Deal ID Is public Deal scopeDeal size Current sizCurrent sizCurrent negCurrent im 1363 Yes transnation 160000 160000 10000 Concluded Project ab 1371 Yes transnation 16000 16000 0 Concluded Project not 1374 Yes domestic 6879 6879 810 Concluded Startup pha 1376 Yes transnation 114 114 114 Concluded Project ab 1384 Yes transnation 130 130 0 Concluded In operatio 3353 Yes transnation 1661 1661 0 Concluded In operatio 3356 Yes transnation 3800 3800 3800 Concluded In operatio 3774 Yes transnation 6000 6000 4791 Concluded In operatio 4118 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 4120 Yes transnation 1400 1400 0 Concluded Project ab 4121 Yes transnation 3600 3600 0 Concluded In operatio 4122 Yes domestic 2023 2023 230 Concluded In operatio 4123 Yes domestic 8000 8000 0 Concluded In operatio 4151 Yes transnation 5000 5000 0 Concluded In operatio 4161 Yes transnation 13500 13500 0 Concluded In operatio 4566 Yes transnation 60720 60720 16187 Concluded In operatio 4748 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded Startup pha 5122 Yes domestic 202 202 0 Concluded In operatio 5354 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded Project ab 5430 Yes domestic 7567 7567 0 Concluded Project not 5640 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 5880 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 5889 Yes domestic 7284 7284 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5905 Yes domestic 6070 6070 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5906 Yes domestic 7567 7567 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5907 Yes domestic 7082 7082 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5908 Yes domestic 14164 14164 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5909 Yes transnation 21300 21300 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5915 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5916 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 5917 Yes transnation 959 959 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5919 Yes transnation 717 717 717 Concluded In operation (producti 5920 Yes transnation 1000 1000 1000 Concluded In operation (producti 5922 Yes transnation 7805 7805 7805 Concluded In operation (producti 5924 Yes transnation 1282 1282 1282 Concluded In operation (producti 5925 Yes transnation 5000 5000 0 Concluded In operatio 5926 Yes transnation 9000 9000 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5927 Yes domestic 1346 1346 0 Concluded In operation (producti 5928 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 6021 Yes domestic 1416 1416 0 Concluded Startup phase (no pro 6048 Yes transnation 300 300 0 Concluded In operation (producti 6074 Yes transnation 100 100 0 Concluded Startup phase (no pro 6075 Yes transnation 70 70 0 Concluded In operation (producti 6621 Yes transnation 40468 40468 0 Concluded Project abandoned 6655 Yes transnation 7000 7000 0 Concluded Project not started 6797 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 6798 Yes domestic 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 6799 Yes domestic 1416 1416 0 Concluded In operation (producti 6800 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded In operation (producti 6801 Yes domestic 25090 25090 0 Concluded In operation (producti 6825 Yes domestic 669 669 400 Concluded In operatio 6826 Yes transnation 0 0 0 Concluded In operatio 6827 Yes domestic 4046 4046 2022 Concluded Startup pha 7071 Yes transnation 1856 1856 0 Concluded In operation (producti 7090 Yes transnation 8500 8500 0 Concluded In operation (producti Fully updatTop parent Location 1:Location 1:Location 1:Location 1:Location 1:Location 1: 2019-05-0 Bedford Bi AdministratGarsen, Ke-2.269476440.1107088 Kenya 2018-05-25East Afri AdministratGarsen, Ke-2.269476440.1107088 Kenya 2019-05-2 Rai Holdi CoordinateYala Swamp0.020213134.16047922346195 Kenya 2019-03-1 Spectre In AdministratKisumu, Ke-0.091701634.76795679999998 Kenya 2019-03-1 Andrew FerApproximatJuja, Kenya-1.101822437.014402700000005Kenya 2019-05-0 Base ResouExact locatKwale, Ken-4.397127 39.44013349614261 Kenya 2019-05-0 East Afri AdministratMumias, Ke0.333333334.48333330000003 Kenya 2019-08-2 Omnicane AAdministratKwale, Ken-4.174444439.46027779999997 Kenya 2019-05-0 West Keny Exact locatKakamega,0.380233434.832504041127116Kenya 2019-03-1 Mehta Gro AdministratMuhoroni, -0.156609335.198359799999935Kenya 2019-05-0 GovernmentAdministratBungoma, 0.569369 34.56113800000003 Kenya 2019-03-1 Mavuno GrAdministratNaivasha, -0.720236 36.42853059999993 Kenya 2019-05-0 GovernmenExact locatHell's Gate-0.917072 36.335793933868445Kenya 2019-05-0 GovernmentAdministratWest Pokot1.592443835.28536159999999 Kenya 2019-05-0 Virgin Gro Exact locatMaasai Mar-1.281882 35.21226996165774 Kenya 2019-05-0 KP&P BV AfExact locatSouth Horr2.480894136.804635300625534Kenya 2019-07-0 Mr. Shah#3AdministratMara Fores-0.695555 35.51916670000003 Kenya 2019-03-1 Mara Beef Exact locatNarok, Ken-1.076472 35.24775359208979 Kenya 2019-03-1 Alliance OnAdministratMigori Ken -0.023559 37.90619300000003 Kenya 2019-03-1 Kenya ElecCoordinateIsiolo Airpo0.31794 37.59167 Kenya 2019-07-0 Komaza#467AdministratKilifi, Keny -3.510650839.909326899999996Kenya 2019-03-1 Unknown bCountry Kenya -0.023559 37.90619300000003 Kenya In operation (productiMavuno GrExact locatLake Naiva-0.843870 36.238781355615174Kenya In operation (productiGamewatcheAdministratAmboseli Na-2.652015737.26076720000003 Kenya In operation (productiGamewatcheAdministratMara Triang-1.406551334.906551000000036Kenya In operation (productiGamewatcheAdministratLeopard Go-1.228925635.103265599999986Kenya In operation (productiEntumoto SAdministratMasai Mara-1.326787434.96461610000006 Kenya In operation (productiGoldplat P Exact locatLolgorien, -1.241713 34.81044905408707 Kenya In operation (productiBritish Am AdministratMigori Cou-1.068883834.47061009999993 Kenya 2019-07-0 Eng.Wilfre AdministratNakuru, Ke-0.303098836.080025999999975Kenya In operation (productiCamellia p AdministratNandi Hills0.103073135.176372000000015Kenya In operation (productiCamellia p AdministratMuranga Co-0.795704 37.13220219999994 Kenya In operation (productiCamellia p Exact locatMakuyu, Ke-0.914050 37.188295617687004Kenya In operation (productiCamellia p AdministratMuranga Co-0.795704 37.13220219999994 Kenya In operation (productiCamellia p Exact locatMakuyu, Ke-0.912629 37.17623850330617 Kenya 2018-02-28Finlay Gro AdministratKericho, K -0.368896735.28628600000002 Kenya In operation (productiCirio Alim AdministratThika, Ken -1.038756937.08337529999994 Kenya In operation (productiRendeavouAdministratThika, Ken -1.038756937.08337529999994 Kenya 2019-03-1 Kenya ElecExact locatOlkaria Rou-0.864310 36.29900620000001 Kenya Startup phase (no proEast Afric AdministratKisumu, Ke-0.091701634.76795679999998 Kenya In operation (productiAsante CapAdministratKwale, Ken-4.181611 39.46056120000003 Kenya Startup phase (no proZuri GroupExact locatAthi River, -1.479861 37.03459365491949 Kenya In operation (productiZuri GroupAdministratNyahururu,0.035164436.36429190000001 Kenya Project abandoned Arafco Agr AdministratMalindi, Ke-3.219186440.11689060000003 Kenya Project not started Actis CapitApproximatKiserian, K -1.425186936.69365119999998 Kenya 2019-07-0 Kwale CocoApproximatKwale, Ken-4.181611 39.46056120000003 Kenya 2019-07-0 Fair Trade AdministratNyandarua-0.399410 36.489516099999946Kenya In operation (productiSolai Grou ApproximatSolai, Keny0.002823736.155898200000024Kenya In operation (productiSerendiWorAdministratKwale, Ken-4.181611 39.46056120000003 Kenya In operation (productiLewa WildlExact locatIsiolo, Ken 0.225385637.44085199999995 Kenya 2019-07-0 VP Group#Exact locatNaivasha, -0.847696 36.38076354161314 Kenya 2019-07-0 VP Group#2Exact locatNaivasha, -0.852752 36.378389417853256Kenya 2019-05-2 GovernmenAdministratKilifi, Keny -3.510650839.909326899999996Kenya In operation (productiFlamingo HApproximatLake Naiva-0.775384 36.37147559999994 Kenya In operation (productiMaris Capi Exact locatKarebe Gol-0.031661 35.02366899999993 Kenya Location 1:Location 1 Location 2:Location 2:Location 2:Location 2:Location 2:Location 2: Tana River Delta. Heading north on the B8 highway, which connects the Kenyan port city of Mombasa to Garissa Town close to the Somali border, a small white signboard marks a turning onto a dirt road. Garsen DiviAdministratLamu, Ken -2.269557540.90064080000002 Kenya Bondo, Siaya, Nyanza, around Yala Swamps Office and administrative buildings.

ApproximatNaivasha, -0.717177 36.43102509999994 Kenya 50km from Mombasa, 10km Inland from the coast. Mumias, BuAdministratButere, Ke 0.216666734.5 Kenya 80 km south of Mombasa the sugar plant shall be located in Olepito village

AdministratKakamega,0.282730734.75186310000004 Kenya Thefirst coordinates flower farm for on the Naivasha site are: _x000D_ 00 54’ 57.73” S and 36 20’6.64”E. Pokot counAdministratTurkana, K 3.039887135.620704899999964Kenya Olare Motorogi Conservancy Loyangalani District, Marsabit West County, in north-eastern Kenya, approximately 50km north of South Horr Township Transmara region Enonkishu CoordinateNaretoi Fa -1.0705 35.23545 Kenya The area which is located few metres from the Isiolo international airport_x000D_ The approximate coordinates of the power station are 0°19'47.0"N, 37°35'30.0"E Ganze district

16 kms north of the northern boundary of Amboseli Park Koyaki Lemek area of the greater Mara ecosystem

South Western Kenya Kilimapesa Hill. located at Lolgorian area in Transmara AdministratBungoma, 0.569525234.558376599999974Kenya Location of processing plant Nandi Hills, located 330 Km north west of Nairobi, Kenya

based at Makuyu about 65 Km North East of Nairobi

Kiambu County Olkaria, Nakuru County, Kenya Siany Okana Farm in Kisumu County Kenya South coast of Kenya

Galana, Kilifi County Oldonyo Narok, Esilanke area, Kiserian Division, Kajiado County, South West of Nairobi AdministratMuranga Co-0.795704 37.13220219999994 Kenya Nakuru County Ukunda-Msambweni (Kwale County) northern Kenya. incorporating the Ngare Ndare Forest

AdministratTana River -1.586789439.44241809999994 Kenya ApproximatMount Keny-0.152138437.30840790000002 Kenya Nandi County. Location of processing plant. Location 2:Location 2 Location 3:Location 3:Location 3:Location 3:Location 3:Location 3: Tana River Delta. Heading north on the B8 highway, which connects the Kenyan port city of Mombasa to Garissa Town close to the Somali border, a small white signboard marks a turning onto a dirt road. Lamu District, about 200 km North of Mombasa City. Bondo, Siaya, Nyanza, around Yala Swamps Office and administrative buildings.

ApproximatMolo, Keny-0.248835835.73237089999998 Kenya

AdministratKakamega,0.282730734.75186310000004 Kenya

AdministratLugari, Ken0.651157934.87621109999998 Kenya

Loyangalani District, Marsabit West County, in north-eastern Kenya, approximately 50km north of South Horr Township

Mara Beef Farm Naretoi Farm The area which is located few metres from the Isiolo international airport_x000D_ The approximate coordinates of the power station are 0°19'47.0"N, 37°35'30.0"E

South Western Kenya Kilimapesa Hill. located at Lolgorian area in Transmara AdministratMeru Count0.053169 37.63886260000004 Kenya

Oldonyo Narok, Esilanke area, Kiserian Division, Kajiado County, South West of Nairobi Location 3:Location 3 Location 4:Location 4:Location 4:Location 4:Location 4:Location 4: Tana River Delta. Heading north on the B8 highway, which connects the Kenyan port city of Mombasa to Garissa Town close to the Somali border, a small white signboard marks a turning onto a dirt road.

ApproximatMount Keny-0.152138437.30840790000002 Kenya

AdministratBungoma, 0.569369 34.56113800000003 Kenya

AdministratMalava, Ke0.445043134.85413889999995 Kenya Location 4:Location 4 Location 5:Location 5:Location 5:Location 5:Location 5:Location 5:

AdministratSiaya, Ken 0.062629334.28780840000002 Kenya Location 5:Location 5 Location 6:Location 6:Location 6:Location 6:Location 6:Location 6:

AdministratBusia, Ken 0.460769134.111462099999926Kenya Location 6:Location 6 Location 7:Location 7:Location 7:Location 7:Location 7:Location 7:

AdministratTeso, Keny 3.460555639.059999999999945Kenya Location 7:Location 7 Intended siSize under Size in opeComment onIntention oComment on 160000 2009##162013##1060000ha for###BiofuelsJatropha is 16000 2007##16000 TARDA has ###Biofuels,b Food cr 17500 2003##682015##81Conflicting###BiofuelThe company 114 2001##11##114 ###IndustThe land is ##130 4 farms ###Non-food agricultural commodities 1661 2010##1661 The Special###MiningIlmenite, Rutile and Z 3800 2012##382012##383800 nucle###Biofuels, Food cr 6000.0 2007##602018##47Another sou###Biofuels, Food cr ##0 Only land f###Biofuels, Food cr 1400 2010##1400 divergingThe company info:###Biofuels, the company Food states cr its "nucleus estate" covers 3600 ha (the same area size as initially in 1978), another source states "Currently [2010] the company’s Nucleus Estate totals 4629 Ha" ( , p. 4). One source states 30000 hectares (this probably includes contract farming). _x000D_ 2010##3600 The company###Biofuels, intended to Food expand crops, its Renewablesugar production Energ capacity from 67, 000 to 180, 000 tonnes of sugar by the year 2011. 1969##23##230 Increased i##1969#Fooflower farm. Originally used as 8000 2013##8000 the ESIA de###Renewageothermal 5000 2013##5000 for the who###Biofuels, Food crops, Renewable Energ 13500 ##13500 Lake Turkana###Tourism, Wind Power Conserv project concession of over 607km2. wind farm development occupies 162 km2 of larger concession._x000D_ 60720.0 2009##60##16187 Justice Njoroge###Renewa directedThe that project the Lake Turkana Wind Power Limited will carry out its activities of developing the wind farm within an area of 87.5 acres pending the hearing and determination of the case. ##0 Outgrowers###Food crSugar Mill 202 ##202 Farm is 500###Livestock ##0 ###Non-fooTobacco 7567 2016##7567 18,700-acr###Renewa400-megawatts wind power plan ##0 contract fa###TimberGoal increa 0 ##0 ###Food crops 7284 1969##7284 ###TourismLodges within the park. Originall ##6070 15000acres###Tourismlow-density 2005##3237|##7567Initially 8 ###TourismPorini Mar ##3237|##7082 Initially 8 ###Tourism2 camps wit 2014##14164 35000 acre###Tourism, Conserv ##21300 prospecting##21300#Mgold ##0 contract fa###Non-food agricult ##0 contract fa###Non-food agricult 1919##510|##959 ###Food crops 1992##408#current#717 ###Food cavocado- Fuerte and Hass cultiva ##1000 2012##185|##622|#c###Food cMacadamia nuts. Macadamia are to ##7805 ##7805 2511 Hectar###Livest4,407 head of cattle ##1282 2010##121282 Hecta###Timbersupply of f ##5000 Another sou###Food croThe estate ##9000 13,500-acr###Food crops ##1346 ###Food crops size unknow###RenewaGeothermal Power Station 2018##1416 3500 acres###Food ctargets har ##300 300 ha plan###Food crotree plantations and t 2003##100 ###Non-food agricultural commodities 2004##70 ###Non-food agricultural commodities 2010-09-28##40468 ###Food crThe Galana #current#7000 70km2 #current# wind farm ##0 ##0 ###Food crops own farms ###Food crops #current#1416 3500 acres###Food crops, Livest ##0 ##0 ###Food crops 1995##25090 62000 acre1995#current#25090#Conservation #current# ##400 Another sou###Food crops, Non-food agricultural comm Size biogas###RenewaPower for local grid 202342 ##4046 ##1335|#IbisThe –phased Mount###Food Kenya – (Tenderstem,crOne of the project's Broccoli, intended fine beans, res runner beans, sugar snaps mangetout, spring onions as well as a range of fresh herbs)_x000D_ ##1856 Siraji – Mount###Food Kenya (Spraycrops, Non-foodCarnations, agricultural large headed comm roses) 2009#current#8500 three separ2009##8500#Mining Nature of tComment onNegotiationComment onImplementaComment onPurchase prPurchase pr Lease Option to e2009##ConcUncertainty2009##In Onlyo 10 000 hectare pilot project has been planted. The project was abandoned due to local resistance when the commu Lease 2007##ConcAnother dat2012##ProjEarly March 2013, Mumias, declared it would put its plans for the Tana Delta on hold, which has been associated with th Lease 2003##ConcLeased tran2006##In Theo status of the project hangs in the balance due to conflict b Lease 2001##Concluded (Con1977##In Theo Kisumu Molasses plant was inaugurated in 1977. Factory still operational, but foreign investor Energem bankrupt. The factory was stalled partly due to erratic raw material supply. ###Non-food agricultural commodities ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Ilmenite, Rutile and Z Mine life i 2010##Concluded (Con2011##StarDiscussions with Tana River County Council (2011). Record production achieved in October- December 2015. Outright P Ownership1971##Concluded (Con1971##In Companyo received Sh500 million bailout in 2015. In 2017- production was stopped due to mismanagement, repairs and Lease 2007##Concluded (Con2013##StarMuch work has already been done for cane plantation with the clearing of some 4,000 of the 5,500 hectares of the nucle Pure contract farming2011##Intended (Expr2013##Starthe company is in the process of establishing a sugar factory (2013-2016). Lease first acqui ##Concluded (Contrac1966##In theo company is in receivership ###Biofuels, Food crops, Renewable Energ1978##Conc3600 ha we1978##Starthe company is struggling financially in 2018- the state gives the company until middle of 2019 to fix this. flower farm. Originally used as 1969##ConcLand origin##In operatthe company is now "one of the biggest in the wider East African region" ( Outright Purchase 2010##InteState-suppo2013##StarOlkaria IV started commercial operation in September 2014 ###Biofuels, Food crops, Renewable Energ2012##InteThe first p 2014##In operation (production) Lease ##Concluded (Oral A 2013##In operation (production) Lease 2009##Concluded (Con2014##Proj50 to 90MW of capacity to be commissioned by 2015. The wind farm will be fully operational at 300 MW by 2016. The pasto Pure contract farming2010##ConcAlteo acqui2015##In Outgrowerso have been growing sugarcane before the start of this project. Outgrowers stopped supplying the company t ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Pure contract farming1990##Conc"Alliance O2016##ProOperations scaled down in 2015. The company abandoned the project in 2016 due to fraud. The processing plant will 400-megawatts wind power plan2016##Concluded (Con2017##ProjConstruction delayed due to land rights disputes. Construction expected to commence in 2019. Pure contracontract fa2006##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) Pure contracontract fa##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Lodges within the park. Originall1969##ConcOriginally ##In operachanged to game farm in 1995. Lease ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Lease 2005##ConcThe Conser##In operation (production) Lease 2005##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) Lease 2014##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) Exploitation permit / ##Concluded (Contrac2012##In firsto gold poured 2012. Placed on care and maintenance in 2013. Pure contract farming1907##ConcBefore 200##In operation (production) Pure contract farming1993##ConcBefore 2000##In operation (production) 1919##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) avocado- Fuerte and Hass cultiva##Concluded (Contrac1992##In operation (production) Macadamia nuts. Macadamia are##Concluded to (Contrac2007##In operation (production) 4,407 head of cattle ##Concluded (Contrac1980##In Ino operation somewhere in the 1980's. Lease ##Concluded (Contrac1992##In operation (production) Lease ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Lease lease expir##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Lease ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Geothermal Power Station ##Concluded (Contrac2000##ProjConstruction started in 2000. The government is inviting bids for the tender of a structural rehabilitation of the plant in Lease Land lease2018##Concluded (Con2018##Startup phase (no production) tree plantations and t"community##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) ###Non-food agricultural commodities 2003##Concluded (Con##In operaThe investor moved their operations to their other farm (Zuri farm #6075) in 2017 due to drought, however this farm i ###Non-food agricultural commodities 2004##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) Lease ##Concluded (Contrac##Project In 2015 investors took a Saudi prince to court accusing him of failing to deliver his side of the bargain Lease #current#Concluded (#current#PrWill be second largest wind farm in the country. Chinese company "China Machinery Engineering Corporation" to perform design, procurement and construction. Pure contract farming2017#current#Conclud2017#current#In operation (production) ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Lease ##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Pure contract farming##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) 1995#current#25090#Conservation 1995#current#Conclud#current#In operation (production) ###Food crops, Non-food agricultural comm2007##Concluded (Con##In operation (production) Power for local grid ##Concluded (Contrac2015##In Biogaso plant operational from March 2015 One of the project's intended res2014##Concluded (Con2014-09##SConstruction started in September 2014. The Government is reviewing the Galana Kulalu irrigation scheme in 2018 due t ###Food crops, Non-food agricultural comm##Concluded (Contrac##In operation (production) Exploitation permit / 2009#current#Conclud##In operation (production) Purchase prPurchase prComment onAnnual leasAnnual leasAnnual leasPurchase prComment on Only 10 000 hectare pilot project has been planted. The project was abandoned due to local resistance when the commu Early March 2013, Mumias, declared it would put its plans for the Tana Delta on hold, which has been associated with th The status of the project hangs in the balance due to conflict b 1051781 Kenyan Shilfor specifi 6000 pays KES 1, The Kisumu Molasses plant was inaugurated in 1977. Factory still operational, but foreign investor Energem bankrupt. The factory was stalled partly due to erratic raw material supply.

Discussions with Tana River County Council (2011). Record production achieved in October- December 2015. Company received Sh500 million bailout in 2015. In 2017- production was stopped due to mismanagement, repairs and Much work has already been done for cane plantation with the clearing of some 4,000 of the 5,500 hectares of the nucle the company is in the process of establishing a sugar factory (2013-2016). the company is struggling financially in 2018- the state gives the company until middle of 2019 to fix this. the company is now "one of the biggest in the wider East African region" ( Olkaria IV started commercial operation in September 2014

3500 Kenyan Shilper ha 50 to 90MW of capacity to be commissioned by 2015. The wind farm will be fully operational at 300 MW by 2016. The pasto Outgrowers have been growing sugarcane before the start of this project. Outgrowers stopped supplying the company t

Operations scaled down in 2015. The company abandoned the project in 2016 due to fraud. The processing plant will Construction delayed due to land rights disputes. Construction expected to commence in 2019.

first gold poured 2012. Placed on care and maintenance in 2013.

In operation somewhere in the 1980's.

Construction started in 2000. The government is inviting bids for the tender of a structural rehabilitation of the plant in

The investor moved their operations to their other farm (Zuri farm #6075) in 2017 due to drought, however this farm i

In 2015 investors took a Saudi prince to court accusing him of failing to deliver his side of the bargain Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd paid an initial lease of Sh2,000,000. Upon the acquisition, the prince was to refund $300, 000 (Sh30 million) for the land. Local investors said they opened an account at Equity Bank in anticipation of the prince’s money that never came. Will be second largest wind farm in the country. Chinese company "China Machinery Engineering Corporation" to perform design, procurement and construction. Biogas plant operational from March 2015 Construction started in September 2014. The Government is reviewing the Galana Kulalu irrigation scheme in 2018 due t Contract f On leased On leased /On leased On leased Not on leasNot on leasNot on leas No Yes Yes ##4000 Yes Yes The Kisumu Molasses plant was inaugurated in 1977. Factory still operational, but foreign investor Energem bankrupt. The factory was stalled partly due to erratic raw material supply. No No Yes Yes ##64000 ##66000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes #current#60000 Yes Yes ##13196 ##40000 Yes Yes ##23500 ##67000 No No Yes Yes ##20000 No No Yes Yes ##14000 ##14700 Yes Yes ##4046 ##3600 Yes Yes ##1000 No Yes Yes 2018#curr##6000|2018#curren Yes Yes ##5000

No No No No No Yes Yes ##5000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes ##79

No No Yes Yes ##14000 No No No Yes Yes ##1416 ##500 Yes #current#15000 Yes Yes ##225 No No Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd paid an initial lease of Sh2,000,000. Upon the acquisition, the prince was to refund $300, 000 (Sh30 million) for the land. Local investors said they opened an account at Equity Bank in anticipation of the prince’s money that never came. Will be second largest wind farm in the country. Chinese company "China Machinery Engineering Corporation" to perform design, procurement and construction. Yes Yes ##3000 Yes Yes No Yes Yes ##1000 No No No No

No Not on leasComment onContracts Contracts 1Contracts 1Contracts 1Contracts 1Contracts considering outgrower system 45 4000ha is reserved for outgrower schemes. In line with the company's move to establish sugar pl 25 99

23 Special Min 64000ha outgrowers (approx 66000 small farmers). Farmers faced delayed p The remainder of the land was to be allocated to the previous squatters who #current#60000 90% of the cane is produced via CF, on 13196 ha. 40000 farmers are involv 80% of the cane is produced via contract farming

20000 ha designated for contract farming (see comment above)

15 Community surrounding the sugar mill. the company giving extension services, harvest and transport services from field to mill. 14,700 outgrowers of the region on an estimated area of 14,000 hectares to the Transmara factory. the company provides plant conservancy is 10 000 acres, with 3600 households. Most sources mention 1000 farmers, only one source mentions 10 000 farme

##6000|2018#currenTrees inter-cropped with food crops. planted 2 million trees with over 6,000 22 shillings ($0.20) per kilo. 23,000 expected to have made the switch by 2020


Another article states 5100 farmers



#current#15000 3500acres. The company will cater for all costs of pro 5

Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd paid an initial lease of Sh2,000,000. Upon the acquisition, the prince was to refund $300, 000 (Sh30 million) for the land. Local investors said they opened an account at Equity Bank in anticipation of the prince’s money that never came. 30 500 outgrowers are female ##1500 seeking 10,000 farmers to grow hass variety of avocadoes 99

Might involve contract farming off the lease. special prospecting license 264 which covers three previously worked mines in Nandi County in Western Kenya; Equatorial, Rock Corry and Boma Mines. Location License 1113/1-8, a temporary mining license pending approval_x000D_ SPL264 to a full mining license Jobs createdPlanned numPlanned emPlanned daiCurrent numCurrent numCurrent numComment on

Yes ##1600 Yes 2015##599|2017##699 Over 800 pe Yes 2014##1689 Yes 2011##650

Yes ##1500 1500 direct employment

Community surrounding the sugar mill. the company giving extension services, harvest and transport services from field to mill. 14,700 outgrowers of the region on an estimated area of 14,000 hectares to the Transmara factory. the company provides plant

Yes ##200 258 workers were dismissed in 2015- their payment was delayed.

Yes ##100 22 shillings ($0.20) per kilo. 23,000 expected to have made the switch by 2020


Yes ##450 Yes

Yes ##9500 Another source mentions 15 000 workers. Workers were on strike in October 2017 as they wanted a 30% salary increase. Yes ##6000


Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd paid an initial lease of Sh2,000,000. Upon the acquisition, the prince was to refund $300, 000 (Sh30 million) for the land. Local investors said they opened an account at Equity Bank in anticipation of the prince’s money that never came. Yes ##1611 Yes

Yes ##300 KGML has grown to nearly 300 employees. Over 90% of KGML employees are from the local area. Jobs createPlanned numPlanned emPlanned daiCurrent numCurrent nuCurrent numComment on

Yes 2015##45

1500 direct employment


Community surrounding the sugar mill. the company giving extension services, harvest and transport services from field to mill. 14,700 outgrowers of the region on an estimated area of 14,000 hectares to the Transmara factory. the company provides plant

258 workers were dismissed in 2015- their payment was delayed.

Another source mentions 15 000 workers. Workers were on strike in October 2017 as they wanted a 30% salary increase.

Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd paid an initial lease of Sh2,000,000. Upon the acquisition, the prince was to refund $300, 000 (Sh30 million) for the land. Local investors said they opened an account at Equity Bank in anticipation of the prince’s money that never came. Yes South Afri

KGML has grown to nearly 300 employees. Over 90% of KGML employees are from the local area. Jobs createPlanned nuPlanned emPlanned daiCurrent numCurrent nuCurrent numComment on Yes 2012##7 Bedford promised jobs would be m

Yes 1500 2003##20after the initial period when th Yes ##300

Yes 2015##554

Yes 2011##650 The project has creat

"Around 6,000 people work at Oserian and one in ten are_x000D_ Yes ##5404 ##600 seasonal workers."There have been complaints about working conditions and pay in the past. Yes In 2013 the domestic workers wen

Yes 900 150 900 jobs pl Yes ##850 ##200 TSCL has 850 fixed term employee

Another source mentions 15 000 workers. Workers were on strike in October 2017 as they wanted a 30% salary increase.

Yes Yes

KGML has grown to nearly 300 employees. Over 90% of KGML employees are from the local area. 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Primarosa Flowers moves operations to Nyahururu as drought bites_x000D_bites Read more at: kenyas-kipeto-energyKenya’s Ki 2018-09-05 exp2018-04-10 to leas2019-01-12 Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData source TANALA Times- INTEGRATED BMedia repo SUGARhttp://www. PROJECTqforgqacont IN TANANo RIVER AND LAMU DISTRICTS,2013-06-16 _x000D_ COAST PROVINCE,Company KENYA shttp://www (Land Allocationmumias-sugarcomindexphppagecane-development.pdf Reference No. 106796 of 17.1.1995) Google mapPersonal information 2015-11-26 Business DaMedia repohttp://wwwstandardmediacokearticle2000172015-07-27 standardmediacokektnnewsvideowatch2000107227-the-kwale-mineral-sands-project-shows-great-potential.pThe Kwale CompanyM shttp://basebasetitaniumcomkwale-projectproject-overview.pdf Business DMedia repohttps://ww sthe-starcokenews20170925mumia2017-09-25 Business daResearch Pahttps://wwwsgrainorgarticleentries4653-land-grabbing-for-biofuels-must-stop.pdf EnvironmentGovernment sources nemagokeindexphpoptioncom_pho2013-07-01 Research Pahttps://ww sinfonaplresourcebwmeta1elementspringer-395fbdea-72c0-3c30-93a2-64e96f43aeaf.pdf Mpakasi- NMedia repohttp://wes westfmcokeindex-page-news-bid2012-06-20 Media repohttp://makemakewealthhistoryorg20090213the-price-of-kenyan-roses-and-the-tragedy-of-lake-naivasha.pdf Non TechniCompany shttp://www.climatefinanceoptionsorgcfonod 2013-01-01 URL no lonMedia repohttp://www.businessdailyafricac Business Da2013-09-29

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Achiba A. GCentre for [email protected] "I was receMedia repo Media repo Research Pa 2015-06-04 Tobacco RepMedia repo 2016-04-07 KenGen secures Ksh6. sgrowafricacomgroupsover-23000-potato-farmers-benefit-500000-new-investments-kenya.pdf OVER 23,000 POTATO FARMERS TO BENEFIT FROM $ 500,000 NEW INVESTMENTS IN KENYA

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Business DaCompany shttp://sta staticglobalreportingorgreport-pdfs20164676f563cc51740edf2b5bb9914c7565pdf.pdf MUHORONIWest Kenya DISTRICT,Sugar inches KENYA. closer BY_x000D_ to setting up new $40 million plant in Bungoma erepositoryuonbiackebitstreamhandle1129555820osieko_effect20of20muhoroni20sugar20companye28099s20OSIEKO DANIELMedia ODHIAMBO repo Troubled M

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Media repohttps://t how-kenyas-mega-windHow Kenya’ Mara Beef, MediaEcotourism, repohttps://cit and_x000D_scitizentvcokenewsnarNarok Gover peachfoundationcoukwp-contentuploads201703ea-sustainable-tourism-report-issue-6-finalpdf.pdf Standardthe Mara TrainingDigital- SackedCentre Alliance One Tobacco workers demand their dues_x000D_ Read more at: Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourc 2010-08-12 2013-08-17 Pesa Times 2017-03-17 No Standard Di

2016-06-22 Base Titanium gets n staticglobalreportingorgreport-pdfs20164676f563cc51740edf2b5bb9914c7565pdf.pdf Omnicane I West Kenya Sugar inches closer to setting up new $40 million plant in Bungoma 2018-05-29

cdmunfcccintprojectsdbjci135512886824view.pdf Project 864 2018-08-20

2019-09-03 2016-06-29 Standard Digital- Sacked Alliance One Tobacco workers demand their dues_x000D_ Read more at: Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData source Research Pahttp://wwwccicca_fil No Media repohttp://wwwnationcokefeaturessmartcompan2013-03-05 Media repohttp://mdcamdcafricaorgdocumentsrejectrej2011-01-01

Base Titanium gets n https://eja sejatlasorgconflicttitanium-mining-in-the-kwale-district-kenya.pdf

Company shttp://omn omnicanecomir2016reportsomnicane_integratedreport_2016pdf.pdf

Media repohttp://www.thinkgeoenergycomworkers-on-stri2013-01-14

Company s SUGAR COMPANY LIMITED Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcCanadaData sourc andData the sourceglobalData land sourc rush:_x000D_Data source Analysis of MediaCanadian repo involvementhttp://www.biofuelsdig in large-scale agricultural land acquisition in the Southern Hemisphere, April 2013 Daily NatioMedia repohttps://wwwsnationcokebusinesslittle-hope-f No Media DiverMedia repohttp://fri friendsofyalaorkeindexphpoptio

sejatlasorgconflicttitanium-mining-in-the-kwale-district-kenya.pdf EJOLT- Tita Media repohttp://wwwproactiveinvestorscomcompaniesn omnicanecomir2016reportsomnicane_integratedreport_2016pdf.pdf Omnicane 2Research Pahttp://ere erepositoryuonbiackebitstreamhandle1129512875wandera_turn-around20strategy20by20kwale20internatio

Think GeoenMedia repohttp://wwwthinkgeoenergycomchina-provide

Media repohttps://ww sugarcane-farmers-opp Data sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData source No 2013-06-24 snationcokebusinesslittle-hope-f 2018-04-22 friendsofyalaorkeindexphpoptio 2011-10-26 No

proactiveinvestorscomcompaniesn2014-02-13 erepositoryuonbiackebitstreamhandle1129512875wandera_turn-around20strategy20by20kwale20internatio


sugarcane-farmers-oppBusiness D2019-03-05 Data sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourc Biofuels Digest- Bedfohttp://ejat ejatlasorgcNo 2014-09-02 Daily Nation- Little hope for revival of Mumias Sugar after cash injection Friends of Research Pahttp://wwwsfoapnetfileadminuser_uploadsf 2010-01-01

Base ResourMedia repohttps://wwwsminingreviewcomnewstiomin-sell2011-04-04 SUGAR COMPANY LIMITED_x000D_ erepositoryuonbiackebitstreamhandle1129512875wandera_turn-around20strategy20by20kwale20internatio BY JOSEPH MediaOGWOBO repo WANDERA Kwale sugar2018-08-09

Think GeoeMedia repohttps://w syoutubecomwatchvm7cacbantjm2013-07-30 Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData source 2014-09-02 EnvironmentMedia repo

2010-01-01 No Land grab iMedia repo

2011-04-04 Tiomin sellResearch Pa

2018-08-09 Media repo

2013-07-30 Kenyan TV-Company s Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData source http://ourl ourlandourNo http://www.farmlandgraborgpostview25038-ke2015-06-15

http://mip mipakaninetsitesdefaultfilesuploaded_pdf_documentsbase20titanium20-20non-technical20esia20summary20 https://wwwkwale-sugar-firm-banksKwale sugar2019-08-13

http://wwwkengencokeindexphppagebusines2013-01-01 Data sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData source Our land OuMedia repohttp://www.theguardiaNo

No Farmland GrPersonal information

Base Titanium Ltd (2012) Environment and Social Impact Assessment Summary Report _x000D_ mipakaninetsitesdefaultfilesuploaded_pdf_documentsbase20titanium20-20non-technical20esia20summary20S U M M A RCompany Y R E P Oshttps://ww R T bse_2017_annual_report.PDF

Kengen Website- Ongoing projects Data sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourc 2011-07-02

Peter Ken ORECONCILEkenotieno@r254 51 22 Yes

bse_2017_annual_report.PDF Data sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourc The GuardiaCompany shttp://www.bedfordbioNo

Media repohttp://wwwbusinessweekcommagazinecont 2009-11-25

Annual RepResearch Pa Land Grabbi2016-07-28 Data sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourc Company weResearch Pahttps://do

Business weCompany shttp://dom Data sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourc large-scaleYes Large-scale land deals from the inside out: findings from Kenya's Tana Delta dominionfarmskenyablogspotcoz2008-01-07 Data sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData source Large-scale land deals from the inside out: findings from Kenya's Tana Delta

Overview oMedia repohttp://wwwopednewscomarticlesas-world-fo Data sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourc

2010-12-10 As World F Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData source

Company shttp://dom dominion-farmscom.pdf Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData source

Company shttp://wwwdomgpcomagriculturehtml.pdf Data sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData source

domgpcomagriculturehtml.pdf Data sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourc

Media repohttp://wwwnationcokenewsrumours-truths-l 2017-02-26 Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData source

2017-02-26 Daily NatioMedia repo Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData source

https://ww sstandardmediacokearticle200122017-12-07 Data sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData source

Standard DiMedia repohttps://wwwsstandardmediacokearticle200122 Data sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourc

sstandardmediacokearticle2001222017-02-17 Data sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourc

Standard DiMedia repohttps://wwwsstandardmediacokearticle2001259947job-fears-as-dominion-firm-stops-operations-in-kenya.pdf Data sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourc

sstandardmediacokearticle2001259947job-fears-as-dominion-firm-stops-operations-in-kenya.pdf Standard DiMedia repohttps://www Data sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourc _ KeWin for Sia2018-03-26 Data sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData source

Original daMedia repohttps://ww _ DoDominion F Data sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourc

2018-04-07 Original da Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData source

Research Pahttps://wwwlandgrab-deals-2015- The global farmland grab in 2016. How big, how bad? Data sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData source

The global farmland grab in 2016. How big, how bad? Media repohttps://ww dominion-farms-names- Data sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData source

dominion-farms-names-Dominion F2018-08-19 Data sourcData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourc

Media repohttps://ww confusion-deepens-on-Questions a2018-10-23 Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcData source

2018-10-23 Media repo Data sourcData sourceData sourceData sourceData sourcData sourcData sourceData source

https://ww siaya-county-kicks-of Fresh hope2019-02-15 Data sourcData sourceData sourcData sourcName of c Name of inComment onRecognition Lower Pokomo#Orma, Wardei#Upper Pokomo#Wardei

Rendille#Turkana#El Molo#Sam Indigenous Comment onCommunityComment onCommunityComment onPresence ofComment onDisplaceme Lower Pokomo#Orma, Wardei#Upper Pokomo#WardeiLimited consultation Rejection Yes local resis Yes Not consulted Rejection Limited consultation Rejection Yes Protests in Yes

Claims thatConsent

Not consulted Rejection They continYes They continYes Free, Prior and InformMixed reactaccording to the company, "a very small percentage [of the consulted people] was opposed"

Free, Prior according tMixed reaction

Free, Prior and InformConsent Ancestral rNot consul One report Rejection The affecteYes The affecteYes



The company states that they haYes Yes One of the Yes Number of Numberp of Number of Numberp of Number of Numberh of Commentp onNegative im One data sEviction|D 25000 25000 from 3 villages. Local community livelihoods are The companyDisplaceme

5000 A coalition Cultural los

Displacement according to the company, "a very small percentage [of the consulted people] was opposed" resettlement action plan intende

240 families have been evicted from Narasha_x000D_ and Olomayiana Kubwa villages in Naivasha county. The investors are accused of being responsible for the evictions, but one party (KenGen) disclaims and states that the villages where the evictions took place are not part of the land acquired for the project and that their interest in the area affected by the evictions is only "a small portion".

concessionCultural lo


80 About 80 hoDisplaceme One of the dams on the farm collpased in May 2018 killing 49 people and displacing thousands. Comment onPromised cReceived cPromised beComment onMaterializeComment onPresence of Threat of eviction CommunityHealth|Edu Jobs, health facilities, schools. Bedford pro 25000 from 3 villages. Local community livelihoods areOther a number of infrastructural improvements in the project area Losing acce$60 per home affecteHealth|Educagricultural training centre for the youth pl Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...) Base contributes to the Kenyan_x000D_ Grave sites and spiritual areas Health|Educcommunity through its Community Development Management Plan (“CDMP”), which was formed in collaboration with local communities. By the end of financial year 2014/15 the company had invested over US$ 5 million in the local community. For more information on the community development see EY report: Base Titanium's total economic and tax contributions in Kenya, March 2015.

Displacement No compensNo compensEducation|Roads|OtheEducation| Electricity installati resettlement action plan intendepromised: better incomEducation| primary school in Busia. borehole

240 families have been evicted from Narasha_x000D_ Health|Education Other over 11,000 people living in its company funded housing estates and benefitting from and Olomayiana Kubwa villages inThe Naivasha company county. claims The to haveinvestors finalized are accused negotiations of being with responsible Project-Affected for the evictions,Pe but one party (KenGen) disclaims and states that the villages where the evictions took place are not part of the land acquired for the project and that their interest in the area affected by the evictions is only "a small portion".

The projectNo compensNo compensEducation| New corporate social responsibility progra Health|EducWater taps and an orphanage. Through its CSR programme, Transmara targets the access to water, healthcare, education and infrastructure improvements Capacity Burun a learnCapacity Burun a learning center and demonstration ranch for holistic management within the Enonkishu Conservancy

Health|Edu"Every year, Oserian Two Lakes engages in community development

Education|CThe Peder Von Heland Youth Centre and Libr

Health|Educlinic, schools and kitchen garden for employees. Water.

A resettlemLandowners with one Roadsor One of the dams on the farm collpased in May 2018 killing 49 people and displacing thousands.

Health|Education Former lanComment onFormer lanComment onFormer lanComment onCrops areaCrops yield CommunityThe ranchesSmallholder agriculturCropland|Marginal lan###Jatropha, Food crops (unspecified) a number of infrastructural improvements in the project area SmallholderThe area isCropland| ###Sugar Cane Community Smallholder agriculturCropland Swamp lan###Banana, Rice, Sugar Cane, Vegetables ( Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...) ###Sugar Cane Base contributes to the Kenyan_x000D_ ###Flowers (unspecified) community through its Community Development Management PlanOther (“CDMP”),Winning which ofwas titanium formed from in collaboration sand dunes with local communities. By the end of financial year 2014/15 the company had invested over US$ 5 million in the local community. For more information on the community development see EY report: Base Titanium's total economic and tax contributions in Kenya, March 2015. ###Sugar Cane State CommercialRamisi SugaCropland ###Sugar Cane Private (smallholders Commercial (large-scalCropland|Mclassified as "idle land" by the company ###Sugar Cane ###Sugar Cane over 11,000 people living in its company funded housing estates and benefitting from ###Flowers (unspecified) Private (s according tCommercialPart of the Cropland Pastoralism ###Sugar Cane Community Pastoralism|Conservat|Marginal land Community Pastoralism Marginal laThe land is used for grazing, traditional and spiritual purposes. Water taps and an orphanage. Through its CSR programme, Transmara targets the access to water, healthcare, education and infrastructure improvements run a learning center and demonstration ranch for holistic management within the Enonkishu Conservancy

Community Smallholder agriculturCropland "Every year, Oserian Two Lakes engages in community developmentSmallholderpart of the Oserian Wildlife Conservancy was farmland Communityleased dir Pastoralism Communityleased from Maasai community (within the former Ol Kinyei Group Ranch ) Community171 local private landowners (part of the Ol Kinyei Group Ranch) Community

###Tea ###Fruit (unspecified) ###Fruit (unspecified)

###Eucalyptus, Trees (unspecified) clinic, schools and kitchen garden for employees. Water. ###Eucalyptus, Tea, Trees (unspecified) ###Tea, Pineapple ###Coffee Plant

Private (smallholders)Smallholder agriculture ###Bean, Corn (Maize), Sorghum Community Smallholder agriculture ###Eucalyptus, Trees (unspecified), Food crops (unspecified), Pepper ###Flowers (unspecified) ###Flowers (unspecified) ###Sugar Cane ###Fruit (unspecified) Private (smallholders) ###Coffee Plant, Flowers (unspecified)

ConservatiIn 1983, the land was designated as the privately-owned Ngare Rhino Sanctuary in response to threats to northern Kenya’s black rhino population. Twelve years later, the area was re-named the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy ###Flowers (unspecified), Fruit (unspecified), Vegetables (unspecified)

###Corn (Maize) ###Flowers (unspecified), Fruit (unspecified), Vegetables (unspecified) Crops expoComment oLivestock aLivestock yLivestock eComment onResources Resources y ###Jatropha, Food crops (unspecified) ###Cattle

###Banana, Rice, Sugar Cane, Vegetables ###Aquaculture( (animals), Cattle, Fish

###Flowers (unspecified) ###Ilmenite, Titanium

classified as "idle land" by the company

###Flowers (unspecified)

The land is used for grazing, traditional and spiritual purposes. Water taps and an orphanage. Through its CSR programme, Transmara targets the access to water, healthcare, education and infrastructure improvements ###Cattle, Goats, Pork, Sheep

part of the Oserian Wildlife Conservancy was farmland


###Fruit (unspecified) ###Fruit (unspecified) ###Cattle ###Eucalyptus, Trees (unspecified) ###Eucalyptus, Tea, Trees (unspecified)

###Bean, Corn (Maize), Sorghum ###Eucalyptus, Trees (unspecified), Food crops (unspecified), Pepper ###Flowers (unspecified) ###Flowers (unspecified) ###Fruit (unspecified) Avocados and passion fuits ###Coffee Plant, Flowers (unspecified) ###Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle

In 1983, the land was designated as the privately-owned Ngare Rhino Sanctuary in response to threats to northern Kenya’s black rhino population. Twelve years later, the area was re-named the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy ###Flowers (unspecified), Fruit (unspecified), Vegetables (unspecified)

Mainly corn###Dairy Cattle, Poultry ###Flowers (unspecified), Fruit (unspecified), Vegetables (unspecified) ###Gold Resources Comment onContract faComment onContract faComment onHas domestDomestic u Yes ###Sugar Cane Yes Yes 100

###Ilmenite, Titanium Yes ###Sugar Cane Yes 80 ###Sugar Cane Yes


###Sugar Cane Yes 100 Yes 100 ###Tobacco Yes 100 ###Eucalyptus, Trees (unspecified) Yes ###Potatoes Yes

###Tobacco ###Tobacco

Yes 100

Yes Yes

Yes 100 Yes 100

Yes 100 ###Coconut Yes

###Coconut Yes In 1983, the land was designated as the privately-owned Ngare Rhino Sanctuary in response to threats to northern Kenya’s black rhino population. Twelve years later, the area was re-named the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Yes 100 Yes 100 Has exportExport Country 1 Country 1 rCountry 2 Country 2 rCountry 3 Country 3 r Yes


Yes 392 Yes 100 China

Yes 20 Yes


Yes 100

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 250 70 826 15 Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes 100 Netherlands Yes 100 Netherlands Yes 100 840 Yes 528 276 Yes 528 276 Yes

Yes South Africa 826

Yes 100 826 Yes Comment onIn country Comment onProcessing In-countryf Water extr Comment onSource of w Biofuel for Yes AGF (Agrofuel production)- Jatro Yes Another report states no irrigation planned. Yes Ethanol, Sugar productEthanol, SuYes Surface wat The companyYes The company is planning to establYes Surface wat Main suppliYes AGF (Agrofuel production) Europe andYes Yes Reaches habYes Mineral separation plant Yes Groundwate Yes sugar product, ethanol, electricitYes Shipped to Yes Sugar refinery, ethanol productioYes drip irriga Groundwat Yes Yes Groundwater|Surface water|River

Yes Yes Surface water|River Mai export Yes Yes Groundwater Yes Yes Yes Surface wat

Yes wind power to the Kenya nationalYes Surface wa Yes Processes 400,000 tonnes of sugarcane per annum Yes The beef is processed on site in oYes Yes Power to feed the domestic grid. Yes timber processing plant (Copper Chromium Asernate (CCA)) unveiled on May 2nd , 2019. Yes

Yes new plant was commissioned in Yes Yes primary processing plant (Green Leaf Threshing) facility in Thika Yes Leaf Processing Plant is established at Njoro 15 Km away in the outskirts of Nakuru Town Yes European UnYes Yes

Yes wood-processing yard where timber and poles are treated. Timber is milled, pallets manufactured, "ecofriendly" charcoal produced and firewood sold, all in the same yard. Some producYes 4 factories- Kitumbe Factory (Fairtrade), Chomogonday Factory, Changana Factory, Kymulot Factory Yes Yes Yes Sorghum forYes Sorghum to feed new brewing facility in Kisumu. Asia and MiYes Yes Surface wat Yes

Kenya Power will buy the power generated by the Project for a period of 20 years – referred to as the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). KPLC will distribute the power into the national grid. USA and EuYes two lines of virgin oil- fair trade virgin organic coconut oil and conventional oil. Europe andYes Flowers are exported. Yes Surface wat providing oYes

Europe andYes on-site packExcess feeds into Bio Yes Surface wa Yes Biogas digester Yes Yes Yes Surface wat

Yes Yes Comment onComment onWater extr Comment onUse of irrigComment onWater footpComment on Another report states no irrigation planned. Tana River The irrigat Yes Yala river

Yes Local aquifer and Mukurumudzi River.

sub-surface drip irrigation and Planned to develop 4200ha under irrigation. Groundwater|Surface water|River

Surface water|River Groundwater

water from irrigation schemes (dams) shall Yes Drip irrigation

Lake Turkana

timber processing plant (Copper Chromium Asernate (CCA)) unveiled on May 2nd , 2019.

Oserian Two Lakes has teamed up with Oserian Flowers

Leaf Processing Plant is established at Njoro 15 Km away in the outskirts of Nakuru Town

wood-processing yard where timber and poles are treated. Timber is milled, pallets manufactured, "ecofriendly" charcoal produced and firewood sold, all in the same yard. 4 factories- Kitumbe Factory (Fairtrade), Chomogonday Factory, Changana Factory, Kymulot Factory Approximately 60% of the workforce is female

Athi River

Kenya Power will buy the power generated by the Project for a period of 20 years – referred to as the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). KPLC will distribute the power into the national grid. two lines of virgin oil- fair trade virgin organic coconut oil and conventional oil. 500 outgrowers are female

Diverting several rivers to fill dams on the Yes

Lake Naivasha Yes

River Sabaki-Galana The project has dried up River S The project has dried up River Sabaki-Galana ApplicationComment oApplicationComment oOverall co Not public Reason Comment on ESIA partly approved in May 2011. $370 million sugarcane scheme. The irrigation requirement of a large sugarcane project adjacent to the delta would seriously affect water flow into the Tana River Delta, as well as causing build up of infertile salts in the soil and the discharge and run-off of polluted agricultural effluents, degrading the quality of the entire wetland ecosystem. The status of the project hangs in the balance due to conflict between the investor and politicians in the area. There are claims that the investor is planning to relocate to Nigeria.

The project enjoys support from the local government.

A 12-year management contract was signed in December 2010 between Omnicane and KISCOL.

See #5889 for information o Oserian Wildlife project. KenGen has two more geothermal power plants in that area, but those were negotiated before 2000. Olkaria IV is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. State-supported Export-Import Bank of China signed the concessional loan agreement with finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta to help develop the 140 megawatt geothermal plant in 2010. The first phase of the Turkwel Project was completed more than 15 years ago but the second phase which comprises the irrigation project stalled company altogether has 4 conservancies over 63000 ha

The company abandoned the project in 2016 due to fraud. The processing plant will continue running and process tobacco from Uganda. Expected to cost Sh6.9 billion

Oserian Two Lakes has teamed up with Oserian FlowersSee #1422 for details on the Oserian flower farm.

Wilfred Murungi died in June 2019. It is unclear yet who will take over.

wood-processing yard where timber and poles are treated. Timber is milled, pallets manufactured, "ecofriendly" charcoal produced and firewood sold, all in the same yard.

Approximately 60% of the workforce is female Transferred management of its coffee estates, including the Milling and Marketing Operations, to Coffee Management Services (CMS), a leading agribusiness service provider in February 2017.

Kenya Power will buy the power generated by the Project for a period of 20 years – referred to as the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). KPLC will distribute the power into the national grid. 500 outgrowers are female

planted area is included in land area of #6825. The project has dried up River Sabaki-Galana The project had promised to bring down the cost of Kenya's staple food (maize) to Sh75 from then Sh120 in 2015. Sh5.9 billion investment. Previous identifier

$370 million sugarcane scheme. The irrigation requirement of a large sugarcane project adjacent to the delta would seriously affect water flow into the Tana River Delta, as well as causing build up of infertile salts in the soil and the discharge and run-off of polluted agricultural effluents, degrading the quality of the entire wetland ecosystem. The status of the project hangs in the balance due to conflict between the investor and politicians in the area. There are claims that the investor is planning to relocate to Nigeria.

The project enjoys support from the local government.

A 12-year management contract was signed in December 2010 between Omnicane and KISCOL.

See #5889 for information o Oserian Wildlife project. KenGen has two more geothermal power plants in that area, but those were negotiated before 2000. Olkaria IV is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. State-supported Export-Import Bank of China signed the concessional loan agreement with finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta to help develop the 140 megawatt geothermal plant in 2010. The first phase of the Turkwel Project was completed more than 15 years ago but the second phase which comprises the irrigation project stalled company altogether has 4 conservancies over 63000 ha

The company abandoned the project in 2016 due to fraud. The processing plant will continue running and process tobacco from Uganda.

See #1422 for details on the Oserian flower farm.

Wilfred Murungi died in June 2019. It is unclear yet who will take over.

Transferred management of its coffee estates, including the Milling and Marketing Operations, to Coffee Management Services (CMS), a leading agribusiness service provider in February 2017. planted area is included in land area of #6825. The project had promised to bring down the cost of Kenya's staple food (maize) to Sh75 from then Sh120 in 2015. Sh5.9 billion investment. $370 million sugarcane scheme. The irrigation requirement of a large sugarcane project adjacent to the delta would seriously affect water flow into the Tana River Delta, as well as causing build up of infertile salts in the soil and the discharge and run-off of polluted agricultural effluents, degrading the quality of the entire wetland ecosystem. The status of the project hangs in the balance due to conflict between the investor and politicians in the area. There are claims that the investor is planning to relocate to Nigeria.

KenGen has two more geothermal power plants in that area, but those were negotiated before 2000. Olkaria IV is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. State-supported Export-Import Bank of China signed the concessional loan agreement with finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta to help develop the 140 megawatt geothermal plant in 2010. The first phase of the Turkwel Project was completed more than 15 years ago but the second phase which comprises the irrigation project stalled

The company abandoned the project in 2016 due to fraud. The processing plant will continue running and process tobacco from Uganda.

Transferred management of its coffee estates, including the Milling and Marketing Operations, to Coffee Management Services (CMS), a leading agribusiness service provider in February 2017. The project had promised to bring down the cost of Kenya's staple food (maize) to Sh75 from then Sh120 in 2015. Sh5.9 billion investment. $370 million sugarcane scheme. The irrigation requirement of a large sugarcane project adjacent to the delta would seriously affect water flow into the Tana River Delta, as well as causing build up of infertile salts in the soil and the discharge and run-off of polluted agricultural effluents, degrading the quality of the entire wetland ecosystem.

KenGen has two more geothermal power plants in that area, but those were negotiated before 2000. Olkaria IV is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. State-supported Export-Import Bank of China signed the concessional loan agreement with finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta to help develop the 140 megawatt geothermal plant in 2010. $370 million sugarcane scheme. The irrigation requirement of a large sugarcane project adjacent to the delta would seriously affect water flow into the Tana River Delta, as well as causing build up of infertile salts in the soil and the discharge and run-off of polluted agricultural effluents, degrading the quality of the entire wetland ecosystem.

KenGen has two more geothermal power plants in that area, but those were negotiated before 2000. Olkaria IV is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. State-supported Export-Import Bank of China signed the concessional loan agreement with finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta to help develop the 140 megawatt geothermal plant in 2010. Investor I Investor N Investor I Investor N Relation tyInvestmentOwnership Loan amou 35014 Unknown (L3155 Lao Bio Di Parent company 40507 OP Corpora40506 OP FinanciaParent company 4572 Tornator Oy40507 OP CorporaTertiary investor/lender 35550 SC Tornato4572 Tornator OyParent company 40515 Elifibr LLC 40514 Michel Ter Parent company 40519 Agro Invest3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40520 Bio Verde 40519 Agro InvestParent company 40521 Vesele-Agr 40520 Bio Verde Parent company 40522 Volyn-Agro40517 Bio Verde Parent company 4862 Stark Indu 40523 Mya ThidarParent company 40531 Unknown (Ig40530 Iglesia ni CParent company 2282 TSB Sugar 40532 RCL Foods Parent company 36941 Massingir A2283 Sociedade Parentd company 36941 Massingir A2282 TSB Sugar Parent company 40535 Idavang A/227 InternationParent company 40535 Idavang A/40534 Jast Holdin Parent company 40536 Idavang LL40533 Idavang-In Parent company 40536 Idavang LL40535 Idavang A/Parent company 40540 Heilongjian40539 Heilongjia Parent company 40542 JBA Holdin 40538 Joyvio Gro Parent company 40542 JBA Holdin 40540 HeilongjianParent company 40542 JBA Holdin 40541 Jiusan Gro Parent company 40543 Unknown (J40542 JBA Holdin Parent company 40537 Malayan Ba40544 Japan BankTertiary investor/lender 40537 Malayan Ba40545 Norwegian Tertiary investor/lender 306 Samling Glo40546 Yaw FamilyParent company 38328 Glenealy P 40537 Malayan BaTertiary investor/lender 38328 Glenealy P 306 Samling GloParent company 40525 Prestige Pl 38328 Glenealy P Parent company 39641 Myanmar Sta4862 Stark Indu Parent company 39641 Myanmar Sta40525 Prestige Pl Parent company 40316 Lemur Reso40548 Bushveld MParent company 40198 Imaloto Pow40316 Lemur ResoParent company 38458 Crops & La40549 IR ResourceParent company 39530 Agricover s.4777 Jabbar KanParent company 39530 Agricover s.4778 EBRD (EuroParent company 3306 Fri-el Inte 40550 Ener. Fin. s.Parent company 3306 Fri-el Inte 40551 Fri-El EnergParent company 3306 Fri-el Inte 40552 Fri-El CapitaParent company 40553 Anglo-Rom 3306A Fri-el Inte Parent company 40555 Unknown (Ja40554 Jalandhar PParent company 40558 Komenda su40556 Perilines LtParent company 40558 Komenda su40557 Seftech IndParent company 40561 Galana Ran40559 Arafco AgriParent company 40561 Galana Ran40560 Prince SultParent company 40566 Clinton-Hun40568 Hunter FouParent company 40566 Clinton-Hun40569 Clinton FouParent company 40567 Rwanda Far3433 GovernmenParent company 40567 Rwanda Far40566 Clinton-HunParent company 40570 NCH Advisor3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40574 Tsentr Dar 40573 Isola EnterpParent company 40575 Bio Agro L 40516 Agro InvestParent company 40577 Volyn Krai 40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40578 Genesta Li 3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40580 Agroholdin40579 Group of c Parent company 40576 Dubenskyi 40580 AgroholdinParent company 40582 Investment40579 Group of c Parent company 40581 Horyn Agro40582 InvestmentParent company 40571 Lany Agro 40578 Genesta Li Parent company 40572 Brody Agro40571 Lany Agro Parent company 40583 Bio-lan LLC40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40584 Shumsk Agr40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40587 Petrobena E40586 Petrobena EParent company 40588 Agro Kolos 40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40589 Pitt Holdin 3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40590 Ray Agro L40589 Pitt Holdin Parent company 40591 Starokosty 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40593 Mineral Sa 40592 Mineral Co Parent company 40593 Mineral Sa 40594 Blue BantryParent company 40595 AF Obriy L 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40596 Agro Star 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40597 Letychiv Ag40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40598 Agro-Maida40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40599 NAP II Hold3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40600 New Agro P40599 NAP II HoldParent company 40510 United Far 4979 Almarai Parent company 40510 United Far 40508 Saudi GrainParent company 40511 KRMG (Ukra38245 ContinentalParent company 40604 Agrofirm Pr40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40605 Promin Podi40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40606 A.T.S. Ukra3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40607 Bio Kray LL40606 A.T.S. UkraParent company 39784 Obodivka-A40607 Bio Kray LLParent company 40026 Bilopillia A 40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40608 Unagro Fin3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40610 Zolotyi svi 40608 Unagro FinParent company 40610 Zolotyi svi 40609 LU Invest Parent company 40031 Charivna N40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40032 Orativlatin 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40033 Podillyalat 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40046 Nemyrivlat40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40054 Kurland LL 40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40055 Krasne-Agr40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40056 Agro Balt L40517 Bio Verde Parent company 40612 Green Timb40611 Unknown (GParent company 40616 unknown (D40613 DepartmentParent company 40616 unknown (D40614 Food SecurParent company 40616 unknown (D40615 Ministry of Parent company 40617 Kelmentsi 40618 Michael MatParent company 40619 Agrofirma 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40620 Agrofirma 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40030 Latagroinve40610 Zolotyi svi Parent company 40053 Koloryt Agr40607 Bio Kray LLParent company 40601 New Agro I40599 NAP II HoldParent company 40602 Ukrzernopr40601 New Agro IParent company 40621 Krayevyd Po40607 Bio Kray LLParent company 40622 MP Alpha L40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40623 Polonne Ag40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40624 Korostyshi 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40625 AGRISER d.4422 Ferrero Tra Parent company 40627 Nisela Safa40626 Unknown (NiParent company 40629 Nisela Farm40628 Unknown (NiParent company 40633 Eng Huat In40632 Eng Huat InParent company 40636 Kipeto Ene40634 Actis CapitParent company 40636 Kipeto Ene40635 Craftskills Parent company 40636 Kipeto Ene40637 Overseas PTertiary investor/lender 40639 Nosivka Ag40571 Lany Agro Parent company 40640 Nizhyn Agr40571 Lany Agro Parent company 40641 Bakhmach 40571 Lany Agro Parent company 40642 Semenivka40590 Ray Agro LParent company 38646 HarvEast H3531 Smart HoldParent company 38646 HarvEast H3530 System CapParent company 40638 Agroholdyn38646 HarvEast HParent company 40643 Glukhiv-Agr40571 Lany Agro Parent company 40647 San Miguel437 San MiguelParent company 40649 Sicogon De40648 Ayala Land Parent company 40652 Unknown op40651 Semirara MParent company 40654 Unknown op40653 Philippine Parent company 40655 Karla Mark 40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40656 Vorozhbalat40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40658 Ryasnyansk40590 Ray Agro LParent company 3817 SALIC (Saud3112 Public InveParent company 40505 SALIC UK L3817 SALIC (SaudParent company 40661 Ukrlatagro 40610 Zolotyi svi Parent company 40663 Agrotop LL40610 Zolotyi svi Parent company 40665 Kelagers I 3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40666 Charivnyi s40665 Kelagers I Parent company 40664 PALE "Zory40666 Charivnyi sParent company 40667 Agrolatinve40610 Zolotyi svi Parent company 40668 Orilkalatin 40610 Zolotyi svi Parent company 40669 Supina Agr40607 Bio Kray LLParent company 40670 Krayevyd-A40607 Bio Kray LLParent company 40671 Charivnyi l40590 Ray Agro LParent company 40674 Aquifer Ltd40675 The GatsbyTertiary investor/lender 40672 Mozfoods S40674 Aquifer LtdParent company 40673 Moçfer Indu40672 Mozfoods SParent company 40678 Green River40677 Palmabio SParent company 40680 LLL Holding40648 Ayala Land Parent company 40682 MES Invest40681 MES InvestParent company 40683 Mriya Agro3867 Mriya Agro Parent company 40683 Mriya Agro40682 MES InvestParent company 40684 Mriya Pidga40683 Mriya AgroParent company 35597 Biocombusti3908 Daabon OrgParent company 35597 Biocombusti40685 Palmeras deParent company 35137 TVI Resourc400 TVI Pacific Parent company 40688 Manila Sou40689 SM Land InParent company 38013 Unknown (C2938 Laguna LakParent company 38013 Unknown (C480 City Gover Parent company 40707 Lufafa Mine40704 IngwenyamaParent company 40707 Lufafa Mine40705 GovernmentParent company 40707 Lufafa Mine40706 SDZ Mine PParent company 40709 Vicwood Ce40710 Vicwood Parent company 40712 Société Cen40711 Fadoul Parent company 40714 Société d' 40713 Nasrali & J Parent company 40716 Sociètè Ce40715 SCD Parent company 40718 Industrie F 40717 Familial Parent company 40721 Unknown (A40719 African Pal Parent company 40721 Unknown (A40720 Ngalipomi Parent company 40722 PT. Inocin 2260 Korindo Gr Parent company 40662 Ancor Inve3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 40731 Unknown op40730 GovernmentParent company 39117 SODEFOR 3577 Precious WParent company 39117 SODEFOR 40733 Realwood EParent company 39117 SODEFOR 40734 Kreglinger Parent company 39542 AgroKIM Lt40725 SlobozhansParent company 38962 La Société 3577 Precious WParent company 38962 La Société 40733 Realwood EParent company 38962 La Société 40734 Kreglinger Parent company 38930 Forabola 3577 Precious WParent company 38930 Forabola 40733 Realwood EParent company 38930 Forabola 40734 Kreglinger Parent company 38929 La Forestiè3577 Precious WParent company 38929 La Forestiè40733 Realwood EParent company 38929 La Forestiè40734 Kreglinger Parent company 40740 Abana Coff40739 Unknown (AParent company 40742 Ayetu Agric40741 Ayetu AgricParent company 40744 Trackon Tra40743 Trackon TraParent company 40748 Ethiopian E40747 Ethiopian EParent company 37540 Verdanta Ha2373 Lucky GrouParent company 40728 South Buki40749 Green ReneParent company 40728 South Buki40751 Bronzeoak ParentP company 40753 Sangley Air40752 All-Asia Re Parent company 35117 Unknown (378 Widam FooParent company 36566 Arba & Tiry2028 Tiryaki AgrParent company 36566 Arba & Tiry2610 Unknown (Parent company 36566 Arba & Tiry2611 Unknown (Parent company 38004 Murrimo M2923 Crookes BroParent company 38004 Murrimo M4632 White Bird Parent company 40755 Polen Inves40754 Ukraine InvParent company 40758 Semenivka40757 AGR InvestParent company 40761 Dryphholm40760 Kintayer KTParent company 40766 Kischentsi 40762 Berend PopParent company 40766 Kischentsi 40763 Herrit TonkParent company 40766 Kischentsi 40764 Huzinha KoParent company 40766 Kischentsi 40765 Oxana KryaParent company 40770 Compagnie2012 GovernmentParent company 40770 Compagnie40771 China GeneParent company 40770 Compagnie40772 Panzhihua Parent company 40774 Davydivski40757 AGR InvestParent company 40759 Mega Manag40774 DavydivskiParent company 39717 APK Donets40779 Harmelia I Parent company 656 AgroGenera895 European BTertiary investor/lender 40782 Wellaxo Inv656 AgroGeneraParent company 40789 First Afri 40788 First Afri Parent company 38549 China-Afri 3380 China-Afri Parent company 40723 Unigrain Ho4782 Industrial Parent company 39539 Agroprogre40723 Unigrain HoParent company 39719 Agrofirm B 40782 Wellaxo InvParent company 39685 Vinal Agro 40777 Marrimore HParent company 40564 Sunshine Ag40563 sunshine GParent company 40564 Sunshine Ag40797 State-ownedParent company 40564 Sunshine Ag40798 China NatioParent company 40799 PT Papua Ag2260 Korindo Gr Parent company 40801 Mriya Buko40683 Mriya AgroParent company 40813 Royal Comm40812 Royal CommParent company 38626 Gold Coast 984 CommonwealTertiary investor/lender 38626 Gold Coast 3503 Unknown (Parent company 38626 Gold Coast 4401 FMO (NetheTertiary investor/lender 38626 Gold Coast 4671 Annona SusParent company 38626 Gold Coast 40814 Injaro Agri Parent company 38626 Gold Coast 40815 Alliance fo Tertiary investor/lender 40817 Twifo Oil P 1114 GovernmentParent company 40818 Isebra Gha40819 Usibras Parent company 40821 Savannah F40822 Root CapitaParent company 40824 Unknown (D40823 DADTCO PhiParent company 40826 Nyonkopa C40825 Barry Call Parent company 40827 British Am 4702 British AmeParent company 40829 Unknown (Go40828 Gold Coast Parent company 40830 Ghalia (Gha40831 Unknown (Parent company 40830 Ghalia (Gha40832 Unknown (ItParent company 40834 Upcountry 40833 Unknown (UParent company 40836 Sam Valley40835 Trasacco g Parent company 40840 Unknown (O36287 Omnicane AParent company 40858 Unknown (G40855 GFH FinanciParent company 40858 Unknown (G40856 Ithmaar BaParent company 40858 Unknown (G40857 Abu Dhabi Parent company 40861 Sisaleira d 40860 Sisaleira d Parent company 40862 Pamol Niger40863 Dn Tyre & Parent company 39721 Ukraina No40783 Azent Ltd. Parent company 40776 TC Farming4970 Agromino AParent company 39753 Molniya-1 40776 TC FarmingParent company 40874 Leyte Irons40732 Nicua Mini Parent company 40875 Agroprospe3521 NCH CapitalParent company 40876 JTI Leaf (M 40878 Japan TobacParent company 36078 Marampa m40881 Cape LambeParent company 40882 sri ghana o40883 R V R IndusParent company 40866 Kagro LLC 40683 Mriya AgroParent company 40886 IPE Ridnyi 40885 ZernoproduParent company 40889 Myanmar Au40887 Auto IndusParent company 40889 Myanmar Au40888 Resources Parent company 40877 Mizotske R40875 AgroprospeParent company 38657 Chinese - 3544 Chinese AgParent company 38657 Chinese - 4521 DARA GrouParent company 36406 ECO ORO M4014 Eco Oro MiParent company 36406 ECO ORO M227 InternationTertiary investor/lender 40891 Sumprocol 37794 GPC GroupParent company 37472 Symboil Gh2577 Symboil AGParent company 40890 Dakor Agro38643 Ukrlandfar Parent company 40896 Euroasia G40895 Fu Yuan JinParent company 40897 Zvezda LLC40896 Euroasia GParent company 40898 Unknown (1348 Cofco Parent company 40900 Unknown (S40899 Hue SingbaParent company 40901 Colombia A146 Cargill Parent company 40902 Cargill Tra 146 Cargill Parent company 40903 Cargill de 146 Cargill Parent company 40904 Unknown_Ca40901 Colombia AParent company 40904 Unknown_Ca40902 Cargill Tra Parent company 40904 Unknown_Ca40903 Cargill de Parent company 40904 Unknown_Ca36759 Black Rive Parent company 40894 Russian Far40893 Dongjin GrParent company 40905 CPK Polyar40899 Hue SingbaParent company 40908 Armada Co40906 Dongning HParent company 40910 PE Emmanu40909 Denkhart RParent company 40912 Wen Lian A40911 Dalian WenParent company 40927 Poligrow C 40926 Poligrow ReParent company 36409 Unknown (P40927 Poligrow C Parent company 40928 Tanzania A40929 Unnamed CParent company 38637 La Cinquie 3522 SanLucar FrParent company 40934 Kaiku 40935 Emmi Parent company 40936 Vitalait 40934 Kaiku Parent company 40936 Vitalait 40937 Vitalait Parent company 40940 Unknown (G40938 Group AvrilParent company 40940 Unknown (G40939 GovernmentParent company 40941 SONOBRA SA40942 Boujebel Parent company 40941 SONOBRA SA40943 Heineken NParent company 40944 Fazenda So40945 Castel gro Parent company 36780 SUCAF CI 974 Somdiaa Parent company 36780 SUCAF CI 351 Emirates I Parent company 38568 PALMAFRIQ3403 Societe AfrParent company 38568 PALMAFRIQ1816 GovernmentParent company 40958 Unknown (Tu40955 Parent company 40958 Unknown (Tu40956 Africa Oil Parent company 40958 Unknown (Tu40957 Total S.A. Parent company 40960 Solai Farms40959 Solai Grou Parent company 40963 Southern C40964 Southern CParent company 39152 Olam Ivoire967 Olam InternParent company 40966 Stern Agro 40965 Stern&Co LParent company 40968 Gabiro Agri3433 GovernmenParent company 40968 Gabiro Agri40967 Netafirm Parent company 40970 Frikom d.o.4655 Agrokor GrParent company 40972 Sloga 40971 Haidu Avis Parentr company 40975 Poljoprivre 4430 Al Dahra InParent company 40978 Unknown op40977 Bosques deParent company 40987 Unknown (G40986 Gujral Gro Parent company 40989 Unknown (C40988 Consolata Parent company 40991 Unknown (D40990 Deejay GroParent company 40930 Flor’Alia 3522 SanLucar FrParent company 37384 Gabon Spec2381 Republic o Parent company 37384 Gabon Spec967 Olam InternParent company 40996 Galana Kula1154 GovernmentParent company 40996 Galana Kula40997 UnspecifiedTertiary investor/lender 36410 Agropecuari40562 Banco AgraTertiary investor/lender 36410 Agropecuari40999 MacPollo Parent company 36410 Agropecuari41000 Marval Parent company 41002 Unknown (F41001 Flora Ecop Parent company 41005 Green Ques41007 Graham MaParent company 41006 Unknown (G41005 Green QuesParent company 41009 Makanjila 41008 New Kin IntParent company 41011 Ampal Amer41010 Bank HapoaParent company 37537 Madeflex 3931S. Grupo CoroParent company 37537 Madeflex 41014S. USAID Tertiary investor/lender 41019 Mwalawanga41018 MwalawangaParent company 38937 Unknown (In3944 Industries Parent company 40974 Panonija 40973 Baltic Prop Parent company 41037 Novi Agrar 41036 Zito Group Parent company 41038 PP Ratkovo41037 Novi Agrar Parent company 41042 Frontera En41041 Catalyst CaParent company 41043 Frontera E 41042 Frontera EnParent company 41044 Frontera E 41043 Frontera E Parent company 41045 Pacific Str 41044 Frontera E Parent company 41046 Petrominer41044 Frontera E Parent company 41047 Grupo C&C41044 Frontera E Parent company 41053 UNIFRUTTI 41051T Unifrutti InParent company 41061 PE Zakhidn41057 Drul OxanaParent company 41061 PE Zakhidn41058 Hladun YurParent company 41061 PE Zakhidn41059 Ovcharuk VParent company 41061 PE Zakhidn41060 Sikorskyi VParent company 39716 Agro Fund 4427 Kusto GroupParent company 39708 Lishchynsk4427 Kusto GroupParent company 38889 Ndamware 41073H Baba AhmaParent company 41070 Mriya Podil40683 Mriya AgroParent company 40946 Mriya Karp40683 Mriya AgroParent company 40841 Mriia Hlyb 40683 Mriya AgroParent company 41087 Atlas Volov41092 Guris InsaaParent company 41087 Atlas Volov41093 Mogan InteParent company 3900 Sistema JS 41109 Raysun InteParent company 39327 OAO «Dons3900 Sistema JS Parent company 39711 Agrodruzstv41061 PE ZakhidnParent company 39692 Knyazhi La41118 Paladium KaParent company 41125 Agropervom41121 L`ost DomiParent company 41125 Agropervom41123 Mandua CatParent company 41125 Agropervom41124 Claud Man Parent company 41132 Societe Agr967 Olam InternParent company 4561 Olam SVI 967 Olam InternParent company 39352 Olam Egyp4561 Olam SVI Parent company 41115 Neptune Pe41074 Tower ResoParent company 41135 Solar Farm 41134 DTEK RenewParent company 39693 Zborivski L41118 Paladium KaParent company 39707 Agrozem L 41126 NAC LLC Parent company 40769 Dole Philipp2635 Dole Food Parent company 40981 Agronegocio40980 Marcos GuiParent company 39377 Twiga Rose5046 Phoenix GlParent company 35787 Mumias Su1154 GovernmentParent company 35787 Mumias Su4272 CDC CorporParent company 35787 Mumias Su41177 Kenya CommParent company 35787 Mumias Su41178 Booker McCParent company 35787 Mumias Su41179 East Afric Parent company 2984 Kenya Elec1154 GovernmentParent company 40998 Olkaria IV 2984 Kenya ElecParent company 41085 Caracol Agr3436 Harvard M Parent company 41180 Base Toliar2039 Base ResouParent company 41182 Siguiri Gol 727 AngloGold Parent company 41182 Siguiri Gol 2140 GovernmentParent company 36548 Unknown (A972 Randgold RParent company 36548 Unknown (A727 AngloGold Parent company 36548 Unknown (A1245 GovernmentParent company 39912 AngloGold 727A AngloGold Parent company 39912 AngloGold 4409A OKIMO (OffiParent company 39199 AngloGold 727A AngloGold Parent company 39199 AngloGold 1245A GovernmentParent company 39199 AngloGold 4374A IAMGOLD CoParent company 3844 Fibria 41184 VotorantimParent company 3844 Fibria 41185 BNDES PartParent company 41136 TTG Brasil 40913 BTG PactuaParent company 41150 Forestal Mi3064 Compañía MParent company 41158 Forestal Ce3859 Arauco SA Parent company 41163 Agroreserva41162 Iglesia de Parent company 40979 Agro Empre40977 Bosques deParent company 39205 Alliance On4377 Alliance OnParent company 39697 Mastermind41186 Eng.Wilfre Parent company 40952 M-SAWA pro40951 Kwale CocoParent company 40961 SerendiKen41187 SerendiWorParent company 41160 Masisa Fore41159 Grupo NuevParent company 41161 Hancock Chi41149 Hancock NaParent company 41189 Sadiola Exp727 AngloGold Parent company 41189 Sadiola Exp4374 IAMGOLD CoParent company 41190 Société d’E1245 GovernmentParent company 41190 Société d’E41189 Sadiola ExpParent company 41198 Bulawayo 41199 Metallon CoParent company 35660 Atama Plan2540 Silvermark Parent company 35660 Atama Plan2541 Giant DragParent company 35660 Atama Plan41200 Agro Pano Parent company 41203 Kwenantle 41202 Unknown (SParent company 41203 Kwenantle 41201 Kwenantle Parent company 41205 Unknown (C41204 Changing VParent company 40837 Bio Exotica40839 Unknown (BiParent company 40837 Bio Exotica40838 Unknown(BiParent company 41207 Richie Plan41206 Mr. Richar Parent company 41208 Palm Farme41207 Richie PlanParent company 41210 Frutas & L 41211 Cristóbal SParent company 41209 Frutas e L 227 InternationTertiary investor/lender 41209 Frutas e L 41210 Frutas & L Parent company 4969 Goodvalley227 InternationParent com| 4969 Goodvalley40755 Polen InvesParent company 39632 PE Galyts`k4969 GoodvalleyParent company 35767 Exim Globa41212 Crassus HolParent company 41217 EcuaCorrie41215 China RailwParent company 41217 EcuaCorrie41216 Tongling NoParent company 41214 Ecuasolidus41213 Aurania ResParent company 41218 Explorcobre41215 China RailwParent company 41218 Explorcobre41216 Tongling NoParent company 41220 Aurelian E 41219 Lundin GolParent company 41223 Antaeus Li 41221 Rohini FincParent company 41223 Antaeus Li 41222 Apex Trust Parent company 41224 Cygnet Cen41223 Antaeus Li Parent company 41225 PE Ruzhynsk41224 Cygnet CenParent company 41229 Zobnatica a41228 Yugo Elite Parent company 41231 Asopalma 35595 Oleoflores Parent company 41227 Elite Agro 41233 YAS HoldinParent company 41232 Elite Harv 41227 Elite Agro Parent company 41235 Unknown (Ta41234 Tabouk EziraParent company 41236 Elite Agro 41227 Elite Agro Parent company 41239 Lotte Intern41238 Lotte Grou Parent company 35557 Khorol Agr 41239 Lotte InternParent company 41241 Lotte Inter 41239 Lotte InternParent company 40933 Desert Joy 40932 Agro Care Parent company 40933 Desert Joy 41242 Mr ZarroukParent company 41244 Agro-Soyuz3768 RKS AgrarbParent company 41244 Agro-Soyuz41243 Tonnies RuParent company 41245 Agro-Oscol41244 Agro-SoyuzParent company 41247 Agro-Ostro41244 Agro-SoyuzParent company 41247 Agro-Ostro41246 PJSC SberbaTertiary investor/lender 41248 AGT Capita4778 EBRD (EuroTertiary investor/lender 41249 Agrotrade C41248 AGT CapitaParent company 41251 Victoria-Ag41249 Agrotrade CParent company 41252 SE Semal L41253 Korol AnzheParent company 41072 Hoima Suga41254 Rai Group Parent company 41255 PJSC Myr L 41249 Agrotrade CParent company 41256 PAE Ukrain41249 Agrotrade CParent company 41257 Ukrzernopr41249 Agrotrade CParent company 41258 Zolochivsk41249 Agrotrade CParent company 41259 Agrotrade-41249 Agrotrade CParent company 39709 Lan LLC 40779 Harmelia I Parent company 39709 Lan LLC 40783 Azent Ltd. Parent company 39924 Valinor Publ3528 UkrLandFarParent company 41166 Shandong S41165 Shandong ShParent company 38375 Cambodia H41265 Unknown (CParent company 41266 JSC Legena40542 JBA Holdin Parent company 41267 Legendagro41266 JSC LegenaParent company 34826 Grand Land41268 Unknown (GParent company 39538 Plemzavod 39542 AgroKIM LtParent company 39540 Parafiyivka39542 AgroKIM LtParent company 34832 Green Sea 2319A Mong RethtParent company 35240 Tan Mai Pa 41273 Vinapimex Parent company 36677 Unknown (C3304 Cam Try CoParent company 41275 Sichuan-Ch41274 Sichuan RaiParent company 38591 DalEuroLes41277 Zhaohe TraParent company 41278 Farfell Cof 41279 Richard Le Parent company 35422 Consorcio E3860 Aportes SanParent company 39047 Agropecuar41280 Guillermo GParent company 35423 Corporació40547 AgropecuarParent company 35423 Corporació39047 AgropecuarParent company 35423 Corporació41282 AgropecuarParent company 35423 Corporació41283 Invesa Parent company 35423 Corporació39225 AgropecuariParent company 35425 Urapalma 40562 Banco AgraTertiary investor/lender 35428 Unknown (M4083 Parent company 918 Odin Energy40678 Green RiverParent company 41284 Colombian 40879 Libero CopParent company 41285 Mocoa Ventu41284 Colombian Parent company 37224 Mocoa Vent41285 Mocoa VentuParent company 41287 The Besana41286 The BesanaParent company 41288 Unknown (B41286 The BesanaParent company 39474 Salima Suga4709 Aum SugarParent company 39474 Salima Suga41289 GovernmentParent company 41290 Nchalo GBI41291 Greenbelt AParent company 41290 Nchalo GBI41292 Nchalo SmaParent company 38380 Kayelekera3332 Paladin EneParent company 38380 Kayelekera4384 GovernmenParent company 41295 Terneyles 41293 Sumitomo CParent company 41295 Terneyles 41299 ShcherbakoParent company 41295 Terneyles 41300 Natalia VikParent company 41296 Amgu OJSC41295 Terneyles Parent company 35783 Unknown (G1142 G4 IndustriParent company 41301 Value Creat317 Rimbunan HParent company 41302 Rimbunan H41301 Value CreatParent company 41304 Agroindustr41303 Mennonite Parent company 41305 Cenipalma4768 FedepalmaParent company 41191 Dole Asia H4090 Itochu Parent company 41308 Consave CA41306 Aeequs CorParent company 41308 Consave CA41307 Moxley CorParent company 41310 Energy & P41309 La Fabril Parent company 41315 Unknown (F41314 Flamingo HParent company 41317 Cemtech Li41316 Sanghi GrouParent company 41319 Asia Les LL41318 Sun Lin In Parent company 36419 Agrifuels C2924 Merhav AgrParent company 36419 Agrifuels C41011 Ampal AmerParent company 36419 Agrifuels C41012 Banco NaciTertiary investor/lender 41325 Russia-Chi 41323 China Inve Parent company 41325 Russia-Chi 41324 Russian Di Parent company 41326 RFP Holding41322 Invest AG Parent company 41326 RFP Holding41325 Russia-Chi Parent company 41327 RFP Group 41326 RFP HoldingParent company 41328 Dallesprom41327 RFP Group Parent company 41022 Asturias Ho2766 Riopaila CasParent company 41025 Agroindustr41022 Asturias HoParent company 38185 Unknown_Ri41024 InversionesParent company 38185 Unknown_Ri41026 InversionesParent company 38185 Unknown_Ri41027 InversionesParent company 38185 Unknown_Ri41025 AgroindustrParent company 37825 Unknown (M41063 Monica ColParent company 37825 Unknown (M41064 AgromarcheParent company 37825 Unknown (M41065 CatanariboParent company 37825 Unknown (M41066 ManacaciasParent company 37825 Unknown (M41067 Tilava LtdaParent company 37825 Unknown (M41068 Monicol Lt Parent company 39845 Unknown_Fr41045 Pacific Str Parent company 39845 Unknown_Fr41046 PetrominerParent company 39845 Unknown_Fr41047 Grupo C&CParent company 39447 Komaza For4672 Komaza Parent company 40993 Biojoule Ke2585 VP Group Parent company 40993 Biojoule Ke40995 Tropical Po Parent company 40994 Gorge Farm40993 Biojoule KeParent company 40992 Gorge Farm2585 VP Group Parent company 41332 Atiak Suga3016 GovernmentParent company 41332 Atiak Suga41262 Horyal Inv Parent company 41333 Tatepa Limi1916 Maris CapitParent company 40984 Rungwe Av41333 Tatepa LimiParent company 41334 Wakulima T41333 Tatepa LimiParent company 41337 Karebe Gol1916 Maris CapitParent company 41338 Karebe Gol1916 Maris CapitParent company 41340 Commoner1916 Maris CapitParent company 41344 Phata Suga4360 AgriCane Parent company 41346 Citrinos do41345 Gapi-SI, saParent company 41346 Citrinos do41347 Unknown loParent company 41348 EcoFarm M41349 Lambane AgParent company 41348 EcoFarm M41350 Chapo AgricParent company 41348 EcoFarm M41351 Youth CoopParent company 41359 Unknown (C41358 China RuraParent company 4580 RMG Concep41362 Sidra CapitTertiary investor/lender 4580 RMG Concep41363 Inoks CapitTertiary investor/lender 3117 AgDevCo 41360 DepartmentTertiary investor/lender 3117 AgDevCo 41361 MastercardTertiary investor/lender 38894 Babator Fa4580 RMG ConcepParent company 38894 Babator Fa3117 AgDevCo Parent company 41364 Mineral San41365 Mineral Co Parent company 41364 Mineral San41366 Blue Bantr Parent company 41367 Kawambwa2710 Nava BharaParent company 41371 Mount Meru41370 Mount MeruParent company 41369 Mount Meru41371 Mount MeruParent company 37474 Global Agr 4580 RMG ConcepParent company 37822 ZAMPALM 1599 ZamBeef Parent company 37822 ZAMPALM 4674 Industrial Parent company 38423 Consolidate1745 Sable TransParent company 38423 Consolidate41372 Eastern anTertiary investor/lender 36976 Marli Inves540 Unnamed inParent company 36976 Marli Inves2302 Unnamed inParent company 36976 Marli Inves4519 CO2 EnergParent company 35588 Continenta40505 SALIC UK LParent company 39299 Great North4507 Lee Group Parent company 41377 Siberian fo41376 Siberian G Parent company 41379 Flora JSC 41327 RFP Group Parent company 41385 Namibia Or41383 HongyunhoParent company 41385 Namibia Or41384 Armas AmuParent company 41387 Rosebud Li41386 Ruparelia GParent company 41355 Omer Farmi41353 Randy SohParent company 41355 Omer Farmi41354 Ojwang FamParent company 41391 Namekara M41390 Black MounParent company 36787 DekelOil Co1729 Biopalm EnParent company 36787 DekelOil Co1958 Rina GroupParent company 36787 DekelOil Co3117 AgDevCo Tertiary investor/lender 1587 Feronia Inc4272 CDC CorporParent company 36439 Plantations1869 GovernmentParent company 36439 Plantations4401 FMO (NetheTertiary investor/lender 36439 Plantations4402 DEG (DeutscTertiary investor/lender 36439 Plantations4743 Kuramo CapParent company 36439 Plantations4744 Mafuta Inv Parent company 36439 Plantations1587 Feronia IncParent company 36439 Plantations41397 Belgian In Tertiary investor/lender 36439 Plantations41398 Emerging AfTertiary investor/lender 598 Karuturi Gl3814 Florista IndParent company 598 Karuturi Gl3815 ICICI Bank Parent com| 41402 Moroto Busi3018 Uganda InvParent company 36754 Salala Rubb946 SOCFIN Parent company 36754 Salala Rubb227 InternationTertiary investor/lender 38887 Goldtree H1443 Finnish FunParent company 38887 Goldtree H1870 Phatisa Parent company 38887 Goldtree H3841 Natural HabParent company 41020 Africado Lt3228 Hans MerenParent company 41020 Africado Lt41021 Norfund Parent company 41020 Africado Lt3117 AgDevCo Parent company 41403 Kasese Indu3018 Uganda InvParent company 41405 Jinja Busin 3018 Uganda InvParent company 41380 Shychzhen 41382 U LINCZIN Parent company 41396 Komsomolsk41327 RFP Group Parent company 41395 Dzheltulak 41327 RFP Group Parent company 41400 SALIC Ukra40505 SALIC UK LParent company 41399 Mriya Farmi41400 SALIC UkraParent company 41401 Mriya Farm41400 SALIC UkraParent company 41410 Sierra Tro 41191 Dole Asia HParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40690 Guicaramo Parent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40691 Hacienda LParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40692 Palmasol S.Parent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40693 Palmeras SParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40694 OleaginosaParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40695 AgropecuarParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40696 Copalma LtParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40697 Inparme S.Parent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40698 Palmeras LaParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40699 AgroganadoParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40700 Sapuga S.AParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40701 OleaginosaParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40702 Palmeras LaParent company 35598 Bio D S.A. 40703 Palmeras dParent company 35600 Aceites Man40859 Grupo ManuParent company 41418 Mondelēz In41417 Mondelēz InParent company 41423 Soroti Indu3018 Uganda InvParent company 41426 Ximena Ang4965 Indupalma Parent company 346 Al Dahra A 41427 Al Dahra HParent company 38573 Al Dahra Ag346 Al Dahra A Parent company 41436 Northern Ug41437 NUAC DenmParent company 41436 Northern Ug41438 Nick ZiegleParent company 41436 Northern Ug41439 Pearl CapitParent company 41441 Al Dahra E 346 Al Dahra A Parent company 38574 Navigator f891 GovernmentParent company 38574 Navigator f3414 GovernmentParent company 38574 Navigator f41441 Al Dahra E Parent company 41434 RAFTAN HO4779 MHP S.E. Parent company 41435 "SPF "Uroz 41434 RAFTAN HOParent company 41444 Trostianets41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41445 Dniprovska41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41446 Kirovska br41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41447 Valiavska b41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41448 AC "Batkiv 41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41453 Zvenyhorod41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41460 Lysianska b41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41461 O.G. Buznit41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41467 Grupo Alim41466 GRUPO ALIMParent company 41462 Uganda-Chi41463 GuangzhouParent company 41462 Uganda-Chi41464 GuangzhouParent company 41462 Uganda-Chi41465 Industrial Tertiary investor/lender 41489 Unknown ( 41488 SALA Grou Parent company 4050 Nava Bharat2710 Nava BharaParent company 37689 NB Tanagro3412 National D Parent company 37689 NB Tanagro4050 Nava BharatParent company 40512 Grain Land41400 SALIC UkraParent company 40513 Agro LV Lim41400 SALIC UkraParent company 41492 Agrovista L41491 Agrovista LParent company 39631 Inter-Conta41492 Agrovista LParent company 39633 Podillya-Ag39650 Enselco AgParent company 39634 PE Kulykivs35586 Druzhba NoParent company 39628 Kalyna LLC35586 Druzhba NoParent company 39638 Selyanska 39628 Kalyna LLCParent company 39614 Agrosvit PA5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39636 Nyva LLC 39614 Agrosvit PAParent company 41493 Agrofirm "H40585 Jerste S.a.r.Parent company 39635 Agrofirma 41493 Agrofirm "HParent company 39630 Agrofirma 35586 Druzhba NoParent company 39630 Agrofirma 39635 Agrofirma Parent company 39640 RSZ Agro L39630 Agrofirma Parent company 39643 Lan-123 LL35586 Druzhba NoParent company 39619 Iowa LLC 41493 Agrofirm "HParent company 39645 Kochubiy L39619 Iowa LLC Parent company 39646 Mayak LLC35586 Druzhba NoParent company 41498 Kernel Capi40585 Jerste S.a.r.Parent company 41499 Kernel-Trad41502 Bandurka OParent company 41499 Kernel-Trad41501 Asset manaParent company 41499 Kernel-Trad41498 Kernel CapiParent company 41500 Poltava-Ze 41501 Asset manaParent company 41500 Poltava-Ze 41499 Kernel-TradParent company 39647 Zlagoda LL41493 Agrofirm "HParent company 39647 Zlagoda LL41500 Poltava-Ze Parent company 39652 Prydniprov40585 Jerste S.a.r.Parent company 39651 Vyshneve-A39652 PrydniprovParent company 39655 Buymerske39630 Agrofirma Parent company 41503 Hovtva ALL40585 Jerste S.a.r.Parent company 39626 Agrofirma 41503 Hovtva ALLParent company 39741 PE Step 39626 Agrofirma Parent company 39742 Polissya LL35586 Druzhba NoParent company 41508 IFC (Intern 41507 World BankParent company 41506 Joint Ukra 4778 EBRD (EuroTertiary investor/lender 41506 Joint Ukra 41504 Tommy InterParent company 41506 Joint Ukra 41505 Mostipan OParent company 41506 Joint Ukra 41508 IFC (Intern Tertiary investor/lender 41509 Sable Farm41510 Global Tea Parent company 38559 Montara L 41511 Envision Parent company 41514 "Katerynopi41435 "SPF "Uroz Parent company 41514 "Katerynopi41512 "VinnytskaParent company 41514 "Katerynopi41513 STVO "StarParent company 41515 Agro-S LLC41442 Stock compaParent company 41515 Agro-S LLC41514 "KaterynopiParent company 908 Kernel Hold4778 EBRD (EuroTertiary investor/lender 41531 FOL Logist 41014 USAID Tertiary investor/lender 41531 FOL Logist 41532 FOL GROUPParent company 41531 FOL Logist 41533 Uganda DeTertiary investor/lender 41535 PJSC "Agrof41434 RAFTAN HOParent company 41548 Affiliate “ 40885 ZernoproduParent company 39227 Рrivate Jo 3528 UkrLandFarParent company 39982 Dnister-Agr41443 STOV AgrokParent company 41536 "Agro Firm 41515 Agro-S LLCParent company 41534 "LK Ukrain 41434 RAFTAN HOParent company 35575 Agro Invest41493 Agrofirm "HParent company 3525 Myronivsky4778 EBRD (EuroTertiary investor/lender 3525 Myronivsky4779 MHP S.E. Parent company 35577 Astarta Kyi3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 35577 Astarta Kyi4778 EBRD (EuroTertiary investor/lender 204 Verdant Fu3872 Rabobank Tertiary investor/lender 204 Verdant Fu41601 ABN AMROTertiary investor/lender 37100 Golden Vero204 Verdant FuParent company 41599 Newmont G41508 IFC (Intern Tertiary investor/lender 41599 Newmont G41151 Newmont GParent company 41602 Newmont Go41151 Newmont GParent company 34793 Unknown (A12 Agro ForestParent company 34795 Unknown (A14 Amira NatuParent company 34799 Bigimexco 18 Bigimexco Parent company 34801 Unknown (B20 Bon Bon WoParent company 34806 Carmadeno25 CarmadenoParent company 34808 Central Fir 27 Central Fi Parent company 34809 Unknown (C28 China Nati Parent company 34812 Unknown (31 CIV Devel Parent company 34822 UNKNOWN 2371(G Rama KhmerParent company 34822 UNKNOWN 42(G Global TechParent company 34822 UNKNOWN 79(G Men Sarun Parent company 34824 Unknown (G44 Golden LanParent company 34842 Unknown (K66 Kapa Ltd Parent company 34847 Unknown (K71 Kuwait Chi Parent company 34850 Leopard Ca2291 Leopard CapParent company 34854 Men Sarun 79 Men Sarun Parent company 34858 Mong Retht2319 Mong RethtParent company 34867 Paksong Hi2078 Thai CharoParent company 34867 Paksong Hi3163 Thai CharoParent company 34877 Siv Guek In2330 HuaYue GroParent company 34885 (Cambodia)11 China AseaParent company 34893 Unknown (W119 Wuzhishan Parent company 34907 Yunnan She2915 China SandiParent company 34911 Shandong A138 Asahi BreweParent company 34911 Shandong A139 Itochu CorpParent company 34911 Shandong A140 Sumitomo CParent company 34912 Green Futur139 Itochu CorpParent company 34912 Green Futur424 GCO Parent company 34912 Green Futur2549 JGC CorporParent company 34912 Green Futur2550 Philippine Parent company 34925 Unknown (C157 Chaoda ModParent company 34928 Unknown (C160 China HuiyuParent company 34930 Unknown (G162 GTLeste Bi Parent company 34932 Unknown (Un164 United Infr Parent company 34935 Unknown (P2620 PT Puri Us Parent company 34935 Unknown (P167 Sinopec Parent company 34936 Unknown (Bo168 Bolloré GroParent company 34936 Unknown (Bo169 Mellori GroParent company 34937 Unknown (N170 NEOS ResouParent company 34945 Unknown (H1923 Harim HoldParent company 34946 UNKNOWN 182( Nonghyup FParent company 34946 UNKNOWN 1669( Daewoo LogParent company 34957 Unknown (S201 Sime DarbyParent company 34966 PT. Henriso211 Noble GrouParent company 34976 Unknown (D222 Dexion CapiParent company 34978 Unknown (S224 Saudi CompParent company 34982 Unknown (228 Noor compParent company 34983 Unknown (I229 I K CompanParent company 34985 Unknown (231 Hawkar Parent company 34986 Unknown (232 Shiwa ComParent company 34987 Phu Bia Min2019 PanAust Li Parent company 34988 BIRLA LAO 234 Aditya Birl Parent company 34990 Unknown (A236 Ari ConstruParent company 34993 Unknown (239 CherchangParent company 34995 Unknown (Cr242 Crapkin AgrParent company 34996 Unknown (D243 Dac Lac RuParent company 34997 Unknown (D2046 ONIX Ltd Parent company 34997 Unknown (D2047 LAO GEO COParent company 34997 Unknown (D2048 MK-GROUP ParentC company 34999 Unknown (M2050 Municipal Parent company 34999 Unknown (M2051 GovernmentParent company 35000 Unknown (G247 GO CrapkinParent company 35003 Unknown (252 Heurnmao Parent company 35005 Unknown (In254 Industrial Parent company 35006 Tongly-Jing255 Mengla JingParent company 35006 Tongly-Jing2059 Tongly Parent company 35007 Kolao Farm2060 Koala GrouParent company 35007 Kolao Farm2240 Kolao GrouParent company 35008 Unknown (K257 KaosouyaotParent company 35009 Unknown (K258 Khanxay AgParent company 35010 Savannakhe2145 Khon Kaen Parent company 35011 Unknown (K260 KV Import-EParent company 35012 Unknown (L261 Lakorea CoParent company 35018 Lao-Thai H 529 Honda Parent company 35018 Lao-Thai H 2072 Jieng XiengParent company 35018 Lao-Thai H 2071 Thai Hua RParent company 35020 Unknown (Yu2077 Yunnan PoweParent company 35020 Unknown (Yu3165 Yunnan LiliParent company 35021 Mitr Lao S 274 Mitr Phol GParent company 35022 Unknown (M275 Mr Chang HParent company 35023 Unknown (M276 Mr Lai Van Parent company 35027 Unknown (R281 Rafarm AgrParent company 35028 Unknown (T282 Thien Loui Parent company 35029 Unknown (T283 Tongtheun Parent company 35032 Unknown (287 WanxouaneParent company 35038 Unknown (X2089 XaysombounParent company 35040 Unknown (Y296 Yongfong XParent company 35041 Unknown (Yo297 YongfongxeuParent company 35042 Unknown (Yu298 Yunnan AgriParent company 35083 Unknown (K339 Kuwait InveParent company 35083 Unknown (K340 Kuwait FunParent company 35083 Unknown (K341 Kuwait Pet Parent company 35084 Unknown (U342 GovernmenParent company 35085 Unknown (U342 GovernmenParent company 35085 Unknown (U343 GovernmentParent company 35091 Unknown (A349 Abu Dhabi Parent company 35098 Unknown (S358 Shaikh Zai Parent company 35107 Unknown (367 TRAFCO Parent company 35108 Unknown (K368 Kijani Ene Parent company 35120 Unknown (A381 Al Rabie Parent company 35130 RP Harvest392 Nader & EbParent company 35130 RP Harvest2292 AMA GroupParent company 35138 Unknown (A401 Agricultur Parent company 35140 Eastern Re223 Toyota Tsh Parent company 35140 Eastern Re403 Eastern Pe Parent company 35140 Eastern Re459 Eco Global Parent company 35142 Unknown (G406 GuangdongParent company 35148 Unknown (Ch411 Regional GoParent company 35148 Unknown (Ch412 China DeveParent company 35148 Unknown (Ch413 Jilin Fuhua Parent company 35159 Unknown (M425 Mitsubishi Parent company 35164 Unknown (J432 Jeonnam FeParent company 35177 Unknown (Fa442 Far East AgParent company 35178 Unknown (E448 Tabuk Agri Parent company 35181 Charoen Po498 Charoen P Parent company 35189 Unknown (H462 Highlands Parent company 35190 Unknown (Le463 Leyte Agri Parent company 35190 Unknown (Le2070 Praj IndustrParent company 35197 ECO Global2914 Eco SolutioParent company 35202 Unknown (B478 BiosystemsParent company 35215 Unknown (R495 Ruam Jai CParent company 35216 University 496 University Parent company 35216 University 497 Viengsa AgrParent company 35226 Unknown (S507 Saudi FundParent company 35226 Unknown (S508 Unnamed inParent company 35237 Unknown (V519 Luveco Parent company 35237 Unknown (V520 VietnameseParent company 35255 Adani Port 541 Mundra PorParent company 35255 Adani Port 542 Adani PowerParent company 35255 Adani Port 2211 Adani GrouParent company 35256 Adani Power2211 Adani GrouParent company 35263 Indiabulls I549 Indiabulls IParent company 35263 Indiabulls I557 MaharashtrParent company 35276 Pondicherr 562 Pondicherr Parent company 35276 Pondicherr 2015 SUBHASH PParent company 35276 Pondicherr 2016 OM METALSParent company 35276 Pondicherr 2017 PONDICHERParent company 35277 Posco-India573 POSCO Parent company 35281 SIPCOT 2255 State IndusParent company 35283 Tata Steel l568 Tata Steel lParent company 35283 Tata Steel l2856 Tata Sons LParent company 35290 Unknown (N1963 Energea G Parent company 35290 Unknown (N1964 FE Clean E Parent company 35291 Andhra Prad579 Andhra PradParent company 35302 Unknown (2004 AHIMSA (AlParent company 35309 Jaisawal Ni599 Jayaswal NeParent company 35316 Brandix Ind605 Brandix LaParent company 35318 MAS Fabric 607 MAS HoldinParent company 35319 IFFCO Kisan608 IFFCO KisanParent company 35319 IFFCO Kisan2241 Indian FarmParent company 35320 Unknown (Ra609 Rassai PropParent company 35325 Dahej SEZ 614L Dahej SEZ ParentL company 35325 Dahej SEZ 3136L Gujarat IndParent company 35325 Dahej SEZ 1377L Oil and NatParent company 35326 CPL Infrast615 Cadila PharParent company 35339 Unknown (M628 Marathon PaParent company 35343 Unknown (G2052 GVK Power Parent& company 35343 Unknown (G2053 Tamil NaduParent company 35351 Goldcorp In3021 GoldCorp I Parent company 35358 Unknown (K647 KRAM S.A. Parent company 35366 MCC Minera3106 China MetaParent company 35366 MCC Minera3107 A Grade TraParent company 35411 Unknown (706 MonaxxionParent company 35412 Unknown (Wa707 Walton InteParent company 35437 Unknown (Ba737 Barcelo' (22Parent company 35473 Unknown (G777 Global FarmParent company 35474 Unknown (R778 RCPL Food ParentP company 35475 Unknown (So337 Solvent ExtParent company 35481 Unknown (S785 State TradiParent company 35482 Minera Huaq3002 Inca One RParent company 35509 Unknown (D814 DOE RUN PEParent company 35515 Unknown (Va822 Van der StaParent company 35516 Unknown (L823 Los Grobo Parent company 35523 Unknown (T831 Alberta In Parent company 35523 Unknown (T832 The AustraParent company 35534 Unknown (K845 KTG Agrar Parent company 35537 Unknown (A848 Agria Parent company 35538 Unknown (B849 Bright DairParent company 35539 Unknown (I851 Ingleby Parent company 35539 Unknown (I852 Unnamed inParent company 35540 Unknown (N853 Natural DaiParent company 35540 Unknown (N854 Unnamed inParent company 35544 Unknown (O857 Origin Parent company 35545 Unknown (R858 Rolnyvik Parent company 35545 Unknown (R859 Unnamed inParent company 35551 Unknown (S865 Schroders PParent company 35552 Unknown (Ph1725 Pharos FinaParent company 35552 Unknown (Ph867 Miro HoldinParent company 35556 Unknown (pr872 private invParent company 35559 Nastyusha 876 Grain CompParent company 35562 OAO RAV Ag3119 PPF Group NParent company 35568 Tristan Fre 3120 Koeleman FoParent company 35570 Unknown (U889 Unnamed inParent company 35580 "Raw-agro"902 JSC "TAS GParent company 35587 Ukrzernopr909 MCB AgricoParent company 35613 Unknown (G937 Gleinol Parent company 35627 Unknown (953 Complant Parent company 35629 Unknown (955 Green WavParent company 35631 Unknown (B957 Betexco Parent company 35636 Unknown (B964 BiocarburaParent company 35645 SOSUCAM 974 Somdiaa Parent company 35645 SOSUCAM 1838 GovernmenParent company 35652 Plantations1453 CompagnieParent f company 35655 SG Sustain2860 Herakles CaParent company 35664 Unknown (996 KADCO Parent company 35677 Unknown (I1010 I.D.C InvesParent company 35677 Unknown (I1011 Unnamed inParent company 35682 National Bi1015 Sun BiofuelParent company 35682 National Bi1017 National BiParent company 35688 Unknown (P1022 Punjab farmParent company 35690 Ruchi Agri 2427 Ruchi SoyaParent company 35705 Ardent Ene1040 Ardent EneParent company 35705 Ardent Ene2070 Praj IndustrParent company 35706 Unknown (A1041 Africa Ethi Parent company 35707 Unknown (U1042 Unnamed inParent company 35723 Unknown (H1058 Hovev AgriParent company 35725 Unknown (1060 Yehuda Ha Parent company 35730 Adventure 1065E Adventure Parent company 35730 Adventure 1066E Unnamed inParent company 35730 Adventure 1067E Unnamed inParent company 35731 Unknown (E1068 Ertale Bio Parent company 35731 Unknown (E1069 Unnamed inParent company 35735 Unknown (A1077 African Cl Parent company 35735 Unknown (A1078 Unnamed inParent company 35736 Unknown (J1079 J.M.B.O BioParent company 35738 Morrell Agr1083 Morrell AgrParent company 35739 Unknown (A1085 A.B.S.A BioParent company 35739 Unknown (A1086 Unnamed inParent company 35739 Unknown (A1087 Unnamed inParent company 35742 Unknown (F1093 F.E.P.E AmeParent company 35743 Whitefield 2602 Sara CottonParent company 35752 Unknown (C1104 Chadha AgrParent company 35754 Unknown (E1106 Elva NederParent company 35759 Unknown (G1111 Galten GlobParent company 35764 Unknown (J.1118 J. García-CaParent company 35769 Unknown (J1124 Jatropha AfParent company 35769 Unknown (J1125 Ohene AkoParent company 35780 Mozbife 1139 Agriterra L Parent company 35788 Unknown (Q1147 Qatari GovParent company 35791 Unknown (B1150 Bioenergy IParent company 35799 Firestone Li2132 BridgestonParent company 35802 Unknown (U1162 Unnamed inParent company 35807 Unknown (TE1166 TEA (Tiris Parent company 35810 SMCTR Socié1171 DRT Parent company 35813 Unknown (1174 ER CompanParent company 35814 Unknown (1175 ERS Parent company 35817 Unknown (G1178 Global AgroParent company 35818 Unknown (I1999 GovernmentParent company 35819 Unknown (J1180 J and J Parent company 35820 Unknown (J1181 J-Oil Parent company 35821 JatroGreen 1182 Jatro Solut Parent company 35821 JatroGreen 1183 GreenIslanParent company 35822 Platinum M2000 GEXSI Parent company 35822 Platinum M2001 Futuro ForeParent company 35824 Unknown (1187 Landmark Parent company 35831 Unknown (1195 MonteverdParent company 35833 Unknown (1197 NOTS ReneParent company 35835 Unknown (O1199 Osho Grou Parent company 35839 Unknown (1203 Soabe Parent company 35846 Unknown (U1212 Unitech Parent company 35847 Unknown (1213 Vaudo Parent company 35848 Unknown (W1214 Weichu MadParent company 35849 Unknown (1215 Magnard Parent company 35855 Unknown (A1221 Assil Mero Parent company 35856 Unknown (S1222 Soudan FayParent company 35857 Mali Folkce2448 Danish Fol Parent company 35860 Unknown (C1227 CEN_SAD (CParent company 35864 PETROTECH1232 PetrOtech-fParent company 35865 Unknown (M1234 Millenium Parent company 35866 Unknown (S1235 Southern GlParent company 35876 Unknown (U1244 Unnamed inParent company 35882 Unknown (C1251 Co-EnterpriParent company 35888 Unknown (1260 CAMEX Parent company 35890 SOCOGEM 1239 Groupe TomParent company 35891 3M 2774 société MoParent company 35894 Unknown (C1265 C3 BiodieseParent company 35900 Grupo Mada1273 Rift Valley Parent company 35902 Unknown (G1275 Geralco Parent company 35906 Unknown (G1684 Petromoc Parent company 35906 Unknown (G2093 GovernmenParent company 35909 SAB Mozamb1285 Gruppo ApiParent company 35909 SAB Mozamb1286 Gruppo InduParent company 35912 MocamGalp1290 Galp EnergParent company 35912 MocamGalp1325 CompanhiaParent company 35913 Enerterra 1291 SGC EnergiParent company 35917 Niqel Lda 1295 Dutch Jatr Parent company 35924 Unknown (S1304 Sabie GameParent company 35925 Indùstrias 1305 KomatilandParent company 35925 Indùstrias 2093 GovernmenParent company 35927 Unknown (S1307 SAPPI Parent company 35928 Unknown (S1308 SAP-SociedParent company 35929 Unknown (M1309 Manuel B. Parent company 35931 Unknown (1311 NTC Parent company 35932 Unknown (G1312 Gestor, LdaParent company 35933 Unknown (Is1313 Isabel M. FParent company 35934 Unknown (Z1314 Zefanias E Parent company 35935 Unknown (A1315 Agostinho FParent company 35937 Unknown (M1317 Miguel Joã Parent company 35938 Unknown (Fr1318 Francisco J Parent company 35939 Unknown (J1319 Juma Juma Parent company 35940 Unknown (O1320 Ofelia Jose Parent company 35941 Unknown (1321 Omar CassParent company 35943 Unknown (J1323 Justino M. Parent company 35944 Unknown (1324 Azevedo S Parent company 35946 Unknown (S1326 Sociedade Parent company 35947 Unknown (M1327 Moby Agro,Parent company 35949 Unknown (M1329 Maria F. deParent company 35950 Unknown (E1330 EAM (EmpreParent company 35951 Unknown (J1331 Jose Pinto Parent company 35952 Unknown (R1332 Raimundo Parent company 35954 Unknown (C1334 CompanhiaParent company 35959 Unknown (V1339 Versus MoçParent company 35962 Unknown (N1342 Neotech, LParent company 35963 Unknown (S1343 Sociedade Parent company 35964 Unknown (H1344 Hunters MoParent company 35966 Unknown (L1346 Luis Anton Parent company 35973 Unknown (U2239 GovernmentParent company 35990 Unknown (U1374 Unnamed inParent company 35990 Unknown (U1796 Edo State Parent company 35994 Compagnie1378 Siat Parent company 35998 Unknown (Gl3179 NeGSt GlobaParent company 36000 Unknown (A1803 Kwara StatParent company 36000 Unknown (A1384 African ChiParent company 36001 Unknown (Li1385 Lix Konti R Parent company 36002 Unknown (K1386 Kwara GreeParent company 36003 Unknown (J3171 Jatropha F Parent company 36004 Kwara Casp1388 Casplex LtdParent company 36005 Unknown (J1389 Jan-Kasal Parent company 36006 Unknown (Z3174 ZJS Intern Parent company 36008 Unknown (T3173 Tunslaq NigParent company 36009 Unknown (D1393 Dana FoodsParent company 36010 Unknown (F1394 Future EnerParent company 36011 Unknown (E1395 EnviroFrienParent company 36015 Unknown (V1399 Vietnam AfParent company 36017 Unknown (V1401 Viscount E Parent company 36021 Rwanda Biof2244 Eco-Fuel GlParent company 36021 Rwanda Biof2245 Eco-PositivParent company 36022 Unknown (C1407 Canadian EParent company 36025 Unknown (H1411 Hail Agric Parent company 36026 Unknown (J1412 Jenat Parent company 36032 Unknown (Al1419 Al Ain NatioParent company 36040 Unknown (P1430 Prince BudrParent company 36042 Unknown (A1914 Ministry of Parent company 36043 Unknown (E891 GovernmentParent company 36044 Unknown (F1435 Fenno CaleParent company 36045 Unknown (1436 Yen ThumbParent company 36046 Eastern Equ1437 EES MinistrParent company 36047 Unknown (M1438 M.A.J FoundParent company 36048 Unknown (A1439 Joint Aid Parent company 36048 Unknown (A1440 African Co Parent company 36050 Equatoria 1916 Maris CapitParent company 36051 Unknown (B1444 Blue Lakes Parent company 36052 Mukaya Pay1445 Nile Tradi Parent company 36052 Mukaya Pay1919 Mukaya PayParent company 36053 Unknown (D1447 DATONG EntParent company 36054 Unknown (D1448 Dangote InParent company 36055 Unknown (A1449 AgroAfrica Parent company 36062 Mozdahir E2441 Mozdahir Parent company 36070 Unknown (A1464 Asiyla Gu Parent company 36070 Unknown (A1465 Unnamed inParent company 36075 Unknown (B1470 Bioking Parent company 36080 Unknown (E1475 Ecotech Ti Parent company 36082 Unknown (S1477 SLGreen OilParent company 36083 Unknown (S1478 Sierra GoldParent company 36091 USA Distill 1488 USA Distill Parent company 36096 Kilombero P1493 Agrica Parent company 36096 Kilombero P1494 Rufiji Bas Parent company 36104 Unknown (O1502 Ortello BusParent company 36106 Unknown (Ye1504 Yes Bank (oParent company 36108 Unknown (K1494 Rufiji Bas Parent company 36108 Unknown (K1506 Korea RuraParent company 36114 Unknown (T1513 Thomson SaParent company 36116 Unknown (A3178 African GreParent company 36121 Kilimanjaro2707 KilimanjaroParent company 36133 Mtibwa Sug1535 Super GrouParent company 36151 Unknown (H1554 K.I. Samen Parent company 36151 Unknown (H1555 Holland DaiParent company 36151 Unknown (H2590 Tanga Dair Parent company 36151 Unknown (H2591 Katani Ltd.Parent company 36152 Unknown (G1556 Unnamed inParent company 36152 Unknown (G891 GovernmentParent company 36153 Unknown (Eg1557 Egyptian AgParent company 36157 Unknown (U1561 Unnamed inParent company 36164 Unknown (F1568 Forests AbsParent company 36181 Unknown (La1583 La région dParent company 36182 Mayumbe 1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36197 Unknown (U1600 Unnamed inParent company 36203 Unknown (1606 AG-Zam Parent company 36219 Unknown (V1623 Vatukoula GParent company 36245 Unknown (P1648 President Parent company 36269 Unknown (De1672 Delta PetrolParent company 36276 Unknown (C1680 CommunautéParent company 36283 Unknown (Ma1687 Mauritius MParent company 36283 Unknown (Ma1500 VitaGrain Parent company 36292 Unknown (U1697 Unnamed inParent company 36303 Unknown (S1709 Sayegh Gr Parent company 36308 Unknown (Z1714 Zayed al KhParent company 36321 Unknown (B1729 Biopalm EnParent company 36322 Unknown (F1341 Fundação MParent company 36325 Unknown (M1732 MoçambiqueParent company 36326 Unknown (A1733 Aderito AugParent company 36330 Unknown (G1736 Gaza SafariParent company 36332 Unknown (C1738 ChicualacuaParent company 36336 Unknown (S1742 Sociedade Parent company 36341 Unknown (B1746 Bonafarm Parent company 36342 Zambia Sug1225 Illovo SugaParent company 36343 Unknown (S1748 Sepahan AfParent company 36346 Unknown (G1753 Grynberg PParent company 36350 Win-Agri Si2447 Windcliffe Parent company 36353 Tree Farms1293 Green ResoParent company 36356 Macs-in-Mo1765 Amorentia Parent company 36361 Unknown (N1770 Nasseria I Parent company 36364 Episteme 1773 Baobab ResParent company 36364 Episteme 2289 Episteme PaParent company 36365 Southern Af1774 Sogein Parent company 36369 Unknown (R1778 Rizhao SunParent company 36370 Rei do Agro1779 Aslan GlobParent company 36373 Unknown (G1782 G-group Parent company 36401 Eco-Energy1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 36403 Okitipupa O1820 Ondo StateParent company 36403 Okitipupa O1828 Estaport FaParent company 36424 Chulumend1849 Denbia Parent company 36434 SAFACAM 168 Bolloré GroParent company 36434 SAFACAM 1838 GovernmenParent company 36434 SAFACAM 1861 Societe FinParent company 36434 SAFACAM 1862 Cie des Ca Parent company 36435 Unknown (N1863 Nitol-Niloy Parent company 36438 Kibimba Ri1866 Tilda Rice Parent company 36443 Unknown (B1875 Bhati BangParent company 36444 Unknown (Fu1876 Fuel EthanoParent company 36446 Hargy Oil P1878 Société IntParent company 36447 Ramu Agri 1879I New BritainParent company 36448 Changhae T1880 Changhae IParent company 36451 Unknown (P1882 Piet Kemp Parent company 36455 Unknown (B1889 Blue Sky UParent company 36456 Cosmo Oil C1890 Cosmo Oil Parent company 36470 Unknown (Me1906 MetallurgicParent company 36484 Unknown (G308 Qatar InvesParent company 36484 Unknown (G1925 GovernmentParent company 36509 Unknown (So1954 Societe DjiParent company 36515 Unknown (C1960 Cevital Parent company 36516 Plantation J1961 SIPEF Parent company 36547 Koulikoro B1249 Dutch DeveParent company 36547 Koulikoro B1996 Koninklijk Parent company 36547 Koulikoro B1997 Union of jaParent company 36550 Tozzi Green1210 Tozzi Rene Parent company 36559 Namibia Ag2023 Caparo GroParent company 36560 Unknown (S979 Unnamed inParent company 36560 Unknown (S2024 SODHAI Parent company 36562 Unknown (J2026 J Bet Parent company 36565 Unknown (A2027 And-Net In Parent company 36569 Unknown (G2032 Gashaw TahParent company 36571 Unknown (H.2035 H.I.M Insti Parent company 36572 Sino Lao A 2037 Lao ServiceParent company 36572 Sino Lao A 3004 Aluminum CParent company 36572 Sino Lao A 3144 Ruouy ChaiParent company 36572 Sino Lao A 2036 Italian-Tha Parent company 36574 Unknown (L2040 Lesa PLC Parent company 36575 Unknown (2041 Mima Hold Parent company 36576 Unknown (M2042 Mulatu Fer Parent company 36577 Unknown (O2043 Ozyak OskoParent company 36577 Unknown (O2613 Unknown (Parent company 36578 Unknown (P2044 Picollo RenParent company 36582 TH Milk 2064 S.A.E. AfikiParent company 36585 NINT Agri P2413 Neha InternParent company 36586 Global Ener2068 Presaco In Parent company 36591 Solar Harve2079 Solar HarveParent company 36592 Envalor Li 2083 InfraCo Parent company 36596 Unknown (Ş2088 Şems ForeigParent company 36598 Unknown (H2091 Hasat Hud Parent company 36599 Unknown (A958 Agritech Parent company 36603 BIOENERGI1115 Moncada EnParent company 36604 Form Ghana2099 Form InternParent company 36635 Eucalyptus988 MagIndustrParent company 36644 Alpha Logg2134 Woodman GParent company 36655 D1 Williams2120 WilliamsonParent company 36655 D1 Williams170 NEOS ResouParent company 36660 Unknown (K339 Kuwait InveParent company 36697 Unknown (D299 ZTE Parent company 36697 Unknown (D3164 Dynasty LaParent company 36699 HUOR LING2165 Huor Ling Parent company 36702 Pacific Gra 2203 Gemadept Parent company 36710 Unknown (L2168 Long Van 2Parent company 36716 Neha Agri 2413 Neha InternParent company 36717 Compagnie1957 Mimran Gr Parent company 36720 Unknown (P2174 PlantationsParent company 36722 Unknown (A3167 Afrique ÉneParent company 36723 Unknown (Mi933 Petrobras Parent company 36723 Unknown (Mi682 Mitsui Parent company 36724 Unknown (P2177 Primus AgriParent company 36731 Unknown (E2179 Envirotrad Parent company 36736 Unknown (B2181 Satria Parent company 36736 Unknown (B453 Bronzeoak Parent company 36737 Minerals E 2182 Trimex Parent company 36737 Minerals E 2183 RAK InvestParent company 36743 EJ & J Inve 2189 Malavasi L Parent company 36757 Pacific Pea 2203 Gemadept Parent company 36758 Liberian A 946 SOCFIN Parent company 36760 Pacific Lot 2203 Gemadept Parent company 36762 Pacific Prid2203 Gemadept Parent company 36763 Maryland Oi2396 SIFCA Parent company 36765 Dominion F1148 The DominiParent company 36768 Domaine de1902 Orgaman Parent company 36769 SIFORCO 1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36770 SAFBOIS 2204 Jadora LLC Parent company 36770 SAFBOIS 1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36771 Busira Lom1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36772 Busira Lom1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36774 SSC Bosond1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36775 SSC Binga 1584 Groupe BlaParent company 36776 Unknown (Ja2205 Japanese TrParent company 36778 Unknown (Eu1955 Eurico FerrParent company 36779 Sun Care Fu2206 Sun Care FuParent company 36779 Sun Care Fu2207 Utic Foods Parent company 36793 Société de 1902 Orgaman Parent company 36798 Cheng Ly In2156 Unknown (Parent company 36803 Dai Dong Y2156 Unknown (Parent company 36804 Unknown (K2217 Kingho GroParent company 36807 Hoang Anh253 Hoang AnhParent company 36809 Unknown (G2219 Global Min Parent company 36811 Golden Pal 2220 Sterling Pl Parent company 36812 Serendipalm2221 Dr. BronnerParent company 36813 Africa Atlan2112 Africa Atla Parent company 36828 SUCAF RCA974 Somdiaa Parent company 36831 Unknown (C2236 CIC Mining Parent company 36837 Base Titan 2039 Base ResouParent company 36841 PT Harapan146 Cargill Parent company 36852 BioShape T1507 Bioshape HParent company 36855 Africa Biof 1514 Africa Biof Parent company 36855 Africa Biof 2702 National Parent company 36857 Clean Powe1518 Clean PoweParent company 36861 Unknown (969 ADERCI Parent company 36875 Unknown (L1590 Lin ChangmParent company 36876 Cambodia D2253 Unknown (Parent company 36879 Unknown (Y1591 Yuan LongpParent company 36883 Unknown (2251 UNKNOWNParent company 36887 PT Surya Sa2254 United PlanParent company 36888 PT Sawit S 2254 United PlanParent company 36895 Dau Thieng2257 Dau Tieng Parent company 36896 PT Selaras 2258 MEDCO GroParent company 36898 Unknown (2258 MEDCO GroParent company 36900 PT Dongin 2260 Korindo Gr Parent company 36901 PT Indosawi2260 Korindo Gr Parent company 36909 Thar Coal 371 Pan EnergyParent company 36909 Thar Coal 372 Bin Daen GParent company 36913 Dau Thieng2257 Dau Tieng Parent company 36914 Data Rubbe2266 Unknown (Parent company 36915 Distinct Ha2267 Lion ForestParent company 36919 Eminent Eli2267 Lion ForestParent company 36920 Portucel M 1294 Grupo PortuParent company 36922 A.D. Serviç1316 Soc. A.D. SParent company 36926 Green Choi2267 Lion ForestParent company 36929 Heng Ruy (2160 Unknown (Parent company 36930 Florestas d1341 Fundação MParent company 36930 Florestas d1273 Rift Valley Parent company 36935 Sun Mozam1681 Highbury FParent company 36936 Mozambique1682 Principle CaParent company 36939 LevasFlor, 1735 Diocese of Parent company 36939 LevasFlor, 2280 Church of Parent company 36939 LevasFlor, 2281 Anglican DParent company 36940 Mutemba (G1737 Wayne WagnParent company 36950 Kilombero 1443 Finnish FunParent company 36950 Kilombero 1763 Global EnvParent company 36958 Unknown (A486 Al Salam BaParent company 36958 Unknown (A498 Charoen P Parent company 36959 Unknown (V2294 Veasna InvParent company 36960 KAO SU EA2162 Unknown (Parent company 36963 Unknown (B2296 Bean HeachParent company 36974 MDS Thmord2266 Unknown (Parent company 36974 MDS Thmord2300 MDS InvestParent company 36979 EmVest Liv1267 Emvest Parent company 36980 NehaAgri Z2413 Neha InternParent company 36981 Ruy Feng(C2303 Hengfu SugParent company 36985 Lan Feng ( 2307 Unknown (Parent company 36989 Kaweri Coff1564 Neumann KaParent company 36992 Unknown (Li1864 Liu JianJun Parent company 37000 Unknown (Q2331 Qube LankaParent company 37004 Unknown (M2341 Mo Hy Pa MParent company 37013 Unknown (S2350 Scimitar OrParent company 37014 PT Sawit M2351 Carson CumParent company 37017 Tay Ninh Kr2361 Bien Hoa SParent company 37021 PT Agrajay2351 Carson CumParent company 37022 PT Karya M2351 Carson CumParent company 37026 PT Agro Wa2351 Carson CumParent company 37027 PT Rim Capi2351 Carson CumParent company 37028 PT Agro Buk2351 Carson CumParent company 37030 PT Sumber 2351 Carson CumParent company 37031 Union Deve2364 Union DeveParent company 37033 PT Sinar Sa2351 Carson CumParent company 37035 PT Nabire 2351 Carson CumParent company 37038 PT Batu Ma2351 Carson CumParent company 37040 PT Plasma 2368 Moorim Parent company 37060 Unknown (1650 Nadec Parent company 37068 Unknown (L2373 Lucky GrouParent company 37069 Unknown (I2374 Iranian StaParent company 37072 Perpetual S2911 Portaferry Parent company 37072 Perpetual S2912 Columbus PrParent company 37073 Cassava Et1880 Changhae IParent company 37074 EMIRAU TR2375 Wind TradeParent company 37079 Yumi Resou2378 Sazean HolParent company 37082 Sucaf Gabo974 Somdiaa Parent company 37085 Sime Darby201 Sime DarbyParent company 37086 PT Riau Ag2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37095 Unknown (G2386 GovernmentParent company 37097 PT Sariwan2351 Carson CumParent company 37098 PT Empat L2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37099 PT Karya K2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37101 PT Kahayan2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37103 PT Citra Ni 1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37106 Akewa Grou2200 Akewa GlobParent company 37107 PT Anugrah2395 Lembaga TaParent company 37107 PT Anugrah1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37113 PT Citra G 2400 Geoff PalmParent company 37120 PGBI Sugar2402 PGBI Parent company 37128 PT Gunung2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37128 PT Gunung2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37130 PT Kerasaa2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37130 PT Kerasaa1961 SIPEF Parent company 37131 PT Pusaka A211 Noble GrouParent company 37132 Acazis Agro2407 Athanor EquParent company 37132 Acazis Agro2406 Acazis AG Parent company 37140 Rakubana D2416 Tutuman DeParent company 37142 Umbukul Lt2416 Tutuman DeParent company 37143 Central Ne 2416 Tutuman DeParent company 37144 Mekeo Hint2417 Albright Li Parent company 37146 Sukari Gol 2418 Centamin Parent company 37146 Sukari Gol 2419 Egyptian MiParent company 37152 Wowobo Oil2420 Reko (PNG)Parent company 37153 Nippon-SC 1579 Nippon PapeParent company 37154 Akami Oil P2421 GreenlandsParent company 37155 NZ Farming967 Olam InternParent company 37159 Mulderbosc2424 Terroir CapiParent company 37162 Agriterra G1139 Agriterra L Parent company 37170 Presco Plc 1378 Siat Parent company 37172 Siat Nigeri 1378 Siat Parent company 37180 PT Sarana P2438 TSH ResourParent company 37181 PT Farinda 2438 TSH ResourParent company 37182 PT Laras In2438 TSH ResourParent company 37182 PT Laras In2634 Bapak GaribParent company 37183 PT Teguh S2438 TSH ResourParent company 37185 PT Bulunga2438 TSH ResourParent company 37186 PT Mitra J 2438 TSH ResourParent company 37187 PT Munte W2438 TSH ResourParent company 37188 PT Bumi Sa2439 Boon Siew Parent company 37188 PT Bumi Sa2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37188 PT Bumi Sa2641 Oriental HoParent company 37205 Bewani Oil 2444 Prosper Gr Parent company 37206 Unknown (W2445 Wewak AgriParent company 37208 Abeda Agro2417 Albright Li Parent company 37210 PT Andalas2438 TSH ResourParent company 37211 COMPLANT2649 China NatioParent company 37212 Whitestone1758 WhitestoneParent company 37214 PT Pratama2439 Boon Siew Parent company 37214 PT Pratama2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37214 PT Pratama2641 Oriental HoParent company 37214 PT Pratama2643 Effendi Su Parent company 37215 PT Dapo A 2439 Boon Siew Parent company 37215 PT Dapo A 2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37215 PT Dapo A 2641 Oriental HoParent company 37215 PT Dapo A 2643 Effendi Su Parent company 37217 PT Graha In2449 Tianjin Jul Parent company 37219 East Waii O2450 River EstatParent company 37221 PT Rebinma2452 Delloyd Ve Parent company 37221 PT Rebinma2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37221 PT Rebinma2644 Taipan HecParent company 37234 Nuku Resou2459 Skywalker Parent company 37266 Toriu Timbe2487 KK ConectiParent company 37267 Transformat1372 Trans4matiParent company 37267 Transformat1796 Edo State Parent company 37267 Transformat2488 Niger Delt Parent company 37268 West Maimai2489 Gold WorldParent company 37269 North East 2460 IndependenParent company 37270 Wammy Lim2490 Global Elit Parent company 37272 Sucobe 2649 China NatioParent company 37273 Comde Tea1438 M.A.J FoundParent company 37274 Ainbai-Elis 2492 Starlink Li Parent company 37275 Urasir Reso2493 ContinentalParent company 37276 PT Toton U 1961 SIPEF Parent company 37277 PT Mukomuk1961 SIPEF Parent company 37278 PT Citra Sa1961 SIPEF Parent company 37279 PT Agro Ka1961 SIPEF Parent company 37280 PT Agro Mu2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37280 PT Agro Mu1961 SIPEF Parent company 37281 Koaru Reso2494 Pacific Int Parent company 37282 PT Agro Mu1961 SIPEF Parent company 37283 PT Agro Ra1961 SIPEF Parent company 37284 Ang Agro F208 Kuala LumpParent company 37285 Unknown (P2496 Perilya Parent company 37288 Unknown ( 1517 New ForestParent company 37289 Busoga For1293 Green ResoParent company 37293 PALMCI 2396 SIFCA Parent company 37293 PALMCI 2500 Nauvu Parent company 37296 Unknown (A2503 Andrah PraParent company 37307 Unknown (L2510 Le Minh CoParent company 37308 Unknown (C2511 Copra ProduParent company 37311 Tosigiba In 2460 IndependenParent company 37312 San Carlos 453 Bronzeoak Parent company 37313 Unknown (B453 Bronzeoak Parent company 37316 Chabil Utza2514 Grupo PellaParent company 37319 Unknown (B2338 Benh HoeurParent company 37320 Unknown (P2515 Palma HaciParent company 37323 Unknown (NR2518 Philippine Parent company 37323 Unknown (NR420 NRG ChemiParent company 37325 Unknown (Af2519 African Tra Parent company 37326 Okena Goto2520 Victory Pla Parent company 37327 One Uni-De2516 Vanimo JayParent company 37337 Unknown (A990 Aurantia Parent company 37339 Bionic Palm1123 Bionic Gro Parent company 37342 Unknown (U124 Unnamed inParent company 37347 Unknown (S1743 Safe ProducParent company 37350 Unknown (1957 Mimran Gr Parent company 37351 Unknown (To2525 Tonj East AParent company 37352 Unknown (C2526 Cogrial EasParent company 37353 Unknown (T2527 Toch Chol CParent company 37366 Unknown (K129 Kimsville CParent company 37367 LEBACH MI2533 Lebach MinParent company 37371 Unknown (32538 30/4 Giala Parent company 37374 Unknown (G43 Gold FoisonParent company 37376 Unknown (S2542 Smart HoldParent company 37378 Palm Com 974 Somdiaa Parent company 37379 Unknown (P2544 Palmex Parent company 37380 Unknown (B2545 Biocongo GlParent company 37394 Dana Fresh395 Hassan GroParent company 37403 Unknown ()2736 Group of prParent company 37435 BDFC Ethio2409 Latteno Fo Parent company 37436 Trukai Indu2563 SunRice Parent company 37438 Higaturu Oi1879 New BritainParent company 37440 Poliamba L1879 New BritainParent company 37444 La Société 1453 CompagnieParent f company 37445 SIPEF-CI SA1961 SIPEF Parent company 37448 Unknown (E2213 Eurofuel TeParent company 37448 Unknown (E2212 Xenerga InParent company 37453 Unknown (A2565 ARS AgrofoParent company 37455 Unknown (A2566 Ali Saif Mo Parent company 37456 Unknown (Be2567 Berekat JovParent company 37458 Unknown (U1008 Unnamed inParent company 37458 Unknown (U2568 Zeyoge's AgParent company 37460 Unknown (C498 Charoen P Parent company 37461 Unknown (S2569 Saha GroupParent company 37462 Unknown (M274 Mitr Phol GParent company 37463 Unknown (Ca1398 Capital RicParent company 37463 Unknown (Ca1991 SL AgritechParent company 37463 Unknown (Ca2570 IBTC GroupParent company 37465 Orchard Ag2572 Orchard AgParent company 37468 Unknown (Ne2575 New AgriculParent company 37469 Unknown (S2576 Suraj Agro Parent company 37471 Golden Exot1453 CompagnieParent f company 37473 DOS Palm O2578 DOS Palm OiParent company 37478 Unknown (D2579 Dar Al-MasParent company 37480 Agricon SH2580 Agricon GloParent company 37483 Unknown (F328 FACE FoundParent company 37484 McLeod Rus2583 McLeod RussParent company 37485 Unknown (A2584 Al Ghurair Parent company 37486 Unknown (V2585 VP Group Parent company 37490 Afram Plant1763 Global EnvParent company 37504 Dawei Deve2589 Italian-Th Parent company 37506 Aslan Group1779 Aslan GlobParent company 37507 TM Plantati1529 TM Global Parent company 37511 Unknown (Al2592 Al Tamini KParent company 37512 Unknown (Bi2593 Bin Taleb Parent company 37513 Unknown (U508 Unnamed inParent company 37514 Grands Dom1453 CompagnieParent f company 37516 MagMineral988 MagIndustrParent company 37519 Congolaise967 Olam InternParent company 37521 Congo Agri931 Agri SA Parent company 37522 D1 Oils Afr 170 NEOS ResouParent company 37524 Unknown (Va1025 Vatic Inter Parent company 37524 Unknown (Va1026 n/a Parent company 37529 Norwegian 1293 Green ResoParent company 37532 Vaitarna Ho2297 Cafe Coffe Parent company 37535 Varun Agri 1028 Varun IndusParent company 37536 National Ba1009 National BaParent company 37543 GADCO Ente2611 Unknown (Parent company 37543 GADCO Ente2612 Global Agr Parent company 37545 Petropalm 2617 Petropalm Parent company 37548 Unknown (K2619 Komor EnteParent company 37550 PT Anugrah143 Wilmar InteParent company 37551 PT D1 Oils 170 NEOS ResouParent company 37552 KS Natural 178 KS Oils LtdParent company 37553 PT Agro Ene2621 Unknown (Parent company 37554 PT Bumi Ra177 Bunge Ltd Parent company 37554 PT Bumi Ra1829 PT Tiga Pil Parent company 37557 Minamas Pl201 Sime DarbyParent company 37559 PT Perkebun199 PT PerkebunParent company 37564 Unknown (Fi202 First ResouParent company 37566 Kuala Lump208 Kuala LumpParent company 37571 Unknown (Cl2114 Clean BiofuParent company 37573 PT Berkat A2119 IOI Group Parent company 37574 PT EN3 Gre2173 EN3 Parent company 37575 PT Hindoli 146 Cargill Parent company 37576 PT ZTE Agr299 ZTE Parent company 37576 PT ZTE Agr2628 PT Sinar CiParent company 37580 PT Pangkat2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37580 PT Pangkat2690 PT Austind Parent company 37581 PT Simpang2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37583 Vijachip Vu2631 Vinafor Parent company 37583 Vijachip Vu526 Sojitz GrouParent company 37585 Cat Phu 2633 Mihaud Int Parent company 37585 Cat Phu 278 Oji Paper CParent company 37585 Cat Phu 2632 GovernmentParent company 37587 Dole Lanka2635 Dole Food Parent company 37589 Acacia Affo139 Itochu CorpParent company 37589 Acacia Affo2637 Iino Kaiun Parent company 37589 Acacia Affo2638 K Lines Parent company 37589 Acacia Affo2639 MOL GroupParent company 37589 Acacia Affo2640 Chuetsu PulParent company 37591 Fuelstock 1176 Fuel Stock Parent company 37593 NEO Madag2648 New EcologParent company 37594 Société de 1204 Société de Parent company 37595 COMPLANT2649 M China NatioParent company 37597 Bio Energy 2651 Diarmid BuParent company 37599 Avana Reso2652 Avana Ura Parent company 37602 Unknown (G2655 Green Co Parent company 37603 Unknown (B2528 B-Gasy Parent company 37604 Adama Spin2656 Adama DevParent company 37605 Al-Mehdi M2657 Al-Mehdi GParent company 37609 BGI Ethiopi2661 Castel WineParent company 37616 JVL Oversea2668 JVL Agro InParent company 37625 Saber Farm2675 Saber GrouParent company 37630 Northern Co967 Olam InternParent company 37631 Unknown (S1039 Saudi Star Parent company 37636 Sud-Camero2681 GMG GlobalParent company 37636 Sud-Camero2682 SPPH Parent company 37638 Finlays Tea2683 John Swire Parent company 37639 PT Bilah Pl 2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37639 PT Bilah Pl 2690 PT Austind Parent company 37641 PT Sembad2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37647 Senergie S.2133 Nuove IniziaParent company 37648 O.B.M. Eth 2133 Nuove IniziaParent company 37650 Unknown (2688 Carbon2GrParent company 37651 Unknown (G2689 Greater Ki Parent company 37655 Abellon Cl 2692 Abellon CleParent company 37656 PT Prima Mi2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37656 PT Prima Mi2693 Halim JawaParent company 37658 PT Teguh J 2404 M.P. Evans Parent company 37658 PT Teguh J 2696 SudihugengParent company 37659 Unknown (B2697 Banyan TreParent company 37662 Kenya Jatr 2133 Nuove IniziaParent company 37664 PT Socfind 946 SOCFIN Parent company 37666 African Cro2256 Hawkwood ParentC company 37668 Congo BioF2256 Hawkwood ParentC company 37669 Bumitama 2119A IOI Group Parent company 37669 Bumitama 2699A Wellpoint PParent company 37675 PT Andalas2438 TSH ResourParent company 37677 Unknown (A2703 Arkadia LtdParent company 37678 Bio-Energy1497 Unnamed inParent company 37678 Bio-Energy2356 Unknown (Parent company 37681 CMC Agricul1495 CAMS GlobaParent company 37683 Unknown (E2704 Eurotech Parent company 37685 FJS African 2706 Scheer FouParent company 37690 Unknown (M2711 MahakaushaParent company 37692 Unknown (S2712 SyEnergy AParent company 37695 Cenafarms226 Altimo one Parent company 37698 Unknown (S2715 Sinochem Parent company 37700 Unknown (H2717 MazhongduParent company 37700 Unknown (H2718 Hainan BaiParent company 37700 Unknown (H2719 Hateg CorpParent company 37708 Tabut Ltd. 2416 Tutuman DeParent company 37709 Investco Co2697 Banyan TreParent company 37711 Unknown (A2722 AZ Group Parent company 37711 Unknown (A2723 ING Parent company 37711 Unknown (A2724 Daun Penh Parent company 37711 Unknown (A2725 SMEC Parent company 37712 Vietnam-Jap2631 Vinafor Parent company 37712 Vietnam-Jap526 Sojitz GrouParent company 37714 Unknown (L2726 Lime Tree CParent company 37725 Unknown (G2329 Goodhope AParent company 37726 Brabanta S.946 SOCFIN Parent company 37735 Unknown (B2741 Brazil AgroParent company 37743 Elaion Afric1268 Elaion AG Parent company 37753 Unknown (2029 Unknown Parent company 37755 SBE Sénéga2745 Vescovini Parent company 37757 Société de 2524 Fordaluis Parent company 37758 EmVest Bar1267 Emvest Parent company 37760 Unknown (H2746 Hadi PropeParent company 37762 KCY Mpanga2747 Verein HSTParent company 37763 Agro Forest2748 Egyptian Parent company 37766 Eco Carbon1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 37771 Kiryana Ra2751 Mukwano GParent company 37772 Outspan Bo967 Olam InternParent company 37773 Unknown (P2753 Puzzolana Parent company 37774 Lao Indochi2754 Indo-ChinaParent company 37777 Unknown (R2758 RTL World Parent company 37778 Unknown (T2759 Thai BeverParent company 37779 Dau Tieng -117 Vietnam RuParent company 37780 West End F1870 Phatisa Parent company 37783 Unknown (22761 21st CentuParent company 37784 Unknown (2762 Maeva GroParent company 37813 Unknown (P1103 Prime MinisParent company 37818 Unknown (C2777 Palawan BiParent company 37818 Unknown (C402 China CAMCParent company 37820 Unknown (B2742 Biomax Parent company 37820 Unknown (B2779 Gourock RoParent company 37829 Viet Lao R 117 Vietnam RuParent company 37831 Dien Bien -117 Vietnam RuParent company 37832 Ho Chi Minh117 Vietnam RuParent company 37833 Viet Nam-La2786 Viet Nam NaParent company 37833 Viet Nam-La2787 Dak Uy CofParent company 37834 Tin Nghia 2788 Tin Nghia CParent company 37835 Unknown (Sa2789 Saigon AgriParent company 37843 Unknown (2796 CONSORCIOParent company 37846 Unknown (G407 GuangdongParent company 37846 Unknown (G2800 Sun Warm TParent company 37847 Delta Lao C2801 Delta CoffeParent company 37854 Vietnam-Lao2809 CBF PharmParent company 37854 Vietnam-Lao2808 Binh Dinh Parent company 37854 Vietnam-Lao253 Hoang AnhParent company 37856 Hoang Anh253 Hoang AnhParent company 37861 Unknown (2811 ASOCIACIOParent company 37868 Unknown (Fi2814 Sterling PaParent company 37868 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 37869 Philippine 2814 Sterling PaParent company 37869 Philippine 413 Jilin Fuhua Parent company 37870 Unknown (C2815 Cie AutomotParent company 37872 Hoang Anh253 – Hoang AnhParent company 37873 Olam Algod967 Olam InternParent company 37876 Unknown (R2816 RajarambapParent company 37879 Unknown (P2818 Pavina Cof Parent company 37883 Unknown (H2821 Houfuco CoParent company 37885 Unknown (P2823 Paolong RuParent company 37886 Unknown (J2824 Jiasouang RParent company 37887 Unknown (Bi2826 BioEnergy NParent company 37887 Unknown (Bi421 Pacific Bio-Parent company 37888 Sarangani B2827 SAFI Agro IParent company 37888 Sarangani B2829 Unknown Parent company 37889 China-Lao 2830 Kunming RuParent company 37894 Unknown (D2834 Diyuan Parent company 37895 Unknown (S2835 Shengli Ru Parent company 37901 Rera Holdin2446 Brilliant I Parent company 37905 Unknown (K437 San MiguelParent company 37905 Unknown (K438 Kuok GroupParent company 37907 Unknown (Ag442 Far East AgParent company 37907 Unknown (Ag441 AgriNurtureParent company 37915 Southern Fo2063 Itochu CorpParent company 37915 Southern Fo2622 Unknown (Parent company 37916 D1 Oils Fue170 NEOS ResouParent company 37921 Unknown (J2847 Jiachuang Parent company 37923 Unknown (T2848 Taijiang Parent company 37926 Unknown (T448 Tabuk Agri Parent company 37927 Sino-Lao R 2850 Sino-Lao J Parent company 37927 Sino-Lao R 2851 Yunnan LocParent company 37927 Sino-Lao R 2852 Beijing Jin Parent company 37927 Sino-Lao R 2059 Tongly Parent company 37928 Dao Coffe 2853 Dao HeuanParent company 37929 PT Bio Inti 573 POSCO Parent company 37930 Partrouge 938 Quifel HoldParent company 37932 Unknown (Y2857 Ying Jiu Pa Parent company 37933 Unknown (J2961 Jianfong RuParent company 37936 Unknown (C2862 Chongxay RParent company 37937 Mocambique170 NEOS ResouParent company 37940 Unknown (B2864 Bao Sen RuParent company 37945 Unknown (B2867 Basic Ener Parent company 37948 Unknown (2869 Chonghe Parent company 37949 Unknown (F2871 Flour Lao CParent company 37950 Unknown (Y2872 Yunnan RubParent company 37952 Unknown (S2874 Seunly RubParent company 37953 Unknown (2875 Deshang Parent company 37954 Unknown (J2876 Jiafeng Parent company 37955 Unknown (J2877 Jinsen Parent company 37956 Unknown (Le2878 Leilin Parent company 37957 Unknown (C2879 Enviroplas Parent company 37957 Unknown (C456 Central LuzParent company 37958 LS (Ruipu) 2830 Kunming RuParent company 37959 Unknown (2880 Luhang Parent company 37961 Unknown (2881 Nanyong Parent company 37963 Unknown (X2883 XishuangbanParent company 37965 Unknown (P2884 Pantaleon Parent company 37968 Unknown (H461 Herminio TParent company 37970 Unknown (K2886 Philippine Parent company 37970 Unknown (K2887 Philippine Parent company 37970 Unknown (K2889 Korea OverParent company 37976 OceanaGold464 OceanaGoldParent company 37994 Unknown (Th2913 Thai RubberParent company 37996 Unknown (Ab442 Far East AgParent company 37996 Unknown (Ab2917 Abbar and Parent company 37999 Unknown (2920 Abdulaye Parent company 38000 Unknown (H2921 Hayat Parent company 38011 Corporación2930 CooperativaParent company 38011 Corporación2931 Ernesto AnParent company 38011 Corporación2932 Jorge AngeParent company 38011 Corporación2933 Luis Anton Parent company 38011 Corporación2934 Rodolfo EdParent company 38011 Corporación2935 Cocha NueParent company 38011 Corporación2936 James LeigParent company 38016 Sumifru Phi1993 Sumitomo Parent company 38018 Hainan Jinh173 Sinar Mas Parent company 38020 Unknown (S173 Sinar Mas Parent company 38024 Curcas Oil 2941 Curcas Oil Parent company 38027 Dole Philip 2063 Itochu CorpParent company 38030 China Tea C1348 Cofco Parent company 38034 Unknown (E2944 E-Cane FueParent company 38036 Unknown (2946 Abengoa SParent company 38044 Isabela Alc2957 Greenergy Parent company 38046 Haofeng (Q2959 Qingdao KaParent company 38046 Haofeng (Q2960 HONGKONGParent company 38048 Unknown (L2962 Laos-ChinaParent company 38050 Alsons Pow2964 Alcantara Parent company 38052 Unknown (Da2966 Daewoo IntParent company 38052 Unknown (Da2967 Korea Gas Parent company 38052 Unknown (Da2968 Oil and NatParent company 38052 Unknown (Da2969 GAIL (India)Parent company 38052 Unknown (Da2970 Myanma OilParent company 38053 Unknown (Li2971 Lilieng PowParent company 38054 Unknown (Li2972 Lilieng Bio Parent company 38056 Xeunva Trad2849 Xeunhua CParent company 38060 Unknown (T2975 Tobishima Parent company 38061 Lising Sip 2976 Provincial Parent company 38062 Bortaen-De2029 Unknown Parent company 38062 Bortaen-De2977 Unknown (Parent company 38063 Unknown (C467 Curcas EnerParent company 38070 Oserian De2983 Mavuno GrParent company 38072 Unknown (B2986 BioJet CorpParent company 38073 Santori Aus2987 PT Japfa C Parent company 38077 Nakeen Cor2991 A Brown CoParent company 38090 Inteko-Agro882 Inteko Parent company 38093 PT Kebun M2764 First PacificParent company 38095 Razgulay-A886 Razgulay GParent company 38099 PT Mitra Int2764 First PacificParent company 38102 Mission Bio300 Mission NeParent company 38107 PT Intimega2764 First PacificParent company 38110 Minera Chin3004 Aluminum CParent company 38112 Unknown (V3007 Virgin GrouParent company 38113 Agrifirma 3005B Brasil AgroParent company 38113 Agrifirma 3008B Genagro LtParent company 38114 Golden Agr173 Sinar Mas Parent company 38116 PT Agro Nu210 PT Astra AgParent company 38120 Mwera Tea 1446E Madhvani Parent company 38121 Nakigalala 1446 Madhvani Parent company 38123 PT Sawit Ja210 PT Astra AgParent company 38124 PT Cipta A 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38125 PT Rimbuna210 PT Astra AgParent company 38126 PT Suryain 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38127 PT Bhadra 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38128 PT Nirmala 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38130 PT Gunung210 PT Astra AgParent company 38131 PT Persada210 PT Astra AgParent company 38132 PT Karyanu210 PT Astra AgParent company 38133 PT Sumber 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38134 PT Sukses 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38135 PT Borneo 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38137 PT Cipta Na210 PT Astra AgParent company 38138 PT Subur Ab210 PT Astra AgParent company 38139 PT Subur A210 PT Astra AgParent company 38145 Montana Ex3021 GoldCorp I Parent company 38149 PT Persada210 PT Astra AgParent company 38150 PT Gunung210 PT Astra AgParent company 38151 PT Cakrade210 PT Astra AgParent company 38152 PT Tri Bua 210 PT Astra AgParent company 38163 AGROIMSA3033 GRrupo Ol Parent company 38168 Belém Bioen1290 Galp EnergParent company 38168 Belém Bioen933 Petrobras Parent company 38169 BSBIOS Mari933 Petrobras Parent company 38170 Helingeer M3030 China ModeParent company 38171 Unknown (N3037 Nestlé S.A.Parent company 38174 Forestal Or3051 UPM Parent company 38175 GMO Renew3052 Grantham, Parent company 38178 SLC Agrícol3054 Grupo SLC Parent company 38183 Instituto N 3059 UruguayanParent company 38187 Centaurus 3062 Klabin S.A Parent company 38187 Centaurus 3063 ARAUCO - CParent company 38189 Fatima Fert3065 Fatima GroParent company 38189 Fatima Fert3066 Arif Habib Parent company 38194 Danper Truj3075 Arne HenseParent company 38194 Danper Truj3076 Rosario Ba Parent company 38195 Rice Partner2142 Indus BasinParent company 38195 Rice Partner3077 Augustus LParent company 38195 Rice Partner3078 Tim DraperParent company 38196 Hydrocol (P2142 Indus BasinParent company 38197 Unknown (M3079 Mair Foods Parent company 38198 Brukfield 3080R MuhammadParent company 38200 Noor Rice Mi3080 MuhammadParent company 38201 Unknown (F2222 Felda Hold Parent company 38203 Pesquera R3085 Grupo Falc Parent company 38204 Ingenieros Civiles y Contratistas Agroindustrial3086 Grupo Ingenieros Civiles y ContratistasParent company (ICGSA - AGROINDUSTRIAL) S.A (ICCGSA) 38205 Gloria S.A 3087 Grupo GlorParent company 38206 COAZUCAR3087 - Grupo GlorParent company 38207 Parfen S.A 3088 Azara LLC Parent company 38209 Agrícola P 3089 LAYCONSA Parent- company 38210 CONSORCIO3090 CorporacióParent company 38214 Unknown (T348 The AbraajParent company 38217 Timor Globa3094 Timor GlobaParent company 38231 Agro Lines 984 CommonwealParent company 38231 Agro Lines 147 Stora EnsoParent company 38231 Agro Lines 278 Oji Paper CParent company 38231 Agro Lines 3095 Soon Hua SParent company 38231 Agro Lines 3096 Advance AgParent company 38235 Advance Te840 Karoll Fina Parent company 38238 Russian Agr883 OJSC Pava Parent company 38240 RiceTec Se 3108 RiceTec Parent company 38248 Unknown (Tr870 Trigon AgriParent company 38251 Unknown ( 839 ELANA AgriParent company 38256 Geoff Palm2387 SIVA GroupParent company 38263 Guadalcanal330 Kulim (Mal Parent company 38271 Chanyanya3126 InfraCo LimParent company 38283 Soprolives 3130 Sovena Gr Parent company 38285 Société Agr974 Somdiaa Parent company 38287 Unilever Te3131 Unilever P Parent company 38290 Unknown (3135 Agrogeba Parent company 38291 Compagnie974 Somdiaa Parent company 38293 Unknown (B177 Bunge Ltd Parent company 38302 Tropical Fa 1139 Agriterra L Parent company 38304 PISA Americ3141 Tumu TimbeParent company 38304 PISA Americ2460 IndependenParent company 38305 Unknown (N170 NEOS ResouParent company 38307 Triangle Li 3142 Tongaat HulParent company 38314 Unknown (3145 ChawagwaParent company 38319 Unknown (Ch3146 KSG Agro SParent company 38319 Unknown (Ch3147 Xinjiang PrParent company 38319 Unknown (Ch3148 China Nati Parent company 38319 Unknown (Ch3149 China-UkraiParent company 38320 Shin Yang O315 Shin Yang Parent company 38321 Unknown (R316 RH Forest CParent company 38327 Ekran Plant321 Ekran BerhParent company 38330 Sime Darby201 Sime DarbyParent company 38331 Sime Darby201 Sime DarbyParent company 38332 Sime Darby201 Sime DarbyParent company 38333 Unknown (N3152 NordzuckerParent company 38335 Hippo Valle3142 Tongaat HulParent company 38340 Tambankulu3142 Tongaat HulParent company 38345 Unknown (K208 Kuala LumpParent company 38354 United Plan1920 United InteParent company 38357 Unknown (S3161 Subur Tias Parent company 38359 Subur Tiasa3161 Subur Tias Parent company 38360 VEDANTA A2391 Vedanta ReParent company 38363 Unknown (3162 Edo Gover Parent company 38373 Navi Mumba2014 City & InduParent company 38373 Navi Mumba3175 Dronagiri I Parent company 38376 Kakinada SE579 Andhra PradParent company 38376 Kakinada SE580 GMR GroupParent company 38376 Kakinada SE3177 Infrastruct Parent company 38381 Unknown Su3181 Turkish GenParent company 34816 Unknown (D35 Doty SaigoParent company 34818 Unknown (F37 Fortuna PlaParent company 38390 Test primar2136 TEST InvesParent company 36952 Unknown (K3184 Kim Chea TParent company 34820 GG World G2356 Unknown (Parent company 34820 GG World G2357 Unknown (Parent company 34821 Global Agr 3186 Unknown Parent company 35268 Mumbai Spe3192 Reliance InParent company 36262 ScanFarm G3193 Scanfuel LtParent company 35337 Khed Econom543 Bharat ForgParent company 35337 Khed Econom557 MaharashtrParent company 35271 Mahindra R558 Mahindra RParent company 35271 Mahindra R557 MaharashtrParent company 38393 JSW Bengal551 JSW Steel Parent company 35269 Maharashtr2014 City & InduParent company 35269 Maharashtr557 MaharashtrParent company 35269 Maharashtr3194 Nagpur ImpParent company 35269 Maharashtr3195 MaharashtrParent company 35269 Maharashtr3196 Nagpur MunParent company 38394 Jindal Powe3190 Jindal Stee Parent company 35274 UNKNOWN(Nu3197 Areva S.A. Parent company 35274 UNKNOWN(Nu3198 Nuclear PowParent company 34797 Angkor Suga274 Mitr Phol GParent company 34828 Great Asse2358 Unknown (Parent company 34829 Great Wond2321 Unknown (Parent company 38396 Maharashtr557 MaharashtrParent company 35335 Royal Palms3199 Hoosain NeParent company 35760 Hazel Merc3201 Hazel MercaParent company 35331 Synefra Eng3202 Tanti Holdi Parent company 35330 Sterling Er 3203 Sandesara Parent company 38400 Unknown( H3205 Hulstein WaParent company 38408 Unknown ( 3213 Mayamesh Parent company 38409 Unknown (H3215 Hul Nan FarParent company 38411 Unknown (S3217 Sanfico FarParent company 38412 Unknown (3218 GHAIRELANParent company 38414 Unknown (Hi3220 Hillside AcrParent company 38416 Unknown (S3222 SLD Ltd. Parent company 38417 Unknown (Vi3223 Vita Farm CParent company 38418 Unknown (3224 Ghana Far Parent company 38420 Unknown (K3226 Koju Atlan Parent company 38421 Westfalia 3228 Hans MerenParent company 34834 Unknown (H3247 Henan (CamParent company 34835 Heng Broth253 Hoang AnhParent company 37526 Saudi Star 1033 MIDROC GrParent company 35685 Emami Biot2411 Emami GroParent company 35722 Agropeace 2600B Agropeace Parent company 35683 BHO Bio pr2604 Bharat HerbParent company 35689 Sannati Agr2426 Sannati Gr Parent company 38438 Unknown (K3250 Kanan DevanParent company 38439 Unknown (To3251 Tomaisins IParent company 35329 Nipiam Info2253 Unknown (Parent company 35329 Nipiam Info618 Chervil Inf Parent company 34839 Unknown (I62 Indochina Parent company 35322 Anrak Alum3252 Penna CemenParent company 35322 Anrak Alum3253 Ras Al Kha Parent company 34803 CJ Cambodi2315 CJ CorporatParent company 34803 CJ Cambodi2316 MH EthanolParent company 34845 Koh Kong P2145 Khon Kaen Parent company 34845 Koh Kong P2322 Ve Wong CoParent company 34846 Koh Kong S2145 Khon Kaen Parent company 34846 Koh Kong S2322 Ve Wong CoParent company 34851 Cane and S274 Mitr Phol GParent company 35183 Bronzeoak 2949P Bronzeoak Parent company 35183 Bronzeoak 2950P Zabaleta &Parent company 35385 BrasilAgro—3028 Novo Merc Parent company 35385 BrasilAgro—3027 Cresud S.A.Parent company 35406 RDF Empree3017 FIAM N.V. Parent company 35439 CODELCO -3103 CorporacióParent company 35439 CODELCO -3104 Empresa NaParent company 35488 Agroindustr3082 Agrícola SaParent company 35488 Agroindustr3083 Intragrícol Parent company 35488 Agroindustr3084 Diano MariaParent company 35491 Camposol S3068 DYER-CORIAParent company 35491 Camposol S3070 ANDEAN FISParent company 35491 Camposol S3071 FONDO DE Parent company 35491 Camposol S3072 CLEARSTREParent company 35491 Camposol S3073 SOUTH WINParent company 35491 Camposol S3069 DEUTSCHEParent company 35666 Rajhi Inter 1350 Al Rajhi Gr Parent company 35745 S&P Energy1030 Shapoorji PParent company 35747 Hunan Dafe2075 Longping HParent company 35747 Hunan Dafe2076 ErshisanyeParent company 35748 CLC Industr2607 CLC SpenteParent company 35755 Unknown (Ko2080 Kooy BiofloParent company 35755 Unknown (Ko2081 Mekiya AgrParent company 35826 Mada Wood2684 Hansen og Parent company 35826 Mada Wood2685 Sauda MaskParent company 35826 Mada Wood2686 Nor Cut IntParent company 36087 Goldtree (S2951 Pan-AfricanParent company 36087 Goldtree (S2952 African AgrParent company 36087 Goldtree (S2953 Finnish FunParent company 36126 Kilombero 1526 Kilombero Parent company 36275 Unknown (C1678 Caille GrouParent company 36314 Unknown (339 Kuwait InveParent company 36314 Unknown (1410 GovernmentParent company 36314 Unknown (1913 GovernmentParent company 36487 Minera IRL 3053 Minera IRL Parent company 36588 Abebo Farm1033 MIDROC GrParent company 36773 Company of1584 Groupe BlaParent company 37213 PT GUNUNG2439 Boon Siew Parent company 37213 PT GUNUNG2629 Karli BoenjParent company 37213 PT GUNUNG2641 Oriental HoParent company 37213 PT GUNUNG2643 Effendi Su Parent company 37836 Quasa Geru2791 VietcombanParent company 37836 Quasa Geru117 Vietnam RuParent company 38442 Malawi Man3258 BXR GroupParent company 38442 Malawi Man3259 Merlin PartParent company 35757 Sher Ethiop2609 Afriflora Parent company 35757 Sher Ethiop3260 KKR & Co. LParent company 38443 Unknown (S601 Sarda EnerParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3042 Idemitsu KoParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3043 Japan PetroParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3044 Japan Iron Parent company 34921 Xinghuan F3045 The OkinawaParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3046 The Tokyo EParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3047 Suntory HolParent company 34921 Xinghuan F1993 Sumitomo Parent company 34921 Xinghuan F1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3041 GovernmentParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3040 GovernmenParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3261 GovernmentParent company 34921 Xinghuan F3262 GovernmentParent company 34991 Lao Arrown2020 Arrowny JaParent company 34991 Lao Arrown2030 Unknown Parent company 35242 Sojitz Vie 2631 Vinafor Parent company 35242 Sojitz Vie 526 Sojitz GrouParent company 35307 Charoen Pok498 Charoen P Parent company 35306 Bharat Ren596 Bharat PetrParent company 35306 Bharat Ren597 Shapoorji PParent company 35306 Bharat Ren595 Nandan CleParent company 35310 Monnet Ispa600 Monnet IspaParent company 35305 Nandan Bio595 Nandan CleParent company 35303 Shiva Disti 3263 Bannari A Parent company 34848 Land and D2333 Unknown (Parent company 35301 AGNI-NET Bi419 D1 Oils PLCParent company 34859 Mong Retht2078 Thai CharoParent company 34859 Mong Retht2319 Mong RethtParent company 34882 Tay Nam B 2156 Unknown (Parent company 35298 Unknown (M586 Rajasthan IParent company 35298 Unknown (M2007 Mahindra GParent company 35295 Tata Motors2856 Tata Sons LParent company 35614 Hoyo Hoyo3258 BXR GroupParent company 35294 Southern Bi163 Southern OnParent company 38454 Unknown (C2290 CityStar Parent company 34841 Kampong Sp3276 L.Y.P. GroupParent company 35293 Unknown (P3277 Punjab AgrParent company 35293 Unknown (P581 PepsiCo, InParent company 34864 Phnom Penh3276 L.Y.P. GroupParent company 38424 Dangote In1448 Dangote InParent company 38424 Dangote In3278 Sokoto sta Parent company 36865 Mantra Tan2547 Mantra ResParent company 35285 Videocon Re571 Videocon InParent company 35284 Sesa Sterli 2391 Vedanta ReParent company 35284 Sesa Sterli 3283 Odisha MinParent company 37417 Commerce 3284e Transport BParent company 34853 Mega Star 2156 Unknown (Parent company 34855 Hong An Ma117 Vietnam RuParent company 34857 Mondul Agri2253 Unknown (Parent company 37373 Oryung Con85 Oryung ConParent company 34871 Tonle Suga274 Mitr Phol GParent company 34876 HLH Agricul102 HLH Group Parent company 35282 Skil-Himach567 SKIL Infras Parent company 38459 Zambika Agr3286 Ambika Parent company 38461 Unknown (H3288 Herdon InvParent company 38462 Unknown (V3289 Vixers FarmParent company 38463 Esquire Ro 3290 Unknown Parent company 37397 Acharya Pra3292 West BengaParent company 37397 Acharya Pra3293 New KolkataParent company 37696 Kaidi Biom 2713 Wuhan KaidParent company 37696 Kaidi Biom 3143 Biomass DeParent company 38465 Unknown (So3274 Unknown Parent company 38003 CBL Agri Z 2923 Crookes BroParent company 38402 Rafmoh Plan3294 Rafmoh GrParent company 38467 Stepping S3296 Stepping SParent company 38468 Unknown (M3297 Munyati FaParent company 38469 Unknown (B3298 Bonanza ToParent company 38470 Unknown (N3299 Nkanga FarParent company 34881 Ta Bien Ka 117 Vietnam RuParent company 34883 Tay Nam K 2162 Unknown (Parent company 34884 Thy Nga De117 Vietnam RuParent company 34886 TTY Industr112 TTY Indust Parent company 35279 Reliance Ja564 Reliance InParent company 35275 Pan India P3300 Essel Grou Parent company 34888 Unigreen Re2115 Unigreen ReParent company 37036 Great Field2366 Great FieldParent company 37037 Yellow Fiel 2367 Yellow FieldParent company 34890 VANNMA Imp116 VANNMA ImpParent company 37032 Viet Nam K117 Vietnam RuParent company 34892 World Trist 2117 So Nguon Parent company 37023 Timas Reso3301 Robin GrouParent company 37018 Think Biote46 Hanwha GrParent company 36982 S K Planta 3302 SK PlantatiParent company 36975 Mega First 2301 Mega First Parent company 36890 C.R.C.K Aph117 Vietnam RuParent company 38471 C.R.C.K II 117 Vietnam RuParent company 34906 Dong Nai Kr117 Vietnam RuParent company 36962 C & V Grou3305 Fu Lai Chu Parent company 36694 Chhun Hong2161 CHHUN HOParent company 34827 Grandis Ti 2346 SRP InternaParent company 34827 Grandis Ti 2348 Internatio Parent company 36880 Banya Grou3138 Banya GrouParent company 36880 Banya Grou3307 Euro Corp Parent company 36824 LCH Invest2228 Attwood InParent company 38477 Alsace Far 3314 Far Est Parent company 38447 S.C. Ingleb3309 INGLEBY F Parent company 38473 SC Grasa G3317 Grassa YvesParent company 38480 S.C. Crossw3309 INGLEBY F Parent company 36808 Krong Pok 117 Vietnam RuParent company 36805 Holy Ykho 3319 Holy Khno IParent company 36796 C R D 253 Hoang AnhParent company 38481 Reththy Kir2319 Mong RethtParent company 38482 Rethy Kiri 2319 Mong RethtParent company 38483 Socfin-KCD946 SOCFIN Parent company 38483 Socfin-KCD3320 Khaou ChulParent company 36973 Chobe Agri3321 Agrivision AParent company 36947 China State3323 China Agr Parent company 36947 China State3324 China Afri Parent company 38484 Mighty Meko3325 Stevia NutrParent company 38485 Touchwood3326 TouchwoodParent company 38486 Koh Kong SE3276 L.Y.P. GroupParent company 38487 Unknown (P3327 Paradise InParent company 38489 Virtus Gree3328 Bluemac ReParent company 38491 Unknown (K3330 K Global VeParent company 38493 Unknown (P3333 Punjab Far Parent company 35851 SeedRock M1217 SeedRock CParent company 38497 SeedRock B1217 SeedRock CParent company 38498 Unknown (F3335 Forestry In Parent company 38500 Evergreen 3337 Evergreen Parent company 38504 MDS Import3338 Oknha Try Parent company 38506 Unkown (Ch3339 China Frei Parent company 38507 Fephy Malay3340 F. P. Malay Parent company 38508 Caoutchouc117 Vietnam RuParent company 38509 Phuoc Hoa 117 Vietnam RuParent company 38509 Phuoc Hoa 3341 Asia Value Parent company 38509 Phuoc Hoa 3342 Phuoc Hoa Parent company 38510 Ba Ria - K 117 Vietnam RuParent company 38511 Phu Rieng 117 Vietnam RuParent company 38511 Phu Rieng 3343 Song Da CoParent company 38512 Dong Phu-K117 Vietnam RuParent company 38512 Dong Phu-K3344 VietNam CeParent company 38514 China Grea3345 China GreaParent company 38515 Jing Zhong 3346 Jing Zhong Parent company 38517 Unknown( 3347 Eastern CaParent company 38517 Unknown( 3348 A&G InternaParent company 38518 Unknown (Si3351 Sichuan proParent company 36206 Unknown (M1610 Menafea HoParent company 35781 Unknown (H1140 HG ConsultParent company 38522 Unknown (C3356 China StateParent company 38523 Unknown (L3357 Lufthansa Parent company 38524 BEK Holding3358 Pengxin GrParent company 38525 Compagnie1378 Siat Parent company 38526 PT Khaleda3361 MKH BerhaParent company 38527 PT Tunas P 3362 Low Yat Gr Parent company 38528 PT Primaba3362 Low Yat Gr Parent company 38529 Unknown (N3363 NPC ResourParent company 38530 PT Tasnida 3364 Golden LanParent company 38531 PT Sumber 3364 Golden LanParent company 38117 Tirupati D 3009 Tirupati SaParent company 38535 Unknown (3370 ASB Parent company 38536 Unknown (V3371 Vicro HoldiParent company 38537 Unknown (J3372 J10:10 CharParent company 36162 Kakira Suga1446 Madhvani Parent company 35592 Ecodesarrol913 Olmedo AgrParent company 38078 Agropecuari2994 Inversione Parent company 38078 Agropecuari3027 Cresud S.A.Parent company 38532 Desarrollo 3377 NF DevelopParent company 38543 Santa Cecil3378 Grupo NavilParent company 38544 Sol & Mar C3379 Xinda AquatParent company 37748 Wanbao Afr2687 Wanbao GraParent company 37748 Wanbao Afr3324 China Afri Parent company 38547 Congo Oils3382 African ComParent company 38547 Congo Oils3383 Yousef Frei Parent company 38547 Congo Oils3384 Ralph FreihParent company 38547 Congo Oils3385 Freiha Fee Parent company 38554 Unknown(GL3387 GLB InvestParent company 37855 Hoang Anh253 Hoang AnhParent company 36013 Unknown (G1397 Green CounParent company 38555 Unknown (L3388 Lion MountaParent company 38565 Unknown (J3400 Jilin Prov Parent company 38567 Lexus Agri 3402 Lexus AgricParent company 36310 Sudanese Br3389 Brazilian A Parent company 36310 Sudanese Br3404 Arab SudanParent company 37663 Soguipah 946 SOCFIN Parent company 38569 Unknown (P3406 Peak Palm OParent company 38571 African Pal 2387 SIVA GroupParent company 38576 Riis Coffee 3415 Trine Riis J Parent company 38576 Riis Coffee 3416 Svend KaarParent company 38576 Riis Coffee 3417 Per M. HoilParent company 38576 Riis Coffee 3418 Kirsten HoiParent company 36756 Palm Resou1729 Biopalm EnParent company 37067 Concord Agr3303 Qalaa HoldParent company 38556 Amaru Trade3422 Agri InvestParent company 37728 Nocafex SP3423 Nocafex Parent company 37530 PZ Wilmar 143 Wilmar InteParent company 37530 PZ Wilmar 3427 PZ CussonsParent company 37295 Mercataloni2501 MercatalonParent company 37295 Mercataloni2502 Canavialis Parent company 38580 Lim Siow Ji3431 Lim Siow JiParent company 38581 AMG Bioene3432 AMG BioeneParent company 38582 Gisovu Tea3433 GovernmenParent company 38582 Gisovu Tea3434 Borelli Tea Parent company 38582 Gisovu Tea3435 COOTHEGIParent company 38566 S.C Genagri3421 Gruppo AssiParent company 38585 Shanghai S3437 Cathay ForeParent company 38586 Jiangsu Ca 3437 Cathay ForeParent company 38587 Guizhou Han3438 Hanfang FoParent company 38587 Guizhou Han3437 Cathay ForeParent company 38588 Henan Xinya3437 Cathay ForeParent company 38589 Jiangxi Cat3437 Cathay ForeParent company 38590 Pfunda Tea2583 McLeod RussParent company 38590 Pfunda Tea3440 Unknown SmParent company 38561 S.C. Emilia3441 Unigra InteParent company 38592 Cambodia Ag3444 Pan-Asia BiParent company 36402 Okomu Oil 946 SOCFIN Parent company 36402 Okomu Oil 3445 Unknown (NParent company 36854 Unknown (F1511 FELISA Parent company 36854 Unknown (F1512 Unnamed inParent company 36073 Barfoots S 1468 Société de Parent company 38598 Tropha Ltd 3456 Jacoma EstParent company 38598 Tropha Ltd 3457 African AgrParent company 38599 Kashiba Fa3458 Talmed InteParent company 38601 Unknown (O3464 Unknown Parent company 38605 Lake Turka 3474 KP&P BV AfParent company 38605 Lake Turka 3475 Aldwych IntParent company 35619 AfriAgro 944 Atlantica GParent company 35619 AfriAgro 2225 Nzogi Yetu Parent company 35619 AfriAgro 2226 Coroa GestParent company 35619 AfriAgro 2227 Lion Parent company 38611 Unknown (E3481 Egyptian SParent company 38614 Ethiopian 3485 Unknown (foParent company 38615 Radar Propr3110 Cosan InduParent company 38615 Radar Propr3486 Teachers InParent company 36713 Red Bunch 1139 Agriterra L Parent company 38613 Boroo Gold3489 Centerra GoParent company 34874 SC Padova 3488A Roncato GioParent company 34874 SC Padova 3491A Gibside HolParent company 38619 Justin Sugar3494 Justin SugaParent company 37424 Hanhe Ugan3495 Hebei AgricParent company 36486 UNKNOWN 1926( PT Adaro EParent company 36486 UNKNOWN 189( BHP BillitoParent company 36493 PT Surya A1930 Genting GrParent company 36493 PT Surya A1931 Sepanjang Parent company 38076 Unknown (G2990 Guidance MParent company 38622 Sujiang For3048 CarbonfundParent company 38622 Sujiang For3049 ConservatioParent company 38622 Sujiang For3050 SustainableParent company 38627 Unknown (D3507 DevelopmenParent company 38627 Unknown (D3508 CASIS (ComParent company 37482 Kwale Inte 3514 Pabari Inv Parent company 37482 Kwale Inte 2243 Omnicane AParent company 38628 Ganadera C3509 Grupo EspirParent company 38633 Atlantic Fa 3519 David D SweParent company 38634 Baryshevsk3520 BZK Grain AParent company 38636 Sanlucar So3522 SanLucar FrParent company 38638 East Madi 3523 Uganda WildParent company 38638 East Madi 3524 Adjumani DParent company 38641 Langer Hein3332 Paladin EneParent company 38641 Langer Hein3526 CNNC OversParent company 36102 Green Islan1500 VitaGrain Parent company 36102 Green Islan3527 Mauritian Parent company 38649 Agrícola R 3535 Verfrut Parent company 35697 Jittu Hortic 1032 Sheik Al-A Parent company 38654 Bornion Gu3538 Wee Boon PParent company 38653 Santa Fe In3537 Kyffin Sim Parent company 38658 Unknown (2380 AAAID Parent company 38659 Unknown (N3545 Nibulon Parent company 38660 Unknown (I3546 Industrial Parent company 38661 Arab Compa2380 AAAID Parent company 38661 Arab Compa3547 Rawabi Co Parent company 38662 Almutamysa2380 AAAID Parent company 38662 Almutamysa492 GovernmentParent company 38662 Almutamysa1410 GovernmentParent company 38662 Almutamysa1913 GovernmentParent company 38662 Almutamysa3548 GovernmentParent company 38663 Arab Suda 2380 AAAID Parent company 38663 Arab Suda 3550 Institution Parent company 38663 Arab Suda 1913 GovernmentParent company 38664 Africa Juic 3551 africaJUICEParent company 38664 Africa Juic 2069 GovernmentParent company 35698 Ethio Agri- 1033 MIDROC GrParent company 37292 Unknown (E1823 Sonangol Parent company 37292 Unknown (E936 ENI Parent company 38668 unknown (Ci3556 Civil DefenParent company 37525 Horizon Pla1033 MIDROC GrParent company 37525 Horizon Pla2599 Jemal AhmParent company 35617 Companhia1823 Sonangol Parent company 35617 Companhia2224 Damer Parent company 35617 Companhia2223 Odebrecht Parent company 37481 Norpalm Gh2581 Norpalm A Parent company 37481 Norpalm Gh2582 PZ CussonsParent company 38624 Unknown (Th3498 Thai Hoa VParent company 38624 Unknown (Th3499 Unknown (BrParent company 38624 Unknown (Th3500 Unknown (AParent company 38665 Centrales H3557 Eletrobras Parent company 38665 Centrales H3558 Grupo QueiParent company 38665 Centrales H3559 Empresa NiParent company 37657 Alpha and 2695 VasudewanParent company 38669 Raigam East3560 The KingdoParent company 37305 Sun Resort 2507 Lets TravelParent company 37305 Sun Resort 2509 Sun Travel Parent company 37305 Sun Resort 2508 Lets TravelParent company 37745 Wanbao Afr3562 Wanbao GraiParent company 36860 Bean Heach2215 Unknown (Parent company 35383 Macquarie 3565 Maquarie GParent company 38673 Parrogate G3568 Parrogate Parent company 38672 ETG Parrog3397 Export Tra Parent company 38672 ETG Parrog3568 Parrogate Parent company 35359 La Primaver648 Ted Turner Parent company 38088 Unknown (T323 Ta Ann GroParent company 38329 Boustad Es2141 Boustead HParent company 38343 Genting Pl 1930 Genting GrParent company 38346 Unknown (K330 Kulim (Mal Parent company 38347 PPB Oil Pal 143 Wilmar InteParent company 38349 Carbon Cap1898 Japan CarboParent company 36482 Narborough1922 NarboroughParent company 37723 unknown (B2733 Billion Ven Parent company 35047 unknown (T304 Tian Yida GParent company 35047 unknown (T2740 Sabah statParent company 38678 Maderas Pr3577 Precious WParent company 36918 Bela Vista 956 Libyan Afri Parent company 36918 Bela Vista 2096 Ubuntu Parent company 38309 Sabah Fores3566 Avantha GrParent company 35053 unknown (I2119 IOI Group Parent company 34943 unknown (KS178 KS Oils LtdParent company 36602 unknown (S3581 Sarawak HiParent company 38322 TH Plantat 2395 Lembaga TaParent company 38323 Tradewinds3583 PerspecitveParent company 38323 Tradewinds3584 Kelana VenParent company 38323 Tradewinds3585 Seaport TerParent company 38323 Tradewinds3586 Acara KreatParent company 38680 Oro Espera3588 Chongqing ParentR company 38680 Oro Espera3589 Chongqing ParentG company 38681 Tanga Fores1293 Green ResoParent company 36363 Luambala J3482 Silvestria Parent company 36363 Luambala J3590 Chikweti FoParent company 35914 Unknown (H3595 Horta Boa Parent company 35069 Cosmo Biof326 BFP InternaParent company 38344 Rakyat Ber328 FACE FoundParent company 38355 Anglo-Easte1924 Genton InteParent company 36358 Mozambique3601 Altie Stee Parent company 38546 Indivest Li 3602 Rosinda CaParent company 38546 Indivest Li 3603 Daniel PedParent company 38688 Katonga Fa2597 Amatheon ParentA company 38688 Katonga Fa3604 Toyota TsusParent company 38689 Unknown (Ja1431 Jarch CapitParent company 35907 Tectona Fo 1293 Green ResoParent company 35907 Tectona Fo 2094 DiversifiedParent company 35907 Tectona Fo 2095 Diocese of Parent company 37476 Unknown (V3607 Volta Red Parent company 37592 Unknown (M3609 Mada Beef Parent company 38383 Mondore Gen3613 Tabarak In Parent company 38692 Unknown (A3614 Agro CommoParent company 38692 Unknown (A3615 Unknown invParent company 38280 Sino-Zimba3616 Central Int Parent company 38280 Sino-Zimba3617 Sam Pa Parent company 38693 Unknown (T3618 Tiso BlacksParent company 38694 Terra SPRL 3621 Societe Mi Parent company 38695 Gecamines3622 Group SopeParent company 38695 Gecamines3623 Tavir IndustParent company 37781 Formako C 3627 Formako FaParent company 38698 Kitabi Tea 3433 GovernmenParent company 38698 Kitabi Tea 3628 Rwanda MouParent company 38450 Zambezi In3274 Unknown Parent company 38450 Zambezi In3631 Ministry of Parent company 38496 Illovo Suga1225 Illovo SugaParent company 38496 Illovo Suga3632 Unknown (puParent company 38701 Unknown (M3638 MedEnergyParent company 38702 Mozambique3639 Rioforte In Parent company 38702 Mozambique3640 João Ferrei Parent company 37646 Guinee Ener2133 Nuove IniziaParent company 37646 Guinee Ener3644 Ministry of Parent company 38704 Amatheon 2597A Amatheon ParentA company 38705 Gulu Agric 3645 Bruce RobeParent company 38706 Amatheon 2597 Amatheon ParentA company 38706 Amatheon 3646 ZimbabweanParent company 36362 Nirmal See1771 Nirmal SeeParent company 38709 Unknown (Sr3651 Sri RajeswaParent company 38710 Unknown (B3652 British Am Parent company 38712 Unknown (L3653 La CompagnParent company 38712 Unknown (L3654 Supreme AgParent company 38712 Unknown (L3655 Prama ConsuParent company 38426 Barrick Lu 3235 Barrick GolParent company 38715 Kansanshi M3661 First Quan Parent company 38715 Kansanshi M3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 38716 Regional D3664 Regional DParent company 35729 Joshua Flo 1064 Joshua Flo Parent company 36721 JTF Senega2175 Jatropha T Parent company 35908 Aviam Lda 1284 AVIA Spa ( Parent company 35908 Aviam Lda 3666 MozambiqueParent company 38718 Unknown (A3667 Almidha Parent company 36397 Rubber Esta1796 Edo State Parent company 36397 Rubber Esta1817 Michelin Parent company 36397 Rubber Esta1818 Delta Stat Parent company 36397 Rubber Esta1819 Ogun StateParent company 36397 Rubber Esta1820 Ondo StateParent company 36397 Rubber Esta2396 SIFCA Parent company 36652 GREL Ghana2130 NEWGEN Parent company 36652 GREL Ghana2396 SIFCA Parent company 36652 GREL Ghana1114 GovernmentParent company 38719 Talleyrand 3671 Talleyrand Parent company 38720 Unknown (N1771 Nirmal SeeParent company 38721 Optima Afri3673 Optima LimParent company 38708 Eco Oil En 3649 Eco Oil EneParent company 38708 Eco Oil En 3650 GovernmentParent company 38722 Unknown (Gl3674 Global SteeParent company 38724 Rio Minjov 3676 Black Gold Parent company 38724 Rio Minjov 3677 ArcelorMittParent company 38725 Kalumbila M3661 First Quan Parent company 38726 KEFI Minera3679 KEFI MineraParent company 38726 KEFI Minera2069 GovernmentParent company 38728 Mopani Cop3661 First Quan Parent company 38728 Mopani Cop3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 38728 Mopani Cop3681 plParent company 37174 Shonga Far3683 Participati Parent company 37174 Shonga Far3684 Zimbabwe Parent company 37174 Shonga Far2436 GovernmentParent company 38713 Unknown (S3658 Raw MateriParent company 38713 Unknown (S3659 Sang-LiangParent company 38731 Ojemai Far3685 Ojemai HolParent company 38734 Unknown ( 3688 Industrial Parent company 38735 Obax World3689 Obax WorldParent company 38735 Obax World3690 Sunbird BioParent company 35746 Ethiopian S3539 Ethiopian SParent company 38037 Bioeq Ener2947 Cavite BiofParent company 35367 AgerAustral3702 La Suerte Parent company 38745 Unknown (S3703 Smart GlobeParent company 35346 Corporacio3704 Corfone SAParent company 38750 Blanket Go3708 Caledonia Parent company 38750 Blanket Go3709 National I Parent company 38750 Blanket Go3710 Various Zi Parent company 38750 Blanket Go3711 ManagementParent company 38750 Blanket Go3712 Gwanda ComParent company 38751 Konkola Co2391 Vedanta ReParent company 38751 Konkola Co3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 38754 Mabiza Res3716 ConsolidateParent company 38754 Mabiza Res3717 Jinchuan GrParent company 38755 Mauritania3661 First Quan Parent company 36931 Heng Yue (2160 Unknown (Parent company 37590 Green Ener2646 Hunter ResParent company 37361 Inga Farms 3721 Unknown GhParent company 37361 Inga Farms 2103 Viram PlantParent company 37049 PT Sepanjan1930 Genting GrParent company 37049 PT Sepanjan1931 Sepanjang Parent company 38757 PT Citra S 1930 Genting GrParent company 38757 PT Citra S 1931 Sepanjang Parent company 38758 PT Sawit Mi1930 Genting GrParent company 38758 PT Sawit Mi1931 Sepanjang Parent company 37565 PT Dwie Wa1930 Genting GrParent company 38759 PT Susantri1930 Genting GrParent company 38760 PT Kapuas 1930M Genting GrParent company 38761 PT Globalin1930 Genting GrParent company 37544 Toren Agro 2616 Tekron GroParent company 36056 SID Senega1450 Durabilis Parent company 38763 PT Globalin1930 Genting GrParent company 38764 PT Globalin1930 Genting GrParent company 38765 Savannah 1448 Dangote InParent company 38765 Savannah 3723 Federal GoParent company 38371 Dangote Su1448 Dangote InParent company 36185 Feronia PEK3724 PlantationsParent company 38766 SC Agroindu3725 Jihad El KhaParent company 38766 SC Agroindu3726 Youness LaParent company 38767 S.C. Maria 3725 Jihad El KhaParent company 38767 S.C. Maria 3726 Youness LaParent company 38769 S.C. Agro C3725 Jihad El KhaParent company 38769 S.C. Agro C3726 Youness LaParent company 38770 S.C. Maria 3725 Jihad El KhaParent company 38770 S.C. Maria 3726 Youness LaParent company 38768 Unknown (I3310 INGLEBY D Parent company 38774 S.C. Dj & B3729 Josef Anto Parent company 38774 S.C. Dj & B3730 Daniel Bur Parent company 38773 SC Intercer3728 MediterranParent company 38773 SC Intercer3731 Lord EnergParent company 38776 SC Agrofar3732 Dangro InvParent company 38777 SC Sopema3733 Arnaud PerParent company 38685 Agromoz 3597 Intelec HolParent company 38685 Agromoz 1716 Pinesso Gr Parent company 38685 Agromoz 3596 Américo AmParent company 38749 Sintoukola 3705 Elemental MParent company 38749 Sintoukola 3706 Les Establ Parent company 38749 Sintoukola 3707 Tanaka ResParent company 38748 AngloGold 972 Randgold RParent company 38748 AngloGold 727 AngloGold Parent company 36651 Nicol-Miro 2135 Miro Fores Parent company 38783 SC Agrocom3742 S.C. Agroc Parent company 36072 Unknown (1467 Danone GrParent company 36072 Unknown (3743 Orbeo SASParent company 35695 SC Agrinat 3749 Paine and PParent company 38789 S.C. Gut SR3751 Edmond HaParent company 38790 SC Banat B3752 Aktiva BeteParent company 38791 S.C. AGRIFA3753 Fahmra BetParent company 38792 Agri Farm 3754 Almos Alfo Parent company 38793 Kampo Nov3755 Miriam BecParent company 38794 SC Donaula3756 Agroeast Parent company 38795 Energia Ver3757 Eurecna SpParent company 38795 Energia Ver3758 Finest SpA Parent company 38796 Unknown (C1956 GovernmentParent company 38802 SC Agricola3763 Societa AgrParent company 38803 S.C. Oltyre3764 Cerealcom Parent company 38804 SC Orgapic3765 Klemens TöParent company 38804 SC Orgapic3766 MB Norus AParent company 38804 SC Orgapic3767 Tönnies AuParent company 38804 SC Orgapic3768 RKS AgrarbParent company 37194 Sococim Se2442 Vicat Grou Parent company 37194 Sococim Se2440 GovernmentParent company 38505 FGV-CVC 1867 Felda GlobaParent company 38808 Dorna Agri3772 Jean ValvisParent company 38810 SC Agronov3773 Vargas 10 SParent company 35805 Mediterran1164 The Gulf MParent company 36587 Bebeka Cof1033 MIDROC GrParent company 36587 Bebeka Cof2069 GovernmentParent company 38830 Unknown (S3779 S.C. Agroc Parent company 38478 Unknown (S.3780 S.C. TransaParent company 36741 Buchanan R2187 Buchanan Parent company 38855 S.C. Agroca3797 S.C. SacomParent company 38858 S.C. Zahar 3800 S.C. Mimo TParent company 38860 Redidas Re3764 Cerealcom Parent company 38861 S.C. Agrofa3802 Maria EcateParent company 38865 S.C. Agroco3806 Andrei BanParent company 38865 S.C. Agroco3807 Ion Bujor Parent company 38868 S.C. Intera 3809 Serban GroParent company 38869 Recond Co 3810 Iulian Cipr Parent company 38870 S.C. Akkero3811 Akkeron GroParent company 38690 Tianjin Far 3608 Tianjin Sta Parent company 35553 Unknown (M868 GovernmentParent company 35553 Unknown (M3098 MudanjiangParent company 38874 Huae Sinb 3818 Zoje ResouParent company 38875 Unknown (U3819 UAE investParent company 38334 Unknown (H3820 Henan GuojiParent company 38876 Zimbabwe-C3821 Anhui Stat Parent company 38876 Zimbabwe-C3822 Ministry of Parent company 38877 Tian Ze To 3823 China TobaParent company 37450 SoGB 946 SOCFIN Parent company 37450 SoGB 1816 GovernmentParent company 38878 Solea 3827 KKO InternaParent company 38879 Unknown (De3828 Dekel Oil PParent company 35386 Orsa Flores3829 Grupo OrsaParent company 38645 Voronezh A877 Agrokultur Parent company 38880 Africa Lion 3832 Carmanor LParent company 38880 Africa Lion 3833 Sierra Ruti Parent company 35558 ZAO Agrop875 Agrowill G Parent company 38882 West Afric 3835 The ShropsParent company 38884 Soldive Se 3839 Soldive Parent company 38885 Soldive Mo3839 Soldive Parent company 35388 Grupo Nova679 Afirma/QuabParent company 35388 Grupo Nova3840 Juan Ripoll Parent company 37795 Grupo Rond3843 Grupo RandParent company 35395 Varacel 147 Stora EnsoParent company 38890 Mtemadanga3846 Genesis GlParent company 38890 Mtemadanga3847 Clement K Parent company 38891 Limphasa S3849 Kirit and D Parent company 38891 Limphasa S3848 Unknown (Parent company 35400 Renuka do 694 Shree RenuParent company 35400 Renuka do 3850 Grupo EquiParent company 38892 SC Agripe 3852 Danubia G Parent company 35565 Volga Farm3853 Agsen LimiParent company 38893 Unknown (N3854 Nyasa LimiParent company 35403 Biogreen Oi697 Biogreen OiParent company 35404 Plant.a.Bio326 BFP InternaParent company 35404 Plant.a.Bio698 Plant a. BioParent company 35405 Floresteca 699 Floresteca Parent company 38896 Epanko Grap3858 Kibaran ReParent company 35415 Arauco 3859 Arauco SA Parent company 35416 Agronoble 711 Aceites Bo Parent company 35416 Agronoble 2870 Olivo NobleParent company 35417 Miguel Torr713 Grupo Torr Parent company 38162 Suntime Int220 Suntime IntParent company 38639 LLC Atlanti3519 David D SweParent company 37314 Palmas del 3101 Arriola Fux Parent company 37314 Palmas del 3102 TorrebiarteParent company 37314 Palmas del 3869 Green EarthParent company 38630 Lan LTD 3515 Barnstädt eParent company 38898 Black Sea A3870 Global QueParent company 38899 Dangote Fa1448 Dangote InParent company 38900 Alfred C. T 3871 Archer DanParent company 38901 Rabo Farm 3872 Rabobank Parent company 38904 Liqhobong 3875 Firestone Parent company 38904 Liqhobong 3876 GovernmentParent company 35453 Agrocaribe3877 AgroAmericParent company 35453 Agrocaribe3879 ProPalma Parent company 35460 Acciona En3882 Acciona Parent company 35465 Mareña Ren425 Mitsubishi Parent company 35465 Mareña Ren674 Macquarie Parent company 35465 Mareña Ren3883 Fomento EcParent company 35461 Iberdrola 3884 Grupo IberdParent company 38907 Societe Min3880 Nordgold Parent company 38905 SOMITA SA3880 Nordgold Parent company 38905 SOMITA SA3881 GovernmentParent company 38906 Bissa Gold 3880 Nordgold Parent company 38906 Bissa Gold 3881 GovernmentParent company 38903 Sociedade 3874M Lucapa Di Parent company 38903 Sociedade 3885M Endiama Parent company 38903 Sociedade 3886M Rosas & PeParent company 35464 Global Cle 767 Global CleaParent company 35543 New Britain201 Sime DarbyParent company 37439 New Britain201 Sime DarbyParent company 37430 River Palt 2560 River PlateParent company 37430 River Palt 2561 BBC SA Parent company 38610 Unknown (B3479 Mutambe HaParent company 38610 Unknown (B3480 Bangla AfriParent company 38897 Explorator 3862 Xtract Res Parent company 38909 Maharishi 3890 Viktor Pinc Parent company 38911 Subsidiary 3891 DUI Holdin Parent company 38911 Subsidiary 3892 David SweerParent company 35498 Empresa Ag3894 Grupo OvieParent company 35500 Empresa Ag3894 Grupo OvieParent company 35504 Industrial 3895 EAA AndahuParent company 35504 Industrial 3896 Grupo WonParent company 35504 Industrial 3897 Grupo Bus Parent company 35514 Eco Améric821 Eco AméricParent company 38910 DAN-MILK 3891 DUI Holdin Parent company 38912 AgroTerra 3521 NCH CapitalParent company 37769 Ariston Hol2425 Afrifresh Parent company 37769 Ariston Hol3901 SmallholdeParent company 36948 Galp Buzi 1290 Galp EnergParent company 36948 Galp Buzi 2276 CompanhiaParent company 38917 Unknown (I3903 Ivolga-HoldParent company 38918 Unknown (P3904 Prodimex-HParent company 38919 Unknown (O3905 OAO VanimParent company 38920 Rusagro-In3906 Ros Agro P Parent company 38921 Eksima Agr3907 Avk EksimaParent company 38922 Agrotechno3906 Ros Agro P Parent company 38923 Primagro J 3906 Ros Agro P Parent company 35599 Ecodiesel d3909 Ecopetrol Parent company 36041 LEAC for Ag1431 Jarch CapitParent company 36041 LEAC for Ag1432 LEAC for AgParent company 36049 Tasneem ag1441 Eyat Oilfie Parent company 36176 Ubombo Sug1998 Tibiyo TakaParent company 36176 Ubombo Sug1225 Illovo SugaParent company 35153 Biocombust3910 Bionor Tra Parent company 35604 Bio Agro H 3912 Grupo HPOParent company 35605 Pure Biofue928 Pure BiofueParent company 38926 LLC Agro V3916 David MedcParent company 38928 Unknown (B895 European BParent company 38928 Unknown (B3918 Bonduelle Parent company 36238 Amaggi Ag3919 Grupo AmaParent company 36862 AgriSol Ene1532 AgriSol En Parent company 36862 AgriSol Ene2274 Serengeti AParent company 36241 Biopalma V3926 Vale SA Parent company 36244 Infinity Bi 1647 Infinity Bi Parent company 36244 Infinity Bi 3927 Bertin EnerParent company 36417 Carvajal Pu3930 Grupo CarvParent company 36415 Smurfit Ka 1841 Smurfit Ka Parent company 36500 Rego Corpor1943 Rego CorpoParent company 37452 Camarones2564 Grupo PescParent company 37464 Maderas Cu3936 Grupo Los Parent company 36437 Unknown (I1865 Icemark AfrParent company 37541 Romton Agr3943 Cohen BrothParent company 37803 AZUNOSA 3946 SabMiller Parent company 37601 Unknown (G1073 Unnamed inParent company 37601 Unknown (G1074 Unnamed inParent company 37601 Unknown (G2435 Global Nat Parent company 37230 Sociêtê de 3232 Resolute MiParent company 37230 Sociêtê de 1245 GovernmentParent company 35871 Groupe Tom1239 Groupe TomParent company 35871 Groupe Tom1245 GovernmentParent company 36601 Maragra Aç2097 Maragra S Parent company 36601 Maragra Aç1225 Illovo SugaParent company 36932 Lozane Far1347 Unnamed inParent company 36932 Lozane Far2277 MozambicanParent company 36932 Lozane Far2278 Brazilian CParent company 36932 Lozane Far2279 Japanese InParent company 37109 Al Dahra A 2021 Namibia DeParent company 36863 Kilombero 1534 ED&F Man Parent company 36863 Kilombero 1225 Illovo SugaParent company 36863 Kilombero 1531 GovernmentParent company 35641 SucrIvoire 1806 HAREL ET Parent company 35641 SucrIvoire 2396 SIFCA Parent company 35641 SucrIvoire 1816 GovernmentParent company 36508 Unknown (G1953 Hijazi and Parent company 36508 Unknown (G1913 GovernmentParent company 37080 White Nile 1719 Kenana Su Parent company 37080 White Nile 2379 National P Parent company 37080 White Nile 2380 AAAID Parent company 37080 White Nile 1913 GovernmentParent company 37828 Pan Caribb2649 China NatioParent company 37838 Compañía M2792 CIA.MINERAParent company 38068 Muhoroni S1562 Mehta Gro Parent company 38068 Muhoroni S1154 GovernmentParent company 38069 Nzoia Suga2981 Fives Parent company 38069 Nzoia Suga2982 Industrial Parent company 38069 Nzoia Suga1154 GovernmentParent company 38422 Société de 972 Randgold RParent company 38422 Société de 1245 GovernmentParent company 38625 Biotic Oil 3501 Unknown GParent company 38625 Biotic Oil 3502 YONEC GmbHParent company 35693 Varun Toria2003 Torian ResoParent company 35693 Varun Toria1028 Varun IndusParent company 38717 Aviv Tanzan967 Olam InternParent company 38620 Olam Argen967 Olam InternParent company 38184 Los Yaros A1492 DWS GALOParent company 37839 Molino La P2793 MARIA LEOParent company 37840 Villa Agro E2794 VILLA AGROParent company 37841 Avícola El 2795 EL ROCIO SParent company 37972 Chimú Agro3091 Grupo San Parent company 35878 Unknown (U1247 Union éconParent company 36092 National Ch1489 Astral FoodParent company 36092 National Ch3949 Unknown (Parent company 35825 Unknown (L1188 Les cultureParent company 35825 Unknown (L1189 Unnamed inParent company 38180 Grupo Colon3951 Grupo ColonParent company 36581 Selet Hulli 2054 Kaleb ServParent company 36581 Selet Hulli 2614 Sun Opta I Parent company 37971 Bioenergy 3909 Ecopetrol Parent company 36163 Kinyara Sug1567 Rai Group Parent company 36163 Kinyara Sug3016 GovernmentParent company 38031 Fonterra Br3964 Fonterra Parent company 38039 Fazenda Bar2948 Brookfield Parent company 38091 Museo del 2998 Carlos SlimParent company 38410 World Food3965 World FoodParent company 38415 Kyerekuanda3501 Unknown GParent company 38415 Kyerekuanda3968 Solomon AParent company 36851 Tanza Grain1494 Rufiji Bas Parent company 36851 Tanza Grain1500 VitaGrain Parent company 38164 Plantacion 3032 Promotora Parent company 38166 Agropecuari3969 Arakatu LLParent company 38167 Joint Ventu3035 Banco do NoParent company 38167 Joint Ventu3969 Arakatu LLParent company 35521 Montes del147 Stora EnsoParent company 35521 Montes del3859 Arauco SA Parent company 38941 Agrofirma 3971 Zolotoi Kol Parent company 38202 Agrícola C 3972 Agrícola C Parent company 38942 LLP Zolotoi3971 Zolotoi Kol Parent company 38651 Bai Shan Li3536 Bai Shan LiParent company 36239 SLC - Ronc 3054 Grupo SLC Parent company 36239 SLC - Ronc 3977 Grupo DoisParent company 35353 High Luck 3982 New TimesParent company 35353 High Luck 3983 Maxipetrol Parent company 35353 High Luck 3984 JHP InternaParent company 35369 Nieves de 3987 Walbrook Parent company 35377 Grupo MP W3988 Salentien Parent company 35380 Kores - Em669 COMIBOL (CParent company 35380 Kores - Em3990 Korea ResouParent company 35389 Louis Drey 681 Louis Drey Parent company 38648 Agroindust3533 Agrarius A Parent company 38648 Agroindust3851 ADS Parent company 35392 Hyundai 3991 Hyundai CoParent company 35393 South Amer3992 South AmerParent company 36623 Azenglever147 Stora EnsoParent company 35396 Raizen 3109 Royal DutchParent company 35396 Raizen 3110 Cosan InduParent company 37418 Lumina Cop2557 Pan Pacific Parent company 37418 Lumina Cop3678 Mitsui & CoParent company 37309 Ivanhoe En3995 Ivanhoe EneParent company 36859 Compañia G2248 Solway InvParent company 36859 Compañia G2249 GovernmentParent company 35942 Unknown (2093 GovernmenParent company 35459 Blackfire E 3997 Blackfire E Parent company 35466 Exploracion3998 Industrias Parent company 35469 Condor Gold4001 Condor GolParent company 35510 Rio Blanco 815 Monterrico Parent company 35510 Rio Blanco 4003 Xiamen ZijParent company 35518 Amatirí 4005 Zamin FerrParent company 37336 Agricultur 939 Chiquita B Parent company 37336 Agricultur 4007 ESCOM Parent company 37336 Agricultur 4008 HipergestaParent company 36221 Reinarda M1625 Troy ResouParent company 36224 Largo Resou1628 Largo ResoParent company 36225 MMX Sudes4011 MXX Parent company 36227 Cristal Pig 4012 Cristal Parent company 36229 Verena Mine1632 Belo Sun MParent company 36231 Mineracao 1635 Kinross golParent company 36231 Mineracao 727 AngloGold Parent company 36234 Mundo Mine1638 Mundo MineParent company 36379 Ventos do S1791 Enerfin/EneParent company 36379 Ventos do S1792 ENERCON Parent company 36379 Ventos do S1793 CIP Brazil Parent company 36386 Avanco Reso1800 Lara ExplorParent company 36386 Avanco Reso1801 Avanco ResParent company 38080 Unión Agric3000 Sprott Res Parent company 38080 Unión Agric2999 Union GrouParent company 36220 Anglo Amer1929 Anglo AmeriParent company 36428 Brookmount1853 BrookmountParent company 34977 Koktem EA3976 GovernmentParent company 34977 Koktem EA3604 Toyota TsusParent company 35920 Açucareira 3142 Tongaat HulParent company 35920 Açucareira 2093 GovernmenParent company 35224 Planet Food505 Planet Foo Parent company 35224 Planet Food4020 Food AgencParent company 35224 Planet Food4021 Union of T Parent company 36134 Kagera Su 1535 Super GrouParent company 36431 Compañía M1856 AQM CopperParent company 36431 Compañía M1857 Teck ResourParent company 36432 Rio Alto Mi 4023 Tahoe ResouParent company 36433 Sociedad M1860 Sociedad MParent company 36433 Sociedad M4024 Sierra MetaParent company 36440 Mina Pirqui1872 Silver StanParent company 36441 Patagonia 1873 Patagonia Parent company 36457 Mariana Re1891 Mariana ReParent company 36458 Silex Argen1892 Golden MinParent company 36462 Minera San1897 Coro Minin Parent company 36465 NGEX - JO 1900 NGEX ResouParent company 36465 NGEX - JO 1901 Japan Oil, Parent company 36467 Hochschild 1891 Mariana ReParent company 36467 Hochschild 1903 Hochschild Parent company 36468 Minera Ande1904 McEwen MiParent company 36469 Golden Arr1905 Golden ArrParent company 36477 Cañariaco 1915 Candente CParent company 38010 Sinar Mas P173 Sinar Mas Parent company 36450 Carpenter 1881 MBf HoldinParent company 37414 Reliance H 2554 HSIIDC LimParent company 37414 Reliance H 3192 Reliance InParent company 36498 Compañía M1937 VotorantimParent company 36501 Burlington 4026 ConocoPhillParent company 36505 Vetra Explo1948 Vetra Parent company 36507 Maple Ener1950 Maple EnerParent company 36518 Cepsa Peru1968 Cepsa Parent company 36522 Pacific Exp4028 Pacific ExpParent company 36524 Olympic Per4029 Olympic OiParent company 36526 Siboil de P 4030 Siboil Com Parent company 36528 Maurel & P1978 Maurel & PParent company 38173 Petrobras -720 Ecopetrol Parent company 38173 Petrobras -933 Petrobras Parent company 38173 Petrobras -3039 INPEX CorpParent company 36535 Emerald En1984 Emerald EnParent company 36904 Gu4032 Perenco OilParent company 36905 Empresa Pet4033 MQuest InteParent company 34973 Unknown 4034 Xinjiang U Parent company 34973 Unknown 4035 KazakhstanParent company 38211 Odebrecht 3092P Odebrecht Parent company 37045 Latin Ameri2369 Latin AmeriParent company 37045 Latin Ameri2370 Minas ParaParent company 37045 Latin Ameri2771 Olivut ResoParent company 37335 Triton Mine2512 InversionesParent company 37335 Triton Mine2456 B2 Gold CoParent company 37228 Alamos Gold2458 Alamos GolParent company 37805 Rosita D 2770 Alder ResoParent company 37805 Rosita D 4036 Calibre MinParent company 37255 Corex - Gol3021 GoldCorp I Parent company 37255 Corex - Gol3022 Corex GoldParent company 37256 San Marcos2477 Exeter Res Parent company 37256 San Marcos4038 San MarcosParent company 37286 Minera Pan4039 First QuantParent company 37287 Pershimco 2499 Pershimco Parent company 38109 Inca One R3002 Inca One RParent company 38109 Inca One R3003 Canadian MParent company 38143 Capstone -670 Korea ResouParent company 38143 Capstone -2473 Capstone MParent company 35094 Em-Zealand351 Emirates I Parent company 35094 Em-Zealand4040 Innovation Parent company 35227 Hail Agric 2778 Almarai Co.Parent company 35230 Hassad Tur376 Qatar Inve Parent company 36845 Green Eagle197 Rajawali G Parent company 38602 Riso Scotti 3465 Riso Scotti Parent company 35213 Unknown (A2406 Acazis AG Parent company 38558 Agri Consor3422 Agri InvestParent company 35638 Olam Palm2381 Republic o Parent company 35638 Olam Palm967 Olam InternParent company 36491 Minera Chin3004 Aluminum CParent company 35321 Andhra Prad579 Andhra PradParent company 38947 Elephant Vo4046 Elephant VParent company 36405 Anglogold A727 AngloGold Parent company 36405 Anglogold A2456 B2 Gold CoParent company 36689 Cresca SA 2155 Carlos Cas Parent company 36689 Cresca SA 3027 Cresud S.A.Parent company 37265 Jatropha Mal2485 Déguessi VParent company 37265 Jatropha Mal2486 Novartis Parent company 37265 Jatropha Mal1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 37077 Sino-Singap411 Regional GoParent company 37077 Sino-Singap4049 SingbridgeParent company 35542 Big Sky Dai3436 Harvard M Parent company 37257 First Majest2481 First MajestParent company 38140 Grupo de Pr3020 Sonora ResParent company 38140 Grupo de Pr2481 First MajestParent company 36933 Unknown (Du2123 RenaissancParent company 36933 Unknown (Du4051 Charles DaParent company 36933 Unknown (Du1614 Dubai WorldParent company 35895 EmVest EE 1267 Emvest Parent company 38950 Edenville I 4053 Edenville EParent company 38950 Edenville I 4054 Local partnParent company 38756 Unknown (G148 GovernmentParent company 38436 East Africa 3249 East Africa Parent company 38436 East Africa 1614 Dubai WorldParent company 37222 PT First Bo 4057 Chancellor Parent company 37232 KPI Project 4058 PT Kalpatu Parent company 37231 PT Mitra A 4059 PT PrasadaParent company 37233 PT Az Zhar4060 Mr MuhammaParent company 35234 Yesil Yasam515 Forest RetuParent company 35234 Yesil Yasam517 More TreesParent company 35234 Yesil Yasam4061 HoutverwerParent company 36764 Cavalla Ru 1817 Michelin Parent company 36764 Cavalla Ru 2396 SIFCA Parent company 36764 Cavalla Ru 3282 Unknown Parent company 38938 Unknown (B3945 Bakri Bois Parent company 38583 Las Mision 856 Harvard UniParent company 38584 Empresas V856 Harvard UniParent company 38679 Agrícola Br856 Harvard UniParent company 36513 Unknown (Lo681 Louis Drey Parent company 36513 Unknown (Lo1816 GovernmentParent company 38118 Amuru Suga1446 Madhvani Parent company 38118 Amuru Suga3016 GovernmentParent company 38691 Unknown (E3610 Ministry of Parent company 38691 Unknown (E3016 GovernmentParent company 36856 New Forest1517 New ForestParent company 36856 New Forest1531 GovernmentParent company 38951 Megabois 4062 Unknown (MParent company 38739 Matond Far3699 Matna FoodParent company 38739 Matond Far2436 GovernmentParent company 38425 Agro EcoEn3563 EcoEnergy Parent company 38425 Agro EcoEn1531 GovernmentParent company 38953 Compagnie4064 Unknown (CParent company 35342 Tamil Nadu3183 AMR India Parent company 35342 Tamil Nadu2053 Tamil NaduParent company 38881 Mahindra G2053 Tamil NaduParent company 37746 Grown Ener2856 Tata Sons LParent company 37710 Estate Man2720 Sunshine HParent company 37710 Estate Man143 Wilmar InteParent company 37710 Estate Man2856 Tata Sons LParent company 38006 Guangxi Oji278 Oji Paper CParent company 38006 Guangxi Oji3132 Marubeni CParent company 38148 Multigrain 3678 Mitsui & CoParent company 38153 SLC-MIT Em3024 SLC AgrícolParent company 38153 SLC-MIT Em3678 Mitsui & CoParent company 37906 Taganito HP439 Nickel AsiaParent company 37906 Taganito HP1993 Sumitomo Parent company 37906 Taganito HP3678 Mitsui & CoParent company 36474 Alturas Min1910 Alturas MinParent company 36474 Alturas Min3053 Minera IRL Parent company 35524 Unknown (H376 Qatar Inve Parent company 38772 SC Dn Agra4067 ELKI GroupParent company 38956 Global-woo1763 Global EnvParent company 38806 SC Westgra4069 Ioan MiculaParent company 38806 SC Westgra4070 Viorel MicuParent company 35361 Burco Argen4071 Grupo BurcParent company 35370 Sojitz Buen526 Sojitz GrouParent company 38958 Global Fore4076 York TimberParent company 38959 Ramanas F1763 Global EnvParent company 38960 Imvelo Fore1763 Global EnvParent company 35472 Yaguarete P776 Yaguarete Parent company 38963 Honest Tim4079 Honest TimParent company 38964 Corà Wood4080 Corà DomenParent company 38965 Rougier Ga4081 Rougier Parent company 38967 QIT Madaga1999 GovernmentParent company 38967 QIT Madaga4083 Rio Tinto Parent company 38237 Agrokultura877 Agrokultur Parent company 38085 Guangdong2995 Yuen FoongParent company 35667 Bisha Mini 999 Nevsun resoParent company 35667 Bisha Mini 2237 Eritrean NaParent company 38957 Compagnie1763 Global EnvParent company 38957 Compagnie4072 CompagnieParent company 38957 Compagnie4084 The GranthaParent company 36546 SoSuMar 3426 Uttam SucroParent company 36546 SoSuMar 1245 GovernmentParent company 37345 Unknown (G1410 GovernmentParent company 38122 Sugar Corp1562 Mehta Gro Parent company 38122 Sugar Corp3016 GovernmentParent company 36266 Madagascar1669 Daewoo LogParent company 38687 PT Sawit G4085 British AngParent company 38969 Pedro Afon4089 Bunge LimiParent company 38969 Pedro Afon4090 Itochu Parent company 36840 Prokon Ren1491 Prokon RegParent company 36840 Prokon Ren4092 Diadem Parent company 35345 State Indus634 State IndusParent company 35345 State Indus4093 Eldeco InfrParent company 34918 Agrícola La3978 Edno and ClParent company 37528 Outspan Ag967 Olam InternParent company 37175 Olam Niger967 Olam InternParent company 36553 Olam Moza967 Olam InternParent company 38501 Yun Khean 4099M Yun Khean Parent company 38798 Siv Guek I 2330 HuaYue GroParent company 38821 PT. Kaliben4103 PT Kaliben Parent company 38973 African Con4104 Vast ResourParent company 38974 Unknown (B4105 Unknown (Parent company 38974 Unknown (B4106 Unknown (PoParent company 36208 Zimbabwe 2125B Billy RauteParent company 36208 Zimbabwe 2124B DevelopmenParent company 38975 Green Fuel 2268 Agricultur Parent company 38975 Green Fuel 4107 Rating Inv Parent company 38570 Agripalma 946 SOCFIN Parent company 38570 Agripalma 4108 São Tomé SParent company 38976 Sinarom Mi4104 Vast ResourParent company 38976 Sinarom Mi4109 Sinarom MiParent company 38977 Romaltyn E4110 SAT & ComParent company 38977 Romaltyn E4111 Fribourg CaParent company 38978 Deva Gold 4112 Eldorado GParent company 38978 Deva Gold 4113 Minest DevParent company 38980 SC Europea4112 Eldorado GParent company 38982 Plantations946 SOCFIN Parent company 35644 Sino-Cam Ik4118 Shaanxi OvParent company 38983 Tropical Ru2681 GMG GlobalParent company 38983 Tropical Ru4119 African SocParent company 38985 Sol Agrícol 4121 Zhejiang F Parent company 38985 Sol Agrícol 4122 Heilongjia Parent company 38987 M’Béwani 1245 GovernmentParent company 38987 M’Béwani 4123 China OverParent company 38988 Unknown (H4124 Hao ShenglParent company 38989 Lianhe Afri4125 Hubei HefeParent company 38990 Samax Rom4126 CarpathianParent company 38991 Valhalla Re4127 Aldridge MiParent company 38992 Sol Agrícol 4121 Zhejiang F Parent company 38992 Sol Agrícol 4122 Heilongjia Parent company 38994 LatAm Fra 4129 LatAm Far Parent company 38996 Estancia de3592 Grupo BulgParent company 36873 China Zamb4131 China StateParent company 36873 China Zamb4132 Jiangsu StaParent company 38997 China Huaf4133 HuaYong OveParent company 38998 Grey Monke4134 Hubei ProviParent company 38998 Grey Monke4135 Lianhua c Parent company 38999 Wanjin Tian4136 Anhui TianrParent company 37164 Unknown (C1121 China Nati Parent company 37467 Mim cashe2574 Mim cashewParent company 35841 Unknown (S1206 Unnamed inParent company 35841 Unknown (S1205 Southern HParent company 39000 Huabei Kua4137 Tian Poh ReParent company 39001 Amulet LLC4137 Tian Poh ReParent company 39002 Khangailan4137 Tian Poh ReParent company 39003 Mandal-Urg4137 Tian Poh ReParent company 39005 Unknown (C4139 Chinese G Parent company 39006 Unknown (J4140 Jingyan YinParent company 39006 Unknown (J4141 Tajikistan Parent company 39007 Unknown (G4142 GovernmentParent company 35616 Unknown (G4144 GovernmentParent company 35663 Kobebussan995 KobebussaParent company 37567 Unknown (F1847 Ferrostaal Parent company 35594 Adecoagro 662S Adecoagro Parent company 35594 Adecoagro 916S El Tejar LtdParent company 36170 Oil Palm Ug3407 Kalangala OParent company 36170 Oil Palm Ug1574 BIDCO Ltd Parent company 39009 Ndonga Lin4146 Shikunino TParent company 39009 Ndonga Lin4147 Ministry of Parent company 39010 Sikondo Agr4148 Ministry of Parent company 39012 Orange Rive4148 Ministry of Parent company 39013 LL Biofuels4151 Leviev Gro Parent company 39016 M. Amkongo4154 Farm NadubParent company 39016 M. Amkongo4155 Unknown poParent company 39017 Aeroponics4156 AeroponicsParent company 39017 Aeroponics4157 Unknown InParent company 39020 Manufactur4162 ManufacturParent company 39020 Manufactur3825 Unknown (Parent company 35803 Al Qudra H350 Al Qudra HParent company 35850 Unknown (N4165 Noor Bio EnParent company 36544 N'Sukula 1220 China LightParent company 36544 N'Sukula 1245 GovernmentParent company 35854 Dougaboug1220 China LightParent company 35854 Dougaboug1245 GovernmentParent company 39025 MLR Forest4168 MLR ForestrParent company 39026 San Miguel4169 San MiguelParent company 39031 Lubambe Co1645 Vale Parent company 39031 Lubambe Co3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 39031 Lubambe Co4174 African RaiParent company 39032 Unknown (L4175 Lubambe CoParent company 39032 Unknown (L4176 Unknown (loParent company 39033 Kariba Mine3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 39033 Kariba Mine4177 Gemfields Parent company 39035 CNMC Luan3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 39035 CNMC Luan4178 China NonfeParent company 39036 N'Selel-DA 989 ZTE CorporParent company 39037 Unknown (J4179 Jiangxi Yu Parent company 39038 M’Pourié 4131 China StateParent company 36715 Sierra Leo 2170 China HainParent company 36715 Sierra Leo 3656 China HainParent company 36715 Sierra Leo 3657 Jiangsu ProParent company 36715 Sierra Leo 2171 GovernmentParent company 37163 Complex Su953 Complant Parent company 38466 Zhongken E4181 China AfricParent company 36938 Agricultur 2270 AgricultureParent company 36874 Unknown (C4131 China StateParent company 39040 Unknown (J4132 Jiangsu StaParent company 39041 Unknown (S4182 Shandong IParent company 39042 Sucre de L 953 Complant Parent company 39043 Unknown (H4183 Hunan YuanParent company 38594 Gesterra 4184 Ministry of Parent company 39044 Vietnamese4185 ITC Spectr Parent company 39045 Kukra Deve4186 Grupo IndusParent company 39046 Murgas Dáv2890 Carlos MurParent company 39048 Agroforesta4188 SimplementParent company 38519 Unknown (M3354 Mahtani GrParent company 38519 Unknown (M3690 Sunbird BioParent company 39051 Agrodesmon4191 AgrodesmoParent company 39059 Nature Cor4199 AMS Food InParent company 39060 Austin Pow4200 Austin PowdParent company 39064 Abra del So4204 Abra del SoParent company 39065 AJU SRL. 4205 AJU SRL Parent company 35591 IRSA 3027 Cresud S.A.Parent company 35241 InnovGreen4208 Sinar Mas Parent company 38161 China Mode4209 China MengParent company 38081 Stora Enso 147 Stora EnsoParent company 38081 Stora Enso 4210 Guangxi GuiParent company 34920 Longyang F4139 Chinese G Parent company 39024 Fundación 4167 Grupo ArgoParent company 39070 Tekia SAS. 4167 Grupo ArgoParent company 37070 VinaCapital4212 Chow Tai FoParent company 37620 New City V4213 Hyundai TeParent company 37620 New City V4214 Hwa PyungParent company 35236 CP Vietnam498 Charoen P Parent company 35239 Unknown (Q278 Oji Paper CParent company 35239 Unknown (Q526 Sojitz GrouParent company 35239 Unknown (Q4215 Dai NipponParent company 39068 "Unknown (4216 Wei Yu EngiParent company 39073 Unknown (4222 Ferlo Gom Parent company 39074 Temey Agr 4223 Unknown foParent company 39074 Temey Agr 4224 Unknown doParent company 37733 AYCOOM Agr2739 Omo ValleyParent company 37733 AYCOOM Agr4225 Ayka Parent company 35245 Vinacomin 530 Vinacomin Parent company 35245 Vinacomin 3004 Aluminum CParent company 37621 Mela Agricu2672 Mela AgricuParent company 38007 Huizhou Na278 Oji Paper CParent company 38007 Huizhou Na2926 GuangdongParent company 38007 Huizhou Na3132 Marubeni CParent company 37338 Central Su 1117 Sekab Parent company 37338 Central Su 4228 Constran SParent company 39075 Vietnam Sin425 Mitsubishi Parent company 39075 Vietnam Sin4226 InvestmentParent company 39075 Vietnam Sin4227 Sembcorp DParent company 39075 Vietnam Sin4229 KMP VietnaParent company 39076 Tonkolili Ir 4230 Shandong IrParent company 39077 Tonguma Lt4231 BSG ResourParent company 39078 Koidu Limit4231 BSG ResourParent company 39079 Sierra Dia 1483 Stella Dia Parent company 36583 FrieslandC 2066 FrieslandC Parent company 36583 FrieslandC 4232 Protrade CoParent company 36589 Dakman Cof4233 ED&F Man Parent company 36589 Dakman Cof4234 DakLak SepParent company 39082 Sierra Mine4235 Vimetco NVParent company 36708 Miro Forest2135 Miro Fores Parent company 36584 Orient Bio 1983 PetroVietn Parent company 36584 Orient Bio 4237 Toyo Thai PParent company 36584 Orient Bio 4238 Licogi 16 J Parent company 39084 Banico Hold4239 Banico Hol Parent company 39085 Unknown (C4240 CCFG ConsuParent company 39086 Unknown (C4241 CFG ConstrParent company 39087 Unknown (Ga4242 Gava ForestParent company 39088 Exim Invest4243 Exim InvesParent company 39091 Gola Rainfo4246 Ministry of Parent company 39091 Gola Rainfo4247 The ConservParent company 39091 Gola Rainfo4248 The Royal SParent company 39092 Vietnam Sin4226 InvestmentParent company 39092 Vietnam Sin4227 Sembcorp DParent company 39093 JSC Becamex4226 InvestmentParent company 39093 JSC Becamex4251 Song Be R Parent company 39095 Truong Than278 Oji Paper CParent company 39095 Truong Than4252 Truong ThanParent company 39098 C&N VINA C4253 Korean inv Parent company 36711 Agricapital4254 African LanParent company 37608 Bruhway Ag2660 Bruhway AgrParent company 39108 Mangreit g4259 EGCM LLC Parent company 38961 Unknown (S4077 JES InternaParent company 38961 Unknown (S4078 Société de Parent company 39120 Group led 4272 CDC CorporParent company 39120 Group led 4273 Middle Util Parent company 39120 Group led 4274 Infra Asia Parent company 39125 Vina-CPK C4280 Vietnam InfParent company 39125 Vina-CPK C4281 CPK Vinh PParent company 39125 Vina-CPK C4282 Phuc Hung Parent company 39128 Thang Long1993 Sumitomo Parent company 36858 D1 Oils Tan170 NEOS ResouParent company 39129 Compal (VN4285 Compal ElecParent company 39130 Thang Long1993 Sumitomo Parent company 39130 Thang Long4286 Thang LongParent company 39130 Thang Long4287 Sumitomo CParent company 39133 Sai Gon - B4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39134 FuGiang Co.4291 Rowi InvestParent company 39134 FuGiang Co.4292 Hon Hai PreParent company 37878 Chikweti Fo1293 Green ResoParent company 37878 Chikweti Fo2094 DiversifiedParent company 37878 Chikweti Fo2095 Diocese of Parent company 39139 Nuy Olive 4296 RussellSto Parent company 39140 Grainvest 4296 RussellSto Parent company 39141 Ibis Pigger 4296 RussellSto Parent company 39141 Ibis Pigger 4297 DoornspruiParent company 39142 Granary 4296 RussellSto Parent company 39146 Binh Ha Liv253 Hoang AnhParent company 39146 Binh Ha Liv4302 An Phu CorParent company 38952 Thunder Bir4304 Unknown (ThParent company 38577 Gozour Agri3303 Qalaa HoldParent company 38577 Gozour Agri3420 Unknown otParent company 39148 Grande Côt2440 GovernmentParent company 39148 Grande Côt4307 Mineral DepParent company 39148 Grande Côt4308 Eramet Parent company 39151 Gia Huy C 4312 Gia Huy c Parent company 37527 Amatheon 2597A Amatheon ParentA company 37527 Amatheon 4313A Toyota TsusParent company 37443 SAPH SA 1817 Michelin Parent company 37443 SAPH SA 4314 Société IntParent company 37443 SAPH SA 4315 Bourse d'AParent company 37596 Madagascar1028 Varun IndusParent company 35997 Unknown (C1381 Coga FarmsParent company 35997 Unknown (C3315 FAPCo Parent company 35997 Unknown (C3316 GREDCo Parent company 39153 16th Army 523 Tan Mai Pa Parent company 39153 16th Army 4318 16th Army Parent company 39155 Turiagro 4320 Grupo WM Parent company 39156 Aldeia Nova4321 Tahal Grou Parent company 39159 Fazenda Ma4324 Maxi superParent company 39162 Farm Fores4327 Unknown (FParent company 36095 Mountainsi1492 DWS GALOParent company 36095 Mountainsi3672 Tanzania BrParent company 37684 Eurovistaa 2705 Eurovistaa Parent company 37699 Kapunga Ric2716 ETG FarminParent company 37699 Kapunga Ric4328 Verus GrouParent company 37687 Lukulilo Fa 4329 James MayParent company 39163 Unknown (T4330 Tarbim LimParent company 39163 Unknown (T4331 Unique AgroParent company 39164 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39165 Sao Hill Ag1293 Green ResoParent company 37764 TPC Ltd. 2749 Alteo Ltd Parent company 37764 TPC Ltd. 1531 GovernmentParent company 39167 Dolce Vist 4333 Dolce VistaParent company 39168 LIAG Argen4334 Kahlbetzer Parent company 39169 Tierras de 4335 Madeflex Parent company 39172 Garfin Agro4343 Garfin Gro Parent company 38310 1Malaysia 309 1Malaysia Parent company 38310 1Malaysia 4351 China Rail Parent company 38310 1Malaysia 4352 Iskandar WaParent company 37362 Unknown (N2109 Natural AfrParent company 39181 Agriland I 4358 Grupo LuccParent company 39182 El Pucará 4358 Grupo LuccParent company 39183 Companhia4359 TurConsult Parent company 39183 Companhia4360 AgriCane Parent company 39185 Cantagalo 526 Sojitz GrouParent company 39185 Cantagalo 4362 Grupo CGGParent company 39186 Agropecuar4363 Cervera NeParent company 39187 Cacao del 4364 Grupo MelkParent company 39188 Plantacione4364 Grupo MelkParent company 39192 Zed SA. 4368 Grupo LacrParent company 38707 Transmara 2749 Alteo Ltd Parent company 38707 Transmara 3648 Mr. Shah Parent company 38697 Rubaya-Ny3628 Rwanda MouParent company 38697 Rubaya-Ny4369 Cotragagi Parent company 39195 Nimini-Kom4370 Polo ResourParent company 39195 Nimini-Kom4371 Plinian GueParent company 39197 Unknown (A4373 AGPL InvesParent company 39200 Babban Go4375 Doreo Part Parent company 39201 Premium Sy4376 Nigerian BrParent company 39203 Unknown (V2440 GovernmentParent company 39203 Unknown (V4378 Valnovel Parent company 39211 Limbe Leaf4380 Universal Parent company 39211 Limbe Leaf4381 Press CorpoParent company 39147 Duc Long Gi4303 Duc Long GParent company 39147 Duc Long Gi4383 Vietnam DaiParent company 36746 Euro - Libe4385 Unknown (EuParent company 39213 Harvest Afr4386 GMX ConsulParent company 39213 Harvest Afr4387 Unknown (Parent company 36149 Mtanga Far4389 Agri-vie Parent company 36149 Mtanga Far4390 Voxtra Parent company 36149 Mtanga Far4391 Unknown miParent company 39216 Nyala Mine4395 Abdul Mah Parent company 39216 Nyala Mine4396 Uknown locParent company 39216 Nyala Mine4397 Ministry of Parent company 39217 Imouraren 2433 GovernmentParent company 39217 Imouraren 4398 AREVA NC Parent company 39217 Imouraren 4399 SOPaMin Parent company 39218 Tethys Pet 4028 Pacific ExpParent company 39219 Inmobiliari 4028 Pacific ExpParent company 39220 Major Inter4028 Pacific ExpParent company 39222 Generadora4401 FMO (NetheParent company 39222 Generadora4402 DEG (DeutscParent company 39222 Generadora4403 BCIE (BancParent company 39223 Forest Fin 4405 Forest FinaParent company 39224 Agropecuar4406 Manuel MeParent company 39225 Agropecuari4407 Otto NicolaParent company 39226 Norteak Ni 2454 Norteak Parent company 35068 unknown (S4408 Sarawak FoParent company 37329 Katanga Mi2521 GecaminesParent company 37329 Katanga Mi651 Glencore XParent company 38432 Kipoi Coppe3243 Tiger ResouParent company 38432 Kipoi Coppe3244 La GénéraleParent company 38433 Lupoto Proj3243 Tiger ResouParent company 38966 Boss Mining2521 GecaminesParent company 38966 Boss Mining4082 Eurasian ReParent company 39196 SOMIO Tou4372 AXMIN Inc.Parent company 37139 Western Me1653 Terramin AuParent company 37139 Western Me2415 Office Nati Parent company 37139 Western Me4410 Entreprise Parent company 35643 Tongon SA 3231 Unknown LoParent company 35643 Tongon SA 972 Randgold RParent company 35643 Tongon SA 1816 GovernmentParent company 37218 Société des972 Randgold RParent company 37218 Société des1245 GovernmentParent company 35985 Société des4411 Société de Parent company 39081 Sierra Ruti 4414 Iluka Parent company 39198 Essakane S3881 GovernmentParent company 39198 Essakane S4374 IAMGOLD CoParent company 38431 Tschudi cop3242 Weatherly IParent company 38441 Lerala Dia 3256 Kimberley Parent company 38441 Lerala Dia 3257 Pacific RoaParent company 39230 Ouarzazate4415 Moroccan AParent company 35956 Riversdale 4416 InternationParent company 36253 Zara Minin 2237 Eritrean NaParent company 36253 Zara Minin 2238 SFECO GroParent company 37364 Vale Moza 1645 Vale Parent company 37364 Vale Moza 3678 Mitsui & CoParent company 37364 Vale Moza 4417 Unknown loParent company 38538 Uganda Int4418 Unknown inParent company 38727 Uranex Tan3680 Magnis ResParent company 38730 North Mara3692 M&G InvesParent company 38730 North Mara3694 Unknown MiParent company 38730 North Mara3235 Barrick GolParent company 38730 North Mara3693 Blackrock Parent company 39034 Maamba Col3663 ZCCM InvesParent company 39215 Burundi Mu4393 Kermas InvParent company 39215 Burundi Mu4394 GovernmentParent company 37547 Agrobest ( 2618 Maruha NichParent company 37547 Agrobest ( 4420 Fujian Hen Parent company 38001 African Nat2922 Bioenergy PParent company 37138 Kibali Gol 2414 Sokimo Parent company 37138 Kibali Gol 972 Randgold RParent company 37138 Kibali Gol 727 AngloGold Parent company 37501 Mai Ndomb2588 Offsetters Parent company 37501 Mai Ndomb4421 Unknown (Parent company 39234 Aleksa Sant4422 Ferrero Tra Parent company 38635 Agroprospe3521 NCH CapitalParent company 39238 Kusto Agro4427 Kusto GroupParent company 39239 Complexe a4429 Unknown (Parent company 39229 Rudnap Ag4430 Al Dahra InParent company 37997 Compangie4431 A Mr Laurent Parent company 39231 Unknown(Tö4432 Tönnies Le Parent company 39241 Unknown (R1567 Rai Group Parent company 39242 Unknown (Ti4435 Tifralait Parent company 39242 Unknown (Ti4436 InternationParent company 39243 AK Dzumajl4439 Sahara IndiParent company 39244 Unknown(Sa4439 Sahara IndiParent company 39245 Hemaraj CI4440 Civil Engin Parent company 39245 Hemaraj CI4441 Hemaraj LaParent company 39248 Ca Voi Xanh4446 PetroVietnaParent company 39248 Ca Voi Xanh4447 Vietnam OiParent company 39248 Ca Voi Xanh4448 ExxonMobilParent company 39249 Unknown(So4449 SodrugestvParent company 37563 AUGA 4451 UAB Baltic Parent company 38192 Engro Food374 Engro CorpParent company 38192 Engro Food4452 Royal FriesParent company 38398 OOO Ostrog4453 Erneal LimiParent company 39251 Trang Cat 4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39251 Trang Cat 4292 Hon Hai PreParent company 39252 An Duong I4455 Company ofParent company 39252 An Duong I4456 Shenyue JoParent company 39253 Dinh Vu Ind4457 Rent-A-Por Parent company 38395 Volgo-DonS4453 Erneal LimiParent company 39254 Nam Hong 4458 Nam Hong Parent company 39254 Nam Hong 4459 Jababeka GParent company 39257 Ntacua Flo 1293 Green ResoParent company 38883 Unknown (S3838 SenegindiaParent company 39259 Joint comp 4464 Bac Giang Parent company 39259 Joint comp 4465 Fuji Bac G Parent company 39261 Kinsevere 2061 MMG Ltd Parent company 39262 Tenke Fung2521 GecaminesParent company 39262 Tenke Fung4467 China MolyParent company 39262 Tenke Fung4468 Lundin MinParent company 39263 Mutanda Mi3681 Glencore plParent company 39263 Mutanda Mi4469 Line Trust Parent company 39264 Lonshi Min 4082 Eurasian ReParent company 39265 CUAE Zarya4470 China XinjiParent company 39266 Dikulushi 4471 Mason WestParent company 39267 Kinsenda Pr4472 Jinchuan GrParent company 39268 Swanmines2521 GecaminesParent company 39268 Swanmines4473 Africo ResoParent company 39271 Debswana 1929D Anglo AmeriParent company 39271 Debswana 4476D GovernmentParent company 39272 Tasiast min1635 Kinross golParent company 39273 Twangiza M4477 Banro CorpParent company 39274 Namoya Mi4477 Banro CorpParent company 39275 Klipspring 4478 Asa ResourParent company 39275 Klipspring 4479 Naka DiamoParent company 39281 Bong Minin4480 China-UnioParent company 39286 Ascendas-Pr4232 Protrade CoParent company 39286 Ascendas-Pr4485 Ascendas-SParent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4486 Phu Lam PlaParent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4487 Maruichi StParent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4488 TaFong CorParent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4489 Forever WoParent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4490 Kwan Chin Parent company 39287 Dai Dang Co4491 Billion Gra Parent company 39291 Investment4226 InvestmentParent company 39295 Putu Iron 4500 Severstal Parent company 39297 An Dien In 117 Vietnam RuParent company 38786 SC COMCER4505 Trans Oil EnParent company 38786 SC COMCER4506 Mopan SA Parent company 38788 SC Agrocom4505 Trans Oil EnParent company 38809 R-Agro Falc4505 Trans Oil EnParent company 39300 KinhBac Ci4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39301 Telecommun4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39302 Two compan4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39302 Two compan4508 Viglacera CParent company 39303 QUE VO-IDI4509 VIETNAM UParent company 39308 Industrial 4515 Industrial Parent company 39310 Hoa Mac In4288 Hoa Phat GParent company 39311 Ha Nam De4276 Vietnam InParent company 39100 Viglacera C4508 Viglacera CParent company 35978 LIH Demete1359 Demeter InParent company 35978 LIH Demete2022 Labour InveParent company 35978 LIH Demete4520 HambukushuParent company 39180 Integrated 4353 Wienco Parent company 39180 Integrated 4354 Nanton ChiParent company 39180 Integrated 4356 Tamale InvParent company 39180 Integrated 4355 African Tig Parent company 39180 Integrated 4357 Komma BVParent company 39315 Lai Vu IP O 4525 Hai Duong Parent company 39319 Mothae Di 3876 GovernmentParent company 39319 Mothae Di 4527 Lucapa Di Parent company 39320 River Niger4528 Al Horaish Parent company 39320 River Niger4529 Unknown (Parent company 39321 Unknown (I4530 Investors f Parent company 39322 Unknown (T4531 Toya HoldinParent company 39323 Ruchi Agri 2427 Ruchi SoyaParent company 39324 Unknown (L4532 Long fee Parent company 39326 Unknown (Fo4534 Food & AlliParent company 38913 RZ Agro Gr681 Louis Drey Parent company 39328 Yen Bai Pr 4535 Yen Bai ProParent company 34800 Unknown (B19 BNA (Cam)Parent company 39336 Dansa Agro1448 Dangote InParent company 39337 AgroTrade F4547 ED&F Man ParentL company 39337 AgroTrade F4548 Ukraine Fa Parent company 39309 Afri Partne 4516 Douja PromParent company 39339 Avana Petr4549 Vanoil EnerParent company 36274 DEKOMAD 1677 DEKO SA Parent company 39341 Laderas del3986 Joseph LewParent company 39343 Unknown (R4552 Raj agro-inParent company 39345 Unknown (T4554 Transfronti Parent company 38915 Argento Mo4557 Argento Lt Parent company 38915 Argento Mo4558 Local repreParent company 39351 BIOSOY 4560 ROVIC GROParent company 35546 FirstFarms A4564 FirstFarns S.Parent company 38479 Nutre Farmi3318 Nutre SGPSParent company 39362 Letšeng Di 3876 GovernmentParent company 39362 Letšeng Di 4576 Gem DiamoParent company 39363 Gem Diamo4576 Gem DiamoParent company 39364 Zimbrul S.r.3318 Nutre SGPSParent company 39365 Agromec Ba3318 Nutre SGPSParent company 36849 Sun Biofuel1015 Sun BiofuelParent company 35919 Prio Foods 3318 Nutre SGPSParent company 39366 Anjin Inves4577 Anhui ForeParent company 39366 Anjin Inves4578 Zimbabwe ParentM company 39367 Jinan Minin4577 Anhui ForeParent company 39367 Jinan Minin4578 Zimbabwe ParentM company 38642 SOTRADER2381 Republic o Parent company 38642 SOTRADER967 Olam InternParent company 38560 Unknown (M4579 Unknown paParent company 38560 Unknown (M4581 Unknown loParent company 34914 Fonterra (Y142 Fonterra CoParent company 34914 Fonterra (Y4591 Abbott Parent company 39370 Estina farm4593 Free State Parent company 39370 Estina farm4595 Paras Parent company 37094 Liberia For 208 Kuala LumpParent company 37094 Liberia For 1161 Equatorial Parent company 39080 LIBINC Oil 3111 Kuala LumpParent company 39080 LIBINC Oil 1161 Equatorial Parent company 37271 Benso Oil P143 Wilmar InteParent company 37271 Benso Oil P4596 Various othParent company 39371 Unknown (C4597 China Geo-Parent company 39039 Green Agric2075 Longping HParent company 39039 Green Agric4180 China Geo-Parent company 39372 Frigorifico 4598 Allana grouParent company 35992 Unknown (C1376 Chongqing Parent company 39373 Chongqing 1376 Chongqing Parent company 39375 Unknown (H4601 Herburg RoParent company 39376 Unknown (E4602 Esmeralda Parent company 38023 China Agri-1348 Cofco Parent company 39388 Sea Agricul4610 Unknown (SParent company 39394 La Filière B4616 Vasto LegnParent company 39395 Alpicam Gr4617 ALPI GroupParent company 39396 Gertrud Si 4618 CooperativaParent company 39193 Unknown (Un4620 Uniline Fin Parent company 38008 APRIL SSY 2928 Shandong RParent company 38008 APRIL SSY 2927 Royal GoldeParent company 39404 Alwin Fries4618 CooperativaParent company 39405 Unknown (C4628 CELTS IndusParent company 39406 Kitoko Foo 4469 Line Trust Parent company 39406 Kitoko Foo 4629 Gertler FamParent company 39407 Nestlé Con4630 Nestlé S.A Parent company 38028 COFCO Tunh1348 Cofco Parent company 39409 unknown (S4634 Unknown (Parent company 39409 unknown (S4635 Unknown (Parent company 36944 ATFC Madeir1776 HK Jalan G Parent company 36944 ATFC Madeir1777 African Ti Parent company 38563 Sociedade 3397 Export Tra Parent company 36368 Cha De Mag1776 HK Jalan G Parent company 39410 Quinta Gol 4636 António AlvParent company 39411 Moçambique4637 Universal CParent company 39412 Amarula Fa4638 Africa EnteParent company 39413 Alfa Agricu4639 Jan Paulus Parent company 39414 Olam Moza967 Olam InternParent company 39417 Shanta Min4640 Shanta GolParent company 39418 Unknown (E4641 Eagle EnterParent company 39420 Mozaperon4642 Unknown (MParent company 39421 Araperon A4643 Unknown ( Parent company 39423 Finlays Arg4646 Finlays Parent company 36928 Companhia4648 Grupo EntrParent company 39425 Summit Bra4649 Summit AgrParent company 38703 Mocotex Ld3643 Hewlett Fa Parent company 38703 Mocotex Ld3641 Trigon CapiParent company 39426 Ojes Agrico4650 Unknown (OParent company 39427 Onça Moça4651 Unknown (OParent company 39428 Plexus Moç4652 Plexus Cot Parent company 39429 Tenga Lda 4653 Unnamed SoParent company 39430 Chipande C4654 Unknown (CParent company 39432 AC Matama3633 African Ce Parent company 39432 AC Matama4633 Fundacao MParent company 36735 African Cen3633 African Ce Parent company 39433 Moflor 4648 Grupo EntrParent company 39434 Sonil (Soci 4656 Unknown (Parent company 39434 Sonil (Soci 4657 Unknown joParent company 39435 Miranda Agr4658 António Fil Parent company 39436 Novos Hori4659 Andrew CuParent company 39437 Mozambique4661 Nair Russo Parent company 39438 Companhia4662 Unknown (CParent company 39439 Casa Bonita4663 Zheng Fei Parent company 39440 Senyu Lda 4664 Unknown (SParent company 39441 Corredor Ag3606 Matanuska Parent company 39441 Corredor Ag1273 Rift Valley Parent company 36360 Mozambique1769 Unknown (MParent company 39419 Cistér Moç 4665 Unknown (CParent company 39442 North Buke4652 Plexus Cot Parent company 39442 North Buke4666 Bedi Inves Parent company 39442 North Buke4667 Nakuru FibrParent company 39443 Western U 4652 Plexus Cot Parent company 39443 Western U 4666 Bedi Inves Parent company 39443 Western U 4667 Nakuru FibrParent company 39444 Unknown (E4668 European FoParent company 39445 Unknown (Ko4669 Korea-ArabParent company 39445 Unknown (Ko4670 Egyptian AgParent company 39446 Agri-sul Ld 4671 Annona SusParent company 39338 WoodBois 4579 Unknown paParent company 39348 Maxagro S 4559 PHI Group, Parent company 39348 Maxagro S 4673 Maxagro s.r.Parent company 38534 JD Agro Coc4675 Romania FaParent company 38557 Agri Consor4676 Liono Alex Parent company 39250 Volgograd 4453 Erneal LimiParent company 39449 TestPrimar 4677 TesSecondaParent company 39450 Unknown (R4678 RSI Su-LdaParent company 39451 Test Ltd. 4679 TestSecondParent company 39452 ASR Group4680 Florida CryParent company 39452 ASR Group4681 Sugar CaneParent company 39453 Avant Agri 4682 Frontline Parent company 39454 Agrotoro SA4683 Grupo FaveParent company 39455 Ganadera S4684 Grupo CartParent company 39456 Eco Brasil 4685 ZDA ParticiParent company 39456 Eco Brasil 4686 EucalyptusParent company 39456 Eco Brasil 4687 Brasil Sust Parent company 39456 Eco Brasil 4688 Brutelle FuParent company 39456 Eco Brasil 4689 Gesheft FuParent company 39457 Unknown (D4516 Douja PromParent company 39458 Government4690 GovernmentParent company 39463 Salima Sug4384 GovernmenParent company 39463 Salima Sug4697 Apollo InterParent company 39464 unknown (C4698 Costa NegóParent company 39465 Unknown (C4698 Costa NegóParent company 39466 Bovinos do4698 Costa NegóParent company 39466 Bovinos do4699 GovernmentParent company 39055 GF Tolloche3258 BXR GroupParent company 38968 Unknown (C4700 China Fore Parent company 39467 Frutas Lib 4701 Peter Andr Parent company 39468 British Am 4702 British AmeParent company 39469 Timber Wor4703 Timber WorParent company 39470 Shiselweni 4704 Transvaal Parent company 39471 Kawandama4705 Citrefine I Parent company 39472 Nile Plywoo4707 Unknown (NParent company 39228 Iskra OJSC 4708 Western NIParent company 38867 S.C. Agrozo4714 A&S InternParent company 38805 S.C. Agrocer3769 Aton GMBHParent company 38729 New Liberty3682 Avesoro ReParent company 38729 New Liberty4715 MNG Gold JParent company 39476 MNG Gold Li4715 MNG Gold JParent company 39477 Youga mine3881 GovernmentParent company 39477 Youga mine4715 MNG Gold JParent company 38807 Thames Far4716 Insight GloParent company 39478 Las Cuatro 4718 Las CuatroParent company 39482 Pallaro He 4721 Pallaro He Parent company 36718 Senhuile 3121 SenegaleseParent company 36718 Senhuile 4732 Mr. Gora S Parent company 39493 Tabakoto Pr1245 GovernmentParent company 39493 Tabakoto Pr4733 Endeavour Parent company 39497 Karlen Juan4735 Karlen DaniParent company 39497 Karlen Juan4736 Karlen JuanParent company 39499 Pan Americ4738 Grupo BridParent company 39499 Pan Americ4739 British Pet Parent company 39500 Cooperativ4740 Promotora ParentH company 39500 Cooperativ4741 ChemonicsParent i company 39502 Karma min3881 GovernmentParent company 39502 Karma min4733 Endeavour Parent company 39504 Houndé pro3881 GovernmentParent company 39504 Houndé pro4733 Endeavour Parent company 39505 Unknown (in4745 Investors f Parent company 39508 Mana prope4748 SEMAFO Parent company 39510 Inata mine3881 GovernmentParent company 39510 Inata mine4750 Avocet MinParent company 39511 Seguénéga3881 GovernmentParent company 39511 Seguénéga4751 Amara MiniParent company 39511 Seguénéga4752 IMAR-B Parent company 39512 Burkina Ma4753 ACM CorporParent company 39513 Siankopo 4754 Libra Pty L Parent company 39513 Siankopo 4755 Daled Mini Parent company 39514 Ibula 4754 Libra Pty L Parent company 39514 Ibula 4755 Daled Mini Parent company 39515 Blackthorn4756 Intrepid Mi Parent company 39518 Geovic Cam4759 Geovic MinParent company 39518 Geovic Cam4760 National I Parent company 39519 CAM IRON 4761 Sundance RParent company 39519 CAM IRON 4762 Hold Co SAParent company 39520 Folio Holdi 4763 Choice InteParent company 39520 Folio Holdi 4764 Triton AquaParent company 39520 Folio Holdi 4765 Alluvial Fa Parent company 39521 Unknown (4766 Good FarmParent company 39509 Nantou Min3881 GovernmentParent company 39509 Nantou Min4749 Trevali Min Parent company 39523 Roxgold Sa3881 GovernmentParent company 39523 Roxgold Sa4767 Roxgold Parent company 39524 ASOGPADO917 Oleoflores Parent company 39524 ASOGPADO3131 Unilever P Parent company 39524 ASOGPADO4768 FedepalmaParent company 39524 ASOGPADO4770 Embassy Parent company 39525 Floresta Vi 4771 Moringa SCParent company 39526 TexBel Agri4771 Moringa SCParent company 39526 TexBel Agri4772 TexBel AgriParent company 39527 EPACEM SA4773 Grupo EPA Parent company 39528 Palmar del 4773 Grupo EPA Parent company 35421 Bioagroindu2890 Carlos MurParent company 35421 Bioagroindu4775 Dalessa IntParent company 35421 Bioagroindu4776 Directstar IParent company 39531 Agro-KA LL3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 39532 Agro Regio3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 39534 Agro Mayak3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 39535 Agricultur 3865 Astarta Ho Parent company 39537 Nyva Ukrai4779 MHP S.E. Parent company 38981 Marula Gam4116 Popa GroupParent company 38981 Marula Gam4781 Comsar EneParent company 39541 Losinovka -4782 Industrial Parent company 39557 Ingenio y R4788 Seaboard CParent company 39570 Clarsan SAC4783 Bepesa SA.Parent company 39570 Clarsan SAC4802 Clarsan SAParent company 39582 Puramel SA4814 Puramel SAParent company 39584 Walter Mari4816 Walter MarParent company 39589 Riozenta S 4788 Seaboard CParent company 39554 Cignetti Pe4821 Cignetti PeParent company 39554 Cignetti Pe4822 Cignetti Jo Parent company 39566 Martino, Ger4797 Martino, GerParent company 39566 Martino, Ger4823 Martino GeParent company 39566 Martino, Ger4824 Cicutti FaviParent company 39566 Martino, Ger4825 Theiler Jor Parent company 39566 Martino, Ger4826 Theiler Shi Parent company 39571 Sona, Guill4831 Sona Guill Parent company 39571 Sona, Guill4832 Sona AdriaParent company 39573 Torello, Jo 4833 Torello Jos Parent company 39573 Torello, Jo 4834 Gaviña NaoParent company 39573 Torello, Jo 4835 Montovio PParent company 39574 Agsof SA/ 4836 Agsof SA Parent company 39574 Agsof SA/ 4837 Gomez MariParent company 39578 Dumit, Nest4838 Dumi, NestParent company 39578 Dumit, Nest4839 Dumit JoseParent company 39596 Granjas Ma4844 Grupo GranParent company 39602 Agro-Indust4850 CamaronesParent d company 39603 Distribuido4852 Mercon CofParent company 39604 BanaPiña d4189 Fresh Del Parent company 39590 Yunnan Gre4854 Yunnan HonParent company 39607 Dongfeng T2163 Yunnan StaParent company 39608 Kunming Ga4855 Gaoshen GParent company 39306 EIP Eco In 4276 Vietnam InParent company 39648 Unknown (EG2098 Sinohydro CParent company 39648 Unknown (EG4863 EGAT InternParent company 39648 Unknown (EG4864 Chin ThreeParent company 39648 Unknown (EG4865 DepartmentParent company 39648 Unknown (EG4866 InternationParent company 39648 Unknown (EG4867 China SoutParent company 39649 Myanmar Roy4868 Royal GoldeParent company 34891 Unknown (V117 Vietnam RuParent company 39654 Unknown (Y4870 Yunnan Jin Parent company 39656 Longwin Glo4871 GuangdongParent company 39656 Longwin Glo4872 Htoo GroupParent company 39656 Longwin Glo4873 Union of MParent company 39656 Longwin Glo4874 Myanma PetParent company 37534 Unknown (Y4875 China PoweParent company 37534 Unknown (Y4876 Yunnan UniParent company 39659 Unknown (G4879 Greater MeParent company 39171 Hoa Phat D4288 Hoa Phat GParent company 36076 Sunbird Bio4298 Sunbird BioParent company 36076 Sunbird Bio4522 Addax and Parent company 39662 Unknown (S4298 Sunbird BioParent company 39663 Sunbird Zi 4298 Sunbird BioParent company 39663 Sunbird Zi 4882 GovernmenParent company 39664 Myanmar Wa4873 Union of MParent company 39664 Myanmar Wa4883 Wanbao MinParent company 39664 Myanmar Wa4884 Ministry of Parent company 39666 Unknown (C4886 China's DReParent company 39667 Mayflower4887 East Star Parent company 39667 Mayflower4888 Thai Asset Parent company 39667 Mayflower4889 Energy EarParent company 35786 Unknown (B1145 Biwako BioParent company 35786 Unknown (B2062 Hydronet Parent company 36555 Tana Delta 2005 TARDA Parent company 36555 Tana Delta 2013 Mat InternaParent company 39658 Unknown (C4875 China PoweParent company 39658 Unknown (C4892 Karen Nati Parent company 39669 TH-Rus Mil 4893 The TH TruParent company 39670 CNMC TISC4178 China NonfeParent company 39670 CNMC TISC4894 Taiyuan Ir Parent company 38108 Turkwel sug3001 Kerio Vall Parent company 38108 Turkwel sug4895 GovernmentParent company 39672 Unknown (T4893 The TH TruParent company 39673 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39674 Rowe Farmi4897 Matthew JoParent company 39674 Rowe Farmi4898 Kyrie Pauli Parent company 39674 Rowe Farmi4899 Felicity Ro Parent company 39675 Nyamanza 4900F John Lewis Parent company 39675 Nyamanza 4901F Jason Lewi Parent company 39675 Nyamanza 4902F Leonard DaParent company 39676 Billis Farm 4903 Abraheam ParentL company 39676 Billis Farm 4904 Paulo StavroParent company 39676 Billis Farm 4905 Idaro VentuParent company 39676 Billis Farm 4906 Alexandre SParent company 39677 Kasary Kut 4907 Philip Jan Parent company 39678 Fairfield Fa4908 Jeremy BadParent company 39678 Fairfield Fa4909 Greg BadcoParent company 39679 Unknown 24893 The TH TruParent company 39680 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39681 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39682 Quinta Da B2923 Crookes BroParent company 39682 Quinta Da B3124 SilverstreetParent company 39683 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39684 Orient's S 4911 Orient's SuParent company 39687 Ol Kinyei 4912 GamewatcheParent company 39687 Ol Kinyei 4913 Porini Safa Parent company 39688 Ol Pejeta 4912 GamewatcheParent company 39688 Ol Pejeta 4913 Porini Safa Parent company 39690 Kilimapesa4915 Goldplat P Parent company 39613 Upstream A4859 China PoweParent company 39613 Upstream A4860 Ministry of Parent company 39613 Upstream A4861 Myanmar AParent company 39609 Myanmar Ja2279 Japanese InParent company 39609 Myanmar Ja4856 Myanmar ThParent company 39609 Myanmar Ja4857 MMS ThilawParent company 39609 Myanmar Ja4917 Thilawa S Parent company 39695 Unknown (4918 T and C C Parent company 39696 British Ame4702 British AmeParent company 39698 Kakuzi Plc 4920 Camellia plParent company 39699 Unknown (Y4921 Yunnan YuaParent company 39700 Unknown (K4922 Del Monte Parent company 39700 Unknown (K4920 Camellia plParent company 39701 Unknown (Y4923 Yunnan Jiu Parent company 39702 James Finla4924 Finlay GrouParent company 39703 Cirio Del M4926 Cirio AlimeParent company 39705 Kofinaf Co 4930 RendeavourParent company 39710 Unknown (H4931 Hongrui L Parent company 39712 Unknown (Y4854 Yunnan HonParent company 39713 Unknown (Y4932 Yunnan WeiParent company 39714 Unknown (Y4933 Yunnan VicParent company 39715 Unknown (Y4934 Yunnan Si Parent company 35756 africaJUICE3551 africaJUICEParent company 35756 africaJUICE2069 GovernmentParent company 39284 Ecowood In4935 Texas InterParent company 39722 Bopolu Dev4936 Unknown (BParent company 39723 Universal F4937 Unknown (UnParent company 39724 Tropical Ti 4938 Unknown (TrParent company 39725 Frank Brook4939 Unknown (FrParent company 39726 Grand Bass4940 Unknown (GParent company 39727 Forest Vent4941 Unknown (FParent company 39728 Tutex Wood4942 Unknown (TParent company 39730 Toyo Thai 4944 Toyo-Thai PParent company 35501 Palmas del 806 Grupo RomParent company 39733 Unknown (As4948 Astral Asia Parent company 39733 Unknown (As4949 Myanmar CoParent company 39733 Unknown (As4950 Green FutuParent company 39734 Eland Coal 4951 IndependenParent company 39738 Unknown (H4956 Myanmar InParent company 39738 Unknown (H4957 Haejohyub Parent company 39735 Test Prima 2311 Unknown (Parent company 39735 Test Prima 2622 Unknown (Parent company 39739 National Fa4958 Tarlesson FParent company 39743 Unknown (Y4960 Yunnan GelParent company 39610 Unknown (W2713 Wuhan KaidParent company 39610 Unknown (W4956 Myanmar InParent company 39611 Unknown (G4858 State DeveParent company 39611 Unknown (G4961 Great Wall Parent company 36445 Myanmar Ag1877 Yoma StratParent company 39744 Shwe Yaung4962 Max MyanmParent company 39747 Dutch agra4963 Bontrup HoParent company 39748 ASOPALCAT917 Oleoflores Parent company 39748 ASOPALCAT4964 Estam LtdaParent company 39749 Coopsaban4965 Indupalma Parent company 39750 Coopalmag4965 Indupalma Parent company 39751 Metropolita4966 Grupo FutuParent company 39752 Unknown (T4967 Sunshine KParent company 39752 Unknown (T4968 TaremoenyParent company 39754 Union Dicon4971 Union DiconParent company 39408 GF Macada4972 Unknown DuParent company 38119 Brazil Iowa3258 BXR GroupParent company 39755 Teragro Co 4973 TransnationParent company 35449 Palmas de D4975 NaturAceiteParent company 39757 Twynam Agri4976 Twynam AgrParent company 39760 Investors ( 4979 Almarai Parent company 39760 Investors ( 4980 Alsafi Parent company 39760 Investors ( 4981 Tabuk Agri Parent company 35270 Latur SEZ 557 MaharashtrParent company 35270 Latur SEZ 3177 Infrastruct Parent company 35304 Mangalore 550 Karnataka Parent company 35304 Mangalore 3177 Infrastruct Parent company 35304 Mangalore 3188 Kanara ChaParent company 35304 Mangalore 1377 Oil and NatParent company 38288 Unknown (Ma3132 Marubeni CParent company 38288 Unknown (Ma4184 Ministry of Parent company 35208 Unknown (U3414 GovernmentParent company 39023 Unknown (G2093 GovernmenParent company 39023 Unknown (G4895 GovernmentParent company 39260 Kamoa Hold3477 Ivanhoe MiParent company 39260 Kamoa Hold1869 GovernmentParent company 39260 Kamoa Hold4466 Zijin Minin Parent company 39764 Unknown (Ik4984 Iktifaa Parent company 39765 Amtaar inv993 Jenaan Inv Parent company 39765 Amtaar inv1913 GovernmentParent company 38752 Juaboso Ag3714 Unknown (Parent company 38752 Juaboso Ag3713 Unknown (JParent company 39113 RIBA CONG4986 Ribadão Parent company 39503 Agbaou Mi 1816 GovernmentParent company 39503 Agbaou Mi 4733 Endeavour Parent company 39503 Agbaou Mi 4742 SODEMI Parent company 38683 Cerezas Ar3592 Grupo BulgParent company 36426 Unknown 4083 Rio Tinto Parent company 38607 Entree-Oyu3484 Erdenes OyParent company 38607 Entree-Oyu4083 Rio Tinto Parent company 38607 Entree-Oyu4217 Entree Gol Parent company 39067 Oyu Tolgoi 2728 GovernmentParent company 39067 Oyu Tolgoi 4083 Rio Tinto Parent company 35118 Unknown (S1410 GovernmentParent company 38895 Solagrow P4987 Stichting TParent company 38895 Solagrow P3855 Jan van de Parent company 38608 Ministry of 936 ENI Parent company 38608 Ministry of 3650 GovernmentParent company 39021 Flowers For4163 Flowers ForParent company 39021 Flowers For4988 Unkown (4 Parent company 39022 Farm River4164 Farm RiverParent company 39022 Farm River4989 Unknown (Parent company 37642 Socfin Agri946 SOCFIN Parent company 37642 Socfin Agri4990 Unknown (Parent company 39240 Jacaranda A4434 Eráti gove Parent company 39240 Jacaranda A4991 Unknown (Parent company 39282 Unknown (A2380 AAAID Parent company 39282 Unknown (A4992 Unknown (Parent company 39767 Mafuro Far 4996 SubSahara Parent company 39767 Mafuro Far 4997 ProDairy Parent company 39769 Mandalay M5000 Royal Hi-T Parent company 39772 Asopalma, 4965 Indupalma Parent company 39773 Siglo XXI, 4965 Indupalma Parent company 39774 TicoFrut SA5004 Pelmot Inv Parent company 39307 Unknown ( 4290 KINHBAC CParent company 39307 Unknown ( 4514 Song Da InfParent company 39305 Unknown (K4512 Khai Son J Parent company 39305 Unknown (K4513 Trung Quy Parent company 38495 Societé d’E3419 GovernmenParent company 38495 Societé d’E4426 AFRICOM COParent company 39776 Unknown (C146 Cargill Parent company 39777 Telcar Coco146 Cargill Parent company 39777 Telcar Coco5006 Kate Kanyi Parent company 35861 La Grande 956J Libyan Afri Parent company 35861 La Grande 1245J GovernmentParent company 36089 Genesis Far1484 Drie WilgenParent company 36089 Genesis Far1485 Genesis FaParent company 39778 Bengal Agro5007 Lalmai GroParent company 39779 AF Nyva 4779 MHP S.E. Parent company 39783 'Mayak' LL 3520 BZK Grain AParent company 39786 Serengeti B5011 Serengeti BParent company 39786 Serengeti B5010 East Africa Parent company 36759 Black Rive 146 Cargill Parent company 36357 Matanuska3606 Matanuska Parent company 36357 Matanuska1273 Rift Valley Parent company 38632 Alpha Farm1779 Aslan GlobParent company 39780 Baryshivsk3520 BZK Grain AParent company 38282 Unknown (X3147 Xinjiang PrParent company 39668 Alfred Rit 5018 Alfred Rit Parent company 36299 Unknown ( 376 Qatar Inve Parent company 38258 Unknown (Q376 Qatar Inve Parent company 39791 Unknown (Qa376 Qatar Inve Parent company 36237 Aura Mineral2457 Aura MineraParent company 39794 Unknown (L5019 Land and HParent company 39794 Unknown (L5020 Myanmar’sParent M company 34783 Unknown Ind3269 Unknown (Parent company 37226 Aura Minera2457 Aura MineraParent company 39008 Unknown (G651 Glencore XParent company 39008 Unknown (G4145 GovernmentParent company 39798 Shpola-Agro5021 Wideline BuParent company 39800 Kenya Brew5010 East Africa Parent company 37084 Siat Gabon1378 Siat Parent company 37736 GOPDC (Gha1378 Siat Parent company 37108 PT Teknik 2395 Lembaga TaParent company 37108 PT Teknik 1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37110 PT Usaha K2395 Lembaga TaParent company 37110 PT Usaha K1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37111 PT Gemarek2395 Lembaga TaParent company 37111 PT Gemarek1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37112 PT Satria 2395 Lembaga TaParent company 37112 PT Satria 1867 Felda GlobaParent company 37789 PT Temila A1867 Felda GlobaParent company 36345 Unknown (F1867 Felda GlobaParent company 36345 Unknown (F2171 GovernmentParent company 37790 PT Landak 1867 Felda GlobaParent company 39653 FGV Pho La1867 Felda GlobaParent company 39653 FGV Pho La4869 Pho La Min Parent company 35496 Empresa Ag3087 Grupo GlorParent company 35489 Agroindustr3087 Grupo GlorParent company 35494 Complejo Ag3087 Grupo GlorParent company 35497 Empresa Agr3087 Grupo GlorParent company 35499 Empresa Agr3087 Grupo GlorParent company 35013 Lane Xang 2061 MMG Ltd Parent company 35013 Lane Xang 2051 GovernmentParent company 37715 Unknown (2051 GovernmentParent company 37715 Unknown (2728 GovernmentParent company 37489 Peak Timbe1763 Global EnvParent company 37491 Cape Pine 1763 Global EnvParent company 37491 Cape Pine 4068 Wild Peach Parent company 37500 Pemba Sun1763 Global EnvParent company 37635 Hevecam S1838 GovernmenParent company 37635 Hevecam S2681 GMG GlobalParent company 35654 Pamol Plan1838 GovernmenParent company 35654 Pamol Plan3492 Unknown (pParent company 35649 SOCAPALM1838 GovernmenParent company 35649 SOCAPALM946 SOCFIN Parent company 39517 C&K Mining1838 GovernmenParent company 39517 C&K Mining4757 C&C MiningParent company 39517 C&K Mining4758 Mr Yang Parent company 39011 Tandjiesko 4148 Ministry of Parent company 39018 Chilwelo Fe4157 Unknown InParent company 39018 Chilwelo Fe4158 Chilwelo FeParent company 39019 Dash Enter4157 Unknown InParent company 39019 Dash Enter4160 Dash EnterParent company 37660 Unknown (R197 Rajawali G Parent company 38674 ETG Parrog3397 Export Tra Parent company 38674 ETG Parrog3568 Parrogate Parent company 38289 Unknown (M1114 GovernmentParent company 38289 Unknown (M3132 Marubeni CParent company 37341 Prairie Volt1129 Prairie Tex Parent company 37341 Prairie Volt1131 Ghana ComParent company 37341 Prairie Volt1114 GovernmentParent company 37223 Norteak Ma2454 Norteak Parent company 37223 Norteak Ma3935 HEMCO Parent company 39256 ArcelorMitta3677 ArcelorMittParent company 39475 Unknown (A&4714 A&S InternParent company 39522 Unknown (3433 GovernmenParent company 39567 Mauricio Ma4692 Caputo NicParent company 39567 Mauricio Ma4827 Macri MauriParent company 39567 Mauricio Ma4829 Los Tikey SParent company 39294 Tan Binh In3342 Phuoc Hoa Parent company 39294 Tan Binh In4495 Viet Duc J Parent company 39294 Tan Binh In4497 Nam Tan UyParent company 39298 Bac Giang 4464 Bac Giang Parent company 39298 Bac Giang 4504 Fuji Corp Parent company 38266 Silverlands3124 SilverstreetParent company 39694 Unknown (Y2163 Yunnan StaParent company 39368 Société Mi 2140 GovernmentParent company 39368 Société Mi 4583 China HongParent company 39368 Société Mi 4586 Winning ShParent company 39368 Société Mi 4590 UMS GuineParent company 38430 Simfer S.A 3241 Aluminum CParent company 38430 Simfer S.A 2140 GovernmentParent company 38430 Simfer S.A 4083 Rio Tinto Parent company 38430 Simfer S.A 227 InternationParent company 39805 Agritech Be958 Agritech Parent company 39806 Agritech Be958 Agritech Parent company 39807 Eco Energy1047 Eco energyParent company 39808 Eco Energy1047 Eco energyParent company 39809 Unknown (Wi143 Wilmar InteParent company 39810 Unknown (Wi143 Wilmar InteParent company 39811 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39812 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39813 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39814 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39815 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39816 Unknown (F1229 Foras Inte Parent company 39817 Andhra Prad579 Andhra PradParent company 39818 Palmer Capi842 Bidwells Parent company 39818 Palmer Capi841 Palmer CapiParent company 39819 Palmer Capi842 Bidwells Parent company 39819 Palmer Capi841 Palmer CapiParent company 39820 Palmer Capi842 Bidwells Parent company 39820 Palmer Capi841 Palmer CapiParent company 39821 Danam Farm3891 DUI Holdin Parent company 39823 Campos Ori657 Pergam FinParent company 39823 Campos Ori3902 Bellamar EParent company 39824 Campos Ori657 Pergam FinParent company 39824 Campos Ori3902 Bellamar EParent company 39825 Campos Ori657 Pergam FinParent company 39825 Campos Ori3902 Bellamar EParent company 39826 CalyxAgro 3010 Pacific CenParent company 39826 CalyxAgro 3011 TRG ManageParent company 39826 CalyxAgro 3012 Said HoldinParent company 39826 CalyxAgro 3013 Pictet Priv Parent company 39826 CalyxAgro 3014 Solvia Inv Parent company 39826 CalyxAgro 681 Louis Drey Parent company 39827 CalyxAgro 3010 Pacific CenParent company 39827 CalyxAgro 3011 TRG ManageParent company 39827 CalyxAgro 3012 Said HoldinParent company 39827 CalyxAgro 3013 Pictet Priv Parent company 39827 CalyxAgro 3014 Solvia Inv Parent company 39827 CalyxAgro 681 Louis Drey Parent company 39828 CalyxAgro i3010 Pacific CenParent company 39828 CalyxAgro i3011 TRG ManageParent company 39828 CalyxAgro i3012 Said HoldinParent company 39828 CalyxAgro i3013 Pictet Priv Parent company 39828 CalyxAgro i3014 Solvia Inv Parent company 39828 CalyxAgro i681 Louis Drey Parent company 39829 CalyxAgro i3010 Pacific CenParent company 39829 CalyxAgro i3011 TRG ManageParent company 39829 CalyxAgro i3012 Said HoldinParent company 39829 CalyxAgro i3013 Pictet Priv Parent company 39829 CalyxAgro i3014 Solvia Inv Parent company 39829 CalyxAgro i681 Louis Drey Parent company 39830 Unknown (M1403 Madhvani Parent company 39831 Unknown (M1403 Madhvani Parent company 39832 Proteak Re3067 Proteak, S.Parent company 39833 Proteak Re3067 Proteak, S.Parent company 39834 Unknown co2336 Unknown (Parent company 39835 Unknown co2336 Unknown (Parent company 39836 Unknown (B652 BeidahuanParent company 39837 Unknown (Be652 BeidahuanParent company 39838 Unknown (J993 Jenaan Inv Parent company 39839 Unknown (J993 Jenaan Inv Parent company 39840 Unknown (J993 Jenaan Inv Parent company 39841 Unknown (J993 Jenaan Inv Parent company 39842 Minas Argen1630 Yamana GolParent company 39843 Minas Argen1630 Yamana GolParent company 39844 Meta Petro4028 Pacific ExpParent company 39846 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39847 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39848 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39849 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39850 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39851 Al Qudra Ag350 Al Qudra HParent company 39852 Barrick Gol3235 Barrick GolParent company 39853 Barrick Gol3235 Barrick GolParent company 39854 El Tejar in 916 El Tejar LtdParent company 39855 El Tejar in 916 El Tejar LtdParent company 39856 El Tejar in 916 El Tejar LtdParent company 39857 Unknown (G1956 GovernmentParent company 39858 Unknown (G1418 GovernmentParent company 39859 Unknown (G891 GovernmentParent company 39860 Unknown (G2 GovernmentParent company 39861 Unknown (G891 GovernmentParent company 39862 Unknown (G766 GovernmentParent company 39863 Shanghai P673 Shanghai PParent company 39864 Shanghai Pe673 Shanghai PParent company 39865 Shanghai Pe673 Shanghai PParent company 39866 Rajhi Inter 1350 Al Rajhi Gr Parent company 39867 Rajhi Inter 1350 Al Rajhi Gr Parent company 39868 Green Fuel3670 Macdom InParent company 39868 Green Fuel2268 Agricultur Parent company 39869 Green Fuel3670 Macdom InParent company 39869 Green Fuel2268 Agricultur Parent company 39870 Tompkins C3933 Tompkins CParent company 39871 Tompkins Co3933 Tompkins CParent company 39872 D1 Oils Gh 170 NEOS ResouParent company 39873 D1 Oils Gh 170 NEOS ResouParent company 39874 D1 Oils Gha170 NEOS ResouParent company 39875 Unknown (A931 Agri SA Parent company 39876 Unknown (Ag931 Agri SA Parent company 39877 Unknown (Su220 Suntime IntParent company 39878 Unknown (Su220 Suntime IntParent company 39879 Unknown (Go3414 GovernmentParent company 39880 Unknown (G1422 GovernmentParent company 39881 Unknown (L935 Lonrho Plc Parent company 39882 Unknown (L935 Lonrho Plc Parent company 39883 Unknown (Lo935 Lonrho Plc Parent company 39884 Unknown (Qa308 Qatar InvesParent company 39885 Unknown (Qa308 Qatar InvesParent company 39885 Unknown (Qa3496 State CapitParent company 39886 Unknown (S1202 Sithe GlobaParent company 39887 Unknown (Si1202 Sithe GlobaParent company 39888 Sabina in 3303 Qalaa HoldParent company 39889 Sabina in 3303 Qalaa HoldParent company 39890 Sabina in 3303 Qalaa HoldParent company 39891 Unknown (F1138 Farm LandsParent company 39892 Unknown (Fa1138 Farm LandsParent company 39893 Unknown (Fa1138 Farm LandsParent company 39894 Unknown (A1238 Agro EnergParent company 39895 Unknown (A1238 Agro EnergParent company 39896 Unknown (A1238 Agro EnergParent company 39897 Unknown (A1238 Agro EnergParent company 39898 Unknown (E1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 39899 Unknown (E1826 Eco-CarbonParent company 39900 Unknown (O2691 Ovidiu Ten Parent company 39901 Unknown (O2691 Ovidiu Ten Parent company 39902 Pharos Miro1725 Pharos FinaParent company 39902 Pharos Miro867 Miro HoldinParent company 39903 Pharos Miro1725 Pharos FinaParent company 39903 Pharos Miro867 Miro HoldinParent company 39904 Unknown (Bi1063 Bio Massiv Parent company 39905 Unknown (Bi1063 Bio Massiv Parent company 39906 unknown (B3150 BLD PlantatParent company 39907 unknown (BL3150 BLD PlantatParent company 39908 Glencore Gr651 Glencore XParent company 39909 Glencore Gr651 Glencore XParent company 39910 AngloGold 3994A Anglo GoldParent company 39910 AngloGold 4409A OKIMO (OffiParent company 39911 AngloGold 3994A Anglo GoldParent company 39911 AngloGold 4409A OKIMO (OffiParent company 39913 Unknown (Z989 ZTE CorporParent company 39914 Unknown (Z989 ZTE CorporParent company 39917 EmVest Lim1267 Emvest Parent company 39918 EmVest Lim1267 Emvest Parent company 39919 SC Bardeau3449 Bardeau HoParent company 39920 SC Bardeau3449 Bardeau HoParent company 39921 Oji Lao Pla 278 Oji Paper CParent company 39921 Oji Lao Pla 2051 GovernmentParent company 39922 Oji Lao Pla 278 Oji Paper CParent company 39922 Oji Lao Pla 2051 GovernmentParent company 39925 Wilbahi Inv3686 Wilbahi InvParent company 39926 Wilbahi Inv3686 Wilbahi InvParent company 39927 Unknown (V1264 Viridesco Parent company 39928 Unknown (V1264 Viridesco Parent company 39929 Green Resou1293 Green ResoParent company 39930 Green Reso1293 Green ResoParent company 39931 Nam Tan Uy117 Vietnam RuParent company 39931 Nam Tan Uy3342 Phuoc Hoa Parent company 39931 Nam Tan Uy4498 Rubber ReaParent company 39931 Nam Tan Uy4499 Rubber BasParent company 39932 Nam Tan Uye117 Vietnam RuParent company 39932 Nam Tan Uye3342 Phuoc Hoa Parent company 39932 Nam Tan Uye4498 Rubber ReaParent company 39932 Nam Tan Uye4499 Rubber BasParent company 39933 LONG DUC 526I Sojitz GrouParent company 39933 LONG DUC 4218I Daiwa HouseParent company 39933 LONG DUC 4219I Kobelco EcoParent company 39933 LONG DUC 4221I Dong Nai ImParent company 39934 LONG DUC 526I Sojitz GrouParent company 39934 LONG DUC 4218I Daiwa HouseParent company 39934 LONG DUC 4219I Kobelco EcoParent company 39934 LONG DUC 4221I Dong Nai ImParent company 39935 Quifel Agri 938 Quifel HoldParent company 39936 Quifel Agri 938 Quifel HoldParent company 39937 Unknown (Li956 Libyan Afri Parent company 39938 Unknown (Li956 Libyan Afri Parent company 39939 Fri- El Eth 991 Fri-El Gree Parent company 39940 Fri- El Eth 991 Fri-El Gree Parent company 39941 Unknown (Tr1372 Trans4matiParent company 39942 Unknown (T1372 Trans4matiParent company 39943 PLT INDUS 4566 PLT INDUS Parent company 39944 Cresud SA. 3027i Cresud S.A.Parent company 39945 Cresud SA. 3027 Cresud S.A.Parent company 39946 Dai Nam Jo4502 Dai Nam JoParent company 39947 Kariki Grou1760 Agri-Vie Parent company 39947 Kariki Grou4890 Richard Fe Parent company 39947 Kariki Grou4891 Andrew FerParent company 39948 Kariki Gro 1760 Agri-Vie Parent company 39948 Kariki Gro 4890 Richard Fe Parent company 39948 Kariki Gro 4891 Andrew FerParent company 39949 Unknown (B1141 Bedford BioParent company 39950 Unknown (B1141 Bedford BioParent company 39951 Kisumu Mol1149 Energem ReParent company 39951 Kisumu Mol2018 Spectre IntParent company 39952 Kisumu Mol1149 Energem ReParent company 39952 Kisumu Mol2018 Spectre IntParent company 39953 Unknown (G1151 Green PoweParent company 39954 Unknown (G1151 Green PoweParent company 39955 Clenergen G576 Clenergen Parent company 39956 Clenergen 576 Clenergen Parent company 39957 Solvent Ext337 Solvent ExtParent company 39958 Solvent Ext337 Solvent ExtParent company 39959 Forest Retu515 Forest RetuParent company 39960 Forest Retu515 Forest RetuParent company 39961 Forest Retu515 Forest RetuParent company 39962 Adecoagro 308 Qatar InvesParent company 39962 Adecoagro 3578 Soros Fun Parent company 39963 Adecoagro 308 Qatar InvesParent company 39963 Adecoagro 3578 Soros Fun Parent company 39964 Adecoagro 308 Qatar InvesParent company 39964 Adecoagro 3578 Soros Fun Parent company 39965 Unknown (G3414 GovernmentParent company 39966 Unknown (G1253 GovernmentParent company 39967 Unknown (W230 Widam FooParent company 39968 Unknown (W230 Widam FooParent company 39969 Unknown (A4970 Agromino AParent company 39970 Unknown (A4970 Agromino AParent company 39971 Unknown (Q376 Qatar Inve Parent company 39972 Unknown (Qa376 Qatar Inve Parent company 36934 Unknown (An727 AngloGold Parent company 39258 Unknown (K4463 Korea LandParent company 37156 Unknown (Th3934 The Cliffs Parent company 36740 Unknown (E2186 Ernesto CoParent company 39485 Unknown (A4724 Anzere SA.Parent company 39049 Unknown (Fr4189 Fresh Del Parent company 38686 Unknown (M3598 Misiones g Parent company 38686 Unknown (M4207 Fundación Parent company 37993 Unknown (P3963 Paraíso WoParent company 37253 Unknown (C2473 Capstone MParent company 35373 Unknown (A661 AlkhorayefParent company 39106 Unknown (D4257 DunshinhenParent company 36378 Unknown (EC1787 ECI ExploraParent company 36378 Unknown (EC1789 MGM Mato ParentG company 37806 Unknown (F2772 Fundación Parent company 36222 Unknown (Ho4010 Horizonte MParent company 36391 Unknown (Au1810 Aurora Gol Parent company 37250 Unknown (G4037 GoGold ResParent company 39062 Unknown (Q4202 QuebrachoParent company 39154 Unknown (F4319 Fazenda SaParent company 38295 Unknown (S622 Sinima MeaParent company 38797 Unknown (C3759 C R C K Ru Parent company 36502 Unknown (Sa1945 Savia Perú Parent company 37811 Unknown (A2773 Ajeenkya DParent company 38696 Unknown (U3625 Unknown (CParent company 36521 Unknown (Pa4028 Pacific ExpParent company 37881 Unknown (Pa2819 Pavina AgriParent company 36452 Unknown (O1885 Orocobre LParent company 36452 Unknown (O3604 Toyota TsusParent company 35603 Unknown (Ma4006 Maple EnergParent company 36389 Unknown (Ca1808 Castillian Parent company 39507 Unknown (Un4747 Unknown (hoParent company 39758 Unknown (u4977 unknown ChParent company 39105 Unknown (Ti4256 Tian shi fo Parent company 37991 Unknown (E3962 El MorichalParent company 36688 Unknown (G3996 Gold Port RParent company 37979 Unknown (L3955 La Diana T Parent company 36348 Unknown (V1755 Vedico ManParent company 36348 Unknown (V1756 BHB GmbHParent company 36348 Unknown (V1757 Cuu Long DeParent company 36970 Unknown (C2298 Compañia AParent company 36375 Unknown (Br4013 Brazil ResoParent company 36393 Unknown (I1812 I Am Gold Parent company 39255 Unknown ( 4460 Chuan Gia Parent company 34784 Unknown (An579 Andhra PradParent company 39221 Unknown (D4400 Diego RiveParent company 35431 Unknown (C3864 Central AmParent company 35512 Unknown (Pl819 Pluspetrol Parent company 37988 Unknown (L3960 La EsperanParent company 37882 Unknown (C2820 Chaleurn SParent company 36425 Unknown (Tr4015 Trevali Mi Parent company 34833 Unknown (H4571 HBC INVESParent company 38520 Unknown (A662 Adecoagro Parent company 38172 Unknown (C3038 China Nati Parent company 37254 Unknown (C3022 Corex GoldParent company 36442 Unknown (Pa2482 Pan AmericaParent company 38616 Unknown (Li3487 Life Vision Parent company 36527 Unknown (Gr1977 Gran TierraParent company 37614 Unknown (Gr2666 Green ValleParent company 38593 Unknown (Lo3447 Los PoquiteParent company 37251 Unknown (Au2471 Aurion ResoParent company 36414 Unknown (Z1840 Zambezi RaParent company 36414 Unknown (Z1599 ZamBeef Parent company 34861 Unknown (P4566 PLT INDUS Parent company 35467 Unknown (CA4000 CA GoldfielParent company 36385 Unknown (La1800 Lara ExplorParent company 37986 Unknown (L3959 La Paz WooParent company 35470 Unknown (In4002 Infinito GolParent company 35017 Unknown (L269 Lao MithsaParent company 39763 Unknown (U4983 Unknown inParent company 36411 Unknown (A3929 AgropecuarParent company 39107 Unknown (Z4258 Zanadu CoaParent company 34905 Unknown (R131 Real GreenParent company 39759 Unknown (U4978 Unknown inParent company 39761 Unknown (U4982 Unknown inParent company 36374 Unknown (Cr1783 Crusader RParent company 36479 Unknown (B2888 Bear CreekParent company 37983 Unknown (L3956 Las VentasParent company 39340 Unknown (P4550 Paladin Ag Parent company 37299 Unknown (B2456 B2 Gold CoParent company 35376 Unknown (B3925 Bema Agri Parent company 35300 Unknown ( 4502 Dai Nam JoParent company 35324 Unknown (Kr613 KrishnapatnParent company 35324 Unknown (Kr2242 Navayuga Parent company 35845 Unknown (G2506 GovernmentParent company 38784 Unknown (Th3744 The Green ParentR company 36430 Unknown (Pa1855 Panoro MineParent company 36531 Unknown (P1980 PetrominerParent company 36907 Unknown (Pe2264 PetrolatinaParent company 37241 Unknown (G2462 Glencairm Parent company 37241 Unknown (G2463 CANARC ResParent company 39052 Unknown (A4192 AgropecuarParent company 39555 Unknown (At4786 Atta MiguelParent company 35606 Unknown (Sa929 Samoa FiberParent company 36390 Unknown (Ad1809 Adriana ResParent company 36475 Unknown (S4025 SK Energy Parent company 38033 Unknown (SB2943 SB AgrícolaParent company 35581 Unknown ( 3866 Sintal AgricParent company 39304 Unknown (S4511 Shun Far L Parent company 37978 Unknown (L3954 La EsperanParent company 36749 Unknown (Su2197 Sun Yeun CParent company 36749 Unknown (Su2198 Junhao TimParent company 39374 Unknown (E4599 East Jebel Parent company 39374 Unknown (E4600 SUFOUF ComParent company 38595 Unknown (K3467 KOICA Parent company 36473 Unknown (Fo1909 Fortuna SilParent company 38578 Unknown (U3428 Unknown (CParent company 36782 Unknown (P4562 Phuc Loc GParent company 37328 Unknown (G2839 Gohill TimbParent company 35483 Unknown (G3889 Grupo SEMParent company 39027 Unknown (E4170 EcoPlanet Parent company 39189 Unknown (B4365 Bioenergy Parent company 38993 Unknown (H4128 HKND GrouParent company 37848 Unknown (T2803 Taniyama SParent company 37848 Unknown (T343 GovernmentParent company 38239 Unknown (H3105 Heilongjia Parent company 37819 Unknown (Al2778 Almarai Co.Parent company 36429 Unknown (M4017 MMG Limit Parent company 36429 Unknown (M4018 Guoxin InteParent company 36429 Unknown (M4019 CITIC MetalParent company 36235 Unknown (Ec4009 Ecometals Parent company 35355 Unknown (J3986 Joseph LewParent company 35387 Unknown (C678 Chongqing Parent company 39119 Unknown (Ci4271 Civil Engin Parent company 36506 Unknown (Fa1949 Faulkner ExParent company 36881 Unknown (Be3139 Best Royal Parent company 34904 Unknown (C130 Cambo VictoParent company 36427 Unknown (Pe4016 Peruvian PrParent company 38732 Unknown ( 3686 Wilbahi InvParent company 35593 Unknown (In915 Infinita Re Parent company 35593 Unknown (In3573 Isolux Cor Parent company 35593 Unknown (In3574 Santander Parent company 35593 Unknown (In3575 Private Inv Parent company 36472 Unknown (Ka1908 Karmin ExplParent company 39556 Unknown (Ge4787 Gerala MariParent company 37990 Unknown (C3961 Canaguay WParent company 39529 Unknown (Vi4774 Villa Oliva Parent company 36376 Unknown (Ma1785 Magellan MiParent company 35402 Unknown (Ar696 Archer DaniParent company 36384 Unknown (Ja1799 Jaguar MiniParent company 39124 Unknown (P4279 Pacific La Parent company 38017 Unknown (Br2939 Bruno MauriParent company 39104 Unknown (S4255 Spade TalenParent company 37718 Unknown (S2729 Shandong GParent company 37985 Unknown (L3958 La Liberta Parent company 36230 Unknown (C1634 Cancana ReParent company 36503 Unknown (Ba4027 Baron Oil PParent company 36492 Unknown (An1929 Anglo AmeriParent company 36525 Unknown (Ta1982 Talisman EnParent company 36533 Unknown (Ta1982 Talisman EnParent company 35511 Unknown (R740 Repsol Parent company 35440 Unknown (R740 Repsol Parent company 39383 Unknown (U4604 Unknown (DParent company 39028 Unknown (Ni4171 NicaforestaParent company 36371 Unknown (AL1780 ALCOA Inc.Parent company 37765 Unknown (Sh2750 Shanta EstaParent company 36478 Unknown (Hu1917 Hudbay MineParent company 37982 Unknown (P3957 Potosí TimbParent company 37090 Unknown (An2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37091 Unknown (An2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37087 Unknown (An2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37089 Unknown (An2372 Anglo-EasteParent company 37117 Unknown (IJ2401 IJM CorporaParent company 37118 Unknown (IJ2401 IJM CorporaParent company 37119 Unknown (IJ2401 IJM CorporaParent company 37672 Unknown (K2700 Kencana AgParent company 37673 Unknown (K2700 Kencana AgParent company 37674 Unknown (K2700 Kencana AgParent company 37670 Unknown (K2700 Kencana AgParent company 38106 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 38096 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 38097 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 38104 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 38084 Unknown (Fi2764 First PacificParent company 38065 Unknown (Ki2978 Kibio 2007 Parent company 38064 Unknown (Ki2978 Kibio 2007 Parent company 36814 Unknown (R932 Ridge SolutParent company 36815 Unknown (R932 Ridge SolutParent company 36816 Unknown (R932 Ridge SolutParent company 35247 Unknown (A532 Abu Dhabi Parent company 37061 Unknown (A532 Abu Dhabi Parent company 35662 Unknown (J994 Janan Parent company 37145 Unknown (J994 Janan Parent company 37707 Unknown (Bo2680 Boleyn InteParent company 37632 Unknown (Bo2680 Boleyn InteParent company 38298 Unknown (Fe1867 Felda GlobaParent company 38299 Unknown (Fe1867 Felda GlobaParent company 38300 Unknown (Fe1867 Felda GlobaParent company 38136 Unknown (U3018 Uganda InvParent company 38129 Unknown (U3018 Uganda InvParent company 38026 Unknown (C1348 Cofco Parent company 38029 Unknown (C1348 Cofco Parent company 37810 Unknown (U5016 Unknown (Parent company 37809 Unknown (U1995 Unknown (Parent company 37808 Unknown (U5017 Unknown (Parent company 37247 Almaden Min2466 Almaden MiParent company 37261 Pan America2482 Pan AmericaParent company 37260 First Majest2481 First MajestParent company 38631 SBE Rivne 5023 VolynzernoParent company 39984 Myanmar SI5025 Simco SongParent company 39448 Cascade Emp5024 GreenGold Parent company 39775 Granex-Che5026 Mark CarleParent company 39745 PE Zasullya5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39986 Unknown (Or5028 Orient AgriParent company 39746 PE Chervon5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39644 PE Sosnyts`5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39622 PE Koropski5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39637 PE Chervon5027 Cacique Li Parent company 39987 Buzhanske 5029 Renvior TraParent company 39987 Buzhanske 5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39987 Buzhanske 5031 Logistical Parent company 39987 Buzhanske 5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39987 Buzhanske 5033 AgroholdynParent company 39988 Luchanske-5029 Renvior TraParent company 39988 Luchanske-5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39988 Luchanske-5031 Logistical Parent company 39988 Luchanske-5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39989 FrieslandC 2066 FrieslandC Parent company 39989 FrieslandC 5034 Unknown (NParent company 39990 PE Vita-Kol5029 Renvior TraParent company 39990 PE Vita-Kol5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39990 PE Vita-Kol5031 Logistical Parent company 39990 PE Vita-Kol5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39990 PE Vita-Kol5033 AgroholdynParent company 39991 Interagroin5029 Renvior TraParent company 39991 Interagroin5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39991 Interagroin5031 Logistical Parent company 39991 Interagroin5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39991 Interagroin5033 AgroholdynParent company 39992 Tolaro Glob4771 Moringa SCParent company 39992 Tolaro Glob5035 Projects fo Parent company 39993 Kryazh&K 5029 Renvior TraParent company 39993 Kryazh&K 5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39993 Kryazh&K 5031 Logistical Parent company 39993 Kryazh&K 5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39993 Kryazh&K 5033 AgroholdynParent company 39994 Asante Cap4771 Moringa SCParent company 39994 Asante Cap5036 Asante CapParent company 39995 PBC Shea L5037 PBC LimiteParent company 39996 Société Agr5038 Touton S.A.Parent company 39997 Generale De5038 Touton S.A.Parent company 39998 Mriya ALLC5029 Renvior TraParent company 39998 Mriya ALLC5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 39998 Mriya ALLC5031 Logistical Parent company 39998 Mriya ALLC5032 Nova Linia Parent company 39998 Mriya ALLC5033 AgroholdynParent company 39999 Cocoa Tout5038 Touton S.A.Parent company 40000 Podil ALLC 5029 Renvior TraParent company 40000 Podil ALLC 5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 40000 Podil ALLC 5031 Logistical Parent company 40000 Podil ALLC 5032 Nova Linia Parent company 40000 Podil ALLC 5033 AgroholdynParent company 40001 Svitanok A5029 Renvior TraParent company 40001 Svitanok A5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 40001 Svitanok A5031 Logistical Parent company 40001 Svitanok A5032 Nova Linia Parent company 40001 Svitanok A5033 AgroholdynParent company 40002 African Pla 5040 New SpartaParent company 40004 Fedyukivka5029 Renvior TraParent company 40004 Fedyukivka5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 40004 Fedyukivka5031 Logistical Parent company 40004 Fedyukivka5032 Nova Linia Parent company 40004 Fedyukivka5033 AgroholdynParent company 40005 Chernivcha5029 Renvior TraParent company 40005 Chernivcha5030 Epicentr-K Parent company 40005 Chernivcha5031 Logistical Parent company 40005 Chernivcha5032 Nova Linia Parent company 40005 Chernivcha5033 AgroholdynParent company 40006 PE Druzhba5042 Akella ImpeParent company 40007 Strong LLC5043 Kumari RucParent company 40008 Olesya FE 5043 Kumari RucParent company 40009 Vassma-Shy5044 Phoenix GrParent company 40010 Sino–Congo2098 Sinohydro CParent company 40010 Sino–Congo2521 GecaminesParent company 40010 Sino–Congo4351 China Rail Parent company 40010 Sino–Congo5045 Zhejiang HParent company 40011 Unknown (P5046 Phoenix GlParent company 40013 AgroPlus 2 5047 Brunner&PaParent company 40013 AgroPlus 2 5048 Glendore HParent company 40014 Lampka Agr5049 Lampka Zi Parent company 40015 Sino Austr 4178 China NonfeParent company 40015 Sino Austr 5050 Vango MiniParent company 35758 Smart Oil l 5051 Temasek LifParent company 40016 Mayers-Del5052 Tomas MayParent company 40017 Dukra Agro5053 Johannes VParent company 40018 Prima Rosa5054 Zuri Group Parent company 40021 Agro-Regio5055 East CapitaParent company 40022 Agro-Regio5055 East CapitaParent company 38655 Agro-Region5055 East CapitaParent company 37505 Biodiesel Ea5056 Unknown (BiParent company 40023 Unknown (Af5057 African Sa Parent company 40023 Unknown (Af5058 Mafwe TradiParent company 40024 Border Tim1273 Rift Valley Parent company 40025 Sunlodges 5059( SunLodgesParent company 39822 Dan-Farm U5060 Berry FarmParent company 40019 Atlantic Fa 3519 David D SweParent company 40028 Kodjen B L 5061 Dal BiancoParent company 40029 Agrifas LLC5062 Alberto KazParent company 40029 Agrifas LLC5063 Kyrylenko Parent company 40029 Agrifas LLC5064 VorotyntsevParent company 40034 Unknown (M5065 Magyar FarParent company 40035 Unknown (M5065 Magyar FarParent company 40036 Agroholdin5066 Gupta famiParent company 40037 FBR Forest 5067 Natural ResParent company 35765 Blue Sky Pr1119 Blue Skies Parent company 40038 Blue Skies 1119 Blue Skies Parent company 35766 Kimminic E1120 Kimminic CParent company 40039 FBR Biomas5067 Natural ResParent company 40040 FBR Forest 5067 Natural ResParent company 37340 Gold Star B1126 Gold Star Parent company 35773 Unknown (G1132 Global Gre Parent company 35773 Unknown (G5068 Osei BonsuParent company 35529 Ceres Agri 5069 RompharmParent C company 40041 Unknown (R5069 RompharmParent C company 37360 Caltech Ve 2530 Caltech Ve Parent company 37360 Caltech Ve 5070 Kasapreko Parent company 40042 JSC 'Pravdi 5071 RBPI GroupParent company 40043 'NNPP' LLC5071 RBPI GroupParent company 40044 RUSMOLCO967 Olam InternParent company 38236 Armada 3100 Dongning HParent company 40045 Petowal Mi2440 GovernmentParent company 40045 Petowal Mi5072 Toro Gold LParent company 40047 Fazenda Ca5073 Quantum GlParent company 40048 Fazenda C 5073 Quantum GlParent company 40049 Fazenda M 5073 Quantum GlParent company 40050 Fazenda Pe5073 Quantum GlParent company 40051 Fazenda S 5073 Quantum GlParent company 40052 Manquete ag4699 GovernmentParent company 38401 Maer Asirba3206 Unknown (MParent company 38413 Kwanim Agr3966 Unknown (Parent company 38413 Kwanim Agr3967 Unknown (Parent company 38403 Gya Glorify3208 Gya GlorifyParent company 40058 Unknown (Is2374 Iranian StaParent company 40059 AF Matyshi5074 Resilient JSParent company 40060 Resilient O5074 Resilient JSParent company 40061 Resilient 5074 Resilient JSParent company 40062 IKEA Resou5075 IKEA A/S Parent company 40063 Caxito Reg5076 NovagrolidParent company 40064 TestImport 1297 Nutre SA Parent company 40064 TestImport 5077 TestImport Parent company 40068 Dunkafa-To5081 AgriculturaParent company Loan curre Loan date Comment Investor IDName Country of ClassificatiInvestor h OpencorporComment Action comment 2 GovernmentBanglades State-/government (owned) company 11 China AseaChina, HongStock-exchange listed company 12 Agro ForestChina 14 Amira NatuUnited Ara Stock-exchange listed company 18 Bigimexco Vietnam Private company _x000D_ 19 BNA (Cam)Republic ofPrivate company Company Address: National Road No 6, Kean Khlaing Village, 12112 Phnom Penh, Cambodia 20 Bon Bon WoUnited StatInvestment fund 25 CarmadenoIndia 27 Central Fi United States of America 28 China Nati China 31 CIV Devel Vietnam Private company 35 Doty Saigon-Binh Phouc (SBK) 37 Fortuna PlaMalaysia 42 Global TechMalaysia Private company 43 Gold FoisonCambodia Private company There seems to be a Chinese or Vietnamese investor or parent company behind Gold Foison. 44 Golden LanChina Private company 46 Hanwha GrRepublic ofPrivate company 62 Indochina Australia Investment fund 66 Kapa Ltd Republic ofPrivate company 71 Kuwait Chi Kuwait Stock-exchange listed company 79 Men Sarun Cambodia Private company 85 Oryung ConRepublic of Korea 97 River SugaThailand 102 HLH Group Singapore Stock-exchange listed company 112 TTY Indust Cambodia Private company 116 VANNMA ImpCambodia 117 Vietnam RuVietnam Semi state-owned company More than 50%. See 119 Wuzhishan China Private company 124 Unnamed inQatar State-/government (owned) company 129 Kimsville Corp. Private company 130 Cambo Victor InvestinPrivate company 131 Real GreenThailand Private company 138 Asahi BreweJapan _x000D_ 139 Itochu CorpJapan Private company 140 Sumitomo CJapan Private company 142 Fonterra CoNew Zeala Private company which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_ 143 Wilmar InteSingapore Stock-exchange listed company assets, largely through short-term trading loans. 146 Cargill United StatPrivate company 36 societies were created between 2010 and 2012 (with the same legal responsible) but were bought by Cargill in 2012. This strategy were built for the same lawyer buffet to avoid the farm land grabbing to Ripaila S.A 147 Stora EnsoFinland Stock-exchange listed company 148 GovernmentChina State-/government (owned) company 157 Chaoda ModChina Stock-exchange listed company The company is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange_x000D_exchange 160 China HuiyuChina Stock-exchange listed company Suntory and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited is now a shareholder of the secondary investor but it is not indicate how much are the stocks that they hold; only that both of the companies has a 50:50 share of a specific joint venture agreement. 162 GTLeste Bi Indonesia Private company 163 Southern OnIndia Stock-exchange listed company 164 United Infr India Private company 167 Sinopec China State-/government (owned) company 168 Bolloré GroFrance Private company Through subsidiary SAFA. SAFACAM is owned by 69% by Socfinaf; Socfinaf is owned by 59% by SOCFIN; Bolloré group owns 38,7 % of SOCFIN. 169 Mellori GroItaly multinational company, and Chennai-based Mohan Breweries & Distilleries Limited. (http://_x000D_ 170 NEOS ResouUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 173 Sinar Mas Indonesia Private company Golden Agri Resources is a subsidiary of Sinar Mas Group 177 Bunge Ltd United StatStock-exchange listed company 178 KS Oils LtdIndia Stock-exchange listed company KS Oils Ltd invested in Indonesia through its subsidiary KS Natural Resources Pvt Ltd (KSNR) (Singapore) 182 Nonghyup FRepublic ofPrivate company 189 BHP BillitoAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 197 Rajawali G Indonesia Private company 199 PT PerkebunIndonesia State-/government (owned) company 201 Sime DarbyMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 202 First ResouSingapore Stock-exchange listed company 204 Verdant FuCayman Islands approved 208 Kuala LumpMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company Its subsidiary are PT Sekarbumi Alam Lestari, PT Langkat Nusantara Kepong, KLK Bioenergy Sdn Bhd. 210 PT Astra AgIndonesia Stock-exchange listed company 211 Noble GrouChina, HongStock-exchange listed company 220 Suntime IntChina Stock-exchange listed company operates under the control of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp and is one its main international business arms 222 Dexion CapiUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northervia Global Farming Ltd, which should "own and manage farms" ( ) 223 Toyota Tsh Japan Stock-exchange listed company 224 Saudi CompSaudi ArabSemi state-owned company 226 Altimo one United StatInvestment fund 227 InternationUnited States of America International financial institution. Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States. 228 Noor compEgypt, Arab Rep. 229 I K CompanUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northerprivate company 230 Widam FooQatar Stock-exchange listed company formerly Qatar Company For Meat and Livestock Trading QSC (Mawashi) 231 Hawkar 232 Shiwa Company 234 Aditya Birl India Private company Grasim Industries Limited (India), Thai Rayon Public Co. Ltd. (Thailand) and PT Indo Bharat Rayon (Indonesia), which belong to the Aditya Birla Group, form the equity holders in BLPP. 235 Agarwood LChina Added country origin 236 Ari ConstruChina 239 CherchangChina 242 Crapkin AgrRepublic of Korea 243 Dac Lac RuVietnam State-/government (owned) company 247 GO CrapkinRepublic of Korea 252 Heurnmao China 253 Hoang AnhVietnam Stock-exchange listed company Hoang Anh Gia Lai claims that it is not one shareholder of Binh Ha (See vietnamese source 254 Industrial United States of America 255 Mengla JingChina 257 KaosouyaotVietnam Kaosouyaotiang Viet-Lao Company is a partnership of three Vietnamese companies. 258 Khanxay AgThailand 260 KV Import-EMalaysia 261 Lakorea CoRepublic of Korea 269 Lao Mithsamphan Farm It is not possible to identify the nationality of this investor. The investor seems to be a joint venture between investors from Laos and China. 274 Mitr Phol GThailand Private company formerly known as "Mitr Phol Sugar Corporation" 275 Mr Chang HRepublic ofIndividual entrepreneur 276 Mr Lai Van China Individual entrepreneur is a joint investment between Japanese Oji Paper (51%), Nissho Iwai (now Sojitz) (39%)_x000D_ 278 Oji Paper CJapan Stock-exchange listed company and Dai Nippon Printing (10%). 281 Rafarm AgrChina 282 Thien Loui China 283 Tongtheun China 287 WanxouaneVietnam 296 Yongfong XChina 297 YongfongxeuChina 298 Yunnan AgriChina State-/government (owned) company 299 ZTE China Stock-exchange listed company 300 Mission NeAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 304 Tian Yida GChina Private company 306 Samling GloMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company Acts through a subsidiary called Malaysia Prestige Plantation 308 Qatar InvesQatar State-/government (owned) comHassad Food is owned and was established by the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA). 309 1Malaysia Malaysia State-/government (owned) company 315 Shin Yang Malaysia Private company 316 RH Forest CMalaysia Private company 317 Rimbunan HMalaysia Private co 321 Ekran BerhMalaysia Private company 323 Ta Ann GroMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 326 BFP InternaNetherlandPrivate company 328 FACE FoundNetherlandInvestment fund NGO 330 Kulim (Mal Malaysia Stock-exchange listed company 337 Solvent ExtIndia Other (please specify in commentBody of over 800 companies 339 Kuwait InveKuwait State-/government (owned) com30.64% 340 Kuwait FunKuwait State-/government (owned) company 341 Kuwait Pet Kuwait State-/government (owned) company 342 GovernmenMyanmar State-/government (owned) company 343 GovernmentThailand State-/government (owned) company 346 Al Dahra A United Ara Private company updated 348 The AbraajUnited Ara Investment fund 349 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 350 Al Qudra HUnited Ara Stock-exchange listed company 351 Emirates I United Ara Investment fund Emirates Investments Group LLC is an investment company based in the United Arab Emirates with interests in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. The dynamic investment Group sources unique business development opportunities and works closely with established companies through partnerships (EIG website) 358 Shaikh Zai United Arab Emirates 367 TRAFCO Bahrain private investor 368 Kijani Ene Canada 371 Pan EnergyRepublic of Korea 372 Bin Daen GUnited Arab Emirates 374 Engro CorpPakistan Stock-exchange listed company Sovereignformerly known wealth as fund_x000D_ "Engro Chemicals" 376 Qatar Inve Qatar State-/government (owned) comThrough its investment arm "Hassad Food" 378 Widam FooQatar Private company To be renamed Widam Food Company 381 Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Al Rabie Saudi Foods Co. Ltd. 392 Nader & EbBahrain Private company 395 Hassan GroBahrain Private company 400 TVI Pacific Canada 401 Agricultur China State-/government (owned) companyChina CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "CAMC"), a subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation._x000D_ 402 China CAMCChina Stock-exchange listed company Also called China National Constructional and Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Corp. 403 Eastern Pe PhilippinesPrivate company 406 GuangdongChina State-/government (owned) company 407 GuangdongChina Private company 411 Regional GoChina State-/government (owned) company 412 China DeveChina State-/government (owned) company 413 Jilin Fuhua China Private company 419 D1 Oils PLCUnited KingPrivate company D1 Oils changed name to "NEOS Resources Plc" in March 2012. 420 NRG ChemiUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 421 Pacific Bio-United KingStock-exchange listed company 424 GCO China Investment fund 425 Mitsubishi Japan Stock-exchange listed company 432 Jeonnam FeRepublic ofState-/government (owned) company 437 San MiguelPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 438 Kuok GroupMalaysia Private company 439 Nickel AsiaPhilippinesPrivate company Mitsui is also an investor 441 AgriNurturePhilippinesStock-exchange listed company In 2011 Black River Capital Partners Food Fund Holdings Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Black River Capital Partners Fund LP, a fund managed by the private equity arm of Cargill, has acquired a 28.11% stake in AgriNurture, Inc. (ANI). 442 Far East AgSaudi ArabPrivate company 448 Tabuk Agri Saudi ArabPrivate company 453 Bronzeoak United KingPrivate company 456 Central LuzPhilippinesPrivate company 459 Eco Global Republic ofPrivate company 461 Herminio TPhilippinesPrivate company Herminio Teves was a representative in the Congress of the Philippines. 462 Highlands PhilippinesPrivate company 463 Leyte Agri PhilippinesPrivate company 464 OceanaGoldAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 467 Curcas EnerAustralia Private company 478 BiosystemsRepublic ofPrivate company 480 City Gover PhilippinesState-/government (owned) company 486 Al Salam BaBahrain Investment fund 492 GovernmentKuwait State-/government (owned) company 495 Ruam Jai CSaudi ArabPrivate company the "investor" is not purely Saudi Arabian - it is a joint farming project between Saudi Arabian investors and Thai farmers 496 University Thailand State-/government (owned) company 497 Viengsa AgrThailand The Viengsa Agricultural Co-operative is an association of farmers 498 Charoen P Thailand Stock-exchange listed company 505 Planet Foo Saudi ArabPrivate company 507 Saudi FundSaudi ArabInvestment fund Part of Saudi fund for development $566m investment vehicle for buying land abroad. 508 Unnamed inSaudi ArabPrivate company Société saoudienne 515 Forest RetuNetherlandPrivate company 517 More TreesNetherlandPrivate company 519 Luveco China Private company belongs to the Northern Food Corporation, is a joint-stock company, with 55% of its capital belonging to ist Chinese partner and 45% belonging to the state 520 VietnameseVietnam State-/government (owned) company 523 Tan Mai Pa Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 526 Sojitz GrouJapan Stock-exchange listed company See 529 Honda Japan State-/government (owned) company 530 Vinacomin Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 532 Abu Dhabi United Ara State-/government (owned) company 540 Unnamed inIndia 541 Mundra PorIndia Private company 542 Adani PowerIndia Private company 543 Bharat ForgIndia Stock-exchange listed company The SEZ will be set up through the special purpose vehicle in which Bharat Forge will have 74 per cent stake. The state government will hold 24 per cent equity through its industrial infrastructure arm, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC). 549 Indiabulls IIndia Private company 550 Karnataka India State-/government (owned) company 551 JSW Steel India Private company 557 MaharashtrIndia State-/government (owned) comIt will not bring in any cash and instead will offer land and other infrastructure facilities. 558 Mahindra RIndia 562 Pondicherr India 564 Reliance InIndia Stock-exchange listed company Subsidiary of privately held Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group 567 SKIL Infras India Stock-exchange listed company Formerly known as Horizon Infrastructure Limited 568 Tata Steel lIndia 571 Videocon InIndia Stock-exchange listed company 573 POSCO Republic ofStock-exchange listed company Korean steel giant Posco bought a 68% controlling share of Daewoo International Corp. Daewoo International Corp bought an 85% stake in PT Bio Inti Agrindo. And PT Bio Inti Agrindo has obtained permissions to develop a 40,000 hectare oil palm plantation in Merauke. 576 Clenergen United StatStock-exchange listed company 579 Andhra PradIndia State-/government (owned) company 580 GMR GroupIndia Private company 581 PepsiCo, InUnited StatStock-exchange listed company 586 Rajasthan IIndia State-/government (owned) company 595 Nandan CleUnited KingStock-exchange listed company see Nandan's Annual Report 2012/13, p. 32 596 Bharat PetrIndia Private company 597 Shapoorji PIndia Private company 598 Karuturi GlIndia Stock-exchange listed company updated. 599 Jayaswal NeIndia Stock-exchange listed company 600 Monnet IspaIndia Stock-exchange listed company 601 Sarda EnerIndia Stock-exchange listed company the company was formerly known as "Raipur Alloys & Steels Limited" 605 Brandix LaSri Lanka Private company 607 MAS HoldinSri Lanka Private company 608 IFFCO KisanIndia Private company 609 Rassai PropIndia Private company 613 Krishnapatnam InfratecPrivate company 614 Dahej SEZ Ltd. (M/s. Private company 615 Cadila PharIndia Private company 618 Chervil Inf India Private company 622 Sinima Meadows Limited 628 Marathon Pachin Infrastructure 634 State IndusIndia State-/government (owned) company 647 KRAM S.A. Mexico 648 Ted Turner United StatIndividual entrepreneur 651 Glencore XSwitzerlan Stock-exchange listed company Glencore PLC was created in May 2013 through the merger of Glencore with Xstrata. 652 BeidahuanChina State-/government (owned) company 656 AgroGeneraFrance Stock-exchange listed company In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake). 657 Pergam FinFrance Investment fund Founded in 2005 by PERGAM Finance, Campos Orientales owns and operates nearly 45,000 hectares of farmland in Uruguay and Argentina (4 farms in Uruguay) 661 AlkhorayefSaudi ArabPrivate company 662 Adecoagro LuxembourStock-exchange listed company 669 COMIBOL (CBolivia State-/government (owned) company 670 Korea ResouRepublic ofState-/government (owned) company 673 Shanghai PChina Private company 674 Macquarie Australia Investment fund 678 Chongqing China State-/government (owned) company 679 Afirma/QuabSpain Private company 681 Louis Drey NetherlandPrivate company another part is Sistema JFSK 682 Mitsui Japan Stock-exchange listed company (49.9%) 694 Shree RenuIndia Private company 696 Archer DaniUnited StatPrivate company 697 Biogreen OiNetherlandPrivate company 698 Plant a. BioBrazil Private company 699 Floresteca NetherlandPrivate company 706 MonaxxionChina Investment fund 707 Walton InteUnited StatInvestment fund 711 Aceites Bo Spain Private company 713 Grupo Torr Spain Private company 720 Ecopetrol Colombia State-/government (owned) comThe operator is SAVIA Peru. 725 Muriel Min United StatPrivate company 727 AngloGold South AfricStock-exchange listed company 737 Barcelo' (22Spain 740 Repsol Spain Private company 766 GovernmentMexico State-/government (owned) company 767 Global CleaUnited StatPrivate company 776 Yaguarete Brazil Private company 777 Global FarmUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 778 RCPL Food IndiaP 785 State TradiIndia State-/government (owned) company 806 Grupo RomPeru Private company 814 DOE RUN PEUnited StatPrivate company 815 Monterrico United KingPrivate company 819 Pluspetrol Argentina Private company 821 Eco AméricKorea, Dem.Private company 822 Van der StaNetherlandPrivate company 823 Los Grobo Argentina 831 Alberta In Canada Investment fund 832 The AustraAustralia Investment fund 839 ELANA AgriBulgaria Investment fund a.k.a. "ELARG Agricultural Land Opportunity Fund" 840 Karoll Fina Bulgaria 841 Palmer CapiGermany 842 Bidwells United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 845 KTG Agrar Germany Private company KTG Agrar sold 100% shares to AUGA Group AB(Agrowill) Lithuania(UAB „Baltic Champs Group“(Lithuania) – 51,56%, „Volemer Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 15,89%, „Vretola Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 14,68%. 848 Agria China Private company 849 Bright DairChina State-/government (owned) company 851 Ingleby Denmark 852 Unnamed inSweden 853 Natural DaiNew Zealand 854 Unnamed inChina, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 856 Harvard UniUnited StatOther (please specify in commentNon profit organization 857 Origin Ireland 858 Rolnyvik Poland 859 Unnamed inSweden 865 Schroders PUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 867 Miro HoldinUnited KingInvestment fund 868 GovernmentChina State-/government (owned) comMudanjiang (city in the Heilongjiang Province) 870 Trigon AgriDenmark Stock-exchange listed company 872 private invIran, IslamiInvestment fund 874 Hyundai HeRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company 875 Agrowill G Lithuania Stock-exchange listed company 876 Grain CompRussian FedPrivate company registered full name: "Obshchestvo s Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostyu Zernovaya Kompaniya Nastyusha OOO (Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью Зерновая Компания Настюша ООО)" 877 Agrokultur Sweden Stock-exchange listed company Previously called Alpcot Agro AB 882 Inteko Russian FedPrivate company 883 OJSC Pava Russian FedStock-exchange listed company 886 Razgulay GRussian FedStock-exchange listed company 889 Unnamed inChina 891 GovernmentEgypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 895 European Bank for ReInvestment fund 902 JSC "TAS GUkraine Private company Andriywithout Verevskyi investments is the from Major swedish Equity company Holder._x000D_ 908 Kernel HoldLuxembourStock-exchange listed company It is a second or third the Secondary investor for this company. 909 MCB AgricoAustria Stock-exchange listed company 913 Olmedo AgrArgentina Private company 915 Infinita Re Spain Private company 916 El Tejar LtdArgentina Private company 917 Oleoflores Colombia Private company 918 Odin EnergyPanama Stock-exchange liste https://op 928 Pure BiofueUnited StatPrivate company 929 Samoa FiberUnited StatPrivate company 931 Agri SA South AfricOther (please specify in commentCommercial farmers organisation 932 Ridge SolutAngola Private company 933 Petrobras Brazil Semi state-owned company 935 Lonrho Plc United KingStock-exchange listed company Through Lonrho Agriculture 936 ENI Italy Stock-exchange listed company 30% of ENI is owned by the Italian Government. 937 Gleinol Portugal Private company personal holding of businessman Eng. Miguel Pais do Amaral, a Portuguese aristocrat and_x000D_ 938 Quifel HoldPortugal Private company businessman. 939 Chiquita B United StatStock-exchange listed company 944 Atlantica GPortugal Private company AfriAgro is the subsidiary of Atlantica Group 946 SOCFIN LuxembourStock-exchange listed company Bolloré owns 38,7% of socfin.Bolloré group is a main shareholder. Vincent Bolloré remains very active in the strategic choices on the company. Hubert Fabri also has a controlling interest in the company. 953 Complant China Private company 955 Green WavItaly 956 Libyan Afri Libya State-/government (owned) comThe Libyan African Investment Portfolio is an asset of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), Libya’s sovereign wealth fund. The LIA was created by Safi Gaddafi in 2006. 957 Betexco Nigeria 958 Agritech Singapore Private company 964 BiocarburaNetherlandPrivate company 967 Olam InternSingapore Stock-exchange listed company 75% of Rusmolco 969 ADERCI Côte d'Ivoire ADERCI has started the promotion of bioenergies in Côte d’Ivoire by creating some promotion centres in Toumodi (Central Ivory Coast) through the creation of an experimental plantation of 500 ha for jatropha and castor oil plant. 972 Randgold RUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 974 Somdiaa France Private company Owned by the Vilgrain Group and the Castle Group (both from France). 979 Unnamed inIndia Linked to Varun 984 CommonwealUnited KingSemi state-owned company 988 MagIndustrCanada Private company MagIndustries is 86% owned by Evergreen Resources Holding from China. 989 ZTE CorporChina Private company Zhongxing Telecom Equipment (ZTE) 990 Aurantia Spain Private company 991 Fri-El Gree Italy Private company Through Subsidiary: Fri- El Ethiopia Farming and Processing 993 Jenaan Inv United Ara Private company Established in 2005 in strategic partnership with the Abu Dhabi Government through the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) 994 Janan United Arab Emirates 995 KobebussaJapan Private company Owned by Prince Al-Walid bin Talal_x000D_ 996 KADCO Saudi ArabPrivate company 999 Nevsun resoCanada 1008 Unnamed inEthiopia 1009 National BaEgypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 1010 I.D.C InvesDenmark Private company Status of the company unknown. According to the Danish company register I.D.C. has been dissolved. 1011 Unnamed inEthiopia 1015 Sun BiofuelUnited KingPrivate company Sun Biofuels is in Liquidation according to UK registry; as are its subsidaries 1017 National BiEthiopia Private company 1022 Punjab farmIndia Private company 1025 Vatic Inter India Private company 1026 n/a Ethiopia 1028 Varun IndusIndia Stock-exchange listed company 1030 Shapoorji PIndia Private company 1032 Sheik Al-A Saudi ArabPrivate company Sheik Al- Amoundi is an investor in the MIDROC company. 1033 MIDROC GrSaudi ArabPrivate company Majority-owned by MIDROC conglomerate (Mohamed Al Amoudi from Saudi Arabia). Jemal Ahmed (General Manager of Horizon) is minority shareholder. 1039 Saudi Star Saudi ArabPrivate company Saudi Star is owned by Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi 1040 Ardent EneUnited StatPrivate company According to California Company registry, Ardent was forfeited in 2011 1041 Africa Ethi China 1042 Unnamed inGermany 1047 Eco energyEthiopia 1058 Hovev AgriIsrael No hits in Israeli company register 1060 Yehuda Ha Israel 1063 Bio Massiv Sweden Private company Private company 1064 Joshua Flo United States of America 1065 Adventure China 1066 Unnamed inSouth Africa 1067 Unnamed inEthiopia 1068 Ertale Bio United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1069 Unnamed inEthiopia 1073 Unnamed inBenin 1074 Unnamed inSwitzerland 1077 African Cl United States of America 1078 Unnamed inEthiopia 1079 J.M.B.O BioUnited States of America 1083 Morrell AgrUnited StatPrivate company Led by Paul Morrell 1085 A.B.S.A BioSouth Africa 1086 Unnamed inChina 1087 Unnamed inEthiopia 1093 F.E.P.E AmeCyprus JV between Cyprus and Israeli investors 1103 Prime MinisDjibouti State-/government (owned) company 1104 Chadha AgrIndia Private company 1106 Elva NederNetherlandPrivate company 1111 Galten GlobIsrael Private company The two business entrepreneurs, Doron Levi and Dr. Shlomi Jonas, have experience in launching, cultivating, managing and realizing a wide variety of innovative business initiatives; also skills in marketing and sales. 1114 GovernmentGhana State-/government (owned) companyMoncada Energy Group S.r.l., was established in Agrigento._x000D_ 1115 Moncada EnItaly Moncada was founded in 1991 and was initially involved in the construction industry. Then, in 2001, after the “Bersani Decree” liberalised the Italian electricity market, it turned to the energy sector with a special interest in renewable sources. 1117 Sekab Sweden 1118 J. García-CaSpain Private company 1119 Blue Skies United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther-KimminicPrivately funded Logistics by Limiteda British (KLL)_x000D_ National 1120 Kimminic CCanada Private company KIMMINIC Corporation owns 100 percent of all its subsidiaries. 1121 China Nati China State-/government (owned) comThrough Société sino-togolaise ( SINTO) 1123 Bionic Gro United StatPrivate company 1124 Jatropha AfUnited KingPrivate company Clive Cooker is shareholder 1125 Ohene AkoGhana Individual entrepreneur 1126 Gold Star United StatInvestment fund Gold Star Farms was a joint venture between two US citizens, Jack Holden and Lloyd Benton Sharp. Holden ran Gold Star Farms with his Ghanaian wife, Diana Holden and daughter, Erica Holden as executives. 1129 Prairie Tex United StatPrivate company 1131 Ghana ComGhana Private company 1132 Global Gre NetherlandPrivate company 1138 Farm LandsUnited KingStock-exchange listed company Based in Gibraltar and registered in the British Virgin Islands. 1139 Agriterra L United KingPrivate company Financing of Ngima-project using sugarcane from outgrowers representing 42000 ha._x000D_ 1140 HG ConsultBelgium Private company 1141 Bedford BioCanada Private company David McClure is the President and CEO of Bedford Biofuels. Company declared bankruptcy in 2013. 1142 G4 IndustriUnited KingPrivate company Establishedreviewed 1145 Biwako BioJapan Private company 1147 Qatari GovQatar State-/government (owned) company 1148 The DominiUnited StatPrivate company Owned by American Calvin Burgess 1149 Energem ReCanada Private company company bankrupt 1150 Bioenergy ISwitzerland 1151 Green PoweSwitzerlan Private company in January 2014, Green Power Holding AG went into liquidation 1154 GovernmentKenya State-/government (owned) companyEquatorial Palm Oil as originally known as Nardina Resources PLC , the name changed to Equatorial Biofuels PLC and then to EPO. Stock-exchange listed company_x000D_ 1161 Equatorial United KingStock-exchange listed company KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 62.9% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, 1162 Unnamed inTurkey 1164 The Gulf MUnited Ara State-/government (owned) company 1166 TEA (Tiris Saudi ArabInvestment fund Based in Abu Dhabi 1171 DRT France Private company 1174 ER Company Country data unknown. 1175 ERS Mauritius 1176 Fuel Stock United Kingdom of Great Britain and NortherBritish company with headquarters in Mauritius 1178 Global AgroLebanon 1180 J and J South Africa 1181 J-Oil France 1182 Jatro Solut Germany Private company Energy company EnBW is a major shareholder in the company. 1183 GreenIslanMadagascaPrivate company 1187 Landmark India 1188 Les cultureMadagascar 1189 Unnamed inIndia Indian investor is providing the financing for the project. 1195 MonteverdMauritius 1197 NOTS ReneNetherlandPrivate company 1199 Osho Grou South Africa 1202 Sithe GlobaUnited StatPrivate company Sithe Global is majority-owned by the Blackstone Group. 1203 Soabe France 1204 Société de MadagascaPrivate company 1205 Southern HBelgium Private company 1206 Unnamed inMadagascar 1210 Tozzi Rene Italy Private company Part of Tozzi Holding 1212 Unitech United States of America 1213 Vaudo France 1214 Weichu MadChina 1215 Magnard France 1217 SeedRock CCanada Private company Through its subsidiary SeedRock Africa Agriculture, registered in the British Virgin Islands 1220 China LightChina State-/government (owned) company 1221 Assil Mero Côte d'Ivoire 1222 Soudan FayCôte d'Ivoire 1225 Illovo SugaSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company Since 2006 Illovo Sugar is majority owned by British Foods Plc (51%) 1227 CEN_SAD (CLibya State-/government (owned) company 1229 Foras Inte Saudi ArabInvestment fund CompanyForas acts runsas the an investment R&D facility arm in Egypt of the focussed Organization on use of ofthe algea_x000D_ Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group. 1232 PetrOtech-fUnited StatInvestment fund 1234 Millenium United States of America Also referred to as Millenium Challenge Account 1235 Southern GlUnited StatPrivate company 1238 Agro EnergFrance 51% owned by France's LMBO Finances 1239 Groupe TomMali Private company 1244 Unnamed inSenegal 1245 GovernmentMali State-/government (owned) company 1247 Union économique et State-/government (owned) comThe Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) is an organization of West Africa whose mission is the realization of economic integration of the Member States. 1249 Dutch DeveNetherlandPrivate company 1251 Co-Enterprise West African Countries 1253 GovernmentChina State-/government (owned) comRenamed SI from state to Government Republic of China on 15/03/2018 1260 CAMEX Brazil Also known as the Brazilian Foreign Trade Board. Another source states company may be from the UK. 1264 Viridesco United KingPrivate company 1265 C3 BiodieseUnited States of America 1267 Emvest South AfricInvestment fund Emvest Asset Management is a joint venture between Emergent Asset Management and Grainvest, a subsidiary of the RussellStone Group (South Africa) 1268 Elaion AG Germany Private company 1273 Rift Valley Zimbabwe Private company Subsidiary of Saxion Estates. Rift Valley Holdings whose main shareholder is Heinrich von Pezold, a German national. 1275 Geralco South Africa 1284 AVIA Spa ( Italy Private company 1285 Gruppo ApiItaly Private company Through subsidiary Api Nova Energia 1286 Gruppo InduItaly Private company Through subsidiary SECI Energia 1290 Galp EnergPortugal Private company 1291 SGC EnergiPortugal Private company 1293 Green ResoNorway Private company Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. 1294 Grupo PortuPortugal Stock-exchange listed company Grupo Portucel Soporcel is majority owned by Semapa 1295 Dutch Jatr NetherlandPrivate company 1297 Nutre SA Portugal Private company Now called Nutre Group 1304 Sabie GameMozambique 1305 KomatilandSouth AfricPrivate company 1307 SAPPI South AfricStock-exchange listed company 1308 SAP-Sociedade Agropecuaria, SARL 1309 Manuel B. Medeiros 1311 NTC Japan Private company Might be a Japanese consultancy firm 1312 Gestor, Lda 1313 Isabel M. F. Lopes e A. Lopes (Herdeiros) 1314 Zefanias E. Oguane 1315 Agostinho F. Lissane 1316 Soc. A.D. Serviços, Lda 1317 Miguel João Mondlane 1318 Francisco J. Gonçalves 1319 Juma Juma F. Ussene 1320 Ofelia Jose Mausse 1321 Omar Cassamo 1323 Justino M. Novela 1324 Azevedo Suege 1325 CompanhiaPortugal Private company Mozambique company 1326 Sociedade Dambaera Safaris, Lda 1327 Moby Agro, Lda 1329 Maria F. de R. Rohomodja 1330 EAM (EmpreSouth AfricPrivate company 1331 Jose Pinto Matavel Might be a Mozambican citizen. 1332 Raimundo Uahala 1334 Companhia Agricola de Muroa 1339 Versus Moçambique, Lda No investor information 1341 Fundação MMozambiquState-/government (owned) company 1342 Neotech, Lda 1343 Sociedade South Africa 1344 Hunters Mozambique Lda Possibly 'Mabarule Hunters Mozambique Lda' (South Africa) 1346 Luis Antonio Mondlane Might be from Mozambique 1347 Unnamed inBrazil Secondary investors: Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, Gapi, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 1348 Cofco China State-/government (owned) comThere are many agreements between the Wine sector of COFCO and other different companies ( Such as McGuigan, Loch Lomond and DGB)but instead of investing into the company, the agreements that were made are for the import of different brands in China in order to infiltrate the Chinese market. 1350 Al Rajhi Gr Saudi ArabPrivate company Major activities comprise project development, operations management, investment and acquisitions 1359 Demeter InUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1372 Trans4matiUnited KingPrivate company 1374 Unnamed inChina Also known as Chongqing _x000D_ 1376 Chongqing China State-/government (owned) comZhongyi Seed Company 1377 Oil and NatIndia Stock-exchange listed company 1378 Siat Belgium Private company Siat is 51% owned by the Vanderbeeck family, 12% by Wienco and 35% by Sinochem through GMG Global Ltd. 1381 Coga FarmsNigeria Private company 1384 African ChiSyrian ArabPrivate company 1385 Lix Konti R Nigeria Private company 1386 Kwara Greens Ltd Private company 1388 Casplex Ltd. Private company Owned by Chinese and Nigerians 1389 Jan-Kasal United KingPrivate company 1393 Dana FoodsNigeria 1394 Future EnerNigeria Private company 1395 EnviroFrienNigeria 1397 Green CounNigeria 1398 Capital RicThailand 1399 Vietnam AfVietnam VAADCO is a Vietnamese and British joint venture seeking to develop intensive irrigated rice production in Africa. Its chairman is Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan, a high-level Vietnamese rice scientist. 1401 Viscount E China Nationality of the company cannot be verified. 1403 Madhvani Uganda Private company 1407 Canadian ECanada Private company In partnership with the Government of South Sudan and the Government of Central Equatorial State 1410 GovernmentSaudi ArabState-/government (owned) company 1411 Hail Agric Saudi ArabPrivate company IsHADCO this the was same fully company acquired asby Jannat?_x000D_Almarai, the largest Saudi dairy company in 2009 1412 Jenat Saudi Arabia Jannat, a limited liability company that brings together seven Saudi companies. Lead investor is TADCO (Al Rajhi). 1418 GovernmentSyrian ArabState-/government (owned) company 1419 Al Ain NatioUnited Ara Private company 1422 GovernmentJordan State-/government (owned) company 1430 Prince BudrSaudi ArabPrivate company 1431 Jarch CapitUnited StatPrivate company 1432 LEAC for AgSouth SudaPrivate company LEAC controlled by SPLA liberation army leaders 1435 Fenno CaleFinland Private company 1436 Yen ThumbSouth SudaState-/government (owned) company 1437 EES MinistrSouth SudaState-/government (owned) company 1438 M.A.J FoundIndia _x000D_ 1439 Joint Aid South AfricPrivate company _x000D_ 1440 African Co United StatPrivate company 1441 Eyat Oilfie Sudan Private company 1443 Finnish FunFinland Investment fund Global Environment Fund & Finnfund are major shareholders of KVTC, other shareholders unknown. 1444 Blue Lakes Kenya Private company 1445 Nile Tradi United StatPrivate company 1446 Madhvani Uganda Private company The largest sugar company in Uganda 1447 DATONG EntChina Private company 1448 Dangote InNigeria Private company 1449 AgroAfrica Norway Private company 1450 Durabilis Belgium 1453 CompagnieFrance f Private company The founding familie holds 60% of the company, Dole holds 40% of Compagnie fruitiere 1464 Asiyla Gu Saudi Arabia 1465 Unnamed inSenegal 1467 Danone GrFrance Private company 1468 Société de France Private company Michaël Laurent of France established Société de Cultures Légumières SA (SCL) in 2006. SCL is backed by the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries 1470 Bioking NetherlandPrivate company 1473 London minUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1475 Ecotech Ti United StatPrivate company 1477 SLGreen OilUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1478 Sierra GoldCanada 1483 Stella Dia United KingStock-exchange listed company 1484 Drie WilgenNetherlandPrivate company 1485 Genesis FaNetherlands 1488 USA Distill United States of America Is company USA or Swaziland based? 1489 Astral FoodSouth AfricPrivate company Astral Foods Ltd., South Africa, holds (through its wholly-owned subsidiary National Chicks Ltd.) 67% of National Chicks Swaziland (Pty) Ltd. 1491 Prokon RegGermany Private company 1492 DWS GALOSingapore Investment fund The private equity fund is offered by Deutsche Bank, incorporated in the Cayman Islands and managed by Duxton Asset Management, based in Singapore 1493 Agrica United KingPrivate company Carter Coleman is the Founder and CEO. Funding from Pacific Sequoia Holdings, NorFund, Norwegian Development Bank and African Agricultural Capital. Capricorn Investment Group (majority shareholder) and AgDevCo are shareholders in Agrica. The company has received a $10 million equity investment in 2012. 1494 Rufiji Bas Tanzania State-/government (owned) comParastatal government agency, which was established in 1975, with the view of promoting investments and developments along the Rufiji River. 1495 CAMS GlobaUnited KingPrivate company 1497 Unnamed inTanzania Private company 1500 VitaGrain Singapore Private company Vita Grain is a Singaporean company owned by portfolio investor Intrasia Capital, which has been investing in hybrid rice development and production in Asia, Africa and Australia. The company's African investments in Mauritius, Mozambique and Tanzania are undertaken through a Mauritian holding company. 1502 Ortello BusUnited Arab Emirates 1504 Yes Bank (oIndia 1506 Korea RuraRepublic ofState-/government (owned) company 1507 Bioshape HNetherlandPrivate company OwnedPrivate companyby 24 shareholders, that went bankruptmainly from in 2009. Belgium. Probably Farming new for owner. Energy for Better_x000D_ 1511 FELISA Belgium Private company Livelihoods in Southern Africa (FELISA). 1512 Unnamed inTanzania 1513 Thomson SaUnited StatPrivate company 1514 Africa Biof United States of America 1517 New ForestUnited KingPrivate company New Forests Company is supported by Agri-Vie investment fund and the IFC. The serious impacts of the operations on local villagers raise concerns given that NFC operations are supported by IFC, which claim to uphold high social and environmental standards. New Forest Company is financed by Finnfund. FMO has also provided funding. 1518 Clean PoweTanzania Private company 1526 Kilombero Tanzania Private company 1529 TM Global United StatPrivate company 1531 GovernmentTanzania State-/government (owned) company 1532 AgriSol En United StatPrivate company Ownership shares unknown. 1534 ED&F Man United KingPrivate company 1535 Super GrouTanzania Private company 1554 K.I. Samen NetherlandPrivate company 1555 Holland DaiTanzania Private company 1556 Unnamed inEgypt, ArabPrivate company 1557 Egyptian AgEgypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 1561 Unnamed inSouth Africa 1562 Mehta Gro India Private company 1564 Neumann KaGermany Private company 1567 Rai Group Mauritius In 2011 the Government of Uganda sold 19% of the shares to The Rai Group. 1568 Forests AbsNetherlands Commodities and is therefore likely to have majority_x000D_ 1574 BIDCO Ltd Kenya Private company control of both Bidco and Oil Palm Uganda Limited. 1579 Nippon PapeJapan Stock-exchange listed company 1583 La région dBelgium State-/government (owned) company 1584 Groupe BlaUnited StatPrivate company Feronia was established in 2008. December 2012- Feronia announced that the African Agricultural Fund (AAF) had agreed to purchase 20 percent of the company’s shares for $5 million through its subsidiary, African Agriculture Fund LLC. The AAF is a Mauritius based fund managed by the Mauritian private equity firm Phatisa. The AAF has DFI investment from France, US, and Spain as well as the African Development Bank and several other African multilateral banks. The AAF made further equity investments in Feronia in March and November 2013 totaling $14.5 million, this time through its Mauritius-based subsidiary Golden Oil Holdings Limited. By the end of 2013, AAF’s subsidiaries controlled 32.5% percent of Feronia. The other major DFI investor in Feronia is the UK government’s CDC Group plc (investment in the company since 2013), formerly the Commonwealth Development Corporation. The CDC made its first investment in Feronia in November_x000D_ 1587 Feronia IncCanada Stock-exchange listed company 2013, spendingupdated $14.5 million to take 27.5 percent of Feronia’s shares and providing the company with an additional $3.6m convertible loan facility to support the implementation of an Environmental and Social Action Plan. Then, in January 2015, it invested $7 million to take its ownership of Feronia up to 48 percent. Sivasankaran (SIVA Group) acquired a 8.6% stake in Feronia in 2010, however in 2014 SIVA Group exited the company. Golden Oil Holdings Limited shares increased to 47.2% in December 2015. DEG, BIO and FMO also provided a long term loan facility to Feronia worth $49 million. 1590 Lin ChangmChina Individual entrepreneur 1591 Yuan LongpChina Private company 1599 ZamBeef Zambia Stock-exchange listed company 1600 Unnamed inUnited Arab Emirates 1606 AG-Zam South AfricPrivate company 1610 Menafea HoSaudi ArabPrivate company SubsidiaryEstablished of by Dubai Sheikh World Mohammed _x000D_ Al-Rajhi, owner of Al-Rajhi Group 1614 Dubai WorldUnited Ara State-/government (owned) comIts principal shareholder is the government of Dubai under Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum 1623 Vatukoula GUnited KingPrivate company 1625 Troy ResouAustralia Private company 1628 Largo ResoCanada Private company 1630 Yamana GolCanada Private company 1632 Belo Sun MCanada Private company 1634 Cancana ReCanada Private company 1635 Kinross golCanada Private company 1638 Mundo MineAustralia Private company 1645 Vale Brazil Private company 1647 Infinity Bi Brazil Private company 1648 President Nigeria 1650 Nadec Saudi ArabStock-exchange listed company Nadec is led by the wealthy Saudi al-Rajhi family and is 20 percent owned by the finance ministry's Public Investment Fund (PIF). NADEC is the first and biggest agricultural share-stock company in Saudi Arabia. 1653 Terramin AuAustralia 32.5% 1669 Daewoo LogRepublic ofPrivate company 1672 Delta PetrolItaly 1677 DEKO SA South Africa 1678 Caille GrouRéunion Private company 1680 Communauté economiquState-/government (owned) comWest African States Economic Community (ECOWAS) is a West African intergovernmental organization 1681 Highbury FUnited KingPrivate company 1682 Principle CaUnited KingInvestment fund 1684 Petromoc Mozambique Will be taking off the ethanol produced. 1687 Mauritius MMauritius State-/government (owned) company 1697 Unnamed inIran, IslamiState-/government (owned) company 1709 Sayegh Gr Jordan 1714 Zayed al KhUnited Arab Emirates 1716 Pinesso Gr Brazil Private company Indication that the company filed for bankruptcy in 2015 1719 Kenana Su Sudan State-/government (owned) com5% owned by local sugarcane outgrowers union 1725 Pharos FinaUnited Ara Investment fund 1729 Biopalm EnSingapore Private company Part of Siva group- belonging to Chinnakannan Sivasankaran. Siva Group owns shell company Broadcourt Investments Ltd, which owns Geoff Palm Limited (which in turn owns Biopalm). 1732 MoçambiqueSouth AfricPrivate company 1733 Aderito Augusto ParraPrivate company 1735 Diocese of Sweden 1736 Gaza Safaris Lda Private company 1737 Wayne WagnSouth AfricPrivate company 1738 ChicualacuaSouth AfricPrivate company 1742 Sociedade Agro Pec. Private company 1743 Safe ProducTurkey Private company 1745 Sable TransZambia Private company 1746 Bonafarm Hungary Private company 1748 Sepahan AfIran, IslamiPrivate company 1753 Grynberg PUnited StatPrivate company 1755 Vedico ManVietnam Private company 1756 BHB GmbHGermany Private company 1757 Cuu Long DeVietnam businessmen who have been working in Sierra Leone for the past 4+ years. Their experience lies in business _x000D_ 1758 WhitestoneUnited KingPrivate company management consultancy and commercial property. 1760 Agri-Vie South AfricInvestment fund 1763 Global EnvUnited StatInvestment fund Global Environment Fund & Finnfund are major shareholders of KVTC, other shareholders unknown. 1765 Amorentia South AfricPrivate company Owned by Chistoffel Breytenbach and Howard Blight 1768 Woodbois LUnited KingStock-exchange listed company Executive Director (Francesco Scolaro) is the main shareholder, controlling over 27% of the shares. Name changed from Obtala Resources Ltd to Woodbois Ltd in march 2019. 1769 Unknown (MSouth AfricPrivate company 1770 Nasseria I Kenya 1771 Nirmal SeeIndia Private company Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd. (NSPL) was established in 1988 in central part of Maharashtra State (India). NSPL is a 25 years old & is one of the leading companies in seeds production & bio inputs. 1773 Baobab ResAustralia Private company 1774 Sogein Italy Private company 1776 HK Jalan G India Private company 1777 African Ti United KingPrivate company 1778 Rizhao SunChina Private company 1779 Aslan GlobUnited StatPrivate company Owned by Jes Tarp and Paul Larsen. Around 50 Americans have each invested $100 000 in the company. 1780 ALCOA Inc.United StatPrivate company 1782 G-group Source:Western multinational 1783 Crusader RAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 05/04/2018 1785 Magellan MiCanada Private company Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso. 1787 ECI ExploraCanada Private company Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso. 1789 MGM Mato BrazilG Private company 1791 Enerfin/EneCanada Private company The subsidiary company of Enerfin/Enervento (Grupo Elecnor) and manager of the Osório's Wind farms is Ventos do Sul Energia. 1792 ENERCON Germany Private company The subsidiary company of ENERCON GmbH is Wobben Windpower. 1793 CIP Brazil Brazil Other (please specify in commentInterbank payments and a Civil society without ends of profit. 1796 Edo State Nigeria State-/government (owned) company 1799 Jaguar MiniUnited StatPrivate company 1800 Lara ExplorCanada Private company 1801 Avanco ResAustralia Private company 1803 Kwara StatNigeria State-/government (owned) company 1806 HAREL ET Mauritius Private company 25.5% 1808 Castillian Canada Private company 1809 Adriana ResCanada Private company 1810 Aurora Gol Switzerlan Private company 1812 I Am Gold Canada Private company 1816 GovernmentCôte d'Ivoi State-/government (owned) company 1817 Michelin France Stock-exchange listed company Holds 20% of SIPH which owns 70.3% of RENL. 1818 Delta Stat Nigeria State-/government (owned) company 1819 Ogun StateNigeria State-/government (owned) company 1820 Ondo StateNigeria State-/government (owned) company 1821 Olam InternSingapore Stock-exchange listed company 1823 Sonangol Angola State-/government (owned) company 1826 Eco-CarbonFrance Other (please specify in commentIt is unclear what type of company this is. 1828 Estaport FaNigeria 1829 PT Tiga Pil Indonesia Stock-exchange listed company 1833 Poligrow Spain Private company Through SNI (Societe Nationale d'Investissement)_x000D_ 1838 GovernmenCameroon State-/government (owned) com 1840 Zambezi RaZimbabwe Private company 1841 Smurfit Ka Ireland Private company The subsidiary company in Colombia is Smurfit Kappa Cartón. 1847 Ferrostaal Germany Private company FundedAlternatively by IFU, spelled Danish ‘Ferrostahl’, fund of development_x000D_ but more frequently spelled ‘Ferrostaal’. The company is 70% owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company, IPIC, which was formed by the Abu Dhabi government. As a result of the IPIC taking over the majority of shares, MAN Ferrostaal AG changed its name to Ferrostaal AG. 1849 Denbia Denmark 1853 BrookmountUnited StatPrivate company 1855 Panoro MineCanada Private company The subsidiary in Peru is Panoro Apurimac S.A. 1856 AQM CopperCanada Private company The subsidiary in Peru is AQM Perú. 1857 Teck ResourCanada Private company The subsidiary in Peru is Teck Peru. 1860 Sociedad MPeru Private company 1861 Societe FinCameroon Private company 1862 Cie des Ca Cameroon Private company 1863 Nitol-Niloy Bangladesh 1864 Liu JianJun China Individual entrepreneur Former government official who enabled many land deals across Africa 1865 Icemark AfrIceland 1866 Tilda Rice United KingPrivate company 1867 Felda GlobaMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 1869 GovernmentCongo, DemState-/government (owned) company 1870 Phatisa Mauritius Private company 1872 Silver StanCanada Private company 1873 Patagonia United KingPrivate company 1875 Bhati BangBangladesh owned by Al Falah Group 1876 Fuel EthanoSouth Africa Upon start of operations, farmers are expected to also own shares in the ethanol plant. 1877 Yoma StratSingapore Private company acts throug also Singapore based subsidiary named "Plantation Resources Pte Ltd (PRPL)" 1878 Société IntBelgium Private company In 2004 the PNG Government sold its 50% shareholding of Hargy Oil Palms to S.A SIPEF NV which has always had full responsibility for the management, operations, processing and international marketing of the company's products. 1879 New BritainPapua NewStock-exchange listed company 1880 Changhae IRepublic ofPrivate company 1881 MBf HoldinMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 1882 Piet Kemp South AfricIndividual entrepreneur 1885 Orocobre LAustralia Private company Orocobre and Toyota Tsusho Corporation signed a definitive joint venture agreement to develop the Olaroz Lithium Project. 1889 Blue Sky UCanada Private company 1890 Cosmo Oil Japan Private company 1891 Mariana ReAustralia Private company 1892 Golden MinUnited StatPrivate company 1897 Coro Minin Canada Private company 1898 Japan CarboJapan Private company 1900 NGEX ResouCanada Private company 1901 Japan Oil, Japan Private company 1902 Orgaman Belgium Private company 1903 Hochschild United KingPrivate company 1904 McEwen MiCanada Private company 1905 Golden ArrCanada Private company 1906 MetallurgicChina Private company 1908 Karmin ExplCanada Private company 1909 Fortuna SilCanada Private company The subsidiary of in Peru Fortuna Silver Mines Inc is Minera Bateas. 1910 Alturas MinCanada Private company 1913 GovernmentSudan State-/government (owned) company 1914 Ministry of South SudaState-/government (owned) company 1915 Candente CCanada Private company The subsidiary of Candente Copper Corp. in Peru is Cañariaco Cobre Peru S.A. 1916 Maris CapitUnited KingInvestment fund 1917 Hudbay MineCanada Private company 1919 Mukaya PaySouth SudaOther (please specify in commentLocal cooperative 1920 United InteDenmark Private company 1922 NarboroughUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 1923 Harim HoldRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company 1924 Genton InteChina, HongPrivate company 1925 GovernmentIndonesia State-/government (owned) company 1926 PT Adaro EIndonesia Stock-exchange listed company 1929 Anglo AmeriUnited KingStock-exchange listed company The subsidiary of in Peru is Anglo American Michiquillay 1930 Genting GrMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company Genting Group is 40.0% owned by Kien Huat Realty Sdn Bhd, a private company controlled by the late Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Goh Tong’s family. 1931 Sepanjang Indonesia Private company 1937 VotorantimBrazil Private company Belongs to Group Votorantim Metains. 1943 Rego CorpoUnited StatPrivate company 1945 Savia Perú Republic ofPrivate company 1948 Vetra Colombia Private company 1949 Faulkner ExUnited StatPrivate company 1950 Maple EnerUnited StatPrivate company 1953 Hijazi and Jordan Private company 1954 Societe DjiDjibouti State-/government (owned) company 1955 Eurico FerrPortugal Private company 1956 GovernmentCape VerdeState-/government (owned) company 1957 Mimran Gr France Private company 1958 Rina GroupIsrael Private company Major agricultural subsidiary is Dekel Oil Public Limited. 1960 Cevital Algeria Private company 1961 SIPEF Belgium Stock-exchange listed company signed as an investor, March 2010 1963 Energea G Austria Private company 1964 FE Clean E United StatInvestment fund 1968 Cepsa Spain Private company The subsidiary of Cepsa in Peru is Cepsa Peru SA. 1977 Gran TierraCanada Private company 1978 Maurel & PFrance Private company 1980 PetrominerCanada Private company 1982 Talisman EnCanada Private company 1983 PetroVietn Vietnam Private company Licogi has the remaining 22 percent 1984 Emerald EnNew Zeala Private company The subsidiary of PLC in Peru is Emerald Energy Peru SAC. 1991 SL AgritechPhilippinesPrivate company Mother Company: Sterling Paper Group of Companies Sumitomo Corporation 100%_x000D_ 1993 Sumitomo Japan Stock-exchange listed company for(of whichmechanized 20% is farming._x000D_ planned to be held by Sumitomo Corporation Vietnam LLC) 1995 Unknown (Sudan Individual entrepreneur 1996 Koninklijk NetherlandSemi state-owned company 1997 Union of jaMali Other (please specify in commentFarmers cooperative 1998 Tibiyo TakaSwaziland State-/government (owned) comOn behalf of the Swazi nation 1999 GovernmentMadagascaState-/government (owned) company 2000 GEXSI Germany Other (please specify in commentCharity 2001 Futuro ForePanama Private company 2003 Torian ResoAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 2004 AHIMSA (AlIndia Other (please specify in commentnon-profit NGO 2005 TARDA Kenya State-/government (owned) comGovernment agency in the Ministry of Regional Development Authorities 2007 Mahindra GIndia Private company 2012 GovernmentGabon State-/government (owned) company 2013 Mat InternaKenya Private company 2014 City & InduIndia State-/government (owned) company 2015 SUBHASH PIndia Private company 2016 OM METALSIndia Private company Om Metals & SPML hold around 18.5% stake each, the Pondicherry Government holds_x000D_ 2017 PONDICHERIndia State-/government (owned) com26% & Urban Infrastructure Ltd holds 37% 2018 Spectre IntKenya Private company Spectre International signed the initial lease in 2001. Energem later became majority shareholder in the factory 2019 PanAust Li Australia Stock-exchange listed company 2020 Arrowny JaJapan Private company joint venture with Lao company 2021 Namibia DeNamibia State-/government (owned) comOwnership share unknown 2022 Labour InveNamibia Private company 2023 Caparo GroUnited KingPrivate company According to information from the UK company register, Caparo Renewabel Agriculture Developments has been dissolved in January 2011. 2024 SODHAI MadagascaPrivate company 2026 J Bet Japan Private company Japan BioEnergy Technology 2027 And-Net In Israel Private company 2028 Tiryaki AgrTurkey Private company 2029 Unknown China 2030 Unknown Lao PDR 2032 Gashaw TahUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur Ethiopian born- USA citizen. 2035 H.I.M Insti Ethiopia 2036 Italian-Tha Thailand Stock-exchange listed company 2037 Lao ServiceLao PDR Private company 2039 Base ResouAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 2040 Lesa PLC Israel Private company 2041 Mima Hold Austria Private company 2042 Mulatu Fer Israel 2043 Ozyak OskoTurkey 2044 Picollo RenItaly 2046 ONIX Ltd Ukraine Private company 2047 LAO GEO COLao PDR 2048 MK-GROUP RussianC Federation 2050 Municipal China State-/government (owned) company 2051 GovernmentLao PDR State-/government (owned) company 2052 GVK Power India& Stock-exchange listed company 2053 Tamil NaduIndia State-/government (owned) company 2054 Kaleb ServEthiopia Private company 2059 Tongly Lao PDR Individual entrepreneur Mr. Tongly formerly was the provincial vice governor. 2060 Koala GrouVietnam Private company 2061 MMG Ltd Australia Stock-exchange listed company listed on Hong Kong stock-exchange (1208) 2062 Hydronet Japan Private company 2063 Itochu CorpJapan Stock-exchange listed company ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See 2064 S.A.E. AfikiIsrael Private company 2066 FrieslandC NetherlandPrivate company 2068 Presaco In Cyprus Investment fund Unsure of status of this company. 2069 GovernmentEthiopia State-/government (owned) company 2070 Praj IndustrIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2071 Thai Hua RThailand Stock-exchange listed company 2072 Jieng XiengChina 2075 Longping HChina 2076 ErshisanyeChina Chinese:Hunan subsidiary Yunnan Liliang of the Shengwu_x000D_national conglomerate China Minmetals 2077 Yunnan PoweChina Private company Zhipin Youxian Gongsi 2078 Thai CharoThailand Private company 2079 Solar HarveNorway Private company Owned by Mr. Arne Helvig and Mr. Steinar Kolnes 2080 Kooy BiofloNetherlandPrivate company 2081 Mekiya AgrEthiopia Private company 2083 InfraCo United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2088 Şems ForeigKuwait Private company Another name for the investor is “Sems Turk Kuwait-Turkey investment consulting company” 2089 XaysombounMalaysia 2091 Hasat Hud Qatar Private company The state-supported Qatari company Hasat Hud has asked for “tens of thousands of acres of Treasury land” from Turkey’s Finance Ministry. 2093 GovernmenMozambiquState-/government (owned) comthrough IGEPE (Institute for the Management of Government Shares) 2094 DiversifiedUnited StatInvestment fund Believed to be owned by Harvard University 2095 Diocese of MozambiquOther (please specify in commentChurch organisation 2096 Ubuntu Mozambique 2097 Maragra S Mozambique 2098 Sinohydro CChina State-/government (owned) company 2099 Form InternNetherlandPrivate company 2103 Viram PlantIndia Private company 2109 Natural AfrSouth Africa 2112 Africa Atla United States of America 2114 Clean BiofuSingapore Private company Clean Biofuel International PTE Ltd invests in Indonesia through its Indonesian subsidiary PT. Inti Global Laksana 2115 Unigreen ReMalaysia Private company 2117 So Nguon Cambodia Private company IOI holds its stake in Bumitama Agri Ltd via Lynwood Capital Resources Pte Ltd and Oakridge Investments_x000D_ 2119 IOI Group Malaysia Stock-exchange listed company Pte Ltd. 2120 WilliamsonIndia Private company 2123 RenaissancRussian FedInvestment fund Formed by Zimbabwe African Peoples_x000D_ 2124 DevelopmenZimbabwe Other (please specify in commentUnion (ZAPU) political party to carryout investments on behalf of the party. 2125 Billy RauteSouth AfricIndividual entrepreneur 2130 NEWGEN Ghana Private company 2132 BridgestonJapan Stock-exchange listed company 2133 Nuove IniziaItaly Private company Owned by the Orlandi family. The company declared bankruptcy on 05/21/2015. 2134 Woodman GMalaysia Private company Holds 60% of Alpha Logging. Alpha Logging is likely 50% owned by Samling Global, Malaysia. Samling is part of Yaw Holding. The detailed ownership structures are intransparent. 2135 Miro Fores United Ara Private company Miro Forestry is an independent Cayman Islands incorporated private limited company headquartered in Dubai, UAE. 2136 TEST InvesAndorra State-/government (owned) company 2140 GovernmentGuinea State-/government (owned) comHeld by Ministry of Agriculture 2141 Boustead HMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2142 Indus BasinPakistan Private company Indus Basin Holding is a Member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), a global network of organizations that invest money and expertise to propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets. 2145 Khon Kaen Thailand Stock-exchange listed company 2149 C C V Co., Cambodia Private company 2155 Carlos Cas Argentina Individual entrepreneur 2156 Unknown (Vietnam only nationality of director is given 2160 Unknown (China only nationality and address of chairman are known 2161 CHHUN HOCambodia Private company 2162 Unknown (Vietnam only nationality of director is given 2163 Yunnan StaChina Semi state-owned company 2165 Huor Ling China 2168 Long Van 2Vietnam Private company 2170 China HainChina Stock-exchange listed company 2171 GovernmentSierra LeonState-/government (owned) company 2173 EN3 Republic ofStock-exchange listed company 2174 PlantationsSpain 2175 Jatropha T Italy JTF is part of TRE-Tozzi Renewable Energy, Tozzi Holding 2177 Primus AgriIndia Private company 2179 Envirotrad United KingPrivate company 2181 Satria Indonesia Private company 2182 Trimex United Ara Private company 2183 RAK InvestUnited Ara State-/government (owned) company 2186 Ernesto CoBrazil Individual entrepreneur 2187 Buchanan NetherlandPrivate company Ownership: Pamoja Capital 70%, Vattenfall (owned by Nuon of NLD) 20%, Swedfund 10%. In May 2012 Vattenfall and Svedfund sold their share. 2189 Malavasi L Italy Private company; Malavasi Logging holds 30% share in EJ & J Investment Corporation. 2197 Sun Yeun CChina 2198 Junhao TimChina Private company Level of involvement of Junhao Timber unknown. 2200 Akewa GlobNigeria Private company 2201 WeyerhaeuUnited StatPrivate company 2203 Gemadept Vietnam Stock-exchange listed company 2204 Jadora LLC United StatPrivate company promotesFor REDD thepurposes international only cooperation in_x000D_ 2205 Japanese TrJapan Semi state-owned company transport sector 2206 Sun Care FuJapan Private company 2207 Utic Foods Thailand Private company 2211 Adani GrouIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2212 Xenerga InUnited States of America Based in Florida 2213 Eurofuel TeGermany 2215 Unknown (Vietnam only nationality of director 2217 Kingho GroChina Private company 2219 Global Min China Private company 2220 Sterling Pl Australia Private company the company was formerly known as "Sterling Biofuels International Limited" 2221 Dr. BronnerUnited StatPrivate company 2222 Felda Hold Malaysia Private company 2223 Odebrecht Brazil Private company 2224 Damer Angola 2225 Nzogi Yetu Angola 2226 Coroa GestAngola 2227 Lion Angola 2228 Attwood InCambodia Investment fund 2230 An Sophy FCambodia Private company 2236 CIC Mining China Private company 2237 Eritrean NaEritrea State-/government (owned) companya subsidiary of Shanghai Construction _x000D_ 2238 SFECO GroChina Group Co. Ltd 2239 GovernmentDjibouti State-/government (owned) company 2240 Kolao GrouRepublic ofPrivate company 2241 Indian FarmIndia Other (please specify in comment field) 2242 Navayuga India Private company 2243 Omnicane AMauritius Stock-exchange listed company Omnicane declined an option to acquire an additional 25% from Pabari Investments in 2016. 2244 Eco-Fuel GlUnited StatPrivate company 2245 Eco-PositivUnited KingPrivate company 2248 Solway InvCanada Private company 2249 GovernmentGuatemalaOther (please specify in commentGovernment 2251 UNKNOWNIndia 2252 (Cambodia)Cambodia Private company 2253 Unknown (Singapore Private company only nationality of director is known 2254 United PlanMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company The Bek-Nielsen Family (Maximum Vista Sdn Bhd) hold 41.75% in UP. 2255 State IndusIndia State-/government (owned) company 2256 Hawkwood UnitedC KingInvestment fund 2257 Dau Tieng Vietnam Private company member of Vietnam Rubber Group 2258 MEDCO GroIndonesia Private company alsoOnly chairone of of various Korean investorscompany activeDonghwa, in the is MIFEEKorindo's largest_x000D_ 2260 Korindo Gr Republic ofPrivate company shareholder. 2264 PetrolatinaUnited KingPrivate company 2266 Unknown (Thailand Private company Thai investors from Thailand's Sisaket province 2267 Lion ForestMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2268 Agricultur Zimbabwe State-/government (owned) company 2270 AgricultureZimbabwe State-/government (owned) comARDA entered a BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) joint venture with Macdom and Rating Investments. 2274 Serengeti ATanzania Private company 2276 CompanhiaMozambiqu Private company 2277 MozambicanMozambiqu State-/government (owned) comPro-Savana is a triangular development programme between the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, ABC (Brazil), and JICA (Japan). 2278 Brazilian CBrazil State-/government (owned) company 2279 Japanese InJapan State-/government (owned) company 2280 Church of Sweden Other (please specify in commentChurch 2281 Anglican DMozambiquOther (please specify in commentChurch 2282 TSB Sugar South AfricPrivate company Tsb Sugar was founded in 1965, and is a 100 percent-owned subsidiary of Remgro Ltd, a stakeholding company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. 2283 Sociedade Mozambiqud Private company 2289 Episteme PaSouth AfricPrivate company 2290 CityStar France Private company Leopard Capital is pulling out stakes in Cambodia_x000D_ 2291 Leopard CapCayman IslInvestment fund 2292 AMA GroupPhilippines Private company 2294 Veasna InvVietnam Private company 2296 Bean Heach InvestmenPrivate company The nationality of the company is unknown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and that the director is Vietnamese. 2297 Cafe Coffe India Private company 2298 Compañia AArgentina Private company 2300 MDS InvestCambodia Investment fund 2301 Mega First Malaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2302 Unnamed inZambia 2303 Hengfu SugChina probably also involved in other concessions in the area, which are contracted on the same day. 2307 Unknown (China Chinese-owned 2311 Unknown (Cambodia 2315 CJ CorporatRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company 2316 MH EthanolRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company Former name: Muhak Alcohol Co. Ltd. 2319 Mong RethtCambodia Private company 2321 Unknown (China Shareholders: China 100% 2322 Ve Wong CoChina Stock-exchange listed company Taiwan based. Listed on the Taiwan stock-exchange. 2329 Goodhope ASingapore Private company 2330 HuaYue GroChina Private company 2331 Qube LankaIndia Private company 2333 Unknown (China shareholders 2336 Unknown (Republic of Korea shareholders 2338 Benh Hoeurk Kratie RuPrivate company The nationality of the company is unkown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and its director is Vietnamese. 2341 Mo Hy Pa MMalaysia Private company 2346 SRP InternaChina, HongPrivate company GlobalHong Kong provider limited of forestcompany investment with offices advisory in Thailandservices._x000D_ 2348 Internatio Denmark Private company Ownership: Teachers Fire Insurance Company 49%, IWC Holdings 51%. 2350 Scimitar Oryx Partner Investment fund 2351 Carson CumSri Lanka Stock-exchange listed company Goodhope Holdings is a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch PLC. Goodhope Holdings has invested in plantations in Indonesia through various different companies. All in one Goodhope Holdings acquired a land bank of 157889 hectares in Indonesia (some parts of this land bank were acquired before 2000). 2356 Unknown (Canada 2357 Unknown (China 2358 Unknown (China shareholder 2361 Bien Hoa SVietnam Private company 2362 Timas ResoSingapore 2364 Union DeveChina 2366 Great FieldChina Private company 2367 Yellow FieldChina Private company 2368 Moorim Republic ofStock-exchange listed company 2369 Latin AmeriCanada Private company 2370 Minas Paraguay Private company 2371 Rama KhmerCambodia Private company 2372 Anglo-EasteUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 2373 Lucky GrouIndia Private company 2374 Iranian StaIran, IslamiState-/government (owned) comThe Iranian State provides land to Iranian shepherds 2375 Wind TradeAustralia Private company 2378 Sazean HolMalaysia Private company 2379 National P Sudan Semi state-owned company 2380 AAAID Sudan Other (please specify in commentArab Authority for Agriculture Investment and Development 2381 Republic o Gabon State-/government (owned) company 2386 GovernmentRepublic ofState-/government (owned) company 2387 SIVA GroupIndia Private company Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. 2391 Vedanta ReUnited KingStock-exchange listed company IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to . 2395 Lembaga TaMalaysia Semi state-owned company 2396 SIFCA Côte d'Ivoi Stock-exchange listed company Olam & Wilmar's 50-50 JV Nauvu Investments holds 27%-share; Parme Investissement (holding company of SIFCA's founding family) holds 44%. Immoriv SA holds a further 21% with the remaining shares in the hands of private investors (8%). 2400 Geoff PalmMalaysia Private company 2401 IJM CorporaMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company IJM Corporation Berhad's percentage of capital in stock-exchange-listed IJM Plantations Berhad is 55.11%. IJM Plantations Berhad is investing in palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia. 2402 PGBI South AfricPrivate company 2404 M.P. Evans United KingStock-exchange listed company Acazis was de-listed in 2013._x000D_ 2406 Acazis AG Germany Private company Major shareholders are Swiss British Fiduciary Trust Center (CH) and Athanor Equities (LUX). 2407 Athanor EquLuxembourStock-exchange listed company Acazis is now majority-owned by the Luxembourg-based renewable energy group Athanor Equities. 2409 Latteno Fo Canada Stock-exchange listed company Latteno no longer mentions the Ethiopian activities on its website or in recent company filings. 2411 Emami GroIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2413 Neha InternIndia Stock-exchange listed company Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. 2414 Sokimo Congo, DemSemi state-owned company Société Minière de Kilo-Moto (SOKIMO). A state-owned gold mining company. 2415 Office Nati Algeria State-/government (owned) com2.5% 2416 Tutuman DeMalaysia Private company Central New Hanover Ltd subleased the land to Tututman 2417 Albright Li Papua NewPrivate company Willsmart International Limited (“Willsmart”; British Virgin Islands) "is the registered holder of 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares of one kina each being the total number of shares issued and allotted in the capital of Albright Limited", to which the area is subleased 2418 Centamin Australia Stock-exchange listed company The company started in Australia but relocated to Jersey in 2011 2419 Egyptian MiEgypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 2420 Reko (PNG)Malaysia Private company 90% foreign shareholding 2421 GreenlandsMalaysia developer of the project (according to Greenpeace 2012) 2424 Terroir CapiUnited StatInvestment fund 2425 Afrifresh South AfricPrivate company Standard Chartered owns 30% of Afrifresh. 2426 Sannati Gr India Private company 2427 Ruchi SoyaIndia Stock-exchange listed company Devonshire Capital, a global private equity major, has picked up 51% stake in the Indore-based Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., as part of the latter’s debt restructuring plan. This only pertains to certain specific edible oil brands and the distribution business. 2433 GovernmentNiger State-/government (owned) company 2435 Global Nat Switzerland Owner of Global Agricultural Resources (LI). GNRH filed bankrupcy in 2011. 2436 GovernmentNigeria State-/government (owned) company 2438 TSH ResourMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company The Government Pension Fund of Norway has invested in TSH Resources Berhad. 2439 Boon Siew Malaysia Private company Oriental Holdings Berhad is a subsidiary of Boon Siew Group, through which the investments in Indonesia were made. 2440 GovernmentSenegal State-/government (owned) company 2441 Mozdahir Senegal Other (please specify in comment field) 2442 Vicat Grou France Stock-exchange listed company 99.91% 2444 Prosper Gr Malaysia Private company 2445 Wewak AgriMalaysia Private company owns 80% shares in the Sepik Oil Palm Project 2446 Brilliant I Malaysia Private company 2447 Windcliffe United KingPrivate company 2448 Danish Fol Denmark 2449 Tianjin Jul China Private company 2450 River EstatMalaysia Private company 2452 Delloyd Ve Malaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2454 Norteak Norway Private company 2456 B2 Gold CoCanada Private company 2457 Aura MineraCanada Private company 2458 Alamos GolCanada Private company 2459 Skywalker China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Reproject is developed by "Skywalker Global Resources Company (PNG) Limited" 2460 IndependenUnited StatPrivate company IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012) 2462 Glencairm Canada Private company 2463 CANARC ResCanada Private company 2466 Almaden MiCanada Private company 2471 Aurion ResoCanada Private company 2473 Capstone MCanada Private company 2477 Exeter Res Canada State-/government (owned) company 2481 First MajestCanada Private company 2482 Pan AmericaCanada Private company 2485 Déguessi VMali 2486 Novartis Switzerland 2487 KK ConectiMalaysia Private company 2488 Niger Delt Nigeria State-/government (owned) company 2489 Gold WorldChina, HongPrivate company 2490 Global Elit China, HongPrivate company 2492 Starlink Limited foreign company 2493 ContinentalMalaysia Private company 2494 Pacific Int Malaysia Private company 2496 Perilya Australia Private company 2499 Pershimco Canada Private company 2500 Nauvu Singapore Private company Nauvu is a 50:50 joint venture between Olam and Wilmar 2501 MercatalonSpain 2502 Canavialis Brazil owned by Monsanto 2503 Andrah PraIndia State-/government (owned) company 2506 GovernmentTurkey 2507 Lets TravelSwitzerlan Private company 2508 Lets TravelSri Lanka Private company 2509 Sun Travel Maldives Private company 2510 Le Minh CoVietnam Private company 2511 Copra Products Ltd Private company 2512 InversionesNicaragua Private company The remaining 5% of Triton is held by Inversiones Mineras S.A., a holding company representing unionized mine workers in Nicaragua. 2514 Grupo PellaNicaragua Private company 2515 Palma HaciSingapore Private company 2516 Vanimo JayMalaysia Private company 2518 Philippine PhilippinesState-/government (owned) company 2519 African Tra China Private company ATH is an entity formed by Chinese business in connection with that country’s government, with the aim of facilitating trade between Africa and China. 2520 Victory Pla Australia Private company 2521 GecaminesCongo, DemState-/government (owned) company 2524 Fordaluis Italy Private company 2525 Tonj East ASouth SudaOther (please specify in commentFarmers collective 2526 Cogrial EasSouth SudaOther (please specify in commentFarmers collective 2527 Toch Chol CSouth Sudan 2528 B-Gasy Secondary investor country not known. 2530 Caltech Ve Ghana Private company 2533 Lebach MinPhilippinesPrivate company 2538 30/4 Giala Vietnam Private company 2539 Wah SeongMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2540 Silvermark British Virgin Islands Ultimate owners unknown 2541 Giant DragBritish Virgin Islands Ultimate owners unknown 2542 Smart Holdings 2544 Palmex Central African Republic 2545 Biocongo GlSpain Biocongo is a subsidiary of Madrid-based company IBECO Corporacion 2547 Mantra ResAustralia Stock-exchange listed company Mantra Resources Pty Limited, an Australian registered corporation in which Uranium One has a 13.9 per cent interest. The remaining shares in this company are owned by Uranium One’s 51 per cent shareholder, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (“ARMZ”). 2549 JGC CorporJapan Stock-exchange listed company 2550 Philippine Philippines 2554 HSIIDC LimIndia State-/government (owned) coma Government of Haryana Company 2557 Pan Pacific Japan Private company acts in Chile through its subsidiary Lumina Copper Chile. 2560 River PlateBrazil Private company 2561 BBC SA Brazil Private company 2563 SunRice Australia Private company 2564 Grupo PescSpain Stock-exchange listed company 2565 ARS AgrofoIndia 2566 Ali Saif Mo United Arab Emirates 2567 Berekat JovIran, Islamic Rep. 2568 Zeyoge's AgUnited States of America 2569 Saha GroupThailand Private company 2570 IBTC GroupMyanmar Private company the company's agribusiness arm is ISMSA International Sun Moon Star Agricultural Co. Ltd. 2572 Orchard AgMyanmar Private company 2574 Mim cashewSingapore Mim Cashew is a family owned cashew plantation and processing facility 2575 New AgriculIndia 2576 Suraj Agro India 2577 Symboil AGGermany Private company 2578 DOS Palm OiUnited KingPrivate company 2579 Dar Al-MasSaudi ArabPrivate company 2580 Agricon GloDenmark Private company As of October 2014 majority shareholder of Agricon Global Corporation is Mr. Brian Mertz, a resident of Denmark. 2581 Norpalm A Norway Private company 2582 PZ CussonsGhana Stock-exchange listed company Subsidiary of UK stocklisted company 2583 McLeod RussIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2584 Al Ghurair United Ara Private company 2585 VP Group Kenya Previously called VegPro Group 2588 Offsetters Canada Stock-exchange listed company Previously known as Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc. (100%-owned subsidiary of ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd) 2589 Italian-Th Thailand Private company "the Myanmar and Thai governments will each hold 30 percent in the SPV [special purpose vehicle], while the remaining 40 percent will be held by other partners including Japan, China and South Korea" ( 2590 Tanga Dair Tanzania Private company 2591 Katani Ltd.Tanzania 2592 Al Tamini KSaudi Arabia 2593 Bin Taleb Saudi Arabia 2597 Amatheon GermanyA Stock-exchange listed company Founded bty Carl Heinrich Bruhn 2599 Jemal AhmEthiopia Individual entrepreneur edible and palm oil importers 2600 Agropeace Israel Private company 2602 Sara CottonIndia Private company 2603 Verdanta HaIndia Private company A subsidiary of the Noida-based Lucky Group 2604 Bharat HerbIndia Private company 2607 CLC SpenteIndia Private company 2609 Afriflora NetherlandPrivate company Formerly called Sher Holland. 2610 Unknown (Saudi Arabia 2611 Unknown (Ethiopia 2612 Global Agr NetherlandPrivate company 2613 Unknown (Ethiopia Private company 2614 Sun Opta I Canada Stock-exchange listed company Sun Opta is the parent of Dutch-based The Organic Corporation (TOC). 2616 Tekron GroTurkey Private company 2617 Petropalm United StatPrivate company According to Florida Dep of state is the investor "inactive" (PROFUNDO) 2618 Maruha NichJapan Private company Maruha Nichiro Holdings sold the Agrobest Shrimp Farming company to Fujian Hengshui Group, a Chinese investor for an undisclosed amount. This is due to the effect of the widespread disease called Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) 2619 Komor EnteRepublic ofPrivate company 2620 PT Puri Us Indonesia Private company 2621 Unknown (Republic ofPrivate company Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (2621) on 15/03/2018 2622 Unknown (China, HongIndividual entrepreneur 2628 PT Sinar CiIndonesia Private company 2629 Karli BoenjIndonesia Individual entrepreneur 2631 Vinafor Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 2632 GovernmentVietnam State-/government (owned) company 2633 Mihaud Int China Private company from Taiwan 2634 Bapak GaribIndonesia Individual entrepreneur 2635 Dole Food United StatStock-exchange listed company Dole said it had cancelled the contract with Letsgrow in November 2011, but Letsgrow continues the operations 2637 Iino Kaiun Japan Stock-exchange listed company 2638 K Lines Japan Stock-exchange listed company 2639 MOL GroupJapan Stock-exchange listed company 2640 Chuetsu PulJapan Stock-exchange listed company 2641 Oriental HoMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 2643 Effendi Su Indonesia Individual entrepreneur 2644 Taipan HecMalaysia Private company Taipan Hectares is owned by the family of Delloyd Ventures managing director DatukTee Boon Kee. 2646 Hunter ResUnited KingPrivate company Company changed its name from GEM Biofuels in December 2012 in an effort to respond to the new investments to be made in the mining and natural resource sector. Shareholders include (amongst others) Paul Benetti (former CEO). 2648 New EcologFrance Private company 2649 China NatioChina Stock-exchange listed company COMPLANT for short 2651 Diarmid BuAustralia Individual entrepreneur Diarmid Burns established BEL in 2006. 2652 Avana Ura Isle of ManPrivate company 2655 Green Co India 2656 Adama DevEthiopia Private company 2657 Al-Mehdi GPakistan Private company 2660 Bruhway AgrEthiopia Might also be called Birhuy 2661 Castel WineFrance Private company 2666 Green ValleIndia Private company 2668 JVL Agro InIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2672 Mela AgricuEthiopia Private company 2675 Saber GrouIndia 2680 Boleyn InteChina Private company 2681 GMG GlobalSingapore Stock-exchange listed company GMG GLobal ltd is a subsidiary of Sinochem, China (state company). 2682 SPPH France Private company Societe De Production De Palmeraies Et D’Hevea 2683 John Swire United KingStock-exchange listed company 2684 Hansen og Norway Private company 2685 Sauda MaskNorway Private company 2686 Nor Cut IntNorway Private company 2687 Wanbao GraChina Private company 2688 Carbon2GrCanada Stock-exchange listed company This company is not listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange when checked in July 2013. It has probably changed its name to TomaGold following the merger with Stellar Pacific. 2689 Greater Ki China 2690 PT Austind Indonesia Stock-exchange listed company 2691 Ovidiu Ten Romania Individual entrepreneur Holds a large number of companies 2692 Abellon CleIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2693 Halim JawaIndonesia Individual entrepreneur 2695 VasudewanUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur 2696 SudihugengIndonesia Individual entrepreneur 2697 Banyan TreSingapore Stock-exchange listed company 2699 Wellpoint PBritish VirgPrivate company 2700 Kencana AgSingapore Stock-exchange listed company Kencana Agri invests in Indonesia through various Indonesian subsidiaries. 2702 National Tanzania Investment fund 2703 Arkadia LtdItaly 2704 Eurotech Republic of Korea 2705 Eurovistaa India 2706 Scheer FouUnited StatOther (please specify in commentPrivate foundation 2707 KilimanjaroUnited KingPrivate company 2710 Nava BharaIndia Stock-exchange listed company One report states that the country origin is Singapore. 2711 MahakaushaIndia 2712 SyEnergy AIndia 2713 Wuhan KaidChina 2715 Sinochem China State-/government (owned) company 2716 ETG FarminTanzania Stock-exchange listed company ETG’s shareholders include Mahesh Patel and his family, the American assets management company Carlyle Group, the South African Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Managers (private equity) and Standard Chartered Bank. 2717 MazhongduChina 2718 Hainan BaiChina 2719 Hateg CorpMalaysia Private company 2720 Sunshine HSri Lanka Stock-exchange listed company 2722 AZ Group Cambodia 2723 ING NetherlandStock-exchange listed company Investment is done through ING Holding Co., Ltd., Cambodia. 2724 Daun Penh Cambodia Private company 2725 SMEC Australia Private company 2726 Lime Tree CChina, HongPrivate company 2728 GovernmentMongolia State-/government (owned) company 2729 Shandong GChina State-/government (owned) comShandong Gold Group (hereinafter called “SD Gold Group”) is a large state-owned enterprise directly under Shandong provincial government 2733 Billion Ven Malaysia Private company 2736 Group of prUnited Ara Other (please specify in comment"A group including several UAE private and public firms has acquired about 16,187 hectares of land in Pakistan's Balochistan province" 2739 Omo ValleyEthiopia Private company 2740 Sabah statMalaysia State-/government (owned) company 2741 Brazil AgroBrazil Private company The Brazil Agro-Business Group is owned by Brazilian farmer Frademir Saccol and a Brazilian partner. No other source of funding. 2742 Biomax South Africa The investor country may also be Australia, sources are contradictory. No further evidence found. 2745 Vescovini Italy Private company 2746 Hadi PropeSaudi ArabInvestment fund Church organisation_x000D_ 2747 Verein HSTSwitzerlan Other (please specify in commentanHilfe initiative zur Selbsthilfe of the Egyptian in Tanzania Businessmen Association and with several Egyptian shareholders that include_x000D_ 2748 Egyptian Egypt, ArabPrivate company Inthe July National 2012, Bankthe merger of Egypt of Flacqand Banque United Misr.Estates Limited (FUEL) into Deep River-Beau Champ Ltd (DRBC), formerly CIEL Agro-Industry, gave birth to a new multi-sector investment group, ALTEO Limited._x000D_ 2749 Alteo Ltd Mauritius Stock-exchange listed company Deep River Investment (DRI), the main shareholder of the CIEL Group and GML Investissement (GMLI) were proponents of the merger and are now the two largest shareholders of Alteo Limited with 21% and 27.5% of its capital, the remaining shares being held by 3000 other shareholders of the public. 2750 Shanta EstaKenya Individual entrepreneur Kenyan with Indian origin 2751 Mukwano GUganda Private company 2753 Puzzolana India 2754 Indo-ChinaChina 2758 RTL World Thailand 2759 Thai BeverThailand Stock-exchange listed company 2761 21st CentuUnited StatPrivate company 2762 Maeva GroMozambique IndofoodOwned by and French Metro citizen Pacific Investment Corp. (MPIC) are subsidiaries of First Pacific._x000D_ 2764 First PacificChina, HongStock-exchange listed company (2015) Indo Agri owns 70% of PT Mitra Inti Sejati Plantation (2007) 2766 Riopaila CasColombia Private company 2770 Alder ResoCanada Private company 2771 Olivut ResoCanada Private company 2772 Fundación Republic ofPrivate company It acts Paraguayan country through the Global Peace Foundation. 2773 Ajeenkya DIndia Private company 2774 société MoMali Private company Modibo Keïta is behind the company. He is an ex Mali president and the current prime minister (2015) 2777 Palawan BiPhilippinesPrivate company 2778 Almarai Co.Saudi ArabStock-exchange listed company 2779 Gourock RoZambia Private company Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. 2782 Monica SemBrazil Private company The realize acquisition through 6 subsidiaries with which Colombia has in the country, which are: Monica Colombia Ltda, Agrocaxias Ltda Agromarchett Ltda Catanaribo Ltda Manacacias Ltda Monicol Ltda Tilava Ltda 2786 Viet Nam NaVietnam State-/government (owned) company 2787 Dak Uy CofVietnam 2788 Tin Nghia CVietnam Private company 2789 Saigon AgriVietnam 2791 VietcombanVietnam State-/government (owned) company 2792 CIA.MINERAPeru Private company 2793 MARIA LEOPeru Individual entrepreneur 2794 VILLA AGROPeru Private company 2795 EL ROCIO SPeru Private company 2796 CONSORCIOPeru Private company 2797 EMPRESA APeru Private company 2800 Sun Warm TPhilippinesPrivate company 2801 Delta CoffeMalaysia 2803 Taniyama SJapan 2808 Binh Dinh Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 2809 CBF PharmLao PDR 2811 ASOCIACIOPeru Private company 2814 Sterling PaPhilippinesPrivate company SL Agri Tech is a subsidiary of Sterling Paper Group. 2815 Cie AutomotSpain Stock-exchange listed company Bionor Transformación S.A. is the subsidiary of Cie Automotive. 2816 RajarambapIndia Other (please specify in commentCooperative, controlled by Maharastra state rural development minister Jayant Patil 2818 Pavina Coffee Company, Ltd. 2819 Pavina Agriculture Development Co. Ltd. 2820 Chaleurn SCF Company Ltd. 2821 Houfuco CoVietnam 2823 Paolong RuChina 2824 Jiasouang Rubber Promotion Co., Ltd. no more info regarding investor found 2826 BioEnergy NPhilippinesPrivate company 2827 SAFI Agro IPhilippinesPrivate company 2828 Unknown Japan 2829 Unknown Republic of Korea 2830 Kunming RuChina 2834 Diyuan China no more info regarding investor found 2835 Shengli Ru China 2839 Gohill TimbMalaysia Private company 2847 Jiachuang China Private company same investor as in # 3992 ("Jiasouang Rubber Promotion Co. Ltd.")? 2848 Taijiang China 2849 Xeunhua CChina alternative spelling of the investor: "Zhenhua" 2850 Sino-Lao J China 2851 Yunnan LocChina State-/government (owned) company 2852 Beijing Jin China 2853 Dao HeuanLao PDR Private company 2856 Tata Sons LIndia Stock-exchange listed company 2857 Ying Jiu Pa China Private company another cource calls the company "Ying Zhou Ba" 2860 Herakles CaUnited StatInvestment fund Through its subsidiary Herakles Farms 2862 Chongxay RChina company is also called "Jongxay" 2864 Bao Sen RuChina Private company 2867 Basic Ener PhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 2869 Chonghe 2870 Olivo NobleSpain Private company 2871 Flour Lao CChina 2872 Yunnan RubChina State-/government (owned) company 2874 Seunly RubChina 2875 Deshang China 2876 Jiafeng China 2877 Jinsen China 2878 Leilin China 2879 Enviroplas Republic ofPrivate company 2880 Luhang China 2881 Nanyong China 2883 XishuangbanChina one source calls the company "Xishuanbanna External Trade Co., Ltd.", but the above cited name seems to be correct 2884 Pantaleon GuatemalaPrivate company The company has other projects in Central America, as in brazil. 2886 Philippine PhilippinesOther (please specify in commentNationwide organization that shall represent and defend the interest of the vast population of corn farmers. 2887 Philippine Philippines 2888 Bear CreekCanada Private company 2889 Korea OverRepublic ofPrivate company 2890 Carlos MurColombia Individual entrepreneur 2895 AGRO LAS Peru Private company 2911 Portaferry Malaysia Private company owned by various Rimbunan Hijau company directors 2912 Columbus PrSingapore Private company 2913 Thai RubberThailand Stock-exchange listed company 2914 Eco SolutioRepublic ofPrivate company 2915 China SandiChina, HongStock-exchange listed company formerly known as China Grand Forestry Green Resources Group Limited 2917 Abbar and Saudi ArabPrivate company 2920 Abdulaye Senegal Individual entrepreneur Former president of Senegal (president at time of acquisition) 2921 Hayat Libya 2922 Bioenergy PItaly Private company 2923 Crookes BroSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company Silverstreet Capital has a 44.8% stake in Crookes Brothers Ltd. 2924 Merhav AgrIsrael Private company 2926 GuangdongChina State-/government (owned) company 2927 Royal GoldeIndonesia Private company previously "Raja Garuda Mas" 2928 Shandong RChina Private company 2930 CooperativaPeru Other (please specify in commentIt is a Cooperative Institution 2931 Ernesto AnPeru Individual entrepreneur 355408 shares 2932 Jorge AngePeru Individual entrepreneur 431021 shares 2933 Luis Anton Peru Individual entrepreneur 355408 shares 2934 Rodolfo EdPeru Individual entrepreneur 153061 shares 2935 Cocha NuePeru Private company 61224 shares. Daniel Moises Schydlowsky Rosenberg is the General Manager 2936 James LeigPeru Individual entrepreneur 382041 shares 2938 Laguna LakPhilippinesState-/government (owned) company 2939 Bruno MauriUruguay Individual entrepreneur 2941 Curcas Oil NetherlandStock-exchange listed company 2943 SB AgrícolaUnited StatPrivate company 2944 E-Cane FueUnited StatPrivate company 2946 Abengoa SSpain Stock-exchange listed company 2947 Cavite BiofPhilippinesPrivate company Cavite Biofuel is the original investor but 90% of the stakes was bought by Bioeq Energy 2948 Brookfield Canada Investment fund 2949 Bronzeoak United KingPrivate company 2950 Zabaleta &PhilippinesPrivate company 2951 Pan-AfricanMauritius Private company 2952 African AgrMauritius Private company 2953 Finnish FunFinland Private company 2957 Greenergy PhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 2959 Qingdao KaChina Private company 2960 HONGKONGChina, HongPrivate company 2961 Jianfong RuChina Private company company is also called "Jien Fong" 2962 Laos-ChinaChina company is also called "Jien Taly" 2964 Alcantara PhilippinesPrivate company 2966 Daewoo IntRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company 2967 Korea Gas Republic ofState-/government (owned) company 2968 Oil and NatIndia State-/government (owned) company 2969 GAIL (India)India State-/government (owned) company 2970 Myanma OilMyanmar State-/government (owned) company 2971 Lilieng PowChina 2972 Lilieng Bio China 2975 Tobishima Japan Stock-exchange listed company 2976 Provincial Lao PDR State-/government (owned) company 2977 Unknown (Lao PDR 2978 Kibio 2007 Republic ofPrivate company 2981 Fives France Stock-exchange listed company 2982 Industrial Kenya Semi state-owned company 2983 Mavuno GrKenya Private company 2984 Kenya ElecKenya Stock-exchange listed company Nairobi stock exchange 2986 BioJet CorpUnited StatPrivate company Abundant Biofuels Corporation (USA/private) operates as a subsidiary of BioJet Corporation. 2987 PT Japfa C Indonesia Stock-exchange listed company 2990 Guidance MPhilippinesPrivate company 2991 A Brown CoPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 2994 Inversione Argentina Private company 2995 Yuen FoongChina Private company The company Yuen Foong Yu Group owns the deal through its partner Chung Hwa Pulp. 2997 Juan GuilleColombia Individual entrepreneur Source: Unibrander 2998 Carlos SlimMexico Individual entrepreneur Mexican multimillionaire. The sources indicate to Carlos Slim like the buyer, but it is possible that the bought could be done by some of his companies. 2999 Union GrouUnited KingInvestment fund 3000 Sprott Res Canada Stock-exchange listed company Publically-listed private equity firm 3001 Kerio Vall Kenya State-/government (owned) company 3002 Inca One RCanada Private company 3003 Canadian MCanada Private company 3004 Aluminum CChina State-/government (owned) comSee, Chinalco only participated in 24 months (EPC package) then transfered to Vinacomin. See 3005 Brasil AgroBrazil Investment fund Between its shareholders are state banks and pension funds 3007 Virgin GrouUnited KingPrivate company 3008 Genagro LtUnited KingInvestment fund Before Agrifirma Brazil Limited (ABL). It has 150 shareholders between them is RIT Capital Partners (the principal shareholder is Lord Jacob Rotschild) 3009 Tirupati SaIndia Stock-exchange listed company 3010 Pacific CenChina, HongInvestment fund 3011 TRG ManageUnited StatInvestment fund 3012 Said HoldinBermuda Investment fund 3013 Pictet Priv Switzerlan Investment fund 3014 Solvia Inv United KingInvestment fund 3016 GovernmentUganda State-/government (owned) company 3017 FIAM N.V. NetherlandInvestment fund 3018 Uganda InvUganda Semi state-owned company 3020 Sonora ResUnited StatPrivate company 3021 GoldCorp I Canada Stock-exchange listed company 3022 Corex GoldCanada Stock-exchange listed company 3024 SLC AgrícolBrazil Stock-exchange listed company (50.1%) 3027 Cresud S.A.Argentina Stock-exchange listed company 3028 Novo Merc Brazil Stock-exchange listed company 3030 China ModeChina Stock-exchange listed company (2017) Meng Niu Dairy is buying out its shares from China Modern Dairy. 3032 Promotora Mexico Private company 3033 GRrupo Ol Mexico Private company 3035 Banco do NoBrazil Semi state-owned company 90% is Federal government ownership 3037 Nestlé S.A.Switzerlan Stock-exchange listed company 3038 China Nati China State-/government (owned) company 3039 INPEX CorpJapan Private company 3040 GovernmenLuxembourState-/government (owned) company 3041 GovernmentCanada State-/government (owned) company 3042 Idemitsu KoJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3043 Japan PetroJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3044 Japan Iron Japan 3045 The OkinawaJapan Private company 3046 The Tokyo EJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3047 Suntory HolJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3048 CarbonfundUnited States of America 3049 ConservatioUnited States of America 3050 SustainableUnited States of America 3051 UPM Finland Stock-exchange listed company 3052 Grantham, United StatInvestment fund 3053 Minera IRL Jersey Stock-exchange listed company 3054 Grupo SLC Brazil Private company the group belongs to Logemann Family 3059 UruguayanUruguay State-/government (owned) company 3062 Klabin S.A Brazil Stock-exchange listed company it is controlled by the holding company Klabin Irmaos & Cia, which retains 60% of voting capital. 3063 ARAUCO - CChile Private company 3064 Compañía MChile Private company 3065 Fatima GroPakistan 3066 Arif Habib Pakistan 3067 Proteak, S.Mexico Stock-exchange listed company 3068 DYER-CORIAPeru Private company 3069 DEUTSCHEGermany Investment fund London branch 3070 ANDEAN FISUnited StatPrivate company 3071 FONDO DE Peru Investment fund 3072 CLEARSTRELuxembourStock-exchange listed company 3073 SOUTH WINUnited StatPrivate company 3075 Arne HenseDenmark Individual entrepreneur 3076 Rosario Ba Peru Individual entrepreneur 3077 Augustus LMonaco Private company 3078 Tim DraperUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur 3079 Mair Foods Pakistan Private company 3080 MuhammadPakistan 3082 Agrícola SaPeru Private company 3083 Intragrícol Peru Private company 3084 Diano MariaPeru Private company 3085 Grupo Falc Peru Private company 3086 Grupo Ingenieros Civiles y ContratistasPeru Private company S.A (ICCGSA) it was established in Perú since 1965 3087 Grupo GlorPeru Private company 3088 Azara LLC United StatPrivate company 3089 LAYCONSA Peru- Private company Family Paredes is the owner 3090 CorporacióPeru Private company IT is a real state company 3091 Grupo San Peru Private company 3092 Odebrecht Brazil Private company 3094 Timor GlobaSingapore Private company 3095 Soon Hua SThailand Stock-exchange listed company 3096 Advance AgThailand Private company 3098 MudanjiangChina State-/government (owned) company 3100 Dongning HChina 3101 Arriola Fux GuatemalaOther (please specify in comment field) 3102 TorrebiarteGuatemalaOther (please specify in comment field) 3103 CorporacióChile State-/government (owned) company 3104 Empresa NaEcuador State-/government (owned) company 3105 Heilongjia China State-/government (owned) company 3106 China MetaChina State-/government (owned) company 3107 A Grade TraChina State-/government (owned) company 3108 RiceTec United StatPrivate company RiceTec, based in Alvin, TX and solely owned by the royal family of Liechtenstein 3109 Royal DutchNetherlandStock-exchange listed company 3110 Cosan InduBrazil Stock-exchange listed company 3111 Kuala LumpMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. 3112 Public InveSaudi ArabState-/government (owned) company 3113 Saudi Al RaSaudi ArabPrivate company 3117 AgDevCo United KingOther (please specify in commentNPO Please change classification of "other" to NPO (last in the list) 3119 PPF Group NNetherlandPrivate company 3120 Koeleman FoNetherlands in New York by Benjamin Dummai. The remaining_x000D_ 3121 SenegaleseSenegal Private company 33% is controlled by Senegalese shareholders. On May 16, 2014 Benjamin Dummai is arrested by the police Senegalese, accused of embezzling nearly half a million dollars. 3124 SilverstreetIreland Investment fund 3126 InfraCo LimUnited KingPrivate company 3130 Sovena Gr Spain Private company 3131 Unilever P United KingStock-exchange listed company 3132 Marubeni CJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3135 Agrogeba Spain Investment fund 3136 Gujarat IndIndia State-/government (owned) company 3138 Banya GrouCambodia Private company 3139 Best Royal (K) Co. Ltd 3141 Tumu TimbePapua NewPrivate company a.k.a. "Tuma Timbers Investment Ltd." 3142 Tongaat HulSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company 3143 Biomass DeZambia 3144 Ruouy Chai InternatioPrivate company It is not possible to identify whether the company is from Thailand or Hong Kong. 3145 Chawagwa Secondary investor country missing. 3146 KSG Agro SUkraine Stock-exchange listed company 3147 Xinjiang PrChina State-/government (owned) coma.k.a. "Bingtuan" 3148 China Nati China Private company 3149 China-Ukraine InternaPrivate company 3150 BLD PlantatMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 3152 NordzuckerGermany Stock-exchange listed company 3155 Lao Bio Diesel Import Export Company Ltd Lao Bio Diesel Import Export Company is a joint venture between investors from Laos and foreign investors (most probably from South Korea), but the exact names of the investors are unknown. 3161 Subur Tias Malaysia Stock-exchange listed company subsidiary of Rimbunan Hijau 3162 Edo Gover Nigeria State-/government (owned) company 3163 Thai CharoThailand Private company Plantheon is a subsidiary of Thai Charoen Corporation Group. 3164 Dynasty LaLao PDR 3165 Yunnan LiliChina 3167 Afrique ÉneCameroon 3171 Jatropha F Nigeria 3173 Tunslaq NigNigeria 3174 ZJS Intern Republic of Korea 3175 Dronagiri I India Private company 3177 Infrastruct India Private company 3178 African GreNorway Private company 3179 NeGSt GlobaNigeria 3181 Turkish GenTurkey State-/government (owned) company 3183 AMR India India Private company 3184 Kim Chea Toun Group 3186 Unknown United States of America 3188 Kanara ChaIndia Other (please specify in commentAssociation of businesses 3190 Jindal Stee India Stock-exchange listed company 3192 Reliance InIndia Stock-exchange listed company 3193 Scanfuel LtNorway Private company 3194 Nagpur ImpIndia State-/government (owned) company 3195 Maharashtra State RoaState-/government (owned) comstate run bus service of Maharashtra 3196 Nagpur Municipal CorOther (please specify in commentMunicipal Council for Nagpur 3197 Areva S.A. France Stock-exchange listed company 3198 Nuclear PowIndia State-/government (owned) company 3199 Hoosain NeIndia 3201 Hazel MercaIndia Part of Groupe Veritas 3202 Tanti Holdi India Private company 3203 Sandesara India Private company 3205 Hulstein WaUnited StatPrivate company 3206 Unknown (MBanglades Private company 3208 Gya Glorify Farms Ltd. Gya Glorify Farms Limited is registered as a limited Liability Company in 2005. The company is seeking a consortium of foreign investors who are interested and prepared to collaborate with the local partners 3213 Mayamesh Farms Ltd Company 50% domestically owned and 50% foreign owned 3215 Hul Nan FarChina Private company 3217 Sanfico FarLebanon Private company 3218 GHAIRELAND LTD. 3220 Hillside AcrJapan Private company 3222 SLD Ltd. 3223 Vita Farm Co. Ltd. 3224 Ghana Farms 3226 Koju Atlan India Private company 3228 Hans MerenSouth AfricPrivate company 3231 Unknown LoCôte d'Ivoi Private company Might be called New Mining CI. 3232 Resolute MiAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3235 Barrick GolCanada Stock-exchange listed company 3241 Aluminum CChina State-/government (owned) company 3242 Weatherly IUnited KingStock-exchange listed company Contango10.8% of Weatherly Asset Mgt is(4.2%)_x000D_ owned by Namibian shareholders 3243 Tiger ResouAustralia Stock-exchange listed company Acorn Capital (4.0%) 3244 La GénéraleCongo, DemState-/government (owned) company 3247 Henan (CamChina 3249 East Africa Ethiopia Private company 3250 Kanan DevanIndia Private company 3251 Tomaisins IIsrael Private company 3252 Penna CemenIndia Private company 3253 Ras Al Kha United Ara State-/government (owned) company 3256 Kimberley Australia Stock-exchange listed company Pacific Road Capital_x000D_ 3257 Pacific RoaAustralia Private company Management Pty Ltd are Mantle's (previous owner of the mine) majority shareholders 3258 BXR GroupNetherlandInvestment fund BXR Group acquired the land from Quifel Holdings in 2012. 3259 Merlin PartUnited KingPrivate company 3260 KKR & Co. LUnited StatInvestment fund Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 3261 GovernmentSpain State-/government (owned) company 3262 GovernmentItaly State-/government (owned) company 3263 Bannari A India Stock-exchange listed company 3269 Unknown (Niger Individual entrepreneur Renamed SI from Individual entrepreneurs to Unknown (3269) on 15/03/2018 3274 Unknown South AfricIndividual entrepreneur Consisting of a group of South African investors. The South Africans are going to invest $200 million 3276 L.Y.P. GroupCambodia Private company Senator Ly Yong Phat owns L.Y.P. Group Co., Ltd. 3277 Punjab AgrIndia State-/government (owned) company 3278 Sokoto sta Nigeria State-/government (owned) company 3282 Unknown France Stock-exchange listed company 3283 Odisha MinIndia State-/government (owned) company 3284 Transport BGabon Private company 3286 Ambika Russian Federation 3288 Herdon InvUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3289 Vixers FarmZimbabwe 3290 Unknown India 3292 West BengaIndia State-/government (owned) companyThe NKID is a consortium formed by Unitech Ltd (Indian company) and the Salim Group of Indonesia with each partner holding 40% stake. Indonesian firm_x000D_ 3293 New KolkataIndia Private company Universal Success holds the remaining 20% 3294 Rafmoh GrUnited Ara Private company 3296 Stepping SUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3297 Munyati FaZimbabwe 3298 Bonanza ToZimbabwe 3299 Nkanga FarZimbabwe 3300 Essel Grou India Private company 3301 Robin GrouSingapore 3302 SK PlantatiSingapore Private company 3303 Qalaa HoldEgypt, ArabInvestment fund Legal status as an investment holding company. 3304 Cam Try CoIsrael country origin 3305 Fu Lai Chu China Private company 3306 Fri-el Inte LuxembourPrivate company 3307 Euro Corp United States of America 3309 INGLEBY F Denmark Private company The former owner of the land was Dangro Invest A/S, a Danish investment fund. In 2011, this investment fund sale a part of its lands - 1105ha- to Ingleby. 3310 INGLEBY D Denmark Private company 3314 Far Est France Private company Falah Agro-Processing company_x000D_ 3315 FAPCo India Private company Ltd Global Renewable Energy_x000D_ 3316 GREDCo United KingPrivate company Development Company Limited 3317 Grassa YvesFrance Investment fund Nutre Group from 2012. Nutre SGPS SA is owned at 49% by Martifer SGPS SA. Update: According to Martifer's annual report (2014) The company sold 49 % of the share capital owned in the company NUTRE SGPS, S.A. to a Dutch cooperative to be _x000D_ 3318 Nutre SGPSPortugal Private company constituted by the companies CERES INVESTMENTS LIMITED and SEVERIS, SGPS, S.A. 3319 Holy Khno IChina 3320 Khaou ChulCambodia Private company 3321 Agrivision ASouth AfricPrivate company Agrivision Africa was previously known as Chayton Africa. Shareholders in Agrivision Africa are: Norfund-- 24.5%, International Finance Corporation-- 19.7% (bought shares in June 2015) and Zeder Investment Fund--55.8%. 3323 China Agr China State-/government (owned) company 3324 China Afri China State-/government (owned) company 3325 Stevia NutrCanada Stock-exchange listed company 3326 TouchwoodSri Lanka Stock-exchange listed company 3327 Paradise InRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company 3328 Bluemac ReMalaysia Private company 3330 K Global VeMalaysia Investment fund 3332 Paladin EneAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3333 Punjab Far India Individual entrepreneur 3335 Forestry In Sri Lanka 3337 Evergreen Cambodia Private company 3338 Oknha Try Cambodia Individual entrepreneur 3339 China Freight Costs Cambodia Investment Company 3340 F. P. Malay Malaysia 3341 Asia Value Republic ofPrivate company 3342 Phuoc Hoa Vietnam Stock-exchange listed company 3343 Song Da CoVietnam Private company 3344 VietNam CeVietnam State-/government (owned) company 3345 China GreaChina Private company 3346 Jing Zhong China 3347 Eastern CaSouth AfricSemi state-owned company 3348 A&G InternaArgentina Private company 3351 Sichuan proChina State-/government (owned) company 3354 Mahtani GrZambia Private company 3356 China StateChina State-/government (owned) company 3357 Lufthansa Germany Stock-exchange listed company 3358 Pengxin GrChina Stock-exchange listed company 3361 MKH BerhaMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 3362 Low Yat Gr Malaysia Private company In 2012, Low Yat Holdings acquired Asia Pacific Land Berhad. 3363 NPC ResourMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 3364 Golden LanMalaysia Stock-exchange listed company 3370 ASB Turkey 3371 Vicro HoldiCanada 3372 J10:10 CharUnited KingOther (please specify in commentNon Profit Organisation 3377 NF DevelopArgentina Private company 3378 Grupo NavilArgentina Private company 3379 Xinda AquatChina State-/government (owned) comMunicipal level state-owned company from Weihai City Shandong province. 3380 China-Afri China Private company Joint-ventured by China-Africa Development Fund, Qingdao Ruichang Cotton Industrial Co., Ltd and Qingdao Huifu Textile Co., Ltd 3382 African ComBritish Virgin Islands 3383 Yousef Frei Lebanon Private company 3384 Ralph FreihLebanon Private company 3385 Freiha Fee Lebanon Private company 3387 GLB InvestLebanon Private company FB Holdings is the holding company for GLB Invest 3388 Lion MountaUnited KingPrivate company Lion Mountains Agrico Ltd is a joint venture between Phoenix Africa Development Company and Indo African Agricultural Capital. 3389 Brazilian A Brazil Founded by Hegg and by Pinesso group chairman Gilson Pinesso. 3392 Lutukira M Tanzania Private company A report claims that the land deed is in the name of Lutukira Mixed Farm 3397 Export Tra Singapore Stock-exchange listed company Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Fund (PRIF), private equity firm Carlyle and UK bank Standard Chartered hold shares of ETG. 3400 Jilin Prov China State-/government (owned) company 3402 Lexus AgricMalaysia 3403 Societe AfrFrance Private company Groupe L'Aiglon owns 59% of SAFIPAR 3404 Arab SudanSudan Private company Shareholders are AAAID- 51% and Government of Sudan- 49% 3406 Peak Palm OUnited KingPrivate company Public Limited Company incorporated in 2011. Owned by Mans Ltd (a company registered in the Seychelles) 3407 Kalangala OUganda Governed by government, project leaders and contract growers 3412 National D Tanzania State-/government (owned) company 3414 GovernmentUnited Ara State-/government (owned) company 3415 Trine Riis J Denmark Individual entrepreneur 3416 Svend KaarDenmark Individual entrepreneur 3417 Per M. HoilDenmark Individual entrepreneur 3418 Kirsten HoiDenmark Individual entrepreneur 3419 GovernmenCongo, DemState-/government (owned) company 3420 Unknown other investors 3421 Gruppo AssiItaly Stock-exchange listed company Holding 100% of Genagricola Generali Agricoltura SpA, the agricultural branch of Gruppo Assicurazioni Generali SpA 3422 Agri InvestDenmark Stock-exchange listed company Agri Invest A/S has three Romanian subsidiaries: Agri Consortium S.R.L., Agri Trade Oravita S.R.L. and Amaru Trade S.R.L. 3423 Nocafex Belgium 3426 Uttam SucroIndia Private company 3427 PZ CussonsUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 3428 Unknown (CChina Individual entrepreneur 3431 Lim Siow JiMalaysia 3432 AMG BioeneCanada Stock-exchange listed company 3433 GovernmenRwanda State-/government (owned) company 3434 Borelli Tea United KingPrivate company Borelli Tea Holdings is a subsidiary of McLeod Russel India Limited 3435 COOTHEGIRwanda Other (please specify in commentGrowers Co-operative 3436 Harvard M United StatInvestment fund Harvard Management Company (HMC) is an investment fund owned by Harvard University 3437 Cathay ForeCanada Private company The company was delisted from the Toronto Venture stock exchange on or around 1 Feb 2011. The company aims to dispose all its assets. 3438 Hanfang FoChina Private company 3440 Unknown SmRwanda Other (please specify in commentCooperative 3441 Unigra InteItaly Private company The company was set up in 1972 by Luciano Martini 3442 Business MRussian FedPrivate company 3444 Pan-Asia BiCanada Private company 3445 Unknown (NNigeria Individual entrepreneur Nigerian individuals and institutional shareholders 3447 Los PoquiteUnited StatPrivate company 3449 Bardeau HoAustria Private company Bardeau Group is formed by16 Romanian companies. 3456 Jacoma EstUnited KingPrivate company 3457 African AgrUnited KingInvestment fund Managed by Pearl Capital Partners 3458 Talmed InteZambia Private company 3462 Unknown Argentina 3463 Unknown Brazil 3464 Unknown Paraguay Rice in Danube Dunarii´s initiative is articulated between several specialist companies, focused on certain industrial segments: purchasing of fields, cultivation, processing, production. Each company is independent but connected and complementary to the others. _x000D_ 3465 Riso Scotti Italy Private company 3467 KOICA Republic ofState-/government (owned) company 3474 KP&P BV AfNetherlands 3475 Aldwych IntUnited KingPrivate company Limited Liability Company 3477 Ivanhoe MiCanada Private company vanhoe Mines Ltd. (formerly Ivanplats Limited) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company. 3479 Mutambe HaZambia Other (please specify in commentcommunity public limited company 3480 Bangla AfriBangladesh 3481 Egyptian SEgypt, ArabIndividual entrepreneur Small-holders 3482 Silvestria Sweden Private company 3484 Erdenes OyMongolia State-/government (owned) comMongolian government shareholding 34% of the project. 3485 Unknown (foreign investors) 3486 Teachers InUnited StatInvestment fund 3487 Life Vision Canada 3488 Roncato GioItaly Private company Gruppo Roncato manages and administrates SC Padova Agricultura S.R.L. However, the main shareholder of this Romanian company is Gibside Holding from the Netherlands (95%) 3489 Centerra GoCanada Stock-exchange listed company Centerra Gold Inc holds 100% of Boroo Gold Company Limited. 3491 Gibside HolNetherlandPrivate company Financial holding 3492 Unknown (pCameroon Private company 3494 Justin SugaUnited KingPrivate company 3495 Hebei AgricChina Private company Hebei Agricultural Science and Technology Co. Ltd are owned by Hanhe International Company 3496 State CapitVietnam Investment fund 3498 Thai Hoa VVietnam Private company The company was delisted from the Hanoi Stock Exchange in 2013 due to accumulated losses incurred. 3499 Unknown (BrBrazil 3500 Unknown (AAngola 3501 Unknown GGhana 3502 YONEC GmbHGermany Private company 3503 Unknown (Germany 3505 Unknown (Ghana 3506 Unknown (BrUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3507 DevelopmenItaly 3508 CASIS (ComItaly Other (please specify in commentNon Governmental Organization (NGO), Italian 3509 Grupo EspirPortugal Private company 3514 Pabari Inv Kenya Investment fund 3515 Barnstädt eGermany Private company 3519 David D SweUnited StatPrivate company 3520 BZK Grain ASweden Private company 3521 NCH CapitalUnited StatPrivate company NCH Capital Inc. is a private equity firm/ investment manager owned by George Rohr and Moris Tabacinic. It invests in agricultural land and related businesses in Eastern Europa through NCH Agribusiness Partners, L.P. 3522 SanLucar FrSpain Private company 3523 Uganda WildUganda State-/government (owned) company 3524 Adjumani DUganda State-/government (owned) company 3525 MyronivskyUkraine Private company 3526 CNNC OversChina State-/government (owned) comWholly owned subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) 3527 Mauritian Mauritius State-/government (owned) company 3528 UkrLandFarCyprus Private company The company is incorporated in Cyprus (most probably for tax avoidance purposes), but the country of origin is the Ukraine. Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the company CEO, is the beneficiary holder of 95% of the shares in Ukrlandfarming PLC and 5% is owned by Cargill. (source: 3530 System CapCyprus Private company SCM is fully owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov 3531 Smart HoldUkraine Private company 3533 Agrarius A Germany Stock-exchange listed company 3535 Verfrut Chile Private company 3536 Bai Shan LiChina Private company 3537 Kyffin Sim Barbados Individual entrepreneur 3538 Wee Boon PMalaysia Private company 3539 Ethiopian SEthiopia State-/government (owned) comThe Ethiopian Sugar Corporation was established by Government in 2010 to undertake the responsibility of the entire Ethiopian Sugar sector development. 3544 Chinese AgChina State-owned company. Main part of investment from Chinese company. 3545 Nibulon Ukraine Private company 3546 Industrial Ukraine Stock-exchange listed company 3547 Rawabi Co United Arab Emirates 3548 GovernmentIraq State-/government (owned) company 3550 Institution Sudan 3551 africaJUICENetherlands 3556 Civil DefenSri Lanka State-/government (owned) company 3557 Eletrobras Brazil State-/government (owned) company 3558 Grupo QueiBrazil Private company 3559 Empresa NiNicaragua State-/government (owned) company 3560 The KingdoSri Lanka Private company 3562 Wanbao GraiChina Private company 3563 EcoEnergy Sweden Private company 3565 Maquarie GAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3566 Avantha GrIndia Private company BILT under the Avantha Group has decided to sell the Sabah Forest Industries to a Malaysian Company, Pandawa Sakti; but the deal did not continue due to the buyer not meeting the set deadline. BILT was suppose to gain $50 million through this transaction. (06:07:2016) 3568 Parrogate India Private company 3573 Isolux Cor Spain Private company 3574 Santander Group Private company 3575 Private Investors Investment fund 3577 Precious WSwitzerlan Stock-exchange listed company 3578 Soros Fun United StatInvestment fund 3581 Sarawak HiMalaysia State-/government (owned) company 3583 PerspecitveMalaysia Private company 3584 Kelana VenMalaysia Private company 3585 Seaport TerMalaysia Private company 3586 Acara KreatMalaysia Private company 3588 Chongqing ChinaR Private company 3589 Chongqing ChinaG Private company 3590 Chikweti FoMozambiquPrivate company 3592 Grupo BulgArgentina Individual entrepreneur 3595 Horta Boa Portugal Investors of Horta Boa are Portuguese and Irish 3596 Américo AmPortugal Private company Owned by Portugal's wealthiest family 3597 Intelec HolMozambiquPrivate company Company owned by former Mozambican president Armando Guebuza (2005-2015) 3598 Misiones g Argentina State-/government (owned) company 3601 Altie Stee South AfricIndividual entrepreneur This is a South African family. They received financial support from AgriFuturo (USAID). 3602 Rosinda CaPortugal Individual entrepreneur 3603 Daniel PedPortugal Individual entrepreneur 3604 Toyota TsusJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3606 Matanuska Mauritius Appears to be a shell company 3607 Volta Red United Kingdom of Great Britain and NortherVolta Red is part of the Wyse Group of the UK 3608 Tianjin Sta China State-/government (owned) company 3609 Mada Beef South AfricPrivate company 3610 Ministry of Egypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 3613 Tabarak In United Ara Investment fund 3614 Agro CommoIndia Part of the Bakhresa Group 3615 Unknown invBritish Virgin Islands 3616 Central Int Zimbabwe State-/government (owned) company 3617 Sam Pa China Individual entrepreneur 3618 Tiso BlacksSouth AfricInvestment fund Blackstar was renamed in the beginning of 2015 to Tiso Blackstar. 3621 Societe Mi Congo, Dem. Rep. SOMIKA was conceptualized by Vinmart (Tanzania) in the early 2000's. The company is currently involved in a diversity of projects - ranging from industry and mining to agriculture. 3622 Group SopeBelgium Other (please specify in commentGroup Sopex is a soft commodity-trading group that has been trading sugar and other commodities for over a century. Established in 1894, the Group trade a substantial tonnage of Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa around the globe 3623 Tavir IndustCongo, DemPrivate company Mining company 3625 Unknown (CChina 3627 Formako FaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3628 Rwanda MouRwanda Private company 3631 Ministry of Botswana State-/government (owned) comRenamed SI from "Ministry of Agriculture" to "Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Botswana" on 15/03/2018 3632 Unknown (public and other institutional investors) 3633 African Ce Mauritius 3638 MedEnergyUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and NortherMedEnergy Global is a UK-based holding company owned by Italy’s Belleli family 3639 Rioforte In Luxembourg JFSRioforte Holding is a is Luxembourg-headquartered 100% owned by the Ferreira company dos Santos_x000D_ that was set up in 2009 to hold the non-financial assets of Grupo Espirito Santo. The Commercial Court of Luxembourg ruled in October 2014 that RI was to be liquidated in order to pay off its creditors. 3640 João Ferrei Mozambique infamily Mozambique. of Portugal. Helenius The largest and Jancotton Peter_x000D_ company in the country 3641 Trigon CapiEstonia Investment fund Ingman are directors. 3643 Hewlett Fa South AfricIndividual entrepreneur 3644 Ministry of Guinea State-/government (owned) company 3645 Bruce RobeSouth AfricIndividual entrepreneur 3646 ZimbabweanZimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 3648 Mr. Shah Kenya Individual entrepreneur Bombay native but 30+ year Kenyan resident. 3649 Eco Oil EneMalaysia 3650 GovernmentCongo, RepState-/government (owned) company 3651 Sri RajeswaIndia 3652 British Am Mauritius Investment fund a major shareholder of Nairobi-based Equity Bank 3653 La CompagnMauritius 3654 Supreme AgIndia 3655 Prama ConsuIndia 3656 China HainChina 3657 Jiangsu ProChina 3658 Raw MateriNigeria State-/government (owned) company 3659 Sang-LiangChina 3661 First Quan Canada Stock-exchange listed company 3663 ZCCM InvesZambia Investment fund One of Zambia’s prime investments holdings companies with the majority of its investments in the copper mining sector of Zambia. 3664 Regional DMauritius State-/government (owned) comRegional Development Company Ltd (RDC) was established in 2009 by the Mauritian Government to carry out investments in food production in Mozambique.RDC acts as an interface between foreign companies and the Mozambican government, and assigns them lands within its DUAT concessions for which the company pays an annual fee to RDC. 3666 MozambiqueMozambiquIndividual entrepreneur 3667 Almidha India Madcom Investments is owned by _x000D_ 3670 Macdom InZimbabwe Investment fund Billy Rautenbach 3671 Talleyrand France Investment fund Owned 50% by Robert Lafont and 50% by Gilles Bouchier 3672 Tanzania BrTanzania Stock-exchange listed company SAB miller is the parent company 3673 Optima LimSwitzerland Four shareholders, 1 french & 3 swiss. The company was established in 1996. 3674 Global SteeIndia 3676 Black Gold Mozambique 3677 ArcelorMittLuxembourStock-exchange listed company Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS). 3678 Mitsui & CoJapan Stock-exchange listed company 3679 KEFI MineraUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 3680 Magnis ResAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3681 Glencore plSwitzerlan Stock-exchange listed company 3682 Avesoro ReCanada Stock-exchange listed company previously called Aureus Mining 3683 Participati Nigeria Investment fund Intercontinental, Guaranty Trust, Finbank, Platinum Habib Bank (Bank PHB) and Unity Bank are the participating banks 3684 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 13 farmers 3685 Ojemai HolNigeria 3686 Wilbahi InvNigeria 3688 Industrial South Africa 3689 Obax WorldNigeria Private company The company originally started in USA-- after various additions and subsidiaries, the company is now based in Nigeria. 3690 Sunbird BioUnited KingPrivate company 3691 Flour Mills Nigeria Stock-exchange listed company Olam International Ltd. has submitted a binding offer to purchase 100% Equity in FMN in April 2019 ( 3692 M&G InvesUnited KingInvestment fund 3693 Blackrock United StatInvestment fund Multinational company. Headquarters in New York 3694 Unknown Minority Shareholders 3699 Matna FoodNigeria Company incorporated in 1998. 3702 La Suerte Argentina Private company 3703 Smart GlobeUnited StatPrivate company Founded by Patrick and Tamara Tcheunou. 3704 Corfone SAArgentina Semi state-owned company 3705 Elemental MAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3706 Les Establ Congo, Rep. 3707 Tanaka ResSouth AfricPrivate company 3708 Caledonia Canada Stock-exchange listed company The company has a management office in South Africa. The principal operating activities are in Zimbabwe. 3709 National I Zimbabwe State-/government (owned) company 3710 Various Zi Zimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 3711 ManagementZimbabwe Other (please specify in commentTrust. Trust for the benefit of the present and future managers and employees of Blanket. 3712 Gwanda ComZimbabwe Other (please specify in commentCommunity trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust. 3713 Unknown (JGhana Private company 3714 Unknown (United States of America Renamed SI from Unknown Investor to Unknown (3714) on 13/03/2018 3716 ConsolidateUnited KingInvestment fund Founded in 2012, Consolidated Nickel Mines PLC (“CNM”) is a private investment company focusing on nickel production opportunities. 3717 Jinchuan GrChina State-/government (owned) comFounded in 1958. Majority of the equity interest is held by People's Government of Gansu province. 3721 Unknown GhGhana 3723 Federal GoNigeria State-/government (owned) company 3724 PlantationsCongo, DemPrivate company 3725 Jihad El KhaLebanon Individual entrepreneur 3726 Youness LaLebanon Individual entrepreneur 3728 MediterranBelize There is no information on the business classification. 3729 Josef Anto Germany Individual entrepreneur 3730 Daniel Bur Germany Individual entrepreneur 3731 Lord EnergRomania Private company 3732 Dangro InvDenmark Private company 3733 Arnaud PerFrance Individual entrepreneur 3742 S.C. Agroc Romania Stock-exchange listed company 3743 Orbeo SASFrance Private company Orbeo SAS engages in originating, trading, and marketing carbon dioxide products. 3744 The Green ChinaR 3749 Paine and PUnited StatInvestment fund US based Private Equity Firm 3751 Edmond HaLebanon Individual entrepreneur 3752 Aktiva BeteGermany Stock-exchange listed company 3753 Fahmra BetGermany Private company 3754 Almos Alfo Germany Private company 3755 Miriam BecGermany Individual entrepreneur 3756 Agroeast Austria Private company 3757 Eurecna SpItaly Stock-exchange listed company 3758 Finest SpA Italy Investment fund 3759 C R C K Ru Vietnam 3763 Societa AgrItaly Stock-exchange listed company 3764 Cerealcom Romania Private company 3765 Klemens TöGermany Individual entrepreneur 3766 MB Norus AGermany Stock-exchange listed company 3767 Tönnies AuGermany Private company 3768 RKS AgrarbGermany Private company 3769 Aton GMBHGermany Other (please specify in commentIt is uncear if Aton GMBH still owns S.C. Agrocereal (through its ownership of ATON Transilvania). 3772 Jean ValvisSwitzerlan Individual entrepreneur Jean Valvis is of Greek and Swiss Nationality. 3773 Vargas 10 SSpain Private company 3779 S.C. Agroc Romania Stock-exchange listed company 80% of the shares are owned by DUMITRU Pantazi, the deputy mayor of Pascani 3780 S.C. TransaRomania Stock-exchange listed company 3797 S.C. SacomItaly Stock-exchange listed company 3800 S.C. Mimo TRomania Private company owned by the Lebanese businessman Abdallah Mahmoud Achour 3802 Maria EcateRomania Individual entrepreneur Maria Ecaterina Văleanu-Traicu is the daughter of Ştefan Poienaru, the owner of S.C. Agrofam S.R.L. Fetesti 3806 Andrei BanRomania Individual entrepreneur 3807 Ion Bujor Romania Individual entrepreneur 3809 Serban GroRomania Private company 3810 Iulian Cipr Romania Individual entrepreneur 3811 Akkeron GroUnited KingPrivate company 3814 Florista IndIndia 3815 ICICI Bank India 3817 SALIC (SaudSaudi ArabState-/government (owned) comSALIC is a joint stock company owned by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) . 3818 Zoje ResouChina Private company 3819 UAE investUnited Arab Emirates 3820 Henan GuojiChina 3821 Anhui Stat China State-/government (owned) comAlso known as Anhui province State Farm Agribusiness Corporation. 3822 Ministry of Zimbabwe State-/government (owned) company 3823 China TobaChina State-/government (owned) comSubsidiary of the China National Tobacco Company (CNTC)-- state company 3825 Unknown (3825) Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (3825) on 15/03/2018 3827 KKO InternaBelgium Stock-exchange listed company Incorporated in 2011. 3828 Dekel Oil PUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 3829 Grupo OrsaBrazil Private company 3832 Carmanor LUnited KingPrivate company 3833 Sierra Ruti United KingStock-exchange listed company Sierra Rutile Limited shareholders are Pala Investment Holdings (Switzerland, Investment Fund) and Titanium Resources Group (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Stock-exchange listed). 3835 The ShropsUnited KingPrivate company 3838 SenegindiaIndia Private company 3839 Soldive France 3840 Juan Ripoll Brazil Individual entrepreneur 3841 Natural HabNetherlands 3843 Grupo RandBrazil Private company 3844 Fibria Brazil Private company Fibria belongs to Brazilian Votorantim Group. 3846 Genesis GlUnited States of America 3847 Clement K Malawi Individual entrepreneur Former Legislator 3848 Unknown (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern-based Ireland Malawian brothers Kirit _x000D_ 3849 Kirit and D Malawi Individual entrepreneur and Dhiren Thakrar. 3850 Grupo EquiBrazil Private company 3851 ADS Romania State-/government (owned) company 3852 Danubia G Germany Private company 3853 Agsen LimiTurkey Private company 3854 Nyasa LimiIndia 3855 Jan van de Ethiopia Individual entrepreneur SI Country changes from Netherlands to Ethiopia. 15/03/2018 3858 Kibaran ReAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 3859 Arauco SA Chile Private company 3860 Aportes SanColombia Private company 3861 C.I. Teque Colombia Private company 3862 Xtract Res United KingStock-exchange listed company 3863 CorporacióColombia Private company Corporación Amigos de los Montes de María, which unites 73 investors who bought land in the region. (Colombia, Private company) 3864 Central AmLuxembourInvestment fund 3865 Astarta Ho NetherlandStock-exchange listed company the company is owned by Viktor Ivanchyk(2010)( with Valeriy Korotkov - 80%) 3866 Sintal AgricCyprus Stock-exchange listed company owned by the Ukrainian businessman Mykola Tolmachev. 3867 Mriya Agro Cyprus Stock-exchange listed company 3869 Green EarthUnited StatPrivate company 3870 Global QueUnited StatPrivate company 3871 Archer DanUnited StatStock-exchange listed company 3872 Rabobank NetherlandInvestment fund 3874 Lucapa Di Australia Stock-exchange listed company Lucapa is dual listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. 3875 Firestone United KingStock-exchange listed company 3876 GovernmentLesotho State-/government (owned) company 3877 AgroAmericGuatemalaPrivate company 3879 ProPalma Mexico Private company 3880 Nordgold NetherlandStock-exchange listed company Headquarters in Moscow.The main shareholder is Alexey Mordashov (90%), who is also CEO of Severstal, a Russion steel and mining conglomerate. 3881 GovernmentBurkina Fa State-/government (owned) company 3882 Acciona Spain Private company 3883 Fomento EcMexico Private company 3884 Grupo IberdSpain Private company 3885 Endiama Angola State-/government (owned) company 3886 Rosas & PeAngola Private company 3889 Grupo SEMChile Private company 3890 Viktor Pinc Ukraine Individual entrepreneur 3891 DUI Holdin Denmark Stock-exchange listed company 3892 David SweerUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur 3894 Grupo OviePeru Private company 3895 EAA AndahuPeru Other (please specify in commentThe company is a cooperative workers and they has still some porcentage of shares in Industrial Andahuasi. 3896 Grupo WonPeru Private company 3897 Grupo Bus Peru Private company 3900 Sistema JS Russian FedStock-exchange listed company The deal with Russian invest fund which beneficiaries is registered in Virgin Islands 3901 SmallholdeZimbabwe Private company pg 48 of the annual report (2011) has shareholdings- these are minority shareholders mainly from Zimbabwe. 3902 Bellamar EArgentina Private company 3903 Ivolga-HoldKazakhstanPrivate company 3904 Prodimex-HRussian FedStock-exchange listed company 3905 OAO VanimRussian FedStock-exchange listed company 3906 Ros Agro P Russian FedStock-exchange listed company 3907 Avk EksimaRussian Federation Could not find details on the classification. 3908 Daabon OrgColombia Private company 3909 Ecopetrol Colombia Semi state-owned company 3910 Bionor Tra Spain Private company 3912 Grupo HPOPeru Private company 3916 David MedcUnited KingIndividual entrepreneur The Medcalfe family owns various agricultural companies in the UK (including a family run dairy farm). 3918 Bonduelle France Stock-exchange listed company 3919 Grupo AmaBrazil Private company 3922 NordsudtimLiechtenstePrivate company The company is owned by two Portuguese brothers, but is registered in Liechtenstein. 3925 Bema Agri NetherlandPrivate company 3926 Vale SA Brazil Private company 3927 Bertin EnerBrazil Private company 3928 Aliar SA Colombia Private company 3929 AgropecuarChile Private company 3930 Grupo CarvColombia Private company 3931 Grupo CoroColombia Private company 3932 Akate FarmGhana Founder and Managing Director of Akate Farms and Trading Company Limited, Alhaji Abdul Salam Akate. Company established in 1986. 3933 Tompkins CUnited StatPrivate company 3934 The Cliffs United StatPrivate company 3935 HEMCO Nicaragua Private company 3936 Grupo Los Costa Rica Private company 3938 Compañía AgChile Private company 3943 Cohen BrothIsrael 3944 Industries Lebanon Private company 3945 Bakri Bois Lebanon Private company 3946 SabMiller United KingPrivate company 3949 Unknown (3949) 3951 Grupo ColonUruguay Private company 3954 La EsperanBritish VirgPrivate company Front Company 3955 La Diana T British VirgPrivate company Front Company 3956 Las VentasBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3957 Potosí TimbBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3958 La Liberta British VirgPrivate company Front company 3959 La Paz WooBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3960 La EsperanBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3961 Canaguay WBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3962 El MorichalBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3963 Paraíso WoBritish VirgPrivate company Front company 3964 Fonterra New Zeala Private company 3965 World FoodUnited States of America 3966 Unknown (Denmark 3967 Unknown (Ghana Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (3967) on 15/03/2018 3968 Solomon AUnited KingIndividual entrepreneur Was born in Ghana, moved to UK in 1951. 3969 Arakatu LLUnited StatPrivate company 3971 Zolotoi Kol Russian FedPrivate company 3972 Agrícola C Peru Private company 3976 GovernmentKazakhstanState-/government (owned) company 3977 Grupo DoisBrazil Private company 3978 Edno and ClBrazil Individual entrepreneur 3982 New TimesChina, HongPrivate company 3983 Maxipetrol Argentina Private company 3984 JHP InternaChina Private company 3986 Joseph LewUnited KingIndividual entrepreneur 3987 Walbrook Malaysia Private company 3988 Salentien NetherlandPrivate company 3990 Korea ResouRepublic ofPrivate company 3991 Hyundai CoRepublic ofPrivate company 3992 South AmerUnited StatPrivate company 3994 Anglo GoldSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company 3995 Ivanhoe EneCanada Private company 3996 Gold Port RCanada Private company 3997 Blackfire E Canada Private company 3998 Industrias Mexico Private company 4000 CA GoldfielUnited KingPrivate company 4001 Condor GolUnited KingPrivate company 4002 Infinito GolCanada Private company 4003 Xiamen ZijChina, HongInvestment fund 4005 Zamin FerrUnited KingPrivate company 4006 Maple EnergUnited StatPrivate company 4007 ESCOM Portugal Private company 4008 HipergestaAngola 4009 Ecometals Bermuda Private company 4010 Horizonte MUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4011 MXX Brazil Private company 4012 Cristal Saudi ArabPrivate company 4013 Brazil ResoCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4014 Eco Oro MiCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4015 Trevali Mi Canada Private company 4016 Peruvian PrCanada Private company 4017 MMG Limit Australia Stock-exchange listed company 4018 Guoxin InteChina Private company 4019 CITIC MetalChina Private company 4020 Food AgencItaly Private company association of NGOs;_x000D_ 4021 Union of T Turkey Other (please specify in commenthold 50% together with "Turkish partners" 4023 Tahoe ResouCanada Private company 4024 Sierra MetaCanada Private company 4025 SK Energy Republic ofPrivate company 4026 ConocoPhillUnited StatPrivate company 4027 Baron Oil PUnited KingPrivate company 4028 Pacific ExpCanada Private company 4029 Olympic OiUnited StatPrivate company 4030 Siboil Com Russian FedPrivate company 4032 Perenco OilFrance Private company 4033 MQuest InteUnited StatPrivate company 4034 Xinjiang U China State-/government (owned) company 4035 KazakhstanKazakhstanState-/government (owned) company 4036 Calibre MinCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4037 GoGold ResCanada Private company 4038 San MarcosCanada Private company 4039 First QuantCanada Private company 4040 Innovation New Zeala Private company 4046 Elephant VUnited StatOther (please specify in commentConservationist NGO that protect to the elephants 4049 SingbridgeSingapore State-/government (owned) comMember of the Ascendas-Singbridge group that falls under Singapore Government Agency responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure. 4050 Nava BharatSingapore Stock-exchange listed company NBS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nava Bharat Ventures Limited (NBV)- (India and listed on the national and Bombay stock exchanges.) 4051 Charles DaZimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4053 Edenville EUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4054 Local partnTanzania is a company incorporated in Singapore, operating a palm oil business and producing palm oil through PT. First_x000D_ 4057 Chancellor Singapore Private company Borneo Plantations ("PT FBP") and its 6 subsidiaries (“FBP Group”). The company is fully owned by Singapore based Primary Resources Pte Ltd 4058 PT Kalpatu Indonesia Private company Affiliated with Sindopalm, Singapore 4059 PT PrasadaIndonesia Private company 4060 Mr MuhammaSingapore Individual entrepreneur Possibly one of the "Sabran Brothers", a subsidiary of PTT Green Energy. 4061 HoutverwerNetherlandPrivate company 4062 Unknown (Megabois) 4064 Unknown (Compagnie des Bois) 4067 ELKI GroupNetherlandPrivate company 4068 Wild Peach South Africa 4069 Ioan MiculaRomania Individual entrepreneur 4070 Viorel MicuRomania Individual entrepreneur 4071 Grupo BurcBelgium Private company 4072 CompagnieGabon Private company Main shareholder in the project. CBG is a family owned company 4076 York TimberSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company 4077 JES InternaChina 4078 Société de Congo, Dem. Rep. 4079 Honest TimChina 4080 Corà DomenItaly 4081 Rougier France Stock-exchange listed company Rougier has been listed on the stock exchange for around 50 years. The family group owns 62% of the shares, public owns 34%, staff own 2.2% and 1.1% treasury stock. 4082 Eurasian ReLuxembourg Another data source states Kazakhstan-based miner ENRC- Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC (ENRC). ENRC is a subsidiary of ERG. 4083 Rio Tinto United KingStock-exchange listed company via Turquoise Hill, which is 51%-owned by Rio Tinto 4084 The GranthaUnited StatInvestment fund 4085 British AngUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4089 Bunge LimiUnited StatStock-exchange listed company Holds 80% 4090 Itochu Japan Stock-exchange listed company Holds 20% 4092 Diadem Tanzania 4093 Eldeco InfrIndia Private company 4099 Yun Khean China 4103 PT Kaliben Indonesia Private company 4104 Vast ResourUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4105 Unknown (Malawi Individual entrepreneur 4106 Unknown (PoMalawi Individual entrepreneur 4107 Rating Inv Zimbabwe Owned by Billy Rautenbach 4108 São Tomé SSão Tomé aState-/government (owned) company 4109 Sinarom MiRomania Private company 4110 SAT & ComKazakhstanStock-exchange listed company 4111 Fribourg CaRomania Investment fund 4112 Eldorado GCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4113 Minest DevRomania State-/government (owned) company 4116 Popa GroupNamibia 4118 Shaanxi OvChina State-/government (owned) company 4119 African SocCôte d'Ivoi Private company Incorporated in 1993 whose major shareholders are medium scale rubber planters from the Anguédedou area 4121 Zhejiang F China Private company 4122 Heilongjia China State-/government (owned) company 4123 China OverChina COVEC is a subsidiary of China Railway Group Limited (CREC) 4124 Hao ShenglChina Individual entrepreneur 4125 Hubei HefeChina 4126 CarpathianCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4127 Aldridge MiCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4128 HKND GrouChina, HongPrivate company 4129 LatAm Far Argentina Investment fund 4131 China StateChina State-/government (owned) company 4132 Jiangsu StaChina State-/government (owned) company 4133 HuaYong OveChina A subsidiary of the ChinaYong Group. 4134 Hubei ProviChina State-/government (owned) comA subsidiary of the provincially-owned company Hubei State Farm Agribusiness Corporation. 4135 Lianhua c Zimbabwe Also known as Anhui Tianrui Ecological Technology Co., Ltd._x000D_ 4136 Anhui TianrChina 4137 Tian Poh ReSingapore Private company 4139 Chinese G China State-/government (owned) company 4140 Jingyan YinChina Private company 4141 Tajikistan Tajikistan State-/government (owned) company 4142 GovernmentChina State-/government (owned) company 4144 GovernmentSouth AfricState-/government (owned) company 4145 GovernmentChad State-/government (owned) comRenamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Chad" on 15/03/2018 4146 Shikunino TNamibia Private company 4147 Ministry of Namibia State-/government (owned) company 4148 Ministry of Namibia State-/government (owned) company 4151 Leviev Gro Israel Investment fund 4154 Farm NadubNamibia Private company 4155 Unknown possible investors 4156 AeroponicsNamibia Private company The business is owned by Drusilla and Craig Anuszkiewiez, with equal shareholding. 4157 Unknown Investors 4158 Chilwelo FeNamibia Private company 4160 Dash EnterNamibia Private company 4162 ManufacturNamibia Private company 4163 Flowers ForNamibia Private company 4164 Farm RiverNamibia 4165 Noor Bio EnBurkina Faso Baba Seid Bally is CEO 4167 Grupo ArgoColombia Private company 4168 MLR ForestrCanada Private company 4169 San MiguelArgentina Private company 4170 EcoPlanet United StatPrivate company 4171 NicaforestaNorway Private company 4174 African RaiSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company 4175 Lubambe CoZambia Semi state-owned company 4176 Unknown (loZambia Individual entrepreneur 4177 Gemfields United KingStock-exchange listed company 4178 China NonfeChina Private company Limited Liability company 4179 Jiangxi Yu China Private company 4180 China Geo-China State-/government (owned) company 4181 China AfricChina Semi state-owned company CAAIC is owned 55% by China National Agricultural Development Corporation and 45% by the China- Africa Development Fund. 4182 Shandong IChina Shandong International Economic & Technical Cooperation Group joined hands with Shandong Lumian Group 4183 Hunan YuanChina 4184 Ministry of Angola State-/government (owned) company 4185 ITC Spectr United StatPrivate company 4186 Grupo IndusCosta Rica Private company 4188 SimplementNicaragua Private company 4189 Fresh Del Cayman IslPrivate company 4191 AgrodesmoArgentina Private company 4192 AgropecuarSpain Private company 4199 AMS Food InArgentina Private company 4200 Austin PowdUnited StatPrivate company 4202 QuebrachoUnited StatPrivate company 4204 Abra del SoArgentina Private company 4205 AJU SRL Argentina Private company 4207 Fundación United KingPrivate company 4208 Sinar Mas Indonesia Private company 4209 China MengChina Private company 4210 Guangxi GuiChina Private company 4212 Chow Tai FoChina, HongStock-exchange listed company Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; 4213 Hyundai TeRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company Sun Rise Vietnam, a joint venture between South Korean companies Hyundai Telecom and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. (See 4214 Hwa PyungRepublic ofStock-exchange listed company isSun a jointRise investmentVietnam, a jointbetween venture Japanese between Oji PaperSouth (51%),Korean Nisshocompanies Iwai (nowHyundai Sojitz) Telecom (39%)_x000D_ and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. 4215 Dai NipponJapan Stock-exchange listed company and Dai Nippon Printing (10%). 4216 Wei Yu EngiChina Private company 4217 Entree Gol Canada Stock-exchange listed company 4218 Daiwa HouseJapan Stock-exchange listed company See 4219 Kobelco EcoJapan Stock-exchange listed company See 4221 Dong Nai ImVietnam Stock-exchange listed company See 4222 Ferlo Gom Saudi Arabia 4223 Unknown foItaly 4224 Unknown doSenegal 4225 Ayka Turkey Developed jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ 4226 InvestmentVietnam Semi state-owned company Read more at 4227 Sembcorp DSingapore Stock-exchange listed company See 4228 Constran SBrazil 4229 KMP VietnaSingapore Private company 4230 Shandong IrChina Stock-exchange listed company Commonly known as Shandong Steel. Listed on the stock exchange but also controlled by the provincial government of Shandong. 4231 BSG ResourGuernsey Subsidiarystate-owned of BSGProtrade Investments Corporation_x000D_ Limited is based in Geneva, Switzerland. 4232 Protrade CoVietnam Private company See: 4233 ED&F Man United KingStock-exchange listed company The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. 4234 DakLak SepVietnam State-/government (owned) comThe first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. 4235 Vimetco NVNetherlandStock-exchange listed company Listed on London stock exchange,holding company based in The Netherlands. 4237 Toyo Thai PSingapore Private company ITOCHU Corporation previously held a 49 percent stake in OBF. It has sold its holding to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd; see 4238 Licogi 16 J Vietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4239 Banico Hol Nigeria 4240 CCFG ConsuChina 4241 CFG ConstrChina Nosakhare Igbinedion, who_x000D_ 4242 Gava ForestNigeria was the governor of Nigeria‟s Edo State 4243 Exim InvesGeorgia 4246 Ministry of Sierra LeonState-/government (owned) company 4247 The ConservSierra LeonOther (please specify in commentNPO 4248 The Royal SSierra LeonOther (please specify in commentDevelopedNPO jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ 4251 Song Be R Vietnam State-/government (owned) comRead more at 4252 Truong ThanVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4253 Korean investment No information on this investor. 4254 African LanUnited KingOther (please specify in commentAfrican Land Limited is a limited liability company. Previously known as Agricapital. Agricapital is part of GreenWorld BVI -a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands that manages several funds dedicated to the acquisition of farmland. 4255 Spade TalenUnited StatPrivate company Virgin Island 4256 Tian shi fo China Private company 4257 DunshinhenChina Private company 4258 Zanadu CoaAustralia Private company 4259 EGCM LLC United StatPrivate company 4271 Civil Engineering Con State-/government (owned) company 4272 CDC CorporCayman IslPrivate company 4273 Middle Util Singapore Private company 4274 Infra Asia China, HongPrivate company 4276 Vietnam InVietnam Private company Investment & Development Industrial Infrastructure Nam Duc (Nam Duc Investment and Development of Infrastructure Co., Ltd), which belongs to VID, is named as infrastructure investor of project. 4279 Pacific La British VirgPrivate company 4280 Vietnam InfVietnam Investment fund 2012: Local partner, CPK Vinh Phuc JSC did not participate in this capital injection and as a result its stake in Vina CPK Limited has been diluted to 2.8 percent, while VNI’s stake has increased to 97.2 percent from 96.1 percent, previously. 4281 CPK Vinh PVietnam Private company 4282 Phuc Hung Vietnam Private company In 2016: Vietnam Infrastructure Ltd on Monday said it is selling its entire stake in Vina-CPK Ltd to Phuc Hung Import Export Company Ltd for USD22.1 million in cash at current exchange rates. 4285 Compal ElecChina Stock-exchange listed company 4286 Thang LongVietnam Private company 4287 Sumitomo CVietnam Private company 4288 Hoa Phat GVietnam Stock-exchange listed company In 15/11/2007, Hoa Phat was officially listed in the Vietnam Stock Exchange with ticker “HPG”. 4290 KINHBAC CVietnam Stock-exchange listed company Kinhbac City Development Holding Corporation hold 62% charter capital of its company on December 31st, 2010. 4291 Rowi InvestSingapore Private company FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore). Rowi principal activity is investment holding. 4292 Hon Hai PreChina Stock-exchange listed company FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore) 4296 RussellSto South AfricInvestment fund RussellStone Group is a privately owned investment house with a 17% BEE owned shareholding, investing in the agricultural and energy industry with representation in Africa, Australia and Argentina. Share in this project through Grainvest Farming (a subsidiary). 4297 DoornspruiSouth AfricIndividual entrepreneur 4298 Sunbird BioMauritius Registered in tax haven. Shareholders of Sunbird unknown (majority owned by African individuals, and the remaining shares are owned by the management team). 4302 An Phu CorVietnam Binh Ha chairman claimed that the compny is a member of an Phu Corporation (See vietnamese source 4303 Duc Long GVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4304 Unknown (ThLiberia 4307 Mineral DepAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 4308 Eramet France Stock-exchange listed company 4312 Gia Huy c Vietnam Private company 4313 Toyota TsusJapan Stock-exchange listed company 4314 Société IntFrance Stock-exchange listed company 55.59% SIFCA, 23.2% Michelin, 21.21% Public shares 4315 Bourse d'ACôte d'Ivoi Stock-exchange listed company Regional Securities Exchange SA 4318 16th Army Vietnam Semi state-owned company 4319 Fazenda Santo AntoniIndividual entrepreneur Owned by Fernando Teles 4320 Grupo WM Angola Individual entrepreneur Owned by Rogerio Martins Leonardo 4321 Tahal Grou Netherlands Tahal executes projects financed by Worldbank, IDB and EBRD. 4324 Maxi superAngola 4327 Unknown (Farm Forest Company Limited) Financed by Norwegian investors 4328 Verus GrouSouth Africa Run by former South African Special Forces soldier Justin Vermaak. 4329 James MayUnited KingIndividual entrepreneur 4330 Tarbim LimTurkey 4331 Unique AgroTanzania 4333 Dolce VistaPanama Private company 4334 Kahlbetzer Australia Private company 4335 Madeflex Colombia Private company 4343 Garfin Gro Italy Private company 4351 China Rail China State-/government (owned) comThe 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion 4352 Iskandar WaMalaysia The 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion 4353 Wienco Ghana 4354 Nanton ChiGhana Individual entrepreneur 4355 African Tig Ghana Investment fund 4356 Tamale InvGhana A collection of local Tamale-area investors 4357 Komma BVNetherlandPrivate company 4358 Grupo LuccArgentina Private company 4359 TurConsult Mozambique History of hotel and tourism development 4360 AgriCane South Africa 4362 Grupo CGGBrazil Private company 4363 Cervera NeArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4364 Grupo MelkUnited StatPrivate company 4365 Bioenergy Brazil Private company 4368 Grupo LacrArgentina Private company 4369 Cotragagi Rwanda Other (please specify in commentcooperative of local tea growers 4370 Polo ResourUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4371 Plinian GueUnited KingStock-exchange listed company Plinian Capital Ltd is managing and directing all of Nimini's exploration, feasibility study, development and administrative activities. 4372 AXMIN Inc.Canada Stock-exchange listed company 4373 AGPL Investments Pte.Ltd Investor may be from Singapore. 4374 IAMGOLD CoCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4375 Doreo Part Nigeria Investment fund 4376 Nigerian BrNigeria 4377 Alliance OnUnited StatStock-exchange listed company 4378 Valnovel 4380 Universal United States of America 4381 Press CorpoMalawi 4383 Vietnam DaiVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4384 GovernmenMalawi State-/government (owned) company 4385 Unknown (EuItaly 4386 GMX ConsulUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and NortherGMX Consulting is a UK-registered company with offices in Nigeria and Ho Chi Minh. It was formed by the Vietnamese rice scientist Vo Tong Xuan and financial backers from Vietnam to develop large-scale cassava and rice farms in Africa with Vietnamese technology. 4387 Unknown (Liberia Renamed SI from Unknown local partner to Unknown (4387) on 15/03/2018 4389 Agri-vie South AfricInvestment fund 4390 Voxtra Norway Investment fund 4391 Unknown minorty shareholders 4393 Kermas InvUnited KingInvestment fund Kermas Group through the Burundi Mining Metallurgy Ltd 4394 GovernmentBurundi State-/government (owned) comRenamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Burundi" on 15/03/2018 4395 Abdul Mah Malawi Individual entrepreneur 4396 Uknown locMalawi 4397 Ministry of Malawi State-/government (owned) company 4398 AREVA NC France 4399 SOPaMin Niger State-/government (owned) com Mining Company of Niger (SOPaMin) 4400 Diego RiveGuatemalaIndividual entrepreneur 4401 FMO (NetheNetherlandInvestment fund 4402 DEG (DeutscGermany Investment fund 4403 BCIE (BancHonduras Investment fund 4405 Forest FinaGermany Investment fund 4406 Manuel MeColombia Individual entrepreneur 4407 Otto NicolaColombia Individual entrepreneur 4408 Sarawak FoMalaysia State-/government (owned) company 4409 OKIMO (OffiCongo, DemState-/government (owned) com(13.8%) 4410 Entreprise Algeria State-/government (owned) company 4411 Société de Niger State-/government (owned) company 4414 Iluka Australia Stock-exchange listed company 4415 Moroccan AMorocco State-/government (owned) company 4416 InternationIndia Private company 4417 Unknown loMozambique 4418 Unknown inIndia Individual entrepreneur 4420 Fujian Hen China Private company 4421 Unknown (Congo, Dem. Rep. Renamed SI from Local partner to Unknown (4421) on 15/03/2018 4422 Ferrero Tra LuxembourPrivate company PublicCompany Limited was Company._x000D_founded in Italy like family firm. Now incorporated and based in Luxembourg 4425 Ukrlandfar Cyprus Stock-exchange listed company "AfricomIncorporated Commodities in Cyprus Pty. Ltd., a closely held South African company, is developing the first of Congo’s agribusiness parks at Bukanga-Lonzo in partnership with the Congolese government. [...] The first 80,000-hectare site near the capital, Kinshasa [...]" _x000D_ 4426 AFRICOM COSouth AfricPrivate company see 4427 Kusto GroupSingapore Private company Kazakh company registred in Singapore 4428 Al RafawedUnited Ara State-/government (owned) comThe company is "an official representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government," it has been announced. 4429 Unknown (Algeria Renamed SI from Local partners to Unknown (4429) on 15/03/2018 4430 Al Dahra InUnited Ara Private company Al Dahra has acquired a majority stake in Rudnap Agrar 4431 Mr Laurent France Individual entrepreneur Founded Arthur Straight Investments 4432 Tönnies Le Germany Private company The company was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany with additional offices in Germany and internationally. 4434 Eráti gove MozambiquState-/government (owned) company 4435 Tifralait Algeria Private company 4436 InternationUnited States of America 4439 Sahara IndiIndia Private company Subrata Roy is owner 4440 Civil Engin Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 4441 Hemaraj LaThailand Stock-exchange listed company 4446 PetroVietnaVietnam Stock-exchange listed company PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation operates as a subsidiary of Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation. See 4447 Vietnam OiVietnam State-/government (owned) comPetroVietnam is state-owned company, not private 4448 ExxonMobilUnited StatStock-exchange listed company The involved company is the Vietnamese unit of ExxonMobil Corp. See 4449 SodrugestvLuxembourPrivate company Sodrugestvo Group S.A., an agro-industrial company, engages in the businesses of infrastructure, oilseeds processing, logistics, storage and distribution, and trading globally. 4451 UAB Baltic Lithuania Other (please specify in commentJoint Stock Exchange Company 4452 Royal FriesNetherlands Dairy Cooperative 4453 Erneal LimiCyprus Private company Owners are Russian citizens Sergei and Alexey Kukura(70% and 30%) . Volgo-DonSelkhozInvest LLC is their subsidiary in Russia which controlled Volgograd Agroindustry company(VAPC) - this compan has a land in operation. 4455 Company ofVietnam State-/government (owned) comthe first joint venture between the northern Vietnam city of Hai Phong and the Chinese city of Shenzhen. 4456 Shenyue JoChina State-/government (owned) comthe first joint venture between the northern Vietnam city of Hai Phong and the Chinese city of Shenzhen. 4457 Rent-A-Por Belgium Private company 4458 Nam Hong Vietnam Private company 4459 Jababeka GIndonesia Stock-exchange listed company 4460 Chuan Gia China Another name is Chuan Jia Bao. The company is from Taiwan, verz little information is available. 4463 Korea LandRepublic ofState-/government (owned) comIt is "largest public enterprise", See There is one source called company as Korean land Corporation, see 4464 Bac Giang Vietnam State-/government (owned) company 4465 Fuji Bac G Japan Stock-exchange listed company It belongs to Fuji Corporation Global. 4466 Zijin Minin China Stock-exchange listed company 4467 China MolyChina Stock-exchange listed company 4468 Lundin MinCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4469 Line Trust Gibraltar Other (please specify in commentCorporate trust. Fleurette Properties Limited is ultimately owned by Line Trust Corporation Limited. Fleurette Group project owned by Fleurette Properties Limited. 4470 China XinjiChina State-/government (owned) com Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. 4471 Mason WestAustralia Private company 4472 Jinchuan GrChina Stock-exchange listed company 4473 Africo ResoCanada Stock-exchange listed company Africo Resources may be acquired by a Kazakh mining group 4476 GovernmentBotswana State-/government (owned) comRenamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Botswana" on 15/03/2018 4477 Banro CorpCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4478 Asa ResourUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and NortherIn September 2015 the Company changed its name from Mwana Africa plc to Asa Resource Group plc. 4479 Naka DiamoSouth Africa 4480 China-UnioChina Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation (WISCO) of Hong Kong, now owns a 60% stake in China-Union Investment Co. 4485 Ascendas-SSingapore Stock-exchange listed company Asia’s leading provider of business space solutions Ascendas 4486 Phu Lam PlaChina Private company One information says it is Fulin company, See, , 4487 Maruichi StJapan Stock-exchange listed company Sun Steel Joint Stock Company operates as a subsidiary of Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.. See 4488 TaFong CorChina No information on company classification. 4489 Forever WoChina No information on company classification, but there is one source saying that company does not operate anymore. See 4490 Kwan Chin China no information on company classification. 4491 Billion Gra China No information on company classification 4495 Viet Duc J Vietnam Private company 4497 Nam Tan UyVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4498 Rubber ReaVietnam 4499 Rubber BasVietnam 4500 Severstal Russian FedStock-exchange listed company 4502 Dai Nam JoVietnam Private company 4504 Fuji Corp Japan Stock-exchange listed company BeforeFuji Bac it Giang was Racova Development Group SA_x000D_ JSC 4505 Trans Oil EnLuxembourPrivate company 4506 Mopan SA Romania Private company 4507 Lee Group China conglomerate from Hong Kong 4508 Viglacera CVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 4509 VIETNAM UVietnam State-/government (owned) company 4511 Shun Far L China 4512 Khai Son J Vietnam Private company 4513 Trung Quy Vietnam Private company 4514 Song Da InfVietnam 4515 Industrial Park ManagOther (please specify in commentA state agency. 4516 Douja PromMorocco Investor typically in the real estate sector. 4519 CO2 EnergSouth Africa 4520 HambukushuNamibia Other (please specify in commentTraditional authority 4521 DARA GrouCyprus Private company Ukrainian man is owner this company. The company is registred in tax free zone. 4522 Addax and Switzerlan Private company AOG is a private investment group 4525 Hai Duong Vietnam Other (please specify in commentProvincial government. 4527 Lucapa Di Australia Stock-exchange listed company 4528 Al Horaish Saudi Arabia 4529 Unknown (Niger Renamed SI from Unknown local partner to Unknown (4529) on 15/03/2018 4530 Investors f Saudi Arabia 4531 Toya HoldinTurkey Investment fund 4532 Long fee China 4534 Food & AlliMauritius 4535 Yen Bai ProVietnam Other (please specify in commentProvincial Goverment 4547 ED&F Man NetherlandL Stock-exchange listed company This company is 4548 Ukraine Fa NetherlandStock-exchange listed company 4549 Vanoil EnerCanada Stock-exchange listed company 4550 Paladin Ag United StatPrivate company 4552 Raj agro-inIndia 4554 Transfronti South Africa 4557 Argento Lt Mauritius Argento Ltd is 100% owned by Montara Continental Ltd, who are 75% owned by Obtala Ltd (and 25% by a third party). 4558 Local repreMozambique 4559 PHI Group, United StatStock-exchange listed company 4560 ROVIC GROSenegal 4561 Olam SVI United States of America Sales offices and processing plants around the world. Corporate office located in California. Subsidiary of Olam International Ltd. 4562 Phuc Loc GVietnam Private company 4564 FirstFarns S.Romania Stock-exchange listed company FirstFarms A/S (Denmark, Stock-exchange listed company) is Tertiary investor. Now it is the domestic deal 4566 PLT INDUS Vietnam Private company 4571 HBC INVESVietnam 4572 Tornator OyFinland Stock-exchange listed company SC Tornator SRL is 100% owned by the Finnish Tornator Oyj, of which Stora Enso Oyj owns 41% 4576 Gem DiamoUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4577 Anhui ForeChina 4578 Zimbabwe ZimbabweM State-/government (owned) company 4579 Unknown partner 4580 RMG ConcepSwitzerlan Investmenthttps://rm https://op Investmentapproved 4581 Unknown loTanzania 4583 China HongChina Stock-exchange listed company 4586 Winning ShSingapore 4590 UMS GuineGuinea 4591 Abbott United StatStock-exchange listed company 4593 Free State South AfricState-/government (owned) company 4595 Paras India Dairy company. Controlled by the Gupta's. 4596 Various other investors 4597 China Geo-China State-/government (owned) company 4598 Allana grouIndia 4599 East Jebel Ethiopia 4600 SUFOUF Company for Investment and Agriculture Services 4601 Herburg RoNetherlands 4602 Esmeralda United StatPrivate company Headquarters are in Miami. Also has a subsidiary in Netherlands- Esmeralda Farms BV 4604 Unknown (Dutch and other investors) 4610 Unknown (Sea Agriculture) 4616 Vasto LegnItaly 4617 ALPI GroupItaly Private company privately owned and family-owned company founded in Italy in 1918 by PIETRO ALPI. 4618 CooperativaParaguay Private company 4620 Uniline Fin British VirgPrivate company Vitaliy Homutynnik is owner. 4628 CELTS IndusChina 4629 Gertler FamIsrael Other (please specify in commentTrust. Gertler Family Foundation (GFF) is an initiative of the Gertler Family Trust. 4630 Nestlé S.A Switzerlan Stock-exchange listed company 4632 White Bird Netherlands 4633 Fundacao MMozambiquOther (please specify in comment_x000D_Malonda Foundation was created as a legal entity Private and publicly-owned entities to promote and facilitate private sector development in Niassa. 4634 Unknown (China Renamed SI from unknown to Unknown (4634) on 15/03/2018 4635 Unknown (Sudan Renamed SI from unknown to Unknown (4635) on 15/03/2018 4636 António AlvPortugal Individual entrepreneur 4637 Universal CUnited StatStock-exchange listed company Universal Leaf Tobacco Co. Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Universal Corporation. 4638 Africa EnteKenya Investment fund 4639 Jan Paulus South AfricIndividual entrepreneur 4640 Shanta GolUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4641 Eagle EnterSouth Africa 4642 Unknown (MBrazil 4643 Unknown ( Brazil 4646 Finlays United KingPrivate company 4648 Grupo EntrPortugal Private company 4649 Summit AgrUnited StatInvestment fund 4650 Unknown (Ojes Agricola, Lda) 4651 Unknown (Onça Moçambique, Lda) 4652 Plexus Cot United KingPrivate company 4653 Unnamed SoSouth Africa 4654 Unknown (CSweden 4655 Agrokor GrCroatia Private company Ivica Todoric is owner 4656 Unknown (China 4657 Unknown joint venture partner 4658 António Filipe Miranda 4659 Andrew Cunninghan Individual entrepreneur 4661 Nair Russo Da Paula 4662 Unknown (Companhia Florestal de Massangulo) 4663 Zheng Fei China Individual entrepreneur 4664 Unknown (Senyu Lda) 4665 Unknown (Cistér Moçambique) 4666 Bedi Inves Kenya Private company 4667 Nakuru FibrKenya Private company 4668 European FoFrance 4669 Korea-Arab Society (KAS) 4670 Egyptian AgEgypt, ArabState-/government (owned) company 4671 Annona SusNetherlandPrivate company commercial Venture Capital fund 4672 Komaza United StatPrivate company Komaza shareholders include Novastar Ventures, MULAGO, Hooge Raedt social venture. 4673 Maxagro s.r.Romania Private company 4674 Industrial Zambia State-/government (owned) comstate-backed fund 4675 Romania FaDenmark Private company Romania Farm Invest A / S was founded in 2008. The company's main objective is the operation and development of the Romanian company Agro Cocora SRL. The company is owned by a group of private investors - and companies. Romania Farm Invest A/S is subsidiary of Jantzen Development (Denmark) - Erik Jantzen is owner. 4676 Liono Alex Romania Individual entrepreneur Previously it was Agri Invest A/S (Denmark, Stock-exchange listed company). 4677 TesSecondaGermany Other (please specify in commentGIGA 4678 RSI Su-LdaChina 4679 TestSecondGermany Stock-exchange listed company 4680 Florida CryUnited StatPrivate company 4681 Sugar Cane Growers CoPrivate company 4682 Frontline United Arab Emirates 4683 Grupo FaveBrazil Private company 4684 Grupo CartParaguay Private company 4685 ZDA ParticiBrazil Investment fund 4686 EucalyptusBrazil Investment fund 4687 Brasil Sust Brazil Investment fund 4688 Brutelle FuBrazil Investment fund 4689 Gesheft FuBrazil Investment fund 4690 GovernmentAlgeria State-/government (owned) company 4692 Caputo NicArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4697 Apollo InterIndia 4698 Costa NegóBrazil 4699 GovernmentAngola State-/government (owned) company 4700 China Fore China, HongStock-exchange listed company The investor is a stock exchange company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange but they were delisted last February 24,2017. There were no news on what will happen on their properties in PRC. 4701 Peter Andr South AfricIndividual entrepreneur Now a Mozambique citizen . 4702 British AmeUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4703 Timber WorChina 4704 Transvaal South AfricOther (please specify in commentCo-operative 4705 Citrefine I United KingPrivate company 4707 Unknown (Nile Plywood Ltd) Western NIS Enterprise Fund is controlling CJSC Ecoprod A.T. _x000D_ 4708 Western NIUnited StatState-/government (owned) comTertiary investors is 114 equity shares (4,901,785 US dollars) 4709 Aum SugarIndia reviewed 4714 A&S InternUnited StatPrivate company 4715 MNG Gold JTurkey Private company 4716 Insight GloGuernsey Investment fund 4718 Las CuatroArgentina Private company 4721 Pallaro He Argentina Private company 4724 Anzere SA.Uruguay Private company 4732 Mr. Gora Seck Individual entrepreneur 4733 Endeavour Cayman IslStock-exchange listed company 4735 Karlen DaniArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4736 Karlen JuanArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4738 Grupo BridArgentina Private company 4739 British Pet United KingPrivate company 4740 Promotora ColombiaH Private company 4741 ChemonicsUnited i StatInvestment fund 4742 SODEMI Côte d'Ivoi State-/government (owned) company 4743 Kuramo CapUnited StatPrivate company Private equity firm 4744 Mafuta Inv Congo, DemInvestment fund 4745 Investors from various countries 4747 Unknown (horticulture investor) 4748 SEMAFO Canada Stock-exchange listed company 4749 Trevali Min Canada Stock-exchange listed company Glencore accept part payment in Trevali shares which will increase Glencore’s stake to 25% from 4% . 4750 Avocet MinUnited KingStock-exchange listed company 4751 Amara MiniUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northerpreviously called Cluff Gold. 4752 IMAR-B Burkina Faso 4753 ACM CorporUnited States of America Reports that TurkPower Corporation merged with ACM Corporation in 2011. 4754 Libra Pty L Australia 4755 Daled Mini Zambia 4756 Intrepid Mi Australia 4757 C&C MiningRepublic of Korea 4758 Mr Yang China Individual entrepreneur 4759 Geovic MinUnited StatStock-exchange listed company 4760 National I Cameroon State-/government (owned) company 4761 Sundance RAruba Stock-exchange listed company 4762 Hold Co SACameroon Private company 4763 Choice InteChina 4764 Triton AquaNigeria 4765 Alluvial Fa Nigeria 4766 Good FarmUganda 4767 Roxgold Canada Stock-exchange listed company 4768 FedepalmaColombia Other (please specify in commentOil Palm Colombian Federation (Fedepalma), it managers and grants funds to smallholders associations for grow oil palm. 4770 Embassy NetherlandState-/government (owned) company 4771 Moringa SCFrance Investment fund Moringa Partnership is the investment advisor to Moringa SICAR, SCA 4772 TexBel AgriBelize Private company 4773 Grupo EPA Ecuador Private company 4774 Villa Oliva Brazil Private company 4775 Dalessa IntPanama Private company 4776 Directstar IArgentina Private company 4777 Jabbar KanIran, IslamiIndividual entrepreneur Agricover, which is owned by Iranian businessman Jabbar Kanani, owns two vegetable farms in Romania, with a total area of 3,000 hectares 4778 EBRD (EuroUnited KingOther (please specify in commentBank 4779 MHP S.E. Cyprus Stock-exchange listed company Yury Kosyuk is beneficiary owner around 65% of shares 4781 Comsar EneRussian FedPrivate company 4782 Industrial LuxembourStock-exchange listed company 4783 Bepesa SA.Argentina Private company 4786 Atta Miguel Gerala Individual entrepreneur 4787 Gerala Mario Ernesto Individual entrepreneur 4788 Seaboard CUnited StatPrivate company 4797 Martino, GerArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4802 Clarsan SAArgentina Private company 4814 Puramel SAArgentina Private company 4816 Walter MarArgentina Private company 4821 Cignetti PeArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4822 Cignetti Jo Argentina Individual entrepreneur 4823 Martino GeArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4824 Cicutti FaviArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4825 Theiler Jor Argentina Individual entrepreneur 4826 Theiler Shi Argentina Individual entrepreneur 4827 Macri MauriArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4829 Los Tikey SArgentina Private company 4831 Sona Guill Argentina Individual entrepreneur 4832 Sona AdriaArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4833 Torello Jos Argentina Individual entrepreneur 4834 Gaviña NaoArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4835 Montovio PArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4836 Agsof SA Argentina Private company 4837 Gomez MariArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4838 Dumi, NestArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4839 Dumit JoseArgentina Individual entrepreneur 4844 Grupo GranHonduras Private company 4850 CamaronesNicaragua d Private company 4852 Mercon CofNetherlandPrivate company 4854 Yunnan HonChina Private company 4855 Gaoshen GChina Private company 4856 Myanmar ThMyanmar 4857 MMS ThilawJapan 4858 State DeveChina 4859 China PoweChina State-/government (owned) comActing through fully owned subsidiary called: PI Yunnan International Power Investment Company (CPIYN) 4860 Ministry of Myanmar State-/government (owned) company 4861 Myanmar AMyanmar Private company 4862 Stark Indu Myanmar 4863 EGAT InternThailand State-/government (owned) companyChina Southern Power Grid and _x000D_ 4864 Chin ThreeChina Sinohydro hold together 56% 4865 DepartmentMyanmar Semi state-owned company 4866 InternationMyanmar 4867 China SoutChina 4868 Royal GoldeMyanmar Private company 4869 Pho La Min Myanmar 4870 Yunnan Jin China 4871 GuangdongChina State-/government (owned) company 4872 Htoo GroupMyanmar 4873 Union of MMyanmar 4874 Myanma PetMyanmar State-/government (owned) company 4875 China PoweChina State-/government (owned) company 4876 Yunnan UniChina 4879 Greater MeThailand Private company 4882 GovernmenZimbabwe State-/government (owned) company 4883 Wanbao MinChina Private company Fully owned subsidiary of state owned China North Industires Corporation 4884 Ministry of Myanmar State-/government (owned) company 4886 China's DReChina Stock-exchange listed company Esteblised in 2008. The Company is a one of the biggest milk producers in the world. 4887 East Star Thailand 4888 Thai Asset Thailand 4889 Energy EarThailand 4890 Richard Fernandes Individual entrepreneur 4891 Andrew Fernandes Individual entrepreneur 4892 Karen Nati Myanmar Other (please specify in commentPolitical organisation working through the Noble Prince Company 4893 The TH TruVietnam Private company 4894 Taiyuan Ir China State-/government (owned) company 4895 GovernmentIndia State-/government (owned) company 4897 Matthew JoZimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4898 Kyrie Pauli Zimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4899 Felicity Ro United KingIndividual entrepreneur 4900 John Lewis Zimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4901 Jason Lewi Zimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4902 Leonard DaZimbabwe Individual entrepreneur 4903 Abraheam ZimbabweL Individual entrepreneur 4904 Paulo StavroBrazil Individual entrepreneur 4905 Idaro Ventures Limited 4906 Alexandre SBrazil Individual entrepreneur 4907 Philip Jan United KingIndividual entrepreneur Obtained citizenship in Zambia 4908 Jeremy Badcock Individual entrepreneur 4909 Greg Badcock Individual entrepreneur 4911 Orient's SuUnited States of America 4912 GamewatcheKenya 4913 Porini Safa Kenya 4915 Goldplat P United KingStock-exchange listed company 4917 Thilawa S Myanmar State-/government (owned) company 4918 T and C C China 4920 Camellia plUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4921 Yunnan YuaChina Private company 4922 Del Monte Kenya 4923 Yunnan Jiu Myanmar Private company 4924 Finlay GrouUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4926 Cirio AlimeItaly 4930 Rendeavour Ltd It is not clear where the company is registered- some reports state Ghana, others Nigeria. 4931 Hongrui L China Private company Investor is affiliated to Hongyu Group from China 4932 Yunnan WeiChina Private company 4933 Yunnan VicChina Private company 4934 Yunnan Si China Private company 4935 Texas InterUnited States of America 4936 Unknown (Bopolu Development Corporation (BPDECO)) 4937 Unknown (Universal Forestry Corporation) 4938 Unknown (Tropical Timber Inc.) 4939 Unknown (Frank Brook Liberia Inc) 4940 Unknown (Grand Bassa Logging Company) 4941 Unknown (Forest Ventures) 4942 Unknown (Tutex Wood Management Corporation (TUTEX))There also is a branch in Singapore called Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd_x000D_ 4944 Toyo-Thai PThailand Private company 4948 Astral Asia Malaysia Private company 4949 Myanmar CoMyanmar Private company 4950 Green FutuMyanmar Private company 4951 IndependenCyprus Over 70 percent of Independent Oil & Resources PLC is owned by the Norwegian oil magnate Berge Gerdt Larsen and members of his family. 4956 Myanmar InMyanmar 4957 Haejohyub Republic of Korea 4958 Tarlesson FUnited States of America 4960 Yunnan GelChina Private company 4961 Great Wall Myanmar 4962 Max MyanmMyanmar Private company 4963 Bontrup HoNetherlandPrivate company The Company was created by Franz Bontrup. The holding has branches in Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Switzerland, Norway, Britain, Russia, Poland and the United States. Its core business is agriculture, navigation and granite production. 4964 Estam LtdaColombia Private company 4965 Indupalma Colombia Private company 4966 Grupo FutuEcuador Private company 4967 Sunshine KChina Private company 4968 TaremoenyMyanmar 4969 GoodvalleyDenmark Stock-exchange listed company Axzon A/S changed name to Goodvalley in February 2018 4970 Agromino AEstonia Stock-exchange listed company Before 2017 it was Trigon Capital 4971 Union DiconNigeria Stock-exchange listed company Union Dicon is listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and it is a wholly Nigerian company. CBO Capital are majority shareholders. 4972 Unknown DuNetherlands 4973 TransnationNigeria Stock-exchange listed company diversified shareholder base of about 290,000 investors, the most prominent of which is Heirs Holdings Limited, a pan-African proprietary investment company 4975 NaturAceiteGuatemalaPrivate company 4976 Twynam AgrAustralia 4977 unknown ChChina 4978 Unknown inEgypt, Arab Rep. 4979 Almarai Saudi ArabStock-exchange listed company 4980 Alsafi Saudi Arabia 4981 Tabuk Agri Saudi Arabia 4982 Unknown investor (Saudi Arabia) 4983 Unknown inSaudi Arabia 4984 Iktifaa Saudi Arabia 4986 Ribadão Portugal 4987 Stichting TNetherlandOther (please specify in commentFoundation 4988 Unkown (4988) 4989 Unknown (4989) 4990 Unknown (4990) 4991 Unknown (4991) 4992 Unknown (4992) 4996 SubSahara United StatPrivate company 4997 ProDairy Zimbabwe Private company 5000 Royal Hi-T Myanmar Private company 5004 Pelmot Inv Panama Private company 5006 Kate Kanyi Cameroon Individual entrepreneur 5007 Lalmai GroBangladesh 5010 East Africa Kenya Stock-exchange listed company EABL is listed on the Nairobi stock exchange. Diageo Plc (United Kingdom) owns 50.3% of shares. 5011 Serengeti BTanzania Private company individuals, mostly Northern Sudanese,_x000D_ 5016 Unknown (Sudan Individual entrepreneur individuals,for mechanized mostly farming. Northern Sudanese,_x000D_ 5017 Unknown (Sudan Individual entrepreneur for mechanized farming. 5018 Alfred Rit Germany Private company 5019 Land and HRepublic of Korea 5020 Myanmar’sMyanmar M State-/government (owned) company 5021 Wideline BuBelize Stock-exchange listed company Wideline Business Limited is a part of LNZ Group which has Ukrainian owner 5023 VolynzernoUkraine Private company 5024 GreenGold Sweden Private company 5025 Simco SongVietnam Stock-exchange listed company 5026 Mark CarleBelgium Individual entrepreneur Right investor country is Belgium, not Netherlands. 5027 Cacique Li Cyprus Private company Ukrainian citizen Vitaliy Khomutynnik is owner of this company. 5028 Orient AgriChina 5029 Renvior TraCyprus Private company Olexander and Galyna Gerega are owners all of these the Secondary investors 5030 Epicentr-K Ukraine Private company 5031 Logistical Ukraine Private company 5032 Nova Linia Ukraine Private company 5033 AgroholdynUkraine Private company 5034 Unknown (NNigeria Individual entrepreneur Includes members from the board of directors: Mr. Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe,, Rev. Isaac Adefemi Agoye, Mrs. Oyinkan Ade-Ajayi, Mr. Peter Eshikena, Mr. Bernard Cheruiyot Langat 5035 Projects fo Benin Other (please specify in commentNon-profit organisation 5036 Asante CapKenya Private company 5037 PBC LimiteGhana Stock-exchange listed company 5038 Touton S.A.France 5040 New SpartaUnited KingInvestment fund 5042 Akella ImpeCanada Private company 5043 Kumari RucIndia Individual entrepreneur Kumari Ruchka can be linked with Phoenix Global DMCC. They are founders in a couple of companies in Ukraine. 5044 Phoenix GrNetherlandPrivate company This company has conections with Fhoenix Global DMCC and owners are form India and UAE. 5045 Zhejiang HChina Stock-exchange listed company 5046 Phoenix GlUnited Ara Private company 5047 Brunner&PaAustria Private company 5048 Glendore HAustria Private company 5049 Lampka Zi Germany Individual entrepreneur 5050 Vango MiniAustralia Private company former ORD River Resources 5051 Temasek LifSingapore Educational institution. Could be a private company. 5052 Tomas MayGermany Individual entrepreneur 5053 Johannes VGermany Individual entrepreneur 5054 Zuri Group India 5055 East CapitaSweden Investment fund Investment fund not private company. 5056 Unknown (BiKenya Individual entrepreneur 5057 African Sa China 5058 Mafwe TradiNamibia Other (please specify in commentTraditional Authority 5059 SunLodgesItaly 5060 Berry FarmDenmark Private company 5061 Dal BiancoItaly Individual entrepreneur 5062 Alberto KazItaly Individual entrepreneur 5063 Kyrylenko Ukraine Individual entrepreneur 5064 VorotyntsevUkraine Individual entrepreneur 5065 Magyar FarUnited KingPrivate company In 2007 the company entered a share farming arrangement to farm in the Ternopil Oblast in the west of Ukraine. Some 850 hectares is rented from numerous small landowners. 5066 Gupta famiIndia Other (please specify in commentInformation about exact name of the Secondary investor is not avaliable. 5067 Natural ResLuxembourInvestment fund 5068 Osei BonsuGhana Individual entrepreneur 5069 RompharmRomania C Private company 5070 Kasapreko Ghana indigenous alcoholic beverage producer, and a large importer of ethanol 5071 RBPI GroupNorway In 2013 Charoen Pokphand Foods (Thailand) acquired 75% of shares in RBPI Group. 5072 Toro Gold LGuernsey 5073 Quantum GlSwitzerlan Investment fund Originally known as Quantum Global Wealth Management Ltd 5074 Resilient JSCzech RepuPrivate company Toman Peter is owner. Czech investment fund Mabon invests in Resilient. 5075 IKEA A/S Sweden Private company 5076 NovagrolidAngola 5077 TestImport Germany Private company Secondary Investor Comment for TestImportSecondaryInvestor Ltd 1 20180620 5081 AgriculturaMali Other (please specify in commentcooperative 34783 Unknown IndNiger Private company 34784 Unknown (AnIndia Private company 34792 Agri-IndustCambodia Private company 34793 Unknown (ACambodia Private company 34794 Agro Star Cambodia Private company 34795 Unknown (ACambodia Private company 34796 An Mady GCambodia Private company 34797 Angkor SugaCambodia Private company 34798 Asia World Cambodia Private company 34799 Bigimexco Cambodia Private company 34800 Unknown (BCambodia Private company 34801 Unknown (BCambodia Private company 34803 CJ CambodiCambodia Private company 34805 CAMLAND CoCambodia Private company 34806 CarmadenoCambodia Private company 34807 Cassava StaCambodia Private company 34808 Central Fir Cambodia Private company 34809 Unknown (CCambodia Private company 34812 Unknown (Cambodia Private company 34813 CovyphamaCambodia Private company 34816 Unknown (DCambodia Private company 34817 First Bio-T Cambodia Private company 34818 Unknown (FCambodia Private company 34820 GG World GCambodia Private company 34821 Global Agr Cambodia Private company 34822 UNKNOWN Cambodia(G Private company 34824 Unknown (GCambodia Private company 34826 Grand LandCambodia Private company Added parent company 34827 Grandis Ti Cambodia Private company 34828 Great AsseCambodia Private company 34829 Great WondCambodia Private company 34830 Green Isla Cambodia Private company 34832 Green Sea CambodiaA Private company Added parent company 34833 Unknown (HCambodia Private company 34834 Unknown (HCambodia Private company 34835 Heng BrothCambodia Private company 34836 Heng DevelCambodia Private company 34837 Heng HeapCambodia Private company 34838 Heng Huy ACambodia Private company 34839 Unknown (ICambodia Private company 34840 Kain Co., L Cambodia Private company 34841 Kampong SpCambodia Private company 34842 Unknown (KCambodia Private company 34843 Kiri Devel Cambodia Private company 34845 Koh Kong PCambodia Private company 34846 Koh Kong SCambodia Private company 34847 Unknown (KCambodia Private company 34848 Land and DCambodia Private company 34849 LEANG HOURCambodia Private company 34850 Leopard CaCambodia Private company 34851 Cane and SCambodia Private company 34853 Mega Star Cambodia Private company 34854 Men Sarun Cambodia Private company 34855 Hong An MaCambodia Private company 34856 Mieng Ly HCambodia Private company 34857 Mondul AgriCambodia Private company 34858 Mong RethtCambodia Private company 34859 Mong RethtCambodia Private company 34861 Unknown (PVietnam Private company 34862 Pelin Grou Cambodia Private company 34863 Phea PhimeCambodia Private company 34864 Phnom PenhCambodia Private company 34865 Phou MadyCambodia Private company 34866 Plantation Cambodia Private company 34867 Paksong HiLao PDR Private company 34868 Ratana Vis Cambodia Private company 34869 Rath SambCambodia Private company 34870 (Cambodia)Cambodia Private company 34871 Tonle SugaCambodia Private company 34872 Sal SopheaCambodia Private company 34873 Samrong RubCambodia Private company 34874 SC Padova RomaniaA Private company 34875 Sekong AphiCambodia Private company 34876 HLH AgriculCambodia Private company 34877 Siv Guek InCambodia Private company 34878 Sopheak NikCambodia Private company 34879 Sophorn TheCambodia Private company 34880 Sun Kuy TyCambodia Private company 34881 Ta Bien Ka Cambodia Private company 34882 Tay Nam B Cambodia Private company 34883 Tay Nam K Cambodia Private company 34884 Thy Nga DeCambodia Private company 34885 (Cambodia)Cambodia Private company 34886 TTY IndustrCambodia Private company 34887 Uk Khun InCambodia Private company 34888 Unigreen ReCambodia Private company 34889 Un-Inter T Cambodia Private company 34890 VANNMA ImpCambodia Private company 34891 Unknown (VMyanmar Private company 34892 World Trist Cambodia Private company 34893 Unknown (WCambodia Private company 34904 Unknown (CCambodia Private company 34905 Unknown (RCambodia Private company 34906 Dong Nai KrCambodia Private company 34907 Yunnan SheChina Private company 34911 Shandong AChina Private company 34912 Green FuturPhilippinesPrivate company 34914 Fonterra (YChina Private company 34918 Agrícola LaBrazil Private company 34920 Longyang FChina Private company 34921 Xinghuan FChina Private company 34924 Daduhe ForChina Private company 34925 Unknown (CChina Private company 34928 Unknown (CChina Private company 34930 Unknown (GTimor-Lest Private company 34932 Unknown (UnIndia Private company 34935 Unknown (PIndonesia Private company 34936 Unknown (BoIndonesia Private company 34937 Unknown (NIndonesia Private company 34943 unknown (KSIndonesia Private company 34945 Unknown (HIndonesia Private company 34946 UNKNOWN Indonesia( Private company 34949 Unknown Indonesia Private company 34952 PT Hartati IIndonesia Private company 34957 Unknown (SCameroon Private company 34966 PT. HenrisoIndonesia Private company 34967 PT Bakrie Indonesia Private company 34973 Unknown KazakhstanPrivate company 34976 Unknown (DRussian FedPrivate company 34977 Koktem EAKazakhstanPrivate company 34978 Unknown (SKazakhstanPrivate company 34982 Unknown (Iraq Private company 34983 Unknown (IIraq Private company 34985 Unknown (Iraq Private company 34986 Unknown (Iraq Private company 34987 Phu Bia MinLao PDR Private company 34988 BIRLA LAO Lao PDR Private company 34989 Unknown (ALao PDR Private company 34990 Unknown (ALao PDR Private company 34991 Lao ArrownLao PDR Private company 34993 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 34995 Unknown (CrLao PDR Private company 34996 Unknown (DLao PDR Private company 34997 Unknown (DThailand Private company 34998 FeuangdongLao PDR Private company 34999 Unknown (MLao PDR Private company 35000 Unknown (GLao PDR Private company 35003 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 35005 Unknown (InLao PDR Private company 35006 Tongly-JingLao PDR Private company 35007 Kolao FarmLao PDR Private company 35008 Unknown (KLao PDR Private company 35009 Unknown (KLao PDR Private company 35010 SavannakheLao PDR Private company 35011 Unknown (KLao PDR Private company 35012 Unknown (LLao PDR Private company 35013 Lane Xang Lao PDR Private company 35014 Unknown (LLao PDR Private company 35015 Lao Bio EneLao PDR Private company 35017 Unknown (LLao PDR Private company 35018 Lao-Thai H Lao PDR Private company 35020 Unknown (YuLao PDR Private company 35021 Mitr Lao S Lao PDR Private company 35022 Unknown (MLao PDR Private company 35023 Unknown (MLao PDR Private company 35026 Phaluang ALao PDR Private company 35027 Unknown (RLao PDR Private company 35028 Unknown (TLao PDR Private company 35029 Unknown (TLao PDR Private company 35030 Vientiane- Lao PDR Private company 35032 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 35038 Unknown (XLao PDR Private company 35040 Unknown (YLao PDR Private company 35041 Unknown (YoLao PDR Private company 35042 Unknown (YuLao PDR Private company 35047 unknown (TMalaysia Private company 35053 unknown (IMalaysia Private company 35055 Tanjung MaMalaysia Private company 35068 unknown (SMalaysia Private company 35069 Cosmo BiofMalaysia Private company 35083 Unknown (KMyanmar Private company 35084 Unknown (UMyanmar Private company 35085 Unknown (UMyanmar Private company 35087 CIRCOD NepNepal Private company 35091 Unknown (APakistan Private company 35094 Em-ZealandPakistan Private company 35098 Unknown (SPakistan Private company 35107 Unknown (India Private company 35108 Unknown (KPakistan Private company 35117 Unknown (Sudan Private company 35118 Unknown (SPakistan Private company 35120 Unknown (APakistan Private company 35130 RP HarvestPhilippinesPrivate company 35137 TVI ResourcPhilippinesPrivate company 35138 Unknown (APhilippinesPrivate company 35140 Eastern RePhilippinesPrivate company 35142 Unknown (GPhilippinesPrivate company 35148 Unknown (ChPhilippinesPrivate company 35153 BiocombustGuatemalaPrivate company 35159 Unknown (MIndonesia Private company 35164 Unknown (JPhilippinesPrivate company 35170 SR Metals, PhilippinesPrivate company 35177 Unknown (FaVietnam Private company 35178 Unknown (EPhilippinesPrivate company 35181 Charoen PoPhilippinesPrivate company 35183 Bronzeoak PhilippinesP Private company 35189 Unknown (HPhilippinesPrivate company 35190 Unknown (LePhilippinesPrivate company 35197 ECO GlobalPhilippines Private company 35201 MacroAsia PhilippinesPrivate company 35202 Unknown (BPhilippinesPrivate company 35203 JLV Shrimp PhilippinesPrivate company 35208 Unknown (UThailand Private company 35213 Unknown (AThailand Private company 35215 Unknown (RThailand Private company 35216 University Thailand Private company 35217 Charoen P Thailand Private company 35218 Nong Khai PThailand Private company 35224 Planet FoodTurkey Private company 35226 Unknown (STurkey Private company 35227 Hail Agric Turkey Private company 35230 Hassad TurTurkey Private company 35232 Mineks InteTurkey Private company 35234 Yesil YasamTurkey Private company 35236 CP VietnamVietnam Private company 35237 Unknown (VVietnam Private company 35238 Green EnerVietnam Private company 35239 Unknown (QVietnam Private company 35240 Tan Mai Pa Vietnam Private company added parent 35241 InnovGreenVietnam Private company 35242 Sojitz Vie Vietnam Private company 35245 Vinacomin Vietnam Private company 35246 Vinapaca Vietnam Private company 35247 Unknown (ASudan Private company 35255 Adani Port India Private company 35256 Adani PowerIndia Private company 35259 Essar GrouIndia Private company 35262 H.N.CompaIndia Private company 35263 Indiabulls IIndia Private company 35264 Karnataka India Private company 35267 Monnet IspaIndia Private company 35268 Mumbai SpeIndia Private company 35269 MaharashtrIndia Private company 35270 Latur SEZ India Private company 35271 Mahindra RIndia Private company 35274 UNKNOWN(NuIndia Private company 35275 Pan India PIndia Private company 35276 Pondicherr India Private company 35277 Posco-IndiaIndia Private company 35279 Reliance JaIndia Private company 35281 SIPCOT India Private company 35282 Skil-HimachIndia Private company 35283 Tata Steel lIndia Private company 35284 Sesa Sterli India Private company 35285 Videocon ReIndia Private company 35290 Unknown (NIndia Private company 35291 Andhra PradIndia Private company 35293 Unknown (PIndia Private company 35294 Southern BiIndia Private company 35295 Tata MotorsIndia Private company 35298 Unknown (MIndia Private company 35300 Unknown ( Vietnam Private company 35301 AGNI-NET BiIndia Private company 35302 Unknown (India Private company 35303 Shiva Disti India Private company 35304 Mangalore India Private company 35305 Nandan BioIndia Private company 35306 Bharat RenIndia Private company 35307 Charoen PokIndia Private company 35309 Jaisawal NiIndia Private company 35310 Monnet IspaIndia Private company 35314 Sanghi SEZIndia Private company 35316 Brandix IndIndia Private company 35317 Sri City PvtIndia Private company 35318 MAS Fabric India Private company 35319 IFFCO KisanIndia Private company 35320 Unknown (RaIndia Private company 35321 Andhra PradIndia Private company 35322 Anrak AlumIndia Private company 35323 JSW AluminIndia Private company 35324 Unknown (KrIndia Private company 35325 Dahej SEZ IndiaL Private company 35326 CPL InfrastIndia Private company 35328 N.G. RealtyIndia Private company 35329 Nipiam InfoIndia Private company 35330 Sterling Er India Private company 35331 Synefra EngIndia Private company 35334 Viraj Profil India Private company 35335 Royal PalmsIndia Private company 35337 Khed EconomIndia Private company 35338 JSW JaigarhIndia Private company 35339 Unknown (MIndia Private company 35340 Jawaharlal India Private company 35342 Tamil NaduIndia Private company 35343 Unknown (GIndia Private company 35345 State IndusIndia Private company 35346 CorporacioArgentina Private company 35347 Harriet S.A.Argentina Private company 35349 Orlando CaArgentina Private company 35351 Goldcorp InArgentina Private company 35353 High Luck Argentina Private company 35355 Unknown (JArgentina Private company 35358 Unknown (KArgentina Private company 35359 La PrimaverArgentina Private company 35361 Burco ArgenArgentina Private company 35366 MCC MineraArgentina Private company 35367 AgerAustralUkraine Private company 35369 Nieves de Argentina Private company 35370 Sojitz BuenArgentina Private company 35373 Unknown (AArgentina Private company 35376 Unknown (BArgentina Private company 35377 Grupo MP WArgentina Private company 35380 Kores - EmBolivia Private company 35383 Macquarie Brazil Private company 35385 BrasilAgro—Brazil Private company 35386 Orsa FloresBrazil Private company 35387 Unknown (CBrazil Private company 35388 Grupo NovaBrazil Private company 35389 Louis Drey Brazil Private company 35392 Hyundai Brazil Private company 35393 South AmerBrazil Private company 35395 Varacel Brazil Private company 35396 Raizen Brazil Private company 35400 Renuka do Brazil Private company 35402 Unknown (ArBrazil Private company 35403 Biogreen OiBrazil Private company 35404 Plant.a.BioBrazil Private company 35405 Floresteca Brazil Private company 35406 RDF EmpreeBrazil Private company 35409 Assiniboia Canada Private company 35410 BonnefieldCanada Private company 35411 Unknown (Canada Private company 35412 Unknown (WaCanada Private company 35415 Arauco Chile Private company 35416 Agronoble Chile Private company 35417 Miguel TorrChile Private company 35420 Petrolera PArgentina Private company 35421 BioagroinduColombia Private company 35422 Consorcio EColombia Private company C.I. Tequendama sold its part in 2011 to Aportes San Isidro 35423 CorporacióColombia Private company 35424 Ecopetrol Colombia Private company 35425 Urapalma Colombia Private company 35428 Unknown (MColombia Private company 35431 Unknown (CCosta Rica Private company 35437 Unknown (BaDominican Private company 35439 CODELCO -Ecuador Private company 35440 Unknown (RPeru Private company 35446 Agro IndusGuatemalaPrivate company 35447 InversionesGuatemalaPrivate company 35448 Nacional AgGuatemalaPrivate company 35449 Palmas de DGuatemalaPrivate company 35450 Tikindustri GuatemalaPrivate company 35453 AgrocaribeGuatemalaPrivate company 35459 Blackfire E Mexico Private company 35460 Acciona EnMexico Private company 35461 Iberdrola Mexico Private company 35464 Global Cle Mexico Private company 35465 Mareña RenMexico Private company 35466 ExploracionMexico Private company 35467 Unknown (CANicaragua Private company 35469 Condor GoldNicaragua Private company 35470 Unknown (InNicaragua Private company 35472 Yaguarete PParaguay Private company 35473 Unknown (GParaguay Private company 35474 Unknown (RParaguay Private company 35475 Unknown (SoParaguay Private company 35481 Unknown (SParaguay Private company 35482 Minera HuaqPeru Private company 35483 Unknown (GPeru Private company 35484 Acuícola R.Peru Private company 35485 Agrícola AtPeru Private company 35486 Agricola ChPeru Private company 35488 AgroindustrPeru Private company 35489 AgroindustrPeru Private company 35490 Alberto Ca Peru Private company 35491 Camposol SPeru Private company 35494 Complejo AgPeru Private company 35496 Empresa AgPeru Private company 35497 Empresa AgrPeru Private company 35498 Empresa AgPeru Private company 35499 Empresa AgrPeru Private company 35500 Empresa AgPeru Private company 35501 Palmas del Peru Private company 35502 Sociedad AgPeru Private company 35504 Industrial Peru Private company 35505 Industrial PPeru Private company 35506 IQF del PerPeru Private company 35509 Unknown (DPeru Private company 35510 Rio Blanco Peru Private company 35511 Unknown (RPeru Private company 35512 Unknown (PlPeru Private company 35514 Eco AméricPeru Private company 35515 Unknown (VaPeru Private company 35516 Unknown (LUruguay Private company 35518 Amatirí Uruguay Private company 35521 Montes delUruguay Private company 35523 Unknown (TAustralia Private company 35524 Unknown (HAustralia Private company 35526 AgriculturaBulgaria Private company 35527 BREF BulgaBulgaria Private company 35528 Bulland In Bulgaria Private company 35529 Ceres Agri Bulgaria Private company 35534 Unknown (KLithuania Private company 35537 Unknown (ANew Zeala Private company 35538 Unknown (BNew Zeala Private company 35539 Unknown (INew Zeala Private company 35540 Unknown (NNew Zeala Private company 35541 Southern PNew Zeala Private company 35542 Big Sky DaiNew Zeala Private company 35543 New BritainPapua NewPrivate company 35544 Unknown (OPoland Private company 35545 Unknown (RPoland Private company 35546 FirstFarms ARomania Private company 35550 SC TornatoRomania Private company 35551 Unknown (SRomania Private company 35552 Unknown (PhRomania Private company 35553 Unknown (MRussian FedPrivate company 35556 Unknown (prRussian FedPrivate company 35557 Khorol Agr Russian FedPrivate company 35558 ZAO AgropRussian FedPrivate company 35559 Nastyusha Russian FedPrivate company 35562 OAO RAV AgRussian FedPrivate company 35565 Volga FarmRussian FedPrivate company 35568 Tristan Fre Serbia Private company 35570 Unknown (UBenin Private company 35574 Unknown (KeUkraine Private company 35575 Agro InvestUkraine Private company 35577 Astarta KyiUkraine Private company 35578 Creative G Ukraine Private company 35580 "Raw-agro"Ukraine Private company 35581 Unknown ( Ukraine Private company 35584 Zahid-AgroUkraine Private company 35586 Druzhba NoUkraine Private company 35587 UkrzernoprUkraine Private company 35588 ContinentaUkraine Other (plea Mriya AgroMriya Agro Holding Public Limited was joined with Continental Farmers Group under the common name "Continental Farmers Group" 35591 IRSA Argentina Private company 35592 EcodesarrolArgentina Private company 35593 Unknown (InArgentina Private company 35594 Adecoagro ArgentinaS Private company 35595 Oleoflores Colombia Private company 35596 Unknown (OColombia Private company 35597 BiocombustiColombia Private company 35598 Bio D S.A. Colombia Private company LAFP 35599 Ecodiesel dColombia Private company 35600 Aceites ManColombia Private company LAFP 35603 Unknown (MaPeru Private company 35604 Bio Agro H Peru Private company 35605 Pure BiofuePeru Private company 35606 Unknown (SaPeru Private company 35608 Ridge SolutAngola Private company 35613 Unknown (GAngola Private company 35614 Hoyo HoyoMozambiquPrivate company 35616 Unknown (GAngola Private company 35617 CompanhiaAngola Private company 35619 AfriAgro Angola Private company 35623 Cajaf ComoBenin Private company 35624 GEAID, JeunBenin Private company 35627 Unknown (Benin Private company 35629 Unknown (Benin Private company 35631 Unknown (BBenin Private company 35636 Unknown (BBurkina Fa Private company 35638 Olam PalmCôte d'Ivoi Private company 35641 SucrIvoire Côte d'Ivoi Private company 35642 Jatroci Côte d'Ivoi Private company 35643 Tongon SA Mali Private company 35644 Sino-Cam IkCameroon Private company 35645 SOSUCAM Cameroon Private company 35647 UNVD/ YenyiCameroon Private company 35649 SOCAPALMCameroon Private company 35652 PlantationsCameroon Private company 35653 Cameroon DCameroon Private company 35654 Pamol PlanCameroon Private company 35655 SG SustainCameroon Private company 35660 Atama PlanCongo, RepPrivate company 35662 Unknown (JEgypt, ArabPrivate company 35663 KobebussanEgypt, ArabPrivate company 35664 Unknown (Egypt, ArabPrivate company 35666 Rajhi Inter Egypt, ArabPrivate company 35667 Bisha Mini Eritrea Private company 35674 Hiber SugaEthiopia Private company 35677 Unknown (IEthiopia Private company 35678 Ambasel TrEthiopia Private company 35679 Jatropha BiEthiopia Private company 35680 Jemal Ibra Ethiopia Private company 35682 National BiEthiopia Private company 35683 BHO Bio prEthiopia Private company 35685 Emami BiotEthiopia Private company 35686 Karuturi AgUganda Private company 35688 Unknown (PEthiopia Private company 35689 Sannati AgrEthiopia Private company 35690 Ruchi Agri Ethiopia Private company 35693 Varun ToriaMadagascaPrivate company 35695 SC Agrinat Romania Private company 35697 Jittu Hortic Ethiopia Private company 35698 Ethio Agri- Ethiopia Private company 35705 Ardent EneEthiopia Private company 35706 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 35707 Unknown (UEthiopia Private company 35713 Etan BiofueEthiopia Private company 35714 Getachew MEthiopia Private company 35715 Green EnerEthiopia Private company 35716 Omo ShelekEthiopia Private company 35719 Yosef Ayal Ethiopia Private company 35722 Agropeace EthiopiaB Private company 35723 Unknown (HEthiopia Private company 35725 Unknown (Ethiopia Private company 35729 Joshua Flo Ethiopia Private company 35730 Adventure EthiopiaE Private company 35731 Unknown (EEthiopia Private company 35735 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 35736 Unknown (JEthiopia Private company 35738 Morrell AgrEthiopia Private company 35739 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 35742 Unknown (FEthiopia Private company 35743 Whitefield Ethiopia Private company 35745 S&P EnergyEthiopia Private company 35746 Ethiopian SEthiopia Private company 35747 Hunan DafeEthiopia Private company 35748 CLC IndustrEthiopia Private company 35752 Unknown (CEthiopia Private company 35754 Unknown (EEthiopia Private company 35755 Unknown (KoEthiopia Private company 35756 africaJUICEEthiopia Private company 35757 Sher EthiopEthiopia Private company 35758 Smart Oil l Ghana Private company 35759 Unknown (GGhana Private company 35760 Hazel MercGhana Private company 35764 Unknown (J.Ghana Private company 35765 Blue Sky PrGhana Private company 35766 Kimminic EGhana Private company 35767 Exim GlobaGuinea Private company 35769 Unknown (JGhana Private company 35773 Unknown (GGhana Private company 35780 Mozbife Guinea Private company 35781 Unknown (HKenya Private company 35783 Unknown (GKenya Private company reviewed 35786 Unknown (BKenya Private company 35787 Mumias SuKenya Private company 35788 Unknown (QKenya Private company 35789 Lake Agro Kenya Private company 35791 Unknown (BKenya Private company 35795 Galole HortKenya Private company 35799 Firestone LiLiberia Private company 35802 Unknown (ULibya Private company 35803 Al Qudra HMorocco Private company 35805 MediterranMorocco Private company 35807 Unknown (TEMorocco Private company 35809 DRAMCO MadagascaPrivate company 35810 SMCTR SociéMadagascaPrivate company 35811 E-Kolo MadagascaPrivate company 35813 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35814 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35816 GEAR MadagascaPrivate company 35817 Unknown (GMadagascaPrivate company 35818 Unknown (IMadagascaPrivate company 35819 Unknown (JMadagasca Private company 35820 Unknown (JMadagasca Private company 35821 JatroGreen MadagascaPrivate company 35822 Platinum MMadagascaPrivate company 35823 JWE MadagascaPrivate company 35824 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35825 Unknown (LMadagascaPrivate company 35826 Mada WoodMadagascaPrivate company 35828 MadagascarMadagascaPrivate company 35829 Malagasy GMadagascaPrivate company 35830 MCD Suite MadagascaPrivate company 35831 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35833 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35835 Unknown (OMadagascaPrivate company 35836 SAIM MadagascaPrivate company 35837 SITEC MadagascaPrivate company 35839 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35841 Unknown (SMadagascaPrivate company 35842 TF Sarl MadagascaPrivate company 35843 Tora GreenMadagascaPrivate company 35845 Unknown (GMadagascaPrivate company 35846 Unknown (UMadagascaPrivate company 35847 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35848 Unknown (WMadagascaPrivate company 35849 Unknown (MadagascaPrivate company 35850 Unknown (NMali Private company 35851 SeedRock MMali Private company 35854 DougabougMali Private company 35855 Unknown (AMali Private company 35856 Unknown (SMali Private company 35857 Mali FolkceMali Private company 35860 Unknown (CMali Private company 35861 La Grande MaliJ Private company 35864 PETROTECHMali Private company 35865 Unknown (MMali Private company 35866 Unknown (SMali Private company 35871 Groupe TomMali Private company 35873 SNF (SociétMali Private company 35874 AgroenerbioMali Private company 35876 Unknown (UMali Private company 35878 Unknown (UMali Private company 35879 Ousmane OMali Private company 35881 SOCIMEX Mali Private company 35882 Unknown (CMali Private company 35888 Unknown (Mali Private company 35889 Société YatMali Private company 35890 SOCOGEM Mali Private company 35891 3M Mali Private company 35894 Unknown (CMozambiquPrivate company 35895 EmVest EE MozambiquPrivate company 35900 Grupo MadaMozambiquPrivate company 35902 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 35906 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 35907 Tectona Fo MozambiquPrivate company 35908 Aviam Lda MozambiquPrivate company 35909 SAB MozambMozambiquPrivate company 35912 MocamGalpMozambiquPrivate company 35913 Enerterra MozambiquPrivate company 35914 Unknown (HMozambiquPrivate company 35917 Niqel Lda MozambiquPrivate company 35919 Prio Foods MozambiquPrivate company 35920 Açucareira MozambiquPrivate company 35924 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 35925 Indùstrias MozambiquPrivate company 35927 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 35928 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 35929 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 35931 Unknown (MozambiquPrivate company 35932 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 35933 Unknown (IsMozambiquPrivate company 35934 Unknown (ZMozambiquPrivate company 35935 Unknown (AMozambiquPrivate company 35937 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 35938 Unknown (FrMozambiquPrivate company 35939 Unknown (JMozambiquPrivate company 35940 Unknown (OMozambiquPrivate company 35941 Unknown (MozambiquPrivate company 35942 Unknown (MozambiquPrivate company 35943 Unknown (JMozambiquPrivate company 35944 Unknown (MozambiquPrivate company 35946 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 35947 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 35948 Insitec MozambiquPrivate company 35949 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 35950 Unknown (EMozambiquPrivate company 35951 Unknown (JMozambiquPrivate company 35952 Unknown (RMozambiquPrivate company 35954 Unknown (CMozambiquPrivate company 35956 Riversdale MozambiquPrivate company 35958 Malema OrgMozambiquPrivate company 35959 Unknown (VMozambiquPrivate company 35962 Unknown (NMozambiquPrivate company 35963 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 35964 Unknown (HMozambiquPrivate company 35966 Unknown (LMozambiquPrivate company 35973 Unknown (UMalawi Private company 35975 Press AgricMalawi Private company 35978 LIH DemeteNamibia Private company 35985 Société desNiger Private company 35990 Unknown (UNigeria Private company 35992 Unknown (CTanzania Private company 35994 CompagnieNigeria Private company 35997 Unknown (CNigeria Private company 35998 Unknown (GlNigeria Private company 36000 Unknown (ANigeria Private company 36001 Unknown (LiNigeria Private company 36002 Unknown (KNigeria Private company 36003 Unknown (JNigeria Private company 36004 Kwara CaspNigeria Private company 36005 Unknown (JNigeria Private company 36006 Unknown (ZNigeria Private company 36008 Unknown (TNigeria Private company 36009 Unknown (DNigeria Private company 36010 Unknown (FNigeria Private company 36011 Unknown (ENigeria Private company 36012 Full valve Nigeria Private company 36013 Unknown (GNigeria Private company 36015 Unknown (VNigeria Private company 36017 Unknown (VNigeria Private company 36021 Rwanda BiofRwanda Private company 36022 Unknown (CSouth SudaPrivate company 36025 Unknown (HSudan Private company 36026 Unknown (JSudan Private company 36030 Dal Group Sudan Private company 36032 Unknown (AlSouth SudaPrivate company 36040 Unknown (PSouth SudaPrivate company 36041 LEAC for AgSouth SudaPrivate company 36042 Unknown (ASouth SudaPrivate company 36043 Unknown (ESouth SudaPrivate company 36044 Unknown (FSouth SudaPrivate company 36045 Unknown (South SudaPrivate company 36046 Eastern EquSouth SudaPrivate company 36047 Unknown (MSouth SudaPrivate company 36048 Unknown (ASouth SudaPrivate company 36049 Tasneem agSouth SudaPrivate company 36050 Equatoria South SudaPrivate company 36051 Unknown (BSouth SudaPrivate company 36052 Mukaya PaySouth SudaPrivate company 36053 Unknown (DSenegal Private company 36054 Unknown (DSenegal Private company 36055 Unknown (ASenegal Private company 36056 SID SenegaSenegal Private company 36062 Mozdahir ESenegal Private company 36070 Unknown (ASenegal Private company 36072 Unknown (Senegal Private company 36073 Barfoots S Senegal Private company 36075 Unknown (BSenegal Private company 36076 Sunbird BioSierra LeonPrivate company 36078 Marampa mSierra LeonPrivate company 36080 Unknown (ESierra LeonPrivate company 36081 Enviro Car Sierra LeonPrivate company 36082 Unknown (SSierra LeonPrivate company 36083 Unknown (SSierra LeonPrivate company 36087 Goldtree (SSierra LeonPrivate company 36089 Genesis FarSierra LeonPrivate company 36091 USA Distill Swaziland Private company 36092 National ChSwaziland Private company 36095 MountainsiTanzania Private company 36096 Kilombero PTanzania Private company 36102 Green IslanMauritius Private company 36104 Unknown (OTanzania Private company 36106 Unknown (YeTanzania Private company 36108 Unknown (KTanzania Private company 36114 Unknown (TTanzania Private company 36116 Unknown (ATanzania Private company 36119 CMC AgricuTanzania Private company 36120 Donesta LtTanzania Private company 36121 KilimanjaroTanzania Private company 36122 Tanzania BiTanzania Private company 36126 Kilombero Tanzania Private company 36133 Mtibwa SugTanzania Private company 36134 Kagera Su Tanzania Private company 36149 Mtanga FarTanzania Private company 36151 Unknown (HTanzania Private company 36152 Unknown (GUganda Private company 36153 Unknown (EgSudan Private company 36157 Unknown (UUganda Private company 36162 Kakira SugaUganda Private company 36163 Kinyara SugUganda Private company 36164 Unknown (FUganda Private company 36170 Oil Palm UgUganda Private company 36176 Ubombo SugSwaziland Private company 36181 Unknown (LaCongo, DemPrivate company 36182 Mayumbe Congo, DemPrivate company 36185 Feronia PEKCongo, DemPrivate company 36196 ZamBeef Zambia Private company 36197 Unknown (UZambia Private company 36202 Linknet Zambia Private company 36203 Unknown (Zambia Private company 36206 Unknown (MZambia Private company 36208 Zimbabwe ZimbabweB Private company 36212 Industrial Brazil Private company LAFP 36213 Sakura IndúBrazil Private company 36214 Amata Brazil Private company 36215 Ebata ProduBrazil Private company 36216 Golf IndústBrazil Private company 36217 L.F. TimberBrazil Private company 36219 Unknown (VBrazil Private company 36220 Anglo AmerBrazil Private company 36221 Reinarda MBrazil Private company 36222 Unknown (HoBrazil Private company 36223 Mineracao Brazil Private company 36224 Largo ResouBrazil Private company 36225 MMX SudesBrazil Private company 36227 Cristal Pig Brazil Private company 36228 Verena MineBrazil Private company 36229 Verena MineBrazil Private company 36230 Unknown (CBrazil Private company 36231 Mineracao Brazil Private company 36232 CarboníferaBrazil Private company 36233 Compañia SBrazil Private company 36234 Mundo MineBrazil Private company 36235 Unknown (EcBrazil Private company 36237 Aura MineralBrazil Private company 36238 Amaggi AgBrazil Private company 36239 SLC - Ronc Brazil Private company 36240 Jose FranciBrazil Private company 36241 Biopalma VBrazil Private company 36242 Petrobras Brazil Private company 36243 AgropalmaBrazil Private company 36244 Infinity Bi Brazil Private company 36245 Unknown (PEthiopia Private company 36253 Zara Minin Eritrea Private company 36262 ScanFarm GGhana Private company 36266 MadagascarMadagasca Private company 36269 Unknown (DeMadagascaPrivate company 36271 Bioenergy IMadagascaPrivate company 36274 DEKOMAD MadagascaPrivate company 36275 Unknown (CMadagascaPrivate company 36276 Unknown (CMali Private company 36283 Unknown (MaMozambiquPrivate company 36287 Omnicane AMauritius Private company 36292 Unknown (USudan Private company 36299 Unknown ( Sudan Private company 36303 Unknown (SSudan Private company 36308 Unknown (ZSudan Private company 36310 Sudanese BrSudan Private company 36314 Unknown (Sudan Private company 36321 Unknown (BSierra LeonPrivate company 36322 Unknown (FMozambiquPrivate company 36323 Boror AgrícMozambiquPrivate company 36324 Verto Pris MozambiquPrivate company 36325 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 36326 Unknown (AMozambiquPrivate company 36327 Euromoz MozambiquPrivate company 36330 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 36332 Unknown (CMozambiquPrivate company 36333 Gabriel JosMozambiquPrivate company 36334 Trigos Ran MozambiquPrivate company 36335 Sebastiao MozambiquPrivate company 36336 Unknown (SMozambiquPrivate company 36341 Unknown (BZambia Private company 36342 Zambia SugZambia Private company 36343 Unknown (SSierra LeonPrivate company 36345 Unknown (FSierra LeonPrivate company 36346 Unknown (GSierra LeonPrivate company 36347 Sub SaharaSierra LeonPrivate company 36348 Unknown (VSierra LeonPrivate company 36350 Win-Agri SiSierra LeonPrivate company 36353 Tree FarmsUganda Private company 36356 Macs-in-MoMozambiquPrivate company 36357 MatanuskaMozambiquPrivate company 36358 MozambiqueMozambiqu Private company 36360 MozambiqueMozambiquPrivate company 36361 Unknown (NMozambiquPrivate company 36362 Nirmal SeeTanzania Private company 36363 Luambala JMozambiquPrivate company 36364 Episteme MozambiquPrivate company 36365 Southern AfMozambiquPrivate company 36368 Cha De MagMozambiquPrivate company 36369 Unknown (RMozambiquPrivate company 36370 Rei do AgroMozambiquPrivate company 36371 Unknown (ALBrazil Private company 36373 Unknown (GBenin Private company 36374 Unknown (CrBrazil Private company 36375 Unknown (BrBrazil Private company 36376 Unknown (MaBrazil Private company 36378 Unknown (ECBrazil Private company 36379 Ventos do SBrazil Private company 36383 Gill Flour MiNigeria Private company 36384 Unknown (JaBrazil Private company 36385 Unknown (LaBrazil Private company 36386 Avanco ResoBrazil Private company 36389 Unknown (CaBrazil Private company 36390 Unknown (AdBrazil Private company 36391 Unknown (AuBrazil Private company 36393 Unknown (IBrazil Private company 36397 Rubber EstaNigeria Private company 36401 Eco-EnergyVietnam Private company 36402 Okomu Oil Nigeria Private company 36403 Okitipupa ONigeria Private company 36405 Anglogold AColombia Private company 36406 ECO ORO MColombia Private company 36409 Unknown (PColombia Private company Given that the investor tree of Poligrow in Colombia and in other countries, the operating company is describes as unknown, although ITA Aceites Vegetales, Mesa Cárdenas & Garcés SAS and Poligrow Colombia Ltda are the operating companies in Colombia. 36410 AgropecuariColombia Private co the website Agropecuaria Aliar S.A. seems to be a subsidiary of La Fazenda, nevertheless it is a joint venture of several companies. In total they are around 28 Colombian companies. 36411 Unknown (AColombia Private company 36414 Unknown (ZZambia Private company 36415 Smurfit Ka Colombia Private company 36417 Carvajal PuColombia Private company 36419 Agrifuels CColombia Private company 36424 ChulumendZambia Private company 36425 Unknown (TrPeru Private company 36426 Unknown Peru Private company 36427 Unknown (PePeru Private company 36428 BrookmountPeru Private company 36429 Unknown (MPeru Private company 36430 Unknown (PaPeru Private company 36431 Compañía MPeru Private company 36432 Rio Alto Mi Peru Private company 36433 Sociedad MPeru Private company 36434 SAFACAM Cameroon Private company 36435 Unknown (NUganda Private company 36437 Unknown (IUganda Private company 36438 Kibimba RiUganda Private company 36439 PlantationsCongo, DemPrivate company updated 36440 Mina PirquiArgentina Private company 36441 Patagonia Argentina Private company 36442 Unknown (PaArgentina Private company 36443 Unknown (BTanzania Private company 36444 Unknown (FuSwaziland Private company 36445 Myanmar AgMyanmar Private company 36446 Hargy Oil PPapua NewPrivate company 36447 Ramu Agri PapuaI NewPrivate company 36448 Changhae TPapua NewPrivate company 36450 Carpenter Papua NewPrivate company 36451 Unknown (PGeorgia Private company 36452 Unknown (OArgentina Private company 36455 Unknown (BArgentina Private company 36456 Cosmo Oil CPapua NewPrivate company 36457 Mariana ReArgentina Private company 36458 Silex ArgenArgentina Private company 36462 Minera SanArgentina Private company 36465 NGEX - JO Argentina Private company 36467 Hochschild Argentina Private company 36468 Minera AndeArgentina Private company 36469 Golden ArrArgentina Private company 36470 Unknown (MeArgentina Private company 36472 Unknown (KaPeru Private company 36473 Unknown (FoPeru Private company 36474 Alturas MinPeru Private company 36475 Unknown (SPeru Private company 36477 Cañariaco Peru Private company 36478 Unknown (HuPeru Private company 36479 Unknown (BPeru Private company 36482 NarboroughMalaysia Private company 36484 Unknown (GIndonesia Private company 36486 UNKNOWN Indonesia( Private company 36487 Minera IRL Peru Private company 36491 Minera ChinPeru Private company 36492 Unknown (AnPeru Private company 36493 PT Surya AIndonesia Private company 36498 Compañía MPeru Private company 36500 Rego CorporPeru Private company 36501 Burlington Peru Private company 36502 Unknown (SaPeru Private company 36503 Unknown (BaPeru Private company 36505 Vetra ExploPeru Private company 36506 Unknown (FaPeru Private company 36507 Maple EnerPeru Private company 36508 Unknown (GSudan Private company 36509 Unknown (SoSudan Private company 36513 Unknown (LoCôte d'Ivoi Private company 36515 Unknown (CCôte d'Ivoi Private company 36516 Plantation JCôte d'Ivoi Private company 36518 Cepsa PeruPeru Private company 36521 Unknown (PaPeru Private company 36522 Pacific ExpPeru Private company 36524 Olympic PerPeru Private company 36525 Unknown (TaPeru Private company 36526 Siboil de P Peru Private company 36527 Unknown (GrPeru Private company 36528 Maurel & PPeru Private company 36531 Unknown (PPeru Private company 36532 Grupo PetrPeru Private company 36533 Unknown (TaPeru Private company 36535 Emerald EnPeru Private company 36544 N'Sukula Mali Private company 36546 SoSuMar Mali Private company 36547 Koulikoro BMali Private company 36548 Unknown (AMali Private company 36550 Tozzi GreenMadagascaPrivate company 36553 Olam MozaMozambiquPrivate company 36555 Tana Delta Kenya Private company 36559 Namibia AgNamibia Private company 36560 Unknown (SMadagascaPrivate company 36562 Unknown (JMadagascaPrivate company 36565 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 36566 Arba & TiryEthiopia Private company 36569 Unknown (GEthiopia Private company 36571 Unknown (H.Ethiopia Private company 36572 Sino Lao A Lao PDR Private company 36574 Unknown (LEthiopia Private company 36575 Unknown (Ethiopia Private company 36576 Unknown (MEthiopia Private company 36577 Unknown (OEthiopia Private company 36578 Unknown (PEthiopia Private company 36581 Selet Hulli Ethiopia Private company 36582 TH Milk Vietnam Private company 36583 FrieslandC Vietnam Private company 36584 Orient Bio Vietnam Private company 36585 NINT Agri PEthiopia Private company 36586 Global EnerEthiopia Private company 36587 Bebeka CofEthiopia Private company 36588 Abebo FarmEthiopia Private company 36589 Dakman CofVietnam Private company 36591 Solar HarveGhana Private company 36592 Envalor Li MozambiquPrivate company 36596 Unknown (ŞTurkey Private company 36598 Unknown (HTurkey Private company 36599 Unknown (AMozambiquPrivate company 36601 Maragra AçMozambiquPrivate company 36602 unknown (SMalaysia Private company 36603 BIOENERGIMozambiquPrivate company 36604 Form GhanaGhana Private company 36623 AzengleverBrazil Private company 36635 EucalyptusCongo, RepPrivate company 36644 Alpha LoggLiberia Private company 36651 Nicol-Miro Ghana Private company 36652 GREL GhanaGhana Private company 36655 D1 WilliamsIndia Private company 36660 Unknown (KYemen, RepPrivate company 36677 Unknown (CCambodia Private company parent country origin 36688 Unknown (GGuyana Private company 36689 Cresca SA Paraguay Private company 36693 C X P B De Cambodia Private company 36694 Chhun HongCambodia Private company 36697 Unknown (DLao PDR Private company 36699 HUOR LINGCambodia Private company 36702 Pacific Gra Cambodia Private company 36708 Miro ForestSierra LeonPrivate company 36710 Unknown (LSierra LeonPrivate company 36711 AgricapitalSierra LeonPrivate company 36713 Red Bunch Sierra LeonPrivate company 36715 Sierra Leo Sierra LeonPrivate company 36716 Neha Agri Senegal Private company 36717 CompagnieSenegal Private company 36718 Senhuile Senegal Private company 36720 Unknown (PSenegal Private company 36721 JTF SenegaSenegal Private company 36722 Unknown (ASenegal Private company 36723 Unknown (MiIndonesia Private company 36724 Unknown (PMozambiquPrivate company 36731 Unknown (EMozambiquPrivate company 36735 African CenMozambiquPrivate company 36736 Unknown (BIndonesia Private company 36737 Minerals E Indonesia Private company 36740 Unknown (EUruguay Private company 36741 Buchanan RLiberia Private company 36743 EJ & J Inve Liberia Private company 36744 Internatio Liberia Private company 36746 Euro - LibeLiberia Private company 36747 Geblo LoggiLiberia Private company 36749 Unknown (SuLiberia Private company 36750 Bassa LoggLiberia Private company 36752 WeyerhaeuUruguay Private company 36754 Salala RubbLiberia Private company updated 36756 Palm ResouCameroon Private company 36757 Pacific Pea Cambodia Private company 36758 Liberian A Liberia Private company 36759 Black Rive Colombia Private company 36760 Pacific Lot Cambodia Private company 36762 Pacific PridCambodia Private company 36763 Maryland OiLiberia Private company 36764 Cavalla Ru Liberia Private company 36765 Dominion FNigeria Private company 36768 Domaine deCongo, DemPrivate company 36769 SIFORCO Congo, DemPrivate company 36770 SAFBOIS Congo, DemPrivate company 36771 Busira LomCongo, DemPrivate company 36772 Busira LomCongo, DemPrivate company 36773 Company ofCongo, DemPrivate company 36774 SSC BosondCongo, DemPrivate company 36775 SSC Binga Congo, DemPrivate company 36776 Unknown (JaThailand Private company 36778 Unknown (EuAngola Private company 36779 Sun Care FuThailand Private company 36780 SUCAF CI Côte d'Ivoi Private company 36782 Unknown (PCambodia Private company 36783 Ministry of Angola Private company 36787 DekelOil CoCôte d'Ivoi Private company new change 36793 Société de Congo, DemPrivate company 36796 C R D Cambodia Private company 36798 Cheng Ly InCambodia Private company 36803 Dai Dong YCambodia Private company 36804 Unknown (KPakistan Private company 36805 Holy Ykho Cambodia Private company 36807 Hoang AnhCambodia Private company 36808 Krong Pok Cambodia Private company 36809 Unknown (GPakistan Private company 36811 Golden Pal Malaysia Private company 36812 SerendipalmGhana Private company 36813 Africa AtlanGhana Private company 36814 Unknown (RAngola Private company 36815 Unknown (RAngola Private company 36816 Unknown (RAngola Private company 36824 LCH InvestCambodia Private company 36826 An Sophy FCambodia Private company 36828 SUCAF RCACentral AfrPrivate company 36831 Unknown (CParaguay Private company 36837 Base Titan Kenya Private company 36840 Prokon RenTanzania Private company 36841 PT HarapanIndonesia Private company 36845 Green EagleIndonesia Private company 36849 Sun BiofuelTanzania Private company 36851 Tanza GrainTanzania Private company 36852 BioShape TTanzania Private company 36854 Unknown (FTanzania Private company 36855 Africa Biof Tanzania Private company 36856 New ForestTanzania Private company 36857 Clean PoweTanzania Private company 36858 D1 Oils TanTanzania Private company 36859 Compañia GGuatemalaPrivate company 36860 Bean HeachCambodia Private company 36861 Unknown (Côte d'Ivoi Private company 36862 AgriSol EneTanzania Private company 36863 Kilombero Tanzania Private company 36865 Mantra TanTanzania Private company 36867 Kitomondo TanzaniaP Private company 36871 (Cambodia)Cambodia Private company 36872 Am Phal FoCambodia Private company 36873 China ZambZambia Private company 36874 Unknown (CZambia Private company 36875 Unknown (LZambia Private company 36876 Cambodia DCambodia Private company 36879 Unknown (YZambia Private company 36880 Banya GrouCambodia Private company 36881 Unknown (BeCambodia Private company 36883 Unknown (Zambia Private company 36887 PT Surya SaIndonesia Private company 36888 PT Sawit S Indonesia Private company 36890 C.R.C.K AphCambodia Private company 36895 Dau ThiengCambodia Private company 36896 PT Selaras Indonesia Private company 36898 Unknown (Indonesia Private company 36900 PT Dongin Indonesia Private company 36901 PT IndosawiIndonesia Private company 36904 Perenco GuGuatemalaPrivate company 36905 Empresa PetGuatemalaPrivate company 36907 Unknown (PeGuatemalaPrivate company 36909 Thar Coal Pakistan Private company 36913 Dau ThiengCambodia Private company 36914 Data RubbeCambodia Private company 36915 Distinct HaCambodia Private company 36918 Bela Vista MozambiquPrivate company 36919 Eminent EliCambodia Private company 36920 Portucel M MozambiquPrivate company 36922 A.D. ServiçMozambiquPrivate company 36926 Green ChoiCambodia Private company 36928 CompanhiaMozambiqu Private company 36929 Heng Ruy (Cambodia Private company 36930 Florestas dMozambiquPrivate company 36931 Heng Yue (Cambodia Private company 36932 Lozane FarMozambiquPrivate company 36933 Unknown (DuZimbabwe Private company 36934 Unknown (AnBrazil Private company 36935 Sun MozamMozambiquPrivate company 36936 MozambiqueMozambiquPrivate company 36938 Agricultur Zimbabwe Private company 36939 LevasFlor, MozambiquPrivate company 36940 Mutemba (GMozambiquPrivate company 36941 Massingir AMozambiquPrivate company 36942 Montara CoMozambiquPrivate company 36944 ATFC MadeirMozambiquPrivate company 36947 China StateTanzania Private company 36948 Galp Buzi MozambiquPrivate company 36950 Kilombero Tanzania Private company 36952 Unknown (KCambodia Private company 36958 Unknown (AThailand Private company 36959 Unknown (VCambodia Private company 36960 KAO SU EACambodia Private company 36962 C & V GrouCambodia Private company 36963 Unknown (BCambodia Private company 36970 Unknown (CParaguay Private company 36972 KASCOL Zambia Private company 36973 Chobe AgriZambia Private company 36974 MDS ThmordCambodia Private company 36975 Mega First Cambodia Private company 36976 Marli InvesZambia Private company approved 36979 EmVest LivZambia Private company 36980 NehaAgri ZZambia Private company 36981 Ruy Feng(CCambodia Private company 36982 S K Planta Cambodia Private company 36983 Ly Ye RubbeCambodia Private company 36985 Lan Feng ( Cambodia Private company 36989 Kaweri CoffUganda Private company 36992 Unknown (LiUganda Private company 37000 Unknown (QSri Lanka Private company 37004 Unknown (MCambodia Private company 37013 Unknown (SVietnam Private company 37014 PT Sawit MIndonesia Private company 37017 Tay Ninh KrCambodia Private company 37018 Think BioteCambodia Private company 37021 PT AgrajayIndonesia Private company 37022 PT Karya MIndonesia Private company 37023 Timas ResoCambodia Private company 37026 PT Agro WaIndonesia Private company 37027 PT Rim CapiIndonesia Private company 37028 PT Agro BukIndonesia Private company 37030 PT Sumber Indonesia Private company 37031 Union DeveCambodia Private company 37032 Viet Nam KCambodia Private company 37033 PT Sinar SaIndonesia Private company 37035 PT Nabire Indonesia Private company 37036 Great FieldCambodia Private company 37037 Yellow Fiel Cambodia Private company 37038 PT Batu MaIndonesia Private company 37040 PT Plasma Indonesia Private company 37045 Latin AmeriParaguay Private company 37049 PT SepanjanIndonesia Private company 37060 Unknown (Sudan Private company 37061 Unknown (ASudan Private company 37067 Concord AgrSouth SudaPrivate company 37068 Unknown (LSudan Private company 37069 Unknown (IArmenia Private company 37070 VinaCapitalVietnam Private company 37072 Perpetual SPapua NewPrivate company 37073 Cassava EtPapua NewPrivate company 37074 EMIRAU TRPapua NewPrivate company 37077 Sino-SingapChina Private company 37079 Yumi ResouPapua NewPrivate company 37080 White Nile Sudan Private company 37082 Sucaf GaboGabon Private company 37084 Siat GabonGabon Private company 37085 Sime DarbyLiberia Private company 37086 PT Riau AgIndonesia Private company 37087 Unknown (AnIndonesia Private company 37089 Unknown (AnIndonesia Private company 37090 Unknown (AnIndonesia Private company 37091 Unknown (AnIndonesia Private company 37094 Liberia For Liberia Private company 37095 Unknown (GIndonesia Private company 37097 PT SariwanIndonesia Private company 37098 PT Empat LIndonesia Private company 37099 PT Karya KIndonesia Private company 37100 Golden VeroLiberia Private company approved 37101 PT KahayanIndonesia Private company 37103 PT Citra Ni Indonesia Private company 37106 Akewa GrouLiberia Private company 37107 PT AnugrahIndonesia Private company 37108 PT Teknik Indonesia Private company 37109 Al Dahra A Namibia Private company 37110 PT Usaha KIndonesia Private company 37111 PT GemarekIndonesia Private company 37112 PT Satria Indonesia Private company 37113 PT Citra G Indonesia Private company 37117 Unknown (IJIndonesia Private company 37118 Unknown (IJIndonesia Private company 37119 Unknown (IJIndonesia Private company 37120 PGBI SugarNamibia Private company 37128 PT GunungIndonesia Private company 37130 PT KerasaaIndonesia Private company 37131 PT Pusaka AIndonesia Private company 37132 Acazis AgroEthiopia Private company 37135 Ethiopian Ethiopia Private company 37138 Kibali Gol Congo, DemPrivate company 37139 Western MeAlgeria Private company 37140 Rakubana DPapua NewPrivate company 37142 Umbukul LtPapua NewPrivate company 37143 Central Ne Papua NewPrivate company 37144 Mekeo HintPapua NewPrivate company 37145 Unknown (JEgypt, ArabPrivate company 37146 Sukari Gol Egypt, ArabPrivate company 37152 Wowobo OilPapua NewPrivate company 37153 Nippon-SC South AfricPrivate company 37154 Akami Oil PPapua NewPrivate company 37155 NZ FarmingUruguay Private company 37156 Unknown (ThChile Private company 37157 Illovo SugaSouth AfricPrivate company 37159 MulderboscSouth AfricPrivate company 37161 Afrifresh South AfricPrivate company 37162 Agriterra GGuinea Private company 37163 Complex SuTogo Private company 37164 Unknown (CGhana Private company 37170 Presco Plc Nigeria Private company 37172 Siat Nigeri Nigeria Private company 37174 Shonga FarNigeria Private company 37175 Olam NigerNigeria Private company 37179 Unknown (SIndonesia Private company 37180 PT Sarana PIndonesia Private company 37181 PT Farinda Indonesia Private company 37182 PT Laras InIndonesia Private company 37183 PT Teguh SIndonesia Private company 37185 PT BulungaIndonesia Private company 37186 PT Mitra J Indonesia Private company 37187 PT Munte WIndonesia Private company 37188 PT Bumi SaIndonesia Private company 37194 Sococim SeSenegal Private company 37202 Pomata InvPapua NewPrivate company 37203 Nakiura In Papua NewPrivate company 37204 Ralopal InvPapua NewPrivate company 37205 Bewani Oil Papua NewPrivate company 37206 Unknown (WPapua NewPrivate company 37208 Abeda AgroPapua NewPrivate company 37209 Polopo LimiPapua NewPrivate company 37210 PT AndalasIndonesia Private company 37211 COMPLANTSierra LeonPrivate company 37212 WhitestoneSierra LeonPrivate company 37213 PT GUNUNGIndonesia Private company 37214 PT PratamaIndonesia Private company 37215 PT Dapo A Indonesia Private company 37217 PT Graha InIndonesia Private company 37218 Société desMali Private company 37219 East Waii OPapua NewPrivate company 37221 PT RebinmaIndonesia Private company 37222 PT First Bo Indonesia Private company 37223 Norteak MaNicaragua Private company 37224 Mocoa VentColombia Private company 37226 Aura MineraMexico Private company 37228 Alamos GoldMexico Private company 37230 Sociêtê de Mali Private company 37231 PT Mitra A Indonesia Private company 37232 KPI Project Indonesia Private company 37233 PT Az ZharIndonesia Private company 37234 Nuku ResouPapua NewPrivate company 37236 La-Ali Inve Papua NewPrivate company 37237 Mudau InvePapua NewPrivate company 37238 Haubawe HoPapua NewPrivate company 37239 Foifoi Limi Papua NewPrivate company 37241 Unknown (GCosta Rica Private company 37242 Unung SigitPapua NewPrivate company 37247 Almaden MinMexico Private company 37250 Unknown (GMexico Private company 37251 Unknown (AuMexico Private company 37253 Unknown (CMexico Private company 37254 Unknown (CMexico Private company 37255 Corex - GolMexico Private company 37256 San MarcosMexico Private company 37257 First MajestMexico Private company 37260 First MajestMexico Private company 37261 Pan AmericaMexico Private company 37265 Jatropha MalMali Private company 37266 Toriu TimbePapua NewPrivate company 37267 TransformatNigeria Private company 37268 West MaimaiPapua NewPrivate company 37269 North East Papua NewPrivate company 37270 Wammy LimPapua NewPrivate company 37271 Benso Oil PGhana Private company 37272 Sucobe Benin Private company 37273 Comde TeaSouth SudaPrivate company 37274 Ainbai-Elis Papua NewPrivate company 37275 Urasir ResoPapua NewPrivate company 37276 PT Toton U Indonesia Private company 37277 PT MukomukIndonesia Private company 37278 PT Citra SaIndonesia Private company 37279 PT Agro KaIndonesia Private company 37280 PT Agro MuIndonesia Private company 37281 Koaru ResoPapua NewPrivate company 37282 PT Agro MuIndonesia Private company 37283 PT Agro RaIndonesia Private company 37284 Ang Agro FPapua NewPrivate company 37285 Unknown (PDominican Private company 37286 Minera PanPanama Private company 37287 Pershimco Panama Private company 37288 Unknown ( Uganda Private company 37289 Busoga ForUganda Private company 37292 Unknown (EAngola Private company 37293 PALMCI Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37295 MercataloniGambia, ThPrivate company 37296 Unknown (AKenya Private company 37299 Unknown (BNicaragua Private company 37305 Sun Resort Sri Lanka Private company 37306 Forest DevVietnam Private company 37307 Unknown (LVietnam Private company 37308 Unknown (CPapua NewPrivate company 37309 Ivanhoe EnEcuador Private company 37311 Tosigiba In Papua NewPrivate company 37312 San Carlos PhilippinesPrivate company 37313 Unknown (BPhilippinesPrivate company 37314 Palmas del GuatemalaPrivate company 37316 Chabil UtzaGuatemalaPrivate company 37319 Unknown (BCambodia Private company 37320 Unknown (PPapua NewPrivate company _x000D_ 37322 Arepas DonColombia Private company Source: 37323 Unknown (NRPhilippinesPrivate company 37325 Unknown (AfSouth AfricPrivate company 37326 Okena GotoPapua NewPrivate company 37327 One Uni-DePapua NewPrivate company 37328 Unknown (GPapua NewPrivate company 37329 Katanga MiCongo, DemPrivate company 37335 Triton MineNicaragua Private company 37336 Agricultur Angola Private company 37337 Unknown (ACongo, RepPrivate company 37338 Central Su Ghana Private company 37339 Bionic PalmGhana Private company 37340 Gold Star BGhana Private company 37341 Prairie VoltGhana Private company 37342 Unknown (UGhana Private company 37343 Bio EnergyMalawi Private company 37345 Unknown (GSenegal Private company 37347 Unknown (STanzania Private company 37348 Oxman TanzTanzania Private company 37350 Unknown (Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37351 Unknown (ToSouth SudaPrivate company 37352 Unknown (CSouth SudaPrivate company 37353 Unknown (TSouth SudaPrivate company 37360 Caltech Ve Ghana Private company 37361 Inga Farms Ghana Private company 37362 Unknown (NGhana Private company 37364 Vale Moza MozambiquPrivate company 37366 Unknown (KCambodia Private company 37367 LEBACH MIPhilippinesPrivate company 37368 Mt. Sinai E PhilippinesPrivate company 37369 Czarstone PhilippinesPrivate company 37371 Unknown (3Cambodia Private company 37373 Oryung ConCambodia Private company 37374 Unknown (GCambodia Private company 37375 Crystal Ag Cambodia Private company 37376 Unknown (SCameroon Private company 37378 Palm Com Cameroon Private company 37379 Unknown (PCentral AfrPrivate company 37380 Unknown (BCongo, RepPrivate company 37384 Gabon SpecGabon Private company 37394 Dana FreshIndia Private company 37397 Acharya PraIndia Private company 37403 Unknown ()Pakistan Private company 37407 T. ShivaleeIndia Private company 37414 Reliance H India Private company 37416 Liberia Tr Liberia Private company 37417 Commerce Gabone Private company 37418 Lumina CopChile Private company 37424 Hanhe UganUganda Private company 37430 River Palt Paraguay Private company 37435 BDFC EthioEthiopia Private company 37436 Trukai InduPapua NewPrivate company 37438 Higaturu OiPapua NewPrivate company 37439 New BritainPapua NewPrivate company 37440 Poliamba LPapua NewPrivate company 37443 SAPH SA Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37444 La Société Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37445 SIPEF-CI SACôte d'Ivoi Private company 37448 Unknown (EKenya Private company 37450 SoGB Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37452 CamaronesNicaragua Private company 37453 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 37455 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 37456 Unknown (BeEthiopia Private company 37458 Unknown (UEthiopia Private company 37460 Unknown (CMyanmar Private company 37461 Unknown (SMyanmar Private company 37462 Unknown (MMyanmar Private company 37463 Unknown (CaMyanmar Private company 37464 Maderas CuNicaragua Private company 37465 Orchard AgMyanmar Private company 37466 Palmares deNicaragua Private company 37467 Mim casheGhana Private company 37468 Unknown (NeGhana Private company 37469 Unknown (SGhana Private company 37471 Golden ExotGhana Private company 37472 Symboil GhGhana Private company 37473 DOS Palm OGhana Private company 37474 Global Agr Ghana Private company GADCO startApproved 37476 Unknown (VGhana Private company 37478 Unknown (DPhilippinesPrivate company 37480 Agricon SHGhana Private company 37481 Norpalm GhGhana Private company 37482 Kwale Inte Kenya Private company 37483 Unknown (FSenegal Private company 37484 McLeod RusUganda Private company 37485 Unknown (ASudan Private company 37486 Unknown (VGhana Private company 37489 Peak TimbeSwaziland Private company 37490 Afram PlantGhana Private company 37491 Cape Pine South AfricPrivate company 37500 Pemba SunMozambiquPrivate company 37501 Mai NdombCongo, DemPrivate company 37504 Dawei DeveMyanmar Private company 37505 Biodiesel EaTanzania Private company 37506 Aslan GroupTanzania Private company 37507 TM PlantatiTanzania Private company 37511 Unknown (AlNiger Private company 37512 Unknown (BiNiger Private company 37513 Unknown (UNiger Private company 37514 Grands DomSenegal Private company 37516 MagMineralCongo, RepPrivate company 37519 CongolaiseCongo, RepPrivate company 37521 Congo AgriCongo, RepPrivate company 37522 D1 Oils Afr Swaziland Private company 37523 Compañía AgColombia Private company 37524 Unknown (VaEthiopia Private company 37525 Horizon PlaEthiopia Private company 37526 Saudi Star Ethiopia Private company 37527 Amatheon ZambiaA Private company 37528 Outspan AgEthiopia Private company 37529 Norwegian Uganda Private company 37530 PZ Wilmar Nigeria Private company 37532 Vaitarna HoGuyana Private company 37534 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 37535 Varun Agri MadagascaPrivate company 37536 National BaEthiopia Private company 37537 Madeflex ColombiaS. Private company 37540 Verdanta HaEthiopia Private company 37541 Romton AgrEthiopia Private company 37543 GADCO EnteEthiopia Private company 37544 Toren Agro Ethiopia Private company 37545 Petropalm Ethiopia Private company 37547 Agrobest ( Malaysia Private company 37548 Unknown (KTimor-Lest Private company 37550 PT AnugrahIndonesia Private company 37551 PT D1 Oils Indonesia Private company 37552 KS Natural Indonesia Private company 37553 PT Agro EneIndonesia Private company 37554 PT Bumi RaIndonesia Private company 37557 Minamas PlIndonesia Private company 37559 PT PerkebunIndonesia Private company 37563 AUGA Lithuania Private company 37564 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 37565 PT Dwie WaIndonesia Private company 37566 Kuala LumpIndonesia Private company 37567 Unknown (FZambia Private company 37571 Unknown (ClIndonesia Private company 37573 PT Berkat AIndonesia Private company 37574 PT EN3 GreIndonesia Private company 37575 PT Hindoli Indonesia Private company 37576 PT ZTE AgrIndonesia Private company 37579 Ethiopian SEthiopia Private company 37580 PT PangkatIndonesia Private company 37581 PT SimpangIndonesia Private company 37583 Vijachip VuVietnam Private company 37585 Cat Phu Vietnam Private company 37587 Dole LankaSri Lanka Private company 37589 Acacia AffoVietnam Private company 37590 Green EnerMadagascaPrivate company 37591 Fuelstock MadagascaPrivate company 37592 Unknown (MMadagascaPrivate company 37593 NEO MadagMadagascaPrivate company 37594 Société de MadagascaPrivate company 37595 COMPLANTMadagasca M Private company 37596 MadagascarMadagascaPrivate company 37597 Bio Energy MadagascaPrivate company 37599 Avana ResoMadagascaPrivate company 37600 Rainbow OiMadagascaPrivate company 37601 Unknown (GEthiopia Private company 37602 Unknown (GMadagascaPrivate company 37603 Unknown (BMadagascaPrivate company 37604 Adama SpinEthiopia Private company 37605 Al-Mehdi MEthiopia Private company 37606 ASKY AgricEthiopia Private company 37607 Access CapiEthiopia Private company 37608 Bruhway AgEthiopia Private company 37609 BGI EthiopiEthiopia Private company 37610 Daniel AgriEthiopia Private company 37611 Dr. Tamie Ethiopia Private company 37612 Gashaw TakEthiopia Private company 37613 Getafan MeEthiopia Private company 37614 Unknown (GrEthiopia Private company 37615 Hash Agro EthiopiaI Private company 37616 JVL OverseaEthiopia Private company 37617 Kehedem TrEthiopia Private company 37618 Keystone Ethiopia Private company 37619 Lucci AgricEthiopia Private company 37620 New City VVietnam Private company 37621 Mela AgricuEthiopia Private company 37623 Rahwa AgriEthiopia Private company 37624 Reta Ethiopia Private company 37625 Saber FarmEthiopia Private company 37626 Tigabe AgroEthiopia Private company 37627 Tikimt AgricEthiopia Private company 37628 Tracon TradEthiopia Private company 37629 Tsegaye DeEthiopia Private company 37630 Northern CoZambia Private company 37631 Unknown (SEthiopia Private company 37632 Unknown (BoTanzania Private company 37635 Hevecam SCameroon Private company 37636 Sud-CameroCameroon Private company 37638 Finlays TeaSri Lanka Private company 37639 PT Bilah Pl Indonesia Private company 37641 PT SembadIndonesia Private company 37642 Socfin AgriSierra LeonPrivate company 37646 Guinee EnerGuinea Private company 37647 Senergie S.Senegal Private company 37648 O.B.M. Eth Ethiopia Private company 37650 Unknown (Congo, DemPrivate company 37651 Unknown (GCongo, DemPrivate company 37655 Abellon Cl Ghana Private company 37656 PT Prima MiIndonesia Private company 37657 Alpha and Sri Lanka Private company 37658 PT Teguh J Indonesia Private company 37659 Unknown (BSri Lanka Private company 37660 Unknown (RIndonesia Private company 37662 Kenya Jatr Kenya Private company 37663 Soguipah Guinea Private company 37664 PT Socfind Indonesia Private company 37666 African CroZambia Private company 37668 Congo BioFCongo, DemPrivate company 37669 Bumitama IndonesiaA Private company 37670 Unknown (KIndonesia Private company 37672 Unknown (KIndonesia Private company 37673 Unknown (KIndonesia Private company 37674 Unknown (KIndonesia Private company 37675 PT AndalasIndonesia Private company 37677 Unknown (ATanzania Private company 37678 Bio-EnergyTanzania Private company 37681 CMC AgriculTanzania Private company 37683 Unknown (ETanzania Private company 37684 Eurovistaa Tanzania Private company 37685 FJS African Tanzania Private company 37687 Lukulilo Fa Tanzania Private company 37688 Mufindi PapTanzania Private company 37689 NB TanagroTanzania Private company 37690 Unknown (MTanzania Private company 37692 Unknown (STanzania Private company 37695 CenafarmsZambia Private company 37696 Kaidi Biom Zambia Private company 37697 Gandules I Peru Private company 37698 Unknown (SIndonesia Private company 37699 Kapunga RicTanzania Private company 37700 Unknown (HIndonesia Private company 37707 Unknown (BoTanzania Private company 37708 Tabut Ltd. Papua NewPrivate company 37709 Investco CoVietnam Private company 37710 Estate ManSri Lanka Private company 37711 Unknown (ACambodia Private company 37712 Vietnam-JapVietnam Private company 37714 Unknown (LCambodia Private company 37715 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 37718 Unknown (SArgentina Private company 37719 Atlantic ReLiberia Private company 37721 Oscar RubéArgentina Private company 37723 unknown (BMalaysia Private company 37725 Unknown (GCameroon Private company 37726 Brabanta S.Congo, DemPrivate company 37728 Nocafex SPCongo, DemPrivate company 37730 Ibi Village Congo, DemPrivate company 37732 Nega MamaEthiopia Private company 37733 AYCOOM AgrEthiopia Private company 37735 Unknown (BGhana Private company 37736 GOPDC (GhaGhana Private company 37743 Elaion AfricMozambiquPrivate company 37745 Wanbao AfrMozambiquPrivate company 37746 Grown EnerMozambiquPrivate company 37748 Wanbao AfrMozambiquPrivate company 37751 IBS Agro InNiger Private company 37753 Unknown (Sierra LeonPrivate company 37755 SBE SénégaSenegal Private company 37757 Société de Senegal Private company 37758 EmVest BarSouth AfricPrivate company 37759 FarmsecureSouth AfricPrivate company 37760 Unknown (HSudan Private company 37762 KCY MpangaTanzania Private company 37763 Agro ForestTanzania Private company 37764 TPC Ltd. Tanzania Private company 37765 Unknown (ShTanzania Private company 37766 Eco CarbonTanzania Private company 37769 Ariston HolZimbabwe Private company 37771 Kiryana RaUganda Private company 37772 Outspan BoLao PDR Private company 37773 Unknown (PZambia Private company 37774 Lao IndochiLao PDR Private company 37777 Unknown (RLao PDR Private company 37778 Unknown (TLao PDR Private company 37779 Dau Tieng -Lao PDR Private company 37780 West End FCameroon Private company 37781 Formako C Ghana Private company 37783 Unknown (2Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37784 Unknown (Côte d'Ivoi Private company 37786 Agro IndusMali Private company 37789 PT Temila AIndonesia Private company 37790 PT Landak Indonesia Private company 37794 GPC GroupColombia Private company 37795 Grupo RondBrazil Private company 37803 AZUNOSA Honduras Private company 37805 Rosita D Nicaragua Private company 37806 Unknown (FParaguay Private company 37808 Unknown (USouth SudaPrivate company 37809 Unknown (USouth SudaPrivate company 37810 Unknown (USouth SudaPrivate company 37811 Unknown (AGuyana Private company 37813 Unknown (PEthiopia Private company 37818 Unknown (CPhilippinesPrivate company 37819 Unknown (AlArgentina Private company 37820 Unknown (BZambia Private company 37822 ZAMPALM Zambia Private company approved 37825 Unknown (MColombia Private company Due to the complex structure of the investor relationship, the operating company is described in this form. 37826 Agricola A Peru Private company 37827 Agro Las DuPeru Private company 37828 Pan CaribbJamaica Private company 37829 Viet Lao R Lao PDR Private company 37831 Dien Bien -Lao PDR Private company 37832 Ho Chi MinhLao PDR Private company 37833 Viet Nam-LaLao PDR Private company 37834 Tin Nghia Lao PDR Private company 37835 Unknown (SaLao PDR Private company 37836 Quasa GeruLao PDR Private company 37838 Compañía MPeru Private company 37839 Molino La PPeru Private company 37840 Villa Agro EPeru Private company 37841 Avícola El Peru Private company 37843 Unknown (Peru Private company 37846 Unknown (GPhilippinesPrivate company 37847 Delta Lao CLao PDR Private company 37848 Unknown (TThailand Private company 37850 Defence ReIndia Private company 37851 Indian Inst India Private company 37853 Sagitaur VeIndia Private company 37854 Vietnam-LaoLao PDR Private company 37855 Hoang AnhLao PDR Private company 37856 Hoang AnhLao PDR Private company 37861 Unknown (Peru Private company 37866 Indian Spa India Private company 37867 Bhabha AtoIndia Private company 37868 Unknown (FiPhilippinesPrivate company 37869 Philippine PhilippinesPrivate company 37870 Unknown (CPhilippinesPrivate company 37872 Hoang AnhLao – PDR Private company 37873 Olam AlgodMozambiquPrivate company 37876 Unknown (RMozambiquPrivate company 37877 PhongsapthLao PDR Private company 37878 Chikweti FoMozambiquPrivate company 37879 Unknown (PLao PDR Private company 37881 Unknown (PaLao PDR Private company 37882 Unknown (CLao PDR Private company 37883 Unknown (HLao PDR Private company 37884 Sithat RoadLao PDR Private company 37885 Unknown (PLao PDR Private company 37886 Unknown (JLao PDR Private company 37887 Unknown (BiPhilippinesPrivate company 37888 Sarangani BPhilippinesPrivate company 37889 China-Lao Lao PDR Private company 37891 Telmo Luis Uruguay Private company 37892 Shirley Elí Uruguay Private company 37894 Unknown (DLao PDR Private company 37895 Unknown (SLao PDR Private company 37897 Saiphajan Lao PDR Private company 37899 Minerales VHonduras Private company 37901 Rera HoldinPapua NewPrivate company 37905 Unknown (KPhilippinesPrivate company 37906 Taganito HPPhilippinesPrivate company 37907 Unknown (AgPhilippinesPrivate company 37909 Grupo BarrUruguay Private company 37910 Grupo de laUruguay Private company 37911 Grupo VillaUruguay Private company 37913 Leonardo MUruguay Private company 37915 Southern FoVietnam Private company 37916 D1 Oils FueIndia Private company 37921 Unknown (JLao PDR Private company 37923 Unknown (TLao PDR Private company 37926 Unknown (TPhilippinesPrivate company 37927 Sino-Lao R Lao PDR Private company 37928 Dao Coffe Lao PDR Private company 37929 PT Bio Inti Indonesia Private company 37930 Partrouge MozambiquPrivate company 37931 Bionexx MadagascaPrivate company 37932 Unknown (YLao PDR Private company 37933 Unknown (JLao PDR Private company 37935 Siphansali Lao PDR Private company 37936 Unknown (CLao PDR Private company 37937 MocambiqueMozambiquPrivate company 37938 Kouangsy Lao PDR Private company 37940 Unknown (BLao PDR Private company 37941 Campos MoParaguay Private company 37945 Unknown (BPhilippinesPrivate company 37948 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 37949 Unknown (FLao PDR Private company 37950 Unknown (YLao PDR Private company 37952 Unknown (SLao PDR Private company 37953 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 37954 Unknown (JLao PDR Private company 37955 Unknown (JLao PDR Private company 37956 Unknown (LeLao PDR Private company 37957 Unknown (CPhilippinesPrivate company 37958 LS (Ruipu) Lao PDR Private company 37959 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 37961 Unknown (Lao PDR Private company 37963 Unknown (XLao PDR Private company 37965 Unknown (PGuatemalaPrivate company 37966 Rocío TorrePeru Private company 37968 Unknown (HPhilippinesPrivate company 37970 Unknown (KPhilippinesPrivate company 37971 Bioenergy Colombia Private company 37972 Chimú AgroPeru Private company 37975 ECO S.A. Peru Private company 37976 OceanaGoldPhilippines Private company 37978 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37979 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37982 Unknown (PColombia Private company 37983 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37985 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37986 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37988 Unknown (LColombia Private company 37990 Unknown (CColombia Private company 37991 Unknown (EColombia Private company 37993 Unknown (PColombia Private company 37994 Unknown (ThLao PDR Private company 37996 Unknown (AbPhilippinesPrivate company 37997 CompangieSenegal A Private company 37998 AGRINA Senegal Private company 37999 Unknown (Senegal Private company 38000 Unknown (HSenegal Private company 38001 African NatSenegal Private company 38003 CBL Agri Z Zambia Private company 38004 Murrimo MMozambiquPrivate company 38006 Guangxi OjiChina Private company 38007 Huizhou NaChina Private company 38008 APRIL SSY China Private company 38010 Sinar Mas PChina Private company 38011 CorporaciónPeru Private company 38012 Compañía CChile Private company 38013 Unknown (CPhilippinesState-/government (owned) company 38014 AgriNurturePhilippinesPrivate company 38016 Sumifru PhiPhilippinesPrivate company 38017 Unknown (BrArgentina Private company 38018 Hainan JinhChina Private company 38020 Unknown (SChina Private company 38023 China Agri-China Private company 38024 Curcas Oil PhilippinesPrivate company 38026 Unknown (CChina Private company 38027 Dole Philip PhilippinesPrivate company 38028 COFCO TunhChina Private company 38029 Unknown (CChina Private company 38030 China Tea CChina Private company 38031 Fonterra BrBrazil Private company 38033 Unknown (SBBrazil Private company 38034 Unknown (EPhilippinesPrivate company 38035 First PampaPhilippinesPrivate company 38036 Unknown (PhilippinesPrivate company 38037 Bioeq EnerPhilippinesPrivate company 38039 Fazenda BarBrazil Private company 38041 Canlaon AlcPhilippinesPrivate company 38042 Biofuels IntPhilippinesPrivate company 38043 Fuel Using PhilippinesPrivate company 38044 Isabela AlcPhilippinesPrivate company 38045 Instituto P Paraguay Private company 38046 Haofeng (QChina Private company 38048 Unknown (LLao PDR Private company 38049 BioEnergy PhilippinesPrivate company 38050 Alsons PowPhilippinesPrivate company 38051 New CountrChina Private company 38052 Unknown (DaMyanmar Private company 38053 Unknown (LiLao PDR Private company 38054 Unknown (LiLao PDR Private company 38056 Xeunva TradLao PDR Private company 38057 PT Rubber Lao PDR Private company 38060 Unknown (TPhilippinesPrivate company 38061 Lising Sip Lao PDR Private company 38062 Bortaen-DeLao PDR Private company 38063 Unknown (CPhilippinesPrivate company 38064 Unknown (KiPhilippinesPrivate company 38065 Unknown (KiPhilippinesPrivate company 38066 West KenyaKenya Private company 38067 DK BiofuelsPhilippinesPrivate company 38068 Muhoroni SKenya Private company 38069 Nzoia SugaKenya Private company 38070 Oserian DeKenya Private company 38071 Meru Wind Kenya Private company 38072 Unknown (BPhilippinesPrivate company 38073 Santori AusAustralia Private company 38074 Negros BioPhilippinesPrivate company 38075 South BukiPhilippinesPrivate company 38076 Unknown (GPhilippinesPrivate company 38077 Nakeen CorPhilippinesPrivate company 38078 AgropecuariArgentina Private company 38080 Unión AgricUruguay Private company 38081 Stora Enso China Private company 38084 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 38085 GuangdongChina Private company 38087 Jaya Tiasa Malaysia Private company 38088 Unknown (TMalaysia Private company 38089 Unknown (SMalaysia Private company 38090 Inteko-AgroRussian FedPrivate company 38091 Museo del Mexico Private company 38093 PT Kebun MIndonesia Private company 38095 Razgulay-ARussian FedPrivate company 38096 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 38097 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 38098 Unknown (KeUkraine Private company 38099 PT Mitra IntIndonesia Private company 38102 Mission BioIndia Private company 38104 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 38106 Unknown (FiIndonesia Private company 38107 PT IntimegaIndonesia Private company 38108 Turkwel sugKenya Private company 38109 Inca One RPeru Private company 38110 Minera ChinPeru Private company 38112 Unknown (VKenya Private company 38113 Agrifirma BrazilB Private company 38114 Golden AgrIndonesia Private company 38116 PT Agro NuIndonesia Private company 38117 Tirupati D Uganda Private company 38118 Amuru SugaUganda Private company 38119 Brazil IowaBrazil Private company 38120 Mwera Tea UgandaE Private company 38121 Nakigalala Uganda Private company 38122 Sugar CorpUganda Private company 38123 PT Sawit JaIndonesia Private company 38124 PT Cipta A Indonesia Private company 38125 PT RimbunaIndonesia Private company 38126 PT Suryain Indonesia Private company 38127 PT Bhadra Indonesia Private company 38128 PT Nirmala Indonesia Private company 38129 Unknown (UUganda Private company 38130 PT GunungIndonesia Private company 38131 PT PersadaIndonesia Private company 38132 PT KaryanuIndonesia Private company 38133 PT Sumber Indonesia Private company 38134 PT Sukses Indonesia Private company 38135 PT Borneo Indonesia Private company 38136 Unknown (UUganda Private company 38137 PT Cipta NaIndonesia Private company 38138 PT Subur AbIndonesia Private company 38139 PT Subur AIndonesia Private company 38140 Grupo de PrMexico Private company 38143 Capstone -Chile Private company 38145 Montana ExGuatemalaPrivate company 38148 Multigrain Brazil Private company 38149 PT PersadaIndonesia Private company 38150 PT GunungIndonesia Private company 38151 PT CakradeIndonesia Private company 38152 PT Tri Bua Indonesia Private company 38153 SLC-MIT EmBrazil Private company 38161 China ModeChina Private company 38162 Suntime IntCuba Private company 38163 AGROIMSAMexico Private company 38164 Plantacion Mexico Private company 38166 AgropecuariBrazil Private company 38167 Joint VentuBrazil Private company 38168 Belém BioenBrazil Private company 38169 BSBIOS MariBrazil Private company 38170 Helingeer MChina Private company 38171 Unknown (NChina Private company 38172 Unknown (CPeru Private company 38173 Petrobras -Peru Private company 38174 Forestal OrUruguay Private company 38175 GMO RenewUruguay Private company 38178 SLC AgrícolBrazil Private company 38179 Jorge IsaacUruguay Private company 38180 Grupo ColonUruguay Private company 38181 Grupo La CUruguay Private company 38182 Néstor FabiUruguay Private company 38183 Instituto N Uruguay Private company 38184 Los Yaros AArgentina Private company 38185 Unknown_RiColombia Private company The operating company is Riopaila Castilla, but it constituted 29 societies to acquire 50000 hectares of land and circumvent Colombian law. For simplicity, those 29 societies are represented as one in Unknown_Riopaila_Castilla 38186 Patagonia Chile Private company 38187 Centaurus Brazil Private company 38188 CMPC RiogBrazil Private company 38189 Fatima FertPakistan Private company 38192 Engro FoodPakistan Private company 38193 Agcapita PaCanada Private company 38194 Danper TrujPeru Private company 38195 Rice PartnerPakistan Private company 38196 Hydrocol (PPakistan Private company 38197 Unknown (MPakistan Private company 38198 Brukfield PakistanR Private company 38200 Noor Rice MiPakistan Private company 38201 Unknown (FPakistan Private company 38202 Agrícola C Peru Private company 38203 Pesquera RPeru Private company 38204 Ingenieros Civiles y Contratistas AgroindustrialPeru Private company (ICGSA - AGROINDUSTRIAL) 38205 Gloria S.A Peru Private company 38206 COAZUCARPeru - Private company 38207 Parfen S.A Peru Private company 38209 Agrícola P Peru Private company 38210 CONSORCIOPeru Private company 38211 Odebrecht PeruP Private company 38214 Unknown (TPakistan Private company 38216 ONG InkatePeru Private company 38217 Timor GlobaTimor-Lest Private company 38231 Agro Lines Thailand Private company 38232 Teodosio GPeru Private company 38235 Advance TeBulgaria Private company 38236 Armada Russian FedPrivate company 38237 AgrokulturaRussian FedPrivate company 38238 Russian AgrRussian FedPrivate company 38239 Unknown (HArgentina Private company 38240 RiceTec Se Brazil Private company 38242 Unknown (AUkraine Private company 38245 ContinentalIsle of ManPrivate company 38248 Unknown (TrRussian FedPrivate company 38251 Unknown ( Bulgaria Private company 38254 Ghana CommGhana Private company 38255 Sasamua HoTanzania Private company 38256 Geoff PalmSierra LeonPrivate company 38258 Unknown (QGeorgia Private company 38263 GuadalcanalSolomon IsPrivate company 38266 SilverlandsZambia Private company 38271 ChanyanyaZambia Private company 38280 Sino-ZimbaZimbabwe Private company 38282 Unknown (XSudan Private company 38283 Soprolives Morocco Private company 38285 Société AgrCongo, RepPrivate company 38287 Unilever TeTanzania Private company 38288 Unknown (MaAngola Private company 38289 Unknown (MGhana Private company 38290 Unknown (Guinea-BisPrivate company 38291 CompagnieChad Private company 38293 Unknown (BMalaysia Private company 38295 Unknown (SIndia Private company 38298 Unknown (FeMalaysia Private company 38299 Unknown (FeMalaysia Private company 38300 Unknown (FeMalaysia Private company 38302 Tropical Fa Sierra LeonPrivate company 38303 Maltimor L Timor-Lest Private company 38304 PISA AmericPapua NewPrivate company 38305 Unknown (NIndia Private company 38307 Triangle Li Zimbabwe Private company 38309 Sabah ForesMalaysia Private company 38310 1Malaysia Malaysia Private company 38314 Unknown (Tanzania Private company 38316 Eco Green FTanzania Private company 38319 Unknown (ChUkraine Private company 38320 Shin Yang OMalaysia Private company 38321 Unknown (RMalaysia Private company 38322 TH Plantat Malaysia Private company 38323 TradewindsMalaysia Private company 38327 Ekran PlantMalaysia Private company 38328 Glenealy P Malaysia Private company 38329 Boustad EsMalaysia Private company 38330 Sime DarbyMalaysia Private company 38331 Sime DarbyMalaysia Private company 38332 Sime DarbyMalaysia Private company 38333 Unknown (NZambia Private company 38334 Unknown (HZimbabwe Private company 38335 Hippo ValleZimbabwe Private company 38340 TambankuluSwaziland Private company 38343 Genting Pl Malaysia Private company 38344 Rakyat BerMalaysia Private company 38345 Unknown (KMalaysia Private company 38346 Unknown (KMalaysia Private company 38347 PPB Oil Pal Malaysia Private company 38349 Carbon CapMalaysia Private company 38354 United PlanMalaysia Private company 38355 Anglo-EasteMalaysia Private company 38356 Rimbunan SMalaysia Private company 38357 Unknown (SMalaysia Private company 38359 Subur TiasaMalaysia Private company 38360 VEDANTA AIndia Private company 38363 Unknown (Nigeria Private company 38371 Dangote SuNigeria Private company 38373 Navi MumbaIndia Private company 38375 Cambodia HCambodia Private company added parent company 38376 Kakinada SEIndia Private company 38379 Dawacom InNigeria Private company 38380 KayelekeraMalawi Private company reviewed 38381 Unknown SuSudan Private company 38382 GovernmentEgypt, ArabPrivate company 38383 Mondore GenZimbabwe Private company 38390 Test primarBrazil Private company 38393 JSW BengalIndia Private company 38394 Jindal PoweIndia Private company 38395 Volgo-DonSRussian FedPrivate company 38396 MaharashtrIndia Private company 38397 Cross RiverNigeria Private company 38398 OOO OstrogRussian FedPrivate company 38400 Unknown( HGhana Private company 38401 Maer AsirbaGhana Private company 38402 Rafmoh PlanGhana Private company 38403 Gya GlorifyGhana Private company 38404 Ecofruits LtGhana Private company 38405 Armaiano CGhana Private company 38406 Amo Delta Ghana Private company 38407 National InGhana Private company 38408 Unknown ( Ghana Private company 38409 Unknown (HGhana Private company 38410 World FoodGhana Private company 38411 Unknown (SGhana Private company 38412 Unknown (Ghana Private company 38413 Kwanim AgrGhana Private company 38414 Unknown (HiGhana Private company 38415 KyerekuandaGhana Private company 38416 Unknown (SGhana Private company 38417 Unknown (ViGhana Private company 38418 Unknown (Ghana Private company 38419 Unknown (AGhana Private company 38420 Unknown (KGhana Private company 38421 Westfalia MozambiquPrivate company 38422 Société de Mali Private company 38423 ConsolidateZambia Private company updated 38424 Dangote InNigeria Private company 38425 Agro EcoEnTanzania Private company 38426 Barrick Lu Zambia Private company 38430 Simfer S.A Guinea Private company 38431 Tschudi copNamibia Private company 38432 Kipoi CoppeCongo, DemPrivate company 38433 Lupoto ProjCongo, DemPrivate company 38436 East Africa Ethiopia Private company 38437 East Africa Ethiopia Private company 38438 Unknown (KEthiopia Private company 38439 Unknown (ToEthiopia Private company 38441 Lerala Dia Botswana Private company 38442 Malawi ManMalawi Private company 38443 Unknown (SIndia Private company 38446 Individual Banglades Private company 38447 S.C. InglebRomania Private company 38450 Zambezi InBotswana Private company 38453 Makomo ResZimbabwe Private company 38454 Unknown (CCambodia Private company 38458 Crops & LaCambodia Private company 38459 Zambika AgrZambia Private company 38460 Derby FarmZambia Private company 38461 Unknown (HZambia Private company 38462 Unknown (VZambia Private company 38463 Esquire Ro Zambia Private company 38464 Amadeus InZambia Private company 38465 Unknown (SoNigeria Private company 38466 Zhongken EZambia Private company 38467 Stepping SZambia Private company 38468 Unknown (MZambia Private company 38469 Unknown (BZambia Private company 38470 Unknown (NZambia Private company 38471 C.R.C.K II Cambodia Private company 38472 SC Delta-RRomania Private company 38473 SC Grasa GRomania Private company 38477 Alsace Far Romania Private company 38478 Unknown (S.Romania Private company 38479 Nutre FarmiRomania Private company 38480 S.C. CrosswRomania Private company 38481 Reththy KirCambodia Private company 38482 Rethy Kiri Cambodia Private company 38483 Socfin-KCDCambodia Private company 38484 Mighty MekoCambodia Private company 38485 TouchwoodCambodia Private company 38486 Koh Kong SECambodia Private company 38487 Unknown (PCambodia Private company 38488 Sinimexim CambodiaI Private company 38489 Virtus GreeCambodia Private company 38490 Vimean SeilCambodia Private company 38491 Unknown (KGuinea Private company 38492 Exagris AfrMalawi Private company 38493 Unknown (PGhana Private company 38494 De United FNigeria Private company 38495 Societé d’ECongo, DemPrivate company 38496 Illovo SugaMalawi Private company 38497 SeedRock BBurkina Fa Private company 38498 Unknown (FCambodia Private company 38499 CammagraCambodia I Private company 38500 Evergreen Cambodia Private company 38501 Yun Khean CambodiaM Private company 38502 Suon VatanaCambodia Private company 38503 Kieng Sa ApCambodia Private company 38504 MDS ImportCambodia Private company 38505 FGV-CVC Cambodia Private company 38506 Unkown (ChCambodia Private company 38507 Fephy MalayCambodia Private company 38508 CaoutchoucCambodia Private company 38509 Phuoc Hoa Cambodia Private company 38510 Ba Ria - K Cambodia Private company 38511 Phu Rieng Cambodia Private company 38512 Dong Phu-KCambodia Private company 38513 Kirirom Ec Cambodia Private company 38514 China GreaCambodia Private company 38515 Jing Zhong Cambodia Private company 38516 Noupheap SCambodia Private company 38517 Unknown( South AfricPrivate company 38518 Unknown (SiUganda Private company 38519 Unknown (MZambia Private company 38520 Unknown (AArgentina Private company 38521 Inversora J Argentina Private company 38522 Unknown (CTogo Private company 38523 Unknown (LCameroon Private company 38524 BEK HoldingSouth AfricPrivate company 38525 CompagnieCôte d'Ivoi Private company 38526 PT KhaledaIndonesia Private company 38527 PT Tunas P Indonesia Private company 38528 PT PrimabaIndonesia Private company 38529 Unknown (NIndonesia Private company 38530 PT Tasnida Indonesia Private company 38531 PT Sumber Indonesia Private company 38532 Desarrollo Paraguay Private company 38533 Aurora PaciPhilippinesPrivate company 38534 JD Agro CocRomania Private company 38535 Unknown (Uganda Private company 38536 Unknown (VUganda Private company 38537 Unknown (JUganda Private company 38538 Uganda IntUganda Private company 38541 Golden VeroSierra LeonPrivate company 38543 Santa CecilArgentina Private company 38544 Sol & Mar CMozambiquPrivate company 38545 China-Afri MozambiquPrivate company 38546 Indivest Li MozambiquPrivate company 38547 Congo OilsCongo, DemPrivate company 38548 China-AfricMalawi Private company 38549 China-Afri Zimbabwe Private company 38550 China-Afri Zambia Private company 38551 China-AfricMali Private company 38552 China-AfricTanzania Private company 38554 Unknown(GLSudan Private company 38555 Unknown (LSierra LeonPrivate company 38556 Amaru TradeRomania Private company 38557 Agri ConsorRomania Private company 38558 Agri ConsorRomania Private company 38559 Montara L Tanzania Private company approved 38560 Unknown (MTanzania Private company 38561 S.C. EmiliaRomania Private company 38563 Sociedade MozambiquPrivate company 38564 WEMS AgroNigeria Private company 38565 Unknown (JZambia Private company 38566 S.C GenagriRomania Private company 38567 Lexus Agri Congo, RepPrivate company 38568 PALMAFRIQCôte d'Ivoi Private company 38569 Unknown (PGuinea Private company 38570 Agripalma São Tomé aPrivate company 38571 African Pal Sierra LeonPrivate company 38573 Al Dahra AgSouth AfricPrivate company https://opencorporat added open corporate link 38574 Navigator fEgypt, ArabPrivate company approved 38575 Al Dahra OlMorocco Private company 38576 Riis Coffee Uganda Private company 38577 Gozour AgriEgypt, ArabPrivate company 38578 Unknown (UBenin Private company 38580 Lim Siow JiEthiopia Private company 38581 AMG BioeneChina Private company 38582 Gisovu TeaRwanda Private company 38583 Las Mision Argentina Private company 38584 Empresas VArgentina Private company 38585 Shanghai SChina Private company 38586 Jiangsu Ca China Private company 38587 Guizhou HanChina Private company 38588 Henan XinyaChina Private company 38589 Jiangxi CatChina Private company 38590 Pfunda TeaRwanda Private company 38591 DalEuroLesRussian FedPrivate company 38592 Cambodia AgCambodia Private company 38593 Unknown (LoArgentina Private company 38594 Gesterra Angola Private company 38595 Unknown (KMongolia Private company 38596 Finca CuchArgentina Private company 38598 Tropha Ltd Malawi Private company 38599 Kashiba FaZambia Private company 38601 Unknown (ONigeria Private company 38602 Riso Scotti Romania Private company 38605 Lake Turka Kenya Private company 38606 Estancia T Argentina Private company 38607 Entree-OyuMongolia Private company 38608 Ministry of Congo, RepPrivate company 38610 Unknown (BZambia Private company 38611 Unknown (ESudan Private company 38613 Boroo GoldMongolia Private company 38614 Ethiopian Ethiopia Private company 38615 Radar ProprBrazil Private company 38616 Unknown (LiHonduras Private company 38619 Justin SugarCameroon Private company 38620 Olam ArgenArgentina Private company 38622 Sujiang ForChina Private company 38624 Unknown (ThAngola Private company 38625 Biotic Oil Ghana Private company 38626 Gold Coast Ghana Private company 38627 Unknown (DMozambiquPrivate company 38628 Ganadera CParaguay Private company 38629 TARDA Kenya Private company 38630 Lan LTD Ukraine Private company 38631 SBE Rivne Ukraine Private company 38632 Alpha FarmUkraine Private company 38633 Atlantic Fa Ukraine Private company 38634 BaryshevskUkraine Private company 38635 AgroprospeUkraine Private company 38636 Sanlucar SoSouth AfricPrivate company 38637 La Cinquie Tunisia Private company 38638 East Madi Uganda Private company 38639 LLC AtlantiUkraine Private company 38641 Langer HeinNamibia Private company 38642 SOTRADERGabon Private company 38643 Ukrlandfar Cyprus Private company 38644 Unknown (MUkraine Private company 38645 Voronezh ARussian FedPrivate company 38646 HarvEast HCyprus Private company 38647 Agroton PubUkraine Private company 38648 AgroindustRomania Private company 38649 Agrícola R Peru Private company 38651 Bai Shan LiGuyana Private company 38653 Santa Fe InGuyana Private company 38654 Bornion GuGuyana Private company 38655 Agro-RegionUkraine Private company 38657 Chinese - Ukraine Private company 38658 Unknown (MauritaniaPrivate company 38659 Unknown (NUkraine Private company 38660 Unknown (IUkraine Private company 38661 Arab CompaSudan Private company 38662 AlmutamysaSudan Private company 38663 Arab Suda Sudan Private company 38664 Africa Juic Ethiopia Private company 38665 Centrales HNicaragua Private company 38668 unknown (CiSri Lanka Private company 38669 Raigam EastSri Lanka Private company 38670 Cascade EmpRomania Private company 38672 ETG ParrogZimbabwe Private company 38673 Parrogate GZambia Private company 38674 ETG ParrogMalawi Private company 38675 Gatsuurt L Mongolia Private company 38678 Maderas PrNicaragua Private company 38679 Agrícola BrChile Private company 38680 Oro EsperaArgentina Private company 38681 Tanga ForesTanzania Private company 38682 San Jose S Nicaragua Private company 38683 Cerezas ArArgentina Private company 38685 Agromoz MozambiquPrivate company 38686 Unknown (MArgentina Private company 38687 PT Sawit GIndonesia Private company 38688 Katonga FaZambia Private company 38689 Unknown (JaEquatorial Private company 38690 Tianjin Far Bulgaria Private company 38691 Unknown (EUganda Private company 38692 Unknown (AZambia Private company 38693 Unknown (TZambia Private company 38694 Terra SPRL Congo, DemPrivate company 38695 GecaminesCongo, DemPrivate company 38696 Unknown (USierra LeonPrivate company 38697 Rubaya-NyRwanda Private company 38698 Kitabi Tea Rwanda Private company 38699 Rwanda MouRwanda Private company 38701 Unknown (MMozambiquPrivate company 38702 MozambiqueMozambiqu Private company 38703 Mocotex LdMozambiquPrivate company 38704 Amatheon UgandaA Private company 38705 Gulu Agric Uganda Private company 38706 Amatheon Zimbabwe Private company 38707 Transmara Kenya Private company 38708 Eco Oil En Congo, RepPrivate company 38709 Unknown (SrMozambiquPrivate company 38710 Unknown (BMozambiquPrivate company 38711 Beira-Boi MozambiquPrivate company 38712 Unknown (LMozambiquPrivate company 38713 Unknown (SNigeria Private company 38714 Pearl UniveNigeria Private company 38715 Kansanshi MZambia Private company 38716 Regional DMozambiquPrivate company 38717 Aviv TanzanTanzania Private company 38718 Unknown (AEthiopia Private company 38719 Talleyrand Tunisia Private company 38720 Unknown (NTanzania Private company 38721 Optima AfriTanzania Private company 38722 Unknown (GlMozambiquPrivate company 38724 Rio Minjov MozambiquPrivate company 38725 Kalumbila MZambia Private company 38726 KEFI MineraEthiopia Private company 38727 Uranex TanTanzania Private company 38728 Mopani CopZambia Private company 38729 New LibertyLiberia Private company 38730 North MaraTanzania Private company 38731 Ojemai FarNigeria Private company 38732 Unknown ( Nigeria Private company 38733 Ekha Bio-ChNigeria Private company 38734 Unknown ( Nigeria Private company 38735 Obax WorldNigeria Private company 38736 Agri Palm LNigeria Private company 38737 Ekha Agro Nigeria Private company 38738 Crest Agro Nigeria Private company 38739 Matond FarNigeria Private company 38740 Millstones Nigeria Private company 38741 Agro AlliedNigeria Private company 38742 Thai Farm INigeria Private company 38743 Kaboji FarmNigeria Private company 38745 Unknown (SCameroon Private company 38746 Golden SugNigeria Private company 38747 Agro AlliedNigeria Private company 38748 AngloGold Ghana Private company 38749 Sintoukola Congo, RepPrivate company 38750 Blanket GoZimbabwe Private company 38751 Konkola CoZambia Private company 38752 Juaboso AgGhana Private company 38753 Tanzania I Tanzania Private company 38754 Mabiza ResZambia Private company 38755 MauritaniaMauritaniaPrivate company 38756 Unknown (GPakistan Private company 38757 PT Citra S Indonesia Private company 38758 PT Sawit MiIndonesia Private company 38759 PT SusantriIndonesia Private company 38760 PT Kapuas IndonesiaM Private company 38761 PT GlobalinIndonesia Private company 38763 PT GlobalinIndonesia Private company 38764 PT GlobalinIndonesia Private company 38765 Savannah Nigeria Private company 38766 SC AgroinduRomania Private company 38767 S.C. Maria Romania Private company 38768 Unknown (IRomania Private company 38769 S.C. Agro CRomania Private company 38770 S.C. Maria Romania Private company 38771 SC ProdcerRomania Private company 38772 SC Dn AgraRomania Private company 38773 SC IntercerRomania Private company 38774 S.C. Dj & BRomania Private company 38775 SC Andra InRomania Private company 38776 SC AgrofarRomania Private company 38777 SC SopemaRomania Private company 38778 SC AgricosRomania Private company 38779 SC Holder Romania Private company 38780 SC AgrolactRomania Private company 38781 SC Vis AgriRomania Private company 38782 SC Sadelli Romania Private company 38783 SC AgrocomRomania Private company 38784 Unknown (ThCambodia Private company 38785 SC Interag Romania Private company 38786 SC COMCERRomania Private company 38788 SC AgrocomRomania Private company 38789 S.C. Gut SRRomania Private company 38790 SC Banat BRomania Private company 38791 S.C. AGRIFARomania Private company 38792 Agri Farm Romania Private company 38793 Kampo NovRomania Private company 38794 SC DonaulaRomania Private company 38795 Energia VerRomania Private company 38796 Unknown (CAngola Private company 38797 Unknown (CCambodia Private company 38798 Siv Guek I Cambodia Private company 38799 S.C. CervinRomania Private company 38800 SC AgricolaRomania Private company 38802 SC AgricolaRomania Private company 38803 S.C. OltyreRomania Private company 38804 SC OrgapicRomania Private company 38805 S.C. AgrocerRomania Private company 38806 SC WestgraRomania Private company 38807 Thames FarRomania Private company 38808 Dorna AgriRomania Private company 38809 R-Agro FalcRomania Private company 38810 SC AgronovRomania Private company 38811 SC Exim AgrRomania Private company 38812 S.C. AgrofaRomania Private company 38813 SC Agrotel Romania Private company 38814 SC Spicul TRomania Private company 38817 PT. PP Lon Indonesia Private company 38818 PT. SukamaIndonesia Private company 38819 PT. Lijen Indonesia Private company 38820 PT PerkebunIndonesia Private company 38821 PT. KalibenIndonesia Private company 38822 PT. Glen N Indonesia Private company 38823 PT. GlenmoIndonesia Private company 38824 PT. N.V. PP. Indonesia Private company 38825 PT. Perkeb Indonesia Private company 38826 PT. Perusa Indonesia Private company 38827 PT. Tirta H Indonesia Private company 38828 PT WongsorIndonesia Private company 38829 SC AgromixRomania Private company 38830 Unknown (SRomania Private company 38831 S.C. AgrichRomania Private company 38832 S.C. Afiliu Romania Private company 38833 S.C. CarmolRomania Private company 38834 S.A. AgroinRomania Private company 38835 S.C. ArgonaRomania Private company 38836 S.C. SeminaRomania Private company 38837 S.C. MecainRomania Private company 38838 S.C. AgromeRomania Private company 38839 S.C. AgroseRomania Private company 38840 S.A. DealulRomania Private company 38841 S.A. DobrotRomania Private company 38850 JSL Ltd India Private company 38851 S.C. Lux CoRomania Private company 38852 S.C. AgrozoRomania Private company 38853 S.C. Agriro Romania Private company 38854 S.C. Agroi Romania Private company 38855 S.C. AgrocaRomania Private company 38856 S.C. AgricoRomania Private company 38857 S.C. Agro NRomania Private company 38858 S.C. Zahar Romania Private company 38859 S.C. LonginRomania Private company 38860 Redidas ReRomania Private company 38861 S.C. AgrofaRomania Private company 38862 S.C. Patrol Romania Private company 38863 Dumitru AnRomania Private company 38864 S.C. AgrodeRomania Private company 38865 S.C. AgrocoRomania Private company 38866 S.C. Tel Dr Romania Private company 38867 S.C. AgrozoRomania Private company 38868 S.C. Intera Romania Private company 38869 Recond Co Romania Private company 38870 S.C. AkkeroRomania Private company 38871 S.C. AgrogaRomania Private company 38872 S.C. AgrointRomania Private company 38873 Unknown (SASudan Private company 38874 Huae Sinb Russian FedPrivate company 38875 Unknown (UMorocco Private company 38876 Zimbabwe-CZimbabwe Private company 38877 Tian Ze To Zimbabwe Private company 38878 Solea Côte d'Ivoi Private company 38879 Unknown (DeGhana Private company 38880 Africa Lion Sierra LeonPrivate company 38881 Mahindra GIndia Private company 38882 West Afric Senegal Private company 38883 Unknown (SSenegal Private company 38884 Soldive Se Senegal Private company 38885 Soldive MoMorocco Private company 38887 Goldtree HSierra LeonPrivate company updated. 38889 Ndamware CameroonH Private company 38890 MtemadangaMalawi Private company 38891 Limphasa SMalawi Private company 38892 SC Agripe Romania Private company 38893 Unknown (NMalawi Private company 38894 Babator FaGhana Private co approved 38895 Solagrow PEthiopia Private company 38896 Epanko GrapTanzania Private company 38897 Explorator MozambiquPrivate company 38898 Black Sea ABulgaria Private company 38899 Dangote FaNigeria Private company 38900 Alfred C. T Ukraine Private company 38901 Rabo Farm Romania Private company 38903 Sociedade AngolaM Private company 38904 Liqhobong Lesotho Private company 38905 SOMITA SABurkina Fa Private company 38906 Bissa Gold Burkina Fa Private company 38907 Societe MinGuinea Private company 38909 Maharishi Ukraine Private company 38910 DAN-MILK Ukraine Private company 38911 Subsidiary Ukraine Private company 38912 AgroTerra Russian FedPrivate company 38913 RZ Agro GrRussian FedPrivate company 38914 Samling RefMalaysia Private company 38915 Argento MoMozambiquPrivate company 38917 Unknown (IRussian FedPrivate company 38918 Unknown (PRussian FedPrivate company 38919 Unknown (ORussian FedPrivate company 38920 Rusagro-InRussian FedPrivate company 38921 Eksima AgrRussian FedPrivate company 38922 AgrotechnoRussian FedPrivate company 38923 Primagro J Russian FedPrivate company 38924 Anta del D Argentina Private company 38925 Bellamar EArgentina Private company 38926 LLC Agro VRussian FedPrivate company 38928 Unknown (BRussian FedPrivate company 38929 La ForestièCongo, DemPrivate company 38930 Forabola Congo, DemPrivate company 38931 Equiforest Nicaragua Private company 38933 Maison NBKCongo, DemPrivate company 38934 B&V TimbeLiberia Private company 38935 Tarpeh TimLiberia Private company 38936 Bego CongCongo, DemPrivate company 38937 Unknown (InCongo, DemPrivate company 38938 Unknown (BCongo, DemPrivate company 38939 Nevskaya ARussian FedPrivate company 38940 Ivolga-HoldKazakhstanPrivate company 38941 Agrofirma Russian FedPrivate company 38942 LLP ZolotoiKazakhstanPrivate company 38943 LLC Yug RusRussian FedPrivate company 38944 OAO KrasnyRussian FedPrivate company 38946 ZAO AgrosiRussian FedPrivate company 38947 Elephant VoBrazil Private company 38948 Sococo Brazil Private company 38949 Azur SA Cameroon Private company 38950 Edenville I Tanzania Private company 38951 Megabois Congo, DemPrivate company 38952 Thunder BirLiberia Private company 38953 CompagnieCongo, DemPrivate company 38954 Morris AmeLiberia Private company 38955 Bargor & BaLiberia Private company 38956 Global-wooUganda Private company 38957 CompagnieGabon Private company 38958 Global ForeSouth AfricPrivate company 38959 Ramanas FSouth AfricPrivate company 38960 Imvelo ForeSouth AfricPrivate company 38961 Unknown (SCongo, DemPrivate company 38962 La Société Congo, DemPrivate company 38963 Honest TimGabon Private company 38964 Corà WoodGabon Private company 38965 Rougier GaGabon Private company 38966 Boss MiningCongo, DemPrivate company 38967 QIT MadagaMadagascaPrivate company 38968 Unknown (CChina Private company 38969 Pedro AfonBrazil Private company 38970 Obasanjo FNigeria Private company 38971 Ndiyona MilNamibia Private company 38972 Fumu MbamboNamibia Private company 38973 African ConRomania Private company 38974 Unknown (BMalawi Private company 38975 Green Fuel Zimbabwe Private company 38976 Sinarom MiRomania Private company 38977 Romaltyn ERomania Private company 38978 Deva Gold Romania Private company 38979 Formin SA Romania Private company 38980 SC EuropeaRomania Private company 38981 Marula GamNamibia Private company 38982 PlantationsGhana Private company 38983 Tropical RuCôte d'Ivoi Private company 38984 Parkia PartBrazil Private company 38985 Sol Agrícol Brazil Private company 38987 M’Béwani Mali Private company 38988 Unknown (HMozambiquPrivate company 38989 Lianhe AfriMozambiquPrivate company 38990 Samax RomRomania Private company 38991 Valhalla ReRomania Private company 38992 Sol Agrícol Brazil Private company 38993 Unknown (HNicaragua Private company 38994 LatAm Fra Paraguay Private company 38995 Grupo MindArgentina Private company 38996 Estancia deUruguay Private company 38997 China HuafZambia Private company 38998 Grey MonkeZimbabwe Private company 38999 Wanjin TianZimbabwe Private company 39000 Huabei KuaMongolia Private company 39001 Amulet LLCMongolia Private company 39002 KhangailanMongolia Private company 39003 Mandal-UrgMongolia Private company 39004 Agro-Rain LTanzania Private company 39005 Unknown (CTajikistan Private company 39006 Unknown (JTajikistan Private company 39007 Unknown (GTajikistan Private company 39008 Unknown (GChad Private company 39009 Ndonga LinNamibia Private company 39010 Sikondo AgrNamibia Private company 39011 Tandjiesko Namibia Private company 39012 Orange RiveNamibia Private company 39013 LL BiofuelsNamibia Private company 39014 AfrichickenNamibia Private company 39015 Namib PoultNamibia Private company 39016 M. AmkongoNamibia Private company 39017 AeroponicsNamibia Private company 39018 Chilwelo FeNamibia Private company 39019 Dash EnterNamibia Private company 39020 ManufacturNamibia Private company 39021 Flowers ForNamibia Private company 39022 Farm RiverNamibia Private company 39023 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 39024 Fundación Colombia Private company 39025 MLR ForestNicaragua Private company 39026 San MiguelUruguay Private company 39027 Unknown (ENicaragua Private company 39028 Unknown (NiNicaragua Private company 39029 AgropecuarColombia Private company 39030 Mara Beef Kenya Private company 39031 Lubambe CoZambia Private company 39032 Unknown (LZambia Private company 39033 Kariba MineZambia Private company 39034 Maamba ColZambia Private company 39035 CNMC LuanZambia Private company 39036 N'Selel-DA Congo, DemPrivate company 39037 Unknown (JGhana Private company 39038 M’Pourié MauritaniaPrivate company 39039 Green AgricNigeria Private company 39040 Unknown (JZambia Private company 39041 Unknown (SSudan Private company 39042 Sucre de L MadagascaPrivate company 39043 Unknown (HMadagascaPrivate company 39044 VietnameseVietnam Private company 39045 Kukra DeveNicaragua Private company 39046 Murgas DávColombia Private company 39047 AgropecuarColombia Private company 39048 AgroforestaNicaragua Private company 39049 Unknown (FrBrazil Private company 39050 Cañizares AArgentina Private company 39051 AgrodesmonArgentina Private company 39052 Unknown (AArgentina Private company 39053 AgropecuarArgentina Private company 39054 Estancia L Argentina Private company 39055 GF TollocheArgentina Private company 39056 Hijos de S Argentina Private company 39057 Ledesma SArgentina Private company 39058 MSU SA. Argentina Private company 39059 Nature CorArgentina Private company 39060 Austin PowArgentina Private company 39061 Palma HorqArgentina Private company 39062 Unknown (QArgentina Private company 39063 FGF TrapanArgentina Private company 39064 Abra del SoArgentina Private company 39065 AJU SRL. Argentina Private company 39067 Oyu Tolgoi Mongolia Private company 39068 "Unknown (Vietnam Private company 39070 Tekia SAS. Colombia Private company 39071 Grand MogulMongolia Private company 39072 Areva monoMongolia Private company 39073 Unknown (Senegal Private company 39074 Temey Agr Senegal Private company 39075 Vietnam SinVietnam Private company 39076 Tonkolili Ir Sierra LeonPrivate company 39077 Tonguma LtSierra LeonPrivate company 39078 Koidu LimitSierra LeonPrivate company 39079 Sierra Dia Cameroon Private company 39080 LIBINC Oil Liberia Private company 39081 Sierra Ruti Sierra LeonPrivate company 39082 Sierra MineSierra LeonPrivate company 39084 Banico HoldSierra LeonPrivate company 39085 Unknown (CSierra LeonPrivate company 39086 Unknown (CSierra LeonPrivate company 39087 Unknown (GaSierra LeonPrivate company 39088 Exim InvestSierra LeonPrivate company 39089 Tropical T Sierra LeonPrivate company 39091 Gola RainfoSierra LeonPrivate company 39092 Vietnam SinVietnam Private company 39093 JSC BecamexVietnam Private company 39094 Hai Vuong Vietnam Private company 39095 Truong ThanVietnam Private company 39096 Entree GoldMongolia Private company 39098 C&N VINA CVietnam Private company 39099 Tellus MarkMongolia Private company 39100 Viglacera CVietnam Private company 39101 Anian ResoMongolia Private company 39102 Happiness Vietnam Private company 39104 Unknown (SMongolia Private company 39105 Unknown (TiMongolia Private company 39106 Unknown (DMongolia Private company 39107 Unknown (ZMongolia Private company 39108 Mangreit gMongolia Private company 39109 Cotrefor Congo, DemPrivate company 39110 ENRA SPRLCongo, DemPrivate company 39111 La Société Congo, DemPrivate company 39112 TALA-TINA Congo, DemPrivate company 39113 RIBA CONGCongo, DemPrivate company 39114 Ets MOTEMCongo, DemPrivate company 39115 SAFO Congo, DemPrivate company 39116 STE IndustrCongo, DemPrivate company 39117 SODEFOR Congo, DemPrivate company 39118 Societe D'ECongo, DemPrivate company 39119 Unknown (CiVietnam Private company 39120 Group led Vietnam Private company 39121 Quang NinhVietnam Private company 39122 Vietnam InVietnam Private company 39123 Phu My GroVietnam Private company 39124 Unknown (PVietnam Private company 39125 Vina-CPK CVietnam Private company 39126 Vinh Phuc Vietnam Private company 39127 An Thinh – Vietnam Private company 39128 Thang LongVietnam Private company 39129 Compal (VNVietnam Private company 39130 Thang LongVietnam Private company 39131 Hoa Phat GVietnam Private company 39132 DĐK INVESVietnam Private company 39133 Sai Gon - BVietnam Private company 39134 FuGiang Co.Vietnam Private company 39135 Lao Cai In Vietnam Private company 39136 Vietnam NatVietnam Private company 39137 Growest BuiCambodia Private company 39138 Sun Group Vietnam Private company 39139 Nuy Olive South AfricPrivate company 39140 Grainvest South AfricPrivate company 39141 Ibis Pigger South AfricPrivate company 39142 Granary South AfricPrivate company 39143 Kim HuynhVietnam Private company 39144 Thanh ThanVietnam Private company 39145 Trung NguyVietnam Private company 39146 Binh Ha LivVietnam Private company 39147 Duc Long GiVietnam Private company 39148 Grande CôtSenegal Private company 39149 Minh HangVietnam Private company 39150 Hoang Gia Vietnam Private company 39151 Gia Huy C Vietnam Private company 39152 Olam IvoireCôte d'Ivoi Private company 39153 16th Army Vietnam Private company 39154 Unknown (FAngola Private company 39155 Turiagro Angola Private company 39156 Aldeia NovaAngola Private company 39158 Fazenda C Angola Private company 39159 Fazenda MaAngola Private company 39160 Udzungwa TanzaniaF Private company 39161 TanganyikaTanzania Private company 39162 Farm ForesTanzania Private company 39163 Unknown (TTanzania Private company 39164 SilverlandsTanzania Private company 39165 Sao Hill AgTanzania Private company 39166 ARGOS SA.Colombia Private company 39167 Dolce Vist Colombia Private company 39168 LIAG ArgenArgentina Private company 39169 Tierras de Colombia Private company 39170 Alyal SA. Colombia Private company 39171 Hoa Phat DVietnam Private company 39172 Garfin AgroArgentina Private company 39173 CRAM SA. Argentina Private company 39174 AgroganaderArgentina Private company 39175 Everest SA.Argentina Private company 39176 Initium AfeArgentina Private company 39177 Desdelsur Argentina Private company 39178 La Legua SArgentina Private company 39179 Gervasio ZArgentina Private company 39180 Integrated Ghana Private company 39181 Agriland I Argentina Private company 39182 El Pucará Argentina Private company 39183 CompanhiaMozambiqu Private company 39184 Desafio delArgentina Private company 39185 Cantagalo Brazil Private company 39186 AgropecuarArgentina Private company 39187 Cacao del Peru Private company 39188 PlantacionePeru Private company 39189 Unknown (BParaguay Private company 39190 EstablecimArgentina Private company 39191 Los Dos RíoArgentina Private company 39192 Zed SA. Argentina Private company 39193 Unknown (UnUkraine Private company 39194 Sunti Gold Nigeria Private company 39195 Nimini-KomSierra LeonPrivate company 39196 SOMIO TouCentral AfrPrivate company 39197 Unknown (ASenegal Private company 39198 Essakane SBurkina Fa Private company 39199 AngloGold MaliA Private company 39200 Babban GoNigeria Private company 39201 Premium SyNigeria Private company 39202 Alliance OnMalawi Private company 39203 Unknown (VSenegal Private company 39204 SUNEOR SASenegal Private company 39205 Alliance OnKenya Private company 39206 Alliance O Uganda Private company 39208 Alliance OnTanzania Private company 39209 Alliance O Zambia Private company 39210 MashonalanZimbabwe Private company 39211 Limbe LeafMalawi Private company 39212 SEDIMA GrSenegal Private company 39213 Harvest AfrLiberia Private company 39215 Burundi MuBurundi Private company 39216 Nyala MineMalawi Private company 39217 Imouraren Niger Private company 39218 Tethys Pet Colombia Private company 39219 Inmobiliari Colombia Private company 39220 Major InterColombia Private company 39221 Unknown (DNicaragua Private company 39222 GeneradoraPanama Private company 39223 Forest Fin Panama Private company 39224 AgropecuarColombia Private company 39225 AgropecuariColombia Private company 39226 Norteak Ni Nicaragua Private company 39227 Рrivate Jo Ukraine Private company 39228 Iskra OJSC Ukraine Private company 39229 Rudnap AgSerbia Private company 39230 OuarzazateMorocco Private company 39231 Unknown(TöSerbia Private company 39232 Al RafawedSerbia Private company 39234 Aleksa SantSerbia Private company 39235 GoodvalleyUkraine Private company 39238 Kusto AgroUkraine Private company 39239 Complexe aAlgeria Private company 39240 Jacaranda AMozambiquPrivate company 39241 Unknown (RRwanda Private company 39242 Unknown (TiAlgeria Private company 39243 AK DzumajlMacedonia,Private company 39244 Unknown(SaMacedonia,Private company 39245 Hemaraj CIVietnam Private company 39246 Tuan Chau Vietnam Private company 39248 Ca Voi XanhVietnam Private company 39249 Unknown(SoRussian FedPrivate company 39250 Volgograd Russian FedPrivate company 39251 Trang Cat Vietnam Private company 39252 An Duong IVietnam Private company 39253 Dinh Vu IndVietnam Private company 39254 Nam Hong Vietnam Private company 39255 Unknown ( Vietnam Private company 39256 ArcelorMittaLiberia Private company 39257 Ntacua Flo MozambiquPrivate company 39258 Unknown (KVietnam Private company 39259 Joint comp Vietnam Private company 39260 Kamoa HoldCongo, DemPrivate company 39261 Kinsevere Congo, DemPrivate company 39262 Tenke FungCongo, DemPrivate company 39263 Mutanda MiCongo, DemPrivate company 39264 Lonshi Min Congo, DemPrivate company 39265 CUAE ZaryaBelarus Private company 39266 Dikulushi Congo, DemPrivate company 39267 Kinsenda PrCongo, DemPrivate company 39268 SwanminesCongo, DemPrivate company 39269 Hanoi GeneVietnam Private company 39270 Hwange ColZimbabwe Private company 39271 Debswana BotswanaD Private company 39272 Tasiast minMauritaniaPrivate company 39273 Twangiza MCongo, DemPrivate company 39274 Namoya MiCongo, DemPrivate company 39275 Klipspring South AfricPrivate company 39276 Quiquin Ks Mongolia Private company 39277 Palamino mMongolia Private company 39278 Altan Uul RMongolia Private company 39279 Ujiro KoyanMongolia Private company 39280 QJX GoldenMongolia Private company 39281 Bong MininLiberia Private company 39282 Unknown (AAlgeria Private company 39284 Ecowood InLiberia Private company 39285 Liberian H Liberia Private company 39286 Ascendas-PrVietnam Private company 39287 Dai Dang CoVietnam Private company 39288 Binh DuongVietnam Private company 39289 Kim Huy InVietnam Private company 39290 InvestmentVietnam Private company 39291 InvestmentVietnam Private company 39293 Viet HuongVietnam Private company 39294 Tan Binh InVietnam Private company 39295 Putu Iron Liberia Private company 39296 Agricultur Morocco Private company 39297 An Dien In Vietnam Private company 39298 Bac Giang Vietnam Private company 39299 Great NorthNigeria Private company updated 39300 KinhBac CiVietnam Private company 39301 TelecommunVietnam Private company 39302 Two companVietnam Private company 39303 QUE VO-IDIVietnam Private company 39304 Unknown (SVietnam Private company 39305 Unknown (KVietnam Private company 39306 EIP Eco In Vietnam Private company 39307 Unknown ( Vietnam Private company 39308 Industrial Vietnam Private company 39309 Afri Partne Senegal Private company 39310 Hoa Mac InVietnam Private company 39311 Ha Nam DeVietnam Private company 39314 Dai An Joi Vietnam Private company 39315 Lai Vu IP O Vietnam Private company 39318 AgroholdingRussian FedPrivate company 39319 Mothae Di Lesotho Private company 39320 River NigerNiger Private company 39321 Unknown (IEthiopia Private company 39322 Unknown (TMali Private company 39323 Ruchi Agri MadagascaPrivate company 39324 Unknown (LMadagascaPrivate company 39325 Lohasaha MadagascaPrivate company 39326 Unknown (FoMadagascaPrivate company 39327 OAO «DonsRussian FedPrivate company 39328 Yen Bai Pr Vietnam Private company 39329 Thai NguyeVietnam Private company 39330 BIOAGRI MadagascaPrivate company 39332 Yen Binh I Vietnam Private company 39334 Hoan Viet tVietnam Private company 39335 Industrial Vietnam Private company 39336 Dansa AgroNigeria Private company 39337 AgroTrade FUkraine Private company 39338 WoodBois Gabon Private company 39339 Avana PetrMadagascaPrivate company 39340 Unknown (PArgentina Private company 39341 Laderas delArgentina Private company 39342 Olana GobeEthiopia Private company 39343 Unknown (REthiopia Private company 39344 Ras DashenEthiopia Private company 39345 Unknown (TZambia Private company 39347 ConsortiumAngola Private company 39348 Maxagro S Romania Private company 39349 "ERDENEMIMongolia Private company 39351 BIOSOY Senegal Private company 39352 Olam EgypEgypt, ArabPrivate company 39354 NHON HOAVietnam Private company 39356 Saigon - NhVietnam Private company 39362 Letšeng Di Lesotho Private company 39363 Gem DiamoBotswana Private company 39364 Zimbrul S.r.Romania Private company 39365 Agromec BaRomania Private company 39366 Anjin InvesZimbabwe Private company 39367 Jinan MininZimbabwe Private company 39368 Société Mi Guinea Private company 39369 GovernmentMauritaniaPrivate company 39370 Estina farmSouth AfricPrivate company 39371 Unknown (CGhana Private company 39372 Frigorifico Ethiopia Private company 39373 Chongqing Tanzania Private company 39374 Unknown (ESudan Private company 39375 Unknown (HEthiopia Private company 39376 Unknown (EEthiopia Private company 39377 Twiga RoseKenya Private company 39378 Unknown (KaNamibia Private company 39379 Unknown (KUganda Private company 39380 Unknown (KaTanzania Private company 39381 Surya Blos Ethiopia Private company 39382 JoyTech PlcEthiopia Private company 39383 Unknown (UEthiopia Private company 39384 MburucuyáParaguay Private company 39385 Ganadera TParaguay Private company 39386 Cañada El Paraguay Private company 39387 Amado GonzParaguay Private company 39388 Sea AgriculNigeria Private company 39389 Real Oil MilNigeria Private company 39390 Nedu LimitNigeria Private company 39391 Elmer VogtParaguay Private company 39392 Nativo SA. Paraguay Private company 39393 Julio Ricar Paraguay Private company 39394 La Filière BCongo, RepPrivate company 39395 Alpicam GrCameroon Private company 39396 Gertrud Si Paraguay Private company 39397 Los GurisesParaguay Private company 39398 San RafaelParaguay Private company 39399 SudaméricaParaguay Private company 39400 AgroganadeParaguay Private company 39401 Oliver NeufParaguay Private company 39402 Juan CarlosParaguay Private company 39403 Estancia BuParaguay Private company 39404 Alwin FriesParaguay Private company 39405 Unknown (CCongo, RepPrivate company 39406 Kitoko Foo Congo, DemPrivate company 39407 Nestlé ConCongo, DemPrivate company 39408 GF MacadaMozambiquPrivate company 39409 unknown (SSudan Private company 39410 Quinta Gol MozambiquPrivate company 39411 MoçambiqueMozambiquPrivate company 39412 Amarula FaMozambiquPrivate company 39413 Alfa AgricuMozambiquPrivate company 39414 Olam MozaMozambiquPrivate company 39417 Shanta MinTanzania Private company 39418 Unknown (EMozambiquPrivate company 39419 Cistér Moç MozambiquPrivate company 39420 MozaperonMozambiqu Private company 39421 Araperon AMozambiquPrivate company 39422 Brinsal SA.Argentina Private company 39423 Finlays ArgArgentina Private company 39424 Empresa AzBolivia Private company 39425 Summit BraBrazil Private company 39426 Ojes AgricoMozambiquPrivate company 39427 Onça MoçaMozambiquPrivate company 39428 Plexus MoçMozambiquPrivate company 39429 Tenga Lda MozambiquPrivate company 39430 Chipande CMozambiquPrivate company 39431 Dijamant agSerbia Private company 39432 AC MatamaMozambiquPrivate company 39433 Moflor MozambiquPrivate company 39434 Sonil (Soci MozambiquPrivate company 39435 Miranda AgrMozambiquPrivate company 39436 Novos HoriMozambiquPrivate company 39437 MozambiqueMozambiquPrivate company 39438 CompanhiaMozambiqu Private company 39439 Casa BonitaMozambiquPrivate company 39440 Senyu Lda MozambiquPrivate company 39441 Corredor AgMozambiquPrivate company 39442 North BukeUganda Private company 39443 Western U Uganda Private company 39444 Unknown (EEthiopia Private company 39445 Unknown (KoEgypt, ArabPrivate company 39446 Agri-sul Ld MozambiquPrivate company 39447 Komaza ForKenya Private company 39448 Cascade EmpRomania Private company 39449 TestPrimar Brazil Private company 39450 Unknown (RAngola Private company 39451 Test Ltd. Cuba Private company 39452 ASR GroupBelize Private company 39453 Avant Agri Congo, RepPrivate company 39454 Agrotoro SAParaguay Private company 39455 Ganadera SParaguay Private company 39456 Eco Brasil Brazil Private company 39457 Unknown (DCôte d'Ivoi Private company 39458 GovernmentAlgeria Private company 39459 Caputo NicArgentina Private company 39460 Ceibalito SArgentina Private company 39461 Ganadera VArgentina Private company 39462 La RemembArgentina Private company 39463 Salima SugMalawi Private company 39464 unknown (CMalawi Private company 39465 Unknown (CAngola Private company 39466 Bovinos doAngola Private company 39467 Frutas Lib MozambiquPrivate company 39468 British Am MozambiquPrivate company 39469 Timber WorMozambiquPrivate company 39470 Shiselweni Swaziland Private company 39471 KawandamaMalawi Private company 39472 Nile PlywooUganda Private company 39473 GovernmentMali Private company 39474 Salima SugaMalawi Other (please specify in commentpublic limi reviewed 39475 Unknown (A&Romania Private company 39476 MNG Gold LiLiberia Private company 39477 Youga mineBurkina Fa Private company 39478 Las Cuatro Argentina Private company 39479 Las Lajitas Argentina Private company 39480 Las Trojas Argentina Private company 39482 Pallaro He Argentina Private company 39483 Saltagro SAArgentina Private company 39484 Universo AArgentina Private company 39485 Unknown (AArgentina Private company 39486 Braun PeñaArgentina Private company 39487 Estancia RíArgentina Private company 39488 Exportin SAArgentina Private company 39489 Finca El ChiArgentina Private company 39490 Finca San Argentina Private company 39491 ForestadoraArgentina Private company 39492 Gerala MariArgentina Private company 39493 Tabakoto PrMali Private company 39494 Karlen AndArgentina Private company 39495 Karlen DaniArgentina Private company 39496 Karlen JuanArgentina Private company 39497 Karlen JuanArgentina Private company 39498 Mas AgropeArgentina Private company 39499 Pan AmericArgentina Private company 39500 CooperativColombia Private company 39502 Karma minBurkina Fa Private company 39503 Agbaou Mi Côte d'Ivoi Private company 39504 Houndé proBurkina Fa Private company 39505 Unknown (inEthiopia Private company 39507 Unknown (UnEthiopia Private company 39508 Mana propeBurkina Fa Private company 39509 Nantou MinBurkina Fa Private company 39510 Inata mineBurkina Fa Private company 39511 SeguénégaBurkina Fa Private company 39512 Burkina MaBurkina Fa Private company 39513 Siankopo Zambia Private company 39514 Ibula Zambia Private company 39515 BlackthornZambia Private company 39517 C&K MiningCameroon Private company 39518 Geovic CamCameroon Private company 39519 CAM IRON Cameroon Private company 39520 Folio Holdi Nigeria Private company 39521 Unknown (Congo, RepPrivate company 39522 Unknown (Congo, RepPrivate company 39523 Roxgold SaBurkina Fa Private company 39524 ASOGPADOColombia Private company 39525 Floresta Vi Brazil Private company 39526 TexBel AgriBelize Private company 39527 EPACEM SAEcuador Private company 39528 Palmar del Ecuador Private company 39529 Unknown (ViParaguay Private company 39530 Agricover s.Romania Private company 39531 Agro-KA LLUkraine Private company 39532 Agro RegioUkraine Private company 39533 Savyntsi-A Ukraine Private company 39534 Agro MayakUkraine Private company 39535 Agricultur Ukraine Private company 39536 AF 'Mriya' Ukraine Private company 39537 Nyva UkraiUkraine Private company 39538 Plemzavod Ukraine Private company 39539 AgroprogreUkraine Private company 39540 ParafiyivkaUkraine Private company 39541 Losinovka -Ukraine Private company 39542 AgroKIM LtUkraine Private company 39543 Bohdanivs`Ukraine Private company 39544 Kyivs`ka RuUkraine Private company 39545 Kolos WerfeUkraine Private company 39546 Lan WerfeelUkraine Private company 39547 Yushkivtsi- Ukraine Private company 39548 Dolynka-AgUkraine Private company 39549 Korytnya-AUkraine Private company 39550 LukashivkaUkraine Private company 39551 Bepesa SA.Argentina Private company 39552 EmprendimiArgentina Private company 39553 Cervera NeArgentina Private company 39554 Cignetti PeArgentina Private company 39555 Unknown (AtArgentina Private company 39556 Unknown (GeArgentina Private company 39557 Ingenio y RArgentina Private company 39558 Mancini Jo Argentina Private company 39559 Lobbot SA.Argentina Private company 39560 Zazzarini J Argentina Private company 39561 Alberto VidArgentina Private company 39562 Cano BalestArgentina Private company 39563 Las LeguasArgentina Private company 39564 Macri Fran Argentina Private company 39565 Brignone CArgentina Private company 39566 Martino, GerArgentina Private company 39567 Mauricio MaArgentina Private company 39568 Tierra VascArgentina Private company 39569 Muzi FernaArgentina Private company 39570 Clarsan SACArgentina Private company 39571 Sona, GuillArgentina Private company 39572 Jaldo CarloArgentina Private company 39573 Torello, Jo Argentina Private company 39574 Agsof SA/ Argentina Private company 39575 Ramon TumArgentina Private company 39576 Agustin VidArgentina Private company 39577 Grupo NavilArgentina Private company 39578 Dumit, NestArgentina Private company 39579 El Paso delArgentina Private company 39580 EstraberrieArgentina Private company 39581 Melintre SAArgentina Private company 39582 Puramel SAArgentina Private company 39583 Rumbo NorteArgentina Private company 39584 Walter MariArgentina Private company 39586 Mercado DaArgentina Private company 39587 Prosion SA.Argentina Private company 39588 Agsof SA. Argentina Private company 39589 Riozenta S Argentina Private company 39590 Yunnan GreMyanmar Private company 39591 Rio Foyel SArgentina Private company 39592 Charco SRLArgentina Private company 39593 Palo ColoraArgentina Private company 39594 CamaronesHonduras Private company 39595 Cultivos MaHonduras Private company 39596 Granjas MaHonduras Private company 39597 AgroindustrArgentina Private company 39598 Agro Noa SArgentina Private company 39599 Baguales SArgentina Private company 39600 Boccolini HArgentina Private company 39601 José AntoniNicaragua Private company 39602 Agro-IndustNicaragua Private company 39603 DistribuidoNicaragua Private company 39604 BanaPiña dNicaragua Private company 39605 AgrodesarroNicaragua Private company 39607 Dongfeng TMyanmar Private company 39608 Kunming GaMyanmar Private company 39609 Myanmar JaMyanmar Private company 39610 Unknown (WMyanmar Private company 39611 Unknown (GMyanmar Private company 39613 Upstream AMyanmar Private company 39614 Agrosvit PAUkraine Private company 39615 Named afteUkraine Private company 39616 Michurina Ukraine Private company 39617 AgroenterprUkraine Private company 39618 VidrodjennUkraine Private company 39619 Iowa LLC Ukraine Private company 39620 Agro GammUkraine Private company 39621 Agrofirma UkraineV Private company 39622 PE KoropskiUkraine Private company 39623 Myr-1 LLC Ukraine Private company 39624 Liaoning S Mongolia Private company 39625 Zheng yan Mongolia Private company 39626 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 39627 PE Older Ukraine Private company 39628 Kalyna LLCUkraine Private company 39629 Agrofirma UkraineU Private company 39630 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 39631 Inter-ContaUkraine Private company 39632 PE Galyts`kUkraine Private company 39633 Podillya-AgUkraine Private company 39634 PE KulykivsUkraine Private company 39635 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 39636 Nyva LLC Ukraine Private company 39637 PE ChervonUkraine Private company 39638 Selyanska Ukraine Private company 39639 Zolota NyvUkraine Private company 39640 RSZ Agro LUkraine Private company 39641 Myanmar StaMyanmar Private company 39642 Mongolia EMongolia Private company 39643 Lan-123 LLUkraine Private company 39644 PE Sosnyts`Ukraine Private company 39645 Kochubiy LUkraine Private company 39646 Mayak LLCUkraine Private company 39647 Zlagoda LLUkraine Private company 39648 Unknown (EGMyanmar Private company 39649 Myanmar RoyMyanmar Private company 39650 Enselco AgUkraine Private company 39651 Vyshneve-AUkraine Private company 39652 PrydniprovUkraine Private company 39653 FGV Pho LaMyanmar Private company 39654 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39655 BuymerskeUkraine Private company 39656 Longwin GloMyanmar Private company 39657 Ecuador G Ecuador Private company 39658 Unknown (CMyanmar Private company 39659 Unknown (GMyanmar Private company 39660 Boh PlantatCameroon Private company 39661 Bui Power AGhana Private company 39662 Unknown (SZambia Private company 39663 Sunbird Zi Zimbabwe Private company 39664 Myanmar WaMyanmar Private company 39665 Unknown bKenya Private company 39666 Unknown (CBelarus Private company 39667 MayflowerMyanmar Private company 39668 Alfred Rit Nicaragua Private company 39669 TH-Rus Mil Russian FedPrivate company 39670 CNMC TISCMyanmar Private company 39671 Bella FloweRwanda Private company 39672 Unknown (TRussian FedPrivate company 39673 SilverlandsZambia Private company 39674 Rowe FarmiZambia Private company 39675 Nyamanza ZambiaF Private company 39676 Billis Farm Zambia Private company 39677 Kasary Kut Zambia Private company 39678 Fairfield FaZambia Private company 39679 Unknown 2Russian FedPrivate company 39680 SilverlandsTanzania Private company 39681 SilverlandsZambia Private company 39682 Quinta Da BMozambiquPrivate company 39683 SilverlandsNamibia Private company 39684 Orient's S Cameroon Private company 39685 Vinal Agro Ukraine Private company 39686 GamewatcheKenya Private company 39687 Ol Kinyei Kenya Private company 39688 Ol Pejeta Kenya Private company 39689 Entumoto SKenya Private company 39690 KilimapesaKenya Private company 39691 Bamboo Tr Kenya Private company 39692 Knyazhi LaUkraine Private company 39693 Zborivski LUkraine Private company 39694 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39695 Unknown (Myanmar Private company 39696 British AmeKenya Private company 39697 MastermindKenya Private company 39698 Kakuzi Plc Kenya Private company 39699 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39700 Unknown (KKenya Private company 39701 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39702 James FinlaKenya Private company 39703 Cirio Del MKenya Private company 39705 Kofinaf Co Kenya Private company 39706 Olkaria II Kenya Private company 39707 Agrozem L Ukraine Private company 39708 LishchynskUkraine Private company 39709 Lan LLC Ukraine Private company 39710 Unknown (HMyanmar Private company 39711 AgrodruzstvUkraine Private company 39712 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39713 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39714 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39715 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39716 Agro Fund Ukraine Private company 39717 APK DonetsUkraine Private company 39718 Burlukske Ukraine Private company 39719 Agrofirm B Ukraine Private company 39720 AF Podoliv Ukraine Private company 39721 Ukraina NoUkraine Private company 39722 Bopolu DevLiberia Private company 39723 Universal FLiberia Private company 39724 Tropical Ti Liberia Private company 39725 Frank BrookLiberia Private company 39726 Grand BassLiberia Private company 39727 Forest VentLiberia Private company 39728 Tutex WoodLiberia Private company 39729 Palnorte S Colombia Private company 39730 Toyo Thai Myanmar Private company 39731 Samuel N. Liberia Private company 39732 Yachay EP. Ecuador Private company 39733 Unknown (AsMyanmar Private company 39734 Eland Coal Malawi Private company 39735 Test Prima Germany Private company 39738 Unknown (HMyanmar Private company 39739 National FaLiberia Private company 39740 Unknown (CMyanmar Private company 39741 PE Step Ukraine Private company 39742 Polissya LLUkraine Private company 39743 Unknown (YMyanmar Private company 39744 Shwe YaungMyanmar Private company 39745 PE ZasullyaUkraine Private company 39746 PE ChervonUkraine Private company 39747 Dutch agraUkraine Private company 39748 ASOPALCATColombia Private company 39749 CoopsabanColombia Private company 39750 CoopalmagColombia Private company 39751 MetropolitaEcuador Private company 39752 Unknown (TMyanmar Private company 39753 Molniya-1 Ukraine Private company 39754 Union DiconNigeria Private company 39755 Teragro Co Nigeria Private company 39756 Okata FarmGhana Private company 39757 Twynam AgriSudan Private company 39758 Unknown (uSudan Private company 39759 Unknown (USudan Private company 39760 Investors ( Sudan Private company 39761 Unknown (USudan Private company 39762 Unknown (ASudan Private company 39763 Unknown (USudan Private company 39764 Unknown (IkSudan Private company 39765 Amtaar invSudan Private company 39766 Eduardo PizEcuador Private company 39767 Mafuro Far Zimbabwe Private company 39768 TestPrimar Germany Private company 39769 Mandalay MMyanmar Private company 39772 Asopalma, Colombia Private company 39773 Siglo XXI, Colombia Private company 39774 TicoFrut SACosta Rica Private company 39775 Granex-CheUkraine Private company 39776 Unknown (CCameroon Private company 39777 Telcar CocoCameroon Private company 39778 Bengal AgroSierra LeonPrivate company 39779 AF Nyva Ukraine Private company 39780 BaryshivskUkraine Private company 39783 'Mayak' LL Ukraine Private company 39784 Obodivka-AUkraine Private company 39785 Arewa CottoNigeria Private company 39786 Serengeti BTanzania Private company 39788 Piñera de ECosta Rica Private company 39790 Union DiconNigeria Private company 39791 Unknown (QaUkraine Private company 39793 Myanmar EcMyanmar Private company 39794 Unknown (LMyanmar Private company 39795 Yuzana GroMyanmar Private company 39796 Sein Wut HMyanmar Private company 39797 Jadeland Myanmar Private company 39798 Shpola-AgroUkraine Private company 39799 Agricost S.Romania Private company 39800 Kenya BrewKenya Private company 39801 Annawa SoMyanmar Private company 39802 Shwe KambMyanmar Private company 39803 Myanmar AMyanmar Private company 39804 Pyet Phyo Myanmar Private company 39805 Agritech BeBurkina Fa Private company 39806 Agritech BeBenin Private company 39807 Eco EnergyEthiopia Private company 39808 Eco EnergyMozambiquPrivate company 39809 Unknown (WiIndonesia Private company 39810 Unknown (WiPhilippinesPrivate company 39811 Unknown (FNigeria Private company 39812 Unknown (FSenegal Private company 39813 Unknown (FUganda Private company 39814 Unknown (FMali Private company 39815 Unknown (FMauritaniaPrivate company 39816 Unknown (FSudan Private company 39817 Andhra PradMyanmar Private company 39818 Palmer CapiHungary Private company 39819 Palmer CapiCzech RepuPrivate company 39820 Palmer CapiPoland Private company 39821 Danam FarmCambodia Private company 39822 Dan-Farm UUkraine Private company 39823 Campos OriArgentina Private company 39824 Campos OriParaguay Private company 39825 Campos OriUruguay Private company 39826 CalyxAgro Paraguay Private company 39827 CalyxAgro Uruguay Private company 39828 CalyxAgro iBrazil Private company 39829 CalyxAgro iArgentina Private company 39830 Unknown (MSouth SudaPrivate company 39831 Unknown (MRwanda Private company 39832 Proteak ReMexico Private company 39833 Proteak ReColombia Private company 39834 Unknown coRussian FedPrivate company 39835 Unknown coMozambiquPrivate company 39836 Unknown (BPhilippinesPrivate company 39837 Unknown (BeVenezuela,Private company 39838 Unknown (JEgypt, ArabPrivate company 39839 Unknown (JSudan Private company 39840 Unknown (JEthiopia Private company 39841 Unknown (JSouth AfricPrivate company 39842 Minas ArgenBrazil Private company 39843 Minas ArgenArgentina Private company 39844 Meta PetroGuatemalaPrivate company 39845 Unknown_FrColombia Private company The name of this company is to facilitate the representation of the investor tree of Frontera Energy 39846 Al Qudra AgCroatia Private company 39847 Al Qudra AgThailand Private company 39848 Al Qudra AgIndia Private company 39849 Al Qudra AgVietnam Private company 39850 Al Qudra AgAlgeria Private company 39851 Al Qudra AgPakistan Private company 39852 Barrick GolDominican Private company 39853 Barrick GolArgentina Private company 39854 El Tejar in Brazil Private company 39855 El Tejar in Uruguay Private company 39856 El Tejar in Bolivia Private company 39857 Unknown (GAngola Private company 39858 Unknown (GSudan Private company 39859 Unknown (GSudan Private company 39860 Unknown (GCambodia Private company 39861 Unknown (GNiger Private company 39862 Unknown (GMexico Private company 39863 Shanghai PNew Zeala Private company 39864 Shanghai PeBrazil Private company 39865 Shanghai PeBolivia Private company 39866 Rajhi Inter Sudan Private company 39867 Rajhi Inter MauritaniaPrivate company 39868 Green FuelZambia Private company 39869 Green FuelZimbabwe Private company 39870 Tompkins CArgentina Private company 39871 Tompkins CoChile Private company 39872 D1 Oils Gh Zambia Private company 39873 D1 Oils Gh Ghana Private company 39874 D1 Oils GhaMalawi Private company 39875 Unknown (AAngola Private company 39876 Unknown (AgLibya Private company 39877 Unknown (SuRussian FedPrivate company 39878 Unknown (SuKazakhstanPrivate company 39879 Unknown (GoPhilippinesPrivate company 39880 Unknown (GSudan Private company 39881 Unknown (LAngola Private company 39882 Unknown (LMalawi Private company 39883 Unknown (LoMali Private company 39884 Unknown (QaPhilippinesPrivate company 39885 Unknown (QaVietnam Private company 39886 Unknown (SMadagascaPrivate company 39887 Unknown (SiTanzania Private company 39888 Sabina in Sudan Private company 39889 Sabina in Uganda Private company 39890 Sabina in Kenya Private company 39891 Unknown (FGuinea Private company 39892 Unknown (FaSierra LeonPrivate company 39893 Unknown (FaMali Private company 39894 Unknown (AMali Private company 39895 Unknown (AMali Private company 39896 Unknown (ABurkina Fa Private company 39897 Unknown (AGuinea Private company 39898 Unknown (ENiger Private company 39899 Unknown (EMali Private company 39900 Unknown (OSenegal Private company 39901 Unknown (OGambia, ThPrivate company 39902 Pharos MiroSudan Private company 39903 Pharos MiroTanzania Private company 39904 Unknown (BiEthiopia Private company 39905 Unknown (BiTanzania Private company 39906 unknown (BCambodia Private company 39907 unknown (BLMalaysia Private company 39908 Glencore GrArgentina Private company 39909 Glencore GrUkraine Private company 39910 AngloGold BrazilA Private company 39911 AngloGold ColombiaA Private company 39912 AngloGold Congo,A DemPrivate company 39913 Unknown (ZSudan Private company 39914 Unknown (ZCongo, DemPrivate company 39915 Unknown (ASudan Private company 39916 Unknown (APakistan Private company 39917 EmVest LimSwaziland Private company 39918 EmVest LimMozambiquPrivate company 39919 SC BardeauMadagascaPrivate company 39920 SC BardeauRomania Private company 39921 Oji Lao Pla Lao PDR Private company 39922 Oji Lao Pla MadagascaPrivate company 39923 Valinor PubRussian FedPrivate company 39924 Valinor PublUkraine Private company 39925 Wilbahi InvAngola Private company 39926 Wilbahi InvGermany Private company 39927 Unknown (VZambia Private company 39928 Unknown (VMozambiquPrivate company 39929 Green ResouTanzania Private company 39930 Green ResoMozambiquPrivate company 39931 Nam Tan UyCambodia Private company 39932 Nam Tan UyeVietnam Private company 39933 LONG DUC IndiaI Private company 39934 LONG DUC VietnamI Private company 39935 Quifel Agri Sierra LeonPrivate company 39936 Quifel Agri Angola Private company 39937 Unknown (LiLiberia Private company 39938 Unknown (LiBenin Private company 39939 Fri- El Eth Nigeria Private company 39940 Fri- El Eth Ethiopia Private company 39941 Unknown (TrNigeria Private company 39942 Unknown (TGhana Private company 39943 PLT INDUS Cambodia Private company 39944 Cresud SA. Boliviai Private company 39945 Cresud SA. Argentina Private company 39946 Dai Nam JoIndia Private company 39947 Kariki GrouKenya Private company 39948 Kariki Gro Rwanda Private company 39949 Unknown (BZambia Private company 39950 Unknown (BKenya Private company 39951 Kisumu MolMozambiquPrivate company 39952 Kisumu MolKenya Private company 39953 Unknown (GMozambiquPrivate company 39954 Unknown (GKenya Private company 39955 Clenergen GIndia Private company 39956 Clenergen Guyana Private company 39957 Solvent ExtMyanmar Private company 39958 Solvent ExtParaguay Private company 39959 Forest RetuBrazil Private company 39960 Forest RetuSuriname Private company 39961 Forest RetuCosta Rica Private company 39962 Adecoagro Argentina Private company 39963 Adecoagro Brazil Private company 39964 Adecoagro Uruguay Private company 39965 Unknown (GPakistan Private company 39966 Unknown (GSenegal Private company 39967 Unknown (WPakistan Private company 39968 Unknown (WIraq Private company 39969 Unknown (ARussian FedPrivate company 39970 Unknown (AUkraine Private company 39971 Unknown (QVietnam Private company 39972 Unknown (QaBelarus Private company 39973 Myan NaingMyanmar Private company 39974 Po Kaung Myanmar Private company 39975 South Dag Myanmar Private company 39976 Steel StoneMyanmar Private company 39977 Anawar TunMyanmar Private company 39978 Dagon TimMyanmar Private company 39979 Aung Zin MMyanmar Private company 39980 Auto ElectrMyanmar Private company 39981 Shwe Myei Myanmar Private company 39982 Dnister-AgrUkraine Private company 39983 Northern RMyanmar Private company 39984 Myanmar SIMyanmar Private company 39985 Linn Pyae Myanmar Private company 39986 Unknown (OrSierra LeonPrivate company 39987 Buzhanske Ukraine Private company 39988 Luchanske-Ukraine Private company 39989 FrieslandC Nigeria Private company 39990 PE Vita-KolUkraine Private company 39991 InteragroinUkraine Private company 39992 Tolaro GlobBenin Private company 39993 Kryazh&K Ukraine Private company 39994 Asante CapKenya Private company 39995 PBC Shea LGhana Private company 39996 Société AgrCôte d'Ivoi Private company 39997 Generale DeCôte d'Ivoi Private company 39998 Mriya ALLCUkraine Private company 39999 Cocoa ToutGhana Private company 40000 Podil ALLC Ukraine Private company 40001 Svitanok AUkraine Private company 40002 African Pla Ghana Private company 40003 Cofergepo Angola Private company 40004 FedyukivkaUkraine Private company 40005 ChernivchaUkraine Private company 40006 PE DruzhbaUkraine Private company 40007 Strong LLCUkraine Private company 40008 Olesya FE Ukraine Private company 40009 Vassma-ShyUkraine Private company 40010 Sino–CongoCongo, DemPrivate company 40011 Unknown (PBenin Private company 40013 AgroPlus 2 Ukraine Private company 40014 Lampka AgrUkraine Private company 40015 Sino Austr Lao PDR Private company 40016 Mayers-DelUkraine Private company 40017 Dukra AgroUkraine Private company 40018 Prima RosaKenya Private company 40019 Atlantic Fa Ukraine Private company 40021 Agro-RegioUkraine Private company 40022 Agro-RegioUkraine Private company 40023 Unknown (AfNamibia Private company 40024 Border TimZimbabwe Private company 40025 Sunlodges Tanzania( Private company 40026 Bilopillia A Ukraine Private company 40027 Bilopillia A Ukraine Private company 40028 Kodjen B L Ukraine Private company 40029 Agrifas LLCUkraine Private company 40030 LatagroinveUkraine Private company 40031 Charivna NUkraine Private company 40032 Orativlatin Ukraine Private company 40033 Podillyalat Ukraine Private company 40034 Unknown (MSerbia Private company 40035 Unknown (MUkraine Private company 40036 AgroholdinRomania Private company 40037 FBR Forest Romania Private company 40038 Blue Skies Egypt, ArabPrivate company 40039 FBR BiomasRomania Private company 40040 FBR Forest Romania Private company 40041 Unknown (RBulgaria Private company 40042 JSC 'Pravdi Russian FedPrivate company 40043 'NNPP' LLCRussian FedPrivate company 40044 RUSMOLCORussian FedPrivate company 40045 Petowal MiSenegal Private company 40046 NemyrivlatUkraine Private company 40047 Fazenda CaAngola Private company 40048 Fazenda C Angola Private company 40049 Fazenda M Angola Private company 40050 Fazenda PeAngola Private company 40051 Fazenda S Angola Private company 40052 Manquete agAngola Private company 40053 Koloryt AgrUkraine Private company 40054 Kurland LL Ukraine Private company 40055 Krasne-AgrUkraine Private company 40056 Agro Balt LUkraine Private company 40057 AF ZapovitUkraine Private company Approved. 40058 Unknown (IsUkraine Private company 40059 AF MatyshiUkraine Private company 40060 Resilient OUkraine Private company 40061 Resilient Ukraine Private company 40062 IKEA ResouRomania Private company 40063 Caxito RegAngola Private company 40064 TestImport Brazil Private company 40065 Mamou Ca Mali Private company 40066 Solaris SA Mali Private company 40067 SOPROMI Mali Private company 40068 Dunkafa-ToMali Private company UUID: 505f30e0-11a7-45fb-b18c-2d584210b946_x000D_ 40198 Imaloto PowMadagascaPrivate co http://www.lemurreso Economic Sector: Mining_x000D_Mining 40316 Lemur ResoAustralia Private co http://www.lemurreso ImportedDomestic fromPartner: Land Coal Observatory of Madagascar LImited 40419 GG World Cambodia Other (please specify in commentUUID: c7e58604-593e-4bd5-855f-4d80e21e3ae5 40505 SALIC UK LUnited KingInvestmenthttp://www. 40506 OP FinanciaFinland Investment fund 40507 OP CorporaFinland Commercia 40508 Saudi GrainSaudi Arabia 40509 Public Inv Saudi ArabState-/government (owned) company 40510 United Far Saudi Arabia 40511 KRMG (UkraUnited KingPrivate company 40512 Grain LandUkraine Private company 40513 Agro LV LimUkraine Private company 40514 Michel Ter France Individual entrepreneur 40515 Elifibr LLC Ukraine Private company 40516 Agro InvestCyprus 40517 Bio Verde Ukraine Private company 40518 Vesele-Agr Ukraine Private company 40519 Agro InvestCyprus 40520 Bio Verde Ukraine Private company 40521 Vesele-Agr Ukraine Private company 40522 Volyn-AgroUkraine Private company 40523 Mya ThidarMyanmar Individual entrepreneur "Stark Industries Co. Ltd. is owned and founded by Mya Thida Sway Tin, a Myanmar businesswoman with connections to military and business elite. Mya Thida Sway Tin takes her name from her exhusband, Maung Maung Sway Tin, who recently died. They are both named in the Panama Papers." (EIA.2016: Green Desert) 40525 Prestige Pl Malaysia 40530 Iglesia ni CPhilippinesOther (please specify in commentChurch of christ 40531 Unknown (Iglesia ni Cristo) 40532 RCL Foods South AfricStock-exch 40533 Idavang-In Russian Federation 40534 Jast Holdin Denmark Private company 40535 Idavang A/Denmark Stock-exchhttps://id 40536 Idavang LLRussian FedPrivate company 40537 Malayan BaMalaysia Commerciahttps://w 40538 Joyvio Gro China 40539 Heilongjia China 40540 HeilongjianChina Stock-exchange listed company 40541 Jiusan Gro China 40542 JBA Holdin China Private company 40543 Unknown (JBA Holdings (China) 40544 Japan BankJapan Bilateral D 40545 Norwegian Norway Investment 40546 Yaw FamilyMalaysia Individual entrepreneur Father and son, Yaw Teck Seng and Yaw Chee Ming respectively, are the founders and owners of Samling Strategic Corp. 40547 AgropecuarColombia Company related to the corporation "Amigos de Los Montes de María" that is buying land in El Carmen de Bolívar in Colombia. Linked to deal #803 40548 Bushveld MSouth AfricStock-exchange listed company Headquarters in South Africa. Registered on London Stock Exchange 40549 IR ResourceChina, HongStock-exchhttp://www.irresource Previously known as China Asean Resources Ltd., changed its name last August 2015 40550 Ener. Fin. s.r.l. 40551 Fri-El Energy Investments S.r.l. 40552 Fri-El Capital S.r.l. 40553 Anglo-Rom RomaniaA Private company 40554 Jalandhar PIndia 40555 Unknown (JaIndia 40556 Perilines LtGhana 40557 Seftech IndIndia 40558 Komenda suGhana 40559 Arafco AgriKenya 40560 Prince SultSaudi ArabIndividual entrepreneur 40561 Galana RanKenya 40562 Banco AgraColombia Governmenthttps://www.bancoagraIt's an official institution of the government devoted to foster agricultural projects. They developed a line of credit for agroindustry. 40563 sunshine GChina Might be Jiangsu Sunshine Group Co., Ltd 40564 Sunshine AgTanzania Sunshine Agriculture Limited part of the Sunshine Group Company Limited 40566 Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative (CHDI) 40567 Rwanda FarRwanda Private company 40568 Hunter FouUnited StatOther (please specify in commentNPO 40569 Clinton FouUnited StatOther (please specify in commentNPO 40570 NCH AdvisorUnited StatInvestment fund 40571 Lany Agro Ukraine Private company 40572 Brody AgroUkraine Private company 40573 Isola EnterpCyprus Private company 40574 Tsentr Dar Ukraine Private company 40575 Bio Agro L Ukraine Private company 40576 Dubenskyi Ukraine Private company 40577 Volyn Krai Ukraine Private company 40578 Genesta Li Cyprus 40579 Group of c Ukraine Private company 40580 AgroholdinUkraine Private company 40581 Horyn AgroUkraine Private company 40582 InvestmentUkraine Investment fund 40583 Bio-lan LLCUkraine Private company 40584 Shumsk AgrUkraine Private company 40585 Jerste S.a.r.LuxembourPrivate company Previous name Jerste B.V. and registration in the Netherlands. 40586 Petrobena ETanzania 40587 Petrobena ETanzania 40588 Agro Kolos Ukraine Private company 40589 Pitt Holdin Cyprus 40590 Ray Agro LUkraine Private company 40591 Starokosty Ukraine Private company 40592 Mineral Co Australia Stock-exch 40593 Mineral Sa South AfricPrivate company 40594 Blue BantrySouth AfricPrivate company 40595 AF Obriy L Ukraine Private company 40596 Agro Star Ukraine Private company 40597 Letychiv AgUkraine Private company 40598 Agro-MaidaUkraine Private company 40599 NAP II HoldNetherlandInvestment fund 40600 New Agro PUkraine Private company 40601 New Agro IUkraine Private company 40602 UkrzernoprUkraine Private company 40604 Agrofirm PrUkraine Private company 40605 Promin PodiUkraine Private company 40606 A.T.S. UkraCyprus 40607 Bio Kray LLUkraine Private company 40608 Unagro FinCyprus 40609 LU Invest Latvia 40610 Zolotyi svi Ukraine Private company 40611 Unknown (GChina 40612 Green TimbMozambique 40613 DepartmentUnited Ara State-/government (owned) company 40614 Food SecurUnited Ara State-/government (owned) company 40615 Ministry of Uganda State-/government (owned) company 40616 unknown (Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi (DED), the Food Security Centre — Abu Dhabi (FSCAD) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda) 40617 Kelmentsi Ukraine Private company 40618 Michael MatGermany Individual entrepreneur 40619 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 40620 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 40621 Krayevyd PoUkraine Private company 40622 MP Alpha LUkraine Private company 40623 Polonne AgUkraine Private company 40624 Korostyshi Ukraine Private company 40625 AGRISER d.Serbia Private company 40626 Unknown (Nisela Safaris) 40627 Nisela SafaSwaziland 40628 Unknown (Nisela Farms (Pty) Ltd) 40629 Nisela FarmSwaziland 40630 Eng Huat InSingapore Private company 40631 Eng Huat InNigeria Private company 40632 Eng Huat InSingapore Private company 40633 Eng Huat InNigeria Private co 40634 Actis CapitUnited KingIndividual 40635 Craftskills Kenya 40636 Kipeto EneKenya 40637 Overseas PUnited StatBilateral Development Bank / Development Finance Institution 40638 AgroholdynUkraine Private company 40639 Nosivka AgUkraine Private company 40640 Nizhyn AgrUkraine Private company 40641 Bakhmach Ukraine Private company 40642 SemenivkaUkraine Private company 40643 Glukhiv-AgrUkraine Private company 40647 San MiguelPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40648 Ayala Land PhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40649 Sicogon DePhilippines 40651 Semirara MPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40652 Unknown operating company (#162590) 40653 Philippine PhilippinesState-/government (owned) company 40654 Unknown operating company (#162592) 40655 Karla Mark Ukraine Private company 40656 VorozhbalatUkraine Private company 40657 RyasnyanskUkraine Private company 40658 Ryasnyanske LLC 40660 GoldPlata MPanama Private company 40661 Ukrlatagro Ukraine Private company 40662 Ancor InveCyprus 40663 Agrotop LLUkraine 40664 PALE "ZoryUkraine Private company 40665 Kelagers I Cyprus 40666 Charivnyi sUkraine 40667 AgrolatinveUkraine Private company 40668 Orilkalatin Ukraine Private company 40669 Supina AgrUkraine Private company 40670 Krayevyd-AUkraine Private company 40671 Charivnyi lUkraine Private company 40672 Mozfoods SMozambiquStock-exchange listed company 40673 Moçfer InduMozambique 40674 Aquifer LtdUnited KingPrivate company 40675 The GatsbyUnited KingNon - Profi 40677 Palmabio SColombia Private company _x000D_On July 15, 2015, Voltaje Empresarial and Palmabio applied for the acquisition of Odin Energy Corporation 40678 Green RiverPanama Private company 40679 Daewoo EngRepublic ofPrivate company 40680 LLL HoldingPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40681 MES InvestNetherlands 40682 MES InvestUkraine 40683 Mriya AgroUkraine 40684 Mriya PidgaUkraine Private company 40685 Palmeras deColombia Private company 40686 Coal Asia HPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40688 Manila SouPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40689 SM Land InPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40690 Guicaramo Colombia Private company 40691 Hacienda LColombia Private co 40692 Palmasol S.Colombia Private company 40693 Palmeras SColombia Private company https://em Link not from Opencorporates but of a Colombian newspaper. 40694 OleaginosaColombia Private co 40695 AgropecuarColombia 40696 Copalma LtColombia Private co 40697 Inparme S.Colombia 40698 Palmeras LaColombia Private co 40699 AgroganadoColombia Private company 40700 Sapuga S.AColombia Private company 40701 OleaginosaColombia Private company 40702 Palmeras LaColombia Private company 40703 Palmeras dColombia Private company 40704 IngwenyamaSwaziland Other (please specify in commentTrust 40705 GovernmentSwaziland State-/government (owned) company 40706 SDZ Mine PTY Ltd 40707 Lufafa MineSwaziland Private company 40708 SG Iron OreSwaziland 40709 Vicwood CeCentral African Republic 40710 Vicwood China 40711 Fadoul Greece 40712 Société CenCentral African Republic 40713 Nasrali & J Lebanon 40714 Société d' Central African Republic 40715 SCD Italy 40716 Sociètè CeCentral African Republic 40717 Familial France 40718 Industrie F Central African Republic 40719 African Pal United States of America 40720 Ngalipomi Congo, Rep. 40721 Unknown (ACongo, Rep. 40722 PT. Inocin Indonesia 40723 Unigrain HoCyprus 40724 Burat-AgroUkraine Private company 40725 SlobozhansUkraine 40728 South BukiPhilippines 40730 GovernmentChina State-/government (owned) company 40731 Unknown operating company (#162702) 40732 Nicua Mini China Private company 40733 Realwood ELiechtenstePrivate company 40734 Kreglinger Switzerlan Private company 40735 Agrofirma Ukraine Private company 40736 InvestmentUkraine Private company 40737 KhmilnytskUkraine Private company 40738 DevelopmenPhilippinesState-/gov 40739 Unknown (AUnited StatPrivate company 40740 Abana CoffEthiopia Private company 40741 Ayetu AgricEthiopia 40742 Ayetu AgricEthiopia 40743 Trackon TraEthiopia Private company 40744 Trackon TraEthiopia Private company 40745 Unknown (Karuturi Agro Products PLC) 40746 GoodvalleyRussian FedPrivate company 40747 Ethiopian EEthiopia State-/government (owned) company 40748 Ethiopian EEthiopia State-/government (owned) company 40749 Green Renewable Holdings 40751 Bronzeoak PhilippinesP 40752 All-Asia Re PhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40753 Sangley AirPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 40754 Ukraine InvDenmark Private company 40755 Polen InvesDenmark Investment fund 40756 National FoPhilippinesState-/gov 40757 AGR InvestCyprus https://op Owner of this company is Armenian citizen. 40758 SemenivkaUkraine Private company 40759 Mega ManagUkraine Private company 40760 Kintayer KTHungary Private company 40761 DryphholmUkraine Private company 40762 Berend PopNetherlandIndividual entrepreneur 40763 Herrit TonkNetherlandIndividual entrepreneur 40764 Huzinha KoNetherlandIndividual entrepreneur 40765 Oxana KryaUkraine Individual entrepreneur 40766 Kischentsi Ukraine Private company 40767 Southern NePhilippines 40768 Kennemer FoPhilippinesPrivate co 40769 Dole PhilippPhilippinesPrivate co change country origin 40770 CompagnieGabon 40771 China GeneChina Private company 40772 Panzhihua China State-/gov 40774 DavydivskiUkraine Private company 40775 Canes and PhilippinesPrivate company 40776 TC FarmingCyprus 40777 Marrimore HCyprus Private company 40778 UCD UkrainUkraine Private company 40779 Harmelia I Cyprus Private company 40780 Zeanovi Li Cyprus Private company 40781 Harmelia I Cyprus Private company 40782 Wellaxo InvCyprus Private company 40783 Azent Ltd. Cyprus Private company 40787 Davao AgriPhilippinesPrivate company 40788 First Afri Nigeria Private company 40789 First Afri Nigeria Private company 40792 Agrinanas PhilippinesPrivate company 40794 Unifrutti Tr PhilippinesPrivate company 40795 Agumill PhilPhilippinesPrivate company 40797 State-ownedChina State-/gov 40798 China NatioChina 40799 PT Papua AgIndonesia 40800 Lemkivska Ukraine Private company Investor updated. 40801 Mriya BukoUkraine Private company 40802 MJ Rubber APhilippinesPrivate company 40803 Pioneer Bi PhilippinesPrivate company 40804 Agrilogx PhilippinesPrivate company 40806 ECJ Farm PhilippinesPrivate company 40807 Tagum AgriPhilippinesPrivate co 40809 Marsman EstPhilippinesPrivate co 40810 MusahamatPhilippines Private company 40811 Worldwide PhilippinesPrivate company 40812 Royal CommGhana Private company 40813 Royal CommGhana Private company 40814 Injaro Agri Mauritius Investment 40815 Alliance fo Kenya Non - Profi 40817 Twifo Oil P Ghana 40818 Isebra GhaGhana Private company 40819 Usibras Brazil 40820 Savannah FGhana 40821 Savannah FGhana 40822 Root CapitaUnited StatOther (please specify in commentRoot Capital is a non-profit social investment fund. 40823 DADTCO PhiNetherlands 40824 Unknown (DGhana 40825 Barry Call Switzerlan Stock-exchange listed company 40826 Nyonkopa CGhana 40827 British Am Ghana 40828 Gold Coast Netherlands 40829 Unknown (GoGhana 40830 Ghalia (GhaGhana 40831 Unknown (Ghana 40832 Unknown (ItItaly 40833 Unknown (UUnited States of America 40834 Upcountry Ghana 40835 Trasacco g Italy Private company 40836 Sam ValleyGhana 40837 Bio ExoticaGhana 40838 Unknown(BiGhana 40839 Unknown (BiNetherlands 40840 Unknown (OGhana 40841 Mriia Hlyb Ukraine Private company Parent company added. 40842 Highland BPhilippinesPrivate company 40843 Subasta AgrPhilippinesPrivate company 40844 Davao FruitPhilippinesPrivate company 40845 ARR EnterpPhilippinesPrivate company 40846 Soriano FruPhilippinesPrivate company 40847 Panabo HePhilippinesPrivate company 40848 NESTFARMSPhilippines Private company 40849 JJMA Agric PhilippinesPrivate company 40850 RP BahrainPhilippinesPrivate company 40851 DANA FreshPhilippinesPrivate company 40852 Nenita EntePhilippinesPrivate company 40853 Great PlainPhilippinesPrivate company 40854 Uraya FarmPhilippinesPrivate company 40855 GFH FinanciBahrain Private co Investment bank, former Gulf Finance House (see: 40856 Ithmaar BaBahrain Private co 40857 Abu Dhabi United Ara Stock-exchhttps://de.linkedin. "Established in 2005, Abu Dhabi Investment House is a private joint stock company (PJSC) licensed by the UAE Central Bank. ADIH is promoted by leading financial institutions and a group of prominent businessmen and investors from the Gulf region." ( 40858 Unknown (GTurkey "Vision3, an alliance of three major Gulf financial institutions, has signed a landmark deal with Turkey paving the way for nearly $9 billion investment in Turkey’s agricultural sector." ( 40859 Grupo ManuColombia Private co http://wwwhttps://ww Link refers to Bloomberg, not OpenCorporates. The company has several investments in Latin America, including Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. The main produces are bioethanlo, sugar, biodiesel, glycerine, shrimps, mussels, grapes and other vegetables. 40860 Sisaleira d MozambiquPrivate company 40861 Sisaleira d MozambiquPrivate company 40862 Pamol NigerNigeria Private company 40863 Dn Tyre & Nigeria Stock-exchange listed company Former Dunlop Nigeria Plc 40864 Mriya LizinUkraine Private company 40866 Kagro LLC Ukraine Private company 40868 Mriya-LizinUkraine Private company 40871 Mriya-LizinUkraine Private company 40872 Group of c Ukraine Private company 40873 Mriya holdiCyprus Private equity firm 40874 Leyte IronsPhilippinesPrivate company 40875 AgroprospeUkraine Investment fund Bank 40876 JTI Leaf (M Malawi Private co 40877 Mizotske RUkraine Private company 40878 Japan TobacJapan Stock-exchange listed company JTI - Japan Tobacco International is the international tobacco division of Japan Tobacco Incorp.The company is headquartered in Tokyo and Japan Tobacco International's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. 40879 Libero CopCanada Stock-exchhttp://libe https://ww Bloomberg link 40881 Cape LambeAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 40882 sri ghana oGhana Private company 40883 R V R IndusIndia 40884 Buabin Oil Ghana 40885 ZernoproduUkraine Private company 40886 IPE Ridnyi Ukraine Private company 40887 Auto IndusRepublic ofPrivate co 40888 Resources Singapore Private company 40889 Myanmar AuMyanmar 40890 Dakor AgroUkraine 40891 Sumprocol Colombia Private co 40892 Seang LongCambodia 40893 Dongjin GrChina 40894 Russian FarRussian Federation 40895 Fu Yuan JinChina 40896 Euroasia GRussian Federation 40897 Zvezda LLCRussian FedPrivate company 40898 Unknown (Russian Federation 40899 Hue SingbaChina Investment fund 40900 Unknown (Singban) 40901 Colombia AColombia Private company 40902 Cargill Tra Colombia Private company 40903 Cargill de Colombia Private company 40904 Unknown_CaColombia Private company Source 14 - Deal 3107 40905 CPK PolyarRussian Federation 40906 Dongning HChina Private company 40907 GovernmentRussian Federation Eastern Europe RFP suggests that 'joint venture' means goodwill of local government to give land to the Chinese investor._x000D_ 40908 Armada CoRussian FedPrivate company Fertile soil is a Russian part of joint version. 40909 Denkhart RUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur 40910 PE EmmanuUkraine Private company 40911 Dalian WenChina Private company 40912 Wen Lian ARussian FedPrivate company 40913 BTG PactuaBrazil Investment Bank 40926 Poligrow ReColombia Private co http://www.poligrow.c The company was already created 40927 Poligrow C Colombia Private company 40928 Tanzania ATanzania 40929 Unnamed CChina 40930 Flor’Alia Tunisia 40931 SanLucar OSpain 40932 Agro Care Netherlands 40933 Desert Joy Tunisia 40934 Kaiku Spain 40935 Emmi Switzerland 40936 Vitalait Tunisia 40937 Vitalait Tunisia 40938 Group AvrilFrance 40939 GovernmentTunisia State-/government (owned) company 40940 Unknown (Groupe Avril + Government) 40941 SONOBRA SA (Societe nouvelle de brasserie) 40942 Boujebel Tunisia 40943 Heineken NNetherlands 40944 Fazenda SoAngola 40945 Castel gro France 40946 Mriya KarpUkraine Private company IdentificationParent number company 33579459_x000D_ added. 40947 Novagris L Ukraine The company was created in 2006. 40949 Mriya AgroUkraine Private company Identification number - 33579459_x000D_ 40950 Novagris L Ukraine Private company The company was created in 2006. 40951 Kwale CocoKenya Private company 40952 M-SAWA proKenya 40953 Fair Trade Kenya Private company 40954 Fair Trade Kenya Private company 40955 Tullow Oil United KingStock-exchange listed company 40956 Africa Oil Canada Stock-exchange listed company 40957 Total S.A. France Stock-exchange listed company 40958 Unknown (TuKenya 40959 Solai Group of Companies 40960 Solai FarmsKenya 40961 SerendiKenKenya 40962 Lewa WildlKenya 40963 Southern CZimbabwe 40964 Southern CZimbabwe Incorporated in 2010. 40965 Stern&Co LGermany Private company 40966 Stern Agro Ukraine Private company 40967 Netafirm Israel Private co 40968 Gabiro AgriRwanda 40969 Unnamed loTanzania 40970 Frikom d.o.Serbia Private company 40971 Haidu Avis Hungaryr 40972 Sloga Serbia Private company 40973 Baltic Prop Ireland Investmenthttp://www. 40974 Panonija Serbia Private company 40975 Poljoprivre Serbia Other (please specify in commentJoint-stock company 40977 Bosques deUruguay Investment fund 40978 Unknown operating company (#163106) 40979 Agro EmpreUruguay Private company LAFP 40980 Marcos GuiUruguay Individual entrepreneur 40981 AgronegocioUruguay Private company It was modified 40982 PIK FeketicSerbia Private company 40983 Vojvodina Serbia Private company 40984 Rungwe AvTanzania Private company 40985 Rungwe AvTanzania Private company 40986 Gujral Gro Canada 40987 Unknown (GKenya 40988 Consolata United StatIndividual entrepreneur 40989 Unknown (Consolata Ayoo) 40990 Deejay GroIndia 40991 Unknown (Deejay Group) 40992 Gorge FarmKenya 40993 Biojoule KeKenya Private company 40994 Gorge FarmKenya 40995 Tropical Po United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 40996 Galana KulaKenya 40997 UnspecifiedIsrael Bilateral Development Bank / Development Finance Institution 40998 Olkaria IV Kenya 40999 MacPollo Colombia Private co 41000 Marval Colombia Private co https://www.marval.c It is a construction firm but some of its capital ended up in Agropecuaria Aliar and La Fazenda 41001 Flora Ecop Germany 41002 Unknown (Flora Ecopower AG) 41003 Mineral Resources of Madagascar Sarl 41004 JTI Malawi Malawi 41005 Green QuesSouth Africa 41006 Unknown (GMalawi 41007 Graham MaSouth AfricIndividual entrepreneur 41008 New Kin IntChina 41009 Makanjila heavy mineral sands (HMS) 41010 Bank HapoaIsrael Other (pleahttp://wwwhttps://op Commercial bank 41011 Ampal AmerUnited StatPrivate company 41012 Banco NaciBrazil Bilateral D https://wwwhttps://op It is a development bank under the Brazilian government 41014 USAID United StatGovernment 41016 Comaco Chile Private co http://www.comacoforIt is not clear whether the company is registered in Chile. Its headquarters are located there, though 41017 Empresas MChile Private co http://www.empresasmNot possible to determine whether the company is listed in Chile. Its headquarters are located there. 41018 MwalawangaMalawi 41019 MwalawangaMalawi 41020 Africado LtTanzania updated 41021 Norfund Norway https://www.norfund. Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. Norfund – the Norwegian Development Finance Institution – was founded in 1997 and joined EDFI in 2001. Norfund is a company by special statute with limited liability, wholly owned on behalf of the Norwegian government by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 41022 Asturias HoLuxembourPrivate company https://op Company created by Riopaila Castilla, as it is possible to see in the OpenCorporates link. 41024 InversionesSpain Private company Company created on August 22, 2011 by Riopaila Castilla 41025 AgroindustrSpain Private company Company created by Riopaila Castilla 41026 InversionesSpain Private company 41027 InversionesSpain Private company Company created by Riopaila Castilla 41030 Torgovyj D Ukraine Private company Updated. I have changed deal according to the information 41032 Grupo RoyaSingapore Stock-exch 41033 Lwarcel CelBrazil Private co 41034 Novagris Ukraine Private company Approved. 41035 IM MatijeviSerbia Private company 41036 Zito Group Croatia 41037 Novi Agrar d.o.o. 41038 PP RatkovoSerbia Private company 41041 Catalyst CaCanada Private co http://catc 41042 Frontera EnCanada Stock-exch 41043 Frontera E Switzerlan Private company 41044 Frontera E Colombia Private company 41045 Pacific Str Colombia Private company 41046 PetrominerColombia Private company 41047 Grupo C&CColombia Private company 41049 Urozhaina Ukraine Private company 41051 Unifrutti International Holdings Ltd. 41053 UNIFRUTTI PhilippinesT Private company 41054 Filipinas P PhilippinesPrivate company 41056 Del Monte FPhilippinesPrivate company 41057 Drul OxanaUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41058 Hladun YurUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41059 Ovcharuk VUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41060 Sikorskyi VUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41061 PE ZakhidnUkraine Private company 41063 Monica ColColombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41064 AgromarcheColombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41065 CatanariboColombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41066 ManacaciasColombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41067 Tilava LtdaColombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41068 Monicol Lt Colombia Private company One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" 41070 Mriya PodilUkraine Private company Parent company added. 41072 Hoima Sugar Limited Private company 41073 Baba AhmaCameroon 41074 Tower ResoUnited KingStock-exch 41075 Gambia NatGambia, ThState-/government (owned) company 41076 AGCO CorpoUnited States of Amer 41077 Unknown (GGambia, The 41078 CEMAL ComeBrazil Private co 41079 Benevides Brazil Private co 41080 RRX MINERBrazil Private company 41081 Patauá FlorBrazil Private company 41082 Samise IndúBrazil 41083 Brasad'Oc Brazil Private company 41085 Caracol AgrBrazil Private company Modified by LAFP 41086 GURIS HoldiTurkey,1656/font-color84c3e4guris-holding-co-incfont.html 41087 Atlas VolovUkraine Private equity firm 41092 Guris InsaaTurkey 41093 Mogan InteUnited States of America 2. Ovcharuk Eugeniy Romanovych ( Lviv, Ukraine)_x000D_ 41094 APL "VoislaUkraine Private company 3. Gladun Yuriy Eugenovych (Lviv, Ukraine) 41109 Raysun InteBritish Virgin Islands Owner of this company is the citizen of the Russian Federation - Leyviman Alexander 41110 Beshpagir Russian FedPrivate equity firm 41113 Manuka New Zeala Private co 41114 A.K PurongUganda Private company https://op The country of Origin for this investment is Zimbabwe although the company is registered in Uganda. 41115 Neptune PeUnited KingPrivate company 41117 Erindi (Pty)Namibia 41118 Paladium KaUkraine Private equity firm 41121 L`ost DomiFrance Individual entrepreneur 41122 L`ost PascaFrance Individual entrepreneur 41123 Mandua CatFrance Individual entrepreneur 41124 Claud Man France Individual entrepreneur 41125 AgropervomUkraine Private equity firm 41126 NAC LLC Ukraine Private equity firm 41132 Societe AgrCôte d'Ivoire approved 41133 China MachChina State-/government (owned) company 41134 DTEK RenewNetherlandStock-exchange listed company 41135 Solar Farm Ukraine Private equity firm 41136 TTG Brasil Brazil Private company LAFP 41147 Parque ChiPanama Private company LAFP 41148 Charlie ClaUnited StatIndividual entrepreneur LAFP 41149 Hancock NaUnited StatPrivate co http://hancocknaturalresourcegr LAFP 41150 Forestal MiChile Private co LAFP 41151 Newmont GUnited StatStock-exchange listed company LAFP 41157 AF DobrobuUkraine Private equity firm 41158 Forestal CeChile Private co 41159 Grupo NuevChile Private co LAFP 41160 Masisa ForeChile Private company LAFP 41161 Hancock ChiUnited StatPrivate company LAFP 41162 Iglesia de United StatOther (please specify in commentReligious GLAFP 41163 AgroreservaUnited StatPrivate company LAFP 41164 AF Progres Ukraine Private equity firm 41165 Shandong ShChina State-/government (owned) company 41166 Shandong SUkraine 41177 Kenya CommKenya 41178 Booker McConnel 41179 East African Development Bank 41180 Base ToliarMadagascar 41181 Geita Gold Tanzania 41182 Siguiri Gol Guinea 41183 EcoEnergy Ukraine Private equity firm 41184 VotorantimBrazil Private co 41185 BNDES PartBrazil Government institution 41186 Eng.Wilfre Kenya Individual entrepreneur 41187 SerendiWorUnited States of America 41188 Agricola LaPeru Private company LAFP 41189 Sadiola ExpMali 41190 Société d’EMali 41191 Dole Asia HSingapore Investmenthttp://wwwhttps://op STL with f As stated in the Media report, financing from the parent company based in Japan – ITOCHU 41193 PlantationsCameroon Private company 41194 Boulstead United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 41195 Cold Stora Zimbabwe Private co 41196 GovernmentLiberia Government institution Approved- no duplicate 41197 Nimba RubbLiberia Private co 41198 Bulawayo Zimbabwe 41199 Metallon CoUnited KingPrivate company The company was formerly known as Metgold Limited 41200 Agro Pano Malaysia 41201 Kwenantle Botswana Private company Owned by Ms Lembie Mmereki 41202 Unknown (SSouth Africa 41203 Kwenantle Botswana 41204 Changing VSouth Africa 41205 Unknown (CBotswana 41206 Mr. Richar Ghana Individual entrepreneur 41207 Richie PlanGhana 41208 Palm FarmeGhana 41209 Frutas e L Guinea-Bissau 41210 Frutas & L Spain 41211 Cristóbal SSpain Individual entrepreneur Founder and shareholder of Frutas & Legumes 41212 Crassus HolUnited States of Amer 41213 Aurania ResBermuda Stock-exch 41214 EcuasolidusEcuador Private co 41215 China RailwChina State-/gov 41216 Tongling NoChina State-/gov 41217 EcuaCorrieEcuador Private company 41218 ExplorcobreEcuador Private company 41219 Lundin GolCanada Stock-exch 41220 Aurelian E Ecuador Private company 41221 Rohini FincUnited KingIndividual entrepreneur 41222 Apex Trust Jersey Investment Fund (all types incl. pension, hedge, mutual, private equity funds etc.) 41223 Antaeus Li Cyprus 41224 Cygnet CenUkraine Private equity firm 41225 PE RuzhynskUkraine 41226 GovernmentSerbia Government 41227 Elite Agro United Arab Emirates 41228 Yugo Elite Serbia 41229 Zobnatica aSerbia 41230 Promotora Colombia Private company 41231 Asopalma Colombia Private company 41232 Elite Harv Morocco 41233 YAS HoldinUnited Arab Emirates 41234 Tabouk EziraSaudi Arabia 41235 Unknown (Tabouk Eziraiya Errajihii) 41236 Elite Agro Mauritania 41237 Rocaglia 41238 Lotte Grou Republic ofInvestment Fund (all types incl. pension, hedge, mutual, private equity funds etc.) 41239 Lotte InternRepublic ofAsset mana 41241 Lotte Inter Russian Federation 41242 Mr ZarroukTunisia Individual entrepreneur 41243 Tonnies RuGermany Private company 41244 Agro-SoyuzRussian Federation 41245 Agro-OscolRussian FedPrivate equity firm 41246 PJSC SberbaRussian FedState-/government (owned) company 41247 Agro-OstroRussian Federation 41248 AGT CapitaCyprus Ukrainian citizen is the owner of this group. 41249 Agrotrade CUkraine Parent company registered in Ukraine. 41250 Novi MostyUkraine 41251 Victoria-AgUkraine 41252 SE Semal LUkraine 41253 Korol AnzheUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41254 Rai Group Kenya Private company 41255 PJSC Myr L Ukraine Private equity firm 41256 PAE UkrainUkraine 41257 UkrzernoprUkraine 41258 ZolochivskUkraine 41259 Agrotrade-Ukraine 41262 Horyal Inv Kenya Private company 41263 Atiak SugarUganda Semi state-owned company 41265 Unknown (CChina new parent company 41266 JSC LegenaRussian Federation 41267 LegendagroRussian Federation 41268 Unknown (GChina New parent company 41269 Capricorn FDenmark New investor 41270 Monsoon TiDenmark Added parent company 41271 New ForestAustralia Stock-exch New investor 41272 Mekong TimbLao PDR Oji Lao wasFormer Oji Lao 41273 Vinapimex Vietnam State-/government (owned) company New investor 41274 Sichuan RaiChina State-/government (owned) com 41275 Sichuan-ChRussian Federation 41276 Finmashery Co. Ltd. 41277 Zhaohe TraChina 41278 Farfell Cof Zimbabwe 41279 Richard Le Switzerlan Individual entrepreneur 41280 Guillermo GColombia Individual entrepreneur 41281 Raúl Mora Colombia Individual entrepreneur 41282 AgropecuarColombia Private company 41283 Invesa Colombia Private co 41284 Colombian Bermuda Update 41285 Mocoa VentuBritish VirgPrivate company 41286 The BesanaItaly Private company 41287 The BesanaUzbekistan Exact names of farmers contracted unknown. 41288 Unknown (BUkraine 41289 GovernmentMalawi State-/government (owned) company review 41290 Nchalo GBIMalawi reviewed 41291 Greenbelt AMalawi State-/government (owned) company 41292 Nchalo Smallholder Cane Growers Association [NSHCA] reviewed 41293 Sumitomo CJapan 41294 Unknown RuRussian Federation 41295 Terneyles Russian Federation 41296 Amgu OJSCRussian FedPrivate equity firm 41297 Darma Rice Mill Limited approved 41298 Alrawabi DSudan Alrawabi Dereviewed 41299 ShcherbakoRussian FedIndividual entrepreneur Executive director of Terneyles OJSC 41300 Natalia VikRussian FedIndividual entrepreneur 41301 Value CreatMalaysia Private equity firm 41302 Rimbunan HRussian FedPrivate equity firm 41303 Mennonite Mexico Non - Profit organization (e.g. Church, University etc.) 41304 AgroindustrColombia Private company 41305 CenipalmaColombia Non - Profi https://www.cenipalmaCorporación Centro de Investigación en Palma de Aceite / Corporation Research Centre in Oil Palm (Cenipalma) is a corporation of a scientific and technical nature. 41306 Aeequs CorEcuador Private company 41307 Moxley CorUruguay Private company 41308 Consave CAEcuador Private company 41309 La Fabril Ecuador Private co 41310 Energy & PEcuador Private company 41311 PalmaceiteEcuador Private company 41312 Mboi KamitKenya 41313 Mboi KamitKenya 41314 Flamingo HUnited KingPrivate company 41315 Unknown (FKenya approved 41316 Sanghi GrouIndia 41317 Cemtech LiKenya 41318 Sun Lin In China 41319 Asia Les LLRussian FedPrivate equity firm 41320 Nyalyka EntKenya 41322 Invest AG Switzerlan Asset management firm 41323 China Inve China State-/gov 41324 Russian Di Russian FedState-/gov 41325 Russia-China Investm Investment fund 41326 RFP HoldingCyprus Asset management firm 41327 RFP Group Russian FedAsset management firm Management company. 41328 DallespromRussian Federation 41329 Martin ChaChina Private company 41331 Quality ParUganda Private company 41332 Atiak SugaUganda Private company 41333 Tatepa LimiTanzania Private company Tanzania Tea Packers Limited (TATEPA) 41334 Wakulima TTanzania Private company 41335 Anna KyohaUganda Individual entrepreneur approved 41336 Farmosa Uganda Private company 41337 Karebe GolKenya 41338 Karebe GolKenya Private company 41339 Kenya FluoKenya Private company 41340 CommonerZimbabwe Private company 41341 Katito FarmZambia 41342 Saise FarmiZambia 41343 Kigali FarmRwanda Private company 41344 Phata SugaMalawi Other (please specify in commentCooperative 41345 Gapi-SI, saMozambiquInvestment development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%). 41346 Citrinos doMozambique 41347 Unknown loMozambique 41348 EcoFarm Moçambique Lda 41349 Lambane AgMozambiquOther (please specify in commentCooperative 41350 Chapo AgricMozambiquOther (please specify in commentCooperative 41351 Youth CoopMozambiquOther (please specify in commentCooperative 41352 Ndoto FarmTanzania 41353 Randy SohAustralia Individual entrepreneur approved 41354 Ojwang FamUganda Other (please specify in commentThe family approved 41355 Omer FarmiUganda Private company https://opencorpora approved 41356 ECM Agri LZambia 41357 GovernmentZambia State-/government (owned) company 41358 China RuraChina 41359 Unknown (CZambia 41360 DepartmentUnited KingGovernment 41361 MastercardCanada Non - Profi https://mashttps://opencorporat approved 41362 Sidra CapitUnited Ara Private co https://sid https://opencorporat approved 41363 Inoks CapitSwitzerlan Stock-exchhttps://wwwhttps://opencorporat approved 41364 Mineral SanSouth Africa 41365 Mineral Co Australia 41366 Blue Bantr South Africa 41367 KawambwaZambia 41368 Unknown Italian investors in Zambia 41369 Mount MeruZambia approved 41370 Mount MeruUnited Arab Emirates 41371 Mount MeruUnited Arab Emirates 41372 Eastern anBurundi Multilateral Development Bank Headquartenewinvestor 41373 ROWE FarmiZambia approved 41374 Mara GroupUnited Ara Private company approved 41375 Mara AgricUganda Private company 41376 Siberian G Russian Federation approved 41377 Siberian foSudan approved 41378 Société desCameroon Private company New company 41379 Flora JSC Russian FedPrivate company ТОВ"ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНАUnder classification - Open КОМПАНИЯ Joint-Stock ШИЧЖЕНЬ Company ТАН"_x000D_ 41380 Shychzhen China Private company One of the Updated.pecularities is pharmaceutical company. 41381 Zhong Yi InChina Private company 41382 U LINCZIN China Individual entrepreneur 41383 HongyunhoChina 41384 Armas AmuNamibia Individual entrepreneur 41385 Namibia OrNamibia Private company Namibia Oriental Tobacco is a closed corporation registered in 2005. Shareholding percentages in the company are still to be finalized- secondary investors Hongyunhonghe Tobacco and Armas Amukwiyu. 41386 Ruparelia GIndia Private co 41387 Rosebud LiUganda Private co 41389 Unknown (#163937) not enough information 41390 Black MounAustralia Stock-exchange listed company 41391 Namekara MUganda Private co approved 41395 Dzheltulak Russian FedPrivate company New operating company approved 41396 KomsomolskRussian FedPrivate company Investor name approved. 41397 Belgian In Belgium Bilateral D new investor 41398 Emerging AfMauritius Multilater"The Emergiupdated 41399 Mriya FarmiUkraine Private company Approved. 41400 SALIC UkraUkraine Updated. 41401 Mriya FarmUkraine Private company 41402 Moroto BusiUganda Government approved 41403 Kasese InduUganda Government Uganda Investment Authority is the parent company for the Kasese Business and Industrial Park. 41404 Unknown (#163990) This investor has no country of registration and is not linked to any deal. Please complete and link to a deal/ operating company or delete this investor. 41405 Jinja Busin Uganda Semi state-owned company Uganda Investment Authority, Parent company to this investment 41408 Moroto BusiUganda Semi state-owned company approved 41409 Unknown (#41409) Not enough information to approve this investor. Don't you have any more information or even a comment to better identify this investor? 41410 Sierra Tro Sierra Leone updated 41416 Dexaline L Ghana new investor 41417 Mondelēz InUnited StatStock-exchhttps://www.mondelezinternationnew investor 41418 Mondelēz InGhana new deal 41423 Soroti InduUganda Semi state-owned company 41424 Uganda DevUganda Government institution approved 41425 Teso TropicUganda Other (please specify in commentCooperativapproved 41426 Ximena AngColombia Individual entrepreneur LAFP 41427 Al Dahra HUnited Ara Private co updated. 41429 Bohol LimePhilippinesPrivate company Investor of deal #7177 41430 Republic CePhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal #7178 41431 BrightGreePhilippinesPrivate company Investor of Deal # 7179 41432 Rosemoor MPhilippinesPrivate company Investor for deal#7180 41433 Oriental H PhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal#7181 41434 RAFTAN HOCyprus Private company It was creaI added 1 parent company. 41435 "SPF "Uroz Ukraine Private co https://www.urozhay.n"SPF "UrozhApproved. 41436 Northern UgUganda Private co 41437 NUAC DenmDenmark Private company 41438 Nick ZiegleDenmark Individual entrepreneur 41439 Pearl CapitUganda Private equ 41441 Al Dahra E Egypt, Arab Rep. Identificationnew number deal - 41476864_x000D_ 41442 Stock compaUkraine Private company The beneficiaryApproved. owner is Omelianenko Oksana Oleksandrivna. 41443 STOV AgrokUkraine Private company It is one a Approved. 41444 TrostianetsUkraine 41445 DniprovskaUkraine 41446 Kirovska brUkraine 41447 Valiavska bUkraine 41448 AC "Batkiv Ukraine 41449 Lepanto CoPhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal#7190 41450 Monark ConPhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal#7191 41451 Lazi Bay R Philippines Investor for Deal #7192 41452 Philex MiniPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company 41453 ZvenyhorodUkraine 41454 Zambales DiPhilippinesPrivate company Please explore connection with Crau Mineral Res. Corp and Ferrochrome Resources, Inc. 41455 Panapino MiPhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal #7196 41456 Glicerio C. PhilippinesIndividual entrepreneur Investor of Deal#7197 41457 Itogon SuyoPhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal #7198 41458 Republic C PhilippinesStock-exchange listed company Note connection with Lafarge Mindanao 41459 Republic CePhilippinesStock-exchange listed company Note connection with Lafarge Republic 41460 Lysianska bUkraine 41461 O.G. BuznitUkraine 41462 Uganda-ChiUganda Private co approved 41463 GuangzhouUganda Private company 41464 GuangzhouChina Private company 41465 Industrial China Commercial Bank 41466 GRUPO ALIMSpain 41467 Grupo AlimNamibia updated 41468 Oregon MinPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company Investor for Deal#7205 41469 Pyro-CoppePhilippinesPrivate company Investor for Deal #7206 41470 Vulcan MatePhilippinesPrivate company Investor for deal #7207 41471 Maria Cruz PhilippinesIndividual entrepreneur Investor for Deal #7208 41472 South DavaPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company Note connection with Kalinan Timber Corporation 41473 MRL Gold PhPhilippinesPrivate company Note connection with Estrella F. Bautista 41474 Aglubang MPhilippinesStock-exchange listed company Investor for Deal#7211 41475 Concordia RPhilippinesIndividual entrepreneur Investor for Deal #7212 41476 GML CorporPhilippinesPrivate company Investor of Deal#7213 41477 Epetacio DuPhilippinesIndividual entrepreneur Investor of deal #7214 41481 Rapu-Rapu PhilippinesM Stock-exchange listed company No comment 41482 Deotrepis M. Bautista Individual entrepreneur Investor for deal #7221 41483 Central Palawan MiningPrivate company Investor for deal #7222 41484 H and Z Mining Corp. Private company Investor of deal #7223 41485 Plethora MiPhilippinesPrivate company Note connection with San Christo Minerals Exploration Corp 41486 Holcim MinPhilippinesPrivate company Note connection with Holcim Philippines, Inc 41487 Palawan StaPhilippinesPrivate company Investor of Deal #7226 41488 SALA Grou Turkey new investor 41489 Unknown ( Sierra Leone new investor 41490 King Eagle Exploratio Private company Investor of deal #7229 41491 Agrovista LCyprus 41492 Agrovista LUkraine Private company 41493 Agrofirm "HUkraine 41494 Restomon LBritish Virgin Islands 41495 Agropolis LUkraine 41496 Villor Mini PhilippinesPrivate company Investor of deal #7231 41497 UBS MarketPhilippinesPrivate company Investor of Deal #7232 41498 Kernel CapiUkraine 41499 Kernel-TradUkraine 41500 Poltava-Ze Ukraine 41501 Asset manaUkraine Asset management firm 41502 Bandurka OUkraine 41503 Hovtva ALLUkraine 41504 Tommy InterUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 41505 Mostipan OUkraine Individual entrepreneur 41506 Joint Ukra Ukraine 41507 World BankUnited StatMultilateral Development Bank (MDB) 41508 IFC (Intern United StatMultilater 41509 Sable FarmMalawi approved 41510 Global Tea United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland approved 41511 Envision Tanzania approved 41512 "VinnytskaUkraine Private company Added new company. 41513 STVO "StarUkraine Private company Added new company. 41514 "KaterynopiUkraine Private company Added new company. 41515 Agro-S LLCUkraine Private company Added new company. 41516 Espíritu deArgentina Private company LAFP 41528 GovernmentNepal Governmen new investor 41531 FOL Logist Uganda Private company approved 41532 FOL GROUPUnited Ara Private company 41533 Uganda DeUganda Investment 41534 "LK Ukrain Ukraine Private company 41535 PJSC "AgrofUkraine Private company 41536 "Agro Firm Ukraine Private company 41548 Affiliate “ Ukraine 41578 Nueva GarrArgentina Private company Argentinean Local Investor (LAFP) 41598 PNT Co. LtdVietnam 41599 Newmont GGhana Private co https://www.newmontgoldcorp.c To change parent company from private company to listed company. 41601 ABN AMRONetherlandCommercia 41602 Newmont GoGhana Private co https://www.newmontgoldcorp.c Approved 41603 SODETRANCAM Private company 41606 PLACAM Good 41607 Chirano GolGhana Private company approved 41619 EDEATECH Dont have more information regarding this company 41620 Société d’Exploitations des Bois d’Afrique Centrale (SEBAC) limited information on this company 41621 CFK Good 41622 ANAFOR Cameroon good 41623 Delta TimbLiberia Private company Owned by GaAdd new investor 41629 INC Sarl Action comment

Company Address: National Road No 6, Kean Khlaing Village, 12112 Phnom Penh, Cambodia

There seems to be a Chinese or Vietnamese investor or parent company behind Gold Foison.

More than 50%. See

which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_ assets, largely through short-term trading loans. 36 societies were created between 2010 and 2012 (with the same legal responsible) but were bought by Cargill in 2012. This strategy were built for the same lawyer buffet to avoid the farm land grabbing to Ripaila S.A

The company is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange_x000D_exchange Suntory and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited is now a shareholder of the secondary investor but it is not indicate how much are the stocks that they hold; only that both of the companies has a 50:50 share of a specific joint venture agreement. Through subsidiary SAFA. SAFACAM is owned by 69% by Socfinaf; Socfinaf is owned by 59% by SOCFIN; Bolloré group owns 38,7 % of SOCFIN. multinational company, and Chennai-based Mohan Breweries & Distilleries Limited. (http://_x000D_ Golden Agri Resources is a subsidiary of Sinar Mas Group

KS Oils Ltd invested in Indonesia through its subsidiary KS Natural Resources Pvt Ltd (KSNR) (Singapore)

Its subsidiary are PT Sekarbumi Alam Lestari, PT Langkat Nusantara Kepong, KLK Bioenergy Sdn Bhd.

operates under the control of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp and is one its main international business arms via Global Farming Ltd, which should "own and manage farms" ( )

International financial institution. Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States.

formerly Qatar Company For Meat and Livestock Trading QSC (Mawashi)

Grasim Industries Limited (India), Thai Rayon Public Co. Ltd. (Thailand) and PT Indo Bharat Rayon (Indonesia), which belong to the Aditya Birla Group, form the equity holders in BLPP. Added country origin

Hoang Anh Gia Lai claims that it is not one shareholder of Binh Ha (See vietnamese source

Kaosouyaotiang Viet-Lao Company is a partnership of three Vietnamese companies.

It is not possible to identify the nationality of this investor. The investor seems to be a joint venture between investors from Laos and China. formerly known as "Mitr Phol Sugar Corporation" is a joint investment between Japanese Oji Paper (51%), Nissho Iwai (now Sojitz) (39%)_x000D_ and Dai Nippon Printing (10%).

Acts through a subsidiary called Malaysia Prestige Plantation Hassad Food is owned and was established by the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA).

Body of over 800 companies

Emirates Investments Group LLC is an investment company based in the United Arab Emirates with interests in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. The dynamic investment Group sources unique business development opportunities and works closely with established companies through partnerships (EIG website)

Sovereignformerly known wealth as fund_x000D_ "Engro Chemicals" Through its investment arm "Hassad Food" To be renamed Widam Food Company Al Rabie Saudi Foods Co. Ltd. China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "CAMC"), a subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation._x000D_ Also called China National Constructional and Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Corp.

D1 Oils changed name to "NEOS Resources Plc" in March 2012.

Mitsui is also an investor In 2011 Black River Capital Partners Food Fund Holdings Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Black River Capital Partners Fund LP, a fund managed by the private equity arm of Cargill, has acquired a 28.11% stake in AgriNurture, Inc. (ANI).

Herminio Teves was a representative in the Congress of the Philippines.

the "investor" is not purely Saudi Arabian - it is a joint farming project between Saudi Arabian investors and Thai farmers

The Viengsa Agricultural Co-operative is an association of farmers

Part of Saudi fund for development $566m investment vehicle for buying land abroad.

belongs to the Northern Food Corporation, is a joint-stock company, with 55% of its capital belonging to ist Chinese partner and 45% belonging to the state

See The SEZ will be set up through the special purpose vehicle in which Bharat Forge will have 74 per cent stake. The state government will hold 24 per cent equity through its industrial infrastructure arm, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC).

It will not bring in any cash and instead will offer land and other infrastructure facilities.

Subsidiary of privately held Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group Formerly known as Horizon Infrastructure Limited

Korean steel giant Posco bought a 68% controlling share of Daewoo International Corp. Daewoo International Corp bought an 85% stake in PT Bio Inti Agrindo. And PT Bio Inti Agrindo has obtained permissions to develop a 40,000 hectare oil palm plantation in Merauke.

see Nandan's Annual Report 2012/13, p. 32

the company was formerly known as "Raipur Alloys & Steels Limited"

Glencore Xstrata PLC was created in May 2013 through the merger of Glencore with Xstrata.

In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake). Founded in 2005 by PERGAM Finance, Campos Orientales owns and operates nearly 45,000 hectares of farmland in Uruguay and Argentina (4 farms in Uruguay) another part is Sistema JFSK

The operator is SAVIA Peru.

a.k.a. "ELARG Agricultural Land Opportunity Fund"

KTG Agrar sold 100% shares to AUGA Group AB(Agrowill) Lithuania(UAB „Baltic Champs Group“(Lithuania) – 51,56%, „Volemer Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 15,89%, „Vretola Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 14,68%. Non profit organization

Mudanjiang (city in the Heilongjiang Province)

registered full name: "Obshchestvo s Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostyu Zernovaya Kompaniya Nastyusha OOO (Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью Зерновая Компания Настюша ООО)" Previously called Alpcot Agro AB

Andriywithout Verevskyi investments is the from Major swedish Equity company Holder._x000D_ It is a second or third the Secondary investor for this company.

Commercial farmers organisation

Through Lonrho Agriculture 30% of ENI is owned by the Italian Government. personal holding of businessman Eng. Miguel Pais do Amaral, a Portuguese aristocrat and_x000D_ businessman.

AfriAgro is the subsidiary of Atlantica Group Bolloré owns 38,7% of socfin.Bolloré group is a main shareholder. Vincent Bolloré remains very active in the strategic choices on the company. Hubert Fabri also has a controlling interest in the company.

The Libyan African Investment Portfolio is an asset of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), Libya’s sovereign wealth fund. The LIA was created by Safi Gaddafi in 2006. ADERCI has started the promotion of bioenergies in Côte d’Ivoire by creating some promotion centres in Toumodi (Central Ivory Coast) through the creation of an experimental plantation of 500 ha for jatropha and castor oil plant.

Owned by the Vilgrain Group and the Castle Group (both from France).

MagIndustries is 86% owned by Evergreen Resources Holding from China. Zhongxing Telecom Equipment (ZTE)

Through Subsidiary: Fri- El Ethiopia Farming and Processing Established in 2005 in strategic partnership with the Abu Dhabi Government through the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA)

Owned by Prince Al-Walid bin Talal_x000D_

Status of the company unknown. According to the Danish company register I.D.C. has been dissolved.

Sun Biofuels is in Liquidation according to UK registry; as are its subsidaries

Sheik Al- Amoundi is an investor in the MIDROC company. Majority-owned by MIDROC conglomerate (Mohamed Al Amoudi from Saudi Arabia). Jemal Ahmed (General Manager of Horizon) is minority shareholder. Saudi Star is owned by Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi According to California Company registry, Ardent was forfeited in 2011

No hits in Israeli company register JV between Cyprus and Israeli investors

The two business entrepreneurs, Doron Levi and Dr. Shlomi Jonas, have experience in launching, cultivating, managing and realizing a wide variety of innovative business initiatives; also skills in marketing and sales. Moncada Energy Group S.r.l., was established in Agrigento._x000D_ Moncada was founded in 1991 and was initially involved in the construction industry. Then, in 2001, after the “Bersani Decree” liberalised the Italian electricity market, it turned to the energy sector with a special interest in renewable sources.

-KimminicPrivately funded Logistics by Limiteda British (KLL)_x000D_ National KIMMINIC Corporation owns 100 percent of all its subsidiaries. Through Société sino-togolaise ( SINTO)

Clive Cooker is shareholder

Gold Star Farms was a joint venture between two US citizens, Jack Holden and Lloyd Benton Sharp. Holden ran Gold Star Farms with his Ghanaian wife, Diana Holden and daughter, Erica Holden as executives.

Based in Gibraltar and registered in the British Virgin Islands. Financing of Ngima-project using sugarcane from outgrowers representing 42000 ha._x000D_

David McClure is the President and CEO of Bedford Biofuels. Company declared bankruptcy in 2013.

Owned by American Calvin Burgess

in January 2014, Green Power Holding AG went into liquidation Equatorial Palm Oil as originally known as Nardina Resources PLC , the name changed to Equatorial Biofuels PLC and then to EPO. Stock-exchange listed company_x000D_ KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 62.9% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC,

Country data unknown. British company with headquarters in Mauritius

Energy company EnBW is a major shareholder in the company.

Indian investor is providing the financing for the project.

Sithe Global is majority-owned by the Blackstone Group.

Through its subsidiary SeedRock Africa Agriculture, registered in the British Virgin Islands

Since 2006 Illovo Sugar is majority owned by British Foods Plc (51%)

CompanyForas acts runsas the an investment R&D facility arm in Egypt of the focussed Organization on use of ofthe algea_x000D_ Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group.

Also referred to as Millenium Challenge Account

51% owned by France's LMBO Finances

The Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) is an organization of West Africa whose mission is the realization of economic integration of the Member States.

West African Countries Renamed SI from state to Government Republic of China on 15/03/2018 Also known as the Brazilian Foreign Trade Board. Another source states company may be from the UK.

Emvest Asset Management is a joint venture between Emergent Asset Management and Grainvest, a subsidiary of the RussellStone Group (South Africa)

Subsidiary of Saxion Estates. Rift Valley Holdings whose main shareholder is Heinrich von Pezold, a German national. Through subsidiary Api Nova Energia Through subsidiary SECI Energia

Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. Grupo Portucel Soporcel is majority owned by Semapa

Now called Nutre Group

Might be a Japanese consultancy firm

Mozambique company

Might be a Mozambican citizen.

No investor information

Possibly 'Mabarule Hunters Mozambique Lda' (South Africa) Might be from Mozambique Secondary investors: Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, Gapi, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) There are many agreements between the Wine sector of COFCO and other different companies ( Such as McGuigan, Loch Lomond and DGB)but instead of investing into the company, the agreements that were made are for the import of different brands in China in order to infiltrate the Chinese market. Major activities comprise project development, operations management, investment and acquisitions Also known as Chongqing _x000D_ Zhongyi Seed Company

Siat is 51% owned by the Vanderbeeck family, 12% by Wienco and 35% by Sinochem through GMG Global Ltd.

Owned by Chinese and Nigerians

VAADCO is a Vietnamese and British joint venture seeking to develop intensive irrigated rice production in Africa. Its chairman is Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan, a high-level Vietnamese rice scientist. Nationality of the company cannot be verified.

In partnership with the Government of South Sudan and the Government of Central Equatorial State

IsHADCO this the was same fully company acquired asby Jannat?_x000D_Almarai, the largest Saudi dairy company in 2009 Jannat, a limited liability company that brings together seven Saudi companies. Lead investor is TADCO (Al Rajhi).

LEAC controlled by SPLA liberation army leaders

Global Environment Fund & Finnfund are major shareholders of KVTC, other shareholders unknown.

The largest sugar company in Uganda

The founding familie holds 60% of the company, Dole holds 40% of Compagnie fruitiere Michaël Laurent of France established Société de Cultures Légumières SA (SCL) in 2006. SCL is backed by the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries

Is company USA or Swaziland based? Astral Foods Ltd., South Africa, holds (through its wholly-owned subsidiary National Chicks Ltd.) 67% of National Chicks Swaziland (Pty) Ltd.

The private equity fund is offered by Deutsche Bank, incorporated in the Cayman Islands and managed by Duxton Asset Management, based in Singapore Carter Coleman is the Founder and CEO. Funding from Pacific Sequoia Holdings, NorFund, Norwegian Development Bank and African Agricultural Capital. Capricorn Investment Group (majority shareholder) and AgDevCo are shareholders in Agrica. The company has received a $10 million equity investment in 2012. Parastatal government agency, which was established in 1975, with the view of promoting investments and developments along the Rufiji River.

Vita Grain is a Singaporean company owned by portfolio investor Intrasia Capital, which has been investing in hybrid rice development and production in Asia, Africa and Australia. The company's African investments in Mauritius, Mozambique and Tanzania are undertaken through a Mauritian holding company.

OwnedPrivate companyby 24 shareholders, that went bankruptmainly from in 2009. Belgium. Probably Farming new for owner. Energy for Better_x000D_ Livelihoods in Southern Africa (FELISA).

New Forests Company is supported by Agri-Vie investment fund and the IFC. The serious impacts of the operations on local villagers raise concerns given that NFC operations are supported by IFC, which claim to uphold high social and environmental standards. New Forest Company is financed by Finnfund. FMO has also provided funding.

Ownership shares unknown.

In 2011 the Government of Uganda sold 19% of the shares to The Rai Group. Commodities and is therefore likely to have majority_x000D_ control of both Bidco and Oil Palm Uganda Limited. SubsidiaryEstablished of by Dubai Sheikh World Mohammed _x000D_ Al-Rajhi, owner of Al-Rajhi Group Its principal shareholder is the government of Dubai under Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum

Nadec is led by the wealthy Saudi al-Rajhi family and is 20 percent owned by the finance ministry's Public Investment Fund (PIF). NADEC is the first and biggest agricultural share-stock company in Saudi Arabia.

West African States Economic Community (ECOWAS) is a West African intergovernmental organization

Will be taking off the ethanol produced.

Indication that the company filed for bankruptcy in 2015 5% owned by local sugarcane outgrowers union

Part of Siva group- belonging to Chinnakannan Sivasankaran. Siva Group owns shell company Broadcourt Investments Ltd, which owns Geoff Palm Limited (which in turn owns Biopalm). businessmen who have been working in Sierra Leone for the past 4+ years. Their experience lies in business _x000D_ management consultancy and commercial property.

Global Environment Fund & Finnfund are major shareholders of KVTC, other shareholders unknown. Owned by Chistoffel Breytenbach and Howard Blight Executive Director (Francesco Scolaro) is the main shareholder, controlling over 27% of the shares. Name changed from Obtala Resources Ltd to Woodbois Ltd in march 2019.

Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd. (NSPL) was established in 1988 in central part of Maharashtra State (India). NSPL is a 25 years old & is one of the leading companies in seeds production & bio inputs.

Owned by Jes Tarp and Paul Larsen. Around 50 Americans have each invested $100 000 in the company.

Source:Western multinational

Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso. Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso.

The subsidiary company of Enerfin/Enervento (Grupo Elecnor) and manager of the Osório's Wind farms is Ventos do Sul Energia. The subsidiary company of ENERCON GmbH is Wobben Windpower. Interbank payments and a Civil society without ends of profit.

Holds 20% of SIPH which owns 70.3% of RENL. It is unclear what type of company this is.

Through SNI (Societe Nationale d'Investissement)_x000D_

The subsidiary company in Colombia is Smurfit Kappa Cartón. FundedAlternatively by IFU, spelled Danish ‘Ferrostahl’, fund of development_x000D_ but more frequently spelled ‘Ferrostaal’. The company is 70% owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company, IPIC, which was formed by the Abu Dhabi government. As a result of the IPIC taking over the majority of shares, MAN Ferrostaal AG changed its name to Ferrostaal AG.

The subsidiary in Peru is Panoro Apurimac S.A. The subsidiary in Peru is AQM Perú. The subsidiary in Peru is Teck Peru.

Former government official who enabled many land deals across Africa

owned by Al Falah Group Upon start of operations, farmers are expected to also own shares in the ethanol plant. acts throug also Singapore based subsidiary named "Plantation Resources Pte Ltd (PRPL)" In 2004 the PNG Government sold its 50% shareholding of Hargy Oil Palms to S.A SIPEF NV which has always had full responsibility for the management, operations, processing and international marketing of the company's products.

Orocobre and Toyota Tsusho Corporation signed a definitive joint venture agreement to develop the Olaroz Lithium Project. The subsidiary of in Peru Fortuna Silver Mines Inc is Minera Bateas.

The subsidiary of Candente Copper Corp. in Peru is Cañariaco Cobre Peru S.A.

The subsidiary of Anglo American Plc in Peru is Anglo American Michiquillay Genting Group is 40.0% owned by Kien Huat Realty Sdn Bhd, a private company controlled by the late Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Goh Tong’s family.

Belongs to Group Votorantim Metains.

Major agricultural subsidiary is Dekel Oil Public Limited. signed as an investor, March 2010

The subsidiary of Cepsa in Peru is Cepsa Peru SA.

Licogi has the remaining 22 percent The subsidiary of Emerald Energy PLC in Peru is Emerald Energy Peru SAC. Mother Company: Sterling Paper Group of Companies Sumitomo Corporation 100%_x000D_ for(of whichmechanized 20% is farming._x000D_ planned to be held by Sumitomo Corporation Vietnam LLC)

On behalf of the Swazi nation

Government agency in the Ministry of Regional Development Authorities

Om Metals & SPML hold around 18.5% stake each, the Pondicherry Government holds_x000D_ 26% & Urban Infrastructure Ltd holds 37% Spectre International signed the initial lease in 2001. Energem later became majority shareholder in the factory joint venture with Lao company Ownership share unknown

According to information from the UK company register, Caparo Renewabel Agriculture Developments has been dissolved in January 2011.

Japan BioEnergy Technology

Ethiopian born- USA citizen. Mr. Tongly formerly was the provincial vice governor. listed on Hong Kong stock-exchange (1208)

ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See

Unsure of status of this company.

Chinese:Hunan subsidiary Yunnan Liliang of the Shengwu_x000D_national conglomerate China Minmetals Zhipin Youxian Gongsi

Owned by Mr. Arne Helvig and Mr. Steinar Kolnes

Another name for the investor is “Sems Turk Kuwait-Turkey investment consulting company”

The state-supported Qatari company Hasat Hud has asked for “tens of thousands of acres of Treasury land” from Turkey’s Finance Ministry. through IGEPE (Institute for the Management of Government Shares) Believed to be owned by Harvard University

Clean Biofuel International PTE Ltd invests in Indonesia through its Indonesian subsidiary PT. Inti Global Laksana

IOI holds its stake in Bumitama Agri Ltd via Lynwood Capital Resources Pte Ltd and Oakridge Investments_x000D_

Formed by Zimbabwe African Peoples_x000D_ Union (ZAPU) political party to carryout investments on behalf of the party.

Owned by the Orlandi family. The company declared bankruptcy on 05/21/2015. Holds 60% of Alpha Logging. Alpha Logging is likely 50% owned by Samling Global, Malaysia. Samling is part of Yaw Holding. The detailed ownership structures are intransparent. Miro Forestry is an independent Cayman Islands incorporated private limited company headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

Held by Ministry of Agriculture

Indus Basin Holding is a Member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), a global network of organizations that invest money and expertise to propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets.

only nationality of director is given only nationality and address of chairman are known only nationality of director is given

JTF is part of TRE-Tozzi Renewable Energy, Tozzi Holding

Ownership: Pamoja Capital 70%, Vattenfall (owned by Nuon of NLD) 20%, Swedfund 10%. In May 2012 Vattenfall and Svedfund sold their share. Private company; Malavasi Logging holds 30% share in EJ & J Investment Corporation.

Level of involvement of Junhao Timber unknown.

promotesFor REDD thepurposes international only cooperation in_x000D_ transport sector

only nationality of director

the company was formerly known as "Sterling Biofuels International Limited" a subsidiary of Shanghai Construction _x000D_ Group Co. Ltd

Omnicane declined an option to acquire an additional 25% from Pabari Investments in 2016.

only nationality of director is known The Bek-Nielsen Family (Maximum Vista Sdn Bhd) hold 41.75% in UP.

member of Vietnam Rubber Group alsoOnly chairone of of various Korean investorscompany activeDonghwa, in the is MIFEEKorindo's largest_x000D_ shareholder.

Thai investors from Thailand's Sisaket province

ARDA entered a BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) joint venture with Macdom and Rating Investments.

Pro-Savana is a triangular development programme between the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, ABC (Brazil), and JICA (Japan).

Tsb Sugar was founded in 1965, and is a 100 percent-owned subsidiary of Remgro Ltd, a stakeholding company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Leopard Capital is pulling out stakes in Cambodia_x000D_ The nationality of the company is unknown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and that the director is Vietnamese.

probably also involved in other concessions in the area, which are contracted on the same day.

Former name: Muhak Alcohol Co. Ltd.

Shareholders: China 100% Taiwan based. Listed on the Taiwan stock-exchange.

The nationality of the company is unkown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and its director is Vietnamese.

GlobalHong Kong provider limited of forestcompany investment with offices advisory in Thailandservices._x000D_ Ownership: Teachers Fire Insurance Company 49%, IWC Holdings 51%.

Goodhope Holdings is a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch PLC. Goodhope Holdings has invested in plantations in Indonesia through various different companies. All in one Goodhope Holdings acquired a land bank of 157889 hectares in Indonesia (some parts of this land bank were acquired before 2000).

The Iranian State provides land to Iranian shepherds

Arab Authority for Agriculture Investment and Development Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to Vedanta Resources.

Olam & Wilmar's 50-50 JV Nauvu Investments holds 27%-share; Parme Investissement (holding company of SIFCA's founding family) holds 44%. Immoriv SA holds a further 21% with the remaining shares in the hands of private investors (8%).

IJM Corporation Berhad's percentage of capital in stock-exchange-listed IJM Plantations Berhad is 55.11%. IJM Plantations Berhad is investing in palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Acazis was de-listed in 2013._x000D_ Major shareholders are Swiss British Fiduciary Trust Center (CH) and Athanor Equities (LUX). Acazis is now majority-owned by the Luxembourg-based renewable energy group Athanor Equities. Latteno no longer mentions the Ethiopian activities on its website or in recent company filings.

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. Société Minière de Kilo-Moto (SOKIMO). A state-owned gold mining company.

Central New Hanover Ltd subleased the land to Tututman Willsmart International Limited (“Willsmart”; British Virgin Islands) "is the registered holder of 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares of one kina each being the total number of shares issued and allotted in the capital of Albright Limited", to which the area is subleased The company started in Australia but relocated to Jersey in 2011

90% foreign shareholding developer of the project (according to Greenpeace 2012)

Standard Chartered owns 30% of Afrifresh.

Devonshire Capital, a global private equity major, has picked up 51% stake in the Indore-based Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., as part of the latter’s debt restructuring plan. This only pertains to certain specific edible oil brands and the distribution business.

Owner of Global Agricultural Resources (LI). GNRH filed bankrupcy in 2011.

The Government Pension Fund of Norway has invested in TSH Resources Berhad. Oriental Holdings Berhad is a subsidiary of Boon Siew Group, through which the investments in Indonesia were made.

owns 80% shares in the Sepik Oil Palm Project project is developed by "Skywalker Global Resources Company (PNG) Limited" IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012)

Nauvu is a 50:50 joint venture between Olam and Wilmar

The remaining 5% of Triton is held by Inversiones Mineras S.A., a holding company representing unionized mine workers in Nicaragua.

ATH is an entity formed by Chinese business in connection with that country’s government, with the aim of facilitating trade between Africa and China.

Secondary investor country not known. Ultimate owners unknown Ultimate owners unknown

Biocongo is a subsidiary of Madrid-based company IBECO Corporacion Mantra Resources Pty Limited, an Australian registered corporation in which Uranium One has a 13.9 per cent interest. The remaining shares in this company are owned by Uranium One’s 51 per cent shareholder, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (“ARMZ”).

a Government of Haryana Company acts in Chile through its subsidiary Lumina Copper Chile.

the company's agribusiness arm is ISMSA International Sun Moon Star Agricultural Co. Ltd.

Mim Cashew is a family owned cashew plantation and processing facility

As of October 2014 majority shareholder of Agricon Global Corporation is Mr. Brian Mertz, a resident of Denmark.

Subsidiary of UK stocklisted company

Previously called VegPro Group Previously known as Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc. (100%-owned subsidiary of ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd) "the Myanmar and Thai governments will each hold 30 percent in the SPV [special purpose vehicle], while the remaining 40 percent will be held by other partners including Japan, China and South Korea" (

Founded bty Carl Heinrich Bruhn edible and palm oil importers A subsidiary of the Noida-based Lucky Group

Formerly called Sher Holland.

Sun Opta is the parent of Dutch-based The Organic Corporation (TOC).

According to Florida Dep of state is the investor "inactive" (PROFUNDO) Maruha Nichiro Holdings sold the Agrobest Shrimp Farming company to Fujian Hengshui Group, a Chinese investor for an undisclosed amount. This is due to the effect of the widespread disease called Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)

Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (2621) on 15/03/2018

Dole said it had cancelled the contract with Letsgrow in November 2011, but Letsgrow continues the operations

Taipan Hectares is owned by the family of Delloyd Ventures managing director DatukTee Boon Kee. Company changed its name from GEM Biofuels in December 2012 in an effort to respond to the new investments to be made in the mining and natural resource sector. Shareholders include (amongst others) Paul Benetti (former CEO).

Diarmid Burns established BEL in 2006.

Might also be called Birhuy

GMG GLobal ltd is a subsidiary of Sinochem, China (state company). Societe De Production De Palmeraies Et D’Hevea

This company is not listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange when checked in July 2013. It has probably changed its name to TomaGold following the merger with Stellar Pacific.

Holds a large number of companies

Kencana Agri invests in Indonesia through various Indonesian subsidiaries.

One report states that the country origin is Singapore.

ETG’s shareholders include Mahesh Patel and his family, the American assets management company Carlyle Group, the South African Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Managers (private equity) and Standard Chartered Bank.

Investment is done through ING Holding Co., Ltd., Cambodia.

Shandong Gold Group (hereinafter called “SD Gold Group”) is a large state-owned enterprise directly under Shandong provincial government

"A group including several UAE private and public firms has acquired about 16,187 hectares of land in Pakistan's Balochistan province"

The Brazil Agro-Business Group is owned by Brazilian farmer Frademir Saccol and a Brazilian partner. No other source of funding. The investor country may also be Australia, sources are contradictory. No further evidence found. Church organisation_x000D_ anHilfe initiative zur Selbsthilfe of the Egyptian in Tanzania Businessmen Association and with several Egyptian shareholders that include_x000D_ Inthe July National 2012, Bankthe merger of Egypt of Flacqand Banque United Misr.Estates Limited (FUEL) into Deep River-Beau Champ Ltd (DRBC), formerly CIEL Agro-Industry, gave birth to a new multi-sector investment group, ALTEO Limited._x000D_ Deep River Investment (DRI), the main shareholder of the CIEL Group and GML Investissement (GMLI) were proponents of the merger and are now the two largest shareholders of Alteo Limited with 21% and 27.5% of its capital, the remaining shares being held by 3000 other shareholders of the public. Kenyan with Indian origin

IndofoodOwned by and French Metro citizen Pacific Investment Corp. (MPIC) are subsidiaries of First Pacific._x000D_ (2015) Indo Agri owns 70% of PT Mitra Inti Sejati Plantation (2007)

It acts Paraguayan country through the Global Peace Foundation.

Modibo Keïta is behind the company. He is an ex Mali president and the current prime minister (2015)

Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. The realize acquisition through 6 subsidiaries with which Colombia has in the country, which are: Monica Colombia Ltda, Agrocaxias Ltda Agromarchett Ltda Catanaribo Ltda Manacacias Ltda Monicol Ltda Tilava Ltda

SL Agri Tech is a subsidiary of Sterling Paper Group. Bionor Transformación S.A. is the subsidiary of Cie Automotive. Cooperative, controlled by Maharastra state rural development minister Jayant Patil no more info regarding investor found

no more info regarding investor found

same investor as in # 3992 ("Jiasouang Rubber Promotion Co. Ltd.")? alternative spelling of the investor: "Zhenhua"

another cource calls the company "Ying Zhou Ba" Through its subsidiary Herakles Farms company is also called "Jongxay"

one source calls the company "Xishuanbanna External Trade Co., Ltd.", but the above cited name seems to be correct The company has other projects in Central America, as in brazil. Nationwide organization that shall represent and defend the interest of the vast population of corn farmers.

owned by various Rimbunan Hijau company directors formerly known as China Grand Forestry Green Resources Group Limited

Former president of Senegal (president at time of acquisition)

Silverstreet Capital has a 44.8% stake in Crookes Brothers Ltd.

previously "Raja Garuda Mas"

It is a Cooperative Institution

61224 shares. Daniel Moises Schydlowsky Rosenberg is the General Manager

Cavite Biofuel is the original investor but 90% of the stakes was bought by Bioeq Energy

company is also called "Jien Fong" company is also called "Jien Taly" Nairobi stock exchange Abundant Biofuels Corporation (USA/private) operates as a subsidiary of BioJet Corporation.

The company Yuen Foong Yu Group owns the deal through its partner Chung Hwa Pulp.

Mexican multimillionaire. The sources indicate to Carlos Slim like the buyer, but it is possible that the bought could be done by some of his companies.

Publically-listed private equity firm

See, Chinalco only participated in 24 months (EPC package) then transfered to Vinacomin. See Between its shareholders are state banks and pension funds

Before Agrifirma Brazil Limited (ABL). It has 150 shareholders between them is RIT Capital Partners (the principal shareholder is Lord Jacob Rotschild)

(2017) Meng Niu Dairy is buying out its shares from China Modern Dairy.

90% is Federal government ownership the group belongs to Logemann Family it is controlled by the holding company Klabin Irmaos & Cia, which retains 60% of voting capital.

it was established in Perú since 1965

Family Paredes is the owner IT is a real state company RiceTec, based in Alvin, TX and solely owned by the royal family of Liechtenstein

Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC.

Please change classification of "other" to NPO (last in the list) in New York by Benjamin Dummai. The remaining_x000D_ 33% is controlled by Senegalese shareholders. On May 16, 2014 Benjamin Dummai is arrested by the police Senegalese, accused of embezzling nearly half a million dollars.

a.k.a. "Tuma Timbers Investment Ltd."

It is not possible to identify whether the company is from Thailand or Hong Kong. Secondary investor country missing.

Lao Bio Diesel Import Export Company is a joint venture between investors from Laos and foreign investors (most probably from South Korea), but the exact names of the investors are unknown. subsidiary of Rimbunan Hijau

Plantheon is a subsidiary of Thai Charoen Corporation Group. Association of businesses

state run bus service of Maharashtra Municipal Council for Nagpur

Part of Groupe Veritas

Gya Glorify Farms Limited is registered as a limited Liability Company in 2005. The company is seeking a consortium of foreign investors who are interested and prepared to collaborate with the local partners Company 50% domestically owned and 50% foreign owned

Might be called New Mining CI.

Contango10.8% of Weatherly Asset Mgt is(4.2%)_x000D_ owned by Namibian shareholders Acorn Capital (4.0%) Pacific Road Capital_x000D_ Management Pty Ltd are Mantle's (previous owner of the mine) majority shareholders BXR Group acquired the land from Quifel Holdings in 2012.

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts

Renamed SI from Individual entrepreneurs to Unknown (3269) on 15/03/2018 Consisting of a group of South African investors. The South Africans are going to invest $200 million Senator Ly Yong Phat owns L.Y.P. Group Co., Ltd.

The NKID is a consortium formed by Unitech Ltd (Indian company) and the Salim Group of Indonesia with each partner holding 40% stake. Indonesian firm_x000D_ Universal Success holds the remaining 20%

Legal status as an investment holding company. country origin

The former owner of the land was Dangro Invest A/S, a Danish investment fund. In 2011, this investment fund sale a part of its lands - 1105ha- to Ingleby.

Falah Agro-Processing company_x000D_ Global Renewable Energy_x000D_ Development Company Limited Nutre Group from 2012. Nutre SGPS SA is owned at 49% by Martifer SGPS SA. Update: According to Martifer's annual report (2014) The company sold 49 % of the share capital owned in the company NUTRE SGPS, S.A. to a Dutch cooperative to be _x000D_ constituted by the companies CERES INVESTMENTS LIMITED and SEVERIS, SGPS, S.A.

Agrivision Africa was previously known as Chayton Africa. Shareholders in Agrivision Africa are: Norfund-- 24.5%, International Finance Corporation-- 19.7% (bought shares in June 2015) and Zeder Investment Fund--55.8%.

In 2012, Low Yat Holdings acquired Asia Pacific Land Berhad.

Non Profit Organisation

Municipal level state-owned company from Weihai City Shandong province. Joint-ventured by China-Africa Development Fund, Qingdao Ruichang Cotton Industrial Co., Ltd and Qingdao Huifu Textile Co., Ltd FB Holdings is the holding company for GLB Invest Lion Mountains Agrico Ltd is a joint venture between Phoenix Africa Development Company and Indo African Agricultural Capital. Founded by Hegg and by Pinesso group chairman Gilson Pinesso. A report claims that the land deed is in the name of Lutukira Mixed Farm Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Fund (PRIF), private equity firm Carlyle and UK bank Standard Chartered hold shares of ETG.

Groupe L'Aiglon owns 59% of SAFIPAR Shareholders are AAAID- 51% and Government of Sudan- 49% Public Limited Company incorporated in 2011. Owned by Mans Ltd (a company registered in the Seychelles) Governed by government, project leaders and contract growers

Holding 100% of Genagricola Generali Agricoltura SpA, the agricultural branch of Gruppo Assicurazioni Generali SpA Agri Invest A/S has three Romanian subsidiaries: Agri Consortium S.R.L., Agri Trade Oravita S.R.L. and Amaru Trade S.R.L.

Borelli Tea Holdings is a subsidiary of McLeod Russel India Limited Growers Co-operative Harvard Management Company (HMC) is an investment fund owned by Harvard University The company was delisted from the Toronto Venture stock exchange on or around 1 Feb 2011. The company aims to dispose all its assets.

The company was set up in 1972 by Luciano Martini

Nigerian individuals and institutional shareholders

Bardeau Group is formed by16 Romanian companies.

Managed by Pearl Capital Partners Rice in Danube Dunarii´s initiative is articulated between several specialist companies, focused on certain industrial segments: purchasing of fields, cultivation, processing, production. Each company is independent but connected and complementary to the others. _x000D_

Limited Liability Company vanhoe Mines Ltd. (formerly Ivanplats Limited) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company. community public limited company

Mongolian government shareholding 34% of the project.

Gruppo Roncato manages and administrates SC Padova Agricultura S.R.L. However, the main shareholder of this Romanian company is Gibside Holding from the Netherlands (95%) Centerra Gold Inc holds 100% of Boroo Gold Company Limited.

Hebei Agricultural Science and Technology Co. Ltd are owned by Hanhe International Company

The company was delisted from the Hanoi Stock Exchange in 2013 due to accumulated losses incurred.

Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Italian

NCH Capital Inc. is a private equity firm/ investment manager owned by George Rohr and Moris Tabacinic. It invests in agricultural land and related businesses in Eastern Europa through NCH Agribusiness Partners, L.P.

Wholly owned subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)

The company is incorporated in Cyprus (most probably for tax avoidance purposes), but the country of origin is the Ukraine. Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the company CEO, is the beneficiary holder of 95% of the shares in Ukrlandfarming PLC and 5% is owned by Cargill. (source: SCM is fully owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation was established by Government in 2010 to undertake the responsibility of the entire Ethiopian Sugar sector development. State-owned company. Main part of investment from Chinese company.

BILT under the Avantha Group has decided to sell the Sabah Forest Industries to a Malaysian Company, Pandawa Sakti; but the deal did not continue due to the buyer not meeting the set deadline. BILT was suppose to gain $50 million through this transaction. (06:07:2016)

Investors of Horta Boa are Portuguese and Irish Owned by Portugal's wealthiest family Company owned by former Mozambican president Armando Guebuza (2005-2015)

This is a South African family. They received financial support from AgriFuturo (USAID). Appears to be a shell company Volta Red is part of the Wyse Group of the UK

Part of the Bakhresa Group

Blackstar was renamed in the beginning of 2015 to Tiso Blackstar. SOMIKA was conceptualized by Vinmart (Tanzania) in the early 2000's. The company is currently involved in a diversity of projects - ranging from industry and mining to agriculture. Group Sopex is a soft commodity-trading group that has been trading sugar and other commodities for over a century. Established in 1894, the Group trade a substantial tonnage of Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa around the globe

Renamed SI from "Ministry of Agriculture" to "Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Botswana" on 15/03/2018

MedEnergy Global is a UK-based holding company owned by Italy’s Belleli family JFSRioforte Holding is a is Luxembourg-headquartered 100% owned by the Ferreira company dos Santos_x000D_ that was set up in 2009 to hold the non-financial assets of Grupo Espirito Santo. The Commercial Court of Luxembourg ruled in October 2014 that RI was to be liquidated in order to pay off its creditors. infamily Mozambique. of Portugal. Helenius The largest and Jancotton Peter_x000D_ company in the country Ingman are directors.

Bombay native but 30+ year Kenyan resident.

a major shareholder of Nairobi-based Equity Bank

One of Zambia’s prime investments holdings companies with the majority of its investments in the copper mining sector of Zambia. Regional Development Company Ltd (RDC) was established in 2009 by the Mauritian Government to carry out investments in food production in Mozambique.RDC acts as an interface between foreign companies and the Mozambican government, and assigns them lands within its DUAT concessions for which the company pays an annual fee to RDC.

Madcom Investments is owned by _x000D_ Billy Rautenbach Owned 50% by Robert Lafont and 50% by Gilles Bouchier SAB miller is the parent company Four shareholders, 1 french & 3 swiss. The company was established in 1996.

Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

previously called Aureus Mining Intercontinental, Guaranty Trust, Finbank, Platinum Habib Bank (Bank PHB) and Unity Bank are the participating banks

The company originally started in USA-- after various additions and subsidiaries, the company is now based in Nigeria.

Olam International Ltd. has submitted a binding offer to purchase 100% Equity in FMN in April 2019 (

Multinational company. Headquarters in New York

Company incorporated in 1998.

Founded by Patrick and Tamara Tcheunou.

The company has a management office in South Africa. The principal operating activities are in Zimbabwe.

Trust. Trust for the benefit of the present and future managers and employees of Blanket. Community trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust.

Renamed SI from Unknown Investor to Unknown (3714) on 13/03/2018 Founded in 2012, Consolidated Nickel Mines PLC (“CNM”) is a private investment company focusing on nickel production opportunities. Founded in 1958. Majority of the equity interest is held by People's Government of Gansu province.

There is no information on the business classification. Orbeo SAS engages in originating, trading, and marketing carbon dioxide products.

US based Private Equity Firm

It is uncear if Aton GMBH still owns S.C. Agrocereal (through its ownership of ATON Transilvania). Jean Valvis is of Greek and Swiss Nationality.

80% of the shares are owned by DUMITRU Pantazi, the deputy mayor of Pascani

owned by the Lebanese businessman Abdallah Mahmoud Achour Maria Ecaterina Văleanu-Traicu is the daughter of Ştefan Poienaru, the owner of S.C. Agrofam S.R.L. Fetesti

SALIC is a joint stock company owned by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) .

Also known as Anhui province State Farm Agribusiness Corporation.

Subsidiary of the China National Tobacco Company (CNTC)-- state company Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (3825) on 15/03/2018 Incorporated in 2011. Sierra Rutile Limited shareholders are Pala Investment Holdings (Switzerland, Investment Fund) and Titanium Resources Group (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Stock-exchange listed).

Fibria belongs to Brazilian Votorantim Group.

-based Malawian brothers Kirit _x000D_ and Dhiren Thakrar.

SI Country changes from Netherlands to Ethiopia. 15/03/2018

Corporación Amigos de los Montes de María, which unites 73 investors who bought land in the region. (Colombia, Private company) the company is owned by Viktor Ivanchyk(2010)( with Valeriy Korotkov - 80%) owned by the Ukrainian businessman Mykola Tolmachev.

Lucapa is dual listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Headquarters in Moscow.The main shareholder is Alexey Mordashov (90%), who is also CEO of Severstal, a Russion steel and mining conglomerate. The company is a cooperative workers and they has still some porcentage of shares in Industrial Andahuasi.

The deal with Russian invest fund which beneficiaries is registered in Virgin Islands pg 48 of the annual report (2011) has shareholdings- these are minority shareholders mainly from Zimbabwe.

Could not find details on the classification.

The Medcalfe family owns various agricultural companies in the UK (including a family run dairy farm).

The company is owned by two Portuguese brothers, but is registered in Liechtenstein.

Founder and Managing Director of Akate Farms and Trading Company Limited, Alhaji Abdul Salam Akate. Company established in 1986. Renamed SI from Unknown investor to Unknown (3967) on 15/03/2018 Was born in Ghana, moved to UK in 1951. association of NGOs;_x000D_ hold 50% together with "Turkish partners"

Conservationist NGO that protect to the elephants Member of the Ascendas-Singbridge group that falls under Singapore Government Agency responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure. NBS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nava Bharat Ventures Limited (NBV)- (India and listed on the national and Bombay stock exchanges.)

is a company incorporated in Singapore, operating a palm oil business and producing palm oil through PT. First_x000D_ Borneo Plantations ("PT FBP") and its 6 subsidiaries (“FBP Group”). The company is fully owned by Singapore based Primary Resources Pte Ltd Affiliated with Sindopalm, Singapore

Possibly one of the "Sabran Brothers", a subsidiary of PTT Green Energy.

Main shareholder in the project. CBG is a family owned company Rougier has been listed on the stock exchange for around 50 years. The family group owns 62% of the shares, public owns 34%, staff own 2.2% and 1.1% treasury stock. Another data source states Kazakhstan-based miner ENRC- Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC (ENRC). ENRC is a subsidiary of ERG. via Turquoise Hill, which is 51%-owned by Rio Tinto

Owned by Billy Rautenbach

Incorporated in 1993 whose major shareholders are medium scale rubber planters from the Anguédedou area

COVEC is a subsidiary of China Railway Group Limited (CREC)

A subsidiary of the ChinaYong Group. A subsidiary of the provincially-owned company Hubei State Farm Agribusiness Corporation. Also known as Anhui Tianrui Ecological Technology Co., Ltd._x000D_ Renamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Chad" on 15/03/2018

The business is owned by Drusilla and Craig Anuszkiewiez, with equal shareholding.

Baba Seid Bally is CEO

Limited Liability company

CAAIC is owned 55% by China National Agricultural Development Corporation and 45% by the China- Africa Development Fund. Shandong International Economic & Technical Cooperation Group joined hands with Shandong Lumian Group Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Sun Rise Vietnam, a joint venture between South Korean companies Hyundai Telecom and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. (See isSun a jointRise investmentVietnam, a jointbetween venture Japanese between Oji PaperSouth (51%),Korean Nisshocompanies Iwai (nowHyundai Sojitz) Telecom (39%)_x000D_ and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. and Dai Nippon Printing (10%).

See See See

Developed jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ Read more at See Commonly known as Shandong Steel. Listed on the stock exchange but also controlled by the provincial government of Shandong. Subsidiarystate-owned of BSGProtrade Investments Corporation_x000D_ Limited is based in Geneva, Switzerland. See: The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. Listed on London stock exchange,holding company based in The Netherlands. ITOCHU Corporation previously held a 49 percent stake in OBF. It has sold its holding to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd; see

Nosakhare Igbinedion, who_x000D_ was the governor of Nigeria‟s Edo State

Developed jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ Read more at

No information on this investor. African Land Limited is a limited liability company. Previously known as Agricapital. Agricapital is part of GreenWorld BVI -a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands that manages several funds dedicated to the acquisition of farmland. Investment & Development Industrial Infrastructure Nam Duc (Nam Duc Investment and Development of Infrastructure Co., Ltd), which belongs to VID, is named as infrastructure investor of project.

2012: Local partner, CPK Vinh Phuc JSC did not participate in this capital injection and as a result its stake in Vina CPK Limited has been diluted to 2.8 percent, while VNI’s stake has increased to 97.2 percent from 96.1 percent, previously.

In 2016: Vietnam Infrastructure Ltd on Monday said it is selling its entire stake in Vina-CPK Ltd to Phuc Hung Import Export Company Ltd for USD22.1 million in cash at current exchange rates.

In 15/11/2007, Hoa Phat was officially listed in the Vietnam Stock Exchange with ticker “HPG”. Kinhbac City Development Holding Corporation hold 62% charter capital of its company on December 31st, 2010. FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore). Rowi principal activity is investment holding. FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore) RussellStone Group is a privately owned investment house with a 17% BEE owned shareholding, investing in the agricultural and energy industry with representation in Africa, Australia and Argentina. Share in this project through Grainvest Farming (a subsidiary).

Registered in tax haven. Shareholders of Sunbird unknown (majority owned by African individuals, and the remaining shares are owned by the management team). Binh Ha chairman claimed that the compny is a member of an Phu Corporation (See vietnamese source

55.59% SIFCA, 23.2% Michelin, 21.21% Public shares Regional Securities Exchange SA

Owned by Fernando Teles Owned by Rogerio Martins Leonardo Tahal executes projects financed by Worldbank, IDB and EBRD.

Financed by Norwegian investors Run by former South African Special Forces soldier Justin Vermaak.

The 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion The 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion

A collection of local Tamale-area investors History of hotel and tourism development

cooperative of local tea growers

Plinian Capital Ltd is managing and directing all of Nimini's exploration, feasibility study, development and administrative activities.

Investor may be from Singapore.

GMX Consulting is a UK-registered company with offices in Nigeria and Ho Chi Minh. It was formed by the Vietnamese rice scientist Vo Tong Xuan and financial backers from Vietnam to develop large-scale cassava and rice farms in Africa with Vietnamese technology. Renamed SI from Unknown local partner to Unknown (4387) on 15/03/2018

Kermas Group through the Burundi Mining Metallurgy Ltd Renamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Burundi" on 15/03/2018

Mining Company of Niger (SOPaMin) Renamed SI from Local partner to Unknown (4421) on 15/03/2018 PublicCompany Limited was Company._x000D_founded in Italy like family firm. Now incorporated and based in Luxembourg "AfricomIncorporated Commodities in Cyprus Pty. Ltd., a closely held South African company, is developing the first of Congo’s agribusiness parks at Bukanga-Lonzo in partnership with the Congolese government. [...] The first 80,000-hectare site near the capital, Kinshasa [...]" _x000D_ see Kazakh company registred in Singapore The company is "an official representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government," it has been announced. Renamed SI from Local partners to Unknown (4429) on 15/03/2018 Al Dahra has acquired a majority stake in Rudnap Agrar Founded Arthur Straight Investments The company was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany with additional offices in Germany and internationally.

PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation operates as a subsidiary of Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation. See PetroVietnam is state-owned company, not private The involved company is the Vietnamese unit of ExxonMobil Corp. See Sodrugestvo Group S.A., an agro-industrial company, engages in the businesses of infrastructure, oilseeds processing, logistics, storage and distribution, and trading globally. Joint Stock Exchange Company

Owners are Russian citizens Sergei and Alexey Kukura(70% and 30%) . Volgo-DonSelkhozInvest LLC is their subsidiary in Russia which controlled Volgograd Agroindustry company(VAPC) - this compan has a land in operation. the first joint venture between the northern Vietnam city of Hai Phong and the Chinese city of Shenzhen. the first joint venture between the northern Vietnam city of Hai Phong and the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

Another name is Chuan Jia Bao. The company is from Taiwan, verz little information is available. It is "largest public enterprise", See There is one source called company as Korean land Corporation, see

It belongs to Fuji Corporation Global.

Corporate trust. Fleurette Properties Limited is ultimately owned by Line Trust Corporation Limited. Fleurette Group project owned by Fleurette Properties Limited. Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. Africo Resources may be acquired by a Kazakh mining group Renamed SI from "Government" to "Government Republic of Botswana" on 15/03/2018

In September 2015 the Company changed its name from Mwana Africa plc to Asa Resource Group plc.

Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation (WISCO) of Hong Kong, now owns a 60% stake in China-Union Investment Co. Asia’s leading provider of business space solutions Ascendas One information says it is Fulin company, See, , Sun Steel Joint Stock Company operates as a subsidiary of Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.. See No information on company classification. No information on company classification, but there is one source saying that company does not operate anymore. See no information on company classification. No information on company classification

BeforeFuji Bac it Giang was Racova Development Group SA_x000D_ JSC conglomerate from Hong Kong

Investor typically in the real estate sector.

Ukrainian man is owner this company. The company is registred in tax free zone. AOG is a private investment group Provincial government.

Renamed SI from Unknown local partner to Unknown (4529) on 15/03/2018 Argento Ltd is 100% owned by Montara Continental Ltd, who are 75% owned by Obtala Ltd (and 25% by a third party).

Sales offices and processing plants around the world. Corporate office located in California. Subsidiary of Olam International Ltd.

FirstFarms A/S (Denmark, Stock-exchange listed company) is Tertiary investor. Now it is the domestic deal

SC Tornator SRL is 100% owned by the Finnish Tornator Oyj, of which Stora Enso Oyj owns 41%

Dairy company. Controlled by the Gupta's.

Headquarters are in Miami. Also has a subsidiary in Netherlands- Esmeralda Farms BV

privately owned and family-owned company founded in Italy in 1918 by PIETRO ALPI.

Vitaliy Homutynnik is owner.

Trust. Gertler Family Foundation (GFF) is an initiative of the Gertler Family Trust.

Malonda Foundation was created as a legal entity Private and publicly-owned entities to promote and facilitate private sector development in Niassa. Renamed SI from unknown to Unknown (4634) on 15/03/2018 Renamed SI from unknown to Unknown (4635) on 15/03/2018 Universal Leaf Tobacco Co. Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Universal Corporation.

commercial Venture Capital fund Komaza shareholders include Novastar Ventures, MULAGO, Hooge Raedt social venture.

Romania Farm Invest A / S was founded in 2008. The company's main objective is the operation and development of the Romanian company Agro Cocora SRL. The company is owned by a group of private investors - and companies. Romania Farm Invest A/S is subsidiary of Jantzen Development (Denmark) - Erik Jantzen is owner. Previously it was Agri Invest A/S (Denmark, Stock-exchange listed company). The investor is a stock exchange company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange but they were delisted last February 24,2017. There were no news on what will happen on their properties in PRC. Now a Mozambique citizen .

Western NIS Enterprise Fund is controlling CJSC Ecoprod A.T. _x000D_ Tertiary investors is 114 equity shares (4,901,785 US dollars)

Glencore accept part payment in Trevali shares which will increase Glencore’s stake to 25% from 4% . previously called Cluff Gold.

Reports that TurkPower Corporation merged with ACM Corporation in 2011. Oil Palm Colombian Federation (Fedepalma), it managers and grants funds to smallholders associations for grow oil palm.

Moringa Partnership is the investment advisor to Moringa SICAR, SCA

Agricover, which is owned by Iranian businessman Jabbar Kanani, owns two vegetable farms in Romania, with a total area of 3,000 hectares

Yury Kosyuk is beneficiary owner around 65% of shares Acting through fully owned subsidiary called: PI Yunnan International Power Investment Company (CPIYN)

China Southern Power Grid and _x000D_ Sinohydro hold together 56%

Fully owned subsidiary of state owned China North Industires Corporation

Esteblised in 2008. The Company is a one of the biggest milk producers in the world.

Political organisation working through the Noble Prince Company Obtained citizenship in Zambia

It is not clear where the company is registered- some reports state Ghana, others Nigeria. Investor is affiliated to Hongyu Group from China

There also is a branch in Singapore called Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd_x000D_

Over 70 percent of Independent Oil & Resources PLC is owned by the Norwegian oil magnate Berge Gerdt Larsen and members of his family. The Company was created by Franz Bontrup. The holding has branches in Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Switzerland, Norway, Britain, Russia, Poland and the United States. Its core business is agriculture, navigation and granite production.

Axzon A/S changed name to Goodvalley in February 2018 Before 2017 it was Trigon Capital Union Dicon is listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and it is a wholly Nigerian company. CBO Capital are majority shareholders. diversified shareholder base of about 290,000 investors, the most prominent of which is Heirs Holdings Limited, a pan-African proprietary investment company

EABL is listed on the Nairobi stock exchange. Diageo Plc (United Kingdom) owns 50.3% of shares. individuals, mostly Northern Sudanese,_x000D_ individuals,for mechanized mostly farming. Northern Sudanese,_x000D_ for mechanized farming.

Wideline Business Limited is a part of LNZ Group which has Ukrainian owner

Right investor country is Belgium, not Netherlands. Ukrainian citizen Vitaliy Khomutynnik is owner of this company.

Olexander and Galyna Gerega are owners all of these the Secondary investors

Includes members from the board of directors: Mr. Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe,, Rev. Isaac Adefemi Agoye, Mrs. Oyinkan Ade-Ajayi, Mr. Peter Eshikena, Mr. Bernard Cheruiyot Langat Non-profit organisation

Kumari Ruchka can be linked with Phoenix Global DMCC. They are founders in a couple of companies in Ukraine. This company has conections with Fhoenix Global DMCC and owners are form India and UAE.

former ORD River Resources Educational institution. Could be a private company.

Investment fund not private company.

In 2007 the company entered a share farming arrangement to farm in the Ternopil Oblast in the west of Ukraine. Some 850 hectares is rented from numerous small landowners. Information about exact name of the Secondary investor is not avaliable.

indigenous alcoholic beverage producer, and a large importer of ethanol In 2013 Charoen Pokphand Foods (Thailand) acquired 75% of shares in RBPI Group.

Originally known as Quantum Global Wealth Management Ltd Toman Peter is owner. Czech investment fund Mabon invests in Resilient. Secondary Investor Comment for TestImportSecondaryInvestor Ltd 1 20180620

Added parent company

Added parent company added parent C.I. Tequendama sold its part in 2011 to Aportes San Isidro Mriya Agro Holding Public Limited was joined with Continental Farmers Group under the common name "Continental Farmers Group" Given that the investor tree of Poligrow in Colombia and in other countries, the operating company is describes as unknown, although ITA Aceites Vegetales, Mesa Cárdenas & Garcés SAS and Poligrow Colombia Ltda are the operating companies in Colombia. In the website Agropecuaria Aliar S.A. seems to be a subsidiary of La Fazenda, nevertheless it is a joint venture of several companies. In total they are around 28 Colombian companies. parent country origin new change Source: Due to the complex structure of the investor relationship, the operating company is described in this form. The operating company is Riopaila Castilla, but it constituted 29 societies to acquire 50000 hectares of land and circumvent Colombian law. For simplicity, those 29 societies are represented as one in Unknown_Riopaila_Castilla added parent company added open corporate link The name of this company is to facilitate the representation of the investor tree of Frontera Energy UUID: 505f30e0-11a7-45fb-b18c-2d584210b946_x000D_ Economic Sector: Mining_x000D_Mining ImportedDomestic fromPartner: Land Coal Observatory of Madagascar LImited UUID: c7e58604-593e-4bd5-855f-4d80e21e3ae5

"Stark Industries Co. Ltd. is owned and founded by Mya Thida Sway Tin, a Myanmar businesswoman with connections to military and business elite. Mya Thida Sway Tin takes her name from her exhusband, Maung Maung Sway Tin, who recently died. They are both named in the Panama Papers." (EIA.2016: Green Desert)

Father and son, Yaw Teck Seng and Yaw Chee Ming respectively, are the founders and owners of Samling Strategic Corp. Company related to the corporation "Amigos de Los Montes de María" that is buying land in El Carmen de Bolívar in Colombia. Linked to deal #803 Headquarters in South Africa. Registered on London Stock Exchange Previously known as China Asean Resources Ltd., changed its name last August 2015 It's an official institution of the government devoted to foster agricultural projects. They developed a line of credit for agroindustry. Might be Jiangsu Sunshine Group Co., Ltd Sunshine Agriculture Limited part of the Sunshine Group Company Limited

Previous name Jerste B.V. and registration in the Netherlands.

unknown (Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi (DED), the Food Security Centre — Abu Dhabi (FSCAD) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda)

Bilateral Development Bank / Development Finance Institution On July 15, 2015, Voltaje Empresarial and Palmabio applied for the acquisition of Odin Energy Corporation

Link not from Opencorporates but of a Colombian newspaper.

Owner of this company is Armenian citizen.

change country origin

Investor updated.

Root Capital is a non-profit social investment fund.

Parent company added.

Investment bank, former Gulf Finance House (see: "Established in 2005, Abu Dhabi Investment House is a private joint stock company (PJSC) licensed by the UAE Central Bank. ADIH is promoted by leading financial institutions and a group of prominent businessmen and investors from the Gulf region." ( "Vision3, an alliance of three major Gulf financial institutions, has signed a landmark deal with Turkey paving the way for nearly $9 billion investment in Turkey’s agricultural sector." ( Link refers to Bloomberg, not OpenCorporates. The company has several investments in Latin America, including Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. The main produces are bioethanlo, sugar, biodiesel, glycerine, shrimps, mussels, grapes and other vegetables.

Former Dunlop Nigeria Plc

JTI - Japan Tobacco International is the international tobacco division of Japan Tobacco Incorp.The company is headquartered in Tokyo and Japan Tobacco International's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Source 14 - Deal 3107 Eastern Europe RFP suggests that 'joint venture' means goodwill of local government to give land to the Chinese investor._x000D_ Fertile soil is a Russian part of joint version.

The company was already created

IdentificationParent number company 33579459_x000D_ added. The company was created in 2006. Identification number - 33579459_x000D_ The company was created in 2006.

Incorporated in 2010.

It was modified

Bilateral Development Bank / Development Finance Institution

It is a construction firm but some of its capital ended up in Agropecuaria Aliar and La Fazenda It is a development bank under the Brazilian government It is not clear whether the company is registered in Chile. Its headquarters are located there, though Not possible to determine whether the company is listed in Chile. Its headquarters are located there.

Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. Norfund – the Norwegian Development Finance Institution – was founded in 1997 and joined EDFI in 2001. Norfund is a company by special statute with limited liability, wholly owned on behalf of the Norwegian government by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Company created by Riopaila Castilla, as it is possible to see in the OpenCorporates link. Company created on August 22, 2011 by Riopaila Castilla Company created by Riopaila Castilla

Company created by Riopaila Castilla Updated. I have changed deal according to the information

One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" One of the companies created by the Brazilian company "Grupo Monica" Parent company added.

Modified by LAFP,1656/font-color84c3e4guris-holding-co-incfont.html

2. Ovcharuk Eugeniy Romanovych ( Lviv, Ukraine)_x000D_ 3. Gladun Yuriy Eugenovych (Lviv, Ukraine) Owner of this company is the citizen of the Russian Federation - Leyviman Alexander

The country of Origin for this investment is Zimbabwe although the company is registered in Uganda. As stated in the Media report, financing from the parent company based in Japan – ITOCHU Approved- no duplicate

The company was formerly known as Metgold Limited

Owned by Ms Lembie Mmereki

Founder and shareholder of Frutas & Legumes Investment Fund (all types incl. pension, hedge, mutual, private equity funds etc.)

Investment Fund (all types incl. pension, hedge, mutual, private equity funds etc.)

Ukrainian citizen is the owner of this group. Parent company registered in Ukraine.

new parent company

New parent company New investor Added parent company New investor Former Oji Lao New investor

Exact names of farmers contracted unknown.

Executive director of Terneyles OJSC

Corporación Centro de Investigación en Palma de Aceite / Corporation Research Centre in Oil Palm (Cenipalma) is a corporation of a scientific and technical nature. Management company.

Tanzania Tea Packers Limited (TATEPA)

development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%). newinvestor

New company Under classification - Open Joint-Stock Company

Namibia Oriental Tobacco is a closed corporation registered in 2005. Shareholding percentages in the company are still to be finalized- secondary investors Hongyunhonghe Tobacco and Armas Amukwiyu.

not enough information

New operating company approved Investor name approved. new investor

Uganda Investment Authority is the parent company for the Kasese Business and Industrial Park. This investor has no country of registration and is not linked to any deal. Please complete and link to a deal/ operating company or delete this investor. Uganda Investment Authority, Parent company to this investment

Not enough information to approve this investor. Don't you have any more information or even a comment to better identify this investor? new investor new investor Investor of deal #7177 Investor for Deal #7178 Investor of Deal # 7179 Investor for deal#7180 Investor for Deal#7181 I added 1 parent company.

Investor for Deal#7190 Investor for Deal#7191 Investor for Deal #7192

Please explore connection with Crau Mineral Res. Corp and Ferrochrome Resources, Inc. Investor for Deal #7196 Investor of Deal#7197 Investor for Deal #7198 Note connection with Lafarge Mindanao Note connection with Lafarge Republic

Investor for Deal#7205 Investor for Deal #7206 Investor for deal #7207 Investor for Deal #7208 Note connection with Kalinan Timber Corporation Note connection with Estrella F. Bautista Investor for Deal#7211 Investor for Deal #7212 Investor of Deal#7213 Investor of deal #7214 No comment Investor for deal #7221 Investor for deal #7222 Investor of deal #7223 Note connection with San Christo Minerals Exploration Corp Note connection with Holcim Philippines, Inc Investor of Deal #7226 new investor new investor Investor of deal #7229

Investor of deal #7231 Investor of Deal #7232

Added new company. Added new company. Added new company. Added new company. new investor Argentinean Local Investor (LAFP)

To change parent company from private company to listed company.

Dont have more information regarding this company limited information on this company

Add new investor which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_

36 societies were created between 2010 and 2012 (with the same legal responsible) but were bought by Cargill in 2012. This strategy were built for the same lawyer buffet to avoid the farm land grabbing to Ripaila S.A

Suntory and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited is now a shareholder of the secondary investor but it is not indicate how much are the stocks that they hold; only that both of the companies has a 50:50 share of a specific joint venture agreement. Through subsidiary SAFA. SAFACAM is owned by 69% by Socfinaf; Socfinaf is owned by 59% by SOCFIN; Bolloré group owns 38,7 % of SOCFIN.

operates under the control of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp and is one its main international business arms via Global Farming Ltd, which should "own and manage farms" ( )

Grasim Industries Limited (India), Thai Rayon Public Co. Ltd. (Thailand) and PT Indo Bharat Rayon (Indonesia), which belong to the Aditya Birla Group, form the equity holders in BLPP.

Hoang Anh Gia Lai claims that it is not one shareholder of Binh Ha (See vietnamese source

It is not possible to identify the nationality of this investor. The investor seems to be a joint venture between investors from Laos and China. Emirates Investments Group LLC is an investment company based in the United Arab Emirates with interests in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. The dynamic investment Group sources unique business development opportunities and works closely with established companies through partnerships (EIG website) China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "CAMC"), a subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation._x000D_

In 2011 Black River Capital Partners Food Fund Holdings Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Black River Capital Partners Fund LP, a fund managed by the private equity arm of Cargill, has acquired a 28.11% stake in AgriNurture, Inc. (ANI).

the "investor" is not purely Saudi Arabian - it is a joint farming project between Saudi Arabian investors and Thai farmers

belongs to the Northern Food Corporation, is a joint-stock company, with 55% of its capital belonging to ist Chinese partner and 45% belonging to the state The SEZ will be set up through the special purpose vehicle in which Bharat Forge will have 74 per cent stake. The state government will hold 24 per cent equity through its industrial infrastructure arm, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC).

Korean steel giant Posco bought a 68% controlling share of Daewoo International Corp. Daewoo International Corp bought an 85% stake in PT Bio Inti Agrindo. And PT Bio Inti Agrindo has obtained permissions to develop a 40,000 hectare oil palm plantation in Merauke.

In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake). Founded in 2005 by PERGAM Finance, Campos Orientales owns and operates nearly 45,000 hectares of farmland in Uruguay and Argentina (4 farms in Uruguay) KTG Agrar sold 100% shares to AUGA Group AB(Agrowill) Lithuania(UAB „Baltic Champs Group“(Lithuania) – 51,56%, „Volemer Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 15,89%, „Vretola Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 14,68%. registered full name: "Obshchestvo s Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostyu Zernovaya Kompaniya Nastyusha OOO (Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью Зерновая Компания Настюша ООО)"

Bolloré owns 38,7% of socfin.Bolloré group is a main shareholder. Vincent Bolloré remains very active in the strategic choices on the company. Hubert Fabri also has a controlling interest in the company.

The Libyan African Investment Portfolio is an asset of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), Libya’s sovereign wealth fund. The LIA was created by Safi Gaddafi in 2006. ADERCI has started the promotion of bioenergies in Côte d’Ivoire by creating some promotion centres in Toumodi (Central Ivory Coast) through the creation of an experimental plantation of 500 ha for jatropha and castor oil plant.

Established in 2005 in strategic partnership with the Abu Dhabi Government through the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA)

Majority-owned by MIDROC conglomerate (Mohamed Al Amoudi from Saudi Arabia). Jemal Ahmed (General Manager of Horizon) is minority shareholder. The two business entrepreneurs, Doron Levi and Dr. Shlomi Jonas, have experience in launching, cultivating, managing and realizing a wide variety of innovative business initiatives; also skills in marketing and sales.

Moncada was founded in 1991 and was initially involved in the construction industry. Then, in 2001, after the “Bersani Decree” liberalised the Italian electricity market, it turned to the energy sector with a special interest in renewable sources.

Gold Star Farms was a joint venture between two US citizens, Jack Holden and Lloyd Benton Sharp. Holden ran Gold Star Farms with his Ghanaian wife, Diana Holden and daughter, Erica Holden as executives.

Equatorial Palm Oil as originally known as Nardina Resources PLC , the name changed to Equatorial Biofuels PLC and then to EPO. Stock-exchange listed company_x000D_ Foras acts as the investment arm of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group.

The Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) is an organization of West Africa whose mission is the realization of economic integration of the Member States.

Emvest Asset Management is a joint venture between Emergent Asset Management and Grainvest, a subsidiary of the RussellStone Group (South Africa)

Subsidiary of Saxion Estates. Rift Valley Holdings whose main shareholder is Heinrich von Pezold, a German national. Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent.

Secondary investors: Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, Gapi, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) There are many agreements between the Wine sector of COFCO and other different companies ( Such as McGuigan, Loch Lomond and DGB)but instead of investing into the company, the agreements that were made are for the import of different brands in China in order to infiltrate the Chinese market. Siat is 51% owned by the Vanderbeeck family, 12% by Wienco and 35% by Sinochem through GMG Global Ltd.

VAADCO is a Vietnamese and British joint venture seeking to develop intensive irrigated rice production in Africa. Its chairman is Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan, a high-level Vietnamese rice scientist.

Jannat, a limited liability company that brings together seven Saudi companies. Lead investor is TADCO (Al Rajhi). Michaël Laurent of France established Société de Cultures Légumières SA (SCL) in 2006. SCL is backed by the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries

Astral Foods Ltd., South Africa, holds (through its wholly-owned subsidiary National Chicks Ltd.) 67% of National Chicks Swaziland (Pty) Ltd.

The private equity fund is offered by Deutsche Bank, incorporated in the Cayman Islands and managed by Duxton Asset Management, based in Singapore Carter Coleman is the Founder and CEO. Funding from Pacific Sequoia Holdings, NorFund, Norwegian Development Bank and African Agricultural Capital. Capricorn Investment Group (majority shareholder) and AgDevCo are shareholders in Agrica. The company has received a $10 million equity investment in 2012. Parastatal government agency, which was established in 1975, with the view of promoting investments and developments along the Rufiji River.

Vita Grain is a Singaporean company owned by portfolio investor Intrasia Capital, which has been investing in hybrid rice development and production in Asia, Africa and Australia. The company's African investments in Mauritius, Mozambique and Tanzania are undertaken through a Mauritian holding company.

New Forests Company is supported by Agri-Vie investment fund and the IFC. The serious impacts of the operations on local villagers raise concerns given that NFC operations are supported by IFC, which claim to uphold high social and environmental standards. New Forest Company is financed by Finnfund. FMO has also provided funding. Nadec is led by the wealthy Saudi al-Rajhi family and is 20 percent owned by the finance ministry's Public Investment Fund (PIF). NADEC is the first and biggest agricultural share-stock company in Saudi Arabia.

Part of Siva group- belonging to Chinnakannan Sivasankaran. Siva Group owns shell company Broadcourt Investments Ltd, which owns Geoff Palm Limited (which in turn owns Biopalm). businessmen who have been working in Sierra Leone for the past 4+ years. Their experience lies in business _x000D_

Executive Director (Francesco Scolaro) is the main shareholder, controlling over 27% of the shares. Name changed from Obtala Resources Ltd to Woodbois Ltd in march 2019.

Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd. (NSPL) was established in 1988 in central part of Maharashtra State (India). NSPL is a 25 years old & is one of the leading companies in seeds production & bio inputs.

Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso. Magellan announced that it had signed a binding letter of intent to form a 50/50 joint venture with ECI Mining and Exploration Inc. regarding mineral properties located in southern Mato Grosso.

The subsidiary company of Enerfin/Enervento (Grupo Elecnor) and manager of the Osório's Wind farms is Ventos do Sul Energia. Alternatively spelled ‘Ferrostahl’, but more frequently spelled ‘Ferrostaal’. The company is 70% owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company, IPIC, which was formed by the Abu Dhabi government. As a result of the IPIC taking over the majority of shares, MAN Ferrostaal AG changed its name to Ferrostaal AG.

In 2004 the PNG Government sold its 50% shareholding of Hargy Oil Palms to S.A SIPEF NV which has always had full responsibility for the management, operations, processing and international marketing of the company's products.

Orocobre and Toyota Tsusho Corporation signed a definitive joint venture agreement to develop the Olaroz Lithium Project. Genting Group is 40.0% owned by Kien Huat Realty Sdn Bhd, a private company controlled by the late Tan Sri (Dr.) Lim Goh Tong’s family. Spectre International signed the initial lease in 2001. Energem later became majority shareholder in the factory

According to information from the UK company register, Caparo Renewabel Agriculture Developments has been dissolved in January 2011. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See

The state-supported Qatari company Hasat Hud has asked for “tens of thousands of acres of Treasury land” from Turkey’s Finance Ministry.

Clean Biofuel International PTE Ltd invests in Indonesia through its Indonesian subsidiary PT. Inti Global Laksana

IOI holds its stake in Bumitama Agri Ltd via Lynwood Capital Resources Pte Ltd and Oakridge Investments_x000D_ Holds 60% of Alpha Logging. Alpha Logging is likely 50% owned by Samling Global, Malaysia. Samling is part of Yaw Holding. The detailed ownership structures are intransparent. Miro Forestry is an independent Cayman Islands incorporated private limited company headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

Indus Basin Holding is a Member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), a global network of organizations that invest money and expertise to propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets.

Ownership: Pamoja Capital 70%, Vattenfall (owned by Nuon of NLD) 20%, Swedfund 10%. In May 2012 Vattenfall and Svedfund sold their share. Pro-Savana is a triangular development programme between the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, ABC (Brazil), and JICA (Japan).

Tsb Sugar was founded in 1965, and is a 100 percent-owned subsidiary of Remgro Ltd, a stakeholding company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The nationality of the company is unknown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and that the director is Vietnamese.

The nationality of the company is unkown. It is only known that the company is not Cambodian and its director is Vietnamese.

Goodhope Holdings is a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch PLC. Goodhope Holdings has invested in plantations in Indonesia through various different companies. All in one Goodhope Holdings acquired a land bank of 157889 hectares in Indonesia (some parts of this land bank were acquired before 2000). Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to Vedanta Resources.

Olam & Wilmar's 50-50 JV Nauvu Investments holds 27%-share; Parme Investissement (holding company of SIFCA's founding family) holds 44%. Immoriv SA holds a further 21% with the remaining shares in the hands of private investors (8%).

IJM Corporation Berhad's percentage of capital in stock-exchange-listed IJM Plantations Berhad is 55.11%. IJM Plantations Berhad is investing in palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia.

Willsmart International Limited (“Willsmart”; British Virgin Islands) "is the registered holder of 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares of one kina each being the total number of shares issued and allotted in the capital of Albright Limited", to which the area is subleased

Devonshire Capital, a global private equity major, has picked up 51% stake in the Indore-based Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., as part of the latter’s debt restructuring plan. This only pertains to certain specific edible oil brands and the distribution business.

Oriental Holdings Berhad is a subsidiary of Boon Siew Group, through which the investments in Indonesia were made. IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012)

The remaining 5% of Triton is held by Inversiones Mineras S.A., a holding company representing unionized mine workers in Nicaragua.

ATH is an entity formed by Chinese business in connection with that country’s government, with the aim of facilitating trade between Africa and China. Mantra Resources Pty Limited, an Australian registered corporation in which Uranium One has a 13.9 per cent interest. The remaining shares in this company are owned by Uranium One’s 51 per cent shareholder, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (“ARMZ”).

As of October 2014 majority shareholder of Agricon Global Corporation is Mr. Brian Mertz, a resident of Denmark.

Previously known as Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc. (100%-owned subsidiary of ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd) "the Myanmar and Thai governments will each hold 30 percent in the SPV [special purpose vehicle], while the remaining 40 percent will be held by other partners including Japan, China and South Korea" ( Maruha Nichiro Holdings sold the Agrobest Shrimp Farming company to Fujian Hengshui Group, a Chinese investor for an undisclosed amount. This is due to the effect of the widespread disease called Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)

Dole said it had cancelled the contract with Letsgrow in November 2011, but Letsgrow continues the operations

Company changed its name from GEM Biofuels in December 2012 in an effort to respond to the new investments to be made in the mining and natural resource sector. Shareholders include (amongst others) Paul Benetti (former CEO). This company is not listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange when checked in July 2013. It has probably changed its name to TomaGold following the merger with Stellar Pacific.

ETG’s shareholders include Mahesh Patel and his family, the American assets management company Carlyle Group, the South African Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Managers (private equity) and Standard Chartered Bank.

Shandong Gold Group (hereinafter called “SD Gold Group”) is a large state-owned enterprise directly under Shandong provincial government

"A group including several UAE private and public firms has acquired about 16,187 hectares of land in Pakistan's Balochistan province"

The Brazil Agro-Business Group is owned by Brazilian farmer Frademir Saccol and a Brazilian partner. No other source of funding. an initiative of the Egyptian Businessmen Association and with several Egyptian shareholders that include_x000D_ In July 2012, the merger of Flacq United Estates Limited (FUEL) into Deep River-Beau Champ Ltd (DRBC), formerly CIEL Agro-Industry, gave birth to a new multi-sector investment group, ALTEO Limited._x000D_ Deep River Investment (DRI), the main shareholder of the CIEL Group and GML Investissement (GMLI) were proponents of the merger and are now the two largest shareholders of Alteo Limited with 21% and 27.5% of its capital, the remaining shares being held by 3000 other shareholders of the public.

Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. The realize acquisition through 6 subsidiaries with which Colombia has in the country, which are: Monica Colombia Ltda, Agrocaxias Ltda Agromarchett Ltda Catanaribo Ltda Manacacias Ltda Monicol Ltda Tilava Ltda one source calls the company "Xishuanbanna External Trade Co., Ltd.", but the above cited name seems to be correct Mexican multimillionaire. The sources indicate to Carlos Slim like the buyer, but it is possible that the bought could be done by some of his companies.

See, Chinalco only participated in 24 months (EPC package) then transfered to Vinacomin. See

Before Agrifirma Brazil Limited (ABL). It has 150 shareholders between them is RIT Capital Partners (the principal shareholder is Lord Jacob Rotschild) Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC.

33% is controlled by Senegalese shareholders. On May 16, 2014 Benjamin Dummai is arrested by the police Senegalese, accused of embezzling nearly half a million dollars.

Lao Bio Diesel Import Export Company is a joint venture between investors from Laos and foreign investors (most probably from South Korea), but the exact names of the investors are unknown. Gya Glorify Farms Limited is registered as a limited Liability Company in 2005. The company is seeking a consortium of foreign investors who are interested and prepared to collaborate with the local partners The NKID is a consortium formed by Unitech Ltd (Indian company) and the Salim Group of Indonesia with each partner holding 40% stake. Indonesian firm_x000D_

The former owner of the land was Dangro Invest A/S, a Danish investment fund. In 2011, this investment fund sale a part of its lands - 1105ha- to Ingleby. Nutre Group from 2012. Nutre SGPS SA is owned at 49% by Martifer SGPS SA. Update: According to Martifer's annual report (2014) The company sold 49 % of the share capital owned in the company NUTRE SGPS, S.A. to a Dutch cooperative to be _x000D_

Agrivision Africa was previously known as Chayton Africa. Shareholders in Agrivision Africa are: Norfund-- 24.5%, International Finance Corporation-- 19.7% (bought shares in June 2015) and Zeder Investment Fund--55.8%.

Joint-ventured by China-Africa Development Fund, Qingdao Ruichang Cotton Industrial Co., Ltd and Qingdao Huifu Textile Co., Ltd Lion Mountains Agrico Ltd is a joint venture between Phoenix Africa Development Company and Indo African Agricultural Capital.

Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Fund (PRIF), private equity firm Carlyle and UK bank Standard Chartered hold shares of ETG.

Holding 100% of Genagricola Generali Agricoltura SpA, the agricultural branch of Gruppo Assicurazioni Generali SpA Agri Invest A/S has three Romanian subsidiaries: Agri Consortium S.R.L., Agri Trade Oravita S.R.L. and Amaru Trade S.R.L.

The company was delisted from the Toronto Venture stock exchange on or around 1 Feb 2011. The company aims to dispose all its assets. Rice in Danube Dunarii´s initiative is articulated between several specialist companies, focused on certain industrial segments: purchasing of fields, cultivation, processing, production. Each company is independent but connected and complementary to the others. _x000D_

vanhoe Mines Ltd. (formerly Ivanplats Limited) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company.

Gruppo Roncato manages and administrates SC Padova Agricultura S.R.L. However, the main shareholder of this Romanian company is Gibside Holding from the Netherlands (95%)

NCH Capital Inc. is a private equity firm/ investment manager owned by George Rohr and Moris Tabacinic. It invests in agricultural land and related businesses in Eastern Europa through NCH Agribusiness Partners, L.P.

The company is incorporated in Cyprus (most probably for tax avoidance purposes), but the country of origin is the Ukraine. Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the company CEO, is the beneficiary holder of 95% of the shares in Ukrlandfarming PLC and 5% is owned by Cargill. (source: The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation was established by Government in 2010 to undertake the responsibility of the entire Ethiopian Sugar sector development.

BILT under the Avantha Group has decided to sell the Sabah Forest Industries to a Malaysian Company, Pandawa Sakti; but the deal did not continue due to the buyer not meeting the set deadline. BILT was suppose to gain $50 million through this transaction. (06:07:2016) SOMIKA was conceptualized by Vinmart (Tanzania) in the early 2000's. The company is currently involved in a diversity of projects - ranging from industry and mining to agriculture. Group Sopex is a soft commodity-trading group that has been trading sugar and other commodities for over a century. Established in 1894, the Group trade a substantial tonnage of Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa around the globe

Rioforte is a Luxembourg-headquartered company that was set up in 2009 to hold the non-financial assets of Grupo Espirito Santo. The Commercial Court of Luxembourg ruled in October 2014 that RI was to be liquidated in order to pay off its creditors.

One of Zambia’s prime investments holdings companies with the majority of its investments in the copper mining sector of Zambia. Regional Development Company Ltd (RDC) was established in 2009 by the Mauritian Government to carry out investments in food production in Mozambique.RDC acts as an interface between foreign companies and the Mozambican government, and assigns them lands within its DUAT concessions for which the company pays an annual fee to RDC. Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

Intercontinental, Guaranty Trust, Finbank, Platinum Habib Bank (Bank PHB) and Unity Bank are the participating banks

The company originally started in USA-- after various additions and subsidiaries, the company is now based in Nigeria.

Olam International Ltd. has submitted a binding offer to purchase 100% Equity in FMN in April 2019 (

Community trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust.

Founded in 2012, Consolidated Nickel Mines PLC (“CNM”) is a private investment company focusing on nickel production opportunities. Sierra Rutile Limited shareholders are Pala Investment Holdings (Switzerland, Investment Fund) and Titanium Resources Group (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Stock-exchange listed).

Corporación Amigos de los Montes de María, which unites 73 investors who bought land in the region. (Colombia, Private company)

Headquarters in Moscow.The main shareholder is Alexey Mordashov (90%), who is also CEO of Severstal, a Russion steel and mining conglomerate. pg 48 of the annual report (2011) has shareholdings- these are minority shareholders mainly from Zimbabwe.

Founder and Managing Director of Akate Farms and Trading Company Limited, Alhaji Abdul Salam Akate. Company established in 1986. Member of the Ascendas-Singbridge group that falls under Singapore Government Agency responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure. NBS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nava Bharat Ventures Limited (NBV)- (India and listed on the national and Bombay stock exchanges.)

is a company incorporated in Singapore, operating a palm oil business and producing palm oil through PT. First_x000D_ Borneo Plantations ("PT FBP") and its 6 subsidiaries (“FBP Group”). The company is fully owned by Singapore based Primary Resources Pte Ltd Rougier has been listed on the stock exchange for around 50 years. The family group owns 62% of the shares, public owns 34%, staff own 2.2% and 1.1% treasury stock. Another data source states Kazakhstan-based miner ENRC- Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC (ENRC). ENRC is a subsidiary of ERG.

Incorporated in 1993 whose major shareholders are medium scale rubber planters from the Anguédedou area CAAIC is owned 55% by China National Agricultural Development Corporation and 45% by the China- Africa Development Fund. Shandong International Economic & Technical Cooperation Group joined hands with Shandong Lumian Group Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Sun Rise Vietnam, a joint venture between South Korean companies Hyundai Telecom and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. (See Sun Rise Vietnam, a joint venture between South Korean companies Hyundai Telecom and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project.

Developed jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ Read more at

Commonly known as Shandong Steel. Listed on the stock exchange but also controlled by the provincial government of Shandong.

The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man.

ITOCHU Corporation previously held a 49 percent stake in OBF. It has sold its holding to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd; see

Developed jointly by Becamex – Binh Phuoc JSC, a joint venture between Becamex IDC and Song Be Rubber Company, and others_x000D_ Read more at

African Land Limited is a limited liability company. Previously known as Agricapital. Agricapital is part of GreenWorld BVI -a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands that manages several funds dedicated to the acquisition of farmland. Investment & Development Industrial Infrastructure Nam Duc (Nam Duc Investment and Development of Infrastructure Co., Ltd), which belongs to VID, is named as infrastructure investor of project.

2012: Local partner, CPK Vinh Phuc JSC did not participate in this capital injection and as a result its stake in Vina CPK Limited has been diluted to 2.8 percent, while VNI’s stake has increased to 97.2 percent from 96.1 percent, previously.

In 2016: Vietnam Infrastructure Ltd on Monday said it is selling its entire stake in Vina-CPK Ltd to Phuc Hung Import Export Company Ltd for USD22.1 million in cash at current exchange rates.

Kinhbac City Development Holding Corporation hold 62% charter capital of its company on December 31st, 2010. FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore). Rowi principal activity is investment holding. FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore) RussellStone Group is a privately owned investment house with a 17% BEE owned shareholding, investing in the agricultural and energy industry with representation in Africa, Australia and Argentina. Share in this project through Grainvest Farming (a subsidiary).

Registered in tax haven. Shareholders of Sunbird unknown (majority owned by African individuals, and the remaining shares are owned by the management team). Binh Ha chairman claimed that the compny is a member of an Phu Corporation (See vietnamese source

The 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion The 60% of the deal was sold to Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (CREC) for RM 7.41 billion Plinian Capital Ltd is managing and directing all of Nimini's exploration, feasibility study, development and administrative activities.

GMX Consulting is a UK-registered company with offices in Nigeria and Ho Chi Minh. It was formed by the Vietnamese rice scientist Vo Tong Xuan and financial backers from Vietnam to develop large-scale cassava and rice farms in Africa with Vietnamese technology. "Africom Commodities Pty. Ltd., a closely held South African company, is developing the first of Congo’s agribusiness parks at Bukanga-Lonzo in partnership with the Congolese government. [...] The first 80,000-hectare site near the capital, Kinshasa [...]" _x000D_ see

The company is "an official representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government," it has been announced.

The company was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany with additional offices in Germany and internationally.

PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation operates as a subsidiary of Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation. See PetroVietnam is state-owned company, not private The involved company is the Vietnamese unit of ExxonMobil Corp. See Sodrugestvo Group S.A., an agro-industrial company, engages in the businesses of infrastructure, oilseeds processing, logistics, storage and distribution, and trading globally.

Owners are Russian citizens Sergei and Alexey Kukura(70% and 30%) . Volgo-DonSelkhozInvest LLC is their subsidiary in Russia which controlled Volgograd Agroindustry company(VAPC) - this compan has a land in operation.

It is "largest public enterprise", See There is one source called company as Korean land Corporation, see

Corporate trust. Fleurette Properties Limited is ultimately owned by Line Trust Corporation Limited. Fleurette Group project owned by Fleurette Properties Limited. Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation (WISCO) of Hong Kong, now owns a 60% stake in China-Union Investment Co.

One information says it is Fulin company, See, , Sun Steel Joint Stock Company operates as a subsidiary of Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.. See

No information on company classification, but there is one source saying that company does not operate anymore. See Argento Ltd is 100% owned by Montara Continental Ltd, who are 75% owned by Obtala Ltd (and 25% by a third party).

Sales offices and processing plants around the world. Corporate office located in California. Subsidiary of Olam International Ltd.

Malonda Foundation was created as a legal entity Private and publicly-owned entities to promote and facilitate private sector development in Niassa. Romania Farm Invest A / S was founded in 2008. The company's main objective is the operation and development of the Romanian company Agro Cocora SRL. The company is owned by a group of private investors - and companies. Romania Farm Invest A/S is subsidiary of Jantzen Development (Denmark) - Erik Jantzen is owner. The investor is a stock exchange company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange but they were delisted last February 24,2017. There were no news on what will happen on their properties in PRC. Oil Palm Colombian Federation (Fedepalma), it managers and grants funds to smallholders associations for grow oil palm.

Agricover, which is owned by Iranian businessman Jabbar Kanani, owns two vegetable farms in Romania, with a total area of 3,000 hectares Over 70 percent of Independent Oil & Resources PLC is owned by the Norwegian oil magnate Berge Gerdt Larsen and members of his family. The Company was created by Franz Bontrup. The holding has branches in Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Switzerland, Norway, Britain, Russia, Poland and the United States. Its core business is agriculture, navigation and granite production.

Union Dicon is listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and it is a wholly Nigerian company. CBO Capital are majority shareholders. diversified shareholder base of about 290,000 investors, the most prominent of which is Heirs Holdings Limited, a pan-African proprietary investment company Includes members from the board of directors: Mr. Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe,, Rev. Isaac Adefemi Agoye, Mrs. Oyinkan Ade-Ajayi, Mr. Peter Eshikena, Mr. Bernard Cheruiyot Langat

Kumari Ruchka can be linked with Phoenix Global DMCC. They are founders in a couple of companies in Ukraine.

In 2007 the company entered a share farming arrangement to farm in the Ternopil Oblast in the west of Ukraine. Some 850 hectares is rented from numerous small landowners. Mriya Agro Holding Public Limited was joined with Continental Farmers Group under the common name "Continental Farmers Group" Given that the investor tree of Poligrow in Colombia and in other countries, the operating company is describes as unknown, although ITA Aceites Vegetales, Mesa Cárdenas & Garcés SAS and Poligrow Colombia Ltda are the operating companies in Colombia. In the website Agropecuaria Aliar S.A. seems to be a subsidiary of La Fazenda, nevertheless it is a joint venture of several companies. In total they are around 28 Colombian companies.

The operating company is Riopaila Castilla, but it constituted 29 societies to acquire 50000 hectares of land and circumvent Colombian law. For simplicity, those 29 societies are represented as one in Unknown_Riopaila_Castilla "Stark Industries Co. Ltd. is owned and founded by Mya Thida Sway Tin, a Myanmar businesswoman with connections to military and business elite. Mya Thida Sway Tin takes her name from her exhusband, Maung Maung Sway Tin, who recently died. They are both named in the Panama Papers." (EIA.2016: Green Desert)

Father and son, Yaw Teck Seng and Yaw Chee Ming respectively, are the founders and owners of Samling Strategic Corp. Company related to the corporation "Amigos de Los Montes de María" that is buying land in El Carmen de Bolívar in Colombia. Linked to deal #803 It's an official institution of the government devoted to foster agricultural projects. They developed a line of credit for agroindustry. unknown (Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi (DED), the Food Security Centre — Abu Dhabi (FSCAD) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda) "Established in 2005, Abu Dhabi Investment House is a private joint stock company (PJSC) licensed by the UAE Central Bank. ADIH is promoted by leading financial institutions and a group of prominent businessmen and investors from the Gulf region." ( "Vision3, an alliance of three major Gulf financial institutions, has signed a landmark deal with Turkey paving the way for nearly $9 billion investment in Turkey’s agricultural sector." ( Link refers to Bloomberg, not OpenCorporates. The company has several investments in Latin America, including Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. The main produces are bioethanlo, sugar, biodiesel, glycerine, shrimps, mussels, grapes and other vegetables.

JTI - Japan Tobacco International is the international tobacco division of Japan Tobacco Incorp.The company is headquartered in Tokyo and Japan Tobacco International's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Eastern Europe RFP suggests that 'joint venture' means goodwill of local government to give land to the Chinese investor._x000D_ Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. Norfund – the Norwegian Development Finance Institution – was founded in 1997 and joined EDFI in 2001. Norfund is a company by special statute with limited liability, wholly owned on behalf of the Norwegian government by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Updated. I have changed deal according to the information Corporación Centro de Investigación en Palma de Aceite / Corporation Research Centre in Oil Palm (Cenipalma) is a corporation of a scientific and technical nature. development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%). Namibia Oriental Tobacco is a closed corporation registered in 2005. Shareholding percentages in the company are still to be finalized- secondary investors Hongyunhonghe Tobacco and Armas Amukwiyu.

This investor has no country of registration and is not linked to any deal. Please complete and link to a deal/ operating company or delete this investor.

Not enough information to approve this investor. Don't you have any more information or even a comment to better identify this investor? which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_

36 societies were created between 2010 and 2012 (with the same legal responsible) but were bought by Cargill in 2012. This strategy were built for the same lawyer buffet to avoid the farm land grabbing to Ripaila S.A

Suntory and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited is now a shareholder of the secondary investor but it is not indicate how much are the stocks that they hold; only that both of the companies has a 50:50 share of a specific joint venture agreement. via Global Farming Ltd, which should "own and manage farms" ( ) Emirates Investments Group LLC is an investment company based in the United Arab Emirates with interests in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. The dynamic investment Group sources unique business development opportunities and works closely with established companies through partnerships (EIG website) In 2011 Black River Capital Partners Food Fund Holdings Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Black River Capital Partners Fund LP, a fund managed by the private equity arm of Cargill, has acquired a 28.11% stake in AgriNurture, Inc. (ANI). The SEZ will be set up through the special purpose vehicle in which Bharat Forge will have 74 per cent stake. The state government will hold 24 per cent equity through its industrial infrastructure arm, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC).

Korean steel giant Posco bought a 68% controlling share of Daewoo International Corp. Daewoo International Corp bought an 85% stake in PT Bio Inti Agrindo. And PT Bio Inti Agrindo has obtained permissions to develop a 40,000 hectare oil palm plantation in Merauke.

In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake). KTG Agrar sold 100% shares to AUGA Group AB(Agrowill) Lithuania(UAB „Baltic Champs Group“(Lithuania) – 51,56%, „Volemer Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 15,89%, „Vretola Holdings Limited“(Cyprus) – 14,68%. registered full name: "Obshchestvo s Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostyu Zernovaya Kompaniya Nastyusha OOO (Общество с Ограниченной Ответственностью Зерновая Компания Настюша ООО)"

Bolloré owns 38,7% of socfin.Bolloré group is a main shareholder. Vincent Bolloré remains very active in the strategic choices on the company. Hubert Fabri also has a controlling interest in the company. ADERCI has started the promotion of bioenergies in Côte d’Ivoire by creating some promotion centres in Toumodi (Central Ivory Coast) through the creation of an experimental plantation of 500 ha for jatropha and castor oil plant. The two business entrepreneurs, Doron Levi and Dr. Shlomi Jonas, have experience in launching, cultivating, managing and realizing a wide variety of innovative business initiatives; also skills in marketing and sales.

Moncada was founded in 1991 and was initially involved in the construction industry. Then, in 2001, after the “Bersani Decree” liberalised the Italian electricity market, it turned to the energy sector with a special interest in renewable sources.

Gold Star Farms was a joint venture between two US citizens, Jack Holden and Lloyd Benton Sharp. Holden ran Gold Star Farms with his Ghanaian wife, Diana Holden and daughter, Erica Holden as executives. Foras acts as the investment arm of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group. Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent.

There are many agreements between the Wine sector of COFCO and other different companies ( Such as McGuigan, Loch Lomond and DGB)but instead of investing into the company, the agreements that were made are for the import of different brands in China in order to infiltrate the Chinese market. Carter Coleman is the Founder and CEO. Funding from Pacific Sequoia Holdings, NorFund, Norwegian Development Bank and African Agricultural Capital. Capricorn Investment Group (majority shareholder) and AgDevCo are shareholders in Agrica. The company has received a $10 million equity investment in 2012.

Vita Grain is a Singaporean company owned by portfolio investor Intrasia Capital, which has been investing in hybrid rice development and production in Asia, Africa and Australia. The company's African investments in Mauritius, Mozambique and Tanzania are undertaken through a Mauritian holding company.

New Forests Company is supported by Agri-Vie investment fund and the IFC. The serious impacts of the operations on local villagers raise concerns given that NFC operations are supported by IFC, which claim to uphold high social and environmental standards. New Forest Company is financed by Finnfund. FMO has also provided funding. Nadec is led by the wealthy Saudi al-Rajhi family and is 20 percent owned by the finance ministry's Public Investment Fund (PIF). NADEC is the first and biggest agricultural share-stock company in Saudi Arabia. Alternatively spelled ‘Ferrostahl’, but more frequently spelled ‘Ferrostaal’. The company is 70% owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company, IPIC, which was formed by the Abu Dhabi government. As a result of the IPIC taking over the majority of shares, MAN Ferrostaal AG changed its name to Ferrostaal AG.

In 2004 the PNG Government sold its 50% shareholding of Hargy Oil Palms to S.A SIPEF NV which has always had full responsibility for the management, operations, processing and international marketing of the company's products. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See Indus Basin Holding is a Member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), a global network of organizations that invest money and expertise to propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets. Goodhope Holdings is a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch PLC. Goodhope Holdings has invested in plantations in Indonesia through various different companies. All in one Goodhope Holdings acquired a land bank of 157889 hectares in Indonesia (some parts of this land bank were acquired before 2000). Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to Vedanta Resources.

Olam & Wilmar's 50-50 JV Nauvu Investments holds 27%-share; Parme Investissement (holding company of SIFCA's founding family) holds 44%. Immoriv SA holds a further 21% with the remaining shares in the hands of private investors (8%).

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia.

Willsmart International Limited (“Willsmart”; British Virgin Islands) "is the registered holder of 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares of one kina each being the total number of shares issued and allotted in the capital of Albright Limited", to which the area is subleased

Devonshire Capital, a global private equity major, has picked up 51% stake in the Indore-based Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., as part of the latter’s debt restructuring plan. This only pertains to certain specific edible oil brands and the distribution business. IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012) Mantra Resources Pty Limited, an Australian registered corporation in which Uranium One has a 13.9 per cent interest. The remaining shares in this company are owned by Uranium One’s 51 per cent shareholder, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (“ARMZ”).

"the Myanmar and Thai governments will each hold 30 percent in the SPV [special purpose vehicle], while the remaining 40 percent will be held by other partners including Japan, China and South Korea" ( Maruha Nichiro Holdings sold the Agrobest Shrimp Farming company to Fujian Hengshui Group, a Chinese investor for an undisclosed amount. This is due to the effect of the widespread disease called Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)

Company changed its name from GEM Biofuels in December 2012 in an effort to respond to the new investments to be made in the mining and natural resource sector. Shareholders include (amongst others) Paul Benetti (former CEO). ETG’s shareholders include Mahesh Patel and his family, the American assets management company Carlyle Group, the South African Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Managers (private equity) and Standard Chartered Bank. In July 2012, the merger of Flacq United Estates Limited (FUEL) into Deep River-Beau Champ Ltd (DRBC), formerly CIEL Agro-Industry, gave birth to a new multi-sector investment group, ALTEO Limited._x000D_ Deep River Investment (DRI), the main shareholder of the CIEL Group and GML Investissement (GMLI) were proponents of the merger and are now the two largest shareholders of Alteo Limited with 21% and 27.5% of its capital, the remaining shares being held by 3000 other shareholders of the public.

Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. The realize acquisition through 6 subsidiaries with which Colombia has in the country, which are: Monica Colombia Ltda, Agrocaxias Ltda Agromarchett Ltda Catanaribo Ltda Manacacias Ltda Monicol Ltda Tilava Ltda See, Chinalco only participated in 24 months (EPC package) then transfered to Vinacomin. See

Gya Glorify Farms Limited is registered as a limited Liability Company in 2005. The company is seeking a consortium of foreign investors who are interested and prepared to collaborate with the local partners Nutre Group from 2012. Nutre SGPS SA is owned at 49% by Martifer SGPS SA. Update: According to Martifer's annual report (2014) The company sold 49 % of the share capital owned in the company NUTRE SGPS, S.A. to a Dutch cooperative to be _x000D_

Agrivision Africa was previously known as Chayton Africa. Shareholders in Agrivision Africa are: Norfund-- 24.5%, International Finance Corporation-- 19.7% (bought shares in June 2015) and Zeder Investment Fund--55.8%. Rice in Danube Dunarii´s initiative is articulated between several specialist companies, focused on certain industrial segments: purchasing of fields, cultivation, processing, production. Each company is independent but connected and complementary to the others. _x000D_

NCH Capital Inc. is a private equity firm/ investment manager owned by George Rohr and Moris Tabacinic. It invests in agricultural land and related businesses in Eastern Europa through NCH Agribusiness Partners, L.P.

The company is incorporated in Cyprus (most probably for tax avoidance purposes), but the country of origin is the Ukraine. Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the company CEO, is the beneficiary holder of 95% of the shares in Ukrlandfarming PLC and 5% is owned by Cargill. (source: BILT under the Avantha Group has decided to sell the Sabah Forest Industries to a Malaysian Company, Pandawa Sakti; but the deal did not continue due to the buyer not meeting the set deadline. BILT was suppose to gain $50 million through this transaction. (06:07:2016) Group Sopex is a soft commodity-trading group that has been trading sugar and other commodities for over a century. Established in 1894, the Group trade a substantial tonnage of Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa around the globe

Rioforte is a Luxembourg-headquartered company that was set up in 2009 to hold the non-financial assets of Grupo Espirito Santo. The Commercial Court of Luxembourg ruled in October 2014 that RI was to be liquidated in order to pay off its creditors.

Regional Development Company Ltd (RDC) was established in 2009 by the Mauritian Government to carry out investments in food production in Mozambique.RDC acts as an interface between foreign companies and the Mozambican government, and assigns them lands within its DUAT concessions for which the company pays an annual fee to RDC. Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

Olam International Ltd. has submitted a binding offer to purchase 100% Equity in FMN in April 2019 (

Community trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust. Sierra Rutile Limited shareholders are Pala Investment Holdings (Switzerland, Investment Fund) and Titanium Resources Group (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Stock-exchange listed). Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Sun Rise Vietnam, a joint venture between South Korean companies Hyundai Telecom and Hwa Pyung Holding, now holds 70 per cent of the project. (See

The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man.

ITOCHU Corporation previously held a 49 percent stake in OBF. It has sold its holding to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd; see

African Land Limited is a limited liability company. Previously known as Agricapital. Agricapital is part of GreenWorld BVI -a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands that manages several funds dedicated to the acquisition of farmland. Investment & Development Industrial Infrastructure Nam Duc (Nam Duc Investment and Development of Infrastructure Co., Ltd), which belongs to VID, is named as infrastructure investor of project.

2012: Local partner, CPK Vinh Phuc JSC did not participate in this capital injection and as a result its stake in Vina CPK Limited has been diluted to 2.8 percent, while VNI’s stake has increased to 97.2 percent from 96.1 percent, previously.

FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore). Rowi principal activity is investment holding. FuGiang Co., Ltd was established in December 2007 as a joint venture between KCT Engineering Corporation, Ltd (Vietnamese subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd – Taiwan) and Rowi Investment Private Limited (Singapore) RussellStone Group is a privately owned investment house with a 17% BEE owned shareholding, investing in the agricultural and energy industry with representation in Africa, Australia and Argentina. Share in this project through Grainvest Farming (a subsidiary).

Binh Ha chairman claimed that the compny is a member of an Phu Corporation (See vietnamese source GMX Consulting is a UK-registered company with offices in Nigeria and Ho Chi Minh. It was formed by the Vietnamese rice scientist Vo Tong Xuan and financial backers from Vietnam to develop large-scale cassava and rice farms in Africa with Vietnamese technology. "Africom Commodities Pty. Ltd., a closely held South African company, is developing the first of Congo’s agribusiness parks at Bukanga-Lonzo in partnership with the Congolese government. [...] The first 80,000-hectare site near the capital, Kinshasa [...]" _x000D_

PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation operates as a subsidiary of Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation. See

Owners are Russian citizens Sergei and Alexey Kukura(70% and 30%) . Volgo-DonSelkhozInvest LLC is their subsidiary in Russia which controlled Volgograd Agroindustry company(VAPC) - this compan has a land in operation.

It is "largest public enterprise", See There is one source called company as Korean land Corporation, see

Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. No information on company classification, but there is one source saying that company does not operate anymore. See Romania Farm Invest A / S was founded in 2008. The company's main objective is the operation and development of the Romanian company Agro Cocora SRL. The company is owned by a group of private investors - and companies. Romania Farm Invest A/S is subsidiary of Jantzen Development (Denmark) - Erik Jantzen is owner. The investor is a stock exchange company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange but they were delisted last February 24,2017. There were no news on what will happen on their properties in PRC. The Company was created by Franz Bontrup. The holding has branches in Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Switzerland, Norway, Britain, Russia, Poland and the United States. Its core business is agriculture, navigation and granite production. Given that the investor tree of Poligrow in Colombia and in other countries, the operating company is describes as unknown, although ITA Aceites Vegetales, Mesa Cárdenas & Garcés SAS and Poligrow Colombia Ltda are the operating companies in Colombia.

The operating company is Riopaila Castilla, but it constituted 29 societies to acquire 50000 hectares of land and circumvent Colombian law. For simplicity, those 29 societies are represented as one in Unknown_Riopaila_Castilla "Stark Industries Co. Ltd. is owned and founded by Mya Thida Sway Tin, a Myanmar businesswoman with connections to military and business elite. Mya Thida Sway Tin takes her name from her exhusband, Maung Maung Sway Tin, who recently died. They are both named in the Panama Papers." (EIA.2016: Green Desert) "Established in 2005, Abu Dhabi Investment House is a private joint stock company (PJSC) licensed by the UAE Central Bank. ADIH is promoted by leading financial institutions and a group of prominent businessmen and investors from the Gulf region." ( "Vision3, an alliance of three major Gulf financial institutions, has signed a landmark deal with Turkey paving the way for nearly $9 billion investment in Turkey’s agricultural sector." ( Link refers to Bloomberg, not OpenCorporates. The company has several investments in Latin America, including Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. The main produces are bioethanlo, sugar, biodiesel, glycerine, shrimps, mussels, grapes and other vegetables.

JTI - Japan Tobacco International is the international tobacco division of Japan Tobacco Incorp.The company is headquartered in Tokyo and Japan Tobacco International's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. Norfund – the Norwegian Development Finance Institution – was founded in 1997 and joined EDFI in 2001. Norfund is a company by special statute with limited liability, wholly owned on behalf of the Norwegian government by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%). Namibia Oriental Tobacco is a closed corporation registered in 2005. Shareholding percentages in the company are still to be finalized- secondary investors Hongyunhonghe Tobacco and Armas Amukwiyu. which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_ Emirates Investments Group LLC is an investment company based in the United Arab Emirates with interests in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. The dynamic investment Group sources unique business development opportunities and works closely with established companies through partnerships (EIG website) In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake).

Foras acts as the investment arm of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group. Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent.

There are many agreements between the Wine sector of COFCO and other different companies ( Such as McGuigan, Loch Lomond and DGB)but instead of investing into the company, the agreements that were made are for the import of different brands in China in order to infiltrate the Chinese market. Carter Coleman is the Founder and CEO. Funding from Pacific Sequoia Holdings, NorFund, Norwegian Development Bank and African Agricultural Capital. Capricorn Investment Group (majority shareholder) and AgDevCo are shareholders in Agrica. The company has received a $10 million equity investment in 2012.

Vita Grain is a Singaporean company owned by portfolio investor Intrasia Capital, which has been investing in hybrid rice development and production in Asia, Africa and Australia. The company's African investments in Mauritius, Mozambique and Tanzania are undertaken through a Mauritian holding company.

New Forests Company is supported by Agri-Vie investment fund and the IFC. The serious impacts of the operations on local villagers raise concerns given that NFC operations are supported by IFC, which claim to uphold high social and environmental standards. New Forest Company is financed by Finnfund. FMO has also provided funding. Alternatively spelled ‘Ferrostahl’, but more frequently spelled ‘Ferrostaal’. The company is 70% owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company, IPIC, which was formed by the Abu Dhabi government. As a result of the IPIC taking over the majority of shares, MAN Ferrostaal AG changed its name to Ferrostaal AG. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See Goodhope Holdings is a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch PLC. Goodhope Holdings has invested in plantations in Indonesia through various different companies. All in one Goodhope Holdings acquired a land bank of 157889 hectares in Indonesia (some parts of this land bank were acquired before 2000). Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to Vedanta Resources.

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012) "the Myanmar and Thai governments will each hold 30 percent in the SPV [special purpose vehicle], while the remaining 40 percent will be held by other partners including Japan, China and South Korea" ( Deep River Investment (DRI), the main shareholder of the CIEL Group and GML Investissement (GMLI) were proponents of the merger and are now the two largest shareholders of Alteo Limited with 21% and 27.5% of its capital, the remaining shares being held by 3000 other shareholders of the public.

Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. The company is incorporated in Cyprus (most probably for tax avoidance purposes), but the country of origin is the Ukraine. Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the company CEO, is the beneficiary holder of 95% of the shares in Ukrlandfarming PLC and 5% is owned by Cargill. (source: Regional Development Company Ltd (RDC) was established in 2009 by the Mauritian Government to carry out investments in food production in Mozambique.RDC acts as an interface between foreign companies and the Mozambican government, and assigns them lands within its DUAT concessions for which the company pays an annual fee to RDC. Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

Community trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ;

The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man.

ITOCHU Corporation previously held a 49 percent stake in OBF. It has sold its holding to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd; see Binh Ha chairman claimed that the compny is a member of an Phu Corporation (See vietnamese source Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. Romania Farm Invest A / S was founded in 2008. The company's main objective is the operation and development of the Romanian company Agro Cocora SRL. The company is owned by a group of private investors - and companies. Romania Farm Invest A/S is subsidiary of Jantzen Development (Denmark) - Erik Jantzen is owner.

"Stark Industries Co. Ltd. is owned and founded by Mya Thida Sway Tin, a Myanmar businesswoman with connections to military and business elite. Mya Thida Sway Tin takes her name from her exhusband, Maung Maung Sway Tin, who recently died. They are both named in the Panama Papers." (EIA.2016: Green Desert) "Established in 2005, Abu Dhabi Investment House is a private joint stock company (PJSC) licensed by the UAE Central Bank. ADIH is promoted by leading financial institutions and a group of prominent businessmen and investors from the Gulf region." ( Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. Norfund – the Norwegian Development Finance Institution – was founded in 1997 and joined EDFI in 2001. Norfund is a company by special statute with limited liability, wholly owned on behalf of the Norwegian government by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%). which holds 18.1 percent of the shares in Wilmar through its wholly owned subsidiaries ADM Asia Pacific, ADM Ag Holding and Global Cocoa Holdings. Other major investors in Wilmar International include the investment management firms BlackRock, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Van Eck Associates. At the end of 2014, bank loans financed 50.4 percent of Wilmar’s_x000D_ In 2013, AgroGeneration merged with Harmelia. Harmelia was owned by the international investment fund SigmaBleyzer Fund IV (SBF IV) (managed by SigmaBleyzer Investment Group LLC based in Houston, Texas). For the transfer of 100% of the Harmelia shares, Konkur Investments Limited (holding company owned by SBF IV) received 57,264,394 new AgroGeneration shares (a 62% stake).

Foras acts as the investment arm of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Its main shareholders and founders are the Islamic Development Bank and several conglomerates from the Gulf region, including Sheikh Saleh Kamel and his Dallah Al Barakah Group, the Saudi Bin Laden Group, the National Investment Company of Kuwait and Nasser Kharafi, the world's 48th-richest person and owner of the Americana Group. Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC. IFC provided a loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank and IDFC. In October 2014, IDFC was joint book runner of a $195 million general corporate bond issue for Vedanta Limited. In September 2014, ICICI provided $59.4 million of a $500 million syndicated loan for refinancing to Vedanta Limited. In June 2014, ICICI provided $100 million of a $180 million syndicated loan for general purposes to Vedanta Resources.

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012) Gourock Ropes & Canvas (z) Ltd. was established in 1966 and is situated in the industrial city of Ndola on Copperbelt Province of Zambia and involved in manufacturing and distribution activity, serving the needs of the country's defense, mining, transport, agriculture and various other sectors. While the company is not involved in the production of agricultural goods, it is involved in the distribution of agricultural produce, including oils and food crops. Headquarters are based in Luxembourg. Multinational steel manufacturing corporation. It was formed in 2006 from the takeover and merger of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MTP), Brussels (MTBL), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS).

Community trust. Blanket made a non-refundable donation of US$1.0 million to the Trust as soon as it was established and paid advance dividends of US$4million before the end of April 2013. The Trust will receive no further dividends from Blanket until the advance dividends have been repaid by the offset offuture dividends arising on the Blanket shares that are owned by the Trust. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ;

The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. Being established in 1952, China Xinjiang Bingtuan Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.( The other name is:Beixin Construction & Enigneering (Group) Co. Ltd.) is a large scale State-owned multi-enterprise group which consists of scientific research, design, construction, industrial installation, real estate development, building material production, trading and logistic distribution. development financial institution (Gapi, Lda), transformed in 1999 into a public limited company (Gapi, sa) and registered in 2007 as credit institution regulated by the Bank of Mozambique investment company category (Gapi-SI, sa). In 2013 the shareholder structure became an alliance between public and private investors: State (30%), private investors (55%) and Civil society (15%).

Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See Through wholly-owned subsidiary BioPalm. SIVA subsidiary Biopalm Energy is also main shareholder of EPO (25%). KL-Kepong International Limited (KLK) owns 54.77% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC, while Blakeney Management and Praetorian Resources Limited owns 11.77% and 3.79% respectively. 30.66% of the shares of Equatorial Palm Oil PLC is owned publicly. Effective December 20, 2013, KL-Kepong International Ltd, a wholly owned unit of KLK acquired 63.181% interest in Equatorial Palm Oil PLC.

Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. IT&S is a registered PNG company jointly owned by IT&S USA Inc. – a Delaware USA registered company (12 million shares); Hilo Investments Pty Ltd- A Queensland, Australia registered company (7 million shares); and Paul and Winifred Japhlom – PNG nationals (200 shares); Directors – Australians Michael Raymond Purcel, Paul Alexander Soden, Neville John Harsley, Cliford Ian Frazer and Papua New Guineans Paul and Winifred Japhlom and Kapa Kei Vuatha (Source: Up for Grabs report by Greenpeace, 2012)

Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ;

The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man. The first coffee export FIE in Dak Lak is Dakman, which got the investment license from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 1995. This is a joint venture between the British ED&FMAN VIETNAM HOLDING B.V and Vietnamese Simexco, which holds 66.4 and 33.6 percent of stakes, respectively. See Check for information on ED&F Man.

Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. ITOCHU Corporation, the Japanese investor that held a 49 percent stake, has rushed to sell its holding at a 35 percent discount on the real value, even before the facility was commissioned, clearly trying to ‘escape’ from what has now proven to be a bad investment. Itochu has sold all of its stake in the project to Toyo Thai New Energy Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Toyo Thai Power Holdings Pte. Ltd, according to the website of Central Bio-Fuels. See Neha International's other subsidiary, Globeagro Holdings, Mauritius, has stakes in two floriculture companies namely Holetta Roses Flowers Plc and OromiaWonders Plc. all located in Ethiopia. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 (fiscal 2010), the Company had incorporated two 100% wholly owned subsidiary companies, Neha Agricorp PTE Ltd and Neha Agri Services PTE Ltd in Singapore. During fiscal 2010, the Company had also acquired NINTAgri Plc through the Singapore based company NehaAgricorp PTE Ltd. NINTAgri Plc is having 10,000 acres of land in hand at Ethiopia. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ;

Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Green Resources started under the name Fjordgløtt in 1995, and was later renamed Tree Farms, before adopting its current name in 2007. Green Resources’ major shareholders include investment firms such as Phaunos Timber Fund (27%) (the company has since divested its shares), New Africa (19%), Steinerud (8%), Macama (7%), SBL Direct Investments Ltd (6%), Verbena Investment Ltd (5%), and TRG (5%). Other financiers include the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund), which has provided $7million in loans to Green Resources, as well as an additional $25million in collaboration with the Finnish Development Finance Institution (Finnfund). Green Resources is reportedly the largest plantation forestry, carbon offset, forest products, and renewable energy company (outside South Africa) operating on the African continent. Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ; Licensed in 2010, the project was initially developed by VinaCapital and Genting Malaysia Berhad, and comprised of five-star hotels, villas, and an electronic gaming facility mostly targeting foreign tourists. However, in September 2012, Genting suddenly announced its withdrawal in the midst of site clearance, forcing VinaCapital to find other partners to jointly develop the project. After over two years of searching, VinaCapital has finally found prestigious partners in SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. to replace Genting Group for their proposed $4 billion integrated casino resort. On March 23, 2015, the Quang Nam People’s Committee officially granted an amended investment certificate for the project, officially recognising SunCity Group and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises as stakeholders working in conjunction with VinaCapital. Accordingly, Chow Tai Fook and VinaCapital are now strategic investors and SunCity, which is 70 per cent owned by Chow Tai Fook, will cooperate with its mother company to manage and run the resort. VinaCapital’s Alternative Investment Market-listed fund VinaLand Limited has disposed its 100% stake in the Nam Hoi An casino resort project to Gold Yield, a unit of Chow Tai Fook. The stake was valued at 53.5% above the unaudited net asset value recorded at the end of the first half of 2015 (See ;