Reduction in Penalties at Sentence August 2009 A report of the NSW Sentencing Council A report of the NSW Sentencing Council pursuant to section 100J (1) (c) of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW). The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the private or professional views of individual Council members or the views of their individual organisations. A decision of the majority is a decision of the Council— Schedule 1A, clause 12 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW). Published in Sydney by the: NSW Sentencing Council Box 6 GPO SYDNEY 2001 Email:
[email protected] ISSN: 978-1-921590-15-3 CONTENTS The Council Officers of the Council Acknowledgements Table of Cases Table of Legislation RECOMMENDATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: DISCOUNT FOR PLEA OF GUILTY CHAPTER 3: ASSISTANCE TO AUTHORITIES CHAPTER 4: OTHER DISCOUNTING FACTORS IN MITIGATION AT SENTENCE CHAPTER 5: APPLYING DISCOUNTING FACTORS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SENTENCING EXERCISE AS A WHOLE CHAPTER 6: CHARGE NEGOTIATIONS CHAPTER 7: THE TOTALITY PRINCIPLE AND THE USE OF FORM 1 CHAPTER 8: ADVICE OF THE COUNCIL ANNEXURES: A - CASE STUDY: MURDER IN NSW B - SUBMISSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY THE COUNCIL The Hon James Wood AO QC, Chairperson The Hon John Dunford QC, Deputy Chairperson Mr Howard Brown OAM, Victims of Crimes Assistance League Mr N R Cowdery AM QC, Director of Public Prosecutions Assistant Commissioner Paul Carey, NSW Police1 Mrs Jennifer Fullford, Community Representative Ms Martha Jabour, Homicide Victims Support Group Mr Norman Laing, NSW Aboriginal Land Council Mr Ken Marslew AM, Enough is Enough Anti-Violence Movement Mr Mark Ierace SC, Senior Public Defender Ms Jennifer Mason, Department of Community Services2 Ms Penny Musgrave, Department of Justice and Attorney General3 Mr Ronald Woodham, PSM, Department of Corrective Services 1.