Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Residential Properties 1625 and 1629 ,

Novera Homes Corp

179 Colonnade Road South, Suite 400 Ottawa Ontario K2E 7J4 11111796 | E1 | Report No 1 | December 02 2015

1. Executive Summary

GHD Limited (GHD) (Consultant) was retained by Novera Homes Corp (Novera or Client) represented by Mr. Daniel Ladouceur, to complete a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (Phase One ESA) in general accordance with the O. Reg. 153/04 Phase One ESA format for the residential properties located at 1625 and 1629 Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario (Site or Phase One Property).

The Phase One ESA is being conducted for environmental due diligence as part of the local municipal planning department requirement associated with redevelopment of the Site. The intended future use of the Site is commercial use. The Phase One Property is currently used for residential purposes and therefore will not require a Record of Site Condition (RSC), required for a change in land use to more sensitive land uses.

According to the historical research, the earliest developed use of the site is estimated to be 1950 based on ownership details from the land title search, listings from the City directories and observations from the aerial photographs. It appears the Site was used for residential purposes from 1950 to present. The immediate neighbouring properties to the north, south, and west were developed since at least the 1950s for commercial land uses. The properties to the east of the Site were developed in the 1950s for residential purposes and remain residential.

Based on the historical research and known information of the general area of the Site, there was one on-Site potentially contaminating activity (PCA); a former heating oil aboveground storage tank (AST) was suspected to have been associated with the dwelling addressed 1625 Bank Street. This PCA is not considered to represent an area of potential environmental concern (APEC) for the Site, given that there was no staining of the concrete slab as well as no evidence of subsurface impact was identified as part of a geotechnical investigation completed by GHD at the Site.

Twenty-two PCAs were identified on neighbouring properties in the Phase One Study Area as part of this assessment. Of the identified off-Site PCAs, none are considered to represent APECs for the subject Site given that they are all located significant distances and/or down- or cross-gradient with respect to the Site.

Following the completion of the Phase One ESA for the subject Property, it is our opinion that a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment is not required for the Site.

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary ...... i 2. Introduction ...... 1

3. Scope of Investigation ...... 1

4. Records Review ...... 2 4.1 General ...... 2 4.1.1 Phase One Study Area Determination ...... 2 4.1.2 First Developed Use Determination...... 2 4.1.3 Fire Insurance Plans ...... 2 4.1.4 Chain of Title ...... 3 4.1.5 Environmental Reports ...... 4 4.2 Environmental Source Information ...... 5 4.3 Physical Setting Sources ...... 10 4.3.1 Aerial Photographs ...... 10 4.3.2 Topography, Hydrology, Geology ...... 11 4.3.3 Fill Materials ...... 12 4.3.4 Water Bodies and Areas of Natural Significance ...... 12 4.3.5 Well Records ...... 12 4.4 Site Operating Records ...... 12

5. Interviews ...... 12

6. Site Reconnaissance...... 13 6.1 General Requirements ...... 13 6.2 Specific Observations at Phase One Property ...... 13 6.2.1 On-Site Structures and Improvements ...... 13 6.2.2 Tanks ...... 13 6.2.3 Water Sources ...... 14 6.2.4 Utility Corridors ...... 14 6.2.5 Building Features ...... 14 6.2.6 Heating Systems...... 14 6.2.7 Drains, Pits, and Sumps ...... 14 6.2.8 Unidentified Substances ...... 15 6.2.9 Interior Stains or Spills ...... 15 6.2.10 Site Features ...... 15 6.3 Environmental Site Observations ...... 15 6.3.1 Staining ...... 15 6.3.2 Stressed Vegetation ...... 15 6.3.3 Areas of Fill or Grading ...... 15 6.4 Potentially Contaminating Activities ...... 16 6.4.1 Unidentified Substances ...... 16 6.4.2 Enhanced Investigation Property ...... 16 6.4.3 Phase One Study Area (properties within 250 m) ...... 16

7. Review and Evaluation of Information...... 17 7.1 Current and Past Uses (Site) ...... 17 7.2 Potentially Contaminating Activities ...... 18

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7.2.1 Summary of On-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities ...... 18 7.2.2 Summary of Off-site Potentially Contaminating Activities (Phase One Study Area) ...... 18 7.3 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern ...... 19 7.4 Phase One Conceptual Site Model ...... 20

8. Conclusions ...... 21 8.1 Whether Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Required Before Record of Site Condition Submitted ...... 21 8.2 Record of Site Condition Based on Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Alone 21 8.3 QP Confirmation ...... 21

9. References ...... 22

Figure Index

Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 Surrounding Land Use Plan

Table Index

Table 4.1 Summary of Chain of Title ...... 4 Table 4.2 Summary of Off-Site PCAs Identified in City Directory Research ...... 9 Table 4.3 Aerial Photographs ...... 10 Table 7.1 Summary of Current and Past Use ...... 17 Table 7.2 Summary of On-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) ...... 18 Table 7.3 Summary of Off-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) ...... 18


Appendix A Plan of Survey Appendix B Chain of Title Appendix C Ecolog ERIS Site Database Search Appendix D Environmental Regulatory Correspondence Appendix E Aerial Photographs Appendix F Site Photographs

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2. Introduction

GHD Limited. (GHD) (Consultant) was retained by Novera Homes Corp (Novera or Client), represented by Mr. Daniel Ladouceur, to complete a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (Phase One ESA) in general accordance with the O. Reg. 153/04 Phase One ESA format for the residential properties located at 1625 and 1629 Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario (Site or Phase One Property).

The Property is located at Civic Nos. 1625 and 1629 Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario (Site or Property) and is approximately 1850 m2 (0.18 hectares) in area. The Site has Latitude and Longitude coordinates of 45° 22’ 40” N, 75° 40’ 00” W and UTM coordinates of zone 18T, 447812 m E, 5025128 m N). The Site has a municipal zoning designation of AM1 [1913] "Arterial Mainstreet Zone".

The Site is legally described as Part of Lots 429 and 430 and Lot 431 on registered plan M-23, in the City of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario. The property identification numbers associated with the site are 041490024, 041490025, and 041490026.

The subject Property has operated as a residential property since at least 1950 and was most recently observed to be used for residential purposes.

The area is serviced by municipal water and sewer services and is considered to be in a non-potable area. Electrical and natural gas services are available from private utility companies.

The Site is currently owned by 9402209 Inc., represented by Mr. Daniel Ladouceur of Novera Homes Corp. Novera Homes Corp (Novera) has a corporate address of 1568 Merivale Road, Suite 266, Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 5Y7.

3. Scope of Investigation

The scope of the investigation was detailed in the proposal dated September 23, 2015 (Ref: 11103730-98). The project was approved by Mr. Daniel Ladouceur. The Phase One ESA is being conducted for environmental due diligence as part of the local municipal planning department requirement associated with redevelopment of the Site.

This Phase One ESA was conducted following the guidelines set out in Ontario Regulation 153/04, as amended 2011 (O. Reg. 153/04), Records of Site Condition, Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act.

The general objectives of this Phase One ESA were:

• To develop a preliminary determination of the likelihood that one or more contaminants have affected any land or water on, in or under the Phase One study area.

• To determine the need for a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment.

• To provide a basis for carrying out any Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment.

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This Phase One ESA included the following components:

• Historical records review • Interviews

• Site reconnaissance

• An evaluation of the information gathered from the records review, interviews and site reconnaissance

4. Records Review

4.1 General

4.1.1 Phase One Study Area Determination

The Site is located within a mixed use area which is predominantly residential and commercial, with some industrial uses. The Site is located within the Ridgemont borough of the City of Ottawa, Ontario. The Site is immediately surrounded to the east by residential properties and, to the north, south and west by commercial properties. The historical records and use as well as present operations of properties located within 250 m of the subject land were considered from an environmental perspective for the purposes of this report. Based upon our review of the records and data collected during this mandate, properties located outside of the Phase One Study Area (250 m radius from property boundaries) were not considered to have the potential to have impacted the subject land. A plan of survey, showing the boundaries of the Phase One Property, is included in Appendix A.

4.1.2 First Developed Use Determination

A land title search indicated that the Site was Crown land then has been owned by individuals from 1817 to 2013 and from 2013 to 2015 corporations, 8322562 Canada Inc., and, 9402209 Canada Inc., are shown as the owners. Peter Lamb was identified as an owner of the land in 1939.

City directories indicate the first municipal listings were identified for 1625 Bank Street as the residence of Mr. Peter Lamb in 1952, with previous registration to Peter Lamb, with no associated Civic address as early as 1950. Aerial photographs from 1932 and 1938 do not indicate any development on the Site; however the 1950 aerial photograph depicts the present day residential building at 1625 Bank Street.

Based on the information reviewed at the time of this Phase One ESA, the first development on the Site is considered to have occurred in 1950 and was for residential use.

4.1.3 Fire Insurance Plans

Fire insurance plans (FIP) assist in the identification of historical land use and commonly indicate building layouts, detached structures, Site improvements, facility operations, names of tenants, the existence and location of boiler rooms, aboveground and underground storage tanks and adjoining property uses.

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Volume 5, Sheets 510, 511, and, 512 and Volume 6, Sheets 620, 621, and, 622 of the April 1957 City of Ottawa FIPs, which covers the Site and immediately adjacent properties, were reviewed. The Site was developed with the configuration of what appear to be the present day residential buildings, with Civic addresses 1625 and 1629 Bank Street. Immediately adjacent properties have been developed for residential, commercial and/or industrial purposes.

Eleven properties with potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) were identified in the review of the FIPs, these PCAs are summarized as follows:

• 1555 Bank Street, approximately 210 m north of the Site, identified as a gasoline service station with two associated underground storage tanks (USTs)

• 1580 Bank Street, approximately 120 m northwest of the Site, identified as a gasoline service station with two associated USTs

• 1604 Bank Street, approximately 50 m northwest of the Site, identified as an automotive service garage

• 1607 Bank Street, approximately 50 m north of the Site, identified as a gasoline service station with two associated USTs

• 1652 Bank Street, approximately 90 m south-southwest of the Site, identified as a construction operation with one associated UST

• 2440 Weldwood Road, approximately 190 m southwest of the Site, identified as a bulk fuel storage facility with 16 associated fuel storage tanks

• 1169 Heron Road, approximately 180 m northwest of the Site, identified as a bulk fuel storage facility with seven associated aboveground storage tanks (ASTs)

• 2437 Kaladar Avenue, approximately 220 m west of the Site, identified as an industrial facility with one associated UST

• 2441 Kaladar Avenue, approximately 220 m west of the Site, identified as a rubber manufacturing facility with one associated UST

• 2477 Kaladar Avenue, approximately 220 m southwest of the Site, identified as a warehouse facility with one associated UST

• The Canadian Pacific Railway was identified approximately 190 m west of the Site

The aforementioned PCAs and are summarized in Section 7.2.2 of this report. Given their locations and orientations with respect to the Site, these historical operations were not considered to represent areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) for the Site.

4.1.4 Chain of Title

A request for an environmental chain of title search was submitted to Read Abstract Limited on behalf of GHD. The Phase One Property is legally described as Part of Lots 429 and 430 and Lot 431 on registered plan 4M23 in City of Ottawa. The entire Site had common ownership from at least 1973 to Present. The results of the Title search and deviations in ownership of the Site are

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summarized in Table 4.1 below. A complete summary of the results of the search are included in Appendix B.

Table 4.1 Summary of Chain of Title

Year Property Ownership Entire Site 1817 to 1830 Henry Munro 1830 to 1832 John By 1832 to 1876 Ordnance Lands Department 1876 to 1901 Frances Clemow 1901 to 1909 James & Owen McCartin 1909 to 1910 Noulan Cauchon and Theodore St. Germain 1910 to 1930 Greater Ottawa Development Company Ltd. 1930 to 1939 The Corporation of the Township of Gloucester Lot 429 1939 to 1964 Peter G. Lamb and Mary Lillian Lamb Lot 431 1939 to 1944 Oswald Lapointe 1944 to 1964 Peter G. Lamb and Mary Lillian Lamb Lot 429 and Lot 431 (merged) 1964 to 2013 Carmelo Cuffari and Theresa Maria Cuffari Lot 430 1945 to 1946 Edmond Henry 1946 to 1947 James J. Cameron 1947 to 1949 William and Annie Skelding 1949 to 1951 Ruth Isobel Brown and Vernon Garfield Brown 1951 to 1954 Alan Lochiel Cameron and Kathleen Maud Cameron 1954 to 2013 Theresa Maria Cuffari and Carmelo Cuffari Entire Site 2013 to 2015 8322562 Canada Inc. 2015 to present 9402209 Canada Inc.

The Phase One Property changed ownership between individuals from at least 1817 to 2013 and Corporations (8322562 Canada Inc., and, 9402209 Canada Inc.) from 2013 to present. There was no evidence suggesting potentially contaminating activities or areas of potential environmental concern with the subject Site identified through the review of the title of Site ownership.

4.1.5 Environmental Reports

The Client supplied GHD with an environmental report entitled "Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 1625 and 1629 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario" – Prepared for 8322562 Canada Inc. – Prepared by Pinchin Environmental Ltd. (Pinchin), dated January 2013 (Ref. 81616) hereafter referred to as the Pinchin Phase I ESA. This report was prepared for the Phase One Property; the findings of this report are summarized below:

• The historical research conducted as part of the Pinchin Phase I ESA indicated that the Site was developed for residential purposes in the 1950's.

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• Neighbouring properties were noted to have been originally developed for residential and commercial purposes since at least the 1950's.

• Potentially contaminating activities were identified at properties in the vicinity of the Site, however, all of these PCAs were considered to be located significant distances and at down- or cross-gradient orientations with respect to the Site.

• No environmental concerns were identified for the Site or neighbouring lands based on the historical review and a Site visit.

• Based on the results of the Pinchin Phase I ESA, additional environmental investigation was not recommended for the Site.

No other previous environmental studies for the Property were reported to have been undertaken. No previous reports were identified or provided to GHD by the Client.

GHD completed a geotechnical field investigation at the Site on November 12, 2015, which involved drilling four boreholes were placed across the Site. Subsurface conditions were observed to consist of fill (brown silty sand with some clay and gravel) over silty clay and silty sand (till). No visual or olfactory observations of environmental contamination or deleterious fill material were noted in the soil samples collected as part of the geotechnical investigation.

4.2 Environmental Source Information

The following environmental source information was reviewed as part of this assessment.

National Pollutant Release Inventory (Online), Environment Canada

The database titled National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) provides the results and data with respect to releases of pollutants into the natural environment as a result of industrial processes. Data is collected and updated online annually. A search of the NPRI was conducted through a subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search. The Site is not listed in the NPRI for any of the recorded years (1993-2013). No properties within 250 m of the Site are listed in the NPRI. A copy of the Ecolog ERIS Database Summary is included in Appendix C.

National PCB Inventory

The National Inventory of PCB Storage Sites, January 1993 contains information on PCB Storage Sites in the Province of Ontario, which is collected under Ontario Regulation 362/90 by the district and regional offices of the MOECC. The document is an inventory of known private and provincially-operated PCB storage sites as of January 1993. The document does not include Federal PCB storage sites, which are under Environment Canada jurisdiction. The Site was not listed in the Ontario Inventory of PCB Storage Sites report. No properties within 250 m of the Site were identified in the Ontario Inventory of PCB Storage Sites report. The PCB search was confirmed by the results of the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search.

Environmental Approvals, Certificates, and Instruments

Requests were submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act relating to the Site. The requested information included environmental approvals, certificates and instruments maintained by the Ministry for the Site or for properties that may directly influence the environmental condition of the Site. The

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MOECC responses dated November 20, 2015, to the inquiries indicated that no records were located responsive to the request. A copy of the MOECC FOI response is included in Appendix D. The MOECC FOI search was confirmed by the results of the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search.

Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario, April 1987

The report titled Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario, April 1987 provides an inventory and preliminary assessment of the potential environmental impacts of 41 known manufactured gas plant waste sites in the Province of Ontario as of April 1987. Industrial facilities that utilized coal carbonization for manufacturing of gas, coke, ammonia, and other products were address in this study. The Site was not listed in the Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites. There were no Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites identified within 2 km of the Site.

Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario, November 1988

The report titled Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario, November 1988 provides the results of an inventory and preliminary assessment of potential environmental impacts of 44 known industrial sites in Ontario which produced or used coal tar and related tars, as of November 1988. This report was prepared to continue the inventory and assessment process started by the Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario, April 1987. The Site was not listed in the Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars. There were no former Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars identified within 2 km of the Site.

Ministry Environmental Incident Records

Requests were submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act relating to the Site. The requested information included environmental incidents, orders, offences, spills, discharges of contaminants, or inspections maintained by the Ministry for the Site or for properties that may directly influence the environmental condition of the Site. The MOECC response dated November 20, 2015, to the inquiries indicated that no records were located responsive to the request. The MOECC FOI search was confirmed by the results of the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search.

A search for records of environmental incidents, orders, offences, spills, discharges of contaminants, or inspections maintained by the Ministry of the Environment for the Site or for properties that may directly influence the environmental condition of the Site was also conducted through the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search. Four spills were reported for properties within 250 m of the Site, with details summarized below:

• A spill of 4 L of gasoline was reported at 1636 Bank Street in 1990. The spill was a result of a container overflow and contamination was not suspected; • A spill of 2 L of gasoline was reported at 1636 Bank Street in 1991. The spill was a result of a auto hitting pumps and contamination was not suspected; • A spill of 20 L of antifreeze was reported at 1600 Bank Street in 2010. The spill was a result of a cooling system leak and contamination was not suspected;

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• A leak of 270 L of furnace oil was reported at 1216 Collins Avenue in 1995. The spill was a result of a line leak and soil contamination was confirmed;

Several of the aforementioned spills are associated with PCAs, however given their distances from the Site and cross- or down-gradient orientations, these spills are not considered to represent APECs for the Site.

Waste Management Records - Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers and Generators

Requests were submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act relating to the Site. The requested information included records of waste generators and receivers under O. Reg. 347 maintained by the Ministry for the Site or for properties that may directly influence the environmental condition of the Site. The MOECC responses dated November 20, 2015, to the inquiries indicated that no records were located responsive to the request.

A search for records of waste generators and receivers under O. Reg. 347 maintained by the Ministry of the Environment was also conducted through the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search. The Site is not listed in the Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers and Generators. Twenty-three records of waste generators were identified for nine properties within the Phase One study area in the Ecolog ERIS search. Several of these waste generators are considered to be associated with potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) and are summarized in Section 7.2.2 of this report. Given their locations and orientations with respect to the Site, these waste generators were not considered to represent areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) for the Site.

Environmental Reports Submitted to the MOECC

Requests were submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act relating to the Site. The requested information included environmental reports submitted to the MOECC. The MOECC responses dated November 20, 2015, to the inquiries indicated that no records were located responsive to the request. The MOECC FOI search was confirmed by the results of the subcontracted Ecolog Environmental ERIS search.

Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Database

A request was submitted by GHD to the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) to search their databases for any records of fuel storage tanks, spills, incidents or, infractions at the Site and immediately adjacent properties. An email response was received from the TSSA on November 3, 2015, indicating that there were no records in their database indicating the presence of storage tanks are at the Site.

The TSSA response identified the following records for properties in the Phase One Study area:

• 1600 Bank Street, Ottawa, located approximately 30 m west of the Site, has record of four active underground tanks and an active cylinder exchange facility. • 1611 Bank Street, Ottawa, located approximately 50 m north of the Site, has record of four expired underground tanks and an expired propane cylinder handling facility. • 1170 Heron Road, Ottawa, located approximately 80 m west of the Site, has record of two active underground tanks and an active cylinder exchange facility.

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The aforementioned activities, storage of gasoline and associated products in fixed tanks, are potentially contaminating activities (PCAs), however, given the distances and down- or cross- gradient orientations with respect to the Site, these PCAs are not considered to represent areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) for the Site.

A copy of the TSSA correspondence is included in Appendix D.

MOECC Notices, Instruments and Records of Site Condition

The Ministry of the Environment (MOECC) Brownfields Environmental Site Registry (ESR) was consulted for historical certificates and instrument compliance records and records of site condition (RSCs). The Site was not listed in the Brownfields ESR. No properties within 250 m were listed in the Brownfields ESR.

Areas of Natural Significance

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping software was consulted by GHD to investigate areas of natural significance in the Phase One Study Area. No areas of natural significance were identified within 250 m of the Site.

MOE Waste Disposal Site Inventory, June 1991

The MOE Waste Disposal Site Inventory June 1991 contains a list, prepared by the MOE, of all known active and closed waste disposal sites in the Province of Ontario as of October 31, 1990. This document is a "working document", subject to continual revisions and updating. The document contains an active site inventory, a closed site inventory, a closed municipal coal gasification plant site inventory, and an inventory of industrial sites producing and using coal tars and related tars in Ontario. There were no active or closed waste disposal sites listed within a 500 m radius of the Site listed in the MOE Waste Disposal Site Inventory, June 1991.

City Directories

City directories list occupant(s) at a site address for a specific year, and infer land use with respect to occupant history. GHD consulted National Archives Canada located in Ottawa, Ontario, for any publicly available historical city directories for intermittent years between 1940 and 2011. The Civic addresses of the Site are 1625 and 1629 Bank Street.

• According to the information obtained from the reviewed city directories, the Subject addresses, 1625 and 1629 Street were first listed in 1952 as a private residence for Peter Lamb and Alan Cameron. In the 1951 directories, no Civic address numbers were listed; however, a residence for Peter Lamb was identified. These addresses were listed for residential purposes until 2011. • The adjacent neighbouring properties were first listed for residential occupancy since at least 1950 and in subsequent directories were listed for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. The following operations, which are considered potentially contaminating activities (PCAs), were identified within 250 m in the City directories:

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Table 4.2 Summary of Off-Site PCAs Identified in City Directory Research

Listing Location Years Listed APEC (Y/N) Esso / Heron On the Run 1600 Bank Street 1970 to 2011 N Brantford Coach & Body Ltd. 1604 Bank Street 1960 N Canadian Tire Store and Gas Bar 1636 Bank Street / 1170 1980 to 2011 N Heron Road Active Green & Ross / Speedy Muffler 1670 Bank Street 1970 to 2011 N Midas Auto Service 1691 Bank Street 1990 to 2011 N Petro Canada / BP service station 1611 Bank Street 1960 to 1990 N Gary's Radiator and Tank Service 1656 Bank Street 1970 to 1990 N Spic and Span Cleaners 1691 Bank Street 1980 N Browns Cleaners 1700 Bank Street 1980 N Pete's Cleaners 1591 Bank Street 1960 to 1970 N Laroque Texaco Service Station 1592 Bank Street 1960 to 1970 N Cameron Clay Service Station 1549 Bank Street 1960 N Supertest Petroleum Corpn Ltd. 1640 Bank Street 1950 to 1960 N City of Ottawa Yard 1161 Heron Road 1970 to 1990 N Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. 1229 Heron Road 1960 N United Fuels Limited / Pinkington Gas 2407 Kaladar Avenue 1960 to 1990 N Ltd.

The aforementioned listings are considered to be associated with potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) and are summarized in Section 7.2.2 of this report. Given their locations and orientations with respect to the Site, these historical operations were not considered to represent areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) for the Site.

Mapping and Assessment of Former Industrial Sites, City of Ottawa

The report titled Mapping and Assessment of Former Industrial Sites, City of Ottawa, July 1988 provides the results of an inventory and preliminary assessment of 177 known former industrial sites in the City of Ottawa, as of July 1988. The Site is not listed in the Mapping and Assessment of Former Industrial Sites, City of Ottawa, July 1988.

Two former industrial sites were identified within 250 m of the Site:

• Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd., a Non-industrial Site: bulk storage of petroleum products Industry, was identified at the south end of Weldwood Drive, east of the CPR Line, approximately 190 m southwest of the Site, operating in the 1950s. • Canadian Oil Companies Ltd., a Non-industrial Site: bulk storage of diesel fuel and oil, was identified at the between CPR Line and Bank Street, north of Heron Road, approximately 250 m northwest of the Site, operating in the 1920s and 1950s. The aforementioned activities, storage of gasoline and associated products in fixed tanks, are PCAs, however, given the distances and down- or cross- gradient orientations with respect to the Site, these PCAs are not considered to represent APECs for the Site.

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Summary of City of Ottawa Historic Land Use Inventory (HLUI) A Request was made to the City of Ottawa to review their Historic Land Use Inventory (HLUI). The response to the HLUI inquiry was received from the City of Ottawa on November 17, 2015. The search response indicated that there were no activities (of potential environmental concern) associated with the Subject Properties. The response indicated that eight activities were associated within 50 m of the Site, including a gasoline service station at 1611 Bank Street, Brantford Coach & Body Limited at 1604 Bank Street, an automotive service garage and gasoline service station at 1636 Bank Street, a gasoline service station and a residential business developer (not a PCA) at 1600 Bank Street and a retail store (not a PCA) at 1170 Heron Road. The aforementioned activities which are considered PCAs and are discussed further in Section 7.2.2 of this report. Based on the distances of these activities and/or their cross- or down-gradient locations with respect to the Site, they are not suspected to have impacted the subject Property. A Copy of the HLUI response from the City of Ottawa is contained in Appendix D.

4.3 Physical Setting Sources

4.3.1 Aerial Photographs

Aerial photographs are reviewed to generally document development of the Site and properties in the vicinity of the Site. They identify potential waste disposal areas, storage activities, land filling, and other potential adverse environmental concerns on Site and in the immediate vicinity of the Site. Aerial photographs of the Site and surrounding area were obtained for intermittent years between 1932 and 2014 at the National Air Photograph Library located in Ottawa, Ontario and from the City of Ottawa. Comments for each photograph are presented on the following table. Copies of selected aerial photographs are presented in Appendix E.

Table 4.3 Aerial Photographs

Year Site Neighbouring Properties 1932 The Subject Site is Bank Street is present to the west of the Site, while the undeveloped and appears alignment of Anoka Street is present to the north of the Site. A to be used for agricultural railway line is present approximately 200 m west of the Site. purposes. Heron Road is present further north of the Site, while Collins Avenue is present further to the south. Neighbouring properties are used for agricultural or rural residential purposes. 1938 The Site is essentially Increased rural residential development is apparent in the unchanged from 1932. Phase One Study area. 1950 The residential dwelling on Neighbouring properties to the south and west and north of the northeast portion of Anoka Street have been developed for residential purposes. the Site (Civic No. 1625 Industrial development is apparent along the railway line Bank Street) appears to further west of the Site. have been constructed. 1956 The residential dwelling on The property to the northeast of the Bank Street and Anoka the southwest portion of Street intersection appears to have been developed for the Site (Civic No. 1629 commercial (service station) purposes. Increased residential Bank Street) appears to and industrial development is apparent in the Phase One have been constructed. Study area.

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Table 4.3 Aerial Photographs

Year Site Neighbouring Properties 1965 The Site is essentially Increased commercial and industrial development is apparent unchanged from 1956. to the west of Bank Street. A bulk fuel storage facility was observed approximately 175 m southwest of the Site. 1976 The Site is essentially The property to the southwest of the Bank Street and Heron unchanged from 1965. Road intersection appears to be used as a retail fuel outlet. The property to the northeast of the Bank Street and Anoka Street intersection has been redeveloped with a commercial plaza building. The aforementioned bulk fuel storage facility property to the southwest has been redeveloped for other commercial/industrial purposes. 1993 The Site is essentially Increased commercial development is apparent along Bank unchanged from 1976. Street to the west of the Site. 1999 The Site is essentially The commercial property to the northeast of the Bank Street unchanged from 1993. and Anoka Street appears to be undergoing some construction activities. Commercial redevelopment is apparent along Bank Street to the west of the Site. 2008 The Site is essentially Increased commercial development is apparent along Bank unchanged from 1999. Street and Heron Road to the west and north of the Site, respectively. 2014 The Site is essentially A retail fuel outlet appears to have been constructed unchanged from 2008. approximately 150 m northeast of the Site. Increased commercial redevelopment is apparent in the Phase One Study area.

Aerial photographs indicated the subject Site had been developed in its current residential configuration in the period between 1938 and 1956, with the first development shown on the northeast portion of the Site in the 1950 aerial photograph. Immediate neighbouring properties to the north, south and west of the Site were developed for what appeared to be rural residential purposes since at least 1932.

No potential waste disposal areas or storage activities were identified on Site or in the immediate vicinity of the Site. It should be noted that the scale of the aerial photographs did not permit an accurate interpretation of detailed features of the Site or the adjacent properties.

4.3.2 Topography, Hydrology, Geology

A Topographic map was reviewed from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and is provided in Figure 1. The mapping shows the Site to be situated in a commercial and residential setting. The mapping shows the topography in the Phase One Study Area sloping down to the west. The nearest surface water body indicated on the mapping is , located approximately 900 m west of the Site. Sawmill Creek is a tributary of the , located approximately 1.7 km west of the Site. No areas of potential environmental concern were identified from a review of the topographic map.

According to the information obtained from the Geological Survey of Canada map 1425A titled Surficial Materials and Terrain features Ottawa-Hull the natural soil conditions in the region appear to consist of "glacial deposits of till; heterogeneous mixture of material ranging from clay to large boulders, generally sandy, grades downwards into unmodified till; surface generally modified by wave or river action; topography flat to hummocky" and "Limestone, dolomite, locally shale,

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sandstone (Paleozoic); mainly bare, tabular outcrops; includes areas thinly veneered by unconsolidated sediments up to 2 m thick".

The National Resources Canada (NRCAN) urban geology of the national capital region mapping, the surficial geology consists of paleozoic bedrock. Generally the thickness of overburden soil is expected to range from 0 to 2 m and is underlain by Shale bedrock of the Billings and/or Carlsbad Formations.

4.3.3 Fill Materials

None of the historical research completed as part of this assessment indicated any evidence of the historical placement of fill material at the Site or neighbouring properties. There is expected to be fill soils from the original house construction and associated paved areas.

4.3.4 Water Bodies and Areas of Natural Significance

No natural surface water bodies were identified on the Site or within the Phase One Study Area. There are no areas of natural significance within 250 m of the Site. The closest water body is Sawmill Creek, located approximately 900 m west of the Site; Sawmill Creek is a tributary of the Rideau River, located approximately 1.7 km west of the Site.

4.3.5 Well Records

A request was submitted to Ecolog ERIS to search for records of water wells registered with the MOECC. Twenty-six water wells were registered with the MOECC for properties approximately within 250 m of the Site, respectively. The wells which were originally installed as water supply wells were installed in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s and given that they are located at properties that they are located in the urban core of the City of Ottawa, an area that has municipal water supply it is not suspected that these wells are associated with potable water supply. The remaining water well records are associated with monitoring and observation wells. A copy of the MOECC well record search is present within the Ecolog ERIS database summary.

4.4 Site Operating Records

There were no Site operating records available for review following the specific request to the existing owner. Considering the length of time the Site has been occupied for residential use, it was not expected that such information exists.

5. Interviews

Mr. Daniel Ladouceur, a representative of the Client, was present at the time of the November 9, 2015 Site visit. Mr. Ladouceur stated the Client had previously purchased the Site and was completing the Phase One ESA for municipal Site plan submission purposes. Mr. Ladouceur stated that the Site was being considered for redevelopment with a commercial building. Mr. Ladouceur stated that the building was heated by natural gas and had been since his involvement with the property. Mr. Ladouceur was not aware of any storage tanks or spills on the Site. Mr. Ladouceur stated that the area of disturbed soil on the southwest portion of the Site was a result of an excavation to remove the natural gas service from the vacant residential dwelling at 1629 Bank Street.

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6. Site Reconnaissance

6.1 General Requirements

GHD conducted a Site visit of the Property on November 9, 2015 between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm. The visit was conducted by Mr. Luke Lopers, P.Eng., who has eight years' experience of conducting Phase One ESAs and is a qualified person for environmental site assessments under O. Reg. 153/04. Weather conditions were sunny with an approximate temperature of 12°C.

Site photographs were taken at the time of the Site Visits and are presented in Appendix F. Photographs 1 through 3 depict the exterior of Phase One Property and the subject buildings. Photographs 4 through 6 depict the general condition on the interior of the subject buildings. Photographs 7 and 8 depict the neighbouring properties to the west and north.

6.2 Specific Observations at Phase One Property

6.2.1 On-Site Structures and Improvements

Above Ground Structures

The Site was occupied by two residential buildings civically addressed as 1625 and 1629 Bank Street at the time of Site Visit. The building addressed as 1629 Bank Street was vacant at the time of the Site assessment. It was reported that the buildings were constructed prior to the 1950s. The buildings had basement levels with poured concrete floors and foundations. Both buildings had two above grade storeys. The exterior of the 1629 Bank Street building was finished with brick, wood or framed windows, wood doors and a sloped shingled roof. The exterior of the 1625 Bank Street building was finished with metal siding, wood framed windows, wood doors and had a sloped shingled roof.

Below Ground Structures

There were no below ground structures observed at the time of the Site Visit, nor were any expected to be present on the Site.

6.2.2 Tanks

Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs)

The presence of current ASTs was not observed by GHD at the time of the Site Visit. Vent and fill pipes, which had been filled with concrete and cut off at the wall were observed on the north wall of the building addressed 1625 Bank Street; these pipes are suspected to have been associated with a former interior AST. The floors in the basement of this building consisted of poured concrete, which was in good condition with no visible cracks or staining.

No indications of the presence of current or former ASTs, including observations of vent and/or fill pipes, were observed on the exterior of the Site buildings or on the interior of the building addressed 1629 Bank Street. Given the age of this building it is suspected that heating oil may have been used to heat at this property.

The suspected former presence of heating oil storage tanks is considered a potentially contaminating activity (PCA), however, based on the Site observations and the lack of any staining,

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former heating oil storage is not considered to represent an area of potential environmental concern (APEC) for the Site.

Underground Ground Storage Tanks (USTs)

No visual evidence (such as filler or vent pipes), suggesting the presence of current or former USTs, was observed by GHD during the Site Visit. The presence of former or current USTs was not reported by the Site representative.

6.2.3 Water Sources

Municipal water and sewer services are supplied by underground service trenches on the north portion of the Site leading to Anoka Street to the north of the Site and west portion of the Site leading to Bank Street to the west. No present day or historical water supply wells were observed or reported to exist on-Site during the Site Visit.

6.2.4 Utility Corridors

Natural gas is supplied to the Site buildings from underground service trenches leading from Anoka Street to the north of the Site, and formerly from Bank Street to the west. Municipal water and sewer services are supplied by underground service trenches to the on the north and west portions of the Site. Communications and electrical services connections are from overhead wires from hydro poles to the north and west of the Site.

6.2.5 Building Features

Exit and Entry Points

Each residential unit was observed to have two exterior entry/exit points. Two man doors and one garage door were observed on both of the Site buildings. The location of these entry/exit points are shown on Figure 2: Site Plan.

6.2.6 Heating Systems

Both buildings were equipped with natural gas fired furnaces at the time of the Site Visit; it was suspected that the buildings were formerly heated by other fuel sources, given the relative age of the buildings. No other heating systems were observed or were expected to exist at the Site. No former heating systems were reported by the Site representatives.

Cooling Systems

A central air conditioning system was observed on the exterior of the building addressed 1629 Bank Street at the time of the Site visit.

No cooling systems were observed within the 1625 Bank Street building. It was suspected that individual window mounted air conditioning units may have been used at the building; however, these were not present at the time of the Site Visit.

6.2.7 Drains, Pits, and Sumps

No drains, pits, or sumps were observed on the interior of the Site building.

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6.2.8 Unidentified Substances

There were no visually obvious unidentified substances observed during the Site inspection.

6.2.9 Interior Stains or Spills

There was no evidence of staining or spills observed during the interior assessment portion of the Site Visit.

6.2.10 Site Features


No wells were observed or were reported to be present at the Site during the Site Visit.

Sewage Works

Sewage is discharged to the City of Ottawa sanitary sewer system through underground piping on the north and west portions of the Site. There was no evidence of current or former septic systems on the Property at the time of inspection.

Ground Surface

The ground surface in the undeveloped areas of the Site consisted of grass and vegetation in the front and back yards. Asphaltic or gravel surfaced parking areas are present in the central portion of the Site, with access to the north from Anoka Street and from the west from Bank Street.

An area of disturbed soil was observed on the southwest portion of the Site; the natural gas meter and connection for the building addressed 1625 Bank Street was reportedly removed from the Site and the disturbance is suspected to be associated with these activities.

Railway Lines

There were no railway lines on the subject Site or within a 250 m radius of the Phase One Property at the time of the Site Visit.

6.3 Environmental Site Observations

6.3.1 Staining

No staining of the surface soil or vegetated areas was observed at the time of the Site Visit.

6.3.2 Stressed Vegetation

No distressed vegetation, abnormal odours or visual evidence of contamination, suggesting the presence of chemical or petroleum spills or releases, were noted at the time of the Site Visit.

6.3.3 Areas of Fill or Grading

The Site slopes down to the west, with an approximate change in elevation of 4 m from the east to the west side of the Site. The Site is generally level and continuous with adjoining properties and Bank Street to the west. The Site is elevated approximately 1 m with respected to Anoka Street to the north. As previously noted, an area of disturbed soil was observed on the southwest portion of

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the Site; the natural gas meter and connection for the building addressed 1625 Bank Street was reportedly removed from the Site and the disturbance is suspected to be associated with these activities. No fill materials or other grading was noted with respect to the subject Property during the Site Visit.

6.4 Potentially Contaminating Activities

Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) are listed in Ontario Regulation 153/04 Schedule D Table 2. There were no PCAs observed at the Site at the time of inspection.

The storage of gasoline and associated products (fuel oil) in fixed tanks is a former PCA that is suspected to have occurred at the Site and, however, given the observations at the time of the Site visit, this former PCA is not considered to represent an APEC for the Site.

6.4.1 Unidentified Substances

Unidentified substances were not observed at the Site during the Site Visit.

6.4.2 Enhanced Investigation Property

According to Ontario Regulation 153/04 Schedule D 32(1)b, the Site is not classified as an 'Enhanced Property' for the purposes of this Phase One study.

6.4.3 Phase One Study Area (properties within 250 m)

At the time of Site Visit, the properties adjacent to the Site were visually examined for evidence of potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) and areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) that may adversely impact the Site. The Site Visit was conducted from public rights-of-way without physically accessing adjoining properties. For the purpose of this study, Bank Street is considered to be the north-south axis. At the time of Site Visit the area within 250 m of the Site is occupied by the following facilities or features:

• North | Anoka Street followed by a commercial plaza at Civic No. 1611 Bank Street, followed by Heron Road, followed by commercial properties at Civic Nos. 1555 to 1589 Bank Street, followed by Evans Boulevard

• East | Residential properties at Civic Nos. 1218 to 1256 (even) Anoka Street, followed by Edge Hill Place, followed by residential properties at Civic Nos. 1627 and 1629 Edge Hill Place and 1270 to 1290 (even) Anoka Street • South | Vacant property at Civic No. 1637 Bank Street, followed by Collins Avenue, followed by commercial properties at Civic Nos. 1645 and 1647 Bank Street, followed by vacant properties at Civic Nos. 1653 and 1655 Bank Street, followed by Ridgemont Avenue, followed by commercial properties at Civic Nos. 1663 and 1677 Bank Street, followed by Portland Avenue, followed by commercial properties at Civic Nos. 1691 and 1693 Bank Street • West | Bank Street, followed by a commercial property (retail fuel outlet) at Civic No. 1600 Bank Street, followed by a commercial property (automotive service garage and retail fuel outlet) at Civic No. 1170 Heron Road followed by commercial properties at 2407 (automotive service garage and autobody shop), 2437 and 2447 Kaladar Avenue

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The Site and surrounding properties are located in a predominantly residential, commercial, and industrial sector of the City of Ottawa. Five PCAs were identified in the Phase One Study Area at the time of the Site Visit. The PCAs observed included: • A retail fuel outlet was identified at 1600 Bank Street, approximately 30 m west of the Site.

• An automotive service garage was identified at 1170 Heron Road, approximately 80 m west of the Site. • A retail fuel outlet was identified at 1170 Heron Road, approximately 130 m west of the Site.

• An automotive service garage was identified at 1670 Bank Street, approximately 160 m south of the Site. • An automotive service garage was identified at 1691 Bank Street, approximately 210 m south of the Site.

The land use and PCAs identified in the Phase One Study area are presented in Figure 3: Surrounding Land Use. These PCAs and are summarized in Section 7.2.2 of this report, however, given their locations and orientations with respect to the Site, these operations were not considered to represent areas of potential environmental concern (APECs) for the Site.

7. Review and Evaluation of Information

7.1 Current and Past Uses (Site)

Current and past land uses of the Site are summarized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Summary of Current and Past Use

Year Name of Description of Other Observations from Aerial Photos, Fire Owner Property Use Insurance Plans (etc.) (Property Use) 1875 to Individuals Site undeveloped and Title Search dating back to 1817 and aerial 1950 used for agricultural photographs dating back to 1932. (Title purposes. Search, Aerial Photos) (Agricultural Use) 1950 to Individuals Site developed for 1957 Fire Insurance Plan, City Directories date 2013 residential purposes. back to 1950 and aerial photographs dating (Residential Use) back to 1950. (Fire Insurance Plan, City directories, Aerial Photos) 2013 to 8322562 Site used for 2015 Canada Inc. residential purposes. (Residential Use) 2015 to 9402209 Site used for Present Canada Inc. residential purposes. (Residential Use)

The Site has been used for residential purposes since the first developed use of the Property.

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7.2 Potentially Contaminating Activities

7.2.1 Summary of On-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities

One potentially contaminating activity (PCA) was suspected to have occurred historically at the Site and was identified during the Phase One ESA. The former storage of gasoline and associated products (fuel oil) in fixed tanks is considered a PCA under O. Reg. 153/04. A summary of the identified PCA and its location on the Site are presented in Table 7.2 below. The location of this PCA is shown on Figure 2: Site Plan and Figure 3: Surrounding Land Use.

Table 7.2 Summary of On-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs)

Plan Reference Potentially Contaminating Activity Location Number 1 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage in North Portion of Fixed Tanks. Site

7.2.2 Summary of Off-site Potentially Contaminating Activities (Phase One Study Area)

Twenty-two potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) were identified at neighbouring properties within the Phase One Study Area as part of this assessment. A summary of the off-Site PCAs identified in the Phase One Study Area and their location with respect to the Site are presented in Table 7.3 below. The locations of these PCAs are shown on Figure 3: Surrounding Land Use Plan.

Table 7.3 Summary of Off-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs)

Plan Potentially Contaminating Activity Location Reference Number 2 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1607/1611 Bank Street, in Fixed Tanks. 50 m north 3 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1216 Collins Avenue, 50 m in Fixed Tanks. southeast 4 Item 37: Operation of Dry Cleaning Equipment 1591 Bank Street, 110 m (where chemicals are used) north 5 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1600 Bank Street, 30 m in Fixed Tanks. west 6 Item 10: Commercial Autobody Shops 1604 Bank Street, 50 m Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair northwest of equipment, vehicles, and material used to maintain transportation systems 7 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1636 Bank Street, 35 m in Fixed Tanks. southwest 8 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1580 Bank Street, 120 m in Fixed Tanks. northwest 9 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1652 Bank Street, 90 m in Fixed Tanks. south-southwest 10 Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair 1656 Bank Street, 110 m of equipment, vehicles, and material used to south maintain transportation systems

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Table 7.3 Summary of Off-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs)

Plan Potentially Contaminating Activity Location Reference Number 11 Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair 1670 Bank Street, 160 m of equipment, vehicles, and material used to south maintain transportation systems 12 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1640 Bank Street/2440 in Fixed Tanks. Weldwood Road, 190 m southwest 13 Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair 1691 Bank Street, 210 m of equipment, vehicles, and material used to south maintain transportation systems Item 37: Operation of Dry Cleaning Equipment (where chemicals are used) 14 Item 37: Operation of Dry Cleaning Equipment 1700 Bank Street, 250 m (where chemicals are used) south 15 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1555 Bank Street, 210 m in Fixed Tanks. north 16 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1169/1229 Heron Road, in Fixed Tanks. 180 m northwest Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair of equipment, vehicles, and material used to maintain transportation systems 17 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 1170 Heron Road, 130 m in Fixed Tanks. west 18 Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair 1170 Heron Road, 80 m of equipment, vehicles, and material used to west maintain transportation systems 19 Item 46: Rail Yards, Tracks and Spurs 190 m west 20 Item 10: Commercial Autobody Shops 2407 Kaladar Avenue, Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 220 m west in Fixed Tanks. Item 52: Storage, maintenance, fuelling and repair of equipment, vehicles, and material used to maintain transportation systems 21 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 2437 Kaladar Avenue, in Fixed Tanks. 220 m west 22 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 2441 Kaladar Avenue, in Fixed Tanks. 220 m west 23 Item 28: Gasoline and Associated Products Storage 2477 Kaladar Avenue, in Fixed Tanks. 220 m southwest

7.3 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern

This Phase One ESA identified the presence of one on-Site potentially contaminating activity (PCA); one former heating oil aboveground storage tank (AST) was suspected to have been associated with the dwellings addressed 1625 Bank Street. This PCA is not considered to represent an area of potential environmental concern (APEC) for the Site, given that the was no staining of the concrete slab as well as no evidence of subsurface impact was identified as part of a geotechnical investigation completed by GHD at the Site.

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None of the PCAs identified on properties in the Phase One Study area are considered to represent APECs for the Site, given their distances and orientations with respect to the Site.

7.4 Phase One Conceptual Site Model

Three plans are provided in this report to depict the conceptual Site model. Figure 1: Site Location Map shows the location of the Site within the City of Ottawa. Figure 2: Site Plan, shows the current configuration of the Site. Figure 3: Surrounding Land Use, shows the uses of the neighbouring properties in the Phase One Study Area. The Site is immediately surrounded to the east by residential properties and to the north, south and west by commercial properties.

The property is located at Civic Nos. 1625 and 1629 Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario (Site or Property) and is approximately 1850 m2 (0.18 hectares) in area. The Site has been used for residential purposes since the first developed use of the Property in approximately 1950. The Property is occupied by two residential dwellings civically addressed 1625 and 1629 Bank Street; the dwelling at 1629 Bank Street was vacant.

No water bodies, areas of natural significance or drinking water wells are present at the Site. The closest water body is Sawmill Creek, located approximately 900 m west of the Site; Sawmill Creek is a tributary of the Rideau River, located approximately 1.7 km west of the Site; the locations of these water bodies are indicated in the Conceptual Site Model. The Site slopes down to the west, with an approximate change in elevation of 4 m from the east to the west side of the Site. The Site is generally level and continuous with adjoining properties and Bank Street to the west. The soil conditions are expected to consist of glacial till type soil over shale bedrock at 0 to 3 m below grade (m BG).

The historical records and use and present operations of properties located within 250 m of the subject land were considered from an environmental perspective for the purposes of this report. Properties located outside of the Phase One Study Area (250 m radius) were not considered to have had the potential to have impacted the subject land. Based on the historical research and known information of the general area of the Site, there was one suspected on-Site potentially contaminating activities (PCA); a heating oil aboveground storage tank (AST) was suspected to have been associated with the dwellings addressed 1625 Bank Street. This PCA is not considered to represent an area of potential environmental concern (APEC) for the Site as there was no evidence of staining on the concrete floor and as a geotechnical borehole placed in the vicinity of the dwelling at 1625 Bank Street did not identify an evidence of soil contamination.

Twenty-two PCAs were identified on surrounding properties in the Phase One Study Area as part of this assessment. None of the identified off-Site PCAs are considered to represent APECs for the subject Site given that they are all located significant distances and/or down- or cross-gradient with respect to the Site.

The Phase One Study area is serviced by municipal water and sewer services and is in a non-potable area within the City of Ottawa. Electrical and natural gas services are available from private utility companies. Given the location of underground services on the Site (north and west portions of Site) and the locations of the PCAs at the Site and neighbouring properties, the presence of underground services are not considered to have the potential to have contributed to contaminant distribution on the subject land.

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The absence of uncertainty of any information is not expected to affect the validity of the conceptual site model or the conclusions of this assessment.

8. Conclusions

8.1 Whether Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Required Before Record of Site Condition Submitted

This Phase One ESA identified the presence of one on-Site potentially contaminating activity (PCA); one former heating oil aboveground storage tank (AST) was suspected to have been associated with the dwellings addressed 1625 Bank Street. This PCA is not considered to represent an area of potential environmental concern (APEC) for the Site, given that there was no staining of the concrete slab as well as no evidence of subsurface impact was identified as part of a geotechnical investigation completed by GHD at the Site.

Twenty-two PCAs were identified on neighbouring properties in the Phase One Study Area as part of this assessment. Of the identified off-Site PCAs, none are considered to represent APECs for the subject Site given that they are all located significant distances and/or down- or cross-gradient with respect to the Site.

Following the completion of the Phase One ESA for the subject Property, it is our opinion that a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment is not required for the Site.

8.2 Record of Site Condition Based on Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Alone

The previous land use of the Site is residential land use. The proposed future use of the Site is commercial land use. The proposed land use change will involve changing land use to a less stringent use and will not require a Record of Site Condition under Ontario Regulation 153/04.

8.3 QP Confirmation

The findings and conclusions of the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment are founded on the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained from all parties, unless contradicted by visual Site observations or written documentation.

The conclusions are presented based upon the readily available public information within the time frame of this mandate by trained professionals, following a prescribed and recognised assessment procedure.

This report is not intended to address, or provide comment on the presence, or absence of organic growth organisms commonly referred to as mould, through statements, inferences, or omissions.

The report is prepared for the use of the Client and his named representatives in making an informed financial and business decision regarding environmental liabilities that may be associated with the Site. The use of this report for any other purpose is at the Client’s own risk.

The Client must understand that changing circumstances in the physical or regulatory environment, the administration and use of the Site, as well as changes in any substances stored, used, or disposed of at the Site, could significantly alter the conclusions and information contained in this

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report. Therefore, it is important that the Client periodically re-evaluates the Site and reviews developments or operations, which may potentially impact the Site.

The Qualified Person for this study is Mr. Luke Lopers, P. Eng. Mr. Lopers has been a Professional Engineer, registered in Ontario since 2012 and has been working on environmental site assessments since 2006 and has been a project manager and peer reviewer for many Phase One ESAs and Phase Two ESAs as well as previously filed RSCs.

9. References

2006. Canadian Standards Authority Z768-01 (R2006) - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Environmental Protection Act, Ontario Regulation 153/04, Records of Site Condition, Part XV.I of the Act.

1993. Ministry of Environment and Energy. Ontario Inventory of PCB Storage Sites, January 1993. Queen’s Printer for Ontario

1994. Ministry of Environment. Waste Disposal Site Inventory, June 1991. Queen’s Printer for Ontario

1989. Intera Technologies Ltd. Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario, Volume 1, April 1987. Queen’s Printer for Ontario

1989. Intera Technologies Ltd. Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario, Volume 11, April 1987. Queen’s Printer for Ontario

1988. Intera Technologies Ltd. Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario, Volume 1, November 1988

1988. Intera Technologies Ltd. Mapping and Assessment of Former Industrial Sites, City of Ottawa, July 1988

“Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 1625 and 1629 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario. (Ref. 81616)” prepared by Pinchin Environmental Ltd. for 8322562 Canada Inc. dated January 2013.

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All of Which is Respectfully Submitted,

GHD Limited

Luke Lopers, P. Eng., QP ESA

Joseph B. Bennett, P. Eng.

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Source: MNRF NRVIS, 2015. Produced by GHD under licence from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, © Queen's Printer 2015

NOVERA HOMES 11111796-E1 0 100 200 300 1625 AND 1629 BANK STREET, OTTAWA, ONTARIO Nov 23, 2015


GIS File: Q:\GIS\PROJECTS\11111000s\11111796\Layouts\001\11111796-E1(001)GIS-OT001.mxd Legend l!/ Disconnected Natural Gas Meter l! Natural Gas Meter !( Vent and Fill Pipes (cut off) B Bay Door M Man Door Property Boundary

Aerial: Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation, July, 2013

NOVERA HOMES 11111796-E1 0 3 6 9 1625 AND 1629 BANK STREET, OTTAWA, ONTARIO Nov 23, 2015


GIS File: Q:\GIS\PROJECTS\11111000s\11111796\Layouts\001\11111796-E1(001)GIS-OT002.mxd On-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities 1. #1625 Bank Street - Former Heating Oil Storage Tank (Site Visit)

Off-Site Potentially Contaminating Activities 2. #1607/1611 Bank Street - Former Gasoline Service Station (FIP, City Directories, Aerial Photos, Ecolog) 3. #1216 Collins Avenue - Reported Heating Oil Spill (Ecolog) 4. #1591 Bank Street - Former Dry Cleaners (City Directories) 5. #1600 Bank Street - Gasoline Service Station (City Directories, Aerial Photos, Ecolog) 6. #1604 Bank Street - Former Automotive Service Garage and Commercial Body Shop (FIP, City Directores) 7. #1636 Bank Street - Former Gasoline Service Station (City Directories, Aerial Photos, Ecolog) 8. #1580 Bank Street - Former Gasoline Service Station (FIP, City Directories, Aerial Photos) 9. #1652 Bank Street - Former Underground Storage Tank (FIP) 10. #1656 Bank Street - Former Automotive Service Garage (City Directores) 11. #1670 Bank Street - Automotive Service Garage (City Directories, Site Visit) 12. #1640 Bank Steet/2440 Weldwood Drive - Former Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (FIP, City Directories, Aerial Photos, Industrial Sites Inventory) 13. #1691 Bank Street - Automotive Service Garage and Former Dry cleaners (City Directories, Site Visit) 14. #1700 Bank Street - Former Dry Cleaners (City Directories) 15. #1549/1555 Bank Street - Former Gasoline Service Station (FIP, City Directories, Aerial Photos) 16. #1169/1229 Heron Road - Former Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and Former Municipal Works Yard (FIP, City Directories, Aerial Photos, Industrial Sites Inventory) 17. #1170 Heron Road - Gasoline Service Station (Site Visit, Aerial Photos, Ecolog) 18. #1170 Heron Road - Automotive Service Garage (Site Visit, Aerial Photos, City Directories, Ecolog) 19. Former Railway (FIP, Aerial Photos) 20. #2407 Kaladar Avenue - Automotive Service Garage and Commercial Autobody Shop (Site Visit, City Directories) 21. #2437 Kaladar Avenue - Former Underground Storage Tank (FIP) 22. #2447 Kaladar Avenue - Former Underground Storage Tank (FIP) 23. #2477 Kaladar Avenue - Former Underground Storage Tank (FIP)

Legend Land Use Commercial Parkland Residential Roads Potentially Contaminating Activities Property Boundary

Aerial: Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation, July, 2013

NOVERA HOMES 11111796-E1 0 25 50 75 1625 AND 1629 BANK STREET, OTTAWA, ONTARIO Nov 23, 2015



GIS File: Q:\GIS\PROJECTS\11111000s\11111796\Layouts\001\11111796-E1(001)GIS-OT003.mxd


GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1)

Appendix A Plan of Survey

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1) This Plan must be read in conjunction with Survey Report - Part 2, Dated: 10\15\15



Scale 1: 200

Metric Note Distances and coordinates on this plan are in metres and can be converted to feet by dividing by 0.3048.

Bearing Note Bearings are grid and are referred to a portion of the westerly limit of Plan 4D-68 ŚĂǀŝŶŐĂďĞĂƌŝŶŐŽĨEϮϬΣϮϭΖϭϬΗt͘

Elevation Notes 1. Elevations shown are geodetic and are referred to Geodetic Datum CGVD-1928 :1978. 2. It is the responsibility of the user of this information to verify that the job benchmark has not been altered or disturbed and that it's relative elevation and description agrees with the information shown on this drawing.

Utility Notes 1. This drawing cannot be accepted as acknowledging all of the utilities and it will be the responsibility of the user to contact the respective utility authorities for confirmation. 2. Only visible surface utilities were located. 3. Underground utility data derived from City of Ottawa utility sheet reference: L-15-5( Dwg. No.1389) 4. Sanitary and storm sewer grades were derived from field measurement. 5. A field location of underground plant by the pertinent utility authority is mandatory before any work involving breaking ground, probing, excavating etc.

Notes & Legend Denotes Survey Monument Planted " Survey Monument Found SIB " Standard Iron Bar SSIB " Short Standard Iron Bar IB " Iron Bar CC " Cut Cross /T " Round Iron Bar (Wit) " Witness Prop " Proportioned Meas " Measured (P1) " Registered Plan M-23 (P2) " Plan 4D-68 (P3) " SRPR by (1442) dated August 22, 1996 (P4) " Plan by (647) dated May 23, 1972 (P5) " Plan by (647) dtaed May 16, 1973 (P6) " Plan by (857) dated December 18, 1973 (P7) " SRPR by (990) dated September 24, 1992 (AOV) " Annis O'Sullivan, Vollebekk Ltd dated April 13, 1992 RMOC " Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton (1442) " J.H. Kennedy O.L.S. (857) " C.W. Fairhall O.L.S. (OU) " Origin Unknown " Maintenance Hole (Storm) " Maintenance Hole (Sanitary) " Underground Storm Sewer " Underground Sanitary Sewer " Overhead Wires " Utility Pole " Anchor " Light Standard " Catch Basin " Fire Hydrant ‘ " Diameter " Chain Link Fence " Board Fence " Edge of Asphalt " Concrete Retaining Wall " Stone Retaining Wall " Bottom of Slope " Top of Slope " Centreline " Cedar Hedge " Location of Elevations " Top of Concrete Curb/Wall Elevation " Deciduous Tree

THIS REPORT WAS PREPARED FOR: _ _Novera _ _ _ _ Homes _ _ _ _ Corporation ______("The Client"), the Client's solicitors, mortgagees, and other related parties. The undersigned accepts no responsibility for use by other parties. See Part 2 of this Report. Surveyor's Certificate I certify that : PLAN SUBMISSION FORM 1. This survey and plan are correct and in accordance with the Surveys Act, the Surveyors Act and the 1 9 4 8 3 5 5 Regulations made under them. 2. The survey was completed on the 15th day of October, 2015.

______Date Ronald A. Denis Ontario Land Surveyor In accordance with Regulation 1026, Section 29 (3). FARLEY, SMITH & DENIS SURVEYING LTD.


TOPO 24X36 TOPO FILE No. : 433-15

J:\2015\433-15_1625_1629 Bank St._Topo\Drafting\433-15_1629 Bank St_Lts429-430M-23_T_D1.dwg

Appendix B Chain of Title

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1)

READ Abstracts Limited

331 Cooper Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A4 Email: [email protected] Tel.: 613-236-0664 Fax: 613-236-3677


November 16, 2015

GHD Attn: Luke Lopers


1625 and 1629 Bank St. Part of Lots 429 and 430, and Lot 431, Plan 4M23 PIN: 04149-0024 04149-0025 04149-0026



Patent dated June 9, 1817 (Lot 21 Junction Gore) To Henry Munro

Deed RO1019 registered February 9, 1830 From Henry Munro to John By

Assignment RO1384 registered January 26, 1832 From John By to The Principal Officers Ordnance Department

Plan 31 registered September 16, 1870 By Ordnance Lands Department

Patent dated November 24, 1876 (Sub lots 18 and 19 of Lot 21 Junction Gore) To Frances Clemow

Deed GL16419 registered May 18, 1901 From Hon. Francis Clemow to Owen McCartin

Deed GL17340 registered April 16, 1903 From estate of Hon. Francis Clemow to James McCartin

Deed GL17372 registered May 1, 1903 From James McCartin to Owen McCartin

Deed GL22166 registered December 15, 1909 From Owen McCartin to Noulan Cauchon and Theodore St. Germain

Deed GL22644 registered May 23, 1910 From Noulan Cauchon and Theodore St. Germain to Greater Ottawa Development Company Ltd.

Plan M23 registered July 14, 1910 By Greater Ottawa Development Company Ltd.

Tax Deed LT19485 registered in 1930’s (all of Plan M23) To The Corporation of the Township of Gloucester

Lot 429

Deed LT21672 registered September 24, 1940 From The Corporation of the Township of Gloucester to Peter G. Lamb and Mary Lillian Lamb

Lot 431

Deed LT20972 registered July 28, 1939 From From The Corporation of the Township of Gloucester to Oswald Lapointe

Deed LT24433 registered 1944 From Oswald Lapointe to Peter G. Lamb and Mary Lillian Lamb

Lots 429 and Lot 431 (title merged)

Deed LT62183 registered December 9, 1964 From Peter G. Lamb and Mary Lillian Lamb to Carmelo Cuffari and Theresa Maria Cuffari

Deed LT70955 registered November 21, 1968 From Carmelo Cuffari and Theresa Maria Cuffari to Carmelo Cuffari and Theresa Maria Cuffari

Lot 430

Deed LT25342 registered September 1945 From The Corporation of the Township of Gloucester to Edmond Henry

Deed LT25830 registered February 28, 1946 From Edmond Henry to James J. Cameron

Deed LT27390 registered May 7, 1947 From James J. Cameron to William and Annie Skelding

Deed LT31350 registered June 28, 1949 From William and Annie Skelding to Ruth Isobel Brown and Vernon Garfield Brown

Deed LT35148 registered April 28, 1951 From Ruth Isobel Brown and Vernon Garfield Brown to Alan Lochiel Cameron and Kathleen Maud Cameron

Deed LT39550 registered February 16, 1954 From Alan Lochiel Cameron and Kathleen Maud Cameron to Theresa Maria Cuffari and Carmelo Cuffari

Lots 429, 430, and 431 (title merged)

Transmission Application LT92552 registered May 29, 1973 From Carmelo Cuffari and Theresa Maria Cuffari to Carmelo Cuffari and the Estate of Theresa Maria Cuffari

Deed LT446654 registered February 26, 1986 From Carmelo Cuffari and the Estate of Theresa Maria Cuffari to 652618 Ontario Inc.

Transmission Application OC1458756 registered March 8, 2013 From Theresa Maria Cuffari to Charles Carmen Cuffari, Iolanda Luberte-Cuffari and the Estate of Theresa Maria Cuffari

Deed OC1460435 registered March 15, 2013 Charles Carmen Cuffari, Iolanda Luberte-Cuffari and the Estate of Theresa Maria Cuffari to 8322562 Canada Inc.

Deed OC1721061 registered September 11, 2015 From 8322562 Canada Inc. to 9402209 Canada Inc.

Appendix C Ecolog ERIS Site Database Search

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1) Project Property: Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON P.O. Number: 11111796-E1 Report Type: Standard Report Order #: 20151027140 Requested by: GHD Limited Date: November 2, 2015 Tableh-Table of Contentsof Contents

Table of Contents...... 1 Executive Summary...... 2 Executive Summary: Report Summary...... 3 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property...... 5 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties...... 6 Executive Summary: Summary By Data Source...... 13 Map...... 23 Aerial...... 24 Detail Report...... 25 Unplottable Summary...... 81 Unplottable Report...... 84 Appendix: Database Descriptions...... 101 Definitions...... 111


Reliance on information in Report: This report DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as a database review of environmental records.

License for use of information in Report: No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re-sold.

Your Liability for misuse: Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service.

No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by EcoLog Environmental Risk Information Services Ltd ("ERIS") using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and Provincial government departments. The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report, and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report. This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, EcoLog ERIS disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of EcoLog ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report.

Trademark and Copyright: You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above. This Service and Report(s) are protected by copyright owned by EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s) (the "Data") is owned by EcoLog ERIS or its licensors. The Service, Report(s) and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of EcoLog ERIS.

1| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Executiveh-Executive Summary Summary

Property Information:

Project Property: Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON

P.O. Number: 11111796-E1

Coordinates: Latitude: 45.377752 Longitude: -75.666624 UTM Northing: 5,025,131.39 UTM Easting: 447,806.20 UTM Zone: UTM Zone 18T

Elevation: 305 FT 92.97 M

Order Information:

Order No.: 20151027140 Date Requested: 03/11/2015 Requested by: GHD Limited Report Type: Standard Report

Additional Products:

2| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Executiveh-Executive Summary: Summary: Report Report Summary Summary

Database Name Searched Project Within 0.25 km Total Property

rr-AAGR-aa AAGR Abandoned Aggregate Inventory Y 0 0 0

rr-AGR-aa AGR Aggregate Inventory Y 0 0 0

rr-AMIS-aa AMIS Abandoned Mine Information System Y 0 0 0

rr-ANDR-aa ANDR Anderson's Waste Disposal Sites Y 0 0 0

rr-AUWR-aa AUWR Automobile Wrecking & Supplies Y 0 0 0

rr-BORE-aa BORE Borehole Y 0 8 8

rr-CA-aa CA Certificates of Approval Y 0 5 5

rr-CFOT-aa CFOT Commercial Fuel Oil Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-CHEM-aa CHEM Chemical Register Y 0 0 0

rr-COAL-aa COAL Inventory of Coal Gasification Plants and Coal Tar Sites Y 0 0 0

rr-CONV-aa CONV Compliance and Convictions Y 0 0 0

rr-CPU-aa CPU Certificates of Property Use Y 0 0 0

rr-DRL-aa DRL Drill Hole Database Y 0 0 0

rr-EASR-aa EASR Environmental Activity and Sector Registry Y 0 0 0

rr-EBR-aa EBR Environmental Registry Y 0 0 0

rr-ECA-aa ECA Environmental Compliance Approval Y 0 1 1

rr-EEM-aa EEM Environmental Effects Monitoring Y 0 0 0

rr-EHS-aa EHS ERIS Historical Searches Y 1 15 16

rr-EIIS-aa EIIS Environmental Issues Inventory System Y 0 0 0

rr-EMHE-aa EMHE Emergency Management Historical Event Y 0 0 0

rr-EXP-aa EXP List of TSSA Expired Facilities Y 0 37 37

rr-FCON-aa FCON Federal Convictions Y 0 0 0

rr-FCS-aa FCS Contaminated Sites on Federal Land Y 0 0 0

rr-FOFT-aa FOFT Fisheries & Oceans Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-FST-aa FST Fuel Storage Tank Y 0 10 10

rr-FSTH-aa FSTH Fuel Storage Tank - Historic Y 0 4 4

rr-GEN-aa GEN Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Generators Summary Y 0 23 23

rr-HINC-aa HINC TSSA Historic Incidents Y 0 0 0

rr-IAFT-aa IAFT Indian & Northern Affairs Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-INC-aa INC TSSA Incidents Y 0 0 0

rr-LIMO-aa LIMO Landfill Inventory Management Ontario Y 0 0 0

rr-MINE-aa MINE Canadian Mine Locations Y 0 0 0

rr-MNR-aa MNR Mineral Occurrences Y 0 0 0

rr-NATE-aa NATE National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES) Y 0 0 0

rr-NCPL-aa NCPL Non-Compliance Reports Y 0 0 0

rr-NDFT-aa NDFT National Defence & Canadian Forces Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-NDSP-aa NDSP National Defence & Canadian Forces Spills Y 0 0 0

3| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Database Name Searched Project Within 0.25 km Total Property

rr-NDWD-aa NDWD National Defence & Canadian Forces Waste Disposal Sites Y 0 0 0

rr-NEES-aa NEES National Environmental Emergencies System (NEES) Y 0 0 0

rr-NPCB-aa NPCB National PCB Inventory Y 0 0 0

rr-NPRI-aa NPRI National Pollutant Release Inventory Y 0 0 0

rr-OGW-aa OGW Oil and Gas Wells Y 0 0 0

rr-OOGW-aa OOGW Ontario Oil and Gas Wells Y 0 0 0

rr-OPCB-aa OPCB Inventory of PCB Storage Sites Y 0 0 0

rr-ORD-aa ORD Orders Y 0 0 0

rr-PAP-aa PAP Canadian Pulp and Paper Y 0 0 0

rr-PCFT-aa PCFT Parks Canada Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-PES-aa PES Pesticide Register Y 0 12 12

rr-PINC-aa PINC TSSA Pipeline Incidents Y 0 0 0

rr-PRT-aa PRT Private and Retail Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 4 4

rr-PTTW-aa PTTW Permit to Take Water Y 0 0 0

rr-REC-aa REC Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers Summary Y 0 0 0

rr-RSC-aa RSC Record of Site Condition Y 0 2 2

rr-RST-aa RST Retail Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 6 6

rr-SCT-aa SCT Scott's Manufacturing Directory Y 0 3 3

rr-SPL-aa SPL Ontario Spills Y 0 6 6

rr-SRDS-aa SRDS Wastewater Discharger Registration Database Y 0 0 0

rr-TANK-aa TANK Anderson's Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-TCFT-aa TCFT Transport Canada Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0

rr-VAR-aa VAR TSSA Variances for Abandonment of Underground Storage Y 0 0 0 Tanks rr-WDS-aa WDS Waste Disposal Sites - MOE CA Inventory Y 0 0 0

rr-WDSH-aa WDSH Waste Disposal Sites - MOE 1991 Historical Approval Y 0 0 0 Inventory rr-WWIS-aa WWIS Water Well Information System Y 0 26 26

Total: 1 162 163

4| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Executiveh-Executive Summary: Summary: Site Site Report Report Summary Summary - Project- Project Property Property

Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key diff m Number

dd-EHS-804349216-aa p-25-804349216-x m11d EHS 1625 Bank Street ESE/11.8 0.79 25 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y9

5| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Executiveh-Executive Summary: Summary: Site Site Report Report Summary Summary - Surrounding- Surrounding Properties

Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-WWIS-802464617-aa p-25-802464617-x m22d WWIS lot 21 E/44.5 2.03 25 ON

dd-GEN-800821933-aa p-25-800821933-x m33d GEN DANIEL MARIN SERVICES 1611 BANK ST. NNW/55.3 -0.97 25 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-PRT-200267-aa p-26-200267-x m33d PRT HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/55.3 -0.97 26 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-PRT-209230-aa p-26-209230-x m33d PRT HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/55.3 -0.97 26 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V7Y8

dd-WWIS-804894186-aa p-26-804894186-x m44d WWIS SW/61.2 -2.40 26 Ottawa ON

dd-EXP-803991410-aa p-26-803991410-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 26 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-803996397-aa p-27-803996397-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 27 LTD OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804013149-aa p-27-804013149-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 27 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-804013192-aa p-27-804013192-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 27 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-804013679-aa p-27-804013679-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 27 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-804014316-aa p-28-804014316-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 28 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-804028793-aa p-28-804028793-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 28 LTD OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804029567-aa p-28-804029567-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 28 LTD OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804029969-aa p-28-804029969-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 28 LTD OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804031888-aa p-29-804031888-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 29 LTD OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-821961999-aa p-29-821961999-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 29 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-821962000-aa p-29-821962000-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 29 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-821962001-aa p-29-821962001-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 29 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-EXP-821962002-aa p-30-821962002-x m55d EXP HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE 1611 BANK ST NNW/62.1 -0.97 30 LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

dd-WWIS-804878964-aa p-30-804878964-x m66d WWIS SW/66.3 -2.71 30 Ottawa ON

dd-WWIS-804894136-aa p-30-804894136-x m77d WWIS SW/69.0 -2.04 30 Ottawa ON


6| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-WWIS-802786789-aa p-31-802786789-x m99d WWIS NW/77.8 -3.06 31 OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804012609-aa p-32-804012609-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 32 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-804013670-aa p-32-804013670-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 32 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-804014313-aa p-32-804014313-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 32 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-804017346-aa p-33-804017346-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 33 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-804029196-aa p-33-804029196-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 33 OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804029230-aa p-33-804029230-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 33 OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804029549-aa p-33-804029549-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 33 OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-804029591-aa p-34-804029591-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 34 OTTAWA ON

dd-EXP-821955666-aa p-34-821955666-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 34 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-821955667-aa p-34-821955667-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 34 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-821956149-aa p-34-821956149-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 34 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EXP-821956150-aa p-34-821956150-x m1010d EXP 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 34 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FST-813073663-aa p-35-813073663-x m1010d FST 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 35 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FST-813083588-aa p-35-813083588-x m1010d FST 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 35 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FST-813083755-aa p-35-813083755-x m1010d FST 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 35 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FST-813084114-aa p-36-813084114-x m1010d FST 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 36 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-RST-820548826-aa p-36-820548826-x m1010d RST HERON ON THE RUN 1600 BANK ST WSW/78.1 -3.65 36 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

dd-WWIS-802466312-aa p-36-802466312-x m1111d WWIS S/79.5 0.03 36 ON

dd-WWIS-804878495-aa p-37-804878495-x m1212d WWIS SW/82.6 -2.62 37 Ottawa ON

dd-WWIS-804878370-aa p-37-804878370-x m1313d WWIS SW/86.9 -2.97 37 Ottawa ON

dd-CA-800407898-aa p-38-800407898-x m1414d CA Bank & Heron 1600 Bank Street W/89.9 -3.97 38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-CA-800407899-aa p-38-800407899-x m1414d CA Bank & Heron 1600 Bank Street W/89.9 -3.97 38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EHS-800532825-aa p-38-800532825-x m1414d EHS 1600 Bank St W/89.9 -3.97 38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FSTH-802686176-aa p-38-802686176-x m1414d FSTH 6220240 CANADA INC O/A 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 38 HERON ON THE RUN OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FSTH-803314438-aa p-39-803314438-x m1414d FSTH 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 39 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

7| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-PRT-216676-aa p-40-216676-x m1414d PRT BANK & HERON SERVICE 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 40 CENTRE LTD O/A HODGES OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6 ESSO dd-RST-1500569-aa p-40-1500569-x m1414d RST ESSO CAR CLINIC 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 40 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

dd-RST-1500570-aa p-40-1500570-x m1414d RST HODGE'S ESSO 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 40 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

dd-RST-800368978-aa p-40-800368978-x m1414d RST BANK ST TIGERMARKET 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 40 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-RST-802410694-aa p-40-802410694-x m1414d RST HERON ON THE RUN 1600 BANK ST W/89.9 -3.97 40 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-SPL-803954801-aa p-41-803954801-x m1414d SPL Drain-All Ltd. 1600 Bank St W/89.9 -3.97 41 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-WWIS-802466070-aa p-41-802466070-x m1515d WWIS WNW/95.5 -3.97 41 ON

dd-WWIS-17212761-aa p-41-17212761-x m1616d WWIS lot 21 W/96.0 -3.97 41 ON

dd-SPL-79522-aa p-42-79522-x m1717d SPL PRIVATE RESIDENCE 1216 COLLINS AVE, K1V 6E1 SE/99.2 2.03 42 FURNACE OIL TANK OTTAWA CITY ON K1V 6E1 dd-WWIS-803687397-aa p-42-803687397-x m1818d WWIS SW/106.7 -2.97 42 Ottawa ON

dd-EHS-800531929-aa p-43-800531929-x m1919d EHS 1640 Bank St SSW/108.5 -1.80 43 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-SCT-1606669-aa p-43-1606669-x m1919d SCT LADY JANE DONUTS LIMITED 1638 BANK ST SSW/108.5 -1.80 43 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EHS-803575740-aa p-43-803575740-x m2020d EHS 1638-1652 Bank Street SSW/110.0 -0.97 43 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-WWIS-802466644-aa p-43-802466644-x m2121d WWIS SSE/112.1 0.89 43 ON

dd-CA-20705-aa p-44-20705-x m2222d CA R.M. OF OTTAWA-CARLETON HERON RD. BANK ST. NW/112.4 -3.97 44 OTTAWA CITY ON

dd-BORE-803400518-aa p-44-803400518-x m2323d BORE NW/118.0 -3.97 44 ON

dd-BORE-803400519-aa p-45-803400519-x m2323d BORE NW/118.0 -3.97 45 ON

dd-WWIS-17212762-aa p-45-17212762-x m2424d WWIS lot 21 E/126.0 3.03 45 ON

dd-PES-237534-aa p-46-237534-x m2525d PES HERON HARDWARE INC. 1593 BANK STREET NNW/127.8 -3.10 46 (C#92032) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

dd-PES-800803487-aa p-46-800803487-x m2525d PES HERON HARDWARE INC 1593 BANK ST NNW/127.8 -3.10 46 (HERON HOME HARDWARE) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

dd-PES-803511369-aa p-46-803511369-x m2525d PES HERON HARDWARE INC 1593 BANK ST NNW/127.8 -3.10 46 (HERON HOME HARDWARE) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

dd-SPL-803086289-aa p-46-803086289-x m2626d SPL 1654 Bank St. STRIP MALL, S/129.5 -0.96 46 RESTARAUNT Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6 dd-WWIS-802466415-aa p-47-802466415-x m2727d WWIS SE/131.3 2.82 47 ON

dd-BORE-803400516-aa p-47-803400516-x m2828d BORE WNW/135.5 -4.64 47 ON

dd-EHS-801702026-aa p-48-801702026-x m2929d EHS 1656 Bank Street S/144.6 -0.97 48 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

8| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-WWIS-802464621-aa p-48-802464621-x m3030d WWIS lot 21 WNW/144.6 -4.97 48 ON

dd-EHS-803473430-aa p-48-803473430-x m3131d EHS 1587 Bank Street NNW/145.9 -2.97 48 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z3

dd-EXP-803985300-aa p-49-803985300-x m3232d EXP 3938115 CANADA INC O/A 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 49 CANADIAN TIRE CORP PETRO OTTAWA ON 1607 dd-EXP-804013193-aa p-49-804013193-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 49 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr** dd-EXP-804019621-aa p-49-804019621-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 49 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-804019642-aa p-49-804019642-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 49 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-804028794-aa p-50-804028794-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 50 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-804031889-aa p-50-804031889-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 50 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-804032827-aa p-50-804032827-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 50 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-804033259-aa p-50-804033259-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 50 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON Flr** dd-EXP-821956910-aa p-51-821956910-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 51 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM dd-EXP-821961275-aa p-51-821961275-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 51 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM dd-EXP-821961276-aa p-51-821961276-x m3232d EXP CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 51 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM dd-FST-813086482-aa p-51-813086482-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 51 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr** dd-FST-813086536-aa p-52-813086536-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 52 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr** dd-FST-813087014-aa p-52-813087014-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 52 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr** dd-FST-813087212-aa p-52-813087212-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 52 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr** dd-FST-821955139-aa p-53-821955139-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE 1170 HERON RD W/149.4 -4.97 53 LIMITED OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-FST-821955140-aa p-53-821955140-x m3232d FST CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE 1170 HERON RD W/149.4 -4.97 53 LIMITED OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-FSTH-802685765-aa p-53-802685765-x m3232d FSTH CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD ** 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 53 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

dd-FSTH-803314001-aa p-54-803314001-x m3232d FSTH CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 54 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum 17 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 Flr

9| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-GEN-801697515-aa p-55-801697515-x m3232d GEN Canadian Tire Gas Bar 1636 Bank St. W/149.4 -4.97 55 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-GEN-804096468-aa p-55-804096468-x m3232d GEN Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W/149.4 -4.97 55 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-GEN-814169458-aa p-55-814169458-x m3232d GEN Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W/149.4 -4.97 55 Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-821721521-aa p-55-821721521-x m3232d GEN Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W/149.4 -4.97 55 Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-821722428-aa p-56-821722428-x m3232d GEN JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road W/149.4 -4.97 56 Ottawa ON

dd-PRT-200268-aa p-57-200268-x m3232d PRT CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 57 PETROLEUM DIVISION - OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 SUSAN dd-RST-1500571-aa p-57-1500571-x m3232d RST CANADIAN TIRE STORES 1636 BANK ST W/149.4 -4.97 57 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

dd-SPL-161875-aa p-57-161875-x m3232d SPL CANADIAN TIRE CANADIAN TIRE PIT STOP 1636 W/149.4 -4.97 57 CORPORATION LTD. BANKS STREET SERVICE STATION/PIT STOP OTTAWA CITY ON dd-SPL-165420-aa p-57-165420-x m3232d SPL PRIVATE OWNER CANADIAN TIRE GAS BAR 1636 W/149.4 -4.97 57 BANK STREET. MOTOR VEHICLE (OPERATING FLUID) OTTAWA CITY ON K1V 7Y6 dd-WWIS-802987179-aa p-58-802987179-x m3333d WWIS NNW/150.1 -3.97 58 OTTAWA ON

dd-BORE-803400525-aa p-58-803400525-x m3434d BORE NNE/154.8 3.02 58 ON

dd-WWIS-802466406-aa p-59-802466406-x m3434d WWIS NNE/154.8 3.02 59 ON

dd-WWIS-17218768-aa p-59-17218768-x m3535d WWIS W/155.8 -4.97 59 ON

dd-EHS-802840624-aa p-60-802840624-x m3636d EHS 1596 Bank Street NW/156.4 -3.97 60 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

dd-SCT-267220-aa p-60-267220-x m3737d SCT Rideau Bakery Limited 1666 Bank St S/165.3 -0.97 60 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EHS-800535928-aa p-60-800535928-x m3838d EHS 1677 Bank St. SSE/184.9 2.03 60 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

dd-EHS-801952663-aa p-60-801952663-x m3838d EHS 1677 Bank St SSE/184.9 2.03 60 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

dd-EHS-803576817-aa p-60-803576817-x m3838d EHS 1677 Bank St SSE/184.9 2.03 60 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

dd-EHS-804094762-aa p-61-804094762-x m3838d EHS 1677 Bank Street SSE/184.9 2.03 61 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

dd-ECA-804395442-aa p-61-804395442-x m3939d ECA Canadian Tire Corporation, 1170 Heron Rd WNW/186.5 -5.97 61 Limited Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-EHS-803133172-aa p-61-803133172-x m3939d EHS 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 61 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-EHS-803917862-aa p-61-803917862-x m3939d EHS 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 61 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-800820047-aa p-61-800820047-x m3939d GEN CANADIAN TIRE 1170 HERON ROAD WNW/186.5 -5.97 61 CORPORATION LTD. OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-800820048-aa p-62-800820048-x m3939d GEN CANADIAN TIRE 1170 HERON ROAD WNW/186.5 -5.97 62 CORPORATION LTD. 08-749 OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

10| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-GEN-803010604-aa p-62-803010604-x m3939d GEN JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 62 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-803479668-aa p-62-803479668-x m3939d GEN Canadian Tire #210 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 62 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-804073468-aa p-63-804073468-x m3939d GEN 2891379 Canada Inc. 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 63 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-808955945-aa p-64-808955945-x m3939d GEN 2891379 Canada Inc. 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 64 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-809000152-aa p-65-809000152-x m3939d GEN JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 65 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-GEN-814155421-aa p-67-814155421-x m3939d GEN JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW/186.5 -5.97 67 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

dd-PES-236823-aa p-68-236823-x m3939d PES CANADIAN TIRE STORE #210 1170 HERON ROAD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 A.L. BROOKS LIMITED OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-PES-800803526-aa p-68-800803526-x m3939d PES CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & A 1170 HERON ROAD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 MACEACHERN HOLDINGS OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 LTD. dd-PES-802090819-aa p-68-802090819-x m3939d PES 2891379 CANADA INC O/A 1170HERON RD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOC. #210 OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-PES-803510360-aa p-68-803510360-x m3939d PES 2891379 CANADA INC O/A 1170 HERON RD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOC. #210 OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

dd-PES-803510822-aa p-68-803510822-x m3939d PES CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & A 1170 HERON ROAD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 MACEACHERN HOLDINGS OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 LTD. dd-PES-809009238-aa p-68-809009238-x m3939d PES JAWL HOLDINGS LTD. O/A 1170 HERON RD WNW/186.5 -5.97 68 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 STORE #210 dd-WWIS-802466072-aa p-69-802466072-x m4040d WWIS SSE/189.3 2.13 69 ON

dd-EHS-801954900-aa p-69-801954900-x m4141d EHS 1670 Bank Street S/191.9 -0.20 69 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-EHS-803134730-aa p-69-803134730-x m4141d EHS 1670 Bank Street S/191.9 -0.20 69 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-WWIS-804879557-aa p-69-804879557-x m4242d WWIS W/194.6 -4.97 69 Ottawa ON

dd-BORE-803400528-aa p-70-803400528-x m4343d BORE NNW/195.6 -3.97 70 ON

dd-WWIS-804879556-aa p-71-804879556-x m4444d WWIS WSW/200.1 -4.97 71 Ottawa ON

dd-WWIS-802464625-aa p-71-802464625-x m4545d WWIS lot 21 E/205.4 5.03 71 ON

dd-CA-803745420-aa p-72-803745420-x m4646d CA Rose Donato 1611 A & 1611B Edgehill Road ENE/211.5 5.03 72 Ottawa ON

dd-CA-800395620-aa p-72-800395620-x m4747d CA OTTAWA CITY PORTLAND AVE./BANK ST. S/214.4 1.91 72 OTTAWA CITY ON

dd-EHS-821132090-aa p-72-821132090-x m4848d EHS 1700 Bank Street S/218.2 -1.97 72 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-BORE-803400496-aa p-72-803400496-x m4949d BORE ESE/225.4 4.03 72 ON

dd-WWIS-802466405-aa p-73-802466405-x m4949d WWIS ESE/225.4 4.03 73 ON

dd-GEN-803010352-aa p-73-803010352-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.27 73 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

11| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map DB Company/Site Name Address Dir/Dist m Elev Page Key Diff m Number

dd-GEN-803237604-aa p-74-803237604-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.28 74 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

dd-GEN-803484468-aa p-74-803484468-x m5050d GEN LMT DEVELOPMENT CORP 1582 Bank St NW/225.9 -5.28 74 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

dd-GEN-804079321-aa p-74-804079321-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.27 74 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-808962843-aa p-75-808962843-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.27 75 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-808976727-aa p-75-808976727-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.27 75 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-814150187-aa p-75-814150187-x m5050d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/225.9 -5.27 75 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

dd-PES-238153-aa p-75-238153-x m5050d PES MCDONOUGH'S YOUR 1582 BANK STREET NW/225.9 -5.28 75 INDEPENDENT OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5 GROCERS/733689 ONT. LTD dd-PES-803510959-aa p-76-803510959-x m5050d PES CIBELE WALSH PHARMACY 1582 BANK ST NW/225.9 -5.28 76 LTD. (SHOPPERS #1527) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5

dd-PES-809008544-aa p-76-809008544-x m5050d PES CIBELE WALSH PHARMACY 1582 BANK ST NW/225.9 -5.28 76 LTD. (SHOPPERS #1527) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5

dd-GEN-821723693-aa p-76-821723693-x m5151d GEN Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW/227.9 -5.55 76 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

dd-GEN-822740785-aa p-76-822740785-x m5151d GEN Sajjad Giby Pharmacies Inc. 1582 BANK STREET NW/227.9 -5.55 76 OTTAWA ON

dd-BORE-803400517-aa p-76-803400517-x m5252d BORE WNW/230.1 -6.97 76 ON

dd-RSC-800016631-aa p-77-800016631-x m5353d RSC 1644 Bank St. SSW/233.7 -3.97 77 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-RSC-800016635-aa p-77-800016635-x m5353d RSC 1644 Bank St SSW/233.7 -3.97 77 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-SCT-803828742-aa p-78-803828742-x m5353d SCT NeuroGym Technologies Inc. 1644 Bank St Unit 103 SSW/233.7 -3.97 78 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

dd-WWIS-804892741-aa p-78-804892741-x m5454d WWIS W/233.9 -5.97 78 Ottawa ON

dd-WWIS-804878362-aa p-79-804878362-x m5555d WWIS WSW/248.0 -5.97 79 Ottawa ON

dd-BORE-803455168-aa p-79-803455168-x m5656d BORE NW/249.0 -6.25 79 ON

dd-WWIS-803843194-aa p-80-803843194-x m5757d WWIS W/249.4 -5.97 80 Ottawa ON

12| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Executiveh-Executive Summary: Summary: Summary Summary By By Data Data Source Source

BORE - Borehole

A search of the BORE database, dated 1875-Jul 2014 has found that there are 8 BORE site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key NNE 154.81 m-34-803400525-a34 ON

ESE 225.39 m-49-803400496-a49 ON

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key NW 118.01 m-23-803400518-a23 ON

NW 118.01 m-23-803400519-a23 ON

WNW 135.48 m-28-803400516-a28 ON

NNW 195.64 m-43-803400528-a43 ON

WNW 230.12 m-52-803400517-a52 ON

NW 249.01 m-56-803455168-a56 ON

CA - Certificates of Approval

A search of the CA database, dated 1985-Oct 30, 2011* has found that there are 5 CA site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key Rose Donato 1611 A & 1611B Edgehill Road ENE 211.52 m-46-803745420-a46 Ottawa ON


Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key Bank & Heron 1600 Bank Street W 89.92 m-14-800407899-a14 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Bank & Heron 1600 Bank Street W 89.92 m-14-800407898-a14 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

13| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON R.M. OF OTTAWA- HERON RD. BANK ST. NW 112.42 m-22-20705-a22 CARLETON OTTAWA CITY ON

ECA - Environmental Compliance Approval

A search of the ECA database, dated Oct 31, 2011-Jun 2015 has found that there are 1 ECA site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key Canadian Tire Corporation, 1170 Heron Rd WNW 186.49 m-39-804395442-a39 Limited Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

EHS - ERIS Historical Searches

A search of the EHS database, dated 1999-Aug 2014 has found that there are 16 EHS site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key 1625 Bank Street ESE 11.83 m-1-804349216-a1 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y9

1677 Bank Street SSE 184.89 m-38-804094762-a38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

1677 Bank St SSE 184.89 m-38-803576817-a38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

1677 Bank St SSE 184.89 m-38-801952663-a38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

1677 Bank St. SSE 184.89 m-38-800535928-a38 Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key 1600 Bank St W 89.92 m-14-800532825-a14 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1640 Bank St SSW 108.49 m-19-800531929-a19 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1638-1652 Bank Street SSW 110.01 m-20-803575740-a20 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1656 Bank Street S 144.62 m-29-801702026-a29 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1587 Bank Street NNW 145.86 m-31-803473430-a31 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z3

1596 Bank Street NW 156.42 m-36-802840624-a36 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-803917862-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-803133172-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

14| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON 1670 Bank Street S 191.86 m-41-803134730-a41 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1670 Bank Street S 191.86 m-41-801954900-a41 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1700 Bank Street S 218.16 m-48-821132090-a48 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

EXP - List of TSSA Expired Facilities

A search of the EXP database, dated Current to Nov 2014 has found that there are 37 EXP site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-803991410-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8


HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-804013149-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-804013192-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-804013679-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-804014316-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8





HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-821961999-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-821962000-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-821962001-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 62.10 m-5-821962002-a5 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804012609-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804013670-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804014313-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

15| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804017346-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804029196-a10 OTTAWA ON

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804029230-a10 OTTAWA ON

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804029549-a10 OTTAWA ON

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-804029591-a10 OTTAWA ON

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-821955666-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-821955667-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-821956149-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-821956150-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

3938115 CANADA INC O/A 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-803985300-a32 CANADIAN TIRE CORP OTTAWA ON PETRO 1607 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804013193-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804019642-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804028794-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804031889-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804032827-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804033259-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-821956910-a32 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-821961275-a32 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-821961276-a32 C/O CANADIAN TIRE OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 PETROLEUM CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-804019621-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON 17 Flr**

FST - Fuel Storage Tank

A search of the FST database, dated 2010-Nov 2014 has found that there are 10 FST site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

16| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key 1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-813073663-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-813083588-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-813083755-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-813084114-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-813086482-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE REAL 1170 HERON RD W 149.39 m-32-821955140-a32 ESTATE LIMITED OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2


CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-813087212-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-813086536-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr** CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-813087014-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr**

FSTH - Fuel Storage Tank - Historic

A search of the FSTH database, dated Pre-Jan 2010* has found that there are 4 FSTH site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key 6220240 CANADA INC O/A 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-802686176-a14 HERON ON THE RUN OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

1728069 ONTARIO LTD 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-803314438-a14 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-802685765-a32 ** OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-803314001-a32 C/O Canadian Tire Petroleum OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 17 Flr

GEN - Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Generators Summary

A search of the GEN database, dated 1986-May 2015 has found that there are 23 GEN site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

17| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key DANIEL MARIN SERVICES 1611 BANK ST. NNW 55.28 m-3-800821933-a3 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W 149.39 m-32-804096468-a32 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W 149.39 m-32-814169458-a32 Ottawa ON

Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. 1636 Bank Street W 149.39 m-32-821721521-a32 Ottawa ON

JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road W 149.39 m-32-821722428-a32 Ottawa ON

Canadian Tire Gas Bar 1636 Bank St. W 149.39 m-32-801697515-a32 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6


CANADIAN TIRE 1170 HERON ROAD WNW 186.49 m-39-800820048-a39 CORPORATION LTD. 08- OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 749 JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-803010604-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Canadian Tire #210 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-803479668-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

2891379 Canada Inc. 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-804073468-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

2891379 Canada Inc. 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-808955945-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-814155421-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

JAWL Holdings Ltd. 1170 Heron Road WNW 186.49 m-39-809000152-a39 Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-803010352-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-803237604-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

LMT DEVELOPMENT CORP 1582 Bank St NW 225.94 m-50-803484468-a50 Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-804079321-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-808962843-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-808976727-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 225.94 m-50-814150187-a50 Group Inc. Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Sajjad Giby Pharmacies Inc. 1582 BANK STREET NW 227.87 m-51-822740785-a51 OTTAWA ON

Ottawa Medical Management 1582 Bank Street NW 227.87 m-51-821723693-a51 Group Inc. Ottawa ON

18| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON PES - Pesticide Register

A search of the PES database, dated 1988-Jun 2013 has found that there are 12 PES site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key HERON HARDWARE INC. 1593 BANK STREET NNW 127.85 m-25-237534-a25 (C#92032) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3




JAWL HOLDINGS LTD. O/A 1170 HERON RD WNW 186.49 m-39-809009238-a39 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 STORE #210 CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & 1170 HERON ROAD WNW 186.49 m-39-800803526-a39 A MACEACHERN HOLDINGS OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 LTD. 2891379 CANADA INC O/A 1170HERON RD WNW 186.49 m-39-802090819-a39 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOC. OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 #210 2891379 CANADA INC O/A 1170 HERON RD WNW 186.49 m-39-803510360-a39 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOC. OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 #210 CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & 1170 HERON ROAD WNW 186.49 m-39-803510822-a39 A MACEACHERN HOLDINGS OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2 LTD. CIBELE WALSH PHARMACY 1582 BANK ST NW 225.94 m-50-803510959-a50 LTD. (SHOPPERS #1527) OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5


PRT - Private and Retail Fuel Storage Tanks

A search of the PRT database, dated 1989-1996* has found that there are 4 PRT site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key HERON PARK AUTO 1611 BANK ST NNW 55.28 m-3-209230-a3 CENTRE LTD OTTAWA ON K1V7Y8


19| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON BANK & HERON SERVICE 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-216676-a14 CENTRE LTD O/A HODGES OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6 ESSO CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-200268-a32 PETROLEUM DIVISION - OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 SUSAN

RSC - Record of Site Condition

A search of the RSC database, dated 1997-Sept 2001, Oct 2004-Sep 2015 has found that there are 2 RSC site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key 1644 Bank St. SSW 233.72 m-53-800016631-a53 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

1644 Bank St SSW 233.72 m-53-800016635-a53 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

RST - Retail Fuel Storage Tanks

A search of the RST database, dated 1999-Jul 2014 has found that there are 6 RST site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key HERON ON THE RUN 1600 BANK ST WSW 78.12 m-10-820548826-a10 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

BANK ST TIGERMARKET 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-800368978-a14 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

HODGE'S ESSO 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-1500570-a14 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

ESSO CAR CLINIC 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-1500569-a14 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

HERON ON THE RUN 1600 BANK ST W 89.92 m-14-802410694-a14 OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

CANADIAN TIRE STORES 1636 BANK ST W 149.39 m-32-1500571-a32 OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

SCT - Scott's Manufacturing Directory

A search of the SCT database, dated 1992-Mar 2011* has found that there are 3 SCT site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key

20| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key LADY JANE DONUTS 1638 BANK ST SSW 108.49 m-19-1606669-a19 LIMITED OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Rideau Bakery Limited 1666 Bank St S 165.26 m-37-267220-a37 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

NeuroGym Technologies Inc. 1644 Bank St Unit 103 SSW 233.72 m-53-803828742-a53 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

SPL - Ontario Spills

A search of the SPL database, dated 1988-Feb 2014 has found that there are 6 SPL site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key PRIVATE RESIDENCE 1216 COLLINS AVE, K1V 6E1 SE 99.24 m-17-79522-a17 FURNACE OIL TANK OTTAWA CITY ON K1V 6E1

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key QUEENSWAY TANK LINES CANADIAN TIRE GAS BAR SW 74.69 m-8-159731-a8 BANK STREET TANK TRUCK (CARGO) OTTAWA CITY ON Drain-All Ltd. 1600 Bank St W 89.92 m-14-803954801-a14 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6


WWIS - Water Well Information System

A search of the WWIS database, dated 1955-Mar 2014 has found that there are 26 WWIS site(s) within approximately 0.25 kilometers of the project property.

Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key lot 21 E 44.52 m-2-802464617-a2 ON

S 79.52 m-11-802466312-a11 ON

SSE 112.15 m-21-802466644-a21 ON

lot 21 E 126.03 m-24-17212762-a24 ON

SE 131.29 m-27-802466415-a27 ON

21| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key NNE 154.81 m-34-802466406-a34 ON

SSE 189.30 m-40-802466072-a40 ON

lot 21 E 205.39 m-45-802464625-a45 ON

ESE 225.39 m-49-802466405-a49 ON

Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance m Map Key SW 61.23 m-4-804894186-a4 Ottawa ON

SW 66.26 m-6-804878964-a6 Ottawa ON

SW 69.01 m-7-804894136-a7 Ottawa ON

NW 77.75 m-9-802786789-a9 OTTAWA ON

SW 82.64 m-12-804878495-a12 Ottawa ON

SW 86.95 m-13-804878370-a13 Ottawa ON

WNW 95.51 m-15-802466070-a15 ON

lot 21 W 95.95 m-16-17212761-a16 ON

SW 106.71 m-18-803687397-a18 Ottawa ON

lot 21 WNW 144.64 m-30-802464621-a30 ON

NNW 150.13 m-33-802987179-a33 OTTAWA ON

W 155.76 m-35-17218768-a35 ON

W 194.61 m-42-804879557-a42 Ottawa ON

WSW 200.11 m-44-804879556-a44 Ottawa ON

W 233.87 m-54-804892741-a54 Ottawa ON

WSW 247.96 m-55-804878362-a55 Ottawa ON

W 249.37 m-57-803843194-a57 Ottawa ON

22| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON 75°40'W














# *

* # 43 * # m43c


* m5566c#



m3311c# #*


m3333c #


m3366c# * m2255c(3# (3))


23# (2) * m23c(2) #

N RD m4466c *

52# HERO

m52c ON RD

HER m2222c #* * m228# 8c

# *

* # 5 (14)

m3399c(17(17)) m5c(14)

# * # * * m3300c# m99c m33c(3(3))

* m1155c#


* m1144c(1# 1(11))


* 32# (28) m11c # * *

m32c(28) # #*

m3355c m1166c ^_#* *

10 # (17) m10c(17) m2244c m4455c

* # #* #*




# *


# 4 * # m4c

m5577c m66c # * *

m5555c m4444c#

S AVE * # LIN *

13# COL * m13c #

m88c m77c

* m1122c # m4499c(2(2)) m1177c

m1111c m2277c #*

C #* * 18#

A m18c #* #* N



D m1199c(2# (2))

A * m2200c# C m2211c A

R #*


E * P # AV m2266c GEMONT



D * m2299c# G




L * m3377c# L

40 m40c P


m3388c(4(4)) #*

#* * m4411c(2# (2)) AVE




m4488c# * m5533c(3# (3)) #*





S T m ERIE AVE 1:2900 80 40 0 80

Map Order No: 20151027140 Address: 1625 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON

^_ Project Property Expressway Industrial and Resource - Regions National Park Buffer Outline Principal Highway Main Line Provincial or Territorial Park #* Eris Sites with Higher Elevation Secondary Highway Sidetrack Other Park

") Eris Sites with Same Elevation Major Road Transit Line Golf Course or Driving Range *

# Eris Sites with Lower Elevation Local road Abandoned Line Park or Sports Field ( Eris Sites with Unknown Elevation Trail Pipelines and Transmission Other Recreation Area &- Eris Sites - Not Included in Report Proposed Road Ferry Route/Ice Road

Source: © 2014 DMTI Spatial Inc. © Ecolog ERIS Ltd 75°40'30"W

^_ N N " " 0 0 3 3 ' ' 2 2 2 2 ° ° 5 5 4 4

m Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics1, C:1N0E0S/0A0irbus DS, 250 125 0 250 USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community Aerial Order No: 20151027140

Address: 1625 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON

Source: ESRI World Imagery, Updated October 2014 © Ecolog ERIS Ltd Detailh-Detail Report Report

Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

m-1-804349216-b dd-EHS-804349216-bb 1 1 of 1 ESE/11.8 93.8 1625 Bank Street EHSp-804349216-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y9

Order No.: 20130118006 Report Date: 24-JAN-13 Report Type: Custom Report Search Radius (km): .25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-2-802464617-b dd-WWIS-802464617-bb 2 1 of 1 E/44.5 95.0 lot 21 WWISp-802464617-y ON

Well ID: 1500440 Lot: 021 Concession: Concession Name: JG County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY (GLOUCESTER) Easting Nad83: 447850.7 Northing Nad83: 5025132 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 05-MAY-48 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 152 ft Pump Rate: 7 GPM Static Water Level: 12 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 94.53 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 3 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 3 ft Original Depth: 3 ft Material Colour: Material: CLAY, MEDIUM SAND, STONES + Thickness: 149 ft Original Depth: 152 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: SHALE

m-3-800821933-b dd-GEN-800821933-bb 3 1 of 3 NNW/55.3 92.0 DANIEL MARIN SERVICES GENp-800821933-y 1611 BANK ST. OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Generator #: ON0066000 Approval Yrs: 86,87,88,89,90,92,93,94 SIC Code: 0000 SIC Description: *** NOT DEFINED ***

25| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m m-3-200267-b dd-PRT-200267-bb 3 2 of 3 NNW/55.3 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-200267-yPRT 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Location ID: 10847 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1994-11-30 Capacity (L): 0 Licence #: 0021840001

m-3-209230-b dd-PRT-209230-bb 3 3 of 3 NNW/55.3 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-209230-yPRT 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y8

Location ID: 10847 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1995-05-31 Capacity (L): 0 Licence #: 0076420876

m-4-804894186-b dd-WWIS-804894186-bb 4 1 of 1 SW/61.2 90.6 WWISp-804894186-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7188002 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447763 Northing Nad83: 5025088 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 17-AUG-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 3.66 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Boring Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: TOPSOIL, SOFT, LOOSE + Thickness: .91 m Original Depth: 1.22 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, , LOOSE + Thickness: 2.44 m Original Depth: 3.66 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT, GRAVEL

m-5-803991410-b dd-EXP-803991410-bb 5 1 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-803991410-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

26| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 9546614 Instance Type: FS Facility Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-5-803996397-b dd-EXP-803996397-bb 5 2 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-803996397-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 11647 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10079320 Instance Type: FS Facility Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Propane Cylr Handling Facility

m-5-804013149-b dd-EXP-804013149-bb 5 3 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804013149-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900174 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-5-804013192-b dd-EXP-804013192-bb 5 4 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804013192-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900192 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-5-804013679-b dd-EXP-804013679-bb 5 5 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804013679-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: 27| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900143 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-5-804014316-b dd-EXP-804014316-bb 5 6 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804014316-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900159 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-5-804028793-b dd-EXP-804028793-bb 5 7 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804028793-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50220 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900205 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-5-804029567-b dd-EXP-804029567-bb 5 8 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804029567-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50933 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900168 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-5-804029969-b dd-EXP-804029969-bb 5 9 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804029969-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 51184 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 28| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Instance Number: 10900150 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-5-804031888-b dd-EXP-804031888-bb 5 10 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-804031888-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 52006 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900183 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-5-821961999-b dd-EXP-821961999-bb 5 11 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-821961999-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: 50422 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900192 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-5-821962000-b dd-EXP-821962000-bb 5 12 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-821962000-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: 50597 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900174 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-5-821962001-b dd-EXP-821962001-bb 5 13 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-821962001-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: 50982 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900143 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank 29| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-5-821962002-b dd-EXP-821962002-bb 5 14 of 14 NNW/62.1 92.0 HERON PARK AUTO CENTRE LTD p-821962002-yEXP 1611 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y8

Instance ID: 51258 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 12/17/1993 Instance Number: 10900159 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-6-804878964-b dd-WWIS-804878964-bb 6 1 of 1 SW/66.3 90.3 WWISp-804878964-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7188001 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447757 Northing Nad83: 5025087 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 17-AUG-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Abandoned-Supply Construction Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: m Original Depth: m Material Colour: Material:

m-7-804894136-b dd-WWIS-804894136-bb 7 1 of 1 SW/69.0 90.9 WWISp-804894136-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7181783 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447765 Northing Nad83: 5025076 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 04-MAY-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 2.44 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): Method: 30| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BLACK Material: GRAVEL, CEMENTED, LOOSE + Thickness: .3 m Original Depth: .61 m Material Colour: GREY Material: GRAVEL, SAND, PACKED + Thickness: .61 m Original Depth: 1.22 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, GRAVEL, SOFT + Thickness: 1.22 m Original Depth: 2.44 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: CLAY, STONES, SAND


Ref No.: 41622 Incident Dt: 10/2/1990 MOE Reported Dt: 10/2/1990 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: QUEENSWAY TANK LINES: 4 LGASOLINE SPILLED AT GAS BAR Incident Cause: CONTAINER OVERFLOW Incident Reason: ERROR Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED

m-9-802786789-b dd-WWIS-802786789-bb 9 1 of 1 NW/77.8 89.9 WWISp-802786789-y OTTAWA ON

Well ID: 7038457 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447748 Northing Nad83: 5025183 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 10 - 30 m Primary Water Use: Construction Date: 07-NOV-06 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 3.35 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Abandoned-Other Construction Other Method Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): 89.25 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc Unknown type in the lower layers(s) k:

31| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .61 m Original Depth: .61 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: FILL, SAND + Thickness: 1.52 m Original Depth: 2.13 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: CLAY, SILT + Thickness: 1.22 m Original Depth: 3.35 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT + Thickness: m Original Depth: m Material Colour: Material:

m-10-804012609-b dd-EXP-804012609-bb 10 1 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804012609-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900111 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-10-804013670-b dd-EXP-804013670-bb 10 2 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804013670-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900126 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-10-804014313-b dd-EXP-804014313-bb 10 3 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804014313-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900063 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

32| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

m-10-804017346-b dd-EXP-804017346-bb 10 4 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804017346-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900095 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-10-804029196-b dd-EXP-804029196-bb 10 5 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804029196-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50586 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900087 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-10-804029230-b dd-EXP-804029230-bb 10 6 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804029230-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50420 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900102 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-10-804029549-b dd-EXP-804029549-bb 10 7 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804029549-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50893 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900072 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

33| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m m-10-804029591-b dd-EXP-804029591-bb 10 8 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-804029591-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50735 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900118 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-10-821955666-b dd-EXP-821955666-bb 10 9 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-821955666-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 50205 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900111 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-10-821955667-b dd-EXP-821955667-bb 10 10 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-821955667-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 50813 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900126 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-10-821956149-b dd-EXP-821956149-bb 10 11 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-821956149-yEXP 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 51245 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900063 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-10-821956150-b dd-EXP-821956150-bb 10 12 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-821956150-yEXP 1600 BANK ST 34| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m


Instance ID: 52002 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 5/16/2009 Instance Number: 10900095 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-10-813073663-b dd-FST-813073663-bb 10 13 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-813073663-yFST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 63202142 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 45500 Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2000 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-10-813083588-b dd-FST-813083588-bb 10 14 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-813083588-yFST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 63202144 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 45500 Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2000 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-10-813083755-b dd-FST-813083755-bb 10 15 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-813083755-yFST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 63202141 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Diesel Status: Active Capacity: 22750 35| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2000 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-10-813084114-b dd-FST-813084114-bb 10 16 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 1728069 ONTARIO LTD p-813084114-yFST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 63202143 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 45500 Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2000 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-10-820548826-b dd-RST-820548826-bb 10 17 of 17 WSW/78.1 89.3 HERON ON THE RUN p-820548826-yRST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6


m-11-802466312-b dd-WWIS-802466312-bb 11 1 of 1 S/79.5 93.0 WWISp-802466312-y ON

Well ID: 1508153 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447810.7 Northing Nad83: 5025052 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 10-MAY-50 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 129 ft Pump Rate: 3 GPM Static Water Level: 15 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLOUDY Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 92.52 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 8 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 8 ft Original Depth: 8 ft Material Colour: Material: CLAY

36| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Thickness: 121 ft Original Depth: 129 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: SLATE

m-12-804878495-b dd-WWIS-804878495-bb 12 1 of 1 SW/82.6 90.3 WWISp-804878495-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7188000 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447757 Northing Nad83: 5025065 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 17-AUG-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 4.57 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Boring Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: 4.57 m Original Depth: 4.57 m Material Colour: Material:

m-13-804878370-b dd-WWIS-804878370-bb 13 1 of 1 SW/86.9 90.0 WWISp-804878370-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7181784 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447740 Northing Nad83: 5025075 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 04-MAY-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 3.1 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Air Precussion Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: TOPSOIL, SOFT, LOOSE + Thickness: .91 m Original Depth: 1.22 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, CLAY, STONES

37| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Thickness: 1.88 m Original Depth: 3.1 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: CLAY, SAND, STONES

m-14-800407898-b dd-CA-800407898-bb 14 1 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 Bank & Heron p-800407898-yCA 1600 Bank Street Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Certificate #: 2148-4R6SDS Application Year: 00 Issue Date: 12/5/00 Approval Type: Industrial sewage Status: Approved Application Type: New Certificate of Approval Client Name: Imperial Oil Ltd Client Address: 111 St.Clair Avenue, Suite 1809 Client City: Toronto Client Postal Code: M5W 1K3 Project Description: Stormwater Mgmt. Facility Contaminants: Emission Control:

m-14-800407899-b dd-CA-800407899-bb 14 2 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 Bank & Heron p-800407899-yCA 1600 Bank Street Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Certificate #: Application Year: 00 Issue Date: 10/27/00 Approval Type: Municipal & Private sewage Status: Cancelled Application Type: New Certificate of Approval Client Name: Imperial Oil Ltd Client Address: 111 St.Clair Avenue, Suite 1809 Client City: Toronto Client Postal Code: M5W 1K3 Project Description: Stormwater Mgmt. Facility Contaminants: Emission Control:

m-14-800532825-b dd-EHS-800532825-bb 14 3 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 1600 Bank St EHSp-800532825-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20000619003 Report Date: 6/27/00 Report Type: Basic Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-14-802686176-b dd-FSTH-802686176-bb 14 4 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 6220240 CANADA INC O/A HERON ON THE FSTHp-802686176-y RUN 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

38| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

License Issue Date: 1/3/2007 Tank Status: Licensed Tank Status As Of: August 2007 Operation Type: Retail Fuel Outlet Facility Type: Gasoline Station - Self Serve

--- Details --- Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Diesel + Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 45400 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline

m-14-803314438-b dd-FSTH-803314438-bb 14 5 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 1728069 ONTARIO LTD FSTHp-803314438-y 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

License Issue Date: 7/4/2008 10:31:00 AM Tank Status: Licensed Tank Status As Of: December 2008 Operation Type: Retail Fuel Outlet Facility Type: Gasoline Station - Self Serve

--- Details --- Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Diesel + Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline

39| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 45400 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 31800 Year of Installation: 1992 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline

m-14-216676-b dd-PRT-216676-bb 14 6 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 BANK & HERON SERVICE CENTRE LTD p-216676-yPRT O/A HODGES ESSO 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

Location ID: 10846 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1995-11-30 Capacity (L): 140800 Licence #: 0076426287

m-14-1500569-b dd-RST-1500569-bb 14 7 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 ESSO CAR CLINIC p-1500569-yRST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

Facility: Service Stations-Gasoline, Oil & Natural Gas Description:

m-14-1500570-b dd-RST-1500570-bb 14 8 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 HODGE'S ESSO p-1500570-yRST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

Facility: Service Stations-Gasoline, Oil & Natural Gas Description:

m-14-800368978-b dd-RST-800368978-bb 14 9 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 BANK ST TIGERMARKET p-800368978-yRST 1600 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Facility: Service Stations-Gasoline, Oil & Natural Gas Description:

m-14-802410694-b dd-RST-802410694-bb 14 10 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 HERON ON THE RUN p-802410694-yRST 1600 BANK ST

40| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m



m-14-803954801-b dd-SPL-803954801-bb 14 11 of 11 W/89.9 89.0 Drain-All Ltd. p-803954801-ySPL 1600 Bank St Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Ref No.: 3811-8BQRVX Incident Dt: MOE Reported Dt: 12/1/2010 Contaminant Name: COOLANT N.O.S. Contaminant Quantity: 20 L Incident Summary: Antifreeze to parking lot, street, cleaning Incident Cause: Cooling System Leak Incident Reason: Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: Environmental Impact: Not Anticipated

m-15-802466070-b dd-WWIS-802466070-bb 15 1 of 1 WNW/95.5 89.0 WWISp-802466070-y ON

Well ID: 1507839 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447715.7 Northing Nad83: 5025162 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Commerical Construction Date: 26-FEB-53 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 153 ft Pump Rate: 3 GPM Static Water Level: 15 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 88.93 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 20 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: MINERIAL, SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 20 ft Original Depth: 20 ft Material Colour: BLUE Material: CLAY + Thickness: 133 ft Original Depth: 153 ft Material Colour: Material: SHALE

m-16-17212761-b dd-WWIS-17212761-bb 16 1 of 1 W/96.0 89.0 lot 21 WWISp-17212761-y ON

Well ID: 1500449 Lot: 021 Concession: Concession Name: JG County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY (GLOUCESTER) 41| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Easting Nad83: 447710.7 Northing Nad83: 5025122 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 100 m - 300 m Primary Water Use: Commerical Construction Date: 05-SEP-49 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 37 ft Pump Rate: 1 GPM Static Water Level: 10 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 89.11 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 25 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: FRESH Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 18 ft Original Depth: 18 ft Material Colour: BLUE Material: CLAY + Thickness: 7 ft Original Depth: 25 ft Material Colour: Material: GRAVEL + Thickness: 12 ft Original Depth: 37 ft Material Colour: Material: ROCK

m-17-79522-b dd-SPL-79522-bb 17 1 of 1 SE/99.2 95.0 PRIVATE RESIDENCE p-79522-ySPL 1216 COLLINS AVE, K1V 6E1 FURNACE OIL TANK OTTAWA CITY ON K1V 6E1

Ref No.: 121092 Incident Dt: 11/22/1995 MOE Reported Dt: 11/22/1995 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: PRIVATE FUEL OIL TANK-270L FUEL OIL TO SOIL.FUEL LINE LEAK. Incident Cause: PIPE/HOSE LEAK Incident Reason: MATERIAL FAILURE Nature of Impact: Soil contamination Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: CONFIRMED

m-18-803687397-b dd-WWIS-803687397-bb 18 1 of 1 SW/106.7 90.0 WWISp-803687397-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7142296 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447745 Northing Nad83: 5025044 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 09-MAR-10 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 13.5 ft Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): 42| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Method: Elevation (m): 90.41 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: 2 ft Original Depth: 2 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: TOPSOIL, , LOOSE + Thickness: 11.5 ft Original Depth: 13.5 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: SILT, CLAY, DENSE

m-19-800531929-b dd-EHS-800531929-bb 19 1 of 2 SSW/108.5 91.2 1640 Bank St EHSp-800531929-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 19990615001 Report Date: 6/17/99 Report Type: Complete Report Search Radius (km): 0.35 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-19-1606669-b dd-SCT-1606669-bb 19 2 of 2 SSW/108.5 91.2 LADY JANE DONUTS LIMITED p-1606669-ySCT 1638 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Established: 1979 Plant Size (ft²): Employment: 9


m-20-803575740-b dd-EHS-803575740-bb 20 1 of 1 SSW/110.0 92.0 1638-1652 Bank Street EHSp-803575740-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20100128059 Report Date: 2/8/2010 Report Type: Standard Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans;

m-21-802466644-b dd-WWIS-802466644-bb 21 1 of 1 SSE/112.1 93.9 WWISp-802466644-y ON

Well ID: 1508787 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447830.7 Northing Nad83: 5025022 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 24-JAN-52 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 195 ft Pump Rate: 4 GPM Static Water Level: 3 ft 43| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 93.32 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 15 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 15 ft Original Depth: 15 ft Material Colour: Material: TOPSOIL + Thickness: 180 ft Original Depth: 195 ft Material Colour: Material: SHALE

m-22-20705-b dd-CA-20705-bb 22 1 of 1 NW/112.4 89.0 R.M. OF OTTAWA-CARLETON p-20705-yCA HERON RD. BANK ST. OTTAWA CITY ON

Certificate #: 3-0289-86- Application Year: 86 Issue Date: 1/10/1990 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Cancelled Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

m-23-803400518-b dd-BORE-803400518-bb 23 1 of 2 NW/118.0 89.0 BOREp-803400518-y ON

Borehole ID: 612828 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447731 Northing: 5025222 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 88.1 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 88.7 Note: m: Total Depth m: -999 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: Static Water Level: 22.5 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392647 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 3.0 Stratum Desc: CLAY. + 44| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Stratum ID: 218392648 Top Depth(m): 3.0 Bottom Depth(m): Stratum Desc: BEDROCK. AL. BROWN,GREY. SILT. FIBROUS. CLAY. BROWN,GREY,FISSURED. 215.3 FEET.SAND.

m-23-803400519-b dd-BORE-803400519-bb 23 2 of 2 NW/118.0 89.0 BOREp-803400519-y ON

Borehole ID: 612829 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447731 Northing: 5025222 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 76.2 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 88.7 Note: m: Total Depth m: -999 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: Static Water Level: 9.1 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392649 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 2.7 Stratum Desc: CLAY. BROWN,STIFF. + Stratum ID: 218392650 Top Depth(m): 2.7 Bottom Depth(m): 5.2 Stratum Desc: CLAY. BLUE,STIFF,LAYERED. + Stratum ID: 218392651 Top Depth(m): 5.2 Bottom Depth(m): 11.6 Stratum Desc: CLAY. GREY,SOFT. + Stratum ID: 218392652 Top Depth(m): 11.6 Bottom Depth(m): 33.8 Stratum Desc: CLAY. LAYERED, WATER STABLE AT 220.0 FEET. + Stratum ID: 218392653 Top Depth(m): 33.8 Bottom Depth(m): 36.3 Stratum Desc: TILL. + Stratum ID: 218392654 Top Depth(m): 36.3 Bottom Depth(m): Stratum Desc: BEDROCK. 2 00050 015 00060 038 00100 067 00110 012 00125 010 00000013000

m-24-17212762-b dd-WWIS-17212762-bb 24 1 of 1 E/126.0 96.0 lot 21 WWISp-17212762-y ON

Well ID: 1500450 Lot: 021 Concession: Concession Name: JG County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY (GLOUCESTER) Easting Nad83: 447930.7 Northing Nad83: 5025112 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 100 m - 300 m Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 15-SEP-49 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 56 ft

45| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Pump Rate: 20 GPM Static Water Level: 15 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 96.63 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 30 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: FRESH Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 10 ft Original Depth: 10 ft Material Colour: Material: COARSE SAND, GRAVEL + Thickness: 10 ft Original Depth: 20 ft Material Colour: YELLOW Material: CLAY + Thickness: 10 ft Original Depth: 30 ft Material Colour: Material: HARDPAN, GRAVEL + Thickness: 26 ft Original Depth: 56 ft Material Colour: Material: ROCK

m-25-237534-b dd-PES-237534-bb 25 1 of 3 NNW/127.8 89.9 HERON HARDWARE INC. (C#92032) p-237534-yPES 1593 BANK STREET OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-25-800803487-b dd-PES-800803487-bb 25 2 of 3 NNW/127.8 89.9 HERON HARDWARE INC (HERON HOME p-800803487-yPES HARDWARE) 1593 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

Licence No.: 23-01-11155-0 Licence Type: Limited Vendor

m-25-803511369-b dd-PES-803511369-bb 25 3 of 3 NNW/127.8 89.9 HERON HARDWARE INC (HERON HOME p-803511369-yPES HARDWARE) 1593 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z3

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-26-803086289-b dd-SPL-803086289-bb 26 1 of 1 S/129.5 92.0 1654 Bank St. STRIP MALL, p-803086289-ySPL RESTARAUNT Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Ref No.: 4050-6QZLMW

46| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Incident Dt: 6/21/2006 MOE Reported Dt: 6/22/2006 Contaminant Name: FIRE WATER (PARTICULATE CONTAMINANT) Contaminant Quantity: NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED Incident Summary: Fire at Restaurant, significant damage Incident Cause: Other Discharges Incident Reason: Fire/Explosion - Resulting from fires/explosions (Not occurrences which cause a fire or explosion) Nature of Impact: Surface Water Pollution Receiving Medium: Water Environmental Impact: Not Anticipated

m-27-802466415-b dd-WWIS-802466415-bb 27 1 of 1 SE/131.3 95.8 WWISp-802466415-y ON

Well ID: 1508278 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447910.7 Northing Nad83: 5025052 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Construction Date: 28-MAY-62 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 240 ft Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Abandoned-Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): 95.58 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 0 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 240 ft Original Depth: 240 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: SHALE

m-28-803400516-b dd-BORE-803400516-bb 28 1 of 1 WNW/135.5 88.3 BOREp-803400516-y ON

Borehole ID: 612826 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447691 Northing: 5025202 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 87.1 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 88.2 Note: m: Total Depth m: 2.1 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: SEP-1971 Static Water Level: 21.4 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392641 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 0.2 Stratum Desc: ARTIFICIAL.

47| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Stratum ID: 218392642 Top Depth(m): 0.2 Bottom Depth(m): 1.2 Stratum Desc: ARTIFICIAL. BROWN,GREY. + Stratum ID: 218392643 Top Depth(m): 1.2 Bottom Depth(m): 1.3 Stratum Desc: SILT. FIBROUS. + Stratum ID: 218392644 Top Depth(m): 1.3 Bottom Depth(m): 2.1 Stratum Desc: CLAY. BROWN,GREY,FISSURED. 215.3 FEET.SAND. VERY HARD. BEDROCK. 2 00050 015 00060

m-29-801702026-b dd-EHS-801702026-bb 29 1 of 1 S/144.6 92.0 1656 Bank Street EHSp-801702026-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20040915003 Report Date: 9/20/04 Report Type: Complete Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-30-802464621-b dd-WWIS-802464621-bb 30 1 of 1 WNW/144.6 88.0 lot 21 WWISp-802464621-y ON

Well ID: 1500444 Lot: 021 Concession: Concession Name: JG County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY (GLOUCESTER) Easting Nad83: 447670.7 Northing Nad83: 5025182 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 08-JUL-49 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 131 ft Pump Rate: 10 GPM Static Water Level: 20 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 88.05 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 8 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 8 ft Original Depth: 8 ft Material Colour: Material: TOPSOIL, MEDIUM SAND + Thickness: 123 ft Original Depth: 131 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: SHALE

m-31-803473430-b dd-EHS-803473430-bb 31 1 of 1 NNW/145.9 90.0 1587 Bank Street EHSp-803473430-y Ottawa ON K1H 7Z3

Order No.: 20091027002 Report Date: 11/4/2009

48| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Report Type: Standard Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps and/or Sire Plans

m-32-803985300-b dd-EXP-803985300-bb 32 1 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 3938115 CANADA INC O/A CANADIAN TIRE p-803985300-yEXP CORP PETRO 1607 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 12216 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10112974 Instance Type: FS Facility Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Cylinder Exchange

m-32-804013193-b dd-EXP-804013193-bb 32 2 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804013193-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 10/3/1989 Instance Number: 10900284 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description:

m-32-804019621-b dd-EXP-804019621-bb 32 3 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804019621-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 84065 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 11426166 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-804019642-b dd-EXP-804019642-bb 32 4 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804019642-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 84062 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: 49| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Expired Date: Instance Number: 11426185 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-804028794-b dd-EXP-804028794-bb 32 5 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804028794-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 50224 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900288 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-32-804031889-b dd-EXP-804031889-bb 32 6 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804031889-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 52020 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10900275 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-32-804032827-b dd-EXP-804032827-bb 32 7 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804032827-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 83555 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 11426181 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-32-804033259-b dd-EXP-804033259-bb 32 8 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-804033259-yEXP Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON

Instance ID: 83730 50| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 11426195 Instance Type: FS Piping Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Piping

m-32-821956910-b dd-EXP-821956910-bb 32 9 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O p-821956910-yEXP CANADIAN TIRE PETROLEUM 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 50433 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 10/3/1989 Instance Number: 10900284 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-32-821961275-b dd-EXP-821961275-bb 32 10 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O p-821961275-yEXP CANADIAN TIRE PETROLEUM 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 84062 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 10/3/1989 Instance Number: 11426185 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-32-821961276-b dd-EXP-821961276-bb 32 11 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O p-821961276-yEXP CANADIAN TIRE PETROLEUM 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance ID: 84065 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: 10/3/1989 Instance Number: 11426166 Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Status: EXPIRED Description: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve

m-32-813086482-b dd-FST-813086482-bb 32 12 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-813086482-yFST Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6 51| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Instance Number: 10900236 Cont Name: Emily Ross Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Tank Material: Steel Corrosion Protection: Sacrificial anode Tank Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST Install Year: 1988 Parent Facility Type: FS GASOLINE STATION - SELF SERVE Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-813086536-b dd-FST-813086536-bb 32 13 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-813086536-yFST Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 10900253 Cont Name: Emily Ross Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Tank Material: Steel Corrosion Protection: Sacrificial anode Tank Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST Install Year: 1988 Parent Facility Type: FS GASOLINE STATION - SELF SERVE Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-813087014-b dd-FST-813087014-bb 32 14 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-813087014-yFST Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Instance Number: 10900220 Cont Name: Emily Ross Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Tank Material: Steel Corrosion Protection: Sacrificial anode Tank Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST Install Year: 1988 Parent Facility Type: FS GASOLINE STATION - SELF SERVE Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-813087212-b dd-FST-813087212-bb 32 15 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian p-813087212-yFST Tire Petroleum 17 Flr** 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

52| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Instance Number: 10900269 Cont Name: Emily Ross Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Tank Material: Steel Corrosion Protection: Sacrificial anode Tank Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST Install Year: 1988 Parent Facility Type: FS GASOLINE STATION - SELF SERVE Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-821955139-b dd-FST-821955139-bb 32 16 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE LIMITED p-821955139-yFST 1170 HERON RD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Instance Number: 64536925 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 75000 Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2012 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-821955140-b dd-FST-821955140-bb 32 17 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE LIMITED p-821955140-yFST 1170 HERON RD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Instance Number: 64536926 Cont Name: Instance Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank Fuel Type: Gasoline Status: Active Capacity: 75000 Tank Material: Fiberglass (FRP) Corrosion Protection: Fiberglass Tank Type: Double Wall UST Install Year: 2012 Parent Facility Type: FS Gasoline Station - Self Serve Facility Type: FS Liquid Fuel Tank

m-32-802685765-b dd-FSTH-802685765-bb 32 18 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD ** FSTHp-802685765-y 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

License Issue Date: 5/24/2002 Tank Status: Licensed Tank Status As Of: August 2007 Operation Type: Retail Fuel Outlet

53| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Facility Type: Gasoline Station - Self Serve

--- Details --- Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline

m-32-803314001-b dd-FSTH-803314001-bb 32 19 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD C/O Canadian FSTHp-803314001-y Tire Petroleum 17 Flr 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

License Issue Date: 5/24/2002 Tank Status: Licensed Tank Status As Of: December 2008 Operation Type: Retail Fuel Outlet Facility Type: Gasoline Station - Self Serve

--- Details --- Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700 Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline + Status: Active Capacity: 22700

54| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Year of Installation: 1988 Corrosion Protection: Tank Fuel Type: Liquid Fuel Single Wall UST - Gasoline

m-32-801697515-b dd-GEN-801697515-bb 32 20 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 Canadian Tire Gas Bar GENp-801697515-y 1636 Bank St. Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Generator #: ON1948698 Approval Yrs: 03,04 SIC Code: SIC Description:

m-32-804096468-b dd-GEN-804096468-bb 32 21 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. GENp-804096468-y 1636 Bank Street Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Generator #: ON4798542 Approval Yrs: As of April 2014 SIC Code: SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: Light fuels + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: Waste oils/sludges (petroleum based)

m-32-814169458-b dd-GEN-814169458-bb 32 22 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. GENp-814169458-y 1636 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON4798542 Approval Yrs: 2012 SIC Code: 447110 SIC Description: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores

m-32-821721521-b dd-GEN-821721521-bb 32 23 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. GENp-821721521-y 1636 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON4798542 Approval Yrs: 2013 SIC Code: 447110 SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES

55| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m m-32-821722428-b dd-GEN-821722428-bb 32 24 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 JAWL Holdings Ltd. GENp-821722428-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON


--- Details --- Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 213 Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 212

56| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS

m-32-200268-b dd-PRT-200268-bb 32 25 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORP LTD PETROLEUM p-200268-yPRT DIVISION - SUSAN 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V 7Y6

Location ID: 10848 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1995-06-30 Capacity (L): 0 Licence #: 0012228039

m-32-1500571-b dd-RST-1500571-bb 32 26 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 CANADIAN TIRE STORES p-1500571-yRST 1636 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1V7Y6

Facility: Service Stations-Gasoline, Oil & Natural Gas Description:


Ref No.: 48336 Incident Dt: 3/30/1991 MOE Reported Dt: 3/30/1991 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: CANADIAN TIRE-1300 LITRESOIL/WATER,IN BASEMENT CONTAINED.NO DRAINS Incident Cause: CONTAINER OVERFLOW Incident Reason: EQUIPMENT FAILURE Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED

m-32-165420-b dd-SPL-165420-bb 32 28 of 28 W/149.4 88.0 PRIVATE OWNER p-165420-ySPL CANADIAN TIRE GAS BAR 1636 BANK STREET. MOTOR VEHICLE (OPERATING FLUID) OTTAWA CITY ON K1V 7Y6

Ref No.: 59849 Incident Dt: 11/17/1991 MOE Reported Dt: 11/17/1991 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: PRIVATE OWNER-2 LITRES OFGASOLINE TO PUMP PIT DUE TO AUTO HITTING PUMPS. Incident Cause: OTHER TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT Incident Reason: ERROR Nature of Impact: 57| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED

m-33-802987179-b dd-WWIS-802987179-bb 33 1 of 1 NNW/150.1 89.0 WWISp-802987179-y OTTAWA ON

Well ID: 7046632 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447724 Northing Nad83: 5025257 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 10 - 30 m Primary Water Use: Construction Date: 20-JUN-07 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 4.27 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Observation Wells Construction Other Method Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): 89.08 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BLACK Material: TOPSOIL, SOFT + Thickness: 1.19 m Original Depth: 1.5 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, SOFT, DRY + Thickness: 1.85 m Original Depth: 3.35 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT, DRY + Thickness: .61 m Original Depth: 3.96 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, WATER-BEARING + Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: 4.27 m Material Colour: GREY Material: SHALE, HARD, DRY

m-34-803400525-b dd-BORE-803400525-bb 34 1 of 2 NNE/154.8 96.0 BOREp-803400525-y ON

Borehole ID: 612835 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447871 Northing: 5025272 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 97.5 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 95.6 Note: m: Total Depth m: 27.7 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: JUN-1950 Static Water Level: 30.5 58| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392665 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 6.1 Stratum Desc: SOIL. + Stratum ID: 218392666 Top Depth(m): 6.1 Bottom Depth(m): 27.7 Stratum Desc: SLATE. 00065. 00120 00175. CLAY. GREY,SOFT. CLAY. LAYERED, WATER STABLE AT 220.0 FE

m-34-802466406-b dd-WWIS-802466406-bb 34 2 of 2 NNE/154.8 96.0 WWISp-802466406-y ON

Well ID: 1508268 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447870.7 Northing Nad83: 5025272 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 12-JUN-50 Sec. Water Use: Industrial Well Depth: 91 ft Pump Rate: 6 GPM Static Water Level: 20 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 95.59 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 20 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: MINERIAL Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 20 ft Original Depth: 20 ft Material Colour: Material: TOPSOIL + Thickness: 71 ft Original Depth: 91 ft Material Colour: Material: SLATE

m-35-17218768-b dd-WWIS-17218768-bb 35 1 of 1 W/155.8 88.0 WWISp-17218768-y ON

Well ID: 1508279 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447650.7 Northing Nad83: 5025122 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 100 m - 300 m Primary Water Use: Commerical Construction Date: 30-NOV-64 Sec. Water Use: Public Well Depth: 110 ft Pump Rate: 4 GPM Static Water Level: 9 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLOUDY Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 87.65 Elevation Reliability:

59| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Depth to Bedrock: 18 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: SULPHUR Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 18 ft Original Depth: 18 ft Material Colour: Material: TOPSOIL + Thickness: 92 ft Original Depth: 110 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: SHALE

m-36-802840624-b dd-EHS-802840624-bb 36 1 of 1 NW/156.4 89.0 1596 Bank Street EHSp-802840624-y Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Order No.: 20071204010 Report Date: 12/5/2007 Report Type: CAN - Custom Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps And /or Site Plans

m-37-267220-b dd-SCT-267220-bb 37 1 of 1 S/165.3 92.0 Rideau Bakery Limited p-267220-ySCT 1666 Bank St Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Established: 01-AUG-30 Plant Size (ft²): Employment:

--- Details --- SIC/NAICS Code: 311814 Description: Commercial Bakeries and Frozen Bakery Product Manufacturing

m-38-800535928-b dd-EHS-800535928-bb 38 1 of 4 SSE/184.9 95.0 1677 Bank St. EHSp-800535928-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

Order No.: 20020923016 Report Date: 9/27/02 Report Type: Site Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-38-801952663-b dd-EHS-801952663-bb 38 2 of 4 SSE/184.9 95.0 1677 Bank St EHSp-801952663-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

Order No.: 20050725021 Report Date: 7/26/2005 Report Type: Basic Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-38-803576817-b dd-EHS-803576817-bb 38 3 of 4 SSE/184.9 95.0 1677 Bank St EHSp-803576817-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

60| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Order No.: 20100408062 Report Date: 4/19/2010 Report Type: Custom Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-38-804094762-b dd-EHS-804094762-bb 38 4 of 4 SSE/184.9 95.0 1677 Bank Street EHSp-804094762-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Z2

Order No.: 20120508048 Report Date: 5/11/2012 Report Type: Standard Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-39-804395442-b dd-ECA-804395442-bb 39 1 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited ECAp-804395442-y 1170 Heron Rd Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

CofA Number: 7731-97FK73 Date: 5/21/13 Status: Approved Project Type: Industrial Sewage

m-39-803133172-b dd-EHS-803133172-bb 39 2 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 1170 Heron Road EHSp-803133172-y Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Order No.: 20080225029 Report Date: 3/5/2008 Report Type: Complete Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps And /or Site Plans; Title Search; Aerials Photos; City Directory; Unplotted Water Wells

m-39-803917862-b dd-EHS-803917862-bb 39 3 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 1170 Heron Road EHSp-803917862-y Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Order No.: 20110718039 Report Date: 7/27/2011 Report Type: Custom Report Search Radius (km): 0.3 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans; Title Searches; City Directory

m-39-800820047-b dd-GEN-800820047-bb 39 4 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION LTD. GENp-800820047-y 1170 HERON ROAD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON0049610 Approval Yrs: 90,98,99,00,01 SIC Code: 6531 SIC Description: HARDWARE STORES

--- Details --- 61| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS

m-39-800820048-b dd-GEN-800820048-bb 39 5 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION LTD. 08- GENp-800820048-y 749 1170 HERON ROAD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON0049610 Approval Yrs: 92,93,94,95,96,97 SIC Code: 6531 SIC Description: HARDWARE STORES

--- Details --- Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS

m-39-803010604-b dd-GEN-803010604-bb 39 6 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 JAWL Holdings Ltd. GENp-803010604-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: As of May 2015 SIC Code: SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: Wastes from the use of pigments, coatings and paints + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: Aliphatic solvents and residues + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: Misc. wastes and inorganic chemicals + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: Misc. waste organic chemicals + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: Waste compressed gases including cylinders + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: Halogenated pesticides and herbicides

m-39-803479668-b dd-GEN-803479668-bb 39 7 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 Canadian Tire #210 GENp-803479668-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: 07,08 SIC Code: 452991 452999 SIC Description: Home and Auto Supplies Stores, All Other Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

--- Details --- Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS +

62| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 213 Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES

m-39-804073468-b dd-GEN-804073468-bb 39 8 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 2891379 Canada Inc. GENp-804073468-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: 2009 SIC Code: 452991, 452999 SIC Description: Home and Auto Supplies Stores, All Other Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

--- Details --- Waste Code: 112

63| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 213 Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES

m-39-808955945-b dd-GEN-808955945-bb 39 9 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 2891379 Canada Inc. GENp-808955945-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: 2010 SIC Code: 452991, 452999 SIC Description: Home and Auto Supplies Stores, All Other Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

64| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

--- Details --- Waste Code: 213 Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES

m-39-809000152-b dd-GEN-809000152-bb 39 10 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 JAWL Holdings Ltd. GENp-809000152-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

65| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: 2011 SIC Code: 452991, 452999 SIC Description: Home and Auto Supplies Stores, All Other Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

--- Details --- Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 213 Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES

66| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

m-39-814155421-b dd-GEN-814155421-bb 39 11 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 JAWL Holdings Ltd. GENp-814155421-y 1170 Heron Road Ottawa ON K1V 6B2

Generator #: ON2639607 Approval Yrs: 2012 SIC Code: 452991, 452999 SIC Description: Home and Auto Supplies Stores, All Other Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores

--- Details --- Waste Code: 251 Waste Description: OIL SKIMMINGS & SLUDGES + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 147 Waste Description: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WASTES + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 242 Waste Description: HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 222 Waste Description: HEAVY FUELS + Waste Code: 262 Waste Description: DETERGENTS/SOAPS + Waste Code: 122 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - OTHER METALS + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 269 Waste Description: NON-HALOGENATED PESTICIDES + Waste Code: 114 Waste Description: OTHER INORGANIC ACID WASTES + Waste Code: 213

67| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Waste Description: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES

m-39-236823-b dd-PES-236823-bb 39 12 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #210 A.L. p-236823-yPES BROOKS LIMITED 1170 HERON ROAD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-39-800803526-b dd-PES-800803526-bb 39 13 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & A p-800803526-yPES MACEACHERN HOLDINGS LTD. 1170 HERON ROAD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: 23-01-11747-0 Licence Type: Limited Vendor

m-39-802090819-b dd-PES-802090819-bb 39 14 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 2891379 CANADA INC O/A CANADIAN TIRE p-802090819-yPES ASSOC. #210 1170HERON RD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: Licence Type: Limited Vendor

m-39-803510360-b dd-PES-803510360-bb 39 15 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 2891379 CANADA INC O/A CANADIAN TIRE p-803510360-yPES ASSOC. #210 1170 HERON RD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-39-803510822-b dd-PES-803510822-bb 39 16 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 CANADIAN TIRE STORE/ K & A p-803510822-yPES MACEACHERN HOLDINGS LTD. 1170 HERON ROAD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-39-809009238-b dd-PES-809009238-bb 39 17 of 17 WNW/186.5 87.0 JAWL HOLDINGS LTD. O/A CANADIAN p-809009238-yPES TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE #210 1170 HERON RD OTTAWA ON K1V 6B2

Licence No.: 23-01-16083-0 Licence Type: LIMITED 68| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

m-40-802466072-b dd-WWIS-802466072-bb 40 1 of 1 SSE/189.3 95.1 WWISp-802466072-y ON

Well ID: 1507841 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447890.7 Northing Nad83: 5024962 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 15-AUG-51 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 167 ft Pump Rate: 3 GPM Static Water Level: 60 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 95.5 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 8 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: MINERIAL Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 8 ft Original Depth: 8 ft Material Colour: Material: CLAY + Thickness: 159 ft Original Depth: 167 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: SLATE

m-41-801954900-b dd-EHS-801954900-bb 41 1 of 2 S/191.9 92.8 1670 Bank Street EHSp-801954900-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20051229020 Report Date: 1/11/2006 Report Type: Complete Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-41-803134730-b dd-EHS-803134730-bb 41 2 of 2 S/191.9 92.8 1670 Bank Street EHSp-803134730-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20080521016 Report Date: 5/29/2008 Report Type: Basic Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

m-42-804879557-b dd-WWIS-804879557-bb 42 1 of 1 W/194.6 88.0 WWISp-804879557-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7180710 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447614 Northing Nad83: 5025101 69| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 23-FEB-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 4.88 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BLACK Material: CEMENTED + Thickness: .6 m Original Depth: .91 m Material Colour: GREY Material: GRAVEL + Thickness: 3.97 m Original Depth: 4.88 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT, HARD

m-43-803400528-b dd-BORE-803400528-bb 43 1 of 1 NNW/195.6 89.0 BOREp-803400528-y ON

Borehole ID: 612838 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447711 Northing: 5025302 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 85.9 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 88.8 Note: m: Total Depth m: -999 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: Static Water Level: 18.8 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392671 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 0.6 Stratum Desc: SOIL. + Stratum ID: 218392672 Top Depth(m): 0.6 Bottom Depth(m): 1.1 Stratum Desc: CLAY. STIFF,FRACTURED. + Stratum ID: 218392675 Top Depth(m): 2.3 Bottom Depth(m): Stratum Desc: BEDROCK. ERED, WATER STABLE AT 220.0 FEET.TILL. BEDROCK. 2 00050 015 00060 038 + Stratum ID: 218392673 Top Depth(m): 1.1 Bottom Depth(m): 1.4 Stratum Desc: CLAY. SOFT.

70| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Stratum ID: 218392674 Top Depth(m): 1.4 Bottom Depth(m): 2.3 Stratum Desc: TILL. COMPACT.

m-44-804879556-b dd-WWIS-804879556-bb 44 1 of 1 WSW/200.1 88.0 WWISp-804879556-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7180709 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447612 Northing Nad83: 5025083 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 23-FEB-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 4.57 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .91 m Original Depth: .91 m Material Colour: BLACK Material: TOPSOIL + Thickness: .92 m Original Depth: 1.83 m Material Colour: GREY Material: GRAVEL + Thickness: 2.74 m Original Depth: 4.57 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT, HARD

m-45-802464625-b dd-WWIS-802464625-bb 45 1 of 1 E/205.4 98.0 lot 21 WWISp-802464625-y ON

Well ID: 1500448 Lot: 021 Concession: Concession Name: JG County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY (GLOUCESTER) Easting Nad83: 448010.7 Northing Nad83: 5025112 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 02-AUG-49 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 160 ft Pump Rate: Static Water Level: 50 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLEAR Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 97.68 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 0 Overburden/Bedroc Mixed in a Layer k: Water Type: FRESH Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

71| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

--- Details --- Thickness: 30 ft Original Depth: 30 ft Material Colour: Material: TOPSOIL, SHALE + Thickness: 130 ft Original Depth: 160 ft Material Colour: Material: SHALE

m-46-803745420-b dd-CA-803745420-bb 46 1 of 1 ENE/211.5 98.0 Rose Donato p-803745420-yCA 1611 A & 1611B Edgehill Road Ottawa ON

Certificate #: 2394-5XMQXD Application Year: 2004 Issue Date: 4/1/2004 Approval Type: Municipal and Private Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

m-47-800395620-b dd-CA-800395620-bb 47 1 of 1 S/214.4 94.9 OTTAWA CITY p-800395620-yCA PORTLAND AVE./BANK ST. OTTAWA CITY ON

Certificate #: 3-1612-95-006 Application Year: 95 Issue Date: 12/1/95 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

m-48-821132090-b dd-EHS-821132090-bb 48 1 of 1 S/218.2 91.0 1700 Bank Street EHSp-821132090-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Order No.: 20131120017 Report Date: 28-NOV-13 Report Type: RSC Report (Urban) Search Radius (km): .3 Addit. Info Ordered: Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans; Title Searches; City Directory; Aerial Photos

m-49-803400496-b dd-BORE-803400496-bb 49 1 of 2 ESE/225.4 97.0 BOREp-803400496-y

72| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m


Borehole ID: 612806 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 448021 Northing: 5025062 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 94.5 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 96.8 Note: m: Total Depth m: 39.6 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: MAY-1950 Static Water Level: -999.9 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392576 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 2.1 Stratum Desc: CLAY. + Stratum ID: 218392577 Top Depth(m): 2.1 Bottom Depth(m): 39.6 Stratum Desc: SLATE. BLACK. FIRM. TILL. FIRM. BEDROCK. AY. BROWN,GREY,HARD,FISSURED. CLAY. BROWN,G

m-49-802466405-b dd-WWIS-802466405-bb 49 2 of 2 ESE/225.4 97.0 WWISp-802466405-y ON

Well ID: 1508267 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 448020.7 Northing Nad83: 5025062 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: unknown UTM Primary Water Use: Domestic Construction Date: 18-MAY-50 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 130 ft Pump Rate: 3 GPM Static Water Level: 17 ft Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: CLOUDY Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Water Supply Construction Cable Tool Flowing (y/n): N Method: Elevation (m): 96.83 Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: 7 Overburden/Bedroc Bedrock k: Water Type: MINERIAL Casing Material: FRESH, MINERIAL

--- Details --- Thickness: 7 ft Original Depth: 7 ft Material Colour: Material: CLAY + Thickness: 123 ft Original Depth: 130 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: SLATE

m-50-803010352-b dd-GEN-803010352-bb 50 1 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-803010352-y 1582 Bank Street 73| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: As of May 2015 SIC Code: SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: Pathological wastes + Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: Pharmaceuticals

m-50-803237604-b dd-GEN-803237604-bb 50 2 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-803237604-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 06,07,08 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: General (except Paediatric) Hospitals

--- Details --- Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES + Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS

m-50-803484468-b dd-GEN-803484468-bb 50 3 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 LMT DEVELOPMENT CORP GENp-803484468-y 1582 Bank St Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Generator #: ON8277808 Approval Yrs: 07,08 SIC Code: 238990 SIC Description: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors

--- Details --- Waste Code: 243 Waste Description: PCB'S + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS

m-50-804079321-b dd-GEN-804079321-bb 50 4 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-804079321-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 2009 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: General (except Paediatric) Hospitals

--- Details --- Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS

74| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES

m-50-808962843-b dd-GEN-808962843-bb 50 5 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-808962843-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 2010 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: General (except Paediatric) Hospitals

--- Details --- Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS + Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES

m-50-808976727-b dd-GEN-808976727-bb 50 6 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-808976727-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 2011 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: General (except Paediatric) Hospitals

--- Details --- Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS + Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES

m-50-814150187-b dd-GEN-814150187-bb 50 7 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-814150187-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON K1H 7Z5

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 2012 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: General (except Paediatric) Hospitals

--- Details --- Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS + Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES

m-50-238153-b dd-PES-238153-bb 50 8 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 MCDONOUGH'S YOUR INDEPENDENT p-238153-yPES GROCERS/733689 ONT. LTD 1582 BANK STREET OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5

Licence No.: 75| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Licence Type: Vendor

m-50-803510959-b dd-PES-803510959-bb 50 9 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 CIBELE WALSH PHARMACY LTD. p-803510959-yPES (SHOPPERS #1527) 1582 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5

Licence No.: Licence Type: Vendor

m-50-809008544-b dd-PES-809008544-bb 50 10 of 10 NW/225.9 87.7 CIBELE WALSH PHARMACY LTD. p-809008544-yPES (SHOPPERS #1527) 1582 BANK ST OTTAWA ON K1H 7Z5

Licence No.: 23-01-14925-0 Licence Type: LIMITED

m-51-821723693-b dd-GEN-821723693-bb 51 1 of 2 NW/227.9 87.4 Ottawa Medical Management Group Inc. GENp-821723693-y 1582 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Generator #: ON5924785 Approval Yrs: 2013 SIC Code: 622111 SIC Description: GENERAL (EXCEPT PAEDIATRIC) HOSPITALS

--- Details --- Waste Code: 261 Waste Description: PHARMACEUTICALS + Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: PATHOLOGICAL WASTES

m-51-822740785-b dd-GEN-822740785-bb 51 2 of 2 NW/227.9 87.4 Sajjad Giby Pharmacies Inc. GENp-822740785-y 1582 BANK STREET OTTAWA ON

Generator #: ON7511364 Approval Yrs: As of May 2015 SIC Code: SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 312 Waste Description: Pathological wastes

m-52-803400517-b dd-BORE-803400517-bb 52 1 of 1 WNW/230.1 86.0 BOREp-803400517-y ON

Borehole ID: 612827 Type: Borehole Use: Status: Drill Method: UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447591 Northing: 5025212

76| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 85.3 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 86.3 Note: m: Total Depth m: -999 Primary Name: Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: Static Water Level: 19.7 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218392645 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 3.7 Stratum Desc: CLAY. + Stratum ID: 218392646 Top Depth(m): 3.7 Bottom Depth(m): Stratum Desc: BEDROCK. AL. BROWN,GREY. SILT. FIBROUS. CLAY. BROWN,GREY,FISSURED. 215.3 FEET.SAND.

m-53-800016631-b dd-RSC-800016631-bb 53 1 of 3 SSW/233.7 89.0 1644 Bank St. RSCp-800016631-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Date Submitted: 03/13/00 Date Acknowledg.: Date Returned: 03/20/00 Certification Date: Soil Type: Restoration Type: Registration #: Stratified (Y/N): Criteria: Consultant: CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited District Office: Ottawa Intended Prop Use: Current Property Use: Certificate Prop Use #: Applicable Standards: Legal Description: Prop. Identification #: Entire legal prop. (y/n): UTM Coordinates: Latitude & Longitude: Accuracy Estimate: Measurement Method: CPU Issued Sect 1686:

m-53-800016635-b dd-RSC-800016635-bb 53 2 of 3 SSW/233.7 89.0 1644 Bank St RSCp-800016635-y Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Date Submitted: 03/06/00 Date Acknowledg.: 03/27/00 Date Returned: Certification Date: Soil Type: Restoration Type: Registration #: 77| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

Stratified (Y/N): Criteria: Missing RSC Consultant: CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited District Office: Ottawa Intended Prop Use: Current Property Use: Certificate Prop Use #: Applicable Standards: Legal Description: Prop. Identification #: Entire legal prop. (y/n): UTM Coordinates: Latitude & Longitude: Accuracy Estimate: Measurement Method: CPU Issued Sect 1686:

m-53-803828742-b dd-SCT-803828742-bb 53 3 of 3 SSW/233.7 89.0 NeuroGym Technologies Inc. p-803828742-ySCT 1644 Bank St Unit 103 Ottawa ON K1V 7Y6

Established: 01-JUL-06 Plant Size (ft²): Employment:

--- Details --- SIC/NAICS Code: 339110 Description: Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

m-54-804892741-b dd-WWIS-804892741-bb 54 1 of 1 W/233.9 87.0 WWISp-804892741-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7177831 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Easting Nad83: 447575 Northing Nad83: 5025096 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 02-FEB-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 5.79 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Other Method Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .31 m Original Depth: .31 m Material Colour: BLACK Material: + Thickness: .91 m Original Depth: 1.22 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, SILT, GRAVEL

78| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Thickness: 4.57 m Original Depth: 5.79 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT

m-55-804878362-b dd-WWIS-804878362-bb 55 1 of 1 WSW/248.0 87.0 WWISp-804878362-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7181685 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447563 Northing Nad83: 5025083 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 30 m - 100 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 17-APR-12 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 6.1 m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Test Hole Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .61 m Original Depth: .61 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: GRAVEL + Thickness: 3.66 m Original Depth: 4.27 m Material Colour: BROWN Material: CLAY, SAND + Thickness: 1.83 m Original Depth: 6.1 m Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY

m-56-803455168-b dd-BORE-803455168-bb 56 1 of 1 NW/249.0 86.7 BOREp-803455168-y ON

Borehole ID: 807478 Type: Borehole Use: Geotechnical/Geological Investigation Status: Drill Method: Other Method UTM Zone: 18 Easting: 447616.07 Northing: 5025292.19 Location Accuracy: Orig. Ground Elev 86 m: Elev. Reliability DEM Ground Elev 86.9 Note: m: Total Depth m: 1.6 Primary Name: TP 4 Township: Concession: Lot: Municipality: Completion Date: 17-DEC-1991 Static Water Level: -999.9 Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use:

--- Details --- Stratum ID: 218593051 Top Depth(m): 0.0 Bottom Depth(m): 0.2 Stratum Desc: Fill-Misc Sand - Gravel With: Brk Frag

79| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Map Key Number of Direction/ Elevation Site DB Records Distance m m

+ Stratum ID: 218593052 Top Depth(m): 0.2 Bottom Depth(m): 0.6 Stratum Desc: Brown Fill-Misc Silt - Sand Trace: Brk Frag + Stratum ID: 218593053 Top Depth(m): 0.6 Bottom Depth(m): 1.6 Stratum Desc: Grey-Brown Weathered Crust sand silt

m-57-803843194-b dd-WWIS-803843194-bb 57 1 of 1 W/249.4 87.0 WWISp-803843194-y Ottawa ON

Well ID: 7160463 Lot: Concession: Concession Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: 447561 Northing Nad83: 5025086 Zone: 18 Utm Reliability: margin of error : 10 - 30 m Primary Water Use: Monitoring and Test Hole Construction Date: 01-MAR-11 Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: 20 ft Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Construction Direct Push Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/Bedroc k: Water Type: Casing Material: Not stated

--- Details --- Thickness: .5 ft Original Depth: .5 ft Material Colour: BLACK Material: + Thickness: 1 ft Original Depth: 1.5 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: SAND, GRAVEL, LOOSE + Thickness: 10.5 ft Original Depth: 12 ft Material Colour: BROWN Material: CLAY, SILT, LOOSE + Thickness: 8 ft Original Depth: 20 ft Material Colour: GREY Material: CLAY, SILT, LOOSE

80| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Unplottableh-Unplottable Summary Summary

Total: 54 Unplottable sites

DB Company Name/Site Name Address City Postal

uu-CA-803752943-aa CA City of Ottawa Bank St from Laurier Avenue to Somerest Ottawa ON Street




uu-CA-15240-aa CA Regional Municipality of HERON ROAD OTTAWA CITY ON Ottawa-Carleton







uu-CA-803806065-aa CA City of Ottawa Bank Street - Regent Street to Glebe Ottawa ON Avenue

uu-CA-803757422-aa CA Canadian Tire Real Estate Ottawa ON Limited

uu-CA-803765485-aa CA Canadian Tire Real Estate Ottawa ON Limited

uu-CA-803746901-aa CA Canadian Tire Real Estate Ottawa ON Limited

81| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON uu-CA-803769163-aa CA Drain-All Ltd. Mobile System Ottawa ON


uu-CA-803759568-aa CA City of Ottawa Bank St Bank Street from Somerset Street Ottawa ON to Catherine Street


uu-CA-803867622-aa CA City of Ottawa Bank Street - Isabella Street to Wilton Ottawa ON Crescent

uu-CONV-800808819-aa CONV DRAIN-ALL LTD. ON

uu-CONV-803509260-aa CONV Taggart Construction Limited Bank Street South Ottawa ON

uu-EHS-802048598-aa EHS Bank St Ottawa ON




uu-GEN-800912024-aa GEN OLYMPIC DRILLING CO. LOT 14, CONC. 6, HWY. 31 SOUTH P.O. OTTAWA ON K1G 3T9 LTD. 29-588 9180, TERMIAL #1


uu-GEN-801701073-aa GEN Hydro Ottawa Ltd. Bank St Ottawa ON













uu-SPL-803088468-aa SPL Bell Canada on Bank St, 10 ft N of Catherine St BELL Ottawa ON MANHOLE







uu-SPL-803835440-aa SPL City of Ottawa Heron Road, just east of Riverside Dr Ottawa ON

uu-SPL-803525035-aa SPL City of Ottawa on east side of Bank St. 750 metres north of Ottawa ON Findlay Creek Dr.

uu-SPL-803080580-aa SPL City of Ottawa Bank St in front of Bethshalam Cemetary Ottawa ON


uu-WWIS-802945558-aa WWIS lot 20 ON

83| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON h-UnplottableUnplottable Report Report

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Bank St from Laurier Avenue to Somerest Street Ottawa ON uu-CA-803752943-bbCA

Certificate #: 4804-7DGNT6 Application Year: 2008 Issue Date: 4/8/2008 Approval Type: Municipal and Private Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 3-0091-87- Application Year: 87 Issue Date: 2/20/1987 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 7-0065-87- Application Year: 87 Issue Date: 2/20/1987 Approval Type: Municipal water Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

84| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Site: TRIANGLE PROJECT INC.-PT.LOTS 37-39 Database: HERON RD./S-WATER MGT.FACILITY OTTAWA CITY ON uu-CA-30779-bbCA

Certificate #: 3-0628-92- Application Year: 92 Issue Date: 9/21/1992 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Cancelled Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Database: HERON ROAD OTTAWA CITY ON uu-CA-15240-bbCA

Certificate #: 8-4161-92- Application Year: 92 Issue Date: 12/10/1992 Approval Type: Industrial air Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: INSTALL 20 KW STANDBY DIESEL GENERATOR Contaminants: Nitrogen Oxides Emission Control: No Controls


Certificate #: 3-0628-92- Application Year: 92 Issue Date: 10/20/1992 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


85| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Certificate #: 3-1342-93- Application Year: 93 Issue Date: 12/31/1993 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Preliminary approval Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 3-0856-95- Application Year: 95 Issue Date: 8/8/1995 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 3-0515-87- Application Year: 87 Issue Date: 4/23/1987 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 3-1864-86- Application Year: 86 Issue Date: 12/19/1986 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type:

86| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 7-1304-86- Application Year: 86 Issue Date: 10/28/1986 Approval Type: Municipal water Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Bank Street - Regent Street to Glebe Avenue Ottawa ON uu-CA-803806065-bbCA

Certificate #: 4000-8EDQTH Application Year: 2011 Issue Date: 3/14/2011 Approval Type: Municipal and Private Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited Database: Ottawa ON uu-CA-803757422-bbCA

Certificate #: 6332-769QGX Application Year: 2007 Issue Date: 8/21/2007 Approval Type: Industrial Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants:

87| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Emission Control:

Site: Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited Database: Ottawa ON uu-CA-803765485-bbCA

Certificate #: 8928-6XKJW9 Application Year: 2007 Issue Date: 2/12/2007 Approval Type: Industrial Sewage Works Status: Revoked and/or Replaced Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited Database: Ottawa ON uu-CA-803746901-bbCA

Certificate #: 2877-73WH5F Application Year: 2007 Issue Date: 6/7/2007 Approval Type: Industrial Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: Drain-All Ltd. Database: Mobile System Ottawa ON uu-CA-803769163-bbCA

Certificate #: A860302 Application Year: 2006 Issue Date: 8/4/2006 Approval Type: Waste Management Systems Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


88| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Certificate #: 3-1072-88- Application Year: 88 Issue Date: 9/28/1988 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Bank St Bank Street from Somerset Street to Catherine Street Ottawa ON uu-CA-803759568-bbCA

Certificate #: 7054-7L4LKY Application Year: 2008 Issue Date: 11/28/2008 Approval Type: Municipal and Private Sewage Works Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:


Certificate #: 3-1471-86- Application Year: 86 Issue Date: 10/16/1986 Approval Type: Municipal sewage Status: Approved Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Bank Street - Isabella Street to Wilton Crescent Ottawa ON uu-CA-803867622-bbCA

Certificate #: 2096-8G2SZN Application Year: 2011 Issue Date: 5/3/2011 Approval Type: Municipal and Private Sewage Works Status: Approved

89| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control:

Site: DRAIN-ALL LTD. Database: ON uu-CONV-800808819-bbCONV

File No.: Crown Brief No.: 98-0000-9004 Ministry District: Region: EASTERN REGION Description: THIS IS THE EASTERN BRIEF FOR ALL P.O.A. TICKETS

--- Details --- Date Charged: 4/14/99 Fine: $305.00 Act/Regulation/Section: EPA- -186(3) Charge Disposition: SUSPENDED SENTENCE

Site: Taggart Construction Limited Database: Bank Street South Ottawa ON uu-CONV-803509260-bbCONV

File No.: 010503 Crown Brief No.: Ministry District: Region: Description: On December 3, 2009, Taggart Construction Limited pleaded guilty to one violation under the Ontario Water Resources Act for failing to comply with a Provincial Officer Order to submit weekly water taking records showing daily water taking volumes. The company was contracted to install municipal services for the Findlay Creek Subdivision located on Bank Street in South Ottawa. A ministry inspection of the construction site in the fall of 2007 revealed concerns with water taking activities and a Provincial Officer Order was issued. One of the requirements of the Order, related to keeping accurate water taking records and submitting them to the ministry, was not complied with. The company was charged following an investigation by the ministry's Investigations and Enforcement Branch and was fined $5,000 plus victim fine surcharge. The company was given 30 days to pay the fine.

--- Details --- Date Charged: December 3, 2009 Fine: $5,000 Act/Regulation/Section: Provincial Officer Order Charge Disposition: fine, victim fine surcharge

Site: Database: Bank St Ottawa ON uu-EHS-802048598-bbEHS

Order No.: 20060427021 Report Date: 5/5/2006 Report Type: Custom Report Search Radius (km): 0.25 Addit. Info Ordered:

90| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Site: UPI ENERGY LP* Database: HWY 31 OTTAWA ON uu-EXP-803993808-bbEXP

Instance ID: 18935 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10454099 Instance Type: FS Highway Tank - Gas/Diesel Status: EXPIRED Description: FS HIGHWAY TANK - GASOLINE/DIESEL

Site: W O STINSON & SON LTD* Database: HWY 31 OTTAWA ON uu-EXP-803993345-bbEXP

Instance ID: 18397 TSSA Program Area: Maximum Hazard Rank: Expired Date: Instance Number: 10449391 Instance Type: FS Highway Tank - Gas/Diesel Status: EXPIRED Description: FS HIGHWAY TANK - GASOLINE/DIESEL


Generator #: ON1295200 Approval Yrs: 99,00,01 SIC Code: 0921 SIC Description: CONTRACT DRILLING

--- Details --- Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS

Site: OLYMPIC DRILLING CO. LTD. 29-588 Database: LOT 14, CONC. 6, HWY. 31 SOUTH P.O. 9180, TERMIAL #1 OTTAWA ON K1G 3T9 uu-GEN-800912024-bbGEN

Generator #: ON1295200 Approval Yrs: 94,95,96 SIC Code: 0921 SIC Description: CONTRACT DRILLING

--- Details --- Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS


Generator #: ON0573413 Approval Yrs: 86,87,88 SIC Code: 9721 SIC Description: POWER LAUND./CLEANERS

--- Details ---

91| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Waste Code: 241 Waste Description: HALOGENATED SOLVENTS

Site: Hydro Ottawa Ltd. Database: Bank St Ottawa ON uu-GEN-801701073-bbGEN

Generator #: ON8798860 Approval Yrs: 03,04 SIC Code: SIC Description:

Site: OLYMPIC DRILLING CO LTD Database: LOT 14, CONC 6 HWY 31 SOUTH OTTAWA ON K1G 3N4 uu-GEN-800904270-bbGEN

Generator #: ON1295200 Approval Yrs: 92,93,97,98 SIC Code: 0921 SIC Description: CONTRACT DRILLING

--- Details --- Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS


Generator #: ON0046541 Approval Yrs: 2009 SIC Code: 911110 SIC Description: Defence Services

--- Details --- Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 243 Waste Description: PCBS + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS

92| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 264 Waste Description: PHOTOPROCESSING WASTES


Generator #: ON0046541 Approval Yrs: 2010 SIC Code: 911110 SIC Description: Defence Services

--- Details --- Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS + Waste Code: 243 Waste Description: PCBS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 264 Waste Description: PHOTOPROCESSING WASTES


Generator #: ON0046541 Approval Yrs: 2011 SIC Code: 911110 SIC Description: Defence Services

--- Details --- Waste Code: 112 93| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 243 Waste Description: PCBS + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 264 Waste Description: PHOTOPROCESSING WASTES + Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS


Generator #: ON0046541 Approval Yrs: As of May 2015 SIC Code: SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: Aliphatic solvents and residues + Waste Code: 232 Waste Description: Polymeric resins + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: Waste compressed gases including cylinders + Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: Other specified inorganic sludges, slurries or solids + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: Alkaline slutions - containing heavy metals + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: Light fuels 94| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: Waste crankcase oils and lubricants + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: Misc. wastes and inorganic chemicals + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: Acid solutions - containing heavy metals + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: Misc. waste organic chemicals


Generator #: ON0046541 Approval Yrs: 2013 SIC Code: 911110 SIC Description:

--- Details --- Waste Code: 243 Waste Description: PCBS + Waste Code: 112 Waste Description: ACID WASTE - HEAVY METALS + Waste Code: 264 Waste Description: PHOTOPROCESSING WASTES + Waste Code: 221 Waste Description: LIGHT FUELS + Waste Code: 252 Waste Description: WASTE OILS & LUBRICANTS + Waste Code: 146 Waste Description: OTHER SPECIFIED INORGANICS + Waste Code: 212 Waste Description: ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS + Waste Code: 148 Waste Description: INORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 331 Waste Description: WASTE COMPRESSED GASES + Waste Code: 263 Waste Description: ORGANIC LABORATORY CHEMICALS + Waste Code: 145 Waste Description: PAINT/PIGMENT/COATING RESIDUES + Waste Code: 232 Waste Description: POLYMERIC RESINS + Waste Code: 121 Waste Description: ALKALINE WASTES - HEAVY METALS

95| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Site: QUEENSWAY TANK LINES Database: OTTAWA CITY ON uu-NEES-801561122-bbNEES

Incident Date: 2/23/89 Contaminant: DIESEL FUEL Amount: 0 Units: Discharge Quantity: Cause: Error Source: Tank Truck Reason: Sector: Transportation

Site: NAZIMA MEDEWAR Database: HWY 31 OTTAWA ON uu-PRT-216497-bbPRT

Location ID: 11082 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1996-03-31 Capacity (L): 36368 Licence #: 0016234001


Location ID: 10991 Type: retail Expiry Date: 1995-04-30 Capacity (L): 1000 Licence #: 0032368001






Ref No.: 30436 Incident Dt: 1/31/1990 MOE Reported Dt: 1/31/1990 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: STOVE OIL TANK-900 L STOVE OIL TO GROUND. Incident Cause: ABOVE-GROUND TANK LEAK 96| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Incident Reason: CORROSION Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact:


Ref No.: 76308 Incident Dt: 9/15/1992 MOE Reported Dt: 9/15/1992 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: TRANSPORT TRUCK-450 L DIESEL FUEL TO HWY 16 CONTAINED,FD,PD,MTO. Incident Cause: OTHER CONTAINER LEAK Incident Reason: ERROR Nature of Impact: Soil contamination Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: POSSIBLE

Site: Bell Canada Database: on Bank St, 10 ft N of Catherine St BELL MANHOLE Ottawa ON uu-SPL-803088468-bbSPL

Ref No.: 8384-6WDTAV Incident Dt: 12/11/2006 MOE Reported Dt: 12/11/2006 Contaminant Name: GASOLINE Contaminant Quantity: Not specified L Incident Summary: ukn src: hydrocarbons in Bell manhole Incident Cause: Unknown Incident Reason: Unknown - Reason not determined Nature of Impact: Surface Water Pollution Receiving Medium: Water Environmental Impact: Not Anticipated


Ref No.: 147934 Incident Dt: 10/16/1997 MOE Reported Dt: 10/16/1997 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: ESSO SERVICE STATION: 40 L GASOLINE TO GROUND Incident Cause: PIPE/HOSE LEAK Incident Reason: DAMAGE BY MOVING EQUIPMENT Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED


Ref No.: 42952 Incident Dt: 11/2/1990

97| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON MOE Reported Dt: 11/2/1990 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: CANADIAN TIRE-1000L. ANTIFREEZE TO SAWMILL CREEK: Incident Cause: OTHER CAUSE (N.O.S.) Incident Reason: OTHER Nature of Impact: Water course or lake Receiving Medium: WATER Environmental Impact: POSSIBLE


Ref No.: 3978 Incident Dt: // MOE Reported Dt: 5/20/1988 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: STINSON FUELS-<1111 L FURNACE OIL TO GROUND FROM DESERTED TANK Incident Cause: UNDERGROUND TANK LEAK Incident Reason: CORROSION Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED


Ref No.: 88427 Incident Dt: 7/13/1993 MOE Reported Dt: 7/13/1993 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: HYDRAULIC OIL LEAK FROM UNIDENTIFIED TRANSPORT TRUCK TO BANK ST. BRIDGE Incident Cause: PIPE/HOSE LEAK Incident Reason: CORROSION Nature of Impact: Soil contamination Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: POSSIBLE


Ref No.: 223917 Incident Dt: 4/11/2002 MOE Reported Dt: 4/11/2002 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: SPILL OF DIESEL FUEL TO GRND, CLEAN UP CREW ON THE WAY Incident Cause: PIPE/HOSE LEAK Incident Reason: UNKNOWN Nature of Impact: Soil contamination Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: POSSIBLE

98| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Site: MECHRON ENERGY LTD. Database: ON SAWMILL CREEK, JUNCTION OF HERON ST. OTTAWA PLANT 2437 KALADAR uu-SPL-151461-bbSPL AVENUE OTTAWA CITY ON

Ref No.: 17202 Incident Dt: 4/16/1989 MOE Reported Dt: 4/16/1989 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: OIL SPILL ON SAWMILL CREEK, QUANTITY UNKNOWN Incident Cause: ABOVE-GROUND TANK LEAK Incident Reason: VANDALISM Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: WATER Environmental Impact:

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Heron Road, just east of Riverside Dr Ottawa ON uu-SPL-803835440-bbSPL

Ref No.: 7083-8AGUUY Incident Dt: MOE Reported Dt: 10/22/2010 Contaminant Name: UNKNOWN Contaminant Quantity: other - see incident description Incident Summary: MVA: Heron Rd; spill of liquid to road; on going Incident Cause: Unknown Incident Reason: Spill Nature of Impact: Surface Water Pollution Receiving Medium: Environmental Impact: Not Anticipated

Site: City of Ottawa Database: on east side of Bank St. 750 metres north of Findlay Creek Dr. Ottawa ON uu-SPL-803525035-bbSPL

Ref No.: 4541-7VJ3B3 Incident Dt: MOE Reported Dt: 9/2/2009 Contaminant Name: SEWAGE,RAW UNCHLORINATED Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: Ottawa Works Dept. - sewage to ground from forcemain. Incident Cause: Pipe Or Hose Leak Incident Reason: Equipment Failure Nature of Impact: Soil Contamination Receiving Medium: Environmental Impact: Confirmed

Site: City of Ottawa Database: Bank St in front of Bethshalam Cemetary Ottawa ON uu-SPL-803080580-bbSPL

Ref No.: 1101-6BTH2J Incident Dt: 4/26/2005 MOE Reported Dt: 4/26/2005 Contaminant Name: ETHYLENE GLYCOL (ANTIFREEZE) Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: Ottawa:OC Transpo- 8 L antifreeze to grnd, clng Incident Cause: Cooling System Leak 99| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Incident Reason: Equipment Failure Nature of Impact: Soil Contamination Receiving Medium: Land Environmental Impact: Not Anticipated


Ref No.: 137358 Incident Dt: 2/20/1997 MOE Reported Dt: 2/20/1997 Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: PIONEER PETROLEUMS-4L GASOLINE TO GROUND,UNSAFESPILL RESPONSE BY STAFF. Incident Cause: CONTAINER OVERFLOW Incident Reason: ERROR Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: LAND Environmental Impact: NOT ANTICIPATED

Site: Database: lot 20 ON uu-WWIS-802945558-bbWWIS

Well ID: 1536291 Lot: 020 Concession: Concession JG Name: County: OTTAWA-CARLETON Municipality: OTTAWA CITY Easting Nad83: Northing Nad83: Zone: Utm unknown UTM Reliability: Primary Water Use: Construction 02-MAR-06 Date: Sec. Water Use: Well Depth: m Pump Rate: Static Water Level: Flow Rate: Clear/Cloudy: Specific Capacity: Final Well Status: Construction Other Method Flowing (y/n): Method: Elevation (m): Elevation Reliability: Depth to Bedrock: Overburden/B Overburden edrock: Water Type: Casing Not stated Material:

--- Details --- Thickness: m Original m Depth: Material Colour: Material: SAND, SILTY, SANDY

100| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Appendix:h-Appendix: Database Database Descriptions Descriptions

Ecolog Environmental Risk Information Services Ltd (ERIS) can search the following databases. The extent of historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available to ERIS at the time of update. Note: Databases denoted with " * " indicates that the database will no longer be updated. See the individual database description for more information.

rr-AAGR-bb Abandoned Aggregate Inventory: Provincial AAGR The MAAP Program maintains a database of all abandoned pits and quarries. Please note that the database is only referenced by lot and concession and city/town location. The database provides information regarding the location, type, size, land use, status and general comments.* Government Publication Date: Sept 2002*

rr-AGR-bb Aggregate Inventory: Provincial AGR The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources maintains a database of all active pits and quarries. The database provides information regarding the registered owner/operator, location name, operation type, approval type, and maximum annual tonnage. Government Publication Date: Up to Mar 2015

rr-AMIS-bb Abandoned Mine Information System: Provincial AMIS The Abandoned Mines Information System contains data on known abandoned and inactive mines located on both Crown and privately held lands. The information was provided by the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM), with the following disclaimer: "the database provided has been compiled from various sources, and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines makes no representation and takes no responsibility that such information is accurate, current or complete". Reported information includes official mine name, status, background information, mine start/end date, primary commodity, mine features, hazards and remediation. Government Publication Date: 1800-Jan 2014

rr-ANDR-bb Anderson's Waste Disposal Sites: Private ANDR The information provided in this database was collected by examining various historical documents which aimed to characterize the likely position of former waste disposal sites from 1860 to present. The research initiative behind the creation of this database was to identify those sites that are missing from the Ontario MOE Waste Disposal Site Inventory, as well as to provide revisions and corrections to the positions and descriptions of sites currently listed in the MOE inventory. In addition to historic waste disposal facilities, the database also identifies certain auto wreckers and scrap yards that have been extrapolated from documentary sources. Please note that the data is not warranted to be complete, exhaustive or authoritative. The information was collected for research purposes only. Government Publication Date: 1860s-Present

rr-AUWR-bb Automobile Wrecking & Supplies: Private AUWR This database provides an inventory of all known locations that are involved in the scrap metal, automobile wrecking/recycling, and automobile parts & supplies industry. Information is provided on the company name, location and business type. Government Publication Date: 2001-Jul 2014

101| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-BORE-bb Borehole: Provincial BORE A borehole is the generalized term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground, either vertically or horizontally. The information here includes geotechnical investigations or environmental site assessments, mineral exploration, or as a pilot hole for installing piers or underground utilities. Information is from many sources such as the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) boreholes from engineering reports and projects from the 1950 to 1990's in Southern Ontario. Boreholes from the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) including The Urban Geology Analysis Information System (UGAIS) and the York Peel Durham Toronto (YPDT) database of the Conservation Authority Moraine Coalition. This database will include fields such as location, stratigraphy, depth, elevation, year drilled, etc. For all water well data or oil and gas well data for Ontario please refer to WWIS and OOGW. Government Publication Date: 1875-Jul 2014

rr-CA-bb Certificates of Approval: Provincial CA This database contains the following types of approvals: Air & Noise, Industrial Sewage, Municipal & Private Sewage, Waste Management Systems and Renewable Energy Approvals. The MOE in Ontario states that any facility that releases emissions to the atmosphere, discharges contaminants to ground or surface water, provides potable water supplies, or stores, transports or disposes of waste, must have a Certificate of Approval before it can operate lawfully. Fields include approval number, business name, address, approval date, approval type and status. This database will no longer be updated, as CofA's have been replaced by either Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) or Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA). Please refer to those individual databases for any information after Oct.31, 2011. Government Publication Date: 1985-Oct 30, 2011*

rr-CFOT-bb Commercial Fuel Oil Tanks: Provincial CFOT Since May 2002, Ontario developed a new act where it became mandatory for fuel oil tanks to be registered with Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA). This data would include all commercial underground fuel oil tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, registration number, tank material, age of tank and tank size. Government Publication Date: 1948-2014

rr-CHEM-bb Chemical Register: Private CHEM This database includes information from both a one time study conducted in 1992 and private source and is a listing of facilities that manufacture or distribute chemicals. The production of these chemical substances may involve one or more chemical reactions and/or chemical separation processes (i.e. fractionation, solvent extraction, crystallization, etc.). Government Publication Date: 1992, 1999-Jul 2014

rr-COAL-bb Inventory of Coal Gasification Plants and Coal Tar Sites: Provincial COAL This inventory includes both the "Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario-April 1987" and the Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario-November 1988) collected by the MOE. It identifies industrial sites that produced and continue to produce or use coal tar and other related tars. Detailed information is available and includes: facility type, size, land use, information on adjoining properties, soil condition, site operators/occupants, site description, potential environmental impacts and historic maps available. This was a one-time inventory.* Government Publication Date: Apr 1987 and Nov 1988*

rr-CONV-bb Compliance and Convictions: Provincial CONV This database summarizes the fines and convictions handed down by the Ontario courts beginning in 1989. Companies and individuals named here have been found guilty of environmental offenses in Ontario courts of law. Government Publication Date: 1989-Feb 2014

rr-CPU-bb Certificates of Property Use: Provincial CPU This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all CPU's on the registry such as (EPA s. 168.6) - Certificate of Property Use. Government Publication Date: 1994-Sep 2015

102| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-DRL-bb Drill Hole Database: Provincial DRL The Ontario Drill Hole Database contains information on more than 113,000 percussion, overburden, sonic and diamond drill holes from assessment files on record with the department of Mines and Minerals. Please note that limited data is available for southern Ontario, as it was the last area to be completed. The database was created when surveys submitted to the Ministry were converted in the Assessment File Research Image Database (AFRI) project. However, the degree of accuracy (coordinates) as to the exact location of drill holes is dependent upon the source document submitted to the MNDM. Levels of accuracy used to locate holes are: centering on the mining claim; a sketch of the mining claim; a 1:50,000 map; a detailed company map; or from submitted a "Report of Work". Government Publication Date: 1886-Jun 2014

rr-EASR-bb Environmental Activity and Sector Registry: Provincial EASR On October 31, 2011, a smarter, faster environmental approvals system came into effect in Ontario. The EASR allows businesses to register certain activities with the ministry, rather than apply for an approval. The registry is available for common systems and processes, to which preset rules of operation can be applied. The EASR is currently available for: heating systems, standby power systems and automotive refinishing. Businesses whose activities aren't subject to the EASR may apply for an ECA (Environmental Compliance Approval), Please see our ECA database. Government Publication Date: Oct 31 2011-Aug 2015

rr-EBR-bb Environmental Registry: Provincial EBR The Environmental Registry lists proposals, decisions and exceptions regarding policies, Acts, instruments, or regulations that could significantly affect the environment. Through the Registry, thirteen provincial ministries notify the public of upcoming proposals and invite their comments. For example, if a local business is requesting a permit, license, or certificate of approval to release substances into the air or water; these are notified on the registry. Data includes: Approval for discharge into the natural environment other than water (i.e. Air) - EPA s. 9, Approval for sewage works - OWRA s. 53(1), and EPA s. 27 - Approval for a waste disposal site. For information regarding Permit to Take Water (PTTW), Certificate of Property Use (CPU) and (ORD) Orders please refer to those individual databases. Government Publication Date: 1994-Sep 2015

rr-ECA-bb Environmental Compliance Approval: Provincial ECA On October 31, 2011, a smarter, faster environmental approvals system came into effect in Ontario. In the past, a business had to apply for multiple approvals (known as certificates of approval) for individual processes and pieces of equipment. Today, a business either registers itself, or applies for a single approval, depending on the types of activities it conducts. Businesses whose activities aren't subject to the EASR may apply for an ECA. A single ECA addresses all of a business's emissions, discharges and wastes. Separate approvals for air, noise and waste are no longer required. This database will also include Renewable Energy Approvals. For certificates of approval prior to Nov 1st, 2011, please refer to the CA database. For all Waste Disposal Sites please refer to the WDS database. Government Publication Date: Oct 31, 2011-Jun 2015

rr-EEM-bb Environmental Effects Monitoring: Federal EEM The Environmental Effects Monitoring program assesses the effects of effluent from industrial or other sources on fish, fish habitat and human usage of fisheries resources. Since 1992, pulp and paper mills have been required to conduct EEM studies under the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations. This database provides information on the mill name, geographical location and sub-lethal toxicity data. Government Publication Date: 1992-2007*

rr-EHS-bb ERIS Historical Searches: Private EHS ERIS has compiled a database of all environmental risk reports completed since March 1999. Available fields for this database include: site location, date of report, type of report, and search radius. As per all other databases, the ERIS database can be referenced on both the map and "Statistical Profile" page. Government Publication Date: 1999-Aug 2014

103| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-EIIS-bb Environmental Issues Inventory System: Federal EIIS The Environmental Issues Inventory System was developed through the implementation of the Environmental Issues and Remediation Plan. This plan was established to determine the location and severity of contaminated sites on inhabited First Nation reserves, and where necessary, to remediate those that posed a risk to health and safety; and to prevent future environmental problems. The EIIS provides information on the reserve under investigation, inventory number, name of site, environmental issue, site action (Remediation, Site Assessment), and date investigation completed. Government Publication Date: 1992-2001*

rr-EMHE-bb Emergency Management Historical Event: Provincial EMHE The Emergency Management Historical Event data class will store the locations of historical occurrences of emergency events. Events captured will include those assigned to the Ministry of Natural Resources by Order-In-Council (OIC) under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act as well as events where MNR provided requested emergency response assistance. Many of these events will have involved community evacuations, significant structural loss, and/or involvement of MNR emergency response staff. These events fall into one of ten (10) type categories: Dam Failure; Drought / Low Water; Erosion; Flood; Forest Fire; Soil and Bedrock Instability; Petroleum Resource Center Event, EMO Requested Assistance, Continuity of Operations Event, Other Requested Assistance. Government Publication Date: May 31, 2014

rr-EXP-bb List of TSSA Expired Facilities: Provincial EXP This is a list of all expired facilities that fall under the TSSA (TSSA Act & Safety Regulations), including the six regulations that exist under the Fuels Safety Division. It will include facilities such as private fuel outlets, bulk plants, fuel oil tanks, gasoline stations, marinas, propane filling stations, liquid fuel tanks, piping systems, etc. These tanks have been removed and automatically fall under the expired facilities inventory held by TSSA. Government Publication Date: Current to Nov 2014

rr-FCON-bb Federal Convictions: Federal FCON Environment Canada maintains a database referred to as the "Environmental Registry" that details prosecutions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and the Fisheries Act (FA). Information is provided on the company name, location, charge date, offence and penalty. Government Publication Date: 1988-Jun 2007*

rr-FCS-bb Contaminated Sites on Federal Land: Federal FCS The Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory includes information on all known federal contaminated sites under the custodianship of departments, agencies and consolidated Crown corporations as well as those that are being or have been investigated to determine whether they have contamination arising from past use that could pose a risk to human health or the environment. The inventory also includes non-federal contaminated sites for which the Government of Canada has accepted some or all financial responsibility. It does not include sites where contamination has been caused by, and which are under the control of, enterprise Crown corporations, private individuals, firms or other levels of government. Government Publication Date: June 2000-Jul 2015

rr-FOFT-bb Fisheries & Oceans Fuel Tanks: Federal FOFT Fisheries & Oceans Canada maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on Fisheries & Oceans property or controlled by DFO. Our inventory provides information on the site name, location, tank owner, tank operator, facility type, storage tank location, tank contents & capacity, and date of tank installation. Government Publication Date: 1964-Sept 2003

rr-FST-bb Fuel Storage Tank: Provincial FST The Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA), under the Technical Standards & Safety Act of 2000 maintains a database of registered private and retail fuel storage tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, tank status, license date, tank type, tank capacity, fuel type, installation year and facility type. Government Publication Date: 2010-Nov 2014

104| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-FSTH-bb Fuel Storage Tank - Historic: Provincial FSTH The Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA), under the Technical Standards & Safety Act of 2000 maintains a database of registered private and retail fuel storage tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, tank status, license date, tank type, tank capacity, fuel type, installation year and facility type. Government Publication Date: Pre-Jan 2010*

rr-GEN-bb Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Generators Summary: Provincial GEN Regulation 347 of the Ontario EPA defines a waste generation site as any site, equipment and/or operation involved in the production, collection, handling and/or storage of regulated wastes. A generator of regulated waste is required to register the waste generation site and each waste produced, collected, handled, or stored at the site. This database contains the registration number, company name and address of registered generators including the types of hazardous wastes generated. It includes data on waste generating facilities such as: drycleaners, waste treatment and disposal facilities, machine shops, electric power distribution etc. This information is a summary of all years from 1986 including the most currently available data. Some records may contain, within the company name, the phrase "See & Use..." followed by a series of letters and numbers. This occurs when one company is amalgamated with or taken over by another registered company. The number listed as "See & Use", refers to the new ownership and the other identification number refers to the original ownership. This phrase serves as a link between the 2 companies until operations have been fully transferred. Government Publication Date: 1986-May 2015

rr-HINC-bb TSSA Historic Incidents: Provincial HINC This database will cover all incidences recorded by TSSA with their older system, before they moved to their new management system. TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. The TSSA works to protect the public, the environment and property from fuel-related hazards such as spills, fires and explosions. This database will include spills and leaks from pipelines, diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, propane and hydrogen recorded by the TSSA. Government Publication Date: 2006-June 2009*

rr-IAFT-bb Indian & Northern Affairs Fuel Tanks: Federal IAFT The Department of Indian & Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on both federal and crown land. Our inventory provides information on the reserve name, location, facility type, site/facility name, tank type, material & ID number, tank contents & capacity, and date of tank installation. Government Publication Date: 1950-Aug 2003*

rr-INC-bb TSSA Incidents: Provincial INC TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. Includes incidents from fuel-related hazards such as spills, fires and explosions. This database will include spills and leaks from diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, propane and hydrogen recorded by the TSSA. Government Publication Date: June 2009-2014

105| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-LIMO-bb Landfill Inventory Management Ontario: Provincial LIMO The Landfill Inventory Management Ontario (LIMO) database is updated every year, as the ministry compiles new and updated information. The inventory will include small and large landfills. Additionally, each year the ministry will request operators of the larger landfills complete a landfill data collection form that will be used to update LIMO and will include the following information from the previous operating year. This will include additional information such as estimated amount of total waste received, landfill capacity, estimated total remaining landfill capacity, fill rates, engineering designs, reporting and monitoring details, size of location, service area, approved waste types, leachate of site treatment, contaminant attenuation zone and more. The small landfills will include information such as site owner, site location and certificate of approval # and status. Government Publication Date: 2012

rr-MINE-bb Canadian Mine Locations: Private MINE This information is collected from the Canadian & American Mines Handbook. The Mines database is a national database that provides over 290 listings on mines (listed as public companies) dealing primarily with precious metals and hard rocks. Listed are mines that are currently in operation, closed, suspended, or are still being developed (advanced projects). Their locations are provided as geographic coordinates (x, y and/or longitude, latitude). As of 2002, data pertaining to Canadian smelters and refineries has been appended to this database. Government Publication Date: 1998-2009*

rr-MNR-bb Mineral Occurrences: Provincial MNR In the early 70's, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines created an inventory of approximately 19,000 mineral occurrences in Ontario, in regard to metallic and industrial minerals, as well as some information on building stones and aggregate deposits. Please note that the "Horizontal Positional Accuracy" is approximately +/- 200 m. Many reference elements for each record were derived from field sketches using pace or chain/tape measurements against claim posts or topographic features in the area. The primary limiting factor for the level of positional accuracy is the scale of the source material. The testing of horizontal accuracy of the source materials was accomplished by comparing the plan metric (X and Y) coordinates of that point with the coordinates of the same point as defined from a source of higher accuracy. Government Publication Date: 1846-Apr 2013

rr-NATE-bb National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES): Federal NATE In 1974 Environment Canada established the National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES) database, for the voluntary reporting of significant spill incidents. The data was to be used to assist in directing the work of the emergencies program. NATES ran from 1974 to 1994. Extensive information is available within this database including company names, place where the spill occurred, date of spill, cause, reason and source of spill, damage incurred, and amount, concentration, and volume of materials released. Government Publication Date: 1974-1994*

rr-NCPL-bb Non-Compliance Reports: Provincial NCPL The Ministry of the Environment provides information about non-compliant discharges of contaminants to air and water that exceed legal allowable limits, from regulated industrial and municipal facilities. A reported non-compliance failure may be in regard to a Control Order, Certificate of Approval, Sectoral Regulation or specific regulation/act. Government Publication Date: 1994-2012

rr-NDFT-bb National Defence & Canadian Forces Fuel Tanks: Federal NDFT The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on DND lands. Our inventory provides information on the base name, location, tank type & capacity, tank contents, tank class, date of tank installation, date tank last used, and status of tank as of May 2001. This database will no longer be updated due to the new National Security protocols which have prohibited any release of this database. Government Publication Date: Up to May 2001*

106| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-NDSP-bb National Defence & Canadian Forces Spills: Federal NDSP The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of spills to land and water. All spill sites have been classified under the "Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act - 1992". Our inventory provides information on the facility name, location, spill ID #, spill date, type of spill, as well as the quantity of substance spilled & recovered. Government Publication Date: Mar 1999-Aug 2010

rr-NDWD-bb National Defence & Canadian Forces Waste Disposal Sites: Federal NDWD The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of waste disposal sites located on DND lands. Where available, our inventory provides information on the base name, location, type of waste received, area of site, depth of site, year site opened/closed and status. Government Publication Date: 2001-Apr 2007*

rr-NEES-bb National Environmental Emergencies System (NEES): Federal NEES In 2000, the Emergencies program implemented NEES, a reporting system for spills of hazardous substances. For the most part, this system only captured data from the Atlantic Provinces, some from Quebec and Ontario and a portion from British Columbia. Data for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Territories was not captured. However, NEES is also a repository for all previous Environment Canada spill datasets. NEES is composed of the historic datasets ' or Trends ' which dates from approximately 1974 to present. NEES Trends is a compilation of historic databases, which were merged and includes data from NATES (National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System), ARTS (Atlantic Regional Trends System), and NEES. In 2001, the Emergencies Program determined that variations in reporting regimes and requirements between federal and provincial agencies made national spill reporting and trend analysis difficult to achieve. As a consequence, the department has focused efforts on capturing data on spills of substances which fall under its legislative authority only (CEPA and FA). As such, the NEES database will be decommissioned in December 2004. Government Publication Date: 1974-2003*

rr-NPCB-bb National PCB Inventory: Federal NPCB Environment Canada's National PCB inventory includes information on in-use PCB containing equipment in Canada including federal, provincial and private facilities. All federal out-of-service PCB containing equipment and all PCB waste owned by the federal government or by federally regulated industries such as airlines, railway companies, broadcasting companies, telephone and telecommunications companies, pipeline companies, etc. are also listed. Although it is not Environment Canada's mandate to collect data on non-federal PCB waste, the National PCB inventory includes some information on provincial and private PCB waste and storage sites. Some addresses provided may be Head Office addresses and are not necessarily the location of where the waste is being used or stored. Government Publication Date: 1988-2008*

rr-NPRI-bb National Pollutant Release Inventory: Federal NPRI Environment Canada has defined the National Pollutant Release Inventory ("NPRI") as a federal government initiative designed to collect comprehensive national data regarding releases to air, water, or land, and waste transfers for recycling for more than 300 listed substances. Government Publication Date: 1993-2013

rr-OGW-bb Oil and Gas Wells: Private OGW The Nickle's Energy Group (publisher of the Daily Oil Bulletin) collects information on drilling activity including operator and well statistics. The well information database includes name, location, class, status and depth. The main Nickle's database is updated on a daily basis, however, this database is updated on a monthly basis. More information is available at Government Publication Date: 1988-Sep 2015

rr-OOGW-bb Ontario Oil and Gas Wells: Provincial OOGW In 1998, the MNR handed over to the Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Corporation, the responsibility of maintaining a database of oil and gas wells drilled in Ontario. The OGSR Library has over 20,000+ wells in their database. Information available for all wells in the ERIS database include well owner/operator, location, permit issue date, and well cap date, license No., status, depth and the primary target (rock unit) of the well being drilled. All geology/stratigraphy table information, plus all water table information is also provide for each well record. 107| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Government Publication Date: 1800-2013

rr-OPCB-bb Inventory of PCB Storage Sites: Provincial OPCB The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, maintains an inventory of PCB storage sites within the province. Ontario Regulation 11/82 (Waste Management - PCB) and Regulation 347 (Generator Waste Management) under the Ontario EPA requires the registration of inactive PCB storage equipment and/or disposal sites of PCB waste with the Ontario Ministry of Environment. This database contains information on: 1) waste quantities; 2) major and minor sites storing liquid or solid waste; and 3) a waste storage inventory. Government Publication Date: 1987-Oct 2004; 2012-Dec 2013

rr-ORD-bb Orders: Provincial ORD This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all Orders on the registry such as (EPA s. 17) - Order for remedial work, (EPA s. 18) - Order for preventative measures, (EPA s. 43) - Order for removal of waste and restoration of site, (EPA s. 44) - Order for conformity with Act for waste disposal sites, (EPA s. 136) - Order for performance of environmental measures. Government Publication Date: 1994-Sep 2015

rr-PAP-bb Canadian Pulp and Paper: Private PAP This information is part of the Pulp and Paper Canada Directory. The Directory provides a comprehensive listing of the locations of pulp and paper mills and the products that they produce. Government Publication Date: 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009

rr-PCFT-bb Parks Canada Fuel Storage Tanks: Federal PCFT Canadian Heritage maintains an inventory of all known fuel storage tanks operated by Parks Canada, in both National Parks and at National Historic Sites. The database details information on site name, location, tank install/removal date, capacity, fuel type, facility type, tank design and owner/operator. Government Publication Date: 1920-Jan 2005*

rr-PES-bb Pesticide Register: Provincial PES The Ontario Ministry of Environment maintains a database of all manufacturers and vendors of registered pesticides. Government Publication Date: 1988-Jun 2013

rr-PINC-bb TSSA Pipeline Incidents: Provincial PINC TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. This database will include spills, strike and leaks from recorded by the TSSA. Government Publication Date: June 2009-2014

rr-PRT-bb Private and Retail Fuel Storage Tanks: Provincial PRT The Fuels Safety Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations maintained a database of all registered private fuel storage tanks and licensed retail fuel outlets. This database includes an inventory of locations that have gasoline, oil, waste oil, natural gas and/or propane storage tanks on their property. The MCCR no longer collects this information. This information is now collected by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). Government Publication Date: 1989-1996*

rr-PTTW-bb Permit to Take Water: Provincial PTTW This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all PTTW's on the registry such as OWRA s. 34 - Permit to take water. Government Publication Date: 1994-Sep 2015

108| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON rr-REC-bb Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers Summary: Provincial REC Part V of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act ("EPA") regulates the disposal of regulated waste through an operating waste management system or a waste disposal site operated or used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a Certificate of Approval or a Provisional Certificate of Approval. Regulation 347 of the Ontario EPA defines a waste receiving site as any site or facility to which waste is transferred by a waste carrier. A receiver of regulated waste is required to register the waste receiving facility. This database represents registered receivers of regulated wastes, identified by registration number, company name and address, and includes receivers of waste such as: landfills, incinerators, transfer stations, PCB storage sites, sludge farms and water pollution control plants. This information is a summary of all years from 1986 including the most currently available data. Government Publication Date: 1986-2013

rr-RSC-bb Record of Site Condition: Provincial RSC The Record of Site Condition (RSC) is part of the Ministry of the Environment's Brownfields Environmental Site Registry. Protection from environmental cleanup orders for property owners is contingent upon documentation known as a record of site condition (RSC) being filed in the Environmental Site Registry. In order to file an RSC, the property must have been properly assessed and shown to meet the soil, sediment and groundwater standards appropriate for the use (such as residential) proposed to take place on the property. The Record of Site Condition Regulation (O. Reg. 153/04) details requirements related to site assessment and clean up. RSCs filed after July 1, 2011 will also be included as part of the new (O.Reg. 511/09). Government Publication Date: 1997-Sept 2001, Oct 2004-Sep 2015

rr-RST-bb Retail Fuel Storage Tanks: Private RST This database includes an inventory of retail fuel outlet locations (including marinas) that have on their property gasoline, oil, waste oil, natural gas and / or propane storage tanks. Government Publication Date: 1999-Jul 2014

rr-SCT-bb Scott's Manufacturing Directory: Private SCT Scott's Directories is a data bank containing information on over 200,000 manufacturers across Canada. Even though Scott's listings are voluntary, it is the most comprehensive database of Canadian manufacturers available. Information concerning a company's address, plant size, and main products are included in this database. Government Publication Date: 1992-Mar 2011*

rr-SPL-bb Ontario Spills: Provincial SPL This database identifies information such as location (approximate), type and quantity of contaminant, date of spill, environmental impact, cause, nature of impact, etc. Information from 1988-2002 was part of the ORIS (Occurrence Reporting Information System). The SAC (Spills Action Centre) handles all spills reported in Ontario. Regulations for spills in Ontario are part of the MOE's Environmental Protection Act, Part X. Government Publication Date: 1988-Feb 2014

rr-SRDS-bb Wastewater Discharger Registration Database: Provincial SRDS Information under this heading is combination of the following 2 programs. The Municipal/Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA) division of the Ontario Ministry of Environment maintained a database of all direct dischargers of toxic pollutants within nine sectors including: Electric Power Generation; Mining; Petroleum Refining; Organic Chemicals; Inorganic Chemicals; Pulp & Paper; Metal Casting; Iron & Steel; and Quarries. All sampling information is now collected and stored within the Sample Result Data Store (SRDS). Government Publication Date: 1990-2011

rr-TANK-bb Anderson's Storage Tanks: Private TANK The information provided in this database was collected by examining various historical documents, which identified the location of former storage tanks, containing substances such as fuel, water, gas, oil, and other various types of miscellaneous products. Information is available in regard to business operating at tank site, tank location, permit year, permit & installation type, no. of tanks installed & configuration and tank capacity. Data contained within this database pertains only to the city of Toronto and is not warranted to be complete, exhaustive or authoritative. The information was collected for research purposes only. 109| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON Government Publication Date: 1915-1953*

rr-TCFT-bb Transport Canada Fuel Storage Tanks: Federal TCFT List of fuel storage tanks currently or previously owned or operated by Transport Canada. This inventory also includes tanks on The Pickering Lands, which refers to 7,530 hectares (18,600 acres) of land in Pickering, Markham, and Uxbridge owned by the Government of Canada since 1972; properties on this land has been leased by the government since 1975, and falls under the Site Management Policy of Transport Canada, but is administered by Public Works and Government Services Canada. This inventory provides information on the site name, location, tank age, capacity and fuel type. Government Publication Date: 1970-Mar 2007

rr-VAR-bb TSSA Variances for Abandonment of Underground Storage Tanks: Provincial VAR The TSSA, Under the Liquid Fuels Handling Code and the Fuel Oil Code, all underground storage tanks must be removed within two years of disuse. If removal of a tank is not feasible, you may apply to seek a variance from this code requirement. This is a list of all variances granted for abandoned tanks. Government Publication Date: Current to Nov 2014

rr-WDS-bb Waste Disposal Sites - MOE CA Inventory: Provincial WDS The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, maintains an inventory of known open (active or inactive) and closed disposal sites in the Province of Ontario. Active sites maintain a Certificate of Approval, are approved to receive and are receiving waste. Inactive sites maintain Certificate(s) of Approval but are not receiving waste. Closed sites are not receiving waste. The data contained within this database was compiled from the MOE's Certificate of Approval database. Locations of these sites may be cross-referenced to the Anderson database described under ERIS's Private Source Database section, by the CA number. All new Environmental Compliance Approvals handed out after Oct 31, 2011 for Waste Disposal Sites will still be found in this database. Government Publication Date: 1970-Jun 2015

rr-WDSH-bb Waste Disposal Sites - MOE 1991 Historical Approval Inventory: Provincial WDSH In June 1991, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, published the "June 1991 Waste Disposal Site Inventory", of all known active and closed waste disposal sites as of October 30st, 1990. For each "active" site as of October 31st 1990, information is provided on site location, site/CA number, waste type, site status and site classification. For each "closed" site as of October 31st 1990, information is provided on site location, site/CA number, closure date and site classification. Locations of these sites may be cross-referenced to the Anderson database described under ERIS's Private Source Database section, by the CA number. Government Publication Date: Up to Oct 1990*

rr-WWIS-bb Water Well Information System: Provincial WWIS This database describes locations and characteristics of water wells found within Ontario in accordance with Regulation 903. It includes such information as coordinates, construction date, well depth, primary and secondary use, pump rate, static water level, well status, etc. Also included are detailed stratigraphy information, approximate depth to bedrock and the approximate depth to the water table. Government Publication Date: 1955-Mar 2014

110| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON h-DefinitionsDefinitions

Database Descriptions: This section provides a detailed explanation for each database including: source, information available, time coverage, and acronyms used. They are listed in alphabetic order.

Detail Report: This is the section of the report which provides the most detail for each individual record. Records are summarized by location, starting with the project property followed by records in closest proximity.

Distance: The distance value is the distance between plotted points, not necessarily the distance between the sites' boundaries". All values are an approximation.

Direction: The direction value is the compass direction of the site in respect to the project property and/or center point of the report.

Elevation: The elevation value is taken from the location at which the records for the site address have been plotted. All values are an approximation. Source: Google Elevation API.

Executive Summary: This portion of the report is divided into 3 sections:

'Report Summary'- Displays a chart indicating how many records fall on the project property and, within the report search radii.

'Site Report Summary'-Project Property'- This section lists all the records which fall on the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section.

'Site Report Summary-Surrounding Properties'- This section summarizes all records on adjacent properties, listing them in order of proximity from the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section.

Map Key: The map key number is assigned according to closest proximity from the project property. Map Key numbers always start at #1. The project property will always have a map key of '1' if records are available. If there is a number in brackets beside the main number, this will indicate the number of records on that specific property. If there is no number in brackets, there is only one record for that property.

The symbol and colour used indicates 'elevation': the red inverted triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Lower Elevation', the yellow triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Higher Elevation' and the orange square will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Same Elevation.'

Unplottables: These are records that could not be mapped due to various reasons, including limited geographic information. These records may or may not be in your study area, and were included as reference.

111| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Order #: 20151027140 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 1625 Bank Street Ottawa ON

Appendix D Environmental Regulatory Correspondence

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1)

From: Sarah Quibell on behalf of Public Information Services To: Lopers, Luke Subject: RE: Environmental Site Assessment - TSSA Records Search Request Date: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:31:16 AM Attachments: image001.png image002.png image003.png image004.png

Hi Luke,

Thank you for your inquiry.

I have searched the below noted address (addresses) and I have located the following record:

1600 Bank St, Ottawa has record of 4 active underground tanks and an active cylinder exchange facility. 1611 Bank St, Ottawa has record of 4 expired underground tanks and an expired propane cylinder handling facility. 1170 Heron Rd, Ottawa has record of 2 active underground tanks and an active cylinder exchange facility.

For a more detailed report including underground fuel storage tank details and copies of all inspection reports, please submit your request in writing to Public Information Services via e-mail ([email protected]) or through mail along with a fee of $56.50 (including HST) per location. The fee is payable with credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or with a cheque made payable to TSSA.

Although TSSA believes the information provided pursuant to your request is accurate, please note that TSSA does not warrant this information in any way whatsoever.

Thank you and have a great day!



Public Information Services Facilities & Business Services 3300 Bloor Street West Center Tower, 16th Floor Toronto, Ontario, M8X-2X4 Tel: 1-877-682-8772 Fax: (416) 734-3568 E-mail: [email protected]

From: Lopers, Luke [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:25 AM To: Public Information Services Subject: Environmental Site Assessment - TSSA Records Search Request

Good Morning,

Could you please search the TSSA database for records of fuel storage tanks, spills, incidents or infractions for the following addresses located in the City of Ottawa, ON:

· 1600, 1611, 1625, 1629, 1637 Bank Street · 1170 Heron Road · 1211, 1218 Anoka Street · 1209, 1213 Collins Avenue Thank you for your time, Luke Lopers, P.Eng. Project Manager

GHD T: +1 613 727 0510 | E: [email protected] 179 Colonnade Road South Suite 400 Ottawa Ontario K2E 7J4 Canada | WATER | ENERGY & RESOURCES | ENVIRONMENT | PROPERTY & BUILDINGS | TRANSPORTATION

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This electronic message and any attached documents are intended only for the named recipients. This communication from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure and it must not be disclosed, copied, forwarded or distributed without authorization. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message. ______This e-mail has been scanned for viruses ______This e-mail has been scanned for viruses

Appendix E Aerial Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1)

Year 1932

Aerial Photograph

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Year 1938

Aerial Photograph

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Site Assessment| 11111796 (1) | 2

Year 1950

Aerial Photograph

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Site Assessment| 11111796 (1) | 3

Year 1956

Aerial Photograph

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Year 1965

Aerial Photograph

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Site Assessment| 11111796 (1) | 5

Year 1976

Aerial Photograph

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Year 1980

Aerial Photograph

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Year 1993

Aerial Photograph

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Year 1999

Aerial Photograph

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Year 2008

Aerial Photograph

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Year 2014

Aerial Photograph

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Appendix F Site Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment | 11111796 (1)

Photo 1 – View of Site facing east, view shows on-site buildings 1629 Bank Street (right) and 1625 Bank Street (left) and slope of side downwards toward Bank Street (west).

Photo 2 – View of Site facing south, view shows on-site buildings 1629 Bank Street (right) and 1625 Bank Street (left).

Site Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Assessment | 11111796 (1) | 1

Photo 3 – View of Site facing north, view shows on-site buildings 1629 Bank Street (left) and 1625 Bank Street (right) and the vacant neighbouring property to the south sloping down to the west.

Photo 4 – View of suspected former vent and fill pipes (capped) on the east wall of the 1625 Bank Street building.

Site Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Assessment | 11111796 (1) | 2

Photo 5 – View of the general conditions of the interior of 1625 Bank Street

Photo 6 – View of the interior of 1629 Bank Street

Site Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Assessment | 11111796 (1) | 3

Photo 7 – View of the retail fuel outlet immediately west of Bank Street, followed by an automotive service garage and additional retail fuel outlet; view is looking west.

Photo 8 – View of the commercial plaza immediately north of Anoka Street; view is looking north.

Site Photographs

GHD | Novera Homes Corp. – Phase One Environmental Assessment | 11111796 (1) | 4