u'T' * iis to to i M .—iii— at tba Bssthavmi Otos The Baeetar Chib e f the Mbrtb Tbe ebildrsn’i f4te*r of tbs r. 18 Tkd W«itlMr X Bmonusl Lutheran church wgl re­ dub arc lemlndad at tbs rsgutaf Matbodtat obureh wm hold Its r s r fieteS beBr?w ffineeftoe5?el I a< O. .a. WaaUiar Bbh A bout Town hears* tomurow afternoon at 3:48 rehearsal ^ Igb t at T30 o’doch Otar aMOthly masting thta evening T:M at tha church. at tbs Emanuel Lutheran ebureb a t T :lfi taetead o f tba usual hour. o’clock instead of Wednesday OPPERS 20 Shopping lUy fair toalght aai Wl afternoon. TXia monthly buslnee* eeeelon wUI A brief taidnsee meeting Wffi be i 6,285 'A ■ u t t f « f Ouapban Oooncfl SnllnKM If , a - . 1 .— — . 1 Mia toahar at tha Audit y. BtHa ehaaga la «naaa n , OwUl to teld thU MMilaf. Bfario Marchlaottl and Jlnuny bearsaL *wniage Beboor and oatertatai- araaa at i msnt to ba prseitsa by tba ohib NESTLrS SEMI SWEET Days to Xmas' Vtoto an Mrwal appUcatloiii for RuddeU returned from a hunting OKE M aneJu^r-^A City of Vitlago Charm •■dtoiaUp that wtU to acted up- trip Saturday evening with a ^ Robert P. CSoleman, Jr„ tba 3- on Friday avsnlng, Deeember 8. CHOCOLATE da la pireparatloB for the Ftrat of two pheasants, three rabbits yrear-otd-son o f Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ After the rebeareal refreebmenta 6 D w n a BiMtlny that win to held ,n/< one partridg®' was their ert P. Ooleman, Sr., of 188 Lydall win be eerved as Is the custom All Charge Purchases VOL. LDE.. NO. 60 (ClaaaMed Adverttong am Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) a «M k tnm toolcht. Following first hunting trip of to* etreet, observed bis second Mrtb- after regular meetings. 2 b o r t 25c PRICB THKEB CBNTB tto B w otl^ next week, a roaat day on Saturday. There srae a $1X.S0 ‘Billed as o f Dec. 1st. toid auK*er wlQ to aerrod, InrhM from be-d to tip of tall. p u ty wtalch was attended by tea Ptaetawet faB afivt. an Png* 3. Uarckffotti reporUd. children of about his earn* ogs Ttou ta P a ^ 3 . . . n wM pay L, T. Wood Co, living ta the vldnlty. Where Soviet-Finn “ Incident” Occurred Oronp 1 of Center chnrdi wom­ Light Vote Is Oompuiy No. 1 o f th« Booth FUEL on. 81 1W 44M Prosecutor an. Mrs. Alexaader Stuart, leader, The Christmae party commlttsoa D a 6 a A a :ain mn hold Its moatbly meeting to- Mattebester Are departmwit w m 24-Hoar Smrvlcal King George Asserts called at noon today to exUnfuUb of the Ladles' Aid Society, Doroos PINEHURST Recorded Here nserrow evening at 7:80 In the Society and Brotherhood of th* KobUne room. Group 4, Mre. a ^raia Are oo Bridge Btreet* Chiffon «nd Service Weight Saturday afternoon at SrSO No, 4 Emanuel Lutheran church will L. T . WOOD GROCERY, INC. ' Wtethrop Merriam, leader, will meet tomorrow night at 7:80 P h o o a 4496 IBMt ftt tht Mine time tomorrow want to the rear of 67 Gardner Read Herald Ad vs. Aviers Kuhn Stole On Expansion atreet to extinfuUb a bniab flra. o’clock. •iMBlng In the committee room. ______^______HOSIERY Navy Is Keeping Sea Funds from Bund Little Interest Shown Up fC pair To One O'clock on the 6 9 McCarthy Reiterates Hia I ni Wind Blows Bad, Then Question of Adding to Fun fashioned rIngleM hoalery with reinforced heela and toea. Good for School Teacher Lanes Open to Trade This Is one o f our most popular hose. Charge in Summing Up Present Vpting Place. For State; Attacks De­ Indianapolis, Nov. 28.—OF)— 52” X 52" Hand Blocked An U1 wind blew bad—then There waa but little Interest fense Counsel as ^Cali­ good—for Ima Willis, Peters­ shown by local voters up until Germans See Wrong PedMtrian Made T Assurance Is Given In ban of Ethics'; Case to burg school teacher. noon today in the question of vot­ Leap Oat of Auto’s Way I Speech Opening Fint After leaving an automobile ing districts. Lunch Cloths Jury Before Nightfall. parts lot here. Willis discover­ The polls opened at 8 o'clock British Fleet Reading, Pa., Nov. 38.—(P> ! War Session of Parlias j ed be bad lost $65 In bills. He with Attorney William J. Shea aa —Paul FUck made the wrong | New York, Nov. 28—(iP)— ABala- telephoned the*auto parts com- moderator. There were six ma­ pedestrian leap for safety aa ment; Blockade o f G e t* pany. he bs''ked hla automobile Into < tant Dlatrict Attorney Herman J. chines set up. There were ac­ man Exports to Go In­ 1.19 The wind had blown the bills cordingly six tenders and three Off Atlantic a parking space. $ ^ McCarthy, summing up fo r tnc In every direction—but not assistant tenders were held In re­ The p^e.strlan waa Judge' to Effect Dec. 4; A u3p> Pure Unsn or sstlne grounds. Exceptionally smart psttema pta today at the larceny trial oi very far. Searchers recovered serve. There was no need for Paul Schaeffer. He bad FUck | hi an color coiabbiatlona. You wlU want several for gifts or for Kuhn, reiterated hla charge all the nviney, traffic directors this morning and Assert Rawalpindi Dis­ hailed before an alderman and iliary Ouiser Lands 73 AT ------yoursalf. at the German-Americ&n Bund during the first hour only 60 votes ] fined for reckleaa driving. I Prisonerff in Scotland. 1 leader stole Bund funds. He at­ had been recorded. The 59th vote covered Entirely Alone ...... » tacked Kuhn's counsel, Peter L. F'. was registered at 8:55 and the next At Sea Between Faroe Extra Special! Regular 69c Lady Pepperell Sabbatino, aa “a Caliban or voter within the hour came In London, Nov. '38.—(ff) —Klag ethics.” 600 W orkers four minutes later. Islands and Greenland. Georg* today assured the British : McCarthy replied to Sabbatlno s No Inatruction Needed. French Halt empire that the Rojral Navy ta: IntlmaGon, miide yesterday, that Inside the door were seated two Berlin, Nov. 28—(P )-T h e Brit­ Crib Sheets McCarthy kept a "tryst” In Miami Enter Dodge men who were Intended to give keeping sea Isnes "free and npHi*’ : 45” X 72” With Mrs. Florence Camp, the Instructions. There waa no ish fleet. In the opinion of German Nazi Attack despite tbe sinking o f Uta^arata6' i HALE’S SE lf SERVE andHEALTH MARKET "golden angel" of Kuhn’s love let­ military experts, now has been need for these men, as far aa could British merchaaunan RawfiMaU ters. Mrs. Camp testified for the Plant Today be observed, aa tbe voters who cleared not only from the North by two —French re­ go into effaet Dao. 4. Bpi Mirada Whip Pure Linen tino, a former city magUtrata. lineup would have trouble to keep as saying they were “ 100 per cent porta said today a German attaok o f Beutnd proueto agaiait ■ale^ QnaSty Not First ta Fall the Chrysler main Dodge plant to­ Finland Leaves Door aurpriaed” to find a whole German awake, so slow was the voting. east of ths Moaslls river, ths wset- blookads ba aald that ” wa re qi Babbatbio arguad In hla aumma- day without Incident other than What la the lAW 7 Navy group. Including at least one ntaa that Milk Bread 2 Loaves 9c Salad Dressing . 32c tton yaaterday that Kuhn, though the booea of several thouaand Judge William S. Hyde baa rul­ heavy crulaer, ao far out In tbe At- srn traot section near th* Luxem­ eottsa bMouveotaBoa h Dish Towels ha might have fallen In love with members of the United Automobile ed that the opening of the polla ■Open for Arbitration lantle. bourg.. tnaUfiri had bean rspuissd lose to Boutraia,” but i 114-Pemd raekage Waskbam 7-Ounca Bar Haiabay BIttai Sweat Made In Belgium Mrs. Camp, was not the firat mar­ Workers Union (CIO) on the today waa not an election. He ruled (Th e British Adm iralty an' by machine-gun fir* yesterday. msumaa ter T ried man to fall In love with an­ picket line. Special police details it waa a town meeting. At 9 o'clock nounced that the Rawalpindi was A company of epeolal aesault forts ta a other wonmn. To support this this morning Moderator William J. sunk by the German 10,000-ton Pancake Flour statement be referred to the pri­ were on duty. Apparently Determined troops tried to setae Frsoch out- w ^ ha worth 1 ___ ^pkgitlSc Chocolate _2 23c Aa waa the case yeaterdey when Shea, also a lawyer, gave Instruc­ pocket battleship Deutschland posU after an hour’s artUlaty pre. part of aoutnta.” - vate Uvee of Napoleon and Julius tions to have the aigna posted that Soviet Radio which technically la a heavy ertua- a.aa. SVhlppla about 200 workers were admitted To Refuse any Conces­ paratlon which included the nee 3. B tttf Northern birds that poaitively equal In qaality-any we IC ea. Cm se f to the etrike-bound plant, union prohibited peddling of literature er. London dispatches aald a Brit' of amok* aheUa against IVsnch But McCarthy told the Jury he within the 75 feet limits. Under the sions Which Might; lah reacue ahlp had landed 11 sur­ have ever sold intheptuL^The^p^ for itaelf. would steer clear of historical leaders at loudspeakers cautioned Gives Finns batteries. Plum Pudding 1-Lb. Can 2 7 c Mince Meat 2-Lb. Jar the pickets against violence. The ruling of Mr. Shea today'a vote is vivors and tiia Admiralty >iad Concentrated Frsgek fir* I t waa. 24c Hlgbaat Grade, 8-a-Ponad Buy plenty of these for they are advancing In price and facts and keep to the record. an election. Jeopardize DefeiifieH.' estimated that about 30 men had are getting very scarce. Beautiful quality linen that will weu The aUto, he said, charged that workers, mostly Negroes, marched th* attempt, forolnff the Germane Brittab auxlltary i Oraiidmotber*s All taverns In Manchester and been Mved by tbe Germane. They I Jack FVnat for jrears. Colored borderj In blue, gold, green and red. ifiibn stole $500, listed Ip the Bund through the gates four abreast. Peace Talks to withdraw, Franoi aHttUry n - Oormaa prtaooars ' BMhidbHr 3 t '< A number of the men unable to other places where licenses are Bulletin! listed the remainder of the crew porta said. fioera^ at a Irntttah Roasting Chickens Lb. 25c ledgsrs as having been paid to o f almost 300 as lost.) James D. C. Murray, lawyer, for produce Dodge workers' badges held, were opened as usual today. HelainkL Nov. 38.—<(P>—A ! T e M n M wefa imdaixtoad' ta Confectionery Sugar Mince Meot aervlcea In a criminal action were turned back at the plant The number of voters that came Foreign Offloea spokeemaa Britteh Frightened In tha war nt sen Frnneo was ora of a aaokmi Faaey 8-Poand agalnat Bund members at River- gates. annonnoed tonight Umt Rus­ Begins Broadcasts in German experts who are author. preparing to Join Britain la a tbiaa Oarmaa fraigbtai%- Fresh Salted Mixed Nuts (Conttaned On Page Two) head. Long Island. Officials Meet Again sia had denounood her nou- Finnish Language As­ Ized to Inform the foreign press blockade of German exports. fata was net i foi21c Floko Pie C'*ust Capons Lb. 35c Kuhn (a alao accused of steallim High officials of the corporation aggrssfilnn nwet with Finland state that th* BriUah have bean A Naval soufoa, aeked to r 4. The ax ___ 8717.08 which the aUte contends and the UAW -CIO met again to­ In a M is knndad to tho rta- suring Amity if Rus­ frightened by tha oomMnto opinioa OB ^ aamber at Oenaan CMteol. wbtabi btaught 39 c Ib. Mrs. Camp’s moving fx*. day In renewed efforts to untangle ... aHMarinlsM* J a Slooeow. W o r fi)U|3lr prowaaa that eubniittaaa sunk Jgf Um Freneli ■uTvtaoea o f t b * - i r — “ penaas. the labor dispute which has made Defense Ready sian Terms in Row M W - S i ~ ordereff the navy to N avy atnoe the a to ft o f tho war. taadod S f Oormaa Mixed Fruit from both the North Poultry Seasoning p » « . For Fruit Cakn! Lb. Fecaas • Afanoada • BraaU Nwts • Tha case la expected to go to an estimated 150,000 men idle In HolSlaM, Nov. 38— Finland •xpMMd IMiat tb# MMibif Hdp oaptanM hi 4b6 Pork Roosts 16c the Jury by nIghtfaU, after Judge the automobile and allied Indus- Moscow, Nov. 38—(3)—H i* So­ Sea a ^ the North Atlantia. waa aixnit Uo, of wWdl ate were Iceland ta which the To Start Case left the door open today for arbi­ The* engagement of German was sunk. Oeeua Spruy Wallace’s charge. triee. viet radio began broadcasts In the certain loeese, baviog ' Philip Murray, C7IO national tration of growing differences wltn unite with the Rawalpindi la dt n g h t a l Cheek fo r 81,880 Finnish languag* today, Msurlng ously rsported. Fresh Shoulders Lb. 15e McCarthy aald Kuhn drew a vice president who entered the Soviet Russia while apparently da- cribed aa th* first between German with soant aoUvHjr aw tha war 6. Thfi f i l r ^ Walnuts Cranberry Soure 2 C^ns 21c Candies for Thanksgiving check tor 81,000 on July 8, 1938, negotlatlona yesterday, remained Government, Rests in terminod to rsfum her mighty the Finnish popuiethm tha't “there and Engllab flghUng crafU This, front today, the Freoek are tun­ that Royal Air Poree ‘ and noted It as "fee for James D. a party to the dlacuaelons, pre- neighbor any one-sided concessions will be peace” If tbe Finns come however, does not ta^ie into ne- ing to lotto term preparatlou oa * “euoeeetattl flght Vbeey Paper Shell Fresh Shipment Of Disbarment Hearing of count poarible enoounjiera In other Burt Olney 5ousaqe Meat Lb. 19c C. Murray-Rlverhead law suit.” Buraably to clarify the position of which might Jeopardize her ' own to terms with Russia In their cur­ the hoBw m nL wsaton Oarmaoy las la te r, the proeecutor aald, the CIO on the question of union­ defenses. rent dispute. PMBtmiBt to Meet «. Food maistaa W. B.' Mary Oliver Choeolatei...... 60c Ib. ized shop foremen. New Haven Lawyer. (Oentiaaei an Page Fenr) told , ths House of Almonds W A | l i e SEND TO GOLD 3IEDAL when tha Bund leader was chal- Denying alleged "hostile ae- The Soviet newspaper Red Star ParttaBMot haa besa called to Ketchup Bottle 10c Mary Oliver Chocolated...... 2-lb pkg. 91.00 The corporation, contending that published an order o f the corn- meet Thursday M Ita drat butter aad baooa Kxtea Fancy y Homer Martin, praai- secretary. Mlm Helen Button- Berlin, N5v. 38—(P)—The Oar- year’s brntaet before Jaa L The silver Lana Best SOFTASILK...... 24c Premier - Forel^ Oommlasar man press, in an b u rre d articie dent of the rival UAW-AFL. berg, and that the aomuntlug Vyachealaff Molotoff protesting an cabinet wUl meet In a pre-porUa- Bocon Ginger Ale BheOtaM or Vap Oamp’s gained Impetus at a meeting last firm of Bailey a Bniley ef this reviewing event* leading up to th* mentory conference tomorrow eve­ Germans Say BoOctia! night when approximately 1,000 alleged "border incident” Sunday war, blamea Great Britain for the Case of One Dozen— A A Dill Pirkles qt. 17c eity took camplete charge of in which, the Rusal ana said, 13 Red ning with Prssldeot Albert Le­ nsvsiaai, Nov. «*—<>P)— men profeeslng to be employed at Me Income tax retwnn. conflict and accuaea her o f douMe- brun. (Contents Only) ...... OVC No. S Ouu Burt Otaiay Cana Army soldiers were killed or Flashes! deallng in negotiations with Po­ Cruiser Sunil Milk 4 27c the main Dodge plant agreed to wounded by Ftnnlah artillery fire No. I Tall Caa Rowdale liBlMi*^edl^r^'and*iHppllcM march Into the plant tomorrow N ew Hfiven, Nov. 38.——The Blue Book of documents on th* Torpedoed, DestroyiBi| New 8 'j Can Bun OInry Vorli t>Ute F f « h No. Can Burt Olney Sweat, M e y proval at a return to work at the the dlabarment of Abraham 8. Heary Anustroug-Lsu Amber* budget for 1940 calling for expen­ oa a wahrar aa a ciowd lalWwd Chrysler plants. pre-war oriels—particularly an ax- Welasman of this city aa a mem­ welterweigbt title fight, echeduisd diture of 849300.000300 franos East o f the Shetlandiq^|,| In an addreas, Martin declared ber of tbe Federal bar la this chang* of telegrams between For­ (87,678,000,000 a t current Golden Pumpkin or aOlea, fsr Msdisou Sqimio OarSeu Fri­ eign Secretary Lord Halifax and Elberto Peaches Grapefruit 7 f«^25c that “Detroit, Its workers and Its state. day night, was IsdiWsItely pOM- Chang* rate). corpMstiona are the victims of Matthias Oorrea, apedal aasist- May Not Query Sir Howard William Kennard, Wben Flnanoe Minister Rsy- BorUn. Nov. Jaley. Sweat, Eswge powed totey- Thrss phyaMans Brlttsb Ambassador to Warsaw, Cans Red gangeterlam." ant to John C. Cahill of New toM th* New Vsrk Stats Athlette Baud preesetod ths 1940 ordlaary autboritiee anaounood Marrow Squash 2 19c city, Xatmard waa accused In the nrti- budget to the Senate flnanoe a British beavy crulaer 25c 2for49c of l it OaOe Aetiou UaJnetitohle York, announced hla declaioa to Cnmndmliu Armstrsug, the tttls- He termed the dO 'e action In rest after a long conference with Mrs, Roosevelt cle of having withheld from the Oommittee OcL 38 be said tbe fig torpedoed and deatroyed asst Florida Oranges 2 D...29C koUer, la physieuay uuakis to *u- PoUah government a communkw^ No. S Can Sliced Queeii Light Halvea the Chrysler dispute unjustifiable Judge CarroU C Hincks and Sam- tar tbe r l^ keeauie of aa attabk ur* might be increased, la addl- the Sbettaad lelanda, north except la tbs and Inconsistent with “the good of turn from hia government advlalng tlou there will be sn extraordinary SeoUand. iMl Peraky, chief defense counseL at grip. N* data waa set far tha Poland to begin direct negoUa- Iftbor's esus#.** Correa told the court that he In­ Starnes Knows of No aghL budget of supplementary Itdaw. The aaaeuBcement aald U euL': s Pineapole 13c 2 Cana - 25c Walnut Meats 4 Lb. “I know,” bo added, "that CIO e e e tlana with Germany in an attempt F or 1989 this amounted to 37,000.- CapL Ouatber Prion, wbo oom-X Doz Cleveland, Nov. 38— (JPl—ItOyor tended to present no further di­ to oettie differences. Tongerinet 15c ofnrials ordered the slow-down rect evidence and would confine Qnestioni Committee H arder Oalaaaa Baata 000,000 franca (about 3594,000,' maaded the German eubmattafiX H. Burton was ready today to “Thla refuanl by Kennard to wMeh aaak tha Brittab batUMMta No. 1 Tall Can Sunbeam which crippled Chrysler production himself to rebuttal arguments un- 000). “destroy” this city’s regiUar ser­ Has to Ask First Lady. Nsw Haven. N sv. 3S—(Py-^^Yhs band the Polea hie govemment’a Tbs total 1939 budget was only Royal Oak at Bcapa Flow Oct Iq,' Lord Pbeey Nfc 1 vices to feed hungry reliefers, and ultimately led to the closing lem H>eclficaUy directed by the defease In the first of the plants.” propcaala,” the article said, “was 103346.000.000 franca 133373.008.- also was In oommand at tbe sob* who havs threatened to obtain court. The questton follow^ ver­ trial at Oaorge Parsfit nod Camille alther groaa Insubordination or marine wbleb sank the cruiser. Fruit Corktail 2 Can, 25c Large Package Ideal An addrsM relative to the labor bal sparring between prosecution Washington, NoV. 3sV(g)—Rep. 000), which Ineludsd onUnary ex­ Lbs. food "on our own authority.” ressntatlve Starnes Ala.), Veaeita inatod today after tw* based on a pre-arranged game.” penditures o f 66,864,000,000 francs Of Leaden Claaa sc Lawrence Teni'er Cranberries 2 25c “Relief comes ahead of every situation by E lliott Roosevelt, son and defense concerning the place­ daaghteta * f Vsaiwia teak the wM- S SUES lECTIRIIlAI at the president, waa scheduled for acting chairman, said today be Btas Beak fitetoamat ($1,460,008,000), extraordinary ax- Tbs Brittab ahlp waa daaeifbd|- Seedless Raisins obligation,” Burton told L900 ment o f WelBsmaa on the stand aeas stand to The 195-page Blue Book con- pendltures o f 37,00p,000,000 franca as of the London class .j AT lALt rilC tI ~ puUng JoUaea last night as tliey tonight at the Temple Baptist fis a wltaam in Ma own behalf. knew o f 40 queistlons wMcb the seated by the etoto In its effart to Lbe. House Committee on UnAmerican tolned tbe following atatement: ($594,000,000) and th* erar budget (The London, on* o f four atatra-. < Sweet Pens 3 Clang 25c 5weet Potatoes 5 13c dty ball to demand that Oorrea originally had called pin the guilt tar the each sk^ng ("On tbe 28UI August, Viscount ships, dtaplacoa 9350 tone, caxTtaa^'lK^ « ea Page r) •ettvitlea had to ask Mrs. Frank­ o f 69,000,000,000 fraace (81318,- s c Lawr dty take immediate atepa to Wrimman to the stand as the gov­ *f Aruiaada SaMsMi, r ' Halifax Informed tbe Pollah gov­ 000,000). eight 8-tncb guns aad has a nofk.. Jell-0, Any Flavor 3 Pkgs. 14c For,his, tnedkim or — h daed re curtailed relief. ernment’s final wltnem but re­ lin D. Roosevelt M it I f aha or any­ raMmteer, apea tha twa bmu. The birda: atlf-basiiaa; ftwl lavlna one else has any light to eked on ernment through Sir H. Kennard Th* war budget waa apprm mol complement o f 650 men. Fancy Celery 2 ^ A 5 c ' Answering their threat “to feed Treasary Balance versed this derislao In the light of that In tha British reply to Herr at the last sessloa or’ paritament (8Mpe of this ctaas have a a p etf: tO-Oonce H a Burt Olaey AlseaaanrollMraMa. oursehrea,” Burton retorted sharp­ whnt, be said, was the procure subversive activities, at course w* M U M Vrwertii. Golden Bantam Corn would b* glad to haar her.” Hitler a clear distinction would be Sept. 3, tbe day before France of approxlately S3 knots and fm ly: Waahliigton. Nov. M—(A>— Hie adopted by Federal Judge John C bath thetr father aad ParsH draUm bstween th e method of and Britain went to war wtth Ger­ are about 10 years old.) rrbat la anarchy. That must position of the Treasury Nov. 2S Knox In a dlabarment proceeding In tbe fibsence of Chfilnana Dies BMlaad la Bridgepert so ths aight Tomato Juice Cana (D., Tex.), who waa at home rest­ reaching agreement on German- many. Th* announcement was mada tg ______3 Cans 25c 3 25c Qt. Baht. not to permitted hi America and Is as fallows: agalnat an attorney in New York at Nsv. d, 1M4. lo fiat ssotrSe- PoUah differences and th* nature Premier Daladler, also mlnlater DNB, ths official news agsocy. Brussels 5prouts 17c will not to permitted In Cleveland. Receipts 85,309,fiSSJU.; expendi­ dty last wssk. ing, tha committee put off a de- ttsa to aa naaatttoa by Saivteaeli Dal M ali No. i Caa Wegner daioo on calling'the first lady, who of tbe solutloB to be arrived aL of war, aatlona) defense and for- We have been meeting this relict tures 818JW6,468JS5; nst balaiics A recem waa eaUsd after Cor­ wldsw that they had gsoa to Nsw As to tbe method, we. His Majes­ slrn allalra has been prosecuting Bamor BatUeoMp Saak 53 PIE CE situation, and wa will meet It.” 33,194393371.91; eastoms receipts rea had restad the case and de- aald jreatsrday sbe would be win­ Haven that night to moat her has- ing to testify If she bad Informo- ty’s governmOnt, wish to expreaa the arar, amsd arlth deers* pow­ London, Nov. 28 — (#)— Tha Gropefruit Juice 4 Cana 25e Danmnde Bagialar BcBaf Ordats for mooth $38383309.47; recelpu fenm attorneya prepared to pre- our cleat view that direct dlariis- ers which expire Thursd^, tbe authoritative British Press Aamh Cream Style Corn 3 cans 25c DINNERSETS C B. Cowan, hand o f an aaao- tlon helpful to tbs Investigatioa. L w fo r fiscal year (July 1) 83,131308,- ctatloa said tonight In a note ta Yellow Turnips 10 15c la a number at O on l and ciation of unamnloyed, demanded 614.13. « oa Page Starnes said T t Is aQ up to the OsafSr an Bapstt *■ Page Large Nob 8 OSu Berole r) chalnnan. « r ) a ctors: eoAonlal nattana. Barvlea that City CDoacti rsstoiw regular Bartfsrd, Nsv. 3«. (P) Osver The rumor Is abroad that fi Green Giant Peas Can 1 4 c to r aight paraoM . rsUaf ordats, drastically Haalisd The committss rsoaosad today Bar Baldwhi today ashed Frank British battleship has been sunk, Cane Lbs hsfstiss of dwindling funds, after waiting aa hour for its sebs- U MeOM rs at Nsw • —f s. chair- and for your infarmatloo wa aia Grapefruit Juice 2 29c Tokay Granes 3 17c baautlftd.prai^cal. With appeoBlmatoly TOJIOO on dulsd wltniis, William NowML De­ I Dawa Heats falter sad oma at tha IS-aao beard *f traa- informad that than Is no truth raUaf. the etty has hvpsd off the troit Negro, to wpaar. toaa af tka Nsrwfch Btato nitpl Large N a 8 Oaa Bela whatever ta i t ” . -41 $10-59 roOa aaipteyablaa without dspen- Should Mrs. Itoosevult tistify toL to eeom to ths Capital to sso- A Berlin communique seM daots and sBesd bansfita to othsra. Holiday Store Hours ah* would set a prsesdeut in ooa- trr with Mm ahsnt a rapstt so Election Results British heavy cruiser had been Cake Flour ni.22c TasUrday thrss rsUsf stotjons gresHnnsI InveaUgatioas. at which Pineapple Juice 25c Sweet Cider CMIoa 25c wars cloasd tamporstlly whqp Tlta Htrali W U Give Ehetlon BasaHa Sorvkfi Toalgkt pedoed and destroyed; tt did noPraatdsat’s w in has keen a wit- paved by a spat mention a batUeehlp.) (OMiMtaOwty.) JaAlt JtfC Graau Staanpa Taaaday With Cash Salas. crowds Jawnisfl into tbs buildlaga. Man^ester Stores W ill Be Open Tomorrow patotod by the Oeeaa Bpray Sosas at those cut off relief told For Tlioaa Intcrantcd Ifi the PoB O r laerafisad In official quarters it was Presto Cak^ Flour Box DIsb said, through hla wtfa, that at tha report. aothtaff was knossa onaosrM ag r^ortars they had toan without h* "patwaasUf has Dm matter oa- ■at Friday food ^ tvro days. Night Until Nine O'dock Votlag Piotrkta. German claim that a BittUB hofify ‘ Bale's ^aW y Bed Bag d«r eoaridaratloB'* sod latendad to crutaar had bosa dsetroysd. I t tajlir Cranberry dMcnas B with other Barton plaesd issponsndlity tor suggested that thta aram fl The J W H A L C COM tha criria on tha atata. Ha has For the Convenienee of Holiday Sho^iera lief in. Oaraumy that tba Orange Pekoe Tea Lb. Cocktail Ths idea dsvulepod B oa lErsi Belfast had been eunk. T1 , MMtanane conn* MANCHRSTM CDNN* triad mmsoaamtsBr to g o t Oar. Boeasvstt’s nnmiueats at hsr anas POLLS CLOSE AT 8 P. RL John W. Bridnr to caB a speOaX adralty has adraittod ttaB t Glosed An Day Thnrsdayy Thankaghing Day ccBfsreaes yastsrtey. la r o f lf to Ikat was daowgad by a a D ial 5121, 5122 or 5123 after 8:30 p. m. terpsda oC the Firth St BM I T w o ) 3 L . ra H IIA U ). 1IANCHB8TBR. CONN. TUB8DAT. NOVEMBER tS. 198» ielRadio Prosecutor Again ______I Kilf. C.A. /Votoaj til at last, tumad te& a to Obituary tM stala wOi rast ars Sm ley tad fltathonrd aod foundorod with ail o te ls thM-dagraa tormtiy, tfea aacuaa* ram alnte hands." type of phonagraph offered a ae- Umes cannot bait on a poUcemaa’apouc( Avers Kuhn Stole- Today. lected group of records dating Unlucky Farmer States fSSV M tiaa kite that K L taqii«m Fifai WNhant Warning signal. Thera------havebeen been aome Gives Finns 4-5—Junior Boys’ gym aUaa. Goal Set for SoiUDepleting Music Talks back In some instances 40 years Driving Care iha Fima, printing lettsra from apaat $T17 o f Bund funda in mov- Ona o f tha 11 seaman plekad up Recorded Here Qualification for W'ife minor coUlalons and rammlnga youngstiora sajdng what they would Funds from Bund t e Mrs. Camp’s furaltura about 6-6:30—Mancheeter Green gym ago. Included among them were IF N O S E period. by tha Chltral, an armau merchant when silch fast moving cars have do to the Finns if they wore in F un erabi ths country, and that bs smbezaled cruiser, declared, "the Germans Come to End selections by Dalmores, the beeri stopped suddenly. I Ptoce Talks 6- 6:45—Junior Girls' gym-period French operatic star of 30 years Campaign On the army. (OeeHeeM tsam Bag* Om ) $500 which ha clalmsd to bava paid opened fire without warning.” On Expansion Crops Some as This Year Parts, Tex., Nov. 28 i/P> - Police Indicate that they wtU The Ckivtat gevsrnsiMnt was us­ 6:45-7:30— Intermediats Giria' ago, prominent in Chicago opera, A (TTUcota farmer told a news- to an attomay for lagal asrvtcaa gym period. His account differed In this re­ now make arrests tn such instan­ "FILLS UP' ing the *l)order incident’* and tbs fnaarat of MIm BUnbMh to tha ornnlaation. spect from that of the Admiralty. and who waa also a renowned pa{>erman he was looking for ces, and court action will follow. Isngsd « a ths'siBouiit by nambara 7:30-8:30— Women's gym period. (Coatinued from Page One) Last Lecture k Given by dispute in an effort to speed up Olenney who dlad Saturday uraa No Criticism sf Dowsy "They batter the Rawalpindi, Washington, Nov. 28— iJP)—Thaefurther demoralisation of world player of the horn. Others were a wife. Arrest (jir Drivers Yesterday afternoon Louis Olbrias, haM this afternoon at S o'clock h aloid tham, 'TH gat It back—or 8:30-9:30— Women's gym claaaj 8 o«i«t damuHla that flanlah production tn munitions plants, moat of It." *T havs no erttlclam o f Mr. whose guns were Ineffacttve to the State Armory up ta 1 o'c)*ck Agricultural Adjustment Admlnls- trade. They have in the program a Harvey L. Woodruff on Emma Calve, Madame Nellie Mel­ "The woman I am looking Who Speeil Past 4>n- 22, of 150 (Charter Oak atreet was ; troops ba withdrawn from the factories and Naval dockyards. from bar home, 46 Garden etreot. 8:30-9:80—Girls' gym period against the superior arms of the . . t the 1640 aoal mean# of avoiding costly malad- ba, Schuman-Heink. Caruso, Tet- for," he sald,( "ought to have a Murray, howevar, wanted $5,000 Deway’’, SabbaUno aald. "Soma of (Wilson). this afternoon again indicated that traUon today aet the 1640 ^ a l as resulted from arrested at the center on charges A T NIGI Ruarian border. Resolutions pledged workers there During the acrvlce Mra. Edith hia aaslatanta in my opinion were Germans," he said. there was but little interest being Music Enjoyment. trazlni, Louise Homer, Feodor boy old enough to be a CCC ter Interseetioii. of violation of rules of the road Judd sang. “ Safe in the Anna o f as a fae and nevar appaarad in tha 7- -Welght lifting (Loft). for aoll-depletlng crops at 270,- ” Hw k '6 On* 1 b thla reply, delivered last to redtmbis their oflOrta to in- suit, McCarthy said. Then, Mc­ uneonaclously misled Into doing "Several of us escaped in a life­ shown in the question and at 1 Chaliapin, BattisUnl and many enrollee, ahe should have a and failure to obey the signal of night the Finns offered to nego­ Jaaus,” .and "Ablda With Mb." 7:30 Basketball leaders' meet­ boat. 000,000 to 285,000,000 acrea, the | The 1940 program will offer others. job In a aewlng room, and be ereass output. Carthy continued, Kuhn told two things in this caaa that on aobar ing. o'clock only 306 persons had been The sixth and concluding lec- it was reported tcnlay that po- a jKiltceman. He will appear tci-' T* O t Wflhflin* m t e t tiate with Moscow on a mutual Rev. Jamce Stuart Neill, tactor of thought they will regrat." *;By thla time, the Rawalpindi rheched. same as this year. mofis opportunity for (» ll conser- The playing of the recordings old enough to draw a pens'on, morrow morning In town court. S t Mary's Episcopal church offl- Bundaman ha had paid Murray, • :18-$:16— Mias Grant, Junior tui« of the scries on the "Enjoy­ j I lice bn duty at the center will be­ IF VMM N*6fl jdaaa joQ a lot al 1 withdrawal of troops from the Thsir andaavor. ba added, Iwd see'med on the point of sinking. It increased the acreage for | vatloiKthan did this year's, officials by these artists of former years "This hasn’t anything to «u ' the Caledonian Fair which will be ad tha monay nor bad ba glvan and thus “ set ah example to the 4- 5—Grade Rchool League, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeown type machine of over 40 years Ely, Ncv. (Jh --Dick Torrence tonlfhti a Finnish “ mad dog*’ trying to bite boat capsized." CJotton acreage w m unchanged, isipplies for all domestic Rama<->' MacDonald Los Angeles. Nov. 28, The swung out from behind a line of held December 0 at the Center any racalpta. Kuhn atola that world by ahowing that although we 5- 6:80— Men’s Badminton. of Center street was pleasantly ago, on which he played several I mliiiled the baby while his wife, a Russian tank. General PraiaeH The Chltral, which picked up and the rate lowered to 1.6 cents Amither ret ord played was of J. Ixis Angeles Presbytery refused s halted cars and ran Into lier, even church. monay and mada notatlona in the deteat Naxisra, Hitlerism and the 6:30-7:30—Professional Wom­ surprised Monday evening by 35 needs, export requirements and roconling.s of that era. I ((assi'd her solo flying test. Ho 1 *Taalc Among Population'’ the Rawalpindi's wireless call for a pound from 1.8 cents. Kainsey MacI>onnlil, one time I ehe( k donated to It.s Nelgh- I while a policeman was at the spot. The Nearly-New Booth will be Bund hooka to oovar up tha lar- principles of tba Bund, wa atUI in en's badminton. of her friends. In honor of her ap­ an adequate reserve. The phonograph used the mov : liolds a transport flying license and I A special article on Klnnluh under the direction o f committee aid, arrived on the scene as a Acreage goals were raised also Payments for wheat, com. cot­ j Prime Minister of England, in .borhooil House In Sants Anitii I F.ajwclally in the morning, wliile National Giiurcl canlaa.” America stand up and give a »«■ " 7:30-8:30—Girls’ Gym period proaching marriage. The McKeown for rice and Type 41 and Georgla- almost obsolete cylinder recorris. I race trnck's welfan- program. It ' was his wife's Instnietor. I Reail Herald Advs. Snanoes tn the government news­ chairman Mrs. Earle Shaw and a fair trial. snowstorm churned the icy waters,. ton, tobacco, and rice will be sup­ Mr, WoiHlruff told how the first : which he paid a tribute to Robert I school children are cro.ssliig, it ts In tha case o f Mrs. Camp, Mc­ ( Boyd). home was tastefully decorated in Florida Type 62 tobacco. They I could not "conscientiously use the sail! that persons hurrying to paper lavesUa iiald that there was her co-rvorkerst Mrs. Emma Lyons but managed to rescue the boat-' plemented by parity paymenta phonograph waa invented by a Burns, Scotland's gifted jroet. Mr. Carthy charged, Kuhn permitted •Trou can't act Ilka (S U te) Sen­ 8:30-9:30— Norton Girls' gym orchid and yellow. She was were lowered for peanuts and bur- money, in spite of the fact that It Hartford drive into the Intersec- "penie among the population" due Nettleton. Mrs. Eva White. Miss load of men in the gathering from a special $225,000,000 appro­ Frenchman in thj j'ear 1855. but W'xxlruff gave this recording aa to Finnish military meaaurea, that Hartford, Nov 2R. ij’)—The the Bundamen to think ha had ator McNaboa or Mr. Dias (chair­ period (Burke). glood. * showered with many beautiful ley, flue-cured and Are and dark was badly needed.” Phyllis Morey. Mrs. Luclua Fos­ man of the Houae Committee on 2- t Well Baby Clinic; First priation if the 1939 average price at that time it was considered an example of a perfect example bank deposita bad been reduced by ter, Mrs. Volney Morey, Mrs. '‘appearance, morale, discipline paid a moving company which ha Hall Men As Heroes glfta which ahe unwrapped while air-cured tobacco. Acreage goals UnAmerican ActlvlUeii ", Mbba-. Floor .Social Room. proves to be less than 75 per cent more or loss of a novelty which of diction. This record was one 60 per cent and that th^re was fTlarence Wood, Mrs. James John­ and enthusiasm" of five Connecti­ said frequently moved Bund ba- The Admiralty and the British seated under a decorated umbrella. remained the same for potatoes, tino shouted. “ You are the judges | *4-.5-Boys' Junior Clubs; Boyi' of parity. Those payments are de­ was not worthy of serious con­ worth while for the reason stated, "growing inflation." ston, Mrs. Alfred Mucklow, Mrs. cut National Guard units that par­ longlnga. press hailed the Rawalpindi men Mrs. Franklin Upp, sister of the cigar filler and binder types of to­ of the facta; you are not polltl-1 room. signed to lift farm purchasing sideration. However in 1877 although not coming under the A dispatch from Helsinki by Oeorgs Strant. Mrs. Bertha Kee­ ticipated la an extra week of "Kuhn tastlfled M ra Camp ra- today aa heroes vsIm fought game­ bride acted as hostess. bacco other than Types 41 and 45. 6:30-6--Ml.ss Swift; knitting, power to the level it occupied be­ Thomas Edison improved on this classiflcnUon of "Music " Taas, the official Russian news ney and Mrs. Samuel Stevenson. training recently, brought official paid him $560.70 bars in New clans; you are not seeking to make ' ly against overwhelming odds. Miaa McKaown la to be married Conttnues Abundaiioe Efforts bead lines." ! sewing, crocheting. fore the World war. agency, said that evacuation of Other attractions at the fair commendation today from MaJ.- York and that be redeposIted it In The Admiralty said a day and i tomorrow to George Wilson, son of "Insofar aa authorized funds model and continuing with his ex­ Mr. Woodrufi is to be congrat- The building will he closed The acreage goal for commer­ the Finnish capital had been un­ will be cooked fnoda, aprons, dolls. Gcn. James A. Woodruff of Bos­ the Bund accoimt. Mra. Camp aald night search was being pressed for Mr. and Mra. Oacar Wilson of 1J2 permit," said R. M. Evans, A A A periments placed on the market In illated on the manner in which ton. commander of the First Corps she never paid him any money In Thanksgiving day. Walnut atrect. ' Li administrator, "the 1640 program cial vegetables was unchanged 1888 a cylinder recording machine these lectures were offered, and successful and that the people were Christmas greens. Christmas the German raiders, whose loca­ from this yea r-a n unannounced wrnpplngs and various gift ar­ area. I thla city but bad given him auma Hospital Notes ^continues the efforts of farmers to- which really opened up a wide he may l>e assured that to many ratumlng home from the country, tion thus was learned for the first I area equivalent to 1936-37 acre­ ticles: rafeterls luncheon and din­ The major-general’s commenta. ‘ of money amounting to $600 In Iward abundance for the nation's field of possibilities. of those who attended, lie o|>oned Where they were sent w’eeka ago time aince the Deutscdiland cap- I ages. Acreage for general crops Taas said also that the l-'lnnlah ner: and sn evening entertainment. received yesterday by Brig,-Gen. Cleveland, Miami and on tha waat King George Says tured the American freighter (Jity Prepare to Bum Wr W^consumers, conservation of our Operatic Stariv a field of wider a|>|>reciation of the R. B. Delacour, the adjutant gen­ coast. Discharged yesterday; Mr.-. vital soil resources, and parity In­ waa placed at 145.000,000 to 150,- The lecturer using a modem better things in music. Harry Jones and Infant daughter. of Flint off Newfoundland Oct. 9. eral. were based In an Informal "Thera la no doubt,” klcCarthy In less spectacular fashion, Brit­ come from agriculture. 000,000 acres, the same aa the report filed with him by Lleiit.- Rockville. Charles Carson, 13 Vine Navy Keeping All Shacks on Dump “ With it, farmers are prepared 1039 figure. aald, “ that ha stole that money." street. ain prepared to atrike back with a Col. P. L. Thomas of the Inspector- Depicted aa Victim blockade designed to cripple the as never before to meet the shocks Payments will be on the normal general’s department, who visited In a king defense summation Births: yesterday, a daughter to Sea [..anes Open whole German nation. Imposed by war in Europe and yield of 1940 acreage allotments. each of the units In the field. yesterday, Kuhn's attorney, Bab- Mr. and Mrs. John Durandl, 26 Hartford, Nov. 28-(,p) -City Foley street and a daughUr to King George algned an order In batlno, depicted him aa the victim council, duo to be published in the authorities were preparing to bum Mr. and Mra. JoMph Marinelli. of a prosecution brought for poli­ ntlniied .from Page One) oiTIcial Gazette tonight, authorlz- or destroy shacks near the Weth­ A NEW Glastonbury. ersfield avenue dump today whose Ing the Navy to seize cargoes of tical motives by asslatants of "the Admitted today; Fred Marin, Maverick Case Overnight News I Personal Notices man who may be president of Ret over Christmas with as few re­ German origin, oM-nershlp or des­ dwellers Supt. of Streets Leon F. Birch Mountain Road, Gerald Pc- strictions as possible.” Peck blamed for the fire Sunday these United Btates" District A t­ tination. kowskl. 290 Bldwell street. Chamberlain. In Commons, evad­ night that blanketed Hartford's Of 'Connecticut torney Thomas E. Dewey - al­ Dtflcharged today: Mm. Joseph Actual Instructions to warships Nearer Trial DRESS Resolution of Sympathy ed new demands for a more clear- to start enforcing this new total downtown and caat sections under though absolving Dewey himself By Aasuclatod Press Barre and Infant daughter, Prince­ cut definition of Britain's peace blockade. Involving exports as well foul smelling smoke. In Mrtiiorlani of the responsibility. ton .street. Mrs. Thomas Murdock alms. Responding to opposition as imports, was expected general­ Chief of Jollce John J. Butler Whpri?**. find. Ill MIb Irifitilfp m is- He signed th.il Kuhn, as the and Infant son, fjike street, Mrs. questioning, the prime mlnistei this morning asked Dog Warden Only Motion to Quash <1otn, has ipnio\p(l from our niujBt. undisputed ruler of the Hund and! ly to be delayed for a few days Berlin—An automobile killed For our frlpnd, and Hrolhcr AllchaFl Aneblo Dallocchlo. 112 School ssld that It would be “ absolutely Arthur F. Barnard to confer with Its fnnd.s, could not and woulil not ! street. while means were sought to soften Single Indictment Be* John Krause, about 60, ten feet i>uUanotipkI, and f((tilc to attempt to lay down today the blow for neutral powers. Edward F. Killian, superintendent Whprraa, we, aa meinbera nf Park have "alootied" to steal from it. I Census; 71 patients. from a driveway leading to his the conditions under which a new Six neutrals have objected to of the Department of Public fore Selection of Jiir>’- fx>dva Isoral Numl»er M l Iniarna- and that Kuhn's effecUvenem had | world la to be created." home and close by a spot where Thanksgiving llonal Brutherhood of Pajier Mak« the blockade on exports, contend­ Buildings, to sscertain whether (ash(««2 era. mourn our ioaa w% aulmiit to In any case been "destroyed ’ by | Clinic schedule for the week: Refers Briefly To War the land on which tha ahacka are he was previously struck and In­ ing their trade would be damaged. San Antonia, Tex., Nov. 28—(J’) lha will of our Maavenly Fathar. the publication during tba trial of I All clinics unle.sa otherwise noted The King, who yesterday signed located is owned privately or by jured by a car. Police said the ve­ Tharefora, he it a series of blazing love letters he France has announced her Inten­ You will And Just are held at the Health Center on an order In council extending the tion of emulaUng the British ae- the city. — Maury Maverick, San Antonio's hicle this time was driven by Dav­ Keaolved. that, wa eitand to the wrote as a married man to Mrn. Haynea atrect. family of our departed Brother our British blockade by authorizing | lion. Mr. Killian expressed the opin­ New Deal mayor, today fought id Roby of Berlin. the kind yon want Wednesday - 6 a m.. Oic.st seizure of German exports as well deapaat aynipalhy. In thla. their ion that whoever owns tha land, criminal proceedings which may Middletown —Vincent Cots wss right here — Silka — time of aorntw. and ba It furthar. rllnlc. 2 p. m.. Well baby clinic at as Imports, referred only briefly t o ! the shacks could be destroyed un­ Brilliant new dressea aglow with r IteBolved. that, wa aa niambara of the "Y ." determine his political future. resentenceci to death in the state s the spirit of the season. Krorks to V Vclveta — Woola. pending war time legislation. I der an edict of the City HeMth De­ Only a defense motion to quash tlila Local aver cherlali tha niainory "You will be asked." he told the i electric chair by a three-judge add s|mrkle to your holiday ward­ of ISrothar l)uhanouakl, and that wa Friday—2 p. m. Well baby About Town partment theree year ago con­ a single count in one of five In­ I linic. House of Commons, "to make fur- | tribunal for the holdup slaying ot robe. Afternoon dreasea drapa our charter for a t»erlod of demning the Columbia Garden dla- dictments remained to be heard Joseph Dripps, a grocer. Jan. 15. —Undercoat dreiwea— thirty daya, and ha It furtlirr. ther financial provision for the i trict for habitation. Kaaolvad, that a copy of thla BOXING conduct of the war." Membera of the FeUowcraft before selection of a Jury to try 1940 was fixed as- the zero hour. team of Manchester lodge of Ma­ the former congressman on Ira A. Weaver, sentenced to death Dinner and Dance raaoliitlon hr aent to hie fatnlly. a KKIDAY NIUHT. DEC. 1 Biitaln'a concern In the Riisalan- ropy to ba apread upon the minutes Public RecortiH i sons are asked to be present at the Driver Crualied 66 Death charges of Illegally paying a poll originally with Cots Is scheduled dremes. Finnish dispute was shown by dis- ' Their rich fahrics of tha meeiinn and a copy ba pub- Temple no later than 7:30 tonight tax for another. to die Dec. II. Cots was brought —wonilerful styling Uah«*d In tha Paper Makara Journal. closure by authoritative sources to take part in degree w-ork. Bangor, Me., Nov, 28—,(Jb —In Eighteen of 26 counts In one ot Sires 9 to 52. ftlgnad I M arrantewa that Foreign Secretary Ixird Hall- ! up for resentienclng as a result ot and smart details SPORT a head-on collision early today be­ the indictments against Maverick Blrhard B. Norton. Prealdent. By wjirrantee deed reronled at fax had Invited the Ruaalan am-1 the recent dismissal of his appeal will get you Into a Kraiicia tJmcilrk. U#«'<>rding The condition of Lewis Jones of and three other persons were dis­ 111.- DlTirr of Town Clerk Siiniiiel basaador, Ivan Malaky, to clarify I tween a street car and an automo­ by the Supreme Court of Errors. frivllous mood for Secretary j .54 Walnut street who is a paUent bile, Robert Weeman, 29, of Port­ missed. He will be tried on eight the festive season. John M. Captllo, Juror I Tiirkington. Solomon Kuhn and .Soviet policy relating to Finland. ' Hartford—William J. Cox, atate Two Featured Pricea: CENTRE In the Hartford hoaplUl is much land, driver of the machine, was others. H-U-2S-39. (Formerly Wella St Armory) •lerome Kohn liave conveyed to the The two conferred yesterday. highway commlasioner, called for improved. The young man was crushed t o death and him cbmpan- Refuses to Dtsmlsa ladlrtmeBts Kohn Brothers Tobacco company It was understood that Maisky bids on four road and bridge con­ M A IN BOUT: injured in an automobile accident loo. Miss Blanche Eva l^uehard. District Judge Bryce Ferguson two pieces of tobacco land on Infornied Halifax he had no fur­ struction contracts for which a (145 I’oonda) last Thursday night 25, of Bangor, suffered critical In­ refused to dismiss the indict­ Cauae .Spencer street, one containing 38 ther Infoimatlon relating to Brit- total of $340,000 waa available. Bobby Bllia ra, Billy Towne juries. She was taken to B!aatam ments after hearing Maverick’s Bida will be opened Dec. 12. HIGH*SHADE DIacomfurt Now Britain West Springfield acres and the other 35 acres. ish-Riiaaian trade negotiations, for The YM.C.A. will be closed all $ 7 . 7 5 which preliminary discussion start­ Maine General hospital and atlll Gounael, Carl W right Johnson, 'Bowne la the former New Eng. Carl Klngbaum has conveyed to ' day Thanksgiving. contend San Antonio votera con­ Waterbury— William S. French, COLDS ed a month ago. i was unconacloua several hours 84, of Waterbury, waa injured LIGHTWEIGHT WOOLS For quirk retiet land welterweight champ. Margaret Storrs and F.mma King-1 later. doned purchase of poll tax receipts liniim property located on Summer The King, wearing an admiral’a Miss Barbara Lundberg. daugh­ fatally by a fire engine responding frtim the misery SEMI-FINAL BOUT: uniform, spoke for only a few mln- by political factions. street. I ter of Dr. and Mra. George Lund­ Also charged with paying the to a box alarm. Coroner William of eolda. take 666 (ISO Pounds) Mles. and Parliament immediately^ B. Hennessey aaid the man walk­ $ 1 0 . 7 5 PernUt ' berg of East Center street and a , state-required electoral levy for R. $3-98 666 ■liu'kir Mnddnx ra. Jackie Bent recessed until 3 p. m (10 a. ni., , ed into the path of the engine. Liquid • Tabieta . Salve Building Inspector Kilwurd C. sophomore at .Smilh college, will ; L. O'Brien, a garment worker, Noaa Dropa Hartford tVorrester e s. t.) Bridgeport—John W. L'Hom- Maddoa is the Negro flash F.lllott, Jr. has issued to Thomas spend Thanksgiving with her par- ' W eddings were the mayor's secretary, Rich­ (illltering Oremon.v .Alment ents. She will have aa her guests ' medieu, 90, one of the city’s old­ DRESSIER DRESSES (rum Hartford. Hrndley of Wethersfield a permit The usual glittering ceremony ' ard Jeffrey, and two Garment to enlarge a two-family house at her classmates. Miss Carolyn Cliff ' Workers' Union officials. Miss Re­ est resident, and third prijce win­ EIGHT O-niKK ALL STAR ivas abaent from the opening, | of Bay City, Mich., and MUs Con­ ner last summer of a Cjhamber ot AND DINNER GOWNS BOUTS! 117-119 Cedar street to a four- which came aa London digested rc- ' becca Taylor and George Glass. stance Monroe of Philadelphia, Pa. Announce Engagement Informed that the State Su­ commerce contest aimed at find­ LUMBER... .\dnilMlnn ...... 55c and 7.V. tamllv dwelling, cost being $1.(X)0. ports of a brief but deadly Naval I ing the oldest father, died at his In New Pasteb and Black On Sale at Army A Navy Club, To Wallsee M. Hutchinson has engagement in which two German Mr. and Mrs. Thomsa Saptenza preme court had held the word Mr. and Mrs. WIlUam C. Cheney home after a brief Illness. Rod .Men‘a Social Club, ‘ Bray's been granted a permit for the erec­ warships sank the British armed of 202 Oak street announce the "procure" could not be defined Frame and Fiatsh — All KInda of Park street will have aa their $5.98 to $12.50 Pool Parlor, Depot Square Grill, tion of a single dwelling to be mcrcha((tman Rawalpindi and kill­ engagement of their daughter, properly In law. Judge Ferguaon HAT SALE Thanksgiving gueata, Mr. and Jo.seph'ne. to Fred C. Matin of dismlaaed all counts which alleged Weldon Drug Co. built on Kensington street and to ed more than 2.'56 of her crew. Saertflea for Dog's Retuni ;08t J4,.’>00. Walpole, Bristol formerly of Manchester. Maverick and the other defendimta n. E. WIIJ.IS & SON INC, Teirplionr A t ,\rrna. Dial 3604. News from the war front also! WEDNESDAY 1 Main St. Tel. 5126 told of the ainking of another Brit-1 N. H „ formerly of South Main had "procured or conspired to Gary, Ind.— (IP) —Four-year-old i.Mh veasel. the 2,483-ton steamer! street. Mrs. Van Ness was the procure the purchase of a poll tax John (Buddy) Maddiack posted a May Not Query former Miss Ulllan Cheney of this receipt for a citizen.” A New Hat For Thanksgiving I iskmouth, which was reported town. reward fbr the return of bis dog. FRADIN’S lost with three members o f her Challeages Constltattonality Snubby, which disappear^ Mr». Roosevelt crew of 25. The cause of the Maverick'a attorney challenged Thanka^vlng day. He offered Regular Price $1.95. ^ 1 Af\ sinking was not announced. According to Mra. Irving flpen-! oonatitutlonallty of the Texas poll bag of pennies he'd been saving for cer of Gerard street, who U In ' W^nesday Special — . v ' .1, No announcement was made s m i ' i tax law on the grounds that the Christmas. / (Continued Hum Page One) |that the king (S’ould open Parlia­ charge of the Red Croaa course on law denied suffrage to certain ment. ami no crowds lined the Home Hygiene and (^ re of the TODAY AND WED. claasea who did not or were un­ ijnesllons. she said that she would route oa he and Queen Elisabeth Sick, 20 women have already sign­ able to pay the tax. San Antonio's Thanksgiving Dinner ed up for the class, which Ivlll Women and Children Firat . . large Mexican population some­ be' willing to testify before the drove from Buckingham Palace to REVIVAL MEETINGS hold Its first session Tuesday, De­ TO DIE . . In Sabmarlne .ominlttee If she had Information- Westminster In a closed aulomn- times wellds the balance of power SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH* cember 5 In the SUte Trade school Slaughter of Innvoanta! C ft which might be helpful In its In-, bile Instead of the customary roy­ In hectic poliUcal campaigns. building. The challenge was opposed by 4.3 Spruce Street lesUgatlon of UnAmerican activi­ al coaoh. Hartford’ IV D O E i ties. The peers attended in uniforms District Attorney John R. Shook, NOVEMBER 28th TO DECEMBER tH. 19.39 and morning clothes instead ol Miaa Muriel Armstrong of 19 poUUcal foe of Maverick who last Silver Lane’ scarlet robes. eklgerton street was discharged March upset the San Antonio poU­ Meetings Every Night At 7:30. Three Meetings On Guilty of failure to provide adequate hot water without fuM, trouhle or waitinq. Whero* FOGELMARK’S Overtaken Off Iceland. from the Memorial hosplUl on Ucal machine headed by Former Sunday: 10:30 A. M., 4 :00 A. M., and 7:00 P. M. Saturday. Miaa Armstrong has ^ b i n o m j a f The Admiralty related that the Mayor C. K. Quin. So, Manchester fore, I recommend that you banish your old-fashioned water heater nwA place an American* Roitaurant ^ e n a patient at the hoapiui since Defeated for a third term tn EVANGELISTS: Rev. M. D. Christianson — Rev. W. CRYSTAL Rawalpindi, formerly an Oriental Williainson, the Blind Evangelist, and Mrs. Williamson. Mali liner, was overtaken off the Nov. 11 u d received treatment Congress by Paul KUday, former Boech Automatic Gas Water Heater in your home for 60 days probation. Clear for body assistant to Shook, the mayoi*\haa southern coast of Iceland Nov. 23. BUS LINE COME! And Bring Others. And Take Some Part. opposed Vice Prealdent John H. set afire and literally tom to — — .------Smorgasbord and Turkey Dinner Garner for the DemocraUc presi­ And Let Us Go Deeper With the Lord. ICE CUBES pieces by guns of the pocket bat- Because the (Tonnecticut Com­ tieshtp Deutschland and an un­ pany has added additional buses to dential nomination. identified companion ship. tba Hartford-South Manchaater Maverick’s strength among Tex­ # Automatic GMS Water Heating providea an $1.25 line in addition to the schedule as Democrats may determine Tim e Table 5 Dozen 25c Eleven of the RawalplndTa craw whether the state pledges its fav­ unlimited lupply of hot water 24 hours a day — FOUR CORNERS of approxlmataly S06 reached Eng­ mada affective November 5, new Amoiioan-Boeoh Auto- Thanksgiving Dinner PORTI-AND bids were called for at the Hart­ orite son support to Garner at Delivered Or ,\t the Plant. land today board the British res­ the national convenUon. always at ezaedy the right temperature — never cue ship (Thltral. T h e Admiralty ford office of the company. This WEEK UAVS— E N Jo f YOUR xnatto GAS Water Heat­ has resulted in a change of opera­ SOUTH 3IANCHE8TEK TO too hot in the morning and never cool at night. said about 30 others were plekad THURS. . FRL AND SAT.: ing coats 66 little 66 a up by the Deutschland. tors on tha Rockville Tina and to­ HAKTPOKO at the HOJEI SHERID AN day new bua driven were operat­ THANKSGIVING DINNER $2.09 6 month. .MENUMPVIT L. T. WOOD CO. All the rest presumably died In “ MR. SMITH GOES Steel Reaffirms # GAS is the cheapest, as vrell as the beet, battle or were drowned when the ing on that line. Some of the Cocktail* — Choice of: Phone 4496 men who «-era openting buses on TO WASHINGTON” Lobatcr CorkUll flaming hulk of the 16,697-1^ Mato aad Center Straetsi A. ILt A t The method of heating water automatically — proved tha RoekvUIe-Hartford line are PLUS: “HIDOBN POWW” Products’ Prices Bluepoint Cucktull Fruit Cocktail vessel went to the bottom. 66 - 7.18 - 7.a5 - fl.15 - JL48 in impartial tests m ade by the Massachusetts _ _ . Tomato Juice Cocktail CANDY - NUTS The engagement began whan now operating on the South Man- Freeh Shnnip Cocktail eheater-Hartford lina. fl.15 * 16.15 - 11.18 - HAS*. RelUhes — Choice of; the Rawalpindi, which was on con­ Institute of Technology — using oompetiti've fuel Hearts of Celery traband control duty. Ignored a Pittsburgh, Nov. 28—(iP)— Ex- P. BLi 12.15 - IX.48* - 1.15 - A\APLE GROVE INN warning shot across her bow. Mra. Rosalind Turkington, wife praaslng a desire to “ co-operate ui I.45* • 2.18 - 2.4S* . $.16 - $.45 • rates like those egisting in Hartford. «• Soup of Town Clerk Samuel J. Turking- FREE TRIAL Couaemme Royal LIQUORS - WINES Then, the Admiralty said, the prevenUng inflationary tendan- 6.18 - L48 • 5.13 - 8.45 • 615 • 57 WEST MAIN STREET STAFFORD SPRINGS Deutschland, a tough 10.000-ton ton, of 137 Henry street, entered clea," the naUon's largest steel # The low GAS rate remains unchanged whether Hearts of — Holland Dealing FOR tha Memorial hoapiUI this after­ 7.15 - fl.15 - 6.15 - 16.15 - 11.15. A Hearty Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner flghter, blasted the Raw-alplndl producer today reaSinned prices I with her six 11-inch guns. noon for treatment She was taken DANCE most of Its products for the OFFER he heater works day or night. By adding the con* F-aebed Fillet M Sol. HoUandalm Saum ODD PEUOW S HALL WKEK DATS — BARTPOKO Scratofs Chips THANKSGIVING T h a Rawalpindi replied with suddenly ill yastorday and her It quarter of 1640 “ daaplta rls- physician ordered her to the hos­ WEDNESDAY NIGHT costa and many uncertalflUea” TO SOUTH MANCHESFER - $ - • ei Ika pcevan venience of Automatic GAS Water Heating you ^ Cnipee# an four starboard atx-Inch guns," 1.00 I el thogaaada <4 u a stuffed Yellow Tag Turkey - aald the report, but at the distance pital for rast and observation. Thaaksglviag Eva ha announcement came from Lanvoo Hartford — Cor. State earn a lower GhS rate 24 hours a day on all your r w e t .MIgnon -e y ■any yaaia, wa oSai thla liberal of 10.000 yards, the Deutschland Carnegie-nUnois, largest aafl Market Streets: A 8Li Miaed Sweet Pickles Celery SPECIAIJI Statiaa 55 « Olaatoabury lary o f United Stataa Btaei, and Olives 60 Day Ftaa TriaL Wa aia ab> apidiance usage. Fried Spring Chicken . „ MarjIaTd bad the margin of power. 7.15 - 7.68 • fl.n - S.65 - 6.1fi - aelnialy oooiidanl that — ooba ARTHUR Li^ts Put Out- Mualo By Wehd|er'B Orehestra. foUowed closely an invaaUgatlon Appetizers: ____ Thick SIrl.iln Steak a la Sheridan FOR 6.65 - I6A5 . 11.65. P. M-i haviaq triad Aaloautio GAS Creamed Hhlp|>ed rntatur* " t> D R U G S T O R E Three more times the Deutsch- Prompters. into price fixing methods of the 1S.18* . 1K65 - L15* . 1.68 Italian Antipasto # Users can prove these statements in their own Habfaard Squash andled Sww.f Potatoea DAW N D A N CE booming steel Industry by tha C la te or Oyaters Water Haaliaq — yoa, too; will 645 .Main St. Rubinow RIdf. laml'a salvoe serrame^. Lights MILUERX RAIX Z.18* • E68 • 8.18* • A68 • A18 * ba aalkllad vritk no oibar watb. Masked Tumlpa ^ reamed Onions WEDNESDAY on the Rawalpindi wetb put out: Federal Monopoly Cbmmittac. Fruit Cup Cream of Anchovies homes on the 60 day FREE TRIAL OFFER. New Oder Cranberry 8, u « TelhMd TwnpIlMt •. runklanfl The move caused UtUe surprise 6A8 * A U . A68 * 8.18 - 8A8 odL Bat «Hiy aot indqa ior electric winches were broken, W EO NESO AT NIG H T. NOV. 86 7 A 8 . 8A8 * 6A8 • 16A8 • HAS. Soup: „ yeniaall? . . _ Pastry _ Choice of: NMIONAUV AOVetTMC making It Impossible to bring up in the Industry In view of heathy •SateffayaOwy. *€Uf Hard or tVlne Saura SALTED room were shot away. tion at Washington. Soma govara- SOUTH MANCHESTER TO •c Baquefert Cheeee and Craekera Nnta and Fmits mant aooaoinlsta bad fait aa ta- 4-Lb Bac NUTS Tha German ahlpa closed in rap­ HARTPORO Main Course: Baveragaa H b “raatfed*ad«alaatr idly. eiaaaa la ateal might affect other 10c 39c lb. box commodlUaa and bring about an (1 ) Broiled Lobster French Fries Sliced Tomatoes 2 9 e 8 o i . "B y this time.’’ aald the Admir­ TMIAT • WBONBBOAT m m m SateT Maaekaetar — S E E YOUR MAs''TEE PLUMBER OR rina dMiwt . . . sea a>M $ 1 2 5 alty, "the second had gone around inflationary movamehL lato aafl Oaator Stiaeto: A. 2Lt (2 ) Roast Turkey, Chestnut Dreasing, Cranberry Sauce M ayl ^ the Rawalpindi's stem and eras 7.18 - A18 - 6:18 • 16.18 II.IA MINIATURE ITAIIAN firing from tha port rids." CIBCLE P, M.i U.18 • L l8 - S.18 ■ A18 < (3 ) Tenderloin Steak with Mushroom^ Asparagus Ups $1.25 Henhffy Ban BOTH ROfOB CHOCOLATES Tha whole ship, with the axcap- GLASBAKB OVBNWARB A U - A18 * A U - 7.18 - A I8 - (4 ) Fried Scallops or Oysters, French Fries and Vege- CREAMS Uen of the forecastle and the paop. A18 ■ 16J8 - I L I A BAST TBBfira indianapoUa (IF)—Just at dinner* taUas Manchester Division Per Peraou 1 2 V 2 C ^ was bblaxa. but the Rawalpindi time, a tall man neatly draamd la Make Rcsenaflona 69c lb. box 29c lb. box continued to fight until "every SVNOAra AMU HOAIDAT8- (5 ) Virffada Ham Steak with Pineapple, Fried Sweet V a l b . ■aiW. G. ROBINSON la gray aralked into Ernest La*e’a Now! MATTHEW gun was put out of actloa." “BLACKMAIL” H A T PORD TO Potatoes j i i , H a rtfo rd 6 aa Co* PHONE SSM Then, SO or 40 minutes after tbs' Bath Haaaey - Oeae Lackhart grocery, pointed a pistol at Lane, took the monay ia tha caah regis­ SOUTH MANCHESTER Deaaerta; Choc. Covered combat l;egan, the Germane eaaa- Chuc. Covered PLUS! “QUICK nn-UONr' ter and fled. Three nights later, Manhaullowa PEA! WIOR ad firing- *«• ^ Piiddiav NUTB Three boats, apparantly the aaly -nO B JOi>NB8 P A M U .r* at dinnertlzae, a tali man asatly - A lAi 7A8 Fralt JeB-O Chocobto Ecto^ BRIT draasad ia gray wallud into tha mm left on the Rawalpindi, put HBT. KDkt IA6S-11AA r IA 19c lb. box 39e Ib; box 25c lb. box OTsr tha aida. T « o ware hattavafl 1A68 * 1A8 . A6S A Few SANTA CLADS IS OOiONG’ took tha ia tha 7 A I MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY ytcksd up by the Deutschland. SATCBOAT OS OCK flVAGH For tow Mur% Hm m o laaaad tar and flad.: . who I la to ta l IA48 - IIA A ' ^ . . e-.,l > o f $57JM>, decided >t was Uam .to Telefrfiim Stafford 424

; . ,V . . 1 •t.- f o t m X 1CANCBB8TEK CVCNINO jUDUOit), MAMCBXmfeK,

Bureui, but be pointed ta tb* wbnt that Ux would b«. It la a oUur altegatlon* which, it to tfuat on 01*^ territory" If empty Houae chamber and ersld: provaa Britain’* "enuhing war Finn* L^ve Door "provocatouta" foment a war; very clever ahot In th* air, espe­ Carmans See At the Tiller 600 W orkers Magna Charta Deposited House Croup ” 1 don't loiow what the Houe* cially If the man on whom falls Police Probe ^ Nerves of Average American Are guilt” and h*r “duplicity” during ■altie r ap If* Aeew* will do." % [rs. Rose Describes A t the aam* time newapaper* the burden of paying the tax th* pre-war crisis; Woodrum called the president's 1— “Lord Halifax malevolently Open to Arbitrate in th* Baltic countrtea, following doesn't know what It will do. ” Not Affected hy European Wat* Favors Gut economy program "one of the Now Sought British Fleet deceived the German government the lead of the Soviet pr*M, ac- Enter Dodge In Library of Congress Xn the Senate, there woe some I * brighteat note* that baa been when he aaMrted that Warsaw (OoatUiaed fr*M Pb( * Om ) cuaed Finland o f pretending that talk that tb* prealdi-nt would en­ Europe Under Arms ah* U not a Baltic atata in the ertuck. counter opposition to hla request San Franctoco, Nov. 28—on —a s s u Impereoaal Or. had aaeured him th* Pole* were Waahlngton, Nov. 28— (/D—The^lted th* power* of the king. King Seven Members of Ap< I Action Follows Vice Cm- Off Atlantic ready to negotiate.' Mannerhetm, eommaiutor In cht*f aam* category with Latvia. Es­ t’lant Today " It represents s cooperative ef­ for higher defenae funds. Europe's war of nerves has had no ~Treadway " explalaad. "B m H la (The Blue Book, reporting on of the Ftnniah Army, in a state­ tonia and Lithuania. All three eleventh Marquesa of Lothian to- John ghve hi* approval but didn’t propriations Commit* fort between the legislative and "1 think he will be lucky If he I sadc by West Virfjinia great apparent effect upon th* very probable, that with th* Iqr i M y of the papera for a very executive branches," he said. ”I creased faciliUea for nawg AB*. Enpimd Doesn’l Ttvin$ Finti Fitfcrnckpr (ooniiniied from rsce om) ■ me**age presented to Hitler by ment declared that the Ruaalan ac­ countries already have granted (Ooatlaned from Page Oae) day tucked England* Magnareason—he couldn’t write. gets as much as be got last year tee Echo F. D. R. Hope believe that Congress, at least. Is I .\nllioritio9. nerves of the average American, semlnaUon and lacreaaed feetUtlae Sir Nevlle Hendereon, then Brlt- count "muat be founded on mlaun- Russia military and naval conoea- CharU under a well-tailored arm ^ ^ e ie Otber* Located for defenae," said Senators Adams Dedre U. S. Military JS'ot to Eat or Sm oke parts of the world of which Ger­ iab ambaeeador to Germany, Mid: derRtanding. aionai church. The Rev. Q. B. Vick, an­ ready to cut down. ” (P., Colo.), a leader of the so-call­ Dr. Walter L. Trearlway, medical for conveying the emotional ter- and beaded for th* Library of Con- Tn-o of the other Magna (Jhar- But Taber, senior Republican director of the U. S. Public Health man Naval aiithoritlea learn only "H U Majesty's government stated "Finland is completely a Bal­ nouncing the addresa, aald Roose­ Waahlagton, Nov. 28. -(e)— ed economy bloc. "W e've drawn Huntington. W. Va . Nov 28.— moll of one peraon to othara oC tiM Aid; Telia of War Ac- “ Our nearaat batter!**, namely, graaa to depoait the prlcelesa pa- tas are In the British Muaeum and committeeman, said: service, said here today. populace, it might have an adraraa through neutral or enemy reporta, they had already received definite tic atata and no Mif-hypnoal* can velt’s subject wouM be “ 8baU Seven House members who help back out of danger. Why should (/Pi a vice crusade waged here Kan*** City, Nov. — light field batteries—our heavy ar­ pw for safe-keeping during the . the third is In Salisbury (Ehiglandi "There's no such thing as econ­ But, he added In an Interview, tiviUea and Its Reaulta. Nurprinetd Aft«>r Dtiak BMiirances from th* Polish gov­ )>*lp here,” aald Latvia’s semi-of­ Radical Labor Leaders Control In­ we vote Increased appropriations by at ate enforcement aiithoritlea effect upon the emotional t r u - Jean and Jane Lticas, 5 year tillery I* at least 90 kilometers' (31 European war. i Cathedral. The one which the Lib- set up the bank accounts of Fed­ omy In sight. It will take a fight It may have had Influences not now quillty of the people, ernment that they are prepared to ficial Brlva Zeme. dustrial America." He said Roose­ for war puppooes?” brought a nxpioat today for an In­ old twin*, learned painfully The Rawalpindi waa mirprlaed miles) from thexfrontler-^w** 20 Archlbald MacLelah, the libra-1 rary of Congress Is getting came eral agencies echoed today Presi­ every step of the way to keep any­ apparent. He declined to gueaa "This evaluation Is a highly In- enter into dlscuaaions.") In hia reply to the Moscow pro­ velt’s speech would be "in 4ln* vestigation of the municipal Po­ *ITro«nth state troopers. IJq- era dug below the bowl’e parktilg banquet hall la*t night. The meet-1 from Moscow aa to Ruaala's recep­ of, frontier guards," and that there time. iJPl— President Roosevelt gave fur­ Busty Vi alch Only lot. 'They are looking for ENO.Qdd hut only superficially. Jane * men could be saved. agent ton Berlin." waa kept In the Y.), disclosed today that he plan­ head. mitteemen took the position that ‘•more fruitful than those In the uor Commission agents and dep­ ing wa» under the auspices of ine , tion of the Finnlah reply to la no artlUery on the Karelian Ceremonies tor Transfer ther thought today to the problem which a frightened Mexican a h e ^ Maacbcater Mothers’ club. Karh finger* were »corched. , Military experts further claimed dark about actual happenings, ned an immediate speaking tour in The marquess—who Is Lord King George fll lost the Ameri­ reductions depended chiefly on past." uty sheriffs have been warring on ■ 1 wa* trying to smoke It and the assistance of the French Molotoff’s note. tathmua with a range extending White House recommendations. of cutting the government deficit herder burled ao'mewhera In fall Mr*. Rose, who ts aci iistorned supremacy In the air over all of across the frontier. Lothian, the British ambassador can colonies. Starnes commented that "If the gniulillng halls, unll. eased liquor Truasurt* Foiiiul and eat It. ' explained Jean. France and (irartlrally all of Eng­ ambassador In Warsaw was not Molotoff rcqiieatcti that Finnish Mr. Roosevelt said recently that and at the same lime boosting ex­ estabiishmenla an8lUon But Uie Illegal enteriirlsi's lUd chairman of the annual Thanks­ the frontier guard numbers only the Magna Charta. High govern­ The deficit for the fiscal year Holl\-wiK!d. Nov. 28 -td’. -- A Rrltish Naval base of ,Scapa Flow, i too late.” from the frontier an assurance or they will lose their jobs. grams could be financed on a to Increasing the national debt not darken their ilares untlj eight the club. ^ . I " giving eve social and dance tomor­ about 2,000 men and la not a part ment officials were Invited ending ne.xt June 30 Is expected to hole eight feet deep and a rusty A Thought She was able to give mmh first- north of Scotland, three times, |4 -Lord Halifax and hi* "dlplo- against a repetition of the alleged "pay-as-you-go" basis, and if "rebel" pollcenicn took matters j watch stood out today as tancihle row night at Cheney hall. Mr. of the Army. Military units In the Hlatoriana noted the ceremonies and taxes, suggt sted that high­ be around $3,500,000,000. Mr. band Information on present war 1 la C O C l hiinglng to nine the total numberj malic helper*" played a double incident, and pointed out that time happily business continues to Improve, way, reclamation, public building into their own lianda .am! started I results of Hollyvvood Howl’s (reas- Bldwell 1* well known locally, be­ border area consist mostly ol -Iiniild Have Gotten More Roosevelt has suggested this Klghteonsness exaltetk s aa ahe returned to this country on . of siirh flights since the beginning • game during the final decisive The Finnlah prime mlnlater ad­ small forces of Infantry, the changes all things. next year’s deficit might be slash­ and river and harbor appropria­ might be halved. He has, at the raiding "L) end our humiliation I lire hunt. but sin la a reproarh to any the "Washington■■ last month ! of the war. | day* last August, preventing dl- ing employed In Cheney Brothers' ed 90 per cent. and einbarrassmenL ” main office in the Employment vised Molotoff that an Investiga­ spokesman said.) Less than 150 years ago. Britts.*! tions be reduced. same time, projected a $500,000.- The hole reprcsenled the c.om- pie,— Proverbs i4:84. from England. She spent the first , 1,11 I I-. Neb. Arguing before I The House members here for A§ Fir§l Duly l.iTTiiim Called HmaJI i contact between Warsaw and Department. This Is the Hose ic tion had shown that no shots were soldiers in the War of 1812 held The three Republican commit­ 000 Increase In defense spending Two of the independent raiders ! Mned labors of a half dozen men month of the war there, following | I Berlin by "Innumerable malevo- fired across the border by the a different kind of ceremony ou the State Pardon Board against the committee session were (Chair­ teemen joined Starnes in arguing Mr. Roosevelt pored over the later were appointed to a new I The wstch tiimed up at the slx- t.«t us have faith that an eventful summer in (Jermany j German losses since Nov. 10 ' lent tricks snd lies." Ijidder Co. No. 1 of the ,S. M, F Express Stympathy (he vrlu>- of petitions for denying (('onllnued from Page One) When there began dally recon-i D. traditional "Turkey. Goose and Finns, and asserted that “conse­ same capitol hill. They marefi- man Taylor (D.. (Colo.i, Woodrum against segregating defense ap­ budget for next year in a threc- vlcr --quad bv Pc llce Chief 1/On H ' foot level It apparently was ol makes might, and glslntlire to con­ ! were described as small consider- I It la one of the rare ocraslona move troops from the frontier In jmung nation’s papers, and set low (D., Ind.i, Taber (R.. N. Y.l, nance them on a "pay-as-you-go" rector Harold D .Amitli yestenlay said, to "lock up the town” as we understand It.— IJneoln. countered In her travels through ^ ...... that "England dealred this war," today for Soviet Russia in her de­ V. ho on'c got up a petition to hang sider the relief problem. Ing the vastness of the operations. , when Cheney hall la open for the manner you suggested." to the capitol. Wlgglesworth ( R., Mass. I. and plan. Dls<'u*8lng 'apectaJ taxes for It was Indicated they gave par­ ( n.slng an excitable device called ♦hat country expressed the hope FIrkko added that Flnnl.sh fron­ termination—as the press put it— This Magna (Jharta Is one ot the governor and got 300 signa­ i Dltter (R.. Pa.). defense Taber said: Annual snowfalls of UH) (oet arc "We know perfectly well there It was said that four planes were dam Ing and each year Is thronged ticular attention to the funds of ' a "doodlebug" and defying a leg- Not all files are pesta. Tba i . that there would be no war, nut that "Brltlah diplomacy did not tier guards had seen shells burst­ to resist Finnish "aggression.” four—all the same In wording - tures to It." Gov. R, L. Oichran, I Will Continue Trying Clever Shot In Air common In Paradise Valiev. M 'unl I end which says a curse has killed files do much good In devetolqj hardly more than w hispered their i 1* a surplus of state taxes being |shot down over France, two corn- with dancers. During intermis­ the Treasury and Justice Depart­ act aa an honorable broker bc- ing on the Soviet side of the bor­ The Russian note demanding which were executed at Runny- board chairman, replied, “ I ahould Taylor predicted that the group " I would want to know first ments snd the Panama Canal. Rainier National Park I eight other searchers, the shovel- plant-llee. bopM'or•------IhoughU.1... Icolleded,"| colle. led." the mayor said, "and and 1 | pelledpeueu tolo landlan.i inIn rFrance ranee anoand one Germany and Poland, but sion the 29 prizes on the separate that Finnish troopa be withdrawn tickets will be drawn. In addi­ der, and suggested there might meade In 1219. The document, think a fellow could 8«t more than . would continue trying to lower Again, the Frenrh people who j we advo< ate.l the I,eglslalure be , was mlsalng. , appeared as a force which through from part of the Flnnlah-Russlan drawn up by English barons, 11m- that." I recommendations of the Budget beciune easily excited over trivial-; recalled to art on the case. If I The resriie of the 26 survivors of. Intrigues made war tion to these an automobile heat­ have been "an nrcldcnt on the Russian side In connection with border waa published fully, but are calm in this great rata-. this Is not done, I believe the i ltv the Rawalpindi was anmaineed '’ V] ,,n„yoldiihle " * er will lie won by some lucky per­ Finland’s denial that Her artillery Clyam, and are determined as are faces the necessity of destroying , the German high command. , _ _ son. A departure this year la exercises which unfortunately claimed a loss of life. had fired on the Kusslans and her the English to fight to a finish. , its elly servlees. If If It It Is Is neces neces- The high command’s announce-' the absence of the Ice cream and counter-proposal that Russian " It ’B a Job, let us go on with•" “It. ” j sary. . that...... will he done” | ment,, the first mention made here rakes iisiinllv served In place “Therefore,” he said, "It Is my troops them.seivcs retire were not they aay. The armies are in good j f-r.uncil hss aripealed to the ' sinking of the Rawalpindi, Defense Really of this No. 1 will have a soft duty to deny your protest and to mentioned. hands, said Mrs. Rose. The mis­ WPA to ‘'add 10,000 men to I said "German Naval forces com- drinks counter. establish the fact that from the takes of the World War, many of rolls.here. ! manded by Vice Admiral Mar- Chairman Phelon of the parking Finnish side no hostile actions Left Only Blanket aphall" had engaged In the halfle, Start (lase: have taken place." them, have been rectified This is Earlier Burton and Toledo nffl- committee reports plenty of free Los Angeles, Nov. 28 (JP) —Wal­ hut did not idenlify the .Nazi ves- | Welcome, Strangers! no patriotic erusade, however, and rlals hod denied a charge made at parking space with members of Opportunity to Reanine ter Katarzynlec won his divorce. sels. during the time she was In Eng­ ( ’01110111110 that rertain larger Ohio (tVintlniied from I’agr One) the company In attendance. I Diplomatic observer* viewed the He told the judge hia wife, Edithie land Mr*. Rose said she saw no cities "mode no sincere effort ” to The engagement. ilcscrihrd ns A picked crew under the lead­ ' note aa offering Ruuia an oppor­ departed Aug. 3, Leaving him only If this Is your first Thanksgivinjr "a allot t skirnil.sh. ” took pl.nce ' Saga and heard no bands playing ral.«c funds locally for relief. sent their defense In the proceed­ ership of "Mike" Hill and Lieut. tunity to resume negotiations a blanket. To it was pinned a in town, won’t you accept our cor­ wlicn Ihc Germnns encountered Ijishinske will go Into action Wed- Deaertbew Barrage B I). Is-ckllder, president of the ings. which were broken off by Finland note: "A fter all. you might get dial invitation to visit ua and be­ 8ba gave an interesting account Inter - Organization Conference the Rawaljiindl while ’’roconnollcr- Weis.smnn nhil Meyer E. It.illey. ner^lay night at six and within an on Nov. 13 when ahe declined to cold.” etf the effectiv-e baloon barrage, the ! ,.omposeme as often as you can and see far Germany has rhoaen lo carry „ „ ■■j,. _ ed on the western front, where - ments on the former’s 1933 Income by McKay’s Rhythm club orchea- of Finland's refusal to any one­ unfavorable weather was aald to j SB a campaign to prevent ship* | „ . , tax. Ira starts at 8:30 and will contin­ sided proposals which might af- the beautiful things the prize grow- have limited air force activity. fnoiB reaching British ports, and ; Governor Brirker summoned a Judgi- Mincks withheld sentenc­ ue until I ’.OO and Is Informal. ' feet her vital Interests. SYS of the Northeast are continually BOW England la about to retaliate j group of Ohio .newspaper edllur* Text Of (Xtmmiiniqiie ' ing, the pair until the current ills- Despite growing tension occa- presenting. For Thanksgiving, aad launch a blockade to prevent to a ronferenre today on the The text of the German com­ I barment action has been conclud­ j sioneil by the alleged "border In- please call early while stocks are raw materials from rearhtng Ger­ pmblsm. munique; ed. Pollcf Cnpt. Eugene Aufmulh M o ilu v S u c h B u s t I cidenl" and reports of mounting many, a strangle hold on her "In the west, there was a little Special Agent tjiilzzrd .complete. said three squad ears were dis­ scoiillng and arlillcry activity at I rc.sentment In Russia. Finland as which will also affect the neutrals. For neatly two hours this morn­ n whole appeared calm. *nie speaker asserted It would be patched to city hall when the several points on the front. The M arriage Basis ing, Ralph W, Johnson of West I Tass, official Russian news Mtback to civilization and the crowd gathered, but thnt poller airforce, owing to weather condl- a Hartford, special agent of Vie In­ whole world. Including the U. S. experienced "no trouble” llona, limited scouting activity lo agency, reported that In Russia ternal Revenue Bureau, was siih- ahould Germany win this war, and Demonstration* at relief stations flights near the border. "a storm of the peoples’ wrath have been frequent, a group of "German naval fori es command­ Jeiled lo cross-examination hy Now Wilmington, Pa . Nov. 28 - ' and indignation" had been atirred ah* advanced her opinloqa why. iJ». American marriage.* would be Shows Poster* hungry clients starting an all- ed by Vico Admltal Marachall, I’ersky on testimony given vea- by the "Incident," and told of more successful, savs Prof. Mary Mr*. Roae displayed aevrral poa- night "alt-down" at one office Inst paasing through North Atlantic lerday concerning hia Investiga­ , mass meetings of soldiers, farm­ week. waters, reconnoltered the region tion of Welsaman’a Income for E. Stewart, If couple.a like the ers and workers at which the So­ m. ta n and placards asking for vol- between the Faroe Tnlnmlfl and I French paid more attention lo viet government was urged to 'M tmtMra, both men and women, for •* 1 ee • i| gafsBM Mrvic*. She Mid th* re- (?rernlann rrs I Joel Kful (Uuda Sloane getting tured eijjhl Frenchnirn. including; $17,3lK» in net piofessinnal mrome Order Your odors ao that they mav he able in ! mixed ih a munis mystery wheft >ne officer ■ ' on vvlui h no tax was pai i»r>t friend i.^i falaely held f'»t jimliulrd $10,000 wliK h. it was should occasion arU«e .the l^IlinK I'omedv and thrillfi 1 lalmed, Weissnmn hml been pre­ Want Help are 4nteraperaed with KorReotjH Britain Blamed pared In loan a relative ami a 8he refuted the belief that manv hathlnK henntiea aa Joel and (lar- ! further loan of $7,300 made to pooplc here have heard that Khr- (In atari nntan^Minf: the rnnflK tum Mitchell E. Meyers of Waterbiiry. THANKSGIVING lead want* aoldleiB from the S thread* of endeme at the nak of Bv Na/i Press The latter loan was repaid In that Thla la not the rajv. She hnA •ill ■their own live*. Aa anaperta there calendar year. she can tskr care of now, In sd- I are the alnin promoter s lealoiis (( onllniirtl frnm I'agr Onr) dltlon to France’s elphl million, ae< retary, the revengeful biR-shot | According to estimate*. In Eng­ the flneal army in the world, ah'* racketeer, and the beauty winner | Sion on equal terms between the land. one In every five persons declared. In rloainp ahe aald the who waa two-tlminR him The ; parlies Is the proper means’ "I over the age of 40 suffers from DAIBY NEEDS BCUtrala and ouraelvea must look | eventual aolution la aa unuaual | The German article Hated four rheumatism. ahead to the contribiitlona wo ran , and arreating aa la the real of the wake to the peace aeltloment pltture. When It cornea i lyonding aplendld aupport to the A aoclal time followed the lec- : fine work of Tone and Mlaa Both- SASVTO ^MJUr/Newfiager-dpgear­ safe ride that gives iqfkrftv miimmgeis the aweet cider and dough- i ern are Ftuth Huaaey, I^ee Bow- shift (positive mechanical control type BUta were aer*\'ed Mra Gharles .S ' man, Allyn Joalyn, John Mlljan, sensation o f the year! Longest' spring- Burr was acting rhairrnsn of the Bernard Neilell and Marv Hefh WELDON’S NOW operating independently of engine) on base of any low-priced car. A ll 85 h.p. hoeteas committee. Hughes. Kjfceui^ steering post of all models mt m txtrm Fords also have new softer springing, emst. Easy steering, easy shiiting make new torsion.bsr levclizer, improved close parking easy in a Ford V-8! shock absorbers for 1940! M e a n s WASV 70 STAKT AttP STOP! f4xr on Lono Totpsr Lots of THANKSGIVING Everybody knows you get metim when room forpassengfers inside.. .lott more you touch the starter button o f a Ford. for luggage at the rear! And a ride that’s DINNER And voQ with the biggest hydraulic sttmdy on rough rosds or smooth! CAJ.IoS K)R SAl iKI) NTTS - CANDIFS AN!) Good Things to Eat— But brajtes on any low-priced car! DELIClOl S IlO.ME-MADK ICK CRE.AM! OLD OVERHOLT. IMPORTED VERMOUTH $2.1.5 quart OASfpn fomt poonmoom A^one Hpltpr Than Pptpr s 98e OASf 70 OTttPW IS TMAPPiet Emty tthmy—yoat present car will prob­ MIXED SALTED SI TS CREAM MINTS (No I’fanuts) Eight cylinders make a lot of difference! ably equal a large share o f the down 29c lb. BONDED RYE 70c Ih. MT. VERNON There Is No Substitute For Your power’s more flexible, you shift Large Plate 4 Yearn OM pajrment—balance on convenient terms. SALTED ALMONDS AFTER-DINNER MINTS $2.—Domes­ , men, solicitors,' peddlers and dance In the riubboiue on Park church has begun rehoarsals for ^Cross Drive Nears toojFnim Into court and right Mrs. W. R. Tinker, Jr., esses follows: Florida, whara tbay wlU remain U. Allen. Other visitors at the panhandlers sway from your streeL Saturday night, Dec. 3. a Christmas cantata. "That Song again. Dr. and Mra Howard Boyd, Dr. tic discord between an elderly until neat aprlng. Mra. Coatea' won Allen boms were Manhall Scback- front door. Included In the attractions will of Old" by Fred Holton, to be pre­ id As More Members Bardahl was sued for $1,000 Annonnres Sponsors and Mrs. William L. Conlon, Dr. couple, married 40 years, ended In his long-time friend, Torvald ICECREAN haa obtained employment there ford o f flavsrhlU, Maas., Dr. James The pet la a coyote. be a white elephant table, food sented in the church Christmas and Mra. Kdwin L. Higgins, Dr the fatal ahooUng of the wife, eve. Still Are Sought. DanielMn, complained Bar- O f Social Friday Night. Ministers’ Council through the winter. Blythe of Malden, Maas., and Har­ table, fortune telling booth, grab- and Mrs. Alfred B. Sundquist, Dr, Mra. Elizabeth Fish, 69. Miaa Barbara Teijnant, who ry Rice of PhUadsIpbla. bag, a turkey and chicken draw­ Mrs. Nellie Megargel of Plnney dahl’s powerful grasp sprain­ and Mrs. Amos E. Friend, Dr and Smoother - More Delicious and Finer Flavored! Soms mcltement was caused ed his thumb. Miaa Evelyn Wilson will enter­ friends Thankagiving week. ing and a door prise. Accordion street and her ^uest, Mrs. Edith with only a day left for the en­ Patrons and patronesses for the Mrs. David M. ("’aldwell. Dr. and Her husband, Wllaon J. Fish, hero Saturday when U waa learned waa under treatment at Hartford "I don't like to shake hands hospital for a few days recently tain the Oirls* club at her home Mrs. Lulu Johnson, Tolland Elast numbers will be played by Miss Arnold of Sprln^ield, Mass., were rollment of new m em b ^ , Man- Hospital Auxiliary dance to be Mrs. George A. Lundl>erg, Dr. and 71. a retired coal company traffic Studies Xmas Plan that a trailer-truck driven by two recent guests of friends In Chico­ so It feels like a flsh," Bar- manager, was guarded by police young men from Boston, had cap- haa been discharged and is at the on Manning Hill on Tiiesday eve­ Side, was a guest at the all day Martha Sacco. 13, of Worcester, cheeter’a present Red <5roee Roll held In the Hotel Bond ballroom. Mrs. Robert R. Keeney. Dr. and ning, December Sth. Mlse Sarah sewing meeting held at WUlIngton pee, Mass. dabl told the court 'T al­ Mrs. .lohn F. Barry, Dr. and today In a hospital room where Holiday Special: alMd near Brebant'a placa on a home of her father, Jared B. "Ten­ and Joseph DeMaio, 10, also of Call la drawing to ^^oae. A to­ Hartford. Friday night of this TfoUowinr c*«t, arandfather Ool*. Roberta will be in charge, the Hill Wednesday and assisted the A forest fire broke out In the ways give a manly grip." Mrs. D. C. Y. Moore, Dr. and he was taken when he collapsed dangerous Post Hill curve on the nant. She wlU not return to Hart­ Worcester. Music for dmdng will Judge Donald A. McDonald “ Scene_ of__ Nativity” to M | John Knimer; Kramer; Fred and Ada, Ada. hla topic to be "Meat Buying.” Plans committee In chsrga. Frog Hall section of this town on tal of 1,600 m em l^B waa aought Mra Harry C Smith. Dr. and Mrs. from a heart ailment after the . 1 crandchlldren, Oarl Abrahamaon, Hebron side near Columbia line. ford where ahe la employed, until be furnished by the Hilltop's or­ tried a shake and dismissed I jfrandchlldren, Oarl ware made for a Christmas party A business meeting of the of­ the farm of Frank L. Clark short­ thia year, and it la hoped that the Mortimer E. Moriartv, Dr. and I shooting last night. Be Made in t«ntrall l r * ' ijanej nynn; Flynn; l,emuelLemuel DU,L . . fam er, The truck was an Inter-atate car­ after the first of December. chestra. the case. EGG NOGG Pint Mrs. Lucy Mitchell and her atep- to ''be held Dec. 19 at the home ficers snd tsschers of the Tollsnd The committee in charge In­ ly after 11 o'clock Monday fore­ number will^'oe reeched by the Mrs. Charles W Str.i'nt, Dr. Ed­ It orrurrexl at the apartment of — *•"- butler. rier and was heavily loaded with of Miss Franesa Hill In North Cov­ noon. Dlatrict Warden George Then, just to show there C Freezer Park in Rookville! Rev. S i e S .. cement and plaster boarding. It aon Vincent Mitchell were vleitors Federated Church School was held cludes Mrs. Josephine Betto, Mra. Ume the yanoua canvaoolng teams weren’t any hard feelings, mond R. Zagllo. Dr Sidney Aiken. Mra. Fish's sister, Mrs. Emma L. ICE CREAM ______a Pa- entry. The entertainment com­ Clark of Vernbn and deputy ward­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Holman, Packed waa on Its wsy to Moodus when, at the home of relatives In Thomp- at the social rooms of the church 'Augusta Argenta, Mrs. Sperenza are dlaperaed. Townopeople who Danielson and Bardahl shook. Killian. 72, who waa wounded In 2 5 trlda Haatlnffi; Kate, her maid. mittee' comprises Ruth Welles, ens, Davis, Eaatwooci, and De- Mr. and .Mrs. F. A. Verplanck, Mr Darrah to Be Installed. according to the driver, a locked eonville Saturday evening. Thursday afternoon. Christmas Oalotto, Mrs. Mary Pochtni, Mrs. have t& en part In the effort this the left hand. I Shirley Smith; Mrs. Hale, Dorothy Elisabeth Bsnnet end Ann Post- Carli of Ellington and other help­ and Mrs W J Shea. Mr and Mrs brake caused the turn-over. The Special Thanksgiving Day exer- arrangements for the Church Mary Pellizzari, Mrs. Eva Fon- ye^ have ^ven much time and FREE DELIVERY Rockvillet Nov. 28.— (Special) — Luetjen; Mr. Aroea, Neal Qunn. emsky. School snd other transactions ers, were quickly on the scene and *PoTfy to, this cause, which la one A. L. Crowell. Judge and Mrs. 29 — OTHER FLAVORS — 29 Son*. Prayer of Thnnkaiflvlng, truck and trailer were completely claea were held at the Congrega­ tanella, Mrs. Virginia Tonldandel, after two hours work brought the A meeting of the Ministers' Feder­ tional Sunday school Sunday morn­ Eugene W. Latimer is building were worked out for Christmas Mrs. Ella Prioni, Mrs. Alba Mar­ the most worthwhile which French Communist William S. Hyde, Mr, and Mra. W. CALL 6550 Netherlands Folk Sonjf, fjrade 8. smashed up. The young men were an addition to his grain store near fire under control. About five R. Tinker. Jr.. Mr. and Mra. Clar­ \I'alerbiir>’ May ation of the churches of Ellington. somewhat Injured, suffering cuts ing. Among other things a basket festivities. coni, Mrs. Elizabeth Fontanella aeeka town eupport. The benefits Talcottvllle, Tolland, Vernon and Caae Nolled Coventry station. The discontin­ acres of brush, sprout and swamp­ ence H. Wickham, .Mr. and Mra. The case of Louise M. Rand of and bruises for which they were was filled by teachers and children The Tolland Grange public set­ and Mra. Maria DalPlan. The ba­ of an crganlxed agency to alleviate Rockville was held st the parson­ ued railroad station of the Central land were burned over. It was not Official Sentenced Willard B Rogers, Mr. and Mrs OAK STREET R. F. D. 1 charged with violation treated at the Windham Commun­ to send to the Salvation Army In back party was well patronized zaar and dance will be open to the dlstreas after diaaater strikes have Sue Ex-Officials age of the Rockville Methodist Vermont at Eaglevllle was pur­ determined how the fire started at been amply shown In this section. Jay E. Rand. Mr and Mrs. t5’ll- Ar- ot the rules of the road was nolled ity Memorial hospital. Wllllmantic. The exercises wsre In Friday evening when IS tables public. church uith Rev. and Mrs. J chased by Mr. Latimer and used this writing. Service Reodered 11am J. Thornton, Howell Cheney, — MAGNELL DRUG CO.— PACKAGE STORE without costa In the City Court of Dwight Strong, son . of Judson charge of Miss Anne Clark. In making the addition to his were In play. Ur^ snd Mrs. Ivan Walter Perkins of WUUngton Paris, Nov. 38.—(JF)—Maurice thur Edwards as host and ho.stess. West were In charge with Mra. Here Is the human meaning of Mr. and Mrs W. W Robertson, 21 Oak Street Rockville on .Monday morning, Strong o f Great Neck. L. I., with The Rev. B. A. Lewis had for bis place of business. avenue has been appointed mana­ Thorez, secretary-general of the Watebury. Nov. 28—(;P>— The 1095 Main Street Opponite High School yesterday afternoon. Hebron Congregational church L. Ernest Hall assisting. ger of the Mansfield Cooperative membership in the Red Cross. and Mr. and Mrs C R. Burr. L. Cervini. Prop. laulles A. O. H. 11 young men companions, spent Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sparrow French Communist party before Tickets will be sold at the door. Waterbury Board of Finance has Plans for the Christmas season '"Hie Hebron-Gltcad Yoked Par­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wrisley store at Storrs. He will commence Between July 1, 1938 and June The Ijtdles AuKlIlary A. O. H. the past week-end st the Strong are moving Into the Staebner Gar Seen Soliit|c^h It was outlawed by the govern­ Theae tickets not only admit to asked Mayor Patrick M. Perriello were discussed and It ws# an­ ish." A tpeclal story for the young and Mrs. Bertha Keeney of Man­ his new duties, Friday. Mr. Per­ SO, 1939, the American Red Cross will hold a meeting this evening In cabin rusticating and hunting. The place on Ripley Hill, recently pur­ ment Sept, 26. waa sentenced by the dance at the Hotel Bond, but to consider bringing suits against nounced that a community "Scene people -wss entitled "Edward Bok'a chester were Saturday guests of kins la a graduate of Stafford . . . rescued, clothed, boused, fed, default today to six years’ impris­ of the Nativity" would be made In their rooms. A social will be en­ cabin or lodge Is near the Colum- chased by Mr. Sparrow. they give an opportunity to the former city officials who have been G ift." Special music Included a Tolland relatives. High school In 1936 and the Ox­ Of Mine Trniibles and gave medical, nursing, and re­ onment as a deserter from the Caotral Park, Rockville, during joyed and members are asked to bla-Hebmn line at the east of the A t the whist held by Earle W. holder to win aome fine prizes that convicted by conspiracy, and their turn in their envelopes at this duet by Barbara and Dorothy Green Post, American Legion, for r. and Mrs. John H. Steele had ford Business Institute, Chicago, habilitation old to 100.000 peraon.x army. bonding companies, with the In­ the Christmas season opening Dc- town. lunday guests, Mr. and Mra. Ucted by 148 fioods. storms and have been donated hy Manchester time. MlM Florence E. Sn.lth, princi­ Brehant. Several announcements the benefit of the Junior Republic H and for the past four years was The military court which pro­ tent of recovering for the city al­ camber 16th. Walter Pearson of Hartford. New Orleans, La., Nov. 28 her dlsaaters In the continental and Hartford merchants. Reserx'a- Men's Club Meeting pal of the Seymour School, West were made, Including the following at Litchfield, there were 18 tables employed as cler In the Workers' nounced the sentence also ordered tlons for tables on the ballroom legedly ml.sspent funds. Following the meeting It was notices for the coming week: Thursday Nov. 80 at 10 o'clock, Cooperative Union store on Main —Here’s a new "solution" nited States. Through Chapters ■leo announced that Rev. Theodore All men of the Community are HarUord, after vlaltlng her Hebron playing. Prizes went to Miss confiscation of his property. floor may he made hy calling one Invited to attend the meeting of Thursday, Nov. SO, the union Carol Van A r^ale, Charlotte the annual Thanksgiving service street, Stafford Springs. Great Britain's troubles with Oer |tb Civilian Home Service pro- Thorez. 39-year-oId member of A fter William B. Pape, one of 8. Darrah would be Installed as home Saturday, went on to West will be held st the church. This of these Auxiliary members: Mrs. the finance commissioners. bad the Community Men's Club to be Springfield with her friend Miss Thanksgiving service at 10 a. m., Brookes, Arllne Cahoon. Alvab sms, aaslated 116.000 families the Chamber of Deputies, waa ac­ pastor of the Ellington Congrega- is a community service and all are man mines. W. R. Tinker, Jr., 3061; Mrs. pP) — the Pomona and subordinate Clta Serv ...... 4 cause of its all-around per­ diol He KNOWS...and he Professor R. H. Barrett of Massa- cakes and tea were served. The Nobel Prize Committee has Grange lecturers-eicct to be held Cits Serv., pfd ...... 58 signed to lower the huge annual their doors aftsr the Wednesday's living expenses higher. toll of loes of life and injuries. In formance. too chose on Airline. diuaetts Roy E. Jones, Poultry Great regret is felt here among decided not to award a peace prize December 9 at 2:30 p. m. at Hotel El Bond and Share ...... 8 sessions for the usual Thanksgiv­ Mr. and Mrs. Rupert West were cooperation with physiciana, made Specialist at the University of Con- ing rscesa, to reopen again the those of all denominations at the guests at a birthday party at the this year. The decision to reserve Garde. The afternoon session will Ford Limited ...... 2(. Bsctlout will give a talk on the 1,000,000 Public Health Nurslnp A eve Airfiee performoece wSfc free Lome de following Monday. resignation of the Rev. B. A, Lewis home of their cousin Thursday the award until 1940 was announc-be given to program work follow­ Niag Hud Pow ...... 7 roHoel- "Purpoee. Development and Re­ visits to or In behalf of the sick; The rehearsal of St. Peter's oa pastor of Hebron and Gilead evening. ed yesterday. ed by dinner. In the evening State Penn Road ...... 2 sults of the National Poultry Im­ churches, rend .Sunday from the and In town and country examined Ernest Sharp of Mystic attend­ Junior choir will be held Wednes­ Ma.son R. Steele of Ellington thousands of school children for provement Plan." pulpit. Mr. Lewie has been here was a recent guest of his grand­ A talk will be given by Welter ed the morning worship service at day evening at tba home of the physical defects. Trained 50,000 the Wapping Community church rector. Instead of Friday evening for the past four years and he and parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. 8. Haven of Coventry on "What his wife have been hard workers In women and girls In the home care on Sunday. as usual. This Is on account of Steele. o f the,Blck. (Since 1914, 1,000,000 ROP Has Meant to Me." the two churches. It Is under­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bheldlck and Thanksgiving day, when Mr. Kean Rev. and Mrs. Valentine S. All- persona have been given such Gmtfut/te ^IZ5 S i& f Following this there will be a son, Harold, also. Mrs. Sheldick's will probably be away from home. stood that Mr. Lewis will accept a son attended the Ministers' Feder­ training.) RosMting ib.^ diacussion led by Mr. Jones on pariah at South Hampton, Maaa. PANCT mother and sister, Mrs. Mery Mra. B. A. ^ewia haa promised ation Including Vernon. Tolland, T h ro u ^ the Junior Red Cto?b, "Bringing the New England Ration The resignation Is to take effect Bamea end Miss Eva Barnes of to act as leader at a series of re- Ellington, Talcottvllle and Rock- sim ulate the interest of more Up to Date," which will Include the the first of the coming year. vllle at the Methodist parsonage at * K> tubatl 3 tuning bansltl tricks of the trade In feeding. This New Britain, will motor to Dur­ hearsala to be held under PA T than 9,000,000 school children in C hidkentT M « ham Thursday morning, whsrs Rockville from 3 to 7 o'clock with meeting Is one of s series arranged auaplcei at the Hebron Town Hall community service, health educa­ * 0*ts Eurep* dii«ctl 4-® Potmda A vtFS f*. FOWL they will spend Thanksgl'ving Day the Rev and Mrs. J. Arthur Ed­ for the benefit of poultrymen to Monday tvaning. The rehearssle tion, character building, and Inter­ with their relatives. are In preparation for Christmas wards as host and hostesses of the national correspondence. Through * Just plug In anywh«r«l discuss practices advocated to group. make the poultry business more The Christian Endeavor Society carol singing In a commiiidty plan. South Coventry the unselfish labor of volunteers, was host Sunday evening to all They will begin the Aral Mimday Tuesday evening Nov. 28, the produced 330,000 garments for dis­ Long Islaiid n W CUT-UP profitable. former members of the society. Tolland Community Men's Club 6 7 “ In December, and will be held aster victims and others In need; Junior Play The guest speaksr was Rsv. Clar­ I Henry Mathleii. a resident of will meet at the aoclal moms of Christmas BEAUTY WINNER A two-act comedy "If Wishes through the coming month until ! the Northeast Shore, Lake Wan- the Federated church for the No­ 4,600,000 surgical dressings for lo­ ence Snell who Is from the Hart­ cal hospitals, and 720,000 pages of D U C K S ib-JI Were Horses" will be presented by Christmas day. All who play In­ I gumbaug. Is a patient at the vember meeting. The committee RECEPTW NI Hi Fidelity oi,d FOWL ford Seminary. struments capable of being car­ 1 reading matter In Braille for the the members of the Junior Class The Pioneer Past Masters asso­ I Windham Community hospital planning the program is Rupert mammoth 15 Projectotone speaker give double the tone ronga at the annual Junior Prom on Fri­ ried are asked to bring them to re. blind. ciation will hold Its next meeting where he underwent a serious op­ West chairman, assisted by Alfred of average s.t.1 AndTH ISset has automatic tuning ... ton. con day evening. December l.Mh at the heo reals. eration last week. Ludwig, Ivan West, Mason Parker tomorrow evening at the Com­ Though the Red Cross local Sykes school Miss F.llecn Mur­ munity House. Mrs Linda Stanley has re­ and William Tyler, Jr. * T ey« tube I PLUS Television sound Roasting mm. drive was supposed to close w l^ VU' P O R K phy, a member of the faculty will The Rev. Daniel I. Streeter, pas­ turned from a few days visit with Mrs. Ruth Senk and infant son and phono plug-in I FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION! ■net Saturday Mrs. Charles u . 1 Crumbling Crib Is direct the play. tor of the Methodist church of her daughter and son-in-law. Dr. have returned home from the ^ Sellers, chairman, has not yet re­ y-Tub# AC Centeie Gets Iwrepo (Term s)...... The cast will Include the follow- Wlndaorvllle, took for the first ot and Mrs. Waldron Sennott In Mal­ RoTcville City hospital. PORK PUTTS ib.J lT * Ing; Jim. Herman Gorky; Mary, a senes of Sunday morning ser­ ceived returns from all canvassers. den, Ma.ss. Dr, Sennott has been Miss Hattie Jewett who has Breaking Bones Shirley Lisk: Miss Jamea. Ix>rralne mons on "card playing and (iirlHt- However, reports already handed transferred from the II. S. Marine been guest of friends In Somers Anderson: Sir Eric, Edward Siin- Isnlty". His text was "What does In are encouraging, and It Is be­ hospital to Coast Guard Cutter ha.s returned to Tolland. Take It Anywhere! ega; Jack, David Tyler. the Lord Ueipilre of Thee, O lieved that an added Interest Is service. Charles C. Talcott who has been Beaver Falls, Pa.. Nov. 38—(J5 Compare *20 ^ s ! Fresh S h ou lders The music committee has se­ Man? " being taken In the cause this year. Miss Sara Allen has returned spending a week In Oradel, N. J., — A cnimbUng crib Is breaking 1*4 V o lt Farm Sets! ^ Veal Lsigp; cured the services of Ellsworth Mrs, Donald R. Tuttle of An­ Mrs. Paul Coates, htr son Les­ to her work In Philadelphia, after with relatives has returned. olx-weeks-old Patricia Ann Boyce's Mitten and his Silver Rhythm or­ dover Grange has l>een ap|K>inteil lie and her grandson I^eslle, Jr., spending several daya at the home Mra. Hattie Pease La to spend bones faster than they eon heal. chestra to furnl.sh the music fur to serve on the coniiiulle<‘ con- have arrived at Fort l-aiiderdule. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John several days with nut of town She suffered a broken arm the 1 3 !S . 1 2 ^ »'• ' I J c ib. the dancing. I erning the feasihlllly of i hanges first time It eoHapeed and threw Tbanksglxlng Program III the iictlvities ot East Central her to the floor. Her father put B B 8 T portable 1 0 ^ . The Maple street school will I'uiiiuiia Grange by the Master, It back together but no sooner I buy in Amerleal 4- 5-tube AC-DC . . . present a Thankagiving program approved by Un­ New 4-tube 8U- Leonard O Bragg of East Hart­ had Patricia Ann returned heme tnbe Mt complete PBR-HBT set cuts SALT on Wednesday morning, Novem­ ford. The five other members ot from the hospital than It buckled with 200-hour bat- derwriters! Built- ROLL ber 29th. The following will be In aerial . . . suf- operating coat U t i the committee are Ward Spaiild again,, snapping her leg. teryl Super-hat Haa 300-hoar bat­ preaented: Reading, Story of Ing of Siiffield, Miss Florence circuit . . . built- mwtic tunittg PORK RUTTER Thanksgiving. Ix>rrame Radstueb- dynamic ipcaker tery in cobiaetl 8- Jonex of Hebron. Mrs Mary Hills in loop aariall inch alloy dynamle ner: Song. Thanksgiving Uav, of Wapping, Miss Helen 1-athrop Terma. . . . automstie vol­ 7 c lb. lb. Grade six. Welsh Folk Tune: TRAINING IS IMPORTANT ume control 1 •paoktrl SBB ID 1 S « ">• 29e of Vernon and Donald Woodward North Coventry | MOWl Tanas. Poem, Landing of the Pilgrims, F of Columbia. D. Hemans. Gerald Bouchard: Vo- The Men's C7ub of the Wapping cnl Duet. We Thank Thee l>ird. Community church motored to the Kre. Clarence Pattereon and Jane Ferguson and Adele Berck. .Scantlc church Monday evening daughter Qladyoe o f Astoria, L. 1., Song, Song of Home, Earl TowT.er, where they attended a Joint meet­ have arrived at the home of Mra. lb. lb. Grade' 7; Play, a Thanksgiving ing with several other men's John Klngsburg and svUl spend Conspiracy, Marie Irish «1th the clubs. TH£ STfWARTiS WILL N€VK fORGfcT THE SURPRISE COLD SNAP A YEAR AGO the rest of the sreek there. HAMS BACON Miss Betty Visney of East Wln- ON THANICSGIVING DAY. POOR HENRY GOT CAUGHT WITHOUT ANY PUEL IN HIS BIN. aor Hill was home for the week­ end and accompanied her family R.AR. Oc«aa Sgrsy Sunday when Martin Visney went 3 UGAR BUT HENRY AND fAMILY VWNi’ HAVE TO EAT THEIR TURKEY DINNER IN A COLD to Hamden to visit his family for Plum Pudding the day. . l O i e L M t Brown, . HOUSE THIS YEAR, fOR HE ORDERED HIS FUEL \WE£KS AGO. HENRY IS TRULY There was a chimney fire at the l-P o u n d X X X X , . . home of Donald Gerhlng*a Satur­ C a n ...... J l /C S Z i ^ . . . i c D a rk B r o w n ...... # C THANKfUL, TOO. HE USES— ^ day. The Coventry Fire Deport­ 10 ment sras colled and In juot 13 minute# from the Ume the eou CURRANTS Ne. 2 pk9 . _ _ S a a s w s t l sroB placed the Ingtaie orrlvfo. Pumpkin This svos fine, work for the dis­ Freshly Roasted Mixed .Vuta lb. eOc K om itsC oiu SQU^H No. eon 1 Pruned (No Peanuts;i The well-conditioned athlete is always ready to tackle the Job In hand with tance that bad to be covered. ' L a r s * maximum vigor and minimum wasted effort. Mra. John Kingobury la recovei^ Cashew N o t * ...... ib. 4Sc I 2 -P tN m iB aK THE PUEL THAT GIVES YOU THESE ADVANTAOESi Ing nicely and la Ohio to sit up a N o. 2Vt C an Jumbo Peonott ...... ip. ?9c We are ready to serve, likewise, without costly delay and with the skill that UtUe srhlle each day. PITTED^DATES |l| 1843HBM M attla California Fruit Candy ...... Ib. .39c only comes through training and experience. The newly elected Master of the Grange, Miaa Gertrude Anderson Fig ivjnare*...... Ih, 'lllc 1. Laai Fum4Ka W ork —Most fami­ 4.Steady, Iven Heat— In mild Settling estates is a business with us. We understand the job to be done and appointed her committees os CUCUMBER SLICES Chocolate and Vanilla Nut Fudge lb. I.V lies just fill the fiimaee in the weather. Hoppers Coke can be Inouranee, H. B. Pomeroy, Peai ut Brittle...... Ih. 19c have a thoroughly trained staff to carry it thri ugh to completion. We sincere­ BlaacU. W. S. Hav- Chop Susy ...... fnoming, set the drafts, and forget slowed down. A t zero. Hoppers Goonomics, CITRON PEEL ^ S t S S T lb.‘ 2 9 c j Ib. 25c ly believe that we will save time and money for your family if you name o s s« 15? as hxecutor in your Will. it until evening. Coke will send up extra hast. ____liter, D ole Koehler, (). Boou- loll l U ^ Marjorie HID, lUlCh Vtn- Pink M eat --Triia Ttunkaglvlag Special! 3. Loss Ashos—In the average home S. Saves Nlaaey—Every ton of Hop­ ton; charity, Rooa M. Jobnaon, FLORIDA ORANGES TANGERINES Rot. L. H. Austin. Louronco Rob- O B A m v U I T ASSORTMENT one small pail is large enough to per* Coke goes forther. You get ertoon, UDIon Ooogrove, Ida O t- eutt; muMe, Raymond Btom. FANCY BOXES take care of the week’s ashes. more heat for leas money. 2 doz. 2 9 ® doz. 88c to 91.78 Elaaaer P omsroy. lo o M Bnbett- ^ lor 2 5 c *,A Maney«tack Oaarantea — wen, Doris B iM C. Qnsnlta Tur- All Hstns Mad* 3. Mere Heart—It takes IH tone of nar; reception.iBe*ie Austin. An­ Chooelatce. selected coal to make 1 ton of W e feel so sure that Hoppers na Anderaon. GUdyce DiasrP. Ruth Freshly Packed. Loomia and Florence Snow; pub­ M cI n t o s h a p p l e s CELERY HEARTS O N IO N S - 1 0 -L b . B a g Hoppers Coke. R^^ining removes Coke will succeed in your home licity. L. May Kingsbury, Dorothy wasteful materials, leaving almost that we back our bdief with a W olfe and M o ^ Lynch. Large A sea iteM t of R oom Made Clmeslate* In Balk I f m WoltMT KoUer sad non bunches ^ all pure hemt-mmking carbon. money-back guarantee. S i b t - E S e ' 2 1 9 1 8 c S8e psoad THE Bobby left Botuzdoy to motor to Norfolk. Vo., where ahe wlU meet Aosorted Hard Caodlao...... ttr lir . KMler and bring him borne for three woeko’ vocatien...... THANK80IVIKO NOVELTIES DON’T DELAYI TIlIRHONI YOUR ORDIR NOW POR About $50 was notted at tha an- STRING BEANS RADISHES BRAZIL NUTS nuol thank offering lost Friday MANCHESTER evening. Rev. Leon H. Auatta’a oertoan 2 bunches I Q c I S e i b . for Snndw morning was "Thoak- i'ulneaa.” '1 1 m choir song "Rnjolce Give Thnnhs". Tha flowm w* % K o p P H t s C o n givea in manmey o f Hannah Am ­ ALL VARIETIES OBBAMOONBB Lovejoy Candy Shop TRUST CO. elin Kingsbury by her family. Lewaat Pricas On Lars* OHOOat.AnE . DANISH PASTRY AMD Bimdag' eueniag the C O. D. B O N C l A N D M*mbar Pederal Deposit Inouranee Corff. B om OfTEinilSE W I M a w « ( a fSrt ked foal^ C3aas hod charge of the Christian c.ir 1458 ■ndaausr ■srrwB. R wss bsid ; ths cknrch with a Bttts latgsr st- 3 < p r l0 e PUMPKIN PIES 8S4"828 MAUI tJTB R R TE L. $ i«l SANaOEgTER V. r

dlBooiinacted. unlntaHlglhlA—What tenlay by agricultural repraoenta- portA fdhBMeM ewuialjr peiat ■ wpetaqr, erbo o u t SERIAL STORY are you talfelBg abeutr W hy aia California May tlva* erho mat hero at tha sum­ to thahr hatag eeaBplataly auoeaa** the treaaodnw hold that ‘ tha DeathTakes Chinese Woman Underlies you eoBM here te kill BeBthener mons of The Aasoctated Farmers ^ Amrlrffltr Anaerer aaa, wlw AM youT" ful, at tou t for a tiiaa. Aanouhea* — e W A and fethsr mild •pokaa of California and adopted a pro­ * 5 WOULD KILL The girl ehook her bead, sobbed Operate Port gram deatgned to keep farmers Thanksgiving Greetings Manchesterl Ctmrtii0 3Her«15 wont by tho Beiglaa Mliilatxy o f colored man haa oa tha complata ★ In New York Former Soloh Operation on Bound Feet Into Douflss' shoulder. Dawson from “getting caught In the mid­ K n rlu that tho ahlp aarvlco bo- faith o f ao many followara. BY TOM HORNER corm ieH T. leww strode around the desk, grabbed dle" by labor disputes. NKA aanvies. me. Ara'a shouldera and turned her tweon Oataad and Davor h u boon A naw "baaven” o f tha Dlviaa By Oeetge Baoe AgenUemen ■eeted ia ■ chair call* Governor Olson told hU five- A « » S iS 'i.“R“.?5¥u55 £8f iNa 11 mg out directions rapidly otther St. lioals, Nov. IS.— (Sj—A na-eproceao tends to pull the toes up around to face him. "You atArted Gmsidered as Possible Another Year - Anolhcr Holidoyg And Again II Btuill StrMt group waa opanad la tba Button New York— For a long time Bnidlej Also Historian man commlaslon not to interfere jlanehMtar. Conn, caacaUod to aa tndicaticn of bow had beard rumore of Intarastlng la AugUclaod Ruaslaa or Ruselfled tlve CblnsM woman, bar foot bound Into normal poslUon. thto. Now tall ma the truth. Why with direct negoUatlona In the Manor aaetkm o f New RoebaUe, In Mlae KUmg'a case, two toes did you want to kiU him?" Method of Ending Wa* cept Our Sincere Wish^ For The Happiest Thonl THOMAS rEKOl’PON thoroughly tho Oarmoa mlna aad jgolngs on at fl2S Madlaon Avenue Ikwilsh—we coulda't tell which. Oil Connecticut State In youth by ancient custom, re­ t AST OF CHARACTERS had seen that same expreasien be­ San FYanctoco dispute, but to try Oanarai Uanarar Sunday—aa Imposing alxtaan and once bad spied naceful flg. This was the great Foklae, were amputated. Tha other ham­ ARNOLD BENTHORNE~nve T ^ answer cam* In a-whisper. to “ uncover the underlying causes Feondad Oriohai I I III aubmarino campaign baa tmpreaa- And Municipal Affairs. cently underwent a rara operation mer sbapiBd toea wlU be corrected fore.- on another, different face, "Arnold Benthorne wae my ter Front Strike. giving Ever! \ room mansion recently acquired ures flitting by the third floor win­ whose ballet-oompotottoa for the persona wished him dead. but he dtomieaed the Idea aa Ara of recurrent friction" on the San Publlahad Bvarr Bvaning Birapi ad Itaelf upon tha minda of Bhiro* old DUgmlllev company are atlU bare to restore them to normaL by orthopedic manipulation. HELEN BENTHORNE — Uls father!" Francisco water front. In the name of one of the white dows. One day I went to sea continued. San Francisco, Nov. 28—(F)— Sandaya ana Holldaya Bniarad a< pean neutrala. The Oatend-Dovar what It waa all about. It waa a being given an over the world. New Haven, Nov. 2fl.— (SI— Another Chinese woman, her Said Depke today: charming young wife. (Te Bo OMtlaaed) The governor said he hsd kept Ilia rv Otrioa a< Manrnaafar. Cano, "angels" of the celestial company. feat alao bound, at tha same time "A fter a few months of mas- W IU X A M ALSTON — Ben- "It area then that M ra Ben­ Stats operation of Son Francisco •a Sarond ClaM Mall Maiiar Channel aervlce la pracUcally that lovely light. What seemed to be He waa rehearsing a group to do Former State Senator Henry M. out of the dispute aa long as pos­ a revival of ble famous "Caraa- Bradley, Jr., of Derby, 07, an his­ began a series of treatments by a aaglnc and treatment. In addition thome’a father-in-law and busi- thorne cam* In, found her hus­ harbor was considered by Gov. sible. of a ferry. It being u aatremaly Commanding feature of tha oere- alx dozen ballet glrla^-aome In band and me. She demanded to Culbert L. Olson today as a pos­ dUlMi'KIPTU'^ r a t e s practice tlghta, others In the more val." In tha corridor 1 rao Into torian on Connecticut state and foot ipodallfft. to wearing of appllancaa made to II6M 8S#OClste, Red Men Bingo |«vu monlea waa a banquet which r ^ know what It’ waa about, why we sible method of ending the 18-day Ooa Yaar by Mall ...... Important means of communica­ formal tulle aklrts and stockings Mlae Patrlda Bowman on her way municipal affairs, died today In a The operation waa one of the fit the Individual condition, and JOEY D1 TORIO—Night club Everybody Savaa At I IK Par Mnatb by M all...... tion, one of the greateat avenues, qulrcd flve hours for Its serving to another rehearsal aqd I follow­ few to correct reaulta of footblnd- theae being corrected from time to owner and gangster. must meet secretly without her old strike of the CIO ship clerks ■InsU Copy ...... I 01 —were whirling and laaping. It New Haven hospital after a long knowledge, and I told her. Deaths Last Night ed her. ing—perhaps the first— ever per­ time, they will, be able to walk ARA JOHNSON—The mystery Games Tonight and the resulting psrttsl paralysis OalTvarad Ona Yaar ...... 10 00 between England and continental and consumption. Thera were developed there were really only Ulneaa. of water front shipping. Vacaany Treaafiirwiatltia. formed In the United States. There normally." girl. “She turned on her buaband tike thirteen meats, eighteen vege­ half that number—tha walla of A RapubUcan, be aerved In the a fury. I detested Arnold Ben­ MEMBER OF THE ARSOCIaYBD Europe. To cloee It down la a have been many in China. Bound For F oot Veare JOHN DOUGLAS — A young The governor. In Intervening New York—The Rev. Milo Hud­ PRRStI tables, flve hot drinks aad four the atudlo were lined with mirrora The baUet in which the lovely upper Houaa o f the Qeneral Aa- thorne for what ha was and what An opportunity will be given by EverybodyVMarl yesterday, appointed a fact-find­ Tfea Aoaociatad Praia ii aioluaiva. BiatUr of much gravity. This, It seemed, waa tha home Mias Bowman figured wae called aembly from the ITtli Senatorial Walk NatnraUy ta Few MonUw Miss Xiang's feet were bound at nrinlng engineer. In love with Ara. the Mlsntonomoh Tribe o f Red son Gates, 73, dean of the Cathe­ he bad been, but she bated him ing commission to Investigate FREE DELIVERY! CALL IN! I» aailllad to iha uaa of rapublica Though Premier Chamberlain cold ones, eight breads, six relish­ of the Ballet Theater, the fore­ ‘Xisdy Into Fox," an ad^tatlon District In IM S and again In IMO. Dr. Frank M. Depke, podiatrist, the age of eeven, Mies CboWe at CAPTAIN DAWSON—A detec­ Men to all who attend the bingo dral of St, Jpbn tbs Divine for 10 D IA LSm I Uoo of all nawa diapaiehaa eraditad tive who likes to listen. with a madness that was almost what he call "an Intolerable situa­ and other members of tha British es, alx aalads, two dressings, flve moat American ballet company In of the novel by David Garnett. who assisted a eurgeon In the oper­ the age of four and In both In­ party to be held In the Sports years. to It or not o'barwlaa oradltad In stances binding continued for four • * • insanity. I do not blame her. He tion.” See Our Tremendous, Most Complete Array of FoodstoffaXt Savin* Prices! thia papar and alao tha local nawa cbeeaea and nine desserts. all the land. According to Mr. Originally dona In England It waa ation and then took over the treat­ Center tonight to win a turkey for Bryn Mawr, Pa.—Elliot Snow. government are trying their best ment, aald the women would be years. Both are from the province YESTERDAY • Dswson searches never knew the meaning of honor. Meantime, sn agreement was 73, retired rear admiral of the CHECK THESE VALUES AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE! \ pnbllahad baraln. Alexander Kahn, a abort, cheer­ brought here for a special presen­ What be had done to one woman, Thanksgiving. There wtU be 35 All rlghia of rapubllcatlona ol to minimise the threst of the mine Possibly a couple of momenta ful and emphatic man who Is the able to walk naturally within a few of Shantung. the honae for the gun that killed reached under which the munlcl' United States Navy and head of ] r- apaclal diapatrhaa baraln ara alao tation by its choreographer, an he would do to another. turkeys swsMed. There will be SO - .• barrsge and are trying to make pondering on that layout may organization's shepherd, the war English mlae named Andree How­ months. After their arrival In America Benthorne, bat falls to find It. pal docks St Oakland, tied up since the contract division of the Emer­ raaarvad "A t last I left them. If 1 klUed games played. All of the prizes Nov. 14 by a wsrsbouMmsn'a C,;- . T give one at least a half Inch start has shifted the ballet capital of ard. The crux of the ballet Is The women are Mary Chow, SI, last eummer for a 6-year period of When be goes to awaken Alston, gency Fleet Corporation during II 1,000 UOZE.N OF LARGE. JUICY, SWEET ellani of N E A themaalves u well aa their public training before returning to China who bad been sleeping soundly, him then, before hto wife, I could will bs dresaed and reedy to roast. strike, could be re-opened to ehlp- Uie World War. ' Pull aarnro the world from London to New the transformation of the girl and Agnea Klang, 27, postulanU of In addition to the birds awarded Sarvira Ine believe that tha submarine men­ on the way to flgurlng out the as misalonarlea. It became appar­ the old man IB gone. Later A l­ never escape punishment for do­ plnK today. Parts— Princess Itonalde Yous- York, and the magnet for all the dancing the part of the Lady, into a Catholic order at Ruma, III. ing wbst 1 believed was only jus­ in the garnet there will be flve door ppbliahara Ranraaaniailvaa Tba ace has already been overcome, pull of the Father Divine theol­ truly great choreographers is now a Fox. The binding had bent the toes— ent correction of the feet waa ston comes out of the passageway The San Francisco clerks walked soupoff, 78, member of the Im­ tice. I hurried out the same way prizes, each a dressed turkey. out Nov. 10 and picketed more doz. Julius Malhawa Spaclal Aarnry — the rapidly mounting marine loss- ogy. the Ballet Theater. The movements of Miss Bow­ other than the great toes about necesaary to enable the women to to the street, hands Dawson a perial court of Czartot Ruasla and Saw York. Chirsao. Dairoli and I had come. Intending to return to­ There wilr- also be seven special than 30 piers In sn effort to en- TANGERINES What Mr. Kahn and Mr. Rich­ man. aa I watched her, changed which nothing was done— under­ carry on their duties adequately smudged, hsjf-smoked cigaret. mother of Prince Felix Youosou- Bnaion es of both Allies and neutrals and to free them from constant day. But I did not get bock in prises. Play will start at 8:30. force demands In the negotiation poS, who testified In a London ard Pleasant, another of the bal­ from that of a woman to that of neath the feet CH APTER X n time. Someone etoa wished Arnold The Sport* Center make* an BUREAD OF give little to support their osten- Done Gone It was necessary to amputate discomfort and pain. They were o f a new contract. lawsuit that he killed tho Russian ALL OUR NUT9 ARE GUARANTEED THIS YEAR’S CROPI MEMBER a u d it let's progenitors, would like to an animal—an uncanny sight that Dswrson glanced for sn Instant Benthorne dead, too. I wss too Ideal place for holding bingo ClHCUIJtTliiNS see Is a truly American ballet, three toea o f Miss Chow. Tho mid­ forced to use a abuffUng gait and Joined by Farm Oroop monk Gregory Rasputin in 1916. alble confldenee. Mr. Roosevelt, you done et your raised the hairs on the back of S t the paper In his hand, then late." games os seats can be provided freed from the rigidity of the old dle joints of the others were re­ had difficulty turning comers and San Francisco business groups, Tba Harald Priming Company So long aa the German bases my neck. The dancing was Inter­ closed his fingers over it. He "You're talking In circles," Daw­ for sn axceptoinslly large number 5-VARIETY MIXED NUTS 2 pounds 35c Ino. aaaumaa no financial raaponsl turkey already, down In Georgia. Imperial Russian school and yet rupted frequently by Miss How­ moved and the first joints forced arising from a sitting poaitlon. bringing pressure to break the January Is the official birth under tha guns of Helgoland con­ studied the faces around him. John son broke In angrily. "O f all the sll on one floor. shipping tie-up. were joined yes- bitlly for lypographical arrora Don't nobody want to eat no .two retaining all the great contribu­ ard. "No. no. Pat," ehe would back against the third, by means The custom of binding feet Douglas and Ara, hurrying from I month of all thoroughbred horses. RED STAMP DIAMOND WALNUTS lb. 23c laring in advariiaammia In tSa tinue to enjoy Immunity from Al­ gan to wans In China about 191 Bgnrhaaiar Evanina Harald turkey dinners In eight days— tions to ballet that this school tell Miss Bowman, "you see, the of contracting tho tendons. This the dining room, w-onderlng wbst lied attack, just so long, In all has given. Idea la to keep the hands before ain't good tor the liver. Now we- thto Impetuous outburst might LARGE PAPER SHELL PECANS lb. 25c Tuesday, November 2S probability, will tha roads of Fusion Ballet. the face with the flngere quite mean; Helen Benthorne, beside her all up In Tankeeland Is keenin' The word "American” la used closed. Do you follow me?” Pat British supply continue to be In­ father, her eyes clouded with anx­ PAPER SHELL ALMONDS or FILBERTS, lb. 25c Zoning Regalations up our appetites for Turkey corn­ In Its best aense—the fusion of Invariably did. iety; Krone, In blank amazement, fested with perils of the present th% best of many foreign talents. in'. Turkey an' cranberries an' We learned a lot of thlnga Chamberlain Talk Seen and besides him, Joe dl Torio, bis Bocauoo toning lawg and tbolr typa and the Isolation of Britain Thus, although the ~orps de ballet watching the dancers practice be­ face s mask, but his eyes darting mashed potatoes an' tumlcka an' New Crap, Extra Delleloua, I New Crap, “8 Orcem” Beet continue to be made more and la predominantly native. It also fore the mirrors. For Instance, from one to another. TO GRACE YOUR •dminlstratlon oonaUtuto an Im* Bulk ■ 8m]rnuk celery an' punkln pie. On Thurs­ boasta Russian, Danish, Italian, nowadays, well-trained ballerinas "Give me your clgsrets," Daw­ fortant problem for many oom- mors nearly oompleta. day. Mr. Roosevelt, what you Mexican and English dancers, One never have the bunchy muscles Pointing to Union Plan son commended. Douglas fished In CItANBERRII imwiiti^. particularly wbaro ttaesa It la beginning to sound rather girl's grandfather was the Gov­ goln' to eat— on the real Thanks­ and over-developed thighs once Henry M. Bradley, Jr. his pockets, produced a pack. DATES I FIGS thing., are relatively new, the Ironic when the British leaders ernor of Greenland and her grand­ thought an inevitable consequence A rs’a purse, on her arm, yielded on the theory that economic aoUd- giving? Ta-ah, Mr. Roosevelt! mother an Eskimo. of work. Also, ballet dancing Is Bradley, widely traveled and a hers. amall crltla In the Hartford Zon- tell their people thet the factor Biggest News to Come arity to easentlal to r atablUty and I am not a "ballet-maniac.” but recommended by doctors In cer­ member of more than 60 organiza­ "You'll find mine oil over the Thanksgiving 1 2 lbs. 25c I 2 K 25c | 2 lbs. 25c peace. It contemplates federation tag Board of Appeals will bo of time Is working for the Allies to say that we were Intrigued tions, was a' former grand patri­ house.” Mrs. Benthorne volunteer­ tain cases of Infantile paralysla to Out of Europe in Gen* the various natlona of Europe, watched with cotulderabla Inter* end thet the conquest of Qermeny when we learned that William overcome a defect of carriage. We arch of the Connecticut Odd Fel­ o t ed. Sarovan was contributing the sce­ first on an economlo baoto and la- IN T H S H ^ D A Y S ^ O N A V brtogi you a wld* sdBctten of tho world's fin- DELICIOUS SLICED aat outsldo tha Capitol City. through blockade la sure to be ac- could hardly believe this until lows, state chaplain o f the Con­ eration Contained in ‘T v s only a few left, but you’re Champagne nario of a ballet to thla group It tar politically. Brt vintaga Winot, Spirits and Liquors. Each bottle bears our guarantee of com- Last Tear Democratic Mayor oompllahcd aventually. It will Washington Introduced to Nana Gollner, co- necticut Elka Association and past wmicome to them,” dl Torio said, iMPOirriD putting It mildly. Just what, we starring ballerina, who was af­ Empire Broadcast. Most of the recent advocate* of extending hie silver case. exalted ruler of the Derby lodge Served with the geseer ptota satisfaction — dapondabla marchandisa at moderate prices. You can ■poUacy named to the board a never be, if the Nasla only get Inquired. Would be the subject flicted with the disease aa a very Elks. thto federation would pattam It "Thanks," Dawson growled. no. 2 cant RapabllcaB real eatate man, an eilough wheat from Russia to sub­ Daybook chosen by the author of "The Time small child and danced her way Long School Board Ideniber By Dewitt Mackeaxto broadly after our oem United "Now all of you get Into the living choose from a most complata stock, tha finest for your Thanksgiving Day Table. Pineapple of Your Life," which tickled the States of America. Each state Hear! I m m I. 19M aaanrlata of tha mayor’s predeces- sist on and enough oil end ore to complete recovery. She en­ Beginning at the age of 21, be The biggest news to coma out room. I ’ll call you—” .MHh l.ft Prlea* affeeUv* Nevemher aoth thru December 8n4 critics to death without any of joyed It so much she kept right would be sovereign In It* own Alston took_s step toward the DEUCIOUS SLICED (Lar*aat No. 2V,*e) •DT hi oSlea Now this new mem* from tha Balkans to keep up their By Piestea Orovaf ran auccessfully for the Derby of Ehirope In maybe a generation S. Lm M. 1 f » ...... flMi2.29 them knowing why. The title. I at It and made dancing her liveli­ Board of Elducatlon, an office be sphere, with a powerful central­ door, then crumpled to the floor. discovered, was "An Episode In —bigger even than the declaration har c f the board resigns, giving war BuppUea. hood. served In until his death. ized govemmenL The central "Daddy! Daddy!" Helen Ben­ leMritck I Ca,. I t a .. .fHlh2.4f Washington.—Gamer aup^rters the Life of the Great American of the Hitlerian war— waa con­ legtolature would alao be based on S C O T C H VALUES! as his rasaon that tha realgnatlon Emden, Cuxhaven and WII- Eventually the Ballet Theater Hla knowledge of the stated tained on thumb-nail In British thorne moaned, as she dropped to Charles NtMskek. m t .Mlh 3.«f say they will get the Callfotnla Goof,” and the actual choregra- ours. The program would Involva her knees beside him. cam la *’a protaat against tha way In helmahaven look Ilka very herd ohy was to be by Eugene Lorlng. hopes to become an established past led to his appointment as Premier Chamberlaln'a empire a customs union, poaelbly a uni­ - . _ . • vaaaa o l d Peaches 2 2S< delegation to the Democratic Na­ Alston's eyes flickered open. Charles NeMsieck, .fifth 3.ff which the affairs of the oommla* nuta to crack, but ao long as they In addition to being something foundation where doting mamas lecturer on Connecticut colonial broadcast. If thto famous Allied fied currency, removal o t artlflclal tional Convention berausa there may bring their children who as­ hlatory at tho Teachera* College leader meant what he - seemed to "I'll be sU right—my heart—ex­ Clcfiet Ir y ...... fifth 4.19 SUNRISE FANCY (Latga No. I’a) then are conducted," but making remain aa they ara, lafe harbora new for Mr. Ssrovan It Is going to trade barriers, regrouping o f in­ citement—” are more Texans there than na­ be eomethlng prettv startling for pire to dance at an early enough of Connecticut summer school at mean in outlining peace alms. dustries and specialization accord­ ao apadfle charges. Ha says that and primary basee for German tives from any other state. Alao, age to train them correctly. The ] In 1935. A good many observers. Includ­ “ CJarry Mr. Alston upstairs— Arthur Booth s 2.29 the ballet—since this one will be ing to the districts naturally best you Krone— and you, Douglas. Sherry Wine fllsfi Cwy. ^ * ^ M ha wlU saa tha mayor in person naval operatlona. It la very doubt­ they add. the jobless migrants who the first to employ dialogue. best age to begin te seven. Then. ------ing this writer, concluded that In suited to each. 8eevi< ao an agestlaes If It Is discovered that they have You too, Joey. Keep ’em all up and atplala bis reasons for dla* ful Indeed that the submarine end have pmired In on California in the While telling all this. Mr. Kahn his brief discussion of "how we The theory to that thto federa­ feefera or ertth the aaup Fruit Cocktail there. Krone." past three years have come mostly was shuttling me from one re­ no talent It will save parents may build a new and better Eu­ * OLD - 80 fTMf latlafacflon, To a newspaper the mine terror will die down by It- money and children heartbreak to Book Larry Clinton tion would provide security from Dswson studied the four clgsr- ORAIO*S " ^ • • 2 . 2 5 . DELICIOUS BARTLETT (Urfaat No. tV&’s) from Oklahoma and Arkansas, hearsal room to the next. In one rope” —a "Utopian Europe,” he Inter-European war, would neu­ resigning member statad that ■elf—or be beaten by mlnesweep- where the name of Gamer la well find out at once. called It—be was announctng a ats on ibe desk before him, com­ we saw a kindly, bald-headed old tralise the continent in event ot pered each one carefully with the Mradsr Pale...... fifth 1J9 known—and revered. tentative project to make the geaanU faellng la that the era or sub chasers. For Hartford Show outside conflict, would give pros­ bit of paper In his hand. So be • YBkM OLD - 14 free! Ehc-Bonator McAdoo, now oper­ age-old dream of a "United Statea lardaa't Palde .fifth 1.49 SPALDING'S " " * 2 . 4 9 earlous applications, appeals, ato., When the Allied governments "What > are some of the fruit and pect o f dlsermamcat, and would hod been right, after sll. Thto ator of one of the government sub­ vegetable eourcea of vitamin G? of Europe" a reality In some form Pears Insure the ability of member states would cinch tha case, sltbl or no Harrey's Irlstal Craaa...... fifth 4.19 ta tha board are not entirely de* finally abandon their fond hope sidized merchant fleets operating What biological function does starting on Thursday, Thanks­ or other. to compete industrially >ln the alibi. So Intent was he that be did tfded on their merlte and that that the Qermena wUI kick Hitler on the Pacific, Is trying to see to It Health-Diet - KRASDALE TINY GEM (No. 2 Can. Ragahrly Itet) thl* vlUmln have?" giving Day, the State theater. Would iMure Peace world's markets. not notice Ara standing in the ROBBIE BURNS Fifth 2 . 0 9 that Gamer doesn't get tbs delS' AMONTUAN ether eonalderatlona are allowed out, and when they arrive at the Answer: Vitamin G (which Is Hartford, brings to It* stage the Such a regime wouA be calcu­ doonrsy. be creep in." realUatloB that they have an ex­ gallon. How timea change. In A d vice the same aa B2) U found In such greatest all In person show In his­ lated to Insure peace, security and “ Captain—” she began hesitat­ M a a 's...... flffil 1.99 less Gamer and McAdoo poofed economic stability. There would GLEN OORRIE •YiARsoio-o4f,«,r F e r h ^ some revealing davel* tremely dangsroua marine war on ■ourcee aa prunee, turnip tops, tory. Headlining the stupendous ingly. He looked up. Daft Gatiiat Na. 91...... fifth 1.79 " ' " ' ■ 2 . 4 5 resources at the national conven­ By Dr. Frank MeCoy beet tops, dried pejui, spinach, cab. bill Is the old Dipsey Doodler," be neither war nor dtoputea like Building Strikers Peas ■pm ants may follow thla resigns* their bands, they will probably "What do you want ? I ’ll see you tion In Chicago to glva Franklin bage, and bananu. It to also found Larry Clinton, and hie swing or­ that between Finland and Ruaaia later, I’m busy now—" MOHTUA D. Roosevelt the nomination. In s f i Y - e o T A i reach the conclualon thet there la In yesterday’! article 1 explained In beef, melted milk and eggs; and chestra. Larry Is conceded by under such a set-up— If It met the "It's about last night—John and Daft Strdaa Plala...... GILBEVS Fifth 2 . 4 9 Ocaean Spray mm tha trade. Gamer got the vlce- May Go to Work fifth 2.10 TOMATO JUICE, Others than tha resigning Hart* no other way out but to emasb the that continued uphappy mental Is available tn a concentrated form both conductors and followers of hopes of Its exponent*. ' I talked It over— we think you prealdency. The premier spoke of a Europe Bariia'i ...... fifth 2.19 CRANBERRY 9AUCE.can I IC 12li*omaaaa« Ibrd soolng functionary have a In concentrated yeest powder and awing music to be tha dean of should know— ” German aea beaea—avan at tha atatea are potent caueee of nervous In which "fears of aggression dried brewers’ yeaM. Liver ex­ American swing. Among other Hartford, Nov. 28 — (F) — Fur­ "Think I should know wbatT" USHER'S " " * 2 . 5 5 Fancy Pack 1 A . . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, "gm an l faallng" about the work* coat of half o f their fleets. Bettar Ship Transfer Problem Indigestion. tract la still another source. Bio­ things, he to best known, perhaps, would have ceased," In which "It jB^nRi ther progress toward settlement Dawson answered shortly. PUMPKIN. No. 2Ki can .. l U C Itli amea ...... Inge of sonlng and appeal boards. to kise half than to have to hand Washington la atlll enjoying tha tTnhappInoss related to the, logically. the vitamin to needed for as being the composer of "My would lx recognized that there "That I was here, early last night domestic diplomacy by which the "fleUls of romance or finance" \ >liradar ...... fifth 1.09 St la that tha whole aonlng enter­ over the whole to Germany aa the the proper functioning of the dl- Reverie," as well as many other can be no lasting peace imless wss reported unofficially today in — before 9 o'clock. I came to see Jetfereon Nonc-Such 1 G PINBAPRLB m divergent statements of President Boem.s to bo tho chief ollcnflcr. In | gestlve tract. It la also essential tn | aensatiOnat hit songs. Larry there Is full flow of trade between )iff Gardoa Niaa ...... fifth 1.49 Strathmore Club prise haa been, from the start, price of flnel defeat. the strike of about 350 A F L con­ Mr. Benthorne— " MINCE MEAT, pkg...... I I C JUICE, O Itnosovoll and Secretary Hull on tho flcM of roinmicc for exaniplo, maintaining a normal, healthy 1 brings with him Uie Queen of the natlona concerned," and In "So you've decided to let me In Mkfe 0ver*buUt and over-machined; struction workers at the new West • 0 aeeeeee* .fifth 1.49 thn Panama ship transfer were A mental sore spot arlamg when ; ■!kln It seems to promote general | swing, charming Mary Dugan and which "armaments would gradu­ on your secrets now— " Sarcasm ’HAlYLAir that Its Job, Instead of being mode reconciled. the patient wishes to get married health, good growth, and to help Terry Allen ally be dropped aa a useless ex­ Hartford plant o f Pratt and Whit­ tinged the detective’s question )afi Gardaa, Hi . a ...... fifth 1.99 Ohio Relief Problem The proposed transfer of a fleet but Is blocked In doing so, or aris­ pense, except In eo far aa they ney Divtolon, NUes-Bamant-Pond ■■ simple as possible, baa been the body In using Iron and protein. Thto great all In person stage but tha girl let It pai>a, apparently TardaH’i Salera ...... fifth 3J9 • ^ 1 .4 9 Ooert We Gat Oar tm ken Trees Ftogaeet C im n ^ CoBnaar* of United Statea Lines freighters ing from being married to the were needed for the preaervatlon Company. RYE ■mde too complicated, too detail* with 70,000 periona on relief In (Bean Rpmuta) show with Larry Clinton and hla unnoticed. BOURBON Aa la Prevloaa YaanI A U . WEIGHTBt BUT JUST ONEPRICB! from the American flag to Panama wrong person, or arising from a swing orchestra, Beverly Roberta, of InUmal lew and order/' A reliable Informant axpreased "Lots o f people were here to see SWEET SNBHtY ad, too fine-drawn. Cleveland, tha city haa been reglatry so they could continue tn fnplty adjustment to marriage It­ Question; Lola Q. wants to the belief that tba men might re­ know; "How about bean sprouts— Rufe Davis and Everett West Forecast ot Federation Benthorne last n ig h t...I’m busy. Imdaa's Marts#...... Tba original purpose of aonlng forced to curtail Its asslatance to the profitable war trade was de­ self. may ca\ise enough conflict to opens at the State theater. Hart­ Forecast of some sort of feder­ turn to work tomorrow. A confer­ . .Your new fairytale will keep, fifth 3.39 scribed by Secretary Hull as con­ arc they claased with the non- ence was to be held thto afternoon ■dvoeatas was to keep plainly un* the unemployed to e point where Interfere with digestion. ford, Thursday, Thanksgiving ation of the various statea of Eu­ won't It? Hs turned back to the trary to tha aplrlt of the neutrality In the field of finance, continued starchy vegetables? How con they by union officers, membera o f tha aultabla Implantmenta from In­ the jobless and otherwise Indigent be used?” Day, for four days. rope, however, seemed to Ue in cigaretA Port G IN V.4 L U E S I law. The law prohibited Ameri­ worry over money, whether due to this sentence: contracting firm and tha company. The clock above the fireplace truding Into apeclfled neighbor­ are beginning to denvmstrate and can ships carrying supplies to bel­ fear of losing a Job, Insnifflclent In­ Answer; Bean sprouts are ’The cauos o f the strike, which aerved with the eeffe* TURKEYS ^ grouped with the non-starchy In such a Europe each coun­ ticked o ff the minutes. When hoods—unsightly ahaclcg from be* to threaten to help themselVse to ligerents. come, or anxiety over poor busi­ try would have the unfettered began last Thursday, remained un- Dawson paused, after a time, to On the same day. President vegetables. They are considered to :4iraAer ...... fifth 1.09 FLEISCHMANH’S RED CROW N lag erected in residential neigh food. Already the schopl^ teachers ness. frequently acts aa a cause of Hartford Man Is right to choose It* own form of In­ d lM lo s^ fill and l l ^ t hto pipe, the girl was Roosevelt aald at Hyde Park that nervous Indigestion. A feeling of be rich In vitamin C. They may be In East Hartford, the walkout o f hortMMds, smoky or smelly indus­ of that city are going unpaid and cooked by themselves as a separate ternal government so long •* that BtiU etandlng there. John Douglas Ireeki Prhafe Ma...... ftflh 1.99 CELERY (S in * l^ ...... aadi la no question of neutrality waa In­ economic Insecurity Is responsible Crushed to Death government did not puraue an ex­ union atcel erorktrs at tha con­ waa besld* her, hto arm protec- CELERY HEARTS (Fancy) .baacb lOe trial estsbUshments from forcing the mayor daclaree that all city volved but that he was holding up for many cases of eo-called vegetable, but are commonly cook­ struction job for Pratt and Whit- I' *"-< »»99, ed by themselvea as a separate ternal policy Injurlou* to Its . tlvely around her shoulders. CHBSTNUTIil .ll^39a ORANGES thair way Into retail areas, obvi­ servicea will be abandoned If the transfer because of questions "stomach trouble." neighbors." nay divtolon of Unttec Aircraft ‘T thought I told Krone—" Brandiee ^ of national defense and maritime While conflicts arlslnK In the vegetable, but are commonly added Corporation oontlnuad. Absence of SWEET POTATOES (Fancy)...... 4 Iha. Ita ously offenaivs uses being made of necessary to keep the destitute to soups, stews, and dishes such Nazidom wo* quick to bop on "You did," Douglas sold. "He's Served with ,th* eoffe* commerce policy. Later on he said above fields are the chief causes, Oneida. N. Y., Nov. M —m — this declaration, asserting that these workers hampered the oper­ right here on tbs stair*. He can LARGE "BOSC” P E A M ...... »for 18c^ property by tbeir owners, from starving. os chop Buey. These beans sprouts Louis Oken, 51, wholesale fruit ..... 3< the thing waa perfectly legal and mentsl or physical fsUgue may act ations, but to some extent work see Mr. Alston's door; Mrs. Ben­ are also available in cant. The and produce dealer of 7 Kilbo\irn Chamberlaln'a "Idle prattle about \lbert Mia, IS Yaars M fifth 2.S7 RADISHES or RARERIPES (Fancy). .2 boachaam I f sonlng boards oonflned their In Toledo, another big Ohio that In spite of what some people as a contributing cause. wee being csrrled on. The job to thorne la with her father, and dl Mung beans are the ones most street, Hartford. Conn.. waa a new pan-European order of Ot. WHITE BOILING ONIONS...... Sb^JOe activities to such protections city, the schoole have been closed say the President Is more or lees ■ As to the outlook for recovery an open shop project. Torio to on the steps with Mr. fifth 3J9 frequently used for sprouting, ami crushed to death today In the thlnga Is Utopian and has no con­ botind by tha law. from ner\-ous Indigestion— m any' Krone. He can tee ua hera tn the YELLOW GLOBE TURNIPS...... 416# l«e thare would be little complaint. for leek of funds. Oaveland’s it Is reported that 10 pounds of I wreckage of a tractor-trailer hla nection with realities.!' An au­ Caarvaisiar 3 Stv ...... ftflh 3.97 Reporters began asking how the patients with this functional Iron-1 thorized Berlin source remarked doorway, too.” ICEBERG LETTUCE (L a rfa )...... jhaada 17c o wI Stccam Aaalaa But they do not and perhaps, un­ mayor blames the state authori­ beans will become SO pounds of son was driving. leaaeny 3 Star . SPRING GARDEN ^ Qt. conflict between the Roosevelt hie do get well. First the patient that Chamberlain to “getting very “Whera's Nick Smith?" Dawson ...... fifth 3.75 19% 2 Yeer OM WbUtoy, ?•% Bnl* N svM SpMh WHSKET MUSHROOBIMPaao) ...... tic BALD W IN OB poeltlon and the Hull position, con­ sprouts. The machine etruck a tree et Walerbury Pay ....4 der the state law, cannot vary ties and the legtsleture for fell­ should receive a careful examina­ old.” suddsnly remambered the taxi 6R1WNING8 siderably at odds, would be recon­ (H'ork After Operation) nearby WampsvUle. Oken'a aon, I BRUSSELSSPROUIB ...... aaart lie well do so. There are too many ing to provide necessary cuiilribu* tion. Including tho use of the Joaeph, 20, was quoted by Coro­ Votoes Veamtog Ot Peoptoe I driver had been miselng during tba Bordeaux QL ciled. At e late press conference, ' Question: W. O. Inquires; "How exdtem ent FINCH'S UNM iM SO Y so freer WHITE GRAPES (Faaey)...... SAa SSc gradations of tones. ■ with too tlona to local relief In spite of the X-ray, aa a mesne of convincing long after en abdominal opera­ ner Lee 8. Preaton as saying be The prime mlntoter to getUng Cuts Returned By Boroee dl Reeetler the President turned the trick. him there U nothing organicaUy old. It to true, but from my first­ "He'a out In front, talking to PINK GRAPEFRUIT ( L a ^ ) ...... S far 19e alight distinctions between them. facL he declares, that the elate tion to a patient allowed to go fell aalaep at the wheel. 8 Ibt. 25c Consideration must be given to tha wrong with the atoroach. hand tnvaetlgatlon In Europa with­ tha offlqar on duty there," Krone The Bwnefer will be ptaei STRING BEANS or PEAS ( F i a ^ ) ...... 2 qta. 25c poeltlon In which Panama, a fellow back to work?” t* queu apaetol Ot. Pretty eoon we may have sonlng la collecting a aurpluaaga of tax­ The next step la to use a aensi- in the year I bellavs ha voices the called down from the stairs. "H e pHeec en aaaertid eea* CEDAR SPRINGS J7*S neutral, would be placed by the Answer; It to generally epnsld- Waterbury, Nov. 28— (F)— 8*1- *r BdM PURPLE TOP TURNIPS...... Slba. 15e beards' telling property owners ation. ble diet. In order to reduce tho load yearning of all the peoples when artoa of Waterbury d ty amployaa won’t get away." WhiJI transfer of ships, the President efed that If the patient haa bed “ So you two have cooked up ■ NNI IVE HORSERADISH ROOT...... G. 25c that on thla street only white This Is a profoundly baffling on the digestive organo until the en uneventful recovery, he may be Merchant Blocks he talksi'-of peace. Let'* make It would ratum to Um normal rate, aald. There Is a real question, he digestive power Improvee. Bht- stronger and any thto: real story," Dawson returned to WMTEMMKAn PENWICK 4 Yeerf OM — 100 frMf LARGE POLISHED BRAZIL NUTS...... G 21c houses will be permitted and on sItuaUoo when It la remembered allowed to return to light work in with a 10 par cent cut ellmlnatsd, said, whether we want to put a cesaee In regerda to Ahe uae of The average clUaens e t every the couple before him. "A ll rlghL HOT ROASTED PEANUTS ...... 2 qta. 19e slater republic In a poaitlon on neu­ a month and a half. I f he is doing Exit on Robbers under the 1940 city budget adopted Prim Max. Li|4» Iry ..... fifth .9t that one only brown ones with fan that It occurs not at ths,^ dspths of starch, sugar, coffee, tee and to­ one a t the belligerent countries In come In and let's have It.” Ha APPLES trality that la different from our heavy arork, he to usually advtoed by tha Board of Ftnanoa. LARGE CAUFORNU ORANGES...... ius S9e trim. an Industrial depression but at a bacco, toiould be avoided. The pa­ thiTiIcing o f victory—es they must pulled open the drawer, pushed the firms, Naim In f..... IIMi 1.19 to delay his return for two The budget adopted by the board HUBBARD SQUASH caeaaacaaaalTaaoaaaaeee Iba SC tient should be told to eecure —are thinking o f it only In terms dgarets, the packs and Tony's Zorlng, kept within Us UmlU- time when American Industry is That permitted the Prealdent to months. There are many tactora Weat Warwick, R. I.. Nov. 2* last night calto for a 82.6 mills ten SaMants, Siraal..... imi 1.19 RON plenty of rest, and ten hours' sleep of peace. caae Into It. "Close the door and CRIOLLO RIPEPERSnmONS ...... dfartSc 8 Iba. 25c tlons and with distinctions ao ob- producing at a rate almost un­ point out that there Is a neutrality which may change these figures —(JV-Joaeph Rivard of Arctic, rate and appropriations of 98,168,- Biffttv CaiMf each night, with a dally rest after Undoubtedly oome powerful in­ alt down." Tba girl made no move IM 1J9 question Involved, as Hull con­ and a great deal dependa upon the returning home with hla wife last 872.72 of wht<^ 94,978,360 would eloua that they can hardly be open precedented, according to some lunch, should be Insisted upon. dividual* look upon victory a* pro­ to obey, but walked slowly scroet :iaat SaataML Smat. PUERTO RICAN RUM .c tended. Possibly too hastily, many physical condition of the patient, night to Interrupt three armed 8e derived fronFtaxes. The balance AM 1J9 to argument, is a very fine thing authorities at a rate greater even Aa the patient with nervous In­ viding a grand chanca for a the room, until she stood at the observers assumed at once that the kind of operation performed, men looting hla small department would ha obtalnad from hadi Uxae, ChNaai U Tav Hmfte warn en netm 1 aaCLi — ao Breed ^ ^ ^__ digestion needs to create an Inner amsM-and-grab oparaUen. The edge of the desk. Douglas pushed .Mh2.49 Indeed. But sonlng that reallsea than that of the monumental the ships would not be transferred. and tha occurrence or absence ot store, saved 91,260 worth of stock tnan In the street, however, from ■Uta granu for welfare, liquor the door closed, stood behind her. Chataaa lynm. Sisaat Mad* by A. UmmI Rhoi DWHary h 2.500 POUNDS OF LARGE! EXTRA FANCY! FHIM! LUSaOUB! Its own Imperfectlona to such an boom year of 1929. But at any rata the govemmenfe feeling of peace, there la ffieajt major complications. The beat by running his car acroaa tba permit feea, city court flnee, th e' AM 3.79 Riae. Dizlrlbvfad by A8P bdinlMtv la 4 a o . « , | AO wisdom in observing quiet, well- plan to to be guided by the advice the baiaart of Istanbul to Plcca- "You came to see Benthorne," two big guns on foreign policy driveway and blocking exit for an achool enumeration grant and old Dawson went on. "W h y?" K axtent that It must, at the begin­ Cleveland and Toledo are both ordered ways of living. To Uve of the surgeon who did the oper­ dUly, ha* bad enough o f war. bed found e piece of common automobile Into which the stolen Revival After World War age assistance taxes. '.'I came to kill him!" The girl's ning, set up a system of appeals very Important Industrial cltlea. quietly calls for considerable Mlf- Prim Hair. Iry ground on which to stand. ation. clothing had been plied. The Idea of a Pan-Europe, or a Tonight the Board of Aldermen expression did not change, her fIM J9 from Its own findings, becomes a There la no obvious evidence that dlsclpilne, but wlU be productive of (LentUa) meets to take final action on the ^ U ^ , l f y GRAPES After firing a slngto shot, ttia United SUt«a of Europe, experi­ roioe was almost a monotone. " I f 2'^ISI Question: 8. 1. wants to know: flM J9 matter of apUttmg hairs. And they are leas beneficially affected BraxU’s Joke rich rewards. trio abandoned the car and < enced eomethlng of e revtval after budget which It may raduoa by ■ ever a man deserved to die, it was COAST TO COAST CALIfOMNIA WINES Severe cases do beet when the "What to your opinion of the best Mcate Plam. Iry, AM .99 F L E A g ^ E ^ r a m E L TOCT ^ THE NICEST eVZEl where hslre are to be spill It Is In­ by the current Industrial rsvlval BrazlUans are freshly celebrat­ caped on foot. Police later plck- the World War. majority vota or Incraaee by^ Arnold Bsnthorna patient receives the help of a way to uee lentils?" two-UUrde vote- SI. M t Iry, Sifl nmr . . .fIM .99 Steeet Typee thryTypee evitable that, as this neelgumg ing the fiftieth annii-arsary of tha Pest way to u*e , *0 up a auspecL The acbeme tn general to based "He knew I was coming; be told Oheree than other manufacturing com- eetabllshment of tha r a p u b 11 o psychologist, who will unravel tha Answer: The mis to-com* tn the eld* entrance, et lentils to to cook them for a long » . bdtm, M M a i iry ....M 1.09 Hartford official declana, "other munlUea. Yet clearly both ara In after the rule of Emperor Dom emotional conflict responsible. The the passagewav from tha atraac PORT — SHIRRY DELICIOUS JUICE ORANGES 2 dozen 25d| average patient will get along all Urns In the form of a soup, adding “BOBBY" By Bobby Smu i u r o u n o y ! 1 r i i s l i n o oonaldcrallons" ahaU creep In. In a very bad way as to their finan­ Pedro, terminated. I f he had had whatever non-starchy vegetablas. At first he had refused to ace me, right by talking to the family doc­ but when 1 gave him my name he ^ ...... TORAY — ANGRLICA other worda, what should be a cial ability to handle their relief a aon, Dom Pedro's line might have such as celery and asparagus, may ?MrieKaMf...... IM 1JS CLARtT — CHARLIS FANCY SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 7 for 2 5 ^ continued Indefinitely but he had tor, who will point out how hap- wanted to see me. vary plain and understandable loads. be desired. Bear in mind that >WHATARe.VOU ABOUT A CASTLE THAT G06Hf THE/MUST MUSCATiL only a daughter. H li followare plnga which prod aoma particular 5TOOO “ I came fully prepkrad to kill R A R iIR A public service becomes s source of f Whatever the Immediate causa mental sore epot tend to atlr up this lentil soup should be cooked HAh/ETWE SAME SUGAR...... 10 Iba. 52c I SODAS...... (caataats) dbettleatSc^ would have nothing of a "petticoat at least two hours, used as the QBADIN&.DADOYr JSi ■ IUNTOUCHCD him. I had an automatic revolver bureaucracy, of favoritism—or of such a situation In such a com­ government” eo a republic grow the underlying conflict and cause isssssitgtaK, LAMOLOQD AftVJB in my purse. I know how to uc (4X) SUGAR...... Fk*.7e I SNAPPY CHESS...... G a freah outbreak of Indigestion. starchy food at the meal, and .Tearo.HqrmiNa- i OOE™”** rma worse. munity as Ohio at such a time as up on the foundation of the am eaten very slowly. While lentils RePuevD HAVE.' JEWEL SHORTENING .. .4-lb. can 53c | EDAM CHEESE...... G plre, all apparently In the beat of Just the patient consciously seeing 7 "You realize of courae," Daw­ In thla matter of sonlng most contain protein, they also contain this, it la suggested that that alt- humor. relationship between happenings 7 son Interrupted, “that anything Oonaecticut communities that a large proportion of starch. uatlon provides an excellent study Dom Pedro wanted to marry .Ma In the emotional life anjl the aymp- you tall ma may ha usad ogatnot » toms of digestive war, will often (Bladder Trouble) you.” have gons In for It at all appear for those whose proffered eoluUon daughter to a Frenchman, let her Question: E. V. writers: *T bsve place tn hla or her hands the key *T kttOY9 that. Captain Dawaon." Golden Tip Croekert 2 boxes 25^ to have gotten off on the wrong of tha nation's ills la the drastic succeed him and at the tame time been bothered for some time with Morotchino preserve the line of rulers. One to the cure. tha girl replied, "but I did not klU Nmo, M Rmr, I9 ...... fiM 1A9 Them Mae* IFeedee ml Otm Ue Storee foot. They are trying to do too reduction of federal rsllsf mess* a kind of bladder trouble which Choc. Covered GrahomSg 2 lbs.29dj version has It that the BraziUaae A trick which may be very use­ ceuaee frequent elimination, and Benthorne. You'll understand after M M i4 Sn. . .fM 1A9 ■well and have established petty ures and the return of the respon­ answered with a Joke Impljing ful In reducing the patient's re­ burning sensations, and semetlmee you hear all o f my atory. Cherries or tittle tyrsnales, fussily meticulous, sibility for the prevention of star­ that the one who wears the panta action o f his troubles Is the trick produces a faellng of actual pfitn "Mr. Benthorna met me at the — ...... AM lA f Assorted 2 lb e .2 will nila the ' house. Any they of treating the symptoms as outer doorway about 8:46, brought whare they Intended to adopt vation to the states and munlcl- In the bladder whan It to full fhmhtrAi ...... AM 2.19 wanted no Frenchman ruling though they were only temporary Would you be ao kind as to give ma directly to hto stud^. W e talk­ Stuffed Olives Sweet Mixed Pickles awrely aane-and daceat regula­ pailUee. Wa hoar a great deal gfe 19 Brasil. upsets w h l^ will soon pass away. me all the Information pooeibls on ed for some time. A t Orat ha waa CM A VapiaN...... AM 2A9 723 Main Street — Tel. 3822 tion. about such a proposed 'Teform.' As a final word of encourtige- how to eradicate this otoorderY" obstlnat*. maan, naaty. He refus­ Dill Pickles 2-qfr.]or2' It would be gratifying to know Constnclng Lecture ment. let roe quote from Dr. Wai Answer: I suggest that the best i t t ed to believe anything 1 aald. Gary, Ind. (Jb—Mrs. Peter Yeah ter C. Alvsres: *V en y sufferers j p j^ gggj fgp ggy ^ Then, when 1 abowed him proof, The Germaa Bases how It would work, right n»w In ______...AM 1J9 MocDougoll Jams Mb. jo r I . came home late at night to find a with functional IndlgasUon can get Ucle on BLADDER nU U TA'nO N. he begged for mercy, offers# me 3 jars 25c Ohio. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE money, offered mg almost any- 9 r k r r t I f tba Immadtata puxpeea o f tha burglar In the front room about to wall If they wll] bravely face the Thla to a fairly long artlela and m m m walk out with har buabaQd*e fact that they can not da aQ the thing. The mere ha bagged, tha Miracle ^ ip in their erar ot marina one which should prova balpfol to Wb«B yoB art tookiag for m home, aatoral* Thfi Saii*b Agency has been aeiriiic Msb- S M . M M a i ..... :AM 2A9 IrroBiittbto nroatar. She gave him a five* thincs their atreager (ellowa do." you. Tha artlela la avaUabla to more ha plaaded. the nwro I hated to to taerortae tha mlButa toeture ou tha MnftilneM any reader ot Ode aewenaper who ly, yeq think tnt SifiiUi — hnadtreds et Chester for srer n gBartar af n cea* hlaE o e , raa 8lad g lad that he’s ...... AM 1.99 Larfa 9H-Oaaea Bottla Kraft CheMe lb« dead." M en w ta m y she loet bar esewa o ( neutral toitpe There ere stin a lot of pcopto o f etoalbig. When ehe finished, tho requests It by erritlag to nae aad ntifilM cnstoMcrs. tary. A & 'P r STUFFED OLIVES. 25c Intruder dropped the esreater aad (VHamln O) eneloeeB a large, adf-eddreeeed. calm, and har dark eyes flashed. Sweet GherkiiUg H i ThnSejev I sm sf txsm BrlttoS to whom thto Father DMae cult to t: ttro. W. T. ROBERT J. SMITH. IN& 963 Mala St ROBERT J. SMITH. INC MSMalaSt For aa taitant Dawson thought he . . tr- . d . - I KAikantentR. bomir. w o v e m b e b m . i t M '''''' ^ ftti ""fcprw n i

of straightaway power to tumble Schwarts. High Point, N. C., and Tenneanae. One basing Its offense wants to know why It wouldn’t bo Says Trojans Sports Ro&ndup Jack Mitchell, Roanoke. Va., pre­ a good idea to have a post ■aeaaon Canada Seen Trojans, Aggies Tie on deception will not beat the dicted the iowa-Northweatem tic >aily Radio Programs Vols. It will have to drive hard game between the Aasoolated By E44IS BrteU ...Altogether nlna fellows called Preaa All-America and tha little Can Beat Vols straight over them. this tie...N in ety per cent of the On Foreign Pol HOTE: New York, Nov. 2tf—(IPt - A All-A merles to be played In the ’Tennessee la smart and alert. others went down with Oklahoma. All-American bowl. Yale-MInnesota grid series la For Football Honors It recovers quickly and keeps its Ohio State and Mississippi.. .A v­ OhaervaMon Ward cooking... Henry Armstrong la Just a word to let you Mullins Also Rates Tu* feet. But Southern (^ tfo m ia has erage card showed five wln.«, fo\ir And while you're about It, why Montreal, Nov. 88— (C___ I tremendous manpower. Tennessee : down with the grippe and may not losses and one tie. tend# the bout#, has stumbled into not pit the Waahiagton Redskins Preae)—Foreign poitries 6T( Southern Cal and Texas i would be unable to bold the Tro­ I be able to fight Lou Ambers Fri­ Kennel Cluh WTIC WDRC know that in our stores the wrong arena. lane Over Tennessee vs. the Sing Sing prison team? Britain and tha Ualtsd jans' running and pas,ilng attack” , day night. . .Vanderbilt players I Only two contestants failed to Then you'd have the proa and might ba leapt ea "rm w in A & M Gamer 939: In Grid Power. Mullins assert^ be believed 1 aay If Tennessee and Tulane were ■attog MuriDF EMtero StarHiard nina An all pro card will be pre- I come up with a winner. . .They cons of football. through Canada’s w t Ctmm. we have four big pages Southern California "has the : out there tomorrow they’d spot n s Harttard, Coaa. IS i« Votes Each in Week. .<;ented at tbe Sports O n ter and I were J. M. Brown of Salinas. Which ts Just where we came In. British atnpire, aaya Lard " ie4f a. u (lu M. greateat collection of material 1 the greenlea six points and load up it la the belief among old fans New Orleans, La., Nov, 28.-- (JPl Ksns.. and Joe Wentlaml of Smith deputy speaker o f the S tM te ri CUM o f outstanding values! Iv Poll o f Gridders. rver have seen on one football . , .O ach Potay Clark's departure Bend, Iml...Both regisleicd House o f Lqrda. Tueoda^, Nov. 28 that it will not take. Especially ] —Tennessee's Volunteers, ready on a scouting expedition coincided among the younger fans who be­ team. Both Tulane and 8o\ithern j actly zero...S o It's the doghouse; Last !\i/thPs Fights Addreealaff tha MoBtreal >M. . to march into a major bowl game, Cal have thla material, every man with a wave of reports that the I for you, gentk, but slnc^ you've ^ ® November S*. You housewives who'll New Y'ork. Nov. 28—<;P) — For gan their boxing look-see a year pie's Forum last night, tha vL. 4:00— Music Off The Record Bay :wlll crumble before a mightier of- so big and looking ao good In his football Dodgers are about to give I' gotffOt to spendEDfind thethM urintMPwinter tthere. h«ra — lack of s ebsirmsn to cast the de­ ego In town. They are used to I fense than they have seen If they him the old heave-ho.. .Tom said that “Canada la tha link ■€Taarry "Moon" Mullins de­ Barlund-Bob Paster bout In St Philadelphia—Bob Montgomery, Press football ranking poll of the After they get a peek at a real "In addition to power, the Tro­ ' snd we don't mean maybe! tlons, and it la (Tanada’i t a lk : ' 4:80—Lorenzo Jonea 6:45— Scattergood Baines in the kitchen will give clared today. Louis. January 9 ... If the Texas I Humor factory: Luke Hamlin, 158, Philadelphia, knocked out 4:45—Young Widder Brown season today found Texas A. and pro Ijout of, say, ten, rounds, when jana have a paaalng attack, and Mike Kvans, 1 3 8 Philadelphia. I continue as such.” 6.00—Esso Reporter I Mullins, fullback on Knute it is a tram that will gamble. Aggies are Invited to a Bowl game the only Brooklyn pitcher to win ■ ®:00—Girl Alone. 6:0.V-Hedda Hopper's Hollywood GREATEST SALE OF THE M. and Southern California tied the boxers coast for eight rounds, I it Is believed they'll promise to Ill; Al Ncttlow, 140, Detroit, out­ thanks if you stop in to* they will long for the semi-pros, I Rockne's last aad greatest foot- ‘Tulane probably would take ; 20 games this year, la on the W. 8:15—Midstream. 6 :2 0 -Edwin C. Hill for the first place with 939 points bsll team at Notre Dame In 1980 j send only two guys, figuring I K. B lock... If MaJ. John L. Grlt- pointed Jimmy Tygh. ISS'.i, Phil­ 8:80—Jack Armstrong. YEAR! each. say the old timers. Tennessee sheerly on power. It adelphia. (10); Pat ComUkey, 208, 6:30- H. V. Kaltenbom day or Wednesday! I and now head coach at Loyola strikes moat effectively and al­ I they'll be enough. I fllh s health forces him to retire Navy to Begin 4k48— Little Orphan Annie. 6:4.6—Today In Europe It waa the first deadlock in the Paterson. N, J.. knocked out Emil I University of the South, spoke as most entirely on the ground. I .411 Anwrlra Dept. I as big ten commlaaioner, Frank 8:00—Nean and weather. 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy Prices for Today and Wed. four-year history of this gauge of Last Friday Bill DeHan had The Fort Worth Star-Telegram Scholtz, 187'4. Boston, (2). 8:18—Eddie Casey's Football Jack Hayes take a bow when he one who has seen them all. doubt whether Tennessee could I McCormick, Minnesota athletic ili- Passaic, N. J.—Tippy Larkin. New Air 7:1.6—Jimmie KIdler national grldlroti strength, and waa He's right next door here to reports that fullback John Kim- ' rector, will be next In line, . .Jock­ Roundup: a tribute to the avalanche-like said that "Just forty years ago to atop this devastating' offense, and 137. Garflcld, N. J„ stopped Steve 7:.30 - Helen Mencken In "Second Tulane, and saw Tennessee whip brouKh of the Aggies hit the Tex­ ey Mack Ganier'a aon. Mack Jr., 8:S0—History In the Headlines — Husband" •tyle In which the Trojan machine j the day. Jack Hayes fought In 1 do feel Tulane could atop the as Christian line so hard the ends Halalko, 142, Syracuse, N. Y., (2l. RED AND WHITE — FANCY - STRAINED Louisiana State University 20-0 Vola' running attack '' is playing football on a high Professor Andrew Schen- 8:00 - Edward G. Roblnaon and ★ MORE FOOD SAVING SA baa gained momentum from week this very arena". He forgot to were knocked out of bounds. Trenton, N. J.—Larry Mangtne, New York, Nov. ker. I mention that Walter V'ennard a few Saturdays ago. Last Thurs­ school team at Covington, Ky. 146, Trenton, outpointed Pete Mas- Ona Munson In "Big Town" to week since its opening-game tie Since the kid weight 142 he Isn’t Navy will begin tnunadiata 8Hi8—Lowell TTiomas 8:30 Tuesday Night Party — i fought the same evening against day he watched Southern Califor­ cla, 140, Brooklyn, (8). atnictlon of a $500,000 to ' with Oregon. nia in a three-hour workout here Pros'wnt Flaming Cargo Mils Ruth Thompson, the Birm­ apt to follow In hla pop’s boot- >T:00—Fred Warlng's Orchestra. Walter O'Keeef The Aggies, who need to beat Jack Haye.s and the bout was de- Scranton, Pa.—Tommy Tucker. air base bare, one of eight < Small before tbe Trojana went tni to ingham gal, pared the 2.754 pig- stcpa..,Carl Snavely of Cornell •'TllB—I Love a Mystery 6:6.6 - .News Elmer Davis Texas Thursday to finish their . dared a draw. Walter waa also Chicago (.76- Joseph Meaainger 187, New York, knocked out Elly ed to coordinate America’s CRANBERRY Pkgs. South Bend to defeat Notre Dame, 1 akin pickers under the wire to win took moving plcturm of the .T:80—The News Reporters. P:00—We. The People Poultry Seasoning campaign with a clean slate, climb­ I among the spectators last Friday. of Whiting, Ind.. upon orders from ihc big gueasperting contest... Dmlge, 190, Far Rockaway, N. Y., neutrality and defense T:48—Electric Holiday Campaign 20-12. Giant-Dodger pro game Sunday. ( 2 ). 9:30- ('amel Program Bob ed Into the lead last week. But a police aquad. brought hla gaao- She called nine of the ten games patrols. 8:00—Johnny Presents. “ If Southern California plays Today’s Oueet Star Crosby's Orchestra Southern Cal., which Impressed a It is noticed at all of the box­ llne-laden truck to a halt. He : correctly and if Iowa had llckad Portland, Me.— Paul Junior, 134, Tha base, adjoining Floyd Pot d'GoH. Red and WhMa ing bo\its here that the same old Tennessee In the Rose t c w I, didn’t get a chance to aak any Dan Desmond, Sioux City (la.) Lewiaton, Me,, outpointed Pat 10:00-Concert In Rhythm 15 Ox. QoUble gathering of experU with Northwestern would have had a Journal: "I see where our old pal. nett Field In Brooklyn, w •:00—Battle of the Sexes, SAUCE Sccdlesa Pkgs. crowd Is present. They are middle- Southern Cal will win the bail queationi as the policemen shout­ Foley. 132, Worcester, Maas., (12). 10:30—Esso Reporter its power and versatility In whip­ •full house.. .That's picking, folks, Unknown Winston, knocked out a complOted about March 1. p t:80—Fibber McGee and Molly. 10:3.6—Dance Muslr Raisins aged men who have been follow­ game,” said 'Moon.' '’If Tennes­ ed that the rear of his cab was Holyoke, Maas —Dem Wakerlla, and Include hangers for at ping Notre Dame, had to overtake ^’and a big hand for her.. If she gets feiOtOO—Boh Hope: Judy Garland; see meets Tulane here In the Sug­ man In Reno the other night, . .la 1.60, Boston, and Jimmy Leto, 149, 11.00 - Paul Sullivan It W'nuldn’t Be Tennessee and Cornell to gain Its ing boxing for years. They are al­ on fire. Firemen extlngulahed the any vaudeville offers, we want to 24 huge Naval flyinff boats. boats, Sklnnav Ennis' Orchestra ways seen In the same seats. ar Bowl, Tennessee Is In for a Dr. Eddie Anderson coaching that Hartford, Conn., drew (10). 11:1.6—Jack Jenny's Orchestra ThankHRiving half-share In the front-ninning flames before they reached the be put In for ten per cent... guy, too!" site waa ceded by the city. t40:S0—Uncle Walter's Dog House. Ideal — Seeded Pkgs. trimming. Chicago— Pete Lello, iS6. Gary, 11:30—Paul Whiteman's Orchestra Without It! position. 6,450 gallons of gasoline carried Thirty-five guya called eight out We’ll Vote For It '^ : 0 0 —News and weather. 12:00—Request Time The Red Men havs thalr head­ ‘It will take a team with a let Ind., stopped Emil Joseph, 184H, Taraptatiba alwaya has aa, Raisins Of the 111 ballot* cast, third- in the trailer. of ten and two of 'em—Bemle Hugh M'Guinn of Phoenix, Arts., 511:18—When Day Is Done — 2 2 1 « Plttaburgh (8). aches, too. First the state armory AM. place Cornell won a plurality of tractive sales dtipfay. j:-’ , Larry Hoard, baritone, Bud was given up because of too much 1 00 .Sign Off Fancy — Large. 84. But the Ithacans, two-ye^r Rainey, narrator. overhead. Then ratn hit the club Budded Lbs. champions of the Ivy League and y J l!4 K —Richard Hlmber's Orches- at the outdoor arena, but there Tomnrrow’a Program boasting their first all-winning ?.:. tra. A.M. W alnuts was plenty of parking spaces. Now RED AND WHITE — FANCY eleven in 16 years, lacked the all- . il;8S— News. 7:00—Music Off The Record— there Is less overhead and no rain around support of the twin pace­ ; 18:00—silent. Ray Barrett Red and White but—try and find a parking space Tomorrow’s Program. 7:16 Esso Reporter setters. The Aggies, In addition to within a block of the Center when Ready-To-Use 27 first-place votes, received 37 '4 - >*• 7 :2 0 -Music Off The Record- Mince Meat there la a big-turn-ouL 18:00—Blue Grass Roy. Ray Barrett Mince Meat for second and 24 for third. The * ?8:88—Neaa. 7:.6,6 Esso Rejnirter Trojana, Just two games away Think tte boxing boys are cool. r€:*>— Ptonln, organist Red and White from winning the western rose 8:00 Tf)day In Europe Fancy Pkgs. Just drop Into the showers after —Morning Watch. 8:1.6 Shoppers Special j- Musle, Pitted Rates bowl nomination, polled 25 firsts, a bout. With the cold water caa<> IBKIO—Newa. weather. time S3 seconds and 26 thirds. cading from their gleaming bodies, |:18—Doye O'Dell. 8:30 Esso R eiw rter^ Tennessee, which at one time the fighters are often enveloped in 1:80—Radio Bazaar. 8:3.6 Shoppers Sjpeclal — con­ held first place for four straight Fnncy QnnUty a vapor turning to near ateam 1:80—Rhythm of the Day. tinued 2 ’’ ‘‘K'' 1 Lb. weeks, waa passed by Cornell as from contact with their red hot 8KK>—G e ^ e Hinkle, Peddler of 9:00 Your IJoIjIhem Chef Mixed Nuts well as Southern Cal. Cornell torsos. Melody. 9:1.6—Ameptcan School of the Air totalled 909 points, only 80 short «;1B —Food News. 9:4.6--Bachelor’s Children Red and Wlilte—Faney of tbs leaders, to the Vols' 781, And Johnny Riley, o f Tbemp- 8Iohn'a Other Wife. Squash AT 10>S0—Hilltop House points. York. We fear that Johnny arlll 1:80—Juat Plain Bill. ,Jf) :45— Stepmot her Behind these first five Duquesne, end up cutting paper dolls. The 1:45—The Woman In White. 11:00—Lanny Ross Red and White II Oz. unbeaten and untied, came back lad has a terrific wallop but Is 1:08—David Hamm 11:18—Brenda Curtis Imported for Flavarl Into the first ten to sixth place; wide open. He Is small ror a wel­ 1:18—Road of Life Pkg. 11:30—Big SIstar Currants once-beaten Duke, Missouri and ter, his weight la mostly in bis 1:80—Against the Storm. 11:45—Aunt Jenny’s Stories Holy Cross advanced to seventh, legs and he has short arms. That [;48—Guiding Light, 12:00—Kate Smith .Speaks 1:80—“Noontime VariStles." Fancy Quality eighth and tenth, respectively, and means be must take two or three 12:1.6— When A Girl Marries Cltroa-Lmon-Onulge for Iowa, which rivalled Cornwall as to get In one. He has been hit M. PM. YOUNG! TENDER! easily by all of bis opponents In ;;18—Day Drei Fruit Peels the surprise team of the year, held 12:30—Romance Of Helen Trent Guaranteed To Please Both Poeketbook the ninth position it had won last fights here and has been floored t;80—Your Falnlly and Mine. 12:46—Our Gal Sunday HAirS SEIf SERVE and HEAL1B MARKE |‘<8 Blnrr29c al Committee. He Is expi-cterl to tion which at the same time will .105 186 99 830 l-Feaad OaOephaas Faehaga FRESH FRUITn!NDVfGETA 5LW receive a $2,0OO group award. Coffee Chatter B. Gm ...... 125 118 96 840 BCh his candidacy for the Re- Crisco or S p ry J. Twamlta . 80 180 105 815 Ublican presidential nomination H. Corrantl ken. Tha Oooaactleut lateracholaatlc • — — 106 108 Fancy Dates 17c X-Os. J ar Torpedo Faelorv Athletic Oonferanoe baa adoptad a Stuffed Olk'es e I lb. vac. can 19-year aga limit for athletaa with ’Totals ...... 884 888 808 1890 ■ Announcers who will do Sstur- * Free ffuuning Faaey QaaMly Grapefruit 7 2 s d Army-Na\w game for the Salt 15< tha compromise that a boy who u, IlK Teases O utput IMtWOrkS are Red Barber and reaebea hia 19th birthday during Pngaal’B Want SMa (4) Dave Driscoll for MBS: Ted Mu.a- a given aeaaon may completa that John PontlUo 111 U 9 117 847 Fruit Cakei “"25c 4 « o . 49c Sweet Mixed Piciclet ql 25c r larga Ipg, CBS. and Jim Britt. NRc aeaaoa .... dataa defining the R. Haganow 139 94. 96 819 Wa.ahinglon, Nov. 28-IP , Hear llmita o f the varloua “aeaaoiia” wlU H. Benfston 109 98 118 838 : Tuning Tonight: Europe — Admiral \\ R . Furlong, ehlef of noui I Cleconut he written into the code in tl A. P a th s ---- 107 108 88 SOS Large Slaa BeStte Florido Oranges 2 D os. 29c WABC-CBS 8:6.6, 11 MB.S 9 the Navy Bureau of Ordance re­ near futura . . . In tha paat ath­ B. Schubert ..106 118 108 828 WEAF-NBC-east 11 ported today that the .Naval tor- ---Fresh Fruits letes arere eligible for acbolaatic Din Pirkles _ _ Qt 17c peilo factory at Newport. K I , W EAF-NBC — 6 Johnny Pre- competitloa until they paased their Totala ...... 581 532 628 1621 Bocon Ginger Ale Light Halves 8Snts; 8:30 Horace Heldt program: increased ita output while decreaa- 20th birthday . . . Britieh-AaHrleaa <4) C ose o f O m Dozen— ing mat during the 1939 fiacal T. McCarty .. 148 110 92 850 Tangerines d«15c 8:80 Fibber .McGee; 10 Bob Hope: year and Vegethbles - • - (Conteats Only) ...... 10:30 Uncle Walt s Doghouse l Emeat "Butcli” NeiU, who C. L ea rla ---- 101 102 100 80S ...... 89c The Newport station, he said In Walnut Meats »Lk. 25c WABC-CBS 8 Edward G. Rob-' graduatad from Cuablng Acadamy W. McKinney 101 114 181 844 JVhiMy No. 1 taaon; 8:30 Waller O'Keefe party; i J'J''* '■> the secretary at Aahbunham, Maaa., In 1936 af­ F. McCurry ...99 130 137 848 No. I Ton Oaa aaaaSala 8 We The People: 10 Boh (>c«ibv ' ,'1 , Pastry Flour 19* ter three years at Manchester E. Sherman 139 107 180 4 8 " airing: 10:45 Postmaater James A ! ' •'^'TC'loes and High, returned to Cushing tonight Lard __ Cranberries 2 zk. 25c'j fS r i^ , MUs Marian Martin and , .'5. Squash Onions as ona of the speakefia at the Totala 578 558 580 1711 Peaches 2 C a m 19c larga Paetraie Meal Oov Uoyd C Stark on "Shall Stu- ' I’'*''*’''" and i| achool's football banquet . . . . 4snt America Concern Itaelf with capacity. " -----As you know, we do not buy abort weight, sobetandard, or cheap­ kNeUl waa captain o f ColgaU’a Rad Cliiwsy Slaehhw Shop Na. 8^2 Oaa Bart OlMy Tack ttata Praffh Lbs. BoUUcsT" The station employed about 3,- !| Sweet Potatoes 5 13c 700 workmen durmg the year. 1 er mer^andise for our aolea. W e think oil o f onr values are REAL ■Raidcra thla aeaaon but started in (Fhrr*a ABaya) Seedless WJZ-NBC — 8 Aldrich Family, 'anly two gamea as be was tldelln- MsMwy WrawohM (1) 8:80 Information Please; 9 Little ’ Sweet Potatoes VALUES and we hope you'll agree! In the meantime we wish you a ad moat o f the aeaaon by Injurlea J. K ittia ...... 84 71 78 335 Elberta Peaches Ol’ Hotl>'wood; 9:30 Meet Mr. I CM aeU s...... 79 89 91 359 Weeks; 10:30 new time for Brent Searaveii Passes | **fulT' and enjoyable holiday! ' . . . Cushing, of which Clarenca Jell-Oz Any Flavor 3 P k g s . 14c Fancy Celery 2 15c F. Quimby, former M.H.S. prin­ Primo ...... 78 103 103 388 9otjse. I H o lla n d ...... 90 109 88 385 ' 25c MBS— 8:80 Morton Gould or- Test on Diving I cipal, la haadmaater. enjoyed an 2>«49c m aay ^keatra; 1015 Montreal Symphony. I Celery Turnips unbaatan campaign with six wins L*nge...... 113 IM 111 837 PETERS’ aad a tie . . . . O L B o k t. Depot Sq. Market P. F. NIELSEN Total# ...... Na. 8 Oaa aaead qaam Brussels Sprouts 17e ; What to expect Wednesday: Eu- in Mala atfoat TeL 8488 445 478 488 1888 Tomato Juice C a m Portsmouth ,N H Nov. 28 OPi I RED a WHITE SrOOB Bfiaala aad OraaaOaa. Moriarty Brothars' cagera open- »p w » (3) B pe— NBC-chalns 8 a.m.; WABC- —Having Burceasfiillv CBB 8 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. . . . WEAF- . - completed II Bleats aad Orueartas 888 Nth Mala 8 t 1 W. TMI. J. BROGAN ad their season quietly, so quietly T. Duhaldo . . 83 111 85 388 Pineapple 13c 2 C a m 25c No. 8 I her first deep sr.i du-e, the I'. ,S. ’ Car. Caatar aad OriawoM Sta. that no publicity waa asked or Wind ~...... M 103 95 381 n c —1:30 Let'a Talk It Over: 4 submarme .Sesraven. .«;ster-shlp of Cranberries S tm a S tra a t TaL SOM TeL 8888 given, en Saturday night by drop­ B. Johnsoa .. 140 88 85 888 - ■ackatage Wife; 6 Luther-Lav- the tragic .Sqimliis, was ready to­ C a m Van Slngera. WABC-CB.S—2 15 FrfrfieM Grocery ^P. F.^mON^ ping a 80-47 dectalOD to tha Glaa- Glhiwas .... 103 138 84 880 No. 1 TaU Oaa BaakaMi Grapefruit Juice 4 25c Yellow day for the less difficult surface Durfea ...... Suaaa: 4 AI Bernard's Mln- test^ taabury Grads . . . . Al ’Thirly" . 88 104 85 277 Wrela; 6:15 Hedda Hopper. WJZ- The 299-fool, 1.450-ton •ubmer~ NED NELSON •84 Bartiafi R a i M 88f l Kuriowica led tbe local scorara iM o .8 ( . MBC — 12:30 Farm and Home MEATS AND GROCERIBa G. LANTIERI with thirty points . . . ThtaJa ...... •17 528 ~484 I W Fruit Corktoil 2 C a m 25c Bible, with one of the SquaJui eur- Grapes Oranges , Maata . OtaaaHaa • fbaMi. Tokay Graoes r; 3 Music for Young Listen- vlvors- Harold C. Prehle, a civil­ 8 U MaM at. . . TM n a ■has (8) 4 Club Matinee. MBS—8 TM. w n It camiet ha altogethar ehargad a Nalsea ... ■ 80 88 88 358 Grape^it Juice 2 C a m 29c ian Naval architect-aboard, re­ W. Johnaoe . License Romances. ported by radio last night that it ts nutarary, but tha apoita wrlt- 101 80 88 378 •rs at tha local bouts art complatn- Haynas ...... • 88 88 80 ••• had cdmpleted the test and would T o s t ...... laago Wok f O a8 *B a!o"^ """""^ ™ ""~ *~ • Bofne Wednesday short' waves; remain at sea. between the Ules of Apples Uig loudly aa to tbe manner of 111 70 00 870 Sweet Peas 3ew .25c London 4:45 Matters of Mo- arriting down the names o f tbe P. Dubaldo .. 183 to 85 810 Sweat Cider Shoala and Portsmouth harbor, (Oialaata Ooty.) TV5RC Caracas 7:80 tenor for tbe surface tests. boxers who appear at the Sports Pineapple Juice 25c I orchaatra; TO W A Guatemala Oentar. In tha coursa e f a week, Totala ...... 511 457 480 1888 1005 Opera; ’TPA4 Parts Bad IndUa Sonuner Depnrto And All the Trimmings That Make three Usta o f namas art givan out [ Swws (1 ) OoMM Loa Angries, Nov. 28-H/P>— —not oaa o f tham idantlcal—al- Psvetack ...... 88 S4 88 Cake Flour p h c . 22c Bouthem CalUocnla'a Indian sum- thoogb tfeay are auppoaad to ba D. KItUs . . . . . M 88 M 884 !■ Bdt eArleahle to use gaso> which has kept overcoats This thq Meal of the Yeor! RED&WHITE tlM W M boson. It M E. Voa ..78 ■ 8S M 808 wmmgmm n o w a j mmm M q Cranberry Juice T rtMnir ea an antonobUe and mumers in the mothbalM, is Mnca the very beginning iff D. WDaaw ...... 74 74 81 880 ecauas It win dull the fln- over. Light snow fell last night here. Tbe name, in some oases, art ...87 87 84 888 w

LLD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER SS, 1989 PAC In Um Baat Side lU enatloa Build* kv Dr. ttanpa la his dspMl inf. An barbera In Mancbaatar to the Personnel Advisory Board Loca) Resident, inch Halt were invited to attend but all ware were not subatantlated. Chairman Local Stocks not present. A t last nlfbt's meat- John T. fta n lcy’ of tte commis­ Inf Thomas J. Curran was named sion announced. NeverUieleas, he Heir to Estate Nazi Attack as the temporarv r>>airman. It aaid, it was decideo to reinstate rwrwktUbA By PutawB Oa. 8 Oaatial Bow M. H. S. Faces Alumni in Cage Opener Thursday was apparent that tha meeti him on a probationary basis. Telspheua 8 *«u t The Manchester last nli^t was cai.vu lo see if an Near Moselle Increase from 40 cents to 00 cents Hamilton J. Bickford Is 1:8# p. m. $)oatattaM for hsir cuts In Manchester could I froin FiMie O M ) be made possible. Christmas Party The Recipient o f About iB s m a M Stocks 825,000 from Father. Bid Asked VwlUuaent auMta. Is conncc- Of No. End Parish Astna Casualty .... 124 129 Public Market Grads Hold 7-2 Edge Aetna F i r a ...... 48 81 Heads NEA All-America tlM with bla raqiiait for an «z- Stempa Wins Fight #*—iwM of tboM powers, be will N«w York, Nov. 28— (8p«eUl)— Aetna U fa ...... 2} 38 AutomobUa...... 84 38 g b m aa aocount of blJ conduct of For Reinstatement The annual Christmas card par­ Hamilton J. Bickford, of 22 Ore«n* hill Btreet, Manchester, Conn., Is Conn. General ...... 27 29 For Your Thanksgiving Feast In Rivalry on Goi ty, held each year in St. Bridget's Hartford F irs ...... 82 84 pariah for the purpose of raising the recipient of approximately Second and Third .\II-.\inerica Teams Cubs to Chop Hartford StMm Boll. 58 62 Hartford. Nov. , 28.—WO—Dr. funds to assist the needy dunn'- $25,000 from the eatate of hla Christman, McFadden National Fire .. .. - 62 64 ros. SECOND TE.A.M Barbers Gather, Henry Stempa today had won hla the Christmas period, will be held father, the late Herbert J. Bick­ TH IR D TEAM it Schoolboys Have Only.. light for reinstatement as resident ford, for many yeara prominent Phoenix ...... 794 814 FOODS YOU WILL ENJOY I- E.— Paul Severtn, North Carolina ...... For Strength on Monday evening December 11. Travelers ...... 425 ...... Robert laon, Oeorge Tech Do Not Organize ph.vslclsn at Cedsrcrest Sana­ It baa been the custom of the New York City attorney, accord­ 445 L. T.—^op Boyd, Texas A. a M. .. Two Veterans in Lfaie-^ torium. Newington. chiirch-»to hold a card party early ing to the findinga today of the . Public Utilities And Kimbrough Other L. 0 .—Robert Waldorf, MlPMuri ...... Joseph Enzier, Portland The State Tuberculosis Com­ In December each year, the pro­ New York State transfer tax de­ Conn Lt. and Pow. . 61 C..—Frank Flnnerao, Cornell ...... Clyde Turner, IlardIn-SImmona NoofI Good Shortstofi ' i i ' i up; Meet Array That^^ mission which dismissed him for ceeds to be used to fill baskets partment. The beqiieat represents Conn, pow...... 494 14 R. 0 .—Tom O’Boyle, Tulane...... No formal organization waa et- ...... Robert Suffridge, Tenneaaee And a Slugging Out­ Won Triple Crown in focted by the local barbers at n "Insubordination" voted, Monday, to be distributed to the needy oi one-fourth of the residuary estate. ■Hartford Elec. Lt, . 67/ 9 Backs Named to Team R. T.—Eduard Coon, North tYirolina state ...... Mike Enlrh, loup Boeetlng held last night and tur to put him back to work for a the parish. The remainder goee to other child­ niuminating Sba . .. 57 R. E.— Hal Neu-man, Alahama...... Bob Nowankey, Oeo. tVaahlngton fielder in '40 Raee. 1938; 1st Game 7x30* tber consideration will be given to three months' probationary peri­ Robert Coleman has again been ren, Albert C. and Joseph C. Bick­ Hartford G as ...... 34 38 q.— Don Seott, Ohio State...... George Stirnu-eim, North Carolina the matter at a meeting to t* held od, beginning Dec. 1. named as general chairman of the ford. of New York and Elizabeth. S. New Eng. Tel. Co. 158 183 T u rk eys Sarkkinen and Kerr at L. H.—Oeorge McAfee, Duke...... lUrhard (Daaalano, Pittsburgh - Only twice tn the last __ Most of the counter-chargee committee this year. Bickford of Pelham, N. Y., with Western Mass...... 324 344 R, H.—Kenny Washington. 1’. C. A ...... Chicago, Nov. 28.—(>45—th e Chi­ In January. 'Hie meeting was htio ...... , Michigan boa Manehseter High bath a ^ ' whom Mr. Bickford resided. He Industrial Extra Fancy, Fresh Turkeys. All Sizes From 8 Ends, McCollum, Dra- F.— Oeorge CWfego, Teaneeaee aee ...... Dam Principe, Fordham cago Cuba hope to transform their died December 18, 1937 at the age Acme Wire ...... 19'» TO 20 Pounds Each. Hens and Toms. fourth place teem of 19.39 into a defeat its Alumni in of 70. 214 T: National League title contender at Am. Hardware...... 22 24 ONE GkADE AND ONE PRICE: hos at Tackles, Molin- and the prospects of bettering The late Mr. Bickford served bis Arrow H and H, com 894 tile winter baseball meeting at Cin­ 1'''. ISj THANKSGIVING $14 ski, Smith Guards and cinnati next week. record in the annual ( ^'You Can't Buy Finer Poultry At law apprenticeship under the late Billings and Spencer 4 5 DINNER 192 pounds. He is a handsome Gabby Hartnett's crew needs schoolboye and graduates at thal Ambassador Joseph H. Cfhoate arul Bristol Brass ...... 49 52 Schiechi Center. Finnish lad of 21 and wants to most of all a ranking shortstop and State Armory this Tbunday atgRti Any Price" later became a member of the firm Colt's Pat. Firearms 86 90 don’t seem partlculariy bright.] of Evarfa, Choate, Curtin and C ib. coach. He Is a slick pass receiver fence-bust Ing outfielder, but all TAKE NO CHANCEK Vo'u ran he aure when you order Menu Eagle Lock ...... 13 15 By Harry Grsyw>n Dr. Naismith Passes;, efforts to uncover either since tha Coach Wilfred J. (3arka’a I K h ] Leon. Hla estate had a gross val­ Fafnlr Bearing .... 116 and blocker but is noted chiefly Plaebarst Poultr, 128 NEA S«rvl(^ Sporte Editor for defensive ability. Hr la a season closed apparently hava cage edition includes only two vst '3 ChUled Cranberry Jnlee ue of $146,904. Grey Tel Pay Sta. . 7 9 29 sraos, whils the Alumni array wiul PtNEHUKST NOK'niEKV tough fellow to take out. More come to naught. Crisp Celery Hart and Cooley ... 117 127 Dick Bartell bogged down at coaaist almost enUrely S ^ Hamilton J. Bickford Is an of­ Roasting Chiekena, extra fancy, milk fed, fresh Cui Up Fowl for a nice chicken soup, The All-America of 1939 . . . than one attemptenn«'licul Turke.va. *The Golden Brown PInehurst and a deadly tackier. York Giants. Tlie Cubs sUU have North and. Judd ... 30'4 33'.i 69c ea„ 2 for $1.35 'ootball.^. Dies o i Heart Disease Coach Clarks, who during NATIVE CAPONS NATIVE ROA.STINO CIIICKENN Turkey Fancy Fresh Capons, 6 to 7 O C hopes of acquiring a tried and true Cy Blanchard Peck. Stow A W ll.. 6 8 The 11 playera oompoalng the y * * " guided t o I Selected T.'oder Maas;irhu«elta YOl'Nti OI'CKI.INOS With pounds each, Ib...... PORK TO ROAST Notre Dame Rivals At 78; Created Court major leaguer for thla spot at Cin­ Russell M fg Co. ... 23 27 N E A Service All-America team, cinnati, but falling thla may make White qulnteto to 331 yi Fowl for FricaHnec Cape Cod Cranberry Turkeys chosen with the aid and advice of Oall Kerr Best End Certain sizes ot Turkeya always sell out Krat . . . we will havb •Savory Oyster Stnlllng N. Y» Slocks Scovlll Mfg. Co. . . . 314 33>i Chickens for Frying or Roasting, A Q First Pnz« Fresh Dressed Pork, ^ O Sport at' Springfieltl a deal for an Inflelder from one of with 128 loeaes for a perceat Glhlet Gravy Sllex Co...... 13'4 154 medium Hze, each...... 7 0 C Rib Cut, Ib . . . r ...... I O C coaches, scouts and sports writers Notre Dame's opponents called the A A minor league outfits. .642, is expected to Start a plenty of Turkeya for your order tomorrow, but to get |uat the alze throughout' the land, measures up dMirid, It la advlaablr to OInl lini tonlgbl . . . or drive over to Fluffy Whipped Potataea Stanley W o rk s...... 43 William Howard (Bud) Kerr the With Peach Baskets. Only a few weeka ago Owner Phil Grid Ca|)tain that will consist ot Johnny Adams Exp ...... First Prize Fresh Pork Shoulders, ^ to the highest standard that can most accomplished end they tac­ ■ki and Thomas Davis, ' the store. •Squash with Sauteed Onlona do., pfd...... 28 - ! W rlgley said the Cubs were not in­ Air Rccltic ...... Torrington ...... 29 For a Nice Pot Roast— Boneless A A be asked tn a game. kled all year. BUI Kerr was kept Cy Blanchard, center; i •RIrda Eye Peaa 31 Lawrence, Kas . Nov, 28--(/!>— terested In buying high-priced stars Ala.ska Jun ...... Veeder U o o t ...... 56 59 Cross Cut Roast, Ib...... A w Q All-America men are not Juat out of the Army game by a kid­ Dr. James A. Naismith, 78, Inven­ from other clubs, but would en­ Named iiv Yale Zamaltla and Richard New Cabbage •Selected While •Broccoli with Toasted Almonds Allegheny ...... Neyv York Banks Boneless Rolled Oven Roast Biraf, Try Our Home Made Pure Pork Sausage names picked out of a hat. ney ailment Incurred In the Car­ tor of ha-hetball, died at 1:60 a. deavor to develop their own talent guards. Of thsse, only Paraley HOn.ING ONIONS. .lOc. 3 lbs 2.5c Allied Chem . . . . An athlete cannot have a single negie Tech battle. and Blanchard were maa Thanksgiving Salad Bowl Bonk of New York. 450 470 Ib...... Meat for your turkey qtuflSng, 4% m. today of heart dlsea.se follow­ henceforth. But reports persist Peppers Crisp, While (Double) Am Can ...... ,. Bankers Trust . . . 58 60 J Je bad day and be an All-America. He was rated the squad's best ing a cerebral hemorrhage. that the Cubs are trying to get the v i^ t y last nnsnn __ A DESSERT CHOICE; This demand Is qualified, too, in­ Harold Whiteiuaii^ Am Home Prod . Central Hanover . 101 104 Nile Kennick pass receiver. His greatest thrill Dr Naismith, professor emeri­ Enos Slaughter, outfielder, and Don cek will spell Blow or Zamaltls';. Onenmbers t.T'LERY...... bunch 12c ilqt Minra Pie, Cheese asmuch as a good day cannot be Am Rad St S ... Chase ...... 35 37 was scoring against ^rnegle Tech tus of physical education at Kan­ Padgett, calcher-outfleldor, from the bach court oa the first Sya.’ ■ed-RIpe Tomatoes measured accurately In terms of Tennessee Awa Regular Southern •KUawberry Whip Float Am Smelt ...... Chemical ...... 49 a year ago on an end-around play. sas University, suffered a critical the St. l»u ls Cardinals. Claiko'* ascend flva wtil os Watercress 51 Fruits and Fresh Vegetables of the Better Grade statistics and touchdowns.- The lanky back, was too skinny and V. SWEET POTATOES ... .4 lbs. 10c Pemitasse Am Tel and Tel . City ...... 20 4 Kerr, a senior who would like hemorrhage Nov. 19 but rallied Branch Rickey, general manager Honor for Next Yea: ot Ruaeell Oola aad Fraaelo . 274 All-America may be cast with an fragile to play football at Great to coach, was 24 on Nov. 10. He (Special! Vernon Yellow Globe Salted Nuts Am Tob B ...... Continental . . .. . 13 15 and returned home from a hospi­ of the Cards, however, said last oo«M, forwatfiaj Fraada Mv undermanned squad. His club may Falta, S. C., High School, so he stayed out of school two years center; and Henry Buttor 4-8tiUli Bunches Peppermipt and Mints An.aconda . . . . Com Exchange . . 58'4 Fancy Hard Cranberries, « f f ancy Hubbard Squash, 4% tal last Wednesday. He was night In St. lx>ula that "we do not TURNIPS...... S lbs lie 604 even lose a game or two. Victory carried water. after high school earning money New Haven, Nov. 21—(45— John Klelnaobmtdt. gunrtfR- CELERY HEARTS Armour 111 ...... First National . , 1900 in.'o quart...... 1 O C Ih, stricken again Friday, with a look for any transactions involving California, Crisp. Fre^h Please ask our oflire for la not $he principal teat of great­ Today McFadden stands 6 feet for his college education. Harold B. Whiteman, Jr., of Naah- compoeed the sepoad lOr) Atchison ...... flunrantv Trust . . 287 205 Juicy Florida Oranges, dozen 3 and weighs 183 pounds. heart attack. He had been In a our first string athletes” at the (I ERERG LETTUCE . . head lOr starred Items. Aviation Corp . . . Native Yellow Globe Turnips, I A ness, AJl-Ame^ca honors fre­ Nicholas Drahos, In hla second coma since noon yesterday. winter meeting. vllle, Tenn., a baro of Yala’s lat­ year and hava tha Irving Trust . . . . 12 14 quently are won 'by gridiron gladi­ This senior had blazing apeed, CUoory Genuine Pascal (Large. IXtuble) Bn'dwln CT ...... year at tackle, was consistently - N Used Peach Boskets. " I f anyone has any offera to est clash with Harvard oh the to^lay good basks I .Manhattan ...... 17 19 ...... l O C ators who stand out under adverse probably the finest punter in the ' bs much F M c h Endive Balt and Ohio . . . the outstanding man on the Cor­ With two peach baskets aa make we'll give any or all of them CELERY...... bunch 18c TTanufcct. Trust . 38'^ 404 19c, 25c, 29e Fancy Celery Hearts, A * 4% circunnatances. country. He was at his be.st when nell team. This resident of Odar- gridiron, becomes captain of the — Jn that Bmseels Sprouts Bcndlx ...... N. Y. Trust ___ . 109 112 ; equipment. Dr. Naismith origin­ due consideration," he added, "but Ell's 1940 football team today. Rsdishes...... bunch 5c McIntosh Apples, hand picked, « A . bunch...... O C and I a C The All-America men la always the chips were down . . . when the hurst, N. Y., where he prepared up in gpsad ag| Beth Steel ...... Public National . . SO 32 ' band was blaring. ated basketball in 1891 as a win­ there’s nothing doing at this time Whiteman, 19-year-old junior, V.*ry Highest Quality, Large, Firm extra fancy 5 lbs...... I V C a competitor. In the Une, be la the at Lawrence High School, Is 20 to Indicate we'll do any major trad­ Borden ...... Title Guarantee 3 4 $ 4 : ter sport for youths at the who won distinction In the back­ Fresh Green Peaa IHANHERRIES...... lb 20c Can Pac ...... Hand Picked Baldwins, V A Fresh Gieen Peas Green String Beans player who sticks out like a sore He received prominent All- years old, weighs 210 pounds and Springfield, Mass., Y. M. C. A. ing or selling.” Tha JlitamaL gatharad U. 8. Trust ...... 1600 1650 I thumb while getting hla bumps. In fleld last Saturday by a brilliant FAR.M r KK.‘ H Case (J. I.) ...... Fancy Table Grapes ^ Etc. America mention as a basketball stands 6 feet 3. training school. The Cuba' delegation to the Cin­ 5 lbs...... l Y C the backfleld, he Is the one who play during the Cambridge con­ last Cerro Dc Pas . . . forward last winter . . . throws Last .year, as a sophomore, Dra- There were nine men on a team cinnati convention will be Mana­ y m ^ Green Beans, Summer Squath. Hubbard Squash, INimpkIna New VEGETABLES does not quit when the blockers discus, and broad Jumps. test, waa elected last night by the boast an imp Ches and Ohio . . . hos, of Czech descent, was a and baskete were on the floor. ger IlAnett, Vice President *1eeta, Brooeoll, Canttflower, Mnshrooma Vellow Onions. 10-pound are through. McFadden led the colorful CTlem- Blue squad at the annual duuMr. stsllar psrtqr Coca '‘ . posod entirely of seniora except duced the number of playera and Lewis, and Clnrwnce Rowland and NEA All-America team of 1939. years. for him. . ceeds Capt, Joseph W. (Bill) Stack Marvin Oola and _ Asparagus Tips___ box 33c Coml Inv Tr ...... 5 2 ' , established rules which hava been Jack Doyle, ecoute. O f such stuff is built the smash­ Paul Christman of Mi.ssouri con­ Most of the long runs made by of Bast Lansing, Mich., in * poll Xprwards, Ed Koas at Coml Solv ...... I T , Squash, Pumpkin, Custard and changed but little In the Interven­ A new package of StuOed Figs, best quality. . .4.5c Beans, Green, 1” C u t...... Home Made Fruit Bread, « ing ends, E>co Sarffklnen of Ohio siders football a grand game but Cornell backs were made through that waa announced aa unanimous. Betw Taggart a a d ______Cons Fdlson ...... 3 0 'i ing years. Fruit Cocktail . . . Salad...... box 17c Mince Pies, each...... a J w C loaf g State and William (Bud) Kerr of prefers baseball for a career; A holc.>i openetl by Nick Drahos. The new captain, who preparad r j a ^ t h a ptoyari w k » i Cons Oil ...... He gave up the mlnlatry for Y. for Yale at Taft, played wing B rt Extra Large Holiday Pies, Notre Dame; the towering tackles, orother of Mark Christman, the In the Ohio State game Walt ad most o i Um gaaas ta Iftuu Beans, Green, French Style Cont Can ...... 4.3 Home Made Raisin Bread, I A Dr. Jamea Naismith M. C. A. and physical training May Postpone back this aeason, a poaltion to m N O E M EAT A wide range of Ollvea and PIrklea On Order Only! Each ...... D w C Nicholas Drahoa of OorncII and St. Louis Browns' third baseman, Scholl started Cornell on Its wa.v tor's hrlUiaat march/to trttlt^ ...... box 21c Corn Prod ...... 6 * % Harley McCollum o f Tulane; the work. He Joined the University which he was transfsrred after from lOc np. Wyandotte Ripe •oaf ...... l O C Paul Is a first baseman and long­ to victory by running 79 yards of Kansas staff In 1898 and In a ora during 1M7-8S. v Olives. Del Lack and We.-t ...... 0 '; Home Mitdt Fruit Cakes, Light and Dark, fighting guards, Edward Mollnski distance hitter sought by several off Drahos’ tackle. nenti. Sonte Clara used seven winning hia letter In 19Sg as the Beans, Lim a...... box 25c home Made Rolls, Assorted « ^ few years became head of the phv- Welter Scrap first string blocking back. Tha oaooad flw that a U ha I I B Blackwell's Plrnn and Fig Pnddlnga. Douelns Aircraft ...... 7(5'. of Tennessee and Harry Smith of major league clubs. Not only did Drahos open the different formations. into action by tha gradi Beans, Wax...... box 17c Du Pont ...... 178'i If Yon Wish, dozen...... | O C Southern California; the perfect There may be some criticism of .slcal education department. He Hla work during the Princston Tangerines...... doz. 2lr Christmas is 21 years old, stands holes but he managed to get In retired from active teaching In Bioto of J o h i^ OraaiM - Florida Jnlee Oranges . . dog. 28c Broccoli...... box 2.5< Ka.stm.nn Kodak ...... 100'- 30c 40c 60c center, John Schiechi of Santa 6 feet 1. His weight varies be­ on the downfleld blocking. the NEA first team because of the game brought favorable eomment OavoUo at forwards. Fat Flee A'lto Lite ...... 3 7 '<, Clara, and the backs, Paul Christ­ tween 189 and 195. absendb of , Teh- 1937. Armstrong Announces and observera agreed that by 2 dozen 4Sr. Seldom was a gain made Oddly. Kansas became one of at cantor and Brati Brussels Sprouts.. box 25c Ocn Klee ...... 30 man of Missouri, Banks McFadden through Drahos. nessce's brilliant tailback. knocking down a pam In tha and Avocados Penilnimnns GROCERY DEPART MENT'S SPECIALS Pitching Paul has a Keen sense the most noted basketball schools John Winalor or B IU ___ Seedless Grapefruit . . . . 6 for 2ftc Cauliflower...... box 2.3c Oen Foods ...... 40H of demson, the great Nile Clarke of humor, but Is not the flippant Unlike mo.>it tackles, Drahos al.-to But coaches and scouts hesitat­ He Has Sniffles and zone during the recent Harvard guardo. Tbsoa aiavaa pli Oen Motors ...... ■. . 51 Klnnlck of Iowa and Big John ed to recommend Cafego because in the country. Its great teams battle Whiteman prevented what Pink Orapefrult...... 8 for 20c For A Happy And A Succe wlsecracker some have tried to shares in the scoring. were developed and coached hy Dr. Won’ t Fight Friday. rasant ons of ths bsal Corn On Cob ... .2 earv 16c Cllletle ...... O'- $$ful Thanksgiving Feast! Kimbrough of Texas A. and M. make him out. He Is an unas* he did not play aa much aa he did otherwiae must certakily have Large Orapefrult...... 8 for 20c Going into the Pennsylvania F. C. (Phog) Allen, friend and toamo that bos basa put- Ilecker Prod ...... 10 With Ohio State and Iowa of suming lad with an ideal football a year ago and finally was put out been a touchdown for tha lU Extra Ijirge Baldwin Apples Cut Corn...... box 23c party, he had accounted for 11 associate of Dr, Naismith. The ia racaat yoara aad Um os VW Tear Wednesday Dinner 85c basket 4 lbs. 2V Ilud-nn Motor.s ...... 0 '(, HUTTEk— Fairmont’s Creamery, the Big Ten, Notre Dame and Mis­ disposition. He Is the type of points, a field goal and eight points by a knee Injury. And when he New York, Nov. 28—(45—What rivals, who lost tha game 26-7. will hava a dUDeult t o * „ Reas...... box 2.5c CHEESE two dlMgrced good-naturedly over Jamea Butler, Jr., manager of . . and Brenkfaat Items: Fancy McIntosh Apples Int llnrv ...... O'. ■ 2 pounds______souri o f the Big Six combining to player opponents pick up after he after touchdown via the place- did play, Cafego did not shine with weddings and colds. It's hard tham to pravoat thair. Tnl Nick ...... 38 , 69c Old Snappy, make it so, the midwest gains the has been tackled. with hli 1938 brilliance. many rules and rules changes. to say juat when Henry Armstrong the varsitv team, announce last Meed Bneon ...... lb. 27e 85c basket 4 lbs 25c I’eas and Carrots . box 23c kicking route. He scored five af He once told Allen "hsskethall atralght sstbaek fttmi tha | Int Tel and TrI ...... 1 lb...... most places . . . four. Three posi­ A junior in physical education, So there you have the A(l- and Lou Ambers will meet for the night that Edward N. Carpanter Fancy White or Red Grapes COFFEE Oomell's points against Ohio State. Is just a game to play. It doesn't TIm only two trlumpha LAM B LEGS ...... lb. 28c 2 pounds 28c Spinach ...... box 23r .lohn.s Miinvllle 7.5 tions go to the south, two to CaU­ Christman wants to coach if he Amerlca team of 1939 , . . men world welterweight title. of ML Kiaco, N. T., won the sum- Societte B Genuine Roquefort, need a coach.” esarkamaa hava galaad BOAST PORK from I8r lb. Freshly ('hop|>ed Squash .^...... box 1!)c Keanecnlt 10 Royal Sc.xrlet, fom la and one each to the east fails to make a go of big league who went all the way all the time. The fight IS billed at the moment agerial comp^tlon of the past past nine years cams ia ItSB, t ib. a.,.. McCollum Biggest Despite the fact haakethall was aeason. Carfsnter will be assist' OROl.NI) BEEF |h. 2.V I.rli Viil I'.d ■ ...... 1 pound can ...... and southwest. baseball. In Tulane History NEA’s 1939 All-America will do for Friday night In Madlaon Uis taara that raachad Um i Deerfoot, Bnghtwood, and Rib Roast I.Igg iind .Myers H ...... I'li Fancy Sage, The 1939 NEA All-America Is He Is a level-headed field gen until a better one is named. Ms brain child. Dr. Naismith pre­ Square Garden— but Hammerin' ant manager next year and oians' Royal Scorli'l, Harley McCollum Is the biggest ot tha stota touiiMy aaraad a Plnelnirst Small Link Nan- Tender Pol Roasts NfITK; Plritsc . . tills Is lh«’ Ib. headed by Nile Kinnick of Iowa, eral, one of the finest passers of ferred other sports, such an Hennery put a kink In those plans ger in 1941. Is>ev.‘‘.s i'i . M a h i e u ' s tackle in Tulane history . . . stands 24 victory, aad in ItM a last day (\\ cilm-silny) for the 1-pound b a g ...... the riayer of the year. all time, a hard runner both wrestling, for exercise. late yesterday when he notified the The annual dinner held tn the Eekhardt's Frankfurts s|Msial piirn on Is'i lllnid ...... 23 '■ Gouda Cheese, 6 feet 6, weighs 235 pounds. He Alumni suffsrad a 42-32 ___ _ 183 Spruce Street Beech-Nut, If xClnnlck possessed more than through the line and In the Open, Tn 1936 basketball games over New Yark state athletic commlS' Chi Pal fraternity house wadfh Mont \\ aril ...... 5' ', each ...... Is 21. Not a single first down was the country defrayed exnenaes of In the other seven 100*8.-, Birds Eye Asiiarngiis H8c ordinary speed, he would be one of a remarkable ball-handler, an aU' merry one becauaa ot the Taleale vie- Order Your Gift Fnitt Baskels. or Ra.skHs o'" Food Nash Kelv ...... 0 1-pound can ...... made through him. As a blocker Tigers Return Dr. Naismith for a trin to the slon he had the onUTIea. graduates have alwaya aai Nat Itlsr ...... 22 The Best of World Sup­ Kraft’s Old English, the all-time greats. erage punter and far from a The commission immediately tpry over Harvard—the first bi Sl raw berries 1m,\ 28<- Nathan Hale, he cleared gaps through which Olympic games at Berlin where oa top, svon trimadag Unit For the Needy ,\l Rinebursl. Nat ('lah I’.e g ...... l . , Standing no more than 5 feet 8 green hand on defense. dlepatched three doctors to inveatl three yeara. array at ItS^M by a . plies for Your Tiibic .\rc '/'i-pound package ...... Green Wave backs romped. He basketball waa played for the first Speakers Ineltided P resident Nat 1 >n I ry ...... 10 1-pound h a g...... and weighing only 170 pounds, this Nonchalance and coolness under To Win Trail gate Henry's condition, and they 25-12, oaa ot oaly two Here ,\( ^'our Disposal! Lieiderkranz, was the outstanding man In an time. Charlea Seymour, Malcolm Farm­ It will help ns give you the Im-sI possible Na! I'lsllil ...... 2",^ Sanka, compactly constructed 21-year-old fire perhaps Is his foremost asset. ware to report today— but that ahsorbod that asaaoa. package ...... outstanding line. A t Springfield, Dr Naismith er, chairman of the Yale Athletic YOU CAN Plniiiiirst s4T\li*.*, If you dud It I'onvrnlent N Y Central ...... 11' Krasdalc 1-pound c a n ...... halfback was rugged enough to He read a magazine on the bus made llttla difference to Eddie Coach Clarka will cL lo 'phone at Irnsi pari of your order tonight play 360 consecutive minutes that carried the Missouri varsity Edward Molinskl, left guard, married Mias Mamie E. Sherman. Aeaoclatlon; Prof. George Nettle- NY NH an-oz. pkR. .... “ NEW CROP NUTS” f o r ...... Tennessee line . . . was given a had three daughters and two sons. "I don't care what tbay say Oiachea Ducky Pond. Earle Nhale, fiirllnr d*il\erles. I'hon.* serviee and full Packai d .3 'i 10c consin, Purdue, Notre Dame and Tigers spent the night before the about Henry's condition. He*! too night, staillag at 7:20 lYeloeli' Pineapple Cheese, 27 oz., MlnnMota. margin over hla running mate, Over Shamrocks in Dr. Naismith married a second "Spike” Nelaon and Ivafi Wllliaiii- Sion- servlee until nine tonlghl. Dial 1151 I'.er-Mn Plot .. 8 '.. Walnut, Diamond Brand. Oklahoma game. aick to fight, and that's all tber# the main avont alotad for g ORDERS! Klnnlck ^s the grandson of , by coaches and time, June 10, 1939. His bride aon, and Trainer Charlie Hoyt. Penn ...... 23' , Diamond Walnut .Meat I.arge, Budded, Ib...... each ...... CThrlstman was unjustly criti­ 2nd Game o f Season. la to it. They can't tell ua to go Al Boggtnl win be tha George W. Clarke, who was gov­ critics. An Intercollegiate heavy­ waa Mrs. Florence M. Kincaid. I 'lieliia I )o ,ig e ...... 30 ' . Malve.s, i.j-d). Fancy Cream Cheese, cized following Missouri's winning ahead and fight. If Henry’s sick, 'This la ths flnt of two gi Brazil Nuts, Large, Polished. ernor of Iowa for two terms end­ effort against the Soonors. With weight boxing champion and reg­ .Sigma Phi Epsilon frstem itv Aa fVewea Fly. Phil Pet ...... •I0 ^ Pktf...... istering from Massillon, 0 „ Ed stopped by the Burnside Eagles house mother here. he won't fight In spite of what any­ the Clorkemen this a Fresh .Stuffing or Stewing 29c Ib...... lb ...... a... ing In 1917. His father was a very out him. Old Mtzzou would have Columbus, O.— Emmett Crowe, they'ra sehadulad to appaaa'W Puh .'terv N J ...... It" . good quarterback at Iowa State. Molinskl, who wears spectacles In their opening game of the He was born in Almonte. On­ one saya.” Itadlo .5 ', Mixed Nuts, Our Own Selection, had a tough time getting a ball­ Mead sounded as though ha last -of seven brothers to perform Hartford away oa Friday h f l Kxtra Fancy t while studying, carried out all as- 1989-40 season after compiling an tario. Nov 6, 1861. When he for Notre Dame, Is playing with Keniling ...... 17 Ex-apprated Milk, carrier to the line of acrimmage. meant business, and apparently first tost of Um O d L OYSTERS 3 Iixed Xiit.s, Ib...... Klnolck Of Iowa He wras chiefly raaponalble for slgnmenta letter perfect. was eight he was left an orphan pint 3 3 c Hem Hand ...... 10 amaaing record of 41 straight vic­ promoter Mika Jacobe thought ao, the Columbus BuIUss profsssional Next wosk tiM t o a;.. Almonds, Paper Shell, 4 tall cans...... Natoial Atkleta Missouri's Big Six championship. Harry Smith o f Southern Cali­ and went to live with an uncle. football team. K.">11111. St.-el ...... 2 3 '. % ...... fornia repeats as the other guard. tories last year, the YMCA 'ngera He was graduated from McGill for tn announcing the fight faoas Bttotol at tha BsB .

-if’. .'ft r , r«v,;v: m »AY,: RKD RYDKR Juat A Four-Ploahfr BY n iB D l

B U Y S E LL REMT//^^///;r CL A OLD W n H ^ WU.L Vm & Ra NOH V4ANTT ^ « oa« o t i7 « taoe at mm The WUb of 3Iaay Mother— I'm ashamed of you ] . A Western bookseller ordered a TH’ OOMCtlOfO, AMD It may be wrong to wlah IL Betty! Why are you whipping | dozen copies of Canon Farrars xlHn?e fAEtHM' rr mwJhc*^ mvtwnif cjtr But read It here and now; Ihe cat? "Seekers After God." A few days 'Piere's Juat one man la Europe Betty—Because he'a dirty. Hs latsr be received this telegram: I hope they get—and how! splta on hla feet and wipes them "No Seekers After God In Chlc^ on his face. to or New York. Try Philadel­ 'lljc new Doarder apfieared at phia." AatoMobOM For Salt 4 Automobiles For Sale 4 LIvt Stock—Vehieka 42 A|Mu1nient»—Ffait^— the boarding houae laat w«ek and A man admits trying to giv he was ivit too modest about him- hi v. ui an allowance but It FOR SALE-FOUR fraab cowf. Tancaienta 43 Christmas Lighting Contest The case here la a little differ­ ferty used for resl- here. We olw-ays collect board In out and pump acme water for ths Butcher —Do hl.s chickens have FOR b a l e ;—ROASTING chick- FOR RENT ROOM tenement, advance. cow. the feet on? RRAi. mrya in 8EDAn » ib3b Florists— Nurseries 16 ana S5c per pound dreaaed and — 6 Hume Lighting Decoration (.Contest dential purposes will be eligible. Naah, 1937 Packard, 195& Htude- first class condition, hot air fur­ aponsored by the Manchester 5. Displays must be Installed and Special Servi4*e« at the Bov Oh, we mustn't give her June Bride— No-o-o. delivered. Ralph Von Deck, 190 Manchester A brand new widow gets hsr hslr OUT OUR WAY baker, 1935 Oldirooblle, 1»37 CUT FLOWERS, polled planU, nace. Inquire England's Store, Chamber of Commerce were an­ on exhibition every night fixim any water. I heard daddy say this Butcher—Well, that explains It. BYJ. R WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE New Bolton road, telephone 7033. bobbed; Chevrolet, radio, heater. 1934 vtTcathe for chutxhee, etoree 262 Spruce, Phone 3856. nounced today by Elmer A. Weden, December 23rd, 1639, to January Churches; Schools to morning that he wanted her to When we sell chickens we give A brand new widower shaves off Naah and otheri. Meaaler Naah. homei, end cemeterlee, aleo FOR SALE—ROASTING chick­ chairman of the committee In 1st, 1940, inclusive, between the Date Book dry up. you the whole thing. V / NO. I C A k n & 0 —O H,t COULD, N FOR RENT ROOM tenement, Close Tomorrow Noon '' his mustache. vV a tGiAaBocH* Tfel. 726*. Balaam and Hemlock boughs, for ens 35r lb. dreaaed anf delivered. — 6 charge. Above Is an entry blank hours of p. m. and 10:30 p. m. 'I But IF I DON'T DO THIS NOW ■ W - " steam heat, garage, at 16U .School 6 PHONED THW»E homes and cemetery Baakct.s for R. Wright, telephone 7304. that may iK-'iised In notifying the and will be Judged some time with­ Tomorrow. — S to re ClijM iiit; H o iic h School Inspector- Why should Borne women can resist accept­ JH E'LL MAKE MC DO IT WHEN street. Inquire at 42 Maple street, Mother— When I waa your age. A FOR PAIJC—1930 M OPKt A Ford cemetery. Craves decorated. Ord­ Chamber of Commerce of a desire Nov. 26—Annual Thanksgiving we celebrate George Washington's ing an invitation to a cocktail 5 UMPN REAL IMPOKTANT ooiipe, aith nimble aeat. fair ron- rear. Pbone 6817. in that period. ers taken for roping decorating FOR SAM E-RH O DE laland Red to have your dec.iratlons judged Eve "Turkey, Goose and Pig " so­ young lady, a nice girl would nev­ birthday more than we do mine? party, but no woman can resist COMES UP, SO GO AHEAD Pia-STICKIN' dlUon. Price »35 00. 239 Oak 6. Displays will be Judged by a The Thank.-igiving o f the In.^l er think of holding a young man's made up of balsam, hemlock or fowl 20c III. alive. Call at 160 in the contest. Following are the cial and dance at Cheney hall, au.i- Pupil (shouting)—Because hs answering her telephone when »v ttxiesELrs-otJiTe 0 « 6 CVA ETU IN ' FOR RENT— FIVE ROOM flat, committee of Impartial Judges and Thursday in November, inaugu­ •treat______laurel, all at reasonable pricea. Charter Oak atreet. regulations: plcea of Hose Company No. 1 hand. never told a He. sir. she's alons. A HT o r COM. IKJ THtA 6 fiT N O U P U0 0 » , Free delivery, lei. 5947. Mc(>)n- with all Improvement.i, available the decision of the Judges will be Daughter—But, mother, now­ ASHES AT THAT, AfiJ'T WTT.t. SELL 1250 credit slip to­ 1. The Christmas Home Lighting S. M. F. D. rated aa a nation-wide custom SM.TEtZ/ vllles (Jreenhouses, 21 Wlndemere FOR SALE r o a s t e r s . 35c lb. Dec. 15th. May be seen by ap­ final adays a nice girl has to bold a T H E R I ward purchaae of new Ford at Decornllon faintest Is a conteat for I This Week. during the pre.sidency of Abraham W U A T k o m street, and 226 Wwxlbrlilge street. 4 to 7 lbs. Clark's Poultry Farm, pointment. 30 St. John str'"-«'lay, the Kranksglvlng ,,f wbat a fool be used to be, evident­ m P Q O W L IM ' .Schnub Turkey Farm, 188 Hllls- apt. with private bath. All con­ the exterior shall be ronsidered 8. Points which will be taken 1 Next Week ' week having been more or ly hasn't taken inventory recent­ APOUNO HERB? STOVES MOVED AND connected. town Road. Telephone 4678. veniences. Orford Bldg. 869 Main part of the display. Into account In Judging the dis­ St. Apply Marlow's. plays will be Originality, General Dec.- f. r'cl-,-Ionian’ Market at ' ‘ hat op- ly- I SWiBU. PISH.' riumblnK and Heat Inf; LlcenaeO 2. You may enter your Home iin Center church. lp«>Ht‘tl I M-Riduni UfKisrvelt s (Usn-- der one of the three rlasslllcations. Artistic EITcct, ingenuity In Util­ numbers. I’ hone 627a3. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM dupIciT, Dec. 8-- Ma.sonic "ladles' Night " ' tradition in i hanglng th^ She—The Lord made us beauti­ INSURE Articles For Sale 45 IIII Dei orated and Illuminated izing .Surroundings and Conform­ all modern Imp.ovemcnlM. steam at Masonic Temple. j ' V ’ov. 30 to Nov. 23. 1 ^ 1 ^ : ful and dumb. m0 tV'th FOR SALE—MEN'S rebuilt and on I ranees. ity to the Cbrlatnias .Spirit. Roofing—Siding 17A he^, at 87 Garden street. Apply Also, "The Village School " nl i local i hiirrhes w He—How’s that? 11 relaated shoea. Better than iiaw 21 Bussell street. I hi Decorated and Illuminated 9. All entry bliinka must be In North Methodist church, au.-plces 1 asion w ith service She— Beautiful ao the men McKINNEY BROTHERS slinibbery and grounds. Beal Eetate and Ineoranoe cheap abocs. See them. 8am the offices of the Manchester of Booster club. I thanks and praise to God but would love ua—and dumb so that ROOFINU AND aateetoa aiding (c) Decoration and lllumint- 06S Main St. Pbooc 8060 Yulyea, 701 Main. FOR RENT— FIVE ROOMS snd Chamber of Commerce. Hotel Dec. 6—Legion Cabaret dance i "'n'O' of the cluirche.s held their we could love them. our apeclally. VVorkmanahlp guar­ bath: also building lot for sale. tion o f entire home and general Sheridan. 613 Main street, Man­ anteed. Time payniente arrang­ at Rainbow Inn, Bolton. j annual ob.cervancr of the day last y Inquire at 4 Rogers Flare. Hurnmnillngs. chester, not later than 12 Noon, ed. Also carpentry and painting. Fuel and Feed 49-A Coming Event-i. | l^unday, A union service of the We heard of a man the other 3. All residents o f the Town of December 22nd, 1939. i Dec. 10 - Combined installation , And .South Methoili.st day who bought a farm to raise A. A. Dion, Inc., 81 Wella etreet., FOR RENT—HEATED five nwin Manchester, including all parts ot phone 4860, FOR SALE-HARD WOOD Doth Elaborateness and slzfc are not of pastor and Candlelight S e rvire i''I’ drchc.s will be held in 1 he latter hogs and paid for the farm with Manchester flat, and garage at 93 Frarl the Town, such ss Buckland, High­ necessary. Simple dispisys at a c ■tove and flreplaca lengtha. Ap­ street, also 20x40 store. Fortcr- at Emanuel Lutheran church. church Thuisdiiy morning at •■ight money the government paid him Evening Herald ply to Edward J. Holl, Tel. 4642 land Fark, etc , are eligible to en­ small cost can be made extremely Dec. 11—St. Bridget's canl par­ o'clock and the public is cordlnlly for not raising hogs. flald. Phone 3950. ter the contest. dasaifled Advcrtiacments Millinery— Dressmaking 19 or 6186. effective. ty, 8:16 p. m. Invited to attend. D w. 12 Chrl-stmas sale an-1 OthiT Services "Yaa’m,” said our young color- I Count ell everege words to s line. HAVE YOUR FUR const r^■9 ■dtssIlTc Maawh I t ItaT Moving—Trucking— U T. Wood Co.—Pbonf 4496 Box L, Herald. Dec. 16—Chiiatmaa party at Cooper street at 9:30 a. m.. Joint­ ::s Cash Charts Storage 20 61.1 Main Street) Emanuel Lutheran church. “ n •"saoG d ContscutlTS OS/S...I 1 slsl • cts ly with members of the Glaston­ A teacher asked one of the FOR SALE—SEASONED HARD Dec. 20— Sixth annual Christ­ bury church, and a service of I Cantscntlvc Dare...I • otall ota wood, cut any length for range or Houses For Sale 72 class: "John, what is the meal we iTR-vviiuaMt 1 Dey ...... |n ou|ll ate AUSTIN CHAMBERS mas Carol festival at high school Holy Communion at St. Mary's BOCN THigry v b a c s h o p b o o m Local A Iking Distance Movera fireplace. Donald Oehrlng. Tel. •at In the morning?" — ■, (f-‘ 1 All erdare tor Irratular tnaartlona FOR 8A L E -O N .STATE road, 1939 Christmas Home Lighting auditorium, three choirs and or­ Episcopal church* at 8 a. ni. will be ehartad at the one time rata. Tel—6260 68 Hollister 8t. 8758. "OatmaaL" replied John, witfi- Spaclal .ratat tor long term aeary Manchester Green, 6 room house, chestra. The public schixjls wilt close to­ •ut a smUe." day adVdytlalng glran upon raqoaat. steam heat, artesian water, 2 car Decoration Contest Dec. 3 1 - (Sunday night). Tall morrow noon and will be closed BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Man Tn Man Ada ordarsd batora tha third ar Garden— Farm— Dairy garage, 150 ft. frontage b; 110 Cedara New Year's Eve dance. Thursday and x'rlday for a .short 6(th day will b« chars«d only for Repairing 26 Sports Center. Wells street. Uio actual oumbor of tlraos th» ad Product* 50 deep, garden apace, beautiful Kindly enter my home under the foliowinif ctsHsifica- vacation, reopening on Monday. ' 4» 4 ET Tr** «tl«AA*W, )T_AWT UUm V4AO NOOR«t.V3> M IM IN G T W Also Legion's New Year's Eve SlXtRlES IN STAMPS W)\VL\E— 1 w o n t T T H W v t o a T h C E E TXO- appoarod, chartlnv at tho rato dam- WANTED—TO TUNE, repair and shade trees, high elevation. I*rice tion (check ONE ONLY with X ). Tho local .State Trade school ami ad but no allowanoo or rafundi oan ri^D— party at Rainbow Inn, Bolton, &3AMO TOQ AXW ONE OtTS AAOUtCMA l»$ TW 9 8 (9 1 0 % • NA regulate your piano or player pi­ ORDER YOUR SWEET cider now, $3,600 If taken within a week. St. Jamcs'.s parochial school will sn cw iN ^ TME\a w \vut r ba nado on •!« timo ads stoppod Tiixes $35.46. Mortgage can be OoawTTA WAtCH THM aftsr ths fifth dar. ano. Telephone Mancheater M52. and get It dellverAI fresh Entrances Shrubbery and (iruundn also be clo.scd for two days but lOOM l » m HV aooMwn ott LsnvA • a a a a a I FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA FOR SALE- FLORENCE: living Today: ! observe this second Thanksgiving raadarod. with a full holiday, and all stores jUl adrsrtiasmsnta must eonforoa FOR BAL&-BARBER shop fully room heater, used only 4 months. AT A c o r i n ' o r l•unHAl•^ 6- 7 Handball for men, amall gym | la atyls. copy and lypofrapKy with Price reasonable. Tel. 3776. Iteld at Miini'lipnipr, within ntnl for will be rinsed. Stores will remain equipped, reasonable for cash. In­ t1i4 diptrlot of Mun'‘hrnt*-r. on thr. E. S. racufations snforosd by ths publish- 7- 8 Women's gym class, largeopen until 9 o'clock tomorrow art and thsy rosanra tha rlvht la quire Pearl Street Barber Shop 3llh day of NoimiiIxt. A. 1L llt.lit. night and next week will begin frish-Bom Sculptor adlc rsvlss ar rojsct any copy aon- or call 4383, Mancheater. Houaehuld Goods 61 I'rep«nl WILLIAM 8. MYDI'. gym E. S, aldarsd ebjsctlonabla . JiidK<*- 6- 6 Junior boys' game room E.their Christmas schedule, staying CUOBINU HOURS—Claasifiad ada KfitAtR of laahRl ZitrawokfiH of open all day on Wednesday Honored by U. S. Stomp ta ba publlahsd asms day must ba outstanding VALUES Manrhpatcr In nald dlntrlut, minor. Instructions Issued S. and W. 8. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 8- 0 Advanced swimming classthrough the month of December A UGUSTUS SAINT-CAinJENS raeslvod by 13 o'cloch noon Sstur- F(ir rpnti nppllcullon of Matthnw Zit- Instead of closing in the after­ daya 10;K. rawt’ kiin. GtiardiaQ, prayliiK for and life saving for women E. S. " sculptor, who Is to be honored IS' FOR SALE BOSTON terrier THANKSGIVING noon. Stores will be open every Telephone Your Want Ads ntithorlly to <*onipromlH«> nn«l hfMIi- 7- 8 Night school sewing class E. on ths 3-cent value o f the artists WASH TUBBS puppies. Deposit will hold for 3 R6om "Jefferion" H 4'rrtHln iloijhtfiil and disiMiicd night until 9 o'clock the week be­ Too Bad, Unela Link Ads ars aocsplsd ovsr ths (sis* For Postal Packages S. group of Famous Americans, was Xmas. (Tark’a Kennels, ,304 Au­ Outfit clilm iho prop(»rty of Raid niln<*t fore Christmas. Doc. 18 through pUons at ths ClIAROfi RATS glvsn Outfit consists of Living Room per applh'atIon «>n flip, It li 6- 8 Girl Scouts in Franklin room. an Irishman by birth, and Ameri­ abovs as a eonvsnsines to advsr* tumn atreet. Dec. 23. OM.TO THINK THAT Z M UM D !« ] XKHOW VOU A M IA iV T R ie P TD ' Suite Bedroom Suite, Breakfast OKI H l*n >; —1'hal I hr forpK'dn*; 6:30-7 Red Devils basketball can by adoption . . . parents tlasrss but ths CASH RATES will ba applh-ntton h« he>ard ami dftrrmtn- The Chamber of Commerce IF rr HADil'T MCN fOB \MABM M l TMAT «tlE WAS AFTER aoeaptsd as FUL^a PATMENT If Set, Floor Lamp, Bridga Lamp, PohtniaHter D u ImIi A ll- Poland, Danzig, Czechoslovakia team practice, large gym E. S. moved from Dublin to New York WAMMuanoM. paid at tbs bualnsBS offtes on ar ts- rd at Ihr I'rohalp offlcei In Man- - , . and Germany, the postal guide Credit Bureau will also be open X w ^ A moL. X wouie End Tables, Occasional Table and rhpRt# r In naltl l»lilrh’l. on Hit 4th 8- 10 Morlartys volleyball team, In his infancy . . . stamp will go M O T u iflM . NOW tM HOOKED. B fiV O fara ths ssvsnth day following ths IIOUIICPM ■ {(‘ g l l l a t l o n s states, also increa.sed for parcel until 9 o'clock tomorrow night for fliWt Insertion of sach ad othsrwias Rugs ...... $149 liay of l)4't-pnih«T. A. 1*. at l« large gym E. S. on sals in New Ybrk. . . . Saint- MAB6 V H E B r I t TEMbtB'HeAtmO T O ----- ^ tha CHARGE RATE will bs eolUct- 3 Room "Washington" o'ctoi'k in thi forpiiniiti. and that , \T ' post packages addressed to E>to> 7- 10 Bowling alleys open E. S. the convenience of its clients but noiluc \»n uUfii to all ppraona in« Appliralilr Gaudens studied in Paris and IT ALOWI. PLIAAR ad. No rsapooslblUty for srrors In ktaple Outfit lO V ariO IIH nla, Gibraltar, Latvia, Lithuania Tom orrow: will bo clo.sed Thursday along talaphonsd ads win b« sssumsd and iPrrRtrd in nald RMtiilp of th«> p<'iid' with the Chamber and the Tour- Rome . . . statue of Admiral Far- T thair accuracy cannm hs guaran- ('onsists of Living Room Suite, cncy 4>f aaiii a t>plh*al Ion and tin E u rtip eaii (^ O IIIltricH . -Joviet Socialist 6-6 Business and Profe.s.slnnal rsgut gained him recognition . . . < 7 USED Bedroom Suite, Dinette Set, Floor (line and vlat'e of hearlnir thpr«‘on. * Rcpublica. men's group E. S. let Information Booth at the Cen­ taad. hy puhlinhlng a ropy of thla order ter. All Municipal Building of­ his "Lincoln" in Uncoln Memorial Index of CUttsifleaUona l.Amp, Bridge Lamp, End Table, III atiitia newspaper having a rlrcu* Senders are cautioned against Volleyball E. S. In Chicago was country's ideal. . . . Genuine Bigelow Marvel Rug, and Inatructiuna tor the mailing of fices will be closed Thursday as Stnba ...... A tatlon In aald dlxtrlrt, at Irant flN« International parcel poat packages transmission of money In caan, Handball E. S. Adams Mentorial in Washington. Engagamanta ...... B Pabco Rug and Gas Range . .$185 dH>B before tho day of said hrar- bank notea or valuables payable Badminton W. S. will factories and other places of Merriagas ...... c CARS for arrival In the designated coun- business. D. C., considered by many to be 3 Room "RcMiseveit" liiK. lo appear if they s*‘e r;tiiM«* ii I to bearer In registered or ordinary Individual Exercises E. S. Daat ba D said tiim* and i*la<'e ami hr hoard trle.s before ('hrlstmo-s, has been Post Offloe Service greatest work . . . enjoyed mod­ Card ot Thanks ...... f a Priced To Sell! Deluxe Outfit reiall\e tht-rrto, atitl iiiakr irtiiiii received In the local jKistofflce hy letters aildrea.sed to foreign coun­ 6 7 Handball for men, E. S. eling portraits of friends . . . la Mamorlam ...... A W With the exception of the regu­ Entire Outfit In the latent Mod­ to this court. Postmaster Thomas J. Qulah. Ev- tries. , Domestic . . . regulations will small gym. membw French Legion of Honor boat and Found ...... V | ernistic Design Living K(X>m. Bed WILLIAM S. HYLK. lar rural carrier service on Man­ Aaneuneemnats ...... | 1934 Chevrolet cry effort la being made thla year “PPly fo delivery of register- T-8 Boxing for men E. S., small •ad Institute of Prance . . . died Room, Breakfast Set, Lamps, J udge. gym. chester's one RFD route and three Ptrsoaala ...... | 2-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN to have International parcel past mall of foreign origin. hour service at the General deliv­ in 1807 at age o f 69. AulCmahlls. Rugs, End Tables, Cocktail Table packages properly prepared and Dutiable articles tn letters or 6-7 Junior boys plunge period, • • • Automobiss tor .Sale ...... 4 — New paint, black; 2 new -In fact' a home that Spells com ­ ery, parcel post and stamp win­ Automobllas for Kirhanga •••■ • AT A riM UT OK KUoll.YTK ready for dispatching for many packages Intended for foreign E. 8. Artist aewcotners to philately, tires; complete motor job fort and luxury ...... $'2'25 held at Mancheettr. within ami f<>r 6-8 Junior boys game room E. S. dows from 7:30 a. m.. until 10:30 Auto Aecaaao'rlas—TIras ...... ( the dletrlct t>f .\lanrht-Hter on (he European countries. countrica will not b» accepted for whose portraits appeared on Aato Rapalrlnar—Painting $8 Month Pay For Any Outfit and W. S. |a. m„ holiday schedule wlU pre­ 1 with .\meriran Hammered SHih day of Noveniher, A. 1> Under the heading of risks, the mailing without the green label stamps for the first time during Auto Schools ...... t-A 7 Free "CXHirtesy Autos ' 6- 8 Girl Sequts in Franklin vail at the Manrhesqr post office ALLEY OOP Aatoa—Ship by Truck ...... I Rings. Bargain at— (Treent WILLIAM S. IIIDK, department states that packages affixed to the cover. 1939, iadtide Oexsnne and Pu\n^ Oop a Number b Not Up Yet Simply phone or write ua and we Esq.. Judge. room. Thanksgiving Day. Aatoa—For Hire ...... t should be packed In canvas or Under the terms of the Univer­ de Chavsnaes, France; Matthew- will Bend a car to bring you to the Kalate of Alice Huniell late of 7- 10 West Side Men's Bowling Carrier Herbert McCaim will GRAB A HELMET k h i'f u^ci i t Oeragsa—Sarylca—Storage . .. M Mancheater In aaUl tllatrlct, deceaa* similar material, heavy wrapping OH/ NO.’mOJAM! VOUR LITTLE Mpt^rcyclaa—Blryclsa ...... tj store and take you back home sal Postal Convention with the league W. S., four aUeys. make his regular rural delivery Maris sad Mauva, Netherlands: BOP TH* GUV S r t 'S e NOW, SNIPER. $199.00 ed. paper or waterproof paper, lined exception of C.O.D. articles, cor­ •ad Ortgorsseu. Romania. (O AM E HAS PV.AVB0 O UTf VOtfVE Wghtad Autos—Motorcyclaa ... II again. This aervire Is abaolutely 1’pon BPi>Ilcatlon of Alh'e H. Hem- 7-10 Bowling alleys open E. S. trip to the outlying sections of SOU DIB LIKE Brnatmmmm aad PrwtsMUaal terrlrea with linen gauze, double faced respondence addi cased to prison­ • • • jlTf HAW* I AIFTT /| cE C « ^SNATCHECLyOUR LAST Baslaeaa Services UfTered . ... i| free, no matter where you live. Ig of aald Ma'nchrhl ( r, Adinin■ a11 a- 6- 6:30 Roy^ Blue basketball 1935 Dodge ALBERT'S FURNITURE (XJ. ttlK. iiiasitiK for aiilhorltv t<> loll corrugated cardbord boxes, solid ers of war or mailed by them arc The money order aijil registry Supplies of Mosambique's sericr much FUl^SrHAlVrfLAt^ (M B LM ETf Heuaahold Hervicra Oftarad ,.,. i i a 4-rrtiiln tfiil cNtatf pa rt |r n la r l> d«s> team practice, large gym E. S. n -a3 Building—I Contracting ...... 14 Hartford Store 43 Allyn St. fiber boxes or cases, thick card­ exempt from all postal charges. windows will be closed ajl day ac­ o f ssvea stamps honoring the visit ^-Hy;9bi«fliS>Aun i £ gams somi Flerlsta—Nurssrica ...... 1| l-IK)OR TRUNK SEDAN crihetl In ■aid application on flit. board boxes or strong wooden 0:30-7 Crusaders basketball Open Wed. and Sat. Evea. It !• The same Is true of all corre­ cording to holiday schedule and eg FresidaBt Carmene of Portugal MS. WHERE ELSE Fwnsral Dlrsetora ...... ii — New paint; low mileage; boxes made of material at least a team practice, large gym E. S. " . . . m ’ Chuck, can you bring a date for Mary, too? Tell Rsatlng—Plumbing—Roofing .. It Free Delivery Within 100 Mllea UUl)KKht».-~ That the foregoing spondence concerning prisoners of 7- 8 Manchester Green basketballthere will be no regular city -car­ weg* eahausted within a weet this is another car with a at>pMcaU« ii he heard and determln* half Inch thick. Boxes with lids him shea the athletic type—juat full* fun an’ on the go Insuranca ...... || war In any of the belligerent team practice, large gym E. S. rier service. aflgr Mease. IClUlnsry—Drassmaklng ...... l| k»w price that will give eco­ r i1 at tlie I'tohate office In Man* screwed or nailed on and hags countries'. Malls will be received at 7. 7:30 every minute.” UoTlog—Trucking—fltnrags M Machinery and Tooh 52 chefilrr In iiald liiatricl. on the 4th closed by sewing may also be used Publlo Psstsngar Ssrrlcs ...... K> A nomical transportation. day t>( 1 iri.'rinbei. 1>. KU'.', at 'J and 9:30 a. m.. and will be dis­ o'clock in (he forenoon, and (hat If they conform to the other con­ patched at 9 and 11 a. m. The lob­ Painting—papering ...... n USED AND RECXINDITIONEU ditions prescribed. TUONERV1LLE POLKS Profssslonal 8sr%lces ...... If iiodre be gl\en (o all pereotiB In* j Baldwin Opposes by of the jKist office will be closed BY FONTAINE FOX Rspaliing ...... n tractora priced reasonably and tereeled In aald entate of the (tend'* Wooden Boxes Coiiiiiiittcc Gives Tmfloiing—Dysfng—Cleaning I4 $285.00 aold on liberal terma. Fordaon ency of Baltl ai>|>licatlon ami the Ordinary pasteboard containers at 11 a. m. for the day. Toilet «;oods and Rerytre ...... SI parts, used engines, etc. Dublin lime and pla«'e of hearing thereon, are totally Inadequate for this pur­ Auto Tests Still Sports Program EVfN T OF TH f I W iK - 'n iE JONES BABV CRAWLED INTO A CtOSB-OROWN TTgntsd—Burlncia SerAice . . . . tl hy publlehtng a copy of ihte ortler The sports program for Thanks­ 1938 Buick Tractor (Vtropany, Wllllmantic. In aoint newspaper haNlng a I'lrcu- pose, the regulations state. Ar­ Bradley Support ISdncstleiBal giving offers only one attraction, WHERE NO ONS COULD FOLLOW HIM Couraca aitd Cla»»eB ...... ft l-DOOR SEDAN—Heater; lathin In aald diAtih'i at hiiAt ft\r ticles of china, crockery, glass, PiiTgte Inatructlona ...... S| days before (he tiny of aatd iMur- hats, radios or other articles of the annual basketball clash be­ Dancing ...... |». \ gisKl tires; color is black. ing. to ai»pear if thr\ eer cauae at Hartford, Nov. 28 Ol’; Gov. - d . Wanted— To Buy 58 fragile or breakable nature should Bridgeport, Nov. 28-oP) Mem­ tween Manchester High and Its Musical—Dramatic ...... ft said lime and pla« «* ami be hearil Raymond E. Baldwin, expressing Alumni at the State Armory, be­ We recommend your in­ relalUe thereto, and make returiv to be packed in strong i preferably bers of the Republican State Cen­ ~ r f Wanted—Instructions ...... 10 EXniA HOLIDAY spending mon­ personal opposition to compulsory ginning at 7:30 o'clock. The Trade PInaaclal spection of this car. Priced ey. C3iah paid for laleable Junk thli couit. wooden I boxes. Strong double tral (Committee from Fairfield FRKUKLB8 AND H18 FRIENDS Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ••• 11 WILLIAM R. IIYl‘K. faced corrugated boxes are pre­ rounty gave thefr '™uU ^ veh'cles. said gchool faces its Alumni at the Ala’t It The Truth? Bmolness Opportunities ...... |] at— and paper. Wm. Oatrlnsky, 182 J udge. BY MhRRIUd BLOHHI ferred encased in wooden boxes, tiKlayRkC f to o J. KennethW l e Bradley, V Side Ree . tomorrow , .after­ Money to Ixian ...... |t Btaseil atreet, tel. ,5879. h *m : h*J9. testing lanes In Connecticut be­ noon. The Red Men's A. C. will Help asg Rlisstloss esi>eclally In the case of overseas whose leadership In the county cause such procedure Wa.s still the Help Wanted- -Vemale ...... || I.im on I'K.HMIT conduct its usual boxing show at sse M9U $695.00 |- destinations. has been challenged by backers of law. llslp WaT»tsfi~M«ls ...... 11 NOTU'K or $ 1*1*1. I t 'A T I O N Sheriff Eklward A. Pldtt. the Sjiorts Center on Wells street o u r ON ex Salesmen Wanted .. This Is to gl\e notice that I. Wil­ It is recommended that a space "No matter what the political e r r HOMc of one and one half Inches be kept on Friday night. Hklp WBuifd— Mb1« r§mKU 17 193^ Pontiac liam tJ. lieggi'ti of 63 Mi Kliiley St.. A resolution to this effect waa consequences may be." the chief On Thanksgiving Eve the an­ M rM ■ WantBd .17-4 AKTHL'R A. Manrheeter. t'oiin have filed an ap- between the Inner and outer boxes adopted yesterday following a ANOTi SltURtlong Wani«!d executive said last night In nis nual Turkey. Goose and Pig dance 4 IRM)R SUDAN— Mileage pllrathni datt-d 75 November. l!<3!t for packing cu-shlonlng material plea by State Senator Charles E. SltuatlonB W antsd-M al« . . . . ft with the Lluimr i'«intrt)l t'c»mmis- weekly radio broadcast to the peo­ of Hose and Ladder ConjgSiy No. Employment Agfixcltt ...... 49 10,000; radio, heater: all 8it>n ftij: a rinh l•••^mlt for the anle around the two boxes, sides, bot­ "Shang" Wheeler of Stratford, ple o f the state, "I intend to do my KNOFLA tom and top to further Insure 1 S.M.F.D., will be held In Cheney l>el,uxc equipped. F'inished of alcoholic liquMr "ti the proxy for Albert E. Lavery of duty as I see It and stick to my Hall. This event for the benefit of Vakirlea For fits l''.aat Outer Ht.. Mancheater, safety. Fairfield: George M. McKendry of oath." Doga—iJirdi— P«ta ...... 41 , in an attractive shade of t'unn. The hUNinesM la owned hy the company has been held for I4 va •tock—'Vahlrlti ...... 4t ! If a package. In the opinion of New Canaan, and H. Sanford Os­ So long as the statute remains (fray. Priced at— V. F. W. Club of Man**hester of 6i>8 the aecepling (lOHtal employee. Is many years on the night befoj Povltry and ^upplla* ...... 41 INSURANCE F'-ael I’enter St Mant'heeter. t’i»nn.. borne of Redding. on the books It must be obeyed, Thanksgiving. Wkkttd —Pai»—P<*ultrr«-^tn#k 44 and will be conducted hy WllllnmG. not adequately packed. It shall be Tho committeemen directed Mc­ the governor asserted |g explain­ Far ■alak^lllaf^liaaawaa Aak Timr Neighbor! Leggett of $3 McKinley St.. Man­ refused. Artle!*a For Halt ...... 44 ' Kendry. who la also county com­ ing that hls proposal for repeal ot $850.00 chester, Conn . ua perniittee. roats Suspended Bokta and Accetaonra ...... 44 876 Main St. Phone 6440 William G. Ircggelt, missioner, to arrange a testimonial the compulsory feature of the sys­ The Indian rat snake makes a Building Matrrlala ...... 47 T>gted 28 November, 19S9. Pan el post has been suspended dinner for Bradley during January tem was killed by the state Senate sound like the tone of a tuning Dlamondi —Watchoa-^awalry 48 Try That New H-I1 -58-Jf. between the United States and Elactrlea! Appllaneaa-^Radl*.. 4| in the 26th Senatorial District. last summer. fork. and Fctd ...... 4?-4 0 *ydan— Farm— Dairy Emduett i# 100 Horsepower Xowaahold Goods ...... it Peter and Pollj in Toyland g :tt. Maehlnsry and Toola ...... it 1940 A Christmas Adventure With Santa Claus ' :-(i Mualeal Instramsnts ...... 4t STOP! LOOK! Offlea and Itora Equlpmamt ••• 14 Packard 110 SUORCHY 8MITB BMclala at tha S t o r a i...... I4 Snapended Saatanea BY JOHN C T B R R i; Waarlng Apparal—Fur* ...... IT 4-DOOR READ! W awUd^To Buy ...... it AND WU TM USKT MOmp iMaewrie TOURING SEDAN To Adverttae Oar New Mer- NOtwaneoeawT ONB- WNATAMfroOO^aOW LOwl ICMI— TMAT-Eur __ Meetawswwts ch— dise, iBrlndlng Faraltars. uwTDaeTHBFWar * • u riH iw a i f c b a b b o b B»awa WUJkoat Board ...... •• AND iwaaci'9- mYOUASSAS HM68AI Steves, Electrical Appliances, COMaHAWLATW US fj NorsoooMrthtt.* " ■aaidan Wantad ...... i i - a $1033. and Everything for the llocae. nous Om b Ut Beard—^RMorts ...... *4 ■•Uls—ItsauaraBta ...... 41 COMPLETE DELIVERED We Are (Mving n Turkey FRE9 ■’ ‘•2 2 = — NT Waatad—Itooms—Board ...... 41 With Every 66e.66 Order (hr Baal BaaBls Vav B*w( IN MANCHESTER New Merduuadien or Morn. ABaytoaatA Flats, Tsnsmoata 4| IMMiaaa Laaatteaa for Baat . . 44 PHONE .'5191 NOW! r Far R « t ...... 44 Open Till 9 P. M. Wa take oar rasloraera to Far Baa^s...... n In Rartferd ta Bowia Far Baat ..... ft ta Bant ...... •• Baal Batata Vav Sala ^SftBMat BnUdlav tar Sala .. It BRUNNER Eaay Paynenta Arnuigad. •MlBaat Prapartr ft* Sala ... ta >Bnaa aad Laa« (ar Uala ..... n V aaa^ 6aia ...... tj MOTOR lata (ar Uala ...... tl JONES FURNITURE ■aMit Vrtjtat^ far Uala...... tt gaharbaa ter iala ...... AND HEATING •fal^MMa ffeSeateaea .... td SALES whataf Ktal Batate...... tt 80 Oakland Stgeat S3 OAK ST. TEL.82M AatWawwAaBal Bt - ^ Rasideiic*: PIumic 7247