DIRECTORY.] . ,MA TBON. 153 county court district, western division of the rural deanery Population of the union in x8gx was 15,809 ; rateable of Worcester and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. value in 1892, £100,506 The Laugherne brook flows through the parish, which is Board day, friday, fortmghtly, at the Board room at the bounded on the west by the . The church of Union Workhouse, at :n a. m. St. Peter is an ancient building of stone, in the N urman, Clerk to the Guardians, Ambrose William Knott, 14 Foregate Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, street, ·worcester nave, south porch and an embattled western tower with Treasurer, Sir :K A. H. ~echmere hart. Worcester Old pinnacles containing a clock and 6 bells : the chancel retains Bank, Worcester a piscina, and in the church is an altar-tomb, with recum- Helieving Officers &: Collectors to the Guardians, Leigh dis~ bent knightly effigy in armour, to Sir Hugh .Mm·timer, c. trict, William Manu, ; district, Percy 1460 to 1475: the building was thoroughly repaired in the Andrew Glover, year t859, and a vestry added in 1875 by Miss Hastings at Vaccination Officer, A. W. Knott, 14 Foregate st. Worcester a cost of £300: the Decorated south porch was erected by Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Astley district, Miss Hastings and the Re\'. J. P. Hastings, rector, in 1884: Walter Moore, Stourport; Holt district, William Arthur the communion plate is ancient and curious, and probably Stephenson Walsh, Worcester; district, dates from about 1460: there are soo sittings, 260 being Richard Noss Tovey L.R.c.P.E!iin. , near free. The register dates from the year 1625. The living Malvern; Leigh district, R. N. Tovey, Leigh Sinton; is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £599, gross yearly Martley district, John Nicholas Greensill; Witley district, value £,6oo, net £513, including 85 acres of glebe, with Edward Samuel Greensill L.R.C.P.Edin. residence, in the gift of and held since I875 by the Rev. Superintendent Registrar, Ambrose William Knott, I4 Fore- John Parsons Hastings M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, gate street, Worcester; deputy, A. P. Battersea, The and J.P. for the county. Berrow Hill, in this parish, affords Workhouse, Martley some of the most extensive and magnificent prospects in the Registrar of Marriages, William Manu, Bransford ; deputy, county, and has on the summit the remains of an ancient Henry Mann, Bransford entrenchment: Pudford and Rodge Hills also command fine Registrars of Births & Deaths, Holt sub-district, Thomas views of the Teme valley. TheNoak, the residence of Richard Wormington, Broad was; deputy, J. R. Ganderton, Slade Nash esq. has long been the property of that family, Broad was; Leigh sub-district, William Mann, Bransford; to which belonged the Rev. Tread way Russell Nash n.n. of Martley sub-district, Miss M. A. Lipscombe, Martley; Bevere, the distinguished historian of Worcestershire ; the deputy, James Rowley, Stoney Bridge: Witley sub-dis- present mansion is not earlier than the Stuart period, and trict, Percy Andrew Glover, Little Witley; deputy, E. has been much improved and enlarged, and the whole front Shaddock, rebuilt; it stands high and affords fine views of the country Workhouse, Martley, is a building of brick, erected in 1838, round. The Earl of Dudley, who is lord of the manor, is a to hold 136 inmates; Rev. James Davenport, chaplain; large landed proprietor; Richard Slade Nash esq. and J. N. Greensill, medical officer; Arthur Paley Battersea, Colonel Arthur Currie, of Laughern House, are also land- master ; Mrs. Battersea, matron owners. The soil rs various; subsoil, marl and bmestone. RURAL SANITARY AuTHORITY. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, peas and roots. Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, on fridays, monthly. Frmt is extensively grown here, also a few hops. The area Clerk, Ambrose William Knott, 14 Foregate st. Worcester is 4,332 acres; rateable value, £6,219: the population in 'freasurer, Sir E. A. H. Lechmere bart. Worcester Old 1891 was 979, including 6 officers and 100 inmates in the Bank, Worcester workhouse. Medical Officer of Health, G. E. Hyde, Foregate st. Worcstr HILL ToP, I mile south-by-west, Horsham x south-west, Inspector of Nuisances, Henry Matthews, Grimley • I south, and Prickley Green 1 north, are ScHOOL ATTENDANCE COlllliUTTEE. small hamlets her~ Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, on fridays, monthly. Parish Clerk, John Young. Clerk, Ambrose William Knot,t, I4 Foregate st. Worcester PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Attendance Officers, William Mann, Bransiord; & Percy Leonard Charge, receiver. Letters received from Wor- Andrew Glover, Little Witley cester at 6 a.m.; dir.patched at 6.55 p.m. Nearest tele- School (mixed), built in 1840, at a cost of about £,1,200, graph office is at Great Witley for 6o boys & as many girls; average attendance, 58 MARTLEY UNION. boys & 57 girls : Michael Coleman, master; Miss Annie The union comprises the following parishes, viz. :-, J ones, mistress , Areley Kings, Astley, llransford, , Clif- CARRIERS TO WoRCESTER:­ ton-on-Teme, , , Grimley, North William Adams, wed. & sat Hallow, , Holt, Kenswick,Knightwick,Leigh, Alfred Clewer, wed. & sat , Martley, , , Shelsley Thomas Eaton, wed. & sat. returning same days Kings, , , Stanford, Stocton, James Rowley, mon. wed. & sat , , Witley Great, Witley Little. Other carriers pass through to Worcester, wed. & sat Currie Col. Arthur, Laughern house Dovey James, wheelwright Lawson Edwd. Crown P.H. & carpenter Greensill Jn. N. The J<'irs, Barrow green Eaton Thomas, farmer, Hill side Mitton William, farmer, Pricidey farm Hastings Rev. Francis James B.A. Ivy Eaton William, farmer, Hill side Moseley Thomas, farmer & hop grower Hastings Rev. John Parsons M.A., J.P. Fidoe Albert, plumber, Tan house Nash Richard Slade, solicitor, farmer & [rector], Rectory Gould Charles, blacksmith hop grower, The Noak Nash Richard Slade, '!'he Noak Greensill John N. M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, Nott James, farmer, Hollings Rogers Joseph, Barbers The Firs, Berrow green Pinchin Samuel, farmer, Lingings COMliiERCIAL. Holliday Arnold, farmer, Prickley green Reevet~ John, farmer Biddle Chas. farmer, Mnt. Pleasant frm Holliday Charles, butcher Rogers William A. farmer, Horsham Cartridge Mark, farmer, Hawk's nest Holliday Henry, Admiral Rodney P.H. Rowley James, carrier & shoe maker Caswell William, blacksmith & shopkeeper, Berrow green Rowley Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Charge Leonard, grocer & post office Holliday John, farmer & hop grower, Shaw George, drain pipe manufacturer Charles William, shopkeeper, Hill end Court house Smith Emily Julia (Mrs.), farmer Cooper James, farmer, Brook farm Jones Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Richard, farmer, Hill top Corbett George, blacksmith,Berrow grn Lawson Barbara (Miss), shopkeeper, Threlfell Richard, farmer & hop grower, Cranke Henry, farmer, Aldons Collins green · Berrow farm Croft Thomas, haulier Lipscombe Mary (Miss), registrar of White Mary Aun (Mrs.), shopkeeper Davis Herbert, frmr. Tuckers Hill farm births. & deaths for Martley sub- Woodyatt George, farmer Davis John, farmer, Hope house district, Berrow green Young John, blacksmith :MATRON is a large agricultural parish to the west of the enriched with the cable moulding, and there is some good , on the borders of Herefordshire, 3 miles west ironwork on the south door: the chancel retains a plain from station on the Great Western railway, Norman piscina on the south side, and on the north side an in the Western division of the county, Lower Pershore arched recess, supposed to have been an Easter sepulchre: hundred, Ledbury union, Great Malvern petty sessional here also is a raised tomb with kneeling effigies of a division and county court district, rural deanery of gentleman, his wife and daughter, and an inscription to and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. 'fhe church of Jane, wife of John Walweyn, gent. and daughter of Paris St. John the Baptist, situated in a sequestered valley, is an Slaughter esq. 1617: there is a good oak chest with massive ancient building of stone in the Norman and Decorated iron hinges and straps, each terminating in a fl.eur-de-lis: ~tyles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an the pulpit of carved oak, hexagonal in shape, and panelled, embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, is of Eariy post-Reformation date: the octagonal stone font, remarka.ble for the fine quality of their tone : the east end is with sculptured panels, was designed by Mr. Frederick an unusually perfect example of the Norman style, and has l'reedy, architect: there are four memorial windows and two round-headed lights, with a. circular one above, all of three small stained windows at the east end : the nave roof, which are stained: the north and south doorways are which has been restored, is a very fine specimen of DecQrp.ted