ails ß F R O M M I N N E S O T A For Friends of Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota Winter 2008 Vol. 19 Issue 1 In 1988, , pictured above, was the firsTt dog HSDM adopted from an animal shelter. She was homeless and was scheduled to be euthanized that day. Lucky served as our demonstration dog for 11 years. She is symbolic of our commitment to save homeless dogs while fulfilling our mission to serve people with disabilities. Safety For Sam Schuler and Reno by Michelle Newman

Sam Schuler of Delano, Minn., smiles however, they said their worries about easily, loves to play and is full of his safety are reduced. “Sam is energy. Those are normal characteris- impulsive, and he’s active,” said tics for a school-age child, but impres- Jennifer. “But when he attempts to sions can be misleading. Like one of bolt, Reno holds his position on the every 166 U.S. children, he is a child ground, so Sam can’t go too far.” diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Jennifer noted that Sam’s tempera- ment has changed since Reno entered In 2006, Hearing and Service Dogs of their lives. For example, the family Minnesota began exploring the idea of recently attended a school assembly. training assistance dogs specifically “During the program, I noticed that for children with autism. In fall 2007, Sam was getting tired,” Jennifer the Schuler family met Reno, a recalled. “In the past, when that Bouvier des Flanders, and the first happened, Sam would have a melt- Autism Assist Dog placement began. down, and I would have to take him out of the audience. This time, Sam Sam’s parents, Jennifer and Darren, Sam and Reno sat on the floor next to Reno and said they were happy to see their son remained calm. We were able to enjoy growing bigger and stronger. But the entire event.” Sam’s physical development also Here, Reno began his training like prompted concerns about his safety. most assistance dogs, learning obedi- When the family goes out, Jennifer “Whenever we would take Sam to a ence and gaining socialization skills. said, people note Reno’s red vest and public place—whether it was the Next, his training focused on serving frequently ask questions. “Before, if grocery store or the mall—we would as an “anchor” for Sam. “Now, when Sam and I were in a public setting and have to hold onto him,” Jennifer Sam attempts to bolt, I tell Reno to he took off, I could feel other people recalled. “Otherwise he would bolt. ‘sit’ and ‘stay,’” Jennifer explained. thinking, ‘Why can’t the parent get But we couldn’t hold onto him 24 “That prevents Sam from darting off control of this kid?’” she said. “With hours a day!” Looking for help, the into crowds or across streets. It keeps Reno, people can see that Sam is a couple found Hearing and Service him safer, and it provides us with Continued on page 11 Dogs of Minnesota. peace of mind.” THOSE WHO MADE THIS Inside This Issue But the two didn’t become a team PLACEMENT POSSIBLE overnight. The Schulers practiced as a Dog Source From the Executive Director ...... 2 family, going to public places as Linda Jarrett Ryan Thorson & Levi ...... 3 Jennifer learned how to handle Reno Veterinary Services Ruth Tokarczyk & Molly ...... 4 and Sam got used to being paired with Arden Shoreview Animal Hospital Jean Euteneuer & Lexie ...... 5 a dog. “Sam has learned that when we go out, he has a task,” Jennifer said. Legacy Club ...... 5 Puppy Raiser “He takes pride in knowing his task is The Ehlert Family Puppy Raiser Halloween Party...... 8 to hang onto Reno. At the same time, Ray Brigleb & Millie ...... 9 Reno doesn’t let Sam out of his sight. TeamTrainer Julianne Larsen Development News ...... 10 He knows his job is to protect Sam.” Volunteer Spotlight ...... 11 Even with Reno, Sam has occasional Sponsor meltdowns. With Reno at Sam’s side, Build-A-Bear Foundation From the Executive Director Volume 19 Issue 1 Al Peters & Demonstration Dog Beau

dogs in the fall of 2007! One of those Tails From Minnesota two teams is highlighted on the cover Published quarterly for friends and supporters of of this issue. I would encourage you Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota to go to our new and improved Editor/Layout/Design Autism Program website at and select Alan M. Peters Sue Schuster In previous issues of Tails from WCCO on the home page to view the Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota Minnesota, I told you about a fasci- video on this new team. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or nating new program that we planned disabled by creating mutually beneficial to start to serve children with autism The demand for this new service is partnerships with specially trained dogs. and their families. We laid plans to quite high. In addition to having two We envision a future in which every teams completed, we have four person who needs and wants an model ourselves after a Canadian assistance dog can have one. organization that had pioneered the applications accepted and a number Hearing Dogs are adopted from local animal training of assistance dogs to work as of applications in process. In Decem- shelters, placed with deaf or hard-of-hearing clients part of a partnership that includes a ber alone we sent out thirteen appli- and specially trained to alert clients to important sounds in their environment. Service Dogs are young child with autism, a specially cations and more requests are waiting trained to help people with physical disabilities by now. pulling their wheelchairs, picking up or carrying trained dog, and the child’s parent or objects, opening doors, flipping light switches and caregiver. performing other daily tasks. Dogs, training and As this program is new and still in supplies are provided to each client free of charge. The child and dog are tethered the developmental stages, we are Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota 2537 25th Avenue South together when in public to assure that currently only accepting applications Minneapolis MN 55406 the child cannot escape into unsafe from those who live in the seven 612-729-5986, 612-729-5914 tty/fax e-mail [email protected] circumstances. Having the dog wear county metro area surrounding website an identification cape helps the public Minneapolis and Saint Paul. We are Board of Directors to realize that the child is not misbe- also accepting pre-applications from Mary Quist President having when he exhibits unusual other families in need so we can help Carlos Villalpando Vice President John Parzych Secretary behavior but rather that he has a them in the future. Once we have an Monique Morton Treasurer disability. The dog also adds stability established track record, we will Sara Braziller Kara Fairbairn Lisa Knazan MarySue Krueger and a calming influence for the child, accept applications from all of Maureen Pranghofer both in public and at home. Minnesota and then other states as John Stockman Len Washko well. Staff In the winter issue of Tails from To reach a staff member via phone, dial 612-729-5986. When you hear the greeting, Minnesota, one year ago, I informed While we are excited about moving press the extension number. you that we were having a difficult forward and serving more people Laurie Carlson Event & Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] ext. 113 time starting our new autism pro- with this special need, our growth Carrick Puppy Program Coordinator gram. We had received $6,000 in will probably be slower than the [email protected] ext. 111 Janet Cobus Development Director grants but that was not enough to apparent demand. Within our current [email protected] ext. 153 train a staff and develop our program budget and resources, we plan to train Mona Elder Graduate Services Coordinator [email protected] ext. 155 in Minnesota. at least four more Autism Assist Audrey Galm Administrative Assistant Dogs in 2008. [email protected] ext. 157 Kim Hyde Director of Training As the year went forward, however, [email protected] ext. 154 we had a new opportunity. We were Our gratitude to the Park Nicollet Rita Jesse Graduate Presenter Julianne Larsen Special Programs Coordinator able to hire an experienced trainer of Foundation and the Max and Victoria [email protected] ext. 117 Autism Assist Dogs to travel to Dreyfus Foundation for providing the Jessica Nadeau Development Assistant [email protected] ext. 152 Minnesota and act as a coach for our funding to get us started. But a Michelle Newman Marketing & Media Relations staff in the selection and training of critical piece to helping our capacity [email protected] ext. 115 Angela Olson Kennel Manager dogs for this specific purpose. This grow is to find specific funding that [email protected] ext. 156 process worked amazingly well! With will allow us to expand staff, breed- Lee Perish Account Assistant [email protected] 612-729-5914 tty this assistance, we were able to ing dogs, and facilities. Please Al Peters Executive Director establish policies and procedures, contact me directly if you have ideas [email protected] ext. 116 Thomas Rehbein Administrative Assistant select the best dogs from our kennels or resources that will help us to grow [email protected], ext. 151 and interview the first potential this important program. Birdie Murphy, Michelle Sheffer clients. Kennel Assistants I am proud to report to you that we fl‹ certified our first two autism assist 2 Attached From The Start Ryan Thorson & Levi by Dianne Walsh Astry In Hebrew, the name Levi means ( and learned how to “attached.” From the moment Levi, a apply. He shared the information with Golden Retriever, met Ryan Thorson, his family, and the process began. an 11th grader in Lexington, Minn., Levi has lived up to his name! The Thorsons agree that Levi is a great addition to the family and the Ryan, who has cerebral palsy, lives best thing for Ryan. They say they with his parents and brother. He said also learned lessons themselves, that having Levi at his side has given including that they should lock the him more freedom and independence. bathroom door if they expect privacy. “He is funny, fun to be with and I am It seems Levi will practice his door- glad he is now mine,” Ryan noted. “I tugging skills regardless of what is wanted a service dog who could help occurring on the other side of the pick up things I drop, like pencils, the door. Some family members have remote control, keys and paper.” learned that the hard way! According to Ryan’s father, Lee, Levi “I love Levi to death,” proclaimed has given his son all that and more. Ryan. He said he and his family want With Levi around, Ryan now has the people to know that “if you have any independence he was seeking. The need for a hearing or service dog, you dog provides services other family should go for it!” The family said the members had to supply before Levi Ryan and Levi benefits are well worth every minute arrived. of preparation and training. “We’re lis at night for training sessions with thankful for the volunteers and staff And Levi loves to be with Ryan. “He Levi. It required a bit of shuffling for who take such good care of the dogs,” just sticks to me,” said Ryan. In the family, yet they all agree it was Ryan’s father added. “They make addition to picking up things Ryan well worth it. “I knew having a dog training easy for clients and their drops, Levi tugs open doors and would be a lot of work, but I was families.” drawers. In the morning, Levi brings willing to do that work,” Ryan said. Ryan his clothes to help him get ready THOSE WHO MADE THIS for school. “I was worried that a Ryan was introduced to service dogs PLACEMENT POSSIBLE service dog would take some time to when Hearing and Service Dog of Dog Source get to know me,” Ryan said. “But not Minnesota made a presentation at his Second Chance Animal Rescue Levi! He followed me around the school. During the demonstration, Veterinary Services house from the start.” Ryan learned all that a service dog Life Care Animal Hospital could do and became convinced that it Ryan joked that the most difficult part was the way for him to achieve Foster Home of the application process was remind- greater independence, to free up some The Turner Family ing his parents to get the paperwork of his family’s time and to have a dog! The Neeb Family done. There was also the task of Ryan did further research, found the Field Trainer getting from Lexington to Minneapo- organization’s Web site Laska Parrow YYoouu ccaann ddoo iitt!! Would you like to know the joy of changing a person’s life for the better? You can do it! We are looking for dedicated individuals to raise puppies and prepare them for final training. These dogs become the arms, legs or ears for a person with disabilities. No experience necessary! You will know the joy of changing a person’s life for the better — and the experience will change your life, too. Also needed are perma- nent homes for “career change”dogs and puppies that can’t be- come assistance dogs. For more information contact Laurie Carlson at 612-729-5986 ext. 113.

3 Teacher’s Loving Helper Ruth Tokarczyk and Molly by Ruth Tokarczyk I am a special education teacher at while the children read books to her. Staples Elementary School in Staples, One of my little boys won’t read to Minn. I worked with Margaret me, but he’ll read to Molly. Grondahl, an occupational therapist (OT), for 11 years. Margaret had one Molly helps kids who are having a of her yellow Labradors, Biz, trained tough day or feeling emotional. She through Hearing and Service Dogs of plays fetch with one child who is Minnesota. She used Biz as a facility severely disabled. He has difficultly dog for special education children at sitting up, but when Molly fetches, he school. sits up and squeals with delight each time she drops the stuffed toy in his Last year Margaret took on a new lap. He also takes her Gentle Leader job, leaving her OT work behind her. collar to pull her to him for kisses! That meant Biz no longer worked When we go for walks outside, Molly with the children in our school. What opens the door for the kids who use a huge hole in our program! Margaret wheelchairs. She is such a great help! encouraged me to contact Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota and I can’t imagine life without Molly. apply for a facility dog. I hemmed Thanks to Hearing and Service Dogs and hawed for a couple of months, of Minnesota, our program for made contact in the winter, and special needs children is very special finally submitted my application in indeed. February. Ruth and Molly THOSE WHO MADE THIS PLACEMENT POSSIBLE In April, Kim Hyde called me and announced that she had a black untrained!) I realized how little I Dog Source named Molly for knew about dogs. I have learned so Laura Westphal me! Molly arrived in May. We were much and gained confidence in my Veterinary Services thrilled to have her in our home and dog-handling skills. Brentwood Animal Hospital even more thrilled to have her in our school! The kids love her and she Kim said, “Molly showed exceptional Puppy Raiser Foster Home enjoys “working” at school. talents as a service dog, and she Beth Schaapveld Sherry Schild really loved working with children.” The Turner Family Janice Barrier The training process was fun and This made Molly a perfect fit for my Field Trainer quite intense. I was lucky to have classroom. Carol Manley as my trainer. She Carol Manley imparted a lot of knowledge and Molly goes to school with me three Obedience Training wisdom to me. I looked forward or four times per week. She loves the Carol Manley Obedience Training every week to our training. When I kids, and they love her! It’s highly first started my training (Molly was motivating for the children to have Volunteer fully trained—I was the one who was Molly in the room. I have Molly sit Margaret Grondahl

Thank You!—Thank You!—Thank You!—Thank you! —Thank You!—Thank You!—Thank You! Many thanks to the wonderful veterinary clinics across Minnesota that donate services to help us train more dogs for those who need them. Special thanks go to the following clinics, veterinarians and organizations that each made special contributions in veterinary service during 2007. Please support these businesses with your patronage. More than $1,500 Arden Shoreview Animal Hospital ! Dan Feeney, DVM Steve Levine, DVM Life Care Animal Hospital University of Minnesota Animal Hospital $500 to $1,499 Invergrove Heights Animal Hospital Mounds View Animal Hospital Elm Creek Animal Hospital Thank you!—Thank You!—Thank You!—Thank You!—Thank you! —Thank You!—Thank You! 4 xxxxxxx A Dream Come True Jean Euteneuer and Lexie by Amy Sperry When Jean Euteneuer began losing her Once volunteers stepped forward to hearing about 15 years ago, she became help, training progressed rapidly. frustrated by missing everyday sounds. A dog lover, Jean looked into getting a “It feels wonderful to be certified,” Hearing Dog to assist her. At the time, Jean said. “Lexie was wonderful however, she lived in Lubbock, Texas, during the tests, and I learned a lot and the closest hearing dog school was through the whole training process.” a seven-hour drive away. As much as Jean wanted a Hearing Dog , the Today, Jean said, Lexie has become distance was daunting, and she couldn’t family, and her dream of having a afford the training. hearing dog has come true. To the generous supporters of Hearing and A few years ago, Jean moved to St. Service Dogs of Minnesota, Jean said, Cloud, Minn., where she reconsidered “Thank you for supporting this wonder- her desire to acquire a Hearing Dog. ful program. I love having Lexie here Her research led Jean to Hearing and Loretta with Jean and Lexie to help me. I feel safer knowing she’s Service Dogs of Minnesota. “I was here to alert me to sounds.” excited to learn that the training would take place in my home,” she said. sota for the first time. “It was very rewarding,” she said. “It’s amazing to THOSE WHO MADE THIS Volunteer Darla Badzinski donated see the client and dog work together, PLACEMENT POSSIBLE Lexie, a small terrier mix. Lexie’s and it was wonderful to see Jean apply Dog Source training began when she moved in with herself to the demands of training.” Darla Badzinski Tracey Schuppel Nelson and her family, who reinforced Lexie’s good As Lexie learned her Hearing Dog Veterinary Services temperament and taught her basic skills during training, it became All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, obedience. Lexie then continued her obvious that she was a natural. “Once Red Wing training with exposures to social Lexie caught on to alerting Jean to the Foster Home settings, until she was prepared for ringing alarm clock, the rest of the Kathy Galiger placement. skills came to her very quickly,” The Schuppel-Nelson Family Loretta remarked. When Lexie was matched with Jean, Field Trainer Volunteer the real-life training began. Loretta Jean said the team’s biggest challenge Loretta Mueller Tammy Commins was finding volunteers who could help Mueller, an experienced dog trainer in Obedience Training the St. Cloud area, agreed to work with her practice sounds, such as a knock on Hearing and Service Dogs of Minne- the door, or role-play as an intruder. PetSmart, Waite Park The Legacy Club - A Final Act of Kindness Remembering Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota in a will or trust is an act of thoughtful generosity while living, and assures one of the last acts of kindness that can be achieved before death. The Legacy Club is our way to honor those individuals who, while living, inform us of their intentions to include us in their will or other planned giving device. We also recognize the generous donors who have passed on and already made bequests to further our work at Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota. Deceased members are followed by the designation (D). Members of the Legacy Club at the end of 2007 are as follows: Anonymous (3) Dorothy Holden Mary & Guy Roemhildt Anonymous (D) Lion Dean Julifs (D) Scott Sandison Eunice Bren (D) Kathleen Kaiser Sandra Simonson Melinda Cress Steven Kleinnmen Estate Trust (D) Mark & Amy Sperry Bill & Janet Dubats Lee Laurisch Margaret Syring (D) Mary Jane Hankee (D) M. Longley Sandra Wasserman Ann Harhai (D) Liz Lucast Claralouise Wheeler Cindy and Francis Herman LaVonne Ludke Kathy and Roger Wright Janet Holcomb Osborn Lang Trust (D) Alice Ziittel Please consider joining these special individuals. Contact Alan Peters at 612-729-05986 ext. 6 # for more information. HSDM will list the members of The Legacy Club in each Winter issue of Tails From Minnesota. We are very grateful for your generosity and your faith in HSDM. 5 CONTRIBUTORS Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota is supported by many agencies, companies, and individuals. A very special thanks to you all! The following contributions were received in our office by December 31, 2007. Contributions received by March 31, 2008 will be included in the Spring 2008 issue of Tails From Minnesota. $5,000 or more $100 to $499 3M Foundation Ardis & Jeffrey Duhachek Roger & Phyllis Kvitrud Rochelle Roehrich Casey Albert T O’Neil Foundation 4Charity Foundation Inc Renee & Stanley Durda Wallace LaBerge Saint Paul Foundation Diana Adamson Eaton Corporation Lake Country Lions Scott Sandison Edward R Bazinet Foundation Tom & Nancy Adelmann Norman Eck Lake Superior CFC Scandia Marine Lions Harmon Foundation Aitkin Riverboat Lions Elizabeth Lions Club Lakers Lions Marcia Scheele Alexandria Lions Karen Enfield Bethany & Kirk Larson Joanne Schentzel J Elmer and Esther Hansman Charitable Alliance Car Rental, Inc. Enterprise Rent-a-car Leader Lions Schmit Towing, Inc. Trust Anchor Bank James & Kristie Estes Leffert, Jay & Polglaze, PA Sam, Jennifer & Darren Brett Anderson Kara & Grant Fairbairn Mary Jane Lenox Schuler Steven Leuthold Family Foundation Susan Anderson Fairmont Lions Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions Ivy Schwensohn Dianne Astry Farming Lions Club JB Loebel William & Lois & Lynn Stephen & Jayne Usery Backus Lions Russell & Sandra Feltz Loffler Companies, Inc. Scott Marian & Ayers Bagley Densie Fenton Longville Lions Tony a Sheldon $2,500 to $4,999 William & Alexandra Bartolic Joshua Ferber Lavonne Ludke Mariana & Craig Shulstad Battle Lake Lions Fergus Falls Sertoma Wallace Lund Lynn Slifer Bay Lake Area Lions Fridley VFW Luverne Lions Club Robert Slifer Sara Braziller & John Walker Jon & Metta Belisle Steven & Jennifer Frisbie St Augusta Post No 621 Eileen Soderberg Barbara & David Koch Beltone Hearing Center Michael Fsoley Luxemburg Lions Southfork Animal Hospital Beltone Hearing Center Nancy Fulton Daniel & Taepin Lynch St. James Lions Kopp Family Foundation Northwest Gateway Lions Allan Malerich James Steckelberg Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Indians Michael & Andrea Berger Terry & Becky Geffre Richard & Eraine Mally John Stockman Chad Bester L Gleason Carey & Sandi Manson Diana & Larry Stoen Thomson/West Community Partnership Bird Island Lions Bud Goldstein Robert Margolis Jacqueline Strobel Timothy & Alicia Blank & Julie Goodwin Vicki Martin Stubbe & Associates Bluffton Lions Kathy Grant Thomas & Lisa Maslowskie Missy Susag $1,000 to $2,499 David & Ann Braden Grossman Huber Rachel Mathre Wendy Swanson Mike Branch Sue Grout Mary & Patrick McGovern Philip Taylor Laurie Carlson & McKay Family Fund of the Alex & Rose Mary Brietkrietz Melody Hach McGregor Area Lions Debra Tegels Rose Mary Brietkrietz Mark Hammel Ann McKinstry-Luepke Robert & Carolyn Thompson William Voedisch Minneapolis Foundation Betty Brietkrietz-Miller Steve Handlow Gwenetta McMahon Thomson Legal & Regulatory Baxter Lions Club Bill McNeely Neil Bright Deborah Harms Richard & Sandy Meuwissen Pamela Todd Chipotle Mexican Grill Minnesota Valley Electric Brooklyn Center Lioness Nancy Haskin Michaud, Cooley, Erickson & Tower-Soudan Lions Rex & Doris Brown Hayfield Lions Assoc Dennis Trooien Judith Christensen Trust Buerkle Acura Mark Hebert Gary & Jane Miller Raymond & Mary Turcotte Cormorant Lions Spring Lake Park Lions Lisa Bugman Mary Beth Hill Minneapolis Elks Lodge 44 Thomas Turner Melinda Cress Squam Lake Foundation Kim & John Burmeister Ed & Ruth Hocke Minneasota Bolt & Nut, Co. Inc. Twin Cities Airport Lions William & Helen Burns Janet Hofer Deb Molin Mary “Jan” Tyree James Frush Thrivent Financial for Adam Burrows Hopkins American Legion #320 Dean Montour Underwood Area Lions H William Lurton Lutherans Central Jennifer Burt Gerald & Kathy Huber David & Roxanne Morrell US Bancorp Foundation Minneapolis Chapter Nancy Campion Mabel Huber Tricia Murphy Verndale Lions John & Betty Carlson IC Systems Marilyn & Malcolm Neal Carlos Villalpando Peter & Rebecca Hilger Thrivent Financial for Mary & Jess Carsello Richard Janssen New York Mills Lions Theresa Voss HNI Charitble Lutherans Northern William Chalgren JJ Taylor Distributing Michael Nielsen Timothy Walker Foundation Dakota County Chapter Vicki & Lou Chouinard Co. of MN Chuck Novotny Michael Walsh Thomas & Candace Conniff Donna Johnson Beverly Ofsthun Sharon Kay Warner Lyle & Mary Jane King UBS Fianancial Services Cosmos Lions H A Johnson Bruce & Rose Ogrodnik Keith & Barbara Watschke Harry Kirsner Employees Karen Cowan Hazel Johnson Jim & Carol Olson Watson Lions Len Washko Lawrence Cox Linda & Ray Mirshekari Ann Ord Vern Weaver Kathleen Crellin Johnson Osage Lions Andrea Wehrung Jean West Richard Cress T L Johnson Ottertail Lions Patricia Weichselbaum Mary Beth Crowley Connie Jones Nancy & Jeffrey Parker Mary Jo Wheeler $500 to $999 Patricia Cullen Juergens Dent Kraft John & Jacquelynn Parzych Whitefish Area Crosslake- Cuyuna Range Lions Patricia & Peter Karle Jean Peterson Ideal Lions Sherri Lanaski D & S Sales Donald & Anita Karnuth Karen Pettingill Sara Willis Assistance Dogs United Lyle & Linda Dallman Ryan & Frances Khalaf Gary & Sandy Pietig Jean Wilson Campaign Lisa Lindborg Michael & Nancy Dardis Paul Kiffmeyer Pine River Lions Jackie Wulf Buffalo Lions Mapleton Sertoma Club John & Jan Day Thomas & Jean King James & Kimberly Post Deborah & Neal Wunderlich CHS Energy Division/ Betty & Boyd Mast Susan Day Lisa Knazan Prudential Fdn Matching Gifts Xcel Energy Cenex James McLaughlin Deerwood Lakes Lions Knights of Columbus Mary and Randy Quist David & Kimberly Collision Center Inc New York Community Trust Priscilla Deke David Kostek Julie & Timothy Rainey Zimmerman James Talcott Fund Dr. Daniel C Hartnett Family Martin & June Kroening Sheryl Riemenschneider Richard Cress Foundation Loren & Teresa Krueger Barry Riven Jan Day Carol & Douglas Ogren Jane Duden MarySue Krueger Debbie Roberge Ian Drummond Paradigm Reporting & Frazee Lions Captioning Garrison Lions Perham Lions Volunteers Charlotte Gelfand Petco Foundation Melvin Goldenbogen Richard & Barbara Pike Richard & Barbara Provide Care Inc Mary & John Alexander Mike Ferber Dena & John Lenneman Dora Schroeder Houston Royal Canin Kathryn Alexander Stacey Ferguson Kathy Linder Kay Schroven Hubbard Broadcasting Twin Cities Alumnae, Delta Janelle Appleton Duane Finger Liz Lucast Tracey Schuppel- Foundation Zeta Chapter Twin City Filter Service Dianne & Doug Astry Leslie Flowers Anne Mackereth Nelson & family Donald Kalal Chad & Leah Bauer Shelley Frederickson Marlee MacLeod Carolyn Schurr Leo Kiffmeyer Greg Stevens Barbara Kovacic Doreen & Jeffrey West Bill Beddie Kathy Galiger Lonnie MacRae Sue Schuster Claralouise Wheeler Mary Bente Marcia Gilman Lynne Maker Kuechle Laura Shirley Jim Bevilacqua Nancy Giving Scott McClure Sharon Singleton Kippy Bracke Jackie Gohdes Bev & Richard Mensing Marge & Dave Skeie & Mary Branham Becky Hansen Betty Miller & “Claire” Amy & Mark Sperry Workplace Giving Sara Braziller Nora Hartman Monique Morton Melissa Stam David & Susan Bristol Ronnie Hartman Lori & Melissa Neeb Cat Stevens Anonymous Giver Julia Buege Freeman Pat & Dee Dee Heffernan Joanne Nichols John Stockman Karen Blackstone Jean & Don Burdeski Sam & Katherine Ann Ord Julie & Alex Stolis Jay Bozicevich Deb Burke & “Pepsi” Heffernan Janice Parrow Mary Stoner Elizabeth Brietkrietz-Miller Adam Burrows Kathy Heinkel John Parzych Jackie Strobel Sandra Burgess Jennifer Burt Shelly Hiemer & “Grace” Sandy Pidde Jill Thompson Laura Campbell Carol Cantrell Brenda & Mark Hilburn Annie Piper Cindy Thorson Arnold Zenobia Carlton Julie & Darell Carblom Hannah Holicky Megan Polley & “Blue” Brandalyn Cobenais Nancy Carlson Sharon Huikko Kris Pollock & family Dawn & Brian Turner Jennifer Estes Vicki & Lou Chouinard Sammy Huston & family Maureen & Paul Peter VanErp Anonymous Giver Mike & Jan Christensen Aimee Jaroscak Pranghofer & “Ally” Carlos Villalpando Mona Iverson Judith Christianson Rita Jesse & “Askia” Mary Quist Len J Washko Theresa Larson Lisa Coleman Dan Klein Barb Redlaczyk Kristen Wedul & Allan Malerich Sue Crone Lisa Knazan Gwen Riedl family Jessica Mork Jan & John Day Deb Koehnen Colleen Rod Allan & Polly Zabel & Elizabeth Otto Christine Deuker MarySue Krueger Sharon Russell “Indie” Caroline Shultz Megan, Laurie & Ron Karen Lampi Kurt & Sushma Students at Minnehaha Bille Jo Wallraff Ehlert Greg Lawson & “Oreo” Schellpeper Academy Kara Fairbairn Jodi LeBaron 6 up to $100

Emma Adams Community Shares of MN Eugene Grack Loken Marsha Pilgrim Joseph & Helen Stark Thomas & Linda Altergott Jennifer Connolly Linda Grack Frank Loken Bernadette Piotrowski JJ & RM Steenberg Patricia Amadeo Sandra Cournoyer Charles & Christine Grui Mary Longley Frank & Mary Plant Joyce Steinkamp Ruth Anders Elizabeth Cowie Hamburg Lions Lucan Lions Janet Poole Blythe Stillwell Nancy Anderson Karen Cox Clarence Pete Hansen Mark Lucas Alex Porter John Stockman Karla Anderson Gerald & Lynn Cox Cheri Hanson Loretta Luciow Diane Potts Anita Stockton Barbara Anderson Judy Crocker Jackie Hanson Jacqueline Lundemo Gloria Potz James & Sandra Strauss Vicki Anderson Mary Currier Ed Hasell Becky Lyon Virginia Gini Power Lucille Sukalo Sally Anderson Danube Lions Club HBH Associates Kirk Mahle Maureen Pranghofer William Sulzbach Holly Anderson Stanley & Sharon Dardis Rosann Hebert Penelope Marsala J Prenzlow Lucille Sunderman Philp & Marcia Anderson Megan Dargis Pat and DeeDee Heffernan Marcia Marshall Douglas & Laura Price John & Traci Sundstrom Juel Anderson Scott & Christina Dawson Henderson Lions Jean Martell Bonadel Purpura Sunrise Lions Greg Anderson Michael & Susan DeFranco James & Robin Henrichsen John Martin Vicki Purtle Missy Susag Pamela Andrews Trudy & John Delich Hewitt Lioness Club Janis & Jeffrey Masek Quarry Hill Park Animal Hospital Diane Svoboda Frank Arellono Mitchell & Lisa Demarais Jeffrey Hinnenkamp Liz McCambridge Qwest Thomas & Connie Swanson Lowell & Cynthia Arnold Katherine Devine Marcia Hjerpe Cynthia McCann Lynn Radecki Florence & Victor Tedesco Ed & Cecilia Arnold William Dickhausen Gloria & Charles Hobbs Meredythe McCarthy Lisa Raymond Victor & Anthony Tedesco Kathy Asmus William Diers Steven & Amy Hoffman Norm McCarthy Elizabeth Reberk The Fringe Salon William & Jo Ellen Axness Donna Dietsche Britt Hogan Sue & Greg McCluskey Fred & Cheryl Richardson Shelly Thielen Linda Babbe Janice & Alvin Doonan Collin Holzwarth Mark McLaughlin Katherine Riggott Cindy & Lowell Thoreson- Dean Barr Kent & Wendy Dorholt Steven & Kimberly Horne Marjory Meconis Adrey Ringdal Arnold Donna Ranallo Baum Eppie Dorsey Missie Hoskins Cecilia Meier Shelley Robinson Bruce & Nancy Thorson Dick Baxter Kathleen & Steven Dougherty Dawn & Ross Grotbeck Hughes Rosemarie Merrigan Rochester Lions Leon & Deanne Tibben Monica Beauchane Gretchen Dropkin Grace & Greg Huibregtse Joe Mester Lori Rogalsky Sue & Steve Traxler Ann Bechtell Elizabeth Eagle George Huston Lyle Metty Wanda & John Rolfing Jeffrey & Nicola Turner Jamie Becker-Finn Jenny Eckman Mona Iverson Chad Meyers Emiliano Romero James & Alice Turner Deanna Belden Teresa & John Egge Melvin & Gwen Jacobson Kathryn Mikwold Nancy Romslo Dawn Turner Joyce Bengston Marie Ehrenberg Bruce & Nancy Jahnke Jennifer Miles Karen & Stephen Rudd M Ugargol Brad Berg Dorothy Eide Miriam Jamgochian Joyce Miller Selma Darlene Sarne Underwood Lioness M.E. Bergdahl Jane Eilers Jennifer Jasicki Sara Miller Carolyn Sawyer Naomi Vagts Big Lake Lioness Karen Louise Ekberg Robert & Cheryl Jechorek Willard Miller Daunne Schaller Judith Valerius Audrey Birkland Kirsten Ellison Roger Jensen Stephen and Catherine Miske Jane Schamber Patty Van Landschoot Lisa Bjergo Jon & Sharon Erickson David Johnson Lisa Moncrief Kevin Scherber Janet Veit Katherine Blankenship Robin Erickson Kelli Johnson Moose Lodge #2098 Norman & Ann Lynn Schindler Bud & Greta Verdick Joseph Bogenberger Eric & Julie Ernest David Johnson Jessica Mork Jennifer Schneider Jeffrey & Ann Vitko Deborah Boguszewski Jo & David Fairbairn Ruth Johnson Monique Morton Barbara & Dallen Schnichels James & Janet Vroman Michael & Patricia Bohman Fairfax Lions Gregory & Julie Jones Morton Lions Alina Schroeder Eleanor Wagner Emily Boler Connie Faldet William & Susan Jones Burke, Maryellen, & Beth Murphy Howard & Dora Schroeder Hope Wedge Melissa Borton Jean Falkavage Jeff Jones Chad Myers Arlene Schroeder Rosalee & Maynard Wedul Mary Louise Bowen Patricia Faustgen Kathy Kaiser Diane Nagel Kevin Schuldt Welcome Lions Dean Braatz Thomas & Linda Ferber Byron & Jaki Karrigan Nita Nelson Judy & John Schwab David Welper Steven & Krystal Brandes Fergus Falls Daybreakers Lions Constance Kasprzak Marilyn & Kenneth Nelson JoAnne Schwietz Douglas & Mary Wendler Jane Bresnahan Thomas & Janice Filkins Ruth Katz Kelli Nelson Linda Scott Robert & West Elizabeth Brietkrietz-Miller Allen Fischer Philip & Dana Knight Tina Nelson Sears Imported Autos, Inc. Connie & Richard Wikman Autumn Brodhecker Bruce Foreman Keith Kolle Kenneth & Mary Neustel Nancy Shade David Wilhelm Nancy Brooks Joan & John Frank Margaret Koop Terri Newman Celia & James Shapland Duane Wilken Patricia Browne Marcia Fritzmeier David & Joy Kraft Gregory & Lorna Niska Tonya Sheldon David & Cathi Williams Patti & David Bruflodt Arlen & Darcy Fruedenberg Richard & Suzanne Kraft Debra Noll Lori Shinnick Joan Willshire William Brust Mary Fulkerson Joanne Krueger Sharon Nolte Grady, Kristina & Bryan Shupe Richard & Carolyne Willy Erne Bulach Sandra Fuller James & Coralee Krueger Christine & Michael Nord Carolyn Shurr Armaiti & Ross Winberg Jean Burdeski Fundraising Solutions Jeffrey & Lynn Kubat Oak Grove Church Doreen Siedlecki Armaiti Winberg Timothy Burke Kathleen Galiger Kathleen Kubesh Prom William & Patricia O’Connor Sandra Simonson Gary Wisner David & Darcy Burke Garrison Lions Club Virginia Kukkola Sheila O’Donnell Jacuqeline & Robert Singer Shannah Wojciak Delores Bursch Gary & Sue-Ann Garvis James & Margery Kupiecki Eileen & Donald Oliver Sharon Singleton Mary Jo Wolf Roy & Burnette Burt Philip & Deborah Gelbach Susan Kyser Nancy Olivieri Marge Skeie Marvin & Phyllis Wolfe Michael & Carol Ann Butchert Bonnie Genin Gary Lagerstedt Rochelle Olson Joseph & Dawn Skelly Susan & Michael Wootten Campbell Lions Casey Gersch Walter Lang Curtis & Karen Olson Michael Smith Roger & Kathleen Wright Carol Cantrell Christina Giese LaPorte-Benedict Lions Bryan Olson Allen Smith Kathy Wright Betsy Carlson Dawn Gillick Marihelen Larosa Leslie Olufson Daniel & Katherine Smith Curtis & Holly Zellmer Laurie Carlson Marcia Gilman Bernice Larson Cheryl Osborne Amber Smithson Alice Ziittel Nancy Carlson Nancy Giving Jeanne & Gary Larson Amy & Sergey Pakhomov Barbara Solberg Catherine & Theodore Zinner Chris Cerney Frances Gladish Pamela Larson Palisade Area Lions Nancy Soldatow Debbie Zisla Chandler Lions Barbara & Simeon Glaser Bill Larson Janice Parrow Paul & Carolyn Anderson David & Leone Zwickey Brendan Chard Aaron Goedtke Kay Laursen John Parzych Sortland Kenneth & Dianne Zylla Karen Chesebrough Jacqueline Gohdes Benjamin & Krystal Lee Virginia Patnaude Leota Spalla Vicki & Lou Chouinard Ezra & Amy Gold David Lee Jill & Greig Payne Susan Spence JoAnn Christensen Naomi Golv Kelly Lenz Jill & Tim Pearson Amy Sperry Eugene & Kay Christenson Good Search Helen & Diane Engelstad Leqve Suzanne Perkarna Diane & Glen Spicer Carolyn Clark Lisa Goodman Daniel & Sherri Leverty Sandra Perreault Dee Spilleth LaDonna Cleveland Daniel & Julie Goshey Linnea Lind Al Peters Sharon & Mark Spilman Daniel & Melissa Clough Susan Gottshal Kevin Lindbergh Judy Petraitis Carmaline Spurrier Janet Cobus Kathleen Gould Mary Linder Daniel & Susan Petrorsky Melissa Stam George & Elizabeth Colburn Anita Goulett Dennis Litfin Felicia Phipps In Kind Puppyraisers

Mary Alexander Sharon Lanz Diana Adamson & Paul Oberhaus ...... AJ Mary Holsen ...... Ripley Amateur Radio Assoc. of Brook Lemm-Tabor Kathryn & Jayson Alexander ...... Elmo Kim Hyde ...... Phoebe Bloomington Dr. Steve Levine The Appleton family ...... Fridley Kim Kriesel ...... Regis Arden Shoreview Animal Life Care Animal Dianne & Doug Astry ...... Redford Linda Livingston Wiedewitsch ...... Piper Hospital Hospital Bill Beddie & Kathy Grant ...... Arthur The McGowan family ...... Monte Barker’s Island Inn Jim Makitalo Jennifer Berube ...... Ripley Gene McNamara & family ...... Victor Boysen Animal Hospital Allen & Debra Mickelson Anna Boenig & David Hapka ...... Baxter Michelle & Shay Nelson ...... Jester Sue Carlon Minneapolis Animal Autumn Brodhecker ...... Faye Mary & Kirk Nesvig ...... Dugan Cedar Animal Hospital Control Rob Carrick ...... Radar Janice & Ken Parrow ...... Jasmine Cedar Pet Clinic Minnesota Lynx The Cook family ...... Reebok Megan Polley ...... Duffy Vickie & Lou Chouinard Deb Molin Sue Crone ...... Stanley Shirley Russo ...... Winter Judith Christensen Megan Paulek The Davidson family ...... Vegas The Schwartz family ...... Lexi Jan & John Day Annie Piper Jan & John Day ...... Bea Diane & Darryl Scott ...... Mason Delano Veterinary Clinic Virginia Provencher The Ehlert family ...... Qwest Marge & Dave Skeie ...... Rhett Ron Ehlert Jacob Schlichter Lia Enger & family ...... Jingle Cat & Greg Stevens ...... Dr. Dan Feeney Sharon Singleton Mike Ferber & Betty Otto ...... Ernie Mary Stoner & family ...... Vinnie Glen Lake Animal Smith Veterinary Hospital Leslie Flowers & Scott McClure ...... Conner & Viggo Hanna Svoboda & family ...... Savi Hospital South Hyland Vet Clinic The Grabau family ...... Marley Allie Thomson & family ...... Weaver Jackie Gohdes Triple Espresso The Grout family ...... Fergie Luanne Thorsvig ...... Ripley Sarah Granger Twin Pines Veterinary The Heffernan family ...... Jazz The VanLandschoot family ...... Rosco Therese Hansen Clinic Brenda & Mark Hilburn ...... Chili & Austin Sandy Vance ...... Chili & Pepper Mark Hanson Veit Hannah Holicky & family ...... Belle Felira Hernandez Veterinary Annie Huidekoper Ophthalmology Inver Grove Heights Specialty Practice Animal Hospital Len Washko J&J Dog Supplies Richard & Connie If we somehow missed your contribution, Jimmy’s Food & Wikman Cocktails Sylvia Wilhelmi be it financial, in-kind or volunteer, Just for Paws Woodbury High School please let us know and we will recognize you in our next newsletter. Thank you!

7 Memorials Donated by ...... In Memory of Donated by ...... In Memory of Anonymous ...... Mary Louise (Wheezer) Panico Cheri Hanson ...... “Scooby” Robert & Margaret Carolan ...... Janice Dickman’s beloved “Hank” Janet Hofer ...... “Greycoach Royal Harmony” Dennis & Pamela Davis ...... “Maxwell” Britt Hogan ...... George Voss Sally Erickson ...... Evelyn Selenski David Kostek ...... Bernie Florence & Victor Tedesco ...... Joanne Krueger ...... Helen Erickson Elizabeth Tedesco & “Lucky Pup, Madison, Portia, Beatrix, & Pat” Dennis Litfin ...... “Chubby”, the King Chow Chow Timothy Burke ...... Molly George JB Loebel ...... “Buddy” Bonnie Genin ...... Tracy Lee Sayler Marjory Meconis ...... “Sam” Bonnie Genin ...... Arland Baumgart Deb Molin ...... Hearing Dog “Gaylee” Holly Anderson ...... Jake & Casey Marilyn & Malcolm Neal ...... “King King,” “Lady,” “Zimba,” “” Lowell & Cynthia Arnold ...... “Jenna, Harvey, Cody & Shadow Cat” Amy & Sergey Pakhomov ...... “Maggie” Nancy Brooks ...... “Nipper & Rum” Virginia Patnaude ...... Babe Carol Cantrell ...... Sophie Reader Fred & Cheryl Richardson ...... “Libra” Laurie Carlson ...... “Ashlee & Andy” Barry Riven ...... Alexander Vicki & Lou Chouinard ...... “Lazoo” Nancy Romslo ...... “Libby” Vicki & Lou Chouinard ...... “Pepper” Jacqueline & Robert Singer ...... “Brandy & Emma” Janet Cobus ...... “Brandy” Susan Spence ...... “Little Bit” Jennifer Connolly ...... Rev P J Connolly Dee Spilleth ...... Arthur Kathleen Crellin ...... “Lizzie” Carmaline Spurrier ...... Herbert G. Wheeler Richard Cress ...... “Lily” Blythe Stillwell ...... “Kirby” Donna Dietsche ...... Kai Easton Lueck Anita Stockton ...... “Sam” Dorothy Eide ...... Vinny Philip Taylor ...... Maggie & Bandit Connie Faldet ...... Everett Makepeace Cindy & Lowell Thoreson-Arnold ...... Everett Makepeace Marcia Fritzmeier ...... Everett Makepeace Bruce & Nancy Thorson ...... “L.A.” Gary & Sue-Ann Garvis ...... “Sundance” Judith Valerius ...... Dorothy Dehart Jacqueline Gohdes ...... Vinny Bud & Greta Verdick ...... Everett Makepeace Lisa Goodman ...... Perry Ketchum Douglas & Mary Wendler ...... “Snickers” Honorariums

Donated by ...... In Honor of Donated by ...... In Honor of Donated by ...... In Honor of Delores Bursch ...... Pat Thayer Barbara & Simeon Glaser ...... Benjamin Mosow Terri Newman ...... Michelle Newman Mary & Jess Carsello ...... Melvin Goldenbogen ...... Donna Goldenbogen Debra Noll ...... Bill Voedisch and Laurie Carlson Rosann Hebert ...... Mary Shelhamer Alex Porter ...... Michael Ferber Mary Beth Crowley ...... “Angel” Kathy Kaiser ...... Quint, Karen & Curt Perfect Carolyn Shurr ...... Audrey G’s Birthday Joshua Ferber ...... Gene & Mary Ann Ferber Lisa Knazan ...... Federal Relations Staff Janet Veit ...... Anna Veit Thomas & Linda Ferber ..... Mike Ferber & Betty Otto Barbara Kovacic ...... Wells Fargo Equipment Finance Joan Willshire ...... David Sams & “Murphy”


Booo! On October 26, 2007, 37 puppy raisers along with the puppies-in-train- ing got into the spirit as they donned costumes and celebrated at our Puppy Raiser Halloween Party! The potluck party was held at the Lake Nokomis Community Center. The evening included a costume contest, prizes and games like “doggie limbo.” It was a fun night for all!

8 Worth A Million Ray Brigleb and Millie by Shelley Frederickson To help Hearing and Service Dogs of her presence is a great comfort,” Minnesota begin a new breeding he said. program in 2005, Fran Smith, D.V.M., donated Chloe, a chocolate Mona Elder, client services coordina- Labrador, and Ken and Linda tor at Hearing and Service Dogs of Weikert donated stud services. Chloe Minnesota, says it’s evident that Ray became pregnant, but unfortunately and Millie are a great match. with just one pup. Because of the “Throughout her training, Millie had puppy’s considerable size, Chloe difficulty learning how to pull doors required a caesarean section for shut. We didn’t think it would be a delivery. After noting the significant task she’d be able to perform for resources invested in an effort that Ray,” Mona said. “When she moved resulted in only one puppy, the staff in with Ray, they worked on it jokingly began calling the new pup together, and she learned how to do the “million dollar dog”— a name it! That shows how much she likes to which later became Millie. work for Ray. They’ve forged a great friendship and a strong bond.” Now meet Ray Brigleb. Ray has multiple sclerosis (MS). To remain Today, Millie is worth a million living independently in his home in dollars to Ray, every day. “She’s White Bear Lake, Minn., he decided more than just a Service Dog,” he he needed some assistance with Ray and Millie said. “She’s a friend.” everyday tasks. He started thinking that a service dog would fit his needs own was to an MS social event. when he talked with a friend who When another person with MS trains service dogs in North Carolina. dropped some playing cards, I asked THOSE WHO MADE THIS After other people who have MS told Millie to pick them up,” recalled Ray. PLACEMENT POSSIBLE him about the great reputation of “She quickly sprang into action. Even Hearing and Service Dogs of Minne- though everyone was watching and Dog Source sota, Ray applied. commenting on how well she was Fran Smith, D.V.M. doing, she finished the task and did it The Weikert Family Hearing and Service Dogs brought without being distracted.” Veterinary Services these two together in 2007, beginning Life Care Animal Hospital a wonderful relationship. Spend a Ray said he also appreciates Millie’s few moments with Ray and Millie ability to retrieve objects. “She’s able Puppy Raiser and you quickly see the incredible to pick up things that are difficult for Gene McNamara & Family bond the two share. Ray smiles me to grab hold of,” he stated. “Millie limits the amount of bending Team Trainer broadly as he glances at the chocolate Staff Labrador, who keeps an ever-present and lifting I need to do, which is a eye on him, ready to help whenever tremendous help, especially when Special Thanks she is needed. I’m tired.” With a big smile, how- Dana Knopic, who ‘mid-woofed’ ever, he said her greatest attribute Millie, helping her into the world Ray found Millie to be a quick study. might be the peace of mind she and throughout her first weeks “The first time I took her out on my provides him. “Because I live alone, of life!

Millie at six weeks old Millie and her mom Chloe meet again at the with “mid-woof” 2007 Heel and Wheel walk Dana Knopic 9 DEVELOPMENT NEWS by Janet Cobus

Corporate Name-a-Puppy Program and 90 people either made a contribu- from 6:30 to 8 p.m. We’d love to see Brings Success tion that day or made a multi-year you there! A generous group at UBS Financial pledge of support, resulting in a total Services, Inc. held an employee of $39,820! Many thanks to each of Community Outreach fundraiser that netted more than our 14 table captains for inviting their Do you belong to a service club or $2,100. The group’s Labrador re- friends, family and co-workers to organization that would like to learn triever puppy arrived just in time for attend the breakfast and hear our more about us? We are looking for Christmas, in need of a name. Be- story. new opportunities to inform people cause members decided to name their about our services. puppy “Brinks,” we matched them Tails to Tell Tours with the strongest pup of the litter. The best way to learn about our Make a New Year’s Resolution! Naming a puppy is a great way to pull mission is to attend our one-hour Consider these New Year’s resolu- together a group of employees or facility tours. In a brief one hour tour tions that also benefit Hearing and students. you will meet staff, puppy raisers, a Service Dogs of Minnesota. client, our dogs in training and tour our facility. • Provide a monthly contribution to Please phone or e-mail our office to Hearing and Service Dogs of Minne- reserve a place. We’ll mail you a sota through our new Automatic reminder card with directions to our Donation Plan. Sign up at facility. The dates for this quarter are, and we’ll automati- listed on the back cover of this issue. cally deduct your contribution from your checking account, savings 2008 Heel and Wheel account or debit card in the amount Please plan to join us for our 15th and frequency of your choice. annual Heel and Wheel event on Sunday September 14, 2008! It is our • Think long term and embark on a biggest fundraiser of the year! We planned giving strategy. Planned gifts also need people to help plan and can lower your taxes, create a legacy, organize this fun event. and ensure that Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota receives funding Special Events Fundraising Committee for decades to come. The options are A new committee is forming to assist numerous; there’s a suitable giving with all fundraising events for plan for virtually everyone. You can Hearing and Service Dogs of Minne- read about a few common options at Brinks sota. The committee will meet once a month for a two-hour planning Tails of Independence Fundraising session. For more information or to get Breakfast involved with any of the items listed, The 2007 breakfast was a wonderful To kick off the committee, we’re please contact Janet Cobus success, thanks to our co-chairs, Len holding an information meeting for [email protected] or 612-729-5986 Washko and Sara Braziller. More anyone interested in learning more: ext. 153. than 130 guests attended the event Please join us on Tuesday, Feb. 12 New Staff Member Angela Olson

After one year working for Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota as a kennel assistant. Angela Olson was excited to accept a full-time position as our kennel manager/training assistant. Previously Angela worked as a deli manager in the natural foods grocery industry and was also the floor manager of one of the largest doggie day care facilities in the Midwest. Angela lives in the Seward neighborhood with her boyfriend, Chris, and their little buddy “Otis,” a Boston Terrier. Angela with Otis 10 Volunteer Spotlight Liz Lucast by Laurie Carlson Liz Lucast of Blaine, Minn., started volunteering at Hearing and Service What about you? Dogs of Minnesota in early 2003. Are you willing to give the gift of Since then, she has done a wide your time? We need help in the variety of jobs. following areas: She began by “doggie driving.” Liz drives across our service area when Puppy Raiser (14-16 months) the organization needs a dog or puppy picked up from a breeder or Short-term Dog Foster Home foster home and transported to our facility. Liz has also helped out as a (2-4 weeks) greeter at our Tails to Tell tours and Breeder Host Family – dog lives volunteers at events like our puppy with you while having puppies for raiser parties, graduations and Heel the organization. You get to keep the and Wheel dog walk. dog after she is retired. She is always willing to clear her schedule on short notice. Because she Special Events Fundraising doesn’t have any pet dogs of her own, Committee – help think up new ideas Liz says she loves to come to Hearing for raising funds! and Service Dogs of Minnesota to get Liz and Calvin her “dog fix.” Service Dogs of Minnesota appreci- Liz has been invaluable to the organi- ates her willingness to help and her zation in many ways. Hearing and great volunteer attitude!

Continued from page 1 Arabian Horse Breeders Gift! Safety For Sam Pictured left are Hearing and Service child with special needs, even if he Dogs of Minnesota employees Kim looks like most 5-year-olds.” Hyde and Janet Cobus holding a generous $5,000 contribution from Jennifer said she extends her Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders, thanks to those who support Inc.. The check was presented on Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota. “Having a local organi- September 28, 2007 at the group’s zation providing this service and annual Fall Festival. This donation training is amazing,” she said. will help us continue to provide dogs “Reno is a wonderful addition to like “Fergie”, featured in the photo, our family. Having a safety net for to individuals with disabilities, free Sam was our top priority, and Reno provides that. But it’s an extra of charge. bonus that Reno has become Sam’s buddy.” Graduation! Pictured right are 12 of the 14 new Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota Together the team is proof of the graduate teams at the November 3, 2007 graduation. The meaningful ceremony amazing accomplishments of this was followed by photos, cake and innovative program. “We are fellowship.Congratulations grads! grateful for Reno and the unending support from the staff,” Jennifer Plan to attend our next graduation said. “This program has made a event in May, date to be announced difference in our family’s life, and later. We also invite you to visit I know it will help other families our facility for a one hour Tails To like ours in the future.” Tell tour where you will meet the staff, a puppy raiser, a graduate P.S. See the story about Sam and and, of course, the dogs! Dates and Reno featured on WCCO at times are listed on the back cover! of this newsletter. 11 Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota Nonprofit Org. The Companion Dog Connection, Inc. U.S. Postage PAID 2537 25th Avenue South Minneapolis,MN Minneapolis, MN 55406 Permit NO. 4744

Please Note! If you are receiving more than one copy of Tails from Minnesota, have moved, or you do not wish to receive our newsletter in the future, please call 612-729- 5986, 729-5914 tty, or e-mail [email protected]. Wish List ! Dog treats!! (Pupperoni, Milkbone) Upcoming Events ! LCD computer monitors, 17” or larger February 12 Special Events Committee Meeting, 6:30 - 8pm ! Palm Smartphone for Verizon ! Automotive GPS devices February 23 Volunteer Expo, 10:00am - 4:00pm ! More puppy raisers! February 26 Tails To Tell, 6:30pm ! Plastic Dog crates: Large and extra large March Deaf Awareness Month ! Dog grooming services March 29 Tails To Tell, 10:00am ! Van with wheelchair lift, good condition April 6 U 0f M Veterinary Open House ! 25’ extension cords April 17 Tails To Tell, 7:00pm ! Home Theater for our meeting room Horse Expo, Minnesota State Fairgrounds ! Mac G4 Computers, laptop April 25-27 ! 4-drawer file cabinets ! Small wagon or hatch-back for delivering dogs Help Us Soar! ! Microwave cart with drawer ! Spare tire for trailer We would like to attend the Assistance Dogs International conference in London ! Camcorder, Digital England in June 2008. Educating and enlightening our staff to the developments in ! Exercise pens, 36’-48’ our industry is critical to producing more and better Assistance Dogs for those who ! Donated veterinary services need them. ! Gentle Leaders & Haltis, sizes M & L Generous individuals have provided ! New Smoke Detectors tickets to help get us there on many ! 8-1/2 x 11 copy paper occasions in the past. Can you help this ! Plastic “Playschool” benches and table time? Donations can be in the form of ! Batteries, AA & AAA airline tickets, frequent flyer coupons or ! 4’ or 5’ round folding tables monetary contributions to help with ! Heartworm Preventative hotel and conference fees. Kongs, Nylabones (large) ! Call Al Peters at 612-729-5986, or 612- Gift certificates to pet stores, computer stores ! 729-5914 tty. Thanks! and home improvement stores ! Newer wheelchairs, manual Quickie-type ! 1st-class stamps ! Purebred puppies ! leashes and flexi leads A special thanks to all of you who previously supplied us with wish list items! You made our wishes come true!