Dennis O'Flaherty | 336 pages | 27 Jan 2015 | NIGHT SHADE BOOKS | 9781597805513 | English | Newberg, United States King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment - Dennis O'Flaherty - Google книги

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. How far will the luck of the Irish stretch? The year is Automatons and steam-powered dirigible gunships have transformed the United States in the aftermath of the Civil War. Lincoln is still How far will the luck of the Irish stretch? The country King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment being run as a police state by his former secretary of war Edwin Stanton, a power-hungry criminal who rules King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment an iron fist. Skyhorse King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in , , hard SF, , near- dystopiafantasy , , contemporary urban , steampunk, alternative historyand horror zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernaturaland much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published January 27th by Night Shade first published January 6th More Details Liam McCool 1. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about King of the Cracksmenplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about King of the Cracksmen. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jul 21, Clare O'Beara rated it really liked it Shelves: steampunkamerica-historical. This is a steampunk tour of an alternative America, in which the western part of the continent was sold to Russia. In there are already many tensions, including Fenian agitation, union organising, New York gangs, French colonists in the south and Mexico. Add Russian power and Russian anarchists and you get a convoluted picture. Not to mention all the steam automata like police bots and airships, and the steam appliances handily found like steam pianolas, thanks to Tesla. A hardy Irish typ This is a steampunk tour of an alternative America, in which the western part of the continent was sold to Russia. A hardy Irish type is our main guide, and he finds his lady lover dead in their boarding house. The killer would seem to have been someone known to the lady, and our swears to establish the truth and be revenged. He also wants his stolen savings back. He is a former cracksman, a safebreaker, but has gone straight. The story covers so much ground that I did lose touch with the protagonist. He is initially sympathetic but it's hard to puzzle out where he fits in to the people around him and where his sympathies lie. Then, we meet a promising heroine, a lady reporter who King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment been undercover in a women's prison, and matters look up. But in the morass of politics that furnish the story the individuals and their missions get King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment. I had a feeling that this tale grew in the telling. Anyone who enjoys speculative tales and especially about America, will get a kick out of this one; it's not great as a steampunk tale first or a crime story first. The world has been so well researched, investigated and set up that it's easy to imagine a series following. Feb 08, Rory Flynn rated it it was ok. This was a confusing book. There is a lot to love King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment this book automatons, dirigibles, and other steampunk touchstones but the characters are paper thin, esp the historical figures. While we see them in a new light Lincoln survived Booths assassination attempt and is now Rarely do they or are they needed to advance the muddled plot of Liam McCools thirst for revenge for the murder of his great, true love. That thirst is slightly quenc This was a confusing book. That thirst is slightly quenched within a few pages when he meets his new, great, true love, journalist Becky Fox. All in all, a pretty weak effort and yet, I kept reading until the end. I usually have a few internal laughs of appreciation when reading steampunk, but not this time. Your mileage may vary. Aug 13, James rated it it was ok Shelves: fictionsf-fantasy-what. King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment characters in this novel are a bit on the thin side and while the beginning was reasonably paced the ending had a hurried and slapdash feel to it. It really wasn't very satisfying and while I suppose you could stretch this out with a sequel, I would not read it. An OK first novel showing that screenwriting may not be the same as fiction writing. Mar 04, Clay Davis rated it liked it. The author used every Irish expression known to man. Weird to make Custer into Dances with Wolves. Not sure Russia was rich enough to buy all that land. Don't think King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment was President Jackson's to sell. Jun 08, Arnita Medina rated it liked it. I like the steampunk genre, but this was a little difficult to read. Apr 26, Wendy Bousfield rated it really liked it Shelves: science-fictionalternate-history. Jun 09, Dean Peake rated it liked it. Some great scenes and neat ideas. A nice first novel. I guess I expected a little more Steampunk. Oh, and President Lincoln is a automaton Jul 29, Chris Branch rated it liked it Shelves: historical-fantasy. The first half of this book is a four star read; solid and sophisticated, with interesting characters in McCool and Fox, and a truly creative setting. After this impressive build up, however, I thought it dragged somewhat in the middle, and when it picked up steam again it became a bit too scattered for me, pulling in historical figures left and right, some of whose back stories were King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment the bizarre side even for an alternate historical steampunk adventure like this one. Besides that, I'm afraid The first half of this book is a four star read; solid and sophisticated, with interesting characters in McCool and Fox, and a truly creative setting. Besides that, I'm afraid the protagonists came across as rather nonchalant in the face of all the murder and kidnapping, too often grinning and smiling at each other at the height of drama that deserved to be taken more seriously. So I was less satisfied with the second half, but worthwhile and enjoyable for the most part. Feb 27, Ron rated it really liked it Shelves: adventurealternate-worldactionhistorical-fictionmysterysteampunkscience-fiction. But when his girl is foully murdered, he vows to be revenged. To get that revenge he teams up with the intrepid reporter, Betsy Fox, breaks into the Smithsonian, blows up buildings, visits Little Russia and starts a revolution. The question remains, what will he and Betsy do for an encore? May 25, Ged rated it did not like it. Just awful. Jul 21, Craigtator rated it it was ok Shelves: read-rated. Validated to myself once again that steampunk just isn't my genre. View 2 comments. Oct 05, Daniel rated it it was ok Shelves: scifi-fantasy. This review originally published in Looking For a Good Book. Rated 2. It is and Abraham Lincoln is still the U. President as he's never been assassinated. Dennis O’Flaherty Interview – SFFWorld

I like books with strong and complex characters, and Victorian England clamps that whole straitjacket of class distinctions on the characters before you even get started, lords and ladies and forelock-tugging proles. Here in America, though, we had an incredible variety of intriguing characters making their way through a brand-new world in the wake of a brutal war and under the pressure of rapid industrialization and westward expansion. Comparing that to staid Olde England in the same period it King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment no contest — the U. His best pal since childhood is a Russian immigrant named Mike Vysotsky and the two of them have founded and co-chair a gang King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment the Butcher Boys which has given a haven King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment other smart immigrant misfits. Becky Fox is based on Nellie Bly, a 19th century wonder woman who was one of the most daring and intrepid reporters of her time. I spent a lot of years involved in academic historical research, specializing in Russia but with the U. Then one day I saw a copy of K. It was like sticking my finger into a light socket. I never looked back, and all those years of serious research went right into my blender along with a hefty dash of pure fun. What goals might you have set for yourself when writing King of the Cracksmen and how do you feel about the end result? I wanted to make sure that up front, King of the Cracksmen was a fast and enjoyable read, a five finger exercise for the skills I learned in my years as a professional entertainment writer. As a historian I knew that the Gilded Age in the U. I think the balance worked out pretty well, and so have numerous readers. How did you start writing? Was there a particular book or moment in your life that spurred you on? But there are important differences in your mind set between being an avocational writer and a professional writer, so I think the biggest change in my life was the decision to become a pro. Which was pretty good, everything considered, and led to lots of interesting experiences and the typing of several kazillion words. What sort of challenges, as a writer, might you have faced before King of the Cracksmen was published? Any insights you would be able to share for those aspiring writers seeking advice? Makes the sweat pop out on my forehead just thinking about it. You have talent. No video games, no socializing at your neighborhood tavern, no streaming a TV show you missed, just words, words, words until your work is ready to go. I love the smell of books, the way older printed books have the bite of type on the paper so you can feel it with your fingertips, the way a well- made book pleases all the senses, stuff like that. I read everything, all the time. King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment of Marines bitch about Parris Island, but the only thing that really drove me crazy there was four months with nothing to read but the Bible and the Marine Corps Guidebook. Mark Twain. Writing a sequel to King of the Cracksmenof course! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dag R. March 16, 0 Comment. First of all can you tell us a bit about King of the Cracksmen? What is the hardest thing about writing? The Qwillery: Interview with Dennis O'Flaherty, author of King of the Cracksmen - February 17,

He also wrote many episodes of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles television cartoon! King of the Cracksmenhis debut novel, is available now from Night Shade Books. Kristin Centorcelli: Dennis, congrats on the new book! What inspired you to write King of the Cracksmen? Will you tell us a little about it? It was my first steampunk book and I was blown away: fun with history! Crazy humor! Making stuff up without researching King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment other sentence … I never looked back. I named my cracksman Liam McCool after Finn McCool, one of the great legendary heroes of Ireland, made him co-chairman of a New York gang called the Butcher Boys, set him up against an evil usurper who had seized the U. Presidency from Abraham Lincoln, made all of the U. Go back to H. KC: You use real events and people from history in the book. What kind of research did you do, and what was one of the most interesting things you learned? DO: I was involved for many years in serious academic research on European King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment, going from Cambridge, Mass. Did they have gas light in the small towns of the Pennsylvania coal fields? Did they King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment about Jiu Jitsu in the U. And a whole bunch of other genuine little brushstrokes like that, that make up the texture of daily life in a novel. KC: What authors have been the biggest influences on you, in your writing, and in life? Probably the most important influence on my writing and my life has come from Charles Dickens, whose works I read through from beginning to end when I was a kid. He gave me three really important gifts: an awareness of the constant war between justice and injustice, a love of quirky and complex characters, and a love of words in all their many sounds and shapes. With Twain come two indispensible gifts: the sound of real American speech, King of the Cracksmen: A Steampunk Entertainment which he had an incomparable ear, and the gift of laughter. In my own writing, I have had to struggle for years with the Dickensian legacy of wordiness, so I keep trying to refresh my head with Elmore Leonard, whom Twain would surely have invited to share a bottle of whiskey and who writes tighter than Hemingway. KC: What are you currently reading? DO: A sequel to King the Cracksmenwhat else? Who knows? Maybe even more! News Ticker. KC: What supporting characters did you enjoy writing the most? Tell a friend! Like this: Like Loading Contact: Website Facebook Twitter. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.