Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) 101-104 (2003)

SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague

Decapod from the Oligocene of the Ligure Piemontese Basin,

northern Italy

Antonio De Angeli¹ & Sergio Marangon²

'Associazione Amici del Museo civico G. Zannato Piazza Marconi 15, 1-36075 Montecchio Maggiore

2 (Vicenza), Italy; c/o Via Anemone 8, 1-20090 Segrate (Milano), Italy

Keywords: Crustacea, , Oligocene, Italy

M. Abstract species postulosus. Subsequently, new material

housed in the collections of the Museo civico at

Lithologically, the decapod-bearing levels of Rupelian (Oligo- Ovada and the Museo regionale di Scienze naturali

cene) in the Ligure Piemontese Basin, are characterizedby age at Torino, was studied by Allasinaz (1987), who an alternation of greyish blue marls with nodular elements and described'Calappilia mainii Alassinaz, C. vicetina silt-rich, occasionally sandy, marls. The studied for the and Portunus Fabiani, Calappa sp. monspeliensis present note have been collected mainly from pebblesor nodules Milne The additions in- which (A. Edwards). most recent were eroded out of the higher levels exposed of this

clude rostratus & De sedimentary complex, referred to as the ‘Formazione di Mol- Cherpiocarcinus Marangon

are’. These levels overli the ‘Formazioni continentali delle Brecce Angeli (Fig. 1/1) and Calappilia verrucosa A. Milne

di studied al. Costa Cravara e Charrier et (1964) Pianfolco’, by Edwards (Fig. 1/2) from Cherpione (Pianfolco) (see

and dated as Early Rupelian. The levels yielding brachyuran Marangon & De Angeli, 1997; De Angeli & Maran- were attributed by Allasinaz (1987) to the transition bet- in Paralbunea gon, press) and galantensis from ween the ‘Formazione di Molare’ and the overlying ‘Marne di Contra Galanti (Cassinelle) (see De Angeli & Maran- Rigoroso’, and by Bianco (1985) and Balossino& Bianco (1986)

to the biozone of the foraminifer Operculina complanata (De- gon, 2001).


The faunas


Currently, our knowledge of the fauna from

Studies of crustaceans of the Pie- Piemontese decapod Ligure the Ligure Basin enables a compari-

montese Basin started with Sismonda (1846, 1861), son with Oligocene faunas from elsewhere in south-

who recorded the occurrence of in the brachyurans ern Europe. The genus Calappilia is represented of Torino hill. Later followed Michelotti by three species: C. verrucosa correlates with the

(•861), Ristori and Crema who (1886, 1888) (1895), Rupclian of Biarritz (France) and C. vicetina, con- described additional discoveries. For levels exposed fined to the Oligocene of Vicenza (NE Italy) where at Sassello, Santa Giustina, Fornaci and Ris- Dego, coeval deposits of lagoonal origin are known which tori (1889) recorded the Pa- following species: contain several Coeloma vigil and various portunid

laeocarpilius macrochelus (Desmarest), Portunus species.

convexus Coeloma A. Milne Edwards, Portunus (Ristori), vigil convexus (Fig. 1/3) was based on the

Panina R. aldrovandi (Ron- speciosa (von Munster), type specimen only, and external mould of a cara-

zani)?, Callianassa canavari Ristori, of of which fragments pace, wax and clay casts were produced.

Hoploparia some claws to the sp., assignable gen- This means that the species is comparatively poorly era Eriphia, Callianassa and Grapsus, , Pagurus, known, not all of the istinguishing features having and established the with genus Mursiopsis, type been preserved. Although it is not our intention in

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I. from the 1 - & De reconstruction Fig. Ligure Piemontese Basin: Cherpiocarcinus rostratus Marangon Angeli, carapace

- 2 - A. Milne reconstruction 3 Portunus (x 1.8); Calappilia verrucosa Edwards, carapace (x2.4); convexus (Ristori), carapace

and in dorsal view and reconstruction (0.9); 4 - Zygopa galantensis (De Angeli & Marangon), carapace pereiopod I (holotype) (a) carapace reconstruction (b) (x3.4).

the available time. The of present note to discuss this species in detail, samples at that presence P.

do wish the in the of the Pie- we to note presence of a curved spine monspeliensis Rupelian Ligure on both sides of the Basin is Allasinaz noted that posterior carapace margin. montese uncertain;

Allasinaz (1987) did not observe these spines in samples attributed to that species might belong to

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it Ranina Z. or to a subspecies similar, ancestral species. (Florida, Netherlands Antilles, Surinam) and speciosa occurs in the Cenozoic of Germany (be- nortoni Serene & Umali (Philippines and New Cale- tween Osnabriick and Kassel) and in the Lower donia). In the world wide review of fossil and Recent

Miocene of Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) and of and Blepharipodidae, Boyko (2002)

Monfumo this illustrations (Treviso). In carapace shape, spe- presented detailed descriptions and of

cies is closely similar to R. bouilleana A. Milne all known species and clear diagnoses of families

Edwards from the of and He also discussed the features of.Albunea Rupelian Biarritz; on orna- genera.

ment, these species may be distinguished. Palaeo- lutetiana Beschin & De Angeli from the Middle

macrochelus is distributed of it in the carpilius widely geo- Vicenza, including new genus

graphically, having been recorded from France to Italialbunea. In view of this, we think it advisable

in rocks of Eocene and here list of and of the India, Oligocene age. to present a genera species

Ristori (1889) erected the genus Mursiopsis, but superfamily from the fossil record:

failed to present a detailed diagnosis, which he

compared with Mursia and Calappilia. Glaessner Superfamily Hippoidea Latreille

(1969) listed Ristori’s taxon, but did not note de- Family Blepharipodidae Boyko

fining characteristics. Allasinaz (1987) was the first Genus Lophomastix Benedict

to point out the affinities of Mursiopsis, distinguish- L. antique Schweitzer & Boyko (Eocene,

ing it from Mursia on the basis of the more marked Washington, USA)

trilobed of the and the different nature carapace

form and disposition of the ornament and from Family Albuneidae Weber

Calappilia on the basis of convex post-lateral bor- Genus Albunea Weber

ders and the presence of a few short teeth. Cara- A. asymmetrica (Muller) (Miocene, Hungary)

pace shape in Cherpiocarcinus restratus did not A. hahnae Blow & Manning (Middle Eocene,

provide data for comparisons with extant taxa. Af- South Carolina, USA)

cuisiana & De finities were noted with the Necrocarcininae, in A. Beschin Angeli (Lower-

particular with Orithopsis bonneyi Carter from the Middle Eocene, Italy)

Cenomanian of England. Paralbunea galantensis A. sp. (see Morris, 1993) (Pleistocene, Jamaica)

was based on a single specimen from the Rupelian Genus Italialbunea Boyko

of Galanti (Cassinelle, Alessandria). This species I. lutetiana (Beschin & De Angeli) (Middle has a carapace which is wider than long, with a Eocene, Italy)

narrow front, very small rostrum (almost absent), Genus Praealbunea Fraaije

the a poorly developed lateral spine on ocular cen- P. rickorum Fraaije (Maastrichtian, the Nether-

ter, a sinuous anterior margin, lacking spines, and lands)

with a setal field Genus Holthuis present as two narrow, oblique Zygopa

bands behind the ocular sinus. The dorsal surface Z. galantensis (De Angeli & Marangon) (Early has few transverse, grained furrows, the cervical Oligocene, Italy)

furrow is deepened medially, and with a divergent

branchial-cardiac correlations with elsewhere groove, a very concave posterior For occurrences in

margin, and pereiopod 1 ofcomparable dimensions, Europe, the brachuyrans from the Figure Piemontese

with in the carpus with rounded margin, lacking a dorsal Basin, particular genera Coeloma, Palaeo-

These crest. features confirm assignment to the genus carpilius, Calappilia, Ranina and Portunus are all

Paralbunea. distributed widely geographically and this may be

A re-examination and better of the due to a better preparation genetic adaptation to cope with

carapace margins of the type specimen has now adverse conditions, related to environment rather

revealed a hepatic spine, and this has led to a new than to climate.

reconstruction the Other crustaceans (Fig. 1/4), and a transfer to ge- appear restricted to certain lev-

nus Zygopa (De Angeli & Marangon, in press). This els. Endemic in the Figure Piemontese Basin, and

genus contains the extant Z. michaelis Holthuis occurring in lagoonal strata, characterized by a high

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supply offreshwater and several plant remains car- De Angeli A, Marangon S. in press. Contribute alia cono-

scenza dei decapodi oligocenici del Bacino Ligure Pie- ried by numerous streams, are Mursiopsis postulo- montese (Italia settentrionale). Atti Soc. it. Sci. not Mus. sus, Z. galantensis and Cherpiocarcinus rostratus. civ. St. nat. Milano

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