Area Location Parish Paths Notes

1 Bucks by Amersham AMS 26/7(S) to Fast road. Needs good 3A Pass SU 944 AMS 38/39(N) sight lines and verge cut 984 back from kerb with clear footpath signs. 2 Bucks Amersham by Amersham A413 to AMS Verge needs to be better 3A Pass SU 38/39 maintained for safety. 946981 3 Bucks Amersham by Amersham AMS 21 crossing Fast road. Needs warning 3A Pass SU 955 signs for walkers. 968 4 Bucks to Chesham Chess Valley Dangerous crossing under 3A Latimer road Walk Hollow trees with no verge SU 977 000 Way Lane to Broadwater Bridge 5 Bucks Hyde End, CRT3A to Little Verge to be kept mown 3C B485 SP 926 Lane 013 6 Bucks Chartridge Chartridge Proposed link from Not a verge issue 3C CRT17 to CRT23 7 Bucks Great Chartridge Change CRT 7A Not a verge issue 3C status 8 Bucks Great Great GM 70 crossing Verge between paths is 3C Missenden, Missenden wide and clear. Rignall Road SP 881 020 9 Bucks Hyde End, Great GMI 33 to GMI 24 Busy road and care 3C B485 SP 911 Missenden needed crossing but there 012 is a path along much of the south side of B485 10 Bucks Little Little LMI 6 to LMI 7 Busy road. Needs Parish 3C Kingshill, Missenden commitment to involve land Watchet Lane owners. SU 899 975 11 Bucks Lee Common TLE 24 to TLE 25 Poor line of sight at 3C SP 915 047 bend.Verge could be widened for safety. 12 Bucks Penn Bottom Penn Chiltern Way Care needed crossing. 3C Lane SU 923 between PEN 20, Parish (Miles Green) 939 PEN 25 and PEN believe Penn Estate 11 agreed to take CW route behind hedge. 13 Bucks Penbury Penn PEN 36 to PEN 40 Parish advise permissive 3C Farm SU 921 path back from road on 932 circular route is adequate. 14 Bucks Hedgerley, Hedgerley / Hedgerley Route inspected with David 4B Parish L ane Farnham Circular Walk Mitchell, HPC and SU 959 865 Royal between FAR 3/1 disussed with Hilda and HDG 6/3 Holder,FRPC. Unhappy with BucksCC re P3 decision. 15 Bucks Fulmer Fulmer Beeches Way Possible route on south 4B Common between Black side of road being Road Park Road junction investigated by Richard TQ 005 846 and Downings Marshal, Fulmer drive. Conservation Volunteers 16 Bucks Mill End, Hambleden Hambleden/Med HPC (Sharon Henson) 6B A4155 SU menham Circular recognise this issue-some 786 850 Walk between work has been done. HAM 32 and HAM 59 17 Bucks Hambleden Hambleden Shakespear's HPC has had some 6B SU 781 870 Way between discussion with WDC RoW HAM 35 and HAM about this section. 38 18 Bucks Lane End, Lane End LE 22 to GMA 51 Busy road with poor 6B B482, SU visibility. Improvement may 819 908 now be in the Lane End Village Plan 19 Bucks Lane End, Lane End Footpath along LEPC in discussion with 6B B482 road between BucksCC Highways SU794 924 Cadmore End and Bolter End wanted 20 Bucks Waterend Stokenchurc STC 74 to RDN 18 Verge needs to be better 7A SU780961 h maintained for safety. 21 Bucks Chinnor, Red Bledlow- CH41, BCS 52 to Not investigated. 7A Lane SU 764 cum - CH 32 997 Saunderton