Frederick lit. 11 ONLY OBTAINABLE THE MARCH OF THE MONGOL. Usings and tieasties. A PROPHETIC VISION “A Well Hounded. Happy Life." FROM US! There la asaying, fall ofthat keen observa- Frederick 111 mi fir more than a mere , If, os it is claimed, happiness Is one object China, the Great Giant. Rnn.lng tion f-r which tho French are famous, soldier. On onoride of bis nature be was In Oriental “Cha- In Which the Civil War ami Other Im- of living, is it certain that large wraith lUetr la Real Activity. cun a aahet.- dans la figura.” Eacli of us lias warm sympathy with tic military patriotism portant Kvent* Were Forrtolit. uf his people; on the other bo was in clorn meansunalloyed felicity I Tho pomnwfon of The vast pragma of China In recent year* a roacnddaitec irnav or le*exact to sonic ani- wealth Its No bat in in and tie Hipsof liken*** horses, dogs, ha* Is-cn a touch with the varied activities oftheir Intel- good thing. one but afoot n striking light nn article which, mal, to There exhumed wonderful ilocn- deride* thaw money Flouring Mon- birds, fishes, snakes, tiger* of lectual culture and industrial enterprises. who sack to make legit- “SPECIAL” under tho title of "The March of the monkeys, and ment as old a date ax I*o7, which can he imately. but when Excluded as ho was, from wealth, suddenly obtained, gol," has contributed by Dim mice, a* well asto th***- of slns-p, gents, pig*, a* tho remarkable by hisposition, pub- .... liecn Mr.W. It. rrganlnt most prophecy rarely brings contentment. Men must be The Asiatic Review, a let row*, cats nml Is* tra***l in lic intervention in party politics, he never lop to Quarterly n- iixanU. enu men which hn* come to light duringiipxlcm timiw. sdurated to tbo of wealth, M in form. Mr. anil weme't who yet are hnninn and sank Into inactivity. Ills wide sympathies enjoyment they printed |in|>hk>t Dunlopilnt'-a purely We linve in mir a literal transcript found cannot acquire tbo art of even spending the new from the soon after without nny moral llkemw to theirantityima inmcmiou many fields of congenial energy. On \_ London Hade movement period original, money in moment, tho ndielllon.when S-.iiu* of *.ln*si resemlihUK*** make of tho in the haudivriting of thb every side bo carefully prepared himself to : Judiciously a or even the Established 1774 mtiqu-i-iMiut of the Tnlping |vtty hoe to tho fan** enough. If the horse nml have American N-istradainiis, which we reproduce ail the great |switloti to which lio would one knowledge use wealtii to their own t'hlncw govertiment first entahlislnsl the cow advantage. acquire mneli to be -Indred the ; verbatim: day bo callnL The official director of the Mcu who a fortune by imperial maritime rust outs, which, under the on score of ls*iuty,. ■low degrees ripen Into of Its ®mm i I dog giviw n-plieo*. In tlw year eighth state miMUim*, the patron of arts and sciences, a knowledge Patent, CLOTHINGTtgf wise nml energetic central ItoU-rt tin- M-reral INOtt, in tho or ulnth of Sir fnseliuiting Patapsco Superlative the educational proper ux\ itapidly acquired fortunes tiring Ilart, the uf custom* at We have known spaniel* und setters and month, I wo* one alone in and promoter of and philanthrop- ; i The Premier Flour of Amerlea. lns|>vtor general ilay the field leal with them aspira'foiw which are m-ver satis- Thai equals in every respect lias iittnlwsl so reiuarknble a devel- Bkye* and HUaihclm* and little Jn|e tip- ‘nstltutionx, lie labored heart and soul to , Peking, funny olas-rvid sun shone clear, but a mist | Tho world is thedemuiwls neiid (ris-ks popularise the results of axithctic and scion- fled. apt to protest "Fir.-I Class" Merchant Tailoring opment. It Is .ignillcntit of the shn-wtlneia anns- ss-rlpts, iu and lulls. Hulk- •*'li|*a*l It* brightnem. A* I rotl.x'ted on the of such umn. Ilie Because It Poaaeaac* < title culture, and to advanco the widl lieiug of writ U BKST for Quality, of the Chine-.. Unit they |K-tvelvwl tlionil- ing uns-t it two legs—with huninii vidi**- to tip- Style and Workman- singularity of event my mind w* struck his Among the many You may take the blue book ofany city of GOOD BTRCNQTN. vnntngc to Is- derirnl (io n .Icunls-iti; the match their human mind*—whowere as -le- people. educational ship. Into slkmeo tip- most nilemn ever witne***l, movenK'iits In which he was interested even few years ago, and there will Is* the UNAPPROACHABLE FLAVOR. nutire isill s-tivsnml tn.-twoitliy lightful in ttw-ir womuubissi a* they were I np|snnthi': names of of who floated to iba AND A COLOR. Tlie dilferenre is we sell a Suit fon-h-ticr* prutty in tlielr And their for all iny fi-cnltiis were low and unusually may Is* s|ss-ially mentioned tho Fortbil- scores men RICH. CREAMY in tlielr nsnit. Tlie et:js.rlmcnt i personality. yet surface upon glided shingles who have equal to $311,110 Ordered suit was and iintienlintu ri.- i* fa-*-*, with only a lew stmkis of the hnnight into d-*-p silence. I said to myself, dungw-hulcu, which supply instruction to pamod Itreail nmile from thia Flour will suit the a for by 11 large |ncil, class away, and their brief careers of proeperity, the niiiount of the could Is* inmte an exart hkeipta. of tin- ervat- , . "VVlmt can nil Oils imnnr Ido not persons of every or age after moat fastidious. revenue from i-tistmns recollect which ninny, no doubt, envied, have terml- ! duties which has ever sittet- Isvit in- '| lire* we have mentioned. :over before tohave lain of such fi*d- they have leftschool. In later life Ills chief c steuilily sensible recreations music and literature. nnt-xi, perhaps, hi dishonor, but more fre- Du we not all know the were Ilia your Grocer for en-nslng—n eonsiilemhlc |mrt of the surplus ' women who peek ings. I hearda voice fram heaven sny: quently In poverty, tlie result of ob* Aak $960 like binls when a favorite cuni|swers wero Uluck and Momrt. having having |n lighthouses . they niuku sle-w of kissingf inn'll employed creeling "This which dim* the brightmw* of the sun taiiuxl in a year Hint which If it hail come *4KIN along the itmiM'iiMi They eatin >t kiss llu-ir Inl-ini like Wagnerian ns a six-iai cult, be particularly by aenlsnrd of Chinn, liich even true PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT, 1 L a sign of present nml coining tines.. I disliked; but he admired “Tann- ilegres** would liavu been kept, for theu they tins now tan- of Ilie ts-st insists in the hunutii Is'iugs. tail ilali and-lush and |vk at greatly ROLANDO CHOICE PATENT. $30.00 Suits for $15.00 t*k the f-ri'fntliers of this country from a liauix'r," “1/ihi-ngrin,” “Flicgundo would have attached a proper value to their ' world. the soft Dower fiwv like n liiral picking up Hol- FAMILY, iPatent.) land of I lander," ‘'Mclatersinger" and wealth. "When 1 s|**nd furrowed money,” PaTAPSCO ; It is IIsign of tint new spirit Hull gulden tin) grain, and their |siuited li|*> i**-m as if ttie)' oppr-ssion. plant.*l them Icrc “Plarsifal." POWDER among tin- oftlie f-rvst. 1 sustnim*l “Tristan uml Isolde" lio could not bear; and remarked n |**udthrift, “I don't seem as If $35.00 must hurt ns much tlw- |**>ple ORANOE OROVE EXTRA. Suits for S2O-00 , counsel*of the government that there have as luuy |s*ik they 1 was tqmiidliig money." Is heeti enn-tml during simulate. Anil are not hands very often like them, nml while they were humtile I tlm “Trilogic,”In spite of line and stirring anybody's Bo It BALDWIN FAMILY. Absolutely Pure. | tin- Inst year or two bl-wscd with wealth. go. - pannages, w as, asa w hole, to him almost un- Lightly come, IlghUy . many thousands of mile* of telegraph wire. laws' and did not Dickens liken tlie working them amt they Ls anp* a nniiienais people, Thin powilor never vari<*. A marvel of pu- endurable. With the history of his own Money honestly anil lalmriously earned Inapt I'm listing through the empire. It Is now |ss>- sinews of nn old woman's shriveled neck to lint now they linve Isi-unu-promt and lifbsl THOMPSON’S rify, Ptn-nirth nn-l whoh**omeneiM. Mori' reo* tho scratching legs country lie mndo himselfintimately familiar, to stick, for tlm linnd that has bnrdened and O. A. GAMBRILL MF'G 00. iioiiiUkl thnn flit- onlinnry klmU. nnl enniint sllile to telegritpli friaii Lomloti to Peking or of |*mltryf Ami arc not up; they have forgotten me, who nourLU'd tho brow that has in It certain men like eagles! and I'crtuin other* and the greet national work upon thereign of sweat securing are .14 Commerce Ml., ' Patent Cut Trousers Ih> Aobl in competition with ttu- iiiultlttKlr of Cliuug King, tlie prinei|sil town of the rich and |in>ti*-ti*l them in the are powerful reminders of Its proper value; A Iww tent* *hort weight nlum or phonpliNti- and tort ilo province of Hns-hueli.neity nearly like secretary birds' and others again like wildiTtPsi*. Frederick tlietin-nt was continued under his BALTIMORE, MD. Sol.I) ONLY IN ICoyml running into every abominable well rnmiiltxl, life Is Ist built .IANS. lUk- I,‘iNl mills, in the tnterhir tin* herons! and yet ngnln, others like gists-! and evil es|ss-inl introiuige. To |iartieulariiu> his fa- happy not to ap Never Fail to rllWilt-WHK I'owdrr Co., lOH Wall St.. N. V. of isaintry. vorite lajoks would bo adillicult by feverish speculation brought on a haste Please. Menu while the extension itf the Chinn*- ti"lo- And do we not all know the ilove among pr--]-en*ty of wliieli the old countries are task. But by —— guilty, nml have taken those of which lie never wearitsl were to become rich; but a life reaches its fullest : grnp!t systmii Is, we arw told, promsltng at a women; ami tho little brown wren; and the quietude from the PRICES dcr and, ns perfection and acquiresltagrratcst capability Carbs. rate which may sliortlv angry little Insige *|mrv - , nil fuis* and bluster Innd nml suffer-xl a dividing to isune “Faust," “NaUtnn Woiso" many, professional nstonish even Anteri- spirit will leuru with interest, ! for enjoyment when hy moderate growth its eun teligriqiliistK and and feather*, w h a no tls-m. Life x|**cutl Isvnusc it do- ; to 4 # # lln 11way extimsien is mere light l**ly bigger uimnig up thine eves and lx* resits strike docp into $3.50 $7.50 n notes the source of strvngth upm | the soil of |s*nuancnt . dillieuli nml iMiwarily slower; hut against thnn walnut underneath tin**.- np|sin-ntly hidden m. vraitcH. ci.avtos j. pvrrbll ij W Atlorneya at, "How Order Popular Clothing W r- ter**! the Sis'iety of Friends it wngisl in us civilized the l-*ud of lxile-1 Attorney at Law, 1 hitherto uim.imt of U.ihm.iuu sets, neverluid u sick day in her life, tak-w iu , and nskixl question as to how , | hay ton lunilsir camp hy the high n degree ns in any I hint la-forediscov- civilinxl could cat “But," way of tiiu old "tote mod" sterling—still n trittlug nnimml when weran- ; washing, g-swout lioiisu ehsiiimg. nml v--k* i |ieople children. from Browtiville Snow llii.i., Mu. E.O. ered. As those who tlnir the went on, “if to tho Jo lakes, THOMPSON ti'tiatis| Is'fen., kept to prochiumtiou children arc Merry Into in tho siller that China pnijs-r is l.y the f-ir u fnniily of seven children, her mother stopped stolen, let tho information |*< afternoon Ixiit his t idler. Opposite the Court House, vJACOBLMYERS}> iiiqs statistiei.ius, with thu and thnv is*-tioii men who Isvir-I with her. aii.’i. nt priip'ipl- s rctir-sl by thems-'lvea. being tib-xl W- to horses. Ills Unit wot Only Importers in the U. S. nN-istiut'ivof fore the authorities mid the ofTeiiders uuilcr a big and tin* lss-t tutlive authorities, to linvon 1 don't think she would marry you, Issnuse it ap|s-nr-*l in l.*lgi*< of FYccmasnns, where I proper yellow birch, while his I'hiiiua promptly eolleetnl anil loana ne- No. :m North Hay St. |s>pnla- will l>< arrestixl, and if found bv horses their the OF tion of .'Wt.uio.niM souls. ! Coll Reagan, tin track walker, is’ ln-r style of it brokeout in np|*'arnm*- like n volcann, in- , guilty ovi- tidied oats bxuiistcr mlled gotiated. I l ! deuce, will lie punished. A reward of $lO,- hiuiM-lf up on the of his load nnd pulled to Tiir. nun mm*'* Tlie only pmctlnil ols.ptele to ii trade of muii. Is-t us examine into your quiiiillc.i- asmuch it **‘t tlw is unitry in nn upronr f-r toil SPECIAL LONDON MADE iiirnwiu n.u.i-1 Ul cash will bo for each |*rson so ids blanket over him for little CLOTHING. startling dimensions ts’iwivn China Mid tlie tion* a* n in**lel hu-baiid after your |sii>l n .lap. Wheth- own a h'ligth of time. found the informant, er Is* slept longer than he BALTIMORE, Ml). outsiile w.iri.l s.s.|us to Is* tlie old "I.I’lill" iiintrinioninl i-lea*, my 1 'an you shoul- guilty, to but in intendixl 1 do not Isiy. Tlien it entered |s>litics in the I*nit-*l the information is know, tint when heituokclt Geo. W. Purnell, system of interiial transit dm-., some notion der a Uirr-'t of 11. .ur und curry it ilown cel- case not sup|sirt■ was s|p*l tn the ivtirMO of ceiuliat; tip* ing the charge.” Tills prockumit ion was dicrexxl deeply hy sharp and cruel talona Cimton iiiel P-s*., a di'tanee of !• nr list, all winter! Cnn you s|sule up a half acre of the 1 IIILL, Ml). (Directly Opposite the Mint i signed with tho seal uud was | This tierce onslaught luid mndo SNOW is said to have to rtm 111 • ; aimt* ground for n kitchen garden! Is* you know southern stiiti** lest tln ir jsiwcr nml slavery j royal been by a on the gate* mid on the c*u- Huge owl. which rliilm* promptly (iillct'hNl, Will vl*lt llrrlltt la pr-i-mv.l new alylra let of nearly lull eustoms 'airriers. Tie* gov- what will take tip- lime taste out ofthe was ntitiihiliibsl from their t nl. rs. i great 1-11 in the on swernriso nml ti>k City lh* nn*l country when applleathm la to however, not uncommonin Kona, and uni -nlibit or some such animal, matte him. WII signs of ta'i;i ;alive to t ii- evil, which it has kiti-lien ri'f! Can you home I had instantly each month. a*.nil the liea, wrttrkinen to put up the name tiring a |mue the government of the I’liitcd Stnt.--, estab- j told that many are to China. siiimxxl with all bis nln sidy to -mo extent, in the of und u of mid 1 exported to *'.V dove. Tls* assaulted man, freiuiixl with W. !>H K.lloS. W. V. lOllNioiN dow Sha-h-a at fneiory prtia-a. I’nll 1,11 <>r aeiul b'-tli of vi-tisl inien-ls, l.y nllonitig the ng. hi the sitting room windowl Can you T. to hltn hla la-aii,iftil ■* pwiplc tributary to supi>rt its '•x;* :;**'*. I and u father has a right to du and terror. iiikl not In the an t aee tinea. I. eiiarges in eertnin rns,-* to Is* is.iu- lung some . heap |mpci' on the kitchen! apieiv, perfect least knowing ;*-hh* no hmiaeorany Can bat him, ANNOUNCE l>ran -It wmiteellon 11.-I a .is| tip* saw them take pnqa-rty from Fri-mls to a sell hisckildreu. li.ibiixturosnii'.etlmeslsaight . Imd Sfixixl grns|sxi des|*>ruteiy at with any other home In rhi* elty. ri by li |MiyiM..|it for n "transit von tlx front gate so it will not snug! for and i s to tho girls * eimmy, nud j |-i. Can you any thing hirge niiouiit. I was amazed at behold: ig adoption, tie y arcs--id clutching the legs of tho owl & a JACOII M VKltS. Xu. T Ray St.. .s." .1. uls.ut the house that J for which the les ith hand and Dickerson Johnson, that they have lilted tip Tem- The ieqiniveiiient in the system of nntioiinl Con H-'iigim can: all Iht*, when 1 heard a voice pr-s'laitu: pUl*|iuxi*xof Kiel the Is-tti-r otio it*mx-k with tho other, melt ;n-y II.U.TIMuiIi:. Ml). Slavery exists to some extent i:i but ‘dually by one wrench its r d ;'eii ! *•*• "Tlib Korea, lore* 111-lit! from its Alliwi. parary ri . is still men-striding. Huge nrseunls My dear, dear l*>y, you Xern Mulligan |*u- .*r shall not always stand, but Store 40x60 ft. hack of it is more n serfdom than such slavery ns wo ly How In* extricated tho talons from / umli-r foreign diri*.-tion un- springing up in wuutaa higher typeof true iminh.l. Y-.u wit!* it I shall chastise my i-hiuvh until they \ ;im.. Mu. their old stand where tip. hud years ngo hi tin- south.—Frank il. Car- id.i fnco and bow he mndo hi* way to the they (IIIKKN lariiais din-liens, ami the vast army of exi*'t to hire men to-I*-nil mini's work return to tip. fail lit ulm-ctof tlicir f.-refuthers. ! I l/mti* m*trotii| * ’till mnftil nt- ; WAfiXKli'S 1101 SK, Chinn is penter. darings and help tin* umn linrelly knew. tf will resume in alt ling grndnnlly with uisait the house, lint you want your wife to Thou scest wlmt is <*>ming i lentlon iriven t J rlMim*. business on thy nativo laud j I Is-lii-vi* that by grextt gissl fort urn* hi* eyes tv. Pratt Street, weajsms of the lilt.-I pattern, while great ilo anything any uomuu can -l**. Light Malualy. their llelieve for nil its iniipiiticsnn.l the hi-**lof African*, An Electric ax ro destroyed, u departments. Our rooms battailous are Is'ing imvs-antli drill-si nml me, my sou. that nine-tenth* of the girl* who j not but for long time the BALTIMORE, MD. th-' rememl-rnn-'c of wliieli ha* c-anc up l*l- It is a fatulity that whatever is done to ! swollen condition of liis fare prevented him Clones, being larger than the disciplined by Ilurojieau otTlivrs. The Chinese play tho pianoiiud slug charmingly, ivlioin make life cudurul-le R.J former - Thb vision b yet for many days." more creates new di- fro,it seeing, and I have often beard adi - navy ismsUts you in your limited 'ey . J &B. L. WAGNER. Proprietors nlnsidy of twenty-six fonigu kiionleilge set down us uianils for the exercise of urslic.-d skill. Sani- 1 of An. at Law, store will our 1 bail ip- idea of riting years, wription hisnp|x*arancoduring Hint [s*risL accommodate imsl-01-wnr, of tbetn large mid mere hutlcrtlii-s of fashion, are better fitted w it for many tarinns, for instance, have for- until l*x*n looking ■ —Forest and Stream. Ofllcc, Op|i/i: the Court lloitae, Carpet and Furniture busi- Tliis Itestvurant is the oiliest ami most jMiwerful iron elinls, ami ttU.ut one huudnsl for wives thnn you ure for a If it Iss'iiine such a burden that for my ward to the time when gas Illuminationwould extensive its of guiltsait*, built iti the arsenals of the empire, you want t* > marry u first clar*. . *.k mid ex- own relief I have written it. ho superseded by electric lighting. is Sf |.v llii.i., Mu. the same roof. in neeoimnmlntiolis any to It I'ihllj' Won. t in tile elty. U-'ferring the notorious industry nml on- perienei*l housekeejs-r, iloyour courting iu Joseph lloaii, found, however, that the latter hus ereatixl a Strict personl "tcntlon given loall busitdb* tcrja-lsß of tie- Chinese nbnaul, Mr. the ofiiiv. Rut you Nothing is more t-mliarraxsiiig its | also fitted up a wait- Dunlop intelligence if want a Hurling!- ii. Vt„ 1-07, 411:0., 17 -lav new malady, which for the time is known as to Intriiate,! to till f I-IHCES fa*.-plu-sies tliat when tie- tbj.s-ts of the ce- wife, marry tho girl you with a*s*or than a reputation which ho has not MODERATE. love, dimpled Th- author of this prophetic vision was electric prostration. According to Tho lan- a-- ing-room for ladies, and we lestlal entpiroenjoy ttiel-.f■ the ii -iv and mere hands mid n face like tin- sunlight, and her 1 deserved. A laurel wreath uwarded by 1 Tin rrowtl- wliirli Inndi nml (line daily in Ii n.I ili-sl in IM'l, in hiscightv- cet, several inscs an- reported from Crenaot, U.XXUIII-S • uhgliteliisl |s>liey tin- same privileges and love will teach her nil tip*** tilings, my cliain-o utisuixlly heuvy, and tin* uti- invite our customers one and :it this nttr*t tin puhlic hoy, hi Franco, tho sulten-rs Is-ing workers in the { Townsend I appro* opisirtuuitiisiat home urenl.ord*sl long y-.u ynr | fifth year. The old rveonU s|K iik of liim ns fortuuato wearer, tli. iigli he may long to • hatimi ot* its inatiairctiirut. n t totlwin Is-fore have Icarn-dnm-luilf of factory ofthe Schneider company. Tile light all to come tli.Te v. ill Is* r.H,::i less-in.—ll-ili a mail of gr-xit ability and sterling couuuoii b*ss it into tin* nearest thicket, is **AT LAW. and see ns. Many ciirudil, no for doubt ns to own liurdette in llurlingten exceeds cumllo |s>wcr, mid It up usually uu- " 100,000 to what is to Is- the dominating |s,wvrof the Unwkeye. S. ID*', and unbiased l.y su|s rstitieii. Me wus that it is this excem of and tbie tug it from bis brews. When tbo Ml). of our goods were saved in 1 pars light, late future in the far cast of Asia. uiilvciNilly rcs|*.'tisi by the Quakers and not the heat, which produce* the nervous I’rofi-ssor Jl**scsStuart l'lu-l[is was n stu- “JILL. • A Successful Iliter. I dent at New linvenhe 4.House. good condition and we tjave Tit writer of tin- article on “Tlie *!arQ. >*f the community generally. Ilb lifenuil teneh- symptoms. “A painful sensation hi the ono morning took a tho Mongol" i- very tar from t-iug th only AllciisThcrudikc Ri-*), editor of The North walk with Professor Newton, win, - -y [goods. Cahui.'t -f'nvsmh! ;i;;:tI nnes|ss.tis|ilea;h j rianism has Is* n divided into School hig.' Probably there an* muses int'reusot formation obtained by f-avign travel, it is •ii*x*x itfaskixl Mr Pliel|si, thinking that, Imported (titling Threads, Ni ts, ic-p.iiivs a brave, r.-olut- eharaeter. Tlie anil the New ; lluptbts into f*li-ll and which contribute to tlm illness. It Isnot un- We i but iiatnriil that he i*n |s>puiar ns well | - Hard : mixitiitnon |siliteui-ss, he ought to say Jr , take this occasion to folhovia*; pathi". • ill-ill";:! i- relat • 1 hv one i ns n .'eft; common to find psiplewho work under tho sonii* I prominent lend, rin the literary world, lie Meth-slists Into churches North mid ' thing. our , ot tho sni'g.snis of the civil Dr. electric light for a longtime becoming brown, return thanks for the war. West- received Ilia inrly -slunitinu in Kran-s- and South mid Qunkers into Ilieksib** nml Ortho- j "Why, dis-stiT Itr excitedly exclaimed ftrilL moretmul was one -lay dressing tin- wound of • ns if they were* cxpMsi to the stm's rays; but tbo I mid from (>xfrd. ; dox. The Auti-Mnsonic tenijsst orofnwir, alarmed at the many kind expressions of nsoldier who hmllsvii shot ill the mvk near Germany finally graduated i <-onimem**l hitherto it was suppssxl that the color was |slbiUty that a rather slight fig,in*, dark in 1*37, mid rngisl for flaw l*x*n detected ill his ; the carotid artery. It laid not l-ccii r- His -saiqitexion luiiiiti'rriipuslly some an indication of n favorable hail calculntlonix sympathy we have received gur.l.-l and Spmiisli east f countenance lift-s'ii atmosphere.”— (Juickly his mind ran his os u particularly dangerous ease. isfamillur! years, and it may Is- said that Free- New York Home Journal. hack over work. ; P'u|>pura- to the Ull-ltll.-s of the up town Iu I'licre* liml indixxl lsx*n a mistake. since the fire. tlon had s- 1 in, however, und while the stir- 1 dull*. inasonry tin* never reeovvn*! ii* uu|inrnllclt*| manner be is with ii slight ten- aro right, Mr. you are l! gism was cleansing th-- wound thu bliss) viw democratic, jirestige in America, as to thcout- A Crow That Kept liar. “You Pheli*s, right!" bo lie held prior lioshouttxl “it disxm't 1 K'l sudilellly gave way. Dr. dency to s|.|ids several tlie give us'x; It givi*s nu V-' luinl at hrenkof Morgan excitement.--New York Out in Monroo county, Miss., tho crows " ... & hours n-lay Ins "Hire und overlooks every ux •>•.’ the iqicrture have hiti-iy mad” themselves obnoxious ~ Mercury. by ' Hue ofmatter Hint np|*-nrs in the magazine I‘Sxmi Pint hour ha looked nj>n Mr. Phcl|*s < and *t->pt*sl the llow. tlivir p-rsistent Invasion of the coni —.. —s *v Good, Carpet and F'ur- of which Ik- Lowlier as well asiditor. Mr. fields. "x n umt ii- inatlcol preli:;y. Ho was tbo Tin- tnidi-r glamv l -pi.-stiotiiu into the A man who had Isx-n liinxl to watch <£""• -lv Bice is ii frequent his Tlie street Car lillot. a par- first man w ls> ever caught surgeon's face, "i.'-sger." lie n. ---1, "wliul contributor to own ami inform these hail the pro femur Y *hjj. nri\K I‘komoke. Mu. )-ri-dirnl. In |silltiesh- is Tin Iks Tip'idiot who rid.-* on the street rars still ticnhirly promi'ing field Hupping iliM—thut ineaiir" a nrdeat ter Is that it was against tho rule to publican, nn.l taken nil active |*irt iu every take* n M*.ining pride iu exhibiting pick up “And v*," Mr. Phelps used | Head of Clarke Avenue. | | "It meansdentil, t;ty |toorfellow,"nnswerotl his hog- ls*thought how he often to add, PAT. FISH AND TERRAPIN TRAP. national cnuqKiign. Ills hobby in |*-litifs is If lu* has him anything therein. himself in telling tlie story, "I achieved a Dr. V.'ostmorcluml, n strong syiiqsithy in his gishuess. a loily with mid a could make a “soft tiling" of it for himself reputation vlis'tornl reform, of whirli In- has lo.:g been n j for knowing a tiling 1 hate. It's tho wuy E. S. Dashiell, pi* Mrs. vokv. I geiitleiiinii arises und gives her his o-iit, the and sane* time thcrcquircmcntsof Dr. H. A. DeKay will 1 zealous advocate both |ieii 1 at tlm moot many reputations A moment th- roldivr wit li eyes, by nml tongue. idiot , are* mode In this supcrll- kinds lay clo.-ed always neglect* to a-'kip-whslge the hiscontract. Finally, by a Isxiutiful instinct, ! " open her Millinery Store in 1 All of Nets and Seines ns stump*! fatal 110 frnmist tho first haUot reform lull ever . •ini world iH-treit Frexi ITixw. DENTIST, if liv t!m words, then lie ixiurtesy. Quite us often sip- exhibit* tho lio Int iipm the plan of Msikmgsome com In loekisl up ami ealuilv cun Uitr-slueisl in the New York legislature. UL the room adjoining ours in a made to order. iiskwl,''Row long same neglect, mid the mnii who got up men whisky and placing It in the lb-lit, so Hint the Ollier on South Hank Street, Adjoining Depot I liver stable eoiibiins soup- horses llic p'.llgr.*. of 1 Ilirreiise of Noxious Ia sects. | ciut-s hinu*.|f | crows would cut it ami get drunk, mid thus Ftiinklin House, few ' which is gill edg-d, and he is also the owner tally for having done no. The Noxious insects the days. for Fishery Supplies. "Uutil I remove wy finger,” c:tswvtvd the i enable him to have a sure nml easy tiling of lire more numerous nnd do- of n steam launch which has u r.ssn.l of ether day one of the**' idiots entered a North -ti ti’tive now Hum they were yearsago. SNOW IIILL, MAHYLANI). d-S't-.i*. , killing them, lb- had tried Urnshotgun, but j fifty you twenty-two mile* nn hour. Mr Rice is cn Side ear with a lady. A gentleman gave I Where* imturu liasa cknnre to work her "Will— wait ii littl<>," t’.io |mor man her ! crow s smell powder a long w ay. After soak-j out n|ienillon. on the teeth |>erlormed 119 and 121 South Street. n few energetic man mid nn entliiisinst in bis work. scut, with the -*.n u laws, all animals, from tho highest All asked, "till I can—w rite w rils to my n usual ivsult. ITetty ! ing some corn over nlgbt In* put it g*sl sup i to Hie —Current Literature. loc.i-st, do not ls>yond pnqs-r In the moat skillful manner. j wife;" j mull who WII* sitting -'ll tin- edge of u .eat j ply in tlie Held imxt morning, nml in two or lucre-o*w limit*. Baltimore, Md. Even man himself I* no this The doctor lowed Ills luad nfTlrmatlvely, iptoss the wny nr-se mid left the car. A ; three hours went out to six* hmv tilings went exception to oot.-.'T-ly An Odd Custom. greot law. tmt let u break xx*ur in this great Th" soldier wrote Ills brief letter iiml then, j gentleman sitting n- xt to the idiot’s Indy ! on. t Hie of the crews, a little larger than the vs nspiiivs that iu of the r,Kirns of 1 ; natural chain and it is felt all with the tot la of r-siguutioii, stud, "I mu Law -mo arosi., eri*M*l and took the rest, had taken of all the nlung tho Uno. anb SUstaurants. Tower-if I/np!oii tlp i'c over narrow sent, pwsdon nearly will sottls rea ly, doctor." tbo shall t- kept six 1 corn, laid luiilt himself a Ixir out of some Some spix-ii-s Iticrraso cuoriiHuisiy, whilo LEA! horse slps-s nml shcrilts giving the Mint an opportunity to sit by lib other* almost Now-, "I my finger." sai-1 the surgeon, j sixty-onu nails. Tim chsls of earth and was retailing the wliisky | cutlndy dlsap|**ar. ■ the w ludy. liesunk into the vncabsl sent without insects are far more numerous R.I.WIS, "and iu u lit'-lo while th brave I- llow wiu \ of city were f ormerly e>itiq>cUcd, hen s**akix| cern to the etlmr crows, ciuirghig than all Hu* ii of tliiinks, ini-1 th-'ii looked animals, it follows 11. I'd have given n g-ssl deal to save j they were sworn tu. to count these, as u sign a-Tise* to them tlirex* grains of sprouted for ono of liiglicr tbnt if simo un- Our new process Coods that mutt's life, 101 l lie died like u here."— pi'isif of their education; os in the time of the num who luid given it up ns inuchiixto •oaktxl grain. Tlm thought tho whole foreseen event takes placo that favors a greut Hotel, Corn MANTACTUHKItS OF man some Atlantic Edward 11, when this usage ts-giiu, only well say: did up •ncre-us.* of noxiour s|xx-t*x>, man is sure* Youth's Ciaupauiou “Now, what that fool give thb prexxxxling mi human that he killed not a IIKItI.IN, MI). to ls> suiTirer. And are in educated nan imukl count to sixty-one' If I -nmfortnble sent to take that narrow one crow, but came Isv-k to the house ami—took I 1 a great tills state of unequalled by any the things is exactly today. lilwase Sprea-I tiy flies. am not mistaken, shcrid* still go through thu for!"—Chicago llerul-L a "nip" himself.—New Orleans what is biking placo WILLOUGHBY F. STKINK, Prop absurd form of counting ties*. b-ircshoc* Imttcr. The reader will naturally Inquire why the Market, asare our In hot countries III*-, are netive agent* also various FURNITURE most is-nctlrial one* do bicre-uio as as and nails. not fast in the pro|>agatioti of yellmv fever, und M. | Muakex and llurletl Trraxmx-. thf relilted. refurnished and Ami Dealers in Anotluv requirement wa* that iu pr-if of Tli*. I'-p-r BKlitl)*ii to llic IVust. destructive ouc*. Tho answer is, tho fooil Newly repaired. brands of Spillinnmi mid M. Ilaiistoutter nttrilmte tlie always know where* hiirhxl tre-n-mv strength tip. new-sheriffslp.uld cut a lam, 11 - An itw'id-'iit in connection with the Divxcl Hookes plant of tho ltb*r lias Increased cnormously AreommiHlations Ft t-class. same nde to those liocct* tn spremling pul- | 11*s. In summer they are far too wary to of sticks; nml tin- smiw- knife l>* au>l ail tlm surroundings liuvo favored it* | moiiary naisiimption. Wh-ai a tty has lin- hit*always n WisMuig Ims 11. t las'll published. After nil | show themselves hi tho neightnirhisxl of such Carpets, us*sl mi l i-still in existence, but ill "f tip- increasa, whilo Hio oilier, living upon A good Livery altaclusl. Snlesnien and | gensl on th-* tulsToulolls sputa, it is said, it* place ini guests luid t-s li liauquet-*l lit tlie | board, hut oil bright, warm days In tlm raiiid stick* a bull'll'' of match-'* L now made to j a ntunud iimago fmab, i* entirely outstripped others conveyed to any part of Hie Pen- )il iuti-stine ami esen-tn i-aitain the tiaeillusjo, ; Wallint stlss't Icsld-'U-Hof ll:.* bride, early spring they ill come out tolsisk in tin* l Cloths, Mattings. Mugs, Kc. answer the pur|sn.. —Wide Awake, IsiliPinl w by tho vegetuldo eating *|**-io*. Noi* York insula. Klour. tubereulusU, w liieli it may defsa-it on vari-au ! th-' servants -if the li-.uis li-l-l m-rv instructi*! | neighborhood of tlmlr winter quarters. At Teh*grnm. TKItMS. |l. I*Kit urtieles iu nn Flies nn- such times a wiso man will not kill them, but DAY. Nos. UM, I IKS A | INI N. Ilonanl SI. nfnirtiuent. er—lite-1 lliilhlini; In XV Intor. * to iln itc the |s*ir|s*-|Jo w h<> luid coiigrcgnUxl also with ts'tng th.i elii-'f iiistrunn'tit in the . ats.ii! tlied'*>r a Tlit watch carefully where they go, mark the A Trick on tlie Dog. (Corner Fayette) Tlie of mi mason work to sumptuous feast. ilissemiii.ati.-u of Kgypiiin anil . question -'iirrying in j plnre and romo bark with frian Isand dig up A friend of mitio •■fihthiiiinia. fnvzing weather has excited g-*l deal gi iur>.u* in- Hat ion was entirely micx| wx-nt of Short's master undertook the world freshly *lucl.-d iiuiu in th<- uiortnr, so ti-.ut r Job iitaus'lf. Dealer in Fine nml nff-nl i.iiintenwting for were gol*l and violently attack any one who fore** lio has a treadmill for tills pur|>*** when tiio First-class in every |>artleuUr. subject study. ni.iy Is. warm wL'ii put *ai,—Frank I**ll* '* hiwpilulity they lay-nut I ! hi* way into tticir d unam. Tlmir biloiscer tako bill! out, and Short Tlie iituiits-i’ >.f spindle* in Kngland is Cl,7Ki,- nu-n ure. It nquinsl esnisi-h rail.' | r-unst. n ;,r*sim eautiot was N. v *ii|*.r ami sudden but too, lx Terms—Moderate. <>; in the rot of Kiir--|a-, tain death, they, con hoisted on this to tako his lirst walk. Hohud Tai|cy 'Table Meal in to iiclutv tin* low ly |*s pli. to -liter tip.stalely I Groceries, Amerien, |,‘!,.***l,UUU;ill 'J.t'Jtl.dut;total, I s.fal Walking Utlrks. j pacifled by milk. Noone lus ever seen them, more brains than ho was credited with, and India. mausioii. Inn they liiuilly ilul so, un-l |sirt-- k OPI*OSITK TIIK COURT HOUSE. sl,K|o ia*t. Tlie quantity of ivittnn eotisuimsi -ticks arc now Is-ing j cxrept l*y torchlight.—Philadelphia Times. I 1 calmly lay down. Ho w ound to lake a walk lU7 A- lot) WEST Pit l Wulkiug imuletiui! of tho imt royal feast of their live*.—Wit- ATT STREET, is: In England, I..'U,.VM,<> |smmls weight; are useful ns well as oniumenlal. From one : out of * lours—not cxerctiw on a treadmill. inington News, when delivered fa His dmufoiiiidud in tlie n**t of Kurofie, t,4.V>.l tti.iui |niml-: in a silk umlirt Iln can bo drawn and mtcw<*| to On the tiny Lincoln his master was ut first, but Buckwheat, BALTIMORE, MD. America, KU,7.>,(JU) in India, J tnousspxx-li at Ciettyshnrg, a g<*titleuian win hit upon tbo plan of putting a rat fsaimls; UUv tbe eutp.; un.-th-r bus a receptacle f >r niekcL j ihiiiMv n toils away dre-tuiuxl witli u wry fat lent in It, Oroeerles ilelirereil to Itnal* free of MU.tWI i-ouii.l*. Man Kran-'iMW Clinailele und eelits, mid L cuiireuicul fm- tlnwe who it b sai,l liiut liil*-l. utils id the l. ucli-Ts was asleep >lllO every cage, looking res at word of the address. Kucti it the story tlie head of the mill. That renisixl Short, ho ST. ELMO HOTEL. charge Semi for l atalogite ami I’rlee- ri-le on str-vt un-l otlicr city cars mid -vim j -f Kaiisus I Ttyr ure .iii. u. The puhlie toli w. ■t a nxvnt of the sock started for Hie tho intli logo list. Everything of tin- host quality anti Th-- stump e .llis-tion of M. Ferrari, isai of ferries; uipdli-r contain* a measure for tlie of tliat b nunug-sl liuvttkg Psychical rut, I-pan & Farina. binary plo-s* by a woman, vty le x*toii. That is tlm way members oj un I kwp Nos. 317 319 Arch Street, lowest prtec. melt the late Du- lcss id Uulliera, uls.ut height of lini-M-suiid lui* a spirit level attach- ut round Short waaobiigiri to at it Sl-ly rvntalii* 1 who employ s iwuladiesasussblaiita. Nearly nrito their original until he hail walkul at u 3,UUU,UM and ho* a market valua incut, act still uuotber lutsag-sd little watch tlm sucio'y nuigazino or |siuii>l of supcrCu- PHILADELPHIA. s|s*'iupais, •very news|a|ar In the bus tlw* work id li.-loons New of 3I3A.CM). *9t 'r *'o crystal luindle.—Chicago Tins*. city tU-las—New I’h-aymm. his fab Y'urk Star wonpm up.n it Rates Reduced to $2 per Day. ntc. GADDKSS imoTHEKS, Mantifarlurers of Gardening Remedy. Bownro of for Catarrh i Leseuis, tick*. Seals, Skin Tortures. The traveling public will final at thia 11l order to nffonl visitor* to the innniig- for LAtlien. Ice so a Ointment* The --iiplcsppi-wtlon of “Wwaiktc's Hist- Hotel the same lilp-ral fur that contain Mercury, tar.\t." w'lthniil Internsl iui*|li*tnc. sol provision their uratlon nil possilile privilege*, ami nt the Make up your 4*if early in the morning , I'rof. Steward, after telling us that the soy It : MONUMENTS. TOMBS cure stty --iisi- of Tellt-r. kali Itlo-imi, ICtne- comfort. la located in llie iiiiinisliate Lea Sods(SCo, them the l-eneltl of tlie is stomacli. Mercury surely destroy Hie ' s- re *. TheWm. Mine time give nr your \ the neat of nausea not iu tlie x will sense worms. P-les. Ith. Pimples. Ke/-ms. all centres |daees i laition* on liiislmml'* shirt; do 11 Eruptions, of laisiness and of amuse low have beet: for ( llie Mealy. Itchy Mkiu no lunin i bow iflblt l*, IlcniUlonri*. vrry rales wliieli lived not rote up grievem es; protect the y—mi/ ( hut in tlie bruin, inform* us that relief iil’snteil and contplelely derange whole j a ment and the different railway de|Nits, as HU AN l>V\V IXK MILLS the j iitsdiimtc of lons* srniMfiris. Il Is |s,t-ni,i Itei-- iM-easion. the I’ennsyl-ania Railroad I entering through the mil- tlve sad costs liul a Irule. parts rity easily at'- ; from dbtr p-sing sensation may ole system when il *\rrll as all nfllie are In Marbleand Company will sell excursion ticket* to, andUxtlrr brimehtt of your family plant ! I i this lie t lay street ears eoiislnnllv | Missing Polish’llGranite 1 cooling l-lls Such articles should never Is- kNudhlc WILMINGTON. DHL. Washington on February 3.1t1i, SOIh. 371 It. ; smile*1 of g-psl tnii|M r, and rra/i a crop ol | talnnl by the lame of the lirain. surfaces. It I Arts lee tw Mwtksrs. tm>loors. offers |Hxiai inducement* Mart'll I*l, 3*l. •kl and 4th. from all | tlie ilc has teateil Ibis often ami thoroughly used except on prescriptions front rcpuln- to those vlailiog the city for liiisiness or of New and Beautiful 1 3Wh. lieallb and happiness; roof out cause 1 1 Mr*. Wmst-o*'* xooxbis..sxst rsh.-tillslw*r* I a • siatmn* mi it* system* at nni/U far* for ] ( nervous debility weakne*," \ ; in the rate of tick headache, bilious colic, hie physicians, ns the damage they will h* us-xl srtww children CWIIIII* Icelh. It peaiure. JOS. M FEOKH. of and "female I -1 m rt<*w*r. It peidstssaslsr.l, Design, 1 the round trip. These tickets will admit to the can lurestbs ItlU-suW feh. 13-1y. Proprietor | laiih by tlie u*c of |>r. Fierce'* Favorite Fre- < rhnlrea morhua anil ill* iu w liich nauea I are ten Ibid good you possibly<•■>' qwtst sls,ssd nw ImWctioubswsk—s* “Uxght of a alnjwiff in Baltimore ineilheror a buttow." it pWssssl to tsstw. It lioiis, s. riptiou. It I* a s|iecirtr, and ; | b a ilLlrcailiig without a sin- derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, os it err l dltn tbit* enabling l.y soveieUn symptom, •ih,-i . 109 X. IMltl.O ST.. Near Fayrllr. pas-eiicer- 1 tiles* snMhre the vhtl .suits* iiais,U>sallp*in, llioiisamla of the lair s t llic -lav J. Co„Tole .. sudUlhch. Si knownf-nw .ly this route to visit Imtli cities. The return 1 gle failure ; nml onre relieved the nausea nistmlsettired by F. Cheney A. rre" susthshiosc durrhoss, wlutlwr snuns iresa * w ( of tlie excursion th kets valid they first lienrd of It. It I* llic only midi- ! j (him h lor lutkh SI4 S. IHRI LS ST. Xf*r 'AWtlrn SI - coupon* are i remitting cancer of tbe atonmi by I do,0., contains no uicreitry, ami is taken sUmvbsssss. Tssaiy-Brs suts a bouts. for use anil liieliiillng March 7tl>. cine for women, sold by diuguLi, Miofrr u | to the until 1 the appiieation of ice the lark of , iniernally, and acts directly iipm the rale, view the lilM-ral eon-lit not /•**f,'*v poor*mf<>. from llic luaiiofa-liircr*. L neck In- BALTIMOHE, MD. Tlda in of 1 it anil occiplta Imne. Tbe Ice i* to I It henra and the magnificent service wldrli 1 that Will give SHtislaclioil in eveiy case,; | broken and placed Itctveen tliefold* of a lilimsl and mucus stirfacre of the system. In Piles t Piles I Itching Piles. or w ill lie icluiidcd Tbi* guarmi ( MvrtPTriss Moisture; Intenis* Itehlair sn*l ,>< I'eiinsylvania Railroad afford*, la the ' money towel. Relief tuav tie oMalned buy ing llsll'sCatarrh Corel*-sure and get LADIES^W> the | bolding ] : at iiltchl ; wonu* by s. rwl.-hmr lei* lias on by Stills Ilia nuul fijni lowest ever offered under aiudlar l ireinii i 1 Im-vii prinlml tbe Isillle wrap , tlie brail over a ink, or tub, ami pouring Isken inude to rxintliiu** tumors form, which JSn.rlVfrr p*sT'l*tT*^L* lor the genuine. It is iuleinally and If sllowtsl si aim s Fur Information a* to the mine- per. anil fnillilully carried mil many , a small slrram ol water on the hark of the 1 often Idccd and ultxwwle. Isx-utilna very wire. It* Tuiado, Ohio, by P. J. Client yA. Co. | tIISTMKKV stops llehln,- iiienl of regular ami |M’eial trains, and for , year*. | neck. This ia worth rememlwring a* a MWXVSR'S the Sll-I Printing Sold by Druggist, price 73c. per hot- tdi-c-lm*. hr**|s uhx-ntllon.tu In most ISUSS re- . Job siirelfir rates liom each station, apply to To idealise the stomacli. liver, and y. j relief for nick headache, tc which many nr | move* the tumor*. At druinrttis, or tar mail , Berlin,Md. jimf i Phitaielphis. L-L-DIItICKBON. Jit Neatly Done at This Office. I I ticket agrnta of the company. i I tern generally, u*e Dr. Fierce’* I'ellela. I i women are subject. ik*. for tounits Dr. Mwalne k Mua