November 2008 No. 487 $4.00 In this UFO Journal issue Some Thoughts on the Socorro Object 3 Incident at Minot AFB, with radar evidence 6 UFOs over Western Pennsylvania 9 Test Prep Seminar for Field Investigators 12 Book review The Other Roswell 13 Regular Features Director’s Message 2 Calendar 14 Stan Friedman: SETI Surprise 16 Filer’s Files 18 The 24 April 1964 UFO landing site near Socorro, New Mexico, as seen from the exact CMS Rankings 21 spot at which policeman Lonnie Zamora was standing after he exited his patrol car Night Sky 24 some 50 feet from the UFO in the arroyo. Photo by New Mexico SD Don Burleson. Photographic and physical evidence suggest unusually short radioactive half-life at Socorro, New Mexico site November 2008 Number 487 Director’s Message By James Carrion MUFON “UFOs Over Earth” on Discovery Channel UFO Journal Hopefully you caught MUFON’s hard on the numerous cases and along show “UFOs Over Earth” in October with John and other Pennsylvania (USPS 002970) on the Discovery Channel. The investigators have (ISSN 02706822) MUFON team of Steve McGee, the done an excellent case’s original investigator; Norm job in represent- Mutual UFO Network Gagnon, STAR Team member; and ing MUFON in 155 E. Boardwalk Drive Richard Lang, North Carolina Chief the episode. Suite 300 Investigator, are all to be congratulated Phyllis Budinger Fort Collins, CO 80525 both for their work on the case and the and Nic Reiter, as Tel: 970-232-3110 show. well as Dr. Frank Fax: 866-466-9173 Two additional episodes will be Salisbury, also
[email protected] airing November 24 back to back at contributed their 9PM and 10PM EST.