Life of and

Jacob's fam stays in Egypt, Increases Ex 1:1-7 Aaron’s blessing Nm 6:22

Israelites Oppressed by New King Ex 1:8 Dedication Nm 7-10 and leaves Sinai Pharaoh orders kill Hebrew boys at birth Ex 1:15-22 The People Complain Nm 11,12 The Birth and Adoption of Moses Ex 2:1-10 12 Spies sent, ppl rebel, all except Nm 13-14 Moses kills Egyptian, Flees to Midian Caleb/Josh not go to Prom Land Ex 2:11-22 marries Zipporah, son Gershom Korah's rebellion & plague Nm 16 Israelites Groan in Slavery, God hears Ex 2:23-25 Aaron's Staff Buds as a sign Nm 17 God meets Moses in Burning Bush Ex 3-4:17 give signs, sends to deliver Israel Priest duties, cleansing Nm 18,19 Moses Returns to Egypt, visits Pharaoh Ex 4:18-5 Israelites harsh labor Miriam dies, Waters of Meribah Nm 20 God promises deliverance Ex 6 Nm 20:22-29 Aaron's Death (Nm 33:39) The Ten Plagues on Egypt Ex 7-12:32 (Dt 10:6)

The Exodus & Passover Instituted Ex 12:33-51 The Bronze Snake Nm 21

Moses takes Joseph’s bones at Exodus Ex 13:19 Balak, Balaam and Angel Nm 22-24

God guides by pillars of cloud and fire Ex 13:20-22 Phinehas against Baal worship Nm 25

Crossing the Red Sea Ex 14 Daughters of Zelophehad inheritance Nm 27:1-11

God sends Manna Ex 16 Joshua Chosen to Succeed Moses Nm 27:12-23

Strike rock for water, defeat Amalek Ex 17 Offerings, vows Nm 28-30

Jethro’s advice to Mo (brings order) Ex18 Vengeance on Midian Nm 31

Mount Sinai, Ten Commandments, Laws Ex 19-24 Reuben & Gad settle in Gilead Nm 32

Preparations for the Tabernacle Ex 25-31 Summary of Israel's Journey Nm 33

The Golden Calf and Moses' Anger Ex 32 Land, borders, cities Nm 34-35 Zelophehad's daughters marry Nm 36 Leave Sinai, Moses sees God’s glory Ex 33:12-23 within father’s clan Moses w God 40days/nts, new tablets Ex 34 *Psalm of Moses Psalm 90 Moses' summary of Tabernacle made, erected and filled Ex 35-40 Dt 1-31 Israel's history and laws Laws sac/offer, Aaron/sons consecrated Lv 1-9 The Song of Moses (before death) Dt 32 Sin/death of Nadab/Abihu (Aarons’ sons) Lv 10 Moses final blessing on Israel Dt 33 Laws, Punishments, Feasts Lv 11-27 Moses’ Death Dt 34 Census, tribes, duties Nm 1-6

*Psalm 90: This psalm is credited to Moses, who is interceding with God to remove the curse which made it necessary for every Israelite over twenty years of age (when they rebelled against God at Kadesh-barnea) to die before reaching the promised land of (Num 14:26-35). (Note from Amplified Bible)