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PORT ARTHUR . CURTIS IAUKEA I ilS&M Engaged by Two Japanese Cruisers i Russians Claim That the Japanese She Is Either Sunk or Adopt a Platform Full of Startling Assaults Have Cost Twenty-Eigh- t Accusations Against the Re- Stranded. Thousand Men. publican Party. (ABSOOTATBD PBXM 0ABUCOKA V J TOKIO, August 22. The Japanese cruisers Chitose and Tsu- (ABSOOIATKB PBB8B OASXJaRAXB shima forced Russian cruiser1 The Democratic Territorial Conven-'ilo- n In proxy form. The report was adopted. the Novik ashore at Korsakovsk after LIAOYANG, Aug. 23. The Japanese losses at Port Arthur met yesterday at the Orpheum and PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. a severe engagement. selected C. P. Iaukea as their nominee The report of the committee on per- are 28,000. There is continual skirmishing in Kuropatkin's front. Delegate to Congress. A platform, lor manent oiganlzatlon was read by Yinkow divided ' directed mainly against the Carter ad- Chairman E. M. Watson, as follows: The thirty thousand Japanese landed at have been The protected cruisers Chitose and Tsushima, which battled ministration, was adopted, but without That the officers of the convention between Newchwang and Haicheng. any demonstiation. A new Terrltoil.il shall be a chairman, n, with the Novik, evidently chased the Russian vessel all the way Central Committee was selected and secretary, sergeant-at-arm- s and inter-- pi REPAIRING RUSSIAN CRUISERS. from Port Arthur, for both of those vessels were in the fleet with, held Its first meeting last night. "W. A. eter. Kinney was chosen as the permanent That Hon. "W. A. Kinney be selected Gromo-bo- which Admiral Togo fought the Russians on August 20. The of VLADIVOSTOK, Aug. 23. The cruisers Rossia and i chairman of the convention Instead to preside as chairman. Chitose is known in Honolulu. This vessel was built the Union Atthur Wilder, who had seemingly been That K. N. Koakau, Esq., be selected will soon be repaired. at in the lend for the olllce. as v Iron Woiks, San Francisco, in 1898, and while en route to Japan Esq., be selected SESSION. Thnt Edwaul Like, NEUTRALITY WILL BE PROTECTED. MORNING to net as secretary. spent a week in this port in 1899. The U. S. monitor Monadnock and two U. S. torpedo-boa- t de- - "Fusion Is and has been a total fail- That David Kaheleaahua, Esq, be ure, but now we stand for a straight selected to act as sergeant-at-arm- s. anuycib nave uccu uiucicu m icaumcas iu puitti mc ucuiiauiy ui , Washington, Aug. 21st, 1904. Prendergast, Esq., be se- "Democratic ticket," said Fred Turrlll That J. K. Shanghai. (Received at 10:10 a. m.) In opening the convention. lected to act as Interpreter. Col. McCarthy placed In nomination That the older of business to be To Japanese Consul, Honolulu: , temporary chair- adopted by the convention shall be as . . of J. L. CokeSif Maui as The monitor Monadnock is under command Commander The Novik en route to Vladivostok was sunk by our cruisers at nominations being made follows: well-know- man. No othei Dennis H. Mahan. The vessel is n here, for under com- Mr. Coke was escorted to the platform 1. Report of committee of resolu- Korsakoff, Saghalien, on the 21st of August. Details are not yet by Col. McCarthy and E. M. "Watson. tions and platform. mand of Captain (now Rear Admiral)Vhiting the vessel was in Mr. Cola: said he would undertake 2. Election of Territorial central tin's port from July 3rd to July 13th, 1898, while en route from San reported. TAKAHIRA. to preside over the convention w Ith Im- committee. Monadnock is an historic vessel. partiality, and he asked for hearty co- 3. Nominations for Delegate to Con- Francisco to the Philippines. The operation. This was not a time for gress. She was built originally in 1864 and was through several engage- In the big battle off Port Arthur, Aug. 12, the Russians were :wpids but for action. 4. Resolutions. ments in the Civil War. She was in the Battle of Fort Fisher and defeated and their vessels scattered to various Chinese, German Col. McCarthy moved that Prender-jga- st B. Miscellaneous business. fifteen-inc- h doing damage. and British ports in China, some escaping and returning to act as Interpreter, and was ac-- I G. Adjournment. fired a shell into the fort, considerable Port lnterpieting Arthur. The Novik first went to Kaiucliai), corded the high honor of KINNEV, NOT WILDER. The monitor is considered a lucky ship, never having had a man the German colony, but the remarks of the various speakers. killed on board. She was the first vessel to demonstrate that a left during the next day and was again sighted a couple of days .Henry AVest of Hllo was placed In The sensation, If any, came when the nomination for temporary secretary by name of W. A. Kinney was named for monitor could stand a long sea voyage. She came from the Atlantic later passing through the Van Diemen Straits, south of Japan. C. P. Iaukei, but Blplkane roared peimanent chairman, as It had been to the Pacific Coast in 1867, passing through the Straits of Magel- Since then hc has been making her way around the eastern coast wns against this whereupon Harry Juen understood that A. A. Wilder was to lan. She entirely on the California coast. She has of Japan and northward toward the Saghalien port. has been named by a Fouith District man. sway the destinies of the convention. was rebuilt It Testa waH nominated but declined as Mr. Like withdrew as nominee for Harveyized steel turrets, and her main .Jjattery consists of four presumed that the Novik was heading for Vladivostok, but finding he had been a candidate for chairman, "ecretnry and asked that Mr. Juen be ten-inc- h guns. the Japs blocking the Tsugara Straits continued on northward to would not was satisfactory to but had wlthdiawn, and substituted. This posi- Saghalien. The vessel probably over theiefoie be a candidate for secretary. the committee. The destroyer Chaunccy, which occupies an unenviable traveled 3,000 miles since For some leason or other West was not Hariy Juen aiose to say that he was tion between the belligerents at Shanghai, is commanded by Lieut. leaving Port Arthur. by the chair in the voting not qualified to as consldeied net secietary and Earl P. Jessup. It is a vessel of 420 tons, carries seven guns, and Fiom first to last the cruiser Novik was one of the most use- for hecretary and Juen was elected. prefened to decline In faort of some Iaukea moved for committees on one who both poke and wrote is capable of twenty-nin- e knots speed. ful of the Russian vessels comprising the Port Arthur fleet. In the oiganlsntlon ami platform and Hawaiian and English. Blplkane, The Hon. John Goodnow, U. S. Consul-Cener- al at Shanghai, first engagement outside Poit Arthur, Feb. 0, the Novik approach- lesolutlons, with seven on each com- "Roaring Bull," said the Intel pieter is also known in Honolulu, as he has passed through this port ed nearer the Japanese-lin- e of ships ves- mittee with one member fiom each elec- would look after the dunl-tong- busi- than any other Russian tion dlstilct, with the etia member ness and Juen wlthd'w his lesigna-tlo- n. seveial times on steamers bound to and from the Coast. Goodnow sel. In this first engagement the Novik was injuied below her liom Oahu as having the largest dele- was prominent during the Boxer troubles in China during 1900. water line, but was docked and quickly repaired at Port Arthur. gation. Testa w anted nine .membeis The report was then adopted. leaving out Kauai as not deseivlng re- It was found then that the perma- CHEFOO, August 22. The Japanese have swept the Russians Many times during the earlier Japanese attacks on Port Arthur the cognition because not lepiesented In nent chaliman, Just elected, was not from Pigeon Bay and captured the northernmost fort on the west- Novik, accompanied by torpedo-destroy- er flotillas, dashed out of thought four the convention. He that inesent, being in attendance on the ern line of the inner defenses of Port Arthur. the haibor and engaged the Japanese destroyers off port, only re members on each committee should be committee on platfoun, and a lecess f 10111 Oahu. was pioposed. A Hawaiian arose to ST PETERSBURG, August 22. America has proposed to treating each time on the approach of large Japanese reinforcements, apportion- Iauke.i suggested that the say that the time could be put In with open negotiations for the unrestricted recognition of American consisting of cruisers and battleships. On March 10 a severe en- be as follows: Two for the Tiist speech-makin- g. ment "hot nil" and proposed some gagement between destroycis took place of District, one foi the Second, two for the C. W. Ashford was called up- passports. outside Port Arthur. Thlid, two for the Fouith and two for on for a speech. Mr. Ashford, how- The Russian destroyer Stercgustchi was lost in this engagement. the Fifth. Iaukea continued to tell ever, declined, sajlng he desired to of time by The Russian restrictions on American passports relate to Jews, Admiral Makaroff took command the Novik and left Port Arthur n , how the convention could save hear fiom delegates fiom the Island of Ash-- to rescue the remaining destroyers Stcre-gustch- e, talking ten minutes when C. W. I Hawaii 01 Maul. The name of Nel was who are American citizens. Russia declines to recognize passports and attempted to rescue the foul arose and said that time was be proposed, the "Marshal to w hoin in but was surrounded by five Japanese cruisers and com- wnen u ou Ne" allowing naturalized American Jews to travel Russia. ing wasted In outcry couiu j Inukea lefeued to en Saturday night, pelled to retire. used to advantage in caucusing. Mr Ne, 0,e to the BUbiimest heights BUENOS AYRES, August 22. The Paraguayan-revolution-ist- s West, Testa, Cpides, ap-an- Messrs. Svvlntonof oratory nnu drew thunderous d have routed the Government forces and established a pro- The Novik was built in 1900 and was a vessel of 3,000 tons. Kuloa weie appointed a committee plnuse - J" Her crew probably numbered over four hundred men. She was of live to distribute badges. The con- M nr(reSg of Kohnla nl,l first that visional government. ventlon then took a lecess duilng which , he waa a Democrat aiid'his father had 347 feet long, 30 feet beam, and 19 feet deep. Her armament con- peisonnel of committees Interest would compel every plnnter to nlready clothed with Inordinate powers time the the also been one. sisted of six 4.7-inc- h guns, one and ten guns of various The-tna- ss Organic was made up and announced by the Rev. Mr, Kekoa gath- - Ei apple with the situation. under the Act. addressed the - this, however, It sizes. She carried five torpedo tubes. She had three screws, with chair as follows: orlng In Hawaiian. of the thinking element of the Teirl- "Not content with ua question seeks to own the Legisla- e Ciedcntlals Fiist Dlstilct, T. N. n W Anlln f ft, 11 ill Tn.mnn CAf toiy knew that the of the and contiol fine engines, and was capable of making a speed of twenty-fiv- M. Second, biding occupants land must be ture, dumlnntlng the primaries with find K. Koahou: tlement'at Laio alio spoke' followed by of the knots an hour, as much as twenty-si- x knots being reached in her Inkahalupa; Thlid, J. K. Kaupu and Stephen Umaum.i. of Honolulu. settled mid the Democratic party olllce holdeis and henchmen for that k In Though professing a desire speed trials. !Fiaiik Harvey: Fouith Sam Knloa and A. A. Wilder then addressed audi- would have to play Its part the puipose the I foi government has, by 31. R. Medeiios; rifth, E. L. Like and ence. He said in a few months the matter. He had no liking for Mark clean It the L. teslgnatlons U. Jones, with E. Like as chair- people would know whether the people Hanna as he represented some of the exaction of undnted fiom elements of wealth, but the the heads of all Departments the man. of Territory to nt worst to get to this weie have a up government A Testa wanted the committee of, for and by the people. The Demociats must not bring class of employment to URUGUAY LIKE PARAGUAY were Tei-rlto- ij wotk before the other committees Governor of the Teiritory said one ngltntlon Many of his fi lends said tho the citizens nnd Uxpnyeis of the Announced. Objection was made to this tiling, and his actions showed be acted meeting wns tnme, but there was an unless they sign n pledge of couise by Col. McCaithy and E. M. falling earnestness back of lj. All In all, he fealty to the Republican Party, the HAS A . - .1.- quite to the contrniy, to give REVOLUTION 4.F rL.- !.,.. uui.l w.e- ..nnA.lnn,,, Uin9 preside of- waiscm iie mir self-go- v ei ninetit to tile people although felt It wns an honor to over foiced levies of assessments from piomlslng It. such a convention. fice holders for political purposes, no fnt nil fiftttl In ! I t OMI In lm tia ntl! "Governor every- Mr. Kinney snld ho had never before creating fear of dismissal from olllce woik simul Carter centralizes A ' liounced together and then thing In the government," he s.ild, been a presiding officer and therefore for supposed dlsloynlty to the Execu- BUENOS AYRES, Aug. 23. revolution has broken out in taneously. He thought the local con- tive and Its we more hoped would tangle henchmen, hunting down hand-to-han- u "anuj aie centralized today the convention not Uruguay. The rebels have captured Santa Rosa in a d vention could well follow the nntlonal ever. Is Just canylng Itself up. and defeating Republican candidates Inukea dlffeied with than It out the convention. Curtis proposition of the President Roosevelt for otllco whose Independence might fight, thirty-fiv- e being killed and eighty-on- e wounded. The rebels Coke, although both weie piesent at DEMOCRATIC PLATrORM. be n bar to inn consummation of their who appointed him to olllce." have captured Villareies, with men rifles. is the national convention together, nnd Mr. pioceeded mildly ambitions, established a giaft and ma- also 200 and 1700 It the committee on Wilder then to Chaliman Kinney, as chnlrmnn of tho theiefore ciedentlals his law p.utnei, A. G M. Rober- committee on platfoun and lesolutlons, chine methods never befoio attempted rumored the Paraguayan rebels have captured should meet and who was en- iioast that Asuncion. ascertain tson, Republican eommlttee-- presented com- in the history of these Islands, nil of to In convention. national I then the lepoit of thu titled sit the man, desci thing mittee, original was which we maintain Is calculated to Plioliwiti Prtla ri-l- ..vnantlnn i r Tnn. for the Democratic the draft of which convention a noisy, written by The political Independence and tho Hen's statement and said the convention ',"t'0,m.1, Hs tmbu John nmineluth. lepoit open so BALTIC FLEET WILL BY I gutheiing. He npoko again was as follow rf' light to i.iltklmn necessniy to GO should not ho too technical Hh de- - of the nt l,ls maintain hones government, AVo liberations ami therefore tilled ngalniitt ,?,'".'', ".? ""f bolllK. Hl1"ce, '" "Wo, the Democratic Parly of tho ulmigu that the manifest doslio and Inulu Terrltoiy of Hawaii, In convention as- WAY "Hiniont, On Mnich 1, nftor Parker Intention of the Executive Department OF PACIFIC OCEAN I'eiinnent OignnUatlon, riist Dis- sembled, do ittulllim oui allegiance to nt (he Ti'iiltoiliii gnvciiimeht Ui dom- Knell, T. N. Nnlullulum; wit fleeted, thfie would be walling and trict, Hariy KiutKhliig tho Deiuocincy of the mainland and to inate the LeglHliitmo la paitlciiliuly Keiond, c'liii. C'uir, Thlid, J, T, Cnllnlo; of tteth ninong the KihiuIjII. tho pilnclplua upon 11 fundamental which uiifoituimtu iih It hufnrt) long en nlllcelinldeiM, iiieiiiiN Thu St, IVti'iHliurg rni respondent (if Magellan, nil-t- he Fourth H II. I Wolteid, K. I, Wiit-boi- i, Thr uirieMixnitluiit of tlio Diiinncrntlc whh fmimlod, anil thu elimination of that body of Intuit). " K. II. r, Woltuia Jrww 11 dlnmnl plo-ti- n it' lie Milieu tlio lllll- - "I"' I'l'llili Mn'i hiijii (lint the high- - Fifth. J rmmhugfiM, II, Niiukiiiiu. whli'h linv liwaii cuiiNliiinntly uniilm- - IllllOpOIHlHIll fllll' llilin I'iiiIh that 11 of tliii Him Ktlllt, mul llllllilinl pk ei' pawn iiiiiiiu, im iiiiiing s Item Iuicum 1. nd Pliitfoim 11n-trl- it, "ioBity mn both on MlllCU, u to 1111 iih Ailinlni Flint fltl'll liy tllHt pHlly DVlrf Wll iHlutnia wliu Inivit 11 IS 11 )H Ihiuii IiiiiihI iiipr will l.lhiiu iliu iillli M luinl nml dim id the ltuiiilillunii Avulluii, llimluli'MtMuiMlO', NllniT. Wlnu K Kiwlmu, H. W. Knlwlhii.il i ko, ii1bm nnr i Hi Hi JWII)'" liMity iuioii in plul. III tllf gtifltvu unllllillu uf to my him)i).i)h In Hint puit uf nlii, liiiliiiwuiir Mini llirlluir, J HuigiuMi, Tlilnl, I 'Mlii Nuld, of iMlmlpI liy thti ini'i nil Ht'ml (aim mliiiitwl Hih HI. ImIuihIx n IU mul whit lwv iun iimili)ii utiii.li mil Wn fui tim I'Mr July nuili hi Tmimluw iimii.r J II MmitM, I'uimli, W. ,S, Kin KIN.NHV T.MfltH QIIAHOW. Hi n, tlm Umk I'liiivenilMii mul iu h'ulluiml il lllll' ll III H"(l 111111)1 I 1 IIWlHii hovhi iiiiiUr Hi t'Miiiiiinnil uf Admiral iiijaiiiy uf Hi i'nr, uinl, urtur 11 i I' )uiI.im, Firth, u. a. Mum. A UHilniJ uf Ui In ltat W Klniwy llimi inuk Mi iltli'. bmri imiiy in Mini Hi" Iwluiii uf IwImn lit llllMJ Ul4 Ulllll dm him) Unit tlm Muii II i l.imiwluil), with W, ,. Kltf lumlim II. Mr l'IHrjni. ll will b hmmummnI uf II Hill U III MUtVDIllllMI lUil MiinMgn Judtf Allan lHr mi'iuuv unit IvfUullv littttwIiMi f il' Hill) illVialllll nlllHlll) 111 I i Ibil I'lll'lll. iluil Hill i .intuitu, 1 )iImi wf biMti, m Imiiwu. )Mtt'r fur tb uf br:iiu lm 1 lkvl, hi. Uitvlli II la H iKHlli' I ill . tbkM )r , 111, wlfr K'iitmiii, i iMl 'mt Mum In tiiiltir in Ufcm until , tlto - In il mhm 'I "WV iliwUtra IU Hi) ' 1 TftrHmrv. TU Mm ri tlt w- mIi "it urn i ii niHiiir itri'iiKI lllilwl mul MttMt ft lib nuMMllriHf iunt Tlmi ll Vnl 1" "m humi 'hum I Mr ItllHt) Utl In rtnlilil n H . 1111 I Ml jii'.n. ts I l.j iii l.k- - i4llt i) 1 - AITUHNOON MiS0N. v,, till I'liiiil ilihi l.lil uf pMt WIH HM lUU In m Hi lfc ...I "- ' iiwyiiiji ii ,, 1 . kNNwtop mi r t Hi 114 1 ,,n, , 11 . 1 ,1 im iii,.ii.ii ,i inn ,,f in iim fttnP rtljtMi iu mwiMtf.itur, mnI tiny will iw itrt iiimf nlun 11 li MNMlMtM4 h 1 . ,1 11 11 JhmHP iiu IN ua .11 f ii,j(,,. .i ui .1 t 4 Htti. f. tw !. U It MWM MM ' 1 ilwr ft HI MMMMkWf l II I iu III. .1 I .1 , , I ,, 1,1, . t u . ' til lur Inr hum mi rutuw wp H? V piWi w TiWw fwfW fw I' full" li. MtAVVKiilM), " tpjui iiittimlkuiiaiiiil mm ....1. k lb nf m. 11.1,4.4 t- - k" 1""" !s Ihfl '" ,iw d m I M'li.i im . -- ( Hi ItiV (It tl. liw uit vm u l'i I llllltu ui.i l itlU 'I Ml h. w). I tfll Hill " llMl( iimil'il will .111 UH 11 l"n ml: .1. ll M nut ui UI n ilutln I H I I I I il 14 4lr I ' ll l,'H ttMv l ' I I I.l 111 I M H I 11 i , 1 m i I . 'I- - I,, I II mi h f t II .M HAWAiTAN GAZETTfe, TUESDAY, 'AUGUST 23, 1904 SEMI-WEEKL- Y.

NEW ASSIGNMENTS CASE COMES MCA TO BOMBARD WILDER FOR Of Sill It USE Of SCHOOL TEACHERS HEAD WASHINGTON WITH DATA CHAIRMAN TOJ The Catholic Hcneolent Union of The Superintendent nnd Commlslon-ert- t Hawaii hns now been In existence for of Public Instruction met nt the nearly live enrs, and It Is deemed to ollico of the Department Saturday. he only fair nnd Just that those who Present: Superintendent Atkinson nnd Demurrer in the Parker contribute so generously to the funds Commissioners Hall, Joidan and Hop- Fourth District Dems of the society but do not attend Its Association Presents Views to Governor on kins. following Guardianship Set meetings should linve some sort of u The recommendations by Declare For statement showing what has been done Causes of Business Depression in Honolulu the committee on touchers were ap- for Hearing. with the funds. proved: Him. Of course, practically the whole In- Agnes Crelghton, Wol-lup- e come society, Including dues, and Points Way Out of Difficulty. Miss tencher of the In place assessments, receipts from entertain- school, of Miss Anna Per- (From Saturday's Advtrtlsor) ry, resigned. A. ments, donations, etc., nre demoted to Arthur Wilder will be permanent Miss Keatoha Hookano, chairman of the Judge Genr yesterday afternoon charity, only n very small nmount go- assistant Democrntlc Territorial Penrl City school. In plnce of Ber- Convention on Monday the motion or J. A. Mngoon to ing to keep the hall In repair. Miss next If the rec- Cranted (From Saturday's Advertiser) survey, This would save a great deal tha IJItult, transferred. ommendation of the hearing the demurrer of A. XV. All moneys expended for charity pass Fourth District net for Important matters were considered of time. Miss Bertha Blndt teacher Kallhl-uk- d, delegation prevails. to the amended peti- through the hands of the clergy, so that Carter, guardian, and ncted upon yestcrdny by the Mer- In place of Miss Alice Winter, Thero was a full turnout nt cau- S. The time set was those who contribute may be sure It Is SLATTERY WOULD ASSIST. the tion of J. Uw. chants' Association, principal of which trnnsferred. cus of delegates elected to Demo- Monday XV. A. Kin- applied In the right channels. The the 9:30 a. m. next. wan n letter addressed to Governor The following letter from Lieut. Slat-ter- y Miss Chlng Knu, assistant Honolulu cratic Territorial ney, attorneys, had goodly sum of nearly 3,000 has been Convention from one of Carter's Carter In which Ills nttentlon.wns call to Delegate Kalaiiinnaolc was read: plantation school. District in Wnveriey hall precedence should be giv umiuiiucu iur in uie yeum ,.,, , ( last claimed that ile ,h liolnos rlrnlo United States Engineer Office, Dan Kalol, pilnclpal of Kalnpana night. Members of the rifth District en to a motion on llle to Btrlke the existence of the society, and the amount j,he cuatoms revenues, the en- - Room 65, Young Building. good accomplished ,il school, In place ot II. E. Wilson, re- ,delcgation were present by invitation files. of this has wll nmended petition from the The forct,(, terr)tor)nl expenj1Ulre on the Honolulu, T. II., August nth, 1994. signed. Probably claim It lujij uu nnutiji. ujiu there were as many ns elghty court held against this that iii:ci iui uiiub harbor of Honolulu, the decrease in Hon J. Kalanianaolc, Mrs. D. Kalol, In Kalnpana Deniocrntlc necessary to call up motion hy is certain, no like amount has eer been assistant workers assembled, though, was the population among the Portuguese Honolulu, T. II. school. only the Fourth District delegation the same as a. demurrer. expended In more worthy charity. The Sir: I have the notice workers especially, the necessity for a honor to acknowledge R. L. Ogllvle, principal of the participated In the business. On society has most excellent facilities for your letter in- the IMPL'RTINL'NT AND SCANDALOUS. building, naval station at of the 30th ult., and to fifty-fo- . rerfchlng those who ren!l need and de- I'cdernl school, In place of Miss Flor first ballot taken votes were-cast- army form ou tnat there is now on fife 111 A. XV. Colter, guardian of the prop- serve charity, nnd eery cent expended Penrl Harbor, fortifications and ence R.athbun, transferred. post, Hllo and con- this office a map compiled from recent erty of Annie T. K. I'nrker, a minor, Ih accomplish purpose In- a breakwater at Miss Florence Rnthbun, principal of Col. C. J. McCarthy, chairman of made to the port. surveys, which renders further surveys the entered fourteen exceptions to portions tended. tinued transport service via this Konnwnenii school, In place of II. T. Territorial Central Committee, presided 'nd-dre- ss for the purpose of preparing a project of the counter ailldavlts of J. S. Low, The association also resolved to Mllh. and Win, 1 Ervlng wns secretary-Ther- e The subjoined table shows the navy through for the improvement of Honolulu harbor Samuel Paiker and F. Wundenberg, on amounts received nnd expended, by the secretary of the unnecessary. Miss Margaret Kaanannn, assistant wns a great deal of debate nnd scandalous tho Congressional Delegate to have the 'I he only additional data meeting the ground that they "are yenrs, since organization. It will be required could be obtained Walmea school, Hawaii. the lasted from 7:30 until near- ought ex- Pacific and Asiatic lleets meet here without cost Lily In ly 11 and Impertinent and to be seen that the disbursements have ex- from contractors who Miss Auld, asslstnnt the o'clock. by for maneuvers. heretofore have lYulohluu In plnce punged." The paper Is signed Mr. ceeded the receipts In all but the first next winter carried on dredging operations in the school. of Mis. Mar Curtis P. Iaukea, the probable Demo- McCl.ana-ha- n to Governor was tin (nee Zerbe) resigned. Carter's attorneys Kinney, year, but the society never refuses a The report Carter harbor. In preparing a project, it would cratic candidate for Delegate to Con- XV. XV. gress, & Cooper, Bullou & Marx and Ro- worthy case, no matter what race, color ninoe oy a spec. a omnium "u,"u be necessary to employ my draftsman Mr. and Mrs Taylor, princi- Fred. Turrlll, John Emmeluth, fol- reply to from Acting Gov- - pal and assistant of Klpahulu school Harvey, E. bertson & Wilder who sere the or creed, ns long ns there Is a cent In to a tetter fof tU(j 0f tme d m Frnnk H. F. Wolter. R. B. to the L. Ogllvle, Kidd, party-hustle- lowing notice on J. Alfied Magoon and the treasury. crnor Atkinson in regard what S(rict spcakm ,, , for that time vice R. transferred Harry Swlnton and .other J. Llghtfoot, attorneys for J. S. Low: merchants of Honolulu desired to be sI)0U,(, ,)e fm,(-- Robert Plunkett, principal of Ula-In- o were among those piesent. In n Teirltory like this, where there - j from c.pecia "Please take notice that we have are no public charitable Institutions, sent to Washington In Governor Car- pr0,)rlatcd for ll)at ork but 'owing t0 school. J. L. Coke of Mnul was the cholce-o- f filed the nboc exceptions In the Cir- private ones must tnke their place. All ter's report. The fommittee prefaced tllc short (lllratlon of thls timc aml Mrs. Nellie B. King, assistant Hnna-pep- e the meeting for temporal y chair- cuit Court of the First Circuit, In pro-"bnt- e, the society nsks Is that when It appeals its report with the statement that the lc fact that 0 additional expense would school. man of the convention, nnd Arthur A., In the mattei of the guardianship to the public through nn entertainment. wholesale and reail business men have be lncilmcl by the office, it would seem Peter Pascal, teacher Walalua school, Wilder of Honolulu for peimanent n depression In past In place of of Annie T. K. Parker, a minor, nnd dance, or nny other form of raising faced serious the unnecessary to obtain a special appropn-tw- o Miss Mnigaret Tollefson, chaliman. that unless you file a submission to the funds, thnt they will remember the good jeais, and thnt there nre many atl0I1 for ,,at purpose, resigned. It was decided to leave the selection, twenty-fou- r C. 13. con- H.1111C within hours from work the Union has done nnd lesjiond causes conspiring to bring about the, lt therefore my opinion that a nt Kuhns, Honokownl school. ot all of the other officers of the affairs, David Taj lor, the sen Ice hereof ve shall ask to be cheerfully and generously. The olllcers discouraging state of jeet could be prepared without any spc-O- Honokohnu school. vention to the convention Itself, or nt heard upon s.ild exceptions before the and uctive members of the society give was the loss of Customs revenues cial appropriation It would remnrc J. Vlncente, Kealahou school, prin- least to caucuses that may be held nfter Honorable George D. Gear upon the their time and efforts freely and un- amounting to about $3,000,000, the ag- about two weeks time. cipal. the in rival of all of the delegates from 22nd day of August, A. D. 1901, at 10 sparingly foi the benefit of their more gregate ot four yenrs. The dredging of Vcrv respectfully. Miss M. Vlncente, assistant, Keala- the outer dlstilets. a. m. or ns soon thereafter as counsel unfortunate fellow men, nnd the public Honolulu harbor has been an enforced J. R. SLATTERY. hou school. The last business of the meeting was can be heard." can at times assist them greatly In the load upon the territory, together with 1st. Lt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. It was further voted that the Super- to ballot for twelve men fiom the gientest of all iitues, the noble woik the maintenance of the lighthouses. intendent be authorized to provide for Fourth District to be lecommended as CHURCH'S APPEAL. ns may of charity. The committee showed that there was HARI50R IMPROVEMENT. such vacancies remain unfilled. members of the Terrltoilal Central Argument took place before Judge The following table shows the receipts an Inconsistent showing made by a M-- Committee. The following nnmes prov- Genr yesterday on the bill of excep- and disbursements for the time the so- comparison of receipts und returns by Goe I! McClcllan presented the fol- Felling TreeB By Electricity. ed to be the choice of the caucus, hnv-I- ng tions of In the case of Brews- United government. in- lowing resolution which passed unani- received the highest number defendant ciety has been In existence: the States For Is reported In the German press," of ter vs. Church, nnd the matter was stance, the Federal Government col- mously: "It votes among those nominated: Dlsb'sements continued until Tuisday. J. A. Ma-Bo- lected annually from Hawaii, $8.32 per Whereas the recent experiences of sajs Forestry and Irrigation, "thnt C. P. Iaukea, S. Muumuu, S. K. Ka-lo- a, ending Itecelpts Tor Charity Na-hn- appeared for plaintiff, C. F. de- Year capita, and expended annually per cap- some of the hrge steamers calling at successful experiments have been made F. Turrell, XV. A. Kinney, S. ln, 1'JOO.. .$2,431.75 $ 873.50 mons for defendant. It was a to June 30, for mainland population, $7.97 this port have demonstrated the entire Manasse, Madelros, Watsoiv suit 037.30 ita Its in various forests of Fiance In cutting recoer $1000 paid on nn option to buy June 30, 1301 .. . SJ3 00 nnd per capita for the Hawaiian popu- inadequacy of Honolulu Harbor facili- Eivlng, Juen, Knhalepuna. 30, 100.1 .. . 775 23 1,011.55 ttees by means of electricity. A plati- nn Interest In the Honolulu Photo Sup- June lation, ties, there not being sufficient depth at a 1 .10, 1'JOJ . CS7.50 1,190 63 l.C. num wire Is heated a white heat by an ply Co. An Instructed veidlct for that June .. There was noted a marked decrease single Territorial wharf to accommodate Fobs . 515 45 911 55 electric cunent nnd used like a saw. si Detectives. amount was rendered by a Jury nnd June 30, 1301 .. In the population especially In the Por- the largest ships of the Pacific Mail A Line, and In this manner the tree Is felled much "A surprisingly large number ot peo the defendant noted inceptions to ths tuguese colony, n working class of val- easier quicker In upon Total ....J5.1CC.S3 $4,929.53 Whereas the Territorial Delegate to and than the old pie seem to have a mania for posing ni Supreme Court the court's denial ue to the business interests. The Por- saw-du- st Congress has, m response vvny, no Is produced, and the of motion for now trial. D, CHHRDOX, tuguese, or large of them, to his enquiry, United Stntes Secret Service men," re- F. numbers been advised by the local office of the slight cnibonization caused by the hot had been compelled to seek work In to- DAMAGC SUIT ANSWER. Treasurer. United States Engineering Corps that, wire acts as a pieseivutlve of the mniked Chief AVIIkle of that service - other countries on account of the local " wood. The new method Is said to re- In tho suit of James II. Cummlngs There is now on file in tins office a day. "We are running across instances government being unable to carry on quire only one-eigh- th con- vs. Pioneer Building it Loan Associa- map compiled from recent survejs which of the time nearly every day of men who pass PUBLIC WORKS DOES necessary work on public buildings, renders further for the purpose sumed by the old sawing piocess." tion the defendant by Its attornejs, bildges, on account of short- survejs themselves off ns members of the Secret loads and of preparing a project for the improve- Jlobertson & AVllder, llles a denlul of age of funds In the treasury. Set vice. Some of them are amateur every allegation In complaint. ment of Honolulu Harbor unnecessary," EVERY COMMUNITY has been who leading-th- the The committee thought that In order further Ilawkshaws, hnve been I'J.ilntlff claims $1500 dnmnges for keep- and stating that such project benefitted by the introduction of Cham- Sherlock pose NOT LIKE SHIFTING to bring business back to Its former could he prepared by this office Holmes stories and ing him out of possession of premises without berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea around merely for the sake of making: nourishing condition, and In view of the any special appropriation. Remedy Into country. bought foreclosure sale, being the this There Is an Impression. Others more vici- at large amount of capital derived from Therefore, lie it resolved, that the Ho scarcely neighborhood nre bouse and lot foimerly owned by tho government, a but that some ous In their Intentions and pass them- Hawaii by the Tederal nolulu Merchants' Association immedi- one can bo found whose late James H. Hunt. There is a strong feeling in the Public Congiess life has been selves off as Seeiet Service niPn in. should be memorialized with ately petition the Secretary of War saved by Is Works Department against having its Its use. It the bet known older to piollt thereby. The law strict- CONGDON ESTATE. a view of obtaining n fair proportion of that he instruct the United States En- medicine all forms of mam offices taken for a Senate chamber Uncle receipts for stomach and ly prohibits this practice, and Imposes Sim's to be expended gineer Office in Honolulu to prepare a bowel troubles. never falls give JIntters relating to the estate of the when the Legislature meets net winter In necessary Improvements It to a fine nnd Impilsonment for conviction. hundreds dollars to move out here. project for' the improvement of Hono- Immediate icllef nnd can nlways be lute Harry Congdon were before Judge It cost ot was opinion of the committee lulu We nie tolng to bieak up the business same on ac- It the Harbor; depended upon. For sale by Benson, Gear jesterday and continued until and the to movent again money In and nre prosecuting cases wheiever that this should be epended Resolved, that a committee of three , count of the special this vcar. Smith & Co 'Wholesale Agents. - Tuesday neNt. The hearing will session the following manner: First, to enrry be appointed by the President of tins they nie found. Hee Is a cae we have- report Since then the office of the water -t- - the master's and petitions on dredging work nnd enlarging Hono- Association lo prepare a petition setting on band now. A man wns nrrested In Tor allow nnce of accounts nnd an order works has been incorporated with the Word comes from Hllo that confidence Indianapolis a couple of ago Iservice, special accommo- lulu haibor that the poit can dock forth the immediate and imperative uas for to tell real estate. departmental In Olaa plantation there Is strongly re- masquerading as member ser-- tlicrcfdr being provided. the largest merchant nnd naval needs of such improvements and urging a of our dation viving since Mr. Watt took charge. S. vlce. He evidently Is a shrewd fellow, It urged tha.t the Senate, with its vessels, second, a commodious rederal the importance of having such project is M. Damon, since assuming the financial nnd was deception to-- only fifteen members and three or four building to accommodate the Customs returned to the War Department in time making use of the to be included Departmental Esti- management of the enterprise, takes a get a check $2M cashed. The man. MOTHERS ofiicers. can be quite snugly ensconced depnitment, postolllce, couits and ad- in the for to mates for the River and Bill to great personnl Interest in it. He ar- went Into one of the Indianapolis banks LonM know. troublos 111 the secretary's office, which ministrative' buieaus; third, estab- Harbor Tho with upstair be presented coming rived honif yestetdny from n visit to nnd presented check muUicadcB of girls is a want of has less paraphernalia to move about lish a naval stntion nt Penil Harbor, at the session of a for this sum of opening the lochs to pinctical Congress; the plantation. money. He told the cnshler that it was. nourishment and enough than Public Works not to mention the use and ...... -- .. proper accommodating disposition of Secretary making it possible for the direct ship- Resolved, tint the Delegate to Con- the check of the paymaster of our ser Nbw-a-dny- a call requested pe- of it. thoy this Atkinson ment of 100,000 tons of produce from gress be to forward said this degree had not yet been achieved by vice. The cashier required the fellow tition to the Secretary of War, and the in- to her condition by tho learned naino of "1 lie whole difficulty goes to the pro- theie annually; fouith, to erect forti- that native of Hawaii. However, any secuie an Indorser, nnd when both the Delegate and the Governor of formation Anemia. But words chango no motion of a new Territorial building. fications and establish an nimy post, von may send me I know will went out to look for some one to' facts. Thero nro thousands of although the committee suggested that the Territory be requested to urge on be reliable and I shall do my utmost Identify him the bank telegraphed to-th-e the War Department the fact that early to present it a good way. I informn-tlo- n. anywhoro theie was assurance of these items be- in don't know paj master nt St. Louis for girls of this kind action in this matter is of first impor- why the people asked me for the stuff The reply was was childhood and lady- MAUI ing fnvoiably considered; fifth, n break- that there young ENDORSES water Hilo, tance to the commerce of this Territory. unless they thought I could get it first person In the Seeiet Service. The nt the only possible har- Chairman Smith appointed hood. Disease finds most of its bor for Hawaii. Messis. hand from people who had been to Ha- map turned up with nn Indianapolis victims among them. Some of DELEGATE KUiO McClellnn, Trent and Paris on a com waii. Cordiallv jours, citizen nnmed Rice, who Indorsed the All this would give work to mechan- to make up report necessary them aro passing through tho ics upon whom mittee the HAMILTON WRIGHT. check. Rice explained that he had met the meicnntlle Interests to be forwnuled to the "vVnr Depart- mysterious changes which lead depend for the life of trade. FARES ON STEAMSHIPS. the man while traveling from Montreal A meeting of the Maul District Com- ment. to Tioy and had np reason to suspect up to maturity nnd need especial The committee made n particular re- The question of passenger nnd freight mittee convened on Monday last. Judge quest FOR FLIZDT MANEUVERS. mat he was a bogus government ee. watchfulness and care. Alas, of the Governor that he exert rates fin steamships plying between Snn A. N. Kepolkal was elected temporary his Influence the Nnvy Oswald up When the man was arrested y. with nnd War J. Lutted brought the mat port how many break down at this chairman and J. N. K. Keoln secie-tar- Francisco nnd this wns brought papers found on his person indicated, departments to give the Honolulu mer- ter of having the Pacific nnd Asiatic to ot the by critical period; tho story of such Senator Ilaldwln advised that the attention Association that he was a long-head- chap chants nn nnnnrtnnltv t,i fntnlali onn. fleets sent here next winter for maneu- the following letter: and loBscb is tho saddest in tho his- no business be done pcrmnnent , ,m. . ,, had prepared trouble growing until Mojt ,rnnsnnrta vers. to edi-torl- al for out ,.rahn. He called attention the possible tory of homo. Tho propor treat- oiganlzatlon was effected, but later ln8ten(1 of . (lepnrtmelt Bh,ppnB in Trlday's Advertiser on the sub San Francisco, August 5, 1904. of a question ns to his Identity. no Cush- - ,, . ment might havo Bayed most of stated that he know of rule In ,, , ,, ,, ject, nnd thought lt proper for the Merchants' Ass'n, Honolulu. He unci In his possession two or three up thcBO houBohold treaaurcs, if tho In or Roberts eoutrnry o bringing pi.cte(1 , nrrUe notwithstanding Merchants' Association to tnko action. Gentlemen: Your communication of letters nddresed to me, which he had resolution of kind, referring to jut dlctnted to only known of a that the fact ,hat ocn, competltIon wouW The merchants received great benefit July 23 regardjng discrimination in the hotel stenographer. mothors had one endorsing for enomInntlon , steamship passenger uney nn to Iihlo the mnjoUty of cases In a sav-n- s from the presence of the fleet here rates between tins lererreu details of office Delegate Congre-- s. result last WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION to In temporary B t0 tne aepaitincnt. ear nnd said port and Honolulu has been received work nnd were calculated to disarm the this," Mr. Lutted, "and usplclon and given it to their daughtors, '""'"""" ,, ... ,. ,. 1 be committee suggested that the everything fromai funeral procession to and will be submitted to the Board of of any one who might doubt thoy would havo grown to bo ur. was umnor oi wie jvuiho Territorial cmrninwrn ,..L ,. n.ln hnnmiat n i,i, n.i ,,,i,,i.. Directors at its next mcetimr. ils claims. Another was ndressed to-th- esolutlon Mr. Keoln was Meanw w v etrong nnd healthy women. It nnd cried cmmt agaXnn le rci,cral Bovernment im.i, no. e money." lule c note our communication President, but in this he rather .low,, when he ventured the opinion for ulch ani, eery cm cxpeniled foJ j,r. mtted's motion to have the Board to the Oceanic Steamship Compaii) and oveirenchcd himself. In this letter he is palatable as honoy nnd con- lint It should nvvnlt permanent organ- - ' would kmdlv us. briefly. lighthouses u buoys from 1900, of Directois tnke the matter up with askvou to cable made it annear that he had been hav- - tains all tho nutritivo nnd cura-tiv- o Pogue gave , JuneH. thc nature of their reply com- - lng Izntlon. lie reason Mr. the date on ,W)cll thg fcerv, ,e 8ccietmy of le Nnvy was passed to jou correspondence with the President HilA properties of Puro Cod Liv- ...... over uy unanlmouily, inimication We presume v 011 will .re- - in peison about his transfer to the War H ihtI) ,e i.vueral government, - r uic-i- on me confl-wit- er Oil, extracted by us from befori' the committee met ngnln nc.hiiie tholr enrrfpinni.. . 1, ,M,. tn . eeiL- repiy same steamer I'epnrtment to 100K nfter some h LONG DISTANCE HISTORIAN. this letter or on the following one. dentlnl work fresh cod livers, combined with Territorial convention would have been the pioper Federal otllcer here nnd sent for Secretary Taft. If held. The following letter from a would-b- e If we can know through you what the nn thing were needed to expose tho Compound of ITypo-phosphit- to Washington. This nmount was said him Syrup The was unani- I explains Itself: attitude of the steamship company U that letter was sufficient, course, resolution carried to be $43,4:1 7C. The . action was Hawaiian historian, for of nnd tho Extracts of mously, with three cheers for Kuhlo. to your request, it will, greatly assist.no letter on n subject pf'thls kind build-ni- g recommended In the di edging expenso San Traucisco, Jul) 1.. 1904. 111 Malt nnd Wild Chorry. In Thy committee adjourned to meet In 111c uunru ill ucicrmiumg would over be sent from th Whltn. on Honolulu harbor for the s 11110 time. Mr. P. R Helm. what assistance, if any, thi up palo, puny, emaciated T.nhalnn coin (lionise 011 September 5 nt association House." Washington Cor. Brooklyn the nmount being $132,000, the totnl on Secretary Merchant' Association, can give 111 the matter. children, thoso trou- 10 a. 111 Eagle. particularly both being $176,420. Honolulu. T. H Yours truly, Jiic-kot- - bled with Anemia, Scrofula, a, Tho nbovo lovoiumendntloiiH were My dear Mr. I Iclm 1 lnv e licen akeil MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION To nnd Hone and Wood made ns being nhinluuly uttenssary to by an Eastern paper of some prom-int-n- of San FraiicUco. Clean Btraw Hatr, nothing cuiiIh it ; touio iiwtnro nnd put Into n to write a -- orns of article on its circulation ORCIA-NIK- "I've dlsooveicd that jwioxklo of of tho Inrxp lrt Hawaii under American rule. I shall WOULD A M.NK. mmlitioo aro of tho highest or iviui nxwlvnl by the hydrogen one of the Un-li- belt thine that tier. A Meilhml Institution buys: IViWral iioimiiiit funn lluwiill. r be lml luUctHl to nil information you A letter wit roolvwl fiom A, J, it iuUjce'i, only onn be iwtnl for cluanlng u straw "Wu hnvo used piiwnt itmillil4.il. uuIum rllt'f can gie m on tlu not Smith of Smii FiuiH'imio, in wnloh the hat your iirojmriitiau BIG MAUI SCHOOLS 111 mid rtMiUiriiiK it tn IU original whltc-ntHsu- ," i)hiuni, mufti rluu ipi4lon will regit rd lo Jtuliiiril eoniliiioiu which wiiur iufmiHl tn a dipidnir In h Nun in treating oJillilron for doughv, I Harry Hiwiinr Inform 1110 fullou TIim ruwi um HtijHl. knot h.uc iinnrovcd bin in riircl 10 I'mnclMO ixtiwr whU'h iutd tlmt Him 'nliln iiinl inlliuiuimtlnn IN 1 he I iiuiicchT I u th HM-- pur im AUVVM'B I'lt'IUOT. ikiIiiuI kitnuiiou in an Honolulu liiiirlmiiU In "Vhn for iiiu pllmUloii )im iioviir ful I ml iw In H.HtK mtjhi ilui t'rulMMtr WMHjwUinr Mm 4lrd illi ' " '" "? I'iiii. XI of l.tilmlutiltiiitil tlMiia It. lm firmiitf iMr IMi of m,!f '"'!" 'ul '""" i..l liii,., Mti'lclUii tlml Cli-dirii- lin.hl 11 - miiv iiiiBit, own tint limit UII Hrnijjrd lit.f tli L'nuriiy 0 i Um Ttw l woll nun iiiii run tfuii I III- itgarii. ut I'Mo.iiml iMitvUna ur WtluUM Mriili 1.1. WlMt V.rt wrllur Mid wu ivir miIih wl M4 iunrrm'i ul. u4 vilu ktrv) n ili oriijliul vft urf of lit 1ml MU a h 1 Iwirilrrlng nn jiiiuuiiiouW utiwui r in iMititumtwi V .Htboi variMH tn offtnililnv Mnwi, tMt4my lw, A. Miatlivfr atUiLnl IHulotiIUr I Iw4 initi UitlM I Un nut il nt I I ' I 'XI In U I 4tMltltill, Mil i UMI htvlNff tiuir Mm Tliu iiiurtt il vm Ihu mm will Wilt) A. V AlklliMMi, r m - Urt4 im iMrt4tMltlll itt h Kmihtu, Mtiuwit.M.f imrUtr pVlulfgl- lif VOtillW mIui MllUlll'll Mhili II. 1 11 II I (I liu lV W4I tin ril IU ill III IHNIM ttlHMIII. rfllbollnU fill 111,1 lu I" ilio rMUMu of iIImnim t'uMtu timirvitui.ii, rvtellv to UntM'yvHumi. In tnM Mil(Wr 111 mi) lmwv l.tui v- Wl Il I' If .4 Ul I. ,iiim 'l HitMtii Bffor Hit) rrt - tHMiiiMii Wr ili Linn i ihwmiii hi KM ill Ill, bid ( tuiMMiMi m mM j 1 luiimy lu turn U Wilt u iiwuu mm h h iwuirw-- ht lit inhHmi b "I l t Mlilili l 11 , m mmm fril riBf bluff III VUIH U HH ,11 Ht till II1B ul bMit itwt H w I IIIMM BIIM H HUHJIi'lMl.,. IHIMt iV,ui t iMiiiiiiii Htiw ttm$k tifi.i III lVM U HIWII Il .1 MV1 Ull Ull.) lllll.L ,.f In. III (II II II II. pmmwH iitJuTtiHM N44tM' h tidl Il I'lil.tMI'l sum t'MHWi III. I. II. I MfbwUfli, Jiwiaihk- - T ril It I ,.l III rruw tut IImm ' " t(4 niittMti uUly m m M to to ' 11. i ium 1 II II. U ,111 I I Ul- tmt4 ht Mai lwfiM it?y " f in HM. i 4 Km I. I ' !( 11 I k m i m in iwM ik iwm VflHPM'V W Vt Utim III. dill Wl.l '" l .1 Dt KAi I , h4mi M Mpti II III l tiid Kit I Hi IL Kilfl W- l- urn Hf an wm i J . . Mp4P p 4 www mu im , 1. . . i .r.( lif irt mm - I 1 JitffK HtfMWjtiurii KM' I. k Ah (M 11 ,.,r(h. IIVM I II,. ,.., L I tM IU 9 ii wV 4 iinii i,i l( tpl l, Il Ull ' f.ll I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY , AUGUST 23, tgt.4-- -S- EMI-WEEKLY. i I Ignoring the Maul polo pontes In charge of H A of certain formalities, but the "B Delegate good Baldwin nnd a. AV Wilbur nailed from CHARLES CLARK TELLS OF tinturcdly wnlud the Knhulul for Honolulu. Mr. 11. A. point nnd urged the pannage of the bill. IGWHZED" MAUI FOLKS Baldwin anil two children were among " passengers. WORK IN WASHINGTON .... ,,,, the HIS DelegateS went through H the Mauna Loa of Thursday !Mr. r without dllllcultv, with but a few minor changes. anfl Mr 1 V, Baldwin, AV. O Aiken, .O.O.0-00.0'0'0000- '0 J. B. Castle, Mrs. White ninl Mrs. WAILUKU Marks departed for the capltnl. "The County hill had been previously KEEPJAPPY Hnmn-kuuiHik- o, Rev Dr. E. G. Beckwlth of Introduced by the Delegate nt the though still confined to his of Mr. Hatch, but failed of final bed by Illness, Is slowly Improving. SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH consideiittlon. Two tourists who have Just visited I '.Much laborious work was done on Al-be- Its Improvement Asso- Two Large Social Kll.uica Franz Shuttee and Henry this matter. spent last Sunday night at the "Chilli man Hamilton of the Commit- rim of the crater of Haleakula. On tee on Territories stated that private ciation Doing Tuesday they visited lao Valley. Hawaiian legislation had taken up Events Take resigned posi- far Miss M. Mosser lins her mole time than the Teullory was en- tion In the Pala school and has become titled to. so lie lefused absolutely Things. plan- that nssltatu bookkeeper In the Pala I to allow further consideration of nny Place. tation store. Hawaiian matters that session. Knhulul has the proud nnd humane "In addition to the pieviously men- The AValtuku Improvement Associa- distinction of being the only plnce on taaaaaaaaaaaV KSSawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal l I' aaaaaaaaaaal tioned bills the Delegate lntioduced the tion met Thuisdny evening nt tho Mnui that supports a publlo drinking BaaaaaaaaaE VSHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl following MAUI. August 20. During Monday In the House: CourthoiiHo to hear tho reports of tho Re- hough for nnimnls. ' UaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal R. 9GI4. n Public Building In and Tuesdny of tills week the new KL "II. For vailous committees. Ma- Before departure for Honolulu the Honolulu. In the absence of publican dlstilet committee of tlie group representative Maul polo team had an excellent "II. R. 9GIS., For a Revenue Cutter of Chairman Kcpolknt, Judge McKuV pre- ul, Moloknl tind LannI photo district held meeting1 In AValluku taken, the 1st class jto ho stationed nt Hono- sided. The label to be used by the Hnlku lulu. courthouse nnd elected Hon. A. N. cannery up princi- The Dumping Ground Committee re- temporary chairman, and J. N. pineapple is mnde "II. It. 9GIG. Tor a Public Building nt pally of the Hawaiian c,ont of arms In Hllo. potted thnt a sntlsfnctory site had been K. Keolu tempoinry secretary. The the oiganlzntlon was deferred colois. It Is said to be one of "II. R. 11037. For Improvement of Ho- selected nnd funds to the amount of permanent most beautiful labels ever designed. until the meeting of the convention nolulu Harbor. about $55 hnd been collected so far, but -- Friday the Ladles' Read- av III ')lace September Gth at afternoon "H. R. 1103S. Survey for a Breakwa-te- i, J 10 was which take ing Club met nt Mrs. P. J. Aiken's, that still neeaed. Mr. Lufktn Xahalna. Hllo Haibor. for the committee would be pleased to Sunnysldc, P,ila. "H. It. 11011. To refund the Terrl- On Wednesday the executive com- on to accept nny subscriptions from tlioso Auditor J. II. Fisher has been toiy the amount expended since An- mittee of the old district committee Maul during week auditing the picsent to make up the dellclency. the nexation on Hawaiian lighthouses and Judge McKay, lield a meeting at Puunene to make rs chalimnn of the Ceme- books of the Judges, and service. tery certain paity endorsements. sheiifts of AVulluku and Makawao. Committee, tepoited tho llndlng of "II. It. 11672. Granting power of re- the documents of the old cemetery as- LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT. The Claudine today will bo crowded moval to Ho- the Governor. sociation. Only two icsponses had been meeting of the dlstilct with people returlng to or visiting lr.O'iG. The August "II. R. Increasing the number iccelved to tho advertisement calling-upo- literary society was held at the resi- nolulu. Some of the passengers will of Judges of the Supreme sleep on Court. holders of deeds to burial lots to of Mr. and Mrs. F. AV. Hardy of bo compelled to the deck. R. 15102. Relief of Poitugucso lience nnd Mrs. "II. communicate with him. More time vvus lakawao. the eenlng of the 17th. The By today's Claudine Sir. residents on Punchbowl. giantcd. given lanal, F. C. Atheiton of Kula make a short entertainment was on the "H. R. 155."!. Regulating the employ- AV. J. Coelho for the Tree Planting" one end of which was lltted up with visit in Honolulu. ment of labor on In the Oa-h- u Federal wotks Committee reported thnt he would mnko accesso-lle- s The Mises Joidnn (2) return to platfonn, curtains and all the Teultoiy of Ilnwall (I, e., the Citizen application to tho Department of Agri- stage. following program today after a viit to the Misses of a The Labor Bill). culture nnd Forestry for 2000 to 300O audience Smith of Hnmakuapoko. was fav orably receiv ed by the "This latter bill was lntioduced nt plants to be to in- On Friday three joung lady-touris- ts distributed vnilous ptesent: the Instance of the Trades and Labor AVnllu-Ju- fiom New York, nccompanled by a dividuals between Maaluea and i, Council and the Hulldeis nnd Tradeis' Wnibeo and Kahulul. He would Duo Mandolin nnd Guitar valet, made the ascent of Holeakaln. Honolulu, AV. Baldwin. Exchange of mid created hlho ask tho Superintendent of JUIss Dais and Mr. H. DROUGHT. Public Heading "The Adventures of a Par- Interest, so much so that the Works for maps of the toads of this rot" Hnuy Stlllwell Edwuida Weathet A'ery dty in Central Maul. entire matter was, nt Senator Mitchell's dlstilct. CLARK, lequest, piinted In Document No. 279. By P. AV. Hardy. Kula people have little or no drinking I CHARLES None of the members of the Execu- begun packing wn-t- er Violin Solo watei. They have - - - MISCELLANEOUS AVORK. tive Committee, weic picsent but It wns water-hol-e 0 0 By P. AV. Scholtz. on horses from Alelele C000 OH000'00 000 000000000' "A vast amount of work was done In lenined that hi i espouse to the Acting Oil-dru- III to inquliies of rep- one crop Is tlneatened. in Makawao. are used for answer the a Governor's telegram reconimondn-tlon- A Comedy In One Act by Ai thur Lew is aid b prepnilng statistics that could bear up for s the pin pose, one animal conveying four resentative of the Adveitlser as to his "Silt.li pioper appioinlatlons for lmpiovcmcnt, Tubbs entitled "A Scheme That ses- public Improvements ns on the various bills enumerated: It was Federal they nt a time. woik In Washington at the lecent for legitimate bail following: Failed." Congress, Clark, Federal goveinnient can give to necessaiy to employ clerical assistance, foiwnrded the sion of Mr. Cluules the A Couithouse AVulluku to accom- on Mongolia, such a situation a double effect, for a large correspondence wns cairled nt CAST OP CHARACTERS. who leceutly letumed the has modate all necessary ofllccs I giving nnd on with vnilous membeis of Congiess Fedcrol to young New made the lollowlng statement: emplojinent encouiageinent cost J7i,000; lighthouses points on Paul Jennings, a Yoiker. HONOLULU HILQ to nnd the public. putting on record repiecntntIon.s mnde at nil AV. O. Aiken HIS PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. citlens In Molokni and Maul, and the repairing of "AVe thank jou for youi manifest In- pet son, and also with the depart- a young M.D "Some ago I had quite an ex- Lnhalna light; new Geodetic sur- Victor Ciaen, i le.us terest In behalf of Hawaii. ments. that G. S. Aiken before veys bo made tensive evpei ience in matters "Youis lespectfully, "All this labor was taken so as to of the coasts and an WIRELESS CHESS My J2r)0,000 Edith Jennings, Paul's wife Congiess. biother, the Hon. Alvah PLVKHAM, be prepaied to ninke a complete allow- of for a breakwater Cunningham A. Clark, Jersey, was mem- "L. E. was given Miss of New a "Chaiinian." ing nnd nrgument wherever those bills at Knhulul. Assurance thnt "Fanny, his sister Miss Sheffield ber of the 45th and 46th Congiess of might be called up In committee. If this bieakwater was built, all neces- "Mrs. Craven, A'Ictor's mother the United Slates. MAKES PREPARATIONS. "Conferences nnd Interviews were sary wharves would bo built out to the rollow ing are positions to date Mis. R. von Tempy the "During the entire llrst administra- "I went to Hllo to infoim mjself ns held with various Senutors, and Con- deep water nnchornge of vessels of the Bildget, a seiant of the Jennings... of the two wireless telegraph chess tion of Piesldent Cleveland and neaily to details of the breakwater nnd Fed- gressmen, paitlculaily with chairmen heaviest draft now entering the port of .' Mrs. S. E. Taylor the whole term of President JIniiison eral building needed there. of committees nnd their members. Knhulul. games between Honolulu and Hllo: look- "Vocal Solo with guitar accompani- I wns In AVnshlngton engaged in "On the 2Gth of November Mr. Pink-ha- m "Chnlrninn Burton of the River and AV. J. Coelho vvns appointed a com- ment i GAME A RUY LOPEZ. ing nfler depaitment and committee informed me at 11 a. m. that. In Haibor Committee stnted no legislation mittee of one to confer with the District Miss Reba Hanamaikal. work, and details that need his opinion to do was Postal Inspector nt Honolulu as to the AA'hlte. numeious the time a thing could be bad this past session, ns no Duo Mandolin and Guitar more attention than busy Congressmen at the beginning, and at 9 p. m. I left River and Harbor bill would be Intro- possibility of rural free delivery. By the Misses Jordan. Moves. Honolulu. can spare from their time. In this ca- on the China. duced, but promised by letter and In A vote of thanks was extended to 1. P K 4. I aided Congiessmen PIdcock, Messrs. Bal Harry good Several the were encored pacity, "I went at my own expense, reiving person tli.it the lequltements of the and for the of numbeis 2. Kt K B 3. Heires, Lelbach nnd Gieen of New Jer- work formed by In getting farce created much amuse- on Mr. Pinkliam's peisonnl piomlse to Hawaiian Islands should lecelve Im- pei them tho and the 3. B Kt S. sey, Sewell McPher-so- ri AV. vviih ment. also Senatois and lite every possible efloit to give me mediate attention at the opening of the town clock limning. E. Bal 4. B R 4. of the same State. I was also con- needed Ilnnncial suppoit. coming appointed to enro for the same. ' MUSIC AND DANCING. session. 5. Castles. nected with the Pennsylv.mil railroad "Since I i etui ned I nnd the contilbu-toi- s "Chairman Glllet of the Committee A, motion was made for a Reception G. Q 4. legisla- Saturday evening, the 13th, Mrs. R. P in watching their Intel ests in to have been Lewis . Co., Pacific on Public Buildings mnde fair promis- Committee to arinnge for the enter- von Tempsky of Puuomalei, Makawao, 7. P K 5. tion. I nlso assisted seveial new Con- Haidwaie Co., von Hanini-A'oun- g Co, es, though that committee Is the most tainment and reception to be tendered save a muslcale and dancing party In 8. KtxP. giessmen to promptly comprehend the AV. AV. Hnrrls, Joseph Maisden and L. beelged of nil committees. Governor Carter on his arrival on Maul, of guest, Mrs. E. G. Black-mn- n 0. R K 1. obtaining in Con- led appoint n honor her methods and loutlne E. Pinkham. "Clinlimnn Hepburn of the Commit-- ' can nnd the chnlrninn will Honolulu. following mu- 10. enabling Inter-Stat- of The BxKt. giess nnd the departments, "Before my arrival I vvns endorsed by tee on e and Foreign com-mei- representative committee of prominent sical program was admirably rendered 11. K Q B 3. them to early advance theii measuies. the following cablegram: deferred consideration, from luck cltUens. appreciated by 00 or CO 12. Kt B 5. D. Meyers and much the MEETS MR. PINKHAM. "Honolulu, Dec. 9th, 1901. of time, of the Revenue Cutter bill. Tho L. made a stirring nddresa gentlemen present: , 13. Q K 4. ladles and Kt "On becoming acquainted with L. E. "Kalanlnnnole, AVnshlngton. bill, thiough tho effoits of Senntoi.s on tho needs of Maul for a Sniintorlum 14. P K 0. consumptives vividly Slandolln Solo with piano accompani- I found him deeply and prac- "We strongly advise you to accept Pei kins and Mitchell, passed the Sen- for and protraved Pinkham Intense sulTeiing the ment Black. tically inteiested In the geneial sit- Claik's sei vices. ate. the of afflicted and By Miss Davis. uation of island affairs, and particu- "SAMUEL PARKER, "I had with mo carefully bound family, and nppenled to the cltlens of Moves. Hllo. to action, ns an- I Piano Solo larly so over legislation desired at the "PALMER P. AVOODS, mnps of .surveys of tho Honolulu nnd Maul take Immediate 1. P K 4. i ' Miss Sheffield. i coming of Congress. "D. KAAVANANAKOA. Hllo hnrbois. other of Maul's young dnughteis hnd 2. Kt Q B 3. beep, "Vocal Solo "He was proper pro- Just pronounced n victim of tills 3. Q R 3. uigent that a HIS SERVICES ACCEPTED. IIAAVAIIAN AGRICULTURE. , AV. P diend disease. Maul News. II. Baldwin. cedure should be befoie Congress Agri-cultui- 4. Kt B 3. had "On aiilval I presented my to "Much woik vvns done at the al -- . A'lolin solo with piano nccompanl- - and had piepared a petition to Congress letteis f 5. B K 2. the Delegate nt the Capitol and was Department. Tills depart ment for the Builders and Tradeis' Exchange SOME ODD SUPERSTITIONS. C. PxP. Invited to meet him at his residence the ment Is giently interested In promoting F. AV. Schultz. f he desiied pieseiited, not so much 7. Kt K C which following evening. sevei.il hours' Island ngi (culture, and Is disposed to A young woman In n Bucks county Solo expected legislation as to After Vocal S. Castles. for Immediate convpisatlon according to appointment aid In all possible directions Investiga- yellow Rev. AVm. Ault. secure a nmonu Congress- tnvern cut oft a lock of hnlr and !). Kt Q B 4. leallratlon the Delegate acepted my vices. tion and experiment that can be of Recitation men of the exactions of the Fedeial sei tluew it Into tliu fire. 10. Q the nf-fa- hs benefit. Director Jnred G. Smith Is Miss Agnes Fleming. P.B. on neglect "At pioper time Hawaiian It burned with a feeble and dull 11. K 3. Tieasuiv Hawaii and their were discussed steps highly thought of In the depot tment Solo Kt petition Is now and taken at llamo, nnd soon went out. Vocal, 12. K B 3. of the This once to rap- nnd his recommendations carry great Mrs. R. von Tempsky. P to advance Island mutteis iih "Oh, denii" she cried. "That is a 13. Kt K Kt 4. olten lef.ired for facts. idly ns would weight. "Anxiety vvns paitlcularly expressed circumstances admit. sign I won't live lone." Each number of the piogram receiv- 14. B.V.P. "A wns once had with "It Is quite proper for me to state to Delegate being Ameri- conference nt Then she explained grnvcly that and ed an encoie, and after the service of that the new to Hon. Mitchell, those who supported me Hint my per-- GAME GAMBIT DE can Congressional customs methods the J, II. Senntor from other supeistltlons of the Pennsylvania delicious lefieshments dancing: was in- and Oiegon, to by labors were continuous nnd aulu- - one experi- relntlve bills Introduced Dutch. dulged In until midnight. CLINED. should have some nlready him In the Senate, nnd his advice ous, Hint my personnl stenographer con- and "If lock of your hair burns bright enced to aid and save the delays sought, was was always at the disposal of tho dele a THE POLO MATCH. AVhlte. sequent by experience. which readily and long," she said, "you will have a on learning gi gate, and thnt I labored faithfully Maul polo players have talked very Jloves. Hllo. ac- anted. hnppy life of 70 years or moioj but If It "I stated if the Delegate would ' bills lighthouses, sur- among members nnd the depnitments, little 'Concerning their chances against 1. P Q 4. cept These covered burns weakly and soon goes out, your me I was conlldent I could be of vey Ho- and whenever effort Kauai. They a propo- 2. Q B 4. of Hllo harbor, and lmpiovlng and wherever an life will be both sad and short, leallze that hard P great assistance to him In AVnshlngton. coud count for the present sition confronts them, but confidently 3. Kt Q B 3. 'p, nolulu harbor. and futuic "To test jour sweetheait's humor, The matter was slightly broached to "At this conference It wns distinctly welfare of Hawaii. expect to win by a nanovv margin. 4. B Kt 5. the Delegate befoie his departure. make him stir the Hie. If he stirs It to understood the Delegate would not tnke AVORK They won over Kauai before with G. P K 3. MUST TO AVIN. a hearty blaze, he Is good humored. INTRODUCTION TO KUHIO. part in any legislation changing If much the same team, the only change C. Kt B 3. the "I feel constrained to say Hawaii has he makes It smoke and fade, ho Is hard, "Disclosing fully I Organic Act contemplated In S. B. being In substituting Aiken von 7. B Q 3. more the situation as hut one-hi- x hundicdths of the popu- to live with. for quote my Tempsky but both playing In different 8. Castles. fiom letter of Intioductlon: 2i. lation within tho United States and "If you walk backward, the errand matter of lighthouses vvns next positions. The latter plaved as No. 4 9. "Honolulu, Nov. 2Gth, 1903. "The possessions nnd she cannot expect at- you nro bound on the time will fall. PxP. up. The Delegate personally at and the former will play us No. 2. 10. BxB. "Hon. J. K. Kalnnlanaole, House of taken tention or action whenever aim pre- "To warts, rub a black snail called on Speaker Cannon nnd vet Hied cuie Kauai has undoubtedly much Im- 11. Repiesentntlves, AVashlngton, D. C. sents a claim or object. over them, but the snail must after- KtxKt. through him the the lighthouse proved since so Maul. 12. Q Q B 2. "Dear Sir: This will tntioduce to you fact "A recognition of her necessities must be impaled on a roso thorn. then but has emergency appropriation was available ward Not only that but Maul this time Is 13. P Q R 3. Mr. Charles Clark, who comes to AVash be worked up and tills must be done "To prevent ciamp, wear an ceiskln w ' tor l'le taking over of the Hawaiian better mounted than foimeily. The 14. Kt K C. iugton to tender his services Ithout by absolute proofs. garter about the left leg nbovo the cost tn v ou. I lighthouses. He nlo discovered that "The flnnnclal Sunies undoubtedly will be very close. Bit lelatlons must bo knee. "The passage of the Cuban bill has thq bureau hud not nnd did not com pi oven and the groat value of the "The first person to enter your house ABBIE PALMER SAILS. piehend was a Terrltoiy llght-hnlre- Moves. Honolulu, rendered the sugar situation in Hawaii that Hawaii Builders and TpideiH' petition was Its on New Year's day will, If ho be d, - Nevv-lan- of Integral part of the United dark-halte- The bark Abble Palmer- sailed the 1. P-- Q 4. more doubtful than ever. The and carefully prepared Ilnauclal statement. bring bad luck to you; If d, flist of the week from Kaanapuli for 2. P K 3. Resolution has cast a deep feel- States, and not nil Insular Possession. good luck. s DR. COOPER'S EXHIBIT. Delaware Breakwater Cape 3. K B 3. ing of apprehension over the Islands. Armed with these mid courteous- via Horn. Kt passing though New "If the lire goes out on New Year's .She is the last vessel of the sugar sea- 4. Q Kt Q 2. ly accompanied by Mr. Haywood, the "In Mexico I AVashlng- met delegate to Congress ove, trouble Is foreboded" son to make the long voyage. All the 5. B K 3. "III order to encourage the people Delegate called upon the Lighthouse the from that Teultoiy, the Hon. B. S. Rodey, nnd ton Post. remaining freighters will sail to San G. Castles. hero and sustain them we anxious Hoard and made .these lepresentatlous, aie from his pocket H-- Francisco with sugar enrgoes. 7. P Q Kt 3. for Federal appropriations. whereupon an order was Issued taking he took the little book- let Issued by Board of Wan Seapondent. V All the sailors who participated in S. B Kt 2. "AVe endeavored to show Congress in uver uie Hawaiian i!Kui)!uuc. the Health for Dr. C. B. Cooper thirty-fou- r the strike nboard the Palmer a s 8. our petition the large amount of ilea- - PRIA'ATE BILLS. and stated the facts K. Kale, n Japanese about KtxP. were so concisely forcibly ago deserted one by one with 10. QxB. prollt they are making out of us theicin nnd years of age, attempted suicide yester "The Delegate Introduced the Hawai- particularly the financial the exception of two or tluee and the 11. PxKt. "Neither we or Mr. Clark nio under stated, rela ian Electric Light bill. with tho Government, day morning, He hns been bothered captain thought It advisable to make 12. Kt K B 3. any obligations to nny parties or Elec-- tions Federal The tlrst representatives of the that ho had studied them and was with a sore foot caused by his stepping no effort to bi Ing back the deserters. 13. P Q R 4. cliques, In fact to no one, trloCompany werenot poHs.-sse- ofnll',,,,,,,.,,, tMe ,nJuatC(J ono , on a null some time ago. He got des- NOTES. "We btllevo Congressional work the Information the House desiied, nnd should be by Delegate, AVe Tenltory of Hawaii pondent mid yesterday attempted sui- Governor la expected on Ma- CHANGE OF AVATER often brings done the the bill vvns lec.ommlttecl, realize, Carter ho piomliiuuco up "Hawaii must that a series of Ter-iltorl- many should have the the bill was again brought cide by cutting his tluoat vvith a razor. ul soon the meeting of the al on diarrhoea. For this reasan "Later ellipse after all Congresxloiinl inntteis, manager, having learn must before nil her Republican convention IIIIo. expcilenced trnvclers carry a bottle of in nnd A. Gin (ley, the bo He was taken to the Japaucso hosjiltnl at "Yours very lespectfully, can or will mot. Cyrus Clieen of AVulluku ban a now Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar- arrived, ho went befoie the inmiultteu "A good beginning Iiiih his condition Is said to bo "L. E, PINKHAM, admirably mid been made where critical. speculation on the enrpot or rather on rhoea Remedy with them to bo used and pifgiinted a most should be carefully und Judiciously "Ciiulrinati. iitpoit on tho electric light and tliu sand at Kiihulul, Ho linn kHi-fle- d In enso of an emergency. This prepara- ixliauiitlve follow I'll up, 2G, 1901, buvluusH In linger cities the proper department, together nil the old scrup Iron tion hag no equal n n cure for bowel "Honolulu, Nov. lllld power the In UMnPHi vvu "It to for what nro bo por-bui- AVash-liiHto- n, of Th coinplnlanoM nf nk "Tho siiihk method should 111? COllld. Pill cIlllMH n Mil tilt) CIIIIDIIUll- - complaints. It enn nn( he obtained "linn, J, II. .Mitchell, Knimtor, tho mainland. not pieiinreil prove mink-m- to tho JumIco of. In securing u refund fur dredging Intt enuiiuy. hoping to iuiiIUu u piotlt Wlilltt on lHinrd the cam or Htennmhlp, I). ( Mr, Qurtloy'H preHoiitntUiu wax a l t 1 villi HUNH IN OUIt IHI.L, Honolulu liuibor. Tliese Hum can b Nulllnjr Ilia NitllHi In Honolulu nnd tlint In wlinro It In moat IIKiiy tn "Sin Till will Introdiico Mr, (imiiiiu uf Hi" emu mid uxiu Mlr illlllim Hi" hwuhIoii Imi Wlltehml und Tliu ICulu ho needed, Buy n bottle hofnrs oiutrUm ('link, wlin will uxplulu bin ml, mil iiimr wild wliUli bill befoni t'on "III tliu iinillur n( iiifiiiulltiK iimiioyn liuinetiumil rnml will oon leav follnwixl up by (ho ilultiKnli), N rompliHiHl I.. M Wlilli'lioiKii hud Inv Ihiiiio. finld by llviinon, Hmllli & nkni, MUM 0I ll HUlrt'l, expeiuM by tlio Tnlnry on IViloriil Mr. I Hiiwui"t llutt Dm "III imiiu limlnii would Nay my iiiIk. III" nmirmt uiul hi fniunmii, J, vS' Co,, wlmlmla "V laumilly Iwvu niiilvivarl In "A luibluaram fiom DlllliiHlimn wink Ttdillnrlu! Aent. Him W (luvwiiiiMi'iit nmkt) bill Inn wu mil fur mi) piiwonni ioi)t or HiuinuMnn Iimh hud tt limn go ollliuii . Nlilliliiuly Hllll IHIHUUnI)' IIIHWIII IliU Hit hiihhiu) nf bill. ma minium r "Willi Dm AlijMllmi b NimmillHK lliw riuVMiiiniKiil fin Mil' mull- - in tvliluli liitmMiH, but in nik "i wmli fur ntftvrul , Nww by Hit lintir MtiHim n Trrlury' rmmiiiul ltmtUii m ii lltlml l'nfl ll bill In lino H III llMlllltiMlfc" llUi)MUHll fmllliHU piiblln liiitliiiMiit ninl In l i uf 1 Hit im niitiUm ihv lvu In lli l 1mii iu lb !'iHir aawmmtni m 'urn lht u'rlbm rtV ii )thliii m viit. iwri nim) IU Il i (mmhIiik Ii I mhImiyuiwI III lD ) 111 II nitf in iHtiKHia Haiku iiMHii!' vvrikMr Un tbti III wiwwll "Tlt cutout JttJ ptXMN 4 lb lt.iri' PfiMUMtn In iltf unv fiwtii Jmi ll. ib ilmi ii irltf Urn ii 4mi iiiMHMr ulMwrvlim ml r r It- - Shi' HHftWHtf! (it MtWllMtl HMAtyilMI WltllVff In I'M' ilfel uf UmtHiitlu ul Hit MiMd r Ukm uvtr glvlm 4 Umt ul UkalHa m IbU rttinr uf tJauiM m wi tMit li dwa b prmiuvti iitwifcMMMiii ttf HNHt. IM piHi lt wiirMvuwy HI WlM MMMlft ul lb mm h4 imnrtilv Hit ill H'' NtiivM wh twtliUiur (mm wtm IN llm 'v - n l ltw iIm "JV iiNIIMyMjilNNIIt in - BMH IH" MrflMI W MP nmvmwiv itoi m ii.. it ! wf iUtii tt nMit imni iM te wmm mmm tnpr ta ami . Hi. NgMfr u I JNM 4(MHI iMMiiitv li iMr m mmt mamfmmmmIN Mm rwMN it HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. TUESDAY , AUGUST 23.

HAWAIIAN HOUSING THE LEGISLATURE. AN IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT. THE FUTURE. LOCAL BREVITIES. ' description by W, Olrvln, Up biennial about shifting the Plant pests nre no respecters of The James All Stuffed The talk In iwaiiaiKJaMc. In the cnpltol to make places. The warfare against them published lat Sundays Advertiser, (From Saturday's Advertiser) That's the condition of many suffer- departments twenty-nin- e Is ng.ilri heard, everywhere must be eternal to be ef- of the tour of Queen Emma The Wnlluku Alpine Club will start PoBlofllce of Honolulu, room for the Legislature ers from catarrh, especially in the Watered at the years ngo around the Island of Hale-akal- a. though assembling of that body Is fective. Probably temperate regions next Saturday for the ascent of H. T., Second-clns- s Matter. the ever- OahU, under leadership of John A. mornlnjr. Orent ex- ome months distant. To the proposal have nn advantage over lands of the difficulty is SEMI-WEEKL- Y. I, In Cummins, Is a graphic nhd accurate In the oillces of Pub- lasting summer like Hnwo that Marshal Itev-enu- e perienced clearing to put the Senate multiplica piece of writing. It describes a suc- Hendry nnd Internal in tho head and nND department tnntches a frost makes a. break In the Collector on sued Tuesdays FRionys. lic Works, that over of pageants that, as Mr. Cum- Chamberlain are throat. strong objection. To get out would etst tion of pests which may extend cession Maul, supitosc'dly moonshiners. ""-- never be reproduced. after of dollars and great a cycle of years. An Illustration of ' mins sas, can No wonder catarrh causes head- WflLTER SMITH, Editor. some hundreds grand procession from point to August Toellner Is giving up the 0. bother; to go back, the sninc. The need of unceasing vigilance against the The ache, impairs thu smell and vegetation Is found In point, with Its rich and rare decora- of Puunene, Maul, and will taste, Public Works oillces have been rear- animate foes of hearing, pollutes the breath, de- BunscniPTioN present purpose the following article from Gardening, tions, the lets, In which the brightest return to Seattle, Wash., to take nn hates. ranged to suit their grouped, the offered situation, ' ranges the stomach and affects tho Month J 69 no would answer so a Chicago periodical: colors were artistically rer and other dace gorgeously cnprlsoncd, Is saying, Month, Foreign 75 well, though are several rooms "The gypiy moth haB shown Its utter prancing horses, Prof. Unrton quoted ns appetite. Per there profession by In In the mountnlns, the to cycle Per Year BOO where the fifteen members ot tne sen disregard far class or the bonfires after n visit Kllauea, that the To euro catarrh, treatment must Tenr, Foreign 6 08 commune In comfort without vading the Hotnnlc garden of Harvard luuus. In which all native delicacies of volcanic activity on the Island oi "er ate could some were Included with which foreign ripe be constitutional alterutive and C getting In the wny of other officials. University and attacking In force and Hawaii Is for returning. were combined, tile dnr-ln- g tonic. Invariably In Advance. It be practicable to of the finest trees within the enclosure. contributions Laura U. Warren Is suing Henry H. Pauable Why would not surf-ridin- g bold and graceful X Legislature In the bungalow7 Four noble specimens of American nnd Warren for divorce, on the ground of "I was afflicted with catarrh. took house the en- hulas, drove Is nmple In size and Its beech stnndlng near one of the water exercises, the that desertion for nearly three years. The medicines of different kinds, giving each A. W. PEARSON, That building sleep, and, pervad- gin guise of an trances nre entirely 'denuded of their away lethargy and couple have a daughter six years old. a fair trial ; but gradually grew worse until Manager. use ns a mill under ing all, lavish hospitality and per- club" a place where legisla- foliage .and the branches nre as nnked the and Mrs. on I could hardly hear, tnste or smell. I then "olllcer's of the sonal loyally with which the Island and Chief Justice Frear are AUGUS1 23 have been Inlluenced to their own as In December. The voracity for some time. Mrs. Frear concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, and TUESDAY tors pests Ib exhibited In the people literally glowed all these Tnnlnlus and that of the Territory-h- as crawling the bate will receive after her eturn to town on after taking Ave bottles I was cured and detriment branches of pines and spruces, the, formed a picture that could only have to make the place ns much Mon(nys, beginning have not bad anr return ot the dtsease-jllnce.-" POLITICS ON AMERICAN LINES sened tough being oft with the been rivalled In Its attractive features, the first and third of nn offence to decent citizens as It needles eaten In October. Ecoe.ne Forbes, Lebanon, Kan. 1S99 has same relish apparently as were the (luring the Middle Ages, and yet was Ever since the Advertiser was in Kalakaua's time. It ought to Pacific Gu- the constructive par- beech leaves. Great masses of the Impressed with Hawallnn Individuality. Captain Avcrdnm of the been In favor of be put to a better use. A small received a cable- work which Is now helng done by caterpillars may be seen here and Civilization eliminates these scenes, ano and Fertilizer Co., Hood's Sarsaparilla ty amount of money spent on structural Germany, an- Democrats. wan humiliating there on the trunks and limbs during which ne only feebly Imitated, even gram from Bremen, Cures catarrh it soothes and the It vfould the bungalow nn grand-daught- er to changes make doing feed- nt expositions. While nouncing the birth of a from from an American standpoint legislative hall, cool, airy, com the day, the Insects their international strengthens the mucous membrane of Ideal ing In time. While complete they should be remembered and nre of on Thursday, see an historic continental paity aiid To URe It for night and builds up the whole system. fortable convenient. Is It historical Interest, particularly to the E, S. Boyd, Com- the United States playing second fiddle more sensible In erndlcntton not to be expected, tho former Land Ignor- that would be much presence of the pest few who actually participated In them, missioner, was found guilty In Judge to such nn aggregation of Insular every way to capltol up- does seem that the ufe par- than turn the In place Is In- would world, or even the Hawaiian ance and spite as the Home It again. In such numbers such a the Lindsay's court yesterday of assault BUSINESS CARDS. ty. This paper has often urged theVjia-tlv- e side dovyn excusable. Islands themselves, be benefitted If nnd battery on his wife. Sentence was to Join one American par- "The twin nuisance of the gypsy, they could be revlve,tl7 It Is easy to suspended for six months. H. HACKFELD ft CO, LTD. QeneraS citizens Agents, originally pointing out AND CLEANLINESS. brown-ta- ll 1b also blended pleasure Commission Queen St., Hon ty and the other, BACTERIOLOGY known as the moth, understand the and Governor Carter, Superintendent of lulu, H. I. even If the Home Hule organiza- giving evidence of great activity. Its regret, the solicitous melancholy not- - that may life Public Works Hollow ay and Road Su- tion elected a Delegate to Congress he It be true that health and feeding days nre over and It Is now In ably among women, that the narrative mercy billions of bac- pervisor Johnson were out nearly all of A. 8c CO. no political nlllllatlons and aie at the of flying stage, white-winge- d Inspire In people In F. SCHAEFEK Importer would hae the the' .would a native the yesterday Inspecting the condition of and Commission Honolu of teria, divided Into millions of classes. the-ele- , Merchants, no standing there. The ofTncement moths flying In myriads about rude process of transformation Into a roads in nnd about Honolulu. Iu, Hawaiian Islands. proved the truth of the pro- Science, which Is only dimly compre- trie lights night, having the appear-- modem and Americanized community, Wilcox at reception be given nt the Jap- phecy and since then the purely local hended by the many. Is following this ance of a snow storm nnd roosting In It Is not without a subtle appeal to the A will anese General to Dr. Klta-sat- o LEWERS & COOKE. (Robert Lewer, party been losing numbers and In- theory Into endless ramifications. What dense mnsses on telegrnph wires and Imagination nnd the sentiment of Consulate V. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.) Import- has the and his associates, five hours after J. Coincident with this hns been the outcome may be no one can tell. Anglo-Saxo- n. The Is ers and dealers In lumber and build fluence. poles. Dr. Marlatt, who has been In this picture, however, signal Coptic. If vessel growth of the Democracy, and now There are eminent men who think that neighborhood lnvestl- - not merely exceptional Incomplete, the of the the lng materials. Office. 414 Fort 8t. the for several days but arrives late, further notice will be giv party promises to take Its natural the tendency to reduce men and women gntlng on behalf the It realizes only one unique nnd that the situation of en. HONOLULU CO. and proper place as the chief and prob- to automata will not be a complete Department, says that he quent Hawaiian possibility. It does IRON WORKS M. Itepub-Uca- n wns chlnery ot e"ery descrltion mad t ably the only opponent of the success. If It were necessary to found It much more serious than he not repieent Hawaiian conditions. It Carlo Juan, the Porto Hlcan who oraer. party In the Territory. analyze phjslcal conditions and sur- had anticipated." falls to expose the sacrifices that pov- - caught a couple of weeks ago near Bwa This Is a step forward In the work roundings and minutely to apply the Hawali will yet have rcapon and erty made to loyalty and display. Ills wheie he had stolen n quantity of cloth- of Americanizing Hawaii. There Is no rigid laws ot chemistry, as a prelude-t- that In the concrete form of millions Mled with that external gaudlness ing, was found guilty In Police Comt HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. political teacher like a political party meals, sliep, exercise and recrea- or dollars .saved to return a meed ot which, in undeveloped and paternallzed yesterday and bent to the reef for a In America It Is a training school for tion, Individuality might be lost and gratitude to the Government and the commonwealths, are the substitutes for month. com- where the hlstoiy of the wearisome mono- re-f- or by Honolulu, August 22, 1904. citizens existence become a Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association , Internal training and individual P. D Kellett Jr., was appointed mon country is studied, living Issues tony the employment of sources. It presents only the blaze, the Judge Do Bolt commissioner to sell Inculcated, where taught, a loyal spirit A few ancient observations are still corps of entomological skill to perfumes, the senuousness, that nre property in the Lalne-Monsarr- at case. means ablest NAME OF STOCK Capital. Val.' Bid. Aik men learn what applicable to modem conditions as for carry on offensive and defensive war-- tho occasional alternates to a hard There nre tluee or four subsequent and how to exercise It. One of the most example, "Cleanliness Is next to God- struggle for existence, fate against agricultural pests. Every under the mortgages to that of Mrs. Lalne on the MEECiNTILE. vicious things about the Home Rule liness." Cardinal Gibbons pioclnlmed farmer, every owner of a garden hausting demands of nbolutim. premises. party Is that it lives In the loijneslan "the sanctity of dht," but It Is nn ac- In town, will shaie with the greater Nov' the nntives of Hawaii have bc- - C. Browcr A Co. - '11,000,000 100 250 300' American state of mind The Japanese reported a few days and not the tual fact that dirt may be clean. At Industrles of the Territory the bene-- fore" them a future, replete with endur BCQiE. would, If It had a chance to de- ago to have committed suicide at Alea and all events. It is a general opinion that fits of this scientific service. Ing possibilities of comfort and happi- dead, Ewa 5,000,000 20 19X Issue, a solid vote In by Jumping from a flume is not Haw. Agricultural.... 1, 200,0)0 100 cide the cast clean men are healthiest, the most r- - ness. They are in of a the the throes apldly )ecoverIng from a severe Haw. Com.AsugarCo. 100 56 57 for the restoration of the longest-live- d. ,..(11 but November productive and the The irnnalttnnf.1...... niitnil nn.l.,u .hn. nlM.ni. Sugar Co .. 2 000000 20 24 Is j..u.., ...vj cut In the bend caued by his abrupt Hawaiian throne. So far as It a teacher at bath of our ancestors has not jet lost jpimlumil icinmvrniuninu, , become extinct or they will emerge"""'""Into Honomu 7W.O00 100 100 hos- descent to earth. Honokaa 2,00U,000 20 t all, It teaches race piejudlce and ful1 ' Its snnltniy uses. It has been seized In the weekly commercial resume of tne aml senreely shadowed light of Haiku SOOOOO 100 tility to the United States and resist- Governor Carter yesterday Appointed '.'.'.'.'. by science and treated and christened the Advertlsei on Sunday last there American citizenship. Thrown chiefly Kanuku 500,000 20 i7S to destiny. Such a party has no George Weight as member of the 2,600,000 6 ance In a hundied different ways, but plain some deserve the'r own developing power, but a KlheiPlan. Co.. Ltd.. 60 place under the American system; it woe observations that UI" board of registration for Mnul, in place KiratiUlu 160 000 100 40. cold water Is still tecognlzed as one of the consideration Terri- - aided by Institutions and by the Koloa 500,000 100 . 120 well It is disintegrating and seilous of the fee Ben. Lyons, resigned. On account is that the surviving agents of refreshment torlal government. The gist of the conscious possession of lights that are of McDrydeSug Co., Ltd. 8,500 000 - 4 finding In the ltepubllcau and Demo- of time nlready lost, the appoint- OahuSURarCo 3.C0O000 ico and strength. A man who wears one to Is spe- -, common to nil and unassailable, they the parties the natural outlet for its paragtaph lefened that "a ment was communicated to Walluku by Onomea 1,000 000 20 cratic sh lit for a month raiely achieves more clnlUed branch in charge of a sub- - have before them the opportunity for Ookala 500 000 20 political aspirations under the Ameri- w telegraph. 5,000,000 than a filthy distinction. Women who committee or an auxiliary bureau," of Independence and for the application of Ireless Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd... 20 can Hag. triowaiu .... 150,000 100 ss may the Individual manhood woman-co-opera- te Secretary Atkinson disputes the word ' 1 limit their nicety to external dress the "Promotion" oiganlzatlon, should and 1'aauliau bugf lanCo. 5,000,000 60 be attractive abioad but they are re- with the land depaitment In "od that need no artificial stimulants fiom Hllo that citizen labor cannot be I'aclllc 500,000 100 I IAUKEA CONGRESS. In to complete 1'ala 760,000 100 FOR pellent at home. fnclllti'ting Imnilgiants who desire to or accessories. They live under a plan had sufllclent supply Pepceket 750 000 ... J The great nuestion with the Demo- The alliance between cleanliness and engago In small fanning. This sugges- - " education that oilginated in strug-tlo- n Whltehouse's contract for building the Pioneer 2,750,000 iii' 95 per- timely Rle and Industry and recognizes Kukaiau-Ookal- a road. The latest re- W'aialua Agri. Co 4,500 000 ( 40 crats, now they hae named Iuukea for civilization is not confined to the Is and Important. that Walluku 700,000 ly Young Re- Congress, Is whether they can keep him son, but extends to food, the relation In different parts of the islands, nnd "o claim to advancement beyond port has It that the Men's Walmanalo 252,000 cam- digestive ap- on the island ot Havvn)l, It is vidual me it. They are surrounded publican Club of Hllo, which started Democratic until the end of the between which and the BTZAveurr Cos, paign. He has belonged to all tluee paratus Is very close and, through that believed that the development of small and penettated by conveniences and the row, now concedes that citizen la- parties within a year and back of that medium, affects the blood, the nerves farming, which in North nnd South j opportunities that could not exist un-Ko- bor Is lacking. Wilder S, S. 500,000 115 S. S. Co. 600,000 110 had a and the brain. The tinnsmlsslon of and In many other districts Is der a local autocracy. In the com-qul- te Under decrees by Judge Dole, Deputy record which would have scared a meat, giocerics, milk, fiult and vege- feasible. Is hampered, not only petitions nnd prizes of life, they are Clerk Hatch lias paid out an aggregate MlBCELLANkODI. Haw. Electric Cf ... 500,000 chameleon. tables, fiom the point of distribution by the private holders of large ti acts of equals among equals, and, while unl- - of $3j,321.7S, less costs of litigation, of - H. K. T. A L. Co.. d 100 Queen Hmma had the honor, such as to the consumer may be fraught with l.ind, but by the land department it- formity of progress is as undesirable as the fire claims money deposited In the H.E.T.4L. Co., O .. ,000,000 72K It was, of bringing laukca into public dhu consequences,, not only to the body self. It Is claimed that, If the Tederal It Is impossible, they can steadily ap- - Federal court pending adjudication as Mutual lei. Co 150,000 Hi " P)oach average O.K. AL.Co ,000,000 72' notice. She made much of the stal- but to the mind. One pointed Illustra- Government does not take over the nn standard that has to the rightful beneficiaries. About HiloR. K.Co ,1.00,000 op- management elevated wage-earne- contl-loc- al dis- wart jouth hut at the Hist good tion, not uncommon In Honolulu, may of the public lands, our the of a $'000 of tire deposit remains to be BONOS. party for policy should be at least assl- - nent far beyond the middle class, even bursed. Thus far decrees have been portunity he deserted her that be suggestive A Chinese iendpr ot Haw.Goy't.. 5D.c S3! 09 of Kalakaua. The King kept him fruits and vegetables calls at twenty mllated to the Homestead Act, but that, of the last centuiy. They aie within issued In twenty-thre- e cases. Hew. ler I p, c. (Fire nmuted with decorative tildes and or tlih ty houses In a single morning. while professions are repeated and the scope of high religious and moral Last Saturday night the sugar mill uiarras)., .... fO .... Is In They Hllo K. It. Co., 8 n c .... 100 Iaukea was fairly loyal to his second At the Hi st house, he deposits his bas- stiong, the ptnctlce the opposite training. nre compassed by a nt Hutchinson plantation at Nanlehu, Hou.iK. T, X L. Co., to the tin one he turned against her kets on the ground, and a little pet dog dliectlon. It Is insisted by enteiprislng progressive civilization, where entei-an- d Kau, Hawaii, had a narrow escape from 0 P. c. . .. 105 piomlnent men tlmt. under the prise, refined pleasures honorable In Ewa Plant., 8 V. c... too benefactor, but when I.llluokalanl came slicks its nose, and for that matter and burning. Flames were discovered 103' guKe of forests, large O.K. AL.Co.. 8n c. and became one of the few natives who Its feet. Into the potatoes, the ccleiy, piotectlug the achievements detlve their Inspiration the trash house none too soon for Man Oahu Sugar Co., 6 p. c. 10m supported P. G. During that period aieas oHnnd aie wlthdiawu that might from the heart and the bialn, nnd not to prevent the cnaa ougar uo,, o p. c. 100 the the lettuce, all the vegetables and ager Wolters and men WnlaluaAg, Co., 6 p.c. 100 be and ought to be nvnllable for hoitl- - fiom hnlf-whl- te he went to Washington as nn attend- f) lilts of which the little cargo Is mude the philanthropy of a monarch or fire from spreading. A Portuguese KahukuBp. c 104 ant of President Dole, whom lie subse- up, and takes a delicate nip of any- cultural nnd agricultural pin poses, a chief. was arrested on suspicion of Pioneer Mill Co. 6 p.c. 100' Many obseivers argue that the )eservn- - This is the of missionary labor PalaBp. c 100 quently opposed. Upon annexation he thing that strikes Its fancy. The result starting the fire and Is being held for c ,. 100 tlon of forests orr luainlalid In HaikuDp. became an nident Republican but fall- vender placidly suiveys the process, the and and endurance, but In the broader field grand investigation. Hawaiian Sugar 6 p. c. 100 Territory nte two questions politics government. juy Hawu.Coml.A Sugar ing of olllce he Joined the Home Hule pets four-foot- this distinct of and The time while the cook gently the co. op. c. 100' on Its county ticket Inst that require different treatment. It is may soon come when the most dlssatls-mge- d, party and i.in brute and then, with unwashed I From Sunday's Advertiser) fall for Assessor. IJefore long he be- hands, his with vigor and pertinacity, that fled and unappreclatlve native of 1901 makes own for the T. Stacker, ot the Ha SALES BOARDS. came a mm plot In Home Hule counsels household. place, here rains are pieclpltated from the' will realize and adopt the deep sentl- - James editor BETWEEN At the next a couple nront, find nrn nfifitmlloil liv tint ..'It.ila ' Herald, is again very 111. and then went over to the Democrats. of purring- cats take the dog's place. ment ot Tennyson. waii One hundred Evvn, $20.00; $1,000 Haw. "Where he will go next een he can- nnd not by the fotests, which are "Better fifty years of Europe Mnny delegntes from Hawaii to the And so tlie alternations continue, with e, Govt. 5 per cent Bonds, $93.00. chiefly .serviceable In retaining the mols-tui- cycle In the not guess, but those who know him unfrequent exceptions, to the end ot Than a ot Cathay." Demooatiu convention arilved put least lellunce In his Demo- nfter It has fallen, and, there-fin- e, Klnau. heat the Journey. When the last purchase on cratic professions. has that the woods the mountnlu It would be Interesting to know Col. W. P. Allen Is Improving nfter an METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. been made. If there be any tiuth slopes do not originate the rainfall, In bacteriology, deposited whether Skrydloff was in command of attack of Illness which suddenly pros- the accumu- though a potent Influence In Its gradual ONE UNIVERSAL FOE. lation fdrould bo sufficient to Infect a the Vladivostok squadron when It met trated him on Thursday. B7 the Government Surrey, Publliha and economic dlstilbutlon. Kamlmurn. 116 was reported a week line a meeting of the Walluku Im- whole community. Unscientific people. These are questions Hint the local R. T. Guard, agent of the Matson Every Monday. At however, who or two before to have leached Port Hllo San Francisco, called provement D. I.. Mejeis is observe the facts, will government giavlty , between nnd Association should treat with Arthur uut few (lnvs ,ater hl8 Junlor yesterday. ask whether, In the Interests of thoroughness. on Governor Carter j O reported to have stiongly luhocated a and with No one doubts Admiial Withoef, was spoken of In the B1KOM. THERM. Prob- cleanliness, everything they n. G. Bishop Is "In the hands of fianatoilum for consumptives. the utlity of legitimate dispatches announcing his as Faxon eat ought not to be fumigated. death the his lelative to nomination by ably something like the hospital for Hut, If under this pretext, large naval commander there. After the bat friends" In established and The law cannot handle these matters, bodies of land men the Republicans for the Senate. S 1 1 Incurables Honolulu, aie withheld from In Ilos-sl- a 5 'l beyond a very limited extent. en- tle Koiea strait and before the --- g u S, maintained by private benevolence, It who desire permanent settlement and got Sheilff L. A. Andiews of Hawaii ar- - , w ,a a'a f. deavors, not nlways successfully, to nnd Gromobol home, Admiral In speaker's mind. No doubt have the menus and the experience to In town yesterday to consult with -, was the Bezobrnzoff was reported seriously III rived S IS 29 81 7- 63 .CO 87 4 NE 0' protect milk against Inconvertible ex- .M. there are localities on Maul, as well as dirt Increase Territorial population nnd nt Vladivostok. Obviously he had not High Sheilff A. M. Brown regarding 8 UyH.W2H.Dl; 75 Bi 0166 4 NX 1- all the other islands, which ate Ideal and nasty adulteiatlon. Hut It cannot wealth, such a policy should be prompt- penditures. M 15'29.VllM.3 72 Hi .01 71 4 KB 0 been out with the squadron. Inasmuch fc3 65 -5 MK a Is accompany food or human beings In ly modified. Is the dividing line be- T 187'J.97'29.ei 74 PI In climate for such punxise. It It ns Skrydloff had been sent to Vladivos- Dr. C. T. Rodgers, secretnry of the W 17 129 .Win .92 73 83 .00 87 1 K 1- all their disguises, trnnsfoi 1 well to say, In presence of a plea such motions and tween reservation and settlement that tok to take Itezobrazoff's place and do Depaitment ot Public Instruction, re- T 18U8.1829 Si 73 84 .001,3 E Journeys. Cleanliness depends upon run F 19U9.93 29.92 il I 85 0i73 -4 0' as that of Mr. Meyers, that consump- Is In dispute. It the reservations some fighting, the chances nre that he turned jesterday from a vacation at Is comparatively speaking a tiulntng, discipline, habit, tone, ob- too low down on the mountain sides, tion not commanded the rs in both of the Volcano House. prevalent or an Increasing disease In servation, and a hundred factors of they should bo contracted nnd the Barometer corrected to U r. aad aem which civilized In- their sorties. Senator John D. Paris Is quoted ns these Islands. Many subjects of It Individuals nio supposed cupidity and selfishness ot either level, and tor standard gravity of Lat, house-wive- nt one county Island duubtlessly will come to be possessed. Go6d s. dividuals or corporations that topie-se- favoring but for the have come and every bo IS. 01 or Hoaolmlu. our balmy climate. who give a. little personal attention to speclnl Interests and nre Inimical To potect the neutrality of Shanghai ot Hawaii, providing district Thta correction la here for relief In on Board born heie, it Is also domestic details, every day prove the to the general welfare, should not be It Is not only necessary for the powers given due representation the true, hnve from preentlble causes and truth of the axiom quoted, and are allowed to stand In the vn. to keep the Japanese from attacking tho of Supervisors. TIDES. SUN AND MOON. living In defiance of hygiene contiacted potent adjuncts to the church and to The piesent local administration has Husshih ships In the harbor, but It Is Governor Cnrter, after his survey of the disease. Yet for month nfter decent society. shown an Inclination to consult the requisite that they should prevent the the district on Friday, was greatly month, the fact remain?, nt least nine- actual necessities or warrts ot tho Is Husslan vessels from leaving port, nfter pleased with the arvount of puollc Im- iS pfesFopd I a "S teen out of twenty of the Government Mnleriol for a stlnlng book has ac- lands. It now has an opportunity to having peen retltted, so ns to carry on provements effected during his absence R a 1 o S n friendly power, A Ei3 1 E 3 ? 2 physicians In the dlffeient districts of cumulated at Poit Aithur nnd there Is prove tire breadtlr of Its capacity by' the war against fiom the Tenltory. a iS1 s K p --"-h ai tn J. g "no" nobody to wrlto It at least not yet. So with the Piomotlon Com- -. Presuming on the weakness of China, a i JEels. this Territory have written as Knhlo Is renorted by tho li. in M, .m m.ip.ui. answer to the question, "Is tuberculoi- far ns the Husslan end of tho story Is rnlttee In a dliectlon that means per - tho AsKold nnd Grozovol apparently rflli?nin M JJ: 1.44 1.8 1 (3 6.32 8.15 5.4')6.:i' 2.5T concerned It Is nearly In our resources thought that they could stay In Sluing evening papers ns declaring that he ds. Increasing In the dlstiict?" all the dark, mnueiit enlargement of dls- - T 23. 2 20' 1.8 l.M 7.22 9 U 5.41 6.211 8.48 stn-lil- plenum e will; ttiirn tmlil Morris Keohokalole. his Statistics have lately been published even tho tale of tho sinking of the Hnt-sus- o and the addition of Intelligent and o hal nt and leave at but W 21 2 51 1.7 2.37 H.CV 9.3) 5.41 6.23 4.39' i iinri-e- d nrlvnto secretary, money for his p showing tuberculosis very not having had Its .Muscovite ver- elements of citizenship. a hint from the consuls and the move- in. m. that has waishlps, passage Home from wnsmngron, uui T 75) 3 30 1.7 3.13 9 59 8 IS 5.ll'l),r:' Itlio sion yet. Of tho Japanese Americanization, surely Repub- ments of Ameilcau to K V.27 greatly decreased on the mainland In movements under c to' 3.47' 1.6 3I0.10.VJ 5.4J6.1 0 IT t changed the for It Is Hint the bone niv sounnuereu mo the past few decades. As statistics aro one gets the luu-s- Inklings. If tliera lican administrations, does not mean have ptoginin ,2fl' are Phi) lug necuniuliitl'-i- i now announced that the Russian craft money each time. 8 27 4.191 1 5 4.J5I0 5110(6 5. IJ 7 II better kept now than twonty or thirty correspondents with the besieging Into the hands of 8 2i. 1.51 14 1 M U.Uiv.lO 6.4V.tS,ia '811 yenm ago, It Is' likely cases army they nio fulteied, but tho for Dm benefit of the few nnd tretitlug will dUtirin. a.m. p.m. I that fewer chances , of the dlBoiue would enonpo the reeoid aro that tiono are on the ground. Un the many with iwtermil benuv nlwu-o- Attorney Oenarnl Andrews Is almost U SV a.i- - I.S 3.4S II.U 11.3 5 !, B.4 now thm formerly. Along Willi tlio doubtedly there have bieii cuvme ba- but the growth of Individual!! ltuen- - The JapaiifcHe will tnke Rnj,imllen ovurwhttlinatl with iwiust for lognl TfporlrO dwioatio of tubeivuhm in the ttle, InvolviiiH NiiiiHhlr on bqlli Hlilt. whip, iHimlity of opiKtriiinlty under lit Ixlund In duo time and return It lo Hie opinion from Uovrnmitt depart Villi liiooi) Aug -- M fit i 31 111, Information that ptitniiiionlu, quicker but the world onn only giiutm nt tli law, the full lucomiltlon of ttirtl nud mothar country. 1UiIii tule Kmelmllen man m. Tlmea of the tide are taken from tha dt'iUli-ilnaUn- u onn- - In otlinr, NfVur Iwfiiii) linn h wwr, in an liiduiMiidHiit t'liUmu, of wlium hihII fiom Jutwn lung iso hut nuw Hur-?- ey than the hiu fail. 1', i, 't'lmmiwah ha pplld for mm United Btatt-- i Coait ami aeodetlo tiprninw morn prvvulont limn Iwforn. uiivwlhitf euiiDtry, fmitiit w muvli rurinorit ur prolmUl)' tha muai tttulwm t nut nnttaet il. A Ittiwa iiuuiUar of ltu. iiiulvi ln Uaialiln III lh HuvmlUin Aiwocia. table. MmiHihiiti ll os or (Ha world it lowr, ulna, clan political rlatnai' ra prolwbly - llr now Hon. hU upulMllon taluk- by iTfiil Kiiupuliiii f tit forainuat inadl. ' ii awalilni th cliAiiia of owiimUIi villii n4oril Tlii) tldiia lit Knliulul hiiiI llllo occur Il WHUM U tu W, n, ttmlili wmi w. .. Kiimty nil tt't'ine ha btn wnl Htttliml I'i.mii Hi tiltHirU' i'tr ftluiia 111 lntmllh kttfcnv il llvlv ttaraoiiHl tnira bout our hour vriir Hin at llo lln wlnl plnu," iutMircul9tii l .umiuni of iimat iwitiuvaiiiviii vu u Mbtlkwr 111 arM(ll Walhihl uf lallUuj 11 Im lulny 0ilwrilU u iiwirtwl lulu, mlifd Tltlg Inevitably tiKvii Ira, UmUIm, In Mr. i 'raw, an arilil In Man - iiiul wro4ut lima miU iH llwtululu, IU M UM b)' MWiM llNMUltl UiilM ll) Ilia Situ lTMvlo rii- lUwulUii ttm li II hour I' il i' ikuIUi fwr tha Uaiur m Um it ID rwilty t itoM, tor mMNtfi un, TharwM vu n.iiiUrd llt MNIMM. Il PfMUM WMUfiMM Wira itiliM Im lUU MMNlM lb llWt IHII WlU Hm- mi A UuUMHWI fitvlor in iii tUm t km, ww MirprlMil m torn by iwlt4 Id nilmilM tUmir inm lw 0M iu uiimrnhMmtliM mm murtnlly w nrtnwfi I MM W U MNM Wy MHtU It pHmM hut Ufa. JitMl kM MM Mint? in. i4fty irwaMitui btwwMfa ui m ic ma mm hwi MrMMH r Mli la frftut m Mtinur I'vinu Hmi or iim innl'luii of il? lliv ! uf tllit tm Ota wn l fMtfti t wii torn. Up tow ui tor m km rMjBMMy w Mux Ia iriwunwDi mnm hi m m mhi m taut! At ftMtlfe nut WmmwIMi ifi ililrlr Miiimir TMi IIMW Imm IVtMl MM WpP Vp MM 9f pRPff JeISt Ito HMMWf HllUII i i, H wMk l Ml Hill I MM lyyyUKy UfftajMMV !" lw i4 uyi ttM aMJaU kWf ajiMIM Mil M) IM ftfeAi MJfflF I' muuu u4 MMJ MW h Mijif I Ijinri I imIh alWWPW M IPJr wv a lMtw) lo HI afaV S!55tr?afaA wwwl Hjp mtw. ,CJi.. HWBI PjJ aapjaajj MHHhIi Till u jw uist'H ph imif 4l4U MW MWMp WIW MMJ MjMJW iktM mmm Mr 1M w ir iti HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, iyM-SEMI-W-

inloptcil. In connection with the re- mnrkahle, but ho comes of a family trenchment policy In question we par- remnrknble for Its high Intelligence. ti ulnrly condemn the discrimination CHARACTER When Commodore Perry flrat went to SPLIT" BIDS COURT HELD exercised against the non-voti- em- Japan he left n dictionary with one of ployees of tlit government In the cut- Prof Hozuml ancestor. It was ting ot salaries. passed from one member of the family policy to the other nnd In time they beeamo "We denounce the of the 1 acquainted or with the method the party In the Nntlonnl Con- language. OR WHOLE NONEXISTENT gress whereby private legis- 0 Engll'h Prof, Hozuml nnd Hawaiian I parted each as pupil nnd lation wan submitted In committee fiom other twenty-seve- n years ago and received attention Ih advance of teacher about public and I am pleased to find him now one pressing matters, with the result gifted that after the passage of private hills of the mast men In the Japanese the remaining Hawaiian measure' Judge Hapai Reappoint- Receptions and Dinner Empire." Holloway Gives Both Query to Pass Up were absolutely neglected and refused Of Piof. Scott, tho former pupil had only words of prale In speaking of further consideration during this ses- ed for Integrity and For the Great Sides a Chance to of to him. )' sion Congress, the detriment and wag my In y to Supreme against the interests of the entire Ter- "Piof. Scott first teacher ritory. Honesty. Scientist. Jnpnn," said he, "ond I, ns well ns Make Good. others who were under hint nnd nie "We declare the policy of "the Re- living, have a vvrirm place In our hearts Court. publican party In this tenltory where- foi him. The names of Prof. Scott nnd by large valuable Governor Carter yesterday wrote to Dr. S Kltnsito, the famous Japanese An important notice to contractors i areas of land and pa! bacteilologlst, who In the wot Id Dr. Morrer are well known to Japan given by Holloway water rights ore still being alienated District Magistrate .in of llilo, ranks Sti(crintcmlcnt lit him that after some hesitation of medicine with Pi of. Koeh, the Gor ese." this issue. Ilcsides the segregated pro- from the nubile domain for the sole reappoint was guest Whether or not there is such a tribu- use corporations or per- he had decided to hint. The man savant, the of honor last KITASATO STILL SEARCHING. posals heretofore called for, he invites nnd benefit of gave us hes! evening n reception jvccoided him blanket nal in tliis Territory as a probate court sons nlre.idy possessed of large tracts reason the novemor for nt at Dr. Kltnsato, through an Inteipreter, bids for the entire completion 1 this time in tancy Hapai's "pretended ig Japanese Consulate General, where m-i- n of work forth in sections and is again before the courts, of land and privileges, n positive men- was Judge the told nn Adveitlser that although set 2, connection with the matter of the guard- norance of hnglisli. a lingo number of the most lulluentlal any" Inspection and in sections ,; and 4 of the plans and ace to the upbuilding of an untrnm-mele- d he had not made of the ianship of Annie T. K. Parker, a minor. "I say 'pretended.' " the Governor ex. cltl7eus of Honolulu had the privilege specifications for certain buildings 011 electorate In these Islands and Japanese aimy field hospital nnd knew through the mill before as far plained after closing the letter, "be of meeting him. per-on- nl the Insane Asylum grounds. 'I his is It went pledge our delegate to Congress to se- nothing of It from obseivatlon, at in es- cause I enough Lng-lis- h distinguished guest, coming the urgent contractors-M- as the Supreme Court the Holt cure application spirit of believe he knows The nfter yet It was undoubtedly conducted on request of various r. in- local of the hut will admit it I have con- the Coptic Prof. explains tate litigation but the matter preference being not ashore from with N. thb most modern principles, a.s In fact, llollonay tint sections 5 was decided there without ref- American land laws, cluded to reappoint Judge Hapai on con- Hozuml, hend of Law Department and 6 arc not included in these blanket volved given In our the weie all things In Jnpin, When the erence to that question. the landless electorate sideration of Ins knowing both 'lan- of tho University of Japan, was es proposaNj inisimich as the bids would Tenltory In uny division of the public end of the war came the woild would Now the point is up on demurrer to guage's. corted to Mochl7Ukl, the Japanese Club probibly learn to Its ndvnntnge of the be very lnhle to exceed the unexpended S- domain. policy a Hawaiian the amended petition of J. Low, as "It is my to have at Walklkl, wheie, with Japanese Con- excellent system. portion of the appropriation made for re- pledge our delegate to $63,-00- next friend of the minor, for the "We further for district magistrate. A district like sul Mlkl Snlto, Dr. .Mori, Dr. Uchlda plague the work, which is approximately 0 guardian. Congress to vigilance over English prepon- As to scrum which hns made moval of A. W. Carter as her constant llilo, where the useof and about twenty other prominent Jap- name points in the demur- mattets affecting the Tenltoiy, untir- derates, should have a man who thor- Dr Kltnoato's famous, he stnted There are other anese residents, on elnbornte dinner thnt the serum he was manufacturing In connection with the movement by rer, such as that the allegations of the ing effort to secure llbeial appropria- oughly understands English. In reap- uwnlted them. the tinklers' and Traders' nxclnnge to complaint do not constitute a cause of tions for public Improvements through- Hipai, however, I wish to show was not sent to any extent to countries pointing The reception nt the Consulate was beyond the Oilent, although gront have segregated bids for different trades action, so that the question of the ex- out the Tenltory, the withdrawal of regard for his honesty and integrity." public re- to be from eight to ten but owing to quantlles shipped to In on works, the Advertiser has istence of a prooate court may again House Resolution No. 14G72 granting Governor Carter stated that the mat- weie and ued general contract- the late dinner the guests of honor nnd Manlln. was preventive, ceived from the side of be found, by the appellate court, "not arbitrary power of removal to the Gov ter was up to lum of appointing a dis- and about It a ors opposed the movement expla- their escoit did not rench there until which perhaps vvns a.s beneficial as a to nn necessary to consider." ernor, passage of a pio- - trict magistrate for North Kona. On they rea- the ineusute long nfter the houi. They found many cure. his hope to make tho nation of wlnt deem "the real Argument on the demurrer occupied ldlng for the sale In fee on easy terms this subject, generally, the Governor It woh son" for the movement. is the foielgn residents ns well ns Jnpanese serum more beneficial so It 'Ibis tint the greater portion of yesterday before of lands In Punchbowl and elsevvheie said still that trades usinllv figuring as sub- awaiting them. Dr. Kltnsato and Prof. could be used In smaller quantities. various Judge Gear. A. O. M. Kobcrtson, Sid- In the Territory now pilnclpally occu "There arc quite a number of appoint- Houml, together with the reception contractors to the builders have in many ney Mr Ballon and S. H. Derby sup- pied by citizen tennnts, prefeience ments to be made I should like to urge committee comprising the Consul, Dr. MEDICAL MEN ENTERTAIN. instances lost heavily from the default- ported the demurrer, and J. Alfred Ma-goo- n being sty en the occupants, on the public again tint they register of general contractors. Tho-- c who actual and Mori, Dr. Uchlda, C. Shlozawa, Prof. Dr. Kltnsato was lecelved at 10 p. in, ing it should be overruled In- their complaints and state facts m time l; signed contended to caieful dissemination of collect M. M. Scott, C. Tnmanaka, by the Hawaiian T'enltorlal Medical the petition against the segrega- Mr. Ilallou, while admitting tint in the among Con- to have them considered before the unk- a, scheme, appeared in formation the members of I. Sugltnchl, secrctury, S. Nngasa-w- Association at the Paclllc Club. An In tion which this pi- Holt case he lnd taken ground the same gress In the Wash- ing of appointments to office 'I lie great per eight days ago, are pointed as nnd Departments at A. Yamaguehl and I Mori, stood In foi niul leceptlon was held after which to as that taken by Mr. Magoon now. ington teliitlve to local alfalts. dilticulty is tint when an appointment the Walklkl end of the reception hall, thoroughly lespoiisible firms that can rulings Judges up I nothing about it until the company letlied to the private din- quoted the unreversed of "Hnving full faith In ability of comes hear lntioductlons being made by the Consul be depended on to give a squire deal to as for the appointed, because ing loom wheie a line spieid was setv- Humphreys and Gear precedents the people of this Tenltory to govern after the man is nnd Drs Mori and Uchlda. their 'Ihcreforc, it is his argument. everybody thinks the other fellow lnd ed and champagne was llbemlly quaf- present themselves, we denounce the Renublt- - Dr. Kltnsato met the guests In nn fed. argued tint, if these firms can show that "I lie contention for the demurrer was, written about the matter I am anxious the both of economy and can Party for Its duplicity and breach easy affable mannei, luit as Ills foreign Dr. Mooie, piesldent of the associa- it is in inteiest briefly, that if there was not a properly y to do things right, but the people should efficient work in all lines have of faith with the oters of this Terrl-toi- residence hns been chiefly In Germany, tion, deliveied of welcome of to constituted court of probate the matter help " an address public vvcirk In the mlscaulage of that party's ho spoke ery little English. Piof. Kl- to bacteilologlst, constructed under bhnkct should have been brought in equity and the distinguished and contracts, no chingc should be made in measuie for County government passed tnsato Is somewhat stout and cuirles Di. lesponded, speaking In vlVI having not been done the court Kltasato I'o-sib- ly that bv Legislature, and pledge our bent this platform to the people of the himself with dignity. He hns a Jolly the system the results of the had no jurisdiction. Judge Gear took the last Geiman, his lemaiks being Intel pi eted experimental proposals now being invited earnest effoit to Jsecuie the passage Tenltoiy and earnestly Invoke the ac expiesslon and jet behind his smile by the demurrer under advisement. Into English Di. Huff mum Other for the Insane Alsvlum buildings may be and enactment of a County, law provid- tive support of all In Its vindication and lurks the look of power. speeches by Dr. the cordially InvItliTg weie made Diy, decisive of the merits of the question so WRIT OF PROHIBITION. ing for complete loc.il self government. success, to a full nnd Pi of. Hozuml Is also n man with an Dr C. B. Coojiei, Di. whnt-ev- ei far as public arc equal communion, all those of ance, spoke Rny-mon- interests concerned. sitting "We deplore the present distressed ntti active appeal and as he C. B Wood, Dr. W. H. Mays, Or. d, Chief JtHjicc Frear, alone, give political who recognize yesterday the temporary financial condition of the Tenltory, creed the English had something of an advantage all being vvoius of welcome to the a hearing on justice of our cause in the doctilnes we prohibition had issued to re- brought about by the Republican ele- over his traellng companion. guest of honoi, while Hon Mlkl Salto, writ of he piofess, who to piitielpate strain Judge Gear and J. S. Low from ment In put by withholding from and d.eshe Punch, lemonade and dilnry salads the Japanese Consul, Di. Moil, Di proceeding with an injunction suit to large sums of 'loan fund' in their tilumph. were setved dutlng the evening and Di. Kitsuki and Di. Uchlda moneys "W. A. KINNEY, the recep- BIGlSLl restrain A. W. Carter from prosecuting that might heretofore have aftei fhst lntioductlons tr spoke In appieilatlon of the honoi aci depait-inen- ts "K. II KOA110U, quite guests his petition to the 1 bird Circuit Court been made available had the , tion became Inforinnl, the coided Di. Kltnsato by the Ameilcnn at Kailua, Hawaii, for a partition of the used due diligence In piosecutlng "S. W. AHR KALD.IHO-A- letlilng to the leir lnual Among those medical fiateinlty. Prof. Hozuml spoke IAUKI3A, Parker ranch in which the minor holds the seveinl vvoiks comprised in loan "C. P piesent weie Bishop Restnilck, Di. L. In English In a scholaily mannei. C. BURGESS, a half interest. I he matter was pirtly fund nppioprl itlons, and in extrava- 'J E. Coter, U. S. M. II. S.; W. 0.vSnilth, An Intel national feeling of lilemlshlp heard and continued until Monday. gant ndmlnlmatlon, lesultlng In the "H J MOSSMAN, R. L. Halsey, Surgeon AV. L T,alor, peivnded nil the speeches and the S of government "JOHN EMMELUTH, U. S. N.; Surgeon Davis, U. S. A., P. THE ANSWER. Issuance wai rants to ot the Ameilcnn physicians weie JUDGE'S employees and supply men, a prepostei- - "PAIA NAKI, C. .Jones, J. O. Carter, W. R. Castle, dliected mainly towaid the magnificent Judge George D. Gear has made an- ous couise whereby the tnxpayeis aie "I. W. H, JIOJIOA." Rev. Doremus Scudder, Dr. Camp, Di. KLlentlllc work done by Di. Kltnsato. swer for himself to the petition of A. being duly mulcted In the amount of Hodglns, Jnred Smith, Dr. T. R. Day, Henntoi John D Pails ot the Island ASHFORD'S HOT AIR. Towaid the end of the enteitnlnment Hawaii, W. Carter asking the Supreme Court for Intel est paid In unpioductlve loans on Dr. "Walter Hoffmann, Dr. C. B. Coop- Governor made one ot called on Governoi Cuter Cnitei entered and ycstculny to see him and over the a writ of prohibition against himself and the one hand and the los Incidental to Ash ford moved the adoption of the er, R. 11. Chninbeilaln, Di. C. B. Wood, of his characteristic, hippy speeches. talk J. Sit Low, to restrain them from pro- discounting wan ants on the other and platfoim, saying it was an able docu-- , Dr. II. V. Murray, Dr. Mays, U. S. Mar- Dr. Coopei, In referring to Di. Kltasa- situ itlnu. The Governor nfteiward ceeding with an injunction suit to stop In this connection we favor the policy ment, which must commnnd the praise shal Hendiy. to, said that medical men the woild expiessed Ills gratlllcatlon at having hud the oppoilunlty of discussing with Carter's suit for partition of the Parker of making loan appropriations for pio-duct- of all. "When a document of th it kind OLD TRIENDS MEET. over legnid l5i. Kltasato as one of the ranch brought in the llurd Circuit works only and within these re was bi ought before the convention. It greatest aulhoiltles on bacteilology. so leptesentatlve a man , the needs of Court. He denies, the jurisdiction of the strictions advocate a comprehensive showed what good results aceme from Theie was a meeting of old friends t his piutlcuhii dlstilct. Supreme Court to annul the injunction, system of public vvoiks thioughout the htUlrig the matter eonsldeied befoie-han- d nt the lecentlon when Pi of. M. M. Ovei 011 Hawaii, It appealed fiom the also to prohibit him from proceeding in Tenltory. by n committee of the Central Scott, principal of the High School of mouth, of Mi. I'm Is, the people uie the motion, for the reason that, the mo- "We pledge our candidate to the Leg- Committee. It could not be said that it this fclty, und Pi of. Hozuml of Tokio, won led over the loan nppropilatlons. tion had been granted previous to the is- islature to a ievison of oui Tax Laws, punctuied the "cusseduess of the Re- came across each othei, for moie than They feai that the Items for their suing of tin. writ of prohibition There mi adjustment of our othei sources of publican party," because it would have thlity years ago Prof. Hozuml was a Island will nut bo expended before the was nothing further for the respondent, levenue. Including the Excise Laws, to be extended and could not be finish- pupil undei Prof. Scott while the latter FOLD GAMES close of the biennial period on Juno 30, (Id-die- 1903 - Judge Gear, to do in the matter. and piovlding foi the substitution of a ed before night. 'It only paitlally d was In Japan. lit which means thut unless pievl- The respondent maintains that he did the 'holy "Prof. Hozuml was one of the first ously undei continet the woiks could Toll Bill foi whatf dues, thus doing ndmlnlsttstion." It i have jurisdiction to issue the injunction away with the piesent conditions showed there had been an admlnlstia-tlo- n pupils I had," sa(d Piof. Scott while not be constructed until the Items were for stopping the partition suit, concluding only pretences. discussing the visitor, he was lated. wheieby the government pays ex- of It set forth that "and I2v cry thing is in rendincss for the leappiopi one of the questions to be ie Eng--- thus: "lint clusively foi the expense of maintain- the Republican admlnlstiation and noted for his quick giasp of the f grand polo game at Moanalua tomorrows Governor Cuter piomlsed Mi. Pnila decided the said application for the -f- -t t- t- In in ing the hnibor and private wharf ovvn-ei- s had been weighed and found - - grounds been put to hnvo all the vvoiks provided for of said A. W. is wheth- afternoon, the hiving removal Carter leap the fees, an exuetment cov wanting. Extreme injustice was being a eholce of artangements the bill given out for eoiistiuetlou as will suffer ir- platfoim and made in excellent shape and er or not the said minor ering foiced .sales of piopeity loi taxes done the poor people, because of the soon ns possible. reparable injury, danngc and loss in a stinilaid bearer. In accepting the made for the seating of the spectators so as to piovlde for redemption of the methods puisued legally wheieby the Delegate to Congiess, I th.- - field. Senator McCanilless of Oahu, Who case said A. W. Carter, guardian as nomination of about grea' tournament same, and nn nppi epilation bill so piopeity of pool people weie sold for do so fully leallIng the responsibilities Husses will connect at the terminus of lately letuined fiom a long absence on aforesaid, should be permitted to pros- taxes. This was the stiongest Indict- the inalnlund, nlso called on the Gov and that framed that the annual expendltuies that the position Imposes, and a deep the Rapid Transit line to carr spectators ecute said suit for partition, of ment against the Republican pirty. A ernor yesteiday. this respondent, m the exercise of the the Tenltoiy shall net exceed Its senstt of the honoi confened. I leguid who desire that mode of transportation, Income,"" believing any ndinlnls-tuitlo- n sop was thrown to a member of the ie powers conferred upon him by law, is- that It us the highest political gift In the me busses will be in readiness to leave incupable so limiting ex- whereby he was employed to sued the said prder for the purpose of of Its hands of the Democintlc party to be- shortly after 2 o'clock A reasonably penditures Is unvvoithy of the buppoit bring numberless suits ngalnst people stow. For my part I pledge you my small fare will be charged for this ser- DEATH OF AN EARLY preventing the prosecution of said suit, nonpayment taxes, piling up costs of the people. for of honest and bet efforts. vice. until after said motion for removal to pay his fen and those nbove him. should be heard on its merits, and com- "We pledge our candidates for the The unity and hniniony of our party A cup has been offered as an incen- to People weie being sold out and turned ef- polo mitting what it is alleged would be a Legislature a lenewal of the usual organlntlon coupled with an honest tive to the phyers, and two of the appropriations for Lllluokalanl and our out of their houses, beenuse In these foit on the part of the rank nnd file, best games ever seen here are prom- ISLAND MISSIONARY great wrong to said minor." money bor- fewest Delegate to Congiess to the intioduc-tlo- n hard times culd hnrdi.' be poi tends a. successful campaign; not ised. J. S. Low's answer, in the rowed even with good real estate as words, "submits to the judgment of the and suppoit of a measure locking only In the cause of democracy, but to A half holiday on Wednesday Ins court herein." to a peimanent nppropilatlon for the purify the political atmosphere laden been guaranteed by the business houses same purpose. The report was adopted, but without with the bienth of eonuptlon resulting on belnlf of the tournament A wireless message from llilo yester- COURT NOTES. "We favor nil reasonable applause oi deinonstintlon. fiom continued and uninterrupted polit- t day announced the death of Mrs J. S. measuies Kecd, the youngest of the group of C. Achi makes answer in the suit looking to the amelioration of labor ical sway nnd control nemocrncy must three W. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. of the early missionaries to of Cecil llrovvn, trustee, vs. J. Fernan- conditions among the citizens of this tilumph nt the polls If the people of this survivors Col. seventy-fiv- e denying alle- Terrltoiy to upbuilding of The ehnlr suggested that Tenltory want to be saved the humi- She was years old dez and W. C. Achi, all the and the sons, gations, particularly "he was noti- permanent homes within oui boideis In ins the mattei of selection of liation of being discriminated ugnlnst last December. She leaves two that the Committee. W. and O T. Sbipnnn. Mrs. Keed fied and demanded when the note was We favor a more strict enforcement of members of Central by leason of political piefeienees. The II. pioposed personnel of the com- died on Sunday and her funeral took due," and further claiming that "as he the citizen labor and eight hour laws ' The work of intimidating the voter is appai-en- t BIDS ARE OPENED 'only of the note he is coupled minimum wage nn mittee was as follows; wheiever one may turn; fiom those place yesterday. was an endorser with a and (Hawaii) Mrs. Heed was one the only three not liable under the laws to p;y such extension of this prov Islon along rea- rirst and Second Districts high In nuthorlty to the lowest .menlnl of D. Kane-hnllu- a, among the Hawaiian missionaries who note, as the payee of the note failed to sonable lines to embrace labor required S. P. Woods, S. H. K. Ne. S. In the employ of our Republican gov em- S. P. Kamaken, R. Makahalu-p- a, At the Public Works office yesterday were bom in Scot! Old, her native home give notice," etc. under valuable franchises or othei spe-cl- ul inent. Kn, S. K. being lAbcrdour, 111 Fifcsliirc. At an Kinney, McClanahan & Cooper have privileges granted by the Legisla- J. L. Kawevvehi, Chan. Gentlemen of the Convention: What- the new bids, made neccssiry by the ju- Haluapo, H. Kahonut, D. Evvallko, early age she came to the United States filed a discontinuance of the suit of ture of this Teirltory. AVe favor also J. ever inny result from our present ef- dicial voiding of the Lucas contract at 13. S. "W. A. W. with her parents, lived 111 Quincy, III, Bathshcba M. Allen et al. s. Giovanni dispensing employment of E. Lee, Kulelhoa, forts, there Is one thing that we can of Kendall, were opened for with the E. Thomas, T. N. Nalelhua, the suit was educated to be a teacher, and, in A. Long, bill for foreclosure of mort- prisoners on work In competition with point to with pride. Democracy has the Labamalum schoolhouse and dormi- C. 31. I Blond. 1853, was mimed to the Rev. V. C. gage. citizens. sounded the deuth-kne- ll of the Home Bros defeat recent fiee v.Maul) L. Coke, Sol. tories. Lucas their Shipmui. '1 nev spent the next winter in Cathcart & Milvcrton, attorneys for "We condemn the procrastinating Third Dlstilct J. Rule party, notwithstanding the secret antagonist by the figures, Hale, Chns, Dudolt, Jno. Richardson., in the courts New Haven alid were then directed to- Molhe Maage, enter a demurrer to Fred policy pursued by Tenltorlal Dxe-cutl- connivances of the Republican party to W Moody the loweit bidder the "W. Boote, T. H. Hayselden, B. but J is ward the Microuesian field of labor, but W. Maage's supplemental petition for In to securing R. T. Instill into the Home Rule organization shortest for doing relation contiol Lyons, Pain Nakl, Helemnno. S. K. Mth close to the time when on their vovngc they reached a. divorce. It sets forth that the allega- of the private fishing rights In this renewed life nnd political activity. the work 'Hie bids are as follows: Kekoownl, Mo-mo- a. they were detained by the Hawa- tions of her misconduct are vague, in- Teirltory nnd pledge our to Adam Forsyth, J. W. Speaking fot myself, the business or candidates 180 to fill the station at Kau. definite and uncertain; that the supple- the Legislature to course ns any other need have no fear K. Howie, days $3lfi51 iian Mission such a (Oaliu) C. Inteiest H days isolated Kau they labored for over mental petition attempts to set up a new shall most piomptly open fishing Fourth District P. Iaukea, or apprehension, for It Is my purimso J Craig, 120 34.054 In these I Tui-rll- l, days and enjoyed their work At and independent cause of action alleged rights to the general public. E. H. Wolteis, S. K. Knloa, T. If elected, to consult thete Intel ests W J Moody, 155 31.200 six yeirs "W. A. Kinney, S. Manage. days of 18G1 Mr. Slupman died and to have accrued the filing of the Nuhula, my piomot-in- g Lucas llros, 210 ... 32,913 the end since "We favor the extension of the pub- and use best eiidenvors In , original petition, and that the supple- Medelios, E. M. Watson, Eivlng, Juen, 'II Kind-ill- 150 days ... Mrs. Slupmaii removed to llilo with her lic school system, so ns to embrace a the common weal. children, and maintained the fun mental petition was filed by the libcllant Kahalepunn. wo con- II F IJcrtchuanii, 150 days ..23,8.10 three compiehenBlve course of manual Gentlemen. When leave this '1 -0 and Fifth Dlstilct (Oahu) U. Jones, Ben Cyrus Cireen, 2- days . 34,300 lly by keeping a boarding school until without leave of court first obtained. agricultural training and nn element vention, let uh go foi th with a deter- De Bolt appointed L. Ah Leong Naukann, II. T Mooney, F. It. Harvey, 18GS, when shevas married to Win. II. Judge al y course In civil government thus In- mination to win and ever after make administrator of the estate of Chung J. K. FrVndergast, David Kahaleinhu, Heed, a merchant and raiichnnti, at stilling Into the youth of this Terrl-tot- y of Hawaii n Democintlc Tenltory. of Kapapala ranch, Yee Leong, deceased, under $400 .bonds, F. J. Testa, Jno Emmcluth, J. W. pnssed ALLEGED FRAUD IN one tunc owner the the pilnclples of Industry and A vote of tlinnlvH was then for by the Hawaiian Agricult- Rlplknne, E. L. Like, J, Nnholowan, It. and per- now owned good citizenship upon which the futuio tho oll'ceis, both teinpotniy ural Company Mr. Keed died in 18S0. II, Tient, II. T. Moore. manent, for their good work. welfnie of this Teirltory so depends. Sixth District (KiiiiiiI) Sum Divld. "Wo cliurgo ma- I'hntriimu Kinney called tho Central the IIciisToM- - thnt the llepuhllcau Sain Koanu, It, P. Paiiole, A'. II. Pun-kal- o, BMRUPTCY CASE MOltGAN'S COAT OF AltMS. jority In the lust l.eglsliuuio molded t'oiiunltteo to meet In WitvutUy Hall C. K. llane, S, W. Kuliioii, S. at 7 p. in, J I'lcrpout Moignn said to a quos- - lt sworn duty by abstaining from n Goo, Kiilnvv, Hugo. mukkiihIimI DIh-tr- l. oini day that his wan uu Inde- of Henn-inr- x 'limlu that tint Onhu tloiiir luippoitlnnniuiit Tonltoilal tho Mm family, NATE CURTIS IMIKEt nnd ltupiutintntlvun nn rnquliml nrci.KciATi: to co.Nannss. t CuminltWii ineot on Wailnnmlny A subpiniii in tquitv In- - lien issued pendent hrnucli uf unit thuiuilpull - dating finiu the Noimiin king by Chapter 2, Hvctluii 58 of tho Oi. 'I'll iminu of i V. Iiiukwu vvhh put iilnlll, ami the ilutti wim mil of the I mud st in Cinirk hut - I 1 v nk hu com of nuns, th Kimlo Act. In IHIIIlllltltlOII fill IMuiJHlU l) CollKIIMtH adopted. ill II MINI- elltit eil In. I.JIlMltg, in ir hud a iMIl'i-riii- i, llimiU'liT took u KO V fuvor iMUKblinlilmr timlr IMvihI by lbs I'lfih uutrlii, MMimditil by tho Mi, Kllillli'liitll IiuivmI ii vut uf trunluc of Itv'i L Strneimy.r a Wall Htit'ot null (Continued fiotn imiifl 1.) UiuiiWg ill ('mi-IH- il ( nut bin puflkut, OKhlhltod It nnd nnd at I'wlvrui wxwn" tippll- - I'uuitii Dlitrlii. PmIiiini' WimhIh iihivwI in milmiliw '1'ttiiltmlnl v (us Mr.itiiniiT, Davil plvin of viih miwiiil, 1 ixpllml thin Unit wiih II, niul Unit 11 f.'i" Inn point mil) b iHhiiiImiiih ntlivr win. Mil VII Ht IllH ).tfWI l Dill lh iiainliiHilun I'liNwil, ImiI Cakit mkhui CmniiiltlMi hIiIhIi I'urtm mid'i Alnura Siriun!)r XtllIIUllt - 1'Iik Ion IIiwii - rn.il hud iulii(ili I lie win 'i i'nit in Hi itiliitiil uf Ih inililk Tfiill'try. ih yiiiiuyi(iriil gf tsliitlti fur AlwUl tu WMMll lilt ItUltllllHllUH, eun tin uiljuuinwl hIiih It h bill in rt nidi- u )MivD)iie uf utlii'i- fumllltm n hrMt Mint ami t fur III uf k'Mfoful li'quli)' iHlu Th uwiiliwtbm Uf iUIiik ilh preiwily m .Ukiki, uMruvtl o iww ho II hiiiIiIkmi. hi., iiiint inilt t crtdil-d- I'll, Mini lIlH I'tmdltlUH U llM ih umur. imntltila m uf vet 4ttunitiiiitl by h aw) ww TlfcJT.S KT IN IT. HIM ilh 1111111 lu d(riul llw 4lltw vu ina iUr, Q (itrtUBwyii 11HUAT HIIQOlttH of - TfMMUf)' WWW 1mm bmm ih ihHNu bjiwMy U fur jit uuimwi n m uiMHUimuit. IWfWK III IWIVKIIllull WM iHVWN 0' tlw hcnbrupi r, Tllll I'lnimlr- rHilHl ini iH niul . In. i. M.Ui' IHI Ur IftMttMl UMM MMiil ill thNta iflUriMi with IN MWMltM DM HaiHilW IMfHUlH II WM WWW II UMIl iiMiv)l w?mlw w uin' rwis, aiiaiiro uiui nuuiw lltti dl. iii lY 1N, u. w. .mi mil) It) MM auMMMtM Wf W 1MB, MMlh, tmu n4M in urn iwi jgggra mm in iu irttuwui uf kh tnmximuiitiuuMiwii 11 wi r M UlU M iMfMkll f tttf MMMtUMi l Urn jg"V4f"'""' jb liMMlWN iutiyMa m IHWU UttUUfliu ii 4Mn iljv buj um, u u Uitfiimitow mm wmm in. ii. t Wmm m wmfmm riirnrir tt mir rfflwwiimi "Fit iff m.wmummm BiitfiL fiMIi i". warn Tjk mm&m mu ffSft Ih SSi, iL utm aTwSm HHihi, IMS lUuMHlM ouH HI lift IIMIW Urn MJM To, wni Itf BMlWtfHlMftMlK mmSSwS ItWii t r X HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY , AUGUST 23, 1904 SEMI-WEEKL- Y. ,..,.. ...4 . .,., .....,. S ..,,., Democrats ratify AH IS HILO WILL WELCOME I CHAS. BREWER & CO'S. m NEW YORK LINE PARKER AND DAVIS Bark Xtuiamt sailing from CONVENTION DELEGATES New York to Honolulu about BUT BOOM IAUKEA IN TROUBLE Nov. isth. FRriGHT TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES. For Freight Rates npply to i i CHAS. BREWER & CO., Attorney Kinney Vouches For Him and Weeps 27 Kllhy St., Boston, With Or C. & CO., Got Away Board of Trade Takes Up Hotel Matter First BREWER Ltet, with Hawaiians for Political Humiliations They Honolulu. Jap Friend's District Organization and Platform Dr. Have Had Prom Annexation Haoles. Plan. Clothes. Grace's Hospital Uoii-B- Fife Co expected (From Sunday's AdvcrtlFer) vns an officeholder or to be luce greeted the one, could be ii Republican. Not a very large houe Republican party done Orpheum "Whnt has the Detective Arthur McDuflle ndd"d an- ap- Democratic spellbinders nt the Coke. The undersigned having been for this Territory?" asked bit of clever detective work to his Aug. 10 Republican Dis- nutlmrl.Hil to see outside support last night when the St. Ixmlt people other HILO, The what pointed agents of the above company There "Nothing," he answered. If the already long record night when he of Represen- could he secured. Is believed the choice was ratified. the last trict Committee the Tlrst It trans- are prepared to Insure risks against of Republicans were satisfied with affairs, vote completed the chain of evidence which District on Saturday effected portation companies running out of Hllo, was n fair sprinkling spenker tative last Ore Republl-cn- n Republican ticket. The will probably make Ah Kal, an follows: W. nnd nearly all of the plantation people on Stone and Brick Buildings and present. The speaker told of In permanent organization as on Dcmocintlc virtue thought things were getting as bad Chinaman, the guest of the II. Ueers, chalrmnn, John McGulre, vice lu the vicinity of Hllo will subscribe Merchandise stored therein on the shortcoming, fn He nost favorable terms. particulars of Inukea. Cor- Hawaii as the United States. Territory nt Its palatial stone hotel on chairman, R. A. Lman, Jr., secietary; liber illy to the stock. It Is proposed For and of the attributes drew picture of calamity creeping ipply at the office of bribery were charged to the a IwIIei road for some time to tome. In Chas . Slemsen, treasurer, and D. o, to secure entirely capital nnd ruption and was be- llnnd F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., acnnt seats In the au- over the United State". It spite of his meek appearance It Is evi- T. L Cook, O. W. Rose, Win. distribute the shares so as to make the Agt. Republicans, the coming terrible, he said, and words, he by Iaukea to been dent thnt Ah Kal is a slick one, but the Todd, G. V. Jaklns, H. Patton, Chas. hotel a concern satls-facto- ty dience were said hae said, hardly fitted the conditions. The It the result of Republican chlcnnery nnd detective was one too many for him nnd Mattoon, Jos Prltchnid, Albeit Horner, arrangements cannot be made North cmploj incut. Republicans had done nothing for Ha- he fell. German Marine Insur'ce Co. of discharge from y and M. Kulkahl, membots ot the execu- with Spreekels with a view of leasing threats waii. There Is a general Inck of pios-perlt- Inukea personally vns Inuded by Mr. It seems thnt Ah Kal wns well ac- tive committee with the chairman and the present hotel property, the plan Is OF BERLIN. n man absolutely above here. quainted with the Japanese cook em- secretary. on Kinney as being the wings of to build some sultnble location, for whose financial In- "Prosperity has taken ployed nt Judge Perry's place at 1C8 Fortuna General Insurance Co. reproach nnd one dug Itself Into the earth," The following resolutions, submitted which three sites hnve already been the wind and School street and last week went up by G. question tegrity could not be attacked. was his metaphor. r. Affonso from the committee on offered. The of details nnd OF BERLIN. Invoked the dllne to the Perry plncc to spend the even- plntform, were adopted. management have not been considered, Rev. Mr. Tlmoteo Mr. Coke said the Republicans want blcfclng. A hush fell over the audi- ing with his friend. While there a sug- but It Is understood the rlnht man can at Its conclu- ed clean politics, but he advised the gestion wns made that they go down Re It resolved, That the Delegates to The above Insurance Companies have ence, nnd lnte coiners, not to believe such tales. the Committee of be readily secured. Architect Richie certnln whether the Hawaiians town nnd thereupon the two set out. Dlstiict the First pro- eetabllshed a general agency here, and sion, were not here, held Re Repiesentatlve of the Terrltoiy has alieady made drawings of a should be npplauded. The last election under The Japanese had proceeded as far as Dlstiict posed hotel building, to be locnted on the undersigned, general agents, are speaker publican was clean, of Hawaii, Convention nssembled, be- sprung a sur- auspices, not but Kukul and Nuuanu streets when he lu beau- authorized to take risks against the Then Chairman Turrlll lieving In policies Reed's Island, which contemplate disappeared Into the wings dishonest. turned to speak to his friend nnd to his the traditions and of grounds dangers of the seat at the most reason- prise. He by a Republican Inspec- the Republican partv, heiebj announce tiful nnd dilveway through able reappeared a moment later with a, "I was told astonishment found that he hod dis- Riverside Park. rates and on the most favorable and tor of election In the county election our unsweivlng allegiance to Its pilu-clpl- es terms. chromo picture of Parker Introducing appeared. Instantly he became sus- ITEMS. next thnt In their precinct In Honolulu they picious to the and shall uphold the constitution F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., the canvas with the remnik. "Our of trouble nnd returned uphold sup- The man Inge of Miss Emelfn Aknu to ' applause. had voted forty dead men and men who ns possible. When ho of the same and shall and General Agents. President' nnd drew feeble house fast as port Republican nominees, Ernest H. Austin wns solemnbed Tues- audi- had removed from the Islands." he found that nil the all regular Mr. Turrlll then addressed the arrived there striving to do whatevei else may be day night nt the bomeof the bride's so winpt up In his MARSHAL NRY WANTED. clothes he possessed, live suits, had "by ence and bee line nec""-sar- y perpetuate within Ter- paients, nt Walnnku, 1'ev. S. L. General Insurance Co. - he nt once his sus- to oui lor Sea, eloquence that he did not notice that "Marshal Nev" was called for by lau- and fled government of people, for Desha. The bride Is one of the most begun to Interpret hl speak, picions on Ah Kal. Detective McDuflle ritory "a the River and Land Transport I'red Weed had kea to but Turrlll announced that the people the people." atli active nnd popular of Hawnllnn when he dependent of general was put upon the case and has been at and hi lemnrks Into Hnwalian. the the famous of Resolved, That we heat illy endorse belles, and the gloom Is manager of W. of Dresden. n of Inteirup-tlo- n Napoleon a Republican work nt the dllllcult task ot fixing the awoke to realization the was and had the Theodote Roose- C. Peacock it Co. and wns dlscov- - crime on the man. admlnlsttatlon of Having established on agency at Ho- he watd Weed nlde also left the Islands. It velt, of the United States, and Wise & Ross, law vers, have dissolved to the Republicans In however, It wns Hnwalian There were several things that seem- Piesldent nolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, the lambast .oietl, that a of George R Caiter, Gov et nor of the paitnershlp. ns follows: named Nel who was wanted. The gen- ed to give Ah Kal a bad reputation, but undersigned general agents are authori- part Tenltory of Hawaii, and heieby make About four o'clock Sunday moinlng, zed to take risks against audience In his It was almost Impossible to bring any 111 the dangers to ratify the nomination ot tleman addiessed the special mention of the lecently file was discovered the Honohinn of We meet native tongue. direct proof. Before he was employed stand the sea at the most reasonable rates winner, Alton B Pniker One week by Actlng-Govein- or A. L. C. At- plantation store, nnd befoie the llames and on thp the Mr. gave press a verse at the Perry place the Japanese cook taken most favorable terms. ago Republicans met here and to Coke then the for on behalf of citizen could be extinguished a hole was buint A. the composed, which had had been at work on the Wnlpahu plan- kinson and labor F. SCHAEFER & CC keep courage up spoke of har- he hnd but he on public works. In the loof. There had been no one In Agents for their forgotten to Quote. verse was as tation and when ho came to town of the Hawaiian Islands. mony nnd unit j, and In pinlse of The Resolved, That we Individually and the building since Saturday evening. follows: course the Chinese cooks of the city One bundled dollais will cover the dam- Ilooeelt were reudy country collectively shall use our Influence for Republican primary to welcome their ages. Harmony In a Slc little delegates cousin, for It Is well known that nnd support only those who favor clean no longer does lllrbe lilt T. McCants In To Chicago blew, politics and faultless admlnlsttatlon, Postmaster Madeira wns successful In "Rubes" generally entry a sack of coin a shipment of alligator pears on the last "The the cje with hen fruit They went to the Republican with them which looks good to city and shall use everv effoit to maintain Now pieclnct with fifty the trip of the steamer Enterprise. Hereto- Unity n convention and now sharper. As fate would have It this the standard ot harmony now existing Republican otes can cast 230 otes at There are two. within the Republican party tanks. fore poor luck has resulted In shipping particular countrjmnn took n room near pears, a Republican primary au- Resolved. That we me unalteiably but Mr. Madelia packed the fruit Overland Frank Harvey then addressed the that occupied by the subtle nnd design In eggs, In The Democrats will have a conven- dience In In favor of county government In Its crates like and they nrrlved Hawaiian. ing Ah Kal and when one day the Jap splendid condition nt San rrnnclsco. tion and light It out, nnd back the anese ten his clothes fullest sense and shall advocate and gets nomination. IAUKEA WEARS A HALO. lost dollnrs fiom The Sinclair party from the yacht man that the while out buying n duck for suppet, he work for the adoption of a plank In the Limited" Already a tidal wne la forming nt As the meeting had been opened by platform of the Republican party of the Lurllne were enteitalned by Mrs. S. C. sweep prnver, Chairman Turrlll said the ben- nccused Ah Knl for the theft. Nothing RIdgway and sons at Puueo Wednesday the Cult of Mcleo which will proved, app uent-- Territory ot Hawaii committing and pronounced by A. could be however, and s, evening. up the Mississippi Valley and along ediction would be W. binding oui parly, through Its lepiesen-tative- HLBCTRIC HQHTBP poll-tic- s. ly they good friends again. rMng higher nnd Kinney, who spoke on practical became legis- A. H. Jackson leaves this morning for the Atlantic coast, After working on the case several to enact nil the necessaiy higher, picking up the emptv dinner "Who shall we put up ns Dele- lation therefor, to take effect at the a visit of four or five months In the gate?" he asked. He went on to sny dajs McDuflle concluded that It wns states. He expects to In St. Louis palls, until It thunders against the y earliest possible moment. And be It take that the Democratic party Is now in time to take an open step nnd jester-da- Talr before his return. northern boundarj, l'aikei. We have wns Resolved, That we shall nominate, delegates with most noisy the vi ay of being permanently organ- afternoon the Chinese arrested Mr. Chas. Lucas and three daughters that sat the and held for Investigation. Last night woik, and vote for only such candidates, and turbulent body of men thnt ever ized In the Territory, but to be so the for scnalois and lepresentatlves, whose of Honolulu, who has been visiting Mr. California Democrats would have to come In nnd the detective gave him a thoiough and Mis. Shlpman, return to their home nbsembled on the face ot the enrth. con- views oie known to be inevocablj In vote the tickets stinlght. He said thnt sweating with the lesult that he County today. charges bribery. fessed the whole alTalr and volunteered favor nnd pledged for uch To the HAST via got fut-th- iaukha sometimes a name on the ticket Government legislation. And be It er Dr. John Grace has made an offer to Introduced Curtis and a voter felt justified In scratching to show wheie he had hidden the stolen the trustees of the Hllo hospital, that The chairman then hid- w clothes. Foui of the he had Inukea, who spoke In moving tones, .It because the ownci of It was un-- suits we the policy he will run the Institution on his own den In the bushes on the Gwa side of Resolved. That endoise The Union Pacific his volie filled with to sway the 01 thy. Kalanlana-ol- e nccount provided the Government allow tenis Nuuanu School street and outlined bj the Hon. Jonnh Hawaiian portion of the audience. He "The time when a man Is Justified In stieam neni (Prince Cupid) and lecommend his a subsidy of $250 a month. In return one coat had been tin list undei n Chi- ei spoke In part as follows: voting the ticket straight Is the time nnd to thnt end we the Government will be allowed an nv-- 'when his party Is being organized. nese house tin the Waiklkl side fnrthei age of five beds, not exceeding ten nt -- we foiget, pledge oui suppoit. "Fellow rltlzens, lest ve is the time man down stieam. The clothes, described one time. Considerable lepalrs lately This Train Is really a wel- That when a should Tinve a duty to peifnun, foi the not be hvpociltleal about the men on by the Jnpine-- as his best, did not PREPARING TOR CONVENTION. done have made the appropiiation for fare of the Demon atlc paitj here Is "Sunday-go-to-meetln- First-Cla- ss the ticket. have the appearance of Young Men's Republican Club Is the hospital short, so that It will have Modern Hotel fn our hands Let us have unity, suits, they nre good 'Ihe "I line come to the conclusion that but cons.derlng the question of the elite! -- to close unless some new arrangement thrust our differences aside, and march enough to put Ah Kal In danger of a Sep- , Cuitls P Iaukea Is the stinngest can- ot the delegates to Tenl-torl- al be made. Dr. Grace will leave on wltn Handsome t the battle to vwench fiom the hand? term on reef larceny. talument the Parlors, Drawing didate the Democratic partj can put the for Convention while they In III-l- o. tember 23 for London to take a special of the administration the power that -t- - aie Rooms, Bed Chambers, up lie will poll more votes than any September 1, couise In electric therapeutics at Bar- Boudoirs, the hold there through couuptlon and The convention meets othei man available In the party. Just ATTACKS Or COLIC, cholera mor- nnd theie is a genetat deslte that the tholomew hospital, but Dr. Archer Ir- Smoking and Reading Rooms, bribery! In 1 propo- shoit while ago was on the floor of bus, piins In stomach, dvsentery shall In the city long-- ei win will carry out the hospital "Let me remind you thnt for every the delegites lemaln Barber Shops, Bath Rooms (hot the Demociatlc convention oppostd come on suddenlj so than one day It Is pioposed to give sition In his absence If It be accepted. and vacant seat heie tonight Is the seat pollcv nnd illaiihota and -- -. tooth and nail to the that was often prove fatal before a phvslcian tho-.- delegates who attend such a loyal cold water), superbly appointed Dli-l- ng thnt Is being made vacant by that very being adhered to by ot nre work- Iaukea, that can be summoned, thnt a icltablo welcome that they will wish to hold the Rooms, - action. The Demociats that supporting Hearst I had been looking glitterln with Mirrors, Cut ing on the roads today have been noti- remedy should nlways be Kept at hand. convention here again net time. Theie mound then for some othei candidate suggeestlons Glass, Fragrant Flowers, fied that If they pi here to- Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar- have been vailous made Electric Can- weie cent to see If theie was any other cnndl- - camp meet- night they would get their walking tic- rhoea Remedy has no eo.ua! as a cure foi a mammoth luau, n lire delabra, etc.; Promenades, who would poll more votes, and open meeting. A Observation kets on Monday morning! for these ailments. It never falls to ing and an all mass Idate I was on Hawaii recently, wheie consisting D. Lewis, Rooms, Electric Lights, Dem-crat- lc give prompt relief even In the most committee of Jns. L BE Electric Fans, "Gentlemen, lemember that the Inukea Is far better known party does not descend to such than severe cases. It Is pleasant to take S. L. Desha and Chas. Akau has Been Telephones, Electric Reading Lamps, nnvbody else, I became convinced piop-osltlo- dirty practices. We want a clean, that and every household should have n appointed to consider the vailous low. i he was the strongest candidate, and I Perfect Heat, eta fair light to get our lights. We need bottle nt hand. Get It todny. It may nnd mnke a report at the net j will now give him m heaitv support. Tenders for the new Walluku Jail poll-tic- legutar meeting of the organization. not descend to the gutteis to do s. save a life. For sale by Benson. Smith were opened In Ho- In othei woids, we can have differ Tlie Hllo Hoard of has taken up and Tire Station There Is no glory In winning n & Co., Wholesale Agents. Trade nolulu August 12. 4 ences as to pollc but when It comes the question of hotel accommodations, fight obtained In way. --H nolulu August 12. who RUNS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR thu down to business man aup-po- it r. H. Jordnn to bring It eveiy must and wheie delegates cannot be accom- "Fellow citizens, nearer the patty without considering his Mr. and Mis. M. C. Oldlng of Nova Is now building the school house was home to us, whnt has the Republican modated In the various hosteliles and being own views. Scotia, who have been on a long visit boarding houses, ptlvate citizens have the lowest bidder, his ilgures party to boast of, what has that party to son, Mnnnger D. H. Oldlng $10,313 the stucco Full Information Cheerfully Furnished "I sny this because foreigners In our their ot been called upon to give entertainment without ornnments done? Gentlemen, we are witnesses have talked of some Kohnla Sugar Co, are In town to leave and $10,943 with them. His time al- on Application to tonight, we who ranks getting one to one or more of the Visiting dele- here attended the out of the business community, and I for home In the Sleira. gates. lowance for constructing was also the Democratic convention nt St. Louis wns taken with thnt Idea mjself, but f f ... shortest, 90 days. S.F. booth, that the Democratic paity was the my Judgment HOTEL PROJECT. On account of the bids being bo is now the other way. haole-hate- r. My Idea Is that Is General Agent. only one to recognize Hawaii's full Such that The Hllo Hoard of Tiade has decided much higher than the npproprlatlon, a candidate would not be known one of the leasti.of the chaiges can ! representative vote. No question was that to tnke up the matter of a hotel In Hllo. $S,000, the Superintendent of Public Montgomery St., San Francisco In other districts, wheie Inuken's. nnme be brought agnlnst candi- raised of our right. The Republican w a Hnwalian The Uoird of Trade will be the promo- Wotks will hnve new plans and speci- very is ell know n date. I never feel hostile townids any . . on . . delegates laboied on this floor l ters of the project, which Insures the fications made up which will call for "I want to bay this about Iaukea. In haole- last week to explain the nctlon of their Hawaiian when I hear one called a success of the enteiorlse. The capital n shell ot a building composed of walls, the midst of newspaper a -hater. E, L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. talk man's means Ha- 0, own convention In endeavoilng to de- It this: That stock of compnnv was lived roof, iloor nnd windows, no con-cie- te .best lecord Is sometimes lost sight of. grievous the at but prive I waiians hnvo hnd to cany In- Omaha, Hawaii of Its representation. While the Is the shares to be dlstilbuted among outside finish or finish In the Neb. "When Governor ot Advertiser talking ngalnst buidens, humiliating for them. There the this tertltory Inuken we mny be Inclined to lose sight the business men nnd members of the tel lor, nnd new bids asked, This the stnnds and places respontlblll-t- y Is not one of us but would have felt here the of his leal standing In the community. Hoard. E N Holmes, president of the superintendent believes will answer of thnt act upon of the humiliation to the core to have - ther npproprlatlon can be had from the chairman I want to say this. I In utili- board, and II Vicars, secretaiy, were the purpose, until such time ns a fur- the committee, he tried to avoid believe passed through what they have When the legislature to complete, the build- has sing u meeting of this kind for busi- the responsibility of saving that It n man feels hurt nnd uses somo lan- ing ns originally Intended. Maul ness I believe that the foreign voters guage should have rested with the Hawaiian rellectlng upon the domination HILO-KOHAL- News. delegation " In this cltj should vote the Demecrn- - of the white rnce, who Is to blame? A RAILROAD tic ticket. I would have liked to get 1 In his Inuken re- remember two of the grandest men Hawaiian address some mnn the business commun- HOWARD'S COSTLY CORONATION. ferred feelingly to WHcov. and nlso fiom Hawaii ever produced, had that repu- to ity, but I am now we Ills widow who In a box convinced are tation Plllpo and Jos Nawahl but HOLD MEETING Tho cost of the coronntion of King sat I wiong In that matter. OFFICERS MAN ON HORSEBACK". thev woie esteemed by all, both Ha- Hdw'nrd VII., details of which were re- "Mr Inukea has occupied positions waiian nnd hnnle. cently published, establishes n record Maul, dele- of high J. L Coke of one of the tiust In a tlimnciu! way as "I say to every foreigner It Is the for modern times. It wns considered, gates from Hawaii to St. Louis, re- well as In nl other wnjr. He was mngnnnlinous pin t of the Anglo-Savo- n until yesterday, n lordly and magnifi- ferred to himself as the "Democratic of Customs for two enrs, lace to pa no attention to It. New Railroad Proposed for Big Island From cent thing for the subjects of Oeorge man on horseback" because he iodo and I never heard the first wonl of t" P. Iaukea was the solo winner In IV to spend jC23S,000 ln putting a crown hoiBcback from Haua, tluough the complaint ngalnst htm. He handled county fight, was Is A on IiIk King sub- Jungles the election and It Hilo to Hamakua "Go," But Actual bend, but ndwnrd's of Nnhlku, etc., to Mnnluea millions of money. The business com- the buslne's men who elected him to jects hnve eclipsed their !al8hneH8 by Hay to get a to come to Hono- munity of-l- lc steamei ate more eultlvt to that the nlllco of nssesvor. Work Will Not Begin Yet. 121,000. Wllllnin IV nnd Queen Ade- lulu to nddrcxa the meeting. Mr Coke any public nntn-gonlzl- than otlur olllce. He Who has ever heard of Inuken laide were content with a modest 0, the Domociutk In sild that pait) the served faithfully nnd acceptably. For the business Inteiests of this It Ih not easy to understand In 1'nltnl was the bout filund the sewn juiim " Hint's he cimti oiled the iccelplM iomnuinlt if In periods of unuer he what King IMwiml's J3S9.000 wns sunk, native Hawaiian hud Then nun not and of illbuienicnu the Crown Linda has "pohen ihe bltlernem of 111 henrt 1'ock of llll.i is In Honolulu vmiiIs will piobably not bo commenced not ho easy, nt lenst, ns In the cane of u brttir duhiHHtloii at Ht UiuU than whmu he lmd to Iminlli imniirmU of It Is iirwitlH'lt'M the manly thing for Hllo-Kolut- yet, Clt'oge IV n munpttioiu record of the Hullon Mnt from lluwull, thminMiuW of dnliHii, on hiiHliinHH connected vWili tho ln for somu time ouing to the desire di From tirl to iih to rum mil vole for him. and no wlioco coronntion proved loo costly to Hi uiiirlMM) Unit dipMul la lilt) hut I lime tins n Intimation nf thw HUivejorn to niiiko tho proponed lui' from th Mit mlliuMil, iintniding it Iumii!h con-min- 1, iifi bn ltiiibllcan 'hould llnUh. The iwit which did nppenr Jt"'iil. .lit lUMVulltloil liuil ld MulMt lb-- niminlnl integrity of t. ), vuiHh NHNtnm him, rniiio Htialuhtur and to go tlmmuh cer-lai- n H I.' urn iiimiIIiik of the mile mi HttumUy Koviit)"ihr'i colored ilrnwIiiKu, laiivmilliin win nly, Tlutl lftuHn, II h aitmlnirt) tniDU In If l tu b whiuv it will not Intorfiuv i I lnukn mii enntlluiit let wilon "flnUhixl llfci I'liiuiu'lw, on velvet mid V III. tfuVMUrim llumMiitl pHll isjuri bo It lor dol- uunii ytry u bark nun lu vr way .s)Lil It'll V, Willi IMII KfttWllW. , wliltw yfllin," Ifcich. (0 ) portrait cont i mull iii, i i.m uo tin-- b'llvtil lb lar Kut ih (hii'lo of n auifiieiun Hlihnui Ur. IVvk UM Ui NMrvsyum mh)4 I Kiilnwm. 1" " uihm 111 Dm lai him. Kuhln on ' rrv ihl 'I'lm ii """ wconllng to Mr, touirol will! ir run Th IfcmiM'iau MMM! abiil " i i i Mm m 11111 at wurk mi id mm, IiI.mhii.'Ii ii. ui. u4iii thi aw nut Hjubliin ii. it i Notlwy on in miiilutat. In Dm (ulbiMiJnd.a imtMtJ IVbK, lb irllmiiur' 4Him 111 I Mi.itii, ih, HvpuUlli ti luMllMNll RmI UuIuni hui lining tiruM-- i' tlttMlH ( UI A iHiillr titmh niiwiix mv ml n n llMM and m ik Dmiw IH H)HlillM putty bur . tiiw MM iwmmi. fH tor k MMM In tlut HalUtiH. ii it 1. 1 man fumi Wlltty, i(wll tt t tt kv MffHtty lit ItMl w in di i Munir ii i VMHtfellMMI m Mill to alHMNl lt WMlito le ic n dtit vtwn tb ut )m liauHbl muwmi wtkvr r"r ' . . naii! ut rl Umm kr Unit HUMv t IBM ! t Ml I ii to tnrillD tttrt by i M In i TWU MMtNMKk. WMW WIN ) tilt t IM '" i . ttn ini NMhf ihti Ifclf H lrtv Mlliat Vtffc tt fMMIWMMI Infill tt iuf III. HII WU p4 ii waif i M MM dgMl I H" m4 Ife MMp MMwt mm 14 ina Htm , ttl lilill liA4 tfiiA kAMI mmgMA uu & fttjiAa MHikm ihtr u'"" " tit VMM WiA iMW 1 I IS kmuhm, it 1 MM)W W lh ' " KS $m mm jy Jtt-- J (l Ihg lU.TJgWj HaiftiM thai lattkwi am in llBliHiiflilalli lilamilmHatiimi 1 flpff WKr fmi Vw fHT S tf jl. """ ' nnmi i mmm, ( PiWJHK. i &m ii fetf m H mi ii wffsf lutlwBiJt tnriMi MMliffMrnrnW h' A HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY , AUGUST 23, 1904 SEMI-WEEKL- Y.

' ".i-- REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. TnT? IMPERIAL LIME ' 7 Kntored for Itecord Aug. IS, 1001. NEWS 99 Pare, E Colt Hobron nnil wf to OtforRe It COMMERCIAL SORE HANDS Drullarrt D n Hmloli)i llntmlng by ntty to No- BY DANIEL LOGAN. 11m heat Lime and in the T Tery tice . Notice Red, Rough Hands, Itching beat containers. Walnlun Agrctl Co Ltd to Woiir MiiK 0OOOOOOOOOOO00OOb00O0O0OO00 Chow I' Perhaps it is less apt to be true "No news is good news," an old saw rocs. Burning Palms , Lnml & Imp Co Ltd to Jon-qul- m and Painful Pnlolo things. Yet been long Mnchmlo ,...D when applied to business than to other when there has a In Lots to Suit. Jo.in.ulm Mnchndo nnd wf to Pioneer period of events charged with more of gloom than of cheer, a lull of incident Finger Ends IJlK & Lonn Asuc M ' may be taken cither as slack water or a smooth How of the returning tide. With Low Prices. A1mitsi l.v rvii,-,,- m Vlntnrln le-- lnirt inactivity in transactions of a kind to judge the financial situation Wurd . .1 DJ marked local ONE NIGHT Auknl (w) to D Paul It Isenberg L by, the past week has also been characterized by an absence of anything disquieting. TREATMENT Giovanni A Long nnd wf to Tra of Cane sugar has held at New York to the 4.55 cents noted in this column last CALIFORNIA FEED Co. D Soak Est S C Allen ,... week, with beet latterly shading but faintly down. In San Francisco Hawaiian the hands on retiring: in a strong, hot, Entered for Record Aug. 19, 1901. AGENTS. sugar stocks have taken some decided jumps, Jrom one day to another, no doubt creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, Henry Knhnnwinul and wf to Allen under the impulse of the increased prjee of sugar. The response that might be Herbert Adtl M and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the is come. There was but one sale recorded on the great A IC Aona by High Sheriff to J W expected in Hawaii yet to skin cure and purest of emollients. Akana Tr Sher D Honolulu exchange this week 55 shares of Ewa at ?jo (par). As this stock Wear, during CASTLE & COOKE CO., Lo Geo Andrews by atty to Demosthenes lately sold below par, the sale here noted may be taken as a straw showing which the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger HONOLULU. Lycurgus Rel way the wind blows. Dividends were announced on Monday as follows: Oahu Mary C by mtgee to ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For Bertlemann Railway & Co., per Oahu Sugar Co., per cent.; Mutual Tele- Jnmes E Fullerton Fore Affdt Land cent.; red, rough, chapped hands, dry, Commission Merchant Wang How to Wong Sting CM phone Co., 2 per cent. fissured, itching, W Akl to Hutchinson S Plnntn Co. .CM PASSING COMMENT. feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful AV Cnmp.ltel' Charles Booth to Cnlvln E Strong complaints arc heard against what is alleged to be very prevalent SUftAJi 1TACTOK8. Charles W Booth and wf to Calvin linger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful. E Cnmp D "knocking" of the country on the part of some residents in their intercourse with AGENTS FOR C W Booth and wf to Will E Fisher.. D strangers. According to accounts, some people coming here fith an eye to in Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap The Ewa Plantation Company. Exclusively, Will E Fisher to Bank of Hnwnll vesting money and some looking for land to cultivate have been driven away by for prcecrvlnp, purifying, nnd bcauUfTliu tho Bkta, for clcunslnir tho Benin of The Walolua Agricultural Co., Ltd. crusta, Bcales, ami ilawlratr, ami failing Ltd M the "knockers." One of Honolulu's most active business men has expressed the tho stopping of hair, for softening, whltonlnir, ami The Kohala Cugar Company. noothlng red, rough, nnd soro hands. In tho form of baths for annoying irritations, lnflam. he Waimea Sugar Mill Company. wish that the Advertiser would deal with these "scandal-mongers,- " as he named maUons, and chnflnifs, or too freo or olfcnulvo perspiration, In U10 form of wnthes for Recorded Aug. 9, 1901. ulcerative wenkiuwca, and for many sanattvo he Fulton Iron Works. St. Louis, Ho. the class in question. He went on to say in effect: "These people talk about nnllseptlo purposes which rcnillly surest W Kelllkoa wf Ane K Koo-mo-n themselves to women, ami especially mothers, ami for all tho purposes tho The Star.datxl Oil Company. J and to nursery, of toilet, liath. The George Pumps. (Mrs); D: lnt In Est of Ipunul (k) others as not being able to meet their interest accounts and take pains to draw and ho amount of persuasion can Imluco those who liavo onco used it to uscany F. Blake Eteam other, especially (or preserving nnd purifying tho Centrifugals. dec, ICnllun, N Konn, Hawaii; $10. B attention to every foreclosure announced. This sort of thing tends to destroy all sVln. scalp, nnd lialr of Infanta nnj Weston't children. Cuticuiia Soap combines dcllcato emollient properties derived from The New England Mutual Life Insur- 2G1, p 323. Dated July IS, 1901. business. It is a crying shame. Nine times out of ten these scandal-monger- s arc tho groat sUn cure, with the purest of cleansing InRrcillcntsnml tho most refresh, ance Company, of Boston. Wong Hong to Wing Wo Tal & lngof flower odours. No other mtdlcatnl soap ever compounded la to bo compared with It Tr men drawing good salaries, who are not affected, in the slightest degree by the for preserving, purifying, ami beautifying The Aetna Fire Insurance Company, Co; D; pes lnnd. Heela, Koolaupoko, tho skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No oUicr things they are talking about. There is no occasion for such running down of forolgn or domestlo toiltt soap, however ezpcnslvo, Is to lio compared with It for all of Hartford, Conn. $300. 2JS, p 29S. 2C, . tho Oaliu; B Dated July purposes of tho toilet, bath, nuil turnery. Thus It combines In O.M-- SOAfntOsn Pkick The Alliance Assurance Company, of the country. We are shipping twice as much sugar as in former years when there ...... - , . ISO!.' . tuuiibai-iuiivtum- i - ... .. wu.HVvi.,a.iuii evi, ni.3i- uauy eoapin 1110 world. London. were good times and twice as much money is coming into the country." John K U Kunnna to A C Dowsett; JwT'.,?."?to, Jr.?0'"0' nnd Intornal Trontmont for Every Humour. Mo-lok- would-b- e mainland, it D; It P 2320 kul 4S0I, Kelu, Wnilau, Talking about the repelling of white settlers from the ffii r. f ",f,VuT SIM'SoAl '" ck'!ll"e lh0 sM "f f "'"I scales soften tho $100. B 23S, p 29S. Dated Aug 8, is submitted that there is a conspicuous lack in the "promotion" work nn " INSURANCE. To .v "v co' ni" ": ,,l0'1- - A list. Depot: it. 1904. so liberally supported by our merchants. Reference is to the need of a specialized mi i., byiinor. . s. V. Su. African Depot: ''l'""'I.kmno.n Ltd., Capo Town. Young Hun to Young Qui; PA; gen- branch ot the work, charge ot a or an auxiliary oiircau, 10 inue eral powers. B 2C5, p 102. Dated Apr in applications for land for settlement whether made in person or by Tbeo. H. DaYies & Go. C, 1904. care of all Horita (k) to L Chong; BS; 1 share mail. Such a branch should operate in conjunction and harmony with the Public (Limited.) lnt cane crop In Fukui Cane Co, 1 Lands Department. Its directors should meet after farming lands DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S share In cane crop In Kuineda Cane with the hand of welcome and have a fund at disposal to pay for personally con- FOR FIRE, LIFE ANE Co, enne crops In Nos 1, 2 nnd 3, Vood UENTS lands. With such a system in good working Valley; $700. .B 203, p 104. 'Dated July ducted examinations of available 1 MARINE INSURANCE. mischief-maker- 23, 1904. order, we should not hear of laud-seeke- being scared away by s CHLORODYNE. Children of Clarissa E Cununlngs by before obtaining even a smell of the soil. True, as lately recorded in the Adver- Tr to Hop Wo In Co; L; lnt In 5 pes tiser, the Hawaii Promotion Committee has' trade an excellent move for obtaining ORIGINAL AND ONLY OENUINE. land, Knllhl, Honolulu, Oaliu; G yrs C Assurance Companj, is well-lmovr- i Northern exact information to impart to inquirers for land. Yet something more re OAiniNAL AND Each oi n $400 per yr. B 23", p 423. Dated July 1, Jiottlo this llomcily for OF LONDON, FOR FIRE AND 1904. quired than schedules of information. LIFE. Established 1836. Chun Hung to Look Tung Hlng Co; An interesting event of the week was the annual meeting of the Chamber of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Accumulated Funds .... 3.975.000. BS; leasehold, bUlg". goods, ii.dse, etc, Commerce, coinciding with the coming of age twenty-on- e years of that in K Beretanla nnd Alnpai Sts, Honolulu, fluential body. The address of the retiring president, C. M. Cooke, showed in Bronchitis, Oahti; $S00. B 2G3, p 103. Dated July compact form a great deal of good work accomplished for the common welfare Neuralgia, Toothache, and Marine Ins, C( 13, 1904. British Foreign in the past year. Out of an expenditure from the Chamber's treasury of nearly Co Ltd to Waterhouse Investment of $12,000 went to the Hawaii Promotion Committee. Diarrhoea, Spasms, OF LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE. Mncfurlane Co Ltd; L; one bldg $13,000, the sum etc, 1,000,00(1 meeting was of the Merchants' Association, at which Capital and one bldg. Queen St, Hono- Another important that benra on the Government, Stnniji tho niinio of tho Inventor lulu, Oaliu; 3 yrs jf $150 per nion. B the agitation for justice to the Territory of Hawaii in the matter of Federal ex- Reduction of Rates. 237, p 423. Dated July 2S, 1904. penditures was given definite shape in a masterly way. It would indeed appear that i,3 Payment ot Clalma. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. Immediate Jas H Boyd nnd wf to Harry E Pick- the whole business community is now. quite awake to the fact that, in the Ter- 99S, Numerous TcatiinoninlB from Eminent Physioinns er; M; por kul Kuaklna St Extn, ritory's relations to the Union, our people must press their just suit for them- Honolulu, Oahu; $530. B 239, p 34G. Dat- onch bottlo. CO--L- selves. The Association's efforts to secure a reduction of steamship fares between ffHEO. H. DAVIES. Jl ife ed Aug 2, 1904. ONLY OENUIME noteworthy. Sold in Bottles. UU4, 2 9, 46, by all Chemists. Recorded Aug. 10, 1901. here and San Francisco arc also AGENTa of Agriculture Sole Manufacturers, Davenport. Limited. London Wong Feart nnd wf to Low June; D; The arrival and settling down to his duties with the Board t. lnt In real, personal property of Ong Wo and Forestry, of the cminentcntomologist late of California, Alexander Craw, Chong Co, Walluakal, Llhue, Kaunl; as head of, the campaign against agricultural pests, is an incident of first impor-trnc- e. & $2000. B 2C1, p 324. Dated July 1, 1904. There is probably no otier matter of more moment to the welfare of the Castle Cooke, T Omorl et als to Hutchinson Sug Territory than . Co; CM; cane, etc, In Agrint; ED.- - Plnntn LlMIl $1932.51 nnd advs to $2000. B 259, p 349. GENERAL NOTES. Dated July 7, 1904. R. T. Guard, agent of the Matson Line, states that the returns from San HOST Alio mtgee Chong POPULAR Lnu by to Now Wnl Francisco are to the effect that the bananas now being exported from Ililo arc LIFE and FIRE Co; Fore Sale; lnt in 2 leaseholds, mills, the very best ever received in that market. The steamer Enterprise is specially crops, livestock, tools, etc, Mokuleln, decks for this traffic and can accom- Walnlun, Oaliu; $2230. B 2G3, p 10G. fitted with shelves and ventilators between INSURANCE Dated June 21, 1904. modate 10.000 bunches of bananas without interfering with her sugar cargo. On Bishop & Co to George Andrews; Rel; this month's trip the steamer took 5400 bunches, and it is expected that she will PUBLICATION por It P 21G7 kul S04 and Gr 3044, Bere-tanl- a have between 6000 and ;coo bunches on the September trip. A steady increase is AGENTS. . . St. Honolulu, Oaliu; $2500. B 23G, expected from month to month. In Olaa there is not less than 1000 acres at p 397. Dated Aug 10, 1901. present devoted to bananas. L K Kaulukou by atty to Wing Sing Ililo-Koha- AGENTS FOR Philip the Hilo banker, is in Honolulu to attend a meeting of the Lee Co; L; It P 53S4. Manoa, Honolulu, Peck, Oahu; 5 yrs $123 per annum. B 237, Railroad Co. A shed is being constructed in Hilo to shelter the steel rails Mi p 42S. Dated Aug G, 1904. brought by the ship Tillie E. Starbuck pending the work of track-layin- M Kapulanl and hsb (W P) The Hilo Hoard of Trade has taken hold of the matter of providing hotel ac- OF BOSTON, Christina to Hutchinson Sugar Plnntn Co; M; lnt commodation that has now been lacking for several years. 7G21 7715, Hilea-ik- l, In R P kul Kau, Foreclosure proceedings, with a petition for a receiver, have been entered Life Insurance Company Hnwnll; $100. B 239, p 333. Dated Aug En 10, 1904. against Hana Plantation Co., the mortgage debt being $150,000 and other debts OF HARTFORD. Mary Auld (widow) to Knla (w); D; of $400,000 being alleged. This incident is no result of present conditions, but lnt In Ap 1 It P 7221 kul 21G3, Kunawal, of the period of general depression which, it is hoped, has been passed, liana, Honolulu, Oahu; $1. B 25S, p 299. Dat- moreover, has had specific troubles. ed July 21, 1904. nothing of to in real estate. At foreclosure sales yes- THE is note record SUNDAY There Charles K Towt by Agt and Atty to of the S. C. Allen estate bought one-fift- h of an acre of laud John A Mngulie; D; pors Gr 3032, Ka-lao- a, terday the trustees $400. 25S, p at Palama for $1000, and L. L. McCandless bought nine acres at Makua, Waianae, The FunouB Toarlst Route of the X Konn, Hawaii; B World. 300. Dated Aug S, 1904. for $325. James C. Quinn has bought from Gtts Scliuman a house and lot at ki J F Hnckfeld Tr to Willard E Brown; for $1700. Among recorded transactions is a release by Ahko lo Pah On Rel; lots 2, 3 4, Iilk IS, Cyclo-mer- e In Connection TVlth the Canadian Par and leaseholds on Kauai buildings, mill, rice crops, etc., $10,000 and advances Steamship Tract, Honolulu, Oahu; $S73. B of two Australian Line the estate of the late W. Luther Tickets are Issued 259, p 331. Dated July 13, 1904. $30,000. The second great sale of property in Alfred Mngoon wf to Manuel Wilcox will be held at Morgan's auction room tomorrow. ADVERTISER To All Points in the United States J and Lulz; D; R Ps 242S and 573 and Aps 1 About $40,000 of fire claims money has been almost all released from deposit Victoria and 4 313, Xuuanu, Honolulu, and Canada, via nnd of R P in the Federal court within the past fortnight. All of the latest scries of registered Oahu; $1250. B 25S, p 301. Dated Aug Vancouver. amounting $30,000, called in have not yet been presented G, 1904. Treasury warrants, lo calling for $8500 on the lowest, have been Recorded Aug. 11, 1904. for payment. Bids for public works, MOUNTAIN RESORTS: opened, besides bids for constructing Hilo's sewer system. Dowsett Company Ltd; Resoln; In re Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen! conveyance of lots 1G, 17, 18, 21, 50, 51 STATISTICS, ETC. -- nil 53, for $GS75, Lots, Ewa, Oa- Fraser Oanon. and Puuloa following information is from the circular of Berrcy's Com WAR NEWS, CHURCH NEWS, SPORTING NEWS, hu. B 263, v 109. Dated Aug 11, 1904. The Notice; mercial Agency issued on the 15th Empress Line of Steamers from Vancouver John Walker to Notice; inst.: GENERAL. NEWS AND ALL THE LATEST WORLD'S opplcn"for Reg Title of por Gr 10, Young The mortgage indebtedness has increased since our last report, $37,052.03. (Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, St, Honolulu, Oahu. B 2G5, p 110. Dated BY CABLE. "World. Deeds, $27,i8S.oo; Mortgages, $97,648.20; Chattel Mortgages, $7,731.83; Releases, NEWS India and Around the Aug 8, 1904. $67,450.00; Partial Releases, $87800; Bills of Sale, $9,726.50. general Information Hugh Robertson to Sandwich Islnnds For tickets and Honey Co Ltd; D; lot 1 of Gr 3533, MISCELLANEOUS, AND Tply $10,000 LITERARY HUMOROU9 to Homesteads, Molokal; $100. 15, 1904. stock, tools, etc, Wnltnen, Kaunl; $30,000, B 230, p COO. Dated TilGO. H OAVES & CO., LTD. B 2G1, p 323. Dated Apr 30, 1901. John K Kaua and wf to Territory of and ndvs SELECTIONS, AND A CONTINUATION OF THOMAS Hnwnll; Ex D; A land, Koall, Aug 9, 1901. Xgents Cnniullnn-Aii'ti'allu- n S. B. LlDt, Snndwleh Islands Honey Co Ltd to 1 Hann, Maul. B 23S, j 301. Dated June ((Inn) to On FITCH'S INTERESTING ARTICLES ON HIS FOR- Carift .i. Jc Railway. American Sugar Co Ltd; D; lot of Gr Chlng Sal Keo Pnh et 3533, Kauunkakal Homesteads, Molokal; 2S, 1904. nl; Agrint; In re settlement of claims, EIGN TRAVELS. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS OF THE $200. B 2G1, p 327. Dated Aug 10, 1904. Territory of Hnwnll to John K Kaua suits, accounts, etc; $101.03. B 205, p nnd wf; Ex D; A lnml, Koall, 118. Dated Aug 9, 1901. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Snndwleh Islnnds Honey Co Ltd to BYSTANDER. American Sugar Co Ltd; US; 2 lease- Hnnn, Mnul. B 25S,p 304. Dated June Kala (w) to C Kiiul (k); D; lnt In Ap holds, bldgs, bees, honey, etc, Knwula, 28, 1901. 1, It P 7221 kul 2165. Kuiuiwal, Hono- THERAPION. by Hawaii : INTERESTING READING TO SUIT EVERYi tnly, ual tn UmCulittncuul UiMplUU Itlcunt. etc, Molokal; J1S51.50. n 203, p ill. Mul la Knnoao to Territory of lulu, Oahu; $50. H 258, p 30G. Dated IUmUu, Jobcrt, Vdpcau, and ollivrs, coubLnsI .11 AL; por Or 2S7S nnd kul 1111, School Si (lc.1J.ntU bi sought tn tuodlcUi. of Dated Aug 10, 1901. Aug 11, 1904. lh to tba 257. p 429. TASTE, AND WITHAL, A CLEAN PUBLICATION Co-- P Extn, Honolulu, Oaliu; $50. II klfd. n.l ,nrp4.. eicrvthltv nltturto .mjloyJ, Look Tong Hung; D; general Uflinlco Bishop Museum by Trs to NO. I uiUnutn. lu wM. Aug 3, 1901, P THERAPION indse, Honolulu. Oahu; 10 yrs; Capltnl Hatful lllHhop Kuuiiinii; 1); por 1' 7329 kul nuwM an J tu uicritM reputation (orilruir Wing Hung Co to Territory of Hawaii; of It 'ADMISSABLE TO THE FAMILY CIRCLE. tn.nU of tint kliucja, lulu. In tU Lull, ami nOD, 2GS, p 113. Ufitt.il July IS, 1901. IHVJ, 5, llnmnkuii, Hawaii; Sk7K 1111, Ap Walplo, kUktrul atlinonU, .fldniluv prompt rvti.l Lor (lun Choy; US; 1 AL; Hir Or mul kul School St wtll-ti1i- Kilt Clin lo Kock $75. 368, p 30T. Aug II, 1901. tolhsr r.tnlU li.v. Dwell hwiU... IW3, II 3(7, p II Datml ulinie In Wo Pltoiig Co, Pitimn, Kxlll, Honolulu, Onliii; THERAPION No. a lMlni.unieIu.U4. Ciw ISO. 3, 1901, H I Hlmw In Win l TeUTHon AM; furry, 4ni'U. tul, lkUhes,iliii nJttUiiij Honolulu, (wlm; JHhhI, II 0S, p 116, Da tad A UK ( JotiiU, jifut, iWiiiuUnii, & alMitiUMt ar wlilcS 10 Hnwnll; HUB 15 (lHiilnor and wf on l l'n UfiM D.ilftd AUK 11, 1901, W'liiK NIiik Co TmilUiry of It lu. Wu luurb UMfm 14 iul'iy n.tnury, US4, lit)-- . KoiiI.iii MMll, In V AL; por kul Hit, ScIkniI tft Ho- mill Nwhlkiu nrwrIU.c toU.l,t(m'tloiiiiiitlirni'Uvlli .Inn MhKU wad wf lo Tr I. Wlli'ox; lxn. I, W TliW nolulu, iMItu; ITS. II MT, i 111. Wui, 11 too, 11 71. Duuul Ami; k V uA rum hulh. .itvutll4ii i'iimDm tin D, It I1 atjf kul lUlllil. llimalMlu, IIhiI Ms iUiii IlipiUdti Hi. blgul, tnd ll.wu.l.ly im Auk I, iwi, HMueiilwl Auk. 13, llmliutt. til uiiuium uWc limn III i Mini; tutu Hitd iiitt " It SKI. I' TiiIjIIsIiciI ly, the -t llr . iioi. i"l f T THEMAPION No 3 f- tiiutii.n, !. ll.lU-.- l Juii i, OW. Htr4a auk. WWW V Clwu '"J '' UmIIM, .Il'l .1) llKlltMlUf wim-ium.- w tl n4 wf by 111U"" Ualll I); IWO ( fl In ml, Kul'.fl '"" H- - tfiMlpillWU, k- - II II Ilium UniMnkuku. In Jimm1i T llul Jum4i l'rnnrt W'll llk, lUHIU.I 11 ' ' uf Ml ! invs-- r, UA; mora K 11 lu c iuuwii AMI i NAiitlu. ubu, tm. &. i' I""1' I' - iiuj u fviniilx ililld il, Tn f(n l, h lUtlMIIU.- I hi!,! Vj H. Ul ,lUll,f I.Ui Mil II M. H III. IUIM) 4UK l IWN. Pa Tmwi, HMwtitlii. MNhu, U M. Am i (So., Mi.l.MJtll mJli'll" lUUtlil, ' I i Gazette JlMNittldfc UteiMl Hawaiian Mnli l V PttlWl AU Jl. li""" KlwNtil Mb N TrriiMrtr W. UN " ug JMMM priw JMl Wf ty MMfM DttWftMl I W4i I i''1 Agni.i Ilmllcil, I IX in pillW4. l II HI. Ill MHM mm MIM Mf I'llMH"! Ml MIt.'l lun um. w u It ii mt l"i? hwtajt II I um J" h U J. . AH IK Klni;Kl,, llmiuhilii, lUwull, im u4 TMNi i I!-- 05 1 W"m "I wham mm, mm, m ftS'iABrtfe M!J!iUfVlXSiTt '!


BK RUSSIA DULLED TO WAR NEWS SIERRA STRUCK MM EVERY LOT HEARKEN YE! BIG HURRICANE BUT TRUSTS IN PROVIDENCE To the Voice of Honolulu People At noon,vctcrclny the Oceanic liner Slcrr.a put in appearance off WAS SOLD If you will but listen to your friends an port and -- hor-e- s Thp ST. I'nTKItHHtMtO, July 17 The for a race. Russian soldier mey you now at half past one docked at the com- anu neignuors will tell pany's wharf, the capital to the war was set likes his glass In free time, but he the pains and aches of a bad buck, the fourteen clays, In sharp relief last Wednesday after- iieids no stimulant to make him keen. annoyances of urinary troubles, the hours and thirtyccn minutes from noon when the Government gave Hip His courage comes from his inborn nervousness, the restlessness which Sdney to the entrance of Honolulu authority of the Olllclal Messenger to feeling that there Is the closest bond come from kidney Ills can be relieved harbor. The actual steaming time was Over $30,000 Realized Vlettoy Alexli'ffH telegram that he had between the Emperor nnd his people. and cured. Read what one Honolulu fourteen tlas, four hours and thirty-seve- n It from native- - sources that the Jap- Other peoples cannot grasp this reli- citizen Bays: minutes. The passage vvas far J Wilcox anese had lost 30,000 men In 11 night as- gious Itirsslnn characteristic." AVrltlng under date of January 10th from being a pleasant one because of V In Second on the unusually heavy weather sault the earthworks north of Port lending exponent Rus-"la- n 1S93 Jurgen Walter of this city tells that the Another of the ship 'encountered during ARRIVED. Arthur. M. Sanvorln, who reviews us as follows: "My nge Is 79 well the first part Idea, five .of the voyage. After leaving Sydney on 19. Estate Sale. The lly sheets with the nevfa had a months the without finding past the ordinary span of life and I rrlday, August of war the afternoon of the Pth the Sierra ran considerable sale. In the Xeiskl Pios-pek- t, much to comfort lilm n ac- am the parent of eight children. Be Stmr. Mauna Loa, Slmerson, from a, the actual into a sucession of heavy southeasterly or the heart of the business cen- complishments of his side, ing so far advanced In years, I regard Mnalaea, Kona nml Knu ports at delivers the obtained s and easterly gales which lasted all the There was a large attendance at Mor- ter, ubout one man In a doren bought himself of a harangue which Is entire- relief from Doan Back 5:15 a, m. with SS6G bags sugar, 32 head ache Kidney Pills. way acros the Tasmanian sea. These gan's for the second sale a copy, which Is evidence of tinusuul ly to the tnste of very numerous cattle, 1 cow, 1 ctilf, 20 pigs, 14 crates auction room, the I suffered from a lame back for years, storms were accompanied by very high Lu- Interest for St. Petersburg. But it was class of functionary to which chicken1!, 15 bags coffee, S crates fruit, in the estate of the late Judge W. Russian but after taking some of the pills (pro waves. After sailing from Auckland 011 the nature of the Interest displayed that he belongs, :4 keg A ID Bid- cured Holllster's drug store) was tlie, 12th fine weather vvas encountered butter, tins butter, crates ther Wilcox, at noon yesterday. was the extraordinary features of the at 7 cabbages, 20 bags "This material nge," he broods, greatly benefited, I am satisfied the until the morning of the 14th, when the dry fish, crates ding was at times lively enough, though afternoon. In cafes nnd under the and 78 the "seeks the curious lines, twlst-Ing- s, pills did me good." wind began to blow from E. S, E. awn, 7 bbls. pears, bunches bananas, gathered broken much in a scarcely participitcd in by real estate colonnaded acquaintances to women'H Our kidneys blood. They terrific gale. 29 bags potatoes 221 bags ana and 2S0 groups forms which wind like filter our The hurricane continued dealers. A. O. Steven conducted the sale discuss the telegium. In some snakes nnd dragons, plctuies work nlcht and oay. When healthy on the two following davs with fierce packages sundries. there was' real animation, but In none without Stmr. Noeau, 1'edersen, from Kauai with ability and W. O. Smith, executor perspective, bronze nnd Ivory trinkets they remove about 600 grains of im- stjtialls and mountain-hig- h seas. The the slightest approach to cheering or pure dally, ports at 3:35 a. m. with 4,000 bags sugar, under the will, at the close expressed which give Impression to Japanese ugli- matter when unhealthy Sierra hove to off Pago Pago at 4 o'clock even Jubilant handshaking. some part of this Impure matter Is left on the morning of the 16th. lying 60 bags rice, 13 bags empty bottles, 18 his belief that every dollar possible was ness. European decadence has worked After packages sundries. What all their talk turned on was the from this source, which came Into lit- In the blood. This brings on many off port for four hours Captain Houd- realized. Following is the auctioneer's symptoms pain In .Saturday, August 20. motive for the Gov eminent In Issuing erature nnd art ns something curious diseases and the lette decided it would be folly to attempt Stmr. Maul, Bennett, from Hawaii catalogue with the names of purchasers the telegram. As far as an observer and will so remain. It become back, headache, nervousness, hot, dry to land through the seas that were dash- has a skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, dis ports 5 15 a. m. and prices added; could tell there was not one who was fashion to play on this sense of the ing at terrific height over the reefs, so content to believe the news nnd rejoice curious, order, eyesight and hearing, dlzzl the vessel proceeded directly to this port, Stmr. Knual, Ilrtihn, from Hawaii and Building lot on King street, Kallhl, slanting ejed, little and grace- Irregular debility, 5 2D nt a great victory. The message whs. ness. heart, drowsl bringing her Pago Pago freight with .Maul ports a. m. 1 C JfcOO. less. acres, P. Jones, In fact, a complete In ef- ness, dropsy, deposits In the urine, etc. her. On the Stmr. Klnau, Freeman, from Hllo and paradox its "Suddenly little, 17th the wind abated and Building lot on King street, Kallhl, fect; for that snme evening, with no this hard nnd cruel But if you keep the filters right you the rest of the voyage was made in fine way ports, 10 a. in. 1 spirit, which acre, A. Waterhouse & Co , $325. more otllclnl Information to go upon, Inclines In war also to will have no trouble with your kid weather although the swells were heavy. Sunday, August 21. Building lot on King street, Kallhl, pedantic tolling nnd to dragon bites, neys. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, people stopped each other with the The steamer has an unusually large Stmr. from acres, A. Waterhouse & Co , $435. which believes only In the material and Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are Knual ports, 2:47 n. question, "Have you heard that Port passenger list for San Francisco and in. House lot at Kallhl, acre, AV. never seeks war for great Ideas, ap- sold by all chemists and storekeepers thirteen passengers ports (Clau-din- e Arthur is taken'"' for this port. The Stmr. Hclene, from Maul AVolters, $115. pears on the canvas with European at 50 cents per box, or will be mailed cargo n. m. There need have been nothing In tho for this port consists of 47 cases route), 2 acres Kallhl, good for artillery nnd European cannon nnd has on receipt of price by the Hollister of whiskey Naopala, at size of the figures to muke Russians In- Drug and one box of insects con- Stmr. Llkellke, from Maul ranches, Manuel Cook, trustee, 530. begun to die In masses and cut Its Co., wholesale agents for the Ha signed to the Board of Agriculture. 2 30 p m. credulous. They destroyed twice as wallan The and Molokal ports 4 acres of giaziog land at Ka- stomach open. And Europe gapes In Islands. liner will get off for San Francisco Sch. Mol Hawaii ports, many Frenchmen nt Borodino, and at Wnhlne, from llhl, Elizabeth K. Meyer, J500. admiration of this yellow race. 10 o'clock this morning and will carry Vi'H't p. m. themselves lost more In single attacks a sack that I have sewn. Here we nre a at The AV. L. AVllcox residence at Ka- "Why do the European lenders of good sized crowd from here to San August 22. upon Turkish trenches. Bur the have on a plain with endless ranges high Monday, llhl, large comfortable house, grounds civ libation thus rejoice? Englishmen of Francisco. s s, O.'S. S. Sierra, Houdlette, from the turned their minds against accepting mountains in the distance. Our troops well planted, AVIlhelm II. Kuhlman, In his- have been benten by Boers nnd Italians 1 30 p. such deeds this chapter of theli In a long line the Colonics in. $2520. by Abjsslnians, and who knows who nie with artillery COURT O. & O S S Coptic,Armstrong, from tory. and some Infantry In the NOTICES acres of taro land, Kallhl, now hns not been beaten in the thous- mountains. 4 30 p. The Alcero's message had onl one last Today Is n the Orient, in.' has growing taro, AV. It. Castle trus- years lest day and I write sitting use, and that was for testing anybody's and Huns and Mongols have on giound IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THI3 DEPARTED. tee, $131. brought civilization to nothingness, the with a drum for a table. theoij of why It wns mnde public. The "We 12 FIFTH CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF 1 acres, good taro land at Ka- have peoples stalled south on June from Friday, August ID. view that found ncceptance wns that, entermlnated and have Llaojang go HAWAII AT CHAMBERS IN llhl, now planted in taro, AV. R. Caatle, then vanished like a to in the direction of Port Stmr. Walaleale, W. Thompson, for as It was preceded by a press telegiam huuieane. A Arthur. Gen. Kuiopatkln bade PROBATE. tiustoe, $3C0. pleases people. huril-can- e us explosives 5 in the morning to the same effect and huiilcane Of a bood-b- y all Kauai ports with at neie taro land, Knllhl, now and ordered us to occupy the In the Mutter of the Estate of Mnnoel m. the date of the slaughter was several the whole vvoild can speak, of a V. planted in taro, AV. AV. Chamberlain, fealful Datin pas and not let the Japanese Rapozo de Freltas, of Kapaa, Kauai, A. dajs earlier, the public mind was being earthquake there can never be pa.ss Stmr. J Cummins, Searle for Wal $1C0. enough near us. It Is fifty versts from Deceased Order of Notice of Hear- S piepaied for the news of the fall of talk. It Is terrible and pleas- manalo nt a. m. 3 22-1- S where we ate lestlng. AVe know noth- ing Petition for Administration. ncreo Innd at Kallhl, about Port Aitliur. The Government, the urable at once, pleasurable because Sloop Kalulanl, for Akl's landing, 9.30 AVil-co- v, ing of the Japanese have no acres now planted In taro, G. X. ciitlcs t.ald, could maintain that It was oneself Is not lilt by it. It biings one and news On leading and filing the petition of a. in. $1540. of any kind. It took us, three days to w 01 th the price, that the fortress had no personal hurt, and one can rend Maria Augusta Rapozo Freltas, of Ka- It. bk. Lothalr Schlallino, for Callao, 10 mnich here. At first it was very dif- acres nt Puunul, Nuuanu. annihilated an army before it was lost. of It Just ns of n scandal In nature: paa, Knu.il, alleging that Manoel Ra- 11.10 a. m. S ficult, but already my This Is fine taro land, nbout acres mow flguies giv- nnd scandal Is liked ns feet are getting pozo de Freltas, of Knpaa, Knual, died J,,-l- l, St S. Hawaiian, Delano, ul The of gie.it slaughter weie, much In life for planted, G. N Wilcox, $3100. ns In used to it. on 111. en a good start, in the hope tbey nature The Japanese a Intestate at Kapaa the first dny of and Hllo, 5 p. 50-1- that inlse 3 acres Kallhl, near "the "We have still too many things to May, A. D. 190J, leaving ?! Stmr. Llkellke, Naopala, for Molokal at would outweigh the grief when the bad little whirlwind, which seems to the prppeity In Feitllizer AVorks; good taro and Europeans good cairy a rifle, sixty cartridges, folded the Hawaiian Islands necessary to be and Maul ports, 5 p. in. news came. material for scandal overcoat, tent sorghum now growing, C. S. Desky, Another Interpretation put on the talk. with two propstlcks, administered upon, nnd praying that Stmr. Noeau, Pederson, for Kauai $040. pegs and lope, rations reserve am- trustee, message was that the Japanese them- "And what have the Japanese achiev- and Letters of Administration Issue to her- ports, 5 p. m. acre of house Knllhl, munition, full clothes bag, tea pannikin ports, lot at selves had circulated the report In the ed? Is It a Napoleon or an Alexander self; Stmr. Kauai, Bruhn, for Maul rents $7.50 month, Pacific Guano & and tin mug. AVe hav'e had biscuits Is ordered 5 p. hop"e of encouraging the Russians to of Mocedon who advances on us? A It that Thursday, the 23th m. Co., $493. and porridge during march. am Fertilizer strike another blow toward the south. Kurokl comes and yet another Okl. On the I day of September, A. D. 1901, at 10 folowing properties were bunch- In very good spirits hope to re- m., PASSENGERS. The Gen. Stakelberg was drawn down to the memorable night of Feb S, they and o'clock a. be and hereby Is appoint- cold turn with the Cross of St. George, ed and altogether to G. N. AVllcox AVafangow In the belief that he could made a great scandal and Europe fell but ed for hearing said Petition in the Ctjurt Arrived. for $19,000, viz: It Is very difficult to earn one. I am Room of Court Llhue, stmr. Mnuna Aug. 13, from do something for Port Arthur by Into ecstasy over them. Suddenly in this at Knual, at Per Loa, C 1- adjoining 2 very thin my engagement acres Knllhl stream, that the Japanese had had very an hour we were nearly without a fleet and ring which time nnd place all persons con- Kau and the Volcano Miss Scollleld of taro, balance agrlcultuial land. will not stay on my finger. I to cerned may appear 3), A. M. wife, acies heavy losses there. Just before the de- and only the ineptitude of the Japa- have and show cause. If Merrill and Mls S. H. of old Brewery piemlses, Kallhl, tie It to my Iron locket Chain. My any they have, why said M. G. G. Part feat at Klnehow the news was spread nese prevented the campaign fiom be- Petition should Little, Dr. Potter, Professor, about acre. face Is black and peeling not be granted, and H. Barton, C. Hardwick, E. II. abioad that the Japanese hnd lost 15 000 ing over In a month. fiom heat that notice of this II. Breweiy property, King street, 221 and wind." order be published in English lan- IIartwc.ll, P. McKellen, E Langer, C. men In trying to take the Russian hill 'There has been no singe biilllant the feet on King street, about 1 acres. positions. military opeintlon on guage for three successive weeks in M. Loosted, Miss II. Knlwlala, Mrs. W, C the side of the aeie at Knllhl. seemed part of Japanese tactics to Jnpane'e, despite thelt the Hawaiian Gazette, newspaper in "W. North and child, Miss M G. Lons, S It superiority In Area about acres near slaughter spread bnd news nbout themselves in troops and artllleiy. The Boeis excell- Honolulu. Miss E. A. Lons. Miss Lincoln, Miss $33 00 per houe, part leated at month, the hope of making their enemy ed the English bj theli small Dated at Llhue, August 20th, 1904. Egan, George Wllon; fiom Kona ports, water fiom aiteslnn well, good vege- numbeis (Signed) HARDY, AV. and then swooping down on and their skill. The natives of the J. W. Urunner, II. W Mist and wife, table lind. Judge of the Clicult Couit of the him. The last theoiy canv.ist.ed aiound country, fiom cowardice 01 fiom Fifth Thomas N. Hnae, Charles Kn, T. about S ncres Knllhl, racial Circuit. Area at is that the Emperor himself oideied icl.itlonshlp, help the Japanese In BATHER DRY ISLAND Miss Paulding, Miss Stnrblrd, inakal of slaughter Tine land the Attest. houe. the telegiam to be published, because fights where we have to meet two ene- Mis L McWnjne, Mrs Sam Allen, J. suitable foi cultivation or manufactur- JNO. A. PALMER, his advisers told him it would help mies, apart fiom the English Am-- ei D. Paris, liert Column, Mis W Thomp- ing pin poses. Small poitlon Is and Cleik the leased. mobilization. The one simple explana- leans, who busy suc- of Clicult Couit of son, L. S Aungst, G. S4-1- themselves veiy Allen Robinson, 0 neies near the slaughter house Roy II Chamberlain, Collector of In- the Fifth Circuit. Mills, C tion that no one appaiently will accept, cessfully with smuggling on Japan's H Brown, fiom Maul poits occupied by the AVagner ternal Revenue, 2C1S IT Aug. 23, 30, Sept. C, 13. stock jard Is Is that the news of the gie.it victoiy is side. Both send them constantly ships returned in the steamer Frank Baldwin nnd wife, Mrs. B. L. under lease nt JoOO pei annum. Good Llkellke from a tour of inspection of AV ti 11c. with contraband which .11 e consigned Marks Mrs. P AVhite, J B. Castle, wuteifiont propel ty. the island of Molokai, on which lie was Dr Sawjer, II K. L Castle, R. F. And yet the unquestionable losses In to some one or other of the Smith T ships men among nnd famllj accompanied b Deputv Collector V. F. AVhite AV A. Anderson, P M. Pond. J. and the Japanese, In Chinese hnibors Had wo even more the weeks passing by with- but been prepared Drake 'I his was Mr Chamberlain's K. Taylor, C E Copelnnd, AV. Raw- VESSELS IN PORT. we would long ago first Alolokai out their establishing an luetilevible have made an visit to He found it "a lins Rafael Lake, E D. Baldwin, A. AV. end of this war nnd giv- dr island," though advantage, have given comfoit to the en one final proof the moon is as kind- Klikland, AV O Aiken. F F Tarm, C. ARMY AND NAA'T. that for Russia no" ly disposed to its inhabitant:, as to those Corns Russians. But It Is not nt all the kind ellow pei II exists, - A. Mac Donald, AV. I'. Mahoe nnd child, U. S S. Iroquois Niblack, (station ves- a proof that the of the- rest of the group and SI deck, of jov that goes with gloilous victories white stands higher than the jellow sel.) hunger does not prevent man, - I'er stun. Kauai, Aug. 20, fiom Those whom that their slanting" eyes ftie no MERCHANT VESSELS. fiom mental leverles accept all the Miperlorlty For a Representative. ports nnd Lihalna. J. A. AVnld-ro- n, over us The eye is the Miss Dorothy Waldion and Cnmbronne, rr. bk., Richard, Cardiff, events of the war with a certain ct window of the soul, and an oblique At n meeting of the Poituguese Re- nuiie, Aug. 10. mostlj to ee .Mis. Keebe and two childien, J. It. detachment. Inclined Is the sign of an oblique soul publican Club lafet night Chnliman J. Coptic, Br. s s Armstrong, Yoko- see In them fuither proofs eveiy day "The -- Lougher, It. Obeiwlmmer and 40 deck. war with the lellow faced bar- M. appointed Bunions? hama, Aug. 22. that Piovldence Is on Russia's side, Camara Fiank Andiade, Per btmr. Maul, Aug. 20, ae barians does not mean the ovei throw, fiom Coionndo, finally win M. A. Gonsalves and A. D. Castio a and Humnkua pons. C. T. Day, Am. bkt., Potter, from San pioofs that Russia must the end of Russia. Russia lives and be- 1C. to 01 not. AV. D. Schmidt nnd V. W. Fianelsco, July whether she wish and try to. gins to develop that stiong compiehen-slv- e committee to nriange foi a meeting to Cartel. Echo, Young, widely paper of the jxiorei Per stmt. Klnuu, Aug. 20, fiom Hllo Am. bkt., Iqulque, Aug. Tile lead life in which in course of time the suggest a Portuguese candidate for 16. kind of patriot, the feviet. declaies out-ilg- ht free Seabnry & and way ports. S. M. Damon, Tiunk and upright Slnv peoples will take nomination ns a lepiesentatlve In Johnson's Fort George, American sp , Gove, New- this Is the dlffeience between the Schutte, Heiuy Albeis, Lieut. Col. Clevo, that their active part; nnd the Slavonic race coming legislatuie. The meeting will castle, Aug, 1. Russian nnd Japanese. He quotes with give Clarence Smith, Dr. C. T. Rodgeis, Mis. will a mesb.age to the whole vvoild, piobably be held next week. Geo. Curtis, Am. sp., Calhoun, San feivent nppiovnl the nddiess of the such us O. A. Stevens and two children, Charles has not been jet heaid, whose t- 5. to - Ilan-neber- g, Francisco, Aug. Marshal of XoblllO at Sulnbirsk the stiength Medicated Lucas, E. Dego, A. II. Juckson, A. nnd meaning the world gets Sugar on Corn D. AV. Hawaiian Itks, Am. sp., Mallett, New Empoioi on his toui this week fiist hint of while lejolces Kauai. B. Machonnchle, H. , she over Thompson, R Mitchell, Mis. It. Mitchell, castle, Aug. 13. "The henvy tilals," said the Miw-hal- the ciaftlness of the jellow fnces." Purser Triel of the AV. G. Hall g'g wo now undergo In the Oilent, and Bunion Miss Ivy Rlcluudson, MNs Ruth Rich- Helene, Am. sch., Thompson, San "which This fulmlnntion Is reprinted and the following sugar ready for 11, In stiength ardson, Miss L. A. Voy, Miss A. II. Francisco, Aug, cannot shake our faith the spiead broadcast through the Russian shipment on Knual K. S. M 3000: A'. might Empire. S00, Parke, J. W. Vnnnattn, H. A. Knell, Kalulanl, Am. bk., Colly, San Tian- - nnd of the Russian pi ess, which hns not yet, however, un- K M. A. K., SSOfi, G. & It., 26, to- 5. They prove only in higher degree to the 13,032. C. M. II.it dee, E. Like, Alexander Ray- clsco, Aug. dertaken to explain what It means. tal, PLASrERS , Id, the stiength mond, A A'on Ainswnldt, E. II. Cant. Pierre Lot, Fr. bk Tnteven, Cardiff, whole woi unshakable Biaggndoclo is by no means a weak-net- s Aug. C. of spirit of the people, John McTnggait, George Rlchaidon, the Russian of individual Russians, whose In- Why not look s. Is fcpecinlly piotected by Divine AV S Ward, J A. M. Osoiio. O LudlolT, Slcrin, Am, s, Houdlette, Sydney, which difference to the present situation may young? Thcro's will cure them. ," Give them a Aug. 22. Piovldence." Dr. Y Nakamuia, S. AV. A. Knlelhoa, be due very largely to having no sym- cenuino pleas. AViestler, Am. bkt., Rensch, Gray's - to pon- trial, and convince and relieve I Mrs Marlam McTnggnit and two chil Tho Svlet asks foieign ciitlcs pathy with the temper of the e.xljorta-tlon- s Harbor,-Aug-. uro in holding dren, Mis. R. Hawshurst, child and 1C. der thc"-- e words. They leave out. It addressed to them fiom the or- yourself. t--. In Judgment on Rus- gans back Father ! maid, Mrs ciiailes Lucas, Miss Hnttle sas. their sharp of the Government otllces. Lucns, Miss Mary Lucas, Master C. DUE TOMORROW. sia's conduct of the war, this grent Letters fiom the men figlitlng in . Timo s, expiessed ,Lucas, Mis Maiy Allan, rather ri.in-tl- C) S S Ventura, Hawml, from San tiuth that the Maishnl Manchuria .show nono of the pam- or tri- L A Andiews, Mrs. AV. R. Lewis Fiiinclhca, a. m. "The Hun basis mr the Russian phleteer's feroclousne-- s and 111 e much H)' s twenty v,nr Hollister Drug Go. nnd child 1' Peck, R. T. Guaid, Capt. O .v. O. S K Doile, Smith, fiom Snn umph lies not In piepaiedness for more living likenesses of the ensy go- 'years. You F. Moshei Gcoige Buinlugham, Mlns Fianclsio, p. m nnd expeilence in war of Ruslan ing people who nie having to see" the cau do it troops. necessary, Alice AVlntei Mm. A. C. P. lVrdnei, Mmr. MIKnhala, Oregory, from Maka-wcl- l, Tluso nre but they actual war through Here Is one from easily with FORT STREET. ene- George A ulding, M. C. Oldlng. 11. R. a. 111. nie by no means everything. Our a Snrntoff volunteer written fiom Hal-chen- g Axnr's llnlf Bryant J i" Buige, II. H. Peiry, my shows astonishing brnveiy, persist- on June 17. m Vigor, for it suing al- Llao-yn- .Palmer Woods, Robeit Hall, Rev. E. L. To Mi. and Mrs. Geo. B. McClellan, ence In pui Its aim which Is "Since we punched out fiom n ' ghesailthatdeop Miner A c Aubrey, Paul Jauett. a daughter. most Inci edible, nnd they too, depend I found that I have too many and rich look to tho MILLS COLLEGE AND J.nnes L I'oke, M. S. Deponte, Master on whnt the believe nre the Interests things I ve hold the vnllso for n uible hair which bcloncs Hurrj Apo, Master Albeit Apo, Wil- )000000.000.0.00 of their homes. But they shape their and given nwny the clothes, except SEMINARY. K. Kuupu, S, Cal- liam Gieen, I'Jilng Chow, Miss Louisa II. Knkaownl, W. I valor out of wine, they nre doped likoi two changes of linen, which I keep In low, CONTERS DEGREES AND GRANTS Plhl, Mrs i: Kapu and child, Miss Mr. Bertulmnnn, Miss Gray, S. Lillian Plhl Aug Apo M. Knlllkokl, Mrs.. K. Nnkulnn and W Ayers DIPLOMAS. From Maul ports per Mini, llelene, child. Dave McCorrlston, Miss J. Hurtle S BALDWIN INTERVIEW Seminary Course to Aug, 21. P. M. Kiilmm anil child, Jim. ami deck. HAS occredlted, the pi-- r AV. Universities and lending Col- A'lclni. Or O S. Aiken. M. V. Danford. 1'iiim Knual poits, utim, G Eastern 21.-- C1. leges; opportunities In mu- K. A, P.ck, P. C. Acluing. MIm A. Hall, Aug. N. WlliO, O. M. HairVigor laie offered Mi. WITH elocution, Achoiig, Miiktfi II. Ailiong, E. c, Cooke. J. Hugo, U. E. Mnylmin, Miss B. GOVERNOR CARTER sic, art nnd A refined, Chris- iliuns You know Mm story how rooiI home for Indies, Thirty-nint- h II E, Window. A. 0. Mmliiisim, Mm. .N'l.'pfr, It. I). Mwnd, Win. Haywood, H. tian jqiiiik Queen Hess, poii'Mujrtu tho beautiful year, term opens Aug, 10th, i W, Hprlngtiton nnd 3 ililldttm, Mm. Mnlifliinu, r. ritiwford. L. .niltli, Jt. mil hnlro'icus.uit 1 irl.sahl, Theru' i 190), catalogue T J ( illberl. MIm C A'. I'lillmrt, MIm siulili. MUn A. lhwli. Jim, J. L. HJurtli, Write for to Mrs, 0, T, ".. II, Baldwin, (1. riMl rujul crown. I wnuM tnulu my I .MIim (lruow D AmlrewH, Mlmi K, Chrimlini, MU (urin.r nf vrmnr Carter mid Mr Ikl.Jwin that Mills. Prudent, Mills Collego I', 0 l.uithwnite, Cook, R i KoMuiiimnfurlt." That sign. Vthtiloii MIm I, 11. Kuhele, IS, Alldrowx, II, I'llklllHUO, public UmU b hi lis h.i.l btvti by ,mi California, jji'j; nml wlf, Atlimtun, aillihviti'coiiinuiiiwl 1m.1nu.1ni wnr of ilm Km w mi ran lm u "riMl ru) al crow 11" Ml (3) N, Mfkviuulo, ,MIm U, Will ox, J. Ytflll h.ntlvlil na kwttitlit, II. It llwify K, m Myiiig h iill tfuiiiii fur u( ulniply by uliig ASiflln, in. II. I'IUm, J. PnvtM, Mm. X. J. III). unt', Coofwr cilt.l m tiwr uiurnwu, ,)i'r'n UunKI'llim, lru rUi.ino, llio him ittttHlftiiii. "What mju," the Halt Yih'ur, It iiiakm Urn hnlrurnw l.ilil 'u Hunt, MIm V NwuhlWH, U'im, H VMBr. '' V Mturiviil, (linittr Cvwr yMr4ay, think ami lin uml ki..i it fafllim IV J JlM JuHlMtl t)j) A Hilv und ! I Mmilwrn ml flMfiittr rMwt l in AdiviUrr Imllm MlM wl, 'I iifejwM u( I Hides,Wanted , ho ih Uiimu'w wt I nk i Mi. Kvm KiHNV It M. TjiHim-- U, Mtw M, Ttwmb una m aoth, jwrur tfir tt liMmtew, thai I Wbvii vtiiir luilr li rlilinnd luvivv. i i i..miIm iwiu. Ah pwk una u, mubtttn nt t UMfmM by Mv, IM.i W Mill mm iftor "iuMeitt lw uml ttbll lb I'Utmt ItoinmiliMt (Ml ... M, $ try lditlu .1 pi 111 ,i I I.i.i Mi H. Huh, M. M, In i" th turn m M t t)iw4 up Ut amm a Mir, ) .mi will ih f f.r liirm Mt. Mfril ip timmwiiu ntuwt utt hi, ttNflVKHU I H ! 1 , . J II i Mr win iniMiKti i ii. ti in ,i 4..iw n 4iw (ur 1 !" ik 0 JIM! tUI . .. twiMWMM t Pm m wimuhu I' ). p.. .. , . , t Mrtu MM i in m WW ft &m iwm. volt k !u M"l.4l ?r r WW If i'htWiMf MtM Jill (W ml, l.h.lib II AH W(Mik Ih' bti) Mmf li Hrt l'tle4 $ ht wM 0 r.ui..p m i . t i'i mill hit It u 141 It l itMiaii tiltM I, n i i lttf m k ! . tti vry h.D) utm nAtfwt intf ih M, ML JimH Hf't tf pit 1 nww I ,v 1 1, K I i)if H i ii m In I nutfuui4 i U Htfei ui, u ij ji iidMi i(i, rkfn " li.svt.ip! tfluk 4 l'.WI MJM - i tM fttili I .it ' II I J I'htflolxl 'lit,..i n ,u, ,i, j,mini tfi4 i, ih, i i l I ll J f ft tM II") IJMiPli I'HI i 111 Anf tt!

litfifHff -JI w- - --"'-- liliUiilA.ii uUaiMMmmmtik l..JI,,m...l..,JILiUl-.latlSMIU.UM..ld- M. riliHiaaHiilMSMil