News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines

 Domestic Scene  National Council for Women and New Constitution  Calm Returns to Salloum after a Reconciliation Meeting  Wide Controversy over Political Isolation Law Khaled Ali Demands Political Forces to Unite against Fraud  Abu Ismail: Presidential Elections Commission Cannot Exclude Me  Presidential Elections Updates  2 Killed and 14 Injured in a Huge Fire in Petroleum Company in Suez  MB and Al-Nour Discuss Constituent Assembly Crisis  General Intelligence: We are Neutral toward all Presidential Candidates


Newspapers (15/04/2012)

Page: 6. Author: Mostafa Sha’ban.

National Council for Women and New Constitution

Speaker of the People’s Assembly Dr. Saad Al-Katatni received an official letter from Ambassador Mervat Al-Telawi, head of Egypt’s National Council for Women.

In the letter, Al-Telawi demanded, on behalf of the Women’s Council, that the new constitution considers the role of women in the Egyptian society.

Al-Telawi also requested adding articles in the new constitution that guarantees positive discrimination for women. She also called on lawmakers to issue a legislation that prevents discrimination against women or violation of their rights. The council also demanded allocating a special quota for women’s representation in parliament, in addition to maintaining articles of the 1971 Constitution which provided for social solidarity, equal citizenship rights and protecting the rights of mothers by law.

Al-Telawi pointed out that the government must adopt economic policies that improve the status of women and raise their living standards because according to recent statistics women are among the poorest classes in Egypt and illiteracy spreads among women more than men.


Page: 3. Author: Ali Al-Shouki.

Calm Returns to Salloum after a Reconciliation Meeting

Calm returned to the city of Salloum in Marsa Matrouh governorate following a reconciliation meeting between the Armed Forces and residents.

Violent clashes broke out few days ago between army forces and some of the residents, resulting in the death of three and injury of at least 4 civilians.

Representative of the Western Military Region expressed his regret over the incident and agreed to re-deploy security forces to protect the border city.


Page: 4. Authors: Ra’fat Hassouna and Ola Abd Al-Hadi.

Wide Controversy over Political Isolation Law

Legal experts confirmed that the Political Isolation Law enacted by the parliament must first gain the approval of the ruling Supreme Council of Armed Forces, according to the provisions of the Constitutional Declaration. The law cannot be referred to the Supreme Constitutional Court before gaining SCAF’s approval.

Dr. Salah Al-Tahawi, professor of international law, said that SCAF, as the current executive authority, must approve the law before it can be put into effect. He also explained that law should be an abstract, general set of rules. If law was intended for a specific group or a specific person, then it could be considered unconstitutional.

“Preventing figures of the former Mubarak regime from running for presidency is the people’s demand after so many years of corruption; however, this can only be done without violating the provisions of the Constitutional Declaration,” Al-Tahawi said.


Page: 4. Author: Moataz Al-Hadidi.

Khaled Ali Demands Political Forces to Unite against Fraud

Khaled Ali, potential presidential candidate, confirmed that the revolution is going through a critical phase.

He said the crisis of the Constituent Assembly has raised concerns among many political forces because of the domination of religious political parties over the process of drafting the new constitution.

Following ’s announcement to run for presidency, the possibilities of rigging the upcoming elections are increasing, said Ali. He called on all political forces and movements to unite to protest against Suleiman’s presidential bids and to stand against any form of corruption in the upcoming presidential elections.


Page: 1. Author: Mohamed Abd Al-Maqsoud.

Abu Ismail: Presidential Elections Commission Cannot Exclude Me

Sheikh , potential presidential candidate, said that the Presidential Elections Commission cannot disqualify him from the presidential race because the period determined by the law for excluding candidates has already ended on Friday.

Abu Ismail said the official US documents, which prove his mother had obtained an American citizenship, are forged as they do not carry any official stamp or signatures. He stressed that the Administrative Court issued a clear decision obliging the Ministry of Interior to issue a document that states his mother carried only the Egyptian nationality.

Meanwhile, Abd Al-Moneim Abd Al-Maqsoud, the ’s lawyer, said the commission did not notify Khairat Al-Shater yet with its decision, which means that he is not yet excluded from the presidential race.



Page: 1 Authors: Mohamed Hamzawi, Hossam Khater (and others).

Presidential Elections Updates

Ten potential presidential candidates were officially disqualified by the Presidential Elections Commission for various reasons; the most standing names among them were Omar Suleiman, former vice president, Khairat Al-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, and .

The commission said in its statement issued yesterday that it completed examining and reviewing all the candidacy papers and took the decision to exclude 10 candidates who did not meet the requirements set by the law.

According to the commission’s statement, Major General Omar Suleiman was disqualified for failing to achieve the required geographical distribution of his signed forms of endorsement. In addition to that, there were citizens who gave him forms of endorsement after giving them to other candidates earlier, which totally invalidated these forms.

As for Khairat Al-Shater, the Presidential Elections Commission disqualified him because the amnesty granted to him by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tanatawi, Head of the ruling SCAF, does not yet allow him to practice his political rights. Ayman Nour was disqualified for the same reason.

Hazem Salah Abu Ismail was disqualified because the commission was able to prove that his deceased mother acquired an American citizenship before she died. According to the law, both parents of the presidential candidate should carry only the Egyptian citizenship. “We will never accept this manipulation,” said Gamal Saber, coordinator of Hazem Abu Ismail’s campaign, as he expressed his rejection of the commission’s decision to eliminate Abu Ismail. He said that supporters of the presidential hopeful are completely furious of this decision. Similar news was reported in: Al-Ahram: Pages 1, 4, 5; Youm 7: Pages 1, 5, 8.


Page: 1. Author: Sayed Noun.

2 Killed and 14 Injured in a Huge Fire in Petroleum Company in Suez

Suez witnessed a catastrophe yesterday as a huge fire broke out in Al-Nasr Petroleum Co. leaving 2 workers dead and around 14 others wounded.

Emergency crews put out fires at three out of the four tanks.

Experts confirmed that the fire will cause a serious shortage of diesel fuel supplies as the company lost nearly 5 tons of fuel and because producing refined fuel will stop until the blaze is contained.

Similar news was reported in: Youm 7: Page 1; Al-Akhbar: Page 20; Al-Masry Al-Youm: Page 3.


Page: 1. Authors: Ihsan Al-Sayed, Hend Adel (and others).

MB and Al-Nour Discuss Constituent Assembly Crisis

MP Dr. Wahid Abd Al-Megid, coordinator of the committee mediating the crisis of the Constituent Assembly, said that the Muslim Brotherhood contacted Al-Nour Salafi Party to discuss the reformation of the assembly and decrease the percentage of MPs represented in the constitution-drafting panel.

Abd Al-Megid told Youm 7 that the mediation committee also requested from other political parties and forces to present their proposals on the formation of the Constituent Assembly. He said there will be a meeting that comprises all these political forces to discuss all the proposals presented in an attempt to come out with a solution for this crisis. The joint meeting will also discuss the list of names of public figures who will be selected for the Constituent Assembly.

MP Dr. Amr Hamzawi said the parliament’s majority bloc, namely the Freedom and Justice Party and Al-Nour Salafi Party, should apologize for creating this crisis of the Constituent Assembly and should respect the decision of the Administrative Court.


Page: 3. Author: Not mentioned.

General Intelligence: We are Neutral toward all Presidential Candidates

Member of Parliament Mahmoud Ashmawi requested a hearing over the role of the General Intelligence Service in the upcoming presidential elections. He wanted to identify whether or not they practiced pressure on citizens and army soldiers to give forms of endorsement for former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman.

The People’s Assembly will determine on its coming session on Tuesday a schedule for 115 hearings for the Prime Minister and some of the ministers.

The General Intelligence Service stated that its main task is to preserve the security and stability of the country and protect its sovereignty. They also reaffirmed their adherence to Article 47 of the General Intelligence Code which bans members of the apparatus from joining any political organization or participating in electoral campaigns.

The Intelligence Service confirmed its neutrality toward all potential presidential candidates and its commitment to achieving the best interest of the country during this critical juncture.

Similar news was reported in: Al-Masry Al-Youm: Page 1.


TV Coverage (14/04/2012)

Al-Hayah Channel: Al-Hayah Al-Youm Host: Lobna Assal.

The General Intelligence Service confirms its neutral position toward all presidential candidates.

Presidential Elections Commission: We have received an official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that proves Hazem Salah Abu Ismail’s mother acquired an American citizenship before she passed away.

Field Marshal meets representatives of political parties today in the afternoon.

Al-Hayah Channel: Al-Hayah Al-‘An Host: Maha Bahnassy.

Presidential Elections Commission evacuates its premises after huge protests of supporters of Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, potential presidential candidate, surrounded the commission’s building.

Al-Hayah 2 Masr Al-Gedida Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash.

Security forces surround the house of Mortada Mansour before arresting him Ten presidential candidates were disqualified from the presidential race including: Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Omar Suleiman, Khairat Al-Shater, Ayman Nour and Mortada Mansour.

Channel: CBC Program: Huna al-Asimah Presenter: Lamis al-Hadidi The excluded presidential candidates: Umar Suleiman, Khairat al-Shateir, Hazim Abu Ismail, Ayman Nour, Murtada Mansours, Ahmad Muhammad Awads, Husam Mansour, Mamdouh Qutb, Ashraf baroumah, Ibrahim Gharib.


Channel: CH1 Program: Sabah al-Khair ya Masr

In the mass demonstration named “protect the Revolution” the people want to fail the remnants of the former regime. The High Presidential Elections Commission responds to Abu Ismail by declaring that it had original American documents.

Guest: political thinker Mustafa al-Fiqi: I do not agree on excluding Hazim Abu Ismail.

Guest: Muhammad Nour Farhat, the constitutional expert: He who can prove that Umar Suleiman and Ahmad Shafiq have corrupted the political life in Egypt should file a claim to the Attorney General.

Guest: MP Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat: I expect runoffs between Amr Mussa and Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh.

News: CH 1 (3:00 AM)

Presidential Elections Commission disqualified 10 presidential candidates.

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces will hold talks today with leaders of political parties.

Channel: CH2 Program: news Time: 26:00:00 The excluded presidential candidates: Umar Suleiman, Khairat al-Shateir, Hazim Abu Ismail, Ayman Nour, Murtada Mansours, Ahmad Muhammad Awads, Husam Mansour, Mamdouh Qutb, Ashraf baroumah, Ibrahim Gharib.

The High Presidential Elections Commission considers the complaints brought by the excluded candidates.


Channel: CH 2

Program: Yeseid Sabahak Presenter: Hani Tawfiq and Dina Hijazi

The High Presidential Elections Commission evacuates its headquarters after being besieged by Abu Ismail’s supporters.

Hurras al-Thawrah [the Revolution Guards] calls for not permitting illiterates to vote in the presidential elections.

The Revolutionary Lawyers launches an initiative to agree on one presidential candidate.

Umar Suleiman campaign: our candidate accepted the challenge and the propaganda against are considered free campaigning in his favor.


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Radio Coverage (1 4/04/2012)

Radio Misr – News – 25:00:00

Ten presidential candidates were disqualified from the presidential race including: Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Omar Suleiman, Khairat Al-Shater, Ayman Nour and Mortada Mansour. The General Intelligence Service confirms its neutral position toward all presidential candidates.

Channel: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat

SCAF holds talks today with the heads of political parties.


The excluded presidential candidates: Umar Suleiman, Khairat al-Shater, Hazem Abu Ismail, Ayman Nour, Murtada Mansour, Ahmad Muhammad Awad, Hussam Mansour, Mamdouh Qutb, Ashraf Baroumah and Ibrahim Gharib.

(News, 15:00:00)


Links WSAT-20120414-250100-250250.rar 0RIYADA-20120414-251725-251834.rar 250058-250151.rar


Internet Coverage (15/4/2012)


We are all Khaled Saeed

The referendum on constitutional amendments that took place on March 19, 2011, included clear points on the regulation of the electoral process. Most of which were stipulated in Article 76: The “High Presidential Elections Commission” oversees the presidential elections as of the start of the candidature until the announcements of the results. The commission should be chaired by the president of the Supreme Constitutional Court with the membership of the president of the Court of Appeals and the oldest deputies of the president of the Supreme Constitutional Court, the oldest deputies of the president of the Court of Cassation and the oldest deputies of the president of the State Council. The decisions of the commission should be irrevocable and uncontested. The High Presidential Elections Commission reveals details of Abu-Ismail’s exclusion from the elections. 4cb2-a22f-c8ea77f8df3b ash3/s720x720/577325_386086668107870_104224996294040_910885_1558636247_n.jpg

Egyptian Cabinet:

Initial reports reveal that Shebin el-Kom inmate has died from injuries he inflicted on himself. Sabahi: The disqualification of some former regime figures from the presidential elections is a positive thing.


Wael Abbas:

Enough already, Abu-Ismail’s supporters are thugs. I am at Zoo Belvedere. _XPx6CVF3vLpms&ref=tw


I am Parc du Belvedere. osuk_CZ1vnU_zOryJ3k&ref=tw I am at Defray Duty Free. d6ZSK9Fw2X-XP39dho&ref=tw I am at Sky cafe. ZiVbX0PwdWaRvgAJERyLc&ref=tw I am at Cairo International Airport – Terminal 3. 6_F0NV6Qk6PT0IaEehj6w&ref=tw

Asmaa Mahfouz:

Tantawi will come out and say what happened can happen anywhere in the world. Two days later, a fact-finding commission will be formed.

When the “Description d’ Egypte” book was burned, everyone on TV was mourning it. But, when Egypt is on fire, no one is saying anything.

Iyad elbaghdadi:

The traditional thinking goes: Government should stop people from doing stupid things, and drinking/smoking/etc is stupid.

Typically the government will try to "discourage" usage by taxing the item to bid up its price. This helps, right? Wrong.

Taxing a substance (such as cigarettes, alcohol etc.) provides an excellent income for the government but does not discourage usage.

In fact, people who use such as substance (e.g. smokers) are pretty addicted, and will still buy at the higher price.

But let's go a bit deeper into the argument for legalizing drugs. First, it does not mean that these drugs are good. They're very bad.

This is only about the most effective and moral way of combating them as a phenomenon. The current "war on drugs" obviously not working.


Simple economics. Government wants to stop people from using X, so they go after the suppliers, smugglers, and sellers of X. Result?

Result is that price of X goes up due to restricted supply (demand is not affected). Price goes up, so it's more profitable to get in on it.

Since there's more money in it, its worth, you know, killing others over it. And since it's illegal, criminals will be first in line. On the other hand, if X is legalized, the price will naturally fall down as more supply is provided. Profit margins fall to "normal". #Libya has a lot of problems with smugglers now. If the country adopts a zero- customs policy, the smugglers will lose their business. In fact, the smugglers will be first to oppose zero-customs rate and if applied, will turn to other criminal activities. #Libya


Qatar named as the fattest nation on earth where HALF of all adults are obese | Mail Online:

In the Kingdom of Tear Gas | MERIP: Gregg Carlstrom. Cairo blissfully quiet for Coptic Easter & Sham An-Nassim. Recharging batteries before the storm returns.


The weather in Egypt is perfect..I am happy I am back I feel like all of a sudden i am living in a country where there needs to be a revolution #ElectionsTalkisKillingMe

Thank god that nothing catastrophic happened this time when i left Egypt..Oh wait ..Elections drama #Fail

Please make it go away..Everywhere I look, it's there: TV, Facebook, , the streets..Everywhere! #Elections #Fail

One of the weapons counter-revolution (lead by SCAF) uses to crush our glorious revolution are #Elections ..It's hardly the end of the road.

Palestinian inmates plan mass hunger strike Tuesday #Palestine US Secret Service suspends 11 for alleged 'misconduct' in Colombia #Fail #Idiots #USSS


You can run but you can't hide..We will hang you isa #SCAF Egypt's 'sniper of the eyes' referred to criminal court along with 379 protesters ..very just system we have #Fail Suez oil company fire kills fire fighter, causes financial losses #Suez #Egypt Explosion in Suez oil company kills worker and injures others :(( #EgyWorkers #Suez OMG i just read the letter from Israel to the pro-Palestinian activists #unbelievable i am so outraged my palms are sweating "Israel is MidEast's sole democracy" ...and MidEast's sole colonial zionist and occupiers of land. "Where women are equal”.yes where women are equally killed and tortured no bias here #Israel "Where press criticizes the government"...yeah and NOTHING fuckin happens #Israel "Human rights organization can operate freely" ... and get imprisoned, threatened or simply can't enter to begin with #Israel "Where religious freedom is protected for all"...unless you are not a Zionist #Israel "Where minorities do not live in fear" ...yeah because it's impossible to live in fear when you are fuckin dead! #Israel

Pro-Palestinian activists detained in Israel #FuckISrael As long as SCAF is driving the process of "transition" we are just playing catch up & benefiting very little from the outcome Are there still people arguing about the referendum & what is constitutional? Seriously you are still delusional about SCAF's role?!! #Fail Those SS men sealed it doggy stye RT @AP: BREAKING Obama says US trade deal w/ Colombia has strong protections for workers & the environment.

Aalam Wassef:

Ahmed Shafiq, a candidate to make fun of. Watch part 1. Part 2:


Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content Newspapers: 3-11 Al-Ahram Newspaper National Council for Women and New Constitution 3 Al-Masry Al-Yom Newspaper Calm Returns to Salloum after a Reconciliation Meeting 4 Al-Gomhoria Newspaper Wide Controversy over Political Isolation Law 5 Khaled Ali Demands Political Forces to Unite against Fraud 6 Dostour Newspaper Abu Ismail: Presidential Elections Commission Cannot Exclude Me 7 Tahrir Newspaper Presidential Elections Updates 8 Al-Shorouk Newspaper 2 Killed and 14 Injured in a Huge Fire in Petroleum Company in Suez 9 Al-Youm Al-Sabea Newspaper MB and Al-Nour Discuss Constituent Assembly Crisis 01 Akhbar Newspaper General Intelligence: We are Neutral toward all Presidential Candidates 00 TV Coverage 13 - 15 AL hayah tv 13 Ch 1 13 Ch 2 13 Links 14 Radio Coverage 15-16 Radio Misr 15 Al Sharq Al Awsat 15 Links 16 Internet coverage 17-18 Face book 17 Twitter 17-18