Love Apple Farms 2013 Variety List

Name/Variety Color Shape/Size DTM Description ("C" means good coastal type) Amazon Chocolate Chocolate Round, medium 80 Tasty, luscious chocolate-reddish beefsteaks. Ananas Noir Dark purple Round, large 80 Sweet smokey flavor, high acid, green shoulders. Arkansas Traveler Pink Round, medium 80 Beautiful, prolific heirloom, sweet. Bicolor Beefsteak, large 82 Very juicy, low acid and sweet. Disease resistance. Black Cherry Purple Round cherry 70 My favorite black cherry. Delightful. “C” Black Ethiopian Dark red Plum Medium 81 Vigorous producer, rich fruity tangy taste. "C" Black from Tula Purple Round, med/lrg 80 Wonderful flavor. Popular. Purple Round, medium 75 Great flavor, great color. Black Plum Purple Plum cherry 65 Unusual. Customer favorite. “C” Black Prince Purple Round, medium 75 Great smoky flavor. Lots of fruit. “C” Bloody Butcher Red Round, small 55 Very popular, early producing, potato leaf. "C" Boar's Hoof Purple/Pink Ribbed pear, small 70 High yield, very good flavor, interesting color. "C" Brad's Black Heart Black Oxheart 80 Rare variety, chocolate black, blunt hearts. Brandysweet Plum Pink Oval, big cherry 65 Very good flavor, and prolific, too. “C” GRAFTED Red Round, large 85 Considered one of the world’s best tasting fruit! Brandywine Sudduth's Pink Round, XXL 90 100 year old variety, incredibly rich taste. Camp Joy Red Round, big cherry 65 Traditional, robust flavor. “C” Carmello GRAFTED Red Round, large 85 Produces great tasting fruit, even in cold weather. Casey's Pure Yellow Yellow Round, large 90 Yellow w/ pink blush. Sweet. Potato leaf variety. Caspian Pink Pink Round, large 85 Taste test winner. Customer favorite. Purple Round, large 85 Customer favorite, great taste. Cherokee Purple GRAFTED Purple Round, large 85 Grafted version of this old heirloom favorite. Chili Verde Yellow/GreenPaste, medium 85 Green w/ flecks of gold. Tart and tasty. Unique. "C" Chocolate Vintage Striped Round, med 75 Excellent, unusual, beautiful striping. Chuck's Yellow Orange Round, large 85 My favorite golden beefsteak. Coyote Yellow Round cherry 65 Customer favorite, exceptional flavor. “C” Delicious Red Round, XXL 90 Huge, crack-free fruits. Developed by Burpee. (VFF) Red Round, medium 70 Customer must-have. Prolific and great taste! "C" German Red Strawberry Red Oxheart, large 75 My favorite red oxheart. Giant Belgium Dark pink Beefsteak, XL 90 Avg 2 lb fruit, meaty. Great for cooking & canning. Gold Medal Bi-color Round, large 80 Sweet and beautiful. Grapette Red Oval, cherry 75 Large clusters. Hybrid. Semi-determinate. "C" Great White Pale yellow Round medium 80 Fabulous and sweet. One of the best "whites." Green Doctors Green Round cherry 65 My fav green-when-ripe cherry. “C” Green Giant Green Round, med/lrg 80 The legend continues…so sweet. Striped Round, medium 70 Green w/ yellow stripes. Customer favorite. “C” Green Zebra GRAFTED Striped Round, medium 70 Grafted version of this customer favorite. "C" Hawaiian Pineapple Bi-color Round, large 85 Sweet, luscious, lovely. Customer favorite. Henderson's Pink Ponderosa Dark Pink Round, XXL 87 Luscious, gigantic, sweet. Hess Bi-color Round, large 95 German heirloom. Sweet & thin-skinned. Hillbilly Bi-color Round, large 85 You might just be a redneck if you like this name. Hippie Zebra Striped Round, medium 85 Excellent taste, gorgeous striping, prolific. Dark purple skin with red blush on bottom, red meat inside. Indigo Rose Bi-color Round, small 75 "C" Indira Gandhi Black Round, medium 75 Red black from Belaruse. "C" Japanese Black Trifele Purple Pear, med/lrg 80 Russian. Unique shape and color. Love it! Japanese Oxheart Pink Oxheart, medium 75 Sweet and meaty. Low acid, low seeds. “C” Juane Flamme Yellow Round, small 70 Great for cooler climates. Fabulous taste. “C” Beefsteak, Julia Child Pink medium 78 Tomatoey flavor, firm, juicy. Kellogg's Breakfast Orange Round, large 90 Worth waiting for. Great taste. Kentucky Beefsteak Orange Round, large 95 Huge tasty beefsteaks. Legend Red Round, large 68 Early variety, late-blight resist. Determinant. "C" Love Apple Dark Red Round, medium 85 Mahogany fruits, wonderful taste. Signature var. Mandarin Cross Orange Round, medium 80 Best tasting in my garden last year. “C” Matina Red Round, small 60 Earliest heirloom. Great flavor. “C” Matt's Wild Cherry Red Round, small 55 High yield, sweet, thin skin. "C" Michael Pollan Bi-color Oblong, small 80 Green & yellow striped. Heavy producer. "C" Mom's Paste Red Paste, medium 84 Large, tasty, meaty. Love Apple Farms 2013 Tomato Variety List

Mortgage Lifter Red Round, medium 80 Famous old heirloom. Prolific. Good taste. Moskvich Red Round, medium 60 Rich flavor fresh or processed, crack resistant. "C" Red/or/yell Mr. Stripey striped Round, large 80 Very pretty, very sweet. Low acidity. Hybrid F2, pointed tip. Better tasting & more disease New Girl Red Round, medium 62 resistant than Early Girl."C" Northern Lights Bi-color Round, medium 80 Smaller orange/red. Very sweet. “C” Bi-color, Old German yellow red Beefsteak, large 85 Late season. Not heavy producer but very colorful, sweet Omar's Lebanese Pink Beefsteak, XL 79 Rich, complex flavor. Irregular shaped fruit. Orange Blossom Orange Round, medium 60 F1 hybrid. Early. Mildly sweet flavor. Orange Russian 117 Bi-color Oxheart, medium 80 Love this one, orange and red stripes. Oregon Spring (V) Red Round, medium 58 Nearly seedless, juicy and tender. Determinant. Hybrid. "C" Pamella (VFN, TMV) Red Round, medium 70 Hybrid. Disease resistant. Paul Robeson Chocolate Round, medium 80 Chef’s favorite. Complex flavors Pineapple GRAFTED Bi-color Round, XL 90 Huge golden fruit with red marbling. Mild sweet. Pink Beauty (F1) Pink Round, medium 74 Perfect blemish-free fruit great for market. Hybrid. Pink Berkely Tie-Dye Bi color Beefsteak, large 70 Pink w/ green stripes. Beautiful, sweet, early. Meaty, sweet. Yellow with pink blush. Interesting and Polish Pastel Bi-color Pear, large 82 beautiful. Great for sauces. Purple Brandy Dark Red Round, large 85 Large and luscious. Tons of fruit. Rainbow Love Bi-color Round, small 70 New Love Apple Farms cultivar. Our smallest bi-color. "C" Red Pear Red Pear, cherry 65 Traditional tangy tomato flavor. “C” Red Robin Red Round, cherry 55 Dwarf-variety perfect for small containers. Sweet! Determ. Roma (VF) Red Paste, medium 75 Premium canner, ideal for sauces and canning. Rutgers Red Red Round, med 70 Prolific producer of scarlet fruits. "C" Paste with pointy end, heavy walls and little juice. Great for San Marzano Red Plum, med 78 tomato sauce. New Love Apple Farms cultivar. Beautiful pink heart- Sexy Beast Pink Oxheart, Large 80 shaped. Sicilian Saucer Red Round, XL 75 Glossy, red disease resistant, from Canada. Solar Flare Bi-color Beefsteak, large 80 Bright red with gold stripes. Gorgeous! Spudakee Black Beefsteak, large 70 Potato leaf, balanced flavor. Stupice Red Round, small 52 Abundant, early, wonderful taste. "C" Sungold Orange Round, cherry 65 Hybrid. Sweetest cherry around. “C” Super Marzano Red Paste, medium 70 Hybrid. Prolific. A perfect-looking popular favorite. "C" Sweet Horizon Orange Oxheart, medium 80 Super sweet and meaty. A favorite of mine. Sweet Million (FNT) Red Round, sml cherry 65 Disease resistant, wonderful flavor and yield. Hybrid. "C" TC Jones Bi-color Round, large 85 Yellow w/ pink blush. Sweet. Texas Star Bi-color Round, large 85 My favorite bi-color beefsteak. Thessaloniki Red Round, medium 70 Taste test winner. Very impressive. Red/orange bi-color Round, small 60 Highly productive, tart flavor. "C" Top Sirloin Red Round, large 90 Vigorous & productive. Good sweet/acid balance. Gold/Red Sweet and rich flavor, beautiful fruit, bountiful 1lb-fruit Virginia Sweets Bi-color Ruffled, XL 80 harvests White Cherry Pale Yellow Round, cherry 70 Gorgeous, flavorful. Prolific. “C” White Oxheart Pale yellow Oxheart, large 76 Rare, really wonderful flavor. Wild Stripes Striped Round, large 85 Red, orange, and yellow stripes. Yellow Brandywine Yellow/OrangeBeefsteak, XL 95 Platfoot strain, extra delish. Yellow Pear Yellow Pear cherry 70 Customer favorite. Prolific and cute. "C" Yellow Ruffled Yellow Pleated, medium 80 Deeply pleated, hollow seed cavity great for stuffing. NM Zapotec Native American heirloom, prolific yield, sweet Zapotec Pink Ribbed Pink Ribbed, large 80 mild flavor.