
Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2

1Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of K. R. Eissler International Universities Press, Inc. New York 1965 Eniglish New York, 2 Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. The Selected Papers of Clara M. Thompson Maurice R. Green (editor) Basic Books, Inc., Publishers 1964 Eniglish 3The World Biennial and Psychotherapy Volume II 1973 Silvano Arieti (editor) Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1973 Eniglish New York, 4The World Biennial Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Volume I 1971 Silvano Arieti (editor) Basic Books, Inc., Publishers London 1970 Eniglish 5The Psychology of the Criminal Act and Punishment Gregory Zilboorg, M.D. Harcourt, Brace and Company New York 1954 Eniglish

6 Punishing Criminals Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question Ernest van den Haag Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1975 Eniglish 7Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on The Libido Theory by Humbertoa Nager Basic Books Inc., Publishers New York 1969 Eniglish

New Brunswick, 8Concepts of Insanity in the United States, 1789‐1865 Norman Dain Rutgers University Press New Jersey 1789 1865 Eniglish

St. Martin's 9Museum of Madness The Social Oraganization of Insanity in Nineteenth‐Century , Andrew T.Scull New York 1979 Eniglish 10 Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry D.W.Winnicott Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1971 Eniglish 11 Talent and Genius The Fictitious Case of Tausk contra Freud, K.R. Eissler, K.R. Eissler Quadrangle Boos New York 1971 Eniglish

12 Discourse on Hamlet and HAMLET A Psychoanalytic Inquiry by K.R. Eissler, International University Press, Inc., New York 1971 Eniglish MacDonald: London and American 13 The Road to Medical Enlightement, 1650‐1695 Lester S. King Elsevier Inc.: New York 1650 1695 Eniglish On the Utility of Medical History Mongraph I Institute on Social and Historial The New York Academy of 14 Medicine, Iago Galdston, M.D. Editor International University Press, Inc. New York 1957 Eniglish Mainstreams of Medicine Essayson the Social and Intellectural Context of Medicine Practice Edited by Lester King, M.D. San 15 Introduction by David A. Kronick, Ph.D…. Antonio 1971 Eniglish

16 Medicine at the Paris Hospital, 1794‐1848 By Erwin H. Ackerknecht, M.D. The Johns Hopkins Press,Baltimore Baltimore 1967 Eniglish The Gold‐Headed Cane by William MacMichael, M.D. with an Introductionby Sir William Osler, B.A.., M.D.., F.R.S. and A 17 Preface by Francis R. Packard, M.D. Paul B. Hoeber New York 1920 Eniglish Urbana Before Frued Neurasthenia and the Americian Medicial Community 1870‐1910 F.G. Gosling University of Illinois Press and 1870‐ 18 Urbana and Chicago Chicago 1910 Eniglish 19 Discovering the History of Pychiatry, Edited Mark S. Micale, Roy Poter Oxford University Press Oxford University Press New York 1994 Eniglish Pantheon Books A division of 20 George III and the Mad‐Business By Ida Macalpine & Richard Hunter Random House New York 1969 Eniglish Ithaca, 21 Psychiatry its Evolution and Present Status William C.Menninger, M.D. Cornell University Press New York 1948 Eniglish 22 An Introduction to Psychiatry by Kurt Kolle The Citadel Press New York 1963 Eniglish Edited by Rudolph M. Loewenstein…International 23 Psychoanalysis‐ A General Psychology Essays in Honor of Heinz Hartman Universitites Press, Inc. New York 1966 Eniglish New Quadrangle Books New York York/Chicag 24 The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Volume Twenty‐Six /Chicago, A New York Times Books o 1972 Eniglish

25 The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Volume Twenty‐Seven Volume Quadrangle Books A New York Times Company New York 1973 Eniglish

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Published for University of Vermont by University Press of New England 26 Master of Madness Social Origins of the American Psychiatric Profession Constance M. Govern Hanover and London London, 1985 Eniglish Vincenzo Chiarugi On Insanity and its Classification Translated with a Foreword and Introduction, by George Mora, M.D., 27 Science History Publications U.S.A. 1987 Eniglish Social Order/ Anglo‐American Psychiatry in Historical Perspective, Andrew Scull University of California 28 Press Berkeley Los Angles 1989 Eniglish 29 The Colonial & Other Essays Science History Publications Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Science History Oublications New York 1977 Eniglish Jan Goldstein University of Chicago, Cambridge University Press , New York New Rochelle Melbourne 30 Console and Classify he French Psychiatric Profession in the Nineteenth Century Sydney New York 1987 Eniglish 31 Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry Dr. Emil Kraepelin Thomas Johnstone Oskar Diethelm, M.D. New York 1986 Eniglish Anchor Books Doubleday & 32 Ideology and Insanity Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of man Thomas S. Szasz, M.D. Company, Inc. New York 1970 Eniglish Garden City, New York Doubleday & 33 A Mind That Found Itself an Autobiograpy By Clifford Whittingham Beers Company, Inc. New York 1975 Eniglish McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York St. Louis San Franciso Toronto 34 Wisdom, Madness and Folly The Making of a Psychiatrist R.D. Laing Hamburg Mexico New York 1985 Eniglish Foundations of a Theory of Personal 35 The Myth of Mental Illness Thomas S. Szasz, M.D. Conduct 1961 Eniglish Quadrangle /The New York Times 36 The Schreber Case Psychoanalytic Profile of a Paranoid By William G.Niederland, M.D. Books Co. New York 1974 Eniglish 37 One Hundred Years of Psychiatry By Emil Kraepelin Philosophical Library New York 1962 Eniglish The Johns Hopkins Press,Baltimore, 38 Law and Psychiatry Cold War or Entente Cordiale Sheldon Glueck 1962 Baltimore 1962 Eniglish 39 Darkness Visible A Memior of Madness William Styron Random House Large Print 1990 Eniglish New Rutgers University Press New Brunswick, 40 Homes for the Mad Life Inside two Nineteenth ‐Century Asylums Ellen Dwyer Brunswick and London London 1987 Eniglish

Canon L.W.Grrensted formerly Nolloth Professor of the Christian 41 Wisdom, Madness and Folly The Philosophy of a Lunatic John Custance with a Foreword by C Religion in the University of Oxford New York 1952 Eniglish F.B. Sanborn, Arno Press A New York 42 Memoirs of Pliny Earle, M.D. Edited with a General Entroduction by Times Compaany New York 1973 Eniglish

The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore 43 American in the Nineteenth Century From Sects to Science William G. Rothstein Baltimore and London and London 1972 Eniglish 44 The New York Hospital by William Logie Russell Arno Press A New York Company New York 1973 1945 Eniglish

45 Tools for Conviviality Planned by Ruth Nanda Anshen Edited Ruth Nanda Anshen Ivan Illich Haper & Row, Publishers New York 1973 Eniglish Garden City, New 46 Celebration of Awareness A call for Institutional Revolution by Ivan D. Illich Introduction by Erich Fromm York 1971 Eniglish Garden Anchor Books Doubleday & City, New 47 Asylums Essay on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Oher Inmates By Erving Goffman Company, Inc. York 1961 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language Has been privately printed for the members of The Classic of Medicine 48 This Special Edition of Mental Maladies. A Treatise on Insanity By E. Esquirol Library 1987 Eniglish

49 An Inquiry Concerning The Indications of Insanity With Suggestions for the Better Protections and Care of the Insane By John Conolly, M.D. John Conolly, M.D.., 1964 Eniglish

Michel Foucault Translated from the By Richard Howard Pantbeon Books 50 And Civilization A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason French A Division of Random House New York 1965 Eniglish

51 Compendium Maleficarum Collected in 3 Books from many Sources by Brother Francesco Maria Guazzo John Rodker London 1929 Eniglish 52 A Treatise on Insanity and Other Affecting the Mind by James Cowles Prichard Arno Press A New York Company New York 1973 Eniglish 53 A Manual of Psychological Medicine by John Charles Bucknill and Daniel H. Tuke Francis J. Braceland Hafner Publishing Company New York 1968 Eniglish by the Houses of Commons, His Majesty's Health Order to be Jaunuary 54 Report from the Committee Appointed to Examine the Physicians Who Have Attened His Majesty J.Walter Printed 1789 1789 Eniglish Introduction by Erich T. Carlson, 55 Two Essays on The Mind An Enquiry into The Influence of Physicial causes Upon the Moral Faculty… Benjamin Rush, M.D. M.D. New York 1972 Eniglish A Treatise on Madness By William Battie M.D. Fellow of the College pf Pysificians in London, and Phyfician to St. Luke's 56 Hofpital By William Battie, M.D. Brunner/ Mazel New York 1969 Eniglish Physiology of Motion Demonstrated by Means Electrical Stimulation and Clinical Observation and Applied to the Study of Philadelphi 57 Paralysis anf Deformities by Dr. G.B. Duchenne Edited by Emanuel B. Kaplan, M.D. a 1959 Eniglish 58 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Jack C. Westman, M.D. Guy R. Lord, M.D. 1980 Eniglish 59 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Jack C. Westman, M.D. Guy R. Lord, M.D. 1980 Eniglish 60 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Dixie Moore, PH.D. Frederich H. Decker, PH.D. 1980 Eniglish 61 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Normang G. Poythress, PH.D. Harley V. Stock, PH.D. 1980 Eniglish 62 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Professor Ralph Slovenko Doris L. Sassower, ESQ 1979 Eniglish 63 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Pamela D. Andrade, M.S. John C. Andrade, J.D. 1979 Eniglish 64 Transmission Edited by Pete D'Agostino Tanam Press New York 1985 Eniglish 65 Fire Over Water Edited by Reese Williams Tanam Press 1986 Eniglish 1887‐ 66 Wear and Tear or Hints for the Overworked by S. Weir Mitchell Arno Press A New York Company New York 1973 Eniglish Edited and Translated by R.Andrew 67 The Mechanism of Human Facial Experession by G‐B. Duchenne de Boulogne Cuthbertson New York 1990 Eniglish 68 Conscience and Convenience The Asylum and its Alternatives in Progressive America David J. Rothman Little, Brown and Company Boston 1980 Eniglish Philadelphi 69 History of Circumcison by P.C. Remondino, M.D. F.A. David Co. Publishers a 1891 Eniglish Translated by Elizabeth Reynolds Theatre Arts boooks: Robert 70 Building A Character Constantin Stanislavski Hapgood M.MacGregor New York 1949 1964 Eniglish 71 Tentatives opératoires dans le traitement de certaines psychoses Egas Moniz Masson Paris 1936 French

Second Edition, Revised and New York 72 The Mentally Ill in American A History of their Care and Treatment from Colonial Times, Albert Deutsch Albert Deutsch Enlarged Columbia University Press and London 1967 1949 Eniglish

73 Psychiatry for the Poor 1851 Colney Hatch Asylum A Medical and Social History By Richard Hunter M.D. FRCP AND Ida Macalpine Dawson of Pall Wall 1974 Eniglish Urbana Chicago 74 The Healers A History of American Medicine John Duffy University of Illinois Press London 1979 1976 Eniglish 75 Monarch Film Studies Frederick Wiseman Edited by Thomas R. Atkins Monarch Press 1976 Eniglish

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Ishihara's Tests for Colour‐Blindness by Dr.Shinobu Ishihara Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo Member of the By Richard Howard Pantbeon Books Tokyo 76 Japan Academy Edition By Dr. Shinobu Ishihara A Division of Random House Japan 1975 Eniglish by Ernst Kretschmer, M.D. A.O. Professor of and Psychiatry in Tubingen, Authorized English Translation 77 by Oswald H. Boltz, M.D…. By Ernst Kretschmer, M.D. Oswald H. Boltz, M.D. New York 1926 Eniglish 78 Lehmannas medizinische Lehrbucher Band I Erkennung Der Geistesstorungen (Psychiatrische Diagnostik) Von Wilhelm Weygandt J.F. Lehmanns Veriag/Munchen 1920 German 79 From Shaman to Psychotherapist A Historty of the Treatment of Mental Illness Walter Brooberg, M.D. Henry Regnery Company Chicago 1975 Eniglish Boston‐ 80 The Discovery of the Asylum Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic David J. Rothman Little, Brown and Company Toronto 1971 Eniglish

Treatment of The Insane Without Mechanical Restraints by Conolly, M.D. First Published in 1856 Now Reprinted by by Richard Hunter M.D. and Ida Folkestone 81 Photolithography with Introduction… Macalpine Dawsons of Pall Mall & London 1973 1856 Eniglish

Disordered Minds The First Century of Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia, 1766‐1866 Published by The The Colonial Williamsburg Charlottesvi 82 Colonial Williansburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia…. by Norman Dain Foundation lle,Virginia 1971 Eniglish

London, Boston and 83 Victorian Values Secularism and the Size of Families J.A. Banks Routledge & Kegan Paul Henley 1981 Eniglish 84 The Social Transformation of American Medicine Paul Starr Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1982 Eniglish

Psychiatry and the Community in Nineteenth‐Century America The Recurring Concern with the Environment in the 85 Prevention and Treatment of Mental Illness Ruth B. Caplan in Collaboration with Gerald Caplan Ruth B. Caplan Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1969 Eniglish Social Research an Internanational Quarterly of the Social Sciences Arien Mack, Editor Editorial Board: Hannah Arendt 86 Stanley Diamond Robert Heilbroner…. Arien Mack Hannah Arendt New York 1972 Eniglish 87 The Isaac Ray Award Book The Crime of Punishment by Karl Menninger, M.D. The Vikings Press New York 1966 1968 Eniglish La Lecon De Charcot Voyage dans une Toile Exposition Organisee au Musee de le Assistance Publique de Paris 17 88 September‐31 Decembre 1986 Voyage dan une Toile Exposition Organisee au Musee Pairs 1986 French The of Mind A Study of its Distempers, Deformities and Disorders Henry Maudsley Introduced by Sir Lewis Julian 89 Friedmann Publishers London by Aubrey Lewis Julian Friedmann Publishers London 1951 1895 Eniglish Phototherapy in Mental Health Edited by David A. Krauss, Ph. D. Counseling Psychologist Cuyaboga Valley Community Springfield, 90 Mental Health Center… Edited David A. Krauss, Ph.D. Charles C. Thomas Illinois 1983 Eniglish Pychopathology by Edward J. Kempf, M.D. Clinical Psychiatrist to St.Elizabeth Hospital (Formerly Government Hospital for 91 the Insane), Washington, D.C….. Edward J. Kempf, M.D. C.V. Mosby Company St. Louis 1921 Eniglish Treatment in Psychiatry Oskar Diethelm, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry, Cornell University Medical College, New York; 92 Psychiatrist‐in‐Chief, The New York Hospital (Pane Whitney Psychiatric Clinic)….. Oskar Diethelm, M.D. The MacMillan Company New York 1936 Eniglish Jacques Lacan the death of an Intellectural Hero Stuart Schneiderman Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, 93 London, England, 1983 Stuart Schneiderman Harvard University Press England 1983 Eniglish

94 In Dora's Case Freud‐Hysteria‐Feminism Charles Bernheimer and Claire Kahane, Editors Columbia University Press Charles Bernheimer Claire Kahane New York 1985 Eniglish Louis Clark Vanuxem Foundation The Defective Delinquent and Insane The Relation of Focal Infections to their Causation, 95 Treatmeny and Prevention bt Henry A. Cotton, M.D…. Henry A. Cotton, M.D. Louis Clark Vanuxem Foundation London 1921 1922 Eniglish and Lou Andreas‐Salome Letters Edited by Ernst Pfeiffer Translated by William and Elaine Robson‐Scott A 96 Helen and Kurt Wolff Book Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York Ernst Pfeiffer Helen and Kurt Wolf New York 1966 Eniglish A History of Medical Psychology Gregory Zilboorg, M.D. in Collaboration with George W.Henry, M.D. New York‐ 97 W.W.Norton & Company. Inc Gregory Zilboorg, M.D. George W. Henry, M.D. New York 1941 Eniglish BBC Reith Lectures 1976 Mechanics of the Mind Colin Blackemore Royal Society Locke Reseach Fellow, University of 98 Cambridge University Lecturer in Physiology.. Colin Blakemore Cambridge University Press New York 1977 Eniglish L.J.M. Daguerre The History of the Dioranna and the Daguerreotype by Helmunt and Alison Gernshem Second Revised 99 Edition Dover Publications, Inc. New York Helmunt and Alison Gernsheim Dover Publications, Inc New York 1968 Eniglish Science & Society The Relation of Form to Content in Psychiatric Thought Joseph B. Furst, M.D. The Orgy Of Apology": The 100 Recent Reevaluation of Literature of the Thirties…. Joseph B. Furst, M.D. David R. Peck 1968 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language October The Body and the Archive The Legs of the Countess The Fredian Subject, from Politics to Ethics The Antidote 101 Published by the MIT Press… Allan Sekula Abilgail Solomon‐ Godeau 1986 Eniglish 102 Exposure Spring Volume 26 Number 1 The Peabody Museum and the "Culture of Imaging Megan Biesele…. Megan Biesele Cynthia Chris 1988 Eniglish The Mind Unveiled; or A Brief History of Twenty‐Two Ambecile Children."There is a Spirit in Man and the Inspiration of the Philadelphi 103 Almighty Giveth them Understanding" Ambecile Children U.Hunt & Son a 1858 Eniglish

104 Georges Didi‐Huberman Invention De L'Hysterie Charcot et L'lconographie Photographique de la Salpetriere Macula Georges Didi‐Hubermann Macula 1982 Eniglish Philadelphi 105 The Systemic Treatment of Nerve Prostration and Hysteria. By W.S.Playfair, M.D., F.R.C.P. W.S.Playfair, M.D. F.R.C.P., Henry C.Lea's Son & Co a 1883 Eniglish Art Theory Criticism Politics October 40 Jacques Lacan Television Translated by Denis Hollier, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette 106 Michaelson Dossier on the Institutional Debate Translated by Jeffrey Mehlmann Jacques Lacan Jeffrey Mehlman 1987 Eniglish The : An Evaluation of Psychiatric Thought and Practice from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Franz 107 G. Alexander, M.D. and Sheldon T. Selesnick, M.D. by Franz G.Alexander, M.D. Harper & Row, Publishers New York 1966 Eniglish United 108 Early American Medical Imprints 1668‐1820 Robert B. Austin A Guide to Works Printed in the United States States 1977 Eniglish

Practice and Precept in Psychoanalytic Technique Selected Papers of Rudolph M. Loewenstein with an Introduction by New Haven 109 Jacob A. Arlow Yale University Press New Haven and London Jacob A. Arlow Yale University Press and London 1982 Eniglish Daniel Paul Schreber Memoirs of My Nervous Illness Translated, Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Discussion by Ida 110 Macalpine, M.D. and Richard A. Hunter, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M. Ida Macalpine, M.D. WM. Dawson & Sons LTD. London 1955 Eniglish

111 Otto Rank A Rediscovered Legacy Esther Menaker New York Columbia University Press Esther Menaker New York Columbia University Press New York 1982 Eniglish A Phlogenetic Fantasy Overview of the Transference Neuroses Sigmund Freud Edited and with an eassay by Ilse Grubrich‐ London, 112 Simitis Translated by Axel Hoffer and Peter T. Hoffer….. Sigmund Freud Ilsen Grubrich‐Smititis England 1987 Eniglish 113 A History of Psychoanalysis Reuben Fine Columbia University Press.New York .1979 Reuben Fine Columbia University Press New York 1979 Eniglish This Special Edition of A Treatise on Insanity by Philippe Pine has been Privately Printed for the Members of The Classic of 114 Medicine Library Philippe Pine The Classics of Medicine Library 1806 1983 Eniglish Report of the Pennylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Year 1881. By Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D., Physician in Chief and Philadelphi 115 Superintendent, Published by Order of the Board Managers. Phildelphia 1882. Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Oder of the Board of Managers a 1882 Eniglish

Report of the Pennylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Year 1883.Containing A Memories By Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D.. Philadelphi 116 LL.D; Late Physician in Chief and Superintendent. Published by Order of the Board of Managers. Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Oder of the Board of Managers a 1884 Eniglish Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Year 1882. by Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D., LL.D; Physician in Chief Philadelphi 117 and Superintentdent. Published by Order of the Board of Managers. Philadelphia 1883. Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1883 Eniglish 118 L'Alienat French Reports of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Years‐1846‐7‐8‐9 and 50. By Thomas S.Kirkbride, Physician to Philadelphi 119 the Institution Published by Order dof the Boar of Managers Philadelphia 1851 Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1851 Eniglish Reports of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Years‐1851‐2‐3‐4 and 5. By Thomas S.Kirkbride, Physician to Philadelphi 120 the Institution Published by Order of the Board of Managers Philadelphia 1856 Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1856 Eniglish Reports of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Years 1866, 1867, 1869. and 1870 by Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D.; Physician in Philadelphi 121 Chief and Superintendent. Published by Order of the Board Managers Philadelphia 1871 Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1871 Eniglish Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane for The Year 1871. by Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D., LL.D; Physician in Chief Philadelphi 122 and Superintentdent. Published by Order of the Board of Managers. Philadelphia 1872 Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1872 Eniglish 123 Recherches Clinquest et Therapeutques Sur l'epilesie 1 Physteri et lidoite Paris, 1903 Paris 1903 Eniglish

124 Reports of the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane.1847‐1862. Chicago: F.Fulton & Co., Book and Job Printeus 1863. 1863 Eniglish Report for the Pathological Department Central Indiana Hospital for Insane‐1903‐1906 Indianapolis W.W.Burford 125 Contractor for a State Printing and Binding, 1908. 1903 1906 Eniglish Heads and Faces, And How to Study Them, A Manual of Phrenology and Physiognomy for the People, by Nelson Sizer, 126 President of the American Institute of Phrenology, Author of How to Teach… H.S.Drayton, A.M.,M.D; Nelson Sizer New York 1896 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language A Treatise on Madness By William Battie M.D. Fellow of the College pf Pysificians in London, and Phyfician to St. Luke's 127 Hofpital. Introduction by James A.Brussel, M.D., F.A.P.A., F.A.C.P….. William Battie M.D. James A. Brussel New York 1758 1969 Eniglish Thomas Willis The of the Brain The 1681 edition, Reset and Reprinted, with the Original Illustrations by Sir 128 Christopher Wren. USV Pharmaceutical Corp. Tuckahoe, New York 1971 Sir Christopher Wren USV Pharmaceutical Corp New York 1681 1971 Eniglish 129 Hospital Reports. Ohio 1838 1851 Eniglish The Face of Madness Hugh W.Diamond and the Origin of Psychiatric Photography Edited by Sander L.Gilman, PH.D. 130 Brunner/Mazel, Publishers.New York Sander L. Gilman, PH.D. Brunner/ Mazel New York 1976 Eniglish The Face of Madness Hugh W. Diamond and the Origin of Psychiatric Photography Edition by Sander L. Gilman, PH.D. 131 Brunner/Mazel, Publishers. NewYork Sander L. Gilman, PH.D. Brunner/ Mazel New York 1976 Eniglish Adrienne Burrows & Iwan 132 Portraits of the Insane The Case of Dr. Diamond Adrienne Burrows & Iwan Schumacher Quartet Books London NewYork Schumacher New York 1990 Eniglish Adrienne Burrows & Iwan 133 Portraits of the Insane The Case .of Dr Diamond Adrienne Burrows & Iwan Schumacher Quartet Books London NewYork Schumacher New York 1990 Eniglish

134 Hysteria the History of A Disease by Ilza Veith Phoenix Books The University of Chicago Press Chicago & London Ilza Veith The University of Chiacago Press Chicago 1965 Eniglish

135 The Birth of Neurosis Myth, Malady, and the Victorians by George Frederick Drinka, M.D. Simon and Shuster New York George Frederick Drinka, M.D. Simon and Schuster New York 1984 Eniglish "Shattered Nerves" Doctors, Patients, and Depression in Victorian England Janet Oppenheim New York Oxford Oxford 136 University Press 1991 Janet Oppenheim Oxford University Press New York 1991 Eniglish This Special of Edition Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting by lCharles Bel Has been Privately Printed for the 137 Members of The Classic of Medicine Library The Classics of Medicine Library 1806 1984 Eniglish Philadelphi 138 History of Photography an International Quarterly Heinz K. Henish Bonny Farmer a 1987 Eniglish The American Journal of Psychiatry Vol.151, Number June 1994 In this Issue: Validity of the Familial and Sporadic Subtypes 139 of Schizophrenia by Marc‐Andre Roy and Raymond R. Crowe… Marc‐Andre Roy Stephen M. Strakowski 1994 Eniglish Philadelphi 140 History of Photography an International Quarterly Heinz K. Henish Bonny Farmer a 1987 Eniglish Elements of Mental and Moral Science: Designed to Exhibit the Original Susceptibilities of the Mind, and the Rule by 141 Which the Rectitude of any of its States or Feelings Should be Judged…. George Payne, A.M. Crocker & Brewster, 1820 New York 1829 Eniglish The Inner World of American Psychiatry, 1890‐1940 Selected Correspondence Gerald N. Grob Rutgers University Press Rutgers University Press New 142 New Brunswick, New Jesery Gerald N. Grob Brunswick and London New Jersey 1985 Eniglish The Asylum as Utopia W.A.F. Browne and the Mid‐Nineteenth Century Consolidation of Psychiatry Edited with an London, 143 Introduction by Andrew Scull Tavistock/Routledge Londn and New York Andrew Scull Tavistock/Routledge New York 1991 Eniglish Rutgers University Press New 144 Concepts of Insanity in the United States, 1789‐1865 Norman Dain Rutgers University Press Norman Dain Brunswick and London New Jersey 1964 Eniglish Insanity its Classification Diagnosis and Treatment E [dward] C. Spitzka Arno Press A New York Times Company New York. 146 1873 E [dward] C. Spitzka Arno Press A New York Company New York 1887 1973 Eniglish Michael Donnelly. Managing the Mind A Study of Medical Psychology in early Nineteenth‐Century Britain Tavistock London 147 Publications London and New York Michael Donnelly Tavistock Publications New York 1983 Eniglish Outlines of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. By Thomas C. Upham Arno Press A New York Times Company New 148 York. 1973 Thomas C. Upham Arno Press A New York Company New York 1868 1973 Eniglish South 149 The Letters of a Victorian Madwoman edited by John S. Hughes University of South Carolina Press edited by John S. Hughes University of South Carolina Press Carolina 1993 Eniglish Report of the Condition of the Insane Poor in the Count Poor Houses of New York. By Sylvester D. Willard Arno Press A 150 New York Times Company New York. 1973 By Sylvester D. Willard Arno Press A New York Company New York 1865 1973 Eniglish An Inquiry Concerning the Diseases and Functons of The Brain, The Spinal Cord, and The Nerves by Amariah Brigham Arno 151 Press A New York Times Company New York. 1973 Amariah Brigham Arno Press A New York Company New York 1840 1973 Eniglish Madhouses Mad‐Doctors, and Madmen The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era Andrew Schull, editor Philadelphi 152 University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1981 Editor Andrew Scull University of Pennsylvania Press a 1981 Eniglish The Philosophy of Insanity by a Late Inmate of the Glasgrow Royal Asylum for Lunatics at Gartnavel with an Introduction 153 by Frieda Fromm‐Reichmann, M.D. The Fireside Press London New York Frieda Fromm‐Reichmann, M.D. The Fireside Press New York 1947 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language A Generous Confidence Thomas Story Kirkbride and the Art of Asylum‐Keeping, 1840‐1883 Nancy Tomes Department of 154 History State University of New York at Stony Brook Cambrige University Press... Nancy Tomes Cambridge University Press New York 1984 Eniglish 155 The Origins of The State Mental Hospital in America Arno Press A New York Times Company New York. 1973 Arno Press A New York Company New York 1973 1837 Eniglish 156 A Social History of The World Through the Eyes of the Insane Roy Porter Weidenfeld & Nicolson. New York Roy Porter Weidenfeld & Nicolson New York 1987 Eniglish Modern Persecution Insane Asylums Unveiled By Mrs. E.P.W. Packard voulumes I and II Arno Press A New York Times 157 Company New York. 1973 by Mrs. E.P.W. Packard Arno Press A New York Company New York 1875 1973 Eniglish A Treatise on Insanity in its Medical Relations. By William A. Hammond, M.D. Surgeon General United States Army… New 158 York D. Appleton and Company 1,3 and 5 Bond Street. 1883 William A.Hammond,M.D. D. Appleton and Company New York 1883 1973 Eniglish

Supplement to the American Journal of Psychiatry Volume 151, Number 6 June 1994 Sesquicentennial Anniversity 1844‐ Sesquicentennial Anniversary 1884‐ 159 1994 American Psychiatry Association 1884‐1994 50 Years of Caring Offical Journal of the American Psychiatry Association. 1994 1994 Eniglish Lehmannas Medizinische Handatlanten. Band XXIX. Atlas und Grundriss der Allgemeinen Diagostil und Therapie dr Charite, 160 Nervenkrankheiten Von Dr.W.Seiffer, Privatdozent an der Universitat….. Dr.W.Seiffer Dr. Jolly Berlin 1902 Eniglish A View of the Nervous Temperament; Practical Inquiry into the Increasing Prevalence, Prevention, and Treatment of those 161 Diseases… by Thomas Trotter, M.D. Wright, Goodenow, & Stockwell Troy, N.Y. 1808 Eniglish

Mad Humanity its Forms Apparent and Obsoure by L.Forbes Winslow D.C.L. Oxon; M.B. Camb; Vice ‐President of the 162 Medico‐Legal Congress, New York and Chairman… New York M.F.Mansfield and Company 22 East Sixteenth Street L.Forbes Winslow M.F.Mandfiled and Company New York 1898 Eniglish Iconographie Photographique De La Salpetriere Service De M. Charcot Bourneville et P.Regnard Paris Aux Bureaux du 163 Progres Medical V.Adrien Delahaye & Co.Libraries Editeurs 1877 De M. Charcot Bourneville et P. Regnard Paris 1877 Eniglish Sander L. Gilman Difference and Pathology Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness Cornell University Press Ithaca 164 and London Sander L. Gilman Cornell University Press London 1985 Eniglish Iconographie Photographique De La Salpetriere Service De M. Charcot Bourneville et P.Regnard Paris Aux Bureaux du 165 Progres Medical V.Adrien Delahaye & Co.Libraries Editeurs 1878 De M. Charcot Bourneville et P. Regnard Paris 1878 Eniglish Iconographie Photographique De La Salpetriere Service De M. Charcot Bourneville et P. Regnard Paris Aux Bureaux du 166 Progres Medical… De M. Charcot Bourneville et P. Regnard Paris 1878 1880 Eniglish Les Maladies Epidemiques De Le'Esprit Sorcellerie Magnetisme, Morphinisme De'Lire Des Grandeurs Par Le Dr Paul 167 Regnard Professeur De Physiologie Generale A L'Institut National Agronomique… Le Dr. Paul Regnard E. Plon, Nourrit Paris 1887 Eniglish Fifth Report of the State Committee on Lunacy of the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania, September 30, 1887.Harrisburg: 168 Edwin K.Meyers, State Printer 1888. Edwin K. Meyers Harrisburg 1888 Eniglish Eighth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, and Treasurer of the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane, at Springfield, 169 Jacksonville. December, 1862 Springfield: Baker & Phillips, Printers 1862 Baker & Phillips Illinois 1862 Eniglish Annual Report of the Board of Managers Superintendent and Architect of the Kentucky Western Lunatic Asylum, (At Hopkinsville, Kentucky,) for the year 1863.Frankfort, Kentucky, Printed at the Commonwealth Office . WM. E. Hughes, 170 States Printer, 1864. WM.E.Hughes Kentucky 1864 Eniglish

Annual Report of the Commissioners, of the Uperintendent and Treasurer of the Indiana Hospital for the Insane, for the Indianapoli 171 Year Ending October 31, 1862 to the Legislature Indianapolis: Derry R. Sulgrove, State Printer. 1862. Derry R. Sulgrove s 1862 Eniglish 172 State of the New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum Annual reports for 1844, 1847, 1850 New York 1844 1850 Eniglish First Annual Report of the Commissioners and Medical Superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, to the General Indianapoli 173 Assembly, of the State of Indiana. Indianapolis: John D.Defrees, State Printer.1849 John D. Defrees s 1849 Eniglish Description of the Retreat, an Institution Near York, for Insane Persons of the Society of Friends. Containing an Accounts of 174 its Origin and Progress, The Bones Treatment, and A Statement of Cases. By Samuel Tuke…. Samuel Tuke W. Alexander London 1813 Eniglish Annual Report of the Trustees of the Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane, Year Ending September 30th 1862 Officers of 175 the Hospital Trustees. H.H. Giles…. H.H. Giles Wisconsin 1862 Eniglish Twenty‐Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Trustees and Officers of the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum, to the Governor of 176 the State of Ohio. For the Year 1862.Colubus: Richard Nevins, State Printer. 1863. Richard Nevins Columbus 1863 Eniglish

The Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Managers of the State Lunatic Asylum at Fulton, Missouri, Together with Report 177 of Superintendent and Physician and Treasurer, 1864. Jefferson, City W.A. Curry, Public Printer. 1865. W.A. Curry Missouri 1864 Eniglish Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Officers of Longview Asylum, to the Governor of the State of Ohio.For the 178 year 1862.Columus: Richard Nevins, State Printer. 1863. Richard Nevins Longview Asylum Ohio 1863 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language 179 Tenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Insane Asylum, For the year 1862. 1862 Eniglish History of the Association of Medical Superintendents American Institutions for the Insane, From 1844 to 1874, Inclusive: 180 With a List of the different hospital for the insane and the names and dates… by John Curwen, M.D. Secretary of the Association 1875 Eniglish

Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. Officers: Physician‐in‐ Chief and Superintendent, John B.Chapin, M.D. Department 181 for Males, Assistant Physican, Edward N.Brush, M.D. Second Assistant Physicians, Charles M. Franklin, M.D. John B.Chapin, M.D. Edward N. Brush, M.D. 1885 Eniglish The Curability of Insanity by Pliny Earle, .A.M; M.D., Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane at North‐ampton, Massachusetts. Read before the New England Psychological Society, on Retirng from Office as its Prestident, December 14, 182 1876; Pulblished by that Society.... Pliny Earlie, A.M; M.D. Ellis H. Roberts Utica, N.Y. 1877 Eniglish Drawings by Michael Sim'eon text by Robert Ariel Freud the Psychoanalytic Adventure Translated from the French by 183 Robert C.White Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York Michael Sim'eon Holt, Rinehart and Winston New York 1976 1978 Eniglish Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge the Gray.Substance of The Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium, by John Dean, 184 M.D. [Accepted for Publication, August. 1863 by JohnDean, M.D. 1863 Eniglish Topographical Anatomy of the Brain by J.C.Dalton, M.D.Professor Emeritus of Physiology in the College of Physicians and Philadelphi 185 Surgeons, New York, and President of the College Philadelphia Lea Brothers & Co. 1885. J.C.Dalton, M.D. # 1Lea Brothers & Co. a 1885 Eniglish Topographical Anatomy of the Brain by J.C.Dalton, M.D.Professor Emeritus of Physiology in the College of Physicians and Philadelphi 185 Surgeons, New York, and President of the College Philadelphia Lea Brothers & Co. 1885. J.C.Dalton, M.D. # 2Lea Brothers & Co. a 1885 Eniglish Topographical Anatomy of the Brain by J.C.Dalton, M.D.Professor Emeritus of Physiology in the College of Physicians and Philadelphi 186 Surgeons, New York, and President of the College Philadelphia Lea Brothers & Co. 1885. J.C. Dalton, M.D.# 3Lea Brothers & Co. a 1885 Eniglish Frrench Primitive Photography Introduction by Minor White Commentaries by Andre' Jammes and Robert Sobieszek an 187 Aperture Book. New York 1970 Andre' Jammes Robert Sobieszek New York 1970 Eniglish Early Medical Photography in America (1839‐1883) Stanley B.Burns, M.D., F.A.C.S. Assoiciate Attending Surgeon 188 Department of Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital…. Stanley B. Burns, M.D. Albert Einstein New York 1983 Eniglish I'm not crazy I just lost my glasses by Lonny Shavelson Introduction by A.D. Coleman Photography Critic and Historian Tisch 189 School of the Arts New York University.. Lonny Shavelson A.D. Coleman New York 1986 Eniglish Gregory Zilboorg Paychoanalysis and Religion Edited with an Introduction by Margaret Stone Zilboorg New York Farrar, 190 Straus and Cudahy Margaret Stone Zilboorg Farrar, Straus and Cudahy New York 1962 Eniglish EGO and Instinct The Psychoanalytic View of Human Nature‐Revised Daniel Yankelovich & William Barrett Random House 191 New York Daniel Yankelovich William Barrett New York 1970 Eniglish Images of Healing A Portfolio of American Medical & Pharmaceutical Practice in the 18th, 19th, & Early 20th Centuries 192 Edited by Ann Novotny & Carter Smith with an Introduction by William D. Sharpe, M.D…. Ann Novotny William D. Sharpe, M.D. New York 1980 Eniglish

Kirkbride‐Langenheim Collaboration: Early Use of Photography in Psychiatric Treatment in Philadelphia by George S.Layne Philadelphi 193 Offprint from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Volume CV, Number 2, April, 1981. George S. Layne a 1981 Eniglish Erggasse 19 Sigmund Freud's Home and Offices, Vienna 1938 The Photographs of Edmund Engelman Basic Books, Inc., 194 Publishers New York with an Introduction by Peter Gay Edmund Engelman Peter Gay New York 1976 Eniglish McGraw‐Hill Company, New York St. The Commonsense Psychiatry of Dr. Adolf Meyer Fifty ‐Two Selected Papers Edited, With Biographical Narrative, by Alfred Louis San Franciso Toronto Hamburg 195 Lief First Edition Second Imperession McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc. New York Toronto London 1948. Alfred Lief Mexico New York 1948 Eniglish A Treatise on Insanity by PH. Pinel Translated from the French by D.D.Davis, M.D. with an Introduction by Dr. Paul F. Cranefield Published Under the Auspices of the Library of the New York Academy of Medicine by Hafner Publishing 196 Company New York, 1962 D.D. Davis, M.D. Dr.Paul F. Cranefield New York 1962 Eniglish

197 Frued, Race, and Gender Sander L. Gilman Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jesery Sander L. Gilman Princeton University Press New Jersey 1993 Eniglish

198 The Female Malady Women, Madness, and English Culture, 1830‐1980 Elaine Showalter Panthenon Books New York Elaine Showalter Pantheon Books New York 1985 Eniglish

199 Mental Illness and Social Pocesses Thomas J. Scheff Editor Harper & Row Pulblishers New York, Evanston, and London Thomas J.Scheff Harper & Row New York 1967 Eniglish Psychiatric Slavery Thomas Szasz The Free Press A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co; Inc, New York Collier Macmillan 200 Publishers London Thomas Szasz Collier Macmillian New York 1977 Eniglish From Shaman to Psychotherapist A Historty of the Treatment of Mental Illness Walter Bromberg, M.D. Henry Regnery 201 Company Chicago Walter Brooberg, M.D. Henry Regnery Chicago 1975 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language Inheriting Madness Professionalization and Psychiatric Knowledge in Nineteeth‐Century France Ian R. Dowbiggin 202 University of California Press Berkeley Los Angles Oxford Ian R. Dowbiggin Los Angles 1991 Eniglish English Madness Ideas on Insanity 1580‐1890 Vieda Skultans Lecturer in Mental Health Routledge & Kegan Paul London, 203 Boston and Henley Vieda Skultans Routledge & Kegan Paul London 1979 Eniglish English Madness Ideas on Insanity 1580‐1890 Vieda Skultans Lecturer in Mental Health Routledge & Kegan Paul London, 204 Boston and Henley Vieda Skultans Routledge & Kegan Paul London 1979 Eniglish Social Research an Internanational Quarterly of the Social Sciences Arien Mack, Editor Editorial Board: Hannah Arendt 205 Stanley Diamond Robert Heilbroner…. Hannah Arendt Stanley Diamond New York 1973 Eniglish The Doctor on the Stage Medicine and Medical Men in Seventeenth‐Century England Herbert Silvette Edited by Francelia 206 Butler The University of Tennessee Press.Knoxville Francelia Butler University of Tennessee Press Knoxville 1967 Eniglish Mystical Bedlam Madness Anxiety and Healing in Seventeenth‐Century England Michael MacDonlad Department of History Univerisity of Wisconsin at Madison Cambridge University Press Cambridge London New York New Rochelle 207 Melbourne Sydney. Michael MacDonald Cambridge University Press New York 1981 1983 Eniglish The Manufacture of Madness A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement Thomas S. Szasz, 208 M.D. A Delta Book. Thomas S. Szasz, M.D. A Delta Book 1970 Eniglish Pennsylvani 209 The Death of Psychiatry E. Fuller Torrey, M.D. Chilton Book Company Radnor Pennsylvania E. Fuller Torrey, M.D. Chilton Book Company a 1974 Eniglish The Fallacy of Understanding , An Inquiry into the Changing Structure of Psychoanalysis Edgar A. Levenson Basic Books, 210 Inc., Publisher New York/ London Edgar A. Levenson Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1972 Eniglish

New Haven 211 The Idea of a Mental Illness by Marshall Edelson, M.D., Ph.D. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1971 Marshall Edelson, M.D. Yale University Press and London 1971 Eniglish Law and Psychological Practice Robert L. Schwitzgebel Claremont Graduate School R.Kirkland Schwitzgebel California 212 Lutheran College. John Wiley & Sons New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Robert L. Schwitzgebel John Wiley & Sons New York 1980 Eniglish The History of the Pennsylvania Hospital 1751‐1895 by Thomas G. Morton, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians: Philadelphi 213 President of the Medical Staff and Senior Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital…. Thomas G. Morton, M.D. Frank Woodbury, M.D. a 1895 Eniglish Report of the Commission to Inquire into the Condition of the Insane with Hospitals of the State of Pennysylvania Commission Appointed by Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and House of Resolution of the Senate and House of Pennsylvani 214 Representatives Approved July 11, 1901. WM.Stanley Ray a 1902 Eniglish Jay I Duraued A Treatise on the Nervous Diseases of Children for Physicians and Students by B. Sachs, M.D. Aliest and 215 Neurologist to Belleveue Hospital.; Neurologist. to the Mt Sinai Hospital: Consulting Physician… B. Sachs, M.D. Jay I. Duraued New York 1905 Eniglish The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence Anna Freud Translated from the German by Cecil Baines International 216 Universities Press, Inc. New York Cecil Baines International Universities Press, Inc. New York 1946 1950 Eniglish The Diseases of Society (The Vice and Crime Problem) by G. Frank Lydston, M.D. Professor of Genito‐Urinary Philadelphi 217 University of Illinois; Professor of Criminal‐Anthropology, Chicago‐Kent College… G. Frank Lydston, M.D. J.B. Lippincott Company a 1904 Eniglish A Manual of Psychological Medicine: Contaning the History, Nosology, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Philadelphi 218 Treatment of Insanity. With an Appendix of Cases. John Charles Bucknill, M.D., Lond.; …. John Charles Bucknill, M.D. Daniel H. Tuke, M.D. a 1858 Eniglish

Psychiatrie Ein Lehrbuch for Studirende Und Aerzte Von Dr. Emil Krapelin, Professor an Der University Heidelberg. Sechste, 219 Vollstanding Umgearbeitete Auflage L. Band. Allgemeine Psychiatrie Leipzig, Verlag Von Johann Ambrosius Bart II. 1899 Ein Lehrbuch Dr. Emil Kraepelin 1899 Eniglish The Only Authorized and Original Edition Popular Edition for America. My Water‐Cure Tested for more than 40 years and 220 Published for the Cure of Diseases and the Preservation of Health of Sebastian Kneipp…. Sebastians Kneipp Jos. Koesel Bavaria 1956 1886 Eniglish Les Epilepsies Et Les Epileptiques Par C.H. Fere Medecin de Bicetre Avec 12 Planches Hors Texte et 07 Figures Dans Le 221 Texte Paris Ancienne Librairie Germer Bailliere et Co Felix Alcan, Editeur…. C.H. Fere Felix Alcan Germain 1890 Eniglish Psychiatrie Ein Lehrbuch for Studirende Und Aerzte Von Dr. Emil Krapelin, Professor an Der University Heidelberg. Sechste, 222 Vollstanding Umgearbeitete Auflage II Band. Allgemeine Psychiatrie…. Ein Lehrbuch Dr. Emil Kraepelin 1899 Eniglish

223 The Shaping of Mordern Thought Crane Brinton Prentice‐Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Crane Brinton Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey 1963 Eniglish The Expression of the in Man and Animals by M.A., F.R.S., etc. with Photographic and Other 224 Illustrations with a Preface by Margaret Mead Greenwood Press, Publishers New York. Charles Darwin Greenwood Press New York 1955 Eniglish 225 The Human Face Stein And Day Publishers/ New York John Liggett Stein and Day New York 1974 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language This Special Edition of Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon The Diseases of the Mind by Benjamin Rush, M.D. Has 226 Been Privately Printed for the Members of The Classics of Medince Library by Benjamin Rush, M.D. 1812 1979 Eniglish The Varieties of Human Physique an Introduction to Constitutional Psychology by W.H. Sheldon, Ph.D., M.D. Harvard University With the Collaboration S.S.Stevens, Ph.D. Harvard University and W.B.Tucker, M.D. University of Chicago 227 Harper & Brothers Publishers New York and London. W.H. Sheldon, Ph.D., M.D. Harper & Brothers New York 1940 Eniglish 228 Classics in Psychology Edited by Thorne Shipley Philosophical Library New York Thomas Shipley Philosophical Library New York 1961 Eniglish A Dark Science Women, Sexuality, and Psychiatry in the Nineteenth Century Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Translations by 229 Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Marianne Loring Farrar, Straus and Giroux New York. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Farrar, Straus and Giroux New York 1986 Eniglish

American Handbook of Psychiatry Volume Three Silvano Arieti. Editor Editorial Board Kenneth E. Appel Norman Cameron 230 Lawrence C. Kolb Daniel Blain Kurt Goldstein Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York/London. Silvano Arieti (editor) Basic Books, Inc., Publishers New York 1966 Eniglish

Law in the Practice of Psychiatry A Handbook for Clinicans Seymour L. Halleck, M.D. University of North Carolina Chapel 231 Hill, North Carolina with the Assistance of Nancy H. Halleck, J.D. Plenum Medical Book Company. New York and London. Seymour L. Halleck, M.D. Nancy H. Halleck, M.D. New York 1980 Eniglish The Journal of the Photographic Society of London. Containing The Transactions of the Society and A General Record of Photographic Art and Science. Edited by Arthur Henfrey, F.R.S., F.L.S. etc. Volume the First. London: Taylor and Frances, 232 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. 1854. Arthur Henfrey, F.R.S Taylor and Frances London 1854 1976 Eniglish

233 The Mind Unveiled; or A Brief History of Twenty‐Two Imbecile Children Exhibit Material. 1858 Kerlin, Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton Kerlin 1858 Eniglish Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. For the Year 1845. By Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D. Physician to the Philadelphi 235 Institution. Published by Order of the Board of Managers Philadelphia 1846. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1846 Eniglish Philadelphi 235 A Catechism of Phrenology Illustrative of the Principles of that Science Philadelphia, 1835 Cover and Chart Only. a 1835 Eniglish Mental Maladies. A Treatise on Insanity by E. Eaquirol, Chief of the Maison Royale Des Alience De Charenton, Formerly Ispector‐General of the University, Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Etc. Translated from the French, with Philadelphi 236 Additions, by E.K. Hunt, M.D. Phildadelphia Lea and Blanchard 1845. E.Esquirol Lea and Blanchard a 1845 Eniglish

The Internal Scientific Series, Responsibilty in Mental Disease. By Henry Maudsley, M.D., The Royal College of Physicians, Professor of Medical Juris ‐In University College, London, Etc., Etc.Stress of Body and Mind," "Physiology and Pathology of 237 the Nervous System." New York: D.Appleton and Company, 549 and 551 Broadway. 1874. Henry Maudsley, M.D. D. Appleton and Company New York 1874 Eniglish Insanity and its Teatment Lectures on the Treatment, Medical and Legal, of Insane Patients by G. Fielding Blandford, M.D.Oxon. Fellow of the Royal College of Physician in London: Late Lectures on Psychological Medicine at the School of St. 238 George's Hospital London..... Allan McLane Hamilton, M.D. William Wood and Company New York 1886 Eniglish

Hospital De La Charite Lecons Cliniques Sur Les Principaux Phenomeses De L'Hypnotisme Dans Leurs Rapports A Vec La 239 Pathologie Mentale Par . Luys Membre de I'Academic de Medecine, Medecin de la Charlie. Paris George Carre, Editeur…. J. Luys George Carre Paris 1890 French Nouveau Traite Elementaire et Phatique Des Maladies Mentales Suivi De Considerations Pratiques Sur L'Administration 240 Des Asiles D'Alienes Par H. Dagonet Professeur Agrege A L'Ancienne Faculte….. H. Dagonet Librairie J.B. Bailliere Pairs 1876 French Mental Defectives their History, Treatment and Training by Martin W. Barr, M.D. Chief Physicians Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble‐ Minded Children, Elwyn, Pa. Illustrated by 53 Full‐Page Plates Philadelphia P. Blackiston's & Son & Co. Philadelphi 241 1012 Walnut Street 1910. Martin W. Barr, M.D. P. Blankiston's Son a 1910 Eniglish Responsibilty in Mental Disease by Henry Maudsley,D. M. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, London, Etc. Author of Bodyand Mind, Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous 242 System. New York D. Appleton and Company 1900. Henry Maudsley, M.D. D. Appleton and Company New York 1900 Eniglish

Reports of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Isane. For The Years 1856‐7‐8‐9 and 60. By Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D. Philadelphi 243 Physician is Chief and Superintendent. Publushed by Order of the Board of Managers Philadelphia: 1861. Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Board of Managers a 1861 Eniglish Reports of the Pennsylvania Hospital at Philadelphia for The Years 1876, 1877, 1879, and 1880. With Index for the Whole Series, From 1841 to 1880, Inclusive By Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Physician in Chief and Superintendent. Published by Philadelphi 244 Order of the Board of Managers. Philadephia 1881. Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D. Board of Managers a 1881 Eniglish The Female Offender by Prof. Caesar Lombroso and William Ferrero with an Introduction by W.Douglas Morrison Her 245 Majesty's Prison, Wandsworth Illustrated New York D. Appleton and Company 1895. W. Douglas Morrison D. Appleton and Company New York 1895 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language Nineteenth‐Century Photography in Philadelphia 250 Historic Prints From The Library Company of Philadelphia by Kenneth Finkel Curator of Prints Published in Cooperation with The Library Company of Philadelphia by Dover Publications, Inc. Philadelphi 246 New York. Kenneth Finkel The Library Copmany of Philadelphia a 1980 Eniglish

The Human Cage A Brief History of Prison Architecture Norman Johnston Published for the American Foundation 247 Incorporated Institute of Corrections, Philadelphia Pennsylvania by Walker and Company, New York, New York, 10019. Norman Johnston American Foundation New York 1973 Eniglish On the Construction, Organization, and Geernal Arrangements of Hospitals for the Insane by Thomas S. Kirkbride Arno 248 Press A New York Times Company New York. 1973 Thomas S. Kirkbridge Arno Press A New York Company New York 1880 1973 Eniglish

249 The Medical World of the Eighteenth Century Lester S. King, M.D. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc. Hunting , N.Y. Lester S. King, M.D. Robert E. Krieger New York 1958 1971 Eniglish Mental Illness and Psychology Michel Foucault Translated by Alan Sheridan Foreword by Hubert Dreyfus University of 250 California Press Berkeley Los Angeles London Michel Foucault University of California Los Angles 1987 Eniglish Unclean Spirits Possession ans Exorcism in France and England in the Late Sixteenth Centuries D.P. Walker University of Philadelphi 251 Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia 1981. D.P. Walker University of Pennsylvania Press a 1981 Eniglish The Passions of the Mind in General by Thomas Wright a reprint bafed on the 1604 edition with an introduction by Chicago 251 Thomas O. Sloan University of Illinois Press Urbana Chicago London Thomas Wright Thomas O. Sloan London 1971 Eniglish

252 The Insane in the United States and Canada by D[aniel] Hack Tuke Arno Press A New York Times Company New York . 1973 D[aniel Hack Tuke Arno Press A New York Company New York 1885 1973 Eniglish Publications of the Institute of History of the The Johns Hopkins University Third Series Vol.II The Medical Man and thr Witch During the Renaissance by Gregory Zilboorg, M.D. The Hideyo Noguchi Lectures New York 253 Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. 1969. Gregory Zilboorg, M.D. Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. New York 1935 1969 Eniglish This Special edition of A Treatise Jurisprudence of Insanity by Isaac Ray has been Privately Printed for the Members of The 254 Legal Classic Library. Isaac Ray The Legal Classic Library 1838 1987 Eniglish A Short History of Medicine Introducing Medical Principles to Students and Non‐Medical Readers by Charles Singer M.A., M.D., D. Litt, Oxford Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Lodon Lectures on the History of Medicine in the 255 University of London New York Oxford University Press American Branch 1928. Charles Singer Oxford University Press New York 1928 Eniglish 256 Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France Robert Darnton Schocken Books . New York Robert Darnton Schocken Books New York 1968 1970 Eniglish A Dark Science Women, Sexuality, and Psychiatry in the Nineteenth Century Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Translations by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Marianne Loring Prefacace by Catharine A. Mackinnon The Noonday Press Farrar, Straus 257 and Giroux New York Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson Marianne Loring New York 1986 1988 Eniglish 258 Roger Smith Trial by Medicine Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trails Edinburgh University Press Roger Smith Edinburgh University Press 1981 Eniglish The Beginnings of American Psychiatric Thought and Practice Five Accounts, 1811‐1830 Arno Press A New York Times 259 Company New York. 1973 Arno Press A New York Company New York 1814 1973 Eniglish Robert Castel The Regulation of Madness The Origins of Incarceration in France Traslated by W.D. Halls University of 260 California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles. Robert Castel W.D.Halls Los Angles 1988 Eniglish Sander L. Gilman Disease and Representation Images of Illness from Madness to Aids Cornell University Press Ithaca and 261 London. Sander L. Gilman Cornell University Press London 1988 Eniglish Essaay on Physiognomy; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind. Written in the German Language by John Caspar Lavater, and Translated into English by Thomas Holcroft. Second Edition. Illustrated by four hundred and 262 Eighteen Engravings. Vol. One Hundred Physiolognonical Rules.... by John Caspar LaVater Thomas Holcroft VOL.1 London 1804 Eniglish Essaay on Physiognomy; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind. Written in the German Language by John Caspar Lavater, and Translated into English by Thomas Holcroft. Second Edition. Illustrated by four hundred and 263 Eighteen Engravings. Vol.3 part 2 by John Caspar LaVater Thomas Holcroft VOL.III Pt. 2 London 1804 Eniglish Eassy on Physiognomy; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind Written in the German Language by 264 John Casar LaVater, and Translated into English by Thomas Holcroft… Vol. 2by John Caspar LaVater Thomas Holcroft Vol.II London 1804 Eniglish Eassy on Physiognomy; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind Written in the German Language by 265 John Casar LaVater, and Translated into English by Thomas Holcroft… Vol. 3by John Caspar LaVater Thomas Holcroft Vol.III London 1804 Eniglish The Mongol on our MIDST A Study of Man and His Three Faces by F.G. Crookshank, M.D. New York E.P. Dutton & Company 266 681 Fifth Avenue. F.G. Crookshank, M.D. E.P Dutton & Company New York 1924 Eniglish Observations on Maniacal Disorders by William Pargeter Edited with an Introducation by Stanley W. Jackson Routledge 267 London and New York. by William Pargeter Stanley W. Jackson New York 1988 Eniglish 268 Illustrated Physiognomy. By Professor A. E. Willis Practical Phrenologist, Author and Lecturer Chicago 1879. by Professor A.E.Willis Chicago 1879 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language The Illustrated Annuals of Phrenology and Physiognomy for the Years 1856‐6‐7‐8‐9‐70‐1‐2&3 Complete in One Volume, of Over 500 Pages By S.R. Wells Editior Phrenological Journal. With More Than 350 Illustrative Engravings, New York: S.R. 269 Wells & Company Publishers 737 Broadway. by S.R.Wells S.R. Wells & Company New York 1865 1873 Eniglish

270 Heads or the art of Phrenology Helen Cooper and Peter Cooper Published by the London Phrenology Company Ltd 1983. Helen Cooper London Phrenology Company London 1983 Eniglish

271 Head or the art of Phrenology Helen Cooper and Peter Cooper Published by the London Phrenology Company Ltd. 1983 Helen Cooper London Phrenology Company London 1983 Eniglish The Illustrated Self‐Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology, With One Hundred Ingravings, And a Phrenological Chart of Character. By O.S. & L.N. Fowler, Practical Phrenologists Your hand is the type of your Mentatily. Self Knowledge is the Essance of all knowledge New York Fowlers and Wells, Publishers, Clinton Hall, and 129 and 131 Nassau Street. London: 272 John Chapman. by O.S. & L.N. Fowler Fowlers and Wells New York 1852 Eniglish Lectures on Phrenology: Delivered Before the Young Men's Association for Mutual Improvement, of the City of Albany. By 272 Amos Dean. Boston Marsh, Capen & Lyon. 1835. by Amos Dean by Marsh, Capen & Lyon Boston 1835 Eniglish

Essaay on Physiognomy; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind. Written in the German Language 273 by John C. Lavater, Abridged from, M Holerofts Translation. London for G.G. & J. Robinfon, Paternofler Row. by J.C. Lavater G.G.J. & J. Robinfon London undated Eniglish

Hypnotism, Mesmerism and the New Witchcraft by Ernest Hart formerly Surgeons to the West London Hospital and Ophthalmic Surgeons to St. Mary's Hospital London A New Edition, Englarged With Chapters on the Eternal Gullible and 274 note on the Hypnotism of Trilby with 24 Illustrations London Smith, Elder & Co. Waterloo Place 1896. by Ernest Hart Smith, Elder & Co. London 1896 Eniglish

Anatomical Studies Upon Brains of Criminals A Contribution to Anthropology, Medicine, Jurisprudence, and Psychology by Moriz Benedikt Professor at Vienna Translated from the German by E.P. Fowler, M.D. New York Department of Translation 275 New York Medico‐Chirurgical Society New York Wm. Wood & Company, Publishers 27 Great Jones Street 1881. by Moriz Benedikt Wm. Wood & Company New York 1881 Eniglish Outlines of Mental Diseases, with Seventeen Illustrative Engravings: For the Use of Students. By Alexander Morison, M.D. President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinbruch: Physician to the Royal Highness Prince Leopold: Inspecting Physician of the Surrey Lunatic Houses: And Lecture on Mental Diseases, & C. Third Edition. London, Longman and 276 Company... by Alexander Morison, M.D. Longman and Company London 1829 Eniglish The Games a Head A Phrenological Study of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle by Madeleine B. Stern Paulette 277 Greene Rockville Centre, New York 1983. by Madeleine B. Stern Paulette Greene New York 1983 Eniglish A Medical Bibliography (Garrison and Morton) An Annotated Check‐List of Texas Illustrating the History of Medicine Leslie T. Morton FLA Consultant Librarian, British Postgraduate Medical Federation; Formerly Librarian, National Institute for 278 Medical Research, London Fourth Edition A Grafton Book Gowe. Leslie T. Morton FLA Gower 1983 Eniglish Description of the Retreat, an Institution Near York, for Insane Persons of the Society of Friends. Containing an Accounts of its Origin and Progress, The Modes Treatment, and A Statement of Cases. By Samuel Tuke First Published in 1813 Now Reprinted by Photolithography with an Introduction by Richard Hunter M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M. and Ida Macalpine 1964 279 Dawsons of Pall Mall London Samuel Tuke Dawsons of Pall Mall London 1813 1964 Eniglish Contributions to Mental Pathology by I. D.Ray, M. Author of "Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity," and " Mental Hygiene" 280 Boston: Little, Brown, and Company 1873. by I. Ray, M.D. Little, Brown and Company Boston 1873 Eniglish On the Construction, Organization, and Geernal Arrangements of Hospitals for the Insane by Thomas S. Kirkbride M.D. Philadelphi 281 Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital fot the Insane. Philadelphia. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. a 1854 Eniglish

What Asylums were are and Ought o be: Being the Substance of Five Lectures Delivered Before The Managers of the Montrose Royal Lunatic Asylum by W.A.F. Browne, Surgeon, Medical Superintendent of the Montrose Asylum, Formerly 282 President of the Royal Medcial Society, Edinburgh & Co. Endinburg: Adam and Charles Black, ..... W.A.F. Curry Adam and Charles Black London 1837 Eniglish Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders Affecting the Mind. By James Cowles Prichard, M.D. F.R.S. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Paris, and of the Philosophical Society of Sienna; Senior Physician to the Philadelphi 283 Bristol Infirmary. Philadelphia Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1837. by James Cowles Prichard Haswell, Barrington a 1837 Eniglish

1601 (della) Porta, Giambattista. De humana physiognomonia libri IV.Ursel: 12 mo, vellum, 534 pp., index, illustrations. 284 (First edition, 1586). This Renaissance treats is one of the early classic works on human and animal physiognomy…... Della Porta, Giambattista 1601 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language Practical Lessons in Nursing the Nursing and Care of the Nerous and the Insane. By Charles K. Mills, M.D., Professor of Neurology in the University of Pennsylvania; Neurologist to the Philadelphia Hospital. New Editor. Philadelphia: J.B. Philadelphi 285 Lippincott Company. London: 5 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden 1904. by Charles K. Mills J.B. Lippincott Company a 1904 Eniglish Praxis und Theorie Individualpsychologie Vortrage Zur Einfuhrung in Die Psychotherapie Fur Arzte Psychologen und Lehrer 286 Von Dr. Alfred Adler Wien Munchen und Wiesbaden Verlag Von J.F.Bergmann Dr. Alfred Alder Verlag Von J.F.Bergmann 1920 German Reports and Other Documents Relating to the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, Mass. Printed by Order of the Senate 287 Boston Dutton and Wentworth, Printers to the State, 1837. Dutton and Wentworth Boston 1837 Eniglish

Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles by Daniel, Hack, Tuke,M.D.F.R.C.P. President of the Medico‐ Psychological Association, Joint Editor of "The Journal of Mental Science," And Formerly Visting Physician to the New York 288 Retreat With Four Illustrations London Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., I, Patternoster Square 1882. by Daniel Hack Kegan Paul London 1882 Eniglish Counsels and Ideals From The Writings of Williams Osler & Selected Aphorisms The Classics of Medcine Library Birminham Birmingha 289 1985 by William Osler The Classics of Medicine Library m 1985 Eniglish A Manual for Attendants in Hospitals for the Insane. By John Curwen, M.D. Superintendent and Physician of the Philadelphi 290 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital Philadelphia: William S. Martien 144 Chestnut Street. 1851. by John Curwen, M.D. William S. Martien a 1851 Eniglish

The Modern Practice of Physic, Exhibiting the Characters, Causes, Symptons, Prognostics, Morbid Appearance, and Improbed Method of Creating the Diseases of all Climates. By Robert Thomas, M.D. of Salisbury, England. A Bridged from Philadelphi 291 the Fifth and Last London Edition, by William Currie, and David F.Condie. Philadelphia.... by Robert Thomas by William Currie a 1817 Eniglish

Observations on the Deranged Mainfestations of the Mind or, Insanity. By J.G. Spurzheim, M.D. Licentiate of the College of Physicians of London, and of the Universites of Vienna and Paris. Third American Edition, with Notes, Improvements and 292 Plates. With an Appendix, by A. Brigham, M.D. Boston Marsh, Capen & Lyon 1836. by J.G. Spurzheim, M.D. A . Brigham, M.D. Boston 1836 Eniglish Facts for Girls. Selected and Arranged by Joseph Belcher, D.D. Stereotype Edition. New York Published by Lewis Colby, 122 293 Nassau Street 1846. by Joseph Belcher, D.D. By Lewis Colby New York 1846 Eniglish

Memoirs of My Nervous Illness Daniel Paul Schreber Translated and Editied by Ida Macalpine and Richard A. Hunter With a 294 New Introduction by Samuel M. Weber Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 1988. By Ida Macalpine & Richard Hunter Samuel M. Weber London 1988 Eniglish

295 Approaching Hysteria Disaease and its Interpretations Mark S. Micale Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersery Mark S. Micale Princeton University Press New Jersey 1995 Eniglish The Trade in Lunacy A Study of Private Madhouses in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries William Ll. Parry‐ Jones Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Oxford Fellow of Linarce College, Oxford London: Routledge Kegan Paul 296 Toronto: University of Toronto Press. William Ll. Parry‐Jones University of Toronto Press London 1972 Eniglish London and New 297 Illustrations of Madness by John Haslam Edited with an Introduction by Roy Porter Routledge Londo and New York Roy Porter Routledge York 1988 Eniglish

Rationale of Crime, and the Appropriate Treatment; Being A Treatise on Criminal Jurisprudence Considered in Relation to Cerebral Organization. By M.B. Sampson. From the Second London Edition. With Notes and Illustrations by E.W.Parnham, 298 … New York: D.Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway, Philadelphia: Geo. S.Appleton, 148 Chestnut‐Street. by M.B. Sampson D. Appleton and Company New York 1846 Eniglish 299 Courts and Doctors by Lloyd Paul Stryker New York The MacMillan Company 1932 by Lloyd Paul Stryker The MacMillan Company New York 1932 Eniglish A Compendium of Insanity by John B. Chapin, M.D., L.L.D., Physician‐in‐Chief, Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane: Late Physicians.Superintendent of Willard State Hospital, New York: Honorary Member of the Medico‐Psychological Society of Great Britains and of the Society of Mental Medicine, Belgium, Etc. Illustrated Philadelphia W.B. Saunders 925 Walnut Philadelphi 300 Street 1898. John B.Chapin, M.D. W.B. Saunders a 1898 Eniglish

Medical Inquiries and Observations, Upon the Diseases of the Mind. By Benjamin Rush, M.D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Practice, in the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Published by Kimber& Philadelphi 301 Richardson, no.237, Market Street. Merrit, Printer, No. 9, Watkin's Alley 1812. by Benjamin Rush, M.D. Kimber & Richardson a 1812 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language

On the Construction, Organization, and General Arrangements of Hospitals for the Insane.With Some Remarks on Insanity and its Treatment. By Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D., L.L.D., …Second Edition. With Revisions, Additions, and New Illustrations. Philadelphi 302 Philadelphia: London: 16 Southamptons Street, Covent Garden 1880. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. J.B. Lippincott Company a 1880 Eniglish Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry 1535‐1860 Richard Hunter, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M. Ida Macalpine M.D., M.R.C.P. 303 London Oxford University Press New York Toronto Richard Hunter Oxford University Press New York 1963 Eniglish The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture Bruce Haley Harvard University Press Cambridge Massachusetts and London, London, 304 England 1978 Bruce Haley Harvard University Press England 1978 Eniglish Freud, Dora , and Vienna 1900 Hannah S. Decker The Free A Division of Macmillian, Inc. New York Collier Macmillian 305 Canada Toronto Maxwell Macmillian International New York Oxford Singapore Sydney Hannah S. Decker The Free Press New York 1991 Eniglish 306 A.R.G. Owens Hysteria, Hypnosis and Healing the Work of J.M. Charcot Garrett Publications‐New York A.R.G.Owens Garrett Publications New York 1971 Eniglish J.M. Charcot 1825‐1893 His Life‐His Work George Guillain, M.D. Members d'l' Instiut Membre de L'Academie de Medicine Edited and Translates by Pearce Bailey, Ph.D., M.D. Director, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness; Membre Honoraire & Title Etranger de la Societe de Neurologie Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. Medical Book Department of Harper 307 & Brothers. J.‐M Charcot Paul B. Hoeber 1959 German Hysteria Beyond Freud Sander L. Gilman Helen King Roy Porter G.S.Rousseau Elaine Showalter University of California 308 Press Berkeley Los Angeles London Sander L. Gilman University of California Press Los Angles 1993 Eniglish A Treatise on Insanity by PH. Pinel Translated from the French by D.D.Davis, M.D. with an Introduction by. Dr Paul F. Cranefield Published Under the Auspices of the Library of the New York Academy of Medicine by Hafner Publishing 309 Company New York, 1962 by PH. Phil Hafner Publishing Company New York 1962 Eniglish

Monograph Series on Schizophrenia No.1 Dementia Praecox or The Group of Schizophrenias by Eugen Bleuler Translated 310 by Joseph Zinkin,D. M. Foreword by Nolan D.C.Lewis, M.D. International University Press New York , New York by Eugen Bleuler International Universities Press, Inc. New York 1950 1952 Eniglish The Sixty‐Second Annual Report of the Officers of the Retreat for the Insane, at Hartford, Conn., April 1886. Hartford, Hartford, 311 Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwwod & Brainard Company. 1886. Brainard Company Conn 1886 Eniglish Text‐Book of Nervous Diseases for Physicians and Students by Professor H. Oppenheim of Berlin Fifth Enlarged and Improved Edition with 432 Illustrations in the Text and 8 Plates Authorised Translation by Alexander Bruce, M.D. F.R.C.P.E., L.L.D. Physician to the Royal Inpirmary, Eninburgh Vol.2 T.N. Foulis Publisher 91 Great Russell, Street, London & 312 15 Frederick Street, Endinburgh by Alexander Bruce, M.D. T.N. Foulis Publisher London 1911 Eniglish Nervous and Mental Diseases by Archibald Church, M.D. Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases and Medical Jurisprudence in the Northwestern University (the Chicago Medical College). Chicago; Late Professor of Neurology in the Chicago Policlinic... And Frederick Peterson, M.D..... With 343 Illustrations Seventh Edition, Thoroughly Philadelphi 313 Revised Philadelphia and London W.B. Saunders Company 1911. by Archibald Church, M.D. W.B. Saunders a 1911 Eniglish The Care and Cure of the Insane. Being the Reports of the Lancet Commission on Lunatic Asylums, 1875‐6‐7, For Middlesex, the City of London, and Surrey, (Republished by Permission) With a Digest of the Principal Records Extant, and a Statistical Review....by J. Mortimer Granville, M.D., F.S.S., In two vol.1 London: Hardwicke and Bogue, 192, Piccadilly 314 1877. by J.Mortimer Granville, M.D. Hardwicke and Bogue London 1877 1923 Eniglish

The Care and Cure of the Insane. Being the Reports of the Lancet Commission con Lunati Asylums, 1875‐6‐7, For Middlesex, the City of London, and Surrey, (Republished by Permission) With a Digest of the Principal Records Extant, and 315 a Statistical Review... In two volumes vol.II London Hardwicke and Bogue, 192, Piccadilly. 1877. by J.Mortimer Granville, M.D. Hardwicke and Bogue London 1877 1924 Eniglish The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin M.A., F.R.S., etc. with Photographic and Other 316 Illustrations London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. by Charles Darwin, M.A. John Murray London 1872 Eniglish Mental Pathology and Therapeutics by W.Griesinger, M.D.Professor of Clinical Medcine and Mental Science in the University of Berli: Honorary Member of the Medico‐Psychological Association; Membre Associe Etranger De La Societe Medico‐…..Translated From the German (Second Edition) by C. Lockhart Robertson, M.D. Cantab., and James Rutherford, 317 M.D. Edin. New York William Wood & Company 1882. by W.Griesinger, M.D. William Wood and Company New York 1882 Eniglish

A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine Giving the Definition, Etymology and Synonyms of the Terms used in Medical Psychology with the Symptons, Treatment, and Pathology of Insanity and the Law of Lunacy in Great Britain and Ireland 318 Edited by D.Hack Tuke, M.D., L.L.D. Vol. II London J. & A. Churchill II New Burlington Street 1892. by D. Hack Tuke, L.L.D. J. & A. Churchill London 1892 Eniglish

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Detering BookID# Title Author Publisher City Date 1 Date 2 Language Report of the The Year 1861. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Physician is Chief and Superintendent, Published by Order of the Philadelphi 319 Board of Managers, Philadelphia: 1862. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1862 Eniglish

Rport of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane at Philadelphia for The Year 1880. Index for the Whole Series, From 1841 Philadelphi 320 to 1880 Inculive. By Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Published by Order if the Board of Managers Philadelphia 1881. by Thomas S.Kirkbride, M.D. Order of the Board of Managers a 1881 Eniglish Insanity Tested by Science, and Shown to be A Disease Rarely Connected with Permanent Organic Lesion of The Brain. And on the That Account Far More Susceptible of Cure Than Has Hitherto Been Supposed. By C.M. Burnett, M.D. London: 321 Samuel Highley, 32, Fleet Street. by C.M. Burnett, M.D. Samuel Highley London 1848 Eniglish

A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine Giving the Definition, Etymology and Synonyms of the Terms used in Medical Psychology with the Symptons, Treatment, and Pathology of Insanity and the Law of Lunacy in Great Britain and Ireland 322 Edited by D.Hack Tuke, L.L.D. Vol.I London J.& A. Churchill 11 New Burlington Street 1892. D.Hack Turke, M.D. J.& A. Churchill London 1892 Eniglish Scientific and Esoteric Studies in Sexual Degeneration in Mankind and in Animals by Professor Charles Samson Fere 323 Translated by Ulrich Van Der Horst, Ph.D. Privately Printed by Anthropological Press New York. by Charles Samon Fere Anthropological Press New York 1932 German A Psychiatric Miletone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary 1821‐1921"Cum Corpore ut una Crescere Sentiums, Pariterque 324 Senescere Mentem." Privately Printed By the Society of the New York Hospital 1921. New York 1921 Eniglish

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