Web development with Unit 1: Introduction and Installation Is This Thing On?

Can you see the presentation? Are you comfortable? Does everyone have a favorite editor? Does everyone have a favorite ? Course Objectives

Become familiar with web development Learn the features and idioms of Ruby Learn to develop web applications in Rails Learn how to engage with the Ruby community Course plan

Setup , Heroku


Rails Format

Class: Wednesday 1:30pm - 2:30pm Office hours: Wednesday mornings and 30 min after class Weekly(ish) homeworks Live coding Questions encouraged Homework

10 small assignments (after each class) 1 midterm review quiz 1 final project (start today) Final project

A Rails app of your choosing Groups okay* Graded on: Completeness Use of testing Seperation of concerns Proper use routes and view helpers Deployment Homework submission

Commit to Github & Heroku Submit textfile with links to both via Lore* Due by 12pm the following Monday Grading

10pts x 10 assignments = 100 pts 50pts midterm review 10pts x 5 final project criteria Total / 200 pts (some bonuses available) Slide conventions

~/this/is/a/file/path class This def is_some :code end end About Me

Mat Schaffer Mashion.net, Philly.rb, Comcast @matschaffer http://about.me/matschaffer About Jennifer

Jennifer Cahalane [email protected] About David

David Xu [email protected] Here we go! Why Rails? What is Rails?

Developed for BaseCamp by 37 signals DSL for web applications

Setup: Windows

RailsInstaller Make sure the "Add to PATH box" is ticked before installing. Restart after the install finishes. Setup: Mac

RailsInstaller Setup: Mac

Or Homebrew http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/

~/.profile export PATH="/usr/local/bin: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.3-p194/bin: $PATH" Setup:

Package manager should have "ruby" and/or "" is pretty well supported Install Check ruby --version # 1.9 or higher gem --version # 1.8 or higher Rails gem install rails Aside: Editors

Sublime Text 2 TextMate jEdit MacVim Your first rails app rails new plusdollar cd plusdollar rails server Deployment to Heroku (heroku.com) via Git (git-scm.org) What's heroku?

THE CLOUD Easy hosting of Rails apps Deploy via git Lots of Add-ons (extra databases, logging, search, etc) GOTCHAS: Can't use the HD, Runs postgres What's git?

Keeps your code safe Makes sharing code easier Helps you look at code history Git Basics

Security: SSH Keys

Used by SSH and Git Two parts Private key (id_rsa), keep this on your computer Public key (id_rsa.pub), upload this to the server Make a key

> ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/mat/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again:

Commit to git git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git remote add origin \ git@.com:matschaffer/plusdollar git push -u origin master Sign up for heroku Use postgresql in production

Gemfile group :development do gem 'sqlite3' end group :production do gem 'pg' end Run 'bundle' and commit the changes bundle --without production git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" Push it to heroku.com gem install heroku heroku create plusdollar git push heroku master Next up:


Set up a new rails app Store code on github replace public/index. with a LOLCat* deploy it to heroku Need Help? irc.freenode.net#philly.rb http://groups.google.com/group/phillyrb