the RIVERStrust the umbrella body of the rivers trust movement where there’s water there’s life 2015 Annual Review

Annual Review 2015 Message from Arlin Rickard, Chief Executive of The Rivers Trust

Welcome to our first ever Annual Review for the rivers trust movement in , Wales and Ireland. It’s extraordinary to think that we now number well over 50 rivers trusts, with around half as many again in Scotland grouped under our sister body, Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland (RAFTS). For the first time in our history we also share the same Chairman, Andrew Wallace, who has done an excellent job both sides of the border and has helped strengthen us considerably as a movement.

It’s been a very busy year for both The Rivers Trust (RT), representing the movement and seeking funding at National and European levels, and the Trusts on the ground where I am constantly amazed and humbled by the wonderful work that takes place. The following pages are testament to the extremely important work you all deliver through a vast growing range of projects and the difference healthy rivers can make to wildlife, fisheries and catchment communities. Key Statistics (2010-2014)

146 multi fish species barriers eased, passed or removed 87 eel barriers eased, passed or tidal flap valves installed 88 riparian habitat improvements Over 130 waterbodies with increased ecological potential 44 feasibility studies for further improvement work Resulting in over 2,800 km of rivers with improved ecological potential

1 Contents

Message from Arlin Rickard, Chief Executive of The Rivers Trust ...... 1 Rivers Trust Support ...... 4 Evidence Sharing Platform ...... 6 Water Quality Catchment Assessments ...... 7 Mentoring and Capacity Building ...... 8 WaterLIFE ...... 9 River Ecosystem Services Ltd ...... 10 Map and Directory of Rivers Trusts in England, Wales and Ireland ...... 11 Action for the River Kennet ...... 12 Aire Rivers Trust ...... 12 Arun & Rother Rivers Trust ...... 12 Ballinderry Rivers Trust ...... 13 Bristol Avon Rivers Trust ...... 13 Calder and Colne Rivers Trust ...... 13 ACRE...... 14 Carmarthenshire Rivers Trust ...... 14 Clwyd, Conwy and Gwynedd Rivers Trust ...... 14 Cotswolds Rivers Trust ...... 15 Don Catchment Rivers Trust ...... 15 East Yorkshire Rivers Trust ...... 15 Eden Rivers Trust ...... 16 Erne Rivers Trust ...... 16 Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust ...... 16 Galloway Fisheries Trust (Scotland) ...... 17 Healthy Waterways Trust ...... 17 Inishowen Rivers Trust (Eire) ...... 17 Irwell Rivers Trust ...... 18 Lagan Rivers Trust ...... 18 Rivers Trust ...... 18 Lune Rivers Trust ...... 19 Maine Rivers Trust ...... 19 Rivers Trust ...... 19 Northumberland Rivers Trust ...... 20


Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust ...... 20 Pembrokeshire Rivers Trust ...... 20 Ribble Rivers Trust ...... 21 River Nene Regional Park CIC ...... 21 River Thame Conservation Trust ...... 21 Trust ...... 22 Severn Rivers Trust ...... 22 Six Mile Water Trust ...... 22 Slaney River Trust (Eire) ...... 23 South Cumbria Rivers Trust ...... 23 South East Rivers Trust ...... 23 South East Wales Rivers Trust ...... 24 Strule Tributaries and Rivers Trust ...... 24 Tees Rivers Charitable Trust ...... 24 Teifi Rivers Trust ...... 25 Thames Rivers Trust ...... 25 Thames21 ...... 25 Trent Rivers Trust ...... 26 Tweed Forum (also Scotland) ...... 26 Tweed Foundation (also Scotland) ...... 26 Tyne Rivers Trust ...... 27 Wear Rivers Trust ...... 27 Welland Rivers Trust ...... 27 Welsh Dee Trust ...... 28 Wessex Chalk Streams and Rivers Trust ...... 28 West Cumbria Rivers Trust ...... 28 Westcountry Rivers Trust ...... 29 Wye and Usk Foundation ...... 29 Wyre Rivers Trust...... 29 Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust ...... 30 Yorkshire Esk Rivers Trust ...... 30 The Rivers Trust, Afonydd Cymru and The Rivers Trust Movement Total………………………………………..30 Services and Resources for Rivers Trusts ...... 31 The Rivers Trust Staff Directory ...... 34


Rivers Trust Support

As the umbrella body, RT provides a wide and varied support role to local rivers trusts. Some activities are behind the scenes, strengthening the strategic role of the movement and others much more locally hands on and ad hoc. Here’s an overview of some of the activities in 2015.

Trust Development Development of the rivers trust movement is a core activity for RT with support provided on start-up, governance and project delivery. 2015 has seen a number of early-stage trusts really find their feet and begin to deliver some significant projects. Growth of the rivers trust movement is beginning to take off in Northern Ireland and emerge in Eire. And we have also provided advice and support to groups wishing to develop rivers trust shaped organisations in mainland Europe and even Grenada!

Project co-ordination

RT has a key role in supporting local delivery by coordinating efforts at larger regional and national scales. 2015 saw the closure of our largest such project to date, the Defra funded River Improvement Programme (RIF). RIF is the largest ever river restoration programme in the UK co-ordinated by an NGO (RT), with £8M+ administered to 28 trusts, delivering more than 200 individual projects contributing towards implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Other significant projects in 2015 include the Green Port Hull Fish Mitigation Project (a programme of rivers trust led projects to restore fish passage in the River Basin to mitigate potentially adverse impacts of a port development scheme); a series of young farmer education and training events aimed at reducing the impact of diffuse water pollution from agriculture delivered as part of the Pinpoint project (our national strategic partnership project with Natural England, Catchment Sensitive Farming); and an exciting and ambitious EA led £10m (EU LIFE IP) project aimed at implementation of the NW River Basin Management Plan.

4 EU project opportunities

EU funded projects provide an excellent opportunity for rivers trusts to extend knowledge networks, raise their profile and access new funding sources for project delivery. Through our growing network of EU partners, RT has encouraged and supported the involvement of rivers trusts in a number of EU funded project applications in 2015.

Training and knowledge exchange

2015 has been another busy year for workshops, conferences and training events aimed at developing and sharing best practice and knowledge exchange throughout the rivers trust movement and more widely across CaBA Catchment Partnerships. By working in partnership with local trusts and wider partners, we have been able to offer training on GIS, CDM, ecological surveying and health & safety for working in or around water. Through the Pinpoint project we have been able to offer a series of free 2-day training courses on how to best work with farmers to reduce diffuse pollution and fluvial geomorphology. During 2015 workshops and conferences have included Citizen Science workshops in and Lancaster, an annual CaBA conference in London, RT Spring and Autumn conferences in partnership with Ribble and Severn Rivers Trusts respectively and our annual Chairmen and CEO’s meeting.


We have continued to strengthen our role in supporting and influencing the delivery of policies relevant to the interests of our members and the wider catchment community. 2015 has seen a specific focus on the development of second cycle River Basin Management Plans, CAP reform and the finalisation of Water Company business plans for the AMP 6 period. RT has been well represented on relevant regional national and international advisory groups and panels for the Cabinet Office, Defra, EA, Natural England, ICES, Water Companies and academic research projects.

Communications and publicity

The pace of growth in the rivers trust movement in the last few years has been phenomenal and with such focus on delivery there is a recognition that we are not doing all the excellent work justice when it comes to communication and publicity. This is an area that we hope to give some specific focus in 2016, so watch this space and let us know if you have any good ideas.


Evidence Sharing Platform

RT has been working in partnership with Ribble Rivers Trust, Westcountry Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency to develop an online data sharing platform to enable better collaboration and RT developed and co-ordinated a trial and bid for funding under the Catchment Partnership Fund National Allocation. The trial commenced in late 2014 and has led to

closer working between the local trusts and their Environment Agency counterparts, as well as other stakeholders.

The trial led to development of a Microsoft Sharepoint platform, customised metadata form for keeping track of data and evidence, a discussion platform and a shared calendar for view field work and project phases for CaBA partners.

As a result of improved evidence sharing Ribble Rivers Trust was able to secure funding from United Utilities to tackle bathing water failures, which was identified as the source of the problem in the catchment.

Other outcomes from the project include a two-way data sharing agreement that provides a template data license for CaBA partners, and an Environment Agency Special License template that will streamline licensing of many EA datasets.

The trial is now being extended to the WaterLIFE catchments (Soar and Camlad). To try this out in your catchment, please contact [email protected]


Water Quality Catchment Assessments RT has been working in commercial partnership with Westcountry Rivers Trust to develop Water Quality Catchment Assessments for Natural England (NE) in the Derbyshire Derwent, Mease, Wye & Lugg, Test & Itchen, Ehen, Welsh Dee, Yorkshire Derwent, Waveney Broads & Marshes and Yare Broads & Marshes.

The studies have involved diffuse pollution and source apportionment modelling to identify water quality issues and to spatially target a programme of intervention measures for each catchment. Workshops have been held to put catchment stakeholders in touch with the technical modellers in order to share better understanding of how models can inform catchment management.

RT has been the liaison point between NE, Westcountry Rivers Ltd. and the local rivers trusts and catchment partnerships. This role has ensured that local evidence and views have been incorporated into the study, and that outputs are accessible, well understood and adopted by local delivery partners.

7 Mentoring and Capacity Building

RT and Westcountry Rivers Trust have been working in partnership with the Defra Evidence & Measures team to support Tyne Rivers Trust, Health Waterways Trust, Thames21 and many others to build technical capacity within the rivers trust movement and wider CaBA partnerships.

The aim of the mentoring team is to work with partnerships to solve technical issues and pass expertise and experience from one catchment to the next. The focus of the team in the first year was determined by the requests received from catchment partnerships themselves. Key areas of work have been:

 GIS support (both one to one and remote). Getting teams started with GIS and helping them to make best use of Data & GIS packages of data and to add local data.  Modelling. SCIMAP and Farmscoper both provide invaluable quantitative evidence for targeting mitigation measures both spatially and by sector.  Catchment planning. Although catchment plans are not mandatory they help focus engagement and draw in finance. A small amount of external support can kick start the process and allow partnerships to take on a plan and make it their own.  Turning data into evidence. This can be a resource intensive process and it requires a broad range of skills. However, it is often the only way to make progress in catchments where there is a lack of consensus over the cause of the problem and the best solution.  A technical sounding board. Technical isolation is a common issue. Just having a 'colleague' at the end of a phone to whom you can bounce ideas off, or who is able to attend difficult meetings can be a real help.

In the second year the team has been extended to include the Ribble Rivers Trust, River Restoration Centre (RRC) and Edenvale Young (an SME that specialises in flood risk modelling). There will be an increased focus on working with partnerships that can bring in neighbouring catchments, work with water companies or provide match funding. The focus this year will be on:

 ArcGIS online.  Project management and delivery.  Flood risk modelling.  River restoration.  More one to many events.

8 WaterLIFE RT and Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT) are partners on a 3-year WWF-UK led European Union LIFE+ funded project; ‘WaterLIFE’ ( aims to accelerate collaborative delivery of the WFD.

WaterLIFE reflects the growing recognition that sustainable management of our water resources cannot be resolved by Government regulation alone; communities, businesses and Government need to work collaboratively to protect the freshwater environment and in doing so deliver benefits for people too. The key objectives of the project are to:

 Work with Government and key policy makers nationally to ensure the right ‘enabling conditions’ are in place.  Work with businesses to demonstrate the potential for successful implementation of water stewardship.  Build capacity and empower civil society stakeholders to engage with integrated land and water management at the catchment scale.  To provide a knowledge conduit, sharing successes, ideas and best practice across the UK and Europe.

Through its primary objective to build ‘civil society’ capacity, RT is working closely with Trent Rivers Trust and Severn Rivers Trust in the Leicestershire Soar and Camlad (in the Upper Severn) catchments respectively, whilst comparable work undertaken by WRT is focused on the Tamar catchment in the South West. Innovative approaches to delivering WFD are being explored in these demonstration catchments. WaterLIFE is closely aligned to the goals of the Catchment-Based Approach.

9 River Ecosystem Services Ltd. Professional catchment management services embedded in community partnership working

RT has established a trading company to open up opportunities for staff from both the umbrella body and individual rivers trusts to bid for and undertake commercial work, utilising their catchment management skills and experience. Profits from trading are covenanted back to the charity to generate unrestricted core funds for further developing the rivers trust movement.

River Ecosystem Services Ltd. (RES) can broker the capabilities of rivers trusts’ staff within the RT network to build the capacity of trusts, for example via service provision, training or mentoring. This provides an opportunity for trusts which do not have a trading arm to bid for work that is outside of their charitable objects. RES can also act as an umbrella trading company in order to offer a comprehensive national package, incorporating professional catchment management, whilst opening up opportunities for local trusts to bid for large-scale projects.

RES is developing marketing materials around key services which rivers trusts can brand with their logos and use to develop local opportunities. It is building a portfolio of case studies and resources that can be used with support from RT staff to develop bids and proposals.

This year RES has worked for a number of rivers trusts, the National Trust, Natural England and WWF. The work has ranged from GIS and data based projects to the design of river improvement schemes.

If you see an opportunity which you think RES can help with please contact David Johnson [email protected].

10 Map and Directory of Rivers Trusts in England, Wales and Ireland

The following pages contain summary information about each rivers trust, including a location map, contact details, social media links, photos and key statistics provided by the trusts themselves or from latest (December 2015) published data (e.g. Charity Commission).

11 Action for the River Kennet Formed 2007 e: [email protected] @ARKennet

Turnover £152k Staff 2 Volunteers N/a Staff Cost £38k

Aire Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected] @aireriverstrust

Turnover £41k Staff 0 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost £0

Arun & Rother Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected]

Turnover £64k Staff 2 Volunteers 27 Staff Cost £8k

12 Ballinderry Rivers Trust Formed 1984 e: [email protected] @ BallinderryNews

Turnover £87k Staff 5 Volunteers 86 Staff Cost £13k

Bristol Avon Rivers Trust Formed 2012 e: [email protected] @ BristolAvonRT

Turnover £105k Staff 2 Volunteers 20 Staff Cost £19k

Calder and Colne Rivers Trust Formed 2009 e: [email protected] @AireCalder

Turnover £40k Staff 0 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost £0

13 Cambridgeshire ACRE Formed 1998 e: @cambsacre

Turnover £525k Staff 10 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost £329k

Carmarthenshire Rivers Trust Formed 2007 e: [email protected]

Turnover £103k Staff 1 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost N/a

Clwyd, Conwy and Gwynedd Rivers Trust Formed 2007 e: [email protected]

Turnover £<1k Staff 0 Volunteers 32 Staff Cost £0

14 Cotswolds Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected]

Turnover £109k Staff 0 Volunteers 14 Staff Cost £0

Don Catchment Rivers Trust Formed 2008 e: [email protected] @ @DonCatchmentRT

Turnover £125k Staff 1 Volunteers 4 Staff Cost £30k

East Yorkshire Rivers Trust Formed 2006 e: @EYRiversTrust

Turnover £143k Staff 2 Volunteers 120 Staff Cost £39k

15 Eden Rivers Trust Formed 1996 e: [email protected] @edenr@e iverstrust

Turnover £1,522k Staff 16 Volunteers 363 Staff Cost £409k

Erne Rivers Trust Formed 2014 e:

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust Formed 2014 e: [email protected] @EssexSuffolkRT

Turnover £35k Staff 0 Volunteers 5 Staff Cost £0

16 Galloway Fisheries Trust (Scotland) Formed 1992 e: [email protected] @Galloway_FT

Turnover £283k Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

Healthy Waterways Trust Formed 1998 e: [email protected] @hwaterwaystrust

Turnover £76k Staff 4 Volunteers 8 Staff Cost £46k

Inishowen Rivers Trust (Eire) In process of forming 2015

Turnover - Staff - Volunteers - Staff Cost -

17 Irwell Rivers Trust Formed 2009 e: [email protected] @IrwellTrust

Turnover £22k Staff 1 Volunteers 5 Staff Cost N/a

Lagan Rivers Trust Formed 2012 e: [email protected]

Turnover £3k Staff 0 Volunteers N/a Staff Cost £0

Lincolnshire Rivers Trust Formed 2013 e: [email protected] @lincsrivers

Turnover N/a Staff 1 Volunteers 21 Staff Cost N/a

18 Lune Rivers Trust Formed 2008 e: [email protected] @LuneRiversTrust

Turnover £168k Staff 2 Volunteers 70 Staff Cost £23k

Maine Rivers Trust Formed 2012 e:

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

Norfolk Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected] @N_Rivers_Trust www.

Turnover £1,226k Staff 5 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost £145k

19 Northumberland Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected]

Turnover £455k Staff 2 Volunteers 20 Staff Cost £88k

Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust Formed 1999 e: [email protected]

Turnover £171k Staff 0 Volunteers 8 Staff Cost £0

Pembrokeshire Rivers Trust Formed 2002 e: [email protected] @PembsRT

Turnover £5k Staff 0 Volunteers 70 Staff Cost £0

20 Ribble Rivers Trust Formed 1998 e: [email protected] @RibbleTrust

Turnover £1,291k Staff 13 Volunteers 600 Staff Cost £293k

River Nene Regional Park CIC Formed 2007 e: @RNRPOfficial

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

River Thame Conservation Trust Formed 2013 e: [email protected] @RThameConsTr

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

21 River Waveney Trust Formed 2012 e: [email protected] @RiverWaveney

Turnover £64k Staff 0 Volunteers 126 Staff Cost £0

Severn Rivers Trust Formed 2008 e: [email protected] @severnrivers

Turnover £2,198k Staff 8 Volunteers 160 Staff Cost £193k

Six Mile Water Trust Formed 2013

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

22 Slaney River Trust (Eire) Formed 2005 e: [email protected]

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

South Cumbria Rivers Trust Formed 2006 e: [email protected] @SCRiversTrust

Turnover £460k Staff 4 Volunteers 10 Staff Cost £108k

South East Rivers Trust Formed 2002 e: [email protected] @SE_Rivers_Trust

Turnover £702k Staff 4 Volunteers 150 Staff Cost £121k

23 South East Wales Rivers Trust Formed 2007 e: [email protected]

Turnover £108k Staff 2 Volunteers 15 Staff Cost £47k

Strule Tributaries and Rivers Trust Formed 2014

Turnover N/a Staff N/a Volunteers N/a Staff Cost N/a

Tees Rivers Charitable Trust Formed 2008 www. e: [email protected] @teesriverstrust

Turnover £95k Staff 4 Volunteers 35 Staff Cost £98k

24 Teifi Rivers Trust Formed 2007 e: [email protected]

Turnover £18k Staff 0 Volunteers 20 Staff Cost 0

Thames Rivers Trust Formed 1986 e: [email protected] @ThamesRvrsTrust

Turnover £73k Staff 0 Volunteers 10 Staff Cost £0

Thames21 Formed 2003 e: [email protected] @Thames21

Turnover £1,777k Staff 23 Volunteers 20,797 Staff Cost £682k

25 Trent Rivers Trust Formed 1999 e: [email protected] @Trent_R_Trust

Turnover £283k Staff 3 Volunteers 35 Staff Cost £88k

Tweed Forum (also Scotland) Formed 1991 e: [email protected]

Turnover £897k Staff 6 Volunteers N/a Staff Cost £231k

Tweed Foundation (also Scotland) Formed 1983 e: [email protected]

Turnover £257k Staff 4 Volunteers 10 Staff Cost £144k

26 Tyne Rivers Trust Formed 2004 www. e: [email protected] @TyneRiversTrust

Turnover £419k Staff 6 Volunteers 200 Staff Cost £191k

Wear Rivers Trust Formed 2008 e: [email protected] @@wearriverstrust

Turnover £336k Staff 4.25 Volunteers 218 Staff Cost £138k

Welland Rivers Trust Formed 2010 e: [email protected] @WellandTrust

Turnover £33k Staff N/a Volunteers 4 Staff Cost N/a

27 Welsh Dee Trust Formed 2008 e: [email protected]

Turnover £67k Staff 0 Volunteers 29 Staff Cost £0k

Wessex Chalk Streams and Rivers Trust Formed 2010 e: [email protected] @WessexRivers

Turnover £142k Staff 3 Volunteers 16 Staff Cost £102k

West Cumbria Rivers Trust Formed 2011 e: [email protected] @WestCumbriaRT

Turnover £581k Staff 8 Volunteers 0 Staff Cost £195k

28 Westcountry Rivers Trust Formed 1995 e: [email protected] @WestcountryRT

Turnover £2,844k Staff 31 Volunteers 12 Staff Cost £1,049k

Wye and Usk Foundation Formed 1996 e: [email protected] @WUFoundation

Turnover £2,139k Staff 25 Volunteers 350 Staff Cost £649k

Wyre Rivers Trust Formed 2012 e: @WyreRiversTrust

Turnover £80k Staff 1 Volunteers 20 Staff Cost £24k

29 Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust Formed 2004 e: [email protected] @YorkDalesRT

Turnover £130k Staff 2 Volunteers 50 Staff Cost £45k

Yorkshire Esk Rivers Trust Formed 2013 e: [email protected] @YERTCAST

Turnover £29k Staff 1 Volunteers 30 Staff Cost £10k

The Rivers Trust (Formed 2004) Afonydd Cymru (Formed 2008) Turnover £1,071k Turnover £454k Staff 8 Staff 7 Volunteers 10 Volunteers 10 Staff Cost £390k Staff Cost £116k

The Rivers Trust Movement Total Turnover £22M Staff >200 Volunteers 24k Staff Cost £6M

30 Services and Resources for Rivers Trusts

Resource What is it? Useful for:

Rivers Trust Guidance Employment Guide & Appendices Precedent Staff Handbook & Appendices Precedent Timesheet The main legal aspects relating Employment & Staff Precedent Employee Expenses to employing staff and Handbook Form establishing good practice

Pay Guide (Restricted) templates. Also covers a range

Pension & Life Assurance of policy precedents. Scheme Life Assurance Death Benefit Nomination Form

Governance Guide & Appendices Trusts which have undergone Intellectual Property Rights the start up phase and are now Governance Trading for rivers trusts. entering their next phase of Insurance Guide development. Health & Safety Law Notice

Project Management Guide & Appendices Project File template Construction Phase Plan Trusts that are undertaking Project CDM; A short Guide project management work or Management Standard Terms & Conditions contracting with external precedents bodies. Procurement Policy + Award template

Start Up Guide & Appendices Precedent Memorandum & Community or other groups Start Up Articles of Association that wish to form a rivers trust. Start Up Guide & Appendices (Republic of Ireland)

Prospective or new trustees to Trustees’ Induction Guide & recognise their broad Trustees Appendices responsibilities as trustees and Trustees’ Induction PowerPoint to make their experience an enjoyable and rewarding one.

Volunteers Guide & Appendices Precedent Time & Expenses Good practice guidance for Volunteers Form volunteers.


Data, GIS and Catchment Modelling Landing page linking to a View GIS data of WFD status, variety of online maps Protected Areas, rivers trusts’ Rivers Trust developed by RT to support boundaries, riparian shade, etc. Mapping Portal rivers trusts and CaBA without need for desktop GIS partnerships. Contact software. See examples of [email protected] for what can be developed. more information. Contact RT for bespoke applications. Desktop GIS dataset containing 70+ layers of data to help with Great starting point for using catchment management GIS to target catchment planning. Clipped to CaBA management activities. Use the CaBA Data Package management catchments. User guide to focus on issues and See CaBA forum for Guide and support forum. opportunities in your more details Contact catchment. RT team can help [email protected] for support this process – contact more information. us for more information.

Online GIS training resources by Nick Paling of Westcountry GIS Training Introductory training in ESRI Rivers Trust. ArcGIS Desktop software. Contact [email protected] for access.

Before you set up a monitoring Summary of guidance for programme, refer to the Citizen Science and designing and implementing technical guidance documents Volunteer monitoring programmes; WQ and technical equipment Monitoring monitoring equipment guide; reviews. If you require support Resource Pack Mobile apps and maps guide; please contact RT, who will be Monitoring Case studies from developing workshops and CaBA partnerships. training in 2016. Capacity Building and Catchment Planning Identifying your next steps with Technical support in all aspects your CaBA partnership, using Mentoring of Catchment Management data and evidence to develop a Planning. Contact strategic catchment plan, using [email protected] GIS and technology to share data and evidence.

CaBA Catchment For more information please Plan Template contact Self-explanatory tool. [email protected] or plate [email protected]


Services and Resources for Rivers Trusts


The Rivers Trust Staff Directory

ARLIN RICKARD Chief Executive [email protected] Contact me for: RT governance, strategy and policy Catchment-Based Approach (CaBA), as Chairman of the National Support Group National and transnational projects, partnerships and policy National strategic engagement with Defra, its Agencies, and their policies Civil Society Partnership Network (CSPN), as a member providing advice to Defra

ALAN HAWKEN Secretary (part-time) [email protected] Contact me for: Start-up guidance Governance guidance Employment law guidance Legal contracting issues Charity and company law issues

JAMES SOWDEN Finance Manager [email protected] Contact me for: Financial Management Management Accounts & Reporting Sage Set-up & Report Building Statutory Reporting & Accounting Standards River Ecosystem Services or any Trading Queries

TIM HERBERT Finance Officer [email protected] Contact me for: Project Accounting EU & UK Claim Advice Budget Management Accounts queries Invoicing

ALISTAIR MALTBY Director North [email protected] Contact me for: LIFE Integrated Project, other European projects & funding Engagement with water industry Support & advice for rivers trusts in the North Fisheries management & catchment science Engagement with Defra Water & Fisheries directorates

BARRY BENDALL Director East and South [email protected] Contact me for: Your Fisheries – catchment fisheries planning and reporting Pinpoint (RT/CSF national partnership project to reduce DWPA) Interreg funding and projects Support and advice for rivers trusts in the East & South Fisheries Management and Science

34 ROB COLLINS Head of Policy [email protected] Contact me for: Catchment-Based Approach Work in the WaterLIFE demonstration catchments Up-scaling and Knowledge Exchange Links between WaterLIFE and the Catchment-Based Approach

DAVID JOHNSON Director of River Ecosystem Services Ltd [email protected] Contact me for: Mentoring River Ecosystem Services Ltd, the trading arm of the Rivers Trust Project management, Health & Safety and CDM Data licensing and CaBA Data & GIS packages Water companies and how to work with them

MICHELLE WALKER Head of GIS and Data Management [email protected] Contact me for: Support, advice and training in mapping, GIS, spatial technology and data management Help to edit and use the CaBA website, discussion forum or mapping portal Items for CaBA newsletters and sharing information with other rivers trusts Volunteer monitoring, citizen science, mobile apps and maps. Information about the Catchment Data User Group

LUCY BUTLER GIS Manager [email protected] Contact me for: GIS and mapping support, including online mapping Support using catchment modelling tools e.g. SCIMAP and remote sensing Natural flood risk management Education projects

MARK HORTON Northern Ireland Development Officer [email protected] Contact me for: Northern Ireland Rivers Trusts’ development and linkages with NI government Northern Ireland and ROI catchment management in general RIPPLE stakeholder engagement experience


For more information… E-mail or telephone us at the address below. Our guidance and information is freely available via our website, from which you can subscribe to our free E-Newsletter.






Rain-Charm House, Kyl Cober Parc, Stoke Climsland, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 8PH E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: + 44 (0) 1579 372 142

Charity Registration No: 1107144 Registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee Company Registration No: 5136671