Repeat Passenger Caspian Parade Oil on Canvas 2008 52 x 72 in Casey Pierce Nashville, TN
[email protected] 10 QUOTE Text 10 6/23/08, 11:45 AM Until the Sunrise Sow and Yield 11 QUOTE Text 11 6/23/08, 11:45 AM Repeat Sow and Yield Graphite, Frosted Mylar, and Paper 2008 13 x 13 in John Whitten Nashville, TN
[email protected] 38 Bound QUOTE Text 38 6/23/08, 11:46 AM Evaline 39 QUOTE Text 39 6/23/08, 11:46 AM SOW AND YIELD by Motke Dapp tone. Rock. Rock. The separation process takes days. Weeks. Once we’re finished with one field, we move to the next. Rock. Stone. “Honey, come back to bed.” My wife’s voice shakes me from the searing light of the field, with its hot wind, fuzzy-edged images, and echoing sounds. I look at the block in my hand, then down at my feet. Two neat piles, of toys, of shoes, clothing. Have I been gathering in my sleep again? 40 QUOTE Text 40 6/23/08, 11:46 AM Six men. No women. We get paid better the faster we move, the more we separate. What they do with the stones and rocks, I can’t remember: they may have told me once. All I know is I smell like dirt and sweat, like the earth I move all day long, a dusty machine. Their machine. I eat when they tell me. Leave when they tell me. Drink the water they give me to keep from passing out.