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New GUI for the PRISM model checker


Bc. Milan Malota

Brno, Spring 2015 Declaration

Hereby I declare, that this paper is my original authorial work, which I have worked out by my own. All sources, references and literature used or excerpted during elaboration of this work are properly cited and listed in complete reference to the due source.

In Brno, May 25, 2015 Bc. Milan Malota

Advisor: RNDr. Vojtechˇ Rehˇ ak,´ Ph..

ii Acknowledgement

I would like to thank my advisor Vojtechˇ Rehˇ ak´ for valuable advice, com- ments, support and patience during the writing of this thesis. I also want to express my gratitude to my family and my girlfriend for their support during studies.

iii Abstract

PRISM is a probabilistic model checker and is used in many different ap- plication domains and is well known among scientists dealing with formal modeling and analysis of systems that exhibit random or probabilistic be- havior. PRISM’s GUI was developed in the beginning of the PRISM life cycle and technologies made great progress so it can seem obsolete. That is why the request for a new GUI was pronounced. One of the platforms suitable for integrating an application and preferred by the original development team is the platform. In the scope of this thesis we analyze available Eclipse platforms and notable graphical frameworks. On the basis of the analysis new is discussed and prepared.

iv Keywords

PRISM, Eclipse RCP, Eclipse e4, AWT, , SWT, JFace

v Contents

1 Introduction ...... 3 1.1 Motivation ...... 3 2 Preliminaries ...... 4 2.1 PRISM model checker ...... 4 2.1.1 The PRISM language ...... 4 2.1.2 Properties ...... 5 2.1.3 Experiments ...... 6 2.1.4 Simulations ...... 6 2.2 The PRISM’s graphical user interface (GUI) ...... 6 2.3 The model editor ...... 7 2.4 The properties editor ...... 8 2.5 The simulator environment and log ...... 8 2.6 GUI conclusion ...... 9 3 The Eclipse Rich Client Platform ...... 10 3.1 Eclipse ...... 10 3.2 The Eclipse RCP ...... 10 3.2.1 The OSGi framework ...... 11 3.2.2 The SWT framework ...... 12 3.2.3 JFace ...... 12 3.2.4 Other Eclipse ...... 12 3.3 The Eclipse 3.x platform ...... 12 3.4 The Eclipse e4 platform ...... 13 3.5 ...... 13 3.6 The Eclipse RCP conclusion ...... 13 4 Implementation of the PRISM Eclipse plugin ...... 15 4.1 The Eclipse RCP platform selection ...... 15 4.1.1 The framework ...... 15 4.1.2 Dependency injection ...... 16 4.1.3 The dynamic application model ...... 16 4.1.4 GUI independence ...... 16 4.2 The user interface framework selection ...... 16 4.2.1 (AWT) ...... 17

1 4.2.2 The Swing framework ...... 17 4.2.3 The Standard (SWT) ...... 17 4.2.4 JFace and SWT ...... 18 4.2.5 The user interface frameworks conclusion ...... 18 4.3 Eclipse e4 RCP development ...... 19 4.3.1 IDE and installation of e4 tools ...... 19 4.3.2 New project creation ...... 19 4.3.3 Application model ...... 20 4.3.4 Annotations ...... 21 4.3.5 GUI elements implementation ...... 22 4.3.6 Cascading style sheets (CSS) ...... 24 4.3.7 Exporting and platform independency ...... 25 4.4 The Eclipse PRISM plugin conclusion ...... 25 5 Conclusion ...... 27 6 Content of the CD ...... 28

2 Chapter 1 Introduction

In a life cycle of a computer program we can find in the first position an idea for a program. In some cases the idea is pretty clear and there are no doubts, on the other hand in some cases the idea is slightly blurred. A difference is often in a motivation. Developers often does not know if their application is capable of addressing a potential user and if time invested in developing brings rewards or not.

1.1 Motivation

The main goal of this thesis is to create a new graphical user interface (GUI) for an existing application called PRISM. PRISM is a probabilistic model checker and is used in many different application domains and is well known among scientists dealing with formal modeling and analysis of systems that exhibit random or probabilistic behavior [18]. The detailed information about PRISM is provided in the Section 2.1. PRISM is implemented as a standalone application, so a question why is a new GUI needed can come to the surface. The answer to the question is simple. The GUI was developed in the beginning of the PRISM life cycle and technologies made great progress so it can seem obsolete. One of the platforms suitable for integrating an application and pre- ferred by the original development team is the Eclipse platform. The Eclipse platform defines a set of frameworks and common services that allow devel- opers to create a rich client platform (RCP), we deal with RCP in Chapter 3 in detail. In Chapter 4 we describe notable Eclipse platforms and graphical user interface frameworks. We compare their advantages and disadvantages and on the basis of the comparison we select the most suitable Eclipse platform and GUI framework in which a new GUI for the PRISM model checker should be implemented.

3 Chapter 2 Preliminaries

In this chapter we provide basic information about the PRISM language and the PRISM model checker.

2.1 PRISM model checker

PRISM is a probabilistic model checker. The latest version (4.2.1) provides support for formal modelling and analysis of systems that exhibit random or probabilistic behavior [18]. PRISM is used to analyse a wide range of case studies in many different application domains, including randomised distributed algorithms, communication, network and multimedia protocols, security, biology, planning and synthesis, game theory, performance and reliability, power management and CTMC benchmarks [29]. For more about case studies see [1].

2.1.1 The PRISM language

In order to understand PRISM works we have to introduce the PRISM lan- guage, a simple, state-based language. This is used for all types of model that PRISM supports: discrete-time Markov chains (DTMCs), continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs), Markov decision processes (MDPs) and probabilis- tic automata (PAs), probabilistic timed automata (PTAs). [18] Every PRISM model comprises a set of modules which represent different components of the system being modelled. For representation of the state of each module a set of variables is introduced. In Figure 2.1 we can see an example of the PRISM modelling language. The example shows a simple case study based on a single cell in a wireless communication network. In order to specify additional measures of interest of modelled systems rewards can be utilized. The way of rewards specification is in our example in Figure 2.1. Rewards typically represent the rate at which a reward is accu- mulated, rewards usually represent an instantaneous measure of interest, at a


// single cell in wireless communication network // gxn/dxp 5/3/01 ctmc const i n t N; // N − number of channels const double lambda1=49; // arrival rate of new calls const double lambda2=21; // arrival rate of hand−o f f a l l s const double mu=1; // departure rate of calls module c e l l

n : [0..N]; // number of calls in the cell

// arrival of new call [ ] ( n lambda1 : (n’=n+1); // arrival of hand of call [ ] ( n lambda2 : (n’=n+1); // completion of call or mobile departs cell [ ] ( n>0) −> n∗mu : ( n’=n−1); endmodule

// number calls in the cell rewards ” c a l l s ” true : n ; endrewards

Figure 2.1: A case study based on a single cell in a wireless communication network [32] particular time, in our case, number of calls in the cell. For more information about the semantic of the PRISM modelling language, see the manual [30].

2.1.2 Properties

We have discussed basic information about the PRISM modelling language, when we have a model, we have to specify one or more properties. Properties are based on temporal logic, which offers a flexible and unambiguous means of describing a wide range of properties. In order to specify properties of DTMCc, MDPs or PTAs PCTL is used; CSL is an extension of PCTL for CTMCs; LTL and PCTL* can be used to specify properties of DTMCs and MDPs (or untimed properties of CTMCs) [31].

5 2. PRELIMINARIES const double T; // time bound

// the maximum probability that a hand off call can be // dropped within t time units (assuming a guarded channel is free) P=?[ true U<=T ( n=N) {n

// the expected number of calls at time T R{” c a l l s ”}=? [ I=T ]

// the probability that in the long run any call can be dropped S=? [ n

// the expected number calls in the cell in the long run R{” c a l l s ”}=? [ S ]

Figure 2.2: A definition of properties [32]

In Figure 2.2 we offer an example of the properties specification. The purpose of each property can be understood from comments labelling the example. Model and properties specifications together create platform for modelling most systems.

2.1.3 Experiments

In some cases of system analysis it is more telling to generate and plot a range of studied values. Then, in the scope of the PRISM model checker we speak of experiments. Experiments are ways of automating model checking. The best usability is reached when we study trends in quantitative results. The results of experiments can be visualized via integrated graph plotting tool.

2.1.4 Simulations

PRISM includes a simulator, a toll which can be used to generate sample paths through a PRISM model. This is useful for debugging models during development and for running sanity checks on completed models. For more about simulations see [28].

2.2 The PRISM’s graphical user interface (GUI)

Because a new GUI should be implemented in the scope of this thesis we have to analyse the existing one. We have already mentioned that the PRISM

6 2. PRELIMINARIES is implemented as a standalone application. All of the functionality of PRISM is available from a command-line as well. The command-line PRISM is more suitable for executing large batches of model checking runs or for combining PRISM with other tools through scripting [17]. The graphical PRISM provides:

• a model editor for the PRISM modelling language with syntax high- lighting and error reporting,

• a properties editor,

• a simulator tool for exploring and debugging PRISM models

• a simple log output window,

• graph-plotting tools.

On top of main PRISM window there is a menu. The menu is divided in accordance to available PRISM features. The most important menu items are Model, Properties and Simulator. The Model menu contains basic features for work with a textual model, it allows to open, reload or save a model from or to an existing file. Moreover, it allows to parse, build or export the model. The Properties menu enables work with properties (see 2.1.2). Finally, the Simulator menu allows to simulate required behavior in a modelled system. Below the main menu there is another menu. This menu consists of standard text editor icons and facilitates work with textual elements in GUI (e.g. undo, redo, copy, paste etc.).

2.3 The model editor

The model editor (see Figure 2.3) is the core of the PRISM graphical user interface. It consists of two elements: model explorer and text editor. The model explorer provides comprehensive information about a mod- elled system. It describes model in the compact way i.e. list of modules, variables and constants. It also indicates whether there is a syntax error in model or not. We have already mentioned that every model has to be first described in textual representation. The PRISM’s text editor allows editing of such models. It also provides syntax highlighting and syntax checking on the fly. The editor is implemented as well as the rest of GUI in the Swing framework, more about Swing is discussed in Section 4.2.2.


Figure 2.3: Screenshot of the PRISM text editor

2.4 The properties editor

In the scope of this chapter we introduced properties. For editing properties there is next component of the PRISM graphical user interface (see Figure 2.2). Properties can be also load from an external file. On the left side of the properties editor we can see three tables for prop- erties, constants and labels. On the right side of the properties editor there is an environment for experiments (see 2.1.3). The results of experiments are often plotted in a set of graphs that are a very useful way of identifying interesting patterns or trends in the behavior of a modelled system.

2.5 The simulator environment and log

Next to the model editor and properties editor there are other two main windows in PRISM: Simulator and Log. Simulator is an environment that allows, in a very intuitive way, to explore a model in order to debug model during development or to sanity check on completed models. For more about debugging model with the simulator see [28]. The log is the last of the PRISM main GUI elements. It is implemented


Figure 2.4: Screenshot of the PRISM property editor and experi- ment environment as a text area that cannot be edited. In log window users can find basic information about model checking procedures, computations, results or states.

2.6 GUI conclusion

PRISM has a simple GUI. It consists of two menus and four main parts, each for one of the main types of functionality offered by PRISM. The appearance of the GUI corresponds with the of Swing components. The biggest disadvantage can be found in the impossibility of advanced customizing of user interface (e.g. layout of PRISM’s elements cannot be modified), on the other hand the PRISM’s GUI has long tradition and is designed and implemented by people that work with PRISM for a long time.

9 Chapter 3 The Eclipse Rich Client Platform

In this chapter we introduce the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). RCP is considered as the basis of applications in industries worldwide including finance, transportation, space exploration, environmental monitoring or manufacturing. In [10] you can see an exemplary list of application built on the RCP core.

3.1 Eclipse

In this chapter we deal with the Eclipse RCP. Before we get to the detailed analysis of RCP we would like to say few words about Eclipse. Eclipse is and open-source community of people building -based tools and infras- tructure to help developers solve problems. The most obvious output of the community is the Eclipse Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This world-class Java IDE usually tops the charts in developer satisfaction and use. [20] Underneath the IDE is a generic tooling platform that supports a wide range of tools for languages (see [9] for list of supported programming languages) and systems. The Eclipse component model means that these tools can be combined and integrated as needed.

3.2 The Eclipse RCP

Under the tooling platform is the Eclipse RCP. This is a generic platform for running applications. The Eclipse IDE happens to be one such application. RCP is commonly thought as a UI framework. Many development teams adopt RCP because it accelerates the development and deployment of desktop and embedded client-side applications. However, the RCP can be thought much more than that. RCP is not a single framework but a collection of lower-lever frameworks. If we want to understand the way the RCP works we must introduce these


• The Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi) – at the lowest level, all RCP applications run on top of an OSGi framework [2]

• The (SWT) - open source widget toolkit for Java application to provide the primitive widgets (e.g. radio buttons, text controls, scroll bars, etc.) [11]

• JFace – user interface toolkit with classes for handling many common UI programming tasks, designed to work with SWT without hiding it [8]

• other Eclipse APIs – not strictly part of RCP itself

3.2.1 The OSGi framework

The OSGi standards define the OSGi framework specification. The OSGi framework provides a modularity and component layer on top of standard Java platform. Modules in OSGi are packaged as bundles. [19] An OSGi application is a collection of one or more bundles executing in an OSGi framework. The framework takes care of all the dependency resolution, class loading, service registration, and event management. The framework is reified in a running system as the System Bundle. Rep- resenting the OSGi framework as a bundle allows us to view the entire platform consistently as a collection of collaborating bundles. While the System Bundle is clearly special, it contains manifest, exports packages, provides and consumes services, and broadcasts and listens to events like any other bundle [21]. The System Bundle differs from other bundles in that its lifecycle cannot be managed. It is started automatically when the framework is started and continues in the active state until the framework is stopped. Stopping the System Bundle causes the framework to shut down. Similarly, the System Bundle cannot be uninstalled while running, since doing so would cause the framework to terminate. The other bundles in an OSGi system are installed into the framework and started as needed. The set of installed bundles in a framework is per- sisted form run to run – when the framework is shut down and relaunched, the same set of bundles is present and started in the new framework. [21] There are number of OSGi framework implementations available from product vendors. In the scope of this thesis we work with Eclipse Equinox [7].


3.2.2 The SWT framework

SWT is an open source widget toolkit for Java designed to provide efficient, portable access to the userinterface facilities of the operating systems on which it is implemented [11]. SWT is the default user interface used by Eclipse (it was primarily created by IBM for Eclipse). It provides native widgets e.g. buttons and text fields, as well as layout managers. [25] The goal of the SWT is to use these native widgets of the platform whenever possible. The widgets are then accessed by the SWT framework via the Java Native Interface (JNI). JNI enables Java code running in a JVM to call, and to be called by, native application and libraries written in other languages such as C, C++ and assembler. The same approach is adopted by Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). The advantage of this approach is its high speed and platform- like appearance of these widgets. More about SWT and other userinterface frameworks is outlined in Section4.2.

3.2.3 JFace

JFace is a UI toolkit implemented using SWT to handle many common user interface programming tasks. It is window system-independent in bots, its APIs, and implementation. JFace is designed to work with SWT without hiding it. [15]

3.2.4 Other Eclipse APIs

Except above-mentioned frameworks there are many other optional frame- works. The list of possibilities differs according to the version of Eclipse platform. [4] More about the Eclipse platforms is outlined in following sections.

3.3 The Eclipse 3.x platform

The Eclipse project did not start with the intention of building an RCP. In- stead, its goal was to create a platform for integrating development tools. However, the Eclipse-based IDEs were professional, good-looking, and pol- ished, and they performed well. Maybe these observations lead developers to an idea to use the same framework to build more generic applications. [20] A major step for Eclipse was releasing of Eclipse 3.0. In this release all of the IDE-related interdependencies were eliminated, and many of the

12 3. THE ECLIPSE RICH CLIENT PLATFORM different parts of the UI were opened to customization. The groundwork for dynamic plug-in installation, removal and updating was established with the introduction of an OSGi-based runtime. [20] These improvements caused sharp interest in RCP.

3.4 The Eclipse e4 platform

In 2012 there was the first Eclipse release carried the major version number 4. The Eclipse e4 platform can be thought as an opportunity to rationalize the best parts and to fix weak points of the previous Eclipse 3.x APIs. If we attempt to point out the major enhancements we cannot forget the following:

• the structure on an Eclipse application is described via a logical model called the application model

• the application model can be modified at development and runtime

• the application model can be extended

• the styling of Eclipse widgets can be configured via external files (CSS file)

• the application model is decoupled from its presentation, it allows to use different user interface toolkits (e.g. SWT or JavaFX) [26]

3.5 Eclipse Public License

The Eclipse Public License (EPL) is an Open Source software license used by the for its software [5]. The EPL licensed programs can be used, modified, copied and distributed free of charge. There is only one restriction in using EPL-licensed software in modification in the original EPL code which must also released as EPL code. The source code contributed to Eclipse projects is free of Intellectual Property issues. All above mentioned make reusing the source code of Eclipse projects (e.g. RCP platform) attractive for any kind of software project.

3.6 The Eclipse RCP conclusion

The Eclipse RCP in version 4.x is based on state of the art technologies (e.g. CSS styling, dependency injection, etc.). It allows developers to create

13 3. THE ECLIPSE RICH CLIENT PLATFORM standalone applications without necessity to implement a common user interface elements and features. The saved time can be utilized in plugin functionality development. The basic building block is the modularity infrastructure supplied by Equinox by adding comprehensive GUI frameworks and facilities, sophisti- cated provisioning infrastructure, user assistance and many more elements found in common applications. In short, it is all the development teams need to create an application but do not want to write yourself.

14 Chapter 4 Implementation of the PRISM Eclipse plugin

In this chapter we compare notable Eclipse platforms and graphical user interface frameworks. On the basis of the comparison we select the most suitable Eclipse platform and GUI framework in which a new GUI for the PRISM model checker should be implemented. Finally, we describe the most important implementation steps of the PRISM Eclipse plugin development.

4.1 The Eclipse RCP platform selection

In the previous chapter we introduced two Eclipse RCP platforms (3.x and e4). The first step to the PRISM plugin was to select in which platform the future plugin should be implemented. E4 RCP consists of the new e4 specific technology combined with well- proven frameworks like SWT and JFace. Even the numbering of RCP plat- form prompts that e4 should be technical successor for Eclipse 3.x, but not always is step to a new version of program, framework or platform the best improvement. In the following text we provide reasons leading us to choose Eclipse e4 as bearing platform for the PRISM plugin.

4.1.1 The framework

The Eclipse 3.x RCP framework can be compared to a big scaffold that developers use to build an application with. However, this scaffold never goes away and it surround the application forever. [16] In the Eclipse 3.x RCP concept developers typically extend or implement a class and implement the required methods and because you need to do that, the scaffold needs to stay in place. Another drawback can be found in the impossibility of code reusing. Written code is strictly bound to Eclipse RCP framework. In Eclipse e4 you do not extend or implement framework classes because the framework works strictly with Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) [16] In addition all hooks into the framework are based on annotations which are completely ignored if used outside of Eclipse e4.


4.1.2 Dependency injection

In Eclipse 3 RCP developers must know API in the very advance way to comfortably interact with the features of the framework. E4 provides differ- ent approach: Dependency Injection (DI). The e4 components are managed by the DI manager. The concept is quite simple: the various components of the e4 framework are maintained by a parented hashmap (DI context) that contains all object instances that the DI framework can inject. On the top of it, DI also allows to create and maintain your own components. More about DI can be found in [6].

4.1.3 The dynamic application model

E4 uses a dynamic in-memory model of the running application enables to create, change and destroy model elements at run-time. In Eclipse 3 RCP it is very difficult to hide views from users. For hiding some context some guarding code was necessary. In Eclipse e4 the user interface can be even completely generated at run-time from an empty model. More about application model is provided in Section 4.3.3.

4.1.4 GUI independence

We already mentioned that Eclipse and SWT are strongly connected. How- ever, e4 equipped Eclipse with a GUI independent rendering framework. This news comes with several experiments with alternative engines (e.g. JavaFX and Swing). [22–24] This promises to take the framework developers already know and love to render outside of the desktop. All of them are still in a stage of experimental development.

4.2 The user interface framework selection

In the previous section we discussed Eclipse platforms. We found out that Eclipse e4 is better platform for the PRISM Eclipse plugin because it is based on state of the art technologies and allow developers to use different user interface frameworks. We also know that original PRISM’s GUI is implemented in Swing. In this section we outline and compare the three main Java user interface toolkits:

• Abstract Window Toolkit – first and the simplest framework


• Swing – built on AWT, peerless components

• Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and JFace – SWT is a native widget UI toolkit, JFace is a UI toolkit using SWT to handle many common UI programming tasks

4.2.1 Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

AWT can be marked as one of the oldest platform dependent UI frameworks. The default implementation of AWT used a ”peer” approach, in which each Java GUI widget had a corresponding component in the underlying . The implementation of the peer was hidden inside the low-level implementation of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM); the Java- level code stayed identical across platforms. It caused that only features offered by all of the native windowing systems were available in AWT. This required developers to develop their own high-level widgets for more advanced features, and left users with varied experiences. As a consequence, applications developed with AWT lacked many of the features of a modern GUI. [27]

4.2.2 The Swing framework

We have already mentioned that PRISM’s GUI is implemented by using Swing framework. In this place we try to sum up the developers experiences and advantages of using the Swing framework. The Swing component set was originally created because the basic AWT components were insufficient for real-based applications. The Swing compo- nent set offers replacements for each of the AWT components and a whole lot more besides. Swing is part of Java standard API so there is no need for additional native libraries. The behavior is the same on all platforms (platform inde- pendence). Rendering Swing components is slower than rendering AWT components because they are drawn from scratch (Swing classes define how to draw Swing controls from scratch).

4.2.3 The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)

SWT is an open source widget toolkit for Java designed to provide efficient, portable access to the userinterface facilities of the operating systems on which it is implemented [11]. Contrary to both aforementioned frameworks SWT is not part of the Java standard API.


SWT tries to combine the best of AWT and Swing. Contrary to Swing it uses less memory and run faster. Because of its cooperation with underlying a change happen to the operating system is automatically updated to SWT GUI widgets. The biggest disadvantage of SWT can be requirement of native libraries for each supported system, and in contrast to Java paradigm of automatic resources disposal, necessity of explicit de-allocating exploited resources by the .

4.2.4 JFace and SWT

SWT provides raw widgets with a straightforward API, JFace built on top of SWT provides an abstraction layer, so instead of programming directly to the API, developers program to the abstraction layer. The relation between JFace and SWT can be compared with the relation between Swing and AWT.

4.2.5 The user interface frameworks conclusion

In previous sections we summarized the most important facts about user interface frameworks. Essentially we split frameworks into two groups: initial toolkits (AWT and SWT) and subsequent toolkits (Swing and JFace). While initial toolkits were underpowered, subsequent offers in connec- tion with initial toolkits universal frameworks for user interfaces.

Eclipse 3.x Eclipse e4 SWT/JFace obsolete platform, func- functionalities have to be tionalities have to be reim- reimplemented in SWT plemented in SWT Swing not supported experimental projects for integrating Swing widgets in e4 platform

Table 4.1: Platforms and user interface frameworks comparison

The most discussed question among Java developers in this context is the question whether Swing or SWT/JFace is better. The answer is not clear and depends on the development team and its preferences as well as on the program for which UI should be implemented. In our case we have an

18 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRISMECLIPSEPLUGIN existing application with GUI implemented in Swing, on the other hand we chose Eclipse e4 platform that is primarily adherent with SWT/JFace. In Table 4.1 we provide small comparison between Eclipse platforms and frameworks. From the table we can find out that Eclipse 3.x is not suitable for implementation of a new plugin because Swing components cannot be reused and if we decided to reimplement GUI functionalities in SWT we have another choice to exploit state of the art platform (Eclipse e4). Once we have excluded Eclipse 3.x platform we had to compare available GUI frameworks and their relationship to Eclipse e4. SWT/JFace is default user interface framework for Eclipse e4 platform, disadvantage is in the necessity of reimplementing all functionality in this framework (e.g. syntax highlighting). On the other hand reusing of Swing components in the Eclipse e4 platform is possible but because it is not a native Eclipse GUI framework we have to use additional libraries or experimental projects.

4.3 Eclipse e4 RCP development

In this section we describe the process of implementation of the Eclipse e4 RCP. At the end we summarize achieved results of the development.

4.3.1 IDE and installation of e4 tools

The best way, if not only way, to create an Eclipse RCP application is in Eclipse SKD [12]. To ease creating e4 application it is also recommended to download e4 tools. Tools provide wizards to create e4 artifacts and the specialized model editor for the application model. More about installing e4 tools can be found in [3].

4.3.2 New project creation

The easiest way to create a new RCP application is via wizard that is part of Eclipse e4 tooling project. It creates an executable application with sample contest. Then, this application can be modified to fulfill development team requirements. The other way is by defining the structure of Eclipse e4 application separately. The following list contains required configuration files:

• MANIFEST.MF - contains the OSGi configuration information (defini- tion of API and its dependencies, e.g. Java packages or plug-ins which are required by the RCP)


Figure 4.1: Customization of application model

• plugin. - contains information about Eclipse specific extension mech- anisms (possibility to create and contribute to Eclipse specific API, e.g. extension points and extensions – for example CSS styling) [26]

4.3.3 Application model

Eclipse e4 uses an abstract description, called the application model to describe the structure of an application. Before we describe the application model of the PRISM Eclipse plugin we have to deal with the design of new GUI. PRISM is well known application and it is one of the reasons why we decided to preserve the original design in new plugin as well. We have to also emphasize that application model can be modified on the run of the application, it means that if anyone do not like the appearance of the plugin it can be modified as needed. Customization can be done via simple feature. All appli- cation elements are implemented as draggable windows, it means they can be dragged inside main application window or outside. One application then can look similar to Figure 4.1. It is very useful feature for support of multiple monitors or both graphical and textual editing at one time. In Eclipse e4 platform application model is described via XMI file (XML Metadata Interchange). This XMI file is read at application startup and is used to construct the initial application model. [26]


Figure 4.2: The Eclipse PRISM plugin application model

In Figure 4.2 there is the Eclipse PRISM plugin application model open in e4 tools editor is shown. In the example we can see that most of the model elements are in a hierarchical order (e.g. Controls consists of one or more PartSashContainers, etc.). The application model describes if a part can be closed, its label, ID, icon, but do not describe the content of the part, e.g. text fields, buttons, etc. The content of the part is still defined by source code. Connections between model elements and classes can be made via Uni- form Resource Identifiers (URI). URI describes the location of the Java class. The first part of this URI is the plug-in, the second one the package and the last one the class. In our example we connect part with ID: prism.inputpart to Java class:, that is in package of the plug-in called prism. [26] The referred class is instantiated by the framework only when the model element is activated.

4.3.4 Annotations We have already pointed out that Eclipse e4 platform is not based on inheri- tance. To identify which method of class, that is connected to a part, should be called at certain time we use behavior annotations. The following annotations are commonly used in Eclipse e4 platform: • @PostConstruct – method is called after the class is constructed • @PreDestroy – method is called before the class is destroyed

21 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRISMECLIPSEPLUGIN import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;

//the method is called after the class is constructed

@PostConstruct public void createMethod(Composite parent) { System.out. println(this . getClass ().getSimpleName() + ” called.”); }

Figure 4.3: A @PostConstruct method example

• @Focus – the method is called once the Part to which class is connected gets the focus

• @Persist – method is called if a save request on the Part to which class is connected is triggered

• @PersistState – method is called before the object is disposed, so that the part is able to save its instance state An example with behavior annotation is in Figure 4.3. Next to the above- mentioned annotations there is @Execute annotation. This annotation should mark the method which is responsible for the action of the handler class. The framework executes this method once related UI element is selected.

4.3.5 GUI elements implementation Once we had defined the application model we had to implement a content of each element (e.g. parts, handlers, etc.). In this moment of development we had to make a difficult decision in which framework the content of each part should be implemented. From the previous text we were not able to decide which framework (SWT or Swing) is better. We only knew that PRISM is written in Swing and SWT is default user interface library used by Eclipse. In this moment we decided to try both frameworks in Eclipse e4 platform (i.e. we wanted to implement a model editor) and on the basis of achieved experiences we wanted to implement the remaining functionality in the chosen framework.

SWT and JFace: For implementing SWT elements we used SWT designer (see Figure 4.4). SWT designer is part of WindowBuilder [13] and is built as a plug-in to


Figure 4.4: SWT designer

Eclipse. This tool makes easy to create Java GUI applications without spend- ing a lot of time writing code. It is simple drag-and-drop editor which generates the Java code. In context of Eclipse e4 RCP the code is generated in method that is annotated with @PostConstruct. From the provided SWT widgets we selected a StyledText for the model editor. The StyledText is an editable user interface object that displays lines of text. There are two ways to create a comparable editor to the PRISM’s one. The first one is directly by methods of the StyledText: implementing of line style listeners, styled text content, key words etc. The other way is by some development framework. One of the best known is [14]. Xtext is a framework for development of programming languages and domain specific languages.

Swing: Contrary to SWT when we worked with Swing we had to first find out the way the Eclipse e4 components can co-work with Swing components, for example with JEditorPane (PRISM’s editor is implement as JEditorPane). We found out that there exists a technique how to add a Swing compo- nent inside SWT widget. It can be done via a SWT AWT class. This class provides a bridge between SWT and AWT, so that it is possible to embed AWT components in SWT and vice versa. Note that Swing is built on AWT. The process of embedding a JEditorPane in SWT component is described in Figure 4.5. In the example we can see that even so simple task as is em-


//imports import java.awt.Frame; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org. eclipse .swt.awt.SWT AWT; import org. eclipse .swt.widgets.Composite; import javax.swing.JEditorPane;

// c l a s s private JEditorPane editor;

@PostConstruct public void createControls(Composite parent) { Composite composite = new Composite(parent ); editor = new JEditorPane() { //override methods }

Frame frame = SWT AWT. new Frame(composite ); frame.add(editor ); }

Figure 4.5: Embedding a Swing component in SWT widget bedding one Swing component in SWT widget can be unclear. The situation become worse when we want to add not only editor, but scroll bar, handler etc. According to our opinion the analysis shows that there are significant issues with both frameworks. While implementing all GUI features in SWT will take monumental effort and disable an opportunity to maintain source code of the PRISM GUI and Eclipse PRISM plugin GUI at once, embedding Swing components in SWT widgets infringe readability and maintainabil- ity of the source code. On the top of it we assume that mixture of both frameworks cannot bring anything good for a new project.

4.3.6 Cascading style sheets (CSS)

In Chapter 2 we dealt with the look and feel of the original PRISM that depends on Swing components. The Eclipse e4 platform allows to style applications via CSS. CSS allows developers to define styles, layouts and spacing separately from the content which should by styled. CSS is defined as a standard.


Currently the versions CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 are most widely used. [26] Syntax of CSS standard is following:

selector{property : value};

A selector can be one of a predefined unique identifier (e.g. Label, Com- posite, etc.). The Eclipse platform supports static as well as dynamic styling of an application. In the case of static styling the styling cannot be exchanged at runtime, while in the case of dynamic styling it is possible to switch the styling at runtime. The concept of CSS styling in Eclipse is great idea but it has its limitations. SWT as the default user interface toolkit of Eclipse has certain limitations with regards of styling components, which are based on the limitations of the underlying operating system (e.g. it is not possible to style menus and table headers because this is not supported by the SWT implementation). For more about application styling see [26].

4.3.7 Exporting and platform independency

When the application is implemented and ready to be published it has to be exported. In order to create an application that can run on several platforms it must be built and exported for multiple platforms. In the scope of Eclipse e4 we speak about Delta pack. Delta pack is a zipped Eclipse package with all the needed to export a RCP product to many platforms (Windows, , Mac, and so on) without having to do that on a platform’s native Eclipse installation. Once the Delta pack is installed on a running platform, export can be done via the Export Product wizard. The wizard with available platform can be seen in Figure 4.6.

4.4 The Eclipse PRISM plugin conclusion

In this chapter we compared Eclipse platforms. We discovered that Eclipse 3.x platform is not suitable platform for a new plugin anymore. We also compared notable Java GUI frameworks, however, we weren’t able to an- swer the question in which framework the Eclipse PRISM plugin should be implemented. That is why we decided to examine both (SWT and Swing) frameworks in implementation of basic features. During the examination we kept in mind that we can reuse implemented features from the original


Figure 4.6: Export product wizard

PRISM. From the experimental implementation we discovered that starting from scratch is not a good idea because even simple tasks require enor- mous effort. On the other hand we found out that Swing components and their embedding in the Eclipse e4 RCP comes with additional overhead and breaks the idea of uniform GUI and many of object oriented programming principles.

26 Chapter 5 Conclusion

The goal of this thesis was to implement a new graphical user interface for the PRISM model checker. In addition the plugin should allow the user to view state graph directly in graphical representation. Because of preferences of the original development team to develop an Eclipse plugin we analyzed available platforms and notable user interface frameworks. On the basis of the analysis we chose Eclipse e4 RCP as the bearing platform for new plugin. During the implementation of the plugin we discovered that implemen- tation of plugin in SWT requires enormous effort and beyond, all changes made in original PRISM in Swing have to be reimplemented in SWT as well. Regarding the embedding of Swing components in Eclipse e4 platform, we have to summarize that this practice comes with additional overhead and breaks the idea of uniform GUI of the Eclipse e4 application. From the abovementioned we decided not to implement the whole ap- plication until the answer whether the original development team insists on the Eclipse plugin implementation under these circumstances. This thesis should perform supportive task for such a decision.

27 Chapter 6 Content of the CD

thesis.pdf the pdf version of this document the archive containing the LATEX source of this document source code of the experimental plugin imple- mentation

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