Memories of a Teenage Alcoholic


np udge." That's what my family and ing to share an answer to a homework problem friends call me. It never bothered me or a purse full of candy. much—until my teens. "No, you know I don't like parties," I said de- Then little things started bugging me, like no- fensively, but I felt my face flush again. ticing the other girls in their chic clothes. Mine Tish noticed, and said. "Pudge, why don't you were still from the "Pretty-Plus" department— go on a diet? C'mon, you can do it! I'll help you." shapeless and styleless. Kids I didn't know in "I'll think about it," I replied as the bell rang. school weren't exactly going out of their way to After school we headed for The Parlor. I was know me. I was beginning to feel left out of ordering my usual double chocolate malt when things—sports, dating. Tish interrupted. "She'll have iced tea, no sugar," Still, I had my best friend, Tish, and some of she informed the astonished counter clerk. the old crowd who thought I was a lot of fun. I I started to protest, but seeing her determined always looked forward to lunch in the cafeteria look, I figured it wouldn't hurt to humor her just when I'd wolf my two sandwiches while joking this once. After all, I could have ice cream with with Tish. Then on the way home from school, a my cookies when I got home. bunch of us always stopped for a malt at The How could I have known that Mom just Parlor. Afterward I could count on Mom for some finished reading some article on health and nu- freshly baked cookies to tide me over until trition? When I bounced into the house, heading dinner, when I'd outeat Dad. They never scolded for the refrigerator, she stopped me. me about my gluttony; they still thought I was "Pudge, dear, I'm afraid I've been baking too baby-plump and cuddly-cute. many sweets and stocking all the wrong things Then within a few hours my whole world in the pantry. You really do need to lose some pointed at me and labeled me "FAT." weight, and there's no time like the present to In Phys Ed on that fateful day we were choos- start." ing teams for a relay-race. Andrea, a beautiful By dinnertime I was ravenous. I was expecting blonde twig, was captain of one team, while a spaghetti dinner; Mom had mentioned it that Bitsy, who looked like she might blow away, led morning. Instead, as I sat with fork ready, she the other. placed platters of broiled fish, chopped spinach, Tish was picked, as were all my friends. I was and cucumber-tomato slices on the table. the only one left except for a girl who was recov- Mom must have prepared Dad for her menu ering from a sprained ankle. Andrea looked us switch, because he acted as if it were the best over, and I heard her whisper to the girl behind dinner she'd ever made. Then Dad, who never her, "I wonder if Fatso can run." I felt my face get remarked about my weight, said, "You know, hot as they giggled. Pudge, if you watch the calories, I'll bet you can In the cafeteria I tried to forget the relay-race lose ten pounds by Christmas. Tell you what—if episode by wolfing down two sandwiches of you do, I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe! What peanut butter and marshmallow cream. The girls do you say?" at our table were talking excitedly about the Fall I was speechless. Dad thought I was a gross Fling, the first party of the year. pig too! "I—I'll try," I stammered, fighting the Tish, with her pert features, long golden tears. "May I be excused? I don't feel very well." ponytail, and perfect proportions, had joined the I rushed to my room and locked the door. It dating crowd. She asked, "Are you going to the had a full-length mirror on it, which I'd always party, Pudge? A lot of girls won't have dates, and avoided. Now I caught my reflection in it. The you could go with some of them." bulges, straining buttons and seams, rolls of She knew I wouldn't be asked! The boys fat—I saw them all as I really looked at myself thought of me as "good ol' Pudge"—always will- for the first time. My face was like a white moon LISTEN • September 1981 • 3 staring back at me, telling me the truth. I was early Christmas present!" F-A-T, hideously fat. I felt sick. "Dad, thanks, but maybe you ought to wait In fact, I WAS sick. It was the flu. I stayed until I'm through losing all this fat." home for a week. Ironically, about the only thing "Through? Honey, if you lose more, you'll look I could keep down was tea! After the first few like a toothpick. See how thin you are?" days I graduated to unbuttered toast and soft- He led me to my enemy, the mirror, and I was boiled eggs, but my diet was mostly liquid. forced to look. I thought I saw The Blob still y the time I felt strong enough to go back there, staring back at me. to school, I'd lost eight pounds! I wouldn't I sucked in my stomach, and although my Blook at myself in the mirror, though. I bones protruded through the flimsy fabric of the knew I'd still see The Blob. dress, I wasn't slim enough. "I can't stand the Maybe because my stomach had shrunken or sight of all my fat!" I shouted. maybe because that mirror image was burned Dad was shocked. "Fat! Are you serious?" into my mind, I completely lost my appetite. In Then, seeing that indeed I was, he walked away the cafeteria Tish and the others were telling me slowly, muttering, "Honey, you have a problem." how great I looked, when I shocked them by giv- Yes, I thought, I know I have, and it's obesity. ing away the two sandwiches Mom had packed But I'll show them how thin I can get. I'll be for me. Pudge no more! "Come on, Pudge! You've lost enough weight," Tish talked me into going to the Fling in my Tish said. "You need to get some color back in new blue dress. She introduced me to a really your cheeks, so eat at least one sandwich." neat guy, who was visiting her boyfriend for the "Not hungry," I said for the first time in my life. weekend. His name was Joel, and he was tall, at- I got up to buy another glass of sugarless tea, tractive, and slim. He asked, "Why do they call giving Tish my milk. you Pudge? As a joke?" At first my parents didn't push food on me. I thought he was making fun of me—he must They figured I was still recuperating, and if all I have seen the rolls of fat. I was miserable. wanted for dinner was a small salad minus the When Joel took me home, he said, "I want to dressing they wouldn't hassle me. see you again, Pudge. I'll try to get back here in a When I started jogging, Mom was concerned. few weeks." "You have to keep up your strength," she said, The next couple of weeks I lost 12 more whipping up a milkshake and handing it to me. pounds. Tish was really starting to bug me. She "No, Mom, I just can't stand the sight of it." was forever trying to push food on me and mak- The sight of me in that mirror flashed in my ing remarks about my weight. I thought she was brain for the thousandth time. "You drink it, being sarcastic, for I didn't feel very thin. Mom. You look so thin!" It was strange the way n Thanksgiving weekend Joel came back everyone looked malnourished to me. to town. Although Tish told me I looked My jogging amazed everybody. At first I could 0 awful, I couldn't wait for him to see me. hardly make it around the block without collaps- I had felt so fat at the party, and even if I had a ing. But slowly I worked myself up to a mile, long way to go, I knew I was slimmer. The scales then two. After running I did calisthenics. I showed I weighed 94 pounds. jumped rope, did push-ups, sit-ups, and leg Joel surprised me by coming over just as I was raises—all on whatever magic strength I got from bounding out the door for my jogging routine. It lettuce, celery, and cottage cheese. I had to choke was a warm day, and I had on my gym shorts down even that little bit. and a T-shirt. I collided with him, and then we My parents became worried, but they didn't both laughed. His grin quickly turned into revul- even know I was giving away my school lunches! sion as he looked me over. By the weekend of the Fall Fling I was jogging "Pudge! Have you been sick?" he asked. I as- six miles each day. I'd lost 27 pounds—from 133 sured him that I never felt better. We made some to 106! small talk, and he quickly drove away. He didn't My clothes hung on me. Mom bought me a ask for a date, but I understood. I was deter- beautiful pale blue dress, size 5. It fit perfectly. mined to run farther and lose faster. The next When Dad saw me in it, he said, "Don't lose time Joel saw me, he'd like me. another ounce, Pudge—you're just right. I'm The high points of my days after that were proud of my young lady, and I'll buy that new stepping on the scales, watching my weight wardrobe I promised you right now—call it an plummet. If I didn't lose every day, the gross fig-

4 • LISTEN • September 1981

LISTEN (ISSN 0024-435X) is printed monthly by Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94042 U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at Mountain View, California. For the U.S.A.: one-year subscription, package plan, $24.00. To countries outside U.S.A.: one-year subscription, package plan, $25.00. September 1981. ure in the mirror flashed in my mind to mock to give you supplemental vitamins, and a special me. I lengthened my exercise routine. Everyone diet. You'll increase it by 300 calories of protein wondered where I found the energy. every six days, until we have you up to 3500 I had so much energy I couldn't sleep and calories a day. I'd wager right now you're lucky if tossed all night. The mattress hurt my bones, as you're getting 500. You may have some gastric did chairs during the day. distress after each increase, but that will pass. I Other things bothered me too, but I didn't want you to record your weight three times a complain to my parents for fear they'd make me week. As long as it goes steadily up, we won't eat more. I had severe pains in my stomach and put you in the hospital." intestines. My periods stopped. I went for days He told my mother, who was in a state of without going to the bathroom, and when I did, I shock, that he wanted to see me every few days. was so constipated I'd cry with the pain. My hair hen we got home, Mom called my dad and skin were dry; my complexion sallow. and told him the news. They were so Even a glass of water made me feel full; there Wupset that you'd think I had TB or were times when I didn't want to swallow any- something. Mom wanted me to go to bed im- thing, including my own saliva. At night I picked mediately and rest while she went out for vita- at my food and always got rid of it by forcing mins and all the food she was going to choke myself to vomit. I let the shower run, and my down me. parents didn't know what I was doing in the As soon as she left the house, I got out of bed bathroom. and put on my warm-up suit and jogging shoes. was down to 86 pounds when, against my I wasn't ready to believe that doctor's scare tac- wishes, Mom took me to the family doctor. tics. I "Well, Pudge! I hardly recognized you!" he All the while I ran I thought of what the doctor greeted me with alarm. "Looks like you finally had said. I thought of what Tish and my friends went on that diet I've been advocating, although I had told me. The look on Joel's face kept flicker- never intended for you to lose this much! How ing through my mind. Was it possible that he re- do you feel?" coiled from my skinniness and not my chubbi- "Wonderful," I lied. "I don't know why Mom ness? dragged me in here." Ahead of me a woman walked with her small He examined me, and I thought of all the boy. As I passed them, he shouted, "Mom! That times he'd poked at the globs of lard that had girl looks like the skeleton we had on our door mocked me in the mirror. Then he asked about on Halloween! Is she dying?" my eating habits. I hedged, but he seemed to I slowed down—and saw the embarrassed know about my self-induced vomiting and all the woman shush him and pull him along. Truth internal problems I was having. He told me all from the mouth of a babe! If a child thought I my symptoms, and I just nodded. I didn't feel was that emaciated, maybe everyone was right. like lying any more. Then we got to talking about I half-ran, half-walked home. Mom was still exercise, and he understood why the jogging and out. I went to my room, undressed, and looked in workouts were so important to me. the mirror. He called my mom in and told her I had some- The Blob had dissolved, and there was a very thing called anorexia nervosa. It was serious. He bony creature in her place. The gray eyes looked told her the things I'd been doing to keep losing large and feverish in a pale, pinched face. The weight. "If she doesn't reverse her compulsion for arms and legs were like toothpicks. The stomach weight loss, she can actually starve to death," he almost touched the backbone; the pelvis pro- said. I felt a cold prickle of fear for the first time. truded through the thin skin as if to burst it. The Then the doctor turned to me. "Pudge, please chest and fanny were flat. understand that if you can't make yourself Who was I? The Blob, or The Skeleton? change, we're going to have to hospitalize you. Neither person was attractive. Nor healthy. Prob- You must realize how sick you are and do every- ably not even happy. thing I recommend." I didn't say anything. His I put on my pajamas and crawled into bed. I diagnosis had to be wrong. I'd show them all had a lot of thinking to do. I had to make myself that there was nothing the matter with me. change! "You're going to have to curb all your ac- Mom came in later with a tray of food. The tivities," he continued. "Just the normal exercise sight of it nauseated me, and I knew it wouldn't you get going to school—nothing else. I'm going be easy. But I would do it. 0 LISTEN • September 1981 • 5 ASK d FRIEND Bob Anastas How Old Must I Be Before I Can Leave Home?

I would like to know how need. Later on you'll find you will believe. People will respect you for old you have to be to leave have the money you need to enjoy this. Believe in yourself. home and whether you can life. Best of luck. Is it true that smoking leave at ages 14 and 15, if you Pm 16 and dating a guy 22. marijuana reduces redness of can support yourself. We get along very well—so the neck? Ever since I quit, Most states require that you remain well that we're considering I've had a painful red rash on under the guardianship of your par- marriage when I graduate. He the back of my neck, which ents until age 17. Legally you are is Baptist and I'm a Catholic. won't go away. My Mends say your parents' responsibility up to this We are both strong believers I should start smoking age. in our faith. We both also want marijuana again to get over it. There is a law known as the children. That is the problem I've never heard that marijuana can Emancipated Minor Law. This law —how would we raise them, reduce "redness of the neck." If you may allow a probate court to declare which faith? smoke marijuana for this purpose, I'm that you are a responsible person It takes a strong commitment on sure you will find that the redness will and able to take care of yourself. the part of both parties to understand stay. You may even develop a red For information pertaining to such a each other's likes and dislikes. This face from the whole experience! Your law in your state, call your local is the foundation of a good marriage. friends may be pulling your leg. courthouse, juvenile division, and state To make sure your marriage begins The proper information on your case. on the proper step, iron out this prob- marijuana and other drugs may be My advice to you is to stay home. lem first. Establish once and for all obtained by writing to the National Work things out. Life out there is not how the children will be brought up. Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug as easy as you may have been led It's important that they have some- Information, Box 2345, Rockville, MD to believe. thing to believe in, that they can re- 20852. (Or write to Listen Magazine, My problem is that Pm con- late to. 6830 Laurel Street, Washington, DC sistently in debt. I have sev- Both of you must show at all times 20012.) eral credit cards with the happiness in your decision, for the credit already maximized. happiness you show will be the hap- About two months ago I piness your children will experience. applied for a consolidation Pm going to be 11 in two loan of $5000. Now Pm not weeks. We are selling our only $5000 in debt, but also house, and I have to go to a have other credit cards bor- new school. I would like to rowed to the maximum. know what to do if somebody First, this problem is not usually a asks me to buy or take drugs. teenage problem, since teenagers I know that if I say No they very seldom can have credit cards will call me a sissy, then on their own. But the principle in- everyone will be on my back. volved in this question is certainly a What should I do? relevant one for teenagers. One of the most pleasant experi- Most important, cut up those credit ences in life can be moving to a new Do you have a question about cards. You are what is called a com- school. You will meet new friends friendships, parents, drugs, health, or pulsive spender. Then try to pay all and make new acquaintances. I'm other teenage concerns? bills on time. Those you cannot meet sure that once you have established Ask a friend Bob Anastas, parent, on time, call and make specific ar- who you are and what you represent, teacher, high school counselor. rangements to pay. you will not be bothered by those Address your question to Ask a As a spend-a-holic you love to students involved with drugs. Be Friend, Listen Magazine, 6830 Laurel buy. Give up buying things you don't yourself and stand up for what you Street, Washington, DC 20012. 0 6 • LISTEN • September 1981 M E M O Rr I E OF A

Lucy Barry Robe an 18-hour day, I handled all 20 Questions the work for each semester in those two months. I main- Recovered alcoholic teenagers tained a low C average and helped award-winning graduated. But if my values juvenile author and TV had been oriented away from scriptwriter Anne Snyder (My drinking and partying, I Name Is Davy/I'm an Al- would probably have ap- coholic and First Step) write preciated more what Harvard the following 20 questions* to had to offer academically. help teens assess how drink- Do you need a drink to ing may affect their lives. make you feel better around These retrospective answers people? are by a medical author and Yes, especially boys. At Har- storywriter, Lucy Barry Robe, vard I wouldn't go on a date who is a recovered alcoholic or to a party without booze. If with 13 years of sobriety. Her a boy asked me to the movies articles on alcoholism have ap- and for a chocolate soda af- peared in books, scientific jour- terward, I was permanently nals, magazines, and newspap- busy. He was a square. If ers. She has written two young adult books, another invited me to a party where I figured Haunted Inheritance (CompCare Publications) there would be plenty to drink, that young man and Stagestruck Secretary (William Morrow), and was terribly attractive. I always equated drinking has lectured to thousands of teenagers on alcohol with fun. and alcoholism. Do you ever hide your beer, liquor, or wine? "I wish 20 questions like these had been avail- Only in a way familiar to many young problem able when I was a debutante and Harvard stu- drinkers: at BYOB (bring your own bottle) par- dent," she says. "I might have saved myself years ties, I'd get my date to hide our bottle in a coat of misery if I'd been faced with the truth about closet. Not for his sake— I was afraid that there my drinking as a teenager instead of later." wouldn't be enough for me. I constantly worried that a party might run out of liquor. Are you ever absent from school because of As a teenager I didn't care what I drank as drinking? long as it had alcohol in it. I was into sneaking At the time I would have said No. Absences drinks, too (getting extras any way I could), and weren't noticed at Harvard College because no at- gulping drinks (draining my glass if a refill was tendance records were kept in classes. I enrolled imminent). These, too, are recognized signs of a in the easiest courses I could find and cut well teenage drinking problem. over three quarters of my classes. My excuse? Do you feel braver when you drink? Deep involvement in extracurricular drama ac- When I was 16, drinking gave me the courage tivities. I went to Cronin's (the Harvard hangout) to try to be a popular debutante. My mother had every week-day evening at ten, after rehearsals or a powerful personality. She was always the life of production work, to drink tap beer with the every party, a goal she passed along to me. When drama crowd. I usually stayed until closing time, drinking, I could emulate her: be vivacious, crack thus regularly got to bed late. Weekends we had jokes, scream with laughter. Loaded, I could pre- hard-drinking cast parties. tend I didn't care that I wasn't as attractive or as I did all my studying just prior to exams, dur- sophisticated as the other girls. ing Harvard's official "reading periods" in From ages 16 to 18, I attended dozens of deb- January and May. By not drinking, and studying utante dances, with long stag lines of extra boys LISTEN • September 1981 • 7 who were supposed to cut was the Good Life: my rela- in on girls dancing. My tives not only had inherited only aim at those parties money, but were all successful was surface popularity. doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, Subconsciously I was so in- or architects. They went to the secure I didn't think of mak- best New England prep ing friends with boys; I tried schools, to Ivy League colleges only to sparkle enough (my and graduate schools. All the life-of-the-party personality) girls were debutantes. so lots of stags would cut in. Everyone was in the Social I kept count all night. Register, belonged to the Liquor thus gave me a per- right clubs, wore the right sonality change: a warning clothes, traveled a good signal of a teenage drinking deal, had summer homes problem. and married well. Do you ever drink alone? Is it any wonder I believed Once, for a week when I had that heavy drinking was automat- problems producing a chil- ically part of a life-style that many dren's musical at college. But my people aspire to, or think they envy? co-producer was also nipping out of a bottle in I have a good number of relatives on both her room, so I didn't feel I was actually drinking sides of the family who are alcoholics, all genera- alone. tions, but the denial is strong and they help one Having liquor in my room at Harvard was another. I am the only one who has stopped grounds for expulsion—a pretty powerful deter- drinking through the major self-help group for al- rent. When I first got an apartment alone after coholics. college, I began drinking alone immediately. Is it necessary for you to drink in order to Do you drink as a way to stop worrying? have fun? Not consciously. In retrospect, faced with any I thought so, particularly if boys were involved. family, romantic, academic, or employment prob- On dates I needed booze to feel comfortable. lem, I'd have a few drinks to calm down. I knew For example, once a handsome Harvard premed I'd get instant relief from alcohol. Of course, the student took me to a glamorous dance hall out in problem didn't go away, but I never considered the country. I didn't know ahead of time that the that. "bar" served only soft drinks. I'll never forget my Do you feel guilty about your drinking? incredulity—asking the boy why he hadn't I knew I drank differently than a lot of people, brought a pint—then the trapped feeling. I particularly girls, but since I had a big capacity couldn't wait to get out of there—I feigned (characteristic of teenage alcoholics) I honestly menstrual cramps. I was 17. He never asked me thought this was a talent and that I was a very out again, but I wouldn't have gone anyway. His lucky girl. idea of fun wasn't the same as mine. I could Do you get upset when anyone says you drink always find the heavy drinkers wherever I was: at too much? school, college, girls camps, deb parties, summer If anyone criticized my drinking, I'd rationalize stock, European trips, family reunions. After I that he or she was square and missing a lot of found them, everything always seemed more fun. Nobody at home criticized me because they drank heavily too. They might criticize my Does drinking make you feel more equal to actions—staying out too late, doing poorly on the other kids? exams, some noisy parties—but not the drinking I was always a year or more younger than itself. other kids in my school or college class. If a boy My parents drank cocktails regularly before appeared to be really interested in me, I had to dinner, often before lunch on weekends, and al- drink to be alone with him for any length of time, ways offered drinks to guests, including college even for a goodnight kiss. In retrospect, this was students. because my self-esteem was so intrinsically low Family gatherings—weddings, funerals, New that if a boy really liked me, I subconciously Year's Eve parties, any kind of get-together-- wondered: Why me? always featured a lot of drinking. I thought this Consciously, I'd begin trying to figure out what

8 • LISTEN • September 1981 was wrong with him: look for evening. I even packed a any kind of flaw, suspect him pint of whiskey when I of being turned down by lots backpacked up Mount of other girls before settling on Washington for ski second-class me. After a few weekends. drinks, however, I'd feel better I had a big capacity— about myself, quit waiting for tolerance and I studied my- his inadequacies to surface, re- self carefully to be sure I lax, and enjoy myself. wouldn't appear inappro- Do you sneak drinks from priately drunk, such as stag- your parents' supply or gering at someone's grand- anyone else's? mother's house. However, if I My parents kept a well- was with a group of heavy stocked bar, and I had the drinking buddies, t thought run of it if boys came over. nothing of going to the bath- If I wanted to booze it up room, throwing up, and rejoin- alone with another girl, we'd ing the party for more to drink. drink from several bottles so That, to me, was "fun." my parents (hopefully) Have you ever forgotten what wouldn't notice. happened while you were drinking? Did you ever Steal money to buy liquor, wine, Several times I couldn't remember how I got or beer? home from a party the night before. Usually my No. date couldn't remember either. I had no way of Did you ever steal liquor, wine, or beer? knowing that blackouts are a warning signal of Occasionally from parties or people's houses to teenage alcoholism. take outside and drink with a boy. Have you ever been busted or had any medi- Have you stayed away from "straight" kids cal treatment because of drinking? since you started drinking? I got a duodenal ulcer at college. My father, As I've mentioned, I dated only boys who who was a psychiatrist, figured it was the stress drank—particularly in college. of doing too much: the drama groups, full course Do you hang around mostly with the kids who load, skipping meals, or eating junk food. My drink? doctor put me on baby food and regular sips of I had girl friends who didn't drink the way I milk and warned me not to drink coffee, tea, or did, but I felt more on the same wavelength with alcohol for the rest of the school year. I didn't those who did. touch coffee or tea, but within three days I was Do most of your friends drink less than you drinking scotch and milk and felt no pain. do? Because of the ulcer, I saw a psychiatrist twice I figured my drinking friends drank the way I a week who was interested in resolving my fam- did. In some cases I was right. Quite a few are ily conflicts. I didn't feed him any information now in A.A., or should be. about my drinking—alcoholics seldom level with I was always ecstatic when I found psychiatrists about that. We want to get our someone—boy or girl—who could match me, neuroses ironed out so we can drink normally. drink for drink, and enjoy it the way I thought I Do you think you have a drinking problem? did. I was 5'2," weighed under 100 pounds, and Yes, I did have a drinking problem. When I had a reputation for being able to outdrink the was in college, alcohol ruled my life. Harvard football team. Do you drink until you are drunk or until the SCORING: bottle is done? 1 yes answer to these questions—a warning I didn't get drunk every time I drank, but once 2 yes answers—possible alcoholic I began drinking, I could never predict how 3 or more yes answers—probably alcoholic much I'd drink. That's a signal of alcoholism. (The author scored 12 yes answers.) Sometimes one or two beers would be enough. But at closing time in a bar I'd always order one Reprinted with permission of the author from Kids and more. I don't remember refusing a drink—ever— Drinking, CompCare Publications, Copyright 1977 by at a party, bar, home, at lunchtime or in the Anne Snyder.

LISTEN • September 1981 • 9 Be Captain of Your Own Shia BILL VOSSLER You know them. The gaunt shells of humans what dies inside a person while he lives." Those in whose eyes life's spark has died. They shuffle little pieces that die inside mean a wasted life. along, or wallow in the gutters, or lounge va- It isn't that those gaunt shells of people cantly against brick walls. Of course, you could planned to waste their lives. And the wasting never become one of them. didn't occur overnight. The field for the wasting Or could you? had to be plowed and then strewn with seed. "The tragedy of life," Albert Schweitzer said, "is How have you plowed your life-field? What

10 • LISTEN • September 1981 seeds have you sown? And have you planted wishing for a weekend! You need to realize that those seeds in rows, or haphazardly, or among weekdays are also days of your life. stones? Those five days of work make the weekends Are you wasting your life? Armed robbers con- more desirable. A life of weekends would soon fess that their crime was not their first. They be no fun. You can't take a vacation from doing worked their way up, so to speak, maybe from nothing. lying or "borrowing" a pencil in school. Life-wast- In addition, you need to face your problems to ers on drugs, dissolute lives, or those who waste make your weekday life fun. Are you trying to their lives through procrastination, complaining, learn history? Are you giving your all? How can or giving up follow the same path as the armed you know what might help your future life? Can robbers, beginning with the little, moving to the learning algebra, for instance, hurt you? Do you big. participate in class or in extracurriculars? If not, Are you dying—killing yourself a little bit every why not? You're in high school only once. You day—or are you living your life to the fullest? have to learn to face the problems that you build Take this test. Then check the "Answer" section for yourself, against learning, for example. for suggestions and rate yourself in the scoring Wrecked lives in later years come about be- section. cause of wrong turns—or no turns—on today's Yes No 1. Do you involve yourself with road of life. Take those turns today and every drugs—liquor, marijuana, speed, day, not just weekends. If there's no path, make cigarettes—"sometimes"? one! Yes No 2. Do you live for weekends? 3. No. There are several types of complaining. Yes No 3. Do you complain about school- The most common is the "useless" complaining work, traffic, your parents, or friends —about having too many algebra problems or so regularly, like about every day? much traffic that you get home late. This comp- Yes No 4. Do you have goals for your life, laining is useless because you can't change the preferably written goals? number of problems or the heavy traffic. Yes No 5. Do you examine your life's prog- It's important for mental health that you learn, ress at regular intervals, say, monthly? to paraphrase John F. Kennedy, that some things Yes No 6. Do you make a point of doing in life can be changed while others can't, and to good deeds and/or helping others? recognize the difference between them. Ask your- Yes No 7. Do you consciously try to better self this question: Will I end up doing this any- your life? way? If the answer is "Yes," you're wasting pre- Yes No 8. Are you a varied and well-rounded cious moments of your life in complaining. And teen with many different activities in you aren't making any friends. Do you like com- which you participate? plainers? Yes No 9. Do you look forward to different Some complaining, of course, is constructive activities? and valid, such as letters to sponsors of shows, Yes No 10. Do you dare to be different? to editors, or to parents about allowances. 4. Yes. To know where you're going, you need to know where you are and where you've been. A Preferred Answers/Suggestions goal is a signpost along life's road. When you peer back, can you see the last guidepost or 1. No. No proof exists that any of these help merely haze? Is your path straight or zigzagged? you in any way. Indeed, quite the opposite. People with goals seem to be happier because Mountains of evidence (see recent issues of Lis- they have a direction and a destination. Instead ten, plus Reader's Digest, November 1980) about of scattering their energy, they direct it at one the harmful effects are piling up. At your age, no goal, close in on the goal, and finally reach it. matter how mature physically or mentally you For instance, Melissa's high school goal was a are, you can harm yourself grievously by taking lofty one: to become an all-state basketball any drug, even "sometimes." In addition, by par- player. She started on the varsity of her tiny ticipating at times, you're revealing your lack of school beginning with the seventh grade. She willpower vs. persuasion by your peers; or your played basketball every chance she had. lack of grasp on the vision of your life, so to "Whenever I needed her," her mother said, "all I speak. had to do was check the basketball court in the 2. No. You're killing yourself five days a week, back yard." She studied players better than her- LISTEN • September 1981 • 11 self. She learned and adapted. She made All- you close your mind automatically, whether it's to State (at 5' 3'/2") her senior year. Shakespeare or to singing. Try many varied ac- A peculiar sidelight of having goals is the un- tivities. expected bonuses you get. Melissa is getting a lot 9. Yes. If life excites you, if you're living it to of aid to attend college; she has met many, many the fullest and not dying inside, you will have lit- people and the list goes on. tle (or big) activities you look forward to— If you write the goals down, simple or complex mountain peaks above the plateau of life, so to as they may be, and tape them in a conspicuous speak. You'll be glad to be alive and even more place—on your mirror, inside your locker—you're glad once or twice a week when you play vol- not so liable to forget. Some goals, like losing leyball or go to church. five pounds or smiling at your enemy every day, You don't live for that mountain peak (like may take some willpower and a lot of effort. weekends, as mentioned earlier), but you're even Knowing exactly what your goal is, however, more excited than usual when that time comes. makes it easier. As a sidelight you'll suddenly discover how un- 5. Yes. A life without evaluation is like a test planned events will excite you. without a grade. You learn from your victories or 10. Yes. Different is not necessarily bad. Be- from your mistakes. Have you set your weekly lieve me, you will have to learn to be different goals too low? Or too high? What did you learn? sooner or later in order to live a happy life, so What have you improved at? What still needs you might as well start now. I don't mean work? Are you still on the right path? Ask your- `weird." Don't bang your head against a brick self these questions and others and adjust your wall for attention or wear cut-offs to a formal goals as you go. function. But if everyone else wants to see The 6. Yes. We've heard so much about helping Empire Strikes Back and you prefer the opera old ladies across the street or shoveling snow for Macbetto, on the same night, go to the opera. It's a neighbor that we may have become dulled to your life. No two people will ever think exactly other people needing help. Sometimes we need alike. help too, like the poster says. So why should you It's your life. Do what you prefer—as long as use your precious time helping someone else? it's not hurting anyone—rather than going along (A.) You'll feel better. (B.) They'll feel better. (C.) with the crowd simply because you're afraid to You'll fmd you'll get help when you need it. We appear different. Sure, you may compromise at reap what we sow. times, but not always. We're all in life together; we might as well try making life easier for each other. 7. Yes. Like any job, we do not become better Scoring at life unless we make a conscious effort. We Give yourself ten points for each question you need to try to eliminate our faults gossiping, answered correctly. moodiness and enhance our virtues— Congratulations! You are living a much fuller friendliness, generosity. It takes conscious effort life than most people. You are captain of your and constant work. own ship. 8. Yes. "Variety is the spice of life" is so true. You're getting there, but you're probably incon- But even more so, you never know how much sistent and unsure afraid at times of what you'll enjoy something until you try. A 27-year-old others will think of you. friend who had never been in a play said after People sway you too easily. Study your own life the final night of The Odd Couple (in which he'd more. Discover, one by one, the things you truly been convinced to play Felix), "I'd start rehears- believe and really want, then implement them. ing for another play tomorrow, if there were one." You're frustrated, bored, and unhappy. Start That's the reason your school subjects and ac- pulling your own oars, mate. tivities are so varied: you never know how well Trouble. As the wind blows, so blow you. you'll like something until you try it. Or re-try it. You're dying daily, hourly. Maybe the time is not right. In high school, for Little grains of sand falling from the top of an instance, I hated Shakespeare. Now I refer to his hourglass eventually fill the bottom. Daily deaths writing at least once a week and use many of his eventually add up to the final death. I know quotations in my writing. I read him for pleasure you're not ready for that, so take advantage of life as well. while you're here. The ship is leaving now. All You consign yourself to a premature death if aboard! 12 • LISTEN • September 1981 In this International Year of Disabled Persons, the best way to solve this worldwide problem is to deal with basic causes. Strikin at the Roots of Dis ility Interview with Robert Muller by Francis A. Soper Dr. Muller, on a worldwide basis, how big is the problem of disabled persons? It's a very sizable problem. Only after World War II did we begin to have accurate statistics on the world population—its levels of nutrition, diseases, education, etc. So Ws quite recently that we've realized the problem is so big. Estimates now show that disabled persons number about 450,000,000, which is 10 percent of the world population. In other words, about one person in ten can be considered a disabled person. In addition, there's a "disability family," since those who are disabled bring added problems to their family members. What are some of the reasons for this, and how do they vary between Eastern and Western countries? In the developing world, where two thirds of the world's population live, the causes of disability usually

LISTEN • September 1981 • 13 come from poverty or lack of health facilities. An drug problems, can bring serious damage to the example of this is malnutrition, which can lead to children of those people involved. Such disabilities many kinds of physical handicaps. may result from genetic causes. This is the reason for However, these countries are now meeting some of increasing concern about the effect of smoking and drinking on the pregnant woman. Also the world's population is getting older. Among these people disabilities come more fre- quently, whether from falls or other causes. And if drugs are involved, the risk increases. Could you comment further on the part that par- ents might play in this picture? One important thing we've learned from biology is that the genes record our experiences, so that the lives we lead from the moment children are conceived may have not only immediate effects, but also long-term results. The genetic development of the human species is a constant recording of our behavior and of our adapta- tion to the environment. Hasn't this problem of accidents always been with us? There are enormous differences between the past and the day in which we live. Let me give you an example. Twenty or 30 years ago, if a person was drunk, he simply walked home. If he fell down, he probably didn't hurt himself much or anyone else. Today, however, that person doesn't walk home. It's completely different when he has in his hands a machine which runs at 60 or more miles an hour. And there may be other people with him, as well as the same problems as the West. The automobile pedestrians along the road and other cars speeding civilization is penetrating these areas, so that this too nearby. is beginning to be a major cause of disability. Indus- I see that one of the purposes of the Year of the trial development also gives rise to accidents and Disabled is to help develop measures to prevent this other causes of disability. problem. What do you suggest along the line of In Western countries up to 50 percent of dis- prevention? abilities are from automobile accidents, a large part If I were the head of a government, the first thing I'd of these being among young people. In some areas at do would be to change the name of the Ministry of least half of such accidents are alcohol-involved. Health to the Ministry of Health and Prevention. Furthermore, we're also concerned about indus- The health profession today deals less and less trial accidents, about 30 percent of which can be with bacteriological diseases and more and more traced to alcohol. Many home accidents, including with environmental diseases. The best guarantee for fires, have the same cause. having a healthy population is not so much to fight We are having to look at the root of the disability the viruses, but to fight the causes back of these tragedy, and there's no doubt that alcohol can be diseases which cause early deaths. singled out as one of the main culprits. In doing this, the person's life habits need to Would you include the use of other drugs, includ- change, and one can see the increasing concern ing the smoking habit? among the people themselves, as expressed in their Yes, they're usually related. Alcoholics generally greater interest in health foods, holistic medicine, also smoke, and often they use other drugs. But and recent evidence that sicknesses often originate whether it's both habits or only one, disabilities often in the mind. Today the real concern is not so much result. the physician who keeps people healthy; it's the Let me add two other factors. Alcoholism, or other people's concern on their own behalf.

14 • LISTEN • September 1981 In the last two or three years the World Health Often society has built-in habits. For example, ad- Organization (WHO) has come to the conclusion that vertising tries to link happiness—and even good the primary concern in the field of health is no longer health—with such things as alcohol and tobacco. It to treat infectious disease but to induce people to take suggests that you have to use these things if you want good care of themselves. The individual should let to be handsome, beautiful, and admired. his body function normally and keep away from It's fashionable to attend wine parties. If one asks anything that might interfere with that function. for a soft drink, he's considered as being odd. This is The WHO has designated "Health Year 2000," wrong. The normal person should be the one who with the theme that health begins with the individual does not drink, and the one who drinks should be the and is not the primary responsibility of the doctor or one considered odd. the hospital. In other words, health should be the As a matter of fact, the WHO has recommended normal state of the person. An extension of this idea that there should be no more promotion at all of is that non drinking and non smoking should be either drinking or smoking. Of course, this is not normal behavior. respected in many countries, but it's obvious that You are saying then, Dr. Muller, that to a great here are social habits that are not healthful. extent the disability problem can be solved if each What other methods might be used to decrease the person looked to himself instead of to the environ- problem of disability even further? ment? In my opinion ifs a matter of education. This That's correct. I think God has given us fantastic should start with the family, and it should go on in bodies. We have built into these bodies a will for life, the school. It's an education of respect for life and the a will for healing. best functioning of the body we have received. Reli- The best solution, therefore, is to have a good gion should help in this education too. mental attitude toward health, to believe one is In addition, I believe that there ought to be educa- healthy, and to give courage to the entire body to do tion by example. When a horrible accident is caused its best, to adapt itself to circumstances, and to avoid by alcohol, this should be made plain in the press anything that impairs the normal work of the body. reports. On the other hand, publicity should be given This is very important. to examples of those who never touch alcohol. Why do so many people, knowing the danger of Educate well, and prevent promotion of these certain indulgences, go ahead with them anyway? damaging things.

The year 1981 has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as I win) the International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP). V This official logo of the IYDP represents two persons holding hands in solidar- V ity and support of each other in a position of equality. One aim of the U.N. in establishing the IYDP is to encourage rehabilitation of the estimated 450 million people on earth who suffer from some form of physical or mental impairment. Another purpose in promoting the IYDP is to develop educational methods to prevent disabilities and to reduce the extent of this worldwide tragedy. Among the chief causes of disabilities, according to the United Nations, is road accidents, which injure 10 million persons a year, and home accidents, numbering 20 million or more a year. Mental illness will strike one out of 10 persons at some stage during life. Mental patients occupy one quarter of all hospital beds. Crippling diseases are still widespread. Some 20 million people have leprosy, for example. Blindness disables up to 15 million, cerebral palsy, at least 15 million more, and hearing troubles about 70 million. The problem of disabilities grows with the world's population. And more city life and industrial development add to accidents and environmental diseases, especially because of the increased use of automobiles. In this Listen exclusive interview, Dr. Robert Muller, secretary of the U.N. Economic and Social Council, takes a close look at one of the major causes leading to disabilities and gives practical suggestions how much of the problem can be prevented.

LISTEN • September 1981 • 15

"I've known so many centage crack under the strain and flip out beautiful people in my busi- on drugs, sex, whatever. ness who are empty," commented actor- But there is yet another problem, and model Stephen Shortridge as we sat in the strangely enough, this one comes with suc- living room of his home in Hollywood, cess. Actors become increasingly bored if California. "I mean, they're shells. That smil- they do the same series year after year after ing exterior is nothing but a facade. Under- year. Stephen caught an early glimpse of neath there's loneliness, even fear." what could happen in this regard when he Stephen had just been through the kind of signed on with the "Welcome Back, Kotter" situation that tends to cause insecurity series, technically as a replacement for John among actors—the cancellation of his new Travolta. series, Aloha Paradise. Naturally he was dis- "It can get to be so boring," he observed. appointed, but he weathered it better than "For a long, long time you stand around most because years of experience have doing nothing. I saw guys who appeared to taught him some harsh facts about his pro- be literally smoking themselves to death. fession. They would cough, often violently, but when "For every good thing in acting, 10 bad the coughing passed, they inhaled more of things may occur," he continued. "There have that obnoxious garbage into their lungs. been many instances when I read for a part Being on a series gives you so much idle and simply didn't get it. And the No comes time, even when you're working. Grabbing a after a week of wondering what the answer cigarette becomes a handy crutch." is going to be. Stephen talks from experience because he "I've had to realize that there may be a fell into that trap himself hundred reasons why I don't get a job. "Yeh, I did," he admits. "I regret that this Perhaps my hair's the wrong color, or I'm too was the case, but, fortunately, I was able to tall because the actress I'd have to work with discipline myself and get out of the smoking is four feet in height. And so on. If you took syndrome before it was too late for me. Too all this stuff personally, well, you'd become many people I've known over the years have unhinged." suffered abominably due to the habit." Stephen has found it necessary to develop But, bad as it is, smoking isn't the worst a realistic attitude toward money as a result outgrowth of the pressures heaped upon ac- of the uncertain nature of being an actor. tors. "I've tried to avoid being a spendthrift," he Drugs. added. "Who knows what's going to happen? "They're quite prevalent out here," Stephen You can be making good money one week said. "Several of my friends are into the drug and be out of a job the next. So you have to scene, and I've been doing everything I can save your money, live on an even keel." to help them get out. But it's very difficult Live on an even keel. once you've become hooked—psychologi- Yet quite a number in the acting profes- cally, physically, or both. sion do anything but—it's pathetic to sit, as "It's pure escape, of course; they try to flee this journalist has, in a producer's office and from their worries, their insecurities. And at watch the flood of hopeful young people who first glance drugs appear to be a handy way drift in and out, desperate for parts. They of doing this. But what happens after that live only for their careers; many admit that high passes? The 'crash' is enough to make they couldn't do anything else except act. some attempt suicide." Yet the competition is fierce. I have known Over the years the history of Hollywood of several instances in which actors couldn't has been filled with the tragic stories of even eat while they await word as to whether people who have died because of drugs: they get a role for which they had screen Judy Garland, Nick Adams, Janis Joplin, Jim tested. And when they find out that they Morrison, a host of others. Everything tal- have been rejected, well, an unfortunate per- ented, good, and worthwhile was eaten away. LISTEN • September 1981 • 17 seems to encourage some manner, shape, or form of drug dependency," he remarked, grimacing a bit. "And I'm thinking of drugs in a broader and all-encompassing sense. If you have a headache or any other kind of ache, real or imagined, pop a pill into your mouth; if you're not able to sleep, certain tablets are the answers; if you feel down, get a prescription from your doctor for a specific 'medicine' that will boost you up once They felt that no again." hope was left; death Chemicals. seemed the only way out. The new "gods" of this age. Sadly, though, no one ever seems to learn Millions are flocking to them. from the experience of others who have al- Being enriched are the middlemen, the lowed the drug syndrome to swallow them pushers, the parasites whose bank accounts up. In some respects, drugs are even more become bloated from the agonies of their fashionable in Hollywood today than they "clients." I have interviewed a number of were five, ten, or fifteen years ago, perhaps police officers over the years who have seen because the pressures are greater as the re- a vast panorama of these individuals. Nearly sult of fewer films being made and the com- all of the pushers, I am told, are totally in- petition consequently being heightened. sensitive to what they are doing to human "Nothing can take the place of feeling at lives. peace," Stephen said. "If you're secure within Today the pushers are, in a sense, the ben- yourself and in your relationships with eficiaries of a specific climate of thinking in others, life can be joyous." society. Part of his approach to this inner stability "When young people find themselves sur- is the effort he devotes to keeping his body rounded by literally hundreds of millions of in shape. dollars worth of marketing and promotion "I play racquetball three times a week, aimed at convincing everyone to use these surf, swim, do a lot of exercises. If you're various substances, well, it's easy to see why seriously overweight and you find it an effort it has become fashionable to start popping to do certain things, you're not going to feel pills of one sort or another and to do so at very good in terms of your mental state. A the slightest excuse." body that's out of condition will contribute to Stephen is far from being alone in how he anxiety, depression, and so on." feels. An increasing number of people in Stephen also has other hobbies to occupy show business—including Henry Winkler, his time. One of these is photography. I saw Scott Baio, and others—are speaking out a beautiful collection of his photographs— against drugs as well as drinking, trying these were artistic, imaginative. And there their best to warn of the dangers, and hoping were his paintings, too. Stephen may be one that their words don't fall on deaf ears. of the best artists in Hollywood—a sugges- "Something needs to be said," Stephen tion of Renoir in his work. added. "If we are popular due to the fact that "Hobbies are necessary," he said. "Each of our fans look to us, accepting as reliable us needs something to enable us to relax. whatever we say or do, then we shouldn't Working all the time, without taking it easy, miss the opportunity to use this kind of in- can be very harmful." fluence for purposes that are constructive. Stephen is deeply concerned about what Anything else is a cop-out." countless numbers of young people are Obviously Stephen Shortridge is one who doing to themselves. doesn't intend to cop out. He lives his life on "There is so much in society today that an even keel. 18 • LISTEN • September 1981 If you watched the 1980 World he'd been a little cocky, but ac- Series on TV—and surveys cording to friends from those showed that about a third of all rrell days, he wasn't. sets were tuned in to the fall "Ever since he played Little classic—you saw a catcher for League baseball and Pop Warner the Kansas City Royals named League football, Darrell's natural Darrell Porter. Porter talents made him a star. When Maybe you saw him get an there was a pickup game, he was important base hit for the Royals always picked first, but it never in game five. Looking neat and went to his head," said one of trim, he swung the bat with the F hts his high school pals. natural grace that is the hallmark As first-draft choice of the of all truly fine athletes; they Milwaukee Brewers after his high make it look easy. He tipped his ck school graduation, Porter re- cap as the Kansas City fans gave Jerry D. Lewis ceived a handsome bonus for him a rousing ovation. signing his first baseball contract Looking at the scene, you and figured without conceit that might have been tempted to he stood on the verge of realizing think: "He's young and ruggedly his boyhood dreams of glory and handsome. He's getting a becoming a big league star. $200,000 salary for playing a The Brewers assigned Porter to game six months a year, and their Clinton, Iowa, farm club, he'll get another $25,000 or so for and he left home for the first playing in the series. During the time—only to run head on into season he works three hours a the world. day. Half the season, when the "Suddenly," he remembers, "I team plays away from home, he wasn't the best natural player stays at the best hotels and eats around. All the others on the in the best restaurants with all club were just like me. They were expenses paid. Life is a breeze the best where they came from. for him!" For the first time in my life I had Last year Porter once again a struggle playing ball. I was hit- was elected by baseball fans to ting about .150, and the game the American League All-Star stopped being a game. It was team. That election recognized hard work and no longer a case him as one of the best catchers of merely walking onto the field in baseball. and being the star. After the World Series, Porter could not come "That was hard enough for a kid of 17 to take, to terms with the Kansas City team on a new a kid who'd never heard anything from a crowd contract and declared himself a free agent. He except cheers. The hardest part, though, was was signed by the St. Louis Cardinals to a five- being out there away from home on my own. I year contract which will pay him some $700,000 couldn't handle that at all. I clammed up, held a season. everything inside myself, and got so lonely I de- When questioned about his new contract, Por- cided a dozen times to quit and go back to Okla- ter replied, "Sure, I'm lucky to have that kind of homa City. The only thing that stopped me was contract, but then, I'm a lucky guy. In fact, I'm that I knew a lot of people back there were root- lucky to be alive. That I'm still playing baseball ing for me. I didn't want to let them down." is a minor miracle." At that point the Clinton team went on a road What is miraculous about Porter's baseball trip to other small Midwestern cities. First career? To understand his comment, you have to stop—Appleton, Wisconsin. Porter realized how go back to 1969 when, at the age of 17, Porter poorly he was playing when he was ordered to graduated from high school as one of the most report to the ball park two hours before the other publicized athletes in Oklahoma City history. He players for additional coaching. had good reason to be confident of his ability "Besides being desperately lonely and feeling and his future and could have been excused if like a complete failure who had disappointed LISTEN • September 1981 • 19 everybody, I had to work out by naciously hang on to their jobs?" myself every day, so all my The same courage that kept teammates knew I was a flop. Porter from quitting baseball dur- That was sheer torture." ing his first season in uniform After one of the games at Ap- now enabled him to rebuild his pleton in which he'd again made life. On March 14, 1980, while at a couple errors and gone without spring training camp in Fort a hit, his frustration was at a Meyers, Florida, Porter went to peak. Back at the rundown motel, the office of the Royals' general he asked a few teammates if they manager, Joe Burke, a wise, wanted to hit a bar. That in itself compassionate man typical of was very unusual for Porter, who the Royals' fine organization. hadn't been a drinker in high "I'm in trouble, and I need school. help," Porter told Burke, recount- "I used to take a sip of beer ing his problems of the last 10 once in a while," he says, "and years. The following day he that was all. Not that I was a committed himself to The goody two-shoes. I just didn't like the taste of the Meadows, a rehabilitation clinic in Missouri. stuff. I used to be the guy who drove all my Dean Vogedaar, the Royals' director of public re- friends around to parties. They'd drink, and I'd lations, told the press only that Porter had left the drive." team temporarily "because of personal problems." That night Porter and the other young rookies Six weeks later Porter rejoined the Royals and, left the motel and went to a bar some blocks as mentioned earlier, played well enough to gain away to avoid being seen by the manager. In Por- election to the All-Star team and help his team ter's words, "We proceeded to get pretty well win the American League pennant and get into soused. It was the first time in my life that I got the World Series. Those feats didn't surprise too drunk." many people. What did surprise many who know As the alcohol distorted his mind that night, Porter as a rather reticent young man was his full Porter thought: "Boy! This is the answer! No disclosure of his reasons for leaving the team in more loneliness! From now on it's going to be March. He could have tried to keep it a private beer and fun, fun, fun." matter, but instead not only told sportswriters When that season ended, Porter signed up to and broadcasters in every American League city play winter ball in Mexico and celebrated his about his alcoholism and drug addiction, but eighteenth birthday below the border. also went out of his way to appear before teenage "One of the guys in the club introduced me groups all over the nation. "I am a recovering al- that night to marijuana. That was great too. I fig- coholic," says Porter. "I am a recovering drug ad- ured now I had another way to forget my trou- dict. I'll always be one. I've got to be constantly bles: if I drank enough—and by now I was onto aware of it. harder stuff than beer—and smoked enough pot, "I hope my past ceases to be such a big story I'd never have to worry about anything." in time," he says, "but I don't ever want it kicked Because Porter was blessed with a remarkable under the rug. By talking about it, especially to body, he found it possible to endure 10 long kids like I was 10 years ago, maybe I can keep years of such self-destructive living. But as the some of them from falling into the same trap I 1980 baseball season approached, Porter realized did. he couldn't go on living that way. "I needed more "Last year I helped the Royals win some ball and more drinks to get high and more and more games," Porter continues, "and that was great. I pills to get back down. I was playing blind. I hope this year I can help boost the Cardinals up don't know how many times my mind didn't the ladder in the National League. But if I can function properly. I've often wondered since how save one kid's life, then I'll really be paying my good I might have been if I had been clean. dues as a human being—and that's a lot more "All of a sudden I woke up one day and important." realized I was killing myself. I had lost every- That's why a lot of people are rooting for Dar- thing but my job. That's all that was left. Have rell Porter to have a great season in 1981 and to you noticed how many alcoholics lose their keep hitting home runs—even if all they know families, their pride, their self-respect, but te- about a baseball is that it's round. 0 20 • LISTEN • September 1981

Lisa used to talk to her mother about everything. But now she feels alone. Mom just doesn't understand what it's like to be a teenager today. She doesn't understand the doubts, the in- securities, the scary feelings about sex. The longer Lisa's feelings go unspoken, the harder it becomes. Lisa can feel the sand pile up in the bottom of the hourglass. But she doesn't know it has shifted from one generation right into hers. Then she reads a letter from her grandmother—who's0 been Listen to the warm dead for three months—and that changes Lisa's life. •

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Send coupon and payment to: The Sound of Listen Collection Box 4390 Washington, DC 20012 Offer expires December 31, 1981. 1.1=1 VIEWPOINT How Will You Get More Out of School?

Jerry Thrush Carol-Ann Volk Mamie Kitchen 12th Grade, San Diego Academy 9th Grade, Summerland Secondary 9th Grade, Galesburg-Augusta High San Diego, California School School I plan to start each day with prayer Summerland, British Columbia, Galesburg, Michigan and Bible study, eat a good break- Canada I will do my homework when I first fast, and get lots of exercise and rest. First I must have a positive attitude get home and do it in my room so I If I'm tired in the evening, I'll set my toward school. I should strive to do can concentrate better. I will listen alarm and get up early to study. I well in my subjects and to be kind more in class and participate in ex- also plan to do extra credit projects and helpful toward my teachers and tracurricular activities to develop and get involved in extracurricular ac- fellow students. I find that when I physically and socially as well as tivities. make an effort to do well in my work, academically. I get the most out of school. Want to put in your two cents' worth? We'll pay $5 for each student opinion (50-75 words) published. To qualify you must send a recent photo with your written opinion, specifying your grade, the name of your school, and your hometown. Each submis- sion will be evaluated on logic, clarity of expression, and legibility. Sorry, we cannot return submissions or photos. Question for January, 1982 Listen: What would you do if you Ruperto Rodriguez Tony Cohen knew one of your Mends was 10th Grade, Glendale High School 9th Grade, Mann Junior High School selling drugs? Glendale, California Abilene, Texas Submissions for January Listen To succeed in this world we must I've found that I can think and rea- must be received by September 25, have specialized skills and training. son much more clearly after a good 1981. We get these in school. Success in night's rest, so I'll do my best to get Send opinion, photo, and return school requires planning, discipline, plenty of sleep by going to bed at a address to: Viewpoint commitment, and participation. With reasonable hour. Also, if I have Listen Magazine these we can learn more about our- homework, I'll be sure not to rush 6830 Laurel St., NW selves and our environment. through it. Washington, DC 20012 22 • LISTEN • September 1981 STEPHEN NEWMAN •

In ' III I Or 4 i I - II I I /I OrAIW/AW ' /.•11 MI ///fAN -iii ' . M A . r •11111" ID' rdIMI MIllimmil WIWI I=III MII/iI a Ill .iii..... III 41111II=W II'' _=MMII/////// -"W/IM W/'-- rM /1 Or 4 -'.1 I Iir i r -.Mir IIIENIMIN0""..,MII•I -.... r .iwiP. Illik.- WirAW - I'la ..AIML M . M— MI

What's a lemon—a faulty car or a fruit that's biturates are called stumblers, downs, downers, taken with tea? idiot pills, or sleepers. Sometimes it's neither. Third, some few drug nicknames refer to the Is every Christmas tree to be found in a warm way in which a particular drug can be taken. living room on Christmas Eve? Cocaine, a stimulant similar in effect to the am- No, again. phetamines, is usually snorted or inhaled It's not enough to remember the names of through the nose. As a result, cocaine has earned countless substances in order to keep up with a the nicknames blow, superblow, nose, nose conversation about drugs. Most "recreational candy, and nose powder. Individuals injecting drugs" have earned many nicknames, or street heroin, a powerful central nervous system de- names, as they've been used over the years. And pressant, into the large vein in the crook of the if the drug started out as a prescription drug, it arm frequently speak of mainlining in describing may have had a handful of names before it their drug use. reached the street. Finally, a significant number of nicknames are Methaqualone is the generic or nonbrand name simply shortened forms of the actual names. for a sleeping pill that has recently become popu- Barbiturates are barbs. Cocaine is coke. LSD is lar on the streets. But most street users have acid because, although few users know it, LSD is never heard the name methaqualone. They know lysergic acid diethylamide. And, if you haven't al- the drug as Quaalude, one of its former commer- ready figured it out, that's why Quaaludes are cial brand names. They are also likely to know of methaqualone by one or more of its street names, But what about the other nicknames for including 'ludes, quacks, lemons, 714's, soaps, methaqualone? Well, a second brand name for soapers, and sopes. the drug used to be Sopor. That explains soaps, Confusing? Of course. Still, there is some soapers, and sopes, and the methaqualone tablet sense in the dozens of street names being ban- itself is embossed with the word Lemmon and died about. Most street names refer to one of four the number 714. That explains 714's and lemons. characteristics of the drug or drug family being Now to the bad news. described. It's time to admit that a few street names are First, a large number of street names refer to so vaguely related to the drugs they refer to that what the drug looks like. Different am- the connection has to be explained before it can phetamines, pills that wake you up and make be understood. you feel alert and energetic, are called greenies, Two other nicknames for marijuana are reefer whites, or black beauties because that is the and pot. According to the American Heritage Dic- color of the particular pill or tablet. tionary of the English Language, reefer "perhaps" Some barbiturates, drugs which relax you and comes from the nautical term "reef," which make you sleepy, are called reds, blues, yellows, means a sail that has been rolled to reduce its pinks, Christmas trees, or purple hearts for the wind resistance. Because marijuana is often same reason. rolled into the form of a cigarette, it is now Several drugs, including cocaine, metham- known as a reefer. Pot, as it turns out, does fit phetamine, and PCP, are nicknamed crystal be- into one of the four rules listed above. As far as cause they can be sold in a form that looks like a we know, it is a shortened form of the Mexican- crystalline powder. PCP is also called angel dust Spanish word for marijuana, potaguaya. or dust, and marijuana is called grass or weed. All of this seems enough to convince one that All of these names are descriptions of the drug's this confusion is intentional. And, of course, it is. appearance. Remember that most recreational drug use is Other drug nicknames graphically describe the drug's effects. Amphetamines are called leapers, But when it isn't? Well, how many nicknames speed, uppers, ups, wake-ups, or pep pills. Bar- have you heard recently for coffee? EARTH TRIPPIIK The Joys ajlicoikeed•Head Smiling and sassy, and humming tunes Now let's look at weeds another way. into the sun and wind, weeds live their lives In a forest, when a storm blows down a in abandoned lots and along roadsides. They big tree, it leaves a hole there. When rain are brothers and sisters to broken bottles, and wind enter this hole, they wash away tatters of paper, dust, and broken concrete. and blow away the unprotected soil. Having Sometimes I sit cross-legged among them the right kind of soil is extremely important going weed-head. to all plants, so it's serious business when a Among the weeds I become like a butterfly forest develops a hole and its soil is en- emerging from its cocoon, when up close I dangered. see as if for the first time green leaves and As soon as such a hole appears, weed flowers and fruits yielding rainbow colors seeds begin arriving. Some are blown into and mind-joy textures and designs. Then the hole by the wind; others are carried there comes a nervous beetle climbing a stem of on the fur of animals such as rabbits and goldenrod weed so up-up-up-up-up, until foxes; still others are deposited there in the quietly it sits. Then I am distracted by odors droppings of animals passing through the of crushed mint and am led to a plant with forest. blossoms shaped like dragon heads. Then I These seeds germinate to make all kinds see beyond me sunbursting daisy weeds and of weedy vines, weedy bushes, weedy weed grasses standing calmly and dignified, wildflowers, and even weedy tree seedlings. and my head is carried forward into their The resulting dense vegetation protects the flower geometry until I believe that weeds soil from rain and wind, which is exactly and I do indeed hang together with such what the forest needs. gentle ecology. That's not all. Some weeds even produce

1. Milkweed pods open to allow 2. Black-eyed Susans grow as weeds be- 3. In the past the fruiting heads of teasels parachuted seeds to escape into the wind. side a road. were used as combs.

24 • LISTEN • September 1981 chemicals that other plants need. Such stop mowing and let nature take its course. weeds are like little fertilizer factories. Weed Nice story, huh? roots grow deep into the soil and keep it loose, the way it's supposed to be. When If you want to go weed-head, there is a weeds die, they rot and become part of the special two-step routine you can follow. soil, which improves the soil. Therefore, in a 1. Learn the names of some common forest, weeds are the good guys. weeds around your home. Most weeds live only one or two years. 2. Look up those names in nature books However, while they occupy a certain area, and plant encyclopedias. other longer-living plants, especially trees, You need to be a real nature detective to appear among them. Eventually these trees find out the names of weeds. Most libraries grow tall and their shade makes it impossi- have books called field guides, which are ble for the sun-loving weeds to live below full of pictures of plants and animals. Find a them. In other words, in a forest's hole, field guide for weeds or wildflowers, match weeds help trees make a comeback, but any unknown weed you find with its illustra- eventually the trees drive out the weeds. tion, and the plant's name will appear next Maybe you wonder why, if this always to the picture. Once you have a plant's name, happens, weeds don't disappear from the you can look up all kinds of information. face of the earth. Well, nature always is being shaken up by one thing or another; Maybe now you can see that weed-head is some weed seeds always find a good place a special way of looking at things. Also it in which to germinate. isn't merely for dealing with weeds; it's a In our cities nature "sees" weedy roadsides frame of mind you can use in everyday life. and weedy abandoned lots as if they were It lets you see rainbow colors and smell soft huge holes in the natural vegetation. Wher- fragrances in places where you expect only ever there are weeds, nature is trying to dreariness. It lets you see the value of certain stabilize and improve the soil so that non- things that usually go overlooked and unap- weedy natural plants can live there later. preciated. Dandelions in our lawns are going into bat- And weed-head is for crowded streets and tle on behalf of the wild plants and animals our own homes and schools just as much as that would live there if people would just it is for roadsides and abandoned lots. 0

4. Umbrella sedge is a typical weed found 5. These are the flowers of redtop, a grass 6. White clover puts ammonia—needed in wet places. often found along weedy roadsides. by most plants—into the soil.

LISTEN • September 1981 • 25 any so FORTH...

ANDREW JACKSON cigar-smoking man wearing a the bill by altering a real $20 bill and GETS A FACE LIFT panama hat and holding a spread of then photocopying it on 80 percent A 26-year-old Hamilton, Montana, bills. The bogus bill carried the sig- rag bond paper. man recently paid a $20 traffic fine nature of "United States Treasurer The embarrassed court cashiers with a $22 bill. Alaska Jack." are unwilling to say whether or not The spurious bill featured in An- According to Hamilton Police Chief the bill passer was given $2 drew Jackson's place a picture of a Jon Willette, the counterfeiter made change.

26 • LISTEN • September 1981 Listen Artist's Paintings Hang in White House Listen is proud to benefit from the talents of such recognized ar- tists as Jack Pardue, who illustrated this issue's feature story, "Pudge No More." Recently Vice President Bush selected a Jack Pardue painting as his personal birthday gift for President Reagan. He also chose to hang a Pardue painting in his own White House office. It all began when Mr. Pardue was commissioned by Walt Gretschel, art director of U.S. News & World Report, to do the magazine cover of Ronald Reagan's inaugural ceremony. JOHN AWAITS YOUR tion in his newspaper. Peter Teeley, press secretary for PROPOSALS, DEERE The ad: "A 38-year-old bachelor the Vice President, noted that Mr. Have you ever suspected that a farmer wants a 30-year-old wife, with Bush especially liked the cover certain bride was chosen for the a tractor. Please send a picturc of painting. And with Mr. Bush's per- dowry she had to offer? the tractor—along with your reply." mission Mr. Teeley subsequently Bob Boyd, editor of the Hill City Such an ad is bound to prompt a contacted the artist and requested (Kansas) Times, harbors such a sus- few "Dear John" letters from irate permission to purchase it. Last Feb- picion, and with good reason, judg- females in addition to the ruary 6, Mr. Bush presented the ing by the following want ad recently "John Deere" letters the advertiser painting to the President for his 70th submitted to his office for publica- hopes to receive. birthday. But the story doesn't end there. UN-EXPECTANT MOTHER treated her for a possible hernia. But When Mr. Pardue delivered the SUDDENLY IS EXPECTANT when she felt no better after months U.S. News & World Report cover Luke Lucas's 50-year-old mother of treatment, Mrs. Lucas reconsidered painting to the Vice President, he discovered she was pregnant only 11 her ability to conceive and asked to also took Mr. Bush a print of a days before his birth. be examined with a fetal monitoring painting of the American Indian, When Mrs. Lucas, who has three device. When her doctor ran the de- Sitting Bull. grown sons and five grandchildren in vice over her stomach, he paled and The following week, Mr. Pardue addition to Luke, felt ill last spring, called for a nurse. received a second call from Mr. she never considered the possibility Eleven days later, 33 years after Teeley expressing the Vice of pregnancy because menopause the birth of the first Lucas boy, Luke President's interest in the original was already behind her, or so she was born, healthy and normal. Sifting Bull painting. Mr. Pardue thought. The fact that she was gain- Although the daily routine has agreed to loan the painting to the ing weight didn't tip her off either, changed around the Lucas house- Vice President to hang in his of- since she had always been heavy. hold, parents and child are all "hav- fice during the next four years. Her doctor, a general practitioner, ing a ball."

LISTEN • September 1981 • 27

SCRAMBLED MUSICAL BIRDLAND WORD MAZE INSTRUMENTS Lucille J. Goodyear Milt Hammer Big birds, little birds-all types of birds! How many different birds can Unscramble and rearrange the let- you find in the letter maze below? There are also words associated with ters and find 15 musical instruments. bird-land. The names and words may run up, down, horizontally, verti- cally, or diagonally. 1.DUKELETTRM G N L T S E N G E R E P P C 2. PANESHOOX 3. GRITUA H E E L E G S N P E Y 4.RAINLETC S 0 0 N B L D N U 0 R G L C G K 5.COINCROAD R N N 6. TERMPUT T P C A U T E Y 0 B N L U 7.0NYXH0PEL 0 C C D E E H 0 G R E E 8.PIGSPEAB H C T A C Y L F L D G A N N E L 9. COOLI PC 10. LION! V K E E B S 0 G N L R E D N S P N 0 11.GROAN N V K A L B E L 0 0 S T E B 12.SOBSANO 0 0 N D L 0 B C 0 N 0 L 0 13.H0USESONAP 14.BROOMENT G N H R E P L H G K 0 C N U J B 15. CHARMANIO H E C E H P T Y N R E G E K 0 T E H S C F P M D B R A H H J G T F H L M R E M M K S E C R L F P K M E E M N C B B B N T E T M 0 V R U R E R E 0 S E X R G 0 L H L L 0 0 N F L G N X L Y L F L 0 R Y L K N E D N G N B 0 R D C L "Exercise certainly keeps her 0 D V E R 0 N L B U L S P A R R 0 fit. Most cheerleaders F L C U N 0 G T P A G E use pompons." BARBET, BARNYARD, BEAK, BILL, BIRDHOUSE, BLUE, BOATBILL, BOBOLINK, BOBWHITE, BOWER, BREAST, BUG, CANARY, CARDINAL, ORIGINS CAT, CEDAR, CHICKADEE, COLOR, CONDOR, CORONET, COW, CREEPER, Ruth Schiefen CROW, CROWN, CUSHAT, CYGNET, DIPPER, DIVER, EAGLE, EGG, EYRIE, FALCON, FARM, FEEDER, FLAMINGO, FLICKER, FLICKERTAIL, FLY, Complete these terms by filling in FLYCATCHER, GANNET, GARROT, GODWIT, GOLDFINCH, GREBE, GROS- the blanks with nationalities. (For BEAK, GROUND, HERON, HUMMINGBIRD, JACANA, JUNCO, KEA, LARK, example: French fries.) Some of these LINNET, LOON, LORY, LOVE, LYRE, MALLARD, MARTIN, MATE, MERLIN, may have more than one correct an- MOA, NENE, NESTLING, NIGHTJAR, ORIOLE, OSTRICH, OWL, PARTRIDGE, swer. PERCH, PEREGRINE, PETREL, PIPER, PTARMIGAN, RAIL, REDWING, ROASTER, ROBIN, ROOK, RUFF, SANDERLING, SKIMMER, SNIPE, SONG, SPARROW, SPOONBILL, SQUAB, STORK, TAIL, TOURACO, TOWHEE, 1. cheese TREE, TROGON, TURNSTONE, VEERY, WAX, WAXWING, WEAVER, WHIP- 2. measles POORWILL, WILLET, WING, WOOD, WREN, YELLOWHAMMER 3 setter 4. roulette PUZZLE ANSWERS Answers to "Scrambled Musical 5 violet 6. treat Instruments" 7 muffin VOINOINHVH 5l '3N08 8. man-of-war -WOHI '171. INOHdVSClOS 'NOOSSVEI 'NVOLIO l- l 'NI-101A .01- 9. checkers '070001d '6 'S3:11deV9 '9 '31\10Hd01AX 'L '13:11A111E11 '9 'NOIOHOD 10. hairless -DV '9 '13NIEIV-10 '17 'wine .0 '3NOHdOXVS Z 'INC1LI43-1.113>1 11. bacon PUZZLE ANSWERS Answers to "Origins" 12. moss 13. toast asawe!S S l 'Lls!>1-Ini •t7l. 'qouaid C l `uslueds 'ue!peueo 14. bath 'ueoixatAi 0l 'aseu!LIO '6 'asanbnpod *9 'qs!l6t-I3 'L 'ueo 15. twins -I-4V '9 'miss% 'qs!Pu3 JO Lisp, .E 'Lleapae 'UE'Op@WV JO SS!MS

28 • LISTEN • September 1981


Only the Best— ter at sub-intoxicating doses. Muscle Navy Acts to What's Your Choice? incoordination can be documented in Restore Discipline some individuals after as little as a single beer. In others it may require In an effort to improve both its public What's your choice for exercise? three drinks in less than 30 minutes to image and its level of performance, the Experts working with the President's produce similar disabilities." Navy has ordered a crackdown on Council on Sports and Physical Fitness Very important to an athlete is his illegal drug use. have studied 14 different forms of exer- heat tolerance. Dr. Hoyt makes this This get-tough edict was handed cise in terms of regular participation comment: "Several studies have shown down by Admiral Thomas Hayward, and vigorous activity. that a single beer can reduce an chief of naval operations, in an effort to The study showed to what level a athlete's heat tolerance for 24 to 48 stiffen discipline among lower-ranking sport produces cardio-respiratory en- hours. More alarming is the fact that seamen. durance, muscular performance and three or more drinks within a single 24- Investigations show that about 48 strength, flexibility, and balance, also hour period can reduce one's heat tol- percent of the 2000 enlisted men sur- what the sport does for weight control, erance for up to 10 days. This is cer- veyed used marijuana. Also, reports in- digestive action, and sleeping habits. tainly alcohol's most long-lasting (and dicate drug use was involved in the Running was found to be the best least well recognized) effect on athletic tragic aircraft-carrier accident recently overall exercise. Bicycling finished performance." that took a large number of lives. second, and swimming and ice or roller Pride and professionalism are in- skating followed. compatible with drug abuse, says Ad- Handball, squash, and racketball A Little Stress Is Good, miral Hayward. provide a maximum of exercise in a But Don't Overdo It minimum of time when they are played Top Diplomacy Needed vigorously. However, courts are often not available and are expensive. "If you don't have some stress, you to Combat Drugs Calisthenics is the best of all for flexi- might as well be dead," says Mae D. bility. It can be done on a person's own Hightower-Vandamm, president of the Control of narcotics problems plagu- time and terms anywhere, any time. American Occupational Therapy As- ing the United States requires diplo- sociation. "A certain amount is normal macy at the top levels of government, and healthy." says Peter Bensinger, retiring adminis- Here, however, is where she draws trator of the federal Drug Enforcement One Beer Makes a the line. "Distress from too much stress Agency (DEA). Difference for Athletes is unhealthy," she goes on. Super- Such problems, he points out, are achievers "simply expect too much of closely tied in with international policy, Many athletes have a beer now and themselves. They tend to anticipate since a major part of the marijuana and then, especially in connection with a more than it is humanly possible to re- virtually all the heroin, cocaine, and hard game or exhausting exertion. ceive from a relationship or an quaaludes in the United States come Now Dr. Craig Hoyt, sports phys- occasion—or, perhaps, to give to one." from abroad. iologist, comes up with disturbing news What to do about all this? "Diversion Foreign countries should be encour- to these imbibers. or a change of pace—that works well aged, he says, to eradicate their "The detrimental results of alcohol when you need to de-stress distress. narcotics-producing crops by copying consumption by athletes are multiple," Just make up your mind and change Mexico's program for destroying the he says. "They include: impaired coor- the scene. If you can't walk around the sources of opium and heroin. dination, reduced heat tolerance, de- yard, go to another room, pick up a Other much-needed changes in- creased maximum oxygen capacity, magazine, and start reading it." clude stiffer bail for narcotics traffickers, and reduced muscle contractile But no method will suit the needs of more federal funds for drug enforce- strength." everyone in all kinds of situations. ment at every level of government, and Even with moderate use of alcohol "Stress-reduction techniques need to greater cooperation between federal the negative effects are evident. "For the be somewhat customized or per- and local agencies involved in the serious athlete, alcohol can be a disas- sonalized." problem. LISTEN • September 1981 • 29 EDITORIAL September 1981 Vol. 34, No. 9

Skating on Thin Ice LIST4111 Editor Francis A. Soper Do you ever dream of a life always serene and smooth, a life with no Assistant Editor Barbara Wetherell interruptions or unexpected problems, a life with only joy and fulfill- Audio Services Sherrie Thomas ment? Historians call it utopia. Editorial Secretary Gloria Meyers In reality, however, we know that such dreams are illusions. Life in Office Editor Ken McFarland this world simply isn't that way. Art Director Howard Larkin A crisis may come into the life of any person at one time or another. Layout Artist Cliff Rusch Events like these cannot be predicted and usually come at the worst Circulation Manager Gary D. Grimes possible times. Office Manager Henry Nelson Perhaps it's the death of a spouse or a son or daughter or other close Sales and Promotion R. F. Mattison, Milo Sawvel family member. Maybe it's a major accident that leaves injury or disability for life, with massive hospital and medical bills to pay. Or it may be a business reversal or a major loss by fire or a natural disaster, Photo and illustradon Credits such as flood, wind, or earthquake. Pages 1, 16, 18. 19, 20.24, 25, supplied by the authors, page 2, Jack Pardue; page Any of these events are traumatic, changing the course of a life 6, Adams Studio; pages 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, Tm Mitoma; page 10, Lauren Smith; pages t3, 14, 22, Robert Hunt page 27, Cynthia Johnson, The White House; page 31, (9 overnight. But the question arises, How can I meet such an Ulli Seer. The Image Bank emergency? Unfortunately, some attempt to do so by dubious and dangerous Editorial Office ways, one of which is trying to escape into the drug, alcohol. Such a 6830 Laurel Street NW, Washington, DC 20012. method actually doesn't solve anything. Instead, it blurs reality and Publication Office Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1350 Villa Street, Mountain makes a person less able to meet circumstances intelligently. View, California 94042. If a person takes to the bottle, his problems still remain when he All editorial inquiries should be addressed to the Editorial Office in recovers from his binge. Undoubtedly they'll be more fearsome, since Washington, D.C. Inquiries regarding subscriptions should be ad- drinkers often add to their woes while in their haze. dressed to the Pacific Press. A social drinker, or one who imbibes only occasionally, may feel Subscription Rates—per year smug and secure, well protected from the excesses he may see in When purchased in U.S.A., $24.00 (U.S.) package plan, mailed to others who he thinks "can't hold their liquor." addresses in U.S.A.; $25.00 (U.S.) package plan, mailed to ad- dresses outside U.S.A. When purchased in Canada, $29.75 (Can.) Gradually this once-in-a-while indulger comes to drink for the feel- package plan, mailed to addresses in U.S.A.; $30.75 (Can.) package ing he gets from his drink, the drug effect the alcohol gives him. plan, mailed to addresses in Canada or overseas. In other words, he drinks because of the pleasure he derives, little realizing that when anyone takes any drug merely for pleasure, he's LISTEN, monthly journal of better living (twelve issues a year), pro- vides a vigorous, positive, educational approach to the problems skating on thin ice. arising out of the use of tobacco, alcohol, and narcotics. It is utilized It's this very person who, when faced with emergencies, tends to go nationally by Narcotics Education, Inc., also by many organizations in overboard and attempts to find liquid escape. This can more quickly the field of rehabilitation. Second-class mail privileges authorized at plunge that individual into the throes of alcoholism. Mountain View, California. Form 3579 requested. Litho in the United Programs designed to prevent alcoholism seldom if ever suggest States of America. the nonuse of alcohol as a logical way to avoid trouble. This approach This publication is available in microform from Xerox University Micro- is felt to be unrealistic in view of the social acceptance of drinking films, 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48106, (313) 761-4700. Write today and the tendency to use alcohol as a tranquilizer. for complete information. However, in this very tendency lies the possible danger. A person who receives a "glow" when he drinks and feels he can level out life in this way, will all the more want to do the same when the big bumps come along. Moving? If there was ever an argument for the nonuse of alcohol, this certainly If you re moving, please let us know at least 6 weeks in is one. Abstinence is a word seldom used anymore. Perhaps many advance Attach your label from the back cover of this issue people are afraid of the very idea. But it has a place in any careful, Write your new address in the blanks long-range view of life. Abstinence is logical and desirable in order to NEW ADDRESS (Please print) assure anyone that he can meet trauma with the ability to adapt. Name On the other hand, if he's been skating on thin ice, it's all the more likely he'll break through into the deep waters that will prove his Address undoing. City State Zip


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Copyright © 1981 by Narcotics Educatidn, Inc. Life has no anchors. You either lift the sails high and taut, and enjoy the wind and cooling spray. Or you roll down the sails and merely drift along in a listless sea.

---Ruth Schiefen At least 6 weeks before changing address, please return this label with new addres A JOURNAL OF BETTERST€11 LIVING

"1 lky to Hit the Mistakes" The Hot-llsb Party Thirteen Ways to Handle Heartache What to Do After High School

It's a popular magazine slanted to youth. LISTEN encourages the development of good habits and high ideals of physical and mental health. It provides help for those wishing to quit smoking, drinking, or having problems with drug use. LISTEN outlines positive alternatives to the drug way of life.

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