■taITnmin *mi*.i !■>■ !<»■■ tm -w I. II Ill— "fSWft MPMMPn 1 ”8P«- pi'■■■III “>•' that after ■'mmmp ‘ ** loctiy utonndlag, hiving: spvwt day* • UAKiiwmii. lardy reflect upon «, you f»»uT long RmiIIIt.” FOREIGN NEWS. PmthM.—A ctaiHf— of IW Unmwlwi VIlliHK U*M KUH NUI. and j i’reo/ •wl end ateeplem night* in candidly and and pn- W« au srlicia last week »n«J*r the above iImhimimImm waa accused. while m Low*II. <>( I Broad. !(«»<< Ch«^#*n(l AXv) no conn of corapialal, fnr rnnlly calmly pfcMisbod ««•/ '• bars joel •• Antics to rawer-salts to Ito Wota d Fm»»i SntMk'r B»* yoa trkHeally tha docMon* af tha tba to dragging his wife from • revival meeting, HUNT’S Hint*-* under n ‘elril reviewing Supreme . perticalara af •fetch wc obtained from the TWegro/iW tkt /amun'Kc Dr meant. violently ok HVr«, se*e teas* to mJxU> toedv af I. troth I «m merely oetlog process.’ and her horn* with bin." Hr pnrrdmmt Iowa, In Ml iBfh~: T^fnUh; Paint; l*w«l *>«f Canrt ef have even to rmmrpelhng logs in tho Arkanaaa, they never, ap Nashville “Centra State American,*’ bat omitted to rkrwja f«/« /to etas*. Sliw Irt»i» lit iraa: Horo tho poor heart-brokos follow, Tory ago- Arrival «f the rrpliol M Whwi; Ihie ( alrtfoaia. | ■ moment, perceived that in every cane to which inaart the of the committees raised the never K n n as Tor the aw off*r» bram Kiitoii I'-itU, Md Bi r*l da i aa*h*t, of bio oool (nod who would not?) nclalmed, reporta bjr I 1 has* attempted to irtfloenc* my mitt araigncd. agent nets* SprlOf ny S». Jonh*. A«B. At. thO a»d Amrridaa (|na*U, they have referred, tha record moot unequivocally chareti at NaahvUie to the conduct of ; in her rjrw. nor hri chose# of a meeting. TH following described Ismis in the Stale of lirtnaf, lorafoc I'orninf d— od eIVU notlior." And precisely li»epeti|ata The steamer Caledonia asiived ml at I ••And notoo Hditaa i writ# ha* hot attended Arkansas for ante. Tbo and fan fit? of !h* hr»•* Seen# M'Mlk**, bread, Slate to worn nod ridlculo.nnd required by prnceaa, justice the parties concerned: purgroae purchased cart In y«nr public j a cruise in ihc Baltic. *iw. Uuwd aMf that tlie which tha lew t« to W boreaa various 4. Nether my wit* nor ha** inclinr- yearn since Th* ioer«*atng demand for g»u« hirk dungting and «tr Hdi'lnn*. t»iB| attained norro nod mnaclo facte, reqairad appear, rumors Imre (rone abroad Involv- Kmiiiid-The most arluff harvest myself any ond after hiring arery operation* tioo frs attend rhoan iudacoa ike on net* of those, »»»■ lo v/T. r iheifi H Irf**- 11 Hwf Mri *^M|bnaMfi affect the defendant with conatrnctlve did the miuielernd marling*. for Slang* to notice, *“* rsputaUsoaod Christian chancier i sre going toi want in all ol Ihf Tli* *M •"ia«a> i*d kta- la their bodioa dogrado ond die- part* country. &. I ***** hod * w Mineral k»oiw. that tribunal In the intima- and the Itev. J.C. The and detogStfbl the Stolo of II**; XortHv p»a«*. grace yon throngh high tVreoce, Holland, a local famf cn'lmsia-iii w ith which it commenced. 1***4* eight, end to be committed too, thooe paragon* preacher Hit .’"—A of the Wash- Arksnoo*. wbitot ii sdfaiata ta Ihooe wl>.> enter it a »»h ami rioaat l**'ka; l>»«ptau mankind, and Iral yon ahonld by of the Spring Station of the Cun- Pal.aCK —The President returned to Pans alter T'dcrmt correspondent tion of all fwar&ug Holly Memphis hr comfart anti to ttiti rta’iitM. (.'are *ml 1 Mdla; •»«■? Mat" awe in and all manner of ington I'nlon vends I following cor res- plomnre. asp—all ifly faViarabto men and take to legnl jnrleprndence Worldly •fereoce, the who a VI f at Koncii and Harr*. An «>l a : laughable conalder insulted nxcrptlona undersigned, officially Investigated ir«li,pn,iiion between a call oral J he aaaiwerma* «tr*sni« (•air*, arenghl wd heaae .Nattoi braaaSrxev Hiagk: yOOreeJree cholera threw pondenee discharged officer of Ihr Cus- purvaits narig*t4* ! wiedom, ieocercely credible teone ap a tree. liie com, fool it duo to oil concerned to make the character a gloom over the terinina- I Ktaaaa: their ernaode againat all law, and order and hww, ami Sir. Mrralllll : wlmll traverse llte varioata aeclioii* of |:,« Stele. Olto-oh. pK-k OMI jtdntor •'(►oka I»h»**»; naholy following otatemeota: lion of hia vi*it at Havre. Part* unit the surroand- I wilt endeavor, the Lord willing, to pay my re- afford to the cifi*"ti* of AAtom **fe atari rnayeit bench S* m tr «, arrow an* 1 **"1* ♦*««*♦»•»; ^'W Pat-* nenae, bare thought it 7b 14* of th* ; eron common they expo 1. In the offences alleged, them was no of ing districts, in ronlormitT with ibe neur ha, ! Socrtlory 7Vr»»*r» M*m»*: (nfwani. to The State v. Carnall: the “Matchless Beau- charge Jaw, ieat channel* span wlifrh their sarnln* product* ti, Ilea: J**u*'«'ii Saak |.*tak,«! si*fila» ond to adminis- aped* •‘gross but were been relirvad from martial and Noimi* July *n, 1*49. j ■Meat h> anticipate your complaints immorality,” they charged with, late, tranquility |(a« In r.i»t * Mil Winter Modi SIPktoe; ffane am* •• h* borne market. In htnny purl* of the S|«|« ftoan ty*’ In the Gasette; and laat, though not leaat, that unmininteriat and onehrittian conduct7. Alter been perfectly maintained during tlie weeli French 5rrc •—flavine rli*fbwr*i( Ih* duties ol luspeotof ter the neceaaory couaolatiou in adraoce; and thia •mailer *tre.mr» of nerer filling orator nffnnl aflea BfUwi S*i..vel» amt Ten#*; (twee* *IM *IH*r are of 111* custom* litr 13 with and name dear old carefully weighing all the testimony in Ihe cose, fund* well maintained, and in bianciiea ol yrara fidelity, to th* htuak* and do that “Sheep.” many • ml orator power anfftrtont lar mills and mantifar. '-ji*tln*; long *i*4 nlmrl iinadT* S4tw**t*; they by declaring notwithstanding they and the defence of the trait* there i, a decide*! imrovem-nt. 'J'jie French satisfaction of all, yon ha** thought propei in four Farewell till we meet again. patiently hearing accused, taring eotitbliahmeiila of tfto largest '*iaaa. Dina; Straw i**et**; h*vl and weed (icrnWet kh>», atnnd conricted in tho eyee of all aeneible and de- the committee were satisfied thut Ihe evidence iu the C '.ernmbnt it is aant, h»« received inform turn that wisdom to discharge m* from that office. Then- eerr abundant of ealton. porn, »t**l a ad ertal-ril aa*t H properly H 2. In tha testimony before the committee!, noth- exhibited slroi.g «aaeh substantial and rewards July 11. WII.U AM W Al r to notice ■ end and no eaemir* to and planters rich for all time to come; that iaaemuch aa all According previoua large reapec. ings of dissatisfaction at led being i„ rewan! psntiah." throughout ing appeared to fasten tha guilt of "gross immor- permitted j ihotr iwtaotrr, that laadaln Arkansas e*n number oi return to France. The of With arntimenta of lit* oo*t («*d only haa been done with a little table the citizen* of Dalit* Ark on uor abject the pnvfound-, ( thia miachief harmleaa county, ality’’ the accused; was there proof to sus- expedition! he oafkteallv appreciated hv thaws who witness “duy notfirvsT having been acroir»pti«bed. deem it not an remain, HunaTio Moon, A V Y ( 'Una will not hare the met at the Court Home for the purpose of 1 tain the many etaggeraled reports which we under- they only 0»o reeallo af I hear suflabl* rulture. Twilled t'Wnbiirj* Rmwtt ^oooe-quitl, you certainly pre- rhoiing act ol hut of to detain Ex of stand have to the world injustice erueliy them any Inspector Custom*. aal k>WM; to attend a convention to be held tn lire gone There was no charge tieoelies. HKSb**tui*e Shifting* ft**fu to In other words, admit delegate* longer from their families and friends. P. 8. Yota will receive the hat the ateaiaer Apple*, [tear*, quinces, apricot*, plnmi. onmplion complain. tliey of '’criminal connection,’’ uor Was Letters by delrctoa* Ticking*: Daulinat War mmI brawn Drill*, (»r*v of on the 2Sd of any tostimouy rherriea, Ag*. grape*. atraar- hare done their beat to city Memphis, commencing Octo- rereived in Pari, from Vienna stale, that govern- OsceoU. raspberry* ; H dtiraan if*tw. Waaeb*<4 that they deatroy your rep- adduced to demonstrate the of the accused berry*. &k-.. Ax.. are hv * Liti.wjai skirling Strip**, purpose ment resolved to I produced, proper attention, ber Or. Sami. A. Sandera was called connection had negotiate with the Hungarians. ami hra*n Cuilmi ttawkM Drill* ; II 4 utation aa a of and commou de- proximo. to seek such ; but the committee were in sbundanco. KUimSi people intelligence The Austrian and accounts I,«te from Tieatai. great to ect at and S. waa of that the roudne! of the Huri'aiipn fioni Vienna lilenclted Colton Stiaeliugj ail want IWarla. (wtttaw but a upon chairman, A. Hney reques- opinion accused, ns char- Mini of I lie land* now offered for sale also afford but baring ueed nothiug feather to ef- are ol much interest. The entrance of -fnoMrr Kittle Ret wen th* fatirn a nd Mr cency, was ’’ the Hunga- Yocit*roi. | Linrn U*M. Him and IkolMi ted to act aa chairman ged fa the bill, "uumiuiaterialaud auebrislian deetralde Inns'Inn a for stork raisers:—the do.; ey* Diapart secretary. The explained the rian# from Comron into Ridb ia country fect ao baoe and foul au object, you are left without fully confirmed, and ! W* are indebted to Mr. Thomas J 8l- k Silk j Kr*ach Twc«d»> Blank i'aaat- And therefore, Browrgohn, around and wear them altd rone Saar|np of the in a few brier but as to the j producing (tooes. | ohjecl meeting pertinent they only diter booty which was secured who rame in th*arhoon*r ntarra; black and wlitt* Nandtall'a tho ground of complaint. Well, thia aort 3 suspended the accused until the passenger Amenran, Her on.I other kind* ol food In abundance for the *uh- SpaOta; LtMH allghteet They meeting in or near Kaab tit# remarks, after which, on motion of J. M. of their by Mf$yar*. lioin Sisal. left on lit* 17th lor the l kmati. No. 2.'» lo j". Wliiia awl Bln* Maekitwar of rail the Inquiiitioa” well, Judge respective Conferences, which have juris- •lay* having mat.; aietem-o of inv tlitwiher of horae*. cotlle. logic may “Holy very The greatest alarm **» excited in Vipnna amt sheep, Du dn IWIII'd Thomason a committee of five was to diction In tha case. In the act of the following new*; sad without the Olankvt*. Hit. i atipaf ViltHut-y. da.* dear old lather ntrer could hare it appointed pre- suspeoifiny. news goals httga exjwnee or tree Ids of Wt my tolerated Piesburg, by the of Ale advance of tile Hun- Creat excitement and alarm at Sisal ami rccoivad nod far asla pare a preamble and *et of nommiUee, in neither ease, regarded themselves as prevailed feeding lltaim daring summaror winter. by a resolutions, expressing ganana, wtiosa ontttosis ware aaid to have for moment. He would hart pronounced It falae mitre but acted as a court appeared in the interior on account of a letter been ’Jd. WM. B Br flT. the of possessing pu potcar, of iu- having Whilst these autl nnaay other faeursMo induce, July _ object the meeting. The chair the in Wesselburg. All the troops which could received tb*ie Irwin Ih* and hare thrown it to the molea and to appointed or and, iu their find- (tosmbly Mexican Consul at thia mrnli to attract philoaopy quiry investigation; judgment, he from were eonapira emigrants Is the Stole of ri.oi’H. i.twwib* uw»r swa*, following named gentlemen as said to and spared Vienna, immediately despitetied that Col. Willie waa ahont to invade ! I much doubt whether tho committee, ing the specifications charge sustained the (dace, Mating Arkansas, lira recent of miners! 6 **ira Hnlfto: ‘the bote. Well, old by to it Is said that 1 «te»ri<>pm»nl» Bacon.fanka atiijnr*»ui*wl poor by railway „i ih* with a armed *a wit: J. M. CA W. T. M testimony, they them till lbs „r Presbiirg.*tMt many eounrry large hirer, waa some aeeitana •< *»•—•that was Judge Thomavms, anapeoded ms-siog nip- wealth In af Mto State have aroused 4 r(3»in»«inhiH»**nd animal »»»• aha growing quills tne soldiers who were new recruits lett with very for the |MIWr* the tribunals which have to pnrpoae of them to the •* Dr. W. E. C. P. Barton and proper acquit, graduate poae.l, lorcing pay and to this Mate ami 1 > a Wright, Joseph Gray, ereat are! reluctance to brought capitalists rnterprl- »Of»r-ear*«i fTrlrtl B*«f for oo rila nae, and indeed. If the la a descendant the or the discouragement. march amount due Col. While and bit who offence award punishment, as, iu their aoldiera, fought men who ara forth from the rich >* M Esq. The committee retired for a short time, when The battle ol the 2-1.1, 21th and 2atb nit., look sing drawing I Rr*f I ftligb**; ■of that old flock that aroused the Ro- the case may demand. place lor tlrem before. Five hundred ardiliera were vent good patriotic judgment, beetweei, the Russian, anil mines, memos of ealnable minerala which tend to ■JH No 1 Irani; they returned and their chairman made the the Hungarians near from Merida, the to (dr the of k*jja mans and called them to arms, and bud foreseen through Committee in the cute Rev. P. P. capital, Sisal, pnrpoae augment lira commerce and prosperity of the State. SO M>la Ohio Tlnttr of Hedy. Mysknls, on the left bank of tlie tjaks. It seem, their aupcrfln* rarrftrwl, |«i# for the consideration of the Opposing lanrting. lit *uch that it would bare been thus it is certain following report meeting: J. B. -M. M. after the his a Stale pneaeaemg natural advantage*; ataamcr Hcacnu.’* and for *tV hv applied, McFraai.v, Hra.itmt, battle, (b-orgey quitted position, and On the Ifith a came in from to be a | ditigenre Merida, •o many element* of wealth, with a iocrear- Whtrtas, There is convention holden in Adam S. Ricos. K. H. the Russians, a good deal rat lolloweil him. rapidly July f". wAf. B W AIT. that the would hare it from her Matches, np, that after th* had the — ~ — plucked wing dating troop* left, Indiana had and will the of on the 2Sd J. K. Pi.re a rs. Hu.xoaar isn Irorn ing population, iaad la Y r- pier with fealings the mostsoreraigucoutempt. Well, between Raab amt Comoro was still The yreof/g prtert of toed* eration Juh.m Kai.vs, Bwu.Its wanting. the Indian* retired. hundred Mexicans re- INfar aala by MM B WAIT. the and of con- Weaelkt, Eight kanu*. t as tkt [jaui«i| am importance practicability between Vienna and herefore now matt /nsp'sAf* timr 1 ready to admit that a quill Is lu itself J on s Moscow. post Pesth wag intercepted, and mained dead on the field. quite for such land* st rates. a national railroad from some no letters had arrived from was obtaining cheap Persons crMRNT —an |.M» Newark a harmless but it structing great point Kntkeillt, 30, Hit) Raab. It reported Capf who had down with ^ thing; suppose shared down into Aug. Kelly, previonvly gone who desire to af rccnivnd on tbe to the that the had rntered on may purchase any lh» fallowing nVnRAI?LH%CffAfJJ.VT, and for <*l* hy Mississippi river, coast of the Pacific Hungarians Sheered tlie Col. VS hite, and who waa in command id a tho of a into and then company deacrihed land* can obtain them for c ash IV \» shape pen, dipped gall, put Waag. From the western Ihestie ot we learn i upon good May WM R A IT ocean, amt we feel a Interest in tbe of Ilia N.O. Creecent war, ol ol the Louisiana Volunteer*, waa ! in whereas, deop [Correspondence ) eighty reported term* to the at hU npen paper burning characters. Ulus been gen- that the defeat of the An.stiian, befoie Coinorn wa. to have upon application umleraigued 1 business that will be Eicileiuen t at the Paas—Descent been killed in the actaon; alao one of the DRY!! ttl»,rtAlf tiial rate SH INGLE brought before the convention, oii-the Ou- more serious than al first office in Lillie Rock. Arkatnaa* erally conceded that, when it is thus noth- supposed. The Magyar, t»**t officers of the Yueatan ia mor- lor vale, tow f«« Oaah. to applied, «cl O wls—Mysterious higuals. troopa reported I /"All communication# must bo to In- KEEP Apply now therefore be it aie swarming through the caontry both larand wide. ( wounded. past paid HI ing known iu all nature la more fatal to human re- tally Tf* Indian* aflerwaid* captured .May 3. TT P*a* CuaisTtAN, Aug. ‘16, 1849. Prince Orkiff strived at Vienna on the ! sure attention. 8.__A Ketoltcd, That we do approve the manner in which loth, horn the a convoy ol .M-xkarui, with provision* lor Bacalar. putation. If yon will be good to examine E4'. (’retrenl:—We bad an time at of Paskiewitrh. ; | enoogh quite rxciling head-quaiters He intelli- after • aevrre in «mI lilt*! Htrrl littaM said convention baa been and alto tha brought conflict, which killed or W S gotten up, the Hotel last lust after the arrival of of the mut of they truly of No H Ne. lhaoe beoutifui “Rerlewa” with a critic's eye, evening, the g»nce Paskiewitch’s army men. Vg lg' EHKTBEN STEEL MILLS*, nenarted et*-». te^ you and tire by(}»orgey. of 1of ol of 1" what time place for holding lame. mail boat from New Orleans. the No bulletin had been and the l., a 3 S | «lniwt Got'on ami am Ml* will not fail to diaesrer the wormwood and Among passen- pnbll«h*d. nn|>eiials I’he U. 8. sclmoner Flirt on the ISth inat £ crived, per Plant, gall that left for «. «c «cr». Knolred That the chairman gers bv her, were the U.B- Marshal for the Eastern at Vienna were in a state of The communi- 4 | • ji, Comity. A J MUTT. and word in farther, appoint panic. Penaocoi*—ah well. The Kngliali hug-of-war l»y (pHleS) perrade arery line, syllable thorn. This j District of Louisiana, ami a for the cation between Pesth amt Vienna Sagr- «<-c of the citix’-na ol Dallas aa date- special deputy had been aatled th* next lot Ver* I eoncelro to be sufficient in twenty-tour county, of Another entirely pho day Crux. The cap- ~l respect to the Stats Misalarlppi. mysterious cut off bv the it was had SW !4 oil Jeff# rami A IUANSAS KUDU It -#7 Kim Pm* Arkmt purpose said looking Magyars, wko, rumored, tain of the had hn arm broken while exer- K'j |Sw gain to convention: with a hronird Sappho of the "Reriews.” countenance, whis- retaken Pesth and Buda. The of 3s ow .iw itr Co ii i\. ana FLOUH, received from Van Hurra el, J pretended personage, large army Haynati, cuing the gun* of hia the recoil of one of ! E’j (4 illy, Thomason the reso- and an enormous ahip, by Judge supported preamble and kers moustache, shortly after her even if he should have effected a with Jel- the Fiscal .1. 'Ml 55 do nr aula by l jane *) A. J HDTTi I mow com# to the beauties in tlit? junction piece*. apparent style. lutions in a lew but eloquent remarks, alter whirh, arrival, was observed iu close converse with the laehieh, is now completely isolated. It i, asserted i Nv, 9 3* |pw :*2i> da H*ir It: When the decision, of the tribunal of Grand Scribe of the Ousel uow (hat in of a < on motion of A. 8. the and resolu- Owls, sojourning consequence representation from Eng- 8W !» :i, «w n«) do s f it i \ ;~gT> o n s'. Huey, preamble here. the land and that the .7 Procirltnl InetthneHt—Mr. Aaron A ('lark, of the last rcaort in any State become* an intolerable Presently, mysterious stranger, who did France, Russian, will evacuate NW H7 3« ow 1160 do IV ED, par Hiram boat Cotton Plant, a lerrn tions were enter his name Pori land. who wu crowded j unanimously adopted. not even upon the hotel Hungary in the coins* ot 41 Tne Pari, Press* Mr., unfortunately Iron E«„ NE 118 3* '** <80 do amt u«hn>lilhlr aremtmrntot e»U and grevious lo the there register, days. Ihe wharf tlir RECK Fanny SPRWtJ injury country, being, The chairman undor the last wse seen from one of the of States that a letter was 1 into river and drowned, at the late appointed resolution, emerging rooms of the Tuesday received the pie- WU | X E (’in 6* !8w 80 I ! da ami SUMMER fcOOI**, of the very nrweat la a clan* of caaea ef narrow a conflagration at took ont a on S’)te« except vary extant, the Grand Scribe with casket under his arm; with viou* a member or the Albany, poliry Ida M ISw 80 do amt to which ttir following named gentlemen ai delegates to said day by Legislative Assembly, K'ar' * ,NWI-”' ,90 Pat'nna. attpiiftun of thy I-adira no hurried ho lile lor J.i.flOO in New York. »bont two nmntba appeal from their judgmeuta to any higher ju- steps passed through ilia (rout gateway announcing that the gteat Russian had been 17 f*» - which the latter was and the OIlI.Kl.VS MARKRTH. In 9w <160 CtANVASsEDJ Munir, received mid lor a*i« bv in Peel'. Mnaeum aa a model of moonlight. by telescope, defeated, Russian SE llO (Jo depeaited atyle for E. E. W Dawily, George Eaton, M. Harris, Col. A. raking niasi can he discerned: she is General Skat iaritin was killed bv a cannon ball. thk III 9w '810 Aug. II Vj. |». WAIT pering. plainly __ Orriqt'or Picavcsk. | FH. •5 40 Pulaski comity all generation!, it ia bad in all eacceediag enongli Hon. H. H. A. to, peretied as it were the of a shell One thousand are said to have been la *w Dortch, Coleman, George Lea, W. lying upon lop Hungarians i Friday Evening, Sept. 7. IS49. \ 18 320 da S P R I V i; GOODS. coaecience lo talk of an bank, out of the rracli of Uncle Sam's killed. They were the Cotton.—The correcting injury, but Lea.S. G. Col. W. T. M. Col. T. fleet steamer pursued by Cossacks who favorable accounts of the Niagara, 5& 18 In !lw 80 do Smith, Holmes, 1 K’-» received, atnl now al Iho u>>w Water Witch and her noble crew, who have took seven fi-dd two standards a the steamer ol the j opening, when the people are called to cor- beeu piece.*, and Urge 23th nit., showing an advance of K1 NW 15 In 9w 80 do eoleinoly upon F. D. Col. Kob’t and J. D. Slur", corner of Markham and StreeW an Sorrell, Stokes, Martin, for several upon tills station for the of ammunition, and Bern’s since the ol the I JUST Bihige rect aa end. It ia “Intolerable.” dsya lying pur- quantity traveling calash, 'yd sailing Caledonia, naturally eon- | W«*. NW 9 In 9w jstl do utterly Indeed it Scott. it is of aaaortinout oi DRY GOODS—Canaletlng, in pnii( pose. suid, watching her movements. But containing important papers. Five hundred Lo- lutiuted >0 give additional hrmnesa to our * 8 In 'Jw MO do pi market; ami l ia immodeat. are coiled us of il l. 7-8. 4-4 12 Bleached and Bioan exceedingly They upon to On motion of C. P. the chairman hold on, let return to the hotel agaiu; the Grand ners were captured by the Russian.*, whose loss is hut the immediate cause of Ihe fitm att’ude assumed N1 17 In 9w do Barber, Esq., ,* j j32tl amt T-* ami 1 correct Scribe is seen in close was SHEETINGS SHIRTING*) 4 the end, and the committee failed to consultation witli a of at 11 kilted and wounded. by factors, the numerous letters received from w ir 1 -J". 10w da utterly was added to said committee. On motion of Dr. couple quoted j j SIMI of and new* fiom is the jtlrti ,72j Laarll*; pieeenC«licoen,a«’'i; 30 piece* inform them which end It ia that hath gentlemen high standing great reputed The Hungary meagre throughout Lower Mississippi and part of Louisiana, N 2 t!„ I0w ‘257 (),. i.o prinli-ij offended. the in the of stating fr', 1 Monalinr 40 ti Wright, papers city Little Rock, are wealth, to New Orleans. He ; and Rein’s defeat that the worms were i ; pieeea Pfuid Gingham* ; piece* Now thia it too belonging apparently unsatisfactory. rejiorted reqoii's increasing rapidly. The sales NW :t*3 llln -4e 1«0 Polnaa't Co. bad aad for tha aake of the reputa- l.inrn Cheek*; U pireta |ti*h Linen) 4 pirce* 12 4 requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. knows of “coming events,’’ ami has prepared him- | confirmation and will probably turn out no! hail so comprise 330 bales, of which 2Sd bales were new ‘3 8„ do liaa of tha "Little jSE ||6i* | i.liirn .1 8-1 Linen Dnnaab; Ilf Rock Bar,” 1 do moat elncere- self The two marshals < had as at Sheeting; piece* On motion of C. P. B irber, the chairman and sec- accordingly. approach their lepnrted. crop l0';d)12e. Middling of the old crop cannot |»W 35 4n ;lo 160 ISt. Francis Co. is certain that Austria he piece* CotlonaitM, fcr., &<•.; a I of which wHI b# ly aad oaadidly regret that the aclntillaliona victim—a legal document is produced—“The ob- It would not be willing to purchased under SiSpt«nd Good Mitldling lu ilo ! i i;o do bright be instructed to the of the “ * |XE |33 odeied tow lor or rmintrv retary sign proceedings af visit has been treat as if she was instead ot 11*11910c. rary Curb produce ef thair and ehottld hare j ject your anticipated, gentlemen," | reported, gaining lo-mg NW 20 5.i l* 160 , do bright towering geuiua and that the now sine die. I. JOHN ft ADAMS meeting, meeting adjourn observes the Grand Scribe, "and these gentlemen i ground. The National* states that Garribaldi had Sn4(a Ca PER STEAMERS PENXIWIY matter had it Bet been discovered elder of the two proposed bondsmen. •'Tirenhj-flct worthy of credit. Hour.—Market very and we heaid of by old Toe Nall dull, only NW 30 -3II 3a 160 do RECEIVEDAND III' Hi T, ami far aula at tha lowrat Ihnutand dollar*," the officer. that Miss Chailotte the celebrated the sale of Ifj.i bhis The man replies "Well, Cushman, actress unb.-snded at $4 Z1H. INW 10 In 2« 160 do — aid aaid it waa a perfect burleaqtie prices among whirl) arc tha following art tries: upon .imerican I'rnpajand’tlt.—A California la decidedly cool!" responded the other friend, cam* passenger in the Caledonia. Corn.—S> de* |l,‘00 Yellow at 41c. the "Little emigrant “you sacks. and 14« S E 5 l» 3e 160 do 3i aaeka KwCofthe: 4 bUla. Lout Rack Bar” and he did that eome cousider the of the to storms While at 47c. sagur; hope writing from Chili, say*: personal appearance S;miiisii Owing heavy yp'teid.ry afternoon, the '35 1. la 1*60 do S of |NVV hlxia. Loaf Swgur; them at least would eome out end Consul before your court, charged with aiding iu the New Y.uk wires were both out of order, amt only a f ) itt dull. Small sales of Ohio at repudiate We think aome of the Chilian Rs- —Very 3tf932c. INE ,.14 In (4vr 160 Co. j bide. Heboilod Alula tans overturning an of jMourea it. abduction of American citizen, a fixed fact, in part the news lias been received mail Fork.—!»<> bbls Me«s were sold at 40. before we It iwvor* mucli of the foteign by $9 28 ,3n 160 do 20 4e. tSK j.3« iu Ilo 160 do SO foreign an it is branch of has Edged Ptataai am done expedition, having, said, for ils not business taken place. The Cijftt —800 begs Rio Wete sold at 7i«e. le 160 do •* for the present. I allude lo that eery wit- Lnglish. complain bitterly. 1 told an old officer object, present NW * 13 2„ 4d iloa. PUctwra; I only the liberation of the said abducted citizen, but rate of Foreign Exchange was continued. Luney Hast.—9000 2'.bushel in ahrewd veaterdav, one who had »erved them, and lightly bags bales were 'NF. 1-3 ‘3„ |« 160 do 1 boa Shaving ty, and dignified remark of the fought was Snap) Supreme the enfranchisement of a half a million of men, The market still supplied and transactions sold at 8 do bled for their cauae, and wa* now for overturning I0tgc. F.‘, J„ la j.i2ii ; 1 Unir hravr Drillings) Court, or the Chancellor of New York, in refer- bowed down under tile iron rod of a femaledrtpo)." were large purchasing and the Government, that if they would the word, freely speculators holding NVV <8 ,:la. /./.VA', received mil U't ram pens the holders, demand being good, and DOOR'S subscription Capital Stock of ■ ny the passing parchment, large Frl ,See. 6* 3w 736 16 “patriots,” with their usual calmnet and eon- From tliia it would neem that it was not without and the Scribe is out of the hands sales are at the extreme 1} “lira 8outh-Western ami Arkansas 14) Jm'J. WM. B. W’AIT of the lew until daily reported quotations Mining Jar 160 do LIME will bo ]NE l"8 5a | dor hare a reason that some of three weeks when lie to the Canada. The Caledonia's at lira — suppressed very material part of what ; the Spanish American authori- hence, is appear before a giieu per ad*ices Company" opened Counting Room 18 5, >>w 2K> .56 do iSto V> bltla l Inenihati Fleer U S. Commissioner in New caused much aniinaiion—holders of T. D. Merrick i Co on the Wfrj that and ties have feared the of these Califoruia em- Orleans. The arrest asking higher pri- Monday tat 7 13- 27 do 4 bblr Bacon Shira: .'I rank* clear 2S great dignified functionary did aay on that passage of 1W fr j in 4 rm PROVISIONS, alder, boxes i made oil tide lie lias ces ami advanced 1-SM. On a day October, and will bo continued Iwiug water, claimed admiralty quotations .Monday proximo; I 19 5* 2w do Slur Candlrr, 800 II,a Colton Yura. re. ever-niemorable occasion. have hla their territories. to Wfrj <279 Ike., jiial They abridged igrants through I otherwise the large business was done at a further advance. upon from until one thousand atraroa j! jurisdiction, Investigation would have "On day day of S 4 5, very much as to their force ; taken before a U. 8. 1 the market somewhat and the hundred doilarseach, ah,II have been greatly impair ptaoe Commissioner, at Jack- Imrsriay subsided, aubacribad 4iotr. il (7. !5w lift do cash. bv [jwnxf] J. D. ADAMS. and and have Another “Great Miuourian son. the of tiii* Stale. advance maintained. The sales ol the week according to lira of tb« Charier of auid |76 beauty, really done him great injus- ”—The St. Louis capital fully proviainna N1 w 640 do A pul t«. BANKER OFFICE that ia aaid or done In New old, seventeen and a half haud* and a and flnnteth days jLur-pean thing York almost as years high, pended by pnrachule, away among intelligence. lira aanra aa enrlv aa poaaible, aa I d«ii|l leaving for WP 15 13* Sw 320 do the still CASTINGS Ke.-3.000 Mm. 8»7 lroi,. quick aa one can “Jack Robinson.” one thousand one hundred It is clouds, burning brightly, until 'it is lost New Orleanx about the 10th of uexl aay This very weighs pounds. Huxoarv.—SD.OoO Russians under I.udiz are said month for the IWi7 31 13* ,3W 320 do IRON,*'* '» from ua in the distance. It is a •'* ?Ai signal, perhaps, to hate been pnrpoee of niv and most have >w *yr}a remarkable and dignified expression of the New a "tali” mule, undoubtedly. completely touted bv an inleiior li.ree repleuiahing atock, Nfc 21 13a 160 do TOO Iba. Bind Iron I to 4 by that ia Look to the where we the danger nigh. spot under Beni, and the survivors were hunted into Wat- wherewith to do ao. E. AlARCtJS. Sec. 28 14* iw 640 do 8011 Iba. Sbor York Jurist had his lost Horur Iron; scarcely escaped honor's sweet the Undine and her mysterious a J-itUe passenger; l.icloa. A bulletin from Demhinskt, dated t avun Hock, Sept. 18, 1849.—2—3t WI, 25 14* I* 320 { do 800 Iba Rnniul and Squarr Iron, tn lips, before it was and bruited in From Snnta Fe and the Plains. blue light burning from the mast’s head answers 1^ “j,. repeated actually gas, July 2b, speaks ol asecaud giest victory he has 8E 2« 14* 5w 160 do 5 Bundl»a Honp Iron. to 2; hole the signal; from the island in the distance, the ;'4 every and corner of these hills. Mr. Win. Mitchell, who left Santa Fe in firey obtained over the Russians, alter having attacked SL 134 14* iw 320 | I do If arta Bovr). bkillrla, N’ua. 7, S and cloud-capped company are teen Wagon ll winged messengers speeding up en high; them on the do * But the version of it here was with Mr. train, of thirteen Ame- by surprise night of the 23d. The iNE 34 14* >w 160 , j Round Pota. I, and III fullona; OMd f.hlr; Flru given totally differ- Aubry’a consisting the of a gun is hoard from the ROCK booming neighbor Russians did not take a stand. othcers tied Hi HOTEL, 2f< 14* 5w 120 do tha. ent from seven one Many Doga; 1,1100 Cotton Yarn, merited J B. that detailed the It waa stat- ricans, Mexicans, hundred and twenty hood of Island, and all is still But lo! [El. per by palriota. Ship again. In their shirts, others wore ait down or taken 31 14* .iw 303 09! do and for ntile what is priso- By Rnjof Pelham, !Wfrj Gordon,*’ by ed up here that the New York mules, and a number of wagons, on the 21st of that springing up from tile Lake, and ners. dignified functiona- July, J Two legiinenls ol Kusstaa cuiiaMors were |N frj 3 It* iw 311 75 do July S WAIT her sails? 'Tis the of the On the bank df the River, be. WM_J». ry, after first himself and arrived at St. Louis on the 29th ult. .The St. Louis spreading snowy “Spirit nearly annihilated. The Russians rallied and louglit immediately El, NE 22 14* iw aO i do having plumed put on the sealed —40 awzka Waters,” coiitsining casket, wafting it In the a low the State tlouae, JW RtoChdUo, hia wiadom and Union ishes the | desperately. inmuaig biiiliant ,cavalry |N | j 23 14* 320 do cap, very gravely learnedly spoke pub following intelligence brought witli airowy lo some safe and hidden island IU hiiilr. Sugar; 3 bblo. miwilurmt » speed attack decided the contest. The Russians lelt lliikr Cosviu or Mats xat> 9 15* iw 640 do iNRESH’GROCERIES *>■«« thus: “Who ever Mr Mitchell: Flu Stumts, pre- looks into the Arkansas I by I relreat. But the night has passed, aud, with (he dead on the 3 bula. Lori Sugar, 12 bbia. Molaatr*. Reports held, 18 cannon, besides 2i*ud prtaoneis. i Wfrj 5 15* do a season of of the aim, the Undine is seen Little Hock. ilriaiM). 5w} ion Mckr salt; 8 Mi bbta find the for if one Notwithstanding proper the for | rising moor- The is Cranbamor- jto law, any should be ao exceed- year quietly following Knssuo intelligenee giveu; On j E fr * 6 l&* iw*. 801 7:7 do a over the ed to the wharf, her master T7“ \ comfortable a 1 bbi. Curranli; IS »«*•!* commencing Flams, has sailiug sitting compo- the 221 ol the riiirs were aitackrii in Reading Room and atatiouarv 7 ngly simple as lo undertake such a fruitless journey long July the pass 5t N* 15* *wS do Gbumpogim; task, since Mr. M. informs us that the road Iroiu on her deck, as and demure on are attached to the Keck Hotel 28 boxes Star Candier; 8 bat boot Ter. he passed, sedly looking placid of Ojluth, by the Magyars, and forced to retreat; Daguerraan Gallery ;8«c. j8 15« iw 640 do lispenaf could never effect the in if he with • omiM.xi object of to Sahia ia with Cali- had turned iu at his usual hour, so as to he were 4 kbit. toyelher large «r consequence Independence Fe, thronged • hey retnlorced by lout pieces ol ailillrrv, but | V E 17 15. iw 160 j do Ricey the iu who are forward with with the lark. But nous in a Piereivra; Jollier, Wmetj Conlwl*; pickier j strlwl impenetrable fog which they are enveloped in fornia emigrants, pressing stirring ctrrom, day were again lotted to reheat attei lighting Ihree hours, A. PORK—80(10 Iba. Clear Sidoa. INW ’17 15, »w *H0 do or two E’s *e.. the ease and the more abundant hear further from in which in Oil; snouiab Obvea, yoal received,peeateomer shape of long, prosy, nonsensical and tapidity, grass being you may vary possibly they lost killed and wounded t othcers JJACON8 bhla. Clear Pork. Received and for aala by Frt- f 8»c. 27 12« 4w 399 'V do frothy, ol better than and water Da wR.aml lor aaie at redocad and forysaia past, Vimci. and I6d The the 28th \VM. B. WAl l 14. 5w 32ft 1 d« Philip Penny very p»t<»r, ■wholly stuff, in which quality, privates. Magyar* passed through Arg. jEl4 If) | unintelligible those books in A number of had as- for Cull orcoutitiv produce, bv profusion. latge emigrants The Panama of the New York pass. IWi, 25 15a 'or 320 \*hioy < 0 abound; and which some at Santa belore Mr. M. of correspondent I JOHN D ADAMS. sap-headed, soft-braiaed aembled Fe left, " Vienna it now a May _ many Courier and dated Panama only garrisoned by few new lev- Bbla. lllinoia Extra EW 26 15a iw 320 j 1 do folks have had to been fleeced of Eoquirer, July 20th, Soperfioe ’-1 been pleased lo denominate or whom way gambling, ies, and when thnposl lelt, Piesbuighud been occu- Nfc ti lia «w .160 : 60 LEAD i0 argument | given sav»: I'tLOUK—120Floor, roceivod per Swuilom and fnr aaio by [ 1 , kegaPuia Mbit* Lead, esthr, lhair funds, and wre sutfrring intensely Irons lhair pied. Toe Vienne letters confirm the of NW ;.36 5w L do srgific.u.n." He furthei expressly and Pasaengera by the Panama, now here, do not speak occupation Sept. 5. WM. B WAIT. 15. |60 WHITEreceived and for aala by 1j impoverished ciicumatancea. bo poor weie many Read by the Some Hussars had NW 25 13w ‘160 Co. 7. emphatically stated at tha time and in his very encouragingly as to the prospects af the gold Hungarians. ap- Coowoy Anguat WM- B. WAfT high place of them that were reduced to the necessity of within a few of do that they diggers in California, and the peared lengths Vienna. The Aus- NW 2-3 5n 14« 160 he had reference alone to the first (heii and even the likenesses of repudiate altogether five volumes telling clothing, atoriea about trians were collecting an army of 28,000 men NEW ORLEANS! NW 26 5n 160 do lAitcm! liturrrb- Uarea... of extravagant the large amounts of gold hastily ,14w the He also slated which some of Ihem bad with them. The at to awuline th« received from New * Reports that the most of that friends, obtained the labora of individuals. The Freshing, offensive. The Brealao Orleeueand Cincinnati NE 11 tii 16w ISO do E uadamtf ned. ratoraad U> ami red led was so the by proapect having number of assembled grsat, and Z“lhing ol the ISfh, that persons who arrived the article, : 2000 Cot- w do pH tryifcalwm stuff seemed lo have emanated persons of even moderate also says JUST following pound# H‘>pe SW 36 6n 11 160 X in the of Llttlo Rook, rm from the lood so making fortunes, they say, porctiaootfy oily demand lor articles of extensive, thst the in Vienna on that rffirmed that a ton Yarn; 1500 Bar Lead; 15 and half SW 7a llw 160 do esme scattering and diminishes, as the number of immigrants Increases, evening, sangui- pound# Kega i36 apoatfnlly tender a bla aorvleaota Ihooowho run* It* unhirged brain; and that it' most exoibitsnt were demanded lor the com- nary engagement had taken at Grnsswardten. *W New NW C#. puces lor the reason that the field or diminishes place Kegs Unpont's Powder; pounds Feather*; i21 2a I8w 80 Soil no re aaforiaaate at 10 be afflicted wiUi thatdreaidM waa hia madid was 50 operations W‘( and calm, but that mon necessities of life—corn selling at $2 The Hungarians had there ennnentrated a of 10 Boxes No. 1 10 Boxoa Star private opinion in and the rich aie body Soap; Candies; 500 SW ill la ,l4w 80 j do known aa and warranto a ewe* the Col- proportion, apota occupied by N>#" rcau'ge CANCER, •t found Its into those bushel. Col. Collier, newly appointed 80,000 men, including troops from Horse Shoo Iron; 100 Horae Shoo Na 14 la llw 10 do way Report, somewhat at pet increased numbers. Many persons have returned Klamaeinbnig pound* pound# » N» fr,l3 la I5w .57 72 do Ha beeaa eateiMNvu liai of eertifteatea of corn* the Little Rock aud undet the of the unemployed, Bar,” that it waa not i starting for California, guidance tion of lrnrd arrival. 60 to 70 stands of arms 5 Hbla-Rebelled MoUssea, 120 Men's Bro- NW 15 12. Iw 160 Chico* j ous, though unable, to return to the United Mates. Elgin's pr. Kip coonty performed by hie remet.tea, winch Ha will be pleaeed impossible that all the rest of the Hatcher. Hatcher receivea$l«00, three I at San are stated to have been stolen from the gan,; 120 Women* 120 133 \2» ‘2m IdO do lawyer, iu the experienced Board Francisco was $.1 per day; washing, City Hall, pr. Kip Brogans; pr. Boy*' )SE to eakiMt to tboaa who at ay faaf tnterratei! State should have mules, and all necessary supplies, lur his services Teronto, for the of and Alan, Faahiooable 8|ik Br- B. ! MW 34 12s 2w 160 do suffered more or less the SH per dozep; provisions end clothing weie, however, purpooe mischief, this Tory Kip Brogaua. Halo, An toterviow iuav be bad at tba by splen- in to San Francisco— B- 1 by applying the colonel through or rowdies the walla with a Hats. Ac.. Ac., Ao. Fur aula low by id* 2m m 20 do did operation. piloting abundant, and cheap. Some tifly eighty vessels, placarded proclamation swcifia “Arbaanat Saanar’’ offlea, cornar of Eaat Mam Kit Carson to lorm the lor $1500, thus : I, 1849. A. engaged pci trip laden with were in the Bay undis- commencing Sept. /. Hl’TT. Iw Mkiiliow lo lb# dooenbod Uuds. Iho and F.lm J. J. THOMPSON I ieavs of tus and goods, lying lor#«oittf atreeta. up-aUlra. shall now dose this article i but he went to Taos to taka family, to the ••To Yoca Tkst*, O la«*r.L!—Britons of the by making one sin- charged, owing enormous expense attending city umferagaod U «ioo lutitor^d lo veil mony otikor 14. I£4». him to abandon the journey. of Toronto! Britons of the Home Protection Insurance Aug tie reference to the they prevailed upon the Mechanics and laboreis obtain at District! Ahull company v«lusbu» Unds 111 various s«ctious of ih# >ui« concluding of the ; lies neir operation. paragraph The route the colonel intends pursuing, Ibe rank Rebels be to tell us as now high wages. permitted | they ELIAJi N AND LARD. — Id naak> Arkrnraa patriots,*’ aujj that is as follows; “If thst taken down the river Glia. present Al Hartford, Conaettitui. CONWAY, they” (that by Col. Fremont, election lor members to a do) that they will drive thd I onee out of ihe I* The Stale Convention teoody Alioruoy ood Usnerwl Lsod SlOJiH. H.iMS and &H OCX DA Kb; ibhta. the “are of the have determined to aud CAPITAL Agwai, BACON Supreme Court) lo make tha Many emigrants stop were to ba held oa the 4th of the hav. country? Op, to your duty, end let us no more 1400,000. willing July, people LiUlo Koch* Ar*«os»«. LARD, on caaoigumaul, and for auia very law, by propel aad fit 1 w ork the mines in Ine vicinity of Santa Fe, and be- slumber! The Judea bean intendments iu favour of tha Circuit ing aeeeded to the auggestion of General Riley, to political iacoriot, who betroyod rPHF. nuderaigued, having oppotoed Agent ^pt IS, 1849. 1—2—00w—2m May IN. I D. MERKK M R IV * one man had succeeded in hia ourts, ttors Mr.'Mitchell Ml, that effect. The time for the of the sovereign and disgraced lua otfic- ns her Mi X Ivr th>* old and substantial company, la now vd presume until the be shown : he assembling contrary sinking a shaft, and lor hi* first day’s labor ob- j to frame jesty’a Representative, is to arrive iu fa- to take lira risk* on and their that convention, the Stale C<'oatiiufion, trail eipeeted prepared buildings affirmatively, they Urn Circuit tamed Mr. M. that tha route ou the 20th I nab or contents. Persons kuas k. cox WAY* (meauiog $118. says opinion pre- nut been determined upon. It was generally belived thereabouts. Ami snail doing bnsinea* with this com- RBMOVAL. ouru) have aot valent at Santa Fe that these tomes ire rich, wilfully or negligently, and in j is, very that Col. Fremont would be elected Governor, and Elgin, who pardoned Ilia scoundrels whoa# hands pany can confidently roly on nil laaaao being prompt- ITTORAET AT LAW, k GENERAL LAXD AfiEST, u. AD\MS bar removed to Uie New ' end thst have been worked red »'ther case they only superficially that the civil now exercised Gen. wrre with the blood of \Vler, and [.sher. and ly paid WILLIAM B. WAIT, Awt •Urra arai led aa tha BouUt-weaf cat- criminally violated private rights and powers by Biley, ATTEND to ilia col lac He a ol debta is JOHN racently by the Mexicsnt. Mr. tram wet (ba U. S.! ( liartrauj,aud our own Liute II. WJ. o«d near public law, 1st Aubry’a would be then tiirtendered to him. by order of the gallant Moodie—shall Elgin, Rock, Sept. 7—1—4w of I ho uer of Ht'dga Markkamrfrecla, U»eSteam- them at once as to ban n| WILLany part Slate, to nail aay, they aught at about mile* this side who the buying nailing where he la uww a troops Miguel, fifty general It ia hinted, indeed, that Lieut. spurned respectful petitions, aud mocked ta«oa. boat lauoiuf, ope mug targe aad ►»y. that if the record Santa were en- government. lands, paying rodosimnf land* forfeited for shows no at Fe. and the of 100.OOd of the lieurla of take notice. a of process all, they They getting along finely Beale, to this effect. J to hopes loyal Cauada, to wail Mieeteu lock will fine conveya despatches hope tat**, procuring donation, of la BO* to a«*nsl aal presume there was health, Mr. Aubry’t tram was attacked to aud who aud sanctioned the LL ore one, and only that joying be in California in season attend the convention waotonly cUudealjuely 4 persona hereby iratified not to reeei iler* umiar Ilia low* of yield up the pawnee Indiana about 8 at at Arfcanaaa, Ac STAPLE BUY ttfSBS, 6R0CEH1ES, MAU when by o'clock night, and entire bill loading and down ut and our ebildrau Xa. or in *#v iBannor tra,, or take presumption U j. shown tbore I report its proceedings grinding for, Uaaiueas aulruatr* to bint, will bn atten- affirmatively the ol Ash Creek. con- w strictly **• croatiag The Pawnees ill) taiea for twenty years to come, to reward rebels of the described notes, ex RaU, “our, or a assignment following ded to. and Qiteaavart, Cipa, Betta, Sfedcaatt, defective or at — only irregular one.” tinued intervals lor about two Oours, with- and Central aud murderers shall is culed me to firing Bitkop Prttmnn Itilkmp—Bishop Elgin, who, now. from hia by Mary 8. ns the consider all af which wilt be aa!d at 1 do candor out other Anthony, To insure attoutiou, eommunicsUeB* inualbepoat vary radaaii praeva regard Hu. doing any damage than wounding two ol'the church in Arxansas. has residence of hia lion for which said notes were graal pity that Freeman, Episcopal garrisoned Moiiklaiids, satiating given bos who) lorCaaR. All tbaae wtahlttg lo purckaaa woaM da P“» and mules, and several and a statement the assei lion of a Fort malice and lha malice of hia traitorous la-wit: truly patriotic riddling wagons wagon denying Ministry. failed, Note for #450, Ike 1st Kim a a gentlemen, nod they even published by payable day Office on tire enet side of Scott a tree I, near the eor- wait te giro ca-J, he will bay all kmc af rurmlmr, „f Ute cover*. Much greater harmony appears lo prevail Smith paper, that he had preferred charges cramming Uieyaila of Montreal with his most 1849 Elvvan note* for “Little Rock against loyal July, #l(KTeach, payal Mr 01 (Natl a no aUMt*. Coo airy Produce, and tka aaerkat pri- Bar,” should U.v. between the American and Mexican inhabitants of utmus. be to Mnlherry give tugboat ra* Geo. Belknap, at FortGibson, for forbnUii.igseimons permitted bo welcomed a goug of ou the 1st of October, t *° muc^» 90 by respectively day 1849; Little Keck, Ark Jan. 16, 1649. 19- tf 'ee, Aug. 2b, 1849 inUnaeiy too, from th#ir bant* Fa than was and the Mexicans more than an how in General i the old 1 e- 1st OI *■> anticipated, nf length. Belknap's sneaking Radicals,iu good level city of day* January and October. 1830; Iba 1st da pioas and at are tar better satisfied with ibeir the indignation, tha same tints have transfer Irorn the orders restricted the entire service*— not sermon routo? No! No! Forbid u Hnaveu! of Jaouary. July and October. TNLOtia— SOAWu I lb nan Extra l.'Lol'R—*0 bb!e Ohio an Flour April. 1851;» SoperAua* blear, pane? ‘pruned to the •• to much Mcxicaa American than was —in the to one hour. The did not the 1st of and -‘ .Vi bbla. Ullaeia axtra do do good ammunition a mart Republic sup. chapel Bishop day* Janeary April. I«S3 All JP 45 St. 1 nuts ; X upon would be the case. posed himself to the order, and took no twice ot it Ct> The estimated value of in said note* bear data about tb* 28ih |9l aal# W.*. Recoived and for aala Vf .M B W ATT ” 'herr Mum. It is subject property Virginia I January, , Receteed and fof try WM. B. U by >*»!• to me p»r Bo>mta» is dull at Santa Fe. abuitt unusually \.1pprat j is $ol)t» | .iHguvi 22. 1849. V