1 2 Constitutive models or material models comprise our knowledge on the physical behavior of given material systems. It combines forces with resulting displacements, what is the fundament of every structural calculation, elasticity and plasticity theory and hence calculation of deformations and capacities of structures. In the respective material lectures you learned about numerous intrinsic processes in materials considering the micro‐structural composition in a phenomenological way. Their mathematical description is however the precondition for the practical assessment with numerical methods.

Starting from a short intro into the mechanics of deformable bodies, we will consider 3D material laws for elasticity, visko‐elasticity, plasticity, materials with intrinsic length scales, and damage continuum mechanics with internal variables. Of course these are of general nature, however we will always exemplify for building materials like metal, concrete, wood or other composites, heterogeneous materials. We will see how own material models can be implemented in Abaqus using its material interface.

3 Teaching goals: This introductory course aims to bridge the gap between phenomenological, qualitative comprehension of processes in building materials, their characterization in mechanical testing and the ability to apply those for practical design purposes via constitutive models. Students gain knowledge on deriving and applying static an dynamic constitutive equations for 3D bodies and their reduction to simplified rheological models. You will see how material modeling comprises multiple disciplines, that you only studied in an isolated fashion up to now. Material modeling is truly interdisciplinary.

4 The list of accidents on constructions, bridges collapsing, collapse of roofs or buildings is very long. Up to the 20th century a lack of understanding of strength problems, theoretical foundations of mechanics of materials and of course also of practical engineers trained to interpret their designs this way was missing.

Many of these findings are set out in codes, in the form of safety factors or principles of construction. However we need to work as good engineers beyond the standards. Therefore we must understand the behavior of structures and materials, which are loaded beyond the typical design limit. Correctly assessing the non‐linear regime of material behavior is essential for the assessing the real safety of buildings in the event of an emergency.

Empirical work following rules of thumb even up to date result in too many collapses ‐ of older structures, but also new ones. The understanding of the processes inside the building materials, as well as their appropriate numerical description are in my opinion the key skills for aspiring engineers who want to help shape the challenging architecture of tomorrow, and by no means things are linear.

5 On this slide I placed terms we deal with today. As you can see they originate from diverse disciplines ranging from materials science to strength of materials, material theory, thermodynamics, continuum mechanics up to numerics. It is a truly interdisciplinary lecture. Since we only meet once a week, it is clear that we cannot dig into everything to the same detailing. The course is composed in a way, that in the beginning we quickly refer to many known things to create a common basis for the further lectures. This is to remind you about all the things you already know or have known, or should look at. I will hand out exercises to you quite often. Take it serious. But for now, let’s dive into the world of materials.

6 Let’s start with a material volume that is supposed to be representative. We have external loads (mechanical, thermal, hygric) that result in an effect, here a deformation. Let’s consider the material volume as a black‐box and just determine the deformations due to external load.

7 One of the first men, who thought about how to describe what happens to a body under load was Robert Hooke. He was prone to an excessive lifestyle, celebrated, drank, smoked and loved conversation with his friends till late at night. He also jumped from discipline to discipline driven by curiosity. Everything had to be examined and understood. As it was hard to just survive by one science, he was physicist, astronomer, architect, engineer (reconstruction of London after a devastating fire), biologist and so on. He had a friend, that clock maker Thomas Tompion (1639‐ 1713) with whom he discussed from time to time about springs and pendulums. Like all his contemporaries, Hook knew nothing about atomistic bondings, but he had the idea that a spring, like the ones built into clocks, is maybe nothing different than a very special case of an elastic body, and that a thing like rigid material behavior simply does not exist. The spring stiffness would then be a property inherent to every solid.

Well Robert Hook was a man who did not suffer from exaggerated modesty. He was fighting with many researchers and inventors of his time, because he loved to adopt their ideas as his own. At ETH he would most likely be expelled due to unethical behavior. To secure priority claims, he published a manuscript titled «A decimate of the Centesme of the Inventions I Intended to Publish» ‐ How arrogant! In there you find a chapter on «The true theory of elasticity or springiness». Ceiinosssttuu is the only word printed – an anagram. For two years the world had to puzzle what this meant, until Hooke resolved it in an manuscript called »De Potentia Restitutiva , or of a Spring». The anagram meant «Ut tensio sic uis» Like the strain so the force. Well «Tensio» is not really consistently defined by romans or literary scholars. Sometimes it is translated as stress, sometimes as strain. Anyway, the first constitutive law was born and said that force was proportional to elongation and vice versa. For small deformations (5‐10%) this is a quite good approximation and it worked for a long time, since materials were so bad, that 10% was almost never reached. However there was a flaw in thinking. It worked

8 excellent for structures, but other structures resulted in different elongations or it was a different force need for the same elongation, in short, it was not a real constitutive law and it took another 100 years for one to emerge.

8 To get to a constitutive law, it needed a real giant, a true universal scholar – Thomas Young. This man was unbelievable. He spoke 10 languages – at the age of 14! He in principle made the foundation to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics. In his linguistic research he compared the grammar and vocabulary of 400 languages – without a computer. However this is not the reason why Helmholtz, Maxwell or even Einstein adored him. He had also strong interest in natural sciences. He could prove the wave theory of light by peculiar phenomena, that could not be explained by the corpuscular theory of light, that regarded light as a photon stream (e.g. Newton rings). 1807 he postulated first the three color theory of sight, that was picked up and refined by Hermann von Helmholtz to the Young‐Helmholtz‐theory.

And then there is the Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity (MOE). Supposedly it was around 1800, when Thomas Young realized that when stresses and strains are used, instead of deformations and forces, the Hook’s law results in a constant. He further postulated that this constant was a characteristic property of specific matter, called material stiffness. Young published his ideas in a rather cryptic written manuscript. He might have been a giant, but in 1807 the university released him from his chair, since according to their view, his work was «not sufficiently applied». Anyway, strain is without unit, and the MOE has the unit of a stress – it is exactly the stress at which the length of a sample doubles, if it did not break or deform non‐linearly by then.

9 But how small is a material volume allowed to be, so we can still measure the MOE of the material – hence it’s constitutive behavior? At further inspection of any construction material, we realize that they are all but homogeneous. They can be composites of fibers, particles, aggregates, polycrystalls or even amorphous. However all of them have inherent characteristic length scales in common, and disorder. Strictly speaking materials are not homogeneous matter, but microscopic structures that react upon loading in diverse ways by micro‐structural failure.

Think of a knife. When pointing its sharp tip on a ceramic plate, stresses emerge, that are way beyond all known yield stresses and strengths. However the tip of the knife remains entirely intact and not deformed. This can be explained by the fact that the tip is not representative for the metal polycrystall.

What is also puzzling is that knowing about non‐linear inter‐atomistic forces, e.g. the Lennard‐Johnes potential, it remains unclear how a linear material law can emerge. In fact on whiskers, one measures non‐linear elastic behavior that relates to the inter‐ atomic potentials. However in Hooks time materials were of such quality that they failed before reaching strains where the non‐linearity could show, or so large, that one always dealt with polycrystalls.

10 Consequently we have some conditions for the material volume that have to be met:

 The sample always has to be larger than the RVE or RUC. This sounds banal, and is true for many materials like metals, polymers etc. For particulate matter like concrete, however it is far from being a matter of course.

11 Let’s look at some principles for material laws that we will meet over and over again. If we make a list of all dependent variables and balance equations for solving a thermo‐ mechanical field problem, we lack 16‐5=11 equations. In other terms, we have to provide 11 equations from material laws to solve the field problem. These are…..

In due course we will look at these relations in more depth and learn how to formulate them to predict structural behavior in a realistic way. The constitutive relations can be of scalar, vectorial or tensorial nature, but they have to follow a set of fundamental principles.

12 Constitutive equations cannot be selected arbitrarily. They must confirm to certain constraints imposed on them by physical laws and they must be consistent with the structure of the material. In addition certain simplifications may be adopted to further restrict the allowable forms of constitutive relations. Note that these do not lead to actual constitutive relations for specific materials. A specific constitutive relation is obtained either by performing experiments or by direct computation. However these are more or less generalized experiences with axiomatic character that support formulations of constitutive relations to avoid stupid mistakes. These are:

13 Principle of determinism: The current value of any physical variable can be determined from knowledge of the present and past values of other variables. Future has therefore no influence on the present state. The explanation for changes in the continuum always are describable by the history of displacement and temperature.

Principle of second law restrictions: A constitutive relation cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics which states that the entropy of an isolate system remains constant for a reversible process and increases of an irreversible one. Also all balance equations must be fulfilled. For example a constitutive model for heat flux must ensure that heat flows from hot to cold and not vice versa, and that no energy is produced upon unloading of a system.

14 Principle of material frame‐indifference: All physical variables for which constitutive relations are required must be objective tensors. An objective tenor is a tensor which is physically the same in all frames of reference. For example the relative position between two physical points is an objective vector, whereas the velocity of a physical point is not objective since it will change depending on the frame of reference in which it is measured.

Principle of material symmetry: A constitutive relation must respect any symmetries that the material possesses. For example the stress in a uniformly strained homogeneous isotropic material is the same regardless of how the material is rotated before the strain is applied.

Principle of local action: The material response at a point depends only on the conditions within an arbitrarily small region about that point. If it is the differential neighborhood, the material is called «simple». However there are also nonlocal continuum theories that reject this hypothesis. For simple materials the influence of the neighborhood is expressed by the independent constitutive variables deformation gradient and temperature gradient. The requirement for locality simplifies material laws significantly.

15 Principle of fading memory: Values of constitutive variables further behind in time influence the current state of the constitutive function not considerably. Just as the principle of locality limits the spatial influence, the constitutive law is limited by the fading memory in time. However this is only strictly true for elastic materials, opposite to plastic ones.

Principle of causality: Displacement u and temperature t of all material points of the body are the cause for its behavior, all other physical properties are dependent on them.  independent variables.

Principle of equipresence: Initially for all constitutive equations an identical set of independent constitutive variables is chosen, that is reduced by application of the other principles (objectivity, symmetry …).

16 Let’s get back to our material volume. When we think about its behavior under a certain external action, it gets quite clear how we expect it to behave, but less likely why. We want to learn to describe its behavior accurately and objectively. It can be measured and described by constituive models – without detailed knowledge on the internal processes. To simultaneously describe and model all processes happening in a piece of metal or concrete under load and to consequently predict its behavior is also today only possible for very small material sections, many times smaller than the RVE, thus not representative.

So let’s take the material section and load it. It can be tensile, compressive, bending, shear, torsion or combinations. However let’s only look at simple tension. By defining stress and strain, samples of different size A0 and l0 can be compared. Stresses and strains are positive in tension and negative in compression. Strains describe length changes normalized by the initial length, as we all know.

17 Now let’s plot the applied stress versus the measured compressive strain. The MOE is the slope of the line, its stiffness. When everything is linear it is clear what to do. However concrete is not that nice to us. It is neither linear nor fully reversible. So the question remains what slope to take. One defines diverse moduli, tangent moduli at different stresses sigma_t or secant moduli with lower und upper stress sigma_o and sigma_u. It is common for concrete to take the secant modulus at a load between 0.5MPa and an upper one of 1/3 of the cube compression strength.

When we look at the behavior perpendicular to the loading direction, the Poisson’s ratio and volumetric strain are important properties to monitor. The Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio between lateral and longitudinal strain and can be used to calculate the volumetric strain. As we can see the volume can decrease and also increase with 0.5 for isochoric behavior (rubber). For concrete again it is not so easy and we can see that there is not a constant Poisson ratio, what would be a straight line in volume change. From about 0.8 cube compressive strength one observes small cracks parallel to the loading direction that lead to an increased lateral strain and hence increased Poisson’s ratio (nu_concrete ~ 0.18, metals ~ 0.33).

18 The lateral contraction number is also called Poisson‘s number in honor of Siméon Denis Poisson (1781 ‐1840 ), a French physicist and mathematician. If it would have been for his father, he would not have studies math but something real – like medicine. And this is what he started with but shortly after quit to study math at the École Polytechnique in Paris. It was in Paris where he got to know Laplace and Lagrange. Already two years after his exam he became Professor and in 1806 he was the successor of Jean Baptiste Fourier. He continued his work on physical fundaments of waves, worked on acoustics, elasticity, heat and on electric properties of matter. The relation between pressure p and volume V for adiabatic state changes are also called after him: pV^gamma=const (gamma=adiabatic exponent). 1838 he published on statistics including his Poisson‐distribution.

In mechanics, the Poisson‘s number states the ratio of transverse with respect to longitudinal strain under uniaxial tension. Note that geologists call the reciprocal value m=1/mu Poisson‘s number. Isotropic, unconstrained 3D elastic materials have a Poisson‘s number of ‐1 to ½. ‐1, what does that mean? You are pulling at one end and it gets thicker instead of thinner. Such a behavior can be seen in porous systems like chiral honey comps. Also cellular matter can exhibit volume increase.

19 In principle since the inter‐atomic potential is steady at equilibrium distance, the stiffness under tension and compression of materials should be identical – if it was not for the internal microstructure of materials. Not only does intrinsic damage lead to anisotropic material behavior, also micro‐cracks can emerge, that are opened under tension and have contacting surfaces under compression. This way stiffness, as well as the observed Poisson’s number of real materials can differ under tension and compression.

20 Now we want to unload the concrete sample. Like we will see for metals, the unloading path is linear‐elastic. However the MOE of the damaged volume is smaller than the undamaged one, what is clear, since the crack density was less as well. Upon reloading identical MOE, but damage progresses when the «yield stress» is reached again.

21 Let’s take a different material e.g. metal and pull on it. If the material sample is quite long, we obtain an uniaxial stress state. Now when we slowly increase the load, the sample fist behaves elastic up to the elastic limit where unloading leads to no lasting deformation. Since this stress is quite hard to find, and you only know it, once you missed it, one works with the technical elastic limit R_p0.01, hence the stress, where upon unloading the plastic strain is 0.01%. From here on we are inside the plastic regime.

Now if we keep on increasing the load micro plasticity starts, resulting in reduced stiffness. An increase in stress is called strengthening, since even though we have plastic deformations, more load can be carried. However when reaching an plastic strain of 0.2% (R_p0.2) the elastic limit is reached. R_p0.2 also marks the transition point from micro to macro plasticity. It is also called proof stress or 0.2% offset yield strength, since opposite to the yield point, it can always be clearly obtained from tensile tests. This is particularly true since there are materials with a yield point like aluminum and other ones without, like carbon steels. Not to long ago it was discovered why.

22 In materials science, the concept of the Cottrell atmosphere was introduced by the British metallurgist and physicist Cottrell and Bilby in 1949 to explain how dislocations are pinned in some metals by carbon or nitrogen interstitials. The effect occurs in non‐alloy and low‐alloy, sub‐ eutectoid steels, but also in copper and aluminum alloys. A carbon atom below a dislocation in iron, forming a Cottrell atmosphere Cottrell atmospheres occur in body‐centered cubic (BCC) and face‐centered cubic (FCC) materials , such as iron or nickel, with small impurity atoms, such as carbon or nitrogen. As these interstitial atoms distort the lattice slightly, there will be an associated residual stress field surrounding the interstitial. This stress field can be relaxed by the interstitial atom diffusing towards a dislocation, which contains a small gap at its core (as it is a more open structure). Once the atom has diffused into the dislocation core the atom will stay. Typically only one interstitial atom is required per lattice plane of the dislocation.

Once a dislocation has become pinned, a small extra force is required to unpin the dislocation prior the yielding, producing an observed upper yield point in a stress‐strain graph. After unpinning, dislocations are free to move in the crystal, which results in a subsequent lower yield point, and the material will deform in a more plastic manner. Leaving the sample to age, by holding it at room temperature for a few hours, enables the carbon atoms to re‐diffuse back to dislocation cores, resulting in a return of the upper yield point. Cottrell atmospheres lead to formation of Lüders bands and large forces for deep drawing and forming large sheets, making them a hindrance to manufacture. Some steels are designed to remove the Cottrell atmosphere effect by removing all the interstitial atoms. Steels such as Interstitial Free Steel are decarburized and small quantities of titanium are added to remove nitrogen. These IF‐steels (interstitial free), exhibit extraordinary behavior with respect to forming. An other possibility is to plastically deform the material to depinning dislocations prior to the real deformation step (e.g. deep drawing).

23 Lüders bands are bands of local plastic deformation. This mechanism is also responsible for the Portevin‐Le Chatelier (PLC) effect. The PLC effect serrated stress‐strain curve or jerky flow, which some materials exhibit as they undergo plastic deformation, specifically inhomogeneous deformation. This effect is associated with the competition between diffusing solutes pinning dislocations and dislocation breaking free of this stoppage.

In materials, the motion of dislocations is a discontinuous process. When dislocation meets obstacles (like forest dislocations) they are temporary arrested for a certain time. During this time solutes (such as interstitial particles) diffuse around the dislocations further strengthening the obstacles held on the dislocations. Eventually these dislocations will overcome these obstacles with sufficient stress and will quickly move to the next obstacle where they are stopped and the process can repeat again. This process's most well‐known manifestations are Lüders bands and the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect. Though the mechanism is known to affect materials without these physical observations. The combination of the avalanche type propagation and non‐linear stress‐strain rate dependent initiation of the instability makes this effect a macroscopic observable one. Similar to dry friction, the PLC‐effect can be seen as a special case of the stick‐slip phenomenon of two elastic bodies.

24 Measured strain distribution of a tensile test (shape memory alloy) during loading and unloading shows moving Lüders bands. The measurement was performed with a LIMESS Digital image correlation system.

So we observe the upper yield point, where dislocations depin from interstitial atoms followed by a drop in the material down to the lower yield point. From here on dislocations can move at lower energy, since they are not hindered by the interstitial atoms and the material flows at a given stress. The amount of strain in between upper and lower yield point where the dislocation front moves through the component at more or less the same stress is called Lüders strain AL. Increasing hardening leads to increased load after the yield point, even though that material continues to deform plastically. However it does so in a uniform fashion until the uniform strain is reached at the ultimate tensile load. From the yield stress with respect to the ultimate tensile stress the yield ratio R_e/R_m is calculated. It gives the designer an important information about the distance between onset of plastic deformation and failure of a material under quasi‐static load. After reaching the tensile strength, neck formation is observed, leading to a localized reduction of the cross section and hence a local increase of true stresses at a simultaneous decrease of engineering ones. Due to stress localization, the other regions unload on the expense of the necked region until fracture. As one can see the true stress always increases, however it can only be evaluated after the test e.g. by optical methods.

To summarize: We have an elastic regime, where strains are small and proportional to the load and fully recoverable (Hooks line). Then the flow regime starts with sudden increase of strain at constant stress (Lüders‐strain) followed by the hardening regime with uniform plastic deformation, that is limited by the ultimate load. Finally we observe necking at an arbitrary position with locally quite large strains resulting in fracture.

25 Up to now we always increased the load. Now we want to stop at point B and unload. Ideally without hysteresis, the stress goes along the HOOKE’s line. The total strain would thus be a combination of elastic and plastic strain.

The plastic strain remains and is dissipative, since plastic work is irreversible. An other important property of the plastic deformation is volume consistency in other terms plastic incompressibility. Additionally the material behaves scleronomous meaning that deformation changes instantaneously result from load changes (without depending on time). Rheonomous (flow), is the opposite, when effects depend on time.) When reloading, one follows the HOOKE’s line up to point B, where ideally plasticity sets in again.

Tests have to be done at a fixed loading rate to avoid rheonoumous behavior for comparability. In the plastic domain, stresses depend also on the history. Plastic strains are considered as isothermal, time independent and independent on creep and relaxation.

26 Now after unloading we want to reload but in opposite direction. (tension compression). We saw, how yield stresses increase as a result of plastic deformation. However this is not for free. If one first plastically deforms metal in one directions and then in the opposite one, the yield stress in the opposite direction is lower. This is called Bauschinger effect in honor of Johann Bauschinger, who first described this loading direction dependent change of the yield stress in metals after an initial cold plastic working.

The effect can be explained by the summation and inter blocking of dislocations in the material. The microscopic stress distribution inside the material due to its past determines this behavior. By plastic deformation, many dislocations are accumulated at dislocation barriers like grain boundaries, resulting in hardening. Now if one inverts the loading direction, the following happens: 1. Local reaction stress to the accumulated dislocations promotes dislocation movements in the opposite direction. Hence dislocations can move backwards easier, lowering the yield stress. 2. When the deformation direction is inverted, dislocations with opposite sign can be emitted from the same source, cancelling out the initially emitted ones. Since the dislocation density decreases, the yield stress decreases as well.

27 Rheonomous behavior is observed, when the deformation changes are not instantaneous with respect to load changes. We load a sample above the static yield stress in tension and stop in point B. Depending on the type of test we are doing (force vs. Displacement control), we observe creep or relaxation. For creep the elastic portion of the total strain remains constant while for relaxation it decreases in favor of the viscoelastic strain.

To describe the mechanical behavior at large strains, the logarithmic strain is commonly used. Its advantage are the possibility to sum partial strain.

28 Heinrich Hencky was born in 1885 in Ansbach (Bavaria) and died in 1951 while mountain climbing. His life was like a constant roller coaster ride. He studied at the TU . In‐ between he worked for the Elsaß‐Lothringische railway and went on in 1913 to an Ukrainian railway company near Charkow. The 1st world war started and the Russians detained him as hostile foreigner on the other side of the Urals. There he met, dated and married a Russian girl in 1918. After the war the family moved to , then Warnemünde, then Darmstadt (1919), where he is unemployed. He goes to the TH for a habilitation like his PhD on elastic plate theory. However he could not get a professorial position and leaves to teach at the TU Delft on a temporary contract. In 1923 he published in the ZAMM a work on his yield criterion. From 29‐30 he works as associate Professor of Mechanics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the MIT. However for the practically oriented American faculties, he is too theoretical, and when his protégé dies in 32, he is out of job again. Nevertheless he makes famous work on the deformation behavior of rubber and in 1936 Galerkin invites him to work in the Soviet union at the University. In 38 he goes back to Germany, but by then, the Nazis had an eye on him, since he came from the Soviet union. He ends up working for MAN. Today he is considered to be a pioneer in continuum mechanics and rheology, in particular plasticity theory.

29 At creep one distinguished three creep regimes, that are defined by the creep rates: primary, secondary, tertiary. Creep is somehow always related to damage. The most important creep mechanisms are diffusion‐ and dislocation creep. They dominate the regime of the secondary creep. When we talk about creep rates, we refer to this regime. Of course the activated creep mechanisms always depend on temperature and stress. Diffusion creep: lattice vacancies or interstitial atoms diffuse through the lattice. Dislocation creep: By thermally activated processes (diffusion) barriers like vacancies or interstitials are surpassed. Dislocation gliding: Dislocations move on planes and surpass barriers by thermally activated processes. Grain boundary creep: In polycrystall materials processes at grain boundaries can occur.

30 31 Up to now, we only considered uni‐axial stress states under compression and tension. Consequently it was clear, that the stress can be directly related to a limit stress, in our case yield stress or ultimate one. When we say ultimate stress we in general mean under tensile load. However the compressive ultimate load is at least as important and there exists no general relation between tensile and compressive strength. How could there, since the failure mechanism can be entirely unrelated. Take wood as an example. Fibers under tension can exhibit enormous strength, while under compression they simply buckle an kink out. And what should we do with components under multi‐axial stress states, what will most often be the case? Due to an infinite number of combinations, there will not be a material test to compare to, so we need to translate values from uni‐directional test to the multi‐axial state, to a equivalent strength, fictive uniaxial stress state. This is the job of strength hypotheses and they do this with equivalent stresses that work with a certain strength behavior of a specific material. There is a multitude of strength hypotheses and ways to calculate equivalent stresses. They differ usually in the way failure is explained for the material when reaching the limit load.

32 To start with, we look at Macquorn Rankine (1820‐1872) a Scottish physicist and engineer. He only went to school from time to time due to illness and was taught at home. Already there a pronounced talent for math was observed, and when the little Macquorn read Isaac Newtons work «Principia» at the age of 14, it was evident, that he was not stupid. After school, he studied natural sciences at the University of Edinburgh and was noticed by many of his professors. Anyway after 2 years he left university without a degree and became assistant of an civil engineer John Benjamin MacNeill (railway lines, harbor, channels), after an internship at a railway construction site, supervised by his father. At the same time he began to publish, e.g. at the Institution of Civil Engineers. In 1855 he received the Regius Chair for civil engineering and Mechanics in Glasgow. Rankine made important contributions to the theory of steam engines, but also to methods of calculating force distributions in frame structures, stability and hydrodynamic. He published also on fatigue issues on steam engine axes. In soil mechanics there is a soil pressure calculation named after him. He also wrote funny poems like «The Three Foot Rule» to oppose the metric system. Anyway in 1861 he formulated a strength hypothesis for the first time.

33 The reason was that Rankine had observed, that brittle failure, hence failure that is not proceeded by plastic deformation forms cleavage fracture, when the first principal stress reaches the tensile strength of the material. The fracture then formed perpendicular to the largest principal stress. The hypothesis was then also quickly formulated that brittle failure (e.g. in concrete) occurs, when the maximum principal stress in a material point reaches the vale of its tensile or compressive strength measured under uniaxial conditions. In the principal stress space this corresponds to a cube of edge length sigma_t+sigma_c.

34 The maximum stress hypothesis was a big success, but even Rankine knew, that it was only valid for cleavage fractures. However the increasingly important material metal failed entirely different, namely under shear, and the Rankine hypothesis lead to dangerously wrong results. This Problem was addressed by the French engineer Herni Tresca, a mechanics professor in Paris at that time. The reputation of Tresca as engineer was fabulous and Gustave Eiffel ranked him on place 3 in a list of 72 names that enabled the erection of the Eiffel tower. So in 1868, Tresca wanted to know, which stress components one has to address, when inelastic deformations occur. This does not necessary have to be in metals, also granular matter is sensitive to those. Yielding sets in, when the largest shear stress in the component reaches the uniaxial yield value. Hence he found out that for their failure, the largest principal stress difference, which is two time the maximum shear stress, is responsible. In a Mohr’s circle the critical value is the diameter of the largest circle. Since principle stress differences are used, for hydrostatic stresses, non failure would ever occur. Consequently in principal stress space one obtains a prims whose axis equals the hydrostatic one. For concrete and non‐cemented granular matter, as you already know, the hydrostatic pressure has a significant influence on the shear strength. In the regime of high hydrostatic stress, this influence can be neglected, so there the Tresca criterion applies.

35 Opposite to Tresca, a certain von Mises did not believe that plastic deformations are just the result of one stress component. He promoted, that a certain energy must be pumped into a material volume to obtain a plastic deformation. This was then called «maximum distortion energy theorem» or von Mises criterion. However he differentiated between energy used for volume changes and deviatory one. But who was von Mises? Richard von Mises studied math, physics and engineering at the TU Vienna. After his degree, he became assistant at the TU Brünn. In 1907 he made a PhD at the TU Vienna and in 1908 his habilitation in Brünn. Afterwards he worked as lecturer in Brünn. In 1909 he became Professor for applied mathematics at the University Strasburg and stayed until 1918. 1914‐1918 the 1st world war brought von Mises into the Austrian‐Hungarian army. Due to his knowledge on structures and an education as pilot, he became test pilot and trainer. He even developed a new airplane (the Mises‐Airplane) that was built in 1916 and tested by him. However it had no strategic significance. Since he had learned a lot on aerodynamics, he became Professor for hydrodynamics and aerodynamics at the TU Dresden, but since he was mathematician, he changed to the University Berlin in 1919 and became director of the Institute for Applied Math. There he founded the ZAMM (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik).

After the takeover by the Nazis in 1933, Mises had a problem. He was baptized catholic, but had Jewish heritage. Since he had fought on the German side during WWI, there was an exception for him and he could stay on his position. Also we had a rather German nationalistic attitude. However due to the growing insecurity of his situation he emigrated 1933 to turkey and took there the chair for pure and applied math in Istanbul. Well in reality it was his relation to his coworker Hilda Geiringer, who was Jewish and had to escape. In Istanbul she became again his assistant, but even there due to Hildas heritage, her contract did not get prolonged. Von Mises resigned in protest and went to Harvard in 1939. It was only in 1945 that he could get a

36 permanent position there. Of course he took Hilda with him and finally married her in 43.

His scientific curriculum is impressive in various disciplines like numerical math, aerodynamics, statistics and so on. We adore him by calling a stress after him, the von Mises stress.

36 Independent from each other, Huber, Hencky and von Mises proposed to use the distortion energy as a criterion for the onset of plastic flow. From a 3D‐stress state the Mises‐equivalent stress can be calculated – and hence be used for arbitrary states to obtain the limit state. The hypothesis is formulated in a way, that hydrostatic stresses result in a zero von Mises stress. Since plastic deformations are incompressible and even high hydrostatic stresses have proven to be irrelevant for the onset of plastic flow, this seems reasonable. Hence we obtain a cylinder barrel with an axis equal to the hydrostatic one. In the deviatoric plane, the criterion is a circle, while being of elliptical shape in principal stress planes. Inside of the cylinder the material deforms elastic, on the barrel and outside plastic. The criterion is of good use for ductile materials under static and dynamic load. The Mises equivalent stress is used in mechanical engineering and civil engineering for a multitude of materials under normal load. In steel constructions it allows a more efficient uses of the material than the Tresca criterion along with a more realistic outcome compared to experiments.

Nevertheless the Tresca criterion is still used, since it is much easier to use and leads to more conservative design.

37 Let’s have a look at this plate with hole with principal stress, shear stress and von Mises stress calculated with ABAQUS (quadratic reduced elements with quarter model). The applied stress is 1MPa and hence the stress enhancement factor is sigma_max / sigma_nenn = alpha=3.757. As expected, the equivalent stress for von Mises is the least with a difference of up to 15%. If one makes a torsion test and measures the yield stress, one obtains difference in the yield stress of 1 (Rankine), 0.5*Rankine for Tresca, 0.58*Rankine for von Mises. As can be seen in the test, the von Mises matches reality best. Nevertheless the Tresca criterion is still popular, since it leads in the worst case to a conservative design.

Let’s summarize: ‐ In components we have in general a multi‐axial stress state ‐ The question of the occurrence of failure / yield can be answered by failure hypotheses via equivalent stresses (=fictive uniaxial stresses to an multi‐axial stress state. ‐ The yield condition is a mathematical relation in the stress space from where on plastic deformation occurs. ‐ Many yield conditions were proposes from which Tresca and von Mises are the simplest and best. ‐ Strength hypotheses in principle differ with respect to the applicability to a certain material. Also the same material at different temperatures can lead to different failure. (brittle‐ductile transition)

For many materials, one parameter hypotheses are not sufficient, since their behavior differs in different regions of the stress space (like tension/compression). This is the domain of multi‐ parameter models.

38 When we talked about concrete we mentioned, that its shear strength strongly depends on the hydrostatic stress. This is similar to friction that can hold a body on an inclined plane. A stress perpendicular to shear can hence impede shear and the larger it is, the higher the shear stress can become, before a irreversible deformation occurs. Additionally in between grains, molecules or material points there can be a cohesive force that needs to be surpassed before a body shears. Hence we have 2 parameters that constitute how large the maximal shear stress can be.: The internal angle of friction (angle of repose if dry granular matter) and the material dependent cohesion. The stress perpendicular to the shear is proportional to the pressure

The MC criterion by Charles Augustin de Coulomb says, that a fracture of a body is observed, when the shear stress from the external load is larger that the strength limit of the internal shear resistance. The MC is used for soils and rocks, but also metals and natural materials. The linear equation for the so called fracture line or Coulomb's shear strength can be nicely displayed in the MOHRs diagram. In this diagram, the stress circle of each material point has to be below the fracture straight not to have fracture. If it touches a limit state is reached and states above are impossible, since they would have caused failure before. Note that under compression the cone is open and no plasticization can be obtained. One can write the MC criterion in terms of principal stresses. What attracts attention is that the second principal stress has no influence at all. What strongly influences the material behavior is the internal angle of friction. Small angles can be found for smooth or large sphere packing, large ones for cemented or sharp small particles. Values are in the range 15° to 45°. Of course these are static values, since dynamics friction coefficients are usually smaller.

39 In the principal stress space one can nicely visualize how at higher hydrostatic stress, hence motion along the hydrostatic axis, the yield surface expands. In the picture the area for c=2 and phi=20° is given. If one looks at the Drucker‐Prager criterion for identical parameters, one can nicely see that it is the smooth form of the Mohr‐ Coulomb. For phi=0 one obtains the Tresca or von Mises criterion.

While the MC is hexagonal in shape, the DP is a cone. In the pi‐plane (plane perpendicular to hydrostatic axis that includes origin) the MC is a hexagon, while the DP is a circle. But who was Drucker‐Prager?

40 Dan Drucker was an instance in the field of plasticity. He was at several universities like Brown University, University of Illinois und finally at the University of Florida. Awards, honors and all the stuff – he received it all. When he died in 2001 from leukemia, scientists from all over the world came to talk in honor of him on his work for 3 days.

And then there was the German engineer and applied mathematician, also known for his contributions to plasticity theory. He was in 1932 the youngest professor in Germany. The reason for his early call was his high international reputation based on numerous publications and a first book on applied math. Like von Mises he escaped the Nazis to Istanbul, where he became Professor for theoretical mechanics. He did a lot of things there, but with the starting war, he went to the states, where he started to work with Drucker. Together they established a center for plasticity research and the Drucker‐ Prager criterion was invented and applied to a whole set of problems in soil mechanics, polymer physics, for foams, anisotropic yield bodies and much more.

41 In principle the DP criterion is a smooth version of the MC criterion, by using the von Mises yield criterion. The DP can be expresses in a very compact way by the invariants of the stress tensor. The two material dependent constants A and B allow for a fitting to quite diverse materials. One can express the parameters in terms of yield stresses under compression and tension or like the MC in terms of cohesion and internal friction angle. There are many derivatives of the DP for anisotropy, polymers, foams etc.

42 As one can easily image, there is a large number of yield surfaces to cover all kinds of material peculiarities. In general this goes along with an increase in parameters, that all have to be evaluated experimentally. Hence also the cost for the material characterization for producers increases. A good example is the change of yield surface formulations that cover the dependence of the LODE angle (influence of the second principal stress on yielding). Recently Mercedes Benz spent a lot of money to quantify yield criteria with the LODE angle dependence. Companies on the other hand think that theses are good investments, since they can predict the forming processes in a better way and hence construct more material efficient.

Some examples are ….

43 Let’s summarize: plastic deformation of materials are defined via yield surfaces. Those are 5 dimensional, convex surfaces in a 6D stress space. Stress state inside is elastic, all states on the surface lead to yielding. If the stress is increased, states outside are not taken, but the yield body evolves in shape and/or position. This is the basic principle of time independent plasticity theory. For some Visko‐plastic models, stress states outside the yield surface are allowed. Yield surfaces can be formulated in quite different stress spaces. Next time we will have a closer look at this. Just for the sake of completeness, note that those can be Cauchy’s principal stresses, invariant spaces, scaled ones or cylindrical spaces. The two images show surfaces with constant invariants in principal stress spaces.

44 To simplify your individual reflection on the past lecture, I summarized a small comprehension question collection, along with the list of keywords, you should know by now.

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