P.O. Box 178 I I4WOODHULLST. LAINGSBURG, 48848-0 178 PHONE(517)651-5374 FAx(517)651-5604

Discover Enjoy Celebrate!


1. Call meeting to order

2. Public comment

3. Approve minutes of February 4, 2019

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. 2018-2019 Preliminary Budget

6. Update FOIA Policy

7. Bills

8. Committee Reports

9. Training Opportunities

10. Others

— Class Reunion CDBG Infrastructure Enhancement Grant 11. Closed Session- Property Acquisition

Paula Willoughby Clerk/Treasurer

P.O. Box 178 114 W000HULL ST. LAINGSBURG, MICHIGAN 4B848-O 178 PHONE(517)651-5374 FAx(517)651-5604

PUBLIC NOTICE Discover ,~-Enjov t Celebrate! February 26, 2019

City Clerk & Treasurer’s Office Hours 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon - Fri

• DPW- Thursday, February 28, 1:30 p.m., Council Chambers

• Finance Committee- Monday, March 4, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• Police Committee- Monday, March 4, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers

• City Council -Monday, March 4, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• Board of Review- Monday, March 11, 3:00 p.m.-9:OOp.m., Council Chambers

• Board of Review- Monday, March 15, 9:00 a.m.-3:OOp.m., Council Chambers

• Planning Commission- Monday, March 18, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• L.S.W. Emergency Services Authority — Wednesday, March 20, 6:00 p.m. Emergency Services Building, 7425 Woodbury Road • Library Board- Thursday, March 21. 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• DPW- Monday, March 25, 3:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• DDA- Monday, March 25, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• Finance Committee- Monday, April 1, 6:00 p.m., Council Chamber s

• Police Committee- Monday, April 1, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers

• City Council -Monday, April 1, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• L.S.W. Emergency Services Authority — Wednesday, April 17, 6:00 p.m. Emergency services Building, 7425 Woodbury Road • Library Board- Thursday, April 18. 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• DPW- Monday, April 22, 3:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• DDA- Monday, April 22, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers

• Finance Committee- Monday, May 6, 6:00 p.m., Council Chamber s

• Police Committee- Monday, May 6, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers

• City Council -Monday, May 6, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF SPECIAL SERVICES FOR DISABLED PERSONS is further hereby given. The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact to ensure such special service availability is: PAULA WILLOUGHBY, CiTY CLERK CITY HALL BUILDING, 114 N. WOODHULL STREET, LAINGSBURG, MI 48848 PHONE: 517-651-5374 Individuals with disabilities and handicaps are invited to inform said person of their particular need for special services at least 10 days in advance of the aforementioned meetings.

P.O. Box 178 • 114 WOODHULL STREET • LAING5BURG, MICHIGAN 48848-0178

PHONE (517) 651-5374 • FAX (517) 651-5604 • www.Iaingsburg.us

Discover * Enjoy ~ Celeb,-ate!


February 4, 2019 Proposed

Mayor MiCheal Culpepper Called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Councilor Nickols led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Micheal Culpepper, Alan Ducastel, Marcie Nickols, David Rhodabeck, Brian Fredline, Dennis Hill and Mary Hetherington. Members absent: None.

Public Comment —None

Moved by Ducastel, seconded by Nickols to approve the minutes of January 7, 2019, and January 16, 2019 as presented. Motion carried.

Moved by Fredline, seconded by Hill to approve the Treasurer’s Report subject to audit. All in favor, Motion carried.

The City’s auditing firm, Gabridge and Co., reviewed the City of Laingsburg’s Financial Statements of June 30,2018, with the City Council. The city is in sound financial condition.

Moved by Fredline, supported by Rhodabeck to accept the Audit Report as presented. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Fredline, supported by Rhodabeck to approve the 2018 Police Department Annual Report. All in favor, motion carried.

Moved by Fredline, supported by Nickols to approve the updated 2019 Poverty Exemption Policy and Guidelines. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, DuCastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Fredline, supported by Rhodabeck to place an advertisement in Shiawassee County Visitors Guide. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Fredline, seconded by Hill to pay the bills in the amount of $21,130.38 and tax disbursement of $356,680.17, using General Fund Check numbers 40418-40466 and electronic payments of $62,452.98

for February 2018 dated 1/7/18 — 2/4/19. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

PRONE 517-651-5374 FAX 517-651-5512 WWW,IAINGSBIJRG.LJS P.O. Box 178 • 114 W000HULL STREET • LAINGSBURG, MICHIGAN 48848-0178 PHONE (517) 651-5374 • FAX (517) 651-5604 •www.laingsburg.us

Moved by Rhodabeck, supported by Fredline to approve the Lions Club proposal as follows: The Laingsburg Lions Club will purchase and install a Saga Pit and two Tetherball Polls at Bates Scout Bark, and purchase two benches that will be installed by the City at locations determined in coordination with the Department of Public Works. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Rhodabeck, supported by Fredline to approve Woodhull Construction to provide exploratory excavation services to determine the limits of the sewer line repair, or rehabilitation to correct infiltration issue. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Rhodabeck, supported by Ducastel to go into closed session under 15.268 sec 8(d) of the Open Meetings Act to consider the purchase of real property. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

The Council went into closed session at 7:52p.m. The Council came out of closed session at 8:01p.m.

Moved by Rhodabeck, supported by Hetherington to enter into a purchase agreement for parcel number 022-60-120-001-01, authorizing the purchasing agent Dennis Hill to sign the agreement. This is the vacant piece of property located on S. Laing Street. Roll call vote: Yeas: Culpepper, Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Rhodabeck, supported by Ducastel to enter into a purchase agreement for a portion of parcel number 022-60-128-000-00 that measures 50’ by 50’, authorizing the purchasing agent Dennis Hill to sign the agreement. This is the vacant piece of property located at the end of Clinton Street. Roll call vote: Yeas: Ducastel, Hill, Fredline, Rhodabeck, Hetherington and Nickols. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstained: Culpepper. Motion carried.

Moved by Rhodabeck, seconded by Nickols to adjourn. The motion was unanimous and the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.

Paula Willoughby Micheal Culpepper Clerk Mayor

PHONE 517-651-5374 FAX 517-651-5512 www.LAINGSBuRG.us Treasure ‘s Rap.rt

. Motion to a prove

II~iIL TREASURER’S REPORT February 28, 2019

i)i.vcv,vcrA E,,jo Celcb,v.’e?

General Fund - Checking Account, Huntington Bank Balance February 1, 2019 $ 803,577.23 Receipts $ 265,549.74 Disbursements $ 302,064.44 Balance February 28, 2019 $ 767,062.53

Trust and Agency Fund - Payroll Balance February 1, 2019 $ 31,550.74 Receipts $ 27,713.33 Disbursements $ 27,562.94 Memorial Mall (restricted Balance $22,913.75) $ 23,429.46 Balance February 28, 2019 $ 55,130.59

Major Street Fund - Checking Account Balance February 1, 2019 $ 87,046.91 Receipts $ 6,762.11 Disbursements $ 1,777.85 Balance February 28, 2019 $ 92,031.17

Local Street Fund - Checking Account Balance February 1, 2019 S 41,127.01 Receipts 5 2,898.06 Disbursements 5 1,525.43 Balance February 28, 2019 S 42,499.64

Library Fund - Checking Account Balance February 1, 2019 5 14,213.21 Receipts 5 854.39 Disbursements 5 3,944.41 Balance February 28, 2019 5 11,123.19

Library Building Fund CD matures 06/11/2018 0.30% APY $ 19,064.62 Building Fund CD matures 4/17/2018 0/09% APY $ 9,162.91

SOM Fund - Checking Account Balance February 1, 2019 $ 502,483.82 Receipts $ 9,846.50 Disbursements $ 4,875.03 Balance February 28, 2019 $ 507,455.29

Tax Fund - IMMA Account Balance February 1, 2019 $ 67,864.67 Receipts 5 186,158.59 Disbursements 5 222,483.56 Balance February 28, 2019 $ 31,539.70

Basic Flex Fund - Reimbursement Account Balance February 1, 2019 $ 13,841.66 Receipts 5 288.46 Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 5 14,130.12 2014 GO. Bond Road Construction Fund (opened 04/10/2014) Balance February 1,2019 $ 0.00 Receipts Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 $ 0.00 2006 6.0. Bond Debt Retirement Fund Balance February 1,2019 $ 75,452.70 Receipts $ 1,290.75 Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 S 76,743.45

Park Donations - Restricted Account Balance February 1,2019 $ 22,307.47 Receipts Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 $ 22,307.47

Working Together Account - opened 08/03/2011 Balance February 1,2019 S 0.00 Receipts Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 $ 0.00

Façade (SAW) Grant Account - opened 03/09/2012 Balance February 1,2019 5 9,562.80 Receipts Disbursements Balance February 28, 2019 5 9,562.80

Cemetery Account - opened 09/17/2012 Balance February 1,2019 5 30,704.11 Receipts 5 3,375.00 Disbursements S 273.97 Balance February 28, 2019 S 33,805.14

Edward Jones - Investments

5DM Fund - Insured Guaranteed Balance February 1, 2019 S 16,109.45 Balance February 28, 2019 Market Value S Prese t21 8- 019 ‘relimin ry Budget 4CM tionto.p.r.v

Please note that this isa PRELIMINARY BUDGET— 3/1/2019

I have had input from the Chief of Police and the Front Office. There have been no comments from the DPW to date. We need to identify specific items from our Capital Outlay, projects and equipment to ensure we have budgeted appropriately. The Library Budget has not been updated the numbers that have been provided are a roll over from last years’ budget.

This is the time to get your input into this budget. We can do budget adjustments for special projects or emergencies that arise. It is much better to plan for projects, I have heard discussion of road signs, parking lots and equipment replacement. Let’s get these items into a planned summary document so that we can successfully complete priority projects and be proactive rather than reactive.

I have rolled over the budget numbers from last year and updated items based actual and historical numbers. I have updated revenue based on a tentative taxable value, state revenue and gas & weight projections. I have updated wages based on the union contract for the Police Department and input from the Chief. I have added a 2% Wage to the two full-time DPW Staff and myself, and provided my office staff with 50cent raises each. We have more work to do, but this is a great start!

BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS -2019-2020 PRELIMINARY Information as of 3/1/2019

Employees • MERS retirement plan, FT Employees contribute 3% of gross wages, City of Laingsburg up to 7% • Employee Benefits remain consistent with previous year • Computer Equipment • 2019-2020 DPW(1) & Police (1) • 2020-2021 Server work & Front Office (1) • 2021-2022 Police Department (1) & Front Office (1)

• Building Improvements — None Planned • Possible Façade • Possible Demo of Roosevelt Row Buidlings

• Park Improvements — McClintock Park— Repair/Maintenance fencing & path • Possible Amphitheater Grant

• Capital Outlay — Possible Lawn Mower • $10,000 Budgeted for Future Police Vehicle and Equipment • Road work

• Crack sealing — funding from maintenance funds • Work on Shiawassee in conjunction with drain and sewer project

• Revenue • 6th year collection of 2.75 Average Mill for Roads — total expected collections $64,361

• 8th year collection of 1 Mill for Library operations — total expected collection $28,352 Collecting this Mill freed up $25,000 from General Fund for Road Improvements • 2014 renewal of I Mill for Fire/Emergency Services Operations 10 years thru 2025 • May 2015 renewal of Ambulance Special Assessment 1.1182 Mills, expires May 2025

• Interest and Principal payments: • $25,720 City and $16,940 DDA for 2006 General Obligation Bonds—Mature 2020

• $29,003 City Road Bonds, 2014 First Series — Mature 2023

• $34,158 City Road Bonds, 2017 Second Series — Mature 2026

• 425 Agreement (2 mills) on parcels with Seiota Township at a Taxable Value of $1,533,976 (needs updating) Rates and Taxable Value are Preliminary 2019—2020 Until Assessor set 2019 Roll City of Laingsburg Budget Summary Millage Rates Mills City Operating 15.0000 General Fund Revenue Road Bond 2.2474 Bond Payments for completed Road work Max 2.600 Library 0.9900 Supports Library Operations May Roll Back Fire Operating 0.9900 Supports Fire Operations May Roll Back Ambulance Special 1.0000 Supports Ambulance Operations Max 1.1182 Total Mills 20.2274

2019 Taxable Value $28,637,877 Total Taxable Property Values Tenative

Revenue Generated from Millage DDA Capture Available for Budget City Operating $429,568.16 $ 36,000.00 $393,568.16 General Fund Road Bond $64,360.76 None $64,360.76 Bond Payment Library $28,351.50 $ 2,376.00 $25,975.50 Library Operations Fire Operating $28,351.50 $ 2,376.00 $25,975.50 Fire Ambulance Special $28,637.88 None $28,637.88 Ambulance Total Mills $~79,269.7g $ 40,752.00 $538,517.79

General Fund Line item Property Tax 101-000-401.000 City Operating $393,568.16 Fire Operating $25,975.50 Ambulance Special $28,637.88 Total GF Property Tax $448,181.53 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

General Revenues Taxes

PROPERTYTAJ< 408,557.54 420,446.22 411,900.03 448,182.00 ______101-000-401.000 PENALTIES ON PROPERTY TAY 2,984.95 2938.59 644.32 3,500.00 101-000-445.000

ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 8682.38 9,071.42 8,686.36 9,100.00 ______1 01-000-446.000 Total Taxes 420,224.87 432,456.23 421,230.71 460,782.00

Total General Revenues 420,224.87 432,456.23 421,230.71 460,782.00

Program Revenues Licenses and Permits CABLE TV 13,258,14 5,208,44 5,235.92 7,000.00 101-000460.000 DOG LICENSES 111CC 93.00 0.00 200.00 101-000-477.000 BUILDING PERMITS 5,797,00 2,556.00 3,027.00 4,000.00 101-000-486.000 Total Licenses and Permits 19,166.14 7,857.44 8,262.92 11,200.00 State Grants STATE REVENUE SHARING 136,187.00 139,958.00 50,404,00 145,801.00 101-000-574.000 TELECOMMUNICATION FEES 5,527.97 11,168.32 6,323.17 6,500.00 101-000-575.000 STATE LIQUOR LICENSE 2,554,20 2,416.15 2,574,00 2,600.00 101-000-578.000 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1,234.00 500.00 250.00 500,00 101-000-579.000 Total State Grants 145,503.17 154,042.47 59,551.17 155,401.00 Charges for Services VARIANCE REQUEST 1,250.00 550.00 250.00 500.00 101-000-607,000 POLICE REPORTS 85.00 39.00 25.00 100,00 101-000-608.000 PBT 65.00 140.00 5.00 100,00 101-000-608.001 PLAN REVIEW FEES 0.00 250,00 0.00 500.00 101-000-610.000 CHARGES FOR POLICE SERVICES 0.00 409.16 378.00 500.00 101-000-653.301

Total Charges for Services 1,400.00 1,388.16 658.00 1,700.00

March 1,2019 10:09am Page 1 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Program Revenues Fines and Forfeits

FEES AND FINES 4,958.25 6,241.95 4,280.10 6,500.00 ______101-000-656.000 VIOLATIONS BUREAU 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 101-000-660.301 Total Fines and Forfeits 4,958.25 6,241.95 4,280.10 6,750.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST EARNINGS 29.57 135.75 540.17 600.00 101-000-665.000 INTEREST INCOME (R) PARK PROJ. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-000-665.003

EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,200.00 13,075.00 0.00 12,200.00 ______101-000-667.000 RENT-APARTMENT 6,600.00 5,400.00 4,800.00 7,200.00 101-000-667.003

LEASE OF LANDFILL/PINE HILLS 2,716.17 2,743.93 2,851.74 3,000.00 ______101-000-670.000 Total Interest and Rents 21,545.74 21,354.68 8,191.91 23,000.00

Total Program Revenues 192,573,30 190,884.70 80,944.10 198,051.00

Special Items Other Revenue

March 1,201910:09 am Page 2 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Special Items Other Revenue SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 3,000.00 2951.00 0.00 1,000.00 101-000-673.000 PRIVATE DONATIONS 0.00 2,877.89 3,683.92 500.00 101-000-675.000 DONATIONS POLICE DEPT 71.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 101-000-675.301 DONATIONS PARK 75.00 70.00 840.00 700.00 101-000-675.751 DONATIONS CRUISE IN 10,344.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-000-675.760 REFUND 1,555.04 9,491.00 2.852,00 5,000.00 101-000-687.000 REFUND-SPECIAL MEETING 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.00 101-000-687.001 REFUND POLICE DEPT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 101-000-687.200 ELECTION REFUND 1,398.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-000-687.400 MISCELLANEOUS 2,426.09 5,521.76 855.50 500.00 101-000-692.000 REIMBURSEMENTS-INS 4,186.92 0.00 0.00 800.00 101-000-696.000 REIMBURSEMENTS-HEALTH INSURANCE PRM 959.00 729.09 250.33 0.00 101-000-696.001 CELL TOWER CONTRACT LEASE 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,665.19 10000.00 101-000-697.000 Total Other Revenue 34,016.12 31,640.74 17,146.94 19,850.00

Total Special Items 34,016.12 31,640.74 17,146.94 19,850.00

Total Revenues 646,814.29 654,981.67 519,321.75 678,683.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 3 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


EXPENDITURE CONTROL -229.00 000 0.00 0.00 101-000-700.000 CONTRIBUTION TO ICE GRANT 10% MATCH 0.00 0.00 0.00 77800.00 F~- Sk ,,,)ftes...#.. ‘~ 101-000-963.287 Bank Fees 0.00 692.08 99.29 500.00 C~’ te.onn4~ 101-000-993.000

Bank Fees - Flex 44.89 14.90 000 50.00 101-000-993.010 Bank Fees 14.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-000-993.760 General Government GOVERNING BODY FULL TIME WAGES 3,450.00 3,834.55 1550.00 4,900.00 101-101-702.000 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 263.95 293.16 118.58 350.00 101-101-715.000 MESC 20.85 21.40 9.72 90.00 101-101-719.000 WORK COMP. 7.50 9.50 8.67 10.00 101-101-725.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 101-101-860.000

EDUCATION/TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ______101-101-956.000 Total GOVERNING BODY 3,742.30 4,158.61 1,686.97 6,400.00

CHIEF EXECUTIVE FULL TIME WAGES 1,500.00 1,750.00 850.00 2,100.00 101-171-702.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 114.75 133.88 65.03 145.00 101-171-715.000 MESC 12.47 14.60 7.12 50.00 101-171-719.000 WORK COMP. 7.50 9.50 8.67 10.00 101-171-725.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 47.96 100.00 101-171-860.000 Total CHIEF EXECUTIVE 1,634.72 1,907.98 978.78 2,405.00

March 1, 2019 10:09 am Page 4 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


General Government ELECTIONS

FULLTIME WAGES 1806.50 559.50 1,464.50 1,500.00 ______101-191-702000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 453.11 868.64 793.42 500.00 101-191-727.000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 575.62 0.00 1,143.09 1,000.00 ______101-191-800.000 TRANSPORTATION 181.86 0.00 0.00 150.00 101-191-860.000 PRINTING 232.95 35.00 173.78 150.00 101-191-900.000 Total ELECTIONS 3,250.04 1,463.14 3,574.79 3,300.00


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,860.00 7,300.00 7,800.00 8,000.00 ______101-203-800.000 Total AUDITOR 6,860.00 7,300.00 7,800.00 8,000.00

ASSESSOR OFFICE SUPPLIES 376.33 380.83 0.00 500.00 101-209-727.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15,500.00 16,100.00 10,950.00 16,500.00 101-209-800.000

COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 653.00 0.00 667.00 1,000.00 ______101-209-810.000 PRINTING 71.00 36.00 0.00 50.00 101-209-900.000 Total ASSESSOR 16,600.33 16,516.83 11,617.00 18,050.00


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,591.61 3,250.00 1,575.00 10,000.00 ______101-210-800.000 Total ATTORNEY/CORPORATION COUNSEL 7,591.61 3,250.00 1,575.00 10,000.00

March 1,2019 10:09 am PageS of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

AccountTitle 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

General Government CLERK

FULLTIME WAGES 19,713.48 17,728.36 11,823.84 18,450.00 ______101-215-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 7,831.07 9,189.15 5,704.52 8,100.00 ______101-215-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 3784.94 777.38 840.00 600.00 101-215-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 167.30 124.32 72.52 150.00 101-215-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 575.98 7.73 660.00 750.00 101-215-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 2,051.21 2,009.74 1,358.34 2,000.00 101-215-715.000 RETIREMENT 592.76 260.28 785.07 1,000.00 101-215-718.000 MESC 79.03 60.55 63.38 75.00 101-215-719.000 WORK COMP. 76.50 95.01 86.68 125.00 101-215-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 946.47 673.31 715.94 800.00 101-215-727.000 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 386.00 380.00 60.00 400.00 101-215-801.000 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 902.50 587.50 587.50 800.00 101-215-810.000 TELEPHONES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-215-851.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 188.64 74.16 200.00 101-215-860.000

EDUCATION/TRAINING 1,453.50 1,127.88 0.00 1,000.00 ______101-215-956.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 410.75 0.00 500.00 101-215-980.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 733.97 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 101-215-980.001

Total CLERK 39,294.71 33,620.60 22,831.95 35,950.00

REVIEW, BOARD OF FULL TIME WAGES 440.00 400.00 0.00 450.00 101-247-702.000

Total REVIEW, BOARD OF 440.00 400.00 0.00 450.00

March 1,201910:09 am . Page 6 of5l City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


General Government TREASURERICOORDINATOR FULLTIME WAGES 25,823.73 17,705.30 11,823.84 18,450.00 101-253-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 7,721.96 7,760.79 4,246.10 8,100.00 ______101-253-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 861.44 979.42 952.00 600.00 101-253-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 207.70 145.44 84.84 150.00 101-253-710.000

HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 3,185.13 113.11 916.83 750.00 ______101-253-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 2,607.35 2,033.43 1,255.43 2,250.00 101-253-715.000 RETIREMENT 2,106.37 1,513.05 915.92 1,000.00 101-253-718.000 MESC 89.15 64.02 44.34 100.00 101-253-719.000

WORK COMP. 97.50 95.01 86.68 120.00 ______101-253-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,682.95 1,009.58 814.71 1,200.00 101-253-727.000 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 90.00 101.29 50.00 200.00 101-253-801.000 COMPUTERSUPPORTSERVICES 1,394.00 1,136.50 1,148.50 1,500.00 101-253-810.000 TRANSPORTATION 417.72 140.74 63.80 300.00 101-253-860.000

EDUCATION/TRAINING 675.00 840.14 331.11 1,000.00 ______101-253-956.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 150.00 605.74 0.00 500.00 101-253-980.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 101-253-980.001 Total TREASURER/COORDINATOR 47,110,00 34,243.56 22,734.10 37,220.00

March 1, 2019 10:09 am Page 7 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

General Government CITY HALL

OFFICE SUPPLIES - COPY PAPER 143.38 1,351.97 141.45 500.00 101-265-727.002

COPIER EXPENSES 2,045.41 2,631.03 1,020.30 2,000.00 ______101-265-728.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 491.30 461.49 232.04 600.00 101-265-740.000 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 553.46 712.23 434.65 750.00 101-265-777.000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,972.11 4,409.00 1,955.52 2,000.00 ______101-265-800.000

MEMBERSHIP & DUES 1,671.71 1,889.92 1,751.96 2,000.00 ______101-265-801.000 SHIAWASSEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 101-265-802.000 SATA 0.00 0.00 3,207.26 0.00 101-265-803.000 CITY ORDINANCE CODIFICATION 2,137.79 2,235.64 2,010.99 2,200.00 101-265-805.000 Wedbsite Updates 665.00 1,667.02 30.00 1,500.00 101-265-810.000 TRASH REMOVAL 984.94 1,382.48 979.58 1,500.00 101-265-830.000 TELEPHONES 852.92 984.66 783.04 1,000.00 101-265-851.000 COMMUNITY PRO. XMAS DEC 0.00 481.26 0.00 500.00 101-265-880.001 COMMUNITY PRO. PUBLIC RELAT 2,466.13 2,352.54 215.00 2,000.00 101-265-880.003

PRINTING 1,240.36 761.50 0.00 1,000.00 ______101-265-900.000

INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 ______101-265-912.000 VEHICLE INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.00 101-265-913.000 FLOATER INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.00 101-265-914.000

PUBLIC UTILITIES 7,957.72 8,160.34 5,611.31 10,500.00 ______101-265-920.000 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 0.00 1,134.28 0.00 0.00 101-265-920.001 STREET LIGHTS 21,057.24 21,899.31 13,515.35 2i,000.oo 101-265-926.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 7,786.93 11,729.37 5,272.35 5,000.00 101-265-930.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 169.98 26.48 400.00 101-265-957.000 425 AGREEMENT 2,951.58 2,997.88 3,067.95 3,200.00 101-265-962.000

VERIZON SETTLEMENT 3,151.32 3,151.32 0.00 3,152.00 ______101-265-968.000

IMPROVEMENTS 27,407.84 10,894.06 0.00 5,000.00 ______101-265-975.000

Total CITY HALL 87,037.14 84,457.28 40,755.23 68,882,00

March 1, 2019 10:09 am PageS of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

General Government Total General Government 213,560.85 187,318.00 113,553.82 190,657.00

Public Safety

March 1,201910:09 am Page 9 ofSl City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND


SALARIES & WAGES - CHIEF 28846.82 39,832.00 29,172.80 45,760.00 ______101-301-702.001

PART-TIME WAGES 36,780.35 25,185.76 16,184.70 34,036.00 ______101-301-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,008.00 101-301-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 226.56 683.12 368.56 900.00 101-301-710.000

HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 740.90 1,922.90 2,325.00 ______101-301-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 4,878.41 4,859.95 3,436.97 6,200.00 101-301-715.000

RETIREMENT 0.00 1,614.11 1,954.70 3,300.00 ______101-301-718.000 MESC 272.39 259.23 152.22 500.00 101-301-719.000 WORK COMP. 1,644.19 1,607.73 1,527.87 2,000.00 101-301-725,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,261.25 669.95 254.49 500.00 101-301-727.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 442.84 147.96 654.38 700.00 101-301-740.000

FIREARMS/AMMO & SUPPLIES 1,501.91 1,040.10 404.26 1,500,00 ______101-301-740.001 UNIFORMS 792.12 0.00 113.92 1,000.00 101-301-741.000 BOOTS 399.98 602.97 214.08 606,00 101-301-741.001 BULLET PROOF VESTS 1,468.00 1,159.00 0.00 675.00 101-301-741.002 ALARM MONITORING FEE 179.88 164.89 119.92 200.00 101-301-800.000 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 165.00 140.00 115.00 200.00 101-301-801.000

COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 1,827.50 540.00 840.00 2,000.00 ______101-301-810.000 WITNESS FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 101-301-825.000 PHYSICALS 226.50 0.00 0.00 500.00 101-301-836.000

TELEPHONES 852.92 1,059.66 733.00 1,100.00 ______101-301-851.000 ModemforCar 1,642.78 652.63 450.32 650.00 101-301-851.001 COUNTY RADIO FEES 1,595.00 0.00 754.00 1,600.00 101-301-852.000 MILEAGE 98.82 50.05 0.00 100.00 101-301-860.000 GASOLINE 3,082.12 3,485.39 2,225.52 5,141.37 101-301-867.000 INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 101-301-912.000

VEHICLE INSURANCE 2,298.37 2,500.00 1,940.20 2,500.00 ______101-301-913.000 FLOATER INSURANCE 19.33 50.00 59.00 50.00 101-301-914.000 March 1,201910:09 am Page 10 of5l City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Public Safety POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE PROFESSIONAL 12,111.4S 12,500.00 12,141.35 13,500.00 101-301-919.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REP. 0.00 410.75 0.00 600.00 101-301-931.000

VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,915.70 1,552.12 1,121.95 2,500.00 ______101-301-939.000

EDUCATION/TRAINING 965.00 896.00 1466.32 2,071.63 ______101-301-956.000 302 JUSTICE TRAINING FUNDS 0.00 500.00 557.11 500.00 101-301-956.001 Vehcile Lease Payment 10,108.12 9,822.79 0.00 0.00 101-301-970.000 Vehicle Replacement Fund 0.00 52,288.70 0.00 10,000.00 101-301-970.001

EQUIPMENT 1,069.99 5,888.69 1,168.00 4,656.00 ______101-301-977.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 28.61 0.00 0.00 101-301-980.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 709.58 735.12 0.00 1,000.00 101-301-980.001 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT 117,382.92 171,668.18 80,053.54 152,423.00

FIRE DEPARTMENT Contracted Fire Service 25,337.95 26,131.80 0.00 28,638.00 101-336-800.000 Total FIRE DEPARTMEN1 25,337.95 26,131.80 0_Do 28,638.00


OFFICE SUPPLIES . 0.00 0.00 32.89 100.00 101-401-727.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,746.25 2,787.50 2,405.00 4,000.00 101-401-800.000

BUILDING INSPECTOR - ADMIN. 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 ______101-401-800.100 PRINTING 0.00 270.00 359.00 500.00 101401-900.000 EDUCATION/TRAINING 0.00 0.00 10.00 1,000.00 101-401-956.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 101-401-957.000 Total PLANNING/ZONING/HEALTH OFFICER 2,746.25 3,057.50 2,806.89 9,800.00

March 1, 2019 10:09am Page 11 of5l City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Public Safety EMERGENCY SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 101-426-727.000 AVAILABLE FUNDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 101-426-961.000 Total EMERGENCY SERVICES 0.00 0_co 0.00 500.00

Total Public Safety 145,467.12 200,857.48 82,860.43 191,361.00

Public Works

Marchl,201910:O9am PagelZofSl City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Public Works DPW GENERAL OPERATIONS FULL TIME WAGES-SUPERVISOR 2305802 23,96280 13,989.72 26,000.00 101-441-702.000

PART-TIME WAGEE 16,624.90 12,164.93 9,234.83 10,350.00 ______101-441-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 744.44 0.00 775.00 101-441-704.000 WAGE CaNT. /LIFE 382.84 38388 227.84 247.90 101-441-710.000

HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 12,100.32 8,757.13 6,113.44 8,500.00 ______101-441-711.000

SOCIAL SECURITY 2,510.53 2,739.30 1,718.82 2,775.00 ______101-441-715.000 RETIREMENT 1,950.24 1,657.93 1,730.25 1825.00 101-441-718.000 MESC 113.85 87.90 66.32 100.00 101-441-719.000 WORK COMP. 749.96 760.06 754.47 1,155.00 101-441-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 188.06 1.59 0.00 100.00 101-441-727.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,182.45 2,196.34 1,256.00 2,500.00 101-441-740.000

SUPPLIES-MOSQUITO PROGRAM 3,550.69 905.11 955.46 3,000.00 ______101-441-740.001 UNIFORMS & SHOES 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 101441-741.000 CDL CONSORTIUM 244.66 140.00 210.00 300.00 101441-820.000 PHYSICALS 150.00 85.00 0.00 150.00 101-441-836.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 101-441-860.000 GASOLINE 3,194.02 6,617.05 3,683.10 6,500.00 101-441-867.000 VEHICLE INSURANCE 1,723.78 1,962.60 2,033.40 2,000.00 101-441-913.000 FLOATER INSURANCE 244.42 225.00 234.00 225.00 101-441-914.000 EQUIPMENTREPAIR 2,375.42 2,339.42 1733.90 6,500.00 101-441-931.001

VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 2,977.09 1,945.54 1,810.83 6,000.00 ______101-441-939.000 EDUCATION/TRAINING 155.35 270.00 0.00 200.00 101441-956.000 MISCELLANEOUS 377.80 27.33 0.00 0.00 101-441-957.000

CAPITAL OUTLA’Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 ______101-441-970.000

EQUIPMENT 0.00 3,770.00 0.00 1,500.00 ______101441-977.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 101441-980.001

Total DPW GENERAL OPERATIONS 73,854.40 71,743.35 45,752.38 87,152.90

March 1,201910:09 am Page 13 otSI City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


Public Works SIDEWALKS OPERATING SUPPLIES 616.00 0.00 890.25 1,200.00 101442-740.000

REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 7,18503 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 ______101442-930.000

RIGHT-OF-WAY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 605.46 0.00 0.00 5,344.00 ______101442-930.001 Total SIDEWALKS 8,406.49 0.00 890.25 11,544.00


REPAIR& MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 85.09 5,000.00 ______101443-930.000 Total PARKING LOT MAINT 0.00 0.00 85.09 5,000.00 DRAINS

OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ______101445-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 3,055.00 1,650.00 1,500.00 101445-800.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE -1,899.00 6,177.05 0.00 200.00 101-445-930.000

DRAINS AT LARGE REPAIR & MAIN1 584.49 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ______101445-930.001 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE- Storm Drains 0.00 1,115.00 0.00 0.00 101-445-930.100 Total DRAINS -1,314.51 10,347.05 1,650.00 3,700.00

TRANSFER TO OTHER FUND CONTRIBUTION TO Major Street 0.00 31,957.60 0.00 0.00 101-446-963.202 Total TRANSFER TO OTHER FUND 0.00 31,957.60 0.00 0.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 14 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Public Works SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FULL TIME WAGES- SUPERVISOR 5,850.59 6346.92 4,516.13 6,745.00 101-524-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 2,784.20 2,728.29 1,513.68 2,800.00 ______101-524-703.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 608.34 669.79 444.87 730.00 101-524-715.000 MESC 27.84 22.85 14.75 30.00 101-524-719000 WORK COMP. 412.48 403.78 36841 600.00 101-524-725.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 319.83 71.32 235.75 300.00 101-524-740.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 2,413.02 438.03 670.58 3,200.00 101-524-930.000 Total SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 12,416.30 10,680.98 7,764.17 14,405.00

Total Public Works 93,362.68 124,728.98 56,141.89 121,801.90

Health and Welfare AMBULANCE Contracted Ambulance Service 26,280.00 26,324.34 0.00 26,595.00 101-651-800.000 Total AMBULANCE 26,280.00 26,324.34 0.00 26,595.00

Total Health and Welfare 26,280.00 26,324.34 0.00 26,595.00

Recreation and Culture

March 1,201910:09 am Page 15 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 201 6-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Recreation and Culture RECREATIONIPARKS DEPARTMEN1 FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 6,956.25 6,505.06 4,417.07 6,850.00 101-751 -702. 000 PART-TIME WAGES 2,605.03 2,438.60 1,496.40 2,325.00 101-751-703. 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 636.92 661.23 436.96 650.00 101-751-7 15. 000 MESC 30.92 21.93 13.81 30.00 101-751-7 19. 000 WORK COMP. 131.23 142.51 130.03 200.00 101-751 -725. 000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 811.23 586.14 41.63 2,000.00 101-751-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,253.87 1,944.74 179.16 1,500.00 101-751-800. 000 TRASH REMOVAL 569.23 807.40 420.00 1,000.00 101-751 -830. 000 PUBLIC UTILITIES 3,699.39 3,617.31 1,851.88 5,300.00 101-751-920.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 6,232.82 4,665.59 4,658.34 8,000.00 101-751-930.000 CAPITAL OUTLA’Y 0.00 9,930.00 6,160.00 5,000.00 101-751-970.000

Total RECREATION/PARKS DEPARTMEN1 22,926.89 31,320.51 19,805.28 32,865.00

Cruise In Supplies 2,297.12 0.00 101 -760-740. 000 0.00 0.00 ~2 ~-°~“~ PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES 2,082.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~- 101 -760-740.001 ~r FUNDRAISING - PLAQUES 1,045.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 -760-740. 002

FUNDRAISING - RAFFLE 316.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-760-740.003

PRINTING - advertising 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‘/ 101 -760-900. 000 INSURANCE - SPECIAL LIABILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 101-760-91 0. 000 Rental 1,955.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /\ 101-760-943. 000 MISCELLANEOUS 177.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 / 101-760-957.000 CONTRIBUTION TO OTHER FUND 6,117.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 / 101-760-963.000 Total Cruise In 13,992.10 0.00 0.00 0.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 16 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: GENERAL OPERATING FUND

Recreation and Culture LIBRARY

PUBLIC UTILITIES 3,92571 3,248.05 2,036.13 4,800.00 ______101-790-920.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 4,012.77 9,345.56 395.00 3,000.00 101-790-930.000 CONTRIBUTION TO OTHER FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-790-963.000 IMPROVEMENTS 810.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 101-790-975.000 Total LIBRARy 8,748.48 12,593.61 2,431.13 8,800.00

Total Recreation and Culture 45,667.47 43,914.12 22,236.41 41,655.00

Other Functions INSURANCE. INSURANCE 1,195.00 997.00 1,015.00 1,200.00 101-851-910.000 SMP 621.50 495.80 579.00 650.00 101-851-915.000 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA 675.67 700.00 824.00 700.00 101-851-916.000 ERRORS & OMISSIONS 4,618.84 3,000.00 5,354.04 5,000.00 101-851-917.000 Total INSURANCE. 7,111.01 5,192.80 7,772.04 7,550.00

CONTIGENCIES AVAILABLE FUNDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 101-890-961.000 Total CONTIGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00

Total Other Functions 7,111.01 5,192.80 7,772.04 22,550.00

Capital Outlay

March 1,201910:09 am Page 17 otSI City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


Capital Outlay CAPITAL CONTROL SAW Grant 10%Match transfer out 287 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-900-963.287 CAPITOL PURCHASES 9000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-900-971.100 IMPROVEMENTS SRTS Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-900-975.403

PERPETUAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (R) 0.00 0.00 10,150.00 25,000.00 ______101-900-978.441 Total CAPITAL CONTROL 9,000.00 0.00 10,150.00 25,000.00

Total Capital Outlay 9,000.00 0.00 10,150.00 25,000.00

Transfers Out TRANSFERS OUT-CONTROL Transfers out coo 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 f’t~\40( ‘EYt—$2c’F 101-965-963.000 Total TRANSFERS OUT-CONTROL 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00

Total Transfers Out 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00

Total Expenditures 540,279.53 589,042.70 292,813.88 722,969.90

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 108,534.76 68,938.97 226,507.87 -44,286.90

March 1,201910:09 am Page 18 ofSl ______~.q\ z~ fl~.~I?~4 ~ —

City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: MAJOR STREET FUND

Program Revenues State Grants STATE GRANTS CULTURE-PA 207 2011 000 0.00 6,778.86 0.00 202-000-566.000

GAS & WEIGHT TAX 93,860.57 120,369.70 55,270.91 125,000.00 ______202-000-577.000

Total State Grants 93,860.57 120,369.70 62,049.77 125,000.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST EARNINGS 37.01 77.79 271.71 300.00 202-000-665.000

Total Interest and Rents 37.01 77.79 271.71 300.00

Total Program Revenues 93,897.58 120,447.49 62,321.48 125,300.00

Special Items Other Revenue

CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHERS 0.00 31,957.60 0.00 25,000.00 ______202-000-676.000 REFUND 1,513.86 2,772.49 0.00 3,000.00 202-000-687.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 202-000-692.000

Total Other Revenue 1,513.86 34,730.09 0.00 28,100.00

Total Special Items 1,513.86 34,730.09 0.00 28,100.00

Total Revenues 95,411.44 155,177.58 62,321.48 153,400.00

March 1, 2019 10:09 am Page 21 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr

- 2019-20 Budget



PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ______202-453-800.000

CAPITAL OUTLA’Y 0.00 22,844.00 31,394.96 25,000.00 ______202-453-970.000 Total CONSTRUCTION 0_Do 22,844.00 31,394.96 26,000.00 ü0 Sfcc~ ~-c pc~€_tA_ P LQs~ns-4 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE

FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 3,788.02 4,446.27 3,104.95 4,500.00 202-463-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 2,082.28 1848.80 1,202.95 1,855.00 ______202-463-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 80.48 0.00 140.00 202-463-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 45.92 46.08 27.35 50.00 202-463-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 1995.23 1,686.04 1,213.25 2,000.00 202-463-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 405.12 470.78 318.53 500.00 202-463-715.000 RETIREMENT 234.03 198.95 207.63 325.00 202-463-718,000 MESC 22.39 15.86 11.29 20.00 202-463-719.000 WORK COMP. 224.99 213.77 195.04 250.00 202-463-725.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,277.58 1,370,94 3,293.50 6,000.00 202-463-740.000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,988.00 248.50 350.00 4,000.00 ______202-463-800.000

EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 4,500.00 ______202-463-943.000 RENTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 202-463-943.001 Total ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 17,563.56 15,126.48 9,924.49 24,590.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 22 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


Public Works TRAFFIC SERVICES FULL TIME WAGES- SUPERVISOR 844.18 970.83 620.25 1125.00 202-474-702.000

FULL TIME WAGES - DAVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 202-474-702.001 PART-TIME WAGES 580.44 462.21 273.69 465.00 202-474-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0_Do o.oo 0_Do 35.00 202-474-704.000

WAGE CONT. /LIFE 11.47 11.52 6.81 11.10 ______202-474-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 860.49 688.73 700.30 315.00 202-474-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 100.70 105.97 66.01 100_Do 202-474-715.000 RETIREMENT 58.52 49.73 51.92 100.00 202-474-718.000 MESC 5.28 3.91 2.25 5.77 202-474-719.000 WORK COMP. 86.25 79.73 72.75 100.00 202-474-725.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 881.72 808.50 0.00 1,175.00 202-474-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,950,00 4,806.31 0.00 4,000.00 202474-800.000 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 280.52 222.35 169.82 500.00 202-474-925.000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,500,00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 202-474-943.000 Total TRAFFIC SERVICES 8,159.57 9,709.79 1,963.80 6,431.87


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 35,457.60 860.00 3,000.00 ______202475-800.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0.00 1,960.00 0.00 500.00 202475-930.000 Total NON-MOTORIZED 0.00 37,417.60 860.00 3,500.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 23 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget



FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 5,006.25 5428.34 3,667.07 5,500.00 202-478-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 2,360.79 2,495.60 1671.05 3,800.00 ______202-478-703.000

OVERTIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 202-478-703.001

OVERTIME WAGES - DAVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 202-478-703.002 WAGE CONT. )LIFE 57.45 57.60 34.17 60.00 202-478-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 2,824.02 1,647.31 714.63 1575.00 202-478-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 544.86 594.34 395.08 785.00 202-478-715.000 RETIREMENT 292.54 248.69 259.55 430.00 202-478-718.000 MESC 23.75 21.18 14.96 40.00 202-478-719.000 WORK COMP. 337.48 332.53 303.39 500.00 202-478-725.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,295.69 3,941.79 7,773.26 4,940.56 202478-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 2,317.50 0.00 2,000.00 202478-800.000

EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 ______202-478-943.000 Total WINTER MAINTENANCE 17,742.83 20,084.88 14,833.16 23,630.56


FULL TIME WAGES 2,752.37 2,133.09 1,412.88 2,330.00 ______202482-702.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.00 202482-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 23.36 16.80 9.80 16.00 202-482-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 213.51 0.00 49.23 93.00 202482-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 213.96 151.88 102.64 182.78 202-482-715.000 RETIREMENT 152.29 104.80 104.68 170.00 202-482-718.000 MESC 2.75 1.83 2.15 10.00 202482-719.000 WORK COMP. 11.25 9.50 8.57 10.00 202482-725.000 Total ADMINISTRATION 3,379.49 2,417.90 1,690.05 2,883.78

Total Public Works 46,845.45 107,600.65 60,666.46 87,036.21

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget Fund: MAJOR STREET FUND

Debt Service DEBT SERVICE CONTROL To Debt Ret. Fund for Maj St Imp. 17952.63 17321.17 17,997.47 18005.00 202-905-999.351 Total DEBT SERVICE CONTROL 17,952.63 17,321.17 17,997.47 18,005.00

Total Debt Service 17,952.63 17,321.17 17,997.47 18,005.00

Total Expenditures 64,798.08 124,921.82 78,663.93 105,041.21

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 30,613.36 30,255.76 -16,342.45 48,358.79

March 1,201910:09 am Page 25 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Program Revenues State Grants STATE GRANTS CULTURE-PA 207 of 2011 0.00 000 12589.32 0.00 203-000-566.000

GAS & WEIGHT TPJ( 35,160.30 45,521.15 23046.01 46,850.00 ______203-000-577.000 Total State Grants 35,160.30 45,521.15 35,635.33 46,850.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST EARNINGS 8.68 0.00 000 30.00 203-000-665.000 Total Interest and Rents 8.68 0.00 0.00 30.00

Total Program Revenues 35,168.98 45,521.15 35,635.33 46,880.00

Special Items Other Revenue REFUND 548.80 1,188.22 0.00 1,500.00 203-000-687.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.03 0.00 0.00 100.00 203-000-692.000 Total Other Revenue 648.83 1,188.22 0.00 1,600.00

Total Special Items 648.83 1,188.22 0.00 1,600.00

Total Revenues 35,817.81 46,709.37 35,635.33 48,480.00

March 1,201910:09 am Page 26 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: LOCAL STREET FUND

Public Works CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 2,899.84 0.00 20,000.00 S\ThO.tâ&4Sc4... 203453-800.000 Total CONSTRUCTION 0.00 2,899.84 0.00 20,000.00 sAt~~A~ “~ c~e_4~ni Sc~”- O~snA- ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE

FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 2,263.52 2,749.19 1842.60 3,000.00 ______203-463-702.000 PART-TIME WAGES 1,162.87 1231 .19 783.78 1240.00 203-463-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 80.48 0.00 90.42 203-463-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 36.62 34.92 20.69 35.00 203463-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 335.00 97.59 63.80 400.00 203463-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 257.13 305.76 194.25 335.00 203463-715.000 RETIREMENT 156.02 132.63 138.42 225.00 203-463-718.000 MESC 12.65 10.20 6.93 15.00 203-463-719.000 WORK COMP. 149.99 142.51 130.03 250.00 203463-725.000

OPERATING SUPPLIES 959.49 405.40 1,411.50 2,500.00 ______203463-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,250.00 3,931.50 450.00 2,000.00 203-463-800.000

EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,000.00 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.00 ______203-463-943.000 Total ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 8,583.29 10,996.37 5,042.00 11,965.42

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget



FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 824.52 843.23 602.11 1,100.00 ______203-474-702.000 PART-TIME WAGES 324.05 308.12 181.41 325.00 203-474-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 203-474-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 7.68 7.68 4.56 7.50 203-474-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 225.02 112.93 123.35 210.00 203-474-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 81.36 85.09 57.74 110.00 203-474-715.000 RETIREMENT 39.00 33.18 34.63 5500 203-474-718.000 MESC 3.46 2.88 1.94 10.00 203-474-719.000 WORK COMP. 41.25 47.50 43.34 80.00 203-474-725.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 41.88 58.50 0.00 200.00 203-474-740.000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 203-474-943.000 Total TRAFFIC SERVICES 1,788.22 1,699.11 1,049.08 2,322.50


FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 3,337.56 3,812.59 2,444.71 3,750.00 203-478-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 1622.28 1675.28 1,454.90 2,400.00 ______203-478-703.000

OVERTIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 203-478-703.001

OVERTIME WAGES - DAVID 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 203-478-703.002 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 38.30 38.40 22.79 40.00 203-478-710000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 18.76 0.00 158.79 400.00 203-478-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 350.03 405.13 289.52 400.00 203-478-715.000 RETIREMENT 195.02 165.79 173.05 300.00 203-478-718.000 MESC 16.20 15.17 12.47 15.00 203-478-719.000 WORK COMP. 187.49 237.52 216.71 352.00 203-478-725.000

OPERATING SUPPLIES - 1,412.43 1,689.36 3,331.38 1,470.09 ______203-478-740.000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 203478-943.000 Total WINTER MAINTENANCE 9,178.07 10,039.24 8,104.32 12,127.09

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Public Works ADMINISTRATION FULL TIME WAGES 1375.99 1027.78 755.44 1,200.00 203482-702.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 203482-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 5.65 4.20 2.45 8.00 203-482-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 268.01 90.35 65.90 100.00 203-482-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 107.16 76.04 55.00 95.00 203-482-715.000 RETIREMENT 81.15 52.43 52.31 87.00 203-482-718.000 MESC 1.39 0.91 1.47 10.00 203-482-719.000 WORK COMP. 7.50 4.75 4.33 5.00 203-482-725.000

Total ADMINISTRATION 1,846.85 1,256.46 936.90 1,545.00

Total Public Works 21,396.43 26,891.02 15,132.30 47,960.01

Debt Service DEBT SERVICE CONTROL To Debt Ret. Fund for Loc St Imp. 7693.98 7,423.36 7,713.20 7,720.00 203-905-999.351

Total DEBT SERVICE CONTROL 7,693.98 7,423.36 7,713.20 7,720.00

Total Debt Service 7,693.98 7,423.36 7,713.20 7,720.00

Transfers Out ENDING FY SURPLUS CAPITAL OUTLA’Y 0.00 6,923.00 0.00 0.00 203-999-970.000

Total ENDING FY SURPLUS 0.00 6,923.00 0.00 0.00

Total Transfers Out 0.00 6,923.00 0.00 0.00

Total Expenditures 29,090.41 41,237.38 22,845.50 55,680.01

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 6,727.40 5,471.99 12,789.83 -7,200.01

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Program Revenues Licenses and Permits Sale of Lots 4,000.00 4800.00 2,400.00 5000.00 209-000-482.000 Total Licenses and Permits 4,000.00 4,800.00 2,400.00 5,000.00

Charges for Services FOUNDATION POURING 0.00 4,233.00 2,111.7E 4,000.00 209-000-629.000 Grave Opening and Closing Fees 8150.00 5,900.00 11950.00 8,000.00 209-000-653.000 Total Charges for Services 8,150.00 10,133.00 14,061.75 12,000.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST 40.09 43.47 55.01 20.00 209-000-665.000 Total Interest and Rents 40.09 43.47 55.01 20.00

Total Program Revenues 12,190.09 14,976.47 16,516.76 17,020.00

Special Items Other Revenue MISCELLANEOUS 1,092.30 0.00 0.00 850.00 209-000-692.000 Total Other Revenue 1,092.30 0.00 0.00 850.00

Total Special Items 1,092.30 0.00 0.00 850.00

Total Revenues 13,282.39 14,976.47 16,516.76 17,870.00

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: CEMETERY FUND

PART-TIME WAGES 9,563.85 10,515.13 5,455.31 10,000.00 209-000-703.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 70540 805.99 413.53 800.00 209-000-715.000 MESC 58.93 63.09 31.38 100.00 209-000-719.000 WORK COMP. 0.00 190.01 173.37 200.00 209-000-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.54 2.85 0.00 50.00 209-000-727.000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,839.25 540.00 632.50 1,000.00 ______209-000-800.000 CEMETERY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 680.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 209-000-800.001 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 682.50 682.50 682.50 700.00 209-000-810.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 209-000-860.000

GASOLINE 712.41 872.03 814.22 1,000.00 ______209-000-867.000 PRINTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 209-000-900.000 INSURANCE 287.95 128.00 129.00 150.00 209-000-910.000 PUBLIC UTILITIES 272.75 290.13 173.21 300.00 209-000-920.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1,028.00 2,388.42 386.71 2,020.00 209-000-930.000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 209-000-943.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 209-000-957.000

EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ______209-000-977.000

Total Expenditures 16,858.58 16,663.15 8,891.73 17,870.00

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -3,576.19 -1,686.68 7,625.03 0.00 NI

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: LIBRARY FUND

General Revenues Taxes

Library Operating Mil 23,480.26 24249.33 23,819.11 25,121.00 ______271-000-401.000 Total Taxes 23,480.26 24,249.33 23,819.11 25,121.00

Total General Revenues 23,480.26 24,249.33 23,819.11 25,121.00

Program Revenues State Grants

STATE GRANTS CULTURE 4,000.00 3,000.00 5250.00 2,250.00 ______271-000-566.000 STATE AIC 3,103.38 6,624.36 3,529.04 6,000.00 271-000-569.000 Total State Grants 7,103.38 9,624.36 8,779.04 8,250.00

Charges for Services COPY MACHINE MONEY 884.20 746.70 366.90 700.00 271-000-651.000 Total Charges for Services 884.20 746.70 366.90 700.00

Fines and Forfeits BOOK FINES 1,050.95 788.00 457.00 1,100.00 271-000-657.000 PENAL FINES 44,171.12 24,552.37 10,852.52 29,500.00 271-000-663.000 Total Fines and Forfeits 45,222.07 25,340.37 11,309.52 30,600.00

Interest and Rents

INTEREST EARNINGS . 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 271-000-665.000 BOOKS ON TAPE 380.00 246.00 121.00 350.00 271-000-666.000 VIDEOTAPE RENTAL 2,331.00 2,176.00 1,254.00 2,400.00 271-000-667.001 FAX 752.00 770.00 323.00 750.00 271-000-669.003 LAMINATING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 271-000-669.004 Total Interest and Rents 3,463.00 3,192.10 1,698.00 3,500.00

Total Program Revenues 56,672.65 38,903.53 22,153.46 43,050.00

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


Special Items Other Revenue TOWNSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS 16500.00 16,500.00 0.00 16,500.00 271-000-674.003

PRIVATE DONATIONS 2,819.90 3,055.00 1,257.02 3,000.00 ______271-000-675.000 REFUND 108.79 0.00 82.74 0.00 271-000-687.000 Total Other Revenue 19,428.69 19,555.00 1,339.76 19,500.00

Total Special Items 19,428.69 19,655.00 1,339.76 19,500.00

Total Revenues 99,581.60 82,707.86 47,312.33 87,671.00

\~ \&s3t ~S

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


FULL TIME WAGES 35,886,96 27,568.00 14,473.20 35,838.40 ______271-000-702.000 PART-TIME WAGES 18,960.90 14,260,60 9,431.76 11544.00 271-000-703.000 SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 1,080.96 0.00 0.00 1,654.08 271-000-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 382.51 384.96 224.56 350.00 271-000-710.000 HEALTHIDENTAL INSURANCE 16,615.10 20,915.16 10,878.50 17,241.69 271-000-711.000 SOCIAL SECURITY 4,153.96 3,582.48 1,814.50 3,751.30 271-000-715.000 RETIREMENT 2,023.56 1,269.53 1,281.48 1,874.62 271-000-718.000 MESC 211.39 174.47 122.49 230.85 271-000-719.000 WORK COMP. 90.00 95.01 105.64 100.00 271-000-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 404.65 118.88 225.16 500.00 271-000-727.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3.98 4.89 36.69 200.00 271-000-740.000 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 73.99 0.00 0.00 50.00 271-000-777.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 271-000-800.000 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 150.00 275.00 275.00 150.00 271-000-801.000 LIBRARY COOPERATIVE 1,519.41 4,863.87 1,764.52 2,250.00 271-000-802.000

COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 3,453.97 2,200.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 ______271-000-810.000 PHYSICALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.00 271-000-836.000 TELEPHONES 934,53 756.05 725.56 950.00 271 -000-851.000 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 225.00 271-000-860.000 EDUCATION/TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 271-000-956.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.81 0.00 0.00 50.00 271-000-957.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 45.02 48.00 131.50 500.00 271-000-980.001 BOOKS 3,944.24 2,591.97 1,381.19 5,000.00 271-000-982.000 MAGAZINES 824.85 690.81 179.88 700.00 271-000-982.001 BOOKS ON TAPE 0.00 0.00 0.00 596.06 271-000-982.100 VIDEO TAPES 1,180.80 436.81 105.45 2,000.00 271-000-985.000

Total Expenditures 91,941.59 80,236.49 46,167.08 87,671.00

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 7,640.01 2,471.37 2,155.25 0.00 -\\~O ~

March 1,2019 10:09am Page 34 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget

Fund: Grants

Program Revenues Federal Grants REVENUE ICE GRANT 16182631 1.12 0.00 1235800.00 287-000-501.000

CDBG Facade Grant Revenue - Federal 83216.00 122170.63 000 0.00 287-000-538.000 Total Federal Grants 245,042.31 122,171.75 0.00 1,235,800.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST 0.00 0.00 8.43 0.00 287-000-665.000 Total Interest and Rents 0.00 0.00 8.43 0.00

Total Program Revenues 245,042.31 122,171.75 8.43 1,235,800.00

Special Items Other Revenue ICE CONTRIBUTION FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 77,800.00 287-000-676.101

ICE CONTRTIBUTION FROM SOM 0.00 0.00 0.00 59,510.00 ______287-000-676.590 Total Other Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,310.00

Total Special Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,310.00

Total Revenues 245,042.31 122,171.75 8.43 1,373,110.00

March 1,2019 10:09 am Page 35 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: Grants

Grant Administration - CGA ICE 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 287-000-800.000 Engineering Ice 2019 0.00 0.00 52,500.00 286,200.00 287-000-800.001 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -STORM ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN’2,579.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 287-000-800.445

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - SEWER ASSET MANAGEMENT PLA97,818.1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 287-000-800.590

PRINTING 0.00 0.00 223.15 1,799.00 ______287-000-900.000 Bank Fees Grant 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287-000-957.000 Contruction Expenses ICE 2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,055,111CC 287-000-967.000

CDBG Facade - Preston 83,216.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287-000-967.259

CDBG Facade - Geasler 0.00 113,779.00 0.00 0.00 287-000-967.268 Bank Fees 507.76 0.00 -1.99 0.00 287-000-993.000 Total Expenditures 254,235.89 113,779.00 52,721.16 1,373,110.00

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -9,193.58 8,392.75 -52,712.73 0.00

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


General Revenues Taxes

PROPERTh’ TAX - ROADS 70,011.71 73,300.81 68,621.43 64676.75 351-000-401.000 Total Taxes 70,011.71 73,300.81 68,621.43 64,676.75

Total General Revenues 70,011.71 73,300.81 68,621.43 64,676.75

Program Revenues Interest and Rents INTEREST 0.00 0.00 66.00 0.00 351-000-665.000 Total Interest and Rents 0.00 0.00 66.00 0.00

Total Program Revenues 0.00 0.00 66.00 0.00

Special Items Other Revenue Txfr In for Bond Payment Maj St 17952.63 17,321.17 17997.47 18,005.00 351-000-699.202 txfr in Bond Payment Loc St 7,693.98 7,423.36 7,713.20 7,720.00 351-000-699.203

Total Other Revenue 25,646.61 24,744.53 25,710.67 25,725.00

Total Special Items 25,646.61 24,744.53 25,710.67 25,725.00

Total Revenues 95,658.32 98,045.34 94,398.10 90,401.75

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


PRINCIPAL- 2006 Bonds 21,101.50 21,101.50 24,116.00 24,116.00 ______351-000-991.000 PRINCIPAL -2014 Road Bonds 60,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 25000.00 351-000-991.014

PRINCIPAL 201700 BONDS 0.00 0.00 25000.00 25,000.00 ______351-000-991.017 TRANSFER FEES -2006 Bonds 225.00 325.00 212.50 580.75 351-000-992.000 TRANSFER FEES -2014 Road Bonds 0.00 0.00 0.00 840.00 351-000-992.014 Bank Fees 35.90 -34.90 -20.81 100.00 351-000-993.000 INTEREST -2006 Bonds 4,545.11 3,642.02 1,594.67 1,605.00 351-000-995.000 INTEREST -2014 Road Bonds 6,106.09 14,246.10 2,052.98 4,002.50 351-000-995.014

INTEREST 201700 BONDS 0.00 0.00 5606.25 9,157.50 ______351-000-995.017 Total Expenditures 92,013.60 64,279.72 58,561.69 90,401.75

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 3,644.72 33,765.62 35,836.51 0.00

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


Special Items Other Revenue txfrin from DDA 16,892.14 16,297.98 17,637.20 16950.00 352-000-699.000 Total Other Revenue 16,892.14 16,297.98 17,637.20 16,950.00

Total Special Items 16,892.14 16,297.98 17,637.20 16,950.00

Total Revenues 16,892.14 16,297.98 17,637.20 16,950.00

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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


PRINCIPAL 13,898.50 13,898.50 15,884.00 15,890.00 352-000-991.000 TRANSFER FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 352-000-992.000

INTEREST 2,993.64 2,399.48 1,050.33 1,060.00 ______352-000-995.000 Total Expenditures 16,892.14 16,297.98 16,934.33 16,950.00


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Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: PARKJRECREATION FUNC

Program Revenues Interest and Rents INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.52 24.20 0.00 508-000-665.000 Concessions 0.00 846.42 1519.05 1500.00 508-000-671.000 Total Interest and Rents 0.00 846.94 1543.25 1,500.00

Total Program Revenues 0.00 846.94 1,543.25 1,500.00

Special Items Other Revenue

PRIVATE DONATIONE 2,087.84 624.88 265.39 1,000.00 ______508-000-675.000 Movie Sponsors 1350.00 2,925.00 1575.00 4,500.00 508-000-676.000 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 83.60 500.00 508-000-692.000 Total Other Revenue 3,437.84 3,549.88 1,923.99 6,000.00

Total Special Items 3,437.84 3,549.88 1,923.99 6,000.00

Total Revenues 3,437.84 4,396.82 3,467.24 7,500.00

~ No March 1, 2019 10:09 am Page 43 of 51 °“~-~ c~~’e City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

AccountTitle 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget Fund: PARK/RECREATION FUND

SUPPLIES - LARC FUNDRAISING 656.48 387.67 700.73 1500.00 508-000-740.000

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Movie Fees 0.00 2,346.00 2,111 CC 3,000.00 508-000-800.100

MCCLINTOCK PARK IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 ______508-000-975.000 Bank Fees 37.60 -37.60 0.00 0.00 508-000-993.000 Total Expenditures 694.08 2,696.07 2,811.73 7,500.00

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 2,743.76 1,700.75 655.51 0.00

March 1, 2019 10:09 am Page 44 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Revenues

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget


General Revenues Taxes DELQ SEWER ON TAX NOTICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 590-000401.000 Total Taxes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total General Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Program Revenues Charges for Services SEWER CONNECTION 15,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 590-000-653.001 SPECIAL SEWER ASSESSMENT 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 590-000-653.002

SEWER CHARGES 184,249.49 187,968.00 93,750.47 188,000.00 ______590-000-654.001 SEWER PENALTIES 2,426.99 3,053.41 1,818.13 3,000.00 590-000-654.002

Total Charges for Services 201,676.48 193,536.41 100,568.60 196,000.00

Interest and Rents INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.00 494.77 500.00 590-000-665.000 Total Interest and Rents 0.00 0.00 494.77 500.00

Total Program Revenues 201,676.48 193,536.41 101,063.37 196,500.00

Special Items Other Revenue MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 6,147.63 115.00 100.00 590-000-692.000 Total Other Revenue 0.00 6,147.63 115.00 100.00

Total Special Items 0.00 6,147.63 115.00 100.00

Total Revenues 201,67648 199,684.04 101,178.37 196,600.00

March 1,2019 10:09 am Page 45 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 2019-20 Budget Fund: SEWER FUND

EXPENDITURE CONTROL-DEPRECIATION 000 000 000 3760.80 590-000-700.000

FULL TIME WAGES - SUPERVISOR 41940.20 40,761.37 23,345.01 35,000.00 ______590-000-702.000

PART-TIME WAGES 16,760.02 18,430.36 11,396.98 2C,300.0D ______590-000-703.000

SICK-LEAVE SUPPLEMENT 2,431.47 -1,452.37 672.00 1,400.00 ______590-000-704.000 WAGE CONT. /LIFE 365.91 318.36 187.64 300.00 590-000-710.000 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 7,691.62 5,074.58 3,846.26 6,000.00 590-000-711.000

SOCIAL SECURITY 4,301.27 4,338.68 2,836.83 4,650.00 ______590-000-715.000 RETIREMENT 2,089.99 1,518.79 1,626.31 2,540.00 590-000-718.000 MESC 181.25 152.36 116.71 160.00 590-000-719.000

WORKCOMP. 1,124.94 1,140.07 1,103.21 1,200.00 ______590-000-725.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,337.64 427.67 773.05 1,500.00 590-000-727.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 385.79 331.12 783.26 1,588.00 590-000-740.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 38,155.26 51,354.46 20,895.02 15,000.00 590-000-800.000

MISS DIG STAKING PRO SERVICES 732.93 732.93 971.73 1,000.00 ______590-000-800.590 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 1,060.00 980.00 855.00 1,000.00 590-000-801.000 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES 567.00 1,391.50 0.00 2,000.00 590-000-810.000

TELEPHONES 1,680.96 1,812.68 2,113.63 3,200.00 ______590-000-851.000 CELLULAR PHONE 607.75 713.48 406.90 800.00 590-000-851.001 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 590-000-860.000

GASOLINE 1,504.18 1,238.02 1,119.27 2,000.00 ______590-000-867.000 PRINTING 0.00 0.00 42.00 250.00 590-000-900.000

VEHICLE INSURANCE 1,723.80 1,962.60 2,033.40 2,200.00 ______590-000-913.000 FLOATER INSURANCE 224.00 210.00 214.00 300.00 590-000-914.000 BOILER MACHINE INS. 1,060.33 1,000.00 1,140.00 1,200.00 590-000-914.001 ERRORS & OMISSIONS 2,168.80 2,500.00 2,507.61 2,600.00 590-000-917.000 PUBLIC UTILITIES 4,816.08 4,973.43 2,756.94 5,500.00 590-000-920.000 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 7,908.73 22,909.15 4,767.46 7,000.00 590-000-930.000 Maintenance NuSystems Treatments 0.00 0.00 27,742.28 4Z000.00 590-000-930.100 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 0.00 1,115.81 274.51 1,000.00 590-000-931.001 RENTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 590-000-940.000 March 1,201910:09 am Page 46 of 51 City of Laingsburg Preliminary Budget Worksheet Expenditures

Account Title 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Actual 201 8-19 Actual Preliminary Workspace Account Nbr 201 9-20 Budget


EDUCATION/TRAINING 920.00 705.00 150.00 800.00 590-000-956. 000 MISCELLANEOUS 250.00 53.79 0.00 250.00 590-000-957. 000 CONTRIBUTION TO ICE GRANT 10% MATCH 0.00 0.00 0.00 59,510.00 Gras4# 590-000-963.000 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,318.00 124,219.00 0.00 0.00 590-000-969.000 CAPITAL OUTLA’Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590-000-970.000 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590-000-973.100 EQUIPMENT 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 590-000-977.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS 0.00 410.75 593.00 1,000.00 590-000-980.000 SOFTWARE 0.00 450.00 0.00 1,000.00 590-000-980.003 Capital Outlay CAPITAL CONTROL SAW Grant 10% Match-transfer out 287 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 590-900-963.287 Total CAPITAL CONTROL 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Capital Outlay 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Expenditures 267,558.36 289,773.59 115,270.01 234,208.80

BUDGETED CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -65,881.88 -90,089.55 -14,091.64 -37,608.80 U.4~.- -Caftcj~ E~j~z_Lz4&.e_L_.

tf7 March 1,201910:09 am Page 47 oL.&< ~L~W..eA.$A fl-SI

F• A ‘.Ii Up.ate • .1.2, A 23 mendment • Motion to Approve

customary charges (if any) for generally distributed documents are to be collected by the department distributing the document. In no case may the charge exceed the amount that would be under FOIA.

Departments may also respond to oral requests for documents as may be appropriate for the particular department’s operations. Oral requests for generally distributed documents should be honored whenever possible. Generally distributed documents include brochures, questionnaires, activity application forms, voter registration forms, public meeting agendas and the like. These examples are not all inclusive. If other categories of documents, such as contracts, memoranda to Council or letters to other public officials are generally provided based on informal requests, you should continue to make the documents available. Any customary charges (if any) for generally distributed documents are to be collected by the department distributing the document. In no case may the charge exceed the amount that would be due under the FOJA.

5.0 Writing Requests for Existing Documents

5.1 General Considerations

5.1.1 The FOIA requires that requests for documents be in writing. Written requests include letters, memos, fax requests, and Internet e-mail. Documents include microfilm, computer files, paper documents of all types, photographs, magnetic tape or any other method for storing words, pictures or data.

5.1.2 For a request to be considered a sufficient writing to satis~’ the FOIA, it must contain the following:

a) The complete name of the requester

b) The mailing address of the requester written in compliance with the United States Postal Service Standards.

c) The requestor’s telephone number or email address. Corporate entities who request records under the FOIA must provide this information for a company’s agent. A request that does not contain this information may be denied or invalid.

d) A statement indicating that the requester will pay the costs allowable under the FOLk or documentation showing that the requester is receiving public assistance or other facts showing inability to pay due to indigence.

5.1.3 Civil Action Pending

Adopted rules allow the City to obtain sufficient information to determine if the request documents related to pending civil actions to which the City is a party. If it does, the City can deny the FOLk requests. The City form gather this information through a statement certif~’ing that the requester is not requesting documents which are related to any civil actions where the requester is a party to the action either against the City, or by the City against him or her, and he or she is not acting on behalf of such a party. If the requester does not use the City form, and if the processing department suspects that the requested documents are related to a civil action to which the City and the requester are parties, contact the Attorney’s office immediately for advice and consultation.

5.1. Specific Types of Documents

5.2.1. Generally Distributed Documents

3 523 Amendment: Townships can consider a request “abandoned” if a good faith deposit is not received within 48 days after the good faith deposit is requested. If the good faith deposit is not ~ paid within that period, the requester would then be obligated to file a new FOTA request to obtain the requested records. The good faith deposit request must speci~’ that the request will be considered abandoned unless a deposit is received within 48 days from the date the letter is mailed.

11.4 Exceptions

11.4.1 Costs Set By Law

Documents which are required to be prepared and sold for a specific fee under Michigan or Federal law are exempt from FOLk cost calculation and shall be sold in accordance with the applicable federal law or state statute.

11.4.2 Public Assistance/Indigence

Persons receiving public assistance or presenting facts showing an inability to pay due to indigence shall have the first $20 of charges waived as required by FOIA.

11.4.3 Disability

A department may not charge a disabled individual additional costs required to provide the special acconunodations required by the American for Disability Act.

11.4.4 Public Interest Waiver

The FOIA Coordinator may waive some or all of the costs as may be in the public interest because thrnishing copies of the document(s) would be considered as primarily benefiting the general public.

Adopted by City Council 4-1-02

13 ILLS As of today: 3/1/2 019 (Additional bills will be added that arrive between now and the meeting)

otion to pay the bills for March 2019 Checks 40459 —40499 in the amount of $248,916.73

E Checks dated 1/31/2019 - 3/1/2019 in the amount of $41,663.95 Tax Distributions for Feb: $222483.56 oil call vote to pay the ills:

City of Laingsburg Check Register Report

Check Vendor Name Status Check Date CheckAmount$

General 40459 85 & A SOFTWARE INC Open 02104/2019 $593.00 40460 CONTRACTORS REPAIR Open 02/04/2019 $421.99 40461 HSC SERVICES INC Open 02/04/2019 $1,375.00 40462 LEONARO HARDWARE Open 02/04/2019 $62.60 40463 NuSystems LLC Open 02/04/2019 $2,240.91 40464 THE ARGUS-PRESS CO. Open 02/04/2019 $223.15 40465 VERIZON WIRELESS Open 02/04/2019 $50.04 40466 WINS ELECTRICAL Open 02/04/2019 $162.99 40467 LAINGSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Open 02)08/2019 $30,591.42 40468 SHIAWASSEECOUNTYTREASURER Open 02/08/2019 $12,812.36 40469 SHIAWASSEECOUNTYTREASURER Open 02/08/2019 $1,215.00 40470 LAINGSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Open 02/08/2019 $2,926.94 40471 SHIAWASSEECOUNTYTREASURER Open 02/08/2019 $3,607.58 40472 XEROXCORPORATION Open 02/08/2019 $151.11 40473 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. Open 02)08/2019 $1,038.00 40474 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN Open 02/08/2019 $118.02 40475 VERIZON WIRELESS Open 02/08/2019 $50.99 40476 POLICE OFFICERS LABOR COUNCIL Voided 02/12/2019 $0.00 40477 POLICE OFFICERS LABOR COUNCIL Open 02/12/2019 $50.00 40478 LAINGSBURG COMMUNITYSCHOOLS Open 02/20/2019 $100,917.50 40479 SHIAWASSEE COUNTYTREASURER Open 02/20/2019 $41,865.56 40480 SHIAWASSEECOUNTYTREASURER Open 02)20/2019 $3,009.13 40481 DaysterrCommunications Open 02)21/2019 $295.41 40482 8AKER&TAYLOR Open 02)22/2019 $253.63 40483 BRODARTCO. Open 02/22/2019 $41.65 40484 MIDWESTTAPE Open 02/22/2019 $37.23 40485 MeLaren Health Plan Community Open 02)27/2019 $2,364.76 40486 C2AE Open 03/04/2019 $22,219.85 40487 CHRISTINE Laux Open 03/04/2019 $92.39 40488 Daniel J. DEKORTE Open 03/04/2019 $65.00 40489 SALT COMPANY Open 03/04/2019 $5,306.22 40490 First Bankcard Open 03/04/2019 $493.32 40491 First Bankcard Open 03/04/2019 $400.00 40492 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS&PLANNERS Open 03/04/2019 $3,360.00 40493 LOU ANN CASLER Open 03/04/2019 $5,000.00 40494 MICHIGAN COMPANY INC (MICHCO) Open 03/04/2019 $647.02 40495 PAULAWILLOUGHBY Open 03/04/2019 $64.96 40496 RICHARD G BURLINGAME Open 03/04/2019 $1,575.00 40497 ROBERT & ELNA CULPEPPER Open 03/04/2019 $2,500.00 40498 , SHULTS EQUIPMENT INC Open 03/04/2019 $567.00 40499 TYLER HEATING & COOLING Open 03/04/2019 $150.00 Total General $248,916.73

Grand Total: $248,916.73

March 1,201910:43 am Page 1 of 2 City of Laingsburg Check Register Report

Check Vendor Name Status Check Date CheckAmount$

General E649 WEX BANK Open 0210412019 $842.11 E650 CITY OF LAINGSBURG Open 02108/2019 $4497.97 E651 CITY OF LAINGSBURG Open 02/08/2019 $5,075.63 6652 GRANGER Open 02/11/2019 $73.00 6653 GRANGER Open 02/11/2019 $65.00 E654 EFTPS Open 02/12/2019 $2,788.71 E655 MICHIGAN STATE DISBURSEMENT UN Open 02/12/2019 $93.56 6656 CITY OF LAINGSBURG MICHIGAN Open 02/12/2019 $144.23 6657 MERS Open 02/12/2019 $1,616.37 E658 ALLSTATE Open 02/13/2019 $277.52 6659 MERS Open 02/13/2019 $491.99 E660 CITY OF LAINGSBURG Open 02/20/2019 $15,928.47 E661 CONSUMERS ENERGY Open 02/21/2019 $4,659.43 E662 WEXBANK Open 02/21/2019 $1,856.84 6663 EFTPS Open 02/26/2019 $2,594.16 E664 CITY OF LAINGSBURG MICHIGAN Open 02/26/2019 $144.23 E665 MICHIGAN STATE DISBURSEMENT UN Open 02/26/2019 $93.56 E666 MERS Open 02/26/2019 $421.17 Total General $41,663.95

Grand Total: $41,663.95

March 1,2019 10:50 am Page 1 of2 Committe Me ting i utes • Finance • Police • DIA •DPW •LS

• Planning — I id not meet

• Libr — Nonc-provided

PD. Box 178 114 W000HLJLL ST. LAINGSBURG, MICHIGAN 48848-0178 PHONE(517)651-5374 F~x(5l7)651-5604

Discover ,& Enjoy * celebrate!


The meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m. in the Laingsburg City Hall, Council Chambers Present: Dennis Hill, Brian Fredline & Mary Hetherington. Absent: None. Also present: Paula Willoughby, Clerk/Treasurer

Moved by Fredline, seconded by Hetherington to approve the minutes of January 7, 2019. All in favor, motion carried.

The finance committee reviewed and discussed the agenda items for the City Council Meeting, proposed fliture developments on City owned property and discussed the upcoming Budget process for the 20 19-2020 Preliminary Budget.

There were no action items

Adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Paula Willoughby Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 178 114 W000HULL ST. LAINGSBURG, MICHIGAN 48848-01 7S PHONE (517) 651-5374 F~x (5 17) 65 1-5604

Discover *Enjoy celebrate!


The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Present: Dennis Hill, Brian Fredline and Mary Hetherington. Absent: None

Also present: Officer Dave Dekorte & Paula Willoughby Clerk/Treasurer

Public comment: None

Moved by Fredline, supported by Hill to approve the minutes of January 7, 2019. All in favor, motion carned.

Chiefs January report, 2018 Annual Report and February Schedule were provided at the meeting.

Meeting adjoumed at 6:37 p.m.

Paula Willoughby Clerk/Treasurer P.O. Box 178 1 I4W000HULLST. LAINGSBURG, MIc[-11GAN48848-0178 PHONE(517)651-5374 FAx(517)651-5604

DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Discover *Enjoy celebrate! Box 457, Laingsburg, MI 48848 Proposed Minutes February 25,2019

The regular meeting of the Laingsburg Downtown Development Authority was called to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Laingsburg City Hall Council Chambers.

Present: Brink, Lancour, Culpepper, Shinsky, Geasler, Brandon & Dan Absent: Hunt & Thomas

Welcomed new board member Marsha Brandon to the DDA.

Public Comment: None

Moved by Culpepper, supported by Dan to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2018 meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Moved by Culpepper supported by Geasler to approve the treasurer’s report for November 2018, December 2018, and January 2019. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business: Recodified tax increment financing act, discussed advertising and visitors guide. Music in the park sponsorship will be $450 and Movie in the park sponsorship will be $600.

Old Business: Status of the two 2018 Façade Projects, Tourism Assessment Grant Application (FIT). Also the projects that are in progress are the bar parking lots and sidewalks.

Meeting Adjoumed at 7:14 pm by Geasler and Brandon

Paula Willoughby Clerk/Treasurer


Members present: Dave Rhodebeck, Marci Nickols and Alan Ducastle

Also present: Rob Frank DPW SUPT.

1) Open meeting at 1:30 pm 2) No public comment 3) Approved minutes from Feb. 4, 201. 4) Discussed hogs back sewer Issues we are working with c2ae on a plan to repair the sanitary and storm pipes. 5) Discussed budget items. Working with Paula on a tree removal! trimming budget line and discussed sidewalk repairs. 6) Discussed possible future park improvements. 7) Discussed possible sewer extension on Shiawassee St. 8) Adjourned at 2:55 PM

Minutes by Rob Frank

Loing9b’urg Puk’lic LiI~rory

C Board of Trustees Meeting Laingsburg Public Meeting Thursday, January 17th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

Present : Jessica Bayer, Dani Appicelli, Tanya Robinson & Sue Starkey

Absent : Jennifer Sergeant & Mary Hetherington

Also Present : Library Director Sandra Chavez

Meeting called to order by Sue Starkey at 6:00 p.m.

The board wishes to welcome our newest members Dani Appicelli and Tanya Robinson.

~EZstion was made by Jessica Bayer to accept the minutes from November and December. Second by Sue Starkey. Motion Carried.

Motion was made to pay bills and payroll from 11/6/18 to 1/18/ 19 for a total of $14,581.20. Second by Tanya Robinson. Roll call vote: Yeas : Jessica Bayer, Dani Appicelli, Tanya Robinson & Sue Starkey. Nays : none, Motion carried.

Sandra Chavez reported that the State Aid report is done.

No Friends of the Library report this month.

Sue Starkey gave a copy of the lease agreement to members present. Sue Starkey would like all members present and in agreement before giving our draft back to the city to approve. Sue (Duld also like everyone present before electing new officers.

The board discussed current snow policy and decided to leave the policy as is. At this time the board asked new members Dani Appicelli and Tanya Robinson to tell us about c~m5e~5. We then had Sandra Chavez talk about the library and answer any questions.

Motion by Jessica Bayer to adjourn meeting at 6:40 p.m.; second by Dani Appicelli. Meeting adjourned.

Sue Starkey Secretary .

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2I26i20l~ League Events -2019 MML Capital Conference

2019 MML CapftaD Conference


Michigan voters went to the polls in droves in Novemberl The result? In 2019, there will be an abundance of changes up and down the political ladder From small towns to big cities, many local and state seats changed hands and political affiliation. But before the changeover, there was plenty of rapid- fire activity during the Legislature’s Lame Duck session. At Capital Conference, you’ll learn how the Michigan Municipal League has been tracking all this movement making our members’ voices heard, and keeping an eye on issues coming down the road. You’ll also have plenty of opportunities to swap stories and experiences with colleagues who have headed down the highway to Lansing. We hope you’ll join us for the League’s premier legislative eventl

Topics Include:

o Affordable Housing • Civil Discourse • Constituent Engagement • Legislative Update • Lobbying • Municipal Finance • Recreational Marihuana • Social Media

Click here to view the agenda.

Cost Per Person: Member Early @ $250, Regular $325 Nonmember Government Early @ $500, Regular $600 Student @ $100 Guests @ $75

The early registration cutoff date is February 28, 2019. Regular registration will end March 12, 2019.

Location: Lansing Center 333 E. Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48933

Registration To register online, login to the right, and then click the “Register Myself” or “Register Someone Else” button below.

Click here for a faxable registration form.

Housing Housing reservations will only be accepted for registered attendees with a personalized housing registration code. Within 48 hours of the League receiving your conference registration form, you will receive a confirmation email containing your registration information, and your personalized housing code,

More information can be found on the ~pital Conference 2019 website.

[ 2/2612019 League Events -2019 MML Capital Conference r

When: 3/19/2019 - 3/20/2019 Where: Lansing Center Phone: (517)483-7400 333 L Michigan Avenue Lansing. Ml 48933

NlpsJrgMte&Menters/EventDisplayaspx?EvenlKey-LC19 212 Municipality Name ______

Contact Name (person completing this form)

Address City, State, Zip —

Phone Fax

ATTENDEE INFORMATION (please complete another form if registering more than one attendee)

Name______Nickname ______

Title ______Email ______Guest Name (if applicable) ‘Hotel housing code will be sent here “The Capital Conference room block closes on 2/15/19.

MML Full & Associate Members! BAP $250 $325 fl Capitalizing on Local Assets in Economic Development Participants Nonmember El $500 LI $600 Understanding the General Law Village Act Government Entities Council-Manager Relations College Students $100 $100 ~J Everyday Bias: Institutional and Implicit Guests LI ~ LI $85

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Michigan Women in Municipal Government lunch Do you require a special meal? If so, please specify — MBC-LEO Annual Meeting Do you require special assistance/accommodations? ‘Lunch included in registration If so, please specify: TOTAL $

- ‘$/-~ /


. union Inform tion

“WELCOME HOME” 2020 All-Class Reunion Booklet Ab form The Laingsburg Alumni Association would like you to consider placing an Ab in our upcoming reunion booklet that will be published in July of 2020. As a Laingsburg business person you can help us welcome home and congratulate some 500 or more past LHS grads that will be back in Laingsburg for our city wide gala event on August 15, 2020. All booklet ADS will be in full color. Sizes and prices are as follows:

Business Card size = $3&00 Inside back cover = $300/Back cover $300

+ page ad (4” x 5”) = $75

+ page ad (7 3/4” x 5”) = $125 Full page ad (8 1” x 11”) $200 AD space is limited to six pages plus back covers. Please submit your AD information to us in the format of your choice. AD payment must be in NLT June, 2020. Checks are to be made payable to: Lainc~sburg Alumni Association along with the enclosed AD reservation form. P.O. Box 358 Laingsburg, MI 48848 If you need additional information or wish to reserve space, please contact _Tom Turek at [email protected] or via email at [email protected]._. Plans are to meet with the Laingsburg Business Association folks sometime in the spring of 2019.


“Welcome Home” 2020 Reunion Ab reservation form

Business Name: ______Employer Name: ______Address: ______City & Zip: Phone & email: ______Please insert Ab description & design (if needed) Ab Size Ab reservation description Unit Price Total besired (maybe a special message to all our past graduates welcoming them back home)


DB In rastructure nh ncement mt


106 W. Allegan St. Suite 500 ~ ~D c’~ e Lansing, Ml 48933 ~ , rch I tec’o,e.cn,ilncc, In 0:517.371.1200 www.c2ae.com


Project: Laingsburg “Hogs Back” Meeting: Cross Lot Sewer Meeting Date: February 19, 2019

THOSE IN ATTEN DANCE Adam Falkowski C2AE Jim Minister C2AE Paula Willoughby City of Laingsburg Rob Frank City of Laingsburg Mike Smith Woodhull Construction

ITEMS DISCUSSED 1. Investigation work was completed in the field for the ‘Hogs Back” cross lot sewer by Woodhull Construction.

a. The existing 36” storm line has a sag due to the poor supporting soils in the area.

b. A CB was installed and connected to drain the hogs back area but the 36’ pipe was full of water.

c. The ground was unstable where the work as being completed. i. Some peat and some soft clay.

2. There are concerns that the infiltration for the sanitary system may not be as impacted by the cross lot at this time. If there is a potential, it would be more likely in the VCP section.

3. C2AE has been directed to run cost opinions for re-routing of the sanitary and a reconstruction around the swamp. a. Need to look at the cross lot replacement with piles and with foundation. b. Planning on having something available for the April meeting at the latest. c. Options discussed for evaluation are on the attached marked up map.

4. We will be looking at the car wash again as the largest potential for the infiltration impact. a. Suggest city coordinate with land owner to cut off the flow for potential check on how much contributions. b. Need to look into getting flow meters for the two main pipes (either installs or temp/per use system).

If there are any corrections or additions to the above meeting minutes, please provide written notification, within five days from today (3/1/2019). Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions or concerns. -t LIeN 5- Co CD iC) 0) -i CD 0) S -C n 0 CD

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5- 0) s-f S 5- 00 S In -n 0~ C C Co 00 a 0) flt -C 0 In 00 -o In 0 00 00 W 3 con ~D2c~ e PROGRESS REPORT #03 architecture engineering

Client: City of Laingsburg Date: February 21, 2019 Project No.: 18-0153 Project Manager: Adam Falkowski, PE

Project Name: CDBG Infrastructure Grant Project - Storm Lead Designer: Jim Minster, PE Water System & Sanitary Outlet Improvements Project Phase: Design and Construction Client Approved Revised Completion Date: Project Start Date: 11/12/2018 Client Project No.: Project Completion Date: 11/24/2019 Client Advisor: Adam Falkowski, PE Period Covered: 1/14/19-2/17/19

THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED IN THE DEFINED PERIOD CONSISTED OF: • Completed obtaining Topographic Survey • Completed obtaining Soil Borings • Continued discussions for drain cleaning with Shiawassee County Drain Commissioners (SCDC) Office • Completed assisting with information for CGA application and environmental review process • Coordinated with the MEDC on performing work for the drain cleaning as an agent of the SCDC and confirmed that this would not be an impact to funding • Commenced the road design • Continued developing plan set

THE ANTICIPATED WORK ELEMENTS IN THE NEXT PERIOD: • Hold a review meeting with the City • Receive geotechnical report from soil borings • Complete the road design • Complete developing plan set • Hold meeting with the Shiawassee County Drain Commissioner on Tuesday 2/19/19 • Complete discussions for drain cleaning with Shiawassee County Drain Commissioners Office and establishment of operating agreement between the City and SCDC • Complete assisting with information for CGA application and environmental review process • Complete bidding documents • Complete preparing special provisions • Complete preparing the EOPCC


BUDGET STATUS (% COMPLETE): • We are 53% complete with the Design phase.


Project Description: CDBG Infrastructure Grant Project - Storm Water System & Sanitary Outlet Improvements

SCHEDULE STATUS: Task Milestone Date Status

Design (12 Weeks) February 1, 2019 In progress — behind original schedule Bidding (4 Weeks) March 1, 2019 Anticipating shift Construction (28 Weeks) November 15, 2019

INPUT NEEDED FROM CLIENT: • None at this time

CLIENT INPUT, DECISIONS AND DIRECTIVES: • The storm sewer in Shiawassee will be routed north and south of in order to minimize impacts to Grand River and shallow up storm sewer depths. a. The updated routing on the north side of Grand River for the northern discharge for the storm sewer will be changed from its current route around a private property to discharging at the change in direction of Shiawassee. This also allows for improved drainage at the beginning of the boulevard section. • The City will work on completing the clearing and tree removals outside of bat requirements with their own staff. Direct contract for tree removals is being verified by the CGA if it ends up being needed. • The MEDC has agreed to let the drain work being completed within the project as an agenda of the SCDC. Contract documents will be updated to reflect this for easements, permits, and an agreement between the City and SCDC.

REALIZED OR ANTICIPATED CONCERNS: • Impacts from the approach of the cleaning work along the County Drain in regards to feasibility and functionality a. The current cleaning of the Looking Glass River may provide better performance of the County Drain by lowering the water level of the river. • The Federal Government shutdown is impacted some of the potential reviewing agencies to be involved in permitting of the project (ie Fisheries and Wildlife). This may have an impact on final permitting to go to construction. • Timing for direction on permitting coordination/requirements could impact schedule of construction. • Feedback from MEDC being provided on February 11~’ for working with the SCDC office, there will be a delay for final bid documents and bidding to be completed.

VALUE ADDED: • Engaging the SCDC in the project for potentially being able to clean the drain and leave spoils onsite and under the Drain Office permitting requirements with the State.

Cc Send email notification, INCLUDING file path link, that PROJECT 18-0153 (EV,PR,PMP) has been updated to: Local Admin Staff Bill Kimble, PE Jim Minster, PE

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