Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd, Kagal ()

KIRLOSKARKIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES OIL LTD., ENGINES KAGAL – RKQP LIMITED 29th July’14 1 GreenCo Gold Certification for KOEL Kagal In Mumbai on 25th June 15

KIRLOSKARKIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES OIL ENGINES LTD., LTD.,KAGAL KAGAL – GreenCo – RKQP Certification 29th July’14 CII Green Co Rating Certification Information

More than 100+ Companies Registered with CII from Different Sectors till date

48 companies received GreenCo Certification in last 3 years

17 Companies from Engineering Sector received GreenCo Certifications

KOEL Kagal is Pioneer to receive Gold in their Manufacturing Sector

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED GreenCo Rating System Certification Evaluation Parameter & Weightage

Weightage SN Parameters (Points) 1 Energy Efficiency 150 2 Water Conservation 100 3 Renewable Energy 100 4 GHG Reduction 100 GreenCo Rating Level 5 Waste Management 100 Points Awarded Levels 450- 550- 650- 750- Material Conservation, Recycling & 350-449 6 100 549 649 749 1000 Recyclables Certified 7 Green Supply Chain 100 Bronze Silver 8 Product Stewardship 75 Gold X Platinum 9 Life Cycle Assessment 75 Others (Ventilation, Site Selection, 10 100 Green Belt & Innovation) Total 1000

KIRLOSKARKIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES OIL ENGINES LTD., LTD.,KAGAL KAGAL – GreenCo – RKQP Certification 29th July’14 GreenCo Certification – CFT

KIRLOSKARKIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES OIL ENGINES LTD., LTD.,KAGAL KAGAL – GreenCo – RKQP Certification 29th July’14 About Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd

Manufacturing Plants : Kagal (Kolhapur), Khadki (Pune), Nasik & Rajkot

Kagal ( Kolhapur ) Plant   Total Employees as on date - 1181  Managers ( TL, GL & UL) - 191  Operators (Team Associates) - 990 Initiatives



Autonomous Maintenance

Six Sigma, QC Activities

Standardized Work

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 6 Production Process at Kagal

Machining Lines Receive Bought out finished components Crank Case

Storage Cylinder Head

Engine Assembly

Crank Shaft

Engine Engine Testing Painting Up fitment Storage Dispatch

Cam Shaft

Connecting Rod

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 7 Green Co Rating System Certification KOEL Signed CII Code –Ecologically Sustainable Growth (MSG)

Specific Energy And Water Consumption Specific Generation Of Waste & Waste Going To • Reduce by 3-5% every year over next ten years. Land Fills • Reduce by 3-5% every year over next ten years

Use Of Renewables Energy GHG Emissions And Other Process Emissions • Increase by 5% every year over next ten years. • Reduce by 3-5% every year over next ten years

Recyclable And Enhance Recyclability Of Resources Share Of Harvested Rainwater In The Overall • Increase use of resources embedded in the Annual Use Of Water product. • Increase by 5% every year over next ten years

Life Cycle Assessment Criteria For New Products. Adopt Green Purchase Policy • Incorporate Life Cycle Assessment in alternative • Adopt Green Purchase policy & incorporate clean technologies and products. technologies at design stage

Product Stewardship Program Depletion Of Natural Capital • Promoting and managing Product Stewardship • Reduce by 5% every year over next ten Program, By forging partnership with business and years communities.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Power & Fuel Expenditure 2014_15 % of Energy Cost to Sales Turnover KOEL – All Plants

% of KOEL – Kagal Energy Cost wrt • 0.84 % Sales Turnover % of Energy Cost wrt Power Sales • 1.24 % Turnover & Fuel KAGAL Cost Plant • Rs. 20.64 Crs. KOEL Power & Fuel Cost Total Sales @ KAGAL Plant Turnover • Rs. 13.17Crs Sales Turnover • Rs. 2,473 Crs. @ • Rs. 1062 Crs.


Benchmarking of products with the Executive Chairmanregional and national Shri best.. Atul Kirloskar signed Energy Policy - indicates ProcurementStrong of highCommitment energy efficient products and technologies from Top Management towards Eliminating wastage of energy and ENCON promoting reuse and recycling of resources rd Promoting and increasing use of 3 Revisionrenewable in energy repsect resources, within to Changes in Globaland outside Energy Scenario

Adopting New Building Norms Key Highlights of Policy Policy of Highlights Key Involving all stake holders in the energy conservation

Sharing and enriching our experiences on energy conservation within & Outside group

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 10 Reduction in Specific Energy Consumption

4.00 kWh / BHP – Target Vs. Actual 3.86 Better 3.91 3.70 3.73 3.72 3.63 3.63 3.64 3.54 3.69 3.52 3.50 3.40

Addition of 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Loads due to 3.86 3200 expansion & 3.73 3.72 3.69 SEC reduced plant 3.64 average 3 to merging 3.50 4 % every year , year 1700 on year 1000

300 450 300 Load in kW in Load

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 11 Reduction in Specific Fuel Consumption

Fuel Consumption Liters / BHP Target Actual

0.19 0.19 0.191 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.175 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.13 Better

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 For New Environmental Norms Few Applications points added in the process, resulted in increase in Fuel Consumption in past years

Thru committed ENCON efforts has helped to maintain the Specific Fuel Consumption KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 12 Benchmarking

Energy Consumption per Engine (ATP)


kWh / BHP (Internal)



MNC Compititor 1 Kagal (20 HP to 150 4.01 3.50 (80 HP to 280 HP) HP) 3.03

For Benchmarking kWh / Engine is available from a KOEL Pune KOEL Kagal KOEL Kagal Close Competitor product Best range. Equivalent Conversion Achieved taken for KOEL engines * Source Data : MEDA KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 13 Benchmarking (International)

Engine Testing Cycle Time DG Set Testing Time Cycle time in Min. Cycle Time in Min.






12 Compititor KOEL Kagal KOEL Kagal Compititor 20 30 1 (2013) (2014) 2 Compititor KOEL Compititor 1 2 (MNC) ISO 50001 EnMS Processes Certification Improvement for Bull's eye on & Alternative Standardization Load-Center Technologies Advanced Consumptions EMS for Data & Stringent Certified Lead Involvement Analysis Control of People Auditor - EnMS Installed Mechanism • Santosh Parab Initiated Initiated • Sunil Doshi KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 14 Project Summary Energy Saving in Years 13 – 15 (3 Years)

Numbers of ENCON Total Cost Saving Projects Rs 309.69 Lakh 100

Annual Annual Fuel Energy Simple Saving Investment ROI Savings Rs. 150.31 Payback (K Liters) 106 % kWh Units Lakh 6 Months 47.49 28.45 Lakh

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 15 Project Summary Energy Saving in Years 13 – 15 (3 Years)

No. of Units Saving Fuel Saving Cost Saving Investment Category Projects In Lakh in K Liters in Rs. Lakh in Rs. Lakh

Zero 57 6.35 47.89 120.24 Nil Investment

Low 35 8.5 71.93 15.9 Investment

Moderate 5 1.28 15.98 17.07 Investment

High 3 12.32 101.54 123.69 Investment Out of total savings, 62 % of Saving thru 92# no investment or small projects


500 407.93 400 371.48


193.68 200

Rs. in Lakhs in Rs. 104.73 100 71.55 Better

0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Saving in Rs. Lakhs Cumulative Saving in Rs. Lakh

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 17 Water Conservation Specific Water Consumption Reduction

Units FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Actual Actual Target Achievement Target

Total water consumption (cubic 1,20,476 1,37,188* 1,35,816 1,32,696 1,30,705 meters) 17.5 3% % Specific water consumption (L/BHP) 36.59 48 46.56 39.62 38.43

• *(2013-2014)Addition of Genset Expansion & EP-II shed Activities & Allied Processes such as Construction , Industrial, Domestic & Gardening Activities. • *(2014-2015) Shifting ,Erection ,Commissioning of Plant & Machineries from Khadki plant, Deployment of man power , Green belt development for EP-II & Genset Expansion.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Water Conservation Installation of auto sensor to the urinal & wash basins

475 m3 of water saved / year

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Water Conservation Use of Hand washing Waste Water for Gardening.

936 m3 of water saved / year

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Water Conservation Using of Stored Water for Garden.

829 m3 of water saved / year

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Water Conservation Rain Water Harvesting

• Water requirement for the Landscape Area reduced due to Increased Humidity • Increase in Water Table in surrounding area

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 22 Water Conservation Rain water Harvesting Design (Aerial View )

Earthen Bandhara Earthen Behind fab Rain water Bandhara shop harvesting Near pond N-E Helipad corner

Storm water Storage Bandhara Tank East Side of MRS

Rain water harvesting pond near MSEB

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Renewable Energy Short & Long Term Action plan to Achieve Targets

Present Present Renewable Renewable Target for Target for Target for Achievement Units energy energy 2016 2016 2015 In 2015 generated off generated off (if available) - site (2013) - site (2014) kWh 4,851,465 6,069,197 3,000,000 1,785,625 6,350,000 6,800,000 % of total 14.05* * SEM Meter Targets are set to increase Energy 35.78 % 51.01 % SEM installed installation share by 5% consumption in Aug 14

Present Present Renewable Renewable Target for Target for Target for Achievement Units energy energy 2016 2016 2015 In 2015 generated on generated on (if available) (if available) - site (2013) - site (2014) Kgs in terms 3421.5 3000 2786.17 3000 3000 of LPG (Solar+ Biogas Plant) %of total 2.08% 1.85% Energy consumption KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Renewable Energy Off-site renewable energy systems installed

% of Green Energy wrt Purchased Electricity 30% Share SEM Meter 60% 51% Installationincreased 50% 41% 36% Mandatory 40% Requirement 30% 20% 14% 10% 0% 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

1 Electricity Purchased 12,224,920 14,420,880 11,909,160 12,704,223

2 Electricity from Windmill Renewable 4,966,285 4,886,176 6,069,197 1,785,625

% of Green Energy 40.62% 33.88% 50.96% 14.06% Windmill Unit Generation Actual 6,443,831 @51% KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Renewable Energy On-site Renewable Energy Systems

Renewable Energy Solar Steam Generation System for Canteen Steam Generation : 350 kg / Day @2 bar pressure

No of Dish : 8 Area : 315 Sq. Meter

Alternative for Conventional Cooking

Equivalent LPG Consumption Reduction : 25 kg / Day

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Renewable Energy On-site Renewable Energy Systems

Biogas Plant Processes the Kitchen & Canteen Food Waste


% Reduction in GHG Emission Intensity

Present Status % Sr. Specific GHG emission Reduction GHG Emission Intensity No (tCo2/BHP.) FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Scope 1 – Direct GHG emission occur from 1 sources that are owned or controlled by a 0.718 0.684 0.689 4.03 % company Scope 2 – GHG emissions w/o Windmill from the generation of 3.997 3.903 3.171 20.66 % 2 purchased electricity With Windmill consumed by a company. 2.642 1.914 2.725 -3.141 % Scope 3 – Emissions are a consequences of the activities of company, but occur from Started interaction but not 3 sources not owned or controlled by the tracked in our record company.

% reduction in GHG emission intensity = [(0.718-0.689) / 0.718] *10 = 4.03%

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Greenhouse Gas Mitigation GHG Emission in tCO2

tCO2/BHP 3.000 2.642 2.725

2.500 2.183 1.914 2.000 Better 1.500 Scope 1 Scope 2 1.000 0.743 0.718 0.684 0.689 0.500

0.000 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Electricity tCO2/BHP Electricity tCO2/BHP (With windmill) (Without windmill) 3.000 2.725 4.500 2.642 3.997 3.903 4.000 2.500 3.500 3.171 1.914 2.000 3.000 1.500 2.500 2.000 1.000 1.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 - - 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management Waste Disposal Hierarchy

At source Segregation Storage Transportation Disposal • Dedicated Scrap • Transportation of All • Color Coded Bins for Yard area approx. wastes through • Scientific Landfill identification & 512Sqmt. SPCB/CPCB Authorized & Incineration of Segregation at point of • Scientific storage of transporters. Wastes at generation Hazardous as well as • Display of Waste Authorized • Area Wise List of Non-Hazardous Labeling for education to Facility. Hazadous Waste Waste transporters people & • Characterization of employees handling Hazardous Wastes Hazardous Wastes

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management % of Total Hazardous Waste Recycled

700 641 600 Total Quantity of 500 443 Hazardous Waste Generated in Tons 400 377 Waste Recycled in Tons 300 200 % Waste Recycled 200 170 162

100 31 38 43 0 Year 12-13 Year 13-14 Year 14-15

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management % of Non Hazardous waste Recycled

4500 3929 4000 3525 3624 3500 Total Non Hazardous Waste Generated in 3000 MT 2430 2500 2279 Total Non Hazardous 2092 2000 Waste recycled in MT 1500 %Recycling of Non- 1000 Hazardous Waste 500 62 59 63 0 Year 12-13 Year 13-14 Year 14-15

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management Solid Waste Reduction Project at ETP

Installation of filter press machine for sludge drying

ETP Sludge (tons) 250 211 200 150 91 100 79 50 0 Waste Disposed Waste Disposed Waste Disposed 55% 12-13 13-14 14-15 reduction ETP Sludge (tons) achieved

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management Solid Waste Reduction at E Series Engine

Before After

For painting E-Series Engines Templates prepared for painting E- previously using Grease to avoid Series engines which saves paint to flywheel and bell housing wastage of Grease

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management Solid Waste Reduction at Medium Engine

Before After

V belt Covered with V belt Covered Special Metallic with Cello Tape Masking

Pulley Covered Pulley Covered with with Cello Tap. Special Metallic Masking

Cello tape use for covering the belt,crank By using modified masking covering the pulley & fan body pulley groove belt,crank pulley & fan body pulley groove

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Waste Management Solid Waste Reduction at GENSET packing

Before After

0.19 Tons Reduced

Foam Edge Board Sheet used against used for Foam Sheet Genset for Genset Packing Packing

No Waste Wastage’s Generation

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 36 Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Material Saved in Quantity

Sr. No. Projects Targets 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 Total UOM 1 Elimination of Foot Short Term *** *** 131.4 57.9 68.7 258 Tons. Elimination of drain cock & adaptor Short Term *** *** 2.175 2.175 2.175 6.53 Tons. 2 from Acc. Box Scope. 3 Weight reduction of Crank case. Short Term *** 886 931 742 682 3241 Tons. 4 Weight reduction of Crank shaft. Short Term *** 77 68 62 48 255 Tons. 5 Reduction in Structural steel. Short Term *** *** 1573 *** *** 1573 Tons. 6 Foam sheet reduction. Short Term *** *** *** 0.19 0 0.19 Tons. Use of water base chemical instead of 35000+ 60000+ 95000+ Short Term *** *** *** Ltrs. 7 'K' cool coolant. 35000 60000 95000 Loctite 5060 Optimization In R 1040 Short Term 0.74 1.43 1.54 2.46 0.46 6.7 Tons. 8 Assembly 9 7 ply laminates Short Term *** 2.054 2.054 2.054 2.054 8.214 Tons. Integration of bearing cum oil seal Short Term *** *** *** 27.60 27.6 55.2 Tons. 10 housing for Varsha Engine. Varsha Engine side cover weight Short Term *** *** *** 11 reduction. 7.15 7.15 14.35 Tons. Wooden packing elimination using Short Term *** *** *** *** 74 74 Tons. 12 returnable skid. 13 Hydraulic oil Recycle at M/C shop Short Term 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 42500 Ltrs. Wooden packing elimination using Short Term *** *** *** *** 1095 14 corrugated box. 1095 Tons. 15 Reduction in oil consumption. Short Term *** 219799 146303 133600 117568 617270 Ltrs.

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 37 Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Material Conservation Cost Saved

Fig in Cr. Sr. No. Projects Targets 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 Total 1 Elimination of Foot Short Term *** *** 1.34 0.59 0.7 2.6 Elimination of drain cock & adaptor Short Term *** *** 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.72 2 from Acc. Box Scope. 3 Weight reduction of Crank case. Short Term *** 4.6 4.8 3.9 3.54 16.8 4 Weight reduction of Crank shaft. Short Term *** 0.73 0.64 0.6 0.45 2.44 5 Reduction in Structural steel. Short Term *** *** 1.6 *** *** 1.6 6 Foam sheet reduction. Short Term *** *** *** 0.03 0 0.03 Use of water base chemical instead Short Term *** *** *** 0.16 0.24 0.43 7 of 'K' cool coolant. Loctite 5060 Optimization In R 1040 Short Term 0.13 0.25 0.27 0.43 0.08 1.16 8 Assembly 9 7 ply laminates Short Term *** 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.49 Integration of bearing cum oil seal Short Term *** *** *** 0.18 0.18 0.36 10 housing for Varsha Engine. Varsha Engine side cover weight Short Term *** *** *** 11 reduction. 0.04 0.04 0.07 Wooden packing elimination using Short Term *** *** *** *** 0.27 0.27 12 returnable skid. Wooden packing elimination using Short Term *** *** *** *** 13 corrugated box. 1.42 1.42 14 Hydraulic oil Recycle at M/C shop Short Term 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.65 15 Reduction in oil consumption. Short Term *** 0.16 0.11 0.10 0.78 1.16 28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 38 Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

RM Consumption Through Foot Elimination

Out of that flywheel end side two removed & scrapped at customer end.

To avoid the RM consumption, flywheel end side foots welded on returnable skid.

Engines supplied with four transportation foots. KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 39 Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

Weight reduction of Crank Case (VAVE) .

Average weight of flat face VAVE crank case introduced crank case was approx. 107 & Weight reduced up to 88 Kg. Kg.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

Before After

MPI Building 165 m x 210 m : Structural EPII Building 125m x 180 m : Structural steel steel excluding gantry girder for crane consumed is 1167 MT. Structural steel consumed was 2740 MT. it’s a 49% of consumption 4.82 kg/Sq. ft. It’s a 35.7% of construction cost. Structural steel construction cost. consumption 7.35 kg/sq. ft. Total Material Saved 66 % With Respect To EP1 Structural Work KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

After implementation sheet Varsha casting Side covers metal side covers with reduced weight

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Material Conservation Recycling & Recyclability Reduction in Raw material consumption.

Use of Treated Oil


Baseline and Target SCM BSC FY 13-14 Results

Perspective Performance Parameters UOM Measure 13-14 Target 13-14 Actual Project Completion & Annualized Cost Reduction Rs Cr 25 21.12 Accrual Financial Inventory Control Rs Cr Reduction 58 56 On time delivery -'Project % on time On time Availability 98% 98% Unlock' Cost of Poor Quality – Internal Timely project 50 % 52 % Rs Cr Rejection / Warranty Cost completion reduction reduction Customer CPCB Project - Ensure QCD % On time Project Completion 100 % 100 % New Product development – Timely project As per Lead % On time As per plan Project Unlock completion time GOEM Common Sourcing % Completion Cost Reduction 100 % 90% Quality Measures - PPM PPM PPM Reduction 3500 5830 Reduction Internal Capacity Assurance for AOP Per Day DV- 5 DV- 5 Timely Completion Volumes Capacity 4R810- 20 4R810-20 7 Skill Gap No. of Gaps Gap Identification No Gaps improvement People areas Job Descriptions for all % Completion No’s of JDs 100 % 100% KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Green Supply Chain Eliminating Use of Natural Resources o Objectives: • Reduction/Elimination of Natural resources like Wood, Energy, Water, Sand etc. o Initiatives taken:  Conversion of Sand Casting to Aluminum Die Casting for over 30 components thereby reducing Silica Sand consumption.  Reduction of Power Consumption per Unit of castings produced.  Supplier PPAP document in soft form instead of Hard copy.  Re-designing packaging & forwarding method for base plates of Genset.  Introduction of Metal Skids in stead of wooden packaging for radiators higher KVA engine models & alternators.  Milk Van routes for Kolhapur & Pune based suppliers.


De-featuring and weight reduction

HA2 Crank case HA4 Crank case

122 kg 56 kg 50 kg 96 kg BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER RB33 Crank case 4R1040 Crank case

VAVE Project plan 145 Kg 121 Kg 79 kg 66 kg



Vehicle Trip Optimisation - Milk Run -Model

Before Milk After Milk Run Run Delivery To KOEL Return To Supplier

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Green Supply Chain Supplier Quality Improvement Contest

Success Story ‘2014:-


Recognition Programs for suppliers

K & K Foundry Paragon Founders

Supplier felicitation for green initiatives during Vasundhara Sanvedana Puraskar

Shilp Enterprises Sanmati Engineering Works

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Product Stewardship Reduction in Toxic or Hazardous substances in product

Paint Consumption Reduction For PG Engines

Before After

1. Paint Supplier for PG Engine M/S Cougar Paints 1. Paint Supplier for PG Engine M/S KNPL 2. Paint Shade for PG Engine – Primer – AD Gray & 2. Paint Shade for PG Engine – Primer – AD Gray & Top Coat - Rivera Blue Top Coat - Perl Night Blue 3. In Paint & Primer up to 70 % Volatile material is 3. Volatile material is reduced by 26 %. used 4. In FY 14-15 Primer consumption is reduced by 3315 liters 5. In FY 14-15 Top Coat consumption is reduced by 8628 liters KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Product Stewardship Design for Environment Program

• All Industrial Engines are • All Power Generation Engines are converted from BS II emission converted from emission norms norms to BS III norms CPCB I to CPCB II norms

Industrial Engine Power Generation Engine

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Management for Products/Service

Management strategies adopted to minimize the environmental impact of the product during its life cycle:

R & D operations. Manufacturing Raw Material operations.

• Energy efficient product • Reduction In Loctite designs • Foot Elimination. • Flywheel Weight Reduction. Consumption . • Drain Cock Elimination. • Integral Crankshaft. • Reduction In Diesel • Rain Cap Elimination. • Crankcase Weight Reduction. Consumption. • Wooden Box • Implementation Of • Reduction In Oil Aluminium Header, Rocker Elimination. Consumption. Cover & Inlet Manifold. • Use Of Water Base • Acc. Box size Reduction • All in-house Gensets are converted compatible for bio- Chemical instead Of fuel. Coolant.

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 53 Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Management for Products/Service

Management strategies adopted to minimize the environmental impact of the product during its life cycle: Manufacturing Usage Impact Raw material extraction R & D operations Disposal operations phase Environmental • Design of optimum weight Product 90% of Engine components is useful & Genset parts --- • Emissions Reduction through are recyclable. • Upgrading technology out life • Bio-Fuel project cycle. Energy • Renewable Energy Energy audits and Project suggestion to suppliers • New technologies to save energy Resources • Foot Elimination. • Improving Power To Weight • Reduction In • Drain Cock Elimination. Ratio Loctite • Rain Cap Elimination. • Flywheel Weight Reduction. Consumption . • Wooden Box • Integral Crankshaft. • Reduction In Elimination. • Crankcase Weight Reduction. Diesel • Acc. Box size Reduction • Implementation Of Consumption. Aluminium Header, Rocker • Reduction In Oil Cover & Inlet Manifold. Consumption. • Use Of Water Base Chemical instead Of Coolant.


KOEL Constant Endeavor to Develop Efficient and Environment Friendly Products, & Our Typical Focus on the Following Areas –

Upgrading Technology • Improving Present Designs to Reduce the Consumption of Naturally Available Fuel and Lubricating Oil

Improving Power To Weight Ratio

• Reducing Required Raw Material, to Develop the Same Power Output From the Engine.

Emissions Reduction

• All Engine Series Comply With the Currently Applicable Emission Norms • The Process of Being Ready for the Next Generation of Emission Norms.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED Life Cycle Assessment Energy Efficient Products to Market

 KOEL had set a new benchmark in the Power Generation market by launching of 32 kVA / liters Power Density Engine  4R-1040 Engine series with 4 valves / cylinder to meet forthcoming Emission Norms with improved Fuel Efficiency.

6R1080TC – 6 cylinder 4K1080TA – 4 cylinder 100 kVA Turbocharged, inline, 6.32 Turbo after cooled, inline, Liters 4.32 Liters

6R1080TA – 6 cylinder 4K1080TA – 4 cylinder 125 kVA Turbocharged, inline, 6.32 Turbo after cooled, inline, Liters 4.32 Liters 6SL90TA – 6 cylinder 6K1080TA – 6 cylinder 140 kVA Turbo after, inline, 8.86 Turbo after cooled, inline, Liters 6.32 Liters

6SL90TA – 6 cylinder 6K1080TA – 6 cylinder 160 kVA Turbo after, inline, 8.86 Turbo after cooled, inline, Liters 6.32 Liters

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED OTHERS Indian Green Building Certification (IGBC) for New Admin Building

We have applied for IGBC Green Existing Buildings Rating System IGBC certification for one of (O&M) Pilot Version our Administrative building-II Registration Form On 17 Sept. 2014 We are interested to register our project as a ‘Pilot’ for IGBC Green Existing Buildings rating system (O&M) and share the learning’s for further development of rating system.

We are providing below the details of our existing building project for registration:

Name of the organisation Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.

Name of the project Administration Building II Plot No D1, Kagal Location MIDC,Kolhapur Built-up area (Sq.m) 2267.44

Building Type (Office / Retail / Hotel / Resort / Hospital / Airport / Bank / College / School, etc.) Office

Building operational since (Please mention the year) 20.09.2012

Is the project designed and rated as a green building earlier? No

Please mention the rating system and rating level achieved NA

Contact Person Vilas P. Kulkarni

Designation General Manager, Corporate Utility

Telephone / Mobile number 9881009981

Email address [email protected]

(Note: Please e-mail your replies to [email protected]/[email protected] or Fax the same to the number: 040 – 23112837) KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED OTHERS Fresh Air Ventilation

Naturally Conditioned

35.00 Ratio Of Openings To Carpet Area Better


30.00 Actual Opening to carpet area ratio in % Required Opening to carpet area ratio in %

25.00 24.32

19.52 20.00 19.06 17.54


Opening to Carpet Ratio ( % ( ) Ratio Carpet to Opening 10.00 8.21 6.23

5.00 3.13 3.24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.00


b. Forced Ventilation Air Changes per Hour 301 120.00 Better

Actual Air changes 105.49 100.00 Required air changes/hr 90.18




Air Changes / Hr Changes Air 39.34 40.00 37.79 28.00 24.23 23.43 20.00 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

0.00 R1040 HA Assembly SEBG DV Assembly HA6 Assembly SL-90Assembly Varsha Genset test Genset test Assembly Assembly Assembly bed HA bed HA

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 59 OTHERS Paints used in Plant with low VOC limits

180 Actual VOC values VOC limit as per specifications in grams per liter in grams per liter 160 Better

140 Target = 150 gm/ltr.




67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 VOC in gm/ltr. in VOC 60 52 55 53 54 45 40 38.4 40

20 0 0

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 60 OTHERS Eco Friendly House keeping Chemicals

We are using following Eco Friendly products for Housekeeping and Maintenance

Name Of Chemical Use Make 1. TLC Toilet Cleaning MINITEK 2. Superdet Multi purpose MINITEK 3. Clodet Toilet Cleaning MINITEK 4. LAF Air Freshener MINITEK 5. Solvin 85 Floor Scrubbing MINITEK 6. Marbolian Marble Scrubbing MINITEK 7. FP Furniture Cleaning MINITEK 8. SX Steel Cleaning MINITEK 9. Cleens Glass Cleaning MINITEK

 Minimizes exposure to concentrates  Reduced bio-concentration factor  Reduced flammability  Reduced added dyes, except when added for safety purposes  Reduced added fragrances  Reduced skin irritants  Reduced volatile organic compounds (VOCs)  Reduced packaging


Access to Public Transport / Shuttle Services

49 Seater – 7 Buses & 27 Seater – 3 Buses, Carrying 1206 Employees from all parts of Kolhapur and Kagal Also 3 company vehicles (Amaze, Sumo and Bolero) for internal transport

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED OTHERS Percentage of Green belt in unused site area

2006-07 2007-08 2014-15

No of Trees

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED OTHERS Percentage of Green belt in unused site area

•Landscape Developed on Treated effluent • Lawn – 3832 SQ.M. ; Grass Seeds – 12500 SQ.M • Trees - 3484 Nos. • Large Shrubs – 1647 Nos. • Medium Shrubs – 7764 Nos. • Creepers and Ground Covers – 4089 SQ.M.

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED OTHERS Efforts taken to Create and Maintain Bio-diversity

. Rain water storage tank (Kund), placing Gappi fish . Lotus Pond – 6 Nos. ( Algai and snail) Attract Birds. . Vermicomposting plant . Natural water ponds . Plantation of Bamboos, Neem, Pimpal . Mass Plantation . Drip and sprinkler Irrigation . Timely spraying of fertilizers

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 65 OTHERS Efforts taken to Create and Maintain Bio-diversity

Bio-Diversity in the facility

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 66 OTHERS Recreational and inspirational open spaces provided inside the facility

 Kabaddi ground 225 Sq.Mtr  Volley ball ground 225 Sq.Mtr  Cricket Ground base preparation is in planning stage 5625 Sq.Mtr  Chess and carom area 374.37 Sq.Mtr Volleyball  Library area 49.63 Sq.Mtr Kabaddi

Chess Library Carrom

28-Jun-16 KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED 67 OTHERS Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival

Innovative attempt in creating awareness in the society

Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival creating awareness among society on environment through displaying international movies and posters on wild life, nature, energy and water, organizing poster competition for school children, conducting nature walk by employees and awards to the personalities who had significant work in this direction. • Save Tigers – FY 2010 Vasundhara • Save Bio diversity – FY 2011 • Sustainable Lifestyle – FY 2012 Journey • Conserve Water..Safeguard Future – FY 2013 • 5R – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse & Recover – FY 2014

KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LIMITED GreenCo Certification Kagal Plant

Intensive Look for Green Movement

Thank You