Virtual Volunteer Opportunities General

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Virtual Volunteer Opportunities General Updated 3/19/2020 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities General Category Project Name Project Description Availability All for Good Volunteers can search for virtual options by clicking the COVID-19 Response Volunteer From Click the link to find opportunities. Virtual Home button. This resource is put out by Points of Light. American Corporate Partners Volunteers provide advice to veterans about career paths and goals. Click the link to sign up. AdvisorNet Virtual American Red Cross Blood Donation Volunteers who are in good health donate blood to help the American Red Cross, which is Clink the link to find a blood drive happening near you. currently facing a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented amount of blood drive Virtual cancelations. American Red Cross Digital Volunteer Volunteers who want to help specifically with COVID-19 relief have several options, depending on Click the link to find out what COVID-19 relief volunteer opportunities are where they live. near you. Virtual Amnesty Decoders Volunteers help research and expose human rights violations. Click the link to register. Virtual Volunteers help preserve history by transcribing documents into a publicly-searchable database. Click the link to register. Virtual Ark of Hope Volunteers act as Junior Listeners, Listeners, Mentors or Survivors Coaches on a Removing Click the link to find options and apply. Chains text chat survivor support site. Virtual Be My Eyes Volunteers help blind and vision-impaired people see through video chat. Download the app and register. Virtual BookShare Volunteers scan books, edit books and describe images for people with dyslexia, blindness, Click the link to sign up. cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers. Virtual Bpeace Skilled volunteers can help support entrepreneurs in El Salvador and Guatemala to grow their Click the link to sign up. businesses through remote support and mentoring. Virtual By the People Volunteers make documents more searchable by transcribing, reviewing and tagging digitized Click the link to get started. images of manuscripts and typed materials from the Library of Congress. Virtual Career Village Volunteers give students career advice through a virtual platform. Click the link to register. Virtual Carnamah Historical Society Volunteers can transcribe old documents to make them more publicly available. Project is currently completed, stay tuned for a new one. Virtual Catchafire Skilled volunteers can search this site for projects that match their skillset. The projects are Click the link to find opportunities. generally put up by nonprofit organizations and can be done from home. You can also read about Virtual the pertanent assistance they need in response to COVID-19 on the website. Charity Miles Volunteers download and app and pledge to run/walk a certain number of miles. Each volunteer Download the app to get started. picks a charity of their choice for proceeds to go to. Virtual Create the Good Volunteers can search for Volunteer Options and then click the "Show only home/remote options" Click the link to find opportunities. button to find virtual volunteering opportunities. This tool is created through the AARP. Virtual For more information contact 1 Updated 3/19/2020 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities General Crisis Text Line Volutneers are needed in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and U.K., ages 18 and older to offer free, Click the link to get started. 24/7 support for those in crisis. Virtual CrisisCommons Volunteers with professional IT skills provide help through phone calls during times of disaster. Apply during disaster relief. Virtual DEED Volunteers input preferences into an app and it provides options for local small scale volunteer Click the link to download the app. opportunities and skills based volunteer opportunities. Virtual Doe Network Volunteers assist law enforcement by providing information that At this time the volunteer application process is closed. Please check concerns unexplained disappearances and unidentified Victims from North America, Australia and back. Virtual Europe. Volunteers can also translate important documents EmpowerWork Volunteers offer counseling to individuals facing challenges in the workplace. Click the link to start your volunteer application. Virtual FLOSS Manuels Volunteers write, edit, and promote technology manuels. Fill in information at the bottom of the page. Virtual Grow Movement Volunteers with business experience mentor African entrepreneurs in Uganda, Rwanda, and Click the link and scroll down to apply. Malawi to grow their small businesses. Virtual Help from Home Volunteers can search through many different virtual opportunities on this website. Click the link to find opportunities. Virtual Hire Heroes USA Volunteers help veterans find jobs virtually by conducting mock interviews, career counseling, There is a current need for volunteers in these industries: Federal Sector, fundraising, guiding federal sector applicants, or through outreach. Security/Law Enforcement, Information Technology, Emergency Management, Operations/Logistics, Project Management, Consulting, Virtual Entertainment, Nursing, Video Game Design, Graphic Design, Electrician Humanitarian Data Exchange Volunteers support humanitarian workers by keying data which is critical in times of disaster. The Click the link and then find the Add Data button to get started. data extraction will help workers visualize and respond to trends across regions or countries. Virtual Humanity Road Volunteers use Internet and mobile communications technology to collect, verify and route Click the link to register. information online during disasters. They provide public safety information as well as directing the Virtual public to governmental and aid agencies that are providing assistance for the disaster. IAMAlive Volutneers are needed to support those in crisis via a live chat. Click the link to get started. Virtual icouldbe Volunteers mentor students remotely about their career goals and dreams. Click the link to apply to become a mentor for the next school year. Virtual Idealist Volunteers can choose from the many different virtual volunteer projects on Idealist. Click the link to find opportunities. Virtual InfiniteFamily Volunteers mentor underserved and impoverished youth in South Africa. Click the link to get started. Matching occurs in January, February, April, May, July, August, and September. Virtual For more information contact 2 Updated 3/19/2020 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities General IntoBooks Volunteers read the same book as a child and hold virtual mentoring sessions to discuss the Click the link to learn more. There are not currently applications up for the book. next school year yet. Virtual Invest it Forward Volunteers who are financial professionals help teach students financial education. Currently working on changing to be completely virtual. Virtual Investwrite Volunteers judge a stock market game that students learning financial education in grades 4-12 Register to become a judge. are participating in. Virtual Learning Ally Volunteers can serve as narrators, listeners and quality assurance volunteers. Narrators are Click the link to get started. asked to use their voice talent to bring juvenile fiction books to life, or they can also record high school and college level textbooks. Auditions are required. Listeners will provide feedback to narrators, highlight issues with fluency and tone, audio quality, and more. Finally, quality Virtual assurance volunteers will perform a final check to ensure the audio books will provide an enjoyable experience to the recipient. LibriVox Volunteers record themselves reading books that are public domain for distribution. Click the link to register. Virtual Map Rectifier Project Volunteers index information that records how many floors a building once had or what a street Click the link and create an account. was named at different points in time to create a layered digital map. This project is created by Virtual the New York Public Library. MicroMentor This is an online platform that connects small business entrepreneurs from around the world with Click the link to get started. mentors to assist them with their endeavors. Virtual MicroNet Volunteers with STEM professional experience mentor students pursuing STEM degrees at U.S Click the link to register to mentor. accredited institutions. Virtual Missing Maps Volunteers can play an important part in supporting humanitarian organizations by helping map Click the link and then the Get Involved button. areas where disasters occur. Virtual Mozilla Firefox Volunteers can help Mozilla Firefox with their ongoing projects. Click the link to find out how you can get involved. Virtual National Maps Corps Editor Volunteers collect data about structures, including schools, hospitals, post offices, etc. and Click the link to sign up. update maps for all 50 states and Puerto Rico for the National Map Database. Virtual National Park Service Volunteers with web development skills help test and evaluate web programs that the National There are no current opporunities at this time. Please check back. Park Service is developing. Virtual Npower Volunteers with professional technology experience mentor students preparing for a career in Reach out to their volunteer team for more information. technology. Virtual OpenStreetMap Volunteers add to and edit this map of the globe. Click the link to sign up. Virtual Project Gutenberg Volunteers turn public
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