Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Luciana Novita Awis

Student Number: 121214075






This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved father Bapak Latimin

My beloved mother Ibu Parinem

My brothers and sister

My PBI friends iv



Awis, Luciana Novita (2016). The contribution of symbol in revealing the theme in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses about a novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. This novel tells about Gilbert‟s journey in three countries, namely India, Italy and Indonesia. The aim of this study is to find how the symbols contribute in revealing the theme of the novel. This study analyzed symbols in the novel and found how symbols existing are able to reveal the theme of the story. There are two problems formulation: (1) what are the symbols found in the novel? and (2) how do the symbols reveal the theme of the novel? This study was a library study. There are two types of data sources which are used in this study. The novel Eat, Pray, Love was used as the primary source and books and articles used as the secondary source. This is research uses formalist approach because it focuses to the text only. Theories which were used in this study were theory of symbol, theme and authentic happiness. There were several steps in doing this study. First, the writer chose a literary work which was analyzed. Second, the writer studied every symbol and also found the meaning of those symbols. The last step was to reveal the theme by linking the meaning of all symbols found in the story. The result of this study showed that there were three symbols found in the novel. According to Perrine (1974) readers should pay attention on how the author gives certain detail of an object, action or people because symbols are often indicated by emphasis, detail repetition or position. The first symbol found in the novel was eating, the action of eating symbolized Gilbert‟s happiness, contentment. Eating is considered as symbol because they were mentioned several times in the novel. The second symbol which was praying symbolized Gilbert‟s happiness. The action of eating is considered as a symbol because the author gives certain detail on the actions of eating and they were mentioned several times in the novel. The third are Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe. Those people are considered as symbols because they were mentioned several times in the novel they were mentioned as one symbol because they have same meaning which was love. The meaning of each symbol correlated with the pathways of authentic happiness which are pleasure, engagement and meaning. The correlation shows how Gilbert found her true happiness. Therefore, the theme of the novel was pursuit of happiness.

Keywords: symbol, theme, happiness vii



Awis, Luciana Novita. (2016). The contribution of symbol in revealing the theme in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan, Bahasa, dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini membahas tentang novel berjudul Eat, Pray, Love karya Elizabeth Gilbert. Novel ini menceritakan tentang perjalanan Gilbert di tiga negara yaitu India, Italia dan Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk megetahui bagaimana peran symbol dalam mengungkap tema novel. Penelitian ini menidskusikan simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam novel dan menemukan bagaimana simbol-simbol tersebut dapat mengungkapkan tema dari cerita. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang telah dirumuskan. Pertama adalah simbol-simbol yang ditemukan di dalam novel dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana simbol-simbol tersebut mengungkapkan tema dari novel tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Terdapat dua jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Novel Eat, Pray, Love digunakan sebagai sumber utama dan buku serta artikel digunakan sebagai data tambahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan formalis karena penelitian ini berfokus pada unsur intrinsik novel. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah teori simbol, tema dan kebahagiaan sejati. Terdapat beberapa langkah dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Pertama, penulis memilik karya sastra yang akan diteliti. Kedua, penulis mempelajari setiap simbol dan menemukan arti dari simbol-simbol tersebut. Langkah terakhir adalah mengungkapkan tema dengan menghubungkan arti dari semua simbol yang sudah ditemukan di dalam cerita. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan ada tiga simbol yang ditemukan di dalam novel. Menurut Perrine (1974) pembaca harus memperhatikan bagaimana penulis memberikan rincian tertentu pada suatu object, tindakan atau orang karena simbol sering ditandai dengan penekanan, pengulangan rinci atau posisi. Simbol pertama yang ditemukan dalam novel adalah makan, makan menyimbolkan kebahagiaan, kepuasan Gilbert. Makan dianggap sebagai simbol karena diulang beberapa kali dalam novel. Simbol kedua adalah berdoa yang menyimbolkan kebahagiaan Gilbert. Makan dianggap sebagai simbol karena penulis memberikan detil tertentu pada tindakan makan dan itu disebutkan beberapa kali dalam novel. ketiga adalah Ketut Liyer, Wayan dan Felipe. Orang-orang tersebut dianggap sebagai simbol karena diulang beberapa kali dalam novel, itu disebutkan sebagai salah satu simbol karena mereka memiliki arti yang sama yaitu cinta. Arti dari setiap simbol berkorelasi dengan teori kebahagiaan otentik yaitu kesenangan, keterlibatan dan makna. Korelasi tersebut menunjukkan bagaimana Gilbert menemukan kebahagiaan sejati. Oleh karena itu, tema novel itu pencarian kebahagiaan.

Kata kunci: symbol, theme, happiness viii



First of all I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love and blessings to my life, without His love and blessing I was nothing.

Second, I would like to thank my parents, Bapak Latimin and Ibu

Parinem who always support me with all their mind, heart and body in every condition of my life. I would also like to thank my brothers and sister; Yohanes

Widada, Antonius Surana, Matheus Mujana and Marcia Tri Wahyuni for their support, advice and encouragement. My deepest gratitude also goes to my one and only advisor Bapak Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed.D. I thank him for always guiding me and sharing his knowledge to me when I have a problem with my thesis.

Third, I would like to thank my best friends; Desy Kurnia Lestari,

Yohana Sri Widiastuti and Vincentia Berlian who always support and encourage each other when we need. I would like to thank them for sharing the bitterness and sweetness of our days since the first semester in English Language

Education Study Program.

I would like to thank my friends in Sanata Dharma; Agata Nina, Dwiki

Prenandita, Tessa Murena, Gisela Maya and Yohana Vita for their support and advice. I would like to thank them for rechecking my thesis and guiding me with their advice. I would also like to thank my senior high school friend, my best friend and my sister Cristiana Septi who always there when I need her.

Luciana Novita Awis ix



Page TITLE PAGE ...... i





ABSTRACT ...... vii

ABSTRAK ...... viii




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objective of the Study ...... 5 D. Benefit of the Study ...... 5 E. Definition of Terms ...... 6

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ...... 7 A. Review of Related Theories ...... 7 B. Theoretical Framework ...... 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 16 A. Object of the Study...... 16 B. Approach of the Study ...... 17 C. Method of the Study ...... 18


A. Symbols Found in the Novel and the Reason to be Called Symbol ...... 21 B. The Symbol Reveal the Theme of the Novel ...... 27



A. Conclusions ...... 42 B. Suggestions ...... 44 REFERENCES ...... 46 APPENDICES ...... 47




Appendix 1: Summary of Eat, Pray, Love ...... 47

Appendix 2: Biography of the Author ...... 48





This part consists of five parts as the introduction section of the study. The parts of this chapter are the background of the study, the problem formulation, the objectives of the study, the benefits of the study, and definitions of terms. The background of the study tells about the reason that the writer conducted the study.

The second part, the problem formulation, is the part which presents the problems to be answered through the study. The third part is the object of the study which explains the purpose of the study. The next part is the benefits of the study which expose some benefits of the study. The last part is the definitions of terms which explain the terms used in this study to avoid misunderstanding.

A. Background of the Study

Literary work is one of the communication tools between the author and the readers. A literary work carries the idea of the author. However, the idea in a literary work is not a final idea. It means that an author does not state the idea directly and clearly. An author only provides a bridge in which the readers can understand the author‟s idea. According to Guerin (2005), the author describes a concrete event in their works in which there are some devices that they use namely characters, the plot, the setting, the symbol, images, metaphors and et cetera. The readers need to use these devices to interpret the meaning of a work.




Among all those devices, symbols are the components in a literary work that can be analyzed. According to Stanton (1965), symbol is one of the literary devices, along with style, tone and irony. Moreover, literary devices are “the author‟s methods of selecting and arranging the details of a story so as to create a meaningful patterns”, with the purpose “to enable the readers to see the facts through the author‟s eye, to see what facts mean and thus to share imagined experience” (p.23)

Stanton (1965) also gives another idea about the form of symbol.

According to Stanton (1965), symbol may be anything from an egg story‟s setting such as a single object, a physical type of object, a physical substance, a shape, a gesture, a color, a sound, a fragrance, et cetera. They may represent a facet of human personality, futile ambition and the romanticism of youth. Another idea comes from Guth (1997) who says that symbol may come as an image that has a meaning beyond itself which can be in a form of a particular detail, character or an incident that has meaning beyond its literal meaning in the narrative. Dealing with symbols means a need to understand about another level of meaning; moving from literal and real picture into abstract or imaginative ones.

The theory above explains that symbol carry two meanings. The first meaning is the literal meaning and the second meaning is the implied meaning beyond or even out of the literal meaning. The example is when a rose becomes a symbol then it has two meanings. The first meaning is the literal meaning of the rose itself which is a flower and the second meaning is the implied meaning


3 behind the rose; it can be symbolized as a true love, a woman or a symbol of feminism.

From those theories above, the symbol in a novel is one of the literary devices that can help the readers to understand the story and to get the meaning of the story. Moreover, Kennedy and Gioia (2010) say that all elements in a literary work influences each other. In connection with that, symbol has a relationship to other intrinsic elements in a literary work, especially theme. According to Stanton

(1965) in An Introduction to Fiction, theme is the central idea in a story; it leads force and unity to the events described and it tells us something about life in general. Stanton also mentions that a theme gives the story focus, unity, impact, and “point”. It makes the beginning of the story seems adequate and the ending seems satisfactory. A story must have a point – and the point is its theme (Stanton,


The writer chose the novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love, as the object of analysis because the writer was interested in the story of the novel. The story of the novel is about how Elizabeth Gilbert tries to find happiness. She visits three countries namely Italy, India and Indonesia. She spent four months in every country. There, she has so many activities such as, meditation, yoga and learning

Italian language to heal her heart from depression, loneliness and sadness. In the first country which is Italy she spent most of her time to learn Italian language and tries many kinds of Italian food. The next country is India. Her activity in India is very different from her activity in Italy. In India she stayed in an Ashram where she spent most of her time to learning and practicing meditation. The last country


4 is Indonesia; she stayed for four months in . In this countries she wants to balance her previous experience when she stayed in Italy and India.

The journey of Elizabeth Gilbert in three different country and her activities in each country which changes her to a better person and find the true happiness of her life makes the writer wants to analyze.

The importance of this study is to find the contribution of symbols in revealing the theme of the novel. The symbol as one of the literary devices the author uses to communicate with the reader is used to find the theme of the novel.

As Kennedy and Gioia (2010) say that every intrinsic element in the novel influences each other, the writer wants to analyze how the symbols contribute in revealing the theme of the novel.

This research exposes the symbols found in the novel, the meanings of each symbol and to find the theme of the novel. The writer synchronized all of the meanings of the symbols to find the theme of the novel

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study, there are two problems discussed in this study. Those problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the symbols found in the novel?

2. How do the symbols reveal the theme of the novel?



C. Objectives of the study

The purpose of conducting this research is to find out the symbols used in the novel and how they contribute in revealing the theme of the novel. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, the writer tries to find and examine the major symbols used in Eat, Pray, Love novel. After the symbols used have been discovered, the writer examined the contribution of the symbols in revealing the theme of the story by uniting the meaning of the symbols and forming a theme from it.

D. Benefits of the Study

There are some benefits of this study for the readers, teachers and also the future researchers. The first benefit is to the readers. It is beneficial to the readers‟ development of knowledge about symbol, and theme of the readers, especially students in English Language Education Program. Moreover, they are able to learn the relation between each intrinsic element of the novel especially symbol and theme.

The second benefit is for the teachers. This study may help the teachers to introduce kinds of symbol and intrinsic element of a novel deeper. The student can learn how to find a symbol and theme and also able to know the relation between symbol and theme.

The last is the benefit for future researchers. This study helps the future researchers understand the relation between each intrinsic element of the novel


6 and to know some theories related to symbols and theme. Furthermore, this study may encourage them to do the research on others literary work.

E. Definition of Terms

In the study, there are some words that must be clearly defined in order to avoid miss understanding amongst the readers related to the formulated problems.

The terms are elaborated as follows.

1. Symbol

According to Roberts and Jacob (1989), the word symbol is etymologically comes from Greek word which means “to throw together” (syn means together and ballein means to throw)” (p.279). While according to Abrams (1993) “symbol is anything that signifies something else.” (p.206)

2. Theme

The theme in a literary work is a controlling or a central idea of a fiction. It describes the life generalization that is stated and implied by the story. It means that the author tries to present that the theme is the idea of a story. “The theme will happen when the author tries to explain the truth of life and to introduce a certain concept of life” (Perrine, 1974, p.49).




This chapter exposes theories applied in the study. The theories are used to analyze and answer the problem of the study. There are two parts in this chapter namely the review of related theories and the theoretical framework. The first part is a review of theories which are related to the study. The theories are namely theories of symbol, theme and authentic happiness. The second part is the theoretical framework. In this part, the writer clarifies the theories which are used to answer the problems.

A. Review of Related Theories

In order to answer the problem which has been formulated, the writer provides three theories, namely theories of symbols theme and authentic happiness which are needed to be the basic foundation of the problem solving process.

1. Symbol a. Definition of symbol

According to Perrine (1974), a symbol is something that means more than what it suggests on the surface. Guth (1997) also mentions that symbols may come as an image which has meanings beyond its literal meaning. Based on those ideas, we can see that symbols are anything which has the capability



8 in carrying and expresses something beyond; not only the literal but also the surface meaning. b. Kinds of symbol

Abrams (1993) says that symbols can be anything in literary works that signify something else. Moreover, symbols can be classified into two kinds according to Robert and Jacobs (1989). There are two kinds of symbols; the first one is a conventional or universal symbol and the second is a private, authorial or contextual symbol. A conventional or universal symbol can be defined as ideas or emotions that the writer and the readers share in common as a result of their social culture heritage. A conventional or universal symbol is likely to be recognized by most people because it has been commonly used. For example, it can be conveyed in the word “black” which most people have accepted to be the symbol of darkness or sadness. Besides, according to Abcarian, et al (1989), private, authorial or contextual symbols can be defined as the object and description that gain their symbolic meaning within the context of the specific work of fiction.

According to Abcarian, et al (1989), contextual symbols are objects or events that are symbolic by virtue of the writer‟s handling of them in a particular work. It depends on the context that is made by the writer. This kind of symbol is created by the author; therefore, the meaning of the symbol depends on the context that is created by the writer of the literary work. Another idea of the kind of symbols comes from Myers and Simms (1989)

“Symbols are categorized into three kinds. The first is an archetypal or a cultural symbol which refers to a natural object that has a limited number of interpretations which transcend cultural barriers. The second is general symbols. General symbols are symbol which appeal to a smaller audience



but which contain more associate meanings. The last is a private/authorial contextual symbol. This symbol is created in the author‟s imagination and conveys any number of meanings in the guiding context” (p.108) c. How to Find a Symbol

Besides knowing the kind of symbol, the writer uses some other theories on how to find a symbol. Stanton (1965) says

“Usual clue which shows that a symbol is symbolic is somehow conspicuous for some reasons other than its factual importance. It may be conspicuous because it repeats or resembles certain other details and the author may also make a detail conspicuous by describing it more fully than its factual importance deserves, by making it unusual for no apparent reason, by mentioning it in the title, or by some other means” (p.32)

Moreover, according to Kennedy and Gioia (2010) in a literary work, the storyteller often gives a particular emphasis to the symbol. It may be repeated throughout the story or even supply the story with a title. A crucial symbol will also open a story or end it (Kennedy & Gioia, 2010).

Therefore, to recognize the symbol in a literary work, the readers need to be able to notice the detail of the literary work and understand it. The readers need to remember that in a literature, a few symbols are hidden (Kennedy & Gioia,

2010). Besides, the readers also need to know that symbol is created to deliver a meaningful thought, idea, emotion, experience and vision both for the readers and the writer. There is also a theory by Stanton (1965) that can help the readers to recognize symbols as Stanton (1965) explains that in fiction, symbolism has three usual effects. First, a symbol that appears during an important moment of the story underlines the significance of the moment. Second, a symbol repeated


10 several times reminds us of some constant elements in a story‟s world. Last, a symbol that recurs in varying context helps to define or clarify theme.

In order to find and analyze symbols, Perrine (1974) also has a notion about how to find a symbol in a literary work. First, the readers should pay attention on how the author gives certain details of an object, action or people.

Symbols are often indicated by emphasis, detail repetition or position. Second, the meaning of a symbol should be established and connected with the whole story because the meaning of the symbol depends on the context of the story, not outside. A symbol in a literary work has meanings beyond its literal meaning.

Symbols may have more than one meaning, but the meaning is still connected with the context of the literary work. Those theories will help the writer to find and analyze the symbol in the literary work by applying it in the analysis process.

2. Relation of Symbols and Theme

According to Stanton (1965) symbols can be used to reveal the theme of a literary work. Stanton states that:

“Ideas and emotion often seem as real as any physical fact; yet they are invisible, intangible things. In literature, one way of giving them this vividness of reality is to use symbols–concrete, factual details that evoke these ideas and emotions in the reader‟s mind” (p.31)

The main idea here refers to the theme of the story. The quotation above shows that symbols can be used to reveal the theme of the novel through the memorable things for the readers. In addition, Guerin (2005) explains that symbols can be used to reveal the idea of a story, “an awareness of multiple meanings, even the etymologies of words as traced in dictionaries, will offer significant guidelines to what the work says” (p. 74). The quotation shows that the


11 awareness of multiple meanings refers to the memorable things/symbol which may suggest more than one meaning. Guerin (2005) also adds more explanation about how to find the theme from a work by noticing some suspicious things.

“We note that certain images, or colors, or references to time−a host of possibilities in our human experience−keep coming up. Some of these may contribute to the setting of the work, its actual place and time, or more subtly, its ambience. Bit by bit, we think we began to see a theme emerging from the work” (p.75).

According to Perrine (1974) theme is a controlling or a central idea of a fiction. It means that the meaning of the words or symbols can be used to reveal or to explain the theme of a literary work. The theories from Guerin (2005) and

Perrine (1974) strengthen the idea of revealing the theme through symbols.

It can be concluded that suspicious objects, characters, particular colors or maybe an unforgettable event which are realized by the readers as the focus of the story can be considered as the moment when the readers finally find the theme of a literary work.

3. Happiness

According to Seligman (2002) the theory of authentic happiness consists of three different paths to well-being; pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Each path supports each other. Therefore, people need to cultivate all of them to achieve a full life. Seligman (2007) states that empirical work has shown that the path is different, because each path is a unique predictor of life satisfaction, and their presence was associated with the higher level of life satisfaction. It is supported by Seligman‟s (2002) idea that a “full life” consists of experiencing


12 positive emotions, pursuing engagement, and acquiring meaning. Here are each of these pathways and how they may contribute to happiness. a. Pleasure

Pursuing pleasure is a viable option for increasing long-term well-being.

There is a relation between pursuing pleasure and well-being. Pleasure is indicated with daily experiences of positive emotions. Thus, people will have a higher sense of well-being when they have more experiences of pleasure or positive emotions. Experiencing frequent positive emotions makes people have a long-term sense of positive emotion. It is good to have a long-term sense of positive emotions because it will increase the level of well-being in life.

Moreover, experiencing positive emotions also able to affect someone‟s mood, for example when people experiencing positive emotions once in a day, it will make her mood better during that day. Frequent experiences of positive emotions are also related to higher levels of life satisfaction. b. Engagement

An alternative route to well-being is through engaging in activities that are exciting and absorbing; a situation that has been considered as “flow‟. Flow contributes an important task in building many interesting activities. For example, creating a game from someone‟s math homework by looking at how many problems one can solve in 30 minutes makes the assignment felt less bothersome and interesting. Creating an interesting game to solve difficult task will increase intrinsic motivation. Flow situation, therefore, may cause to long-term well-being through increasing positive resources to make an interesting activities, such as


13 nurturing talents, building interest and honing skills. Individuals who experience flow are expected to be more productive and achieve higher levels of success.

Some preliminary evidence supports that people who often experience persistent flow on tasks, achieve better results. c. Meaning

The final pathway suggested by Seligman (2002) is to pursue happiness through meaning. Theorists and researchers have often proposed that finding meaning in someone‟s life is an important determinant of psychological well- being. Seligman (2002) states “meaning allows someone to overcome the problem in their life through raising the positive social relationships or connecting to a higher power or purpose” (p.255). An individual achieves meaning in life when he or she experienced purposeful, significant and understandable life. Purpose in life provides individuals with goals that guide their action and increase the sense of well-being.

4. Theme

Kennedy & Gioia, 2010 states “The theme of a story is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals.” (p.183). Theme is an important intrinsic element because it is the point of a story and it keeps a story focus on one general idea.

Knowing the definition of theme is not enough to find a theme in a literary work. Therefore, there are some questions which can be the guide to find a theme which are provided by Kennedy and Gioia (2010) in their book An Introduction to

Fiction Eleventh Edition. The first is the readers need to look back once more at


14 the title of the story. After the readers read the story they can state whether or not the title indicates something. The title of the story may indicate something which is important to the whole story. Second, the readers need to pay attention to the main character of the story. The character may change in any way over story. It may indicate something important related to the idea of a story. Understanding the changes that happen or are made by the character may help the readers to find the idea of a story. Characters are possible to utter opinions with which the readers are not supposed to agree. Third, a story may contain any special suspicious object, mysterious flat characters, significant animal, repeated names, song titles or anything which can has meaning more than its literal meaning. In a literary work, symbols may point to the central idea or themes of the story. In formulating theme, the readers should formulate it in a statement not a summary to make it easier to understand. The last is readers need to make sure their formulated theme hold all details of the whole story, not just part of the story.

Besides, Kennedy and Gioia (2010) also provide some statements to clarify the vague sense of theme into a sharp and intriguing thesis.

“Start by making a list of all the story‟s possible themes. Next, Determine which points seem most important; then formulate a single sentence in which you combine them and try to capture the story‟s essence in a single sentence.”(p.221) There are also some checklists that can help the reader to write or formulate a theme of a literary work.

“First, lists as many possible themes as you can. Second, circle the two or three most important points and try to combine them into a sentence. Third, relate particular details of the story to the theme you have spelled out. Consider plot details, dialogue, setting, point of view, title or any elements that seem especially pertinent. Forth,



check whether all the elements of the story fit your thesis. Have you missed an important aspect of the story? Or, have you chosen to focus on a secondary idea, overlooking the central one? Last, if necessary, rework your thesis until it applies to every element in the story.” (p.222) The writer used those points as a guide to help the writer in formulating the theme of the literary work selected. Those points also strengthen the contribution of symbol in revealing the theme of a literary work.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are some theories and an approach which are used in this study. The theories and the approach are used to deepen the understanding and analyzing process of the topic discussed; the contribution of symbol in revealing the theme of the novel.

The theories of symbols are used to help the writer answer the first problem formulation. Those theories give an important role to guide the writer to find the symbol in the novel Eat, Pray, Love.

The theory of theme is used to analyze the contribution of the symbols to reveal the theme of the novel. The theory of “theme” provides information of the definition of themes and how to find and formulate the theme of the novel.

The last is the theory of authentic happiness. This theory is used to know the meaning of the symbol clearly and to help the writer to find the contribution of symbol in revealing the theme of the novel.




This chapter consists of three main sections, namely the object of the study, the approach of the study and the method of the study. The object of the study explains about the novel that is being studied. The approach of the study discusses the approach which was used in this study. The method explains the steps taken in analyzing the problem formulation.

A. Object of the study

Eat, Pray, Love, a novel by Elizabeth Gilbert is the object of this study.

This novel was published by Penguin Books in February 16th, 2006. It consists of

108 chapter and 334 pages.

The novel is about the journey of Elizabeth Gilbert to three different countries which are Italy, India and Indonesia. The story begins when she was in early thirties and she got everything on her life as a modern American Woman.

She had a good job, a nice house and a husband. However, all of that things did not make her happy, she felt consumed by panic and confusion. She did not feel happy with all that she had at that time. She did not feel comfortable with her marriage anymore. She did not want to get pregnant. Her attitude started to change and it made her quarreling with her husband. Then, she decided to divorce, but instead of making her life easier and happy, she felt more stressed because there



17 were many problems that impeded her divorce process; it took few months and her husband could not cooperate with her. Then, she began to have a new relationship with a man named David. At first, she thought that he was perfect; he was the best and made her happy. However, her relationship with David also did not run well. It made her become more and more stressed. After a few moments, she came on an idea to get somewhere to find balance and pleasure in her life.

Therefore, she went to Italy, India and Indonesia. She stayed four months in each country and had many meaningful experiences there.

The writer found that the novel Eat, Pray, Love contains symbols. There are main symbols which are related to the theme of the novel. In such a way, the symbols contribute to reveal the theme of the novel.

B. Approach of the Study

In this study, the writer chose formalistic approach as the approach of the study. According to Kennedy & Gioia (2010) “Formalist criticism regards literature as a unique form of human knowledge that needs to be examined on its own terms” (p. 679). Another idea which is expressed by Wellek and Warren

(1958) says “the natural and sensible point for work in literary scholarship is the interpretation and analysis of the works of literary themselves.”(as cited in

Kennedy & Gioia, 2010, p.679) Moreover, Kennedy and Gioia(2010) explain that

“To a formalist, a story is not a primarily a social, historical or biographical document; it is a literary work that can be understood



only by reference to its intrinsic literary features which are the element found in the text itself. Therefore, to analyze a story the formalist criticism focuses on the words of the text rather than facts about author‟s life or the historical milieu in which the text was written.” (p. 679) Formalist critics also believe that the various elements of a literary work influence each other; formalist criticism pays special attention to the formal features of the text, namely the style, structure, imagery, et cetera. However, these features are usually not examined in isolation, because formalist critics believe that giving a literary text its special status as it is how all its elements work together to create readers‟ total experience (Kennedy & Gioia, 2010). Therefore, the most appropriate approach in this study is formalist approach. The formalist approach is used to analyze two intrinsic elements in the novel entitled Eat, Pray,

Love which are symbol and theme. The writer wanted to examine how the symbols in the novel contribute to reveal the theme of the novel.

C. Method of the Study

In analyzing Eat, Pray, Love novel by Elizabeth Gilbert, the writer applied library study as the method of the study. In order to answer each question in the problem formulation, the writer took several steps to complete the study.

The first step, the writer chose a literary work for this study. Eat, Pray,

Love novel by Elizabeth Gilbert was chosen to be the object of the study to be analyzed. The writer chose this novel because Eat, Pray, Love is a novel which contains some symbols. After conducting a close reading of the novel, the writer decided to focus on the contribution of symbols in revealing the theme of the


19 novel. The purpose of close reading is to understand how various elements in a literary text work together to shape its effect on the reader. (Kennedy & Gioia,


The second step, the writer tried to find the references for the analysis process on the topic selected. The references were the theories on symbol, theme and approach related to the topic discussed. The theories were the theories of symbol, theme and formalist approach. Those were considered as the secondary data which was taken from some books.

The third step, the writer formulated the problems in order to make the study systematic and easy to be analyzed. Then, the writer examined the novel as the primary data by applying the secondary data to answer the problems.

In examining the novel to answer the problems, the writer tried to find symbols which are used in Eat, Pray, Love novel. The theories on symbol were used as a guidance to look for any words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs in the novel that can be used as a symbol. The process of examining the novel was conducted by close reading of the whole Eat, Pray, Love novel. After finding the symbols, it was analyzed by using the theories of symbol. The theories were also used to know how the particular word, phrase, sentence or paragraph could be used as a symbol.

Next, the symbols which had been found were analyzed further to answer the second problem formulation and also to reveal how they contributed in revealing the theme of the story. The process was done by finding and relating the meaning of each symbol which had been discussed in order to answer the first


20 problem formulation. Then, the writer united the meanings of each symbol to formulate the theme of the story.

In the last, the writer made a conclusion of the study. After answering all of the problem formulations, the writer made a conclusion of the study. The conclusion consists of the analysis results.




There are two parts of the analysis in this research. The first part is the analysis about the symbols in the novel and the reason why they can be called as symbols. The second part is the analysis about the meaning of the symbols and its contribution in revealing the theme of the novel.

A. Symbols Found in Eat, Pray, Love Novel and the Reason to be Called


This analysis part discusses the answer of the first problem formulation. In

Elizabeth Gilbert‟s Eat, Pray, Love, the symbols were presented in the form of action, object and characters; Eating, Praying, Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe.

1. Eating

Most of Gilbert‟s activities in Italy are eating various Italian foods. She goes to many places in Rome to taste some delicious food such as pizza, pasta and gelato. Most of her activities in Italy are eating Italian food and learning and practicing Italian language. The actions of eating Italian food also become a symbol because it appears many times in the novel. According to Kennedy and

Gioia (2010) in a literary work, the storyteller often gives a particular emphasis to the symbol. It may be repeated throughout the story or even supply the story with



22 a title. The next quotations prove that eating Italian food appears many times in the novel.

“Just some homemade pasta (spaghetti alla carbonara) with a side order of sautéed spinach and garlic. Also, I had one artichoke, just to try it, pop up bonus side order brought over by the waitress for free–a serving of fried zucchini blossoms with soft dab cheese in the middle. After the spaghetti, I tried the veal, oh and also I drank a bottle of red house, just for me. And ate some warm bread, with olive oil and salt. Tiramisu for dessert”(p.36)

She really enjoys everything about Italian food as she says that “everything become . . . . delicious” (p.62). Even she loves the frozen rice pudding sold in a gelateria. “A gelateria that serves a frozen rice pudding (and if they don‟t serve this kind of thing in heaven, then I really don‟t want to go there)” (p.56).

Gilbert also visits Naples and tastes pizza. As soon as she orders and eats the pizza, she feels like losing her mind because the delicacy of the pizza.

“I love my pizza so much, in fact, that I have come to believe in my delirium that my pizza might actually love me, in return. I am having a relationship with this pizza, almost an affair” (p.79).

Those quotations above show that eating appears several times in the novel. Besides, eating also considered as a symbol because the author emphasizes in this action by describing it in details. It shows in the quotations below.

“On top, there is a sweet tomato sauce that foams up all bubbly and creamy when it melts the fresh buffalo mozzarella, and the one sprig of basil in the middle of the whole deal somehow infused the entire pizza with herbal radiance, much the same way one shimmering movie star in the middle of a party brings a contact high of glamour to everyone around her”(p.80)

She explains every detail of the pizza and how she loves every taste that she tasted when she eats the pizza.



“It‟s soft and chewy and yielding, but incredibly thin. I always thought we only had two choices in our lives when it came to pizza crust–thin and crispy, or thick and doughy. How was I have known there could be a crust in this world that was thin and doughy? Holy of holies! Thin, doughy, strong, gummy, yummy, chewy, salty pizza paradise “(p.80).

As Perrine (1974) states that the existence of a symbol can be indicated by emphasis, repetition or position. Therefore, looking on how the author gives a particular emphasis in this action, then it is strengthened the idea that eating is a symbol.

2. Praying

According to Kennedy and Gioia (2010) in a literary work, the storyteller often gives a particular emphasis to the symbol. It may be repeated throughout the story or even supply the story with a title. Praying is also considered as a symbol because prayer is repeated several times in the novel. The quotations below prove that praying appears several times in the novel.

Praying is considered as a new routine to Gilbert. She starts to pray at that night when she feels really depressed and confused. She is crying in the bathroom, she seems to have reached a state of hopeless and life-threatening despair that night. She decides to ask for God‟s help; this is the first time she speaks to God.

After she speaks to God, she hears a voice.

“It was merely my own voice, but perfectly wise, calm and compassionate. This was what my voice would sound like if I‟d only ever experienced love and certainty in my life. How can I describe the warmth of affection in that voice, as it gave me the answer that would forever seal my faith in divine? ” (p.16)

She also prays through meditation. She visits India for about four months and she lives in an ashram. Ashram is a special place in a rural village in India; far


24 away from the central city of India. There, people are learning how to find God through Yoga in that place. After she arrives in the Ashram in India, her activity is mostly doing Yoga meditation or even it can be said that her main activity in

Ashram is Yoga meditation.

Learning how to meditate in the right way is not easy for her. She often loses focus and cannot stay still in her meditation. She asks her friends who have more experience in meditation but she does not get the answer. Finally, she gets an advice from her friend from Texas, she calls him Richard from Texas and he call her “Groceries”. She gets an advice on how to control her thinking.

“Instead of trying to forcefully take thought out of your mind, give your mind something better to play with. Something healthier. “Like what?” “Like love, groceries. Like pure divine love.” (p.141)

After she gets an advice, she immediately approaches it in the next morning in her meditation session. She also tries different mantra. She uses the simpler mantra than she uses before. In this meditation, she can put aside her thinking that bothers her meditation and she gets a new experience

“I fall asleep for a while. (Or whatever. In meditation, you can never really be sure if what you think is sleep is actually sleep; sometimes it‟s just another level of consciousness.) When I awake, or whatever, I can feel this blue soft electrical energy pulsing through my body, in waves. It‟s a little alarming, but also amazing. I don‟t know what to do, so I just speak internally to this energy. I say to it, “I believe in you.” And it magnifies, volumizes, in response. It‟s frighteningly powerful now, like a kidnapping of the sense.” (p.146)

Besides meditation, she also has a different way to pray. She can pray by writing her prayer on her journal. She writes all of her feeling and asks what she should do. Then she finds that she writes the response of all that she writes before.



Then she realizes the one who answers and responses to all of her writing is God who lives inside her.

“This is what I find myself writing to myself on the page: I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. If you need the medication again, go ahead and take it–I will love you through that, as well. If you don’t need the medication, I will love you, too. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me” (p.54)

The quotations above shows that prayer is repeated several times in the novel, Stanton (1965) explains that in fiction, a symbol repeated several times reminds us of some constant elements in a story‟s world. Therefore praying is considered as a symbol in the novel.

3. Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe

Bali is the last country in Gilbert‟s journey. There, Gilbert meets many new people who become her friends. Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe are people who close to Gilbert when she lives in Bali for about four months. She interacts most with them. Besides, Ketut Liyer is one of the reasons why she decides to visit Bali. Those people are considered as a symbol because it is repeated many times in the novel as mentioned in the quotations below.

The first time she meets Ketut Liyer is when she visited Bali for the first time in few years ago. The time when she met Ketut Liyer, he showed her his painting

“It was an androgynous human finger, standing up, hands clasped in prayer. But this figure had four legs, and no head. Where the head should have been, there was only a wild foliage of ferns and flower. There was a small, smiling face drawn over the heart” (p.27)



Therefore, when she visits Bali, the first person that she is looking for is

Ketut Liyer. However, since Ketut Liyer is already old, he forgets about Gilbert, and then she explains many times to him about who she is. “But I‟m Liz. I came here asking for your help once because I wanted to get closer to God” (p.221)

Since then, she visits Ketut‟s house every day to do everything that she can do together with Ketut and his surroundings “the only thing I have to do every day is visit Ketut Liyer for few hours in the afternoon, which is far short of a chore”

(Gilbert, 2006: 234). Ketut also teaches her Balinese meditation when she told him that she often had a nightmare. He teaches her two different kinds of meditation. The first meditation is the simple one.

“He tells me that there are many ways to find God but most are too complicated for Westerners, so he will teach me an easy meditation. Which goes, essentially, like this: sit in silence and smile. I love it. He‟s laughing even as he‟s teaching it to me. Sit and smile. Perfect.”(p.231)

The second meditation is called Four Brother Meditation. He teaches this meditation to her because she says that she often gets a nightmare. He also explains the meaning and the philosophy of the meditation. Gilbert is very comfortable with the meditation and feels safe.

“I rode my bicycle back home, pushing my happy body up the hills toward my house in the late afternoon sun. On my way through the forest, a big male monkey dropped out of a tree right in front of me and bared his fangs at me. I didn‟t even flinch. I said, “Back off, Jack–I got four brothers protecting my ass,” and I just rode right on by him.”(p.253)

In the other side,, Wayan is different from Ketut. Wayan is a traditional healer and she is younger than him. Wayan and Gilbert also become best friend as she says “I stayed there in Wayan‟s shop for the next few hours, talking with my


27 new best friend about her troubles” (p.255). Almost every day she visits her friend to talk about serious problems or just to talk about woman things and need, “so I was hanging out in Wayan‟s shop again this morning, and she was trying to figure out how to make my hair grow faster and thicker” (p.263)

The last person is Felipe, he is also mentioned several times in the novel as

Gilbert‟s new lover.

“Now that we‟re together, I get to hear Felipe‟s version of how we met, a delicious story I never tire of hearing–about how he saw me at the party that night, standing with my back to him, and how I did not even need to turn my head and show him my face before he had realized somewhere deep in his gut, “that is my woman. I will do anything to have that woman.” (p.310)

According to Kennedy and Gioia (2010) in a literary work, the storyteller often gives a particular emphasis to the symbol. It may be repeated throughout the story or even supply the story with a title. Therefore, those three people are considered as the symbol because they are mentioned and repeated several times in the novel as mentioned above.

B. The Symbol Reveal the Theme of the Novel

This analysis part consists of the discussion about how the symbols reveal the theme of Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Based on the theoretical framework presented, there is a relation between symbols and themes. Symbol can be one of the literary features that can help the reader to understand the story.

Thus, theme is the central idea and unifying concept of a story and it should cover all details in the story.

In addition, uniting the meaning of the symbols which are found in the novel help the writer to find the theme of the story. The complete idea of the story


28 which is presented through every meaning of the symbols will help the writer to find the theme of the novel. The meanings of the symbols are explained as follows.

1. Meaning of Eating

In Italy, Gilbert spends so much time to eat many kinds of Italian food. She really enjoys every detail of her meal and her eating activities when she stays in

Italy. In this study, eating is symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness, satisfaction and contentment. It is showed in the quotations below.

When she enjoys everything about Italian food as she says “everything became . . . delicious” (p.62). Besides looking for food in Rome, she also makes her own meal by the ingredient that she buys on her own in a market near her apartment. She successfully buys it by her own by having a conversation with the seller with Italian language. Even she laughs together with the seller and her son.

She feels really happy. She describes her meal as something pretty and enjoys every bite of the meal that she ate while reading Italian newspaper.

“For the longest time I couldn‟t even touch this food because it was such a masterpiece of lunch, a true expression of the art of making something out of nothing. Finally, when I had fully absorbed the prettiness of my meal, I went and sat in a patch of sunbeam on my clean wooden floor and ate every bite of it, with my fingers, while reading my daily newspaper article in Italian. Happiness inhabited my every molecule.”(p.64)

The quotation above shows her happiness when she eat many kinds of food in Italy. Gilbert is experiencing the state of being contended or satisfied. The contentment feeling she had after enjoying some meals in Italy. Gilbert finds out


29 and realizes that eating is a pleasure for her. It means that eating becomes her source of happiness.

“The amount of pleasure this eating and speaking brought me was inestimable, and yet so simple. I passed a few hours once in the middle of an October that might look like nothing much to the outside observer, but which I will always count amongst the happiest of my life.” (p.63)

The happiness feeling while enjoying every meal makes Gilbert loves the meal; I am having a relationship with this pizza, almost an affair” (p.79). The quotation proves that eating is one of her source of happiness. She also expresses her happiness after she eats the pizza in Naples.

“When I look at myself in the mirror of the best pizzeria in Naples, I see a bright-eyed, clear-skinned, happy and healthy face. I haven‟t seen a face like that on me for a long time.” (p.81) The way Gilbert delivers her idea about the foods that she ate is a proof that she is happy enjoying the foods that she had. Adding by some explanation of

Gilbert while eating pasta in Italy shows that the meal she has eaten is amazing.

“I am busily eating the hands-down most amazing meal I‟ve eaten yet in all of Italy. It‟s pasta, but a shape of pasta I‟ve never seen before–big, fresh, sheets of pasta folded ravioli-like into shape (if not exactly the size) of the pope‟s hat, stuffed with a hot, aromatic puree of crustaceans and octopus and squid, served tossed like a hot salad with fresh cockles and strips of julienned vegetables, al swimming in a olivey, oceany broth. Followed by the rabbit, stewed in thyme” (p.149) As mentioned before, eating italian food is the source of happiness for

Gilbert. The first major of Gilbert‟s happiness lays on her activity of eating. No matter how slight the happiness is, at least Gilberts makes her way to find it.



Finally, she gets it. Gilberts finds out her happiness through her eating journey in


“But I felt a glimmer of happiness when started studying Italian, and when you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab onto the ankles of that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt–this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how high.”(p.115)

2. Meaning of Praying

Praying is the second symbol found in the novel. Gilbert has two different ways of pray; she prays through writing on her journal and through Yoga meditation. Mostly, she prays through yoga meditation, especially when she stays in India. In this novel, prayer symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness. At the very first time, she felt that Yoga Meditation was difficult when. She often lost focus and could not stay still in her meditation. There are always some debates between her and her mind when she wanted to meditate. It is happened because she could not control her thinking. Therefore, she felt frustrated because she cannot meditate silently and peacefully. Her friend from Texas says that she has serious control issue.

“Groceries, you need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select what clothes you‟re gonna wear every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That‟s the only thing you should be trying to control. Drop everything else but that. Because if you can‟t learn to master your thinking you‟re in deep trouble forever “(p.178).

After experiencing some weeks to learn meditation, she can focus on her meditation and also peacefully stays still. She can control her mind and put aside


31 the negative thoughts. She is able to change the hatred, anger and depressed in her mind into love. She is able to accept the negative side of her life in the past and changes it into positive thoughts. It helps her to free her mind. She tries to build a positive thought to put aside her negative though instead of blaming others or environment about her own limit or her negative side. Besides, she also improves her meditation skill and she feels like she can communicate with God well through meditation

“My prayers are becoming more deliberate and specific. It has occurred to me that it‟s not much use to send prayers out to the universe that are lazy. Every morning before meditation, I kneel in the temple and talk for few minutes to God” (p.176).

Besides accept the negative side of her, she is also able to forgive her past through meditation and the learning process of it. It is happened when she meditates on the rooftop of one of the building in the Ashram in India.

“Still in meditation, I watched those two blue souls circle each other, merge, divide again and regard each other‟s perfection and similarity. They knew everything. They knew everything long ago and they will always know everything. They didn‟t need to forgive each other; they were born forgiving each other.”(p.187)

At the moment, she invites her husband to ask forgiveness and to solve and end everything in their past related to her relationship and divorce process which make them depressed and suffer. After she experiences this meditation, she feels better.

“Much later I opened my eyes, and I knew it was over. Not just my marriage and not just my divorce, but all the unfinished bleak hollow sadness of it . . . it was over .”(p.287)

She is able to forgive and accept her past through medication. She accepts everything that happened to her in the past and be able to see her past positively.



Gilbert‟s activity in Ashram; yoga, gugurita, meditation and eating healthy food, and the discipline bedtimes bring her contentment and happiness that she has been looking for all these months of seeking happiness.

“I felt so deeply, terribly happy. I thought to myself, “whatever this feeling is–this is what I have been praying for. And this is also what have been praying to.” (p.203)

Gilbert changes to a better person; the one who can accepts her negative side and changes it to be positive and the one who forgives her past. Prayer changes her spiritual life. She already let go off her past experience, her depressed, loneliness and worried through prayer. Once New Year eve, she celebrates it with people in Ashram and she expresses her relief.

“This is the first New Year‟s Eve I can ever remember in my life where I haven‟t known any of people I was celebrating with. In all this dancing and singing, there is nobody for me to embrace at midnight. But I wouldn‟t say that anything about this night has been lonely.”(p.130) After long days stayed in India, Gilbert realizes that happiness which she has been searching for is already in her. Where ever you go to find happiness, you will never find it if you don‟t create it by yourself. Happiness is a choice and in that moment finally Gilbert is able to decide to choose happiness.

As mentioned above, prayer change Gilbert‟s life and through prayer she finds herself. Prayer is symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness. She changes the negative energy in her life into positive energy through prayer. She finds herself by finding

God in her spiritual experiences in praying.

3. Meaning of Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe

In Bali, Gilbert makes friends with some people. Ketut Liyer, Wayan and

Felipe are the closest friends and she interacts with them in most of her days in



Bali. The first is Ketut Liyer, who is a medicine man in Bali. Gilbert comes to

Ketut‟s house every afternoon to learn about anything with him and also to teach

English. Lately, after several times she comes to his house, she realizes something.

“Then he asked me to tell him some stories about India, about America, about Italy, about my family. That‟s when I realize that I am not Ketut Liyer‟s English Teacher, nor am I exactly his theological student, but I am the merest and simple of pleasure for this old medicine man–I am his company. I am somebody he can talk to because he enjoys hearing about the world and he hasn‟t had much of chance to see it.”(p.243)

However, she does not mind with that condition. She still comes to his house every day. Ketut teaches her a simple Balinese meditation which can make she stops having a nightmare and she is happy about it. One moment which shows how she shares her love to Ketut is what she calls “photocopy incident”. At that time, she knows that Ketut has all piles of old, lined notebooks and ledgers, filled with tiny little handwriting, of ancient Balinese-Sanskrit secrets about healing. All of them are too old and beyond invaluable. The notebooks have been through decades of mildew and mice and they are shredded almost to bits. Yellow and crumbling and musty, they look like disintegrating piles of autumn leaves. Every time he turns a page, he rips the page. Therefore, she says to Ketut that the notebooks are dying and need to be renewed. He agrees with her idea then she starts to photocopy the entire notebook and it becomes better. Both Ketut and his wife are happy about that.

“Every day, Ketut called his wife over and showed her the new copies and he was enjoyed. Her facial expression didn‟t change at all, but she studied the evidence thoroughly.” (p.245)



The next day, Gilbert gets what she deserves for helping Ketut to renew his notebooks. She gets grand success because Ketut‟s wife who seems does not care about her presence since her first visits to Ketut‟s house finally greets her for the first time.

She fumbled through my hand like she was trying to unfumbled the combination on a lock and she found my index finger. The she wrapped her whole big, hard fist around through her power grip, right up into my arm and all the way down into my guts. Then she dropped my hand and limped away arthritically, saying not a single word, continuing her sweeping as though nothing had happened. While I stood there quietly drowning two rivers of happiness at the same time (p.246)

The quotation above shows that Gilbert is able to build a good friendship with others and also to share her love. She is not only receiving something from others but also doing something for others.

Besides Ketut, Gilbert also meets Wayan; a traditional healer and her daughter Tutti. In short, they become friends and Gilbert wants to help Wayan and her daughter to buy a new house because they do not have a house. Gilbert is touched by the kindness of Wayan and her daughter, so she comes with an idea that she will collect money from her friend around the world. She says that instead of giving her a birthday present and party for her birthday which will come soon, she wants her friends donate some money to help Wayan and her daughter to buy a new house. Wayan is extremely happy when she hearing it that she says “how can I thank you, Liz? I would give you anything. If I had husband I loved, and you needed a man, I would give you my husband” (p.280).

Her action to help Wayan and her daughter shows that Gilbert has a good sense of empathy. She takes a good action to make other people‟s life happier and


35 better. The action is not only gives her friends happiness, but she also receive the happiness in return. After she helps Wayan to buy a new house and her birthday comes, she gets a Balinese birthday party set by Wayan and her friends in Bali.

She feels that the party is really different with the party that she gets in New York but it does not matter to her.

“Outside, the rooster started crowning, even though it was not yet evening, not yet dusk. My traditional Balinese clothing was squeezing me like an ardent hug, and I was feeling like this was definitely the strangest–but maybe the happiest –birthday party I‟d ever experienced in my whole life” (p.306)

The last person is Felipe; he is a Brazilian man whom she meets at the party one night in Bali. Experiencing a broken relationship with men makes

Gilbert did not want to involve in a relationship anymore. However, when she met

Felipe, she starts to fall in love. They start to become close friend and then fall in love. Felipe not only symbolizes gilbert‟s happiness but also symbolize her love.

At first, she feels unsure about having a relationship after the heartache of the divorce and broken relationship, but starts to believe in Felipe and dates him. She is able to accept all of her negative sides in her past and let go off all of them.

“When we return to Ubud, I go straight back to Felipe‟s house and don‟t leave his bedroom for approximately another month. This is only the faintest of exaggerations. I have never been loved and adored like this before by anyone, never with such pleasure and single-minded concentration. Never have been so unpeeled, revealed, unfurled and hurled through the event of lovemaking.”(p.294)

Her relationship with Felipe teaches her to accept the pains and forgive the negative experience that she has ever felt with the previous relationship. She is brave enough to be in love again, both to be loved and loves someone. By letting


36 go off all of her negative sides and sharing her love to others, she feels happy, relaxed and have her confident back.

“(indeed, I do not think my body has looked or felt this relaxed in its life, not since I was maybe six months old and my mother took snapshots of me all blissed-out on a towel on the kitchen counter after a nice bath in the kitchen sink).” (p.295)

The depression, misery, sadness that ever came to Gilbert‟s life is over now. The painful memory which was in her mind is finished.

“I am happy and healthy and balanced. And, yes, I cannot help but notice that I am sailing to this pretty little tropical island with my Brazilian lover. Which is–I admit it! –an almost ludicrously fairy-tale ending to this story, like the page out of some housewife‟s dream” (p. 413)

Loving all these people truly makes Gilbert find out happiness. Moreover the last one who is Felipe that takes her to a fairy-tale ending. It is not exactly

Felipe who saves her from all of her misery in the past, but Gilbert‟s own choice to choose and trust Felipe as her lover. It is kind of Gilbert‟s responsibility for her own happiness as she says “I was not rescued by a prince; I was the administrator of my own rescue” (p. 424)

Every meaning of the symbols above must be united to form the theme of the novel. After uniting all of the meaning above, the theme can be formulated.

There are three symbols which have been found in the novel. The first one is eating. In this case, eating symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness. The activity of eating makes her feel happy and contended. The second symbol is praying. Praying also symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness. When she stayed in Ashram Praying is one of her big source of happiness. The last symbols in the novel are Ketut Liyer, Wayan and

Felipe. The last symbol also symbolizes Gilbert happiness. After all of her misery


37 in the past, she is able to forgive her past and she is able to build a good relationship with man. She is able to share her love and accept love from people around her. She makes her own self happy and also people around her.

The theme of the story is pursuit of happiness. As mentioned before that the theme of the story is found by linking all the details of the story which are the symbols. Gilbert is woman who made a difficult choice to eave modern American success including marriage, house and a successful career as a writer. She leaves all of her life in America to find out what she truly wanted in life by doing the journey across the three countries namely India, Italia and Indonesia.

Gilbert start her journey in Italy, here most of her activity were eating and learning Italian Language. Her eating activities make her feel happy because she enjoys every meal that she have when she stayed there. Eating is symbolizes

Gilbert‟s happiness because through eating she can enjoys her days and she feel contended after she ate every meal in Italy. After her eating journey in Italy,

Gilbert start to feel happy as she says

“But I felt a glimmer of happiness when started studying Italian, and when you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab onto the ankles of that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt–this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how high.”(p.115)

After Gilbert finished her journey in Italy, she continues her journey to the second country which is India. In India she expected to have a spiritual journey to find God and to make her life better. She stayed for about four month in an

Ashram in India. There she learns meditation, yoga and gugurita. Gilbert‟s life in



Ashram is very different with her life in America; she spent most of her time to meditate and practicing yoga and gugurita. She ate healthy food and she had a discipline bedtimes. Through meditation, Gilbert is able to control her thinking, she can change her negative thought into positive one. Finally, she is also able to forgive everything that happened in her past including her husband and David.

She is able to made peace to her past experience. Besides, she also able to find

God and how to communicate with Him also find herself through meditation. She realizes that everything that she has been searching for is already in herself.

“We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoy‟s fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, begging for pennies from every passerby, unaware that his fortune was right under him the whole time. Your treasure–your perfection–is within you already. But to claim it, you must leave the busy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart. The kundalini shakti–the supreme energy of the divine–will take you there” (p.245) Experiencing meditation and everything in ashram makes Gilbert realizes that everything that she has been looking for is already in her. Praying is symbolizes happiness because through praying Gilbert find what happiness is and how to find it.

The last country in Gilbert‟s journey is Indonesia. She stayed in Bali for about four months and she meets many people there. Her experience with people who were close to her is an experience of love. She is loved by people and she loves people around her. It makes her feel happy and balanced. Therefore, Ketut

Liyer, Wayan and Felipe symbolizes gilbert‟s happiness and balance. Moreover the meaning of each symbol which has been found in the novel is correlated with


39 the theory of authentic happiness by Seligman namely pleasure, engagement, and meaning.

The first is pleasure. Pleasure is indicated with daily experiences of positive emotions. Frequent experience of positive emotion is also related to higher level of satisfaction. In Italy, Gilbert enjoys a pleasure by eating Italian foods and learning to speak Italian languages. In India, Gilbert gets positive thought when she does all her daily activities. The experience of positive emotions gives pleasure to her and makes her feel the happiness. In Indonesia, pleasure is easily got through living in a peace place when she stayed in Bali.

The second is engagement. Engagement means doing activity that has the benefit for nurturing our well-being life by building our interest which can make our life happier. During Gilbert‟s journey in the three countries she also builds her interest to make her life happier. The first is when she is in Italy. She tries to speak Italian language because it makes her feel happy and sexy. She tries many kinds of food because she enjoys her eating activities and it makes her feel happy and contended. She also learns the Italian dictionary to know some words in

Italian. Second, when Gilbert stayed in India, she engages in praying, gugurita, meditation, and yoga activities for nurturing her well-being life. Third in

Indonesia, Gilbert learns the new meditation taught by Ketut Liyer. The meditation is called Four Brother meditation to pursue happiness.

The last theory mentioned by Seligman is meaning. An individual achieves meaning in life when he or she experiences life as purposeful, significant, and understandable. In Italy, Gilbert achieves meaning in her life after experiencing


40 many beautiful things in Italy such as learning eating many kinds of food, makes her own meal and also learning and practicing Italian language. Gilbert also gets meaning in her life by knowing some Italian expressions that are catchy to her ears. Through those expressions Gilbert learns how to apply those words into her real life thus her life is meaningful. In India, Gilbert gets meaning through the spiritual activities such as meditation. Meditation gives meaning for Gilbert‟s life in finding union between herself and God. Thus, meditation is one of Gilbert‟s ways to find God. In meditation, Gilbert learns how to live her life in union, between mind and body, between her thoughts and the source of her thoughts. By controlling her mind, Gilbert can learn how be proactive when she faces some troubles. Gilbert gets excited because she finally finds a meaning for herself

In the end, when Gilbert stayed in Indonesia she also gets a meaning of life from her Guru who is Ketut Liyer. Gilbert learns to live her life from a magic picture that is drawn by Ketut.

“So I describe the picture he had made for me, the figure with the four legs and the missing head and the face in the heart and he listens to me politely, with modest interest, like we‟re discussing somebody else‟s life entirely” (p.289-290)

That figure tells how Gilbert should live her life. The picture depict the four legs means that it is grounded on earth or low profile personality, the missing head means Gilbert should not see the world from the outside or anyone from the appearance but from the hearts that is symbolized by the face which is in the heart. The picture gives a meaningful description for Gilbert‟s guidance in living a happy life. Gilbert learns to make a good effort to keep her happiness because happiness starts with her, not anyone else. By relating the indicators of happiness


41 from Seligman‟s theory about authentic happiness with the meaning of every symbol in the novel, the idea of the story about pursuing happiness is strengthened. After all of gilbert‟s misery and depression in the past, she is able to find her happiness in her journey by experiencing many meaningful and positive activities as symbolized in eating, praying and Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe.




This part consists of three sections namely the conclusion, the implications, and suggestions. The first part contains the final answer of the problem formulations as mentioned in the previous chapter. The second part contains the suggestions for future researchers and English lecturer.

A. Conclusions

There are two conclusions in this study. The first one is the symbols that are found in the novel. Based on the theories of symbol which have been explained in the previous chapter, there are three symbols found in the novel namely, eating, praying, and Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe.

The first symbol is eating which symbolizes happiness and contentment.

When Gilbert starts her journey in Italy, she ate many kinds of foods. She enjoys every meal that she ate. Therefore, eating is one of her source of happiness. The second symbol is praying. Gilbert‟s way of praying which is meditation makes her life better. She is able to control her thinking and forgive her past including her ex-husband and David. Meditation also helps Gilbert to find how to make her life happier. The last symbol is Ketut Liyer, Wayan and Felipe In this case, Ketut

Liyer, Wayan and Felipe symbolizes Gilbert‟s happiness. She has a good sense of empathy; she is able to not only receive love but also share love to others. Sharing



43 her love makes Gilbert‟s life becomes more meaningful because she can help others and make them happy. Gilbert not only makes other people happy but she also makes herself happier by sharing and accepting love from others.

The meaning of each symbol is correlated with the theory from Seligman

(2002) about the pathways to authentic happiness. The meaning of each symbol which is experienced by Gilbert indicated the pathway of authentic happiness theory by Seligman (2002). The first is pleasure which is indicated with daily experience of positive emotions which shows when Gilbert enjoys her eating activity, learning meditation and living in a peace place like Bali. The second is engagement. Engagement means doing activity that has benefit for nurturing our well-being life by building our interest which can make our life happier. It shows when Gilbert ate many kinds of food and enjoys every meal that she ate and also when she is able to make her own meal in her apartment. The third is India,

Gilbert engages in praying, meditation and gugurita for nurturing her well-being life and pursuing her happiness. In Indonesia Gilbert learns the new meditation taught by Ketut which is named Four Brothers meditation to pursue happiness.

The last pathway is meaning. In Italy, Gilbert achieves meaning in her life after experiencing many beautiful things in Italy; eating, learning Italian language. In

India Gilbert gets meaning through the spiritual activities; praying and meditation.

The fourth is in Indonesia, Gilbert gets meaning from a magic picture drawn by her Guru named Ketut Liyer.

The second conclusion is the theme of the novel. After finding the symbols in the novel and its meaning, the writer needs to link all of the meanings of the


44 symbols to formulate the theme of the story. The meaning of eating, praying and love is Gilbert‟s happiness, contentment and balance in life. Gilbert‟s decided to have a journey in three different countries. In those three countries Gilbert‟s activities which are represent in the symbols. Those successfully made her find her happiness. She finally found her true happiness after she had many problems in her past which brings depression and misery to her life. Moreover, the meaning of each symbol is correlated with the pathways of happiness theory mentioned by

Seligman (2002) which are pleasure, engagement, and meaning. After learning the connection of the entire symbol and also the theory of authentic happiness, then it can be conclude that the theme of Eat, Pray, Love novel is pursuit of happiness.

B. Suggestions

There are two points in this part. The first point is the suggestion for

English lecturers and the second is the suggestion for future researchers.

1. English lecturers

The writer suggests English lecturers to use this novel as a material for prose class. This novel can be use as the material for prose class because it contains contextual symbol. The students can learn the intrinsic element of this novel, especially symbols. They can learn about contextual symbols from this novel. The students can also get a good moral value from this novel.



2. Future Researchers

The writer suggests the future researchers to conduct a study on this novel because there are many elements that can be analyzed. The writer can conduct a research on Gilbert‟s motivation to struggle for finding her happiness and also about Gilbert‟s personality which is very interesting.



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Appendix 1

Summary of Eat, Pray, Love

The novel tells about the journey of Elizabeth Gilbert. She is in her early thirties and has a successful career. However, she felt unhappy with her life. She felt unhappy with her marriage. Therefore, she decided to get divorce with her husband. Her decision to get divorce with her husband led her to more unhappy life and depression. While she was busy with the divorce process, she began dating a new man named David. However, their relationship did not last for a long time. This condition also made more depressed.

After a long and complicated divorce process, her husband finally agreed to divorce and signs the petition. Then, Gilbert settled a trip to three countries namely Italy, India and Indonesia. She stays for four months in each country. She tried to heal herself from depression, sadness and loneliness through her one year trip.

The first country that she visited was Italy. She lived in an old flat in Roman architecture atmosphere in Rome. There, she learned Italian Language and tried to practice it in her daily life. She attended an Italian language class but she learned more by herself and her new friend. She also spent her visiting many places and tried many kinds of foods.

After spending four month in Italy, Gilbert continues her journey to India. In India she stayed in Ashram. She spent four months mostly for learning mediation. She had difficulties in adapting the new habits in the ashram; discipline physical system. She also had difficulties in learning the meditation, she could not concentrate when she mediate. She could not control her own mind. However, she could overcome it and bring positive effect on her life.

The last country was Indonesia. In Indonesia, gilbert stayed in Bali. Her purpose was to balance the two previous experiences in India and Italy. She stayed four months in Ubud, Bali. There she met some new friends namely Ketut Liyer, Wayan, Yudhi, Tuti and Felipe. Together with those people, she learned a lot about how to love and to be loved. She shared her love and care and she was love and care in return.

At the end of her journey, she finally met a man who made her trust in love once more and open her heart for a new relationship. She finally finds her true happiness and balance in her life.



Appendix 2

Biography of the Author

Elizabeth Gilbert was born in 1969 in Connecticut. She grew up on a small family tree farm, with her sister, novelist and historian Catharine Gilbert Murdock (author of Dairy Queen, the first in a series for teens). She attended and Graduated in 1991 with a BA in Political Science.

In addition to writing books, she has worked steadily as a journalist. Throughout much of the 1990‟s she was on staff at SPIN Magazine, where she chronicled diverse individuals and subcultures, covering everything from rodeo‟s Buckle Bunnies (Reprinted in The KGB Bar Reader) to China‟s headlong construction of the Three Gorges Dam. In 1999, Elizabeth began working for GQ Magazine, where her profiles of extraordinary men–earned her three National Magazine Award Nominations, as well as repeated appearance in the “Best American” magazine writing anthologies. She has also written for such publications as magazine, Real Simple, Allure, Travel and Leisure and O, the Oprah Magazine (where her memoir “Eat, Pray, Love” was excerpted in March, 2006). She has been a contributor to the Public Radio show “This American Life”, and has several times shown up at John Hodgman‟s Little Gray Book Lecture Series, most notably during Lecture Four on the subject “Hints for Public Singing.”

In recent year, Gilbert lived in Frenchtown, New Jersey, with her husband, Jose Nunes, who she met in Bali (as recorded in her memoir (Eat, Pray, Love). They married in 2007 and run an Asian import Store called „Two Buttons”. In June 2016 it was announced that they have separated.

Adapted from eth-gilbert