THENew MOST RELIABLE NEWSPAPER LightAROUND YOU of Volume XX, Number 281 Fullmoon day of Pyatho 1374 ME Saturday, 26 January, 2013 President U Thein Sein sends President U Thein Sein felicitates felicitations to Indian President, Governor-General, Prime Minister Prime Minister of Commonwealth of Australia

Nay Pyi Taw, 26 Jan— On the occasion of the Republic Day of India which Nay Pyi Taw, 26 Jan— On the occasion of the anniversary of the Australia Day falls on 26th January 2013, His Excellency U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of which falls on 26 January 2013, U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Excellency Mr. Pranab of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to Her Excellency Ms. Quentin Bryce Mukherjee, President of the Republic of India, and His Excellency Dr. Manmohan AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Ms. Julia Gillard, Prime Singh, Prime Minister of the Republic of India .—MNA Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.—MNA President U Thein Sein meets Laotian National Assembly President

N a y P y i T a w , 25 by President of the National Presidential Palace, here, this Amyotha Hluttaw Economic Jan — President of the Assembly of Lao People’s morning. and Commerce Committee Republic of the Union of Democratic Republic Also present at the call Daw Nann Ni Ni Aye and Myanmar U Thein Sein Madame Pany YATHOTOU together with the President departmental heads. received a delegation led at the Credentials Hall of the were Union Minister for At the call, they held Foreign Affairs U Wunna comprehensive discussions Maung Lwin, Union on further cooperation in Minister at the President Mekong river security, Office U Soe Maung, Union sooner completion of Minister for Tranport U Nyan Myanmar-Laos Friendship Tun Aung, Union Minister Bridge and strengthening for National Planning and bilateral relations between Economic Development Dr the two countries. Kan Zaw, Chairperson of MNA President of the President of the National Assembly Republic of the of Lao People’s Union of Myanmar U Democratic Republic Thein Sein receives Madame Pany President of the YATHOTOU holds National Assembly talks with President of Lao People’s of the Republic of the Democratic Republic Union of Myanmar U Madame Pany Thein Sein. YATHOTOU. mna mna

Shangri-La resumes Yangon twin tower construction Nay Pyi Taw Development The number of and playing ground. businessmen visiting Daw Yin Mar Nyo, Article: Tha Nyan (Yankin) Committee hands over Myanmar is soaring Marketing and Sale Director alongside with the influx of Yangon’s Traders Hotel Shangri-La Group is fluxing Traders Square beside newly-built Dhammayon of tourists to the Southeast a subsidiary of the Hong its muscle around the world, the hotel in the busiest Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— Union minister and con- Asian country which has Kong-based consortium extending hotels and resorts. economic district of The consecration for Bud- gregation received the Five opened up to the outside said, “Our country is one of We are also extending our Yangon. dha Image and handing Precepts from the Sayadaw with the dramatic politic, the best places for tourism operation in Myanmar.” Shangri-La Group has over ceremony for Dham- and donated offertories. economic and social business. Now is high time The group started the 76 hotels and resorts around mayon took place at the Member of Nay Pyi reforms. The construction for hotel industry related construction in 1997. the globe. religious building here Taw Development Commit- of a serviced apartment to tourism. Along with the It is also running Traders Myanma Alinn; 23-1-13 this morning. The State tee U Than Oo handed over Shangri-La Residence, boom of tourism industry, Hotel and establishing Trs: HKA Ovadacariya Pyinmana the documents on Dham- aimed at foreign residents Mahawithutayama Zegon mayon to Shwekyarpin who are doing business in Monastery Sayadaw Ab- ward administrator U Kyaw Myanmar, has resumed and hidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Aung. set to finish in 2013. Agga Maha Pandita Agga The newly-built Dham- The lakeside twin tower Maha Ganthavacaka Pan- mayon was constructed on landmark Kandawgyi dita Bhaddanta Kavisara with K 82.5 million con- Lake is being built by and Union Minister at the tributed by Nay Pyi Taw Hong Kong-based Shangri- President Office Nay Pyi Development Committee. La Group on the land of Taw Council Chairman U The Union Minister 15 acres. The 21-storied Thein Nyunt attended the then met locals from nine building will have 240 ceremony. villages in Shwekyarpin rooms plus gymna- Bhaddanta Kavisara ward at the Dhammayon sium, swimming pool, and Sayadaws consecrated and attended to their needs. gourmet shop, deli shop the Buddha Image. The MNA 2 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar Local news National Culture and Fine Arts Availability of clean, safe water a key to Universities Council meets promotion of health, lifestyle of people Yangon, 25 Jan — Kayanchaung river water He called on Yangon Region Chief pumping project near Yone departmental officials, Minister U Myint Swe Thabye Kan Village in the responsible persons of accompanied by region township, Shwehlay sluice INGOs and NGOs and ministers, departmental gate at the area bordering experts to seek effective officials and Chief Kayan Township and Kawa ways and means for giving Representative Mr. Masahiko Township of Bago Region, health education to rural TANAK of JICA (Myanmar) construction of Kayan- people who are enjoying visited Kayan Sluice Gate Maungma road, Maungma- contaminated water as in Thanlyin Township of Shwe Hlay road and Oakpo drinking water, saying that Yangon South District, here, bridge and Ye Mon bridge. availability of safe and clean on 22 January. In the afternoon, the water is a key to promotion The chief minister oversaw chief minister attended of health and lifestyle of irrigation water storage the Symposium for the the people. Then, a paper- capacity of the dam supplied Applied Research Study reading session followed. Yangon, 25 Jan — of National Culture and delivered an address by Zaungtu, Kodokwe, on Arsenic in Drinking Prof. Dr Myo Thwe and National Culture and Fine Fine Arts Universities and those present held Salu and Shwe Laung dams Water, Myanmar, jointly- writer Theikpan Hmu Tin Arts Universities Council Council Union Minister discussions while the rectors and measures for ensuring organized by Water extended greetings and meeting (1/2013) was for Culture U Aye Myint presented 18 proposals on 30-mile radius greening of Resources Utilization Director-General U Kyi held at the meeting hall of Kyu, Deputy Minister Daw academic matters. The Yangon. Department and Higher Htut Win of the department National Culture and Fine Sanda Khin and directors- Union Minister and the Next, the chief minister Education Department explained study on drinking Arts University (Yangon) general, rectors, scholars deputy minister gave inspected progress of (Lower Myanmar), at Art water contaminated with on 21 January. It was and guests. necessary instructions. installation of machines Hall of Yangon University arsenic before the session. attended by Chairman The Union Minister MNA at the power station of and spoke on the occasion. MNA 9 mm rounds found in drain in Sangyoung Cash and Township sports gear Yangon, 25 Jan — Myint Kyaw, a cleaner of administrator. Fourteen rounds of YDCE, found 14 rounds of The cartridges belong for Myanmar ammunition were found ammunition while dredging to 9 mm pistol. The Track and Field while dredging a drain in a drain for proper flow of administrator handed over Linn Loon (North) ward water on Tharawun 2nd Street them to Police sub-inspector Yangon, 25 Jan —A of Sangyoung Township, in the ward and he informed Zaw Zaw of the township ceremony to present cash here, on 22 January. U Win of his finding to the ward Police Station.— Kyemon and kind by Htoo Foundation and AGD Bank for Myanmar Ferry bus plunges down into drain in Track and Field sports to achieve success in the 2013 Photo shows an undisciplined vehicle on the Hlinethaya Township XXVII SEA Games which will be held in Myanmar wrong side of the road after overtaking other Yangon, 25 Jan — A and helped the victims and the bus-conductor went away car at the traffic light near Insein Garden in ferry bus of the University of there were no injuries in the from the scene. was held at YUSC in Hline Insein Township of Yangon North District on 22 Computer Studies plunged car accident. The driver and Kyemon Township, here, on 21 down into a drain at the January. January morning.— Kyemon corner of Nyaungdon Road Executive Director and Nawaday street in ward- Daw Yamin Lwin of Htoo Drunken man hit by train Foundation presented K 3 of Hlinethaya Township, Yedashe, 25 Jan — A knocked down by a cargo 100 million to the federation here, at bout 4.40 pm on 21 man lost his leg in the train train entering the station through MTFF Vice- January. accident while crossing at low speed driven by U President U San Tun. The ferry carrying 30 over the railroad at a place Aung Kyaw Soe of Toungoo Next, Deputy Managing students of the University between mile post Nos while he was crossing over Director U Thet Lwin Shwe of Computer Studies driven (191/12) and 191/13) in the railroad. The man lost of AGD Bank presented by Moe Lwin, 45, skidded ward-1 of Swa in Yedashe his right leg and suffered sports gear for instructors and out of control and plunged Township at about 11.15 am injuries to his left leg and left athletes through U Tun Myint down into the drain. Officials on 20 January. arm in the train accident. He and an athlete.— Kyemon of the township rushed there U Thein Aung, 47, was rushed to Swa Station drunken road user, was Hospital. — Kyemon MPDA to organize book fair, Local and foreign investment literary talks on 31 January in basic course in Kayah State Yangon N a y P y i T a w , 25 Administration explained Jan — Kayah State Road purpose of organizing the Yangon, 25 Jan — Manaw Pyu, Yan Aung, Pyae Transportation Minister course. Myanmar Publishers and Son, Tin Shwe, Yar Pyae, U Chit Hla delivered an A total of 55 trainees Distributors Association Thuriya and Duwum will address at the opening of from economic enterprises will organize book fair and take part in the book fair. local and foreign investment took part in the three-day literary talks at National Literary talks will be basic course held at the course. Theater on Myoma Kyaung given daily at the National office of Union Solidarity MNA Street, here, from 31 January Theater where Ledwinthar and Development Party to 3 February. Saw Chit, Dr Khin Swe in Naungyar (A) ward in Take Fire Different kinds of Myint (Myanmarsar) and Loikaw on 21 January. journals, magazines and Ma Sandar will give talks Next, Director Daw Photo shows an overturned Hilux on Bago- books houses like Su Pyaeson, on 31 January, Maung Sein Khin Lay Tin of Directorate Yangon motorway near 10th-Mile in the area Today, Unity, Sarpay Lawka, Win (Padigon), Saya Ko Preventive of Investment and Companies of Indakaw Police Station in Bago. The Bago- Gangaw Wutyi, Thiha and Than Myint Aung on 1 Yadana, Alinkar Wutyi, February, U Phone (Datu), and Chit Oo Nyo, Kyaw Win Nyaunglebin-Yangon passenger car driven by Po Shwe Minthamee, Thitsar Lin Theik Nyunt (Myanma and Pe Myint on 3 January. Measures Htaung skidded out of control and overturned on Mandaing, Pyinnya Shin, Myay) and Ju on 2 February — Kyemon 22 January.— Kyemon New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 3 WORLD Afghan bombing helped shape Panetta’s views on women in war Senate changes its rules war even before he took Panetta being unsatisfied, to ease gridlock over the Pentagon in 2011, asking privately “why can’t and inherited the difficult we do more?” Washington, 25 Jan— political point. job of writing condolence Panetta on Thursday The Democratic-led US Sixty votes will still be notes to the families of credited the military’s top Senate changed its rules on needed in the 100-member fallen troops—men and brass for putting forward Thursday in a bid to ease chamber to end a filibuster women. the proposal this month partisan gridlock blamed for —despite calls by some More than 150 women to lift the ban on women turning the chamber into a Democrats to reduce the have died in the wars in in front-line combat roles. legislative graveyard. figure to as few as 51. Afghanistan and Iraq since An OK from the generals Senators approved In exchange, Repu- 2001, and nearly 1,000 and admirals was crucial the changes on bipartisan blicans will no longer be have been wounded. buy-in that would be votes of 78-16 and 86-9. able to stop senators from “Every time I visited necessary for the proposal The changes fell far short, beginning consideration of a US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta speaks about a the war zone ... I’ve been to work. The integration however, of what many bill—provided both sides are suicide bombing near a NATO base, during a joint news impressed with the fact will be gradual, through Democratic reformers given votes on at least two conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the that everyone — everyone, 2016, and it’s unclear wanted. They preserved the amendments. Presidential Palace in Kabul on 13 Dec, 2012.—Reuters men and women alike — which roles may remain right of minority Republicans Rule changes would everyone is committed to off-limits. to block votes on legislation also expedite consideration Washington, 25 Jan Panetta was CIA doing the job,” Panetta told Panetta said he also with procedural roadblocks of low-level presidential —Three years before he director at the time of the reporters on Thursday. regularly spoke with known as filibusters. nominations, reduce debate lifted the US military’s December 2009 attack in Panetta took an President Barack Obama on But the revisions time before some votes and ban on females in front- Khost, Afghanistan, and important step toward his efforts to provide more drew praise from President require filibustering senators line combat, Leon Panetta two women — including making more opportunities opportunities to women. Barack Obama, who said to make objections known. grew acutely aware that one who headed the CIA available to women last A senior administration in a statement, “Too often Senate Majority Leader women in senior positions base — were among the year, with an initial move official said Obama had over the past four years, a Harry Reid, a Democrat, were already risking—and seven Americans killed. to open around 14,000 privately encouraged single senator or a handful and Senate Minority losing—their lives when a A senior aide cited it additional jobs to women Panetta to take the step but of senators has been able to Leader Mitch McConnell, would-be informant blew among the experiences that but leaving more than had stayed out of internal unilaterally block or delay a Republican, drafted the himself up at a CIA base in helped shaped Panetta’s 230,000 off-limits. At the Pentagon deliberations. bipartisan legislation for the rule changes after weeks of Afghanistan. thinking about women in time, the aide recalled Reuters sole purpose of making a negotiations.—Reuters Europe urges citizens to leave Libya’s Italy’s Monti steps into Monte Paschi scandal Benghazi money to save it. The PD is leading in opinion polls. Tripol/London, 25 threat in North Africa, specific and imminent threat “Monte Paschi is worse Jan—European countries which Prime Minister to Westerners in Benghazi, than the Parmalat case. They urged their nationals to leave David Cameron has called a and urge any British tried to save Monte Paschi the eastern Libyan city of “magnet for jihadists”. nationals who remain there with an amount equal to Benghazi on Thursday, with The call to leave Libya’s against our advice to leave what Italians have paid for Britain citing a “specific second largest city irked immediately,” the Foreign (housing tax) IMU,” centre- and imminent” threat to Libyans keen to win foreign Office said in a statement. right MP Stefano Saglia Westerners days after a investment to rebuild a Similar warnings came said in a note on Thursday. deadly attack by militants fractured infrastructure and from Germany and the Monti responded: “I in neighbouring Algeria. boost the oil industry after Netherlands. They followed don’t think there is an issue Officials declined to give the revolution which toppled the deaths of at least 38 of (regulatory) oversight.” details, but Britain has Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. hostages in an attack on Speaking at a news warned of a growing militant “We are now aware of a Algeria’s In Amenas gas conference on the sidelines Outgoing Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti addresses complex near the Libyan of the World Economic the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum border, and the start of Forum in Davos he added (WEF) in Davos on 23 January, 2013.—Reuters French military operations that he was ready to discuss in Mali. German Foreign Milan, 25 Jan— trades that could cost it as the issue in parliament. Minister Guido Westerwelle Italian Prime Minister much as 720 million euros Monte Paschi said described the situation in Mario Monti weighed in (US$956 million), lurching its board was shocked by Benghazi, cradle of the on the scandal surrounding center stage in a crucial how its situation was being uprising against Gaddafi, as Banca Monte dei Paschi general election campaign. used by politicians for “serious and delicate”. di Siena on Thursday, Seizing on the bank’s campaign motives before “The warning was made rejecting suggestions that historical links to the centre- the elections. because of a series of bits of the authorities had failed left PD party, centre-right “The board ... is information. We have our to spot large trading losses and far-left politicians bewildered for how reasons, but I would not like threatening the bank. canvassing for votes on 24- superficially the issue of Passengers wait to board a plane at Benghazi’s Benina to speak of details. Security Already in need of a 3.9 25 February have accused recapitalization of the bank is international airport after warnings from European is the most important thing,” billion euro bailout, Monte the PD of mismanaging the being treated,” the bank said. countries urging their nationals to leave the eastern he told reporters during a dei Paschi this week revealed bank and have criticized “The situation is completely Libyan city of Benghazi on 24 Jan, 2013.—Reuters visit to Lisbon.—Reuters loss-making derivatives Monti for using taxpayer under control”.—Reuters US man who aided Mumbai plotters sentenced to 35 years in prison

Chicago, 25 Jan—David than 160 people, including in 2010, Headley cooperated an appropriate punishment Headley, an American who six Americans. Headley, a with US investigators and for Headley’s incredibly admitted scouting targets 52-year-old US citizen of foreign intelligence agencies serious crimes but for the for the 2008 militant raid on Pakistani descent, admitted to avoid the death penalty and significant value provided Mumbai and later agreed to videotaping sites that were extradition to India, Pakistan by his immediate and testify against the plotters to targeted by the Mumbai or Denmark, agreeing to extensive cooperation.” Last avoid the death penalty, was attackers. testify in foreign judicial week, Judge Leinenweber sentenced on Thursday to 35 He was arrested in proceedings, the government sentenced Pakistani-born years in prison. 2009 and pleaded guilty said. businessman Tahawwur The sentence, handed to 12 charges, including In a memorandum filed Rana to 14 years in federal down by US District Judge conspiracy to bomb places with Judge Leinenweber prison for providing support Harry Leinenweber, was the of public use and commit earlier this week, the to the Lashkar-e-Taiba, The landing site that US citizen David Headley located maximum sought by federal murder and plotting an attack government said “there the group blamed for the for the Pakistani militants who carried out the 2008 prosecutors. on a Danish newspaper. is little question that life Mumbai attacks. assault on Mumbai, is seen in this undated handout The attacks killed more After entering his plea imprisonment would be Reuters photo provided by the US Attorney’s office.—Reuters 4 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar Science & Technology Adelie penguins: cool, efficient killing machines ITC to review Apple patent Tokyo, 25 Jan — Fish of more than a dozen pen- a penguin entered the water these tiny little creatures complaint against Samsung of the Antarctic, be very guins. and shoot for 90 minutes, one after the other.” Apple’s afraid. There’s an unlikely “The krill wiggle their Watanabe and his team Not only that, the iPhone stealth predator on the loose bodies about, they clearly were able to capture the penguins didn’t swim ran- (L) and —Adelie penguins. make an attempt to swim secrets of penguins on the domly but hung poised on Samsung Forget their ungainly off at full speed and es- hunt. the edge of the ice until a Galaxy waddling on land or comi- cape,” Watanabe said of his Additional information thick swarm neared, then Note are cal bobbing at the ocean’s findings, published in the came from two accelerom- swooped into the water. displayed surface. As soon as these US-based Proceedings of eters strapped to each bird Footage showed a penguin at a shop penguins dive into the icy the National Academy of that measured its head and zooming under the ice and in Tokyo Antarctic ocean, they be- Sciences this week. body movements to calcu- then deeper, its head snap- on 31 come calculating, efficient “But that doesn’t make late how fast it devoured its ping rapidly up as it fed. Aug, killing machines, say Japa- the slightest difference prey. “We didn’t really The krill killing-rate 2012. nese researchers. to the penguins. They know if the penguins was both fast and efficient. Reuters “You could say the just gobble up the caught krill one-by- The penguins gobbled an penguins have an amazing krill that are trying one. I’d thought that average of two krill per Washington, 25 Jan— question allows the use of a stealth mode,” said Yuuki to get away and maybe they just got second when the krill were A US trade panel that spe- headset with the smartphone Watanabe, a researcher at swallow them into their stomachs clustered in swarms, a much cializes in patent disputes while the other allows the Japan’s National Institute whole.” Using when they were af- faster rate than under gener- will review a potentially key device to show an image on of Polar Research. “They’re the “penguin ter some other prey,” al hunting conditions when decision in the patent fight a screen with a second, trans- great at sneaking up on cams,” which Watanabe said. “But the penguins consumed between Samsung Electron- lucent image over it. Apple their prey and taking them were set to au- when we saw the about 244 krill in roughly ics and Apple Inc over smart- had filed a complaint in mid- unaware.” tomatically footage it turned 90 minutes. “I was so happy phones and tablets. 2011, accusing Samsung of Watanabe this week switch on out the penguins when I got the footage of a The panel, the Interna- infringing its patents in mak- released footage recorded when were doing just that, eating penguin going straight into tional Trade Commission, ing its Captivate, Transform in December 2010 showing a swarm of krill and gorg- also sent part of the dispute and Fascinate smartphones, a bird’s eye view of a hunt An Adelie penguin carrying a video camera on its back ing itself,” Watanabe said. back to judge, who ruled in as well as the Galaxy Tablet. for fish and small crusta- stands in Langhovde, Antarctica on 7 Jan, 2012, in this Penguin research com- October that Samsung, the Apple is waging war on ceans called krill, captured handout photo released by Japan’s National Institute of pleted, Watanabe now aims world’s top maker of smart- several fronts against Goog- using a small video cam- Polar Research’s Assistant Professor Yuuki Watanabe to repeat the same exercise phones, infringed four Apple le, whose Android software era strapped to the backs on 23 Jan, 2013.—Reuters with sharks.—Reuters patents but did not violate powers many of Samsung’s two others. The full commis- devices. The battles between HTC M7 to be announced on 19 February ahead of MWC sion said on Wednesday it Apple and Samsung have earlier image posted by ese manufacturer is keeping would review the judge’s de- taken place in some 10 coun- Pocketnow depicted that the 5-inch screen exclusive cision, and asked the agency tries as they vie for market HTC may have gotten rid to its first 1080p device, the judge to take a second look share in the booming mobile of the ring and introduced a HTC Butterfly. at portions of two patents industry. swipe-based gesture instead htc-butterfly-white. where he had found that The case at the Interna- to unlock the screen. jpgSpeaking of the Butter- Samsung infringed. tional Trade Commission is More recently, a render fly, a White variant of the One of the patents in No. 337-796.—Reuters of the device surfaced on- device is expected to go on line, which seemed to be a sale on Thursday in China US authorities charge three part of some animation clip and has already received instructing new owners on 400,000 pre-orders within over “Gozi” computer virus how to install the SIM card 24 hours, reports Unwired New York, 25 Jan — in their smartphone. View via MIC Gadget. Three foreign nationals Earlier rumoured This version has been have been charged with event, it is likely to garner New Delhi, 25 Jan— specifications of the device priced identical to the red creating and distributing a more attention. Everyone’s eyeing HTC’s indicate a 4.7-inch full- and black variants already computer virus that infected The HTC M7 has been second full-HD device that HD display, making it an available in the country at more than a million com- rumoured for quite a while is expected to come out incredible 468ppi. Other 4,799 yuan. puters around the world, now, with recent ones in- soon. How soon? Well, ac- alleged specs include a The J Butterfly was including some operated dicating the possible look cording to Twitter user @ 1.7GHz quad-core Snap- launched in Japan in Octo- by the US space agency, and feel of the device. It’s flapic, the HTC M7 could dragon processor with 2GB ber last year and is the first US prosecutors said on also been spotted running be launched at an event in RAM, 32GB of internal full-HD smartphone of the Wednesday. on the company’s latest The Department of Justice London on 19 February. storage, 12-megapixel rear world with the device sport- The defendants were and yet-to-be-made official logo is seen on the podium Until now, we were camera and a 2-megapixel ing a huge 440ppi display. charged with running a cy- Sense 5.0 UI. Earlier this during a news conference hoping to see the device at one in the front. Other features of the HTC bercrime ring that released month, leaked images of on the Gozi Virus in New the Mobile World Congress Initial rumours, how- J Butterfly include 1.5GHz the so-called Gozi virus, the smartphone showed the York on 23 Jan, 2013. scheduled to take place be- ever, were suggestive of a Qualcomm S4 Pro quad- which prosecutors said was HTC M7 running Sense 5.0 Reuters tween February 25-28. But 5-inch full-HD display and core processor, 2GB RAM one of the most financially and of what perhaps might intrusion and conspiracy to if HTC plans to launch it a a 13-megapixel camera. and 16GB internal storage. destructive computer virus- be the new lockscreen. An But seems like the Taiwan- PTI commit bank fraud. week earlier at a separate es in history. They ran a “modern- SanDisk’s modest revenue forecast prompts talks of sell-off The virus infected at day bank robbery ring that least 40,000 computers in required neither a gun nor a Mumbai, 25 Jan — The company’s quar- lion. Analysts had expected business accounted for 10 the United States, authori- mask,” Manhattan US At- Chipmaker SanDisk Corp’s terly results on Wednesday $1.372 billion, according to percent of fourth-quarter ties said. It was used to ac- torney Preet Bharara said at modest revenue outlook beat analysts’ expectations Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. revenue. Chief Financial cess personal bank account a news conference. disappointed investors and Chief Executive Sanjay SanDisk said its fast- Officer Judy Bruner said information from computer Kuzmin, who helped looking for a recovery in Mehrotra told analysts on a growing solid-state drive solid-state drives would users and steal millions of create the virus, pleaded memory chips widely used conference call he expects be SandDisk’s dollars from customer ac- guilty in May 2011 and has in smartphones and tablets, improved NAND pricing biggest counts globally, according been cooperating with the sending its shares down 4 this year, giving SanDisk’s to papers filed in US Dis- investigation, said George percent. Like other memory stock a brief boost. trict Court in Manhattan. Venizelos, assistant direc- chipmakers, SanDisk has But the company’s rev- The defendants —Den- tor-in-charge for the Feder- been hurt in recent quar- enue forecast for the first iss Calovskis, 27, a Latvian; al Bureau of Investigation’s ters by a drop in prices for quarter fell short of Wall Nikita Kuzmin, 25, a Rus- New York office. NAND flash chips used in Street’s estimates, prompt- sian; and Mihai Ionut Pau- The investigation is smartphones, cameras, stor- ing a selloff. nescu, 28, a Romanian— still “very much ongoing,” age drives and tablets to SanDisk estimated rev- growth driver this year, were charged with a variety Venizelos told the news store data such as movies enue in the March quarter followed by embedded ap- of counts, including con- conference. and photos. of $1.225 billion to $1.3 bil- plications.—PTI spiracy to commit computer Reuters New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 5 BUSINESS & HEALTH Bird flu studies, halted over terrorism fear, Mitsubishi recalls 14,700 electric cars globally to resume over brakes dangerous viruses could be Tokyo, 25 Jan — i-MiEV and MINICAB- analyst at Mitsubishi UFJ used for bioterrorism. Mitsubishi Motors Corp MiEV production. Morgan Stanley Securities Flu experts said they (7211.T) said it would Electric vehicles are in Tokyo. “The cause of the have recognized those fears recall about 14,700 electric struggling to make inroads problem is identified and and worked hard to calm vehicles (EV) globally due into the autos sector despite there were no accidents. them, and now it is time to a brake problem unique to a big push by the Obama But the problematic part is to push on. They say the the electric-motor powered administration to boost the brake, an important part studies are essential for a cars in one of the biggest sales, as the green cars for safety, and that means deeper understanding of callbacks involving the new often fall short of consumer Mitsubishi Motors’ quality H5N1, which many fear generation of eco-friendly expectations especially in check procedure is too could one day spark a lethal cars. running distance. weak.” pandemic in humans. Mitsubishi Motors said “This is a matter of The recalled vehicles “We want the world to that in Japan it would recall one part, and it’s too much may carry an improperly be better prepared than we nearly 3,400 i-MiEV electric to apply the issue to say shaped or damaged electric currently are when an H5N1 vehicles, as well as more there is something wrong pump, which sends air to the A member of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) culls a virus causes a pandemic,” than 2,400 MINICAB-MiEV with electric vehicles,” said brake booster, the Japanese rooster in a poultry farm infected by H5N1 bird flu virus said Yoshihiro Kawaoka of vehicles. Tatsuo Yoshida, a senior automaker said.—Reuters at Bode in Bhaktapur on 15 Oct, 2012.—Reuters Tokyo University, a leading Overseas, mostly London, 25 Jan — countries that agree it can go researcher on avian flu. in Europe, it said it was Scientists around the ahead. “We understand the recalling about 8,900 world declared an end on That will allow work to risks associated with our i-MiEV vehicles. Some Wednesday to a moratorium start again in key laboratories research and we take every of those are sold as PSA on researching mutant forms in the Netherlands and precaution to conduct Peugeot Citroen’s (PEUP. of the deadly H5N1 bird flu elsewhere but not yet in the H5N1 virus experiments PA) iOn and C-Zero, though that had raised international United States or US-funded safely.” Mitsubishi declined to say biosecurity concerns. research centres, pending He told reporters how many. Announcing their further safety and security on a teleconference the The EV recall by decision to resume what they guidelines there. research would boost Mitsubishi is small compared say are risky but essential Scientists voluntarily efforts to develop global to recalls of conventional studies of the avian flu strain, halted research on H5N1 flu “biosurveillance”, early petrol-driven vehicles the scientists said the work transmission a year ago due to warning systems, as well as which have numbered in the Mitsubishi Motors Corp’s vehicles and a passer-by would only be carried out fears that information about better flu drugs and vaccines. millions, though it accounts are reflected on an external wall at the company in the most secure sites in how to create potentially Reuters for nearly half of their overall headquarters in Tokyo on 20 Jan, 2011.—Reuters Hyundai posts surprise profit drop as won dulls winning edge Netflix in surprise

Seoul, 25 Jan — the Sonata and Elantra, will at GS Asset Management. the cost of compensating holiday-driven profit, shares Hyundai Motor Co (005380. face pressure to unroll new “With no major new customers for overstated KS), ranked fifth in global models to revive growth and cars planned this year, it’ll fuel-economy claims on jump 35 percent sales with affiliate Kia lean even more on the China be very challenging year some cars sold recently in the Motors (000270.KS), posted United States and Canada, New York, 25 Jan— Hulu and Inc. a surprise quarterly profit Lee told reporters after the Netflix Inc surprised Wall Netflix reported $8 drop as a stronger Korean earnings announcement on Street on Wednesday with million in net income for won dented its overseas Thursday. a quarterly profit after the the fourth quarter, or 13 earnings, sending its shares Hyundai and affiliate video subscription service cents per share. Revenue falling the most in three Kia said they would help added nearly 4 million rose 8 percent to $945 weeks. drivers pay for the additional customers in the United million from the same The won rose almost 8 fuel costs. Analysts projected States and abroad, sending quarter a year earlier. “We percent against the dollar last provisions of about 300 its shares 35 percent higher just saw tremendous growth year, its biggest gain since billion won to 400 billion in after-hours trading. over the holidays,” Netflix 2009, cutting the value of won. The dominant US CEO Reed Hastings said in Hyundai’s overseas revenue Shares in Hyundai video rental and streaming an interview. in local currency terms and Motor extended their losses company had warned three The company also hurting the carmaker’s price on Thursday after the months ago a letter to forecast it will add 1.7 Labourers work at an assembly line of Hyundai Motor’s competitiveness abroad. To disappointing results, ending investors that it was likely million members in the plant in Asan, about 100 km (62 miles) south of Seoul, make matters worse, the yen 4.6 percent lower, versus the to see a loss for the October first three months of 2013, on 22 Jan, 2013.—Reuters eased by 11 percent, handing wider market’s .KS11 0.8 to December period, though it predicts net Hyundai’s competitive edge market—the sole bright spot for Hyundai,” Lim said, percent fall. attributing it to startup income will be “relatively back to its Japanese rivals. on the horizon. adding that he has already Hyundai posted a 1.89 costs for its expansion into flat” due to declining DVD The profit decline came “With the yen seen offloaded some of his trillion won ($1.77 billion) Scandinavia. But Netflix profits and higher global even as Hyundai Motor weakening further, while Hyundai Motor shares. net profit for October- underestimated the impact operating costs. sold a record 1.23 million the won is set to keep “It’s not yet a true December, missing a of the busy holiday season, Shares of the company vehicles in the fourth quarter. rising, Hyundai’s ability global leader like Samsung consensus forecast of 2.15 when sales of tablets, surged 35 percent to The company, which have to overcome worsening Electronics (005930. trillion won in a Reuters poll phones and Internet- $139.80 in after-hours enjoyed years of strong external factors will be put to KS) which can resiliently of 15 analysts. connected TVs helped boost trading. They closed at growth by offering stylish, the test this year,” said Lim overcome adverse currency The decline, down 6 subscriptions even as the $103.26, up nearly 6 yet affordable models such as Hyung-geun, a fund manager moves.” percent from 2 trillion won company faced competition percent before its earnings Hyundai Motor’s Chief a year earlier, was the first from companies such as announcement.—Reuters Financial Officer Lee Won- profit fall since Hyundai Barclays to cut at least 70 jobs hee warned that the won’s Motor switched accounting gains will accelerate in the rules in 2011. in Asia investment banking second half, but said their Hyundai aims to Hong Kong, 25 Jan— The cuts form part of a effects will be limited as the increase its US sales by 4.4 Barclays Plc (BARC.L) firm-wide strategic review company counters the impact percent this year, while its is firing at least 70 people initiated by Chief Executive of the strengthening currency Europe sales would fall 6.5 from its Asian investment Antony Jenkins, who took by moving more production percent, CFO Lee said. By banking division, sources over in August after the overseas. contrast, its Europe sales familiar with the matter told departure of Bob Diamond The company’s profit grew 10.2 percent last year Reuters on Thursday. when the bank was fined for was also hit after Hyundai while US sales increased 8.9 A spokesman for the interest-rate rigging. set aside 240 billion won percent. The headquarters of Netflix is shown in Los Gatos, bank declined to comment. Reuters ($225.10 million) to cover Reuters California on 20 Sept, 2011.— Reuters 6 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar WORLD John Kerry warns of disaster in failed Middle East peace efforts Washington, 25 Jan— “But I also believe that settlement building in the US Senator John Kerry, if we can’t be successful, West Bank. Declaring that awaiting his confirmation the door, window, what- Obama “is deeply commit- as the country’s next sec- ever you want to call it to ted to a two-state solution,” retary of state, warned on the possibility of a two- Kerry rejected speculation Thursday of “disastrous” state solution could shut on about the president’s com- consequences in the event everybody, and that would mitment to the peace pro- of an eventual failure to be disastrous in my judg- cess in his second term that make peace between the Is- ment,” he warned. started on Sunday. Senator John Kerry testi- raelis and the Palestinians. Reiterating his com- “I think a lot of it is fies at his confirmation Addressing a hearing mitment to Israel, Kerry simply wrong, blown out hearing before the Senate Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang, who is also head of on his nomination at the said he will “not stand back of proportion,” the senator the food safety commission under the State Council, Foreign Relations Com- Senate Foreign Relations from my understanding of said, noting “The president mittee to become the next presides over the commision’s fifth plenary meeting in Committee, the veteran the plight of the Palestin- understands the stakes and Beijing, capital of China, on 23 Jan, 2013.—Xinhua Secretary of State on Capi- lawmaker argued for mov- ians and others who are the implications in the Mid- tol Hill, in Washington ing forward the moribund caught up in the swirl of dle East.” DC, capital of the United Obama nominates chiefs for peace process. this.” President Barack Kerry said he has “a States, on 24 Jan, 2013. “We need to try to find Obama made the two sides lot of thoughts” about con- Xinhua SEC, consumer financial a way forward, and I hap- sit down together for di- fronting the challenge of pen to believe that there is rect talks in Washington peacemaking in the region, tiation moving in the appro- protection body a way forward,” said Kerry, in early September 2010, but refused to give details. priate way, in the appropri- Washington, 25 Jan penalties and disgorgement whose quick confirmation but the talks broke down “I’m not going to say ate manner. And I’m not — US President Barack under the leadership of pre- by the Senate has been weeks later due to Israel’s anything that prejudices our even going to go into what Obama on Thursday an- vious chair Mary Shapiro, widely expected. refusal to renew a freeze on ability to try to get a nego- that is, “ he said.—Xinhua nounced new nominees to who resigned in December. lead two federal agencies in The US president Yemeni gov’t says AQAP charge of oversight of the also renominated Richard financial industry, a move Cordray to head the Con- No 2 leader dies of injuries following the recent reshuf- sumer Financial Protection Sanaa, 25 Jan—The confirm it. fle of the new administra- Bureau (CFPB), a federal Yemeni government on On 10 Sep, 2012, the tion. In his announcement body funded by the Federal Thursday said the second- Yemeni government an- made at the White house, Reserve and tasked with in-command of al-Qaeda nounced the killing of Obama said he had selected protecting consumers when in the Arabian Peninsula al-Shihri in a military op- Mary Jo White to serve as they use financial products (AQAP), Saeed al-Shihri, eration in the southeastern chair of the Securities and such as mortgages and had died of injuries he sus- province of Hadramout, but Exchange Commission credit cards. tained from an airstrike in he appeared on 22 October. (SEC). Obama made a recess November last year, the in a video message to deny Ms White was experi- appointment of Cordray to state Saba news agency re- the government allegations. enced at prosecuting large- the post in January 2012, ported. Al-Shihri, a Saudi na- scale, white-collar crimes as Republicans repeatedly According to media agencies, Oymyakon village in “As part of anti-terror- tional and AQAP’s No 2 in complex securities and blocked the nomination Russia is labelled as the coldest place in the world, in ism efforts by the Yemeni leader, was the main target financial institution fraud, previously and demanded which the average temperature is -50 degree centi- government in coordination of several military raids according to Jay Carney, the agency be transformed grade in January, while the minimum temperature with its international part- over the past months. the White House Press Sec- into a commission as a way could reach -71.2. Mobile phone signal could cover ners, the security services Al-Shihri had served a retary. to check the clout of Demo- the whole village, but mobils are still not able to be ac- managed to carry out an prison term in the US mili- The SEC plays a cen- crats. After Cordray tak- cessed due to the strong cold snap.—Xinhua airstrike on 28 Nov 2012 tary prison in Guantanamo tral role in fighting against ing the post, the CFPB has in ( Yemen’s) northern before he was deported to wrongdoing that is related functioned to its full swing province of Saada, which Saudi Arabia, where he fled to sophisticated financial and released a series of Mexican drug boss resulted in injuring Saudi to Yemen along with other products. In the fiscal year rules governing credit card national Saeed al-Shihri, hundreds of Saudi wanted ending 30 Sept, 2012, it companies and mortgage sentenced to seven years in and later he died of his militants to form the AQAP filed 734 enforcement ac- servicers. Both nominations wounds,” Saba said, citing in January 2009. tions and collected more still need the Senate’s con- US prison an official statement by the The AQAP, known than 3 billion US dollars in firmation.—Xinhua Mcallen, 25 Jan—A In court documents, country’s Supreme Security locally as Ansar al-Sharia top figure with a Mexican prosecutors said Zuniga Committee. (Partisans of Islamic Law), Clinton announces drug cartel was sentenced Hernandez paid $57,000 for “The slain terrorist al- took advantage of a po- to seven years in a US pris- a diamond, gold and ruby- Shihri has been buried in litical upheaval in 2011 in new foundation to expand on on Thursday after plead- encrusted. 38-caliber hand- an undisclosed location,” it Yemen to take over several students exchanges with China ing guilty to immigration gun. After he was arrested, said without giving further towns of the southern res- and weapons charges. he attempted to bribe one of details. tive regions. Washington, 25 Jan— by 2014, but on strengthen- As part of a plea deal, the agents with the jewel- The AQAP has yet to Xinhua US Secretary of States ing the students exchanges Jose Luis Zuniga Hernan- encrusted gun, according to Hillary Clinton on Thurs- for years to come,” said US dez, 44, admitted he was a court records. day announced the crea- Secretary of States Hillary leader of Mexico’s brutal The agent declined tion of the 100,000 Strong Clinton at the press confer- Gulf Cartel, a drug gang the offer. In addition to the Foundation to expand op- ence. that authorities say has prison term, Judge Hanen portunities for US students Clinton noted that peo- smuggled countless tons ordered Zuniga Hernandez to learn Chinese and study ple-to-people exchanges of narcotics into the United to pay a $10,000 fine. in China. will contribute to the “con- States. The Gulf Cartel has The new foundation sequential relationship” US Border Patrol battled its former paramili- is a nonprofit organization between the United States agents arrested Zuniga Her- tary arm, known as Los housed at the American and China, a relationship nandez, known as “El Wi- Zetas, in northeast Mexico University in the capital, now with “the most press- cho,” in October 2011 near since they split in early with the mission to strength- ing challenges and the most Brownsville, Texas, where 2010. en the US-China strategic exciting opportunities.” he was sentenced on Thurs- Mexican President En- relationship through study With the government- day by US District Judge rique Pena Nieto has vowed People gather around a police van damaged following abroad. to-government relations Andrew Hanen. to curb the drug violence a blast outside a hospital in southern Pakistani port “I am happy today that “obviously essential”, she Prosecutors said Zuni- that raged under his pre- city of Karachi on 24 Jan, 2013. At least six people in- we are launching a perma- said people-to-people ties ga Hernandez was in charge decessor, Felipe Calderon, cluding three policemen were killed and seven others nent, independent, nonprof- will “determine the quality of the cartel’s operations in who launched an offensive were injured on Thursday evening in a twin bomb blast it organization focused not of the relationship for the Rio Bravo and Matamoros against drug cartels when incident that hit Pakistan’ s southern port City of only on our goal of 100,000 future.” — two Mexican border he took office in late 2006. Karachi, local media and police said. American students in China Xinhua towns key to the drug trade. Reuters Xinhua New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 7 LOCAL NEWS Sports contests mark Kayah State Day in National Objectives of 66th Loikaw Anniversary Union Day - For all the national races to perpetuate the Union and to cultivate the Union Spirit - For all the national races to live in unity and harmony - For all the national races to build up the prevailing national reconciliation - For all citizens to participate in tasks for tranquility and the rule of law - For all the national races to join efforts for modern, developed and discipline-flourishing democratic nation

Loikaw, 25 Jan—The of the Kayah State Day on a grand scale at Kayah boat race, fishing contest, which falls on 15 January State Sports Ground. Illegal timber, logs seized in Bago Region Kayah wrestling and at Naungya Kantha Lake in Local people joyfully Toungoo, 25 Jan— ironwood and other 0.2192 Forest Law. greasing pole contest and Loikaw on 12 and 13 January. participated in the sports Staff and workers of Forest ton in Block 51 of Bawbin Similarly, staff of other sports contests were Other various festivities contests. Department led by Assistant forest reserve on 14 January. Gwa Township Forest held in commemoration and sports contests were held Myanma Alinn Director of Toungoo District Likewise, staff of De-partment and workers Forest Department seized Bago Township Forest De- from West pathein Timber Fire breaks out in Myothit Township seven logs of teak weighing partment seized one Nissan Extraction Region seized Myothit, 25 Jan—A in Myothit Township of efforts fought the fire with 2.33 tons on Thagara-Koebin truck loading five logs of 18.6146 tons of sawn timbers fire broke out at the Magway Region at 12.15 traditional fire extinguishers Road in Yedashe Township ironwood weighing 2.3174 and log from two places of house of U Maung Myint pm on 15 January. The and totally put out the fire at on 13 January. tons driven by U Tin Htay Block 55 in Gwachaung in Magyigongyi Village local people in harmonious 12.30 pm.—Myanma Alinn Staff of Gyobingauk Aung in Minlan Ward of protected public forest on 12 Township Forest Depart- Phayagyi Ward in Phayagyi January. The seized timbers Stimulant tablets seized in Lashio ment and members of forest area on 16 January. were handed over to Myanma Hsipaw, 25 Jan— Muse to Lashio near Bonmon Rashida Bibi, totalling 50,000 Myanmar Police Force Action was taken against Timber Enterprise. Members of Lashio Anti- plantation on Lashio-Muse weighing 4.5 kilos worth K also seized 2.634 tons of him under section 42(b) of Myanma Alinn Drug Special Squad of Shan Union Highway at 10 am on 17 100 million. State (North) together with January. The authorities seized So, Lashio Police Station Drunk driver turns over Hino witness searched a van driven 25 packets each containing No 2 filed a lawsuit against Tatkon, 25 Jan—A by Ko Aung Kyaw Htoo from 2000 WY brand pink stimulant Ma Rashida Bibi, 46 under the Hino driven by Ko Aung Shan Cherry bus line from tablets from the bag of Ma law.—Myanma Alinn Soe turned over at Ottarathiri Junction, north of Tatkon Sand sculpture show was Township, at 2.35 pm on held at Maungmagan 18 January, leaving 33 Beach in Dawei of passenger injured. Taninthayi Region on 19 The injured from Okshitgon and Tha- and 20 January. Photo phangyaung villages were shows sand sculptors warded at Tatkon Township create a model of national Hospital (100-bed). leader General Aung San Due to drunkard in sand. driving, the car could’nt be Myanma Alinn controlled in the incident. Myanma Alinn Child care course opened Residences fumigated in New library building opened Magway, 25 Jan— Khin Pyone made a speech in Magway Region Social on the occasion. The course Mingala Taungnyunt Township Welfare Department and lasted two days from 18 to Machanbaw, 25 Jan—A On the occasion, Save the Children jointly 19 January. The course was Yangon, 25 Jan— The local authorities ceremony to open the new Township Administrator U organized the child care aimed at broadening horizon As part of efforts to take and departmental officials building of library was held Tin Myo Aung, Staff Officer course that concluded at Pre- of the award administrators preventive measures against plan to fumigate there in Namkham Village of of Township Planning Primary School on 1st Street to know rights of children dengue haemorrhagic fever, to be free from dengue in Department U Soe Myint in Magway on 19 January. and to participate in the child ward administrator U Kyaw haemorrhagic fever. Putao District in Aung, Head of Township Head of Magway protection tasks. Zin Oo, members of social Myanma Alinn on 15 January. Information and Public Region SWD Daw Khin Myanma Alinn organizations and local Relations Department U people participated in the Nan Zae Fon Hsan, Village School Family Day marked in sanitation and fumigating Administrator U Khaw Khun on 14 streets in Thabyegon Thing Hsan and townselder U Labutta Ward of Mingala Taungnyunt Yaw Hset formally opened the Labutta, 25 Jan— sang the song to open the Township in Yangon Region new building of the library. As a triangle relationship ceremony. Next, Acting on 19 January. After that, wellwishers among teachers, parents and Township Administrator Thabyegon Ward of the donated one book shelf and students, the School Family U Pyae Phyo Maung and township is home to over K 80,000, 150 publications Day was held at No 1 Basic officials presented prizes 29000 people of over 3000 worth K 250,000 to the library Education High School in to outstanding students for households. through Chairman of the Labutta on 20 January. 2012-2013 academic year. The ward has three Basic library committee. At first, students Myanma Alinn Education High Schools. Myanma Alinn 8 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar national Myanmar takes Laos as brother since establishment of Saturday, 26 January, 2013 diplomatic ties: Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker to promotion of bilateral Educate girls and women cooperation between the The shrinking economy sent girls’ infant two parliaments, expressing his wish for exchange mortality soaring and more females were of experiences between abused or starved, said a report by Plan committees of the two International and the Overseas Development parliaments. Institute, adding that the proportion of baby Present on the occasion girls who died when the economy shrank rose were Deputy Speaker of five times faster than the proportion of baby Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw U Mya boys who died. Nyein, Committee Chairs Gender inequality is a global social problem. Col Maung Maung Htoo, U Fortunately, this problem is not so serious here Sai Paung Nab, U Nay Win in comparison with fellow countries. Though Tun, Daw Nan Ni Ni Aye, national race parliamen- there is no apparent glass ceiling for educated Pyidaungsu and Amyotha Hluttaws Speaker U Khin Aung Myint attends females or women of high social class here, tarians and Laotian ceremony at which Laotian National Assembly President Madame Pany Ambassador to Myanmar those from poor backgrounds, especially of Yathotou signs the visitors’ book.—mna Mr Nilahath Sayarath. urban population, see the different things as Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— River, vowing to strengthen Laos brother since then. In the evening, Speaker chances are scarce. Speaker of the Pyidaungsu the bond between two He invited to exchange of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Most of them are employed in manufacturing Hluttaw and Amyotha parliaments. He added experiences on legislation and Amyotha Hluttaw U business like garment and shoe-making Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint that the committees of between the two parlia- Khin Aung Myint hosted factories. But longer working hours do not received President of Lao the two parliaments ments. a dinner to the Laotian PDR National Assembly would try to hold joint The Lao PDR National Speaker at Thabin Hall of mean higher wages there but just enough for Madame Pany Yathotou and paper reading session for Assembly President pledged the Hluttaw Building. survival. Many uneducated women find their party at Amyotha Hluttaw agricultural development. to strengthen the existing It was also attended positions in manual occupations like mentioned Hall here this evening. It is nearly 60 years since friendship between the two by Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker above and sex industry. Girls from poverty- The Speaker cheered up Myanmar and Laos have countries. He congratulated Thura U Shwe Mann, stricken families are often sent out to work as the brotherhood friendship established diplomatic ties, the improved economic deputy speakers of Pyithu child labourers and sometimes sex workers. between the two countries said the Speaker adding performance in short period. and Amyotha Hluttaws. which share the Mekong that Myanmar has taken He affirmed his commitment MNA It is also a traditional belief in rural areas that girls do not need to be educated and basic Union Foreign Affairs Union FM felicitates Foreign numeracy skill is just enough for them, although this belief is diminishing with the passage of Minister sends felicitations to Affairs and Trade Minister of time. While the men are generally considered Indian counterpart Commonwealth of Australia the breadwinner of a family, women can help Nay Pyi Taw, 26 Republic of the Union Nay Pyi Taw, 26 of Myanmar, has sent a better their families than men do. Women Jan— On the occasion of of Myanmar, has sent a Jan— On the occasion message of felicitations indeed are the gatekeeper of their families’ the Republic Day of India message of felicitations of the anniversary of the to the Honourable Mr. th health. Educating a man is just educating a which falls on 26 January to His Excellency Mr. Australia Day which falls Bob Carr, Minister for 2013, His Excellency Salman Khurshid, Minister on 26 January 2013, U Foreign Affairs and Trade person whereas educating a woman means U Wunna Maung Lwin, of External Affairs of the Wunna Maung Lwin, Union of the Commonwealth of educating a whole family. Union Minister for Republic of India. Minister for Foreign Affairs Australia. Educating girls would do a lot as studies Foreign Affairs of the MNA of the Republic of the Union MNA show girls who have completed primary school at the lowest could help themselves much better Formulation of cooperation strategies for Rakhine State discussed during pregnancy, in family planning and even Nay Pyi Taw, 25 prevention against AIDS than those who have Jan — Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen never gone to school. Thein Htay held talks with Whether they have the power like “the UN Resident Representative hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” or Humanitarian Coordinator are considered as the weaker sex, one thing is Mr. Ashok Nigam and party for sure that investing in bringing education at the hall of the Ministry to potential mothers would make better the of Border Affairs, here, yesterday. younger generations under their caring hands. Both sides discussed matters related to conducting one more workshop on formulation The government of cooperation strategies Not for upgraded the roads with the participation of for passenger’s you, auto the government, people, of law and sustainable Union Minister Lt-Gen Thein Htay holds talks UN agencies and INGOs development in Rakhine convenience… racers! for ensuring rescue and State. with UN Resident Representative Humanitarian rehabilitation works, rule MNA Coordinator Mr Ashok Nigam and party.—mna Racer One civilian dead, four wounded in exchange of and one girl wounded in the incident. Woo… Woo… fire between KIA and Tatmadaw military column According to the Nay Pyi Taw, 25 place between Whaykhar 12.30 pm to 5.30 pm on 23 Kachin State government, Jan — An exchange of village and Khakyan village January. five houses at Khakyan fire between KIA group of Seikmu village-tract Maung Hla Thaung, village were reduced to Maung Pe Pe and a Tatmadaw military in Phakant Township of 23, of Whaykhaw village ashes due to artillery shells. column broke out at a Kachin State from about was killed and three men MNA New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 9 National Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker meets Laotian National Assembly President Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Shwe Mann were Deputy Thura U Shwe Mann Speaker U Nanda Kyaw received a delegation led by Swa, Pyithu Hluttaw Laotian National Assembly Committee Chairmen U President Madame Pany Hla Myint Oo and U T Yathotou at Zabuthiri Hall Khun Myat, Pyithu Hluttaw of the Hluttaw Complex, Representatives and here, at 3 pm today. officials from the Hluttaw The meeting focused Office. The Laotian National on promotion of inter- Assembly President was parliamentary cooperation accompanied by Chairmen and further cementing of National Assembly relations between the Committees and Laotian two countries including Ambassador to Myanmar bilateral cooperation. Mr. Nilahath Sayarath and Also present at the officials concerned. call together with Pyithu MNA Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann receives Laotian National Assembly President Madame Pany Yathotou.—mna Computer training course at Myanmar provides humanitarian assistance parliamentary E-library concluded for Typhoon victims in Philippines

Deputy Speaker U Nanda N a y P y i T a w , 25 Kyaw Swa, Chairman of Jan— A ceremony to hand the parliamentary E-library over cash donation of establishing committee the Government of the and members, officials Republic of the Union of concerned from the Myanmar to the Government Hluttaw Office, course of the Republic of the instructors, and trainees Philippines as humanitarian from Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, assistance to the victims Pyithu Hluttaw and of the Typhoon Bopha in Amyotha Hluttaw. After Philippines, was held at the delivering a speech, Pyithu Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U here, today. Nanda Kyaw Swa awarded After conveying words first, second and third of sympathies on behalf prize winners together with of the Government of the Deputy Speaker U Nanda Kyaw Swa speaking Committee Chairman Dr Republic of the Union of at concluding ceremony of computer training U Soe Yin and Committee Myanmar, Union Minister course.—mna Member U Maung Toe. for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— course was held at the media Next, gifts were Maung Lwin handed over As part of UNDP’s support room of Zabuthiri Hall presented to the course cash donation of US$ 50,000 to parliamentary E-library, in the Hluttaw Complex, instructors. The course to Mr. Bryan Jess T Baguio, a concluding ceremony here, this afternoon. It was lasted 8 days from 16 to 25 Charge d Affairs a.i of the of the computer training attended by Pyithu Hluttaw January.—MNA Embassy of the Republic of Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin hands over KIA attacks military cash donation for Filipino Typhoon victims. column near Lajyayan mna Philippines in Yangon who from the Ministry of Foreign Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— and 22 weapons. spoke words of thanks. Affairs and staff members of About 100 KIA troops KIA launched two The ceremony was also Philippine Embassy. attacked military column mine attacks, one attack attended by senior officials MNA undertaking administration on logistic convoy and two duties near Lajyayan attacks on military columns Myanmar basketball team yesterday afternoon and yesterday. Acting on tip-off, withdrew after more-than- the local military column and shares experience three-hour attack. militia seized 10 weapons Yangon, 25 Jan— Myanmar Basketball Five Tatmadawmen hidden by KIA in Mongyan/ A press meet on training Federation U Maung Maung were injured in the attack Monghaung area, according experience of the Myanmar Myint, the official from and the Tatmadaw captured to the Ministry of Defence. basketball youth athletes cultural affairs department 25 bodies of KIA members MNA group, who received training of US Embassy to Myanmar, from 7 to 21 January in General Secretary of MBF U Washington and North Kyaw Kyaw Win and Joint Carolina under the Sports Secretary of MBF Assistant Visitors Programme and at Director of the Sports the invitation of Sport United and Physical Education of the US Department of Department Daw Ohnmar State, was held at Western Aung shared knowledge on Park Royal, here, yesterday training programme, and afternoon. answered queries raised by Vice-President of media men.—MNA 10 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar WORLD Munich Security Conference Three Taleban Landslide kills seven in militants stand to focus on global hotspots handcuffed after Ecuador they were detained Quito, 25 Jan — At have also been damaged Munich, 25 Jan—The Russia, the United States by Afghan security least seven people were and Ponce Enriquez has 49th Munich Security Con- and Germany, Ischinger forces during an killed and 17 were injured been left without electric- ference (MSC), to be held told reporters, adding that operation in western by a landslide Thursday in ity. Rescue units are at the in the German city on 1-3 “the upcoming conference Afghanistan’s Herat Ecuador’s mining zone of disaster site, which is locat- February, would discuss will be extremely exciting.” Province, on 24 Jan, Bella Rica in the southern ed in a rural area accessible such global hotspots issues China is playing a more 2013. Afghan secu- Province of Azuay, local only on foot or by plane, lo- as the situation in Mali, the and more important role on rity forces detained authorities said. Patricio cal authorities said. Syria unrest and the euro- the stage of world politics, three terrorists and Lopez, the mayor of Ponce Ponce Enriquez has zone crisis, MSC president he said. Among the more discovered explosive Enriquez, told reporters the a population of more than Wolfgang Ischinger said on than 400 attendees would be devices and remote landslide occurred early in 10,000 and most residents Thursday. high-ranking officials, rep- controls from their the day due to heavy rains, work in gold mining or This year’s event is resentatives of international possessions, acting causing damage to two agriculture. The region expecting more important organizations, security issue police chief of Herat mines in the region. was previously affected by delegates from different experts and economic ce- Province Abdul The mayor said sev- landslides that killed sev- countries and areas than lebrities from more than 90 Hamid Hamidi eral miners may have been eral miners. Ten days ago, a ever, including high rank- countries and regions world- said.—Xinhua trapped in the mines and the Peruvian and an Ecuadorian ing officials from China, wide.—Xinhua death toll may rise over the died in another landslide in UN chief welcomes Bahraini King’s call for next few hours. Four homes the same area.—Xinhua national dialogue

United Nations, 25 from six opposition socie- that all communities in Bah- several leaders expected to Jan—UN Secretary-General ties and other societies,” said rain will be represented fairly have closed-door meetings Ban Ki-moon on Thursday a statement issued here by and freely in the proposed in the coming days to discuss welcomed the call by Bah- Ban’s spokesperson. dialogue, calling the initia- their demands for the second raini King Hamad bin Isa “The Secretary-General tive “an important first step round of talks. Al-Khalifa for a new round has consistently called for towards reforms that ensure The main opposition of national dialogue, as well dialogue and hopes that the justice and human rights for group Al Wefaq National as the positive response of parties will follow through all Bahrainis.” Islamic Society said on opposition groups to the in- on their announcements and Ban also urged all Bah- Tuesday that it reiterated its vitation in the Persian Gulf ensure that the dialogue is rainis to contribute to creat- “seriousness to engage in a country. well-prepared, meaningful, ing a conducive atmosphere genuine process of dialogue Relief workers erect a tent in Zaatari refugee camp, near “The Secretary-General fully inclusive, and addresses for a successful dialogue. and political negotiations.” the desert town of Mafraq, northeast of Amman, on welcomes the initiative of the legitimate aspirations Political groups in Bah- Bahrain was hit by a 24 Jan, 2013. The past six days witnessed a record surge King Hamad bin Isa Al- of the Bahraini people,” the rain welcomed the call by the series of protests last year, in the number of Syrian refugees seeking safety in Khalifa of Bahrain to con- statement said. leadership for a new round some of which turned violent Jordan. The number of refugees has pushed up the vene a political dialogue According to the state- of national dialogue to end and led to serious bloodshed Syrian population in Jordan to around 300,000.—Xinhua and the affirmative response ment, the UN chief expected the political stalemate, with in the country.—Xinhua The groom Moshey Chaim Ecuadorian president urges solution to walks to invite his bride, the first granddaughter of Grand Wikileaks case Rabbi of the Satmar hassidic Quito, 25 Jan — Ec- grant asylum last August 19 August to avoid extradi- dynasty Rabbi Zalman Leib uadorian President Rafael to the world’s most famous tion to Sweden, where he is Teitelbaum, to dance during Correa on Thursday called whistleblower. “In keeping wanted for questioning in their wedding in Israeli town for Britain and Sweden to with international law, we two sexual assault cases. He of Beit Shemesh, on 24 Jan, settle the case of Wikileaks granted him asylum, he is denies any sexual wrongdo- 2013. The wedding was held founder Julian Assange, under the protection of the ing and fears Swedish au- here from the evening of who has spent past seven Ecuadorian government, thorities will render him to 23 January to the morning months in refuge at Ecua- but such is the prepotency the US government, which of 24 January. Some 5,000 dor’s embassy in London. of some countries,” said regards him as a threat to guests attended the tradi- “Ecuador has done its Correa, referring to the re- national security. tional Jewish job. Julian Assange’s rights fusal of Britain and Sweden “The problem is there wedding.—Xinhua will continue to be guaran- to reach a diplomatic solu- is no guarantee that if he teed. Now the solution is in tion to the problem. leaves the embassy and Pacific Plan 2012 Annual Progress Report the hands of Britain, Swe- Assange, who angered travels to Sweden, he won’t den and the European Un- Washington by releasing be extradited to a third released ion in general,” Correa said thousands of embarrass- country, and if that hap- Suva, 25 Jan—The Pa- is being made by mem- (Small Island Developing in a television interview. ing government cables and pens, Julian Assange’s life cific Islands Forum Secre- ber countries and regional States) 2014 Conference Correa defended his video of war crimes, took or liberty would be at risk,” tariat released the 2012 Pa- agencies in delivering on and the post-2015 develop- government’s decision to refuge at the embassy on said Correa.—Xinhua cific Plan Annual Progress the objectives of the Pacific ment agenda,” Slade said. Report and Reporting An- Plan,” said Slade. The Annual Report US apologizes to Philippines for ship stuckin nex that highlights some of The Annual Report in- also highlights some of the the challenges in the region. cludes details on progress challenges that are faced by Tubbataha Reefs According to Tuiloma in sectors such as climate the countries in the region. Manila, 25 Jan—The a statement issued by the US He also said Washing- Neroni Slade, Secretary change, fisheries, gender “In this regard, I wel- United States government Embassy in Manila. ton will work with the Phil- General of the Pacific Is- equality and disability in- come the decision by lead- on Friday apologized to the “This was an unfortu- ippine government to assess lands Forum Secretariat, clusive development, ac- ers in September 2012 to Philippines for the ground- nate accident, and I recog- the damage caused by the the Pacific Plan Annual cording to a statement of review the Pacific Plan,” ing of its minesweeper USS nize the legitimate concerns incident and take steps to ad- Progress Report and the ac- the secretariat. said the Secretary General. Guardian on Tubbataha over the damage caused to a dress it. companying Reporting An- “The Pacific Plan re- “ This will be an important Reef in Sulu Sea. unique and precious wonder The US Embassy issued nex provided a comprehen- mains central to the devel- exercise for ensuring that “On behalf of the United of nature, internationally rec- the statement after the Phil- sive overview of the work opment aspirations of our the aspirations of forum is- States government, I wish to ognized for its beauty and bi- ippine government revealed of key actors in support of region, and is an important land countries for regional convey to the Philippine gov- ological diversity,” he added. that 1,000 square metres of greater regional integration platform for supporting cooperation and integration ernment and people my pro- Thomas assured the the 97,030-hectare Tubbata- and cooperation. engagement with relevant are fully considered in any found regret over the ground- Philippine government that ha Reefs were damaged by “This 2012 Annual global processes, such as future iteration of the Pa- ing of the USS Guardian on Washington is committed to the USS Guardian that has Progress Report demon- the outcomes of Rio+20, cific Plan.” Tubbataha Reef,” said Am- removing the ship from the been stuck in the area since strates the progress that preparations for the SIDS Xinhua bassador Harry Thomas Jr in area as soon as possible. 17 January.—Xinhua New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 11 Regional Sri Lanka increases minimum age for female migrant workers after housemaid execution Colombo, 25 Jan—The Arabia and seven other sign,” Cabinet spokesman Sri Lankan government has Middle East countries is 25 and Media Minister Keheli- decided to increase the age years old. ya Rambukwella said. limit for female migrant Singapore, which has The steps come after workers in Saudi Arabia better working conditions, the Sri Lankan government as the first step in the pro- will receive female workers was severely criticized cess to curtail their employ- at 21 years. for sending an under-aged ment in that country after “There have been vari- woman as a housemaid to a housemaid was executed ous groups proposing that Saudi Arabia. She was con- earlier this month, an offi- the age limit should be in- victed of chocking her em- cial said here on Thursday. creased. We do not plan ployer’s baby to death and The Cabinet approved to stop housemaids going was imprisoned in 2005. the decision presented by there completely but hope Rizana Nafeek was Foreign Employment Pro- to curtail it. For the first handed the death sentence motion Minister Dilan time in history the per- by a Saudi court and despite Perera. centage of women seek- her denying the charges she Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit (C), vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Accordingly the mini- ing employment abroad was executed two weeks People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), attends the China-ASEAN mum age for women seek- has dropped to 48 percent, ago after being in prison for New Year reception in Beijing, capital of China, on 24 Jan, 2013.—Xinhua ing employment in Saudi which we see as a good seven years.—Xinhua Four bank staff, two accomplices arrested Abu Sayyaf militant nabbed in bank robbery in E Cambodia: police in S Philippines Kampong, 25 Jan—Six and some as hostages. robbery plan because he suspects including 4 bank “All images that we needs money to repay the Cotabato, 26 Jan— issued by a local court in staff were arrested at mid- saw (Wednesday) were debt,” he said. Philippine government connection with his in- night on Wednesday in a fabricated. Both kidnap- Prom Visoth, executive security forces have re- volvement in series of kid- bank robbery after 16-hour pers and the kidnapped vice president and chief le- cently captured a suspected napping cases in the region. operations, police said on persons are accomplices, gal officer of Acleda Bank, Abu Sayyaf militant in the “He is now undergoing Thursday in a Press confer- they prepared a plot to rob confirmed on Thursday that southern Philippine Prov- tactical interrogation at the ence. the bank,” he said, adding it is not 4 bank staff, but 5 ince of Basilan, a senior po- headquarters of military,” The incident happened that the branch cashier Sin are the perpetrators. lice official said on Friday. Avenido added. at a local Acleda Bank’s Kimthat is the mastermind “They are one cashier, The suspect, Muin The 380-strong Abu Japanese Prime Minis- branch in Arak Thnort and five others including 3 two customer service agents Hamja, who has a 14,778 Sayyaf group, founded in ter Shinzo Abe gives an commune in Stung Trang bank staff and two outsiders and two credit officers,” he US Dollar bounty on his the early 1990s by Islamic interview to Kyodo News District of Kampong Cham are associates. told Xinhua over telephone. head, was arrested during extremists, is notorious for at his office in Tokyo Province, about 124 kilo- He recalled that on “The reason they robbed the a raid at his hideout at Ku- kidnappings, bombings and on 24 Jan, 2013. metres east of Phnom Penh, Wednesday, the suspects bank because they are broke malarang village in Isabela even beheadings in south- Kyodo News the capital of Cambodia. pretended to be “ drug ad- and need money to repay city, said regional police ern Philippines over the Col Chim Senghong, dicts” and took bank staff debts.” commander Chief Superin- past decade. The group was deputy police chief of Kam- hostage in a bank’s room He said it remained tendent Mario Avenido. blacklisted by the United Indonesia to pong Cham Province, said with double safety locks unknown the amount of Avenido said Hamja States as a foreign terrorist in the press conference that in order to cheat police money the bank lost dur- has existing arrest warrant organization.—Xinhua tighten rules the alleged bank robbers that they were not robbers ing the incident, but he said had fabricated the hostage and to postpone time until “it is not much because the for foreign situation on Wednesday by night in order to give them branch is in rural area.” arranging some of them to chance to escape. Acleda Bank is the pilots act as drug-addicted kid- “Sin Kimthat is the kingdom’s largest commer- Jakarta, 25 Jan—In- nappers armed with a pistol man who masterminds the cial bank.—Xinhua donesia’s Transportation Ministry is tightening its Cambodia’s construction receives 2.1 bln USD rules for foreign pilots who are working in the coun- investment in 2012 try’s airlines. Phnom Penh, 25 Jan— provided licenses to 1,694 mercial buildings, hotels, The ministry said in Construction sector attract- construction projects, down condominiums, rice mills its official Press release on ed the investment projects 20 percent from 2,125 pro- and garment and footwear Thursday that tightening of about 2.1 billion US dol- jects in a year earlier. factories. rules is aims to increase lars last year, a 72 percent Lao Tip Seiha, Deputy “The remarkable rise flight safety, especially to rise compared with some Director-General of the min- last year is thanks to stable A patrol boat is on duty on the sea covered by floating prevent serious incidents. 1.2 billion US dollars in a istry’s construction general- economic situation and full ice near Qinhuangdao, north China’s Hebei Province, Foreign pilots must year earlier, according to a department, said that the security and political stabil- on 24 Jan, 2013. The floating ice in Bohai Sea has have flying experience in report from the Ministry of projects in 2012 were bigger ity,” he said. “ These are expanded due to the cold snap.—Xinhua accordance with the type of Land Management, Urban in scale than those in 2011, the priority factors to build aircraft flown by, the minis- Planning and Construction adding that those projects are confidence among both lo- try said. on Friday. The report said in shopping malls, tourism cal and foreign investors.” Japanese survivors in Algerian The ministry through that last year, the ministry resort development, com- Xinhua Directorate General of Air hostage crisis arrive in Japan Transportation will give South Korean Presi- Tokyo, 25 Jan—Sev- tims’ bodies left Algiers, permission to foreign pilots dent-elect Park Geun en Japanese survivors and the capital of Algeria. with a minimal flight expe- Hye (R) in Seoul on bodies of nine Japanese fa- The survivors and the rience of 250 hours before 24 Jan, 2013, nomi- talities in a deadly hostage victims were all employees they are allowed to work in nates Kim Yong Joon crisis in Algeria arrived in of the Japan Gasoline Com- domestic airlines. (L), a former Supreme Japan on Friday morning. pany. The Japanese govern- By 2013, there are Court justice and A total of 10 Japanese ment said it will bring the around 600 foreign pilots Constitutional Court nationals were confirmed last victim’s body back to working in Indonesian air- chief who now heads dead in the crisis and the Japan as soon as possible, lines, such as Lion Air, her transition team, to 10th and last Japanese vic- vowing to take possible Garuda Indonesia, Sriwi- be prime minister of tim were confirmed late measures to better protect jaya Air, Citilink and Wing her incoming govern- Thursday after a govern- the Japanese nationals and Air. ment.—Kyodo News ment aircraft sent to bring companies overseas. Xinhua the survivors and the vic- Xinhua 12 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar ADVERTISEMENT & GENERAL Claims Day Notice Claims Day Notice Claims Day Notice M V mattys voy No (1304) M V hoang wang-2 voy No (-) M V spring sky voy No (20) Consignees of cargo carried on MV mattys VOY Consignees of cargo carried on MV hoang wang- Consignees of cargo carried on MV spring sky NO (1304) are hereby notified that the vessel will be 2 VOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will VOY NO (20) are hereby notified that the vessel will arriving on 26.1.2013 and cargo will be discharged be arriving on 26.1.2013 and cargo will be discharged be arriving on 27.1.2013 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of a.w.p.t where it will lie at the into the premises of m.i.t.t where it will lie at the into the premises of s.p.w (4) where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Agent for: M/s china shipping Agent for: M/s ogi oceangate Agent for: M/s eastern car liner (malaysia) agency sdn bhd transporation co. ltd. s’pore pte ltd. Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 Phone No: 256924/256914 Phone No: 256924/256914 Airstrikes targeting militants kill 9 people in Yemen Sanaa, 25 Jan—A ficial told Xinhua by phone ally block roads linking ma- said. The fresh air raids US drone strike targeting that the airstrike was tar- jor cities or cut off oil sup- brought the death toll of al- armed militants mistakenly geting four al-Qaeda op- plies to protest the air raids. Qaida suspects to 22 after hit a house in Yemen’s eratives driving two mo- Meanwhile, another five successiveS U drone southeastern province of torbikes near the village of drone strike hit a vehicle on strikes on several targets al-Bayda late on Wednes- Kaifah but mistakenly hit a road about 30 km east of in the Yemeni provinces of day, killing two children, a civilian house. It was the the capital Sanaa, killing at Marib and al-Jawf over the witnesses said, while police fourth time that US drones least seven al-Qaeda opera- past four days. sources said another drone have mistakenly hit civil- tives including two Saudi Dozens of al-Qaeda strike on the east of the cap- ian targets in Yemen after nationals, the Yemeni Inte- members have been killed ital Sanaa killed seven more air raids killed 13 civilians rior Ministry said in a state- in such airstrikes since people. Residents in Radda in Radda in September last ment which was obtained Yemeni President Abd- town in al-Bayda Province year and 40 women and by Xinhua. Rabbu Mansour Hadi was Clouds cover the sky of Jakarta, Indonesia, on 23 said the pilotless warplane children in the southern The drone fired four sworn in in February 2012, Jan, 2013. According to Indonesia’s Meteoro- struck the house of Abdu province of Abyan in 2010. missiles on the pick-up ve- after a yearlong unrest logy, Climatology and Geophysics agency (BMKG), Mohammed al-Jarrah, kill- Such strikes sparked hicle laden with explosives weakened the control of the Jakarta is still threatened by heavy rains and floods ing two of his children and mass anger across the coun- in Sanhan area, about 10 central government and al- up to Sunday. At least 26 were reportedly killed in the injuring three others of the try against the Yemeni and minute drive from Yemen’s lowed the militants to take floods that submerged houses and affected more than family. US governments. Tribal largest arms market in Ji- over swaths of territory in 250,000 people in Indonesia’s capital city since last A provincial police of- relatives of the victims usu- hana district, the ministry the south.—Xinhua Tuesday.—Xinhua World War II veterans Britain’s continued presence in EU mutually attend a celebration to mark the 114th anniver- beneficial: White House sary of the founding of the Philippine Republic Washington, 25 Jan— response to British Prime on Wednesday, Cameron in Bulacan Province The White House said on Minister David Cameron’s stated: “Public disillusion- on 23 Jan, 2013. The Wednesday that it would be remarks about a referendum ment with the EU is at an all- Philippine Republic mutually beneficial for Brit- on the country ‘s EU mem- time high. That’s why I am in was established on 23 ain to stay in the European bership by the end of 2017. favor of a referendum.” Jan, 1899, a day after Union (EU). “We value our essential The prime minister said first Philippine Presi- “We believe that the relationship with the UK as that he wanted to renegotiate dent Emilio Aguinaldo United Kingdom is stronger well as our relationship with Britain’s relationship with proclaimed the Malolos as a result of its European the European Union, which the EU before asking people Constitution. Union membership and we makes critical contributions to vote, and that he would Xinhua believe the European Union to peace, prosperity and se- campaign “heart and soul” is stronger as a result of hav- curity in Europe and around for Britain to remain in the ing the United Kingdom in the world,” Carney said at a 27- member bloc should he Israeli-Palestinian peace process entering the EU,” said White House regular news briefing. secure satisfactory terms. critical period: UN envoy spokesman Jay Carney in In a long-awaited speech Xinhua United Nations, 25 dinator for the Middle East Tuesday elections in Isra- Patriots to reach initial capability in Jan—The Middle East Peace Process. el, the Wednesday polls in peace process is entering a “If they want to pro- Jordan, and the start of US Turkey this weekend: NATO critical period that requires vide themselves and oth- President Barack Obama’s “courageous” steps by Is- ers with the opportunity to second term. Brussels, 25 Jan—The and they will be then ready siles to Turkey’s southern raelis and Palestinians to get on track in the period “This is not a time to Patriot missile batteries being to defend the population,” border in December to coun- save the two-state solution, ahead, then now is not the be idle,” he said. “We are sent to Turkey are expected said Brigadier General Gary ter potential attack from a senior United Nations en- time for actions that further entering a critical period to reach initial operating ca- Deakin, director of Supreme neighbouring Syria. voy told the UN Security undermine mutual trust.” ahead, in which concerted pability this weekend and Headquarters Allied Powers The United States, Ger- Council here on Wednes- Speaking at an open action will be vital if we are full capability by the end of Europe’s strategic operations many and the Netherlands day, warning that “the con- debate of the 15-nation to salvage the two-state so- this month, a senior NATO center. “We expect to deliver are sending a total of six sequences of inaction could Security Council on the lution.” official said onW ednesday. full capability at the end of Patriot batteries and about be dire for everyone.” Middle East, Serry noted The two-state solution, “We expect to have ini- this month. We will have 1,200 troops to Turkey. “No international ef- that the council meet- widely backed by the inter- tial operating capability this all Patriots in... Currently, Once all batteries are in fort alone is sufficient for ing took place against national community, means weekend. That is what we are all that is on track,” he said place, NATO will be able to progress absent the requi- the backdrop of ongoing a secure Israel to live in aiming at...The first units will during a press briefing at the provide protection against site will from the parties events in the region that peace with an independent arrive on station, they will NATO headquarters. missiles for up to 3.5 million themselves,” said Robert could affect the peace pro- State of Palestine. plug in to the NATO com- NATO decided to de- people in Turkey, Deakin Serry, the UN special coor- cess itself, including the Xinhua mand and control network ploy advanced Patriot mis- said.—Xinhua New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 13 ENTERTAINMENT James Franco’s classmates made up a Daniel Radcliffe flirts with dance about him being gay Erin Darke

New don’t bother him because ever It Takes co-star Marla Delhi, 25 he has been subjected to Sokoloff for five years and Jan—Ac- them for many years, and then had another five-year tor James was even the subject of relationship, with actress Franco in- high school gossip that Ahna O’Reilly, but has sists false alleged he was having a been single since they split rumours secret relationship with a in 2011—insists he doesn’t about his male friend. care if people think he is sexu- He told MTV News: gay and isn’t “frightened” ality “In high school these girls about being the subject of got mad at me and so they such rumours. spread this rumour that Discussing the specu- I was having a gay rela- lation that still surrounds tionship with one of my his sexuality, James—who closest friends. And they has played gay characters even made up a little in several films including Daniel Radcliffe and his Kill Your Darlings co-star Erin dance they would do in Milk and Howl—added: Darke.—PTI the girls’ locker room “It wasn’t like it was any- Los Angeles, 25 Jan— touching his knee” at their about me being gay. I thing new. And in fact, Harry Potter star Daniel VIP table. “They were a still don’t know what it wasn’t something that Radcliffe and his Kill Your little more obvious outside the dance was.” frightened me, like if peo- Darlings co-star Erin Darke the venue after they were The 34-year-old ac- ple think that, it’s fine. I James Franco’s sexuality has been the subject were seen flirting during leaving,” the source added. of speculation since high school. tor - who dated his What- really don’t care.”—PTI the film’s premiere at the The stars have yet to com- Sundance Film Festival. ment on the nature of their Elizabeth Hurley The pair were also seen relationship, though another Marrying Shane Warne is top priority for said, “We’d love kissing and cuddling closely insider said, “They’ve been to get married Liz Hurley while on a date at a lounge, seeing each other quietly in and it’s top reported Us magazine. New York, where they both Los Angeles, 25 Jan— she has given up sugary tically quite difficult, of our to-do “They were affection- live.” Daniel Radcliffe split Elizabeth Hurley no longer foods and reduced her cof- because half the fam- list”. ate most of the night,” a from his production-assis- wants to be super skinny. fee intake after over-indulg- ily are in Australia PTI source said. According to tant girlfriend Rosie Coker The 47-year-old actress ing over the Christmas holi- and half the family are the source, the actress “was in October 2011.—PTI and swimwear designer has days. In a series of Twitter here [in the UK]’ ‘We relaxed her diet and fitness posts earlier this month, got engaged very early routine because she be- she wrote: “My 2013 health because we thought Jessica Chastain shocked lieves having more curves kick starts. Yes! Long, fast it was very impor- helps her look younger. walk with dogs and zero tant for the kids to over Kathryn Bigelow’s The mother-of-one told sugar or anything with know that there was the March issue of Tatler white flour ... And a bit less serious intent behind Oscar snub Russia: “I keep my eye on caffeine ... And more veg- it, and that we were what I eat all the time, be- etables.” Meanwhile the really setting out to London, 25 Jan—Ac- on 2 May, 2011, reported cause now that we’re older actress has revealed that make our own family on a the most important man in tress Jessica Chastain says Daily Express. we have to make a con- marrying her fiance Shane different level—of course her life, saying: “Damian she felt like she had been “When I found out she scious decision if we want Warne is her top priority Shane’s kids still have their always comes first. Work shot through the heart after didn’t get nominated it re- to stay relatively slim... But this year, as soon as they mother, and Damian still comes second, attempting learning director Kathryn ally felt like an arrow into as you get older, it doesn’t find the time. has Arun—but us getting to be a nice friend to my Bigelow had missed out on my heart because so much actually look that attractive She said: “We’d love married is really about the friends and a nice fiancee to a Best Director Academy of my performance is be- to be super skinny.” to [get married], and it’s children and us.’ my fiance is third, and eve- Award nomination for their cause of her and her trust in The former ‘Gossip top of our to-do list, but She also insisted that rything else is unmitigated gritty drama Zero Dark me and her guidance in my Girl’ star recently revealed we just haven’t. It’s logis- her son Damian, 11, is still chaos.”—PTI Thirty. role,” she said. Jessica Chastain, 35, Her performance in Zero Dark Thirty won critical acclaim for the film earned Jessica director Kath- Women still struggling in Hollywood: study her role in the film as a Chastain a Golden Globe ryn Bigelow London, 25 Jan— The research found low end of the range. No tough CIA agent, who un- Award last week and also at the Only nine percent of women comprised 18 per- women have made it onto covers the wherea- landed her a nod for Best Golden directors of the top cent of all directors, execu- the shortlist for best direc- bouts of terror- Actress at the Oscars Globe 250 grossing Holly- tive producers, writers, cin- tor at this year’s Oscars. ist mastermind next month, while Awards wood films in 2012 ematographers and editors. Zero Dark Thirty is the Osama bin Zero Dark Thirty was on 13 were women, a It also showed women only Best Picture nominee Laden leading also shortlisted for January, study has found. were more likely to work to have been directed by to his real-life Best Picture. 2013. The Centre for in the documentary, drama a woman, Oscar-winner assassination PTI PTI the Study of Women and animated film genres. Kathryn Bigelow. in Pakistan

in Television and The centre has been Another study by the Actress Jessica Chastain Film at San conducting the industry sur- Sundance Institute and Diego State vey for more than a decade Women in Film in Los An- University to track trends, BBC said. geles showed women fared said that The number of female better in the independent despite producers has held steady at film sector. the low 25 percent for the past two Looking at films figure, it years, while female writers shown at the Sundance was a four rose to 15 percent, up from Film Festival over the past percent a low of 10 percent in 2006. decade, and accounting for increase The number of female 820 narrative and docu- from the editors between 1998-2012 mentary films, researchers numbers has remained fairly con- found women represented in 2011, stant in the 20-21 percent 29.8 percent of 11,000 film- BBC re- range. makers. ported. Cinematographers There are more women have fluctuated between working in documentary 2-4 percent, although fig- films than narrative films. ures for 2012 were on the PTI 14 Saturday, 26 January, 2013 New Light of Myanmar SPORTS Sumo: Harumafuji closes in Real Madrid President Perez denies ultimatum from on New Year title as Hakuho players over Mourinho crashes again Madrid, 25 Jan—Real Real Madrid earned Madrid President Floren- 513,6 million Euros (686 Tokyo, 25 Jan—Haru- tino Perez this Thursday million US dollars) in the mafuji took apart Koto- called a Press conference 2011-12 season according shogiku and closed in on to deny stories written to Deloitte’s more than FC his third championship title about the club in the Span- Barcelona, who were the in four meets on Thursday ish Press. Perez reacted to second highest earners on as chief rival and fellow a front page headline story 483 million Euros (646.7 Mongolian grand champion printed in Spanish sports million US dollars) and Hakuho crashed to a second paper, ‘Marca’, which Manchester United, who loss at the New Year Grand stated he has met with goal- earned 527 million US dol- Sumo Tournament. keeper Iker Casillas and de- lars from marketing, TV Harumafuji watched fender Sergio Ramos in the and prize and gate money. Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho Bulgarian ozeki Kotooshu offices of his construction However, the report also (7-5) topple Hakuho in the company ACS on Tuesday “What has happened is so stitution in the world,” he highlights the inequality in day’s penultimate bout at and that the pair said that serious that I am breaking concluded. Whether or not the Spanish game due to the Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugi- unless coach Jose Mour- my rule of not speaking. Real Madrid is the ‘most uneven distribution of TV kan and took full advan- inho left the club at the end We had a fine meeting and prestigious institution in rights while there are seven tage, slapping about ozeki of the season, they would what has been written is not the world,’ may be open to sides from the English Pre- Kotoshogiku (6-6) and ask for transfers. true,” said Perez who asked debate, but it is the football mier League in the Top- 20 dragging him down to im- The story has stunned for at the club. club which earned the most earners, Real Madrid and prove to 12-0. Spain and Perez acted “I am denying false money in 2012 according Barca are Spain’s only rep- Harumafuji can secure quickly to try and at a press information which has the to the ‘Football Money resentatives, although Va- the title with two days to conference held in the San- objective of destabilizing League,’ elaborated by the lencia are in 21st place. spare on Friday if he beats tiago Bernabeu Stadium he the most prestigious in- bank Deloitte’s. Xinhua ozeki Kisenosato (10-2) rejected Marca’s claims. “It and if 23-time Emperor’s is totally false that in the Massa first to test new Ferrari Cup winner Hakuho and meeting that the two cap- Rio de Janeiro, 25 Jan scored just 23 points in rank-and-filer Takayasu tains, gave anything like — Brazil’s Felipe Massa the first half of last season both lose.—Kyodo News Harumafuji an ultimatum,” said Perez. will be the first driver to before a series of impres- test Ferrari’s 2013 Formula sive results catapulted him Ravens safety Reed to play next season 1 car, the Italian team con- to seventh in the drivers’ New York, 25 Jan— ful Reed said: “I’ll be play- The ball-hawking safety has firmed on Thursday. standings with 122 points. Baltimore Ravens safety Ed ing next year.” been quiet this postseason The 31-year-old will According to Ferrari, Reed plans to play next sea- Reed, set to become an and has gone seven games be the designated driver for Massa will be given son in the National Football unrestricted free agent after without an interception, trials at Jerez from February seven days to test League whether he wins this season, could savor a though his eight career post- 5-7 before two-time world the new car and or loses in the Super Bowl crowning moment in the season interceptions are the champion Fernando Alonso Alonso five. The against San Francisco, the February 3 game against most among active play- returns from his off-season team’s develop- nine-time Pro Bowl selec- the 49ers by claiming his ers.—Reuters break two weeks later, Fer- ment driver Pedro tion said on Thursday. first Super Bowl title in his rari confirmed on its web- de la Rosa, who Team mate Ray Lewis, home city of New Orleans. site. Buoyed by being given drove for HRT last 37, had already announced a 12-month contract exten- season, will also trial he would retire at the end sion late last year, Massa the car for a day. of the postseason on his recently revealed plans to The 2013 Formula 1 Brazil’s Felipe Massa “last ride” in the NFL af- challenge for the 2013 F1 season begins with the Aus- March at Melbourne’s Al- ter 17 seasons, and many drivers’ championship. He tralian Grand Prix on 17 bert Park circuit.—Xinhua wondered if the 34-year- old Reed might follow his Snedeker, Choi share lead as Tiger lurks linebacker friend into re- San Diego, 25 Jan— “It was nice to be back here nice plays as well,” said tirement. “Nah, it’s not my While most eyes were on defending. The golf course Woods, whose charge came last ride,” Reed, who has six-times champion Tiger is in great shape and to play immediately after he had played in the NFL for 11 Woods as he briefly moved the way I played today was double-bogeyed the fourth. years, told reporters with Baltimore Ravens free safety Ed Reed celebrates the last within a stroke of the lead nice. “I drove the ball re- “We couldn’t ask for better a smile. “I just bought a minute of the Ravens’ win over the Kansas City Chiefs at the Farmers Insurance ally well, didn’t make too conditions to score than we bike.” Pressed for a more in their AFC NFL football game in Kansas City, Open on Thursday, Brandt many mistakes and, when I had today.” definitive answer, the play- Missouri on 7 Oct, 2012.—Reuters Snedeker launched his title did, my putter saved me. “It Canadians defense in barnstorming was a great day, but I real- Flamengo striker Liedson joins Porto style. Snedeker, who has ize we’ve got three more of posted four top-10s in his them (rounds) to go on loan previous six appearances in and I’ve still got Rio de Janeiro, 25 35-year-old was last week opportunity and hope to be the PGA Tour event at Tor- the hard course Jan — Former Portugal in- given permission to nego- able to repay their faith in rey Pines, charged into a tie to go, so not ternational striker tiate with other clubs after the best way possible.” for the lead with South Ko- Liedson has being told by Flamengo Liedson, who has won rean KJ Choi after carding joined Porto coach Dorival Junior that 14 international caps for a flawless seven-under-par on a six-month he was no longer a part of Portugal, endured a frus- 65 in the opening round. loan deal from the Rio outfits plans. trating debut season with The fast-talking too much excite- Brazil’s Fla- “This move is some- Flamengo last year, scoring American birdied four of ment yet.” Choi bird- mengo. The thing that I have been want- just four goals from 17 ap- his first nine holes before ied three of his last four ing for a while and finally pearances. picking up three more shots holes on the tougher South it has materialized,” It will be his second after the turn on the easier layout to join Snedeker at Liedson said on spell in Portugal’s top North Course, one of two seven under while Woods, US golfer Brandt his official web- flight, having played 214 layouts hosting the fourth who got to six under after Snedeker site on Thursday. matches and scored 116 PGA Tour event of the a storming seven-under run Mike Weir and Adam Had- “I am grateful to goals for Sporting Lisbon year. “Obviously, a great from the fifth to the 13th, win, who both started out Porto for giv- from 2003 to 2011. start,” FedExCup champi- finished bogey-par-bogey- on the North course, and ing me this Xinhua on Snedeker told reporters par for a 68 on the South. Britain’s Ross Fisher were Former Portugal international striker after a mainly overcast and “I made a few mistakes among a group of eight play- Liedson calm day at Torrey Pines. out there, but I made some ers knotted on 66.—Reuters New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 15 GENERAL MYANMAR MYANMAR TV Illegal timber seized in Kyaukme INTERNATIONAL (26-1-2013, Saturday) Kyaukme, 25 Jan— (26-1-13 09:30 am ~ 27-1-13 09:30 am) MST 7:00 am 2:50 pm Under the supervision of 1. Paritta By Mingun 14. MFF BEACH Kyaukme District Deputy * News Sayadaw SOCCER Commissioner U Soe Naing * The First ITAB Meeting for -Uppatathandi Paritta CHAMPIONSHIP and the commander of 2014 Census (Press Briefing) 7:40 am 2013 (Live) (Semi Kyaukme District Police * News 2. Dhamma Puja Song Final) (1) (Group Force, a combined team led * Music 7:50 am (A) First Vs Group by Assistant Director U Kyaw * News 3. Nice & Sweet Song (B) Second) 8:00 am Myo Htwe of Kyaukme * Youth of The Future (Graffiti) 3:50 pm 4. Health Programme District Forest Department * News 15. MFF BEACH 8:25 am seized four vehicles with the * Me N My Travel (Episode-2) SOCCER 5. Poem Graden loads of hardwood timber Pyin Oo Lwin 8:40 am CHAMPIONSHIP which were driven from * News 2013 (Live) (Semi Gate in Kyaukme at about 7 weighing 59.184 tons was 6. Metta Bhavana by Nawngkhio to Lashio on * Culture Stage Final) (2) (Group am on 19 January. worth K 100 million. Mingun Sayadaw Mandalay-Muse Union * Myanmar Women’s Art (B) First Vs Group Highway at Asia World Toll The seized hardwood Myanma Alinn 11:10 am Exhibition 7. Musical Programme (A) Second) * News 11:25 am 5:05 pm Palmeiras rules out Riquelme deal * The difference between 8. Game For Children 16. Songs For Upholding Kleina at the club’s Sao is in the best interests Samatha Meditation and 11:55 am National Spirit Paulo base on Thursday. of the club.” Last week Vipassana Meditation 9. Round Up Of The 5:10 pm Week’s TV Local 17. Cultural Dances “We all agree that Riquelme told Argentine (Part-3) News 5:20 pm Riquelme is a great player, media that he was “inclined * News 1:10 pm 18. Beautiful ASEAN * Easily Cooked & Tasty but we are in a rebuilding to sign” with the Brazilian 10. Teleplay 6:20 pm Dishes “Fish Soup” process and facing financial outfit after a meeting with 1:30 pm 19. Celebrity and Dinner challenges,” said Nobre, outgoing president Tirone * News 11. Song of National Races 8:00 pm who replaced Arnaldo in Buenos Aires. * Myanmar Motion Picture 2:35 pm 20. News Tirone as Palmeiras Palmeiras, one of Academy Awards 12. International News 21. TV Drama Series president on Monday. the most successful clubs Presentation 2011 (Part-1) 2:40 pm 10:00 pm Rio de Janeiro, 25 Jan “Good players come at a in Brazil’s history, was * Myanmar Movies 13. “Road to 27th SEA 22. Gitadagale —Brazilian club Palmeiras cost and you can’t go doing last year relegated to “Only Mom Can...” GAME” (Table Tennis) Phwintbaohn has ruled out signing crazy things in football. the country’s Serie B Juan Roman Riquelme, Palmeiras doesn’t have but qualified for Latin less than a week after the luxury of bringing in America’s prestigious Copa agreeing financial terms a player of his value,” he Libertadores tournament by with the former Argentina added. virtue of winning the Brazil international midfielder. “As far as we are Cup. Riquelme, whose The decision follows concerned his signing can career has included spells a meeting between the be ruled out. The fans want at Barcelona and Villarreal Alviverde’s new president him to come and we would in Spain, won 51 caps for Paulo Nobre, executive love to sign him, but we Argentina before ending director Jose Carlos have to be responsible. We his international career in Brunoro and coach Gilson are doing what we believe 2008.—Xinhua LPGA Tour to launch international team event in 2014 San Diego, 25 Jan— to play for our countries. It’s The LPGA Tour has created really going to be awesome.” an eight-nation tournament Based on current world that will identify the best rankings, South Korea, team in the world when it the United States, Japan, makes its debut in 2014, two Sweden, Australia, Spain, Belarus’ Victoria Azarenka (L) greets Sloane Stephens of the United States after years before golf returns to Taiwan and England would their women’s singles semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis tournament the Olympic Games. The compete for the inaugural in Melbourne on 24 Jan, 2013. Azarenka won 2-0.—Xinhua inaugural International title.—Reuters Crown, a biennial matchplay event featuring four-player Li Na crashes Sharapova to reach second Australian teams, will be held at Caves Valley Golf Club in Owings Open final Mills, Maryland, outside their homelands.” Baltimore from 24-27 July . Players will be selected Melbourne, 25 Jan— final, just before she won a historical tournament-low the set, racing to 40-0 and “We celebrate great based on world rankings Former French Open Asia’s first Grand Slam nine games in her previous wrapped the first set up in players from all over the and teams will be split into champion Li Na of China title in the French Open. five matches, struggled 48 minutes. Li took the first world on a weekly basis, two brackets for the $1.6 swept second-seeded “I’m very happy now. Not with her serve from the very service break in the second but this is the first time we’ll million event. After three Russian Maria Sharapova so many players can reach beginning of the match. She set to remain on track pit country versus country days of fourball matches, the 6-2, 6-2 to reach her second the Grand Slam finals three double faulted twice in her with a 3-2 lead, grabbed a for global bragging rights,” top five teams will advance Australian Open final here times,” said Li. “I insisted first serve game, allowing second at 5-2 and served Ladies Professional Golf to the final round of singles on Thursday. The China’s and I made back to this Li to break her in the first out the match. Sharapova Association Commissioner matches on the Sunday. top player reached her stage. It’s something game. Li held to lead 2-0 saved one match point but Michael Whan said in a Points accumulated over all first Grand Slam worth to be proud and then broke again for Li made an ACE to take statement. “Only countries four days will determine the final at the of.” 4-1 with a cross-court advantage again and didn’t that have produced the best champion team. Melbourne Sharapova, return. Sharapova fought waste the second chance. female teams can compete “It’s like preparing Park in who only her way to three break “In the beginning of and only four players from for the Olympics,” world 2011 but lost points in the sixth game the match I was nervous. I any one country will be number one Yani Tseng of lost to Kim and secured the chance was happy I come back to invited. The International Taiwan said. “In Taiwan Clijsters of when Li missed a return. Li semis again, but for some Crown will take women’s and in Asia, we don’t have Belgium in the returned the favour in the reasons I really want to win golf to the next level and a team event like this. This following game to lead 5-2. the match,” said Li. allow fans to rally behind is a good opportunity for us Li Na of China The No.6 seed served for Reuters R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information. Fullmoon of Pyatho 1374 ME New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 26 January, 2013 Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Vice-President U Nyan Tun felicitates Kham sends felicitations to Indian Indian counterpart Nay Pyi Taw, 26 Jan— On the occasion of the Republic Day of India which falls on Nay Pyi Taw, 26 Jan— On the occasion of the Republic Day of India which falls 26th January 2013, His Excellency Dr. Sai Mauk Kham, Vice-President of the Republic on 26th January 2013, His Excellency U Nyan Tun, Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr. of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Vice President of the Republic of India.—MNA Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Vice President of the Republic of India.—MNA “Brand new” licence covers longer term: Union Minister Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan that vehicle licence will be and brand new saloons had Hluttaw representatives — The eight-day session extended when roads were been granted three-year took part in the discussion of Pyithu Hluttaw was upgraded, new vehicles were vehicle registration since and Union Minister for held today, answering assembled at home and more 15 November 2012. When Labour, Employment and six questions and holding brand new vehicles were the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Social Welfare U Maung discussion on one Bill. imported. He defended the called on the ministry to Myint made clarifications. Union Minister for Rail policy that one-year vehicle take it into consideration, Today’s session came to an Transportation U Zeyar licence registration was the Union Minister replied end and the ninth day session Aung replied the question needed for the sake of road that decision would be made continues tomorrow. on renewal of vehicle licence safety as most of imported after seeking the approval at MNA to be extended up to two vehicles were used cars the cabinet. or three years instead of At the session to discuss Union Minister for one-year vehicle licence U Bo Ni of Yamethin Rail Transportation U Constituency asking the Amyotha Hluttaw- registration raised by U Bo approved Bill on employment Zeyar Aung responds questions.—mna Ni of Yamethin Constituency and capacity building, to questions.—mna Manaw Land to resurrect memorable events Nay Pyi Taw, 25 Jan— on different grounds with on 3 May, 2012. Twenty The government would enter different views, concluding parliamentarians are among political dialogue without that it would grease wheels the 52 members of the central ceasefire as demanded by for negotiation process. committee. The President has KIO/KIA, said Deputy U Mann Kan Nyunt of outlined three-stage roadmap Minister U Aung Thein at Kayin State Constituency for establishing lasting peace the President Office as he No (2) said compared the with ethnic armed groups responded to debate of 13 situations in Kayin State apart from not seceding from MPs on the proposal of U Khet and Kachin states. Hardly the Union, safeguarding Htein Nam who urged the the sound of gunshots and Our Three Main National Union government to adopt shell bursts can be heard Causes and adhering to 2008 firm principles for building and barely the crimes like Constitution. And Myanmar mutual understanding with robbery and murder occur Peace Center was established KIO/KIA to bring about now in the former whereas in October 2012 to assist in internal peace. the sweet memories of all the administrative matters U Aung Kyi Nyunt Manaw dances in the latter required for acceleration of Magway Region Con- have become all water under of the peace process. As a stituency No (4) pointed out the bridge, expressed the MP result, the government could the need of a peacemaker his feeling, wishing Manaw reach peace agreement with either person or entity who Land for resurrection of those 10 out of 11 ethnic armed Hluttaw representatives seen at sixth regular session of first Amyotha is neutral and respected by memorable events. groups. Of those, KNU, Hluttaw.—mna both sides and has excellent The deputy minister KNPP, SSA, RCSS and negotiation skills to settle said Union Peace-making NMSP shared the common the government with full ceasefire as demanded by the proposal. The Hluttaw the argument between two Central Committee and Work historical background with confidence would continue KIA. session continues 28 January. parties who are standing Committee were formed KIO/KIA. Nonetheless, political dialogue without The Hluttaw approved MNA 6. As KIA troops have constantly launched such terrorist attacks, the Tatmadaw had The Government of the Republic of to take military actions just to protect and safeguard the peace and tranquility of the community and for the prevalence of law and order. The Government has been issuing the Union of Myanmar press releases from time to time on every account of the events, in order to provide true information to the public. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 7. Although the Government has been exerting such efforts for the national unity and Press Release peace, the US Embassy press release has mentioned the continuation of Myanmar Tatmadaw’s military offensive in the vicinity of KIA’s Headquarters and its strong 1. The Embassy of the United States of America in Yangon issued a Press Release about the opposition quoting sources from some media and NGOs. The press release could cause armed conflicts in Kachin State on January 24, 2013. misunderstanding in the international community as it did not mention anything about 2. The Government is endeavoring in good faith to achieve cease-fire and peace agreement terrorist actions and atrocities committed by the KIA against the innocent people, with all ethnic armed groups with the aim of national reconciliation and national unity. destruction of life and property and abduction, but on the other hand, elaborating the As a result, peace agreements have been achieved at various stages with all ethnic events as if only the Myanmar Government and the Tatmadaw launched the offensive. armed groups except KIO/KIA. 8. During his visit to Myanmar on 19 November 2012, and also at the ASEAN-US 3. The peace door remains open for the KIO/KIA and the government has repeatedly Summit held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 20 November 2012, President Obama invited them to the peace talks. As the President has ordered the Tatmadaw to cease dully addressed the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as “Myanmar”. military actions in Kachin State on January 19, 2013, the Tatmadaw forces followed 9. Myanmar strongly objects the usage of the words “Burma”, “Burmese Government” and the instructions of the President. Likewise, the KIA/KIO also needs to reciprocate in “Burmese Military” in the US Embassy’s press release not using the name recognized the same manner. by the United Nations and the whole international community, which are not in line 4. Although Myanmar Tatmadaw has ceased all military operations against KIA, the with the international ethics. Myanmar hopes that the US Embassy will avoid in future KIA has constantly attacked Tatmadaw troops. Therefore, the Tatmadaw troops had actions that may affect mutual respect, mutual understanding and cooperation which to react for self-defense. have recently been restored between the two countries. 5. Immediately following the President’s instruction to cease all offensive operations, the 10. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar reiterates that it is ready KIA troops attacked Tatmadaw military column with strong forces near Ja Mai village to join hands with all nationalities including KIO/KIA to build peace and national in Township, and a military camp near Phakhant. Kar Mine Police Station was reconsolidation. raided and destroyed. Two Gems company buildings in Phakhant Township were Ministry of Foreign Affairs torched, civilians were adbucted and a civilian vehicle was exploded by a landmine Nay Pyi Taw laid by the KIA near Nam-Um village on Muse-Lashio motorway. 25 January 2013