CODESRIA Policy Briefs No. 2, May 2018 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Opposition to the African Currency

Horace G. Campbell*

Summary e ruling in the High Court of Britain in Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) vs. Goldman Sachs, the financial behemoth Thof Wall Street revealed how firms in the financialization of the energy industry mobilize resources of oil rich states with Sovereign Wealth Funds to sustain private equity, hedge funds and structured derivatives markets of the global capitalist economy. The imposed government of the UN Security Council with authority over the Libyan has been unsuccessful following factions among the permanent members of the Security Council in this prolonged battle for the control of Libyan resources. The destruction of Libya highlights the need for a more robust African Union stand on external military interventions and common currency in Africa. The military management of the international system needs contention so that the intervention in Libya does not have the same repercussions for humanity as the Italian Invasion of Abyssinia in 1935.

* Nwame Nkrumah Chair, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.

This Policy Brief was commissioned by CODESRIA. It does not necessarily represent the official views of CODESRIA. 2 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya position that Libya presents a ‘permissive Introduction environment for terrorists’ where Many thanks to CODESRIA for criminals and human traffickers have including this public dialogue in the free reign. In the past, African scholars ongoing Democratic Governance and policy-makers have disagreed with Institute. This is another opportunity the USA on its understanding of who for Africans in general, and the ‘terrorists’ are and what organizations Council for the Development of Social comprise ‘Violent Extremists.’ Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) community in particular to discuss some Across Africa and beyond, CODESRIA is of the most burning questions for the well known as a very important section of peoples of Africa, for African diplomacy the Pan African intellectual community. In and the future of the world. One of all the efforts of CODESRIA to repair the these burning questions involves the damage wreaked by the misinformation role of finance capital in the destruction of western media, there is some of Libya. The deliberate destruction agreement that the role of independent was related to the international effort African institutions and organizations to subvert the process of creating a will have to be crucial to cut through the common currency for Africa. propaganda around terror and in Africa. Particularly, the misinformation Indeed, the question of the role of and distortions about the real reasons for foreign capital in the destruction of western intervention in Libya means that Libya is of major concern to many progressive intellectuals have special peace-loving peoples in the world.1 work to do in the Pan African world. Mainstream western academics and think tanks continue to cover up the The discussion for this policy brief failure of The North Atlantic Treaty builds upon the thesis first developed Organization (NATO) by referring to in my book entitled Global NATO the ‘transition’ processes in Libya or and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya: referring to the country as one plagued Lessons for Africa in the forging by ‘insecurities.’ This discourse on of African Unity.3 One of the un- insecurity was most prominent in the intended consequences of the NATO posture statement of the AFRICOM intervention in Libya was to advance when it stated in 2017 that “the the pace of the understanding of instability in Libya and North Africa the necessity to unify the peoples may be the most significant, near-term of Africa and for clarity about the threat to U.S. and allies’ interests on nature of the international financial the continent”.2 system. Finance is warfare and this has been more manifest after the The US State Department and other official 2014 war for . bodies reinforce this outlook with the 3 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 The reader’s attention is hereby drawn currency. This placed the leadership in to the judgment in the High Court Libya on a path of direct confrontation of London in October 2016 during with the train of financialization that had the Libyan Investment Authority vs overtaken most societies worldwide. Goldman Sachs case.4 This was the outcome of a two-and-a-half-year legal battle between Goldman Sachs and Finance and Libya Libya’s $67 billion sovereign fund over For contemporary African leaders and the use of the resources of Libya in the policy-makers, the details of the Libya speculative activities of the financial vs Goldman Sachs case exposed the oligarchy in the world. Understanding hidden hand of the financial sector in the time line of the external efforts wars in Africa. By the time the case was at a transitional government and the ruled in October 2016, Libya had been outbreak of the war between the through two years of more war. There Dignity brigade and the Libya Dawn had also been disputations before forces in 2014 may shed some light the Court as to who ran the LIA. The on the role of international financial inexperience of the officials of the LIA in organizations in Libya. their relationship with the international financial moguls in the management of In the ruling of the British High Court the $67billion sovereign wealth fund on the Libyan Investment Authority demonstrated how financial houses (henceforth LIA) against Goldman such as Goldman Sachs could wield Sachs, the learned judge, Judge Vivien ‘undue influence’ over governmental Rose, found that Goldman Sachs did authorities.5 As far back as 2011, one not have a case to answer for. This can read from the Wall Street Journal, judgment exposed the subservience the principal financial newspaper in the of the judiciary system of the United United States, how the LIA lost money Kingdom in the same manner in which and the acrimonious fallout of these the factional fighting in Libya continues losses prior to the NATO intervention.6 to relate to who will control the US$200 The evidence in this case exposed billion plus in reserves which is still ‘tales of prostitutes and lavish spending frozen. In the world of finance capital, on hotels and meals’ that became countries such as Libya had been able the business model of the aggressive to avoid the chokehold of institutions financial house, Goldman Sachs. This such as the International Monetary well-known New York Investment firm Fund (IMF) and western banks because charged the LIA $1.1billion for a series the financial sector of Libya was kept of complex derivative trades in the under strict control. More importantly, run-up to the financial crisis of 2008, the leader of Libya made the case for which eventually proved worthless. using the vast reserves of the Libyan The legal papers alleged that the bank state to anchor the proposed African is estimated to have reaped profits 4 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya on the transactions of approximately Exchange. After February 17, 2011 $350million. In total, the New York bank when the Libyans started to move lost more than US$5billion of the Libyan to divest their funds from their over- resources. I had argued in the book exposure with British and US financial Global NATO how, prior to the NATO institutions, there was the freezing of intervention of March 2011, Goldman the assets of Libya prior to the façade Sachs had been cornered by the LIA in of protecting Libyans by Britain, demanding that the bank make good and NATO.’’7 the US $5billion that was lost. In the uncertainties relating to the “Goldman Sachs was trapped and principals of the LIA it took three years had little room for manoeuvre but after the NATO intervention (2011- the Libyans were the ones with the 2014) for the British High Court to hear resources. With the full knowledge the case about the losses by Goldman that the financialization project was Sachs.8 The information before the orchestrated through the financial court contended that a series of equity sector in Dubai, the Libyan Investment option trades worth more than $1 billion Fund moved to consolidate its position did not live up to that billing. The trades in the ’dark markets’ world of the were inadequately documented by the emirates. Libya had entered into the bank and when the sovereign fund opaque world of financing energy asked for the records, it took weeks or markets and because it was awash with months for the firm to provide them. funds could move internationally in The fragility of these actors of finance ways beyond the control of Wall Street capital brought the world economy to or London. After December 2010, the brink of disaster in 2008.9 Although the took the Libya was a prosperous oil producing controlling position in the Arab Banking country, the financial sector had been Corporation based in Bahrain. The Arab kept under strict control up to 2011. Banking Corporation was owned by The Libyan leader identified with those Kuwait Investment Authority, Central societies and peoples who wanted Bank of Libya, Abu Dhabi Investment to rein in the banks that thrive on the Authority and other shareholders with exorbitant privilege of the US dollar.10 minor shares. Any move for making This experience of how Libya was independent decisions in the Arab courted by the wizards of finance and Banking Corporation threatened the their consulting partners brought out web of speculators in the derivatives vividly how finance capital operates in industry that depended on the recycling the global economy today. of petrodollars from the oil rich nations of Kuwait, Libya and the Emirates. Libya Before the NATO intervention in 2011, had gone for the jugular by seeking to the LIA had over $66 billion in assets, capture the base of the Intercontinental roughly half invested in a legacy of direct 5 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 equity stakes in some 550 companies imperialism.14 After the collapse of the worldwide, and the other half in a dollar/gold system of 1944 the financial mixture of equities, alternatives, bonds industry of the West has become the axis and cash. This pattern of investment on which international capitalism spins. had been exposed to the courts and clarified how governments were trapped The case in the London High Court in the world of the dark markets.11 In brought out revealing evidence of the world of finance the dark markets how firms such as Goldman Sachs and refer to shadow banking and the world others involved in the financialization of of derivatives that comprises the illicit the energy markets sought to mobilize global economy. According to the the resources of oil rich states with World Economic Forum, in the years Sovereign Wealth Funds to keep alive 2012-2014 the shadow economy was the private equity, hedge funds and estimated to be worth $650 billion. structured derivatives markets of the Since the publication of the Panama global capitalist economy. Papers in 2016 and the Paradise papers in 2017, the information of the Most societies and peoples in the world trillions of dollars stashed in offshore want these banks to be brought under tax havens has made headlines, but control. But Goldman Sachs benefitted the incapacity of citizens and political in the ruling because the war in Libya leaders to hold banking institutions meant that there was no internationally accountable brought more clarity on recognized government and actual how International financial institutions leadership of the LIA in that period. through the shadow banking system Thus the financial institutions are direct remain at the core of this illicit global beneficiaries of the warfare that is economy.”12 In this brief, the focus going on in Libya, as in other parts of on the operations of the current West Asia and North Africa. international financial system is meant The author wants to challenge to cut through the stream of papers colleagues in the African intellectual that continue to refer to the NATO community to explain why we do not intervention as the start of the Libyan have enough discussion in Africa about Transition.13 the destabilization of Libya, the African Since the writings on Finance capital currency, African Monetary Fund and the over a century ago by Rudolph African Central Bank. The three entities Hilferding, Vladimir Lenin, Rosa are central pillars of the African effort to Luxemburg, and Nikolai Bukharin, strengthen itself in the world of finance the role of finance in the international and international currency wars. system has grown beyond the When the (henceforth, parameters outlined by those who UN) passed Resolution 1970 and linked finance capital to modern resolution 1973 in 2011, those who 6 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya had signed these resolutions did not of the Institute of African Studies at understand, then, that the resolution the University of Ghana, what has was for regime in Libya.15 Seven been striking was the ways in which years after the event in Libya, African imperial research platforms dominate intellectuals should demand that the the discussions about what happened Security Council of the UN have a in Libya. The differences between the thorough investigation of whether German position on Libya in relation NATO exceeded its mandate in Libya. to that of French intellectuals or Reams of documents produced by US, representatives of the think tanks in British, French and EU intellectuals are North America ensure that CODESRIA meant to blunt the demand by those has a special role in capturing the who want accountability from the African point of view of the destruction UN with respect to Libya. But the UN in Libya. cannot call for this investigation unless the African Union (henceforth, AU) It is important here to review some of calls for this investigation; and the AU the dominant texts on the question of cannot call for this investigation unless Libya and terrorism. The book by Phyllis African scholars and African Institutions Bennis (2015) UNDERSTANDING call for this investigation. ISIS and the NEW GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR provides an overview of the origins and supporters of the The importance of ISIS group. This book is of particular autonomous African significance in so far as it traces the various forms of counter terrorism that intellectual spaces have taken place within the context of the military planners of North America This policy brief emanated from a and Western Europe. A bibliographical public dialogue series of CODESRIA search from the Library of the Kofi in Dakar, Senegal in September 2017. Annan Center in Accra will expose the The discussions about the Libyan millions of dollars that was spent on intervention automatically pivoted counter terrorism in Africa from the era to the current instability in Libya and of the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism the on-going demands by some Initiative, which was created in 2005 as intellectuals in West Africa to leave a five-year, $500 million endeavour with the CFA (Communauté financière nine nations in Western Africa: , d’Afrique) franc zone. The general , Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania, thrust of the public dialogue was to Niger, Mali, , and Chad. The put a more proactive approach in current instability in Mali and the Sahel advancing the African point of view is not usually connected to this massive in these international developments. expenditure on counter terrorism and Working as the Chair in the mainstream literature there is 7 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 scant connection between the current destruction as if NATO wanted to send instability in Libya and the Sahel and a signal to Africa that this talk and idea the NATO intervention. about an African currency should not be engaged in Africa. It is important to reiterate the position of the AU that there is no agreed There are other relevant articles from definition of what constitutes terror.16 Foreign Affairs, the Congressional Africans who remember the era when Research Service, International Nelson Mandela and African freedom Security Studies and other specialized fighters were branded as terrorists publications. What these publications now recoil from the banding about of have in common is the studious the term terrorism in so far as the term avoidance of the issues relating to the is now “used almost exclusively to battles between Goldman Sachs and describe political violence committed the LIA, or the bribery case against by extremist Muslims.”17 This context the French banking giant Société is crucial towards understanding why Générale. Scholarship from German the discussions on the war on terror fail sources such as Sarah Brockmeier, “Re- to point out how western intelligence examining the Lessons of the Libya agencies used the town of Dernia Intervention”, seeks to debate the in Libya as a recruiting ground for question of whether the mandate of violent extremists who were shipped the UN Security Council was for regime to Syria after the overthrow of the change in Libya. This scholarship is Gaddafi regime. The press reports that very different from the writings of the Abdelhakim Belhadj became a leader specialists of the Carnegie Endowment of ISIS in Libya came as a surprise only or the Atlantic Council.20 to those who had not understood the crucial role played by the Libya Islamic In December 2015 when the UN set Fighting Group in the destabilisation of up a government of National Accord, the Libyan society. the International Crisis Group initiated a study called “The Prize: Fighting for Another important text by V.J. Prashad, Libya’s Energy Wealth.” This document Arab Spring and Libyan Winter detailed the struggle for the oil fields, exposed the differences between pipelines and tunnels and the financial conflicting sections of the Gaddafi infrastructures that supported the government.18 The other crucial book energy industry in Libya.21 This is also an from the anti-imperialist perspective is important document because it brings Maximilian Forte’s Slouching towards to the fore the three most important : NATO’s war in Libya and Africa.19 institutions of the Libyan infrastructure The book is particularly interesting for finance: (1) the National Oil Company and important because it clarified of Libya, (2) the Central Bank of Libya why Sirte was the scene of such major and (3) the Libyan Investment Authority. 8 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya Although the authors of the the brigadistas and supported International Crisis Group seemed by the Qataris. In 2014 before news to be focused on the question of the about ISIS, General Hifter had made financial institutions, there was very strong representations to the US to little discussion on how the millions give him all the support but the Tripoli of dollars in cash held in the Central based government with control over Bank of Libya remained a factor in the money made an alternative claim to the current war in Libya. While the Jack Lew, the Treasury Secretary. Hence US through the UN Security Council there was the anomalous situation in supports the Government of National Libya by 2015 where the US military Accord (GNA) led by Fayez Mustafa supported the Hifter faction, but the US al-Sarraj, the Central Bank in Tripoli Treasury Secretary refused to recognize is under the territory of one faction the currency that was being printed by that does not recognize the GNA. Of this faction. the three contending forces seeking the legitimate authority over the use For this discussion on finance capital it of force, there is also the struggle to is pertinent to point out that as soon control the Bank and the oil fields. One as the matter of the LIA was brought of these groups operated out of the before the courts, a massive war broke eastern part of Libya under the nominal out in Tripoli with the battles between leadership of General Khalifa Hifter the Dignity brigade of General Hifter (sometimes spelt as Haftar). General and the Libyan Dawn. Here, it is Hifter returned from Virginia in the USA worth quoting extensively from the to claim leadership over the rebellion Congressional Research Service on the against Gaddafi and established the war of 2014. Dignity brigade in the east. Hifter is the head of the so called “Libyan National “Specifically, some armed groups from Army” which is aligned with foreign the city of Misrata and smaller Islamist countries such as and the United militias formed a coalition known as Arab Emirates. Though there are clear Fajr Libya (Libya Dawn) and launched a linkages between the Hifter faction and multipronged offensive in July 2014 to the US intelligence agencies, when this take control of Tripoli’s main international eastern group attempted to print their airport. Participants have included own currency, they were rebuffed by Libya’s Central Shield Force, members of the US Treasury. the Tripoli-based Libya Revolutionaries Operations Room (LROR), the Knights The other claimants to the legitimate of Janzour Brigade, militias from Zawiya, authority over force in Libya were those and several Misrata-based militias, who were in control of Tripoli and the including the Marsa and Hatin Brigades. Central Bank with the gold and dollar The international airport had long been reserves. This group was dominated by held by a rival coalition of militias largely 9 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 from Zintan – the Sawa’iq and Qaaqaa organized trade in human bodies. Brigades, and the Martyr Mohammed Madani Brigade – who opposed the Put differently, an online search about GNC-leading Islamist-independent what African institutions are doing coalition during its final months in about the present state of Libya will office. Libya Dawn operations after produce very little information. This the fall of the airport included clashes being the case, it is hoped that this with militias in Tripoli’s Suq al Jumah brief can accelerate the discussion on neighborhood and militias affiliated with why African institutions must be more the Warshafanah tribe south and west of engaged in the question of Libya. the city.”22

What was missing from the US Theoretical Framework Congressional reports and the other for grasping the write up from western sources is the link between this war and the ruling in insecurities in Africa the High Court. One of the key findings One of the laureates in the Institute has of Judge Rose was that the Court could asked the author to say, yes, there is not decide who represented the LIA and this empirical information on Libya but hence, Goldman Sachs did not have what is the theoretical starting point? to answer for the loss of US $5billion Are we here to discuss Gaddafi and the of Libyan resources. Currently, there is Libyan state or we are here to discuss still uncertainty over who controls the the African Union and the African State? Central Bank and the LIA. After the Is the problem of Libya not linked to US gave its blessing for one faction to ‘tribal’ rivalries? What is our theoretical claim control over the Central Bank, starting point for understanding the that faction found that they had the role of finance capital in Libya? authority but did not have the code to 23 access the resources in the bank. The theoretical starting point begins from the position of Pan African The International Crisis Group and the emancipatory politics which is European Council on Foreign Affairs in grounded in the welfare and wellbeing Brussels are keeping a very close eye of the African peoples that says Africans on Libya and documenting what the are human beings and have the right to varying governments are doing in Libya. live on the planet earth with dignity. A library search about which African institutions are presenting the same In the study of international relations information and keeping abreast of Libya there are theories such as realism, does not indicate that level of interest. liberalism, feminism, constructivism, and This is despite the fact that the shores of Marxism; but there is a need for creativity Libya are now the site of one of the most at the intellectual and theoretical level 10 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya if Africa is to make a breakthrough on A state cannot fail. There may be a failed how African intellectuals and policy government. The historical materialist makers move forward. We also need framework of society explains carefully to cut through the disinformation on that the state is an expression of the Africa in relation to what is usually relationship between classes in society. called ‘failed states.’ In March 2016, The form of state power is expressed in the testimony before the Senate through the different apparatuses, e.g. Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. coercive, ideological and productive David Rodriguez, then, the head of the organs of the state. The planners AFRICOM decreed that Libya was a at Goldman Sachs knew that even failed state and that it would take over without a functioning government in 10 years to achieve long-term stability Libya, the legal status of the LIA had in Libya. Rodriquez cited a “fractured credibility in international law; hence society” and the lack of government one of the strategies of the foreign institutions as major hurdles to occupiers is to support contending overcome.24 This designation of Libya as leadership for the LIA. a ‘failed state’ is then repeated in papers by academics and think tanks without African scholars have been alerted to any acknowledgement of the role of the the reality that there is a new industry AFRICOM in the 2011 intervention and of humanitarianism that is very much destruction of the government of Libya. integrated with US military activities This position also clarifies the indifferent internationally. The work of Patricia position of the US authorities for the Daley on Gender and Genocide in the efforts of the UN Security Council to Great Lakes region was particularly establish a government of National illuminating in exploring the business Accord. In the words of Rodriquez, “Yet model of international NGOs that even with strong international support, followed the lead of the French the new government will struggle for government in the Rwanda genocide the “foreseeable future” to establish its and its aftermath.27 There had been an authority and secure Libya’s people and effort after the NATO intervention for borders.”25 Supporting the position of Humanitarian aid agencies to integrate the US military on Libya is the scholar- themselves even more closely with ship of those former cold war elements military and intelligence operations. such as Robert Rotberg who justified Given the high stakes of US $200 billion western intervention in Libya.26 The involved, however, it was deemed failed state thesis is also represented in more profitable to invest in 1700 the vast literature of the constructivists different militias in Libya. It devolved who spend an inordinate amount of to the constructivist to debate the words on the ‘norms’ of international responsibility to protect mantra within relations and humanitarian groups when the ‘discourses’ on “doing good” for dealing with ‘collapsed’ states. the tribal Libyans. Within this failed state 11 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 mantra, it is essential to see how the Show”. After Obama described what destruction in Libya has been premised happened in Libya as a mistake, the on the idea of humanitarianism, what British Parliamentary Committee is called Responsibility to Protect, admitted that what happened in and how this humanitarianism had Libya was based on lies. The British being used as the basis for supporting Government and the media said that Western intervention in Syria. the government claimed, without evidence, that Gaddafi was about Progressive African intellectuals will to kill his citizens in . need to be even more engaged on Additionally, the British Parliamentary events in Syria and West Asia because Committee said that NATO rushed into developments in Syria and West Asia military intervention without pursuing are part of the outcomes of this war other options.29 in North Africa. For the past six years, there have been attempts to mobilize In the United States of America and African institutions for seminars and Britain, there is a re-evaluation of conferences on ‘violent extremism.’ happenings in Libya consistent with There is also the expectation from this the new mea culpa from Obama and author that CODESRIA will join with the House of Commons select committee. Kwame Nkrumah Chair and the Julius Such a re-evaluation is reinforced by Nyerere Foundation of to see the studies of German specialists who how there can be an engaged political question the use of force for regime effort to have more discussions on the change in Libya. This notwithstanding, Libya question. when academics and Western agencies inundate African institutions with In April 2016, President Obama said grants to study terror, clearly, there is a what happened in Libya was the worst studious avoidance of the implications mistake in his presidency. Was it a of the intervention in Libya for the mistake or that the US administration present instability in the Sahelian had been driven by the demands of region of Africa. More specifically, the finance capital and Wall Street? Obama, USA and western European countries in saying that this was a mistake sent finance and support organizations that a signal about differences within the they themselves deem as terrorist. US military and financial establishment One can critically assess the writings over what should be done in the on reporters such as Jason Burke and administration giving the pressures examine the claims in his book, Al- on the Obama Administration for Qaeda: The True Story of Radical intervention in Syria.28 In his interview Islam (2004) that there was not a real with Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic cohesive organization called al Qaeda. Magazine, Obama blamed the British What remains striking is the difference for what is called the Libyan “Shit in tone and content in the book twelve 12 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya years later on The New Threat from capital in that critique.31 The role of Islamic Militancy (2016). The current western nongovernmental organizations war in Syria and the reversals for those as ‘force multipliers’ for the US military groups allied with Saudi Arabia and the was articulated very clearly by General United Arab Emirates has deepened Colin Powell. In 2001, Powell stated, the understanding of how violent “Just as surely as our diplomats and extremists are funded by certain states military, American NGOs are out there of the Gulf Cooperation Council. serving and sacrificing on the front lines of freedom… NGOs are such a force In Yemen, hundreds, if not thousands, multiplier for us, such an important part of fighters from Al Qaeda of the Arabian of our combat team” in Afghanistan.32 Peninsula (AQAP), branded by the US The international ‘development’ NGOs government as the “most dangerous” that are integrated into the western affiliate of the loose international Al military efforts must be distinguished Qaeda network, have been recruited by from the thousands of local humanitarian Washington’s closest allies, Saudi Arabia organs that do not associate themselves and the United Arab Emirates, to fight with the intelligence/security apparatus as foot soldiers in the near-genocidal of the US and Britain. Conscious policy- US-backed war that these makers in Africa understand clearly that oil monarchies have been waging one of the biggest humanitarian projects against Yemen since 2015. There are of the late nineteenth and early twentieth now reports from the Associated Press century was the humanitarian project of that the Saudis “cut secret deals with King Leopold that went to ‘save’ the al-Qaida fighters, paying some to leave Africans in the Congo. King Leopold and key cities and towns and letting others the Belgians killed 10 million Africans retreat with weapons, equipment and in that mission. It was surprising to this wads of looted cash... Hundreds more author that the majority of the laureates were recruited to join the coalition in the 2017 Governance Institute did itself.” 30 not know this elementary fact which is documented in the book entitled King Penetrating humani- Leopold’s Ghost.33 The ‘save Africa’ debate seek to dominate the spaces tarianism where learned scholars reflect on the ‘responsibility to protect’ in order Alan Kuperman’s critique of the to marginalise the ideas about Pan humanitarian fig leaf that was African responsibilities. Pan Africanism presented for the Libyan intervention speaks about solidarity and the need to presents very useful arguments about support our brothers and sisters in other the motives of the western powers. parts of Africa that are suffering from Similar to most standard analysis, there exploitation and western involvement. is an omission of the role of finance 13 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 Nelson Mandela was one of those who Niger and northern Cameroon. In April called on the Organization of African 2014, Boko Haram kidnapped 276 Unity (OAU) and the AU that Africans schoolgirls from Chibok and the leader should be at the forefront of the Shekau announced the intention of fight against genocide. Accordingly, selling them into slavery. Since the since the AU was formed in 2001 and founding of this organization it has 2002 it has held the position that the been internationalized and terrorizes sovereignty of states does not give citizens in the Lake Chad region. leaders the mandate to carry out genocide or other crimes against Despite the lip service to the fight humanity. The Constitutive Act of the against terror, countries such as AU is explicit that this organization France that participated in the Libyan has the right to intervene whenever intervention manipulate the existence there are possibilities of genocide, of groups such as Boko Haram and crimes against humanity and war the militant elements from among crimes. The discourses on human and the Tuareg peoples to promote the people’s rights in Africa informed the interests of French capital in Africa. discussions in Africa after Rwanda and Whenever France calls a meeting inspired African diplomats’ support for about terrorism, many of the African the concept of responsibility to protect. leaders come together. This has been However, after the manipulations of most manifested in the energetic the Security Council Resolution 1973 efforts of France to get the support in 2011 there was a crucial test for the of the Security Council of the UN for African Peace and Security Architecture the financial backing for its G5 force (APSA) of the African Union. The Libyan in the Sahel.35 experience and the activities of NATO dictated that there will be vigilance in New forms of warfare the future to be sure that international diplomatic instruments are indeed in Africa deployed to protect black lives and not The Libyan intervention represented to destroy them. a new mode of warfare; specifically There has been a discussion on the inability information warfare a tactical and of ECOWAS34 to come to the assistance strategic use of information and data of brothers and sisters in Nigeria and to gain advantage. This includes the Lake Chad Basin societies who are multiple types of information and the faced with this menace of Boko Haram. deployment of cyber resources (cyber Boko Haram is an insurgent group that warfare), electronic warfare and was created in North-eastern Nigeria cyber-attacks. This warfare harnesses and has grown beyond the borders the satellite and communication of Nigeria. It now operates in Chad, resources of western states to facilitate electronic warfare, cyber warfare and 14 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya psychological operations (psy-ops). linked to the operations of the western In the case of Libya, it was a supreme intelligence operatives on the ground example of how the west rolled out coordinating the massive air campaign. its electronic warfare capabilities to control the Libyan electromagnetic spectrum. Additionally, there was Context for the Libyan coordinated electronic attack Intervention which consisted of jamming Libyan communications and radar. There was A year after the intervention in Libya, also the disruption of Libya’s entire this author called a conference at the communications system. in Syracuse New York. It was during this conference that Most modern wars involve psychological the Indian Ambassador and the South operations which in many ways is African Ambassador were asked why as important as the actual fighting. they signed on to resolution 1973 in Psychological operations prepare 2011. They retorted that, we signed the western population for them to on to this resolution because we politically support warfare, to finance understood the resolution to mean warfare, to support a military intervention that the UN was concerned about the and continued use of military means citizens of Libya. We did not sign on to of engagement in other parts of the this resolution for NATO to carry on an world. Information warfare started for incessant bombing campaign against example when the Psy-ops section Libya. The Indian Ambassador, then on of the western military infrastructure the Security Council was further asked, mounted a campaign to warn that the then why do you not support the call Libyan government was making plans to by Africa to have an investigation of kill its own people. The now notorious what went on when NATO exceeded its military/cum PR firm Bell Pottinger was mandate? He said, we will call for such deployed for this propaganda barrage. an investigation but the call must come We now have the authority of the from Africans. Many African countries investigation of the British parliament are still too timid in their relationship to note that this was a lie. Since the with countries such as France, Britain era of Donald Trump this information and the USA. warfare has taken new dimensions with what is called fake news, specialized Resolution 1973 of March 2011 said it computerized production of data and “…demands immediate establishment lies spread mostly through the media. of a ceasefire and a complete end This information warfare on Libya had to violence and attacks against, and been set in motion so that we could abuses of civilians, and Impose a no have the resolutions of the UN. In flight zone over Libya, authorizes all Libya, this disinformation was directly necessary means to protect civilians 15 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 and civilian population areas and Nicholas Sarkozy the then President of respect for foreign occupation zone, France emailed the then US Secretary of strengthens the enforcement of the State, Hilary Clinton, and set out clearly arms embargo, and particular action why the intervention took place. The against use of mercenaries, imposes information came out in 2016 during a ban on all Libyan designated flights, the elections in the US. As content of the imposes asset freeze on all assets email revealed in March 2011, Sarkozy owned by Libyan Investment Authority, spelt out the following five reasons why and reaffirms that such assets should be there had to be intervention in Libya. used for the benefit of Libyan people, and extends travel ban.” 1) France wanted to gain a greater share of Libyan oil production. That was the summary content of the Resolution. Noticeably, there 2) The intervention was necessary was nothing in this Resolution about to increase French influence in bombing Libya or regime change. North Africa African intellectuals at that point set up a roadmap which called for an end 3) To improve the internal political to the hostilities in Libya. Today, even situation in France. That the seven years later, that roadmap for internal political situation in France Libya is still important. One outcome is dependent on the instability of of the disinformation of the West Africa. is for the African publics to distrust 4) To provide the French military with interventions such as those of the the opportunity to reassert its African intellectuals who condemned position in the world; and the NATO destruction of Libya. 5) To address the concern of his The disinformation machinery would advisers over Gaddafi’s long term have it that the trafficking of hundreds plans to supplant France as the of thousands of young people in a dominant power in Francophone clearly organised trade from Libyan soil, Africa. Africans are not supposed to condemn this new slave trade. The information Every intellectual, student, soldier, warfare seeks to disarm Africans and and diplomat should study the email give inordinate publicity to international exchanges of Sarkozy to Hilary Clinton humanitarian agencies. Given all these because it is here that the real reasons features of the destruction, there is need for the intervention in Libya are spelt for clarity about the events in Libya. out. Sarkozy said earlier that the war in Younger generations must be educated Libya was to save the Euro. to understand the happenings in Libya to promote clarity in Africa on why the intervention took place. 16 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya Not well known about Libya and what When WWII was at its height, President Sarkozy and the French covet is the Roosevelt called General Eisenhower Nubian aquifer, the large ocean of to ask where the US should enter this fresh water under Libya. One of the war. General Eisenhower suggested more significant projects that had been North Africa and to Libya claiming undertaken by the Libyan government that if you control North Africa and the was the construction of a giant water Mediterranean you will control Europe. transfer scheme called the great man Thus geopolitically, it was important to made river to transport water from the control North Africa. This is why there Nubian aquifer to the urban areas of is such intense interest in North Africa. Libya. During the NATO intervention, the factory that made the pipes for the This book is called Global NATO Great Man Made River was bombed. because while NATO was mandated Libya had become a member of the Lake to protest Western Europe from Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) in 2008. communism, they have expanded The Libyan leadership had pledged their mandate to integrate themselves support for a massive water transfer with the organisation for military scheme from the Democratic Republic cooperation in the Middle East, with of the Congo through the Central the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) and African Republic to replenish Lake Chad the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). which has lost about 95% of its surface Together with their allies, Australia, water. There had been discussions with New Zealand, Mongolia, , the Commission for an integrated water and Japan, there is the partnership transfer scheme in the entire basin that renders NATO a global force. of Lake Chad and French would not The characterization Global NATO is want efforts towards empowerment of also significant because the military Africans in the case of water resources establishment of the West is to protect that could be commodified for French finance capital, the shadow banks, and water companies. the international financial system that sustains the exorbitant privilege of the dollar. It is in this context that we NATO, Global NATO come to the crux of the problem that and Finance Capital triggered the intervention in Libya. This author designated NATO in global Libya was a country where (whatever terms in so far as the post-cold war was thought of its leader), hundreds reach of NATO went far beyond the of billions of dollars had been Atlantic areas of the planet. NATO is accumulated in reserve and the money the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was tightly controlled by the LIA. With which was formed after WWII to protect its vast wealth, Libya joined the Arab the interests of the West. Banking Corporation. This Corporation was controlled by some countries in 17 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 the Gulf and Libya. In November/ of events in Libya in 2011. The Central December 2010, Libya gained control Bank in Libya and the Libyan National of the Arab Banking Corporation in Oil Company were companies that were Bahrain. Thus, Libya with its billions of nationalistic in relation to its defending dollars in reserves signalled other oil the Libyan people. But NATO destroyed producing states in the Gulf to desist Libya and after the destruction claimed from recycling their wealth to feed that the intervention was the most into the banks of the West but to use successful campaign that they have the wealth for the upliftment of their ever performed. NATO said they societies. transformed Libya.

In the meantime, the Western institutions including universities like The Mode of Warfare London School of Economics and in Libya Harvard University, and consortiums like the Boston Consulting Group, sent As was stated earlier, the deployment scores of consultants to Libya on why of information warfare capabilities the country must invest in Western had defined the nature of the NATO banking and finance institutions and engagement in Libya. Early in the open up the Libyan economy. campaign the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates had outlined why it would It is clear therefore that the Central not be necessary to have boots on the Bank of Libya that was tightly controlled ground in Libya. Though it was the outside of the International Monetary planning of the NATO commanders that Fund, the National Oil Company of electronic warfare and bombing would Libya that was tightly controlled by the bring the regime to its knees, after three Libyan Government and the Libyan months of bombing the regime was Investment Authority were the targets still in place. A new arena was opened of the liberal intellectuals of the West in relation to information warfare when and the Western banking structures. in April 2011, the bombing had failed to dislodge the Gadaffi government. In the past 15 to 20 years, finance There was the buzz of referring capital has moved into an area of Gaddafi to the International Criminal financialization called the financialization Court (ICC) for killing his own people. of energy products. The financialization Together with the sanctions mandated of energy products means that those by Resoloution 1973 international who produce oil are caught in a trap public opinion was mobilized to financially between the banks and the condemn the leadership of Libya. oil companies to ensure that the capital These manoeuvres meant that it was that is made from the production of oil necessary to dismiss and diminish the and energy resources are flowing back to efforts of the African Union to mediate Western banks. This is the background between the Libyan government and 18 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya the opposition National Transitional foreign forces that are aligned with Council (NTC). In fact the NTC refused them. This is how they went into Libya. to meet the team of the AU. Despite Before this time, however, there had the overwhelming bombing campaign, been enough information warfare the NATO form of warfare required on Africans and across the world to ground troops. These were provided garner support for this warfare and its by Chad, Qatar, and Sudan. approach.

NATO was using a new mode of warfare. An understanding of the military The first aspect of this warfare is to weakness of NATO and the West bomb by air. In the 78 days the NATO would clarify the reason they needed forces (also called the coalition) flew third party countries such as Chad, more than 38,000 sorties. Despite the Sudan and Qatar to fight in the month post intervention stories of the success of August 2011. Notably, since this war of the bombing campaign the vaunted in Libya the relationship between Saudi cooperation between the forces was Arabia and Qatar has broken down to hampered by the lack of interoperability the point where the son of Gaddafi that between the computerized systems was in jail in one part of the country has of the USA and the other ‘allies.” now escaped to another part of the There was no cooperation in relation country that is held by the United Arab to battlefield information collection Emirates, Egypt and General Hifter. and exploitation system (BICES). After the intervention there had been recriminations among analysts about The role of African the inability of NATO to advance Intellectuals and information sharing. US forces utilized the SIPRNET (Secret Internet Protocol Institutions Router Network) and these capabilities Given this situation, there are pressing were not shared.36 questions about what Africans and particularly African scholars and Recently, Western children do not institutions are doing or can do about want to fight in war anymore hence Libya. What is the role of CODESRIA they seek to bomb from the air with and African intellectuals? jets and drones. Electronic warfare accompanied the bombing so that Seemingly, when the USA established the command and control capabilities the AFRICOM (AFRICOM) and the of the Libyan leadership and Libya’s French intervened in West Africa to say telecommunication system was they were fighting against terror, African jammed. Secondly, NATO deployed intellectuals should have been at the Special Forces what the US call Special forefront of opposing AFRICOM and Operations forces. Thirdly, they use French military intervention in Africa. local militias; and fourthly, they employ 19 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 This author noted that when General in any part of the world to call for the Rodriquez determined that Libya was expulsion of all western military forces a failed state, no one reminded the from Africa. world of the cheerleading role of his predecessor, General Carter Ham, in Kwame Nkrumah is one of those the first days of the bombing of Libya leaders that some Pan Africanists call continentalist because those who want The activism of AFRICOM and US to divide Africa say Africans everywhere supported foundations is clear not only should not be united. It is along this in directing the research priorities of divisive line that the West classifies part social science but also in commenting of Africa where Libya is situated with the on political directions in Africa. In Middle East.37 It is therefore necessary September 2017, for example, the to understand events in Libya and their head of AFRICOM unambiguously meaning for Africa. told Kenyans that they should not vote out the present government because We have to ask ourselves, in August should remain in Somalia they captured Tripoli and controlled irrespective of the social and financial Libya. Gaddafi escaped to Sirte and costs to its people. This is an obvious they tracked down Gaddafi and case of intervention by AFRICOM captured him alive. Why did they have in the politics of Africa while African to sodomize and kill Gaddafi? The intellectuals were silent. sodomization and dehumanization of Gaddafi was an attempt to humiliate As the Kwame Nkrumah Chair, the call of Africa and to say any African leader that Kwame Nkrumah for the establishment stands up for African independence of an African High Command is needful would be destroyed. and reaffirmed. Progressive scholars should break the silences imposed by This author was never a supporter funding agencies that seek to harness of Gaddafi and remembers the days the research capabilities of African when Gaddafi supported the Idi Amin institutions to focus on the priorities of dictatorship in , especially in the what is defined as security by the US. It Ugandan Tanzanian war.38 Nevertheless, is in this regard that the work of Michael the intervention in Libya, the killing of Hudson (2015) on Finance as Warfare Gaddafi, the humiliation of Gaddafi and becomes important in so far as the the theft of Libyan resources by Goldman security interests of the USA in Africa Sachs and Wall Street is more important relates to the security of the dollar as than Gaddafi as a person. A central the dominant international currency. It part of the disinformation campaign is is incumbent on patriotic scholars to use for African intellectuals and diplomats every platform to say that AFRICOM to disengage themselves from the has no legitimacy in Africa and that we events in Libya. It is therefore far too are not afraid to stand up in platforms easy to centre on Gaddafi as a person 20 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya in order to camouflage the reasons and their engagement with Africa. In fact, consequences of the intervention. there is continuing engagement with the radical African feminists who are Having destroyed and plunged Libya raising questions of how to create into the current situation of three a Pan African Women’s Liberation governments, there is an attempt at Organisation because these feminists rationalization by the West amidst the agree with our brothers and sisters in many disruptive consequences of the North America who are saying “Black self-serving intervention. Lives Matter”. This agreement with the Africans in the Americas is important Part of the responsibility for African in stimulating discussions about the intellectuals and institutions is that our safety of Black Lives everywhere. What students and youths in our mosques, is surprising nonetheless is that in churches, schools and communities Africa when some people die in France must be educated to have African from a bombing African leaders fly to reference points. They must know who France and march on the streets with Patrice Lumumba was and why Patrice President Hollande about the people Lumumba stood for the independence dying in France but when people die of the Congo. It was amazing twenty in the United States not one African years ago, while walking on the Campus leader say anything about Africans who of the University of Dar es Salaam to die. That sensibility is therefore needed learn that primary school children did first within the African academy and not know many of our African leaders. then policy cycles that anything that Only five years after Samora Machel happens to an African in Haiti, Cuba, died, a question about who he is had Brazil, United States, Libya or Somalia the answer: “Samora who?” Inferably, is an injury for all Africa. our intellectuals are following the disinformation process because many Institutions such as CODESRIA, the of the current people do not know Nyerere Foundation, the Mbeki about Samora Machel. Similarly, most Foundation, and other such institutions Africans do not know that it was the in Africa have a role to play in closing defeat of the South African army at the gap between the academy and Cuito Cuanavale in 1988 that brought policy-making. The younger graduates about the final defeat of the apartheid of CODESRIA Institutes do not just army and ushered in the independence have to look to the African leaders for of Namibia. The African academy guidance on human trafficking in North therefore has the urgent duty to educate Africa and the destabilization of the this generation to understand African Sahel. Along this call, a CODESRIA events from African points of view. bulletin on the Libya intervention as one of the most important things that There is no discounting, however, what have happened in Africa is overdue. our African brothers and sisters do in 21 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 Importantly, foreign funding should close the chapter on Libya until that part not always determine discussions of Africa and Africans restore peace to relating to the security and wellbeing this country and the continent. of Africans.

UN Security Council Resolutions Lessons, responsibility 2259, 2278, and 2362 call on Member and recommendations States to recognize and support the Government of National Accord and to from Libya comply with Security Council efforts to The first instructive lesson we need enforce asset freezes, travel bans, and to learn is that Africans must get hold arms embargo measures. However, of the information on happenings in the USA selectively uses the mandate Africa and make their own decisions of the Security Council to intervene in on it. African intellectuals at the time of Libya (to fight ISIS) as in 2014 when it the NATO intervention in Libya brought seized a ship with millions of dollars out a document that was signed by of oil but the same US government is two hundred (200) African academics very quiet in relation to the activities of to say that Libya is an African country General Hifter and the so called Libyan and NATO should not be involved. National Army. That initiative that was taken by It is however not too late to engage the African scholars in should question about the role of states such be expanded given its continuing as Egypt, the Sudan and Chad in the importance. We should not accept present destruction of Libya. Western designation of terrorism, the idea that France is fighting terrorism in There is no statute of limitation the Maghreb, or that France will bring regarding the engagement of the peace to Africa. Libyan question. It is not too late because the same justifications for The second responsibility that comes the Libya intervention are being used from this brief is that the AU must for going into Somalia. Through this pressure the UN for a re-evaluation medium and other forums we want of the Libya intervention and ensure the African population to make the accountability by the West. African connection between Libya and the rest intellectuals must relentlessly pressure of the continent because many Africans the continental union to call for are told that Libya is not an African this re-evaluation. One important country. In fact, there have been real historical lesson may suffice to drive human rights violation against Africans home the need for constant call for most notably the 30,000 African ‘slaves’ accountability on the Libyan question. in Libya. It is therefore critical that our In 1935 Benito Mussolini invaded intellectuals and institutions do not Ethiopia, Abyssinia. This invasion was 22 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya to destroy an independent African fighting Al Shabbab in Somalia and country but the defeat of the Italians the Somalia Wahhabis are financed by in Abyssinia was a reawakening among the Wahhabis from Saudi Arabia whiles Africans on the need to mobilize for these financiers are the allies of the political independence. Expectedly, United States of America.41 the Ethiopians never forgot what Mussolini did in Ethiopia. Seventy years The fourth point is the need to engage afterwards the Ethiopians called for the the discussion on the African currency. Italians to return the obelisk that they We have the figures for capital flight had stolen from Ethiopia.39 Similarly, from Africa from the high-level panel it is hereby underlined that as African of the AU. The figures are clear that intellectuals even fifty years afterwards Africa is losing over US $50 billion we must call for the re-evaluation and dollars every year via illicit financial accountability for what went down in outflow. The debate on foreign aid Libya. More importantly, progressive and ‘development partners’ has in scholars ought to learn how the Italian the past diverted attention from this invasion accelerated the demand for very important aspect of the loss of African independence. The current resources from Africa. More than a fragility of international capitalism trillion dollars have been lost from along with the fires of warfare presents Africa because Africans are being another potent moment for speeding mobilized to keep their reserves in the the unification of Africa. Euro and the US dollar. In the struggle between the Euro and the US dollar, The third clarion call is the the CFA created by France is linked demilitarization of Africa and ultimately to the Euro so that the Europeans can withdrawal of French and foreign now compete with Americans in the forces from Africa and the expulsion present currency wars. There is urgent of AFRICOM. For extremists in Africa, need therefore to implement the AU those who kill people, we should time table for an African currency and mobilize the police activities that can unite the resources of Africa so that ferret out those who finance these the peoples of Africa can use their people to carry out all the inhumane resources to invest in Africa. actions in Africa. Here the groups that come to mind are Al Shabbab, Boko There are some pundits who call for Haram and Séléka rebels.40 In efforts a methodical approach to the African to overcome extremism in Africa, currency. In the attempt to create the cooperation within Africa by Africans African currency, a key consideration would be more helpful. African driven however is that we cannot have a cooperation within the continent is methodic abolition of the western very important because we cannot European currency. The abolition must have the United States saying they are be sharp, sudden, and by surprise. 23 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018 Anything methodic is warning and opposition possible. Most importantly, giving them notice. Instead of methodic however, France must be out of Africa. abolition constant information and One of the central tasks to realize this education is required so that when the objective is to educate Africans on the inevitable moment comes given the role of the CFA; that the CFA is not a financial crises we will be ready. stabilizing force in Africa but a basis for draining currency out of Africa. The prevailing capitalist crisis means Moreover, if they practice quantitative that stepwise processes for integration easing, that is print more currency in and regional integration are unhelpful. currency wars, what kind of stability This crisis means that there are different are they bringing to Africa with this currency blocks. There is the US Dollar, kind of war? the Euro, the Japanese Yen, the Chinese RMB and the Latin Americans want their Lastly, there must be an end to warfare own currency. Why does Africa have to in Africa. This call to end warfare in wait to have our own integration and Africa is not just to bring peace but currency? to secure peace in order to engage in the reconstruction of Africa. The offers an instructive example reconstruction of Africa requires that the in the discussion about African currency. resources of Africa and African peoples After the fall of the Berlin Wall, there are used to invest in building up the was clarity among German political productive capabilities of Africa so that leadership to unite the currency of West Africa can end this tale of exploitation, and East Germany. Consequently, domination and manipulation. In this in the universities in Germany they present financial crisis intellectuals, always taught German students about activists, and those who are concerned what it means to unite the currency. with the future of the world need to Thus at the time of the fall of the Berlin engage with questions of peace so that Wall, Chancellor Helmut Kohl did not Africa can make decisions about Africa do a methodic abolition of the two for Africans at home and abroad. currencies. He did it overnight and then informed the French, the British, the Russians, and the Americans to Conclusion avoid opposition that could ensue from In conclusion the intervention in Libya a methodic approach. Accordingly, has to be understood as being primarily Africa should avoid being methodic driven by Finance capital and the desire in the creating of the African currency. of the West to control the wealth and Unsurprisingly, the French might want energy resources of Libya to prop up, a methodic approach for Africa to especially French interests in Africa. This gather information on that process and understanding must be connected with currency in order to stage the fiercest the prevailing currency wars to provide 24 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya the broader picture of competing parties facilitate the timeline for the emergence which collaborated to destroy Libya to of the African currency. share its wealth and supplant attempt to create an African currency. In all these developments, African engagements are necessary to It is clear however that this intervention accelerate the pace of the African and the prevailing fragility of the global currency within a peaceful environment capitalist economy is rather working to devoid of militarism.

Notes 1.The head of Training Grants and Fellowships at CODESRIA, Dr Ibrahim Oanda, is hereby acknowledged for his initiative in setting in motion this discussion on the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the continued destabilization of Africa. 2. United States Africa Command 2017 Posture Statement, as delivered to the Senate Armed Service Committee on March 9, 2017, statement. 3. Horace Campbell (2013) Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya: Lessons for Africa in the forging of African Unity. Monthly Review Press. 4. Case Number HC-2014-000197. authority-v-goldman-sachs/. The details of the case which have been published online can be accessed from Some of the issues bordering the case are raised in the article “Goldman Sachs vindicated but bruised in court battle with Libyan fund” posted by Reuters on October 16, 2016. See bruised-in-court-battle-with-libyan-fund-idUSKBN12G0QE. Two days earlier, viz, October 14, 2016 there was an article posted by Reuters titled “Goldman Sachs wins $1.2billion with Libyan Sovereign Fund” This article is also available online at article/us-libya-swf-litigation/goldman-sachs-wins-1-2-billion-dispute-with-libyan-sovereign- fund-idUSKBN12E1GL. It can be understood from these articles by Claire Milhench that the $1.2billion dollars was part of LIA’s $67billion sovereign wealth fund. It has revealed another $2.1billion battle between the LIA and the French Bank Societe General. 5. Mrs Justice Rose. Libya vs Goldman Sachs Judgment. Case No: HC-2014-000197. In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Royal Courts of Justice Strand, London, WC2A 2LL. October 14, 2016. dealbook/document-Libya-vs-Goldman-Sachs-Judgement.html 6. Margaret Coker and Liz Rappaport, “Libya’s Goldman Dalliance Ends in Losses, Acrimony,” Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2011, 66504576347190532098376.html 7. Horace Campbell (2013) Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya: Lessons for Africa in the forging of African Unity (Monthly Review Press). 25 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018

8. The dispersal of many of the principals of the Libyan Investment authority and state-owned (NOC) hindered the development of the position of Libya. In April 2012, the former prime minister and oil minister Shokri Ghanem who had also been the chairman of the NOC was found dead in the Danube River in Vienna. Ghanem was supposed to have drowned. He was privy to potentially damaging information including on oil deals with Western governments. See Michael Shield, “Gaddafi-era Libyan oil chief drowned: Vienna police,” Reuters, April 30, 2012 ghanem/gaddafi-era-libyan-oil-chief-drowned-vienna-police-idUSBRE83T0SJ20120430 9. Jack Rasmus, Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy. Clarity Press; New York, 2016, See also James Kwak and Simon Johnson, 13 Bankers: Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown, Pantheon Books, New York 2010. 10. Barry Eichengreen, Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System, Oxford University Press 2012. 11. The activities of the financial houses in the opaque world of derivatives and dark pools are well documented in the book by Charles Ferguson, Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America, Crown Business, 2013. 12. According to the World Economic Forum the Illicit global economy is formed “from the proceeds of illicit trade which is, in turn, largely rooted in organized crime. Whether it is human trafficking, arms trafficking, the illegal wildlife trade, counterfeiting or money laundering, these activities are incredibly lucrative and fuel the magnitude of the illicit economy.” World Economic Forum, State of the Illicit Economy: Briefing Papers 2015, See also Peter Andreas, International Politics and the Illicit Global Economy, Perspectives on Politics, September 2015|Vol. 13/No. 3. 13. This classification in frequent in the various Congressional Research report. See for instance Christopher Blanchard, Libya: Transition and US Policy, Congressional Research Service, October 2017. 14. John Bellamy Foster, The New Imperialism of Globalized Monopoly-Finance Capital, Monthly Review, Volume 67, Issue 03 (July-August) 2015. 15. Resolution 1970 was passed in February 26, 2011. This was however replaced with the more controversial Resolution 1973. This latter Resolution was not ready to make the mode of intervention and its analysis clear. It was the 5 abstentions that brought out the lack of clarity in the hurriedly passed resolution which aimed at killing and destroying the Libyan society to facilitate the interests of France. The full resolution which has been included in Appendix 3 page 281 of the book “Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya: Lessons for Africa in the forging of African Unity” could also be read on https:// 16. The African Union Strategy for the Sahel Region, Peace and Security Council, 449th Meeting 11 August 2014. 17. Phyllis Bennis, Understanding ISIS and the New Global War on Terror: A Primer Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2015. 26 Finance Capital and the NATO Intervention in Libya

18. This book by Vijay Prashad published by AK Press in 2012 catalogues the assault on Libya in the light of the waves of revolutions that swept across parts of North Africa and the Middle East in the spring of 2011. 19. Forte’s book “Slouching towards Sirte: NATO’s war in Libya and Africa” was published in November 28, 2012. In this book Forte examines the myths and puts the involvement of the USA into perspective. 20. See inter alia Frederic Wehrey and Peter Cole, “Building Libya’s Security Sector,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, August 6, 2013, http://carnegieendowment. org/2013/08/06/building-libya-s-security-sector and Alan Kuperman. “A Model Humanitarian Intervention? Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign”. International Security 38 (2013): 105–36 21. In this 32-page report by the International Crisis Group, the destructive effects of the intervention were identified and, what need not surprise the reader, the “frenzied competition for control over the oil resources of Libya by the coalition parties that led NATO to the war on Libya. See ICG Middle East and North Africa Report No 165 published on December 3, 2015. 22. Congressional Research Service Report prepared by Christopher M. Blanchard on “Libya: Tradition and US Policy”, August 3, 2015. RL33142. This report was also published online on March 29, 2017, an could be read at RL33142_6202307c0d047d809ff29d9011afc99d7a847ffa.html 23. Statement on Central Bank of Libya, May 25, 2016; and Hassan Morajea and Tamer El- Ghobashy, “Libya’s Central Bank Needs Money Stashed in a Safe; Problem Is, Officials Don’t Have the Code,” Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2016. 24. “US commander in Africa says Libya is a failed state,” Associated Press, March 8, 2016, a-failed-state/id-dbb1d572b9b54a5cb5cbde1081b26f9d 25. Libyan Express. US Commander in Africa: Libya is a failed state. March 9, 2016. https:// 26. See the chapter of Robert Rotberg, Odious and Failed States, Humanitarian Responses in the book, Failed States and Fragile Societies: a new world disorder, edited by Ingo Trauschweizer and Steven M. Miner, Ohio University Press, 2014. 27. Michael Barnett, had written on the duplicity of the West in the Rwandan genocide and also Empire of Humanity, A History of Humanitarianism, Cornell University Press, 2011. 28. Jeffrey Goldberg, “The Obama Doctrine,” Atlantic Magazine, April 2016. https://www. One of the persons who was fired by Obama and who wanted more intervention in West Asia was General Mattis who had given President Obama a draft plan of how to invade Iran. That General Mattis is now the Secretary of Defence of the United States of America. 29. This observation had been made earlier by the abstentions during the vote in the security council of UN to intervene in Libya 27 Policy Brief No. 2, May 2018

30. pay-57051248 31. Alan Kuperman. “A Model Humanitarian Intervention? Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign”. International Security 38 (2013): 105–36 32. Quoted in Humanitarianism Contested, Where Angels Fear to Tread, by Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss, Routledge, New York 2011 33. In this book Adam Hochschild uses information from archives, journals of soldiers, and available public documents to detail the genocide that occurred in the Congo in the civilization and humanitarian project of the Belgians and King Leopold. The full title of the book is “King Leopold’s Ghost: A story of greed, terror and heroism in colonial Africa” published in 1998. 34. ECOWAS is the Economic Community of West African States. 35. The G5 Sahel Cross-Border Joint Force was officially launched on 2 July 2017, in Bamako, by the presidents of five States of the Sahel. This joint military force has since been endorsed by the African Union and recognized by the UN Security Council by resolution 2359 (21 June 2017), sponsored by France. Its mandate is to combat terrorism, transnational organized crime and human trafficking in the G5 Sahel area.The G5 members are , Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. See .Security Council authorizes UN support for G5 Sahel troops: support-g5-sahel-troops/#ampshare= council-authorizes-un-support-g5-sahel-troops/ 36. Maj Jason R. Greenleaf, USAF, The Air War in Libya, Defense Technical information Center, 2013, See also Precision and purpose: airpower in the Libyan Civil War, edited by Karl P. Mueller [and thirteen others],Rand Corporation 2015 . 37. In classifying parts of Africa with the Middle East and the other part as sub-Saharan Africa, these divisive efforts fail to recognize that there could be a “sub” without the main from which the so-called sub was derived. That recognition would have meant that there would be a Saharan Africa. More importantly, Africans must just be seen as Africans and the continent as Africa. 38. During this war fought in 1978/1979 the troops that fought for Idi Amin included several forces from Libya. It was also by the end of this war that the dictatorial regime of Amin finally collapsed 39. In April 19, 2005, after 68years when Benito Mussolini invaded Abyssinia the first piece of the estimated 1,700 year old granite obelisk was returned to Ethiopia. Throughout the period Ethiopians did not stop calling for the return of its cultural heritage even after refused to abide by the 1947 UN agreement to return the stolen asset to the people of Abyssinia. The news about the return could be read at world/2005/apr/20/italy.ethiopia. Last year a committee was honoured for their efforts in ensuring the heritage was returned, see item/1440-ethiopia-honors-nat-l-committee-for-return-of-axum-obelisk 40. Al Shabbab is known to widely operate in Somalia. Boko Haram has been operating in Northern Nigeria. The Séléka rebels operates in the Central African Republic. These situations must be policed out of Africa for the peace and reconstruction of the Africa and the specific African lands. The existence of these groups does not however indicate a prevalence of terrorism across Africa as the West would have Africans believe. 41. The Wahhabis are known close allies with the Al Saud, the ruling family of Saudi Arabia and are therefore linked with the state apparatus in that country. The contradictions in international relations of the West has meant that though the European Parliament has identified Wahhabism as the main source of the so-called global terrorism, the United States and the West are the close allies of the Saudi state. On the European identification of Wahhabism with terrorism and its general history see for example is-wahhabism-the-reactionary-branch-of-islam-said-to-be-the/


CODESRIA would like to express its gratitude to the Swedish Internation- al Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY), the Open Society Foundations (OSFs), Andrew Mellon Foundation, Oumou Dilly Foundation and the Government of Senegal for supporting its research, training and publication programmes.

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