IntellAgile Craig Larman mobile +1 214 914 7593 [email protected]

Quotes from Industry Thought Leaders “(Craig is) a great teacher, a brilliant methodologist, and an ‘OO guru’.” —Dr. Philippe Kruchten, architect of the Rational ; Rational Fellow.

“Too few people have a knack for explaining things. Fewer still have a handle on analysis and design. Craig Larman has both.” —Dr. John Vlissides, author, Design Patterns and Pattern Hatching.

“Craig is articulate, moves people, is caring, is visionary and very perceptive about what works and what does not.” —Peter Coad, former CEO, TogetherSoft; creator of the (early) Coad-Yourdon OOA/D method; author of many influential books on OO and modeling.

“People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came across it Applying UML and Patterns has been my unreserved choice.” —Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist, ThoughtWorks, and author, UML Distilled.

Introduction Reflecting his passion for and leadership in OO design and modeling, Craig Larman is the author of Applying UML and Patterns—An Introduction to OOA/D and the Unified Process, the world’s best-selling text on OOA/D, iterative development, and the UML, translated to many languages and used worldwide in industry and colleges as the standard for learning OOA/D. Reflecting his complimentary focus on helping project managers and technical leads apply iterative and agile methods, his newest work has also become the best-seller globally on agile methods: Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide. And reflecting his years as an OO developer and his belief, to best serve clients, in the need to continue to be hands-on involved in software development, he co-authored the Java 2 Performance and Idiom Guide.

In addition to serving as Chief Scientist (and previously, Director of Process) for Valtech, an international consulting group of about 900 people in eight countries, Craig is known throughout the international software community as an expert and coach in OOA/D and design patterns, agile , the UML, agile modeling, an agile approach to the Unified Process (UP), blending the UP with XP and Scrum practices, and iterative methods. Craig is a popular speaker at public and private industry conferences, and presents both keynotes and tutorials. Please see for an updated description of current activities. He travels worldwide, from Italy to India, to fulfill his passion to serve people through coaching, speaking, and education, helping software organizations succeed with high- impact best practices such as iterative and agile methods, agile modeling with the UML, advanced object design with patterns, and much more.

IntellAgile Background Craig Larman serves as Chief Scientist at Valtech, an advanced technology consulting and skills transfer organization with divisions in eight countries, based in Paris, France. Previously, he served as Director of Process, helping many organizations adopt iterative and agile methods, such as agile approaches to the Unified Process. Prior to that, Craig served as Technical Director at ObjectSpace, a creative group that built OO products in Java, Smalltalk, and C++, such as Voyager, an agent-based distributed computing platform. In addition to these duties and in conjunction with writing and speaking, Craig serves clients globally as an independent consultant, helping people and organizations adopt modern development processes, agile project management, and object design skills. He also consults as a forensic investigator and expert witness on legal disputes involving software projects. Since the mid-80s, Craig has assisted thousands in Canada, the USA, Asia, South America, and Europe in adopting skillful development processes, developing object systems, or in learning to apply OOA/D, architectural analysis, requirements analysis, analysis and design patterns, the UML, C++, Java technologies, and Smalltalk. He started developing software in 1977, working in high-power languages such as APL. In the early 1980s, he started to focus on artificial intelligence and knowledge systems, and worked as a Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk, and 4GL developer and consultant, while also coaching people in object technologies. He’s helped build applications ranging from a knowledge system for the interpretation of cytogenetic defects, to investment management, to high- performance simulation systems in the oil industry. Craig holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in from beautiful SFU in Vancouver, BC, with research emphasis in artificial intelligence, OO knowledge representations, and case-based reasoning. Craig plays rather bad lead guitar in his part-time blues-oriented band, The Changing Requirements.

Sample Recent and Upcoming Keynote and Conference Engagements – XP Agile Universe 2004, Calgary, Canada o History and Evidence for Iterative Methods – Agile Development Conference, Frankfurt, Germany o An Agile Unified Process – Agile Development 2003, Sydney, Australia o Agile Processes and Modeling o Agile UP – Agile Methods, Buenos Aires, Argentina o Agile Modeling with UML and Patterns – Agile Development 2003, Salt Lake City, USA o Agile UP – ECOOP 2003, Darmstadt, Germany o Iterative and Agile Process Tips o Aspect-Oriented Programming – ICSE 2003, Portland, USA o Agile UP o Mastering Design Patterns – OOP 2003, Munich, Germany o Iterative and Agile Requirements Analysis o Fast Java Fast – SD East 2002, Boston, USA o J2EE and EJB Design Patterns o Fast Java Fast – Net.ObjectDays 2002, Erfurt, Germany o Agile Processes and Modeling – JAOO 2002, Aarhus, Denmark o Defending the Middleweight Title: UP and XP o Aspect-Oriented and Meta-programming with AspectJ – Peter Coad and Craig Larman USA Tour 2002, San Francisco, Houston, Dallas, Denver, NYC, Boston USA IntellAgile o Agile Processes and Modeling – Lonestar Software Symposium 2002, Dallas USA o Defending the Middleweight Title: UP and XP – Web Services One 2002, Munich, Germany o The Value of ebXML and UBL – ECOOP 2002, Malaga, Spain o UP Distilled: Agile, Iterative Unified Process o Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ – XP 2002, Sardinia, Italy o UP Distilled: Agile, Iterative Unified Process – ICSE 2002. Orlando, USA o 1st ICSE Workshop on Iterative, Adaptive, and Agile Processes. o Mastering Design Patterns – SD West 2002, San Jose, USA o J2EE and EJB Design Patterns o Fast Java Fast o Great Analysis Patterns from the Masters – ROOTS 2002, Bergen Norway o Defending the Middleweight Title: UP and XP o J2EE and EJB Design Patterns o The Value of Web Services – ISC Congress 2002, Guadalajara, Mexico o Applying UML and Patterns: Agile, Iterative Modeling o Fast Java Fast – OOP 2002, Munich Germany o Defending the Middleweight Title: UP and XP o Mastering Design Patterns o Fast Java Fast – Fidelity 2002 Symposium. Boston, USA o Applying UML and Patterns: Agile, Iterative Modeling o UP Distilled: Agile, Iterative Unified Process – Siemens Agility Symposium 2001, Munich, Germany o UP Distilled: Agile, Iterative Unified Process