Polarity Energetic : 5 Element Approach Course Outline Polarity Therapy level EPP, APP and beyond

Instructor: Amadea Morningstar, MA, RPE, RYT 505-466-4108, [email protected]

Required Texts: Stone, Dr. R. (1985) Health Building, Sebastopol, CA: CRCS Publications Morningstar, Amadea (2001) The Ayurvedic Guide to Polarity Therapy (AGPT)

Texts of Interest Stone, Dr. R. (1986) Polarity Therapy: The Complete Collected Works, Vol.1 & 2. Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Co. Morningstar, A. (2018) Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic for Westerners, The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Breathe Free The Murrieta Foundation, Murrieta Hot Springs Vegetarian Cookbook (1987)

Supplies and Materials:

Comfy clothing * An open mind *One notebook

Course Description: Through lecture, interactive group activities, self- exploration, practical application and one on one process, this course is designed to give the students the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to apply energetic nutrition as part of their work as Associate Polarity Practitioners * and/or Energy Principles Practitioners**and beyond.

Total Hours: 5, to be taken at your own pace in this video series

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: * Demonstrate a basic knowledge and personal experience of Dr. Stone’s Polarity nutrition energetics, including his 5 element approach & 3 principles approach. * Describe how the three principles and 5 elements relate to the 4 constitutional types. * Describe the key principles and differences in the health building, purifying, and gourmet vegetarian diets, including acid-alkaline foods, and how to use each. * Relate their personal experience of these three diets based on direct application of these in their lives, including sprouting, soaking, skin-brushing, and observation of processed and nature-based foods. * Have an understanding of how consciousness, food choices, and eating intertwine and how it is possible to change them. * Begin to work with themselves around food and life style choices in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. © Amadea Morningstar 2020

1 Polarity Therapy Energetic Nutrition: 5 Element Approach Video Schedule

Session 1 ETHER – SPACE: Setting the stage for healing (one hour) The 5 Koshas, a meditation Space, time, schedules, and food Exploring the 5 Elements and food The 5 Elements: Space as appearance and portion size Ether: sound, mantra, prayer 4 Polarity Constitutional types Reading: AGPT, chapter 1

Session 2 AIR: breath, pranayama, digestive fire (one hour) Meeting the 3 Polarity Food Processes: Purifying, health building, gourmet vegetarian Air foods. Looking at the Purifying process Air: touch, marma, Nabhi Recipes + a light meal together Reading: AGPT, chapters 3 & 4

Session 3 FIRE: digestive fire, how to support it, how to inhibit it (one hour) Introducing the 3 Principles in food, food prep & eating Looking more closely at the Health Building process Fire foods. Soaking, sprouting, food-combining. Fire: sight, color and nourishment

Session 4 WATER: food and feeling, Patanjali’s Spiral (one hour) Water foods. Skin-brushing. Castor oil. Gourmet Vegetarian process Water: tastes! A taste test. Recipes + a light meal together Reading: AGPT, chapter 5 plus p. 289

Session 5 EARTH: grounding and integrating. Review. (one hour) Earth foods. Acid-Alkaline balance. pH in healing. Earth: aroma, smell. A smell test. Closing.

To complete the course, email [email protected] and certify you’ve watched the videos and completed the homework.

NOTES * Please refer to the APTA standards as well as the APTA website for registration needs in the American Polarity Therapy Association. www.polaritytherapy.org

** For membership in the International Polarity Educators Alliance, see http://polarityeducation.net/membership © Amadea Morningstar 2020

2 Handouts and References, as shown in the EN videos Polarity Food Processes, AGPT p. 139 Food and the Elements, AGPT p. 148

Dr. Randolph Stone’s Purifying Diet To be practiced for no more than two weeks at a time for the purpose of cleansing and detoxifying body and mind

Foods on the Purifying Food Process Fruits Spices Vegetables Herbs and herbal tea Sprouted and Raw honey Soaked (8 per day) Cooking methods: Soaked seeds baked, steamed, boiled Soaked dried fruits Cold-pressed oils (not heated) Essene bread Fresh juices

Foods to Avoid on the Purifying Process Dairy products Potatoes (sweet potatoes ok) Grains and starches Caffeine, tea, etc. Unsprouted and legumes Vinegar Sugar & concentrated sweets Meat, seafood, eggs Salt Alcohol and drugs Nuts and nut butters Heated oil (except as above) Most fermented foods Breads, cakes, pastries, etc. Fried foods

Using the above guidelines, you may put together your own routine and meals and be quite successful. If you are in need of a little more structure, try following the outline that follows, A day of purifying might look like…, which is Dr. Stone’s recommendation for utilizing the Purifying Diet.

Whether you develop your own program or follow the one below, certain preparations may help you to feel more fulfilled and successful: Plan ahead! Know what your meals will be and shop for those foods. Do you experience cravings? How can you get the “quality” of these foods while still following this program? Take care of yourself on every level while Purifying!

Self-Care Practices that may assist you while Purifying: 1. Take a bath with Epsom salts, Dead Sea salts, of Baking Soda. Add essential oils! 2. Use a Purifying Scrub while bathing, 2 parts Baking Soda to 1 pt sea salt. Sprinkle a few tablespoons on to a cloth and scrub your skin with it. 3. If you are feeling vulnerable, try Oil Massage after bathing. While still slightly wet, spread a small amt of body oil over you as a protective barrier

3 4. Protect yourself externally. Stay warm! You may want heavier clothes, socks, an extra layer on hand, or a hat. Keep a cup of tea with you. 5. Nurture and be gentle with yourself. You are detoxifying, which is hard work! With appreciation to © Melissa Emminger Fritschka, RPP, 2011

A day of purifying might look like…,

AM: Liver Flush: Hot water OR hot water with lemon OR Combine in a blender: 6 oz. fresh citrus juice with ½ lemon, 1 Tbsp. olive oil, 1 inch chopped fresh , 1 clove garlic, a dash of cayenne.

Polaritea: Boil 4 cups water with ½ inch sliced ginger root, 1 Tbsp. , 1 Tbsp. , 1 ½ tsp. licorice root, 1 Tbsp. , fresh or dried peppermint

Food: Baked apples with cinnamon, dates, raisins, soaked almonds.

Mid-Morning: Fresh vegetable juice*

Lunch: Non-citrus fruit (enjoy fruit first, if you’re having some) Raw salad* with sprouts and olive oil/lemon dressing Baked vegetables Vegetable soup

Between Meals: Vegetable broth Herbal tea or “Polaritea”/Essential Rasa Tea How water with lemon juice and honey Fresh fruit juices

Dinner: Non-citrus fruits Herbal tea or “Polaritea”/Essential Rasa Tea Repeat noontime meal Protein (sprouts, soaked almonds, etc.)

With appreciation, © Melissa Emminger Fritschka, RPP, 2011

• NOTE from Amadea: I will gently warm the fresh vegetable juice if the weather is chilly. If raw salad creates gas for you, feel free to use steamed vegetables with the olive oil/lemon dressing instead. • Check out the Purifying Recipes at the end of this series of handouts.

4 Dr. Randolph Stone’s Health Building Diet To be practiced over an extended period of time for the purpose of building and maintaining the health of body and mind.

Foods on the Health Building Food Process Fruits Spices Vegetables Herbs and herbal tea Sprouted seeds and legumes Raw honey Soaked nuts Salt Soaked seeds Yeast Soaked dried fruits Cold-pressed oils (not heated) Essene bread Fresh juices Raw/Fresh Dairy products Miso and fermented foods (uncooked) Tamari Potatoes Vinegar Legumes (best to soak or sprout) Whole grains (best to soak or sprout)

Foods to Avoid on the Health Building Process Cooked dairy products Meat, seafood, eggs Caffeine, tea, etc. Alcohol and drugs Sugar & concentrated sweets Heated oils and butters Refined and processed foods Roasted nuts, seeds, nut butters Fried foods White flour, white , etc.

Good Food Combinations All proteins together Protein + veggies All starches together Acid + non-starchy veggies (ex: salad) Grains and sweet fruits Fat + veggies Starches and dairy foods Starch + veggies Proteins and acidic foods Dairy and sweet fruits (not in Ayurveda) Note: sprouting a or grain pushs it toward the “non-starchy veg” category

Food Combinations to Avoid Starches and acidic foods (such as and OJ, pasta and tomato sauce, salsa & chips) Starches with proteins (such as grains or potatoes with unsprouted beans or tofu) (such as grains or potatoes with nuts except soaked almonds) Fruit after meals

Using the above guidelines, you may put together your own routine and meals and be quite successful. If you are in need of a little more structure, try following the outline below, which is Dr. Stone’s recommendation for utilizing the Health Building Diet. See also AGPT, pages 222-224 © Melissa Emminger Fritschka, RPP, 2011

5 A day of Health Building might look like…,

AM: Liver Flush: Hot water OR hot water with lemon OR Vitality Drink Combine in a blender: 6 oz. fresh citrus juice with ½ lemon, 1 Tbsp. olive oil, 1 inch chopped fresh ginger, 1 clove garlic, a dash of cayenne. Follow with 1 – 2 cups Polaritea: Polaritea: Boil 4 cups water with ½ inch sliced ginger root, 1 Tbsp. fennel, 1 Tbsp. fenugreek, 1 ½ tsp. licorice root, 1 Tbsp. flax seed, fresh or dried peppermint. Marshmallow root can be added to settle stomach.

Food: Fresh fruits Almonds.

Breakfast ONE HOUR following the Liver Flush: Fresh fruits (NO citrus) or dried soaked fruits Hot cereal with raisins (rice, , , , etc.) Almonds or other raw nuts or seeds

Lunch: Non-citrus fruit (enjoy fruit first, if you’re having some) Raw salad* with sprouts and olive oil/lemon dressing Steamed/Boiled/Baked vegetables Vegetable soup Whole grains OR legumes

Between Meals: Vegetable broth Herbal tea or “Polaritea”/Essential Rasa Tea Hot water with lemon juice and honey and/or ginger Fresh fruit or vegetable juices (Citrus OK between meals) Fruit

Dinner: Light and not too late Non-citrus fruit Warm milk Breakfast cereal with fruit, nuts, and honey Raw salads or hot veggie soup Whole grains

© Melissa Emminger Fritschka, RPP, 2011

The Five Koshas, AGPT p. 270

Ayurveda: Building the Tissues, AGPT p. 230


Bone As a child, Frequently Under One structure was experience stress strength Needs

AIR light thin dryness worry, flexibility safety, anxious security or afraid

FIRE medium medium heat angry or can lead fresh irritable effectively air, creative expression

WATER thick a little heaviness withdraws, empathetic chunky with water feels sad listening or dense retention or emotional boundaries

EARTH thick, a little heaviness withdraws, holds inc. neck chunky or a stuck retreats into boundaries or dense feeling routine well enlivening energy

© Amadea Morningstar 2020

7 The Three Principles of Polarity Therapy

= The Mahagunas of Ayurveda

Air principle Fire principle Water principle

Sattva Rajas Tamas = The Mahagunas

East-West, or Spiral, or Long lines Transverse Current Umbilicus Current Current (AGPT, p. 58) (AGPT, p. 59) (AGPT, pp. 61 – 62)

Side to side move Forward & back move Up and down movement

Transverse Current Spiral Current Long Lines Current Chi Gung (AGPT 65 - 66) Chi Gung (AGPT 67 – 68) Chi Gung (69 – 70)

Mantra associated with these currents: RAMA HA! or SHRIM OM

Light touch Vigorous touch Deep touch

Parasympathetic Sympathetic Cerebral spinal fluid nervous system nervous system

Food: see AGPT, p. 141-146

Attitude Clear, neutral, loving, Assertive and warm Cool and contracting open

Resource: Ayurvedic Guide to Polarity Therapy, Morningstar (AGPT)

© Amadea Morningstar 2020


For breathing practices, you can keep track with your fingers, rather than your mind if you like with this traditional East Indian method.

If you want to try this, on the first breath or breath pattern, you touch your left thumb to your left forefinger in the “1” spot. Next breath, contact #2, and so on. If you play with this, you’ll see that the movement makes a spiral inward on the hand.

© Amadea Morningstar 2020


Cutting through Old Patterns Effectively

Working with food cravings or other habitual tendencies is not about developing greater will power. It is about engaging our patterns with awareness.

Developing awareness takes time and patience. It is a step-by-step process. It does not usually spring forward with full and deep skills instantly.

Working in this way with ourselves and others means facing pleasure, as well as pain.

What we discover about ourselves can lead us deeper into an exploration of the present moment.

When cravings or destructive patterns arise, the trick is to stay awake, rather than go numb.

When harsh or non-productive thoughts arise, the skill to develop is to not go along with them.

How you choose to handle your patterns is entirely up to you.

© Amadea Morningstar 2020


10 FOOD EXPLORE WITH THE ELEMENTS A Purifying worksheet, from Video session 3

1: List favorite foods in each element. 2: Think about practical or fun experiences you’ve had with these foods, as a chef or an eater. 3: Play with ways you could use these same foods in your Purifying food process. If you need to, use a separate sheet.


“Space foods” don’t exist per se. Space comes into play in Energetic Nutrition with how food is presented, portion size, and time. For example, the space we give ourselves to prepare a meal and eat it, the time we take to have a meal. Also, the space we have to prepare food, the space in which we eat food. The space we give ourselves to rest and nourish ourselves.

AIR Favorite foods in this element


Purifying ideas?

FIRE Favorite foods in this element


Purifying ideas?

WATER Favorite foods in this element


Purifying ideas?

EARTH Favorite foods in this element Experiences?

Purifying ideas?

See AGPT, pages 147 – 151 for more info. © Amadea Morningstar 2020


MOST ALKALINE ALKALINE ACIDIFYING MOST ACIDIFYING SWEETENERS Maple syrup LESS ACID: NutraSweet Rice syrup Processed honey Equal Stevia Pear or apple Molasses Aspartame concentrate ACID: Sweet’N Low LESS ALKALINE: White sugar Raw honey, raw Brown sugar sugar FRUITS Blueberries, most LESS ACID: Blackberries, berries, Cherries, Plums, Cranberries, Lemon, Lime, Grapes, Raisins, Processed Fruit Prunes, Grapefruit, Mango, Apple, Apricot (no Juices, Tart dried apricots, Papaya, preservatives) Dried pineapple, sulfur treated Watermelon Dates, Figs, Kiwi, sometimes other Melons, Pear dried fruits

LESS ALKALINE: ACID: Ripe banana Sour cherries, Orange, Pineapple, Rhubarb Peach, Avocado NUTS & SEEDS Almonds LESS ACID: Walnuts, , Brazil nuts Pumpkin Seeds, , Pistachios, Sunflower Seeds Olives in brine Black olives in oil ACID: /vinegar Cashews, LESS ALKALINE: seeds, Pine nuts, Chestnuts Coconut, Pecans Green olives VEGETABLES Green beans, Okra, LESS ACID: Morels, etc. Squash, , Cooked Spinach. Asparagus, Beet Potato (with the Salad greens, White vegetables skins) Vegetable juices, like Endive, Raw spinach, Celeriac, Salsify, ACID: , , Sunchokes, Potato (without the Fennel, , Cauliflower, Parsnip skins) Cooked greens, Sulfur-rich veggies:: Brussel sprouts, , , Artichokes, Hot peppers, Cucumber, , garlic, Sweet pepper Sweet potato LESS ALKALINE: Tomato, Fresh corn, , , Eggplant, Potato skins, Sour pickles Mushrooms

12 MOST ALKALINE ALKALINE ACIDIFYING MOST ACIDIFYING GRAINS LESS ACID: , White flour Sprouted wheat Breads, Sweets, bread, Spelt, Brown Pastries, Pasta rice LESS ALKALINE: ACID: , Millet, White rice, Corn, Wild Rice, Quinoa , Oats, DAIRY & EGGS Breast milk. Pasteurized milk, Ultrapasteurized Raw whole milk, Crème fraiche, milks and creams, Acidophilus milk, Fresh yogurt, Chocolate milk, Fresh whey, fresh Camembert, Brie, Heated butter, Kefir, buttermilk, Fresh Young soft cheeses, Aged whey, Aged butter, Fresh soft Cottage cheese, buttermilk, cheese, Egg yolk (!) Buttermilk, Swiss Hard cheeses, cheese, Provolene, Cheddar, Parmesan Goat dairy is more Butter, Whole eggs Ice cream alkalizing than cow. MEATS LESS ACID: Beef, Mutton, Pork, Venison, Cold cuts, Fatty Cold water fish fishes, inc. shrimp, ACID: Shellfish Poultry, inc. Chicken, Turkey, Rabbit, Lamb, Lean fish, BEANS & PEAS Dried peas, , Processed soy LESS ALKALINE: Kidneys, Mung, products , tofu, White, Navy, Pinto Sweetened soy Unsweetened soy beans products milk, Plain soy , Red yogurt, Soy cheese beans SALT Sea salt, most salt CONDIMENTS Green herbs Apple cider vinegar* Most vinegars, mustard, mayo, ketchup OILS Virgin & cold- Same oils but heat , Walnut, pressed oils processed oil, Extra Virgin Olive Flax Seed Oil Corn Oil esp. heated Oil LESS ALKALINE: Canola Oil BEVERAGES Pure water LESS ACID: Alcohol Uncarbonated Slightly carbonated Hot chocolate, Polaritea water, Green tea, mineral waters, cocoa, horsetail (!) Fresh vegetable milk, Soy Rose hips tea, Fruit Sweetened drinks, juices, except milk, Carob peel teas, Birch like lemonade, tomato bark beer commercial sodas, Most herb teas, LESS ALKALINE: ACID: heavily carbonated Lemon or lime water Ginger tea Black tea, Coffee beverages



Experiment with yourself; check how the foods listed actually affect you. This is relatively simple to do with some pH paper, available thru drug stores or Pike Agri-Lab Supplies, toll free, (866) 745-3247. Check your pH a few times a day to get a base line – urine on rising is often the most acidic. Try 1 ½ hours after meals and at bedtime to see if you tend to run acid or alkaline. If you are running more acid, add more alkaline foods and/or more restful activities.

One helpful product to help alkalize your system is Ormed’s Alka base, available thru: http://www.modernherbalist.com/products/alkabase.html . Normal dose is 1/2 tsp on rising in 8 oz warm water. Fine for any one except those on sodium-restricted diets or tetracycline.

NOTE: Most people find fruits to be alkalizing when they check their pH. However, a few don’t, due to a metabolic quirk: If you’re one of these people, cider, nectarines, Morello cherries, less ripe apricots, small tart strawberries, red or black currants, raspberries, mulberries could turn your urine more acidic. You probably tend to eat less fruit than the average person. One way to check for yourself is to check the pH of your urine, then eat a generous amount of the fruits you suspect could be acidifying for you, and test again 1 ½ hours later.

© Amadea Morningstar 2020

Open Reflection on food and healing process Video Session 3

The questions we worked with in this segment are: Are you working with food and healing at all these days? How?

You can use it as part of a triad process, with speaker, listener, and witness if you like. Each person takes a turn with each role. Or you can journal on your own, answering the question once or as many times as you like.

© Amadea Morningstar 2020

14 Energetic Nutrition Purifying Recipes

Guacamoash 2 ripe avocados w/ dash of lemon juice, ¼ tsp. fresh chopped jalapeno or Serrano chile pepper, 1 – 2 cloves garlic, 1 finely chopped green . Serve w/ jicama slices.

Quinoa Tabouli: Sprouted quinoa + favorite veggies + favorite salad dressing (oil & lemon juice)

Sprouted Mung Dal: Sprouted mung (1 – 2 cups sprouted) + 1 tsp each: cumin, coriander, ½ tsp turmeric, 1 tsp – 1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger, blend

Sweet Potato Pudding Bake or boil sweet potatos, add cinnamon, a pinch of salt and almond or olive oil. (Optional: lemon juice, raw honey).

Green Salad Favorite beautiful vegetables, lemon, olive oil, garlic. Just add fresh edible flowers!

Apple Slices Slice apples, toss w/ cinnamon & nutmeg, simmer in water or bake. Optional: a dash of lemon juice.

GOLDEN HUMMUS Prep time: the time it takes to bake the squash, plus 10 minutes = 40 – 50 minutes total, Calms all doshas

For 1 cup 1 small Golden Nugget or Kabocha winter squash 8 raw soaked almonds (or 2 Tbsps raw sprouted sunflower seeds) 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 – 3 cloves of raw garlic ½ tsp. whole cumin seeds Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Soak the nuts or seeds. Wash and prick the squash, in about three places per squash. Place whole in a baking dish and bake until tender, about 30 – 40 minutes. (You can cut it in half if you like, that’s okay.) Dry roast the cumin seeds and grind them; set them aside. (or just spoon some ground cumin from a spice jar). When the squash is done, cut it open, scoop out the seeds, feed them to your chickens or the birds or the compost. Grind the soaked nuts or seeds to a fine powder; add the rest of the ingredients, blend until smooth and voila! You have a -free delish dish.

Rich in vitamin A/beta-carotene, this dish is good for the lungs and skin. It is easily digested. Use it as you would any dip. © Amadea Morningstar 2020

15 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 1

ESSENTIAL RASA TEA = POLARITEA purifying, health building, gourmet veggie Time: 35 minutes or less Makes 3 cups plus

1 quart water 1 Tablespoon fenugreek seeds 1 Tablespoon fennel seeds 1 Tablespoon peppermint 1 teaspoon licorice root, chopped or powdered 1 thin slice fresh ginger root (optional) 1 Tablespoon flax seeds per cup of tea (optional)

Bring water to a boil in a medium stainless steel pot. Put all the herbs in a quart Mason jar, pour the hot water over them and steep for 30 minutes or more. Before serving, strain the tea. Drink 1 - 2 cups per day, the larger amount if you are in dry conditions.

Watch a video on how to make Rasa Tea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDi-VC6Ref8

Effects: Balances all doshas, tridoshic. This tea supports: plasma, nerves, female & male reproductive systems, lactation, ojas. Comments: Rasa/plasma is the raw ingredient for every other dhatu. Amadea recommends this tea almost daily in her practice, for nourishment and hydration. Working inside in cold weather, you can become surprisingly dehydrated with forced heat or wood stoves. This helps protect you.

VARIATIONS: Skip the licorice if you have high blood pressure or edema. If your blood pressure is normal or low, you can use as much as 1 Tablespoon per quart of tea. Licorice is a great support for the adrenals and helps hold moisture in the body, yet it can aggravate hypertension and water retention for the same reason. Flax seeds are an excellent laxative, yet Pitta may find their slimy quality too moving for comfort. This recipe compliments of www.EasyHealingDrinks.com

LUSCIOUS LEMON TEA purifying, health building, gourmet veggie Time: 5 minutes Makes one cup

1 cup water ¼ teaspoon organic lemon zest, finely grated ¼ teaspoon fresh ginger, finely grated 1 Tablespoon organic lemon juice (1/2 lemon) 1 pinch (1/16 teaspoon) ground cardamom or cinnamon ½ - 1 teaspoon raw honey © Amadea Morningstar 2020

16 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 1 (cont.)

LUSCIOUS LEMON TEA directions Boil water. As it’s heating, wash the lemon and finely grate some peel for the lemon zest. On the same grater, grate the ginger. Squeeze the lemon for lemon juice. Put these and the rest of the ingredients in a tea cup. Stir in the hot water, enjoy.

Effects: Calms Vata (air), in excess can aggravate Pitta (fire) & Kapha (earth- water). Lime is a fine cooling alternative for Pitta. With stevia, Kapha could have this twice a week with neutral effect. This tea supports: rasa, rakta.

SWEET VARIATIONS: For your sweet options, try raw honey for Vata or Kapha, coconut sugar, maple syrup or organic agave syrup for Pitta or Vata, stevia for Kapha. If you’re purifying, choose raw honey or stevia.

EXTRA EASY VARIATION: Just use hot water, lemon juice, cardamom or cinnamon, and sweetener. As one taster said about this one: “Easy, tastes good, looks good, no challenge, and I like it.” This recipe compliments of www.EasyHealingDrinks.com

DELICATA CILANTRO SMOOTHIE purifying, health building, gourmet veggie

This bright, nourishing dish makes a good after-school snack or light dinner. Time: depends on how you make the squash. 30 minutes or more. Makes 2 – 3 cups

1 cup delicata squash, roasted or steamed ½ - 1 avocado ½ cup chopped cilantro 1 Tablespoon fresh chopped or grated ginger 1/4 teaspoon turmeric or even better, ½ Tablespoon fresh grated turmeric root 1/4 teaspoon pippali or freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional) ¼ teaspoon mineral salt (optional, skip for Purifying) 1 – 3 cups water or veggie steaming water, to preferred texture Add ingredients to blender and enjoy!

Effects: tridoshic. This soup-like smoothie supports: blood sugar, heart, lungs, muscle, fat, mucus membranes, immunity, and ojas. This recipe thanks to Alexandra Stoller, compliments of www.EasyHealingDrinks.com © Amadea Morningstar 2020

17 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 1 (cont.)

PUMPKIN SEED PESTO health building, gourmet veggie Time: 10 minutes. Serves 2.

Calming for all doshas, without the garlic. With garlic, mildly heating for Pitta, calming for Vata and Kapha.

In a blender, grind: !/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds (soaked is great)

Add the following and blend until smooth: 1 cup lightly packed fresh organic basil 1/4 cup fresh parsley (optional) 3 Tablespoons water, or as needed to get the consistency you like Then add: 1 clove fresh garlic, minced 2 teaspoons mellow yellow miso (if you’re on a low sodium diet, you can sneak by with as little as 1 teaspoon here) Blend again, until smooth. Ready to eat, on pasta, crackers, rice, polenta, what have you.

This is a very forgiving and fun recipe. You can use ground walnuts or sunflower seeds or tahini, and a wide range of fresh garden herbs with the basil, or in place of it. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, and especially good for blood type A. Today I used half seeds for extra protein. Based on a recipe from The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Morningstar & Desai (1990)

HALVAH BALLS gourmet veggie Time: 10 minutes, plus time to cool Makes 18 – 24 balls Sattvic, - Vata, + Pitta, + Kapha

Toast in an iron skillet over low heat until they begin to smell aromatic: ¼ cup whole sesame seeds Take off heat and set aside to cool.

In a bowel, mix together with a fork: ¼ cup raw or roasted sesame tahini 2 Tablespoons raw honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon Grind the toasted sesame seeds, stir into the rest of the ingredients. Form into balls about 1-inch in diameter. Based on a recipe from Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners, Morningstar (1995)

18 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 2

BENGALI DAL health building, gourmet veggie Time: overnight soak or 1 hour soak + 1 hour prep Serves 6 - 8

Soaking water, plus 2 quarts water for cooking 1 ½ cups red lentils ((masur dal) ½ - 1 serrano chili 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 ½ teaspoons mineral salt, or to taste

1 cup chopped onion 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger root ½ cup chopped tomatoes (optional) 2 unpeeled cloves of garlic (optional)

1 Tablespoon panch poron mix* 4 bay leaves 1/8 teaspoon chipotle Organic coconut oil (optional, as a condiment)

Soak red lentils in water overnight, or at least one hour. Rinse well; discard soaking water.

Bring fresh water, red lentils, chili, turmeric, and salt to a boil in a large heavy stainless steel pot. Spoon any foam off the top of the beans as they cook to reduce their gas-producing quality. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until lentils are tender, about 30 minutes.

Add the onion, ginger, tomatoes, and garlic to the pot; cook an additional 10 minutes.

Have ready the bay leaves and pancha poron mix. Heat a small iron skillet over medium-high heat, add the spices to dry roast, stirring. As soon as the mustard seeds begin to pop and the spices begin to smell delicious (in less than 30 seconds), take off the heat. Add the roasted spices to the pot of dal. Stir in, serve hot.

• To make panch poron mix, stir together equal parts of these five spices: cumin seed, fennel seed, mustard seed, fenugreek seed, black onion seed = charnushka = nigela = kalonji

Effects: calms Vata (air) and Kapha (earth-water), can increase Pitta (fire) in excess. Adapted with appreciation from Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking, Julie Sahni (1985)

19 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 3

WARMING KICHADI health building, gourmet veggie Time: overnight soak or 1 hour soak + 1 hour prep Serves 4 - 6

Soaking water, plus 2 quarts water for cooking 1 cup split mung dal 1 cup brown basmati rice 1 cup chopped onion 2 Tablespoons finely chopped fresh ginger root 1 bay leaf 1/8 teaspoon hing

2 cups diagonally sliced

2 cups cubed zucchini

1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 tsp. ajwan 2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons cardamom seeds ¼ - 2 teaspoons black peppercorns or pippali, East Indian long pepper (the smaller amount for Pitta) 1 bay leaf

1 - 2 teaspoons turmeric 1 teaspoon mineral salt or to taste

Organic coconut oil (optional, as condiment)

Soak split mung and rice in water overnight, or at least one hour. Rinse well; discard soaking water.

Bring fresh water, mung and rice to a boil in a large heavy stainless steel pot. Spoon any foam off the top of the beans as they cook to reduce their gas- producing quality. Add the onion, ginger, bay leaf, and hing to the pot. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook about 20 minutes. Stir the sliced carrots into the kichadi, continue to cook until the rice and mung is tender, another 25 – 35 minutes.

Uncover the pot, spread the zucchini over the top of the kichadi; cook an additional 5 - 10 minutes until the zucchini is tender. While it’s steaming, gather and measure out the rest of the spices. Heat a small iron skillet over medium-high heat, add the spices to dry roast, stirring. As soon as the spices begin to smell aromatic, stir in the turmeric and salt. Take off the heat. Add the roasted spice mix to the pot of kichadi. Stir in, serve hot.

Garnish with coconut oil as desired. © Amadea Morningstar 2020

20 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 3, WARMING KICHADI (cont.) Effects: calms Vata (air) and Kapha (earth-water), can increase Pitta (fire) in excess.

Comments: This is an excellent kichadi for fighting winter colds, flus, and rampaging bronchitis. Ajwan and ginger work to decongest the lungs, while the onion warms and stimulate the immune system and circulation. Acorn squash is rich in vitamin A, which soothes the lung membranes and bronchioles, and supports the immune system. Kombu assists in removing heavy metals like lead, if you are living in a polluted or urban environment. A nice one for the Bay area! Adapted from The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Morningstar and Desai (1990)

TARRAGON HONEY MUSTARD SALAD DRESSING purifying, health building, gourmet veggie Time: 10 minutes Serves 6

1 teaspoon dried tarragon or 1 Tbsp. fresh ¼ cup fresh lemon juice ¼ - ½ teaspoon salt (omit for purifying) ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper or pippali 1 clove of garlic, minced (optional, can skip for Pitta) 1/8 teaspoon dry mustard or 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons raw honey ½ cup extra vrgin olive oil Blend all ingredients; serve over mixed greens or lightly steamed veggies.

Effects: neutral for all doshas with salad. From Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners, Morningstar, p.88

SWEET SPICY SEED BALLS Time: Overnight soak plus 15 minutes Makes 18 – 24 balls

1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 2 Tbsps water overnight ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds soaked in ½ cup water + ½ tsp salt overnight ¼ cup almond butter 2 Tablespoons raw honey 1 teaspoon almond extract ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 14 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 Tablespoon carob powder Plus 1 additional Tablespoon carob powder to roll in Drain the pumpkin seeds. Combine all ingredients in a food processor, or mash together with a fork. Make tiny balls, roll very lightly in carob powder dusted over a plate. Effects: calms Vata (air) & Pitta (fire), increases Kapha (earth-water) in excess.

21 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 4

GINA’S ROASTED JEWELS health building, gourmet veggie

Prep time: 10 minutes or more to cut the veggies, 45 minutes to roast them

For 8 – 9 For 16 – 18 4 – 6 cups 8 – 12 cups assorted vegetables: sweet potato, delicata, small Asian eggplant, small beets ½ medium 1 medium onion 2 large 4 large cloves of garlic 2 tsps. 4 tsps. whole cumin seeds 1 ½ tsps. 1 Tbsp. freshly ground coriander seeds 1 tsp. 2 tsps. salt Dash 2 dashes cayenne ¼ cup ½ cup water 1 Tbsp. 2 Tbsp. organic coconut oil

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Prep the veggies each in a different shape: peel the sweet potato, quarter it lengthwise and cut it into thickish pieces. Peel the delicate or other winter squash, cut in half, remove the seeds, and cut ½ moon shapes. Quarter and slice the eggplant, leaving on the purple peel. Quarter the small beets. Chop the onion and coarsely dice the garlic. Place all the veggies dry in an unoiled stoneware roasting pan. Put the spices haram scaram over the veggies, don’t stir yet and don’t put in any water yet. Place the dish in the oven to roast. In about 5 minutes, stir everything well. In about 20 minutes, check the dish, add the water, cover with parchment paper or other cover, cook until tender. Garnish with fresh parsley and the coconut oil as desired; serve.

Effects: Tridoshic; calms all doshas

Comments: The first time I saw this dish, I thought it was fruit salad! All the roasted ingredients were arranged in a lovely ceramic bowl, in varying shapes and hues of gold, grape, and purple. As I looked more closely, I realized they were vegetables! This is a fun, nourishing and delicious dish. Its creator, Gina L. Sager is a MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and Ayurvedic cooking teacher in the Baltimore area. Adapted for Health Building food process by Amadea


ESSENTIAL RASA TEA: see Session 1. © Amadea Morningstar 2020

22 Energetic Nutrition Recipes: Video Session 4 (cont.)

IMMUNE BOOSTING CCF TEA: see Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda, Morningstar & Lynn, 2018.

ROASTED TOFU health building, gourmet veggie Time: 30 minutes or more Serves 3 - 5

1 lb. high protein sprouted tofu (15 gms/serving) ¼ cup gluten-free light sodium tamari ¼ cup water 1 packet stevia 1 pinch chipotle or wasabi powder

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Stir together the tamari, water, stevia, and chipotle in a shallow flat casserole. Rinse and drain the tofu, pat dry. Cube it, pat dry. Marinate the tofu in the tamari sauce for as long as you have patience. Arrange the tofu and sauce in a covered baking dish; back for 30 minutes, picking it up occasionally to tip it, distribute the marinade.

Effects: neutral for all doshas.

DATE DREAM BALLS health building, gourmet veggie Time: 45 minutes Makes 24 – 30 balls

1 cup whole dried pitted dates (about ½ pound) 2 – 3 Tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 Tablespoon organic tangerine peel (orange can be substituted) ¼ cup soaked, peeled almonds, chopped 2 Tablespoons coconut sugar

Chop the dates finely. Mix the dates, water, vanilla, and tangerine peel in a small heavy saucepan and cook over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until all the water has evaporated off and the dates are a thick mass. The thicker it is, the easier it is to work. Take off the heat, let cool, mash in the almonds with a spoon. Form into 1 inch balls. Roll the balls in coconut sugar to get them dry enough to serve. Enjoy!

Effects: calms Vata (air) & Pitta (fire), increases Kapha (earth-water). Rejuvenative, aphrodisiac. Dates are used in Ayurveda to strengthen the liver. From The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Morningstar & Desai, (1990)

23 Energetic Nutrition Self Quiz

Foods in the Three Polarity Food Processes are used to physically purify, build health, or relax and enjoy on festive occasions.

Clarify what foods can be used in the three food processes below. Please answer “yes” or “no”: Gourmet Purifying Health Building Vegetarian Example: Is used in: yes yes yes

How about spinach? Sweet potato?

Are apples used in: Grapefruit? Avocado?

Are eggs eaten in: Raw cheese? Soaked almonds? Soaked seeds?

Is salt in: Fresh corn tortillas? Bread baked with oil or seeds?

Are heated oils used in: Ghee? Can mushrooms be included in: Onions? Garlic?

Why is salt not used in foods in the purifying process?

How could you use salt with the purifying process?

Why are heated oils avoided in some of the Energetic Nutrition food processes?

© Amadea Morningstar 2020


My name: Today’s date:

What I know works well for me:

ELEMENTS I would like to use more in my healing:

Earth Water Fire

Air Space

How I could do this:

If I were going to use MOVEMENT in healing, I’d like to play with:

If I were going to use BREATH in healing, I’d like to try:

Looking at my overall picture, I would say: (please circle one)



If I were going to shift my FOOD choices, I could:

If I were my own healer, I would give myself this closing acknowledgement with love and humor:

© Amadea Morningstar 2020