151 Re. strike by and [ RAJYA SABHA ] handcuffng of Medicos 152. of Medical College [Shri Shyam Lai Yadav] yesterday. But the matter came up' in the up during the week commencing other House. Monday, the 7th August, 1978: — Sir, "The Times of India" carries some photographs and there is one photograph on Business Time the front page. It says that a striking medico of Allotted the Rohtak Medical College was admitted to the hospital after being taken in chains and the chains are attached to his bed. This is what one 1. Further consideration 3 hours in addi-and passing of the tion to the Press Council of the Leading newspapers of our country Bill. 1977, time already as reported by thejoint says: A medico, who has been arrested, who is taken. Committee. in hospital, is lying in bed but in chains. Then, on page 5 of the same issue there are some 2. Consideration of a motion 1 hour, for concurring in the recommendation of the more reports. One of the reports says: three for reference of medicos in handcuffs, after being arrested,, for the Scheduled castes and participation in the current agitation. Their Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment J Bill 1978 to a picture or photograph is also given and the Joint Committee. photographs normally do not lie, as you know. These are the reports in yesterday's newspaper. 3. Discussion on the work- 1 day-—on Tues- Today also reports have appeared in the Press ing of the Ministry of day, the 8th and there is legitimately and rightly great External Affairs. August. 1978. commotion and indignation not only in Rohtak 4. Discussion on the 1 day— on but also in Delhi among the medical students motion by Shri N.K.P. Thursday, the and teachers. But, what is said here is simply Salve regarding ap- iotli August, shocking. These people were arrested for a pointment of a Com- 1978. strike or in connection with a strike. Then, Sir, missions of Enquiry. I am told that before they were presented to a Magistrate, they were kept for about 48 hours SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal): or s° huddled together in a small room. But Sir, one day will not do for the motion of Shri that is only one part of it. The shocking part is Salve. You have given only one day. Kindly that all of them were handcuffed including a be practical. Do you think you can finish it in patient or an injured person, whatever it may one day? It is all right, you have announced be, and when he was lying in hospital he was one day, keep it, but the discussion will, -go put in chains. beyond one day. Now, Sir, I do not know how to condemn it. ■ First of all, we express our profound REFERENCE TO THE STRIKE BY, indignation and our condemnation at these things that have happened. It is a matter of AND HANDCUFFING OF MEDICOS shame that not far away from Delhi, the

OF THE ROHTAK MEDICAL students, the medical men, should have been COLLEGE arrested in this manner and put in chains or handcuffed. Only the other day, here in Delhi itself, lawyers were handcuffed. Before that SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal): Sir, I want to speak about the medicos of the we found in the court Mr. Fer-nandes who Rohtak Medical College,, about which a was an accused in the report has appeared in the "the Times of India" yesterday. Yesterday I got up to speak but then I had to walk out. So, none of us could raise the matter 153 Re. strike by and [4 AUG. 1978 ] handcuffing of Medicos 154 of Rohtak Medical

■dynamite case was also handcuffed been brought to such a position. I am not alongwith others. I do not wish to say very saying that they have become so overnight. It much on this subject; others will speak, but has happened over a long period of time. You these pictures are shocking. One would have remember, Sir, Mr. Mulla, Justice of expected the Central Government itself to Allahabad High Court, a Member of this come and make a statement because this is n°t House, despised the role of the police in his just a local law and order incident or a matter judgment which he recited in this House. The ne concerning t State. These photographs will police is the most organised gang of hooligans be published abroad as they have beeen in 0ur country and everyday this has been published here. This concerns our civil life going on. How hoolingan they are? And one and our civilisation. Have we in a must not be civilised to have behaved in this civilised Government? That is my first manner. question that I would like to ask. Is that Government in Haryana a civilised Govern- Sir, who is responsible for it? If it is the policeman who is responsible for it, punish ment or a barbarous Government? That is the first question and, Mr. Minister, you must him. Punish all those who indulge in such answer. The question is: Do you think it is a things. Sir, first of all, I should like to know civilised Government? And additionally I whether any Minister will own up his responsibility—Parliamentary or should put it: Do you think thi Government is s Constitutional responsibility—for the kind of not a barbarous Government, the Government things that happen. It is a fit case for tendering headed by Mr. Devi Lai? Sir, the police is resignation because such a thing has behaving knowing full well that this is all in happened. I would like to know whether Mr. order, knowing full well that the present rulers Devi Lai is prepared, or whoever is in charge would not mind such things; in fact, they of the Home or the Police Ministry, to resign. would like such things, knowing full well that Secondly, I should like to know what steps these are permissible. Sir, even under the have been taken against the Inspector General British rule, when such a thing happened, of Police, the D.I.G., the Superintendent, the some of the British officials felt ashamed— Deputy Superintendent, the Inspector and the some, not all. But, here, nobody seems to be Sub-inspector in the chain of command in that ashamed. I am surprised that no Minister in area. Tell us about that. Up till now there is Haryana has come to tender a public apology nothing in the paper. All of them who are and seek the forgiveness of the nation for what responsible for it, should be summarily happened. Even that has not been done. Sir, in suspended. All of them without exception, other countries, if such a thing happens, the deserve to be suspended starightway. Only Ministers do not last ten minutes. But that has then, such things will stop. You should tell the become a kind of a permanent feature in our other police officers not to behave in this country. They can commit anything. There manner. But nothing has been done. Nothing may be allegations of rape against them and has been done up till now. they continue in office; there may be Sir, now, these are the things that are allegations of other nature for the things done happening. I know some minor police officials by them and they continue in office; there may may be dismissed oi transferred. But this be some charges of corruption and they con- should not be so. It seems to be the policy of tinue in office, they may molest women in the Haryana Government or any Government their offices and they continue in office. This for that matter. Is this the way you are is what is happening in ihis country today. dismantling the Emergency? Even during the Morals have Emergency,, we did 155 Re- strike by and [ RAJYA SABHA ] handcuffng of Medicos 156 of Rohtak Medical College LShri Bhupesh Gupta] raise in this country, at this kind of behaviour. Throne should be shaken. Power should be not havq many such things. Now, we find shaken. People should come out in hundreds that without the Emergency, we have this of thousands to protest against such things. kind of thing happening in the country. But up till now, nothing has happened on the Nobody is bothered about it. Sir, my com- official side. We have raised this matter in this plaint is not merely against the, Haryana House and invthe other House. I would like to Government. I hope the Assembly will look know: What action the Government is going into it. But it does not seem to be happening. to take in thi matter? We have to raise our voice against this s because it defames the nation. I|t harms our reputation abroad. It casts aspersions on our Sir,, finally, before I sit down, I wou.'d civilisation and On our civil way of existence. demand that there should be a meeting of the opposition leaders and the Government at the Therefore, Sir, it should be treated as a major national level and we should decide as to how offence on the part of the Government and the the police should behave. Make it known to authorities concerned and the Central the country and make it also known that Government should not only make a statement, anyone who violates this decision shall be but they should also tell us as to what they are given deterrent and exemplary punishment. going to do about it, within their competence, Make it also known that if , under any Minister or Ministry, such things happen, within their constitutional and legal police behave in this manner that Minister and competence. The same party i ruling there s that Ministry would, be held responsible. Only in Haryana. is here. Janata Party then, parliamentary democracy cen have some is there. What is the High Command of the relevance and meaning. Therefore I condemn, party doing? Are they only doing thi peace- s I strongly condemn, such action. It is a matter making job between Mr. Charan Singh and of shame. Such barbarians should not be kept Mr. Morarji Desai? Is that their sole job? in the police force. They should be removed. is it the only job of the party in power? Is it And those who nourish, sustain and maintain their only job to send the peacemakers around, such barbarians in the police force have also run them and operate them, to have the two no moral right to be in power, and, sooner bulls stop their fight and get them yoked these people quit power, the better will it be together again so that he can again become for our civilisation. I am not talking about Cabinet Minister? Is it all? Should not the democracy and all that. We are a civilised and leaders of the ruling party here and in democratic country. The whole world will see Haryana be seriously concerned about this how we treat our students, our medical men. thing and take some steps? I do not see Even :n a war, the war prisoners are not anything being done by the leadership of the treated like 'that. It would be considered a party in power here and in Haryana. The same crime against the law of war if you treat the party is ruling at both the (places. war prisioners like that. But here, this has become the order of the day. It is a matter of Now. Sir, I do not wish to say anything shame. The Home Minister is sitting here. I do over what happened. I fully sympathise with not know what your blessed file contains, but the students, the medicos and others, who are kindly tell us.. . demonstrating. I am surprised, I am rather surprised, may be pleasently, that they are showing the cult of patience over this thing. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN A storm should THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS 157 Re- strifce by and t4 AUG- 1978 ] handcuffing of Medicos 158 of Rohtak Medical Colleae (SHRI DHANIK LAL MANDAL): A pond. Because of the special mention they judicial inquiry has been ordered into it by the may not reply on technical ground. Haryana Government.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: Inquiry has been ordered, but what inquiry, by whom? Departmental inquiry, police inquiry, the policemen will do the thing and they will inquire into it and you tell ......

SHRI DHANIK LAL MANDAL: I say, judicial inquiry.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: Inquiry has been ordered. What inquiry? Judicial inquiry, but tell us about the punishment. Inquiry into everything? All right, but what about the punish ment? Has any Minister apologised? Will any Minister resign? Has the DIG been removed, the S. P. removed, the Inspector or the Sub-Inspector removed and punished for it—an in terim punishment pending further final action? This is what we would like to know. 1 think the matter is too grave, too serious to be passed over as if it is a State subject. This should be a matter of concern here, it should be a cause of action in terms of the Constitution by this Parliament and the Government here. All of us should put our heads to- gether to find ways and means of ending this kind of barbarous behaviour on the part of the police. Sir, they beat up our women in the lock up, rape our women in the lock up, moles our women in the lock up. Such reports have come in. They go on shooting at our people. They do this kind of thing to the peaceful de- monstrators belonging to the medical profession. What would shame you unless this shames you?

SHRI ANANT PRASAD SHARMA (): Sir, at the outset I would like to thank the Chairman because this motion was given yesterday and due to certain reasons this did not come up yesterday and we have been allowed to have the special mention today. Sir, I know that on technical ground the Government may not res-

159 Re- strike by, and [ RAJYA SABHA ] handcuffing of Medicos 160 of Rohtak Medical —— College

48 satyagrahis were handcuffed and taken to a small place, Mehm, 32 kilo metres from Rohtak and packed in a police havalat measuring approximately 11' x 7' in size.

161 Re. strike by, and [ 4 AUG. 1978 ] handcuffing of Medicos 162 0/ Rohtak Medical College j norms and some standards of be-j haviour it is not possible to run j democracy. I entirely agree with my senior respected colleague, Mr. Bhupesh Gupta, that the question is not of some ordinary standards. The question is whether this country is a civilised country or not. Are we going to behave in this manner? Are we going to let people get away with this kind of behaviour? I DR. V. P. DUTT (Nominated): Sir, I also say that whatever you might talk about human | speak with the deepest sense of anguish and rights in international forums and whatever you shame. I do not know ■whether the treasury benches are ashamed or not, but I feel might say about the dignity of the individual ashamed. When I saw those pictures in the when foreign dignitaries visit us, about our newspapers and when I read the accounts, sharing of ideas of the dignity of the human well, I felt ashamed. I do iot know whether individual and about human rights, let us first the sensibilities of the treasury benches have practise human rights. But here there is such been blunted so much by power that they do gross flagrant violation of these human rights and not feel a sense of shame. Otherwise I would dignity of the individual that one cannot think of have expected Mr. Dhanik Lai Mandal to get any worse flagrations. Therefore, this is up and apologise to the House and to the irrespective of the merit of the demands of the country for what has happened. But he is medical students. That is another matter. resting himself content with the fact that a Whatever they may be demanding and whether judicial inquiry has been ordered. You talk so you agree with that or not is quite another matter. much about human rights. I think you have Personally I have gone into these demands and I forfeited all your right to talk about human think there is lot of substance in what they are rights unless you unequivocally apologise to saying. May be some Government can accede to the people of this country for what has some demands while some other Government happened. After all you are treating the can accede to some other l demands or cannot medical students of this country like Sunder accede to some of I the demands, that is not the daJcoo. Are they dacoits that you were having question. The question is how we are going to them chained, or that you were afraid that treat people who do not agree with us, people they would run away? In Haryana they say: who dissent, people who have different views, "Bansi Lai or Devi Lai, it is all the same." The people who peacefully demonstrate, people who norms, the methods employed are just the put forward their ideas. And, as I said we cannot same; there is no difference. And before you treat these people like criminals. go into moral rights and before you go into your moral-posturing about emergency You made so much noise about Sundar Daku. excesses, I would suggest, let Mr. Rajnarain But here look what is happening. They are being go to Haryana and ask Mr. Devi Lai to step treated worse than Sunder Daku and criminals. down. In fact, Shri Devi Lai should accept his Therefore, I would request the hon'ble Minister moral responsibility for whatever happened. of State, Shri Dhanik Lai Mandal, that he should He has forfeited his right to continue as Chief get up and on behalf of all of us and on ' behalf Minister. I do not know whether he personally of the Government apologise ordered these things or not is not the question. He is the Chief Minister and he has to own the moral responsibility over what happened because in this country unless we set up some 893 RS—6

^i Re strike by, and L RAJYA SABHA ] handcuffing of MediCM 164 XOi ' of Rohtak Medical ;i„. L - College sions were accepted by the students as well as [Dr. V. P. Dutt] t the medical students that 0 by the Ministers concerned; Complete such a thing should have happened and assure autonomy of the Medical College directly the House that in an independent, civilised under the Chancellor, the M.D. University, India such a thing would not be allowed in totally outside the control of the Vice-Chancel- future. This is the minimum we can accept lor and the University bodies; No from him as one of the leaders of the victimisation of any one, connected with the Government, one of the leaders of this strike; and, a judicial inquiry into the violent country. incidents in the Medical College from April 12 to June 2, 1978. And may I ask DR. M. M. .S. SIDDHU (Uttar Pia-desh): It the hon. Minister whether the judicial is with deep anguish that I rise and I associate inquiry is to cover the period between April 12 mysejf with the sentiments expressed by other and June 2, 1978 because the students have three honourable Members. It is not only that told me that the only positive action of a megalomaniac, sadist running amuck, but taken by the Government has been the it looks as if right from the Vice-Chancellor announcement of a judicial inquiry, that too- of the Haryana University downwards in the not because it was an undertaking with the administration, each one of them is for a medicos but because party representativeswho pound of flesh. And what for? became involved in that conflict in a big way wanted it? This is what they say. The day The students go on a strike on the 13th April. And what are they demanding? They of the incident to which my hon. friends, Shri Bhupesh Gupta, Dr. Dutt and Shri have been beaten by outside students who Sharma referred is quite different. That is" were not students of the Medical College. the 24th of July, 1978. If they have accepted They were brought in by the Vice-Chancellor. up to June 2, then this case will no* be That is their complaint. Then they lodge an covered by it. I would like the hon. F.I.R- And what is the F.I.R. report? Five of these students get grievous injuries. Three, Minister to clarify it. including one girl, gets fracture of ribs. Seven of them get head injury. And it is a matter of Then what happens? These are not just iwo shame that those persons who were named in cases. A hospital should never be turned into the F.I.R. were given shelter by the Vice- a prison-house. What is the condition? One of Chancellor and they have not been the undertrial doctors had acute appendicitis apprehended even today. Not only that. Then and he kept chained in bed. Another one had the students go on hunger strike; then a total acute inflammation of the gall-bladder and he bundh is observed in Rohtak; members of the too was chained in the hospital. Even an Bar, members of the public, even approach the ordinary man knows, every hon. Member Government and make an appeal. After that knows, that one is given morphia or pethidin the Government was pleased to appoint a so that the pain is alleviated but instead of Cabinet Sub-Committee. That ' Sub- alleviating the pain-they put them in chains. T Committee meets those striking students and do not know which doctor can treat a Patient they come to an understanding; that Cabinet under those conditions, even insane persons, Sub-Committee consisted of three Cabinet even megala-patients are not treated like this; Ministers. Then they •oncede these demands, even insane ersons. even megola-maniacs are or, the deci- not treated like this. They are treated as human' being*

Tfi< Re. strike by, and [ 4 AUG. 1978 ] handcuffing of Medicos 166 105 0/ KoWak Medical College But here i« this hospital, the very institution to Chancellor should go and resign if he has any whioh these boy3 belong, to which these sense of shame. I also demand that a judicial doctors belong, they have turned that place enquiry will not do. In this affair what is into a detestable one which, I do not think, any needed is that the whole structure of the doctor, when he will go to the ward, will not administration has to undergo a change. They be reminded of it. They have dehumanised the have to behave in a civilized way. whole medical profession_.and I do not know The Janata Party had in its manifesto and whether anyone who treats a patient under always proclaimed that tha people will have those conditions is worthy enough to call the right to satya-graha through peaceful himself a doctor. It would be far better for means. May I know from the Home Minister those persons to resign than, to treat patients from the authorities of Haryana whether from under such conditions. But such things have the 13th of April, 1978 to this date has-any occurred. Not only that. One of the undertrials medical student created any violence? Not goes to the court and a fellow student offers one incidence has been brought to our notice him a cup of tea. The student who gave the tea so far. From April till now they have been receives a blow from a police constable—his going on agitation. Either they had a hunger- belt number is 201— through the butt of a strike or they had courted arrest. gun. Can anyone not give an undertrial a cup Not only that, the Vice-Chancellor of the of tea? And should he receive a blow from the university think that he can remove the butt of a gun as nobody going to inquire into teachers from the university medical college it? It is not a solitary case there. It is a matter and appoint his men. But I can say as an Exe- of shame that the students who were breaking cutive Member of the Medical Council that the prohibitory order, had to be taken 30 km. the Medical Council will not tolerate away and put in a small havalat. Can Rohtak appointment of such persons who do not have where great personalities were sent, cannot the requisite qualifications for the posts of accommodate in the havalats the.se students? teachers, and if such things will occur we, as They had to be driven 30 km. away and they the Members, will try and persuade the had to stand. According to the students Government to remove such teachers and also version, they had to stand for 30 hours with- to derecognise the degrees of such medical out water, without food, without clothing and colleges because such actions cannot be without sleep. Can there be any worse allowed to go on in the name of medical treatment t0 them than this? Is it the way to education. teach the students discipline? Is it not a Police Sir, lastly, all that I need to say is that State? Is it that the Vice-Chancellors who are words fail to carry the sense of anguish that I not academicians and are appointed, for have. And I want to warn the Government political reasons run amuck and for castes and also that this will not remain an isolated case through political reasons, and this and that, let at Rohtak; this will not remain an isolated loose their on the students? It is a matter of example of a protest procession in Delhi. It shame to all of us that such Vice-Chancellors will spread throughout the nook and corner of should exist in India. I demand and I say, India, and the medical profession will take up when I say this, on behalf of *he medical their cause. I do not want to give any profession as a whole that such Vice- challenge to anybody. I want to request this Government again, accept 167 Re. steps recommended [ RAJYA SABHA ] to stop atrocities 168 '

[Dr. M. M. S. Siddhu] the decision of the SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA; Sir, this has sub-committee, kindly, for God's sake, been taken not as a party issue or as an issue implement it in toto in good faith release all between the two sides. We would like t0 hear the doctors, reinstate all of them and the other withdraw all the cases. And, above all, in all Members. humility all that you can do is not only t0 apologise but also to assure this House that SHRI RAMESHWAR SINGH; My name such actions on any individual or any citizen is there. will not take place in the future because our doctors have suffered, we have also suffered THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI SHYAM and in this House I think each Member has LAL YADAV); Not on this. Your name is suffered this anguish but we do not want to be there on the Resolution. Now, Private a witness to another happening in the near Member's Resolution. Mr. Kalraj Mishra. Not future, or any time to come. And I hope the here. Mr. Mahadeo Prasad Varma. Government will respond to my request and remove the Vice-Chancellor from that university. RESOLUTION RE. STEPS RECOM MENDED TO GOVERNMENT TO STOP THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI SHYAM ATROCITIES ON HARI-JANS AND LAL YADAV); Now, Resolution regarding . OTHER RURAL POOR AND TO . . RESTORE FULL CIVIL LIBERTIES TO DR. V. P. DUTT; Sir, the hon. Minister is PEOPLE—Contd. here. I think he can get up and express the sense of this House: he can convey it to the medical students through this House. When he is present here, h«. must get up and say something. It is not enough just to hear the Members. SHRI DHANIK LAL MANDAL: No, Sir, I have said . . .

DR. V. P. DUTT: Demands have been made that, first of all, they should apologise . . . "expresses its deep concern at the fact THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI SHYAM that the country has been brought to the LAL YADAV); He has heard all the verge of an economic and political chaos demands. within the last fifteen months marked by the aggravation of the problems of un- DR. V. P. DUTT; ... that the Vice- employment, poverty and misery of the Chancellor should resign and that the Chief people due to the reactionary and anti- Minister should be asked to go. He should people policies of the present Government say something on that. ..." THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): Let him say if he wants to say. SHRI DHANIK LAL MANDAL: I have already said that even though law and order is a State subject . . .