THE HERITAGE ALLIANCE Bringing the Community together



Editor : Barry Richards

E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site:

The Worthing Heritage Alliance

Bringing the Community together

NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2016 Issue Number 2 Table of Contents

















The Worthing Heritage Alliance


Bringing the Community together

NOVEMBER 2016 Issue Number 2

The Worthing Heritage Alliance was established in 2010. Its aims are to represent, develop and promote the heritage of Worthing and its surrounding area. Membership of the Alliance comprises representatives from all groups and professional organisations which have an interest in the heritage of the area. The Alliance aims to work collaboratively with all relevant organisations to promote our heritage through fostering a wider interest and active participation in events, projects and attendance at heritage venues.The members of the Alliance meet quarterly and produce a bi-annual newsletter (May and November), available at Member Society meetings and outlets around the town.

The newsletter is designed using a “template” approach in which each member Society is given a separate section to describe its objectives, latest news, and calendar of forthcoming events with special features and promotional material (e.g. posters) included as appropriate.

At the end of the newsletter all forthcoming events across all member Societies are consolidated , summarised and printed in chronological order so that members of all Societies and visitors can clearly see what is coming and maybe of interest. Hopefully this will encourage a greater participation in society events and an increase in overall membership.


Friends of Sussex Canadian Family and Friends High Jane Local History Broadwater and of Worthing Family Roots Worthing Salvington Austen History Group Researcher Cemetery Museum Windmill Trust Society

Transition West Sussex WSCC West Sussex Worthing Worthing Worthing Worthing Archives Society Worthing Library Geological Archaeological National Society Society Society Trust

CHAIRMAN : Tom Wye MBE CONTACT : Peter Stafford (Sec) on 243180 E-MAIL : [email protected] rthing



The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: Canadian Roots UK is a not for profit organisation which helps children fathered by Canadian servicemen during or just after WW2 trace their Canadian family. Over 22,000 children were officially fathered by Canadian servicemen during WW2 in the UK but the actual number of illegitimate children born from relationships with Canadian servicemen isn’t documented. The Canadian soldiers started arriving as early as December 1939 and most stayed in the UK until D Day and then returned after the end of the war to be demobbed. It is well known that 1946 in question was the year of the baby boom, so many servicemen would have returned to the UK said goodbye not knowing that a child was on its way. During the war years servicemen left the UK, like during the Dieppe Raid in 1942 never to return. So for whatever reason there are many children now in their early 70’s who do not know who their biological father is and most have so many questions that may never be answered.

The late Chris Vowles who founded Canadian Roots UK in 2008 was one of these children. Unfortunately Chris’s mother died whilst giving birth to Chris and it was left to Chris’s aunt to bring him up. Details of his Canadian father were never given, and throughout his life Chris tried many ways to trace this man, even trying DNA testing.

Due to the strict Privacy Law that Canada has it is very difficult to obtain information on another person, but as long as the person looking has a certain amount of information there is a strong possibility that a family can be traced. Over the years Canadian Roots UK have had a good success rate and to date 138 families have been reunited.

Canadian Roots UK is also responsible for the flying of the Canadian Flag on the sea front at the bottom of Grand Ave., and in 2013 a Memorial to the Canadian Servicemen was unveiled which stands on the beach beneath the flag. An annual memorial service takes place on the 3rd Sunday in August to remember the Canadians that left Worthing and West Sussex never to return.

LATEST NEWS: WW2 children are continuing to be reunited making a total of 142.

On Sunday 21st August the annual service of remembrance took place and we were very pleased to have Lady Emma Barnard from Parham House who gave details of her families involvement with the Canadian servicemen that were stationed in and around the grounds of Parham during WW2. Around 200 people attended the service including M.P., Major Tom Wye represented the Lord Leiutenant of West Sussex and the Mayor and Mayoress of Worthing. Cadets from the Navel and Air Corps handed out copies of the program.

Canadian Roots are also involved with the revamping of the promenade area in front of the Memorial. Funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund is being investigated in order for this project to be achieved. It is hoped that a Canadian maple leaf will be imbedded on the prom along with additional benches plus further information board.

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Pam Vowles on 340795 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB :


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





EVENT LOCATION DATE EVENT DETAILS & TIME Promenade bottom 20Aug2017 Canadian Memorial Day Service of Grand Ave., West Worthing

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Pam Vowles on 340795 E-Mail: [email protected]


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ABOUT ME: A seventh generation Worthingite who is descended from the Broadwater blacksmith, William Paine, my interest in local history developed while researching my family. I belong to several local history groups, including the Sussex Family History Group. I am also a member of the research group of the Friends of Broadwater and Worthing Cemetery, and a contributor to their tour guide booklets and newsletter.

My case study, (no 42), The Paine Brothers of Worthing, part of the West Sussex and the Great War Project, can be found on

LATEST NEWS: The past few months have been a busy and rewarding time for research, with a number of things cropping up unexpectedly.

In April, a lady from Australia posted a query on the FBWC website, asking whether anyone knew the whereabouts of a letter which had been written from Melbourne by my great uncle, Duke Paine. This letter had been published in the Guardian on 13 July 1853, and I was able to send her a transcription, along with one of a second letter written from Ballarat and published in the West Sussex Gazette in November 1855. These letters describe in great detail life in the Australian gold fields, along with news of other men from the Worthing district who had emigrated.

By coincidence, Paul Holden wrote an article in the September 2016 edition of The Worthing Journal, which included extracts from Duke’s first letter. It was Paul who had come across this letter a number of years ago, when editor of The Worthing Sentinel.

In May, Antony Edmonds wrote an article for the Nostalgia section of the Worthing Herald, based on advertisements for businesses from an old guidebook for Worthing. Two of these, Barnwell’s Nursery and Frost’s Bridge Pharmacy, had featured in previous cemetery tours, and as both had family connections, I had done the initial research. My cousin, Graham Bettelley, and I both contacted Antony Edmonds, and as a result, with Antony’s generous encouragement, and the support of James Connaughton from the Herald, I wrote an article on Frost’s for the 28 July edition of the paper, and Graham wrote one on Barnwell’s Nursery in August.

Following the discovery of a long lost cousin, I have been compiling an account of our Worthing relatives dating back to the early 1700s, which I am sending to her in instalments. This has led to researching some of the more distant lines of the family, revealing even more connections to some of the other old Worthing families.

With plans under way by the FBWC researchers for next year’s cemetery tours, there is plenty to look forward to in 2017.

CHAIRMAN : N/A CONTACT : Rosemary Pearson on 238651 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : N/A ANNUAL SUB : N/A

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FEATURE ARTICLE: -- FROST’S DRUG STORES The advertisement for Frost’s Bridge Pharmacy in Railway Approach, which featured in Antony Edmonds’s article (Worthing Herald, May 26), brought back memories of my early childhood, although sadly the area currently bears little resemblance to the days when I would accompany my mother on visits to see my grandfather, Harry Bettelley, while he was working there.

The Bridge was possibly Worthing’s best known pharmacy at the time, having been owned and run by two generations of the Frost family before being taken over by W Aston & Co Ltd, another well known firm of local chemists. The obituary of William Frost, in the Worthing Gazette, (July 10, 1918), gives some interesting background information.

William Frost had originally qualified as a doctor and for several years, following his marriage, he practised as a physician in Bromley. However, he decided to diversify and in 1870 he became a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society. By the time the Frosts arrived in Worthing, William Frost had also become a registered dentist, and he set up a chemist’s and dental practice in Chapel Road. The family, meanwhile, lived in North Street, where the youngest of their six children was born in 1879. When in 1885 the Railway Company put some land to the south of Worthing Station up for auction, William Frost seized the opportunity and purchased a site on which he had a substantial property built to serve both as his home and business premises. This was named Washington House, 1 Railway Approach Road, and the new pharmacy opened the following year.

From the very beginning, there was an emphasis on providing high quality drugs and other products at the lowest prices, and the business flourished. There were a number of name changes over the years. An early photograph shows the name as “W. Frost, Chemist, Dentist”, so clearly William Frost was still practising as a dentist at that time. However, it seems that he gave up dentistry in order to concentrate on his pharmacy and the sign in an advertisement of 1897 shows “W. Frost, M. P. S., Dispensing Chemist”. The business was already known by the familiar name of the Bridge Pharmacy, owing to its close proximity to the railway bridge, and part of the , one of the last sections to be culverted, ran through the garden.

Article continued on next page 

CHAIRMAN : N/A CONTACT : Rosemary Pearson on 238651 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : N/A ANNUAL SUB : N/A

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The Worthing Heritage Alliance



FROST’S DRUG STORES (continued) My grandfather, Henry Henshall Bettelley, better known as Harry, was born in Hanley, Staffordshire, youngest of the five children of a potter. Despite a difference of some fifteen years, Grandad was very close to his eldest sister who had married a pharmaceutical chemist. Perhaps this had some influence on my grandfather’s choice of career, as by 1901 he was employed as a chemist’s assistant in Tooting.

Like William Frost, Grandad was a homeopathic chemist, and while still in his twenties he moved to Worthing as Frost’s assistant. When he married my grandmother in 1908, his address on the marriage certificate was given as Northcourt Road, which was where William Frost’s eldest son, William Thomas, and his wife were living at the time, so it seems likely that he had been boarding with them. After their marriage, my grandparents moved to Browning Road where my mother and her two elder brothers were born.

By 1911, William Frost had retired, leaving the business in the capable hands of his eldest son. However, William Thomas Frost was becoming increasingly involved in local affairs, and following his father’s death in 1918, he moved to Bulkington Avenue, leaving my grandfather to manage the Bridge Pharmacy. According to local directories, Washington House was now divided up into three sections. The Bridge Pharmacy remained no.1 Railway Approach, with the upper part being let out as no.1a. My grandparents moved into no.2, where my youngest uncle was born in 1925. They remained there until about 1930 when they moved into a home of their own. The new occupier of no.2 was Harold Green, a supplier of cooked meats, and as soon as I was old enough, my grandmother used to send me there to queue for some of his well-known meat pies.

My mother had very happy memories of living at The Bridge and of playing in the Teville stream in the garden. She recalled times when her father would pull teeth from those unable to afford the services of a dentist, and she became fascinated by watching her father at work in the pharmacy. She often said that had she not missed so much schooling through ill health, she might have followed in his footsteps. Her interest did stand her in good stead, though, as following the death of my father in 1948, she spent many years working for Aston’s

My own memories of the pharmacy date from the years immediately following the War. I loved to visit, and while the adults were busy, I would be perched by the counter wondering what was in all those bottles and the intriguing drawers with the gilt lettering. One drawer contained numerous tiny liquorice pellets, and I was allowed to have a few of these - a real treat as sweets were still on ration. Sometimes Grandad would be mixing ointments on a marble slab with a palette knife, or measuring out liquids from one of the bottles - all very different from pharmacies today. I learnt that some of the bottles were made of a distinctive ribbed glass because they contained poisons, one of which can be seen on the worktop in the photograph of my grandfather. Lavender and peppermint featured strongly, and our medicine cabinet always contained a bottle of Grandad’s peppermint flavoured “Kaolin & Morphine” mixture, a trusty remedy for upset stomachs.

Article continued on next page -->

CHAIRMAN : N/A CONTACT : Rosemary Pearson on 238651 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : N/A ANNUAL SUB : N/A

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One of the best-known recipes devised by my grandfather was for “Capulene”. This was advertised as a hair food, but was really a type of shampoo, which came as a powder packaged in a paper envelope. The powder was mixed with a cup of warm water and massaged into the hair, then left to dry before being brushed out. With no rinsing involved, it proved very popular among the elderly and invalids, and it really did leave the hair clean, soft and with a lavender fragrance. I know, because I sometimes used it.

After the death of William T Frost in 1946, the business was taken over by Aston’s and the interior was modernised. My grandfather remained as manager for a while until his retirement, not long before his death in 1951.

I recall Railway Approach as a pleasant tree-lined thoroughfare, but when the area was redeveloped to allow for the widening of Broadwater Bridge, the pharmacy, along with all the other neighbouring buildings, was demolished. The Teville Gate car park now covers the site.

Note: A version of this article appeared in the 28 July edition of the Worthing Herald.

CHAIRMAN : N/A CONTACT : Rosemary Pearson on 238651 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : N/A ANNUAL SUB : N/A

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CHAIRMAN : Debra Hillman CONTACT : Debra Hillman on 07932687315 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB: £3

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2016 has been another good year for the group and a successful one for the tours of the cemetery; Saturday, Sunday and private tours alike. The weather was again very kind to us for most of the tours but even the odd wet day did not discourage our visitors. Open Day this year was, of course, the first time that a tour has been presented by local children. This was very well received and has provided the research team with quite a challenge for next year to maintain or exceed our visitors’ expectations. A challenge I know they will rise to!

Our links with have been strengthened through our involvement with the Green Space Partnership as WBC also sends representatives to the regular meetings. This is a useful forum to share information and discuss issues with other local groups. Working with the Community Park Rangers I hope we can take advantage of the quieter winter months to set up proper compost bays in the cemetery and to generally tidy things up ready for the Spring when everything starts growing again! I will also watch with interest our wildlife/wildflower pilot project to see how that progresses in 2017.

Membership remains at a healthy level and my thanks, as always, go to everyone who has contributed to the group in the past 12 months. Your input, however small, is greatly appreciated and without your support the group could not exist. A special mention is due to the committee members for giving up their time again this year to enable the group to run effectively. It is important that we do not take these people and the work they do, for granted.

A sunny day for our August tour but a rather wet October tour!

CHAIRMAN : Debra Hillman CONTACT : Debra Hillman on 07932687315 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB: £3

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CHAIRMAN : Debra Hillman CONTACT : Debra Hillman on 07932687315 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB : £3

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We are an enthusiastic, well-established group who behind the scenes, and at front of house for special events, gain pleasure and satisfaction from helping Worthing Museum. If you have a passion for history and the arts please read on. With your help we could do more. Members enjoy an excellent and varied programme of lectures, in the Worthing Library Lecture Theatre on the third Tuesday of the month. Doors open at 2pm with tea or coffee available, for a prompt start at 2.30pm. Social Events are held in the Worthing Museum education room in July and December. New members welcome - subscription is a bargain at £10.00 per year. Entrance fee per meeting is Members - £2, Visitors - £4.

LATEST NEWS Our May AGM was well attended and the Committee re-elected. An excellent talk The First Saxons in Sussex, by Museum Curator Archaeology, James Sainsbury followed. The unique Patching Hoard, found by detectorists, comprised coins issued from 333-470 AD with some minted in Ravenna, and some never found anywhere else in the world. Then on to Highdown where glass objects were found in a Saxon cemetery dating from 450 AD. James had brought along some artefacts from the Museum for members to see at close quarters. Items ranged from human remains to jewellery, shiny gold coins and more. This was a real treat as the Friends had contributed to the funds raised to purchase the Patching Hoard in 1998. In June we welcomed Charles Kay for his talk ‘Mark Lemon’ – founding editor of Punch magazine, which was first published July 1841. Born in London in 1809, Lemon was a talented writer contributing to magazines and newspapers, and wrote 60 plays and operettas. He was also founder editor to The Field magazine. Lemon had a passion for acting with Falstaff his favourite part. He became great friends with Charles Dickens but a deep rift occurred when Lemon represented Catherine, Dickens’s wife when Dickens pursued a legal separation from her. Then Lemon moved to Crawley where editorial meetings with Punch staff were held in the George Hotel from 1858. He died in his adopted home town in 1870. July Summer Party Excellent entertainment followed by a splendid tea ensured a successful July Summer Party for The Friends of Worthing Museum. The diverse programme of talks from members ranged from the variety and history of street post boxes through to a detailed look at Velazquez’s painting The Waterseller of Seville through to The Return of Albert (who famously had been eaten by a lion). It seems he came back with his hands and

face quite clean! His parents were a little disappointed as his regurgita tion meant no insurance money.

Worthing’s one and What better than to come across a only Edward VIII waterseller in the scorching heat post box. Rare due of Seville? His was a common trade to the fact that for the lower classes but Velazquez Edward VIII has given him dignity in this calm, abdicated and was quiet picture. He is passing a bright The Return of King for less than a glass of freshly poured water to Albert year. the boy. It has a black fig inside it to freshen the taste of the water.

Latest news continued on next page >

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Dot Watson on 239890 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance




LATEST NEWS - Continued

Louise Peskett got the new season of The Friends of Worthing Museum of to a cracking start with her talk ‘Notorious Women of Brighton’. We heard of the entrepreneurial bathing machine dipper, Martha Gunn who bought her own house from her earnings, remarkable in 18th Century. Phoebe Hessel disguised as a man to serve in the British Army. Vesta Tilley successful woman entertainer who impersonated men. She appeared in the first Royal Variety Performance in 1912 and Queen Mary did not approve! Mercedes Gleitze an endurance swimmer and first person to swim the Straights of Gibraltar & first British woman to swim the . In Worthing swimming baths 1933 she swam non-stop for 47 hours. Barbara Hulanicki OBE fashion designer, born Poland of Polish parents, educated Brighton, founder of iconic clothes store Biba. The names went on with pictures and details of all, delivered impeccably and with enthusiasm. In October words and pictures carried The Friends of Worthing Museum back to the time of Cecil Pashley, pioneer aviator. Speaker Bill Gage explained Pashley’s career began with gliders. Soon he was gripped by power driven flying at Brooklands, moving to Shoreham airport in 1911. The area’s larger population gave him opportunity for expansion of flight training and joy rides to the public. Members marveled that the large and seemingly unwieldy flying machines could get airborne. Pashley trained large numbers of pilots during both world wars and received the Order of the British Empire in 1948. The Friends are delighted to support the Open 16 an exhibition and competition open to anyone, of any age, who lives or works in East or West Sussex. The Friends have sponsored the purchase of £150 vouchers for artist materials for the first prize of the Open 16. This is a popular Museum event which recognizes creativity within the community. It is also hoped to help promote the Friends both at the exhibition and on the museum website. A short interview given by Committee Member Mr Abe Marrache had been recorded and was available on Museum Facebook. The exhibition runs from 26 November 2016 to 25 March 2017 In November members were enthralled by Dr Janet Pennington’s talk on the magical, mystical Sussex landmark ‘Chanctonbury Ring’. This Iron Age hillfort lies on the near to Worthing. Sussex born, Janet had been fascinated by the ring from childhood, when told of the myths to summon the Devil. There were variations on how to achieve this such as walking or running around the ring, backwards or anti-clockwise seven times on a dark, moonless night. If the devil appeared and offered soup refuse or lose your soul. She explained and illustrated the layout of the hill fort with its two types of Roman temples. The original tree planting was done in 1760 by Charles Goring, heir to the Wiston Estate. Many trees were destroyed as a result of the devastation of the 1987 great storm. This provided the opportunity for further excavations. Amongst the new finds were large quantities of pig’s head bones in the second temple structure, possibly from sacrificial offerings. In the Iron Age the wild boar was of special significance in society and religion and little boar figurines have been found around Sussex. Replanting

followed excavations and the ring is filling out once more.

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Dot Watson on 239890 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance






Christmas Party Worthing Museum Education 13 Dec 16 Ticketed event Room

Worthing Library LectureTheatre 17 Jan 17 Peter Hill talk – A Tale of Two Cities 2 for 2.30pm Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Worthing Library LectureTheatre 21 Feb 17 David Arscott talk – Kipling’s Sussex 2 for 2.30pm Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Worthing Library LectureTheatre 21 Mar 17 Ian Gledhill talk – Come to Arcady 2 for 2.30pm Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Worthing Library LectureTheatre 18 April 17 Andy Thomas - talk ‘The Crop Circle Mystery’. 2 fo r 2.30pm Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Worthing Library LectureTheatre 16 May 17 AGM 2 for 2.30pm Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Danae Tankard –'Bought at London a large black Worthing Library LectureTheatre 20 June 17 cloak': metropolitan clothing consumption th 2 for 2.30pm 17 century Sussex Guests/Visitors : £4 Member £2 Worthing Museum Education 18 July 17 Members’ Afternoon – a ticketed event. Room

August 17 No Meeting

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Dot Watson on 239890 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: Our aim is to have 4 on the Mill Field at Furze Road; all working and all with a history. Two are working now and two are work in progress – see Latest News below. On our Summer Sunday Open Days - see Calendar below – guided tours are available for visitors (disabled access very limited, sadly), souvenir samples of our stoneground wholemeal flour can be purchased in the shop, and refreshments with home- made cakes enjoyed! Extra Events include the Summer Fete, Classic Cars Day and Crafts Fair. Pre-arranged school visits and private groups are welcome – see Contacts below.

High Salvingon Mill Trust was formed in 1976, some 200 years or so after the black of High Salvington was built. The Mill worked till about 1900, then survived as tearooms while all other Worthing mills disappeared. When bought by Worthing Council, for the town, in 1959, our Mill was in a poor state as it had been poorly maintained. Indeed, to prevent it from falling down a millwright was commissioned to carry out sufficient remedial work. But when further structural repair was required, as the Mill again was in danger of collapse, High Salvington Mill Trust was inaugurated. The task of its Volunteer members was to raise the body of the mill (the buck), weighing some 26 tons, by 18 inches; and so to replace the basic infrastructure. It was then, with the mill safe, sound and made weatherproof, that a complete restoration of mill and machinery could be envisaged, and undertaken. The mill ground flour again for the first time in 90 years on 4th April 1991, and has done so – wind permitting - ever since.

Our second working mill is a small black hollow-post windmill brought to High Salvington in 2006. In the 19th Century it stood on Glynde Reach, just west of Glynde station, to pump water and, we believe, prevent limekilns there from flooding. After the kilns were removed it was left abandoned on site for 60 years and was then partially restored, before coming to High Salvington to return it to full working order.


A ‘fan’ windmill was bought by the Trust in 2013 from Nutley, East Sussex. This type was common in Durrington 100 years ago to pump water for the nurseries of the area. Pumping water for a farm’s use was the first job of this mill, but when Italian POWs installed mains water in the 1940s, another use for it was found! A dynamo and propeller were fixed on a mast above the fan (putting it out of use), so that it generated electricity for a cottage in the woods. Mains electricity was later installed so it again became redundant. Our volunteers are working hard to solve the problems of getting this odd machine to work in both functions again, but on separate bases. The groundwork for these is being installed this winter.

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Tom Wye E-Mail: [email protected]



The Worthing Heritage Alliance




CALENDAR OF FORTHCOMING EVENTS (At Mill Field in Furze Road unless otherwise stated)

DATE EVENT LOCATION EVENT DETAILS (ddmonyy) & TIME Trust Board Meeting 23Jan17 Town Hall 7.30pm

VOLUNTEERS COFFEE MORNING 19Mar17 10.30am for 11.00am

Open afternoon 02Apr17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Open afternoon 16Apr17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Trust Board Meeting 24Apr17 Town Hall 7.30pm

Open afternoon 07May17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

NATIONAL MILLS DAY(Radio Club) 14May17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Open afternoon 21May17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm

Open afternoon (TO INCLUDE BOOK FAIR) 04Jun17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm


Open afternoon 18Jun17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm

Social Gathering - Tea at the Mill 24Jun17 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Open afternoon 02Jul17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





DATE EVENT LOCATION EVENT DETAILS (ddmonyy) & TIME FETE DAY 09Jul17 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Open afternoon 16Jul17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Trust Board Meeting 24Jul17 Town Hall 7.30pm

CAR CLUB DAY 06Aug17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Open afternoon and Table Top Sale 20Aug17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm

Open afternoon 03Sep17 2.30pm. to 5.00pm

AUTUMN CRAFT DAY 10Sep17 11.00am to 5.00pm

Open afternoon 17Sep17 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Trust Board Meeting 23Oct17 Town Hall 7.30pm


CHAIRMAN : CONTACT :Tom Wye E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB:


The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: The Jane Austen Society (UK), a registered charity, was founded in 1940. Its principal aim is to promote the appreciation and study of the life, work and times of Jane Austen and the Austen family.

President of the Society is Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles and the Chairman, Richard Jenkyns. The Society is not based in one location but draws its members, currently standing at 1,552, from all over the UK. New members are always welcome.

Members receive two newsletters a year and an academic Annual Report. The AGM, always an enjoyable event, takes place in July in the grounds of Chawton House, in the village of Chawton, Hampshire, where Jane Austen spent the final eight years of her life. An annual conference is also held each September in various locations of interest. In 2013, the conference was based at the University of Sussex, the focus being on Jane Austen's links with Old Shoreham, Worthing and Broadwater

A number of smaller, regional branches and groups run independently of the main Society, having their own membership and programmes of events.

LATEST NEWS: In July 2016, a group of 25 members of the North American Jane Austen Society (JASNA) spent half a day in the Worthing area as part of their annual tour of Jane Austen's . After viewing a memorial to Jane Austen's relations in St Nicolas's church, Old Shoreham, they continued to Stanford Cottage Worthing, Jane Austen's residence in the autumn of 1805, for a talk and refreshments. From here they went to St Mary's church Broadwater, where they were warmly received and enjoyed hearing about the novelist's links with the church.

Jane Austen's experience of Worthing and Broadwater in 1805 is reflected in her final but unfinished novel, 'Sanditon', the story of an up-and-coming seaside resort in Sussex.

It is to be hoped that Worthing will become a permanent feature of the Jane Austen trail of England and attract many more such groups and individuals to our town in the future. We must be ready to welcome them and ensure they have as enjoyable and enriching an experience as possible.

2017 is a very significant year, being the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen's death on July 18th. It is also the 200th anniversary of her writing Sanditon, begun in January 1817, which she laid aside two months later unfinished, due to her worsening health. She would definitely have been thinking of happy days in Worthing 12 years earlier, as she was writing.

A stained glass window, commemorating Jane Austen and Worthing, is to be installed in the Worthing gallery next year, appropriately positioned above that of the Worthing Society.

Lucy Worsley, the TV historian & chief curator of the royal palaces, is making a commemorative documentary about Jane Austen to be broadcast sometime next year & is also writing a new biography to commemorate the anniversary,also to be published in 2017. It would be great if she mentions Worthing, but no guarantee.

CHAIRMAN : Richard Jenkyns CONTACT : Janet Clarke on 245285 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE ANNUAL SUB:; N/A

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The Sussex Family History Group was founded in 1972. It has about four thousand members in Sussex, the rest of the UK, and around the world. There are six meeting centres in the County at Brighton & , Chichester, Crawley, Horsham, Uckfield, and Worthing; if you live in Sussex you are likely to find one fairly near to you.

The aims of the SFHG include promoting the study of genealogy and family history, and encouraging the preservation, transcription and publication of relevant documents and records.

The SFHG Library is at The Keep in Falmer, Brighton. The address is Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP.

The SFHG room at The Keep is normally open each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 10am to 4pm. We may be able to open on Saturdays, if we have helpers available. The Keep is closed on Mondays. Please check our Facebook page. or contact Steve Selby at [email protected] or call 01892 654993.

The SFHG is a member of the Federation of Family History Societies, an international body with over 220 member societies and is affiliated to the Sussex Rural Community Council and the Sussex History Forum. Contact with these can encourage mutual interests and reciprocal research

LATEST NEWS: Our next coach trip to The National Archives is on Saturday 11th March 2017. (Contact Eileen Colwell [email protected]).

We leave Worthing Leisure Centre, Shaftesbury Avenue at 8.00 a.m. Please park as far from the main building as possible. The coach should arrive about 7.50.  There will be one stop to pick up at Hop Oast Park and Ride, Horsham about 8.30 a.m.  We should arrive at the TNA about 9.45 a.m.  We leave the National Archive by 4.50 p.m with a return stop at Hop Oast. Cost £15.00

SFHG will be at Worthing Central Library Saturday 13th May 2017 with our databases, displays and help with advice and internet research.

Judy Excell

CHAIRMAN : John Chapman CONTACT : Judy Excell on 245639 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £15 (single) £17 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





(Meetings for 2017 at The Pavilion, Field Place, near Durrington Station, Worthing BN13 1NP)

EVENT LOCATION DATE EVENT DETAILS & TIME 19 Jan 17 AGM followed by Dave Burt (SFHG) : The Motorbike Revolution – Promenade Percys to Born Again 7pm for 7.30 pm Bikers At above address 16 Feb 17 Helen Poole : Brides, Battles & Booty: The Tudors and the Golden Age of Spain “

Les Mitchinson : “ 16 Mar 17 Census Substitutes

20 Apr 17 Richard Atkins : “ Those Magnificent Ladies in their Flying Machines

18 May 17 James Gardner : “ The Skeleton Army: Temperance & Local Resistance

15 Jun 17 Jane Dore : “ Edwardian Salvington & Durrington

20 Jul 17 Judy Davies : “ Yesterday’s News:Evolution of Printing & Newspaper Trades

Aug 2017 Worthing Centre's Summer Outing : Weald & Downland Open Air Museum (by ticket)

21 Sep 17 Dudley Hooley, Director, Tangmere : “ History of RAF Tangmere 1916-1979

19 Oct 17 Dr Janet Pennington : “ Shops & Shopping: The Small Shop through the Ages 16 Nov 17 Ian Gledhill : “ The Magic of Pantomime

CHAIRMAN : John Chapman CONTACT : Judy Excell on 245639 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £ 15 (single) £17 (joint )

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The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: The Transition Movement is a positive, proactive, grass roots approach to sustainable communities based on a need to plan for climate change and challenges in energy supply, with corresponding economic uncertainties. We endeavor to work together to help shape a better future – one that depends on safeguarding our essential Natural Heritage/Environment. We recognise that every group and community is different and that politicians don’t have all the answers. We like to share collective knowledge, skills and creativity so we can design ways of living that are more community centered, satisfyingly and sustainable than at present. Activities often have a creative buzz and can be great fun. Transition Towns started in the UK but there are hundreds of Transition groups world-wide and several in Sussex. How can I get involved? Visit to find out about activities, partnership projects and events. Information includes event postings for some similar organisations. It is free to become a member & you can post your own activities, if appropriate. As we are a voluntary group & not for profit we do have to generate income through our activities to pay for essential running costs – insurance, website, publicity etc!

Note : we are about to transfer from the Ning to a new, simpler & less expensive website. Details will appear in the next newsletter in the LATEST NEWS: Tues 21st June: 9th Worthing & Adur EYE Schools Eco-Summit: Davison CE School for Girls Workshops run by major utility & conservation organisations included: - Shoreham Port Authority - sea level rise & climate change. - Bus Company - cutting carbon emissions & promoting public transport. - Waste reduction & recycled art – with Oct. exhibition at Ropetackle Arts Centre. - Water and Energy management. - Growing food, planting trees & developing wildlife habitats in school grounds

Sat 17th Sept: Worthing’s Annual Litter Survey & GREAT Beach Clean based in Beach House Grounds. 70 enthusiastic volunteers made a thorough job. The beach was cleaner this year - but still lots of plastic mostly linked to fast food & drink! Worthing Society flagged up pressures from development on our heritage environment and SWT surveyed shark & ray egg cases (mermaids purses) as an index of the health of marine life.

Sat 24th & Sun 25th Sept: Worthing & Lancing EcoOpen Houses supported by Transition Worthing, Henry House Hot Pool & Therapy Centre, Low Carbon Trust and WSCC Operation Watershed - promoting resilience to local flooding & possible utility failures,

Mon 25th Sept: 1st Chichester EYE Schools Eco-Summit: Weald & Downland Open Air Museum. Workshops run by more major utility & conservation organisations included: - How food was grown and eaten sustainably in the past; Sustainable food on the doorstep - How the oceans connect us and moderate climate; Why water is life; Coastal habitats - How to use energy wisely; Global citizenship & ethical trading…. And more!

Sun 2nd Oct Autumn Community Food & Green Spaces Festival – GREEN DREAMS – at Field Place. A delightful event facilitated by AWC, WSCC, South Downs Leisure, Sustainable Sussex & more….

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Barbara Shaw on 205363 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : http://t ANNUALPAGE SUB G-01 Page: H-01 The Worthing Heritage Alliance




CALENDAR OF FORTHCOMING NATURAL HERITAGE EVENTS – Please see website for many more varied activities

EVENT LOCATION DATE EVENT DETAILS & TIME Sow, Grow, & Seed Swap SPRING Fair. This time we will be looking at how to involve more YOUNG people in planting trees for water catchment, carbon 4Feb17 capture & for fruit & nut crops: also ways of growing more food in urban Oak Grove College spaces and of cutting junk & other food waste.

CHAIRMAN : Steve Limbrey CONTACT : Barbara Shaw 205363 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB

Page : H-02 The Worthing Heritage Alliance





West Sussex Archives Society act as the Friends of West Sussex Record Office and as such we help and support the Record Office in its work of preserving the archival heritage of West Sussex.

We hold monthly meetings of walks and talks in various venues around the county.

We have two workshops a year and an annual day conference.

We produce a quarterly newsletter, The Researcher, and our journal, West Sussex History is published in October.

The newsletter and details of all our events can be found on our website and also on our Facebook page.

Non-members are welcome to attend our events although new members are always appreciated! LATEST NEWS With donations from WSAS, and others, which enabled match-funding, the Record Office has been able to purchase a number of archives that have come up for auction, including deeds of properties in Worthing, Broadwater, Goring, Tarring, Southwick, Sompting and Poynings, 1700-1900 (WSRO: AM 883). You can find further details in the West Sussex Record Office Online Catalogues.

In September, Christopher Whittick, senior archivist at East Sussex Record Office, gave a presentation on his many years of research at the Huntington Library in California to catalogue the Battle Abbey Archives which are in their collection.

Our conference last October was held in Chichester. Meeting at the Cathedral in the morning we enjoyed a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the treasury and library. After lunch we reconvened at the former residence of the Archdeacon, a beautiful Georgian house in the Cathedral Close. Peter Wilkinson told a fascinating tale involving a young girl’s love, marriage and escape that he had painstakingly unearthed in the ecceliastical records and Dr Andrew Foster gave a spirited lecture on the impact of the Reformation on Chichester Cathedral.

The November Workshop ‘Manors and Their Records’ led by Dr Caroline Adams, will be held at the Record Office with a limited number of participants. We will have the wonderful opportunity to study and handle original manorial documents and learn how to interpet them for our own research.

Our Christmas Get-together for members and their guests will held as usual at the Record Office when we will enjoy mince pies, coffee and wine, two quizzes based on Sussex history and a report of the previous year by Wendy Walker, the County Archivist.

We have a programme of events planned for 2017 to include a guided tour of Pallant House, workshops in March and November, AGM in April, walks in Selsey and Worthing and a conference on Maritime Sussex.

Booking details for all our events can be found on our website and in our newsletter ‘The Researcher’, available to read in the main libraries and on the website at :

Cheques made payable to WSAS and returned to WSAS, c/o West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RN.

CHAIRMAN : Richard Mant CONTACT : Leigh Lawson on 01903-206275 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £13 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





EVENT LOCATION DATE EVENT DETAILS & TIME Tuesday Guided tour of Pallant House to discover the history of the Georgian Pallant House, Chichester 14th house, now an art gallery with a modern extension. Tea. afternoon February To be confirmed

March All day workshop – details to be confirmed West Sussex Record Office Orchard Street, Chichester 10:45 – 4pm Saturday 22nd AGM TBC April Lunch. Speaker details to be confirmed May Joint meeting in East Sussex with Friends of The Keep Archives – to be TBC arranged by FoTKA.

June Outdoor event TBC Saturday ‘All Aboard’ a guided tour of the railway carriage bungalows in Selsey led by East Beach car park, Selsey 8th July Bill Martin

September Walk in Worthing based on the map recently aquired by the Record Office TBC with financial assistance from WSAS. led by Richard Howell

Saturday 23rd Conference on Maritime Sussex Pagham village hall September

November Workshop - details to be confirmed West Sussex Record Office Orchard Street, Chichester

CHAIRMAN : Richard Mant CONTACT : Leigh Lawson on 01903-206275 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £13 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





Worthing Library is one of 36 public libraries run by West Sussex County Council Library Service and has the largest collection of local history sources in the County. The sources cover Worthing, West Sussex and some on East Sussex. Significant services & collections include: • Books from 1614 (25,000) • Bound pamphlets from 1640s (2,500 in 200 volumes) • Periodicals from 1820s • Newspapers from 1745 • Directories from 1792 • Photographs & pictures from 1640s (2.2 million+) • Maps from 1575 (3,000) • Ephemera from c1850s (8,000 items+) • Property sale catalogues from c1820s (2,000+) • Local Government, health and other Reports from c1890s • Cuttings collection (30,000+) • Worthing Borough & County Council minutes from 1890s • Library Service Centre for family history research, free online access to Ancestry & Find My Past, plus microfilm/fiche of local censuses 1841-1901, parish registers from 1500s, GRO (national) index to births, deaths & marriages 1837, poll books etc • Digitisation Unit, offering flat-bed scanning & digital camera capture • Digital microform reader scanner & printer • Free research service up to 30 minutes staff time; fee-based services for more time-consuming research & one-to-one research advice • Visit to access more free resources on World War One, World War Two, Victorians and Seaside Holidays, and over 13,000 images on West Sussex Past Pictures


CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : 01903 704809 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB N/A


The Worthing Heritage Alliance



- NOVEMBER10pm 2016

CALENDAR OF FORTHCOMING EVENTS (Events take place in the Worthing Library on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 12.10pm to 12.50pm)

Date Event Details Further Information (ddmonyyyy) 30 Years of Cat Rescue 06Dec16 Worthing Cats Protection Worthing & District Branch of Cats Protection Joyce Robins celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. They believe there is a cat for every home - and their job is to make sure the right cat goes to the right home. Come along and find out more, including stories of some of the cats they have homed. Reduce, reuse, recycle …repeat! 07FEB17 WSCC Singing waste man The Waste Prevention Advisor (WPA) scheme promotes the best ways West Sussex residents of all ages can reduce, reuse and recycle. Waste Prevention Advisor Volunteer Ron Marsh joined the team in 2014 and has since come up with a unique

way to advocate the service – by writing and performing a few songs about recycling. Now he is a little more relaxed about talking rubbish Ron will give an informal [and sometimes musical], chat about the WSCC recycling scheme and how waste is dealt with – there are even a couple of choruses if you are feeling inclined…

Laughter for Health and Wellbeing – Celebrate 07MAR17 Lesley Raphael Wellbeing month at Worthing Library

Did you know that you can transform your mood and Laughter for Wellness and uplift your spirits in seconds through laughter exercises? Wellbeing In this informative session led by qualified Laughter teacher Lesley Ann Raphael from the Worthing Laughter Club, you can learn:

The surprising and many health benefits of laughter What laughter exercises are and how easy they are to do Why laughter is so important for our health and wellbeing How to laugh without a single joke or funny anecdote being told

Laughter exercises are for anyone of any age in any state of health - You don’t have to tell jokes, be funny, or even be in a good mood!

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : 01903 704809 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB N/A


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





Date Event Details Further Information (ddmonyyyy) Doug Eaton 04APR17 200 Years of Murder: The British WHODUNNIT? 200 YEARS OF MURDER Obsession with Crime and Detectives In his talk, Doug will discuss our obsession with crime and detective novels. Ask yourselves, why did we become aficionados of murder? Hear about Sweeney Todd, Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes; the rash of novels about female Private Eyes and how the First World War transformed crime fiction and the introduction of the 'thriller'.

Martin Hayes Martin’s talk about a Worthing family, the 02MAY17 An Introduction to Family History Duffields, will tie in with Family History Day Research: (13th May 2017) The Duffield Family of

Silly Sussex – its humour and 06JUN17 tall tales John Lawrenson

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : 01903 704809 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB N/A


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





We hold monthly lectures on geology and related sciences; run geological field trips & an annual residential field trip. We publish our journal, Outcrop, twice a year, maintain our website, support local geological initiatives and put on geological displays at the Festival of Geology, in Worthing Library and answer queries from the public.


We continue to be very active, and our membership numbers are steady. In 2016 we organised eight talks, plus our December meeting and February AGM. We ran five field trips and a long weekend to North Wales. We also put on a display in Worthing Library, held an exhibition at High Salvington and a stand at the Festival of Geology. Our members gave talks on geology and shale gas to other societies. We published two editions of our journal, Outcrop and answered various queries from the public, and to maintain our website,

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : John Lonergan E-Mail: [email protected]


The Worthing Heritage Alliance




DATE EVENT LOCATION EVENT DETAILS & TIME 9 Dec 16 Xmas Meeting St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 20 Jan 17 The Cretaceous World – Living in a Green House. Prof Andy St Stephen's Church, Angola Gale, Portsmouth University. Road, Worthing 17 Feb 17 A.G.M. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 5 Mar 17 Building stones of Clymping Church – David Bone See

17 Mar 17 Modelling Ancient Tides. Prof. Peter Allison. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 21 April 17 Geology & Ground Investigation for HS2. Jonathan Gammon. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 7 May 17 Geology walk on Hesworth Common – David Bone See

19 May 17 Geology of the moon. William Joyce. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing Saturday 10 to Lake District. More details to follow. See Tuesday 13 June 2017 16 Jun 17 Middle Jurassic Ammonites. Bob Chandler. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 25 Jul 17 Felpham foreshore – David Bone See

25 Jun 17 15th and Final Annual Downland Walk – Anthony Brook See

5 Jul 17 WSGS Stone Trail –East and Central Worthing – Alan Bell Meet 7pm BN11 3PX at (evening) 15 Sep 17 Forensic Geology. (TBC) St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 20 Oct 17 Jade, it’s tectonic formation. Geochemistry & Archaeology. St Stephen's Church, Angola Dr Gina Barnes, UCL. Road, Worthing 17 Nov 17 Sedimentology. Imperial college. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing 15 Dec 17 Xmas Meeting. St Stephen's Church, Angola Road, Worthing

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : John Lonergan E-Mail: [email protected]



The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: Founded in 1922, Worthing Archaeological Society has been involved in local archaeology for a long time. Generally, we confine ourselves to ‘digs’ between the Adur and the Arun, but we do stray outside from time to time. We have a programme of lectures, on the second Tuesday of each month from October to April, in the Lecture Theatre below Worthing Library.(Visitor / Guest Fee: £4) We run a series of Study days each year, and 3 or 4 archaeologically-based local walks, plus being involved with other local projects, such as the Secrets of the High Woods and Archaeology at Petworth.


Our main activity in 2016 was a two-week dig, starting on August 13th, at Goblestubbs Copse, on the Norfolk Estate in Rewell Wood. This followed on from W.A.S. digs there in the 1970s, in 2006 and at Easter this year. Lidar survey showed up what remains of the Iron Age earthworks, and helped target likely areas to investigate. The area has been extensively farmed, and latterly forested, so little remains to be found except in the deep ditches beside the banks. We have found pottery, which dates the site to between the first century BC and about 60 AD. There is also a wide range of flint tools, covering the Late Paleolithic up to the Bronze Age – all showing how long human activity has gone on in this area.

We held a Study Day on Soils and Sediments, in June, and a Survey Training Day in August, both at the Downs Barn. We also had a day in June at Amberley Museum looking at chalk and lime, to add to what we have learned in excavating a lime kiln on Lambleys Lane. There was a walk from the Adur Recreation Ground, via the Houseboats, to Shoreham Fort, where one of our members gave us a tour and a lot of History. Our traditional walk in late October, to remember past Members of the Society, was on the Slindon Estate. We had stalls at Binsted Strawberry fair in July, at the Sompting History Day, and at the Geology Conference at in November.

We have used our Friday Surveying days to do resistivity and magnetometry in Sompting, deep among the thistles at Slindon, and at Alfoldean with the Horsham Archaeology Group.

In September we had an afternoon with David Bone looking at the Stones of Sompting and North Lancing Churches, and a Study Day in the Museum on Landscape Archaeology in Sussex, led by David McOmish from Historic England. Our November Study day is on Medieval Pottery, led by Duncan Brown, Curator of Southampton Museum.

Our Lecture series started again in October, the first one being a report on the Goblestubbs excavations, by Gordon Hayden and Amie Friend, our Site Supervisors. In November David Rudling talked about Roman Villas in Sussex, and in December, Judie English will talk about the South Downs in Prehistory.

We have Finds processing on the first and third Thursdays of the month in our shed at Slindon. Currently we are assessing the finds from Goblestubbs, and continuing to process the tile and brick from the Slindon Roman building.

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Elizabeth Lane E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : : ANNUAL SUB £25

PAGE L- 01

The Worthing Heritage Alliance





7pm Tuesday Worthing ‘Prehistoric Land Organisation on the South Downs’ 13th Library Lecture with Judie English December Theatre

Tuesday 7pm 10th Neolithic Rock Art in Britain and Ireland: Worthing Jane Russell January Library Lecture


Tuesday 7pm 14th A look back at WAS Field Unit Activities Worthing

February Library Lecture Keith Bolton

Tuesday AGM 7pm 14th Worthing followed by Mike Allen on ‘Why Stonehenge is Where it is’ March Library Lecture Theatre

Tuesday 7pm 11th Two Ancient Cities: Archaeology at Butrint and Gjirokastra in Worthing Albania. April Library Lecture Oliver Gilkes Theatre

CHAIRMAN : CONTACT : Elizabeth Lane E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : : ANNUAL SUB £25

PAGE L- 02

The Worthing Heritage Alliance






Keith McKenna & Sally January 19th Thursday The South Downs Way Walk – an illustrated talk Dench – Footprints of Sussex

February th Friday Brighton Rock – Brighton Crime Geoff Mead 24

March 11th Saturday The National Gardens Scheme Lesley Chamberlain

April 29th + Saturday The amazing world of magic John Field AGM

September st Thursday Flying in 50’s and 60’s Angela Waller 21

October th Friday History of The Titanic Rob Goldsmith 27

November th Saturday The day it rained crabs and frogs Ian Currie 25

CHAIRMAN : Miss Jean White CONTACT : Jean White on 01903 – 357485 EMail:[email protected]


PAGE M-01 The Worthing Heritage Alliance




ABOUT US: The Worthing Society, originally the Worthing Civic Society (founded 1973), was formed in 1982. Its main aims are to conserve and preserve the architectural amenities of Worthing and the surrounding area, and to stimulate interest and research into the town's history. It is concerned principally with conservation and preservation but also operates within broader terms to enhance the present conditions of the town and surrounding area, the character and life of which it is anxious to safeguard, and to act as a watch-dog for future developments

Meetings are held quarterly in the Worthing library Lecture Theatre, and include talks on topics of interest given by experts in various fields. There are also social events and outings and a regular newsletter is distributed. Prior to quarterly meetings Committee Members are available from 7pm to talk to members wishing to discuss matters of interest or concern. Visitors/ Guests are welcome to attend the lectures – fee £3.

LATEST NEWS: The Worthing Society has as you may be aware experienced a very difficult year . Our Chairman David Sumner passed away on 4 May closely follows six days later by our President Dr Geoffrey Godden. David had been our Chairman for eleven years and was a well known figure in the town. Geoffrey was a founder member of the Society and contributed valuable advice in his role as President and gave very interesting lectures on ceramics and local history for our members meetings. Both will be deeply missed.

The Committee and members felt that it would be appropriate for a memorial to be featured in the town as a lasting tribute to their devotion to conservation work and Worthing’s heritage. We have commissioned a glass memorial window on Worthing Pier as an addition to the Glass Window Gallery. Due to the generosity of our members we have now covered the cost and the window is being produced by local artist Naomi Frances. It will feature portraits in glass of David, Geoffrey, Robert Elleray our former President who died before Geoffrey, and Pat Baring, our founder member who was mainly responsible for saving Beach House. The window is entitled ‘Guardians of Our Heritage,’ with the Dome featured in the background. We hope it will be installed in March 2017 followed by a dedication. Family, friends and members of the Worthing Society will be invited.

I was elected as the new Chair and have received wonderful support from all my committee colleagues and Society members at this difficult time. We have decided to build on David’s legacy and it was his wish that we increase our membership. This he felt would increase our presence in the town, and enable us to advise the community of the importance of conserving the Worthing’s heritage. We have run a very successful ‘membership drive’ drive during the summer months attending various events and markets . This recruitment drive will be resumed in the New Year and will include a series if talks to local groups and clubs. To update our message we now have two striking ‘pop up banner’ showing the buildings we have saved and those that have been loss. The message is ‘join now ‘ to save our heritage!’ Here are some updates:

Continued on Next Page 

CHAIRMAN : Susan Belton CONTACT : Sue Miller (MBR Secretary) on 219884 E-Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)

Page N-01 The Worthing Heritage Alliance




LATEST NEWS (Continued)

CAMPAIGNS Our important conservation work goes on and we are currently preparing a robust objection to the Aquarena proposals which includes a 15 storey tower block. Although this is lower by 6 storeys the building is much fatter and will have an adverse effect on the ‘setting’ of Beach House, the Farncombe Road Conservation Area and the views from the Pier of the Victorian coastal scene. We shall be approaching the local media, circulating leaflets and possibly organising a demonstration.

The Committee are also monitoring the situation with Goring Gap and the A27. We have also written to West Sussex County Council regarding the rather bland design of Montague Place asking whether enhancements can be considered.


Our Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Sub- Committee are monitoring the condition of our conservation areas and listed buildings. We continue our regular liaison meetings with the Conservation Area to discuss any problems or buildings at risk. The Sub-committee also examines weekly planning applications to ascertain whether they may affect a listed building or conservation area. The members work very hard monitoring these aspects and dealing with the technical side of our work.


David was very keen to link architectural and social history. He felt the Blue Plaque Trail was a way of achieving this and promoting interest in conservation work. Our best known leaflet is perhaps the one about Jane Austen and the connection to Pizza Express (Stanford Cottage) in Warwick Street. We are currently working on a new leaflet for ‘William Hudson,’ a founder member of the RSPB who once resided in Bedford Row. I shall bring some copies to the WHA meeting when they are ready.


We shall be holding our Quarterly Christmas Meeting on 22 November at the Library Lecture Theatre at 7pm and there will be more updates on our campaigns. I shall also be announcing the result of our vote to elect the new President of the Worthing Society. We look forward to seeing you there.Since becoming Chair, I have been very impressed with our liaison with the Worthing Heritage Alliance, and the number of wide ranging charities represented within the alliance. I look forward to a closer liaison in 2017, which I am sure will be a very busy year. With kind regards and best wishes for the festive season,

Susan Belton Worthing Society Chairman.

CHAIRMAN : Susan Belton CONTACT : Sue Miller (M BR Secretary) on 219884 E -Mail: [email protected] WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)


The Worthing Heritage Alliance





FORTHCOMING EVENTS (Visitors and Guests welcome – fee £3) N.B. Prior to Quarterly Meetings Committee Members are available from 7pm to discuss matters of interest


28FEB2017 Worthing 7.30pm QUARTERLY MEETING : Library Speaker: Mark Perry Nash on “Life in Dickens’ England” LectureTheatre

CHAIRMAN : Susan Belton CONTACT : Sue Miller (MBR Secretary) on 219884 E-Mail: [email protected]

WEB SITE : ANNUAL SUB £10 (single) £15 (joint)

PAGE N-03 The Worthing Heritage Alliance NEWSLETTER – NOVEMBER 2016


EVENT DETAIL DATE MEMBER (N.B. Go to MEMBERS’s “SOCIETY NEWS” page for full details of the event) Sussex Family 08Dec16 History Group Christmas Social (ticket only)

09Dec16 West Sussex Xmas Meeting Geological Society 13Dec16 Friends of Christmas Party Worthing Ticketed event Museum 13Dec16 Worthing ‘Prehistoric Land Organisation on the South Downs’ Archaeological with Judie English Society 10Jan17 Worthing Neolithic Rock Art in Britain and Ireland: Archaeological Jane Russell Society 17Jan17 Friends of Worthing Peter Hill talk – A Tale of Two Cities Museum 19Jan17 Sussex Family AGM followed by Dave Burt (SFHG) : History Group The Motorbike Revolution – Promenade Percys to Born Again Bikers

19Jan17 Worthing National Trust The South Downs Way Walk – an illustrated talk

20Jan17 West Sussex The Cretaceous World – Living in a Green House. Prof Andy Gale, Geological Portsmouth University. Society 23Jan17 High Salvington Trust Board Meeting , Town Hall 7.30pm Mill Trust Town Hall 7.30pm

04Feb17 Transition Sow, Grow, & Seed Swap SPRING Fair at Oak Grove College. This time we will be Worthing looking at how to involve more YOUNG people in planting trees for water catchment, carbon capture & for fruit & nut crops: also ways of growing more food in urban spaces and of cutting junk & other food waste.

Page : O-01 07Feb17 WSCC Worthing Library Reduce, reuse, recycle …repeat! The Waste Prevention Advisor (WPA) scheme promotes the best ways West Sussex residents of all ages can reduce, reuse and recycle. Waste Prevention Advisor Volunteer Ron Marsh joined the team in 2014 and has since come up with a unique way to advocate the service – by writing and performing a few songs about recycling. Now he is a little more relaxed about talking rubbish Ron will give an informal [and sometimes musical], chat about the WSCC recycling scheme and how waste is dealt with – there are even a couple of choruses if you are feeling inclined…

14Feb17 Worthing Archaeological A look back at WAS Field Unit Activities Society Keith Bolton 14feb17 West Sussex Guided tour of Pallant House to discover the history of the Georgian house, Archives Society now an art gallery with a modern extension. Tea. To be confirmed 16feb17 Sussex Family Helen Poole : History Group Brides, Battles & Booty: The Tudors and the Golden Age of Spain

17feb17 West Sussex Geological A.G.M. Society 21Feb17 Friends of Worthing David Arscott talk – Kipling’s Sussex Museum 24Feb17 Worthing National Trust Brighton Rock – Brighton Crime

28Feb17 Worthing QUARTERLY MEETING : Society Speaker: Mark Perry Nash on “Life in Dickens’ England”

March2017 West Sussex Archives Society All day workshop – details to be confirmed

05Mar17 West Sussex Geological Building stones of Clymping Church – David Bone Society 07Mar17 WSCC Laughter for Health and Wellbeing – Celebrate Wellbeing month at Worthing Library Worthing Library Did you know that you can transform your mood and uplift your spirits in seconds through laughter exercises? In this informative session led by qualified Laughter teacher Lesley Ann Raphael from the Worthing Laughter Club, you can learn:

The surprising and many health benefits of laughter What laughter exercises are and how easy they are to do Why laughter is so important for our health and wellbeing How to laugh without a single joke or funny anecdote being told

Laughter exercises are for anyone of any age in any state of health - You don’t have to tell jokes, be funny, or even be in a good mood! 11Mar17 Worthing The National Gardens Scheme National Trust

Page : O-02 14Mar17 Worthing Archaeological AGM Society followed by Mike Allen on ‘Why Stonehenge is Where it is’

16Mar17 Sussex Family History Group Les Mitchinson : Census Substitutes

17Mar17 West Sussex Geological Modelling Ancient Tides. Prof. Peter Allison. Society 19Mar17 High Salvington Mill Trust VOLUNTEERS COFFEE MORNING, 10.30am for 11.00am

21Mar17 Friends of Worthing Ian Gledhill talk – Come to Arcady Museum 02Apr17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

04Apr17 WSCC WHODUNNIT? 200 YEARS OF MURDER Worthing Library In his talk, Doug will discuss our obsession with crime and detective novels. Ask yourselves, why did we become aficionados of murder? Hear about Sweeney Todd, Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes; the rash of novels about female Private Eyes and how the First World War transformed crime fiction and the introduction of the 'thriller'.

11Apr17 Worthing Two Ancient Cities: Archaeology at Butrint and Gjirokastra in Albania. Archaeological Oliver Gilkes Society 16Apr17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

18Apr17 Friends of Worthing Andy Thomas – talk ‘The Crop Circle Mystery Museum 20Apr17 Sussex Family Richard Atkins : History Group Those Magnificent Ladies in their Flying Machines

21Apr17 West Sussex Geological Geology & Ground Investigation for HS2. Jonathan Gammon. Society 22Apr17 West Sussex AGM Archives Society Lunch. Speaker details to be confirmed 24Apr17 High Salvington Mill Trust Trust Board Meeting , Town Hall 7.30pm

29Apr17 Worthing AGM National Trust The amazing world of magic

Page : O-03 May2017 West Sussex Joint meeting in East Sussex with Friends of The Keep Archives Archives Society – to be arranged by FoTKA. 02May17 WSCC Martin’s talk about a Worthing family, the Duffields, will tie Worthing Library th in with Family History Day (13 May 2017) 07May17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

07May17 West Sussex Geological Society Geology walk on Hesworth Common – David Bone

14May17 High Salvington Mill Trust NATIONAL MILLS DAY(Radio Club), 2.30pm - 5.00pm

16May17 Friends of Worthing AGM Museum 18May17 Sussex Family James Gardner : History Group The Skeleton Army: Temperance & Local Resistance

19May17 West Sussex Geological Geology of the moon. William Joyce. Society 21May17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

June2017 West Sussex Outdoor event Archives Society

04Jun17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm (TO INCLUDE BOOK FAIR) 06Jun17 WSCC Worthing Library

Page : O-04 Sat 10Jun17 West Sussex To Geological Lake District. More details to follow. Tue 13Jun17 Society

15Jun17 Sussex Family Jane Dore : History Group Edwardian Salvington & Durrington

16Jun17 West Sussex Geological Middle Jurassic Ammonites. Bob Chandler. Society 16Jun17 High Salvington Mill Trust TRUST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8.00pm

18Jun17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

20Jun17 Friends of Danae Tankard – ‘Bought at London a large black cloak’ : metropolitan Worthing clothing consumption 17th Century Sussex Museum 24Jun17 High Salvington Mill Trust Social Gathering - Tea at the Mill, 2.00pm – 4.00pm

25Jun17 West Sussex Geological 15th and Final Annual Downland Walk – Anthony Brook Society 02Jul17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

05Jul17 West Sussex (Evening) Geological WSGS Stone Trail –East and Central Worthing – Alan Bell Society 08Jul17 West Sussex ‘All Aboard’ a guided tour of the railway carriage bungalows in Selsey Archives Society led by Bill Martin 09Jul17 High Salvington Mill Trust FETE DAY 2.00pm – 5.00pm

16Jul17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm

18Jul17 Friends of Worthing Member’s Afternoon – a ticketed event Museum 20Jul17 Sussex Family Judy Davies : History Group Yesterday’s News:Evolution of Printing & Newspaper Trades

24Jul17 High Salvington Mill Trust Trust Board Meeting , Town Hall 7.30pm

Page : O-05 25Jul17 West Sussex Geological Felpham foreshore – David Bone Society

August 2017 Sussex Family Worthing Centre's Summer Outing : History Group Weald & Downland Open Air Museum (by ticket)

06Aug17 High Salvington Mill Trust CAR CLUB DAY, 2.30pm – 5.00pm

20Aug17 Canadian Roots Canadian Memorial Day Service

20Aug17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon and Table Top Sale , 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Sep17 West Sussex Archives Society Walk in Worthing based on the map recently aquired by the Record Office with financial assistance from WSAS. led by Richard Howell

03Sep17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon, 2.30pm to 5.00pm 10Sep17 High Salvington Mill Trust AUTUMN CRAFT DAY, 11.00am – 5.00pm

15Sep17 West Sussex Geological Forensic Geology. (TBC) Society 17Sep17 High Salvington Mill Trust Open afternoon , 2.30pm to 5.00pm 21Sep17 Sussex Family Dudley Hooley, Director, Tangmere : History Group History of RAF Tangmere 1916-1979

21Sep17 Worthing National Trust Flying in 50’s and 60’s

23Sep17 West Sussex Archives Society Conference on Maritime Sussex

19Oct17 Sussex Family Dr Janet Pennington : History Group Shops & Shopping: The Small Shop through the Ages

20Oct17 West Sussex Geological Jade, it’s tectonic formation. Geochemistry & Archaeology. Dr Gina Barnes, Society UCL. 23Oct17 High Salvington Mill Trust Trust Board Meeting , Town Hall 7.30pm

Page : O-06 27Oct17 Worthing National Trust History of The Titanic

Nov2017 West Sussex Archives Society Workshop - details to be confirmed

16Nov17 Sussex Family Ian Gledhill : History Group The Magic of Pantomime

17Nov17 West Sussex Geological Sedimentology. Imperial college. Society 25Nov17 Worthing National Trust The day it rained crabs and frogs

15Dec17 West Sussex Geological Xmas Meeting. Society 15Dec17 High Salvington Mill Trust FAMILY CAROL EVENING, 7.15pm

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