scholarly communication Ray English and Public access to federally funded research The Cornyn-Lieberman and CURES bills

wo very important pieces of legislation manufacturers, teachers and students, policy­ Tthat would markedly increase public makers, nonprofit organizations, and citizens. access to taxpayer­funded research have Giving taxpayers access to the non­classifi ed been introduced into the U.S. Senate. The research for which they have paid will ad­ Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006, vance research and all the benefits of research, introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R­TX) from health care and pollution control to and cosponsored by Senator Joseph Lieber­ energy independence and public safety. man (D­CT), would require free online access The present system of disseminating the within six months of publication for virtually results of publicly funded research is badly all peer­reviewed journal articles resulting broken and severely limits access. Taxpayers from federally funded research. pay for the research and very often the salary The American Center for CURES Act of of the researcher, as well. Research articles 2005, introduced by Lieberman and cospon­ are then published in peer­reviewed journals, sored by Senator Thad Cochran (R­MS), has which charge subscription fees or per­article a similar provision for research sponsored access fees. The cost of subscriptions has by agencies in the Department of Health and risen three times faster than infl ation for Human Services (HHS). more than 20 years, and most subscriptions These bills represent major steps in ongo­ are unaffordable for most libraries. ing efforts to gain public access to federally Journals typically demand to own copy­ funded research. They deserve strong backing right, as well. The fundamental principle of from the American academic and research the Cornyn­Lieberman bill and the public library community. access provision of the CURES bill is to provide taxpayers free online access to the Rationale for the legislation results of research that they fund through The rationale for both the Cornyn­Lieberman their tax dollars. bill and the public access provision of the CURES bill is straightforward. The federal Provisions of Cornyn-Lieberman government spends more than $55 billion The Cornyn­Lieberman bill would require annually to fund a wide variety of research federal agencies with extramural research in health, scientific, and other fi elds. Research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) alone results in more than 60,000 peer­ Ray English is director of libraries at Oberlin College, chair of the ACRL Scholarly Communications Committee, and reviewed articles per year. Wide, rapid, and chair of the SPARC Steering Committee, e-mail: Ray. easy access to the results of this research is [email protected]; and Peter Suber is the essential for everyone who wishes to apply project director at Public Knowledge, a senior researcher at SPARC, and a research professor of philosophy at or build upon it, from other scientists and Earlham College, e-mail: [email protected] scholars to health care professionals, patients, © 2006 Ray English and Peter Suber

C&RL News June 2006 362 budgets that are more than $100 million to Senator John Cornyn on the Federal develop public access policies within one Research Public Access Act of 2006 said, year of its passage. The policies developed by “This legislation is an opportunity for each agency would cover researchers that are our government to better leverage our employed, as well as those funded in whole or investment in research and ensure a in part, by the agency. Specifi cally, the policies greater return on that investment. By would require those researchers to submit elec­ sharing this information quickly and tronic copies of their manuscripts, which have broadly with all potential users, we can been accepted for publication in peer­reviewed advance science, accelerate the pace of journals, to the agencies that sponsored their new discoveries and innovations, and research. The policies would also require that improve the lives and welfare of people those manuscripts be deposited in a “stable at home and abroad.” digital repository” maintained by the federal government or in a repository approved by the The CURES bill would cover research spon­ agency. The public would gain free online ac­ sored by NIH, the Centers for Disease Control cess to manuscripts as soon as practical follow­ and Prevention, the Agency for Healthcare ing publication, but not more than six months Research, and other HHS agencies. HHS agen­ afterwards. The policies would also give pub­ cies combined account for more than half of lishers the option to replace the author’s fi nal all U.S government funded research. version of the peer­reviewed with the final published version of the article. Improving on Sabo The bill does not require public access to The Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills “information used to produce fi nal manuscripts,” significantly improve upon earlier legislation such as lab notes, preliminary data analysis, designed to provide public access to federally author’s notes, or phone logs. The bill would funded research. The Public Access to Science also exempt classified research, research result­ Act, introduced by Representative Martin Sabo ing in works that generate revenue or royalties (D­MN) in June 2003, attempted to achieve for authors, and patentable discoveries. Authors open access by exempting federally funded who do not submit their work to a journal and research from copyright protection. The Sabo authors whose works are not accepted for bill, which was not vetted with the library publication in a peer­reviewed journal are also community in advance, was seriously fl awed. not covered by the legislation. By amending copyright law it attracted wide opposition from the content industry and Provisions of CURES even alienated some organizations that might The purpose of the American Center for CURES otherwise have supported an open access Act of 2005 is to create the American Center for policy. While it mandated that federally funded Cures within NIH. The mission of the center research be placed in the public domain, it did would be to translate fundamental research into nothing to ensure that the research would be therapies. The bill has wide­ranging provisions made accessible to the public online. designed to realize that purpose. Both the Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES Section 449H of the bill would require bills, in contrast, mandate open access, but do that the final peer­reviewed manuscripts of not alter copyright law or require that research all research funded by agencies in HHS be be placed in the public domain. Both bills made openly accessible in PubMed Central, would instead authorize agencies to invoke the digital archive of the National Library of their “federal purpose license,” which gives Medicine, within six months of publication. them a nonexclusive license to “reproduce, The bill also explicitly states that noncompli­ publish, or otherwise use the work for federal ance may be grounds for the funding agency purposes, and to authorize others to do so” to refuse future funding. (2CFR215.36[a] and 45CFR74.36[a]).

June 2006 363 C&RL News In short, the Sabo bill would have put The NIH policy was weakened by publish­ federally funded research into the public er lobbying prior to adoption and is not meet­ domain without providing open access to ing its goals. That is evident in the very low it, while the Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES participation rate by researchers. So far only bills would mandate open access to federally three to five percent of eligible manuscripts funded research without putting it into the are being deposited under the policy. Because public domain. deposit is not required, most researchers are not taking this extra step. Moreover, they are Comparison to NIH policy often pressured by their publishers to withhold The Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills their articles from NIH for as long as possible. would signifi cantly strengthen the public ac­ NIH could have invoked its federal­purpose cess policy announced by NIH last May. The license to authorize its public access policy, but NIH policy is voluntary; researchers are en­ it decided to rely instead on publisher consent. couraged to submit their fi nal peer­reviewed As a result, most publishers with policies on manuscripts to PubMed Central, but they are NIH­funded authors have chosen to impose not required to do so. The NIH policy also al­ 12­month embargoes on deposits. By contrast, lows delays or embargoes of up to 12 months the Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills do not between the date of publication and the date rely on publisher consent and therefore do of public access through PubMed Central. The not accommodate publisher resistance. They Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills go beyond ensure both participation and timeliness by the current NIH policy by requiring deposit, mandating them. and they shorten the permissible delay for The advisory group established by NIH deposit and open access to within 6 months to review the implementation of its policy of publication, rather than 12. recognized the flaws in the NIH public access policy. Nine of eleven members of the Public Access Working Group voted on November 15, 2005, to recommend that NIH revise its policy in order to require deposit of all NIH­funded research in PubMed Central. The committee also recommended that NIH put a six­month deadline on the deposit and access require­ ment. The National Library of Medicine Board of Regents made a similar recommendation to NIH in January 2006. The Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills, if passed, will bring about these changes at NIH, even if the working group and NLM regents recommendations are not adopted. Conversely, those recommendations, if adopted, would bring the NIH policy to the new and higher Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES standards, even if the bills are not passed. When the House of Representatives in­ structed NIH to adopt a public access policy in June 2004, it asked for both the public­access mandate and the six­month deadline. In that sense, therefore, the working group recom­ mendation and the Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills would bring the NIH policy back in line with the original intent of Congress.

C&RL News June 2006 364 Bipartisan and international support research. Their adoption would result in a It is especially heartening to see bipartisan major gain in access for faculty, students, other Congressional support for the principle of researchers, and the general public. Both bills open access to federally funded research. protect the system of peer­reviewed journals. Both the Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills Both leave copyright law unchanged, let ex­ are sponsored by a conservative Republican tramural grantees copyright their articles, and and a moderate Democrat. They should gain allow them to transfer copyright to journals. additional backing from members of Congress The six­month delay before research is made from both parties. Congressional support for openly accessible will shield journal publishers the earlier NIH public access policy, including from potential subscription or licensing cancel­ the proposed requirement for deposit, also lations. Journals will still have the exclusive came from both sides of the political aisle. right to distribute the final published version The Cornyn­Lieberman bill, the public ac­ of articles, unless they allow those versions to cess provision of the CURES bill, and proposed be deposited by authors in repositories. revisions to the NIH policy are part of growing A coalition of library and public interest support throughout the world for the principle groups led by SPARC has worked diligently with of public access to taxpayer­funded research. the offices of Senators Cornyn and Lieberman The United Kingdom is moving toward adop­ on the development and introduction of these tion of a similar policy that will apply to all bills. The Cornyn­Lieberman bill and the public government­funded research. Following on access provisions of the CURES bill have been the July 2004 recommendation of the report carefully considered by representatives of the from the House of Commons Science and academic and research library community. Technology Committee, the Research Councils These bills represent an extraordinary of the United Kingdom (RCUK), which fund opportunity to transform access to scientifi c, the majority of research at UK universities, technical, and medical research. Their passage announced a draft policy in June 2005 that into law would give strong impetus to the would require deposit of government­funded worldwide movement for public access to gov­ research in open­access institutional and dis­ ernment­funded research—and to the open ciplinary repositories. Announcement of the access movement generally. We hope you will RCUK’s final policy is expected soon. Other join us in expressing enthusiastic support for countries are considering similar policies. both bills to your senators and representatives. Please ask your senators to become cospon­ Importance for libraries sors of the bills and also encourage your rep­ The Cornyn­Lieberman and CURES bills, if resentatives to support them in the House of adopted, would substantially increase pub­ Representatives, once comparable legislation lic access to the results of federally funded has been introduced there.

(“Training programs . . .” continued from page 358)

Conclusion systematic plan to provide training for all Education is a core mission of all libraries. their personnel. Libraries should make the same commit­ ment to educating their personnel that Notes they have made to educating their users. 1. See Training is pivotal in the development of /presidentspageacrl.htm. library employees. It enables them to pro­ 2. “Charting our Future: ACRL Strategic vide better service, to become more skilled Plan 2020” can be found on ACRL’s Web site employees, and to enhance their personal at development. Libraries should develop a /acrlstratplan/stratplan.htm.

June 2006 365 C&RL News