Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division COVID-19 Special Edition Under the Leadership of Archbishop John C. Wester March 2021 The Pastoral Ministries Division is “Called by God, Sent to Serve”

VENERABLE PIERRE TOUSSAINT: THE VERY HAIRS OF YOUR HEAD ARE ALL NUMBERED MATTHEW 10:30; LUKE 12:7 by Br. Gordon Boykin, O.F.M. Born into in creasing aristocratic clientele. some, to whom Pierre taught bar- 1787, Pierre Tous- bering. Once, a gentleman said to Pierre was very devout. Those from [too-SAHNT] Pierre: “You are very rich. Why do St. Peter’s Church who knew him was educated by his you still work?” Pierre answered: “If observed that he attended Mass, master, Jean Be rnard. I stop, the suffering of others will prayed the Rosary daily, was a wise The Be rnard Planta- increase.” teacher of catechism, and an alms- tion was located on giver to the poor. He was selfless in Although very rich, Pierre was even the island of Saint- providing education for the school- more humble. Rich, he contributed Dominque, a French colony. After age black children, and hands-on great finances to the building of the the 1804 revolution, it would be- caretaking of the cholera and yellow first St. Patrick Cathedral. Humble, came known as . Monsieur Jean fever local populace. Treasuring the an usher turned him away as he was Be rnard fled to with value of an education, Pierre was entering the church for it’s dedica- his family and five slaves. The Be r- very instrumental in funding St. tion. But, another usher, who recog- nard’s hoped to wait-out the revolu- Catholic School nized him, brought him to a place of tion, then return to Haiti. Their plan- (Harlem)–the first New York City honor. In 1996, then John Paul tation was confiscated by the revo- Catholic school for black children. II declared Pierre Toussaint, lution. Soon, Monsieur Jean Be rnard “Venerable.” Today, the faithful died of the lung disease pleurisy. In 1807, when Pierre was 41, Mad- make intercession for confirmation ame Be rnard freed him from slav- Although a teenager, Pierre was of one more miracle that Pierre’s ery. Shortly afterward, she quite responsible and compassion- sainthood be celebrated universally. died. Four years later, Pierre mar- ate. He considered it his charitable ried Marie Rose Juliette, whose free- obligation to care for his master’s dom he purchased. Pierre and Ma- widow (Marie Elisabeth), the other Br. Gordon Boykin, O.F.M. is a rie were spirits because household members, and the fellow member of the Archdiocese of they fully acted as one in charitable slaves. Pierre worked hard in the Santa Fe African American Catholic endeavors. They adopted an orphan trade for which his master had ar- Community. This article is part of girl, Euphe me who sadly died at age ranged—hairdressing, barbering, a series on “ in the Making: 14. The Toussaints opened their and wig care. His proficiency and Black Catholic Saints who are up home to homeless sick people, and originality provided Pierre notoriety for ”. single men seeking employment– and wealth as he pampered his in-

Announcements by Inside This Issue AACC 1-2 3 Vicar General’s Corner 3 Archbishop Wester Pastoral Planning & Native American Hispanic Ministry 4 Faith Formation 4 5 5 Evangelization Ministry Social Justice & Ecumenical & 6-7 Family Life 8 8 Pastoral Outreach 8 Respect Life Interreligious Affairs The Archdiocesan Website: March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 2 RACIAL ECONOMIC INEQUALITY In the November 2018 Pastoral Letter housing policies that have created Against Racism, Open Wide Our Hearts, the obstacles for African Americans to Catholic bishops of the United States urge all achieve home and land ownership Catholics to acknowledge “the scourge of for generations. Despite the gains of the Civil “OPEN WIDE OUR HEARTS” racism” that still exists in our hearts, words, Rights Movement, barriers in education, in ANTI-RACISM WEBINAR actions, and institutions. Racism can be indi- employment, and in housing still exist today Join us for the third in a series explor- vidual, when persons fail to recognize certain and all contribute to racial economic inequal- ing the Pastoral Letter Against groups as created in the image of God and ity. For Native Americans, colonial and later Racism, “Open Wide Our Hearts: The equal in dignity, or it can be systemic, where U.S. policies led to the loss of land, re- Enduring Call to Love” by the U.S. practices or policies treat certain groups of strictions in selfgovernance, and economic Catholic bishops. Sponsored by: Arch- people unjustly. One important systemic is- devastation that left a legacy of low educa- diocese of Santa Fe Office of Social sue is race-based economic inequality. tional attainment and unemployment rates Justice and Respect Life, African that remain among the highest in the coun- American Catholic Community of the try. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Archdiocese Income gaps across racial and ethnic groups of Santa Fe Ad Hoc Committee on Rac- have narrowed only slightly in the last few ism, with support from the Catholic decades. For example, lower-income African Campaign for Human Development. Americans made 47% as much as lowincome Open Wide Our Hearts, Part 3: Love whites in 1970 and in 2016, they made 54% Goodness: The Urgent Call of Love as much as white counterparts. Hispanics of April 26, 2021. More information to all income categories actually fell further come soon.

behind during this same period. The upcoming Webinar Series (Dates, As Pope Francis wrote in his Apostolic Exhor- In 2017, The Harvard University Business Times and Speakers-TBD): tation Evangelii Gaudium, “Inequality is the School Review documented that hiring dis- Part 3: Love Goodness: The Urgent root of social ills.” In his 2015 Congressional crimination against African Americans has Call of Love (April 26, 2021) address, the Pope spoke of the economic ine- not declined in the past 25 years. Part 4: Walk Humbly with God (June quality in the U.S., challenging leaders and all 2021) Americans to work for the common good so Questions, please contact the Office of that every individual, created in God’s image, Social Justice and Respect Life at 505- can flourish. The U.S. bishops have long advo- 831-8205 or [email protected] cated for economic justice so that all persons may thrive.

“To understand how racism works today, THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE we must recognize that generations of AACC 29TH ANNIVERSARY MASS African Americans were disadvantaged SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2021 – 12 NOON by slavery, wage theft, ‘Jim Crow’ laws, Please join the Archdiocese of Santa and by the systematic denial of access to numer- The 2018 annual report of the Joint Center Fe African American Catholic Commu- ous wealth building opportunities reserved for for Housing Studies at Harvard University nity for the 29th others. This has left many found a widening gap in homeownership in Anniversary Mass African Americans without hope, recent decades, with current rates at 72% for on Sunday, April 25, discouraged, disheartened, and feeling whites and 43% for blacks. It is evident that 2021 at 12 noon. unloved. While it is true that some many minority families still face challenges in Join us in person at individuals and families have thrived, achieving homeownership and economic St. on the Rio significant numbers of African equality. Grande. In person Americans are born into economic and Copyright © 2018, United States attendance is limited currently to 125 social disparity.” Conference of Catholic Bishops. All with Covid Safe practices in force. – U.S. bishops, Open Wide Our Hearts rights reserved. This text may be Note: This may change if restrictions In the United States, median wealth for white reproduced in whole or in part are changed by the State of New Mexi- without alteration for nonprofit co. Or you can join us virtually. Mass households is ten times greater than for educational use, provided such re- black households, and eight times greater prints are not sold and include this notice. All pho- will be live-streamed and recorded: than for Hispanic households. This is a signif- tos © iStock Photo. Models used for illustrative icantly larger gap than many Americans per- purposes. This resource and many others are from-St-Joseph-on-the-Rio-Grande- ceive. Currently, Native Americans, blacks, available at 112836890430507. Donations can be and Hispanics also experience poverty at Excerpts from Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, mailed to the AACC at 4000 St. Joseph roughly twice or more than twice the rate of November 24, 2013, copyright © 2013, Libreria Pl. NW ABQ, NM 87120 with AACC on whites. Editrice Vaticana (LEV), Vatican City; Pope Fran- memo line or made securely online at

For the typical household, two-thirds of cis, Address, September 24, 2015, copyright © 2015, LEV, Vatican City; Pope John Paul II, Univer- wealth comes from housing equity, such that AACC. For more information call 505- sal Prayer, March 12, 2000, copyright © 2000, 836-3627. the wealth gap between white and black LEV, Vatican City. Used with permission. All rights households is largely the story of work and reserved. March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 3 STATEMENT: ARCHBISHOP JOHN C. WESTER ON THE CURRENT NEW MEXICO LEGISLATION REGARDING ABORTION AND ASSISTED SUICIDE March 3, 2021 Archbishop John C. Wester’s legislature is a bill, HB 47, legalizing assist- especially to those who are suffering.

statement on the current ed suicide. This assisted suicide bill is set to The repeal of abortion restrictions and the New Mexico legislation regarding abortion be the worst in the nation, making it a re- potential legalization of assisted suicide are and assisted suicide: quirement that all patients in hospice care gravely disappointing but not defeat- Bills that threaten vulnerable life are work- be offered assisted suicide as an option. ing. Just as the disciples witnessed Jesus’ ing their way through the legislature in This as we struggle to dissuade our young death and resurrection, we understand New Mexico. On February 26, 2021, Gover- people from taking their lives when they disappointment. And we know that love nor Lujan Grisham signed into law a bill are struggling with depression and de- wins. We work to protect vulnerable life, that repeals a 1969 ban on abortion in New spondency. With these bills, I wonder, what especially the unborn and those at the end have we become? Mexico, a ban that was suppressed under of life, with the hope of changing hearts the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court deci- Though we are saddened by the repeal of with love. Protecting the unborn, providing sion legalizing abortion. If Roe v Wade is abortion restrictions and the possible le- alternatives to abortion, and walking with overturned, the legalization and regulation galization of assisted suicide, we do not those at the end of life require systemic of abortion falls to each state. New Mexico lose hope. We continue work to promote changes that transcend political parties. is set to legalize abortions with very few just laws, but know that God’s law trans- We journey with women facing the restrictions. Particularly concerning is that cends any human laws. God’s law calls us wrenching decision of whether to have an this law also removes all conscience pro- all to recognize and protect the life and abortion and with women who have had an tections for medical providers and require- dignity of each and every human being, abortion, making God’s mercy known to ments that abortion be performed only by especially the most vulnerable. This in- them. We walk with families and individu- a doctor, both of which had been enforcea- cludes unborn children and those at the als who are facing the end of life, providing ble, even under Roe v Wade. end of life. We are promised that God’s law them with hope and mercy, trusting that

Also quickly working its way through our will ultimately bring peace and new life, love wins.

more. A successful bankruptcy allows ASF the contribution would have to be signifi- VICAR GENERAL’S CORNER to retain mission-critical assets, but indi- cant, likely requiring the sale of parish by Very Rev. Glennon Jones vidual civil suits have no such limitation. properties not vital to the parish mission of February 12, 2021 Thus, a successful bankruptcy settlement is evangelization. To NOT contribute for a VERY much preferred. channeling injunction leaves the parishes Well, it’s been a little while since our last Presently, ASF properties include the Im- wide open for lawsuits concerning past general update, and everyone is anxious to maculate Heart of Mary (IHM) retreat cen- actions; in fact, some lawsuits against par- know what’s going on with the bankruptcy, ter in Santa Fe, all the ASF buildings around ishes have already been started. Settle- especially since news of St. Pius X (SPX) the SPX campus, and the SPX campus itself. ments of even single lawsuits would be up High School campus perhaps in some dan- The Archbishop’s residence has already to juries, and several million dollars PER ger of being sold. been sold, and IHM is for sale. We’re look- CASE could be the result. In such case, NO

First of all, the Archdiocese chancery/ ing into every possible way to save the SPX parish property would be protected. There- headquarters laid off about 20% of its campus especially; however, if the court fore, not only is a successful bankruptcy workforce in December—an unfortunate demands, it still may have to at least be put outcome desirable for ASF, but VERY much on the open market. If the worst happens for the parishes as well. but necessary cut due to expenses because of the bankruptcy proceedings. The Archdi- and the campus must be sold, then we will Many ask: “Why do we who have done ocese doesn’t only have to pay its own law- be looking for a possible alternative loca- nothing wrong have to pay for the sins of tion for the school. yers, but the lawyers of the claimants/ others way in the past?!” And yet…how can other side as well. So…mucho $$$ goes to Now, parish properties are (for now) NOT some justice be done for victims? It’s quite that. Because of the layoffs, also cut was the considered ASF properties; however, the the dilemma, of which there is no easy or People of God news magazine; we hope to claimants’ lawyers are challenging that satisfactory solution. Such is the result of revive it one day. division and want to lump all together with sin: it hurts everyone…and crime or treach- ASF assets. If successful, ALL parish prop- ery from within the most destructive of all. Some background bankruptcy info to ori- ent you a bit: erty could be endangered—churches, halls, Well…that’s enough to digest for now. I’ll santuarios, cathedrals, etc. The Archdiocese (ASF) and the claimants try to do weekly updates to keep you in- continue to negotiate a settlement for If the court continues to recognize the sep- formed from now on. Keep claims of (long past) clergy and other aration of ASF and the parishes as to prop- those prayers up for a just abuse. When/if we finally come to an erty ownership, the parishes can solution for all—the agreed-upon amount, ASF has to raise the “piggyback” onto the ASF bankruptcy by abused AND the Church. money from all its assets—savings, proper- contributing money for a “channeling in- Right now, prayers to St. ty, etc. But, if negotiations fail, then ASF junction”, which would indemnify/protect Jude, patron of desperate assets will be open to individual lawsuits, them from past, pending and future law- causes, may be much in suits (for incidences up to December 2018, order. which may (likely would) cost a great deal when the ASF bankruptcy was filed). Yes, March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 4

LENTEN REFLECTIONS (PRESENTED IN SPANISH) Office of Hispanic Ministry This Lent, the Hispanic Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Santa Rocío González Elvia Becerra Fe invites you to pray in community and reflect on the Paschal Mys- Director Assistant tery of Christ: His passion, death, and resurrection with Br. Efren 505-831-8152 505-831-8147 Quintero, OFM, through the Zoom platform. [email protected] [email protected] The next sessions will be on Fridays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26 at

7:00pm. Please fill out this form now to receive the link for the meet- MARRIAGE PREPARATION RETREAT ings: “NOS VAMOS A CASAR” (PRESENTED IN SPANISH) MASS IN SPANISH IS BROADCASTED EVERY The Archdiocesan Office of Hispanic Minis- SUNDAY ON CHANNEL 50(MY50TV-KASY) try, in collaboration with the Office of Family In an effort to offer Sunday Mass in Spanish each week, not Life, invite all Spanish speaking couples who only during the time when parishioners are unable to at- are preparing to receive the Sacrament of tend Sunday Mass in their parishes due to Marriage to participate in a marriage prepa- the COVID 19 contingency, the Hispanic ration retreat “Nos Vamos a Casar”. This Ministry and Liturgy offices broadcast the retreat is one of the approved programs in Mass in Spanish on television each week. the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. These Masses are broadcast every Sunday at 7:00am on My50TV (KASY) - channel 50 Now that the capacity of the churches and on regular television (check with your television signal the celebration of the sacraments is gradual- provider for other channels). Please share this information ly expanding, there has been a great demand with anyone who may benefit from this broadcast for Marriage Preparation Retreats. The next retreat in March has reached capaci- Recordings of these masses can also be viewed from ty. It is for this reason that we are working 4:30pm on Saturday (pre-Sunday mass) via the Internet by to offer two more retreats during the follow- visiting the following link: ing months, one in May and the other in July. video-collection/ (Normally these retreats are held only four times during the year.) For any questions regarding the transmission of the Mass

Couples interested in participating in an up- in Spanish, please call the Hispanic Ministry Office at 505- 831-8147. coming marriage preparation retreat are asked to contact the Hispanic Ministry Office Holy Mass can also be heard on the radio every Sunday on directly for the most recent information (see KNMM 1150 AM and 102.1 FM in Albuquerque at 7:00am box). and KNMX 540 AM in Las Vegas, NM at 8:00am.

Office of Faith Formation Sr. Edna Esquibel Della Montaño Reina Goode Director Secretary Middle School Coordinator 505-831-8127 505-831-8142 505-831-8252 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

MONTHLY REFLECTION "Catechesis is a special space for fostering a personal encounter with Jesus. Therefore it must be interwoven with personal relationships. There is no true catechesis without the testimony of men and women in flesh and blood. Who among us does not remember at least one of his catechists? I do: I remember the nun who prepared me for my First Com- munion and was so good to me. They are the first protagonists of catech- THE NEW (2020) DIRECTORY FOR CATECHESIS esis, messengers of the Gospel, often lay people, who commit themselves (3-PART SERIES) with generosity to share the beauty of having met Jesus. “Who are cate- Part I: Thursday, April 22, 2021 – 2:00-4:00pm chists? They are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it or 6:00-8:00pm alive in themselves” - they are “memorialists” of salvation history - “and Part II: Thursday May 6, 2021 – 2:00-4:00pm they are able to revive it in others. …. A catechist is a Christian who puts or 6:00-8:00pm this remembrance at the service of proclamation, not to seem important, Part III: Thursday, May 20, 2021 – 2:00-4:00pm not to talk about himself or herself, but to talk about God, about His love or 6:00-8:00pm and fidelity." All classes held via ZOOM.

Pope Francis to Italy's National Catechetical Office, January 30, 2021. Religious Education Website: Youth Office Website: january/documents/papa-francesco_20210130_ufficio-catechistico- Religious Education & Youth Ministry Facebook: cei.html March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 5

Office of Pastoral Planning Native American Ministry & Evangelization Michelle Montez Denise Frias Shirley Zuni Charla Becerra Executive Director PMD Executive Assistant PMD Director Secretary 505-831-8221 505-831-8165 505-831-8104 505-831-8151 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

JORNADA DE FE SCHOOL OF MINISTRY/CAMINOS DE FE SCHOOL OF MONTHLY ADVISORY MINISTRY: ACTS, THE PASTORAL LETTERS, AND BOOK OF REVELATION BOARD MEETING This topic of the Jornada de Fe and Caminos de Fe Schools of Ministry explores the This month’s meeting will be courage of the earliest disciples, the encouragement of the community, and the held on Tuesday, March 9 at courage to meet and survive chaotic times. The witness of the Scripture will 10:00am via ZOOM. strengthen our own faith and courage. Time: Saturday, March 13, 2021, 8:30AM – 3PM via Zoom ST. SCHOLARSHIP Presenter: Paula Gallagher IHM St. Kateri Tekakwitha Scholarship applica- Contact: Hopko at 505-690-6335 or [email protected] tion will be available online at https:// Joanne Dupont Sandoval at 505-689-2404, C 505-670-2635 or be- [email protected], ginning February 15, 2021! Applicants must be Native American, Catholic or non-Catholic, THE HOLY SPIRIT AND CREATIVE INSPIRATION in grades kindergarten to twelfth; enrolled or This course reviews the emergence of the Holy Spirit through Scripture, and exam- will be enrolled in one of the ASF Catholic ines the nature of inspiration. It looks at the effects of the Spirit on men and wom- schools for the 2021-2022 academic school en of Scripture, as well as artistic and inventive history. It discusses how to invite year. Parents must describe a verified level the participation of Spirit into refresh creative expression for our lives and chal- of need and unique circumstances through lenging times. It is in being creative with the Spirit we will re-find our juice and the Grant & Aid Assessment in FACTS at each our joy. Catholic school. Application packets must be Time: Mondays, April 12,19, 26, 2021, 1 - 3PM via Zoom completed and postmarked before or on Fri- Presenter: Paula Gallagher IHM day, May 21, 2021. For more information on Contact: Charla Becerra at 505-831-8151 or [email protected] the scholarship please contact the Native Click on the link to register for the class online: American Ministry Office (see box). kdavis5430/FFCS-Course-Registration QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE FOR THE PASTORAL MINISTRY OFFICES

Abuse Awareness Workshops Evangelization Billboards PMD Express Newsletter Victims Assistance Coordinator PMD Executive Office PMD Executive Office Annette Klimka, 505-831-8144 505-831-8165 505-831-8151

Anniversary Certificates Formation Classes (Skills, Theology) Pre-Cana (Immediate Marriage Prep) Family Life Office Faith Formation Office Family Life Office 505-831-8117 505-831-8142 505-831-8117

Approved Speakers Formation Records Prison Ministry PMD Executive Office Faith Formation Office Pastoral Outreach Office 505-831-8165 505-831-8142 505-831-8174

Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Training Mi Casa Es Su Casa Spanish Newsletter Quinceañeras Faith Formation Office Hispanic Ministry Office Hispanic Ministry Office 505-831-8142 505-831-8147 505-831-8147

Catechetical Leader Deanery Meetings MRC (Library) Materials Scholarships for Native American Faith Formation Office The Media Resource Center (MRC) is closed. Students 505-831-8142 If looking to return books, DVDs, etc., please Native American Ministry Office use the drop boxes located outside the Cath- 505-831-8151 Confirmation Retreat Training olic Center or Lourdes Hall. Faith Formation Office TV Mass (Spanish) 505-831-8142 Parish Pastoral Council Training Hispanic Ministry Office PMD Executive Office 505-831-8147 Counseling 505-831-8165 Family Life Office 505-831-8117 March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 6 Office of Social Justice & Respect Life Anne Avellone Maria Garcia Cynthia Roberson Israela Garcia Director Secretary CCHD Intern CCHD Intern 505-831-8167 505-831-8205 505-831-8235 505-831-8235 PAID CCHD INTERNSHIP AVAILABLE! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Catholic Campaign for Human Develop- ment’s (CCHD) Archdiocesan office in Albu- querque is looking for Catholics who have a passion for service and justice, to apply for a paid position, approx. 18-20 hours/week, $14/hr for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. The internship is a great opportunity to learn more about social justice education, poverty relief, community development, economic development and Catholic social teaching. The applicant must be Catholic, have leader- ship experience, community service experi- ence, and effective writing, communication and computer skills. Bi-lingual (English/ Spanish) candidates preferred. An open- ness to the CCHD values of solidarity build- ing, participation of the poor, and Catholic social teaching is essential. CCHD has partic- ular interest in helping low-income Catho- lics to participate in a practical learning experience that ordinarily would be out of REFLECTIONS ON THE 2021 CATHOLIC SOCIAL MINISTRY GATHERING their reach due to financial limitations. Ap- plications can be requested by e-mail at by Jessica Swan, St. Pius X Alumna, Holy Rosary parishioner [email protected]. Contact Anne and La Cosecha staff Avellone in the Office of Social Justice and Catholic social teaching and the Catholic rights, racism and how these issues affect Respect Life (see box) for more information Campaign for Human Development make our neighbors. I am taking this experience or to request an application. Applications Jesus' teaching on loving our neighbors into my daily life to practice being more must be received by March 12, 2021. Don’t pass up this wonderful opportunity! and being “good Samaritans” more accessi- accepting and understanding of others, ble for everyday people. Who is our neigh- and to use my voice to speak up when our NEW STUDY GUIDE ON FRATELLI TUTTI bor? In the virtual Catholic Social Ministry values are being compromised. I invite all Pope Francis’ newest encyclical letter, Fra- Gathering (CSMG) of 2021 nearly 1000 Christians to do the same. telli Tutti, is an invitation to renewed social delegates from around the country friendship and (including 40 from the Archdiocese of San- PLANNING FOR EARTH DAY 2021: RESTORE OUR COMMON HOME universal soli- ta Fe) explored who that could be. In to- darity. Fratelli day's global world, it is everyone. It is Start planning now how your community will celebrate Tutti provides a those on the front lines of COVID-19, those starting point for speaking out against racial and environ- Earth Day! This year’s Earth Day renewing our mental injustices. It is our friends who are program theme is commitment to needing mental health services and re- “Restore Our caring for our sources instead of incarceration, it is our Common Home”, neighbor and a immigrant neighbors who need a safe a theme that will global society place to stay without fear. address how as built on justice Our neighbors include those who grow our people of faith we must urgently act to not and the common food and deliver supplies across the coun- only protect but restore God’s beautiful good. The USCCB try. Are they treated fairly? Do they re- gift of creation. The one-hour educational Department of Justice, Peace and Human ceive a living wage? Can they afford to eat and prayer program will be the perfect Development has released a Study Guide the food they grow? We heard alarming way for our families, parishes, schools, and (en Espan ol) on Fratelli Tutti for groups or statistics about marginalized populations religious communities to prepare for the individuals that includes six sessions with around the world and what their commu- Vatican’s launch of the Laudato Si’ Action prayers, chapter summaries, discussion nities were trying to do to promote jus- Platform in May 2021. The program will questions, and suggestions for action tice. We also learned about how to bring contain prayers, readings, discussion ques- and further study. You can join USCCB for a our concerns to our elected officials. Vot- tions, a short video, and suggested activi- special opportunity to journey through Fra- ing matters! VOTING IN LOCAL ELEC- ties. Sign up here to receive the program telli Tutti this Lent by signing-up to receive TIONS REALLY MATTERS! It was nice to in your inbox by mid-March. weekly emails inviting you to use each ses- participate with other passionate commu- sion of our study guide for personal, group, nity members with our Senators and dis- program/earth-day or community reflection. cuss issues such as immigration, worker March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 7

MARCH ONWARD TOWARD BE A FAITHFUL CITIZEN: JUSTICE DURING LENT STAY UP-TO-DATE ON THE 2021 NEW The old hymn Onward Christian Soldiers MEXICO LEGISLATIVE SESSION states: “marching as to war; with the cross Allen Sanchez, Director of the New Mexico of Jesus going on before…” Going through CCHD IN ACTION: LA COSECHA - Conference of Catholic Bishops, presents the motions of Lent should remind us that SUSTAINING OUR COMMUNITIES the concerns of the three Catholic Bishops we are headed somewhere. That some- La Cosecha Community Supported Agricul- of New Mexico at our New Mexico legisla- where is the foot of the cross at Calvary. If ture (CSA) formed in 2012 and operates ture in Santa Fe. The purpose of the Confer- we keep our mind on the destination, it will through the Agri-Cultura Network which is ence is to promote the encourage us to stand by our Lenten prom- a farmer owned cooperative in Albuquer- greater good of human- ises. Whether our promises be through que’s South Valley. A network of 9 member kind by addressing issues prayer or acts of charity, temptations arise community farmers, La Cosecha has grown of moral concern and that threaten to pull us from our commit- from serving 25 to 320 families fresh New social justice as seen ments. Uniting our Mexico grown fruits and vegetables using through the eyes of the organic methods, following health safety own cross to that of Catholic faith. The Con- standards and collected non-competitively. Jesus reminds us that ference informs and educates its members The inspiration behind La Cosecha’s suc- we are never and the public about those issues and en- alone. We move for- cess is Executive Director, Helga Garcia- Garza. Under her leadership, La Cosecha courages all to advocate for those issues ward knowing that and the betterment of humanity. This year through Christ’s pas- has developed partnerships with the Public Education Department, Senior Nutrition is the 60-day session, which began January sion and cross, we are redeemed for all 19 and ends March 20. Due to the COVID- eternity. Considering that the Catholic Programs, Early Childhood Centers, SNAP (food stamps), First Choice Community 19 pandemic and social distancing re- Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Health Clinic and UNM Nutrition Program. strictions, much of the session is virtu- is celebrating their 50th anniversary this al. Life, being the greatest gift from God, is year, we see that the and Through distribution sites, La Cosecha CSA top priority, as is concern for the poor. The our Archdiocese continue ministering distributes over 300 bags of fresh fruits New Mexico Bishops are aware that there through the church and through Catholic and vegetables per week to local communi- are hundreds of bills of proposed legisla- social teaching. Although the Covid-19 ties. Helga Garcia-Garza has cultivated oth- tion. The Bishops bring their voice on is- pandemic changed the delivery of the gos- er programs within La Cosecha that will sues for the common good, thereby making pel, it did not stop the Church from ful- guarantee the sustainability of the organi- filling the mission of evangelization. As we zation including bilingual on-line cooking public their opinion on some legislation. continue our pilgrimage toward the Resur- classes for children and adults, develop- See the Bishop’s Legislative Agenda for the rection, let us convert our prayers into ac- ment of school gardens in junior/high 2021 New Mexico Legislative Session and tion by magnifying Christ: feed the hungry, schools and training and development pro- sign up to receive the latest information grams for members. from the NM Conference of Catholic Bish- clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, re- ceive the stranger. For ideas on how we The Catholic Campaign for Human Devel- ops here: can build the kingdom of Christ, the office opment (CCHD)/La Cosecha relationship PROJECT RACHEL began with a visit from the local CCHD of Social Justice and Respect Life is availa- Project Rachel is a ministry of the Catholic ble to present for any and all Archdiocese Committee and an invitation to apply for a CCHD grant. With the guidance and assis- Church, sponsored by the Archdiocese of of Santa Fe programs for youth, young Santa Fe. It is a ministry of healing and adult and adult faith formation groups. We tance of the CCHD Committee, La Cosecha mercy for post abortive can provide online presentations for your was awarded a Community Development men and women who group or help you with the basics of setting grant for 2020-2021. This grant allows La grieve the loss of an in- up a virtual class/meeting. To schedule a Cosecha to develop leadership and advoca- fant to abortion. Do you Lenten presentation for your confirmation cy skills of their farmer and share members know someone who has group or adult formation, to discuss in promoting effective public policy and been involved in the themes and ideas or if you have any ques- creating intergenerational education mod- tions, contact CCHD Intern Israela Garcia els– all the while providing equitable food abortion decision that they regret? Are you access for our most vulnerable populations. (see box). suffering from such a decision or the deci- Helga states that “The divine element at the sion made by someone you love? There is root of CCHD was very important to us. We QUOTE OF THE MONTH hope for healing and reconciliation with felt that our mission’s aligned and when we FROM POPE FRANCIS the child, the family and God. For more presented our request to the CCHD commit- information about Project Rachel, Call 505- “The problem is not feed- tee we asked: ‘Look what we’ve done with- 831-8238. ing the poor, or clothing out funding – imagine what we can do with the naked, or visiting the funding.’” This is a testament to the im- sick, but rather recognizing portance of CCHD partnerships and the that the poor, the naked, the sick, prison- difference we can make in our communi- ers, and the homeless have the dignity to ties. sit at our table, to feel ‘at home’ among us, to feel part of a family. This is the sign that the Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst (p. 113, Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, Pope Francis, Austen Ivereigh, 2020).” March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 8


Office of Family Life Evenings for the Engaged Virtual Events are from 7- 9pm for Yvette Duran two weeks. Couples must attend all six classes. Please visit Coordinator to register for one of the events. The cost is 505-831-8117 $20.00 per couple. Dates are as follow: March 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26 [email protected] Engaged Encounter Virtual Weekends are listed below: VISION—EVERY FAMILY, A HOLY FAMILY; June 5 & 6, 2021 OR September 25 & 26, 2021 EVERY HOME, A HOLY PLACE To register visit, click under the event link. Family: where life begins and love never ends. The cost for this event is $30.00 per couple. For questions, please Opportunities to grow in faith and love await you at contact the Family Life office (see box). MARRIAGE SUPPORT There you will find: Retrouvaille, a lifeline for troubled The Marriage Preparation Schedule marriages. Is your marriage tearing Ongoing Marriage Support & Enrichment Events you apart? Is there little or no meaning- The ASF Therapist Referral Network ful communication? Are you considering Natural Family Planning (NFP) Information separation or divorce? We believe Retrouvaille can help. Parenting Retrouvaille will teach you a method to re-establish communica- Divorce Recovery tion. This three phase program consists of a weekend experience, a Grief Support Groups series of 12 follow-up sessions over twelve week period, and a Ministry Resources and Trainings, and more. monthly meeting for lifelong support. The next Virtual program ARCHDIOCESAN NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING will be April 22-25, 2021, in English. For more information or to Please visit our website for information on classes available register, please call 505-890-3495 in Albuquerque. You can also through the family life office. find us on the Web at

Office of Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs Office of Pastoral Outreach Rev. Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies Deacon Robert Vigil Director Director 505-298-7554 505-831-8229 [email protected] [email protected] THE ECUMENICAL CORNER DEAF CIRCLE TRAINING The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Pastoral When I tell people have had the opportunity to work Ministry Deaf Circle is hosting a weekly zoom that I completed a with a Methodist pastor on social meeting designed to assist interpreters who are degree in Ecumen- ministries; to discuss with a Presby- currently interpreting the Roman Catholic Mass. ism, they typically terian pastor scriptural studies pro- ask “What is that?” grams; to learn from an Episcopal This weekly training/meeting is designed for interpreters of all levels. We are fortunate to Archbishop West- priest his devotion to the Eucharist. Recently, an Evangelical pastor and have a deaf priest from the Diocese of Milwaukee er recently shared that when he was (Fr. Christopher Klusman) who will assist with younger, he had asked an older I have started to study biblical He- brew together. These collabora- the spiritual guidance involved in the training. bishop how to best carry out ecu- We will study the readings together for each of menical work. The older replied, tions have enhanced my faith and have provided opportunities to dis- the Sunday Liturgies and alternate interpreting “Do you know how to shake hands?” using linguistic tactics and peer reasoning. pel misunderstandings about our

Ecumenism is as simple as that: Catholic Church. Time will be allotted for discussion questions shaking hands, having a cup of cof- These collaborations help set aside related to that interpreter's sign choice as we fee, getting to know your neighbors analyze the grammatical structure present- - Protestant, Evangelical, and Ortho- the scandal of our divisions. “Father, that they may be one, as You and I ed. This type of training/meeting is structured for dox. You’ll find that our Christian continued individual growth related to interpret- sisters and brothers are interested are one!” (Jn 17:11) Together, ecu- menically, we can more fully wit- ing in a Roman Catholic setting. in your own faith story and church. Despite the unfortunate histories of ness His Good News and its healing Please share this information with anyone who is message to our world. interested in participating. You will receive the our denominational differences, as Christians, you’ll find more in com- For more information and or zoom access link once registered. The meeting mon than what divides us. We med- presentations, you can contact Msgr. will be hosted by Charles Griego ASL Deaf Minis- itate on the same biblical stories and Voorhies at try Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. pray the same Nicene Creed. [email protected] or If you have any questions you can reach him at [email protected] or (505) 429-1068. From my personal experience, I Jim Gilroy at [email protected] or 575-776-8450. March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 9

CRS RICE BOWL FOR LENT 2021 CRS COLLECTION WEEKEND OF MARCH 14 This Lent CRS Rice Bowl takes us The CRS Collection is 1 of the 12 national collections established by to three countries—Madagascar, El the bishops of the United States so that, by combining resources, Salvador and Timor-Leste. Hunger we can more effectively carry out the global mission of the Church. and malnutrition, which happens It offers Catholics a convenient when we don’t get the right opportunity to help more than amount of nutrients, are challenges that too many families face 100 million people at home each day. One out of every 10 people worldwide don’t have enough and abroad through a charita- to eat. Sometimes this is caused by natural disasters like floods and ble contribution during Mass. droughts. Other times, families don’t have enough money to buy The CRS Collection is taken up the food they need, or the food they can get doesn’t have all the in most dioceses on Laetare vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. CRS helps commu- (or “Rejoice”) Sunday, the nities find solutions to each of these problems. Farming families Fourth Sunday of Lent, this learn new skills and grow stronger, healthier harvests. Communi- year it lands on March 14, ties train health care workers so children can get regular check-ups 2021. The Catholic Relief Ser- and parents can learn new nutritious recipes to make sure their vices Collection supports six Catholic organizations (Catholic Relief families get a balanced diet. People in vulnerable areas prepare for Services; USCCB’s Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Devel- unpredictable weather that could destroy crops. Jesus calls us to opment; USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services; Catholic Legal help those in need. Our Lenten prayers, fasting and sacrificial gifts Immigration Network Inc.; USCCB’s Secretariat for Cultural Diversi- help us answer this call. Don’t have a CRS Rice Bowl? You can still ty in the Church; and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund) that advance participate! Click here to download the DIY Rice Bowl label, print it the international social ministry of the Church. and adhere it to a container. You can also give online by going to March 2021 PMD Express - Special Edition 10

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place, NW Albuquerque, NM 87120

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Published by the ASF Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Michelle Montez Denise Frias Charla Becerra Executive Director & Editor Executive Assistant & Assistant Editor NAM Secretary & Assistant Editor 505-831-8221 505-831-8165 505-831-8151 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]