February 12, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1279 mom, Edie poured her heart, soul, to recognize the following members of Prior to their Grammy for best Na- time, and energy into her only child. In the Orioles organization who joined us tive American Music Album, their the last letter he sent home from Iraq, at Walter Reed last night: sixth album ‘‘Flying Free,’’ won the Benjamin thanked his mother for ev- John Parrish, Rick Bauer, Julio Jorge, Best Pow Wow Album of the Year erything she did for him, calling her Sidney Ponson, and Matt Riley; - award at the 2003 Native American his ‘‘best friend in the entire world.’’ fielders Larry Bigbie and Jay Gibbons; Music Awards held in Albuquerque this My heart truly goes out to Edie Gil- infielders Bran Roberts and Miguel past November. Both awards are a re- man, who has suffered the kind of loss Tejada, accompanied by his wife Santa; markable tribute to their hard work, that is difficult for most of us to com- Jim Beattie, executive vice president commitment, and determination. prehend. We often speak of the weighty of operations, his wife Martha; In addition to being musicians, the burden borne by our men and women in , vice president of base- group has often reiterated their dedica- uniform—and rightfully so. But we ball operations, his wife Alex and tion to their village and their ancient would do well to also remember the daughter Kerry; and bullpen , culture. Furthermore, their resolve to burden placed on the shoulders of the Elrod Hendricks. positively influence young people is families of these brave Americans. As a Senator from the great State of most admirable. For that, and for all While our troops are defending our North Dakota, I know all too well the their accomplishments, I am proud, freedoms overseas, all across America sacrifices that are made by members of and I salute each and every one of there are husbands and wives who must this country’s military. I am proud to them here in this RECORD. May their bear the responsibility of raising chil- say that North Dakota has the highest recent success be only a prelude to fu- dren alone. There are sons and daugh- National Guard membership per capita ture accomplishments, and may they ters who must do without a helping in the Nation, and not surprisingly, continue to represent their people and hand with their schoolwork, or an en- during the Iraq crisis has had the most the state of New Mexico with distinc- thusiastic supporter at their soccer mobilized personnel per capita of any tion.∑ State. games. There are brothers and sisters f who are missing a role model, a men- Thus, it was truly heartwarming, as tor, a friend. we went from table to table at Walter MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT There are fathers and mothers, who Reed, to see the enthusiasm of not only Message from the President of the endure anxious days and sleepless my fellow Senators, but also of the United States were communicated to nights knowing that their children are in paying tribute to the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his in harm’s way. And then there are peo- and recognizing the courageous men secretaries. ple like Edie Gilman, who one day and women of the United States mili- f tary. It is their professionalism, dedi- learn the heartbreaking news that EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED someone they love will never be com- cation, and hard work that provide the ing home. very freedoms that make this country As in executive session the Presiding And so today I salute the courage, great and it was obvious that these Officer laid before the Senate messages the commitment, and the conviction of ideals were not lost on the members of from the President of the United Benjamin Gilman, a young man who the Baltimore Orioles. States submitting sundry nominations lost his life fulfilling the noblest of f which were referred to the appropriate callings, defending our Nation and the ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS committees. values we hold dear. And I offer my (The nominations received today are deepest and most heartfelt sympathies printed at the end of the Senate pro- to Edie Gilman, who has made a sac- IN RECOGNITION OF BLACK ceedings.) rifice for her country that is too great EAGLE’S GRAMMY WIN f for words. ∑ Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I wish MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE f to recognize a group of musicians from At 1:31 p.m., a message from the my home State of New Mexico. The TRIBUTE TO ALL MILITARY SERV- House of Representatives, delivered by group, Black Eagle, won a Grammy ICE MEN AND WOMEN AND THE Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, this past Sunday night. announced that the House agreed to BALTIMORE ORIOLES The Black Eagle group is from the Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I rise Pueblo of Jemez, which is one of the 19 the amendment of the Senate to the today to thank the service men and Indian pueblos in our State. Those of bill (H.R. 743) to amend the Social Se- women who have served our country so us who reside in the Southwest are fa- curity Act and the Internal Revenue bravely in Afghanistan and Iraq. I also miliar with the pueblos and their peo- Code of 1986 to provide additional safe- want to thank Peter Angelos and the ple, but many are not. The pueblos guards for Social Security and Supple- world-class organization that he leads, share many common traditions, but mental Security Income beneficiaries the Baltimore Orioles. All too often we they are distinct entities and maintain with representative payees, to enhance hear negative stories revolving around unique identities. The Jemez Pueblo, program protections, and for other pur- professional athletes. With this in located in north central New Mexico, is poses. mind, I have to tell you about a won- home to the beautiful red mesas, rich The message also announced that the derful event that took place a few culture, and some of the most wonder- House has passed the following bill, nights ago. fully talented people around. Uniquely, without amendment: Tuesday night, my colleagues in the the Pueblo of Jemez is the only re- S. 523. An act to make technical correc- Senate Democratic caucus, along with maining village of the Towa speaking tions to laws relating to Native Americans, and for other purposes. members of the Baltimore Orioles, vis- pueblos. The Pueblo has long been ited Walter Reed Army Medical Center. known for its artistic talent and craft, The message further announced that We went to Walter Reed to personally but now its distinguished musicians the House has passed the following bill, thank and honor the brave men and can now add ‘‘the Grammy winning’’ in which it requests the concurrence of women of our Armed Forces who have declaration to their accolades. the Senate: sacrificed so much for our country in The Black Eagle group formed in the H.R. 3783. An act to provide an extension of Afghanistan and Iraq. When Peter late 1980s. The group’s founder, Malcom highway, highway safety, motor carrier safe- Angelos was asked if anyone from the Yepa, started the group when he was in ty, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund pending enactment Orioles would be willing to visit sol- his teens. With some urging, he, sev- of a law reauthorizing the Transportation diers at Walter Reed, there was an eral friends, and several family mem- Equity Act for the 21st Century. overwhelming response from players, bers began composing songs in their f coaches, and front office personnel native Towa language. Currently, the alike. In fact, there were so many vol- Black Eagle’s are comprised of about 20 ENROLLED BILL SIGNED unteers that not everyone could be ac- members from all across the age spec- At 10:07 a.m., a message from the commodated. Specifically, I would like trum. House of Representatives, delivered by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:54 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S12FE4.REC S12FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 12, 2004 Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, the Board’s semiannual Monetary Policy Re- port of a rule entitled ‘‘NASA Grant and Co- announced that the Speaker has signed port; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, operative Agreement Handbook—Investiga- the following enrolled bill: and Urban Affairs. tive Requirements’’ (RIN2700–AC74) received EC–6343. A communication from the Direc- on February 12, 2004; to the Committee on S. 610. An act to amend the provisions of tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. title 5, United States Code, to provide for ting, pursuant to law, the report of a des- EC–6352. A communication from the - workforce flexibilities and certain Federal ignation acting officer and change in pre- ant Secretary for Export Administration, personnel provisions relating to the National viously submitted reported information for Bureau of Industry and Security Administra- Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the position of Assistant Secretary for Tech- tion, Department of Commerce, transmit- for other purposes. nology Policy, Department of Commerce, re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- The enrolled bill was signed subse- ceived on February 12, 2004; to the Com- titled ‘‘Lifting of U.N. Sanctions Against quently by the President pro tempore mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- UNITA’’ (RIN0984–AC86) received on Feb- (Mr. STEVENS). tation. ruary 12, 2004; to the Committee on Com- EC–6344. A communication from the Direc- merce, Science, and Transportation. f tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- EC–6353. A communication from the Assist- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a nomi- ant Secretary for Export Administration, MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME nation confirmed and change in previously Bureau of Industry and Security Administra- The following bill was read the first submitted reported information for the posi- tion, Department of Commerce, transmit- time: tion of Assistant Secretary for Export En- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- forcement, Department of Commerce, re- titled ‘‘Revisions and Clarifications to the S. 2095. A bill to enhance energy conserva- ceived on February 12, 2004; to the Com- Export Administration Regulations’’ tion and research and development and to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- (RIN0694–AC24) received on February 12, 2004; provide for security and diversity in the en- tation. to the Committee on Commerce, Science, ergy supply for the American people. EC–6345. A communication from the Direc- and Transportation. f tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- EC–6354. A communication from the Sec- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a nomi- retary of Commerce, transmitting, the De- ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED nation confirmed and change in previously partment of Commerce’s 2004 Report on For- The Secretary of the Senate reported submitted reported information for the posi- eign Policy-Based Export Controls; to the that on today, February 12, 2004, she tion of Assistant Secretary for Export Ad- Committee on Commerce, Science, and had presented to the President of the ministration, Department of Commerce, re- Transportation. ceived on February 12, 2004; to the Com- EC–6355. A communication from the Sec- United States the following enrolled mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- bill: tation. suant to law, two Annual Reports of Accom- S. 610. An act to amend the provisions of EC–6346. A communication from the Direc- plishments under the Airport Improvement title 5, United States Code, to provide for tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- Program for fiscal years 1998 and 1999; to the workforce flexibilities and certain Federal ting, pursuant to law, the report of a des- Committee on Commerce, Science, and personnel provisions relating to the National ignation of acting officer and change in pre- Transportation. Aeronautics and Space Administration, and viously submitted reported information for EC–6356. A communication from the Direc- for other purposes. the position of Under Secretary for Intellec- tor, Bureau of Electronic Analysis, Depart- tual Property and Director, Patent and ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant f Trademark Office, Department of Commerce, to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Direct EXECUTIVE AND OTHER received on February 12, 2004; to the Com- Investment Surveys: BE–15, Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United COMMUNICATIONS mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation. States’’ (RIN0691–AA48) received on Feb- The following communications were EC–6347. A communication from the Direc- ruary 12, 2004; to the Committee on Com- laid before the Senate, together with tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- merce, Science, and Transportation. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a nomi- EC–6357. A communication from the Dep- uments, and were referred as indicated: nation and change in previously submitted uty Associate Administrator, Environmental reported information for the position of As- Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant EC–6337. A communication from the Dep- sistant Secretary and Director General, U.S. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Ap- uty Associate Administrator, Environmental and Foreign Commercial Service, Depart- proval and Promulgation of Air Quality Im- Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant ment of Commerce, received on February 12, plementation Plans; Maryland; The 2005 ROP to law, the report of a rule entitled 2004; to the Committee on Commerce, Plan for the Baltimore Severe 1-Hour Ozone ‘‘Thifensulfuron methyl; Tolerances Ac- Science, and Transportation. Nonattainment Area: Revisions to the Plans’ tions’’ (FRL#7338–6) received on February 12, EC–6348. A communication from the Direc- Emissions Inventories and Motor Vehicle 2004; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- Emissions Budgets to Reflect MOBILE6’’ trition, and Forestry. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a va- (FRL#7623–4) received on February 12, 2004; EC–6338. A communication from the Dep- cancy, designation of acting officer, and to the Committee on Environment and Pub- uty Associate Administrator, Environmental change in previously submitted reported in- lic Works. Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant formation for the position of Assistant Sec- EC–6358. A communication from the Dep- to law, the report of a rule entitled retary for Legislative and Intergovern- uty Associate Administrator, Environmental ‘‘Aldicarb, Atrazine, Cacodylic Acid, mental Affairs, Department of Commerce, Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant Carbofuran, et al; Tolerance Actions’’ received on February 12, 2004; to the Com- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Ap- (FRL#7338–3) received on February 12, 2004; mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- proval and Promulgation of Implementation to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, tation. Plans; Florida: Southeast Florida Area and Forestry. EC–6349. A communication from the Direc- Maintenance Plan Update’’ (FRL#7622–1) re- EC–6339. A communication from the Ad- tor, Office of White House Liaison, transmit- ceived on February 12, 2004; to the Com- ministrator, Food Safety and Inspection ting, pursuant to law, the report of a change mittee on Environment and Public Works. Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- in previously submitted reported informa- EC–6359. A communication from the Dep- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule tion for the position of Assistant Secretary uty Associate Administrator, Environmental entitled ‘‘Agency Organization’’ (RIN00–033F) for Communications and Information, De- Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant received on February 12, 2004; to the Com- partment of Commerce, received on Feb- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Civil mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- ruary 12, 2004; to the Committee on Com- Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment estry. merce, Science, and Transportation. Rule’’ (FRL#7623–5) received on February 12, EC–6340. A communication from the Under EC–6350. A communication from the Assist- 2004; to the Committee on Environment and Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Read- ant Administrator for Procurement, Na- Public Works. iness, Department of Defense, transmitting, tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- EC–6360. A communication from the Dep- pursuant to law, the report of retirement; to tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- uty Associate Administrator, Environmental the Committee on Armed Services. port of a rule entitled ‘‘NASA Grant and Co- Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant EC–6341. A communication from the Under operative Agreement Handbook—Central to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Delega- Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Depart- Contractor Registration’’ (RIN2700–AC95) re- tion of Authority to the Washington State ment of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to ceived on February 12, 2004; to the Com- Department of Ecology, Benton Clean Air law, the Department’s Annual Statement of mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Authority, Northwest Air Pollution Author- Assurance; to the Committee on Armed tation. ity, Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency, Services. EC–6351. A communication from the Assist- Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Spokane EC–6342. A communication from the Chair- ant Administrator for Procurement, Na- County Air Pollution Control Authority, man, Board of Governors of the Federal Re- tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- Southwest Clean Air Agency, and Yakima serve System, transmitting, pursuant to law, tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Regional Clean Air Authority for New

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