The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust



Stephen Sanderson Cheryl Rosenblatt Douglas Errington John Field Carla Thomas Ian Boycott-Samuels Angela Cross Helen Mayles Barbara Boulton Pauline Pilkington Burhan Zavery

Chair - Wendy Williams

In Attendance: Andrew Cannell - Chief Executive Helen Porter - Director of Nursing & Quality Gil Black - Non Executive Director Andrea Leather - Corporate Governance Manager Margaret Moore - Secretary (Minutes) Christine Done - Capital Appeals Manager

Apologies: Yvonne Tsao Sonia Holdsworth Mary Doddridge Andrew Bibby Ray Murphy Andrea Chambers Jeanette Appleton Jane Wilkinson Luke Millward-Browning Andrew Pettitt Shaun Jackson Michael Sullivan Mike Roberts

008/16 Apologies Wendy Williams advised the Governors that owing to the number of apologies the meeting was not quorate.

The meeting could proceed as there were no matters on the agenda that required approval by the Council.

The Council noted the apologies as shown above.

009/16 Minutes of Meeting The minutes of the Council of Governors meeting held on the 8th February 2016 were agreed as a true and accurate record.

010/16 Matters Arising The matters arising detailed on the action sheet were confirmed as complete as shown below:


Actions from meeting 8th February 2016:

• 058/15 - Clatterbridge Culture Programme – a presentation is to be given at the next Governor Discussion meeting in March 2016 This item was transferred to the Patient Experience Committee held on 15th March 2016.

• 049/15 - Chairs of Patient Experience Committee & Strategy Committee to monitor and report back to the AMM September 2016 on the themes raised at the 2015 AMM See agenda item 015/16.

Items for Discussion

011/16 Report from Senior Governor Following the report which had previously been circulated to the Governors, Stephen Sanderson (SS) advised the Council that the Governor Discussion meeting which had been scheduled for 16th March had been cancelled. The next Discussion Group meeting is scheduled for 7th September, to which he asked for topics that the Governors would like to be covered for the September meeting, the following topics were suggested: • Future of Cancer • Clatterbridge Culture Programme • Impact of changes to the Cancer Drugs Fund • CQC Inspection – sharing good practice, role of inspectors (BZ) Governors were also asked to forward topics for future discussion meetings to SS. Stephen remarked that the Council, having approved the ‘Significant Transaction’ at the last meeting, would now have a number of issues to re-focus on. SS has regular meetings with Wendy Williams and said that if there were any questions he would be happy to raise them at their meetings.

012/16 Chief Executive & Performance Report Chief Executive issued a paper outlining the Trust’s current performance. Andrew Cannell (AC) presented the report to the Council and highlighted the following issues:

• Quarter 3 2015/16 Feedback from Monitor – Continuity of Service rating 4: Governance Green • Risks identified by the Regulator – No specific risks identified • Operating Standards – all targets achieved. Helen Porter commented regarding the C-diff position, the target is 1 and the position year to date is 2, both cases have been investigated (route cause analysis completed) and as no lapse in care has been identified neither cases are attributable to the Trust. • Finance and Activity to January 2016 – surplus at the end of January £5987k (£520k above plan). Costs £222k below planned budget. Savings £155k below plan. Strong liquidity 2

£75.9m cash available. Overall activity: chemotherapy -11.0% below plan, radiotherapy -0.3% below plan, admitted patient care -9.5% and out patients -8.9%. Block contract in place for 2015/16 which includes enhanced percentage growth for TCC • CQC Inspection – On 19th January CCC received notification that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be inspecting the Trust between 7th – 10thJune 2016. A project plan is being developed to ensure that the Trust is adequately prepared. AC asked the Council to note the dates and the CQC requirements. He also advised that Governors may be expected to be available for interview by the CQC inspection team. Helen Porter (HP) also said that they may contact our members if email addresses have been provided. HP also highlighted the Well Led Governance Review which had recently been undertaken by Deloitte LLP. It was confirmed that the report will be shared with both Monitor and CQC. Helen Mayles asked if the Governors would be able to view the report? Andrew confirmed that the report AL would be circulated to Governors.

• Transforming Cancer Care (TCC) – AC explained how redefining the TCC programme would reflect broader scope of our ambitions alongside the new build:

 established to Transformation Programme Board oversee progress

 established to Programme Management Office provide resource and expertise to support a number

of new workstreams in the 4 main strands of the


 Includes integration of blood ‘Care for the Future’: cancer services and delivery of new Clatterbridge

Cancer Care system

 : Includes new hospital and ‘Building for the Future’ investment into Wirral and Aintree sites

 : Our IM&T ‘Connecting for the Future’ infrastructure to work in a new way

 : New roles to support ‘Workforce for the Future’ new care system, culture and OD

A question was raised concerning the visual images of the new hospital as they did not show the additional three floors. It was suggested that the Oculus Virtual Reality glasses be made MM available for the next Council meeting.

• Transforming Cancer Care Project (Building for the Future) – AC continued by explaining the timeline for the project:  Planning application currently under consideration – consultation period closes on 21st March  FBC due to be considered by Trust Board in March 2016  Monitor review of FBC April – June 2016  Final FBC approval by Trust Board in March following


agreement of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)  Construction contract and construction mobilisation – August 2016  Construction commencement - September 2016 • Site names (May 2016 onwards) The new naming convention is:  The Trust name will remain The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

The three Clatterbridge Cancer Centre sites will be:  Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Aintree  Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Wirral  Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Our clinics and services in other hospitals will be described as ‘Clatterbridge Cancer Centre at….’ the Countess of , Halton, Southport etc

013/16 Operating Plan 2016/17 Helen Porter (HP) presented the draft Operational Plan for 2016/17 and informed the Governors that it would ultimately be submitted to Monitor subject to consideration of the views of the Council. Helen explained the various sections of the plan in detail and explained that some minor changes would need to be made but following full Board approval at its meeting in March she would forward a copy HP of the final document to all Governors.

A discussion took place during which the following query was raised: John Field commented that our key principles of the new clinical model are very good he queried why the statement read ‘Clinical care will be delivered by consultant-led teams rather than by single practitioners’. Andrew Cannell advised that we would operate from the ‘centre’ and hubs’ to achieve optimal cross-cover, peer support and accessibility. There would be enhanced focus on MDT review and patient management. Doug Errington commented that the current model is intensive and cover for clinics is difficult as Consultants can cover each other but different tumour groups require different skills. Helen Porter said that she will feedback to the author of that section for their observations.

The Council confirmed support for the draft Operational Plan which following consideration by the Board will be submitted to Monitor.

014/16 Council of Governors Training / Development Andrea Leather (AL) explained to the Council the Governors the Development / training programme which has been created following completion of the Governor Skills and Experience Audit / Training Needs analysis.

In addition to the proposed options outlined in the report Governors will continue to have the opportunity to attend external events such AL as the North West Governors Forum. AL advised of two events during April as detailed in the report, it was agreed to circulate the 4

information via email and Governors were requested to advise her if they wish to attend.

She advised that North West Company Secretaries are continuing to work with NHS Providers regarding the ‘GovernWell’ programme as attendance at the events are declining mainly due to the majority of sessions being held outside of the North West and the cost per head for training at a time when the majority of Trusts are in financial deficit. Governors will be advised of progress at its next meeting or via email.

A discussion followed regarding the Internal training programme and Governors were asked if they had any additional development needs? The following suggestions were made: policies or complaints background that drives the procedure may be helpful. Awayday sessions are beneficial but for the Governors who work, the time may be a problem. Andrea Leather suggested that AM or PM sessions may suit as an alternative to a full day session. Ian Boycott-Samuels commented that Enhanced Training for Governor sessions had been agreed with the Education Committee. Wendy Williams said that we can address committee requirements and if necessary bring the item to another meeting. WW reflected back to our last meeting, there was a huge decision to be made and she asked if Governors felt they had enough information/knowledge to make the decision? John field said that ‘one wonders about risk & finance’, he could not have passed comment because he did not understand it. Helen Mayles said that the staff Governors are at an advantage because they have insight but generally Governors get presented with a ‘fait accompli’ and it would be interesting to hear what the risks were together with the finance discussions that had taken place. Ian Boycott-Samuels said that he feels the information given to us is very comprehensive and we are encouraged to ask questions. The openness is part of the culture at CCC. Burhan Zavery suggested a joint meeting with the Royal’s Governors however, Andrea Leather pointed out that they are not a Foundation Trust and their Council is not established however Andrew Cannell said that we could extend the offer to them.

015/16 Themes raised at the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) Wendy Williams asked for an update from the relevant Committees:

Patient Experience Committee:  Maintaining and enhancing the Trust’s positive Culture and Ethos – Angela Cross explained that a presentation had been given at the last Patient Experience Committee by Heather Bebbington and asked Governors if the presentation would be helpful to all Governors, it was agreed to include it at a future Governor Discussion meeting.


 Continuing to improve the Quality of Care - Angela Cross advised that the Committee have been working with Sue Relph (Patient Experience Manager) and it had been decided to look at PALS trends, not formal complaints.

Strategy Committee:  Change Journey – Stephen Sanderson advised that he is liaising with Andrea Leather and will have further discussions with the Committee.

Notes from Committees 016/16 Committee Membership

This item was deferred until the next meeting. AL

017/16 Strategy Committee (8.2.16 & 7.3.16 – cancelled) The notes of the meeting held on 8th February were presented to the Council by Stephen Sanderson and the contents were noted.

018/16 Patient Experience Committee (15.3.16) Angela Cross presented the notes from the last meeting and took the opportunity to advise Governors of the Constituency Meeting being held on 21st April between 17.00 and 19.00 at Tesco All Govs Moss. This event has been organised by Jeanette Appleton who has asked for all Governors to attend if possible.

The contents of the notes from 15.03.16 were duly noted.

019/16 Membership & Communication Committee (17.3.16 – cancelled) The meeting on 17th March was cancelled.

Items for Information 020/16 Quality i. Patient Story

Helen Porter (HP) showed a DVD concerning a patient. A general discussion took place following the DVD.

021/16 Charity Appeal Update Chris Done provided the Council with an update in respect of the work the fundraising team had recently undertaken and reported the following:

 Currently the Charity has raised £1.9m  Wear-a-wig day – this did not raise a lot of money but was successful in respect of social media coverage and engaging businesses  Quite a few local restaurants are now supporting us with a £1 on the bill.  Two examples are Mowgli in Liverpool and Edgar House in


Chester (recently voted the best boutique hotel in the world on Trip Advisor)  The initiative is raising around £1000 a month

Future events:

 Annual Walk – Sunday 17th April at Crosby Coastal Park. This year the theme is Wig Walk  Night Rider – 16/17th July  Rock n Roll Marathon 29th May

Chris also advised that new leaflet are in the process of being created, these will display a new strapline “LETS” e.g. LETS walk, LETS Transform Cancer Care etc.

022/16 Audit Committee Update Gil Black provided the Council with a report in respect of the Audit Committee which had taken place on 26th January 2016 as follows:

• There are two further loss to report since the Audit Committee on 27.10.15 making a total loss to date of £47082: Temperature breach in Pharmacy due potentially to pulled plug £3000 o Ongoing payment in relation to injury payment to ex- employee £1252

• Agreed a delay until the next February/March Board for the approval of the appointment of Internal Audit and Counter Fraud, to be ratified at the next Audit Committee in April to avoid further delays. • Approved the External Audit Plans and Fees, noting that there are new requirements for VFM. • Reviewed and agreed an amended Terms of Reference to take into account the new Committee structures. This is a temporary stopgap. • Received 4 Internal Audit Report. • This showed the following reviews had been completed and are summarised as below:

o SLA/Contract Management – Limited Assurance o Core Financial Systems – Significant Assurance o Private Joint Venture – Significant Assurance o IT Asset management – Advisory Review

• Received the Financial statements and noted the findings of the External Auditor of the Clatterbridge Clinic, the joint venture between the Trust and the Mater Private. • Reviewed a requested Cyber Security and IT incident review from the Head of IT.

Governors were asked to note the report of the Audit Chair.


023/16 Governors Elections 2016 • 2016 Governor Elections – Andrea Leather explained that Governors elections are being organised to cover both existing vacancies and Governors whose terms of office are due to expire in September 2016 in the following constituencies:

Public Constituencies: Cheshire West and Chester – (1 vacancy) Liverpool – (1 vacancy) Sefton – (1 vacancy) St Helens & Knowsley – (1 vacancy) Warrington & Halton – (2 vacancies) Wirral & Rest of – (2 vacancies)

Staff Constituencies: Doctor – (1 vacancy) Non Clinical – (1 vacancy) Other Clinical – (1 vacancy)

The Council noted the information.

She Asked that any existing Governors who’s term of office is due to end and are eligible to stand again to notify her if they would not be restanding.

024/16 Any Other Business


007/16 Date of next Meeting

Date: Monday 4th July 2016

Time: 17:30

Location: Research & Innovation Centre – Room 2 & 3

Wendy Williams DATE CHAIR


Item No. Date of Item Action(s) Action Date to Date Meeting by complete by completed

012/16 21.03.16 Chief Executive & Oculus Virtual Reality glasses to be available MM 04.07.16 Performance Report for the meeting on 4th July.

013/16 21.03.16 Operating Plan Following full Board approval at the April HP a.s.a.p. 2016/17 Board, copies of the final document to be emailed to all Governors.

014/16 21.03.16 Council of Governors Andrea Leather will email Governors details of AL a.s.a.p. Training/Development two events during April 2016.

Governors to advise Andrea Leather if they All Govs a.s.a.p. attend external or internal events.

016/16 21.03.16 Committee Mike Sullivan/Andrew Bibby – Committee AL 04.07.16 Membership membership to be decided

018/16 21.03.16 Patient Experience All Governors invited to attend the Committee Constituency event being held at Tesco All Govs 21.04.16 Bidston Moss on 21st April 2016.

023/16 21.03.16 Governors Election Governors to advise Andrea Leather if their 2016 term of office is due to end and are eligible to All Govs a.s.a.p. stand again but would not be restanding.