Messiah in the Havurah Study Guide Lesson 4

Psalm 110 is one of the most quoted chapters from the Hebrew Scriptures that we find in the New Covenant Scriptures. We have said that the Psalms consist of chapters that have a meaningful order. Consecutive Psalms often have a similar theme. Let's follow up on this thought.

Our commentary says that Psalms 107 - 109 contain pleas for deliverance.

Psalms 111 - 113 pronounce praise for deliverance.

Psalm 110, in the middle of this group, announces the deliverer.

1. Scan . Name two verses that contain a plea for deliverance. Read them aloud.

2. Scan Psalm 108. Find one verse that asks for God's deliverance.

3. Scan Psalm 111. Why does the Psalmist praise God?

Read Psalm 110.

1. Verse 1 has two uses of the word Lord. In English they are often spelled differently as LORD and Lord. The first LORD in Hebrew is Yahweh. The second, Lord, is adoni or possibly adonay. Discuss the implications of the LORD says to my Lord. (What does this say about the nature of God?)

2. Verse 2 mentions a "mighty scepter". Read Esther 5:1-3. Who had the scepter? What does it represent?

3. The last portion of v3 in many translations is difficult to understand. The translates it like this: "from the womb of the dawn I have begotten you". Compare this phrase to :7, which we read in a previous week. What is the teaching?

4. Reread verse 4. The book of Hebrews has extensive commentary on this verse! Time permitting, read Hebrews 7: 1 & 11-17. What 2 offices/positions were held by Melchizedek? Messiah holds these same offices. Does any other biblical king match this?

5. Verses 5-7 speak to the future. Read them again. The Lord in verse 5 is adonay. Remembering verse 1, could adonay be or is He Messiah?

Praise God for who He is, what He does, and the promises He will still fulfill!