OLD, K A T C U ABB pZCKLLKKT. N«l* Iks MBMi aa< by ar atlMr •( Ika km

l b . . M mt !Tr zJa.’iabattCn r . . .J

T H E BRITISH INDIA STEAM CLARETS. JAS. MCCABE WATCHES. gJLAB AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPANY (L im ited ) ST. JULIEN MEDOC—This popular Wine is much appreciated, and is Rs. a. j^ O long and so deservedly, so greatly prixed (priced ?), so universally popalar, and now ^COMPANY. lotend to despatch Steamers as follows in greater demand in India than any othmr brand. It is the pme pr^uct of the grape, neither “medicated” nor “doctored” 11 4 6 4 ^ so widely regretted, were a striking example of the tenacity with which an idea I n ’fcl i: BORDEAUX'—A fdvouritii Wine firom the district of Bordeaux ... 11 4 6 4 once received into the Indian mind will flourish and expand independeatlj of either 'i i OJ theef tteo Clarets, St. Jvlim, Medoc and Bordeaux, (M have sold during the past three years 11,500 |«B O O R A M m o r OBPARTURB3 FOR BOROPB. nonriahment or cultivati ■ , . Toatday. ViA KATTFfTAtt COAST POBJS. ^ Jas. McCabe retired from business and withdrew his name from the trade, and a few ■ m T i» ...... 4IS6 800) J J. li. P arau ...... SgUOia; ^UM ay, PETlT^MEDOC^t-.Possesses'goedMiedy pleasing flavooi 14 0 7 la MAM woa.'r. W-eiahall .. ttb^ime. ' S. ASSYRIA,” 1,495 tons, on WED- FBpl^W UB. SU9 600 L. a . Mode .....lltb „ • NfiSDAY. 29tli May* at u6—• 800 W. A. Seaton.... « h Jiiiy, MONDAY. 10th June. Old English or^Mdle pattern. TABLE PLATE ______BOMBAY.______BAN^MS...... 4206 800 T.J.AIderton .. 18th „ s. In addition to the above a OARCIO STBAMBR leaves FOB UABUAQAO DIBBOT. SEND FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST. (brOhlan and Japan dlraot every fortnight, ro a lmtki r partloalars. apply to THHE 3, S. “ BUSHBER.” 862 t ong, on or X shout MONDAY. 27th May. ' BOiMBAY, WORTH KNOWIN^G. ' H. W. ULOTH, Oriental Bonk BaUdi^s, M ^KINNW , MA0K|;NZIB A Oo.. 'v s S t o } PH ILLIPS & CO„ LD., { 8t BycoUa Bridge. NE of the finest Wines shipped to India is BINETT FILS DRY ELITE CHAM* Bombay. 2 1 h d * S IS ^'* “ ‘- BOmbiK^th May l8S2. Agants. O PAGNE of 1884 Vintage. Price Rs. 66 cash. All Mess PresideatB and Good Judges should try a Sample and compare tin Wine with that of other First Class PRNjQfSULAB AND ORIENTAL ANCHOR LINE. K EM P & CO.’S Shippers. COMPANY. ■■ T X , r^OMMBNCING with the S.S. “ CLYDE.” PRESCRTBERS’ PHARMACOPCEIA SOLE AGENTS FOR INDIA, leavtogen t t e ^ h May, and daring the Sonth-West BOMBAY TO MARSBILI.ES AND LIVBBPOOI.; Tomnin Commuder. Tons. H.P. TTiniQir' OF NEW REMEDIES, CUTLER, PALMER & CO. ARM BNIA.....SB.Bead ....3861 180 SOthMay. — H. W, CLO THr Booh SWemereatries a Snrgeon u d StewardeiA and e s c r i b i n g the Properties, preparations, Action, and Doses o _ . . _ Superintendent. P. 8c O. Company. h u avety oomfort for First-Class Passengers. Bombay, 22bd May 1888. MB lUfum PUUUUUU'8 gppD liu------___D over 600 ~NE~W REMEDIES (Including the most recent), with sup* CO-OPERATIVE STORES, LIMITED. .w . A X g r a h a m : a O o „ plementary Lists orPills, Pastilles, Proprietary Remedies, “ B. P. C.’’ MEDOWS STREET, FORT, BOMB-\Y. NrVlGAZIONB GENERALS ITALIANA. Bombay, 9th May 1886. AaaifU. Prejiarations, Metric Weights and Measures, Surgical Dressings, Thera­ 800IBTA BIDNlTklAd)BIO B0BATT1NO. o ‘ ' Be. s. Ka a BOMBAY TO ZANZIBAR DIBBOT. peutic Index, &c, American Cora ...... per tin (K12 Ginger aymp, Sqysl y o u nnBiSt Itidi»Q< Steamers Almonda and Baieins ...... pw bottle 1 14 own Ginger Ala, BO f Drink to equal A, • X leave BOafBAY (or OBNOA at re- H. THE SULTAN of ’Contains all the necessary information in a portable itnd concise form, Biscoita, HnnBey aadPkUeer’i^ amprtail ...... ■ H Zuzibar’s S.8. “ MALACCA" Deeeert Wafen ...... parboltfe 1 O wiU aaU aa above, on TUESDAY, the '^ e Notes have been compiled from the most reliable sources, and have inCanvaa ...... _ p a r ft. 0 14 ^ 'nom^ QBfi^A^on dates ^ven .bdow*isni! nthiattant. -r , Sooteh Foriz ...... bfU ^y % 80a, Ra. SW. u d Ra UO FeaFiaight u d Paasase apply to h«en brought -cpmpjeteb up to dat®- Faney Pietoriol Gtafol Tint, rlearing Honey ia Tin — ------par tia O U and Third 01aaa,raapaatively. Inoluslve ^ y i 4 b a u EBBAHRI a Oh./ ^ ■tack at ...... —...... O 13 JaaBe.aasattod...... „ 0 6 Agents, Uandvie, “ We predict a vast sphere of usefulness for this little loooVf’—Times o f India. Bacon, on out ...... — ...... per lb. 0 14 :e will be deUvered In I.ON’- -7+c „ Suawbeny oud Bsspbei i y „ 0 7. to the extant allpwed in the “ A most useful little volame. The mote MjMsts. Kemp ds Co.’s little book is studied, the more Butter, Frenoh, extra quality ...... 0 15 „ Aprieot and Cbatry ...... „ 0 8 h e c it y l i n e 8.s. c it y of is its value discovered.”—A)J»5aj/ Goaettet i 1 Do. do, i lb. 0 9 . Ts t Bis, olespsg stook, at . O ------at OB Return Tickets. Spooiol Ratas f.. CARTHAGE ** has ARRIVED from GLASGOW libalman isgii■ given at a glance .”—English Mail. Confectionery, clearing stock at oonsidembly PlIBOdllSS. andT LIVERPOOL, and is DISCHARGING in tbePrince^a “ Just the informatian wanted by a medih Eoacatells Baaa^ ...... par lb. I Tba toUbwInB or ether let Clam Steamers win LBA YK. iDock. CONSIGNEES are regaesled to p i e ^ t their “ luntttk thatj has only to he known to ensure its appreciation.”—J/atfra* Advertiser. redaoed tatae. Uflk, UnswaaUnsd Ciaam Milk - ...... — par Un O Tons. B.P. Bombay. Genoa. (BILLS of LADING for oar doantersignetore, and to “ No medical man should be without it. The information has been cast into a ve^ orderly, Craeker Bon Bona do. do...... Angio-Swias ...... O AOOO 800 1st June ’89. Ut July 1889. TAKE DELIVERY of th^rQeody without delf^. intelligpbie form . . . The medical man ia provided with a Manual made up to date. The little book Californian Apples ...... ™...... per tin O 9 AOOO 800 26th June '89. 80th July Matches. Oil, Add, and oner kiflama|abl| artiolw miuh Do. Fniits, sssortsd ...... „ 1 0 Mannalads ...... 0 &000 800 lOtb Ju ly ’89.10th Aug. ” be removed as they are« liadedy £ulg'iim mh t l e y ^ l refleetxthe goea^ioredit oir'ih^ intelligence and energy of the 6rm of Messrs. Kemp & Oo .”—Bombay Cheese, D o o ^ Gloster. on cat ...... per lb. 0 13 Peas, Italian Split PSas- ...... O 5,000 800 1st Aug. ’89. 1st SeptT „ be exposed at Consignees’ risk and subject to removal Catholie Examiner. Xsbia Salt ----par ,ar 0 to tha oombustibie shed at their expense. CryataHzad Anita, detongstook a t . . . . .« 1 8 n Vinegar ...... par bottle 0 WITH SHORT LICAVB o u now obtain Unfbss boats are seat alongside mthout aeiay to take Corrants, finest quality ,so.»stsoa«8«ASSENGERS. SPECIAL TERMS TO HOTELS, CLUBS, AND OTHER L-A.RGB CONSUMERS. BARG-\INS! !' 4-. Season—^1889. Opportnnity is offered, during the month of May only, for some Good Bargains in tha folknriag A D 8 T R 0 - THQMfif©¥~AND TAYLOK, Articlea:— HUNGARIAN REQUIREMENT Block Tin Ware. Ksroriao Cookiiig Stovoe. 35,-ESPLAIfADERaAD, BOMBAY. Bicycles. Lewa-teanie Balls. LLOYD’S for Tra/vel-^SEA OR LAND— Cricket Kit. Maaieal Otgeme. 3. N. Co. at most REASONABLE PRICES. Cooking merea. Pesambulatars, large and wnaU. Diainfeattng Packets to hsag on tha Wall, a nsefal Perfumery. Our intimate dequdintance enables Novelty. Phtant Hadicines. STEAM TO BRINDISI AND TRIESTE, CAliUNO INVALIDS PORT. EnameUad iron Ware. Borking Harass. AT ADBN. SUEZ, AND PORT SAID. - us to ^promptly Outfit for any Bouto. - Eleotro^ated Ware. loBstte Scape. ^ Stesrasrs. Oaptalas* Tons. H. P. Tosail cm OF ALL RETAILERS.-gj Fancy Ooods. Trunta SfWfflpON ...... S.M ersa------6« 0rO F ALL RETAlL^S- RELIABLE QUALITY 0^?LY- Fknror Seeds. OmhseUse. MARIA TBRESA.G. Cossooiob.. 4.300 603 5th July. CERTIFICATE. (HsM Jugs, Taaas, dc. Walking Btkka. Surgeon and Stewardses on board of every Steamer. 12| Per Cent. Cash Discount. Hoisehold Jims of all aorta- BATBB OF PASSAGE MONEY. L ondon , I3th February, 138S. do., do. do. * T 1st ^^^1 2itd Class. Deoka Our Illustrated Pi-ice List by return Post. TRIBSTB OR b BINDISI.....Ro. 500 Ra. 866 Ra. 13J I hereby certify that I have oatefnlly exvjaiaal twj bottles of ‘* CUTLER, MEDOWS STREET, FORT, BOMBAY. BBTURtPTUiKBTS avaUable (or SIX MONTHS m lit Clan. 2nd Claaa, TRAVELLERS’ o m b a y . PALMER & CO.’S INVALID’S PORT,” and am of o^nion that the Wine is free from XD TRIBSTB OR BRINOISI...Ba. 800 Ra. 480. H OAR Ss CO., B , OUTFITTERS( Ahtne tnles induie Wine or Besr supplied at meals adulteration and is a good sound wholesome Port. (Sd.) CHARLES B. CASSAL, P.I.C., F.C.S., L d . THROUGH TICKETS TO LONDON. THACKER A N D CO.. Thim A latO lata Single u d Retnm Tloketa ara laaned NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Membsr of the Society of Public Analysts and of the Cbunoil of the Sanitary Institute. OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY CLOCK TOWER. ktlganiiITR6daeMBataa;inoladlDgthe railway joo»e. lem (or BOMBAY leave TRIBSTB on the 28ad CANTERBURY ALE. “"BI on the 94th of Aftoh BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. ____ and toelr lugge^e are conveyed free ou (Johnson & Co., C xntbrbhbv .) by the Company’s steam launch on the day o CUTLER, PALMER & CO., BOMBAY h e largest and most complete collection of Books on all subjects in Western India, arranged in one of the hugest, coolest, and handsomest shops in India. TNew Books ly every mail, orders for Books not in stock sent to England by everymail. STEAMER TO RED SEA PORTS. Htaamer. Captain. Tone. H. P. To sail on THE Libraries, Book CInbs, 3ehools, Educational Institations and the Medical and Legal Pro­ ^■bBKTRA.,...,..A.Iiaaalch ....4.200 60Q 1 th July. fessions supplied on exceptional terms. Oalllng nt Aden, hodaldah, MaaaoWA Suakln, Jeddab, Saei. FOtt Bald, and Xrieete. Subscriptions taken for Kiglish Newsp^ien and Periodicals. HOME-GOING SEASON, 1889. STEAM TO OOIiOMBO, PENANG, SPATIONERY SINGAPORE, AND HONGKONG. of all descriptions earner. Captain. Tone. H.P. To Bail on iSNIGE...... A.Yrobitz 3,500 550 11th Jane. ; Beer has been imported Engraving, Die-sinking, Colour-stamping, Copperplate-printing done on the prem ia. ^ Vo oaggo WiU be reoelved on hoartl. after sunoet on the .. f reacher and Co. at the sngm stton of a O u pcenua to aaillng. weU*known Physician in Bombay, ana is atrongly THORPE A N D CO.. n r further patUeulan. freight, paeaoge, &o., apply to recommended as one of the very b ^ t B een in the , SURVEYING and MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, • J . JA N N I, Agent. Indian Market. It has the genuine bitter aromatic RAMPART ROW, BOMBAY. . HOoae. 50, Churph Gate Street, Bombay. 14th flavour of tbe Hops'does not contain an excess of Agents for ELLIOTT BROS, and W- F. STANLEY. May 1886. alcohol, and has in an eminent degree those refreshing, digestive and tonic properties which AVE a LARGE CHOICE of USEFUL REQUISITES for TRAVELLERS bj should chacacterixe all Beers. SEA or LAND, priced moderately for Cash. Bottles, perdoz...Rs. 6 4 IHelf-bettlee,perdos. Bs. i, 4 H AB'nSTS’ MATERIALS Bottles, per case of HaU-hottles, per case of . Rs, a. Rs. a Rs. a. four dozen ....Rs, 35 0| six dozen ...... Rs. 25 8 Money Belts, SoUd Leather, with by WINSOR AND NEWTON. Deck Suits lot Uoming Wear ...... 8 0 to 16 8 two P o c k e t s ...... 6 8 SOLE AGENTS : Travelling Suita ...... - ...... ^ ® *0 0 MoneyBelta,Poekete all round... ■H from 2 8 Warm Snite Cheviot te ...... « SS k o Block Tin Collar Boxes ...... 3 8 TRl^CHER & Co„ Ld., Warm Overcoats or Ulsters ...... 48 0 to Bo 0 China Grass Slippers...... PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS. B e s t W hite Shirt Bands...... each 4 4 1 0 WINE AND GENEBAL MEBOHANTS, Do. do. CoUars ...... 4 8 Morocco su p p ers ...... 3 8 MBSSAGBRIBS MARITIMES COMPANY. Brown Leather Slippers ...... 2 12 BOMBAY. BYCULLA ANB POONA. i^§SS^and^wool:;::::::::::;::7 8 ^ 1 1 Brown or White Canvas Shoes. 8 8 TELESCOPES AND BINOCULARS. FROM BOMBAY TO MARSEILLES. Chmera Belts, best Flannel...... 2 8 Agents for J. H. STEWARD, TO ZANZIBAR AND MAURITIUS. Woven Cholera Belts ...... 2 12 DEVONSHIRE CIDER W ^ ^ m b ’s-Wool Underveste ...... each 6 0 Champagne or Soda water Taps 2 12 Optician to tha National Rifle Association. __ 18.8. LA BOURDONNAIS will LEAVE Do. do. Pants ...... ^ ® Marine o t Saltwater Soap _ ...per packet 1 0 - BOMBAY on the loth June, 1889, at 8 p.m., FOR (FOSTER’S VERY PRIME QUALITY) Brown fkitton Socke...— p e r 8 8 Ban de Cologne with wicker> wicker cover... ( 3 0 3BBAOHBB and ADEN, in oonneoUpn with the Sup«ior Marino State .. jj...... ■ do. » g Aieortad Perfumes .....per bottle 2 8 ' umar Bumawiira bound, nnd the atoamer la the Drink few this Weather. Very W arm Lafub’s - V S ^ l^ k s ...... do. » 0 Travelling Pillows ...... each 1 8 CHUBB’S AND OTHER DESPATCH BOXES. m DTOoeading to Znngtbar and Mnurltiusa 0 Besais or Quilts ...... from S 0 'IO SR ^T t o MARSEUfliBSfortlm, Quarta, per doz., Ra. 8 ; Pinta, per doz., Ba 6-8. B lb ^ Hand-Ktotod do. -- fc deUvared at ■peeUlly RKDUfaKD Knicker-bocker Hose, Hand-Knitted pair 3 8 Scotch Mands and Rngs ...... „ 15 0 SOLE AGENTS i Gauze Merino Uuderveste ...... per 'doz. 12 0 Cambric Hand kerchiefs per (Ms, 5 0 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS^ : ’hc K itrs are iMuel, iuoludlng RaUway E xtra Superior Ganae Vesta.,...... 15 0 Metal .Soap Boxes trom 1 8 mamaa to London. Stout Merino V e s ts ...... each 5 8 1-8, Sponge B ag s.. 1 8 FRAMES, SCREENS, CASES, Ac,, ^ _____ leave tbo Apollo Bander, at i p.m., TREACHER & CO., Limited, S a g atiaae...... alette day at ■ailing to oouvey Fauengers on board. Stout Merino P ants - ...... ” S I 1 8 WINE MERCHANTS, Cause Merino Pants ...... Leather Poraea...... 2 0 in great variety. GUSTAVB RAT, Acting Agent,, Warm G loves ...... •’ . ? * i ivensign Boxes. ___ 2 0 • 89. Raplanade Road. BOMBAY, BYCULLA, AND POONA. W...... arm M ufflers...... r..;...... u-...... * 2 8 to 3 0 Bazoia, ready iur use ...... 2 0 MORDAN’S GOLD AND SILVER PENCIL CASES, Travelling Caps, ...... — from 8 0 Shaving Bruahes mo*Oe«e44c*«es.««.n.*ee..e 8 0 Best Tweed B a ts ...... , | 8 Nail Bmshes«...... 1 0 IVORY TOILET SETS CITY LINE OP STEAMERS. l i f e : a s s u r a n c e . Tooth Bruahes .~...... Best Ijtnen Collars, all sh ap es...... P « doz. 8 a 0 8 Suitable for Preaentation. o r Best Linen'Cuffs ...... „ 10 o HalrBnudns._ ...... -...... 4 0 fT'HE &vounte Fassen The Bates, Terms, and Conditions Overland Trunks, best make, ...... trom « o Military Hair Brushes in leather case 10 8 X 'Bteainer’*ClTY ofOARTHAOB." NailSdssors ...... from 1 8 STATIONERS’ SUNDRIES OF ALL KINDS. 2,650 Toota Qaataln FRA M ih will SiJL of the Solid Leathiar Portmanteaux ...... 40 0 from Bombay for LIVSRPOOL on or Bailway Bwtimm tew-...... 13 Penkiilves.».»...... - ...... „ 1 8 about tbe 8ut May. Tbia tsteamer QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY Tan .Canvas Courier Bags...... 8 Vnlcaniaodlndia-mbber Baths... __ „ 15 PHOTOGRAPHS OF INDIAN SCENERY, a surgeon and atewardosa two berth Sailed U n in Baccs-..^.,.— 6 0 Hcdd-alls w ith Strong Leather LI rteihn Punkahs, azbd eva» oomfort foe first' Gladstone or Bxpanfflng Bags ... B 0 Siacapa - ...... „ 8 PICTURES, No othetf oarrledTCrew en tir^ Rato- Will be found satisfactory by Persons ______Waterproof OeeeelngOsaes, Uiddlng Solid LeaUter Dressing Cases, fitted Engravings, Chromos, C ilourei Spirting Prints, &&, c. wishiiui to combine the seenrity of a first- pompUde p ...... 13 8 Sponge, Tootii, H air and NaU SIR CHARLES FORBES & CO.. 25 0 Bmimes, te . 6 8 Agents. rate British l.if« Life Offica Office with with the tbe advantage*advantage' Travelling Canteens, fitted complete., Jram 25 0 SUber’b Patent Water Bottles....-^, eads 10 8 LEATHER GOODS, COMPENBIUMS OF GAMES, of moderate ratM. ___ Ladles'Aft-lteht Dress Boxes, incases 28 0 to 38 0 Carbon Pocket Filters —...... 4 8 PLAYING CARDS, TENNIS .BATS, AIBGUBS: HOMEWARD PASSENGERS. [Funds in Hmd ...... £1,407.678 Ladies’ Son H ats #oo«»ese»»»eeeo«»»»»» ••••••••• 5 0 W atsrproof Coats....— ...... - 7 8 SECUBITT J Subaaribed Capital ...... l,6aO,81S Overland Chairs •*.aee»aa*»«eoe.„aea»Ooeeo»es 4 0 Air Pillows and Cushions 4 8 flASSAUBS BOOSED by P. .’X: and Q, and au etAet ateameia OFliBED eommlaelon. A Celhdoid Collars, Cafi&, and Shirt Fronts. a a d M lp a r tl Agents. THACKER AND COMPANY. L d . ______|^|||J*§ KILLIi '*MNaiMe2ayalw«^' - H. SYmWQTON. Siowtary OFFOSICS CLOCK TOWEB, iT, GBOOll, AiiD lOd!, Bcmoat . fonr fonast AamUtB .Y dm> 0 » , U A uranj. THORP® AND CO, BfniBAT' 2 )MBAY GAZETTE, M O flS A r, MAY 27,

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NKW ADVIHiTlSEMENTS. SPEdlAL SHORT NOTICES. GAIETY THEATRE. WAN'TED TO LEASE A BUNGALOW ADVEICTiSEiM tNl^. BilfUi A BOOTS AOT) SHOES HARRY STANLEY’S TT in Martnvidiies. Apply to Xna eoale Cor these Adrertieements ik • • fnllooe INDIAN MIDLAND MAU.WAT. OPEBA COMPANY, P. BYRAMJEE. exoeedlng 3 lines. Re. 1; each saoootMng line. As. 8^ T^EW CO^^SIG^f&IENTS of these FASHIONABLE GOODS have now House Agent. MOnOB. LAST SIX NIGHTS. 2, Hornby Row, trade adrerUaementa ate admitted nnder this scale. -L-V arrived by the best E^lish Makers, they are preferred to Ordinary SUBJECT to the suetiiM af FAREWELL PBBFOBMANOES ! M .tc ( Iml]., the! FAREWELL PERFORMANCES !! Calf for their lightness, stylish appearance, and extreme softness which is B raim imra BWA Jcm m oN t. PABBWBLL PERFORMANCES ! ! (GOVERNMENT CELLARS, Budi^t;.— JHANdl to MAC wfll b. OPL___ -MINES’’—A Strang, Huiuarlen Wine trovra on always retained. Qualities which specially recommend them as the HOT TRAFFIC •( •vetT dcicrlgligh m u d I WEATHER BOOT. I8SA ^ MONDAY, 27 th MAY, ^ ^ £ e S te “: PHI p I o N i ‘0?““ '’“^ TiM.«.d Vhi.NoUM.ulBjak«(Q«MrM R te “ H. M. 8. PINAPO k E.” 1- VIEWS for SALE at^the LIBRARY. iaW .f»tlraon.iT.yM o..f ff.1 rarararaLhdraw. PraraMh' Mr. Chas. Harding «U1 sing THE DEATH OF KELSON. ANGRA VALLEY CONGOU TEA.— Gent’s Lace Boots, Best Real Rassia,made to measui’e...Rs. 20 0 Horsra. CarTugea ft... u d iafirra ' LOCAL MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS. Ha. the Cl.rallt j. tigh of Owds, wiii b . *«h K From COLONEL HAWES' Tea Eeteto, enjoying Gent’s Lace Oxford Shoes, Real Russia, all sizes in stock 15 8 A. TUESDAY, 28th MAY, Birmingham Medical Journal ...... 0 ] PURITY and DELICACY rt a ___ Annas It i«r Ib.-MOUTO.V, MAJUdtCo.. As rat MdChMf 1 “ EAST LYNNE.” Catholic Miseiona ...... 0 Church Gate Street, Bombay. " ’ Gant’s Lace Oxford .Sho^s, Best Real Russia, to Order... 15 8 IhuH , the 22 Mot IKS. Catholic Fireside ...... 0 WEDNESDAY, 29 i h MAY, CasaelPs Family Mag^ine ...... 0 NOTICE Chambers* Journal ...... 0 A L a d y , havmg studied lu Pans and Lon- FIT GUARANTEED. LA SOMNAMBULLA.” Baa WRRTlURl “ LA MASCOTTE.” UST ARRIVED,—The new Improved Patent BU.O.U. tte m iinc In . t ih .____ Dublin Medical Journal ...... l J Aristons with Iron Axles and Brass Wheels with a direnrad. Crora on J after ch. dM. Edinburgh Medioal Journal ...... 1 13 Tunes and case complete, Rs. 13.—8TEFFENAUBR BADH AM , PIL E & Co.. L d . FRIDAY, 31st MAY, Family Herald ...... 0 and Co, Fort, Bombay. farevvela , b e n e f it o f Fortnightly Review ...... 1 M R . CHAS. HARDING. Glasgow Medical Journal...... 1 ER s. s. Amarapoora received 5 Full and BOMBAY. POONA & SBCUNDER.ABAD. "GRAND DUOHESS.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine ...... 0 . Fashionable RUSTIC CARTS, also a The demmereial Ooim a ai stylishP GIO. Apjly to LUDHA EBRAUIM and Co.. 9tera Wanaii^ WIgay sl win be jamA at SeOgUeSIs* Irish Monthly...... 0 Bellasis Road. ' Staff for wiraii.in.Hrat with the ahlMtea. SATURDAY, 1 st JUNEL Lamp (Catholic)...... 0 HtaaM reralT. Irarawtu. —— ■— “ L A BELLE HBL^NB.” Leisure Hour ...... 0 CES, ICES.—Four kiuds daily, every day BOURNE AND SHEPHERD. MACBlcC BK.k!T, Captain* O rcu b str a u n d e r t u b D ir e c t io n ok Longman’s Monthly Magazine ...... 0 G different kinds, also Wine, and Spirits of the best Aedne VWtdSenr* MR. GEO. TRIMNELL. Merry England ...... 0 12 qn^ityI to IM had at the VIENNA CONFECTIONERY. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. PortOAoe. Bamtan|,9l^ May IM. Maomillan’a Magazine ...... 0 12 25, Cbarcb Gate Street. PRICES AS USUAL. Month ...... 1 8 SOUTHERN MAHR.ITTA RAILWAY 0 0 . National Review...... ,. i 14. LATEDWARE.—Our Prices can be com­ STUDIO OPEN FOR PORTRAITURE Box Offioc at SOU!^DY*S Music Warehouse. Nineteenth Century ...... 1 P pared with any Arm for similar goods, everyone Doora Open at S-30 p.io. Overture at p p.m. satisfied with their wear, and have always recommended MISCELLANSOUS STORES AND STATIONBRT. All accounts against the Company must be presented for Practitioner ...... 1 h “* ‘**® Cheapest Boose.-SHROFF From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, payment on FRlUAYy slat, between lo a.m. aud 12 noon Provincial Medioal Journal ...... 0 G BU OTBBxtS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Young Ladies’ Journal ...... 0 VIEWS OF INDIA AND NATIVE CHARACTERS. ara invitad for Um Ss m Ij of IVVISSIONARIES and Gentlemen wishing to A large number to select from. Catalogues free by post on appUcatioB* X -|fiaCKU..,NRIN;S8TORC9r.feOTl --— o LET.—a f u r n i s h e d BUNGALOW N.B.—This monthly arrangement will enable local practical Marathi, HindostaDi, audGuzrathee oad nuufuUra ud --STATlONRar* T at CHOWPATTY for the Monsomi. Rent onlv buyers of monthly Periodioale to buy more than one should apply to ** G..” caro of paper. ygu oaaorawi.h lot Jhiy UH. Hundred a month. For particulars apply to enden rautb* uhrattMd u th. P. BYHAMJEE. Periodioaly as all cannot pay yearly subscriptions. « .* s. » House Agent, (^O LA BA HIGH SCHOOL for BOYS and H a^i.ara.rara.f-Mirainn.ra ff’udfrrahth. '2, Hornby Row. Head-M«ster. Mr. A. Stewart; He >d-Mls- BOURJSTE AND SHEPHERD. Aadiur. Utarmr. t. th. cm . •( NOW READY! tress Mias Blnnt. RK-OPENS MONDAY, Jane 3rd. BaHy t hh. jia ^ fn rM A n a ra application for adminsloa is reqnested. 19, ESPLANADE ROAD, BOMBAY. Thadwra te wUnh T< J, N E U B E R G PRICE ONE RUPEE. mm arare. u . Ghwuhli. HUU. had 5, MEDOWS STREET, f^ANTBD. TO PURCHASE either a match AND AT -----u . ihu rarad I . ----- THE « BOMBAY GAZETTE V V for a b. w. g. of 15 hands and rather heavily built, De*Mfor whiU the* ^^.tr»~fgrra. BOMBAY. or a pair of Waters not leas than 15 hands. Steady, servloe- CALCUTTA AND SIMLA. 1 have th h . dMIt DIRECTORY ablc, and moderate in price. No horse can be bought IteUorapuy’. uecll>o.iiu u d th*« idM uet Albums (Fboto. and Home Gymnasium, FOR 1889. which will not go in single as well as doable baraeaa. w t ^ e u tthcra for the ra*ra|y M .— i8crap). N e ln e t bo showy. “ B.B.," care of Messrs. R. SCOTT win i ______•mA^, nnrraraTudh r a e f' Luncheon Baskets. and Co. Anj frathra iafrararaia. 1_-.unqnirad ouhei Bath Tuba (Galvanised era M MlraUurara Suraa u ra trora _ thh SMn PHOTOGRAPHIC POPULAR EDITION IRON FRAME PIANOFORTES. u d BowMera. u d ia the o r a «f I Iron). MA- T^ANTED.—An ENGAGEMENT by the Anditw, Dhuvrar, TE RIALS. Oontaining Useful Information,—Official Olreotory, V V SuperinteDdent of one of of one the of thelargest largest PrinU Printbur aedi^rinteodent and NEWEST AND HAN030.\IB3T OGSIGNS. SOLID IN CON3TBDCTION. n . hrara date for raoelvtaffTedeiawhiehi Bath Tubs (TravellerB’, Stationery Concerns in India.____ Highest_ ___ te^moniala. ould PIANOS, Lipp’s Square UeroantUe Firms*—Steam Navigation Companies**— prefer a snare in a healthy and growinj BRILLIANT IN TONE. EXCELLENT FINISH. ■ddraraadtatheAeUrat ------with Cover). teral businese. wojr.UOirarwer, in .r a la d < and Semi-Grand. Harbour Steam Ferries*—Boat Fares* Bombay Harbour, Apply to NEMO, care of Post Master, lere. LIGHT AND ELASTIC TOUCH. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. SUKCS —Tramway Fares*—Foreign Parcel Post* Ao.*—Foreign den fgc the 8o**l; of er BENTWOOD FURNI­ Piano Insulators. INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED. __ 8wt!ehtiT TURE. Money and Exchange Tables*—Street Office Direc* UINGINQ LESSONS by a Lady. For Terms of JOM IMS. Piano Stools. tory,—Bombay Medioal Union,—Pablio Offices and and Particulars, apply to ** V.N.A.,” SOUNOY6tCo. . Tlra AeUracAgradra wat hihd hi— clflos Canteen Baakete. Institutiotts,—Mnnioipality,—Distribution of the Bom ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. lowrat V ufT eadra. Pipes, Mesrsohaum, Briar, bay Army* Ac.* Ac** &o. J.C A M F B II^ Carpets. Clay, &c. o n s o o n s e a s o n .—Special reduced Rates. Apply to the Manager, ENGLISH HOTEL* Olurwer. Mrar UAL Fort,M Bombay. CIGARS and CHE- Playing Cards. NOW READY, PRICE ONE RUPEE. SOUNDY & CO.. LD., BOMBAY. ROOTS. Roasting Jacks and ONSOON SEASON.—A few cool, airy, ITOLZAPFEL’S PATENT 80AF8T01IB Cigar Cases and Holders. Screens. iV X and comfortable sets of FAMILY and SINGLE X X PAINT to the be« ■ranrrativa Iv Inah SMI. ar SWIFT & FARROW, APARTMENTS are now available at the Taylor’s Family Woodwork. It is ooUnhio Car Iron aad StoH ToM la CIGARETTES ( EGYP- Sheeting. Hotel. Specially low terms for the season can be ar­ Baawoy I in— niiwa BoHtoft Etoak aod w S ranged by communicating with the proprietor. MARCKS & CO-, LIMITED, inwatoe. lierieegoiolUiyoeda*iieeolike«aewi,oodto TIAN, Th. Vatiadis). PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, &o. No -oorroolvo oadlmporvtooo to ft^MpImrto taftamipoa. Shikar Cloth. May bo ted toady mixodia oar ------Cigarettes (Own Manu­ Smokers' Requisites. ■aoHiAu oouionoa tu ouifiANoiNa p ib i*. BE LET.—The upper portion -of the SUPPLY THEIR o p i N K m o r m facture). X NABOB’S BUNGALOW, I^ b it l^oe. near Bycnlla rraftifollj na itote Snuffs. Station. Oan be arranged to salt one or several famiHet, Cigarette Cases and Hold­ No. 9, HUIUtUH BTREBIT, FORT, HOUR AY. Apply sharp within as the repairs are in pr<^res8. W p o d s^ fiW EiAtim ers. Sponges, Bath and Toi- ** Hop largo covoriag roparity aad lette. IVIEGHANIOAL ENQINEER seeks a Berth u n g a l o w t o l e t , with furniture, dose likewnfaee.*—** toiBSeereadltoa 1 COOKING STOVES, for to Sea-shore, opposite t ) Scottish Schools, Mabim. HIGH-CLASS WATCHES «*aioeo otoleectoa to Stoel nad I . . TABLE LINEN. Characters MORBNAl4 & Co.» General Merchants. lu Plain, Chased, Eiiainalled, or Riclily Jew jllel Cas.s, 5B par oaoL Badaetiu i . th . prioet M ow NOTICE. RINGS. ■LMCTSIC LM Ur MATBHIAL. o t ic e is hereby given that I have con- rpHE Largest Asaortmeut of Eug^ement, CTONE ENGRAVING— We have secured INSPECTIONJIN VITED. DynunoaiaraucliahM ------Sa M traoted to purchase from THAKAR OOKALDASS the services of an Excellent Stone Engraver and Do. fiWioiwdraee.tliidlt. .... — . M KARAMSlN all that piece of GovernmcDt Land together X Keeper, Presentation, and Wedding Rings in are now taking order i for Signet-rings with Crest, Mono- with the messuage, teaemant, or dweiliag-houso, here* Western India. ram, and other devices cut on in best style.-M ARCKS ft ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST FREE. __ *S ditaments, and premises atandiog thereoo, sltuntc at 0., Ld., Jewellers, ftc * Bombay and Poona. ____ tlraaLfiraltoM Mulharao iStreet,without the Fort of Bombav* iu the regiS' Also a fine stock of LoosejDiamonds, Rubies, g Cirall. power, trara ihl 1 to lu . I oooh. tratiOD sub-district of Bomba/, containing by admeasure- Sapphires, Emeralds, &c., for selection, from which In.iil.tfd w u . u d cable, ( n a I u u pra *rad. meat 203 square yards or thereabouts, registered by the Rings can be made up at two days’ notice. nOOR’S STEAM LAUNCH RUNS to INDIAN D.ICTIUU LIGHT Go, Lo. Collector of Land Revenue under old No. 19, new No. 119. V / BLEPHANTAat frequent intervals. It has been aud new durvoy No. 175, and assessed by the Municipal specially fitted op for Piooios* and is available for private i MARCKS & COMPANY. L d F. FiacaiB B ft Oo. Oomtniasioner under ward No. Hll and Street No 11, and parties.—Apply to THOd. COOK and SON. j bounded on tlie east by the Mulharao Street aforesaid, MARCK s T Co ., Ld., on the west and south by the property of the General BOMBAY, 43, Esplantde Roid, oppo.slte tlie Cloak Tower. .Assembly’s Institution, and on the north partly by the OPPOSITE THE CLOCK TOWER, IVTAOLEAN’S QUIOE to BOMBAY, aad ! SEW INVENTION IN ELECTRICITy. Mulharao Street, aforesaid and partly by 1 ho property of BOMBAY. i.vJL BOMBAY DIRECTORY for 1888. Cloth bound, j Nanusha Jugusha, and which said awelling-house and Ra. 5. postage. 4 annas. POON A, 11, Arsenal Road, opposite the Napier Hotel. GASSNER’S IMPROVED DEV CELLS. „ premises are now in the occupation of the iisoants of the O CHEMICALS, m> Uqnids, no d t y i « said Vendor. AU persons having any claim upon the coRuiu or ereutaff! N. ciM ur vraura/T! above property by way of sale, mortgage, gift, inheritance, EARSE*S MACHINE-MADE BREAD as NNewnelli Aiww*nuylhrnR«ve.i(attiatw.. , _ lease, or otherwise are required to make known the same P supplied to (Government House. Please send orders O il. M*pU.d t . th« Ouraai Pm Omoa L m / u . t> MM in writing within 11 days from the date hereof to the to 7. CHURCH GATE STREET. ALCOCK, ASHDOWN & CO.. LD., ram iara. Undersigned at his shop, situate at the Shaik Memon GRINDLAY GROOM & Co.—BOMBAY. Street, house No. 517, opposite tlie MaIJi Jetha New Cloth ENGINEERS, BOILESR-MAKBRS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Apviy Mr drcaMr. Market, out of Fort, Bombay, otherwise the sale will be UST OPENED.-COLORED OTTOMAN F. rUeUX K tt Om^ .'ompletcd without reference to any such claim. Dated GRINDLAY & Co.—CALCUTTA. SILKS, beautifully Soft Texture* in the NEWEST SM. o«UU (hr r " 2>ih May 1-^, andJ most FASHIONABLE Shades, at Mrs. TAYLOR’S, SHIP AND MILL.WRIOHTS. URRENT ACCOUNTS kept. No Cohmis - Milliner and Uressmuker, 25. Medows Street, Bombay. C siox charged. I xtbbbst allowed at 2 pet /CONTRACTORS for the supply of Machinery and erection of Buildings for (Jotton, PAPER tlLAKING MACHINERY. ______f-.e., HAMJX BHUGVYAN SONI cent, per annum on the minimum monthly balance r^YCLOSTYJiBS (Gerstetner’s patent). Prints I f ”• “XT' when not under Ra. 1,000. A ccouhts rendered V-/ on a slabSt inobee by 6 inoUea. Very useful for • FIOUT* SugET) Oil Mills* DlstlUdndS* i » BERTRAMS UM iTED .' GREAT INDIAN PENINSULA RAILWAY. half-yearly up to 30th June and 31st Decem^r. printing oirouiats* etc. Price. Rs. 15. To bo had at the i Manttlactorers of all kiads of Cast aad w ro o g lit Iron Work of the beaviost descriptioo^ OHnquB and P ass Books famished. Govben - ^ ------Cotton Presses aad Hydraulic Machinery, Mill and Rope Qearing* Ornamental Gastinzs, KsnMATES AND DR.kWINGS SUPPUBD. NOTICE. icENT C ubebhct N otks of any circle of p^m ent TUST opened a Fine Selection of Fancy Road Rollers, &c. Wh^ls made by Machinery up to 4 feet diameter. Cutters made for -I'-iSO ENGINES AND BOILERS and approved Chsoues on Calcutta and Madras - Serge Coating, Fancy Angolsa, Block and Brown ALTERATIONS OF TRAINS. received at par. CnsquES on LoxDoir cashed or Felt Hate, Tweed Hate and Cape, &c., prices most , WheM-cutting Machines. , . i.ij,,. F. FISCHER A C m N and after SATURDAY next, the First sent for collection. moderate.—30HN MAHOMBD & Co., Tailors and General ' To enable ns to meet all Engineering and Trade requirements we nave lately added to out of June, until further notice, the following altera- OntOtters, 16. Meadows Street, Bombay. i Works some of the largest and heaviest 'Tools in India, and greatly extended our Foundry, tioosO o^ aad additions to, the Paasenger Train Service PAY and PENSIONS realised free of charge over this Railway will take etfeot, namely i We are also prepared to furnUh designs for Bridges, Girders, Hoofs, &c., and to manufacture LONG JOHNS BEN NEVIS WHISKY. FIRST.—The Down Passenger Train from Bombay to except when under guarantee to Government. \X rA S H IN G SILK TIES.—A rich assort- Jabalpur at 7-30 a.m., will leave at 8-30 a.m.. and will ▼ ▼ m mt White Cream and neat light Patterne. Ck».. and erect same in any part ot India, NO BLEND, A PCRE WHI3KV WARRANTED. arrive at Jabalpur at 5 p.m., instead of at i p.m., on tlie and Fashionable, Rs. 2,—BADHAM, PILE ft Co.. Ld. i TRADE MARK. followiag day. S C O T T & M.R.O.V.8. Bombay. 5 YEARS IN BC^U^ P O y r FROM THR SECOND.—The Down Passenger Train now leaving Co., i m vvr.xT-n ______, ^ THE ONLY BEsT Bombay at l-O p.m. for Nagpur will leave at 3-30 p.m., and VETERINARY A GREAT WANT will arrive at Nagpur at 9-50 p.m instead ' of at ' 7-30 p m. SURGEONS. HOTOS by FRED. AHRLE are unequalled EVER OFFERED on the following day. P in Finish, and are made of the best m ttoriala obtain­ SUPPLIED! V alvo lin E LUBRICANT! THB MUST IMPOKTAMT AND FAVOBITR BRAND THIRD.—T1i9 Down Jabalpur Mall Train, which now trO RSB EXAMINATION CERTIFICATES, able. and they ore reasonably priced. Sl'UDlG, Esploiui^e IN aCOTLANO. leaves Bombay at 6-30 p m., will start instead at 10 p.m., A.X Bs. 10; Examination and Vertial Opinion, Rs, 5 Road opposite Bombay Club. and will arrive at Jabalpur at 11-20 the next eveniDg, Horses standing at Uvery on Oommlsslon sale, Bs. 35 Sole Agents for Messrs. Leonard & Ellis’ Celebrated ValvMine Oils for Cylindws and Bk SI *erdora-Dia(X)CXT TO DRALEB3. ler month, iaolnding norse-keeper. Commission on instead of as at present at 9-50. lorses bought and solC Bs. 17. Up.ooaQtry oommtsslons ERRIER JOUET “B ” BRAND CHAM- F. FISCHER A Co, A«uM. FOUR'L'H.—The North-East Down Mixed Train from towards bn^ng and selling of horses will meet oar best Machinery. Kalyan will leave at 1-0 s.m., instead of at 2 a.m.. will attention. Horses broken to eingle and doable harness P PAGNK io Magnums, Quarts and Pints.—Apply to For Dowuie’s “ Encalyptas,” Boiler Floid, for preventing and removing Scale in Boilers. arrive at Bbusawal at 7-10 the same evening, leave at 7-15 in the yard. Single, Bs. 15 ; doiible, Bs. SO. The Horse­ LYON ft Co., Sole Agents. BBEADALBANE the next morning, and will reach Jabalpur at 5-^, instead shoeing Forge under the management of a thoroughly „ Messrs. Wormald & Co.’s Fibrous Non-conducting (llomposiluan for covering Steam of 6-10 on the morning of the Third Day. iroetloal English Farrier and every class of shoeing UINNESS’ STOUT, bottled by T. P., CREAM RCOICH WHISKT. FIFTH.—'i'lic Up Mail Train which now leaves Jabalpur lone Boilers and Pipes. iit G-10, will leave instead at 4-50 in the morniog, and will Griffin & Ck>., London, as supplied to the P. and O. £10,000 GIVES AWAT TO BOTSRS OF A nOTTLS. arrive in Bombay at 7, Instead of at 0-15 on the following Steamers.G Bombay Agents Phipson ft Co. „ The Climax Motor, for Baird’s Sight-feed Lubricators. morning Also Plate, Bar, and Angle Iron of the largest sections. Diamond, Silver and other Steel, Ilhiimiil hyAM s. PragiuaB aad Co., Glaifaw. SIXTH.—Tlic Up Passenger Train now leaving Jabal­ THE NEW LAND REVENUE POLICY OF pur at 9-30 in tlie morning, will leave instead at 10-15 at '^PHB MANAGER, VICTORIA NATURAL u d Engineers’ Requisites of all descriptions kept in stock. Partioalaa b r a all Wiaa Marnlunta. Storaktapai^ night, and will arrive iu Bombay at 11-30 in the morning p?3t “<5 S For Sale-G Jfow ays and Cochrane’s BoUers, Shank’s Engines, Contractors’ Pumps I'id all on the third day, instead of at 7-30 the next evening. THE BOMBAY GOVERNMENT. ' and Spirit Dmlr a SEVENTH.—The Up Mixed Train from Jabalpur at P. FISCHER * Co, Baraba*. p.m. will start at 7-0 a,m., will arrive at Bhusawal at 0*45 a.m., leave at 10-30 a.m., and will arrive at Kalyan TAXATION OF SUBSOIL WATER at 3-15 on the morning of the third day. AT XHB ------! WORKS AND OFFICES. DEFENCES WORKS, AIAZAGON ; NEWEST FANCJY STATIONERY EIGHTH.—The Up Passenger Train which now loaves N a^iir at 6-55 a.m., will leave at 7-5 a.m., and will arrive OR SALK—DEMY EXPRESS LITHO- AND BRANCH FACTORY, CARNAC IRON WORKS, JUST ARRIVED FROM LONDON. jit Bnusawal at 6-2', instead of at 6-40, the same evening, FORTHCOMING REVISION SETTLEMENTS F by Meoars. 'rills Train will stop at Bhusawal instead of running Fornival ft Go-, Loudon, fitted iKth recent improvement NEAR CARNAC BRIDGE. throuak to Bomb^. IN GUJARAT, and two sets of lioUera, oomplete. Steam or hand. For NIN'I'H.—The Up Pass nger Train from Nagpur at 4 partioalars.ftc.. apply to oare of Bombav p.m.. will leave at 6-30 p.m., reaching Bimsawal at 6-15. BSINQ OazetU Office. l^om bau (gazette (Office instead of at 4, the next moruiug. It will leave Bliusawul at 6-t5 a.m., and arrive in Bombay at 9 the same REPRINT OF ARTICLES AND LEXTERS ALCOCK. ASHDOWN & HEPWORTH, evening. RINGING AND PIANO taught by a Lady 16, ESPLANADE, ALBERT BUILDINGS. 'ri'JNTH.—The Down Poona Pa^sengn* Trains now leav’- OHIEFLY PROM THE BOMBAr GAZETTE. .O _ trained______under the ______beat French ___ end ItalianItalian Masters. SECRET VRIES AND MANAGERS. Ing Bombay at 8-0 a.m., il-O a.m., 10-0 p.m . and 11-30 p.m., For terms, apply to Messrs. SOUMDY and Oo.» K»iniMArt ■a a will leave instead at 7-30 a.m., 10-30 a.m., 12-15 noon, and WITH How. 5-0 p.m., and will arrive al Poona at 2-30, 4-15, 6-15* and Oaavaa Note and Envalopeo, A qa llty a*aara..*..aara.-a.wa-wa ••»..•••• 1 10-45 p.m., respectively. Appendix oontaiaiog the Resolatioua of the h e CHURCH OF ENGLAND LIFE NOTICE. HOT WSATHEB RETREAT. ELEVENTH.—The Up Passenger Trains which now A36URANCB INSTITUTION, offers ipeoUl ad- M m m B w leave Poona at 9-30 a.m.* 12-30 p.m., it) 0 p.m., and 11-30 Bombay Goverumeut* dated the 26th March T ... JOSEPH MEYER MOSES has been HANDALLA HOTEL, Khandalla, and Caliaa Note and Eewiinpea....*™.-. p.m. will leave at 7-30 a.m.. 10-0 a.m., 12-^ p.m., and 50 vantages to clergymen anl members of the Scholastic AUTHORIZED to SIGN oar firm fromtUadate. p.m.* and will aivive In Bombay at 2-30, 4-30, 6 30. and 10-45 and 23th July, IS8I* respectively. profesdon. Apply to the Agents, Messrs. C. H.. B. M - h K IGUTPCRI HOTEL, IgatpnrL | Brawn Holland M ra and Envaiapaa p m rcsnectively FORBES* ft Co., ffiphins ' arrive at Sholapur at 7-35 instead of at 5-15 the same POLICIES daring the Past year. Reduced Ratee for India. rpH B CHAIR OF in the above gh .n a .n . u d IgatporL evening. GRATEFUL—COMFOKTING. X insUtation to now VACANT* and appUcotlons trim FOURTEENTH.—The Up Passenger Train from .Shola­ ASSAGES BOOKED to the CONTINENT aoalified to flU the some will t e reoeivte by pur at 7-30 a.m. will arrive at Poona at 3-45, instead of at and ENGLAND, 1st olaaa, from Ra. 250 to MO. NO the Undersigned up tc the KXh June l£te. i^plicanto FOR SALE 4 the same afternoon. EPPS ’S~C O C O' a . COMMISSIONP OUAROED. IntormaUon freely given, ohould state terms. Jnat n feat Word/* Carviiprrailinai FIFTEENTH.—The Down Passangcr Train from Dliond to WILUAM WATSON (c Co., 28, ApoUoetrMt, CBAMPAKLAL MANBCKLAL* AT at 2-55 a.m. will leave at 2-50 a.m., and will arrive at Mun- Honorary Secretary. mar at 10-5, instead of at 10-45 a.m. Managing fioord, Sanialdas College. CUMMU JAPPER SULLIMAN’S BAZAAR. SIXTEENTH.—The Up Passenger Train leaving Mun BREAKFAST, Tunaa Camapondanoa .... mar at 3 a.m. will leave instead at 5-30 a m., reaching Bhavnogor* IStb May 1888. Boyal Haiiiay Cormpandan Dhond at 12-45 p.m. instead of at 11 a.m. ** By i\ thorough knowledge of the natural lawa wniob NOTES UST LANDED an English-built brand new SEVENTEENTH.—The 12-30 midday Up Mixed Train govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a Canoe-shaped LANDAU with patent hood dfFCloekCi from Munmar will start at 12-15 midday, but will arrive at ooreful applioation ot the fine propertiei of weli-seleoted ORIENTAL LIFE OFFICE. J Cindarda Dhond at 946 p.m.. as at present. Ooooa, Mr. Bpps has provided our breexfast tables with a ON A brand new EngUah-mada VICTOEIA, by Lawia EIGHTEENTH.—The Local Trains now running be­ delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many /COMPARATIVE Statement of New Bosi- Tockar ot Saliabary. tween Bombay and Coorla, Tanna, and Kalyan will he re­ heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Jndioious use of sooh ness received during the years 1887 and 18S8 Cizoalar-bocRad aiaiatare BBODOHAMS, by Wat- vised. ortiofes of diet that a oonstltuUan may be gradually built NINETEENTH.—The Mixed Trains over the Kbam- up until strong enongh to resist every tendency to disease. INDIAN LAND REVENUE. ■on of Lowaataft. gaonand the Amraoti Branches will bo altered so as to Hundreds of subtle maladies ore floating around us, rtedy KnilRlCR AND amount OF PRO- . Some Dinner and Deam t Sarvioa Sate, and a few nt in with tho altered rnaning of the Main Line Trains. to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape P06ALS RRUKTVED. ‘ Gram and O ira MACHINES. AU other Trains over the Great Indian Pooinsula, the many a f o ^ shAft by keeping ooznelves wellfortlfled FOR PRINCIPLE AND SOUND Dhond and Munmar, tlio Khamgaon, and the Amraoti with nre blood and a properly nourished frame.*—See YEARS. (State) Bailways will continue to run as at present. artlole of the OivU Hervwe waSeUe* POLICY, ON COMMISSION SALE. 2, The Through Trains which start before the first of Numter* flmwnt June, but are dne to arrive at their destinations on or Mode simply with botUng wate or milk. Digitized with financial assistance from theThe property of a gaatiamaa leaviag Bombay after that day wUl run through at the times as at present S•», Ahnaehee ; Hensaro (§), London._^ Tester- t^o Wraee lads* and a bnmoroaa account of a voy^fo Beresford, Brigadier-General Lnok,Lady Colleton, Major- Armenia s—100 cases wine, W and A Graham and Co.; Stitior . J >-«OhaiidE fa), and Kohinur (s), from Oaloutta. in which several styles of eingicg were Imitated in a General and the Misses Ellis, Colonel and the Misses 105 oases whisky, £ Bezonjee ; 140 c a ^ whit* 'TiM Em aaiLEo.—The following vessels sailed on the ^ moet amnsing manner by Mr. W. Mayers. This gentle- P 0 Shroff; 60 oases whisky and 45 cases e § 2diA :—Patna (s), for Oalcntta.. Ao.; Lombardy (a), Pemberton, Colonel Dean, Colonel and Mrs. Gatacre. ' man possesss marvellons powers of mimicry, and made Colonel Sir James Brown, K.C.S.I., Colonel Ardagh, wine, J Nowrojee ; 30 cases wine and 25 caars c 1.3 l l and Coromandel (s), China. On the 25th:—Amphi- the audience roar with laughter. He also sang two whisky, P 3Iaoeokji; 150 cases whisky, D Co- trite (•), for Aden and Trieste ; Niobe (a), Calcutta, Colonel Woodtborp, Major Hamilton, A.-D.-O., Mr. and 2 2 a ^ 3 songs, “ White Wings” and “ The Shamrock.** The Mrs. A. Apear of Calontta, Colonel Brown, Ao. Besides wasjee. 00 Ao .; and I. M. S. Lawrence, Kurraehee. Tester- other songs were well rendered and much appreciated. :—A ran (.}, for Uaraellleii. these peraonagea the pavilion was well filled with the Lanarco a—15 hogsheads stout. The Bombay Jo, I The pianoforte trio and duct with violin accompani- elite of Simla, ar:d aa the station is daily filling with Arabia a—30 cases whisky, Cutler Palmer and Co. \ ment were well ezecutsd and applauded. Miss J. Delhi new arrivals for the Birthday Ball, which takes place F bov London . Agra Paiaca’a Dock .—The s. a. Bi.hop.gate entered, and Baker deserves special mention for playing all the on the 30bh May, there were a largo number of ladies Kangra s—4 packages stationery, N Abdoolally* Allahabad -.29*755 + -072 + *< the a> a- Drnmfell and Lyoia left the dock on Friday. ‘ piano acoompaoiments to the nomerons songs and for last Saturday at Annandale, and some very handsome ' a well-executed and difficult solo for the pianoforte. Dago B—16 cases plate gloss, J Adamji; 101 cases Jhansi I costumes worn on the occasion, which would be im­ old tom, D Cowasji. Jaoobabad 29-706 + *088 + *068 B. B. AND 0 . 1. R ailwat ,—>The decrease in the ton* The recitations by Mr. J. Anistie were very good. possible to describe. The events of the day included Mr. B. A. Harris and all who assisted in getting up Amarapoors •—26 packages writing ink, Ritchie Karachi 29*712 + -084 + -OGl aagein goods traffio on the B. B. and 0 . 1. Bailtray Tilting at the Bing by ladies, and a Needle and Thread Stenart and Co ; 8 caves plate glass, S Eesajl. A j mere 29-800+ *096.+ *0^ for the week ending 4th May 1889, was 93,511 mannda the concert are to be oongratnlated on the success of Baoe for gentlemen. T^e former was won by Miss Alhena s—25 packages empty eoda water bottles, and the increase in money Bs. 28,495. I the entertainment. The admission fee-^^eight aunas— MaoNaughton, who has, for two gymkhanas running, included tea ai^d cakes. Morrison and Co. Deesa 29 781 —•069 + *043 carried off the prize, and the latter race, a very amus­ Coromandel s—2 oases books, Cooper Madon and Go. Bajkot. 29*749 + *006 + *024 ToBTDtiNO Bollocks .—Nsrayen Wittoo, a cart* ing one was won by Colonel Gatacre, who, although he 12 oases books, Thacker and Co. ; 15 oases books, Neemuch 29*796 drirer, was on Saturday charged before Mr. C. P. THE NATIVE PRESS. ran fourth in the race, was the first one to produce bis eto-, Sodder and Co.; 3 oases books, The Bombay Indore 29*790 + •U'2l> *035 Cooper with ornelly torturing hie bnllocka at Colaba needle and thread, the others having dropped theirs Tract and Book Society ; 4 coses lavender water, Sangor 29*786 + *032 + *058 on 'Knreday last. He was oonricted and fined Rs. 7. PABSIS AND THE CONGRESS. on the way. A totalisator was on the ground, and did C Dadabhoy. Jnbbnlpore 29-754 + *036^+ *051 T he Congress has little to fear from its adversaries, a very brisk business. Besides this Mr. B. Hotz, the Peshawar s—18 cases wine and 1 pancheon cognac, Hoshangabad... Y ictobu Dock .—The s. a. Niobe, Teheran, City of European or Native, writes the Indian Spectator, The photographer at Simla, had his insiantaneons camera Cutler Palmer and Co. Khandva 29*800 + *032: Carthage, and Ponani entered^ and the s. s. Nerbndda withdrawal of Pars! sympathy is not likely to affect it on the grounds, and took several views of the different Peoinsnlar s—4 cases claret, Cutler Palmer and Co. Raipnr left the dock on Thursday. The s. s. Oriental entered, much. Bot if it be true that its leading spirits are events as they were run for. Ganges s—10 oases champagne, Cutler Palmer and Co. Nagpnr 29*766 + *037,+ *074 N N W and the s. s. Lombardy and Ooromandol left it on averse to, or afraid of, general progress, the move­ The Viceregal Staff with their usual courtesy, had Thames a—4 oases claret, Cutler Palmer and Co. Amraoti 29 780 + *003 Friday. ment is bound to miscarry. Self-advancement is marquee on the ground to which their friends were Pekin s-r-lS cases wine and 8 cases cognac, Cutler impoBvible without self-improvement preceding it. invited. The starting for the day was done by Major Palmer and Co. S epobtbd Tubft .—Waljee Jewa, a cloth merchant, Even speaking selfishly, the few who seek the former Bidgeway, Y.C., assisted by Mr. Thompson, and the Iniahowen Head s—9 oases claret. Cutler Palmer and AkoU reports the theft of a case of piece-goods from the most strive hard for the latter condition in the case duty as judge undertaken by Major Anderson, and there Co. Sarat 29*846 + *027 eomponod in front of bis godown at Marwaree Bazaar of the many, granting that the few themselves are was no hitch or accident of any kind.— F boic Antwerp . Malegoon 29*834+ *009 an the rise h \t bsxa alight hat ragalar, tion from God P’ and not as was stated, and the began the heart-rending wails over the misfortune of national game of the Anglo-Indian ; third, the seeming wool. G Toolseedas ; 50 bales cotton, Roberts and and on the Coromandel Coast there has been a slight fall. remarks attributed to various speakers are generally the Bombay operative. The Lancashire heart was impossibility of members giving the time to the game ; Bros; 400 bales cotton. Gaddnm Bythell and Wind direotions and velocities remain nearly nnaltered, the proraUing wiaLi tariag wM*arly msd aerth- challenged by Mr. Sqnires, who does not, however, far- stirred by the thought of the poor native working last, bat not least, the little interest taken In it by the Co; 6^ bales wool, M Jaitba. westerly. At Colombo the wind is WNV7 and below the averse. nttii ns with an antbentio version of the proceedings. himself oat of life in a crowded, insanitary building, non-cricketing community. The last drawback we i Armenia s—138 bales hemp. D Bbimjee and Co ; Temperature has fallen slightly at most statims, but AlUhtbal, Jaoibibol. Rtjkit, Nae nooh, Sangor, and it was given out that the labourers are oom- hope to see soon removed. For the fair sex has began ' 1.000 cwts myrabolams. E Oomersey ; 200 bales Poona, Belganm, Karwar, and 6 stations in the Paoiosaia and Ceylon report rises. The lugheet lem per^ura polled by the tyrannical capitalists to work on hemp, D Chngunlal ; 2,000 cwts wheat, Sanday report^ is 106*2 ^ at Masulipatam an I 3 other stations over lil3 ^ . Ooncbbt at the S eamen ’s I nstitute .—The seamen to appreciate cricket’s charms. In the near futore j present aeh ore in Bombay had a rare treat afforded for a fabulonsly long time without intermission. we shall, no donbt, see annual matches “ Gentlemen ' and C o. Hnmidity has not altwed maoh la Northern InlU or the Peaiasala, bat at Cjlnia'm it has fallen from 79 them on Saturday evening, a concert, in which many Whatever the outcome of agitations like these, we are vs. Ladies,” (on. ferns); instead of the monoto-' Idar 8—20 bales ootton, J Narranjee ; 3 bales cotton, to 65, and the sky there also is no longer overcast. At other stations I’leod remains mneh abmt the same, bat of onr most not^ local ar^ateura appeared, taking sure they are in the end bound to disappoint the hopes nous “ Gentlemen vs. Players ’* or ** Civil v$, MUi- | and 24 bales hemp, G N arpnt; 200 bales wool, G has increased greatly on the Malabar Coast. plaM in the Seamen’s lostitate. Prince’s Dock. Mrs. of those who have originated them. The laxity in the tary.” But now, to turn from prophecies to realities. Toolseedas; 48 bales wool, K Kooshall; 1,100 There has been an inch of rkin at Cochin an l a hetvy shovw a*. Oj*st. while .VllahabaJ, Karachi, Smith appeared and sang one or two songs, and the manner of work in our mills is proverbial, and there is U ndoubbedly the strength of Indian cricket lies in | bales cotton, Killick, Nixon and Go ; 200 bales Neemnob. Indore, Goa, Karwar, Calicut, and Colombo repc.rt slight showers. already much waste of time and money arising from its batting. As with the uinateurs in England, so with ' ootton, E Spinner and Co. gentlemen who lent their services were Mr. Andersen S. HUTCHINSON, Clarke, Mr. Thelenberg, Mr. PurviB, Mr. T. S. Pun- it. The native merchant is not by himself vigorons. us here. Efowlers wanted” is the universal cry. City of C artb^^ s—906 owts myrabolnms, J Essa ; nett, and Mr. T. Stephenson, elocntionist. Mr. Pillow Bat if he be helped by the agitation of Lancashire he The two big Clnbs, as everybo iy knows, are the Oal- 250 bales ootton, Lyon and Co ; 4,017 cwts linseed, Mmeorological Reporter for Wsetern Isdia. officiated as accompanist on the piano. will see that he has been committing a mistake all ontta C. C. and the Ballyganj C. C. A strong combi­ and 4,500 cwts wheat, Balli Bn>8* along. He will discover all the loopholes that are in nation was got together last winter nnder the name of For London . his system, and enforce greater regularity and steadt- A Double Ohabge .—Dajee Cbimajee was on Satur­ the Armenian C. C. The Howrah C. C. also played Clan Macdonald s—275 bales cotton, Killick Nixon SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. neas on his workmen. And the wakefnlnesa of the a few matohes. The schools in India, and particnlarly and Co ; 11 casks ehntnees, Framjee Nowrojee day charged before Mr. 0. P. Cooper on two Indian capitalist will be more harmful to Lancashire separate charges of theft of property consisting of a those in Calcutta, nnlike English schools, supply very 13 casks pickles and ohntnees, D P Batba and than his present sleepy state. If Lancashire wilt agi­ little, if any cricket material. Any person who has Co ; 20 hogsheads ohntnees, Aldridge Salmon, T he B i S N Go’s b s Bnsheer, 539 tons, Captain cotton sheet valued at 8 annas, the property of Shree- tate,it will,indeed, receive a rnde awakening in the end. T W Lewies, arrived in harbour on Saturday from ARRIVALS.—M at 24. dur Pandoorung, residing at Gaiwady, and a brass with any iuterest watched the cricket of the schools and Co ; 20 cwts gum arable, M Nansey ; 5 bales Heath, Major. Bo, D 3. on farUtogh, from Abo. in Oaloutta, can testify that none of them have devel­ tanned bides, Cursetji Jehaogtr and Co ; 15 owts Marmagao. with a general cargo and 12 deck pas­ vessels valued at 6 annas, the property of Marooti sengers. Walker, Col, Ms. 4ch Cav U C, m forloagh, from Balloo, residing at the same locality^ The accused, STEPHENS HOWARD AGAIN oped beyond third*rate form. The fact that the myrabolams, R Poonja ; 6 bales tanned skins Mominabad. , school from Darjiling defeated the combined schools E Gamjee and Co ; 400 bales cotton, Lyon and T he B 1 S N Go’s s a Henzada, 1,354 tons. Captain after stealing the property, went and pledged the COMMITTED. Avem, arrived in harbour on Saturday evening Mat 23. artmles with a Marwarree, from whom the stolen by an innings and abont 50 runs speaks for itself. Co ; 55 bales ootton, D Sassoon and Co ; 10,000 Mitchell, Captain. IlthBj Inf, on prlv leave, The Calontta 0. 0.* indispatably the beat Club, pos­ dholla coir yarn, A Mahadeo ; 2,001 owts my' from London with a general cargo and one saloon articles were snbseqaently recovered by the police. During the hearing of a charge oflibelling Mr. Galla­ passenger. from Bbaj. The aoonaed waa convicted and sentenced to three sesses some very fine batsmen, but the bowling is not rabolnms. J Essa; 40 cwts gum arable, H Patterson, Sarg.-oa-Mtjor, Bl, Med St*ff. on gen! gher, late of the Deccan Times, Stephens Howard alias good. Two teams invaded us last winter, and between I^lljee d'- Co; 0 cwts gam arable, G Nnrpnt; Thx Aostro-Iluagarian Lloyd’s S N Go’s a s .\m- months’ rigorous imprisonment on both the charges. Clive Durant at Secunderabad last week in bis defence phitrite, 2,485 tons. Captain L Lemessich. sailed on leave, fr>m Rtiml Pindi. them played six matches, none of which were lost. 110 cwts gam arable, D Chognnlal ; 150 bales Beatty, Col, Ms, R E, on retirement, fram Coimbatore. went on to say (says the Deccan Times) that in re- Both the big matches with the Calcutta C. C. ootton. Ritchie Stewart and Co ; 200 owts linseed Saturday at 1 p.m. for Aden an I Trieste with a Thb Effeois of Dsink .—An inqneat waa held by the m ito corners of the Empire like this tb'it iojustioe and general cargo and Major Heath and Mr TouSet as Stevens, Capr, Ms, 4:h M Piooeers, on farloogh, fram Coroner on Saturday at the Gocaldaa Tejpal Hoapital looked forward to with eagerness were drawn, the casks, H. Doosa; 1,700 dholla ooir yam, R. Madras. wrong are done, as they have been done and especially one against the Behar Wanderers resulting in a Amerchund ; 9 bales tanned skins, M Faznt and passengers. respecting the death of Jeevnn Doolub, aged 40 yeara. by the Residency O'ficlals. The Coart here checked The B I S N Co’s s s Oriental, 038 tone. Captain Rivett'CAmai', Capi, BS, West Riling R'g:. o 3 doty, Deceased waa a shoemaker and lived at Chuoam Kiln moral victory for onr visitors, time alone saving Co ; 05 owts gnm arabic, 3 Dattoo; 56 cwts from Meerut. Mr. Durant for making these remarks when Mr. the Club from defeat. In the most popnlar ananal gnm arabio, Y. Essajee; 192 cwts cottonfiy, J Forbes, waa cleared on Saturday for Marmagao, Ac., Road. Ho waa an habitual drunkard, and spent all Durant defiantly asked the Court to commit him for with a general oargo and Mr M K Wasoy aa cabin UEPAU rUUEj.-U4V 21. hie money on liquor. Deceased was found lying drunk match Calontta C. C. vs. United Services, now snb* B Spinner and Co; 23 cwts peacock feathers contempt. On his repsatiog this the Court remarked stituted for the Civil vs. Military match of past years, and 72 owts gam arabic. Baboolbhoy Boga. and 27 deck passengers. Yibart, Maj, Bo, R A, on lanve, to Matberan. at Lohac Street and in an nnoonsoions state. He wae that it would not commit him for con'empt nnless it T he Aastro-Hangarian Lloyd’s S N Go’s 8 a Niobo, lemoved by the police to the hoapital. where be re­ the Club snffered a hollow defeat. There ,was no C. Clyde s.—65 cwts gam arable, N Mowjee ; 4 bales silk thought he bad been guilty of it. Mr. Durant then said Mitchell to help the Club with his century, while on 1 waste, D Damodber; 4,000 owts castorseed, 855 tons, Captain T Hasowitch. sailed on Saturday May 24. mained nnoonsoioua up to the time of his death, which to the jury : Gontlemou,—You see the spirit in which evening for Calcutta via Colombo and Madras, with a Charohili, Cape, Ms, R A, on promotion, to England. ooourred two and a half hours after admission. The the other side, the Military crack who in the match I Beyta Craig and Co ; 1 case embroidered silks, M this trial is conducted, Mr. Durant had been frequent­ was obliged to play against his Club was in marvel- ; Ynzeersing; 57 cwts olibanum, N Damjee; 70 general cargo and 6 deck passengers. Hensley, Lieut,B j, 2nd Dublin Fas, en medica: cer­ Tordiot waa that the death of Jeevun Doolub was caused ly warned by the Court that morniug against The Asiatic S N Co’s a a Kohtnar, 1,935 tons. Cap­ tificate, to England. by OKoeasive drinking. lous form. Turning to the doings of individnal ! cwts gnm arabio. W Gamjee; 52 owts gnm arabio. making remarks reflecting on the bench, and the players, Captain Rawlinson, the Clifton crack towers > 2,000 lbs. mace, 2 cwts rampntree and 22 cwts tain J Bollock, arrived in harbonr yesterday morning Painter, Lient, Bo, R E, on priv leave, lo Cevlon. Court ordered him to be removed in custody. The from Calcutta and Coast Ports, with a general cargo Shop -uptino .—A Hindoo lad named Xarayon head and ehonldera above the rest on the batting fishmaws, B Sajun. Mat 25. Court noted that Mr. Durant’s manner all the morn­ table, with the splendid average of abont 64 runs. | and Hr. James Danagh as saloon passenger from Heath, Mij, Bo, D ^taS, on forlough, to England. Hnrjeevun, who only recently left the Sassoon Kefor- F or Mabsbilles . ^ matory after serving four years there, was on Saturday ing had been most objectionable and offensive towards After him longo intervallo comes F. T. Paine. His Alleppey. Mitobell, Lieut, B>, 14:h Inf, on priv lenve. the bench, and nob only that morning bat on many form with the bat last winter is a great improvement Arara s.—500 owts oastoreeed. E D Sassoon and Co The B 1 S N Go’s s s Chanda, 305 tons. Captain to Matbaran. charged by Inspeotor Jones before Mr. P. Ryan with previous occasions in the course of this trial he had 4,997 owts poppyseed, .1,395 cwts teelseed, 2,008 J R Gavin, arrived in harbour yesterday morning from atealiog a woodsn oash-box containing Rs. l-l in on anything he has shown before. O. J. G. Patterson | owts linseed, 1,999 owts gronndnnts, and 2.000 Sexton, C(d. Bo Staff Corps, to reside oot of India. been repeatedly warned. The Court then adjourned comes next. He played in consistently good form last Catcotta and Coast Porte with a general cargo ao

SALES BY AUCTION. DR. F. B. SEERVAI, .tie bnsiness has transinted on any line, 1041 is quoted nominally for 4} per cents. Mvices of the local manieipalitiaB in A s enose than Buallilad bv GOMMEItGUt UITELLIGENGE of anmt^oQ should heve synchronised with B N B B 8 B COMPANY. SUEGBON DBNTIST. Saanns.—There has been a U tde m<»e dmng ffities poipataatad W E a g U aahadl h~^ aiK M LATUBDAY EVENING, Uav 25. in Mill shares to-day, and we note the following an eqi^y strong determination that the ro- cMlaetod I 1 7 Ur. R J. o S v in t«o aiSte THURSDAY, the30th instaot Messrs. MBNB3SR changes in that scrip :^ ^n een Mill Shares sre veune iutnecto derived from octroi should be JQamentnry School U b iMLm§mm’t " and do. will hold their usual WeoJclY Auction Sale at NO. a H O B N B Y BOW, Takino up the thread of tel^raphic advices their rooms of a quantity of grey and coloured pi^e-goods, where it was broken by the holiday on Thursday, Rs. 30 higher, at Rs. 940 ; Hindostan are Rs. 15 up, given .np, and the foods supplied by direct sing. It was not on Indian twist* fcc . Opposite the Bombay General Poet Office, at Rs. 840 ; and Framji Petit are Rs. 10 h ig b t, a t taxation. An enamwation of the growing 6 bales table cloth. ' we have to chronicle a decline of i pec cent, in Enrich n jnp il tonohar, 4 ,» white handkerohieyee. Rs. 640. On the other hand, Bombay United burdens on the mnnicipalitim gives force to w l^a civil war might be WMla down “A 3 oases white mulls. Consols in London on that day, at 99. Silver re­ are Rs. 25 lower, at Rs. 750 ; Southern Mahtatts the observations of the Commisrioam. Yet, 1 „ shirtings. AMERICAN DENTAL ROOM#. mained at 42|A pec oz. ; and Rupee Securities are Rs. 2>> down, at Rs. 410 ; and Alliance Rs. 5 civil war, ifl recoUaet righdy. kona in whkh 1 „ ChloaeUlcpiece*goo(ls. lower, at its 615. Bombay Cotton PreH shares while the increase, as compured to the expen­ the military ate annoceasatily and fnMt3iand(f 6 „ cotton Umbrellas. 'T'H O SE who suffer from offensive breath were unaltered in each denomination, at A'67J and diture of the previous year, was Es. 21,000/^ 70 „ Pilson Beer. -l> isauing from the m oatb.thua causing onpleisantness £1Q\, respectively. Indian Sterling Loan was un­ are Us. -ii lower, ai. R<. 141 ; and Mercantile civil or poute, oftoo raising thak hUmotn to 30 „ Mineral water- in societies, can have this evil efficiently and permanently Rs. 5, at Ilk 30 per share. decrease am mated to a little over Es. 32,030. each other befora engaging in den-lij eomhnt.” removed only by means of ** Compreesed Air” as discov­ changed at 109^. Extra allotments of lakhs of AUCTION sale of unclaimed goods, grain, and other ered by Dr. Borgess and commonly used in America.— The Belgaum Municipality shows an ineresae Sbe most hava hat wandering throe|ffi h * Dr. Bode, American Dental RoomaFort, 29, Church Street. Bills at Is. 4 9-32d. and lakhs of Wire Transfers sweralngs, &o.. fto., a t the 6 .1 . P. Railw ay Goods Station DOMESTIC OCCDURENCBS. nuder the head of “ Public Safety, Fire &tab- poaled brain the Preach invitntioe. “ Uoolin- at Waree Bonder. „ , ^ ^ * n at Is. 4id., all in Bombay, were made by the Indian Messrs. MBNBSSE and Co. are instructed to sell by lishmeut,” s new fire-eugine having bseu pur­ men of the Guard, fire first T aad othar aaoh Public Acution on SATURDAY, the 1st June, at 2 p.m. MENIST’6 PERFECT PEBBLES , Conncil, these rates showing an advance of l-16d. chased for Es. 1,000. lu two mnnicipalities more of asartial politeoaw between ths at the G. I. P. Railway Ooo^ Station at Waree Bunder. 4BB OUT ON AFFBOrilD SOlBNTXriO PBINOl- Tas OaERQB FOR NOTIFYl^fO A DOMBSTIC OCOUBRBNOK A quantity of onolalmed goods, grain, go .ton, and other in the Bills, and the same in the Transfers com­ IS TWO BUPSSS. THC ANXOUMCSaURT MUST BB money has beau spent in lighting the streets, English aod the old Froeeh notioMe ia the aweepings, waste paper, Ac., A , PltHB AT BIOBT ANOLBS TO THB AXIS OB' THB pared with Wednesday’s regular sales, an advance AUTOBRTICATBD. and others have incurre 1 special expenditure reign of George IL Again, if it was (porhaan OBYSTAL. AUCTION SALE OP GOOD BaOWNUGGUR COTTON. I of l-32d. in the latter as against the extra allot- BOMBAY. in kespiog a register of “ vital statistics.” A It wasn t) an Indian suidaat who — * eow- THIS DAY, MONDAY, the 27ih instaut, at 3 p.m.. IS MENIST’S PliEFECT PEBBLE 8PBC- I ments on the same day. In Paris French Rentes KARRI AGS. circular is to be addressed to all the Collectors cow’ the feminine o f' bnlbnl.* the absnrdity k BCessrs. MifiNBSSB A Co. will sell by Public Auction at { were I per cent, lower, at 87l ; Exchange in Lon­ AVftON—LBIYIS-May U at Soiot Patrick’a Churcht to place before the municipalities the import­ abont equalled by two of tb , Bakm*a aehool- Colabain the Jnthaof Thuher Sainjee Ludha, the under­ I'AGLES it is not only the pebbles which Koroclii, by tba Rev. A- Bruder, S. J., Henry Berber, mentioned cottou by order of Messra. Narundass Bajaram don was a centime down, at francs 25*19. The ance of keeping correct returns of births and boys who gave ‘ shero ’ and ‘ Dwetem’ ns the and Co, and on aoojunt and at the risk of ths following are perfect. Special attention has also been Louden financial quotations of - last evening show Clarence, seooBd son of the late Henry Hunt Avron, parsons. Bsq, to Mary Tere*«a Cecilia, second daughter of John deaths. N > drainage works have been under­ respective feminines of * hero’ end * Dntah- On account and at the risk of Mr. Vulubram Munsock- ({iveu. to the constructiou and finish of the no change whatever; neither do those of this after­ William Lewis, Barrack Master. taken by auy_ of the municipalities in the dass. noon. man.’ Another of them, in ntten^ti^ to SG IOC bales good Bhownuggur cotton. frames to ensure the pebbles being placed OTHER PRESIDENCIES. southern division. This d'les not prevent the define n triangle, argued lailhnniiliiallj that On account and at the risk of Mr. Chugun Pitamber. The weekly Returns of the Bank of Eimland SQ 100 bales good Bbowauggor cotton. exactly in the proper position for efficiently make the Bank’s Reserve 42 per cent, of the Liabi­ BIRTHS. returns from showing an item ” PabUc Health, “ t r ip le may best be defined m the lities, which shows an increase in the former of BALD -May 29. at Blooaifisld, Darjeeling, the wife of Mr Drainage, Establishment, Repair, &c.” The item familiar square, only the fonner has tinw a u c t i o n s a l e o f VALUABLB LANDED PRO­ correcting the particular anomaly of refrac­ 5 per cent, since the previous Wednesday. The H B ild, of a daughter. comei to 2,007 rupees, the money having been PERTY AT MODY BAY ESTATES.. COATBS—May 19. at Lahore, the wife ot Q E Coates, ef comets or angles. Therefore it k not n Messrs. MENESSB A Co. wilt sell by Public Auction tion for which they are designed. Bank rate remained at 2^ per cent., and in the open a son. laid out in clearing the gutters at the sides sqnaid. Q. K D.” Lit any of the ale TH------IS DAY, - • — a IONDAV, the-• — 27tb...... inst., atj4 p .m , on the discount market rates were unaltered. The weekly DAWSON—May 2. at Biackheath, London, the wife of O premieee, by order, of the mortga^ee*^mortgagee* Mr. _ Jnaujeevundas Prauje MBNIST’S PEEFBCT PEBBLE SPEC- S Dawson, of Calcutta, of a son. of the road. Several of the m luicipalities pr> of oar university bsatAhis instance of ______nd at the risk of the mortgagor, specie shipments to Bombay esnsisted of £70,000 FULLRRTON-May 17. at Silohar. the wife of F A Fatler- pose to appropriate their balauces to improving m ati^ subtlety if they can. The foUewi^ Shesoaran Dhariemsi, the following valuable landed pro*pro- I'ACLES stand unrivalled, and command the in Silver and £40,000 in Qold. too, Bengal Police, of a daughter. highest price, but for those who desire it, we In the General Produce Markets Linseed was the Watw-Supply—a step in the right direction. enlogium of the cow, with the exeaptioa nor- Alt that place or paroel of leasehold laud or ground with DEATH. The Commissioner points out that the opening the meisuag s, boUdings or d welling houses standing there­ supply also ordinary glass and Pebble Spectacles firm on Thursday, and Liverpool quality advanced TIGHB—May 24, at Calcutta. John Tt ;ne, son of M Tighe, haps of the iojorioas comparison of it andita on. situate on the Mooy Bay Estate, in the IMand of Bom­ 6A per quarter, to arrive by either route ; and late Superintendent of Police, aged I 6 years. of the East Deccan Railway has stimulated the tau with a raeshorse, might have emanated bay, contiining by adm easurem ent 3111-9 square yards or at 3 and Es. 6 per pair, respectively. thereabouts, and bounded on the east by vacant land be­ yesterday there was a further rise of 3d. per quarter traffic iu grain through the country tapped by from the pen of the most orthodox Hindu thnt longing to Port Trustees, on the west by a piece of land in the same description, Calcutta and Bombay seed it, and hie notes a coincident increase in the ever struggled with the intricneiei of the Bag- leased to Uaasom Meya Ahoi:5d. on tne no tliby vacant being unchanged on both days, as also was Rape- laud belonging to Port Trustees, and on the south by Goa MARCKS AND COMPANY, Ld. revenue from octroi in all the municipal towns lish language :—“ The cow is a noUe qonlm- Street, and \^ich said prc aises are assessed by tho Col­ seed in a firm market. Quotations for Wneat have ilic Cfiaxette which are centres of local trade or are situated ped, thoogfa not so noble as the hotw, lector ••£>.and Revenue under No. 8130, an 1 are situated come unchanged, the market being'called dull on in the registration sub-distriot of Bombay, and are now THE CYCLOSTYLE Thursday and flat yesterday, and the earlier tele­ on the trade rontes. From this Mr. Propert. not less the roaring lion. It has {bar short k & in the ocoupution of the said Shesc iran On iraiasi. unreasonably, infers that the octroi has beesms For further part oulars and conditions of sale apply tc (OEUSTBrNBU’S PATENT.) gram reports that the weather was favourable to MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. a big head tor its six), and a thkk body. Its Messrs. Thakurdass, Dharmsi and Cama, Sol.citcrs, at the Wheat crop. The total quantity of Wheat a transit duty in those towi^ and he asks the back legs are biut, aod there ia two big bowse th eir office, No. 23. K am yart Row, Fort. TO BE SOLD. afloat for the United Kingdom yesterday was 1. 1 j r j . 1- Government, since they hesitate to enforce the sticking out jnst above. Its tail is more noble M£K£SS£ & Co. 1,330,000 quarters, or 80,000 quarters- less — than hive a l ^ d y referred to the salient. refund rales which he has proposed, thau the donkey’s, bat nothing to eosm Bombay, May 27.1839, A SMALL Oons^ameut of 070L0ST7LES was upon the water a week ago. The foatares of th,9 Roports oa tlio Taxatioa and. to introduce the rules iu satisfactory opwa* (Garataiuer’a A teat), oomplste with ink, up to that of the racahotsa . . Cmm sales closed In London yesterday withsm.iK Madras Qf Municipalities of the, Eioa in the Northern D'/iiioa as a tentatire H N N £ T r A M D COMPANY roller, inkiag board, peaoil, aad a aapply ot prepared skins firm and in active demand, bat Bombay skins are painted difiersut eeloors ; white mad B No. f, APOiiLO ai'itEitir. laper, in oaae. Size of elab ; SI inobea by einobaa. dull. 1,230,000 skins were sold out of the 1,280,000 Northern and Central Divisions of the Pre­ measure. red end yellar. Wneo they a n black nnd A RARE OPPORTUNITY. FUICE, Be. 15 EAOB. put forward at these sales. sidency, presented to Government by Mr. G. We shall find that this octroi question has white, they an geuly half bulls. s> yon snast also occupied the atteotion of Mr. C. B. \UCT10N SALE of very vduable landcl property Cotton was firm in Liverpool on Thursday, and F. Sheppard and Mr, J. Moore. We now torn not go near t b ^ Than is whst is oallsd known as the **Chijf Presidency Magistrate's Court/’ Apply BOMBAT GAZETTE Offioe, American arrivals were l-64d. higher in all posi­ Pritchard when making his report on mnnicipal cream which rich people eats ; it k got bom situate at Hornby Row, Fort. to the report of Mr. W. H. Propert, Commis- On W EDNESDAY, the 12th J a n e next at 4 p.m., Messrs. ALBBBT BaiLDINSa. tions, excepting the most distant, in which there taxation in Sind. At the outset the late cows which a n all white How thankfisl BENNETT and Co. have been favoured with instructions was no change ; butbnt spot spot prices prices were quite quite un- giuner of the Southern Division, and that of Acting Commissioner mentions the fact that should rich people be for geidag wbat they eall to sell by Pubiio Auction, onaccjuntof the concerned, altered. The sales aggregated 8,000 bales, in- the fuUowiag very valuable landed property Mr. C. B. Pritchard, lata Acting Commissioner the number of municipalities at present exist­ cream from the cow. You «*-«« lean lemona AU that piece or parcel of Kround, together with the MR. N. H. GHEESTA, clnsive of 600 Surats. The Imports were 8,000 meesuaga, tenement, or dwelUng-house erected and bales. The Manchester Market was quiet. Yes- in Sind. In the Northern Division, the ing in Sind shows a reduction of three from from this poor quMlnpad ; not to kiek. not to built thereon, situate, lying, and being on the east side DENTAL BDBGIEON, the twenty-nine of the previous year., __ This is trespass, and not to parseenle peopte.” We havn of Hornby Row, within the Fort of Bombay, and contain­ terday the slight advance in Arrivals in Liverp^l number of municipali ties is twenty-uine, with ing by admeasuremeat 434 square yards or tbeceabouts, TO au OONSULTUO FUOII 8 A.». TO 3 P.u. was lost, ready stuff remaining unchanged, and the . .T,* . . ,*^ ,. .* ’'“ idue to the abolition Of the municipalities of left out the middle of the essay, parts iriiiek, an d bjunded on the north by a public street, on the south market cloaed^quiet. Surats steady, the sales having a* population within municipal limits ofiKandiaro, Naushahro, and Vbiria iu the it most bs confessed, would be Im in neeardanen by a m essusgi or dwelling-house now or late the property Extraota Teeth under N. O. Qae. of Ructoubai, ant on tha east b/ a lane now oallod amounted to 8,000 bales, including, however, the 574,874, whose local affairs are administered Hyderabad district The reason is given : the with Hiodn sentiments, mad in this nod one *’ Jam-»etjee Lane,” and formerly called Ragoonath No. SS, RAMPANT ROW, large proportion ot 1,200 Snrats. The Imports 439 muoicipal commissioners disnosine of amendment in the octroi schedules and regula- Uadaiee’s Street, and on the west by Hornby Row, and other quotations the speUing is asf oats. The which said premlaes ace situate in the sub-iistrict of Fort, Opposite to P. W. Department. be"oJe dull with very UtUe doiM, and the “ Es. 9,45,741. In the C a n t^ residents in some of tlw narrow, enwdad itn eti aod were formerly in the occupation of the late Mr. of out native town m i^t take to heart what n Soiuhlee Jamsetice Jejeebhoy, and arc now occupied by tendency was inla favour favour of of buyers. buyers. To-day’s To-day’s mes- mes- Division,Divisioo, there there are are sixty-one monicipalities «nn*a*.*ewa«f,i-..nr. i . . . v .» j . »r*j the C oi^ Presidency siagistrute’s Court. R. SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVBR PILLS, the beat little boy called Tom la s to say ia his For further particulars and conditions of sale application D Family Aperient Medicine, without Mercury, may be made to the undersigned. sS m sfw b\us,^orwhrch^^^ ^SuwtsTlm- apopulation of 641,648, ac^inistered by I peudiTura on establUhms .t*"was out of aU due on ” Oar Street,” if they woold ooataat to ___ . . * . • .. V QQO .M.fin. Ark AMT. AI.a rr. I ^ ^ I MmAAAf.^,Ark Aa 4Ka »m anA.vnw>« \¥ cMAArk,A.i. J^R .SC pT rS BILIOUS and LIVER PILLS, effectual ports 7,000 bales'and prices unaltered. 898 commissioners, the municipal income proportion to their incoms.” Very sweeping rive informatiou from the months of bibes and AUCTION SALE of the Bombay Steam Soap and Candle i all Liver Complaints. The weekly statistics disclose about the same being Rs. 11,82,229. The Southern Division ®***“8®* *®**e elementary school-boys. -O ar street,” bn Works Company, Limited, (in Liquidatiun,) | r . SCOTT’S BILIOUS aod LIVBR PILLS cure volume of business passing in Liverpool as during . municinalitias with a nonnUtinn ' daring the year. Iu Karachi the tax writes, “ is a long lane betwixt two b^ streets. Under inatruotions from Mr. Yithoba Ramchunder Sick H eadaches and Giddiness. the week preceding, the Sales amounting to tm rty-six municipalities with a ^ p u la ti^ ^ on iudigo a n l coir ropes was abilished the Parab, the Sol»Liquidator of the Bombay Steam Soap and D Our street is not to so clean a: the big stnets^ Candle Works Company. Umitoi, Mciara, BE.NNErT& 46,000 bales and the quantity taken by the trade of 344,382, the commissioners numbenug 498 muuicipality losing a revenue of Rs. 10 030. Co. will, on SUNDAY, tlie 2nd June next, at 3 p. m. sub­ r . SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVBR PILLS cure Cos cox yer mothers throw the slops and Uiiags in mit to Public Auction at Middle MahUn, opposite Gopi- j tiveness and Stomach Pains. and ‘‘*® ia-ome amounting to Rs. 4,22.693. Tne minimum of refu id was reduced to eight the gutter, and chocks bits of Uoyds and talao, the whole of the machinery and pUnt of the aboye ! D Company, iu one lot, c.«uiUUng of a tlbuiar boiler with r . SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVBR PILLS oure but®wt^llO,^^aUs hSlvi^^ Iu Sind the municip^ities Me twenty-seven ' annas. In one municipJity the duty on cabbige leaves in the middle of the toad. horizonwtl donkey pump, wrought iron vats for boiling > Indigestion and Fiatulenoy, year, though 56,000 bales lighter than in 1887 at with a populabon of 3,07,302 ; the cim- molasses was abolished. In the municipality That's why then's alios n fanny small down soap mixture, cast iron kettles, wrought iron frames for ! D soap, soap mixture with horizontal engine, stamping press the same time. The Stock of Snrats was slightly mtssioners numbsr 260, disposing of a total Tando Mahomed Khan the duty was abolished oar street, speshilly when it’s hot.- In ri»i« with moulds, pia.form scale, forcing puiu , iron tankf, ' r .SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVBR PILLS maybe less, at 105,000 bales. The total visible snw ly income of Es. 11,64,000. For the whole Pre- on fourteen articles, ranging from raw silk to ease cause and effect are coneetly associated. &c., Ac. D taken at all times without restraint from business Also, after the sale, a large quantity of soap of various or pleasure. had diminished by 130,000 bales ; and of East sidency, including Sind, the number of the saddles, carpets, aud haberdashery. In Shikar- In other cases the attmnpted eoncitenatiew kinds, oil palm, carbonate and siUcatc. potash, see ts,aoid, Indian Cotton there were 50,003 bales less in sight population living within municipal limits is pur the duty on six articles disappeared aud &c, will be sold in amaU lots to suit the conveoienoe of pur- r . SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVBR PILLS should between antecedent and conaeqaent u u h u ers. * bo kept ready at hand, as a dose of Aperient Medi­ than on the previous Friday ; the figutM for three 1,872,206, whose local affairs ate administered the 'minimum ' 'refund ' was reducei - - - from oue ingenious, if nqt equally comet, as when n ^ o r farth er particulars and oond.tlons of sale application Dcine given in time will frequently prevent a severe illness, may be made to the undersigned. & “rimpoS*c^ngrd“ r^ / “““‘“i®®®"’ difposiogof a total ru^ to eight» annas. At „Tatta i. twenty-one'p..,.. .—------boy from inlaud parts, writing down hk MPORTANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for ** Ur. Mid-American is stUl gd. per lb. dearer than it meome of Us. 37,14,663, or, lucludnig balauces, articles ware made free, in return for which the sions abont seamen derived from a abort vkit HENNEIT u CO SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIV BR PILLS,” In a green Bombay, May 27,1889. bottle,I wrapped in green paper, and having the name was at this time last year and 3 16d. above the Rs. 51,87,117. The taxation per head comes duty on ghee was enhaucel from eight anuas to a seaport town, remarks" Sailon are very and address^’ William Lambert. 8, King William-street, quotation for 1887 at the same time. to the very moderate figure of Rs. 1-4-6 and to one rupee. In Sukknr the duty was raised fond of their mothers and sisters, aad jon j Charing Cross” engraved on the Government Stamp. Do R A W b ’Oiil) AND C O M i 'A N i '. not, therefore purchase without seeing the Government The price of ready Mid-Uplands in New York the iucidaoce of iuome from all sonrees on twenty-one articles, in-ludiug burnt bricks, neerly always see them taking them out for a C 7, MALUzSiii SLUtBaiL’. stam p over the cork of the bottle. remained at llj cents after Wednesday; but to Rs. 1-15-8. Mr. Propert calls attention to the almonds with shells, a'monls without shells, walk. The reason why sailiirs like to ^ August Futures advanced t i 10 74 cents on the Soixthern Division the popula- pistachio nuts, cocoanuts, cotton seed, fresh drank is beeose it makes them roll abont hka VVhKKLY auction sale . I a SCOTT’S BILIOUS and LIVER PILLS, TH IS DAY, MONDAY, tue 27tU inataat, a t 2 p.m. Messrs W , LAMBERT. LONDON, ENGLAND. ThetoSdReokp^^^ tion in the municipal towns situated alo^^^ the fruits (ex^pt melons), sugarcane and sugar, as if they ware on the oehaant.” Some ot the C liA W FoilD fic Co, wiUeuU by a. uolic Auction at cUeir D *• AGENTS W A NTaU.” rooms- , , . below, now show a n increase this se^n ot 105,000 hne of railwy is rapidly increasing, while the od of all kinds excepting kerosine and turM^ essays of the school-boys are very credit^o lU bales grey siilrUug->, j bales compared with last and of 285,000 bales as population of the municipal towns on the coast feme, spices, and silk and silk clothes. The duty compositions. A good deal of William 0 „ „ dkoties. i G cases prtuis. JOHN JROBBRTS & Co., Ld., against 1886-87. There was no change in the spot and away from the railivay is either stationary on cloth was also raised here as in three other Martin's esssay on politeoass might, 5 „ white m ulls. | BILLIARD TABLE MAKERS 1 ca .e T U sd scai ves. price in New York to-day ; hut August Futures or decreasing. 'I'he am mat of the increase, places. Altogether a reduction of nearly MHtatis nmtaHJU. bs iacorpwatad in onr 1 „ wiiits suai'ves. I AMO were 6 points down, at 10*72 cents. The Receipt nearly 30,030, considerably exceeds that of R s. 35,000 iu octroi was effected. Other te­ University m'xal text-book, when that long 1 mah 3gauy semigraud pianoforte by Bread wood. 1 mahogany square piauoforte by Broadwuod. • GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, at the ports were 3,000 _^Jes, going agmiMt 2,300 the decrease, which was less than 8,000. There ductions brought the amount of the remissions talked-of volume has come into existence. Hen^ 2 mahogauy cotutge p auuf ^rics, bales last year, and 1,600 bales the year before. is a tone of complaint in the Commissioner’s to Rs. 39,000, against which is to be set an for instance, are his remarks on good manaera Oaaccuuut aadalihu risk of Abdooi Uusscia Chanda- Can supply every zequieite for the entire furnishing The American Crop figures to date give the bhby— of Houses, aud will be glad to send samples and foUowing comparisons with the two previous Report in regard to the manner iu which the increase in other taxes,am mating to Rs. 36,030. at table : —“ S'oma boys are ve^ rode over Au iDVOice of 2(H> drums boiled aad 10^ drums raw designs free of oharge. linseed oil, ex B.e. Amarapoora. seasons: — municipal commissioners discharge their duties. The total amount of refunds was Rs- 4,48,030, their meals. Doot keep on eating after yon By order oi'ths tiuperuzteaaent. Goverome.t Telegraph 18, Marine St., Bombay. 1889. 1888. 1S87. AU the municipalities, except .Alibag, held the Karachi Karachi refunding refunding Rs. Rs. 2,87,000, 2,87,000, the the net are tightiiing, and yon will be far bappiy. Stores— .. , . W eek's receip ts ...... lo.oou 92.000 1 0 .0 0 0 A quantity of u t&erYiceable stores, consisting ol coj’per T, e x p o rtsto U . K ...... 5).000 31,010 4.000 quarterly meetings prescribed by law. At iocome of the mnnicipality being Rs. 1,2*2,000 ; Never eat quickly, or yon might get bones in discs, ecaies, iasulato s, Stc. ,, „ Coa.iuent ...... ^ 0 3 0 21,003 9.000 the fourth meeting in Alibag, there was no Sukkur came next, reluuding Rs. 95,800, the ! your throat. My father knows of a boy who By order of tie executors of the willofUid late Mr. NOW ItEADY. GocuidaoS Goviadjec—gold ealttAdar a .d re,«e.tLer wateh Total receip‘8 sin^.e 1st Sjpt 5.IM.03) 6,316.030 6,160.000 quorum; no badness was transacted, the net income being Rs. 61,030. The Commis-1 _ got kilted over his Sunday dinner. Toe greedy by H. Uiil, chiiut, diaiiioudatu Is, go.d buttOwS, coin di - ,, c.Ypjrts to U. K. do. 2.615, 03 2,639.0)3 2.536,000 meeting was not even adjourned. Tne C,l- si oner dwells with satisfaction ou the figures, i boy was pick'ug a rab'oit’s head in a Im iry. mood riugs, lical uruumeut, silvcruuo^a, buua cases icj ,, to C ^iitlaoit...... 1,829.0 k) 1695,000 1,6.)1,000 m ach in e, glouc lam p , dec. MACLEAN’S Stock ia he P o rti ...... 295,0)0 403,000 3 4.003 lector of Belgaum states that the meetings which show that ” ample advantage is being and swallowed oae jaw of it, and my father Ou account aud at lue risk of Mr. Allibhoy Moola Hus- The total viaible supply of Ootton for all Europe were, as a rule, poorly attended. The Com- now taken of the liboral rofuud rules in force.” | says he was choked to donth there and then. Bonaliy— , , . , i 3U cases ultramarine blue. ' GUIDE TO BOMBAY on the 24th instant affords the following eonapari- mi qsioner drily remarks, there was little dif- He is certainly justified iu stating that “ the Be very polite over y do mire in this direction. hold her tight behind by her arms few a minato Rs. So iu spite of much apathy and many dis­ or.two, tiU she feels yon conld give it her if On______WEDNESDAY,the 29th inst.,at . I .p.m, „ Messi’s.CUAW- . . detailed descriptions of the various new the meetings was very high. This is set White Pessy, 91 per cent.. 4- 8-0 per owt. down iu part to apathy and in part to want of couragements the lesson of local self-govern­ yon had a mind to. ’Then say to her kineUy, tue public buildiugs whioh havc been completed Do. 85 „ . 4- 7-0 ment is being lab irionsly learned throaghout ‘ Don’t yon do it again, for it is wroog,’ give handsome french-polished blsckwo 3d,and toaXwood house- i.Up „ p .,,. No. 1 Club Delhi ...... , 4- 3-0 to Be. 4-4-0 harmony amongst the members. 'I'he Collector hold fucnitu o, b St platsdwaro, rich orookery nod Klnsa- UUUIig l/UC Jt-ni. . 4. 1-0 of Cauara states that the advantages of local ^ the Presidency, iuctuding Smd. Upwards of her a shake or two and let her go- This is b w are, a 11 stops harmonium by Trnyser and Oo. stuttaart, tThp Directory has been careiiiUy cor- Bed Delhi ...... Chubs small chest on blaokwood stand, Sinaera sewing , . Hard Yellow...... , 4- 0-0 to Rs. 4-7-0 self-goverunment are more or less appreciated | two thonsaud of the pipil.itim of Western better than being unkind to hra, and she wiU machine, rich table oraameats, D.^uwuis and Persian rectcd and revlSCti Up tO thC Clay Ot gOlUg Red Ahmedabad ...... 4- 7-0 by the people, aud that the work done is India are bronght into persinal c intact with thank you for your p diteoess if she’s any­ carpetd, table and hanging lumps, choice plants in pots, H ard Red ...... 3-14.0 &c, the property, ,o£)£ ...... W. , ^ -----BillLETONii:,------Esq- . to Press. Valuable information has been creditable to the municipal bodies. This may tha michiuery of local goveiutnjiit, aud when thing of a girl-° Catalogues are publisbed, and tbe ptoperty is on new. their experience is greater, their apathy will N.B.—The garden will be sold at 5 p.m .. added, and special care has been taken that S eeds have beau in much less request, and be set against the discouraging account of the the local informatiou shall meet the wants only a moderate business has transpired to-day. state of things in Ratuagiri, where tha Collec­ diminish. By the Succession Certificate Act VIL of SALE OF GRAIN SWEEPINGS. OLD WOOD IRO.N, of commercial men and the general public. while prices of Linseed and Hnpeseed are one anna tor is forced to call attention to the great want ate., AT TilE l>lUNCli.’o DOCK. 1889, which came into force on lira 1 st Under instructiou^ from the Superinieudint, Prince’s per owt. lower, but the tone of the market is still of interest shown everywhere by tha mass of Tu £ queer mistakes made by Indian students iustaot, change hare been Inade in the To be had at the Bonbay Gazette O.Bce, steady. AVe quote as follows : — Dock Messrs. CRAWFORD & Co. will sell by Public commissioners, it being very difficult to get IQ answering questions on English language law affecting succession cratifieates, whe­ Auction at the Dock Preiuises on WEDNESDAY, the 29th Albert Baildings, Esplanade, Fort. Rs. a quotum at auy meeting. At Ratuagiri, the instant, at 2 p.m, j • Linseed ...... 0-13-0 per cwt. and literature aud iu writing Eiglish composi­ ther issued under that Act or under A quantity of gram sweepings, old wood, iron, &c. Eapeseed, Yellow Guserat... 7-5-0 „ hea l-quarter station, the business would have the Regulation of the Bombay Cod^ ‘ Agents for Maelean’s Guide to Bombay. tion are notorious. Au amusing collection of On THURSDAY, the 30th instant, at 1 p.m.. Messrs, Do, do, Oawnpore.. 7-1-0 ,, come to a stand-still, but for the chairman No. V Ill. of 1827, which may lead to an {•h a WFORD and Go., are initi’ucted to sell by Pubiio Messis. COOPER. MADON AND Oo., Do. Red do. ... G-8-0 and the exertions of two or three official mem­ them may be found in the serious pages of IL Auction, at Gowalia Tank Itoad, opposite Mr. N, M, appreciable aldition to the stamp reveane iW t’a bUDgdow. the valuable and Handsomo French Btanoh Establishment, East Street, Poona. The Receipts of Produce into Bombay yesterday bers. At Dapoli, where sanitation requires Spencer’s Sta Ig oj •'iocielo'jg, where the, under the Court Fees Act. This addittonal - bed blackwood, teakwood, aud mabogany house- were as follows : — furniture, platedware, neat crockery and glassware, argent attention, no managing committees were dounderiugs of some Bengal students in au revenue, ths Government of India has ruled, Ka Bweet-toned mahogany cotcage pianofortJ, by John Ootton ...... 5,171 bales convened at all. The Vingotla Municipality loanhoe paper are quoted not to illus­ should be treated as an imperial asset, bei_M Broalwod and Sons, a handsome strong wagonette, SALES BY AUCTION. Wheat ...... 29.894 owt. rich table ornaments, China and Japanese liower vases, has looked after the interests of education, trate, the aberrations of tha Hindu intellect, outsida tha terms of the existiiig contracts with Hlnk’s patent kerosinc hanging and table lamps, Persian Lineeed...... 12,283 „ which, no doubt, won upon Mr. Candy to re­ bat “ the amazing folly of au examiner who the Provincial Governments. The entire revenue carpets, &o, the property of. Vv • C. BA qn A ll, Esq. ■\TE3SRS. SHERIFF, SON & COMPANY. Rapeseed ...... 7,736 „ The property will be ou view 3 days before the sale. I v A BELOW M bssks . WALLACE 8c Co.. APOLLO Gingelly ...... 859 ,, commend that it should have a noa-official proposes to test the fitness of youths for com­ under the head will continue to be divided STREET. Poppyseed ...... 1,911 „ president. This recommendation surprises Mr. mencing their higher elacution by seeing how between ^fovineial and Imperial as at present, C4ALK OP VALUABLE LANDED PROPERTY ON Castor seed ...... 9S2 ,, ^ 'THE S A N ^ I t a n k ROAD AT B Y O V L hA . SALK OF V.\LUABLE LANDED PROPERTY. Propert “ after all the experieuce Mr. Candy much they know of the technical terms, cant viz., in the proportion of three-fourths to Pro­ On TUESDAY, the 4th June, at 1 p.na., M cisrs. CRAvV- THIS DAY, MONDAY, the 27th instant, Messrs. F reights are quiet but steady. The Hampstead has had of non-official Presidents.” “ I am cer­ phrases, slang, aud even extinct slang talked vincial and one-fonrth to Im pe^, except n FORD St C o , wiU sell by Public A uction, on the premises, SHERIFF, SON and Co. are instructed, by order of the by order of the mortgagee, Thacker Kesaowjee Kalliaujee, mortgagee, to sell by Public Auction the undermentioned (s) is reported to have been berthed for 'frioste tainly of opinion,” says the Commissioner, “that by the people of another nation.” M ^ t the case of Burma and the Punjab, whm M and on account and nt iha risk of the mortgagors, ihucker estates at the premises where they are situate^ on and i^ n ice for early J une loading and to at the approaching reconstitation of the muni­ readers, however, wa think, will rather be in­ shall be equally divided. In onkw_ to enMM Jaltha Chapsl and Thuckor Moorarjee Chapsi (now account and risk of the mortgagors, Poerkhan Vulli have made a few engagements for Cotton at 32s. cipal boards, the noa-official presidents in all terested in the answers given as examples of insolvents) lu pursuance of the power of sale mveu in Mahomed and Esmall Khan Mahomod Khan Nalbund, 6d. and for Seeds at 30s. per ton, payable at a par the Government of India to aseertam the^^ the indenture of mortgage, dated the 2Uh day of Jan u a y, by vfrtue of the indenture of mortgage, bearing date the the municipalities in the Ratuagiri district the strange result produced by planging yonng mediate financial effect of the new AeL 2nd February 1879. of exchange. ^'^a U that piece of fazundaree leasehold land or ground, AT 4 P.M. E x cb a h g e should be done away.” natives of this country suddenly into western requested that local OovemmenU aedneim- containing by admeasurement 3,120 square yards or All that piece or parcel of Government land, with a has bean quieter, and closed this after­ thereabouts, together with the messuages, tene­ dwelling-house asses.ed by the Collector of land revenue noon l-32d. lower both for Bank and Private paper The Commissioner deems it his duty to draw literature. Who but a Hindu student, they nistrarions will arrauge for a ^ecial latnra M ments building house, or ohawls, standing thereon, under No. 3,80), new No, 10,485, old survey No. ^ 7 , new than Thursday’s final rates. The opening quota­ will say, would ever have defined ‘ democrat’ be furnished to the FinaneMl^epnrt*^* ^ or in’ course of construction, with the building survey No. 6,089, and assessed by the Collector of Assess­ the attention of Government to the increased materials lying on the said ground, situate without the ment under Ward No. 1.501, . adm easw ing 143 3;9 tion for 3 months’ sight Credits was Is. 4 but burdens which are gradually being thrown ou as either ' petticoat government,’ ' witchcraft,’ tha 1st December next, showngtne OTO Fort of Bombay, in the Old Racecourse, noar the Tank square yards or thereabouts, and situate on ^ fth &imati- with buyers at Is. 4 15-32d., which soon b'' .'aae the hilf-tnrning of the horse,' or have supposed realized from 1st May to ^ AtUvan'la. cdllod or known by the name of thePaohee poora street, and bounded as follows^:—Bast by the rate. Bank Telegraphic was done c.irly in the the municipalities. In wealthy corporations in the registration su1>distric5 of Bombay, and property of Abdoolally Dawoodji; west by Rehouse of the system, he considers, will work well enough, that ” Babylonish jargon” meant a vessel made current year, as compnred with the r e . ^ om on t L east by tlio open ground o( Mooljoe Jaltha. Tyabally Bbrohimjl; north by the Fifth day at Is. 4jd. and Is. 4 7-32d. for June transfer, at Babylon, a kind of drink made at Jerusalem, this account of the oorto^onding period oi an the west by a sweepers passage, on the north by the Street; and south oy a sweepers’ passage. 3 but could not be repeated. We quote ready : — but he holds that iu small towns the inhabi­ SanSi'rLik Road, and on the south by the property of and a kind of coat worn by Babylonians i AT 5 F. M. tants cannot be expected to tax themselves last year. ______^ k^^m tbe? paxtkmlars and conditions of sale applica­ All that piece or parcel of Fazendari land, with a dwel­ Bank Bills on demand.. Is. 4 9 32d. per rupee. to the extent sufficient to provide for the carry­ Still more characteristic would seem to be the tion m iy be mads to the undersigoed. ling house, assessed by the Collector of -Assessment under Do. Telegraphic...... Is. 4 9-32d. answer of another student who jumped at the No. 180. adm easuring 2361-9square yards or thereabouts, Is. 4 ll-32d. ing out of drainage and water-works. *' Municipal Tna w«ekly msmaesadam of rsaittaaces la dm ORAWFORD & 03. and situate in Dookarwody. aod bounded as follows : East Do. 3 months’ sight. taxation cannot, in my opinion, in the face of conclusion that a bilious-looking fellow” Homs Ttsosuiy by mesas of Couaol Bills shorn Bombay.May 27. 1839 . by the wall of a Muhammadan burial ground; west by Credits do ...... Is. 4 15-32d. the property of Xavier de Souza; north by the property Tranos do ...... ,1*73* the strict orders on the subject of octroi must mean ” a person having a nose like the theamouatto bs tsmittod dattag 188MO to M of Mrs. Mariano Mercado; and south by the waU of the jfltfiaSJtOO ; nmittod from 1st April 18M to ISik M uham m adan burial ground. laws, be made sufficiently elastic to provide bill of an eagle.’’ Yet all snch answees kere- , ------e r io u s reflections and other CON- Goverembht P aper has bean quiet but steady funds on a large scale.” It is cwtainly tofore supposed to bo the unenviable mooopoM May 1889, ^ 3 » o , ^ « m M o TREBOTION3 by tha Uta GBORGB ABBWGB SHERIFF, SON & CA, at par for Pours for cash, 100 1-16 for the coming of the Indian students are parallelod and I9th May 1889 to 31»t March 189q, SMACKAY under tbaiwni 4e p lu m e . Qua POLITICAL AuaUoueers. anfortnnate that the desire to enlist the Orphan . 01 h bound. Ha £ ; Ft tage, i annas. Bomb»y, May 27, 1889, account, and lOO 3-16 for the 30th June ; but THE BOMBAY GAZETIE. MONDAY. MAY 27, 1868..

THE D ^ A N U m iN Q COMPANY. 'the withdrawal of Lord Lytton from P w u on QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY AT MAHABLESH- ENGLISH POLITICAL AND the eve of the openiog of the Universal Exhibition. ARRIVAL OF THE OVERLAND ^ E I iEGR W tJR. (PBOM oun OWN eOBBBSrONDlNI.) S O C IA L B e t t e r . Mr, E. Robertson, who has hithorto _ been baffled MAILS OF THE 10 t h MAV. ALLAHABAD, H ay 26. in his endeavours to invite an expression of opinion \ \£it B V X 9 Bi’ s XBLSaBAU&l on the port of the House of Commons with regard to I t is telegraphed by ’s London corre­ ' (rnox OUB owa cobbbsfoudbxi .} Ta> P. and O. On.’s a a. Siam, Oaptain H. T. (PEOM OCR OWJt CORRESPOSDBNr.) Lord SalUbnry’s action, intends to bring the ques­ K iU B^’3 BIRTHDAY GAZETTE. spondent that Bir George Campbell in the House tion forward in Supply, and it is expected that he HAHABLSSHWCB, M ay 24. Wcighell, with tks Eni^ish mails of the lOth May, LONDON, May 10. will enjoy the countenacce and active support of LONDON, U a i 24. of Commons asked if it was true that, although the O n the Queen’s birthday, the usual Gymkhana atrived in Bomhay h i r h a r a t 10 aFeloek last night. E verybody is talking about Mr. Paruell’s Mr. GlaLtone. Some Libesals accuse the Prime meeting took place, at which the following races ■ The special Queen’s BUUidsy Ga%ette an- House of Commons Committee had reported that The following is the list of passengers candid confessiou in reply to Sir Richard Webster 'Minister of “ truckling to Bismarck” in the matter, were run, some exciting matches being witnessed :— nnnnnis the following honours in addition to those the concession to the Deccan Mining Company had a week ago. The Irish leader admitted that he while other persons assume that bis Lord­ Fnoa Loanon. might have deliberately misled the -House of ship’s inspiration came from quite a different Match fm Rs. 25. ICalor C 3 Brow* Dr BH Drake B:ocka already published in the Indian Press. I been obtained by fraud, whether the term of the Commons by arguing that secret societies bad quarter. The action of the Liberals is hardly fair. Mr Sodloy’s g a p Joe, Set 71hs, Owner...... 1 Capt C BtliwUco MrTBXoni!* To be K n^hts Grand Cross of the Bath :— j Company’s monopoly had been largely extended. ceased to exist when such was not the fact. He has It was decided while Mr. Gladstone was in office Mr Cloete’s b a h Marquis, list 7Ibs, Owner ...... 2 Cape StxpleioiiOBttaa FtOM B ussifie SL R H. the Duke of Edinburgh. Sir John Gorst replied that nothing had yet been sinco explained that on reference to the report in that England should not officially take part in the Joe won in a canter. “ Hansard” of the speech in question, ha fin-ds his Exhibition,' and does anybody suppose that if the Mrs Lee Warmer Mr kfelAchlsa Sit William Jenner. sanctioned.the proposal being still under discussion Steeplechase for ponies who have never won Mrs Baenyastfia OolT War4 argument applied not to secret societies generally, Liberals were in power to-day. Lord Lytton would anything. Mr T B BtUm Mr 8fcra««r General Sir Henry Daly. . by Lord Cross. but to Ribbonism. All the same, it is a pity that have been directed to remain at his post ? Apart Mr A Oracle Mrs dtifaser Capt Keene’s oh ob p Juggins, list 4!bs, Owner ... 1 Mr W MCUrV To be Knights Commander of the Bath ;— Mr. Parnell did not make his meaning clear when from this cousideralion, it is quite open to Mr.' THE BENGAL BOARD OF REVENUE. he answered Sir Richard Webster. I t must be said, Robertson and his friends to urge t ^ t nothing Itr Brooke’s b a p Bedonin, lOst 1 libs, Mr Cloeta ... 2 General J . W . Schneider. Mr Wilkin’s w a p Snowball, lOst libs, Mr Cooke ... 3 The same correspondent further wires that Mr. in justification of Mr. Parnell, that be was not happened in 1789, whatever o c c u rs later, to pre­ Mr De Batts' b cb p Nobleman, lOst 41be...... O HEADS OF INTELLIGENCE. General A. B. Johnson. Bradlaugh asked a question concerning Mr. Beanies’ i asked about this matter until nearly the close of vent a monarchic^ Government from assisting in Hr Arthur’s g ob p Catabioeer, IO sl, Mr Kennard... O the day, and that he was then almost exhausts^ the French commemoration. In the coarse of the Mr Cloete’s b ob p Salome, Ost 71bs, Mr Solly Flood.. 0 , .General the Hon’ble J. C. Dormer. appointment to the Board of Revenue in Bengal. I bodily and mentally, by the searching cross-exami­ coming debate it will probably be mentioned that (Faux llTB TO 17th mat , ucci^mva.) Admiral Fremantle. Sir John Gorst promised to make reference on the nation he had undergone. In frankly—soma would although our Ambassador, who directly represents Won by Jnggins after a good race with Bedonin. Thk Queen held a Drawing Room on Pri«Uj at Snowball a bad third. Salome and Carabineer fell, Buckingham Palace, when a targe aniabcr of UdlcB To be Companions of the Bath :— say cynically—admitting that he might have made the Sovereign, was absent from Paris on Sunday subject to India. ‘ an exaggerated statement, Mr. Parnell forgot and Monday, the Charge d’Affaires, who is supposed and Nobleman ran out. were pteeented. Ckneral A Oarnegy. The Prinoe of Wales on Tnesdiy held a Levee u Ss. that he was not speaking to Parliamen­ to represent the nation, took part in the ceremony The Bbavnagar Cup, value Rs. 150, for ponies James’s PalsM on behalf of the Queen. General James Blair. [ueutisb ’s TBLEGBAHS.J tarians who would have perfectly understood on the Champ de BCars. I lear n from a friend in 13-3 and under, presented by H. H. Rawat Shri The Prinoeee of Wales, who was acoosspaaied by the General Hastings Fraser. his position. To them it would not seem ho equi­ Paris—the home papers do not seem to have men­ Tnkhtsiimhji, G.C.S.L, Thakors Saheb of £hav.Priaoe, vrnii a’pweTTTVP vpciq i occurred every where, except in Madras. In the ,ras at the request of his own friends that Mr. Hat- Government security, as the 3 per cent, loan has of opinioa agsinst the decision of the Goort. Arch­ closed against the storm. Tho occupanU of tenU bishop Walsh and the Rev. M. O’Connel w en esainia- hK EN Un ajtNOiiivj:.j.NriOO. ! Central Provinces and Bombay the amounts are rington agreed to doff the prison dress for ordinary shown, English money will flow India-wards in on the flats, near the Cooperage, and the\N odehouse Both were oppoeed to mtimidatioD, but thw ight BERLIN, May 25. generally moderate, but two and a half inches are attire. Apropos of the two prisoner-witnesses a g,eat abundance. Unless Mr. Watson can got a Bridge got a considerable fright. The canvas, as that the eilaita ot the National Loagaa were irtended His Majesty King Humbert had arranged to repotted from Murree. rather amusing story is being told. The officer‘‘ in dividend on the shares of his company, private might be guessed, was soaked through aad the for the beactit of the tenants. i.‘ u A • VV.VSAV* svifL fVift May 26.—Pressure has asaiu increased, the only I waitinjuj” do not take too rigid a view of their uodertakings in India requiring money from the tents flooded, so it may be imagined what a lively Hr. A. J. Balfour, M.P , on Wedaeeilay m visit Strasbourg on hiS homeward journey with the The rise has been rapid duty, and both Mr. O’Brien and Mr. Harrington British public may whistle for the money, and time the ocenpants had of it. But the condition of large meetiog ttf Unionist Nonconformists ^ WUIr^s £mperoc WilUami who had ordered a grand review Sind and brisk in the North-West and Central I about tho Court as they please. This liberty, whistle in vain, the native policemen was worse, for, not yet having Booms. of the Strasbourg garrison to be held on the occa- Provinces and moderate elsewhere. There is a it seems, U extended to the outside of Rebuilding, been provided with the necessary protections The Earl of Dirby was entertticefl at 'tim er on Sion of the Italian I n a r c h ’s visit there. , <>f pressure with its, centre 1 for on Wednesday afternoon Mr. 0 Br.en was against rain, they got the full force of the storm. Tuesday by the Liberal Uaion Clab, and mode a apecoh near Masulipatam, which covers west of the Bay, seen walking on the pavement in front of the PORTUGUESE INDIA. But as suddenly as it burst as suddenly did the on curreni politice. All this, on becoming known in Paris, evoked east of the peninsula, and the Central Provinces. Palace of Justice. “ What are you doing here t” a gale abate. In less than an hour all was over* The The Queen has approved the .\ppoiotmeat of- the Bov. Dr. T. Hamilton as President of Qaeea’f 'Mlegn, such intense excitement and bitterness that His \ e t j slight depression apparently exists over or friend asked him. “ To tell you the truth,” replied lightning ceased its flashing and the thunder to roil, near Kathiawar, while the readings are high on the the member for North-East Cork, “ I am looking for (sad-M oob own corbesponoent .) Ithe storm clouds held up, and, p.isslng away to the Belfast. Majesty King Humbert has therefore abandoned the my warders” Qnis custodiet ipsos custodiH ? Lord Botbacbilil appuoty of B.- ..iughain io place of the (atie project. are feebly cyclonic around the Bay. The depres­ Mr. Oonybeare has been sentenced to three months’ imprisonment, and although he has of X NOVE- suit, whic’u has been filed in Goa, has city again to slumbCT. lh»ke of Buokiogbaa. '' It is an undoubted fact that the visit of King sion is variable in the GangOtic plain, and southerly produced widespread surprise. Mr. Catao da Costa Morning dawned, and the suu rose into a sky so At a tueeiing of to** Loadoa Cjaoty C'-jjuc J, b«*ld in Poona, Bombay, and Surat. Weather is unsettled course appealed, no one, not even himself, expects clear and cloudless as gave no trace of the short Humbert to Berlin has greatly strengthened the that the decision of the magistrates will be upset has brought a criminal charge against Senhor on Tuesday, Mr. J. F. B. Firth, M.P., was eV*e?ed and showery, with a good deal of cloud, except in Mousinho d’Albuquerque, the acting Governor- but violent storm that had created so much excite­ deputy-ebainnao with a sslary of £2,(K)0 per anuam. alliance between Italy and Germany. the Central Provinces. Over two inches of rain the punishmeut reduced. It is not only with ment during the night, although in many low-lyiog The Town Council of Edinbunch oo Tnealay « the Conservatives that the member for Camborne Geueral of Goa, for using iniurioos words in | Signor Crisp! is reported to have said while here in Moulmein and one inch in Coconada. Tem­ tracts of land ronnd the city deep pools of wiUer firmed, by 21 to 15, their previous iv«latkm t- '•onfflw perature is still abnormally low. a perso/ntf»r/'a<«.and among Liberals, especially an official document. Mr. da C^sta complained I .n.n.intnf rain had fallen. The the freed*>m of the city on Mr. Paroelt, M.P. ‘ that he was quite indifferent as to the attitude of members of Parliament, there is some dissatisfac Mr. John Slagg, formerly M.P, f-ir Manchec': *. 'I»ed trator of Quepem has been guilty of misconduct in atorm was short, but ’‘X , hein re n e r^ i Colaba France in any matters affecting Italy. tion expressed that the pleasures of martyrdom on Tuesday, aged 48. should have fallen to Mr. Oonybeare rather than his official capacity, and in support of the alleifa- “ " ^ j ‘‘wUh a \« g e Mr. Uoe, Q.C.. formerly M.P. fw IIihV;ng% died W lTB reference to the sad death from hydro­ tions naineroas accusations were made ajcainst that coverea wivu » ^ *i.— phobia recently recorded in these columns, we are to some more generally esteemed follower of tions numerous accusations were made against t ^ t ft'-— ------VIL'a i «« Kw rh« run thAi suddenly on Wednesday. G AZ^fie OF INDIA NOTIFICATIONS. requested to state that the unfortunate victim was Mr. Gladstone. The sentence is held to be officer. HeH. asked that .h .. Government should appoint S .K s" s A set of ^team bmlers explode 1 * i r;it»-l%> it m ______a committee to investigate the matter. Govern­ 3 Mr. H. H. M. Keatinge—who was managing one excessive, and the result of the discussion had little"effect upon the shippiuj! iu the harbour, burn Colliery, near Newcastle, v»d two u»en warn (fbom oob own cobbespondent .) prematurely raised by Mr. Atherley Jones aud ment refused to interfere. Mr. da Costa ooce more killed. of his brother’s contracts—and not Mr. D. E. ______repeated the application, and the acting Governor however. It did not last sufficiently lonR to A young man, on Toe*d-»y, Vsoeoded ;tto uid SIMLA, May 24. Keatinge, the contractor. carried on under such tremendous difficulties must distnrb the sea, and no accidents are reported from not be taken as reflecting the view of the House of General, in declining to accede to the proposal, is coal working near Broseley a i t was ‘ by Brigade Surgeon R. Gray officiates for Dr. Far­ Commons. So atat least least Liberal Liberal vi. M. P.'sP.’s are saying, said to have made use of some injurious expressions, there. choke-damp. Mis father, wbj attempted tj r' . le A GROSS outrage is reported from Negapatam, which Mr. da Costaosta alleges alleges to to be libellous. In* A HARVELLOOS ESCAPE. him, also perished. rell, Deputy Surgeon-General of the Punjab. and we shall see whether, when the appeal has been At the foroightly me*ttiBg the National t^a.,oe« were several female members of the Salvation heard, anything more will come of the affair. formation was laid before Senhor Lisboa, the The only acoideat in tho Fort division which has The services of Surgeon F. J. B. Campbell are Army, English and Eurasian, were assaulted by a come to the notice of tho police was that about three held in Dublin on Tueed ty, the . oolps iM It wae It is gratifying to turn from the unpleasant District Judge of Ilhas, who on the 15th instant at annonnoed, alsj that £551 had bee a granted I: tod replaced at the disposal ot the Military Depart­ crowd of natives, who tore their dresses from their 10 a.m. went to the Government Secretariat, in a.m.a Ur^e sjold moliuf troo n;ac the Gun C ^ iag e state of things, ot which Mr. Conybeare’s conviction tenants. ment. backs, and rubbed sand into them. Seven of the __ not the moat regrettable venture to the evidence order to examine personally certain official docu­ Factory at Colaba was blown down by the violence A coke-buriMr et Ttebedtec.ce to the S. T. Trevor, R.E., Bengal establishment, also Mr. Wednesday night. The wind was tempestuous and accompanied by a deoluge of rain, with Walsh’s suggestion may be regarded as a peace- pointed to take evidence on the 15th Jnne in the falling ot the tree did some dai^ge also to tne law. Mr. Oonybeare gave notice of appeaL M. Simpson, Assistant Superintendent, Indian thunder and lightning. In the city some fatal ac offering, tho same may be said for Mr. Howorth’s f Secretariat, when Senhor Lisboa, the Jndge, will be railings round the bungalow of the Engineer ot tne OulTC-VSY.—Maj.-Qen. W. 8. Simpson, M.8.C.; CoL Telegraph Department. cidents occurred owing to falling houses. zealous endeavour to abolish the Viceroyalty of present. Colala Land and Mill ComMay. P. A. Elphlnsioav, Bo. B et.; Lord Walter CampbeB; Ireland and to substitute a real court in Dublin. The public is anxiously awaiting the upshot of I From various parts of India, as deiailel SirG. W. fxriffith, Bart.; Tioe-.Vdiaical A. T. Thrxpp; The Revd. Piercy Griffith Bruce Austin has been The member for Salford intends to follow up the the suit, the interest of which is highly enhanced ; weather report on our third page shows, are dust- Mr. Inoe, Q.C.; Bev. Prebead try Va’ugban : Lord appointed Junior Chaplain of Calcutta. T he formalities of acquiring the land chosen as letter he has sent to the Press by a question to j by the highest officer being concerned in it. ' storms and heavy falls of ram reported. Osborne ; Count Tolstoi ; Lady Craavllls. the site of the new Lqdy Duflerin’s Zenana Hospi­ Mr. W. H. Smith on Monday recommending that The Director-General of the Post Offices in India Mr. John Eliot is confirmed as Meteorological tal on the proposed New Central Road in Calcutta, the" Government should advise the Crown to was with us about a fortnight ago, conferring with Un Satnrday the centennial oetebritiaa of the Reporter to the Government of India. are not yet concluded, says the EnQlishwttiy but depute the ceremonial duties "of the Lord Lieut- the Director of the Goa Post Offices. The result of TERRIFIU STOR.US -VI’ BAllODA. opeoiug of the States Ueaeral at Versailles, in 1739, they are in active progress, aud at the same time enant to one of the Royal Princes and to | the conference has not transpired, was ccnduoted with grata ceremony. Presideut Mr. J. L. Sours is appoftted Acting Vice-Consul not delivered an addrees reoalliiig the great national the plans for the new building are progressing make suitable provision for his residence in j Senhor NunoN,.,,™ de Camara, the the lateI Governor of OBBE"PONDENT.) for Greece at Rangoon during the absence of Mr. rapidly. The necessity for the hospital being Diu, has nob left for Portugal, as has been report­ (b'RO.Q OL'ft OWS changes which had ensned from the c-juvooalion of Ireland during a portion of each year. The com­ BARODA, M ay 25. the States General, and declaring tht CvtiaplvtiLn isf C. Oagiopoulos. very severely felt, every effort is being made to parative uselessness of the Lord Lieutenancy in ed He is still in Goa, living at Goverumeat push on the work, and a large sum has already national freedom to be doe to all the panes to wbieh Mr. S. Schmuck is appointed Acting Consul for these days is pretty generally admitted. Lord House, Cabo, and awaiting the result of the in 1 T uk night before Ust we liAi a very heavy the Uevolution had given rite. been collected. Further subscriptions are, how­ vestigation which was ordered against hiim shower of rain with its deafening peals of thunder the Netherland at Aden during the absence of Mr. Derby, who, by the way, is gradually adopting a The formal opening the Bxfaibition In P«arts was ever, required to enable the new institution to start harsher style of criticism thii i used to be his wont, The Chief Inspecting Engineer of the Goa Rail- j anTvivid forked lightning. The rain began pour oarried oat on Monday. Presiileat C trout JeUv.red an J . Woodtle. free of debt. announced that he is one of thise who think it is way having been called to Portugal, Senhor Galdas ■ and ceased at eleven o cloc.c, and soon .'iddiiess, in which he referred to the Exhtb t!o:i as an Lieutenant G. F. Ohenevix Trench is reappoint­ necessary to “ sweep away the Vioeroyalty Xavier, who h vs been aning as Governor of Din, J natives began repeating the the rain evidence of a oontury’s labour and pro^rew. A SEW method of utilising the power ot running altogether.” If ever there was a favourable time has been recalled to act for the Chief Inspecting song, which they kept up till late at night, It Coant Tolstoi, the Ruestso Mtatsler of the ifoUwor* ed Assistant Agent for Rajputana. streams has been devised by M. Tarn, a Russian for effecting this reform it is the present, when, Engineer. was evident that all were full oC hope but the died on Taeaday. Colonel M. G. Gerard is appointed Political engineer. His apparatus consists of an endless owing to various causes, nobody seems willing to His Excellency Senhor Vasco de Guedes, the fury of a second storm drove off all jollity, and The Samoan Conferaoev in BorUo he'd . ivitbet sitting OB Saturday, but the proueedlege were «tricUy Assistant at Goona. The following temporary ap­ cable carrying a series of canvas cones which become the successor of the Marquis of Loodou- new Governor-General of Goa, was to leave Portu­ one and all with bate! breadth sought the safest open and shut like an umbrella. The cable passes derry. Two peers —the Duke ot Abetcorn and the gal for India by the tirst week of the current corner in their habitations. The storm wm private. The chief difficulty, it is believed, will ;triss pointments are made consequent upon the depar- over a double drum on board of a pontoon, and at Marquis of Ormonde—have, it is said, definitely re­ month. As his appointment has been notifled in precede! by lightning and thanJer. .A little on the qaestMMt of the respective iafiuences of tho th.ee ture on furlough of Colonel R. Bullock, Deputy .the other end over a pulley suspended from a buoy. fused the appointment. A few days ago lUrl the Government Diario, the administration of Iafter nine o’clock the city and suourbs were Poarers over toe native King to be appuiuted. Commission.-Colonel F. W- of the rope the cones are opened Cadogan was spoken of as the next Viceroy, but Portuguese India will now be carried on by a Gov- \ enveloped in the fnry of a storm of an unpre­ In coniwqaenoe of tbe nnexpected recovery cf the Commissioner, Barar. and forced forward by the current of water, thus ernment GouncU, of which His Grace the Archbishop cedented nature. When it was at us height, King of the Netherlands, the Duke of Nassau has although his lordship is wealthy, I incliue to the retired from the R^ency of Laiembarg. k(t te Grant officiates as Deputy Commissioner, second setting in motion a shaft or drum. belief that if the Maniuis of Salisbury does not will be the President. The Archbishop is under­ hundreds ot large trees, mostly nee.n, were uprooted capital of toe ducky amkl the aeclswirions of thn class; Mr. A. Elliott, third class ; Captain J. G. adopt Mr. Howorth’s advice, the Lord Privy Seal stood to be unwilling tonndertake thc^ responsibi­ and some carried away to a distance, liles Md inhabitanta. will not be the next occupant of the Castle lity of civil administration, but the Lisbon Minister ridge tiles were flying about like pai>er. Lor- Morris officiates as Special Assistant Commissioner, I n the bankruptcy of the Marquis of Donegal! The Suhaa has givsa orders for the arrset cf • ^ the Official Receiver reports that the liabilities The chance of the Sugar Bounties Bill becoming telegraphed him to assume the duties of President rnoated roofing ot almost all the buildings were Kordwh Chiaf who h u Utoly been cammitiia^ pie­ Amiaoti. I are returned at over half a million sterling, most law this session are not more favourable than they without further delay. In consequence of this, tora and carried away to far distances. Several rage. on the Amcrioon popolation near Mash. I Captain J. Eardley Wilmot is appointed Deputy of which arise on post-obit bonds issued by were a week ago. Indeed, the opmsition to the HiaGrace was obliged to cut short his visit to elephanU broke loose and were wandMing about A Urge fore, of t e t i t e * a oofieit-d neos measure is growing every day, and for the sake of Matheran, and come down to Goa. the place, and their mrJtouts and mntimrs with Sukin, bat their ofontiotu are aoaSoel to prerioting Assistant Adjutant-General for Musketry, vice him before he succeeded to the title. The bank rupt attributes his insolvency to his expenditure their popularity with the working classes it is goads and spears in quest of them. , , trade with toe town. Captain D. Ohesney. | having exceeded his income and to hts not having surprising that the Government do not There was a lull in the storm afwr Un o clock Tbe dieappearaaoe of oae Dt*. P. H. Prseis, of Major W. M. Campbell, R. A., Assistant Inspector- j realised his expectations from the family estates. contrive some means for letting it be known that JoBM MaDDisoK Mouton , the anthor of Box the noise of yells and cries ot twified people, old Chicago, a psomiaent Irist. poltuctaa, hsa the matter will be dropped. The attitude ot tho and CoXt is now an inmate of the Charterhouse. and young, rich and poor succeeding. SOSpiciOB that be may have been munler

Bottled^ecially for TREACHER & Co,, L d ., who have been appoinied Agents for the ..Bombay Presidency. ’ ^ « P il l s BOILERS (^9rt9ctly hmrmJ^aa) A BEVOLUTIOir IN STEAU FRODUGEBS The nnfallliif & OOMPANY,d ..L ___OF t h is st a t e m e n t , s p e o l S c WINE MERCHANTS, OVER 400,000 H .P. AXaREJlDY IKT USE*. FOR CURE OF c ..... Oront DurabiUty; Perfect Safeta. Simatrons Explosions Impoamble. E qo^y Safe at Highest Preasures. A ^ y Cleaned: & Rhenmatism BOMBAY. BYCULLA AND POONA* Easdy and Cheaply Begdred. Great Heatotg Surface in SmiS^^oew ' THE LIQUOR to be used in acate state & THE PILLS in the Chronical state. .« A. Bingle bottle aolfioieBt lor tw o, > FAVRMEUBA & C0.’S MARVEL WATCH. « to three months treatmeint. u ^ * * Mountain a Sold by ail re»pecta,hl» Chemimtm • . _Wholesale ^CO«IA^^ . j Transport, P r i x e Parts not exceeding 300 lbs. weight

CZHa'CECO^N.diL -VffTCXB ‘ is an 1 agreeableagreeable aniani aoubitess Sinubttess highly highly 'Mca- e d a ­ GREAT cious remedy.” (Tsrf Lancet .) This Vinous-Elixir is-tho most powerful , n iJ valuable of^the preparations of dnch(onjt SAVING I as a strengthcmiig and antifebrile restorative, l^een employed in cases of weakness and IN general debility, loss of appetite, change of life, A very cheap Brass open-face short-winding keyless lever Watch, with fever nervousness, exhaustion, etc. TOatnelied dial, bold figures, second-hand, and push pin to set the hands. A lso prepared with 1 (purifying the Blood, for cAnmia, _FREI6HT. Chlorosis, for Scrofulous Affections, etc.* The Marvel Watch, of Swiss make, is not to be compar MIU»s S*y fItfS MMtfOT. t9« PAIIlt ed with any of the Cheap Watches or Toy Watches, now so extensively THE BABCOCK WILCOX CO., Bombit ! PatiDHOiafS k Oo., DrogfiptlSs 107, HOPE ST., GLASGOW. 114, NEWGATE ST., LONDON, E.O. ' advertized, and deals the death-blow to the American trash lately imported ■ v o w W ^ —KObowle, near Glasgow. laiKlieittr—3, Victoria BaDdtags. Paris—Boaleiarl Vo IU nl needs no other- recom­ W O T IC B F O R I X P I A •—A copy of the Company’s Boc^, will be aaai ftas SN The Marvel Watch, of Swiss make, It contaiiis taUes and mnoh infonnation ; bat is only valoable to thoBB inteieBted in i Uive snd Friendabip Serrat mendation, but the Manufacturer’s name and reputation to make it the Apply to NORRIE MITOHELI j & Co., 78 , Tamarind Lane, Fort, Bombay. DianuBd Initi*l, DUmoDd Set Bd ^ . most popular Watch among the millions of India, “ " — Ba S3. Ra 78. THB SAFS8T HSIA ▲PB&IXNT FOB e : ^ The Marvel Watch,at Hs. 10, is unique at the priee, and is DELICATS CONSTt- DiNJNEFORDS TUnOMS, laADISR, Plmin Gold Band Gold JlixpohBhw. Itaiw d guaranteed for one year. None genuine unless bearing above Trade-mark. I CHIIaDBSH ANO tontBDY FOR ACISXTV OF XnAHTS, AHD FOft Pearl Battoo, tlF6t>er fo rm atio n ozxTZff^woxuva ol bones and combats the delects Q ol g ro w th , FAVEE-LEUBA & CO., BJEMP & Go., Bombay NERVOUS IfAlADIES BOMBAY. Double S aato Ring. Snake ” Plaia GoM Byea* «^)!CKU CORED BY WaaMBd and Roby Eyes. Gent’A Ba * . P JII I j P f n r c * Granulated Bromide PIPECLAY SUPERSEDED! Grot's, ru. 71. ludy’AB a 36. r H L I C 1 I A .O ot Fotatminm Lady*A Ra 30. ipprorel ol b; the Paris loidio} ol Hodociao To Officers Commanding European & Native Regiments. Wltb each Bottle is eoclosed a spoon measuro ofB^ralns.thc paUentmayil^s him- 96ir prepare the solution as reqhlreav accor­ CROSSE A BLACKWEU’S ding to the prescription of the physician' SQbO SV ALb. AK«PKCTABI.« OMKMIST#. •k PICKERING’S BLANCO VROLS3ALe:ifti)2i75ftv. tf«mp k C<: ParlSo Chasaaing ft C*, 6. Avenue Vlcjtcrta. Pickles, Sauces, Jams, JeUicM* FOR THE GENERAL’S INSPECTION VISIT. S ig e e t '« Meaaara C H A seA .lira 4 O* im am - Kfcnat bera ot tba Jxtry a t iha Zaivarpool I t amartnu up aU nccoatra- W hite Table Onyx, Gold ta d B lM a .Exibition 168d> are tba o n ly P'raneb Bents eottaM tily whitaM*. « cbem iata xfrboaaa zaadianmantm warm Tart Fruits, Potted Meats. Ra ^ B a 4 . t< awardad tba Oald M edal dft Cartifioat SnitnUa lot SeFey’s Oaitan. <^o/' merit 1st Claaa a t tba C alcutta an d C»T»% ' Onnntleta. lA . (MTUleii Bai-rieosa see thid BOMBAY BRANCH: hia Hntive Sarrant anhatL 73, ESPLANADE ROAD. tntea BlAXCO for the white ooMd la s tm ita n sm u lsP by Preserved Fish, Sonps, Game, ^ of the Boiaar, with which Bern Baksh a tr e ^ his A WONBERFUX. MEDICXNB. Mathey -Ga y l u s meater's helmat and “mads” Sausages, Hams, Bacon and Cheese hia oanvu shoes. BLAHCO Japanese Drops May be obtained of all Storekeepers throughout India. for overydeseription of white beecha T s p il l s LoatW , Tennia Balls and A r e aalvenaliy — B is b c t io n s f o r u s e w i t s b o t t l e Crii^athig' gear. to be worth e Oeiaee ALL GENUINE GOODS ARE LABEL^^O' a Box for BDioaa aad Har. . im Sou Jv all Chomlsts TOO! Diaofdrts, each ae- Wind aad F a b ia the Stonarii, Sick Headeehe, Whofeaale Manufacturers, JOSEPH PICKERING 4 SONS. SheffitU. Engtamt Giddiaea, ndana,8iteISaR after Meala IHii&wn aad CROSSE A BLACKWELL, Drowsiaeas, Cold CUB r Can be obtained in large quantities by Canteens, &c., from RICHARD DTCKESOY & Co, NERUUS DittMB . Fhw hi^ of Hrot, Loa of Export Merchants, Mansell St., I ondon, E. Appethe, Sb^xtaeaa of PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN, Breath, Coetivini w, Seetvy Capsulesof D'Glin and Blotehta oe ^ m n. tavnateif the Faeullji of Uedieineof Paris JtontgouPrize a O U O X . 0 K r » 0 * T « Diworbed Sleep? nightfol These C apsnles are used with the greatest DtoaniA aad all Kereoo^ sueeessinMental affections AsfAma,/tMamnta, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR MOLLISCORIUM aad TreBiUiaK S e n a tia c h Giddiness, Sick headache and in all cases of For boftening, l*r«»erving and Waterproohiig Ac. The 6tet doa w31 give celiel ie twentym im u laa nervous excitement. ____ Every MiSaier i. eeraeetly invitad to try eaa boa af DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITH BOTTLE. VEftTft PERRINS’ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCEr HARNESS, BOOTS AND Sf’OES, &c., thea PiUt. aad they will be aehnowMprt a be im , Sou by all Chomlsts a lso f o b o il in g c a b r ia o f . a x l e s . ______WORTH A OUinXA A BOX. ^ WSOLESaLE: GLIN&G»,PAXUS For femelee of all ages thea Pm* are mnlafata, ah a few doses ot them cuTty off all hoamota, aad briag HARNESS COMPOSITION abont all that ia toqoited. No framle shoaid he srith. For Nourisking the Leather and producing a Brilliant Polish. oat them. There is do mediciM to be fooiid eqael to LEA&PERRINS'SAUCE Beeebam’s Pills for lemoTiag u y obatmetiOB OT ir- regalarity of the ,vMain. If takea accoediig to tba PSomessotBlood,DebiU.y Fn tonsequence of Imitatiom of THE WORCESTERSHIRE directioni p v a with ewh box, they wiU wwa la le a SA U C E which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrin* BLACK OIL F O R HARNESS femala of all aga to sooad aad roboat I Fw Maintaining a Beamtifnl B la^ ba been provad by tboosuxli who D' Rabuteau ’s Iron have to requeti that I^rchaterj tee that the Laid M may tottt* them, and found the beaedts whieb ate satired bp Bravees, Elixir & Syrap are superior heart their Sigamture lilwr— gut} be OTdered threogh any H ouse in the Trad«h either here or tai the United KingdMni their tia . to all other ferruginous preparations. TANNER fw RREST, ManufRetoren and Patentees. London. F a a W ak Stomach, laipairad Pigsatiop, aad aB BO COSTIYETfESS, no MABMIEA Disotdeta of the Liver, they a t like magic, aad a few doses srill be fooad to srork wondtae on the DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITH BOTTLE wn„m, important orgaas la the hnian ■erbiaa, U67 Sold H]f an Chemists They aueagtha the whole msacola w»*— . IW mUth nr lattk vf the. erigimd wpXCSSTERSM rXS Btoie the loa^loet eooqilezioB, bring back thakaa 3LII|rijC®jPARI^ edge of appetite, end atouae into actisa, with the SAUCE it genuine. roaabiid of health, tha wheia physeeal a a a w j e f tha S. & H. HARRIS’S homan tramA Theee are Facts waiified ooatiBtoUy Ash f o r LEA em dPSRRItfS' Saufe, and see flame on Wrapper, Label, BotUe and Stopper. • Wholesale and far Export by the Proprietors, Woreester; Crosse and by members of all elsises ot sDciBty,aad oassf the dlcuhwell, London- * V „ (Tc.; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World. HARNESS COMPOSITION EBONITE BLACKING best goaniitero to the Neroas aad nsbilitatod is, Iateey-Catlhs' (Waterproof) (Waterproof) BEECHAU'S PILLS hare U e Lergeet Sola ef aap Patent Medicine ia tke tcorid. IX CONSTANT USE FOR 60 TEARS FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS AND • iOrOHOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM. ALL BLACK LEATHER ARTICLES. AVOID IMPURE- WATER m As a remedy for Cooghe ia geaetal, hethma, Btoa. chial AffectioiiA Hoar s s tw , Shoctaeae of Breath, 3ADDLE PASTE J E T B LA C K O IL T ightaea and Oppereeinsi of the Chsst, Whewiiag, Mathey-Caylus’ Injection has been SLACK&BROWN LOWS Ac., these Pills staad aaiivalled. They are tha used for over twenty years with the (Waterproof). FOR HARNRSS. beat errr oOeTCd to the public, aad srill epaadily re. greatest success by the leading physi­ move that aeaae of oppremeon aad diMceity of cians in London, Paris & New-York, breathing which nightly dspeire the p. tiw of r . , FILTERS HARNESS LIQUID reet. Let any person ^ve Bwcham's Coa|^ FSHs a POUSHING PASTE »ri-i uid the most violent Coogh will ia a short MATHEY-CAYLUS CAPSULES’&INJECTION or Self-ahining Jet* FOR CLSANUrO METALS. have been found superior to all other for the tiiBs be removed. _ prompt core of recent or chronic dlscbargea T he Hattsee of le iia win W B g g ^ s r t M g ^ Sold by all Saddlers, Xromnongen and Stordteepen, wriatrodBeed to theh nelieet th* DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITH BOTTLE ataosriBRadthmefi M anufoctory: 57, MANSELL STREET, LONDON. E. i-246 Sou by alt Chemists Ib' m ' ^^lOLESAL^ C L I N * G °, P a b i s NoticA—M aam. KATLOB. SON, 6 R I1 U 8 * Oto will farwaid,OB leoeipt of lattess, SMpIo Bean sR • Aubergier’s tho Pills et the ftdlosringiatos:— ^ T JOHN HERRING & SONS. 9id . eiae, 9 eanae par b ox: I * I | i sixis M l * W O S XuSB ID par b ox: an 9d. liie . * Rapaxs par t e I 1 manufacturers of everi^ Oeacription of do not inelnd. tha cost of poelagi, wbkh wMbe to tho eestwmt. SYRUP & PASTE YARROW’S Chemists end I i I LIGHT MD HEAJILEDGE TOOLS, Ftepered emty bw the of Lactucarium BLllsIsah Lsauuhlw. (OR JUICE OF THE LETTUCE) SMALL S m il i B S AND STEAM UUNCEES. lW ..aBdShM.sM Screw Steamers witifi speeds ranging up to 30 miles an hour. Eleetro Boraeic Joiners’ Tools, Affroved by tbe Paris Academy of Medeciin Tools, Augers, Saws, Files, ftc^ ho. VERY EFVIGAGIOTJS Paddle Steamers with' draft i^u^ing down to 6 inches oi water. viii ‘rtf rpiw/a . ,t Stern Wheel Steomere. with verythaMow draft etpeeiaWy euUaUafor mtlfoto Toole of boat - Af-FAVT Fu ■■•IVCnTIS, COIBS, C4HT6BS, mhrnmnte aaoke slMOld * C AST SI F i: I tv tMto T r ■fPLUKVZA, ASTHMA, and aU ASeetlMM - river navigation, Mil.f F : : ; L W leliealeDwl«,*i Of Uia M ap laatw y oOgoaB, M A O H IN ^T OONISTBTTOTEI) FOR BOATS BUILT ABROAIX * YVHOLBSALB : G O M A R & & U l l IBnstnM Wee List Fm 00 frHXIIBgMfiEBEl 98, ru* Saint-Claudee PARIS YARROW "ft; 0 %,*;i^OI>iJiR; tOI«0^ B. EiMWl^hlose WmMBBS OMHOT93 E3tir Sold by ^ OhemUfs. W holtiato w d Indenting* Agmta : HJIBnllnntino BoUdm of tb* Stem Whed Stanman aaad hv tha BTi^'CoTanaoBt.f» tha BRMO STREET UNE, SHEmRO, , on Oo. Honb; Road, Bomtey. Kila Expadition.