Helston & Wendron Messenger

August/September 2018 www.stmichaelschurchhelston.org.uk


Team Rector Canon David Miller, St Michael’s Rectory Church Lane, Helston, (572516) Email [email protected] Asst Priest Revd. Dorothy Noakes, 6 Tenderah Road, Helston (573239) Reader [Helston] Mrs. Betty Booker 6, Brook Close, Helston (562705)


Churchwardens Mr John Boase 11,Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ (01326 573200) A vacancy exists to fill the post of the 2nd warden since the retirement of Mr Peter Jewell Organist Mr Richard Berry Treasurer Mrs Nicola Boase 11 Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ 01326 573200 PCC Secretary Mrs Amanda Pyers


Churchwardens Mrs. Anne Veneear, 4 Tenderah Road, Helston (569328) Mr. Bevan Osborne, East Holme, Ashton, TR13 9DS (01736 762349) Organist Mrs. Anne Veneear, -as above. Treasurer Mr Bevan Osborne, - as above PCC Secretary Mrs. Henrietta Sandford, Trelubbas Cottage, Lowertown, Helston TR13 0BU (565297)


Clergy Rest Days; Revd. David Miller Friday Revd. Dorothy Noakes Thursday Betty Booker Friday

(Please try to respect this)

3 The Rectory, Church Lane Helston


Dear Everyone, Wendron Well It is a surprising thought that Wendron Street in Helston does not lead to the Road where Wendron Church is situated. Rather it leads to Falmouth Road, through Trelil & Trewennack & beyond. Wendron Street therefore leads to Trelil where Wemdron’s Well is to be found, set back back about 100 yards or so from the road to Falmouth. The well has recently been restored and repointed and a much appreciated path has been created (& kept mown) to the site of the well itself. It is possible to park a car near the beginning of this path which leads to the well making the minimum distance to travel on foot to be no more than 100 yards. But you can walk further than that if you want! There are some very ancient Celtic crosses not too far away from the well in that part of Wendron parish also to the boundary with Constantine. Indeed some of the historic crosses are in Constantine itself. If anyone would like to plan a short pilgrimage route through Wendron parish ( and perhaps further afield) using available footpaths please can they contact me Bishop Chris walked with members of the Wendron congregation at the conclusion of the confirmation service at Wendron in which Christopher and Chloe Douglas were confirmed on Sunday July 8th. It was altogether a red letter day for us & as Christopher & Chloe begin their journey as confirmed Christians, a journey that will last a lifetime, I am looking for ways in which we as pilgrims can make a journey on footpaths around some of the sacred sites in Wendron parish and perhaps beyond Yours sincerely David Miller, Rector of Helston and Wendron

********* Flag days for August/September August 6th……..Transfiguration “ 15th…….The Blessed Virgin Mary “ 24th …….St Bartholomew

September 21st … St Matthew “ 29th …..St Michael & All Angels


Services at St Michael’s 1st Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 All-age Worship with Holy Communion 2nd-5th Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 Parish Communion(CW) Monday to Thursday 9.00 Morning Prayer

Thursday 9.30 Holy Communion Evening & other Services:-as advertised in the Pew- slip

Services at Wendron

1st Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion (CW) 2nd Sunday 10.30a.m Morning Worship rd th 3 - 5 Sunday 10.30a.m Holy Communion (CW) Other Services:-as announced in the Sunday Pew-slip

Are you willing to join The Friends of St Michael’s 500 Club? This is a monthly draw, Participants pay £5 per month and 20% of the income is paid out in prizes The remainder goes into the church building fund If you are willing to join please contact the treasurer Nicola Boase 01326 573200


In Memoriam- WW1 victims - 100 years ago Arthur Barber died 9/8/1918 Aged 19 Private 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment

Thomas |Walter Vause died 23/8/1918 Aged 36 Private 1st Battalion Duke of ’s Light Infantry

Walter Vivian Perry died 27/8/1918 Aged 21 Private 1st Battalion Dorset Regiment

William Kemp Bray died 3/9/1918 Private 12th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry ------Greater love hath no man than these

That a men lay down their lives for their friends.

As with all the local WW1 Service personnel who gave their lives in WW1, the St Michael’s Church bell will toll 100 times at 11am on the anniversary of their deaths


St Michael’s Summer Fair Saturday 28th July 10am onwards All the usual stalls & refreshments to be held in the church yard and Andrew Hall All Welcome

The Registers: Details for the last period to be publish in next issue. 7 Helston & Wendron

On June 28th 2018 Bevan Osborne spoke to the Mothers Union about his receiving the Maundy Money from Her Majesty The Queen on Maundy Thursday this year. Forward planning from Buckingham Palace informed him in November that he would receive this in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. A second letter gave instructions on dress code. Windsor Central Travel Lodge organised accommodation and rail travel. One guest was allowed and as Bevan’s wife Isobel was unwell at the time, Grandson Mark took her place. Both travelled to Windsor on March 28th, checked out the route to St George’s Chapel & duly arrived there, together with approximately 180 others. The organist, Luke Bond, played music from 9.45am to 10.30am. There was a choir of 42. The Lord High almoner explained the procedure about receiving the Maundy Money & said that the Queen would have an overview of the interests and life of each recipient. The order of the procession was the College of St George & Chapel Royal, The Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor, The Cross, The Sacristan, Children & Gentlemen of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, The Director of Music, The Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal,, The Choir & Director of Music of St George’s Chapel, The Succentor & Minor Canons, The Canons Emeritus, The Sacristan, Canon of Windsor, The Queen’s Procession, The Verger of the College of St George, The Dean of Windsor, Her Majesty The Queen, Lady in Waiting, Private Secretary, Equerry in Waiting, Rt Hon Edward Young, Mr Simon Rhodes, Major Naura Tivumasi-Akral, The Royal Almonary Procession, Dean’s Verger Westminster Abbey. Sergeant of the Vestry HM’s Chapel Royal, Lord High Almoner, Keeper of the Closet, Sub Almoner, Secretary & Assistant Secretary to the Royal Almonry, Children of the Royal Almonry, The Wandsman, The Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal in Scotland, Canons of Windsor, Clerk of the Cheque Adjutant, Yeoman of the Guard, Yeoman carrying dishes bearing alms, and Message Sergeant Major Yeoman of the Guard. The Order of Service was:- The Hymn-Praise to the Holiest in the Height, Versicles, Psalm 138, Prayers, Hymn-We Sing the Praise of Him who died, First lesson-Job 13 1-15, Distribution of Maundy Gifts in the south side of St George’s Chapel, Choir sing, Second Lesson Matthew 25. 31-46, Distribution of Maundy Gifts in north side of St George’s Chapel, Choir sing, Prayers, The General Thanksgiving, Hymn-When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Prayers, Blessing, National Anthem. A reception followed in Windsor Castle. ******** Ringing out for Peace- Battle’s Over The Nation’s Tribute – 100 years of Remembrance On November 11th it will be the 100 anniversary of the First World War Armistice & commemorations will take place across the country to mark the event. Details can be found on line at http://brunopeek.co.uk/wp- content/uploads/2018/03/Battles-Over-Guide.pdf I understand that as part of these commemorations beacons will be lit around the country (including one locally). As well as muffled peals being rung at our churches earlier in the day, Helston Ringers will be joining the many other ringers from around the country in ringing a muffled peal at 7.05 pm after the beacons have been lit To coincide with the ringing of the church bells, 100 Town Criers, one for each year since the end of WW1, will be undertaking, ‘A Cry for Peace around the World’, and in the United Kingdom, the ‘Cry’ will be led by a Chelsea Pensioner from The Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London, at 7.05pm that night 9 Crosssword Answers Page 21 Across 1 Paul said the wrath of God ‘is being revealed from heaven’ against this (Romans 1:18) (11) 9 Go smite (anag.) (7) 10 ‘But — I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee’(Matthew 26:32) (5) 11 ‘Take and —; this is my body’ (Matthew 26:26) (3) 13 Type (2 Thessalonians 2:10) (4) 16 ‘Woe to those who — iniquity’ (Micah 2:1) (4) 17 ‘How shall we — if we ignore such a great salvation?’ (Hebrews 2:3) (6) 18 Opposite of evens (4) 20 Previously cited (Latin) (4) 21 ‘There is surely — — of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife’ (Genesis 20:11) (2,4) 22 The Thessalonians were warned to keep away from every brother who was this (2 Thessalonians 3:6) (4) 23 Beat (anag.) (4) 25 To trouble or afflict (Job 16:3) (3) 28 Part of a roof (1 Kings 7:9) (5) 29 Attain (Job 5:12) (7) 30 Insect noted for its gymnastic ability (Psalm 78:46) (11) Down 2 Smell (John 11:39) (5) 3 Lion’s home (Jeremiah 25:38) (4) 4 ‘Jesus Christ is the — yesterday and today and for ever’ (Hebrews 13:8) (4) 5 Tidy (4) 6 Made their home (Genesis 47:27) (7) 7 Their task was to carry the curtains of the tabernacle (Numbers 4:25–26) (11) 8 Timothy’s was called Lois (2 Timothy 1:5) (11) 12 The Lover likened the fragrance of the Beloved’s breath to these (Song of Songs 7:8) (6) 14 Times Educational Supplement (1,1,1) 15 Eight-tentacled sea creatures (6) 19 ‘And lead us not into temptation, but — us from the evil one’(Matthew 6:13) (7) 20 D.L. Moody’s legendary song leader, — D. Sankey (3) 24 Rarely used musical note (5) 25 ‘Your will be done on earth — it — in heaven’ (Matthew 6:10) (2,2) 26 and 27 ‘The Lord Almighty will — them with a — , as when he struck down Midian at the rock of Oreb’ (Isaiah 10:26) (4,4)

10 11 A novel & cheap way of keeping a churchyard tidy? Margaret Pryor sent in this picture taken on holiday this year in the churchyard at the Parish Church of St Nicholas Bromham, Wiltshire. (the home of her ancestors)

12 Hi Folks, it’s me “Jacob” again, still hoping to get my position as Magazine Canine Correspondent confirmed. You will see that the Rector has written all about Wendron Well. so I thought I’d give you exact instructions of how to get there. I took the Editor on a walk to find it and he confused me as he mistakenly seemed to think it was on the Wendron side of the Falmouth Road. Anyway, I soon put him right as I’m a bit of an expert on “going walkies”. It is really easy to find but, if you are walking, mind the busy traffic on the Falmouth Road. Just after you pass Trellil Caravan Site, take the next entrance on the right,- just past Trellil House. If you go by car you can park by the side of the lane about 50 Yards in. Then walk a few yards more and the grass path is on the left and goes down towards the big trees in the dip. We were there in no time and I went inside and got into trouble for getting my paws muddy. However, the ground is quite firm so long as you don’t go too close to the stream which runs alongside. We took a photo of the Well for the front cover of the Messenger- I hope you like it!

A Good Deed may lead to greater things!

His name was Fleming, & he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while at work, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools & ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up at the Scotsman's humble cottage. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. 'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my son's life.' 'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. 'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked. 'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly. 'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' So that’s what he did.

Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin!

The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.

His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill!


Michael’s Rota It would be a great help if anyone unable to attend on a Sunday would attempt to find a replacement for their duty.

August 5th -10 after Trinity August 12th =11 after Trinity Lay Asst, M Searle N Boase Epistle M G-Kane E Goodfellow Prayers D Barlow M Thomas Sidespeople S Chambers L Martin/M Welstead Offertory Junior Church S & M Pryor Server M Searle M Searle Crucifer K Murphy S Bayes Coffee Congo Link D & J Eddy Cleaning John Flowers Felicity N Boase

August 19 -12 after Trinity August 26th -13 after Trinity Lay Asst, J Boase M G-Kane Epistle M Thomas M Thorn Prayers Clergy A Holyer Sidespeople J Eddy S Chambers Offertory S Roach A Hearne/J Lawrence Server B Booker N Boase Crucifer Nigel Mandy Coffee H & M Thorn Cleaning Tisha Flowers M G-Kane Nan & Kath

Sept 2nd -14th after Trinity 9th Sept -15th after Trinity Lay Asst K Murphy M Searle Epistle H Thorn M Searle Prayers M G-Kane M Thorn Sidespeople K Bolland J Lawrencce/A Hearne Offertory Junior Church H & M Thorn Server M Boxer N Boase Crucifer L Douglas S Bayes Coffee Mothers Union Congo Link Cleaning J & T GIbb Flowers Ann Sandy 16

16th Sept -16th after Trinity 23rd Sept -17th after Trinity Lay Asst, N Boase J Boase Epistle S Bayes M G-Kane Prayers D Barlow M Thomas Sidespeople S Chambers L Martin/M Wellstead Offertory M G-Kane/D Maddock M Charnock Server M Boxer M Searle Crucifer N Bolland M Boxer Coffee D & J Eddy Cleaning John Flowers Betty & Tisha Felicity

30th Sept 17 after Trinity Lay Asst, M G-Kane More volunteers are needed Epistle E Goodfdellow to do the coffee after the 9.30 service Prayers Clergy at St Michael’s please Sidespeople J Eddy Offertory N Boase /F Blight Server B Booker Crucifer Louise Coffee H & M Thorn Cleaning Tisha Flowers N Boase **********

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (continued) from Francis M Searle Herodium, built by Herod the Great in 37 BC as a desert fortification, like an extinct volcano, he built towers around the top and palaces below. Frescoes on remaining walls remain & a classical Roman bath house & one of the earliest synagogues. It was one of the largest and sumptuous compounds of the Roman empire. Herod died in Jericho in 4 BC and was taken to Herodium, Herods Mountain, to his mausoleum on the upper slopes. This was discovered in 2007 by Professor Ehud Metzer after a 35 year search. Archeolanous, Herod’s next of kin who organised Herods funeral from Jerusalem, became Tetrach of Jerusalem. 17 In “The Messenger”-Ten Years Ago we were saying Congratulations to Paul & Freda Phillips who celebrated their Golden wedding on 6th July 2008 When asked where they met, Freda and Paul gave the surprising answer, “in court” & then explained that Paul left home near Leedstown at the age of 16 yrs to join the Metropolitan Police cadet Force. As part of his training he was attached to the Warrant Office at the local magistrates’ court; but long before that Freda & friend, who worked in her father’s nearby Sub Post Office, made a weekly lunchtime visit to the court office for tea & cakes, the girls provided the cakes and the court officers provided the tea! All were well known to each other as the Post Office was where all the court correspondence was posted Love blossomed, & Paul was only too pleased to be sent on the ‘Post Run’ They courted for about 18 months & at the age of 20 they married. Approximately 2 years later, in 1960, Richard was born followed by Ruth in 1962. Paul left the Police in 1967 & with Freda arrived at where they ran a small hotel. Paul subsidised the family income by making use of his Police driver training & opened a driving school. He taught approximately 1,000 people in and around the Helston area. When they sold the hotel they moved to Helston, where Freda had a number of jobs around town. Paul has been involved with much voluntary work & was involved with Victim Support for almost 30 years.. He qualified as a cricket umpire, held various offices in the Church including Church Warden & was a member of the Town and County Council. He was Helston’s Mayor in 2004-6. He also a trained as a volunteer with the National Coastwatch. Freda was in the church choir for some years but has not enjoyed the best of health in recent times. Nevertheless she has supported Paul in all he has done. Paul & Freda have four grandchildren, Oliver, Stephanie, Joshua &Alice ______

This means of course that we must now Congratulate Paul and Freda on their Diamond Anniversary – Best wishes to you both! 18 The Sanctus Bell. Someone asked recently why the Sanctus bell is rung during the Eucharistic Prayer.

The word “Sanctus” means “Holy” and the prayer which concludes the Eucharistic preface is “Holy, Holy ,Holy Lord, God of power and might” which comes from Isaiah ch6,v3. In former times when services were held in Latin and most of the congregation was illiterate, a bell or gong was sounded in the church to alert people to the fact that the most sacred part of the service (the Sanctus) had commenced. The practice continued even after the service was said in English as it was not always easy to hear the priest who celebrated communion facing East with his back to the congregation, often behind heavy rood screens & of course with no modern sound systems as we have today. Many churches still like to ring a bell or gong in church but we & many other churches just toll the church bell as the priest consecrates the bread and the wine. This is not so much to alert the congregation to the sacred part of the service, (hopefully, they will be paying attention!) but to alert people in the town and surrounding area. There may be people who cannot attend church through age or infirmity, or for some other reason, and if they wish, they can listen for the bell and join in the “communion” in their own private way. So, if you are not at church listen out for the Sanctus bell and say a little prayer. Apart from it being rung on Sundays at Helston & Wendron you may hear it in Helston on Thursday mornings. A prayer whilst you’re shopping or at work wont go amiss!

Many will know that the Sanctus bell was rung in Helston for many years by the very faithful servant of the church Melville Roach. For30+ years he also climbed the tower to put up the flag on every Saints Day & wound the church clock three times per week in addition to maintaining the bells in good order.He was one of the many who work behind the scenes seeking no reward. Sadly he has now passed on though fortunately we have our Tower Keeper, Roger Nott, to fly the flag & maintain the bells. Fortunately the church clock is now wound automatically by an electric motor. Own recipes” (from hand written recipes, mostly collected from local ladies from around the West Country)

Drenched Lemon & Ginger Cake

6 oz unsalted butter 6 oz Light Muscavado sugar 2 large eggs Grated zest & juice of two lemons 1tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 6 oz self raising flour 3-5 tbsp milk 4 pieces of ginger from a jar of stem ginger in syrup 1 ½ oz demerara sugar 2 tbsp ginger syrup

Heat oven to 150 C Line 6-7 inch cake tin Cream butter & sugar until light & fluffy, then beat eggs in one at a time Grate lemon zest into mixture, then sift in baking powder, salt & flour & fold in. Stir in enough milk to make dropping consistency & then fold in finely chopped ginger. smooth top & bake for 40-50 mins Remove from oven & leave for 15 mins before turning out.

Place on a plate & pierce holes right into cake.

Put demarara sugar, lemon juice & ginger syrup in a pan, stir to dissolve & then boil rapidlyfor a minute or so. Pour slowly over cake allowing it to seep down the holes

********* Answers to last months Quiz 1. Samuel 2. Ecclesiastes 3. Deuteronomy 4.Job 5. Jeremiah 6,Isiah 7. John 8. Daniel 9. Hosea 10. Joshua 11.Ruth 12. Acts 13.Esther 14. Obadiah 15 James 16. Proverbs 20

Hoping you have had success with your flowers, shrubs & vegetables. We still need to pay attention to runner beans so keep them watered. The lower leaves of tomato plants can be removed to assist with ripening of the fruit. It pays to only have 5 or 6 trusses inside & only 3 or 4 inside. Your fruiting canes that were last years growth should be cut down to ground level & this years canes tied in to your structure. Destroy all cut canes. In Sept. give your fruiting plants & your shrubs a good mulch of manure or compost. Continue to dead-head flowers to give you more blooms. In August, wallflowers may still be planted along with Brompton stocks & sweet-williams flowering next spring. August is a good time to sow seed of Swiss chard & spring cabbage or buy plants from a garden centre. You can take cuttings of geraniums for next years plants. Take a strong cutting 3 to 4 ins long, remove the lower bud & all but 3 leaves at the top. Put them around the edge of a clay pot filled with 25% grit & 75% moist soiless compost, best kept indoors or a cold greenhouse. You can also take cuttings in the same way from other flowering plants & shrubs to propagate them. Enjoy your gardening. Ron Allen

*************** Crossword answers ACROSS: 1, Godlessness. 9, Egotism. 10, After. 11, Eat. 13, Sort. 16, Plan.17, Escape. 18, Odds. 20, Idem. 21, No fear. 22, Idle. 23, Abet. 25, Ail. 28, Eaves. 29, Achieve. 30, Grasshopper. DOWN: 2, Odour. 3, Lair. 4, Same. 5, Neat. 6, Settled. 7, Gershonites. 8, Grandmother. 12, Apples. 14, TES. 15, Octopi. 19, Deliver. 20, Ira. 24, Breve. 25, As is. 26, Lash. 27, Whip. 21

Greek Holiday Property Rental Anchor House is situated on the Greek Island of Poros overlooking the busy town harbour. The island is just off the north coast of the Peloponesse with easy access from Athens airport via the port of Piraeus. The accommodation sleeps four in two double bedrooms on separate floors with a double sofa bed in the living room. There is a family bathroom and the second bedroom has an ensuite shower room. Further information can be found on www.ownersdirect.co.uk (property reference GR504) 10% of any rentals received as a result of this advertisement will be donated to The Kimbilio Children’s Charity

22 St Wendrona’s Rota details for the summer period are to be found on the church notice board Please inform the Churchwardens if you are unable to fulfil your duty . Can sidespeople can please be on duty 15 minutes before the service to welcome people and hand out service books. Thank you for your help

Wendron Bits & Pieces

We were very pleased to welcome Bishop Chris for the Confirmation at our church on 8th July and as mentioned by Rev David, it was a red-letter day for us all to see Christopher and Chloe Douglas get confirmed & take their first communion. As usual our ladies put on a splendid spread of refreshments afterwards and we are most grateful to them for all their hard work. Fundraising for our building project continues but there is not a lot of news during this summer period. Hopefully you will all be refreshed during the wonderful summer that we are having. Best wishes to you all. Bevan *********

Old Notice in Wendron Church Belfry 23

HIDDEN HELP: SHOP AND WAREHOUSE , PRIMROSE WORKSHOP, FERN PLATT,BISSOE, TR4 8RJ. A non-profit community project supported by the Diocese of and Uneeka. Our aim is to reach families who have fallen through the net. We need unwanted household goods to support families all over Cornwall who are in desperate need of furniture etc. Drop unwanted items at our shop/warehouse or let us clear your house in the knowledge that you are helping others. The shop sells some items to raise funds for rent and transport. Men and women who live on the streets in Cornwall are welcomed to spend a Thursday afternoon at a location in Truro where an artist helps show men and women to paint or draw and a very very successful project. Last year there was an exhibition of their work in Truro which gave them a feeling of pride. NEEDED: Paints, brushes,crayons, pencils and art paper. Please contact Judy if you can be of help: MOBILE 07794 738732 - [email protected]. Judy has a workshop next to the warehouse where she spends time repairing, painting or whatever needs to be done on Vintage items which she sells to help pay the rent and transport. Ray and I deliver small items but unfortunately we cannot deliver furniture. Hidden Help supports the Refuges and St. Petrocs. Thank you, Sue and Ray Spencer MOBILE 07779 892883 24

Diary Dates See the church website www.stmichaelschurchhelston.org.uk for the up-to-date church calendar and for details of other church events for the Helston & Wendron Parishes. Copies of current and past Church Magazines are also on line. Magazine photos/pictures are in colour and are much clearer than in the printed edition

PCC Members St Michael’s Helston

Canon David Miller-Chairperson Rev Dorothy Noakes (P/b) Mrs Betty Booker Lay-Reader (B&P/b) Mr John Boase- Churchwarden (B) Mrs Nicola Boase-Treasurer Mrs Amanda Pyers-Secretary Mr Michael Thorn(B & Deanery Synod) Mr Peter Jewell (B) Mr Richard Berry(B) Mrs Jean Williams (I) Mrs Heather Thorn (I) Mrs Elizabeth Davis (I) Mrs Marjorie Searle(I) Mr Michael Thomas Mr Jake Holyer

Ms Louise Douglas (I) Committees: B=Buildings, I=Internal Affairs, , P/b=Playbox

CMS Link- Mary Charnock, Susan Summers. Junior Church-Beccy Miller, Sandy Windsor, Electoral Roll Officer- Sandra Chambers. Safeguarding officer – Bob Woods Magazine Editor - Simon Roach

Helston Bell Ringers : Bob Woods (Captain), Philip Woods (Vice Captain), Roger Nott (Tower keeper) Margaret Pryor (Sec), Philip Booker, Nicola Boase, Jean Williams, Stanley Pryor, Simon Roach, Amanda Boxer, Kate & Nigel Bolland, Mandy Basher. Christine Bunn. 25 Ringing Practice night is on Tuesday’s at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s except on the first Tuesday in the month when it is at Wendron. New ringers and visitors are welcome Helston & Wendron Mothers Union Branch Leader/Enrolling Member.-Mrs Kathleen Oliver, 10 Castel Wary Close, Helston TR138SF 01326 573256 New Members are always welcome!! Please contact Kath if you wish to join

St Wendrona’s PCC Wendron

Canon David Miller-Chairperson Mr Bevan Osborne – Churchwarden/Treasurer/Deanery & Diocesan Synod Mrs Anne Veneear - Churchwarden Mrs Isobel Osborne- Deanery Synod Mrs Henrietta Sandford – Secretary Mr Philip Haywood, Mr Bob Ayres Mrs Jennifer Haywood Mrs Carol Bryans Mrs Sue Spencer Electoral Roll Officer (not on the PCC)

Wendron Bell Ringers – Ray Spencer, Max Barnett The St Michael’s Ringers usually try to ring for morning service at Wendron on the first Sunday of the month though the Sunday may change occasionally to fit in with special occasions e.g. Harvest Festival etc Sidespeople M Cowley, P Haywood, C Loveday, B Osborne. I Osborne R Osborne, J Parker ********** Last word from the Editor Please submit any items for the October/November Messenger to me [email protected] by Sunday 9th September or give to me in church. My apologies for this edition being shorter than usual. I have not received so many items as things are quieter during the summer holiday. Also I have myself been otherwise occupied with visitors. 26