THE TOWN OF SAINT ANDREWS 2019+ Saint Andrews Adaptation Plan Community Based Climate Adaptation Plan Photo Credit: Chamber of Commerce, Saint Andrews Disclaimer: The following document is a climate change adaptation plan for the Town of Saint Andrews. It is important to note the contents of this document are for informational purposes only. This plan was prepared for the use of the Town of Saint Andrews, NB municipality to adapt against climate change. The Town is not to be held liable for any loss, direct or indirect, that may arise or occur as a result of the use of this plan in any other ways. Prepared by: Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc. 881 Main Street, Blacks Harbour, NB E5H 1E5 Tel: (506) 456-6001 Email:
[email protected] This project was prepared with the support of the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund. 1 | P a g e Executive Summary The Town of Saint Andrews, New Brunswick is considered one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change impacts due to its location as a coastal community positioned on the Passamoquoddy Bay and at the tip of the St. Croix River. The area and community is exposed to rising sea-levels, the increase in intensity and frequency of severe storm surge events and flooding. Recognizing these vulnerabilities and risks, the Town of Saint Andrews has proactively taken a series of actions to begin to prepare and adapt against these climate risks. Using strategic planning, internal and external knowledge sources and experts as well as active community engagement, the Town of Saint Andrews works hard to build a resilient community to climate change.