List of Faculty, Course Directorate and Management

Last Name First Name Institutional Affiliation Position Email-Address

ARRADON Isabelle International Crisis Group Deputy Chief Policy Officer & Director of [email protected] Research BENTELE Ursina swisspeace Program Officer, Training [email protected]

BRESCH David Swiss Re Director, Global Head Sustainability [email protected]

CZAPIEWSKI Andrzej Cytora Co-founder [email protected]

DIETZSCH Christel swisspeace Office Manager [email protected]

GOETSCHEL Laurent swisspeace and University of Basel Director of swisspeace and Professor of [email protected] Political Science GREMINGER Thomas Swiss Federal Department of Ambassador and Permanent [email protected] Foreign Affairs Representative of to the Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe, the UN and other international organizations in Vienna JENNY Joëlle European External Action Service, Director for Security Policy and Conflict [email protected] Prevention JONES Briony swisspeace Senior Researcher, Dealing with the [email protected] Past KELLENBERGER Jakob swisspeace President [email protected]

KRUMMENACHER Heinz swisspeace Senior Fellow [email protected]


MORO Leben University of Juba, South Sudan Director of External Relations [email protected]

OLIVEIRA Ingrid swisspeace Program Officer, Training [email protected]

SANTSCHI Martina swisspeace Researcher, Statehood & Conflict [email protected]

SCHNABEL Albrecht DCAF Senior Fellow [email protected]

SEKKENES Sara United Nations Development Adviser for Conflict Prevention and [email protected] Program Recovery SIGRIST Franziska swisspeace Head of Training [email protected]

VON BURG Corinne swisspeace Program Officer, Mediation [email protected]

ZADI-ZADI Patrick Independent Consultant Researcher [email protected] Anderson


1. Faculty

Isabelle ARRADON, Deputy Chief Policy Officer & Director of Research, International Crisis Group

As Deputy Chief Policy Officer & Director of Research, Isabelle Arradon works closely with the President, Chief Policy Officer and program staff, to develop effective policy and advocacy positions. She oversees thematic research and best practices, including production of the early warning bulletin CrisisWatch. She joined Crisis Group in August 2014. Prior to joining Crisis Group, Isabelle Arradon served for over a decade at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International where she held the positions of Asia Pacific Deputy Director, Senior Research Adviser, and South East Asia Researcher. She has conducted numerous fact-finding and advocacy missions including in Egypt, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. In 2002-03, Isabelle Arradon worked for Peace Brigades International providing protective accompaniment to civil society activists at risk during Aceh’s armed conflict. Previously she was a lecturer at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Isabelle Arradon holds an MA in International Law and Politics from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, and graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po) in Bordeaux, France. International Crisis Group, CV

David BRESCH, Director, Global Head Sustainability, Swiss Re

Since 2008, David Bresch heads the Sustainability & Political Risk Management unit at Swiss Re. His previous roles at Swiss Re include Head of University and Risk Research Relations and Head Atmospheric Perils Group and Chief modeler for natural catastrophe risk assessment. He has been member of the deal teams for many innovative risk transfer transactions, like cat bonds and weather index solutions. David Bresch has been a member of the official Swiss delegation to the UNFCCC COP15 (2009) in Copenhagen, COP16 (2010) in Cancun, COP17 (2011) in Durban and COP18 in Doha. David Bresch holds a PhD in physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH) and has been a Research Associate at MIT in Boston. Swiss Re, CV

Andrzej CZAPIEWSKI, Co-Founder, Cytora

Co-founder of Cytora, a data analytics company that monitors global security threats, conflict and business disruption in real-time using open sources from the web. Previous experiences include working with the World Bank in Latin American Health Policy and economic topics. Andrzej also acted as a political risk analyst in London. Cytora, CV



Thomas GREMINGER, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the UN and other international organizations in Vienna, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Thomas Greminger is Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the UN and other international organizations in Vienna since 2010. In 2014, he chairs the OSCE Permanent Council during Switzerland’s Chairmanship. During his long career at the interface of diplomacy and development co-operation he held various leading positions in the areas of conflict management, human rights, humanitarian policy and migration policy at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Greminger studied history, economics and political science at the University of Zürich and earned his doctorate in history. He is a Lieutnant Colonel (GS) of the Swiss Army. He joined the diplomatic service of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in 1990 and started his diplomatic career as an attaché at the Swiss Embassy in Tel Aviv. In 1992 he became diplomatic adviser for development policy at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). He was a co-author of the Federal Council's Guidelines North-South and deputy-head of the division in charge of their implementation in SDC. In 1996, he was promoted to head of the Development Policy and Research Division of SDC and Secretary of the Federal Council's Consultative Commission for International Cooperation. From 1999 to 2001, he was chargé d'affaires of the Swiss Embassy in Maputo and country-director of Switzerland's development cooperation programme in Mozambique. Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, CV

Joëlle JENNY, Director for Security Policy and Conflict Prevention, European External Action Service, European Union

Joëlle Jenny is Director for Security Policy and Conflict Prevention at the European External Action Service. Prior to joining the EAS she worked successively as a Swiss and a British diplomat, covering international security issues, non-proliferation/arms control, and conflict prevention and peace building, including at the UN. She has worked for the UK’s Department for International Development, the Swiss Foreign Ministry and the International Committee of the Red Cross. She worked extensively in , Yemen and the Palestinian Territories, and held postings in New York, Angola, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Cambodia, Rwanda and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. She was also a research assistant at NATO. She holds a Master in International Security from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Boston, USA. European External Action Service, CV

Briony JONES, Dealing with the Past, Senior Researcher, swisspeace

Briony Jones holds a MA in Poverty, Conflict and Reconstruction and a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Manchester. Before joining swisspeace, she worked as: a research assistant on a UK Department for International Development-funded Knowledge Program on Health Systems Development; a research consultant for the Chronic Poverty Research Centre; a visiting lecturer in refugees, migration and development at the University of East London; and as a teaching fellow and lecturer in international development at the University of Manchester. Briony is an active member of Oxford Transitional



Justice Research, an international research network focused on contemporary politics in Bosnia- Herzegovina, and is a co-convener of the Reconciliation and Transitional Justice Commission of the International Peace Research Association. In addition to doctoral fieldwork in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Briony has conducted fieldwork in Sri Lanka, Uganda, the United Kingdom and Ivory Coast. Her primary areas of research interest and expertise include: citizenship, reconciliation, state- and nation-building, transitional justice, education, the politics of international development and qualitative research methods. Briony is a senior researcher with the swisspeace Dealing with the Past Program. swisspeace, CV

Jakob KELLENBERGER, President, swisspeace

Jakob Kellenberger studied Spanish and French literature and linguistics and holds a PhD of the University of Zurich. He started his diplomatic career in 1974. Relations between Switzerland and the European Union were at the heart of his diplomatic activities. Mr. Kellenberger was State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Political Director from 1992-1999. He was President of the International Committee of the Red Cross from 2000 until mid of 2012. At present he is teaching at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Zurich, at the and the Graduate Institute for International Studies and Development in Geneva. swisspeace, CV

Heinz KRUMMENACHER, Senior Fellow, swisspeace

Heinz Krummenacher holds a MA (1982) and PhD (1985) in Political Science from the University of Zurich. He started his professional career with the Swiss Defense Department, where he directed a study group dealing with the re-definition of Swiss security policy (1985-1989). Between 1990 and 1992, he worked as foreign editor with the Swiss daily newspaper Der Bund. Before joining swisspeace in 1998, he was head of the social research and media department at IHA-GfK, a leading market research institute (1992-1998). At swisspeace, Heinz headed the FAST International Early Warning Program (1998 to 2008), the BEFORE Project (2008 to 2014) and was a member of the directorate (2001-2014). Currently, he is working on communication and conflict prevention projects, including coordination of the conflict prevention and early warning course at the swisspeace Academy. swisspeace, CV

Leben MORO, Director of External Relations, University of Juba, South Sudan

He is the Director of the Directorate of Scientific and Cultural External Relations, University of Juba, and teaches graduate courses in the areas of development, conflict, forced migration and humanitarian affairs at the Center for Peace and Development Studies, University of Juba. He received Master of Public Administration at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, and Master of Science in Forced Migration and Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies at University of Oxford, UK. He primarily conducts research on development-induced displacement and resettlement, focusing on oil-induced displacement in South Sudan. He has conducted fieldwork on local justice in South Sudan for the Rift Valley Institute and US Institute of Peace. Moreover, he has consulted for the GoSS, The World Bank, UN and NGOs. CV



Ingrid OLIVEIRA, Program Officer, Training, swisspeace

Ingrid Oliveira is a graduate from the faculty of Law of Universidade Federal de Sergipe in Brazil, is admitted to the Bar in the state of Sergipe, Brazil since 2009 and holds a Master in Peace and Conflict Transformation from the University of Basel. Her working experiences include handling mostly civil and family law cases. In Brazil, she interned at the State’s Public Defenders’ Offices, providing legal assistance for low-income families and also worked with in-court family and civil mediation, under the supervision of a judge. In Switzerland, she’s been a member of former World Peace Academy since February 2011, conducting courses on Mediation and International Law. At swisspeace, Ingrid is a program officer responsible for offering academic support to students. Since 2014, she has also been working as a researcher in the Dealing with the Past team, on the issue of Truth Commission Archives. swisspeace Academy, CV

Martina SANTSCHI, Researcher, Statehood & Conflict, swisspeace

Martina Santschi holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Bern. Her doctoral research focused on understanding the concept of hakuma and negotiating statehood and authority in the northern Bahr el-Ghazal State of South Sudan. She has been involved in research projects and consultancies for the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Rift Valley Institute and the United States Institute for Peace. Since 2013, she has been a researcher with the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium on South Sudan. Martina joined swisspeace in April 2007 as a PhD candidate and is currently a researcher in the swisspeace Statehood and Conflict Program. swisspeace, CV

Albrecht SCHNABEL, Senior Fellow, DCAF

Albrecht Schnabel is a Senior Fellow in DCAF’s Research Division. He currently works on security sector reform and peace processes; engaging armed non-state actors in security sector reform and governance; the legitimacy and utility of subsidiary roles of armed forces; women and children as agents of peace and conflict in post-conflict peacebuilding; the practise of security sector reform in challenging environments; and human security-based threat analyses and their relevance for security sector institutions. Before joining DCAF, Albrecht was a Senior Research Fellow at the Swiss Peace Foundation “swisspeace” in Bern. At swisspeace he directed the research programme on human security (HUSEC) and was responsible for the Bern-based team of the early warning programme FAST International. Previously he served as an Academic Officer in the Peace and Governance Programme of the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan (1998-2003). DCAF, CV

Sara SEKKENES, Adviser for Conflict Prevention and Recovery, United Nations Development Program

Previous work include experience in Angola, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Mozambique alongside the Norwegian People’s Aid. United Nations Development Program, CV



Corinne VON BURG, Program Officer, Mediation, swisspeace

Corinne von Burg holds a MA in Social Anthropology, Contemporary History and International Law from the University of Zurich (2010). Based on a six-month research field trip, she wrote her MA thesis on community-based reintegration of former child soldiers in Nepal. From February-December 2011, she interned with the Office of the Special Envoy for Sudan, South Sudan and the Horn of Africa of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. In 2012-13, she worked for a year for the Peace and Recovery Cluster of the United Nations Development Program in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Corinne joined swisspeace in April 2013 as a program officer in the Mediation Program and Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact Program. swisspeace, CV

Patrick Anderson ZADI-ZADI, Independent Consultant & Researcher

Zadi Zadi Patrick Anderson is an Ivorian researcher, Peace Building Specialist and Trainer. During the past eleven years, he has been working in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and South Sudan in the fields of Peace building, Local Governance, Political Transition and Project management. He worked in different organizations including ICRC, GTZ, DED (now GIZ) and CITI, a political transitions program funded by USAID. From 2010 to 2011, Zadi Zadi Patrick Anderson has been a trainer for the Peace School in Bamako, Mali. His thematic focus is on issues of gender in reconciliation and social cohesion, early warning and conflict prevention, humanitarian relief operations, DDR, CIMIC and local governance. Zadi Zadi Patrick speaks English, German and French and he holds a MA in Peace building obtained at Coventry University in the UK. He is now doing his PhD in Political Sciences at Groningen University focusing on Peace and Security. Zadi Zadi Patrick’s objective is to contribute meaningfully to governance, peace building and social development in war torn countries. CV



2. Course Directorate and Management

Ursina BENTELE, Program Officer, Training, swisspeace

Ursina Bentele holds an MA in History and English Literature and Linguistics from the University of Bern, Switzerland. In her Master thesis she analyzed the debate of gender equality in Swiss family law (right to a name) during the 20th Century. From 2009 to 2014 Ursina Bentele worked as an academic researcher at the Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (, where she was responsible for the historical research on Switzerland’s relations with North and South America, Southeast Asia and general questions of foreign affairs and the policy of neutrality. Ursina Bentele was responsible for the employment and training of student assistants and in planning and organizing conferences and research projects. Previously, she worked as an English teacher and in the Ethiopian Scout Project. Ursina Bentele is a program officer in swisspeace’s training area and supports the coordination, design and implementation of the KOFF training series and swisspeace’s postgraduate courses. swisspeace Academy, CV

Christel DIETZSCH, Office Manager, swisspeace

Christel Dietzsch studied Technical Translation in English and French at the University of Hildesheim in Germany. Following her graduation in 1995 she relocated to London and worked for British and American companies in the fields of international trade show organization, market research and trade journalism. In 2001, she successfully completed the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Diploma in Marketing. Moving to Switzerland also brought about a new professional focus on the cultural sector resulting in a new position at the Musik-Akademie Basel in 2007. At the Electronic Studio she coordinated the BA/MA studies in Audiodesign and computer-aided composition and further organized several festivals as well as concert series of electronic music. This led to the participation in the CAS program on "Kulturmanagement Praxis" at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art from 2010-2011. Christel Dietzsch joined swisspeace in 2014 to work as office manager and program officer at the swisspeace Academy Basel to support the training team in all aspect of organization and coordination of the Academy's study program and events. swisspeace Academy, CV

Laurent GOETSCHEL, Director, swisspeace and Professor of Political Science, University of Basel

Laurent Goetschel received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Relations (IUHEI) at the University of Geneva (1993). He worked as a journalist with the Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), conducted research with the IUHEI's Program for Strategic and International Security Studies (1990-1992) and with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne (1992-1995), where he was also a lecturer (1994-1995). After having served as a visiting scholar with the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (1995- 1996) he joined swisspeace as a research analyst. He has taught Swiss foreign policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern from 1997 to 2003 and directed a Swiss National Science Foundation's research program on Swiss foreign policy from 1997 to 2000. Since then he has been director of swisspeace and professor of political science at the Europe Institute of the



University of Basel. From 2003 to 2004 he served as the political advisor to the Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey. He is currently also President of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. swisspeace, University of Basel, CV

Ingrid OLIVEIRA, Program Officer, Training, swisspeace

Ingrid Oliveira is a graduate from the faculty of Law of Universidade Federal de Sergipe in Brazil, is admitted to the Bar in the state of Sergipe, Brazil since 2009 and holds a Master in Peace and Conflict Transformation from the University of Basel. Her working experiences include handling mostly civil and family law cases. In Brazil, she interned at the State’s Public Defenders’ Offices, providing legal assistance for low-income families and also worked with in-court family and civil mediation, under the supervision of a judge. In Switzerland, she’s been a member of former World Peace Academy since February 2011, conducting courses on Mediation and International Law. At swisspeace, Ingrid is a program officer responsible for offering academic support to students. Since 2014, she has also been working as a researcher in the Dealing with the Past team, on the issue of Truth Commission Archives. swisspeace Academy, CV

Franziska SIGRIST, Head of Training, swisspeace

Franziska Sigrist holds a MA in Political Science and International Law from the University of Bern, Switzerland and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France. She joined swisspeace in February 2012 to design swisspeace’s first Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS). swisspeace’s training area has grown since and now includes a team of 4 people accompanying 10 postgraduate courses and the KOFF Training Series. From 2010 to 2012, Franziska Sigrist was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism at the University of Fribourg. Previously she worked for the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg (2010), the Swiss Embassy in Damascus (2009), and UNICEF in Addis Ababa where she also conducted field research on the Ethiopian water policy for her Master thesis within the framework of the NCCR North South (2006). During her studies she worked for the World Trade Institute in Bern (2005), the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI in Bonn (2004) and engaged as peace observer in Chiapas, Mexico (2005). Franziska Sigrist is particularly interested in the Middle East and has lived and travelled in the region in 2008/2009. swisspeace Academy, CV