27 12 9 3 5 3S 2 1 11 2 163 238 13 10 29 53 29 15 28 23 2 16 2 3 2 168 216 . 14 2 6 1 15 21 30 15 19 40 40' 4

    19 41) 41) 4· ~. ,. ~, 188 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population literate Area of (Including and ( (I~ Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled SCheduled educated Tot Location Village/Town/ IWres and OCcupied No. of houselesspopulation Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward /Urban of town/ward residential house- r.:-""'__l f':'...J'-~ ,-_.I\-"""'I -"- -"- No. Block in Km.s house holds P M F M F M F 'M F''M Fl 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 29/3 Mu ltai (fahsi!) 2,317.7 46,506 1:ZS,901 18,715 45,935 71,469 42,167 258,583 1,29,682 18,702 11,915 49,394 1 Khatgarh 1,597.04 6 6 42 23 19 .. 17 6 2 Thani 1,310.28 83 95 S58 268 290 33 29 11 2 174 118 'I'hani 25 26 117' 60 51 .. 36 23 Banjari Dhan Dhana' 58 69 441· 208 .' 233 33 29 .•. 17 2 138 95 3 Khateda 1,783.52 46 '50 256· 124 132 18 14 2 81 46 Khateda Patel dhana 13 14 76 38 38 3 3 1 27 9 Klzateda Sirna dhana 3 3 13 5 8 5 3 Sirna dhana 30 33 167 81 86 15 11 1 49 34 4 Bichawa (Bundala) 201.70 Uninhabited 5 Bundala 383.73 Uninhabited 6 Buchanwadi 434.39 29 33 187 84 103 1 12 56 7 Awariya 746.98 36 "42 260 128 132 18 21 50 3 75 1 8 Amni 924.61 60 71 332 170 162 2& 40 IS 117 Amni 29 "37 165 86 79 .. ..• 9 58 Amni Kotwur dhana 31 .. 34 .. 167, 84 83 ~ 40 9 59 9 Parsodi 869.42 73 ·101 576 287 289 ~~ ZO 126 20 164 6 10 Khidki Khurd 391.07 38 41 196 98 98 5 (j 7 1 53 24 11 Dhonsara 591.11 33 .. 34 215. 101 108 6Q ~7 32 10 49 S6 Dhonsara Patel dha1w 9 10 69 36 33 .. .. 8 1 14 20 Dho1lsara Mehra dho.nQ 24 24 146 71 75 tiD 57 24 9 3S 36 12 Rodgaon 251.69 79 79 434 222 212 60 72 142 SO 96 11 13 Bodkhi . ,593.87 746 776 3,738, 1,973 1,765 5~ 5~ .. ],217 569 89} S3 14 Khidki Kalan 914.67 22 22 106 53 53 11 13 10 2 32 8 15 Taranwada 1;U~:85 173 173 1,049 538 511 102 98 232 24 319 187 16 Hasalpur '836:21 91 '96 714 379 '335 154 149 169 53 168 17 Hasalpur 63 64 419, 216 203 122 126 ., 66 17 102 16 Hasulpur Jira (}hana 17 18 171 98 73 29 21 .. 63 16 3S 1 Hasalpur Depo dhotllJ II '''14 124 65 -. 59 3 ·2 40 20 31 17 Sasabad 2;656.-22 ' 423 4'26 2,179 1,107 1,072 101 97 562 168 596 357 Sasabad 247 248 1.370 686 684 101 89 386 105 359 264 Sasabtld Moran dhtina 45 '46 234 119 115 14 8 79 58 Sasahad Batal dhanQ'" 131 }32 575 302 273 (j ·8 162 55 158 35 18 Malkota l',11'.76 '.. Uninhabited .. 19 Chicbara 586.57 1 1 5 3 2 2 20 Nandpur '921.47' 185 237 1,368 703 665 182 116 311 68 372 192 21 Ramli ' '698.03 241 269 1,570 785 785 192 203 317 94 411 204 22 Kedar Kheda. (Nandi Kbeda)188.02 83 88 480, 238 242 ' 127 107 118 36 112 54 23 KamJi 771.54 Uninhabited 24 Semariya . 504.72 Uninhabited " ... .. •• 25 Deothan 1,301.23 74 74 438 234 204 73 68 97 15 129 59 26 Sanwariya 921.37 '" Uninhabited ...... 27 Nayegaon 245.27 Uninhabited ., 28 La.lawadi 1,8d6.51 275 276 1,601 777 824 95 123 •• 376 90 428 304 29 Parsoda 858.64 144 144 155 382 373 85 68 .. ... 190 44 185 22 30 PoW 726.82 8 8 49 25 2.. ... 2 19 11 31 Rarnbha Khedi ],64025 106 106 580 281 299 74 76 .. 87 20 151 116 Rambhtl Khedi 102 10.1 560 269 291 74 76 ,.. - 85 20 144 112 ~bh~ ., j(hedi Chhon 1 2Q U 8 •• .. -.. 2 7 " 189 MULTAI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV . V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- , , Workers c:.....:.JL...:-,\ r:.-"-~ r:-A--::v:'...J",_~,...JL~_J'-~.....J\-,r:.-"-~-"-~_J\,_"""", r:.-"'-~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 45,561 14,044 1,811 45 3,288 451 %31 1,106 1,625 3,307 57,431 19/3 26,307 21,424 190 6 1,019 60 27 69 12 280 80,288 •• 17 6 .. .. •. 6 13 1 78 27 71 77 16 14 1...... 2., 94 172 2 17 7 12 12 11 ...... 24 34 61 27 70 65 4 3 1...... 2.. 70 1.l8 46 21 25 22 6 3 1 3 •• 43 86 3 10 15 9 1 ...... 1.. 11 29 5 3 ...... 5 36 21 10 13 1 .. 2 .. 32 52 Uninhabited 4 Uninhabited 5 36 16 3 1 .. 28 103 6 52 1 14 1 3 1 .. 4 .. 53 131 7 67 39 1 7 1 ., 2 .. S3 162 8 40 17 - 1 .•• 28 79 27 22 1 7 2 .. 25 83 116 2 25 3 2 1 7 1 .. 3 .. 123 283 9 33 19 24 1 4S 74 10 27 14 56 1 6 .. 58 52 11 11 2 20 1 .. 22 13 16 12 36 1 1 5 .. 3639 2 7 2 '1. 5 1 1.. 17 '1. S 1 17 .. 40 5 126 201 12 114 1 105 27, 7 ... .. 46 2 16 •• 12 63 4 85 4 443 IS 1,082 1 712 13 6 1 5 5 19 2 2 21 45 14 186 11 54 176 ..... 18 1 ,•• 3 9 ". 18 ,. 219 324 15 1 .. 27 .. 41 1 211 318 16 60 29 16 2 ." .. 4 .. 4 ". 53 26 16 2 4 .. .. 1 .. 2 .. 14 .. 114 187 4 3 3 ,. 1 24 1 63 72 3 .. 25 .. 3 .. 34 59 196 100 124 238.. 5 .... 4 .. 25 2 15 12 2 4 1 152 69 3 511 715 17 152 96 68 162 5 4 .. 20 2 2 4 i 44 .. 60 3 327 420 35 2 41 56 2 .1 .. 40 57 9 2 15 20 3 15 12 .. 108 1 8 ,.. 144 238 Uninhabited 18 1 .. 2 2 19 168 81 45 75 18 37 30 3.. 1 4 51 45 5 331 473 20 145 17 50 164 11 11 4 64 14 10.. 8 1 22 1 47 •• 43 3 374 581 21 46 32 20 22 1 1 2 .. 34 •• 8' .. 126 188 22 .. .. Uninhabited .. 23 Uninhabited .. 24 87 3 21 54 •• - 4, 2 .. 15 .. 2 .. 105 145 25 - Uninhabited 26 - Uninhabited 27 1 _ 222 221 34 71 19 ... 20 10 1 •• 2 3 ... 97 ... 29 2 349 520 28 110 6 25 15 ," 4 •• 1 •• 2 •• 27 1 16 •.• 197 351 29 8 2 10 7 - 2 .•• 6 13 30 - - _ \0.) _ 81 1 46 109 2 - - 7 5 5 1 130 183 31 •• 10 _ 5 1 125 179 76 1 44 1054 _2 ... -- 7 5 -.. -.... - -.. - j ., 2 --...... q .. ., $ " 190 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled eduoated Total Location Village {Town ( aores and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward /Urban of town (ward residential house r--"-~ r-....J'-~ ('""~ ,.. -''---, No. Block in Km.1l house holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 32 Rajola 1,041.51 194 5 2 2 33 Kbanapur 493.71 35 36 258 130 128 25 33 64 30 70 13 34 Kanojiya 876.48 168 180 1,004 504 500 121 142 208 22 268 26 35 Khapa Khateda 1,617.52 228 230 1,195 596 599 142 156 271 29 345 61 36 Kajl,i 773.43 48 48 285 154 131 106 85 83 23 75 4 37 Deogaon 1,054.65 142 147 861 414 447 207 224 201 53 223 23 38 Obisi .,410.42 19 19 lOS 42 63 29 29 Ghisi 12 12 68 27 41 19 17 Ghisi Ghasa dhana 7 7 ,37 15 22 10 12 39 Rateda Kalan 1,384.09 129 135 790 369 421 18 18 108 18 .219 64 Rateda Kalan 123 129 754 355 399 16 17 102 17 210 62 Kheda Kang Rasi dhana 6 6 ' 36 14 22 2 1 6 1 9 2 40 Pipariya Dev 732.04 74 76 420 182 238 4 6 34 4 130 8 Pipariya Dev 6S 67 379 160 219 4 6 31 4 110 8 Pipariya Dev Pipalya dhana 9 9 ,41 22 19 3 :zo 41 Bori Khurd 1,267.66 78 78 448 234 214, 65 60 54 6 152 61 42 Dhutmur 639.98 S5 62 325 161 158 15 64 60 3 102 1 Dhutmur 48 52 280 140 140 48 46 52 3 86 1 Dhutmu, Dhana 7 10 45 27 18 27 18 8 16 43 Chbawal 1,099.40 120 126 685 349 336 60 49 143 27 204 109 Chhawai Badai dhana 29 30 146 85 61 35 22 42 1 53 32 Chhawal Budai dhana 81 84 486 238 248 25 27 96 20 135 64 Magarya Dhana 10 12 53 26 27 5 16 13 44 Kbarigayawani Ryt. 455.62 12 ,12 71 33 38 20 18 4S Khal'igayawarV, Mal. ,,967.15 71 78 415 204 211 22 21 4 2 123 9S Kharigayawani Mal. 31 32 194 96 98 16 13 54 45 GOlldidhana 13 13 63 33 30 3 4 3 2 19 8 Korbodhana 18 18 93 44 49 1 29 25 Badadhana 15 15 65 31 34 3 4 21 17 46 Rateda Khurd 739.49 63 64 390 197 193 4 1 7 128 21 Kheda KlIurd 21 22 141 75 66 4 1 1 49 7 Gall dkana 19 19 109 52 57 29 5 Mahajan dhana 9 9 55 30 25 1 23 811sesing dhana 14 14 85 40 45 5 27 9 47 Asola 781.04 4 4 30 12 18 9 7 48 Jamdebi Kalan 935.02 76 82 395 188 207 10 10 36 15 114 92 JamdeJti K11/11n 46 50 256 121 135 10 10 25. 15 69 59 Koka dhana 6 6 33 13 20 1 8 7 God; dhana 1 8 34 17 17 2 11 8 Chammhar dhana 17 18 72 37 35 8 26 18 49 Jamdehi Khurd 769.68 55 56 308 146 162.. 9, 7 11 2 90 84 Jamdehi Khlll'd 22 23 121 59 62 J, .. 3 43 35 Pasdham dhana 16 16 85 40 45 2 .2 .. , .. 5 2 19 21 Kama tihana 4 4 23 8 15 4. j ... .2 6 5 Mehra dhana 13 13 79 39 40 ." .. ... 1 22 23 SO Maholi 721.72 58 59 359 182 177 32. lQ 23 3 109 28 Maholl 23 13 118 61 57 9, .6 10 2 35 14 Mehra dkana 35 36 .. 241,· JJI 120 23, :u 13 1 14 14 51 Dada Khari 918.00 37 37 224 107 111 8, ,,8 1 71 24 Batla X""'i 13 'n JZ_'J 58 45 /I ., .. .. $7 n 1.1 MUL'l'AI TAHSiL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X . Non- Workers CO _J\_""'I r _J"_ '::'I r _J"_,f'"': _J"_ ~ .JL ~..JL -:-v-....A_-.r: ...A_""'I'- -A--..r__"'_ l r:....)"_::'1 L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 2 2 2 3 32 29 S 3 19 10 1 •• 1 6 .. 9.. 60 115 33 154 5 36 18 3 7 1 .. •. 40 1 27 2 236 414 34 236 35 22 24 2 1 .. 24 •• 43 " 17 2 251 538 35 49 4 4 1 2 .. 16 ., 3.. 79 127 36 131 15 43 7 6 ., 22 •• 20 1 191 424 37 27 28 2 1 13 34 38 17 16 2 1 8 '24 10 12 5 10 150 9 37 S4 4 10 1 2 2 .. 14 .. 150 357 39 147 9 37 52 4 6 1 1 2 .. 13 •• 145 337 3 2 4 1 1 ., 5 20 96 1 25 7 8 1 52 230 40 78 1 23 7 8 1 .. 50 211 18 2 2 19 91 39 41 22 4 7 .. 3 .• 82 153 41 70 27 1 4 1 .. 65 157 42 58 23 1 4 1 ., 54 139 12 4 11 18 128 22 61 87 9 2 " 4 " 145 227 43 21 5 27 27 4 1 •. 32 29 105 17 20 47 5 1 .• 4 .• 103 184 2 14 13 10 14 18 15 2 3 13 20 44 91 68 14 20 2 2 7 5 3 .. 81 116 45 45 30 7 11 2 4 42 53 12 5 1 3 3 ..... 3 .• 14 22 25 21 2 2 2 2 15 24 15 12 4 4 2 1 10 17 117 S 10 16 1 .• 69 172 46 43 1 5 6 1 .. 26 59 29 5 ' •• 23 52 22 1 7 25 23 4 4 5 13 36 7 S 2 2 3 11 47 75 60 34 32 2 1 2 •• 74 11S 48 41 36 23 2J 2 1 2 .. 52 76 4 3 4 4 5 13 5 5 6 3 6 9 '25 16 1 2 11 17 75 S9 14 24 1 1 56 78 49 36 25 6 10 1 •• 1 16 Z7 15 16 4 4 1 21 24 6 4 1 2 10 18 14 '4 9 17 17 69 16 19 12 11 9 1 ". 13 149 SO 17 10 7 1 6 1 1 ... 26 43 -52 6 12 ,11 S 2 ...... " 106 53 3 17 21 1 ...... 36 93 51 28 ... 9 lZ ...... _ 21 3J - .. - - .. - 11& 192


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and '(I.I~ Name of village in Total institutional and Soheduled Scheduled eduoated Tota Location Village/Town { acres and Occupied No. of houselesspopulation) Castes Tribes persons WorkeR Code Ward/Urban! oftown!watd resi1ential house ~l r.....A-':'") r_....)'-":\ r:-:_.i'-~ r:~ No. Block in Km.1I house holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Samhhudhana 24 24 101 49 52 1 34 12 52 Bisighat 667.59 11 11 77 41 36 24 20 53 Surnadehi 340.41 28 27 132 62 70 2 4 3 44 30 '!N Mangara 1,070.66 62 70 423 203 220 8 5 6 2 118 85 Mangara 19 20 111 57 54 32 24 Gotidhana 13 16 104 45 59 2 26 26 Maheradhana 30 34 208 101 107 6 5 6 2 60 35 55 Barangwadi 3,529.22 279 290 1,481 720 761 19 19 84 4 465 222 Barangwadi 24 24 125 59 66 5 38 35 Mohandhana 40 41 229 122 107 10 83 23 Golldhana 18 21 87 38 49 2 10 27 6 Ihumkadhana 31 32 155 77 78 6 49 37 DhagnaHeri 6 6 34 15 19 1 10 3 Lohardhana 32 35 181 91 90 12 1 58 30 Murkaldhana 18 18 96 44 52 9 26 25 Maheradhana 55 57 287 131 156 19 17 22 3 84 37 Chhadudhana 8 8 32 17 15 .. 14 4 Sarkaladdhana 9 9 42 20 22 3 14 3 Remadhana 38 39 213 106 107 6 62 19 56 Behadi 1,009.48 72 76 392 195 197 21 24 28 2 lOS 80 Behadidhana 15 17 86 45 41 9 11 11 2 19 16 Golidhana 28 29 163 83 80 12 13 9 48 37 Gondidhtma 29 30 143 67 76 8 38 27 57 Kothiya Ryt. 935.80 90 94 491 250 241 10 7 59 167 173 Kothlyadha1lll 33 36 214 110 104 22 72 73 KarnamdIJana 5 5 29 12 17 3 6 10 Kothiya Ryt. 27 28 130 67 63 10 7 30 47 47 Majradhana 25 25 118 61 57 4· 42 43 58 Chikhalar 462.45 51 53 279 123 156 7 10 20 1 93 101 Chikhalar 28 30 Ij9 71 88 7 10 17 1 51 56 .Sanlorihana 9 9 43 20 23 1 18 16 Korkodhana 14 14 77 32 4S 2 24 29 59 Bijarta Ryt. 280.00 14 15 76 40 36 21 15 60 Kachar 791.43 58 58 337 160 177 98 63 Thakur Hargai dhana 26 26 144 75 69 45 21 Kahardhana 14 14 80 34 46 21 20 Bhamaen MU1Il1ara 9 9 47 23 24 17 9 Bhunkad/uuuJ 9 9 66 28 38 15 13 61 Kalmeshara 2,326.06 161 181 981 485 496 105 95 108 19 285 134 Kaimeshara 92 109 595 298 297 98 91 83 18 164 95 Golidhana 17 17 '90 47 43 5 2 11 35 10 Bodudd!rana 52 55 296 140 156 2 2 14 1 86 29 62 Bondud Ryt. 155.75 15 15 84 39 4S 21 10 63 Khandepipriya Ryt. 304.22 34 34 188 96 92 10 10 1 49 21 64 Jamun Biohawa Ryt. -fal.02 13 13 73 33 40 .2 3 19 11 65 Jaitpur 505.48 6 6 32 14 18 8 2 66 Tika Bani 605.32 63 66 381 177 204 10 3 112 91 Bada dhana 25 26 158 12 86 2 1 45 35 ._ Patel dhana 38 40 223 lOS 118 ~! 8 2 61 56

    67 Kbamra 36 3,. 123 144 ~lU 13 1 66 74 7;1·"_ ~f7 .. - f~ 1~3

    MVLTAI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers 'M....)'pl r~F' r~-A..FYM-A-F''M~~~~~7 'M-A...;, ~~:. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 25 3 8 9 1 .• .• " 15 40 4 20 20 ...... 17 16 52 21 22 30 •• .... 1.. 18 40 53 84 31 85 2 1 " 85 135 54 1() 22 24 ., .. •• 'I' •• 25 30 22 :2 26 2 ...... ", 19 33 52 7 35 1 •. 41 72 351 4 69 179 30 9 9 30 1 " 5 " 255 539 SS 29 4 30 5 3 2 21 31 52 12 18 17 2 3 2 .. 39 84 16 8 6 1 1 " 1 " 11 43 36 1 12 14 1 92 28 41 7 2 1 3 5 16 35 13 27 6 3 4 .. 33 60 25 24 1 1 18 27 69 10 .~7 3 2 " 47 119 12 1 2 3 3 11 14 3 6 19 56 2 6 17 44 88 86 13 9 66 3 2 1 3 .. 2 .. 90 117 S6 16 5 11 1 2 .. 26 25 41 2 3 34 1 2 1 1 35 43 29 6 6 21 1 •• -2 " 29 49 138 ·138 26 35 2 1 " 83 68 57 60 61 12 12 38 31 5 8 1 2 6 7 31 40 7 7 2 1 " 20 16 36 29 6 14 19 14 84 94 6 1 1 .,' ... 2 .. 30 55 58 47 54 1 2 .. ... 1 2 " 20 32 18 16 2 7 19 24 5 5 8 16 IS 6 15 19 21 59 49 33 44 16 19 62 114 60 21 19 17 5 4 30 48

    8 6 12 .....lit 7 8 13 26 10 6 5 1 4 ...... 6 15 10 2 10 ..... 3 3 13 25 141 IS 114 US 12 :2 •• ... 8 S 1 ZOO 362 61 80 9 S5 85 12 2 •• 8 7 1 134 202 12 33 23 3 12 1 ...... • It ... " .. 38 3 47 26 ...... 1 54· 127 12 3S 62 15 12 9" ...... 1 • t. •• ... 26 1 21 20" 1 1 47 71 63 14 5 11 ... .. 14 29 64 7 1 2 .- .. 6 16 65 60 1 '52 90' .. ... ti5 113 66 21 24 35 27 51 39 1 38 62 28 55 ...... 36'" ... 28 74 "_ .. ..;,' _-. 1 ...... 1 51 70 67 194 PRIMARY CENstJS ABSTRACT

    Tosal Population Literate r-- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village /Town / acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code War(l/Urban of town/ward residential house-r-~=-" r:....1\._-:::::"I r_A_-.,. ("""'_;\._~ r._....J\...-:-t No. :Block in Km.1 house holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Kha"mra 13 14 106 51 55 12 27 31 Bichhuwadhana 9 9 67 35 32 22 16 Godidhana 7 7 41 16 25 1 1 12 11 Masudf,ana 7 8 53 21 ,'12 "" 5 16 68 Jamun Bicbawa Ryt. 787.69 83 '86 472 231 241 i8 13 48 15 146 153 Bichhawa dhana Uninhabited .. Jamu"dhima '14 44 251 117 134 22 1 80 98 Blghawadhana J9 42 221 114 107 i8 13 26 14 66 S5 69 Najarpur 709.10 33 - 40 232 '123 109 17 13 38 16 6S SO 70 Bordehi 951.04 304 321 1,892 989 903 195 i6S S76 228 482 69 Bordehi 208 215 "1,313 '674 639 71 55 397 175 328 38 Photerdhana 96 106 579 315 264 124 110 179 53 154 31 71 Taperwani 366.02 28 28 188 82 106 7 10 4 45 48 72 Karopani (Kumindoh) 414.56 23 25 144 66 78 3 42 36 73 Depamandi 680.14 87 89 513 256 257 i7 27 35 17 128 125 Chhlndidhana 30 31 172 87 85 27 27 23' 5 41 42 Bhimatdhana 33 34 206 104 102 9 57 49 Dadrldhana 12 12 76 36 40 1 12 16 18 Gawadadhana 12 12 59, 29 30 2 14 16 74 Bhayawadi 836.23 42 46 304 ISO 154 9 12 19 21 78 47 Bhayawadl 39 43 287 145 142 9 12 19 21 75 42 Madaidlzana 3 3 17 5 12 3 5 75 Nama 1,402.57 120 128 678 327 351 42 52 70 10 206 69 Narera 73 78 ,~98 188 210 34 41 41 4 114 39 Kod 31 31 190 91 99 8 11 15 6 57 23 Choderadhana i6 19 90 48 42 14 35 7 76 Muwariya 620.02 39 40 234 124 110 1 2 20 67 26 77 Likhdi 2,159.85 224 235 1,044 507 537 40 4S 53 9 268 217 Bad Mangra 14 14 74 34 40 20 19 Bhuddehi 8'1 89 -, 263" 121 142 3 5 68 76 Likhdi 64 71 '338' 174 -164 16 19 19 1 93 61 Golidhona 5~ 61 369 178 191 24 26 31"' 3 87 61 78 Bijori , 432.12 38 41 238 128 110' 13 18 18 3 72 19 Bijoridlrana 8 9 60' --37 23 .' 14' 2 BijoridJuina 18 19 106 52 '54 13 18 11 3 31 14 Golidhanti 12 13 72" 39 n 7 27 3 79 Chhipaniya Piprlya 2,037.83 167 177 "963 480 483 73 68 130 28 259 150 Chhipani;pa 39 40 205 ill 94 68 65 50 10" 50 19 Chhindidhana 29 32 "174' '86 88 5' 3 9 47 22 Goldhana 43 46 256' 118 . 138 14 69 60 Golldhana 56 59 328- 165 163 57 18 93 49 61 '8 ~O KutKhedi 1,334.71 71 77 436 208 228 14 f8 132 67 81 Somlapur 1,019,.44" lOr iOI 482' 2'48 234" IS!) 145 51 140 70 Somlapur: 50 50 "242" 127 115 90"" 18 28 72 29 Telidhana, 16 16 - 80' 46 34 2i ii 9 25 9 Chlrakkadh,ana 19 19 97 50, 47 39 30 11 _ "28 14 Beldlzana 16 16 63 25 38 8 i6 3 15 18 82 Diyamahu il10~SI 40 "42 , 198" 97 101 la' 10 13 1 63 48 Diyamahu 27 ~8 127 63 64 10' 10 12 1 39 26 '11 12 10 GOlJ"'d~ 6 "6 J2' 15 : .. ,- " ... 1'5 MUL TAl 'I'AUSIL Workers I II III IV Yea) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ~ X Non- . Workers .'M~, r-~F' '~F'M_A._;v-~pv-~"M_A....F,rM"-i"M~~~" 'M..J\-F" k~~' 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 16 9 31 1 1 24 24 10 12 16 n 16 8 4 11 4 14 2 3 16 16 16 97 .33 42 120 5 2 .. 85 88 68 Uninhabited 36 55 17 25 81 37 52 42 16 .17 39 5 2 .. 48 38 22 22 28 3 2 .. 58 S9 69 834 70 160 4 70 41 51 15 17 •. 1 110 .. Ii 1 58 7 501 82 2 52 18 1 33 10 11 .. 1 81 .. 13 1 49 6 346 601 213 78 2 18 23 18 5 6 •• 23 2 .• 9 1 161 26 . 11 48 2 .. , ... 31 58 71 42 72 36 6 36 .•, 24 67 15 ,,49 .,109 1 •• 11 .•• 128 132 73 20 17 42 ., .. 46 43 34 1 ,)6 47 1 1 6 .. .f1 53 2(} 22 1 14 .. 15 4 15 14 12 1 16 1 .. 197 74 49 26 47 1 2 •• 72' 2 .. 70 100 46 26 42 1 2 7 j 5 282 1S 166 10 37 59 1 2 .. 121 2 .. 74 171 91 7 21 32 34 76 44 2 12 21 1 35 4 6 13 31 1 .... 57 84 76 26 24 2 2 2 .. .. 37 3 1 S 1 239 320 77 33 112 5 7 3 211 100 1 •• 14 21 19 18 1 51 66 12 74 1 2 .~ .. 55 1 ., 3 1 81 103 8 9 3 4 1 .. ... 74 50 3 1 4 •• 91 110 12 10 1 3 ... .. 64 50 1 .. S6 91 78 19 8 43 20 23 21 2 2 2 10 1 .. 21 4() 13 14 3 14 12 3fJ 19 5 3 3 1 1 .. 12 1 '221 333 79 210 33 25 III 2 6 5 2 .. 10 1 61 75 1 5 1 1 33 16 1 39 66 40 12 6 9 1 1 1 •• 49 78 61 2 6 55 1 3 2 .. 72 114 ..' 76- J 12 46" 1 2 .. 1 •• 4 •• 76 161 BO 90 25 . 32 41 " .. 5 1 •• 10 •• 4 108 164 8~ 80 7 32 35 ' 12 2 28 8 •• 3 .• 55 86 34 1 20 9 7 .... 19 1 •• 21 2.5 10 6 2, 5 ' •• 1 7 2 •• 2Z 33 24 2 3 10" .. 1 2 10 20 12 4 3 14 .... .a ,. •• 34 S3 al 28 8 ·29 39 . 4 ·1 1 •• 1 .. 14 38 19 S 14 20 .. 4,,1 1 .. J .. 5 j .~ ..~ ., 2 8 8·· .. ~...... ,...... ~ ...... 196


    Total Population Literate r---- Area or (Inoluding and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Schedu'ed educated Total Location ViUage ITown / acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers COde Ward/Urban of town/ward residential hou'IC. ,.----A ___ ""'"I ,-~ ~~~ .....-.~ r--~ No. Block in Km.1 house holds P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Golidhana 7 8 39 17 22 12 12 83 Dehalwada 960.20 73 74 428 206 222 69 69 73 11 122 83 Dehalwada 28 29 170 82 88 11 7 39 10 53 30 MehraDhana 20 20 126 63 63 39 39 20 1 35 24 Golldhana 25 25 132 61 71 19 23 14 34 29 84 Pastlai Ryt. 1,035.74 57 S8 342 174 168 28 24 27 3 107 81 Paslla; Ryt. 18 19 100 53 47 14 3 34 18 Godidhana 22. 22 133 65 68 8 43 42 MaheradllJJna 17.. 17 109 56 53 28 24 5 30 21 8S Pastlai Mal. 1,103.31 46 48 ·307 140 167 24 27 21 3 94 72 Pasllal Mod. 12 12 52 26 26 9 6 4 17 12 Bhat tadhana 15 15 .105 48 57 13 17 4 2 33 32 ROmJJdhana l. .5 39 16 23 3 11 8 Bhoorudhana 8 10 78 38 40 10 1 24 12 Gondidhana 6. 6 33 12 21 2 4 9 8 86 Ranidongri .~28.36 S2 SS .254 116 138 32 33 14 55 14 Ronidongri 22. 24 103 . SO 53 27 31 11 43 13 Bharndwdhana 30 31 151 66 85 5 2 3 12 1 87 Durugwada .648.81 Uninhabited .. 88 J ambada Bujurg 1,996.16 283 284 1,607 822 78S 131 127 383 80 454 129 89 DodaWBDi 1,277.13 70. 14 .428 222 206 83 88 35 3 142 39 90 Jambadi Khurd 580.4S 104 104 ·4S8 247 211 47 27 75 21 132 4 Jambadi Khurd 94 94 417 226 191 47 27 73 21 130 4 BharadeodllJJ'Ul 10 10 41 21 ·20 2 2 91 Semriya Khurd 1,205.81 49· ·49 .. 268 148 "120 43 31 28 82 2 92 Tirmahu 2,538.65 !22 222 1,140 552 588 86 100 252 57 304 338 93 Sonatalai 1,037.40 79 94 526 257 269 31 33 88 4 1M 136 Sonata/a; 66 80 ·420 201 219 31 33 72 4 115 111 Sapratdhana 13· ·14 106' 56 50 ., 16 29 25 94 Hardoli ·913.65 75 7S 402· 190 212 11 11 45 18 127 89 95 Sanoli Bundala 2,007.09 86 -89 ·490 2-27 263 42 60 55 9 134 124 Bundala 45 .47 ·.260· 118 ·142 41 S9 34 8 68 70 Jamunjhiri 23 24 ·150 70 80 20 1 38 38 Sludaidhllntl 18 18 . 80 39 41 . 1 1 1 28 16 96 Kondhar Khapa 1,018.17 7S 93 . 5S0 280 270 34 34 136 46 144 48 97 Buyari 662.71 54 67 . 403 194 209 46 59 98 21 111 66 98 Bhopalwadi 507.11 2S 32 197 98 99 1 2 41 14 63 17 99 Semariya Joshi 351.80 26 .32 194 84 110 16 17 26 4 S6 S9 100 Khadpada Khedi 390.67 59 74 373 188 185 11 9 101 2S 110 103 101 Umariya 1,415.06 138 186 1,078. 508 570 62 78 191 55 306 253 102 Borsaon 808.52 43 52 . 342 173 169 11 15 S6 9 95 61 103 Rajegaon 990.75 51 64 385 193 192 2Z 20 43 7 88 64 104 Taroda 1,033.75 90 94 611 299 312 53 51 131 39 157 55 Turoda 67 71 459 221 238 23 25 97 33 123 30 Bholidhana 23 13 152 78 74 30 26 34 6 34 25 lOS Badgaon 685.95 82 93 486 270 216 119 101 99 17 128 7S 106 Dangariya 351.71 71. 78 457 237 220 64 54 92 17 127 63 107 Kehalpur .974.82 83. 86 468 232 236 57 73 93 35 136 71 khalpur 28 28 145 59 86 51 70 34 22 31 27 (!qf!r; dhant,l 1'1. J6 ..In .til 48 6 3 25 2 33 IS 197

    MULTAI TAHSIL ____. ______Workers-..J....-.. ____ - ____.______--.. I II III IV V(a V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Worlcef!l ..----A---. r--'~ ,.-.'~ ~ ,--"--. r- ~ ,--'~ ~MF""'''''''__ ,--'\.-.., ~ L.C . M PM F M FM PM FM FM F M FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 5 1 7 11 5 10 4S 1 73 82 3 1 .. 84 139 83 19 33 30 1 .. 29 58 10 23 24 2 28 39 16 1 17 28 1 27 42 73 38 13 15 10 3 6 25 4 .. 1 .. 67 87 84 19 8 6 9 1 6 1 1 " 1 .. 19 29 31 16 5 3 6 3 20 1 .. 22 26 23 14 2 3 3 4 2 .. 26 32 S9 45 19 27 9 1 5 .. 1 .. 46 95 85 13 7 4 5 9 14 20 17 B 15 3 1 .. 1 .. 15 25 3 3 . 13 .. 5 15 " 5 ...... 15 9 2 3 6 1 .. 14 28 7 7 2 1 3 13 38 I 13 13 3 1 .. 61 124 86 30 12 13 1 .. 7 40 8 1 1 ...... 3 54 84 Uninhabited 87 245 32 82 88 21 1· 39 2 2 4 6 11 2 17 .. 31 .. 368 656 88 119 13 20 24 2 1 2 .. 80 167 89 73 2 12 2 10 3 •• 30 .. 4 .. 115 207 90 72 2 12 2 9 3 30 4 96 187 1 1 19 20 48 2 12 9 10 2 .•• 1 .. 66 118 91 187 254 14 43 26 2 41 34 2 .. 2 •• 13 2 19 3 248 250 92 106 117 14 18 7 2 1 1 .. .. 12 .. 2 ., 113 133 93 78 93 14 17 6 2 1 1 .. .. 12 2 .. 86 108 28 24 1 1 22 25 52 16 65 71 2 5 .. 3 1 63 123 94 89 90 29 31 13 3 1 .. 2 .. 93 139 95 40 46 21 24. 5 2 50 72 32 34 2 2 4 2 32 42 17 10 6 5 4 1 1 .. 11 25 98 18 34 28 4 2 e. 6 2 136 222 96 63 18 2S 4S 2 1 .. 9 3 1 .. 7 .. 3 .. 83 143 97 37 3 22 14 3 1 .. 35 82 98 40 44 11 13 2 2 2 •• 1 .. 28 51 99 8S 87 14 14 3 1 2 .. 6 78 82 100 163 90 81 lSI 18 3 ...... 19 9 2 .. 3 4 .. Hi .. 202 317 101 62 44 21 17 7 3 .. 2 .. 78 108 102 64 15 10 49 ...... 1 .. 10 .. 3 .. 105 128 103 70 7 SO 46 11 .. .. 2 1 1.. 1 2 .. 13 .. 7 1 142 257. 104 59 3 42 26 4 2 1 1.. 1 1 7 .. 5 .. 98 208 11 4 8207 6 .. 2 1 44 49 84 1 28 73 2 1 2 12 .. 142 141 105 39 3 54, 49 8 10 .. 23 .. 3 110 157 106 56 1 59 63 5 8 7 1 .. 5 .. 2 .. 96 165 107 24 5 27 1 .. J .. 28 S9 1/ 8 8 3 .. ,. .. .. 8 7 ,. ,. 3 .. 30 J3 198


    Total Population Literate r (I ~. Area of (Including and . Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled' Scheduled educated Tota Location VilJage(Towll f acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes person'! Workers Code Ward/Urban of [own!wardresidential house· r: ...... ,--A-~ _J\,_ r..Jl..._ ...... r:..J.-~ No. Block in Km.1 house holdi P M F M F 'M F...... M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mukaddamdhana 41 42 212 110 102 .U 11 72 29 108 Barcbhi 2,084.79 161 161 924 465 459 183 19-3 160 25 236 203 Bhaduidhana 102 102 603 298 305 146 156 100 16 150 133 GolidhQIIQ 59 59 321 167 .154 37 37 60 9 86 70 109 Kbedli Bazar 1,083.49 292 300 1,586 800 786 181 207 416 149 435 162 no Bamla 1,046.96 77 80 516 250 266 14 14 79 6 161 112 Lohardllana 53 56 371 177 194 14 14 60 6 114 80 SunardhczM 18 18 110 52 58 .• 13 35 26 BiJourad"Qlla 6 6 35 21 14 6 12 IS 111 Malegaon 848.52 80 82 498 .254 244 5 5 100 29 140 113 Ma/egaon 58 60 363 185 178 5 5 67 22 106 84 MadhDr Idhanll 22 22 l.l5 69 66 33 7 34 29 112 Basaniya 565.51 41 44 297 152 145 47 S 89· 71 Basaniya 31 33 217 112 105 38 5 67 66 Somdhtma 10 11 80 40 40 9 22 5 113 Hamiya 1,179.48 195 222 l,098 566 532 102 120 228 78 306 132 Harniya f6 21 '101 56 45 6 8 21 1 33 21 S to tiondhana 113 1.lO 617 310 307 74 91 158 74 146 61 Dltodidhana 66 71 380 200 180 22 21 49 3 127 SO 114 Kacherbo h 1,094.54 66 68 357 188 169 35 27 51 9 116 87 115 Hatnora 1,179.86 83 89 523 267 256 31 3fj 118 51 160 91 H:Jt nora 61 66 399 198 201 22 27 116 38 121 56 Godidha1l(l 22 23 124 69 55 9· 9 2 13 39 3S 116 Itawa . 627.12 56 70 456 230 226 39 44 122 33 120 35 ftawa 41 48 321 166 155 23 23 99 31 as 21 ftawadhDna 15 22 135 64 71 16 21 23 2 35 14 117 Ghatawadi Khurd 585.68 23 23 145 7S 70 10 2 4S 14 Ghatawadi [(hurd 19 19 ·118 60 58 5 2 39 9 Mehradhana 4 4 27· 15 12 5 6 5 118 Ghatawadi Kalan 845.09 77 8.2 SOB 244 264- 15 19 38 4 137 120 119 Banskbapa (Khapadeo) 492.94 66 7S 489 223 266 2S 28 39 2 132 71 Baltskhapa 54 63 404 182 222 23 25 32 2 III 60 Mahajon 12 12 85 41 44 2 3 7 21 11 120 Cbopna 772.39 86 101 574 300 274 28 27 78 16 191 71 Chopna 55 68 363 191 172 16 15 53 9 132 49 Genhudhana· 31 33 211 109 102 12 12 25 7 59 22 121 Mandai 884.93 37 39 256 127 129 26 36 18 77 37 122 Khajary 918.88 63 70 406 185 221 8 7 41 2 113 48 KlzaJary 42 46 264 120 144 8. 7 22 2 78 30 Somadhnna 11 10 11 80 40 40 ... ~ ... 22 5 Gadridhuna 11 13 62 25 37 ., . ., 8 13 13 123 Dehari 1,341.05 78 81 434 226 208 22 :u 60 8 131 43 124 Kujba 1,259.06 162 200 1,108 527 581 39. 31 237 77 299 100 125 Bambni 894.30 54 S6 299 145 154 17 18 52 13 69 18 126 Brahmanwada 1,<;1)) 39 120 123 750 374 376 60 57 107 20 203 189 Brahmmrwada 105 107 668 336 332 59 56 99 17 179 165 Patel dhana 15 16 82 38 44 1 1. 8 3 24 24 127 Bichwa (Brabamanwada) 993.12 43 96 647 317 330 55 S6 64- 7 170 146 Richhwa 29. 81 533 265 268 29 35 53 5 143 129 J ",alid"anl1 14 /~ U4 51 62 ~6 :Jl ~. .. U ~ 11 n 1~

    MULTAI tAHSIL Workers ----l------I-I------II-I-----I--v----v-(~a)'----V-(~~----V~I~---V-Ii---~--II-----IX--' X Non­ Workers __,.._ -"'- .JI--y--"'- ....)\..~.J\-~.....J\--:-v-:....A-~-JL--v-::-...J\- ..... ,-..J\.., L_C, 'M F"'" 'M F' 'M : M .;-v-M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

    21 1 46 28 2 1 ._ 1 .. 1 .. 38 73 99 9S 47 106 41 2 3 S •• 3 •• 34 .. 3 .. 229 256 108 56 52 39 80 19 1 3 3 •• .. 26 .. 3 .. 148 172 43 43 8 26 22 1 2 .. 3 8 .. 81 84 121 19 104 134 28 81 3 10 .. 52 3 1 .. 37 3 365 624 109 123 66 27 43 1 S 2 3 1.... 2 .. 89 154 110 81 37 23 40 1 4 2 3 1 2 .. 63 114 33 24 1 2 1 17 32 9 5 3 1 9 8 63 31 4S 80 3 20 2 2 3 .. 4 .. 114 131 111 46 15 38 67 14 2 2 3 .. 3 .. 79 94 17 16 7 13 3 6 1 .. 35 37 64 51 12 19 10 3 .. 63 74 112 44 46 12 19 10 1 1 .. 45 39 20 5 2 •. 18 35 108 21 60 64 4 .. 24 19 12 .. 35 11 33 .. 29 17 260 400 11; 21 13 7 6 1 2 1 1 .. 2 .. 23 24 8 2 11 15 4 22 16 12 .. 341128 •• 27 17 164 246 79 6 42 43 1 1 1 4 .. 73 130 68 37 40 SO 1 5 .. 2 .. 72 82 11< 71 29 67 60 2 2 7 2 .. 1 I .. 3 .. 107 165 ll! 72 17 34 39 1 7 .2 .. 11 .. 3 .• 77 145 5 12 33 21 1 2 30 20 78 1 30 34" S 6 ...... 1 .. 110 191 11 61 1 14 20" 3 6 1 .. 81 134 17 16 14 2 29 57 34 11 14 30 56 11 32 7 9 21 49 2 4 5 9 7 93 40 118 2 2 2 .. 107 144 11

    114 21 12 50 S .~ 1 .. 91 19S 11 99 21 8 39 iJ 1 .. 71 162 15 4 11 2 20 33 120 7 64 63 2 1 1 4 .. 109 203 1: 84 5 45 44' _, 1 2 .. 59 123 36 2 19 19' .. 2 1 2 .. 50 80 63 23 11 14" 2 1 .. 50 92 1: 95 38 14 10 1 .". 2 .. 1 .. 72 173 1: 63 23 13 7- .. 1 .. 1 .. 42 114 20 5 2 .. 18 35 12 10 1 )"' 12 24 84 1 29 37' '1 8 1 1 7 4 95 165 1: 190 7 78 93 14 3 2 12 228 481 1 54 I 10 16 1 1 I .. 1 1 76 136 1 118 116 68 11 13 2 1 3 171 187 1 101 100 61 63 13 2 1 3 157 167 17 16 7 8' .. 14 20 92 70 75 76 1 2 147 184 1 71 61 - 70 68 •• 1 1 .. 122 139 21 9 'j B·· ... " ...... - ...... 1 ... 2J 4i :PRtMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Literate r---- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Tolal institutional and Scheduled S-:heduled educated Total Location Viii age /Town! acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Caste I Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residenti 11 house- r- ._ -A._ --...... r--l-...... ,-....JI,._...... ~ r--l'-. No. Block in Km. 2 houie holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 128 Sonegaon 1,56575 191 195 1,130 576 554 34 31 143 88 285 278 129 Babar Boh 2,364.30 126 184 993 511 482 75 87 194 17 282 289 130 Turaborgaon 1,471.10 66 74 419 209 210 15 14 17 15 tl5 49 131 Khapa Umriya 1,136.62 38 41 229 108 121 17 18 15 58 39 Mukkam dhana 4 6 37 20 17 3 9 5 Khapa dhana 23 23 119 53 66 17 18 11 30 19 [(hapa U;"riya 11 12 73 35 38 1 19 15 132 Khateda Kalan 1,610.63 100 134 798 394 404 46 52 133 13 228 11 133 Sarra 1,254.05 181 208 1,021 510 511 42 31 185 34 269 44 134 Harna Khedi 669.44 31 41 226 119 101 5 6 45 2 57 19 135 Tem.ihira 1,466.20 13 105 691 344 347 55 58 165 43 176 91 136 Ambabagholi 1,288.43 56 51 363 189 174 31 25 70 14 103 20 137 Divtiya 936.02 100 100 ·657 310 341 59 56 82 7 191 53 138 Heti 1,72587 132 132 195 366 429 25 24 130 4 208 44- 139 Kanha Bagholi 477.93 59 61 385 186 199 28 37 85 17 105 14 Kanha Bagholi" 45 45 345 164 181 27 36 70 11 88 14 Rly. Station dhana 14 16 40 22 18 1 1 15 6 17 140 Nainadehi 702.96 .Uninhabited 141 Jhiri Khapa 824.80 52 52 322 154 168 13 15 26 106 14 142 Bothiya 884.39 57 58 282 139 143 9 5 40 3 73 10 143 Kundai 1,434.45 34 34 221 114 107 14 18 14 70 144 Yenas 2,308.98 264 265 1,510 756 154 99 91 225 . 32 390 118 145 Raiseda 1,242.60 25 '30 161 68 93 18 22 7 2 45 36 146 Somlapur 1,163.68 24 '28 145 '69 16 3 4 44 51 147 Khapa (Banar) 1,053".'62 12 '17 121 53 68 19 1 2S 28 148 Ubhariya 778.43 42 58 329 148 181 43 47 27 9 82 17 149 Banoor 1,815.23 106 146 811· 395 416 106 96 131 23 203 212 150 Aodhariya 854.44 292 399 2,234 1,123 1,111 103 104 495 113 534 119 151 Sarandai 921.41 Uninhabited 152 hmthi 610.46 Uninha bited 153 Belmandai 827.53 51 73 402 210 192 15 13 93 24 116 5 154 Sasundra 1,735.68 270 392 1,999 993 1,006 89 99 411 135 539 266 155 Jhitapati 1,202.70 29 33 190 96 94 1 50 55 156 Ambada 1,835.64 119 157 810 400 410 74 11 163 22 202 162 157 Bothiya Brahmanwada 2,248.72 17 83 472 233 239 13 23 3 19 129 121 Bothiya Brahmanwada 52 '55 298 149 149 13 23 1 17 82 88 Madan dhana 25 28 174 84 90 2 2 47 39 158 Nayegaon 1,082.03 54 87 471 215 256 31 33 62 13 106 71 159 Dongarpur 1,180.77 ,f1 51 307 143 164 2 '4 90 13 160 Sabdi 2,228.81 122 152 . 184 353 431 1 11 45 9 222 166 Papal dhana 26 43 230 101 129 7 11 35 9 61 46 Nodal Pathar 62 72 , 355 U8 . 207 . 2 97 94 Sabdi dhana 34 37 199 104 95 .. / .. 8 64 26 161 Sonari 972.66 49 66 350 161 189 49 64 S5 14 82 58 162 Kanha Khapa 875.77 50 75 419 204 215 35 49 90 13 112 37 163 Khedi Bujurg 1,132.18 23 30 197 102 9S 16 11 28 3 54 41 164 Human Behra 1,002.92 34 39 171 85 92 5 S 11 52 52 165 Junapani 840.15 67 67 357 170 181 7 8 33 100 S2 Lohardhana 26 26 152 ' 76 76 10 44 27 PQt~/dIrtlnQ 41 '41 . 205 '94 '111 - 23 .... 56 25 201 MVttAI tAHSIL

    ____WorkersJ>------~V(b) VI VII VIll IX X I II III IV V(a) Non­ Workers ,...--''-...... , L.C. M F No. 37 38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 291 276 128 191 194 63 72 15 7 1 2 ...... 14 4 229 193 129 203 230 65 5S 6 4 2 .. 5 .. 94 161 130 88 20 17 29 3 5 2. •• 1 .. 50 82 131 39 8 17 31 1 11 12 7 1 2 4 1 .. 23 47 4 9 15 1 19 16 23 13 3 6 12 5 •• 166 333 132 24 20 184 51 7 7 1 11 •• 241 467 133 201 28 42 14 14 2 1 6 •• 1 .. 62 88 134 48 10 1 9 1 .. 12. •• n 3 168 256 135 116 14 22 12 6 6 2 3 1 .• 86 154 136 69 10 19 9 2 10 1 2 •• 3 .• 2 •• 119 294 137 120 12 61 41 1 4 •• 13 .• 3 .. 158 385 138 138 35 39 9 1 7 '7 .• 19 .• 5 1. 81 185 139 75 6 5 7 1 3 5 1 76 167 75 6 4 7 1 ...... 16 .. :; 18 1 .. 140 Uninhabited •• 1 .. 48 154 141 23 14 82 5 .. 66 133 142 3 47 1 14 9 4 44 107 143 37 33 4 .. 32 .. 11 .. 366 636 144 283 7 40 110 2 15 1 1.. 2 1 .. 23 57 145 36 2 8 34 1 .. 25 25 146 36 1 6 SO 1 1 •. 28 40 147 23 24 1 4 4 .. 66 104 148 S6 55 17 20 3 2 2. 8 .. 192 204 149 121 135 47 69 17 4 9 4 1 53 2 589 992 150 46 28 3 1 •• 20 1 .. 5 •• 129 .. 276 89 .. 151 Uninhabited ,I •••• .• 152 Uninhabited 8 .. 94 187 153 79 22 5 1 4 1 1 .• 38 .9 454 740 154 83 123 168 1 40 4 1.. 2 1 10 5 .. 319 46 39 155 33 33 11 21 3 3 .... ,. 3 3 198 248 156 126 94 44 S4 4 13 11 10 1 1 ...... •• 2 104 112 157 85 86 37 24 3 8 3 4 3 1 2 67 61 59 59 23 12 8 3 3 1 37 51 26 27 14 12 3 4 ...... 3 1 109 185 158 14 7 4 3 1 ...... 81 63 1 •• 53 91 159 71 63 10 St 5 3 ...... , 4 ••. 131 265 160 25 12 1 2 2 ... .. 181 140 21 40 83 1 ...... 4 ••. 51 40 4 6 1 51 113 5 11 1 1 ...... 81 88 4 40 69 49 12 13 14 .. 2 .• 4 •• 79 i3l 161 66 49 8 9 2. 2. 4 ••. 92 178 162 25 14 2 ••• 1 •• 77 12 15 48 54 163 15 6 2 8 4 4 3 .. 4 " 27 19 2 33 40 164 23 23 1St 22 9 7 1 .. 2. •• 70 135 165 14 4S 7 2 1 1 76 4 32 49 5 23 4 1 1 1 " ... .. 34 2 2 •• 38 86 42 2 11 22 3 1 .••. .•• ...... 202


    Total Population Literate ,---- Area of (Including and (l.IX) Name of village in Total institu tional and Scheduled Scheduled edueated T ota Location Village ITown / acre, and Occupied No. of houseless population) Caste~ Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of tcwn!ward residential house-,-- _..A.___ , r:--"-,,",,\ c-....A..."\ r..JL..:. ,_j'-, No. Block in Km. 2 house h ;Ids P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 166 Humanpeth 2,395.31 32 49 268 J35 133 31 23 17 74 18 167 Sainkheda 3,194.95 413 424 2,334 1,187 1,147 109 122 5S1 166 615 200 168 Poher 1,941.79 222 226 1,239 638 601 46 40 251 S7 320 248 169 Temjhira 1,895.81 90 91 540 279 261 9 8 119 33 131 133 170 Semla 1,343.01 17 17 77 39 38 39 38 16 21 21 171 lamthi 250.67 Uninhabited 172 lampon 1,069.65 141 143 883 450 433 42 60 201 63 233 188 J 73 Na.gCdhalUl 571.31 Uninhabited 174 Mohar Kheda 810.30 123 129 759 367 392 37 41 170 38 199 198 175 Dehgud 1,655.42 119 124 627 323 304 126 103 147 32 180 164 176 Datora 2,069.70 154 164 909 470 439 lOS 101 250 S6 243 230 177 Senduijana 2,235.59 183 227 1,165 597 568 27 19 252 74 320 158 178 Birool 2,525.41 608 624 3,061 1,539 1,522 187 190 649 161 829 796 179 Sandiya 1,064.04 183 265 1,465 749 716 5.1 59 367 ll5 389 323 180 Kanjgaon ],413.08 71 99 558 283 275 61 48 91 30 138 129 181 Pisata 1,229.64 60 92 444 202 242 30 36 63 20 109 106 182 Chikhal Kha)')a ],349.08 Uninhabited 183 Amadoh 1,064.56 75 85 303 158 145 28 20 33 1 73 64 184 Heti Khapa 1,214.09 60 13 489 245 244 49 43 54 17 130 61 185 Jambadi ],450.21 81 107 628 322 306 88 74 130 14 184 73 186 Dharni 912.98 43 53 341 170 171 47 61 5S 8 83 46 187 Jambada 775.48 Uninhabit:d 188 Patha Kheda 1,185.56 82 88 498 236 262 16 17 74 17 165 8 189 Nagar Kot 1.618.89 33 49 258 142 116 27 26 55 9 72 11 190 Junapani (Aser) 1,198.20 60 78 432 220 212 19 16 58 7 121 107 191 Semjhira 1,728.46 137 162 955 487 468 104 73 212 .37 261 131 192 Nirgud 868.38 72 101 659 333 326 56 56 120 2 183 78 193 Suka Khedi 686.99 69 69 394 201 193 37 36 77 4 107 14 194 Mohi 1,325.39 113 136 770 395 375 2.6 17 214. 63 204 109 195 Joul Kbeda 2,269.23 398 459 2,401 1,]93 1,208 64 68 594 191 634 265 196 Khedi Badshahi 394.75 Uninhabited 197 Khedi Kondba 411.32 Uninhabited 198 Bhilai 935.66 104 105 687 341 346 51 52 107 21 196 192 199 Balni 1,326.99 91 92 503 253 250 9 5 89 8 145 96 200 Permandal 2,219.29 231 231 1,479 7.l5 734 33 45 300 33 399 35 201 Badegaon 1,864.01 81 100 607 315 292 6S 66 90 6 172 152 202 Chandora Khurd 1,419.60 174 232 1,366 698 668 24 41 202 60 359 300 203 Dcori 981.84 S2 61 391 214 177 2 7 91 9 ]L8 24 204 Chikhli Kburd 802.81 93 127 759 387 372 139 149 144 39 207 200 205 Multai Bahari Kshetra 3,409.43 Uninhabited 206 Kamth 792.31 21 25 124 68 56 25 8 30 14 207 Thawriya 1,047.78 2 2 12 6 6 3 2 208 Kharsali 1,438.28 40 46 271 137 134 47 46 41 7 79· 70 209 Chainpur ],005.17 12 17 102 S3 49 6 3 10 1 24 18 210 Bichhwa (Hardoli) 854.99 23 28 147 72 75 4 3 17 5 4S 18 211 Hardon Bujurg 1,737.13 43 47 312 146 166 13 17 40 7 84 41 212 Him Khapa 532.60 Uninhabited 213 Chouthiya 1,631.99 81 125 733 369 364 41 31 153 36 210 163 214 Jamgaon (Sunoli) 1,402.54 55 86 439 207 232 51 60 101 3S 191 79 21S Gopal TaIai 914.66 46 65 400 196 204 8 12 94 19, 9.4. 44 203

    MULTAI TAHSIL Workers --~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX '

    L.C. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 57 2 6 15 7 1 3 61 lIS 166 293 14 130 117 32 68 3 4 1 S72 947 167 26 3 .. 58 " 222 185 44 60 22 11 3 3.. 3 2 .. 13 .. 318 353 168 109 95 13 38 3 1 .. 5 .. 148 ]28 169 IS 11 5 10 1 .. 18 17 170 Uninhabited .. 171 136 71 71 116 1 14 1 10 .. 217 245 172 Uninhabited .. 113 131 134 41 60 11 6 3 1 .. 7 168 194 174 130 128 42 36 4 4 143 140 175 148 118 27 16 12 2 41 31 1 .. 2 12 3 227 209 176 209 51 68 100 3 26 3 3 10 4 271 410 177 489 468 206 315 1 63 9 33 1 •• 35 3 710 726 178 . 296 50 316 2 3 21 4 1 19 .. 360 393 179 92 3 31 121 5 1 6 4 4 .. 145 146 180 96 61 8 44 2 1 3 93 136 181 Uninhabited .. .. 182 46 19 17 45 8 2 85 81 183 96 1 32 60 1 •• 1 .. 115 183 184 120,i 37 20 35 18 8 8 2 2 .. 6 1 138 233 185 62 8 11 38 1 1 1 .. ] .. 87 125 186 Uninhabited •. .. 187 111 1 36 7 12 3 1 2 .. 71 254 188 46 14 11 2 7 .. 3 .. 70 lOS 189 85 1 16 106 16 1 1 2 .. 99 105 190 164 13 131 2 9 1 .. 2 •• 10 .. 226 337 191 93 66 77 9 1 .. 10 .. 4 1 150 248 192 81 1 15 12 1 6 1 3 .. 1 .. 94 179 193 109 4 22 100 11 29 4 2 1 6 .. 24 1 191 266 194 304 14 141 226 19 1 56 18 15.. 3 •• 26 18 .. 52 5 559 943 195 Uninhabited .. 196 Uninhabited .. 197 110 121 43 68 3 2 5 1 2 .. 30 .. 2 .. 145 154 198 91 63 21 32 14 3 11 1 4 .. 108 154 199 299 2 48 33 4 9 7 .. 6 .. 10 .. 16 .. 346 699 200 103 96 45 51 8 1 6 4 1 .• 2 .. 7 .. 143 140 201 193 192 92 106 7 16 2 3 .. 1 .. 12 .. 29 .. 339 368 202 89 19 23 2 1 4 .. 3 .. 96 153 203 110 145 64 51 7 6 10 1 3 3 .. 4 180 172 204 Uninhabited .. 205 1 7 12 5 25 ...... 2 1 .. 3 .. 38 42 206 1 2 2 3 4 207 56 26 22 44 1 58 64 208 19 11 1 5 .. 29 31 209 33 9 11 9 1 .. 27 57 210 60 18 16 23 4 3 62 125 211 U ninbabited .. .. 212 159 130 30 32 7 3 4 1 1 1 .. 5 .. 159 201 213 15 57 11 22 2 8 1 4 .. 106 IS3 214 73 1 8 41 1 2 7 3 .. 102 160 21S 204


    Total Population Literate Area of (Including and ( (I-IX; N arne of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Location Village ITown I 8Ol'eF and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town I ward residential house- r "\ r:.....JL..~ -A- ~L -A- No. Blook in Km.1 house holds P M F M F 'M F"\ M F' r M F' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 216 Sonora 987.48 133 135 799 388 411 72 72 187 54 215 206 217 Khad Amla 1,184.26 58 59 368 177 191 26 27 S4 7 108 101 218 Paregaon 1,230.62 68 69 374 179 195 7 5 56 1 110 104 219 Ranroocban 713.57 Uninhabited 220 Sonoli 939.20 92 94 504 245 259 52 55 128 33 133 138 221 Cbandora Bujurg 2,072.69 132 135 80S 4{)4 401 69 73 170 25 233 225 222 TaiKheda 875.43 196 202 1,096 556 540 107 114 212 31 295 292 223 Sirsawadi 1,115.12 148 152 838 420 418 29 36 130 40 230 219 224 Khed.i Jagaji 977.63 Uninhabited 225 Dhabla 1,119.63 189 191 1.089 535 554 71 81 197 66 284 260 226 Badegaon 496.89 145 150 886 452 434 53 50 171 43 237 230 227 Deoli 339.47 Uninhabited 228 Mirapur 747.93 56 56 306 145 161 29 30 47 9 86 57 229 Balhegaon 959.54 67 67 437 213 224 21 24 85 10 110 !J5 230 Bagboli 466.76 Uninhabited 231 Bihargaon 1,795.26 230 236 1267, 629 638 53 56 252 43 355 268 232 SindKheda 1,719.22 182 189 1,131 570 561 136 128 168 39 307 231 233 Sawalmendha 862.30 26 27 . 139 57 82 42 63 6 3 38 42 234 KhediKhurd 876.85 Uninhabited 235 Pouni 1,952.21 223 226 1,289 641 642 16 84 300 98 346 318, 236 Lihada 1,691.22 137 138 762 383 379 35 30 134 28 194 210 237 Tawla 818.16 21 21 123 60 63 2 1 18 S 29 33 238 KutKhedi 1,042.20 19 19 129 62 67 6 12 26 2 34 30 239 YenKheda 2,248.94 279 286 1,511 755 ·756 50 53 368 85 414 400 240 Sonkhedi 1,276.21 72 12 434 202 232 16 17 72 27 121 136 241 Khedi Court 1,180.77 318 318 1647 822 82S 114 117 413 167 421 410 242 Nimanwada 1,119.92 121 121 807 388 419 46 50 139 SO 182 201 243 Sopai 1,240.22 86 86 519 262 2S7 IS IS 91 22 146 139 244 SonOra 2,306.12 . 118 119 710 . 362 348 60 59 lOS 19 206 198 245 Rawa 2,657.65 106 no 681 336 345 12 12 106 31 196 120 246 Gaula 1,944.58 211 231 1,320 654 666 113 93 285 91 373 . 301 247 Pacbdhar 1,889.66 104 106 104 373 331 26 26 122 11 199 184 248 Garwha 2,852.40 111 111 617 . 315 302 37 37 98 22 201 149 249 Gauna 1,089.61 100 101 569 :271 298 33 30 103 66 158 147 250 Bisnoor 3,184.80 245 246 1,431 722 109 60 61 344 107 405 389 251 Khapa Sirkund 541.46 .. .' Uninhabited .. 252 Sirdi 1.524.00 207 207 1,258 631 627 8J 78 248 81 361 324 253 Jamtbi Sawasan 3,493,03 121 145 659 329 330 30 26 38 3 205 225 Jan'lthi 54 74 368 185 183 21 17 28 3 116 117 Sawatantihana 67 71 291 144 147 9 9 10 89 108 254 Ragadgaon .2,585.87 141 156 ·884 . 410 474 57 67 54 12 276 .280 Ragadgaon 82 93 539 253 286 53 64- 48 11 166 163 B",bar;adhana 37 39 . ,]86 89 97 3 .1 5 62 57 Nayadhan'l 22 24 159 68 91 1 1 1 48 60

    255 BiDakhi 973.39 Uninhabited I •• 256 Morand 2,068.48 114 124 731 334 391 43 41 34 3 219 194 Morand 93 103 583 261 322 43 41 25 3 165. 141 DomutihQIIQ 21 21 148 73 75 9 54 41 257 Walni 2,129.15 136 145 787 377 410 36 53 67 20 244 230 ~~, ~ 2,375.68 9~ 1~~ ~7'J. 3+, 3'1.7 74 68 49 6 ZZI lSI 205

    MUL1'AI TAHSIL Workers

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 160 150 21 46 6 15 7 1 .. 11 3 173 205 216 83 90 17 9 4 2 2 .. 2 .. 69 90 217 72 75 27 28 3 1 1 .. 3 3 .. 69 91 218 Uninhabited ., .. 219 90 100 17 36 4 4 1 3 .. 2 .. 11 .. 2 1 112 121 220 131 45 43 115 10 22 3 3 3 2 20 .. 171 116 221 176 172 97 118 6 9 1 1 .. 6 1 261 248 222 166 160 50 57 611 6 190 199 223 Uninhabited .. 224 168 119 73 140 1 23 4 1 4 11 .. 251 294 225 166 25 39 201 2 18 2 7 2 .... 4 •• 21S 204 226 Uninhabited .. 227 71 45 12 12 1 1 1 .. 59 104 228 81 71 20 23 1 1 1 .. 1 5 103 129 229 Uninhabited •• .. 230 252 184 59 79 25 3 1 6 13 1 274 370 231 200 171 76 58 6 6 2 7 .. 4 8 .. 263 330 232 10 12 22 30 1 3 1 .. 1 .. 19 40 233 Uninhabited .. .. 234 224 170 52 126 21 8 23 10 4 .. 1 21 3 301 324 235 156 171 16 20 4 1 11 11 1 1 189 169 236 27 32 1 1 1 .. 31 30 237 27 28 3 2 1 .. 3 " 28 37 238 288 292 63 81 1 41 22 1 9 1 1 •• 10 3 341 356 239 101 111 13 22 1 3 3 3 .. 81 96 240 213 233 72 135 10 2 .. 45 21 5 5 26 4 2 .. 45 1:1 401 415 241 131 163 15 28 5 22 10 7 2 .. 206 218 242 122 126 13 9 6 4 1 .. 4 .. 116 118 243 150 ]62 33 31 6 5 3 .. 7 7 .. 156 150 244 180 120 8 3 5 .. 140 225 245 236 237 46 36 31 37 24 5 .. 1 .. 16 4 281 365 246 176 157 13 26 2 2 1 6 .. 174 1~7 247 128 109 53 34 . .. 9 6 3 .. 8 .. 114 153 248 102 82 34 60 6 1 5.. 2 4 1 7 .•• 113 151 249 262 285 43 88 13 40 9 1 4 8 I .. 34 6 317 320 250 Uninhabited .. .. 251 282 245. 56 75 3 8 3 2 9 2 210 303 252 138 86 55 138 2 4 1 1 .. 3 2 .. 124 105 253 73 34 35 83 1 3 2 2 .. 69 66 65 .52 20 .55 1 1 1 1 .. 1 ...... 55 39 213 117 48 163 5 2 1 .. 7 .. 134 194 254 122 72 31 91 4 21 .. 6 .. 87 123 .59 30 3 27 27 40 32 15 14 45 1 .. 1 .. 20 31 .. Uninhabited .. .. 255 187 118 29 76 2 1 .•• 115 203 256 138 99 24 48 2 1 •• 96 175 49 19 5 28 19 28 177 64 55 166 1 5 6 .. 133 180 257 ., ., " 3 .. 124 176 258 l64 lLS .45 24 S " ~, 3 2 1 ., .. .. 206


    Total Population Literate -- Area of (Including and r (I.IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Villatze /Town I acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-r:-~' ,--"-, ....A­ ____ ....A...:., ~..JL""" No. Block in Km B house holds P M F M F 'M F' M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    Sl~rsi 79 106 58.'1 296 287 60 58 47 6 188 134 Sarsidhana 17 19 89 49 40 14 10 2 33 17 259 Gondi Dhanori 1,541.51 66 77 423 212 211 93 91 61 10 120 104 Gondi Dhonor; 42 49 261 133 128 90 87 56 8 75 64 Toyadhano 24 28 162 79 83 3 4 5 2 45 4f) 260 Dudar Ryt. 1,173.65 S6 57 305 161 144 43 38 4 93 74 261 Borpend 3,434.56 164 168 959 470 489 29 32 89 25 286 287 Borpend 132 136 776 380 396 29 32 87 25 227 228 Topa dhana 32 32 183 90 93 2 59 59 262 Kondher 840.,02 Uninhabited 263 Pachmahu 678.11 45 57 289 140 149 6 5 8 2 93 88 Pachmahu 29 39 203 101 102 6 5 4 2 62 63 Sonmahu 16 18 86 39 47 4 31 25 264 Amrai 570.51 8 10 48 27 21 3 17 13 265 Pachumri 590.87 15 19 86 41 4S 2 26 27 266 Ghorpend 207.32 10 10 70 30 40 3 2 3 20 20 267 Salbardi 782.15 52 62 265 132 133 67 64 3S 12 65 64 268 Genhubarsa 3,204.02 215 245 1.354 665 689 134 134 133 25 401 307 Genhuborsa 125 143 797 399 398 113 112 113 24 222 lBO Nona dhana 48 56 306 147 159 13 14 1 99 81 Jot dkana 23 25 123 58 65 8 38 19 Mohandhana 19 21 128 61 67 8 8 11 1 42 27 269 Chikhli Mal. 1,362.22 75 78 422 218 204 43 44 10 1 115 109 Chikhli Mal. 70 73 391 203 188 43 44 10 1 107 106 Tugdi dhana 5 5 31 15 16 8 3 270 Chikhli Ryt. 47 48 269 134 13S 5 86 90 Chikhli Ryt. 43 44 250 124 126 3 82 82 Baboli dhon" 4 4 19 10 9 2 4 8 271 RajapurR:yt. 1,326.87 101 105 525 246 279 56 56 20 158 171 RaJapur Ryt. 58 58 312 146 166 9 10 19 89 94 Anjangarh 34 38 165 76 89 39 40 1 56 64 Chikhli Byt. dhank 9 9 48 24 24 8 6 13 n 272 Kunda Ryt. 1,367.80 49 50 330 162 168 33 36 9 2 93 59 KundaRyt. 33 34 242 117 125 27 29 9 2 70 44 Rema dhana 14 14 76 39 37 6 7 20 12 Chanobhahi 2 2 12 6 6 3 .3 273 Kunda Mal. 456.44 1 1 11 6 5 1 2 2 274 Etawa 3,928.20 223 232 1192 638 654 28 34 110 7 401 425 Etawa 126 131 714 359 355 21 28 71 5 220 242 Johalmohu dhana 59 60 354 168 186 5 3 21 1 112 111 Mandir dhana 21 25 148 70 78 2 3 16 1 41 46 Khodari dhana 16 16 76 41 35 2 28 26 275 Majary 2,426.08 107 120 567 298 269 43 35 23 1 171 143 Majary 59 60 344 187 157 16 14 15 1 101 100 Teji dha." 8 9 33 18 15 13 12 9 6 Patel dhau 29 30 116 56 60 14 9 8 38 20 Olha dhmra 11 21 74 37 37 23 17 276 Rohana 375.37 21 24- 112 51 61 21 28 S 33 24 277 Dabka 3.341.65 66 70 416 191 225 7 9 29 2 126 129 D,,/lka 53 54 300 141 159 j 6 24 2 94 89 207

    MULTAl TAHSIL Workers ------.------~~---- I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workers ~~,r~~,r~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~,r~~r~L~ L.C. M PM P M PM PM PM PM PM PM PM P M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 139 110 37 22 5 3 2 1 .. 3 ., 108 153 25 15 8 2 16 23 103 22 13 81 2 1 .. 92 107 259 62 9 63 2 1 1 J " 58 64 41 22 4 18 34 43 75 44 15 29 2 1 1 68 70 260 155 135 102 142 10 5 11 5 1 .. 1 6 .. 184 202 161 119 95 81 124 9 5 10 4 1 .. 1 6 .. 153 168 36 40 21 18 1 1 1 31 34 Uninhabited .. 262 67 57 .24 31 1 1 47 61 263 41 37 20 26 1 39 39 2620451 8 22 11 9 5 4 1 10 8 264 19 16 7 11 IS 18 265 12 14 6 6 1 1.. 10 20 266 44 31 18 32 2 1 67 69 267 253 202 106 91 6 17 12 4 .. 2 1 .. 12 2 264 382 268 134 112 51 55 6 13 11 4 .. 2 1 .. 1] 2 177 218 75 62 21 19 3 48 78 26 15 12 4 20 46 18 13 22 13 1 1 1.. 19 40 89 86 19 22 5 1 2.. 103 9S 269 81 83 19 22 5 J 2 .. 96 82 8 3 7 13 84 90 1 1 48 4S 270 80 82 1 1 42 44 4 8 6 1 136 148 18 22 1 1 1 2 " 88 108 271 67 71 18 22 1 1 1 2 .. 57 72 56 64 20 25 13 13 11 11 69 46 21 12 3 69 109 272 50 33 17 10 3 1 47 81 16 10 4 2 19 ]5 3 3 3 .3 1 1 2 .. " .. 4 3 273 291 326 76 97 14 5 2 S' .. 3 7 •. 237 229 274 137 168 55 73 12 3 1 4 .. 3 6 .. 139 113 97 96 11 14 2 1 3 ., J .. 56 75 33 40 8 6 29 32 24 22 2 4 2 13 9 133 93 31 49 2 2 3 .. 127 126 27S 89 80 7 20 1 2 2 86 57 9· 3 3 9 9 15 5 11 14 1 1 1 18 40 10 5 13 12 •. 14 20 21: 1,0 7 14 4 1 18 37 276 81 11.3 37 16 5 1 .d 1 62 80 25 1 _ 1. 6S 96 277 9

    Total Population Area of (Including Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduted Scheduled Location Village/Town I aores and Occupied No. of houselesspopula'ion) Castes Tribers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house-r:-----"---, r-A...~ ....IL No. Block in Km. I house holds P M F M P 'M pl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13· 14 15 16 Adampur dhana 13 16 116 50 66 2 3 5 32 40 278 Kumudara 73652 38 ~7 295 138 157 17 13 45 11 80 78 279 Balhora 1,801.65 40 42 243 130 113 33 33 19 2 76 58 280 Pipalpani 1,486.35 Uninhabited 281 Chakora 4,450.31 148 162 904 438 466 63 53 47 6 257 230 C/wkoralihana 5 6 31 9 22 1 8 8 Chalcora 143 156 873 429 444 63 53 46 6 249 222 282 Saikheda Khurd 3,430.77 178 191 993 513 480 78 74 179 54 286 223 Saikheda Khurd 94 100 527 271 256 101 41 144 124 Khodri dhana 84 91 466 242 224 78 74 78 13 142 99 283 Vaygaon 2,975.44 163 177 955 479 476 39 30 166 84. 271 258 Vaygaoil 138 151 806 409 397 39 30 164 83 227 219 Pipai dhana 25 26 149 70 79 2 1 44 39 284 Muod 4,713.23 296 347 1,993 997 996 87 86 564 245 521 371 285 Dongarpur 705.13 24 26 126 61 65 59 63 10 1 32 28 286 Kajli 887.01 167 167 982 483 499 91 95 115 10 217 267 287 Sahangaon 1,121.73 136 136 655 316 339 12 17 108 50 176 126 288 Poher 931.77 40 40 223 113 110 59 68 40 3 59 44 289 Hiwar Khed 1,847.47 429 434 2,328 1.159 1.169 119 136 522 177 628 597 290 Dohlan 2,438.07 121 146 827 406 421 76 69 156 S9 210 177 291 Borgaon 980.91 118 134 828 417 411 100 98 168 25 214 116 292 Deodongri 824.43 30 34 202 103 99 28 27 24 52 33 293 Nand Kudi 654.09 89 118 . 678 353 325 46 39 87 9 182 96 294 Brahmanwada 402.55 Uninhabited 295 Eklahra 75Z.91 50 51 . 303 157 146 23 15 59 20 91 70 296 Hirdi 1.655.92 83 84 463 239 224 15 17 70 21 137 119 297 Parsodi 2.185.32 118 121 673 341 332 54 48 110 34 197 141 298 Ashta 2,973.10 232 232 1,220 621 599 48 4S 261 99 334 166 299 Ra.jni 769.57 Uninha.bited •• 300 Amrawa ti 1,550.86 423 425 2,327 1,193 1,134 83 68 633 140 627 378 301 Sawngi 1,989.30 239 269 1,500 771 729 136 125 307 .113 423 355 302 Chioh Kheda 818.91 25 25 133 72 61 35 27 12 1 43 28 303 Jamgaon 771.97 35 35 228 111 117 47 63 32 4 60 58 304 Datora 1,914.78 112 121. 675 351 324 152 89 73 10 182 156 305 Gangapur 961.79 104 105 524 268 256 97 91 120 45 148 133 306 Bandli 1,142.87 223 223 l,1.50 571 579 99 87 192 76 312 269 307 Khedi Ramosi 2,070.22 74 77 423 211 21.2 57 62 30 11 113 120 Khedidhana 61 63 341 173 168 56 61 29 11 89 86 Khedi Ramosi 13 14 82 38 44 1 1 1 24 34 308 Karaspani 1.,872.15 Uninhabited 309 Mangona Khurd 1,299.90 307 308 1,742 870 872 75 77 374 145 481 391 310 Godhni 841.. 44 158 158 921 469 452 62 67 249 89 24S 128 311 SirKhed 1,288.25 59 94 479 260 219 65 52 1.08 52 136 n 312 TiwarKhed l,948.r5 385 391 2,023 1,043 980 101 93 571 228 52' 313 313 Rai Amla 1,27994 223 223 1,331 666 665 99 99 341 97 349 273 314 Baghoda 3,425.08 393 403 2,263 1.,139 1,l.24 1.53 162 527 207 568 516 315 Kamapur 578.93 Uninhabited .. 316 Deopon 980.42 1.09 118 593 300 293 64 73 141 56 141 1.24 317 Prabhat Patlan 3,375.49 869 915 4,458 2.300 2,158 284 238 • • 1.092 467 1.063 848 318 Amnath 1,744.59 Uninhabited •• .. .~ ... 209


    WorkersA ______. I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX 1

    L.C, No. 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 1 19 33 12 7 1 18 26 38 65 34 12 6 1 2 .• 58 79 278' 35 30 31 24 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 ..• 54 55 219 Uninhabited .. " 280 210 205 32 22 4 6 3 5 " 181 236 281 7 7 1 1 1 14 20J 198 31 21 4 6 3 5.. 180 222 195 166 67 54 3 8 2 5 .. 3 5 1 227 257 282 107 98 28 26 4 .. r ...... 4.. 127 132 88 68 39 28 3 8 2 1 .. 2 1 1 100 125 180 192 63 64 6 3 6 .. 5 8 2 208 218 283 154 168 45 49 6 3 6 .. 5 8 2 182 178 26 '24 .18 15 26 40 304 214 89 131 4 2 28 11 13 .. 26 4 5 .. 52 9 476 625 284· 25 23 5 5 2 " 29 37 285 196 201 61 59 3 8 4 9 3 206 232 286 128 94 25 27 4 2 5 3 5 .. 2 7 .. 140 213 287 39 35 15 9 3 1 .. 54 66 288 368 321 137 238 23 6 35 18 13.. 2 22 4 28 4 531 572 289 150 133 29 31 5 2 14 9 2 ~O 2 196 244 290 146 89 19 2(; 5 26 1 1.. 1 9 7 .. 203 295 291 39 31 615 1 1 .. 51 66 292 163 89 5 7 3 5 5 171 229 293 Uninhabited .. .. 294 62 54 19 15 3 6 1 1 .. 66 76 295 92 94 19 22 3 ... 2 2 3 1 1 .. 6 1 108 105 296 132 100 33 39 11 8 2 2.. 2 1 8 .. 144 191 297 251 127 40 37 7 1 8.. 3 1 4 1 .. 13 1 287 433 298 Uninhabited .. 299 395 223 125 134 7 43 19 13 .. 18 1 26 1 566 156 300 310 281 54 72 4 13 2 13.. 5 2 2 •• 20 •• 348 374 301 2824114 3 .• 1 .. 29 33 302 38 42 19 16 1 1 .. 1 .. 51 59 303 109 51 61 105 r 5 2 .. 4 .. 169 168 304 102 13 31 60 4 5 .. 1 5 .. 120 123 305 208 178 72 84 3 2 11 7 2 1 2 10 1 259 310 306 101 66 9 54 2 1 .. 98 92 307 81 44 5 42 2 1 .. 84 82 20 22 4 12 14 10 Uninhabited ., .. 308 362 302 69 93 3 26 3 4 1 .. 19 2 383 475 309 184 99 43 29 2 83 .. 5.. 224 324 310 66 38 42 34 7 3 3 .. 1 2 12.. 124 147 311 236 1,29 168 157 1.2 4 " 40233 .. 1 35 1 .. 25 4 518 667 312 242 211 60 61 1 13 1 6 .. 6 l .. 20.. 317 392 313 308 273 1.46 235 31. 30 3 8 .. 18 27 5 571 608 314 .. Uninhabited .. 3fS 65 1 65 123 3 3 .. U:.. 153 169 316 511 340 21.3 433 53 34 48 17 14 • 8 2 4l 5 8 •• f07 17 1,237 1,310 317 Uninhabited .• .. 318 PRIM~Y CENSOS ABSTRACT

    Total Population Liter2te r:-- Area of (Including and (I-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town! acres and Ocoupied No. of houseless population, Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r '"""'I r_.JL ~ ,----)\-, r:-"-~ l-....)"-, No. Block in Km.2 house holds P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 319 Isapur 1,836.42 7 9 50 29 21 23 15 4 12 15 320 Kumbhi Kheda 1,109.99 38 38 218 99 119 14 15 16 58 62 321 Gonapur 1,065.81 52 55 248 120 128 5 3 19 72 13 322 Charud 1,072.37 41 41 244 131 113 28 31 50 23 63 60 323 Panjhiri 2,760.74 36 40 191 97 94 26 2 62 55 324 Malegaon 699.13 39 46 247 116 131 26 26 31 70 73 325 Paba! 3,089.52 90 90 509 246 263 101 111 30 2 144 15.1 326 Jhiri 1,326.36 Uninhabited 327 Ghana 1,211.22 38 38 216 112 104 8 2 72 59 328 Umari 759.54 66 66 333 171 162 6 4 59 11 103 108 329 Chilhati 2,060.17 192 262 1,324 681 643 48 47 262 58 406 164 330 BiroH Jhilpa 2,011.43 97 115 615 312 303 68 60 19 10 187 181 331 Somgarh 3,716.40 112 126 754 361 387 82 75 24 4 212 185 Somgarh dhana 77 85 532 266 266 82 75 18 J 156 145 &badya dhana 35 41 222 101 121 6 3 56 40 332 Mangona Kalan 961.54 166 190 1,076 536 540 121 102 257 106. 263 206 Mangona Kalan 84 87 529 257 272 33 28 136 50 126 111 Borban dhana 82 103 547 279 268 88 74 121 56 137 95 333 Ambhori 4,104.46 42 42 213 106 107 61 57 33 6 65 52 Ambhorl 36 36 182 90 92 61 57 31 6 54 46 Ambhori dhana 6 6 31 16 15 2 II 6 334 Rampur 559.42 Uninhabited 335 Bhilai 2,165.54 95 133 733 369 364 102 106 145 46 180 70 336 Narkhed 2,374.79 236 321 1,678 873 805 121 118 469 155 446 382 337 Kondher 1,235.94 93 112 624 323 301 172 162 83 14 200 171 338 Shergarh (Borgaon) 4,785.87 159 192 1,145 568 571 126 132 165 9 343 331 S her garhdhana 79 97 615 305 310 79 93 118 7 178 167 S anoidhalla 80 95 530 263 267 47 39 47 2 165 164 339 Kolhiya 1,269.25 34 43 274 133 141 25 25 2 43 75 79 340 Sawnga 882.52 91 118 750 349 401 33 30 130 52 195 180 341 Hathnapur 899.03 102 159 938 461 477 32 45 159 22 275 255 342 Dahargaon 2,058.65 14 17 96 48 48 11 1 8 35 36 343 Parad Singa 936.23 223 226 1,390 680 710 93 95 230 48 358 398 344 Bagholi Bujurg 1,822.35 140 151 1,002 487 515 77 63 163 31 264 234 345 Badya Khapa 762.92 91 93 544 254 290 4 5 95 37 153 142 346 Malegaon 1,060.61 109 111 645 311 334 83 19 117 32 194 191 347 Mahiawadi 1,222.76 83 86 552 2112 270 24 24 12 5 171 117 348 Buka Kbedi 716.71 7 7 57 34 23 10 2 16 12 349 Dahuwa 3,200.57 268 269 1.800 . 811 929 84 92 413 84 525 408 Dahuwa 216 217 1,501 724 777 78 85 382 84 440 331 Dahuwadhana 52 52 299 147 152 6 7 31 85 77 350 Barai 3,030.85 144 192 1,051 528 529 30 34 211 34 295 369 351 Karpa 1,873.27 139 186 1,040 517 523 46 47 210 32 299 125 352 Mahatpur 3,442.73 229 231 1,217 593 624 53 65 256 66 323 219 353 Parasthani 1,779.15 160 160 966 457 509 27 53 91 6 276 173 354 Mathni 2,761.63 176 178 1,022 487 535 114 134 98 17 261 206 355 Chindi 1,420.80 263 266 1,418 674 744 68 81 252 40 408 383 356 Khadakwar 957.30 116 117 606 283 323 34 40 57 8 168 133 357 Banga 1,165.68 86 88 464 225 239 21 34 56 12 132 154 358 Kohpa.ni 859.33 37 31 229 111 118 28 27 42 5 68' 42 211


    I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX 1

    L.C. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 10 12 1 3 1 .. 17' 6 319 48 55 9 7 1 41 57 320 34 35 28 38 4 1 1 4 " 48 55 321 49 54 8 5 3 2 1 1" .. 68 53 322 49 38 1.0 17 2 1" ,. 3S 39 323 42 40 24 32 2 1 1 1 .. 46 58 324 81 56 151 2 2 .. 1 2 .. 102 U2 325 Uninhabited .. .. 326 58 52 13 7 1 40 4S 327 74 91. 19 15 3 2 2 1 .. 4 .. 68 54 328 244 124 76 40 1 11 4 .. 45 .. 19 .. 275 479 329 118 1.01 62 78 1 2 2 1 1 .. 2 .. 125 122 330 167 1 35 183 4 3 1 1 2 .. 155 202 331 119 30 144 3 2 1 1 1 .. 110 121 48 1 5 39 1 1 1 .. 45 81 191 133 50 71 13 1 1... 1 1 .. 6 1 273 334 332 85 87 26 23 10 1 1 .. 1 3 .. 131 161 106 46 24 48 3 1 .. 3 1 142 173 33 29 30 23 2 41. 55 333 26 24 26 22 2 .• 36 46 7 j 4 1 5 9 Uninhabited .. 334 143 11 22 58 1 1 .. 5 1 1 3 4 .. 189 294 335 326 5 55 373 2 17 1 4 ,. 1 8 3 .. 30 3 427 423 336 115 110 49 56 6 5 5 1 .. 19 .. 5 .. 123 130 337 270 287 29 40 32 1 5 3 1 .. 1 2 .. 3 .. 225 246 338 14.J 153 12 14 15 1 1 ., 1 2 .. 3 " 127 143 127 134 17 26 17 1 4 3 98 103 55 64 17 15 1 1 1 .. 58 62 339 1.45 122 35 57 1 3 1 3 .. 8 .. 154 221 340 222 226 17 28 4 16 1 9 n. 7 .. 186 222 341 32 28 2 8 1 .. 13 12 342 274 337 36 53 1 12 6 13 9 '" 13 2 322 3]2 343 .193 194 21 19 10 25 21 2 13 •. , 223 281 344 122 101 25 41 1 3 2 ,., 101 148 345 127 137 43 59 2 4 1 2 1 7 .. 8 .. 117 137 346 122 56 34 59 4 4 2 3 .. 4 .. 111 153 347 15 12 1 18 11 348 362 270 97 133 7 13 1 12 1 3 4 .~ 1 ._ 26 3 346 521 349 300 216 74 110 7 13 1 12 1 3 4 1 .. 26 3 284 446 62 54 23 23 62 75 206 311 47 49 9 1 '. 11 4 2 3 .. 16 5 233 160 350 192 48 58 60 27 16 5 2 3 1 ., 11 1 218 398 351 205 150 6S 65 3 1 .. 20 3 1 8 20 1 270 405 352 227 13 34 159 .. 7 ... 8 1 181 336 353 160 66 58 135 17 1 13 2 5 8 2 226 329 354 288 270 77 107 2 26 3 1 1 1 1 11 2 266 361 355 85 14 57 119 10 11 f .... ,., 4 115 190 356 96 16 154 8 7 5 93 85 357 45 24 20 18 1 ., ., ., ~ ~ 1 " ., .. , 1 .. 43 76 358 212


    Total Population Literate r: -- Area of (Including and a-IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educa ted Totar Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes perosn Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house- r:--' "l ~...A_,,"", ....A_ ~.....J\-~ ~_JL,,"", No. Block in Km.2 house holds P M F M F 'M F"""' M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 359 Morakha 3,223.98 400 413 2,332 1,160 1,172 131 144 523 170 610 342 Morakha 237 243 1,427 731 696 124 133 326 66 378 169 Somadhana 4 4 15 6 9 1 5 8 Bagaidhana 147 154 827 391 436 7 11 195 94 208 149 Ramdeendhana 12 12 63 32 31 1 19 16 360 Kundai 912.72 3 3 25 IS 10 2 9 5 361 Kakadiya 1,222.54 43 46 211 107 104· 140 13 4 68 43 362 Khari 1.108.26 49 53 288 153 135 13 9 26 7 89 22 7 3 6 1 32 9 Khari 18 20 100 53 '" Chaitadhana 31 33 18R 1()() 88 6 6 20 6 57 13 363 Biskban 2,782.55 108 111 639 318 321 23 19 47 3 196 179 Biskhan 64 66 397 202 19.5 12 9 41 3 120 114 Padhadhana 22 22 117 57 60 11 10 2 42 26 Baddhana 12 12 51 26 26 3 16 17 Khedadhana 10 11 73 33 40 1 18 22 364 Dudriya 1,623.89 103 103 634 318 3]6 59 55 104 21 174 101 365 Khapa (Sirda) 978.38 36 42 236 109 127 13 12 15 1 69 60 366 Sirkund 1.626.52 1 1 734 2 2 367 Pandharai ·1,291.58 59 81 427 211 216 12 18 49 8 145 126 Pandharai 45 62 .UO 169 16/ 12 '18 47 8 118 90 NajarpurdhOifa 14 '19 97 42 55 2 27 36 368 Taroda Bujurg 2,201.15 160 198 ]084 546 538 73 70 125 8 329 147 Taroda Bujur g 94 110 586 284 301 32 40 60 4 178 106 Moraddhana 48 67 .184 197 187 36 24 57 4 110 25 Kappidhana 18 21 114 65 49 5 6 8 41 16 369 Gubrel 2,727.64 148 164 917 461 456 124 1'37 91 17 283 275 Oubrel 46 51 260 122 138 114 129 27 14 72 72 Khamdhana 51 53 293 163 130 10 8 36 1 103 92 Tapudhana 51 60 364 176 188 28 2 108 111 370 Lilajhar 1,898.16 124 168 935 470 465 7 7 187 31 281 292 371 Hardoli Khathi 1,225.23 62 :0 411 205 206 16 13 39 3 121 129 Hardoli 54 57 336 166 170 16 13 39 3 99 104 lindudhana 8 13 75 39 36 22 2S 372 Kathi 1,139.10 180 223 1,223 579 644 26 38 118 30 349 167 373 Ghatpipariya 4,402.10 381 393 2,182 1.072 1,110 438 426 361 51 611 324 Ghatpipariya 117 120 672 318 354 161 176 124 36 172 77 Mugpar 67 68 373 187 186 37 3 101 67 Hotdhona 27 27 208 99 109 3 41 3 53 25 Matuldhana 25 25 H5 74 61 60 48 23 45 21 Regudhana 145 153 794 394 400 217 199 136 9 240 134 374 Gangai 1,612.24 61 63 341 174 167 26 30 31 2 109 23 Ganga; 52 54 283 147 136 26 30 28 1 97 22 Dolohana 9 9 58 27 31 3 1 12 1 375 Mayawadi 1,555.97 131 131 760 373 387 17 14 100 12 223 145 376 Dunai 807.65 87 87 518 255 263 16 13 85 3 157 131 377 Dunawa 1,753.76 295 295 1,624 819 805 49 34 435 194 419 88 378 Musa Khapa 732.68 29 29 186 99 87 4 3 37 10 45 39 379. Senclrya 916.67 60 60 377 180 197 11 18 32 4 96 105 380 Ridhora 2,905.41 379 379 2,094 1.024 1,070 78 82 411 95 590 445 381 Sondifa l,l82.41 54 54 3.2 174 168 10 11 37 6 87 4 21~

    MULTAI TAHSIL Workers I II m IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VITI IX ' X Non- Workers r.....J\..:l r-"'-'::'\ r-"- ~__"._ ~__"._ -=:tr.:..JL -v-:_..JL =v-_..JL ,r:..JL """"'I,...... JL~ r-"'-':"'\ L. C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 19S 89 106 182 27 106 S6 8 2 2 •• 13S 7 2 .. 29 5 550 830 359 H8 20 57 105 26 1 66 32 1 1 1 73 5 2 .. 14 5 353 527 4 1 8 1 1 52 67 30 55 1 4024711 62 J... .. 15.. 183 287 1 2 18 14 13 15 9 S 6 S 360 34 3 29 40 2 2 1 .. 39 61 361 48 7 13 IS 14 12 1 1 .. 64 113 362 22 3 6 6 3 1 .. 21 38 26 4 7 9 11 12 1 43 75 171 139 21 40 2 2 .. 122 142 363 101 99 17 15 2 .. 82 81 37 23 3 3 2 15 .'4 16 17 10 9 17 1 22 ..... 15 18 99 3 44 94 16 3 8 1 .. 6 144 215 364 42 30 2S 30 2 .. 40 67 365 2 2 1 2 366 101 92 40 34 3 I .. 66 90 367 85 73 29 17 j 1 .. 51 71 16 19 11 17 15 19 239 66 58 79 22 1 7 3 .. 217 391 368 118 45 42 61 12 4 2 .. 106 196 92 13 10 11 4 ." 1 1 .. 87 162 29 8 6 7 6 1 24 33 234 233 36 41 8 3 2 .. 178 181 389 62 61 9 11 1 50 66 91 85 8 6 3 1 1 .. 60 38 81 87 19 24 7 1 .. 68 77 193 229 56 S6 15 11 7 2 4 .. 189 173 360 8S 99 32 30 2 2 .. 84 77 371 64 75 31 29 2 2 67 66 21 24 1 1 17 11 227 3 48 161 31 15 13 .. 14 2 230 477 372 413 24 154 297 7 1 .. 21 3 1 3 11 .. 461 786 373 118 13 40 62 6 2 2 6 146 277 75 2 19 65 5 2 86 119 47 1 3 24 1 2 46 84 23 18 21 2 2 29 40 150 8 74 125 1 1 .. 9 1 1 1 3 .. 154 266 77 1 26 22 4 1 .. 65 144 374 66 1 26, 21 4 1 .. 50 114 11 1 1 15 30 147 110 60 33 6 2 1 .. 1 8 .. 150 242 375 118 49 29 81 3 1 7 .. 98 132 376 234 40 72 40 5 26 4 2 29 1 2 49 3 400 717 377 26 23 17 ]6 1 1 .. S4 48 378 69 63 24 41 1 1 2 84 92 379 456 332 52 98 7 1 1 .. 49 11 4 21 3 434 62S 380

    79 6 4 ... e .• ~ t .•• , 2 87 164 381 214


    Total Population Literate r:_-- Area of (In.cl uding , and ({.IX) Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated Totar Location Village/Townl acres and Oooupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward /Urban of town Iward residential house r--.A..--, r: ..J'-...... r--"-, ..J'- ..J'- No. Block in Km.· house' holds P M P M P M P 'M P''M pl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 382 Pur BiroH 1,287.48 81 121 616 312 304 31 33 81 13 178 ]37 383 Hiwara 1,88~.98 70 89 525 281 244 28 22 56 7 166 139 384 Khairwani 1,539.28 108 169 762 359 403 37 45 134 221 63 385 Lakhapur 782.87 78 108 688 336 352 9 14 142 16 195 83 386 Kapasiya 1,121.26 31 42 311 157 154 16 15 86 27 69 77 387 Chikhli Kalan 2,866.98 210 251 1.224 589 635 98 126 285 85 315 349 388 Sonegaon 1,641.75 54 85 5O

    I II III . IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX -., X Non­ Workers r~L-"r~L~r~~~L~~L~r~L~~~JL~~~~~(~L, L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 110 12 43 117 3.. 7 7 3 .. 2 7 .. 3 134 167 382 122 85 33 52 4 2 7 .. 115 105 383 121 79 63 15 6 .. 138 340 384 150 61 33 21 8 4 1 141 269 385 5S 67 6 8 1 3 4 88 77 386 201 246 55 95 4 20 4 1 .. 2 6 2 .. 24 3 274 286 387 81 62 25 23 2 2 .. 2 9 2 139 157 3811 69 51 92 114 1 o. 2 3 .. 105 119 389 54 46 72 91 1 .. 2 .1 .. 88 98 15 5 20 23 17 21 156 132 31 64 9 8 2 1 .. 3 .. 157 175 390 171 126 43 76 32 13 4 2 1 1 231 288 391 57 1 16 83 2 1 58 55 392 161 6 35 203 7 3 112 114 393 91 25 16 29 11 1 1 3 74 135 394 173 95 31 151 18 25 1 .. .0 .0 I. 8 224 242 395 228 106 38 30 10 10 5 4 1 .. 4 1 204 375 396 3 2 153 179 40 59 25 4 1 .. 3 .. 137 172 397 100 127 22 31 20 4 1 .. 1 3 93 98 53 52 18 28 5 2 44 74 282 27 84 100 16 7 41 13 4 3 6 33 4 11 .. 32 2 455 793 398 37 13 170 5 58 64 16 7 1 3 6 24 4 3 .. 17 2 325 567 112 22 26 36 4 3 .. 9 8 .. 15 .. 130 226 231 56 32 283 19 2 14 6 1 .. 2 2 .. 10 .. 266 254 399 152 27 21 207 18 2 7 2 1 .. 2 2 .. 4 .. 16.1 149 79 29 11 76 7 4 6 .. 103 105 92 109 5 3 9 68 80 400 40 45 3 1 1 25 31 24 24 2 2 5 19 22 28 40 3 24 27 132 44 19 I 17 6 .. 174 353 401 273 274 59 72 10 15 5 9 .. 313 307 402 216 213 35 42 9 10 2 1 5 .. 243 220 57 61 24 30 1 5 3 4 .. 70 87 91 4 28 24 3 .. 103 194 403 420 299 135 269 19 5 28 7 2 .. 7 1 1 .. 32 6 469 520 404 269 211 104 183 16 5 18 6 7 1 1 .. 27 5 314 326 151 88 31 86 3 10 1 2 .. 5 1 155 194 229 268 29 35 7 7 3 .. 169 169 405 138 167 12 20 3 4 2 .. 121 107 91 101 17 15 4 3 1 .. 48 62 131 121 27 94 8 2 12 2 2 4 2 1 68 .. 9 .. 243 268 406 123 136 34 42 2 12 11 2 .. 12 .. 6 2 161 153 407 91 98 41 52 6 2 1 4 .. 90 82 408 43 39 39 49 5 2 1 4 .. 59 56 27 31 1 1 21 12 21 28 1 3 .... 10 14 92 80 32 55 21 1 ... .1' 2 1 2 2 o. 6 1 128 140 409 59 45 29 55 15 1 2 2 .. 6 1 83 91 33 35 3 6 1 1 1 45 49 216


    Total Population Literate r:. - Area of (Including and a-IX) Name of vi'lage in Total institutional and Soheduled Scheduled educated Total Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of town/ward residential house· r. ""'\ r-.JI.-~ ~..JL"",\ No. Block in Km.ll house holds P M F M F M F 'M~,r~F' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 410 Khambara 2,458.24 114 131 609 298 311 44 62 84 17 186 175 Khambara 73 85 379 184 195 34 49 61 12 122 110 Khambara dhana 41 46 .230 114 116 10 13 2.~ 5 64 65 411 Bichhwa (Khambara) 1,843.23 68 81 382 195 181 20 16 13 1 135 110 412 Gadra 3,923.85 113 121 651 310 341 26 23 68 49 182 220 Gadra 81 88 491 226 265 23 20 47 49 138 170 Gadradhana 32 3.1 160 84 76 3 3 21 44 50 413 Sawri (Gadra) 2,461.10 Uninhabited .. 414 Kbapa (Khadki) 1,002.97 Uninhabited .. 415 Khadki 2,089.33 205 211 994 511 483 114 118 121 19 326 304 Khacdlki 100 102 504 268 236 78 79 90 16 164 155 Padlrari dhana 105 109 490 243 247 36 39 31 .3 162 149 416 Biohhu Khan (F.V.) 332.00 37 38 223 111 112 10 2 63 19 417 Ladi (F.V.) 917.00 69 70 449 222 227 60 9 122 43 Bhado wlldi 13 H 118 57 61 18 2 32 12 Vangram Lad; 56 57 331 165 166 42 7 90 31 418 Bhaldehi (F.V.) 354.00 9 9 59 29 30 24 17 419 Kundara (F.V.) 398.00 19 19 132 67 65 3 11 1 42 29 420 Thuthama (F. V.) 257.00 22 22 123 63 60 2 30 18 421 Kala Pakhan (F.V.) 386.00 19 23 115 61 54 4 2 21 2 44 30 422 Kund (F.V.) 148.00 8 8 42 18 24 3 5 4 13 13 423 Ihunkari (F. V.) 56200 18 19 124 64 60 9 5 5 41 32 424 Dhamandhas (F.V.) 166.00 Uninhabited 425 lop Kbeda (F,V.) 250,00 3 3 13 5 8 3 5 6 426 Pipriya (F.V.) 364.00 17 18 123 59 64 27 25 11 3 34 24 427 Taliya (F.V.) 366.00 17 17 100 50 50 6 4 14 27 25 428 Siwanpani (F.V.) 202.00 8 8 47 22 25 2 3 1 12 11 217

    MULTAI TAHSIL Workers I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ' X Non- Workers ,--"'- r....A- ..JI--y--"- .J,-~..JI._~-"- -"- ..J\...... _J.._ r:~""" L.C. M F' M F' r M F M Pv-M F M F M Pv-M F"M F"M F' M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 1 120 135 34 39 19 2 1 5 2 .. .-. 4 ... 112 136 410 76 86 19 23 16 2 1 5 1 -...... 3 ., 62 85 <14 49 15 16 3 1 ...... 1 .. 50 51 85 14 24 36 20 4 .-. .. ." . 2 .. 60 77 411 153 193 11 24 13 3 2 1 1 ., 128 121 412 116 155 11 12 7 3 2 1 1 88 95 37 38 12 6 ...... 1 ., 40 26 Uninhabited ...... 413 .. Uninhabited ...... 414 245 246 64 56 6 2 2 3 ...... 6 ., 185 179 415 122 127 29 27 3 1 1 3 ...... 6 .. 104 81 123 119 35 29 3 1 1 ...... 81 98 35 3 24 14 2 2 ...... 2 .. 48 93 416 40 4 75 36 2 3 ...... 5 .. 100 184 417 18 13 12 I ...... 25 49 22 4 62 24 .. .- 1 3 ...... 5 .. 75 135 18 1 6 16 ...... 5 13 418 34- 1 4 24 1 4 ...... 3 2S 36 419 1 27 17 1 ...... 33 42 420 26 17 6 13 11 ...... 1 .. 17 24 421 8 8 4 5 ...... 1 .. 5 11 422 21 19 9 13 ...... 4 .. 23 28 423 Uninhabited ...... 424 4 6 1 ...... 2 4025 26 18 2 6 3 ...... 3 .. 2S 40 426 22 20 1 5 3 ...... 1 .. 23 25 427 9 5 1 6 ...... Z 10 14 428 218


    Total Population Literate - Area of (Including and reI-IX) . Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled eduoated Total Location V!llage(Town( acres and Occupied No. of houseless population Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of ~ownlward Jesidedtial house-r:--J.--, ,....A-:,\ ...A_ ....A- ....J\- No. Block In Km.z gouse hold!: P M F M F 'M F' 'M F"M F' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


    MultaiU.A. 3.22 1,258 2,410 11,740 6,164 5,576 487 496 .. 3,902 2,034 2,874 580 291m Multal (M) 2.59 2,130 2,263 11,114 5,785 5,329 423 443 .. 3,674 1,952 2,692 543

    29(111(1 Ward No. I 401 4()5 1,786 1,023 763 58 59 745 385 483 31 Block No.1 104 104 511 276 235 2 1 234 148 129 16 Block No.2 112 115 502 280 222 3 3 216 129 99 3 Block No.3 185 186 7~3 467 306 53 55 295 108 255 18

    29/111/2 Ward No.2 224 224 1,056 563 493 13 7 492 284 241 20 Block No.4 111 111 520 272 248 5 4 245 155 III 8 Blook No.5 113 113 536 291 245 8 3 247 129 130 12

    291111/3 Ward No.3 301 304 1,406 732 674 5 9 444 225 359 66 Block No.6 113 113 504 265 239 2 7 181 95 133 29 Block No.7 110 113 530 276 254 164 76 135 22 Block No.8 78 78 372 191 181 3 2 99 S4 91 15

    291111/4 Ward No! 4 206 206 1,001 492 509 256 137 246 130 - 107 107 539 273 266 135 67 145 75 Block No.9 Block No. 10 99 99 462 219 243 121 70 101 55

    2911II/5 Ward No.5 217 219 1,113 554 559 1 4 296 138 288 72 Block No. 11 112 112 595 283 312 129 45 149 44 Block No. 12 105 107 518 271 247 1 4 167 93 139 28 232 271 35 29/111/6 Ward No.6 227 230 1,102 574 528 365 Block No. 13 103 .106 517 262 255 180 126 124 26 Block No. 14 124 124 585 312 273 185 106 147 9 286 137 233 55 29111117 Ward No.7 182 189 1,058 515 543 21 14 Block No. 15 96 100 611 297 314 21 14 162 104 117 7 Block No. 16 86 89 447 218 229 124 33 116 48

    291111/8 Ward No.8 223 279 1,412 741 681 48 48 485 276 306 46 6 6 161 16 100 12 Block No. 17 99 101 485 264 221 169 98 114 16 Block No. 18 66 100 478 249 229 12 7 149 102 92 18 Block No. 19 58 78 459 228 231 30 35 305 138 265 82 291Ill/9 Ward No.9 149 207 1,170 591 579 277 301 156 79 130 31 Block No. 20 72 108 562 280 282 145 164 149 59 135 45 Block No. 21 77 99 608 311 297 132 138 228 82 182 37 291 IlII- Urban Out growth 0.63 128 147 626 379 247 64 53 228 82 182 37 Muitaigaon 0.63 128 147 626 379 247 64 53 219

    MULTAI (U,A.) Workers I II III IV Vla) V(b) VI VII VIII IX ' X Non. Workers r::-_-"- ~ r-_-"-::"\ r--"--v-.....JL:y-: ....J"-'r....J'--..r-_....JL "':'tI"....J'--:y-_....JL ~....JL, r-"--:::l L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1


    341 79 :DO l4(j 64 110 49 282 13 69 6 739 35 290 2. 759 150 3,2.90 4,996 305 79 210 211 61 •• 110 49 282 13 68 6 719 35 177 1 749 149 3,0934,786 191m

    39 2 46 5 2 5 8 45 I 8 . . 201 15 25 .. 112 6 540 7262911111 1 22 2 5 8 9 •• 3 5025 .. 35 3 147 219 1 15 _ 4 4 2 1 1 28 ... 13 •.• 33 1 181 219 2 13 42 2 21 1 4 •.• 123 13 7 .. 44 2 212 288 3

    22 5 2 8 I 3 24 2 58 2 12 .. 119 3 322 47J 29/111/2 17 4 3 12 .. 2427 .• 48 2 161 240

    58 7 39 34 I 925124 56 1 38 1 103 19 373 608 29/1",3 12 3 5 16 5 1 16.. 3 26 •• 16 .. 50 9 132 210 6 35 3 20 14 4 24 2 1 12 .•• 12 .. 27 2 141 232 7 11 1 14 4 1 11 .. 18 1 10 1 26 8 100 166 8

    53 43 31 55 17 5 22 .. 7 27 1 19 .. 65 31 246 379 29/111/4 28 31 15 14 17 ...... 3 15 .. 2 13 .. 12 .. 40 30 128 191 9 25 12 16 41 2 7 .. 5 14 1 7 .. 25 .. 118 188 10

    66 11 34 58 10 6 26.. 17 32 .. 18 .. 79 3 266 487 29111115 36 5 23 39 10 2 14.. 4 15 .. 14.. 31 .. 134 268 11 30 6 11 19 4 12.. 13 17 4.. 48 3 132 219 12

    21 6 32 17 4 11 I 34 1 1 84 2 8.. 76 8 303 493 29/Ill16 13 5 23 15 2 2 16.. 1 30 2 2 .. 35 4 138 229 13 8 1 922 9 1 18 1 54 6.. 41 4 165 264 14

    30 I 14 21 15 19 19 20 2 6 78 7 22.. 29 5 282 488 29111117 8 1 10 5 13 1 3 46 3 15 .. 17 2 180 307 15 22 14 21 5 14 19 7 1 3 32 4 7 .. 12 3 102 181 16

    14 3 11 11 6 27 5 31 .. 8 .. 121 5 15 .. 73 22 435 63529111118 4 1 15 39 .. 39 3 6 .. 26 S 164 209 17 8 1 2 3 11 29 .. 2 39 1 6 .. 35 11 135 213 18 2 2 10 9 2 1 13 .. 6 43 1 3 .. 12 6 136 213 19

    2 1 1 2 6 .. 25 14 29 5 17 6 72 2 20 .. 93 52 326 497 29/11119 1 1 3 20 2 9 5 31 2 10 5S 28 150 245 20 1 1 1 2 5 22 14 9 3 8 1 41 .. 10 38 24 176 252 21 36 10 35 2 1 10 .. 113 1 10 1 197 210 29/111/-

    36 10 35 2 .. , ... 1 10 " 113 1 10 } 197 2}0 220


    Total Population Literate r-- Area of (Including and Name of village in Total institutional and Scheduled Scheduled educated f'-'XlTota Location Village/Town/ acres and Occupied No. of houseless population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Code Ward/Urban of townlward residential house-.---"--:; .--A-~ r_-A..::l No. Block in Km.s houses holds P M F M F M F 'if-A-F~ 'M.....J\-F' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


    29/1V Amla (Air staR" & 15.45 3,340 9,194 1,470 5,846 4,450 RIy. Colony)(NM) 3,247 16,902 7,7OS 1,313 3,026 387

    Block No. 1 81 85 471 225 246 3 1 152 103 114 7 Block No. 2 89 95 485 263 222 3 1 192 88 124 18 Block No. 3 109 III 593 291 302 4 3 287 73 142 50 Block No. 4 103 105 538 293 245 13 7 122 93 140 13 Block No. 5 96 104 497 257 240 36 28 158 82 123 28 Block No. 6 70 70 304 177 127 36 29 111 52 84 2 Block No. 7 59 59 315 171 144 38 28 106 57 72 10 Block No. 8 89 92 465 254 211 24 21 146 74 104 30 Block No. 9 93 94 468 244 224 30 30 146 73 105 12 Block No. 10 80 80 444 247 197 130 51 97 6 Block No. 11 75 75 404 216 188 115 51 101 33 Block No. 12 67 67 386 201 185 31 23 94 47 94 22 Block No. 13 63 63 352 174 178 111 56 81 3 Block No. 14 101 1M 595 287 308 70 76 178 82 133 18 Block No. 15 S9 61 349 165 184 4 6 89 35 87 15 Block No. 16 56 56 355 179 176 109 110 121 S9 72 9 Block No. 17 140 16'2 644 355 289 55 50 222 128 168 13 Blook No. 18 97 105 502 263 239 33 35 163 99 124 12 Block No. 19 75 75 344- 189 155 56

    AMLA (N.M.) Workers 'l I II III IV Vea) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers c-_..J\-"-) r_...J'--":) r....)'--~..J'--~...J'--~..J'--"':"\r:....)'---::v-_...J'--~...J'--~...JL~ r:...... A-...... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1


    204 114 44 176 117 3 25 32 122 7,321 13 135 3 52 2 27 459 1,701 J,608 4,744 19/IV

    25 3 9 2 10 .. 1 18 .. 25 1 23 4 111 239 I 6 12 7 10 3 11 2 40 1 22 .. 21 6 139 204 2 46 3 8 46 10 1 4 .. 1 7 .. 42 .. 24 .. 149 252 3 8 1 2 4 10 .. 4 70 1 16 2 30 2 153 232 4 13 11 10 .. 2 41 1 43 3 13 13 134 212 5 5 8 .. 1 37 .. 25 1 8 1 93 125 6 1 3 3 9 .. 17 3 29 .. 13 4 99 134 7 25 6 6 8 5 5 3 .. 1 13 1 22 r 29 9 150 181 8 9 i 1 7 3 5 .. 1 6 ., 42 .. 34 8 139 212 9 19 1 14 3 3 1 .. 33 ., 27 2 150 191 10 16 1 23 31 4 5 2 . , 12 1 22 ., 17 .. 115 155 11 8 26 8 1 29 12 7 6 8 " 9 107 163 12 11 2 2 12 7 .. 27 1 17 .. 5 .. 93 175 13 11 6 11 2 21 1 6 .. 44 4 12 .. 31 2 154 290 14 8 5 8 29 9 4 7 .. 1 19 1 5 .. 4 1 78 169 15 7 2 2 5 3 .. 1 2 " 27 " 25 7 107 167 16 1 12 2 5 .. 46 4 85 " 19 7 187 276 17 1 2 .. 11 3 lOS 5 5 4 139 221 18 2 3 2 55 .. 24 4 105 148 19 1 " 63 1 3 .. 98 139 20 1 .. 122 1 2 1 183 248 21 2 .. 95 .. 5 1 159 224 22 1 ,. 105 14 10 3 150 252 23 5 .. 2 .• 125 .. 2 2 190 261 24 10 ._ 94 .. 8 2 183 242 25 1 6 3 2 11 2112 " 13 178 290 26 6 3 3 ,. 108 3 4 - 1 136 260 27 2 I 1 1 1 .. 6 .. 114 .. 1 1 110 244 28 1 1 1 1 1 .. 3 1 .. 119 .. 12 .. 141 224 29 2 1 2 4 .. 94 7 99 155 30 3 1 .. 3 3 ...... 119 4 127 187 31 1 1 ...... 91 .. 88 139 32 1 .. 75 t 78 112 33 ,.. 1 4 65 4 67 107 34 ...... 245 8 97 142 35 ...... 121 4 18 19 36 ...... 78 4 49 66 37 " t· .. t' ...... 299 3 131 252 38