Office of Public Works Arterial Drainage Maintenance Works - Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme 2019-2023

Stage 2: Natura Impact Statement December 2018

Office of Public Works Templemungret House Mungret Co. Limerick

JBA Project Manager Tom Sampson 24 Grove Island Corbally Limerick Revision History Revision Ref / Date Issued Amendments Issued to V0.3 Internal review T Slattery (JBA) V0.5 Internal review N Burke (JBA) V1.0 / 04 Dec 2018 First issue to client Tony Brew (OPW) V2.0 / 18 Dec 2018 Updates following client Tony Brew (OPW) review Contract This report describes work commissioned by Helena Fagan, on behalf of the Office of Public Works, by a letter dated 6 June, 2018. The Office of Public Works representative for the contract was Tony Brew. Joe Freijser, Malin Lundberg and Tanya Slattery of JBA Consulting carried out this work. Field survey work was carried out by Independent Ecologist Ross Macklin.

Prepared by ...... Joe Freijser BA MSc Ecologist

Reviewed by ...... Niamh Burke BSc (Hons) PhD CEnv MCIEEM Senior Ecologist

Tanya Slattery BSc MSc MSc (Res) Ecologist Purpose This document has been prepared as a Final Report for the OPW. JBA Consulting accepts no responsibility or liability for any use that is made of this document other than by the Client for the purposes for which it was originally commissioned and prepared. JBA Consulting has no liability regarding the use of this report except to the OPW. Copyright © Jeremy Benn Associates Limited 2018 Carbon Footprint A printed copy of the main text in this document will result in a carbon footprint of454g if 100% post- consumer recycled paper is used and 577g if primary-source paper is used. These figures assume the report is printed in black and white on A4 paper and in duplex. JBA is aiming to reduce its per capita carbon emissions.

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1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Background ...... 4 1.2 Legislative context ...... 4 1.3 Appropriate Assessment Process ...... 4 1.4 Methodology...... 5 2 Project Description ...... 9 2.1 Arterial Drainage Maintenance ...... 9 2.2 Drainage Maintenance Activities ...... 9 2.3 The Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme ...... 16 2.4 Drainage Maintenance Works Proposed for the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme ...... 16 3 Screening Assessment Results ...... 17 3.1 Surface Water Pathways ...... 17 3.2 Land and air pathways ...... 21 3.3 Groundwater pathways ...... 26 3.4 Screening assessment conclusion ...... 30 4 Existing Environment ...... 32 4.1 General ...... 32 4.2 Ecology - Overview ...... 32 4.3 Ecological walkover survey results ...... 33 4.4 Flora ...... 42 4.5 Fauna ...... 42 5 Natura 2000 sites within the Zone of Influence of the works/scheme ...... 44 5.1 Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) ...... 44 5.2 Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) ...... 46 6 Appropriate Assessment...... 48 6.1 Introduction ...... 48 6.2 Identification of Potential Sources of Impact ...... 48 6.3 Impact Assessment ...... 50 6.4 Impact Evaluation ...... 53 7 Avoidance and Mitigation Measures ...... 65 7.1 Site specific mitigation measures ...... 65 7.2 Mitigation for Bridge/Sluice/Structural Works ...... 66 8 Conclusions ...... 68 References...... 70 Appendices ...... I A Conservation objectives...... I B Protected Fauna ...... XVI II C Non-native Invasive Species ...... XX X D Environmental Drainage Maintenance Manual ...... XX XI E Foreman's Bridge Inspection Report ...... XX XII

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F Environmental Risk Assessment Form ...... XX XIII G Ecological Survey Extent ...... XX XIV H Channels, Embankments, Bridges and Sluices screened into assessment and pathways of impact ...... XX XV

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List of Figures Figure 1-1: The Appropriate Assessment Process (from: Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland - Guidance for Planning Authorities, DoEHLG, 2009).. 5 Figure 1-2: Screening assessment process ...... 7 Figure 2-1 Extent of Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme ...... 16 Figure 3-1 Channels of the Maine Scheme with potential impacts via surface water pathways (JBA 2014a) ...... 18 Figure 3-3 Channels and embankments with potential impacts via ground water pathways (JBA 2014a) ...... 26 Figure 4-1 Otter spraint and Badger sett found along the survey area of the River Maine 33 Figure 4-2 Japanese knotweed on west bank of channel D43A ...... 33 Figure 4-3 Sea wall protecting bank providing habitat for otter ...... 35 Figure 4-4 Reed and large sedge swamps FS1 mainly showing common reed (Phragmites) ...... 36 Figure 4-5 Channel running through wet grassland ...... 38 Figure 4-6 Shingle shore on west facing peninsula south of Fybagh ...... 39 Figure 4-7 Mud shore showing elevated mudflat...... 40 Figure 4-8 Treeline alongside a drainage channel ...... 41 Figure 4-9 Channel with scrub on either side also showing Japanese knotweed and Montbretia ...... 42 Figure 5-1 Natura 2000 sites with the ZOI ...... 44

List of Tables Table 2-1: OPW Drainage Maintenance Subcategories ...... 9 Table 2-2: OPW Drainage Maintenance Types ...... 9 Table 3-1 Natura 2000 sites potentially impacted by the maintenance works ...... 17 Table 3-2 Surface Water Pathways ...... 17 Table 3-3 Summary results of SWD QIs / FOIs of SAC with potential surface water pathways, potential Annex I habitats present and potential for significant impact (JBA 2014a)(NPWS 2011) ...... 19 Table 3-5 Land & Air Pathways ...... 21 Table 3-7 Natura 2000 site with potential to be impacted by groundwater pathways ...... 26 Table 3-8 Summary results of QIs / FOIs in SAC's with potential groundwater connectivity, resulting in a potential for impact from the proposed works through groundwater pathways ...... 27 Table 3-9 Summary results of QIs / FOIs in SPA's with potential groundwater connectivity, resulting in a potential for impact from the proposed works through groundwater pathways ...... 29 Table 3-10 Screening assessment conclusion ...... 31 Table 4-1 Habitats found along the River Maine ...... 33 Table 5-1 Threats and pressures to Castlemaine Harbour SAC (NPWS 2017a) ...... 46 Table 6-1 Impact evaluation table ...... 54

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Table 7-1 Specific mitigation measures ...... 65 Table 7-2 Mitigation measures for bridge, sluice and/or structural works ...... 66

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Abbreviations AA ...... Appropriate Assessment CA ...... Competent Authority DoEHLG ...... Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government EC ...... European Community EP ...... Environmental Procedures EPA ...... Environmental Protection Agency GIS ...... Geographical Information System GWD ...... Ground Water Dependant IFI ...... Inland Fisheries Ireland IROPI ...... Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest I-WeBS ...... Irish Wetland Bird Survey MAC ...... Maintenance Access Corridors NIS ...... Natura Impact Statement NBDC ...... National Biodiversity Data Centre NNIS ...... Non-Native Invasive Species NPWS ...... National Parks and Wildlife Services NRA ...... National Roads Authority OPW ...... Office of Public Works RBMP ...... River Basin Management Plan SAC ...... Special Area of Conservation SPA ...... Special Protection Area SWD ...... Surface Water Dependent QI ...... Qualifying Interests WFD ...... Water Framework Directive ZOI ...... Zone of Influence

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background JBA has been appointed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) to provide environmental consultancy services in relation to statutory arterial drainage maintenance activities for 2019 - 2023 on the Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme. This includes preparing a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) report to present required information to the relevant Competent Authority (CA) to undertake Appropriate Assessment. Appropriate Assessment is required at this location due to the presence of the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA within the Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme. An initial screening assessment was undertaken at this location for the purposes of Appropriate Assessment by JBA in 2014 (JBA 2014a). This screening report defined the zone of influence of the works, screened Natura 2000 sites within this zone of influence for potential to be significantly impacted by the proposed works and identified the potential for the proposed works to have significant impact on Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA. in accordance with Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora). Due to the identification of potentially significant effects in relation to the proposed works at this location, this NIS has been prepared to further assess the impacts on the integrity of the relevant Natura 2000 sites and devise appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures where necessary. As part of this NIS, the 2014 AA Screening is reviewed and updated within this NIS report as necessary. The proposed works as part of the Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme, furthermore referred to as the "Scheme", are required as part of maintenance activities under the 1945 Arterial Drainage Act, and include the River Maine, the River Laune and various tributaries along the scheme channels. These channels are located within/adjacent to the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA Natura 2000 site and therefore, requires Appropriate Assessment.

1.2 Legislative context The Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) aims to maintain or restore the favourable conservation status of habitats and species of community interest across Europe. The requirements of these directives are transposed into Irish law through the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations) 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011). Under the Directive a network of sites of nature conservation importance have been identified by each Member State as containing specified habitats or species requiring to be maintained or returned to favourable conservation status. In Ireland the network consists of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and SPAs, and also candidate sites, which form the Natura 2000 network. Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive requires that, in relation to European designated sites (i.e. SACs and SPAs that form the Natura 2000 network), "any plan or project not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site but likely to have a significant effect thereon, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, shall be subject to appropriate assessment of its implications for the site in view of the site's conservation objectives". A competent authority (e.g. the OPW or Local Authority) can only agree to a plan or project after having determined that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned. Under article 6(4) of the Directive, if adverse impacts are likely, and in the absence of alternative options, a plan or project must nevertheless proceed for imperative reasons of overriding public interest (IROPI), including social or economic reasons, a Member State is required to take all compensatory measures necessary to ensure the overall integrity of the Natura 2000 site. The European Commission have to be informed of any compensatory measures adopted, unless a priority habitat type or species is present and in which case an opinion from the European Commission is required beforehand (unless for human health or public safety reasons, or of benefit to the environment).

1.3 Appropriate Assessment Process Guidance on the Appropriate Assessment (AA) process was produced by the European Commission in 2002, which was subsequently developed into guidance specifically for Ireland by

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the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG) (2009). These guidance documents identify a staged approach to conducting an AA, as shown Figure 1-1.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Screening for AA AA Alternative Solutions IROPI

Figure 1-1: The Appropriate Assessment Process (from: Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland - Guidance for Planning Authorities, DoEHLG, 2009)

1.3.1 Stage 1 - Screening for AA The initial, screening stage of the Appropriate Assessment is to determine: a. whether the proposed plan or project is directly connected with or necessary for the management of the European designated site for nature conservation b. if it is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the European designated site, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects For those sites where potential adverse impacts are identified, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects, further assessment is necessary to determine if the proposals will have an adverse impact on the integrity of a European designated site, in view of the sites conservation objectives (i.e. the process proceeds to Stage 2).

1.3.2 Stage 2 - AA This stage requires a more in-depth evaluation of the plan or project, and the potential direct and indirect impacts of them on the integrity and interest features of the European designated site(s), alone and in-combination with other plans and projects, taking into account the site's structure, function and conservation objectives. Where required, mitigation or avoidance measures will be suggested. The competent authority can only agree to the plan or project after having ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site(s) concerned. If this cannot be determined, and where mitigation cannot be achieved, then alternative solutions will need to be considered (i.e. the process proceeds to Stage 3).

1.3.3 Stage 3 - Alternative Solutions Where adverse impacts on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites are identified, and mitigation cannot be satisfactorily implemented, alternative ways of achieving the objectives of the plan or project that avoid adverse impacts need to be considered. If none can be found, the process proceeds to Stage 4.

1.3.4 Stage 4 - IROPI Where adverse impacts of a plan or project on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites are identified and no alternative solutions exist, the plan will only be allowed to progress if imperative reasons of overriding public interest (IROPI) can be demonstrated. In this case compensatory measures will be required. The process only proceeds through each of the four stages for certain plans or projects. For example, for a plan or project, not connected with management of a site, but where no likely significant impacts are identified, the process stops at stage 1. Throughout the process, the precautionary principle must be applied, so that any uncertainties do not result in adverse impacts on a site.

1.4 Methodology Data to be used in this assessment has been collected in a range of formats, from a range of sources, including: • A comprehensive desktop survey (Section 1.4.1)

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• The 2014 Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Screening Assessment (JBA 2014a) (Section 1.4.2) • A number of ecological surveys (Section 1.4.3) • National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) website ( where site synopsis, Natura 2000 data forms, GIS data and conservation objectives were obtained. • National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC 2017)

1.4.1 Desktop This NIS has been prepared with regard to the following documents: • DoEHLG (2009 rev 2010) Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland Guidance for Planning Authorities. Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG 2009). • European Communities (EC) (2000) Managing Natura 2000 Sites: the provisions of Article 6 of the ‘Habitats’ Directive 92/43/EEC, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. European Commission (European Commission and Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2000). • EC (2002) Assessment of Plans and Projects Significantly Affecting Natura 2000 Sites: Methodological guidance on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. European Commission (EC 2002). • EC (2007) Guidance document on Article 6(4) of the 'Habitats Directive' 92/43/EEC – Clarification of the concepts of: alternative solutions, imperative reasons of overriding public interest, compensatory measures, overall coherence, opinion of the commission. European Commission (EC 2007). • EC (2013) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats. Version EUR 28. European Commission (EC 2013). • Fossitt, J., (2000). A Guide to Habitats in Ireland. The Heritage Council, Kilkenny (Fossitt 2000). • NPWS (2008). The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland (NPWS 2008). • NPWS (2014). The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Habitats Assessment Volume 2. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland (NPWS 2013a). • NPWS (2014). The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Species Assessment Volume 3. Habitats Assessment Volume 2. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland (NPWS 2013b).

This report has been produced on currently available information, with the most up-to-date versions used.

1.4.2 Screening The screening assessment conducted for these works has been undertaken in line with recommended guidance including that specifically produced for the OPW in 2014 (Ryan Hanley 2014b, 2014a). This methodology is based on source > pathway > receptor chain principles and involves assessing likely significant effects on Natura 2000 sites within the zone of influence of the proposed drainage maintenance in relation to three pathways: 1. Surface water 2. Land & air 3. Ground water The screening assessment involves assessing the impacts of drainage maintenance operations within the arterial drainage scheme, and its zone of influence, in relation to each of the three pathways individually. The results of each pathway are then combined in a concluding section to identify if/where likely significant effects may arise.

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Figure 1-2: Screening assessment process

Surface water Land & Air Groundwater Pathway present Pathway present Pathway present connecting connecting connecting potential potential impacts potential impacts impacts to relevant thway > Receptor Chain Receptor > thway to relevant Natura to relevant Natura Natura 2000 sites 2000 sites 2000 sites

Source > Pa > Source

Further assessment required

The screening process uses a combination of GIS analysis and qualitative assessment to identify which drainage maintenance activities, on which specific watercourses, are likely to have significant effects on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites. The screening report, conducted by JBA ecologists in 2014, has been reviewed and updated as necessary for the production of this NIS.

1.4.3 Ecological surveys To inform the Appropriate Assessment process, a number of assessments and ecological surveys have been conducted, including: • An ecological desk-based assessment to collate information on designated sites and protected and notable species, including survey data from the National Biodiversity Data Centre. • An ecological walkover survey of channel C1 (from 100m upstream of Castlemaine Harbour SAC to the outfall to the sea, backdrains D1, D2, D3 and D4 and embankments E1, E2, E3 & E4, including habitat survey, conducted in august 2018. • The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) website (, where site synopses, Natura 2000 data forms and conservation objectives were obtained. • National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC) ( • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maps website ( • River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) ( • Catchments ( • Planning website (

The ecological walkover survey was carried out in general accordance with the methods outlined in the following documents; • Heritage Council (2011). Best Practice Guidance for Habitat Survey and Mapping (Smith et al. 2011). • Phase 1 Habitat Survey methodology (Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 1990, revised 2003).

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• Ecological Surveying Techniques for Protected Flora and Fauna during the Planning of National Road Schemes (NRA 2009). • Fossitt, J. (2000). A Guide to Habitats in Ireland. The Heritage Council, Kilkenny (Fossitt 2000). Aerial photographs and site maps assisted the habitat survey. Protected species, including mammals (e.g. Otter, Badger) and birds, were surveyed based upon sightings and signs of activity during the habitat survey and also by the identification of potentially suitable habitats. This included a preliminary assessment of features with suitability for roosting bats and recording of any non- native invasive species (NNIS) found. All evidence of protected habitats and species was recorded in a digital database where relevant, and all information gathered was provided to the OPW on a separate GIS database. The full ecological survey extent is shown in Appendix G. The results of these surveys have informed this NIS where relevant.

1.4.4 Consultation (if relevant) The findings of this assessment will be subject to consultation with the NPWS. This report has been produced on currently available information, with the most up-to-date versions used. Where new, or updated, information becomes available the OPW will consider and review the findings of this assessment, if necessary.

1.4.5 Limitations and constraints The conclusion of this report necessarily relies on some assumptions and it is inevitably subject to some limitations. Most of the assumptions and limitations would not affect the conclusion but the following points are recorded to ensure the basis of the assessment is clear: • This NIS investigates the potential direct and indirect impacts of the proposed works upon relevant Natura 2000 sites and assesses the potential impacts for significance alone and in-combination with other plans and projects. This process takes into consideration the nature of the proposed works and the structure, function and conservation objectives of the relevant Natura 2000 sites. It gathers the required information from a variety of sources. Information used in this process may be subject to limitations and constraints that are not made clear in the various sources and these may then, impact upon the results of this report. Attempts are made to interpret potential constraints and limitations from relevant sources where possible. Where constraints and limitations within source data are evident, these are taken into consideration in the following assessment however, this does allow for a margin of error; • Where significant adverse impacts are determined to potentially occur as a result of the works, a number of appropriate mitigation measures to be implemented during the scheme are provided in order to prevent any significant adverse impacts as a result of the scheme and proposed associated works. The conclusion of this report is based on the assumption that during the works, staff will be made aware of sensitive ecological features that may be present on site, will be competent to identify the presence of these features and will be aware of the mitigation measures and Environmental Procedures (EPs) to be followed as required in such circumstances; • Ecological surveys attempt to characterise the habitats and their usage in the most accurate manner but are in effect only a snapshot in time. Surveyor bias, seasonality, tides and health and safety restrictions may allow for variations in survey results. Therefore, ecological surveys may not always identify the presence of all sensitive ecological features that may be present. • In all instances where constraints or limitations may impact the result of the NIS, the precautionary principle is used to prevent any bias. • The description of activities, assessment and mitigation measures described in this report relate to the content of the draft OPW Environmental Procedures version 08/18 Rev A.

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2 Project Description

2.1 Arterial Drainage Maintenance Between 1945 and 1995, under the Arterial Drainage Act (1945), the OPW completed 34 Arterial Drainage Schemes on river catchments, along with five estuarine embankment schemes (over 11,500km of channel and 730km of embankments). The OPW is statutorily obligated to maintain arterial drainage channels under the 1945 Arterial Drainage Act, and since their completion, maintenance of these Arterial Drainage Schemes has been ongoing, with the majority of channels maintained every five years. However, larger channels tend to be only maintained every ten years, on average.

2.2 Drainage Maintenance Activities Arterial Drainage Maintenance includes a range of operations such as silt and vegetation management, mowing and structure maintenance, as detailed in Table 2-1, and listed as channel, embankment or structure maintenance in Table 2-2 below. It is required to retain the arterial drainage scheme design capacity. Table 2-1: OPW Drainage Maintenance Subcategories

Drainage Maintenance Subcategories A Silt and vegetation management B Aquatic vegetation cutting C Bank protection D Bush cutting/Branch trimming E Tree cutting F Mulching G Mowing H Gate installation I Sluice maintenance J Bridge maintenance K Other

Table 2-2: OPW Drainage Maintenance Types Category Maintenance Type Code

Silt and vegetation management A Aquatic vegetation cutting B Bank protection C Channel Maintenance Bush cutting/Branch trimming D Tree cutting E Other K Bush cutting/Branch trimming D Tree cutting E Embankment Mulching F Maintenance Mowing G Gate installation H Sluice maintenance I Bridge maintenance J Structural Maintenance Bank protection C Bush cutting/Branch trimming D Tree cutting E

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The following sections, taken from Ryan Hanley (2014a) and OPW (2011a), provide further details on the types and nature of arterial drainage maintenance operations undertaken by the OPW.

2.2.1 Channel Maintenance Activities The majority of drainage maintenance activities are focused on channel maintenance. While the frequency of maintenance on an individual channel may vary, with some channels requiring maintenance annually and others only requiring maintenance every twenty years, the average channel requires maintenance every four to six years. In this regard, approximately 2,000km of channels are maintained annually and nearly all of the 11,500 km of channels across Arterial Drainage Schemes will have been maintained at least once over a period of five years. Channel maintenance is organised on a regional basis, with OPW Arterial Drainage Maintenance Regional Offices in Limerick, Headford, Co. Galway and Trim, Co. Meath. Scheme Design Standards Arterial Drainage Schemes constructed under the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945 were designed to provide an outfall for drainage of agricultural lands, and generally provided protection for a 3-year flood event. Where the creation of an outfall dictated the design bed levels, greater protection than the 3-year flood event was achieved as a consequence. In the case of modern flood relief schemes, flood protection for a 100-year flood event would be the design objective. The original Scheme designs, including the outfall datum for each of the Arterial Drainage Schemes, are available in the relevant OPW Arterial Drainage Maintenance Regional Office. This includes the mapped Scheme design, and the associated long sections and cross sections. These designs are used to inform channel maintenance. Types of Channel Requiring Maintenance In the years following the construction of a drainage scheme there is a tendency for the channel capacity to be progressively reduced due mainly to the transportation and deposition of bed materials, the accumulation of silt and the growth of in-channel vegetation. The resultant channel maintenance consists of repetitive works of a cyclical nature, to restore the Schemes design levels i.e. outfall datum in order to maintain the channel's designed capacity to convey water. Channels are prioritised for maintenance based on the rate of deterioration and the risk arising. The selection takes account of requests from the general public and potential flooding risk to roads, properties, urban areas and sewage works (OPW 2011a). Plane Bed to Low Gradient Channels Some 60 – 70% of maintained channels are of gentle longitudinal gradient and subject to relatively rapid deposition of silt, especially those that are subject to prolific growth of in-channel vegetation. The majority of maintenance works are therefore located on smaller lower-lying channels, with 90% of works in channels with a base width of <3m (OPW 2011a). In such channels silt and in-channel vegetation may cause the low flow level to rise by 50-300mm above the Scheme design level. In such circumstances maintenance is focused on restoring both low-flow and flood-flow water levels to original Scheme design. Medium to High Gradient Channels A smaller proportion of channels are steep and fast flowing and are subject to flash floods, bank erosion and rapid movement of bed gravel. The steeper sections of channel normally require relatively little and infrequent maintenance works (OPW 2011a) as opposed to channels of low gradient which are subject to rapid accumulation of silt and proliferation of vegetation. These channels will have a greater requirement for bank protection works. Periods and Cycles of Maintenance The average channel requires silt and vegetation management every four to six years. However, channels with prolific weed growth may require maintenance annually, particularly where downstream bridges are at risk of being blocked due to a flow of decaying vegetation in autumn. Conversely, some channels may only require in-stream maintenance every twenty years due to the self-cleaning characteristics e.g. high gradient channels. Where the period between previous channel maintenance works has been exceptionally long, dense scrub and woody vegetation can establish along the channel and within the maintenance access corridor. In such circumstances, drainage maintenance works will include the removal of scrub/transitional woodland (code WS1 in the Fossitt Classification, 2000) that has developed along

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the banksides via bush cutting/branch trimming, tree cutting or mulching. This is undertaken between the 1st September and 28th February to avoid the residential bird nesting season (from the 1st March to 31st August as per the Wildlife Act (1976). In contrast, in-stream works for silt and vegetation management are carried out outside of the salmonid spawning season (May to September) and the times that early life stages of salmonid fish will be present as per Section 173 of the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act (1959) on channels with salmonid spawning habitat. Any works required during this period are carried out in consultation with IFI. As a result, there may be a two-stage approach to the works, with silt and in-stream vegetation management carried out during the open season (i.e. summer months), while woody vegetation removal is carried out in the winter months. Other restrictions on works may also apply in relation to the presence/absence of other protected species such as White-clawed Crayfish and Sea, River and Brook Lamprey which will influence the timing of works.

2.2.2 Embankment Maintenance Activities A total of 5 No. Estuarine Embankment Schemes were constructed under the 1945 Act. In addition, a number of the Arterial Drainage Schemes have embanked sections. Embankments are present within the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme. Scheme Design Standards As above for the Arterial Drainage Schemes, Estuarine Embankment Schemes constructed under the Arterial Drainage Act 1945 were designed to provide an outfall for drainage of agricultural lands, and generally provided protection for a 3-year flood event. Where the creation of an outfall dictated the design bed levels, greater protection than the 3-year flood event was achieved as a consequence. In the case of modern flood relief schemes, flood protection for a 100-year flood event would be the design objective. The original Scheme designs are available in the relevant OPW Arterial Drainage Maintenance Regional Office. This includes the mapped Scheme design, and the associated long sections and cross sections. Types of Embankments Requiring Maintenance All embankments and associated sluice structures (see section 2.2.3) are inspected annually for signs of disrepair. Regular inspections are carried out on sections of embankments, which are known from experience to be at risk, together with additional inspections after a storm surge at sea or a high tidal/flood event. Maintenance of embankments includes removal of vegetation to allow for inspection of the embankment, and in some cases the replacement of existing fencing with gates to allow for future access during maintenance.

2.2.3 Structural Maintenance Activities Structural Design Standards During the construction of the Arterial Drainage Schemes under the 1945 Act, some 18,500 No. accommodation bridges were identified and modified, or replaced as required. These bridges provide farmers owning land on both sides of a channels with farm vehicular and/or foot access from one side to the other. The type of bridge provided depended on the width, depth and required flow capacity of the channel, and ranged from concrete piped culverts to relatively large structures formed on concrete or masonry abutments spanned by structural steel beams, or lattice girders together with concrete or timber decking. During the Estuarine Embankment Schemes under the 1945 Act, existing sluice structures were identified and modified, or replaced as required. Additional sluice structures were constructed as required bringing the total number to approximately 750. The function of these sluice structures is to allow water from the floodplain behind the embankments to discharge to the main river or estuary. Types of Structures Requiring Maintenance In general, as channel maintenance proceeds, the bridges are examined by the supervisory industrial staff and if required, repairs/replacements are scheduled. The type of bridge structures, which are most likely to have fallen into a critical state of disrepair, are those with timber decking supported on steel beams, and those in which abutment foundations are being undercut. There is

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a standard type of design for the replacement of these structures, which consists essentially of mass concrete abutments with reinforced cast in-situ decking. This type of structure is simple to construct and under normal circumstances, it will last for many years with little or no maintenance. On many occasions, it is not necessary to totally replace a bridge, and repairs such as underpinning the foundation or replacement of wing-walls, parapets or sections of the deck may be all that is required to extend the useful life of the structure. Where bridge maintenance may be required, a Bridge Inspection Form will be filled out by the Foreman, prior to the works. This will determine the need for further assessment and potentially, any mitigation measures that may be required. See Appendix E - Foreman's Bridge Inspection Report. All embankments and associated structures are inspected annually for disrepair. Due to the time elapsed since scheme completion, some of these sluice structures have reached their design life and have started to fail. In this instance, full replacement is required. Typically, this involves the installation of pre-cast headwalls and back walls, and the replacement of existing corrugated galvanised steel pipes with PVC plastic pipes. Sluice doors are the most frequent part of the sluice structure that are required to be repaired or replaced. Repairs to a sluice door consist of replacing the arms/hinges on the existing cast iron door. On occasion, the existing cast iron door would be replaced with a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) door. Blockages often occur at the doors of the sluices due to silt build up. These blockages are removed using along reach excavator working from the bank of the channel. It is not known where bridges, sluice doors or structures may require maintenance on the Maine Scheme. Maintenance of bridges, structures and/or sluices will only occur within the scheme after following the relevant environmental procedures as detailed in the OPW Environmental Procedures document (OPW 2018) and using specific mitigation measures as defined in this document and Section 7.2. Structures that are assessed in this NIS for potential impacts as a result of maintenance works are included in appendix H. This NIS does not include assessment for the removal, demolition, replacement or erection of bridges, sluices or structures.

2.2.4 Maintenance works considered outside of the Scheme Design Standards and outside of normal Arterial Drainage Maintenance Works Occasionally, works are required that can be considered outside of the scope of the normal Arterial Drainage Maintenance Works to maintain a scheme. Works considered outside of the normal scope of statutory arterial drainage maintenance works have are not assessed for impacts in this report. Works that could be considered outside of the normal scope of works include those involving extensive bank protection measures, removal of mature woodland, unplanned bridge maintenance works that has not had any assessments completed or any other unplanned works within the zone of influence of a Natura 2000 site.

2.2.5 Plant and Machinery The types of machinery typically utilised during maintenance works would include 3600 hydraulic excavators (from 15-20 tonne excavators), mini-diggers, tractors and trailers, tipper lorries, hydraulic shears, hydraulic secateurs, chainsaws, mulchers and mowers; the machinery used is dependent on the maintenance activity being conducted. The removal of dense in-stream silt and vegetation requires the use of a hydraulic excavator with a 1.5m wide (approximate) bucket (capacity approximate 500ltrs). For standard excavators, works progress at a rate of 700m to 900m per week. In relation to long-reach excavators, works progress at a slower rate of between 200m and 350m per week. Rates may change due to channel width or ground conditions.

2.2.6 Maintenance Access Corridors (MAC) and Working Zone Maintenance sites are generally accessed via the public road and through farmland. A maintenance access corridor is utilised along one side of a channel for maintenance purposes. These established routes are used to track the hydraulic excavators for maintenance and for the disposal of spoil (see section 2.2.8). The same route is generally followed every maintenance cycle. This approach avoids disturbance of habitats on the opposite bank during works.

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Where grasslands are present within the maintenance access corridor, the impact is predominantly temporary as the grasslands are trampled by machinery and can recolonise following completion of the maintenance activities. Within woodland and scrub habitats a linear path more typical of disturbed vegetation i.e. scrub/transitional woodland (WS1) will be evident along the maintenance access corridor due to regular machine access. In this regard, the disturbance regime associated with the tracking of plant machinery along the maintenance access corridors on the channel bank arrests succession to mature woodland such that scrub/transitional woodland (WS1) dominates. Where mature trees are present these are generally avoided by plant machinery. Structures are generally accessed through farmland from the public road above. Plant machinery will utilise the same maintenance access corridor used for channel maintenance to gain access to the structure. Where individual trees, woodland and scrub habitats are present at the location of the structure, these may be removed to facilitate bridge inspection and works. Where mature trees are present these are generally avoided by plant machinery. The location of drainage maintenance works is generally accessed via public roads and through farmland, with the siting of mobile short-term staff welfare facilities, plant storage and car parking agreed with local landowners. There is no requirement for temporary site lighting. There is a requirement for water supply and disposal of wastewater from the welfare facilities (see section 2.2.8 in relation to waste disposal).

2.2.7 Site Compounds (Welfare Facilities), Access Routes and Haul Roads Haul roads are generally not required to facilitate drainage maintenance activities. Where access is required in soft ground conditions, plant equipment will be brought in on tracks or temporary matting will be laid to provide a corridor for machinery access. Where matting is utilised, it will be completely removed post completion of works to allow vegetation to recolonise. All plant and machinery is confined to one defined access route to minimise disturbance. All plant and machinery are regularly maintained and serviced to minimise release of hydrocarbons. All hydraulic excavators and other plant machinery use long life engine oil and biodegradable hydraulic oil. Fuelling and lubrication are conducted a minimum of 50m away from all channels. Spill kits are present in all plant used in maintenance activities. Integrated submersible pumps are also deployed in the event of structural maintenance and the requirement for dewatering of excavations.

2.2.8 Waste Output/Disposal The material removed from a channel during silt and vegetation management is normally spread thinly along the bank or on top of existing spoil heaps where present within the access corridor. All dead wood material is left on site to decompose or is removed off site and utilised as firewood under local landowner agreements. Where mulchers or mowers are deployed, the arisings are left on site to decompose or the mulched material is buried. Construction and demolition waste from structures includes broken concrete and stone. Steel railings are returned to the depot for recycling. Used engine oil and hydraulic oil is disposed of by a licensed waste handler. Toilet facilities are maintained by a licensed waste handler. Any waste generated on site is returned to the depot for segregation and disposal by a licensed waste handler.

2.2.9 Working Hours All maintenance activities are undertaken during daylight hours. Standard working hours are 8.00am to 4.30pm, with lunch and tea breaks, Monday to Friday. There is no requirement for temporary site lighting to facilitate works. Machines are powered down when not in use.

2.2.10 Environmental Training Environmental training of all staff involved in drainage maintenance is an ongoing process. Technical and Operational Staff have completed formal training in Environmental Drainage Maintenance (EDM) in 2004. This training course was revised and expanded under the OPW’s Environmental River Enhancement Programme (EREP) and was delivered to all staff in 2010. The training programme delivered included presentations in river corridor ecology, the Environmental Drainage Maintenance Guidance Notes (Ten Steps to Environmentally Friendly Maintenance), maintenance strategies involving both ‘enhanced maintenance’ and ‘capital enhancement’, and OPW’s Environmental Management Protocols and Environmental Procedures (EPs) (see section 2.2.12 for more details). Both sets of training were developed and delivered by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI).

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The formal approach to EDM Training is complimented with on-site training. Regular site visits from IFI and OPW’s Environment Section provide further guidance and advice to operational staff. Auditing of operational staff on the implementation of the Environmental Drainage Maintenance Guidance Notes (Ten Steps to Environmentally Friendly Maintenance (OPW 2011b) is also carried out by both IFI and OPW’s Environment Section. In addition, other environmental training takes place as deemed beneficial, e.g. in 2008, the majority of the technical and operational staff were trained in Otter Awareness. This course, provided by the Department of Zoology, Trinity College Dublin, included presentations on Otter ecology, and on-site identification of Otter signs and suitable habitat. More recently, an environmental training course was designed and provided by JBA to all OPW staff in 2017 and 2018. It was given in three different stages. Management staff were given a more detailed 2-day course in Environmental and Ecological training. Ground staff were given 1.5 days of training in the environment and ecology. Modules were designed to assist staff in understanding the relevant legislation, recognising ecologically sensitive habitats and species, invasive non-native species identification and general environmental and ecological training relevant to their work. This included a half day practical session where ecologists demonstrated the identification of the elements taught in the classroom, in the field. Training in the completion of an Environmental Risk Assessment and Bridge Inspections from an ecological perspective, was designed and provided by JBA Consulting to OPW Foremen and selected engineering staff in 2018.

2.2.11 Environmental Audits A portion of operational crews have been audited annually by the OPW Environment Section, IFI and in 2018 by JBA Consulting for the implementation of the Environmental Drainage Maintenance Guidance Notes (Ten Steps to Environmentally Friendly Maintenance) and the OPW’s Environmental Management Protocol and EPs. Auditing is carried out by JBA Consulting and the OPW on a rotational basis to ensure all operational crews are audited at least once every three years. All audit results are discussed on-site and forwarded in full to the relevant engineer for that Scheme within two working weeks. In the event of an audit showing elements of unreasonable non- compliance with procedures, the relevant Engineer will be notified within one working day. Audit results are also forwarded to OPW Systems Manager for inclusion in monthly regional benchmarking reports.

2.2.12 Environmental Management Protocol and Standard Environmental Procedures (EPs) The draft OPW’s Environmental Management Protocols (OPW 2018) set out how regional management staff manage a range of environmental aspects, including programming of works to accommodate certain environmental windows or restrictions on timing of works, and recording of data. A total of 31 No. EPs are applied during operational works. The 31 EPs replace the previous SOPs (OPW 2011b). The EPs will be rolled out across the OPW in 2018. These EPs set out actions designed to eliminate, or substantially reduce, likely impacts to identified species and their associated habitats. A brief summary of these follow. Planning EPs relevant to Management Staff: • Including Environmental Risk Assessment Procedure; and • Appropriate Assessment Procedure

Implementation EPs - relevant to all staff: • Environmental Drainage Maintenance Guidance Notes (10 Steps to Environmentally Friendly Maintenance) • Tree Management Procedure • Silt Management Procedure • Machinery related procedure

Invasive Species EPs - relevant to all staff • Spread of Invasive Plant (Low Biosecurity) Procedure • Spread of Water Based Invasives (High Biosecurity) Procedure

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Species EPs - relevant to all staff • Salmonid Procedure • Otter Procedure • Bats Procedure • Freshwater Pearl Mussel Procedure

Habitat EPs - relevant to all staff • Alluvial (Wet Woodland) Procedure • Wetland Procedure

The OPWs Environmental Management Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures (OPW 2011) may still be in use as the updated EP document (2018) is being rolled out throughout the country. The original OPWs Environmental Management Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures (OPW 2011) document can be downloaded from OPs%20April%202011.pdf. The new Environmental Drainage Maintenance Manual is in Appendix D, and not yet publicly available at the time of drafting this NIS. The description of activities, assessment and mitigation measures described in this report relate to the content of the draft OPW Environmental Procedures version 08/18 Rev A. An Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) process has been developed by the OPW which will be filled in by the program producer for >3m base width main channels where maintenance has not occurred for 15 years and embankment works where maintenance has not occurred for 15 years. The ERA form for this process is in Appendix F.

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2.3 The Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme The Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme is located in County Kerry. It includes 261km of watercourse and 95.7km of embankment.

Figure 2-1 Extent of Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme

2.4 Drainage Maintenance Works Proposed for the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme Within the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme the exact location and type of required maintenance activity varies over time. For the purposes of this NIS not all activities will occur on all scheme channels, structures and embankments. However, due to the high level nature of this report, all normal drainage maintenance activities are assessed.

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3 Screening Assessment Results An Appropriate Assessment Screening, addressing Stage 1 of the AA process, has already been completed for the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme (JBA 2014a). This has been reviewed based on up to date information in this report and the Conservation Objectives for each site. Any amendments have been included in this report. The resulting AA Screening identified that likely significant effects on Natura 2000 sites may occur as a result of the proposed maintenance activities and therefore a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is necessary. The Stage 1 Screening Assessment was conducted in line with guidance produced for the OPW in 2014 (Ryan Hanley 2014b, 2014a). This methodology is based on source > pathway > receptor chain principles and involves assessing likely significant effects on Natura 2000 sites within the zone of influence of the proposed drainage maintenance in relation to three pathways: 1. Surface water 2. Land & air 3. Groundwater

The screening assessment involved assessing the impacts of drainage maintenance operations within the arterial drainage scheme, and its zone of influence, in relation to each of the three pathways individually. Conclusions were then drawn to identify if maintenance works on the channels within the scheme, could impact the Natura 2000 sites. Sites that had the potential to be impacted by the maintenance works were determined to be within the ZOI and these sites require further assessment. This included the Natura 2000 sites in Table 3-1. Since the screening was carried out in 2014 there have been changes to the qualifying interests of some Natura 2000 sites. The screening results have been updated to reflect this. Table 3-1 Natura 2000 sites potentially impacted by the maintenance works

Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Lough Yganavan And Lough Nambrackdarrig SAC (000370) Slieve Mish Mountains SAC (002185) Killarney National Park, Macgillycuddy'S Reeks And Caragh River Catchment SAC (000365) Killarney National Park SPA (004038) Stack’s to Mullaghareirk Mountains, West Limerick Hills and Mount Eagle SPA (004161) Mount Brandon SAC (000375) Dingle Peninsula SPA (004153)

3.1 Surface Water Pathways As a result of the screening assessment of maintenance activities on those watercourses shown in Figure 3-1, some were identified as potentially resulting in significant adverse impacts on the Natura 2000 sites shown in Table 3-2 Surface Water PathwaysTable 3-2 via surface water pathways. Table 3-2 Surface Water Pathways Natura 2000 Site (Site Code) Is site within the Is there surface same surface water water catchment connectivity as the scheme? with the scheme? Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Yes Yes Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Yes Yes Lough Yganavan And Lough Nambrackdarrig Yes No SAC (000370) Slieve Mish Mountains SAC (002185) Yes No Killarney National Park, Macgillycuddy'S Reeks Yes No

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Natura 2000 Site (Site Code) Is site within the Is there surface same surface water water catchment connectivity as the scheme? with the scheme? And Caragh River Catchment SAC (000365) Killarney National Park SPA (004038) No No Stack’s to Mullaghareirk Mountains, West Yes No Limerick Hills and Mount Eagle SPA (004161) Mount Brandon SAC (000375) No No Dingle Peninsula SPA (004153) Yes No

Figure 3-1 Channels of the Maine Scheme with potential impacts via surface water pathways (JBA 2014a) This assessment was determined based on presence of surface water connectivity between the Natura 2000 sites and the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme, considering a variety of factors. Relevant factors considered in the assessment included the "At Risk" status (Under the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) of the upper River Maine Catchment waterbodies within the area of works, the potential for impact, the significance of potential impacts and the relevance of any threats and pressures within the Natura 2000 sites. Significance was determined based on the nature of the surface water dependant (SWD) qualifying interests that may be present and the nature of the scheme based on the hydrological setting within the catchment. Pre-determined distances and typologies (Ryan Hanley 2014b) were used to define the zone of influence of the works and determine potential and significance of impacts. Using the precautionary principle, during the screening assessment, SWD habitats and species that may be present were assessed as if present, based on information available in the Conservation Objectives, Natura 2000 Data Form and the Site Synopsis. These potentially present Qualifying Interests / Features of Interest were then assessed for the potential to be significantly impacted by the proposed works if present. The results of this assessment are in Table 3-3.

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Table 3-3 Summary results of SWD QIs / FOIs of SAC with potential surface water pathways, potential Annex I habitats present and potential for significant impact (JBA 2014a)(NPWS 2011)

EU SWD Qualifying Drainage Activity location relative to Desktop Study Comment Conclusion Code Interest/Special SWD Qualifying interest Conservation Downstream Upstream Overlap Interest Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) 1095 Sea lamprey N/A <5km Yes Two Lamprey species have Potential for Petromyzon been recorded in the Laune Likely marinus river catchment, it is uncertain Significant if they are present in the River Effect Maine where drainage maintenance works are proposed. 1099 River lamprey N/A <5km Yes Two Lamprey species have Potential for Lampetra been recorded in the Laune Likely fluviatilis river catchment, it is uncertain Significant if they are present in the River Effect Maine where drainage maintenance works are proposed. 1106 Salmon Salmo N/A <5km Yes The location and distribution of Potential for salar this species in the SAC is Likely unknown. Significant Effect 1130 Estuaries N/A <3km Yes The majority of the site is Potential for dominated by estuarine Likely habitats, with drainage Significant maintenance works proposed Effect for areas within 3km of this habitat. 1140 Mudflats and N/A <3km Yes A large proportion of the Potential for sandflats not habitat in the harbour consists Likely covered by of mudflats and sandflats Significant seawater at low exposed at low tide. Drainage Effect tide maintenance works proposed for areas within 3km of this habitat. 1310 Salicornia and N/A <3km Yes Saltmarshes fringe the Potential for other annuals coastline of the site in many Likely colonizing mud places and Glassworts Significant and sand (Salicornia spp.) occur in Effect association. Drainage maintenance works are proposed for several areas within 3km of this habitat. 1355 Otter Lutra lutra N/A <5km Yes The location and distribution of Potential for this species in the SAC is Likely unknown. Significant Effect 91E0 Alluvial forests N/A Yes There are numerous small No Potential with Alnus woodlands situated along the Effects glutinosa and river and its tributaries that Fraxinus become more extensive excelsior (Alno- upstream. No drainage Padion, Alnion maintenance works are incanae, proposed for the designated Salicion albae) SAC tributaries

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Table 3-4 Surface Water Pathway - Steps 7 and 8 for SPA SWD Annex I Special Drainage maintenance activity Desktop Conclusion habitats Habitat Conservation location relative to SWD Special Study present Interest likely Conservation Interests Comment to occur Down- Up- Overlap stream stream Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Estuaries Estuaries Red-throated N/A <3km Yes The majority of Potential for [MW4] (1130) Diver the site is Likely Wigeon dominated by Significant Mallard estuarine Effect habitats, with Pintail drainage Oystercatcher maintenance Ringed Plover works Redshank proposed for Greenshank areas within 3km of this habitat. Mudflats Mudflats and Light-bellied N/A <3km Yes A large Potential for and sandflats not Brent Goose proportion of Likely sandflats covered by Oystercatcher the habitat in Significant [LS2, seawater at Ringed Plover the harbour Effect LS3, LS4, low tide (1140) consists of LS5] Sanderling mudflats and Bar-tailed sandflats Godwit exposed at low Redshank tide. Drainage Greenshank maintenance Turnstone works proposed for areas within 3km of this habitat. Saltmars Salicornia and Common N/A <3km Yes Saltmarshes Potential for h [CM1] other annuals Redshank fringe the Likely colonizing mud coastline of the Significant and sand site in many Effect (1310) places and Glassworts (Salicornia spp.) occur in association. Drainage maintenance works are proposed for several areas within 3km of this habitat. Wet/ Alluvial forests None identified N/A N/A N/A N/A No Potential Riparian with Alnus Effects woodland glutinosa and [WN6, Fraxinus WN5] excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) (91E0)

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3.2 Land and air pathways As a result of the screening assessment of maintenance activities, on those watercourses shown in Figure 3-2 on the River Maine, these watercourses were identified as potentially resulting in significant adverse impacts on the Natura 2000 sites shown in Table 3-5 via Land and Air Pathways. Table 3-5 Land & Air Pathways Natura 2000 Site Name 0.6km Buffer Zone 0.01km (Overlap) (Site Code) Type of Impact Indirect impacts for noise Direct impacts from physical and visual disturbance disturbance of habitats through air pathways through land pathways Castlemaine Harbour SAC Yes Yes (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA Yes Yes (004029)

Figure 3-2 Channels and embankments with potential impacts via land and air pathways (JBA 2014a) Summary results of qualifying interests (QIs) with potential for significant impact by land and air pathways are shown for each of the Natura sites in Table 3-6. .

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Table 3-6 Summary results of QIs / FOIs with potential land and air connectivity, resulting in a potential for impact from the proposed works through land and air pathways. EU Species/ Maintenance Qualifying Location of Result Code Habitats activity location Interest/Special Impact relative to Conservation Interests Natura 2000 location relative to site boundary drainage maintenance activity Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) 1095 Sea lamprey 0km / overlap Two Lamprey species have INST + 50m Potential Petromyzon been recorded in the Laune Significant marinus river catchment, it is uncertain Effect if they are present in the River Maine where drainage maintenance works are proposed. 1099 River lamprey 0km / overlap Two Lamprey species have INST + 50m Potential Lampetra been recorded in the Laune Significant fluviatilis river catchment, it is uncertain Effect if they are present in the River Maine where drainage maintenance works are proposed. 1106 Salmon Salmo 0km / overlap The location and distribution of INST Potential salar this species in the SAC is Significant unknown. Effect 1355 Otter Lutra 0km / overlap The location and distribution of INST/MAC + Potential lutra this species in the SAC is 150m Significant unknown. Effect 1395 Petalwort 0km / overlap This species has been MAC No Impact - Petalophyllum recorded from dune slack Screen out ralfsii habitats on Inch Spit; this area Qualifying is >5km from proposed Interest drainage maintenance activities 1130 Estuaries 0km / overlap The majority of the site is MAC + 10m Potential dominated by estuarine Significant habitats, with drainage Effect maintenance works proposed immediately alongside the estuary 1140 Mudflats and 0km / overlap A large proportion of the MAC + 10m Potential sandflats not habitat in the harbour consists Significant covered by of mudflats and sandflats Effect sea water at exposed at low tide. Drainage low tide maintenance works proposed for areas immediately alongside the estuary and mudflat habitats 1210 Annual 0km / overlap The site synopsis reports that MAC + 10m No Impact - vegetation of strand line vegetation is Screen out drift lines present on Inch Spit (>5km Qualifying from proposed drainage Interest maintenance activities) 1220 Perennial 0km / overlap The location and distribution of MAC + 10m Potential vegetation of the habitat in this site is Significant stony banks uncertain. Effect 1310 Salicorna and 0km / overlap Saltmarshes fringe the MAC + 10m Potential other annuals coastline of the site in many Significant colonising mud places and Glassworts Effect and sand (Salicornia spp.) occur in association. Drainage maintenance works are

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EU Species/ Maintenance Qualifying Location of Result Code Habitats activity location Interest/Special Impact relative to Conservation Interests Natura 2000 location relative to site boundary drainage maintenance activity proposed areas within 10m of the coastline where this habitat may be present. 1330 Atlantic salt 0km / overlap Saltmarshes fringe the MAC + 10m Potential meadows coastline of the site in many Significant (Glauco- places. Drainage maintenance Effect Puccinellietalia works are proposed areas maritimae) within 10m of the coastline where this habitat may be present. 1410 Mediterranean 0km / overlap Saltmarshes fringe the MAC + 10m Potential salt meadows coastline of the site in many Significant (Juncetalia places. Drainage maintenance Effect maritimi) works are proposed areas within 10m of the coastline where this habitat may be present. 2110 Embryonic 0km / overlap Dune systems are located on MAC + 10m No Impact - shifting dunes the Inch Spit which is >5km Screen out from proposed drainage Qualifying maintenance activities Interest 2120 Shifting dunes 0km / overlap Dune systems are located on MAC + 10m No Impact - along the the Inch Spit which is >5km Screen out shoreline with from proposed drainage Qualifying Ammophila maintenance activities Interest arenaria (”white dunes”) 2130 *Fixed coastal 0km / overlap Dune systems are located on MAC + 10m No Impact - dunes with the Inch Spit which is >5km Screen out herbaceous from proposed drainage Qualifying vegetation maintenance activities Interest (“grey dunes”) 2170 Dunes with 0km / overlap Dune systems are located on MAC + 10m No Impact - Salix repens the Inch Spit which is >5km Screen out spp. Argentea from proposed drainage Qualifying (Salicion maintenance activities Interest arenariae) 2190 Humid dune 0km / overlap Dune systems are located on MAC + 10m No Impact - slacks the Inch Spit which is >5km Screen out from proposed drainage Qualifying maintenance activities Interest 91E0 Alluvial forests 0km / overlap There are numerous small MAC + 10m No Impact - with Alnus woodlands situated along the Screen out glutinosa and river and its tributaries that Qualifying Fraxinus become more extensive Interest excelsior upstream. No drainage (Alno-Padion, maintenance works are Alnion proposed for the designated incanae, SAC tributaries Salicion albae) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) A157 Bar tailed 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential godwit identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species

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EU Species/ Maintenance Qualifying Location of Result Code Habitats activity location Interest/Special Impact relative to Conservation Interests Natura 2000 location relative to site boundary drainage maintenance activity A346 Chough 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 500m Potential identifies that the subsites (nest site) Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A001 Red-throated 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 500m No Impact - diver identifies that the subsites (nesting lake) Screen out where drainage maintenance Qualifying works will be undertaken are Interest not of importance for this species. All other subsites are >500m from where drainage maintenance works are proposed. A065 Common 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 300m No Impact - Scoter identifies that the subsites (nest) Screen out where drainage maintenance N/A in winter Qualifying works will be undertaken are (marine Interest not of importance for this species) species. All other subsites are >300m from where drainage maintenance works are proposed. A017 Cormorant 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A164 Greenshank 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A046 Light-bellied 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential Brent Goose identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A053 Mallard 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A130 Oystercatcher 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A054 Pintail 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m No Impact - identifies that the subsites Screen out where drainage maintenance Qualifying works will be undertaken are Interest not of importance for this

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EU Species/ Maintenance Qualifying Location of Result Code Habitats activity location Interest/Special Impact relative to Conservation Interests Natura 2000 location relative to site boundary drainage maintenance activity species. All other subsites are >100m from where drainage maintenance works are proposed. A162 Redshank 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A137 Ringed Plover 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A144 Sanderling 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A062 Scaup 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A169 Turnstone 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 50m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species A050 Wigeon 0km / overlap The COSD (NPWS, 2011) MAC + 100m Potential identifies that the subsites Significant where drainage maintenance Effect works will be undertaken within or nearby, are important for this species Notes: MAC = Maintenance Access Corridor BR = Bridge INST = Instream

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3.3 Groundwater pathways As a result of the screening assessment, maintenance activities on those watercourses, including the River Maine, shown in Figure 3-3 were identified as potentially resulting in significant adverse impacts on Natura 2000 sites Table 3-7 via groundwater pathways. Table 3-7 Natura 2000 site with potential to be impacted by groundwater pathways

GWB name (EU_Code) and Natura 2000 Site (Site Code) Natura 2000 Site flow regime within GWB Dingle (IE_SW_G_033) Slieve Mish Mountains SAC (002185) Yes Poorly productive bedrock Dingle Peninsula SPA (004153) Yes Mount Brandon SAC (000375) Yes Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Yes Castlemaine (IE_SW_G_026) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Yes Karstic Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Yes Laune Muckross (SW_G_048) Lough Yganavan And Lough Yes Karstic Nambrackdarrig SAC (000370) Killarney National Park, Macgillycuddy'S Yes Reeks And Caragh River Catchment SAC (000365) Killarney National Park SPA (004038) Yes Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Yes Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Yes

Figure 3-3 Channels and embankments with potential impacts via ground water pathways (JBA 2014a) This assessment was determined based on the location of the relevant Natura 2000 sites within the same groundwater bodies as the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme Dingle (IE_SW_G_033), Castlemaine (IE_SW_G_026), Laune Muckross (SW_G_048) and considering a variety of factors.

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Relevant factors considered in assessing the potential for the Natura 2000 site to be impacted through groundwater pathways also included the presence of Groundwater Dependant (GWD) QIs / FOIs, the risk status under the WFD of each site and the potential and significance of impact, should one occur. Each qualifying interest of the screened in Natura 2000 site, was then assessed individually for potential to be impacted and the overall assessment included a review of the potential for cumulative and/or in-combination impacts as a result of the pressures and threats identified in the Natura 2000 forms (NPWS 2017a). The location of the drainage maintenance activity works relative to the Natura 2000 sites and features of interest were considered to determine relevance at this stage, along with GWD habitat typology. Pre-determined distances and typologies (Ryan Hanley 2014b) were used to define the zone of influence of the works and determine potential and significance of impacts. Location of GWD QIs within the GWB, where available in the Conservation Objectives, Natura 2000 Data Form and the Site Synopsis, were used to determine if they were within the ZOI of the works and therefore, potentially at risk to be impacted by groundwater pathways. Where the location of GWD QIs were not available, the precautionary principle was used during the screening assessment. Species that may be present were assessed as if present throughout based on information available in the Conservation Objectives, Natura 2000 Data Form and the Site Synopsis. These potentially present QIs / FOIs were then assessed for potential to be significantly impacted by the proposed works if present. The results of this assessment are seen in Table 3-8. Table 3-8 Summary results of QIs / FOIs in SAC's with potential groundwater connectivity, resulting in a potential for impact from the proposed works through groundwater pathways

GWB Qualifying GWD Drainage maintenance activity Result Interest Habitats Habitat location relative to Natura 2000 site Typology Castlemaine (IE_SW_G_026) Karstic Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Atlantic salt meadows A Upgradient Potential for significant (Glauco- effect Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330] Mediterranean salt A Upgradient Potential for significant meadows (Juncetalia effect maritimi) [1410] Dunes with Salix A Upgradient Potential for significant repens ssp.argentea effect (Salix arenariae) [2170] Humid dune slacks A Potential for significant [2190] effect Alluvial forests with A Downgradient (The site synopsis No Potential for Alnus glutinosa and states that there are numerous small significant effect Fraxinus excelsior woodlands situated along the river and (Alno-Padion, Alnion its tributaries that become more incanae, Salicion extensive upstream; these areas are albae) [91E0] therefore on the tributaries upgradient of scheme watercourses) Laune Muckross (SW_G_048) Karstic Lough Yganavan And Lough Nambrackdarrig SAC (000370) Oligotrophic waters A Downgradient No Potential for containing very few significant effect minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) [3110] Killarney National Park, Macgillycuddy'S Reeks And Caragh River Catchment SAC (000365) Oligotrophic waters A Downgradient No Potential for containing very few significant effect minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) [3110]

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Oligotrophic to A Downgradient No Potential for mesotrophic standing significant effect waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoeto-Nanojuncetea [3130] Water courses of plain A Downgradient No Potential for to montane levels with significant effect the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation [3260] Northern Atlantic wet A Downgradient No Potential for heaths with Erica significant effect tetralix [4010] Molinia meadows on A Downgradient No Potential for calcareous, peaty or significant effect clavey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) [6410] Blanket bog (*active A Downgradient No Potential for only) [7130] significant effect Depressions on peat A Downgradient No Potential for substrates of the significant effect Rhynchosporion [7150] Alluvial forests with A Downgradient No Potential for Alnus glutinosa and significant effect Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) [91E0] Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Atlantic salt meadows A Upgradient Potential for significant (Glauco- effect Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330] Mediterranean salt A Upgradient Potential for significant meadows (Juncetalia effect maritimi) [1410] Dunes with Salix A Upgradient Potential for significant repens ssp.argentea effect (Salix arenariae) [2170] Humid dune slacks A Upgradient Potential for significant [2190] effect Alluvial forests with A Downgradient (The site synopsis No Potential for Alnus glutinosa and states that there are numerous small significant effect Fraxinus excelsior woodlands situated along the river and (Alno-Padion, Alnion its tributaries that become more incanae, Salicion extensive upstream; these areas are albae) [91E0] therefore on the tributaries upgradient of scheme watercourses) Note: GWD Habitat Typology after Table 5.1 Kilroy et al (2008) in Ryan Hanley (2014a) A = Type A, Groundwater Discharge Zone Wetlands B = Type B, Groundwater Flow-through Depression Wetlands A or B = No available information, based on expert opinion B1 = Where identified by Kilroy et al (2008) as both A and B type. B has been selected as worst case scenario A# = Type A, Groundwater Discharge Zone Wetlands additionally identified in consultation with NPWS as potentially being impacted by downgradient activities

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Table 3-9 Summary results of QIs / FOIs in SPA's with potential groundwater connectivity, resulting in a potential for impact from the proposed works through groundwater pathways

Laune Muckross (SW_G_048) Karstic Habitats as per Potential GWB GWD Habitat Drainage maintenance Result Natura 2000 Habitats Typology activity location relative to Standard Data supporting SCIs Natura 2000 site Form, Site Fossitt 2000 Synopsis or (Annex I) COSD Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Tidal Rivers, Estuaries [1130] N/A N/A N/A Estuaries [CW1, MW4] Mudflats and Mudflats and N/A N/A N/A Sandflats sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140]

Saltmarshes Atlantic salt A Upgradient Potential for [CM1, CM2] meadows significant (other GWD (Glauco- effect dependent Puccinellietalia habitats within maritimae) the site do not [1330] – support the bird supports species for Redshank which the SPA is designated Mediterranean A Upgradient Potential for (Ryan Hanley, salt meadows significant 2013a) (Juncetalia effect maritimi) [1410] – supports Redshank Dune systems Dunes with Salix N/A N/A N/A [CB1, CD1, repens CD2, CD3, CD4, ssp.argentea CD5] (Salix arenariae) (species for [2170] which the SPA is Humid dune N/A N/A N/A designated are slacks [2190] not associated with these GWD habitat types) Wet woodland, Alluvial forests N/A N/A N/A Riparian with Alnus Woodland glutinosa and []WN4, WN5, Fraxinus WN6] excelsior (Alno- (species for Padion, Alnion which the SPA is incanae, Salicion designated are albae) [91E0] not associated with these GWD habitat types) Killarney National Park SPA (004038) Mesotrophic N/A N/A N/A N/A lake [FL4] Oligotrophic Oligotrophic A Downgradient No Potential waters for significant

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lakes [FL2] containing very effect few minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) [3110] Oligotrophic to A Downgradient No Potential mesotrophic for significant standing waters effect with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoeto- Nanojuncetea [3130] Oak Woodlands Old sessile oak N/A N/A N/A [WN1] woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0] Yew Woodlands Taxus baccata N/A N/A N/A [WN3] woods of the British Isles [91J0] Blanket Bog Blanket Bog (*if A Downgradient No Potential [PB2, PB3] – active bog) for significant supports Merlin [7130] effect and Greenland Depressions on A Downgradient No Potential White-fronted peat substrates for significant Goose (Ryan of the effect Hanley, 2013a) Rnychosporion (7150) Wet Heath North Atlantic A Downgradient No Potential [HH3] wet heaths with for significant Erica tetralix effect [4010] Note: GWD Habitat Typology after Table 5.1 Kilroy et al (2008) in Ryan Hanley (2014a) A = Type A, Groundwater Discharge Zone Wetlands B = Type B, Groundwater Flow-through Depression Wetlands A or B = No available information, based on expert opinion B1 = Where identified by Kilroy et al (2008) as both A and B type. B has been selected as worst case scenario A# = Type A, Groundwater Discharge Zone Wetlands additionally identified in consultation with NPWS as potentially being impacted by downgradient activities

3.4 Screening assessment conclusion The screening assessment identified that the sites detailed in Section 3.1 to 0 were likely to be significantly affected by drainage maintenance operations undertaken within the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme. These conclusions are based on the assumption that all drainage maintenance activities specified in Section 2.2 are to be undertaken on all watercourses, embankments and structures during the life of the plan (2019-2023). From this screening exercise it has been determined that significant likely effects may arise on Natura 2000 sites as a result of OPW drainage maintenance activities shown in Table 3-10.

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Table 3-10 Screening assessment conclusion

Site Pathway of Impact Comment Surface Water Land and Ground- Air water Castlemaine Harbour SAC Yes Yes Yes This large site, containing a (000343) range of habitat types, can be affected by drainage maintenance activities via all three pathways. This site has a large number of Qualifying Interests, which are impacted differently via different pathways. Killarney National Park, No No No No significant impacts, via Macgillycuddy's Reeks and any of the three pathways, Caragh River Catchment have been identified as part SAC (000365) of this assessment. Lough Yganavan and No No No No significant impacts, via Lough Nambrackdarrig any of the three pathways, SAC (000370) have been identified as part of this assessment. Mount Brandon SAC No No No No significant impacts, via (000375) any of the three pathways, have been identified as part of this assessment. Slieve Mish Mountains SAC No No No No significant impacts, via (002185) any of the three pathways, have been identified as part of this assessment. Castlemaine Harbour SPA Yes Yes Yes This large site, designated for (004029) a number of bird species, can be affected by drainage maintenance activities via all three pathways. This site has a large number pf Special Conservation Interests, which are supported by various habitat types, which can be impacted differently by the different pathways. Dingle Peninsula SPA No No No No significant impacts, via (004153) any of the three pathways, have been identified as part of this assessment. Killarney National Park SPA No No No No significant impacts, via (004038) any of the three pathways, have been identified as part of this assessment.

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4 Existing Environment This section summarises the findings of the ecological walkover surveys of the river channel and the results of the desktop survey relative to the proposed works for the Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme (2019-2023).

4.1 General The Laune-Maine-Dingle Bay catchment is characterised by the east–west trending series of sandstone ridges and limestone valleys that dominate the landscape of south and west Munster. In this catchment, the limestone valley is nearly completely submerged by the sea – having been preferentially eroded compared to the sandstone ridges lying either side of it and the valley is now filled by Dingle Bay while the sandstone ridges on either side form the Iveragh and Dingle Peninsulas. (EPA 2018a). This catchment includes the River Maine, the area drained by the River Maine and all streams entering tidal water from Miltown to Killorglin on the south side and Whitegate to Fybagh on the north side of Castlemaine Harbour SAC. This catchment is made up of a variety of sub-catchments within which works are planned as part of the Scheme, including the Emlaghmore_SC_010, Maine_SC_010, Maine_SC_020, Maine_SC_030, Maine_SC_040 and Laune_SC_030. Subcatchment assessments are not available for any of these sub-catchments (EPA 2018a). Waterbodies within the area of works includes the Maine_040 which is classified as At Risk, Shanakeal_010 which is under review and all others are not At Risk under the Water Framework Directive (EPA 2018a). This catchment includes the area drained by the Rivers Laune and Maine and all streams entering tidal water between Glanearagh Head and Clogher Head, Co. Kerry, draining a total area of 2,036km². The largest urban centre in the catchment is Killarney. The other main urban centres in this catchment are Cahersiveen, Killorglin, Castleisland and Dingle. The total population of the catchment is approximately 62,006 with a population density of 30 people per km² (EPA 2018a).

4.2 Ecology - Overview 31 Fossit habitats Table 4-1 were identified during the ecological walkover survey, with 16 mixed or mosaic habitats of these described. The most common habitat present is improved agricultural grassland. Of the 31 habitats, there are 6 possible Annex I habitats described: • Perennial vegetation of stoney banks (1220) • Atlantic Salt Meadows (1330) • Mediterranean Salt Meadows (1410) • Estuaries (1130) • Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430) • Mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide (1140)

Evidence of protected species recorded within the survey area include Otter Lutra lutra and Badger Meles meles and Kingfisher Alcedo atthis. Otter are protected under the Habitats Directive and are Annex II Listed. Evidence of Otter couches and spraints were observed only. Badger, protected under the 1976 Wildlife Act (and amendments), were identified as being present by observations of a sett on channel C4/1. When works are carried out on this channel a derogation licence will be needed and any works carried out in the area will require further assessment and possibly a derogation licence. Evidence of Kingfisher Alcedo atthis an Amber Listed bird under the Birds Directive, were observed in channel C6 south of Fybagh.

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Figure 4-1 Otter spraint and Badger sett found along the survey area of the River Maine

4.2.1 Non-Native and Invasive Species Non-Native Invasive Species identified as being present within the survey area include Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica and Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera. Both Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam are listed on EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 S.I. No. 477/2011. Species listed under S.I. No. 477/2011 are subject to restrictions under Regulations 49 and 50 of the 2011 Regulations (S.I. No. 477/2011 - European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011. 2011). This includes a prohibition on the introduction and dispersal of these species. Both species were recorded frequently throughout the survey area. See Appendix C.

Figure 4-2 Japanese knotweed on west bank of channel D43A

A complete GIS database containing all species and habitats identified during the walkover surveys, including those relevant to the NIS and those not relevant but ecologically significant or protected under other legislation, has been provided separately to the OPW.

4.3 Ecological walkover survey results Ecological walkover surveys were conducted over 30 days from 30-07-2018 to 28-08-2018. Habitats recorded adjacent to the River Maine are found in Table 4-1 and are described below. The full ecological survey extent is shown in Appendix G. Table 4-1 Habitats found along the River Maine

Habitat name Fossitt code Shingle and gravel banks CB1 Sea walls, piers and jetties CC1 Lower salt marsh CM1 Upper salt marsh CM2

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Lagoons and saline lakes CW1 Tidal rivers CW2 Spoil & bare ground ED2 Eutrophic lakes FL5 Reed and large sedge swamps FS1 Tall herb swamp FS2 Drainage ditches FW4 Improved agricultural grassland GA1 Marsh GM1 Dry meadows and grassy verges GS2 Dry-humid acid grassland GS3 Wet grassland GS4 Shingle & gravel shores LS1 Mud shores LS4 Mixed sediment shore LS5 Estuary MW4 (Mixed) broadleaved woodland WD1 Mixed broadleaved/conifer woodland WD2 (Mixed) conifer woodland WD3 Conifer plantation WD4 Hedgerow WL1 Treeline WL2 Riparian woodland WN5 Wet willow-alder-ash woodland WN6 Scrub WS1 Immature woodland WS2 Ornamental/non-native shrub WS3

4.3.1 Shingle and gravel banks CB1 Two shingle banks were observed with Sea mayweed Tripleurospermum maritimum, sea campion Silene uniflora, Sea beet Beta vulgaris & common orache Atriplex patula present on upper areas. Sea blite Suaeda maritima & sea spurrey Spergularia sp. were recorded as being present lower down the shingle banks. The annex I habitat 'Perennial vegetation of stony banks [1220]' is present.

4.3.2 Sea walls, piers and jetties CC1 Sea walls, rock/boulder revetment, and rock armour is mainly found along the south bank of Castlemaine harbour up to Tullig, but also on the north bank between Fybagh and Shanahill Bridge. The seawall shown in Figure 4-3 provides habitat for Otter, Sea mayweed, Sea aster Aster tripolium and Thrift Armeria maritima.

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Figure 4-3 Sea wall protecting bank providing habitat for otter

4.3.3 Lower salt marsh CM1 Lower salt marsh is subject to prolonged submersion by sea water and is strongly saline. Lower saltmarsh occurs in two locations within the area of works; at the mouth of the River Maine and near Tullig. Plant species present were Sea arrowgrass Triglochin maritima, the non-native cord grass Spartina anglica, Sea aster Aster tripolium and Sea lavender Limonium humile.

4.3.4 Upper salt marsh CM2 Upper salt marsh is subject to less frequent and less prolonged inundation by the sea and, as a result, is not as saline in character as lower salt marsh. Species which occurred were Phragmites with sea aster, sea arrowgrass Triglochin maritima, sea milkwort Glaux maritima and sea beet Beta vulgaris present . Upper saltmarsh is found throughout the area of works in the intertidal zone. The Annex 1 habitats which have been identified are Atlantic salt meadows Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae (1330), or areas directly linked, and Mediterranean salt meadows (1330).

4.3.5 Lagoons and saline lakes CW1 This category includes all enclosed bodies of standing brackish water that are wholly or partially separated from the sea by banks of sand, shingle or rock, or by land barriers of rock or peat. Three areas have been mapped and they support Otter Lutra lutra, Kingfisher Alcedo atthis and the Three- spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Plants present include common reed Phragmites, Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara, spear thistle Cirsium vulgare, Ragwort Jacobaea vulgaris, Red Bartsia Odontites vernus and macrophytes including Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica and Callitriche spp.

4.3.6 Tidal rivers CW2 The area of works is within the lower reaches of the River Maine and thus the habitat tidal rivers occurs throughout the area of works. This habitat corresponds closely to the annexed habitat "estuaries (1130)". Salmonids and dab have been observed in upper reaches and plants such as Phragmites, Branched Bur-reed Sparganium erectum, Water plantain, Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile, Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria, Canadian pondweed Elodea canadensis , fennel pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus and Mares-tail Hippuris Vulgaris. Annex 1 habitat 'Estuaries [1130]' is present.

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4.3.7 Eutrophic lakes FL5 This includes ponds which are high in nutrients and the water colour is often grey or green. In this case is a single enriched, stagnant natural pond covered in common duckweed Lemna minor surrounded by poor quality wet grassland.

4.3.8 Reed and large sedge swamps FS1 These swamps are generally species-poor that are dominated by reeds and other large grasses or large, tussock-forming sedges. Plant species encountered were common reed Phragmites sp., Sea club rush and occasionally plant species like Water horsetail, Watercress Nasturtium officinale, Callitriche sp., Common duckweed, Fennel pondweed, Bulrush, Marsh woundwort Stachys arvensis and Broad leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans.

Figure 4-4 Reed and large sedge swamps FS1 mainly showing common reed (Phragmites)

4.3.9 Tall herb swamp FS2 Tall-herb swamp habitat is found at several locations on the north side of the estuary under Fybagh. It is identified by stands of herbaceous vegetation that occur in wet areas where the water table is above the ground surface for most of the year. This habitat contains Iris sp., Bulrush Typha latifolia, Branched bur-reed Sparganium erectum, Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula, watercress Nasturtium officinale, Marsh bedstraw Galium palustre, Fools watercress Apium nodiflorum, Water pepper Persicaria hydropiper, Brooklime Veronica beccabunga, Marsh willowherb Epilobium palustre & Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria and Juncus spp. One area has links to the Annex 1 habitat "Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430)".

4.3.10 Drainage ditches FW4 This habitat type is most commonly found running perpendicular to the River Maine along edges of agricultural fields and are often associated with coppiced hedgerows of hawthorn. Channel C1/3/1 is heavily overgrown with vegetation including Juncus spp., Iris sp., Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria, Waterplantain Alisma plantago-aquatica, Callitriche spp., lesser duckweed Lemna minor, Hedge bindweed Calystegia sepium, Water pepper and Birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus.

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4.3.11 Improved agricultural grassland GA1 Improved agricultural grassland is common adjacent to the River Maine. This habitat is typically species-poor due to the domination of Rye-grasses Lolium spp., and often in association with White Clover Trifolium repens.

4.3.12 Marsh GM1 Marsh habitat occurs within the survey area in a small number of locations. The species that were recorded were Purple loosestrife and Rosebay willowherb Chamerion angustifolium with hedge bindweed Calystegia sepium and Phragmites sp.

4.3.13 Dry meadows and grassy verges GS2 Grassy verge habitat is described throughout the extent of study site beside the bank of the river, as a habitat found on the arterial drainage spoil. It has been recorded occasionally as a mosaic habitat with scrub and reed and large sedge swamps. Grassy verges are occasionally mown and rarely treated with herbicides, there is little or no grazing or fertiliser application. This habitat may have high proportion of tall grasses such as False Oat-grass Arrhenatherum elatius and Cock’s- foot Dactylis glomerata. The broadleaved herb component may vary. Species recorded were Common bent Agrostis capillaris, Rushes Juncus sp., Red fescue Festuca rubra, Common birds foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus, Sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum, False oat grass Arrhenatherum elatius and also Sea aster, Sea milkwort, Sea arrowgrass and Sea club rush. Within a mosaic with CM2 the annex 1 habitat 'Atlantic salt meadows Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae [1330]' is present.

4.3.14 Dry-humid acid grassland GS3 This habitat is not common along the River Maine. Dry-humid acid grassland is described as unimproved or semi-improved grassland that occurs on free-draining acid soils that may be dry or humid, but not waterlogged. It is characterised by dense low swards of narrow-leaved grasses such as bents Agrostis capillaris, A. tenuis, fescues Festuca spp. and may include Sweet Vernal-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum, Wavy Hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa, Mat-grass Nardus stricta and Purple Moor-grass Molinia caerulea. Wood-rushes Luzula spp., Heath Rush Juncus squarrosus and small sedges may also be prominent. Common broadleaved herbs include Heath Bedstraw Galium saxatile, Tormentil Potentilla erecta, White Clover, Devil’s-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis, Sheep’s Sorrel Rumex acetosella, and Yarrow Achillea millefolium.

4.3.15 Wet grassland GS4 Wet grassland (Figure 4-5) is found in many fields adjacent to the River Maine, with occurrences being higher on the north banks and upstream near Miltown. This type of grassland occurs on wet or waterlogged, poorly-drained soils and may be subjected to seasonal or periodic flooding. Wet grasslands are dominated by rushes Juncus spp. and sedges Carex spp., and some grass species such as Yorkshire-fog Holcus lanatus, Creeping Bent Agrostis stolonifera, Marsh Foxtail Alopecurus geniculatus, Rough Meadow-grass Poa trivialis and Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia caespitosa are present, with a high proportion of broadleaved herbs including Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens, Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre, Silverweed Potentilla anserina, Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria.

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Figure 4-5 Channel running through wet grassland

4.3.16 Shingle & gravel shores LS1 This habitat is found at two locations within the area of works and consists of an exposed or moderately exposed shoreline with accumulations of loose, rounded and mobile rocky material. Sediments comprise mainly shingle and gravel. Species recorded were Sea mayweed, Salt marsh rush Juncus gerardii, Silverweed Argentina anserina, Spear-leaved orache Atriplex prostrata, Curled dock Rumex sp., Couch grass Elymus repens, Channel wrack Pelvetia canaliculata and sea radish Raphanus raphanistrum, Iris sp., Sneezewort Achillea ptarmica, Sea campion Silene uniflora, Sea aster, Red fescue, Common catsear Hypochaeris radicata and Ragwort Jacobaea vulgaris.

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Figure 4-6 Shingle shore on west facing peninsula south of Fybagh

4.3.17 Mud shores LS4 Mud shores are found primarily in the River Maine estuary and on the south shore of Castlemaine Harbour, they are formed of very fine sediment and usually occur along the most sheltered sections of coastline. The silt/clay fraction of the sediment (particle sizes of <0.063 mm in diameter) should be at least 30%. Mud shores are often characterised by elevated mudflats that are dissected by networks of shallow channels associated with flooding and drainage (Figure 4-7). The annex 1 habitat 'Mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide (1140)' is present.

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Figure 4-7 Mud shore showing elevated mudflat

4.3.18 Mixed sediment shore LS5 This habitat is composed of poorly sorted mixtures of sediments of different grades, including pebbles, gravel, sand and mud and often support some cover of fucoids, particularly Fucus spp. or ephemeral green seaweeds Cladophora spp. This habitat is recorded as areas of gravel, mud and sand with occasional cobble and Channel wrack Pelvetia canaliculata that is exposed at low tide and found at the mouth of the River Maine, also Sea mayweed, Sea aster, Sea thrift Armeria maritima and patches of Salt rush Juncus lesueurii and Sea arrowgrass were recorded.

4.3.19 Estuary MW4 Estuaries are semi-enclosed bodies of water which have a free connection with the open sea. They differ from other coastal inlets in that sea water is measurably diluted by inputs of freshwater and this, combined with tidal movement, means that salinity is permanently variable. The mixing of two very different water masses gives rise to complex sedimentological and biological processes and patterns. Corresponds to the annexed habitat, ‘estuaries (1130)’.

4.3.20 (Mixed) broadleaved woodland WD1 This habitat is relatively common upstream within the survey area. This category generally includes planted woodland areas with 75-100% cover of broadleaved trees, and 0-25% cover of conifers along the River Maine there are a few sites with this habitat, mostly composed of Ash Fraxinus excelsior, Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus and Alder Alnus glutinosa plantation, and some are established from immature woodland. The trees that were identified were mainly Ash, Alder and Sycamore within plantations.

4.3.21 Mixed broadleaved conifer woodland WD2 This general category includes woodland areas with mixed stands of broadleaved trees and conifers, where both types have a minimum cover of 25%, and a maximum of 75%. Trees may be either native or non-native species. There is a small amount of this habitat type and mostly contain a mixure of Ash and Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis.

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4.3.22 (Mixed) conifer woodland WD3 This general category includes woodland areas with 75-100% cover of conifers, other than conifer plantation. In the few locations this habitat occurs, it is mostly composed of Sitka Spruce mix with Alder and Birch Betula spp.

4.3.23 Conifer plantation WD4 This category is used for areas that support dense stands of planted conifers where the broadleaved component is less than 25% and the overriding interest is commercial timber production. The majority of planted conifers are non-native species such as Sitka Spruce, Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta, Norway Spruce Picea abies and larches Larix spp. Areas recorded were mostly Sitka spruce with Alder borders.

4.3.24 Hedgerow WL1 Hedgerows are found throughout the survey area, bordering predominately improved agricultural grassland areas, and mostly composed of Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna, Blackthorn Prunus spinosa, Gorse Ulex europaeus, Holly Ilex aquifolium, Bramble Rubus fruticosus agg., Willows Salix spp., and Honeysuckle Lonicera sp.

4.3.25 Treeline WL2 Treelines are found parallel to the waterbodies in many locations, and composed of many species including Ash, Sycamore, Alder, and Willow species (Figure 4-8)

Figure 4-8 Treeline alongside a drainage channel

4.3.26 Riparian woodland WN 5 This habitat is found in one location upriver and has been recorded as a small area of dense willow- dominated woodland. Species recorded include Sally willow Salix cinerea, Alder, Honeysuckle, Bramble, Hedge bindweed, Meadowsweet, Nettle Urtica dioica, Gorse and Montbretia Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora. These riparian woodlands are subject to frequent tidal flooding.

4.3.27 Wet willow-alder-ash woodland WN6 This broad category includes woodlands of permanently waterlogged sites that are dominated by willows Salix spp., Alder Alnus glutinosa or Ash Fraxinus excelsior, or by various combinations of

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some or all of these trees. The species recorded at only one site were Grey Willow, Ash, Alder, Rowan with an understory of Bramble.

4.3.28 Scrub WS1 This is a common habitat adjacent to the River Maine, mostly on the embankments and it's composition is variable including tall herbaceous plants such as Purple loosestrife, Reed canary grass, Nettle, Bramble, Iris, Gorse, Ivy Hedera helix, Bracken Pteridium sp., the Invasive Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera and Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica. There are many occurrences of mosaic habitats of scrub with (Mixed) broadleaved woodland, Improved agricultural grassland, Dry meadows and grassy verges.

Figure 4-9 Channel with scrub on either side also showing Japanese knotweed and Montbretia

4.3.29 Immature woodland WS2 Young Alder plantations have been recorded to the west of Rathpoge.

4.3.30 Ornamental/non-native shrub WS3 There are sections of Japanese knotweed, Montbretia and Himilayan balsam along the channels flowing into Castlemaine Harbour.

4.4 Flora There were no plant species listed under the Flora (Protection) Order 2015 found during the ecological walkover surveys. Protected flora identified on the (NBDC 2018) website present within approximately 10 km of the survey area includes Flexuous Bog-moss (Sphagnum flexuosum) which is also listed as vulnerable under the Flora Protection Order 2015.

4.5 Fauna Evidence of Fauna found along the River Maine during ecological surveys is described in the following sections. Past records of protected fauna from (NBDC 2018) website recorded as being present within approximately 10 km of the Scheme within the last 10 years are in Appendix B. This table includes their level of protection, and the date this species was last recorded at location.

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4.5.1 Mammals Otter Lutra lutra, a Qualifying Interest for Castlemaine Harbour SAC, has been recorded in the River Maine catchment in the past 10 years. During the ecological walkover evidence of otter was recorded at a number of locations along the River Maine and is likely to be present throughout. Other protected mammals recorded during the ecological survey include Badger. Evidence of this species, including a sett was noted at several locations throughout the River Maine catchment. Four species of bats have been recorded near the River Maine within the past 10 years (Appendix B).

4.5.2 Aquatic species Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera has been recorded within the River Maine Catchment in 2007 according to NBDC (2018) and also in 2014 by O’Connor (2014). The following Qualifying Species have not been found in National Biodiversity Data Centre records or on the ecological walkover but are known to occur in the River Maine Catchment: Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus, River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis, Brook lamprey Lampetra planeri and Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar (O’Connor 2014) (NPWS 2015). Salmon, a Qualifying Interest for the Castlemaine harbour SAC, has been identified as being present in significant numbers, as juveniles, in the River Maine Catchment (O’Connor 2014) (NPWS 2015). The critically endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla is also known to be present in the Maine catchment (O’Connor 2014; NBDC 2018).

4.5.3 Insects Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia, an Annex II listed butterfly species under the EU Habitats Directive, has been recorded within 10km of the River Maine catchment in the past 10 years. Evidence of the Marsh Fritillary was not recorded during the ecological walkover (NBDC 2018).

4.5.4 Birds During the ecological walkover multiple sightings of Kingfisher Alcedo atthis were recorded. All protected birds recorded in the survey area in the past 10 years can be found in appendix A.2.

4.5.5 Non-native Invasive species Non-native Invasive species recorded during the ecological walkover survey include Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera and Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica. Both species are recorded grouped in certain locations within Castlemaine Harbour SAC. Monbretia Crocosmia x crocosmiflora has been recorded occasionally. See Appendix 0 for records of non-native invasive species from the National Biodiversity Data Centre database search from the surrounding 10 km surrounding area within the last 10 years. Although Crayfish Plague Aphanomyces astaci has not been recorded as present in the River Maine, it is spread easily by contaminated equipment and therefore biosecurity measures must be implemented.

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5 Natura 2000 sites within the Zone of Influence of the works/scheme This chapter provides baseline information on the Natura 2000 sites within the Zone of Influence of the drainage maintenance activities (i.e. those screened into the assessment as detailed in Section 3). The concerning Natura 2000 sites: • Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) • Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029)

A short description for each site is provided, along with details of the qualifying interest/special conservation interests within the zone of influence. The conservation objectives, the attributes used to define favourable conservation status, are detailed in Appendix A. The location of the Natura 2000 sites are shown in Figure 5-1, where it can be seen where the proposed works are relevant to these Natura 2000 sites. The main potential impacts posed by the proposed project relate to impacts via surface water, land and air and groundwater pathways to the SACs.

Figure 5-1 Natura 2000 sites with the ZOI

5.1 Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) This is a large site located on the south-east corner of the Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry. It consists of the whole inner section of Dingle Bay, i.e. Castlemaine Harbour, the spits of Inch and White Strand/Rosbehy and a little of the coastline to the west. The River Maine, almost to Castlemaine, and much of the River Laune catchment, including the Gaddagh, Gweestion, Glanooragh, Cottoner’s River and the River Loe, are also included within the site (NPWS 2015). The site is of major ecological importance for its diversity and range of coastal habitats and species. The Inch sand spit is the largest and arguably one of the best dune systems in the country. The dune systems are highly dynamic and possess very fine examples of embryonic dunes, shifting

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marram dunes, fixed dunes and dune slacks. Salt marshes, both of the Atlantic and Mediterranean types, are also particularly well developed and extensive in area. The site has one of the largest expanses of intertidal sand and mud flats in the country. A fine stand of native alluvial forests occurs on the River Laune. The fixed dunes have Petalophyllum ralfsii and three Red Data Book vascular plant species are known from the site. Castlemaine Harbour supports important populations of wintering waterfowl, with internationally important numbers of Branta bernicla hrota and nationally important populations of a further 16 species. Pluvialis apricaria and Limosa lapponica, both listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive, occur regularly. The site provides habitat for Bufo calamita, a very localised species in Ireland and listed in the Red Data Book. The site is also utilized by Lutra lutra and supports important populations of Salmo salar, Petromyzon marinus and Lampetra fluviatilis (NPWS 2015).

5.1.1 Qualifying interests The site is a selected for the following habitats and/or species listed on Annex I / II of the E.U. Habitats Directive (* = priority; numbers in brackets are Natura 2000 codes): • [1130] Estuaries • [1140] Tidal Mudflats and Sandflats • [1210] Annual Vegetation of Drift Lines • [1220] Perennial Vegetation of Stony Banks • [1230] Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic coasts • [1310] Salicornia Mud • [1330] Atlantic Salt Meadows • [1410] Mediterranean Salt Meadows • [2110] Embryonic Shifting Dunes • [2120] Marram Dunes (White Dunes) • [2130] Fixed Dunes (Grey Dunes)* • [2170] Dunes with Creeping Willow • [2190] Humid Dune Slacks • [91E0] Alluvial Forests*

• [1095] Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) • [1099] River Lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) • [1106] Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) • [1355] Otter (Lutra lutra) • [1395] Petalwort (Petalophyllum ralfsii)

Not all of the qualifying features of the SAC occur in the Zone of Influence of the proposed development site. The qualifying features that could be potentially present in the vicinity and therefore have the potential to be significantly impacted through water quality and/or disturbance include: • [1130] Estuaries • [1140] Tidal Mudflats and Sandflats • [1220] Perennial Vegetation of Stony Banks • [1310] Salicornia Mud • [1330] Atlantic Salt Meadows • [1410] Mediterranean Salt Meadows • [1095] Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) • [1099] River Lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) • [1106] Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) • [1355] Otter (Lutra lutra)

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5.1.2 Conservation Objectives A full list of the conservation objectives of the relevant Feature of Interest of the SAC is required in order to determine potentially adverse impacts to them. This information is provided in Appendix A.

5.1.3 Site Vulnerabilities Negative pressures or threats identified in the Standard Natura 2000 form for this site are listed in Table 5-1

Table 5-1 Threats and pressures to Castlemaine Harbour SAC (NPWS 2017a) Threat or pressure Ranking Dispersed habitation Medium Grazing Medium Walking, horseriding and non-motorised vehicles High Marine and Freshwater Aquaculture High Camping and caravans Medium Grazing Medium Removal of beach materials Low Invasive non-native species Medium Leisure fishing Medium Infilling of ditches, dykes, ponds, pools, marshes or pits High Urbanised areas, human habitation High

5.2 Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Castlemaine Harbour SPA is a large coastal site occupying the innermost part of Dingle Bay. It extends from the lower tidal reaches of the River Maine and River Laune to west of the Inch and Rosbehy peninsulas (ca. 16 km from east to west). The average width of the estuary is 4-5 km though it is ca. 11 km wide at the outer limit. The site comprises the estuaries of the River Maine and the River Laune, both substantial rivers, and has extensive areas of intertidal sand and mud flats. A number of other rivers, e.g. the Caragh and the Emlagh flow into the site, as well as numerous small streams. Conditions in the bay are very sheltered due to the presence of three protruding sand spits on its seaward side. These spits overly gravel banks. Two of the spits, Rosbehy and Inch, are included within the site. Salt marshes fringe much of the shoreline. A very large dune system occurs on the Inch peninsula, and a substantial area of shallow marine water is included in the site (NPWS 2014). Castlemaine Harbour SPA is a very important ornithological site, with one species, Light-bellied Brent Goose, occurring in numbers of international importance. In addition, it supports nationally important populations of a further fifteen species. Of particular note is that five species that occur regularly are listed on Annex I of the E.U. Birds Directive, i.e. Red-throated Diver, Great Northern Diver, Golden Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit and Chough. The site includes a Nature Reserve and two Wildfowl Sanctuaries (NPWS, 2011). The features of interest for Castlemaine Harbour SPA are; • [A001] Red-throated Diver (Gavia stellata) • [A017] Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) • [A046] Light-bellied Brent Goose (Branta bernicla hrota) • [A050] Wigeon (Anas penelope) • [A053] Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) • [A054] Pintail (Anas acuta) • [A062] Scaup (Aythya marila) • [A065] Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra) • [A065] Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

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• [A137] Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) • [A144] Sanderling (Calidris alba) • [A157] Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) • [A162] Redshank (Tringa totanus) • [A164] Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) • [A169] Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) • [A346] Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) • [A999] Wetland and Waterbirds

5.2.1 Conservation Objectives A full list of the conservation objectives of the relevant Feature of Interest of the SAC is required in order to determine potentially adverse impacts to them. This information is provided in Appendix A.

5.2.2 Site Vulnerabilities Negative pressures or threats identified in the Standard Natura 2000 form for this site are listed in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 Threats and pressures to Castlemaine Harbour SAC (NPWS 2017b) Threat or pressure Ranking Continuous urbanisation Medium Dispersed habitation Low Outdoor sports and leisure activities, recreational activities Medium Marine and Freshwater Aquaculture High Invasive non-native species High Fertilisation Medium

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6 Appropriate Assessment

6.1 Introduction The following chapter assesses the screened in Natura 2000 sites in more detail and examines where adverse impacts may arise from the sources of impact identified above. The full impact assessment on these features is below. The screened in Natura 2000 sites are as follows: • Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) • Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Where potentially significant adverse impacts are identified, avoidance and mitigation measures are proposed to offset these impacts. These are discussed in the following sections.

6.2 Identification of Potential Sources of Impact This section further examines the source > pathway > receptor chains that could potentially result in adverse impacts arising on the screened in Natura 2000 sites in the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme; this is informed primarily by Ryan Hanley (Ryan Hanley 2014a). Where relevant, this methodology has been updated. Table 3-10 details which of the possible pathways of impact (i.e. surface water, groundwater, land and air) have been identified as potentially affecting each of the screened in Natura 2000 sites. Figure 3-1Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3 illustrate which of the channels and structures within the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme are those which could potentially impact upon the identified Natura 2000 sites, relative to Natura 2000 sites within the Zone of Influence of the works and are consequently screened into the assessment. All other channels and structures within the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme have been screened out of the assessment.

6.2.1 Potential Sources of Impact via Surface Water Pathways Both Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA were identified as potentially being impacted upon via surface water pathways. Within the SAC not all qualifying interests were identified as being at risk from impacts via surface water pathways. Sea lamprey, River lamprey, Salmon, Estuaries, Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide, Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand, perennial vegetation of stony banks, Atlantic and Mediterranean salt meadows and Otter were identified as being potential at risk from surface water pathways. In Castlemaine Harbour SPA, the majority of bird species for which the site is designated, along with the wetland habitats, were identified as potentially being at risk from the embankment works via surface water pathways; Red-throated Diver, Wigeon, Mallard, Pintail, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Redshank, Greenshank, Light-bellied Brent Goose, Sanderling, Bar-tailed Godwit and Turnstone. The following sources of impact are identified as potentially affecting the above Natura 2000 sites through surface water pathways: • Release of suspended solids - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting, branch trimming and tree cutting. It can impact on surface water dependent habitats and species potentially within the area of works, such as Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140] or Salicorna and other annuals colonising mud and sand [1310], indirectly through increased turbidity, which can reduce photosynthesis levels. This can then impact upon species within the river (i.e. food sources for waterbirds, otter and salmon) by reducing food availability through changed water quality. Reduced water clarity can also adversely impact on populations of diving duck. • Release or changes in nutrient levels/pollutants - this can arise from maintenance activities which involve excavations or mobilisation of nutrient containing material. There is also the potential for pollutants (e.g. fuel) to be released from maintenance activities with machinery working in or near water as a result of pollution incidents, fuel spillages or poorly maintained machinery. It can impact on surface water dependent habitats indirectly through causing eutrophication. It can also impact indirectly on waterbirds of special conservation interest by affecting food chains through increased algal growth and decreased invertebrate and algal diversity (i.e. the food source of the waterbirds). • Changes in water levels/channel morphology - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic

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vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting. It can occur from maintenance activities that deepen and widen the channel back to the original design level and those activities that result in an increase in sediment deposition further downstream. This can impact on surface water dependent habitats, such as Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140] or Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand [1310], through increased sediment deposition reducing light penetration preventing normal photosynthesis of algae. It can also impact on the species for which the SAC is designated for by causing a loss of suitable habitat and impacting upon food chains.

6.2.2 Potential Sources of Impact via Land and Air Pathways Both Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA were identified as potentially being impacted upon via land and air pathways. The following qualifying interests of the SAC were identified as being at risk from the works via land and air pathways; Sea lamprey, River lamprey, salmon, otter, estuaries, mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide, annual vegetation of drift lines, perennial vegetation of stony banks, Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand, Atlantic salt meadows and Mediterranean salt meadows were identified as potentially being at risk. The AA screening (Section 2.3) identified that the vast majority of special conservation interest bird species, and also the wetland habitats within the SPA, are potentially at risk from the embankment works via land and air pathways. The exceptions to this, following the methodology detailed in Ryan Hanley (2014a) are Red-throated Diver, Common Scoter and Pintail. All the other bird species that are special conservation interests of Castlemaine SPA are considered at risk from the embankment works via land and air pathways. The following sources of impact are identified as potentially impacting upon the above Natura 2000 sites through land and air pathways: • Physical disturbance of habitats (including loss of wood vegetation cover and disturbance to habitats) - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting, branch trimming and tree cutting. Obtaining access to works areas can also cause physical disturbance to habitats through removal of woody vegetation and tracking of machinery. As a result of machines tracking along the bankside, accessing the works area and as a result of the deposition of spoil on the bankside. A direct loss of habitat can occur from in-stream/bankside areas and maintenance access corridors, direct mortalities or the displacement of sensitive species, such as otter. Physical disturbance of habitats may indirectly impact upon designated habitats, such as Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140] or Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand [1310] by releasing sediment, debris, and/or nutrients causing changes to water quality as described above. This directly impacts the habitat and bird species within the SPA and it can also indirectly impact on bird and other species through machines tracking along the bankside, reducing vegetation as a food source. • Noise and visual disturbance - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting, branch trimming, tree cutting and other activities such as gravel removal. It can occur as a result of noise emissions and visual disturbance from machinery and the presence of machine drivers and other OPW staff at the site of works. It can result in the displacement of sensitive species from suitable habitat locations. It is not considered relevant in relation to designated habitat types, although it is relevant for the species which these habitats support, such as otter for which the Castlemaine Harbour SAC is designated and bird species for which the Castlemaine Harbour SPA is designated.

6.2.3 Potential Sources of Impact via Groundwater Pathways Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA were both identified as potentially being impacted upon via groundwater pathways. Not all qualifying interests in the SACs were identified as potentially being at risk from sources of impact via groundwater pathways as shown in Table 3-7. Habitats within Castlemaine Harbour SPA, that are connected through groundwater pathways and support special conservation interests, are Atlantic salt meadows and Mediterranean salt meadows.

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These potentially support qualifying species of the SPA such as Redshank, Brent Goose, and Oystercatcher for both foraging and nesting. The following sources of impact are identified as potentially impacting upon the above Natura 2000 sites through groundwater pathways: Release of suspended solids - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting, branch trimming and tree cutting. Impact from these works may transfer through groundwater pathways to surface water dependent habitats and species. It can also impact indirectly on waterbirds of special conservation interest by affecting food chains from reduced water clarity and reduced photosynthesis which can affect aquatic invertebrate diversity (i.e. the food source of the waterbirds). There are no habitats or species within the CO of Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA that are groundwater dependent. • Release or changes in nutrient levels/pollutants - this can arise from a variety of drainage maintenance activities, including removal of in-stream silt and vegetation, aquatic vegetation cutting, bank protection works and bush cutting, branch trimming and tree cutting. Impacts from these works may transfer through groundwater pathways to surface water dependant species and habitats. Release of nutrients can impact on surface water dependent habitats indirectly, such as Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140] or Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand [1310], causing eutrophication. This can then impact upon species within the SAC (i.e. waterbirds, otter and salmon) by reducing food availability through changed water quality. There is also the potential for pollutants (e.g. fuel) to be released from maintenance activities with machinery working in or near water as a result of pollution incidents, fuel spillages or poorly maintained machinery. These pollutants could travel through groundwater pathways, impacting upon groundwater or surface water dependant habitats and species.

6.3 Impact Assessment The main impacts that have the potential to occur as a result of the proposed works at the River Maine and associated embankments, include temporary impacts that occur during the works and permanent impacts that may occur as a result of the works. Temporary impacts include disturbance to fauna including water birds and otter, their prey and to wetland habitats, temporary impacts to water quality and physical alterations to habitats that will recover after the arterial drainage works finish. Permanent impacts include permanent loss of species and habitats, potentially permanent impacts to water quality and physical disturbance resulting in permanent loss of habitat. All potentially significant impacts are assessed to determine if they have the potential to adversely affect the integrity of the site. Mitigation measures required for potential adverse impacts that may arise as a result of maintenance works are described in detail in Table 6-1 and Section 7.

6.3.1 Do nothing impact Should the Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance works not be carried out at this site, it is likely that natural succession would occur throughout the location. This is likely to include increased sedimentation in the channels over time, and increased vegetation growth along channel edges and on islands that may be present instream. Reduction in channel width due to increase size of vegetated islands, may slow the flow of water and cause flooding in susceptible areas during periods of high rainfall. Erosion occurring along the edge of the banks may contribute further to the sediment loading within the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA.

6.3.2 Cumulative and in-combination impacts Projects and Plans that have the potential to contribute in-combination impacts and cumulative impacts upon Natura 2000 designated sites are considered in this section, as described in the Guidelines for the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts, as well as Impact Interactions (Walker and Johnston 1999). Key points to consider when assessing cumulative and in-combination impacts include the nature and scale of the potential impacts including their potential magnitude and significance, the availability and quality of data and the impacts that may have occurred with similar projects in the area, where available or observed.

2018s0768 - Office of Public Works - NIS Maine V2.0.docx 50 Development planning: The works that will occur on and around the River Maine, within the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA, cover an extensive area including the towns of Killorglin to the south, Miltown and Castlemaine to the east and Shanahil West and Boolteens to the north. There have been no projects found within these towns, except Killorglin, that would significantly impact the Castlemaine Harbour SAC or SPA. All granted planning which has been given by Kerry County Council in the past five years has been for dwelling houses. Various planning permissions have been granted to projects in the nearby area of the screened in Natura 2000 sites, which have the potential to have similar impacts on water quality, water levels or disturbance as the proposed maintenance works have to the Natura 2000 site. These include the following within the last 5 years: Applicant: Irish Water Description: rehabilitation of Killorglin trunk mains. The project is targeting an aging & defective section of the existing trunk main that runs from Gearha Cross to Gearha Bridge and from Killgobnet School to the River Laune. The proposed works comprise of replacing 4 km of water mains. Location: Killorglin Status: In Progress Potential for cumulative and/or in-combination impact: Impacts identified include those from construction activities that may cause changes to water quality, disturbance to Annexed species from noise and human activities during upgrade works and the potential for the introduction and spread of NNIS. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out there may be cumulative and/or in-combination impacts upon the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA as a result of this development and the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works. Mitigation measures will be required and are detailed in Table 6-1 and Section 7. Agricultural activities in the Dingle Bay-Maine catchment Farmers and landowners may also undertake general agricultural operations in areas adjacent to the River Maine and its tributaries, which could potentially give rise to impacts of a similar nature to those arising from the planned OPW works. This could potentially result in additional periods of disturbance and a risk to water quality. Many agricultural operations are periodic, not continuous in nature, and qualify as a Notifiable Action that requires consultation with NPWS in advance of the works e.g. reclamation, infilling or land drainage within 30m of the river, removal of trees or any aquatic vegetation within 30m of the river, and harvesting or burning of reed or willow (NPWS 2018). Agricultural operations must also comply with the EC (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Agriculture) Regulations 2011 and amendment 2017 S.I. No. 456/2011 and 407/2017 in relation to activities covered by the regulations; • restructuring of rural land holdings, • commencing use of uncultivated land or semi-natural areas for intensive, • land drainage works on lands used for agriculture. A NIS is required under Regulation 9 if it is likely to have a significant effect on a Natura 2000 site. The drainage or reclamation of wetlands is controlled under the Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2011 and the European Communities (Amendment to Planning and Development) Regulations 2011. Therefore, the in-combination effects of the proposed works and general agricultural operations is not likely to be significant. River Basin Management Plan 2018 - 2021 Published in April, 2018, the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 sets out the actions that Ireland will take to improve water quality and achieve ‘good’ ecological status in water bodies (rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters) by 2021 (DHPLG 2018). Learning from the previous River Basin management plans, for the 2nd Cycle, the Eastern, South Eastern, South Western, Western and Shannon River Basin Districts will be merged to form one national River

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Basin District. Ireland is required to produce a river basin management plan under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Water quality in Ireland has deteriorated over the past two decades. The Plan provides a more coordinated framework for improving the quality of our waters — to protect public health, the environment, water amenities and to sustain water-intensive industries, including agri-food and tourism, particularly in rural Ireland. The core objectives of the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) 2018 - 2021 are to prevent deterioration, restore good status, reduce chemical pollution and achieve the water related objectives of protected areas. In Cycle 1 of the RBD management plans (2009 - 2015), channels (Maine 050 and Groin 010) around the Mouth of the River Maine have been classified as Not At Risk. The Upper Maine Estuary (Maine 040) have been classified as At Risk and the channels flowing into Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA on the north and south side are classified as Review, which means a definitive risk class has not yet been appointed (EPA 2018a). The Plan aims to improve the management and water quality of the River Maine river basin. Appropriate Assessment has concluded that the RBMP will not adversely affect the integrity of any European site with the implementation of measures presented within the NIS (DHPLG 2018). Any projects that may arise because of the Plan may be subject to individual Appropriate Assessment, that may include assessment of potential cumulative impacts as a result of the works. Therefore, provided that any works that may occur as a result of the plan are included in the NIS, the plan would not significantly adversely impact on the Castlemaine Harbour SAC or SPA in combination with the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works. Recreational activities on the River Maine and within Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA The location surrounding the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works in County Kerry is a mixture of urban and rural environments and covers a large area of freshwater, leading to the coast. A Tourism strategy has been developed by Kerry County Council detailing the following plans. In the medium term, the River Maine is being investigated for potential to develop a Blueway along its banks, with regard to environmental sensitivities including protected habitats and species. A task force is being established to progress an angling project along the River Maine in the short term, in association with IFI. Plans are also included to promote universal access platforms/fishing stands at appropriate locations on the River Maine (KCC 2016). Details of these projects are not included in the tourism strategy report and these projects may require Appropriate Assessment. Until the Appropriate Assessments are concluded and details become available on the proposed design, conclusive assessment is not possible. Using the precautionary principle, given the potential location of any of these works along the River Maine and likely impacts to water quality and through disturbance, it can be concluded that there is potential for these plans to contribute a cumulative impact to the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SAC. Inch beach is a well-known hotspot for tourism, it is used for bathing, surfing, fishing and is classified as a blue flag beach. Beaches that achieve this status must comply with a specific set of criteria relating to water quality, information provision, environmental education, safety and beach management. The bathing water must comply with the excellent standard in accordance with the 2006 EU Bathing Water Directive. Any projects that may arise because of the Plan to increase tourism in the area may be subject to individual Appropriate Assessment, that should include assessment of potential cumulative impacts as a result of the works (KCC 2018). Therefore, considering the nature, scale and extent of tourism in this area, and given the types of potential impacts there is potential for cumulative disturbance and water quality impacts with this site. Therefore, tourism may significantly adversely impact on the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA in combination with the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works and further mitigation measures may be required to prevent disturbance and water quality related impacts. Mitigation measures will be required and are detailed in Table 6-1 and Section 7. Spread of non-native invasive species Non-native invasive species in particular Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera and Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica have been recorded around the River Maine. Given the availability of potential transport vectors or pathways, and the large area covered by the Scheme, there is potential for NNIS to be transported between sites within the area of works and from outside of the area of works through various external sources including hill walkers/hikers, anglers, dumping

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and/or illegal turf cutting. Surface water connections, re-use of unclean equipment, machinery or clothing, from nearby projects or developments, or stored nearby in potentially contaminated areas, can all be considered vectors for NNIS. Equipment, machinery or boots that are being used in the water by anglers within potentially contaminated areas could carry microscopic spores, larvae, plant fragments or seeds that if used at this location, can cause the spread of NNIS. The spread of Crayfish Plague Aphanomyces astaci around Ireland is having detrimental impacts to native crayfish populations and must be prevented (Waterways Ireland 2017). Although the River Maine is not noted as being a significant crayfish habitat, as non-native invasive species spread in other areas around Ireland, uncontaminated refuges will become extremely important to the survival of the species. The spread of all NNIS including crayfish plague in particular, must be prevented. Therefore, considering the nature, scale and types of non-native invasive species in this area, and given the types of potential impacts there is potential for cumulative decrease in the area of suitable habitats in this site as a result of the spread of non-native invasive species. While the normal operation of the proposed works include the adherence to the biosecurity protocol, further, more specific mitigation may be required. Therefore, there may be significant impacts from the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works in-combination with the use of the operational equipment and machinery stored outside the area or used on other schemes and works outside the scheme area and further mitigation measures will be required. Mitigation measures will be required and are detailed in Table 6-1 and Section 7. Nutrient enrichment Potential has been screened in for cumulative and in-combination effects through surface water pathways as a result of eutrophication from agriculture and sewage discharges. Release of nutrients during the works may occur as a result of sediment disturbance in-stream. Given the nature and scale of the works it is not likely to be of an amount to cause significant adverse impacts, however, using the precautionary principle and given that the surrounding landscape is made up of predominantly agricultural land, there is potential for cumulative impacts from agriculture related to eutrophication. Eutrophication caused by increases in nutrient levels in the water, as a result of sediment disturbance and agricultural practises, could cause changes to the vegetative structure and composition in the wetland habitats within the SACs and adverse impacts upon the water quality of the River Maine. The release of sewage on-site may occur through un treated storm water overflow pipes in the waste water treatment plants in Glenbeigh, Rangue and Anglont near Killorglin, Knockavota and Glentron in Milltown, Castlemaine and Anascaul. In Glenbeigh the waste water treatment plant has passed it's capacity of 800 pe and is therefore at risk (EPA 2018a). Therefore, there may be significant impacts from the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works in-combination with agricultural practices and through the release of untreated sewage in the area and further mitigation is required. Mitigation measures will be required and are detailed in Table 6-1 and Section 7.

6.3.3 Significance of cumulative and in-combination impacts In summation, given the nature of the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works, their scale, the local conditions, and considering the same for other relevant plans and projects in this area, it is likely that significant adverse impacts may occur in-combination or cumulatively relative to Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA. Therefore, further mitigation measures in order to prevent the cumulative and in-combination impacts from these impacts are included in Table 6-1 and Section 7.

6.4 Impact Evaluation Table 6-1 evaluates the screened in Natura 2000 sites and potential impacts as discussed in Section 6.2 in more specific detail and examines where potentially adverse impacts may arise from the sources identified above. Where potentially significant adverse impacts are identified, avoidance and mitigation measures are proposed to offset these impacts.

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Table 6-1 Impact evaluation table

Site Name Qualifying Interests/ Potential Pathway Impact on Attribute and Target Prior to Avoidance / Mitigation Residua (site code) Special Source of Mitigation / Avoidance Measures l Impact Conservation Impact Interests Castlemaine Sea lamprey [1095] Release of Surface Maintenance activities associated with the works Surface water pathways may No Harbour SAC River lamprey [1099] suspended Water could impact on estuary, mudflats and sandflat transfer suspended solids, adverse (000343) Salmon [1106] solids habitats through the release of nutrients, and/or nutrients and pollution to the effect pollution incidents, which could then reach the SAC and its QIs so follow Otter [1355] estuary habitat by direct entry or through the protocols and EPs in and OPW Estuaries [1130] Release or changes in surrounding drainage ditch network .This could Environmental Procedures (EP) Mudflats and nutrient potentially result in eutrophication and declines (OPW 2018) - sandflats [1140] levels/ in water quality which could then impact upon specifically, the procedures Salicornia Mud [1310] pollutants the macro-invertebrate communities within the under the Environmental different sediment types impacting upon Drainage Procedure EP, community distribution. including compliance with the This decline in water quality could also then 10-point plan and auditing

impact on Sea lamprey, River lamprey and processes. Works should follow Salmon by affecting water quality requirements those as describes in guidance and food supply as they migrate through the under the Silt Management EP, estuary to upstream spawning grounds. A including but not limited to decline in water quality could also potentially working upstream, skipping affect the otter’s hunting ability by reducing water sections and leaving buffer clarity and food supply. zones both instream and along the banks. Machinery Related The release of suspended sediment is Procedures should be followed considered to be a significant source of impact in to include no refuelling within relation to the estuary habitat type.. Should the 50m of a watercourse, use of embankment works result in a release of biodegradable oils, ensure sediment these attributes may be impacted availability of spill kits and leave upon. This can have potentially adverse impacts natural vegetation buffer strip such as resulting in increased phytoplankton along the bank. which could restrict macrophyte growth. As with the release of nutrients, this could then adversely As per the EP on Alluvial (Wet impact on Otter food sources or reduce their Woodlands), any works that ability to hunt through reduced water clarity and occur within potential Alluvial increased turbidity. Woodland, within the Castlemaine Harbour SAC

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should trigger a site specific ERA. Further assessment may be required.

Wetland habitats (including saltmarsh and molinia meadows) should be identified on-site prior to works commencing and works within or adjacent to wetlands should follow the Wetland Procedure EP, including, but not limited to protecting the wetlands hydraulics and minimising or avoiding maintenance. Bog mats may be required when traversing through wetlands.

The above measures will control sediment mobilisation, prevent changes in water levels and channel morphology, and reduce the risk of pollution incidents thereby reducing the potential significance of this source of direct, indirect, cumulative and/or in-combination adverse impacts on the Castlemaine Harbour SAC and its QIs.

Biosecurity measures will be required where aquatic NNIS are present. Follow biosecurity procedures as defined in the EP on Spread of Water based Invasives (High Biosecurity) Procedure, prior to working within and when working within Castlemaine Harbour SAC at all times. This includes maintaining a demarking a contaminated zone line with bunting and

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ensuring anyone or any equipment that crosses this line undergoes specific decontamination as described in the procedures. All staff working within these areas must be briefed on the methodology and sign the method statement outlining this procedure. This will ensure that there are no adverse impacts due to the spread of aquatic invasive species. Where NNIS are present, particularly Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed, follow biosecurity procedures as defined in the EP on Spread of Invasive Plant (Low Biosecurity) Procedure when working within Castlemaine Harbour SAC. This will ensure that there are no adverse impacts from the spread of terrestrial NNIS.

In situations where there may be a more significant build up of silt, debris or nutrients e.g. during sluice maintenance or when clearing channels adjacent to coniferous woodlands, there will be a 20m section of channel unmaintained at the channel outfall and if this is not naturally present, additional silt mitigation measures will be implemented including the use of geotextiles, clean washed stone and coarse sand (where suitable), removal of material and/or other silt filtration techniques. The method

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used will be on a case-by-case basis and methods used will be documented and discussed with environment team. See Table 7-1for further measures.

Sea lamprey [1095] Physical Land and Air The intertidal habitat type Estuaries is situated Species related EPs will be No River lamprey [1099] disturbance adjacent to the embankment and channel works, followed where relevant QIs may adverse Salmon [1106] of habitats for which this SAC is designated and could be be present including the effect (and loss of vulnerable to physical disturbance arising from Samonid Procedures, Otter Otter [1355] wood the embankment works through the direct Procedures and Lamprey Petalwort [1395] vegetation removal of vegetation within the working footprint Procedures. Estuaries [1130] cover) and access and compound areas. This could Mudflats and impact on a range of attributes for which the Where protected habitats are sandflats [1140] Noise and conservation status of this habitat type is present the Wetland EP, Alluvial Annual vegetation of visual defined; including habitat area and community Woodland EP and Tree drift lines [1210] disturbance distribution. management EP should be Perennial vegetation followed. Works within potential of stony banks [1220] Spread of Habitats of Atlantic and Mediterranean salt wetlands, including saltmarsh Salicornia Mud [1310] non-native meadows, Salicornia mud, Petalwort, Annual should protect the wetlands vegetation of drift lines, Perennial vegetation of hydraulics and minimise or avoid Atlantic salt meadows invasive stoney banks are located at Cromane (approx. maintenance as per Wetland [1330] species 3km west of Garrane East embankment) and Procedure EP. Machine/bog Mediterranean salt further west again at Inch and Rosbehy dune mats may be required to prevent meadows [1410] systems. Therefore, the physical disturbance of unnecessary disturbance. these habitats is not considered a risk in relation to these sites. Specific procedures relevant to salmonids include ensuring on- The islands of saltmarsh adjacent to Garrane going consultation with IFI, East is classified as Potential Annex Habitat timing of instream works from (NPWS 2015) and therefore a precautionary July to September and protect or measure must be taken to presume it is so. enhance river enhancement However, the works at Garrane East will be works. confined to the embankment and will not encroach on the saltmarsh area. Therefore, Specific procedures relevant to physical disturbance of this habitat is not Otter include checking mapping anticipated. and reporting of Otter holts on gangers card, maintaining a The works also have the potential to disturb otter buffer zone of 20m for general

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populations in the area. The otter survey found maintenance works that may be plentiful otter activity signs, indicating a healthy increased depending on the otter population, but no otter holts were works and obtaining a recorded. derogation license, prior to works commencing. Disturbance can cause displacement of protected species, requiring increased energy Where Lamprey may be present, expenditure. Breeding otter may be sensitive to EPs necessary include, but are disturbance year-round. Lamprey will be not limited to spoil management sensitive to disturbance from April to August and techniques such as observing Salmonids will be sensitive to disturbance from spoil minimum, 3 times daily and October to May. Any unnecessary stresses upon placing stranded lamprey in a protected species can impact upon the bucket prior to release in an population trends of a species and species unaffected part of the channel. distribution. New lamprey must be reported Cumulative and/or in-combination impacts may to foreman. arise as a result of the disturbance to stands of NNIS, reduction in habitat quality causing Where Floating River Vegetation increase in availability of susceptible bare habitat [3260] may be present, ground prone to infestation with NNIS. the EP on Floating River Vegetation Habitat and Rare Plants Procedures must be followed. This includes the implementation of a 10m buffer zone where feasible, retention of untouched sections where not including 1/3 to 1/2 of vegetation.

Works within potential alluvial woodlands, i,e, within riverside woodlands that flood regularly, should follow the Alluvial (Wet Woodland) Procedures. In accordance with this EP, an ERA may be required and should be considered for works within this priority habitat.

Embankment maintenance should follow the Embankment

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Maintenance Procedure including avoiding the spread of invasives, promotion of natural colonisation and increasing biodiversity of species. No tree or vegetation removal works should occur within the breeding bird season unless under license.

Follow Protocol in the EP for Tree Management Procedures, particularly when removing fallen trees and clearing Machine Access Corridor to minimise physical disturbance during the works.

See Table 7-1 Specific mitigation measuresfor further measures.

Atlantic salt meadows Release of Groundwater The conservation status of groundwater Surface water pathways leading No [1330] suspended dependent Atlantic salt meadow and to groundwater pathways may adverse Mediterranean salt solids Mediterranean salt meadow habitats is defined not be visible so protocols and effect meadows [1410] by a number of attributes including habitat area, EPs in and OPW Environmental Dunes with Salix Release or habitat distribution and sediment supply (NPWS Procedures (EP) (OPW 2018) repens ssp.argentea changes in 2014), although no specific water quality should be followed. - [2170] nutrient parameters are listed. The works at could Specifically, the procedures levels/ potentially result in the release of nutrients and under the Environmental Humid dune slacks suspended solids, and also potentially pollution [2190] pollutants Drainage Procedure EP, incidents, which could potentially result in including compliance with the eutrophication and increased turbidity of waters 10-point plan and auditing that inundate and flow through the salt marsh processes. Works should follow through aquifer recharge. those as described in guidance under the Silt Management EP, As for salt marshes, the habitats Dunes with including but not limited to Salix repens ssp.argentea and Humid dune working upstream, skipping slacks do not have any grounwater dependant sections and leaving buffer qualifying interests, but the works may have the zones both instream and along potential to release suspended solids and the banks.

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nutrients or pollutants that may affect the vegetation structure and composition of the dune Works within potential wetlands systems through aquifer recharge. should follow the Wetland Procedure EP, protect the wetlands hydraulics and minimise or avoid maintenance. No works should occur within, Alluvial Forests [91E0] or Salt Meadows [1310], [1330] and/or [1410], to minimise the release of sediment from these habitats. Works within potential alluvial woodlands, i,e, within riverside woodlands that flood regularly, should follow the Alluvial (Wet Woodland) Procedures. In accordance with this EP, an ERA may be required and should be considered for works within this priority habitat.

See Table 7-1 for further measures.

Castlemaine Red-throated Diver Release of Surface Several of the bird species for which the SPA is Surface water pathways may No SPA (004029) (Gavia stellata) [A001] suspended Water designated are dependent on a number of transfer suspended solids, adverse Wigeon (Anas solids surface water dependent habitats present within nutrients and/or pollutants that effect penelope) [A050] the site (i.e. estuaries). As discussed above, the may arise as a result of the Mallard (Anas Release or works within the SPA could impact on these works so follow protocols and platyrhynchos) [A053] changes in surface water dependent habitats through the EPs in the OPW Environmental nutrient release of nutrients and/or pollution incidents, Procedures (EP) (OPW 2018) - Pintail (Anas acuta) and suspended solids. This could then result in specifically the procedures under [A054] levels/ pollutants eutrophication, increased turbidity and reduced the Environmental Drainage Oystercatcher water quality which could adversely affect the Procedure EP, including (Haematopus quality of the habitats and the macro-invertebrate compliance with the 10-point ostralegus) [A065] and fish populations they support, potentially plan and auditing processes. Ringed Plover affecting the food supply of the birds. In the long- Works should follow those as (Charadrius hiaticula) term any decline in the quality of habitats and described in guidance under the [A137] food supply may affect the population trends and Silt Management EP, including

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Sanderling (Calidris distribution of the SPA bird populations. but not limited to working alba) [A144] upstream, skipping sections and Bar-tailed Godwit leaving buffer zones both (Limosa lapponica) instream and along the banks. [A157] Machinery Related Procedures Redshank (Tringa should be followed to include no totanus) [A162] refuelling within 50m of a watercourse, use of Greenshank (Tringa biodegradable oils, ensure nebularia) [A164] availability of spill kits and leave Turnstone (Arenaria natural vegetation buffer strip interpres) [A169] along the bank. Light-bellied Brent Goose (Branta Areas adjacent to the SPA and bernicla hrota) [A046] its tributaries, should be Wetland and considered for potential to be Waterbirds [A999] wetlands as these are protected. No works should occur within wetland habitats. Movement of equipment around the SPA and associated wetlands may require the use of bog mats to prevent release of suspended solids, nutrients and/or pollutants. In these situations, movement of equipment should follow the Wetland Procedure EP, protect the wetlands hydraulics and minimise or avoid maintenance.

Birds Procedures should be followed when working in the vicinity of the SPA including the timing of the removal of vegetation to protect breeding birds. During winter consideration and the relevant adjustments to these procedures must be made to protect wintering birds, including the consideration of short lengths of

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screening to protect habitats water quality.

The above measures will control sediment mobilisation and reduce the risk of pollution incidents thereby reducing the potential significance of this source of impact, including cumulative and/or in-combination impacts, on the wetland and supporting habitats within this SPA, that may occur through surface water pathways.

See Table 7-1 for further mitigation measures.

Cormorant Physical Land and Air The habitats that support the waterbird special Any unnecessary noise or visual No (Phalacrocorax carbo) disturbance conservation interests of this SPA are likely to be disturbances to birds within the adverse [A017] of habitats vulnerable to physical disturbance arising from SPA will be avoided, temporary effect Light-bellied Brent (and loss of the embankment repair and upgrade works, such and only where necessary. Goose (Branta wood as vegetation removal within the working area bernicla hrota) [A046] vegetation and along access corridors and site compounds. Birds Procedures should be Wigeon (Anas cover) followed when working in the penelope) [A050] The embankment works within the SPA are vicinity of the SPA including the Mallard (Anas Noise and directly adjacent to Intertidal and Supratidal Bird timing of the removal of platyrhynchos) [A053] visual Use Zones, with a Subtidal zone situated just vegetation to protect breeding Scaup (Aythya marila) disturbance beyond the adjacent area of saltmarsh. These Cormorant. During winter [A062] areas have the potential to be well-used by the consideration must be given to designated bird species of the SPA (NPWS the QIs fo this site and the Oystercatcher 2011). relevant adjustments will be (Haematopus made to these procedures to ostralegus) [A065] protect wintering birds This Ringed Plover The waterbird special conservation interests of this SPA will, be sensitive to disturbance (noise includes using short lengths of (Charadrius hiaticula) screening to prevent disturbance [A137] and visual) from machinery and workforces conducting the embankment repair and upgrade to birds when working in the Sanderling (Calidris works, particularly during sensitive periods. For same area for any period of time, alba) [A144] example, if wetland and wading birds are that may be considered any Bar-tailed Godwit disturbed during the winter, following a long longer than temporary (e.g.

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(Limosa lapponica) migration, they can be significantly affected as conducting maintenance works [A157] disturbance of populations are already stressed in one location for more than 5 Redshank (Tringa by cold weather and difficulties finding food. working days outside of the totanus) [A162] breeding season, or working for Greenshank (Tringa Furthermore, significant noise and visual more than 0.5 day in one nebularia) [A164] disturbance impacts may arise in-combination location within the breeding bird season). Turnstone (Arenaria should the regular OPW arterial drainage interpres) [A169] maintenance works on nearby watercourses be Wetland and conducted concurrently with embankment works, Waterbirds [A999] particularly during the critical winter period. Works within potential wetlands should follow the Wetland Procedure EP to protect the wetlands hydraulics and to minimise the disturbance of these habitats.

The above measure will prevent any impacts through noise or visual disturbance, physical alterations and disturbances to habitats and a reduction in area or quality of habitats that may occur to the QIs of this SPA.

Redshank Tringa Release of Groundwater Impacts that may arise through groundwater Groundwater pathways may not No totanus [A162] suspended pathways and impact upon the QIs of this SPA always be visible and may adverse solids are as those described for Surface water transfer nutrients as a result of effect impacts. the works so follow protocols Release or Drainage maintenance activities could impact on and EPs in and OPW changes in water quality in protected habitats and Environmental Procedures (EP) nutrient supporting habitats in the area, through the (OPW 2018) - specifically the levels/ release of nutrients which could potentially result procedures under the pollutants in reduced water quality, increased turbidity and Environmental Drainage eutrophication. Procedure EP, including compliance with the 10-point plan and auditing processes. Movement of large machinery, the removal of Works should follow those as trees or vegetation bankside and the movement described in guidance under the of soil bankside can impact on surface water Silt Management EP, including dependent habitats and species, and supporting but not limited to working groundwater dependant habitats directly or

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indirectly should they be transported through upstream, skipping sections and groundwater pathways. leaving buffer zones both instream and along the banks. Drainage maintenance activities, such as silt and Machinery Related Procedures vegetation management can result in the should be followed to include no deepening and widening of channels which could refuelling within 50m of a impact on water levels. This could have adverse watercourse, use of impacts on the same habitats mentioned above, biodegradable oils, ensure and the birds that may use them, potentially availability of spill kits and leave resulting in an overall reduction in the suitability natural vegetation buffer strip of the habitats and protected wetlands to support along the bank. Annex II species Movement of equipment around the SPA and associated wetlands may require the use of bog mats to prevent release of suspended solids, nutrients and/or pollutants. In these situations, movement of equipment should follow the Wetland Procedure EP, protect the wetlands hydraulics and minimise or avoid maintenance.

See Table 7-1 for further mitigation measures.

The above measures will control sediment mobilisation and reduce the risk of pollution incidents thereby reducing the potential significance of this source of impact, including cumulative and/or in-combination impacts, on the wetland and supporting habitats within this SPA, that may occur through groundwater pathways.

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7 Avoidance and Mitigation Measures In order to ensure that arterial drainage maintenance works and proposed associated works do not adversely impact on Castlemaine Harbour SAC and SPA, specific mitigation and avoidance measures have been highlighted that should be followed in Table 6-1. This NIS considers the potential impact of normal arterial drainage maintenance works on those watercourses screened into the assessment. To determine if works are considered outside of what is considered normal works see Section 2.2.4. To ensure that adverse impacts do not arise on Natura 2000 sites and other protected species as a result of normal arterial drainage maintenance works undertaken during the period 2019-2023, all procedures as recommended in the OPW Environmental Procedures Document (OPW 2018) are to be followed, specifically the Annual Program Environmental Procedure EP, the Environmental Risk Assessment Procedure EP, Appropriate Assessment Procedure EP, Structures Construction Procedure EP, Environmental Management Procedure EP and those EPs as further recommended within the management EPs. To view site-specific mitigation measures, outside of those described in the OPW Environmental Procedures document, see Section 7.1, Table 7-1. To view specific mitigation measures relevant to works that may occur on bridges, sluices and/or structures, see Section 7.1, Table 7-2.

7.1 Site specific mitigation measures This includes measures in addition to those listed in the OPW's Environmental Management Protocols and EPs (OPW 2018), necessary in order to offset the identified potential impacts on the Natura 2000 sites; these are detailed in Table 7-1. Table 7-1 Specific mitigation measures Potential Impact Specific Avoidance and Mitigation Measures

Release of suspended All aquatic vegetation or brash cuttings shall be removed from solids the channel and its bank and placed in an area where they Release or changes in cannot re-enter the water. nutrient levels/ pollutants The release of large amounts of silt or other debris that has built up over time, e.g. during sluice maintenance or when clearing channels adjacent to coniferous woodlands, must be prevented. In these situations, there will be a 20m section of channel unmaintained at the channel outfall and if this is not naturally present, additional silt mitigation measures will be implemented including the use of geotextiles, clean washed stone and coarse sand (where suitable), removal of material and/or other silt filtration techniques. The method used will be on a case-by-case basis and methods used will be documented and discussed with the environment team. Changes in water levels/ Works on all channels, shall be undertaken in accordance with channel morphology the Scheme's design standard, in order to prevent any new widening or deepening of a channel.

No machinery will be operating within the river channel. Physical disturbance of Clearance of MAC will necessitate the usage of bog/machine habitats (and loss of wood mats in wet areas and tree clearance will be at a minimum, vegetation cover) only where necessary and in accordance with the relevant OPW EP on Tree Management. Vegetated buffer zone of 1.5m to remain along bankside. Noise and visual Works and access will be restricted to maintenance access disturbance corridors.

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Potential Impact Specific Avoidance and Mitigation Measures

Other Biosecurity measures will be implemented throughout the works following the OPW's Spread of Invasive Plants (Low Biosecurity) Procedure and Spread of Water Based invasives (High Biosecurity) Procedure as necessary. Although Crayfish Plague has not been identified as being present within this catchment, given the recent outbreaks of Crayfish Plague reported around Ireland, the best practice principles of Check- Clean-Dry guidance of the NNSS (NNSS 2017) and IFI biosecurity protocols (IFI 2010) shall be followed during these works, to ensure that Crayfish Plague and invasive non-native species are not introduced into the working area.

7.2 Mitigation for Bridge/Sluice/Structural Works As discussed in section 2.2.3, it is currently unknown where and when structural drainage maintenance operations will be required in relation to bridges. This NIS considers the potential impact of maintenance operations on bridges and other structures on those channels and embankments screened into the assessment. To ensure that adverse impacts do not arise on Natura 2000 sites and their QIs as a result of structural maintenance operations undertaken during the period 2019-2023, all procedures as recommended in the OPW Environmental Procedures Document (OPW 2018) are to be followed; specifically the Annual Program Environmental Procedure EP, the Environmental Risk Assessment Procedure EP, Appropriate Assessment Procedure EP, Structures Construction Procedure EP, Environmental Management Procedure EP and where relevant the Bridge Inspection Form EP. The following pre-works mitigation checklist as detailed will also be implemented where structural maintenance works will occur: Table 7-2 Mitigation measures for bridge, sluice and/or structural works Checklist Mitigation Response Required Is the Structure a Bridge? If Yes - Ensure the Foreman's Bridge Inspection Report has been completed prior to works commencing. All work on bridges requires completion of this form. All instructions on this form will be followed. Continue through checklist as further procedures may be required. Is the structure a culvert? If Yes - Follow the Ecological Culvert Procedure. All works on culverts require adherence to these procedures. Continue through checklist as further procedures may be required. Is the structure a fisheries If Yes - Follow the Fisheries Enhancement Procedure enhancement structure? EP and Barrier Removal Procedure EP and continue through checklist as further procedures may be required. Is the structure an If Yes - Follow the Embankment Maintenance embankment, a sluice or part of Procedure, Barrier Removal Procedure EP , see site an embankment? specific mitigation measures in Table 7-1 and continue through checklist as further procedures may be required. Will structure maintenance If yes - Follow procedures in Environmental Drainage works require in-channel Procedure EP, the Silt Management EP, and Machinery working? Related Procedures to control silt mobilisation and relevant species specific EPs to minimise physical damage. Continue through checklist as further procedures may be required. Is the structure constructed of If yes - Follow procedures in Bat Procedure EP. Ensure brick or stone or does it contain a bat roost potential assessment is conducted by an cracks, crevices and/or voids ecologist. Further nocturnal activity surveys will also be that could be used by roosting undertaken if the roost potential assessment concludes

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Checklist Mitigation Response Required bats? they are required. Derogation license may be required Does the structure have dense for works on this bridge. Continue through checklist as Ivy cover which could be used further procedures may be required. by roosting bats? Does the structure contain If yes - Follow Birds Procedure EP. Ensure the work is voids, cracks or ledges that are conducted outside of the nesting bird season or prior to or could be used by nesting works a survey for the presence of nesting birds is birds? conducted. Continue through checklist as further Is the structure located within procedures may be required. an area of dense bankside scrub/vegetation which could be used by nesting birds? Is the structure located within If yes - Follow Otter Procedure. Ensure a survey is an area of dense bankside conducted prior to works to check for the presence of scrub/vegetation which could any protected species. Continue through checklist as be used as a resting place by further procedures may be required. Otter? Are water based non-native If yes - Follow the Spread of Water-based Invasives invasive species present in the (High Biosecurity) Procedure EP and continue through area immediately around the checklist as further procedures may be required. structure, or is signage indicating the presence of water based non-native invasive species present along this channel or the access route? Are terrestrial based non-native If yes - Follow the Spread of Invasive Plant (Low invasive species present in the Biosecurity) Procedure EP and continue through area immediately around the checklist as further procedures may be required. structure, is signage indicating the presence of non-native invasive species present along this channel, or are non-native invasive species present along the access route?

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8 Conclusions Taking into consideration the limitations and constraints as identified in Section 1.4.5, this Natura Impact Statement details the findings of the Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment conducted to further examine the potential direct and indirect impacts of the proposed arterial drainage maintenance works in the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme on the following Natura 2000 sites: • Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) • Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029)

The above sites were identified by a screening exercise that identified likely significant effects in relation to Natura 2000 sites within the zone of influence of the proposed works. This screening exercise was conducted following the methodology outlined in Ryan Hanley (2014a), which examines three "source > pathway > receptor" chains; surface water, land and air, and groundwater pathways. The Appropriate Assessment investigated the potential direct and indirect impacts of the proposed works on the integrity and interest features of the above Natura 2000 sites, alone and in- combination with other plans and projects, taking into account the site's structure, function and conservation objectives. The three pathways of potential impact were again used as a framework of assessment. Where potentially significant adverse impacts were identified, a range of mitigation and avoidance measures have been stipulated to help offset them. As a result of this Appropriate Assessment it has been concluded, that the avoidance and mitigation measures suggested, the proposed drainage maintenance operations in the Maine Arterial Drainage Scheme will not have a significant adverse impact on the integrity of the above Natura 2000 sites.

To confirm this conclusion, the following checklist, taken from DEHLG (2009) has been completed.

Conservation objectives: does the project Y/N or plan have the potential to: Cause delays in progress towards N - Following mitigation, no significant adverse achieving the conservation objectives of residual impacts have been identified that will prevent the sites? achievement of the conservation objectives of the assessed sites. Interrupt progress towards achieving the N - Following mitigation, no significant adverse conservation objectives of the sites? residual impacts have been identified that will prevent achievement of the conservation objectives of the assessed site. Disrupt those factors that help to maintain N - Potential adverse impacts via surface water; land the favourable conditions of the site? and air; and groundwater pathways identified during the screening process can be mitigated against. Interfere with the balance, distribution and N - Potential adverse impacts on the habitats and density of key species that are the species of the SACs are not expected as impacts can indicators of the favourable condition of be avoided by implementing the mitigation and the site? avoidance measures detailed. Other objectives: does the project or plan Y/N have the potential to: Cause changes to the vital defining N - Potential adverse impacts from suspended solid aspects (e.g. nutrient balance) that and nutrient release are not expected as measures determine how the site functions as a can be included within working protocols to ensure habitat or ecosystem? potential impacts are effectively mitigated. Change the dynamics of the relationships N - Potential adverse impacts relating to hydrological (between, for example, soil and water or status and water quality have been identified which plants and animals) that define the could impact on the functioning and dynamics of the structure and/or function of the site? site, however, these are not expected to be significant given the mitigation measures detailed to ensure potential impacts are effectively mitigated. Interfere with predicted or expected N - Potential adverse impacts from changes to the natural changes to the site (such as water hydrological regime and suspended dynamics or chemical composition)? solid/nutrient/pollutant release are not expected as

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Conservation objectives: does the project Y/N or plan have the potential to: measures are included within working protocols to ensure potential impacts are effectively mitigated. Reduce the area of key habitats? N - Potential adverse impacts on the habitats of the SACs are not expected given the mitigation measures that have been detailed. Reduce the population of key species? N - Potential impacts to key species of both sites, including (but not limited to) Spagnum, Otter and Salmon, are not expected as impacts can be avoided by implementing the mitigation measures detailed. Change the balance between key N - Potential impacts to key species for which the species? SACs are designated or which support key features of the designated habitats of the SACs, are not expected as impacts can be avoided by implementing the mitigation measures detailed. Reduce diversity of the site? N - The identified mitigation measures to protect designated habitats and species will ensure that the current diversity of the sites is maintained. Result in disturbance that could affect N - Potential impacts to the population size, density or population size or density or the balance balance of key species are not expected as impacts between key species? can be avoided by implementing the mitigation measures detailed. Result in fragmentation N - The proposed works will be undertaken along existing maintenance access corridors and therefore no fragmentation of habitats will occur. Result in loss or reduction of key features N - Potential adverse impacts on SAC habitats are not (e.g. tree cover, tidal exposure, annual expected as impacts can be avoided by implementing flooding etc.)? the mitigation measures detailed so there will be no loss of, or reduction of, key features.

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References DEHLG (2009) Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland. Guidance for Planning Authorities, available: [accessed 31 Aug 2016]. DHPLG (2018) River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 - 2021 Natura Impact Statement, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, available: pdf [accessed 13 Nov 2018]. EC (2002) Assessment of Plans and Projects Significantly Affecting Natura 2000 Sites: Methodological Guidance on the Provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, EUR-OP: Luxembourg. EC (2007) Guidance Document on Article 6(4) of the ‘Habitats Directive’ 92/43/EEC. Clarification of the Concepts of: Alternative Solutions, Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest, Compensatory Measures, Overall Coherence, Opinion of the Commission, available: df [accessed 31 Aug 2016]. EC (2013) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, Version EUR 28, available: EPA (2018) EPA Catchments.Ie [online],, available: [accessed 3 Jan 2018]. European Commission, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Eds.) (2000) Managing Natura 2000 Sites: The Provisions of Article 6 of the ‘Habitats’ Directive 92/43/EEC, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. Flora (Protection) Order [online] (2015) S.I. No. 356/2015, available: [accessed 24 Mar 2017]. Fossitt, J.A. (2000) A Guide to Habitats in Ireland, Heritage Council of Ireland series, Heritage Council/Chomhairle Oidhreachta: Kilkenny. IFI (2010) ‘IFI Biosecurity Protocol for Field Survey Work’. JBA (2014a) ‘Appropriate Assessment Screening for Maine Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme’. JBA (2014b) Appropriate Assessment Screening for Creegh Arterial Drainage Maintenance Scheme, AA Screening, Office of Public Works. KCC (2016) County Kerry Tourism Strategy and Action Plan 2016 - 2022, Kerry County Council anjd Destination Kerry Tourism Forum, available: KCC (2018) ‘Kerry CoCo Blue Flag, Green Coast & Identified Bathing Waters’, available: waters/ [accessed 29 Nov 2018]. NBDC (2017) Biodiversity Maps - Map Viewer [online], National Biodiversity Data Centre Biodiversity Maps, available: [accessed 10 Nov 2016]. NBDC (2018) Biodiversity Maps - Map Viewer [online], National Biodiversity Data Centre Biodiversity Maps, available: [accessed 10 Feb 2018]. NNSS (2017) Check, Clean, Dry - GB Non-Native Species Secretariat [online], GB Non-native species secretariat, available: [accessed 16 Nov 2017]. NPWS (2008) The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland, • National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) (2008). The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland., available: .pdf [accessed 31 Aug 2016]. NPWS (2011) ‘Conservation objectives Castlemaine Harbour SAC’. NPWS (2013a) The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland 2013 Habitat Assessments Volume 2, National Parks & Wildlife Services. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland., available: _1_0.pdf [accessed 31 Aug 2016]. NPWS (2013b) The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland Species Assessments Volume 3, National Parks & Wildlife Services. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland., available:

2018s0768 - Office of Public Works - NIS Maine V2.0.docx 70 _1_0.pdf [accessed 31 Aug 2016]. NPWS (2014) ‘Castlemaine Harbour SPA Site Synopsis’, available: [accessed 23 Nov 2018]. NPWS (2015) ‘Site Synopsis Castlemaine Harbour SAC’, available: [accessed 23 Nov 2018]. NPWS (2017a) Natura 2000 Standard Data Form: Castlemaine Harbour SAC, Natura 2000 Standard Data Form, National Parks and Wildlife Service, available: [accessed 21 Nov 2018]. NPWS (2017b) Natura 2000 Standard Data Form: Castlemaine Harbour SPA, available: [accessed 23 Nov 2018]. NPWS (2018) ‘Notifiable Actions for Listed Habitats and Species’, available: and-landowners/notifiable-actions/listed-habitats-and-species [accessed 23 Nov 2018]. NRA (2009) Ecological Surveying Techniques for Protected Flora and Fauna during the Planning of National Road Schemes, National Roads Authority, available: services/environment/planning/Ecological-Surveying-Techniques-for-Protected-Flora-and-Fauna- during-the-Planning-of-National-Road-Schemes.pdf [accessed 29 Nov 2017]. O’Connor (2014) ‘Brook lampreys spawning in the River maine’, available: [accessed 22 Nov 2018]. OPW (2011a) Arterial Drainage Maintenance & High Risk Channel Designation Programme 2011-2015 Habitats Directive Assessment, Office of Public Works, available: nnel%20Designation%20HDA%202011-2015.pdf [accessed 17 Nov 2017]. OPW (2011b) ‘The Office of Public WorksArterial Drainage Maintenance Service Environmental Management Protocols & Standard Operating Procedures’. OPW (2018) ‘Draft - Office of Public Works Environmental Drainage Maintenace Manual Rev A’. Ryan Hanley (2014b) ‘Stage 1: Appropriate Assessment Screening Methodology for the maintenance of Arterial Drainage Schemes’. Ryan Hanley (2014a) ‘Source > Pathway > Receptor Chains for Appropriate Assessment’. S.I. No. 477/2011 - European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011. [online] (2011) available: [accessed 19 Jul 2018]. Smith, G.F., O’Donoghue, P., O’Hora, K., Delaney, E. (2011) ‘Best practice guidance for habitat survey and mapping’, The Heritage Council: Ireland. Walker, L.J., Johnston, J. (1999) Guidelines for the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as Well as Impact Interactions, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Brussels, available: [accessed 18 Apr 2017]. Waterways Ireland (2017) Marine Notices: CRAYFISH PLAGUE Notice Number 94 of 2017 [online], Waterways Ireland | News Centre | Marine Notices, available: [accessed 16 Nov 2017].

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Appendices A Conservation objectives Conservation status quoted is the most up to date status from either the site specific conservation objectives or Article 17 reports (NPWS 2013b, 2013a). Conservation Objectives from site specific conservation objectives (NPWS 2011).

A.1 Castlemaine Harbour SAC Qualifying Interest Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey) [1095] National Overall Bad Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Sea lamprey Objectives in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Distribution: extent of % of river accessible Greater than 75% of main stem anadromy length of rivers accessible from estuary Population structure Number of age/size At least three age/size groups of juveniles groups present Juvenile density in Juveniles/m² Juvenile density at least 1/m² fine sediment Extent and m² and occurrence No decline in extent and distribution distribution of of spawning beds spawning habitat Availability of juvenile Number of positive sites More than 50% of sample sites habitat in 3rd order channels positive (and greater), downstream of spawning areas Qualifying Interest Lampetra fluviatilis (River Lamprey) [1099] National Overall Favourable Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of River Objectives lamprey in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Distribution % of river accessible Access to all water courses down to first order streams Population structure Number of age/size At least three age/size groups of of juveniles groups brook/river lamprey present Juvenile density in Juveniles/m² Mean catchment juvenile density of fine sediment brook/river lamprey at least 2/m² Extent and m² and occurrence No decline in extent and distribution distribution of of spawning beds spawning habitat Availability of juvenile Number of positive More than 50% of sample sites habitat sites in 2nd order positive channels (and greater), downstream of spawning areas Qualifying Interest Salmo salar (Salmon) [1106]

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National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Salmon in Objectives Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Distribution: extent of % of river accessible 100% of river channels down to anadromy second order accessible from estuary Adult spawning fish Number Conservation Limit (CL) for each system consistently exceeded Salmon fry Number of fry/5 Maintain or exceed 0+ fry mean abundance minutes electrofishing catchment‐wide abundance threshold value. Currently set at 17 salmon fry/5 min sampling Out‐migrating smolt Number No significant decline abundance Number and Number and No decline in number and distribution of redds occurrence distribution of spawning redds due to anthropogenic causes Water quality EPA Q value At least Q4 at all sites sampled by EPA Qualifying Interest Lutra lutra (Otter) [1355] National Overall Favourable Conservation Status Conservation To restore the favourable conservation condition of Otter in Objectives Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Distribution Percentage positive No significant decline survey sites Extent of terrestrial Hectares No significant decline. Area mapped habitat and calculated as 162ha above high water mark (HWM); 193ha along river banks Extent of marine Hectares No significant decline. Area mapped habitat and calculated as 812ha Extent of freshwater Kilometers No significant decline. Length (river) habitat mapped and calculated as 104km Couching sites and Number No significant decline holts Fish biomass Kilograms No significant decline available Barriers to Number No significant decline connectivity Qualifying Interest Petalophyllum ralfsii Petalwort [1395] National Overall NA Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Objectives Petalophyllum ralfsii in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target

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Distribution of Number and No decline. Maintain at least current populations geographical spread number of populations‐ 3 at Inch; 1 at Rosbehy. See map 5 Population size Number of individuals No decline. Current known population at Inch estimated ca.72,000 thalli, counted in 2010. Rosbehy currently unknown Area occupied by Hectares No decline. At Inch area of suitable habitat habitat at least 0.6011 ha. Rosbehy currently unknown Qualifying Interest Estuaries [1130]

National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Estuaries in Objectives Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares The permanent habitat area is stable or increasing, subject no natural processes. See map 2 (NPWS 2011). Community Hectares The following sediment communities distribution should be maintained in a natural condition: Intertidal muddy fine sand community complex; Fine to muddy fine sand with polychaetes community complex; Intertidal sand with Nephtys cirrosa community; and Mixed sediment community complex. See map 4 (NPWS 2011). Qualifying Interest Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide [1140] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Mudflats and Objectives sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares The permanent habitat area is stable or increasing, subject to natural processes. See map 3 (NPWS 2011). Community extent Hectares Maintain the extent of the Zostera‐ dominated community, subject to natural processes. See map 4 (NPWS 2011). Community Hectares The following sediment communities distribution should be maintained in a natural condition: Intertidal muddy fine sand community complex; and Fine to muddy fine sand with polychaetes community complex. See map 4 (NPWS 2011).

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Qualifying Interest Annual vegetation of drift lines [1210] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Annual Objectives vegetation of driftlines in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 1.17ha and Rosbehy ‐ 0.73ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011). Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of functionality and physical barriers sediment and organic matter, sediment supply without any physical obstructions Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain the presence of species‐ composition: typical representative number poor communities with typical species and sub‐ of monitoring stops species: Cakile maritima, communities Honckenya peploides, Salsola kali and Atriplex spp Vegetation Percentage cover Negative indicator species composition: negative (including non‐natives) to represent indicator species less than 5% cover Qualifying Interest Perennial vegetation of stony banks [1120] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Perennial Objectives vegetation of stony banks in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, or change in habitat distribution, subject to natural processes. Physical structure: Presence/ absence of Maintain the natural circulation of functionality and physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without sediment supply any physical obstructions Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain the presence of species‐ composition: typical representative sample poor communities with typical species and sub‐ of monitoring stops species: Honckenya peploides, Beta communities vulgaris ssp. maritima, Crithmum maritimum, Tripleurospermum

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maritimum, Glaucium flavum and Silene uniflora Vegetation Percentage cover Negative indicator species (including composition: negative non‐natives) to represent less than indicator species 5% cover Qualifying Interest Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic coast [1230] National Overall NA Conservation Status Conservation Not covered in conservation objectives Objectives Attribute Measure Target NA NA NA Qualifying Interest Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand [1310] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Salicornia Objectives and other annuals colonizing mud and sand in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 1.24ha and Rosbehy ‐ 0.002ha. See map 6 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 6 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical structure: Presence/ absence of Maintain natural circulation of sediment supply physical barriers sediments and organic matter, without any physical obstructions Physical structure: Occurrence Maintain/restore creek and pan creeks and pans structure, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession Physical structure: Hectares flooded; Maintain natural tidal regime flooding regime frequency Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Centimeters Maintain structural variation within vegetation height sward Vegetation structure: Percentage cover at a Maintain more than 90% of area vegetation cover representative sample outside creeks vegetated of monitoring stops Qualifying Interest Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Atlantic salt Objectives meadows in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets:

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Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 9.48ha, Rosbehy ‐ 7.29ha, Whitegate‐ Fybagh ‐ 2.72ha, Cromane ‐ 13.97ha. See map 6 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 6 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical structure: Presence/ absence of Maintain natural circulation of sediment supply physical barriers sediments and organic matter, without any physical obstructions Physical structure: Occurrence Maintain creek and pan structure, creeks and pans subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession Physical structure: Hectares flooded; Maintain natural tidal regime flooding regime frequency Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Centimeters Maintain structural variation within vegetation height sward Vegetation structure: Percentage cover at a Maintain more than 90% area vegetation cover representative sample outside creeks vegetated of monitoring stops Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain range of sub‐ communities composition: typical representative sample with typical species listed in species and sub‐ of monitoring stops Saltmarsh Monitoring Project communities (McCorry & Ryle, 2009) Qualifying Interest Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) [1410] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Objectives Mediterranean salt meadows in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 29.11ha, Rosbehy ‐ 16.10ha, Cromane ‐ 29.31ha and Whitegate‐ Fybagh ‐ 2.72ha. See map 6 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 6 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain natural circulation of sediment supply physical barriers sediments and organic matter, without any physical obstructions Physical structure: Occurrence Maintain/restore creek and pan creeks and pans structure, subject to natural processes, including erosion and

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succession Physical structure: Hectares flooded; Maintain natural tidal regime flooding regime frequency Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Centimetres Maintain structural variation within vegetation height sward Vegetation structure: Percentage cover at a Maintain more than 90% of area vegetation cover representative sample outside creeks vegetated of monitoring stops Vegetation Percentage cover Maintain range of sub‐ communities composition: typical with typical species listed in species Saltmarsh Monitoring Project (McCorry and Ryle, 2009) Qualifying Interest Embrionic shifting dunes [2110]

National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Embryonic Objectives shifting dunes in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 14.41ha and Rosbehy ‐ 0.79ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map for known distribution Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of functionality and physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without sediment supply any physical obstructions. Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation Percentage cover Maintain the presence of species‐ composition: typical poor communities with typical species and sub‐ species: Elytrigia juncea and/or communities Leymus arenarius Vegetation Percentage cover More than 95% of Elytrigia and/or composition: plant Leymus should be healthy (i.e. green health of foredune plant parts above ground and grasses flowering heads present) Vegetation Percentage cover Negative indicator species (including composition: negative non‐natives) to represent less than indicator species 5% cover Qualifying Interest Marram dunes [2120] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status

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Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Shifting Objectives dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat extent Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 25.80ha and Rosbehy ‐ 10.42ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map for known distribution Physical Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of structure:functiona lity physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without and sediment supply any physical obstructions Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain the presence of species‐ composition: typical representative number poor communities dominated by species and sub‐ of monitoring stops Ammophila arenaria and/or Leymus communities arenarius

Vegetation Percentage cover more than 95% of Ammophila and/or composition: plant Leymus should be healthy (i.e. green health of dune plant parts above ground and grasses flowering heads present) Vegetation Percentage cover Negative indicator species (including composition: negative non‐natives) to represent less than indicator species 5% cover Qualifying Interest Fixed dunes [2130] National Overall Bad Conservation Status Conservation To restore the favourable conservation condition of Fixed coastal Objectives dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 352.24ha and Rosbehy ‐ 99.07ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 5 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of functionality and physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without sediment supply any physical obstructions

Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal

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zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Percentage cover Bare ground should not exceed 10% bare ground of fixed dune habitat, subject to natural processes Vegetation structure: Centimeters Maintain structural variation within sward height sward Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain range of sub‐ communities composition: typical representative sample with typical species listed in Ryle et species and sub‐ of monitoring stops al. (2009) communities Vegetation Percentage cover Negative indicator species (including composition: negative non‐natives) to represent less than indicator species 5% cover (including Hippophae rhamnoides) Vegetation Percentage cover No more than 5% cover or under composition: control scrub/trees Qualifying Interest Dunes with Salix repens ssp. argentea (Salix arenariae) [2170] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Dunes with Objectives Salix repens ssp. argentea (Salix arenariae) in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, including erosion and succession. Habitat only found and mapped at one sub‐site: Inch ‐ 0.34ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 5 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of functionality and physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without sediment supply any physical obstructions Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Percentage cover Bare ground should not exceed 10% bare ground cover, subject to natural processes Vegetation structure: Centimeters Maintain structural variation within sward height sward Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain range of sub‐ communities composition: typical representative sample with typical species listed in Ryle et species and sub‐ of monitoring stops al. (2009) communities Vegetation Percentage cover; Maintain more than 10% cover of composition: cover centimeters Salix; vegetation height should be in and height of Salix the average range of 5‐20cm repens

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Vegetation Percentage cover at a Negative indicator species (including composition: negative representative sample non‐natives) to represent less than indicator species of monitoring stops 5% cover (including Hippophae rhamnoides) Vegetation Percentage cover No more than 5% cover or under composition: control scrub/trees Qualifying Interest Humid dune slacks [2190] National Overall Inadequate Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Humid dune Objectives slacks in Castlemaine Harbour SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession. For sub‐sites mapped: Inch ‐ 32.37ha and Rosbehy ‐ 1.83ha. See map 5 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline, subject to natural processes. See map 5 for known distribution (NPWS 2011) Physical Presence/absence of Maintain the natural circulation of structure:functiona lity physical barriers sediment and organic matter, without and sediment supply any physical obstructions Physical structure: Presence/absence of Maintain natural hydrological regime hydrological and water abstraction or flooding regime drainage Vegetation structure: Occurrence Maintain the range of coastal zonation habitats including transitional zones, subject to natural processes including erosion and succession Vegetation structure: Percentage cover Bare ground should not exceed 5% bare ground of dune slack habitat, with the exception of pioneer slacks which can have up to 20% bare ground Vegetation structure: Centimeters Maintain structural variation within vegetation height sward Vegetation Percentage cover at a Maintain range of sub‐ communities composition: typical representative sample with typical species listed in Ryle et species and sub‐ of monitoring stops al. (2009) communities Qualifying Interest Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) [91E0]

National Overall Bad Conservation Status Conservation To restore the favourable conservation condition of Alluvial Objectives forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno- Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)* in Curraghchase Woods SAC, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets:

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Attribute Measure Target Habitat area Hectares Area stable or increasing, subject to natural processes, at least 17.68ha for sites surveyed: Whitefield (5.21ha), Ardagh wood (1.43ha), Brennan’s Glen (0.19ha), Farrantooreen (6.70ha) and Ballymalis (4.15ha). See map 7 (NPWS 2011) Habitat distribution Occurrence No decline. Surveyed locations shown on map 7 (NPWS 2011) Woodland size Hectares Area stable or increasing. Where topographically possible, "large" woods at least 25ha in size and “small” woods at least 3ha in size Woodland structure: Percentage and metres Where topographically possible, cover and height "large" woods at least 25ha in size and “small” woods at least 3ha in size Woodland structure: Hectares Maintain diversity and extent of community diversity community types and extent Woodland structure: Seedling: sapling: pole Seedlings, saplings and pole age‐ natural regeneration ratio classes occur in adequate proportions to ensure survival of woodland canopy Hydrological regime: Metres Appropriate hydrological regime flooding depth/height necessary for maintenance of of water table alluvial vegetation Woodland structure: m³ per hectare; number At least 30m³/ha of fallen timber dead wood per hectare greater than 10cm diameter; 30 snags/ha (standing dead wood); both categories should include stems greater than 40cm diameter (greater than 20cm diameter in the case of alder) Woodland structure: Number per hectare No decline veteran trees Woodland structure: Occurrence No decline indicators of local disctinctiveness Vegetation Percentage No decline. Native tree cover not composition: native less than 95% tree cover Vegetation Occurrence A variety of typical native species composition: typical present, depending on woodland species type, including ash (Fraxinus excelsior) alder (Alnus glutinosa) and willows (Salix spp) Vegetation Occurrence Negative indicator species, composition: negative particularly non‐native invasive indicator species species, absent or under control. These species include Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanus)

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Presence of rubbish Occurrence No rubbish

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A.2 Castlemaine Harbour SPA

Qualifying Interest Wetlands [A999] National Overall Favourable Conservation Status Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of the wetland Objective habitat in Castlemaine Harbour SAC as a resource for the regularly‐occurring migratory waterbirds that utilise it. This is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Wetland habitat area Hectares The permanent area occupied by the wetland habitat should be stable and not significantly less than the areas of 7472, 3983 and 322 hectares for subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal habitats respectively, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation. See map 8 (NPWS 2011). Qualifying Interest Wigeon Anas penelope [A050] National Population Decrease size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Wigeon in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Number and range No significant decrease in the numbers of areas used by or range of areas used by waterbird waterbirds species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Red‐throated Diver Gavia stellata [A001] National Population Increase size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Red‐ Objective throated Diver in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo [A017] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Cormorant Objective in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or

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increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Light‐bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla hrota [A0046] National Population NA size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Light‐bellied Objective Brent Geese in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Mallard Anas platyrhynchos [A0053] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Mallard in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Pintail Anas acuta [A0054] National Population Unknown size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Pintail in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Scaup Aythya marila [A0062] National Population Decrease size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Scaup in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or

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increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Common Scoter Melanitta nigra [A0065] National Population Decrease size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Common Objective Scoter in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus [A0130] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Objective Oystercatcher in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation

Qualifying Interest Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula [A0137] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Ringed Objective Plover in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Sanderling Calidris alba [A144] National Population Increase size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Sanderling Objective in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or

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increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Bar‐tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica [A0157] National Population Increase size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Bar‐tailed Objective Godwit in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Redshank Tringa totanus [A0162] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Redshank in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Greenshank Tringa nebularia [0164] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Greenshank Objective in Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Turnstone Arenaria interpres [0169] National Population Fluctuating size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Turnstone in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population trend stable or

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increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used by waterbird areas species, other than that occurring from natural patterns of variation Qualifying Interest Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax [A346] National Population Stable size in SPA network Conservation To maintain the favourable conservation condition of Chough in Objective Castlemaine Harbour SPA, which is defined by the following list of attributes and targets: Attribute Measure Target Population trend Percentage change Long term population stable or increasing Distribution Range, timing and No significant decrease in the numbers intensity of use of or range of areas used areas

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B Protected Fauna Protected Fauna present or adjacent to the study site within the last 10 years from National Biodiversity Data Centre map database (NBDC 2018).

Species name Title of dataset Designation Marsh Fritillary All Ireland Marsh Fritillary Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || (Euphydryas aurinia) Database Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Threatened Species: Vulnerable Common Frog (Rana Amphibians and reptiles of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || temporaria) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Common Frog (Rana Amphibians and reptiles of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || temporaria) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Red (Cervus elaphus) Atlas of Mammals in Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts 2010-2015 Eurasian Red Squirrel Atlas of Mammals in Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts (Sciurus vulgaris) 2010-2015 Eurasian Pygmy Shrew Atlas of Mammals in Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts (Sorex minutus) 2010-2015 Eurasian Badger (Meles Badger Setts of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts meles) Database Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected lapponica) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened limosa) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Brent Goose (Branta Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened bernicla) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Grasshopper Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Warbler (Locustella naevia) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Greenshank Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Tringa nebularia) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Common Kingfisher Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Alcedo atthis) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Linnet (Carduelis Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened cannabina) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Pheasant Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Phasianus colchicus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

Common Quail (Coturnix Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened coturnix) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Common Redshank (Tringa Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened totanus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Common Snipe (Gallinago Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected gallinago) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Starling (Sturnus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened vulgaris) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Eurasian Teal (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected crecca) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Eurasian Wigeon (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected penelope) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Eurasian Woodcock Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Scolopax rusticola) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

European Golden Plover Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Pluvialis apricaria) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Great Black-backed Gull Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Larus marinus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Greater White-fronted Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected Goose (Anser albifrons) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Grey Plover (Pluvialis Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened squatarola) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Hen Harrier (Circus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected cyaneus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Herring Gull (Larus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened argentatus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

House Martin (Delichon Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened urbicum) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Lesser Black-backed Gull Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Larus fuscus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Mallard (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected platyrhynchos) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

Mew Gull (Larus canus) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Northern Lapwing (Vanellus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected vanellus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Northern Pintail (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected acuta) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Northern Shoveler (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected clypeata) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Peregrine Falcon (Falco Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected peregrinus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species Red Knot (Calidris canutus) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Red-breasted Merganser Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Mergus serrator) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species

Ringed Plover (Charadrius Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened hiaticula) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Rock Pigeon (Columba Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected livia) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species

Sky Lark (Alauda arvensis) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Stock Pigeon (Columba Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened oenas) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Water Rail (Rallus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened aquaticus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Barn Swallow (Hirundo Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened rustica) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Black-headed Gull (Larus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened ridibundus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Common Coot (Fulica atra) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Grasshopper Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Warbler (Locustella naevia) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Kingfisher Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Alcedo atthis) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Linnet (Carduelis Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened cannabina) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Starling (Sturnus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened vulgaris) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Wood Pigeon Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Columba palumbus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Eurasian Curlew Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Numenius arquata) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Eurasian Wigeon (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected penelope) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Eurasian Woodcock Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Scolopax rusticola) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Great Black-backed Gull Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Larus marinus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Great Cormorant Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Phalacrocorax carbo) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Hen Harrier (Circus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected cyaneus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Herring Gull (Larus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened argentatus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

House Martin (Delichon Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened urbicum) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation House Sparrow (Passer Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened domesticus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected minimus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species

Lesser Black-backed Gull Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Larus fuscus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Little Egret (Egretta Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected garzetta) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species Mallard (Anas Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected platyrhynchos) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Northern Lapwing (Vanellus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected vanellus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Peregrine Falcon (Falco Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected peregrinus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species Rock Pigeon (Columba Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected livia) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species

Sand Martin (Riparia Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened riparia) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Sky Lark (Alauda arvensis) Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Spotted Flycatcher Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Muscicapa striata) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Whooper Swan (Cygnus Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected cygnus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Wood Pigeon Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Columba palumbus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

House Sparrow (Passer Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened domesticus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Great Cormorant Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Phalacrocorax carbo) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Black-headed Gull (Larus Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened ridibundus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Common Shelduck Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Tadorna tadorna) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Eurasian Curlew Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Numenius arquata) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section II Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Eurasian Oystercatcher Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Haematopus ostralegus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Little Egret (Egretta Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected garzetta) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex I Bird Species

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Northern Wheatear Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened (Oenanthe oenanthe) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Red List

Common Kestrel (Falco Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened tinnunculus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Barn Swallow (Hirundo Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened rustica) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Pheasant Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected (Phasianus colchicus) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section I Bird Species

Common Snipe (Gallinago Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Protected gallinago) Species: EU Birds Directive || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex II, Section I Bird Species || Protected Species: EU Birds Directive >> Annex III, Section III Bird Species || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Kestrel (Falco Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened tinnunculus) Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Common Swift (Apus apus) Birds of Ireland Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern || Threatened Species: Birds of Conservation Concern >> Birds of Conservation Concern - Amber List

Flexuous Bog-moss Bryophytes of Ireland Threatened Species: Vulnerable (Sphagnum flexuosum) Small Heath Butterflies of Ireland Threatened Species: Near threatened (Coenonympha pamphilus) Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Deer of Ireland Database Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Common Seal (Phoca Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || vitulina) 2025 Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Pine Marten (Martes Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || martes) 2025 Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts West European Hedgehog Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: Wildlife Acts (Erinaceus europaeus) 2025 Eurasian Badger (Meles Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: Wildlife Acts meles) 2025 European Otter (Lutra lutra) Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || 2025 Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

West European Hedgehog Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: Wildlife Acts (Erinaceus europaeus) 2025 European Otter (Lutra lutra) Mammals of Ireland 2016- Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || 2025 Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

Daubenton's Bat (Myotis National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || daubentonii) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || pipistrellus sensu lato) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Soprano Pipistrelle National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Lesser Noctule (Nyctalus National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || leisleri) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Daubenton's Bat (Myotis National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || daubentonii) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || pipistrellus sensu lato) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Soprano Pipistrelle National Bat Database of Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) Ireland Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts Lesser Horseshoe Bat National Lesser Horseshoe Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || (Rhinolophus hipposideros) Bat Database Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

Smooth Newt (Lissotriton Newt Survey 2010-2014 Protected Species: Wildlife Acts vulgaris) Grey Seal (Halichoerus NPWS Seal Database Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || grypus) Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

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Species name Title of dataset Designation Natterjack Toad (Epidalea Reptiles and Amphibians Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || calamita) Distribution Atlas 1978 (An Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> Foras Forbartha) Annex IV || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts || Threatened Species: Endangered

European Eel (Anguilla River Biologists' Database Threatened Species: OSPAR Convention || anguilla) (EPA) Threatened Species: Critically Endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel River Biologists' Database Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive || (Margaritifera (EPA) Protected Species: EU Habitats Directive >> (Margaritifera) Annex II || Protected Species: EU Habitats margaritifera) Directive >> Annex V || Protected Species: Wildlife Acts

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C Non-native Invasive Species Invasive Species found in or adjacent to the River Maine within 10km over the past 10 years, showing the date last recorded.

Species name Date of last record Title of dataset

American Mink (Mustela vison) 01/10/2012 Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015

Bank Vole (Myodes glareolus) 15/05/2014 Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015

Butterfly-bush (Buddleja davidii) 20/05/2016 Online Atlas of Vascular Plants 2012-2020

European Rabbit (Oryctolagus 31/08/2016 Mammals of Ireland 2016-2025 cuniculus)

Giant Knotweed (Fallopia 31/12/2010 BSBI tetrad data for Ireland sachalinensis)

House Mouse (Mus musculus) 20/10/2009 Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015

Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia 15/04/2017 Online Atlas of Vascular Plants japonica) 2012-2020

Rhododendron ponticum 20/11/2009 National Invasive Species Database

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) 08/01/2017 Mammals of Ireland 2016-2025

Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) 31/12/2010 BSBI tetrad data for Ireland

Three-cornered Garlic (Allium 02/04/2017 Online Atlas of Vascular Plants triquetrum) 2012-2020

Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris) 19/08/2015 Online Atlas of Vascular Plants 2012-2020

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D Environmental Drainage Maintenance Manual

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E Foreman's Bridge Inspection Report

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Rev 0415 Foreman Bridge Inspection Report

Date of inspection: ______

Inspected by: ______

Yes If yes – programme maintenance for next year Maintenance required No and complete below

Yes Emergency works required If yes – complete below No

Yes In-channel works required If yes - apply water quality mitigation measures No

Cracks present that could be used by Yes If yes - refer to Environment Section with roosting bats photograph as additional surveys may be *For brick or stone structures only No required

Yes If yes - refer to Environment Section with Dense ivy cover that could be used by bats photograph as additional surveys may be No required

Ledges present that are / could be used by Yes If yes – avoid nesting season or survey for nesting nesting birds No birds prior to maintenance

Dense bank-side vegetation surrounding the Yes If yes – avoid nesting season or survey for nesting structure suitable for birds No birds prior to maintenance

Yes If yes - check for presence of otter/badger – Dense bank-side vegetation surrounding the Refer to Environment Section with photo if structure suitable for otter No found as licence may be required

Non-native invasive species detailed in Yes If yes, refer to Environment Section with 'Invasives SOP' present No photograph

Yes If yes – inform Environment Section once Suitable for installation of bat box No installed

Yes If yes – inform Environment Section once Suitable for installation of bird (dipper) box No installed


F Environmental Risk Assessment Form

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OPW Arterial Drainage

Environmental Risk Assessment

To be completed by the works manager where the following conditions are met

Works within an SAC or SPA Yes☐

Works on a major channel (i.e. base width greater than 3m) Yes☐

More than 10 years since maintenance on the Channel (>3m) or Embankment Yes☐

General Site Details

Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Est Completion Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Site Location: Click or tap here to enter text. Scheme: Click or tap here to enter text.

Channel No./Ref.: Click or tap here to enter text. Bridge No.: Click or tap here to enter text.

GPS coordinates: Click or tap here to enter text. Road Number: Click or tap here to enter text. Nature of Works: Programmed ☐ Non-Programmed ☐ Emergency ☐

If Yes is answered to any of the following questions, forward to Environment Section

Does the work entail heavy tree or vegetation removal on a channel, embankment or Yes ☐ No ☐ machine access corridor? Does the works entail embankment refurbishment works not classified as general Yes ☐ No ☐ maintenance? Does the works entail more than 40m of bank protection or other structural work on Yes ☐ No ☐ a channel? Are the nature of the works or location of the works outside the scope of the Yes ☐ No ☐ associated arterial drainage maintenance five year Appropriate Assessments?

Additional Information From the GIS records, is this a Freshwater Pearl Mussel location? Yes ☐ No ☐

Have particular sensitivities been flagged by other stakeholders such as IFI or NPWS? Yes ☐ No ☐

Is there a requirement to carry out the works outside the appropriate environmental Yes ☐ No ☐ window?

Signed: Date:Click or tap to enter a date.

Rev 11/17

G Ecological Survey Extent

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Survey: Maine 2018





0 1 2 Legend km ¯ OPW Arterial Drainage Scheme Channels OPW Arterial Drainage Scheme Embankments © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2018. All rights Survey Coverage Full survey coverage reserved. Licence number AR 0107218. Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Special Protection Areas (SPA)

H Channels, Embankments, Bridges and Sluices screened into assessment and pathways of impact

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Channel Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) OVERALL_ID REF Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater 8741 C1 x x x x x x C1 x x x x C1 x x x C1 x x C1 x x C1 x x 8565 C1/1 x x x x x x 8629 C1/10 x x x 8634 C1/11 x x 8636 C1/11/1 x x 8639 C1/12 x x 8644 C1/13 x x 8650 C1/14 x x 8652 C1/14/1 8653 C1/14/2 8657 C1/15 x x 8658 C1/15/1 x x 8664 C1/15/2 x x 8673 C1/15/3 x x 8672 C1/15/4 x x 8670 C1/15/5 x x 8678 C1/16 x x 8686 C1/17 x x 8688 C1/17/1 x x 8687 C1/17/2 x x 8693 C1/18 8694 C1/19 x x 8568 C1/2 x x x x x x 8695 C1/20 x x 8696 C1/21 8697 C1/22 x x 8698 C1/23 8699 C1/23/1 8700 C1/24 x x 8701 C1/24/1 x x 8702 C1/25 x x 8705 C1/25/1 x x 8706 C1/25/1/1 x x 8708 C1/26 x x 8709 C1/27 x x 8710 C1/27/1 8711 C1/27/2 x x 8713 C1/27/2/1 x x 8712 C1/27/2/2 x x 8714 C1/27/3 8715 C1/27/4 x x 8716 C1/27/4/1 8717 C1/27/6 x x 8719 C1/27/6/1 x x 8718 C1/27/6/2 x x 8720 C1/27/7 8721 C1/27/8 x x 8724 C1/28 x x 8725 C1/28/1 x x 8726 C1/28/2 x x 8722 C1/29 x x 8723 C1/29/1 x x 8575 C1/3 x x x x x x 8576 C1/3/1 x x x x x 8727 C1/30 x x 8728 C1/30/1 x x 8729 C1/31 x x 8730 C1/32 x x 8731 C1/32/1 x x 8732 C1/32/1/1 x x 8733 C1/33 x x 8734 C1/34 x x 8735 C1/35 x x 8739 C1/36 x x 8737 C1/36/1 x x 8738 C1/36/2 x x 8736 C1/37 x x 8577 C1/4 x x x x x x 8592 C1/4/1 x x x x x 8590 C1/4/2 x x x x 8591 C1/4/2/1 x x 8589 C1/4/3 x x x x 8579 C1/4/4 x x x x 8578 C1/4/4/1 x x 8580 C1/4/4/2 x 8594 C1/5 x x x x x 8600 C1/6 x x x x x 8605 C1/6/1 x x x x 8610 C1/7 x x x x 8611 C1/8 x x x 8623 C1/9 x x x 8626 C1/9/1 x x x 8625 C1/9/2 x 8624 C1/9/3 C10 x x x x C10A x x x x C11 x x x x Channels

Channel Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) OVERALL_ID REF Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater 8559 C2 x x x x x x 8560 C2/1 x x x x 8558 C3 x x x x x x 8554 C4 x x x x x x 8555 C4/1 x x x x 8551 C5 x x x x 8548 C6 x x x x x x 8547 C7 x x x x x x 8743 C8 x x x x C9 x x x x 8567 D1 x x x x x x 8596 D10 x x x x 8597 D10 x x x x x 8618 D11 x x x 8627 D12 x x x 8628 D12 x x 8640 D12 x x 8645 D12 x x 8655 D13 x x 8656 D13 x x 8570 D14 x x x x x x 8574 D15 x x x x x x 8584 D16 x x x x x x 8586 D16 x x x x 8582 D17 x x x x x x 8593 D2 x x x x x 8604 D20 x x x x x 8619 D22 x x x 8620 D22A x x x 8622 D23 x x x 8621 D23A x x x 8649 D24 x x 8651 D25 x x 8648 D26 x x 8661 D27 x x 8662 D28 x x 8663 D28 x x 8671 D29 x x 8608 D3 x x x x x 8668 D30 x x 8682 D31 x x 8680 D32 x x 8692 D34 x x 8557 D35 x x x x x x 8552 D36 x x x x x x 8549 D37 x x x x x x 8545 D38 x x x x x x 8544 D39 x x x x x x 8609 D4 x x x x x D41 x x x x 8562 D42 x x x x x x D43 x x x x D43A x x x x D44 x x x x D45 x x x x D46 x x x x D47 x x x x 8601 D47A x x x x x 8641 D5 x x x 8630 D52 x x 8631 D53 x x 8677 D6 x x 8690 D6 x x 8564 D7 x x x x x x 8572 D8 x x x x x x 8598 D9 x x x x x 8599 D9 x x x x x x Outfall Creek x x x x Embankments

Embankment Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) TYPE_ID UNIQUE_ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater 8588 x x x x 8602 x x x x x 8613 x x 8614 x x 8632 x x 8633 x x 8637 x x 8638 x x 8642 x x 8643 x x 8674 x x 8675 x x 8684 x x x x x x 8587 x x x x E1 8566 x x x x x x E10 8616 x x E11 8617 x x E12 8654 x x E13 8683 x x E14 8569 x x x x x x E15 8573 x x x x x x E16 8583 x x x x x x E18 8581 x x x x x x E19 8585 x x x x E2 8660 x x E2 8607 x x x x x E22 8603 x x x x x E23 8612 x x E24 8615 x x E25 8646 x x E26 8647 x x E27 8669 x x E27 8659 x x E28 8667 x x E29 8665 x x E3 8676 x x E30 8666 x x E31 8681 x x E32 8679 x x E33 8689 x x E34 8691 x x E35 8704 x x E36 8703 x x E37 8556 x x x x x x E38 8553 x x x x x x E39 8550 x x x x x x E4 8685 x x E40 8546 x x x x x x E41 8742 x x x x x x E43 x x x x E43 8561 x x x x x x E43A x x x x E44 x x x x E47 8606 x x x x E5 8707 E7 8563 x x x x x x E8 8571 x x x x x x E9 8595 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x E46 x x x x E44 x x x x Bridges

Bridge Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater B16 C1/2 17735 x x x x BX1 C1/2 17730 x x x x x BX2 C1/2 17732 x x x x x B18 C1/3 17733 x x BX1 C1/3 17734 x x BX1 C1/3/1 17739 x x x x x BX1 C1/4 17773 x x x x B20 C1/4/1 17743 x x x x BX1 C1/4/1 17750 x x x x x BX1 C1/4/2 17767 x x x x BX2 C1/4/2 17766 x x x x BX3 C1/4/2 17758 x x x x BX4 C1/4/2 17755 x x B21 C1/4/3 17771 x x BX1 C1/5 17744 x x x x B125 C2 17726 x x x x BX1 C2 17724 x x x x x B127 C3 17717 x x x x x x BX1 C3 17723 x x x x x BX2 C3 17728 x x B128 C4/1 17714 x x x x BX1 C4/1 17716 x x x BX2 C4/1 17718 x x BX3 C4/1 17720 x x BX4 C4/1 17722 x x BX1 C6 17698 x x x x BX1 C7 17696 x x x x x x BX2 C7 17695 x x x x x x BX3 C7 17694 x x x x x x BX4 C7 17693 x x x x x x BX1 D20 17776 x x x x BX2 D3 17779 x x x x x BX3 D3 17778 x x x x x BX1 D36 17709 x x x x BX1 D37 17703 x x x x BX2 D37 17705 x x x x BX3 D37 17706 x x x x BX4 D37 17707 x x x x x x BX1 D7 17725 x x x x x x BX1 D9 17754 x x x x x x BX2 D9 17747 x x x x x x BX4 D9 17762 x x x x x BX5 D9 17765 x x x x x BX1 E9 17772 x x x x x B10 x x B100 x x B101 x x B102 x x B104 x x B105 x x B106 B107 x x B108 x x B109 x x B11 x x B110 x x B111 x x B112 x x B113 x x B114 x x B115 x x B116 x x B117 x x B118 x x B119 x x B12 x x B120 x x B121 x x B122 x x B123 x x B124 x x B13 x x B14 x x B24 x x x x B27 x x x B29 x B29 x x B3 B30 B31 B34 x x B37 x x B38 x x B4 x x B4 B44 x x B45 x x B5 B57 x x B58 x x B59 B6 B62 x x B63 x x B64 x x B65 x x B66 x x B67 x x Bridges

Bridge Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater B68 x x B7 x x B72 B75 B76 B77 x x B78 B79 B8 x x B80 B81 B82 B83 x x B86 B87 B89 x x B89 B9 x x B90 x x B91 x x B92 B93 B94 B95 B96 B98 x x B99 x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x Bx x x x x x Bx x x x x Bx x x x x Bx x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x Bx x x x x x x BX1 x x x x BX1 x x x x x BX1 x x BX1 x BX1 x x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 BX1 BX1 BX1 x x BX1 BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX1 x x BX2 x x BX2 x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 BX2 BX2 BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x Bridges

Bridge Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX2 x x BX3 x x BX3 x x BX3 x x BX3 BX3 x x BX3 BX3 x x BX3 x x BX3 x x BX4 x x BX4 x x BX4 x x BX4 BX4 x x BX4 x x BX5 x x BX5 x x BX6 x x BX6 x x BX7 x x BX7 x x SL.1 x x x x x x SL.10 x x x x x SL.100 x x x SL.101 x x x SL.102(2) x x x SL.103 x x SL.104 x x SL.105 x x SL.106 x x SL.107 x x SL.108 x x SL.109 x x SL.11 x x x x x SL.110 x x SL.111 x x SL.112(2) x x SL.113 x x SL.114 x x SL.115 x x SL.116 x x SL.117 x x SL.118 x x SL.119 x x SL.12 x x x x x SL.120 x x SL.121 x x SL.122 x x SL.123 x x SL.124 x x SL.125 x x SL.126 x x SL.127 x x SL.128 x x SL.129 x x SL.13 x x x x x SL.130 x x SL.131 x x SL.132 x x SL.133 x x SL.134 x x SL.135 x x SL.136 x x SL.137 x x SL.138 x x SL.139 x x SL.14 x x x x x SL.140 x x SL.141 x x SL.142 x x SL.143(2) x x x x x x SL.144(2) x x x x x x SL.145 x x x x x x SL.146 x x x x SL.147 x x x x SL.148 x x x x x x SL.149 x x x x x x SL.15 x x x x x SL.150 x x x x SL.151 x x x x x x SL.152(2) x x x x x x SL.153 x x x x SL.154 x x x x SL.155 x x x x SL.156 x x x x x x SL.157 x x x x x x SL.158(2) x x x x x x SL.159 x x x x x x SL.16 x x x x x SL.160 x x x x x x SL.161 x x x x x x SL.162(2) x x x x x x SL.163 x x x x x x Bridges

Bridge Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater SL.164 x x x x x x SL.165 x x x x x x SL.166 x x x x x x SL.167 x x x x x x SL.168 x x x x x x SL.169 x x x x x x SL.17 x x x x x SL.170 x x x x x x SL.18 x x x x x SL.19 x x SL.2 x x x x x x SL.20 x x x x SL.21 x x x x SL.22 x x x SL.23 x x x SL.24 x x x SL.25 x x x SL.26 x x x SL.27 x x SL.28 x x SL.29 x x SL.3(2) x x x x x x SL.30 x x SL.31 x x SL.32 x x SL.33 x x SL.34 x x SL.35 x x SL.36(2) x x SL.37 x x SL.38 SL.39 SL.4 x x x x x x SL.40 SL.41 SL.42 SL.43(2) x x SL.44 SL.45 SL.46 x x x x x x SL.47 x x x x x x SL.48 x x x x x x SL.49 x x x x x x SL.5 x x x x x x SL.50 x x x x x x SL.51 x x x x x SL.52 x x x x x SL.53 x x x x x SL.54 x x x x x SL.55 x x x x x SL.56 x x x x x SL.57 x x x x SL.58 x x x x SL.59 x x x x SL.6 x x x x x x SL.60 x x x SL.61 x x x SL.62 x x x SL.63 x x x SL.64 x x SL.65 x x SL.66 x x SL.67 x x SL.68 x x SL.69 x x SL.7 x x x x x x SL.70(2) x x SL.71 x x SL.72(2) SL.73 SL.74 SL.75 x x SL.76 SL.77 SL.78 SL.79 x x x x x x SL.8 x x x x x SL.80 x x x x x x SL.81 x x x x x x SL.82 x x x x x x SL.83 x x x x x x SL.84 x x x x SL.85 x x x x x x SL.86 x x x x x SL.87 x x x x x SL.88 x x x x x SL.89 x x x x SL.9 x x x x x SL.90 x x x x x SL.91 x x x x x SL.92 x x x x SL.93 x x x x SL.94 x x x x SL.95 x x x x SL.96 x x x x SL.97 x x x x SL.98 x x x SL.99 x x x Sluices

Sluices Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater D13 17845 SL x x D6 17831 SL x x D6 17838 SL x x D7 17727 SL x x x x x x E2 17808 SL E4 17870 SL E40 17699 SL x x x x x x 17769 SL x x x x D36 17710 SL 171 x x x x x x D37 17704 SL 173 x x x x x x D37 17702 Sl 174 x x x x x x D39 17995 SL 180 x x x x E23 17796 SL(2) 124 x x x D39 17996 SL(2) 179 x x x x x x D1 17738 SL(2) 5 x x x x x x D35 17713 SL(2)167 x x x x x x D1 17742 SL10 x x x x x E13 17896 SL101 E13 17910 SL102 D14 17736 SL103 x x x x x x D14 17737 SL104 x x x x x x D16 17749 SL108 x x x x x x D16 17756 Sl109 x x x x x D2 17751 SL11 x x x x x D16 17752 SL110 x x x x x D17 17753 SL114 x x x x x x D17 17761 SL115 x x x x x x D17 17759 SL116 x x x x x D17 17760 SL117 x x x x x D17 17764 SL117A x x x x x D2 17757 SL12 x x x x x D22 17795 SL123 x x x D23 17797 SL128 x x x D23 17800 SL129 x x x D2 17763 SL13 x x x x x E26 17826 SL130 x x E25 17823 SL131 x x E25 17824 SL133 x x D28 17829 SL138 x x D29 17840 SL139 x x D2 17770 SL14 x x x x x D29 17846 SL140 x x E28 17837 SL144 x x E36 17882 SL161 x x D35 17719 SL164 x x x x x x D35 17711 SL170 x x x x x x D36 17708 Sl172 x x x x E39 17701 SL174A x x x x x x E40 17700 SL175 x x x x x x E40 17697 SL177 x x x x x x D3 17775 SL18 x x x x x D42 17721 SL184 x x x x x x D42 17715 SL185 x x x x x x D4 17785 SL21 x x x x x D4 17790 SL22 x x x x D4 17793 SL25 x x x E2 17806 SL30 x x D5 17810 SL33 x x D5 17820 SL35 x x 17830 SL37 x x E4 17856 SL46 x x E4 17857 SL47 E4 17864 SL48 E4 17865 SL49 E4 17878 SL51 x x E5 17884 SL52 E5 17895 SL53 D7 17729 SL58 x x x x x x D7 17731 SL59 x x x x x x D8 17740 SL61 x x x x x x D8 17745 SL62 x x x x x x D9 17748 SL64 x x x x x D9 17768 SL66 x x x x x E9 17774 SL69 x x x x x D9 17777 SL70 x x x x x D10 17784 SL71 x x x x x D10 17789 SL72 x x x x D10 17791 Sl73 x x x x 17792 SL74 x x x x 17794 SL75 x x x E24 17798 SL76 x x x D12 17804 SL77 x x x 17807 SL82 x x E11 17813 SL84 x x D1 17741 SL9 x x x x x C1/21 17866 SL97 E13 17872 SL98 E13 17880 SL99 x x D6 17843 SLX1 x x E13 17909 SLX1 Sluices

Sluices Castlemaine Harbour SAC (000343) Castlemaine Harbour SPA (004029) Type ID Channel_ID Unique ID Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater Surface Water Land & Air Groundwater E35 17888 SLX1 x x E36 17889 SLX1 x x E36 17890 SLX2 x x

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