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Top Margin 1 MEMO/09/477 Bruxelles, le 23 octobre 2009 CALENDRIER du 26 octobre au 1er novembre 2009 (susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Lundi 26 octobre Conseil "Affaires générales et relations Mrs. Viviane REDING meets FEDIL (Business Federation extérieures" (CAGRE) (26-27, Luxembourg) (Luxembourg) Luxembourg) Mr. Algirdas ŠEMETA meets with Prof. Josef BONICCI, Mr. Paweł SAMECKI takes part in the Member of the European Court of Auditors (Luxembourg) General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) meeting to discuss the Mrs. Mariann FISCHER BOEL in Moscow (26-27): meeting European Union Strategy for the Baltic with Elena SKRYNNIK, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Sea Region (Luxembourg) Federation (26). Visit of Cremonini meat plant (27) Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER Mrs. Catherine ASHTON in Washington: delivers speech to participates in the EU-Armenia U.S. Chamber of Commerce "The transatlantic challenge: Cooperation Council meeting working together to shape the rules of globalisation" (26). Participates in the Transatlantic Economic Dialogue (27) (Luxembourg) Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER participates in the EU-Azerbaijan Cooperation Council meeting (Luxembourg) Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER participates in the EU-Georgia Cooperation Council (Luxembourg) MM. Paweł SAMECKI, Algirdas ŠEMETA, Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ et Karel DE GUCHT participent à l'audience solennelle de la Cour de Justice à l'occasion de la prestation de serment des nouveaux commissaires (Luxembourg) Ms. Meglena KUNEVA (26-27), Mr. László KOVÁCS (26-27) and Mr. Jacques BARROT (26-28) participate in the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) (Washington) Mr. Vladimír ŠPIDLA attends the High level ministerial conference on labour market inclusion + press briefing (Stockholm) Mardi 27 octobre Mrs. Neelie KROES participates in the Mr. José Manuel Durão BARROSO, speaker at the Well- Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) Being Inaugural Conference Resources and opportunities for (Washington) Social Europe by 2030 (Residence Palace) Mr. Vladimír ŠPIDLA delivers closing Mr. José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Presidents of speech at the conference "social Ultraperipherical regions and Canary Islands dimensions of territorial cohesion in Europe" organised by the European local Mr. Antonio TAJANI delivers a speech at 65th Conference on inclusion and social action network Traffic (Conferenza del traffico e della circolazione) (Riva del ELISAN (Committee of the Regions) Garda) Mr. Antonio TAJANI delivers a speech at the EURELECTRICS electric vehicles task force. Mr. Stavros DIMAS receives Mr. Angelo CASERTA, New Director of BirdLife International Mr. Leonard ORBAN visits Cyprus (26-27): visits a language class; meets with a group of pupils of Romanian origin; meets with the Minister of Education & Culture, Mr. Andreas DEMETRIOU and participates in the public debate on multilingualism, followed by ceremony for official opening of the study programme "EU studies and modern languages" in the University of Cyprus (26). Meeting with the President of Cyprus, Mr. Demetris CHRISTOFIAS (tbc); meeting with the Parliamentary Committee of Education and with the Rector of the University of Cyprus, Mr. Stavros ZENIOS (27) Mercredi 28 octobre Mr. José Manuel Durão BARROSO, speaker at the conference Business Europe – "Between Economic and Climate Crisis – can Copenhagen show a Way Out? (CHARL) Mr. José Manuel Durão BARROSO, speaker at the showcase of "Missing children Europe" organisation (Hotel Conrad) Mr. Antonio TAJANI meets Mr. Camiel EURLINGS, Dutch Minister for Transport, Public Works and Water Management Mrs. Viviane REDING receives Mr. Martin WHITEHEAD, Director GSM Europe Mrs. Viviane REDING receives Mr. Michel BARNIER, Member of the European Parliament Mr. Stavros DIMAS participates in the Business Climate Change Conference "Between economic and climate crisis - can Copenhagen show a way out" (Brussels) Mr. Paweł SAMECKI receives Mrs Hanna JAHNS, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Regional Development of Poland Mr. Janez POTOČNIK attends the lecture of Dr. Alan LESHNER, Chief Executive Officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on the topic of "Europe and the United States: a crucial moment for science cooperation", at the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the European Commission’s first research site in Ispra (Hotel Renaissance, Brussels) Mr. Olli REHN receives Mr. Nikola GRUEVSKI, Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia + Press point Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER delivers speech at Humboldt-Universität (Berlin) Mr. Leonard ORBAN visits Bucharest (28-29): participation to the Round-table "Lisbon Treaty and the role of the National Parliaments" (28). Delivers a speech on the opening session of the "Black Sea NGOs Forum 2009" – 'NGOs in Times of Crises' and participates to the Official opening of the exposition "O poveste despre libertate" (29) Jeudi 29 octobre Conseil Européen (29-30) M. Jacques BARROT rencontre une délégation de 100 chefs 2 d'établissement de l'enseignement catholique (BERL, salle Mr. Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ at the Signature of Schuman) the Swiss Agreement (Justus Lipsius) M. Jacques BARROT participe à un débat sur la cybercriminalité (Ecole militaire, Paris) Mr. Joaquín ALMUNIA in Pamplona (Spain): opening speech of the Confederación Española de Directivos y Ejecutivos (CEDE) Mr. Paweł SAMECKI receives Mr. Matteo RENZI, Mayor of Florence Mr. Paweł SAMECKI receives Mr. Musa XHAFERI, Minister of Local Self Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia M. Karel DE GUCHT reçoit M. Omar Abdirashid Ali SHARMARKE, Premier ministre de la Somalie Speech of Mrs. Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Conference "Rural areas shaping the future" (Uppsala, Sweden) Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER receives Mr José Antonio GARCÍA BELAÚNDE, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru Press conference by Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA on " Poverty between reality and perceptions: the communication challenge" (CHARL) Ms. Meglena KUNEVA gives a keynote speech at the launch of the Masters degree on Consumer studies (Business School of the Technical University of Munich, Germany) Mrs. Androulla VASSILIOU, at the occasion the first EU Health Journalism Prize, hosts the reception and presents the awards at the Théâtre de Vaudeville (Galerie de la Reine) Vendredi 30 octobre Mr. Joe BORG receives Mr. Kuupik KLEIST, Prime Minister of Greenland Mrs. Androulla VASSILIOU, holds a Press Conference on the topic: "Influenza at the interface between humans and animals" + Press Point (CHARL) Samedi 31 octobre Mr. Janez POTOČNIK participates in the G8 (enlarged) Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology (Kazan city in Tatarstan, Russia) Dimanche 01 novembre Prévisions de novembre et décembre 2009 09.11.09 Réunion de l'Eurogroupe 10.1109 Conseil "Affaires économiques et financières" (ECOFIN) 11-12.11.09 Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (Bruxelles) 16-17.11.09 Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE) (incluant les ministres de la Défense et du Développement) 18-19.11.09 Conseil "Affaires économiques et financières" (ECOFIN Budget) 18-20.11.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés de l'e-Government (Malmö) 19-20.11.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche" 23-26.11.09 Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg) 3 26-27.11.09 Conseil "Éducation, jeunesse et culture" 30.11-01.12.09 Conseil "Justice et affaires intérieures" 30.11-01.12.09 Conseil "Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs" (EPSCO) 01.12.09 Réunion de l'Eurogroupe 02.12.09 Conseil "Affaires économiques et financières" (ECOFIN) 03-04.12.09 Conseil "Compétitivité" 07.12.09 Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) - Énergie 07-08.12.09 Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE) 10-11.12.09 Conseil Européen 14-15.12.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche" 14-17.12.09 Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg) 17-18.12.09 Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) – Transports, Télécommunications 22.12.09 Conseil "Environnement" Permanence DG COMM le WE du 24 au 25 octobre: Oliver DREWES - GSM: 0498/980.081 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél.: 02/295 21 23 4 .
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