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4-29-2011 Hawks' Herald -- April 29, 2011 Roger Williams University

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Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Hawks' Herald -- April 29, 2011" (2011). Hawk's Herald. Paper 138.

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hawk's Herald by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE HA S' HERALD The student newspaper of Roger Williams University

v.,1. 20. lssuc l') \\\\\\.h.1\\ f..,h,·r,,l,l.(111ll -~:'-. '•J .>;. Number one spot 'Orth the wait RWUsailing team takes first place in country HENRY LOUGHLIN ISports Editor Number-one in the nation. Despite having a nice ring to it, chat phrase represents an achievement that most athletes can only dream of realizing. Though rhe burden of effort in achieving such a title is too much for many co imagine, these words became reality for the Roger Williams University Sailing ream last Thursday. De­ spite their continued success - including several stints at the number-two spot - the Hawks had never been above all of their coHegiate opponents. That is, until lase Thursday, when, for the first time in program histo­ ry, the Hawks had been selected as the top college team in the nation. Upon receiving the good news, Coach Amanda Callahan was, predictably, ecstatic. "We've been the bridesmaid, never the bride before. The team, I think, has finally felt like cheU. ~ has been- .recog-­ nized and validated by the other coaches and programs in Col­ lege Sailing," Callahan said. "I After huge anticipation, Lupe and 3EB deliver think this ranking has given us momentum looking forward to the Championship pan of the AMANDA NEWMAN IManaging Editor until 7: 15 p.m., people began Traditions Co-Chair, filled in Blind, went on ar approximate­ season! Ir reaHy is an exciting Co-headlining Spring Concert lining up as early as 6 p.m. in quickly, and a steady stream of ly 8 p.m; - and the crowd went milestone." performers, Third Eye Blind and the Recreation Center. The people continued filing in. By wild. The band played a 12- The squad racked up a to­ Grammy Award-winning Lupe crowd buzzed with anticipation 7:40 p.m., the Field House was song set, varying their tracks to tal of 374 points, according Fiasco rocked nearly 2,000 stu­ for the dual-artist performance. packed with a lively audience, include songs both new and old during their 60-minute perfor­ to the Sailing World College dents in the field house Thurs­ Once the doors were opened, who liscened to the house music day night. the crowd, which was estimated in preparation for the artists. mance. The band played some See SAILING, page 16 Though the- doors didn't open at 1, 700 by Dan Shea, CEN's 1he first performer, Third Eye See CONCERT, page 8 University decommissions Sate·Rides LAUREN TIERNEY IHerald Reporter muniry. The program was intended The Safe Rides program is no to run on the weekends from longer in sight for Roger Wil­ 10:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. and liams University. Student Sen­ travel as far as four miles off ate, along with other leaders on campus, which would cover campus, had attempted to start nearly all of Bristol and Ports­ an emergency transportation mouth. service for students. The idea "Safe Rides is a well-inten­ was to offer transportation back tioned harm reduction concept to campus for students who dependent on establishing an might have felt it was nor safe to exceptionally large student vol­ drive or who would have been unteer base willing to work late stranded at a party or bar. The weekend evening hours," said goal was to cut down on drunk Gabelli returns driving within the Bristol com- See SAFE, page 2

~FEATURES ~OPINIONS ~LIFESTYLE INDEX News 2 A ROYAL AFFAIR BENEFICIAL BRACELETS STACY'S INFERNO ROYAL OVERKILL sristai· ·seaf ··· · · ·5· ·· .. ·· .. _.· · .. Pura Vida Bracelets come One fan of the royal ...... toRWU. wedding gets the WTF of ·············································Features 7 the week. Opinions 11 wt~¥.~::::::::: :::::i4.::::::::: :: Page7 Page 14 Puzzles 15 Sport~ ...... ·1 ·5· ...... PAGE 2 NEWS APRIL 29, 2011 Vicarious fairytale for millions Buisiness school's watching royal wedding namesake speaks NICHOLLE BUCKLEY IAssistant News Editor ored with an invitation were fore Kare even walked down the oncalllpus David and Victoria Beckham, aisle. Millions of people lined JEREMY KING IBusiness Manager "Will the Germans be will- The British Royal Family director Guy Ritchie, comedian the streets to catch a glimpse of welcomed a new princess on It's a rare occasion that one of ing to keep_ the E.U. together? Rowan Atkinson, singer Joss· the happy couple on their way to the benefactors of Roger Wil- Are they gomg to be willing to Friday, April 29, at about 6 Scone, Elton John, and many Westminster Abbey. More than a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Iiams University makes an on- forgive [Greece's] debt?" Gabelli more. Kate's family as well as 1,000 military personnel lined campus appearance. Wednes- said, referencing the economic Prince William of Wales and close friends of William and the route, as well, for security Catherine "Kate" Middleton day, April 27, Mario Gabelli, ~ur~oil and instability that ex­ Kate were also there. reasons. The route took WilJiam one of Wall Street's most re- 1sts abroad. finally got married after nearly Media coverage staned on and Kate by the Horse Guards a decade of public dating. The vered money managers, and pie next "B" was Beijing. most networks two hours be- Palace, the Women of World the namesake ofRWU's GabelH 'Are the Chinese going to be pair met in September of 2001 War II Monument, Downing when they both enrolled at School of Business, spoke co able to cool off the economy? Street, the Houses of Parlia­ the campus community, giving ~e they going to be able to Sc. Andrews University. By ment and Big Ben, and many the time they graduated, a presentation called "Creating tighten up their financial sys­ more of London's Famous Alpha Through Research: Plain tern?" Gabelli said. they were an item that Landmarks. lhe streets the media paid close at­ Old Srock Picking - Docs It He warned of the financial and sidewalks around Work?" risk China poses. "What does tention to. Westminster Abbey Middleton made her Mario Gabelli is the brain be- it mean when [China] stares were already jammed hind Gabelli Asset Management us down over some issue when first public appearance with media, tourists, in December of 2006 Company (GAMCO), a very they ,?old $1.4 trillion of our traffic, and barricades well-respected investment fund. debt? at William's Passing days before rhc wed­ Out parade for com­ Gabelli has built his reputation The final "B" was two fold: ding. through strong fundamental re- Barack and Bcrnanke. Talking pleting basic training. The Dean of West­ His career as a search search and solid business values. about taxes and government minster conducted The line for the event, held in spending, Gabelli said that " ... and rescue helicopter the service, the Arch­ pilot in the Royal Air the RWU School of law appel- on Nove~ber 2, 2010, after bishop of Canterbury late courtroom, stretched from [the] election, [Obama] decid­ Force strained their re­ married William and lationship for a small the second floor, down the stairs ed to become a republican. Kate, and the Bishop into the lobby. The room quick- "We have to reduce our debt period of time, but by of London gave the ad- June 2010, they had !Y filled, leaving only stand- as a country. What does chat dress. After the ceremony, 1ng room. In fact, many eager ~ean for us? What does it mean moved in together. the Queen gave a lunch­ The ceremony was students were forced co cum 10 t~rms o~ home ownership? time reception ar Bucking­ around due co the potential fire What d~~ it m~ grov.:11 :ind held at Westminster ham Palace. Friday evening, Abbey wirh about 1,900 hazard the over-crowded room compeauveness, Gabelli said. William is scheduled to host would have posed. Speaking about the Ben Ber- guests in attendance, in­ a private dinner followed by cluding 50 members of the Gabelli began his talk looking nanke, Chairman of the Federal dancing at Buckingham Pal­ toward the future. Reserve Bank, Gabelli asked: Royal Family and an addi­ ace. "Where is the world going "Will he continue to keep [the] tional 40 from foreign royal families. Celebrities hon- to be two or three years from money coming?" now?" he said. He talked about Gabelli .g~vt! a powerful ralk ro ~aving forward-thinking vision ?ie students, faculty, and guests m business, using Wayne Gretz- m attendance. He spoke with a ky as an example: " ... it's not great amount of charisma and a where the puck is, but where it's sharp and witty sense of humor. going." However, Gabelli asked a lot of Expulsion spurs st1dent to file s1it Much of what Gabelli said re- serious questions of those in the volved around the future, about room. He presented many is­ seeing tren~ before they hap- sues that busi~ess s~dents will pen. Gabell1 emphasized the have to keep m nund as they Claims proper procedure was notfollowed potential future in energy. move toward the future. "What's going to happen in He placed a great deal of faith JILL RODRIGUES IBristol Phoenix of the Family Educational fice. Contacted twice through thirty years?" he said. "One i~, the graduating class. Nearly a decade after his ex­ Rights and Privacy Act, which char number, his father, attor­ o~ you will have to come up _One of you will be running pulsion from Roger Williams does not allow a university to ney Mitchell Shapiro, asked wtth an idea . . . . Oil saved the this law school, one of you will University, a former student release any details of a student's how this reponer got his num­ whales, how are we going to be running this university, one filed suit this month against the record (other than confirmation ber and said he is not represent­ save the planet?" of you will run a lot of money, university. that the person is a student) ing his son in the suit. He said Gabelli also touched on the maybe a lot more. Some of you Claiming breach of contract, without the student's permis­ Joshua had been notified of the political climate that exists in are going to create great oppor­ breach of covenant, fraud, de­ sion. request for comment on his the world today, referrilfg to the tunities and great jobs. I don't ceit and negligent misrepresen­ The university released this suit. · "three B's." Berlin was his first know who you are. And you tation on clie part of the uni­ statement regarding the suit: Bue Joshua Shapiro did not "B." don't know who you are." versity in his expulsion in 2001, "Because the nature of the refurn a call. When contacted Joshua Barrett Shapiro seeks $2 complaint relates to issues sur­ a second time, Mitchell Shap­ million in punitive damages. rounding student conduct, the iro said his son does not have a He claims the university did not Family Educational Rights and phone number at which he can SAFE: Student rides program follow proper procedure out­ Privacy Act prevents the univer­ be reached and would not pro­ lined in its student handbook .sity from releasing any details," vide an address for his son. will not be part of RWU Mr. Clark said. In the suit, Mr. Shapiro says or by R.I. law at the time of his Continued from page 1 expulsion. ''At present, the university's le­ he entered the university as In Mr. Shapiro's suit, he also gal office is gathering informa­ a criminal justice student in John King, Vice President of According to Senator Ryan seeks to have the record of his tion related to the complaint 2009. Life in the campus dorms Student Affairs. "The program Freed, the ~tart date for the entire third year at the university and will respond accordingly via was noisy, he claims, and many isn't feasible until a critical mass program kept getting- pushed expunged, and to have the uni­ the judicial process. What I can students engaged in drug and of volunteers (¥ound 40) have back due to logistical problems. versity pay another $500,000 to say is that the university believes alcohol use. He claims the drug committed to serve ac least one There were certain requiremencs make changes to its procedure the allegations contained within abuse was condoned by univer­ weekend evening per month to drive the vans and many Je­ for disciplinary actions. the complaint are without merit sity officials, even after he com­ and attend the necessary train- gal liabilities that the commic­ Though the suit was filedApril and that we are fully confident plained to several officials. ing in advance of program final tee did not have the time and 5 with the U.S. District Court, that the matter will be disposed Mr. Shapiro named as defen­ approval." power to overcome. District of Rhode Island, Roger of by ,,the Rhode Island federal dants Roy J. Nirschel, former The logistics of the program "[Gale] and [Smith] worked Williams University spokesman court. president of the university; just would not fall into place. hard to get this program run- Brian Clark said the university Mr. Clark further stated, Richard Stegman, former dean The program was an ad-hoc ning. It cook a lot of time and has not yet been served with the "Roger Williams University has of students affairs; Anthony committee of Senate. An ad-hoc man power, but they couldn't lawsuit. After consulting with a student handbook, and we're M. Pesare, former dean of the committee is a committee with get everything off the ground," attorneys, Mr. Clark said the fully confident we applied those Department of Criminal Jus­ a certain purpose and once the Freed said. university is aware of a com­ procedures (for disciplinary ac­ tice and Mr. Shapiro's former purpose is served, the commit- As for now, the current com­ plaint filed by Mr. Shapiro, who tions) l()_ years ago. Just as we adviser; Heidi Hartzell, direc­ tee ends. Tun Gale and Senator mittee in charge of the program was a student in the fall 2001 abide by those today. tor of Student Conduct and Taylor Smith were the chairs of has been disolved. It could fea­ semester. Mr. Shapiro could not be Community Standards; Allison this committee. This commit- sibly be reenacted sometime in The reason for Mr. Shapiro's Located for comment. In his Chase-Padula, associate dean of tee, however, was dissolved at the future, but the legal require­ expulsion could not be released lawsuit, he listed an address in student affairs; and Tony Mon­ the Student Senate meeting on ments would still have to be ful­ by the university, Mr. Clark Placentia, Calif., and a phone tefusco, director of housing. Monday, April 25, for various filled and volunteer base would said, because of the constraints number for his father's law of- reasons. need to be increased. APRIL 29, 201 1 I ------NEWS I PAGE 3 Was that me?

PR students to launch campaign Obama releases original long-form promoting safe drinking habits. birth certificate The White House released copies of President NICHOLLE BUCKLEY IAssistant News Editor they look cool and they need co 'I pledge to drink responsibly.' Barack Obamas original long-form birth cer­ know that they don't." I think we got 115 [signatures], tmcate Wednesday, seeking to put an end to which was bener than we ex­ "Was that me last night?" is a Ellis and Alexander, along with persistant rumors that he was not born in the question some students inevita­ Elizabeth Manville, George pected." bly end up asking their friends Saunders, and Anna McDavitt, At the end of the campaign, United States. after they look through Face­ are focusing on social media be­ the students will evaluate the The certificate states, as Obama's advisers have book pictures on Sunday morn­ cause they said that is the best progress they have made. repeatedly said, that the president was born at ing. way to reach students. They "We want co make an impres­ Honolulu's Kapiolani Hospital on August 4, Amiee Shelton's Public Rela­ plan on launching a YouTube sion on the campus. We want 1961. Doubters insist Obama was oorn tions campaigns class is creat­ channel. students to maybe think twice ing a campus campaign aimed "It's going be a series of videos before they binge drink or do overseas -- possibly in his father's home to increase student awareness of showing how students embar­ something not so sman because country of Kenya-- and may be safe drinking habits. rass themselves. They're quite they're so intoxicated," Ellis constitutionally ineligible to serve as president. "[Professor Shelton] gave us hilarious with what we have so said. -CNN com a campaign that another class, far. We're just down to the edit­ Manville agreed. "We know if PR Principles and Practices, ing phase and hopefully by the we say stop drinking, no one is planned, and we revise it, see end up the week we'IJ be put­ going to listen to us. So we're what we wane to do, and then ting them up," Alexander said. saying, 'Hey, we know you're Apple blames iPhone tracking file on execute it," said Kyle Alexander, Along with YouTube, Face­ going to do it, just think a little 'bug' a junior and member of Shel­ book is the class's main way of more.' We're hopinp the You­ ton's PR campaigns class. communicating with students. Tube videos that we re going to After a week of silence, Apple on Wednesday The campaign is based ;tround "We'll advertise our videos on put up will solidify that," Man­ how students wiJl be embar­ Facebook. We have a twitter ville said. responded to widespread complaints about rassed if they drink coo heavily and a blog. We'IJ also put flyers "We are really excited," Al­ iPhones and iPads tracking their users' where­ and do things they regret. around <.ampus and put them exander said. "We chose this abouts br saying 'the iPhone is not logging your "Ir's not stopping drinking all in the dorms," ManviJle said. campaign because we wanted to location and announcing an upcoming mobile "We intend co do a Commons work with students. We want co together, it's jusr making stu­ ~ software update. dents more aware of how much table. We had one a few weeks see if our social media inspires -CNN com is too much," said Rachel El­ ago where we had pledge cards people to take our ideas and lis, a junior. "People chink that that we had people sign saying, change their ways." Man drives car into Grand Canyon, survives A man survived with iajuries after driving his car over the south rim of the Grand Canyon by accident, authorities said on Wednesday. Tuesdays are college night The unidentified driver, aged 21, was treated for nonlife threatening injuries in a Flagstaff hospital on Monday after plunging 200 feet at Leo's Ristorante over the lip of the mile-deep d:iasm, a spokeswoman for the Grand Canyon National Park said. $8 Never Tasted so good - msnbc. msn. com

Meal inclues: Alabama cities hit by twisters as death Salad & Garlic Bread toll rises & A violent storm ~stem spawned two Pasta with your choice of: tornadoes that' kilTed a least one person Wednesday afternoon in Alabama, following Meatballs severe weather overnight across the South that Chicken or Eggplant Parmesan killed at least 17 people. Tuscaloosa officials reported at least one fatality from a tornado spawned by a system now moving just north of downtown ~ ~A. Birmingham with 55-mph winds. ~o~ ~~~~ ' -msnbc. msn. com .A~~ A.~ %~~ • ~'~~q;,- ?~~~A Boeing profit of $586 million beats -~ expectations • Boeing Co: posted a bigger-than-expected profit on Wednesday and said it is on track to deliver the much-delayed 787 in the third quarter. Nearly 95 percent of the flight tests have been done on the version equipped with Rolls-Royce engines, and almost 75 percent on the version w~th General Electric engines, the company said. · SU-TH 7am-9pm FRI-SAT 7am-1opm PAGE 4 I NEWS APRIL 29, 2011 There is hope for soon-to-be alumni Companies looking to hire 19 percent more graduates

CLARA MOSES IHerald Reporter are actually up," said Alyssa positions available to new col­ of Labor Scaciscics, 12.8 million According co the Huffington Snizek, Assistant Director of leRe graduates has tripled. people under the age of 30 are Pose, one recent graduate is "car­ Getti~g a job and-actually put­ the Roger Williams University ' I think the confidence is either unemployed, working rying $45,000 in undergradu­ ting college degrees to use is an Career Center. coming back up. People are do­ part-rime, or working at a job ate student loans and another issue on the collective mind of The National Association of ing more business in various that does not require a college $5,000 of debt split between every graduating class. CoUeges and Employers con­ industries," Snizek said of the degree. two credit cards. Each month, Tn recent years, the poor econ­ ducted a study of 174 member improving economy. "I think With little or no income com­ she puts $250 of her part-time omy has made this process more employers and found that 19 it's going to be a steady increase ing in, the usual burdens gradu­ paycheck toward paying each of difficult than before. However, percent more plan co hire new over the years." ates face, such as paying off them down." this year, things may be looking college graduates this year than The economy certainly stiU debts and starting out on their She is also living at home with up. they did last year. This survey has a way co go. own, are even more difficult to her parents because she cannot "Believe it or not, hiring races also found that the number of According co che U.S. Bureau cackle now. afford an apartment. Spring weekend set to provide bounty of fun

have a good time." will be AMANDA NEWMAN Managing Editor It look forward to performances I held at 2 p.m. on Friday on the by Special Delivery, Hawkward, Just as sang in last Quad. the 's Guild, Dance night's concen, Campus En­ Friday evening wilJ play host Club, and Dance team." tertainment Network is out to to the Red Sox Getaway. CEN There will also be a girl­ prove the show does indeed go sold $15-tickets that included scour group giving out cook­ on this Spring Weekend. "transportation and good seats," ies, and food and drinks will "Spring weekend has become according to Shea. be provided by Del's Lem­ a tradition that students expect Carroll said that in the past, onade, Leo's Ristorante, and cherish. Even faculty en­ CEN has offered a Pawtucket and Spike's Hot Dogs, joy the aanosphere we provide. Red Sox Getaway; this year, among others. This year will be no exception," however, they decided to change Carroll acknowledged said Pat Byrne, Chair of CEN. things up a bit. the importance of .cam­ This year's theme is "Jolly Rog­ "A lot of students are really ex­ pus involvement. "With­ er: Surrender the Booty," which cited," Carroll said. out the help and suppon was the brainchild of CEN's On Saturday, the big event is of all ...the clubs and orgs chairs and committee. Accord­ the Block Party, ·which will be on campus, Block ing to Byrne, a multitude of po­ held at North Campus from I Party would not tential theme ideas were thrown p.m. to 6 p.m. be as successful around, but the pirate theme "It's a huge event," Shea said. as it is. Block won our in the end because "the "We're anticipating a crowd of Party involves idea was fresh. There were many 3,500 people, similar co last a lot ofset up, options for interesting and year. We'll be playing off the and is defi­ somewhat provocative raglines," pirate theme with new enter­ nitely an alJ­ Byrne said. tainment. There are going to be hands-on­ Blair Carroll, CEN's Com­ a lot of good artists and school deck kind munity Liasion, said that this performers at the event." The of event," year's Spring Weekend will have band that performed at CEN's Carroll all the student favorites, as weU Spring Concen Release Party, said. as some new aspects. "Spring Mixtape, will also be playing The Weekend this year has a lot of at the event, according to John week- traditional elements that stu­ Walsh, CEN's Traditions Co­ e n d dents always expect - like the Chair. w i 11 concen, Quadfest, and the Carroll said that smdenrs can con­ Block Party. As always, thete is expect a carnival-like setting, clude a lot of free stuff for us to give with rides, some of which will with a away and for students to win," be different from the past, as fireworks Carroll said. well as booths sponsored by var­ show be­ Quadfest, scheduled to take ious campus clubs and organi.ta­ hind Global place today, is "basically a small tions.- "There are about 35 dubs Heritage Hall, glimpse into the Block Party," and organizations signed up to slated to cake according to CEN's Traditions help out at Block Party," Carroll place at dusk. Co-Chair Dao Shea. said. "We have some of rhe tra­ "Quadfest 9,ets people excited ditional booths, like MSU's face for Saturday,' Shea said. "lc's a painting, with some new booths fun event, and it's a great way like the Alumni Association's for people to stop in and still tie-dye booth. Students can also APRIL 29 2011 BRISTOL BEAT PAGE 5 For animals down in the dumps, BAS gives hope DARI ELLE TERRY IHerald Reporter a new animal shelter. The ar­ ing our fingers crossed for it," released from the ground up for the Bristol Animal Shelter chitectural design has already Gibree said. into the building. When chey and one of the main reasons The Bristol Animal Shelter is been made and ground break­ The new building cannot did a survey a few years ago they need a new building. located on cop of the old town ing is expected to happen chis come soon enough for Gibree, they did find chat the methane "We keep windows cracked dump. A compose corporation year. This has been a very long the ocher shelter employees, and gas levels were unacceptable. and that type of thing but we neighbors the shelter and its =---...,.------., know it's here and we live industrial truck scale isl2 with it," Gibree said. feet from the shelter door. The purpose of the shelter It is nor the most glamorous is to enforce stare and mu­ location and the building has nicipal animal laws, but they seen better days. also have a responsibility to "We are in desperate need be humane co the animals. of noc being here anymore The Bristol Animal Shelcer is ... the building its self is fall­ a declared "no kill" facility, so ing apart," said Dyanne Gi­ they need to ensure that the bree, rhe Animal Control facility is not killing the ani­ Supervisor at the shelter apd mals they rake in. President of the nonprofit or­ The "no kiU" philosophy is gani1..acion, Friends of Bristol something that the shelter Animal Shelter. has established to ensure that The shelter is currently the best care is given co all of home to 26 cats and seven the animals, however they dogs that are happy ro hav~ a cannot provide care to all of home, but the problems with the animals in their current the building are obvious from shelter. Gibree explained the moment anyone walks in. how much the new shelter For starters, the front door will benefit the town of Bris­ barley closes and the floor is tol and the shelters efforts. uneven. DARJELl..E TERRY "If you are a stray in the "You can see where [the floors] town of Bristol, this is the are no longer level and that's A mournful cat gazes out the window ofthe Bristol Animal Shelte1: best place for you to be. Ani­ because che shelter is builc on The bui/,ding, which sits on the Bristol town dump, is sinking into the ground mals that come here have op­ cop of the dump and as every­ portunities that they normally thing decomposes underneath, wouldn't have at other shelrers. the foundation decomposes process chat is finally starting to che animals. Besides the fact We .amldn't pick up a bird and Once something is in our care because there's no stability. We cake shape. thar the shdter is sinking into brio& it here, it wouldn't sur­ and our custody we go through can't do anything about the "I've been asking the town the ground, there are numerous vive, Gibree said. extremes to treat chem and we scrucrural damage because it's a council to consider floating a other health and safety concerns The release of methane gases have the vet bills to back that foundation issue," Gibree said. bond issue for the last 15 years. as well. is especially dangerous for small up," Gibree said. Luckily, the town of Bristol We've been told Sept. 1 is the "Because we are built on the animaCs like birds and bunnies. has approved a bond to build ground breaking, so we're keep- dump we do have methane gas This is obviously a big problem Bridges to Bristol

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Borringlon, RI 401 ·253-2273 401-253-5200 Hartior Bath & Body 401-254-0358 251 Thomes St Tanner law I.Id Bristol Yoga Studio Bristol RI R.viYol 530 Wood St~ Suile 204, Bristol RI 676 Hope St, Bristol RI .tOl ·396·9170 227 Thmies St 401-253-785.4 401-569-0147 Bristol, RI lo BeHa ,Leo's Ris1oronte 78 Stote St, Bristol RI Sherwin Williams 365 Hope St, lkistol RI 401·253-3331 oll locotions 401•253-9300 Sprint & Nextel Coastal Chiroptactic Group all locations 450 Hope St, Brisrol ltf 401-253-1130 PAGE 6 BRISTOL BEAT I APRIL 29, 2011 Bristol life hits NYC rap scene Bristolian raps in th~ Big Apple VICTORIA BRADFORD Bristol Phoenix shore story piece. NYU accept­ on in their free time. Great won't even be able co listen to on March 4 in Providence. "My I ed him with open arms. "They ideas gee born every day and it. That means I've improved. biggest fans from Bristol came Bobby Fischer is the stage cook the chance," he said. there's always the potential to Never be content, whether it's out and cheered in the front naIJle of Drew Lombardi, a He didn't apply for music, but create." Noc to mention the op­ sports, school or music. You can row," he said. "The whole night proud Bristolian who lets it be he knew chat he could "meet the portwlities found_ in New York always get better. was amazing." known in his music. right people and make things City for a budding musician, "Second, is to never, under He also had the opportunity Although he now lives and happen -and that's exactly he added. "There's nothing but any circumstances, hold back recently to open for Big Sean performs in New York City, his what did happen." He's a po­ opportunities here. It's a dream from pursuing your dream be­ at a concert at NYU. "Watch­ hometown is a prevalent theme litical theory major, bur recently come true." cause someone doubts you. The ing footage of it now, I was so in his rap music. A number of applied to transfer to the NYU To chose who hope to pursue biggest mistake I've made so far nervous," he said, laughing. his songs are ~bout his musi­ "I learned a lot from that one cal journey and growing up in show." Bristol. He has released two full-length "I'm proud to be from Bristol mix capes as unofficial albums: and from Rhode IsJand, because "The Best Kept Secret" has 23 there is a unique culture to it," tracks and was released last Sep­ Bobby said. "There's a unity to tember; and another 18-track our small town. We come to­ album, "Intellectual Hood­ gether when there's something lum," released on March 27. we can cake pride in." 111ese are available to download He graduated from Mt. Hope for free at bobbyfischerhiphop. High School in 2009, and then com. Catch the of moved co attend New York his latest single, "Dreams," in University. Though his home­ which he raps about Brisco! on town is miles away from the Big YouTube. Apple, Bobby's friends and fans Bobby acknowledges he is for­ have heard of it. tunate to have had so many op­ "I rap about Bristol so much, portunities, and he strives to sec all my friends and fans at NYU an example for a younger gen­ know Bristol by its name, even eration. though they've never been there "My biggest goal is co lead kids in their lives," he said. who are in a position I once was, Bobby found inspiration in by example," he said. "I strive rap at a young age. co touch their lives by putting '1 just observe my surround­ my life and my experiences on ings and write," he said. "A lot display for chem in my music; of rappers have basically talked and, if they can relate, then they me through tough times in life BRIAN RICHARDSON will see hope, because cl1ey see with their lyrics by sharing their me actively pursuing my dream. ·observations. Once people con­ Bobby Fischer (aka Drew Lombardi) ofBristol strives to be a rapper Not my dream as a rapper, bur vinced me I had a gift, I became while attending New York University. my dream to improve my life dedicated co doing the same." and co give op_portunity to my Despite doubting naysayers, Clive Davis Institute of Re­ a similar dream, Bobby advises, was not pursuing any of this family. Hopefully, kids don t he continued to pursue rap­ corded Music, where he hopes "First, is humility. I know rap while in high school because I just look at me as a rapper. ping. Under a new persona, to study as a performer and pro­ is a lot about bragging about was afraid people would criti­ Hopefully, they also know I at­ Bobby Fischer (a play on the ducer. If he is not accepted, he yourself, but understand that's cize me; now I'm playing catch tend a great university, and help chess legend) established a fan will continue to pursue a degree a persona. The most successful up. But this does not mean say­ out in the Bristol community in base in Bristol and especially at in political theory. and respected rappers worked ing, Tm awesome now, so forger a variety of ways. That's the ex­ Mt. Hope High School. "I've always been really invest­ hard and honed their craft con­ what they think.' You should al­ ample I'm trying to set, and my During his senior year at Mt. ed in politi°' and social issues, stantly. The best ones still do it ways listen to peoples' criticisms goal is for them to follow." Hope, he applied to New York which is why chose topics creep after years ofs uccess. I know I'm and consider their points. le just Victoria Bedford is a senior University. His grades were into my lyrics so often," he said. doing something right because shouldn't be a reason to quit." at Mt. Hope High School. The above average, but not up to NYU was his first choice, he every time I release something, Bobby's persistence paid off Bristol resident will study jour­ NYU's standards, so he supple­ said, because "everyone here has I am convinced it's the best it when he performed his most nalism at Emerson College nexc mented his application with a a talent or craft chat they work can get; but, six months later, I memorable and first l?aying gig year leverage the cleanup at Mt. Hope Farm ,

ARTICLE COURTESY IBristol Phoenix cleaning pathways and clearing impressive number of volun­ brush and invasive plants. teers" turning out co help with Volunteers are needed to join Work begins at the farm at the work. For each community Pepsi Cola employees for a ma­ 250 Metacom Ave. after 10:30 volunteer who helps chat day, a jor spring cleaning at Mt. Hope a.m. on Saturday, May 14, with care package and a case of pow­ Farm on Saturday, May 14. a rain date on Sunday, May 15. dered Gatorade will be sent to Mt. Hope Farm and the Bris­ Lunch will be served for volun­ troops overseas. tol Department of Parks and teers. Ifyou would like to attend the Recreation partnered together As part of its "Pepsi Supports cleanup or if you have exper­ KENMORRILL.COM to receive a work grant from The Surroundi~f Jiowns" grant, the tise and/or equipment to lend, Pepsi Cola Company, which company enges the com­ please contact Janet Zwolinski, A swan flies over the Kickemut,.River. will send 50 volunteer employ­ munity receiving the grant co Mt. Hope Farm executive direc­ ees to assist staff with projects, demonstrate its spirit of vol­ tor, at janet@mounthopef.µm. such as painting buildings, unceersim" with a show of an com or 254-1745. Keep the Kickemuit River clean

Asylum Road, Warren, to get an ARTICLE COURTESY Bristol Phoenix I assignment, trash bags, a free T­ It's the Warren Conservation shirt and coffee and doughnuts. Commission's annual Earth Litter picked up in Bristol muse Day cleanup on Saturday, April remain in town; leave the trash 30, bur Bristol residents are in­ bags out for Bristol's crash col­ vited to join the effort to make lection. Then return at noon co the sho1eline of the Kickemuit the pavilion at Hugh Cole for River liw:r-free. Volunteers a complimentary hoc dog roast. should arrive at 9 a.m. at the Bristol's townwide Earth Day DFSTINATIONNEXUS.COM Pete Sepe Memorial Pavilion cleanup is on May 7. The Governor Bradford House Country Inn stands on the property ofMount Hope Farm. near Hugh Cole School, 50 APRIL 29, 2011 FEATURES PAGE 7 A 'flabbergasted' Serving in a man's world: RWU's Galante named military stereotype broken

KINSEY JANKE IHerald Reporter involved in the ROTC pro­ ficer in the military after their WQRI ''DJ of the Many people's first idea of gram at RWU since her fresh­ education. When Desillier ap­ someone in the military is not man year. Though she did not plied, she received a four-year, panicipate in high school, she chat chey have dedicated their full-tuition scholarship to any was brought up military due to Month'' lives co a greater cause, not that school she wished to attend. they've toned their bodies to Along with the scholarship, each ROTC student gees $600 MICHELLE LEE Herald Reporter peak physical condition in or­ Out of229, 000 women I teners can hear Galante's radio der to endure the hardships it per semester for books and a sti­ David Galante wishes life show "The Dawn Buster Pro­ must go through, and not the serving in the military, 15 pend pay that depends on wha~ year the student is in college. came with background mu­ gram." Named after the show fact that chey place themselves percent ofthe women are sic. He likes to listen to his fa­ that Robin Williams's character, in danger every second of every Though the financial benefits vorite bands during moments Adrian Cronauer, produces in day just co ensure that people officers. are rewarding, Desillier isn't in throughout his day. When the movie Good Morning Viet­ are safe. No, if you ask any ran­ ir for just that, she says. Galante goes to history class, nam, Galante says he loves do­ dom person, their first instinct "I am involved not only for you can guarantee he is listen­ ing the show because he can act would probably be to say their -WOmens Research and the greac benefits and experi­ ing to the band, Rage Against like Robin Williams. idea of a soldier would be that ence, but also because military the Machine, to get him in the "I get to make fun of myself they are a male. Education lmtitute has always been my life," Desil­ political mood. on air," Galante "I originally wasn't going to go lier said. "I love the concept of When he is out '1 get to make fan of said. "It's a re­ to college and I was just going it and how character is builr of class, he says he ally cool little to enlist," said Michelle Desil­ from it." her father's involvement in the likes to listen to myself on air. Its a niche that I lier. "But my father looked up The money is a "great motiva­ Army National Guard. whatever song fies feel like I can some stuff and found ROTC tion," she says, but so too are really cool little niche ROTC stands for Reserved the moment. express myself and I saw ic as the greatest op­ the benefits afterwards. By par­ W'hen Galante that I feel like I can [with] like I ponunity ever." Officer Training Corps, and ticipating in ROTC whil~ in is a program that allows col­ heard he had won do in theater Desillier, a Roger Williams O express myself with. I lege students to attend school See ROTC, page 1 WQRI 88.3 FM's sometimes. I re­ University sophomore, has been deejay of the really enjoy it, " ally enjoy it." while training to become an of- Month, he said The type of he was "flabber­ music that gasted." - David Galante Galante plays "I basically during "The Accessory to charity: Students worked with the Dawn Buster philosophy that you work the Program" features a wide vari­ best you can, but never expect ety of music ranging from celtic anything in return," said Galan­ punk, to indie music, to metal, promote brace.lets' cause te. to rap-core. In March, WQRI's general For the future of his show, MICHELLE LEE IHerald Reporter to someone in Costa Rica, he from the beach in San Diego," staff voted for their monthly Galante hopes to start a mystery Pura Vida Bracelets have land­ said, is the equivalent to saying Thall said. "Lunch breaks con­ DJ of the month. Galante had theater program. Being a dou­ ed on the-wrists of thousands "what's up" to ·someone in the sist:bf-sandwichcs·on thc board overheard the results after a staff ble history and theater major, around rhe country. In over 300 Unired States. walk and a quick surf." meeting and said "it came as a Galante says he is inro the old boutiques, college bookstores, What seemed like a fun, cel­ College students around the total surprise." radio operas that would broad­ tanning salons, and surf shops, ebratory surf trip turned into a country have also gotten in­ Growing up in Guilford, cast on the radio during the Pura Vida Bracelets have taken full-time job for both Thall and volved and are doing their Conn., this modest freshman times before television. At the off as the hot new accessory to Goodman. pan in helping to promote the saw other people win prizes and moment, Galante and a few of wear. "We moved into an office bracelets. Lisa Rand, a Roger fame and envied rheir recogni­ his friends are starring co write As the company's motto, with a complete shipping and Williams University sophomore tion. As he got a linlc older, he the first episode of the show. "Express Your Lifestyle" sug­ inventory center," Thall said. majoring in elementary educa- realized that notoriety never re­ Sitting in his house back at gests, Pura Vida Bracelets lets ally meant anything. home waiting to be played, consumers express their style "It's like without the hard Galante has a vinyl record col­ through the many different col­ work behind it, there's no sub­ lection that he hopes to bring ors of bracelets available. stance," Galante said. back to school with him. He According to the website, each Galante started experimenting said he is eager to get training bracelet is made with a different with being a deejay at Camp on the turntable booth that is in color combination, each named Hazen YMCA, a summer camp the WQRI studio. something different. Coming he arrended in Chester, Conn. Galante started collecting re­ across someone with the exact There he used to do live radio cords last year and has vinyl bracelet as one's own would be shows for the campers. When varying from Aerosmith, to Def rare. Galante attended accepted Leopard, to Glenn Miller, to Griffin Thall and Paul Good­ students day here at Roger Meatloaf. Mosr of the records man, Pura Vida Bracelet's Williams University, he knew he has acquired are from record founders, graduated from San WQRI was something he want­ stores or from people he knew 1 Diego State University in May ed ro gee into. PURAVIDA.COM 2010. The pair went on a five- · A display ofthe variety ofbracelets that Pura Vida Bracelets has Every Saturday between 10 See DJ, page 10 week surfing trip to Panama and - a.m. and 12 p.m., WQRI lis- Costa Rica shortly after gradu- to offer. All the proceeds go to charity. ation. While surfing in Costa Rica, "We now have employees and tion, has recently become the they came across a man named interns working with us every RWU campus rep for the com­ Jorge, a local merchant sell­ day." All of those employees are pany. ing bracelets on the street. The the friends and family members "I first heard about Pura Vida man was living in a single room of the two owners. Bracelers from a friend from with three beds for him and his Thall, who majored in mar­ home who goes to the Univer­ family. Each bracelet was hand­ keting, and Goodman, who sity of Miami," Rand said. "I majored in finance, work well ~ade and seemed to c~pture the chink the bracelets are a great sunple and peaceful lifestyle of rogether running the company. idea because they are stylish, af­ Costa Rica. "I do all the web design and fordable, colorful and the pro­ Amacced to the bracelets, Thall ~raphic design," Thall said. ceeds go to a great cause." and Goodman asked Jorge if he [Goodman] does all the inven­ About a week after Rand would make them 400 bracelets tory, shipping, finance, and a<;­ signed up, she received a pack­ ., to could rake.back to the Unit­ counting. Both are very impor­ age in the mail with informa­ ed States co sell for him. What tant roles that make Pura Vida tion. Jorge didn't expect was that his stay afloat" "They sent me 10 free Pura bracelets would become a hit Thall and Goodman have a Vida Bracelets to share with and he would go from making work day that most would be friends to model what they look jealous 0£ Instead of the boring like," Rand said. Along with the MICHELLE LEE two to three bracelets a week to about 5,000. nine-to-five job that requires bracelets were three Pura Vida Student David Galante celebrates being awarded WQRI D] of Pura Vida, which means "pure wearing a suit, the business Bracelers Campus Rep stickers the Month and hopes to one day have a mystery theater pro­ life" in Spanish, "is the com­ partners work eight-to-seven and cards to hand out to people and wear their board shons. gram that will air during his show on Saturdays. mon mocco in Costa Rica," See BRACELETS, page 10 Thall said. Saying "pura vida" "We work across the street -

PAGE 8 I FEATURES ------!APRIL 29, 2011


Concert close-up MARK FUSCO IPhoto Editor ro follow. "lasers" - purposeful and guid- With the return of the rapid­ ed. · It's 7:45 p.m. and the crowd fue lights came the strong guitar And a laser he seemed to be; is more than twice the size of of Kryz Reid and the speed Lupe slung his homen:iade lyr­ la~t year's The Fray concert. was up again as ifthey had just ics as hard as he flung himself Students have gathered by the arrived. across the RWU stage. Backed metal barricade protecting the The guitars come back and the by an omnipresenc bass line that empty Stage in the Campus crowd pulsates along m,.Semi­ merely changed tempo to signi­ Recreation Center. Some are Charmed Life's familiar scat fy a differenr barrage of lyrics, stumbling around, but for the lyric opening. he was unstoppable. most part there is not too much Froin there, Jenkins begins to Where Third Eye had stopped intoxication. There is no band, prime the audience for the hip­ co breathe, Lupe pressed on, but the cheering. and crowd hop powerhouse that is to fol­ pausing only to share a moment surfing has begun. low, digging deep into the 90s about the importance of educa­ A little after eight, Third Eye vault and resurrecting Nelly's tion and how we have lost sight Blind rightfully claim their spot Ride With Me. of this in his eyes. The rapper on the Roger Williams Univer­ The crowd is at full strength asked (hypothetically) why our sity srage. A slur of hard rock by the time Third Eye Blind money has gone ro fight abroad followed that soon gave way has stepped off stage promptly while we are lgsing the banle at to front man Stephan Jenkins' at 9 p.m. Without a moment's home before dropping into to power ballads and acoustic gui­ hesitation the student chorus of his new single "Words I Never tar melodies happily accompa­ "Lupe!, Lupe!, Lupe!" began to Said." The song is a strong po­ nied by rhe female attendants ring out. . litical commentary that asks yelling along to "Jumper." Appearing with a full band, many of the questions that lin­ As Third Eye Blirid's set pro­ a rarity in today's rap world ger on the minds of concerned gre~ses, the band continues to of computers and Autotune, citizens. slow the tempo allowing front Lupe's drummer produced bass Accented by the accompa­ man Stephan Jenkins to belt sounds no synth could dream i;iying electric guitar's power his light voice over.. the con- of Lupe himself was unable to chords, Lupe's lyrics matched sistently swelling crowd of ea­ stand still, thrashing about as if the ferocity of his synth, pulsat­ ger students. Energy seems to possessed by the very bass pedal ing with the hip-hop thar saved transcend tempo. Jenkins stood his drummer was stomping on. his life. firmly in the spotlight as his Clad in camouflage pants and After my four-hourwait band mates are cast into col­ a "Lasers Club" jacket, the rap­ in line on that soggy April day, ored shadow. Steady rock bass per smiled beneath a pair of I can confidently say that these and tight drums persisted and sunglasses and gestured with a two acts surpassed my expecta­ even w•th the lights off, Thir_d pistol shaped h~d to remind tions. Eye Blind put on a hard show the crowd that they too were a~

APRIL 29, 2011 1------FEATURES PAGE 9 CONCERT: Performers electrify crowd Continued &om page 1 of their most famous songs, in­ keeping the excitement high cluding "Never Let You Go," by jumping around all over the "J umper," and , o f course, "S em1· stage. He played a 17-song set, Charmed Life,'' which set the which included tracks like "I crowd on fire with energy. Lead Don't Wanna Care Right Now singer, , and guitar­ (ft. MDMA)" and "Beautiful ist Stephan Jenkins kept the Lasers" off his newly-released buzz going at the end of the set, CD, LASERS, as well as hits thanking the crowd for their from his previous albums, such enthusiasm and "for loving us as "Hip-Hop Saved My Life" [Third Eye Blind]." and "Superstar." But the crowd was hungry for The first half of Lupe's sec was more, and the minute Third full of high-energy tracks, but Eye Blind strummed their last Lupe took a moment to ad­ chord, the audience turned its dress the crowd before playing attention to the other perform­ his newest single and video, er, Lupe Fiasco, with a roaring "Words I Never Said." chant of"Lupe!" "Education, or war?" Lupe The house music came on, and asked RWU scudents before he the crowd danced and waited began the fusr notes. He dedi­ anxiously for 20 minutes in an­ cated his next song, "Beautiful ticipation of Lupe's arrival. Ac Lasers," to "everybody who's in approximately 9:30 p.m., Lupe a dark place right now." took the stage to screams and His set wrapped up at around continued chants of "Lupe!" 10:25 p.m., but .the show was ·The rapper electrified che not over yet. The crowd roared crowd the moment he ran up for an encore, and Lupe deliv­ the steps to the stage, wasting ered. He performed his first no time getting down to busi­ release off of LASERS, "The The so/,d out crowd went wi/,d for Third Eye Blind and Lupe Fiasco as they p'4yed ness, announcing his arrival on Show Goes On," and the audi­ their hits during Thursday night's Spring Concert. stage by spraying water over ence went nuts once again. .... the stage and the crowd before Lupe concluded his act by Care Right Now." that's about as .high energy as meet Lupe Fiasco. "He didn't grabbing the mic and launching holding a moment of silence Shea and John Walsh, CEN's you can get. Both artists really have to do it, and we really ap­ right into his first song, "Shin­ for the victims of the recent Traditions Co-Chair, said brought it and the audience was preciate that he did," Shea said. ing Down." tornadoes in Mississippi and that they were both extremely great." "It's another thing that shows Lupe kept rolling from song to Alabama, and then, on a lighter pleased by the concert. ..Tm speechless," Walsh said. the quality of the artists and song, noc allowing che crowd a note, he ripped his shirt off and "The show was awesome, so "I had a blast." people we're crying to bring [to moment to rest before hyping performed "Daydreamin"' and much more rhan we could have After the show, the first 40 campusJ." them up with the next track, a reprise of "I Don't Wanna expected," Shea said. "(CEN] people who were in line for the "It definitely was a good way wanted a high-energy show, concert had the opportunity co co cap off our career,'' Shea said. ~ PAGE 10 I FEATURES ------j APRIL29, 2011 For one, colle1iate lifestyle is smooth sailin1

GRIFFINlABBANCE IHerald Reporter of New England colleges and is a dedicated and successful accomplishments to boost the universities," Stannard said. For many, involvement in communications major with team as a whole as she serves as two minors in business and psy­ high school sports is now a Accepting her admission to a co-captain with senior Josh RWU concluded a long pro­ chology. Saltmarsh. Recently, ¢.e sailing long-forgotten memory. Yet, for cess of visits and researching "I love being a student-athlete team was named number one at Ro~er Williams Univer­ academic programs at different because it keeps me going and in the nation according to Sail­ sity, a high school interest has institutions. Stannard described keeps me busy," Stannard said. ing World. This ranking places turned into a collegiate lifestyle. Kelly Stannard, a junior and a her choice to be heavily based Sailing has helped Stannard Stannard and the rest of the on the variety of majors offered to manage her time between a team above well-known schools Varsity Sailor, began her sailing full course load and three hour career after her father pushed at RWU, as she came in unde­ such as Georgetown University her to join her high school cided. Stannard soon became practices each day. and Boston College. a key athlete to watch on the "Teachers are very under­ team. With the recent ranking as standing here if I need to leave number one in the nation, "I didn't come from a big sail­ sailing team, helping the team place second in the A Division and all of Stannard's personal ing town but my dad urged me class early for a sailing commit­ at the Freshmen Champion­ ment," Stannard said. achievements, she has hopes to to get involved with the spon," ships, under the coaching of Stannard said she prides her­ remain sailing well after gradu­ Stannard said. Amanda Callahan. self on her collegiate accom­ ation. Many college sailors come from families with a large sail­ "When I joined the program, plishments, which when all "I am not exactly sure what I ing backgrounds, but Stannard there were three standout sail­ considered, form an impressive want to do after I graduate but ors already on the team which list for a college junior. I would love to keep sailing," described her father as being helped to push me to reach my Stannard said that one accom­ Stannard said. the main influence to learn the personal best," Stannard said. spon. After sailing for the East plishment she is most proud of Stannard will spend the sum­ She added that her team mem­ Lyme High School team in Sa­ is being named All-American mer coaching sailing and then bers keep her motivated and for crew and also Female Most return to the Hawks next school lem, Conn., Stannard began keep her reaching to improve Valuable Player for the sail­ year. to look for colleges to help her Ailn:CoNN on her personal accomplish­ ing team. Stannard was named "Sailing has become a lifestyle pursue the sport she had come ments. to the New England First for me and l would love to keep Stannard credits her father to love. All On top of her impressive sail­ team, also. it as long as I can." with pushing her toward be­ "I knew that I wanted to sail in up ing accomplishments, Stannard Stannard uses her personal coming involved with sailing. college so I applied to a handful BRACELETS: Purchases to help protect beaches and oce,ans around the world Continued from page 8 that gave a brief background ternationaJ organization whose and description of the bracelets. members contribute at least one "The average income per per­ percent of their annuaJ sales to son in Costa Rica in a year environmental causes. is under $7,000," Thall said. The Surfrider Foundation is Since September of 2010, over dedicated to protecting and $50,000 has been raised for preserving beaches and oceans Jorge and his family. worldwide. · Part of the proceeds also goes "We have donaced $500 to the to Joaquin, Jorge's friend who Surfrider Foundation and this Q:>uRTESY MicttEUE DESILLlER helps him make the bracelets. year plan on donating over. 10 Michelle Desillier, one oftwo females in Roger Willitims University's As of now, Jorge employees 15 times thac amount," Thall said. Thall said chat he and Good­ ROTC program, does push-ups with her fellow ROTC trainees. "ticos," or locaJ-born Costa Ri­ cans, to help Joaquin and him man went to visit Jorge two make the bracelets. months ~o but plan to visit With every Pura Vida bracelet his family and him in about a that is sold, one percent of the SOFIA GIOVANNEllO month or so. profit is given back to The Sur­ . ... "Everyone has a wrist," Thall ROTC: Program frider Foundation through One Students pose wearing Pura Vida said. "And the Pura Vida story Percent for the Planet, an in- bracelets. will be worn by the world." offers positive outcome for DJ: Take advantage enlisted students

Continued from page 8 school, you leave college as an are so different." of creative expressiun officer which then can help This year, however, the ROTC you more easily become a high­ program welcomed another Continued from page 8 ranked leader once in che actual woman, Kristen St. Pierre, military. making DesiJlier "officially not who were getting rid of their in che nex• few weeks he. will be get involved with activities that According to the Women's the only girl on campus" in the collections. But, not everyone playing his records over the air they would enjoy and will help Research and Education Insti­ program. Desillier, through the in Galante's life is supportive of during his program. them express themselves more. tute, there are currently more help she got from her mentor his hobby. Galante said he hopes to find "I feel that with the way the than 229,000 women serving last year and from the cadre "Ir's funny because every time a partner to help him with the world is expanding now with on active duty in the assorted members, has been able co help 1 bring home a new record my show. creative cechnology, people milicary services of the Depart­ Kristen make the adjustment as mother tells me 'Where are you "le ~ets kind of lonely up should take more advantage ment of Defense. 1his includes well. going to play them?' and my there,' Galante said. "Being in of it because now is the time the Army, the Navy, the Marine "The other guys on ROTC classic response is 'my Uncle that booth alone is kind of like that creative influences will af­ Corps, and the Air Force. Of were a g~at help also," Oesillier Frank's,"' Galante said. being a widower. It's like 'Oh fect the history of the world," that number, about 15 percent said. "They were all very wel­ Galante's Uncle Frank, who man where's my wife so I can Galante said. of the women are officers. coming and understanding. Tt is also has his own record col­ talk to her."' "No one can kill a creative "It was difficult being [the] a very strong program and you lection, has a turntable that Galance has finally found that mind. Just the creator can." only girl in ROTC," Desillier have to make friends and rely Galante uses to play his records. fame he was searching for years said, "because our requirements on the people in the program." Galante said he is hoping that ago. He encourages students to • •


EDITO~IAL: Life after moving out is gray, with glints of hope

KATLYN PROCTOR IFeatures Editor and I could no longer breathe what I thought at one point with me. longer rightfully mine, I'm los­ It's beautiful the way that sun­ within the suffocating walls. chat I hared. Somehow, I started to see ing the only "home" I've ever light changes the contours of The life of what was, a happy I started school as an angry through the fog and rain. I known and I'm spreading my colors in rooms. In the kitchen, family, was tainted and turned smoker - 1 had turned my scarred over, beginning with memories like dandelion seeds the morning sunbeams stretch ugly. Selfishly, I walked out addiction onto myself and the the person I had learned co because it feds bercer than against walls of a warm yellow, on the ones who love you sunlight was far from the sky. hare the most: me. It was hard. holding it in. coffee cups half filled on the the most, not knowing chat 1 I saw life through a gtay lens I quit smoking and became When the bank closes, the antique table. Brown lunch was really only breaking their and hadn't felt warmth because friendlier. I learned co relax chapter of what was will be bags wait patiently for owner­ hcans. I wouldn't let it in. My life was a .little and enjoy the small officially over. I can breach a ship on rhe counrer. Outside As I went from couch to fu­ packed away in plastic tote things. I took advice and saw sigh of relief and bawl my eyes the house, a rooster crows to ton and back to couch, I could bins with my name written in the sunlight chat had hidden out over the house I will never smother the heavy breathing of hear my father say chat l aban­ rape on the cop. I replaced my from me for so long. I made be able to gee married in. The an aging history that is near the doned chem. He was standing picture frames and memories amendments and apologies. last suand that held my family end. In che afternoon, a golden on top of che stairs and I at and encered a downhill spiral of But I never made it home. together is broken and the halo surrounds the front door the bottom. The sunshine was loneliness and tainted despise Deep down, although years wind will rake us in different of an old country farmhouse, so bright in the hallway that for rhose with loving families had passed with the changing directions, che sun always in inviting all inside. The grass is a I couldn't see his eyes and the and a place co call home. of seasons and the changing the background. green that only the most imagi­ tears that filled chem. Eventu­ I despised the thought of of people, I always called my The home will still stand on native of minds can picture. ally, I found a spare bedroom people being happy and I spur­ parents' house "home." Even the dusty street. The sun will Across acres, the rays complete with a window so small that I cered at the ones who enjoyed today, l am the selfish one ro still shine through the forever­ the nostalgic image and the couldn't remember the pictur­ going home. In a drunken rage call home "home" when I was dirty windows and onco the church bells echo over the hills esque lifestyle that I had when of memory lapse, I even went the one who left it all behind. memories chat were left in the bringing us back to reality. I lived with my parents. so far co rip the clothing of the Life changes. More recently, cracks on the floor and the dust This pretty piccure used to be My addiction got worse: I one I "loved" because of the with the looming darkness of on councertops. mine, in happier times. Now loved co hurt the ones that jealousy chat seeped chrough bankruprey over their heads, And I, will begin the para­ with a heavy heart, 1 chink hurt me. They became subject my veins, pulsing for the life my parents finally finalized graph of my new life word by about the life chat ic once was matter in my poetry, characters I wanced but never had. I was their divorced, and put our word in my own, quainc apart­ and how the smallest decisions in my fiction and villains in my tired of couch surfing in the home on the market. Living ment, looking ac the sun shine can change everything. nightmares. With every line summer time and putting out of cotes and plastic threc­ over the bay. I left this, when the sunshine break and comma I became in overtime to pay my bills riered shelving units never turned to dark, stormy clouds farther and farther away from because when I left, those came felt so heavy Although it's no ., Review: Student art shown in Bristol Letter to the Editor JACQUUHE BRZOZOWSIU IHerald Contributor. Loebs. This space is a place for CEN responds to article DAVID CHASE IHerald Contributor studencs co not only visit and create, but co think and be­ Students in Elizabeth Duffy's come inspired to expand their about spring concert venue aesthetics class went on a spur own creative minds. To whom it may concern, pinpoint any areaS iliac may we rould host it outside during of the momenc fie.Id trip to "Each piece sort of had a 225 Franklin Sr. in Bristol chis present difficulties for the art- the day. The answer co chat is meaning or emotion, a wide In response co the editorial ists. In years past, we have had a two-part response focusing past week and were pleasantly range of emotion from hard­ surprised with what they were article, "Spring Concert Should some difficulty in dealing with primarily upon tradition and ship co joy and it seemed like it be Held Outside" in last week's artist/student exchange during cost. It is the tradition of chis introduced to. cook a lot for the individual co "'The Path to Success' by Hawks' Herald, we feel that af- the Fall Concert because of the school to hose Block Party, portray char emotion through ter we took the time to respond openness of the event and the an event chat attracted nearly Megan Place holds a lot of their work" Clay Kinley said, meaning in it," said freshman co Ms. MuJvey's questions, our inability co control the entire 4,000 people last year, on the chinking back on his visit. student Derek Heyl. "le is a replies were selectively chosen space. Obviously, in mention- Saturday of Spring Weekend. Duffy lacer explained chat the co conform to the author's ing an outdoor concert, you Block Party has become a staple photo of/asts connected by a dark black thread used in the chain an I believe each pare of argument while other answers are also aware of the risks ac this University and will 'Type Writer Piece' by Jessica were ignored in order to justify involved in the unpredictability continue to be an annual event the chain is a single problem in ..... Lundberg could evoke emotion che article. It is clear chat any of weather. This same scenario as long as the Campus Enter-, everyday life," added Heyl. in its own way, emotion that Roger Williams University answers that were given chat is a cause for concern in any tainment Network is around. one can see rather than experi­ could contradict Ms. Mulvey's outdoor event - including the Secondly, the costs of artists, as recently rented a building for enced through verse. Visual Art, Design, and Con­ opinion and otherwise resolve Fall Concert - and contin- well as the availability, changes Students in Duffy's class the answers to her concerns gency plans do exist. Inclement drastically for weekend perfor- struction Management majors learned chat caking chances and co discover and bring to life were not deemed worthwhile weather would significantly im- mances. Most artists who per- "chinking outside the confines for publication. While we un- pact the audience and available form on college tours increase some of their most abstract of ones mind is a risk one tangible pieces of work. demand the role of editing and capacity if such a contingen•cy ,.. their prices significancly from needs co take to be extraordi­ From a small grass setting, an author's selective preferences plan needed to be enacted. the week night prices. One of nary no matter what they do". in journalism, we feel chat A few topics that you may note our most important casks as complete with tree branches Seated Volpe. and moss, che piece was meant CEN was done a chairs is to remain for the celling of a poetic verse major injustice " . inside the bud- co the Lady Gaga-inspired by ignorin~ many 1he answer to that ts a two-part response get chat we are piece by Phil Shaw. The area is of our replies . Jocusinuprimari/11 unon tradition and cost. " alloted and we do the quintessential place to elate chat would sansfy o 'J T so carefully and the senses with the variety of the concerns or meticulously by • beautiful and thought-provok­ inquiries about the addressing each ing pieces of art. Spring Concert. if you desire: need we come across. Shaw, a visual arts major, Below is the email that was sent We have also been asked why Ifyou do decide co quote uses pop culture influences as co Ms. Mulvey: we do not bring a larger act either John Walsh or'\nyself, his arciscic muse. "Lady Gaga for the Fall Concert since all of our official title on the Cam- and pop culture in general are Jenna, rhese restrictions are placed on pus Entertainment Network is my influences, She's the most the Spring Concert. The answer Traditions co-chairs; we plan influential figure we have now. The reason that the Spring is simple: Spring WeeJef time you break until you ace tory of dating. It comfortable enough usually happens feel like picking at one ofthem like a scab, to be yourself with Celebrities running for office? early in the relation­ bite your tongue, say nothing, and bask in them. ship when things how good itfeels to choose to not release are just scarring out. Ninth Circle: ing on in the world right now, your wrath" JENNA MULVEY Herald Reporter You and your beau Treachery I the president has a lot to deal ~re p;o~~bly)ust This is the deepest, How would you feel about a with.. The president also has to talking or hang- darkest layer of the reality show celebrity running deal with other issues in our ing out." This is a great layer to Fifth Circle: Anger Inferno. It is often confining our country? Well, Donald country, such as the economy. be located in because you can It is human nature to feel an­ and always unpleasant, with Trump, the real estate big shot Trump is serious about run- either move up or down; it's ger and irritation, even towards constant whispers of jealousy, and star of NB C's The Ap- ning for president like every really up to you. The number­ someone whom you love. But guilt, skepticism, and shame. If prentice, will be running for other presidential candidate one reason why things will faJI if you find that you and your you are at this level, you know­ President in 2012. lhis is not would be. According to news- deeper into the Inferno when main squeeze are constanrly ingly betray or are unfaithful to the first time that a celebrity, he even stated that you are stationed in Limbo is picking fi9hts with one anoth­ your partner. If you are unhap­ has run for president. Before he would spend $600 mil- if you cry to rush chem and er, then its time to step back py with your relationship, then Ronald Reagan was elected lion dollars on his campaign. label them too quickly. Take and evaluate the situation. If have the decency to cell your president of the United States, However, money does not solve this giddy, butterfly-filled phase you look at things objectively, significant other that you don't he was a popular television and everything, and while Trump as an opportunity co really gee you will most likely find that want to be with him anymore. movie actor. ------believes that to know the person you could you are fighting about the Even ifyou have justified your It would be ''Jfi / h he should run, potentially be exclusive with same issues again and again. reasoning for cheating in your interestin&_ ee t. at anyone he may not before you create permanent If the conflict is important, head, it is better for you, him, and nice to who wants to run for be th_e best damage on both of your hearts try to sit down and discuss ir, and your conscience, if you are see a variety candidate. by being too overbearing. with no yelling allowed. If the single while you mingle. of different affoo/itica/ position Even though things you are fighting about If you relate to one of these, politicians I " anyone who Second Circle: Lust are petty and unnecessary, then or in some cases, more than rake part S OU ld be a bte to. wants to Being physically attracted to next time you feel like pick­ one, your next step is to in running should be able your partner is an extraordinary ing at one of them like a scab, analyze who is causing your our country. to run, they thing. Many relationships now­ bite your tongue, say noth­ relationship to sink to chis level However, there could also be should have some background adays stare after a one-night ing, and bask in how good it of vexation: is it you, your part­ some drawbacks to certain in politics. Trump does not hook up, but if you are lookinp feels to choose to not release ner, or the both of you togeth­ celebrities running for and pos­ seem to have any experience for more from a guy, then don t your wrath. * Note: Ifyou get er? After that, decide whether sibly becoming president. in politics. Having political wait around thinking that one hormonal during your period, or not you think it is worth I feel that anyone who wants experience can definitely help day he will see how amazing let your boyfriend know, but pulling your romance out of to run for a political posi- the president do their job, and you are and change his mind, do not use it as an excuse to be the blazing vigor of the Inferno tion should be able to do so. run the country well. because he probably won't. unreasonable. It gees old after before it is too late and the America is a free country, and lhe election of 2012 will You deserve to have what you about the third month. whole thing goes up in smoke. everyone has the freedom to do definitely be an interesting one. want out of a relationship. In If you are not in a relation­ mostly what they wane. How­ Who kndws? Maybe Trump contrast, sex should never be Sixth Circle: Heresy ship, but notice that you have ever, being the president of the will end up becoming our used as a reason to stay in a In Dante's Inferno this was participated in some of these country is a big responsibility. president, and maybe at some relationship chat is not working defined as a person whose "soul classic sabotage techniques, 'The president has their life as point in the future, we will see out emotionally. If you can't dies with the body," but in my then be wary of history repeat­ well as everyone else's in their another celebrity trying to run stand to talk to your boyfriend Inferno, heresy happens when ing itself. If you do not change own hands, and they are the too. for more than five minutes or you stay in a relationship when your ways, you could become a main person representing our you can't go more than five - your heart is not in it. When prisoner of this circle of dating country. With all the issues go- minutes without fighting with you do chis, you are giving up damnation for all eternity. APRIL 29, 2011 OPINIONS PAGE 13

Is universal healthcare thewaytogo?

Healthcare, healthcare, healthcare: and rnighc stop one from buying that this has been the word on everyone's extra television for one's home, but Fr'Ce Healthcare! Come on folks, ap;ain, being sick isn't supposed to mind since Obama has taken office. just think about the good that the tax who want.<; co be like Canada? Even be easy. You are sick; life is crap. My question is, what is so wrong with dollars would be doing. Canadians don't want to be as­ The goal of ow· system now is to everyone having it? We obviously live There are millions of people in this sociated with Canada: All kidding take care of yourself. If you smoke a in a first world nation, so why not country who cannot afford health­ aside, Canada sucks, but universal pack of cigarettes a day and get lung allow our citizens to experience some care, and no matter what the circum­ healthcare for all sucks more. Have cancer, why_ the hell should I have to of the comforts that come along with stance, a person should not be decled you folks ever been co the DMV? contribute my hard earned money in that title? treatment for an illness because of Imagine all the efficiency and caring the form of taxes to take care of your It puzzles me that the United States, financial restrictions. The government attention you receive at the DMY. stupidity? I shouldn't, because we are the world's most powerful nation, is already footing a massive bill each Now picture that level of attention a society of individuals who love be­ cannot get its act together to provide year from those people who make in the emergency room. A soothing ing independent. We are a nation of Americans with something that is so emergency room visits, and who can't thought, huh? "go-getters" and not people who say, basic. What sets us and other major afford to pay for it. Who do you We have the best healthcare "help me I am irresponsible and can't Wesrern nations apart from the rest of think ends up picking up the tab? around, we live longer than nearly rake care of myself" the world is our ability to take care of The rax payers do. So why notJorm a five billion other human beings on our citizens. system that will have some organiza­ this planet, which is amazing con­ Well scratch that, a lot of individu­ There's an issue, though, that the tion to it, and would save everyone sidering our diet consists als have become dependent on the U.S. seems to be lagging when it money? and alcohol govern­ comes to this. Once again, (not always ment for Universal "Isn't helping one person heal more there is the in that "~have such amazing medical technology aid. "The healthcare important that allof the others who point that ·order). We because the free market provides for government is nor going would be using it to their advantage?" it could be have such competition and therefore innovation" owes me to bring the taken advan­ amazing rhis, owes country to tage of, that medical me that, its knees no CHRISTOPHER MUNSEY universal technology ANDY PLOCICA and I have matter what Herald Contributor healthcare because the Herald Contributor a right to anyone says. could end up free market healthcare!" Many fear being the new provides for How pomp­ that doing welfare. Again competi­ ous do we this will lead consider this: tion and sound to the counrry isn't helping therefore places that down the path to socialism, or even one person heal more important than innovation. If the government is still have polio for heaven's sake? worse, communism, but those who all of the others who would be using running the show, expect some nega­ We have excellent healthcare, the believe this are just being dramatic. it to their advantage? I think so. Even tive impacts. problem is health insurance has A government health< system if I paid years and years of ta.Xes that Bringing everyone into a big become a monster industry thar we will do nothing more to the country I knew were going towards a system government run system will come can't control. A more open health in­ than any other tax increase; provid­ that only helped l out of every 1 0 with numerous drawbacks, such as surance market and competition be­ ing universal healthcare will at least people, l would still know that it was those seen in Canada's overcrowded tween companies in different states, do some good. People argue that the worth it. hospitals where patients are given would surely yield lower costs as all system will be taken advantage of, or There is absolutely no reason, no beds based on how long they have of the companies start competing that miles-long lines will form at hos­ matter his or her background, that a been there waiting. Do you want to against one another. I'm sure North pitals for patients just wanting to get person should be denied a trip to the sit on a bed in.a hallway next to who Dakota has cheap healthcare, there a check up, bur once again, I think doctor. We are living in an age where knows for 100 hours? Or how about are about ten people rhere, and ~ this demonsrrates the American :flare new righrs are beginning to spring up, having your medical options being such, Blue Cross Blue Shield wowd for the dramatic. and h..Uthcare, to me, has beoome weighed over by a panel that decides have to lower prices to compete. I believe that th'ere would be noth­ one of them. what the government feels you are So don't hate the game, hate the ing more American than giving up So long as all the money I give up worth? players. Universal healthcare is not a little bit of one's income to make each April goes to helping at least one We are Americans, we enjoy choice the answer; ir's a half-assed train sure that someone in need will be person get better from whatever their and independence - not being told wreck drat will ruin our medical sec­ helped. Universal healthcare is more illness they are facing, I will stand by what we can and cannot do. tor. Good luck and God bless. charitable than anything. Let's say the belief that universal healthcare is The best mecJical help is available there is a tax increase to fond a system not only a great idea, but an idea that as long as you can afford it, but then like this; it might be a bit of a burden every American should get behind.

THE -HAWKS' HERALD 2010-201·1 The student newspaper of Roger Williams University STAFF DIRECTORY DISCLAIMER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF...... -...... , ...... BENWHITMORE • bwhianorc4·[email protected] MANAGING EDITOR ...... AMANDA NEWMAN • [email protected]~du THE HA.wxs' HERALD is a srudent publication. ll1e views, staterp.ents, opinions, depictions, and/ or representations (expressions) contained herein are solely those ofTHE HAWKS' H£RAL0 and NEWS IDITOR...... AMANDA NEWMAN • [email protected] do not, and are not, meanr co represent or be attributed to the expressions of Roger Williams FEATURES EDITOR...... , ...... KATLYN PROCTOR• [email protected] University, any trustee, officer, agent, employee, srudent, or representacive of Roger Williams ASST. FFATURES EDITOR...... OUVIA LYONS• [email protected] University, and neither are such expressions authorized, accepted, or condoned by the university. OPINIONS EDITOR...... ALEXANDRAARTIANO • [email protected] THE HAwKs' HERALD is dedicated to providing news to the university in a fair and accurate manner. SPORTS EDITOll ...... HENRYHOUGHLIN • [email protected] PHOTO EDITOR...... MARK FUSCO • [email protected] CONTACT COPY EDITOR...... NICHOLLE BUCKLEY• [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER ...... jEREMY K1NG • [email protected] Leners to rhe edicor, suggestions, corrections, story ideas, and other correspondence should be addressed co Tm l-IAWKS' HE.RAJ..o, Suite 202, Campus Recreation Center, 1 Old Ferry Road, WEB MANAGER ...... [email protected] Brist~I, R.I., 02809 or sent via e-mail to [email protected]. WE_B DE.SIG~ M.ANAGEll •...... , ...... BlLLARYDUTTON • b.dutton882C@£ CONTRIBUTORS ADVERTISERS Vktoria Bradford Christopher Munsey Andy Plodca Jacqulene Brzozowski Bristol Phoenix Jill Rodrigues THE HAWKS' liERAI.o welcomes advertisers both on and off q1mpus. Advertising rates vary David Chase Brad Shapiro based on the patron's s_pecifications. For pricing inquiries, please contacr the business manager at [email protected] to request a copy of the media kit. STAFF REPORTERS For other media inquiries, please call the THE HAWKS' HERALD office (40 l) 254:-3229 all Nicholle Buckley Griffin Labbance Jenna Mulvey Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or e-mail [email protected] ac any tim.e. Yamileh Dure Michelle Lee Datielle Terry I_(insey Janke Courtney Little Lauren Tierney Tmt HAWKS' HERALD • Suite 202, Campus Recreation Center • 1 Old Ferry Road • Bristol, !U. 02809 Clara Moses PAGE 14 LIFESTYLE APRIL 29, 2011

Royal wedding fever WfF: gone too far AUTO COLUMN Call to the U.S. : Early bird gets the worm plumber sank £1,000, about MARK FUSCO IPhoto Editor year. That's about 745 billion they invested in General Mo­ $1,600) inta a portrait of the JEREMY KING IBusiness Manager I'm tired of it, you're tired royal couple on his rwo front miles a year. tors, Chrysler, and Ford, into of it; even. the people who are teeth. Known as "gnasher cats," Cars are such an integral part That's a lot of miles, and aU new Amedcan transporta­ genuinely obsessed with it are they are a form of ivory art of the world today. They are al­ getting tired of it. The worst all the while we're pumping tion and energy technology. and are small paintings that most as essential to our lives as part is, it has not even hap­ are drawn onto teeth. That's foreign fuel into these cars. We Why bail out old technology pened yet. right, dear old Kate and Wil­ the air we breathe. But it's easy use over 140 billion gallons a let alone companies that failed I am, of course, talking liam will oe the last thing any to lose crack of just how signifi­ year. Multiply that by $3, $4, in the first place. We are one about the royal wedding, and I of Franks' food sees. Although cant is, especially when or even $5 per-gallon and that of the few developed nacions simply cannot wait to wake up the tattoos will eventually wear living in the United States. and scroll into my 11 o'clock number quickly grows. Just without an energy policy. Why? off, depending on how much The Unit.ed States is among class on Friday morning know­ Franks brushes his teeth, they chink about how much money We were once an industrial su­ ing chat not only did I sleep are permanent for at lease the the largest of automobile con­ we the people of the United perpower, but these days what through it; but I got about five next three months. sumers. Today, it's estimated States spend purchasing foreign we have to rely on is our educa­ more hours of sleep than the "I love the royal family and chat there are over 600 million cars and filling them with tion, money, and willingness to droopy eyed fan boy (or girl) this was my way oflending cars on the road sitting next to me. put both of those my support co their big day," globally. With a However, in the world of Franks cold The Windsor Knot. to good use. the fan boy, sleep deprivation I understand supporting world population "we are one ofthe few developed nations We're on the hardly scratches the surface. In you favorite cause, event, or hovering around 7 verge of a new fact, missing some sleep will without an energy policy." spores team, but this goes a billion people, that's age. We need hardly earn you a member card little beyond face paint. Don't more than one car to the royal wedding fan club, to put faith in get me wrong, I have seen and for every 12 people. but a royal tattoo might. Then accepted some strange tattoos our future and again chis is your body we in my day, but these are your What sort of impacr does foreign oil. stop getting hung up on the are talkin& about, and a royal teeth. With all due respect Mr. having all these cars on the People constantly talk about past. We need to invest in new tattoo cant just go anywhere, Franks: WTF?! road make? the financial situation of the industry and beat the rest of it needs something We hear about the environ­ special - something United States. Household sav­ the world ro the punch. dental. ment all the time; it's almost ing has practically ceased and The early bird gets the worm, According co THE getting old. Bue how much people sink deeper into debt right? Well for the U.S. it's WINDSOR KNoT, a driving are we doing with all each year. Just think, what if getting late! It takes a few good website created by these cars? every day we got into our cars ideas to make big changes. The the Today Show co According to the U.S. govern­ specifically follow we were helping the American ideas are already out there. the royal wedding, ment, there are approximately people. Just think where we All we need to do is take the that is exactly what 62 millions cars on the road could we be if our govern­ leap. With any luck, it could one man did. domestically. And those 62 ment, the body looking out be what makes the U.S.A. the Barmy"Baz" million cars get driven on aver­ for this country's well being, world leader it once was. Franks, 29, a British age in excess of 12,000 miles a invested the same $25 billion - -

APRIL 29, 2011 PUZZLES PAGE 15 2 13 14 15 ~ 17 18 19 f10 -11 112 (13 (14 (15 16 111 h8 h9 120 I I SUDO KU High Fives 21 I 25 I I I i ~r-1 I I I I I I , -- l •:1 r •:-1 I 1 9 3 6 3 9 1 ~29 I I -30 131 I 32 I I r -33 I I 134 I -35 I I I I 17 2 3 5 ' 1 4 3 16 2 6 5 9 7 2 :36 I I J37 -38 I J39 1.w --411 I f42 43 I I 44 I Ill I 19 7 2 3 8 8 4 12 4 2 4 6 9 1 8 1 5 2 8 11 I I 162 I I 63 I 164 I I I65 I lss I67 I Isa 69 I I I I I I I 1 4 6 7 8 7! 5 417 170 I I -11 I I 72- ,---173--74 I 175 I 76 I I I I I I 6 4 7 6 15 8 2 5

83 1 6 9 1 8 ~79 I 80 ~81 182 I ' ,9 1 L 184 ~85 I 9 5 :1 I 17 87 88 1 89 I I ~ - 1~2 I I I 8 4 3 1 419 2 6 100 '101 I I I I ho2 ho3 I ho4 10s I I I hos ho? I I hoe hos I I I 15 1 6 3 I . 17 110 I I -1111 I 1112 -113 I 1114 I I -1151 1116 -117 I I ' I I I 14 8 I 3 3 12 1 5 110 I I 1119 -120 I I 1121 -122 I I 123 I 1124 -12s I I I I 121 1 I 3 6 8 9 126 121- 133 7 8 6 !5 8 5 7 2 5 3 6 2 4 8 134 I i 8 5 6 9 2 3 7 9 8 6 4 7 3 7 2 7 3 9 214 159 161 162 163 166 ILJ..113196 1 83 1s 167 170 169 HOW TO PLAY: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids, sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes 175 I I I I -176 I I I I -177 I I I I -178 I I I I I 1 must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The numbers in 179 I I I I -180 I I I I -181 J r r 1 - -182 l~-1-----i-1 1 any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus. w R P.v, SUNDAY PUZZLER ~/ 2 9/11 by Bill Biggar and Tom Gauer Find the word held in common by the three words in each puzzle. Tue three solution words will form a fourth puzzle. Tue numbers ACROSS 126 Western Indian 52 Stormed indicate eadl answers length, and the + tells you tts position. I Play unfairly 128 lbe basics 53 Like a contortionist Exampk: The solution to .+fonuer, Wailing+ and Berlin+ Is Wall 6 Occurrence 130 Thole 54 Knelt 11 Wife-to-be 132 Eastern queen 56 Strange 16 Severe 133 Print measures 59 A vegetable final+ 21 Time off &om work 134 Roosevelt or Pender 60 Flying toys entrance+ 22 Delayer's motto 61 Smooth and shiny - oral+ _E> '+ 23 "Bolero" composer 135 r::mox 6'4 CityIn OlI+ ! ~· 30 Veto 147 Currier's£htner 78 Tragic king ~ 32 Butter rival 150 Mil. inst tion 80 Court diviaer ~ 33 Cites 152 Punning poet 81 Plant of forgetfulness skin+ 7 35 Sweet, fruity drink 154 Loud sound 82 "There - to be a law!" health+ 36 Proboscis 155 Ali - 84 Limbs intensive+ E> I+ I &~ 38 Puccini heroine 159 Zero 87 Paddy plant @ 41 Need 160 Corrosive 89 Craze 43 ~org. 162 Kite appendage 91 Overly FINAL ANSWER • 44 mter fun item 164 Young swan 93 Teller of tales 45 Greed 166 Upi;>erclassmen (abbr:) 95 Silk-cotton tree lfl4lMEJ

PAGE 16 SPORTS APRIL 29 I 2011 Men•s lacrosse downed by Trinity

HENRY LOUGHLIN! Sports Editor Jeff Rauciola had an excel­ lent open-net bid co bring Despite cheir best attempts che Bantams within two, but to tie the game, the Roger he contrived co send his shot Williams Universiry Men's La­ wide, much to the chagrin of crosse team found themselves the visitor~. However, Jdf He­ consigned to defear against the bert redeemed his team's miss Bantams of Trinity College. just under a minute later, bear­ The loss sends the Hawb to ing Roebuck with a high bid 8-8 while the victory puts the to make it 5-3. Brennan then Bantams at 12-2. · found the net with 4:27 left in It didn't cake long for the the half, getting his second of Hawks' offensive potency to the game and Trinity's fourch. 7he Roger Williams University sailing team practices in Mt. Hope Bay. show, as Drew Beck tickled Rautiola would grab a huge the twine with just 27 seconds goal with only 10 seconds left gone. Trinity's threat wasn't in the half, drawing his team quelled for long, however, as level at 5-5. That would be the SAILING: Hawks to compete for national title Nick Sheehan tied things up score-line the half would end wich a high blast past RWU with, the difference between the goalkeeper Tyler Roebuck, just Continued &om page 1 teams having been nullified in 1:55 later. Rob Nogueras had a dramatic fashion. Rankings. Georgetown found the sport, there are a few things heights. nice bid for the visitors which The second halfwould prove co themselves in the second spot, that everyone can grasp about "This ranking has generated clattered against the near pose, be even more palpitating. Hav­ with 371, while the College of this little-covered yet interest­ a lot of excitement on campus keeping rhe game deadlocked ar ing won the opening faceoff, Charleston sits a distant third ing sport. and within the te:tm. ln the last one-alJ. che Hawks with 356. While sporn like foorbaU, few days, I have received a ton However, scored just six Being somewhat of a niche baskerbaU, and basebaU have of e-mails from members of the the Bantams seconds in, as sport, sailing does not usually rankings upon which the basis campus community sending would gee their Smith buried grab the headlines in the man­ is win-loss records, sailing finds congratu1ations," CaUahan said. first lead of his shot from ner that other athletic endeavors itself in a bit of a different place "The reception has been really the game with close range. do. This may be due to the fact in terms of determining who great. I think the team is feeling 4:48 left in Nogueras took that the sport does not belong the "top dog" is. - really supported." the quarter, as advantage of a to the National Collegiate Ath­ Since 19-79, the aforemen­ Though the course has still yet Greg Brennan defensive mis­ letic Association (NCAA). In­ tioned SailinEodd has been ro be fuUy run, the woman at got his first of cue just a min­ stead, the sport has its own gov­ doing its ra · s by the pro­ the helm is definitely optimistic the game. ute later, tying erning body, the lntercoliegiate cess of accredite coaches sub­ abour her squad's chances. 'The Hawks' it 6-6. With SailingAssociation (ICSA). mitting their votes for the rop- "This weekend we've got the weren't to be temerity be- deterred, how­ Since its inception, the RWU 20 co-ed teams nationwide. semifinals ar Long Beach in ~the two program has enjoyed success, "The rankings are an open poll California, where we've got a ever, and their reams groWlng breaking into the nation's top­ of college sailing coaches. New great shot at ~erring to Nation­ pressure paid progressively cen rankings in 2004. rankin~ come our every two als. While we ve got to finish in off when Dan more evident; "We're just coming off an epic weeks, Callahan said. "I believe the cop nine, our sights are set Klink scored Roebucj\. win last weekend at the New coaches' rankings are based on much higher," CaUahan said. with just 1:48 sgu:ed- - -the England Dinghy Champion­ both a mix of historical team "1he following weekend, we'II left in the third goal in ship," Callahan said, "in which performance (over the course of try to achieve another team first quarter. Despite a telling bid as many minutes. Trinity, how­ we led both divisions in a true a semester) combined with the by qualifying for the team rac­ from Beck at the horn, the first ever, upped the ante and scored team effort." two most recent weekends re­ ing nationals. 'There are 3 spring quarter ended deadlocked at through Steve Manning. Klink Indeed, reaching the pinnacle sults. They look at how the top national championships: Wom­ two goals apiece. had a good bid from distance of the college sailing world is a boats on each team perform." en's, Team Racing thrce-versus­ RWU came flying out of the as time expired in the third fitting confirmation that these Each coach is aliotted a certain three and coed. It is much hard­ traps in the second quarter, bur quarter, but it wasn't enough co men and women have "arrived." number of points for particular er to qualify for team racing, Bantams net minder Dominic beat Piselli, as rhe chird quarter Many are familiar with the places: 20 points for first, 19 for only three trom New England Piselli did well to deny the home ended with the same goal differ­ basics of sailing, but the com­ second, 18 for third, cominu­ go. Having said that, I think we attackers on several occasions. ential as the first rwo. petition variant of the sport ing down to a.measly one point have a great shot this year. If we The next goal could be called Ultimately, despite the Hawks' is different than your average for twentieth. Every week, the see conditions in Oregon, like "the goal of Drews," as Beck fed best efforts, it would be Trinity carefree jaum out on the waters points are totaled up, thereby we saw at URI the ocher week­ feUow first-namer Drew Smith who would grab the victory, of Mt. Hope Bay. giving each "ranked" team a end, we've got a great shoe at the to cap off a quick counterattack as Kevin Lobby scored the de­ Normally, sailing races are point total. Finaliy, the rankings National title!" and give the Hawks the lead cisive goals. Despite their best called "regattas," which, accord­ are compiled, and teams are And who would bet against again. Forty-one seconds later, attempts to rally, the Hawks ing co the !CSA, usually feature given the rankings every other her? With newfound optimism Smith fed Logan. Rottbuck tO would have to settle for defeat anywhere between eight and 20 'Thursday. · reverberating on the waters of double the home teams advan~ against their New England schools. And while it would be Callahan cites the most re­ the Mt. Hope Bay, the Hawks tage. Roebuck grabbed another SmaU CoUege Athletic Confer­ inappropriate for this writer to cent rankings as imperus for the may just be able to take home one just over a minute later, ence opponent. try to delve into the nuances of team ro achieve stratospheric their first national tide. making ir 5-2 to RWU. SHAPIRO: Make the right call, Bud BRAD SHAPIRO IHerald Contributor have been an obvious goaltend­ eree sitting at a desk watching rant than sticking to the older baU or strike. ing caU that could have been replays and even coaches with traditions of relying purely on Human error has always been With the NBA and NHL seen on a portable five-inch the ability to chalienge certain referees. a part of th